The Jesuit General Rules the World

Rome STILL rules the world!

Note: The name of the current Jesuit General is Arturo Sosa Abascal.

Most Bible-believing scholars teach that the last and 4th kingdom of the interpretation of the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had in Daniel chapter 2 is the Roman Empire. Is therefore the Roman Empire ruling the earth today? Most people don’t seem to think so. But Daniel 2 teaches the fourth kingdom continues till the “stone cut without hands” — Jesus Christ — comes and destroys it.

Daniel 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.

The Roman Empire, therefore, must be covertly ruling the earth till this very day! We are living in the time of the “feet” and the “toes” of the image depicted in Daniel chapter 2.

Roman Faces is US Congress

The continuation of the Roman Empire today is no other than the Roman Catholic Church, the church with a Christian face and with heathen pagan practices. Its worldwide organization is called the “Holy See”.

I was born and raised a Roman Catholic. My ancestors are from Poland, a land that adopted Roman Catholicism from 966 A.D. I witnessed firsthand heathen pagan practices derived from the old Roman religions when I attended St. Florian Catholic church in Chicago. I went to Mass every Sunday and even every weekday the eight years I attended Catholic elementary school. I continued to go to Catholic Mass until I was 20 years old. I left the Roman Catholic church in 1971 after becoming enlightened by the Word of God from the Bible which became the sole foundation of my faith.

Whether you believe the early leaders of Protestantism were right or not, I hope you know that ALL of them believed that the Pope was a type of Antichrist and that the Roman Catholic Church is the “great whore that sitteth upon many waters” as stated in Revelation chapter 17 verse 1.

In May of 2020, I read, “Landmarks of Church History” by Baptist Pastor Robert J. Sargent. From it I learned that the Baptists did not originate with the Protestant Reformation, but are the continuation of the early Church from the Apostles, formerly called Anabaptists, Bible believers who were persecuted by both the Roman emperors, and later on by the Popes of Rome. Those early Baptists also looked at the Pope as the Antichrist!

The full definition of the “anti” of “antichrist” is not only someone who denies that Jesus is the Christ, but it can also include a person who claims to be Christ!

1 John 2:18  Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
1 John 2:22  Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
1 John 4:3  And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
2 John 1:7  For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

In other words, the Antichrist says that the Jesus of the New Testament is not the Christ, but HE is the Christ! This is exactly what Satan claims himself to be! Satan wants to be called the Christ!!!

If you think I’m being preposterous, just grab your dictionary and look up the meaning of the word “antipope”. You will see that an antipope was not a person against popes, but a person who claimed to be Pope when another Pope was officially sitting on the Roman throne, the so-called Throne of Saint Peter in Rome.

Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ

The early Baptists viewed the Pope as a type of Antichrist. Protestant Christians up to the 19th century all viewed the Pope as a type of Antichrist. There is only one modern Protestant leader who was also a statesman that held that viewpoint, the recently deceased Ian Paisley of Northern Ireland.

I believe seeing the Antichrist one-world government conspiracy being centered in Rome and the Vatican is the key to understanding the Bible prophecies in the Books of Daniel and Revelation. Once you see that, you won’t get off on a tangent of “Jewish international bankers” and famous families such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds who have existed for a mere couple hundred years.

The real conspiracy is stated in Psalm 2:1-3. It began at the time of the city and tower of Babel of Genesis chapter 11 — way before anybody was called a Jew and continues today through the Vatican, the great Whore of Revelation 19:2, and her children, the other false religions in the world.

Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

Tony Blair signs European Union Constitution

On October 29, 2004, Tony Blair joined other EU leaders in putting his signature to the new European Constitution. The ceremony took place in the ornate surroundings of the Palazzo dei Conservatori in the heart of ancient Rome where the original treaty establishing the Common Market was signed 47 years previously. Behind them is a statue of Pope Leo X.

Please see my Resources Page for the list of books and articles you can read on this website. Nearly all the viewpoints you read on this page are based on what those authors – all men of God – had to say.

The Bible is clear that the fourth and last kingdom of man as depicted in Daniel chapter 2 is Rome! Does that mean the Roman Catholic church continues to be a major player in world politics? I believe it does. The Book of Revelation, chapter 17 refers to Rome as, “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. All of the early Protestant reformers identified “”MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT” as the Roman Catholic Church!

None of the really big names in the alternative media will talk about Vatican influence in world politics.

I used to believe the Illuminati is the most powerful organization of Satan on earth. I may not have been too wrong about that because I now believe the Jesuit Order is the continuation of the Illuminati. The Church of Rome (Catholic Church) was already corrupt and a persecutor of true Bible believing Jesus following Christians by the time the Pope established the Jesuit-order under the leadership of Ignatius Loyola in the 16th century, but it became even worse under Jesuit influence. The subject about the Jesuit-order is deep, and I have many articles about them on this website.

