Sharing Christ with a Convicted Criminal on Death Row
Patrick and Norah Pakai
The testimony in this article is from my Facebook friend, Patrick Pakai, a pastor in Zimbabwe, one of the poorest nations in Africa since the evil Robert Mukabe took the farms away from the white farmers and destroyed the economy through greed and corruption. I was so impressed with how Patrick talked to this prisoner I had to share it!
Today I was asked to speak the word of God to a prisoner on death row, condemned to be hanged any day for many crimes he commited against humanity. This huge guy was seated there motionless, with red threatening eyes,like he wanted to break my bones with his huge bare hands. I greeted him and he did not answer or moved. I introduced myself as a Pastor and that I had brought the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ to him. He looked at me straight in my eyes and said, “Pastor, you are so late with your Jesus, its too late now, am facing death and your Jesus can not save me from death. Even you can not help me in any way, so pastor, get out of this place right now because I dont want to see you.
I said a quick prayer and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit giving me strength and words of wisdom. I said to him, “My brother, I understand you and I will be out here soon, but you are telling me that you are sentenced to death, now tell me my brother, Who in the world is not going to die? We all carry the sentence of death upon us, the only difference is the time and how we will die. As I am talking to you right now this minute, a thousand people have died in the whole world. And before they hang you, thousands will be dead in the world, and the judge who has judged you will die one day and the hang man will also die. So you see my brother, we all carry the sentence of death upon us, but what matters is we do not have to die without Jesus Christ in our lives because hell is certain for those who die without Christ. And today I am not late to you,you are blessed that I have come to present Jesus Christ to you while you are still alive. I am so sad that I am late to many others who have already died without Christ for they will spend eternity in hell. So my brother,Jesus loves you and He wants to be with you forever in paradise”.
As I was speaking to him, I saw tears coming down from his eyes, I did not invite him to kneel down, but he was there on the floor on his knees and pleading with me to lead him to Christ. Oh what an amazing time as I hold his huge hands and began to pray for him. One soul added to the Kingdom, praise the Lord.
(End of testimonial)
Please see Patrick’s posts on Facebook: