I became quite concerned over certain issues about Windows, namely, virus attacks, the need for registry cleaning, registry corruption, security questions, web bugs, trojans, file fragmentation, and general maintenance. The average Windows user seems to be woefully ignorant of most of these problems. When something bad happens, very few people know how to fix the problem.

Though I enjoy helping my friends and associates in solving their various Windows problems, it’s been very discouraging to see them have the same problems over and over again. Their kids get on the computer and install junk games, malware, pick up web bugs and spyware. The PC gets slower and slower and eventually comes to a grinding halt. I heard that Linux is much stronger and wanted to prove it to myself and take up the challenge to see if I could actually use it to the point that I can live without Windows. And I have! At the time of this post it has been nearly 2 years since I’ve been using Linux on my main desktop PC.

Here is a good comment about Linux taken from www.softwaredomain.co.uk/Linux/linux.html (Website now off-line :()

" It is also worth noting that the linux operating system, once setup is unlikely to need any user intervention or changes for a long time to come unlike some commercial operating systems that continuously distract the user from their task."

Isn’t that a good enough reason to at least try it?

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Why I switched from Windows to Linux — No Comments

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