Forefathers of the Faith Exposed the REAL Antichrist

Forefathers of the Faith Exposed the REAL Antichrist

Most Christians today believe that the Antichrist will arise at the very end of time in the yet unknown future. Many think of him as a person who comes out of nowhere, likely a Jew, and who unites the world under a one-world government. Little do they know that this is exactly what the Pope and leaders of the Roman Catholic church want them to think! Folks, antichrists have been around since the time of the Apostle John, and one world government already exists! I used to think it was America, but now I understand that America is under the control of ROME! And by Rome, I’m talking about the “Holy See” of which the headquarters is Vatican City.

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.-1 John 2:18

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  • to stand in place of
  • a subtle imposter
  • wolf in sheep’s clothing
  • not a violent opposer
  • a gentle confuser

The Roman Catholic church committed ADULTERY in her relationship with the HUSBANDMAN Christ Jesus. She became ANTIChrist when she stepped against Him.

The Roman Catholic church has always ‘claimed’ to be walking "with" Christ. Just as Judas "kissed" Christ, so has Rome "kissed" His Truth. They "softly and gently" send their wolves forward wearing the clothing of a little lamb so as to gentle draw the masses away from Christ. They betray Christ as soft as the kiss of JUDAS!

Arnulf Bishop of Orleans (Roman Catholic)

"deplored the roman popes as "monsters of guilt" and declared in a council called by the King of France in 991ad that the pontiff, clad in purple and gold, was, "Antichrist, sitting in the temple of God, and showing himself as God" -Phillip Schaff, History of the Christian church, 8 vols., reprint of the 3d (1910)ed. (Grand Rapids Mich.: Wm. B Eerdmans Publishing Co., n.d.)

Eberhard II, archbishop of Salzburg (Roman Catholic)

"stated at a synod of bishops held at Regensburg in 1240 (some scholars say 1241) that the people of his day were "accustomed" to calling the pope antichrist." -LeRoy Edwin Froom, The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers, 4 vols. (Wash DC: Review and Herald publishing assc, 1950-1954)

John Wycliffe

"When the western church was divided for about 40 years between two rival popes, one in Rome and the other in Avigon, France, each pope called the other pope antichrist – and John Wycliffe is reputed to have regarded them as both being right: "two halves of Antichrist, making up the perfect Man of Sin between them." -Ibid

Martin Luther (Lutheran)

"We here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist…personally I declare that I owe the Pope no other obedience than that to Antichrist."  (Aug. 18, 1520) Taken from The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 2., pg. 121 by Froom.  (In response to a papal bull [official decree]): "I despise and attack it, as impious, false… It is Christ Himself who is condemned therein… I rejoice in having to bear such ills for the best of causes. Already I feel greater liberty in my heart; for at last I know that the pope is antichrist, and that his throne is that of Satan himself." –D’Aubigné, b.6, ch. 9. 

Cotton Mather (Congregational Theologian)

"The oracles of God foretold the rising of an Antichrist in the Christian Church: and in the Pope of Rome, all the characteristics of that Antichrist are so marvelously answered that if any who read the Scriptures do not see it, there is a marvelous blindness upon them."  Taken from The Fall of Babylon by Cotton Mather in Froom’s book, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 3, pg. 113. 

John Wesley (Methodist)

Speaking of the Papacy he said, "He is in an emphatical sense, the Man of Sin, as he increases all manner of sin above measure. And he is, too, properly styled the Son of Perdition, as he has caused the death of numberless multitudes, both of his opposers and followers… He it is…that exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped…claiming the highest power, and highest honour…claiming the prerogatives which belong to God alone."  Taken from Antichrist and His Ten Kingdoms by John Wesley, pg. 110. 

Thomas Cranmer (Anglican

"Whereof it followeth Rome to be the seat of antichrist, and the pope to be very antichrist himself. I could prove the same by many other scriptures, old writers, and strong reasons." (Referring to prophecies in Revelation and Daniel.)  Taken from Works by Cranmer, Vol. 1, pp. 6-7. 

Roger Williams (First Baptist Pastor in America)

He spoke of the Pope as "the pretended Vicar of Christ on earth, who sits as God over the Temple of God, exalting himself not only above all that is called God, but over the souls and consciences of all his vassals, yea over the Spirit of Christ, over the Holy Spirit, yea, and God himself…speaking against the God of heaven, thinking to change times and laws; but he is the son of perdition (II Thess. 2)."  Taken from The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers by Froom, Vol. 3, pg. 52. 

1689 London Baptist Confession

Chapter 26: Of the Church. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, in whom, by the appointment of the Father, all power for the calling, institution, order or government of the church, is invested in a supreme and sovereign manner; neither can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the church against Christ, and all that is called God; whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. ( Colossians 1:18; Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11, 12;
2 Thessalonians 2:2-9 )

John Knox (Scotch Presbyterian)

Knox wrote to abolish "that tyranny which the pope himself has for so many ages exercised over the church" and that the pope should be recognized as "the very antichrist, and son of perdition, of whom Paul apeaks."  Taken from The Zurich Letters, pg. 199 by John Knox. 

John Calvin (Presbyterian)

"Some persons think us too severe and censorious when we call the Roman pontiff Antichrist. But those who are of this opinion do not consider that they bring the same charge of presumption against Paul himself, after whom we speak and whose language we adopt… I shall briefly show that (Paul’s words in II Thess. 2) are not capable of any other interpretation than that which applies them to the Papacy."  Taken from Institutes by John Calvin.

Presbyterian Church (Year 2000)

The following Resolution was unanimously passed by the South Atlantic Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian Church meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, March 25, 2000.

The Resolution is as follows-


Whereas: The mass media has captivated the world with the activities of Pope John Paul II during his visit to the Holy Land in March 2000; and

Whereas: The Vatican and the Lutheran World Federation have signed, in October, 1999 a joint declaration of accord on the doctrine of justification (only the synods of Wisconsin and Missouri dissented); and

Whereas: In the middle of February, 200, PLO chairman Yasser Arafat met with Pope John Paul II at the vatican to sign an agreement regarding the future of Jerusalem that warned Israel against any unilateral decision affecting Jerusalem; and

Whereas: Bob Jones University has been unjustly slandered for anti-catholic bias by Senators McCain, Torricelli, Hollings and the liberal mass media; and

Whereas: The House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress has just appointed a Roman Catholic priest as its chaplain for the first time, March 23, 2000; and

Whereas: Pope John Paul II has declared the year 2000 a "Great Jubilee Year" for Roman Catholics that establishes the restoration of indulgences, THE VERY ISSUE THAT PROMPTED MARTIN LUTHER TO DRAFT THE 95 THESES IN OCTOBER OF 1517: papal spokesman Timothy Shugrue states, "The indulgence is one of the spiritual privleges extended during Jubilee. It is a way of applying the merits of the good deeds of the saints and the Virgin Mary and CHrist Himself to the rest of us.";

Therefore: The South Atlantic Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian Church, at its spring meeting in the Bible Presbyterian Church of Charlotte, N.C., March 25, 2000, resolves and warns the Roman Catholic Church, Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth (Rev 17:5) constitutes the greatest threat to fundamental Christianity in the 21st century! The Roman Catholic Church has long since forsaken the Bible alone, Grace alone, faith alone, and Christ alone. There should be no confraternity with this apostate church in ministerial associations, community easter sunrise services, Thanksgiving services, mass evangelism or common social endeavors. We admonish devout believers to lovingly and firmly win Roman Catholics to Christ and urge new converts to obey
Rev. 18:4, "And I heard a another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sin, and that ye recieve not her plagues."


Before the Reformation, this is what most preachers taught regarding Antichrist

Date Name Reference Interpretation


Rev. 17

c. 1331

Michael of Cesena Rev. 17 Harlot
Roman Church

c. 1345

Johannes de Rupescissa Antichrist
Rev. 17 Babylon

Rev. 17 Harlot

c. 1350

Francesco Petrarch Rev. 17 Harlot Papal Court

c. 1367

John Milicz Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of Sin

c. 1379

John Wycliffe Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of
Rev. 17 Harlot

c. 1388

Matthias of Janow Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
Fallen Church

c. 1389

R. Wimbledon Abomination of Desolation Papacy

c. 1390

John Purvey Antichrist
13 1st Beast
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 13
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon

c. 1393

Walter Brute Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of Sin
Bishop of

c. 1412

John Huss Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon

c. 1497

Girolamo Savonarola Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon

During the Reformation…

Date Name Reference Interpretation


Martin Luther Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Harlot

Rev. 17 Babylon


Philipp Melanchthon Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 17 Babylon


Andreas Osiander Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon


Nicolaus von Amsdorf Antichrist
of Desolation
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon


Johann Funck Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon


Virgil Solis Antichrist
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon


Georg Nigrinus Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd Peast
Papal Rome


David Chytraeus Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd Peast


Johann Oecolampadius Antichrist


Heinrich Bullinger Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon


William Tyndale Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon


George Joys Antichrist


Nicholas Ridley Antichrist
of Desolation
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Beast


Hugh Latimer Antichrist Papacy


Thomas Cranmer Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon


John Bale Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Beast


John Jewel Antichrist
of Desolation
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Beast


John Foxe Antichrist
Man of
Bishop of
Bishop of Rome


Anglican Formulas Antichrist Papacy


John Knox Antichrist
Church of


John Napier Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Beast


Thomas Brightman Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon


David Pareus Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Beast
Pope &

After the Reformation…





1600 James I of England Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1603 George Downham Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st Beast
1604 George Pacard Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1607 Hugh Broughton Little Horn Antiochus
1612 Andress Holwig Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Papacy is also
1618 Matthias Hoe Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon
Papacy is
1618 Daniel Cramer Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon
1631 Joseph Mede Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1643 Johannes Gerhard Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1654 Thomas Goodwin Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Rev. 13 2nd
1655 John Tillinghast Antichrist
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17 Harlot
1664 Henry More Antichrist
1670 William Sherwin Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17 Babylon
1681 Johann H. Alsted Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Harlot
Papacy is Antichrist, Little
1684 Thomas Beverley Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17 Babylon
1685 Jacques Phillipot Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
Papacy also
1687 Pierre Jurieu Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon
1689 Drue Cressener Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon
1699 "Mysteries … Finished" Antichrist Papacy
1700 William Lowth Antichrist
1701 Johannes Cocceius Antichrist
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon
1701 Robert Fleming, Jr. Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17 Babylon
1702 Georg her. Giblehr Antichrist
1703 Daniel Whitby Man of Sin
17 Babylon
Roman Church is
1706 William Whiston Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 17 Babylon
1712 Heinrich Horch Antichrist
Rev. 13 1st Beast
1720 Charles Daubux Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1727 Sir Isaac Newton Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1729 Th. Crinsox de Bionens Antichrist
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon
1735 Thomas Pyle Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Rev. 17
Papacy also Little
1740 Johann Aal. Bengel Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1743 Berienberg Bible Antichrist Papacy
1745 John Willison Antichrist
1754 Thomas Newton Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon

1758 John Gill Little Horn
of Sin
Rev. 13 1st Beast

Papacy also
1764 John Wesley Man of Sin
13 1st Beast
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
Papacy also
1768 Johann Ph. Petri Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd Peast
1787 R. M. Antichrist Papacy
1787 Hans Wood Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1793 James Becheno Antichrist
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon
1794 Joseph Priestly Little Horn
of Sin
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon

1795 George Bell Antichrist
1796 Christian G. Thube Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1797 David Simpson Antichrist
1798 Edward King Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1798 Joseph Galloway Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 13 2nd
Rev. 17 Babylon
1798 Richard Valpy Antichrist
Man of
Rev. 13 1st
Rev. 17
Rev. 17 Babylon
1800 Jean G. de la Flechers Antichrist

According to the Roman Catholic church, are all of these men misinterpreting prophecy? Absolutely not. History tells me they got it right.

God’s Promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 is Misinterpreted by Zionists to Promote Genocide

God’s Promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 is Misinterpreted by Zionists to Promote Genocide

Today I just heard that the Israeli government is planning to dislocate ALL 2.3 Million Palestinians from Gaza Strip! How horrible! And American evangelicals such as John Hagee support that?! I believe he and his Christian Coalition of America are complicit in the murder of thousands of innocent Palestinians, some of whom are Christians!

