The Jesuit Connection to the Founding of the United States of America
This is from a YouTube entitled, “U.S. Jesuit History – Tom Friess.” It’s amazing and shocking history but largely unknown because it’s not taught in academia. Please either read it or listen to the audio with an open mind. John Daniel’s explanation is very reasonable in my opinion.
Hardly anybody today is pointing the finger at the Jesuits for anything that goes wrong in the world. Most Christians today have no idea that the public is being socially engineered by the Jesuits to bring the world under under the rule of the popes of Rome.
John Daniel is the author of The Grand Design Exposed.
Tom Friess is the webmaster of Inquisition Update.
Transcription of approximately 45 minutes of the audio.
Good morning. Welcome to Inquisition Update. My name’s Tom Friess and I’ll be your host for the next hour.
Today, this morning on the program, my guest is returning guest John Daniel, author of the book The Grand Design Exposed.
Brother John Daniel, a good brother in the Lord, a friend of mine, he also recommended this book that we’ve been studying on Inquisition Update entitled The Ark and the Dove by J. Moss Ives. And as you’ll recall, we’ve been talking about this commission that was comprised of Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase, Charles Carroll II, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Jesuit trained, an influential first citizen of Maryland, and a relative, a Jesuit priest, an actual Jesuit priest by the name of Charles Carroll, was selected by the Continental Congress to make a pilgrimage to Canada to secure Canada’s support for the Revolutionary War upcoming. And the Jesuit priest, John Carroll, in the book, as recorded in The Ark and the Dove, said that he would go, but the best that they could expect for an outcome was to secure neutrality from Canada, French Catholic Canada, and that Canada would not side with the British in the Revolutionary War.
And I’ve said to my listeners, there’s much, much more here than meets the eye, much, much more to be known about this commission and what actually took place than this author, J. Moss Ives, in this book is letting us know. And I’ve invited John Daniel to come and help fill in some of the gaps to help make more sense out of what happened during this period of time. My guest this morning, John Daniel.
Good morning, John.
John Daniel: Good morning, Tom. And again, as always, I thank you so very much for allowing me on your show. And it’s always a privilege and an honor to share these thoughts of what really took place in the founding of our United States of American government. And this history has been buried, has been covered over. And so when we tried to revive it, to dig it up and to share with folks, they absolutely don’t even know what we’re talking about.
But that was the purpose to read this history from a Roman Catholic standpoint so that you’re getting this information from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. And I don’t care if you’re reading different authors of this same particular history, you will get the same history. It might take a little variety as far as how it’s being presented, but I’ll assure you, it is telling you the exact same story that the Roman Catholic Church, the Jesuits, were fully involved in orchestrating the events that were taking place during that time in order to separate the colonies, the Protestant colonies from this mother country that was such an incredible tyrant, according to the official history, that they had to separate and declare a new nation.
And what you were taught from a baby up, what I was taught from a baby up, is quite contrary to what the historical facts actually tell you. And when you read it from the Roman Catholic standpoint, then you are absolutely getting the truth of what really took place. And at the time when all of this was going on, it was one of the most incredible, tight secrets of all ages, so that nobody really knew what was going on except the very ones that were at the top, that were involved in it.
And this is what makes this history so mysterious, I guess. And some of the things that we read, unless you have the full background of what really what their ultimate goal was, it gets a person to start scratching their head. What is really going on here? And that’s, well, I have many books, as I have stated before, in my library when I was putting my own book together, Tom, and I used to live in secondhand bookstores and sometimes I didn’t even know really, before I got the full picture, I didn’t even know what I was looking for, other than I was just looking for the truth to find out exactly what was going on during those years.
And so, the Ark and the Dove is just one of these sources that are out there. And the Jesuits themselves wrote their history. And that’s something that the Jesuit has always done. They have, no matter where they go in this world on their mission, they always report to their superiors, the superiors report to their superiors. And then it all goes to the superior general of the Jesuits. And it’s all compiled. And that’s how he controls and plans his next strategy to fulfill their ultimate goal. And their ultimate goal is only one purpose, and that is to rule the whole world. And we have seen this literally taken shape right before our eyes today.
And given that when this thing is, when this bombshell explodes upon us, the whole world is going to just, well, they’re going to be overwhelmed. That’s the best way I can put it. They’re going to be overwhelmed because nobody, nobody seems to understand what really is going on today.
And just because there are not persecuting people today doesn’t mean that that’s not what Rome is going to not be doing in the near future. And so it might be under the name of the New World Order or however you want to term it, but these are all fronts that the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church works behind so that they’re not in the limelight until they are prepared to be in the limelight. And one of these days they will be in the limelight.
And this is what is known in Roman Catholic literature itself. One day the Virgin Mary will triumph. Make no bones about it. That’s what they teach. And doubt it not, it will take place. And so this is what we’re trying to unravel here in this commission that was sent up to Canada as they were in the process of starting the Revolutionary War to separate the colonies from the mother country, England, which was and had declared itself to be a Protestant nation.
