The Scofield Bible Is “another Gospel”
This is another talk by Robert Caringola. I like him because he’s a former Roman Catholic like me who has found the truth of the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Scriptures, and is knowledgeable about both the history of the Protestant Reformation and the Jesuit led Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation.
In this article, Robert Caringola brings out a very interesting interpretation of 1 Thessalonians, 4:17, “to meet the Lord in the air.” I have never heard his interpretation before, but it makes sense to me because it’s based on meanings of the Greek words in the text. Just read the article or listen to the audio and find out what he says about it!
Welcome to Truth in History. My name is Robert Caringola, and what we’re going to talk about, and believe me, I’m going to fly by the seat of my pants on this one because there’s so much that could be presented, but I want you to leave edified, encouraged, and for some of you, what I’m going to show you in your Bible, it will stun you, it will change you. But the title of this message is, “Scofield Bible is Another Gospel.”
Now, I was going to title this, “Dispensationalism is a Thief of Understanding,” because when we talk about the Scofield Bible, you’re going to understand why I will reference it as a thief of understanding.
Now, I have mentioned several times when I teach, and even in my book, The Seventy Weeks, I believe, that I contend with no man’s person, but that which concerns only the words of truth. But as you will hopefully go from here and do some homework after hearing what I’ve presented, there’s a lot of problems with the character of Cyrus Scofield and his associates, and some of what we’re going to look at. But that’s not going to be the theme of what we want to look at.
I want to show you and just kind of give a basic picture, because most of you were raised on the notes of the Scofield Bible before you came into the truth. A lot of you were, I know, and that’s where you learned your dispensationalism. That’s where you learned your secret rapture. That’s where you went and bought your Clarence Larkin’s book, Dispensational Truth, but it’s far from anything near the truth, and we have dealt with that here at Truth in History several times.
When Jesus was asked, it’s pretty significant, “What shall be the sign of thy coming?” One of the first words out of His mouth was, “See that no man deceive you. ” The amount of deception around the coming of Christ is, and if you’ve been following Truth in History for years, and the works of myself, Pastor Jennings, other great ministries, Carl Tester, the elders here, you know we have exposed, documented, put it on a silver platter for you, the truth, and the errors, and their origins, and irrefutable rebukes of their false doctrines. Secret rapture is a big part of all this.
The Scofield Bible, I think published 1909, I just thought about that. I wasn’t even worried about all that etymological history of it and stuff because of where I want to go with this, but the secret rapture, it’s a heresy. There’s nothing secret about it as we’re going to see the resurrection of the dead, and we’re going to see some things that will forever change how you look at Paul’s message to the Thessalonians concerning this, and what I’m going to share with you, you will not find in the Scofield Bible. And I want to reiterate again that if you do your homework, you will find much, much reputation of the Scofield Bible, of dispensationalism, exposure of the man’s life. It’s all there for you if you want to educate yourself and find out what’s going on, and then you’ll walk away scratching your head and wonder why Dallas Theological Institute and others use the Scofield Bible.
“Take heed that no man deceive you,” Christ said. Modern dispensationalism, now I’m having to just mention things that I know many of you are familiar with, and a big part of its push in the 20th century, in the early decade of the 20th century, came about. It had been metastasizing all these errors, but it really got a big push in the publication of the Scofield Bible, and the Plymouth Brethren and stuff. In my book, The Seventy Weeks, and I know many of you have probably read it, but on page 31 I talk about how all this error came into the Protestant Church, which was prior to all these men, it was a historicist. It was a historicism.
They all knew that the unifying doctrine of the Reformation was that the papacy was the dynasty of the foretold Antichrist, or man of sin, or little horn of Daniel. The thought of an Antichrist yet to come in a seven-year tribulation is all dispensationalism, Scofieldism. It’s all Roman Catholic Jesuit counter-theology. It’s that whole mixed bag of soup put together into a poisonous potion that has devastated Protestantism, Evangelicalism, or all several isms out there.
We talk about the players, who they were, the Plymouth Brethren, John Nelson Darby, Scofield, William Kelly, and we’ll be mentioning some of these people. There was a process by which we turned from centuries of understanding into a world of fanciful speculation, into a world of the 70 weeks, instead of glorifying and proving that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, even pointing out the exact year it was prophesied that He would appear in His public ministry, to having the 70 weeks at the end of the age, Antichrist appearing, rapture here, rapture there. That’s all Scofieldism, dispensationalism. And there’s not near enough time to get into the mechanics of all that. I want to show you a couple examples of what that has taken from the body of Christ. And it is evil. It is evil, what it has done.
