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Daniel 9:27 – The Most Misinterpreted Prophecy in the Bible! — 23 Comments

  1. Daniel 9:27 is very confusing but I think we had to wait for the Daniel’s book of
    truth to be open to understand it better. If daniel11truth.com is correct we are
    awaiting this “in the middle” of the 7 years treaty – which is just about now.

    • Pedro, if you read all the other articles on this website about Daniel 9:27, you’ll see it’s not confusing at all. It’s clear.

      KJV Daniel 9:27 included with my comments in parentheses:

      And he (Jesus Christ) shall confirm (not make but confirm the Covenant that already existed) the (definite article) covenant (the Covenant God made with Abraham) with many (people of Israel) for one week (seven years): and in the midst of the week (at the 3 1/2 year point when Jesus was crucified) he (Jesus) shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, (cease animal sacrifices for sin because Jesus the Lamb of God became the ultimate sacrifice. The second half of the 7 year Covenant or 3 1/2 year period was the ministry of the Apostles to the Jews up to the stoning of Stephen and the calling of Paul to give the Gospel to the Gentiles.) and for the overspreading of abominations (the invasion of Jerusalem by the Roman Army) he (Jesus, through General Titus) shall make it desolate (destroy Jerusalem and the Temple, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate (the Jews, Jerusalem and their Temple, i.e. the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple 40 years later by the Roman Army which was an abomination to the Jews and which desolated Jerusalem and the Temple.) (Posted on https://www.jamesjpn.net/eschatology/daniel-927-grossly-mistranslated-in-modern-versions/

      daniel11truth.com is not correct. It’s based on the school of interpretation of prophecy known as Futurism. I was a Fururist for 40 years and always speculating on who the Antichrist might be. After 40 years I learned the Protestant view of the Antichrist and now I KNOW who he is! The string of Popes from 500 a.d. till now! He’s not a single human person but Satan inhabiting men of power and wealth throughout time!

      The Book of Daniel as well as all the Books of the Bible were opened 2000 years ago by Jesus. Revelation chapter 5 verses 2,3 and 5 tell me so.

      • James, Thanks again for the clarity of your arguments on this issue. In your discussion with Carl, I was not sure that he understood that the 69 weeks were fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus and his death. The Jesuits do not dispute that. Your argument is that it is not legitimate to separate the last week of the prophecy from the 69. That is especially true if it can be shown from the New Testament and the immediate history following, that the end of the prophecy was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 a.d. By separating the last week of the prophecy from the 69 they ignore that obvious fulfillment of Jesus prophecy (and of course Daniel’s) which was the most drastic event in Jewish history. This fulfillment, like the resurrection of our Lord, puts a seal on the truthfulness of the Word of Christ.

    • Sorry but I’m not sure I understand your question. The date Francesco Rivera came out with his false interpretation was circa 1585. I don’t know of any particular date they had in mind. The purpose was to throw the 70th Week into the unknown future to get the Protestants eyes off the papacy as the biblical antichrist.

        • There was a rebuttal and it came from Jesuit Francesco Ribera around 1585. But there was no way he could give a specific date in the future. People are always trying to predict that date and they will always be wrong, 100% of the time, dead wrong!!!

          • You dont understand…if the jesuit was to demonstrate the 70th and final week was future he/they would have had to present a different starting date to the 7 and 62 from the date the reformers where using. what was their proposed starting decree date for the 7 and 62 weeks of verse 25?

          • Yes, I don’t understand your point. My point is a Jesuit put a GAP, an unknown period of time between the 69th Week and the 70 Week. What difference does it make of a false starting date of the 62 nd or other weeks? So far that gap has been exactly 1993 years of time. And STILL evangelicals are waiting for the 70th Week to happen! And who knows how long it will continue? Maybe Jesus will tarry another 1000 years and people will still be waiting for the 70th Week! I would like to think that Jesus will return in my lifetime, within the next few years seeing how evil the world has become. But you know what? Christians of nearly ALL AGES for the past nearly 2000 years have thought the same! However, the purpose of this article is all about the fact the 70th Week of Daniel was fulfilled by Christ and His Apostles and not the popular evangelical view that the 70th Week is yet to come. Jesuit date setting is not part of the deception.

