Explanation of Al Qaeda from a young man from Pakistan
On the train today I noticed a foreigner across the aisle and sat next to him. His darker skin and features told me that he is probably from Pakistan, which he confirmed. I told him that I am a Christian and he replied that his wife is Christian and from Peru. He asked me what I thought about the preacher guy, Terry Jones, who threatened to burn the Koran on September 11. I said I don’t like people who go out of their way to make trouble between two cultures, nations, or religions.
The most interesting part of the brief 10-minute conversation was the man’s explanation of “Al Qaeda”. He said this is a name given by the West to anybody in Pakistan they don’t like. It’s comparable to calling a person in Japan “Yakuza” or somebody in America, “Mafia” even if they are not actually a member of any organized crime syndicate. This confirms what I already felt about the term “Al Qaeda.” It exists only in the mind, a tool of mind control to cause fear, and is part of the Hegelian Dialectic method to conquer the world. Thesis (the status quo the elite wants to change) versus antithesis (artificially created problems) which results in synthesis — solves the conflict between the thesis and antithesis — the New World Order.