It all starts with the false interpretation of Genesis 12:3 which is based on John Nelson Darby’s dispensationalism.

Genesis 12:3  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

This is what John Hagee says about that Scripture:

The Bible states quite clearly, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you” (Genesis 12:3). Entire books could be written on how that blessing and cursing have dramatically impacted human history. It is an undeniable fact that the man or nation that has blessed Israel has been blessed of God, and to the man or nation that has cursed Israel the judgement of God came in spades.

Evangelical authors Tim LaHaye and Ed Hindson, in their 2015 work, Target Israel, express their view that:

We believe that the spiritual, moral, and economic decline of Great Britain is largely due to the influence of secularists who exert a lot of control over the educational system, state church, and media. And the government has failed to stand up for Israel when there were opportunities to do so – thereby rejecting God’s blessing upon their nation. We pray that the United States will not follow in these footsteps. If it does, then in light of God’s promise in Genesis 12:3, we can expect to see a drastic decline in the quality of life in America.

The ironic thing is in spite of America’s support of the State of Israel, the quality of life in America has significantly declined! Crime is higher, morality has declined, and so-called natural disasters such as floods and destruction by tornadoes and hurricanes have increased. Is God blessing America for its support of Israel? I think God may be cursing America for its tolerance of sin and its support of an ungodly anti-Christ nation.

The mainstream media falsely blames climate change which they say is caused by man as the reason for natural disasters. My opinion is these disasters are the result of God’s judgments on America’s fallen spiritual state. When I was a kid in the 1950s, the weather was not nearly as extreme and there weren’t many wild fires. There were no indiscriminate mass shootings. Abortion was illegal. Crime was much lower. There was no promotion of same-sex marriage, the LGBTQ agenda, and other unbiblical issues that the American government gives priority today to promote rather than fixing the nation’s problems!

Does God’s promise to those who bless or curse Abraham apply to physical Israel today? The promise was to Abraham and his seed – singular.

Galatians 3:16  Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

What Joseph Benson (26 January 1749 – 16 February 1821) an early English Methodist minister has to say:

Genesis 12:3. In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed — This promise crowned all the rest; for it pointed at the Messiah, “in whom all the promises are yea and amen.”

True Israel has always been in Christ:

Galatians 3:7  Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
8  And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
9  So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

And who are they which be of faith?

Galatians 3:26  For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27  For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29  And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

How much clearer can that be? Those who ignore what the Apostle Paul wrote and who claim the people of God are also those who call themselves Jews and Israel though they reject Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah are wrongly dividing the Word of truth. They are either intentional deceivers or are themselves deceived due to listening more to their Bible teacher than to what the Bible teaches.

If you do not agree with my conclusions in this Bible study, remember what John the Baptist said to the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Matthew 3:7  ¶But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
8  Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:
9  And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

Pope Francis declares WAR against Bible believing Christians!

Pope Francis declares WAR against Bible believing Christians!

I first posted this in 2014. It could be Pope Francis will again do something to stop the current slaughter in Gaza showing that he has more power than any civil authority.

“A fundamentalist group, although it may not kill anyone, although it may not strike anyone, is violent. The mental structure of fundamentalists is violence in the name of God.” — Pope Francis

This is a virtual decoration of war against all Bible believing Christians!

Partial transcript

As many of you out there should already know, on this past June 8th (2014), Pope Francis was able to organize an historic peace talk within the confines of the Vatican between the two critical players of the Middle East which are Israel and Palestine, two factions which have had a long-standing feud for quite some time now. But what made that event even more historic in nature is that Pope Francis by some means, was able to organize these peace talks just weeks after the United States of America’s peace talks between Israel and Palestine, which they sponsor for them, miserably collapsed in failure!

So Pope Francis has some very interesting timing, don’t you think? But if that event all by itself wasn’t historic enough for you, Pope Francis made more history at the same time at the same venue, by organizing a very unusual prayer summit between the three religions of the world to come together and pray for peace and forgiveness and for God to bless creation at the same time in the Vatican. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity represented by the Pope united in prayer for peace.

Ladies and gentlemen, you may have not noticed this, but when Pope Francis did this, he was getting on the world loudspeaker making a very clear and profound announcement to the inhabitants of our world. And the announcement he was making is this:

“Ladies and gentlemen of the world, leaders of our world, you see that the world’s global leading civil superpower, the United States of America, failed miserably in bringing about peace between these two feuding factions in the Middle East. However, where the United States of America, the world’s leading civil superpower failed, the world’s leading religious power, the papacy, led by its Pope, will be successful in fomenting peace amongst these two feuding factions. And ladies and gentlemen of the world, you know that there’s no other religious denomination or religious leader in existence that can bring about peace and unity amongst all the faiths in our world. However, there is one religious leader, the Pope, that does have the power and authority to bring about peace and unity amongst all the faiths in our world.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you realize what you saw. When Pope Francis held these two events simultaneously, he was strategically positioning himself in the midst to declare himself as the only world leader, the singular sovereign moral entity in this world, that can bring about peace and unity within the realms of civil power as well as peace and unity within the realms of religion and faith. He was presenting himself as the world’s pre-eminent moral authority in both Church and State.

But if that wasn’t enough, maintaining his Usain Bolt (Jamaican retired sprinter, widely considered to be the greatest sprinter of all time) like pace, Pope Francis just days after these historic peace talks and that historic prayer summit, had an interview with the Spanish magazine La Vanguardia, at which point he was asked a very intriguing question which drew out of him a more blood-curdling response. And the question the interviewer asked Pope Francis was this: What are his thoughts on fundamentalism? This was his response:

“A fundamentalist group, although it may not kill anyone, although it may not strike anyone, is violent. The mental structure of fundamentalists is violence in the name of God.”

Now ladies and gentlemen, if you don’t find this statement from Pope Francis even a little bit disturbing, it’s either because you really don’t have in your mind an accurate definition of what a fundamentalist is, or orange may be the new black, but you’re still watching entirely too much reality television, because this statement that was made by Pope Francis was a virtual declaration of war against all true Bible believing Christians! You see the term fundamentalist, although you may have heard it kicked around too many times after the 9/11 fiasco, so when you think of fundamentalist, you think of radical Islam and terrorism. But originally did you know that the term fundamentalist was coined to define Christians?

There were some Bible conferences that were held in between 1878 through 1897 called the Niagara Bible Conferences. Fundamentalism was originated from those conferences. Then fundamentalism bloomed in the United States of America around 1901, and it bloomed as a result of Christians wanting to fight back against this tide of secularism, Darwinism, and higher criticism that was coming into the church to define the truth of the Bible. They wanted to get back to Bible truth. So fundamentalism came into existence.

Now there are five doctrines, five beliefs that are used to define a fundamentalist. Two of these doctrines or beliefs are, that if an individual believes that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, that individual is a fundamentalist. And if an individual believes in the literal physical personal second coming of Jesus Christ, that individual is a fundamentalist.

And I know that it may be hard for many of you out there to really believe that Pope Francis, or any other Roman Catholic bishop for that matter, truly believes that a person who believes that the Bible is an infallible Word of God and that Jesus Christ is going to literally personally return to Planet Earth for the second time are people that are worthy of being defined as violent fundamentalists.

Why Do Jews Not Believe Jesus As Messiah?

Why Do Jews Not Believe Jesus As Messiah?

The title of this article is a question I read on Quora dot com. The person who asked the question continued to say:

I need a valid answer from Jews themselves because Christians use that to prove Jesus was God.”

The answer he received is as follows:

I am Jewish. I have answered this question 10,000 times over the last 50 years. Libraries full of books written by Jews have been published answering this question. Basically, we reject Jesus as the messiah because he fulfilled no prophecy, advocated idolatry and blasphemy, and told his followers to violate Torah.

Fulfilled no prophecy? Just off the top of my head, the wonderful prophecy of Israel 53 comes to mind!

Isaiah 53:1  Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
2  For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3  He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4  Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5  But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
6  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7  He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth (before the Roman governor Pilate): he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
8  He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9  And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10  Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
11  He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
12  Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

Isaiah 53 clearly is about Jesus and His death on the cross to bear the punishment for our sins. Jewish people don’t read it? They don’t read it from their Hebrew Bible which they call the Tanakh?

Moreover, Jesus did not tell His followers to violate the Torah!

Matthew 5:17  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Matthew 5:27  Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
28  But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

The man also accuses Jesus of idolatry and blasphemy. The word “idolatry” doesn’t appear in any of the four Gospels. He was not accused of idolatry. He was accused of blasphemy because of what He said in John chapter 10:

John 10:30  I and my Father are one.
31  Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
32  Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
33  The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

But a prophecy in the Jews’s Tanakh, their Hebrew Bible, our Old Testament says,

Isaiah 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Jewish rabbis don’t consider Isaiah 9:6 a prophecy of their Messiah?

The Jewish man continued his reply why Jews do not believe in Jesus as Messiah:

Here’s a prophecy. “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents.” (Malachi 4:5–6)
So, before the messiah shows up, Elijah will return, and G-d, working through him, will “turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents.”

He doesn’t know or acknowledge that Elijah returned in the form of John the Baptist.

Matthew 11:9  But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.
10  For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
11  Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
12  And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
13  For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
14  And if ye will receive it, this is Elias (Elijah), which was for to come.

The Jewish man continues:

Also, if Jesus was the messiah, I’d be in Israel right now, worshiping with my resurrected relatives in the Third Temple. So am I?

There would be no talk of a Third Temple if God hadn’t used the Roman army to destroy the Second Temple! And why? Because of the Jews’ rejection of Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah!

Also, the messiah is not to be prayed to, worshiped or venerated. He will not be sinless, or part of G-d.

He doesn’t know the Tanakh. The conception of Jesus by a virgin shows His Divinity. The prophecy in Isaiah 7 calls the Messiah Immanuel which means God with us.

Isaiah 7:14  Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Perhaps you can add more of God’s Word from the Hebrew Bible to show this Jewish man he’s been listening to the wrong voices. Many Christians are also guilty of listening to their preacher more than what the Bible tells them. I was guilty of that for decades. I’m trying my best these days to read my Bible better than ever.

Who is the Prince of the Covenant of Daniel 11:22 ?

Who is the Prince of the Covenant of Daniel 11:22 ?

One of the problems of interpretation of Bible prophecy is not knowing it was fulfilled in the past and therefore thinking it is a future event. This is why the “prince of the covenant” of Daniel chapter 11 is popularly interpreted to be the Antichrist of the future who makes some kind of peace deal with the nation of Israel. This kind of interpretation is called “eisegesis” meaning reading into the text what it is not actually saying. Eisegesis is the process of interpreting the text in such a way as to introduce one’s own presuppositions, agendas or biases. It is commonly referred to as reading into the text. That’s a no-no!

Let’s read Daniel 11:22 in context with verses before and after.

Daniel 11:21  And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
22  And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
23  And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.

It’s my observation that contemporary Bible prophecy teachers confuse the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 with the prophecies of Daniel 11. They are entirely different! Daniel 9:27 was fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus Christ and His Apostles during a seven-year period from 27 AD which was the year Jesus started His ministry of preaching the Gospel to the restored house of Israel which confirmed the Covenant God made with Abraham, the Covenant of grace through belief in God’s Word. The Bible says so no less than 3 times!

Romans 4:3  For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

Galatians 3:6  Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

James 2:23  And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

And the Apostle Paul unequivocally says the Covenant of Daniel 9:27 was confirmed in Christ!

Galatians 3:17  And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ,…

I won’t discuss Daniel 9:27 further in this article because I have covered it in detail a multitude of times on this website. What I want to talk about now is the problem of combining prophecies that are not related to each other.

Commentary of Daniel chapter 11:21-22 from Adam Clarke (1762 – 26 August 1832), a British Methodist theologian.

