Protestant Historicism – The Key to Daniel and Revelation
Please share this article with your Futurist friends who teach about the rebuilding of a third temple in Jerusalem and the rise of the Antichrist.
Welcome. My name is Robert Caringola and I want to welcome you to my, I’m going to title it a Presentation Ministry of the Great Protestant Historical Interpretation of the Visions of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. I encourage you to look forward to a very systematic teaching on what are very critical issues in the kingdom of God and prophecies that for the most part are not understood anymore like great men of God once understood them, great men of God who could lecture kings and rulers and interpret the scriptures based upon the way they have unfolded in history.
I’m the author of two books here that are available at Truth in History Ministries. One is Seventy Weeks, the Historical Alternative and the other is entitled, The Present Reign of Jesus Christ.
Now this presentation ministry is going to encapsulate the information that is in these books, not necessarily in all the detail, but we’re going to surmise where we need to and get to the point where this first half of the presentation ministry or part one of this presentation ministry, I want to be able to lay a foundation for you so we can go in directions and when we get to points of the presentation where I’m using words such as historicism, such as preterism, or dispensationalism, futurism, all these things, when we get to the Book of Revelation and we have worked through much of Daniel, you will be very comfortable with these terms.
Now I am very much aware that this series is going to be viewed by both the novice and the scholar. So I pray that God will give me the ability to rightly divide [the Word of truth] and as David said in the Psalms, to put my foot in an even place when presenting this material.
Now let me tell you how I got here and what happened. I have known what I’m going to share with you for over three decades. It all started in 1981.
I was a young marine sergeant. I had just been overseas, been out to sea a lot, infatuated with the study of Bible prophecy. When I would go, I went to Singapore for example, went to a Christian bookstore and I bought a stack of books three feet high on Bible prophecy, books by men like Hal Lindsey and these other writers at the time.
I didn’t know anything. I had a zeal for the Lord at the time but not according to knowledge. And I would spend my time at sea and overseas and stuff and I read and I read and I read and I just, I was just amazed at reading because see I was born and raised in Roman Catholicism.
I went to schools, Roman Catholic schools for 12 years, some of the best money could buy and we never once opened the Bible and that is a fact. So needless to say, reading the scriptures and then being excited about the study of Bible prophecy, I was reading what was available. And it was of a school that is called Futurism.
I didn’t know that at the time really. One of the great, I guess the big demarcation points of a lot of its teachings came with Hal Lindsey’s work, the late great planet Earth and things like that. And let me just mention right off the bat here.
We’re going to be talking about a lot of historical figures. We’re going to be talking about people who are alive. I do not contend with any man’s person. I am only contending with that which are the words of truth. So I, we’re dealing with a lot of good folks here that things happened and by the time we get through this, you’re going to understand exactly what happened, who the players were, how we completely deviated from something that united the whole Reformation in Europe and again it’s going to have to be line upon line and precept upon precept.
So back to 1981, I believed first in the futuristic school of prophecy, looking for that Antichrist to come in a seven-year tribulation period, teachings of something called a rapture and a rebuilt temple and all this stuff that is very familiar to many of you out there.
I was fortunate, I was back home on leave in North Little Rock, Arkansas and I was invited to attend an apostolic church, a seminar on the 70 weeks of Daniel by the …he came in from England, a great English teacher. He’s now deceased and gone on to be with the Lord. His name was Reverend David Campbell. And so we showed up on one Saturday morning, myself, there were 30, 40 ministers there, some had been teaching all their lives, prophets and prophecies and, and what they thought to be the truth.
What that man did in three hours and when he took us through both the history, who the players, the originators of these schemes and these counter schemes, what was believed for millenniums and centuries and stuff, literally in three hours he tore and destroyed our, and as I’m going to mention here, our Clarence Larkin charts, our futurism of Hal Lindsey and the others, and devastated it and then rebuilt with the truth of the 70 weeks of Daniel.
And as I am going to prove to you in this presentation ministry, is part of laying the foundation to get to major prophecies in Daniel and in the Revelation, that period, that 490 years has perfectly run itself in history. And we will develop that and present that without a, there’ll be no question when I’m done with you, I promise you, because it is the facts of history and the facts of Scripture.
