Liberty of Conscience in Italy

Liberty of Conscience in Italy

This is from a March 1920 publication of the Converted Catholic Magazine which was not found in the Lutheran Library. This article contains some interesting history how the much persecuted Waldenses obtained their rights as citizens and liberty of conscience by the King in spite of opposition by the Pope!

An Address Delivered in Christ’s Mission, October 20, 1919


John Mazzei

There are few countries with which so many interesting associations are connected as with Italy. The student of history looks upon it as the seat of the longest-continued and most-extended dominion over the nations. It is the country in which the fourth great monarchy arose and extended its rule over all the then civilized world. When that vast empire came to an end, another, of a religio-political nature, rose on its ruins, whose influence over mankind has been far greater than that of its predecessor. The dominion of ancient Rome and its Caesars has been perpetuated in Rome and its Popes.

To the scholar Italy has indescribable charms, as the land of Cicero, of Tacitus, of Dante, of Tasso and a host of others, whose writings have enlightened, stimulated and guided the minds and polished the manners of men.

But, to the Christian, Italy ranks next, in point of interest, to the land associated with the Saviour of the world. It was visited by Apostles; it was the scene of some of the earliest and most glorious conquests of Christianity, and its soil has been saturated with the blood of martyrs.

For the Protestant there is much in Italy to excite deep and peculiar emotions. It is the land in which the Mystery of Iniquity gradually arose and eventually overpowered the truth in all parts of Christendom, save in some of its own Alpine valleys and filled the Christian world with the ignorance and superstition of a baptized paganism.

It is a remarkable fact that the Popes nowhere encountered a more steady, long-continued or powerful opposition than in Italy itself. In that country Truth had an uninterrupted succession of defenders from the days of the Apostles till the Reformation. It was in her mountain valleys in Piedmont that the true Church found a retreat during more than a thousand years, while all the rest of Christendom gradually, and at length universally, bowed beneath the dominion of the worldly system of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Beginnings of Liberty.

On February 22, 1848, France is proclaimed a Republic. Prussia and Austria are in rebellion. Milan and Venice expel the Austrians. Victory smiles upon the Italian brotherhood.

However, Radetsky (a Czech nobleman and Austrian field marshal) receives powerful reinforcement and gains for his army what they previously had lost. He breaks the Italian gatherings at Sommacampagna (town in northern Italy). Charles Albert (King of Sardinia) retires with his disordered troops. Soon he abdicates in favor of his son Victor.

The day after the defeat. the magnanimous king voluntarily left for exile and died the following year.

From such sorrows were born the independence, the unity, the liberty of Italy. All honor to the martyrs of every party who sealed with blood and with the loss of every possession their faith in the destinies of a strong, glorious and prosperous united Italy!

The Waldenses, who for more than five centuries had suffered and fought for their evangelical faith, were up to this time not permitted to worship God according to the dictates of their consciences outside of the limited boundaries assigned to them. They were denied civil and political rights. The universities and all the public offices of every grade were closed to them; the liberal professions, too, were denied to them.

One by one restrictive laws against the Waldenses lost their force. The word “Emancipation” was pronounced. The Marchese Robert D’Azeglia (an aristocrat, painter, author, and statesman who was a leader of the movement that advocated an Italian national revival (Risorgimento) by the expulsion of all foreign influences from the then-divided Italian states) took the initiative, asking that every obstacle be removed and that full liberty be granted to all subjects before the law, to the Waldenses and to the Jews.

On the night of February 16, 1848, the news spread in Turin that the king was about to sign the Act of Emancipation of the Waldenses. On February 17th the following edict appeared:

“The Waldenses are admitted to enjoy all rights, civil and political, of our subjects, to frequent the schools and the universities, and to be entitled to all academical degrees.”

The valleys, at the announcement of the edict, broke forth into gladness. The hearts of the people beat with joy and praise to God and to the magnanimous king. As night fell every mountain, every hill, every peak shone forth a blaze of light; everyone carried torches.

On February 28th Turin began to celebrate the granting of the Constitution. All the provinces of Piedmont were sending their representatives. The deputation gathered upon Piazza Porta Nuova. Young girls in white dresses, with azure shoes (the colors of Piedmont), led the procession, followed by more than 600 persons. A velvet banner was carried, upon which shone in silver letters the words:

“To Charles Albert. The Waldenses recognized.”

More than 30,000 flags unfurled in passing under the balcony where the king sat.

On the 4th of March were proclaimed the Statutes of the Kingdom. Article 24 reads as follows:

“All natives, whatever may be their titles or degrees, are equal before the law. All shall enjoy the rights, both “civil and political, and are admissible to the civil and military positions, except those determined by the law.”

This article left in existence, for the Israelites, those old interdictions that contrasted with the spirit of the times and with the new principle of the State, which the Government and Parliament felt the necessity of giving to the Waldenses. Finally, by help and intervention of Parliament, on March 29, 1848, the Minister of the Interior, Ricci, presented a decree with his Majesty’s signature, with which was ordered:

“The native-born Israelite (probably Jews) shall enjoy, from the date of this present, all civil rights and the faculty to follow the academical degrees.”

Up to this time the Israelites had been excluded from the military service. To take away this last objection, Prince Eugene of Savoy Carignano, Lieutenant of the Kingdom, on the 15th of April, published a decree as follows:

The native-born Israelites are henceforth admitted to take part in the military service in conformity to the laws and discipline now existing.”

The liberty of conscience in Italy was first given to the Waldenses after many years of persecution, and after all the craft and tricks and scares and interdictions and excommunications of the Papacy were unavailing. They did not uprise to obtain it, but their faith in God and obedience to the law of the land, won for them victory. They ceased not in pleading their cause whenever opportunity presented itself. They were the most trustworthy subjects the king had. They caused no trouble, except when Rome made trouble for them. These servants of the Lord had been tried and found to be true,

The king’s heart was more tender than the Pope’s. The king had heard his subjects cry and saw the tears that flowed down their cheeks. Christ said, “If your son asketh bread, will you give him a stone?” The Pope, unlike Christ, had given them the stake and hot iron. He now bit his tongue and raged, but the king did not hearken to his voice.

Italy, anciently great, was almost wiped from the map of Europe by the misconduct of him who claims to have the keys of Heaven and Hell.

May God bless us here in America and give us the strength and courage to teach and to preach the good news to all men! By doing so we follow in the footsteps of Him who loved us and redeemed us with His Blood to bring us nigh unto God, our Father.

Do You Confess Your Sins To A Priest?

Do You Confess Your Sins To A Priest?

This is from a March 1920 publication of the Converted Catholic Magazine which is not found in the Lutheran Library. If you were raised a Catholic like I was, I think you will enjoy this article because it contains some insights I never knew until today!

Converted Catholic Magazine

The cover of the 1920 Converted Catholic Magazine,

Do You Confess Your Sins To A Priest?


Do you feel under obligation to confess your sins to a priest? Here are some sound reasons why you should not “go to confession.” You should not confess to a priest.

Because You Have Not Sinned Against the Priest

Think of how foolish a man would be who would come and kneel before you and ask you to forgive him when he had never wronged you. Should he not go and confess his sin to the person against whom he had transgressed? Think of the foolish position your priest puts you in when he obliges you to kneel before him and utter the following prayer, called the “Confiteor”: “I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the saints, and to you, Father, that I have sinned exceedingly,” etc.

The first part of this prayer is sound advice. It is right to confess one’s sin to Almighty God, because all men have sinned against Him; but why should you confess your sins to Mary and Michael and John the Baptist, and the Apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the saints, and to the priest? If you have not sinned against all these, why should you confess to them? If you have, in any way, injured or wronged your priest, go and confess to him your fault, and if he is a Christian man he will forgive you; but sins you have committed against God, your Heavenly Father alone can forgive you.

Because Confession to a Priest is of Human Origin

There are some old people in Canada. They accept the teachings that have been invented by men hundreds of years after the beginning of the Christian Church, but they refuse to follow the teachings of Christ and the apostles as found in the New Testament. They obey the commandments of men, but disobey the commandments of God. Are you one of this class?

The Roman Catholic Church declares that the priest has power to forgive sins. A Roman Catholic leaflet, entitled “The Priest,” on pages 21-23, has the following declaration: “What is a priest? A man who holds the place of God, a man clothed with all the power of God. … When the priest forgives our sins he does not say, ‘God forgives you.’ He says, “I absolve thee.” … If you were to confess your sins to the blessed Virgin, or to an angel, could they absolve you? A legion of angels, were they here with you now, could not absolve you from your sins. But the simplest and humblest priest of the Church can do it?? He can say to you, ‘Go in peace, I forgive thee.'” Rome has based her claim chiefly on the following misinterpreted passages of Scripture:

1. Matthew 16:18, 19. She declares that the Church was built on Peter, and quotes this passage as a proof. Take up your Bible and read the whole context, beginning at verse thirteen. Jesus says nothing about appointing Peter as His successor. What is the question under debate? It is simply a question of faith. Jesus first asked the apostles whom the people thought He was? Then He turned to the apostles and asked them what was their idea of Him? Peter answered for all by saying, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus said, “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church.”

Note that Christ did not say, “Thou art Peter, and on thee, Peter, I will build My Church,” but “on this rock”; that is to say, on Christ Himself, the Son of the living God, which Peter confessed. This interpretation of this passage is upheld by other passages of Scripture. No verse of Scripture can be found stating that the Church had for its foundation Peter. Many passages of Scripture can be quoted declaring Christ to be the foundation of the Church. Paul said, “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 3:11). “And did (the Israelites) all drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.” (1 Cor. 10:4).

If Peter had been the foundation of the Church, the Church would have been built on a foundation of sand—for Satan prevailed against Peter. Only a few minutes later (see Matt. 16: 23), Jesus said to Peter: “Get thee behind Me, Satan: thou art an offence unto Me.” Some people may be satisfied with such a foundation, but Jesus the Saviour against whom Satan never prevailed, is the foundation of the true Christian Church.

But what about the keys? Did not Jesus say to Peter: “And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven”? etc. When Jesus spoke of giving Peter the keys, he was referring to a Jewish custom which would be very familiar to Peter, who was a Jew. The scribes of Israel were thought of as stewards of divine wisdom (Matt. 13:52). When the Jews made a man a doctor of the law, they put into his hands the key of the closet in the temple where the sacred books were kept and also tablets to write upon ; signifying by this that they gave him authority to teach and to explain the Scriptures to the people. Peter having understood and confessed Jesus as the Christ, the Saviour, by this statement: “I give unto thee the keys,” etc., simply gave Peter the authority to teach others the truths he had himself learned.

2. Again, Rome quotes John 20:19-23, especially verses 22 and 23: “Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.” The apostles, Rome says, received this power to forgive sins, and the priests are the successors of the apostles. Read verses 19 and 20, and compare them with Luke 24:33, and it will at once become evident that this power of forgiving sin was not only given to the apostles, namely the twelve, but to the disciples—hence to all believers. Therefore, all God’s children have the power to declare sins forgiven or sins retained. As long as the apostles and others who were Christ’s disciples exercised their powers according to God’s will and God’s way, in establishing His Kingdom on earth, their acts would be ratified in Heaven.

How did the disciples forgive sins? Here is the important question. Did they pretend to stand in God’s place, clothed with all the power of God and compel people to kneel before them and confess to them their sins in detail, and then did they pretend to have power to grant absolution? No, never! How can we find out how the early Christians forgave sins? By reading the New Testament, and especially the Acts of the Apostles. On reading we find: That all men are born in sin and under condemnation, (See such passages as John 1:18; Rom. 3:22, 23). That Christ alone can liberate or set free. “If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36). (See also John 3: 16, 18, 36; Acts 4:12). The disciples simply preached Jesus as Saviour, declaring that those who believed on Him would have their sins forgiven, and those who refused to repent and believe on Him, they would be left bound in their sins.

The-apostles were sent to preach the forgiveness of sins, and not to confess the people. The reading of Luke 24:45-47; Acts 2:14-42; Acts 10:42, 43; Acts 13:38, 39, will make this plain.

3. John 21:15-18 is also quoted by Rome as proof that Peter was given special privileges over the other apostles because Christ said to him, “Feed My lambs,” “Feed My sheep,” three times. The . explanation is simple; it does not indicate any peculiar power granted to Peter over the others; but as Peter had denied his Lord three times Christ asked him three times if he loved Him, and three times told him to care for His flock. Christ wanted Peter to understand that although he had denied Him three times. he was forgiven, and his labors would still be acceptable.

How Did Auricular Confession Originate?

It was an outgrowth of several centuries of darkness and ignorance. Toward the end of the second century, when a member of the Church committed a grave sin he was requested to confess it before the whole Church, but in 450, under Leo I, Bishop of Rome, this public confession became private. It was only in 1215, at the Council of Lateran, called by order of Pope Innocent III., that auricular, or private, confession was declared an article of faith. Therefore, confession to a priest is purely human in its origin and development.

Because the Priest’s Pretended Pardon is Worthless

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that if a person is dying and far away from any priest he can cry out to God for forgiveness, and God can forgive, although no priest is near. If God can forgive a man, say, away in the bush, where there is no priest, can He not forgive a man in his own home, though he does not send for the priest who is at hand? What God can do for a man in the woods He can do for him anywhere. Again, Rome teaches that if a man sincerely repents of his sins and makes a true confession of them God forgives him, even though the priest may refuse him absolution; and that a man may receive absolution from his priest without being forgiven by God, seeing he has not properly confessed and is not truly penitent. What conclusion can we come to but that the priest’s pardon is valueless. If God pardons when the priest does not pardon, and God does not pardon when the priest does, it is surely evident that the priest’s pardon is worthless. Frequently a person has gone to one priest, and that priest has refused to pardon him; he has then gone to another and obtained absolution. It is surely plain that God’s pardon is the only one of value.

Because Confession to a Priest is Immoral

Is it not absurd, yes, even shameful, for a married woman, or a young lady, to reveal all her sins by thoughts, by desires, by words and by actions, into the ears of an unmarried man? Religion does not consist in such indecent conversations. It is not by plunging into dirty water and by stirring it to its very depths that you can wash and be clean. Confession to a priest has been frequently disastrous both for priests and their penitents. The priest has no right to search out and discover all the secret sins of your life. It is none of his business. God knows your sins. Go to Him and confess them. The priest should not be allowed to interfere in your personal affairs. No man has a right to examine your conscience. (See 2 Cor. 13:5).

Because God Alone Can Forgive Your Sins

“Who can forgive sins but God alone?” This is what the Scribes and Pharisees said as they accused Jesus of speaking blasphemies, because He said to the man sick of the palsy, “Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.” The Pharisees were right; God only can forgive sins; but they overlooked the fact that Jesus was God, and, therefore, had the right to forgive this man his sins.

Confession to God is the only true confession. God never gave to any man the power to forgive sins through the confessional. God never established the priest as a judge over your conscience. Peter forbade Cornelius to kneel down before him. (See Acts 10: 26.) Jesus and the apostles never practiced auricular confession, nor did they ever teach it. The forgiveness of sins can be obtained to-day exactly as it was obtained when our Saviour was on earth. By going directly to God in the name of Jesus. Listen: “And ye know that He (Jesus) was manifested to take away sins, and in Him is no sin. (1 John 3:5.) “And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto Heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, “God be merciful to me, a sinner. I tell you this man went down to his house justified…” (Luke 18:13,14) Like the publican, go straight to God and receive His forgiveness.

The priest cannot answer for your sins. You are accountable directly to God. Paul says (Rom. 14:12), “So, then, every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”

When Simon committed his great sin in trying to buy the gift of God with money Peter did not make him kneel at his feet and forgive him, but simply sent him to God for forgiveness. Read Acts 8:22, “Repent, therefore, of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. ..’ All true ministers today follow Peter’s example; they do not pretend to forgive sins committed against God, but they send sinners to God for pardon.

If you confess your sins to the Lord the Saviour you can be sure they are forgiven. Listen: “If we confess our sins He (Christ) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9.) But now that Christ is exalted to the right hand of God, does He still forgive sins? Yes. Hearken: “Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Is- © rael and forgiveness of sins.” (Acts 5:31.)

“Let the wicked.forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts ;and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” Isa.55:6, 7.)

Crime And Religion

Crime And Religion

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine which was edited by former Catholic priest Leo Herbert Lehmann.

CRIMINOLOGISTS and sociologists have not yet allowed themselves to consider religious teaching as anything but a deterrent against crime. They seem to have omitted from their calculations the possibility that certain religious teachings, far from helping to lessen crime in youths and adults, and among nations, may actually foster it.

Entirely forgotten are the facts of history which prove that more crime has been committed in the name of religion and as a result of the teachings of certain religious systems than under any other pretext. In the nearly 2,000 years of Christianity itself, the most cruel wars, the brutal assassination and torture of millions of innocent people, the degradation and weakening of the moral fiber of countless millions of others, may be attributed directly to corrupt teachings that have been dogmatically taught as consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Even Hitler used religion as excuse for his atrocities against the Jews. “In combatting the Jews,” he piously wrote in Mein Kampf, “I am doing the work of the Lord.”

This has been recently called to our attention by an attempt of an assistant professor of sociology at Catholic University in Washington, D. C., to explain away our statistical and factual analysis of this important matter as contained in our pamphlet, Religious Education and Crime. This pamphlet of ours seeks to explain the fact, which no one can deny, that Roman Catholics proportionately exceed those of other religions in our jails and penitentiaries.

We hold that this warrants serious consideration of the fact that not all religious teachings may he conducive to the moral health of human society. The mere suggestion of it, however, seems to have amazed this Catholic sociologist.

The attempt to explain away the facts and figures contained in our pamphlet, Religious Education and Crime, was made by Dr. Mary E. Walsh, assistant professor of sociology at Catholic University, in a paper submitted to the Senate committee during its hearings in April and May, 1945, on S-717, a bill which would have authorized Federal funds for the support of Catholic parochial schools. More than two pages (925-927) of volume 2 of the printed hearings before the Senate committee are devoted to quotations from the above-mentioned pamphlet of ours, while three and a half pages (928-931) contain Dr. Walsh’s rebuttal, under the significant title “A Novel Theory of Crime.” She says in part:1

“Mr. Lehmann’s theory is, I must admit, one that is quite startling, as well as original. The trend of his article is to the effect that religious education, specifically Catholic religious education, is the cause of crime. This theory is one that no doubt will cause consternation to many of his readers. For it is the generally held opinion among constituents of religious groups, whether Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish, that religious teaching is a powerful influence toward good citizenship and right acting…
“Certainly any right-minded citizen; who is anxious to help his country in the matter of so disturbing a problem as crime would be willing to read Mr. Lehman’s theory in a spirit of fair inquiry. For it may be that he has found an answer to the problem that has escaped the experts. Perhaps he has a solution which will be of great assistance to educators, administrators and social thinkers.”

Although admitting that the facts and figures supplied by our pamphlet all from official Catholic sources, and that these statistics show an excessively large proportion of Roman Catholics committed to prisons in all large States, Dr. Walsh naturally does not intend to admit by the above that our “novel theory of crime” has any value. She tries to explain away the official Catholic figures which we quote of this excessive proportion of Catholics in jails by stating that, “there is a much higher registration of church affiliation among prisoners than among the general population.” But surely these Catholic prison chaplains who supplied the information on Catholic prisoners would have taken care not to make the number of Roman Catholics in prison appear greater than it really is. That they used their own estimates, rather than figures from statistics of prison registration, can be seen from the fact that the number of Roman Catholics listed in Government reports is higher than that supplied by these Catholic prison chaplains.

Entirely overlooked in Dr. Walsh’s criticism of our pamphlet are the proofs we show that Catholic moral teaching may become an incentive to crime, especially theft and robbery. No attempt is made to explain away the answer, of which we supply a photostatic copy, from the official Catholic school catechism, Manual of Christian Doctrine, that gives “causes that excuse from theft.” Nor is there any mention of official Catholic moral teaching that one may steal up to $40.00 at one time without committing a mortal sin.

The world needs religious teaching today. Education of youth is incomplete without it. But any old religion won’t do! It must be a religion that strengthens the moral fiber, that has power really to save, that truly sanctifies and consecrates the individual heart and is a proper guide to conscience. Of more harm than good is a religious moral code, like that of the Roman Catholic church, that merely supplies “reasons” to enable people to break the ten commandments without committing grievous sin.

