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The Catholic Church And Economics — 2 Comments

  1. I am confused, the early settlers, immigrants, and landowners were Protestants. They owned the farms and the SLAVES. So if they were Christians how could they own, buy, and trade SLAVES? Isn’t that against their (Protestant) beiefs?

    • What are “Protestant beliefs?” Protestantism is nothing more or less than Bible based Christianity, and the Bible does not teach slavery is wrong! In the New Testament every time the word “servant” is used, it actually means “slave.” The Bible says in Ephesians 6:5  Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;

      In the Old Testament, if a person stole something and was caught, he had to pay back what he stole four fold. If he could not, he had to become a slave of the person he stole from for 7 years. NO PRISON SYSTEM! Prisons in America today have become institutions of higher education in crime.

      I know it’s not politically correct to endorse slavery in any way. The slave trade was definitely evil. But if a slave had a good loving master, he had economic security from the cradle to the grave, permanent employment he couldn’t lose, a roof over his head, food to eat, and clothes on his back. What do the unemployed have today? THE STREET TO LIVE ON AND BEG ON.

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James Japan