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The Thesis of the Jesuit Francisco Ribera — 4 Comments

  1. Fransisco Ribera is the originator of this 7 year tribulation. In the 1800s John Darby came across his writings, tweaked it and published it. Guess what? THEY BOTH WERE WRONG and deceived MILLIONS. Why? They cheated on the so called seven years. Daniel’s prophetic days are ONE DAY = ONE YEAR. The so called “man of sin” is Ba’al/Bel of Babylon a FALLEN ANGEL who appeared to the FALSE PROPHET MUHAMMAD. If people had just calculated the prophecies using GOD’S FORMULA he gave us they would have known who is who. Ba’al/Bel isn’t just some idol but a real true demonic chief prince aka demonic spirit KING that reigns in the spirit realm that ONCE HAD the same authority as Michael and GABRIEL and even GADREEL aka Satan the dragon. Satan the dragon turned his power, throne and great authority over to Ba’al/Bel who now sits and reigns in MECCA from inside the KAABA STONES. I bet you didn’t know Mecca means MOTHER OF SETTLEMENTS. What does Revelation 17 say about the Harlot? She is the MOTHER of ALL Harlots. If you want to know the full truth I advise you to read and try to prove it wrong. Not a single person has been able to disprove what the Lord has shown me and a few others.


  2. Ribera was not the first to have a “pre-trib” view, many of the early Church fathers held this same position. Ribera has been singled out as the father of this view for two reasons: one, he was a Jesuit and two, no one has really ever heard of him nor has read his writings. Every time you see his name it’s tied with a conspiratorial tone of “Ribera the Jesuit” created this view to shield the Papacy from the truth that the RCC is the anit-Christ… No modern person has read his book, all I ever see is supposed citations from someone that quotes his book from the 1800’s, but never any proof it’s from his book, you can’t find a copy of his book, and as many times as it’s been referenced, you’d think someone would republish it just as original source material. Ribera is the bogyman in the “I heard it from my friend who heard it from his cousin who heard it from their step father…” He’s a guy that wrote a commentary that repeated ideas held over a thousand years before he was born…yet it’s claimed by modern people that it’s an idea he created out of whole cloth in order to cover the true existence of the anti-christ residing in the Vatican.

    • Just because some early Church “fathers” have held the position of a pre-tribulation rapture still doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the truth. I don’t see the Bible teach it. If you say it does, where does it teach it? I need a book, chapter and verses. We should go by what the canon of Scripture says and not just what some preacher or early Church person says it says. I’ve been there, done that, and learned my lesson not to take the word of some preacher what I know the Bible actually says.

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