Some people think I’m tripped off into thinking that America and the world have been taken over by the Vatican’s army, the Jesuits. If you think so, consider this:

"Within twenty years this country is going to rule the world. Kings and Emperors will soon pass away and the democracy of the United States will take their place…When the United States rules the world, the Catholic Church will rule the world…Nothing can stand against the Church. I’d like to see the politician who would try to rule against the Church in Chicago. His reign would be short indeed."  Roman Catholic Archbishop James E. Quigley

A scanned image of the newspaper article in the Chicago Tribune. Click on it to enlarge it.
Roman Catholic Church rules America and the world

A relevant portion of that image.


Current U.S. Supreme Court Justices as of June 2022

Name Religion Appt. by On the Court since
John Roberts (Chief Justice) Roman Catholicism G.W. Bush 2005
Clarence Thomas Roman Catholicism G.H.W. Bush 1991
Amy Coney Barrett Roman Catholicism Trump 2020
Ketanji Brown Jackson a nondenominational Protestant who cannot define the word “woman” Biden 2022
Samuel Alito Roman Catholicism G.W. Bush 2006
Sonia Sotomayor Roman Catholicism Obama 2009
Elena Kagan Judaism Obama 2010
Neil Gorsuch Episcopalian, raised Roman Catholic Trump 2017
Brett Kavanaugh Roman Catholicism Trump 2018

Six out of nine US Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholics! This would have been unthinkable in 19th-century America!

It used to be the American government was majority Protestant. But now:

The fall of Protestant Christian influence in the U.S. Government.

(Source: )

Cabinet Members Under President Barack Obama

Secretary of State John Kerry

Roman Catholic
Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew Jewish
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel

Attorney General Eric Holder

Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell

Secretary of Agriculture Tom J.

Roman Catholic
Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker

Jewish (?)
Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez

Roman Catholic
Secretary of Health and Human
Kathleen Sebelius Roman Catholic
Secretary of Housing and Urban
Shaun Donovan

Roman Catholic
Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx ?
Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

? Raised in Chicago, probably Catholic
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki

Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson ?

I’m not sure of the religious affiliation, if any, of some of the members of the Cabinet. Can anybody help me? Some may be atheists. One thing seems for certain: There’s not an Evangelical Protestant Christian in the lot of Obama’s Cabinet! Episcopalians and Lutherans these days tend to lean very strongly towards Roman Catholicism. Nobody calls them “Evangelical.”

Cabinet Members Under President Donald Trump

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Presbyterian, Dispensationalist, Christian Zionist
Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin Jewish, Skull and Bonesman
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

Attorney General William Barr

Raised Jewish, converted to Catholicism
Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue Baptist
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross

Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia

His father, former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was Roman Catholic. I think we can asume, therefore, his son Eugene is also Catholic or at least was raised as a Catholic
Secretary of Health and Human
Alex Azar Antiochian Orthodox Christian
Secretary of Housing and Urban
Ben Carson Seventh Day Adventist
Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao Attends Southeast Christian Church in Kentucky with her husband Mitch McConnell. It seems to be a Bible believing church.
Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos

Non-denominational Evangelical
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie

Probably Catholic. He went to Loyola University and Georgetown University, both Jesuit institutions
Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf Methodist? He went to Southern Methodist University

The Trump Republican Cabinet, being filling with conservatives, seems to filled with more Bible believers and less Catholics than Obama’s was. What about the others I have a ? about? It’s hard to find a person’s religious affiliation on the Internet. Often it’s not included on their bio.

Cabinet Members Under President Joe Biden

Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen Jewish
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

Roman Catholic
Attorney General Merrick Garland

Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland

Native American, religion unknown.
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack Roman Catholic
Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo

Roman Catholic
Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh

Roman Catholic
Secretary of Health and Human
Xavier Becerra Roman Catholic
Secretary of Housing and Urban
Marcia Fudge Baptist
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg Roman Catholic
Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm

Roman Catholic
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona

Probably Catholic because he has Puerto Rican parents
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough

Roman Catholic
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Jewish

The table above speaks for itself.

Besides the Jesuits, there is another Roman Catholic organization known as the Knights of Malta that has infiltrated the American government. Most people have never even heard of it. The Knights of Malta is the layman’s organization of the Jesuits! Many powerful people in the USA are members.

Another Roman Catholic group, the Knights Templars, are the fathers of international banking! They are also the fathers of Freemasonry and are somehow connected to the Jesuits. Some say Jesuits ARE Knights Templars in priestly robes.

