Quotations by Jesuits From Jesuit Publications
- 1 VI. A sampling of expulsions of Jesuits from various nations
- 2 VII. A sampling of leaders whom the Jesuits and their agents plotted against, and/or attempted – but failed – to assassinate – at least initially
- 3 VIII. A sampling of leaders assassinated by Jesuits and their agents
- 4 IX. A sampling of some famous and/or infamous leaders who have had Jesuits as “top advisors” and/or as their “father-confessors”:
- 5 X. Secrecy
- 6 XI. Total Blind and Slavish Obedience:
- 7 XII. Absolute Dictatorship:
- 8 XIII. Jesuit Maxims (or “Excuses” – or Loopholes) for Sins and Crimes:
- 9 XIV. Bible Verses and Passages (from the Authorized King James Version) with Special Applications to the Jesuits:
- 10 XV. Conclusions:
- 11 XVI. Final Quotation (to consider):
- 12 XVII. What should we do?
- 13 All sections of The Jesuit Order – The Society of Jesus – By Darryl Eberhart
This is the continuation of The Jesuit Order – The Society of Jesus – By Darryl Eberhart
There’s a ton of information in this material compiled by Darryl Eberhart! Please keep him in your prayers. He’s weak in health, paralyzed on his right side from a stroke, and probably cannot walk.
V. Quotations by Jesuits, from Jesuit publications, and about Jesuit publications
(Sometimes with my amplification [enclosed in brackets] added within the quotation, and/or my comments added following the quotation):
NOTE: This is the BEGINNING of excerpts of quotations made by Jesuit “doctors” and scholars that were taken from Henry Hadley Norris’ book, “Principles of the Jesuits”.
Ed. comment to the preceding quote: So suicide, in some cases, can be honorable and commendable, according to this Jesuit!
Ed. comment to the preceding quotation: According to Jesuit Stephen Tolet and Jesuit Francis Fagundez, it is OKAY for sons to kill their parents – or to turn their parents over to the Inquisition to be burned to death – if those parents are trying to deliver their children from the Roman Catholic religion – a religion which is more pagan than Christian, having numerous unscriptural doctrines and practices, some of which are drawn straight out of the old Babylonian mystery religion – and/or to deliver their children from a Church-State system that has tortured and murdered millions of innocent Christians via “holy” crusades, and “holy” Inquisition, etc.!
Ed. comment to the preceding quotation: This means that rulers [i.e., governments] and their agents – unless the pope of Rome specifically permits them – are not allowed to punish the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church- State living within their national boundaries, no matter how heinous a crime that any member of the Roman Catholic clergy may have committed against a citizen of that nation! Any government – especially a national government that has Roman Catholicism as its official State religion – that dares to prosecute and sentence a Roman Catholic priest for a heinous crime (without the express permission of Papal Rome), risks the wrath of the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State!
Ed. comments to the preceding two quotations:
(1) This is exactly what occurred during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England [queen: 1558-1603]. In 1570 Pope Pius V issued a papal bull deposing Queen Elizabeth I. (Her crime: She was a Protestant “heretic” ruling England – a ruler who refused to obey the pope of Rome and to bring England back under his “temporal power”.) This papal bull had the effect of releasing English Roman Catholics from any oath they had taken to support and defend their ruler, Queen Elizabeth I – and, of course, the annulling of such oaths was designed to embolden English Roman Catholics to rise up and overthrow their ruler!
(2) What follow are the words of Pope Pius V: “We do out of the fullness of our Apostolic power declare the aforesaid ELIZABETH [Ed.: Queen Elizabeth I of England], being a Heretic, and a favorer of Heretics, and her adherents in the matters aforesaid, to have incurred the sentence of anathema, and to be cut off from the unity of the Body of Christ. And moreover, we do declare her to be deprived of her pretended title to the kingdom aforesaid, and of all dominion, dignity, and privilege whatsoever…and we do command and interdict all and every noblemen, subjects, people, and others aforesaid, that they presume not to obey her or her monitions, mandates, and laws; and those who shall do the contrary, we do strike with the like sentence of Damnation.” (May 3, 1570)
(3) Thus a pope of Rome – controlled by his boss, the Jesuit Superior General – can annul the oaths taken by Roman Catholic subjects to their ruler or to their government or to their Constitution! Let us ponder the great danger here of having Roman Catholics in powerful and influential positions within a government that suddenly finds itself anathematized by Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome, with the annulling of all oaths that they have sworn to support and defend that particular government (or, its Constitution)! (We must never forget that the oath that an American Jesuit, or an American Knight of Malta, or an American Knight of Columbus, who is in the U.S. government, has sworn to the Roman Catholic Church-State or his religious order takes precedence over – in fact, supersedes – the oath he took to defend the U.S. Constitution!)