One thing about the big difference, what Scofieldism and these dispensationalists tried to do, and have been teaching, is they look at man’s 7,000 or 6,000 years of recorded history. And they say, well, we really have seven dispensations. I read about dispensations in the Word, and what the word really means about service and stuff. But they break it up and they say, well, we have innocence, conscience, human government, promise, law of Moses, grace of the New Testament, then the kingdom to come in a thousand year millennium. I don’t read that in my Bible.
As a matter of fact, when you read the Bible, you find out that God dealt with man in covenants, not in dispensations.
We have a covenant in Eden. We have an Adamic covenant with Adam. We have a covenant with Noah. We have an unconditional covenant with Abraham. We have a covenant with Moses. We have a covenant with David. And then we have a new covenant with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. That’s what your Bible teaches.
It’s just like Paul in his New Testament writings talked about a five-fold ministry of apostles, of prophets, of pastors, teachers, evangelists. Well, we have a massive apostasy that was prophesied and clearly defined in Daniel and the Revelation and in Paul’s writings that instead of that, we get nuns, priests, monsignors, cardinals, papacy. Where’d all that come from? Well, those of us who know our history know exactly where it came from.
And see, this is what happens when you start speculating and you start applying non-biblical understanding or conjectures of what you think the Bible is saying instead of just showing people the covenants of the Bible and watching them unfold. Behold, the days will come that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Not that I will grant them a new dispensation. That’s not what the Bible says, but that’s what these Scofieldites and dispensational people and Hal Lindsey’s and Scofield is wrong in much of his teaching. And why he got so popular was when his Bible came out, all the annotations and notes, people were reading the notes before they’d read the Bible and think they were getting correct interpretation. But as we’re going to see here, it was nefarious of what was happening around Scofield as all this was developing and who some of these players were. And again, I’m going to show you what were two examples, two great examples, of what was stolen from you. And believe me, I’ve written books on what was stolen from you. So has Pastor Jennings and others.
Scholars have looked at this and let me zip through this and have looked at the Scofield notes, compiled the theology of dispensationalism, its prophetic interpretations called futurism. These are in hand here. There’s a lot of devils involved, a lot of false doctrine, a lot of players. And we know our history. There’s a lot of enemies of the kingdom of God. And they write, and they’re liars because their leader is the father of lies.
Seven principal errors: First, we’ve been talking about that word dispensationalism. Antinomianism is the second. The false ideas of Antichrist, number three, those are dealt with in the 70 weeks in the present reign of Jesus Christ. This idea of Antichrist restricted to an individual at the end of the age is the lie of Francisco Ribera, rejected for centuries by Protestants. Until what I showed you, the players started reading their lies and other counter schemes. Then it evolved.
Men got lazy! They loved this fanciful speculation. The Plymouth Brethren, all this developing, all these Bible conferences, all these tracts, all these guys getting excited, something new. You know what you mean, “I don’t have to spend 20 years studying history? Oh, it’s all in the future!”
And boy, things happened. And the Scofield Bible fueled the fire that would ultimately produce a Hal Lindsey. Scofield Bible produced the fire that would produce a John Hagee. I’m not talking about these men’s lives. Don’t get me wrong. It’s what they’re touting and the poison that has been spewed and the theft of your understanding.
Secret Rapture is number four. Return of Jews to Jerusalem as they perceive it. And what they’re trying to tell you Jews are, Truth in History has made very clear. It’s been part of Pastor Jennings’ life to reveal to you the difference between, as we were warned in the Revelation, beware of them who say they are Jews but are not. They are the synagogue of Satan. That’s the Words of your Lord.
False teachings regarding the kingdom. Dispensationalists don’t have a clue what the kingdom of God is. And false hopes, probably the worst, is the false hopes for a batch of Jews in the coming millennium after the time of Antichrist and during the seven year tribulation. A false hope of another chance of salvation.
Let me show you one of the thefts. Let’s talk about this thing called the Rapture, the secret Rapture that’s so ingrained. It’s unbelievable. But, as I heard a man on the radio today talking about all this news unfolding about President Trump and Biden’s demise and he was wise and he said, remember, remember, remember, false news hits the airways before the truth and facts can be put together. They say a lie is heard all the way around the world before the truth can get its socks on in the morning. And that’s happened to us historically.