Some say “It’s the Jews, stupid!” and go on to say the Roman Catholic church was founded by “Crypto-Jews.” Maybe so. I can neither prove nor disprove that. But what merit is it to emphasize the Jewish race as the culprits and be labeled as antisemitic in return? I CAN prove it’s not a single race of people behind a 5000-year-old conspiracy that started all the way from Nimrod of Babylon. Was he a Jew? Were the Egyptians practicing the mystery religions of Babylon, Jews? Were the Canaanites practicing that religion, Jews? They weren’t even Hebrews! People were not called Jews until the time of King Nebuchadnezzar of the later Babylonian empire.

Technically not even all people in ancient Israel can be called Jews. They were called Hebrews or Israelites according to the Old Testament of the Bible. Only those of the tribe of Judah can truly be called “Jews.” It was a nickname given to them by the Babylonians who eventually conquered them. And where is the tribe of Judah today? Do they all live in Israel? No! The descendants of Judah are most likely still scattered around the world.

Need more proof that Rome is still ruling the earth covertly? Check out the photographs that support this position on Walter Stickel’s Grand Design Exposed website.

Please also see My updated worldview

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The Hidden Government that is Ruling the World through Visible Governments — 39 Comments

  1. James. I agree with you about RCC. I have been reading a great deal more than before–I am sure you know Alexander Hyslop’s Book on Two Babylons, Foxe’s book of Martyrs, out of print books on the reformation, and so on. I find it intriguing how uninformed about the Protestant Reformation Christians are…and who men of God have pointed to as the existing Anti-Christ religious cult. Pastors many times expound on the New Age movement, and Islam, etc. But never mention the cult of Mary who has murdered millions through the centuries; and are in the driver seat along with all the other cults and “isms”. Any one with a heart right, godly wisdom and the knowledge of the Word God can see the hand of the enemy within the moves of ungodly political, banking, and corporations…how can they not also see the hand of Rome–the same Satanically empowered governing body that crucified our Lord! Bless you brother.

    • Mark, thank you for your comments and support for my views! Yes, I certainly agree that most Protestant Pastors have missed the mark by not exposing the cult of Mary. It’s probably because they are afraid of an outcry from the great number of Roman Catholics in America today.

      Yes, I know of Alexamder Hislop’s book called The Two Bablons and have it in PDF format. I see the text is extraditable and not just a scanned image. That means I can extract the text and convert the document to HTML which will make it easier to read for me. I hope to post it soon on this website. Thank you brother for giving me a new project! God bless you greatly.

      • After reading this, I am not surprised by the history of the catholic church. I have listened to many teachers on how they teach the Bible but none are more correct and specific than William Branham. Feel free to listen for yourself on The Table app. As Philip said to Nathanael, “Come and see”.

        272 Watch, it’s the number of a man. And up over the pope of Rome, it’s wrote, “VICARIVS FILII DEI.” It’s wrote in Roman letters. Just write it out yourself, tomorrow. V, I, C, I, R, oh, just keep it out, in Roman letters, and draw your line and add it up, and see what you got: six hundred and sixty-six. Where is he sitting? “On seven hills.”
        54-0513 – The Mark Of The Beast
        Rev. William Marrion Branham

        He covers much, much more than this of the typing of the Catholic church. Remember! Before you criticize, make sure you research prayerfully and ask God to guide you into what you should
        and should not believe. Especially on the Internet! I trust this can be of help to some of you.

        God bless you.

  2. Hi James

    It has taken me a few years to understand the intricate connections between the layers of power in this world. I came to the understanding that the Jesuits and not the apostate Jews were behind the machinations for world power and control only recently and now see the diabolical out workings of this nearly 500 year old plot started by Loyola. It is too fantastic to believe or even see without the Spirit of God giving revelation. I now realise that every facet of what we know has been fabricated into the most duplicitous lie in the history of mankind. The Earth is not a sphere, Evolution, space travel and nuclear bombs are a hoax, every war has been instigated by the Jesuits playing both sides against each other. The 20th century saw the greatest butchery of humanity ever witnessed with hundreds of millions slain by the Vatican’s relentless pursuit of world domination. Communism, Facism, Socialism and most cult religions including Islam are all Jesuit inventions to lead the masses to damnation. Many thanks for your clear elucidation of the state of things as they currently are. The Bible is so wonderful to give us all the answers we need to battle the lies and deception of Satan. Jesus truly is the way, the truth and the life … the only way!! James, i will pray that all your efforts bear much fruit in the kingdom to the glory of God. Be strong in the Lord and in the might of his power!!! A brother from afar. William