Ed. comment to the preceding quotation: What unmitigated gall is this “idea” that Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome has some sort of “divine right” to (1) cause “regime change”; (2) to assassinate rulers who do not follow Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome’s instructions or who oppose her objectives; and, (3) to foment sedition, revolutions, and/or civil war within a nation that is not “playing ball” with Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome!
Ed. comments to the preceding quotation:
(1) Numerous popes of Rome, “by the word” of their mouths, commanded Roman Catholic rulers and their agents, to execute millions of innocent people – men, women, and even children – through the so-called “holy” Inquisition – and through so-called “holy” crusades. (Papal Crusades – using professional armies – were launched, “by the word” of popes, against Bible-believing Christians, falsely called “heretics”. One example of this is the Albigensian Crusades of the early 13th century – a crusade where professional Roman Catholic armies succeeded in wiping out almost the entire population – men, women, and children – of Bible-believing Albigensian Christians in southern France!)
(2) Papal Rome tried to “wash her hands” of the murder of millions of Bible-believing Christians and Protestants by saying that it was the State that carried out the executions. It is true that the State (through Roman Catholic sheriffs and various Roman Catholic magistrates, etc.) carried out the executions for the Roman Catholic Inquisitors; however, these Roman Catholic officials of the State did so based upon the orders of Roman Catholic prelates and Inquisitors, knowing that if they refused, they too would be called before the Inquisition!
(3) Concerning Papal Rome’s allegation that the pope of Rome is the successor of [the Apostle Simon] Peter: The Roman Catholic Church falsely claims “apostolic succession” of its popes from [the Apostle Simon] Peter, and also falsely claims that Peter was the first Bishop of Rome (i.e., the first pope). Many writers have disproved these Roman Catholic allegations. Peter was not the first Bishop of Rome; in fact, he never was a “bishop” at Rome. (The apostle Paul, in his letter – his epistle – to the church at Rome, doesn’t even mention Peter!) It is far more likely that the popes of Rome can trace their “apostolic succession” to Simon Magi, a magician and sorcerer, rather than to the Apostle Simon Peter!
Ed. comment to the preceding quote: This quote brings to my mind the following Bible verse found at the end of the book of Judges (Chapter 21, Verse 25): “In those days [there was] no king in Israel: every man did [that which was] right in his own eyes.” (Note: See also Judges 17:6.) Well, the LORD GOD Almighty has already set the “standards” for what is right and wrong in His Holy Word (the Bible), and His standards are the ones that ought to govern our actions – and not our own personal “preferences” or opinions!
NOTE #1: This is the END of excerpts of quotations made by Jesuit “doctors” and scholars that were taken from Henry Hadley Norris’ book, “Principles of the Jesuits”.
NOTE #2: After reading portions of Henry Hadley Norris’ book, “Principles of the Jesuits”, concerning the “moral maxims” and principles of the Jesuits – a book which uses excerpts from the very writings of various Jesuit “doctors” and scholars – I quickly came to the conclusion that these “moral maxims” of the Jesuits should more properly be termed the “amoral maxims” – or the “immoral maxims” – of the Jesuits.
…In 1890 ‘Civilta Cattolica’ again turned its attention to the Jews in a series of articles republished in pamphlet form…aimed at exposing the activity of the Jews in the formation of the modern liberal nation-state. The author charged that ‘by their cunning’, the Jews instigated the French Revolution [Ed.: of 1789-99] in order to gain civil equality… [Ed.: The JESUIT pamphlet stated that] the Jews were ‘the race that nauseates’; they were ‘an idle people who neither work nor produce anything; who live on the sweat of others’. The pamphlet concluded by calling for the abolition of ‘civic equality’ and for the segregation of Jews from the rest of the population.” – John Cornwell (“HITLER’S POPE: The Secret History of Pius XII”; Penguin Books; 2000; Page 28) [Ed.: “The Jews” did not instigate the French Revolution of 1789-99. A JESUIT front group, the Illuminati, instigated the bloody French Revolution.]