One of the tests whether a religion is good or bad is its ability to support and propagate itself without an alliance with and special protection of the civil government. That the Founding Fathers of this great Republic knew and acted on this may be seen from the following declaration of Benjamin Franklin:

“When a religion is good I conceive that it will support itself, and when it cannot support itself and God does not take care to support it, so that its professors are obliged to call for help of the civil power, it is a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.”

1. Hearings before the Committee oh Education and Labor, U. S. Senate, 79th Congress, U. S. Govt. Printing Office. 1945, Part 2. pp. 928931.↩

The Third Temple Deception

The Third Temple Deception

This is an updated version of the article I posted on December 4, 2023. More thoughts and verses are added below the original article.

A rebuilt third temple of Solomon is a popular Endtime doctrine today among evangelicals who hold John Nelson Darby’s doctrines of Dispensationalism and Futurism.

Would a third rebuilt temple in Jerusalem be of God? This is what Rick Wiles of has to say about it:

Almighty God destroyed the temple in 70 AD. He destroyed the rituals, the sacrifices, and everything associated with Judaism. He destroyed it. It wasn’t just a minor judgment on it. It was the divine destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, exactly what Jesus said, every stone of this temple is coming down. God judged it. Jesus Christ is the temple. He is our temple. The entire system was obliterated. The judgment of God came upon the Jewish people for murdering, crucifying the Son of God. They were dispersed around the world. They said, let his blood be upon us. And the only way to get out from under that curse is to repent and believe on the name of Jesus Christ. That’s it. That’s the only way to get out of that curse.

God is not building a temple. A temple would be an abomination. It would be blasphemous for God to build a temple. Why? Are you saying that the blood of Jesus isn’t good enough anymore? That the blood of bulls and sheep has more power to atone for sins than the Son of God? Think about the blasphemy that these evangelical Zionists are telling people in churches that there’s going to be a third temple! That’s blasphemy!!! Why would God do something like that? His Son’s blood is just as pure and holy and powerful today as it was 2,000 years ago when it ran down the cross at Calvary. God ripped the veil in the temple. The earth shook the sky. It went black. The sun was darkened. Why? Because judgment was coming on Israel! And in 70 AD, He destroyed it! And now in our lifetime, the Zionists under the inspiration of Lucifer are seeking to rebuild that which God destroyed. And this thing, Zionism, is in direct opposition to the kingdom of God. And anybody who aligns himself with Zionism, you have made yourself an enemy of the living God. And you better repent and get out of it quickly.

An article on christinprophecy dot org talks about a Third Temple. It’s ironic the name of the website is Christ in Prophecy even though a rebuilt temple has nothing to do with Christ! The website states:

The Bible clearly teaches that a new temple — which will be called The Third Temple — will be built in the future.

Oh yeah? Does the Bible really teach that? Based on what Scriptures? The website states:

The Third Temple will exist during the Great Tribulation. Daniel refers to this temple when he says that “the prince who is to come” (the Antichrist) will enter it and stop the sacrifices in the middle of the Tribulation (Daniel 9:27). The Apostle Paul mentions it when he declares that the “man of lawlessness” will profane the temple by entering it and declaring himself to be God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

Do these Bible verses actually prophesy there will be a third temple? Or is the author reading into these Scriptures his own bias based on false teaching? What do these Scriptures actually say?

Daniel 9:26  And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

What was the “city and the sanctuary” of Daniel 9:26? Jerusalem and the Temple. When was it destroyed? History tells me it was destroyed in 70 AD. By whom? History tells me it was destroyed by the Roman army led by General Titus, the son of Roman Emperor Vespasian. Titus, the son of the emperor, was therefore a prince and the very prince who led the army that destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple 40 years after the Messiah was “cut off”, meaning crucified as a common criminal to take our place for our sins (crimes) against God.

Matthew 24 calls the time of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple a time of “great tribulation.”

Matthew 24:21  For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

The parallel passage of Jesus’ prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple is in the Gospel of Mark chapter 13. Mark calls that time “affliction”.

Mark 13:19  For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.

Tribulation and affliction on whom? On the unbelieving Jesus Christ-rejecting Jews! By whom? The armies of Rome! When? In 70 AD. Will this happen again in the future? Both Matthew and Mark quote Jesus saying, “nor ever shall be.” “neither shall be.”

Related to Dispensationalism and Futurism is the doctrine of the “pre-tribulation rapture” which says Jesus will return just before the rise of the Antichrist and save us from tribulation. Ask yourself, has there been tribulation of Christians by those who hate Christ throughout history? Roman emperors up to Constantine fed Christians to the lions during the first two centuries of Christianity. It’s been estimated that the Church of Rome, the Roman Catholic Church killed 50,000,000 Bible believers over a period of 1260 years from 538 AD to 1798 AD when the Popes had temporal power over governments up to the time Napoleon exiled the Pope!

Other Scriptures christinprophecy dot org give to support the rebuilding of the temple doctrine are:

Daniel 9:27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,…

They combine that with:

2 Thessalonians 2:1  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2  That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3  ¶Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Dispensational Endtime doctrines interpret the “he” of Daniel 9:27 to be the Endtime Antichrist who shall rule the entire earth during the last 7 years of the governments of man. The “covenant” of Daniel 9:27 is supposed to be a pact or treaty the Antichrist makes with the Jews so they can rebuild their temple. The prophecy “he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease” is interpreted as the Antichrist breaking the Covenant of peace with the Jews which starts 3 and 1/2 years of persecution of the Jews. The Antichrist stands in the Temple and tells the world he is God. This is what most American evangelicals believe today with some variation. Some believe there will be 7 years of tribulation, not just 3 and 1/2 years.

IT’S ALL FALSE DOCTRINE!!! These teachings are not yet 200 years old! None of the early Protestant Reformation leaders believed or followed these doctrines. And why not? During the first 300 years after Martin Luther started the Reformation, true Protestant and Baptist Christians to a man all KNEW exactly WHO the Antichrist, the “man of sin, the son of perdition” of II Thess 2:3 is: The Popes of Rome! He was the one claiming to be God on earth sitting in the midst of the Temple, the Church of God!

1 Corinthians 3:16  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

The early Protestants knew II Thess 2:3 could not be talking about a physical temple because the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. Nor did they expect that the Temple had to be rebuilt in the last days in order for this prophecy to be fulfilled. They had first-hand knowledge of the Pope’s hatred for them and they were risking death to disobey the Pope and cling to the doctrine of grace through faith in Jesus Christ. They knew the Popes of Rome persecuted and killed Bible-following Christians over the centuries before the Reformation started in 1517. The Waldensians and Anabaptists suffered years of massacre, rape, and pillaging during the Catholic Church’s attempt to stomp it out. And even after the Reformation began, tens of thousands of French Protestant Huguenots were murdered by the Pope in a single day in 1572 on St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre. Even Wikipedia talks about it.

When the doctrines of Dispensationalism and Futurism were introduced in the 19th century, not everyone bought it. Charles Spurgeon continued to hold the traditional Protestant doctrine of the Antichrist.

Charles Spurgeon tells us who the antichrist is.

You may ask, “What happened? Why did Protestant and Baptist Christians stop looking at the Popes of Rome as the fulfillment of the prophecy of II Thessalonians chapter 2, and start thinking the Antichrist is yet to come and who will make a pact with the Jews to rebuild their Temple?” Good question. The answer is very simple: It was the work of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation which was promoted by Jesuit priests who infiltrated Protestant schools and seminaries to teach their false doctrines of Dispensationalism and Futurism in order to get Protestant and Baptist Christians’ eyes OFF the POPE as the Antichrist! Did it work? You know it did. How many today still think of the Pope as Antichrist, the man of sin of II Thessalonians chapter 2? Not many. Only a tiny minority still do. The leader of Northern Ireland, Ian Paisley, believed the Pope was an antichrist. He was the only world statesman I know of in the 20th century who publically denounced the Pope as an antichrist! Just listen to him in this 1.5-minute video!

The Bible says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelation 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

What has a rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem to do with Jesus Christ? It represents further REJECTION of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and the true Christ by rebuilding the temple to resume animal sacrifices. It represents further REJECTION of the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ in favor of the blood of animals which can never permanently take away sins.

The Bible says the day of animal sacrifices are OVER!

Hebrews 10:1  For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.
2  For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.
3  But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
4  For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

Would therefore a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem be therefore considered a “holy place” in the eyes of God? What do you think? I believe it would be an abomination in the eyes of God and further rejection of the Son of God, the Word Who became flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Update: More thoughts about the Temple.

My wife Tess and I were impressed by some verses in Jeremiah chapter 7 which we read together this morning, February 13, 2024.

Jeremiah 7:4  Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, …

Jeremiah 7:9  Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not;
10  And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?
11  Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD.
12  But go ye now unto my place which was in Shiloh, where I set my name at the first, and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel.

In the Book of Joshua, Shiloh was the first place the children of Israel set up the tabernacle of the Lord, the tent that contained the Ark of the Covenant.

Joshua 18:1 And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them.

Judges 18:31 And they set them up Micah’s graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

It’s interesting the remnant of the tribe of Benjamin that was nearly wiped out by a war with the other tribes of Israel got their wives from Shiloh, the place of the tabernacle of the Lord, so that the tribe of Benjamin would not die out among the other tribes! I never made that connection before.

Judges 21:20 Therefore they commanded the children of Benjamin, saying, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards; 21 And see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.

Because the Tabernacle of the Lord was in Shiloh, of course Eli the priests, his sons, and the prophet Samuel also lived there.

1 Samuel 1:3  And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the LORD of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the LORD, were there.

What did the Lord do to His Tabernacle at Shiloh in reference to Jeremiah 7:12? He let the enemies of Israel take from it the Ark of the Covenant!

1 Samuel 4:10  And the Philistines fought, and Israel was smitten, and they fled every man into his tent: and there was a very great slaughter; for there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen.
11  And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain.

And what did the Lord say He would do to the first Temple of Solomon?

Jeremiah 7:13  And now, because ye have done all these works, saith the LORD, and I spake unto you, rising up early and speaking, but ye heard not; and I called you, but ye answered not;
14  Therefore will I do unto this house, which is called by my name, wherein ye trust, and unto the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done to Shiloh.
15  And I will cast you out of my sight, as I have cast out all your brethren, even the whole seed of Ephraim.

The Temple of the Lord was only called the House of God when the Ark of the Covenant was in it. Where is the Ark now? Not in Jerusalem! The Book of Revelation says it’s in Heaven!

Revelation 11:19  And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament:

It’s interesting that the Ark of the Covenant or Testament is only mentioned twice in the entire New Testament! Beside Rev. 11:19, it’s mentioned in Hebrews:9:4

Hebrews 9:4  Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;

Was the Ark of the Covenant in Herod’s Temple at the time of Jesus? The Bible doesn’t say, but it does say the veil of the Temple was ripped open so that people could see inside the Holy of Holies where the Ark was supposed to be.

Mark 15:38  And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.

Hebrews 9:3  And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all;

Could it be the Lord ripped the veil in two in order to show the children of Israel the Ark of the Covenant was no longer inside it? John saw it in Heaven!

The Temple with no Tabernacle with the Ark of the Covenant meant that God was no longer with the Jews. He gave them 40 more years to repent and then destroyed the Temple through the Romans in 70 AD.

And Christian Zionists want to see the Temple rebuilt?! What about the Ark of the Covenant? It’s not on earth if we take Revelation 11:19 literally. Years ago I read the Jews may claim they have found the the Ark, but it will be a fake, an imitation.

The prophet Jeremiah prophesied that the Ark would not be remembered anymore.

Jeremiah 3:16  And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.

And why? Because those who believe on the Name of Jesus as the Son of God have God’s presence with them continually! Praise the Lord!

Fake Relics And Miracles

Fake Relics And Miracles

Catholic Relics For Sale

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine which was edited by former Catholic priest Leo Herbert Lehmann.

THE STRENGTH of the Roman Catholic church lies in the power it has exercised for centuries over the illiterate semi-Christian masses of Eastern Europe and the Latin countries. It has grown fat on their credulity. Even in the modern world it has dared to defy science and historical facts just as if it were in the Middle Ages. This defiance and intolerance aroused great admiration on the part of Hitler. In fact the Nazism that he founded is only an adaptation to politics of the means and principles by which Catholicism grew strong: the Inquisition, condemnation and burning of books, mass pageants, and an hierarchical order with one sole leader who is an infallible demi-god who lays down the law to his underlings.

In Mein Kampf, the Bible of Nazism, Hitler outlined and praised the principles of Catholic organization. Basic among these principles was the dogmatism of the Catholic church and its defiance of known facts. On page 882 of the unexpurgated edition of his book he expressed his admiration for this attitude in the following words:

“Here, too, one can learn from the Catholic Church. Although its structure of doctrines in many instances collides, quite unnecessarily, with exact science and research, yet it is unwilling to sacrifice even one little syllable of its dogmas.”

Among the teachings of Catholicism that conflict “quite unnecessarily with exact science and research” are its countless ‘pious lies’ that masquerade as facts. For the sake of the record we will narrate a few of them here. Hundreds of them are listed in such scholarly works as Karl von Hase’s Handbook to the Controversy with Rome and Five Centuries of Religion by G. G. Coulton of the University of Cambridge. Those who want to explore the unlimited credulity of ignorant and prejudiced minds are referred to these sources, which in turn quote from Catholic authors.

In Rome a set of 28 stone steps, covered with wood, have for hundreds of years been venerated as the very steps of Pilate’s palace in Jerusalem up which Jesus walked. They are described as having been brought to Rome by Helena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine. A notice posted at the foot of these stairs informs the public that Pope Pius VII, during the 19th century, granted nine years of indulgences for every step of them that a person prayerfully climbs without getting off his knees. In 1909 Pope Pius X ‘raised the ante’ by granting to everyone who completed the performance on his knees full forgiveness of all his venial sins and the Purgatorial punishment that might still be due on mortal sins. Tens of thousands of simple believers go through this act every year, and contribute generously to collections taken on the spot, as a sort of double-check on getting the prize indulgences.

In 1903 the Congregation of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in Rome formed the Archbishop of San Jago in Chile, in answer to his inquiry, that it was permissible to swallow little paper pictures of the Virgin Mary in order to recover health. Similar pictures of Joseph and St. Anthony are swallowed by devout Catholics in this country. Franciscan churches, like the one near Pennsylvania Station in New York City, give them out for a money “offering”.

One of the world-famous fictions of Catholicism concerns Saint Januarins, Bishop who is supposed to have been martyred in 305 A.D. His body for centuries has been entombed in Naples, Italy, in a church erected in His honor. Since the end of the 14th century his body is preserved in two small phials. It is normally solid, but three times a year (in May, September and December) it liquefies and bubbles when placed near a silver bust said to contain the saint’s head. Catholics stoutly maintain that no law of science can explain this phenomenon.

Just how this miracle happens was explained in the October, 1921, issue of the scholarly theological quarterly, The Hibbert Journal, by Dr. Frederic N. Williams, L.S.A., L.R.C.P., a fellow of the Linnaean Society:

“When at Naples several years ago, I visited the municipal hospital; and after going round called at the hospital dispensary to have a talk with the American pharmacist under whose superintendence the department was. While there, a young acolyte from the Cathedrale di San Gennaio (St. Januarius) came in and asked the pharmacist for the usual mixture for use at the feast which was to take place the next day, the first Saturday in May. With a smile and a few words of banter, the pharmacist prepared a mixture of ox-bile and crystals of Glauber’s salt (sulphate of soda), and, keeping the written message, handed it to the messenger to take back to the cathedral sacristy.
“After thus dismissing the acolyte, the practical pharmacist simply remarked to me that miracles took place nowadays, and this one was prepared in a hospital pharmacy with very satisfactory results. The next morning the pharamacist and I sat in a café and watched the solemn procession of the liquefied blood from the church of Santa ta Chiara on its way to the cathedral. Thanks to my genial companion, the ‘miracle’ was quite successful. He also explained that at the second celebration, which takes places on the 16th of December in the cathedral only (without a procession), the liquefaction is slower on account of the cooler weather.”

Laughable as these fake miracles are to people of unbiased reason, still funnier ones received wide acceptance in medieval times. In the days of the Crusaders such alleged relics as the swaddling clothes of Jesus, (he tears he shed at Lazarus’s grave and the like, were brought to Europe. The crib of the Christ Child is still publicly venerated in Rome at Saint Mary Major’s, one of Rome’s principal basilicas. Incredible though it seems, Dr. Cecil Cadoux in Catholicism and Christianity, p. 486, vouches for the fact on historical evidence that “things like a rung of Jacob’s ladder, Moses’ horns, Jesse’s root, and a feather from Michael the archangel’s wings, enjoyed in the Middle Ages a transitory veneration.” Anyone familiar with Europe knows that the Benedictine abbey of Monte Vergine, south of Naples, exhibits, as a relic, milk of the Virgin Mary. Seven other churches in Europe make similar claims. To encourage devotion to the shrine at Monte Vergine Mussolini built a road up to the mountain-top where the abbey is located.

Little wonder that Lord Acton, well-known Roman Catholic and historian, father of the Cambridge Modern History, wrote to Mary Gladstone, daughter of England’s famous Prime Minister, about Vatican Catholicism: “It not only promotes, it inculcates, distinct mendacity and untruthfulness. In certain cases it is made a duty to lie.”

St. Paul (in II Thess. 2:9-11) warned of this “working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in those that perish… And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”

The Dishonesty Of The Crucifix

Because the point of this article is Catholics should not worship the image of Jesus dying on the cross of Calvary, I am not including a picture of it. I am a former Roman Catholic.

This is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine which was edited by former Catholic priest Leo Herbert Lehmann.

BETWEEN the two great declarations of the Lord’s death and resurrection is the explicit statement: “He was buried.” From then on we know not Christ after the flesh — “Yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh,” says Paul, “yet now henceforth know we Him no more.” The importance of this is that, if Christ must still be contemplated on the cross, and still in His place of sacrifice, then our sins also remain upon us; Christ’s work is unfinished.

This is what the Roman Catholic church would have us believe, since an unfinished work of Christ is the only excuse for the continuance of its priesthood and the baneful control it exerts over the souls of millions. Priests and the sacrifice they falsely offer daily for the sins of men, it teaches, are necessary to make up for the imperfectness of the redemptive work of Christ. For, if the saving work of Christ is perfect and complete, then the Roman priesthood has no reason for existence.

But the Gospel fact is that He was buried. The body of death is thus forever put out of sight, and with that body of death went all our sins. Only profane and impious men would dare make the sign of death the adored symbol of salvation and life.

How dishonest is the crucifix! It has become an idol and a snare to millions, a fetish and a relic of an apostate Christendom, diverting men’s minds from light to darkness, from life to death. So it happened to the serpent of brass that Moses once lifted up as a promise in the wilderness, but which the great King Hezekiah long after was forced to break in pieces because it, too, had become an idol and a snare to his people.

Christ in glory is the only object of the true Christian’s contemplation, adoration and affection — the victorious, life-giving, all-powerful Saviour and only High Priest: “Who needeth not daily, as those other priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.” (Heb. 7:27)

By beholding and contemplating, not a dead or dying Christ, but this powerful, living Saviour, we are changed into the same image of Him, from glory unto glory.

A View of Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Vladimir Putin

A View of Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Vladimir Putin

Before you get upset with me for telling you something that you may not like, please let me tell you why I think the way I do.

First of all, I lived in Russia from 1994 to 1997 in the cities of Novosibirsk in Siberia, St. Petersburg, and Murmansk in the Arctic Circle, to share the Gospel with the Russian people. And I visited one of the most remote places in the Russian Arctic, the village of Teriberka. The Russians were very kind to me and I made lots of friends. It was fun learning to communicate in Russian and learning the customs and culture of the Russian people. Russians have a sense of humor just like Americans. They often use amusing sarcasm to make their point. They’re a well-mannered people and sometimes corrected me on my manners, something I appreciated.