And the whole struggle was to get England back into the fold of Rome. And that’s the picture, the struggle, the incredible struggle that has been totally buried and covered up today. But Rome knows that once she conquers the English speaking people as a Protestant people, that Protestantism completely is dead. And they know that and that’s their ultimate goal.
So anyhow, this was the first stages of it in this so-called great work. And to represent that great work is what you see on the back of your one dollar bill. And we’ve we’ve talked about this before, Tom, you know, but this is the American Great Seal that you see there on the back of the one dollar bill. It was put there not on the dollar bill, but it became what you see there on a dollar bill.It was the American Great Seal. And what you see there is actually what it was as stamped on official documents that goes out of Washington, D.C. from the very day that this nation became a nation, because every nation must have a seal to do business with other nations of the world.
And so this Great Seal is a little bit different from any other seal in the world, because what you see there is that it’s telling you that there is a great work. And it’s not completed. And that’s what the pyramid represents, this great work, great work of who? Well, we’re learning that it’s the great work of the Jesuits. Manly P. Hall says that the American Great Seal is the signature of the Jesuits. Comprehend that a little bit.
And so we know what the Jesuits have in mind and we know what the Roman Catholic Church has always had in mind, because they teach to the whole world that they are the only true church whereby which mankind must be saved. And so they want to convert the whole world to that truth that they maintain is the truth. And I won’t get into what that truth is and what they really represent this morning, but that’s their whole goal, that their ultimate goal is to rule and control every human being on this planet. And they have set up the machinery, they have set the stage and their curtain is about to rise for the last show here on planet Earth, let’s put it that way. So that’s the story that we’re looking straight in the face of.
And, of course, what we’re talking about here as far as this commission that went to to Canada was a commission that was to go up there and sue the French Roman Catholic Canadians that now was no longer French, but it had been captured by England. And so the American colonists want to go up and try to convince these French Roman Catholics to take sides and fight alongside of them. And so that’s why the commission was sent up there to accomplish that.
And because the Canadians, they were French Roman Catholics, that’s why it was chosen, or at least it was made to appear to choose, well, men who were Roman Catholic. And that’s why Charles Carroll was elected to go and his cousin, John Carroll, who was actually a Jesuit.
Of course, as you know, in 1773, the Jesuits were officially dissolved as an order of priests. And all of this was done, whether anybody wants to accept this historical fact or not, but all of this was done was to make it to appear that the Jesuits had nothing to do with what was going on because they were no longer an order of priests anymore. They were dissolved. They were dissolved by the Pope himself. And so this is the history that surrounds this whole mysterious time period that we’re looking into, again, that has been buried and has been covered up.
So when they got to Canada, there was some, what the Roman Catholic author here is saying, there were some very major blunders that had taken place by the Continental Congress. There were some very strong Protestants here still in the colonies. But these Protestants didn’t really know exactly what was going on. Only those at the top, the Jesuits and those high ranking Freemasons really understood what was going on. And so the Protestants were basically in the dark and they were convinced they, you know, we got to separate, we got to separate the colonies from England because of this incredible taxation that England is doing to us.
But what they couldn’t figure out was that Parliament was being orchestrated also over there in England. And so England passes a law that the French Canadians will not be molested. They will be allowed to have their civil and religious liberties to continue on just as they were when they were under French rule. And some of these fellows here in the colonies, in the Continental Congress that were Protestant, they wrote to England and they were quite in a rage about it. They could not understand how Parliament could pass such a law.
And I’m going to read again from the Ark and the Dove what was brought to the Parliament’s attention. And it says, “Nor can we suppress,” and I’m quoting here now from the book Ark and the Dove,
So there were those who fully understood that there was something going on here that they couldn’t quite understand. And so they raised their voice about it.
And those who knew what was going on, they had to change this whole thing around. And they knew when they went up to Canada that they had a job on their hands because all they were hearing from the colonists was anti-Roman Catholicism. And now the Continental Congress is now sending their group up to soothe their fears as far as anti-Catholicism is concerned. And they are telling the French Canadians that we want to offer freedom of religion and civil liberties to everyone. And they, the French Canadians, well, they became very suspicious. They were very cautious. They didn’t believe what they were hearing. And that’s why they elected Charles Carroll to go, because he’s Roman Catholic. He studied under the Jesuits. That’s why they elected John Carroll to go, because he was a Jesuit. And when they got to Canada, you realize in the book, The Ark and the Dove, that the Jesuit that was in Canada received John Carroll very warmly because he knew what was going on.
