Billy Graham and His Friends – A Hidden Agenda? By Dr. Cathy Burns

Billy Graham and His Friends – A Hidden Agenda? By Dr. Cathy Burns

A friend recommended me to check out a book by Dr. Cathy Burns, Billy Graham And His Friends – A Hidden Agenda?. I never heard of her or her book before. I found her website, Liberty to the Captives. The titles of the articles look very very good! Her bio on the site says:

Dr. Cathy Burns has a degree in Bible Philosophy and has spent the past 19 years doing extensive research on the New Age movement and related subjects. She has written many articles, tracts, and booklets on various subjects, including nine other books: Hidden Secrets of Masonry; Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star; A One World Order Is Coming; Mormonism, Masonry and Godhood; A Scriptural View of Hell; Alcoholics Anonymous Unmasked; Pathway to Peace; Secure in Christ; and Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated. Her name is listed in Who’s Who in Religion, Two Thousand Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century, Five Hundred Notable Women, Outstanding People of the 20th Century, Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who in America, World Who’s Who of Women, Dictionary of International Biography, Two Thousand Notable American Women, etc. She has also done radio interviews in the United States and Canada. (Ref:

Cathy Burns’ bio is also on the Chick Publications website. I believe she is a sincere Bible believing follower of Jesus Christ. Just reading the first chapter of her book tells me so.

The emphasis in bold are from the author, and taken from the the PDF file I got the text from.

This is only part of chapter one of her book. I don’t want to violate the copyright law. You can buy the book from Amazon.


Billy Graham is one of the best-known as well as one of the best-loved individuals of the 20th century. He has been in the listing of “most admired men” for 36 consecutive years—more than any other person. Chuck Colson states that he is the “greatest evangelist of this century—perhaps the greatest since Paul….” Others refer to him as “the world’s best-known evangelist,” “the world’s most beloved evangelist,” “the most honored evangelical alive,” “the nation’s pastor,” or “America’s pastor.”

Knowing that Graham was so well respected and revered, and hoping to help our community hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, I took the responsibility for trying to bring Graham’s films to our school— and succeeded. Even though I was still in high school, I felt a burden to reach out to others and tell them about Jesus. At that time, I thought Graham’s films would be one of the best methods available and I was even one of the counselors after the film was aired. Since that time, Graham’s popularity has only increased.

Little by little I started hearing about some aspect of Graham’s ministry with which I didn’t agree, but I’d just shrug my shoulders and ignore it. Eventually, those “little things” started to add up to quite a large number of difficulties. As I started to research some of these issues, I found more and more—and even more problems— problems far worse than I could have possibly imagined. I started noticing Graham’s own words in his autobiography and compared that with other sources. I read many biographies on Graham—most of which were authorized by Graham himself and/or published by Graham’s ministry (under World Wide Publications). Since I’d been researching the New Age and related movements for the past 19 years, I noticed some names with which I was familiar. As I continued to dig and research, unbelievable associations were uncovered— and some things started to fall into place. I started to understand many things I had not comprehended before. I am now sharing this extensive research with you—and hope you will continue to do your own research as well.

This first chapter, especially, may be a little difficult to read and digest, but I feel it is necessary in order to lay a framework for the succeeding chapters. This was not an easy book to write but, as I think should be evident, it has been extensively researched and documented. Many people will not like what has been uncovered— but I believe the truth should be shared with others. Many will want to hold to their cherished beliefs (no matter how false they are)— but I just ask you to read it and then check out the facts for yourself.

Remember, it is better to be disturbed by truth than to be deceived by falsehood. Proverbs 27:6 notes: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” Galatians 4:16 asks: “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

Since he is esteemed and revered in the eyes of so many, I think it’s very important to look at Billy Graham himself, some of his close friends, as well as some of those he invited to share the platform with him at his Crusades. While I’m sure that Graham would not be in agreement with the views (political, spiritual, or even otherwise) of all those encouraged to sit on his platform, his words of praise for many of them certainly give the impression that he considers these people to be fellow Christians and individuals to be respected and admired. It is one thing not to make a disparaging remark about someone; it is quite another thing to heap praise on a person.

It is obvious that someone in Graham’s position does not want to be “negative” about people because he would lose many friends, but does he need to unnecessarily brag up people who are flaunting open sins? For instance, on Larry King Live, Graham said that although he has been friends with Bill Clinton for years, he has not and would not bring up the issues of homosexuality or abortion to him. Graham said that if he did that, he “would not be invited back to the White House.” (As John 12:43 says: “[T]hey loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”) Silence in a case like this is bad enough, but a few months later, in an interview with U. S. News and World Report on May 3, 1993, he said about Clinton: “I am quite impressed with his charisma and with some of the things he believes. If he chose to preach the gospel instead of politics, he would make a great evangelist.” He also said: “From a biblical point of view, we should be headed in the direction of goodness and righteousness, away from crime and immorality and towards one’s neighbors who are in need. I’m encouraged by the emphasis President Clinton and Hillary are putting on that.

Graham says Bill and Hillary are leading us in the direction of goodness and righteousness, yet Clinton was recently photographed at a Democratic fund-raiser with Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy. The photo then appeared in the May 2000 issue of Playboy. This is hardly a righteous influence! Clinton had also “appointed over a score of homosexuals to his staff.”

Graham also said that he forgives (and seems to excuse) Clinton’s sexual misconduct: “I forgive him. Because I know the frailty of human nature, and I know how hard it is, and especially a strong, vigorous, young man like he is; he has such a tremendous personality. I think the ladies just go wild over him.” It’s great to have man’s forgiveness, but that is not sufficient. Clinton needs to ask for God’s forgiveness for only God can cleanse the heart.

In Graham’s autobiography, Just As I Am, he mentions that he was with President Clinton on May 1, 1996. He states: “It was a time of warm fellowship with a man who has not always won the approval of his FELLOW CHRISTIANS but who has in his heart a desire to serve God and do His will.” [Emphasis mine throughout.]

“At a luncheon for 500 newspaper editors at their annual convention in Washington, D.C., Graham said that the President’s personal life and character are ‘irrelevant.’ At the luncheon…he promoted Clinton as a man of God. He explained that he and Clinton had been close friends for many years and stated, ‘I believe Bill has gone to his knees many times and asked God to help him.’”

The praises flow both ways, however. At a dinner in Washington with about 650 people in attendance, Clinton praised both Billy and Ruth Graham.

When people consider someone like Clinton (who is a sex pervert, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, etc.) to be a Christian, we are in desperate spiritual trouble! When someone like Graham does so, we are even in a more profound dilemma since multiplied thousands look up to Graham as a spiritual advisor and man of God.


Let’s meet another one of Graham’s friends: John Foster Dulles. It was Dulles who was involved in helping to open doors for the 1954 Graham Crusade in London.

In A Prophet with Honor, which Billy Graham had asked William Martin to write, we find: “Secretary of State John Foster Dulles…would also be ‘using his considerable prestige to help by writing letters to all of his friends and contacts in England.’ Perhaps at Dulles’s recommendation, American ambassador to Great Britain, Winthrop Aldrich, promised his assistance as well.

Aldrich, by the way, was a brother-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Many people know who John Foster Dulles was but for those who don’t, Dulles was a founder of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (Note from me: According to Myron Fagan, the CFR is the American branch of the Illuminati) and a relative (through marriage to Janet Pomeroy Avery) to the Rockefeller family. He served as a chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment. It was Dulles himself who chose Communist Alger Hiss to be president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. We need to remember that the kind of peace the Carnegie Endowment has in mind is different from the peace that you have in mind. This organization said: “[W]e shall have peace through constant warfare!” Not a very peaceful peace, is it?

Dulles and Hiss were friends for a long time. Furthermore, “Mr. Dulles and Mr. Hiss worked together in The Federal Council of Churches and…both were chairmen of important committees of the Council.”

“In September 1916, [President Woodrow] Wilson appointed a ‘brain trust’ of 150 to draw up a charter for world government. The League of Nations Covenant was prepared for a new socialist one-world to follow WWI. The group included college professors, graduate students, lawyers, economists and writers. Individuals on the committee included Walter Lippman (columnist), Norman Thomas (head of the American Socialist Party), Allen Dulles (later head of CIA), John Foster Dulles (later Secretary of State) and Christian A. Herter (former Secretary of State).”

Dulles advocated “global interdependence” and was also a founding member of the United Nations (UN) and helped to prepare the United Nations Charter which states: “The present Charter represents a conscientious and successful effort to create the best world organization which the realities permit.” Dulles wrote: “I have never seen any proposal made for collective security with ‘teeth’ in it, or for ‘world government’ or for ‘world federation,’ which could not be carried out either by the United Nations or under the United Nations Charter.”

“The founders of the UN were 16 Communists led by Alger Hiss, and 43 members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
“Since the UN was founded, to produce peace for all the world, there have been 157 wars [up to 1991 ]. The UN has yet to prevent a war, stop a war or win a war. On key issues the UN has voted against the U. S. about 85% of the time.”

The story of the land where the UN is situated is interesting, too.

“The UN stands on a piece of land called by the Manhattan Indians, Turtle Bay. Their legend was that floods of blood would drench that place but that there would come a time when many tribes will meet here to make peace. It happens that for many years the slaughter houses of Manhattan stood here and floods of blood were lost by hundreds of thousands of animals. When Mr. John Rockefeller bought the land, he got the slaughter houses destroyed and offered the grounds to the UN, the meeting place of many tribes. One could also add that the UN was bom from the blood of the 30 million humans who died in World War II. These are the Earth vibrations noticeable at the UN.”

Dulles had been hired by Joseph Stalin to act as Russia’s legal council in the United States and he was also closely associated with J. R Morgan. Morgan “was instrumental in forcing our country into World War I. He and his associates funded the Bolsheviks and the Nazis, and he helped organize the Council on Foreign Relations. Occult writers tell us he based his investment strategy on astrology.”

“John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles became senior partners of Sullivan and Cromwell. That firm was chief legal counsel to J. Henry Schroeder Bank which helped finance Hitler’s rise to power initially aided by the Warburg-controlled Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam. Chase National, Equitable Trust, Mechanics and Metals, Bankers Trust and Kuhn Loeb & Co. financed Germany’s launching of World War I on the basis of a deal made with Kaiser Wilhelm through their agents— the Warburgs.”


It was John Foster Dulles who dominated the Federal Council of Churches (FCC) which had been founded, in part, by the Communist Harry Ward in 1908. In fact, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was among those who helped to finance the Federal Council of Churches. For many years no conference or meeting of the Council was complete without an address by Dulles or one of the Rockefellers.

Since Dulles was involved in both the United Nations and the FCC (later renamed the National Council of Churches), it’s no surprise to see the following news item: “Christians should vigorously support efforts to strengthen the United Nations—even at the risk of leaving the United States outvoted, the National Council of Churches decided last night.”

In Dulles’ book, War or Peace, he stated:

“The churches took a strong lead in favor of international organization. The Federal Council of Churches of Christ in Commission on a Just and Durable Peace, of which I [Dulles] was chairman. Our Commission held its first full meeting in September, 1941, just after the promulgation of the Atlantic Charter. We immediately launched a campaign to educate United States public opinion to the need for world organization. Most of the Protestant churches of the country set up ‘study groups’ on world order. The Commission conducted ‘national missions on world order’ which took leading ministers and laymen to the principal cities of the United States. It issued a ‘Six Pillars of Peace’ statement which set out briefly and cogently the need for world organization and the tasks it should assume.”

“John Foster Dulles and his many supporters in the church now took their case to the nation. Beginning with a convocation in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, they fanned out across America, ultimately visiting 102 cities.”

The report:

called for a world government of delegated powers, strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty, international control of all armies and navies, an international court with adequate jurisdiction, a universal system of money, progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade, an international bank, and worldwide freedom of immigration.”

It was Dulles who was instrumental in getting the FCC to support the United Nations as well as its UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) program. “Skull and Bones member Archibald MacLeish wrote the UNESCO Constitution and several Freemasons helped create the organization.” MacLeish belonged to the Council on Foreign Relations. He, along with Adlai Stevenson, “worked to establish the United Nations and drafted the preamble to its charter.” “A fervent international, MacLeish strongly advocated One Worldism….” He was also cited for being involved in at least 12 Communist front organizations and/or activities. In fact, his “FBI file ran to over six hundred pages.” He “argued vigorously for a left-wing press in the United States, if only because it advanced views contrary to those of the majority.”

Dulles was former President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State and in 1950, when the Federal Council of Churches changed its name to the National Council of Churches, Rockefeller donated a large parcel of land for its headquarters. It was Eisenhower who laid the cornerstone for the National Council of Churches (NCC) in Masonic style.

Interestingly, President Eisenhower read a prayer at his inauguration in January 1953. When copies of the prayer were checked it was discovered that he had not mentioned the name of Jesus Christ in the entire prayer (just like in Masonry). In the Masonic Lodge the chaplains are repeatedly told not to pray or end their prayers in the name of Jesus.

By the way, the NCC just happens to be across the street from the Rockefellers’ Riverside Church and the two buildings are connected by an underground tunnel. Also, Rockefellers gave a $50 million endowment to Riverside Church. “To symbolize the interdenominational spirit and its further reconciliation of religion and science, the tympanum arching the main portal contained the figures of non-Christian religious leaders and outstanding heroes of secular history, Confucius and Moses, Hegel and Dante, Mohammed and even the dread Darwin.” Also, this “church building sports stone statues of Gargoyles on its Cathedral as well as statues of the Merovingian King Clovis….John D. Rockefeller, Jr. is chairman of the Building Committee.”

Another famous building with gargoyles is St. John the Divine Church. One author reveals:

“Grotesque-looking gargoyles are chiseled from stone and set in place on the Cathedral, jeering down and sticking tongues out at the onlookers. Funding for the two-century-long project has been supplied through gifts, including some quite large— like the one for over a million dollars from international financier and philanthropist J. P. Morgan.”

Gargoyles “are weird stone figures, half-human and half-animal or half- bird, placed on the edges of cathedrals, palaces, and other buildings.”

“Riverside was previously pastored by Harry Emerson Fosdick. This was the same Fosdick who was accosted by William Jennings Bryan for heresy—denying the virgin birth.” Fosdick declared: “Of course I do not believe in the Virgin Birth, or in that old fashioned substitutionary doctrine of the Atonement; and I do not know any intelligent Christian minister who does.”

“Bryan and the fundamentalists tried to excommunicate Fosdick but who do you suppose came to Fosdick’s defense?—none other than John Foster Dulles!”


Fosdick belonged to at least 7 Communist front groups. He claimed that “Jesus was as much ‘divine’ as his own mother.” He was also a leader in the National Council of Churches. Additionally, Fosdick wrote articles for Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review.

In spite of the apostasy in the leadership of the NCC, Graham visited the NCC headquarters on August 27, 1991 and remarked: “There’s no group of people in the world that I would rather be with right now than you all. Because I think of you, I pray for you, and we follow with great interest the things you do.” Graham’s connections to the NCC go back to at least 1958.

Getting back to John Foster Dulles: Not only did Dulles play a large role in the Federal Council of Churches, but he was also involved with the World Council of Churches (WCC). At one of the WCC’s meetings, Dulles said: “There is no inherent incompatibility between the Christian view of the nature of man and the practice of economic communism or state socialism.”

“It should be recognized, he suggested, that the long-range social ends which Soviet leaders professed to seek were in many respects similar to the ends which Christian citizens sought—‘a higher productivity of labor, abolition of exploitation of man by man, “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”’ There was nothing in these long-term ends, he thought, irreconcilable with what Christians wanted. ‘Most of them have been sought by Christians long before there was a Communist party,’ he declared.”


As early as 1939 Dulles said that there must be “some dilution of sovereignty,” and “the establishment of a common money.”

On October 28, 1939 Dulles proposed “that America lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign states bound together by a league or federal union.”

As mention, in 1942 he was the chairman of a meeting of the Federal Council of Churches (FCC) “which called for a world government,” etc.

“The report also called for world-wide redistribution of wealth. It held that a ‘new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative.’ It accepted Marxian concepts by denouncing various defects in the profit system as being responsible for breeding war, demagogues, and dictators.”

Dulles also stated:

“The fundamental fact is that the nationalist system of wholly independent, fully sovereign states is complete in its cycle of usefulness….Today, more than ever before, are the defects of the sovereign system magnified, until now it is no longer consonant with either peace or justice. It is imperative that there be a transition to a new order. This has, indeed, become inevitable; for the present system is rapidly encompassing its own destruction. The real problem is not whether there will be a transition, but how can transition be made, and to what” [Emphasis in the original.]

In one of the statements he authored for the Federal Council of Churches, Dulles wrote:

“…Communism as an economic program for social reconstruction has points of contact with the social message of Christianity as in its avowed concern for the underprivileged and its insistence on racial equality…neither state socialism nor free enterprise provide a perfect economic system; each can learn from the experience of the other…the free enterprise system has yet to prove it can assure steady production and employment….”

In War or Peace, Dulles wrote: “Fundamentally, world peace depends upon world law, and world law depends upon a consensus of world opinion as to what is right and what is just.”

Dulles, along with John D. Rockefeller III, “created the Population Council, in November 1952. They warned of the need to stop expansion of the world’s non-white population.” Dulles was also among several Council on Foreign Relations members who knowingly brought Communist Fidel Castro to power in Cuba.

Remember, this is the same John Foster Dulles who was instrumental in getting Billy Graham open doors for a crusade in London in 1954 and “who designated himself a Christian Communist.” Could Dulles have sincerely been interested in having the Gospel preached? It doesn’t seem likely! I might add that Dulles “also gave him a bit of political advice, perhaps hoping Graham would not make statements that ran counter to U. S. foreign policy.”


Billy Graham is so popular that he was selected as the recipient of the Templeton Prize in 1982. In the address that Templeton gave during this ceremony he said: “Every person is created by God, is a child of God and the Holy Spirit dwells within each human being.” He continued:

“This afternoon, His Royal Highness Prince Philip presented the Templeton Prize for 1982 to the Reverend Dr Graham, founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Evangelism is a duty for every person who worships God in any form. Dr Graham has originated more new ideas in evangelism than any living person. He has given the Church around the world a new hope and has contributed vastly to the wider vision and meaning of evangelism. His co-operation with all denominations to involve the statesmen of the world in evangelism has left an indelible mark on Christian history.”

Hierarchies and Heretics

Hierarchies and Heretics

This article is from The Converted Catholic Magazine and was written just after World War II ended in 1945. I never knew about the relationship between ritual and hierarchies of power before. This is what the Roman Catholic Church has and what Hitler and other dictators imitated.

FEW AMERICANS connect the Fascist tyranny with ritual and dogma. Yet it was by means of these that Mussolini, Hitler and their imitators put it over on the peoples of Europe.

Ritual divides people by establishing hierarchies of powers that lord it over the masses, and dogma makes heretics of all who do not conform to regimented beliefs. Side by side with hierarchies and heretics there is created the idea of a cruel God, the opposite from the God and Father of us all as taught by Jesus Christ.

The God that can salve the hurt soul of humanity today is that God and Father of us all, who is supremely concerned with human brotherhood, with the reign of justice and love on earth, not with the forms and rituals and the arbitrary dogmas of the Middle Ages.

Emphasis on the forms of worship as of divine origin and appointment has divided mankind into hostile, hating groups, and prevented combination and cooperation for the common good. The year 1945 should see the end forever of the uniformed hierarchs of the Nazi Fascists and their plan of dividing and regimenting mankind. We hope it will also see the beginning of the Christian religion of universal brotherhood under the loving God and Father of us all.

The Secret Power Of The Jesuits By J. J. Murphy

The Secret Power Of The Jesuits By J. J. Murphy

This article is from The Converted Catholic Magazine and was made available online by The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry,

There are plenty of articles about the Jesuit Order on this website, but this is one of the best-written and the most succinct in my opinion. It contains details I never read before.

J.J. Murphy was apparently a former Catholic priest. He’s the author of many articles in the Converted Catholic Magazine.

[The facts in the following article are fully substantiated and are not intended to scare anyone beyond their factual import.]

