Pope Francis the Fox – Richard Bennett’s Newsletter Reviewed by Tom Friess Part I
In the video, Tom Friess of Inquisition Update is sharing a newsletter by former Catholic priest Richard Bennett of Berean Beacon. There are a lot of insights in this post about Pope Francis’ agenda for the world. It turns out that idea behind Klaus Schwab’s “You’ll own nothing and be happy” statement may have originally come from the Vatican!
You can also read Richard Bennett’s entire newsletter Pope Francis the Fox from the Berean Beacon website.
Good morning everyone, welcome to another edition of Inquisition Update. My name’s Tom Friess and I’ll be your host for the next hour.
Yesterday on the program we concluded our reading of Richard Bennett’s book, the second book that I’ve read of his here on Inquisition Update, entitled The Foundations Under Attack, The Roots of Apostasy. I hope my listeners availed themselves of the vital information contained in that book and will act upon it.
And this morning we’re going to move on with a newsletter that I received from Richard Bennett from bereanbeacon.org. Richard Bennett is a gloriously reformed Roman Catholic priest who I highly admire and respect and trust.
And along about May 30th I received this newsletter from Richard as I’m subscribed to his newsletter, but I hesitated to interrupt the reading of Michael de Semlyen’s book to read it and discuss it and I put it on the back burner until I finished the book. So this morning we will read and discuss Richard Bennett’s insights into the current Antichrist in Rome, Pope Francis I, and this work by Richard Bennett entitled Pope Francis the Fox by Richard Bennett. Now first before I even begin reading I want to remind my listeners that Pope Francis, Antichrist Francis I, is a Jesuit priest and he’s part and parcel of the Counter-reformation, a Jesuit-led Counter-reformation to destroy Protestantism.
He is a world-class criminal and my opinion is that in lieu of or to evade prosecution from his world-class crimes in Argentina, they elected him Pope so that he could not be prosecuted. Remember the papacy cannot be prosecuted by any jurisdiction in the world. The Pope claiming sovereignty and supremacy and the office of Vicar of Christ and just as Christ can be judged by no man, neither can the Pope be judged or tried by any court of man.
So they hustled him off to Rome and he’s now the Antichrist of the world and he’s unable to be prosecuted. But that doesn’t mean we can’t tell the truth about him, right? Richard Bennett is all about telling the truth about Pope Francis I and Pope Francis I recently wrote an encyclical entitled Laudato Si, Mi Signore, which means Praise be to you my Lord on the Common Care of our Home. This is a blasphemous work by this Antichrist and lauding the earth upon which we live as our sister and our mother.
I’ll read the text of this email, newsletter, and you be the judge of where, what platform the god of this world sits. In Pope Francis’s encyclical entitled Laudato Si, Mi Signore, which means praise be to you my Lord, and the remaining of the title is on the common care of our home, the Pope identifies himself as the “Holy Father” and as a Christian. Nevertheless, Francis teaches the following in his encyclical,
“In the words of this beautiful canticle, St. Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home, that is the earth, is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us.”
Quoting further, he says,
“Praise be to you my Lord through our sister mother earth who sustains and governs us and who produces various fruit with colored flowers and herbs.”
I mean, the New Agers would love that one, wouldn’t they? Is Pope Francis endorsing the idea that the earth, “governs” us rather than the Lord? Nowhere in the Bible is the earth called mother or sister. This is demonic theology rooted in the, “Mystery religion of Babylon.”
Anthropomorphizing the earth, especially as female, has always been a mark of pagan and satanic worship. As Alexander Hislop points out, and I’ll remind my listeners, Alexander Hislop is the author of the book, The Two Babylons, which we read years ago here on Inquisition Update, an essential book for my listeners, for your libraries. Richard says,
- “As Alexander Hislop points out, ‘It has been known all along that popery was baptized paganism, but God is now making it manifest that the paganism which Rome has baptized is, in all its essential elements, the very paganism which prevailed in the ancient literal Babylon.'”
So the Roman Catholic Church, the faith of the Roman Catholic Church is simply a Christianized version, a baptized version of that abomination which existed in Babylon.