The testimony was for those of you who are new because I mean, I was in shock. I looked around after, after David finished with us, it was about a four-hour seminar presentation. I looked at men of God that, who were scholars who were in absolute shock. They were crying. They, they didn’t know what had happened. All that they had built, all these works of the school called Futurism – Dispensationalism, it all got burned up.
I mean, the axe was laid to the root of the tree, and we were introduced to characters and concepts we’d never heard of as I’m going to show you in several of these books here, information and and stuff that were common 100, 200 years ago, works that were commonly read and understood. Now you can go to seminaries, and you can turn teachers on TV and the radio that never even heard of these works and these writers.
And I think you’re going to be quite, quite amazed as we get down the continuum of time and unfold a very, very dramatic story here, folks. There’s going to be a lot of history and we’re almost having to turn into theological lawyers. We’re going to put some stuff on trial and we’re going to find out whether these things be so, and I will leave the judgment up to you. You will have the evidence produced. I have written books that are now been out, like I mentioned, over 20 years. I have not seen them refuted and we’ll go from there.
But there is for those of you who are the scholars and teachers, you’re very much aware of this book by Clarence Larkin. It’s called Dispensational Truth. And many have even called it the Second Bible of prophecy or eschatology students. And, and of course there’s just tons, I mean, tons of work went into this. I understand that and all his charts and his calculations and the schemes of this is going to happen, that, that, and that.
I mean, if you’re a teacher or you’re a scholar, I know you’re very much aware of this book. If you’re not, you need to get your hands on it and let me, and go with me to what I’m going to share, because I’m going to read his testimony verbatim to you.
Now in the, in the edition I have, it’s on page five. There are several editions that have come out over the years of where he writes, this is the 46th printing. There are other printings, but what I’m going to read to you is on page five. And here we go. This is out of the great Clarence Larkin.
He’s introducing his concepts going to his start in his segmenting and, and presenting of the book of Revelation. And he says, they’re fundamentally three basic schools of thought. There are the preterist school, the historical school, and there is what’s called the futurist school. And he begins to define them. And let me read it to you and just listen to what he says here, because I know of so many people over the years that have referenced these charts. And I asked them, “Did you ever read what he actually said, where his foundation started, where he got this from, and what he admitted in his opening verses?”
Clarence went on to say the preterist school, he said it originated … Now, if you’re new, you don’t even know what I’m talking about what a preterist school is. It’s a very big school out there, and it teaches very simply that the book of Revelation, the seals, trumpets, and vials have already happened in the past. That all this dealt with the destruction of Jerusalem and the great epic slaughter under Titus in 70 A.D. and the fulfilling of so much prophecy there. It is the preterist school who take the events of the Revelation and visions, and they throw it all into the past.
Well, the man who first penned that, and over the course of this presentation, you’ll see pictures of the title pages of their books come up. We have them. He was a Jesuit called Alcazar, and we will be talking about the Jesuits before we’re done. And he put his view, it was about 1614 when he published this apocalyptic view. And it limits the scope of the apocalypse to the events of the Apostle John’s life. And affirms that the whole prophecy was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, great history that we will be talking about in this seminar, and the subsequent fall and persecuting Roman Empire, making basically Emperor Nero as their point for the concept of Antichrist.
Now, listen to this:
- “The purpose of the scheme was transparent. It was to relieve the papal church from the stigma of being called the harlot church.”
We’re in the heat of the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation here. We’re talking about Luther and his contemporaries and all that led up to what changed Western civilization forever, i.e. why you have a Bible in your hands now.
- “And he called the Pope, and from the Pope from being called the Antichrist. (He called the Pope the Antichrist.) It is a school that is now, but little advocated.”
When Larkin wrote, it wasn’t being advocated that much.
Then he wrote about, he said,
- “There’s the historical school.”
Sometimes there’s other words for it. I’m not going to bog you down with this technology. But he says,
- “The advocates of this school interpret the symbols of the book of Revelation as referring to certain historical events that have and are having or happening in the world. They claim that Antichrist is a system rather than a person.”
