The Jesuit Conspiracy Against Historic Bible Protestantism
This is the continuation and chapter 1 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke. The emphasis from the author is in ALL CAPS and my emphasis is in bold.
Dr. John Robbins noted that,
The irrationalism of Kierkegaard and Barth now governs most of the “thinking” of the majority of theologians and church scholars today. The attack upon the MIND in the twentieth century still has not let up in the twenty-first century. In fact it has spread into what are still called Bible-believing churches.
This is the basis of many of the problems that now afflict Christianity in North America today. Theistic evolution, which is irrational, has been pushed by many scholars who class themselves as Christians. The Jesuits have been at the forefront in teaching a form of evolutionary determinism which they believe will result in the church of all humanity.
The Jesuits are among some of the hardest working people, and hardest fighting people, that the world has ever seen. Few can match their tenacity and perseverance which they use to try to promote the blasphemous fiction that the Pope of Rome is the Vicar of Christ and Lord of the church.
The Jesuits, in their rigorous training, must obey their superiors without question. According (o the Constitutions of the Jesuits, they all must obey, “just as if they were a corpse, which allows itself to be moved and handled in any way.” 2 So the Jesuits all labor irrationally. They empty their minds of personal ambition and personal thinking; they follow their orders with complete abandonment of personal thought. They must labor with one view in mind, to bring the world to the feet of the Papal Man of Sin, no matter what it costs.
As Malachi Martin wrote,
As an institution (the Jesuit Order), it has always been bound to the papacy. Its professed members have always been bound to the Pope by a sacred oath of absolute obedience. For 426 years, they stood at the papacy’s side, fought its battles, taught its doctrines, suffered its defeats, defended its positions, shared its power, were attacked by its enemies, and constantly promoted its interests all over the globe. They were regarded by many as they regarded themselves, as “Pope’s Men.”3
* Martin, of course, in his book, claims that the Jesuits have changed. He claims that since 1965, the end of Vatican II, that the Superior General of the Jesuits, at that time, promoted the changes that some Jesuits were proposing, and that since then the goals of the Jesuit Order have changed, He claims that they are now promoting a universal church -a people’s church – not the ancient church of Rome.
One has to be completely irrational to believe all the magic, fictions and superstitions of Rome. (We will look at this irrationalism in more detail later.)
Almost all Protestants, up until the time of C. H. Spurgeon, believed that the Jesuits were out to destroy biblical Protestantism, and bring all “rebellious” churches back to Rome. Malachi Martin said as much when he wrote about the re-instatement of the Jesuit Order, after its suppression by a pope of Rome.
So the Jesuits made a huge commitment of men and labor, i.e. they conspired to ensure that papal infallibility would become a dogma of Rome. Martin also noted how the Jesuits were viewed by the world,
Such insults have been enshrined in the very languages of men. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, having given the basic meaning of Jesuit as a member of the Order, then supplies the negative meanings: “one given to intrigue or equivocation; a crafty person”; terms that are amplified by Dornseif’s Dictionary into “two-faced, false, insidious, dissembling, perfidious…insincere, dishonorable, dishonest, untruthful.” A Spanish proverb admonished people not “to trust a monk with your wife or a Jesuit with your money.”5 (emphasis added)
He also said that for too long those, in the higher echelons of the Roman Catholic church, have been suspected of quite worldly aims: of secret-almost cabalistic-designs on the rights, liberties and freedoms of ordinary people. Many a sincere modern Protestant is still convinced this is true.
Martin wrote all of his works in the latter part of the twentieth-century. His contention that, MANY a sincere modern Protestant is still convinced that there is a cabal, a conspiracy, to take over the world for the papacy, centered in the Vatican, is now probably less true than at any other time in Protestant history. Surely it is true that millions of North American “Christians” do not even know what a Protestant is;* that they view the Roman Catholic Church-State-System as merely another Christian communion; and as to “cabalistic designs or conspiracy,” there is scarcely a soul in North America today who believes that the Roman Catholic Jesuits are part of a conspiracy to overthrow what is left of Protestantism in America today.
The Jesuit Conspiracy has many tentacles. It would take an encyclopedia to cover the full extent of the cabalistic designs of the Jesuits. In this study only one area of Theology will be discussed; Eschatology, the doctrine of Last Things.
* Rick Warren, appearing on television with Piers Morgan, vaguely agreed with Morgan that Protestantism was dead. What Morgan, a Roman Catholic, was identifying as Protestantism, had nothing whatsoever to do with it. He was describing apostate humanism which has taken over some modern Protestant denominations. But Rick Warren did not seem to know any more than Piers Morgan about Historic Bible Protestantism.
1. Bonar and Hodge, Not What These Hands Have Done, Trinity Foundation, Unicoi, TN, Edited by Dr. John Robbins, 2005, p. 307.
2. British Church Newspaper, March 22, 2013, p. 5.
3. Martin, Malachi, The Jesuits, Linden Press, NY., NY, 1987, p. 35.
4. Ibid., p. 31-32.
5. Ibid., p. 28.
Continue to the next chapter: THE EXISTENCE OF A CONSPIRACY