Daniel 11:21  And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

In his estate shall stand up a vile person — This was Antiochus, surnamed Epiphanes – the Illustrious. They did not give him the honour of the kingdom: he was at Athens, on his way from Rome, when his father died; and Heliodorus had declared himself king, as had several others. But Antiochus came in peaceably, for he obtained the kingdom by flatteries. He flattered Eumenes, king of Pergamus, and Attalus his brother, and got their assistance. He flattered the Romans, and sent ambassadors to court their favour, and pay them the arrears of the tribute. He flattered the Syrians, and gained their concurrence; and as he flattered the Syrians, so they flattered him, giving him the epithet of Epiphanes – the Illustrious. But that he was what the prophet here calls him, a vile person, is fully evident from what Polybius says of him, from Athenaeus, lib. v.: “He was every man’s companion: he resorted to the common shops, and prattled with the workmen: he frequented the common taverns, and ate and drank with the meanest fellows, singing debauched songs,” &c., &c. On this account, a contemporary writer, and others after him, instead of Epiphanes, called him Epimanes – the Madman.

“Antiochus IV Epiphanes (c. 215 BC – November/December 164 BC) was a Greek Hellenistic king who ruled the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC. He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. Originally named Mithradates (alternative form Mithridates), he assumed the name Antiochus after he ascended the throne. Notable events during Antiochus’s reign include his near-conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt, his persecution of the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the rebellion of the Jewish Maccabees.” – Source: Wikipedia

Daniel 11:22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

And with the arms of a flood — The arms which were overflown before him were his competitors for the crown. They were vanquished by the forces of Eumenes and Attalus; and were dissipated by the arrival of Antiochus from Athens, whose presence disconcerted all their measures.
The prince of the covenant — This was Onias, the high priest, whom he removed, and put Jason in his place, who had given him a great sum of money; and then put wicked Menelaus in his room, who had offered him a larger sum. Thus he acted deceitfully in the league made with Jason.

Commentary from Albert Barnes (December 1, 1798 – December 24, 1870), who was an American theologian.

Yea, also the prince of the covenant – He also shall be broken and overcome. There has been some diversity of opinion as to who is meant by “the prince of the covenant” here. Many suppose that it is the high priest of the Jews, as being the chief prince or ruler under the “covenant” which God made with them, or among the “covenant” people. But this appellation is not elsewhere given to the Jewish high priest, nor is it such as could with much propriety be applied to him. The reference is rather to the king of Egypt, with whom a covenant or compact had been made by Antiochus the Great, and who was supposed to be united, therefore, to the Syrians by a solemn treaty. See Lengerke, in loc. So Elliott, “Rev.” iv. 133.

Commentary from contemporary Bible teacher.

There’s a prince that’s coming. He’s going to make a covenant and to me, it just tells you two things. We’re talking about the rise of the Antichrist and the timing. We finally began the Tribulation, notice verse 23 and after the league made with him. That’s the Covenant. So he makes a Covenant but he’s a liar he’s a vile person and after the league made with him, he shall work deceitfully.

As you can see, this Bible teacher is giving us a futuristic interpretation. He’s calling the Prince of the Covenant the Antichrist. This is exactly what I was taught in the 1970s by a Bible prophecy teacher. And this teacher is also mixing together the prophecies of Daniel 9 with Daniel 11.

Some say a prophecy can have multiple fulfillments but I see no precedent for that in the Scriptures. Daniel 9:27 was fulfilled 2000 years ago and can never be repeated.

Albert Barnes and Adam Clarke come much closer to the truth in their historical interpretation of the Prince of the Covenant than do popular end-time Bible prophecy teachers of today.

If you were looking for an article on Christmas day about the birth of Christ, I have nothing better to tell you than to read the Gospel of Luke chapters one and two and also Isaiah chapter 53. That’s what me and my wife did for our morning devotions.

Seven Things You May Not Know about Christmas

Seven Things You May Not Know about Christmas

There is debate among some Christians about whether we should celebrate Christmas or not. I think we can if we scrape the lies off the Truth and celebrate it as it should be celebrated, as the birth of the Saviour, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, on earth.

Isaac Munter, pastor of a church in Bethelem, said there will be no festive Christmas celebrations this year in his church because of the destruction and death in Gaza. But I think we can still praise the Father for sending His Son to earth to be our savior!

Angels of God notified shepherds of the birth of Christ and celebrated the fact.

Luke 2:11-14  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12  And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

My wife and I are against the trappings of this world related to the Christmas season. We will never put up a tree or use any other symbols we consider to be Roman paganism.

When I lived in Japan, I took advantage of Christian holidays, Christmas and Easter (I’d rather call it Resurrection Sunday), to tell the Japanese about Jesus. It’s a great time to share the Gospel in non-Christian nations. Many Japanese have never heard the Gospel even once. One Japanese lady used to think Jesus was born in America!

Some things many people may not know:

  1. December 25th is supposed to be a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. But the date chosen was in fact based on pagan tradition, a Roman custom called “Sol Invictus” meaning, rebirth of the sun! In other words, the December 25th holiday is really based on sun worship. Just think about it: Winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, occurs either on December 21st or 22nd depending on the shift of the calendar. The day starts to get longer finally from the 25th, hence, the “rebirth of the sun.” The Bible does not specify the date that Jesus was born. He probably was not born in the winter because Luke chapter 2 says that at the time of His birth were, “shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night”. Shepherds usually don’t graze their flocks in winter.
  2. People who call themselves Christians do not all celebrate December 25th as the birthday of Christ. The Orthodox Church celebrates it on January 7th.
  3. Some dedicated and sincere Christians refuse to celebrate Christmas at all because of the materialism the worldly merchants promote at this time.
  4. December 25th is the 359th day of the year. The first time the word Satan appears in the King James version of the Bible is in 1 Chronicles chapter 21 – the 359th chapter! I have researcher, Al Neal to thank for this fact. But I also confirmed this for myself by adding up the chapters using OpenOffice Calc (the same as Excel). According to Al Neal, the numerical value of the Hebrew word for Satan is also 359! See that Hebrew letters can be converted to numbers.
  5. Santa is Satan when you move the third letter N to the end of the name.
  6. Christmas trees, mistletoe, jingle bells, etc. are related to paganism. The trees especially are related to pagan Druidism. The evergreen tree is based on sun worship. The sun’s energy turns plants green. Druids therefore worshiped the sun through the evergreen tree.
  7. Many Japanese do not know that Christmas is supposed to be the celebration of the birth of the Son of God to earth. They celebrate Christmas by eating some cake with tea on the evening of December 25th. The only reason they acknowledge Christmas at all is because of Western, and especially American influence.

The CIA, Knights of Malta, Vatican Connection

The CIA, Knights of Malta, Vatican Connection

I got this from independent sources. The quotations in block quotes confirm what the first source is saying. I won’t link to Wikipedia articles because you can easily look them up. I don’t always trust Wikipedia because of its left-liberal bias, but I will use when it confirms the information I find.

The Knights of Malta is the lay branch of the Jesuit Order!

“The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commission.” – Quoted from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper

Who formed the Central Intelligence Agency?

William Donavan

William J. Donovan

William “Wild Bill” Donovan.

Catholic Knight of Malta
CIA Founder
He is considered the “father of the CIA.” He was also the former head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the intelligence agency of the United States during World War II, the predecessor of the CIA.

William Joseph “Wild Bill” Donovan KBE (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was an American soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. He is best known for serving as the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during World War II. He is regarded as the founding father of the CIA. – Source: Wikipedia

“One day in July 1944, as the Second World War raged throughout Europe, General William “Wild Bill” Donovan was ushered into an ornate chamber in Vatican City for an audience with Pope Pius XII. Donovan bowed his head reverently as the pontiff intoned a ceremonial prayer in Latin and decorated him with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only 100 other men in history, who “by feat of arms, or writings, or outstanding deeds, have spread the Faith, and have safeguarded and championed the Church.” – Source:

“Pope Pius’ decoration of Wild Bill Donovan marked the beginning of a long-standing, intimate relationship between the Vatican and U.S. intelligence that continues to the present day. For centuries the Vatican has been a prime target of foreign espionage. One of the world’s greatest repositories of raw intelligence, it is a spy’s gold mine. Ecclesiastical, political and economic information filters in every day from thousands of priests, bishops and papal nuncios, who report regularly from every corner of the globe to the Office of the Papal Secretariat. So rich was this source of data that shortly after the war, the CIA created a special unit in its counterintelligence section to tap it and monitor developments within the Holy See.” – Source:

James Jesus Angleton

James Jesus Angleton

James J. Angleton

Knights of Malta
Chief, CIA Counterintelligence
CIA Liaison with Soviet KGB
British MI5, 1975
OSS Officer in Rome
Manned “Vatican Desk”, CIA
Manned “Israeli Desk”, CIA

“James Jesus Angleton (December 9, 1917 – May 11, 1987)[1] was an American intelligence operative who served as chief of counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975. Beginning in 1951, Angleton was responsible for “the Israel desk” as liaison with Israel’s Mossad and Shin Bet agencies.” – Source: Wikipedia

“The SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) had given a different prestigious award in 1946 to another high-level CIA operative, James Jesus Angleton. “It had to do with counterintelligence,” Angleton told Mother Jones, when asked why he was chosen for such a distinction. During World War II, Angleton was head of the Rome station of the OSS. Later, on his return to Washington, he ran what was tantamount to the “Vatican desk” for the CIA. According to Angleton, the agency does not have a Vatican desk. Nor does it have an Israel desk, for that matter, yet Angleton also covered that area. The extreme sensitivity associated with Israel and the Vatican required that work relating to them be buried among Angleton’s counterintelligence staff, which was well-suited for such assignments.” Source:

William F. Buckley, Jr

William F. Buckley, Jr

William F. Buckley, Jr

Knights of Malta
CIA 1951
Skull and Bones
Bohemian Grove

“There are many other knights (of Malta) with CIA connections. … William Buckley, Jr., a former CIA operative and the editor of the National Review, is a member, as is his brother James, a former senator from New York and now undersecretary of state for security assistance.” – Source:

William Frank Buckley Jr. (born William Francis Buckley; (November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008) was an American conservative writer, public intellectual, and political commentator. … After the war, he attended Yale University, where he became a member of the secret Skull and Bones society. Afterward, he worked for two years in the Central Intelligence Agency . – Source: Wikipedia.

Buckley’s name is confirmed to be a member of the Bohemian Grove on

George H.W. Bush

George H.W. Bush

George H.W. Bush Sr.

Bohemian Grove
Knights of Malta
United States President
CIA Director
Skull and Bones
Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath

It’s quite well known this man was director of the CIA and a member of Skull and Bones. No resource necessary for those points.

Members of the Bohemian Club have included former U.S. presidents, musicians, oil barons and more. Presidents include Nixon, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, both Bushs, Hoover, Ford, and Reagan. Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and a healthy selection of White House chiefs of staff, senators, secretaries of state, secretaries of defense, army generals have also attended the camp. – Source:

All the Bushs’ names are listed as being a member of the Knights of Malta on

Like Ronald Reagan, Bush was made a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath–or GCB–the highest honorary rank Britain can give a foreigner. Source:

William J. Casey, Director Of Central Intelligence

William J. Casey

William J Casey

CIA Director 1981 – 1987 under Reagan
Knights of Malta
Jesuit Fordham University-trained

Casey was raised as a devout Roman Catholic in Bellmore, New York and graduated from the Jesuit-affiliated Fordham University in 1934. He continued his education at other Catholic institutions, completing graduate work at the Catholic University of America before earning an LL.B. from St. John’s University School of Law in 1937. – Source: Wikipedia.

Henry Luce 1954

Henry Luce

Henry Luce

Knights of Malta
CFR /CIA Officer
Skull and Bones

Henry Luce could be titled the “father of mainstream media.” He was referred to as “the most influential private citizen in America of his day.” The person behind Life, Fortune, and Time magazines, his cooperation with the powers of his day perfectly demonstrate what “the elite” is, and how power works today. His influence, connection to American industrialists, and membership in the secret society Skull and Bones at Yale University make him a relevant character to learn about. Source:

Henry Luce is listed as a member of the Knights of Malta on Famous American members of the Knights of Malta.