JESUITISM is the offspring of the peculiar Catholicism of Spain, which was shaped by centuries of Moorish rule and entirely cut off from the beneficial effects of the Protestant Reformation. Unless one understands this proud, intransigent Catholicism with its blind belief, fanatic intolerance, and contempt for Christian morals, he will never understand the Jesuit order to which it gave birth. As for Spain’s religious intolerance, one has only to think of the Spanish Inquisition that continued into the last century. As to its moral corruption, sufficient insight is given by a single fact recorded by the historian, Gerald Brenan, in his book, The Spanish Labyrinth (P. 49).

“It was an established custom, permitted by the bishops, for Spanish priests to have concubines. They wore a special dress and had special rights and were called barraganas. When the Council of Trent forbade this practice to continue, the Spanish clergy protested. And in fact they never paid much attention to the prohibition, for they continue to have ‘housekeepers’ and ‘nieces’ to this day. Their parishioners, far from being shocked, prefer them to live in concubinage, as otherwise they would not always care to let their womenfolk confess to them.”

Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, was a Spaniard to the marrow of his soul. Terrorized during an illness with fear of death, he suddenly felt himself inspired to become the armed defender of the church who would bludgeon its enemies into submission by fair means or foul. He demanded the most servile obedience from his followers; they must obey sícut cadaver, ‘with the passivity of a corpse.’ Blind submission to the church even to a point where it becomes irrational and immoral was likewise demanded. “Ignatius gives it as a rule of orthodoxy to be ready to say that black is white, if the Church says so.” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, XV, 340.)

Speaking of Ignatius Loyola, Dr. John A. Mackay, of Princeton declares: “His ideal as stated by himself, was to ‘rule in a cemetery.’ When the world became transformed into a moral graveyard, the Kingdom of God would have arrived. Towards that sepulchral goal, the whole world policy of the Jesuit Order was directed.”1

In even stronger language the great thinker and historian Carlyle says of Loyola: “There was in this Jesuit Ignatius an apotheosis of falsity, a kind of subtle quintessence and deadly virus of lying, the like of which has never been seen before. Measure it if you can. Men had served the devil, and men had imperfectly served God, but to think that God could be served more perfectly by taking the devil into partnership, this was the novelty of St. Ignatius.”2

If anyone thinks Carlyle was exaggerating he only needs to read the present-day writings of the Jesuits, who keep repeating that ‘it is allowed to do evil to prevent a greater evil.’

On these grounds of safeguarding the interests of their church, they justify, for instance, the Vatican concordats with Mussolini and Hitler. Their former pupil, Pope Pius XI, openly stated that he “would make, a deal with the Devil himself” to attain certain goals. The Jesuit practice that “the end justifies the means” has become the accepted policy of the whole Roman Catholic church.

The Jesuit System

The ruthless, militant organization that ex-soldier Ignatius founded for the purpose of destroying Protestantism and reestablishing the political Catholicism of the Middle Ages was essentially a dictatorship. It is not surprising that Hitler openly admired it, especially its daring intolerance, and based his Nazi system directly on it. The leader of this so-called Society of Jesus is given the military title of General. The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge says of him; “He holds in his hands the whole administration, jurisdiction, and government. He appoints the Provincials and all other officials. He can give dispensation from the rules just as he sees fit. His power is absolute. He is to the Order what the Pope is to the Church, the representative of God.”3

In the Jesuit Order, the will of the General is supreme. The members under him must strip themselves of all personal conviction and the slightest trace of individualism. He appoints the local superior of every house of the Order and gives him direct orders. This crushing out of individuality and conscience is and is meant to be a spiritual emasculation. The Schaff-Herzog quotation, partly given in the preceding paragraph, puts it this way:

“Indeed the cement which holds the whole fabric of the Jesuit Order together is implicit obedience.” To the inferior, the superior is Christ, before whose commands he must cancel his own will, his own natural mode of feeling. Every trace of individuality must be obliterated, unless the superior chooses to develop and use it, for purposes of the Order.”

The same point is made by the Encyclopaedia Britannica (XV, 341) in demonstrating that the Jesuits are so many “cultured mediocrities” or robots. It speaks of “the destructive process of scooping out the will of the Jesuit novice to replace it with that of the superior, as a watchmaker might fit a new movement in a case, and thereby tending in most instances to annihilate those subtle qualities of individuality and originality that are essential to genius. Men of the higher stamp will either refuse to submit to the process and leave the Society, or run the danger of coming forth from the mill with their finest qualities pulverized and useless.”

This immoral annihilation of one’s personality and the slavish obedience that follows become even more vicious in view of the fact that this submission has no limits or standards except the will of the superior. If an individual Jesuit remonstrates with a superior who commands him to do something sinful, he is reminded that he has vowed blind obedience and that it is not for him to decide whether a thing is right or wrong when he does not know the full circumstances or even why the order is given. This perverting of the subject’s conscience becomes all the easier since he has sworn obedience to the will of the superior who acts under secret rules that have never been disclosed to the average Jesuit.

This subtle means of forcing Jesuit inferiors to do evil to advance the power of the church was condemned by the famous Bishop of Angelopolis, Mexico, in his well-known letter to Pope Innocent X:4

“But among the Jesuits there are even some of the professed members, i.e., those who have taken vows, who do not know the statutes, privileges, and even the rules of the Society, although they are pledged to observe them. Therefore they are not governed by their Superiors according to the rules of the Church, but according to certain concealed statutes known by the Superiors alone…”

The Jesuit system, however, is much too cynical to trust itself to the mere obedience of its subjects. It functions principally through an intricate system of ‘informers’ who spy on one another and report their findings to the superior. In this way fear motivates those who might otherwise relax at times from the rigid code of corpse-like obedience. All Jesuits are made aware from the beginning of their novitiate of this system of mutual spying. Repulsive as it is, it is no more repulsive than slavish obedience. It is sold to new members as a means of attaining humility and ‘Christian self-annihilation’ for Christ’s sake. The Encyclopaedia Britannica (XV, 340) refers to this system when it says: “By a minute and frequent system of official and private reports the General is informed of the doings and progress of every member of the Society and everything that concerns it throughout the world.”

The Inner Circle Of Jesuitism

It is not to be expected that within Jesuitism, the most secret organization in the world, the average member would share its esoteric doctrines. And the fact is that he doesn’t. After years of probation, the Jesuit takes his three final vows. Years later, of the many who make these three vows, a small and highly select minority are allowed to take a fourth vow. This inner circle is initiated into secrets of which the others know nothing. A still more select circle is made up of ‘Provincials’ appointed by the General. The Encyclopaedia Brittanica (XV, 339) makes mention of the two types of professed Jesuits:

“The highest class, who constitute the real core of the Society, whence all its chief officers are taken, are the professed of four vows. This grade… involves a probation of 31 years in the case of those who have entered this novitiate at the earliest legal age. The number of these select members is small in comparison to the whole Society.”

Provincials of the Jesuits make a point of not appearing in the public eye. Best known of the four-vow Jesuits in the United States are Fathers Daniel Lord, Robert I. Gannon, Coleman Nevils, F. X. Talbot, M. J. Ahem, and last but not least the ace political intriguer, Boston-born Edmund A. Walsh.

Throughout Europe, the existence of “lay Jesuits” is a matter of common knowledge among the better-educated classes. The membership of such laymen in the Jesuit Order is kept in the deepest secrecy. They are frequently prominent members of the political, legal, or financial world, but no one has the slightest suspicion that they belong to the Jesuits or that such a thing is even possible in this country. They are usually known, however, as prominent Catholics, and, oftener than not, very articulate ones.

While forced to admit that there were lay Jesuits in the earlier days, of their Order and that there could be some today, if the Society so wished, the Jesuits deny that there are any. A so-called lay Jesuit or Jesuit in voto is not necessarily unmarried, for his one vow is obedience to the dictates of the Society; out of deference to the Jesuits’ distrust of women, many lay Jesuits do not marry, however. Nor is the “lay Jesuit” necessarily a layman. He may be a secular priest, like Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, and still be a Jesuit in voto or a “lay Jesuit” because he has sworn obedience to the Society and obliges himself to confess regularly to a Jesuit appointed for that purpose. Two essentials of a lay Jesuit are that he occupies a key position in his profession, whatever it may, and that he adheres strictly to the reactionary ideology of the Jesuits. Thus, for example, Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy, though a devout Catholic and a celibate like Senator David I. (for Ignatius) Walsh, could not be a lay Jesuit because he is a liberal who frequently has opposed Jesuit policies.

It can be said with the greatest likelihood that in the United States the following are lay Jesuits: Father Charles E. Coughlin; Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen; Senator David I. Walsh, head of the U. S. Senate Naval Committee; William T. Walsh, author; Robert Murphy, ambassador of the U. S. Department of State in Germany; Francis X. Woodlock, recently deceased financier and leading investment broker for Jesuit interests in Wall Street. It is more than probable that Louis F. Budenz, recently resigned editor of the Daily Worker, is a lay Jesuit who was “planted” in the Communist party. This is an old Jesuit stratagem.5

Regarding lay Jesuits, the Encyclopaedia Brittanica (XV, 339) says, “There are clauses in the Jesuits’ constitutions which make the creation of such a class perfectly feasible if thought expedient.” In fact, the first General Congregation of the Jesuits readily admitted that laymen “may be admitted into our Order, although not making their profession in our Society.”

The distinguished scholar, Saint Simon, in his Memoirs (XII, 164) authoritatively stated:

“The Jesuits always have lay members in all the professions. This is a positive fact. Doubtless Noyers, King Louis XIII’s secretary, belonged to them, also many others. These ‘affiliates’ take the same vows as the Jesuits so far as their position allows, i.e., the vow of absolute obedience to the General and the superiors of the Order. They are to substitute for the vows of poverty and chastity the service rendered and protection afforded the Society and especially unlimited submission to the superiors and their Jesuit confessor. Politics thus come within the Jesuits’ scope through the certain help of these secret allies.”

Secret Instructions Of The Jesuits

Chief among the Jesuit secrets are the policies, rules and other doctrines that are known only to the highest of the initiates. What the Jesuits have printed as “our constitutions and rules” are naturally only what they want to be known. No one but top Jesuits has ever had access to the original documents or the first drafts and editions of their constitutions. Nor have these ever said, “These are our complete constitutions.” Even to their members, they give only a “Summary of the Constitutions” and “Common Rules” which adhere together so loosely that copious omissions are more than evident. It should also be noted that, although the Order has published countless volumes on its history, it has never published even for its members the complete minutes of even one of the 25 or more General Congregations that it has held.

In fact, in the Institutes of the Jesuit Order (II, 86) mention is made of the secret statutes of the Order which exist only in manuscript form. Among the duties of the Socius of the Provincial it is stated. “He must take care of the separate archives of the Province of the Order, inasmuch as they contain manuscripts that are especially important for the direction of the Province… the book which contains the unprinted regulations by the Generals of the Order binding on the whole Society, and the book which contains another kind of unprinted circulars of the Generals.”

Roman Catholic Bishop de Palafox, in the letter to Pope Innocent X quoted above, says:

“What other Order has constitutions which are not allowed to be seen, privileges which it conceals, and secret rules, and everything else relating to the arrangement of the Order behind a curtain?”

A copy of the Monita Secreta or Secret Instructions of the Jesuits was first published in 1612, in all probability by the Polish ex-Jesuit Zahorowski. Since then, on the suppression of Jesuit houses in mid-Europe, various copies have been found hidden in the rooms of Jesuit superiors. The Jesuits naturally deny that the Monita Secreta are authentic, as is to be expected, and say that the copies found hidden in their houses prove nothing since they are only copies of Zahorowski’s work. They build up their case on the grounds that these were not discovered until some time after that work was published.

But there was one copy of the Monita Secreta found hidden in a Jesuit superior’s room in Prague that in all probability was there before Zahorowski gave his copy to the world. The evidence is so convincing that the German historian Friedrich (Beitrage, p. 8) accepts it without question. But other authorities in general are naively impressed by the denial of the Jesuits and refuse to accept the Monita Secreta as genuine until someone can invincibly prove that a copy existed previous to 1612.

The whole controversy is much ado about nothing. Actually, the Secret Instructions of the Jesuits are not at all startling. They merely direct the Jesuits to do what everyone knows they have always done: play up to the rich and powerful to get all they can from them in money or influence. Everyone knows, for instance, how the Jesuits played up to the widow of Catholic multi-millionaire Nicholas Brady. She gave them two million dollars outright for their seminary in Maryland and, in spite of her second marriage, she willed them her sumptuous Long Island estate. It seems to matter little whether they do this through natural avariciousness or because they have been directed by their secret rules.

History is so filled with the hypocrisies and treacheries of the Jesuits that there is scarcely need of other proof of the existence of such secret and immoral rules. The ex-Jesuit Count Paul von Hoensbroech in his book, Fourteen Years a Jesuit, (II, 8), is willing to admit that possibly the actual form of these rules is the work of Zarohowski, but he goes on to say: “Of the genuineness of the contents, that is, that the Monita Secreta contain regulations in harmony with the spirit of the Order… I am as positive as of the existence of secret instructions of the Order.”

Of the supreme secrecy of the Jesuit Order in general there can be no question, Equally certain is the fact that there would be no need for such secrecy unless there was something that needed to be hid. Just how secret the inner workings of the Order are cannot be more tellingly expressed than in the words of the Spanish Jesuit Miranda, a Provincial of the Order, who was made assistant to the General in Rome. In a letter written to a friend and later published by Jesuit Father Ibanez in his report on the Jesuit government in Paraguay, he says:

“Until I came to Rome, where I first obtained accurate information about everything, I did not comprehend what our Society is. Its government is a special study which not even the Provincials understand. Only one who fills the office which I now occupy can even begin to understand it.”

The Goal Of Jesuitism

Such is the secrecy of the Jesuit Order. It makes clear how and why its members can be deceived into doing evil for the welfare of their church. Just how evil the Order was can be seen in the bull of Pope Clement XIV, Domimus ac Redemptor Noster, which decreed the abolishment of the Order on July 21, 1773. It tells of their defiance of their printed constitution and rules, of their political intrigues, of their stooping to pagan practices, and of their ruination of souls.

The dire fact is that the suppressed Jesuit Order has turned the tables on the Catholic church. Pope Clement XIV was apparently poisoned. The Jesuits refused to dissolve the organization, and within a generation forced the papacy to officially reestablish it. Since then, especially since the pontificate of Pope Pius IX, the Jesuits have become absolute masters of the Vatican and through it of the worldwide Roman Catholic church, which they have now centralized in Rome to an extent that was never before dreamed of. (cf. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, XV, 347, eleventh edition.)

Now that the whole Catholic church has become a tool in the hands of its Jesuit masters, what do they propose to do? They intend to continue their struggle for world power with the Catholic religion as a front for their ambitions. Their purpose as expressed by the Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia (II, 1167) is “the rehabilitation of medieval Catholicism and the establishment of the reign of the Church over the State.” This means death to democracy.

Pierre van Paassen succinctly analyzes the aim of the Jesuit Counter-Reformation, when he says in his book, Days of Our Years, p. 539: “It sees decay and error and pestilence in everything that has been gained since the Protestant Reformation and the French Revolution, including the Declaration of the Rights of Man, the Bills of Rights, equal suffrage, the nonsectarian school — in fact all democratic institutions.”

This fanatical hatred of the Jesuits for democracy is best expressed in their own words. In the May 17, 1941, issue of their policy-setting magazine America, they said:

“How we Catholics have loathed and despised this Lucifer civilization… This civilization is now called democracy… Today American Catholics are being asked to shed their blood for that particular kind of secularist civilization which they have been heroically repudiating for four centuries.”

It would be difficult to find a more appropriate ending than the words of one of the founders of this country, the great and scholarly John Adams, former President of the United States. In the Official Monticello edition of The Writings of Thomas Jefferson (XV, 64) there is a letter of Adams to Jefferson in which he said:

“My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, is very particular and very horrible. Their restoration is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, perfidy, despotism, and death. I wish we were out of ‘danger of bigotry and Jesuitism.’”

1. The Other Spanish Christ, by John A. Mackay, president of the Princeton University School of Theology, page 56.↩
2. Quoted from The Jesuits, by Rev. F. A. Lillingston, former vicar of St. James, London, page 10.↩
3. Vol. 11 p. 1166. This celebrated and authoritative work was edited by Dr. Philip Schaff of Union Theological Seminary in New York City. The quotations in this article are taken from the revised edition of 1891, published by Funk and Wagnalls Co. The article on the Jesuits was written by the German scholar, Dr. George El. Steitz, Konsistorialrath at Frankfort-am-Main, Germany. This English encyclopedia is based on the Real-Encyclopadie of Herzog, Plitt and Hauck.↩
4. Bishop Don Juan de Palafox’s Letters to Pope Innocent X, page 116.↩
5. In France, lay Jesuits are called “Jesuits of the Shorter Robe.” Women at times also have been used as lay Jesuits, especially those susceptible to psychic influence.↩

The Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded in the Manhattan Declaration

The Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded in the Manhattan Declaration

The “Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience” is a manifesto issued by Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christian leaders to affirm support of “the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty”. It was drafted on October 20, 2009, and released November 20, 2009, having been signed by more than 150 American religious leaders. – Wikipedia

Of the 100 evangelicals who signed the document, the most famous people or institutions they head I know of are Dr. Mark Bailey, President, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dr. James Dobson, Founder, Focus on the Family, Campus Crusade for Christ International, Dr. Wayne Grudem, Christianity Today International, Jerry Jenkins, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Moody Bible Institute.

Those who did not sign include John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, and James White.

What former Catholic priest, Richard Bennett has to say about it:

In order to soften up the Evangelicals in their separation from the Catholics on Biblical doctrinal issues, particularly the authority of the Bible alone and the Gospel, the Catholic modus operandi calls for using social issues on which both Evangelicals and Catholics agree as preliminary common ground. The major social issues selected by the Manhattan Declaration are acceptable, but what gives away the underlying Catholic far left political agenda is some of the vocabulary used. This vocabulary has a general meaning, to be sure, but in the context of Roman Catholic social doctrine, it means something quite specific.

As Evangelicals are drawn together with Catholics on social issues – like the social issues mentioned in this document – the ensuing ecumenical dialogue “serves to transform modes of thought and behavior and the daily life of their [Evangelical] communities [churches]. In this way, it [ecumenical dialogue] aims at preparing the way for their unity of faith in the bosom of a Church one and visible: thus ‘little by little’…all Christians will be gathered” into the Roman Catholic Church-State with its dual authority base, false gospel, and accompanying far left agenda.

The Roman Catholic Church-State’s primary goal is to make enforceable its claim that it is the only true church of Jesus Christ and its pope, the claimed “Vicar of Christ,” has the right to judge everybody, as he did during the Middle Ages. In order to accomplish this, the Papacy must do away with the supreme authority of the Bible and the Gospel and it must silence all who stand against it in this endeavor. This is the Roman Catholic context in which the Manhattan Declaration is set.

(Quoted from

An Overview of the History of the Papacy – By Richard Bennett

An Overview of the History of the Papacy – By Richard Bennett

Because of the fascination of the world with the office of the Pope and his power, it is important to study the topic historically and in the light of Biblical truth. This article is an overview of the history of the Papacy from its inception to rule of Pope John Paul II. A biblical analysis of the basis on which the Office of the Papacy claims to be the Rock of Matthew 16:18 is found on our Webpage:

Early church at Rome

The church at Rome was in the beginning a community of brothers and sisters, guided by a few of the brothers. The four Gospels and letters of the Apostles settled the great questions of doctrine. A pompous title and position of one man lording it over the others did not exist, as such is forbidden by the Holy Scriptures. The lives of the believers and the doctrine taught were in accord with the Lord’s words, “One is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.1 The Scriptures, however, warned that from the midst of the brotherhood would arise a power that would attempt to destroy the Gospel and the simple brotherhood of believers. This was nowhere more graphically fulfilled than in the rise of the Office of the Papacy out of the church that had been established in Rome.

