No Prophecy in the Bible of a Third Temple in Jerusalem
This is a talk by Tom Friess which you can either listen to, read, or both. Tom is very passionate when he tells us that a rebuilt temple with animal sacrifices would indicate further rejection of the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, for our sins. The original title for the talk is The Third Temple Deception, but because I already have covered this subject on this website with an article of the exact same title, The Third Temple Deception, I am using a different title for this article.
We’re continuing reading the book, Exploding the Israel Deception by Steve Wohlberg. The subject we’re talking about is the futurist interpretation of Daniel chapter 9 and the passage beginning of verse 24 through 27, and the modern day interpretation of that indicating a need, a requirement for a modern nation state of Israel and a rebuilding of a temple and the beginning of animal sacrifices again, and the so-called salvation of Israel. Is this what the Bible teaches?
We’re focusing now on the subject of the temple, this proposed third temple. Backing up a paragraph or two for continuity this morning, I’ll begin reading in the book. It says,
It’s a fact that several Jewish organizations in Jerusalem are now preparing for the building of a third Jewish temple on Temple Mount. A popular Christian book called The Edge of Time by Peter and Patty Lalonde gives the following report: ‘A model of the third temple has been constructed and sits on exhibit in old Jerusalem. Even a computerized list of candidates who fulfill the requirements of a temple priest has been drawn up and rabbinical students have been training for ancient Jewish temple rites and sacrifices.’
Many religious Jews want another temple. Millions of Christians now believe, and I was one of them, millions of Christians now believe the Bible definitely predicts one will be built. But does it really? Does the Bible really predict the building of a third temple? Is it possible that the third temple theory is just another grand illusion of the last days?
First of all, let’s focus on what happened before the second temple was destroyed. Now that took place in 70 A.D. It says when Jesus Christ died, “the veil of the temple was rent in twain,” in other words ripped in two, “from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake.” This is Matthew chapter 27 verse 51. By ripping the veil, God Almighty showed all mankind that the value of animal sacrifices was over.
The earthly temple service was coming to an end. Why? Because the great sacrifice had been offered. Christ himself, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, that which the prophecies of the Old Testament foretold, that which was even foretold by Christ when he clothed Adam and Eve with coats of skins.
One can read over that passage and not realize that Christ would have had to make a sacrifice in order to cover Adam and Eve with the coats of skins, wouldn’t he? Their aprons that they fashioned of leaves was inadequate to cover their nakedness and to cover their shame and to cover their sin. It was only a covering provided by Christ himself that would cover Adam and Eve, and it was a promise of that which he fulfilled 2,000 years ago when he became the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, the Lamb which taketh away the sin of the world. Once and for all, it is finished. There is now, therefore, no more sacrifice for sin.
Now, I use the equivalent today to point out the error of making still more sacrifices, and that example is the Eucharist or the Mass of the Roman Catholic Church, where the bread of the communion wafer becomes the literal blood, body, soul and divinity of Christ, according to the Catholics. The priest says five magic, hocus-pocus Latin words, and all of a sudden Christ is yanked off his throne and put in the Jesus cookie, I call it, and they put him up to open shame again.
They call it the sacrifice of the Mass, another sacrifice, whereby grace is infused for those who participate in the Mass. They put him to open shame. They revel in the crucifixion and the shame that Christ bore in our behalf.
The Mass is committed, and I use the word correctly, it’s committed because it’s a crime, all over the world, thousands of times every day. Again, they put Christ to open shame, rejecting his all-efficacious, once and for all sacrifice. It is an abomination, it is a direct repudiation of that one time, all-sufficient sacrifice that Christ made on the cross of Calvary 2,000 years ago.
There’s just no excuse for the Mass. They can belabor it with all kinds of flowery words, but the bottom line is, when they participate in the Mass, they’ve rejected Christ. They’ve eaten and drunk damnation to themselves.