And by the way, the tree of liberty will bleed periodically. And we just saw last Saturday with the shooting of President Trump, a bulwark in the cry for the tree of liberty. We saw blood on his face. There’d been a lot of blood over the centuries. There’s more to come. A lot of folks going to die before things are settled.
But Paul writing to the Thessalonians in chapter four, verse 15, he says, “For this we say unto you by the Word of the Lord.” Paul said, I’m telling you what Jesus Christ would tell you if He was sitting here looking at you. “That we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep (or dead.)” The dead in Christ. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout.”
What’s the secret rapture all about? I’ll spell it for you. S-H-O-U-T. Shout!
“With the voice of the archangel, the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise first.” This is the time of the dead that Daniel saw. “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. ”
The Lord who will be our God walking in the midst of the new Jerusalem on this earth. He will be the sun and the moon and the stars and the light and the government. We will see and walk with our God.
Well, let’s look at a couple things here. Rapture says we’re going to fly ascend up and meet the Lord. Paul says the Lord Himself is going to descend. This will make more sense in a minute. He’s going to descend from heaven with a shout, voice of the archangel, the trump of God. Well, I guarantee you this one’s going to wake the dead.
“We, which are alive and remain,” we haven’t gone anywhere. I talk about that in the 70 weeks in this secret rapture and who’s taken and who remains. The wicked are destroyed from the earth. The righteous remain on the earth that is without end as Paul said, new heaven and new earth. There’ll be one, a better quality as the Greek tells us, but this planet’s not going anywhere.
“Shall be caught up together with them in the clouds.”
Now, if you will get your Strongs [concordance] out and begin to do some work…Years ago in the early eighties, when this was brought to my attention that there’s a word used here in this caught up, be caught up theme called Harpazo. H-A-R-P-A-Z-O. And we get it in the English, you know, is “coming up.” Well, if we are ascending out of our graves, but the old dead body’s not going to ascend, we’re going to appear in the heavenly body. As Paul said, there’s bodies terrestrial and there’s bodies celestial. And we were going to transform, this is going to die and be buried, and we will be manifested in our heavenly bodies, celestial bodies.
But the word Harpazo, remember it says, Christ is descending from heaven. We’re not flying up into heaven, it says Christ is descending. Where’s He descending to? Well, the Revelation tells us where He comes to. And He told you on the Mount of Olives, the angel said this same Jesus was just taken from you. He’s going to come back in like manner.
I had a chance of ministering and I cannot remember the brother’s name now. And he was from Greece, spoke many languages. And we were talking about this. He said, “Y’all don’t understand in your English language what this “caught up” is properly translated to mean in the context.
He was a big old boy. He said, “Brother Robert, come here.” So I stood up. We were all up on the stage at some event long time ago.
He grabbed me and He pressed me and just gave me a big old bear hug catching me up off my feet. He said, what that means is, “I have pressed you into me.”
That’s what Christ is going to do. In the resurrection, He’s going to harpazzo. He’s going to press us into Him after He descends.
And it will happen in the air, but here’s going to shock some of y’all. But we have in the Greek language a more perfect understanding of the word air because it’s two different words. We have the word spelled air, A-E-R (transliterated from Greek spelling), which is the atmosphere that we walk in. Ten feet and under, we walk in the air.
And then we have air used in the New Testament and I talk about this in my book, 70 Weeks Air, which is called the Oranos. O-R-A-N-O-S That’s the clouds. That’s the heavens. That’s where your airplanes fly. That’s where the birds fly. These words are never confused.
The word here is air, A-E-R. The atmosphere, ten feet or under, the atmosphere we walk on on this earth is where this pressing in and transformation will happen. And Christ in the clouds, over and over again in the language of the prophets, clouds are symbolizing God moving in power.
Paul was a prophet. I have articles in Truth in History currently about the language of the prophets. If you don’t understand it, you get dispensationalism.
They have stolen this from you. They’ve got you all thinking you’ll fly up into heaven, but that’s not what the Scriptures say. The righteous remain. The righteous inherit the earth. The righteous rule and reign forever. Forever means forever.
There’s your resurrection. No secret rapture. It is a lie. It has devastated more people. And now people that have been from the real crazy surge in the 1980s and stuff, they’re going, what’s going on here? Well, they should be questioning. I’ve been screaming bloody murder about this since 1981.
So, that was stolen from you because of the notes in the Scofield Bible. Because of those that we’re going to talk about here in just a few minutes. It’s another gospel. False hope for the second chance.