      • Hi James

        Thanks for your reply and sorry for my late response as i have been travelling!
        I never expect anyone to agree with my viewpoint about the flat earth as it takes courage to first of all accept the Bible and its claim that the Earth is in fact a circle or disc and does not move. There are more than 50 scriptures which bear testimony to a flat Earth with edges that does not move. Never once does God say “sphere!” As for the modern science and scientists with “reputations” the vast majority are kept in line under threat of loss of tenure or opportunity by the “science” mafia. Science is being used to shanghai “faith” in God and “creation.” I’m afraid you’ve been hoodwinked unwittingly by the Jesuit “science” lies that are causing the “great delusion” to fall upon the world! I admire and support your stance about Rome but in fact “science” or should i say pseudo-science” has become Rome’s greatest weapon of all. See how it is being used to control the destiny of the world through technology. Keep up the good work! Jesus is king!!!

        • The earth has been photographed from space and the Moon as a sphere. A fact not a hoax. If the earth according to your interpretation of scripture is literally flat then where where are the edges, in the days we live in where knowledge has increased and people have traveled around the world and not found the edges that do not move. God does still set the boundaries which man cannot cross but its a bit more subtle than that.

          • The earth is flat! No one went into outer space a took pictures of the earth nor did anyone ever go to the moon. Because of the Van Allan belts, no one can leave earths atmosphere. Knowledge may have increased but it is up to us to look to God for understanding and not man. You have clearly trusted in man because you believe the earth is a spinning ball. How would birds fly south on a spinning ball?

          • Because the earth is NOT a spinning ball! It is a sloooowly revolving ball, ONE revolution every TWENTY FOUR HOURS!!!

      • James….when a plane starts its slow decent for an airport I feel every physical action of the plane going down. Why on a night trip from DC to Sacramento CA we never felt the plane correcting for the curvature of the earth? Why could I see Detroit , Chicago , Winnipeg city lights shining bright and might I add the landscape was totally flat with exception of rolling hills.
        If the earth was spinning why fly the plane….just hovering should do the job…let the city spin to the aircraft. Why on a still day does my hair not blow around? When a boat sales into the horizon and out of site it should be gone over the curve. A powerful lens zoomed in will show the entire boat? So many mysteries. Have faith young followers, have faith. The world is upside down….the devils work. Very easy to find God and his son Jesus Christ. May we all learn and be saved.

        • Specious arguments! Nothing but specious arguments!

          spe•cious spē′shəs►
          Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious.

          You Flat-earthers canNOT explain to me why exactly 1/2 of the earth is illuminated by the sun 24 hours a day and why you cannot see the sun at all on the opposite side of the earth! Only a globe-shaped earth explains to me why. And to say, “A powerful lens zoomed in will show the entire boat” after the boat disappears over the water horizon is a LIE! You have undoubtedly NOT tried that experiment yourself. If you had, you see that you will not see the boat at all. You Flat-earthers can only parrot what you hear on YouTubes. Please, for your own sake, be honest with yourself and admit it. I know what it means to be deceived. I have been also misled by things I’ve read on the Internet or heard from the media.

        • And by the way, the earth is not “spinning”. Is the hour hand of an analog clock spinning around? The earth is revolving at exactly half the speed of the hour hand of an analog clock that moves in a circle once every 12 hours.

  3. Hi, James!! I just came across your article…good information and your research follows other ppls research on the same subject…quick question…if you read the old testament and deuteronomy…you should know who the hebrew Israelites are…there is only one race deuteronomy describes…the negro!

  4. The earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds, called the sidereal period, and its circumference is roughly 40,075 kilometers. Thus, the surface of the earth at the equator moves at a speed of 460 meters per second–or roughly 1,000 miles per hour.

    Is 1000 miles an hour very slow.