VI. A sampling of expulsions of Jesuits from various nations
(hopefully listed chronologically according to the 1st year of expulsion by various nations; in some cases the monarch who ordered the expulsion is listed):
1579, 1581, 1586, and 1602 – Elizabeth I, Queen of England
1604 – James I, King of England [This was the 5th expulsion of the Jesuits from England!]
1614 – Japan
1618 – the Kingdom of Bohemia
1716, 1783 – China
1719 – Peter the Great of Russia
1759 – King Joseph I of Portugal [He believed the Jesuits attempted to assassinate him in 1758.]
1764 – King Louis XV of France
1816 – Russian Czar Alexander I [He expelled the Jesuits from Moscow and St. Petersburg.]
1820 – Russian Czar Alexander I [He expelled the Jesuits from all of Russia.]
1820, 1835, 1868 – Spain
1834 – Portugal [2nd expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal]
1848 – Switzerland
1848, 1859 – Italy
1872 – Guatemala
1872 – German-Prussian Empire
1873 – Mexico
1874 – Brazil
1875 – Ecuador and Columbia
1880, 1901 – France [2nd and 3rd expulsions of the Jesuits from France]
1884 – Costa Rica
1901 – Portugal [3rd expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal]
NOTE: The Jesuits were expelled from England five times! The Jesuits were also expelled three times from predominantly Roman Catholic Spain, three times from predominantly Roman Catholic Portugal, and three times from predominantly Roman Catholic France! The Jesuits were also expelled numerous times from various predominantly Roman Catholic countries in South and Central America. Why were the Jesuits expelled so many times from so many nations of the world? Let us here repeat a quotation by Canadian author and historian J.E.C. Shepherd that was given earlier in this newsletter – a quotation that provides us with the answer:
VII. A sampling of leaders whom the Jesuits and their agents plotted against, and/or attempted – but failed – to assassinate – at least initially
(hopefully in chronological order):
NOTE: It is important to remember, when reading this sampling of various leaders against whom the Jesuits and their agents plotted, that Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome hates (with a purple passion) civil and religious liberty – and strives to have a “monopoly” on religion in any nation where she has sufficient power and influence to force the State to make Roman Catholicism the official State religion (to the exclusion of all others)!
1571, 1583, 1586, and 1588 – Queen Elizabeth I of England: These years all saw failed attempts by the Jesuits to remove Queen Elizabeth I of England from her throne through Jesuit-instigated plots of assassination and/or rebellion in order to restore the pope’s “temporal power” in England. (Queen Elizabeth I was a strong Protestant ruler who opposed Jesuit efforts to place her beloved people once again under papal tyranny and despotism. Queen Elizabeth I had greatly angered the Jesuit Order by expelling the Jesuits from England in 1579.)
1582 – William I, Prince of Orange and Duke of Nassau: The first attempt on the life of William I, Prince of Orange was made by a Jesuit “tool” by name of John Jauregay, who was under the direction of a Jesuit who went by the name of Juan de Ysunka. On May 18, 1582 Jauregay shot a ball at point-blank range that penetrated just below William’s right ear. William I miraculously survived this attempted assassination, and Jauregay ended up getting hacked to death by a number of William’s dinner guests. (William I, Prince of Orange would two years later finally meet his end at the hand of an assassin, Balthazar Gerard [one book has “Gerhard”] – another Jesuit “tool” – who shot him with three poison-tipped bullets. William of Orange was greatly hated by the Jesuits because he had broken the pope’s “temporal power” over Holland.)
1857 – U.S. President James Buchanan: An attempt was made to poison President Buchanan to death on February 23, 1857 at the National Hotel in Washington, D.C. (Thirty-eight individuals died as a result of arsenic poison that was put in the sugar that was placed at the tables where President Buchanan and his supporters sat.) President Buchanan barely survived the poisoning, and did so only because he informed his doctors that arsenic had probably been used in this attempt to assassinate him. This attempt on President Buchanan’s life was the result of his refusal to make war on those southern states that were threatening to leave the Union – thus temporarily thwarting the Jesuits’ efforts to foment the American Civil War in order to split the Union. (President Buchanan was also a strong advocate of States’ rights!)
1866, 1879 and 1880 – Czar Alexander II: Unsuccessful attempts by Jesuit “tools” to assassinate Czar Alexander II were made in all three of these years. The Jesuits wanted Alexander II dead because he had twice broken diplomatic relations with the Papacy, and because he had supported the Union during the American Civil War of 1861-65. (Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome had supported the Confederacy.) Alexander II had sent part of the Russian fleet to U.S. shores and had placed those ships under the direct command of President Lincoln. This action kept France and England from coming in on the side of the Confederacy – and thus helped Lincoln to preserve the Union! (“Tools” of the Jesuits succeeded in assassinating Alexander II in 1881.)
