The Two Babylons Chapter V. Rites And Ceremonies
In the sculptures of Nineveh idols, borne on men’s shoulders, are forcibly represented, and show the real origin of the Popish processions.
Continue reading →In the sculptures of Nineveh idols, borne on men’s shoulders, are forcibly represented, and show the real origin of the Popish processions.
Continue reading →The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth from ALL sin. If this be true, where can there be the need for any other cleansing? Those who die without personal union to Christ, are consequently unwashed, unjustified, and unsaved.
Continue reading →The last office which Popery performs for living men is to give them “extreme unction,” to anoint them in the name of the Lord, after they have been shriven and absolved, and thus to prepare them for their last and unseen journey.
Continue reading →The priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church may in fact be the false prophet of Revelation chapter 13. Many things they teach are downright blasphemous doctrines.
Continue reading →A movement against celibacy was founded with a headquarters in Naples. A large number of priests joined it, but it was put down.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Sign of the Cross, touching your forehead with your right hand, indicates allegiance to the Pope!
Continue reading →Self-exaltation and blasphemy are conjoined in the Papacy which is Pagan Caesarism which wears a religious mask—exactly as foretold by 2 Thess. ii., Rev. xiii. and Daniel vii. and xi. 36-39.
Continue reading →The Mark of the Beast may be the Sign of the Cross that all Catholics do when they pray.
Continue reading →As “the Beast” is a symbol, and represents a Pagan Power, its “image” must not be taken in its literal sense, i.e., must not be understood of a statue, but rather of some representation of the pagan power signified.
Continue reading →I’m voting for someone who’s going to make policies that Christians and non-Christians will live under, including my children and my grandchildren.
Continue reading →If baptismal regeneration, the initiating ordinance of Rome, and justification by works, be both Chaldean, the principle embodied in the “unbloody sacrifice” of the mass is not less so.
Continue reading →Outside the Church there is no Antichrist, in the Biblical sense of the term; inside the Church that evil power has sat for nearly 2,000 years as ‘God in the temple of God.’
Continue reading →The worshippers of Nimrod and his queen were looked upon as regenerated and purged from sin by baptism, which baptism received its virtue from the sufferings of these two great Babylonian divinities. But yet in regard to justification, the Chaldean doctrine was that it was by works and merits of men themselves that they must be justified and accepted of God.
Continue reading →Out of their own mouths Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Jesuits have convicted the Pope of Rome of being “The Antichrist” of the Word of God.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church says baptism is of absolute necessity for salvation insomuch that infants dying without it cannot be admitted to glory. This is not according to the Bible.
Continue reading →The carnal policy the Church of Rome at the expense of truth, and the circumstances attending the festival of the Assumption show yet more daring wickedness and blasphemy.
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