We’ll prove that, that it is a system.
- “And it is represented by the harlot church of Rome.”
I don’t know how many of you are aware of this, but that doctrine alone, that the man of sin, the dynasty of Antichrist, all these things that we’re going to look at over the many hours that we’re going to spend in the Apocalypse (book of Revelation), that was the one unifying doctrine of the Reformation. They all agreed on it, and they proved it out the Scriptures. They knew what was happening to them and who had been killing them.
He goes on:
- “They interpret the time element in the Book on what’s called a year-day scale.
And he said, “This school has great or very ingenious advocates.” And he goes on and talks about one of the greatest works ever written on this. I have all four volumes of it. I’ll talk more about it later. I have spent years in these books. It’s called the Horae Apocalypticae, or Hours in the Apocalypse by the great Eliot. Unmatched, unmatched. And I guarantee you, there might be 10 or 20 people on this planet alive that have read that work. If you haven’t read that work, you really have no business teaching prophecy, quite frankly. And you’ll understand why as we proceed.
- “So that great work was called the Horae Apocalypticae, and it is frequently called the Protestant interpretation because it regards popery as exhausting all that had been predicted of the anti-Christian power. It (the doctrine of the papacy system being the Antichrist) was a powerful and formidable weapon in the hands of the leaders of the Reformation. And the conviction of its truthfulness nerved them to love not their lives unto death. It was the secret of the martyr heroism of the 16th century.
What is in Eliot’s works, and Ganesa’s works, and Newton’s works, and Cacciamelli’s works, and Johnson’s works, all these things. Ganesa, as I mentioned, what these Reformers knew, and what they had discovered, what had evolved to their time in the unfolding of the prophecies of Daniel and other scriptures, they took it to the fires (being burned at the stake for calling the papacy the Antichrist).
You haven’t been taught that in your modern schools. Because see, your modern schools are called schools of futurism. You turn on your TVs, and we have a series by authors like Tim LaHaye and these others, and you know what’s out there, and we’ll mention them as we go down. But that’s called the Futurist School.
Do you have any idea where that came from? I mean, did the Apostles teach it? Did the Albigensians and the Waldensians of the 11th, 12th century and stuff, did they believe it? Did the Wyclivites of Wycliffe’s time in the 1300s, all these great epics of Reformers, is this what they taught? What you’re hearing today on TV and on the shows? Here’s what Clarence Larkin goes to tell you about. Remember he’s introduced you to the Preterist School, Jesuit Alcazar that takes all these great prophecies and throws them into the past. The Historical School said, this has been unfolding, and we can show you where divine time measure after divine time measure after divine time measure has begun and run its course to perfection. And we will look at that in this presentation series. But he goes on,
- “The Futurist School interprets the language of the Apocalypse literally, except such symbols that are named, and that the whole book from the end of the third chapter is yet all thrown into the future. And that’s why it’s called Futurism, really beginning at chapter 6, a lot of them through 19, describes what they call will come to pass during Daniel’s 70th week.”
See, in essence to their school, there was a great prophecy that we are going to lay the foundation of these presentations with called the 70 weeks of Daniel. And they take the final seven years of that prophecy, throw it into the future and encapsulate the entire book of Revelation around that. Well folks, who was the first one to do that? Let’s see what Larkin says.
- “This view, while it dates in modern times, only from the close of the 16th century. In its present form, it may be said to have originated at the end of the 16th century with the Jesuit Ribera.”
His name was Francisco Ribera, out of Salamanca, Spain. And you’re gonna be hearing quite a bit about him. Because everything that these future teachers are teaching, this was birthed by Ribera. Because see, we not only had a Reformation in history, we had a Counter-Reformation. Rome fought back, and she got her best scholars to go in and try to protect the papacy, and Alcazar was one of them, and Francisco Ribera, and I’ll talk more about another man in his same school called Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, they just attacked and destroyed many great themes and apostolic doctrines that had been understood for a long time.