VIII. A sampling of leaders assassinated by Jesuits and their agents
(hopefully in chronological order):
NOTE #1: We should remember, when investigating any “murder scene” – including the assassination of a head of State or other powerful leader – to take note of which individual – or individuals (i.e., a group or organization) – had the motive, the means (which sometimes includes having sufficient finances), and the opportunity to organize and carry out the murder. To “pull off” the assassination of a head of State or of a powerful leader often requires at least one or more of the following: (1) lots of money, e.g., for buying off some individual or individuals on the “inside” – such as one or more of the guards of the leader, and/or for paying the salaries and bonuses of professional “hit men”; and/or (2) the ability to get one or more of your men into an “inside” position or positions to help break down or eliminate security surrounding the leader; and/or (3) professional intelligence-gathering capabilities and/or the necessary technical skills to overcome at least part of the high-level security system surrounding the leader, especially of a head of State; and/or (4) experience in such high-level, sophisticated assassination operations. (“Lone-nut” assassins seldom possess few – if any – of the above capabilities!)
NOTE #2: It is also important to remember, when reading this sampling of various leaders assassinated by Jesuits and their agents, that Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome hates (with a purple passion) civil and religious liberty – and strives to have a “monopoly” on religion in any nation where she has sufficient power and influence to force the State to make Roman Catholicism the official State religion to the exclusion of all others! The Jesuit Order also doesn’t care much for any head of State or powerful leader doing the following: (1) expelling the Jesuits and/or Roman Catholic prelates from a particular country; (2) opposing Jesuit and/or the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State’s plans and/or operations within a particular country, province, or region; (3) reducing the power and/or influence of the Jesuit Order and/or of the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church- State in a particular country, such as interfering with Roman Catholic control of all or part of the education system; and/or (4) giving religious liberty to all the citizens in a nation where the Roman Catholic Church-State previously had a monopoly on religion, i.e., Roman Catholicism was at one time the State religion, etc. Thus it is often easy to identify the Jesuit and/or Papal “motive” for the assassination of a head of State or powerful leader.
1572 – Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, leader of the French Huguenots: Coligny was murdered on August 24, 1572 (at the beginning of the St. Bartholomew’s massacre). (Coligny was hated by the Jesuits because he was a major stumbling block to the Jesuits’ plans for destroying religious liberty in France, exterminating as many French Protestants as possible, and restoring the pope’s “temporal power” to all of France.)
1584 – William, Prince of Orange [a former principality of Western Europe]: He was shot to death with three poison-tipped bullets by a Jesuit “tool” by name of Balthazar Gerard [one book has “Gerhard”]. (William of Orange was hated by the Jesuits because he had broken the pope’s “temporal power” over Holland, and because he had given refuge to persecuted Jews in Europe.)
1589 – King Henry III of France [king: 1574-89]: He was stabbed to death by Jesuit agent Jacques Clement. (King Henry III was hated by the Jesuits because he had tried to thwart the Jesuit-led Catholic League’s plans for exterminating French Protestants.)
1610 – King Henry IV of France [king: 1589-1610]: He was stabbed to death by a Jesuit agent, the monk François Ravaillac. (This was Jesuit “payback” for his “Edict of Nantes” of 1598 that had granted religious liberty to all French citizens.)
1769 – Pope Clement XIII [pope: 1758-69]: He was poisoned to death the night before he was scheduled to sign a Papal decree officially suppressing the Jesuits.
1774 – Pope Clement XIV [pope: 1769-74]: He was poisoned to death by Jesuit agents 14 months after he had “forever” abolished the Jesuit Order.
1825 – Czar Alexander I of Russia [czar: 1801-25]: He was poisoned to death by Jesuit agents. (This was Jesuit “payback” for his expulsion of the Jesuits from all of Russia in 1820.)
1841 – U.S. President William Henry Harrison: This U.S. president, despite robust health upon assuming office, died only 35 days later – poisoned to death with arsenic by agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome because he had spoken out against “government by divine right” – thus greatly offending the Jesuit-controlled, despotic “Divine Righter” monarchs of Europe.