Gradual rise of Papal Rome

The respect enjoyed by the various Christian elders in the second century was roughly proportionate to the rank of the city in which they resided. At that time, Rome was the largest, richest, most powerful city in the world, the queen of the Imperial Roman Empire. If Rome was the queen of cities, why should she not be the one to have a bishop to be the king of bishops? Thus, even when pagan Rome fell to the barbarian nations, some of the political esteem that she had won from the nations of the earth remained. The Barbarian overthrow of the Western Roman Empire was succeeded by the gradual rise of Papal Rome. Gradually, bishops from different parts of the empire, seeing themselves as above ordinary elders, yielded to the bishops of Rome some portion of the honor similar to that which the world gives to a prince. From this approbation, the Bishops of Rome began to demand submission as the third, fourth, and fifth centuries passed. In these centuries also, as the true Gospel was watered down, there came in its place the growth of ritualism in the churches, in which true worship of God and the inner conviction of the Holy Spirit was replaced by ceremonialism and idolatry. Pagan practices took on a veneer of Christianity. The clergy-laity division of the people of God became the accepted base. This further devolved into a hierarchy of the ruling clergy. By the end of the fifth century, the early ministers of the Gospel, who had taught the Scripture, had become replaced by a sacrificing priesthood in which the priest presumed to mediate between God and men. The church was no more the fellowship of believers under Christ Jesus, but rather an institution dominated by a hierarchy, with the most powerful individual being the Bishop of Rome.2

Bishop of Rome becomes the Pope

The power of the Bishop of Rome ascended as the imperial power of the Emperor declined. Edicts of the Emperor Theodosius II and of Valentinian III proclaimed the Roman bishop “as Rector of the whole Church.” The Emperor Justinian, who was living in the East in Constantinople, in the sixth century published a similar decree. These proclamations did not create the office of the Pope but from the sixth century there was such advancement of power and prestige that from that time the title of “Pope” began to fit the one who was Bishop of Rome.3

Fraudulent documents aid rise of Papacy

It was not until the middle of the eight century that serious contentions were made claiming the transfer of power and authority from the Emperor Constantine to the Bishop of Rome. The Donation of Constantine was purported to be the legal document in which the Emperor Constantine donated to Sylvester, the Bishop of Rome (314-335), much of his property and invested him with great spiritual power and authority. The vastness and splendor of the inheritance allegedly given by Constantine to Sylvester in the spurious document is seen the following quotation from the manuscript,

“We attribute to the See of Peter all the dignity, all the glory, all the authority of the imperial power. Furthermore, we give to Sylvester and to his successors our palace of the Lateran, which is incontestably the finest palace on the earth; we give him our crown, our miter, our diadem, and all our imperial vestments; we transfer to him the imperial dignity. We bestow on the holy Pontiff in free gift the city of Rome, and all the western cities of Italy. To cede precedence to him, we divest ourselves of our authority over all those provinces, and we withdraw from Rome, transferring the seat of our empire to Byzantium; inasmuch as it is not proper that an earthly emperor should preserve the least authority, where God hath established the head of his religion.”4

The Donation of Constantine was probably forged a little before A.D. 754. Of it, Wylie says, “In it Constantine is made to speak in the Latin of the eighth century, and to address Bishop Sylvester as ‘Prince of the Apostles, Vicar of Christ’. During more than 600 years Rome impressively cited this deed of gift, inserted it in her codes, permitted none to question its genuineness, and burned those who refused to believe in it. The first dawn of light in the sixteenth century sufficed to discover the cheat. In the following century another document of a like extraordinary character was given to the world. We refer to the Decretals of Isidore. These were concocted about the year 845. They professed to be a collection of the letters, rescripts, and bulls of the early pastors of the Church of Rome…The writer, who professed to be living in the first century, painted the Church of Rome in the magnificence which she attained only in the ninth, and made the pastors of the first age speak in the pompous words of the Popes of the Middle Ages. Abounding in absurdities, contradiction, and anachronisms, it affords a measure of the intelligence of the age that accepted it as authentic…It became the foundation of the canon law, and continues to be so, although there is not now a Popish writer who does not acknowledge it to be a piece of imposture.”5

As early as 865, Pope Nicholas drew from these forgeries a way to demand submission from bishops and princes. The arrogance of the popes grew from this time onward. Popes became intoxicated with their own pride; some in their teens and twenties lost their senses in drunken immorality.6 The infamous women of history, Theodora and Marozia, for many years governed the papal throne. That unholy See, pretending to rise above the majesty of kings and bishops, was sunk in the dregs of sin. Theodora and Marozia installed and deposed at their pleasure those who sat in the pretended chair of St. Peter. For two centuries, the Papacy was one wild arena of disorders as the most powerful families of Italy disputed and fought over it like a possession.

Lusts of the mind

The year 1073 was a turning point from the centuries of gross immorality. Rigorous discipline filled the papacy. Reaching above the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of papal minds began to clutch at the things of God. Pope Gregory VII, the noted Hildebrand, ambitious beyond all who had preceded him, took to himself the idea that the reign of the Pope was but another name for the reign of God. He resolved never to rest until he had subjected all authority and power, both spiritual and temporal, to the “chair of Peter”. Hildebrand’s successors continued his project, and strove by trickery, by arms, by crusades and by anathemas, to place the world under the scepter of the papal throne. For two centuries from the time of Hildebrand’s reign, the papacy increased in power and glory, and was maintained by thousands of destroyed lives, many deposed kings and princes, many sacked cities, and many fields deluged with blood.

Popes Innocent III (1216) and Boniface VIII (1303) put the final touches to Papal triumph in spiritual and temporal power. Seventy-five popes, one after another, from Pope Innocent Pope Pius VII, approved of torture, murder, and burning at the stake, and the confiscation of property of believers in the horrific centuries of the Inquisition.7 Many of those slain were true Bible believers.

“The most ghastly abomination of all was the system of torture. The accounts of its cold- blooded operations make one shudder at the capacity of human beings for cruelty. And it was decreed and regulated by the Popes who claim to represent Christ on earth. In 1252 Pope Innocent IV solemnly authorized it. Confirmatory or regulatory decrees about it were issued by Alexander IV, Clement IV, Urban IV and Clement V.”8

The Papacy had become “drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.”9 No other kingdom or power has ever drunken so deeply of this blood as had Papal Rome. Thus as streams are traced to the fountain, so is the Papacy traced to the prophecies of Scripture, which correctly interprets the Papacy. This is “the same horn [that] made war with the saints, and prevailed against them.10And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”11

The Papacy and Modern Times

A partial list of the successes of the Papacy under Roman Catholic dictators in twentieth century includes: Adolf Hitler in Germany, 1933-1945; Benito Mussolini in Italy, 1922-1943; Francisco Franco in Spain, 1936-1975; Antonio Salazar in Portugal, 1932-1968; Juan Peron in Argentina, 1946-1955; Ante Pavelic in Croatia, 1941-1945; and Engelbert Dollfuss and Kurt von Schuschnigg in Austria, 1932-1934. The Vatican’s legal agreement with those nations is well known; few, however, see the Nazism of Germany and the Fascism of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, and Latin America as consequences of the Papacy’s economic and social teachings, and legal agreements between the Vatican and these nations.12 The Crusades and the 605 years of the Inquisition have stopped, but the power of the Papacy to influence and to control governments, social, economic, political life and the destinies of peoples, has continued.

Power through law

What had looked like a mortal wound to Papal power took place in 1798.13 A general of Napoleon’s army entered the Vatican, removing Pope Pius VI from his throne; and so it was that Popedom lost its basis as a civil power. Pope Pius IX, not having territorial or civil power, sought to re-establish the Papacy. An internally important part of his design brought about the declaration of Papal infallibility. With remarkable ingenuity against not only the Scriptural absurdity of the concept, but also in spite of the historical fact of heretical popes, this was made doctrine at Vatican Council I in 1870. Further, the Papacy re-established itself internally by re- organizing Roman Catholic law into the 1917 Code of Canon Law.14 The apparent mortal wound of 1798 was to be healed in 1929 when under Mussolini, the Vatican was again recognized as a civil power and seated on all seven hills. The concordat with Mussolini was just the beginning of many civil concordats, one of the most infamous being that between Pope Pius XII and Adolf Hitler.15 The Papacy had again consolidated its power from within by the 1917 Code of Canon Law and from without by legal concordats with the various nations. Thus the Vatican, with its own citizens as part of sovereign nations across the world and with her civil agreements with the same nations, has a double cord of power. The individual Catholic, fearing for his salvation, and laden with his first allegiance being to “holy Mother Church” is a pliable pawn in the hand of the Papacy.16

The major change of direction made visible by Vatican Council II (1962-1965). That council moved from separation from other religions to false ecumenism, not only with the religions of the world, but also with Bible believers in particular. “Separated brethren” was a new term for those always considered heretics, while the pagan religions of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism now became accepted ways to God.17 This new approach was established by the RCC to win the world to herself by means of dialogue, the rules and goal of which she has carefully spelled out in her post-Conciliar Document No. 42 on ecumenism, which states that “dialogue is not an end in itself….it is not just an academic discussion.” 18 Rather, “ecumenical dialogue…serves to transform modes of thought and behavior and the daily life of those [non- Catholic] communities. In this way, it aims at preparing the way for their unity of faith in the bosom of a Church one and visible.”19

The Pope’s official position is that “ecumenical encounter is not merely an individual work, but also a task of the [RC] Church, which takes precedence over all individual opinions.”20 The Papacy expects this process of dialogue to take time. The Roman Catholic Church’s stated aim of bringing all Christian churches under her authority is clearly her goal. She says,

“…little by little, as the obstacles to perfect ecclesial communion are overcome, all Christians will be gathered, in a common celebration of the Eucharist [the Mass] into that unity of the one and only Church….This unity, we believe, dwells in the Catholic Church as something we can never lose.”21

Pope John Paul II, while initially having been thought to be liberal and modern, consolidated further the dictatorial powers afforded him by the 1917 Code of Canon Law and by his purported infallibility, bequeathed him by Vatican Council I. This he did by revising the 1917 Code, making it even more conservative than it had been, and has been careful to appoint new bishops in line with his centralized way of thinking.

Like another Hildebrand, John Paul II is determined to build, by both Church and civil law, the structure by which the Papacy can again at the appropriate time wield might and power among the nations.22 This same Pope John Paul II has been adamant in his efforts to update the laws of the Roman Catholic Church. Since the days of Hildebrand, popes have seen the necessity of making iron and inflexible church laws before attempting to control her subjects and those not Catholic by compulsion and violence, if necessary. In 1983, John Paul II’s revision of the 1917 Code of Canon Law added to the Roman Catholic laws, for example, “The Church has an innate and proper right to coerce offending members of the Christian faithful by means of penal sanctions.”23 Examination of these laws shows them to be even more absolute and totalitarian than those of the past. If one rejects submission of his intellect and will to the Pope, or some of the other laws of the Papacy, Canon 1371, Para. 1 states that “The following are to be punished with a just penalty: 1 a person who…teaches a doctrine condemned by the Roman Pontiff….” Canon 1312 outlines specified penalties that are to be carried out, “Para. 2. The law can establish other expiatory penalties which deprive a believer of some spiritual or temporal good and are consistent with the supernatural end of the Church.” The perverse vindictiveness of these laws contravenes the repeated Scriptural commands to be not despotic, as are the rulers of this world. From the creation of the Papacy in the sixth century, its heart has been that of law and force. Grace and the Gospel have been superseded by decrees and coercion. A veneer of Christianity has always been upheld, yet this surface ritual religion has always repressed and persecuted true godliness. The history of the Papacy shows that unequivocally it is a power structure built on forgeries, craft, persecution, a false gospel, church law, civil power, and concordats. Nonetheless, the Papacy for most of its history has succeeded in deluding millions. Present day Catholicism continues to insist that its Papal Office is of God, and the world for the most part bows down before her shrine and her Christ, the Pontiff himself.


1. Matthew 23:8.

2. See J. A. Wylie, The History of Protestantism, originally published in 1878 (Kilkeel, N. Ireland: Mourne Missionary Trust, 1985) Vol. I, Book I, pp. 3-14. See also J. H. Merle D’Aubigne, History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, A New Translation (New York: John B. Alden, Publisher, 1883) Book I, pp.1-34.

3. D’Aubigne, Book I, p. 81.

4. Quoted from copy of the document in Pope Leo’s letter in Hardouin’s Collection, Epistola I., Leonis Papoe IX; Acta Conciliorumet Epistoloe Decretales, tom. 6, pp. 934; Parisiis, 1714. The English reader will find a copy of the pretended original document in full in Historical Essay on the Power of the Popes, Vol. II, Appendix, Tr. from French, London, 1838

5. Wylie, Vol. I, p. 29-30. See also Roman Catholic historian Ignaz Von Dollinger, The Pope and the Council, Auth. Tr. from German, 2nd ed. (London: Rivingtons, 1869) Sect. 7 “Forgeries”, pp. 94-142.

6. Peter De Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy (New York, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1988) p. 47-56.

7. De Rosa, p. 175.

8. William Shaw Kerr, A Handbook on the Papacy (London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1950) p. 239.

9. Revelation 17:6.

10. Daniel 7:21.

11.Revelation 13:7.

12. For fuller documentation of this see John W. Robbins, Ecclesiastical Megalomania: The Economic and Political Thought of the Roman Catholic Church (Unicoi, TN 37692-0068: The Trinity Foundation,1999) ISBN: 0-940931-52-4.

13. “Edward King, insightful in 1800 wrote about this defeat as the mortal wound or end of Pontifical Power, “THIS IS THE YEAR 1798.—And just 1260 years ago, in the very beginning of the year 538, Belisarius put an ed to the Empire, and Dominion of the Goths, at Rome…He had entered the City on the 10th of the preceding December, in triumph, in the name of Justinian, Emperor of the East: and had soon after made it tributary to him: leaving thenceforward from A.D. 538 NO POWER in Rome, that could be said to rule over the earth,excepting the ECCLESIASTICAL PONTIFICAL POWER.” Remarks on the Signs of the Times (Philadelphia ed., 1800) pp. 18-19 in LeRoy Edwin Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers (Washington, DC: Review and Herald, 1950) Vol. II, p. 767.

14. RC writer John Cornwell states, “At the turn of the century [1900], Pacelli [later Pope Pius XII]… collaborated in redrafting the Church’s laws in such a way as to grant future popes unchallenged domination from the Roman center. These laws, separated from their ancient historical and social background, were packaged in a manual known as the Code of Canon Law, published and brought into force in 1917. The code, distributed to Catholic clergy throughout the world, created the means of establishing, imposing, and sustaining a remarkable new ‘top-down’ power relationship. As papal nuncio in Munich and Berlin during the 1920s, Pacelli sought to impose the new code, state by state, on Germany….” Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII (New York, 10014: Viking, 1999) p. 6.

15. Cornwell, p. 7 “In 1933 Pacelli found a successful negotiating partner for his Reich Concordat in the person of Adolf Hitler. Their treaty authorized the papacy to impose the new Church law on German Catholics and granted generous privileges to Catholic schools and the clergy. In exchange, the Catholic Church in Germany, its parliamentary political party, and its many hundreds of associations and newspapers ‘voluntarily’ withdrew, following Pacelli’s initiative, from social and political action. The abdication of German political Catholicism in 1933, negotiated and imposed from the Vatican by Pacelli with the agreement of Pope Pius XI, ensured that Nazism could rise unopposed by the most powerful Catholic community in the world…”

16. See RC author Cornwell and Presbyterian author Robbins.

17. No. 56, Nostra Aetate, 28 October 1965, Austin P. Flannery, Ed., Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B Eerdmans Publ. Co., 1975, 1984).

18. Vatican 11 documents, No. 42, “Reflections and Suggestions Concerning Ecumenical Dialogue”, S.P.U.C., 15 August 1975, p. 549.

19. Vatican 11 documents, No. 42, pp. 540-1. Bolding in any quotation indicates emphasis added in this paper.

20. Vatican 11 documents, No. 42, p.545.

21. Vatican 11 documents, No. 42, p. 541.

Have You Been Hoodwinked by Israel?

Have You Been Hoodwinked by Israel?

I received this message from a friend through Facebook Messenger who doesn’t remember where he got it from.

My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. (John 18:36)

Jesus Christ made this statement to Pontius Pilate, the politician who ruled Judea in Palestine some 2,000 years ago. In light of that statement, we may wonder nowadays why so many Christians have rallied behind modern Israel and her dream of “Greater Israel” – especially when that “dream” means occupying and seizing Palestinian territory, browbeating and driving out its inhabitants to become refugees in surrounding countries, and even applauding America’s warfare against Israel’s neighbors – Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon.

Christ taught that the kingdom of God is within you and isn’t ushered in with visible signs. (Luke 17:20-21) In this present Age, God’s Kingdom is not a political one that can be seen physically, but one that rules and reigns in our hearts – a Kingdom of peace, love, faith, and righteousness. Only with the Return of Christ will the Kingdom’s spiritual power and authority be established, physically, in our earthly realm. In the meantime, Christ’s followers are enjoined to prepare the way by working to further God’s Kingdom of love, peace, and righteousness in this present broken and corrupted world.

We would do well to ask ourselves then, how can we – as followers of Christ who are supposed to be peacemakers – be rooting for the establishment of a political kingdom, Israel, and all the blood-letting, suffering, and wars that go along with it? How can we not raise our voices against such violations of God’s (and the U.N.’s) standards for all peace-loving nations? Are we taking seriously the teachings of the Founder of Christianity – to love your enemies and love your neighbor as yourself? (Matthew 5:44, 22:39)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God, Jesus taught. From His own example, we know that Jesus trusted fully in the power of the Almighty to bring about change. His teachings were revolutionary in His day, and still are. His peaceful methods have revolutionized and brought much positive change to human society over the last 2,000 years. . . and will continue on into the upcoming Age of Peace known as the Millennium.

Sadly, it is also true that, throughout history, political and even religious leaders have fomented all sorts of war and trouble in the name of religion, falsely claiming to have God on their side. Jesus knew this was going to happen and warned His followers, Indeed the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing God a service. (John 16:2)

Is it possible that a sizeable portion of Christianity thinks “they are doing God a service” when all they’re doing is giving support to an unjust and cruel political agenda?

What kind of misguided logic is at work here, we may wonder? Much of it has to do with a common misunderstanding about certain prophetic promises in the Old Testament regarding a “greater Israel”. Some of these were fulfilled long ago in the days of King David and King Solomon. Others speak of a “greater Israel” to come in the future Age of the Millennium. Sadly, these passages have been misinterpreted and hijacked into serving as justification for modern Israel’s territorial ambitions.

True, Israel did enjoy special favor from God in the days of the Old Testament. But even then, when Israel sometimes departed from the ways of God, she lost that blessing and protection; and ancient Israel plunged into periods of difficulty and subjugation to her enemies.

This idea that Israel has a special corner on God’s favor and blessings has hoodwinked much of mainstream Christianity into ignoring and excusing Israel’s present-day misconduct – especially towards her Palestinian neighbors. And this comes in a bigger package of tacit support for American wars in the Middle East, wars which Israel hopes will work to her advantage.

For the record, a brief history: After World War 1, the Palestinians allowed Jewish immigrants to settle in their land. After World War 2 and Jewish suffering in the Holocaust, an agreement was made in 1948, in conjunction with the United Nations, to partition the land so that each community could dwell peaceably side by side.

In the aftermath of the war that followed, and in the decades following, the Israelis have driven the Palestinians out of their lands into refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan and have turned the West Bank and Gaza Strip into occupied territories, little better than giant-sized prison camps.

To give a veneer of respectability to all these injustices, certain Biblical passages were pulled out of their historical context and used to promote the belief that God had given the land to the Israelis as if they were still living in the days of the Old Testament. This may suit the agenda of politicians and profiteers, but to stuff that agenda into the sacred writings is a risky business; landing on the wrong side of Divine displeasure is never advisable.

Those who want to invoke the passage about a “Greater Israel” should take note of this important guideline: ‘You will divide it [the land] by lot as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the strangers who sojourn among you and who bear children among you. They shall be to you as native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger sojourns, there you shall give him his inheritance,’ says the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 47:22-23)

What “inheritance” has modern Israel given to the “strangers who sojourn among” them? Modern Israel has ignored this provision, outlined in their own Scriptures and in U.N. resolutions. It is bad enough that the Palestinians have been turned into “strangers” in their own land, but now on top of that, the Israelis are actively disinheriting them, in complete violation of God’s own instructions.