Besides Russians, I also met the peoples of all the 14 other republics of the former Soviet Union who lived in Russia. There were lots of ethnic Ukrainians in Russia including two sisters in Christ from Kiev, my partners in evangelism to the Russians. I can tell you at the time there was no natural enmity between Russians and Ukrainians, at least there wasn’t until Putin came along. Russians and Ukrainians were like cousins, one big family. I couldn’t tell them apart! All the Ukrainians in Russia speak the Russian language, and even in Ukraine 1/3 of Ukrainians speak only Russian.

At the time there was still a spiritual vacuum in Russia because of the demise of Communism. One lady told me Communism and the Soviet government was her god. She said it was as if her god had died when the Soviet Union broke apart. Many were disheartened. But because of that, they were open to hearing the Gospel! My elderly friend from Moscow, Helen, one of the English-Russian interpreters to Japanese NHK journalists when they interviewed the first man to orbit the earth, Yuri Gagarin, appreciated all the Bible-based literature I gave her. I saw a lot of Russians come to know Jesus as their savior!

I also went to other former Soviet Republics, Estonia where I lived for one month, Latvia for one week, and Lithuania for a couple of days. There’s an ethnic Russian population in those former Soviet Republics, and they live in peace with each other. All the ethnic Russians had to learn the languages of those countries to earn a living there after the Soviet Union broke apart. Before that in Soviet times, they were allowed to do business speaking Russian. Now they are not!

Unlike Belarus and Ukraine then, there was a natural enmity between those three Baltic nations and Russia! And why? Russian is not their language and they were forced to join the Soviet Union against their will.

I once passed through Belarus on my way from St. Petersburg to Poland, the land of my grandparents. Lukashenko was president of Belarus even then! I was surprised then (1976) to learn that not all of the Polish people like Russia. Much less now for sure.

I also passed through Ukraine by train from Novorossiysk, a city on the Black Sea, on my way back to St. Petersburg. Ukrainian immigration officials saw that I didn’t have a visa for Ukraine, but my Russian friends talked them out of fining me! I was on a train line built during Soviet times. There were no borders then between Soviet Republics. The area of Ukraine I passed through is the Donbas region Putin annexed to Russia. I do not believe it was with the will of the people there.

Before I went to Russia when I lived in Japan, I met a young lady from Latvia in Tokyo. I knew she could speak Russian, and because I was studying the Russian language from NHK radio programs, I wanted to try out my Russian with her. I spoke to her some words in Russian and she immediately stopped me! “Russian is not my language,” she said. But there’s no doubt in my mind she understood what I said.

Once in Tallinn Estonia, I heard a lady scold a boy for standing on the park bench. At first, she spoke to him in Estonian, and because he didn’t seem to understand her, she spoke in Russian and he got the point. That was in 1977. I’m sure Russian speakers in Estonia are less and less and all ethnic Russians in Estonia are Estonia speakers by now.

Of the 15 former Soviet Republics, only Ukrainians and Belorussians are Slavic peoples with a language very similar to Russian. It stands to reason they would get along with each other more. The other former Soviet peoples all have different languages, and those languages are not related to each other.

I’m telling you all this because I didn’t know the attitudes of the people of these countries before I actually lived there, and therefore I’m assuming you may not know them either. It’s one of the reasons why I was heartbroken over Putin’s invasion of Ukraine! Not only Ukrainians, but the Russian people themselves are suffering and dying in this war! I only want the war to stop!

I also want you to know that I like Tucker Carlson. I appreciate his conservative views. I saw once a video an average New Yorker made when he saw Tucker Carlson fly fishing in Central Park New York City. Tucker was very cordial to him and answered all his questions. You can tell a lot about a person when you see how he treats others.

That being said, I was surprised Tucker went out of his way to give Putin an opportunity to spread his propaganda.

Putin, a former head of the KGB, is not to be trusted no matter what he says. I met lots of Russians on the island of Guam where I lived for 5 years. None of them like Putin! They ALL call him a criminal! And they all support Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion! I know that for a fact. I had a Russian friend who attended my church in Guam, Alex from a town in southern Russia near Crimea and the Black Sea, and that’s what he told me. And I met other Russians in Guam who agreed with him. Some of them actually fled from Russia to escape prosecution by Putin’s government!

Putin is not merely just a criminal, he’s a murderer of his OWN PEOPLE! The 1999 Moscow apartment bombings were a false flag operation that brought him into power. Yeltsin appointed him to take over under the condition Putin would not prosecute the Yeltsin family for ripping off billions from the Russian government. They are ALL corrupt! And Tucker trusts that guy?! Incredible!

Putin is the aggressor. He invaded Ukraine. To justify him for the invasion is a great delusion. To think he’s justified in what he’s doing is spitting on all the graves of the ones that died in the war so far, the graves of BOTH Ukrainians AND Russians!!

Lydia from Kyiv was my evangelism partner in St. Petersburg and Murmansk. Wouldn’t you think she knows the situation better than most Americans who never have been to Russia or Ukraine? This is what she wrote me:

From my relatives and acquaintances I know how strong and effective Russian propaganda is. I experienced friends who turned to enemies because they believed what was broadcast more than the people involved. But the truth is people from Donbas could travel all over Ukraine freely, speak Russian, and even get Ukrainian social benefits. Nobody was attacking them either in words or by deeds. You are smart man, but it seems to me you’ve caught some of that propaganda. Putin is a liar. And he used the same false accusations to attack other countries as well. You might’ve known that.
That video you posted about what was happening in 2013, before and after is not accurate, not true. The same twisted lies they fed and keep on feeding to Russians and anybody for that matter.
If someone in power is concerned that somebody’s rights are violated (like ethnic Russians), why can’t he do it the civil way: collect the evidence and go to international court with it?
Ukrainian independence is what Putin didn’t like and you can get that message from his speeches before he started this inhuman war. By what can you justify the targeted bombing of a maternity hospital, and an orphanage, and the shootings of unarmed civilians?
Why do we have to run from our homes for dear lives to become refugees now? Every day cities and towns are bombed. Every day something is destroyed in Kyiv and I check the news in the morning worried sick it might be our apartment building. I just pray for my parents, sister, and all my loved ones to be safe. Over 60 of my fellow Kievans were killed, four of them were children.
In Ukraine people of different nationalities live together peacefully and we don’t want anyone’s territory. We want to live in peace and choose our own course without anybody dictating to us what to do.
The sad truth is most Russians consider themselves superior to Ukrainians and any other nations as well.
I’m sorry if I sound overly emotional, I actually am and some of the thoughts are hard to put into words. I didn’t want to offend you in any way, and I hope you’ll come to the right conclusions.

Lydia apparently thought from something I posted on Facebook that I agreed with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. I never did. I made that clear to her in a reply.

If you have seen Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin, how can you reconcile what he says with what Ukrainian Lydia says? You can’t. I trust what Lydia says. She’s fled Kyiv for her life with her daughter Diana and is now living in France.

Just because Biden supports the Ukrainian resistance against the Russian invasion does not mean Putin is wearing the white hat! We should not judge according to appearances! I don’t support Biden or most of his policies, but neither do I justify Putin in his actions. I think the situation is deeper than most people realize.

My friend from Belarus, Yanek, another one of my evangelism partners in St. Petersburg and Murmansk Russia, believes Putin was tricked into invading Ukraine because he was given false information. He thought the war would be over in days. He apparently thought the Ukrainian people would welcome the Russian soldiers as liberators from Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s “repressive” government! Whatever you may think about Zelinskyy and his government, you can see that was not the case!

My friend Russian friend Alex says the Orthodox Church fully supports Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. I hear the Catholic Church is stronger than the Orthodox in Western Ukraine. Could the war really be all about a Jesuit / Vatican plan to destroy Russia? I believe Western Europe is controlled by the Vatican, and the Vatican has failed twice so far to conquer Russia through Napoleon and Hitler.

Contrary to what others are saying, I can’t see how Putin can win this war. Even if he takes over Kyiv, it’ll be like the Nazi takeover of Paris. Just like the French underground resistance was a thorn in Hitler’s side, so would a Ukrainian underground resistance be to Putin. That’s what I believe.

Historically Ukrainians have more reasons to not like Russians than vice versa. Millions of Ukrainians starved to death from 1932-1933 because all the food from their farms was shipped to Russia!

I have lost friends over my view about Putin and the Russian invasion. Putin is feeding American conservatives what he knows they like and want to hear! But his only interest is money and power. He’s not in it for the welfare of the Russian people.

I hope I don’t lose you too, but this is how I see it based on what I know directly from my own experiences in that part of the world and what my Russian and Ukrainian friends tell me, and not what the media or American conservatives tell me. I too am an American conservative! But my allegiance is first of all to God’s Kingdom, the Lord Jesus, and the truth.

Decoding Putin’s Interview with Tucker Carlson

The 7-minute video below is an interview with Jack Barsky, a former KGB spy in America. He gives insights into Vladimir Putin’s recent interview with Tucker Carlson about Putin’s assertions about Ukraine, military support, and diplomatic strategies.

Here’s a quote during the interview from Mr. Barsky:

Mr. Carlson sat through most of that interview like a middle school student. But at one point he should have been prepared to know that Putin was just lying. Putin was stating that the war was started by Nazis in the Ukraine in 2014. That’s a blatant lie! In 2014 there was an uprising by the people to support the parliament’s decision to get closer to the European Union. And then Putin’s next step: He invaded Crimea.

Comment from a new friend on Facebook:

I was very impressed by what this man has to say about why the Republicans are embracing Putin.

Its all some kind of harebrained gambit to discredit the other political party. Tucker’s logic for this is something like “If Biden and the Dems hate Putin, we will embrace him.” Trump and others play this same game. The truth or what is right doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is if “our” team comes out on top. The underlying modus operandi is “Blow up all our institutions and our long-standing views on decency and manners, as well as what is right or wrong. If we are the creators of chaos, we can be the rulers when the whole thing collapses.” I’m a bit of a liberal, but I have to say the Dems do something similar, but in an awkwardly opposite style. They just ignore any major problem that the Republicans want to fix. For example, Biden’s inaction on the border and illegal immigration. Also, some Dems also champion new so-called “liberal” ideas, such as gender reassignment for adolescents that is widely unpopular and drives many Centrist and conservative voters away. The extremists on both sides are making headlines with radical views, and that makes it impossible to do the things that 80% of Americans need and want; repair bring our infrastructure up to date, put in place logical, practical, workable solutions to the border problems. solve the homeless crisis, make it possible to financially support your family if you work. (Thanks for listening to my rant 😉 )

May the war between Russia and Ukraine end! In Jesus’ Name!

Is The Catholic Confessional A Cause Of Crime?

Is The Catholic Confessional A Cause Of Crime?

By Joseph Zacchello

This article is from a PDF file on written in 1944. It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann. If you see the word “recently,” just think it was recent relative to 1944. But I believe the subject of this article is still relevant today. If you’ve seen the film, “The Godfather,” I think you know what I mean.

Joseph Zacchello is a former Roman Catholic priest born in Italy in 1917. You can read his interesting life story and conversion to Christ from Roman darkness on, The Priest Who Found Christ.

After studying the Bible for the first time in my life after hearing the Gospel in 1971, one of the things I rejoiced in was not having to confess my sins to a Catholic priest in the confessional box! Jesus is my High Priest! The Bible says,

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9

MANY WERE STARTLED by the statistics from official Catholic sources in The Converted Catholic Magazine for January showing the abnormally high percentage of Roman Catholics in our jails and penitentiaries, as well as the disproportionate number of Catholics among young people arrested in New York as juvenile delinquents. Persistent Catholic propaganda by radio, press and pulpit had almost convinced Protestant Americans that all the crime in America was the result of our “Godless” American public schools, and that few, if any, Roman Catholics ever went to jail.

It is too much to expect that Catholic propagandists will publicize their own crime statistics and allow their Catholic people to find out who or what is responsible for the abnormally high rate of crime among Catholics.

There are priests in the Catholic church who place the blame on the fact that nuns are made the moral teachers of youth in Catholic schools. Nuns, they say, because of their self-repressive, ascetic training are not fitted to teach and prepare Catholic children to face the real facts of life. Nuns regard every thought of sex, for example, as a mortal sin and feel guilty themselves even when they look at the nude image of Christ on the crucifix. But these days, when children have so many ways of discovering the facts of sex for themselves outside school, the influence of the nuns in this regard may be largely discounted.

In the January issue of The Converted Catholic Magazine, Mr. Lehmann points to the unethical teaching of the Catholic Church on theft and robbery as a possible cause of the high rate of crime among Catholics. This teaching, which gives the reasons that excuse from theft, should not be underestimated since, as he proves on good authority, more than 50% of all crimes among youth are connected with thievery. But such explanations are merely partial and still leave us to find some underlying cause in the Catholic church’s whole moral system of the alarming rate of crime among Catholics. This root cause is the Catholic practice of confession, one of the seven ‘sacraments’ or foundation-stones upon which the entire superstructure of Roman Catholicism is built.

Protestants oppose the Roman Catholic confessional because it is a purely Roman invention, is contrary to scripture teaching, and was never taught or practiced by Christ or his apostles. But few, if any, have ever brought to light its evil effects in social and moral matters. These evil consequences flow from the fact that Roman Catholics are taught to believe that the priest, a mere man, has the power to absolve them from their sins, on the simple condition that they tell their sins in secrecy to him in the confession-box, and promise to perform a simple ‘penance’ that he imposes. The following should be noted with regard to the practice of confession:

1. The priest is a real judge.
2. He himself can forgive, or withhold forgiveness, of every kind, degree and number of crimes at his own discretion;
3. There are no witnesses;
4. The sinner is his own accuser;
5. No record of the proceedings is kept; a guarantee in fact is given the sinner that absolute secrecy will be observed;
6. No public jail sentence or fine is imposed, only a few minutes of prayers and a verbal promise of reform;
7. By this procedure all effects of the crimes confessed are destroyed and the criminal instantly made “holy” and a good citizen again.
8. This secret process of forgiveness and hiding of crimes may be accomplished again and again as long as the sinner conforms to the regulations set forth above and as laid down in Catholic Canon Law.

Canon 888 says:

“The priest has to remember that in hearing confessions he is a judge.”

Again Canon 872:

“For the hearing of confessions there is required in the priest not only the power of orders [the priesthood] but also a juridical investment.”

As to the power of the priest as judge in confession, Canon 870 says:

“In the confessional the minister has the power to forgive all crimes committed after baptism.”

The Council of Trent (Sess. VL. Chap. 7.D.B. 799) decreed that the priest not only forgives sins in confession, but has power to destroy them and thus make of the criminal a perfect citizen and a saint: “The crimes are not only forgiven but destroyed and the criminal made as a new person — a saint”. To obtain pardon it is not necessary to be sorry for crimes committed because they are offenses against society or God, but it is sufficient if the criminal is sorry for fear he will go to hell forever if he does not confess them and obtain the forgiveness from the priest in confession. On this point the Council of Trent (Sess. 14, C.H.) says of the sinner: “It is sufficient if he is sorry for fear of otherwise burning in hell for all eternity.”

All the decrees of the Council of Trent are binding on Catholics under pain of anathema and excommunication.

The main reason why crime is high in Catholic nations: Catholics have no deterrent to crime!

Anyone can understand that this practice of the Catholic confession is no deterrent to crime, and can easily, in fact, be made an excuse for continuing in it. Big-time criminals and racketeers, especially, generally can find ways to circumvent the civil law and its penalties. If they are Roman Catholics and believe in confession, they have assurance of an easy way of also escaping punishment in the next life.

Examples are plentiful of such big-time Catholic criminals and racketeers continuing in crime without any qualms of conscience. ‘Big Tom’ Prendergast of Kansas City who died recently after release from Federal penitentiary was one of them. Under his rule, Kansas City was a menace to the morals of young and old… Brothels flourished openly and criminal gangs enforced his dictates. Gambling houses were as commonplace as grocery stores, and he himself was the biggest gambler of his age. Political corruption abounded and Prendergast, as boss of it all, grew fabulously rich from the wealth that flowed into his pockets from this underground traffic in crime. Yet, when he died last January 26, Monsignor Thomas B. McDonald who preached his funeral sermon after solemn high mass, publicly proclaimed him “a man with a noble heart and a true friend,” because “he went to mass every morning at 7:30 for 30 years.”

Tom Prendergast, and other Catholic criminals like him, did not fear the penalties of the civil law, because he could escape them by bribing and corrupting judges and officers of the law whom he himself had appointed. As a Catholic, however, he feared the tortures of hell in the next life. But he was assured by his church’s teaching that he could also escape God’s punishment as long as he went to confession regularly, told his crimes to the priest and said he was sorry merely because he was afraid of going to hell. He was further assured that he could continue his life of crime with impunity as long as he made sure of having a priest to absolve him before he died and to say masses afterwards for his soul in Purgatory.

Mayor Hague of Jersey City is another of many examples of ‘devout’ Catholic political bosses and racketeers who escape the punishment of the civil law by bribery and corruption, and at the same time have the assurance from their church’s teaching that they can also escape God’s punishment in the next life by obtaining pardon regularly from their priests in confession.

Why then should Catholic parents wonder if their wayward children, trained to confession in a Catholic school, refuse to heed their admonitions? Forgiveness may be had in confession without any expression of sorrow to their parents. Nor should a Catholic wife wonder how her husband can remain unfaithful, even after going many times to the priest to tell him the details of his unfaithfulness. Each time his sin is blotted out and he again becomes the ideal husband — all by merely confessing to the priest and saying a few ‘Hail Mary’s’ as a ‘penance.’

Should we wonder why there are so many Catholic criminals? Perhaps we should wonder why there are not many more. That there are not many more may be due to the fact that not all ‘judges’ sit in confession-boxes, but on criminal court benches and send criminals to jail and penitentiaries, and even to the electric chair.

We former priests now know what true forgiveness of sins means in Christian teaching: that God alone forgives sins and with forgiveness comes a complete change of life. The Catholic practice of confession is merely a recital to a man of sins committed, with no guarantee of pardon from God, and nothing to prevent the repetition of the same sins over and over again. In true Christian teaching, forgiveness of sins is not just the wiping off of old sins from the soul and then going forth to soil it again with more of the same sins. It means the gift of a whole new soul, the rebirth to a new life for the sinner to whom sin becomes abhorrent and who remains sanctified and a true child of God thereafter. Then the sinner is really saved. He becomes not only a saint, but also a good citizen. Only this kind of religious teaching is a real deterrent to crime.

The Catholic Church And Science

The Catholic Church And Science

Catholic priests confronting Galileo

By J. J. Murphy

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann.

It was written in the middle of the 20th century, but I believe the Vatican has not changed since then and continues to have the same attitude toward science and knowledge in general it has always held. If you don’t think so, just look at the low academic standard of public high schools in the USA today. Without a doubt, the Jesuits were behind the dumbing down of America. How many Americans on the street if shown a world map can point to Japan or the Philippines when asked? Some can’t even point to the USA. And what’s the purpose of the dumbing down of a nation? It’s far easier for the government to control an ignorant people than a well informed one.

The author, J.J. Murphy, shares in this article some very interesting history I never knew before!

SCIENCE and Roman Catholicism are essentially antagonistic. The former faces the untried future with experiment as its only tool and honesty to truth its only guide. Roman Catholicism fears the future, and is opposed to experiment and change as revolutionary and destructive of its fixed dogmas and religious practices.

Like Fascism and Nazism, Roman Catholicism will use science when, but only when, it suits its purposes. Just as its ‘leadership principle’ was the groundwork of Nazism — as Goering testified at the Nuremberg trials last March 14 — so too were its censorship and Inquisition methods, its book burnings and other means for the repression of individual thought and scientific progress. Hitler himself, in Mein Kampf, laid down the principle that, “The greatness of every powerful organization… is rooted in the religious fanaticism with which it intolerably enforces itself against everything else, fanatically convinced of its own right.” Further on in the same book (p. 882) he says:

“Here too one can learn from the Catholic church. Although its structure of doctrines in many instances collides, quite unnecessarily, with exact science and research, yet it is unwilling to sacrifice even one little syllable of its dogmas. It has rightly recognized that its irresistibility does not lie in a more or less great adjustment to the scientific results of the moment… but rather in a strict adherence to dogmas… Today therefore the Catholic church stands firmer than ever.”

