“Medical Experts Are Being Systematically Silenced” – Dr. Robert Malone
This is a transcription of a YouTube of a talk by Dr. Robert Malone.
What we’re experiencing is a coordinated media warfare, the level of which we have never seen before. And I in my peers have never seen this level of coordinated propaganda. Now you’re going to the next level of WTF. The BBC announced to the world last fall, that this organization that they had led the development of, which ties together big tech, and big media, in service of the government, and was built expressly for the purpose of protecting democracy, and voting integrity, from undue influence from hostile offshore players through media information campaigns – which you’ll recall was the claim that was made against Russia. And so this was the response of the Western nations to build this new structure called the Trusted News Initiative that would survey all information about elections, and prevent the intrusion of foreign information into the democratic process in the creation of undue influence by foreign actors.
Shortly after it was created, there was an awareness in the pharmaceutical industry, that this could be used to address a particular devil challenge that they had, which was the pejorative label anti-vaxxers. That’s also been deployed against climate-skeptics. So anti-vaxxers is the label that is used to basically take anybody out that is raising any concerns about vaccine safety. It’s the pejorative that’s applied and it makes it really easy for the media to basically take off the table, anybody that saying something that is contrary to the interests of the vaccine industry.
So there was a decision that this same toolkit, the same integrated international media and high tech organization, led by the BBC, would be pivoted to resisting vaccine, misinformation and disinformation. And they put out a proud press announcement last fall that this was what they’re gonna do. And they defined these things, misinformation, and disinformation as anything, which was going to lead to vaccine hesitancy, and which was contrary to the official statements of the World Health Organization or their respective national health organizations. So if CDC says, The World is Flat, then the world is flat, and there will be no discussion about whether or not the world is flat. I’m using obviously a simplified, silly example. So whatever the CDC or Tony Fauci or Tedros (Director-General of the World Health Organization), etc, says, is truth, by definition. And any information or discussion, which is contrary to that truth will be suppressed, it will be deleted, and those people that are expressing these opinions, which to summarise would be informed consent, that information will not be allowed, and those people that are spreading that information will not be allowed to interact in the public sphere, in social media.
If you want to unpack this whole thing. It starts by understanding the Trusted News Initiative (TNI). Now that’s the starting point. But it doesn’t explain the global coordination because TNI is mostly Western. And it doesn’t cover a lot of the other Latin America, for instance, or Spain, or Israel. And the only way that I can understand how all of this messaging censorship, de-platforming, what it really is, is canceling. And Bobby Kennedy makes the point that the first real example of cancel culture that we can track is Tony Fauci, canceling the esteemed virologist Peter Duesberg, because he was raising questions about the origin of HIV and its role in the disease called AIDS.
Now we have a more recent example of this cancel culture as it’s played by NIH, and by Tony, in the emails that came out recently, when you have Cliff Lane, Tony Fauci, and director of the NIH, Francis Collins, basically coming out and saying that they’re going to ridicule and destroy fringe epidemiologists. And what was their sin that warranted a concerted effort on the part of the federal government to destroy them? Their sin was raising questions about the effectiveness of vaccine lockdowns. And who were these fringe epidemiologists, as stated by Francis Collins, who by the way, has no background in epidemiology or public health. Okay, he’s a sequencing guy. But who are these three fringe epidemiologists? Well, they happen to be full professors from obscure universities, Oxford, Harvard, and Stanford. They were warning about lockdowns in the Great Barrington declaration. That’s what prompted that. So these three esteemed high profile, academic epidemiologists came together and did an analysis, comprehensive analysis about everything that was known about lockdowns and their impacts during infectious disease outbreaks. And they came out with a specific statement. You can find it in the web lookup Great Barrington Declaration, and they came out with a specific statement that these lockdowns were going to cause more harm than help, which was contrary to the messaging that was being put out by Tony.
(End of transcription.)
This YouTube may be taken down at any time, but the message in text from it will remain on this website as long as I have any breath left in me.