Now, Pope Francis is first and foremost a Jesuit, says Richard Bennett. As a Jesuit, he is known to be cunning as a fox.
In the third paragraph of the encyclical, he clearly specifies a crisis and targets his intended audience.
“Now, faced as we are with global environmental deterioration, I wish to address every person living on this planet about our common home.”
It remains to be seen, then, why Pope Francis has so early in his reign come forth with a statement of gross paganism as part of his supposedly Christian worldview.
And first of all, in my opinion, it should be very telling what position the papacy occupies in this world to audaciously assume to lecture the whole world about this creation. And that’s what he asserts to do. And no other power on earth does this but the papacy.
Now, under the subtitle Biblical Truth, here’s what Richard Bennett says.
- “The truth is that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
And I want to ask the question to my listeners, where was the Pope when God created the heavens and the earth? He didn’t exist, did he? It says, as the Bible states, “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
These foundational words aside, Pope Francis has chosen instead to quote 13th century Catholic Saint Francis’ pagan understanding of the issue. Therefore, it cannot be by accident that Pope Francis has chosen to cover his papacy in the supposedly benign robes of Francis of Assisi. Under the subtitle Basic Untruth, the author writes,
- “A major fact to be considered is that Pope Francis believes in his absolute authority. As his own Roman Catholic Church teaching proclaims that the Supreme Pontiff, in virtue of his office, possesses infallible teaching authority.”
Now, listen. This is words directly from Roman Catholic canon law. This is Roman Catholicism proper. In the Roman Catholic Church, it is taught that the Supreme Pontiff, that is the Pope, in virtue of his office, let me explain what that is, the office of the papacy continues after a Pope has died, and is simply occupied by a successive Pope. But they remain Popes, and the office remains no matter who is seated in the throne. So, when I say that the Antichrist is the office of the papacy, Roman Catholic canon law acknowledges this! As his own Roman Catholic Church teaching proclaims that the Supreme Pontiff, whoever he is, in virtue of his office, possesses infallible teaching authority.
Now, let me analyze this a little further for you. The Pope possesses, it says, infallible teaching authority. Now, we all know man is fallible, isn’t he? Every man is fallible. Only God himself is infallible, and so to claim one of the unique attributes of God upon a man is blasphemy, is it not? Now, if this Pope is, as he attests, infallible, and a teaching authority, who does he replace? The Holy Spirit. Jesus said, I must go away, for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come. But if the Comforter come, He will teach you all things.
And we can assume, rightly, that He will teach infallibly, too, won’t he? Further, we know His teaching is infallible when His teaching is commensurate, or perfectly in align, with God’s written Holy Word. And never does the Holy Spirit teach contrary to the written Word of God. But does this so-called infallible teacher (the Pope) teach according to the written Word of God? Absolutely not.
Another aspect of this that needs to be brought out, if the world accepts the papacy, or even allows the papacy to assume infallibility in teaching, well, then common sense dictates that he should be in control of all education, as the supreme teaching authority in the world. And I’ll let my listeners do their own research to find out how many Roman Catholics have occupied the office of the Secretary of Education in this country. And that’s why our schools are anti-Christ in their teaching.
They teach evolution, they don’t teach creation. They’re not even allowed to teach it. Who is in authority over our schools but this so-called self-styled infallible teaching authority, the papacy, that teaches that the earth is our mother and our sister?
Before the program, I heard some talk about the moral decay of our country, and that millennials could overthrow the Constitution of the United States because of their lack of moral compass. And then the question was posed, how should we restore morality in this country? Well, according to Pope Francis, it would be to believe in his infallible teaching authority. But we know from the reading of Scripture that if we wish to improve or reverse our moral decay in this country, we must return to true biblical Christianity, which is diametrically counter to Roman Catholic canon law and Roman Catholic teaching and this so-called infallible teaching authority. You want to reverse the decline in morality in this country? Restore true biblical Christianity.
Now, the author continues. He says,
- “However, the reality is that Jesus alone possesses all power and teaching authority. As Christ himself proclaimed, ‘All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.’
It says again, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.” Now, who gave him this power? His father. And that wasn’t the pope. The author continues. He says,
- “Thus does Jesuit Francis, having first covered himself in the pagan mantle of Francis of Assisi, attempt to usurp divine authority in a claim that is totally counterfeit.
