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Views Behind the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump — 2 Comments

    • Thank you, George, for sharing that! It’s a very interesting view.

      I believe the Jesuits are in control of both parties. I would pick Trump over any Democrat candidate in November, but I also believe he’s not the threat to the New World Order people he claims to be. For example, when he ran for office in 2015 he promised to “drain the Swamp.” After he became president, he chose Swamp members for his cabinet! I wrote in detail about that on https://www.jamesjpn.net/conspiracy/what-has-president-trump-done-to-drain-the-swamp/

      It reminds me what Gary Allen wrote in his book. None Dare Call It Conspiracy.

      “The admitted goal of the CFR (what I believe to be “the Swamp”) is to abolish the Constitution and replace our ones independent Republic with a World Government. CFR members have controlled, the last six administrations. Richard Nixon (Republican0 has been a member and has appointed at least 100 CFR members to high positions in his administration.”

      “Voters were given the choice between CFR world government advocate Nixon and CFR world government advocate Humphrey (the Democrat who Nixon ran against). Only the rhetoric was changed to fool the public.

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