HomeEschatologyEmail to a friend who holds the correct interpretation of Daniel 9:27 Log in


Email to a friend who holds the correct interpretation of Daniel 9:27 — 3 Comments

  1. Excellent James! Well written letter. I am glad you recognize the probability of end time deception so great that many will turn from their faith. I believe this may very well happen; rebuilding a false temple.
    Since Napoleon, and possibly before, this has been a goal of the Illuminists. World war 2 was a tremendous boost for such a cause. If the temple were to be rebuilt, it would just be par for the course of the “grand design”.
    However, if the city on 7 hills fell into the ocean today… 😮

  2. I was convinced when I read this, and so convicted that I didn’t realize the blasphemy of such an interpretation……..
    “Jesus never taught that Solomon’s temple would ever be rebuilt. Would such a temple be a “holy place”? It would be most UNholy for it would be further blasphemy against God because of further rejection of Jesus’ death on the Cross as the ultimate “lamb of God” who was sacrificed for our sins!” AMEN.

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James Japan