HomeLife in JapanHow the Japanese heat their homes in winter Log in


How the Japanese heat their homes in winter — 5 Comments

  1. Hi My son is in Japan teaching English. He had a kerosene heater and was getting dizzy. Isn’t it dangerous to use these heaters indoors? It is in the US. How do the Japanese heat with them without surcoming to CO poising?

    • If you ever been inside a Japanese house, you would know there is no danger of co poisoning. Japanese houses are full of cracks and not air tight like American houses. Of course we need to use the heater indoors to keep warm. No point in using them outdoors, right? 🙂

  2. This is avoided by opening the window every once in a while and exchanging the air. Japanese houses can be air tight also. You just have to make sure you air out the room every once in while.

    • Do you live in Japan? I have lived in Japan for 38 years and have yet to see a Japanese open a window for fear of carbon monoxide poisoning.

  3. I use this kind of heaters in Italy (we have central heating but it’s not convenient for half-season), this is also the primary source of heat for the hardware shop my parents have. CO isn’t a risk (at least with newer models) that detect poor air and turn the stove off but indoor air quality is still an issue, but 5′ of open window two times a day is enough to change the air inside for a 12hr heating. The bigger, at least for me, issue with this kink of heaters I found is that only warm air, just like terrible US-style HVAC systems, (and not the house itself) so just after 5 minutes it has been turned off, the room gets cold while with (aluminium) radiators my house stays confortable few hours after heating is turned off (it loses about 0,25°C/hr when central heating is off)

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James Japan