Another example of this Roman Catholic counterfeited authority by Pope Francis is seen in the following. Francis professes to impart Christ by masses and the Holy Spirit by sacraments, including his current idea that, “as Christians,” we are also called to, “accept the world as a sacrament of communion.” Listen again. “To accept the world as a sacrament of communion, as a way of sharing with God and our neighbors on a global scale.”
The world is a sacrament? Where is that in the Bible? It’s not. Now, he says,
- “Where is there any evidence of Scripture truth and the gospel in this spiritually blind papal teaching? The Scripture commands each man to repent and to believe the gospel. But no man can do this without conviction of the Holy Spirit. Yet these elementary facts are silently set aside as the Pope expands his argument by stating that the papacy’s worldview is relevant for today. However, his teachings end up in totalitarianism.”
If you follow the papal logic, if you follow the papal teaching, which is regarded as infallible, then you can only conclude that being infallible, and that he is the only infallible source in the world, that he has a right to totalitarian government. That’s where this is leading.
Now, Francis starts with our supposed sin against, “sister earth,” as the encyclical states, and moves in an entirely unbiblical direction.
This sister, that is, the earth, now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air, and in all forms of life.”
Francis’ stated view is utterly pathetic, says Richard Bennett. The Bible states,
- “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds, who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of majesty on high.”- Hebrews 1:1-3
The Bible states the facts. Contrarily, Francis teaches that the heaven and the earth are parts of the Lord God. This is utterly pagan philosophy. This is, I will add, deification of the earth. That is, making gods of the creation. What does it say in Romans chapter 1? Those who worship the creation more than the creator. This is profane, according to scriptural teaching. This is blasphemy. It’s paganism. It’s idolatry.
And it robs the glory that is owed to the Creator and places it on His creation. Now, this is right up the Pope’s alley, because he is a creation, is he not? He’s a man. He’s a flesh and blood man. He was created in the Garden of Eden. And the deification of the creation is exactly what Popery is. A deification of a sinful, wicked, infinitely sinful and wicked human being.
And I even hate to use that term. The Bible calls us man, not human beings. We are men, created in the image and likeness of God. But we are in rebellion. And there’s no more rebellion ever expressed in the world today than in this man, sinful and wicked and desperately wicked, according to the scriptures, that asserts himself as an infallible teacher in the world and leads the whole world astray.
The deification of the creation – That’s the root definition of paganism. Every time you see in history a pagan religion, if you study it carefully, it’s always worship of the creation and ignorance of the creator.
This is what sets biblical Christianity apart from all other religions. It worships the Creator only. Pope Francis would have us believe that the earth is our mother and our sister, when the truth is that God is our Father. And the whole purpose of man is to keep His commandments. To love God and keep His commandments. That’s the whole purpose of man.
Would Pope Francis, being a man, keep the commandments of God? No. Instead, he usurps God’s throne and places his infallibility and holiness upon himself, calling himself blasphemously as Holy Father. Now, Pope Francis’ cunning conjectures. The author continues.
- “What must be understood is that Francis’ encyclical, with its elevated and inspiring tone in pursuit of ethical excellence, is heavily laden with all the classical assumptions of the papacy. Principally, what is being presented in the encyclical is an idealized plan for the world. It is based on the Vatican’s view of both what the world presently is and what it could be, as if the Pope were the temporal Lord Director of all things spiritual, political, and economic.
The whole argument of the encyclical hangs upon the veracity of its alleged self-evident axioms. However, the assumptions are false. If Pope Francis wants to be a prophetic voice in the modern world, allegedly speaking on Christ’s behalf, then his assumptions must be evaluated according to the measure given in the Word of God, namely, to the law and to the testimony. If they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them. (Isaiah 8:20.)
So if Pope Francis is to be taken with any authority in the world at all, then he must speak according to the gospel. He must speak according to the law and to the testimony. That’s the Old Testament and the New. Does Pope Francis speak according to the law and to the testimony? No.
