HomeHumorThe Perfect Joke


The Perfect Joke — 2 Comments

  1. I got a good laugh out of that! Thank you for sharing it James. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” I think everybody could use a laugh, especially with the stress from the plandemic and the needless lockdown.

    Thank you for this website, you and David Nikao and just a handful of other faithful men and women have created really great online resources for Christians hungry for the truth. I would like one day, if it’s God’s will, to get a website or a blog going to try and give people another resource with similar useful content. You and other Christian webmasters who don’t sugarcoat the truth but speak it boldly are an inspiration to me. I suppose I may get to working on a website or some other personal ministry one day assuming the Lord doesn’t come back first, which given the state of the world seems more and more likely each day. I believe God will only allow these wicked elitists to go so far. I recall when the papacy announced it’s infallability, the then reigning bishop of Rome was carted off to prison a short while later and never again had his temporal power. I believe we may be very near another judgement on those who would wish to enslave the human race.

    May our God and his precious Son bless you and your family with grace and peace in Jesus’ name.


    • Louie, thank you so much for your encouraging words! I consider myself blessed indeed by the Lord Jesus Christ to come to a knowledge of truth and reality that many other Christians seem to be lacking. I can tell you that it’s not because I am any smarter than them! Most of them probably did better in school than I did. It’s only because of God’s grace that I am part of this ministry.

      I am happy to help you get started on building a website if you need technical assistance.

      May the Lord Jesus bless and keep you and your loved ones in these dangerous times.

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James Japan