  5. Came by chance to this site while seeking more info on the novel ‘Dirty , Filthy , Christians’ Strange how search engines work?
    I have read a few posts with interest and am always looking for new material on the developments of humanity.
    On the ‘Flat earth’ subject , I don’t think God cares one bit what people believe concerning His Creation. I am 100% certain it is more the Hearts of people that are far more important. By following Christ through the Father are we saved. The Bible is very clear with regards to what is sin and what’s righteous.
    I myself know the world is a sphere, the Greeks confirmed it before Rome was even an Empire. But none of that really is important.
    Your info on the Catholic seats of power around the world makes sense.
    The destruction of vast civilizations and the ‘Conversions'(conformity) to the Western Ways(pagan christianity)is further evidence of the extreme power of modern Rome here today.
    I have read with great interest the causes of the great wars and obviously control of wealth is the sole outcome. In the last war Germany became the last major power to become enslaved to central banking. Central banking is a major component of world power.
    Other central activities included food control via GMO. This super Evil plot to put a patent on crops is 100% Satanic. God never intended His creation to be ‘Privatized’ as is now happening with many crops. Ps , avoid all forms of GMO crops , they are loaded with roundup which does great harm to your Biome. That’s another long read.
    The other forms of Rome is the vast control of Global Media. Finding the Truth today gets very difficult. I personally believe man has never been to the moon. There are various reasons for my beliefs here but just to point out that NASA supposedly sent various missions to the moon on 8 day missions without a ‘Can’? I have met many men in my life , men who can slice their own hands without showing pain , but to defecate into a space suit and continue as normal?? I think not. On a much lighter note, I have done professional photography for many years and understand lighting very much. If you examine the Apollo 11 moon lighting it’s all wrong. Have a close look at the far boundaries in some of the shoots and the lighting tails off. The sun is a very powerful light source . distant lighting does not tail off especially on the moon with no clouds.
    I’ve book marked your site for future visits and look forward to your work with interest.
    I will never argue a point or issue , God has created us all. He has created us all without prejudice. Seeing one day this whole world is going to be smoked and His created human family are going to be converted to a New Form without memories of the past things it seems futile to get to excited about the physicals of this world.
    Certainly we must respect our environment and such but land clearing and climate change don’t faze me one bit.I am very concerned about the future world of forced vaccines.
    I believe this could be the point at which God will actually intervene as most of these chemical cocktails serve zero purpose. Annually they kill 10’s of thousands and it’s all hushed up by the world controlled media. Did you know over 100,000 people a year die in US hospital every year from malpractice? The compensations alone runs into the billions!
    The mass media wagon has successfully driven many a young mind to harm in the last 30 to 40 years. I really don’t get worried about things like Covid-19 and all the other ‘Terror’ programs of recent history. I know no virus can harm a healthy body , non.
    Millions more people die after wars than during them because of diseased states.
    Example Germany , during WW2, Germany lost about 2 million soldiers thru combat losses.
    Post WW2 thru enslavement, lasting to 1956, confinement (prisons) the captured Wehrmacht suffered almost 7 million deaths. To this day the Germans are banned to exhume the millions that died in Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadow Death Camps(History that is not broadcast or taught in western schools)
    When the Bible teaches that the Truth will set you Free , that is so true. You become free from politics , free from tradition , free from insane beliefs , free from culture , free from misinformation , free from bogus state policies.
    The best part about freedom is nobody can take that knowledge away from you.
    God has given life to countless billions and I believe the greatest mass of humanity is yet to be born. I see no reasons why another one or two hundred billion people can’t be produced in God’s 1000 year Reign over human affairs?
    Imagine a whole earth as Eden? A balanced world. No greed , no ill , no toxic pollutions
    no waste chemicals in drinking water. Children and people eating real food not the rubbish of today. Anyway I’ve had my ramble.
    take care James – be seeing you in the near future as decreed by God.

    • Thank you, Ed, for your great comments! I am blessed by the Lord Jesus to become acquainted with another brother in Christ who is awake! There is nothing you wrote I disagree with.

  6. Hi James, this is Richard B. Hirst again. I just reread your “worldview” and I concur with most of it. However there is one issue that I have learned recently in my study of Revelation that may interest you. In my study of the Old Testament prophets like Jeremiah and Eaekiel, when the Jewish nation was viewed as “faithful” she was pictured as a “virgin” and when unfaithful she was viewed as a harlot. Unfaithfulness usually is defined as making alliances with the “heather” nations around her when her security is threatened. In Revelation you have “both” women pictured. In chapter 12 the virgin that gives birth to the “man child” whose destiny is to rule the world. That of course is our Lord Jesus. In that chapter the virgin woman is “driven into the wilderness” where she is kept for 1260 days. This is the period of papal persecution. The chapter ends with the “remnant” who are faithful to observing God’s commands and have the faith of Jesus. But in chapter 17, at a time when there are no “crowns” on the heads or of the horns, you have the “woman” riding on the back of the beast. Might it be a mistake to view the “woman” riding on the beast as the RC papal system. In chapter 13 the blasphemous beast which is said to rule for 1260 days, who receives the death wound, yet lived, is the same beast that the fallen “woman” is viewed as riding in chapter 17. At the time of the fulfillment, which is a period when no crowns are on the “horns” of the beast, the woman of chapter 12 is now viewed as climbing on the back of the beast, takes it’s name (Babylon). Should not the woman pictured here be the same as the one pictured in chapter 12 only in a “fallen” state. She has broken covenant with the Lord by becoming dependent on the State. She is “fallen” because she has looked to the “state” for her support rather than to the Lord i.e. evangelicals looking to Trump to save them. It’s just a thought. For me it makes better sense of the prophecy. For us it is not a binary choice between the “dragon”(socialism) and the “beast”(religion). The third way is trusting solely in Jesus, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

  7. James, you may want to google “The Pagan Origins of the Catholic Church” by Dr. Ernest L Martin on the hopeofisrael site. Martin explains that Simon Magus impersonated the Apostle Peter to enter the Roman Catholic Church and merge it with Babylonianism and shows that the Book of Acts is the key to understanding this. Simon Magus was not only a sorcerer but also a Babylonian high priest. Martin also has a lot of other writings on the Associates For Scriptural Knowledge site. Interesting writings on The Doctrine of the Ages, etc.