Treatment of the Catholic church’s attitude to science in all its branches — chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, etc. — would be impossible in one short article. Its entire strategy against science and the tactics of its warfare can best be surveyed from the viewpoint of one single science. Medical science, which relates directly to the welfare and everyday life of all of us, affords the best vantage point from which to view the whole attitude of the Catholic church to science.

Catholicism And Medical Science

Back of the whole attitude of the Catholic church toward medicine are two primitive superstitions from Persia that crept into the Catholic world through the early Fathers. One of these is the teaching that all matter is evil and contemptible, from which it follows that freedom of the soul can be obtained only by neglect and abuse of the body. Sanctity and physical filthiness thus became synonyms, as in the case of Simon Stylites, and centuries later that of Saint Benedict Labre, whose claim to sainthood is that he lived his whole life in rags and covered with fleas. The second doctrine was that all diseases are caused by demons that are banished only by supernatural means. The priest therefore was the only doctor for the treatment of the ills of the body, mind and soul.

Thomas Aquinas, whose teachings are regarded today as the embodiment of the Catholic church’s ‘scientific’ outlook and achievement, was particularly responsible for the lack of scientific progress till modern times. Dr. Andrew Dickson White, distinguished, American historian and late president of Cornell University says:1

“It was Aquinas who finally made the great compromise which for ages subjected science entirely to theology… The first result of this great man’s compromise was to close for ages that path in science which above all others leads to discoveries of value — the experimental method — and to reopen the old path of mixed theology and science which, as Hallam declares, ‘after 300 or 400 years had not untied a single knot or added one unequivocal truth to the domain of philosophy’ — the path which, as all modern history proves, has ever led only to delusion and evil.”

Modern medicine has established the fact that dirt and disease go hand in hand. The Catholic church, on the other hand, by glorifying dirt and the abuse of the body by ascetical practices, opened the way to disease and pestilence. Professor C. E. Winslow of Yale University, in the Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences (XII, 647), reminds us that:

“Medieval Europe, in reaction from the emphasis of classical civilization upon bodily well-being, glorified through the early church uncleanness and disease as disciplines preparing the soul for eternal mansions. Greek hygiene and Roman sanitation were condemned or ignored, and vast epidemics swept across the face of Europe.”

Jerome, early Doctor of the Church, established the principle that, “The purity of the body and its garments means the impurity of the soul.” In the rules governing the religious orders of the Catholic church to this day, such as Benedictines, the Cistercians, and the Trappists, baths are forbidden. The Italian monastery of Monte Cassino (to save which during the war thousands of lives were sacrificed) has never had a single bathtub or shower. As Haverlock Ellis puts it: “The Church killed the bath.”

Instead of medicines, the church built up a system of ‘sacramentals’ — relics, charms, and amulets — as the sole means of curing bodily ailments and dispelling devils. Every Catholic country today is full of these amulets and charms, which differ in no way from those used in pagan countries from the beginning of history. Even in the United States rice paper images of St. Joseph, the Virgin Mary, St. Anthony and other saints, are eaten by devout Catholic people as a cure for disease. Scapulars, the ‘miraculous medal,’ tiny metal images of St. Anthony, Agnus Dei’s, and St. Christopher medals for automobiles, are worn or carried by Catholic people to ward off diseases and accidents.

Demon Origin Of Disease

The glorification of dirt was not only a cause of disease, but led to the exclusion of medical cures on the ground that all disease resulted from the supernatural powers of evil. St. Augustine, whose opinions later became medieval dogmas, declared that “all diseases are to be ascribed to demons.” Thus it was a natural and inevitable conclusion that these evil spirits could be overpowered and diseases cured only by the intervention of God’s coworkers, the saints. Dr. George F. Fort, distinguished medical historian, says in his work, Medical Economy during the Middle Ages (p. 276):

“Inasmuch as diseases during this period were attributed to Satanic origin… the principal and in many cases the only remedies were drawn from relics or from objects which the departed saints had used in daily occupation. Flowers reposing upon the tomb of a saint, when steeped in water, were regarded as endowed with wonderful curing powers.”

Whenever a grievous malady failed to yield under the ordinary invocation and magic of the church, the priestly authorities then proclaimed that the sufferer was possessed by the devil. So ingrained are these traditional superstitions that even in modern times refutation of such myths in no way jars the faith of the deluded Catholic people. Dr. White, in his above-quoted work (vol. II, p. 29), states that, “When Professor Buckland, the eminent osteologist and geologist, discovered that the relics of Saint Rosalia at Palermo, Italy, which had for ages cured diseases and warded off epidemics, were the bones of a goat, this fact earned not the slightest diminution of their miraculous power.”

From these bones of goats and other relics, the Catholic church has always taken in countless millions of dollars by its monopoly of the curing business. In this regard Dr. White says: “Enormous revenues flowed into various monasteries and churches in all parts of Europe from relics noted for their healing powers.” More than $50,000 worth of the medals, scapulars, rosary beads, etc., for instance, brought to Rome last February by Cardinal Spellman to be blessed by the Pope and to be laid on the tombs of Rome’s many saints, were stolen from his hotel.

The science of medicine owes what little advance was made in medieval times to the Arabs and Jews who were outside the jurisdiction of the Catholic church and therefore less subject to its strictures against experimental research. A medical faculty was established at the school of Montpelier in the 12th century by Jews, themselves educated in Moorish schools in Spain and imbued with the intellectual independence of the (Mohammedan) Averroists. “Montpelier,” says the Encyclopaedia Britannica (XVIII, 47) “became distinguished for the practical and empirical spirit of its medicine, as contrasted with the dogmatic and Scholastic teaching of Paris and other universities.” Also at Salerno, Italy; medicine was taught under Arabic influence during the medieval period as a separate branch of science in distinction to monastic medicine prevalent elsewhere.2

Some Catholic scholars made brave attempts to take up an experimental study of medicine, but in most cases were furiously repressed as sorcerers: Such was the fate of the medieval genius Roger Bacon, a Franciscan priest. Because he insisted that all science was experimental, Bacon incurred the enmity of the church and was imprisoned. Even his Catholic biographer, Dr. David Riesman, in his Story of Medicine in the Middle Ages, (p. 78) admits that because of his scientific principles Bacon spent altogether twenty-four years either in the prisons of his Order or under persecution. He was forced to write his notes in secret code. In the 17th century Paul Sarpi, the Venetian friar who was the first to discover the circulation of the blood and the iris of the eye, was obliged to dissect the bodies of birds and mice in the secrecy of his cell! He had to be protected against the Pope’s assassins by a special guard when he walked through the city, but several times he was waylaid and left for dead.

Medieval Surgery

Even more strict than the church’s prohibitions against medical research in general was its opposition to surgery and dissection of the body, in life or death. As a result, the medical art of surgery, says Dr. Fort (p. 453), “was compared to the social degradation of barbers and bloodletters until the year 1406, when Wenceslaus, the emperor of Germany, by imperial rescript ordered that thenceforth this profession should be deemed honorable.”

The reason for this unrelenting opposition to the art of surgery on part of the Catholic church was extraordinary teaching that there is in the human body an incorruptible and incombustible bone that will be the nucleus of the future resurrection the body. It was to keep this myth from being exposed that the vigorous prohibitions against all dissection of body was mainly due. These same restrictions protected other medieval myths as well, such as the lesser number of ribs in a man than in a woman. Pope Innocent III, in 1215, anathematized the practice of surgery, giving as excuse that “the Church abhorred all cruel and bloody practices,” and especially forbade priests to have anything to do with it. The absurdity of this excuse can be readily seen in the fact that at that very time the papal Inquisition was shedding blood all over Europe. The exclusion of priests from the study and practice of surgery by this papal decree was practically the same as forbidding it all together.

Church’s Control Of Insanity

The revival of the science of medicine that came after the Renaissance of learning threatened to take out of the hands of the church the profitable profession of treating disease of which she had long held the monopoly. Thereafter only one class of diseases remained exclusively hers — those which were still admitted to be due to the direct influence of Satan. Foremost among these was insanity. The cruel treatment of lunatics was simply the direct punishment of the devil, since insanity was held to be possession by the devil. Often the type of cure, such as the promotion of great religious processions, only aggravated and spread the disease. “Troops of men and women, crying, howling, imploring saints, and beating themselves with whips,” says Dr. White, “visited various sacred shrines, images, and places in the hope of driving off the powers of evil. The only result was an increase in the numbers of the diseased.”3

Exorcism was the main weapon of the church against insanity. By this means the ‘indwelling Satan’ was adjured in the most blasphemous and obscene language to depart from the afflicted person. The Jesuit Fathers in Vienna in 1583, according to Dr. White, “gloried in the fact that in such a contest of exorcism they had cast out 12,652 living devils.” Every Roman Catholic priest today who performs the rite of baptism has to exorcise the devil who is believed to reside in the child as a result of birth. After putting salt into the child’s mouth, rubbing spittle from his own mouth on the child’s nose and ears, and blowing his breath in the child’s face, the priest directly commands the devil as follows: “Depart, thou damned devil, out of this child!”

Catholicism And Modern Medicine

Roman Catholic doctors and surgeons today in modern America are caught between the many restrictions of their church on medicine and surgery and the ethical rules of their profession. It is counted as murder, for instance, by the Catholic church to remove a fetus that is the result of an ectopic gestation, although a surgeon by law is bound to do so because it means certain death for the mother.

The writer once asked a prominent Catholic surgeon of New York City what he would do if he were operating on a woman for appendicitis and discovered an ectopic gestation. By the rule of his church he would have to leave it there and sew the woman up again; otherwise he would have to go to confession, accuse himself of committing murder and promise never to do it again. By way of answer he superstitiously knocked on the wood of his desk and said: “Thank God, I haven’t yet come across such a case!” Craniotomy is also forbidden by the Catholic church unless the child can first be baptized in the mother’s womb. The general rule of the Catholic church in childbirth is that the mother life must be sacrificed to assure the baptism of the child.

In Catholic countries where the church of Rome dominates, the priest is a self-appointed doctor providing quack medicines and superstitious remedies for all diseases. This is especially the case in Ireland, parts of Italy, Spain, and elsewhere. But it is even more so in Latin-American countries where the Catholic church has lorded it over the people for four centuries. Health conditions there are what they would be everywhere if the matter were left in the hands of the Catholic church.

An article in Harper’s magazine for July, 1942, points out that 50 of the 120 millions in Latin American are ill with everything “from sprue to leprosy,” especially with diseases reduced to a minimum in the United States. The most authoritative book so far issued on economic and social conditions in Latin America, entitled Latin America in the Future World (p. 4) states that, “One half of the Latin-American population is suffering from infections or deficiency diseases.”

The tuberculosis rate in New York is 52. In Santiago, Chile, it is 430; in Lima, Peru, 435; in Callao, Peru, 503; in Guayaquil, Ecuador, it is 693.

A person born and living in the United States has a life expectancy of 62 years and five months, as of 1940. If he were to live in Latin America, his life expectancy would range from a high of 47 years in the more fortunate’ areas to a low of less than 32 in Peru. Thus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, more than one half of the men who reach working age die before they are 29 years old. Any or all of these figures can be documented in the work just mentioned which has the approval of the respective governments of every Latin-American country.

Catholic propagandists would like to explain the dismal health conditions of Latin America in terms of climatic conditions. Such pretexts are not worthy of serious consideration, for similar conditions obtain in all Latin-Catholic countries despite the great variations in climate between one and another. Catholic Europe tells the same sad story.

Far from tropical Latin America, among the French-Canadians of frigid Quebec, a province completely controlled by the Catholic clergy, the same conditions of disease follow in the steps of the same poverty, ignorance, and superstition. Quebec City, the site of the much-frequented shrine of Saint Cine still has the highest diphtheria mortality rate in the world (41.7 per l00,000). The city of Three Rivers with an infant mortality rate of 297 per 1,000 live births is in this respect behind the backward cities of Bombay and Madras, India.

It is the rule in French cities of Quebec that their health records improve in direct proportion to the number of Protestants. A typical case of this is found in the contrast between Montreal and Verdun, two neighboring cities separated only by a narrow canal. The first of these twin cities is overwhelmingly French-Catholic, the other predominantly Protestant. In Montreal the mortality rate through infectious diseases, according to the figures of a few years ago which we have on hand, is 68.8 in contrast to a figure of 26.6 for Verdun. Similarly in the tuberculosis mortality rate the figure for Monreal is 87.7, in contrast to 38.6 for Verdun.

Catholic reaction to medical progress still shows traces of its true colors even here in the United States at the present time. In 1944 the Catholic Legion of Decency forced the United States Public Health Service to withdraw its sponsorship of a restrained educational movie on venereal disease. The picture as a result was barred from the movie houses of the whole country. This in spite of the fact that the picture was made at public expense and endorsed by the “War Activities Committee” of the Federal Government as a necessary health measure, especially in war time.

Catholic teaching also opposes premarital physical examination to prevent venereally diseased persons from marrying. Father Francis J. Connell in an article in the Catholic Mind of January 22, 1939, justified this position, saying: “All the physical afflictions that can ensue from the marriage of a diseased person, both to the healthy consort and to the offspring, are an immeasurably lesser evil than one mortal sin which the marriage could avert.”

Nor is Catholic obstruction in the field of medicine confined to giving the green light to venereal diseases, which it still likes to think of as a divine punishment for sin. It is also fighting social medicine. On February 28th, 1944, the National Catholic Welfare Conference, political sounding board of the Catholic hierarchy, declared its opposition to a bill with social medicine provisions, adding that “the mere fact that social legislation meets the social needs and responds to social demands is of itself not a strong enough reason to merit the support of a Catholic.

Back of the whole attitude of the Roman Catholic church to medical and scientific progress is its aim for totalitarian control of the bodies and souls of all men. It claims control over the body because it regards the body as merely the container for the soul, and over soul of all men the church of Rome is adamant in claiming absolute dictatorship. It is true that the Vatican today has its “Papal Academy of Sciences.” But this is purely an informative body that keeps the church up to date in knowledge of scientific advances. From information thus obtained, the Pope issues decrees that assure the protection of the church’s teachings against new discoveries and practices of science in all fields.

Like Fascism and Nazism, the Catholic church encourages scientific progress, but only in so far as it serves its purposes. Everything harmful to its interests is sacrificed, no matter what its benefits may be to humanity in other ways.

1. History of the Warfare of Science with Theology, vol. I, p. 379.↩
2. Cf. Mystery, Magic, and Medicine, by Dr. Howard W. Haggard of Yale, p. 43.↩
3. Op. cit., vol. II, pp. 105-112.↩

More in this series about the True Nature and Structure of Roman Catholicism

Christian Zionism & End Time Deception and Delusion

Christian Zionism & End Time Deception and Delusion

This is one of the best talks I’ve heard to date that exposes so called Christian Zionism as a false unbiblical doctrine and deception of the enemy. The YouTube is an hour and 8 minutes long, but the speaker, Charles A. Jennings, speaks quite slowly. It’s faster to read what he has to say than listen to him. And he has very important things to say!


Welcome to truth in history.

Have you ever wondered what is the biggest end-time deception that has entered the Church? What is the biggest, not a deception, but the biggest deception that has entered especially the fundamental Evangelical Church World, especially here in America. It’s something to think about. It’s a very serious matter, and I’m afraid that most Christian people in the Evangelical, fundamental, Pentecostal, Baptist, independent, that type of Church, are the biggest ones, the biggest crowd to be deceived by this delusion that has come along and hit the Church world. It’s been around for apoximately 120 years, but the worst part of it has been around ever since about 1970 after The Six Day War in the Middle East.

This is what I want to talk about today, and that is Christian Zionism. I believe that it is the biggest delusion, deception, that has come along in a very very long time. There’s been a lot of isms that have come along in the Church, but Christian Zionism has affected not only the Church, the preaching, the singing, the offerings, the money, it has affected our society and also foreign relations, and even our national foreign policy.

Now, in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, the Apostle Paul is warning the Church concerning the man of sin that is yet to be revealed, not in our day, but was yet to be revealed after Paul’s day. And he said that this man of sin would be in the Temple, this is 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 4, he said who opposeth and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he as God sitth in the Temple of God showing himself to be God.

Now, we believe historically, or I believe that that was the dynasty of popes. But do you notice where this man of sin puts himself in the Temple of God? Not the hieron, the physical brick and mortar of Solomon’s Temple or Herod’s Temple, but he puts himself in the naos the body of Christ, in the true Church, or where the religious people, Bible believing people, were located. That’s where he sat himself, in the naos, in the spiritual Church I should say. And that’s where Christian Zionism has set itself.

But reading on in this same chapter in verse number nine it says, “even him whose coming is after the working of Satan.” The opposer. Satan means opposer. “With all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved.”

And then in verse number 11 he gives the reason. He says, “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie.”

Now the Church world that I named, Evangelical, fundamental, “Bible believing” Pentecostal World, a large part of the Baptist world, the independent World, they are under a strong delusion. Or, whoever else believes in Christian Zionism, they are under a strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. It says that they may be damned or judged. There is coming a judgment against this whole Christian Zionist philosophy that has invaded the Church.

Now, why am I not a Christian Zionist? There are many reasons, but the Christian Zionist movement is built upon the sand. It’s built upon a shaky foundation. It’s not a solid foundation. It’s not a Biblical Foundation. It’s a lot of misinterpretation of Scripture.

And the first one … well let me say this about Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism is that element, that philosophy, that “Bible” interpretation, and I put that in quotes because it’s not in the Bible, that believes that the Jewish people living today, number one, they believe that the Jewish people are the descendants, the direct lineal descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that God gave that land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He gave it to “the Jews.” And they’re equating Jews with all of Israel, all 12 or 13 tribes. They’re equating just the Jews as all 13 tribes. See, right there is a wrong premise because the Jews do not have an unbroken genealogical line back to the Bible Patriarchs.

If you study and read after the Jewish scholars that are honest, the historians, they will tell you that the Jews of today is that class of people that is made up of many many different ethnic groups, and it’s a religion, and it’s a culture, it’s a social culture, it’s a religious culture, it’s a historical culture. So during the centuries many people have joined themselves by either adopting the Judaistic religion, accepting the Talmud as their sacred book, and or they have married into people who were considered Jews, so they were considered Jews. There are Chinese Jews, black Jews, white Jews, Japanese Jews, there’s Jews of all type. So it’s not a clean genealogical unbroken line all the way back to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And if anyone believes that that’s the case, they are delusional. Read the Jewish historians and scholars.

Number two, they believe that the Jews have a right to that land of Palestine, which that we know is not the proper name for the place, but it was given that name by the Romans. So they believe that the Arabs have no right to the land at all, they need to get out. And greater Israel as they call it, the Jews believe that they have a ancestral right from the Euphrates river to the river of Egypt. So they say, “That’s ours. The Arabs have no right whatsoever. I don’t care how long they’ve been there, I don’t care how many are there, they need to get out.”

The next thing that Christian Zionism believes, is that if Christians around the world, especially American Christians with American money will help finance the Jews going back to Canaan land, and building up the place, and planting orchards and gardens and buildings, and raising up houses in the different settlements, that it will hasten the coming of Jesus Christ. And they also believe that when Jesus Christ comes, that He will sit in a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and rule from a Jewish State. And many of them believe that the Old Testament ceremonial rituals will be reinstated, blood sacrifice, animal sacrifice, and they will be reinstated so that the Jews can have a means of salvation.

Many Zionists today believe that there’s two plans of salvation, for the Gentiles – that is everyone that’s not Jewish – they can have their salvation through Jesus, but the Jews, they can have salvation through returning to the Old Testament ceremonies of sacrifice of animals. Now, how ridiculous is that?

So that’s just some of the things that they believe. No doubt they believe more than that because it has become cultish. It is absolutely working themselves into becoming a cult, a Christian Zionistic cult. And one of these cult members could be your pastor. It could be someone that is sitting in the pew next to you. It could be your relative. And the people that are most rabid in believing this are the fundamental Evangelical Bible believing Christians who carry a Scofield Bible.

In Genesis 12:1, this is one of their favorite verses, Genesis 12:1, it says this:

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Now, in whom and in what posterity has all the families of the earth been blessed? Through the Jews? Or through true Israel, “the Gentiles” that have preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world? Who has blessed the world more? Have the Jews taken the Gospel? We all know the answer to that.