Interestingly, that same prophetic passage is preceded by a description (Ezekiel 47:6-12) of the land being in a paradise-like state… meaning that the promise of “greater Israel” is not even supposed to be applied to the present Age. The historical context is a future era, coming after the Return of the Messiah and the establishment of God’s Kingdom on Earth – the Age known as the Millennium.

There is nothing in Scripture to say that Israel is destined to possess a “greater Israel” in this present age, much less have the right to grab territory by force or subterfuge, nor to fight brutal wars against her weaker neighbors.

Lopsided, shocking statistics like these make it clear that something’s wrong somewhere. Modern Israel has simply lost its way. She is no “promised land”, that’s for sure – and no better than any other nation in today’s world.

Israel will get her promised land in due time, but it will come from God’s hand, not her own. And it will not come until the Age of the Millennium, and until she has been duly humbled before God and the rest of the world. It will be a painful process but will result in Israel finally becoming the God-fearing, charitable, and concerned nation and wise ruler that God has always intended for her to be.

What further complicates the Mideast tragedy is America’s geopolitical interest in the region. Her war economy depends on the flow of oil and payments made to Saudi Arabia and other nations. These payments, made in dollars and re-invested in U.S. treasury bonds, are used to buttress the dollar and the expensive U.S. war economy, the military-industrial complex. So, to maintain her influence in the Middle East and her own economy, the U.S. is fighting wars there to keep in line the nations that are getting too independent of American (and Israeli) interests.

Conclusion: For too long, Christians have been hoodwinked into giving unconditional support to Israel, and by extension, fooled into supporting, or keeping silent about, American wars in the Middle East. In addition, American politicians are happy to appease Israel because that is profitable for them and garners favor with the powerful voting bloc of the mainstream Christian community.

How sad that Christianity has been infiltrated like this, unable to speak out against America’s gruesome, never-ending wars – wars that benefit no one except the U.S. dollar and arms manufacturers. Many believers, of course, are simply misinformed and innocent followers of what they have been taught. But be enlightened! Remember Christ’s words to His followers: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.

True followers of Christ have left behind the dream of a literal Promised Land – a “greater Israel” – aiming instead for the far greater reality of the kingdom of God in the hearts of humankind. They have been liberated from the narrow confines of earthly human limitations into the glorious truth and freedom of the realm of God’s Spirit. Their vision has expanded beyond the national boundaries of human origin to that of the worldwide universal fellowship of those who long for peace, truth, justice, love, and righteousness. They have catapulted from insignificant earthly goals to the glorious reality of God’s heavenly Kingdom!

Are you a peacemaker? Invite the Prince of Peace to enter your life today! Embark now on a thrilling, love-filled journey into the Kingdom of Heaven. . . in this life and in the life to come!

— Author Unknown

Science vs. Evolution

Science vs. Evolution

When I was a kid I dreamed of being a scientist someday. It turns out I wasn’t good enough in mathematics to become one. I respect true scientific researchers, people like Dr. James Tour for example. He’s an American chemist and nanotechnologist, a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Nanoengineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas. And he’ll tell you in his podcasts he loves Jesus more than anything! He was raised Jewish and came to know Jesus as his Messiah through the witness of a fellow student when he was a teenager. And I have a personal friend who’s a scientist and a Bible-believing Christian, Dr. John Gideon Hartnett of Bible Science Forum.

Contrary to what some Christians are saying, there is such a thing as true science. And what is true science? It’s the study of the laws and principles of God’s creation! And there are pseudosciences, science falsely so called as it says in 1 Timothy 6:20:

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

The teaching of Darwinian evolution is one of them. And who teaches it? Secular scientists who are mostly atheists.

Another pseudoscience is flat-earth. Who teaches that? Sad to say, many Bible-believing Christians do. They fell for a CIA psyop that is set to discredit their testimonial for Christ. I already wrote a lot about why I don’t believe the earth is flat on this website, and so I won’t get into it now.

Darwin’s evolution has hindered true science and tainted many branches of it. Just off the top of my head, the branches of science it has tainted are number one, biology, and also geology, anthropology, ecology, psychology, medicine, and any other study that has to do with mankind and life. Evolution has surely tainted cosmology and astronomy as well.

Science is knowledge and knowledge can be used for both good and evil. As Christians, we want to use what we know for God’s kingdom. Science has brought us technology, and technology has made our lives easier. If you don’t think so, wait till the power goes out and you lose your phone and Internet connection. This is what I experience for a whole day from time to time in the Philippines. And technology from science has brought us the Internet which makes it far easier and far less expensive to share the Gospel and the truth of the Word of God to the world.

Below is an article one of my former pastors wrote about Darwin’s evolution.

It’s so ridiculous for man to not believe in God!–Because man can’t help but believe in God if he just looks at Creation! If you’re not an absolute fool, if you have a reasoning mind at all, all you have to do is look at the Creation to know Somebody had to design it, pattern it, and put it together and make it work like it does!

Why, the simplest country boy out in the country can just look around out in the country at the Creation God made and SEE that there’s a God!–It’s obvious that all that didn’t just happen by accident! It’s as plain as day that Somebody had to plan it and figure it out, because God’s beautiful Creation works so beautifully, so systematically, so perfectly–Creation, so-called Nature, is not just natural–God made it! It’s created! It’s all supernatural! It’s all miraculous!

If you haven’t got enough sense to know there’s a God, then just look at His Creation! Just look at the sea, the sky, the clouds, the mountains, the valleys, the trees, the flowers, everything! They’re all virtually shouting, “There is a God! Look what He made! Look what a beautiful World He made for you to live in!”

I can prove from the Bible that these scientists and teachers and evolutionists and all who claim not to believe in God are LIARS!–They do believe in God. Only an absolute fool, an imbecile, an insane idiot, somebody who’s not quite straight in the head would actually in his heart believe there’s not God!–Maybe these “smart” people are that demented! God’s Word says the smart ones, if they don’t glorify God, become fools. The Bible says, “The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God’!” (Ps.14:1) Now a lot of people will say with their mouth, “There is no God,” but all the time in their heart they know there’s a God!

In fact, most people who CLAIM they don’t believe really DO believe, but they’re in rebellion against God! They don’t want to know Him and they don’t want to confess that He exists, because if they do, then they have to recognize Him!–And if they recognise Him, then they have to admit that they owe Him some kind of acknowledgement and obeisance and obedience.

The greatest proof of the existence of God is His Creation! That’s why Evolution is so evil, and Devil-inspired, because it tries to explain away Creation by saying that it just happened by accident and it threw itself together! Isn’t that ridiculous?

“For the INVISIBLE things of Him from the creation of the World are clearly SEEN, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse!” (Ro.1:20) His invisible existence is manifest or proven by the things you can see, His Creation.–The existence of our invisible God is proven by His visible Creation!

And THAT’S why the World wants to reject Creation and say it’s all just a meaningless chaotic evolution!–Because if the World and its inhabitants are God’s Creation, then they’re His property–and if they’re His property, then He’s got the right to be Boss–and they don’t want God to be Boss! Therefore “they did not like to retain God in their knowledge”, in their education. (Rom.1:28)

“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools!” (Rom.1:21,22) They got so smart that they could do without God and the Bible, and so they became what?–Fools!–Absolute fools, who “changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator!” (Rom.1:23,25)

So why did the Devil and man cook up this ridiculous, idiotic scheme of evolution?–To try to get rid of God and the knowledge of God, “as they did not like to retain God in their education.” And since they threw God out and they threw Creation out and they threw the Bible out, they had to cook up something new! They didn’t want the truth anymore, so they had to figure out some big lie!

Evolution is the craziest, hardest thing in the World to believe!–That it all just happened by accident, that it all just kind of fell together. Dr. Robert A. Millikan, the great physicist who developed the splitting of the atom, said,

“If you’d say that this watch just put itself together, invented itself, you’d be crazy! And just as there had to be a watchmaker behind the synchronized perfection and order of every watch, so there had to be a Creator behind the perfect synchronized perfection of the Universe!”

Yet this evolutionary doctrine of delusion has become the general theme of modern so-called science! Evolution is now referred to as the “great principle” of biology. But a principle, according to the dictionary, is a foundation, truth or fact–the basis of other truths. And if you know anything about evolution at all, you know that it has never been proven to be either a truth or a fact, much less the foundation or basis of other truths!

There is no absolute proof for evolution! It has to be believed, therefore it’s a faith, therefore it’s a religion! Even the high priest and founding father of this false faith, Charles Darwin himself, confessed that “the belief (note the emphasis on belief) in natural selection (evolution) must at present be grounded entirely on general considerations…When we descend to details, we can prove that no one species has changed … nor can we prove that the supposed changes are beneficial, which is the groundwork of the theory.”–Ha!

So evolution is really a RELIGION of UNBELIEF in God! And that’s its whole purpose: To eliminate faith in God and to foster the false doctrine of devils that the Creation created itself and God had nothing to do with it, so there doesn’t need to be a God–it could have happened without Him!–What an idiotic and ridiculous lie!

And even if you don’t believe the Bible, honest scientists have figured out that if evolution actually took that many millions of years, we would be ten miles deep in evolutionary fossils, missing links, instead of having to search the World over trying to find one! And nearly every one of those crazy fossils that were supposed to be the missing links have now been debunked!–Some of them were even confessed fakes, like Piltdown Man, Java Man, etc.

“In the beginning, God,” not chaos, not some nebulous cloud of gases, but “in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth!”–The first verse of the first chapter of the first book of the right Book, praise God! Now either you believe that, either you believe what God’s Book says, or you’re going to take what some liar says!

“And GOD created man in His Own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” (Gen.1:27) He didn’t look like some ape-man or monkey, or some fish or bird.–He created man like Himself, God! And God formed man out of what?–Previous forms?–Apes?–Beasts?–Birds? “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Gen.2:7)

Creation is the premise and preface and basic foundation of the entire Bible! If you don’t believe this, you won’t believe anything! Because when you doubt one word in the Bible, you’ll soon doubt the whole Bible! Why?–What happens in a court of law with the testimony of a witness when one thing he’s said is proven to be a lie?–They throw his entire testimony out, including the true things he said, because they can’t believe it and every word will be in doubt. If he lied about one thing, maybe he lied about another! And that’s the way it is with the Bible!

Jesus said, “Had ye believed Moses (who compiled the Book of Genesis, ye would have believed ME. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My Words?” (Jn.5:46,47) Now, what’s the first of Moses’ writings, upon which all five books are based?–GENESIS!–“In the beginning … ,” all about Creation and the beginning of God’s dealings with man.

If they had believed that book of Genesis all about Creation and God, then they would have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior! What, then, did the Devil know he had to do to prevent people from believing in Christ? He knew he had to destroy their belief in the writings of Moses and in the book of Genesis in particular, in the Creation, the glorious Creation! And how’d the Devil do that?–By what doctrine, what big lie?

EVOLUTION!–That was his greatest lie and greatest manufacture and most clever piece of teaching! Evolution!–As ridiculous and idiotic as anything you could possibly study, because it has NO foundation in fact whatsoever; there’s NO evidence for it; no discovery has been made to prove it! As one of its top exponents, Margaret Mead, the famous anthropologist, wrote in her own introduction to her textbook on anthropology:

“We as honest scientists must confess that science has yet to discover one single iota (tiny speck) of concrete evidence to prove the evolutionary theory!”

Darwin’s evolution is science falsely so-called, pseudo-science, of which St. Paul warned dear Timothy, “Beware of the lies of science falsely so-called!” (1Tim.6:20) Because once you reject the truth about Creation, about God, about Jesus, and about happiness and the proper rules of life and love, there’s nothing else to believe but lies and the Devil!

If the Devil always came around with hooves and horns and a long tail and a pitchfork in his hand, he wouldn’t be half as dangerous as the way he really comes around: In the form of some smooth-tongued professor in today’s modern universities, teaching courses that are nearly all lies, phoney lies, very little truth to them!–Pure vain imaginations, somebody’s dreams–nightmares!
They, as Jesus said, are blind leaders of the blind, and He said they’re both going to fall into the ditch! “The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken, lo, they have rejected the Word of the Lord, what wisdom is in them?” What wisdom is in them?–Without God’s Word there is no wisdom, no knowledge that amounts to anything or is worth anything! (Mt.15:14; Jer.8:9)

The Bible prophesies that in the Last Days, “the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine (the truth); but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears (ears that want to be tickled with lies!); And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables!” (2Ti.4:3,4) This time has come, and these days are here, and their ears have turned from the truth and are turned unto fables!–Like evolution!

“Because they received NOT the LOVE of the TRUTH, that they might be saved, for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth!” (2Th.2:10-12) And if you don’t like the truth, you’ve only got one alternative–a lie!–And damnation!

DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD? Look at the World, look at the beautiful trees, look at the flowers, look at the sea, look at the sky!–Does God love you?–You can see it and you can feel it in the beautiful World He’s given you to live in!

GOD is the only One Who can give MEANING to the Universe and purpose to the planets and love to our hearts and peace to our minds and health to our bodies and rest to our spirits and happiness to our lives and joy to our souls and the wisdom to know that “the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” and “the wisdom of this World is foolishness with God”! (Pr.9:10; 1Cor.3:19) Take Jesus and His Truth today!

The Importance of Christians and Churches Speaking Out About Cultural and Civil Problems

The Importance of Christians and Churches Speaking Out About Cultural and Civil Problems

There are not many churches and pastors who talk about cultural and social issues from the pulpit, topics such as the wars America has been involved in, the southern border crises, the evils of the LGBTQ agenda, the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza, etc. The only ones I know of in the USA besides the Christians in this interview are Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship in Montana, Michael Hoggard of Bethel Church, Missouri, Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, and John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, who defied the governor of California by disregarding the COVID-19 lockdown mandates. I’m sure there must be many others, but obviously, they are way too few because the churches in America have not had the effect on society today they used to have up to the 19th century.

The transcript and video below is an interview led by two leaders of an organization called, Our Country Our Choice (OCOC), Colonel (retired) Douglas Macgregor and Pastor Casey (that’s the only name given.) They discuss current events with a pastor, Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel. I deem them all to be solid Bible Believing Jesus Christ following Christians.


Gary Hamrick: It’s unfortunate but a lot of times Christians today feel like they’re not supposed to get involved in politics in any way shape or form. The fact of the matter is the First Amendment was given to us to keep government out of the Church, not the Church out of the government. And so unfortunately too many Christians have been sitting on the sidelines, and a lot of pastors have been encouraging them to sit it out. The result is, that we have a country in which many of us are not liking the direction (it’s going).

And we always understand that in the big picture of things, of course, the enemy is at work. And the Bible tells us the world is going to get more corrupt and more evil as we get closer to the return of Christ. But, at the same time, the Church should be that restraining force against evil in our world. If we sit it out then evil will just run rampant.

That’s why Christians are supposed to be involved. Because why? Jesus told us to be salt and light! And salt and light means you penetrate the darkness as light, and you flavor the world as salt.

And so unfortunately too many Christians have been sitting it out, and too many pastors think that you shouldn’t get political. My response is, look, all these issues that we’re looking at today when everything from the whole transgender sexual identity confusion, the thing about same-sex marriage and abortion and all these issues, I mean, these are issues that the Bible speaks about. So when the government has gotten involved in these issues of life and liberty and sexuality, they’ve crossed into our lane. And so the Church needs to be engaged to be a voice of reason and a restraining force against evil in our world today.

So that’s my basic take on why Christians should be involved because there’s a mandate to be salt and sight and to not sit it out, to be a restraining force against evil in our world.

Pastor Casey: Fantastic! Well-spoken. In fact, God’s moral law does restrain evil. One of the things that we like to say here at OCOC is that the truth will set you free but you must speak. And so the truth will set you free, but when we speak God’s moral law, it has a restraining factor. Thou shalt not lie, and thou shalt not kill, those things that God has established from the very beginning. When we speak those things, it helps not only to restrain evil but to guide Christians. It also is a conviction factor.

When we talk about the Gospel, it brings the lost under conviction and they see that they are sinners in need of a savior. Tell us briefly about the Gospel before we move on to the next subject if you don’t mind.

Gary Hamrick: Well, the Gospel is central to what what we’re about. I mean, it’s the good news of Jesus Christ, putting your faith and trust in what Christ did for us.

The beautiful thing about Christianity is that it’s different from all other world religions. All other world religions put the burden on you to try to get up to God. Christianity tells us, the Gospel tells us, that God came down to us. And He took on flesh and died for our sins. And so our faith and trust are in Him as our Lord and Savior.

And that’s important to add to, and I’m glad you asked the question because sometimes I’ll get accused of, “You’re putting government above God.” Not at all. We believe the central message of Truth is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But at the same time, Martin Luther once said, “If you preach the Gospel in all aspects with the exception of the issues which deal specifically with your time, you are not preaching the Gospel at all.” Jesus is central to everything we’re about, and from Him, all other things flow.

Pastor Casey: Well said! Thank you very much. In regards to Christian participation in the Gospel, I think nothing else needs to be said. And now I’m really interested in how we can encourage perhaps a mindset towards these endless wars. You said on your website that you’re a News Junkie and I’m sure you’ve seen the colonel and his contributions, so you guys dialogue a little bit in regards to the two front wars that are going on and why and all of these things that us as Christians need to be educated on how we view these types of things to be able to help steer our country in the right direction.

Gary Hamrick: Well Colonel, I’m going to defer to you to answer that question first.

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Well, to go back a little bit, you know the whole point of the (US) Constitution if you read through the statements of the people that wrote it up, was to leave us in the maximum freedom possible. And that’s really the idea. The Constitution is all about what the government cannot do. It doesn’t say what we must do, it says this is what the government cannot do to you. And we forget that. And increasingly we’re dealing with people in Washington who are desperate to fundamentally change us. They want to change us by bringing in millions and millions of people whom we know nothing about, who are not coming to become Americans. That’s all nonsense. They’re coming to jump into the giant consumption machine and profit. We know that. And of course, our rule of law has been largely destroyed as a result of this sort of thing.

The issue is fundamentally this: The wars that we’ve been involved with, certainly since the Korean War, are almost universally things that we started. I’d say that perhaps the Perian Gulf Wars are one exception. We essentially responded to something that had happened in the region. Our goals were limited, and we went and then we left. All of the other wars have involved precipitating hostility for reasons removed from the interests of the American people because a small number of people in Washington made decisions that it was in our interest to do something without ever consulting us.

No one declares war. There are few if any debates anywhere about what we should or shouldn’t do. Everyone seems to be very anxious to bomb and sanction repeatedly. If we take Christianity seriously, I don’t think Jesus would tell us to sanction and bomb everyone into submission.

But I don’t hear enough from Christians about that. Why are they not standing up and questioning the wisdom and the conduct of these wars? How many people have we killed unnecessarily? How much have we destroyed unnecessarily? And at the same time, is this a distraction so that we pay no attention to what’s being done to us by our own government here at home? So why don’t you think about that and tell us what your views are?

Gary Hamrick: The debate I suppose is over America’s vital interests in the world and whether or not we should get involved in certain wars to protect those vital interests. And at times I’m a little fuzzy on what’s our vital interests. I don’t know, sometimes when I see us engaged in different wars, the one thing that troubles me is you mentioned the border.

The border is a huge crisis right now. And you’re right, it’s not people coming over necessarily to find a new beginning. I think a big concern for me at least is the potential for terrorism and and terrorist cells to be coming into the United States through a very porous southern border in particular. I just heard yesterday that even the northern border has more terrorists on the watch list. And so, we have to protect our borders.

By the way, God’s not opposed to borders. He kind of divided up the nation of Israel to the 12 tribes of Israel. And they had borders in which to live and the nations had borders. And so that’s pretty biblical.

I’ve been concerned with how much money are we sending to the war in Ukraine that could be put into protecting our own borders. So there does seem to be a conflict of how we’re spending our resources for some of these battles compared to what we need even to protect our own home front.

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Yeah, I agree. If I could just mention that the border crisis should be deemed as a war, and it is because it’s one-sided and we’re not coming to the forefront there. And so if we were taking it seriously, and we were to dispatch our military or our army over there, and put a stop to the cartels, to put a stop to all of the traffickings, to put a stop to all of the ridiculous rapes and child abductions, and this is a crisis and it’s definitely been ignored to a big extent. I would really love to see Christians say, “We’ve had enough. We’ve got to stand up for what’s right.”