1850 – U.S. President Zachary Taylor: This U.S. president was in good health when he was poisoned to death with arsenic by agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome because he had refused to authorize an invasion of Cuba. (The Jesuits and Papal Rome had hoped that such an American invasion of Cuba would provide the “excuse” for a number of despotic European monarchs to declare war on the young American Republic!)
1865 – U.S. President Abraham Lincoln: This U.S. president was shot in the back of his head. (This was Jesuit “payback” for his preservation of the Union, and his refusal to take loans with exorbitant interest from Jesuit-controlled European bankers during the American Civil War, etc.)
1872 – Mexican President Benito Pablo Juarez: This courageous Mexican president was poisoned to death by Jesuit agents. (This was Jesuit “payback” for his expulsion of 200 Jesuit priests from Mexico, and for his breaking of the pope’s “temporal power” in Mexico.)
1881 – Czar Alexander II of Russia [czar: 1855-81]: He was killed by a bomb. (This was Jesuit “payback” for the Czar’s support to President Lincoln and the Union during the American Civil War of 1861-65, for having twice broken diplomatic relations with the Papacy [in 1866 and in 1877], and for trying to give more freedom to the Russian people.)
November 22, 1963 – U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy: This U.S. president was shot to death in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963. (This was Jesuit “payback” for numerous reasons: threatening to splinter the CIA “into a thousand pieces”, making efforts to end American military involvement in the Vietnam War, and making efforts to end the Cold War, etc.)
1978 – Pope John Paul I: This courageous pope was poisoned to death in 1978 by Jesuit-controlled P2 Masons for several reasons: he was making preparations to launch an investigation into “irregularities” at the Vatican Bank; he was preparing to transfer many P2 Masonic Roman Catholic prelates out of their positions of power inside the Roman Catholic Church-State; and, he wanted make some “changes” in the operations of the Jesuit Order – and to challenge their “doctrinal deviations”. (Two books that have been written about the murder of John Paul I are: “In God’s Name” by David A. Yallop, and “The Murder of John Paul I” by Vance Ferrell.)
IX. A sampling of some famous and/or infamous leaders who have had Jesuits as “top advisors” and/or as their “father-confessors”:
(1) Emperor Ferdinand II [emperor of the Holy Roman Empire: 1619-1637]: JESUIT priest William Lamormaini was the “father-confessor” to Ferdinand II for much of the Thirty Years’ War [1618-1648] – a war instigated by the Jesuits with the goal of exterminating Protestants from off the face of the European continent.
(2) King Louis XIV of France (born-died: 1638-1715; king from 1643 to 1715): JESUIT priest François de la Chaise was the “father-confessor” – and a top advisor – to King Louis XIV. It was La Chaise – the Jesuit “father-confessor” – who had bragged about how he had used the confessional box to finally break King Louis XIV’s reluctance to abolish the Edict of Nantes of 1598 that had granted religious liberty to all Frenchmen – and to begin the slaughter of thousands of French Protestants. (La Chaise had told King Louis XIV during confession that Louis, in order to expiate his sins, should “root out all ‘heretics’ from his kingdom”. Louis, upon receiving the advice and instructions of his “father-confessor”, sent out French troops in 1685 to ruthlessly massacre thousands of innocent French Protestant Huguenots – men, women, elderly, and children – who had falsely been labeled as “heretics”!)
(3) King James II [King of England and Scotland: 1685-1688]: JESUIT priests Edward Petre and John Warner were “father-confessors” to King James II. These two Jesuit “father-confessors” urged King James II, according to author John Daniel, “to restore the power of the Roman Catholic Church [Ed.: in England], and make himself an absolute monarch”. (The Jesuits love to work with dictators and absolute monarchs!)
(4) Napoleon Bonaparte (born-died: 1769-1821; also known as Napoleon I; emperor of France from 1804 to 1815): One of his top advisers was the JESUIT priest Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes. Sieyes became a member of the “Directory” in France, and helped to orchestrate the coup d’état in 1799 that made Napoleon Bonaparte “First Consul”. (Fomenting and orchestrating revolutions, coup d’états, and wars are “specialties” of the Jesuits!)
(5) King Edward VII of England (born-died: 1841-1910; king from 1901 to 1910): One of his top advisers was the JESUIT priest Bernard Vaughan. According to author Albert Close: “King Edward [Ed.: VII] came under the powerful influence of the JESUIT, ‘Father’ Bernard Vaughan. He was often in his company with Sir Ernest Cassel, according to the Press.”