Also, the Lord said, “And I will bless them that bless thee.” He said nothing about blessing a modern State. He spoke to Abraham. He said, “I will bless them that bless thee and in thy seed, and in thee, shall all nations of the earth be blessed. And in his seed, Abraham’s offspring, if you bless them. It says absolutely nothing about blessing or cursing a political State, nothing. So the Christian Zionists have no right to use that verse to promote their support of the modern state of Israel.

Now, also we see this in 2 Chronicles chapter number 19 verse number one.

2 Chronicles​​ Chapter 19 1 And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. 2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.

Wrath came upon him because he helped the ungodly and them that hated the Lord. Do the Jewish people love the Lord? Who is the the Lord? The Lord is the Lord Jesus Christ. Do they love Him? Or do they curse Him? So we see this principle where why should Christians bless someone with their moral support or monetary support that hate the Lord, that hates Jesus Christ, denies His divinity, that believed that he was conceived by Mary who was a prostitute and sired by a Roman soldier? They believe that!

So that’s one reason why I’m not a Christian Zionist. I cannot support support the enemy, love the ungodly. It’s an abomination, it’s a delusion, it’s a deception, but yet, the Jewish lobby and the lackeys that go along with it, the big-name evangelists for the last 50 years, ever since about 1970, have been promoters of this concept. And they have become prostitutes for an ungodly element. They became lackeys, lap dogs for the Jewish nation and the Jewish Lobby in this country. I could name some names but I think you know who I’m talking about.

Now, how did this concept get started? In around 1860 or so some of the Jewish rabbis said we need a homeland. Well, the the idea caught on among a lot of Jewish people, especially those living in Europe. And so Theodore Herzel in 1897 held his Zionist conference in Basel Switzerland and said, “We need a homeland.” And they began to look around and said, “Where can we create a homeland?” They thought of Madagascar. They thought of Uganda and possibly other places in that part of the world. But some of the Christians like Arno C. Gaebelein and Brooks, and another man by the name of Scofield and Clarence Larkin and other Bible believing people said, “No, the Bible prophesies that the Jews would return to Palestine.”

So the Zionist movement was born 1917 in November. Lord Balfour signs the Balfour Declaration. He was the Home Secretary of the British government. He signs the Balfour Declaration in agreement with Rothschild and giving the Jews the right to go to Palestine and form a homeland. But it did not say a nation, it just said you can go there and live peaceably with the Arabs, and the civil and religious rights of the Arabs shall not be disturbed at all. That was in the Balfour Declaration. But they soon broke that.

Immediately after World War II the conflict between the Jews over there and the Arabs intensified. More Jews were coming in from around the world and taking the property of the Arabs. So there was warfare, violence on each side, extreme violence. It’s not just one-sided that lasted through the 20s the 30s and the 40s, when Menachem Begin who later became a prime minister, with his leader of the Ingun gang or the Stern gang. They blew up the King David hotel. I think that was in 1947, and killed several British soldiers and officers, because Britain had a mandate for that land. And when the British left, they declared themselves a nation.

And then our president, Harry S Truman, who was a self-proclaimed Baptist, who had been trained under the teaching of Scofield by his pastors, said according to Bible prophecy the Jews have a right to that land. So the nation of Israel was formed in May of 1948. And they had conflict with the Arabs throughout the 50s, but in 1967 was The Six Day War, and they won hands down. Look at the American money and American equipment that they had.

So that (the popularity of the doctrine of Christian Zionism) started after The Six Day War. The Christians in this country, the fundamental evangelicals, got the idea that these are God’s people, this is God’s land, and they deserve to have this land. So they began their big support for the Jewish cause.

Now, the teaching, “Bible” teaching or “Bible” justification for Zionism came out of the Scofield Reference Bible, and Scofield along with Arno C. Gaebelein wrote the notes. And then Mr. Clarence Larkin came along and made the real big book chart full of charts, and it just went through the Christian World in this country like wildfire. And people began to support it during the 20s 30s and 40s. And then in around 1970 you had preachers that were on television, that way they could speak to millions of Americans and they promoted this Zionist cause.

Now, who was it? You name the big television evangelists that were on television starting in around 1970 working this way, and some of them still on, and some new ones. Those are the ones that generate moral and monetary support for Christian Zionism. And it’s become an absolute last day fever! You ought to hear some of these Christian Zionists on TV these days during this Israeli Hamas conflict! They are cultish! One man told me that every Arab should be killed! How ridiculous! And he being a Christian who told me that, “Every one of them should be just killed and let the Jews have the land whatever they want, and this will help Jesus to come back and rapture the Church.” So they’re they’re really happy.

You’ve got the Left Behind Series that came along which is absolute fiction. And this fiction has just taken over the mind of people that the 70th week of Daniel is future, there will be a third Temple built, the Rapture will take place, then 7-year tribulation for everybody that’s left, but a third of the Jews will be killed. They say a third of them will be killed and some of the some of the Jews on TV are not too happy about that because they’re not happy with the Christian Zionists who are saying, “Go back to Palestine and be killed.” So it’s a mixed up mess. Also Hal Lindsay’s book, The Late Great Planet Earth that was in 1970 really got the ball rolling.

Now, here’s some of the heresies that they teach. They teach that God has two Divine plans, one for an Earthly people called the Jews, and another plan for His Heavenly people called the Church. Now where is that in the Bible? An Earthly people and a Heavenly people. He’s working on two fronts at the same time. And the preacher in San Antonio says that there’s a plan of salvation strictly for the Jews, and one strictly for “the Gentiles,” the non-Jews. And the salvation plan for the Jews is animal sacrifice. So they advocate the re-institution of animal sacrifice.

Also, they believe in a postponement theory that when Jesus came the first time the Jews rejected Him because Jesus did not assume the Throne of David when He came but he went to the Cross instead. He went to the cross when he should have went strictly to the throne. So Jesus came, the Jews rejected Him, so the postponement theory is the Jews will accept Him when He comes again or something like that. And they’re going to be flaming evangelists, 144,000 of them, listed in Revelation chapter 7. They’re going to be the flaming evangelist to go around the world, and there’ll be the greatest revival ever to take place. Folks, that is nonsense! The Bible never says anything about 144,000 Jews preaching the Gospel. That’s a perversion. It’s a lie. In Revelation chapter 7 when those tribes are named, it’s the tribes of Israel, all 12 tribes of Israel. Now, I know Dan is missing, but this is talking about something totally different. This is talking about true Israel, not apostate Israel.

So they (evangelicals) believe that when Jesus comes again they (the Jews) will accept Him. He’ll set up His throne, and it will be a Jewish Throne, a Jewish State, a Jewish gospel, and they will rule over the Gentiles, all non-Jews, like they’re a bunch of slaves or peons. That’s what these people believe.

In believing the idea that the 70th week of Daniel is future, they they believe in an Antichrist, a one man Antichrist. And this one man Antichrist is going to make a covenant or a treaty with the Jews. But this is what John the Apostle tells us about the definition of an antichrist. The Bible never teaches a one man Antichrist, but that’s what the Christian Zionists believe. 1 John Chapter 2 the first Epistle of John chapter 2: 18.

1 John 2:18  Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

The last time John was writing this, it was in the first century, and he considered that the last days. And he said antichrist shall come, there are many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time. And then in verse 22:

1 John 2:22  Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Do you know any people that denies that Jesus is the Messiah? You guessed it. He is antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son. If you deny the Son you deny the Father also.

Don’t tell me like these Christian Zionists believe, “Well, the Jews believe the Old Testament God is the one they worship. The Christians worship Jesus.” Two Gods?! That’s how nutty these people are.

Verse 23:

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.- 1 John 2:23

Then in the first Epistle of John chapter 4, verse number one:

¶Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: – 1 John 4:1-2

In other words, God incarnate, in flesh. That’s what he’s talking about, is of God.

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: – 1 John 4:3a

What group of people, what religion, does not believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnate God?

and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. – 1 John 4:3b

Because those people, those Pharisees, scribes Herodians, they denied the deity of Jesus Christ. They say, “Who are you? Who are you?”

Also in the Second Epistle of John verse 7,

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

How can these Christian Zionists go to church and sing, “Oh, how I Love Jesus,” and then the next night go to a Night for Israel rally, and wave their little flag with six-pointed star on it and yell, “Israel, Israel, Israel,” thinking of the Jews. And dig into their pocketbook and say, “We need to send some money to the soldiers.” Soldiers? they’re well equipped already, especially with the Iron Dome paid for by the US and $3.5 billion dollars every year of our tax money goes there.

So this is the Antichrist. Those people are antichrist. And how can two walk together except they be agreed? Christian Zionism, folks, is a delusion. It’s a deception, and it’s the biggest one that’s come down the pike for the last 50 years.

They also believe in the Rapture. They believe that Revelation 4:1 when the angel told John to come up higher or come up hither that’s the Rapture. Oh how weak, how weak is that exegesis (reading out of Scripture)! That’s not exegesis, that’s eisegesis, reading something into the text (based on one’s own bias and interpretation).

And there they go again with 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. But that’s talking about the resurrection, not a flying away, not a flying away to another planet. That’s talking about the resurrection of the righteous.

They believe that another Temple, the Third Temple they call it, must be rebuilt. I find an interesting verse in Jeremiah chapter 7 beginning with verse number one.

Jeremiah 7:1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying, 2 Stand in the gate of the LORD’S house, and proclaim there this word, and say, Hear the word of the LORD, all ye of Judah, that enter in at these gates to worship the LORD. 3 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place. 4 Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, are these. 5 For if ye throughly amend your ways and your doings; if ye throughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbour; 6 If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt: 7 Then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever.

What the Jews did back in Judah long before the time of Christ, they thought that the Temple was everything. The whole Judaistic religion revolved around the Temple. The Temple, that was their great emphasis. And they neglected these other things that I just read about, justice, fairness, righteousness, etc. They put an emphasis upon the Temple. But what did Jesus say in Matthew 24? He knew that the Temple had become an idol. The ceremonial law had become an idol. And at that time, it really wasn’t the law of Moses, it was Talmudic law. And they were carrying on all their ceremonies. And Jesus simply said, “There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down.” Why did He destroy the Temple? It had become a religious icon, an idol that was the center of Judaism. And there’s where Jesus prophesied that the Roman army would come and destroy that place.

Who is the real Temple? In John Chapter 2 and verse 18 we read this:

Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? 19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, (See, they were thinking about the brick and the mortar.) and wilt thou rear it up in three days? 21 But he spake of the temple of his body.

The true Temple of God is Jesus Christ, his literal physical body. But He said, “I’m going to build a Church.” And the Church has become the body of Christ. That’s the true Temple. This is what Paul said in 1 Corinthians chapter 6:19.

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost? Not heron, brick and mortar, but naos, the Temple of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit resides within every believer. That’s the true Temple of God. And Christian Zionists are collecting money to build a third Temple, brick and mortar, and all the furnishings and the furniture, and then go through that ritual again? I mean are they thinking straight? It’s a delusion! The Lord said, “I will send a strong delusion that they will even believe a lie. They’re believing a lie.

2 Corinthians chapter 6 says this:

16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Clear enough. He dwells in us. Christ dwells in us. Christ in you the hope of glory. And we dwell in Christ. And Paul said that’s His body, that’s the true Temple. Why does the Christian world or the Jews or anybody else need a third Temple? It’s a political thing. The Christian Zionists are under delusion.

Another verse that these Christian Zionists use is found in Psalm 122 and verse 6. They quote it all the time.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

Now, what is the context of this verse? Psalms 120 through 134, that’s 15 Psalms. They are what are called songs of degrees. And if you notice they’re like stepping stones or steps going higher and higher. And they were sung by the worshippers on their way to Jerusalem, or the captives returning from Babylon, returning back to Jerusalem, when people were literally returning back to the old city of Jerusalem from Babylon, or when they were going up to worship. And they said, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” They lived there. That was the center of their worship. That was the center of their religion. That was the center of the priesthood. That’s where the labor (?) was located and the golden altar of incense, and the Tabernacle or the Temple, and the holy place and the most holy place, and the brazen altar. But we don’t have all that today. It’s irrelevant and nowhere, nowhere in New Testament theology, are we commanded to pray for Jerusalem.

This Scripture, Psalm 122 verse 6 is misapplied. They use it all the time. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Naturally the people back then in Old Testament times, this is a thousand years before Christ, this is the setting for this verse. They wanted a peaceful city because there’s where the Lord put His Name.

But He forsook the place in Matthew 24. And when we come to Matthew 23, He uttered all these woes, all these woes. And then we come down to verse 37 of Matthew 23.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem

Now listen. Jesus did not pray for the city of Jerusalem. He wept over it. He cursed it.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. – Matthew 23:37-38

Is that a prayer? That’s a curse! Your religion is left under you desolate. Your Temple is desolate. Your city is desolate. And about 40 years later here comes the Roman army. That was the judgment of God because they rejected the Son of God. And those people are still rejecting the Son of God.

Josephus the Jewish historian tells us that they continued, the Jews continued sacrificing animals even after the sacrifice of Jesus. So concerning the sacrifice of Jesus when He was on the cross, what did He say? John 19:30: “It is finished.” All the sacrifices are gone. The veil of the Temple rent in twain. That way you don’t need that physical holy place anymore.

Jesus is the holy place, and He exposed that the Temple system was a farce. Behind that veil, there was no Ark of the Covenant, no Mercy Seat, and no glory cloud. It was a farce. But they held the people in bondage because of it.

In the book of Hebrews chapter number 10 it says in verse 10.

 By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

One time. We do not need another animal sacrifice. You may agree with me on many topics, but let’s all agree on the fact that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was totally sufficient for our sins personal and national, and to redeem creation back to Him.

Hebrews 10:11  And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: 12  But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; 13  From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. 14  For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

Hebrews 10:18  Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.

But what about those who continue their blood sacrifice of animals? It was an affront unto the sacrifice of Jesus Christ! I looked up the word “affront” in the dictionary. It says to encounter face to face, to insult openly and purposely, to slight, to confront defiantly. They did that. That Judaistic system, and it’s still going on today. If they do not accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as being sufficient as the God-man, then they are making an affront, to encounter face to face, to defiantly confront, to insult openly and purposely, and to slight the sacrifice.

Back to Hebrews chapter 10:

Hebrews 10:26  For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27  But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. 28  He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: 29  Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

This phrase, “an unholy thing” means of no value, unholy, of no value. That’s what they considered the blood of Jesus Christ.

And hath counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despite under the spirit of grace. “Despite” means to insult. This is a serious thing. Christian Zionism that promotes, believes, campaigns for, goes goofy after, and supports with money and trips over there, and padding the Jewish Prime Ministers or religious rulers or government rulers on the back, “We are with you. This is a match made in heaven,” and all such nonsense. And they’re promoting another Temple and another institution of animal blood sacrifice. They are insulting the Son of God. They are trampling His Blood underfoot, and they are rejecting, they are rejecting the Son of God, and considering His Blood of no value.

They even go further. They say, “Well, the Jews need a red heifer because they believe that under religious law every Jew is presumed to have had contact with the dead.” I’m reading this out of a book entitled On the Road to Armageddon by Timothy Weber. For lack of a red heifer’s ashes there is simply nothing to be done about it. No way for Jews to purify themselves to enter the Sacred Square. No way for Judaism to reclaim the Mount. No way to rebuild the Temple. So they need a red heifer that’s born over there. And there’s so many silly American cattlemen ranchers and cattlemen that are trying to raise a red heifer. What do we need a red heifer for? And this misguided cattleman from Mississippi transported all these heifers over there, all this cattle, hoping that a red heifer, a perfect one, will be born over there. How silly! It’s a cult, folks. It’s an absolute cult.

I made mention of this book. We do not handle this book, we do not sell this book, this is the only copy that I have, but you can look online on Amazon and search for this book. I think it’s still available: On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel’s Best Friend. It’s very informative. It’ll bring you up to date with a lot of names and places. It’s written by Timothy Weber. Every one of these television evangelists needs to read that book. It’s well worth the read.

Another thing about Christian Zionism is that they supplant Christ as being the focal point of history. What do they do? They make the Jews the focal point of history. In Revelation 19 in verse number 10 it says.

And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

But yet Clarence Larkin, Arno C. Gaebelein, and many of these ministers that are writing these books, mainly television evangelists are writing these books promoting Christian Zionism, are saying that the Jewish people and that land over there is the focal point of all prophecy. It’s not! Jesus Christ is the focal point of prophecy! The issue is what are you going to do with Jesus? It’s not what are you going to do with the Jewish people. Because folks, the Jews are not Israel anyway. They’re not.

So we see where Christian Zionism is a delusion. It’s a lie. It’s an oxymoron. Jesus Christ and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Folks I pray that I have said something that would be encouraging to somebody that’s in this cult to get out. And there’s a lot more to it, because Christian Zionism, as some of the government leaders of the State of Israel have said, We could not exist without the American Christian support. Moral support, political support, and a lot of their money.”

Folks, we need the Lord Jesus to come, the true Messiah, to set up His Kingdom, and destroy every idol that man has built. And unfortunately the Christian World, especially as I see it in a America, is irredeemable, it’s over the hill with falsehood, delusions, deceptions, lies, and the biggest one right now is Christian Zionism that is gotten us in trouble in the Middle East. They’re constantly lobbying our congressmen and our senators to send more money, send more money, send more money. That’s our tax dollars which could be used at home to help the poor, close the border, and do many other things.

I want to lift up Jesus Christ, not just an ethnic people on the earth whoever they may be, true Israel or false Israel. I want to exalt Jesus Christ as the true Prophet our Melchizedek priest, and our coming King.

(The end of one hour 7 minutes and 40 seconds of the audio, but the reading time is 21 minutes or less if you read fast!)

The Pope And World Peace

The Pope And World Peace

By J. J. Murphy – a former Catholic priest.

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann.

[The ultimate aim of the Roman Catholic church is to reestablish its dominion over all nations, and efforts to this end will be intensified now that we are on the threshold of a new age of atomic power. Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson has dramatized its successful attainment in his futuristic novel, “Lord of the World,” in which the Pope, after a cataclysmic war, is triumphantly convoyed by a fleet of airplanes from Rome to London to dictate peace terms for all the world. A similar vision of the ultimate “triumph of the Catholic Church” is painted in an official Catholic propaganda booklet entitled, “Great European Monarch and World Peace” now being published in great numbers by “Our Sunday Visitor Press.”

Still another such Catholic propaganda book recently published is “John Smith, Emperor,” in which it is recounted how, by means of a secret weapon that paralyzes those who refuse to conform, the aims of the Catholic church are made to triumph throughout the world.
Even the secular press in America is filled with the Catholic claim that no lasting peace can be made without the Pope. In the following article. Dr. Murphy shows what conditions were like in the past when the Popes of Rome exercised dominion over the nations of Europe. He backs all his statements with the testimony of historians of the highest repute, with particular stress on the “Cambridge Modern History,” compiled under the direction of Catholic Lord Acton, and recognized even in Catholic circles as most reliable and impartial.]

SPOKESMEN of the Catholic church look upon the Pope as the representative of the Prince of Peace and declare that without the guidance of the Vatican no lasting peace can be established. Dr. Leo F. Stock of the Carnegie Institute in Washington, D. C., has boldly proclaimed this sectarian conviction as follows:

That the chances for a just and enduring peace would be more likely to succeed, if the Pope should be invited to sit at the peace table, cannot be questioned.

Behind this Catholic conviction lie the dogmas of papal infallibility and salvation only through “the one true church” of Rome. This infallibility pertains not only to questions of faith but also, under the guise of morals, to principles of government and social welfare. Jesuit Father Joseph Husslein in his book, The Catholic’s Work in the World, page 200, arrogantly declares, “Catholics, therefore, have the only absolutely true, universal and perfect social program.” Pope Pius XI, in his encyclical, Quadragesimo Anno, teaches the same thing:1

“We lay down the principle, long since clearly established by Leo XIII, that it is Our right and Our duty to deal authoritatively with social and economic problems.”

So much for Catholic propaganda. When we turn to the record of past centuries, we find that the “perfect social program” of Catholicism is an historical farce. Far from ruling medieval Europe justly and efficiently, the Papacy was a corrupt and grasping institution, indulging its lust for power at the expense of the ignorant, deluded masses. In nature and purpose it was essentially a political system that aimed to carry on the world dominion of the Roman empire from which it sprang. The great English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, said:

“If a man considers the origin of this great ecclesiastical dominion, he will easily perceive that the Papacy is no other than the ghost of the deceased Roman empire, sitting crowned on the grave thereof. For so did the Papacy start up on a sudden out of the ruins of that heathen power.”