The Canadian Bishop, even though he was Roman Catholic, he didn’t trust the commissioners that were sent up by the Continental Congress. And he would have nothing to do with them. But the whole thing, basically, even though they never won the French Canadians to their side, to join them against what they called the common enemy of England, at least they gained what was called a neutrality where they would not participate. And so they figured, hey, that was good enough. That was good enough.
And so that’s the way that they came away from that situation. And one of the things that’s most interesting is that the army that was up there, the American army that was up there in French Canada, England sent a ship with a thousand troops on it. And the American army that was so straggly, hardly had food or decent conditions even to live up there, they went into a panic and they went into a rout. And what I’m trying to stress here is to show just how feeble the American Continental Army really was, no matter where. And yet they won this battle of the revolution against England when just a few years before that, England won the battle of the French and Indian War and took all of Canada away from France.
And this is the irony of this whole thing. And you begin to become very suspicious of what was really going on there because it’s like two boxers in a ring. And his manager tells him, hey, you got to throw this fight here tonight because I got a large bet on the side that you are going to lose. In other words, the bet was on the other side. And so this is exactly what went on during the American Revolutionary War, when you fully understand it, they threw the war. In other words, they made it to appear that the colonists were superior in the field than the incredible military of the nation of England.
And so anyhow, they came away with a neutrality and Benjamin Franklin was in very poor health. He already made it back to the colonies. But John Carroll accompanied him and sort of looked over him and took care of him. And they were all they were all very good friends.
Tom Friess: I can’t help but tell you that I’m a bit confused. If the Jesuits wanted to foment a revolution of the colonies from Protestant Great Britain so that Catholicism could practice in the colonies without the restrictions placed upon it in Protestant Great Britain for all the attempts that the papacy made to overthrow the Crown and control the Parliament and to return the papacy to ultimate supremacy in Britain and bring Protestant Great Britain back into the fold of Rome and to destroy Protestantism in Great Britain and thereby destroy Protestantism all over the globe. I mean, that was their intent. If they could destroy Protestantism in England, then Protestantism would have been defeated. That was the attitude of Rome. That’s why they worked so diligently to take back over England. That’s why they launched the Spanish Inquisition. That’s why they sent the Jesuits on a mission to England. That’s why they conducted the gunpowder plot and assassination attempts against the kings and queens of England. A constant battle to regain control of Britain.
If they could separate the colonies from Great Britain, then Catholicism could practice without the anti-Catholic laws that were so common in Britain, of necessity. And it seems to me, it just seems to me, that if, common sense would tell me, that if the Jesuits were holding to that mission, that the best thing for them to do would be to allow this commission to recruit the assistance of French Catholic Canada to join on the side of the patriots in the colonies to rout the British Navy and to engage in a full-blown war against Protestant Great Britain. Not only to damage Protestant Great Britain, but to solidify the Catholic population of the colonies. But instead, this commission failed and merely managed to secure from French Catholic Canada neutrality in the upcoming revolution.
But you’re telling me that England literally threw the war? They just laid down, they didn’t fight with full vigor. That the British part of the Revolutionary War was just a pretense for appearances, for outward appearances. And that there was a power controlling Britain at the time that wanted to ensure that the colonies were independent. Is that what you’re saying?
John Daniel: That’s exactly what I’m saying. And when I say England threw the war, it was through their generals that the war was thrown. Because they were high-ranking Freemasons and they were commissioned by those of Freemasonry through the Jesuits which controlled Freemasonry to throw the war, to throw these battles when you fully understand it. And I could never talk on this show long enough to convince a person who is an American patriot that has been taught from a baby up, to believe otherwise than what they have been taught from a baby up, that the great American Revolution, the heroes of George Washington and the Founding Fathers were so incredibly awesome to stand against this incredible military might of England and win this war.
But you see they also had some help. And that was from the French, the colonists now who were originally British trained military soldiers. Now that just a few years before had fought the French to win French Canadians over to be under the rule of England. Now these same colonists are fighting England and its military and have appealed to France to help them to fight England in their noble cause against this incredible tyrant.
And you know, when you read The Ark and the Dove, it makes very plain that there is only one thing that is responsible, or basically two, but one man in particular that was responsible for bringing France into the war of the American Revolution. And that was Charles Carroll. They wanted to nominate him. The Continental Congress wanted to nominate him and send him over to France. And he says, no, no, no. I am the one person that must never be in the forefront. He worked behind the scenes. He didn’t want to be publicly known what was going on.
Tom Friess: He was a pretty public person! I mean, he was first citizen of Baltimore. He was commissioned by the Continental Congress to head up this commission to go to France. I mean he is a very public figure in the colonies, not just in Maryland, but all over the place.
John Daniel: I have to agree with that. He was. But how much of this is known? How much of this is known as taught to anyone? The Carroll family is a completely unknown figure of the American Revolution.
Tom Friess: Yeah, there is nothing ever taught in the history of the American Revolution.
