HomeEschatologyMary and the Antichrist Deception


Mary and the Antichrist Deception — 3 Comments

  1. i would say it will be a big role of idolatry. look at so much of the world. look at what it says in the psalms : ‘the gods of the nations are idols’. there will be more of it. it will continue to be a major part of the mass deception; ishtar worship athena worship, most any female diety.

  2. Daniel 9:27 indeeds talks of the final antichrist. There is no other who will keep the peace for three years, then cause the abomination of desolation in the temple. And the antichrist will not be a papacy, but one individual (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Perhaps that individual will sprout from the papacy, but antichrist is a man, a living breathing human.

    • There is NO WAY you can get a final antichrist out of Daniel 9:27! If you are honest, you will admit you were taught that by some Bible teacher or preacher. You didn’t get it by reading Daniel chapter 9 by yourself. The same with me. I too was taught the same as you. When I was a babe in Christ 50 years ago, and the pastor told me Daniel 9:27 is about a final antichrist who will make a 7-year covenant with Israel and the Jews so they could rebuild their Temple, who was I to question it? I hadn’t studied Daniel chapter 9 before, and the pastor was older and much more learned than me. I just accepted it and all the other things he taught about Daniel chapter 9. It was 40 years later in 2014 I was introduced to a web article that opened my eyes to the fact that Daniel 9:27 was fulfulled by Jesus Christ and His Apostles! Through the preaching of the Gospel to the House of Israel, Jesus CONFIRMED, not made, but CONFIRMED the Covenant of verse 4 of the same chapter, namely the Covenant of grace through belief in God’s Word that God made with Abraham. “Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. – Galatians 3:6. Moreover, to say that the Antichrist is not the papacy, tells me you need to education yourself about the Protestant Reformation. To a man, ALL Protestants taught that for the first 3 centuries after Martin Luther! If you belittle the Protestant Reformation, it means you have no idea that the it was the Protestant Reformation that bought you all the Constitutional liberties you and I enjoy today. Please do a bit more research on these subjects.

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James Japan