The theocratic aim of Catholicism, to conquer and rule the world in the name of God and religion, is clear from the formula used at the crowning of a Pope:2

“Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns and know that thou art Father of Princes and kings, Ruler of the world, Vicar of our Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Just what kind of a hand the Pope would play at a present-day peace conference can best be judged by the way the Popes have always acted when powers of government lay in their hands. A glance at conditions in Catholic Europe of the Middle Ages, when the Vatican was the maker of kings and governments, will suffice.

Church Government In Medieval Europe

The most striking aspect of the Papacy’s attitude toward secular government was its contempt for it. Beyond the dictatorship of the Pope it knew no law and willingly tolerated no independent government. This has been emphasized by the renowned Lord Acton, a Roman Catholic and former Regius professor of modern history at Cambridge University. On page 27 of a book entitled Lord Acton on the States of the Church he says:

“The notion of the superiority of the ecclesiastical power ripened into the notion of the worthlessness of the civil power and the derivation of its authority from the Church.”

In medieval Europe the Papacy owned “fully one-third” of all land and property according to the Cambridge Modern History (I, 662). Where it did not rule through subservient kings and princes, it at least constituted a “state within a state.” Even Father William Barry, writing in the Cambridge Modern History (I, 621), says of the Papacy: “It kept its jurisdiction intact, its clergy exempt, and held its own Courts all over Christendom… It had revenues far exceeding the resources of kings, to which it was continually adding by fresh taxation.”

In the same volume of this work, page 672, it is rightly pointed out that “Rome had become a center of corruption whence infection was radiated through Christendom… In 1490 Rome numbered 6,000 public women — an enormous proportion for a [total] population not exceeding 100,000.” Quoting from the Diary of Burchard, which it terms “unimpeachable,” it goes on to say:

“The public marriage of the daughters of Pope Innocent VIII and Pope Alexander VI set the fashion for the clergy to have children, and they diligently followed it; for all, from the highest to the lowest, kept concubines, while the monasteries were brothels.”

In those days of Catholic political supremacy the Pope himself was usually a tool in the hands of stronger relatives. Of Pope Innocent X the Cambridge Modern History (IV, 687) says:

“Of this Pope it must be said that instead of ruling he was ruled, and that by his sister-in-law, Donna Olimpia Maldachini.”

The Papacy itself was purely a political machine. No king or feudal noble was deceived by its religious trappings. The Cambridge Modern History (I, 644) pointedly observes:

“Papal history, in fact, as soon as the Holy See had vindicated its supremacy over general councils, becomes purely a political history of diplomatic intrigues, of alliances made and broken, of military enterprises. In following it no one would conclude, from internal evidence, that the Papacy represented interests higher than those of any other petty Italian prince, or that it claimed to he the incarnation of a faith divinely revealed to insure peace on earth… Universal distrust was the rule between the States, and the Papacy was merely a State whose pretensions to care for the general welfare of Christendom were recognized as diplomatic hypocrisy.”

In the late Middle Ages Europe seethed with disgust at Papal abuses and tyranny. Then came the Protestant Reformation. Later, in 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia put a legal end to religious intolerance, which was the groundwork of the Pope’s political power. Pope Innocent X, mentioned above for his subservience to his sister-in-law, was infuriated at this threat to Catholic domination, for he knew that it could not withstand open competition. He penned an “apostolic denunciation” that is best described in the words of the Cambridge Modern History (I, 688):

“On November 20. 1648, Pope Innocent X published the memorable bull, Zelo Domus Dei, in which he declared the Peace of Westphalia to be ‘null and void, accursed and without any influence or result for the past, the present, or the future;’ and he expressly added that no one, even if he had promised on oath to observe this peace, was bound to keep the oath. The Pope teas (? It appears to be a typo but I don’t know what word it should be.) filled with the deepest grief because in the treaty of peace the free exercise of religion and the right of admission to offices was granted to Protestants.”

Some may discount the historical facts recorded above and fall back on the old Catholic alibi that the Popes of the Middle Ages were forced into these abuses by the evil influence of unscrupulous kings and nobles. They may argue that, where the Popes were unimpeded by secular powers, their rule was a model of justice and of efficient administration. A study of the Papal States, where the Roman pontiffs were sole and sovereign rulers, shows how poorly this Catholic defense stands up under factual analysis.

Origin Of Papal States

The origin of the Papal States lies in deceit and forgery. Catholic Lord Acton in the opening pages of his above-quoted book admits that the Roman church started out by concentrating on increasing its wealth and property “even under the pagan emperors, when the Church, not being recognized by law, was not legally entitled to hold property… and at the close of the 6th century we find the Popes the richest landowners in Italy.”

But this early deceit of the Roman church is only a shadow of the brazen frauds it perpetrated after it became more paganized. Professor Cadoux, in his book on Catholicism and Christianity, p. 482, well summarizes the forgeries on which the Papacy’s political power was built:3

“The growing accumulation and centralization of power in the hands of the medieval Popes was in large measure facilitated by the production and unsuspecting acceptance of an extraordinary series of forged documents: The earliest of these dates from the pontificate of Symmachus; a number of others appear in the Liler Pontificalis of the 6th century: the notorious ‘Donation of Constantine,’ according to which that emperor bestowed on Pope Sylvester spiritual supremacy over the other patriarchs and temporal dominion over Italy and the western provinces, was apparently composed at Rome about 775 A. D. About 850 there was compiled in the province of Tours the great collection now known as ‘the false Decretals,’ consisting of fabricated letters ascribed to various Popes of the first six centuries and interspersed with a certain number of genuine documents. These forgeries were accepted by all as genuine down to about the middle of the 15th century. In the course of the next two centuries, largely by dint of Protestant criticism, their falsity was completely proved, but not before the unsuspecting belief in them during the Middle Ages had again and again contributed to the legalization and consolidation of Papal prerogatives. The forgery was admitted, ‘but the system built upon the forgery abides still,’ as Pusey declared. Well might the Catholic Lord Acton say: ‘The passage from the Catholicism of the Fathers to that of the modern Popes was accomplished by willful falsehood; and the whole structure of traditions, law’s, and doctrines that support the theory of infallibility, and the practical despotism of the Popes, stands on a basis of fraud.’”

Speaking of the false ‘Donation of Constantine,’ the most daring of these gigantic frauds, perpetrated by the Papacy 400 years after the death of the emperor Constantine, Gibbon in his celebrated work, Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (ch. IV, p. 740) makes this penetrating observation:

“The Popes themselves have indulged a smile at the credulity of the vulgar [common people]; but a false and obsolete title still sanctifies their reign; and, by the same fortune which has attended the Decretals and the Sibylline Oracles, the edifice has subsisted after the foundations have been undermined,”

Development Of Papal States

With its Temporal Power firmly established on the forged signatures of personages dead for hundreds of years, the Papacy used wars and further trickery to consolidate and expand its territorial gains and political power, especially the Papal States that were sanctimoniously known as the ‘Patrimony of Saint Peter.’ The Cambridge Modern History (I, 220) says:

“The conduct of the Popes in incorporating petty independent or semi-independent principalities with the ‘Patrimony of St. Peter’ did not materially differ from the line of action adopted by Kings Louis or Henry toward their overpowerful vassals.”

The Papacy not only seized neighboring duchies and states but also the wealth and property of individuals, under one pretext or another. The most revolting of the methods used for this purpose was to lay hands on everything that belonged to a person who had been arrested and condemned without trial by the Inquisition, even when this meant, as it invariably did, that his wife, family and descendants would be reduced to beggary. It is unnecessary to point out how the loot received was an impetus to further condemnations, or how the racket was promoted by giving a ‘cut-in’ to those who informed against others, even their own relatives.

Lord Acton, on page 26 of his book mentioned above, says of the Popes that “the unity of their States was completed by force of arms, first by Cardinal Albornoz and at last by Caesar Borgia, illegitimate son of Pope Alexander VI, who made him a cardinal at the age of 18, and Pope Julius II.”

Papal States Of The Last Century

The ideals and policies of Papal government are best studied by examining in detail the rule of the States of the Church in the last century, a period of democratic progress and general enlightenment in the rest of Europe.

The Papal States were entirely dominated by clerics. Every office of any importance was in charge of a cleric or prelate, from Secretary of War to chief of police. “Cardinal Rivarola remarked that in the States of the Church the laity should be only ‘tolerated by the generosity of the Clerics.’”4

A passport to go to a foreign country could not be obtained without permission of one’s parish priest.

René Fulop-Miller calls the Papal States “an artificially preserved remnant of the Middle Ages” and in his book, Leo XIII and Our Times, p. 45, describes them in this way:

“In this theocracy the Pope was also temporal sovereign, and priests filled practically all administrative offices. From the Holy Father downward, a hierarchy of officials functioned in cassocks: the diplomats were Clerics as were the provincial governors, the judges and the tax collectors. Thus the whole life of persons who belonged to the Patrimony of St. Peter was passed from the cradle to the grave under the determining influence of the priesthood.”

Papal Tyranny

So reactionary and absolute was Papal rule in the States of the Church that even the severe program of Cardinal Consalvi was considered so liberal that not long afterwards Cardinal Antonelli revoked it.5

‘The motu proprio of July 6, 1816, proclaimed the program of Cardinal Consalvi for the centralization of the government… the customs, laws, and the privileges of towns and provinces were abolished. The Papal territory was subdivided into 21 ’legations’ under cardinals… To them the Governors, who were selected from the prelacy, were subject, and only exercised inferior jurisdiction. Over all were the ordinary courts, the court of appeal, and last the Rota Romano, and the Vatican congregations… Cardinal Consalvi agreed that every province should have a council of laymen, but even these were nominated at Rome. They had no executive power, and could only give advice on prescribed topics. Consequently the whole bureaucratic system rested upon the priesthood and the prelacy.

Better known to people of today is Pope Pius IX who ruled over the Papal States during the last 22 years of their existence. After be became Pope-King in 1848, he fled to Naples for fear of assassination. The eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica (XX,715) says:

“When French arms had made feasible his restoration to Rome in 1850 he returned in a temper of stubborn resistance to all reform… took his inspiration from Cardinal Antonelli and the Jesuits… set his name in 1864 to the famous Syllabus, which was in effect a declaration of war by the Papacy against the leading principles of modern civilization.”

Robert M. Johnston in his book, Roman Theocracy and the Republic, p. 198, says of Pope Pius IX that he was “entrapped in the Jesuit toils more and more closely spun about him by the indefatigable and crafty Cardinal Antonelli.”

Cardinal Antonelli’s character is well analyzed in The Roman Question, a book by Edmond F. About, p. 107: “Cardinal Antonelli has been compared to Cardinal Mazzarin of France. They have in common: fear of death, inordinate love of money, a strong family feeling, utter indifference to the people’s welfare, contempt for mankind.”

Antonelli was widely suspected of being a lay Jesuit, that is, a member of the Jesuit order who pretended to be an ordinary layman with no relationship at all to the Jesuits. Although a cardinal and Secretary of State under Pope Pius IX, Antonelli did not admit that he was a priest and was generally considered a layman.


(The actions of a government body which can be seen as causing an injustice.)

The Patrimony of St. Peter was synonymous with maladministration. De Caesare says that Rome vied with Naples as the filthiest city of Italy. The streets overflowed with beggars, Clerical and lay. Edmond de Pressense in his book, Rome and Italy at the Opening of the Ecumenical Council, p. 115, relates the state of affairs:

“Begging has its third estate at Rome; it is recognized and patented; every mendicant wear a medal from the government and goes with a nasal whine to church doors as though he fulfilled some state function.”

The laws of the Papal States were so ill conceived that they were a laughingstock. Respect for all law was killed by absurd regulations such as one made by Msgr. Antonio Matteucci, Director-General of the Police, which prohibited encores in the theaters. A picture of the utter inefficiency of Papal rule is given in De Caesare’s book, mentioned above. For instance, on page 43 he notes:

“There were no State registers… no statistics, no census, not even minutes of the rare meetings of the Council which always sat in secret…”

A glimpse of the utter collapse of government functions in the Papal States is given by Luigi Farini in his book, Roman State, which was translated into English by the British Prime Minister W. E. Gladstone. On page 328 he says:

“The clergy alone have supreme administration of all that relates to instruction, charity, diplomacy, justice, censorship and the police. The finances are ruined, commerce and traffic are at the very lowest ebb, smuggling has sprung to life again; all the immunities, ail the jurisdiction of the clergy are restored. Taxes are imposed in abundance, without rule or measure. There is neither public nor private safety; no moral authority, no real army, no railroads, no telegraph. Studies are neglected. There is not a breath of liberty, not a hope of tranquil life… atrocious acts of revenge, factions rising, universal discontent. Such is the Papal Government…

De Caesare tells that under Pope Pius IX in 1851 postage stamps were used for the first time in the States of the Church. Government employees sold sheets of stamps at half price, pocketing the money. Others in the post offices instead of canceling the stamps, tore them off the letters and resold them. “It was three years before a Superintendent of Post Offices introduced a canceling machine.”

Robert M. Johnston, on page 23 of his book referred to above, reveals that “though the country was poor enough, the leaders of the clergy were comparatively rich, and viewed change and improvement with dislike and fear. Manufactures were all but non-existent, trade restricted in every way, and but one prosperous form of business was known, that of smuggling.”

Bandits overran the Papal States with little opposition from Government forces so that all traveling was extremely dangerous. Cambridge Modern History (X, 138) informs us:

“Laws were unable to stop organized brigandage… The bandits even drew recruits from the ranks of the Papal soldiery and police. The police itself was untrustworthy…”

Flouting Of Justice

Order is dependent on just laws wisely interpreted by the courts. In the Papal States law and order were in disrepute. The Cambridge Modern History (X, 138) summarizes these chaotic conditions as follows:

“The suggested rules of legal procedure were never enforced; the separation of juridical from administrative functions was never carried out. The Cardinal Legates encroached upon the domain of justice by arbitrary intervention… the clergy appealed to episcopal courts.”

Robert M. Johnston, p. 20, adds:

“Young Monsignors administered such justice as ambition, prejudice or pecuniary interest prompted. Away from Rome, provincial governors ruled with Oriental supremacy.”

Luigi Farini (Roman State, p. 323) tells of youths who were sentenced to twenty years in the galleys because Papal revenue on tobacco had fallen off as a result of a prank on the part of young men who had stopped smoking to annoy the government. They were accused and sentenced for the crime of “coalition against the use of tobacco,” though at the time of their abstinence from tobacco no such law or ‘crime’ had ever been heard of.

Of course the Inquisition flourished in the Papal States and condemned individuals to death even in the 19th century. It frequently hounded the Carbonari who worked for a free, united Italy. The Cambridge Modern History (X, 135) says:

“Cardinal Pacca had obtained in 1814 the condemnation of the Freemasons and the Carbonari… But by Cardinal Pacca and those who shared his views, all sovereigns and statesmen… the Protestant Bible Societies, the liberals, everybody in fact who did not hold their opinions were stamped as Freemasons.”

Fascists, whether of the 19th or the 20th century, vent their hatred of religious liberty by oppressing and persecuting the poor Jewish minority. It should surprise no one to read that even in the enlightened 19th century tyrannical Popes indulged their hatred of Jews. The Jewish Encyclopedia (X, 458) says:

“Shortly afterward, however, with the fall of Napoleon, the Castle of Sant’ Angelo was returned to the pope, and the gates of the ghetto in Rome were closed. The Inquisition was reintroduced, Jewish trading privileges were limited to the ghetto, and the Jews’ franchise was revoked. Conditions became still worse under Leo XII (1823- 29) and Pius VIII (1829-31), when all the medieval edicts and bulls were renewed… they were compelled to listen to conversionist sermons… In October, 1849, the houses of all Roman Jews were searched… Ornaments which bore no satisfactory marks of ownership, including even such as belonged to the synagogue, were not returned to them. Compulsory baptisms took place, as in Sinigaglia and Ancona… Even in the Sixties coercive baptisms occurred in large numbers.”


To the modern mind, life under the rule of the Popes, even in the Papal States, was a veritable chamber of horrors. Nothing could be less democratic, or more thoroughly Fascist.

It is unnecessary to labor the point that such a politically corrupt institution has nothing to offer toward a better and more lasting peace. The honeyed words of Catholic propagandists about peace, order, justice and democracy sound seductive until one realizes that they were never taken seriously even by the Catholic church itself. But it is a monument to the impertinence of the Catholic church and a keynote to its policy that, with 15 centuries of sordid political rule behind it, it dares to present itself to the world as the great champion of liberty and the only reliable architect of the democratic world of tomorrow.

THE ORTHODOX CHURCH, which has been a rival of the Roman church for nearly a thousand years, despite unscriptural additions and an overload of ritual, has the following scripture points in its favor:

1. Its priests may marry;
2. Communion in both kinds is allowed to the people;
3. Confession is in public;
4. It does not teach Purgatory;
5. It allows no “Pope,” and teaches that the Holy Spirit alone is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.

1. Quoted from the translation of this encyclical on p. 294 of The Christian Social Manifesto by Jesuit Father Joseph Husslein.↩

2. Quoted from the official National Catholic Almanac for 1942, p. 171.↩

3. Further treatment of the false ‘Donation of Constantine’ is found in Bryce’s monumental work, Holy Roman Empire, Ch. VII, p. 97; Joseph Wheless’ Forgery in Christianity, p. 257; Catholic Encyclopedia, V, il8ff.↩

4. The Last Days of Papal Rome, 1850-1870, page 17, by Raffaele De Caesare, distinguished Italian historian, author of Fin di Un Regno and other works.↩

5. Cambridge Modern History, vol. X, page 135.↩

Catholicism’s Moral Code

Catholicism’s Moral Code

By J. J. Murphy – a former priest.

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann.

The word “casuistry” is often used in this article. It means subtle or specious reasoning intended to mislead. I first read the word casuistry when I learned how the Jesuits operate. That word is often after the word Jesuit as in “Jesuit casuistry.”

Specious means reasoning that appears sound and good but is actually false. I added the words, “specious argument” to my vocabulary when I first was confronted with flat earth.

The main point of this article is the Jesuits caused the Catholic Church to lower its standard of morality in order to keep people in the church. No wonder crime is high in most Catholic countries. Thankfully in Northern Samar, the province in the Philippines where I live, crime is low due to law enforcement and security guards carrying not only hand guns, but rifles as well.

Emphasis in bold font are mine.

A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING of Roman Catholicism is not possible without a grasp of the peculiar structure of its system of moral theology. It is the key to its world wide political power. It not only furnishes a pretext for invading every phase of social and political life, but is also the means, by which the church holds in check its millions of adherents and dominates their aims and purposes. It is a moral system that has to be ingenious. On the one hand, it must fly the colors of abstract virtue, and, on the other, maintain for political purposes the powerful support both of those who ignore religion and those who condemn it.

The Catholic moral system as it exists today has been fashioned by the Jesuits in the war against Protestantism for which they were founded. It has two direct aims: first, to counteract the Protestant glorification of the individual conscience by establishing a moral system that will subject consciences to the guidance and dictates of a supreme and highly centralized church authority; second, to grasp and hold the allegiance both of the masses and its corrupt political leaders without either castigating their consciences, or giving open approval to their immoralities.

This system can be described in two words: confession and casuistry.1 Confession is the means of dictating to consciences by, a centralized authority. Casuistry is an intricate system of hairsplitting morality out of existence.

To assure a strictly objective treatment of this study of the development and nature of the moral code of the Catholic church, the writer will not draw upon his personal experiences as a priest, but will call upon the evidence of unimpeachable authorities in the field of moral theology.

The Power Of The Confessional

Power over the human heart and the most secret of human emotions means power over the mind and will of man. This the Jesuits realize. They know too that it is in the confessional, where the soul lays bear its most intimate emotions, that control of the Catholic conscience must be obtained. Without this moral control the centralization of the church and dominance of the Vatican would be worthless.

