Catholic Vs. Protestant Jesus

Catholic Vs. Protestant Jesus

This is a transcription of a podcast by Christian J. Pinto given on Aug. 1, 2022, on Noise of Thunder Radio. Chris gives many interesting insights, things that I believe deepen our understanding of the spiritual warfare we are all experiencing.

In this transcription, I added titles to identify the contents of the subsection. The titles also automatically generate a menu on the page. I hope you find them useful.

Okay, praise the Lord you guys and welcome. I’m Chris Pinto. This is noise of thunder radio today in the show.

We are going to talk about the Catholic Jesus. The Catholic Jesus is the Catholic Jesus, the same Jesus of Protestantism. Is the Catholic Jesus the same Jesus of Protestantism? Well, we’re going to allow a very traditional Catholic ministry, a very traditional Catholic organization called Church Militant, one that I’ve mentioned on this program a number of times. I’ve made reference to articles that they have. They are very traditional Catholics. They believe that the liberalism and really leftism that’s going on, which I’m not sure if they understand is really Jesuitism. I’m not sure that they have that understanding of history. I’m not sure that they understand that the Jesuits are behind social justice and that they’re the co-authors of socialism and communism and that the Vatican is really the well-spring of communism.

We’re going to talk about that on the program as well. But right now I want to focus on that version of Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ that is presented by the Roman Catholic Church. Now when we talk about the Catholic Jesus, as opposed to the Protestant Jesus, the Protestant Jesus, if we’re talking historic Protestantism is Jesus according to the Bible. As one historian put it, Protestantism is the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible. So if you’re going to talk about the Protestant faith historically, it must be based on the Bible. Otherwise, it’s not really Protestantism. It might be some offshoot of Protestantism where people come up with different ideas about things. That’s something else entirely.

Historic Protestantism

Historic Protestantism, however imperfectly a particular church may pursue it or achieve it or accomplish it, the aim is to obey every word of God according to scripture. To live as Jesus said, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. That is historic Protestantism. Now we all know that that changed in the late 19th century into the 20th century. You have so-called Protestant groups that are not really Protestant at all because they’re pursuing ideas that would be utterly rejected by the Reformers. The Reformers would have nothing to do with them.

Probably the one that I’m seeing more and more is this partitioning of the gospel into two categories that insist that there are two gospels, one gospel for the Jews and one gospel for the Gentiles. And that, of course, we believe is complete heresy. It’s a violation of Galatians chapter 1. The Apostle Paul says, if any man or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel, let him be accursed. So we reject the idea that there are somehow or other two gospels that are contained in the New Testament or really anywhere in the Bible. Jesus is one Lord. He is the way, the truth, the life. No man comes under the Father, but by him. Praise the Lord.

But let’s talk about this issue of another Jesus and why this is so important. We have in the New Testament in 2 Corinthians chapter 11, 2 Corinthians chapter 11, the Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Corinth. And he says in verse 2,

For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy, for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Or if you receive another spirit which you have not received, or another gospel which you have not accepted, you might well bear with him.

Another Jesus? Two Gospels?

So notice the Apostle Paul is confronting this idea of another Jesus. And that’s actually his terminology, another Jesus. So obviously, when people come and they talk to you about Jesus, we have to be discerning at that point whether or not they’re really describing the Jesus of the Bible, or if they’re preaching another Jesus.

And in verse 3, Paul is warning the church, he’s saying, I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, that it’ll be through subtle deception and lies obviously, that will contradict the clearly stated words of God. Remember what God said to Adam concerning the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that in the day that you eat thereof, you will surely die? And what does the serpent do? He shows up and he says, you will not surely die, you shall not surely die. But your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. So the serpent openly contradicts the clearly stated word of God, the clearly stated commandment of God. So that is the immediate context of what we’re looking at.

That’s one of the reasons why I think those who are preaching the two gospel message, they’re claiming that there’s one gospel for the Jews, one gospel for the Gentiles. That’s obviously wrong, it’s obviously condemned by the clear statements that we have throughout the New Testament.

And just as when the serpent beguiled Eve, if Eve had obeyed what God had commanded Adam, “In the day that you eat thereof, you will surely die.” Don’t eat of that fruit. Very simple, very straightforward. Then Eve would not have been beguiled or bewitched and she would not have sinned then against God.

And so it is now, you have a clear scripture, if any man or an angel preach any other gospel, let him be accursed. And yet now we have people who are doing exactly that, they’re contradicting the clear warnings that we have in scripture.

Any other gospel is quite often applied to Rome

Yet if we were to go and read commentaries prior to the 20th century, the reference to if any man preach any other gospel is quite often applied to Rome. Because the context is you had the circumcision teachers who were saying that except you get circumcised and keep the law you cannot be saved, they’re adding something to the gospel of grace. And you have earlier commentators who argue that really Rome, when you look at Rome and the sacramental salvation, things like you’ve got to be in submission to the Pope and you’ve got to be in submission to the Church of Rome in particular, or you cannot be saved. They have all of these different conditions for salvation that have been added over the centuries. And this is really what brings us to the issue of the Protestant Jesus versus the Roman Catholic Jesus, the papal version of Christ.

So let’s define our terminology here. The Protestant Jesus is Jesus based on the Bible, and it can only be that, it cannot be Jesus based on something else, because historic Protestantism embraces only the Bible, which even Catholics who are aware of what historic Protestantism is acknowledge.

And we’re going to hear that from a statement made by Michael Voris (who aggressively promotes traditional Catholicism) of Church militant, which I think is very important.

If we were going to talk about the Mormon Jesus, for example, if you’re going to talk about the Mormon Jesus, you cannot define the Mormon Jesus without the Book of Mormon. The Mormon Jesus is defined by the Book of Mormon. If you’re going to talk about the Islamic Jesus, because yes, in Islam, they also claim to believe in Jesus. But to understand the Islamic Jesus, you have to read the Quran, you have to read the Hadiths, you have to read their writings.

Defining the Catholic Jesus

So how would we define the Catholic Jesus? How would we define the Catholic Jesus? You have to read writings outside of the Bible. Because what is it that makes the Catholic Jesus Catholic? I would propose that you have at least three documents that you have to take into consideration in order to understand the Catholic Jesus.

The Catholic Jesus is defined by the Council of Trent, by Vatican Council I, and by Vatican Council II. Those three documents at the very least, now there may be other documents as well. In fact, Rome has a whole series of documents and councils and things like that. But the three major documents would be the Council of Trent, Vatican Council I, and then of course they're most up-to-date, extensive declaration, which is Vatican Council II. That is where you define the Catholic Jesus.

And as I’ve said before, if you believe official Roman Catholic doctrine, if you actually believe the doctrines of Rome as they are set down on paper, you cannot be saved. It is simply not possible because you have to reject the true gospel as it is given in the New Testament. Now what do we mean by that? Let’s look at the Council of Trent just very quickly.

The Council of Trent is, I think, the clearest example. You have Canon 9, which says,

“If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema.”

Let him be accursed. That’s Canon 9 from the Council of Trent. If anyone says that by faith alone, the impious is justified. Okay, and then nothing else is required in order to obtain the grace of justification. Nothing else required. Let him be anathema. That’s one.

Canon 12 says,

“If any one shall say that justifying faith is nothing else than confidence in the divine mercy pardoning sins for Christ’s sake, or that it is that confidence alone by which we are justified…let him be accursed.”

So the Council of Trent pronounces a curse upon you if you believe that you’re saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ apart from works.
That is the whole problem. I mean, that right there, that just cuts right through everything and gets to the fundamental problem with Rome and Romanism.

Michael Voris and his Church Militant organization

Now, something that I’m typically careful to say whenever these discussions happen is that it’s important to remember that the average Catholic, especially here in America, is not aware of the official doctrines of Rome. They’re not aware of the details of the Council of Trent. However, when we talk about a group like Church Militant and Michael Voris, you’re not talking about ignorant Catholics. You’re talking about Catholics who know full well what the official doctrines of Rome are. And so what happened was I was sent an email by one of our listeners that contained a video link to a video that was made and published by Michael Voris of Church Militant, where he is the one who asks the question, do Catholics and Protestants worship the same Jesus? And he very clearly says, no, we do not worship the same Jesus. I’d never seen this before. I knew that Church Militant was hostile to the Reformation and to people like Martin Luther, etc. But I did not realize that they went this far with it. And I think it’s very important that anybody who’s stumbling upon the Church Militant website understands what they really believe, which is very important, brothers and sisters, because the ecumenical movement is telling the Protestants, the evangelicals, that really they need to join hands with Rome. They need to see the Pope as a Christian. They need to see Catholics as Christians and this kind of thing. And it is very, very deceptive, very deceptive.

So again, that’s why I say you might have a Catholic friend who seems to believe about Jesus what you believe. That could be the case. But when we say the Catholic Jesus, what it comes down to are those documents that are unique to Rome, wherein they define the faith that they believe in, that’s the only way you can define the Catholic Jesus.

But here we’re going to play some of the audio from Michael Voris on the Church Militant website. And this particular message is called the Vortex “Prodi Jesus.” Now Prodi, the word Prodi, just so you know, is sort of a slang or really seems to be kind of an insult for Protestant. So instead of Protestant, they’re saying Prodi, the Prodi Jesus. So here is what Michael Voris has to say about the Protestant Jesus versus the Catholic version of Jesus.

(Audio of Michael Voris mocking Protestantism and the biblical Jesus while claiming the Catholic Jesus is superior.)

All right, I have to jump in here very quickly because I can’t let that go unanswered, the idea that it’s the Protestant form of Jesus who says, “Hey, do whatever you want.” Historically, that’s not the case at all. That is completely opposite to the Reformed and the Puritan movement. The Puritan movement is the reason why we have moral standards in both church and state that are upheld and defended. Wherever you have Rome and her priesthood in charge, you will have gross immorality normalized and that is throughout history. Nobody pushes LGBT like the Vatican and her agents in America and throughout the world. That’s provable beyond any doubt.

But let’s listen to the rest of what Michael Voris has to say.

(Voris talks about the worship of Jesus’ mother and prayers to Catholic saints.)

Now the reference to the saints is, I believe in the Catholic context, a reference to praying to the saints, patron saints and exalting patron saints over this issue and that issue, etc. Which is really a form of idolatry as we see it as Protestant evangelicals. Certainly when Michael Voris says prodi Jesus has no regard for his mother, if you go and read everything that Church Militant says about the Virgin Mary, they engage in idolatry. What can only be called outright idolatry where the Virgin Mary is concerned. There’s no question about that. But go to their website, look up what Voris says on the Virgin Mary. It’s very, very clear. It’s nothing that they can defend as venerating the mother of Jesus. They can’t claim that because they’re looking to Mary in the same way that Christians should be looking to God. They’re putting their faith in their trust in Mary to empower them and help them and all this other kind of stuff. Whereas the scripture never tells us anything like that. All of our trust and reliance is to be upon the Lord, upon God Himself and upon the Lord Jesus Christ, not upon Mary or any of these patron saints, so called.

Michael Voris of the Catholic media organization called Church Militant is very, very conservative traditional Catholic. They resist liberalism and leftism in the Catholic church today. However, they also are very, very hostile toward historic Protestantism and make it very clear that they completely denounce the Protestant Reformation.

Catholic means of salvation vs. the Bible

Michael Voris says the Protestant version of Jesus is basically denying people the means of “salvation.” And this is what it comes down to, brothers and sisters, the understanding of salvation. Rome teaches a sacramental form of salvation, works-oriented salvation. And they believe that you have to take the Eucharist, the Eucharist, meaning the wafer, which has been called for several hundred years, the true God of Rome, the God of Rome is the wafer. When the Catholic priest holds up the wafer, the Eucharist, the host and says, hoc est corpus meum, (Latin for this is my body) the Protestant corruption of which is Hocus Pocus, supposedly the Eucharist then becomes the literal physical body, blood, bones and sinew of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is what they believe. That’s the doctrine of trans-substantiation.

It’s important to understand that the doctrine of trans-substantiation is said to have begun with Pope Innocent III, the same pope who initiated the great Inquisition. And through the dark age period, what happened was you’d have Catholic priests that would hold up the wafer and they expected people to come and bow down and worship the wafer or the Eucharist as God, as Christ, manifest in the flesh, in the hands of a Roman priest. And if you did not come and bow down, there are multiple cases, many, many cases of people who were taken and punished and put to death for refusing to bow before this Eucharist, the Eucharistic Adoration.

Now, if you want to read a book on this to really understand the extreme nature of it and the absurdity of it, look for the book by 19th century Catholic priest who eventually became a Protestant, Charles Chiniquy, who was the personal friend of Abraham Lincoln. He wrote a book called The God of Rome, eaten by a rat. And he talks about ministering at a church in Quebec in Canada, and that there was an older priest there who was blind, and that one day the priest was hunting about on the altar in a Catholic church, looking for the wafer, and the wafer had disappeared. And the priest is saying to him, he tells the story, let me see if I can get the dialogue.

(Please read the entire account, The God of Rome, eaten by a rat.)

Chiniquy is revealing to us that this old Catholic priest in Canada
openly referred to the wafer, the Eucharist, as God. They believed the wafer was and is God. That is the God of Rome. And if you don’t believe on this wafer God, you cannot be saved according to Michael Voris.

The God of Roman Catholicism, the Jesus of Roman Catholicism, the Catholic Jesus is another Jesus, if in fact, Catholics believe in that version of Jesus that is contained in the official writings and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. If that’s the Jesus you believe in, you believe in another Jesus and your Christ is really an anti-Christ, another Christ. It is not the Christ of the Bible.

Now to read another quote from the book, here’s a quote. It says,

If there is a thing which is as evident as two and two make four, it is that Romanism is the old idolatry of Babylon, Egypt and Rome
under a Christian mask. But this new form of idolatry is so boldly denied by some of the great dignitaries of Rome and so skillfully concealed by others under the spotless robe of Jesus that not only the two unsuspecting nominal Protestants, but even the very elect are in danger of being entrapped and deceived.

Okay, that’s just one of the quotes from the book. And so you have people who are saying, well, let’s just focus on Jesus and we all believe in Jesus, right? And so we just focus on Jesus and we’ll forget about everything else. But here we’re learning from a very traditional Catholic organization, Church Militant, that the Jesus of Roman Catholicism is not the Jesus of Protestantism, meaning it’s not the Jesus of the Bible. It can’t be.

Now we know that the liberal Jesus, the LGBT Jesus is obviously not the Jesus of the Bible. That’s the other Jesus that’s also being preached by Rome and by the Jesuits in particular. They are promoting the rainbow Jesus and we say rainbow in the sense of LGBT activism. It is a different Jesus. So whether it’s the traditional Catholic Jesus that Church militant is describing based on historic Catholicism, or it is the LGBT Jesus that is now being promoted by the Jesuit order and to some extent by Pope Francis, whatever the case may be, it is another Jesus entirely. And Catholics themselves admit it. That’s what we have to recognize. They admit that they bow to a different Christ.

Now there was a time when Protestants understood this. There was a time when they understood it and they believed it was a critical understanding because if you allow Catholics to be in charge in matters of government, what happens is your government is essentially going to be controlled by the Vatican because the Catholic version of Christianity, so-called Christianity, is to do whatever the pope tells you to do. That’s Roman Catholicism. And so if Catholics are in charge, that means the pope is in charge. That means the Jesuits are in charge. The Holy See in Rome is in charge of your country. That’s the problem.

The No Religious Test Clause

And if you examine early American laws where the states are concerned, it was required that you had to be a Protestant in order to hold political office anywhere in early America.

This is from the And an article they have called The No Religious Test Clause. This is one of the most misunderstood things happening politically in our country, one of the most misunderstood parts of the Constitution. And I could probably talk about this for an hour, but we’re not going to have time, but where it says the No Religious Test Clause, no religious test shall be required, etc.

The thing that we’ve gotten away from is that the whole concept of a religious test was the swearing of an oath. It was not seen as the same thing as a religious requirement. Religious requirements are entirely constitutional. You just can’t have somebody swear an oath concerning it.

So let me read part of this article. It says,

In England, religious tests were used to “establish” the Church of England as an official national church. The Test Acts, in force from the 1660s until the 1820s, required all government officials to take an oath disclaiming the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and affirming the Church of England’s teachings about receiving the sacrament. These laws effectively excluded Catholics and members of dissenting Protestant sects from exercising political power. Religious tests were needed, William Blackstone explained, to protect the established church and the government “against perils from non-conformists of all denominations, infidels, turks, jews, heretics, papists, and sectaries.”

That’s them quoting William Blackstone. Then it goes on in the same article. It says,

At the time the United States Constitution was adopted, religious qualifications for holding office also were pervasive throughout the states. Delaware’s constitution, for example, required government officials to “profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost.” North Carolina barred anyone “who shall deny the being of God or the truth of the Protestant religion” from serving in the government. Unlike the rule in England, however, American religious tests did not limit office-holding to members of a particular established church. Every state allowed Protestants of all varieties to serve in government. Still, religious tests were designed to exclude certain people—often Catholics or non-Christians—from holding office based on their faith.

Now bear this in mind, brothers and sisters, that principle, you see the no religious test shall be required, had to do with not requiring people to swear an oath and they limited religious liberty to Protestant belief systems. Why? Because Catholics were devoted to a foreign power, a foreign leader. And atheists and Turks, etc. did not acknowledge the Bible as the Word of God. And the Bible is what is intended in the Constitution rather in the Declaration of Independence, where it mentions the laws of nature and of nature’s God. That’s a very direct reference to the Bible. Furthermore, the subscription clause of the Constitution, which says in the year of our Lord, is a direct reference to the Lord Jesus Christ.

So Catholics believing transubstantiation, they believe the Eucharist is Christ. And that’s a problem when you’ve got Catholics involved in government, because they bend and twist everything towards Rome, typically. Maybe not every single Catholic, not every single one, but collectively, ultimately they’re going to bend things in the direction of the Pope. And all of the teachings of Rome that basically say the Pope has the authority to control all the countries, especially professing Christian countries, the Pope has the authority to control all of them.

Now this used to be well known, and was the reason why there were laws against having Catholics in position to political power. And that continued all the way until when, until 1961. And this article at acknowledges that.

It says;

But in Torcaso v. Watkins (1961), the Supreme Court unanimously held that religious tests for state office-holding violate the religion clauses of the First Amendment.

And what they did really is they reinterpreted Article 6 so that now a religious test was equal to having a requirement. You see, before, the religious test was only the swearing of an oath. It just like getting you to testify is one thing. Getting you to testify under oath is a different level of accountability. If you say something when you’re being questioned kind of unofficially and you make certain statements, that’s one thing. If you’re under oath and you go into a court of law, you go before the FBI or you go before the US Congress and you testify under oath and you lie and you give out false information, you’re committing a crime. You can be arrested and prosecuting go to jail. It’s a different level of accountability. And that’s what they were trying to remove from articles of religion. They wanted to remove that the oath and the punishment of somehow or other being in violation of a religious oath.

That’s what Article 6 originally represented. There’s even a whole article on this on the Harvard University website for those who want to investigate it further. I learned it from reading this article on the Harvard website.

Because our forefathers understood the political influence of the Vatican over all the countries in Europe, how that had created so many of the wars and so many of the problems even wrote about it.

Read what Sam Adams says in his Rights of the Colonists 1772. He talks about the manipulations of Rome in a country, and that they established secret groups in a country, and they develop a hidden order within the established order.

And now, of course, people are trying to figure out why is communism taking over our country? Why is that happening? We’re going to be talking about this in this new film on the Jesuits on American Jesuits. We’re going to go over in part the history of the Jesuits and the development of communism in the 19th century.

The doctrine of Transubstantiation is political

That the word communism is traced to the word communion. Communion. That’s not typically what we’re told, but it is traced to the word communion. And in the communion, the Catholic communion, when the priest holds up the wafer and he says the words, hoc est corpus, and the wafer now becomes God, becomes Christ in the flesh, so much so that you have to go and bow down and worship this wafer. And if you don’t, then you’re in rebellion to God. Well, who’s holding the wafer? The Catholic priest. And only an ordained Roman Catholic priest has the power and the authority to call down Christ from heaven. So if a Roman Catholic priest has the power to call down God himself from heaven, if God is going to obey the priesthood of Rome, well, then how much more should everybody else obey the priesthood of Rome?

You see where this is headed. This is where transubstantiation was a very politicized issue. It wasn’t just about somebody’s theology. It became very political and it became about the priesthood of Rome controlling all areas of society. And that’s what transubstantiation empowered the priesthood of Rome to do.

Catholic Communion linked to Communism!

And so what they did is they took that concept of communion and they turned into communism. So now instead of the wafer, instead of all power being channeled into the wafer as God, now all power is channeled into the state. And the state effectively becomes God. That, I believe, is what the Jesuits engineered in the 19th century with Karl Marx as one of their co-conspirators, if you will.

This is from a work by J.A. Wiley called The Seventh Vile or The Past and Present of Papal Europe. And this was published by J.A. Wiley in 1868. 1868. Mark the date. 1868. Before communism ever really took over any country anywhere, but this is before the communists take over of China or Russia or any other part of the world. You had Wiley warning people that communism emanates from Rome. All right, so here is the quote. I’m going to read at least part of it. He says:

“Despotism had long withheld from society it’s rights. Communism has now come affirming that society has no rights.

And then he goes on to say,

“If ever Heaven in his wrath sent an incarnation of malignity from the place of all evil to chastise the guilty race of man, it is communism. But the hell from which it has come is Rome. Communism has drawn its birth from the fetid womb of Popery, whose superstition has passed into atheism.”

Wow, isn’t that powerful? Wiley goes on. Of course, he saw he saw prophetic fulfillment happening with the development of communism. So he goes on, I’ll skip down a bit. He said,

“Should the communists prevail? There remains on earth no further power of staying the revolution. And it must roll on avalanche like to the awful born. Providence may have assigned it, crushing and bearing in its progress, thrones, altars, laws, rights, the fences of order and the bulwarks of despotism, the happiness of families and the prosperity of kingdoms. But above the crash of thrones and the agonies of expiring nations, we may hear the voice of the angel of the waters saying, Thou art righteous, O Lord, because Thou has judged thus, for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and Thou has given them blood to drink, for they are worthy.

So Wiley saw communism as a righteous judgment from God, God’s judgment upon man and his sin and rebellion against God in the gospel of Christ. He goes on, he says,

“Had the Reformation succeeded, the world would have been spared all these dreadful calamities. The Reformation was the Elijah before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. It was the voice crying in the papal wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord. It addressed the apostate churches of Europe, as John did, the Jewish church. The axe is laid unto the root of the trees, therefore every tree which bringeth not forth fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.

Now I think what Wiley is communicating in his teaching here is his belief that events are unfolding, that the same pattern of warnings and followed by judgment that we have seen in the past, as recorded in the scripture, that those same patterns of warning and judgment we find throughout history. And Wiley saw that beginning to come to pass in his day in the 19th century. I don’t think J.A. Wiley could have foreseen how devastating communism would be. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he did, because you know the wording, the words that he’s choosing and the description, talking about destroying everything in its path, that is very much the impact that communism has had in many parts of the world. It has had a very destructive ruinous, calamitous, bloody impact on mankind.

And now what we’re watching here in the United States of America, now that agents of Rome have captured the government of the United States of America, we are sitting on the brink of a full-blown communist revolution and takeover of our country. In fact, some people are already arguing that the United States government is operating as a communist government. There are people who are saying that we’re already there, and they’re pointing to things like what’s going on with the January 6 trials. People just rounded up, and it’s obviously a show trial where the due process is not really being followed. The rule of law is not really being obeyed. The rule of law, and this is the great danger. It’s what all of our ancestors warned us about.

Once we the people allow those who are in charge of government to remove the laws of God, you allow God’s law to be taken out of the way, you have to ask yourself the question, what are they going to replace it with? And typically what happens is they replace it with arbitrary decision-making. In other words, whoever’s in charge just says, okay, here’s what we’re going to do. Do this, do that, whatever. And the rule of law is cast aside. And that’s what we’re seeing happen. The rule of law is cast aside.

Now we have people in government making these arbitrary decisions about gender confusion. I mean, there’s a video clip of Kamala Harris sitting down and talking about her pronouns, and she identifies as a female, and her pronouns are this and that. And all this other, there’s been no formal decision made by our Congress. The American people haven’t voted for people to get involved in Congress and start passing laws to support these things. No, they’re just arbitrarily making them up and imposing them on our schools, colleges, universities, and on the government.

What they’re doing, of course, by denying the authority of our Creator and the boundaries given to us by God Himself is engaging in a form of sedition and ultimately treason. Because the very foundation of our law begins with the authority of God with the laws of nature and of nature’s God and the authority of God as our Creator. And that’s what they’re denying fundamentally. But nevertheless, these things have happened before throughout history.

Brothers and sisters, I mean, we’re told, for example, in the Old Testament where it says in Psalm 119, verse 126, it says, It’s time for the Lord to work for they have made void thy law. God’s law has been made void because of how these corruptors and usurpers are handling the rule of law. They’ve cast aside the whole idea that government is supposed to operate as the minister of God. They’ve cast aside what King David says in the Old Testament. The word of the Lord came unto me saying, He that ruleth over men must be just reigning in the fear of God. That’s what they have put aside.

Our only hope as a nation

And we believe, as we’ve said before, if there’s any hope for America for us as a nation, it is to repent of the ungodliness that’s being normalized before our very eyes, to repent of that and turn this country back toward God and to restore the authority of God and His Word in the Bible, which, yes, I believe we have the right to do. Why? Because that’s what our country was founded on. That’s the whole point of my film, the true Christian history of America. There is a true Christian history.

Yes, there are tares among the wheat, but the wheat don’t stand down because of the tares. In other words, God’s authority is not overthrown because there’s tares in the wheat field. So there’s nothing in the Scripture that says any such thing. In fact, God’s people are called to stand up and to confront the wicked and ultimately to overcome them by faith, and by the power of God above all, praise the Lord.

Listen to the entire talk!

Jesuit Hollywood

Jesuit Hollywood

First published in 2015 for Bible Based Ministries
by New Voices Publishing
Cape Town, South Africa

Bible Based Ministries

Bible Based Ministries’ worldwide contact:
Contending for the Faith Ministries
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Henderson, NV 89052
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ISBN-PRINT: 987-0-620-66718-0
ISBN-EBOOK: 978-0-620-66719-7


This is a book about the influence of the Roman Catholic institution over Hollywood during its so-called “Golden Age”, then the waning of that influence, and the frequently open hostility towards Roman Catholicism, in the post-“Golden Age” period. The purpose of this book is to provide evidence of the way in which the Roman Catholic institution pursues its never-ending objective of conquering the world, in particular what could be called the “Protestant world”, by seeking to harness and make use of the most powerful entertainment medium the world has ever known: the movie industry.

This is a battlefield which almost no one recognises as such. The Papacy works through politics; through religion; through international finance; and many other channels to achieve its objective. But Hollywood? Moviegoers have no idea, as they sit munching their popcorn and viewing the films they love so much, that they are being deliberately indoctrinated, subtly, slowly, via the very movies they naively think they are watching solely for entertainment. And this indoctrination is virtually as old as Hollywood itself. Their beliefs, morals, worldviews, are all being shifted, changed, altered; and this is being done gradually, film by film, year by year, decade by decade, without them being aware of it. The morality and religious thought of the western world is nothing like it was prior to the advent of the movies. The harm that has been done, and is being done continuously, by the movie industry can never be fully calculated. But it is beyond all doubt that the movies have played one of the greatest roles of all in the destruction of the morals of the West, and the destruction of the Protestantism of the West as well.