John Daniel: There is nothing historically ever taught about him. Only in Roman Catholic literature itself do you realize that this man and his cousin John Carroll, Charles Carroll was the wealthiest person in the colonies. He had that wealth. He had his incredible plantations of manor. He had over 300 slaves. And so he had his power. He had the wealth. He had the influence. Charles Carroll spent 17 years being educated by the Jesuits in France, also in England.
And he had many, many connections. And so he sent his emissaries over to France to do the work that they wanted to send him to do. And who were these emissaries? Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson. And they worked hand in glove with the Jesuits and the Pope. And these are our heroes of the founding fathers. They knew what they were doing. They knew exactly what they were doing. And when you read it from a Catholic standpoint, you know they knew what they were doing.
But nobody wants to admit that today. Because these heroes have been indelibly etched into our minds that they were the greatest of the great of the American system. It’s the most beautiful picture that you ever wanted to see, but it’s also the greatest and most beautiful deception that you’ll ever want to see, too, when you understand it fully. And that’s why nobody wants to accept this. And that’s why we’re talking about it right now. Because nobody wants to accept it. Any more than anybody wants to accept it right now. You tell me anybody out there on the street or anybody that’s listening to right now will believe that the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuits are fully behind what they call the New World Order.
Tom Friess: Yeah, it’s a tough sell. Barely anybody in this country other than Roman Catholics know anything about the Jesuit Order. And they certainly know nothing about the Jesuits’ role in fomenting the revolution against Britain and what role Catholicism has played in the American government since our very founding. I mean, this book, you’re beginning to paint a picture in my mind that the United States, you together with F. Tupper Saussy in his book Rulers of Evil, are beginning to paint a picture in my mind that the United States has been a Jesuit enclave from the very beginning.
John Daniel: When they say that the United States of America has been infiltrated, that’s a big joke. It has never been infiltrated. This country, Manly P. Hall says, from its very inception. Now, Manly P. Hall, you can shrug your shoulders, but that man knew what he’s talking about. He knows what he’s writing about. From its very inception, this country was founded for a peculiar and particular purpose. Well, what was that peculiar and particular purpose that he’s talking about? He’s talking about the American Great Seal.
Tom Friess: Annuit sepsis novus ordo seclorum. We have conceived a new world order, or the birth of the new world order. That’s what it means, right?
John Daniel: That’s exactly right. And he goes a little bit further. He says that the American Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body. What exalted body? The Jesuits.
Now, swallow that, and you might have a hard time getting it down, but I’ll tell you what, that’s what he’s saying. The American Great Seal is the signature of the Jesuits for the purpose and reason it was founded, and for the purpose, that is, the role that is to play in the future.
Tom Friess: So they gave us a democratic (really a republican) government, a government that honored Protestant tenets, freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, government of, by, and for the people, not a top-down hierarchical structure, so that there would be religious tolerance between Protestants and Roman Catholics. That the Roman Catholics in this country would live under a Protestant form of government, and gain strength, and use the country in the meantime to fight Roman Catholic papal proxy wars all over the world, and that when the time came that even this democratic form of government would be overthrown, and then Rome would come out of the closet, and then impose its normal form of government, which is a papal dictatorship. They’ve just been, they’ve just, they’ve fooled us ever since the founding of this country.
Protestants went to sleep. There was no fighting. There was religious liberty. No suspicion anymore in this country of the Catholics. No suspicion of the Pope. No realization that the Pope is the biblical Antichrist. (Note: There was up to the end of the 19th century.) No realization that the Catholics control Congress, and the Supreme Court, and the military, and banking, and business, and education, and the ecumenical movement to corrupt the churches. No suspicion whatsoever that the Jesuits are behind perverting our Bibles. No suspicion of anything.
Religious peace and liberty between Roman Catholics and Protestants, while the Roman Catholic, the Vatican has used this country, and used the blood of Protestants to fight papal proxy wars all over the world. That’s what’s happened, isn’t it, John?
John Daniel: The oath of the Jesuits can be found in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. And it states, the oath that a Jesuit takes, states, for them to accomplish their goal, if they’re working among the Calvinists, to become a Calvinist. If they’re working among some of the Adventists, to become a Seventh Day Adventist. To become a Protestant, to work among the Protestants, to become a Protestant.
Tom Friess: And working among the Jews, even to become a Jew.
John Daniel: That’s right. It doesn’t make no difference, you see. That’s what they call expedient. It’s a means to accomplish an end. It’s the same as the end justifies the means. That’s the motto of the Jesuits. Everybody knows that.
But they overlook it when they want to, when it’s tried to be applied in the reality of what really is going on in the founding of our own country, and what they’re getting ready to do in the future, the role that this country is going to play. And I’m afraid that this whole world is about to be overwhelmed of the situation that they’re going to bring upon this world, as a grand finale, to bring this whole world under the rulership of the Pope.