The well known theologian and historian, Dr. William K. Rockwell of Union Theological Seminary in New York, has expressed in the Harvard Theological Review the all-importance of emotionalism in Catholicism and the fact that the Jesuits made capital of it. Speaking of the extreme difficulty of the Protestant to understand the terror of Catholic emotionalism, he says:2

“Has the thought of hell mad him shiver, and the consecrated wafer made him thrill? He who cannot realistically imagine these experiences does not know the abc’s of Catholicism, in the mastery whereof lies the deepest secret of the power of the Jesuits; for their ascendancy is rooted in their hold on the fears and aspirations of Catholic piety as directed in the confessional.”

How the confessional opens the way to utter passivity on the part of the penitent and to complete dominance on the part of the confessor is well put by the Encyclopaedia Britannica (V, 486, 11th ed.) in its article on casuistry:

“The medieval mind was only too prone to look on morality as a highly technical art… What could wayfaring men possibly do but cling to their priest with a blind and unexpressed faith? Catholicism increasingly took for granted that a man imperiled his soul by thinking for himself.”

The Jesuits rightly reasoned that the only way to get crucial control over the use of confessionals everywhere was by making the practice of the confessional into a theological science sponsored and dominated by their Order. This they accomplished, and the new ‘science’ became known as casuistry or moral theology. After creating moral theology and managing to monopolize its teaching, they likewise succeeded in the further ‘task’ of imposing it on the whole church and making it the sole guide of all priests in the hearing, of confessions. Count Paul von Hoensbroech, former Jesuit priest and distinguished German scholar, emphasizes the extent and meaning of this Jesuit masterstroke when he writes:

“There is no domain in which Jesuitism has succeeded so completely in forcing its, domination on Catholicism as that of moral theology… The domination of the private and public life of Catholics by means of the confessional… has been mainly brought about by the moral theologians of the Jesuit Order. The present-day Catholic morality is penetrated throughout with Jesuit morality.”

It would not have mattered particularly who controlled the Catholic confessional, were it not for the fact that it not only lowered Catholic morality but was strategically used for just that purpose. This formal misuse of the confessional arose with the Jesuits. A brief historical picture of just how it came about is given in the Cambridge Modern History (V, .81):

“But a Church, ridden by the spirit of efficiency, is likely to end in frank utilitarianism, and during the 17th century there was a continually smoldering contest between the Jesuits and divines of a less worldly school as to exactly how far utility should be allowed to go. The great fight was over the confessional. Should priests pitch their standards high or low?
“The Jesuits argued that severity scared many away altogether — a contingency the more to be regretted in the case of the rich and influential. Accordingly they began a campaign to force confessors to be lax. The famous doctrine of probabilism — first broached about the beginning of the 17th century — made it grave sin in the priest to refuse absolution, if there were any good reason for giving it. And to determine what such ‘good reason’ was fell to the Jesuit Escobar and the Casuists. These writers developed a whole system of expedients for protecting the penitent from a too-zealous confessor. The kind of question he might ask is carefully defined. He must not cast about for general information as to the penitent’s disposition, as would a physician… He must always lean toward the most ‘benign’ interpretation of the law; and for his guidance casuistry ran many an ingenious coach-and-four (A carriage pulled by four horses with one driver, it must be an idiomatic expression in this case.) through inconvenient enactments.”

Emphasis on the magic power of confession and absolution grew in proportion to the increasing laxity of the penitents. If the penitent had no real sorrow or intention of reforming his life, it was only natural that the magic of absolution would come to be looked upon as the source of pardon and forgiveness. This demoralizing influence is pointed out by the Encyclopaedia Brittannica (V, 487) when it says:

“The less the Church could expect from its penitents, the more it was driven to trust the miraculous efficiency of sacramental grace. Once get a sinner to confession, and the whole work was done. However bad his natural disposition, the magical words of absolution would make him a new man… Human nature seldom resists the charms of a fixed standard — least of all when it is applied by a live judge in a visible court… If the priest must be satisfied with so little, why be at the trouble of offering more?”

Origin And Nature Of Casuistry

Jesuit casuistry, known today simply as Catholic moral theology, is largely the creation of passionate Spanish Jesuits with the fire of the Inquisition still in their veins. Their plan was to find a way that would make it easy and attractive to be and remain a Catholic. This was very necessary in Spain where Catholicism was too corrupt to generate an Evangelical Reformation.

It was also necessary at that time to find a way out of the old system of Catholic laxity and moral corruption that prevailed up till the Reformation, and at the same time to resist the influence of the Reformation started by Martin Luther in Germany and elsewhere. The task was to find a formula of morality as equally convenient as the old one, but so subtle and intricate that its laxity would not show through. This whole strategy behind the invention of casuistry, is well explained by the Encyclopaedia Brittanica (V, 486), as follows:

“But the casuists were drawn, almost to a man, from Italy and Spain, the two countries least alive to the spirit of the Reformation; and most of them were Jesuits, the Order that set out to be nothing Protestantism was, and everything that Protestantism was not. Hence they were resolutely opposed to any idea of reform.
“On the other hand, they would certainly lose their hold on the laity unless some sort of change were made; for many of the Church’s rules were obsolete, and others far too severe to impose on the France of Montaigne or even the Spain of Cervantes. Thus caught between two fires the casuists developed a highly ingenious method for eviscerating the substance of a rule while leaving its shadow carefully intact.
“The next step was to force the confessors to accept their lax interpretation of the law; and this was accomplished by their famous theory of probabilism, first taught in Spain about 1580. This made it a grave sin for a priest to refuse absolution, whenever there was some good reason for giving it, even when there were other and better reasons for refusing it.”

This practice of “probabilism” proved very effective in allowing the confessor to forgive any or all sins, regardless of the penitent’s dispositions, especially when coupled with the ‘companion’ principle of the Jesuits that it is allowed to permit one evil in order to prevent a greater one. Working with such principles it was never difficult for a confessor to convince himself that he had to absolve the obviously, impenitent sinner for fear the sinner would leave the confessional in anger and commit the much greater evil of breaking with the church entirely — which in Catholic eyes is the greatest of all sins.

A practical example of the use of this Jesuit principle of ‘probabilism,’ in confession may be read in the recent Catholic propaganda novel, The World, the Flesh and Father Smith, by Bruce Marshal, a best-seller and selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club. On pages 16 to 22, the author describes how Father Smith forgives the sins of a dying sailor in a bawdy house: “He started off to tell the priest about all the women he had known in Buenos Aires and Hong Kong and said that he had liked the women in Hong Kong best.” When the priest rebuked him for talking this way on his deathbed about the tawdry Jezebels in foreign ports,” the dying sailor spoke back and said “the women weren’t tawdry at all, especially the ones in China, who had gold on their fingernails and wore black satin slippers with high red heels”, and that now that he came to think of it he wasn’t sorry for having known all these women at all, ”since they had all been so beautiful and that he would like to know them again if he got the chance.”

The old sailor had only a few minutes to live, so the author describes the priest as applying the Jesuit principle of ‘probabilism’ in the following way:

“In despair Father Smith asked the old sailor if he was sorry for not being sorry for having known all these women, and the old sailor said that yes he was sorry for not being sorry. Whereupon Father Smith said that he thought God would understand, add he absolved the old sailor from his sins, pouring the merits of Christ’s Passion over the old sailor’s forgetfulness of God and those long-ago dresses that had made such lovely sounds.”

The brilliant historian, John Addington Symonds, gives a keen analysis of the subtle process by which the Jesuit casuists are able in the Confessional to dissolve concrete sins and promote moral laxity, while at the same time glorifying abstract virtue in the pulpit. He explains it as clearly as any Jesuit in one of his volumes that is considered a classical reference work in all universities:3

“It was the Jesuit Order’s aim to control the conscience by direction and confession, and especially the consciences of princes, women, and youths in high position. To do so by plain speaking and honest dealing was clearly dangerous. The world had had enough of Dominican austerity. You must certainly tell people then that indulgence in sensuality, falsehood, fraud, violence, covetousness and tyrannical oppression is unconditionally wrong.
“Make no show of compromise with evil in the gross; but refine away the evil by distinctions, reservations, hypothetical conditions, until it disappears. Explain how hard it is to know whether a sin is venial or mortal, and how many chances there are against its being in any strict sense a sin at all. Do not leave people to their own blunt sense of right and wrong, but let them admire the finer edge of your scalpel, while you shed up morsels they can hardly see. A ready way may thus be opened for the satisfaction of every human desire without falling into theological sins.
“The advantages are manifest. You will be able to absolve with a clear conscience. Your penitent will abound in gratitude… and be held secure… It was thus that the Jesuit labyrinth of casuistry, with its windings, turnings, secret chambers, whispering galleries, blind alleys, escape passages, came into existence.”

Present Day Casuistry

The main contest within the Catholic church between the Jesuit casuists and their opponents was fought in France, the intellectual battleground of Europe. With the aid of the French monarchs and corrupt elements in the Roman Curia, the Jesuits after many years succeeded in triumphing over their enemies and getting them condemned as “heretics.” This bitter inter-church conflict is known as the “Jansenist” controversy.

For a while, the Jesuits had to hedge on some of the most extreme of their laxist views, even after their political victory. But in the middle of the 18th century, appeared a naive and fanatical Neapolitan priest by the name of Alphonsus Liguori; who took a psychopathic interest in casuistry as an escape from his own sexual obsessions. The Jesuits encouraged him, had him made a bishop; and after his death canonized as a saint and a Doctor of the Church. In so doing they won final and absolute approval for their system of moral casuistry. From then on their system of morals was gradually incorporated into Catholic theology as Official and infallible teaching.

Present-day Jesuits try to escape from the accusations leveled against their Order in these matters by stating that all of their immoral teachings in the past have been discarded. Actually, however, the entire system is taught today substantially as it was in the 17th century. A few crude opinions, such as the open approval of regicide and certain other forms of murder, have been discarded. Also the name “casuistry” has generally been changed into “moral theology.” For the rest, the system remains unchanged. Paul Bert, distinguished French intellectual and government official, in his work, La Morale de Jesuites, has clearly proved with chapter and verse that modern textbooks of moral theology repeat the same evil principles that were taught by the 17th century casuists.

If any/additional proof were needed, it can be found in the following statement of Dr. Adolph Harnack of the University of Berlin, world-famous for his knowledge of church history. Speaking of Jesuit casuistry he says:4

“But the method has continued unchanged, and it exerts today its ruinous influence on dogmatics and ethics, on the consciences, of those who receive and of those who make confession, perhaps in a worse degree than in any period.”

As an illustration of present-day Jesuits casuistry, the following extract is taken from the work of the Jesuit casuist Gury, published in Paris, in the eighth edition in 1892. Gury is the leading authority on modern casuistry and his works are quoted on nearly every page of the moral theologies of Noldin, Sabetti-Barrett and other Jesuit authors used today as textbooks in American Catholic seminaries. This “case” is given in a work for seminarians to teach them how to solve moral problems. There are hundreds of such cases given in Gury’s work or other similar volumes. This one is taken-from Volume I, page 183, of his Casus Conscientiae:

“Anna had committed adultery; she replied first of all to her husband, who was suspicious and questioned her, that she had not broken her marriage bond, the second time she replied, after she had been absolved from her sin, ‘I am not guilty of such a crime; finally, the third time, because her husband pressed her still further, she flatly denied the adultery and said, ’I have not committed it,’ because she understood by this such adultery as I should be obliged to reveal’, or ‘I have not committed adultery which is to be revealed to you.’ Is Anna to be Condemned?
“Anna can be justified from falsehood in the threefold case which has been mentioned. For, in the first case, she could say that she had not broken the marriage bond, because it was still in existence. In the second case, she could say that she was innocent of adultery, since her conscience was no longer burdened with it after confession and the receiving of absolution, because she had the moral certainty that this had been forgiven. Indeed she could make the assertion under oath, according to the general opinion of theologians, plus that of Liguori, Lessius, the Salmaticenses, and Suarez. In the third case, she could in the probable view still deny having committed adultery in the sense that she was obliged to reveal it to her husband.

Moral Degeneracy by Casuistry

Casuistry is demoralizing, not only to the layman who finds that he easily receives absolution regardless of his way of life, but also to the priest who soon learns to apply to his own conscience the methods he uses on others. The consequences become even worse when we stop to realize that in reading moral theology, in the words of Symonds, “men vowed to celibacy probe the foulest labyrinths of sexual impurity.”

It is not surprising to find that casuistry has been denounced in the strongest terms by those who are able to read the treatises on moral theology that are written only in Latin. Catholics as well as Protestants join in the condemnation. The saintly Bishop de Palafox was one of these. So too was the great intellectual and liberal ecclesiastic, Paul Sarpi. In France Abbot de Ranee, founder of the Trappist Order, in his Letters (p. 358) says:5

“The morality of the Jesuits is so corrupt, their principles are so opposed to the sanctity of the Gospels… that nothing is more painful to me than to see how my name is used to give authority to opinions which I detest with my whole heart.”

Johann Adam Moehler, a Catholic priest and celebrated Catholic theologian of the last century declared:6

“Casuistry is the atomism of Christian morality… and has had a poisonous effect on the innermost being of Christian life. Religious depth, stern and holy morality and strict Church discipline were undermined by it. And it was characteristic of the Jesuits to transform the inner being into mere externals that they also conceived of the Church primarily as a State.”

Lord Acton, a Catholic and father of the Cambridge Modern History, was one of the greatest historians of the last century. Speaking of the Jesuit Order he says:7

“It matters not what cause we take up, provided we defend it well — that is Jesuit Probabilism. It matters not what wrong we do in a good cause — that again is the maxim that the end justifies the means, which like Probabilism, was just then in the ascendancy. It matters not whether the cause for which we sin is religion or policy — even that is paralleled by the way in which the French, Jesuit’s supported Richelieu in his alliance with the Protestants in the Thirty Years’ War.”

The distinguished scholar. Dr. Adolph Harnack of the University of Berlin, on page 102 of the above quoted volume, excoriates casuistry. The Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (III, 240) finds his words worth quoting and prefaces them with, the remark: “The decisive terms to which an authority so great as Harnack commits himself may serve to show why casuistry has disappeared from the Protestant world and from scientific ethics.” The words of Harnack himself are as follows:

“By the aid of Probabilism the Jesuit Order understood how in particular cases to transform almost all deadly sins into venial sins. It went on giving directions on how to wallow in filth, to confound conscience, and, in the confessional, to wipe out sin with sin. The comprehensive ethical handbooks of the Jesuits are in part monstrosities of abomination and storehouses of execrable sins and filthy habits, the description and treatment of which provoke an outcry of disgust.
“The most shocking things are here dealt with in a brazen-faced way by unwedded priests… often enough with the view of representing the most disgraceful things as pardonable, and of showing the most hardened transgressors a way in which they may still always obtain the peace of the Church…
“But all the greater appears the confusing influence of the religious system of which they were servants, when it was capable of producing such licentious subtleties and such a perverse estimate of moral principles… And all this too in the name of Christ… for one of the interests lying at the base of this system of immorality, no one can deny, was to maintain and strengthen the external grasp and power of ecclesiasticism.”

It is only an understanding of Catholic casuistry that enables us to realize how it is possible for Catholics to remain in excellent standing, sacramental and social, in their church, while habitually defying ‘church laws’ laid down as binding, under penalty of eternal damnation. A case in point that applies to most adult Catholics in America is the church laws on birth control. According to church teaching, the practice of birth control is a mortal sin of a most heinous and unnatural kind. Whoever habitually practices it cannot obtain valid absolution or receive communion. That is Catholic theory before casuistry goes to work on it. Actually the figures of birth control clinics and other statistics show that nearly all Catholics practice birth control. Nonetheless they continue to receive absolution and communion regularly, enjoying excellent church standing. This is the presto-chango of Catholic morality… what is condemned in theory is lived out in practice. The church turns its head the other way and pretends not to notice it. It could reserve this ‘sin’ to the bishop, as it does marriage before a Protestant minister, making it embarrassing to confess it and difficult to obtain absolution for it. But it doesn’t. It knows that half the Catholics would leave the church if it enforced such a law, so the church nullifies its laws in practice committing one evil ‘to prevent a greater evil,’ in accordance with one of the principles of casuistry.


The imposition of Jesuit morality upon the whole Catholic church loses much of its meaning if it is considered as an isolated fact. It was only part of the Jesuit master plan to centralize the Catholic church and thus obtain, through domination of the Papal curia, a whip hand over church dogma and morals, appointments, and politics. The Jesuit cavalcade is briefly described as follows in the above quoted article by Dr. Rockwell:

“Certainly the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854, the Syllabus in 1864, the definition of papal infallibility and absolute sovereignty in 1870, the condemnation of Modernism in 1907, and at this very moment the codification of canon law by the centralized authority of a papal autocracy based on divine right — these are monuments to the principle for which the Jesuits have contended on their march to power.”

That was in 1912. The power of the Jesuits over the worldwide Roman Catholic church has since become so absolute and unchallengeable that it has swept away Italian dominance of the College of cardinals, knowing that it now has over every Catholic country the same dominance that in former centuries it had over Italy alone.

But of all the corruptions the Jesuits practiced in their march to power that of casuistry was the most perverted and the most disastrous. Particularly applicable to them are the words that the distinguished President of the United States and international scholar, John Adams, wrote to Thomas Jefferson in condemnation of the priesthood:8

“My opinion is that there would never have been an infidel, if there had never been a priest. The artificial structures they have built on the purest of all moral systems for the purpose of deriving from it pence and power, revolt those who think for themselves and who read in that system only what is really there.”

But in this question of Catholicism’s moral code, as in all other aspects of its organization and activities, we must not rush to the conclusion that it is all arranged consciously for sinister purposes. To the Jesuit policy makers of the Catholic church the control of consciences is essential to sustain and increase the church’s dominance in the world. The manner in which morals are controlled matters little to them, since it is a necessary means to the attainment of what they consider the loftiest ideal in God’s whole creation.

In the words of Harnack quoted above, this glorious ideal is to maintain and strengthen the external grasp and power of ecclesiasticism.”

1. Subtle or specious reasoning intended to mislead. — Ed.↩

2. Harvard Theological Review, July 1914, page 360. Dr. Rockwell’s distinguished career is given in Who’s Who.↩

3. Vol. VI, part 1, p. 223, entitled “Catholic Reaction.” This is the sixth volume of his monumental 7 volume, work. Renaissance in Italy.↩

4. History of Dogma by Dr. Adolph Harnack, vol. VII, page 102. English translation published by Williams and Norgate, Oxford, 1899.↩

5. An English edition of Gury’s Doctrines of the Jesuits is now available and may be had from Agora Publishing Co. at $3.00.↩

6. Dr. Moehler was professor at Tuebingen University and author of the renowned defense of Catholicism, Symbolism. The above statement is 426quoted from page 23 of Professor J. B. Leu’s Beitrag sur Wuerdigung Jesuitenordens.↩

7. Letters of Lord Acton to Mary Gladstone, daughter of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. page 114. Macmillan, London, 1913.↩

8. Letter of John Adams, written on August 9, 1816. Quoted from the official Congressional ‘Monticello-edition’ of the complete Works of Thomas Jefferson, volume XV, page 60.↩

More in this series about the True Nature and Structure of Roman Catholicism

Summary of the Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 by David Nikao Wilcoxson

Summary of the Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 by David Nikao Wilcoxson

David Nikao Wilcoxson is the brother in Christ who opened my eyes to the true interpretation of the prophecy of Daniel 9 and the true meaning of the 70th Week of Daniel. This was in December of 2014, a fraction of the time since I came to know Jesus and the Gospel after coming from Roman Catholic darkness in early 1971. I used to teach the Jesuit / Darby / Scofield interpretation of Daniel 9:27. Imagine that. I’m trying now to help my friends see the truth about it. It was so plain to me when I read it from David’s website. I think unless the Holy Spirit enlightens a believer when he or she hears it, it will be like water off a duck’s back. You’ll either get it immediately, or you won’t. Many people just don’t get it due to their cognitive bias of hearing the false interpretation of the 70th Week of Daniel most of their lives as a Christian. Or maybe they will get it better from David Wilcoxson than from me which is why I’m posting it.

Here’s what David has to say:

I’m sharing this message with you because I appreciate your impact on my life. Iron sharpens iron, and I hope I can bless you in return. As I’ve witnessed the crazy things taking place in our world, it caused me to want to understand the prophecies in Revelation.