This book provides evidence of how the world’s most powerful religio-political institution, falsely calling itself a “church”, has used Hollywood to promote its diabolical agenda.

During what is (wrongly so, from a moral perspective) known as the “Golden Age” of Hollywood, the American film industry was extremely pro-Roman Catholic, and indeed under Jesuit domination. Rome desired to use the immense influence of movies to promote Roman Catholicism among the masses. And it was very successful at it. It is correct to say, as one researcher did, that the Roman Catholic institution was “the most successful pressure group in the history of the movies”. 1

But there was another sinister influence in Hollywood as well: Communism. And in the process of time this influence increased and began to displace the Roman Catholic influence in Hollywood, turning the giant movie industry into far more of a pro-Communist, and often vehemently anti-Roman Catholic force.

But it would be a mistake to assume that the mighty Roman Catholic institution just gave up! Throughout the centuries, Rome has advanced, retreated, advanced again. It suffers setbacks from time to time, but never for too long. It always bounces back. It nibbles away, unseen, at its enemies’ vitals, and step by step it works to regain any ground it lost. In Hollywood, the Jesuits deliberately changed tactics and changed sides, and began to support what they had once fought against, much to the consternation and confusion of those Roman Catholics who were of the anti-Communist generation of an earlier period in Roman Catholicism. It can be confusing to anyone trying to follow the subtle, diabolically cunning Jesuit tactics; but unless one grasps what was going on, one can never understand the massive shift that occurred in Hollywood, and also within the “Church” of Rome’s attitude to it.

The situation today is that there are two immensely powerful, competing forces vying for dominance over Hollywood: Communism, often dominated by Jewish Communists, presently ascendant, and Roman Catholicism, once the more powerful of the two in Hollywood but presently in a somewhat weaker position. How long this state of affairs will continue is impossible to say. But we can be certain the Vatican is doing all in its power to once again triumph in Hollywood.

It will become clear to the reader of this book that we do not support Roman Catholic censorship of the movies, even though for a long time this censorship made most of the movies more “moral” than they would otherwise have been. But let it be also clearly understood: just because we do not support Roman Catholic censorship of movies being forced upon everyone in society, this does not mean we support immoral movies! We do not condone any movies that portray sin in a favourable light. We merely refer to these movies by way of illustrating what has occurred in Hollywood through the decades.

There is no excuse for any true Christian to watch sinful movies. Apart from those immoral films which he saw before his conversion, the author did not view the films mentioned in this book. He simply conducted extensive research into them. There is a belief abroad in modem times which goes something like this: “How can you criticise what you have not seen?” But this is false. One does not have to go to a brothel to understand what goes on there, and likewise one does not have to actually view an immoral movie in order to know that it is so, for it is a relatively simple matter to obtain all the necessary information about it from those who made the movie, acted in it, etc. There is something fundamentally wrong with professing Christians becoming film reviewers, going to see every kind of immoral movie so that they can tell other professing Christians not to do so! “I have watched it carefully, and I am here to tell you that it is not a movie which Christians should be watching.” This is hypocritical in the extreme. If a film is immoral, and should be shunned by Christians, then it should be shunned by “Christian reviewers” as well. 2 They do not have special grace to resist the temptations they claim to be protecting others from! They do not occupy some special plane above other men. The Bible is clear: “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away” (Prov. 4:14,15).

To properly understand the Jesuit use of the dramatic arts, one must also understand the Jesuits themselves: who they are, and what their purpose is. Although this is a huge subject in itself, one of this author’s previous books is entitled, The Jesuits: the Secret Army of the Papacy , 3 which is a concise study of these very issues; and what follows at the beginning of this chapter is taken from that book, to provide the reader with some vital information about the Jesuits and their goals. This information is then followed by the study of their use of the dramatic arts.

The Origin of the Jesuits

The Jesuit Order originated with Ignatius de Loyola, bom in 1491, a Spanish basque who became a fanatical Romanist after living a debauched life as a soldier, claiming to have had visions of God and of Mary. He eventually wrote The Spiritual Exercises, which was to become the Jesuits’ textbook.

He founded the so-called “Society of Jesus” in 1534, with a small band of friends. The Roman pope, Paul III, issued a bull approving (and thus officially “founding”) the Jesuits as a religious order of the Roman Catholic “Church”. But here a most important fact must be carefully noted, for it throws such light on the real nature of the Society: Loyola established the Society before it received papal approval! The little band of men who made up the Society at its inception in 1534 vowed to obey Loyola, as the general of the organisation, before they ever went to the pope! It was not Loyola’s original intention to submit his Society to the pope, but only to himself as its general. He had ambitions of his own. Only if he found it absolutely necessary did Loyola intend to seek papal approval for the Society.

Ever since its founding, then, the Society has been totally dedicated, first and foremost, not to the pope, but to the Jesuit General. The Jesuits are a law unto themselves. While outwardly acknowledging the authority of the pope of Rome, their real allegiance is to the Jesuit general. All orders come from the general; even the pope’s instructions are only passed on if the general sees fit. It is not surprising that the Jesuit general came to be known as the “black pope”. 4

Naturally enough, when Loyola approached Paul III, the latter had strong reservations. It was not difficult to discern that men swearing absolute obedience to their general would be independent of the Papacy and thus dangerous to it, even though they professed to be submissive to it. Loyola cunningly suggested that the Jesuits also take a vow of obedience to the pope, to go wherever he should send them; and Paul III agreed to this, and sanctioned the Society. 5 Yet, in practice, the Jesuits have never taken any notice of this vow. The pope is only obeyed when it suits them.

Their Purpose

What is the purpose of the Jesuit Order? Why does it exist?

It is quite simple: the Jesuits seek to convert the world to Roman Catholicism. 6 And in order to achieve this goal, they have not hesitated to use every means, both fair and foul – especially foul. They have not hesitated to lie, cheat, commit murder, or use revolution, if need be, to further their aims. At the very top of their priorities has always been the destruction of Protestantism. For the spiritual conflict must be discerned in all this: Satan’s ages-long war on the Church of the living God. For centuries, Rome has been the centre of Satan’s assault on the saints of God (Rev. 13:7; 17:1-6; 18:24; Dan. 7:25). Through the Inquisition and other means, the devil sought to wipe out the Church of Christ. Then, with the formation of the Jesuit Order in the sixteenth century, a new and deadly weapon was created to be used against biblical Christianity.

Their Indoctrination

The Spiritual Exercises, and the “Constitutions” of the Order, are used in the preparation of Jesuit recruits for their task.

The Spiritual Exercises work on the imagination of the candidate. Various biblical scenes are “relived” in front of him, beautiful ones alternating with frightening ones. His sighs, inhalings, breathing, and periods of silence are all noted down. After a number of weeks of this, he is ready for indoctrination. 7

Obedience is absolutely vital to the Jesuit Order. Every Jesuit must be in total obedience to his superior, obeying him without question. In the Constitutions of the Order, it is repeated some 500 times that the Jesuit must see in the general, not a fallible man, but Christ himself! This was said by a professor of Roman Catholic theology. 8 In the words of Ignatius: “We must see black as white, if the Church says so.”

The Jesuit probationer is required by the Constitutions to be as a corpse, able to be moved in any direction; striving to acquire perfect resignation and denial of his own will and judgment. 9 According to the Constitutions the Jesuit may even sin, if the superior commands it – for sin will not be sin in such a case! 10 In the “Society of Jesus”, there is a greater authority than the pope, and a greater authority (as far as the Jesuits are concerned) than God Himself – and that is the general. For what God has declared to be sin, the general can declare to be no sin. The Jesuits readily dispense with the laws of God, if it suits them. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5:20).

It is precisely this type of abominable doctrine that has enabled the Jesuits to commit murders, depose kings, destroy governments, without any fear of divine punishment. “The end justifies the means”, is a fundamental, albeit unwritten, rule of the Jesuit Order. 11

Never has a more fanatical and powerful Society existed upon the earth.

The Jesuits wasted no time, after the pope had approved of the Order, in involving themselves in everything: the education of the young, hearing of confessions, foreign missions, preaching. They went about their work with fanatical zeal.

Through education, they aimed to control the future leaders of society. They particularly sought to gain control of the education of the children of political leaders and other influential people in the upper classes. Through their leniency in the confessional they slithered into the affections of the wealthy and powerful. Through foreign missions, they sought to convert the world to Roman Catholicism.

Through preaching, they championed papal authority and other Roman Catholic doctrines, thereby strengthening the Papacy at a time when it was reeling from the devastating effects of the Reformation. This was known as the Counter-Reformation. The Council of Trent, in the 1540s, was Rome’s answer to the Reformation – and it was dominated by the Jesuits.

And – there was their use of the dramatic arts.

Jesuit Use of Theatre in Europe to Promote Roman Catholicism

Almost from the inception of the Jesuit Order in the sixteenth century, Jesuits were deeply involved in the theatre; and then once it was invented centuries later, in the movie industry as well. They knew that they could use “entertainment” to influence minds and change society itself – and they did. In fact, “The Jesuit stage played an important part in the evolution of the theatre, owing especially to the great prominence given to stage management and production.” 12 And by the mid-twentieth century it could be said, truthfully: “we meet obvious traces of Jesuit influence in our present-day culture…. many traces of Jesuitic influence also remain in the theatre”. 13 These traces must be brought to light.

As early as 1565 – that is, less than three decades after their founding – Jesuits were writing and producing plays to help their students with their diction, gestures, and carriage. 14 In the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Order, much use was made of drama, so as to impress upon the Jesuit the truths which Ignatius was seeking to convey to all his followers. He desired for the imagination to be as much under his control as all other faculties of the student Jesuit, and he knew that drama could be powerfully utilised for this purpose. 15

The Jesuits saw the theatre as having a very great purpose in their schemes: to promote Jesuit religious propaganda to the masses! For in sixteenth-century Europe the theatre had begun to break free, to some extent, from what it had been up until then: a tool of the Roman Catholic religion. Roman Catholic religious passion plays and similar-themed theatrical productions were all that the masses had known. But things were changing, especially as stage actors from England began to arrive in Roman Catholic Europe to perform the plays of Shakespeare, and as the crude performances of German strolling players exposed Roman Catholics to the idea that theatrical performances could be used for purposes other than the religion of Rome. In addition, Martin Luther had started to use theatre to promote Lutheranism, and a decidedly anti- Papist drama school was developing in Lutheran Germany. The stage was therefore being increasingly used for both secular and Lutheran purposes. These developments were very dangerous for Rome, which the newly-formed Jesuit Order vowed to fight with all its might. What was needed, they believed, was a “theatrical Counter-Reformation”. 16 They had to establish Roman Catholic stage drama which would counter the anti-Papist effects of the theatre. They believed what was needed was to give the people quality stage productions that would outshine anything produced by the Protestants or the profane. And so, “Prom the very beginning, the Jesuits sought to fascinate the public with brilliant settings, scenic effects and complicated technical apparatus, and by these means to entice them from the wandering troupes of actors and the Protestant school theatres”. 17

Most especially, they knew, such stage productions had to appeal to the higher, ruling classes: the king, the nobility, the leading families of each nation. Accordingly they lost no time in establishing what they needed. And indeed, their dramas were noted for their special effects and set designs, which, for that time, were cutting-edge and very intricate. They made much use of dance as well, with ballet masters going from one Jesuit school to another. It was a deliberate strategy to make their own theatre and ballet productions more extravagant than the secular ones, so as to influence people of rank. 18

And it worked! It worked spectacularly. “Everywhere, large audiences attended the Jesuits’ performances. In Vienna, the number of spectators amounted to as many as three thousand, while, in 1737 at Hildesheim, the city police had to be called in to keep back the public. The effect of the plays which were staged was sometimes remarkable. In Munich once, fourteen important members of the Bavarian court withdrew from public life in order to practice devotional exercises, so strongly were they impressed by the Jesuit play, Cenodoxus” 19 This was precisely what the Jesuits wanted; and they continued to want it right down into modem times, with the invention of film.

By the mid-seventeenth century, there were 300 Jesuit colleges in Europe, putting out quality dramas for the purpose of promoting Roman Catholicism! 20

Jesuit Use of Theatre in Their Mission Work

The Jesuits were not content with making use of their theatre productions in Roman Catholic Europe. They were zealous, indeed fanatical missionaries, spanning out across the earth to work tirelessly for the great goal of converting the whole world to Roman Catholicism. And they swiftly realised the immense advantages of using plays to attract audiences and impress them with the teachings and practices of Romanism on the mission fields. The power of a visual presentation of Romanism to peoples who had no prior knowledge of it was truly great. Thus at the same time as they were establishing theatres throughout Europe, they were doing the same in such places as India, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Paraguay. The heads of Jesuit missions in these widely-divergent cultures kn ew that it was essential for them to become competent producers, dramatists and theatre managers, and for their pupils in the mission schools to be taught how to be good actors, so as to be used to promote Roman Catholicism via theatrical productions in their societies and cultures.

They were very smart, those Jesuit missionaries. They followed the methods which Roman Catholicism has always used, and which the Jesuits perfected to a greater degree than any others: they would graft their Romanism onto the traditions and cultures of the people they were seeking to Romanize. 21 If, for example, the people they were seeking to reach already had their own traditional religious plays, the Jesuits would simply “baptize” these, keeping the structure of the play but “Romanizing” it as far as possible. This has always been Rome’s way: it took the heathen festival of the birth of the sun god and “Romanized” it as “Christmas”; 22 it took the heathen beliefs in a goddess-mother and her child, baptismal regeneration, a purgatory and prayers for the dead, idols, relic-worship, and so much more, changed the names and slightly altered the ceremonies, and in this manner “Romanized” heathenism as a false form of “Christianity”, as far removed from true, biblical Christianity as it was possible to get. 23

Hindu India, in particular, took to the Jesuit theatre productions with enthusiasm, because drama in India had long been a highly developed art form. Jesuit missionaries were able to report that their plays attracted the poetry-loving Indians more than anything else. In Goa, for example, a stage was set up in the front of the “church” building, and there the pupils of the Jesuits acted out scenes from the life of the Jesuit missionary to India and so-called “saint”, Francis Xavier.

Another country which took to the Jesuit theatre productions was Japan, and again for the same reason – that the dramatic arts were highly developed there, and had been for centuries. The Japanese dramas centred around their gods and heroes, and the Jesuits simply kept the traditional structures of these plays, but replaced the myths with biblical stories. In various Jesuit colleges in Japan, permanent theatrical schools were established.

Likewise in Mexico and Peru, the Aztecs and Incas had made use of much drama in their culture; and once again the Jesuits were able to make much use of drama to teach the doctrines of Romanism. And they were not even averse, in their plays, to portraying the European Roman Catholic conquerors in a poor light! This appealed greatly to the natives. The end always justifies the means, is the Jesuit principle.

Lowering Morals: Changing Tactics to Keep Audiences Coming

The Jesuits realised that there had to be a difference between the plays they produced in Europe and those they produced on their mission fields. In Asia and America, the natives were perfectly content to see the same plays over and over again, and for their content to be lacking in variety. They generally saw no need for improvements to be made. But in Europe, the Jesuits knew that the only way they could retain their influence over the people via their stage productions was to ensure that these constantly improved, and also began to appeal to the worldly tastes of the people.

Originally, they limited their stage productions to religious themes: events taken from the Bible or from Roman Catholic legends. Even when the play was about some historical event, it always contained an allusion to something in the Bible or in Roman Catholicism. And in presenting their version of morality, they would not, for example, mention anything to do with sexual matters, nor would women be permitted to act in the plays, nor would female characters be permitted even if played by male actors. Furthermore, Latin, the language of the Romish “Church”, was always used.

But then the Jesuits came to realise that unless they changed their tactics, they would lose their audiences. So they started to make changes: female characters began to make their appearance in the plays, although still portrayed by male actors; Latin was no longer solely used, with short plays in the national language being permitted; and even in their serious dramas they began to permit a touch of humour for the entertainment of the audience. It was soon found that comedies were far more popular with the people than the classic tragedies. With this in mind, a German Jesuit priest, Johann Baptista Adolph, began around 1700 to write many comedies for school theatres, which were so popular that the Munich Jesuit college in its report to the Jesuit headquarters in Rome stated that there is “no better means of winning over the Germans [to Romanism], of making friends of heretics [Protestants] and other enemies of the Church, and of filling the schools”, than those farcical productions. 24

In France, also, tragedies began to lose ground to comedies, and the three most important Jesuit authors at the time – priests Poree, Le Jay and Ducerceau – concentrated on writing comedies, even though they referred to them as “dramas” or “fables”. And in time the kinds of comedies preferred by actors and people were (very naturally given the fallen nature of men) those with coarse jokes and extempores. How very modem-sounding!

The Jesuits had seen the need to introduce all these elements into their plays; and now, as wandering troupes of actors continued to lower the moral standards and grow in popularity, the priests of Loyola “began more and more frequently to introduce into their pieces secular matters and love tangles; finally, the stereotyped character of the nurse was taken over from the English drama to the Jesuit theatre, and here, as in Shakespeare, she plays unmistakably the part of a shameless matchmaker.” 25 Jesuit leaders at times issued warnings to their underlings producing such plays to be very careful, because of their use of such things as inappropriate love scenes, vulgar jesting, etc. But the Jesuits on the ground well knew the power of them, and the bar was constantly being lowered.

When we examine the Jesuit involvement in Hollywood, it will become clear that the lessons learned centuries ago when producing the Jesuit theatrical plays were applied to the movie industry: the lowering of the perceived moral standards, the introduction of things perceived as borderline morality at the time, etc. Anything in order to maintain control over the industry and to keep the masses coming. This was all the Jesuits were interested in then, and it is all they are interested in today.

Jesuit Use of Other Dramatic Arts

Other dramatic arts attracted Jesuit interest as well, and were incorporated into their use of the theatre to exercise influence over the people.

Opera was one of these. As Jesuit stage productions began to use lyrics and choruses more and more, so the operatic treatment of the chorale was slowly developed, in the forefront of which were the Jesuits of Munich. It was not long before their theatrical dramas became regular oratorios.

In Wurzburg in Germany, in 1617, a Musical Comedy of the Liberation of Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus, was produced. A few decades later, in Munich, they produced a religious musical drama entitled Philothea, or the Wonderful Love of God for the Soul of Man, Drawn from Holy Scriptures and Set to Delightful Melody. This opera was very popular.

Most of the composers of the Jesuit operas were directors of cathedral choirs, and music teachers at Jesuit schools, although sometimes the Jesuits made use of other musicians, including no less than Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In 1767, when he was only eleven years old, Mozart was commissioned to compose a Latin opera, to be produced at the Jesuit college in Salzburg. It was called Apollo et Hyacinthus seu Hyacinthi Metamorphosis.

As competition from Italian opera, in particular, increased, putting great pressure on the Jesuits to equal, if not excel, the Italian productions, their stage effects and scenes became ever more elaborate, to hold the interest of the audience. The actors’ costumes were expensive and extravagant. The technical skill they used was truly astonishing for the time. The decorations on stage were extremely elaborate and authentic. Trap-doors were used on stage so as to make ghostly apparitions appear. “Ghosts” rose into the air, “gods” appeared in clouds, machines produced the noise of thunder and wind. The magic lantern was used to good effect to make it appear as if visions and dreams were actually taking shape on the stage. Huge crowd scenes were sometimes used too: battles, marches, processions, angel choirs – all were enacted on the stage, with sometimes up to a thousand extras acting their parts.

Ballet was another art used by the Jesuits. As dance became increasingly popular in the higher ranks of society in the seventeenth century, the Jesuits became increasingly interested in using it in their theatrical productions. For to them, in Roman Catholic countries, the education of the young had always been entrusted. Thus if they were to retain control over the young, they had to interest them in the art of dancing, once it began to become popular among the people; otherwise their influence over the young would wane. And so, dance was introduced into their stage plays, with the French Jesuit priest, Jouvancy, writing: “Place should certainly be found for dancing; it is a worthy entertainment for well-bred men, and a useful exercise for young people.” 26 Ballet soon became a major part of the Jesuit plays, with the era’s most famous dancing masters overseeing the rehearsals and even participating in the Jesuit ballets. This all increased the stature and influence of the Jesuit Order, particularly because dance masters enjoyed a stature and popularity with the people that was the equivalent, in their day, of that enjoyed by movie actors and rock “stars” of today.


Although little realised today, the Jesuit theatre played an important part in the development of theatre as a whole. A number of the most famous dramatists in Europe were educated in Jesuit colleges, and first performed in Jesuit theatres. These were the “stars” of their day. Voltaire was just one who was tutored by a Jesuit who became his friend in later years, the priest Poree.

And this deep Jesuit influence in the theatre is felt to this day! “More often than a superficial examination will reveal, we meet obvious traces of Jesuit influence in our present-day culture… many traces of Jesuitic influence… remain in the theatre”. 27

And thus, with their deep involvement in the dramatic arts almost from their inception, the Jesuits were well set for involving themselves in the twentieth century’s most popular and powerful dramatic art form: the movies.

Hollywood Created by Jews from Eastern Europe

Before we can turn our attention to the massive involvement of the Roman Catholic institution in the Hollywood movie industry, and ultimately its stranglehold upon the movies that were made, we have to look at the very creation of Hollywood itself. And when we do so, it becomes immediately evident that Hollywood was the creation of Jews from eastern Europe. It was their industry: “the American film industry, which Will Hays, president of the original Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, called ‘the quintessence of what we mean by “America,”’ was founded and for more than thirty years operated by Eastern European Jews who themselves seemed to be anything but the quintessence of America. The much-vaunted ‘studio system,’ which provided a prodigious supply of films during the movies’ heyday, was supervised by a second generation of Jews, many of whom also regarded themselves as marginal men trying to punch into the American mainstream. The storefront theaters of the late teens were transformed into the movie palaces of the twenties by Jewish exhibitors. And when sound movies commandeered the industry, Hollywood was invaded by a battalion of Jewish writers, mostly from the East. The most powerful talent agencies were run by Jews. Jewish lawyers transacted most of the industry’s business and Jewish doctors ministered to the industry’s sick. Above all, Jews produced the movies. ‘Of 85 names engaged in production,’ a 1936 study noted, ‘53 are Jews. And the Jewish advantage holds in prestige as well as numbers.’” 28

When one looks at the major empire-builders of the great Hollywood studios, there is no denying it: the evidence is as plain as day. Universal Pictures was founded by Carl Laemmle, a German Jewish immigrant to America. Paramount Pictures was built by Adolph Zukor, a Hungarian Jewish immigrant. The Fox Film Corporation was the work of William Fox, also a Hungarian Jewish immigrant. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the greatest of all the studios, was headed by Louis B. Mayer, a Russian Jewish immigrant. And Warner Brothers was the work of the brothers Harry, Sam, Albert and Jack Warner, sons of a Polish Jewish immigrant.

When these Jews arrived in America, virtually penniless, they turned their backs on their Eastern European roots, and embraced America wholeheartedly. They rejected their languages, their customs, and for the most part, their Jewish religion. They were Jews in ancestry only, and they wanted to be assimilated into America, as Americans. This was not easy, for at the close of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries, to be a Jew from Eastern Europe was to be an undesirable addition to the American melting pot, in the eyes of many Americans. Jews simply were not wanted, and were made to feel unwelcome. No matter how they tried, they were unable to fully assimilate into mainstream America. But they found that there was one business they could easily enter, and excel in: moviemaking.

At that time, the movie industry was new, and also somewhat disreputable; and these two factors made it possible for Jews to make their mark in the industry, for there were very few barriers to them entering into it and rising up within it. “If the Jews were proscribed from entering the real corridors of gentility and status in America, the movies offered an ingenious option. Within the studios and on the screen, the Jews could simply create a new country – an empire of their own, so to speak – one where they would not only be admitted, but would govern as well. They would fabricate their empire in the image of America…. They would create its values and myths, its traditions and archetypes…. This was their America, and its invention may be their most enduring legacy.” 29

Yes: using what became their vast power over the masses through their movies, these Jews sought to literally mould America into their image. As we shall see, they were restrained from doing so as much as they would have liked by the domination of their Hollywood by Roman Catholic censorship throughout its “Golden Age”; but even so they did their best to portray an America on the big screens of the world that was not, often, the real America, but rather an America they visualised.

In aiming to fashion this America of their own making, they worked hard to re-create American values, traditions, etc., in their image. And although, as we shall see, throughout Hollywood’s “Golden Age” it was the Roman Catholic image of America that predominated, the Hollywood Jews nevertheless did succeed – in uneasy alliance with American Romanism, and then with more freedom once Roman Catholic domination ceased – to move America along a particular path. Today, the values and traditions of America are far, far removed from that of their great-grandparents’ generation; and America is infinitely the worse for it. Morally, America has collapsed; and ideologically, it has swung to the extreme left. And this, to a massive extent, is the result of what Hollywood succeeded in doing: changing the very values, outlooks, ideologies, traditions and morality of the American people. And of the world.

In a very real sense, “they colonized the American imagination.” “Ultimately, American values came to be defined largely by the movies the Jews made. Ultimately, by creating their idealized America on the screen, the Jews reinvented the country in the image of their fiction.” 30 For one thing is absolutely true: “The people who peered at the flickering shadows in the peep shows and nickelodeons at the beginning of the twentieth century didn’t realize that they were participants in an experiment that would revolutionize the way Americans spent their leisure time.” 31 And not just Americans, but the whole world. Who could have imagined that those silent, black and white, grainy early picture shows would become the dominant entertainment-idol of the world within a few decades? Perhaps the early Hollywood Jews could not see that far into the future, but they certainly discerned that they were onto something. Something big. Something bigger, perhaps, than anything that had gone before.

Those early Hollywood Jews, also, used their power over the lucrative Hollywood empire to establish themselves as a Jewish aristocracy, with palatial homes and all the trappings of American Capitalism. They always sought to have the best of everything. Their wealth was their way of forsaking their poor Eastern European Jewish roots and being accepted into high-class American Gentile society. They even embraced the Republican Party, viewed as the party of conservatives and Capitalists. And yet they were accused of being Communists. What, then, is the truth?

The truth, as we shall see, is that although that first generation of Hollywood Jews were more often than not Capitalists rather than Communists, they themselves were for the most part very immoral in their lives (despite having their own warped sense of “morality”), and the movies they made were used for the purpose of lowering the morals of America, which played into the hands of the Communist movement; and thus Hollywood did promote certain Communist goals even when it was under the control of the first-generation Jews, for although their political ideology was Capitalistic their morals were far from conservative or in accordance with Protestant America. And then also, as time went by the later generations of Hollywood Jews were, certainly, all too often outright Communists or Communist sympathisers, causing Hollywood to take a far more radicalised turn to the left. All this will become clear as we proceed.

Paramount Pictures

Adolph Zukor, who would build Paramount Pictures, was never interested in the Jewish religion, even as a boy being raised by an uncle who was a Judaic scholar, although he was fascinated by the story and the characters of the Old Testament Scriptures. When he came to America he deliberately did everything he could to show that he had no ties to the religion of Judaism at all. He wanted to fully assimilate into Gentile America, and because anything Jewish would mark him as different, he dropped it all.