Now, I want to add before I continue that the reason I value and respect Richard Bennett so much is that being a Reformed Roman Catholic priest, he has had much learning in Latin, and these papal encyclicals and every other papal authoritative writing is written in Latin. It’s to be read by those who can read and understand Latin to get the correct interpretation.
If one were to tell us what is basically at the root of these encyclicals, it would take someone like Richard Bennett who can read Latin to read it and interpret it for us. And that’s why I trust Richard Bennett. So, continuing with this encyclical, it says, or rather Richard Bennett’s assessment of it, he says,
- “Principally, what is being presented in the encyclical is an idealized plan for the world. Inherent in that is that the Pope is the world leader, king of kings and lord of lords. It is based on the Vatican’s view of both what the world presently is and what it could be as if the Pope were the temporal lord director of all things spiritual, political, and economic. The whole argument of the encyclical hangs upon the veracity of its alleged self-evident axioms. However, the assumptions are false. If Pope Francis wants to be a prophetic voice in the modern world, allegedly speaking on Christ’s behalf, then his assumptions must be evaluated according to the measure given in the Word of God, namely, ‘To the Law and to the Testimony. If they speak not according to this Word, the Law and the Testimony, it is because there is no light in them. – Issaiah 8:20′”
So if Pope Francis speaks contrary to the written Word of God, what we call the Old and the New Testaments, then there is no light in him. My assertion directly is this. The papacy is the prince of darkness in this world.
Now, continuing,
- “The Lord Jesus Christ was emphatic that Scripture is absolute truth, that it cannot be refuted. As Scripture states, ‘Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.’
Thus, from the outset, it becomes clear that Pope Francis is an imposter with an objective. He’s a counterfeit Christ with an alternative global kingdom. An earthly kingdom as directly opposed to Christ and his heavenly kingdom. The pope wishes to be king of kings and lord of lords in an earthly global realm while Christ came to deliver us from it and give us a heavenly home wherein dwelleth righteousness. That is Christ himself.
Now, what Francis does not make explicit in his encyclical is that since the Council of Trent in the mid-16th century, the Roman Catholic Church has held that there is no salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church, and formally denied the gospel. Rome formally went apostate at the Council of Trent.
Now, this is Richard Bennett’s assessment.
- “Let me tell you, the Roman Catholic Church has been apostate since its formation.”
This is where we may differ a bit with the author as much as I respect him, but I’m sure a personal conversation with Richard Bennett would clarify this point. (Webmaster: I agree with Richard Bennett’s assessment.)
But nonetheless, Richard says, “Rome formally went apostate at the Council of Trent.” He says it has never revoked the Council of Trent. And what is my consistent consensus of the Council of Trent? That it was a declaration of all-out war against biblical Christianity.
And what could we expect from the Antichrist but to make war against the saints and to make war against the Bible? And that’s what the Council of Trent launched. Not that there wasn’t war against the saints and against the Bible before the Council of Trent. The Council of Trent resulted after the Protestant Reformation when much of the Roman Catholic Church rebelled in protest against the papacy after they had read God’s word for themselves.
So the Council of Trent was launched to reform the Reformation, to bring the reformed Protestants back into and under the supreme authority of the Pope once again. Thus rather than the gospel, to make one right before a holy God, Rome has only sacraments to offer. These do not deliver salvation, for it is only, “The gospel of Christ. It is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.” No mention of the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church in the Bible, right? This should be obvious to everyone.
This is a man-made system. It’s a counterfeit system. And it denies Christ and the power of God to salvation and puts it all upon itself. Therefore the papacy must take in hand another tool. It must find another route by which to snare people into the folds of modern Babylon.”
That’s Richard Bennett’s description of the Roman Catholic Church in which he used to be a monk. He calls it modern Babylon.
Now, dialogue on environmental issues is the current mode. Near the end of the encyclical, there is much religion talk about God and the duty of Christians. But this is in fact only a postscript to the encyclical. The real thrust of the encyclical is the promotion of a political agenda couched in pagan terms. It cannot be otherwise because in its conception, objective, and method, it stands contrary to Scripture.