          • The start date. Sir what was the start date of the decree/word given that starts the first 7 in verse 25 the jesuits used to rebuttal the reformations interpretation.

          • The Jesuits did not try to change the historically accepted start date of 457 BC of the first 7 years to something else. That date of 457 BC was not changed in their rebultal to the Protestants. The change the concocted was to say the final 7 years will not be fulfilled until the rise of the Antichist in the future. The start date has nothing to do with the Jesuit’s trick to deceive the world to think the Antichrist won’t rise until the last 7 years of man’s rule on earth.

      • If the reformers had an interpretation of Dan 9 they most certainly should’ve surmised the start date. Given the fact that they had an interpretation of it at all. That would be the most definite way to explore their interpretation of Dan 9 has it is now supposedly history. Hindsight being perfect 2020 vision. Therefore the Jesuits would have had to rebuttal the start date to even remotely consider a different interpretation.

        • The 70 Weeks of Daniel began with the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem in 457 BC. You add 69 x 7 or 483 years to that and you get 27 AD. Because there is no year O you don’t include that in the addition. Therefore the start of the 70th Week of Daniel is 27 AD! That was the year Jesus began His ministry. He was crucifed in the midst of the 70th Week which was 30 AD. The Apostles continued their ministry of sharing the Gospel to the Jews until 34 AD which was the start of heavy persecution by the Pharasees beginning with the stoning of Stephen. That should answer your question about a starting date of the 70th Week. It was 27 AD. The Jesuits published a lie that the 70th Week is still in the unknown future! They couldn’t even give a starting date for it because they disconnected the final 7 years from the first 69. Christians today, especially American and English speaking Christians have been deceived to think the final 7 years may have already started or are just around the corner. This is why they want to set dates on the return of Christ because they say He will come either at the beginning of the 7 years, the middle of it, or the end of it. Yes, there are at least 3 different flavors of the final 70th Week doctrine based on Futurism.

          This is the clearest and simpliest way I know how to explain it. I hope you agree with it.

          • I find it absolutely amazing how so much detail can be interjected regarding how Dan 9 works but the most obvious critical fact cant be demonstrated nor has it even been addressed..

            If 483 to 27 is the proper interpretation then you must demonstrate that 457, 27 and the stoning of Steven where in fact in the fall 3.5 years in either direction of the fixed spring crucified lord. .

          • It’s simple addition! 457 B.C.is the known, provable, historical start date of the order given by the Assyrian king to rebuild Jerusalem. You added 483 years to that and you get 27 AD. You add 7 more years to that of the 70th Week. You get 34 AD which was 3 years and some months after Jesus was crucified in 30 AD. If the Jews had done the math, they would have known without a doubt that Jesus is the Christ, their Messiah!

  2. I noticed this problem immediately while in a class on Daniel and couldn’t believe my ears when the instructor twisted verses 24-27 to force in an anti-christ. I quit the class and studied the Bible by myself and realized almost everything I had been taught was absolute nonsense regarding eschatology. Currently I see the general idea of postmillennialism being close but more on an a-millennial timeline with the “golden age” being not nearly as golden as they originally thought and it being largely behind us where the saints are being surrounded in the sense that the world wants to eradicate Christianity. I see a literal anti-christ who is “the man of sin” and the “false prophet”, and the beast is pagan Rome, both of whom were in the first century, but who’s evil lived on through the kingdom of the world being suppressed by the spread of the gospel and the dominance of Christianity. The spirit of both the beast and of the anti-christ are beginning to gain steam in modern government and in the apostate church and is resulting in the current anti-christian sentiment. I see the most likely candidate for the anti-christ to be Simon Magus since he was baptized by the apostles and checks all the boxes fir anti-christ/man of sin. I agree with the common view of the Roman emperors being the Beast and sometimes an individual of these also referred to as the Beast. Without separating anti-christ from the Beast as separate entities, it requires a massive stretch of the available information to fit them all into one. A general principle that helps understand the bible is that Israel is a microcosm of the world that followed after the AD70 destruction and everything that was physical in nature for Israel only represented the spiritual reality of the world to come during the age of the Kingdom of God.