    • Thank you, Susan, for all your good comments! I am fully aware of the pagan origins of the Catholic church from many sources and I also know about Simon Magus. I’ll look up Mr. Martin’s book now. If not too long and if it’s in the public domain, perhaps I will post it on this site.

  8. Rev 17:3
    So he carried me away into the spirit of the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlett colored beast full of names of blasphemy having 7 heads and 10 horns.

    >>>>The 7 heads represents the 7 hills of Rome. The 10 horns are the original European powers that make up power structure of Rome.<<>>America was “founded” by Spain, French, GB. Little horn = America

    Africans and arabs sold negroes into slavery to Esau

    Northern tribes of Israel escaped in 721 BC refer to II Esdras 13 in Apocrypha. Thats how Christopher columbus found America using the book. Protestants took it out in 1700 but it was in original 1611 King James Version

    *Refer to Apocrypha and Book of Jasher*

    Ham= African Tribes
    Ishmaelites = Arabs
    Israelites =
    negroes (Judah) ,
    Native Americans (Gad),
    Mexicans- Aztecs (Issachar)
    pacific islanders (Naphtali)
    Haitians (Levi)
    Dominicans (Simeon)
    Puerto ricans (Ephriam)
    West Indian blacks (benjamin)
    Columbia (Asher)
    Mayans/ Panama (Zebulon)
    Semonole Indians (Reuben)
    Cubans (Manasseh)

  9. Hi James,
    The Bible as we have it, was not the bible that the Hebrews, Israelites and Jews had.
    Far too many people read the printed/published bible through 21st-century eyes! That is a great mistake!
    Being Honest to the Bible’s Texts, Their Authors, and Their Beliefs
    Contradictions in the Bible
    Identified verse by verse and explained using the most up-to-date scholarly information about the Bible, its texts, and the men who wrote them — by Dr. Steven DiMattei

    • For sure the Bible as we have it is not what the ancient Israelites had. We have the New Testament, the New Covenant made by Christ! Hallelujah! Christ has done for us what the Law could not do!!

  10. Ahaya’s warrior on December 22, 2020 at 9:06 am said: “Rev 17:3 So he carried me away into the spirit of the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlett colored beast full of names of blasphemy having 7 heads and 10 horns. >>>>The 7 heads represents the 7 hills of Rome. The 10 horns are the original European powers that make up power structure of Rome.<>America was “founded” by Spain, French, GB. Little horn = America”

    According to:

    “Jerusalem: Jerusalem’s seven hills are Mount Scopus, Mount Olivet and the Mount of Corruption (all three are peaks in a mountain ridge that lies east of the Old City), Mount Ophel, the original Mount Zion, the New Mount Zion and the hill on which the Antonia Fortress was built.”

    I am told that Hebrew children are taught this in school. The passage does not necessarily refer to Rome, as Rome has more hills than 7.

    I believe there is a possibility that the 10 horns may be the 10 regions dividing the world indicated by the elite’s Club of Rome. The key is in Apocalypse (Revelation) 17:12-13 (World English Bible) – “The ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority as kings, with the beast, for one hour. These have one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast.”

    Seeing there is a movement afoot through the current pandemic situation for a one world government, the plan appears to ultimately absolve all national governments and bring them under new regional governance. These 10 governors will have a short span of governance and will all be concurrent. I see greater possibility in this. And, all this may take more than simply 7 years to pass.

    Also, regarding who all is of the lost tribes, at this point it makes no difference in Christ, for Galatians 3:18 (WEB) states, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


    Romans 2:28-29 (WEB) – “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit not in the letter; whose praise is not from men, but from God.”

