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Abraham Lincoln’s views about Rome, the Pope, the Vatican, the Jesuits and their influence on American society — 21 Comments

    • You know how much I love and respect DBB and how much I value his opinion on issues, but I’m sorry to say I think he was wrong on this one. It’s perfectly understandable why. DBB was raised in the deep South and therefore predudiced against Lincoln. DBB apparently didn’t know about Jesuit influence. He apparently never read Samuel Morse’s book, “Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States” http://jamesjpn.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Samuel_Morse_A_FOREIGN_CONSPIRACY.pdf For if he did, he would know that it was the Jesuit’s who caused the American Civil War. Morse was a friend of Lincoln. Even if one ignores all the above, the fact is the civil war started when the South attacked the North! It was the South who first resorted to violence.

    • The other day I met a chose friend from Arkansas, one of the States that found against the Union in the American Civil war, and asked him what he was taught about Lincoln and the Civil war when a child in elementary school. He replied he was taught to respect Lincoln and that the South was mistaken! I didn’t find this same attitude from the locals in Biloxi Mississippi when I was there in 1970! Apparently not every southern state or everybody in the deep south was taught negatively about about Abraham Lincoln.

  1. A lot of southerners were Irish Catholics. Just as John F Kennedy was expected to obey the Pope, so were they. In fact, nobody tells Americans what to do–especially whites. That is why Obummer took the last election: put in by brainless blacks and Spanish.

  2. Interesting article, and not too surprising. With thanksgiving day a couple of days off, here is a reminder of why Lincoln declared it a national holiday. It was due to the arrival of America’s only ally in the Civil War – the Pacific and Atlantic Russian fleets into the harbors of San Francisco and New York City. The reason was to protect us from the British and French who were massing armies in Canada and Mexico to support the south and divide up the country after the war was lost. This is a subject that is never spoken of in this country. Listen to Webster Tarpley’s speech on CSPAN a few days ago – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLB1umCHaqw

    Of course Britain was close to the Vatican after being awarded Ireland on the stipulation that the Irish never learn their true history. Not surprisingly, Lincoln and Czar Alexander were both murdered not long after, with Booth’s group supported by at least 4 Canadian banksters. As we now know, Booth’s father wrote one of the first threatening letters to Andrew Jackson after Jackson dissolved the Second National Bank of the United States. It is equally not surprising that New York banksters of New York funded the Bolshevik Revolution. Relation to the Vatican – well, banksters are banksters, nothing else need be said.

  3. Great website, full of good information. I have linked your website from mine, thanks for sharing and keep up the great work God bless for he is a gracious and amazing creator and father amen!

  4. i /we know the vtican is the whore of RE17-5 some peopl are amazed by my faith in CHRIST JESUS
    I say the whole world combined can offer nothing churches people govts returned servicemens clubs
    but a hole in the ground here lie the bones of john brown a victim of the system
    good work you can kill the soldier but not the idea thou you reach in to the grave
    where is the idea in the mist of time you seek but can not find
    i have destroyed my eemies from beyond the grave

  5. 2 big issues never mentioned feminization of western men by TV media popular music culture pornography
    who will tell you[[ she some women have balls]] insult to men and women every 2 yr old know thisis false
    feeble diseased senile leaders of churches legal systems governments nuns priests forbiden to marry
    nuns priest forbidden to marry spreading their diseases in society
    scorched earth policies implemented by the Vatican the combined churches
    those who will not work shall not eat

  6. were some of big stuff ups by the north in the american civil war brainless generals drunks or paid off by the vatican
    also in ww2 thousands of Jews lined up to get shot no resistance out numbered Germans hundreds to 1 compared to Warsaw up rising

  7. Hi James.

    My name is Earl Wallace, pastor of Liberty Christian Fellowship Church in upstate NY.

    Ever read Samuel Adams’ “American Independence” speech, the 3rd paragraph of which says, America’s Founders knew they were overthrowing the influence of popery in politics, just as their Reformation forefathers had overthrown popery in religion by making the Bible available to all. (Download your PDF copy of Samuel Adams’ “American Independence Speech” by using this link: http://www.libertycf.org/lcf-may-26-2019-memorial-day…/)

    Our challenge today is that all stratum and levels of American government, form the school board to the Supreme Court have been taken over by non-Bible believing “religious” people, of whom Catholics are chief. When Catholics, Anglicans, and Episcopalians get elected to public office or appointed as judges or cabinet members, we think we are getting people who have a Biblically-based “conservative” value system. What we get instead, however, is a person who actually is a secular humanist, who believes that man is the authority and final arbiter on all matters. This view is a reflection of the Catholic Church’s & Vatican’s doctrine that the Pope is Vicker of Christ or Christ on earth! Thus they believe their man-made counsel of Trent can define what the Bible means, as they claim to speak for God, despite what the Bible actually says.

    An example of this is what happened in 1961, when Roy Torcaso wanted to be a notary public in Maryland but he was denied as he refused to make “a declaration of belief in the existence of God,” as required by Maryland’s State Constitution, Article 37.

    The case, Torcaso v Watkins (1961), went to the Supreme Court where Justice Hugo Black (one of what I call the “Supreme Court Constituion Busters” appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt) creatively used the 14th Amendment to usurp jurisdiction of religion away from the States.

    He included a footnote which has since been cited authoritatively in subsequent cases. We should keep in mind, that under the US Constitution, the Supreme Court does not make law, congress does! So when law schools teach “case law” they are part of the Constitution busting system designed to destroy the most Judeo-Christian, Biblically based government and culture to ever exist on earth!

    Justice Hugo Black’s footnote which has since been cited authoritatively in subsequent cases is as follows:

    “AMONG THE RELIGIONS in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, SECULAR HUMANISM and others.”

    Supreme Court Justice Scalia wrote in Edwards v. Aguillard (1987):

    “In Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488, 495, n. 11 (1961), we did indeed refer to ‘SECULAR HUMANISM’ as a ‘religion.'”

    After recognizing SECULAR HUMANISM as a religion, in order to not prefer one religion over another, the courts proceeded to expel God.

    Thus, they…

    • Dear Pastor Earl, please continue what you were saying in your comment. I appreciate it. I doubled the limit of characters. Thank you for your comments!

  8. Presently reading a very detailed biography of Lincoln by David Herbert Donald, there is a quote of a German-American Republican leader in Illinois who said Lincoln was no match for the Jesuits and sophists like Stephen Douglas. I agree there is a subversive element to Jesuit education from what I’ve seen. Also, our leaders in the most prominent positions are Catholic like Biden, Pelosi, Burns who heads CIA, the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Menendez, and 6 or 7 or the 9 Supreme Court justices, the other two are Jewish. Then on TV there’s all the race baiting and fake news stirring up emotions among the goyim. One could take a guess at who owns those 5 or 6 corporations that control everything on TV. Thank you for putting up the great President Lincoln’s views. He is somebody every American should study.

  9. Lincoln was Marx’s pen pal, jailed journalists with dissenting views and trashed our Constitution. He was basically Obama-Biden version 1.0. I wouldn’t use him as a reason to support anything positive.

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