HomeEschatologySeven Facts that Led Me to Conclude the Seventh Week of Daniel was Fulfilled by Christ and His Apostles Log in


Seven Facts that Led Me to Conclude the Seventh Week of Daniel was Fulfilled by Christ and His Apostles — 2 Comments

  1. that abomination of desolation was first fulfilled by Antiochus just before the time of Christ when he threw out the things of God and replaced them with pagan idols. then mattathias killed some of those men to cleanse the temple. this was just before Jesus; i forgot the year.

    • I think the problem is people confuse the prophecy of Daniel 11:31 which was fulfilled by Antiochus as you say before Christ, with the prophecy of Daniel 9:26 and the second part of Daniel 9:27 which was fulfilled by the Romans in 70 AD with the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem. In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus was talking about the latter, Dan. 9:27, not the former, Dan 11:31. Dispensational futurists believe Daniel 9:26-27 are talking about the same thing as Daniel 11:31. It’s not the same thing at all but two entirely different prophecies.

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James Japan