Luce definitely worked with the CIA.

Allen Dulles

Allen Dulles

Knights of Malta
First civilian head of CIA

Allen Dulles is listed as a member of the Knights of Malta on Famous American members of the Knights of Malta.

Allen Welsh Dulles (April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was an American lawyer who was the first civilian director of central intelligence (DCI), and its longest serving director to date. As head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the early Cold War, he oversaw the 1953 Iranian coup d’état, the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’état, the Lockheed U-2 aircraft program, the Project MKUltra mind control program and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. – Source: Wikipedia

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Knights of Malta
President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser
CIA Operative
Bilderberg Group
Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission
Adviser: Jesuit Georgetown University
Polish Roman Catholic Socialist-Communist
Professor: Columbia University, New York
Recruiter of Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Hussein Obama

Talk about a powerful and influential man!

There’s an article about Brzezinski on the Polish Knights of Malta, Inc. website which makes me assume he was one of them.

While attending Occidental University, 1979 – 81′, young Barack Obama meets a former Jimmy Carter administration official Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski is a key CIA asset and expert on Russia. He later becomes a mentor, and then much later a foreign policy advisor to President Elect Obama. Source:

“Brzezinski, who was born in Poland, in fact acted as the lead political advisor on foreign affairs to President Obama during his 2008 campaign and is still unofficially advising him on foreign policy. (When Obama was president.) Brzezinski’s advice, based on what he asserted in his interview with Zakaria, is likely to shape Obama’s near term actions in the Middle East as well as his campaign platform.” – Source:

Zbigniew Brzezinski was born in Warsaw, Poland, on March 28, 1928 into an aristocratic Roman Catholic family. – Source: Wikipedia

Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Rockefeller advisor who was a specialist on international affairs (and later President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981), left Columbia University to organize the group (the Trilateral Commission). Source:

His name is listed as one of the members of the Council on Foreign Relations – the American branch of the Illuminati – on the official CFR.ORG website.

I couldn’t find confirmation on all the points about Brzezinski, but I’m pretty sure they are true based on what I found so far and what I’ve heard about him through the years.

Reinhard Gehlen

Reinhard Gehlen

Reinhard Gehlen

Knights of Malta
Hitler’s chief intelligence officer

Reinhard Gehlen was a General in the German Army during the Second World War and served as Chief Intelligence Officer(FHO) Foreign Armies East, on the Eastern Front obtaining accurate information about the strength and capabilities of the Red Army.

Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a German career intelligence officer who served the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany, the U.S. intelligence community, and the NATO-affiliated Federal Republic of Germany during the Cold War. Source: Wikipedia

Nazi Gestapo Chief [and Minister of ‘Homeland Security’] Heinrich Himmler had a Jesuit priest uncle who just happened to hold a top position in the Nazi SS. Then we find German General Reinhard Gehlen, a Knight of Malta, (and Hitler’s chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union) being helped to escape to America through the efforts of an American Knight of Malta and future Director, CIA) William Casey and American high-level Freemason Allen Dulles. As we examine the quotations included in this newsletter, we will notice that Knights of Malta and high-level Freemasons keep showing up not only in the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies, but also in foreign intelligence agencies!

Reinhard Gehlen being a Knight of Malta is confirmed on

Former German officer and Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen was instrumental in the formation and structure of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency! This is confirmed on the Find a Grave website.

Jesuit control over the CIA

Jesuit control over the CIA

This is a list of quotes from with confirmation of the facts from other sources. Quotes from are indented. The confirmation sources are in block quotes.

The Jesuits have been controlling the Vatican for hundreds of years.

“As far as Europe was concerned, her (the Vatican’s) reactionary policies in France, Austria, and Spain, as well as her support of antisemitic trends in Vienna, Paris, and Algiers were probably an immediate consequence of Jesuit influence. It was the Jesuits who had always best represented, both in the written and spoken word, the antisemitic school of the Catholic clergy. This is largely the consequence of their statutes according to which each novice must prove that he has no Jewish blood back to the fourth generation. And since the beginning of the nineteenth century the direction of the Church’s international policy had passed into their hands.” – Hannah Arendt. The Origins of Totalitarianism pg. 102.

Hannah Arendt (14 October 1906 – 4 December 1975) was a German-born American historian and philosopher. She was one of the most influential political theorists of the 20th century. – Wikipedia.

Both Hitler and Himmler admitted the influence the Jesuits had on the ideals of the national socialists… and it was the Vatican that allowed many of them to escape, out of which many of them helped in the creation of the CIA and were part of many of its operations.

The Red Cross and the Vatican both helped thousands of Nazi war criminals and collaborators to escape after the second world war, according to a book that pulls together evidence from unpublished documents. Source:

The founding father of the CIA, William J. Donovan was granted the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester. Only like a hundred men have been given this award… and it is granted by the pope himself because of some service to the Vatican. Donovan granted the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylester is confirmed on Wikipedia.

William Joseph “Wild Bill” Donovan KBE (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was an American soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. He is best known for serving as the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during World War II. He is regarded as the founding father of the CIA.

The Pontifical Equestrian Order of Saint Sylvester Pope and Martyr, sometimes referred to as the Sylvestrine Order, or the Pontifical Order of Pope Saint Sylvester, is one of five orders of knighthood awarded directly by the Pope as Supreme Pontiff and head of the Catholic Church and as the Head of State of Vatican City. It is intended to honour Catholic laypeople who are actively involved in the life of the Church, particularly as it is exemplified in the exercise of their professional duties and mastership of the different arts. – Wikipedia.

The CIA’s director of intelligence Allen Dulles and the Jesuit priest Avery Dulles were blood related. (Confirmed on Wikipedia.) Allen was also the CIA director that was in power for the longest time.
CIA director George Tenet was educated by the Jesuits at Georgetown. (Georgetown is a Jesuit university.)

“George John Tenet (born January 5, 1953) is an American intelligence official and academic who served as the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) for the United States Central Intelligence Agency, as well as a Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy at Georgetown University.” – Wikipedia

CIA director Leon Edward Panetta was educated by Jesuits at the Santa Clara University. (Confirmed on Wikipedia)
Finally, the CIA itself is a Catholic organization, like its nickname implies. Which Catholics themselves openly boost about through their media.

Catholics have been thriving at the CIA since its earliest days. Who knew?
From The Catholic Herald:
The CIA is the best known of the 17 agencies that comprise the American intelligence community. It has earned itself nicknames like “Catholic Intelligence Agency” and “Catholics In Action”. – Source:

Doctor Stephen D. Mumford (American expert on fertility and population growth according to Wikipedia), wrote in American democracy & the Vatican: Population Growth & national security, pg 172:
“The CIA serves as an agency through which secret assistance to the Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders.
For creating the Office of Strategic Services [OSS], the wartime predecessor to the CIA, and this special arrangement with the Vatican, General William (Wild Bill) Donovan was decorated in July 1944 by Pope Pius XII with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only one hundred other men in history, who by feat of arms or writing or outstanding deeds have spread the faith and have safeguarded and championed the Roman Catholic Church.
Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the Roman Catholic Church than any other American, and he was rewarded for his services with the highest Roman Catholic award ever received by an American. No doubt, thousands of others have striven with their deeds for similar recognition.”
Former CIA officer E. Howard Hunt said in an interview in the documentary “A Coup Made in America” which aired on Canadian television series Turning Points of History in 1998, speaking on his role in the coup d’état in Guatemala in 1954 that:
“We had gotten the okay from Cardinal Spellman to go ahead with this… and I wouldn’t presume to trace the lines of authority within the Catholic Church… how they get their information they deal with… We’ve always said in an admiring way that the Jesuits form the greatest intelligence service in the world and always have.”

See the YouTube about it:

The Testimony of Ex-Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera

The Testimony of Ex-Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera

In 1979, Chick Publications printed the first in a series of highly controversial comics based on the life of ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera. Once converted to Christ, Alberto began exposing the Vatican’s most closely guarded secrets. His information shocked the world.

One of my email friends sent me links to download PDF files of Jack Chicks tracts about Alberto Rivera, but the files were over the 20 megabyte upload limit. I figured out how to divide the PDF file into 35 PNG image files, crop them one by one, and save them in WEBP format to reduce file size. It was laborious work but I’m glad to do it.

It’s easier to read this article from a PC, but possible from a phone if you enlarge the image with your fingers.

This is not the entire tract. I am posting it under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute which makes it permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports.

Read this entire tract and 7 more if you like from PDF files you can download.

“Alberto” (1979) – The testimony of former Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera – how he found Christ and began to expose Rome’s innermost secrets.

Alberto 07

Alberto 08

Alberto 09

Alberto 10

Alberto 11

Alberto 12

Alberto 13

Alberto 14

Alberto 16

Alberto 17

Alberto 18

Alberto 19

Alberto 21

Alberto 22

Alberto 23

Alberto 24

Alberto 25

Alberto 26

Alberto 27

Alberto 28

Alberto 29

Alberto 30

Alberto 31

Alberto 33

Alberto 34

Alberto 35

The Jesuit / Vatican Connection with Zionism, Israel, and Western Intelligence Agencies

The Jesuit / Vatican Connection with Zionism, Israel, and Western Intelligence Agencies

I found a goldmine of information from that positively links the Jesuit Order to Israel and Zionism! This article is not a mere copy and paste from but a compilation of several sources. I’m going through all the links on to fact-check and compile all the information I think is relative to the subject. Indented paragraphs are quotes from the sources I found.

Former German officer and Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen was instrumental in the formation and structure of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency!

This is confirmed on the Find a Grave website.

Reinhard Gehlen was a General in the German Army during the Second World War and served as Chief Intelligence Officer(FHO) Foreign Armies East, on the Eastern Front obtaining accurate information about the strength and capabilities of the Red Army.

Just imagine that! One of Hitler’s generals the creator of Mossad! That alone says a lot of what I am trying to prove in this article.

James Jesus Angleton was in charge of the CIA’s relationship with Mossad, making it part of the CIA, KGB and MI6 formation.
“James Jesus Angleton (December 9, 1917 – May 11, 1987) was an American intelligence operative who served as chief of counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975.” – Source: Wikipedia.
He was a member of the Knights of Malta and head of the ‘Vatican Desk’ and ‘Israel Desk.’ Source: Movers and Shakers of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Jesuit-trained Shimon Peres gave the lands of Israel to the Vatican in the Oslo Accords.

Shimon Peres With Pope Benedict

Shimon Peres with Pope Benedict. That sure looks like a Masonic handshake!

“The Black Pope,” Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas, rules “the White Pope” sitting in “St. Peter’s Chair,” Pope Benedict XVI, who in turn rules “the Great White Witch,” Dame of Malta and key Bilderberger, Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen, upon orders from her immediate master in London, Jesuit Provincial of the British Province Michael Holman, made Israeli President Shimon Peres a Knight of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in November of 2008, he having faithfully administered Rome’s foremost colony (Israel) in the Middle East for over fifty years. Source: Vatican Assassins
A lot of Israeli prime ministers were also high-level Freemasons. This is confirmed on Freemason Israel Prime Ministers, 1948-2008
Jesuit control over Freemasonry has been pointed out by many relevant figures in the past. The Jesuits themselves were very influential towards the Zionist movement itself. The Rothschilds played a huge role in the movement towards Israel, who have proven to side with the Vatican in order to target their “fellow” Jews many times in the past. The Jesuits used the Rothschilds to fund the Bolshevik revolution, so not only can they be held accountable for the millions of kills under the Communist regime, but they also supported the anti-Semitic and fascists movements in Europe simultaneously to blame the Jews for creating Communism.
The Jesuit control over Intelligence in the Middle East isn’t limited to the Mossad itself, but they even control the Palestinian authorities through the CIA, having both groups caught up in a Hegelian Dialectic that they can exploit.
The Jesuits are probably the most anti-Semitic group out there due to the Jews being a rather materialist group, which they can’t tolerate. They are an extremely anti-nationalist group as well.
The Vatican believes that religious, nationalist Jews aren’t the rightful owners of the lands of Israel and that it actually belongs to Catholic Christians.
The Jesuits are the group that has control over all the most relevant Intelligence agencies and have always gone out of their way to blame Zionism and the Jews themselves for it.
The Jesuits have controlled the CIA, FBI, KGB/FSB, MI5/MI6, Mossad Intelligence groups simultaneously. So they are responsible for nearly every single conflict involving every single nation on earth in the last decades, all while blaming the Jews for it.