Now, the regular listeners to my broadcast can understand this, surely. We’ve talked about it so much, but how is it, how is it that we can rationalize in our minds that it’s a good thing that the Jews, now living in the nation-state of Israel that was created in 1948, so-called miraculously, are ready to build a temple and begin animal sacrifices again. How can we rationalize it in our minds that that is God’s will?
And I want to remind my listeners, I’ve believed this for most of my life. I’m 54 years old now. How many years have I believed that lie? God’s not going to be honored, God’s not going to be blessed, and there’s no sin going to be remitted by the blood of animals on Temple Mount in Jerusalem. God does not live in temples built with hands, but they’re going to build a temple with their hands on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, and we think God’s going to dwell in it? Christ said, your house is left unto you desolate.
God left the building! Is He now going to turn around and say, “Oh, Indian giver, I reneged, I made a mistake. I’m going to inhabit and dwell in this temple. I’m going to honor animal sacrifices as I did before. Even after I gave my own blood.” It’s not going to happen. Not going to happen.
There’ll be no Shekinah glory standing over the temple in Jerusalem when they build it. Jesus is the great high priest. Why are they investing so much time and trouble with his computers to try to draw up a list of rabbinical students to serve this sacrificial system they’re planning on erecting?
Grievous error, grievous error. They’re repeating the same error they committed 2,000 years ago when they rejected Christ. They rejected him, and they insisted on continuing that rabbinical service on Temple Mount. Animal sacrifices for the remission of sins, reconciliation of God through the blood of goats and sheep.
What a horror! I’m telling you, I believe the creation of the nation-state of Israel as we saw it in 1948 was for the very purpose of destroying the Jews. The final Jewish question. They couldn’t kill them all in Europe during World War I and World War II, but they made life so miserable. Six million Jews went up in ashes and smoke in the crematoria of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. What a horror for the Jewish people! And they had an answer. “We’ll create for you homeland so you can escape the wrath of the Pope.”
So they created the nation-state of Israel, and they sold us all this bill of goods because a clever Jesuit priest said, “No, the 70th week of Daniel is lopped off from the 69th week and tacked on the very end of time.” Unbelievable lie! Unbelievable lie!
And they’re going to force the Jews to eat and drink damnation to themselves, just like the Catholics. This is all about destroying the Jewish people. The ones that Paul wept over. He said, “I’d give up my own salvation for the salvation of the Jewish people.” If Paul could only see what they’re doing today.
The Jews have but one lamb. It’s Christ. They have but one hope in this world. Christ! There’s no hope in a modern nation-state of Israel. There’s no hope in a temple. There’s no hope in a Jewish priesthood. There’s no hope in the blood of lambs and goats. We’ve been sold a lie!
How can we read the scriptures and how to understand this? What happened? Let’s focus on what happened before the second temple was destroyed. When Jesus Christ died, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom, and the earth did quake. By ripping the veil, God Almighty showed all mankind that the value of animal sacrifices was over. The earthly temple service was coming to an end.
Why? Because the great sacrifice had just been offered. A few years later, Paul wrote, in reference to this earthly temple, “Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.” Hebrews chapter 8 verse 13.
Would God re-institute it and make Paul a fool? God is not behind this, what’s happening in the world today. This is a man-made fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel. The Pope and all the kings of the earth have concerted to deceive the whole world, and to destroy the Jews, and to try to destroy spiritual Israel, too.
In AD 70, the second temple was demolished by the Romans. Now think for a moment. Would the providence of God ever lead the Jewish people to rebuild a third temple? Would God Almighty sanction the building of another temple in Jerusalem? Would the Father ever initiate the restarting of animal sacrifices that ended with the death of his own son? What Jesus cried out, “It is finished,” He abolished all sacrifices. And that includes the Jesus cookie. He was the final sacrifice.
Why would we repudiate that? Why would we wish our worst enemy to repudiate that? He was our sacrifice. Therefore, would not the restarting of sacrifices be once again an open denial that Jesus Christ is the Messiah? If Israel ever did rebuild a third temple and begin to offer sacrifices, would not this be another official national rejection of their Messiah? God have mercy! God have mercy.