Gary Hamrick: I just had a friend who went down to the southern border to personally eyewitness some things, and he said he saw three buses unload of military age-fighting Chinese men! Now, why are three busloads of military-age Chinese young men coming across our border? Not for good reasons, I guarantee you.

Col. Douglas Macgregor: That’s right. And by the way, a number of those are, I’m told, people that were actually sought in China for various criminal activities. Some of them were involved in the shadow banking industry with financial crime. This is a huge issue right now in China. They’re really going to town, so to say, against senior party members and bureaucrats who have cheated and stolen vast sums of money. And these are probably some of those people. That’s the biggest problem.

A friend of mine who is from El Salvador sent me an email last night and he wrote, “Don’t people understand that a lot of the men who are from Latin America who want to join the US military, I know where they’re from, they’re MS-13 (an international criminal gang)! They’re joining the Army or the Marines so they can get some experience, then get out and continue their criminal activities here with citizenship. This is a catastrophe for us. He pointed out that it has taken him six years to become an American citizen. So he was very upset about this whole thing.

I find people who have come here legally are among the most strident opponents of illegal immigration. And too many Americans are too busy watching the latest football game and following Taylor Swift’s affairs to pay attention to what’s really important. We have got to get their attention, and I don’t know what it’s going to take.

Well, would you stop for a second and tell us in your estimation what you think we could do? We’re an organization that is not satisfied with simply complaining, we want to take action. We want to cooperate with people, particularly with churches across the country. And by the way, we are not exclusively a religious organization. You don’t have to be a Christian per se to be a member of OCOC. We just regard those (Christian) values largely as essentially founding values of the country. I know it’s not popular to say that but that’s true. But the point is, how do we get more churches, more organizations, and people who are similarly minded as we are to join us? We welcome any suggestions you have in any context that you want to suggest to us after the program.

Gary Hamrick: I would be glad to share some of that with you. One of the things that I’m most concerned about is the lack of involvement of the local church in important civil and cultural issues, let alone governance. It’s because there’s silence in the pulpits! When pastors are not helping their people to become engaged in the issues of the day, they’re not going to see the need and importance of doing so.

(End of transcript)

The above are the most important points in the video, about half of it. Please listen to the entirety below.

Book Review: Crux Ansata— An Indictment Of The Roman Catholic Church, By H. G. Wells

Book Review: Crux Ansata— An Indictment Of The Roman Catholic Church, By H. G. Wells

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine.

H. G. WELLS, world-known author and historian, gives us in this latest book his frank convictions about the meddling, reactionary policies of the Roman Catholic Church — from its first tie-up with the Emperor Constantine to its present unholy alliance with the Nazi-Fascist-Shinto Axis. He sums up his conclusions as follows:

“As this present world war goes on, and even if there is some sort of temporary half peace before it deepens into a tangle of minor wars, it will become plainer and plainer that it is no longer a geographically determined warfare of governments, nations and peoples, but the world-wide struggle of our species to release itself from the strangling octopus of the Catholic Church. Everywhere the Church extends its tentacles and fights to prolong the Martyrdom of Man.”

In his pointed style, Mr. Wells bluntly warns his countrymen in England in the following passage, which is even more applicable to the people of America:

“The over-confident liberalism of the early nineteenth century enfranchised this body of outlanders, believing it would in some mysterious manner play the game of mutual toleration which seemed so natural to the essentially skeptical and secular liberal mentality. Nothing of the sort ensued. Steadily, persistently, the Catholic Church has worked for the destruction of that very liberalism which restored it to political influence. Persecuting relentlessly where it was in the ascendant, and canting about individual liberty of conscience wherever it was faced by a modern organization of society, this mental cancer has spread itself back to destroy the health and hope of our modern world.”

Written in his usual striking and scholarly style, this latest work of the famous British author is like a breath of fresh air in a stuffy room, and should be welcome ventilation of a subject that is generally taboo to the people of America.

Download and read H.G. Wells’ Crux Ansata from a PDF file.

Main Points of the US Border Crisis – A Planned Foreign Invasion

Main Points of the US Border Crisis – A Planned Foreign Invasion

The article I transcribed on January 20, The US Border Crisis – A Planned Foreign Invasion is a long read, and that may discourage some people from reading it all. Because I consider what Doug Thornton has to say is vital for Americans to know, I compiled its main points in this post to make it only 1/10 of the length of the previous post.

For the record, I do not advocate acts of violence against government officials. I do not own a firearm, but neither do I live in America anymore. I’m not against getting a firearm if I live in an area of high crime. I believe one of the main reasons why America has not yet fallen into total tyranny is because of the Second Amendment of the Constitution, the right to bear arms. I believe if the government outlaws guns, only outlaws will have guns. And I can tell you for a fact, that this is the situation in Japan! Though the average Japanese citizen was disarmed long ago, the Japanese mafia – the Yakuza – have guns. They use them to shoot each other, rival gangs.

Doug Thornton is the host of a podcast called American Vendicta. He is also a retired US Marine and a former federal police officer who worked for the Department of Homeland Security for 10 years. He worked for the Federal Protective Service as the uniform law enforcement side of the federal government. Many times he went down to the border to assist units from Border Patrol and CBP (Customs and Border Protection) for their border operations. The following quotations are all from Mr. Thornton. I slightly rewrote some of the things he said to make them clearer.

  • The last 10 years we’ve had a million people yearly cross the border either illegally or coming through here and just slipping the system, then that’s easily 10 million people. But what we typically say is for every million we don’t catch. There are two to 3 million that get by. So if we take that estimate and then we flip it on its head, We’re easily in the last decade at 30 to 40 million people undocumented.
  • Many of them are multiple-time felons pedophiles, torturers, rapists, human traffickers, gun traffickers, terrorists, known cartels, and known gang affiliates like the MS 13 (an international criminal gang).
  • You also then have other problems like diseases that come across. But one of the things that seems to slip the mind of Congress, though they know, is the amount of terrorism that comes across the border, the amount of known terrorism that’s being found coming across the border that the FBI blatantly turns the other way.
  • One of the simple forms of having a definition for invasion is an untold amount of people being granted access into the country against the will of the people there to deteriorate the laws and the customs and procedures of the people. Now, after that, if you are in the legislative system or the executive branch you will fully allow that to happen, knowing that you’re bringing disease, crime, terrorism, and sex slave trafficking to include many children trafficked, not just into America, but from America, and then out of America, then you would be more defined as a traitor by that term.
  • You take these people from socialist communist countries and they’re men of fighting age. And they are bussed here. They didn’t walk. They did not walk here. They were bussed here. Who bussed them? George Soros.
  • The cartel is a Fortune 500 company. And we’ve known it. We’ve watched them. We monitor them. We observe them. They’ll send us sometimes at these border patrol checkpoint stations, they’ll send us an 18-wheeler filled with weed. You can smell it coming over the bridge. Then the dogs hit on it. And then we have a merry time tearing the truck apart. And it sucks us all in. And meanwhile, the truck full of fentanyl goes this way. Or a truck with a nuclear missile goes this way. We won’t know because we’re so busy with checking out the 18-wheeler filled with weed.
  • If Donald Trump doesn’t get re-elected, do you think the average person in America is going to sit back and not complain about it? And then from there, do you think there’s a small group of people who aren’t going to take up arms about it? January 6 was a precursor to what 2024 is. If you think of it as this, January 6 was planned in 2016. If that’s true. Then 2024 was planned in 2020 in 2021 with January 6. So I believe that they are planning and building up the pressure building in the pot for a violent reaction from the people.
  • And the Vatican plays a large part in it, Chris. You know this, we have NGOs, nongovernment organizations on the border that are helping affiliates, they’re trying to bring these people coming across the border, who are not all Christians. They’re bringing these people across the border and then they’re funneling them all over the United States.
  • You have entities like almost every Catholic Church, then to include the Red Cross that are all sponsored by the Vatican, and controlled by the Vatican. They are the main culprits and moving people. It’s always been a Catholic Church that shows up somewhere at midnight with a van when we got, a busload or two of the illegals. And then they come and pick them up and they drive them away because they are helping the government with re-purposing these people, bringing them to other places.
  • So if the government fails us, and they’re obviously failing us for a reason, I don’t care what Congressman comes out and grandstands for five minutes about how bad the border is. The majority of Republicans and Democrats are doing this.
  • And Canada has its bigger point to play in this as well. This is also happening in Canada. Most people don’t know this. You can take a flight from Mexico, direct flight into Canada, and then just walk right across the border.
  • Mass migrants aren’t going to South America to stay. They’re all being sent to America. It’s to destabilize. There can be no other reason except to destabilize the economy, rattle up the people, and destroy the inner workings of our government, especially by creating social disorder like crime.
  • The inevitable goal is the invasion of America. Why stage a war, why float across an invasion force of people? If I was a diabolical person and I wanted to take down America, this is what I would do. I would pay your politicians to allow my army to come across. And it’s so hard and too obvious to bring my army from Beijing and from St. Petersburg and Moscow over to Mexico, then we’ll just hire our friends in South America, who are all on our side, and we’ll send them up first. And that’ll be the initial force. All you need is an initial force of people.

The US Border Crisis – A Planned Foreign Invasion

The US Border Crisis – A Planned Foreign Invasion

This article is a transcription of an important interview with a former Homeland Security officer on Christian J. Pinto’s Noise of Thunder Radio program. It’s fairly recent, recorded on December 6, 2023. It contains everything the mainstream media is not telling us about America’s border crises. If you find something with more information about the sinister reasons behind the border crisis, please tell me in the comments section below.

If you live in mainland USA, I absolutely urge you to read this entire article! It has information that can save your life! Or if you don’t like to read, you can listen to the audio.

Okay, praise, Lord, you guys, and welcome. I’m Chris Pinto. This is Noise of Thunder Radio.

Doug Thornton is the host of a podcast called American Vendicta. He is also a retired US Marine and a former federal police officer. I’m going to dedicate most of the program to my interview with him talking about the issue of illegal immigration. Because this is something that’s happening every single day at unprecedented levels. And the remarkable thing when you hear his testimony, remember he was a federal police officer who used to work with the Department of Homeland Security.

For years he spent a lot of time down on the border. He knows what goes on down there. He saw it firsthand. But I ask him a number of questions and you’re going to hear his responses and he’s got a lot of powerful things to say. Not the least of which is that this problem of illegal immigration has gotten worse virtually every year that it’s like it never gets better. It only gets worse. And now the way it’s happening where they’re reporting five to eight million people, possibly more. I mean, nobody knows exactly what the number is. And these reports that it’s not just people coming from Mexico and these Latin American countries, but there’s also potentially hundreds of thousands of fighting age Middle Eastern men who were quite probably part of some Islamic extremist group that are coming into our country, part of some covert operation that they’re planning. That has been reported over and over and over again.

Dr. Ronald Cook told us this is the process of irredentism (immigration warfare). That’s what this is, immigration warfare. Roman style. Roman-style immigration warfare.

There is the Hejra. That’s the Islamic Jihad or immigration Jihad from the Islamic perspective. Irredentism is the Italian version, but it’s one that Rome really is expert at. And we’re watching it right now. We’re watching irredentism happen every single day. They’re bringing the illegals. Right now they’re using them to push people out of hotels and things. I mean, it’s just unbelievable. It’s just like what was going on five and ten years ago over in Europe. But now these same programs are happening here in the United States of America.

And so let’s welcome Doug to the program. Doug, great to have you on. Thanks for being here.

Doug Thornton: Chris, great being on with you, man.

Chris: So, did I get your bio reasonably correct? You’re a former US Marine, a former federal law enforcement officer. You worked with the department of Homeland Security. Can you explain that?

Doug: Yes, I worked for the Department of Homeland Security for 10 years. I worked for the Federal Protective Service as the uniform law enforcement side of the federal government.

For the last four or five years before I got out, I was on a special response team for the federal government. We were called the rapid protection force. We did things such as natural disasters, big riots, high-risk court cases protection and also many, many times we went down to the border to assist our sister units from Border Patrol and CBP (Customs and Border Protection) for their border operations.

So I spent quite a long time in Texas along the southern border going back and forth. And yeah, it’s a mess. It’s a mess down there.

Chris: Do you think the situation we’re seeing, all of these stories we’re seeing independent journalists down at the border and what they’re reporting the massive wave of illegals that are coming in. It seems like it is worse now than ever before. Do you think that’s true?

Doug: Every year it gets worse. If you take a rough estimation that for the last 10 years we’ve had a million people (yearly) cross the border either illegally or coming through here and just slipping the system, then that’s easily 10 million people. But what we typically say is for every million we don’t catch. There are two to 3 million that get by. So if we take that estimate and then we flip it on its head, We’re easily in the last decade at 30 to 40 million people undocumented, not counting people who came here legally and did it the legal way, but 30 to 40 million people undocumented. That’s my rough estimate. And there are plenty of border patrol agents who will say the same thing.

And you don’t know who they are. Many of them are multiple-time felons pedophiles, torturers, rapists, human traffickers, gun traffickers, terrorists, known cartels, and known gang affiliates like the MS 13 (an international criminal gang). And then you know that’s just for the most part from Latin America.

And then you have the other part. The other part is you have the Russians, you have the Chinese, you have people from the Middle East coming over here. Many people from Africa came over here in 2018.

Whenever we had a big border search, I was in the El Paso sector. And in one day, and in one hour, we had 3000 people show up where there were 20 guys working. So what can we do with that? Not very much. And there’s no backup. There’s really no assistance. The soft-side housing units that we have to store these people in are at the max capacity.

You also then have other problems like diseases that come across. But one of the things that seems to slip the mind of Congress, though they know, is the amount of terrorism that comes across the border, the amount of known terrorism that’s being found coming across the border that the FBI blatantly turns the other way.

I have my sources on the border. And I have been told that there have been multiple times a day, a week, where you will have men of fighting age in large groups, five, 10, 15, 20, in a group, and they will all be from the Middle East, and they will appear to look Hispanic, they’ll try to change their identity to look Hispanic. They’ll be caught. They’ll be documented. It’ll be turned over then to the FBI and the FBI will say, let them go and let them proceed into the interior so that we can monitor their movements.

Now, I don’t know about you, but one of the simple forms of having a definition for invasion is an untold amount of people being granted access into the country against the will of the people there to deteriorate the laws and the customs and procedures of the people. Now, after that, if you are in the legislative system or the executive branch you will fully allow that to happen, knowing that you’re bringing disease, crime, terrorism, and sex slave trafficking to include many children trafficked, not just into America, but from America, and then out of America, then you would be more defined as a traitor by that term. But yet, Chris, it’s not really talked about in mainstream media, and you know why? There’s a mockingbird project as to why. And I try to give a voice to law enforcement who doesn’t have it because they’re still working and they know what happens when they speak out.

Chris: What’s the view of most law enforcement in your experience? How do they view this? Do they see it as you say, we’re being betrayed, or what are their thoughts?

Doug: Most of them say that. Most of them say this is just ridiculous. A definition that I was given by a captain that I knew on Border Patrol, and this was in 2018, he said, that trying to defend the border is like trying to catch a waterfall with a paper bag. Just doesn’t make sense anymore. And, and that little analogy stuck with me. And when you have a million people coming across into Eagle Pass, Texas, which, small little country Texas towns, they can’t sustain these amounts of people.

So, when they get there, they’re temporarily housed, which means typically they’re temporarily housed underneath overpasses until buses get there. And then they’re bussed. And from there to where? It used to be when we would catch these people, we would put wristbands on them. We would tie the wristband and date the event, the amount of people we have at this one point in time. And then we take them to a processing center. We get all their information, and run their background checks. And then from there, they’re released. But that’s not even happening anymore. That’s not even happening. So we’re not even identifying who’s coming over here.

Now, I will say this, the procedure has always been if they’re Mexican, then they get put on a bus and sent right back over to Mexico. But no one else anymore. Not only to know if they’re doing that anymore. I’m sure they still are.

Chris: I want to backtrack here for a second. You started to mention the terrorist element. And you talked about that, how these guys are coming from the Middle East. They’re pretending to be Mexican. They’re changing their garments and whatever. Do you believe that there is a plan that is in motion because you think they’re sending people over here, these terror groups, Al Qaeda or ISIS or whoever?

Doug: Absolutely.

Chris: Another attack?

Doug: Yeah, absolutely. It’s eventually going to happen.

I have two stories for you. For one, I caught a Lebanese guy who was in a group of Hispanic people. He did everything he could to his hair, the way he groomed his eyebrows and his beard to look more Hispanic. He wore a soccer jersey. The problem is when we were giving them orders in Spanish, he wasn’t following them. He was just following the crowd and we started to pick up that behavior. And so, we kept telling them different things in Spanish and he wouldn’t follow exactly as everyone else was so I kind of got curious. And I have seen this before. So this is why I had experience with it. And I gave him some commands in simple Arabic. And I’ll be damned if he didn’t listen immediately. So put your hands up and turn around. Hey guys, watch this. Put your hands up. (In Arabic) Turn around. Hands up. And he did it! And so that’s when we got to talk to him. “Where you from?” He’s from Lebanon. “Why are you here? He just shrugged his shoulders. They’ll never give you the reason. Because you’ll never see the men, the women, the children, the elders. What we see, Chris, are large amounts of fighting-age men, 16 to 60, fighting-age men.

In 2018, when we were getting tasked by President Trump to go to the border, to go and assist border patrol, our agents briefed us on a piece of information. And it was one of the leaders from Iran. And I don’t know if it was the Ayatola but it was one of those guys. He’s sitting around a group of people. And he says, “The goal one day is eventually getting a young Jihadi into Mexico to the cartels, and from there into Juarez Mexico into a tunnel underneath Juarez into El Paso, where he can release a biological agent like either Rison or Antrax and kill hundreds of thousands of people.” And then everyone clapped and cheered, “Yay! What a great plan, sir.

We knew then that was happening. But 10 years prior to that, this has been happening. Infowars broke a story with Joe Biggs, who’s now a political prisoner. Many years ago, back in 2015, 2016, when I was still working in South Texas, they were fighting mosques along the border in Mexico. Well, now instead of mosques, you’re finding small Chinatowns that are popping up. And we’re finding Chinese pattern military rifles along the border now that the cartel are using. So there’s a buildup of something. And if you ask my honest opinion, it’s a buildup of everything. It’s not one group. It’s all the groups. It’s not just the Chinese and their fentanyl. It’s their people as well.

Now, we don’t see as high an influx of Russians, probably because Ukraine is more of a priority, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not being slipped in. But you do see a high amount of Venezuelans. You do see a high amount of Cubans.

Now, you take these people from socialist communist countries and they’re men of fighting age. And they are bussed here. They didn’t walk. They did not walk here. They were bussed here. Who bussed them? George Soros. In 2018, we were finding leaflets and $500 prepaid Visa cards by George Soros. And then we were finding leaflets from a former Texas politician, Beto O’Rourke, of how to get into the border and how to get past DHS, how to come up and talk to us. So if they have their affiliates from that political group in Mexico City and in, Panama and elsewhere in Central America, what else is there? Who else is there? And what can you get there? I mean, the tunnels alone, you can drive 18-wheelers through some of these tunnels. The Sinaloa cartel will go to the Sinaloa mines, the silver mines in the Sinaloa mountains. They’ll take miners and they’ll make the miners go and dig the mines and then they’ll kill them. And then they’ll go and grab the next group. And if they don’t do it, they’ll kill them. They’ll kill their family and they will do it.

Chris: Now, you’re talking about tunnels underground from Mexico into the United States?

Doug: Absolutely. From Texas to California.

Chris: So then, what do you think about President Trump’s idea of this wall along Mexico? Is the wall really going to have an impact? Even if they can complete it, if they’ve got these underground tunnels that are so huge, couldn’t they just take the migrants underground?

Doug: Well, that’s a yes and a no question. More of them are going to come by the Coyotes (a person who smuggles immigrants into America for a fee) across the land than going underground. That’s kind of like a special privileged kind of thing. But the wall was working. We saw the wall was working. My group was there whenever the first border wall projects started, my group was there and we were there while the walls were being built. They ended up not going with a wall that we wanted. The wall that we wanted looked like it could keep out of T-Rex. But instead, they went with these, slats in the walls so that they could see people in there. There are benefits to that. But would it have worked? It would have slowed them down. It would have created an obstacle. You know, you put a fence around your house to keep out the dogs and the crooks, but still, people can climb over. People are very ingenuitive. But it would have slowed down the average person.