When he got into the infant movie industry, Zukor’s desire was to make quality feature films, artistic films, because he believed this was his ticket to acceptability in higher-class, genteel America. Politically he was a Republican, and wanted to aim his films not at the working classes, but at the higher classes of American society. He knew that films were generally considered only as suitable entertainment for the working classes and he wanted to change that image of them. And to a large extent he succeeded, doing very well for himself in the process.

In 1910 he bought the rights to exhibit a film on the “Passion Play” in New York and New Jersey, even though he was told it was a very foolish business venture. He knew that a film depicting Christ might, at that time, anger the high authorities of the Roman Catholic “Church” in America, so he proceeded cautiously; but the film did very well financially. Zukor became a real power in the industry, and he enjoyed it. He was ruthless, and once he had his sights set on acquiring control of Paramount Pictures, it was only a matter of time before he did.

Paramount films in the 1920 s and 1930s were sophisticated. Zukor was so convinced of the importance of intellectual upliftment and the part that movies could play in this, that he even set up a school at Paramount for the purpose of teaching young would-be actors decorum, including literature, sociology and sobriety classes. Said a Paramount executive, Walter Wanger: “We were always trying to lift public taste a little bit. Zukor and Lasky were dedicated men who would produce pictures that they thought should be done, even though they weren’t going to be profitable.” 32 But let it not be thought that this meant Paramount movies were moral. “Paramount pictures… didn’t ennoble the audience; they whisked them away to a world of sheen and sex where people spoke in innuendo, acted with abandon, and doubted the rewards of virtue. Paramount’s was a universe of Marlene Dietrich’s smoky come-ons, of Chevalier’s eyebrows arched in the boulevardier’s worldliness, of Mae West’s double entendres sliding out the comer of her mouth, of Gary Cooper’s aestheticized handsomeness, and of the Marx Brothers’ leveling chaos.” 33 It was, therefore, the purpose of Paramount to create “classy”, sophisticated films, but not moral ones.

Universal Pictures

Carl Laemmle, the founder of Universal Pictures, was a very different character. He opened his first theatre in 1906, and even at that very early period of movie history it was evident that many movies were morally offensive. The movie houses themselves were often viewed as dark places of iniquity – and not without reason. But Laemmle, wanting to change this unsavoury image, deliberately named his new theatre “The White Front” so that even its name would conjure up an image of respectability and good clean family entertainment. Laemmle became very successful financially, and by 1909 claimed, with some justification, that he was the largest film distributor in America.

Laemmle’s success was largely attributable to the fact that he recognised America’s expanding working class and booming immigrant population were on the lookout for cheap entertainment – and the movies were cheap. They were not well made, they were short, they were usually based on incidents from American life and history, but they were cheap. And for immigrants, the movies were a kind of introduction to American life, the life they were trying so hard to assimilate into. In the Jewish ghettoes of New York, the movies were extremely popular.

In 1909 Laemmle decided to enter into movie production himself, promising film exhibitors “the grandest American-made moving pictures you ever saw.” An advertisement declared: “My motto will be: The best films that man’s ingenuity can devise, and the best films man’s skill can execute.” 34 Laemmle’s desire was to make films that would uplift the movie industry, and make it respectable.

By 1913 he was a power within the industry and a wealthy man, earning an estimated $100 000 a year and having a personal fortune of over $1 million. He formed another distribution company and named it Universal, because, he said, the company would be supplying “universal entertainment for the universe.” 35

As studios increasingly gravitated from New York to Hollywood in California, and the studio bosses with them, Laemmle eventually bought a massive mansion in Beverly Hills, California.

He could be brutal too – he once sent a group of thugs to seize the studio of the member of a faction trying to claim control of Universal. But by 1915 Universal was under his control; and as Neal Gabler writes in his history of the Jews in Hollywood, “From this point on, the Jews would control the movies.” 36

Universal films were at one time suggestive and pushed the boundaries, but later they were aimed more decidedly at rural America. Universal became best known for its westerns and horror films in the late 1920s and early 1930s.

The Fox Film Corporation

Turning now to the Fox Film Corporation, we find, once again, a very different type of Jewish character. William Fox was loud, ambitious, and got things done. Once he had his foot in the door of the movie industry, he went from strength to strength. He aimed to provide cheaper entertainment for the masses. And his formula worked: he became a millionaire in a short space of time.

But there was also more to it. Fox, like so many of the other Jews in the movie industry of that time, saw his rise in the industry as a way to climb the social ladder. Fie bought a large estate on Long Island, New York, among the rich Gentile gentry, renamed it Fox Hall, and lived an autocratic life there, lording it over his extended family and demanding absolute obedience from them all. Family members lived in fear of him. And yet, despite his best efforts to assimilate into upper- class American society, he was acutely aware of the fact that he was still a Jewish ghetto boy who made good, and who would never really be fully accepted into the high society he craved.

Fox believed in his own version of God, not in the Judaism of his father; he also believed in numerology, which was divination through numbers. His wife claimed she was psychic, and Fox himself claimed he could enter men’s minds and read their thoughts.


Next we turn to Louis B. Mayer. This was a man who wanted to do everything better, and to a greater extent, than anyone else. The studio he would ultimately come to control, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, had to be the biggest, the greatest, and the best.

He obtained a theatre in Haverhill, Massachusetts in 1907, renovated it, and began to show what he deemed good, clean, respectable, family- oriented pictures. He went from strength to strength, acquiring other theatres, becoming wealthy and well-respected in middle-class society. He saw films as a means to inculcate values, and he sought to become a kind of “father figure” in society, something which he sought after all his life.

He formed the Louis B. Mayer Film Company; and then later he and some others formed a company for financing feature film production. This company was first called Metro Pictures (the “Metro” part later becoming the first initial in MGM), and Mayer was president of its New England branch.

As he grew wealthier, Mayer joined a middle-class Conservative Jewish temple, and began to live somewhat more lavishly. He also moved now into movie production itself, not just movie distribution, and relocated – as all the movie Jews had begun doing since 1907 – to California in 1918. By the time Mayer arrived, over 80% of the world’s movies were being made in Los Angeles.

Here he began to hobnob with industrial, political and religious leaders. One of these was the powerful newspaper magnate, William Randolph Hearst – a Roman Catholic. Hearst admired and respected Mayer, and this meant much to the latter. They would talk about all kinds of things, and Hearst would even consult with Mayer about the running of his Hearst Corporation.

This relationship with a prominent Roman Catholic would not be the only one Mayer would cultivate.

At this stage he was not as powerful as other Jews in the industry, but that was soon to change. Marcus Loew, another Jew from New York who owned a long string of movie theatres, bought Metro Pictures, which Mayer had once been connected with, in 1919, and later bought Goldwyn Pictures, which had also been started by Jews. And after negotiations with Mayer, Loew bought Mayer’s studio, and Mayer became vice-president of Metro-Goldwyn. In 1926 it became Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and Mayer suddenly found himself a major player in the film industry.

He believed in making what he considered were quality films with moral messages. He once told an MGM writer, “I worship good women, honorable men, and saintly mothers.” 37 In this he was different from the other Hollywood Jews – but not too different. It was his own version of morality, after all, and although it was more conservative than the others, that is all that can really be said for it. Mayer believed in the institution of the family, in virtue, and in America. He was a Jew, but a proud American Jew. And he was seeking to fashion the America of his imagination.

He idealised his female “stars”, and at MGM they always had to be depicted so as to make them look as good as possible. The MGM actresses were always to be beautiful or sensual, clever, but also remote and cool: actresses such as Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford personified the MGM “look”. As for the male “stars”, they too were generally cool, sophisticated, well-dressed, as personified by Clark Gable. And yet at the same time, Mayer had a view of America that was more domestic, moral according to his own lights, and down to earth. In many MGM movies of this kind, motherhood was exalted, and children learned from their parents. Mayer, therefore, was a strange mixture: on the one hand wanting to use his films to influence the morality of America, and on the other hand promoting a fashionable, glamorous, idealised view of women in particular.

By the early 1930s, MGM was the greatest studio in Hollywood, thanks in large part to Mayer’s efforts.

Warner Brothers

Turning next to the Warner Brothers studio, the two brothers most crucial to it were Jack and Harry Warner, both of whom had volatile tempers and who hated each other to boot. Harry had been bom in Poland, Jack in America. Harry was conservative, moral according to his own lights, a family man. He was a religious Jew, and believed in racial and religious tolerance. Jack, on the other hand, was a more assimilated American than Harry, and rebelled against the Judaism of his father. He was crude, vulgar and loud, openly boasting about his sexual affairs. Unlike the other Hollywood Jews, he did not care a whit about being respectable and acceptable in polite society.

Another brother, Sam, was the one who convinced the Warners to go into the movie business as exhibitors. Harry was the leader of the brothers. They started their business in 1903, and rapidly began to get rich. They then moved into movie production. Harry based himself in New York, where another brother, Albert, would work with him, and Sam and Jack went to Los Angeles and San Francisco. In this way the Warner brothers were strategically positioned in the two main centres of film production. In time they forsook distribution and focused on production alone.

At first the Warners were very much the outsiders in Hollywood Jewish circles, but they did not care. They were not trying to ingratiate themselves with genteel society. When other studios were unsure of supporting the newly-invented sound movies, thinking the use of sound might be just a temporary fad, Warner Brothers pitched in. They saw sound as the wave of the future, and they were right. With the release of The Jazz Singer in 1927 – a movie with sound that revolutionised the industry – Warner Brothers moved up into the top ranks of studios.

Jack Warner, always a rebel against his father’s Judaism, shacked up with a Roman Catholic actress, Ann Page Alvarado, even before his own divorce, or hers, had been finalised. This disgusted Harry, and the rift between them widened.

Warner Brothers’ films deliberately put across a message of being films with a conscience, films in which the poor and weak were shown to be pitted against the rich and strong. Jack once told a reporter that films could and did play an all-important part in the cultural and educational development of the world. Surprisingly, this statement was in line with brother Harry’s own beliefs – and it was not often that Jack was found expressing what his older brother believed. Many of their films depicted both the contributions of Jews to society, and their victimization by society. Many of them, also, exposed prejudice in society in general. Others portrayed the weak and marginalised in a good light, taking on the might of the privileged, even when this meant that “heroes” engaged in antisocial behaviour. This raised the ire of many, who saw such films – rightly – as essentially promoting civil disobedience, the uprising of the lower classes. To this Harry replied: “The motion picture presents right and wrong, as the Bible does. By showing both right and wrong, we teach the right.” 38

It sounded good, but it was not true, for in the words of the Hollywood Jews’ biographer, Neal Gabler, Warner Brothers movies took a more ambivalent attitude towards American values than any other Hollywood studio. “Out of this mix of energy, suspicion, gloom, iconoclasm, and liberalism came not only a distinctive kind of film, but also a distinctive vision of America – particularly urban America. It was an environment cruel and indifferent, one almost cosmologically adversarial, where a host of forces prevented one from easily attaining virtue.” 39 In other words, Warner Brothers produced films which attempted to alter American society by portraying urban America as a dark, cruel place where the poor and marginalised needed to rise up and change things. This was incipient Gramscian Marxism; cultural Communism, the means whereby the Italian Communist, Gramsci, had said America would be communised. Change the culture, change the traditions, and you will change the country. America today is, tragically, living proof that Gramscian Communism worked.

Columbia Pictures

As for the founder of Columbia Pictures, Harry Cohn, he was a Jew at war with the world. People hated him, and he did not care. He was a spiteful, vengeful man and a bully, a man who loved power and who wielded it mercilessly. He greatly admired the Italian Fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini, made a documentary on his life, even visited him in Rome and decorated his own office like Mussolini’s, proudly displaying a photo of the dictator there. And he copied Mussolini in his own personal style. “Cohn epitomized the profane, vulgar, cruel, rapacious, philandering mogul, and Red Skelton spoke for many when he said, after thousands attended Cohn’s funeral, ‘Well, it only proves what they always say – give the public something they want to see, and they’ll come out for it.’” 40

Cohn turned his back completely on his religious Jewish upbringing. He did his best to push the fact that he was Jewish right out of his life. He married a Roman Catholic and ignored all Jewish festivals and other aspects of Judaism. Whereas other Hollywood Jews got rid of their Judaism so as to be accepted into American Gentile society, Harry Cohn went further – he held it in contempt. He once said, when asked for a contribution towards a Jewish relief fund, “Relief for the Jews! How about relief from the Jews? All the trouble in this world is caused by Jews and Irishmen.” 41

He was also extremely immoral in his personal life, having many affairs with many women. He divorced his first wife because she could not have children and because she was not attractive enough, in his view, to be the wife of so great a man as he fancied himself to be. He married his new wife, a young, attractive actress and a Gentile, three days after he divorced his first wife. Within a year she bore him a son.

As for the films Columbia made in the 1930s and 1940s, in some ways they resembled those from Warner Brothers: they were so often about the poor against the ruthless rich, the individual against the corporation, and the traditional against the new. The Columbia films may not have been as class-conscious as Warner Brothers films were, and the heroes were more middle-class than lower-class, with ethnicity nowhere near as prominent; but even so there was a resemblance to Warner Brothers’ offerings.

The Religion (or Lack Thereof) of Hollywood’s Jews

Edgar Magnin was the rabbi to many of the Hollywood Jews. He was the rabbi in Los Angeles, not only by his own admission but by that of many others too. In 1914 he had been invited to become the associate rabbi of B’nai B’rith, which was Los Angeles’ first Jewish congregation. It was what was kn own as a Reform Jewish congregation. The controversial and liberal Magnin later became the chief rabbi there. He was truly “one of the boys”, mixing with the wealthy Jewish elite of Hollywood and never too interested in religious Judaism himself, despite being a rabbi. He overlooked their sins, and they loved him for it.

Magnin called for an Americanized Judaism, where Jews were fully assimilated as Americans; and this was a doctrine well received by the Hollywood Jews, for they had turned their backs on Orthodox Judaism. One after the other joined Magnin’s B’nai B’rith – Carl Laemmle, Harry and Jack Warner, Louis B. Mayer, William Fox, and literally dozens of film executives, directors and actors. But they joined, not because they wanted their Jewish religion, but rather the secularised “religion” preached by Magnin. Very few of them were religious. They attended Magnin’s ornate and lavish Wilshire Boulevard Temple on Jewish holy days, and they gave generously to Jewish welfare organisations and other Jewish causes; but that was all. Partly, they supported such groups with their money because it was just what Jews did; partly, because philanthropy was a status symbol, a sign of respectability; partly even, perhaps, because they felt a certain amount of guilt at having turned their backs on their Jewishness; but never did they do so because of any real religious feelings. The Hollywood Jews deliberately distanced themselves from the Jewish religion as far as possible.

And they were always cautious, even in their giving to Jewish causes. They did not want to be associated (at least at first) with any Jewish political causes. When Ben Hecht, a radical Jewish-American writer in Hollywood, tried to raise funds to support a Jewish group in Palestine which was aiming to use terrorism to drive the British out, he found no sympathisers among the Hollywood Jews. They did not want to do anything that would jeopardise their assimilationist efforts into American Gentile society. They wanted to be seen as Americans, not Jews.

But their opposition did not last. As Nazism grew in strength in Europe, the Jews in Hollywood softened in their stance, and began to show an interest in supporting the Jewish political cause in Palestine. In 1942 the younger-generation Jews in Hollywood, especially, were supportive of efforts to form a Hollywood organisation to combat growing anti-Semitism in the United States, in particular when they felt such anti-Semitism was directed at the movie industry.

One of the primary movers and shakers in this regard was Mendel Silverberg, a powerful Jewish lawyer in Hollywood with close connections to the Chandler family, who owned the Los Angeles Times, and to the Republican Party. He became closely associated with Hollywood’s elite Jews, although he himself was only nominally Jewish. He was very useful to the Hollywood Jews in combatting growing Nazi sympathies in Los Angeles in the early 1930s. They formed what was called the Community Committee, with Silverberg as its chairman. Its name was later changed to the Community Relations Council, and its purpose was to be the official liaison between Jews and Gentiles in Los Angeles. Silverberg also sat on various other Jewish committees.

Prior to World War Two, the Hollywood Jews saw no value in making films promoting Jews or Judaism. They wanted to assimilate into Gentile America, not stick out as Jews. Jewish actors and actresses even changed their names to make them sound more Gentile. But with the rise of Hitler and Nazism and the horrors of World War Two, the Hollywood Jews began to see the value of using their immense power and influence, via their film studios, to promote a positive image of Jews. A new Jewish organisation was created in 1948, called the Motion Picture Project, which enabled each major Jewish organisation to have some say over the way Hollywood would portray the Jews. It would be used to review scripts, influence producers, and inform the Jewish organisations of any films that would either benefit Jews, or harm them. Silverberg correctly saw that this was an attempt to censor the movie industry. The Hollywood Jews now felt the pressure, channelled through the Motion Picture Project, from such Jewish organisations as the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, and the Anti-Defamation League.

As an alternative to Hollywood’s liberal rabbi, Edgar Magnin, there was Max Nussbaum, who came to Hollywood in the 1940s to lead the Jewish congregation at Temple Israel. This temple had been founded by important men in the movie business, essentially as an alternative to Magnin’s version of Judaism. For although Magnin was very popular, both with non-Jews and with many of the elite Hollywood Jews, not all liked him. One even called him “Cardinal Magnin” because of his closeness with Roman Catholics. 42 This alternative rabbi, Nussbaum, and his Temple Israel, was more pro-Jewish, committed to Jewish tradition and ritual. Nussbaum himself had escaped Hitler’s madness in Germany and made his way to the USA. He was a fiery and eloquent speaker. He attracted many, just as Magnin did, but for different reasons. And during and after World War Two he began to attract more Hollywood Jews than Magnin was doing.

The reason for this was that the second-generation Hollywood Jews, as a result of the war and Hitler’s Holocaust, were far more interested in their Judaism, and also in being involved in Jewish social activist causes. For although Nussbaum was religiously conservative, he was socially activist, supporting various causes including the establishment of the state of Israel.

The Surprising Influence of Romanism Over Some Hollywood Jews

There was another powerful, albeit at first surprising, influence over some of the influential Jews of Hollywood: Roman Catholicism. One writer recalled that when it came to religious matters, the Hollywood Jews were always “very tender with the Catholics.” 43

Louis B. Mayer was closer to Roman Catholicism than Judaism. His daughter Edith said her father was “very Catholic prone. He loved the Catholics.” 44 This was a true statement. Mayer was a close friend and admirer of New York’s powerful Roman Catholic cardinal, Francis Spellman. A large portrait of Spellman hung in Mayer’s library. According to Magnin, Mayer admired power and importance, which was the reason he admired Spellman and Romanism. According to his grandson, Danny Selznick, Mayer was attracted to Roman Catholicism because of its respectability, and also because Mayer, as head of MGM, identified with the pope of Rome. These may indeed have been some reasons for Mayer’s fascination with Romanism, but clearly there was more to it. Still, he was not above making use of his friendship with Spellman to get his own way when a movie was going to be banned by the Roman Catholic “Church”. He would call Spellman and seek his help.

He was an admirer of other prominent and conservative Roman Catholics as well, notably Senator Joseph McCarthy. Mayer fully supported McCarthy’s efforts to rid the U. S. government of Communists. At a Chamber of Commerce dinner in his honour in 1954, Mayer said, “The more McCarthy yells, the better I like him. He’s doing a job to get rid of the ‘termites’ eating away at our democracy…. I hope he drives all the bums back to Moscow. That’s the place for them.” He also said: “Why is it that there are so few Catholic converts to Communism? It is because they learned the love of God when they were children. Why don’t Jews and Protestants do the same thing?” 45 Yes, Mayer esteemed Roman Catholicism very highly.

It was not just Mayer, however (although he was the closest of all Hollywood’s top Jews to Rome). Other Hollywood Jews were under Rome’s spell as well, to varying degrees. Harry Cohn, for example, was friends with the cardinal, Spellman, and whenever he was in New York he would visit Spellman. Cohn’s first wife had been a Roman Catholic, and his second wife was a convert to Roman Catholicism who was very devout; and Cohn allowed her to raise their children as Roman Catholics. There were rumours that Cohn himself would convert to Romanism, but he never did. Still, there were strong influences at work.

The Politics of the Hollywood Jews

Politically, because they wanted to be accepted into American society so much and because the Republican Party was seen as the party of the American elite, most of the Hollywood Jewish elite were Republicans. And they certainly were among the country’s elite by the mid-1950s, with 19 of the 25 highest salaries in the USA being paid to movie executives, and Louis B. Mayer, the highest-earning movie man, earning over $ 1 million, which was more than any other American was earning at that time. Mayer would always entertain important senators, congressmen, and other officials whenever they were in Los Angeles. This enabled him to rise within the ranks of the Republican Party, and when Californian Herbert Hoover became president in 1928, Mayer and his family were invited to the White House. It was even rumoured, some years later, that Mayer himself might run for president.

The Warner brothers were really the only major Democrats among the Hollywood Jews – and only for a brief period. Prior to 1932 they too had been Republicans, but in that year Jack and Harry Warner met with top Democrats in New York and were brought on board the campaign to get Franklin Roosevelt elected. It is likely the Democrats sought for the Warners’ support because it was well known that they were considered the “outsiders” in Hollywood. Harry was quoted by Jack as saying, “The country is in chaos. There is a revolution in the air, and we need a change.” 46 In Hollywood Jack worked to get Roosevelt elected. When Roosevelt became president and Jack was invited to the White House at various times, Jack claimed he was simply the court jester of the White House because he was a humorous man; but in truth there was far more to it than that. Warner Brothers threw its weight behind Roosevelt and the president knew it.

Nevertheless, by 1936 the Warners were Republicans again, after Harry Warner saw Roosevelt as having turned his back on him in an hour of need. “It was the last time any of the first generation of Hollywood Jews would support a Democrat.” 47


Thus, the first-generation Jewish creators of Hollywood were, for the most part, men who abandoned their traditional Judaism; who were Capitalists, not Communists; some of whom were attracted to, and influenced by, Roman Catholicism; and many of whom were immoral in their personal lives and produced immoral movies, lowering the morals of the world. And thus they played into the hands of international Communism’s assault on America and the entire western world. Furthermore, the next generation of Jewish Hollywood leaders leaned far to the left.

This then was the Jewish industry which the powerful American Roman Catholic institution sought to influence and control for its own ends.

Despite the fact that Jewish-Americans of Eastern European origin created the film studios and ran them, the actual control of the industry, of what movies would be made, etc., was in the hands of the Roman Catholic “Church” for decades. But why? Why was it that the movie industry came to be controlled by Roman Catholics? Why was it that “Catholic characters, spaces, and rituals have been stock features in popular films since the silent picture era”? 48 How was it possible that in Protestant America, the Roman Catholic religion came to dominate the movie industry? The following explanation, written by Colleen McDannell, editor of the book Catholics in the Movies, is very accurate:

“An intensely visual religion with a well-defined ritual and authority system, Catholicism lends itself to the drama and pageantry – the iconography – of film. Moviegoers watch as Catholic visionaries interact with the supernatural, priests counsel their flocks, reformers fight for social justice, and bishops wield authoritarian power. As the religion of many immigrants [to the United States], Catholic characters represent outsider status as well as the ‘American way of life. ’ Rather than being marginal to American popular culture, Catholic people, places, and rituals are central. At the movies, Catholicism – rather than Protestantism – is the American religion.” 49 Later she wrote: “in the world of the movies, religion is Catholic.” 50

This is very true. But then also there is the more sinister reason: a deliberate purpose behind Roman Catholic control of the industry, the reason for which has been set out already in this book, and the evidence for which will be given in the pages to follow.

Striving to Break Down Early Protestant Opposition to the Movies

In the early years of the twentieth century, it was Protestants, even more than Roman Catholics, who influenced the content of movies. They sought to uphold moral values, desiring that such things as crime and punishment, class, ethnicity, family and romance, would be portrayed in a way that would do so. American Protestants of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were also for the most part still very aware of the dangers posed by Popery to Protestantism, and to America itself. They knew that the “Church” of Rome was bent on subjugating the United States to itself, and for this reason they were deeply suspicious of large-scale Roman Catholic immigration into the country. They rightly saw this as a Papal plan to eventually take control of America through sheer force of numbers. Protestant books of the period were strong in their condemnation of Popery and of its sinister plans. 51

And as a consequence of all this, early moviemakers portrayed the Protestant settlement house in a good light, as a place where the Irish Roman Catholic criminal could be converted or rehabilitated. Roman Catholicism itself was portrayed in a bad light, as a religion which played a part in the social problems of the day. Priests were depicted as men who did not condemn alcohol, etc. Roman Catholicism was portrayed as a religion of the Dark Ages, a time when freedom of religion and other freedoms had been cruelly suppressed. 52

And in these things they were very right. Romanism was most definitely a religion opposed to religious and other freedoms, and it still is. This is part of its very nature. At that time in America the Protestantism of many was still very strong, and they well knew the dangers of Popery. America, after all, had been founded by people fleeing Papal persecution and tyranny in Europe. Unlike today, the early twentieth century was still a time when Protestants had a good knowledge of these things, and viewed Popery as abhorrent and contrary not only to the Bible, but to the very principles on which America had been established.

But all this was to change. For in the early twentieth century, which was the infancy of this new American phenomenon known as the movie industry, the very time when movies as a form of entertainment were coming into their own, the United States was experiencing a large-scale influx of immigrants from southern, central and eastern Europe. Large numbers of these immigrants, coming as they did from that part of the Old World, were Roman Catholics – and also, large numbers were Jews. These immigrants were poor, working-class folk struggling to make better lives for themselves in this new country, and they took to the movies because it was an inexpensive form of entertainment for them. Their English was usually very limited, but it did not matter because this was the silent movie era, where the story was conveyed to the audience via such things as facial expressions, body language, etc., and was generally fairly easy to follow. It did not take long for moviemakers to begin making films that would particularly appeal to those large Roman Catholic audiences. Despite the fact that almost all films released in the 1910s and 1920s have been lost because of nitrate decomposition or because of combustion of the cellulose film stock, it is possible to glean, from reviews of the time, newspaper advertisements, trade magazines and publicity images, “a tantalizing sense of a large number of motion pictures featuring Catholic characters and settings” (emphasis added). 53

In addition to immigrant Roman Catholics, however, it did not take long for native-born Americans to start to flock to the movies, and it was estimated that by 1920 half of all Americans were attending the movies once a week. So from Rome’s point of view, it was a powerful new medium with which to reshape Protestant America, leading it inexorably Romeward. But how did this come about, especially considering the conservative nature of much of American Protestantism at that time, which saw real danger in the mesmerising power of the movies and frequently viewed the movie industry with deep suspicion? It came about by movie producers labouring to present moviegoing as a respectable entertainment. Their efforts towards this objective included making religious and “biblical” films. Such films helped to break down Protestant Americans’ objections to the movie industry. 54

Thus Roman Catholic influence over the movie industry was already quite strong in the early years, during the infancy of film-making. And this influence just grew and grew in the following decades.