What happened? What happened 2,000 years ago when the leaders of Israel officially rejected their Messiah? The result was disaster. A thousand. No, a million. A million Jews perished. How many are going to perish when they build another temple? Would they reject their Messiah not once but twice?
Reminds me, Jesus said before the cock crows twice, you’ll deny me thrice, Peter. Is that an omen? The Jews are poised right on the precipice of rejecting their Messiah again. And the unspeakable horror is that all the God-believing Christians in this world are ready for it to happen. They promote this. They support it like God has another means of salvation for the Jews that he would repudiate the salvation of his own son by giving the Jews another opportunity, another chance, by another way, another gospel, another savior. How do we reconcile this with God’s own word? We can’t.
Three main sections of scripture are being used today by Christians to support the third temple theory. They’re Daniel 9.27, as we’ve talked about so voluminously on the program, assorted temple texts in the book of Revelation, and 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 4. Yet in all three of these sections, nothing is said about a temple being rebuilt in Jerusalem. Not one word. Where do we get this? If it doesn’t come from God’s Word, shouldn’t we be just a little suspicious? Not one word in the Bible said about a third temple in Jerusalem.
You can read Daniel until your eyeballs fall out. You’ll never say one word about a third temple being rebuilt. Ain’t happening. Not in God’s world it ain’t. So who’s fomenting this garbage?
All three sections, not a word is said about any temple being rebuilt. In the Old Testament, major portions of scripture are devoted to the building of the wilderness temple, the first temple, and the second temple. Exodus 35-40, 1 Kings 6, Ezra 3-6. Yet as far as the building of a third Jewish temple, we find nothing in God’s word. There’s nothing there.
Now let’s listen to these arguments for this proposed third Jewish temple. They use Daniel 9:27 as we’ve said before. It says, popular prophecy scholars today argue that when Daniel 9:27 describes the coming of the one who will cause the sacrifice and oblations to cease, this must refer to an end time antichrist who will stop the sacrifices of a rebuilt Jewish temple. Yet we proved in chapter 5 of this book that it was Jesus Christ who already caused the sacrifice and oblations to cease, 2000 years ago through His own death on the cross.
Matthew Henry, one of the great commentators of God’s holy word, faithfully declared that it was Jesus, it was Jesus who caused the sacrifice and the oblations to cease, by offering Himself a sacrifice, praise His holy Name, once and for all, He shall put an end to all Levitical sacrifices.
You know what, I’ve got the passage right here mentioned. I drew out my e-sword early this morning. Decided to go to battle against this futurist interpretation. It’s killing God’s people! My e-sword is drawn.
- Daniel 9:27: And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week, and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblations to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even to the consummation. And that determined shall be poured out upon the desolate.
Any mention of a third temple there? Any mention of a seven-year period of great tribulation there? Who caused the sacrifice and the oblations to cease? Just listen to the great man of God, Matthew Henry. In his commentary he says, He, with a capital H, must cause the sacrifice and oblations to cease, by offering Himself a sacrifice, by offering Himself a sacrifice, once and for all, He shall put an end to all the Levitical sacrifices. He shall supersede them and set them aside. When the substance comes, the shadows shall be done away. He caused all the peace offerings to cease when He was made peace by the blood of His own cross, and by it, He confirmed the covenant of peace and reconciliation.
By the preaching of his gospel to the world, with which the apostles were entrusted, He took men off from expecting remission by the blood of bulls and goats, and so caused the sacrifice and the oblations to cease. Praise God!
Thank God for Matthew Henry! Let us listen to Matthew Henry, and not a black-robed demon called Ribera, who has foisted this futurist lie to destroy God’s people and the Jews. The greatest killing machine that ever drew a breath, the Roman Catholic Church, and leading the bloodletting of the Jesuit priest that came up with this futurist abomination. Let none of us any longer be deceived by this. In Jesus’ Name!
(Also see The Third Temple Deception.)