My full name is James Andrew Arendt. Some people also know me as “James Japan.” I took that name for this website because I lived in Japan a total of 40 years.
Me with my wife Tess shortly after moving to Guam from Japan in May of 2018.
On May 5th, 2018, I moved from Japan to Guam and married Teresita from the Philippines. Later we moved to the Philippines where we are now. My total assets when I came to Guam were a little less than $1000 USD. The first two nights I stayed at the Harmon Loop Hotel for $75 a day, and then the next four nights at an Airbnb in Tumon (the hotel and tourist area) for $35 a day. My money was running out fast! Then Teresita and I were introduced to an elderly lady who offered us her master bedroom in Barrigada Heights for only $300 a month! We went for it. Read More
Soon Teresita found a job as a caregiver in the neighborhood and in June was offered a job at the prestigious T-Galleria DFS fashion department store. The next month, July, I also began working at DFS. In six months we were able to buy a car, and in 8 months we had enough money to get our own place. This was thanks to the goodness of our Creator, Jesus, and the kindness of our new friends in Guam, without whom our lives would have been far more difficult.
In June 2023 Teresita and moved from Guam to the Philippines, and we are now living in the village (barangay) where she was raised in the province of Northern Samar. The cost of living is much less here than Guam. Everything is cheaper but there is no employment for us here other than working for our King of Kings, Jesus! If you like the articles on this website, please send us a gift through PayPal with the option “Friends and Family” checked. Our PayPal ID is:
Please understand that unless the Friends and Family option is checked, we will not receive your gift. PayPal changed it’s policy from October 31st, 2024.
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Make the payment to James Andrew Arendt.
Please be careful type my last name correctly. Autocorrect wants to change my family name to Aren’t. And many people who see it in text still tend to misspell it to Ardent. It’s spelled Arendt. Western Union will only complete the transaction when my name is spelled exactly like it says on my ID card. Western Union in the Philippines works fine. When we lived on Guam, we use to send gifts to our friends in the Philippines.
I hope to point you to books written by good and honest authors who have done much investigative research in order to discern truth from the lies fed to the world today by the power elite. I hope to share valuable information you will hardly find anywhere else. Knowledge is power! The Bible in Hosea 4:6a says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: If you want to study about the New World Order conspiracy, don’t just watch Youtube videos about it, read some books! “What books?” you ask? You can start with the list of books on this website.
I recommend 16th to 19th century authors and a couple of early 20th century authors such as Jeremiah J. Crowley and L. H. Lehmann. Their books contain the real history of the author’s day and not mere school textbook history which is often biased by the educators who wrote it. For example, on this site you can learn the facts about Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, and who really was behind it based on testimonials of people who actually knew Lincoln face to face such as Charles Chiniquy who wrote, ““Fifty Years in the Church of Rome” which is on another website I linked to. There is only one fairly recent book I recommend which was published in 1999, “Rulers of Evil” by F. Tupper Saussy. He correctly identifies the problem and what to do about it.
During the time I lived in Japan from 1998 to 2018, I used to hitchhike nearly everywhere I went to get to places I needed to go. In 2016 I hitchhiked to various parts of Japan, specifically to Aomori Prefecture, the Kanto area (Tokyo, Saitama, Tochigi, and Chiba), Nagano Prefecture, and the Kansai area (Osaka & Kobe) to work on various jobs to earn money to support myself and pay for the hosting of this website which is about $240 US per year. As I sit next to the driver who picks me up, I share with him or her the Gospel of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Unlike North Americans or the average native English speaker, most of the Japanese people have never heard it even once in their lives.
Besides making websites, I am a translator from Japanese to English and vice versa. I translated a booklet into Japanese from Answers in Genesis called, Was there really a Noah’s Ark and Flood?. The link is on my Deep Truths website and the text is both in English and Japanese. If you know any Japanese speakers, please share it with them!
One of the categories on this website is named “Religion”. By that, I am referring to false religion such paganism, New Age, etc,. and not true Bible-based faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
If you find information on this site that is valuable to you, please consider sending a donation through Paypal to: [email protected]
Since I moved to the Philippines, PayPal requires a gift to me be designated “For friends and family.” If you don’t check that option, I won’t receive it.
The Popes of Rome misinterpret the Words of Jesus to Peter to claim authority over all the churches. Jesus never made Peter the head of the Church. It’s was the faith of Peter calling Jesus the Christ that the Church is built upon, not on Peter himself.
U.S. Brigadier General Herbert C. Holdridge flat out accused Lyndon Johnson of working with the Jesuits to murder JFK! He wrote this in a letter to Carr Waggoner, Attorney General in the state of Texas, dated November 27th 1963 titled Complicity of Lyndon B. Johnson In the Murders of John F. Kennedy and Lee Howard Oswald
If you read this you will see the Jesuits in a new light; not as a benevolent group of missionaries and educators, but as a militant army seeking to destroy the faith of those who trust the Word of God in the Bible. and lean completely on Jesus Christ alone for salvation, and not on the organized religion of the Roman Catholic church.
In the estimation of Gregory and the other leading bishops of his day, that no prelate had any authority from God to be the master of his fellow-bishops; that in all fundamental matters the bishops of the Christian world were on a common platform.
The great councils of bishops of the first 700 years after Christ, knew nothing of the spiritual supremacy of the bishops of Rome. One Pope, Honorius, was even denounced by a council as a heretic!
The ancient Churches of Ireland, England, and Scotland, loving an open Bible, and cultivating purity and love, by the testimony of friends and foes, paid no deference to papal authority; knew nothing of the prince of the apostles or his successors, and were as independent of the See of Rome as any Protestant Church of the nineteenth century.
Interesting history of Patrick’s evangelism of Ireland and the fact the Irish originally were Bible believers and not under the authority of the Roman Pope.
The Bishop of Rome claims absolute and lasting kingship over all the churches of Christ on earth; and he presumes to assert that he has exercised this authority by the gift of Christ from the first planting of Christianity.