In a little pamphlet here from Emma Weston that I worked with for years on the Weston Study Bible, she’s quoting the Apostle Paul. And she reminds us that Paul says, “Though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” Remember, we’re warned. Teachers and preachers, you mess it up, you’re going to get a hard judgment. We’re going to have the most to answer for. You get out there preaching another gospel, you’re accursed. And we’re to tell you that.
As we said before, so say we now again, that ain’t the first time that came out of Paul’s mouth. “If any man preach another gospel unto you than ye have received, let him be accursed.” – Galatians chapter 1 verses 8 and 9.
Then in Acts 20 and 27, Paul said, “I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. I marvel that ye are soon removed from him that called you unto another gospel, another gospel, which is not another, but there be some who would trouble you, who would perverse the gospel of Christ.”
Paul said he declared the whole gospel of Christ. There’s nothing new to be declared. Dispensationalism says, “Oh yes, there is. A bunch of Jews are going to get a special dispensation after the first resurrection and the age of grace is over.” That’s a lie! That’s why it’s called another gospel. The Scofield Bible might as well just be another gospel Bible, with all its futurism, with all its dispensationalism.
Talk to them about it. Don’t be afraid to declare. And as I had mentioned in the message I just taught before this about the seven separations of Abraham, don’t be afraid to start a fire. You’re going to do it no matter what. But I’m glad somebody started a fire with me over 40 years ago. And thank God that I was given the ability to obey. For Christ said, without me, you can’t do anything. Period.
Here’s another example that you won’t find referenced in dispensationalist teachings. You won’t find referenced in the Scofield Bible. Let’s talk about the temple and all this talk about a new temple coming. And that’s all part of this other gospel of God honoring sacrifice again. And boy, we had tore into that here at Truth In History. Both Pastor Jennings and myself. How can people fall for this? But if you don’t know your Bible, if you don’t know the Scriptures… And I’ve often told Brother Charles, I said, “Unfortunately, it’s just who got to them first.
In 2 Thessalonians, let’s look at something here. They’ve got you all wound up thinking that a new temple is going to be built and red heifers are going to be sacrificed and God is going to honor this and this is that other gospel for the Jew. Which most of you don’t even have a clue who a Jew is anyway. Or a Gentile. You can’t rightly divide them in your mind because you haven’t been taught properly. You haven’t learned your Bible. You haven’t learned your history. You haven’t learned that Christ came only to marry His bride which is the house of Israel and the house of Judah and then there’s other aspects of this great salvation on the face of the earth.
I’m not alone folks. There’s a lot of men and women out there that are very much aware and are teaching and I rejoice in it. I rejoice in it. I see it more and more and more and I thank God for it.
Chapter 2 of 2 Thessalonians: “Let no man deceive you by any means.” I think Paul’s quoting Jesus Christ. Trying to get it through our thick skulls. Don’t let men deceive you, and you’re deceived and destroyed if you have lack of knowledge, and lack of knowledge usually comes from not studying your Bible to the measure of grace God gave you. We’re not all the same.
“That day shall not come except there come a falling away first.” And they have devastated that understanding. “and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposed and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God.”
Now, this is so simple it’s ridiculous but then again you have to do a little homework do a little word study and you begin you find out that in the New Testament writings when Paul uses the word temple or when it’s used in the Scriptures that there’s two Greek words for it. One is the heron H-E-I-R-O-N very well spelled out in the 70 weeks and the other is the naos N-A-O-S. The heron is when Scripture talks about Peter and John going to the temple to worship the word heron is used. It’s the building. The building. The Romans took care of that building in 70 A.D. It is no more. And in the new heavens and the new earth and in the new Jerusalem John said. “I saw no temple therein.”
Where are they getting this garbage from about a rebuilt temple? “Well see, it says right here that the man of sin goes into the temple!” Folks, the word Paul uses here – and he does not confuse them, they are not confused in the New Testament – is naos spiritual temple. You are the temple of God. You are the naos N-A-O-S. Paul said that the man of sin sits in the spiritual temple of God and shows himself as God.
It’s the popes of Rome that have said, “Who can I be but God?” and there are libraries full, and men are afraid to teach the truth. They are cowards. They would rather have another gospel. They refuse to separate and go into higher revelation and understanding. But they will give an account (to God).
There is a reconciliation coming. There is an age of correction evolving. And Truth and History (this podcast) is a big part of it. Tell somebody about it.