Protestants Call for Film Censorship

The movie industry began when what was known as the Progressive reform movement was at its height in the United States. These reformers fought against such injustices as child labour, poor urban living conditions, poverty, corruption in government, prostitution and drunkenness, etc. And they viewed the new movie industry as a real danger to American youth. They saw correctly that films were a more powerful means of communication – and indoctrination – than any other, and that impressionable youngsters would be powerfully and negatively influenced by what they saw at the movies. On the other hand, they also believed that precisely because there had never been such a powerful means of communication as movies before, they could exert a vast amount of good on people, especially children, if they could teach and reinforce values such as good citizenship, the importance of hard work, good morals, and the superiority of Anglo-Saxon ideals. In today’s world many might smile at the thought of that last one; but for Americans of western European and particularly British extraction in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Anglo-Saxon culture was far superior to any other. And certainly their world was one where the Anglo-Saxon culture and civilisation dominated. It is certainly true that movies have the potential to achieve a vast amount of good. There were many in those very early years of the twentieth century who believed, for example, that decent picture shows might replace the use of alcohol as recreation for the poor working classes.

It did not take long, however, for those who believed that movies could be a powerful force for good to be bitterly disappointed in their hope. It very soon became all too apparent that even way back then, during the infancy of the motion picture industry, the depravity of man was such that he much preferred films of a questionable moral character to those which contained moral themes.

And so it was that a formidable grouping of individuals and institutions began to array themselves against the evil influence of the movies in their very early years: Protestant ministers, social workers, Progressive reformers, police, politicians, women’s clubs, civic organisations. All stated that movies were exerting a baneful influence on young minds by glorifying criminals, romanticising illicit love affairs, etc. They stated that movies were altering traditional values. 55 In all this they were certainly correct. And, because they saw that the motion picture as a form of entertainment was here to stay, they figured that there was only one solution: government censorship. This, then, is what they began to demand.

The concern was real; the desire to do something about the problem was admirable; but as we shall see, government censorship was not the solution then, and has never been the solution.

The 1915 U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Censorship

Although in the infancy of the movie industry it was mainly Protestants who worked for reform, and then government censorship, the “Church” of Rome was not silent. For example, as early as 1907 the Michigan Catholic accused the movie industry of seeking to destroy the souls of children, and the Catholic Messenger in Worcester, Massachusetts, called movie houses “the devil’s lights” and “a chamber of horrors”. During the next few years this publication continued to criticise the industry, and, as one manager of a Worcester movie house put it, “If you played a movie that wasn’t fit to be seen, they [the Roman Catholic priests] would crucify you by saying ‘don’t go to see it.’” 56

And various important Roman Catholic publications, such as the Boston Pilot newspaper and the Jesuit magazine America, as well as the Federation of Catholic Societies, at various times threw their weight behind federal censorship of the movies.

The first film censorship law ever created was in Chicago in November 1907. According to the law, exhibitors had to obtain a permit from the superintendent of police before showing a film; and permits would be denied to any film deemed to be immoral or obscene. The police lost no time in enforcing the new law, refusing to issue permits for two westerns. And when the film-makers went to court to try to get the law overturned, they lost. The Illinois Supreme Court ruled that the city had a right to ensure movies were decent and moral, because the low admission price to the movies meant that children and the lower classes could attend.

The next year, various New York religious leaders, including Roman Catholics, were at the head of increasing opposition to the effect of movies on children. They influenced New York’s mayor to close all movie houses in late December; but this time the court sided with the film-makers, and the movie houses were re-opened.

Then in 1909 a Progressive reformer named Charles Sprague Smith established the New York Board of Motion Picture Censorship, as demands for stricter censorship grew. The movie industry at the time was based in New York City, and agreed to submit films to this board for review, so as to hopefully prevent government censorship later. But the board was declared ineffective by the Pennsylvania legislature in 1911, which formed its own state censorship board, followed by Kansas and Ohio in 1913. And indeed, the New York board had been hugely controversial, for it was very liberal in deciding which movies were acceptable and which were not. The censors focused primarily on excessive violence in films, while paying little attention to sex scenes. They even passed films which dealt with such issues as birth control, prostitution, and nudity, if they deemed that such scenes were not “crass”, “crude”, or “commercial.”

In 1916 the board was renamed the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures (NBR), and by then various other municipal and state censorship boards had come into being. These boards sought to remove any depictions in the movies of changing moral standards. They sought to limit scenes in movies which showed crime, believing such scenes contributed to the increase in juvenile delinquency. They also sought to avoid any depictions of civil strife, government corruption and injustice, or sexual issues. 57

But these various censorship boards were not created equal. They often differed on what was “immoral”, “obscene”, “illicit”, “indecent”, etc., etc. This meant that the moviemakers could never be certain which scenes might be condemned in one place, and which scenes might be condemned in another. In Pennsylvania, for example, the censorship board decided that a screen kiss could not last longer than a yard of film strip; but when it came to childbirth scenes, they even forbade a scene depicting a woman knitting clothes for her unborn child, on the following pathetic grounds: “Movies are patronized by thousands of children who believe that babies are brought by the stork, and it would be criminal to undeceive them”! 58

The moviemakers, of course, held very different opinions to the ones espoused by censorship boards. Their defence was that movies should have the same constitutional protections of free speech which were given to other forms of communication. The Mutual Film Corporation therefore went to the U.S. Supreme Court about these matters, where it was argued that movies were “part of the press” and thus “increasingly important… in the spreading of knowledge and the molding of public opinion upon every kind of political, educational, religious, economic and social question.” 59 The Supreme Court, however, disagreed, and stated: “We feel the argument is wrong or strained which extends the guarantees of free opinion and speech” to theatre, the circus, or the movies because “they may be used for evil.” And: “Besides, there are some things which should not have pictorial representation in public places and to all audiences.” The Court declared that movies were “a business pure and simple, originated and conducted for profit, like other spectacles, not to be regarded… as part of the press of the country, or as organs of public opinion.” 60 As such, being commercial enterprises they could be regulated by the states or by the federal government.

Thus, according to this very important 1915 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, known as Mutual Film Corp. v. the Industrial Commission of Ohio, movies were a “business, pure and simple”, and therefore could indeed be regulated. It was deemed constitutional to have state and city censorship boards to regulate movies. “The industry now faced the possibility of a proliferation of censorship boards and death by a thousand cuts.” 61 And indeed in the aftermath of the ruling, state and municipal censor boards sprung up everywhere.

What can be said of this judgment? It was certainly incorrect of the court to declare that movies were simply a business, and not to be treated as other forms of communication; and in fact, the court contradicted itself by stating that films may be used for evil – a judgment on their morality (or lack thereof). That movies have been the cause of much moral evil, and have contributed immensely to the degrading of society and the overturning of morality, cannot possibly be disputed by any thinking person. The evidence is overwhelming. Freedom of expression and of speech are important, but should always have limitations set on them -relating to the physical lives and the properties of men. Not only the Word of God, but common human experience through the ages demonstrates that unrestrained “freedoms” pose a great danger to individuals and societies. The duty of the State is to ensure the safety of peoples’ lives, bodies and properties from being forcefully violated by others (Rom. 13:1-7).

But the State’s God-given power extends no further than this. And when it attempts to extend its power beyond this, into matters of morality or religion, it goes too far. The moral standards imposed on society will then be those of the men in power; and men in power are not usually godly men. Government officials are, after all, mere men like all others. They have no special wisdom above other men. They are not more qualified than other men to set the moral standards of society, merely by virtue of being elected by a portion of the populace.

Nor should any restriction be placed by the State on matters of religion, of man’s relationship to God (whether the true God or even false ones), because earthly governments only have to do with the maintenance of law and order so as to ensure the safety of the physical lives and wellbeing of men – not with spiritual matters. Spiritual matters are outside the orbit of earthly governments. On matters of religion, it would be well if governments took the attitude of Gallio, the deputy of Achaia, when the Jews accused Paul of worshipping God contrary to the law. Gallio replied: “If it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, O ye Jews, reason would that I should bear with you: but if it be a question of words and names, and of your law [religious law], look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters” (Acts 18:14,15). If one religion incites its members to physically harm the members of another religion, acting against this is certainly the duty of the government; but that is all. If one religion, say, makes a movie that is deemed blasphemous by another religion, this is not a matter for the government to interfere in, for it is solely a religious matter.

Thus this court judgment was far from ideal, and far from sensible; indeed, it was even self-contradictory. It granted permission for direct government intervention, via censorship boards, in matters of morality and by extension in matters of religion; matters beyond the God- ordained powers of the government. And government intervention, indeed, interference, in such matters is always a very slippery slope and can even be a very dangerous thing, as history amply reveals.

Intolerance (1916): An Influential Early Silent Film Depicting Roman Catholicism

In 1916 the silent movie, Intolerance, was released, “which remains one of the most intriguing portraits of Catholics in cinema history.” 62

It was the work of David Wark Griffith. Although he was a Freemason, with Ku Klux Klan sympathies, and although the film was not an entirely pro-Roman Catholic one, for Griffith depicted Roman Catholic religious intolerance as well, yet even so in his film he “was celebrating Catholic virtue and exposing Protestant pretense and hypocrisy.” 63 It depicted (among many other themes) Roman Catholic persecution of Huguenots; but it also depicted what he considered the persecution of Roman Catholics, with Protestants depicted unfavourably, as oppressors and puritanical destroyers of such earthly pleasures as dancing and drinking.

The film followed certain stereotypes that would come out in one Hollywood film after another in the years to come: Roman Catholics as immigrants to America, struggling to be assimilated, and living in crime-infested ghettoes; Roman Catholic girls fighting against the strict sexual moral standards of their parents; etc. 64

Furthermore, its theme of class warfare, with immoral employers exploiting decent workers, convinced Vladimir Lenin in Russia that Griffith was a Communist. Lenin invited Griffith to manage the Soviet film industry, and Soviet film-makers viewed Intolerance as a cinematic lesson in how to use film to promote revolution. The immoral, oppressive employers were depicted as Protestant hypocrites, and the innocent workers were Roman Catholics, so the film appealed to Communists and Papists alike. It foreshadowed the coming alliance, decades later, between Romanism and Communism for their mutual advancement. 65

Joan the Woman (1916): Roman Catholics Furious with Cecil B. DeMille

When Hollywood religious-epic maker, Cecil B. DeMille, released his Joan the Woman in 1916, a film about Joan of Arc, Roman Catholics were furious. He made the film, as he himself admitted, as a “call to a modem crusade”, meaning World War I. It was designed to be a pro- Allies film. But because he depicted the priests of Rome as villains, cruel and vain, Roman Catholics were seething, and this anger caused DeMille to suggest to his distributors, “rather desperately”, that they circulate two versions – “In the strong Catholic communities, those scenes relating to the Catholic church might best be spared; while in Protestant portions of the country, it might be desirable to retain such scenes.” 66 This certainly reveals two undeniable facts: that at that time there was a clear distinction between Protestants and Romanists, with many Protestants being very aware of the evils of Rome; and that, when it came to historical movies, the movie industry – even then – could usually not be trusted to depict history as it really happened, but rather so as to suit the sensibilities of the audiences. Bottom line: people who look to Hollywood for accurate historical portrayals of history are simply not going to find them.

And DeMille played fast and loose with historical fact in another way, too: he added a love interest for Joan in the story. As authors Les and Barbara Keyser state in their book, Hollywood and the Catholic Church, “DeMille’s creed, which became Hollywood’s gospel”, was that “history and the Bible could justify almost any debauchery and licentiousness. Moral purpose overwhelmed, DeMille and Hollywood thought, any need for restraint, since the end always justifies the means.” 67

Rome’s Opposition to Two Films for World War One Soldiers

The American Social Hygiene Association developed two educational films, entitled Fit to Fight and End of the Road, aimed at the armed forces of the First World War and at young women living near military camps, respectively. The first was about venereal diseases. Protests against the film were strong, coming from both Protestants and Roman Catholics. Romish priest John J. Burke, of the Roman Catholic institution’s National War Council, attempted to prevent it from being released, but failed. He then called for titillating scenes in the film to be cut, and some of them (but not all) were eliminated or shortened. As for the second film, Burke was just as much opposed to it as the first, because of how it made illicit sex alluring. Some scenes were cut to satisfy him, but the war ended soon afterwards and the military had no further interest in the film anyway.

Fit to Fight was updated and renamed Fit to Win, and shown to the general public, along with End of the Road. A major trade journal, the Exhibitor’s Herald, was totally against the films. This was because it was owned by Martin Quigley, a Roman Catholic. We shall soon be paying much more attention to Quigley. Priest Burke, meanwhile, continued to oppose the films strongly. His National War Council called on Roman Catholic societies across the United States to come out fighting against the two films. In New York, where Burke had a lot of clout, he influenced Commissioner John F. Gilbert to come out with guns blazing against the films. And although a U.S. District Court judge allowed Fit to Win to be shown in New York at first despite Gilbert’s opposition, the U.S. Court of Appeals found in favour of Gilbert. This was a victory for the Roman Catholic National War Council, and it was followed by End of the Road being banned from being shown in Pennsylvania, and then the National Board of Review and the Public Flealth Service withdrawing approval of the film. “The [Catholic] War Council’s campaign against these films marked the [Roman Catholic] church’s first significant success in combating films it found objectionable…. the War Council… became the National Catholic Welfare Council [NCWC] in September 1919.” 68 Rome’s ability to play a more powerful role in national affairs was now strengthened considerably.

Early Romish Attempts to Clean Up the Industry

The Romish bishops in America well knew the immense influence the movies were exerting over their own flocks, and knew that something had to be done. The NCWC Bulletin stated: “The influence of motion pictures upon the lives of our people is greater than the combined influence of all our churches, schools, and ethical organizations.” 69 The result was that Roman Catholics turned on the Flollywood Jews. In Columbia, the official organ of the Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus, author Karl K. Kitchens wrote that the film industry was controlled by “foreign-bom Jews of the lowest sort”, men willing to “glorify crime and make heroes of seducers and heroines of prostitutes for a dollar.” Another writer, Pat Scanlan, the editor of the Brooklyn Tablet, called the Jewish film-makers “alien ex-buttonhole makers and pressers”. 70 Such men were right about Jewish control of the industry and even about the immoral movies they made, but much of this attitude was driven more by the traditional and centuries-old Roman Catholic anti-Semitism than anything else.

Many Papists, priests included, called for state censorship of the movie industry. But there were also more liberal-minded Roman Catholics who opposed censorship legislation. In 1919 the Motion Picture Committee was formed, a Roman Catholic outfit under the leadership of Charles McMahon, who reported directly to priest John J. Burke. He was instructed to work with film producers to get them to remove indecent movies.

Will Hays and the Hays Office

Things went from bad to worse for film-makers. In March 1921 the major studios adopted their own code, kn own as the “Thirteen Points”, in an attempt to prove that they would do their own house-cleaning and improve the moral quality of films, which they hoped would cause the states to refrain from passing censorship legislation; but it failed. What is more, in that same year Hollywood was rocked by a series of scandals which served to confirm, to decent citizens, that this was a morally rotten industry, even in its infancy. “Famous directors turned up dead, matinee idols shot heroin (and each other), and doeeyed ingenues were rousted from sordid love nests. In the most lurid incident, the corpulent comedian Fatty Arbuckle was accused of the brutal rape and murder of a party girl named Virginia Rappe at a drunken weekend orgy. Arbuckle’s three trials solidified Hollywood’s reputation as a sun-drenched Sodom luring Midwest farm girls to a fate worse than waitressing.” 71 “Arbuckle’s popularity with children added to the notoriety of the case, and although he was acquitted at his third trial (the two previous ones ending in hung juries), many people continued to believe that Rappe’s ruptured bladder was caused not by periadenitis, as the defense claimed, but by the comedian’s great weight as he forced himself on her…. Despite the actor’s final acquittal, public outrage forced the industry to withdraw his films from exhibition.” 72

The next scandal that year was the murder of director William Desmond Taylor, who, it was rumoured, also used drugs and was romantically connected to not one, but two actresses. And a year later actor Wallace Reid died of a drug overdose in a sanatorium. Hollywood was now, in the eyes of millions, nothing but a cesspool of iniquity, “the Sodom of the West”. 73 The film-makers realised something had to be done to save Hollywood’s reputation or they would be out of business. And something was – at least to their satisfaction.

In March 1922 the movie industry itself created the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), as well as another, alligned organisation, the Association of Motion Picture Producers (AMPP). These were formed ostensibly to establish and maintain “the highest possible moral and artistic standards of motion picture production.” In other words, they were meant to be self-regulating in-house bodies, designed to prevent outside (state) censorship from occurring. The thinking was that if the studios censored themselves, there would be no danger of state or municipal censorship.

The studio owners’ choice for the man at the helm of the MPPDA was William Harrison (Will) Hays, a lawyer who was postmaster-general in President Harding’s cabinet and the chairman of the Republican National Committee. Hays was a conservative Republican, a staunch Presbyterian who never smoked or drank, who was strongly against any State interference in business, and the Hollywood film-makers thought he would be ideal for the job because he was from outside the industry and would also oppose censorship. His office in New York City became known as the “Hays Office”. He set to work with a will, fighting against censorship legislation and federal regulation of the movie industry, but also cleaning up the industry’s image. “The old careless, helter skelter days are over,” he told the public. “The chieftains of the motion picture now realize their responsibilities as custodians of not only one of the greatest industries in the world but of possibly the most potent instrument in the world for moral influence and education, and certainly one of the most universal mediums of artistic expression.” 74 In truth, the studio chieftains had not undergone a sudden mass conversion, they were no more moral than they had been before – they merely wanted to avoid state censorship at all costs as this would eat into their bottom line. Those Jewish studio chieftains were very wily when they chose Hays, for they knew that American morality was still very much defined by American Protestantism, and if they wanted to make millions out of American moviegoers they needed someone in charge of movie morality who would put the people at ease.

Even though various Roman Catholic men’s and women’s groups supported a censorship bill in Massachusetts, some prominent Roman Catholics came to Hays’ assistance in the anti-censorship campaign. One was Joseph P. Kennedy, father of future U.S. President John F. Kennedy, who offered his assistance, and another was William Randolph Hearst, whose newspaper, Boston American, offered a prize of $1000 to the winner of an essay competition on “Why Massachusetts should not have political censorship.” Meanwhile, the Romish hierarchy in America remained silent on the issue, knowing that its silence would be interpreted as an opposition to government censorship; and it was. And in a referendum in 1922, the voters in heavily Roman Catholic Massachusetts voted against the state censorship bill.

Hays had the powerful “Church” of Rome on his side; but very few Protestant churches supported him. They were far more opposed to films per se than Roman Catholics were, and were in fact Hays’ main opposition. Hays therefore sought out ever more Roman Catholic support and approval for his work, such as that of the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae (IFCA). This organisation was very much at the forefront of Roman Catholic involvement in Hollywood at this time, and most Hollywood producers were more than willing to make any cuts or changes it recommended if this would mean an IFCA approval for the film. And proposed cuts and changes were not limited to moral matters only, but included any negative depictions of Roman Catholicism. Hollywood was being edited by Roman Catholics, with the Protestant Will Hays playing along; and this angered Protestants. “Hollywood’s courting of Catholic interests made some Protestants wonder if their concerns were being overlooked. The Texas 100% American charged Hays with playing into the hands of the Catholic hierarchy, while the editor of the National Republic asked him to explain ‘why it is that when a Protestant minister… is shown on screen, nine times out of ten, he is portrayed as a sap or a sissy.’” 75 These charges were true. The Churchman, a Protestant journal, said that Hays was a “seller of swill and an office boy” for Hollywood producers, men who were turning American society into a “brothel house.” 76

Hays became very friendly with New York’s cardinal, Patrick Hayes, and thus Hayes supported Hays: the cardinal supported the MPPDA president whenever he was being criticised for his work by Protestants and the Protestant press. The cardinal went so far as to declare, in 1929, that Will Hays’ work enabled the movies “to stand out like a shining light of great potential goodness in America.” 77 Well, Rome’s idea of “shining lights” and “goodness” has always differed widely from the biblical teaching. Hollywood was already, by this time, pushing the boundaries of morality as far as they could be pushed in that era, and Hays and the MPPD A were cleaning up certain aspects of certain films, but nothing more.

The White Sister (1923): a Staunchly Roman Catholic Film Worries Exhibitors

This was the most popular of many film versions of a 1909 book by Francis Marion Crawford. It was directed by Henry King, himself a Roman Catholic mystic. The story is about a woman who believes the man she was to marry has been killed in battle during the First World War, so she becomes a nun, only to find that he is still alive – and now she must choose. Before he began filming, King met the papal delegate to Washington, who arranged for the Vatican’s chief ceremonial director to show the film company an Italian nun’s traditional “wedding” to Christ (supposedly). And the company was permitted to film a ceremony that had never before been filmed, in which the nun-bride was “married” just before dawn.

As the film was so obviously pro-Roman Catholic, exhibitors were afraid there would be angry reaction from Protestant America. Many refused to show it. The film’s “star”, however (Lillian Gish), stated that the real reason for the exhibitors shying away from it was an economic one: “the big companies who owned the theaters said the public could get religion free on Sundays, so they’re not going to pay for it during the week.” 78

When the film opened in New York, it was extremely popular and did very well. Nevertheless, even when it was distributed nationally its overt Romanism was a cause for concern, and theatre owners were instructed to actually let local Protestant ministers know what the film’s theme was and just how pro-Papist it was, hoping that these ministers would then urge their congregations to see it anyway, despite this.

Two Movie “White Lists” Issued by Two Papist Organisations

By 1923 the National Catholic Welfare Council’s Motion Picture Committee had begun issuing lists of approved movies, through the NCWC Bulletin. This was a so-called “white list”, i.e. it only dealt with films it could recommend; all others it ignored. It was believed that publicity given to a bad movie, even negative publicity, would encourage people to go and see it. This list was supervised by Charles McMahon, the chairman of the Motion Picture Committee of the NCWC.

But there was also another “white list” of recommended movies, this one issued by the Motion Picture Bureau of the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae (IFCA). This was headed by Rita McGoldrick, a devout Papist, and she and her staff of volunteer graduates from Roman Catholic schools and colleges were reviewing some 11000 films a year, far more than the NCWC was doing. 79

The IFCA grew increasingly influential, as it dawned on studio bosses that by making what amounted at times to just a few changes to their films, they could earn the IFCA’s approval and thus make more money from their films. Both McGoldrick and McMahon opposed government censorship of films, believing the movie industry could be cleaned up by co-operating with the “Church” of Rome, and thus both were firm supporters of Hays and his work. Hays knew that he was backed by the two Romish organisations these two people represented.

The “Don’ts and Be Carefuls”: the First Movie Code

Hays, wanting to influence the movie studios and the content of the films they produced, created the Studio Relations Department (SRD), or Studio Relations Committee (SRC), in 1926. This sought to delete offensive material from films. It produced a code, the first ever for the motion picture industry, containing the most common requirements of censorship boards both at a municipal and state level. The working document of this code was known as the “Don’ts and Be Carefuls”, or the “Do’s and Don’ts.” The “Don’ts” consisted of such things as profanity, nudity, sex perversion, drug trafficking, and white slavery. These were all forbidden. It also urged that such themes as criminal behaviour, sexual relations, and violence be depicted in “good taste”; and it forbade “scenes of actual childbirth”. The “Be Carefuls” consisted of such things as crime methods, rape, and wedding-night scenes. But the studios all interpreted this code as they saw fit, so it was not very effective. Studio bosses argued that if movies were too “clean” no one would go to see them, and if they did not make racy movies, their competitors would. 80

All this just proves that unregenerate men will always impose their own ideas of morality on such matters, which are arbitrary and subjective and should not therefore be binding on anyone other than those who voluntarily submit themselves to it. For example, members of the Roman Catholic religion could submit to these measures if this is what their religious leaders demanded, for they were Roman Catholics because they wanted to be and it is universally acknowledged that when a person joins any institution, he voluntarily places himself under the rules of that institution; but the concept of morality which these men had was being forced upon the entire public, so that the film industry was under the iron grip of those who had no right to speak for the entire country on such matters. The subjective nature of what was deemed morally offensive and what was not, was glaring. For example, under the “Don’ts” were such things as profanity, nudity and sexual perversion, and these are most definitely damaging to morals. But also under the “Don’ts” were such things as drug trafficking and white slavery – the mere depiction of which would not damage the morals of anyone, and thus prohibiting their depiction was simply foolish. In fact, people need to know when such things are going on. If a film depicted such things as being wrong and criminal this would have been a good thing.

All these things were preparatory for what was yet to come.

“A Jewish-owned business selling Roman Catholic theology to Protestant America.” 81 This description of Hollywood’s “Golden Age” is very true. This is exactly what it was. The Jews owned the studios, but the “Church” of Rome dictated the morality of the movies, and Protestant-majority America rushed to cinemas to soak it all up. It was, when one stops to think about it, a truly extraordinary situation.

Jews were making most of the films, and various Roman Catholic reformers (and Protestants too) viewed Jews and their movies as attacking the morals of America. For example, a newspaper account at the time stated, “The Jews control the film industry and they are using their power to demoralise this Christian country. What they are doing today against the Irish they will do tomorrow against every other element in the American population with the exception of the ‘chosen people’ who must not be ridiculed in the movies or criticized in the press.” 82 There was truth in this. Jews did run the movie industry, and even if the major first-generation Jewish executives in Hollywood were not Communists themselves, they had become unknowing pawns in the hands of those who were out to pull down the morals of America. And the use of Hollywood to do this was part of the Communist agenda.

It was, in fact, a time when two powerful forces were vying for ever-greater influence over the American way of life; but Roman Catholicism was poised to trump Jewish-influenced Communism for decades.

In 1921 Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent stated that the movies were “Jew-controlled, not in spots only, not 50 per cent merely, but entirely; with the natural consequence that now the world is in arms against the trivializing and demoralizing influences of that form of entertainment as presently managed…. As soon as the Jews gained control of the ‘movies’, we had a movie problem, the consequences of which are not yet visible. It is the genius of that race to create problems of a moral character in whatever business they achieve a majority.” Later it stated: “It is not that producers of Semitic origin have deliberately set out to be bad according to their own standards, but they know that their whole taste and temper are different from the prevailing standards of the American people…. Many of these producers don’t kn ow how filthy their stuff is – it is so natural to them.” 83

By sheer weight of numbers due to the large-scale Roman Catholic mass migration to the United States, by the late 1920s urban areas were politically in the control of Roman Catholics. In 1928 A1 Smith, an Irish-American Papist, was even nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate. Rome’s plan was working: the United States was gradually becoming a Roman Catholic nation, via huge Roman Catholic immigration.