Now, in El Paso, I remember we saw probably a late 60s, maybe early 70s year woman climbing with a freakin’ ladder up one of these walls, and we’re like, “Don’t do it. Don’t do it.” And she jumped and broke both of her legs. So it causes all different types of injuries, which by the way, you paid for that surgery to fix her.

It is such a burden, not just on law enforcement and not just on the civilians on the border, the US civilians, but also our economic system is being destroyed by these people. Because right now, Chris, you and I have to pay something called taxes. You and I right now have to work for a living. God willing, we still can. There’ll be an hour and day when no man can work says Jesus. But these people don’t. They get a college degree. Kids go to school for free, free food, free house, free phone, free internet, free laptop, sometimes free vehicles, free public transportation. That is then given to them. They’re not in the greatest places ever. But now with Joe Biden’s new program, they’re going to start moving these people into vacant houses and suburbs.

Eventually, the American people are not going to put up with this anymore. One of my concerns is that when you push people into a corner, you are giving them two chances, two opportunities, to either capitulate and bow down and follow the masses, or to fight back with everything that you have so you never have to do this again or die trying. I think we’re coming to a point where that is going to be very applicable in the future.

Chris: You believe then that we are headed for a civil war?

Doug: Absolutely. Absolutely. Manufactured too, absolutely manufactured. You have such tribalism in America, and I’ve seen it being in law enforcement. You have a very, very hot-style form of people called liberals and Democrats. And then you have the regular conservatives who just want to be left alone. And eventually, these two groups are going to clash. You see these groups classing in 2020 at the riots. But then you have another problem. You have distrust in law enforcement, distrust in the government, and a distrust in the military. You also have a distrust in the economy, the economy’s tanking currently as we speak. And now they want to get rid of the US dollar and bring forth the digital dollar, which leads us into the whole Mark of the Beast and all that. The critical infrastructure for the Antichrist is being created right now.

These things, think of it as a pot boiling over effect. In order to get to that level where it is all about control, the 15-minute cities, your good behavior status online determines what you can buy, and what you can drive. can you fly? can you take a boat? Are you allowed outside of your house that day? And then the amount of monitoring that we have from the cell phones, the laptops, the cameras that are everywhere in every city now that report everything you do every keystroke is monitored every email, every text message is kept in a database somewhere in the NSA that any moment of time an intelligence agency can go grab it and then create a dossier on you and they already have most of your life.

You cannot look at this situation and says we don’t already live under a form of tyranny. We have an absolutely volunteer force, a government that we put these people into position for some reason. And then they won’t relinquish their own power, which is how they cheat in the elections.

If Donald Trump doesn’t get re-elected, do you think the average person in America is going to sit back and not complain about it? And then from there, do you think there’s a small group of people who aren’t going to take up arms about it? January 6 was a precursor to what 2024 is. If you think of it as this, January 6 was planned in 2016. If that’s true. Then 2024 was planned in 2020 in 2021 with January 6. So I believe that they are planning and building up the pressure building in the pot for a violent reaction from the people. That’s why you have things like the Patriot Act. That’s why Joe Biden along with the UN and other international forces are saying that we need to hamper free speech on the Internet. Well, that means you and I go away.

Then you have them coming out for the guns. They want to come out for your food. They will want to control all your movements. Remember Barack Obama said you don’t need an air conditioner, you don’t need a car when he went to Africa? They mean that stuff. And it’s all about a level of control. If they can stop your mobility, they can stop your defense ability, and then they can stop your ability to provide for yourself, well then, you have to rely upon the government. And if you have to rely upon the government for food, medical, shelter, retirement or your money, then you have to be a part of the System. And if you don’t want to be a part of the System, you don’t get to buy, sell, or trade. That’s why I’ve been saying, every bit of what we see is the buildup of the infrastructure of the Antichrist.

And the Vatican plays a large part in it, Chris. You know this, we have NGOs, nongovernment organizations on the border that are helping affiliates, they’re trying to bring these people coming across the border, who are not all Christians. They’re bringing these people across the border and then they’re funneling them all over the United States. Even to this day in the United States, we have slave factories, where you have people coming across the border by the cartel. And these are factories owned by the cartel. And they will bring these people and take them to these places. They’ll have a little apartment or house for them. And they will work for free to death in these places to make stuff. Just like they do in China. That’s happening here in America. And then you have the sex slave trafficking. I mean, I can go on and on. You can’t look at this and say we’re not in danger.

Chris: You mentioned the Vatican. If you would, talk about your knowledge of the role of the Catholic Church and the Vatican overall on this illegal immigration issue into our country from Mexico to the United States. What involvement do they have?

Doug: You have entities like almost every Catholic Church, then to include the Red Cross that are all sponsored by the Vatican, and controlled by the Vatican. They are the main culprits and moving people. It’s always been a Catholic Church that shows up somewhere at midnight with a van when we got, a busload or two of the illegals. And then they come and pick them up and they drive them away because they are helping the government with re-purposing these people, bringing them to other places.

In El Paso, there was a million-plus square foot warehouse in the industrial park, where the Red Cross was set up, and they had at least 10,000 beds in there for people right underneath your nose. You never knew it. I’ve been in that facility multiple times. I dropped people off at that facility multiple times. Because when we didn’t have the ability to put people in the soft side housing, the NGOs set up a new place. They’ll go to the industrial parks in your city, and if there’s a big 100,000 to 300 million square foot warehouse, they’ll set up in their temporary status for maybe a month or two, and they’ll house these people, and then they’ll close down shop, and they’ll open up somewhere else. And we monitor these things, we know where they’re happening at. By “we” I mean the government knows.

In El Paso, right in the heart of El Paso, there’s a no-go zone, where you had just a couple months ago, hundreds, I know because my guys were on the border and they were working this, you had hundreds of people that were roving the streets of El Paso in gangs of hundreds of men, teenagers and men harassing people, assaulting people, raping people, killing people, robbing people. And the Sacred Heart Church, which is on 602 South Oregon Street was right there the entire time. And that’s where these people would meet up. That’s where they would meet their handlers.

Chris: What is the Sacred Heart Church? That’s a Catholic Church?

Doug: That’s a Catholic Church. Yeah.

Chris: So is that a Jesuit church?

Doug: Yes it is. That is actually a Jesuit church.

Chris: Was there anything about the Jesuits in particular down at the border that you learned or that you have learned while monitoring the whole situation?

Doug: Just their involvement. The more you pay attention to these things, the more people pop up. And it’s not like they’re new, they’ve been there the whole time. But they obviously are controlling movements. And by movements I mean you have to – this is a huge logistical lift – you have to pay for the fuel. You have to get the buses, the vans, the drivers, either volunteer or they’re paid. And then you have to be meeting with border patrol at these pickup stations. And then from there, where are you taking them? Sometimes they take them halfway across the country and they just drop people off and they’ll come back and then take them to another spot. I don’t want to say it’s equal distribution across the country. Personally, I can’t prove this but me personally I think these people are being strategically located. Now, they go to all Democrat cities. El Paso is a Democrat city.

Chris: So you believe then, and I know this might even sound like sort of obvious kind of question, but you believe that this is all deliberate? Do you believe that these are poor refugees who are coming in because they’re destitute or something? Or do you believe that this is a planned invasion of the United States of America?

Doug: I would tell you both. I would tell you both. You know, one of the problems with Americans, and I saw this on the border, is you get this detachment from people. And you’re like, “Oh man, these people are just coming here to suck off of our system.” Well, many of these people are coming from war-torn countries, very poor countries, and they will risk anything to make a better life for themselves and their families. Well, that exclusively is for the families. But when you see hundreds of men and a ranger file, single, single line, walking up to the border. Who are you? Where did you come from? Do you not have work? Does your government not take care of you? What about your families? Who’s a father here? And, many of them, I believe, and I’ve talked to a few sources, I believe that many of them are either told or paid to come here. They’re given a temporary job. And they’re just here to wait for the inevitable day that they’re activated. That’s what I believe. And I know many law enforcement officers who believe that. And I know folks in the Pentagon who believe that. You cannot deny that.

What do you think would happen if two million American men showed up right now in Beijing? “We met in Japan, you knew we were there, and then we just took boats when it came over to mainland China. And we just decided, you know what, we’re going to stay here. Go get us a job government.” What do you think Beijing would say? “You’re invading us.” Not only that, we would not be allowed, right? But in America, where they are paid by the Chinese to ignore these things, it can happen. This is the problem with the lobbyists. Thirty-three or more known Republicans are lobbyists for China. That’s Republicans! You might as well count every Democrat. So is the problem then, Chris, China, Russia, all these countries coming across the border, is the problem the border? Or is the real problem seated somewhere in a house of authority, allowing it to happen, getting the intelligence briefings from law enforcement from intelligence communities, from the Pentagon saying, why are you doing this? Stop it. Why don’t you do something about it? Fund the border. How about you fund DHS? How about you hire more Border Patrol officers so that they can catch people? But at that point, if you then write the laws and then tell Border Patrol their new policy is not to catch, but just to document and release, and don’t even document, just monitor and watch them walk away. Then what is the point of having a border?

So if the government fails us, and they’re obviously failing us for a reason, I don’t care what Congressman comes out and grandstands for five minutes about how bad the border is. The majority of Republicans and Democrats are doing this. Then the problem is bestowed upon the governor of the States.

Texas took a very aggressive approach to it. And it worked. It’s been working. We have our own law enforcement involved in it. That’s a tough job, man. We are monitoring, patrolling and observing our own border. We’ve set up obstructions for our own border. And then the Biden administration sues us for setting these things up and says you need to remove them. And Greg Abbott gave them the middle finger salute and we haven’t removed anything. It would take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas together in a Confederate of States to say we shall control the border and protect our civilians. And if you’re not going to protect your civilians, then the problem goes to your local government, your state government. And that means the problem has been we the people the entire time. That’s why I’m saying there you’re going to force people to do something that you know that they will do. And then it’ll be a hot got you catch 22. And then they’ll prosecute we the people. That’s the way I see this happening. And it’s this inevitable approach of a dog chasing its tail and every time it bites its tail gets mad at itself, Right? Eventually, we’re going to have to do something about it. But currently, if we’re not, we’re being invaded by disease, we’re being invaded by criminals, we’re being invaded by terrorists, and we’re being invaded and having our jobs going to other people.

Social Security in probably 10 years is not going to be there. That means you and I aren’t going to get social security. And many other benefits are going away. They’ve even said that they want to come after veterans benefits and I’m a US Marine veteran. They want to come after our benefits to help pay for not only Ukraine but also the people coming across the border. I could complain for weeks, for weeks, but nothing’s being done about it, Chris.

Chris: You mentioned people coming across the border and waiting for a special day. Are you talking about Middle Eastern-type guys coming across waiting for a special day? Can you elaborate on that more?

Doug: I think we need to broaden the horizon of the threat. The threat is communism. Most of the countries that we invaded that are Middle Eastern, did you know that those were communist countries or socialist countries? They all have this weird thing in common: Socialism, communism and authoritarianism. And by the way, all those countries now are BRICS (Association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations alliances too. So I see this as a quasi BRICS nations invasion allowed by the US government.

And Canada has its bigger point to play in this as well. This is also happening in Canada. Most people don’t know this. You can take a flight from Mexico, direct flight into Canada, and then just walk right across the border.

So, I think the inevitable goal is the invasion of America. And then you cut up the Thanksgiving Turkey as you need to. Why stage a war, why float across an invasion force of people? If I was a diabolical person and I wanted to take down America, this is what I would do. I would pay your politicians to allow my army to come across. And it’s so hard and too obvious to bring my army from Beijing and from St. Petersburg and Moscow over to Mexico, then we’ll just hire our friends in South America, who are all on our side, and we’ll send them up first. And that’ll be the initial force. All you need is an initial force of people. And it takes these two or three things. If you were wise about this, you would cut the power, you would black out America. If you’re going to be very wise about this you would then take that invasionary force, and you would have them take over the border towns and the border patrol checkpoints. And then they would create a DMZ for themselves, a demilitarized zone, which would actually be just a militarized zone for the next group to come, and that would be a mechanized group. That mechanized group is the cartel. So with the cartel’s involvement, which is just as well established as the US military at this point, with the cartel’s involvement and then with all these other multiple countries that are here, you can cause a lot of damage. You can secure the southern border. And if America’s blacked out and we’re in World War Three status, you can probably bet that there are forces that are going to be rerouted into Mexico. And then they’re going to drive their tanks, their artillery and everyone else straight up north and to the southern border. And that’s just one of the beginning phases of a pincer attack. The same thing can happen from Canada and down to Mexico and up. And then eventually Russia meets on the East Coast and China on the West Coast and now America is surrounded.

I mean at that rate, this is one of the things that Dr Peter Vincent Pry (the Executive Director of Task Force on National and Homeland Security) warned about. Disease, famine, civil war, and then, just the brutality of not having law enforcement around anymore and no more power. America would be dead in a year and you can walk right in and take it. That’s what I think the future is if we don’t do anything about it. But what can you really do about it?

Chris: Wow! Doug, I think this has been great. Been very, very good.

Do you know of a document called, ” Strangers No Longer.” Do you know this document?

Doug: No, I do not.

Chris: It was engineered years ago between the Catholic bishops in America and the Catholic bishops in Mexico. The whole purpose of the document was to facilitate the idea of strangers no longer. We’re going to import all of these people from Mexico into America so that we’re no longer strangers. That’s the idea. It’s sort of the kind of humanitarian invasion.

Doug: It appears to be working.

Chris: It’s all about love and humanitarianism and embracing people who are different in this kind of thing.

Doug: Do you ever think that the Vatican is coordinating this with the United States government?

Chris: Oh, yeah, I totally believe they are. And I mean, I think that’s why they wanted Biden in the White House. Biden is a Jesuit. He goes to a Jesuit church. He’s been close to the order throughout his life. His family Bible is specifically a Jesuit Bible. And I think he has a long relationship with the order. His inaugural prayer was done by a Jesuit priest. And then there was an inaugural mass that was done by yet another Jesuit priest. And so he’s very, very close with the order. They run Georgetown University. That’s where they train the spies for the CIA. And yeah, so when you sent me some couple of months ago, that photo and you said your guys down there, they said, this is the church where all these illegals go. And I went and I looked it up. And it’s a Jesuit church. To me, it all fits together. It all makes sense. I think they are engaging in what Dr. Ronald Cook calls, irredentism, and that’s, the Italian word for immigration warfare.

Doug: Yep. So to me, this is very similar to the Arab Spring. During the Obama administration, we had the Arab Spring. We had people from Africa that fled – is the word that they use – up into Turkey and then from there into Europe. And then they spread all the way out to Scandinavia. And now I believe one of the cities in Sweden has the most hand grenade attacks upon any other city in America or in Europe. And I mean, we’re talking Sweden! Sweden? Right. Blond hair blue-eyed people and, yet apparently it was these immigrants who were now bringing in all the hand grenades.

London is now called Londonstan. In Germany, they were forcing elderly people out of their homes and out of their apartments to make way for migrants. And migrants is the political term. I call them invaders. It used to be, I think it was part of the eastern side of France where there are no-go zones. Last time I checked half of France is a no-go zone. Half of Britain is a no-go zone. And there are other places like this, and they all have something in common and it is Islam. It is Islam.

And then you have Greece and other parts of the areas around Greece that are now being invaded by African migrants by the thousands, thousands, some say tens of thousands, and they don’t know what to do with them, but they’re all men, teenagers to 60s. They’re all what you would call hyper-violent. And no one can really explain why they’re there. Why do they have a refugee status? But the government accepts them right then, but the people don’t. And so now you’re seeing, you’re seeing this conflict with the people and the migrants.

Chris: What do your guys say? Your federal law enforcement, and police agents who are observing this whole thing, what do they say about the Islamic element?

Doug: It’s still there. The threat is still there.

Chris: Do believe this is leading us to a future terror attack?

Doug: Absolutely. Absolutely. The Border Patrol said it. The Border Patrol themselves said that we are not going to be the ones responsible for a future terror attack. We catch the people. We turn them over to the FBI. The FBI says, let them in the country, and we don’t know why.

The thing that I fail to understand is who is the FBI to give the Border Patrol an order? And who are the politicians to give the Border Patrol an order? Herein lies the problem, much like what you and I were mentioning with the book Ordinary Men in Nazi Germany. The problem with law enforcement right now is we are taking orders from intelligence agencies and we’re taking orders from politicians that we know break the Constitution of their un-American, unpatriotic acts, and we know that they are socialist communists, they’re extremists, and yet we go along with it. Just following orders.

See, the Nuremberg problem, but that is eventually when the people get tired of it, they’re going to look at law enforcement and say, “You assisted in this. You knew it. You were dealing with it. You passed the intelligence along. You caught the bad guys. You processed the bad guys. You let the bad guys go. Why didn’t you do something about it?” Do you know why? Because they’ll say, “I was just following orders. What am I supposed to do about it?”

And there is a defense for that. The defense is unless law enforcement goes completely rogue and says, “We’re filling up the prisons. We’re filling up the jails. And then we’re going to take them on a bus and we’re taking them back to Mexico and we’re releasing them. Even if we tried to do that, that would depend on if Mexico took them. And then from there, they’re just going to gather back at the river and walk right back across.

Chris: I have a question for you. Maybe you can answer this. I’ve heard this for years and maybe you know something about it. But I was watching, I was reviewing footage, getting ready for this interview, and they were showing in one of the stories online all of these migrants that are being brought from Africa and they’re flying them in and all those other kinds of just crazy. And at one point, there was a woman who was stopped along the way. And she was not allowed to go to the next checkpoint in her flight travel. And they said because her records were not an order or something. And she said she was upset. And she said, “I’m so upset. I paid $10,000 for this trip. And now I’m not going to be able to complete my journey.”

I have heard for years that people coming up from Mexico are paying the coyotes five to eight to $10,000 in cash to be led across the border. When they do statistics for Americans, US citizens, and they ask Americans, “How easy would it be for you to come up with $1,000 in cash for an emergency?” 60% or more of Americans say that would be difficult. So my question is this, where are these desperate migrants getting $5,000 and $10,000 in cash if the situation for them is so bad in their home countries, where are they getting all this money that the average American apparently does not have in their bank account?

Doug: So when we see people from China, they have a little bit easier. They have things that they can sell. But some of these people are selling everything. The dog, the cat, the goldfish, the car, the home, the cattle. And then, ask yourself, how does someone from Africa meet with a Mexican cartel? How does someone from say Ethiopia which is on the eastern side of Africa, meet with a Mexican cartel member and then get smuggled into typically it’s South America and then brought up through Central America and then eventually into the Mexican cartels? So they’re not interacting with the Mexican cartels at that rate. They’re interacting with another entity that is shipping them by boat, not by plane typically, by boat to places like Peru or Chile or they’ll send them to Guatemala, some to Honduras. Typically from what we’ve seen is that they’re being funneled into South America, like Colombia. And then they go north. Most of that is funded by George Soros and American politicians and NGOs. So it’s an entire NGO set up to help people smuggle people. That’s called human trafficking. And to South America, Central America, and then up the board.

Now, when they get to Mexico, they have to get permission from the cartels. And it’s all too easy. They meet these people typically, in the center of Mexico or, from Mexico City, and they get sent up. A lot of times they are bussed in Greyhound buses, tourist buses! And then they’re sent into, one of the many different states along the border of Mexico. And from there, they’re dispersed. The cartel meets them right there at these bus stops. “Okay. You guys come over here.” The American NGOs set up way-stations for food, water, and cell phones, and give them money, which is all paid for typically by George Soros foundations. And then right there before you get to the border, let’s say it’s typically $8,000 a head. One coyote can collect $80,000 for a couple of hours of work. Four to five times a day. Lots of money. I don’t know how to do this math right off the top of my head. But let’s say a million people cross the border and each person paid $10,000 to get there. Do the math. That’s a lot of money the cartel is making.