  3. It’s called a double fulfillment of prophecy. It’s happened more than once. I don’t trust any so called Christian who denies the rapture or the antichrist for that matter. All anyone has to do is open their eyes and look around to see prophecy being fulfilled left and right EXACTLY how the Bible says it will. The pope is the false prophet not the antichrist and I don’t care how many articles or books you’ve written, doesn’t make your opinion any more valuable than anyone else’s. The Holy Spirit teaches us all and the Bible clearly says no one man has a monopoly on the information. But of course satan wants us all to think there’s no rapture or antichrist to 1) catch people off guard and 2) to steal any hope we may have and 3) to try and disprove Bible prophecy but no ones falling for it. Good try though!

    • Marla, you haven’t given me even one Scripture from the Word of God to back up your claims. You are merely repeating what you learned from dispensational futurist Bible teachers. And they got it from the doctrines of C.I. Scofield who got it from John Nelson Darby who got it directly or indirectly from a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest named Francesco Ribera who cooked it up in 1585 in an attempt to get Protestant Christians eyes off the Pope and office of the papacy as the biblical Antichrist. Did it work? You know it did. The Jesuits did a bang-up job! I myself used to think modern Popes of Rome are good men! What I’m telling you is not opinion, it’s provable HISTORY! The early Baptists and Protestants up to the end of the 18th century did NOT believe the 70th Week of Daniel is a future event. They believed the first part of Daniel 9:27 was fulfilled by Christ and His Apostles, and the second part is referring to the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. Whether you agree with them or not, it is what they believed. If you want to follow a Jesuit LIE, that’s between you and God, but you had better not call your doctrine from the Holy Spirit. It’s from most UN-holy spirits!


    Dan: 9:24: Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people (Jews) and upon thy holy city, (Jerusalem) to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins (SIN is the transgression of god’s law), and to make reconciliation for iniquity(Christ did that when he died see Isaiah 53, and to bring in everlasting righteousness(see 1john 3:5 in him there is no sin), and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. (place)see heb 8:1,2,heb 7:25-28.
    Da:9:25: Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince(Jesus) shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    Dan: 9:26: “””And after threescore and two weeks”””(in the last week) shall Messiah (Jesus) be cut off, (die) but not for himself,( for the sins of the world) and the people (solders’) of the prince (Titus PRINCE OF ROME his father was Vespasian Cesar Pontifex Maximus pagan high priest).that shall come( in AD 70) shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary;(temple) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

    What does “”cut off”” mean Isa: 53:8: He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? For he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

    LAST WEEK Dan: 9:27: And he (Jesus) shall “confirm (it does no say BRAKE like dispensationalists say)“see Rom: 15:8: the (new) covenant with many for one week (why only 1 week, because there was only 1 LAST WEEK -=7 years left in the prophecy, remember the prophecy is for Israel, they crucified him in the middle of the last week = seven years that was left and after another three and a half years was up the gospel went to the gentiles through the apostle Paul: (prophetic time was up) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice (see Heb: 10:12) and the oblation to cease, And for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    I UNDERSTAND THIS TO BE TALKING ABOUT THE JEWISH SACRIFICIAL SYSTEM AND ITS TEMPLE, after they the Jews rejected Christ and his sacrifice they continued with their system of animal sacrifice for forgiveness of sins, rejecting god’s son and the new covenant that put an END TO EARTHLY PRIESTS AND EARTHLY SACRIFICES, Christs death confirmed the new covenant with his blood and he was appointed THE NEW HIGH PRIEST AND NEW MEDIATOR.

    The continued animal sacrifices in the obsolete temple were an abomination to the god of Abraham this continued practice of the blood sacrifices for atonement of sins a practice that should have ENDED at the final and perfect sacrifice of the lamb of god, this continued abomination was the denial of the true sacrifice of god’s son, and was the result of the judgment that came upon the old test nation of Israel.

