My full name is James Andrew Arendt. Some people also know me as “James Japan.” I took that name for this website because I lived in Japan a total of 40 years. More about me.

Tess and James

My Desktop PC without a case!

My Desktop PC without a case!

On May 5th, 2018, I moved from Japan to Guam and married Teresita from the Philippines. My total assets were a little less than $1000 USD. Read More

One of the categories on this website is named “Religion”. By that, I am referring to false religion such paganism, New Age, etc,. and not true Bible-based faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

My interest is reading American and European history, especially 19th century and earlier Protestant / Baptist Christian authors, and especially about the Jesuit Order, the Popes and the Roman Catholic influence on America and the world. I believe knowing the past helps one to better understand the present. Some of my views about the secret government that controls the visible world governments.

Website Mission

I hope to point you to books written by good and honest authors who have done much investigative research in order to discern truth from the lies fed to the world today by the power elite. I hope to share valuable information you will hardly find anywhere else. Knowledge is power! The Bible in Hosea 4:6a says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: If you want to study about the New World Order conspiracy, don’t just watch Youtube videos about it, read some books! “What books?” you ask? You can start with the list of books on this website.Read More

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