I have some great quotes from some very stout theologians, and you can find all this stuff very easily but I want to get to something that I think is important, and you are going to get a homework assignment. I found when Pastor Jennings asked me to do a little presentation on the Scofield Bible and I haven’t done anything near that, I’m just talking to you about some truths and trying to warn you to educate yourself. Ask your preachers about what about this Rapture and this caught up in the air, what about this temple, and this heron and naos and expect the left foot of fellowship. But good for you. But there will be some who will listen. God will prepare hearts. God will prepare, and out of the mouths of babes and sucklings he’s going to produce praise that’s going to get through to some of these, some their hearts are hardened, they believe a lie and we’ll just let God handle all that in the resurrection.
Now, when Pastor Jennings asked me to do a presentation on Scofield Bible, my eyes rolled back in my head and I said, “How in the world do I do that? Where do I start what do I do?” But then I remembered that I had in my files, and I’ve had it for decades tucked away, I had a folder here started with Scofield on it, something about Scofield, and the Lord quickened me, and I looked at this probably since I don’t know when, I don’t even remember where I got this from. I can’t even find it on the internet! I don’t know where I got this from, but I’m going to tell you what it is, and hopefully you can find it and dig it up, because I’m better at history books than I am computers. I’m like my brother Charles, old school. Carl and Matthew Dyer and Brother Paul and these others, we let them do all that fancy computer stuff. I’m staying in the books.
It’s an article entitled, “Arno the Wizard, The Man behind Scofield.” It’ll knock your socks off the information that’s in here. Let me read you just a quick excerpt then I’m going to show you some more about the article. He’s quoting a writer, Joseph Canfield, who wrote a book called “The Incredible Scofield.”
- “The tin man rattled, the straw man cowered, and the great Oz thundered amidst smoke and flames. But Toto pulled the curtain and Dorothy saw the snake oil salesman from Kansas at the controls.”
Sounds like Barack Obama doesn’t it?
- “Like the great Oz, C.I. Scofield was an imposing figure in the early 20th century. He was revered for the genius reverend, for the genius of his novel footnotes.”
He was a prolific writer, I’m not saying he wasn’t.
- “But research has pulled the curtain on the Kansas con man. We now know who actually wrote the notes, and created the illusion of the patriarch of the dispensationalist movement. If you had been on second street in the lower East Side of New York in 1896, you could have walked into the office of the Zionist publication Our Hope, and met its editor Arno Gaebelein. He would have been busy at his typewriter surrounded by stacks of his magazine awaiting the delivery.”
Frank Gaebelein, Arno’s son, it goes on and talks about as this story is developed, comes clean. the man behind Scofield is another big part of this article. Another section of it, Arno Gaebelein again, the man behind Scofields. What’s going on here? Another section Arno’s support team again the man behind Scofield and the support team that put this Scofield Bible together! They were Zionists! What was their goal? What were they trying to do? Arno and the aristocrats – this is all documented too – Arno and King James the man behind Scofield. Arno does Dallas, the man behind Scofield. Then you get into how all this evolved, and one of the biggest promoters of the Scofield Bible Dallas Theological Seminary.
I heard when the Seventy Weeks was first published decades ago, word got back to me that seminary students at Dallas Theological Institute were putting this in a brown bag and passing it around to each other, but they didn’t want to get caught with the book. Hopefully we bailed some of them out, not enough evidently.
Now the thing is, I have no idea and I apologize I have no idea where I got this from, but it’s documented, you’ve got the references the writers, the books and there’s the story. You know, if the tree is rotten the fruit is rotten. And so we know the story behind dispensationalism, Scofield. We know the story behind the poisoning of the Seventy Weeks of Ribera, and putting that seven years in the future. We know the story behind stealing from you the understanding of the seals, the trumpets, and the vials and the Revelation, and the glorious divine time measures that apply, and how the woes intervene, and how the great Reformation chapters of 10 and 11, and above all we know that the story was twice told!
That’s all been taken from you. All been taken from you because of these characters. I challenge you, do your homework. Paul said what now have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth? I’ve become a lot of people’s enemies but that’s alright. I’m going to stand before Christ. I’m not standing before them and I will not back down. And we will as President Trump said “fight, fight, fight!! Because we’re called into a fight, we’re called into a war, we’re called to expose the enemy. And I hope that raised some flags. I hope that gave you because there’s so much that we could talk about I’m surprised Pastor Jennings didn’t jump in here.
Be blessed, do your homework. If you watched the message prior to this on the seven separations of Abraham, don’t be afraid to be separated for the gospel of the kingdom because then Christ will take you in to more truth than you’ll know what to do with for the rest of your life, and you’ll know what real freedom is.
God bless you.