(6) Benito Mussolini (1883-1945; Italian dictator; Fascist prime minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943): One of his top advisers was the JESUIT priest Pietro Tacchi-Venturi, whom Mussolini “often consulted on important matters”. (Note: JESUIT Don Luigi Sturzo, chief of the Roman Catholic Party in Italy, helped bring Mussolini to power.)
(7) Fidel Castro (Born 1926; Cuban Communist dictator): This JESUIT-trained Communist dictator had as one of his top advisers, JESUIT priest Armando Llorente. (Fidel Castro spent eleven years in Roman Catholic boarding schools, seven years of which were at JESUIT institutions!)
NOTE: Please remember that the above is but a SMALL sampling of the many emperors, kings, queens, princes, etc., who have had Jesuits as their “father-confessors” and/or as top advisors!
X. Secrecy
The Jesuit Order is an extremely dangerous organization-society for a number of reasons. The first reason is their ability to keep many of their immediate – and long-term – goals secret, even from most of their membership. (Most lower-level Jesuits often have no idea of the “big picture”, of the part that they, as individuals, may be playing in the overthrow of governments, the assassination of heads of State, and the fomenting of wars and revolutions.) Please carefully consider the following quotations:
Compare the secrecy of the Jesuit Order described by Roman Catholic Bishop Palafox with a statement about “secrecy” made by an American Roman Catholic, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy:
XI. Total Blind and Slavish Obedience:
Another reason why the Jesuit Order is such an extremely dangerous organization-society is the total blind, slavish obedience that is required of all members of the order to the Jesuit Superior General and to all superiors within the Jesuit hierarchy. Please carefully consider the following quotation by Karl Theodor Griesinger, which is found in his book “The Jesuits” (1883): “All who belong to the Society [Ed.: of Jesus] were bound to this supreme chief [Ed.: i.e., the Jesuit Superior General]…blindly to obey, without delay, without exception, without investigation, even without inward doubt, all his orders with as perfect punctuality as if they were the dogmatic laws of the [Ed.: Roman] Catholic Faith, and, like a living corpse, to carry them out as tools with no will of their own, and with entire abnegation [Ed.: i.e., renunciation] of all moral perception.”
XII. Absolute Dictatorship:
Another reason why the Jesuit Order is such an extremely dangerous organization-society is that the head of “The Society of Jesus”, i.e., the Jesuit Superior General – the “Black Pope” – is an absolute dictator – an absolute monarch. He answers to no secular or ecclesiastical ruler (including the “White Pope”). Please carefully consider the following quotations:
XIII. Jesuit Maxims (or “Excuses” – or Loopholes) for Sins and Crimes:
Another reason why the Jesuit Order is such an extremely dangerous organization-society is found in Jesuit “maxims”, such as “The End Justifies the Means” and “For the Greater Glory of God”. Using such “maxims”, any member of the Jesuit Order can “justify” (or, excuse) any crime and/or sin, including murder, regicide, genocide, suicide, theft, fornication, adultery, etc.
Under the Jesuit “maxims” of “Mental Reservation” and “Equivocating Oath”, any member of the Jesuit Order may falsely swear an oath to an earthly government or military service – or bear false testimony – or commit perjury.
When one reads the “principles” of the Jesuits, as found in their constitutions and various writings, one finds that all sins and crimes can be – and have been – committed and “excused” in the service of the Jesuit Order.
XIV. Bible Verses and Passages (from the Authorized King James Version) with Special Applications to the Jesuits:
I have read a number of Bible verses that I believe one could apply to the Jesuit Order. Here are four of them:
1. [Ed.: The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking]: “For many shall come in My name [Ed.: i.e., in the name of Jesus Christ], saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:5)
Why do some folks who “interpret” this Bible verse assume that these many folks “saying, I am Christ” are claiming that they personally are “Jesus Christ”? Rather, might the above verse be referring to folks who come in Jesus Christ’s name, “saying” that Jesus is indeed “Christ”? Since Jesus Christ is here addressing Christians, how could “nut cases claiming to be Jesus Christ” be capable of deceiving Christians? Might not a more reasonable explanation for this capacity to deceive Christians be the explanation that these folks, who are saying that Jesus is “Christ”, are deceivers (and “wolves in sheep’s clothing”) “in the very midst of the Church itself”? In other words, these deceivers are “pretend (i.e., phony) Christians”!