Many Protestant Americans saw the danger from both camps: Jewish Communism and Roman Catholicism. They began to speak out and oppose both. This caused William Brady, president of the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry, to say in 1921: “If these slanderers, Jew-baiters and Catholic haters are not silenced, we must fight to the finish with no quarter.” 84

And because of this new-found political clout, American Papists were now able to strongly oppose whatever they considered a threat to their religion:

The Callahans and the Murphys (1927): a Storm Erupts Over the Portrayal of Irish Papists

In 1927, right at the tail end of the silent movie era, The Callahans and the Murphys was released by MGM. This movie, a comedy, dealt with the rowdy relationship between two Irish-American Roman Catholic families living in a New York City tenement – and a storm erupted over the fact that Irish Roman Catholics were portrayed as dirty, often drunk, rowdy, vulgar; and also because it portrayed Irish Romanists essentially as foreigners in America, implying in addition that they were not even racially white. Irish-American organisations in Los Angeles asked MGM to recall the film, but the studio would not do so, saying that it was a comedy and that the Irish-Americans, like everyone else, must learn to accept a certain amount of good-natured humour. “Unfortunately for MGM”, however, “Irish eyes weren’t smiling, much less laughing, by that point”. 85 The protests spread across the country, with Irish-American organisations leading the way. Many theatres refused to show the movie. MGM tried to calm things down by pointing out that Irish-American actors had played in the film, and Irish-American groups had been consulted before it was released; but to no avail. And furthermore, films about the Irish made by other studios now also came under the spotlight. Things got so bad that a warning was issued to all studios, by an MPPDA official, that special care had to be taken with any movies dealing either with the Irish or the Roman Catholic religion.

MGM agreed to consider possible cuts to the film, and also asked Rita McGoldrick of the IFCA and priest John Kelly of the Catholic Theater Guild to suggest possible revisions to the movie. They suggested that all references to the Roman Catholic “Church” be cut out of the film. But Charles McMahon and priest Burke of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC) were disgusted with the film, and claimed that it could not be redeemed by any cuts. In a statement to America’s Roman Catholic press, the NCWC declared, “In its introduction of Catholic ‘atmosphere’ – the name of St. Patrick, the Crucifix, the Sign of the Cross – it [The Callahans and the Murphys ] is a hideous defamation of Catholic beliefs and practices.” 86 State and local censorship boards became involved, withdrawing the film in some cases. Cuts were made. But even when Will Hays convinced Los Angeles Romish bishop, John Cantwell, to issue a statement that the changes meant the film was no longer anti-Catholic, the Irish-American and Papist press did not widely report on this. And the opposition continued unabated, the cuts that were made not changing Irish Papist anger at the film. The Gaelic American, a New York Irish newspaper, stated that the film was still, after all the cuts, “the most insulting characterization of the Irish ever put on the screen”, and actually warned MGM that unless the studio withdrew the movie people would take matters into their own hands. 87

MGM decided to fight back, saying no more editing would be done to the film, and declaring that the attacks were unfounded. The Irish Roman Catholic press continued to condemn the film. Irish- American Papists and their priests protested vehemently countrywide, even at times throwing rotten fruit, lightbulbs, rocks, and even acid at the screen. Many protesters were arrested. And similar protests occurred at the screenings of other films perceived as being anti-Irish. Stampedes occurred in the movie houses. Some theatres were placed under police guard. Irish Roman Catholics were on the rampage, and yet could not see the irony and the hypocrisy of their actions: they were violently protesting against a film in which the Irish were depicted as violent brawlers! They were demonstrating, to the rest of America, that Irish Papists were precisely the kind of people as depicted in the film! As Life magazine put it so well in an exchange: “Mr. Callahan: ‘Did you protest against showing the movie that represents the Irish as disorderly?’ Mr. Murphy:‘Did we? We wrecked the place!”’ 88

Next, the Irish-American press fumed that “traitorous” Irish-American judges issued what they deemed harsh sentences against the protesters who had been arrested. And the Gaelic American stated that when one protester refused to pay his fine, a Jewish judge had taken the “outrageous step” of ordering him to be sent to jail, handcuffed to a black prisoner – thereby (according to the paper) “express [ing] his opinion of the entire Irish race.” 89

In fact, this barb about a Jewish judge mistreating an Irishman was part of a much wider attitude of Irish Romanists to Jews. The Irish- American press claimed the “Jewish Trust” was warring against Irish- Americans, and one paper, the Irish World and Independent Liberator, spoke of the “filthy hands” of Hollywood Jews being laid on Irish women. 90 The opposition continued throughout that year of 1927. Romish priests condemned the film in their sermons, and in places Roman Catholics were told by their priests to boycott it. Theatres began to withdraw it in cities and towns across America. And ultimately, under huge pressure, MGM withdrew the film from circulation. 91

The Irish-American Roman Catholic critics rejoiced at their power to force a major Hollywood studio to cave in to their demands. Roman Catholicism had flexed its muscles, and was very pleased with its growing power. “The campaign against The Callahans and the Murphys taught Irish and Catholic organizations that united action could force Hollywood to bend. As a member of Hays’s staff prophetically remarked at the end of 1927: ‘I am inclined to think the withdrawal of The Callahans and the Murphys… has established a precedent which will rise up to plague us in the future.’” 92 As subsequent events proved, he was right.

King of Kings (1927): Introducing Jesuit Priest Daniel Lord to Hollywood

This silent movie was a depiction of the life of Christ, by Hollywood’s larger-than-life religious-epic creator, Cecil B. DeMille. DeMille, fearful of negative reaction over his depiction of Christ, asked Will Hays to assist him in finding religious consultants to advise on the film as it was being made; and he also invited possible religious critics to the set, where they held Bible readings and prayers. Hays recommended certain consultants, but DeMille chose advisors from the three major religious groups: Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish. Of the three, DeMille knew that his Roman Catholic choice would be the most important, for Roman Catholic reaction to the film was what concerned him the most – Rome’s muscle in Hollywood was being flexed and he knew it! So, to placate possible Papist protesters, he took no chances: on the recommendation of priest Burke of the NCWC, he employed a Jesuit priest, Daniel Lord, to be the technical advisor for the film. We shall hear much of Lord, for he was to become a very prominent and important figure in Hollywood. In a few short years’ time, he would be the author of the all-important Motion Picture Production Code, that would cast Rome’s shadow over Hollywood for decades to come.

DeMille, a very vain man, managed to convince Lord that his motive for making the movie was – as he told the cast and crew on the very first day on set – because he wanted to “do good and make people know and love Christ”. He told the Jesuit that he was willing to do anything to make the Roman Catholic “Church” happy with the film. He was even willing to cut the “Protestant” ending to the Lord’s Prayer when the film was shown in the USA and in Roman Catholic countries. He banned profanity on the set, and every morning, as he appeared on set, the musicians played “Onward, Christian Soldiers”, “with all the players standing with bowed heads in reverence”. 93 He even asked Lord if Roman Catholics could pray for the film’s success. All these things convinced Lord that DeMille’s was “the only real Christian company producing films”. 94 And DeMille was later to state in his autobiography that the sight of priest Lord saying mass at sunrise on the set every morning was one of his “brightest memories”, because it was “like a continued benediction on our work.” Well, that might be the reason he gave, but here is the real reason: it was “a good insurance policy against future attacks on the film.” 95 DeMille was certainly not a “Christian” film-maker, as many Protestants foolishly assumed. He was in it for the money, plain and simple, and he knew that keeping the “Church” of Rome satisfied was the best way to make money.

In fact, it was believed by many that the real reason he loved to make biblical epics was because they enabled him to film scenes that would never make it into a film otherwise. This was certainly seen in King of Kings, when it came to the portrayal of Mary Magdalene. DeMille used the opportunity to film her “nude from the waist up except for large jewelled plates at her breasts and a loose robe over her shoulders”, giving a sensual kiss, with her leg being leered at by a man. 96 All this was too much for Lord, although DeMille convinced him not to make an issue of Mary Magdalene’s costume, claiming it was necessary to the story. But on Lord’s advice, DeMille cut the kiss scene and the leg scene. He also revised a scene which gave the impression that Mary Magdalene was Judas Iscariot’s mistress. Lord, who had no problem with DeMille taking certain liberties with the factual history of the life of the Lord, drew the line here!

Hollywood producers in the decades ahead learned from DeMille that this was the way ahead: to get Roman Catholic advisors onto their sets. “Hiring Catholic technical advisors became roughly analogous to obtaining an imprimatur. It did not assure there would be no controversy, but it did smooth the way to the theater.” 97

Films in which an actor portrays the Lord Jesus Christ are completely contrary to Holy Scripture, 98 and thus Christians are not to support or endorse any film of the life of Christ in which He is shown. But a film could still be made of biblical or historical events if it is accurate and truthful. Hollywood, however, from its inception sold its soul to the devil, and simply could not be trusted to produce such a movie, because film-makers desperately tried not to offend anyone, religiously. In making a biblical film, it was inevitable that if it was going to be accurate, it would offend someone; but Hollywood, in seeking to offend no one, produced films that were inaccurate, leaving out major events or important aspects, preferring rather to attempt to keep all religious groups happy by producing movies that trod carefully between all of them. To offend no one, they had to please everyone; and to please everyone they had to sacrifice truth.

Daniel Lord, the Jesuit, rejoiced that his influence was so great on the set of King of Kings, and wanted Roman Catholic influence over Hollywood to continue and to grow. The last thing he wanted was for the (Protestant) Federal Council of Churches, represented by minister George Reid Andrews, the Protestant advisor on the set, to increase in influence over Hollywood productions. So Lord asked priest John Burke of the NCWC to appoint a committee to critique King of Kings. Lord believed that if the “Church” of Rome would endorse the movie, Roman Catholic influence over future Hollywood films would be greatly increased.

A committee was duly appointed, and all but one of the members endorsed the film. That one was Lord’s fellow-Jesuit priest, Joseph Husslein. He objected to the movie’s sensuous nature and the historical licence permitted in the making of it, saying, “It is the movies that must yield to the scriptures and not the scriptures to the movie”. 99 This was of course a very correct statement; but he was still a Roman Catholic and a Jesuit priest, not a true Christian.

The result was that the NCWC did not endorse the film. It was however recommended by the IFCA. This lack of NCWC endorsement must have been a severe blow to DeMille, who believed he had bent over backwards to accommodate the Roman Catholic “Church”. But his troubles were far from over, for in addition, Jews objected to his film as well. Even though a rabbi had been a consultant on the film, the Jewish B’nai B’rith organisation, and various Jewish papers, demanded the withdrawal of the film on the grounds that it would prejudice Christians against Jews. Eventually it was agreed that certain scenes which Jews found objectionable would be eliminated, and a foreword would be added exculpating the Jews for the death of Christ. 100

These concessions to the Jews, in turn, angered influential Roman Catholics! One of these was Rita McGoldrick of the IFCA. She engaged in an all-out battle to promote the film despite Jewish objections. If the Hays Office heard of a local Jewish protest against the film, McGoldrick was contacted, and she immediately wrote to Romish priests to get them to promote the film in their areas.

The Production Code: a Jesuit Creation

The first step towards regulation and control of the movie industry came in 1927, a result of growing calls for censorship: as was seen, the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America adopted the “Don’ts and Be Carefuls”, guidelines for handling such issues as religion, race, national origin, etc. 101 But as far as a small but growing number of Roman Catholic priests and “laymen” were concerned, it did not go far enough. They felt something more had to be done, and that more censorship, in Rome s favour, was needed. And now the Romish hierarchy in the United States and the leadership of some Romish “lay” organisations became involved, more than ever before, in film censorship, resulting in Roman Catholics actually becoming the regulators of the movie industry from 1930 onwards! This is how it happened:

Hollywood producers felt that the censorship boards were too strict; and so the trade organisation for movies, the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), worked out how they could get around these censors. In 1930 the members of the MPPDA adopted what was called the Motion Picture Production Code (also known as the Hays Code). This Code set out the moral standards for movie plots, behaviours, and representations. It stated, “No picture shall be produced which will lower the moral standards of those who see it.”

There was heavy Roman Catholic involvement in the actual formulation of this Production Code. And here is the bombshell: the man who actually authored the Code was none other than the Jesuit priest, Daniel Lord, assisted by a staunch Irish-American Roman Catholic publisher of a film trade journal named Martin Quigley! 102 And who would enforce it? Yet another staunch Irish-American and Jesuit- trained Roman Catholic, Joseph I. Breen! Lord, Quigley, Breen: the three Papists who held Hollywood in their hands.

Let us see how this came about:

Martin Quigley was a devout Irish-American Papist, a graduate of Catholic University, and the owner and publisher of Exhibitors Herald, a movie industry trade journal. This later became the Motion Picture Herald. He wanted movies to promote Rome’s idea of good morals, not pull them down, but he opposed government censorship, believing it to be ineffective. He was also in a very compromised position himself, condemning immoral movies yet making his living by advertising those very movies in his trade journal! This often meant that he was viewed as a hypocrite – which, in fact, is what he was.

His view of censorship was that objectionable content in a film should be removed during the production stage, thereby removing the need for government censorship. In addition, he believed that movies should avoid social, political and economic subjects. They should be straightforward entertainment, not social commentaries. 103

So what did he do? In 1929 he teamed up with a Jesuit priest, Fitz-George Dinneen, to come up with a new code of behaviour for the movie industry!

Dinneen differed with Quigley on the issue of government censorship, believing it was necessary. He viewed movies as destroying, in particular, the morals of the youth of America. Both he and Quigley were on the board of trustees of Loyola University, and one night in 1929 Dinneen declared at a trustees’ meeting, “I’m going to teach some people in town a lesson. I’ll stop these filthy pictures from coming into my parish.” He believed that the moviemakers were incapable of policing themselves, and in an anonymous editorial in the archdiocesan paper, which he probably wrote, it was stated that the moviemakers “were not artists [but] ex-pants pressers and ex-push cart merchants of the lower east side of New York”, and that few of them were “real Americans.” 104 However, once he began meeting with Quigley to discuss how movies could be cleaned up, Dinneen listened to Quigley’s thoughts about the need for a self-regulating system of censorship rather than government censorship. They saw a need to replace the “Don’ts and Be Carefuls” with a better set of rules for the film industry, and they began to draw one up. It was to be a code of morality. They asked Roman Catholic “layman”, Joseph Breen (more about him further on), and another Jesuit priest named Wilfred Parsons, to give their input as well.

Dinneen arranged a meeting for Quigley with Romish cardinal, George W. Mundelein, to discuss this proposed Code. Mundelein was a long-time advocate of police censorship of movies, but Quigley reasoned that a new Code, written by Roman Catholics and supported by the Roman Catholic hierarchy, would remove any need for censorship, either by the police or by the government. He believed that the movie industry could be massively influenced by the Roman Catholic institution, consisting as it did of twenty million members in America at that time, most of whom were massed in the great urban centres (where most movies played). Quigley reasoned – correctly as it turned out – that the movie industry would be too afraid to oppose any united Roman Catholic action against immoral films. The industry had too much to lose by effective Roman Catholic opposition. 105 Essentially Quigley was saying: money talks.

Mundelein agreed with Quigley, and when Dinneen suggested that yet another Jesuit priest, Daniel Lord (Dinneen’s friend and a former pupil of his), be brought in to write the Code (Lord had been suggested to Dinneen by Quigley), Mundelein supported this as well.

Lord was an intellectual, a professor of dramatics at St. Louis University, a gifted musician, popular speaker, prolific author, lover of movies, and the editor of Queen s Work, a publication for Roman Catholic youth. Thus he was well versed in the Jesuit techniques of using theatrical productions for Rome’s own purposes, analysed in an earlier chapter. He of course was the priest who had been hired in 1927 by Cecil B. DeMille as a technical advisor on the production of the movie King of Kings. He not only became lifelong friends with DeMille but he also caught the Hollywood bug. As a result of his work on King of Kings, he was considered to be the leading Papist expert on movies. Although he loved films, he hated immoral films. He wanted films to promote good in society, not evil. He was very opposed to drama and literature which realistically dealt with sexual and social issues, as well as evolution, birth control, abortion, secular education, and Communism. And so it was that when Quigley approached him with the task of writing the Production Code he was ecstatic, saying, “Here was a chance to tie the Ten Commandments in with the newest and most widespread form of entertainment.” 106

The Motion Picture Production Code, which Lord wrote, making use of the notes prepared by Quigley, Breen, and the Jesuits Dinneen and Parsons, was far more comprehensive than the earlier “Don’ts and Be Carefuls” had been. It had a list of positive and negative injunctions, giving specific guidelines on what was morally acceptable and what was not.

We see, then, the hand of the Jesuits at work behind the scenes, establishing their sinister influence over this relatively new, but vast and powerful medium. The very Code that would regulate Hollywood movies for decades to come (from 1930 to 1968) was conceived in the mind of a devout Roman Catholic, and then drawn up by Daniel Lord, a priest of Rome and a Jesuit priest, no less, with input from two other Jesuit priests, Dinneen and Parsons.

The Roman Catholic control of Hollywood was deliberate. And it was Jesuit-inspired and Jesuit-controlled!

All these Roman Catholics wanted movies to emphasise that the “Church” (by which they meant the “Church” of Rome), the government and the family were vital to an orderly society, and should not be undermined in films. Films should reinforce religious teaching concerning morals. Lord stated that films were, above all else, “entertainment for the multitudes” and therefore had a “special Moral Responsibility”. And because films were so immensely popular with all classes of people, and so powerful and seductive a medium, he believed they could not be permitted the same freedom of expression granted to plays, books or newspapers. It was vital, therefore, that no film should lower the moral standards of the one watching. No movie should make the audience feel any sympathy for a criminal, adulterer, etc. Right and wrong should be clearly set out in a film, and never be doubtful. Society’s values should be upheld, not attacked in films. The sanctity of marriage must never be questioned or attacked. The judicial system must be portrayed as being just and fair. Police must be shown to be honest. Government must not be ridiculed. 107

No sensible person can deny that when a society’s moral foundation is undermined, that society has to crumble; and the evidence of this is all around for anyone with eyes to see. The problem, however, was twofold. Firstly, as we have seen and as will yet be seen in this book, any kind of moral or religious censorship, imposed either by a government, or by one segment of society, or by a particular false religion, is never a good thing, in fact it is a very dangerous minefield for many reasons. An entire country is forced to bow to the “morality” of a particular group or power. And secondly, this particular Code was, from beginning to end, a Roman Catholic Code, a Jesuit Code, with its great purpose being to exert Roman Catholic and Jesuit control over Hollywood. As moral as some Roman Catholics can be, they are still Roman Catholics, and their morality is a Roman Catholic morality, which is not (despite some resemblances) a biblical morality. Furthermore, the commitment of these men to their “Church” meant that they would also seek to ensure that films painted Roman Catholicism in a very good light. It was therefore a very dangerous thing.

After Lord had written the Code in 1929, Martin Quigley, with the backing of the “Church” of Rome, took the draft to Will Hays, and began working to get the movie industry to adopt it. Hays himself was sold: “My eyes nearly popped out when I read it,” said this Presbyterian. “This was the very thing I had been looking for.” 108 He liked it because it would give him more control over the Hollywood studios. So he too began to work hard to get studio bosses to accept it. He and Quigley, fully supported by Mundelein the cardinal, set out to win over Hollywood. And later, as we shall see, so did Joseph I. Breen, who became the Code’s enforcer.

It was no easy task. The producers were not impressed. Some of them argued that the only restriction needed was that of moviegoing audiences themselves, who would simply support films they liked and stay away from those they did not. Lord, of course, was totally against such an idea.

How, then, did it come about that ultimately these servants of Rome were successful? How did the Code come to be accepted by Hollywood’s producers?

Well, many in Hollywood did not actually believe that the Code meant exactly what it said; and in addition, the producers had insisted on a concession that if a studio felt the Hays Office was interpreting the Code too strictly, a “jury” of producers, rather than officials from the MPPDA, would have the final say on whether a cut should be made to a film. The producers, therefore, on the strength of this, accepted the Code. But this was certainly not the way Lord understood it! As far as he was concerned, Jason Joy, the man appointed to enforce the Code for Hays, was authorised to reject scripts, thereby preventing a film from being made; and he was also convinced that Joy would enforce his Code rigidly, with the producers agreeing fully. Lord and the producers were certainly not reading from the same script! The producers believed the Code was nothing but a general guideline; the Jesuit believed it had to be enforced strictly. 109

Playing Down the Papist Origin of the Code

The Code was adopted by the MPPDA and the Association of Motion Picture Producers (AMPP) in March 1930. But the Production Code Authority (PCA) would not actually be created until a few years later. Sometimes this period is referred to as the “pre-Code” years, but this is incorrect: the Code was in fact enforced during this period, just not as strictly as it would be after Joseph I. Breen was appointed as the Hollywood censor and the Roman Catholic Legion of Decency was created, in 1933-4.

The Code was known as the Hays Code, although in truth it was the Quigley-Lord Code. Hays himself, devout Presbyterian though he was, was certainly somewhat underhanded in this whole matter. Knowing that the Code had been written by “a Catholic priest, and a Jesuit at that” 110 , he sought to keep this fact hidden. As Lord put it, “Mr. Hays rightly felt that it was most effective if the spontaneous nature of the Code was stressed, the fact that it grew out of the will of the industry.” 111 There was nothing spontaneous about it, of course, and the very fact that Hays was so willing to accept a Jesuit work says much about him and his Protestantism. And although he did not want it to be widely known that the Code was a Jesuit production, Hays was nevertheless perfectly willing to claim the glory for it himself by being “willing to let the Code be called the Hays code,” as Lord himself remarked. The reasons for Hays’ reluctance to let the truth be kn own were well understood by the three most important Roman Catholics involved: Quigley, the Jesuit Lord, and Code enforcer Joseph Breen. Quigley told Breen, “The recollection of your colleague, W.H., also is not very correct about this development [i.e. the origins of the Code], but the purpose in this case, is, of course, obvious.” 112

The reason for keeping the true origin of the Code secret for a long time was because its creators did not want a Protestant backlash, if it became widely known that the movie industry’s morality was in the hands of Papists. Quigley told his colleagues that it would not be a good idea for a Roman Catholic publication, such as the Jesuit weekly, America, to be in the forefront of supporting the new Code. Rita McGoldrick of the IFCA was very enthusiastic about the Code, but the Jesuit, Wilfred Parsons, told her to play it down. He told Quigley, “She didn’t like it, but she always does what we ask of her, even though she doesn’t know why.” 113

Lord’s authorship of the Code was only publicly revealed, in fact, in May 1934, in America; and Variety magazine stated that Lord’s authorship was “kept more or less a secret even from the average member of the film trade by the Hays organization during the [four] years the Code has been in effect.” Martin Quigley himself played down the Roman Catholic involvement in the Code’s creation, not wanting to “increase the fears and apprehensions of non-Catholics and strengthen the opposition to the Code operation.” He made it clear, to Lord himself, that “It is most undesirable that the Code and the Legion of Decency should be confused, [to imply] that the idea of the Code did not originate in the industry but was, seemingly, imposed on the industry by a Jesuit priest who came to New York and made the company heads take it”. 114 He stated that the Code “was formulated after intensive study by members of the industry and, according to Will H. Hays, by church leaders, leaders in the field of education, representatives of women’s clubs, educators, psychologists, dramatists and other students of our moral, social and family problems.” 115 Not by any means a true statement, but he was, after all, a Roman Catholic, influenced by Jesuits, with a Jesuit’s attitude to lies and deceit if it serves the “cause”. He even omitted mentioning, in his own journal, that he had played a significant role in devising the Code.

Lord attempted to play down his own role (and thus that of the “Church” he represented) in the creation of the Code. Years later, in 1946, he stated, “The Code was not to be an expression of the Catholic point of view. It was to present principles on which all decent men would agree. Its basis was the Ten Commandments, which we felt was a standard of morality throughout the civilized world.” Yes, he said, the Code just “happens to have been written by a Catholic priest,” but “the Motion Picture Production Code is not the product of the Catholic Church.” As one author remarked, “In so saying, Father Lord broke what, in the Catholic Decalogue, is the Seventh Commandment.” 116 Indeed he did; but a Jesuit priest has never been shy to lie if it will advance the cause of Rome by hiding Rome’s true intentions or involvement in something.

Roman Catholic Reverence for the Code

At first the Code was not well received by many Roman Catholics, with some Romish publications openly opposed to it. And what these publications said about it naturally filtered down to the general Roman Catholic public. This was very problematic, for the studios would eventually cotton on to the fact that there was no need for them to abide by the Code if the public did not support it. The devout Roman Catholics who had created it knew that something had to be done, and fast. They earnestly believed that the Code was primarily promoting not just any morality, but Roman Catholic morality. And so they went to work. On her radio show Rita McGoldrick praised the Code, while being at pains to hide its Roman Catholic origin, as she had been instructed to do by Parsons the Jesuit. Joseph Breen contacted most of the editors of Roman Catholic newspapers in 1930 to obtain their backing for the Code, and convinced over half of those he contacted to support it. Parsons, meanwhile, worked hard at getting the readers of America magazine to give it their support. Things did not go smoothly, however. Quigley distrusted Hays and told Mundelein, the cardinal, to avoid the Hays Office “as he would poison”, but Parsons wanted Mundelein to publicly endorse the Code. And Quigley was also angry to learn that Lord had accepted a $500 honorarium from Hays for his work on the Code. This caused Parsons to withdraw an article on the Code which Lord had written for America. But eventually Mundelein endorsed it, followed by the New York cardinal, Hayes. The cardinals’ endorsements of the Production Code were then published in America , 117 the Jesuit magazine.

In time, the Code came to be revered by many devout Papists. “Conceived in faith and invested with a sacred aura, the Code would be likened to another text, the Bible, and metaphors of print-based religiosity would waft around it like incense: the commandments, the tablets, the gospel… ‘The more I thought about it, the more it seemed to me to be an inspired document,’ Breen recalled years later, italicizing his reverence.” 118 To the Roman Catholics who sought to control Hollywood, the Code practically was Scripture, given by God through His servants Quigley and Lord to keep Hollywood clean and to promote the “one true Church”. Breen believed the Code was “a moral treatise” whose “rules and regulations” stemmed from “the ancient moral law, which had been accepted by mankind almost since the dawn of creation.” Thomas Doherty, Breen’s biographer, declared: “To Breen, the Code was less a collaboration between Martin Quigley and Father Lord than a tablet handed down from Mount Sinai.” 119

Enforcing the Code a Constant Struggle

After the Code was adopted, Hays appointed Jason Joy and the Studio Relations Department (SRD) to enforce Lord’s creation. Joy served as censor till 1932, followed by Dr James Wingate until 1934. Producers voluntarily submitted scripts to these censors, who tried to get films to conform to the Code. At first the Roman Catholics behind the Code were quite satisfied. At the end of the first year of the Code’s adoption, Martin Quigley felt able to write, triumphantly, that “it has been enormously successful.” And Rita McGoldrick stated, “These are the days when the most fastidious person may have a wide variety of splendid films to select from.” Furthermore, “Everything Catholic on the screen has been, and is being, protected one hundred percent.” As for Lord, he wrote to Mundelein that if there was no Code, “conditions in the motion pictures this year [the first year of the Code’s adoption] would have been beyond description.” 120

But despite such gloating, it was an uphill struggle for them and things were not going as well as they would have liked. The Great Depression had started, and moviemakers, desperate to woo back a dwindling movie audience, made films that were increasingly sensationalistic. Gangster films became extremely popular at this time, as gangsters were portrayed as above the law, with lots of money, fast cars and beautiful women, and yet they were men who did not work for their money and thumbed their noses at the authorities. Even the fact that at the end of these films the gangsters were either killed or arrested did not make them any less appealing to moviegoers struggling in the Depression era. Over fifty gangster movies had been made by the end of 1931. And of course such films were very popular with boys, which enabled the studios to rake in even more money. Yet the notorious gangster, A1 Capone himself, during a press conference before going to prison, said that all gangster films should be thrown away. “They’re doing nothing but harm to the younger element,” he said. “[They] are making a lot of kids want to be tough guys, and they don’t serve any useful purpose.” 121

But because the gangsters were punished in the end, and thus the lesson was put across that crime did not pay, Joy felt this rash of gangster movies did not in fact promote crime, but rather the opposite. He did not want to be seen as narrow-minded, but constructive as far as possible in his censorship; and so these movies were passed by him. But his approach was anathema to censorship boards, and he had an ongoing struggle to convince them that he was right. As one author put it, “With the chair of the Studio Relations Committee going around the country lobbying for crime films, Code supporters began to wonder if the fox had been appointed to protect the henhouse.” 122

Little Caesar (1930): Just a Nod to the Roman Catholic Religion

This, one of the most famous gangster films of all time, like other gangster films of the period pitted Roman Catholic immigrants against native-born Protestant Americans, the former being depicted as free- spirited, anti-Prohibition, etc., and the latter as puritanical spoilsports. In this film the gangster hero is a lapsed Roman Catholic, a tough immoral killer and a closet sodomite. Many railed against the film because of its apparent glorification of crime and criminals, but the lead actor, Edward G. Robinson, often stated that this was not the case, and that the film taught the Christian lesson that “he who lives by the sword shall die by it, or, the wages of sin is death.” 123 Doubtless this was the angle used to attempt to mollify offended Romanists and others, but more discerning people could see the real truth: that gangster movies, first and foremost, were entertainment for people in the Depression era, not moral lessons. One cannot watch an entire film in which the hero lives the high life by means of his criminal deeds, and then expect the audience to go home with the message that “crime doesn’t pay” merely because the hero “dies like a rat” at the end. Any supposed “morality” in such films was inserted merely to pacify religious critics.