So he goes on and says, “The Jesuit Ribera, who actuated by the same motive as the Jesuit Alcazar,…” Remember, who took and threw everything into the past, called the Preterist or the Preterist school that is being taught now.
So, he goes on, he said,
- “As the Jesuit Alcazar sought to rid the papacy of the stigma of being called the Antichrist, and so referred the prophecies of the apocalypse to the distant future. This view was accepted by the Roman Catholic Church, and for a long time confined to it, strange to say, it has been wonderfully revived. The futurist interpretation of scripture is the one employed in this book.”
You’ve probably never been told that. I mean, there it is, you can go read it. What has happened, what is setting the stage to what’s gone on in our lifetime? We’re all excited in studying Bible prophecy and trying to figure out what’s going on here, and little did we know that without knowledge of the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, where all this stuff came from.
You haven’t been taught that all the Reformation fathers understood clearly that the little horn of Daniel chapter seven that we’re going to look at represented the rise of the papacy and its power. And you’re probably scratching your head going, “What in the world are you talking about here?” But I’m telling you, it’s historical fact, you cannot get around it. They all knew that the man of sin was not to come at the end of time. They knew he was going to be a dynasty. They understood the prophecies of Daniel that were unfolding.
And now, I’ve just introduced to you, and again, I assert these are facts, the fathers of the two most commonly taught schools now, and we’re going to get into the history of how all this toppled into Protestant theology. The history is stunning. We have names, we have dates, we have facts, we have key players, we have their attitudes, and just in a nutshell, most of you, when you turn on and you’re being taught prophecy, especially in the futuristic school, you’re being taught the prophecy of the Jesuit Ribera, you’re being taught the prophetic interpretation of the Roman Catholic Church. There’s just no way around it.
And there are other issues we’re going to talk about, dispensationalism, and Jewry, and all these things that are playing their hands and creating this most contorted situation where people are just throwing up their arms, going, this doesn’t make any sense. You know, we thought we were going to have a rapture in 1988, and I did a program here at Truth in History with Pastor Jennings one time where we pulled up a document that showed us over 240 date setters that have gone throughout history. We never learn, do we?
Let me read you the words of Peter. In the second epistle of Peter is again, all we’re doing right now is laying the foundation for a seminar that you will notice, I will make accusations. There will be times I will leave you hanging, and that is for a reason, because foundations are going to have to be set so that when we get into the book of Revelation, and we can start talking about 150 day years of the Mohammedans of the first woe, or the 391 day years of the Turkish hordes of the second woe, or the 10 day years of the church of Smyrna, or the three and a half day years of the witness, all these things, you will know what has been developing. You will know what has been taken place, but then you, by then, you will have the tools to follow and see exactly, I’m going to show you where we are in the book of Revelation.
I’m just going to tell you right now that we are going to walk through the seals, the trumpets, the vials, and we are in the epic of history right now where we are in transition somewhere in the sixth and seventh vial. And you might look at me and go, that’s impossible. I encourage you to not have contempt prior to investigation, which, if you do, it’s a guarantee of ignorance for a lifetime.
We’re going to be Berean. We’re going to search the scriptures. We’re going to find out whether these things are so.
But as I conclude my little introduction here, let me share with you the words of Peter. In the second epistle of Peter, chapter one, let’s start with verse 12. Verse 12.
- Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.
13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance;
14 Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.
15 Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.
16 ¶For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
19 ¶We have also a more sure word of prophecy;
Everything, and I interject here, everything we have in the New Covenant is based upon the law and the prophets.
- 19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
What I’m gonna present to you in the scriptures and history, we are gonna prove and we are gonna vindicate.
Right now, there are whole schools of thought speaking evil of it, because they speak and they teach that which they know not. I have sat down with some of them and looked them in the eye over and over the decades.
Now here, this is what’s happening.
- 2 Peter 2:3 And through covetousness (or greed) shall they with feigned words (or deceptive words) make merchandise of you: (The audience.)
We have empires, not just one, but several empires of superstition out there that with the truth of the Word of God and by the grace of God, we are gonna go after their pernicious ways, because they are making merchandise of you.