Two of the names used by the Jesuit Order in the past have been the “Society of JESUS” and the “Company of JESUS”. How many people have been deceived during the past four plus centuries by those Jesuits coming in JESUS’ name and professing that JESUS is “ Christ”?
2. [Ed.: The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking]: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte [Ed.: i.e., someone who has been converted to another person’s religion], and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” (Matthew 23:15)
This verse reminds me of the Jesuits’ missionary efforts in China, where they allowed their Chinese “converts” (i.e., proselytes) to mix their heathen belief system with Roman Catholicism, a religious system that has drawn some of its own doctrines and practices from pagan religions.
3. [Ed.: The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking]: “They shall put you [Ed.: i.e., believers in Christ] out of the synagogues [Ed.: this Greek word can also mean “an assembly” or “a congregation”]: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John 16:2)
Yes, thousands of Roman Catholics were put out of the Roman Catholic Church – i.e., excommunicated – by the Jesuit-controlled, monstrous “holy” Inquisition! (Many of these Roman Catholics were murdered by their own Church for their failure to believe in “transubstantiation” – that is, that Christ’s literal Body and Blood are actually “present” in the Eucharistic Host during the Sacrifice of the Mass.) Many thousands of Biblebelieving Christians outside the Roman Catholic Church were tortured and murdered by the Jesuit-controlled, monstrous “holy” Inquisition, whose agents believed that torturing and murdering so-called “heretics” was doing “God service”! (Many tens of thousands of Jews, Muslims, Orthodox Christians, independent Bible-believing Christians, and Protestants were also murdered by Roman Catholic armies that believed that they were doing “God service”!) Of course, all of this torture, murder, and mayhem can be “justified” by the Jesuit “maxims”: “The End Justifies the Means” and “For the Greater Glory of God”.
Important Note: Lest anyone think that this record of torture, mass murder, and mayhem only occurred centuries ago, please consider this: Two Jesuit prelates, Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric, respectively the archbishops of Zagreb and Sarajevo, planned and choreographed a brutal religious genocide in the Roman Catholic Fascist State of Croatia from 1941 to 1945 that took the lives of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians! (This “Vatican Holocaust”, as author Avro Manhattan called it in his book, “The Vatican’s Holocaust”, occurred less than 70 years ago!)
4. [Ed.: The Apostle Paul wrote]: “For I bear them record that they have a zeal of [Ed.: i.e., a devotion to] God, but not according to knowledge.” (Romans 10:2)
While the Apostle Paul was “aiming” the above statement at his follow Israelites according to the flesh, his statement could also be applied to many Jesuits – and many Roman Catholics – who in the past tortured and murdered – or who instructed others to torture and murder – so-called “heretics”! Yes, in their “zeal of [or, devotion to] God”, they carried out the most heinous “crimes against humanity”!
If the Jesuits – and the popes – and the priests, monks, and friars of other Roman Catholic orders – and the Roman Catholic laity – had truly known and obeyed the ENTIRE counsel of God as found in the Holy Bible, they would never have carried out the torture and mass murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children – and committed many other heinous “crimes against humanity” – “in the name of [Jesus] Christ” and “for the greater glory of God” – because “the end justifies the means”.
XV. Conclusions:
First, to answer the questions that I asked earlier in the “introduction” section: 1. Yes, the Jesuit Order – at its higher levels – is the most evil organization the world has seen over the past 4½+ centuries. (Its evil is greatly compounded by the fact that it has often done its evil in the name of Jesus [Christ], claiming that their evil deeds were done “for the greater glory of God”!)
2. The Jesuit Order was expelled from numerous countries (including predominantly Roman Catholic countries) over the centuries because Jesuits were constantly mixing themselves up in the political affairs of various nations, frequently fomenting wars and revolutions, assassinating or attempting to assassinate various heads of State, and carrying out many other seditious, nefarious, and sinister activities to the great harm of many citizens of numerous nations.
3. Yes, the Jesuit Order and the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State are responsible for fomenting many wars and revolutions, such as World War I and World War II. They are also responsible for fomenting the Thirty Years’ War [1618-48], the French Revolution [1789-99], and the American Civil War [1861-65]. (NOTE: The French Revolution was fomented by a Jesuit front group, the Illuminati. The American Civil War was fomented by a Jesuit front group, the Knights of the Golden Circle, and by Jesuit-controlled high-level Freemasons on both sides of that conflict.)