Public Enemy (1931): Depicting Irish Papist Gangsterism

This film, another gangster movie, revolves around an Irish-American immigrant family where two sons are gangsters. “Hollywood’s Irish are all shantytown papists, full of blarney and bluster.” 124 The movie is permeated throughout with the Roman Catholicism of the brothers, for in those times to be Irish was to be Papist, and everything in their world was permeated by their “Church”. But even so, the movie was certainly not a pro-Papist morality film. It was a gangster film, plain and simple, in which the gangsters happened to be Papists (as so many were). In an attempt to mollify critics, the producers added a title card in which they stated: “It is the intention of the authors of The Public Enemy to honestly depict an environment that exists today in a certain strata of American life, rather than glorify the hoodlum or criminal.” But again, this disclaimer was nothing more than a sop to the critics and to the new Production Code administrators. The film, like all gangster films of the time, was all about violence and vice to thrill the audience. The producers’ advertising copy, as has been correctly pointed out, revealed their real intentions far better, for there they said: “It is real, real, devastatingly real. A grim depiction of the modem menace! Come prepared to see the worst of women and the cruelest of men – as they really are!” 125 When one truly wants to get across the message that crime is evil and does not pay, one does not make a movie which focuses on the criminals’ lives with relish and in graphic detail. Plainly, some film-makers were ignoring the Code, or at most paying only scant attention to it. Jason Joy was not doing a good job of enforcing it.

Scarface (1932): Depicting Italian Papist Gangsterism

The film’s main character, Italian immigrant Antonio Camonte, was perhaps the most disturbing of all the gangsters portrayed in movies of that era, for he was based on real-life gangster A1 Capone. And just as with Public Enemy, the producers of Scarface tried to mollify critics with a prefatory title card, in which they stated that the movie was an “indictment of gang rule in America and of the callous indifference of the government to this constantly increasing menace to our safety and liberty.” But, as with Public Enemy, this disclaimer was simply designed as a sop to the critics and the Production Code administrators.

Director Howard Hawkes made certain that there was always a religious context to the crimes of Camonte, by including the all- pervasive symbol of the cross. It is, quite literally, almost everywhere in the film. It is seen at every depicted killing. Also, Camonte’s mother is depicted in the film as an Old World Papist, superstitious, devout, trying to protect her daughter from going the same way as her evil son.

Italian Roman Catholics were not impressed. They felt the film besmirched their religion and their ethnicity. Calls were increasingly being heard for something to be done about such movies.

“Fallen Woman” Films Follow the Gangster Films

When, finally, a clampdown by Hays occurred, the studios turned to making movies with frank sexual themes and seductive actresses, such as Mae West, Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford. Sex, they knew, always sells. There was a rash of “fallen woman” films. In a movie called Possessed, Joan Crawford was the mistress of a politician. Jason Joy challenged MGM producer Irving Thalberg over this film, but Thalberg claimed that there was no nudity in it, the subject was handled “in good taste” (how often these words have been used to justify sin!), and the Code was therefore not violated. Joy told Hays that it would be very difficult to force Thalberg to make any changes because in all likelihood a jury would rule in Thalberg’s favour. 126

Joy was increasingly struggling to enforce the Code, as one “fallen woman” film followed another, each pushing the boundaries as far as they dared. Thus, despite the supposedly good influence of the Hays Office over Hollywood via the Production Code, things were going from bad to worse. “Even Irving Thalberg, whose studio had started the cycle with Possessed, feared that the industry was suffering from a surfeit of sex and crime pictures. He suggested as an antidote that each major studio should make ten important movies each year without any sex or crime angles, but no one, including Thalberg himself, volunteered to take the lead.” 127

Jason Joy left the Hays Office in 1932 to work as a story consultant for Fox studios, and was replaced by James Wingate. When Wingate saw the Mae West films, She Done Him Wrong and I’m No Angel, full of one-liners containing sexual innuendo, he found nothing much offensive in them and told Hays so. They were passed by Wingate, amidst a storm of criticism from censorship boards countrywide.

Making Indecent Films of Indecent Books

It was precisely at this time of the Roman Catholic campaign against movies it deemed unsuitable, that Rome was also coming out with guns blazing against obscene and dangerous literature, calling on Papists to avoid it; and Daniel Lord was involved in this campaign as well. So was another Jesuit priest, Francis X. Talbot, who called for federal censorship of indecent novels, and who would later become an important player in the Legion of Decency. Hollywood, of course, wanted to make films of the very books that were being condemned as indecent: books by authors such as Sinclair Lewis, William Faulkner, James Joyce, Theodore Dreiser, Eugene O’Neill, and Ernest Hemingway. Talbot called some of these authors “crawling vermin” 128 – and he was right.

Paramount Studios purchased the screen rights to Hemingway’s novel A Farewell to Arms. The Hays Office pointed out that the book contained profanity, illicit love, illegitimate birth, and a not very flattering picture of Italy during the war. This unflattering picture of Italy offended the Roman Catholics in America, for Italy was a very Papist country. Paramount, consequently, sought to remove Hemingway’s anti-Italian sentiments, toned down the illicit affair, and inserted some morality. Jesuit priest Dinneen, however, was greatly angered by the immorality in it.

RKO studios bought the screen rights to Sinclair Lewis’ novel Ann Vickers, a book containing such themes as illicit affairs and abortion. The script was submitted to the SRD for approval, and Joseph Breen, whom Hays had hired, said that he had not read anything quite so vulgarly offensive in years, and that it would not do. James Wingate agreed, and informed RKO. The studio was livid, but eventually agreed to make some cuts, which satisfied Wingate, and the film was released, angering Roman Catholics and others. Meanwhile Hays wrote to all the film studios, saying illicit relationships in movies were never justified, and demanded that films abide by the Code.

The Hays Office and the studios were colliding.

Enter Joseph I. Breen.

Joseph I. Breen and the Jesuits

Significantly, as we have seen, the top five key figures in the development of the Code were Roman Catholics with connections to the archdiocese of Chicago: 129 Martin Quigley; the Jesuits Daniel Lord and Fitz-George Dinneen; George Mundelein, the cardinal; and a Roman Catholic “layman” named Joseph I. Breen. We must now turn our attention to Breen, for he was very, very important in the history of Rome’s involvement in Hollywood.

In 1933 Breen was appointed to ensure that the Code was applied to Hollywood scripts. He was a staunch Irish-American Roman Catholic. 130 Trained as a journalist, politically conservative, a deeply committed Papist and ardent admirer of the Jesuits, whose brother Francis became a Jesuit priest and served on the influential Jesuit weekly, America (for which Joseph himself wrote a series of articles on the threat of Communism), he was strongly opposed to the public discussion of things like divorce, birth control, and abortion – especially in movies, because he believed that average moviegoers were in the 16-26 age- group, and that most of them were “nit-wits, dolts and imbeciles.” 131 He was educated at St. Joseph’s College, Philadelphia, a Jesuit university, and maintained strong ties to it ever afterwards. “According to [the university’s] official historian, ‘a militant Catholicism, often typical of the Jesuits, was evident during the college’s earlier decades, when Catholics found themselves a somewhat spumed minority in an overwhelmingly Protestant nation.’” 132

Even Roman Catholics of that time knew of the immense power and influence of the Jesuits (though not always of their evils), as shown by Breen’s biographer when he wrote: “The Jesuits, or ‘Jebbies’ to their familiars, were the shock troops of the Catholic clergy, an exclusive fraternity within an exclusive fraternity, priests with a special devotion to higher education, the Virgin Mary, and the propagation of the faith. As an honorific, the initials S.J. (Society of Jesus) were harder to earn and, among Catholics, more revered than a Ph.D.” 133 And Joe Breen was a man who was: “Nursed on the Baltimore Catechism, shaped by parochial schools, and guided to maturity by the Jesuits”. 134 Before taking up the job to which he would dedicate his life, that of Hollywood censor, Breen received excellent preparation. Not only was he Jesuit-educated and well-connected to the Jesuit Order via his brother, but he also formed close connections and at times friendships with various Jesuits and other prominent Papists – priests, politicians, businessmen. Even those who were not Jesuits themselves were usually Jesuit-educated and had close Jesuit connections. In particular, he was mentored by the Jesuit priest Wilfred Parsons, whom we have met before, the editor of the influential Jesuit magazine, America, and a Romish monsignor named W.D. O’Brien, editor of the Roman Catholic monthly Extension Magazine. Breen wrote for both magazines throughout the 1920s.

This man, who was to play such an immense part in controlling Hollywood during its “Golden Age”, remained under the Jesuits’ spell for the rest of his life. Hollywood during that time, it can therefore be safely said, was to a huge extent under the control of the Jesuits via their man, Joseph Breen.

His biographer wrote of him: “Joe Breen, the consummate insider, backstage operator, and go-to guy. For twenty years, from 1934 until 1954, he reigned over the Production Code Administration, the agency charged with censoring the Hollywood screen, an in-house surgical procedure officially deemed ‘self-regulation.’ Though little known outside the ranks of studio system players, this bureaucratic functionary was one of the most powerful men in Hollywood. His job – really, his vocation – was to monitor the moral temperature of American cinema.” 135 Yes, it was – and to see to it that Hollywood reflected Roman Catholic morality. In 1936 Liberty magazine wrote that Breen “probably has more influence in standardizing world thinking than Mussolini, Hitler or Stalin. And, if we should accept the valuation of this man’s own business, possibly more than the Pope.” 136 Such was the immense power of Hollywood that this statement was all too true – except that Breen, being a faithful servant of the pope of Rome, carried out Rome’s wishes. He had even formed a friendship with the future pope of Rome, Pius XI, when the latter was still a monsignor and the papal attache in Warsaw and Breen was a foreign correspondent there.

How Breen’s Career Got Started

How did Breen’s career as “Hollywood’s censor” get started?

In 1925 he was appointed as publicity director for the 28th International Eucharistic Congress, a worldwide gathering of Roman Catholics to be held in Chicago in 1926. This was the first such event held in the United States, and in a very Roman Catholic city. The reason for this was that the previous year, some 50 000 members of the Ku Klux Klan had marched through Washington, DC, and Romish cardinal, George Mundelein, believed that a Eucharistic Congress on a vast scale would present a bold face to anti-Roman Catholic organisations.

Joe Breen was in his element and this event launched his life’s work. The Congress, the Romish Brooklyn Tablet gushed, was: “The most impressive religious spectacle the world has witnessed, perhaps since the Savior was put to death on Calvary.” Even the secular press was full of praise, with the Chicago Tribune describing it as “the most colossal prayer meeting and song service in the authentic annals of Christendom.” It was a public relations dream-come-true for the Roman Catholic institution in America. It was, in a very real sense, the coming of age of American Roman Catholicism. And Breen was at the centre of it. His career was made.

Coverage of the Congress was given to International Newsreel and the Fox Film Corporation; and Fox not only paid for a feature-length documentary of the Congress but also donated exclusive copyright and all profits from the film to the Roman Catholic institution! This was because, whereas almost all Hollywood studios were run by Jews at this time, Fox was now run by Winifred “Winnie” Sheehan, an Irish-American Papist. Only one other major studio was run by another Irish-American Papist, and that was FBO, under Joseph P. Kennedy. Of course, this generous action on Fox’s part was not without an eye to the long-term investment of a partnership between Fox and the Papacy, but naturally Sheehan was also serving his “Church”.

And it was Martin Quigley who brokered the deal between Fox and the “Church”. He and Breen worked together to bring the project to fruition. These two devout Papists viewed it as a missionary project to spread Roman Catholicism to the ends of the earth. The film (called Eucharistic Congress for short) was described as “the screen’s greatest man-made spectacle.” The film did very well in Roman Catholic cities, with standing-room-only crowds in theatres, but not well in the Protestant heartland of the country – a fact which Breen attributed to the “anti-Catholic bigotry in certain parts of this country”. 137 The truth is, America at that time was still far more Protestant than Roman Catholic.

But this film did something else. It showed the moviemakers in Hollywood that there was money to be made by pandering to Roman Catholics – a lot of money. In the words of Variety magazine, the Fox-Papist collaboration on this film “certainly tied up the picture business for all time with the churches. ” 138 The “Church” of Rome was to dominate Hollywood for a very long time to come.

Breen: Rome’s Man for the Times

By the end of 1932, the calls for government regulation of Hollywood were becoming much louder, from both religious and educational institutions. Then in 1933, the Payne Fund financed a series of twelve studies on the effect the movies had on children. These studies were then condensed into a book by Henry James Forman, entitled Our Movie-Made Children, which pulled no punches: movies, it said, were having a terrible effect on the morals of the young. Will Hays called a meeting of the board of directors of the MPPDA and told them that unless the Code was adhered to, government regulation of the industry would become inevitable. The result was that the directors signed an agreement which re-affirmed the Code. 139

Will Hays attempted to act tougher via the Studio Relations Committee. The Jesuit Daniel Lord was invited by Hays to assist James Wingate in 1933, but Lord said no. He was utterly disillusioned with Hollywood, convinced that movies were actually worse now under the Code than they had been prior to its adoption, and he maintained that this was primarily Wingate’s fault. He wanted nothing more to do with the Hays Office.

Things were not going well for the Roman Catholic creators of the Code. They needed someone to take a very firm stand and clean up Hollywood’s mess. Wingate was not that man and Hays could not be trusted. Hays came under heavy criticism from America s priest Gerard Donnelly. Jesuit priest Parsons and Martin Quigley now became inclined towards the idea of government censorship as the only, albeit very flawed, solution to Hollywood’s slide.

Lord was asked by his friend Cecil B. DeMille to act as consultant on the latter’s latest religious epic, The Sign of the Cross, and he agreed. As we have seen, DeMille was known for hiding behind his religious epics to introduce sex into his films, and this film was no exception. It supposedly made Roman Catholics into the heroes – at least, that was what DeMille himself always claimed (he was claiming that the first-century Christians were in fact Roman Catholics, which of course they were not). But this was not true and DeMille played up the debauchery of the Romans. For him, depicting their sensual pleasures was far more important than what was happening to the “Catholic” martyrs. As always, he simply used certain historical facts with a religious slant to sell his film, which was more devoted to pagan debauchery than Roman Catholic doctrine. Exciting the viewer’s lust was more important to him than any “Christian” theme. The pagan women were scantily clad, the “Catholics” were modestly attired, the emphasis was always on the pleasures of the flesh. Even lesbianism was implied in one scene.

The actual Roman Catholicism in the film was very wishy-washy and ambiguous, with the emphasis being more on romantic love between a “Catholic” woman and a pagan man than on even proper conversion to the “Catholic” faith. Lord complained that the pagan orgies and banquets in the film made sin seem fascinating, and the “Christians’” virtuous behaviour dull by comparison. Wingate initially had some complaints, but DeMille managed to satisfy him by making some cuts. Lord himself did not preview the film, and when it was released he was shocked, with its scenes of seduction, sensuous dancing, and implied homosexuality and lesbianism . 140 Lord suggested cuts. The Roman Catholic press blasted the film, especially the dance scene, and Joseph Schrembs, bishop of Cleveland, denounced it in a sermon. DeMille appeared taken aback by all the negative criticism, and wrote to Roman Catholic critics in an attempt to defend his movie, but essentially to no avail. Readers of Romish papers were urged to boycott the film.

Roman Catholic pressure on Hollywood mounted, and Will Hays met with DeMille to see what could be done. But DeMille was adamant: he was not going to change anything in the film. Ironically, then, a film which its maker purported to be about “Catholic” heroes and martyrs actually played an important part in the formation of the Roman Catholic Legion of Decency, aimed at seeing to it that films did not portray Romanism unfavourably! 141

The Papist criticism of Hollywood increased tremendously in 1933. Priests and people felt that the time had come to act decisively. The Papist press issued calls for something to be done. The Papist creators of the Code and their allies knew that this was the moment of truth: the Code they had come up with needed to be properly enforced, and this was their opportunity to do so.

In Joseph Breen they found the man they needed.

Breen was first brought to Hollywood in 1931 by Will Hays, president of the MPPDA, who wanted “a well-connected and media-savvy Roman Catholic layman” as his assistant. 142 His duty, as “assistant to the president” (of the MPPDA), was to maintain friendly relations with the Roman Catholics who were always up in arms over something or other emanating from Hollywood, and to smooth their ruffled feathers. As a fellow-Papist who understood his people, Breen was ideally placed for the job. But it was a two-way street: Breen reported to Hays on the Papist mood, but simultaneously Breen was approached by Papists to put pressure on Hays. Breen cleverly worked things so well that he became the indispensable middle man. His own position was thus a very secure one. And always, first and foremost, he was a Roman Catholic. His biographer wrote: “The MPPDA only provided his day job; the Church of Rome held his immortal soul. He would render unto Hays due service, but his true mission was to convert Hollywood.” 143 This was the reason why he had taken the job, the purpose to which he devoted pretty much the rest of his days. He wanted a Roman Catholic Hollywood, and he lived and breathed to achieve that objective.

Breen was the man who really had the power. For it was Breen, not Hays, who literally read through and commented on every single movie script of that era. He became known as the “Hitler of Hollywood”. He believed that films should promote high morals (Papist morals, that is).

Breen was ambitious. Hays had given him a job, but he wanted more. He wanted to be in charge of it all. Not even a year after getting the job, he wrote a long letter to Hays, saying the industry needed “the best man in America” to control publicity, and ended by saying, “Don’t you see what an opportunity such a job offers?” Although he did not go so far as to state that he believed he himself was the perfect candidate, he did hint that the right man might already be working in a department in Hays’ office. And it was not that long afterwards when Hays appointed him as head of public relations for the West Coast. 144

When Breen began to assist James Wingate with the reviewing of scripts and films, it was learned that Universal was going to make a movie of a novel called The Seed, and it was believed that this film would promote contraception, which in all forms was anathema to Roman Catholics. Breen put pressure on Universal to re-write the script, and he was able to write triumphantly to the cardinal Mundelein that the studio had accepted “our Catholic viewpoint against the sneers of the opposition.” 145

It soon became clear to Will Hays that Breen was a far better man than Wingate for Wingate’s job. And just as importantly as Breen’s toughness was his devout Romanism. Breen, however, distrusted Hays and believed he was afraid of taking a stand and preferred to compromise. He also spoke his mind about what he thought of Hollywood’s movers and shakers (most of whom were Jews): “most are a foul bunch,” he wrote to Jesuit priest Fitz-George Dinneen, “crazed with sex, dirty-minded and ignorant in all matters having to do with sound morals. I don’t suppose five percent have a shred of religion.” 146

In early 1934 Breen was formally appointed as the head of the Studio Relations Committee, the body tasked with enforcing screen morality, to represent Will Hays and the MPPDA on matters pertaining to the Production Code. In this way the Studio Relations Committee was being re-created as a new agency under the MPPDA, not the AMPP. A few months later he took control of the Production Code Administration (PCA), which replaced the Studio Relations Committee. The PCA was popularly referred to as the “Hays Office”, but in truth it was Breen who became the real power within it, and he ruled it with a very firm hand, having the final say over the contents of literally hundreds of movies every year. Breen’s work was to approve – or disapprove – of scripts and films. He made it clear that he saw his job as carrying out some “real Catholic action”, “to lessen, at least, the flow of filth”. 147

Once Breen came into this position, “Roman Catholics exerted a virtual veto power over the visible universe of Hollywood’s Golden Age – and the man wielding the gavel was no lackadaisical Midnight- Mass-at-Christmas Catholic but a self-described soldier in ‘the Church Militant.’” 148

The New York Times put it like this: “[Breen] finds himself not advising but actually writing portions of the script. There is a sizable and embarrassing list of successful films for which he has written whole sequences: there is at least one in which he outlined the entire treatment.” 149

Some would argue that Breen, as head of the PCA, was not a censor in the strict sense; for the State did not enforce his censoring of freedom of expression. He was in fact employed by a group of private companies. As one producer, Arthur Homblow, Jr., put it, “It is a mistake to think of the Production Code Administration as a form of censorship, a sort of policeman patrolling a beat. We are responsible members of a responsible profession, and the Code is the articulate enunciation of the ethical standard we have set up for ourselves.” 150 He compared the Code with the doctors’ Hippocratic Oath. However, Breen was a censor for all practical purposes, and there is no getting around it.

Breen’s Interpretation and Enforcement of the Code

Breen himself left no doubt of what he sought to do in Hollywood by enforcing the Code. He told Jesuit Dinneen in 1934 that his purpose was to establish “an overall authority which would function on a platform of Catholic understanding and interpretation of moral values.” 151 Clear enough!

Breen went to his task with a will, fighting with film producers and enforcing the Code. He maintained that every movie had to have “sufficient good” in it to compensate for any evil it contained, and that every movie had to have a good moral character in it, making it clear to the bad guys in the movie that they were wrong. He lost no time in waging war against such things as prostitution, narcotics, sex and rough language that were common in many movies already, even in those days. If scripts did not live up to the standard, deletions and changes had to be made. Movie themes were not to be depressing. Middle- class social standards were not to be disparaged. The top-billed “star” in the movies was expected to respect all lawful authorities and to speak out for good morals. Divorce was expected to be portrayed as sinful. Adultery was to be portrayed as sinful and shown to be punished. Marriage was to be upheld as sacred. Heterosexual monogamy alone was to be portrayed as normal, with all other sexual behaviour to be removed from the movies. The naked human body was not to be shown, and nor was a clothed human body to be shown in a revealing or sexually provocative way. Kissing on-screen was permitted, but passionate, prolonged or lustful kissing was not. Although they were so obviously immoral as not even to be mentioned in the Code, Breen made it clear that sadism, homosexuality, incest, etc., were not permitted to be even hinted at in films.

Of course, clever Hollywood directors could always find ways around many of the restrictions – not by actually showing sex scenes, but certainly by hinting at them, by their use of lighting, fading out the pictures, etc. Audiences simply had to read the signs, looking for the hinted messages of what was being suggested behind what was actually shown.

Anything which he deemed to be “subversive of the fundamental law of the land” was forbidden. Any Communistic propaganda was banned. Insurrections against priests, pastors, police or politicians were strictly forbidden. Although individual policemen might be shown to be corrupt, the police force as a whole had to be always shown as honest, a force for good. Such things as drinking, jazz music, and married women going out to work were to be portrayed in a bad light. Inter-racial romance was not permitted. Clothing was to be modest. Swimming or sleeping naked was forbidden. Even married couples could not be shown to be sharing a double bed.

Women were to be portrayed as virtuous, and treated in a way bordering on reverence – influenced no doubt by Breen’s Popish veneration of Mary as much as by his respect for women. Indeed, in many films of the “Breen period”, “the backlit halos and divine close- ups of the female face in Hollywood’s frame bespeak a kind of religious adoration…. The reverence flowed… from the Victorian regard for the idealized female that Breen enforced under the Code. Roughing up women, even a slang term for a young girl, was intolerable under the Breen Office in its prime.” In addition, the Code forbade: “Pointed profanity (this includes the words, God, Lord, Jesus, Christ – unless used reverently – Hell, S.O.B., damn, Gawd), or every other profane or vulgar expression however used.” 152

And yet hypocritically, “the man who fumigated screen dialogue was known to be foul-mouthed in his own conversation.” J.P. McEvoy, a screenwriter and friend of Breen’s, once wrote, “I can’t give you a verbatim report of one of Joe’s sulphurous speeches explaining how he won’t stand for sulphurous speeches.” And Variety magazine declared that Breen’s language “would make a Billingsgate fishmonger blush”, but then added, “It may sound paradoxical, but Hollywood is turning out cleaner pictures because of Joe Breen’s profanity.” For Breen would curse and swear at the movie moguls to get his way – and get it he did. One who kn ew him well said of him, “He figured… that when you got a script with coarse episodes in it, the best way to discuss the coarseness of the script was by using coarse language.” 153 A physically big man, he was also known to threaten other men with bodily injury at times; and his profanity and tough guy image gave him the reputation of being a “man’s man” who would take no nonsense.

“Bathroom humour” (also known as “toilet humour”) of any kind was forbidden – in fact, bathrooms themselves were not to be seen at all. And no reference was ever to be made to the “call of nature” in any form. Anything considered vulgar was forbidden – even runny noses. 154 This was often taken to ridiculous extremes. The Breen Office “blushed at the most innocuous exposures. A cameo appearance and product placement by Elsie the Borden milk cow in RKO’s Little Men (1940) confirmed that breast oversight was not restricted to homo sapiens…. ‘At no time should there be any shots of actual milking, and there cannot be any showing of the udders of the cow; they should be suggested rather than shown’ [said Breen].” 155

Today people would laugh at such restrictions. Certainly many of them (such as the “no bathrooms” and “no runny noses” rules) were utterly ridiculous, while others (such as the prohibition on inter-racial romance) were just wrong. But as can be seen from the above, there were other things forbidden by the Code which every true Christian would of course agree were sinful (even though, as we have seen, knowing that something is sinful and should not therefore be viewed is not the same thing as supporting media censorship by a religious or political body, which is never a good thing). Even Rome gets some aspects of morality right, and no Christian would deny that movies which attack morality, and lower moral standards, are harmful. However, that is not the issue here: what is at issue is that this Code was drawn up by a Jesuit priest, and then enforced by another faithful Roman Catholic. Papists were now the regulators of the movie industry. They were now the ones who decided what movies people could see. It was a triumph for the Roman Catholic institution in its bid to control every aspect of the movie industry for its own purposes.