Comments from the webmaster

I think with this information we can see the Israeli-Hamas war in a new light. Just the fact that the Israel government took 8 hours to come to the aid of their own citizens, and the fact that the border war was unguarded giving Hamas free reign to do their dirty work, tells me the operation was planned by the Jesuits to lead to the destruction of both sides. Will the Vatican-led Western world continue to allow Israel to murder Palestinians? The head of the Freemasons in the 19th century, Albert Pike, predicted the following:

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

You may ask, “How do you know your sources are not Zionist disinformation?” I’m basing my views on the history I know about the Roman Catholic Church and the belief the early Protestant Reformers had about the office of the papacy being the seat of the Antichrist, meaning Satan’s political control of the world. I could ask you the same question. How do you know your beliefs about Jewish control of the world are not based on Jesuit disinformation?

One author I read recently, Benjamin H. Freedman, a man who was raised Jewish, has some interesting things to say about Talmudic Kabbalistic Judaism which he rejects. But I don’t trust him because he’s a Holocaust denier and became a Roman Catholic!!! He could therefore have been a shill working for the Jesuits.

Pope Francis The Fox

Pope Francis The Fox

In Pope Francis’ first encyclical, “Laudato Si’, mi’ Signore(Praise be to you, my Lord): On the Common Care of Our Home,[1]the Pope identifies himself as “the Holy Father,” and as a Christian. Nevertheless, Francis teaches the following in this encyclical,

“In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs.”

Is Francis endorsing the idea that the Earth “governs us” rather than the Lord? Nowhere in the Bible is the Earth called “Mother” or “sister.” This is demonic theology rooted in the “mystery religion” of Babylon. Anthropomorphizing the Earth, especially as female, has always been a mark of pagan and Satanic worship. As Alexander Hislop points out, “It has been known all along that Popery was baptized Paganism; but God is now making it manifest, that the Paganism which Rome has baptized is, in all its essential elements, the very Paganism which prevailed in the ancient literal Babylon….”[2]

Pope Francis is first and foremost a Jesuit. As a Jesuit, he is known to be cunning as a fox. This, his first encyclical, is addressed to “all people about our common home.”[3] It remains to be seen, then, to what end he has opened his reign as pope with a statement of gross paganism as part of his supposedly Christian world view.

Biblical Truth

The truth is that in the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth. As the Bible states, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:1, 2). Nevertheless, Francis has cleverly chosen to quote twelfth century Catholic St. Francis’ pagan understanding of the issue. Therefore, it cannot be by accident that Pope Francis chose to cover his papacy in the supposedly benign robes of St. Francis of Assisi.

Basic Untruth

A major fact to be considered is that Pope Francis believes in his absolute authority. As his own Roman Church teaching proclaims, “the Supreme Pontiff, in virtue of his office possesses infallible teaching authority”[4] However, the reality is that Jesus Christ alone possesses all power and teaching authority, as Christ Himself proclaimed, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:18). Thus, does Jesuit Francis, having first covered himself in the pagan mantel of St. Francis of Assisi, attempt to usurp divine authority in a claim that is totally counterfeit. Another example of this Roman Catholic counterfeited authority by Pope Francis is seen in the following: Francis professes to impart Christ by Masses and the Holy Spirit by Sacraments, including his current idea that “As Christians, we are also called ‘to accept the world as a sacrament of communion, as a way of sharing with God and our neighbors on a global scale.’”[5] Where is any evidence of Scriptural truth and the Gospel in this spiritually blind papal teaching? The Scripture commands each man to repent and believe the Gospel, but no man can do this without the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Apparently unaware of these elementary facts, Pope Francis expands his argument by stating that the Papacy’s worldview is relevant for today. His teaching ends up in totalitarianism. Thus, the encyclical states,

“This sister” (the Earth) now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life.

Francis’ stated view is utterly pantheistic. The Bible states,

God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.(Hebrews 1:1, 2)

The Bible states the facts. Contrarily, Francis teaches the heaven and earth are parts of God—in a word, pagan philosophy.

Pope Francis’s Cunning Conjectures

What must be understood is that Francis’ encyclical, with its elevated and inspiring tone in pursuit of ethical excellence, is heavily laden with all the classical assumptions of the Papacy. Principally, what is being presented in the encyclical is an idealized plan for the world. It is based on the Vatican’s view of both what the world presently is, and what it could be, as if the Pope were the temporal “lord-director” of all things spiritual, political, and economic. The whole argument of the encyclical hangs upon the veracity of its alleged self-evident axioms. The assumptions are false, however. If Pope Francis wants to be a prophetic voice in the modern world, allegedly speaking on Christ’s behalf, then his assumptions must be evaluated according to the measure given in the Word of God, namely, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). The Lord Jesus Christ was emphatic that Scripture is absolute truth, that it cannot be refuted. As Scripture states, “Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, ‘All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.’” (Matthew 28:18). Thus, from the outset, it becomes clear that Pope Francis is an impostor with an objective.

What Francis does not make explicit in this encyclical is that since the Council of Trent in the mid-sixteenth century, the Roman Church has held that there is no salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church-State, and formally denied the Gospel. Rome formally went apostate at the Council of Trent. It has never revoked the Council of Trent. Thus, rather than the Gospel to declare one right before Holy God, Rome has only sacraments to offer. These do not deliver salvation, for it is only “the Gospel of Christ that is the power unto salvation to everyone that believeth” (Romans 1:16). Therefore, the Papacy must take in hand another tool, it must find another route by which to snare people into the folds of Modern Babylon. Dialogue on environmental issues is the current mode. Near the end of the encyclical, there is much religious talk about God and the duty of Christians. But this is only a postscript to the encyclical.

In face of this the Lord Jesus Christ’s message to those who are His own is totally different. He proclaims, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:18-20).

Following this message is the assurance that those who by grace alone believe on Christ alone through faith alone, i.e., the true spiritual family of God made up of people across the globe. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12, 13). As presented in the Gospel, those who by God’s grace alone through faith alone believe on the Lord Jesus Christ alone, have been declared “sons of God” through the Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect life and sacrifice. As the Apostle Paul proclaimed, “you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:15, 16).

Pope Francis’ Agenda

Throughout the encyclical Francis’s environmental theme cannot be ignored. With over 170 references to global warming, climate change, environment and environmental issues, it is clear this is the means to his end. While we are rightly concerned with what Francis is saying, it is also imperative to grasp why he is saying it. Francis’ encyclical is not in any sense a labor of original thought. Both his analytical style and argumentative form are firmly grounded in the Vatican’s preeminent sense of its own self-importance and presumed lordship over every aspect of human life.

Francis exhaustively demonstrates that his views truly represent the historical essence of Rome’s religious and social teaching. However, that teaching is not the teaching of the Bible. Thus, Francis shows himself again to be a cunning fox. His objective is to firmly ground his institution’s own welfare and future in terms of an “integral human development” that acknowledges his primacy as the sole arbiter of ethics and moral order. It is quite clear that Francis is writing his encyclical to again assert the Papacy’s autocratic claims. The aim of Francis in this encyclical is to propound and promote a type of world government. Specifically, he envisions a renewed and rejuvenated “globalized society” within which the Roman Church-State subsists as the principal ethical entity. And what better way to gain moral authority than by weaving together environmental activism based upon global warming and climate change synthesized by modern “science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6:20).Truly it is a cunning plan to solidify a political base with the non-religious left, thereby creating a harmonious Church and Global State. The ecumenical activity since the early days of Vatican II has been extremely successful in unifying the religious right under Papal dominance. If this continues, it is just a matter of time before all are ushered in to another chapter of the Dark Ages.

The term “globalize” is used fifty-three times in his document. In the terms of the argument, it is meant to reinforce not merely the concept of an inevitable necessary global synthesis but to generate in his words a “just and sustainable economic order.” Part of Francis’s agenda is the development of an increasingly globalized society by the nations seeking for “the common good” of all. Thus, in section 7, concerning “the common good,” he states, “It is the good of ‘all of us,’ made up of individuals, families and intermediate groups who together constitute society.” In the Bible, the ultimate end of man is to glorify God through the appreciation and adoration of His Son Jesus Christ to the complete satisfaction of our souls. In the Bible, it is through the commitment to the whole counsel of God that we come to delight more fully in who He is as the One Sovereign God to His glory and our good. There is no such thing as “the sovereign good” that can be conceived of as existing externally to God as sovereign. Therefore, His revealed will in His Word is the only standard of good for rational creatures. “There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God” (1 Samuel 2:2).

The emphasis on economics is such that Pope Francis mentions the concept one hundred thirty-three times. This same Francis and his Vatican system teach that private property is not personal as such, but belongs to all people. A Vatican Council II document upholds the same principle of the “universal ownership of all goods” and emphatically teaches, “If one is in extreme necessity, he has the right to procure for himself what he needs out of the riches of others.”[6] Pope Francis’ philosophy is simply a justification for theft, whether on an individual level or a governmental level. The Bible states, “Thou shall not steal…. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s” (Exodus 20:15, 17). Instead, people should be looking to the Father in heaven and His Word to learn Biblical stewardship of their money and property. Catholics, and now nations across the world, are being exhorted to look to Pope Francis and his encyclical as a sure path for resuscitation of the international economy. Biblical principles of divine justice, creaturely property rights, and equivalent value exchange economics needed for stability and well-being of nations, are negated by Francis’ economic policies.

Real Legal Power to Implement the Pope’s Agenda

Francis’ predecessor, Benedict XVI, called for “a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.”[7] Social and religious dominance, upheld and maintained by means of civil law throughout the European nations, is what the Roman Catholic Church-State enjoyed and thrived on throughout the Dark Ages and Middle Ages. It is to that same end which Francis now moves. Listing global warming, pollution, poverty, global inequality, over-consumption by first world nations and like issues, he states,

These situations have caused sister earth, along with all the abandoned of our world, to cry out, pleading that we take another course. Never have we so hurt and mistreated our common home as we have in the last two hundred years. Yet we are called to be instruments of God our Father, so that our planet might be what he desired when he created it and correspond with his plan for peace, beauty and fullness. The problem is that we still lack the culture needed to confront this crisis.

After personifying the Earth, Francis moves smoothly to state, “[To commit] crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God.”[8] He then calls for “the establishment of a legal framework, which can set clear boundaries and ensure the protection of ecosystems[, which] has become indispensable….”[9] His solution of changing the culture by his enforced legal prescriptions rather than evangelizing the world with the true Gospel of grace is absolutely wrong headed, but it fits seamlessly into the ongoing papal agenda.

Moreover, the Roman Catholic Church-State has much influence in the formulation and implementation of national and international laws, particularly in the nations in which she has papal nuncios as ambassadors. At present, she maintains diplomatic relations with 174 countries at embassy level. Expediency, deceit, and cunning have always been defining elements of the Roman Church-State’s geo-political pronouncements. Pope Francis and his Vatican desire to maintain official diplomatic intercourse. Their understanding is that political, civil power is subordinate to the spiritual control of apostate Rome. Now Pope Francis, its necessary instrument, is used to fulfill its aspirations and objectives.


Francis and his encyclical on directing religious, political, and economic activities worldwide should not be surprising. Papal arrogance tallies well with Scripture’s prediction for such claims, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14). There can be but one Vicar of Christ who is infinite, supreme, omnipotent, and all sufficient; namely, the Holy Spirit. The Papacy is a demonically energized apostate system that will be judged and utterly condemned by the Lord.[10] Biblical insight apprehends that “the whole world lies in wickedness” (1 John 5:19), and “the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand” (Daniel 12:10). The Papal program is wicked and willful, and its genius in means and method, satanic (see 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4). From the beginning, the Lord God purposed to glorify Himself “in the Church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end” (Ephesians 3:21). He created the world and formed man for this purpose. His all-wise design was not defeated when Adam and mankind fell, for Jesus Christ the Lord was the Lamb “slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). Almighty God’s will is from eternity, and reigns supreme in time. He orders, directs, and controls all events. He it is “who works all things after the counsel of his own will” (Ephesians 1:11). Satan and his present neo-Babylonian empire cannot resist Him. It is written, “The Lord reigns; let the people tremble” (Psalm 99:1).

