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Chuck Baldwin’s Jesuit Preterism Debunked — 2 Comments

  1. James,
    Thank you so much for your recent articles on Baldwin.
    I have followed him off and on for several years, and hoped he was a Christian leader; however, somethings just never set right. The last couple of years some of his ‘teachings’ were just off center, as we used to say in Airborne – he’s out there flappin’!
    His website, some of his ‘teachings’, his love of being called Amerika’s Patriot Pastor, etc just never seemed to match up. Sorta like calling a spade a spade and suddenly one day you declare it a heart just to get along.
    There is something missing somewhere – a control factor. I hate it. There are so many like him who could have been great men for God. But, that’s life in the ‘new’ world.
    Just ran across your site and found it interesting. Will be studying it more.
    Also, do greatly appreciate you article on Daniel’s ’70th Week’ – I too see it as pertaining to Christ not some ‘Revelation’ issue. Thanks, now I know there are a more of us around.
    Wish there was a way to contact you directly.
    There are reasons for no legit email – forgive me.
    Thank you much for the hard work you put into this site.
    This nation was founded upon a belief in Christ – too bad it no longer exists. The ‘believers’ dwindle daily for materialism and acceptance
    Keep the faith, and may God bless.

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James Japan