And far more sinister than Roman Catholic regulation of movie morals, was Roman Catholic regulation of how Roman Catholicism itself was portrayed in movies. This is what the Production Code had to say about religion in the movies: “No film or episode may throw ridicule on any religious faith. Ministers of religion in their characters as ministers of religion should not be used as comic characters or as villains. Ceremonies of any definite religion should be carefully and respectfully handled.” 156 And Breen saw to it that priests, nuns, and Romish rituals and objects were portrayed in such a way that they did not offend Romanists. They also had to be accurately portrayed. For example, when Romish director, Alfred Hitchcock, made the movie / Confess in 1953, he had to ensure that it not only met the Production Code’s standards, but also that it met the rubrics set out for priests administering the Romish “sacrament of penance.” To make sure of this, Breen and a Romish priest/advisor checked the script. 157 The same kind of strict control was exercised over the making of The Song of Bernadette in 1943, even though it was a pro-Papist film. Lines in the script which merely appeared to be critical of the Roman Catholic “Church” were recommended for deletion; the priest’s contempt for Bernadette was toned down; and priests and nuns were on the set often and contributed advice on the proper method of carrying out Romish rituals, in obedience to Breen who had recommended to Henry King, the film’s Roman Catholic director, that he “secure the services of a very competent Catholic priest, who will serve as a technical advisor on this picture. We think it is enormously important that you have a very competent priest read the script thoroughly in order to check much of the dialogue and action.” A Romish priest named John J. Devlin, the executive secretary of the Legion of Decency, was the priest who was watchdog over many movies coming out of Hollywood in those years. 158

Although the Production Code prohibited movies from portraying any religious leader as a villain or in a comic manner, the fact is that Breen paid more attention to Roman Catholic matters than to Protestant ones. This was not surprising, given that Breen was a Papist, but it definitely shows up the impossibility of a member of one religion treating all religions equally or fairly. Naturally one will pay particular attention to one’s own religion, and Breen did just that. 159 The Production Code was in Rome’s hands, and Rome was going to milk it for all it was worth.

A real contradiction in the Code was the way in which it dealt with black Americans. On the one hand, the Code stated categorically: “Miscegenation (sexual relationship between the white and black races) is forbidden” in movies; yet on the other hand, it stated: “The history, institutions, prominent people and citizenry of other nations shall be represented fairly.” Blacks, like all others, were to be treated fairly in movies, as long as no miscegenation was allowed.

The miscegenation clause had been added to the Code’s third draft in 1930 with an eye to the bottom line: if films were to make money in the American South, there could be no miscegenation shown. Both Quigley and Lord were dead against this clause in the Code, however. But there it was and there it stayed, for many years. Only after World War Two was it seriously challenged.

Breen’s censorship meant that movies based on popular novels often ended up bearing almost no resemblance to the novel at all. The situation, then, was that immoral novels were not censored, but immoral movies of those novels were. To many this may sound like a good thing, a kind of halfway victory for better morals: “Well, the novel might be filled with sex and crime, but at least the movie isn’t.” But in truth it is not a good thing at all. This “halfway” censorship would mean many would think the book is as “clean” as the movie, and would thus read the book after seeing the movie, thereby defeating the “halfway” censorship in the first place; but on the other hand, if full censorship is applied, to books as well as movies, such censorship is entirely up to the whims and fancies of whoever is doing the censoring – and inevitably this leads to censorship of Christian materials and can even lead to persecution of Christians in the long run. The censorship of immoral books or movies simply cannot be entrusted to unregenerate men. It is up to individuals to simply refuse to read immoral books or watch immoral movies. This is the correct kind of censorship. If a book or movie is bad, it should just be shunned. It is not the place of a government to tell us what can or cannot be considered “moral”, and also, when such power is placed in the hands of one religion, this is a very dangerous thing. A Nanny State turns its citizens into babies needing to be spoon-fed by the supposedly “all-wise” authorities, and a “Nanny Religion” means, in effect, that all the country’s citizens are under that religion’s power.

Breen’s Staunch Anti-Protestantism

Breen, with his Jesuit university education, was a militant Papist who described those who viewed Romanism as a religio-political system seeking the destruction of Americanism as “stupid and ill-informed”. 160 Of course, this was his “official” position; but being the well-educated son of the Jesuits that he was, he must have known that this was precisely what the Papacy was plotting to do – and heartily approved of it. Passionate about America and the American way of life he may well have been, but he wanted a Papist America all the same. As he himself said in 1922 when he worked for the National Catholic Welfare Conference: “We stand for the preservation of the faith among our Catholic foreign bom who come here among us. We stand for loyalty and devotion to America, its government, its institutions, its ideals.” 161 In truth, the Jesuits have never stood for the government, institutions, and ideals of America, and as they indoctrinated their servant Joe Breen, he would have been well versed in the Jesuit tactic of saying one thing but meaning another. Perhaps he, personally, would stand for America – but only as long as America could be slowly transformed into a Roman Catholic nation. As his biographer put it: “He assailed the Ku Klux Klan, Bolshevism, the British Empire, and any other menace, foreign or domestic, to the Catholic Church.” 162

He was strongly anti-Protestant. When he edited the official monthly magazine of the NCWC from May 1923 to March 1924, he would deride any “anti-Catholic bigot who has the misfortune to be at the same time brainless”, as he put it. Hating America’s Prohibition era, he referred to Protestant teetotalling women and ministers as a “horde of female fanatics” and “Protestant ‘gentlemen of the cloth’” who “seem to be ever-ready to poke their noses into the other fellow’s business”. 163 Yet he failed to see the irony of the fact that, although condemning Protestants for forcing their morality on everyone else via Prohibition, as Hollywood’s censor he himself was always ready to poke his nose into “the other fellow’s business” and insist on forcing his own Papist morality on Hollywood!

Breen’s Hatred of the Hollywood Jews

As we have seen, in its very early years the Code was almost ignored by the film studios. From Los Angeles in 1932 Joseph Breen complained that “nobody out here cares… for the Code or any of its provisions.” Writing to Wilfrid Parsons, Breen said that Hays may have thought “these lousy Jews out here would abide by the Code’s provisions but if he did he should be censured for his lack of proper knowledge of the breed.” He added that the Code would fail in Hollywood because the Jews, who controlled the studios, were “dirty lice” and “the scum of the earth.” Moreover, he said that the whole American nation was being “debauched by the Jews” and the movies they made. 164

Breen believed it was his purpose in life to force the immoral Jewish film-makers to make moral films in accordance with the Roman Catholic religion, via pressure at the box office. Martin Quigley took a somewhat different approach: he too believed in box office pressure to force Hollywood to clean up its act, but instead of blaming the Jewish owners, producers and writers solely, he also blamed the “Church” of Rome itself for not keeping up the pressure on Hollywood to force the studios to stick to the Code.

Breen hated Jews and this comes out clearly in his words. In this he was no different from a great many Roman Catholics of his time, for Rome has hated the Jews for centuries, and in a few short years Hitler, a Roman Catholic himself, would embark on a diabolical plot to eradicate Jews en masse, and would receive immense support from Romanists in Germany and other parts of the world. The Roman pope, Pius XII, would give tacit support to Hitler in his treatment of the Jews (recent Roman Catholic attempts to whitewash him notwithstanding). 165 Breen, like his papal master, viewed Jews as untrustworthy and greedy. In 1932 he wrote to Martin Quigley, “The fact is that these … Jews are a dirty, filthy lot. Their only standard is the standard of the box- office. To attempt to talk ethical value to them is time worse than wasted.” 166 To priest Parsons Breen wrote: “These Jews seem to think of nothing but money making and sexual indulgence. People whose daily morals would not be tolerated in the toilet of a pest house hold the good jobs out here and wax fat on it. The vilest kind of sin is a common indulgence hereabouts and the men and women who engage in this sort of business are the men and women who decide what the film fare of the nation is to be. You can’t escape it. They, and they alone, make the decision. Ninety-five per cent of these folks are Jews of an Eastern European lineage. They are, probably, the scum of the scum of the earth.” 167

Moreover, he held it was ludicrous to believe that “these dirty lice would entertain, even for an instant, any such procedure as that suggested by a Code of Ethics”. He also turned his guns on Wall Street bankers, who watched as America was “debauched by the Jews. Some bankers may – some of the Jew Ba nk ers. But you can’t make me believe that our American bankers, as a general thing, have fallen so low that they will permit their money to be used to paganize this nation.” 168

Breen called on Roman Catholics “to get after the Jews in this business”. He called a Warner Brothers district manager “a kike Jew of the very lowest type.”

The irony was that Breen, while bitterly complaining about what the Jews were seeking to do to America, was serving the interests of a monolithic religious power (Roman Catholicism) that was seeking to destroy America – the very thing he accused the Jews of seeking to do!

It is beyond dispute that in the United States of America, Jews, though a tiny percentage of the population at the time, had risen to prominence in all kinds of fields: politics, entertainment, sports, arts, science, business – and especially in Hollywood! “The names of William Fox, Louis Mayer, Adolph Zukor, Marcus Loew, Samuel Goldwyn, the Warner brothers, Carl Laemmle, etc., are so permanently identified with the movie industry that the Jewish trademark on the movies is virtually indelible,” declared the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle in 1934. “The Jewish angle is not being dragged into the movie issue; it exists, whether you like it or not.” 169

And this total dominance of Hollywood by Jews was of deep concern to Roman Catholic – and Protestant – America. In Columbia, the official magazine of the Romish Knights of Columbus, Karl K. Kitchen wrote in 1922: “Pants pressers, delicatessen dealers, furriers, and penny showmen started in the picture business when it was in infancy and they are now the type of ‘magnates’ who preside over its destinies today. If the Jews who shaped its policies were cultured gentlemen of taste and refinement there would be no occasion to find fault with them. But the men who control the motion picture industry are foreign bom Jews of the lowest type.” 170 The Catholic Standard and Times called Hollywood a “school of vice” and said the men in charge of the studios were “by race and conviction, alien to the ideals of Christendom.” In the Ecclesiastical Review in 1934, Romish bishop John J. Cantwell of Los Angeles gave his name to a piece in which was found the following: “Jewish executives are the responsible men in ninety per cent of all the Hollywood studios. If these Jewish executives had any desire to keep the screen free from offensiveness, they could do so. It is not too much to expect that Hollywood should clean house, and that the great race which was the first custodian of the Ten Commandments should be conscious of its religious traditions.” It turned out that Joseph I. Breen had actually ghostwritten Cantwell’s piece! 171

Breen was right, of course: if the Jewish studio owners wanted to clean up Hollywood, they could have done so. But they did not want to. They were using Hollywood to lower western morality. But these were not Jews who loved their religion and believed in the Ten Commandments. These were men who were Jews, not by religion but by descent, and who were opposed to morality, Christianity, and even common decency, serving (often without knowing it) the Marxist cause. And they could be just as foul-mouthed as Breen. “Whether in Yiddish or English, the Jewish moguls matched the Catholic censor in linguistic crudeness. In moments of anger, the foul-mouthed Harry Cohn [a Jew], head of Columbia Pictures, did not refer to Frank Capra [an Italian], his ace director, as a vertically impaired gentleman of Sicilian heritage…. According to Pete Harrison, Joseph M. Schenck – Loews Theater tycoon, founder of Twentieth Century Pictures, and Russian-born Jew – spat out an expression at the Roman Catholic Church ‘so foul that it cannot be printed’ when the prominent Catholic lawyer Joseph Scott and the financier Dr. A.H. Giannini met with the Association of Motion Picture Producers in 1933 to warn about the storm brewing among the Catholics…. the Hollywood moguls were not delicate flowers cringing before a clerical Gestapo.” 172

It was war: war between two powerful sides, both fighting for dominance over the dream factory called Hollywood. And no quarter was given.

Such anti-Jewish sentiments were not unique to Breen at that time. Prior to World War Two, when Hitler’s elimination of millions of Jews shocked the world and changed its attitude towards them, people all over the western world had little liking for the Jewish people. And this attitude towards them was very much encouraged by the fact that so many Jews were committed Communists and were using their wealth to advance the international Communist cause. Hollywood became a major weapon in the Communist arsenal. In addition, the Papal institution itself had been rabidly anti-Jewish for centuries, had persecuted Jews, and stirred up its millions of members to hate Jews. Breen, faithful Papist that he was, was merely spouting the anti-Jewish hatred so prevalent within his “Church” at the time – ironically, his accusations often based on truth about what Jewish Communists were doing. After World War Two, when the Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler was defeated and with his defeat the plans of the Papacy to use Nazism to advance Romanism across the world, and also with the dawn of the ecumenical and interfaith movements, Rome started to sing a different tune and to smile upon and speak well of the Jews; but it was, and is, all a front. It is a change of tactics, that is all. Rome still hates the Jews.

Breen, however, despite his strong dislike of the Jewish moguls controlling Hollywood, was, at other times, far milder in his statements about Jews than in the quotations given above, even at times speaking admiringly of them and praising them. This seems to be a contradiction, and indeed it may be that, like most people, Breen was sometimes in favour of what at other times he was against. People frequently change in their attitudes, sometimes swinging back and forth, depending on all kinds of factors. They can at one time admire something in a person of a different race, and even wish that person well, whereas at another time they may speak disparagingly of every member of that race. One frequently sees this in the attitude of whites to blacks, and vice versa. But more than just a contradiction within himself, one can also perceive, in his attitude to Jews, the dichotomy of so many American Roman Catholics. On the one hand, being Americans, they are raised from childhood in the American ideals of equality, “one nation under God”, the “melting pot” concept, where all men deserve the opportunity to find their place in the sun and should be treated with respect. On the other hand, they are raised from childhood in the doctrines of the Roman Catholic religion, an autocratic, top-down hierarchical system which allows no dissent, and which makes it abundantly plain that Roman Catholics are above all others, and that Romanism must be advanced by all faithful Papists throughout the world. Romanism has never sat easily alongside Americanism. 173 In fact, Romanism is decidedly anti-American and always has been – must be, by its very nature. It seeks to conquer America, but the difficulty it has always faced is that Americans are raised with ideals far removed from that of Roman Catholicism. This is why, far more so than, say, in Europe, so many American Roman Catholics end up either leaving their religion outright, or at least seriously questioning, and even rebelling against, many of its teachings.

Joseph Breen was a rabid Romanist, but he was also an American. And this fact well explains his sometimes contradictory statements about Jews. Sometimes his Americanism overcame his Romanism. And sometimes not. Especially when he was fighting daily with immoral Jewish moguls in Hollywood.

Breen’s Later Apparent About-Face Regarding the Jews

Then, too, there was something else which actually made him far less anti-Jewish as the decade of the 1930s ended and World War Two began, and eventually led to an about-turn on his part: Nazism. Although his “Church” was enthusiastically backing Hitler, Mussolini and Franco, Breen, as an American, was extremely anti-Nazi. Most American Roman Catholics were blissfully unaware of the Vatican’s pro-Nazi stance, or of what it hoped to gain from a Nazi victory in Europe. There most certainly were pro-Nazi Roman Catholics in America, and they did their best to swing American Roman Catholics to Hitler’s side; but it was an uphill struggle. American Papists, raised in the ideals of Americanism, could see nothing good in Hitler. And nor could Breen. And, because he was anti-Nazi, his sympathies towards the Jews, suffering such terrible atrocities at the hands of the Nazis, increased.

Breen joined with many other Hollywood top dogs, including Irish Papist actors, screenwriters, directors and producers, Jewish producers, and agnostics, in seeking to promote anti-Nazism through the movies. Considering the dominance of Jews in Hollywood, it is not surprising that Hollywood was so anti-Nazi at this time. An organisation called the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League for the Defense of American Democracy was at the forefront of this campaign. But this organisation was in fact a Popular Front for international Communism: an alliance of liberals, leftists and Communists, guided from Moscow. Unfortunately, Communism advanced on a wave of anti-Nazism. And many who hated Nazism did not realise that they were being used, as pawns, to advance an ideology just as evil as Nazism.

Breen was anti-Nazi, but he was also fervently anti-Communist, as most Roman Catholics were at this time. It was only after World War Two, and after the Vatican had realised that with the defeat of Nazism, Communism would become the dominant ideology of the age, and after the anti-Communist pope of Rome, Pius XII, was succeeded by the pro-Communist John XXIII – it was only after all these things that the Vatican would do a complete about-face and begin to promote Communism worldwide. 174 Breen, therefore, was cautious about how far he could support this Popular Front because of its Communist ties. Nevertheless, he continued to lend his name to it, doubtless because he thought that as it was an alliance of forces against Nazism, and Nazism was the more immediate evil, it was worth supporting.

And then, when certain Roman Catholic ecclesiastics in America sought to oppose anti-Semitism in pamphlets (even though their “Church” was actively encouraging Hitler), these appeared to have a profound effect on Breen. One was written by the Code’s author, the Jesuit Daniel Lord, in 1938, entitled Why Are Jews Persecuted? and another was written by a priest named Joseph N. Moody and entitled Dare We Hate Jews? Breen saw to it that 25000 copies of Moody’s pamphlet were distributed, and he distributed over a thousand of them himself. 175

It would thus appear that Breen had a change of heart at this time towards the Jews. He was no longer the rabid Jew-hater of a few years previously. And when a leaflet was distributed in Los Angeles in 1938 calling on Gentiles to boycott the movies because “Hollywood is the Sodom and Gomorrha where International Jewry controls Vice – Dope – Gambling, where young Gentile girls are raped by Jewish producers, directors, casting directors who go unpunished”, and where “The Jewish Hollywood Anti-Nazi League controls Communism in the motion picture industry”, Joseph Breen sent a letter to Box Office, a trade weekly, in which he wrote: “I have myself received copies of this vicious and salacious leaflet…. The whole business is so revolting, and so thoroughly un-American, that I want to be the first, if possible, to lodge my protest against it.” 176

Yes, Breen appeared to have had a huge change of heart with regards to the Jews. If so, it is not that his Americanism triumphed over his Romanism, but rather that he had found his Americanism and his Romanism could gel on this matter. Previously he had thought that as a good Papist he had to be anti-Jewish; now, thanks to the writings of priests Lord and Moody, he felt that this did not have to be the case. And yet, ironically, the very “Church” which he loved so much was, at that very time, throwing its massive weight behind Nazism and seeking to annihilate the Jews.

Doubtless he still disliked the “filthy Jews” who controlled the studios, but Breen was no longer against Jews in general.

Besides, before the pro-Nazi pope of Rome, Pius XII, came on the scene, his predecessor, Pius XI, had made such statements as, “it is not possible for Christians to take part in anti-Semitism.” Such statements, from the man he fervently believed to be the Vicar of Christ on earth, would doubtless have made a profound impression on Breen. In 1939 he gave his support to an organisation called the Committee of Catholics to Fight Anti-Semitism. So did Daniel Lord and Martin J. Quigley. The latter asked Breen to sign a pamphlet setting out the Romish “Church”s” supposed opposition to racism, and to get prominent Roman Catholics in Hollywood to sign it too. Breen also issued a statement, which was reprinted in the organ of the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League, which said: “It is my judgment that there is nothing more important for us Catholics to do at the present moment [July 1939] than to use our energies in stemming the tide of racial bigotry and hostility.” 177

Besides, Breen was well aware that the Nazis were persecuting not just Jews, but Roman Catholics as well. One may wonder how, if Hitler was Papist himself and being supported by Rome, the Nazis could persecute Papists. But this just shows the complex nature of Roman Catholic politics. Roman Catholics who were anti-Nazi were expendable, as far as Rome was concerned. Those Romanists who suffered at the hands of the Nazis were invariably those who hated Nazism. The average Roman Catholic in America simply had no idea that his “Church” was sacrificing fellow-Roman Catholics so as to advance Nazism, which Rome viewed as necessary to advance Romanism itself!

On November 18, 1938, Breen and many other prominent Hollywood personnel – actors and actresses, directors, etc. – signed a telegram to President Roosevelt, which read as follows:

“The Nazi outrages against Jews and Catholics have shocked the world. Coming on the heels of the Munich pact, they prove that the capitulation to Hitler means barbarism and terror…. We in Hollywood urge you to use your presidential authority to express further the horror and indignation of the American people.”

For Breen, Nazism was about more than the persecution of Jews. He was convinced that it was also about the persecution of Roman Catholics, and that was of even greater concern to this devout Romanist.

The Legion Comes into Being

By 1933 it was obvious to Lord, Quigley and Breen that the Code was not succeeding in achieving their purposes. People were angry at the immorality of the movies – and not just Roman Catholics. They felt that Hays had failed to keep his promise to prevent dirt in the pictures. Clearly, the Code was not being enforced as the Jesuits, other Papists and even non-Papists wanted it to be. Something had to be done.

Breen persuaded Romish bishop John Cantwell to put pressure on bankers (other than Jewish bankers) to in turn put pressure on the film industry to clean up their films. 1933 was a difficult year for Hollywood financially, and also because of Hitler’s rise in Germany, which made the Hollywood Jews uneasy about their position in American society. This meant that they were more open to changing their ways than they would otherwise have been. Cantwell warned that America’s Romish bishops might release a joint pastoral letter condemning Hollywood. Hollywood listened. Most of the studio heads said they would stick to the Code, with Paramount going so far as to appoint a Roman Catholic as a studio censor, and MGM asking Cantwell to recommend someone whom they could take on in a similar capacity. But men such as Breen and Quigley suspected that, as usual, the Jewish studio bosses made all the right noises at all the right times, but would soon revert back to their old ways. They felt that more needed to be done to keep the studios in line.

As we have seen,in 1933 abookwaspublished entitled Our Movie-Made Children, by Henry James Forman, summarising publications written by respected academics, in which films were blamed for corrupting the youth of America. This of course was (and still is) very true, as anyone with eyes in his head can see. And the book’s publication was fortuitous for the Roman Catholics Lord, Quigley and Breen. Quigley realised that Hollywood was, as a result, now more open than ever to pressure, and so he campaigned for more Roman Catholic involvement in the control and censorship of the industry. The pope of Rome’s new representative in the USA, the Romish monsignor Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, met with Quigley and Breen and, in a speech in which he included a draft statement prepared by Quigley, called for Roman Catholics to take a strong stand against immoral movies. “Catholics are called by God, the Pope, the Bishops, and the priests,” he said, “to a united and vigorous campaign for the purification of the cinema, which has become a deadly menace to morals.” 178 It was a declaration of war. America’s Popish bishops had been rallied to the cause, and they could not ignore it. And this is how, in that same year of 1933, the powerful Roman Catholic Legion of Decency was founded as well, by both bishops and Romish “laymen”, as we shall see.

Breen continued to meet with influential Papists to drum up support as the bishops’ annual meeting drew closer. As ghostwriter for a report Cantwell was to “write” on the movies for Ecclesiastical Review, Breen got Cantwell to end the report by recommending that the bishops form a committee to study the issue of movies. This, as Breen remarked, was “to keep the Jews worried”, for such a committee would “keep suspended over the heads of the producers the sword which is now threatening to decapitate them.” 179

At the conclave of bishops in Washington in that year Cantwell gave a speech, saying that the movies, which had always been vulgar, were now also being used to educate people in a “sinister and insidious” philosophy of life. They attacked marriage and the family as being outdated, they condoned such sins as divorce, sexual sins, and even inter-racial marriages (which he held was race suicide). They thereby lowered public and private morals.

Biblically, there is no sin in inter-racial marriages, but this was a commonly-held view of those times. Cantwell was however right about the lowering of moral standards via films. He called for strong action.

When the report was published, many bishops professed to be shocked at just how immoral the movies were, and a committee was formed to study the matter. Its head, the archbishop of Cincinnati, John T. McNicholas, had Cantwell’s report printed and distributed to “Church” leaders across America. The Roman Catholic co-chairman of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, Carleton Hayes, felt that Cantwell was endorsing anti-Semitism in his report. Cantwell denied this, correctly stating that the plain fact of the matter was that Jews ran Hollywood. Another result of the Cantwell report was that Romish journals took up the cause, strongly criticising the film industry. And Romish cardinal, William O’Connell of Boston, branded movies “the scandal of the world”. Clearly, Roman Catholic opposition to Hollywood was now in high gear.

And all this came in the wake of a growing realisation among America’s Romanists that they were now a force to be reckoned with on the national stage. This was articulated by a priest in New York, Owen McGrath, who said that in the past, because it was a minority religion in America, the “Church” of Rome had not spoken up while Protestantism and paganism had taken America down a slippery slope to the present state of immorality, allowing immoral movies to corrupt children. But things had changed, and the “Church” of Rome was now much more powerful in America; and therefore, McGrath declared, “In the name of God let us see the battle to its glorious triumph.” A similar sentiment was voiced by a bishop named John Noll, who said, “We must lay aside our inferiority complex and decide that we can do this job.” He believed it could be done because one in five Americans was now Roman Catholic, and in most large cities east of the Mississippi River this proportion rose to one in two or one in three. 180

An Episcopal Committee on Motion Pictures (ECMP) was appointed by the bishops, in order to “clean and disinfect” the industry; and Cantwell and two other bishops were requested to co-ordinate a “Catholic Legion of Decency”. With Quigley guiding them, these men decided that this Legion would create a pressure group, boycott offensive movies, and support self-regulation and conformity with the Production Code. 181 In other words, the Legion would be at the forefront of nothing less than a national Roman Catholic assault on the film industry. And this was no idle threat: as pointed out above, one fifth of the American population was Roman Catholic by religion, and most of these were massed in the great cities, with Chicago and Boston being essentially 50% Roman Catholic, and very large Romish populations in various other influential cities, among them New York, Philadelphia, Detroit and Pittsburgh. The power of Rome in the United States was immense, through its own publications or those it controlled (such as Catholic World, America, Sign, Thought, Catholic Digest, Commonweal), through the pulpits in thousands of Roman Catholic “churches” throughout the country, through radio (such as the national programme, The Catholic Hour), etc. A national Roman Catholic news bureau in Washington provided newspapers with a Romish take on the news. It was very evident to the Jewish studio bosses that a Papist boycott of the movies would seriously hurt the film industry financially. And this was the Depression era. The studios could not afford that kind of financial pain.

The Legion of Decency sought to ensure that Roman Catholics promised not to watch immoral movies. It had no legal power to make changes to movies, but as it spread like wildfire across America it became extremely powerful, rating every film, publishing “black lists” of objectionable films and “white lists” of the ones it considered acceptable. Almost every Romish diocese saw the formation of Legion campaigns. Lists of forbidden movies were supplied to the people by their priests. Movie houses which showed objectionable films were boycotted.

Romish archbishop, McNicholas, wrote a Legion pledge for Romanists to sign; 182 and once a year during Sunday mass, Roman Catholics across the United States were obliged by their bishops to stand and recite it in unison: “I unite with all who protest against them [vile films] as a grave menace to you [Christ], to home life, to country and religion. I condemn absolutely those debauching motion pictures which, with other degrading agencies, are corrupting public morals and promoting a sex mania in our land. Considering these evils, I hereby promise to remain away from all motion pictures except those which do not offend decency and Christian morality.” Printed pledges were distributed at Romish gatherings and even outside movie theatres. Although totally accurate figures are not available, a report by the U.S. bishops suggested there could have been over five million pledgers by 1934, while another estimate from that year gave the figure as eleven million. 183 According to Variety magazine, “fully half of the U.S. Catholic population of 20,000,000 can be counted upon as enlisted crusaders.” 184 No wonder the movie bosses were scared. They saw the future, and the future meant dwindling profits.