    As time progresses, those truly discerning will know more. It is the Holy Spirit who will reveal it to us, hence the importance for the discerner to be walking closely with Jesus. (John 15:7, 16:13,24, James 1:7)

  11. I too was raised a member of the Babylonia RCC. Most of my family are still RCC members. But I will have to disagree eith you that Rome is the Fourth beast and the one mentioned in Revelation 17 and 18. Though, the RCC is tied toi the beast system and will will join the beast system, it is NOT the beast system. In Revelation 17, the Angel tells John that the 7 heads represent 7 mountains or Kings. Then the Angel says that 5 are fallen, 1 still is (Meaning “still existing, which was the Roman empire) and that 1 was to come. Then says that the beast that (WAS—-the 5 fallen) AND (is NOT—Roman empire)he himself is the 8th. Here are the 7 kingdoms…Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persian, Grecian—the 5 fallen; 6–Roman–(the 1 that is)7–the Ottoman Empire; 8th–Revived Islamic Ottoman Empire coming out of Turkey. The Ten horns are ALL Islamic. The WOMAN sitting on a scarlet colored beast is Ishtar/Diana/Venus/Aphrodite/Semiramis/Artemis/Isis–the false female goddess that catholics/muslims/Hindus/ and most if not all false religions came from. Babylon, the actual city is actually in Saudia Arabia, where the Black Stone is that muslims worship. Its a meteorite that symbolizes this false goddess I just mentioned. In Isaiah 13, God tells us who actually Babylon is….its NOT Europe, its not AMERICA, it’s NOT the RCC, though the RCC will join it. Isaiah 13 talks about the last days.

    Isaiah 13:19And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms,
    The beauty of the Chaldeans’ pride,
    Will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

    20It will never be inhabited,
    Nor will it be settled from generation to generation;
    Nor will the Arabian pitch tents there,

    You see that in verse 20? The (Arabian) will not build houses there. The actual Hebrew word means “Inhabitants of Arabia” That’s Saudi Arabia. Its that Black Stone at the Kaaba, that the anti-Christ will take to Jerusalem and place it in the new temple and claim Jerusalem and all Israel as Muslim.

    The Beast hates the women and will destroy her, why? Because mostly all muslim nations hate Saudi Arabia for being a friend to the US and the Jewish nation of Israel by recognizing Israels right to exist. And yet, Saudi Arabia is the home to the most sacred places to Islam. This is an insult to Islam. So the Anti-Christ, will first take the black stone from Mecca and place it at the Temple in Jerusalem, this is called “The Abomination of Desolation”

    • Did I write that the RCC is the Beast system? If so, please show me where and I will correct it. The RCC is the Whore who rides on the Beast. The Beast itself is the army of Jesuits led by the Jesuit Superior General. The RCC is only one of the entities that he controls. This is how I see it based on the documentation of many authors I have read. Call it an opinion if you want.

      • Hi James. Maybe you will read this. I am Seventh-day Adventist, and I agree with you whole-heartedly on what I read here. But, maybe I see it a tad differently with the woman and the beast. This is a very important subject because it is playing out right in front of us if we have the right glasses on. I see the great whore as the Vatican, as you said. But I see it as a Jesuit Vatican, ever since 1849 when Pope Pius IX gave his full confidence to the Jesuit order. Pope Pius almost lost his pontificate and his life in 1848 when the Italian freedom fighters wanted political freedom, which Pius was ready to give them (to a certain extent). But either he realized, on his own or the Jesuits informed him, that to give any political freedoms would lead directly to demanding religious freedoms. So when he had to flee the Vatican he seemingly reversed his stance as a moderate and dove right into the Jesuits’ most basic dogma of ultra-montanism. So 1849 was the great turning point and the date when the Vatican changed from being the Revelation 13 yellow and black spotted (leopard-like) beast to the same seven-headed beast now all scarlet, as in fully determined to restore the papacy in the most heinous, bloody ways. The past century and a half of modern wars attests to this. Now terrorism is their favorite for destabilizing the world made peaceful by the Protestant rule since 1798 when Protestant America took the world scepter from the Church of Rome.

        If the New Age Jesuit Vatican is the great whore, who is the beast? The beast is the system of kings and sheriffs and individual citizens (vs. 15). The kings are presidents/prime ministers/premiers, their cabinets and congresses and court systems. The sheriffs are the justice department. And the great corporations (“merchants of the earth”) count as kings. The masses are at the bottom of the pyramid of power. I believe the ten kings are not Europeans leaders, but “all/the total” the kings of the world, since the number 10 is like the number 7, except in a secular application. At some point in the upcoming time of trouble such as humanity has never seen, the world leaders will abandon their religio-political “Holy” Alliance that they are agreeing to for stopping the final preaching for a witness to all nations. They will destroy the woman when Jesus is seen coming in the clouds because they will realize (too late) that the Church duped them to fight for Satan and against Jesus. It will be similar to the alliance against King Jehoshaphat when he was commanded to not fight. God’s people, the 144,000 Protestants and everyone around the world who received their preaching the gospel, will not fight in this battle except with words of truth. Jesus and His angelic kings of the east will fight for the Bible-believing, truth-loving, Saviour-loving children of God. Amen! (I have always loved your website.)