Please join us in prayer that many people will understand this, and that they also would be drawn by God’s Spirit to seek His grace. Grace is unmerited, divine favor. By grace alone, He saves hell-deserving sinners, and so all the glory of redeeming power is His alone. Since God works all things after the counsel of His own will, Pope Francis’ manipulation of civil power, false ecumenism, and unbiblical economic policies are mere instruments that God for His purposes has allowed. We can be sincerely thankful that Almighty God in His supreme wisdom has set limits to the intrigues of Rome. Pope Francis and the Roman Church will be punished for their willful rejection of the Lordship of Christ. The Lord’s people will not be deceived by the powerful delusion that has descended on the world.[11] Rather they “should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). True believers are those who adhere only to God and His written Word: these know that they are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, and that to God solely is due all glory and praise.

[1], Paragraph 1. May 24, 2015. April 20, 2017. See also Paragraph 87 where a hymn of Francis of Assisi is quoted mentioning Sir Brother Sun, Brother Wind, Sister Moon, Sister Water, etc.

[2] Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons (Delmarva Publications, 2013 First Printing) Introduction.

[3] “Laudato Si,” Paragraph 3.

[4] Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraph 891.

[5] “Laudato Si,” Paragraph 9.

[6] Vatican Council II, No. 64, “Gaudium et Spes,” Paragraph 69. Austin Flannery, General Editor (Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Doocuments).

[8] “Laudato Si,” Paragraph 8.

[9] “Laudato Si,” Paragraph 53.

[10] Revelation 18:8 “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judges her.”

[11] 2Thessalonians2:8-12, Mark 13:22: “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.”In context, “If it were possible,”means that it is not possible because they have received a love of the truth, which the world has not.

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The Ten Commandments in the Language of the Pope

The Ten Commandments in the Language of the Pope

I think that most Protestant Christians today have been deceived as to who the Pope of Rome really is. This post may offend some people, but perhaps it may help wake up the sleepers. It was taken from “The Pope – Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue” – By Jeremiah J. Crowley, a Roman Catholic priest for 21 years. He wrote it in 1913. Do you think the Roman Catholic hierarchy is any different today? I once met a young Irishman who told me he is ashamed of the fact he was raised Catholic because of the scandals of pedophile priests.

The following is taken from LETTER TO ALL CIVILIZED PEOPLES. Subject: THE POPE—FOE OF MANKIND. Part I
Yes, it expresses extreme sarcasm. But I think a man such as Jeremiah J. Crowley could well afford to be sarcastic considering the way the agents of the Vatican dealt with him.

The Ten Commandments of God translated into papal language are thus rendered:

  1. One Lord and one God shalt thou adore, in the “Supreme Pontiff” at Rome, “Vicar of Christ,” and like unto Christ, sinless and infallible.
  2. Bless every day of thy life the holy name of pope and pontiff, proving thy sincerity by daily offerings to “Peter’s Pence.”
  3. Keep holy the feast days of “Holy Church,” especially those of the Blessed Booze and the cherished St. Boodle.
  4. Honor the “Holy Fathers” of thy Church and reverence the “Holy Mothers” of White Slavery, toiling so steadily for “Holy Fathers” comfort.
  5. Kill thou shalt not, save “Heretics”, “Schismatics” and other enemies of the blessed White Slavery of the Vatican.
  6. Commit not adultery, unless thou faithfully pay the price set by “Holy Church” for many masses for “souls in Purgatory.”
  7. Steal not, unless to hand over proceeds to “Holy Fathers” for saloon, red light, and other agents of needed priestly refreshment and recuperation.
  8. Do not lie, save and except when duty to “Holy Church” and the interests of its White Slave and Wine Room activities demand.
  9. Covet not thy neighbor’s wife, unless thou art prelate, priest, or monk.
  10. Covet not any of thy neighbor’s goods that thou couldst not turn readily into coin of the realm, for the benefit of White Slave Institutions and Temples of Sodom, under control of “Holy Fathers” for the spiritual upliftment of men and women.

In the beginning of this chapter, Jeremiah J. Crowley writes:

David, King and Prophet, filled with a genuine and grateful exaltation of spirit, at all the benefits received from his God, exclaimed:

O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord.

For this sublime invocation of the Royal Prophet papal eulogists of today may invite us to sing:

O praise the pope, all ye humankind: praise him, all ye nations. For his goodness is ever at command of highest bidder, and his favor endureth as long as suppliant’s gold holds out.

Lord Acton Quotes About the Roman Catholic Church

Lord Acton Quotes About the Roman Catholic Church

John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 13th Marquess of Groppoli, (10 January 1834 – 19 June 1902), better known as Lord Acton, was an English Catholic historian, politician, and writer. He is best remembered for the remark he wrote in a letter to an Anglican bishop in 1887: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Source: Wikipedia

What Lord Acton has to say about the Catholic Church is one of the frankest and most honest appraisals I have ever heard about the true nature of the Vatican and the Pope! It’s hard to believe he remained a Roman Catholic.

“The story [of the papacy] is much more abominable than we all believed…. [The Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre] is the greatest crime of modern times. It was committed on the principles professed by Rome. It was approved, sanctioned, and praised by the Papacy. The Holy See went out of its way to signify to the world, by permanent and solemn acts, how entirely it admired a king who slaughtered his subjects treacherously because they were Protestants. To proclaim forever that because a man is a Protestant it is a pious deed to cut his throat in the night.” (quoted by John Robbins, “Acton on the Papacy,” The Trinity Review Number 89, July 1992:3).

Note: The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre was a widespread slaughter of French Protestants (Huguenots) by Catholics beginning on 24 August 1572 and lasting over two months, resulting in the deaths of between 5,000 and 25,000 people. Another source says up to 70,000 Protestants in all of France.

“I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way, against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it…. For many years my view of Catholic controversy has been governed by the following chain of reasoning:
1. A crime does not become a good deed by being committed for the good of a church.
2. The theorist who approves the act is no better than the culprit who commits it.
3. The divine or historian who defends the theorist incurs the same blame…. To commit murder is the mark of a moment, exceptional. To defend it is constant, and shows a more perverted conscience” (quoted by John Robbins, “Acton on the Papacy,” The Trinity Review Number 89, July 1992:2).

“A man is not honest who accepts all the Papal decisions in questions of morality, for they have often been distinctly immoral; or who approves the conduct of the Popes in engrossing power, for it was stained with perfidy and falsehood; or who is ready to alter his convictions at their command, for his conscience is guided by no principle” (quoted by John Robbins, “Acton on the Papacy,” The Trinity Review Number 89, July 1992:3).

“The papacy contrived murder and massacre on the largest and also on the most cruel and inhuman scale. They [the popes] were not only wholesale assassins but they made the principle of assassination a law of the Christian Church and a condition of salvation…. [The Papacy] is the fiend skulking behind the Crucifix” (quoted by John Robbins, “Acton on the Papacy,” The Trinity Review Number 89, July 1992:4).

“The Inquisition was peculiarly the weapon and the work of the Popes. It stands out from all those things in which they cooperated, followed, or assented as the distinctive feature of papal Rome. It was set up, renewed, and perfected by a long series of acts emanating from the supreme authority in the Church. No other institution, no doctrine, no ceremony is so distinctly the individual creation of the Papacy, except dispensing power. It is the principal thing with which the Papacy is identified, and by which it must be judged. The principle of the Inquisition is the Pope’s sovereign power over life and death. Whosoever disobeys him should be tried and tortured and burnt. If that cannot be done, formalities may be dispensed with, and the culprit may be killed like an outlaw. That is to say, the principle of the Inquisition is murderous, and a man’s opinion of the Papacy is regulated and determined by his opinion of religious assassination” (Lord Acton, Letters to Mary Gladstone, 185-186).

Science Cannot Explain What You Think It Does

Science Cannot Explain What You Think It Does

Oxford mathematician and apologist John Lennox is joined by Samuel Marusca and Justin Brierley at the Practical Wisdom Conference in London to discuss faith in the age of science. John Lennox challenges conventional beliefs about science’s explanatory scope, and exposes that science doesn’t even explain what you think it does. Lennox delves into the assertions of Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking, who propose that the Universe originated from nothing, presenting a compelling case for creationism.

I always liked to read books about science when I was a kid, especially books about physics, inorganic chemistry, and electronics. I’m not intimidated by an atheist’s doubts about God or the Bible no matter how brilliant the world considers that atheist to be. When theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said, “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing,” I thought that’s one of the dumbest things a person could say! The universe did not and cannot design itself. Gravity and matter alone cannot create anything. Information is also a requirement to create something. Information in inherent in design. DNA is the code of creation of life. A code contains information. Information can only come from an intelligent source. When you see words written in sand on a beach, you’re not going to think it happened by a random process of nature.

These are some of the main points of the discussion. Please also listen to the video below.

Partial transcript

  • There’s this notion that God and science are alternatives in terms of explanation, and for a long time I couldn’t understand why people as bright as Stephen Hawking constantly said to the public, “You got to choose between God and Science. And I realized for a long time that part of the reason for that was they didn’t understand the nature of scientific explanation. We need to realize that the God explanation and the science explanation are different kinds of explanations. For example, Why is the water boiling? Well, because the heat energy is agitating the molecules of water. That’s a scientific explanation. But I could equally well say it’s boiling because I want a cup of tea. Now that is an agent-personal explanation. Think about those two explanations. They’re different but they do not compete, they do not conflict, they complement each other. And I often say to people the God explanation is the agent-type explanation. God is the explanation of why there is a universe at all and why there are scientists there to study it. He’s not competing in that sense at all, we need both.
  • Isaac Newton wrote what was perhaps the most brilliant book in the History of Science, Principia Mathematica, and he dedicated it to with the hope that thinking people would see in it evidence for the existence of a Divine intelligence behind the universe.
  • I’m a mathematician, the very fact that we can do mathematics to me is an indicator that this is a word-based universe. The very fact that in biology we’ve discovered the longest word, the human genome, 3.4 billion letters in the chemical alphabet is evidence of an intelligent mind.
  • Apologetics has nothing to do with being apologetic. It comes from the Greek word apologia which means giving a defense of something. I don’t like the word apologetics because it sounds like an apology. We should have translated it. All we did was take it straight out of Greek and transliterated it. It’s much better I think to say, “persuasive evangelism” and the most persuasive thing about your experience if you’re a Christian here tonight is your experience of Christ.
  • Reason and faith are not in opposition. You need reason even to read the Bible.
  • People get very confused about it, and one of the reasons for that confusion is that they call me an apologist. I don’t like that. I try to persuade people and I use argument, but the key to the effectiveness of that is that when Paul stood up and reasoned in Athens and reasoned everywhere else, Paul was using his abilities, but he wasn’t trusting them. And the danger for Christians often with a high education is that they start to trust their reason, and they use God when they get stuck. Real Christianity is to use our reason and all the abilities He’s given us but to trust Him. That’s the key. It seems to me and that solves a lot of difficulties. We must be aware that the arguments are all important, but we trust God. And if we’re trusting God, we’ll know how to move and detect whether questions are genuine or not.
  • Many people simply need the stones out of the way so they can see clearly what the Gospel is, but in the end, God is not a proposition, He’s a person. Christ is not a set of propositions. He’s a person. So what is being offered to us is a relationship of trust with a person. That’s a huge thing, a relationship with the One who created the universe.
  • We need to know not simply what we believe, but why we believe it because you cannot open your mouth in a multicultural pluralistic society like what we’ve got here without people misunderstanding misrepresenting or simply just being curious. And we’ve got to answer always said Peter, be ready to give an answer to people who demand a reason for the hope that is within you but do it with meekness.