The cartel is a Fortune 500 company. And we’ve known it. We’ve watched them. We monitor them. We observe them. They’ll send us sometimes at these border patrol checkpoint stations, they’ll send us an 18-wheeler filled with weed. Filled with weed. You can smell it coming over the bridge. Then the dogs hit on it. And then we have a merry time tearing the truck apart. And it sucks us all in. And meanwhile, the truck full of fentanyl goes this way. Or a truck with a nuclear missile goes this way. We won’t know because we’re so busy with this one thing. Or, the vehicles going south with weapons and ammunition and people and money. And then you have things coming north and coming south.

Chris: Let’s just address fentanyl very quickly. The reports that I’m reading, is it correct to say that they are disguising fentanyl to look like other drugs, and shipping it into our country to trick people into taking it so that they’ll take it and die?

Doug: Well, a lot of times fentanyl gets to the border. And then the cartel will create something else out of it so that looks like candy. And then it’s sent north.

Chris: Are they delivering it deliberately to kill people?

Doug: I mean, why not? You know it kills people. You know, it’s the most addictive drug out there next to pornography. It’s the most addictive thing on the streets. So, I mean, it’s killed a million people or more easily. It is currently killing a million people or more. And next year it’ll do it again. And then it’ll do it again.

Fentanyl comes from China. Only one place creates fentanyl, and that’s China. And your government knows that. Your Pentagon knows that. Your intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies know that. And no one says anything about it except you’ll see Matt Gaetz or maybe some other Republican who at least has a brain and will say, “We’re being killed and China’s the one doing it.” It takes more than just a Matt Gaetz or one or two other Republicans out there who actually have some sand to stand on to do anything about this.

But once again, go back to lobbyists. How many of them are bought and paid for? How many of them? Diane Feinstein finally just kicked the bucket. One of the biggest proponents of communist China in the American government was Diane Feinstein.

This is your government. All this could be stopped by your government. Trump wanted to put the troops on the border. Trump actually said at one point, “We’re going to take the next tour of duty and make it the southern border.” I don’t know why we haven’t.

Chris: Well, correct me if I’m wrong, brother, but the way I see it, Mexico, just by the numbers is the number one enemy of the United States of America. Just in terms of casualties and deaths. I mean, we lost 58,000 men in Vietnam. The illegals have killed hundreds of thousands of US citizens when you factor in the drug trade and all the crime that’s been committed. Is that accurate to say?

Doug: Absolutely. Trump was not lying when he said they’re literally sending us the scum of the earth. They really are, because the average man and woman and family units can’t make it here. And, by the UN standards, if you’re a refugee, you have to stop in the first country that, accepts the refugee status. That means Mexico. But they’re not. And we know that they’re not. And yet we allow them in. Look what Biden just allowed all the Cubans and Venezuelans over here. All the communists and socialists, as I like to say. And the majority of them are men of fighting age. This is eventually going to be part of a very, very big problem in America. A very big problem.

I think that even if you put the military on the border and built the border wall, you’ll slow the influx of people coming across for a while. But then we had to turn to the interior of the United States and deal with those people. And I will say it, deport them, deport them back to the country they came from. And every single criminal organization.

I worked for the federal Bureau of Prisons, the Department of Justice for a while. And I’m beyond at the rate of saying that, all of our prisons are at max capacity. We don’t have anywhere to put you. So if that’s the case, send them to Afghanistan, man. I don’t care where you send them. You know, you wanted to come here. Great. We’re going to parachute you off into the Sahara. Survive there. No one’s invading Africa. No one’s invading Iraq. No one’s invading Saudi Arabia. No one’s invading China. They’re not sending mass migrants of people to Russia or to Ukraine. Mass migrants aren’t going to South America to stay. They’re all being sent to America. It’s to destabilize. There can be no other reason except to destabilize the economy, rattle up the people, and destroy the inner workings of our government, especially by creating social disorder like crime.

And then what happens? What happens when the first shot across the world, or the first shot heard around the world and we get into World War Three with Russia and China? What do you think all those people here are going to do? You think they’re going to say, “Oh, we’re all Americans.” No! Most of them don’t like Americans. They want your country. They want your house, but they don’t like us for the most part. That’s going to be a problem and we’re going to have to deal with it.

And it’s going to be a problem that the government, our government knows will happen. And I believe is preparing along with the UN and NATO to move in on America and to seize control to re-stabilize America, just like we did with Iraq. We destabilized Iraq. We took out the power. We took out the people in charge and we killed the economy. And then we allowed warlords. Then we moved dozens of different nations, and militaries into Iraq to stabilize that nation. And we didn’t leave it for 20 years. That’s America’s future. That’s it. There can be no other reason for all of this.

Chris: All right. So can you sum up then your view, what should God-fearing Americans do? And can you give me a 60-second answer?

Doug: Yeah, oh absolutely. Worry about the oil in your lamp. That’s what I tell you to do. Worry about your relationship with God, preparing the stores of your house, so store up your beans, bowls, and band-aids, and get in good shape, because when the power goes out, you’re going to walk and most Americans don’t know what that means anymore. And building up relations with people around you and recreating a community around you. Most people don’t even know their neighbors anymore. Because when America breaks down, tribalism will be enacted again, and we’re going to look like the 13 colonies all over again. That’s how America began, and that’s how we’ll end up as little bitty colonies. And we’ll be out there trying to protect each other.

Suburbs will become their own cities, their own townships until we eventually re-knit the fabric of this country back together again. And only through, Chris, I dare say that only through getting on our knees together and praying to Abba Father to protect us, to keep the sin out of our land and out of your home, that’s the only way we will survive this, period.

You cannot raise up a 10 million man army to the border or the White House and defeat this enemy. Most of us can’t even stand together in the same church service because of all the different denominations. Do you think we’ll gather together? We won’t. We will gladly stand different apart from each other now. That is, I believe, the sinful nature of America has caused that, one of Satan’s many plots. But I believe everything that’s going on right now is going to be eventually to glorify God by his people because we’re going to be taken to a wilderness. And God exposes Himself to his people in the wilderness. Just most of us aren’t ready for that walk. Now that’s about it.

Chris: All right, so as Doug said, that is about it. That is the end of that interview with Doug Thornton. We’re very thankful that we had a chance to talk to him. But that is going to do it for us today. That is our show. We’ll stop it there. But we will be back next time as the Lord leads us until then. God bless you guys. I’m Chris Pinto and you’ve been listening to Noise of Thunder Radio.

(End of transcript.)

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Five Things to Watch for in 2024

Five Things to Watch for in 2024

This article is a partial transcription of an audio on Christian J. Pinto’s Noise of Thunder Radio program.

My wife and I like to listen to Chris Pinto. He’s a solid Bible-believing Christian, a former Catholic like we were who is very knowledgeable about the Counter-Reformation and the evil-doings of the Jesuit Order. However, we don’t agree with him about his support of Israel in the latest Israeli-Hamas war in Gaza. Of course, any nation has a right to defend itself, but the way Israel is bombing Gaza indiscriminately, bombing hospitals and churches, killing media personnel, women and children, is not what I would call “self-defense.” I would call it war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide. According to the testimonials of former IDF soldiers, the IDF purposely left that part of the border with Gaza unguarded so that Hamas would invade and do what they did so Israel could have the excuse to do what they are doing now!

In Chris Pinto’s 2004 documentary, Megiddo – The March to Armageddon (Adullam Films), he stated that the 1948 restoration of the State of Israel was the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I sure don’t agree with him on that. All the prophecies of the restoration of Israel back to their homeland in the book of Ezekiel were fulfilled by King Cyrus telling the Jews they could return to their homeland if they wanted to. By the time of Christ, they were firmly settled back in the land God formerly gave them. In the documentary, I heard one Zionist preacher say, “If Israel is defeated by her enemies, you can throw your Bibles away!” Such a presumptuous and arrogant statement! It’s outrageous for any Christian to say that! What people should say when things don’t go the way they think the Bible says is: “My interpretation of Scripture must therefore be wrong! Does the Bible actually teach that doctrine? Or did I get it from some dispensational Christian Zionist preacher who got it from the Dallas Theological Seminary that got it from C.I. Scofield who got it from John Nelson Darby who got it from Edward Irving who got it from Jesuit Manuel Lacunza, a Roman Catholic who worked to undermine the Protestant Reformation? Yep, that’s where I got it from, not from the inerrant Word of God.”

All that being said, we like Chris Pinto’s take on everything else.


Okay, praise the Lord you guys and welcome. I’m Chris Pinto. This is Noise of Thunder Radio.

Today on the show we are going to talk about five things to watch for in 2024. If you are an American, if you’re a member of Western civilization, and I would argue if you are a God-fearing Bible-believing Christian, these are things you should watch for in 2024.

Now, why do I think this is important? Well, I think it’s very important because society and the Western world and our country, the United States of America, if people are not aware of the danger, the rising danger that we are in the middle of right now, then you’re just not paying attention, whoever you are, you’re not paying attention. And it’s why we have to pay attention to things like what happened to the countries of Western Europe during World War II.

I’ve mentioned on this program before, that one of my favorite foreign films is called KATYN, about the Katyn Forest Massacre based on actual events. It was a history I grew up hearing about from my grandfather Ziggy, Zygman Zadarowski, who I’ve talked about on the program before, who was a World War II veteran. His country, Poland, was turned upside down, practically overnight. There was a peace treaty declared by Hitler with Neville Chamberlain and so on. And so everybody’s declaring, “Hey, we’re all going to be at peace. Everything’s going to be great!”

And then the invasion of Poland happened sometime afterward. And Poland, the people of Poland, were turned upside down overnight. And when you watch the beginning of that film, Katyn, you just watched the first five or ten minutes of it. And you’ve got all these civilians wearing ordinary clothing, just running. And they’re carrying suitcases and bags, and they’ve got their young children. And why? Because their country’s been invaded by the Nazis on one side and by the Communists on the other, the Soviets. And everything changed very, very quickly.

There’s another film that was done not long ago by Angelina Jolie, called “First They Killed My Father” about the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. I would recommend watching the first 15 minutes of that film because you see a family there at the beginning. And again, this is all based on a true story, based on a book written by a woman who was a young girl when all of this happened to her country. At the very beginning, you see a Cambodian family, but they are very Westernized. That’s obvious that they were Westernized because of the way that they dress, the things that they’re doing are very much like what goes on in the West. And then what happens is very rapidly, suddenly, everything changes. These guys with guns come riding in, and they’re having a celebration briefly, and then right after them comes the Khmer Rouge, the Communists. And they were there, of course, for the killing fields of Cambodia. But everything changes in a moment. Everything’s turned upside down. And they’re told, pack your bags, get your things. Everybody’s got to clear out of the city in 10 minutes. I mean, it’s very fast.

And you see it at the very beginning when the Khmer Rouge come in, one of the first things they do is gather everybody’s guns. Everybody’s firearms. They disarm everybody. And of course, you’re wondering as an American, if you’re an American, you’re watching this happen and you’re thinking, “Why didn’t anybody resist these guys? Why didn’t anybody try to fight back or whatever?” But for whatever reason, they did not. They allowed themselves to be disarmed. They allowed themselves to be rounded up and then taken on a forced march and everything went downhill from that point onward.

So what’s happening in our country right now with things like this massive flood of illegals coming into our country? I mean, this is unheard of. It’s unprecedented. What’s happening? We’ve never had anything like this happen in our history, where there’s a massive flood of illegal criminals jumping the border. Meanwhile, we’ve got politicians like Nikki Haley, who claims she’s some kind of Republican and some kind of a patriot, but she’s saying it’s wrong to call them criminals because supposedly they’re just coming here for a better life. That is what we’re told, even though the guys that work down there will tell you in a hot minute that most of those coming across the border are fighting-age men. They’re not necessarily women and children. Very, very few women and children, mostly fighting-age men, and thousands, who knows how many thousands, of Islamic jihadi are crossing the border.

All right, so these are not in any particular order. The five things to watch for in 2024.

Number 1: The After effects of illegal immigration

But since we’ve already introduced the idea, I’m going to say number one is the aftereffects of illegal immigration. And it’s already started. We’ve been hearing stories, but here’s one of the latest. This is published on a number of different websites. I’m just going to read a few lines from the Geller report, Pamela Geller’s website, where it says New York City students are forced to go remote as the city houses migrants in schools. So in New York City, they are now putting the kids out of their public schools. Kids can’t go in the schools now because they are making room for the illegal immigrants. We’ve already heard stories about them doing this at the hotels. People can’t check into the hotel because they’re putting all these illegal migrants into the hotels. The government is doing it at taxpayer expense.

All right, so here’s just a part of this story.

Quote, “Students at a Brooklyn high school were kicked out of the classroom to make room for nearly 2000 migrants who were evacuated from a controversial tent shelter due to a monster storm closing in on the Big Apple.”

And then you’ve got people complaining about it. People are saying things like, “They’re not vetted. A lot of them have criminal records and backgrounds and we don’t even know.” The people in New York are obviously very concerned about this. And this is going to reach a breaking point at some point. I think New Yorkers are going to decide that they’ve had enough.

This massive inflow of illegals is just going to make things worse. And we’ve got repeated warnings from people who work on the border, people like Doug Thornton, who I interviewed, many of you heard that interview. If you haven’t heard it go to our website at and look in the archives back a couple of shows and you can listen to it. Very, very important interview. But they’ve been warning that there will likely be another 9-11 type event. This is what the guys down on the border are saying, the guys who I think are loyal patriots. They’re warning because they’re watching thousands upon thousands of illegals who are coming from the Middle East, who are Muslims, who are Islamists, rushing into our country, unvetted. And they believe that these guys have an agenda. It’s just a matter of time. That’s why it is important to pay attention to, at a variety of levels, the aftereffects of illegal immigration.

Now, I want to play very quickly and then we’re going to move on to the number two issue. Right now we’re talking about illegal immigration. I want to play this audio. This is from Joe Biden. This is Joe Biden even before he became president, before he was installed in the White House, talking about the massive flood of immigrants into our country. Listen.

“Folks like me who were Caucasian of European descent, for the first time in 2017 will be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then on will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.”

So that again was a video featuring Joe Biden. This is back when Biden was vice president. This was in 2015. It’s a C-SPAN video.

And sitting right next to Biden, of course, is another Jesuit, Mayorkas. If you don’t know that Mayorkas is a Jesuit, yes, he is also a Jesuit. And what they’re doing is we’re going to show you in our new film, American Jesuits, which yes, folks, we are still pushing and working to get this project completed. But the information is so important. It is impacting what is going on in our country right now. This massive flood of immigrants into our country. This is part of the Vatican’s plan has been for more than a hundred years. And we’re going to show it to you. And it’s happening right now. We’re sitting here watching the fulfillment of what we were warned about back in the 1800s.

Number 2: The rise of Islam in Europe and North America

Number two, we’re going to say the rise of Islam in Europe and North America. And this, I think, is a very good segue because Islam and immigration, both legal and illegal immigration into the West, is something that is becoming an increasing problem.

I want to play now some audio. This is from FBI director Christopher Ray. Christopher Ray, let’s go to the person who’s seen as the senior source in our government on this. And this is Christopher Ray with the FBI warning about the potential for Islamic terror attacks on American soil. Listen.

“The reality is that the terrorism threat has been elevated throughout 2023, but the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole other level. But it’s not just Hamas. As the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, the Iranians, for instance, have directly or by hiring criminals mounted assassination attempts against dissidents and high-ranking current and former U.S. government officials, including right here on American soil, the cyber targeting of American interests and critical infrastructure that we already see conducted by Iran and non-state actors alike, we can expect to get worse if the conflict expands as will the threat of kinetic attacks.

Al-Qaeda issued its most specific call to attack the United States in the last five years. ISIS urged its followers to target Jewish communities in the United States and Europe. Hezbollah has publicly expressed its support for Hamas and threatened to attack U.S. interests in the Middle East. Here in the United States, our most immediate concern is that violent extremists, individuals or small groups will draw inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks against Americans going about their daily lives.”

All right, so again, that is and was Christopher Ray, director of the FBI. So that’s about as official as a warning can get. But of course, that warning does not really come from him. It does. But it’s something that loyal American patriots who are boots on the ground, who were eyes and ears down at the Mexican border and have been down there for years, this is something they’ve been warning about for years.

So that is certainly an important issue. The rise of Islam in Europe and North America. Now that’s really a warning for North America and the United States in particular.

(Station break)

The documentary film, American Jesuits, is going to be very, very powerful, especially for people who know nothing about the Jesuits, they’ll be able to have a very solid understanding of why the order is a danger both past and present. Because we bring things current. We bring things so current. And I’m going to talk more about this, but Vivek Ramaswami, we’ve just learned Ramaswami is a Jesuit. But yes, he’s Jesuit-educated. And we’ll talk more about that as the show goes on. But anyway, we are going to show people why this is an important issue, why the Jesuits and the counter-reformation are important in our world today and why we as Christians living in America need to harken to the warnings from scripture, of wolves and sheep’s clothing, and two, the many, many warnings of our ancestors for the past 200 years warning us about the Society of Jesus, the so-called Society of Jesus, the Jesuit order.

Okay, so number two on our list is the rise of Islam in Europe and North America. In Europe, if you go to the RARE Foundation, R-A-I-R, they’ve got a series of articles right now warning. There is a series of articles about thousands of German women raped by refugees since 2015. This is just in Germany. Now, we’ve talked about the rape gangs in England in the UK over the past 20 years. Reportedly, have assaulted and violated more than a million English girls, 11, 12, 13 year old girls over the past 20 years. And that number is now much worse. But they’re saying that in Germany, two gang rapes happen per day against the women in Germany, two per day. You have in France on New Year’s Eve, a disabled woman was violently beaten and raped in an elevator. That’s one of the stories.

Another story is, weaponized prayer, Islamic displays of territorial dominance. Whenever you see those images of hundreds and sometimes thousands of Muslims bowing down in prayer in a public place, they go into cities like Paris, London, Rome, etc. where this article says, people have observed a uniquely Islamic display of dominance over the local population. This display has a veneer of religious observance as people are clearly engaged in Islamic prayer. However, since there are always mosques available or private spaces within which these observances could be done, one has to conclude that the purpose is clearly other than mere observance of Islamic prayer requirements.

So in other words, what they’re saying is that the Muslims will deliberately go into public places where people normally are walking up and down the road and this kind of thing. And they will block everything with their Islamic prayer because it’s one of the ways. It’s kind of a form of intimidation and psychological warfare to say basically Islam is taking over. That’s why they do it. And they’re doing it in these cities all over Europe. Do you know that these Islamic street prayers are actually a confrontation and a statement? The Muslims are asserting their supremacy implicitly demanding that everyone else who wants to pass along the street has to accommodate them. This is a manifestation of the old Islamic dictum that quote, “Islam must dominate and not be dominated.” Now, there’s no question that this is happening. There’s no question that it is that you’ve got millions of Muslims now in the United Kingdom and they are pursuing more and more acts of aggression so that Islam will eventually dominate England in the whole UK.

Number 3: World War III

Okay, so that’s two. Number three, in my opinion, World War Three, is kind of odd, you would think that would either be number one or number five, right? But we’re just going to, we’re going to make it number three, World War Three, the situation with Ukraine, Russia, and Israel. Notice what’s happening, you have all of these conflicts and these entanglements where the United States is being blamed by Russia for our support of Ukraine. And now we’re being blamed by the Islamic element out there because of our support of Israel, the state of Israel.

Number 4: The resurgence of COVID-19

Okay, so number four, the resurgence of COVID-19, the resurgence of COVID-19. There are repeated warnings that they are going to try to bring back mask mandates, that they’re going to try to bring back lockdowns and all this other kind of stuff. Illegal immigration should inform every American, of the fact that they brought in millions and millions of unvetted, untested people that they know are going to have various viruses and things like that. And the fact that they’ve exercised no caution at all about this should be everything that we need to know that an attempt, a future attempt at some kind of lockdown and social distancing and this kind of thing is all just a show. It’s a sham. It’s, about power and control.

If they were really concerned about the spread of viruses and this kind of thing, they would never allow millions and millions of unvetted people to come running across our border. They just would not allow it. But that’s what should tell us that among many other indicators.