        • Hi David,
          Thank you for your comments and encouraging words!
          Those are interesting points you make. I hope you know from my articles I like to stay simple and explain things in a simple way so that a high school student should be able to understand it. I agree with you that the Beast is the system of kings and sheriffs and individual citizens. It’s a worldwide system controlled by the New Age Jesuit Vatican as you discribed it.

        • IMO, the beast is the political/military power of Romanism which the Papal Knights control the world banks, economies, militaries, indoctrinations centers aka education institutions, propaganda centers aka entertainment/mainstream media/news outlets which the intelligence agencies control.

  12. Ok, learned a lot from what you wrote nice work and will look into that source material. Seems to me though that the USA is the whore I reference that who dare make war with the beast. Thats the US today at least we ride the Beast direct it. If you consider the Beast as the rest of the nations that are ruled by fallen. Look at our monuments, statue of liberty is Ishtar/Dianna/Artemis etc.our symbology the capitol dome and washington monument are aligned and replicate exactly the dome and the accompanying obelisk. and as you pointed out the number of Catholic Justices and other high ranking rulers that now lead a once protestant nation. As for protestants (daughters of the whore) many if not all modern protestants are such. Some such as Lutherans were are controlled opposition. recently uncovered letters of Luther to some Rosicrucian leader shows his true allegiance. I was always leary of Luther due to his unwillingness to fight after leading the people into reformation. Which you do not treat corruption you cut it out. Or separate yourself from it. Much of what these secret societies publicly stated missions are suspect. Like Masons and Rosicrucians apparently are anti religion anti catholic and they do push Atheism and licentiousness thou art god. but thats all a puppet show for the masses they actually serve the whore which yes if Rome rules our leaders you could say she is but we are the embodiement of her power now. The beast throw the whore to the ground and destroy her with fire. I think that is the fate for which they established this “New nation under god” to be the scapegoat that allows for the establishment of the nwo. Look at Washingtons three visions we know Washington attended service near professed he was a believer though not publicly. No way i think he was visited by an Angel of the Lord, If he had any visitation it was the Fallen One who visited him. The visions seem to be accurate predicting Americas victory then predicting the Civil War, the final War is nearing I suspect. so if its not divine and none but our father in heaven knows the futue? why does it appear to be accurate? because its illuminatti or fallen or both playbook for thier strategy to bring out the antichrists one world rule. If this is true it means they caused and insured the outcome of the American Revolution and the Civil War. I think they are the ones behind every major war since well ? pretty much nimrods day. Look to the heraldry of the nations and you will see who they secretly serve. the double headed eagle? or albatross i think albatross sick symbolism shudder. What always mystified me about that third vision. Was I could get how our allies G britain and Canada and Aussies might not be able to aid us but would they come against us? that I just couldn’t see happening. Until, i learned about the bio labs and that we likely built covid and the vaxxine and how deadly that will be and when all that comes out. and the entire situation is laid at the feet of the US we will become hated of every nation. and attacked from without and within. thus the nwo can claim to be the slayer of the beast and take his rule no one thinking hey didnt you have some part in that cause the witch of the west is dead.long live the witch of center? Say hello to the new boss same as the old boss. It is easy for this secret elite to prophecy winners of wars when they rule both sides of every war.

  13. Nothing is more HIDDEN than what is in PLAIN sight…
    Daniel here from France. Former TFI member.
    How are you ?
    Interesting site of yours…
    Got a few things too…
    The MAIN ones :

    And THE TREE !

    And don’t worry about the MARK …you don’t DESERVE IT ! Check my novel. French here (english on pdf):

    I NEVER thought that the last seven years were already accomplished ! Amazing stuff ! Lots to re-work then…

    I don’t know why you are so adament agains poor Jesuits ! Actually, they were the first ones to preach in Japan no ?
    I happen to visit the birth place of San Ignacio de Loyola and read his own book… and am quite found of Jesuits though I know also a few things about them… What a lost of time ! Let the bad grow with the good less you’ll pull both…

    Anyway, nice job of yours !

    Mine is ABSOLUTELY and OUTRAGEOUSLY rejected ! Have a look here ! (french)

    God bless you !

    • Daniel, thank you for your comments.

      The Jesuits are an evil society, and not of Jesus, but of Satan. They sought to take over Japan militarily for the Pope. The Shogun, Ieyasu Tokugawa got wind of their plans and expelled the Jesuits and all foreigners from Japan. Yes, they were the first to preach in Japan — the FALSE gospel of salvation through the Roman Catholic Church!

      Please read the Jesuit Oath and you will see how evil they are:

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