What is “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT” of Revelation Chapter 17?

What is “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT” of Revelation Chapter 17?

This article is from Erika Grey, an evangelical Christian author, eschatologist, journalist and commentator. I never heard of her before but the title of her book caught my attention: “Whore of Babylon in Bible Prophecy: A Book of Revelation Mystery Revealed.”

My friend still thinks Babylon the Great is Jerusalem and international bankers. This is what I told him today:

We must interpret according to the entire context of the chapter.

Revelation 17:1b I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

Revelation 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

Is Jerusalem present in the Philippines and throughout the entire world? Rome is only a 3-minute walk from my home.

His reply:

I agree with the context argument and I see the whore ruling over all peoples, languages and nations, and it ain’t the RCC.

My reply:

Tell that to the Filipinos. They’ll tell you the RCC is controlling their government. The former president Duterte will tell you about the evils the Church of Rome has done to his country.

His reply:

I do not dispute that they have that influence. But global control of the dollar has destroyed most nations, put them into serfdom. Through Masons and other secret societies the Vatican is connected to the whore. The banksters control the Vatican as they control London, Washington and all Western govts. They don’t control Russia ATM and that is the reason for the war.

My reply:

If a whore is the opposite of a bride, the RCC makes a much better candidate for being the Whore than international bankers because she calls herself the Bride, the true Church of Jesus Christ, and all those who are not part of her, the true Bible believers, she calls apostates and heretics.

My friend disagrees.

Excerpts from Erika’s book:

November 17, 2017 by Erika Grey

The VATICAN-The Whore of Babylon

While we see that Revelation 17 and 18 describe the Whore of Babylon as riding the seven-headed beast, which perfectly symbolizes the various history of empires and relation to false gods, with greater focus on the Roman Empire, the remaining verses come to life when examining the Vatican.

Vatican City is its own city and even its own country renowned for being the smallest country in the world. It is still located in Rome and is part of the fabric of Rome. It stands across from Rome’s seven hills and rests on its own hill. Not just any hill, but one with a history that literally lines with the description in Revelation 17 and 18 with precise detail.

This report has established that the Whore of Babylon rests on the mountains which are also kings and on their heads are the names of blasphemy because each king or emperor or Pharaoh took the names of the gods, and in some cases believed they were the sons of the gods and were themselves divine.

After Revelation 17 describes the woman as riding the Beast, sitting on top of it, this woman who represents false religion, Revelation 17:6 tells us:

I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.

And in Revelation 18:24:

And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth.

While this refers to the Christians killed under Nero and various Roman Emperors, and those murdered during the Holy Roman Empire during the Reformation, and also to the Christians who will be martyred later, the verses come to even greater life when the details of the Vatican are revealed. Before we look at those details, let’s have a quick overview of Roman History and the Catholic Church:

Quick Roman history and the Church

Jesus was born under the reign of Augustus, 63 BC to 14 AD. Julius Caesar’s stepson. With him began the Roman Empire. His government was followed by Tiberius’s, 14 AD to 37 AD who under his rule Jesus was crucified. After Tiberius’s death, Caligula led the Empire briefly during the time of Paul and the apostles, 37 AD to 41 AD. There is no mention of Caligula in Scripture. Afterwards, Caligula’s uncle Claudius reigned for 13 years 41 AD to 54 AD and the church continued to spread. Claudius distinguished himself from other Roman emperors by his conquest of Britain.

Upon Claudius’s death, Nero took power in AD 54 to AD 68 and was the Caesar referenced by Paul. According to John W. Quinn in Render Unto Caesar the Expository Files.

Ironically, Nero was the Caesar to whom Paul appealed for justice (Acts 25:11). After Paul was delivered to Rome, Nero placed Paul under house arrest (Acts 28:19). Paul writes of teaching the gospel to some of the Praetorian Guard and that some members of Nero’s own household were Christians during his imprisonments (Philippians 1:13; 4:22). Paul was eventually released, but then later rearrested and executed. He writes of his coming execution in 2 Timothy 4, a chapter showing his great faith and confidence.

Nero Galba, Otho, and Vitellius (68-69) had brief reigns.

Vespasian ruled in 69-79 A.D. Vespasian and his sons, the emperors Titus and Domitian, are known as the Flavians. Vespian fulfilled Jesus’ prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem (with his son, Titus, being the commander in the field.) (Matthew 24:1,2).

Titus (79-81 A. D.)The famous eruption of Vesuvius that destroyed the towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii happened during the rule of Titus.

Domitian (81-96 A.D.)Domitian became a cruel tyrant in the later years of his rule, and the period of terror associated with his name ended with his murder.

It is said that under Domitian, John was exiled to the island of Patmos and wrote the Book of Revelation. Domitian was responsible for a great persecution against the churches in Asia Minor. Emperor worship was commanded of the people, and Christians would not oblige (Revelation 16:2). But the message from John assures them of complete and final victory if they would be faithful even unto death (Revelation 2:10). The message speaks of the fall and defeat of Rome, the defeat of Satan, and victory of Jesus and His faithful ones.

It is not a definite history that Domitian banished John. It could have been Nero who sent him to Patmos. Under Domitian John would have been in his 90’s. On the island of Patmos is a plaque referencing John and it attributes Nero sending him to Patmos. One writer brought up how in the book of Revelation the Temple is referenced in Chapter 11 and John is instructed to go and measure the Temple. The destruction of the Second Temple occurred in AD 70 after the reign of Nero. Peter and Paul were killed under Nero and it makes sense that it would have been Nero who would have sent him to Patmos.

The Vatican is built over the Circus of Nero, and the Circus of Caligula. It was begun by Caligula on the property of his mother Agrippina and completed by Claudius, Caligula’s uncle who took over as Emperor after Caligula was assassinated- 41-53 AD. Caligula believed he was a god and he dressed as the various gods including Cybele and Magna Mater, the Queen of Heaven. He was so violent and crazed that he was killed by his own guard after only four years in power.

The Circus was the place of the first massive Christian martyrdoms in 65 AD under Nero. Nero set Rome afire, blamed the Christians, and went after them and put them through the most brutal and torturous deaths. It was under Nero that Paul was beheaded (as a citizen of Rome he could not be crucified) and Peter was crucified upside down. While Paul was killed just outside of Rome, Peter and others were killed in Nero’s circus.

Tacitus a historian who lived at the time recorded the events in the Annals and it is within his writings is the first reference to Jesus Christ. A cemetery was nearby. It is here that the tomb of Peter lay. It was over Peter’s tomb and other martyred saints who lay in the cemetery that the Roman emperor Constantine deliberately built a basilica (Old St. Peter’s) over the site. He used some of the existing structure of the Circus of Nero. The basilica was centered on Peter’s tomb which is located beneath the high altar of the Vatican.

It was as if Satan himself chose the seat of the world’s largest cathedral and home of the Harlot to be above the blood and remains of the martyrs she murdered as if they acted as a sacrifice to her demons and principalities. Revelation 17:6 tells us:

I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.

Not only would the blood of the early martyrs be shed in Nero’s Circus, but the Whore of Babylon’s seat would be built right over their graves as if their murders acted as a Satanic sacrifice to the darkest forces on the earth.

In addition, St. Peter’s lies over the site of several altars and inscriptions commemorative of taurobolia, which was the practice of sacrificing a bull. After the mid-2nd century, bull sacrifice became connected with the worship of Magna Mater the Great Mother of Gods. It was the widespread practice of worship of Babylonian’s Queen of Heaven, Ishtar, who became ISIS in Egypt and by 159 AD, all taurobolia inscriptions mention Magna Mater. A shrine on the right bank of the River Tiber, near the racecourse of Caligula (Gaianum), known from several inscriptions on fragmentary marble altars, dating from 305 to 390 CE, all but one of which were found under the façade of St. Peter’s in 1609. It was possibly an important religious center at the time.

What is even more shocking is that the Magna Mater a.k.a Cybele was brought to Rome from Phrygia in about 205 BC. Her symbol was a sacred stone that is said to now be worshipped at Mecca and as a sacred relic at the seat of Islam.

She was Phrygia‘s only known goddess, its highest deity, and might have even been the state deity of Phrygia. Her Phrygian cult was adopted and adapted by Greek colonists of Asia Minor and spread to mainland Greece around the 6th century BC and was then brought to Rome.

What should be noted about the Magna Mater’s roots in Phrygia, which later came under the control of Pergamum is that in Revelation 2:13 Jesus makes it clear that this Pergamum is where Satan’s throne is and where he dwells. He states:

“I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.”

It is no coincidence that the Magna Mater was fetched from Pergamum and its temple ended up on both Paladin Hill and at the site of St. Peter’s Basilica. This is no doubt the woman called “wickedness” who now has a home, which would continue to evolve and cause more bloodshed of the saints.

By the end of the 15th century, having been neglected during the period of the Avignon Papacy, 1309-1377, when Popes resided in France instead of Rome, the basilica had aged and was in need of repair. The first pope to consider rebuilding, was Pope Nicholas V (1447–55). He had plans designed for an entirely new basilica but was never able to achieve them during his reign due to other pressing issues during his reign.

Pope Julius II in hopes of aggrandizing himself after his death with a spectacular tomb within St. Peters, planned far more for St. Peter’s than Nicholas V’s program. His tomb was to be designed and adorned with sculptures by Michelangelo. In 1505, Julius decided to demolish the ancient basilica and replace it with a monumental structure to house his enormous tomb. Michelangelo improved on Bramante’s original design which was based on the Pantheon dome so that it would be able to be performed.

One method employed to finance the building of St. Peter’s Basilica was the granting of indulgences in return for contributions. These indulgences would forgive their sins and release them from punishment or penance by God.

Martin Luther, a German priest, wrote to Archbishop Albrecht arguing against this “selling of indulgences”. He also included his “Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences”, which came to be known as The 95 Theses. This became a factor in starting the Reformation, the birth of Protestantism under which many Christians were brutally tortured and murdered and thus keeping with her description in Revelation 17 and 18.

It is no coincidence that the design that was selected was by Donato Bramante of a large Greek cross with a dome modeled on the dome in the Roman temple; the Pantheon, which had been set up by Augustus. It housed all of the Roman and Greek gods. The Vatican would continue the practice at the Pantheon and would bring into its museums all of the gods held by the Pantheon. Pope Julius II founded the museums in the early 16th century, which lie next to the Vatican.

In the Vatican Museum are about 5000 various statues, many of them of the Roman and Greek gods and all that once stood in the Pantheon. They also house Egyptian and other gods as well.

The Sala Rotonda in the Vatican Museums is modeled after the Pantheon right down to the oculus in the ceiling. The Vatican museum also houses the busts of the various Roman emperors and even showcases Nero’s wife’s bathtub.

The Museum’s extensive collections were obtained by the Popes over the centuries and along with the Greek and Roman Gods, The Vatican Museums themselves were originally founded as collections of works of classical archaeology. The Popes viewed themselves as the legitimate heirs of Roman history. In 1506 the original nucleus of the Vatican Museums’ classic works was set up in the Cortile delle Statue, today known as the Octagonal Court. Here Pope Julius II (della Rovere) displayed an impressive collection of ancient sculptures, including the Belvedere Apollo and the Laocoön which had just been rediscovered after centuries buried on Esquiline Hill. Laocoön, in Greek legend, is a seer and a priest of the god Apollo.

The Bronze Pigna at the Vatican once decorated a fountain in ancient Rome next to the vast Temple of Isis. It now adorns the Vatican; its rightful counterpart. Among the many gods at the Vatican is a statue of the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, Hercules, Zeus, Diana, Artemis, and the Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square which was brought from Egypt by Caligula.

Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians, who placed them in pairs at the entrance of temples. The obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be a petrified ray of the Aten, the sun disk. It was also thought that the god existed within the structure.