    LAST PART AGAIN The statement in Dan 9:27: he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, can be understood in context by saying that he “Jesus” shall give reason for the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, in other words the animal sacrifices as a result of Christs Crucifixion are meaningless and have no purpose, And as much as the aroma of the burnt offerings in the old testament history were pleasing to the lord, the aroma of burnt offering after the father offered up his son were a stench and the epitome of abominations, this is what Daniel was referring to when he says in v 27 and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, which means for the continuation and overdoing of a practice that Jesus gave full and perfect reason to cease, this ignorance of the final and perfect sacrifice is the abomination that causes desolation upon the unbelieving Jewish nation, and if this was not enough the roman armies with their pagan banners adulteress incense and their standards, surrounding this once holy city the result of a greater abomination was an abomination as well and more obvious sign to those who understood the word spoken by Daniel the prophet as Jesus referred in his more detailed warning

    • Paul, If you believe Jesus is the Prince, the people of the Prince are his followers i.e. the Christians. To explicate verse 26 you should be looking at the early Christian community who were repeating the Prophecy of Jesus (Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21) concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and it’s temple. Stephen was such a person. He was accused by the Jews of saying that Jesus would come and destroy the temple and change the customs Moses had delivered to Israel at Sinai. His accusers were “false witnesses” because they rejected Stephen’s witness, Just as the false witness against our Lord were “false” because they did not believe His statement “destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” Stephen, like Jeremiah -see Jeremiah 1:10 and the whole of Jeremiah 7) was repeating the word of Jesus. Of course his assertion about Jesus was that He was Israel’s judge just as He was in Jeremiah’s day. While Jeremiah was redeemed out of the pit, Stephen was stoned for making the assertion that Jesus was and is the God of Israel! He is also the judge of all the earth.

      • The story of Stephen in Acts 6 and 7. Now in regards to your interpretation of the abomination being the continued observances at the temple after Jesus paid for all of our sins at the cross, in general I would agree with your application. You will find affirmation of that application in Isaiah 66:3,4 where the continuation of those services are likened to the sacrifice of a pig or breaking the neck of a dog. It is interesting that in fact Stephen’s final scriptural argument is taken from Isaiah 66:1,2. Stephen’s accusers – including the chief priest whose responsibility was to stand before God in a mediatorial role on the day of atonement – understood where he was going with his application and cut his life short. When Stephen said that he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God, taking the place of Stephen’s accuser, the high priest – that was too much, and the stones began to fly. But Stephen was right and his repetition of the prophecy of Jesus came to pass in 70 a.d. Jesus did come and destroy the temple, just as He did in Jeremiah’s day. He used Israel’s enemy the King of Babylon to accomplish his purpose. Jesus is Lord! But the prophecy of Daniel 9 is all about Jesus.

  5. Hello James, there is another temple cleansing coming and the same question applies: John’s baptism, was it from Heaven or from men? See Isa 24 for the exact reasons why the world is in the worst trouble it can be in. This brief explanation also proves it but i have more:

    Dan 9:26-27, “And after the threescore and two weeks shall the Anointed One (Jesus dying on the cross) be cut off and shall have nothing (physical except His true Christians witnessing). And the (Roman) people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city (physical Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (physical temple). And the end thereof shall be with a flood (of physical water baptisms). And even unto the end shall be war, desolations are determined. And He (Christ) shall make a firm (New) Covenant with many for one seven (or week but it’s literally seven, the seven church ages of Rev 1-3). And in the midst of the seven He shall cause the sacrifice (of daily taking up our cross) and the oblation (of spiritually drinking His Living Water and of spiritually eating His Living Bread) to cease. (Because during the Great Apostasy, between Augustin of Hippo and Quaker George Fox, the vast majority of people did not have access to the Scriptures. This is also the night of Jn 9:4.) And upon the wing of abominations shall come one that maketh desolate (Donatus and the Donatists having the same errors as Nicolaitans) and even unto the full end (anytime now). And that determined shall (God’s) Wrath be poured out upon the desolate.” The desolate have the wrong baptism. The Son of God anoints true Christians, Mt 3; Mk 1; Lk 3; Jn 1-17; Ac 1-2; Ac 10-11; Ac 15; Ro 5:5; 1Co 1; 2Co 1-7:1; Eph 4-5; Tus 3; 1Jn 1-5; Rev 1-22; etc.

    Augustin and George Fox were saved 1260 years apart and physically died 1260 years apart. They and this time period are in about a dozen OT and NT prophecies, 8 indisputable dates prove it. Ask me for free emails with very short handouts or read Quakers George Fox (watch for typos), Isaac Penington, Robert Barclay (1678 edition of his Apology…), anne robare / canabaptism yahoo com

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James Japan