4. Yes, the Jesuit Order is the greatest threat to civil and religious liberty that the world has seen over the past 4½+ centuries. (Numerous popes have condemned all the freedoms that we Americans cherish. A good example of this papal hatred of liberty is the “Syllabus of Errors” promulgated by Pope Pius IX in 1864.)
5. Yes, agents of the Jesuit Order have been responsible for assassinating many heads of State over the centuries. (Their victims include, for example, William of Orange, Kings Henry III and Henry IV of France, Czars Alexander I and Alexander II of Russia, President Abraham Lincoln, and Mexican President Benito Pablo Juarez.)
6. Yes, the Jesuit Order does sit at the very top of the “New World Order (N.W.O.)” “pyramid”. (It controls, for example, the Papacy, the highest levels of Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, and the higher levels of the Knights of Columbus, and the highest levels of Opus Dei – and the numerous subgroups controlled through these powerful and influential organizations.)
7. Yes, the Jesuit Order, through its control of various secret societies, does control the International Intelligence Community. [Note: The Jesuit Order places Jesuit-controlled high-level Freemasons – and Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta – in key positions in the top intelligence agencies in the world. The Jesuit Order’s control of the International Intelligence Community allows it to spy upon the citizens of various countries, to carry out assassinations (using military personnel from “Special Operations”, Mafia hit men, and other paid assassins), and to cause “regime change” whenever “necessary” in various parts of the world, etc.]
8. Yes, the Jesuit Order, especially through its wealthy, powerful, and influential Knights of Malta, controls the International Banking Community. (NOTE: Some folks say that “the Jews” control the International Banking Community, and point to such folks as the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds indeed have a Jewish background; however, they are agents of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome, and they bear the title of “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury”!)
Secondly, we Americans must never forget that the Jesuit Order is a “dagger” pointed at the very heart of America’s Constitutional Republic! Yes, the Jesuits and Papal Rome urged despotic European monarchs to meet at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15, and at Verona, Italy in 1822, to plan the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic – and to fight against popular, representative government wherever it might appear! High-level Jesuits later met in Chieri, Italy in 1825 to “fine-tune” those plans for destroying the American Constitutional Republic and any other government that might arise, desiring to give freedom to its people. The bloody American Civil War of 1861-65 was one of the “fruits” of those three sets of meetings. When the Jesuits, Papal Rome, and the despotic European monarchs failed in their plans to divide the American Constitutional Republic into two separate nations, they reverted to “Plan B”, i.e., to concentrate nearly all governmental power into the Central/Federal government in the USA, and to begin the incremental process of eroding our God-given Rights as spelled out in the U.S. Constitution and its “Bill of Rights”. This war against our Constitution and our God-given Rights and liberties has been going on for quite some time, and our enemies have made tremendous progress! Indeed, Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome is preparing to soon pound the “final nails” into the coffin of the U.S. Constitution and the American Constitutional Republic!
XVI. Final Quotation (to consider):
“Do you wish to excite troubles, to provoke revolution, to produce the total ruin of your country? Call in the JESUITS; raise up again the monks; open academies, and build magnificent colleges for these hotheaded religionists; suffer [Ed.: i.e., allow] those audacious priests, in their dictatorial and dogmatic tone, to decide on affairs of State.” – Abbé M. De La Roche Arnauld (Former Jesuit)
XVII. What should we do?
1. We need to learn as much as possible, as quickly as possible, about this Jesuit Order that poses a grave threat to our civil and religious liberty. We should obtain as many books as possible that tell the “hard truth” about the Jesuit Order, read them, and then share them with others.
2.We should visit Internet websites to read articles dealing with the Jesuit Order and the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State. (See item #14 in Section XVIII for such websites.) If we find any articles that we particularly like, then we should make printed copies of them to share with others. We should also let lots of folks know about such Internet websites.
3. We should listen to broadcasts that deal with the Jesuit Order and the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church-State, such as “The Investigative Journal” (hosted by Greg Szymanski), “Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy” (hosted by Eric Jon Phelps), and “Inquisition Update” (hosted by Tom Friess). We can listen to these broadcasts “live” on the First Amendment Rights Media network on Internet website: www.libertyradiolive.com. (Information on broadcasts times can be found by visiting Internet website: www.firstamendmentradio.com.) NOTE: If you like these broadcasts, then please tell as many folks as you can about them! You can also listen to past broadcasts by visiting the “archives” section of First Amendment Rights Media network.