We’ve been taught that most of the Revelation prophecies are yet to be fulfilled during the last 7 or 3 ½ years, so I wanted to understand what prophecy the seven years is based upon. Most people point to the seventy weeks of Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy.

Many teach that the first 69 weeks of the 70-week prophecy have been fulfilled, but there’s a 2000-year time gap between the 69th and 70th week. My first impression is that it doesn’t make sense. Why would the Heavenly Father give a 70-week timeline which isn’t fulfilled in 70 consecutive weeks?

We’ve been taught that the ‘covenant’ in Daniel 9:27 points to the antichrist making a 7-year peace agreement with Israel. When I read Daniel 9 to understand the context, I saw that Daniel was not praying about the end times or the antichrist but that he wanted to know what would happen to the Jews when they would be released from captivity in Babylon.

And to me, it doesn’t make sense that the same four verses, which foretold when Messiah came to die for our sins, are also about His enemy, the antichrist, who appears 2000 years later.

I noticed that Daniel 9:4 mentions a covenant that the Heavenly Father keeps with those who love Him and seek to obey Him. The highlight of the prophecy is Messiah the Prince, so it makes sense that He came to confirm the everlasting covenant of mercy to those who love the Father.

And then the Spirit led me to verses that validate it. Romans 15:8 says He was sent to confirm the promises made unto Abraham. Galatians 3:17 points to Messiah confirming the covenant. Hebrews 7:22 tells us that Messiah is the surety of the covenant, that He is the bondsman who ratified it with His blood. Hebrews 8:6, 9:15-17, and 12:24 say He is the covenant’s Mediator. Hebrews 13:20 says that we’re saved through the blood of the everlasting covenant, shed by Messiah.

There’s a consistent narrative: Daniel 9:27 points to Messiah the Prince confirming the everlasting covenant, and the New Testament contains verses about Messiah and the covenant.

And this explanation fulfills the 70 weeks of Daniel 9 in 70 consecutive weeks. This was a game-changing revelation for me, as it shows that the enemy has created a grand deception about the fulfillment of prophecy. I know this explanation is contrary to what we’ve been led to believe, so I pray that you will pursue this matter, as we’ll be held accountable for what we teach about prophecy. I’ve included a summary about the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9. I pray that it opens your eyes.

The fulfillment of the Daniel 9 prophecy testifies to the glory of our King! Hallelujah!

(End of message from David Wilcoxson.)

You can download the PDF file of this message.

The Roman Catholic Church And The Bible

The Roman Catholic Church And The Bible

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann.

1. The Bible And The People

THE OFFICIAL ATTITUDE of the Roman Catholic Church, concerning the Bible is a puzzle to most people and needs clarification for all fair-minded Christians. This attitude is so hesitant and contradictory that, even on the face of it, one cannot help concluding at once that the Roman church would be very much more at ease if the Bible never existed at all. Certainly, it would make things easier for the Roman Catholic church in our day if the Bible could still be kept from the people as it was in the Middle Ages.

But the Church of Rome is now faced with the fact that no other book in the world is so easy of access to everyone. Since the Protestant Reformation the Bible has been translated into every known language, and has flooded every nation on the face of the earth. This worldwide distribution of the Bible, however, has been exclusively the work of Protestants, and meets with actual opposition from the Roman Catholic church in Roman Catholic countries. The Gideons alone have freely distributed as many Bibles as would reach, if placed end to end, from Albany to New York City.

2. Effect On Protestants Who Become Catholics

Every Protestant, clergyman or layman, who joins the Roman church, must solemnly swear to God, with his hand upon the very Bible itself, as follows1

“I, N. N., having before me the holy Gospels which I touch with my hand, and knowing that no one can be saved without that faith which the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church holds, believes and teaches, and against which I grieve that I have greatly erred… I now with sorrow and contrition for my past errors, profess that I believe the Holy Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church to be the only true Church established on earth by Jesus Christ, to which I submit myself with my whole soul. I reject and condemn all that she rejects and condemns, and I am ready to observe all that she commands me…
“I believe in the authority of the Apostolic and Ecclesiastical Traditions, and of the Holy Scriptures, which we must interpret and understand only in the sense which our holy mother the Catholic church has held and does hold…”

In other words, in order to become a Roman Catholic, you must not only repudiate the true Gospel message, but you also must doubt the very book of the Gospel itself. On the other hand, Catholics who become Protestants can do so only by full acceptance both of the Gospels themselves and the message of salvation therein contained.

3. No Protestant Has Ever Confessed That He Has Become A Catholic Through The Bible.

Mr. John Moody (founder of Moody’s Investors Service), a layman who became a Catholic, declared in a review of his book (“The Long Read Home”) in the N. Y. Herald Tribune, Sept. 3, 1932:

“It was through the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas that I found the way… Then I made what was for me the surprising discovery that the Catholic Church alone of all Christian bodies had been teaching for 19 hundred years, and is still teaching, the only interpretation of the Bible and of the life of Christ that makes sense.”

On page 78 of his book he confesses that, as a young man, he put his Bible on a shelf where it remained unopened ever after.

It is the same with other Protestants of note who have yielded with fanfare to the authority of the Pope in preference to the authority of the Word of God. In the writings of Cardinal Newman, G. K. Chesterton, Arnold Lunn, Rev. Seldon Delaney and others who have been used so aggressively by the Roman Church in America to propagandize its teachings, you will find that the Bible was never their guide to Rome.

On the other hand:

Every Catholic priest and layman who is converted to Protestantism confesses that he found the way through the Bible.

Such, for instance, was the case with Rev. Charles Chiniquy, the famous French Canadian priest who left the Roman Church after 25 years of honest effort to teach Christ. He brought his entire congregation with him into the light of Evangelical Christianity, and for 40 more years after labored with great zeal and brought tens of thousands of Roman Catholics to accept Christ through the Bible and to renounce the unwarranted claims of the Pope of Rome.

In fact, Father Chiniquy and his congregation broke with the church of Rome expressly because of its attitude towards the Bible. In the name of his congregation he drew up, as a test, an act of submission to the Bishop of Hlinois, conditioned only on the truth of the Bible and the Commandments of God, as follows:

“My Lord Bishop Smith:
We, French Canadians of Illinois, want to live and die in the Holy Catholic Church, out of which there is no salvation; and to prove this to your Lordship, we promise to obey the authority of the Church according to the Word and Commandments of God as we find them expressed in the Gospel of Christ.”

The Bishop refused to accept this form of submission. “Take away,” he said, “the words, Word of God and Gospel of Christ, or I will punish you as a rebel.” Upon the refusal of Father Chiniquy to do so, the Bishop replied: “You can therefore no longer be a Catholic priest.” (See Forty Years in the Church of Christ, p. 44, by Father Chiniquy). He had committed the unpardonable sin of judging the Church by the Bible and not the Bible by the Church.

The Rev. James A. O’Connor, also a former priest, labored in New York City after his conversion as a teacher of New Testament Christianity. He founded Christ’s Mission and led over 150 priests and thousands of Catholic lay people to renounce the errors of Rome and to accept Christ at his Word as found in the Gospel. Protestants, after they become Catholics, do not bother about the Bible but teach and preach the dogmas of Rome about transubstantiation, indulgences, purgatory, papal infallibility, worship of the saints and the Virgin Mary — none of which are to be found in the Bible.

4. Contradictions

It will be noted in the first place, that the Roman Church has actually decreed as an article of faith, that the Bible — from Genesis to Revelation — is the actual Word of God. Yet, the individual is made to swear, on the Bible itself, that he will not take God at His Word! He is blasphemously made to swear that he will take the word of a man instead!

Furthermore, according to the Decrees of the Council of Trent, a Catholic is solemnly bound to interpret the Bible only according to the unanimous consent of the Fathers. Now, if you are too ignorant, too unintelligent, to understand the plain wording of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John when they speak directly for Jesus Christ, how can you be expected to understand Tertullian, Jerome, Augustine, etc., who had no contact with Jesus Christ, and who are far more obscure than the Evangelists? But even apart from this, there is no such thing as “the unanimous consent of the Fathers.” They all differed greatly in their interpretations of the texts of the Gospel, and their writings fill more than 200 large volumes!

5. Harmful Mixture Of Roman Catholic Tradition With Scripture

This “tradition” is nothing else but the shameful process by means of which the Papacy built up its great power over the nations of Europe. This poisonous concoction, however, comes first in everything Catholics are forced to believe and practice. None of it — the mass, indulgences, purgatory, mariolatry, fish in place of lamb chops on Fridays — is found in the New Testament. But a Catholic is condemned to hell if he does not believe and practice them all, whereas there is no need for him to know and believe in Jesus Christ as the sole mediator between God and Man. He is taught to believe instead, that the priest is the mediator between God and man.

Recently, in America particularly, Roman Catholics boast of the “permission” allowed them to read the Bible (i.e. only the approved Roman Catholic version). This has been forced upon the Catholic church, in democratic countries, by the outcry of Protestants against the historical denial of the Bible in the Catholic church down through the centuries. But like so many other seemingly Protestant innovations in the Roman church, this reading of the Bible is only “tolerated” and for the time being. Even this “permission” is limited. Catholics must read only a Papal version of God’s word, and give it only the convenient interpretation which is explained for them in the footnotes! It is like handing a thirsty person a glass of fresh water into which has been poured a poisonous concoction.

The grasp of the Bible and its distortion by the Roman church have been the means by which the Papacy attained its unwarranted power over peoples and nations. By this means it has subdued its people and kept them ignorant. It guarantees absolute obedience of the people to the priests and hierarchy. As the extravagant Romanist Bloy bluntly puts it:

“My first duty is obedience. But Jesus has told me to obey the Pope, and that is enough for me.”

The true Christian takes Christ at his word when he says:

“Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest… Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me…”

And it was Peter — whom Roman Catholics claim was their first Pope, — speaking for the other apostles, who assured his Master:

“To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.” — John 6:68.

1. From the Rituale Romanum — official Roman ritual-book used by priests in administering the sacraments.↩

Billy Graham, The Catholic Church, and Halley’s Bible Handbook

Billy Graham, The Catholic Church, and Halley’s Bible Handbook

This is a section from Dr. Cathy Burn’s book, Billy Graham and His Friends, from the section, MARY IS THE CENTER. All emphasis in bold font are from the author.

Vatican II, however, was the instrument that helped the Vatican open up the door to the ecumenical movement. New Ager and occultist, Robert Muller, bragged: “There is no doubt that Paul VI, together with John XXIII and John Paul II, will be remembered as the three great Popes of Peace, pioneers of a momentous transcendence of the Catholic Church into the New Age.”

In spite of this, the Billy Graham organization recommended the biography of John XXIII which “contained hundreds of pages of the Pope’s devotion to Mary and the saints, worship of the Eucharistic wafer, and his trust in the sacraments for salvation….” Graham “commended it in ads as ‘a classic in devotion.’”

Pope John XXIII remarked: “Mary is the center of all things in the sight of God.” He also said: “Mary is the center and light of all theology. Without Mary’s light, theology is in darkness, in heresy. Without Mary, and if it were not for Mary, God would not have made the world.’”

Graham himself said in 1966: “I find myself closer to Catholics than the radical Protestants.”

Cardinal Cushing, a Roman Catholic from Boston, made an interesting comment to the press in the early 1950’s that “if he had half a dozen Billy Grahams, he would not worry about the future of his [Catholic] church!” In fact, Graham bragged: “No ranking member of the Catholic hierarchy spoke out against the [1957 New York Madison Square Garden] Crusade, and I suspect many Catholics knew of my friendship with various Catholic leaders.”

“In 1964, Graham spent forty-five minutes with Richard Cardinal Cushing, Catholic Archbishop of Boston. Cushing gave unqualified support for Graham. The Cleveland Plain Dealer for Oct. 8, 1964, reported Cushing’s words: ‘I am 100% for the evangelist. I have never known a religious crusade that was more effective than Dr. Graham’s. I have never heard the slightest criticism of anything he has ever said from a Catholic source.’
“Graham returned the favor by saying: ‘I feel much closer to Roman Catholic tradition than to some of the more liberal Protestants….’”

Graham confessed: “My goal, I always made clear, was not to preach against Catholic beliefs or to proselytize people who were already committed to Christ within the Catholic Church.”

He added: “I was grateful for the statement one U. S. Catholic newspaper made as it reviewed our first South American trip: ‘Never once, at least in our memory, has [Billy Graham—B.G.] attacked the Catholic Church.’”

The July 1972 issue of The Catholic Digest,

“presented a feature article lauding Billy Graham. The Jesuit author wrote, ‘Billy Graham is orthodox. I have read nothing by him that is contrary to Catholic faith.’ In some places priests are being instructed to become familiar in the use of ‘evangelical’ terminology like ‘getting saved’ or being ‘born again.’”

In 1978 Graham stated: “I found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Catholics.”

“The Detroit Free Press for Sept. 29, 1991, quoted Graham as saying, ‘The Roman Catholics know that I’m not against them, and in my thinking, rightly or wrongly, I represent all the churches.’”

Not only does Graham not attack the falseness in the Catholic Church but he even protects the wrong. For instance,

“around 1961, Billy Graham bought the rights to Halley’s Pocket Bible Handbook. The original Halley’s, up until the 22nd edition (1959), warned about the Jesuits. There are chapters about the Roman Papacy and the Jesuits. According to Mrs. Halley, Mr. Halley spent years working on those chapters and never would have permitted the book to be changed. However, when he died, Billy Graham bought the rights, and removed all the research and warning about the Jesuits in the editions Billy Graham printed.”

(End of the section.)

<!--I'm very excited to have found online an original Halley's Bible Handbook unedited by Billy Graham, and it does talk about the Jesuits and the Counter-Reformation! In my next article, I'll post what it has to say.-->

The Enigma Of The Jesuits

The Enigma Of The Jesuits

By J. J. Murphy from The Converted Catholic Magazine on the Lutheran Library website.

ROMAN CATHOLICS will not believe how much their own church has been opposed to the Jesuits, and think that anti-Jesuitism is the product of Protestant intolerance. They do not know that the Jesuits are a faction in their church that has sought for centuries, against the bitterest opposition from Catholics, to completely dominate the policies and practices of Roman Catholicism. Precisely because the Jesuits today have practically succeeded in their aim, the evils they created and fostered in society are now poohpoohed as mere inventions of prejudiced Protestants.

Entirely overlooked is the mine of incriminating evidence against the perversities of Jesuitism to be found in the writings of unimpeachable Catholic authors. Among them is the devout Catholic genius Blaise Pascal, whose integrity has never been questioned. His famous Provincial Letters are a sample, and were written in 1656, when the last and unsuccessful attempt to stave off the lax moral practices of the Jesuits was being made in France.

The greatest of all Catholic authorities, the infallible (sarcasm no doubt) Pope of Rome, condemned and abolished the Jesuit Order in terms that leave no doubt concerning the immoral principles it practiced. They can be read today in historical works just as they appeared in the famous papal Brief penned by Pope Clement XIV in 1773.

Speaking of this Brief the Encyclopaedia Britannica (XV,346) gives this summary of it:

“Finally on the 21st of July, 1773, the famous Brief Dominus ac Redemptor, appeared suppressing the Society of Jesus. This remarkable document… briefly sketches the objects and history of the Jesuits themselves. It speaks of their defiance of their own Constitution, expressly revived by Pope Paul V, forbidding them to meddle in politics; of the great ruin to souls… their condescension to heathen usages in the East…
“Seeing that the Catholic sovereigns had been forced to expel them, that many bishops and other eminent persons demanded their extinction, and that the Society had ceased to fulfill the intention of its institute, the Pope declared it necessary… that it should be suppressed, extinguished, abolished and abrogated forever with its houses, colleges, and schools… It has been necessary to cite these captions of the Brief because the apologists of the Society allege that no motive influenced the Pope save the desire of peace at any price, and that he did not believe in the culpability of the Fathers. The categorical charges made in the document rebut this plea.”

John Adams, early and distinguished President of the United States, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson on May 6, 1816, made an accurate prediction of the power the Jesuits would come to wield in this country. How truly prophetic this was may be seen from newspaper pictures of President Truman, accompanied by Jesuit Father Gannon, walking in procession behind two cardinals to receive an honorary degree from the Jesuit University of Fordham, in May of this year 1946. It was something that fifty or even twenty-five years ago could not have been conceived of as possible.

Following is what John Adams had to say. It is quoted from volume six, page 604, of the official edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson:

I do not like the late resurrection of the Jesuits. They have a general now in Russia, in correspondence with the Jesuits in the United States, who are more numerous than anybody knows. Shall we not have swarms of them here? In the shape of printers, editors, writers, schoolmasters, etc.?”

At that time the Jesuits were contriving by every means to defeat the ban of the Pope. They managed to deceive the church itself and remained organized in Russia, the United States, and elsewhere under the pretext that the papal decree of suppression had not been promulgated in those particular territories and therefore did not bind them in those countries. This is another instance of the juggling of legalisms in which the Jesuits specialize. They have made a science of using one phase of the law to defeat another.

In spite of their definite and solemn suppression by the supreme authority of their church, the Jesuits not only survived but came back into power. This time, they decided that they would get control of the Vatican, the supreme power of the church itself, so that never again could they be suppressed. In addition, this precaution would also open up to them the surest and easiest way to dominate the whole church. This was the strategy they planned and successfully carried through: to get control of the Vatican court, then to glamorize the papacy as a means to centralize in it supreme authority over every phase of the world-wide church. The dogma of the infallibility of the pope in 1870 fulfilled their greatest ambition. From then on their power over the universal church was rapidly consolidated.

Dr. William Walker Rockwell of Union Theological Seminary wrote years ago of the Jesuit march to power. But what they had attained at that time was only the groundwork of the triumphs they are reaping today when they have succeeded in rallying Western Europe, Protestant England and the United States, into a budding crusade of holy war against Soviet Russia.

In the July, 1914, issue of the Harvard Theological Review, Dr. Rockwell wrote as follows of the Jesuit Order:

“The 19th century saw the dead rise. And the 20th sees it at the right hand of power in the Church of Rome. The outstanding political fact in the history of the Catholic Church is the risorgimento of the Jesuits. Called back from suppression and repudiation precisely a century ago, on August 7, 1814, they have worked their way to such influence in the game of ecclesiastical politics, as played under Pius IX and Pius X… that the Jesuits are trumps.
“Certainly the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854, the Syllabus in 1864, the definition of papal infallibility and absolute sovereignty in 1870, the condemnation of Modernism in 1907, and at this very moment the codification of canon law by the centralized authority of a papal autocracy based on divine right — these are monuments to the principles for which the Jesuits have contended on their march to power.”

The historian, Robert M. Johnson, in his book, Roman Theocracy and the Republic (p. 17), describes the Jesuits and their policies as follows:

“A veiled and secret power that had for many centuries sucked into its own dark vortex all the directing force, intelligence, and purposeness of the Catholic Church — that of the Jesuits and their allies. Deep and devious was their way, nearly undistinguishable their track… Unmarked by any badge or distinctive dress, with lay associates as well as clerical, they were to be found in every rank of life, generally intelligent, frequently ambitious, without exception zealous, disciplined, and yielding unquestioned obedience to the General of the Order… The secrecy and centralization of their activity combined to make of the Jesuits a force greater and more enduring than that of kings and emperors, greater than that of the Head of the Catholic church itself… Secret in their ways, more anxious to disappear behind the pomp of the throne than to obscure it by the announcement of their achievements, striving more to bring new splendor and strength to the Papacy…

Here in the United States, as they did in Europe, the Jesuits use their schools to get control of the future leaders of the country. In Italy, they concentrate on the sons of the nobility, in France on the sons of the military, while in democratic America they choose leaders from the ranks of the ordinary people and push them into positions of political prominence. Our Federal government now has Catholics in countless key positions. The Jesuit School for Foreign Service at Georgetown, established in 1919, has worked hundreds of its protégés into our State Department.

Recognizing the growing power of labor, the Jesuits have also established labor schools to train their carefully chosen candidates for leadership in the AFL and the CIO. Philip Murray, head of the CIO, is a Roman Catholic, and also Matthew Woll, vice-president of AFL. Many others are prominent in the Labor movement.