Obelisks also act as sundials and even more shocking it was found on the Ara Pacis or Altar of Peace that the sun appears at its tip on October 9 the date of the festival of the Temple of Palatine Apollo. Apollo was thew Roman god of the sun. Augustus placed the Temple of Apollo on a spot close to his home before dedicating it on Oct. 9, 28 BC. Apollo, the Roman god of the sun, was Augustus’ patron deity.

According to Evan Andrew’s article, “Mystery of Ancient Roman Sundial Deciphered Using Digital Modeling,” Obelisks were not just native to Egypt but were also discovered in Ancient Assyria, in Nineveh. The Ancient Romans were strongly influenced by the obelisk form, to the extent that there are now more than twice as many obelisks standing in Rome as remain in Egypt.

The most well-known is the 25-meter (82 ft.), 331-metric-ton (365-short-ton) obelisk at Saint Peter’s Square. The obelisk had stood since AD 37 on its site on the wall of the Circus of Nero, flanking Saint Peter’s Basilica: The obelisk was re-erected in Saint Peter’s Square in the 16th century by the architect Domenico Fontana. The obelisk was originally brought to Rome by Caligula.

Obelisks were also discovered in ancient Assyrian civilization, where they were erected as public monuments that commemorated the achievements of the Assyrian king and they were found in Nineveh where they depict military conquests. The Black Obelisk was erected by Shalmaneser III. The reliefs show scenes of tribute bearing as well as the depiction of two subdued rulers, one of which included Jehu the Israelite and Sua the Gilzanean, giving gestures of submission to the king, which historically was a short victory.

The Vatican via its museums houses many of the gods of the ancient world. Catholicism is the product of the merging of the Roman religion of the Magna Mater and other gods with Christianity. The Popes are named Pontifex Maximus after the high priests in the Roman Empire who were the priests who presided over the pagan gods of Rome. The vow of celibacy is an offshoot of the castrated priests who served the Magna Mater. Nuns evolved from the Vestal Virgins who were the priestesses of the Roman goddess of the hearth; Vesta, in the state religion of ancient Rome. With all of these facts, the Vatican is no doubt the identity of the Whore of Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 and her home. The one that was predicted in Zechariah 5 would be where she would rest on her base or pedestal.

Zechariah’s book was written in 520-518 BC after the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. Worship of the Queen of Heaven was one of Israel’s sins. The Israelites worshipped her in Egypt where ISIS is depicted sitting on a basket, in Zechariah she is thrust down into the basket and removed from Israel and called Wickedness, and she is taken to Babylon to a house to be put on her base. Zechariah reads To build a house for it in the land of Shinar when it is ready, the basket will be set there on its base.

Zechariah 5:7-8  And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof.

Zechariah 5:10-11  Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah? And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.

The Vatican is the identity of the mysterious woman named Wickedness in Zechariah 5. Zechariah was written after the Babylonian captivity of Israel and it was this cult that caused Israel to turn from the true God and sin against Him. This is the woman who is carried to Babylon for the building of her temple or house, which is the Vatican.

Revelation 18:2 describes Babylon as a cage for every unclean and hated bird:

And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!

These birds represent demons. 1 Corinthians 10:20 and Deuteronomy 32:16-17 tells us that when one worships an idol they are actually worshiping demons. The unclean birds are represented in Leviticus 11:13-19, which states:

And these you shall regard as an abomination among the birds; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, the vulture, the buzzard, 14 the kite, and the falcon after its kind; 15 every raven after its kind, 16 the ostrich, the short-eared owl, the sea gull, and the hawk after its kind; 17 the little owl, the fisher owl, and the screech owl; 18 the white owl, the jackdaw, and the carrion vulture; 19 the stork, the heron after its kind, the hoopoe, and the bat.

Owls and bats have demonic representations. These are flesh-eating birds that eat blood. Bats eat mosquitoes that feed on blood, some eat fish and frogs. These birds are associated with death. “every foul spirit” and every unclean bird fits the Whore of Babylon with her numerous gods and vile tortures and murders committed in the name of her gods.

It was Julius II who in 1508 commissioned Michelangelo Buonarroti to update the decoration of the Sistine Chapel. Julius II inaugurated the Sistine Chapel with Michelangelo’s new ceiling at a Solemn High Mass on All Saints Day, 1 November 1512.

It should be noted that in the Sistine Chapel, not only does Michelangelo paint Pope Julius II as skinning him alive, but he also painted the Cardinal at the time as a devil. Even more shocking is that within the wall of the Sistine Chapel are 12 goat heads similar to Baphomet’s flanked by demons. Baphomet-like goat heads; a symbol of Satan are painted in the Sistine Chapel. Someone stated that it was to depict animal sacrifices that were done in the Bible. Others thought the goat represented the hell portion of his painting which represents heaven and hell. Whatever the opinion, it is clear that the goat which looks like a Baphomet looks over the Sistine Chapel. This is no coincidence.

The Vatican a Place of Money Changers

The Vatican is a place of money changers, which Jesus clearly condemned in the Gospels. Matthew 21:12 describes:

“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”

Jesus made it clear that money changes did not belong in God’s Temple and yet money changers are in the Vatican from paying to go into the Vatican to the stories just outside where you can buy all kinds of religious paraphernalia and souvenirs. It is estimated that the Vatican brings in about 80 million euros a year in entrance fees alone. It should be no surprise that the temple of the Whore of Babylon, a house of Satan would have money changers.

The Wealth of the Vatican

The Whore of Babylon wears symbols of great wealth, which also pinpoints the Vatican as the Whore of Babylon.

Revelation 17:4 reads,

“The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls.”

Vatican tickets bring in about 80 million euros a year. The Sistine chapel is worth 400 billion US dollars alone. The Vatican museums possess an estimated 11 trillion US dollars in art.

They display works from the immense collection built up by the Popes throughout the centuries includes some of the most renowned classical sculptures and important masterpieces of Renaissance art in the world. The museums contain roughly 70,000 works, of which 20,000 are on display. The museums currently employ 640 people who work in 40 different administrative, scholarly, and restoration departments.

The Vatican’s great wealth lines perfectly with the description of the Whore of Babylon in the book of Revelation.

“And the Woman Was Arrayed in Purple and Scarlet Colour…” – Revelation 17:4

“And the Woman Was Arrayed in Purple and Scarlet Colour…” – Revelation 17:4

I updated this article to show yet more clearly that Mystery Babylon of Revelation chapter 17 can be none other than Rome, specifically the Vatican, the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. One of my good friends just wrote an article for his blog entitled, “Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon the Great.” No way! He’s quoting from a preacher, Rev. James C. Gallagher. Does anyone of my visitors know this preacher? I never heard of him before and can’t find his bio.

First of all, let’s read Revelation chapter 17.

1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters (Or nations throughout the world as explained in verse 16.) : 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. 14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. 15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

I used to think Mystery Babylon is referring to the American empire, but now it’s clear to me through the study of history, it’s none other than the continuation of the Roman Empire through the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, also known as the Holy See. I believe the America government does what it does because it’s under the control of the Vatican. Christians back in the 19th century knew that! See Washington in the lap of Rome. And yet some Christians today think America is under the control of Zionist Israel. No way. Israel is a small country. It could not exist without American support. The modern state of Israel was purposely created to be a source of trouble. Early Zionist Jews wanted a homeland, but they didn’t necessarily want it in the Middle East in the midst of their enemies! I believe there’s a high-level connection with Zionist leaders and the Vatican. You can call that a “conspiracy theory” if you want, but the fact is Hitler was a son of the Catholic Church, was blessed by Pope Pius XII, and signed a deal with Zionist Jews to send German Jews to Palestine!

The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה‎ Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: “transfer agreement”) was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1939. (Source: Wikipedia)

It came to me so clearly while on an exercise walk today, December 14, 2023, that the “great whore that sitteth upon many waters” could in no way be Jerusalem. There is no Zionist Israeli influence in the Philippines where I live today that I know of. I see none. But I see quite a lot of influence of the Roman Catholic Church! The Philippines has Protestant / non-Catholic churches, but it’s still a predominately Roman Catholic nation. To be fair, there is a Wikipedia article entitled, History of the Jews in the Philippines, but Wikipedia says about the article, “This article is written like a personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor’s personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic.”

This is what I told my friend who says Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon the Great and quotes from James C. Gallagher:

Gallagher says,

“And the Bible is explicit, beyond any controversy that Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon.”

I don’t see how anyone can make such a statement!! There is great controversy about this subject!! To say Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon diverts blame away from Rome’s atrocities against the world and God’s people over a span of at least 1500 years!!!

Gallagher says,

“The seven hills are associated with the beast, not the woman.”

And he implies these hills are hills in Jerusalem?! Daniel chapter 7 is crystal clear that a beast is a metaphor for a kingdom or empire.

Gallagher quotes Revelation 17:9,

And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.

But he leaves off Revelation 17:10 which explains what the seven mountains are. It clearly defines the seven mountains as seven kings and not physical hills or mountains.

Revelation 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

Gallagher says,

“Where is the City of God? According to Scripture, it’s Jerusalem.”

Not now it ain’t!! The Heavenly Jerusalem is, but not the physical city Trump moved the US embassy to. To say otherwise is to say God destroyed the “city of God” and His House the Temple in 70 AD. But according to Jesus’ own Words, He called the Temple, “Your house”, meaning it’s not any longer His Father’s House but it now belongs to the Christ-rejecting Jews.

Luke 13:35 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

The Temple the Jews’ house was desolated by God through the Romans.

And the woman which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:18

Gallagher says,

“So without controversy, Mystery Babylon is a city. This city has to also be capable of spiritual fornication and adultery and as we’ve already made the point Rome is not capable of spiritual fornication and adultery, not like Jerusalem is.”

I beg to differ! If he said that to the early Protestant Reformers, they would think he was living in a different reality. Revelation 17:18 can only be talking about Rome. Rome was the ruling power of the day. It destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple to punish the Jews for their rebellion.

Gallagher says,

“Against only one other city in history could a charge of fornication be leveled. That city is Rome. More specifically Vatican City, end of story. Now that’s not the end of the story. Let’s tell another story and let’s tell a Bible one. … Jerusalem is also claimed to be built on seven mountains or seven hills.”

He’s saying the seven mountains of Revelation 17:9 are referring to Jerusalem! In all the commentaries I’ve ever heard about Revelation 17, I never heard that one before. His statements sounds so much like Jesuit sophistry. To say Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem is to totally ignore centuries of abuse of Rome. And it continues to this very day. Just look at the border crisis in the USA. The Roman Catholic Church is behind it, not Zionist Israel.

Is James C. Gallagher purposely trying to deceive? He’s not teaching a sound exegesis of Scripture in my opinion. Is he a member of a Masonic lodge? Could he be an undercover Jesuit? I can’t find his bio.

James C. Gallagher also totally ignores Revelation 17:4. If I remember correctly Martin Luther was aghast when he visited Rome and saw the purple and scarlet-clothed bishops and cardinals and immediately identified them with the woman of Revelation 17, Mystery Babylon.

Revelation 17:4  And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


6  And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

See the Wikipedia definitions and the photos below, and tell me why the New Testament book of Revelation in chapter 17 doesn’t describe the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church! It has been estimated by careful and reputed historians of the Catholic Inquisition that 50 million people were slaughtered for the crime of “heresy” by Roman persecutors between the A.D. 606 and the middle of the 19th century. Is this not in fulfillment of what Babylon the Great has done according to Revelation 17:6?

Cardinal is a vivid red, which may get its name from the cassocks worn by Catholic cardinals (although the color worn by cardinals is actually scarlet), or from the bird of the same name.- Source:

Photos of Roman Catholic Cardinals

#gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

Purple was the color worn by Roman Emperors and magistrates, and later by Roman Catholic bishops. – Source:

Photos of Roman Catholic Bishops

#gallery-2 { margin: auto; } #gallery-2 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-2 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-2 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

Photo of Roman Catholic Cardinals and Bishops

Roman Catholic Cardinals front, Bishops in the back.

Roman Catholic Cardinals front, Bishops in the back.

First 6 Roman numerals in reverse order = 666

Do you think the number of the Beast of Revelation chapter 13 might have something to do with the Roman Catholic Church? I sure do!