In face of this, the Lord Jesus Christ’s message to those who are His own is totally different. He proclaims,
- “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” -Matthew 28:18-20
So there’s our instruction. We’re to go into all the world, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, the remission of sins, the salvation of man in Christ, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and teaching them, that is the world, to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. No mention of the Pope is there. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
And we had to be reminded that He would be with us always, even unto the end of the world, because there would be times when we, being dominated and persecuted and killed and martyred by this Antichrist in Rome, that we would perceive that maybe God has forsaken us. That’s how bad it was going to get. That’s how bad it was. That’s how bad it is. But we are yet reminded, Jesus said, the infallible Lord of glory said, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. That’s a promise.
And God keeps His promises. So when we are persecuted, when there seems to be no support in this world for the truth anymore, when we are treated as criminals and vagabonds in this world, Jesus is with us. He’s with us even in our suffering and in our persecution. He said, offenses must come, but woe be to the man by whom these offenses come. Who is that man? The man of sin in Rome.
Now following on this message is the assurance that those who by grace alone believe in Christ alone, through faith alone, i.e., the true spiritual family of people across the globe, are the real family of God.
- “But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name, which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, (there goes your free will,) nor the will of man, but of God.” – John 1:12-13
There’s the sovereignty of God. He chooses. Did He choose the Pope? Did He choose His priests? No, they teach an entirely other gospel.
Now, as prescribed in the gospel, those who by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ alone, have been declared by God to be, “sons of God” through the Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect life and sacrifice.
As the apostle claimed, “You have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. “the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.”
- What does the papacy call us? Those who believe in grace alone, by faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. He calls us heretics. Historically. Nowadays they call us separated brethren. But we know why they’ve changed the terms. We are still, until we submit to the total supreme authority of the papacy, we are heretics. And we are heretics by any other name.
Rome has painted herself into a corner. She can’t extricate herself. And so, don’t be deceived when Rome graciously, semi-graciously refers to us now as separated brethren. Rome says, and still says, that outside the Roman Catholic Church there is no salvation.
Now what is Pope Francis’ agenda? Throughout the encyclical, Francis’ environmental theme cannot be ignored. With over 170 references to global warming, climate change, environment and environmental issues, it is clear that this is a means to an end. While we are rightly concerned with what Francis is saying, it is also imperative to grasp why he is saying it. Francis’ encyclical is not in any sense a labor of original thought. Both his analytical style and argumentative form are firmly grounded in the Vatican’s preeminent sense of its own self-importance and presumed lordship over every aspect of human life.
Francis exhaustively demonstrates that his views truly represent the historical essence of Rome’s religious and social teaching. However, that teaching is not the teaching of the Bible. Thus, Francis shows himself again to be a cunning fox.
His objective is to firmly ground his institution’s own welfare and future in terms of an, “integral human development,” that encourages his primacy as the sole arbiter of ethics and moral order. It is quite clear that Francis is writing his encyclical to assert once again the papacy’s autocratic claims. The aim of Francis in his encyclical is to propound and promote a type of world government.
Specifically, he envisions a renewed and rejuvenated global society over which the Roman Catholic Church rules as the principal ethical entity. And what better way to gain moral authority but by weaving together environmental activism based upon global warming and climate change synthesized by modern, “science, falsely so-called.” Truly, it is a cunning plan to solidify a political base with the non-religious left, thereby creating a harmonious church and global state. A global church state.
The ecumenical activity since the early days of Vatican Council II has been extremely successful in unifying the religious right under papal dominance.
Now what have I said always about politics? What Richard Bennett has said right here. That the papacy aligns itself with the left and the right. The papacy controls both political parties. And they both work for papal advancement.
I give the example of the grandfather clock. The hands of the clock, that is the hands of the grandfather clock, father time, move always in the same direction. And that movement is a result of the diametric swinging of the pendulum, both left and right.
So no matter which way the politics swings, either left or the right, the papal hand always continues in the same direction. So the papacy uses politics as a means to a religious end. Politics is the main access, or rather the main instrument, the dynamo, of papal advancement in the world.
No matter what political party you ascribe to, you are ascribing to a Roman Catholic agenda.