But yes, the resurgence of COVID-19, it is entirely possible that there will be COVID 2.0 and they’re going to attempt to impose some kind of COVID tyranny. Now, we were warned about this last year that this was going to happen. And we didn’t really see much of anything happen in the months that followed. We were warned that in the fall, beginning in the fall in November, December, here just a few months ago, that this was going to happen and it didn’t happen. I think there is a lot of pushback and I think that Americans and freedom-loving people all over the world should continue to push back in a, you know, peaceful, protesting, exercising the First Amendment to the full extent so that the powers that be understand that society is not going to cooperate with all this lockdown stuff. And, if enough people are sounding the alarm and making noise, then it’s very likely that these globalist powers will back down because they are somewhat pragmatic, I believe.

Of course, I believe the chief counselors are Jesuits. We’re going to show you that in the new film because we’re going to have a whole section on COVID-19 and the Jesuit order because the connections are undeniable, undeniable. But the Jesuits are very pragmatic, very pragmatic. So they’ll back down. That doesn’t mean that they’re going to quit. Don’t misunderstand. It doesn’t mean that they’re going to quit in terms of their globalist ambitions, but they’ll sort of back off a bit because they don’t want to push the envelope too far. That’s what I think. I could be wrong. We’ll have to wait and see. But yes, it’s definitely something to look out for. The continued corruption of the medical industry for the purpose of using the medical industry for medical warfare against the people in our country, which I honestly believe is what’s going on. Medical warfare, biowarfare, they’re calling the vaccine a bioweapon. You’ve got people, a very official people calling the COVID vaccine a bioweapon.

So we’ve got to pay attention to this and be on the lookout in 2024. It’ll be very interesting to see if more COVID tyranny rears its ugly head.

Number 5: The 2024 presidential race

Now, the number five issue. That was the number four resurgence of COVID-19. Number five, the big issue is going to be the 2024 presidential race.

For the office of the president of the United States of America, there’s no question that’s going to become, I believe, I think, unless something catastrophic something or other that happens. I think the presidential race with everything going on with President Trump, everything going on with Joe Biden and all these candidates.

Nikki Haley is getting a lot of attention, but we think Nikki Haley is a globalist. We do not believe she is a true conservative Republican. And we think she’s a globalist. And then you have Vivek Ramaswami, Ramaswami, who’s getting a lot of attention, a lot of the conservatives seem to like him. And we’ve had a friend, in fact, Steve Matthews from the Trinity Foundation, who appears in our new film, forward to me, a story about Ramaswami that he graduated from St. Xavier High School. And what he is, St. Xavier High School won’t remove Vivek Ramaswami from the Board of Trustees. He’s not only a graduate, this is a Jesuit-run private high school in Cincinnati, or in the Cincinnati region, it says, won’t remove the presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswami from its Board of Trustees. The board’s chairman said Wednesday. Apparently, his conservative comments are considered controversial. Some of the St. Xavier High School alumni are calling for the school to oust Ramaswami from its 25-member board of trustees. So, bear in mind, he’s not just a graduate of this Jesuit high school. He’s not just an alumnus. He is a member of its Board of Trustees. So, he’s, again, this is a more solid Jesuit connection. Lots of people graduate from their schools. Not all of them have this kind of close association. And of course, Ramaswami is a Hindu, and he has a Hindu view of Jesus, which quite frankly is perfectly acceptable with the Jesuit order because it all fits in with what they wrote and communicated in Vatican Council II.

Do I think Ramaswami would make a good president? He might be better than Joe Biden, but I still would not want to see him in the White House. He has a very clear Jesuit connection. He’s being supported on the conservative side of things. I think he is a, you know, it’s, it’s kind of like the order is trying to control both sides of the argument. Some people say the same thing about President Trump because Trump went to Fordham University. He did not graduate from Fordham. He was only there for two years, and he left and went to a different university. I’ve never thought that President Trump was, quote, a Jesuit. I’ve never seen him that way. I don’t think he really represents the Jesuit agenda. The only thing that the main, well, the two main things with President Trump that are troubling for me is one, the fact that he gives any support to LGBT politically. That’s one, and two, his support for the vaccine. And he continues to support the vaccine. Now the one possible, you know, upside of all of that is that he has also called in his campaign.

For an investigation into the health of children in particular, you’ve got so many kids being diagnosed with autism and these other conditions and a lot of people are pointing to the vaccine industry and the medical industry overall. If there is a second Trump administration and they do a sincere investigation into the medical industry, that would be a very needed and I think positive thing. And I say, if, quote, unquote, if we’ll have to wait and see what happens and just pray for the Lord’s help and guidance for our country and our people in the days ahead.

I wanted to play a brief clip here as we round this out. So that’s all five issues. The five things to watch for, in my opinion, in 2024. Illegal immigration, the rise of Islam, World War Three, the resurgence of COVID-19 and number five, the 2024 presidential race, all of that will be forthcoming in 2024.

Also, Simon Roch I should mention, even though I didn’t play this part of his interview, he goes out of his way to tell us that his organization is an exclusively Christian organization, that they are Christians, and they do not seek to have non-Christians come and join with them or anything like that. They are very boldly, unapologetically Christian in their worldview and in their approach to everything they’re doing, praise the Lord!

Christians need to become more partisan for Christianity and not allow the globalist influence to convince you that you’re supposed to be defending atheism and Islam and all of these other alternative beliefs. We’re really not called to defend the non-Christian beliefs of the world. Remember, the commandment of God, according to the Apostle Paul, is that God commands that all men everywhere repent and turn away from the idols of the world and put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Indeed, as Peter said, He is Lord of all.

We are not called to tell everybody else who has an alternative belief that their belief is somehow or other equally valid or anything like that. No, we are called to communicate the Word of God and God’s command that all men everywhere repent and put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord.

The US Federal Reserve System Changed the Definition of Money

The US Federal Reserve System Changed the Definition of Money

This is a transcription of a talk by Kirk Elliott, Ph.D., the founder of Sovereign Advisors, a consulting firm that helps investors with wealth management.

The “Federal Reserve” or FED as it’s called, is a misnomer. It’s not a part of the American federal government, and there’s no reserve. Its a private monopoly on money creation granted by the U.S. Government. It’s a corporation of banking cartels. To learn more about that, please read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.


Before I can give a solution, I have to kind of show where we’re headed and how quickly, because they have mapped out the timeline now. It’s not us. And it’s here. And it’s right now.

Central bank digital currency has the ability to cut you off from buying or selling if your ideology doesn’t match up with theirs! These are their words, not mine. This started in August of 2019.

So Federal Reserve docket OP – 1670. What is it? What does it say? I’m going to read it exactly so I don’t misquote it.

“The main economic attributes of a technically effective currency rests on three functions: as a unit of account, a store of value and as a medium of exchange.”

That’s what money actually is. So you have something you can trade back and forth with each other. It has a store value and a medium of exchange.

But, they added a fourth definition of money at the Federal Reserve. And that is the fourth definition of money as a means of social control.

It has nothing to do with fixing the System. In their own words, “Money is a means of social control.”

If you really wanted to control a person, you cut them off from buying or selling, their ability to live. Now you control that person. Now you’ve got a whole world, or in America, 330 million economic slaves. Right?

On Nov. 8th 2019, a patent was filed 62-758430. Who did this? Visa! The credit card company. What is their patent? Basically, it talks about how in this patent, they want to change money from paper to digital money. And every new digital currency that’s created, they’re going to take out a paper currency unit. Why? Because you can’t track private paper money. You can go to a farmer’s market. You can go anywhere. Nobody knows that you’re spending money if you use paper. But they can track everything if it’s digital. So to bring in a digital system, they have to get rid of the old. They’re getting rid of their private-based currency.

Now, it goes a little bit further. March 23, 2020, HR 6321. Okay, Maxine Waters is responsible for this one. So financial protections and assistance for Americans, consumers, states, businesses, and vulnerable populations act. And this is what this is called. So what is it? It’s direct stimulus payments for families, for renters. It’s a social credit score for universal basic income!

Now, what is required for that? Number one, a digital dollar. Number two, a digital dollar wallet. Number three, a member bank that will actually accept digital dollars. So here’s the thing. If you want to receive the government stimulus, you have to have a digital dollar. There is no other option.

Now extend that out a little bit further. If you want social security, well, they’ve already passed a bill that says if you want stimulus, what about social security? What about government pensions? What about any kind of government payment for retirement, anything? If you want it, you have to be part of that Beast System. And it’s already.

As I read through the Bible as a kid and as an adult, it’s like, how in the world could this Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast happen? People knew that it was coming. So in this sense, it’s like, oh, it clicked, it makes sense. Even Christians, if they say, “I don’t get my retirement? I don’t get any payments unless I take the system? Well, I guess I might as well take the system,” right?

I believe that it is the Book of Revelation actually happening. Yeah, I mean, if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck, right? And these are in their own words, the ability to cut you off from buying or selling if they don’t like your ideology. I don’t know what else it is.

So then, here’s when the rubber hits the road. March 6, 2022, executive order 14067. Biden penned it. Basically, that says, we’re going to have central bank digital currency in America. March 29th, 2022, they start to talk about the ideology. Dr. Pippa Malmgren at the World Government Forum in Abu Dhabi. What did she say? She said, “Programmable money is the core of central bank digital currency.” Programmable! Meaning, if we don’t like you, we can flip the switch so you can’t actually have your money. That’s what programmable money means.

Then you go to March of 2023, the United Nations, our common agenda policy brief, right? So here’s where the UN General Secretary says, “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene an operationalized, automatically in an emergency, platform, in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale severity and reach.”

They’re telling you we’re going to use a crisis to do this. So what was that first crisis? COVID. What’s the second crisis? Bank failure. What’s the third crisis? Is it something worse than going on a health scare? A war? A war. I mean, so here’s where they tell us. They tell us what could trigger it. I’m not making stuff up. I just read what they say.

So, you go to the next paragraph in this agenda policy brief, what could trigger the emergency authority? A major climatic event, a future pandemic risk, a global digital connectivity disruption, a major event in outer space, and a generic unforeseen risk like a solar flare.

So here’s what it says at the end of it. It also states that while the emergency authority would have an initial finite lifespan, the UN could be able to extend it indefinitely.

Freedom And The Protestant Ethic

Freedom And The Protestant Ethic

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine. I think many Americans today don’t realize the liberties they enjoy today came from Bible believing Protestant Christians.

ROMAN CATHOLICS are not aware that the great fundamental principles of American freedom — equal rights in a free State, equal privileges in a free church, and equal opportunities in a free school — are the heritage of Protestantism.

Rev. Dr. Alfred G. Walton, speaking in the Baptist Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., stressed this fact as follows:

“The founding of the American Colonies was an outgrowth of the spirit of the Protestant movement which began in the sixteenth century. The Pilgrims and the Puritans who settled in New England laid the foundations of a new freedom and a new government, the spirit of which was rooted in the religious freedom which they sought. Out of that conception came the ideal of democratic government. Protestantism exalted the individual and the individual’s right to think for himself and to act for himself.
“Standing for self-government in the Church as over against the government of the State or ecclesiastical authority, there developed the idea of self-government in other fields.
“The whole life of America has been built around this ideal of freedom. It has elaborated itself in a multitude of ways, in freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and freedom of conscience… Whenever we acknowledge any form of freedom, we are sharing in the heritage of the Protestant movement.”

Japanese Doctors Warn About the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccines

Japanese Doctors Warn About the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccines

This is a transcript of a press conference called by Japanese physicians. Throughout the decades when I lived in Japan, it’s been my observation that most Japanese are honest people and are not easily deceived by the media. When they encounter difficulties, they’ll do an honest investigation of the problem and won’t be easily swayed by others.


We are the General Incorporated Association of the Vaccine Injuries Study Group. We now have this press conference to report on the results of our study since its establishment. My name is Takeguchi, and I will be moderating the conference.

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to express my condolences to those who have passed away due to health issues after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Furthermore, I extend my best wishes to those who have suffered health issues and those who are currently struggling with symptoms.

(Next speaker)

A systematic review of the literature has revealed some surprising facts. Thousands of papers have reported side effects after vaccination, which affect every organ without exception, ranging from ophthalmology (the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders) to general medicine, to psychiatry. We have compiled this information into a paper that was published yesterday.

These documents have been preliminarily investigated by a group of volunteer physicians. They saw how many cases have been reported by Japanese academic societies. This kind of reporting on drug side effects or the like is unprecedented.

As my specialty is cancer, chemotherapy drugs are plagued with side effects, but the patterns are known and predetermined. The patterns of side effects caused by this (COVID-19) vaccine are not determined. They can occur throughout the body. Multiple diseases can occur simultaneously. Doctors have never seen such a thing. This is the candid opinion of the medical profession.

Japanese doctors are also trying hard, but they face various obstructions. There’s this sentiment of ‘Why report something like vaccine damage?’ There are interferences in reporting. Such actions themselves hinder academic freedom, and in some academic departments, censorship is taking place such as in conference presentations and publications of academic papers. This is happening globally. Some journals are effectively practicing censorship.

We are working on a paper that is expected to be published soon. Once published, we will be able to report in detail. For example, the age-adjusted mortality rate for leukemia has increased, and there are significant findings of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and so on. We will share the relevant information with everyone as we advise and request the government on how to proceed.

Next, Prof. Yasufumi Murakami, the director in charge of the testing method development working group, will explain the progress of the test development and future outlook.

Prof. Yasufumi Murakami: Thank you, everyone. One thing I want to say initially is that it is clear how the adverse effects occur, which is still having many
victims today. I believe the vaccine should be stopped immediately.

The mechanism by which adverse effects occur is well understood; the spike [protein] is toxic. It’s very clear what happens when you administer a toxic gene to a human. Another point is that the Lipid nanoparticles, they are also toxic.

The major problem is that we are injecting two toxic substances into people, one of which is that human cells are producing spike proteins. Since the immune system will attack this, it causes very violent reactions. Some cases occur within one or two weeks after injection, but there are also many cases that appear after one or two years.

Additionally, there is indeed such a thing as good and bad antibodies in humans, and an antibody called IgG4 actually suppresses immunity. Usually with vaccines, if an IgG4 antibody is induced, it is considered a failure. However, with the current messenger-type vaccines, a significant amount of IgG4 is being induced. When this happens, it plays tricks on various immune functions. Therefore, we want to thoroughly investigate what ratio of Japanese people are experiencing this. We aim to carefully examine what level of IgG4 reacts with the spike protein that is present in each individual.

Of course, the problem is, we already understand these factors. Vaccines that have failed are still being administered, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare recognizes these failed vaccines. So I would like to stop them immediately, but even though I speak out against the vaccine in various places, they don’t stop administering them at all. So we will clearly present evidence and publish it in articles one by one.

New speaker: So, we are working with Dr. Fukushima to create this database, and so far, about 201 types of diseases and 3,071 papers on side effects have been reported. It is unprecedented in human history for a single vaccine to have this much literature out on it. With this, we plan to present it to the nation and the Japanese government in the form of solid science that no one can dispute.

In the next slide you will find diseases of the heart, kidney, thyroid, diabetes, liver, skin, eyes, blood, nerves, systemic diseases, brain, and lungs, diseases across all medical fields have been reported as Prof. Fukushima states. The characteristic of the side effects of this vaccine is that they occur simultaneously within entire families.

As for the data, when diseases such as those of the heart, kidney, endocrine, and liver occur simultaneously with the range in which they occur, a tremendous number of papers are reported with many pages.

New speaker: Mental disorders, psychiatric symptoms, depression, mania, and anxiety, came up in abundance. It’s endless. It’s about understanding why this is happening. That’s why, actually, with broader keywords, for example, not just COVID-19 vaccines but also SARS-CoV-2, messenger RNA vaccines, and the like, when you separate it out into various keywords, more and more results come up. So this is just a part of it. Even with what Dr. Inoue introduced earlier, it’s just a part of what has been done with the PubMed database. There are things that won’t be caught by PubMed. So like “Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)”, it’s not caught, next slide.

However, there are such peer-reviewed papers out there from Dr. Montagnier who discovered HIV and received the Nobel Prize. It’s a persuasive paper. But it disappeared. He was cautious from the beginning.

About the spike protein sequence, within the genes, you know, he was warning that if there’s a prion-like (pathogenic type of misfolded protein) sequence, it could be very dangerous. Many scientists were warning about it. I too said it could be hazardous because of the possibility of prions. I discussed it with prion experts.

So, if you inject the vaccine into the muscle, it will be taken up by the surrounding cells. People who know nothing about medicine and biology don’t think about such specific things, which is why they say it’s an mRNA vaccine. However, if you know biology and medicine, such specific things don’t happen. That is what we call off-target. Out of control beyond the target. It doesn’t know where to go. If it goes into the bloodstream, it goes to the brain, liver, and kidneys. What if it went everywhere? That’s something people don’t think about. This off-target problem hasn’t been solved.

And even if that is solved, there are still many problems. Because these nanoparticles, which were inflammatory earlier, are environmental issues, especially plastic nanoparticles, which are the world’s number one problem. They enter the brain. However, those who don’t know anything say, “It’s plastic, so it won’t be digested, so it’s okay to eat.” They pretend to know, but it doesn’t get digested. The person has no idea how toxic organic substances are attached to the surface of those plastic nanoparticles. So, with fragments of such knowledge, they exaggerate things and think they can go with this. They say, “I know! This is good!” So, honestly, they need to go back and redo from middle school biology to high school and university entrance exams.

As I mentioned earlier, medicine is still immature. Basically, we don’t understand much about the principles of life. Now, this kind of thing has happened, so, turning adversity into fortune, we should learn again here what happens instead of saying, “Go for it, go for it” with the vaccines. Well, it’s like, ignorance is bliss. That’s what this world is about. Taking vaccines has become a kind of faith. Vaccines centers, they’re like a weird cult. They’re now basically fallen into an infinite hell.

Simply thinking that things can be understood with fragments of knowledge is a mistake.

(End of transcript.)

If you are Japanese or understand the Japanese language, click here to listen to the press conference.

False Doctrines from the SDA Church on Social Media

False Doctrines from the SDA Church on Social Media
Colossians 2:16  Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

I admire my Seventh Day Adventist friends for their love for God’s Word and obedience to what they believe God’s Word is telling them to do, but as far as Sabbath day observance goes, the bottom line for me is the New Testament does not teach it! In Acts chapter 15 when the Apostles disputed whether the Gentiles needed to keep the Laws of Moses or not, the conclusion was they needed to keep only four precepts:

Acts 15:20  But that we write unto them, that they abstain from
(1) pollutions of idols,
(2) and from fornication,
(3) and from things strangled,
(4) and from blood.

Notice Sabbath day observance is not one of them!

I saw this meme on Facebook and I want to tell my readers why it’s not true.

Catholic Quote

First of all, nowhere in the Bible does it call the Sabbath a day of worship! What does the Bible say? It says:

Leviticus 23:3  Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.

The Sabbath was a day of rest and not specifically designated as a day of worship! In the books of Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, there are 8 verses with the words Sabbath and rest. The word worship is not in any of them. And it’s certainly not the “day of the sun” as the meme claims. SDAs even call believers meeting together on Sunday the “Mark of the Beast!” Christians meeting together on Sunday was a tradition that started in Jerusalem according to Acts 20:7, way before the Church of Rome was founded!

“Sabbath observance, not trust in Christ alone for complete forgiveness of sins and eternal life, is to be the dividing line between the saved and the lost in the end time.” – Ellen G. White

That is rank heresy! It tells me she has no idea of the true Gospel of Christ! Ellen White promoted a works religion. Her statement is totally against the core meaning of the Gospel.

I don’t judge my SDA friends for feeling it necessary to observe the Sabbath, and I do think it is important to take at least one day a week off to rest, pray, and have more time to study God’s Word, but the New Testament does not tell me that day of rest must Saturday.

I get the following from Leo Lehmann’s Converted Catholic Magazine.

The Council of Laodicea in 343 (way before the Bishop of Rome claimed to be the Vicar of Christ) , under the Emperor Constantine’s dictate, decreed as follows:

“Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday, but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honor, and, as Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day.” The following should be noted:

  • The “observance” of Sunday, the first day of the week, was customary among the early Christians, as may be seen from Acts 20:7.
    Acts 20:7  And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
  • Opposition to Judaism was the chief reason for the change.
  • Salvation under the New Testament dispensation is by faith in Christ’s all-sufficient work of redemption, not by observance of days, forms and ceremonies.
  • Our aim is to present facts of objective truth, and to leave it to each one to act on them according to his conscience under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.