- “Truly it is a cunning plan to solidify a political base with the non-religious left, thereby creating a harmonious church and global state. The ecumenical activity since the early days of Vatican Council II has been extremely successful in unifying the religious right under papal dominance. If this continues, it is just a matter of time before all are ushered in to another chapter of the Dark Ages.”
What did Richard Bennett just tell you? That the new world order is not new at all. It’s simply the restoration of the old world order, the Dark Ages.
- “Now, the term globalize is used 53 times in this document. In the terms of the argument, it is meant to reinforce not merely the concept of an inevitable necessary global synthesis, but to generate, in his own words, a, “just and sustainable economic order.”
Part of Francis’ agenda is the development of an increasingly globalized society by the nations, thinking for, “the common good,” of all. Thus, in Section 7 concerning the common good, he states, “It is the good of all of us, made up of individuals, families, and intermediate groups who together constitute society.” And you can extend this to mean even the nations.”
After all, the Pope is, as we learned in the global Vatican, that the Pope is the overseer of the United Nations. Now, but because, “there is none righteous, no, not one, there is none that doeth good, no, not one, and all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” there’s no such thing as the common good on a collective basis such as the Pope is promoting. Rather, in the Bible, the ultimate end of man is to glorify God through the appreciation and adoration of His Son, Jesus Christ, to the complete satisfaction of our souls. That is redemption. In the Bible, it is on an individual basis that through the commitment to the whole counsel of God, we glory and find our good. Therefore, His revealed will in His Word is the only standard of good for natural creatures.
“There is none holy as the Lord, for there is none beside Thee, neither is there any rock like our God.” Where is there room left for the papacy? There is none.
- “The emphasis on economics is such that Pope Francis mentions the concept 133 times. This is the same Francis and his Vatican system which teach that private property is not personal but such that belongs to all people.
Did you know that according to Roman Catholic canon law, you have no private property? That on every item of private property in your possession, there resides a prior obligation? That is, based on need? And if the Vatican says you have something that you don’t need or that you’re not putting into production or using, then someone next to you or down the road or even in a different country or even on a different continent, if they have need for those resources, they have a right to them, a more right than you have, even if you call yourself an owner. The papacy calls it the prior social mortgage. You have no private property according to Roman Catholic canon law.
And that was instituted in the Constitution of the United States. The government of the United States says there’s a private social mortgage on your property and if you don’t pay your taxes, we can take your property from you based on Roman Catholic canon law. The state has a need. If you don’t pay that need, then we can take your property based in Roman Catholic canon law, not based on anything biblical.
Taxation is theft, flat out, and it’s instituted globally through the civil powers of the world to confiscate the property of the righteous. The global redistribution of wealth, we see it in our face every day. You have no private property according to Roman Catholicism. And the world follows Rome’s lead, not God’s lead, not the gospel lead. It follows the papacy. A Vatican Council II document upholds the same principle of the, “universal ownership of goods,” and emphatically teaches, “if one is in extreme necessity, he has the right to procure for himself what he needs out of the riches of others.” So if you have a need, you are justified to take from someone else.
This is global theft. It’s observed by the governments of the world, and now it’s going to come to your neighborhood. And we’ve read Caritas Invertate, another papal encyclical here, where the pope asserts that if someone has need of your property, they can not only take it for themselves, but they can take it for someone else that has need.
So what role does the government play? Taking from you and giving to someone else. That’s the role of government. It’s been following Roman Catholic canon law all along.
Now Pope Francis’ philosophy is simply a justification for theft, says Richard Bennett, whether on an individual level or a government level. The Bible states, “Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbor’s.” Inherent in that is the possession of personal property.
Is that what the world observes? No. What government in the world observes personal property? None. So whose example do they follow? Now you know why governments of the world, kingdoms of this world, are regarded in the Bible as beasts. And the head of those beasts is the papacy. Instead, people should be looking to the Father in Heaven and His Word to learn biblical stewardship of their money and their property.
Catholics and now nations across the world are being exhorted to look to Pope Francis and his encyclical as a sure path for a resuscitation of the international economy. Biblical principles of divine justice, creaturely property rights, and equivalent value exchange economics needed for stability and well-being of nations are negated, negated by Francis’ economic policies. And you need to know the meaning, what Pope Francis represents in the world.