The bishops never actually came out directly and said so, but it was commonly believed, by the people in the pews who signed the pledges, that it was a mortal sin to watch an immoral movie, and the bishops were certainly not going to correct that assumption for it played right into their hands.

As for the priests themselves, the bishops warned them to stay away from the movies (for many of them flocked to watch them), thereby setting a good example to their flocks. In addition, a letter was prepared by Breen, Quigley and Cantwell and passed on to the country’s bishops, who were to send it to the theatre managers in their dioceses to persuade them to do something about immoral movies by contacting the studios about them. And furthermore, the Episcopal Committee also sent a questionnaire to every parish in the United States, requesting the names of the banks which were used by local theatres, whether there were any mortgages against theatre properties, and who held these. Clearly, this was a massive, no-holds-barred Roman Catholic campaign against the film industry.

The 1934 Roman Catholic Boycott: How Irish Romanism Came to Dominate Hollywood

In his first two months at the helm, Breen rejected six movies. The producers accepted his judgment with regards to four of them, but appealed his decision with two of them, and Breen was over-ruled by the Producers Appeal Board. When he rejected the 1934 film, Bottoms Up, the three-man producer trio (all Jewish) of the Producers Appeal Board over-ruled him, but the movie’s producer himself decided to voluntarily delete the scene Breen had found unacceptable, realising that he would have to constantly deal with Breen in the future.

The other film Breen rejected but the producers upheld was the 1933 film, Queen Christina, starring Greta Garbo. Breen demanded that the bedroom scenes be cut, and said that sexual immorality was portrayed in the film as attractive and beautiful, which violated the Code. The AMPP producers’ jury, however, over-ruled him, and he fumed at the lack of real authority he possessed to prevent such films from being shown. He could only suggest, but no more. As he put it: “Our machinery calls for the right of appeal to a jury made up of three producers, brothers-in-arms to the guy whose picture I may reject. This jury, you may be certain, is not likely to concur in any decision of rejection.” 185

It was a battle between the Roman Catholic censor and the Jewish movie producers, and both sides were determined to win. Breen well knew that if he was ever to have real power over what could be depicted in movies, things had to change. The regulators had to have the real power, not the producers.

The vast and powerful machinery of the American Roman Catholic “Church” was set in motion, to teach the Hollywood producers a lesson where it would hurt most – in their pockets. Cardinals issued warnings to their flocks not to go and watch immoral movies; at least one said they should not go to any movies at all. The Legion pledge was recited by millions of Papists. It was a nationwide Papist boycott that had producers shaking in their boots. The opposition was so intense that Hollywood would ever afterwards remember it as “the crisis of 34” or “the storm of 34.” According to Billboard magazine at the time, “One of the amazing features of the boycott campaign is the amount of publicity given the move by daily papers throughout the country. It is doubtful any similar move ever received the unanimous cooperation of the press as this boycott.” 186 This shows the immense power Popery exerted over the media at the time.

Roman Catholic blacklists of objectionable movies began to appear, even though at first the bishops were divided over their effectiveness. Some felt that they should just issue whitelists of good films, and ignore the bad, while others felt a far stronger approach was needed, with blacklists being issued as well. A move towards a single, national blacklist was started. In 1934 Daniel Lord wrote a pamphlet entitled The Motion Pictures Betray America, in which he accused Hollywood of “the most terrible betrayal of public trust in the history of our country”, and stated: “It is no longer a matter of single scenes being bad, of occasional ‘hells’ and ‘damns’, or girls in scanty costumes,” but rather “a whole philosophy of evil…depicted with an explicitness that [has] excited the curiosity of children and the emulation of morons nd criminals.” 187 Lord, after seeing the film She Done Him Wrong, told Hays that he had written the Code precisely to prevent a film like this from being screened. He demanded that Roman Catholic youth boycott the film. 188

What was the point of whitelists, he reasoned, since good films were so few and far between that all such films could be listed “on the back of a postage stamp and have room left over for the Declaration of Independence.” 189 Lord’s campaign made waves: letters of protest against immoral films poured into Hollywood from individual Roman Catholics, from chapters of the Knights of Columbus, and from various “Church” organisations. But even so, Lord’s campaign shocked Quigley, Breen and Cantwell. They felt he was going about it the wrong way and was doing more harm than good.

The top Popish players in the campaign against Hollywood were thus clearly divided as to how best to proceed. The Episcopal Committee, influenced by Quigley, supported a whitelist and did not support the IFCA’s reviews of films, believing that that women’s organisation was too lenient and that anyway it was too close to the Hays Office. Both Lord and Quigley had issues with the IFCA’s work. But Ford parted with Quigley over whether to issue only a whitelist (as Quigley desired), or a blacklist as well (as desired by Ford).

Then on May 23, 1934, the Romish cardinal Dennis Dougherty took a strong stand against Hollywood. On this day he issued a call for all the Roman Catholics in Philadelphia to boycott all movie houses, and this call was read out at all masses. He branded films as the “greatest menace to faith and morals in America today”, and then he went even further: he declared that the boycott was “a positive command, binding all in conscience under pain of sin.” This galvanised Roman Catholics into action. Millions began to stay away from the movies. The media now sat up and took note of the Fegion of Decency as well, giving it reams of publicity.

In fact, the massive boycott certainly became an ecumenical boycott to a large extent. At a time when Protestants did not co-operate with Roman Catholics and by and large viewed Rome (correctly) as a false religion, this Romish campaign against the movies was enthusiastically supported by many Protestants and Jews. This is because Protestants and Jews could also see the great immorality of Hollywood. The Christian Century made it clear that the Roman Catholic system was providing the leadership in the crusade against Hollywood, but that Protestants and Jews had responded to that leadership and to a large extent joined forces with Rome.

Not all Protestant ministers were favourable to this Romish campaign, however. As an example: in Jacksonville, Florida, printed sermons favouring the Legion were ripped up by two ministers when a member of the Ku Klux Klan said the campaign against the movies was a Popish propaganda plot. 190 He was not wrong.

It is one thing when, as citizens of a country, people all work together for the common good. It is quite another thing when professing Christians join forces with other religions to do so. The Christian is not to fight in social causes with those of false religions, as such. This is a tactic Rome has used ever since, with devastating effectiveness, to break down barriers and get Protestants to view Romanism as “just another Christian church”: one simply has to think of the modem anti-abortion campaign. Rome uses an evil like abortion to rally non- Romanists to its side, and thus a major step towards acceptance of Rome as Christian is taken. 191 Likewise with what happened all those decades ago, in 1934.

Breen, naturally, was ecstatic and sure of victory, saying, “We have them on the run”, although admitting they still had a long way to go. 192 Nevertheless, by June of that year it was clear that the Romish boycott in the big predominantly Romish American cities was hurting the movie producers, and hurting them badly.

Will Hays, watching the boycott bite deep into the film industry, saw this as an opportune time to increase the authority of the Hays Office by alligning it with the “Church” of Rome. Thus in May 1934 he met with Quigley for this purpose and said that Hollywood’s leaders were willing for Joe Breen to be placed in charge of the Studio Relations Committee. John McNicholas, the archbishop of Cincinnati, was going to invite Hays to a meeting of the Episcopal Committee, but Jesuit priest Dinneen said to him, “[Hays] is a foxy boy and will promise anything to stop the campaign…. My advice is to stall him off until after the meeting…. You will have them on their knees in another sixty days.” 193 So Quigley and Breen were invited to represent Hollywood instead. Dinneen’s suggestions of a national boycott of Hollywood and a national blacklist were rejected by the committee, who listened to Quigley when he presented Hays’ plan, which was to strengthen the effectiveness of the Code. The result was (as shown earlier) that the MPPDA board of directors unanimously passed a resolution to replace the Studio Relations Committee with a new enforcement agency, the Production Code Administration (PCA), headed by Breen, for that very purpose – the strengthening of the Code’s effectiveness. According to this, all the major studios (which were members of the MPPDA) and any producers using the MPPDA’s distribution facilities (i.e. independent studios) would first have to get a movie approved by the Production Code Administration, obtaining its certificate of approval, or face a large fine and forfeit financing and bookings for their movies. Furthermore, the Producers Appeal Board was scrapped, so that it was now impossible for the producers to take care of one another and overrule Breen’s decisions. From now on, a PCA decision could only be appealed to the MPPDA board of directors.

Breen, the Irish Papist, was acceptable to both the Romish hierarchy and to the moviemakers because he kn ew the movie business. He was now virtually all-powerful, the supreme inspector general of American cinema, as his biographer called him. He became known by various unofficial titles: the Hitler of Hollywood, the Mussolini of American films, the dictator of movie morals. Hollywood could hardly operate without him, and it knew it. As Harry Warner told his own studio, “If Joe Breen tells you to change a picture, you do what he tells you. If any one fails to do this – and this goes for my brother – he’s fired .” 194 Non-Papists sent Breen letters calling him an “agent for the Pope” and a “spy for the Papists ”. 195 They were right, for he was certainly there to do Rome’s work.

How true the words of Will Hays when he said, “At last we had a police department, or at least a civilian defense force .” 196

It was given to Breen and Quigley to get the Romish bishops, at a bishop’s conference to be held a few days later, to accept this and to lift the boycott. Hays actually told the two men, “the Catholic authorities can have anything they want” – such was the power of Rome within the United States to economically cripple the movie industry. Breen, again, was ecstatic, saying, “The stage is set for a magnificent piece of worthwhile Catholic action and achievement.” 197 He well knew what he hoped to achieve – nothing less than making use of the powerful medium of film to influence America for Roman Catholicism. “If we could provide some means for Catholic story tellers to tell – and write – stories based upon Catholic philosophy,” he stated in 1934, “is it unreasonable to expect that here, again, we shall see the influence of the movies showing itself upon audiences?” 198

The victory was Rome’s, and Jewish Hollywood was now under Irish Roman Catholic domination. As one has correctly written, “In cloth and in mufti, the coreligionists approved a censorship regime that ceded dominion of Hollywood cinema to Irish-Catholic theology for the next twenty years.” 199

By the end of 1934, after a massive publicity campaign, it was believed that between seven and nine million Roman Catholics had taken the Legion of Decency’s pledge. One priest accurately said that the Legion was “Catholic Action’s big opportunity.” American Roman Catholicism knew now that it was extremely powerful. In the Popish paper, Our Sunday Visitor, one writer declared triumphantly, “The Catholic church could put anything through it wished, and could crush anything.” This was not far off the mark. In Port Huron, Michigan, students in a Roman Catholic school were enlisted, and forced the local commissioner of police to close a film which the Romish press had condemned, and in Chicago some 70 000 students marched through the streets, holding up banners which said: “An admission to an indecent film is an admission to hell”; “Films we must see, but clean they must be.” 200

As Breen’s authority began to be felt and films began to be edited and altered in accordance with his demands, he came in for increasing criticism from some quarters, especially from those who wanted more sex, not less, in movies. According to the New York Times, moviegoers in large numbers actually hissed and booed whenever the Production Code seal appeared at the start of each film. Many people believed, and rightly as we have seen, that the Roman Catholic “Church” was now essentially in charge of Hollywood. Newspaper editorials spoke out against the Legion of Decency. But even so, as pointed out by the chairman of the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain, Roy Howard, “most newspapers are frightened to death of church sentiment and especially of Catholic church sentiment”. And in support of his statement, the Hays Office discovered, when it surveyed 172 editorials concerning the Legion in early July 1934, only twenty disapproved of what the “Church” was doing. 201

Communism Creeps into Hollywood

In 1934 Maurice Rapf, son of an MGM executive, Harry Rapf, a Jew, toured the Soviet Union while still in his teens. This of course was just a few years before the outbreak of World War Two, and Hitler’s Nazism and anti-Semitism was of increasing concern to Jews, even American Jews. The young Rapf was deeply impressed by how anti- Nazi the Soviets appeared to be, and how apparently tolerant of Jews. So impressed, in fact, that he returned to Hollywood a pro-Communist radical.

His father sent him to people he knew in Hollywood in the hope that they would get him to change his mind. Harry Warner said to him, “I don’t want to talk to no [expletive deleted] Communist. Don’t forget you’re a Jew. Jewish Communists are going to bring down the wrath of the world on the rest of the Jews.” 202 This was the same Harry Warner who for a time supported the liberal closet Communist, Franklin Roosevelt. Harry’s brother Albert said to Rapf, “Don’t come into my office and start spouting any of that.” And Louis B. Mayer told him, “Everybody thinks that Jews are Communists,” and that Rapf owed it to the Jews to have nothing to do with Communist radicalism. Why this reaction?

The top Jewish elite of tinsel town knew what being suspected of Red sympathies would do to them, their careers, and even Jews in America generally. They knew what Nazism was about, they knew also that Communism was anti-Nazi and tolerant of Jews, but they lived in America and desired to be accepted with the cream of upper-class American Gentile society, and they certainly did not want to rock the boat by being seen to be supportive of Communism in any way. This could best be expressed in the words of another Hollywood Jew, David Selznick, who despite reading Communist literature himself advised Rapf: “Be a radical. Think anything you [expletive deleted] please. But don’t wear it on your sleeve. Don’t go around talking about it all the time because it’s going to get in the way of your career. If you want to be a moviemaker, that’s all you can do.” 203

Still, the Communistic radicalisation of Hollywood had begun, and it would gather momentum in the years ahead. Hollywood’s Jewish executives were – at times perhaps for pragmatic reasons – against Communism; but Hollywood’s Jewish writers were not. These writers – playwrights, novelists, journalists – had mostly come from the eastern United States (in particular, New York) to Hollywood, and many of them were Socialists or Communists. In the words of one of them, Milton Spring: “My father read the Forward [the Jewish Socialist newspaper]. He was a member of a union. And my grandfather was a member of a union. The Jews in New York were Socialists. They were old-country Socialists… and unions and left-wing thinking of that simple sort that was so Jewish in those days was translated to their children.” 204

Those were difficult times, the Depression and post-Depression years, and that worldwide economic collapse played into the Communists’ hands. They used it to get people to reject Capitalism and embrace Marxism. And those young Jewish writers began to write plays for the New York stage in which they railed against the real and perceived injustices of the American Capitalist system. And of course, the growing threat of Nazism played right into the Communists’ hands as well. As Nazi anti-Semitism grew in Europe and found many sympathisers in America, Jews became increasingly frightened. And thus the very real danger of one radical “ism” pushed many Jews into the arms of another radical “ism.”

When, therefore, those Jewish writers moved to Hollywood, they took their radicalised. Red ideology with them, and transferred it into their writing for movies. It was estimated that at this time, “probably 70 percent of the writers, directors, actors, and so on were liberally inclined”. 205

The Legion of Decency’s Power

At this time (1934/35) there was often a lot of animosity and rivalry between the different Roman Catholic players involved in movie censorship, usually caused by the fact that some supported the movie list issued in Chicago, and others the list issued in New York. Films approved by Joe Breen were often condemned by the Legion of Decency, priests disagreed over which films should be condemned and which should not, Martin Quigley and Jesuit priest Parsons were accused of being propagandists for Hollywood who were adversely affecting the Legion’s work, Jesuit priest Dinneen referred to Quigley and Parsons as traitors who were sowing division within the Romish camp, the friendship between Dinneen and Lord almost ended, and Lord and Quigley – the co-authors of the Code – were fiercely opposed to each other. This enmity between the two caused Quigley to tell a friend at one point, “I hope… to keep as far away from the clergy as possible, except on Sunday mornings.” 206

With two lists circulating, Roman Catholics were under the impression that they were free to decide for themselves which films to see and which to avoid, which was utterly unacceptable to the hierarchy. Clearly something had to be done to save the Legion campaign.

In 1935 the Romish bishops again assembled in Washington, D.C., and again they discussed movies and the movie industry. Romish archbishop John McNicholas, chairman of the ECMP, told the assembly that the Roman Catholic “Church” had successfully improved the content of Hollywood movies during the past year, and that in his judgment the Production Code Administration had been a success. He also called for Legion of Decency activities to be centralised in New York, and to issue a single Roman Catholic film viewing guide for all Roman Catholics in order to put a stop to all the arguing and fighting between the supporters of the different viewing guide lists, and between the supporters of the various approaches to classifying movies. McNicholas was supported in this by the bishop, John Cantwell. New York, they believed, should be the location because, although movies were made in Hollywood for the most part, they were usually first played in New York. The bishops agreed. The National Legion of Decency would be established in New York, under the guidance of Romish cardinal, Patrick Hayes.

Hayes appointed priest Joseph Daly as the Legion’s executive secretary. Daly was also a professor of psychology. Martin Quigley moved his publishing concerns to New York so that he could give guidance to the Legion. It was administratively under the direction of priest Edward Robert Moore.

As for who would be charged with actually determining a movie’s moral values, this was given to the IFCA, the Roman Catholic women’s organisation. The IFCA had been carrying out this work for years already, ever since 1922 when it had created a Motion Picture Bureau and followed the practice of praising good films and ignoring bad ones in its published film reviews. The head of the Motion Picture Bureau of the IFCA was Mary Looram. She was made its head in 1930 and held that position for over thirty years. But there were over a hundred women acting as film reviewers. The East Coast group was under the direction of Jesuit priest Francis X. Talbot, and the West Coast group was under priest John Devlin.

At first the IFCA women were sidelined once the Legion came into being, under the control of priests, because the IFCA was considered to be a puppet of the Hays Office by some; and because it followed the policy of praising good films but ignoring bad ones, this was seen as permitting Hollywood to continue producing bad ones. But after the IFCA agreed to issue a “condemned” category of movies as well, the bishops’ conclave agreed to make this women’s organisation the Legion’s official reviewing body.

Yet again, we see the i mm ense grip the Jesuits held over the entire censorship business in the United States, assisted by other priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, and many ordinary but staunch Roman Catholics. It was a Roman Catholic stranglehold on the film industry, and it would last for decades.

The Legion created a rating system for the classification of films. There were four categories: A1 (Unobjectionable for general patronage); A2 (Unobjectionable for adults); B (Objectionable in part); and C (Condemned). Roman Catholics were forbidden to see “C” films, which were the worst kind and held by the Legion to be dangerously immoral.

Even though these Legion ratings were not part of ecclesiastical law as such, to ignore them was viewed in a very serious light by the religious leaders of the “Church” of Rome. Certainly most Roman Catholics believed that if they went to watch a film rated “C”, they would be committing a mortal sin, and the bishops were perfectly content to let them think so.

With regards to films rated as “B”, the waters were a lot muddier for the average Roman Catholic. Most priests tended to take the position that such films were hardly any better than “C” films, but still, for the average Romanist trying to figure it all out, it was not easy. In addition, what about the reviewers themselves? They had to watch indecent movies in order to decide on how each one should be rated; were they not committing sin by so doing? To this dilemma, Cantwell responded that no, they were not – for they were women of “virtue and judgment”. Hardly a satisfactory answer! But typical of how Roman Catholic leaders have always slithered out of such moral issues. It again just goes to show how subjective all such attempts at censorship and regulation are, when the Bible is not the standard.

Over at the Breen Office, the man was highly regarded by the “Church” hierarchy, overall, for his work in cleaning up Hollywood. Films, the bishops believed, were now far better than they had ever been. And because of Breen’s efforts at the PCA, the Legion of Decency was able to endorse the vast majority of PCA-approved films. Thus the working relationship between the PCA and the Legion was greatly improved.

The Legion became so powerful that film studios would even attempt to send their films to the Legion’s reviewers before they were released, so as to learn what the Legion considered to be objectionable in them! They knew the Legion’s power, and would delete entire scenes, change dialogue, and make all kinds of other alterations to their films just to achieve the Legion’s approval. Thus, although the Legion had no authority from the government to enforce any changes, it effectively censored films anyway merely by threatening to condemn a film of which it did not approve. 207 It had become the moral guardian, not only of American Roman Catholics, but of all American moviegoers. 208 Such was the power of Popery in Hollywood during this time! The Papal institution in America literally controlled the film industry.

Amazingly, even many of the Jewish studio bosses and other Jews in Hollywood accepted the work of the Legion and co-operated with it. Reason: they wanted profits, and profits would only be made if people went to see the films; and the vast Roman Catholic moviegoing audiences would not attend if the films were objectionable to them. It was all about money. “The mere threat that the more than twenty million Catholics would join in unison against a single film made the Hollywood executives quake with fear.” 209 What frightened Hollywood producers more than anything was the Legion’s “C” rating for a film – meaning the film was condemned and thus forbidden viewing for all Roman Catholics. This meant huge financial losses for the industry bosses, as Roman Catholics in their droves would stay away from the film. Producers would therefore bend over backwards to avoid a “C” rating. To do this, they had to enter into negotiations with the Legion, and if they agreed to remove anything in their films that the Legion found offensive, it would then re-classify the film, thereby allowing Roman Catholics to attend. 210

In the second place, the Jews preferred a situation where the film industry itself was acting as watchdog over the films being made, than the one that existed in England, which was regulated by the government. Jewish artists and intellectuals did not like the Code because to them it stifled “creativity” and suchlike nonsense, but on the ground many Jews supported the Legion of Decency. In fact, the Council of Jewish Women and the Sisterhood of Temple Emmanuel in Denver, Colorado, actually signed up a thousand pledgers! There was, yet again as so often in Hollywood history, a working alliance between Roman Catholics and Jews. Jewish middle-class women fought for decent movies just like Roman Catholics did, and supported Roman Catholic efforts because they saw them as working for a co mm on goal. At this time both Romanists and Jews were still viewed, overall, as religious foreigners in the United States, and this collaboration in regulating Hollywood was an attempt to promote themselves as full citizens and part of the mainstream. 211

The Legion’s power did not go unnoticed by many Protestants. There were Protestants who supported the Legion’s work simply because they hated the immorality of Hollywood; but there were others who realised the danger. They saw that Hollywood was now not only promoting immorality, but being controlled by the “Church” of Rome. They rightly viewed this as gravely dangerous to the United States. 212

But by this time, Protestantism in America had already changed much. It was not what it had been at the turn of the century. Liberalism had engulfed much of it. Many Protestant churches were in disarray, floundering doctrinally and full of uncertainty morally. Romanism, on the other hand, was flourishing. There were Roman Catholic schools, hospitals and orphanages, and the parish priests were exerting an evergrowing influence over their people. Irish Roman Catholic immigrants were no longer simply the underdogs of society, but were rising up the social structure. “Irish American Catholics, especially middle- class women and priests, claimed the moral high ground vacated by Protestants. In doing so, they hoped to demonstrate their superiority over other urban dwellers that included African Americans, Jews, socialists, as well as fellow Catholic Italians and Poles whose devotional life felt alien to the Irish. By claiming to be the final arbiters and enforcers of morality in filmmaking, Irish American Catholics assumed a powerful place in defining how Americans would see themselves.” 213

Thus the era of Irish Roman Catholic domination of Hollywood had begun in earnest, not of control of the studios themselves (for these were mainly in Jewish hands), but of the kinds of films that the Jews would be allowed to make. It would in time be replaced by Italian Roman Catholic dominance, but for now, Hollywood was dominated by Irish Papists. And Roman Catholics would control the movie industry’s “morals” well into the 1960s. Furthermore, Jesuitism was always present, lurking quietly in the background, pulling the strings.

Thus: “For more than three decades, from 1934 to the late 1960s, the Catholic church, through its Legion of Decency, had the power… to control the content of Hollywood films. The Catholic church’s Legion of Decency could, and did, dictate to Hollywood producers the amount of sex and violence that was allowable on the screen. The producers meekly removed any scene that offended the church.” 214 That was power!

As the Legion was not a government censorship body and had no legal power, its Papist supporters loved to point out that it only classified movies, grading them on moral values; it did not censor them. But this was an outright lie. Of course the Legion had the right to rate films for Roman Catholic audiences, and to call on Roman Catholics to stay away from films, as it often did. This is not censorship, it is a segment of society staying away from a film because it believes it to be offensive; and this is fine. And the Popish press, and priests behind their pulpits, also had the right to condemn a particular film as being unsuitable for Papists to attend; and this too was something that was often done. But when the Legion “demanded that offending films be altered to Catholic tastes before the Legion would bless them”, and furthermore “demanded that Hollywood not exhibit any print of the film anywhere in the world other than that approved by the Catholic Legion of Decency”, 215 this was censorship.

Many Protestants were outraged at the Legion’s power to censor movies for everyone, non-Romanists as well as Romanists, for the Legion’s classification system meant that the entire public was affected by the changes studios made to movies in order to please the Legion. As the Nation put it, “What the non-Catholic moviegoers are entitled to decide is whether they wish to have their films censored in advance by the Catholic church.” 216 This was precisely what was happening. The Roman Catholic “Church” was controlling who saw what emanating from Hollywood. It was extremely powerful, and “even the Legion’s supporters would admit that it was the most powerful pressure group in the film business, relying on the studios’ dread of a nationwide Catholic boycott of objectionable films.” 217 As Geoff Shurlock of the PCA put it, Hollywood was so afraid of “the Catholics… that there was no room left to be scared of anyone else.” And the Literary Digest stated: “What scared the movie makers as they had never been scared before was that the Catholic Church, like the American film, is universal [and] the Catholic bishops can make shots which will be heard around the world.” 218 Here is the plain fact of the matter: “A third of all movie seats in the early 1940s were located in the forty-nine cities with populations greater than 200,000, and most of these were heavily Catholic.” 219 No wonder the Hollywood Jews were scared of the power of the Legion!

The Censorship Process

But how exactly was the censoring done? Well, usually the Legion would first threaten to condemn a film privately, not publicly. Officially, scripts were first reviewed by the Production Code Administration; the Legion did not officially review scripts. If the PCA felt the film could pass, it issued its seal of approval. But before the film was duplicated and distributed, the Legion would review the final print, and demand a change in the film if it saw fit. If there was anything offensive to the Legion, it would inform the producing studio, which would then make the necessary changes in accordance with Legion (and thus Roman Catholic) wishes. If the changes were acceptable to the Legion, the film would be re-classified so that Roman Catholics could attend. And the Legion’s power was immense: “Here the Legion moved away from its role of moral judge to that of censors: Legion priests negotiated with studios to eliminate certain scenes, reshoot or cut others, change dialogue, or add a prologue or epilogue to a film to make it acceptable to the Catholic church. This action turned the Legion into a national board of censorship.” 220

If a film was condemned by the Legion and yet was still shown by any theatre, that theatre would be boycotted by Roman Catholic organisations such as the powerful Knights of Columbus. The purpose, of course, was to cause the film to bomb at the box office.

In 1936 the Legion issued its first New York list of films. No films received a “C” (Condemned) rating, and Martin Quigley was angry with priest Daly of the Legion for being too liberal and kind to the movie industry. Quigley was trying to take full control of the Legion. He told McNichols, the archbishop, that he believed Daly was undermining the Legion, and Daly was fired. This sent the message that the Romish hierarchy was in disagreement over the Legion, so the cardinal, Hayes, swiftly appointed a young priest as the new Legion director. His name was John J. McClafferty, and he had been the assistant director of the Division of Catholic Action at the Catholic Charities of New York. He was recommended to McNicholas because he was willing to take advice. He easily came under the influence of Martin Quigley – which was entirely to Quigley’s liking. 221 He also worked well with Breen and the movie producers, and played a large part during the following years in making the Legion so influential within Hollywood. 222

The 1936 Papal Encyclical Endorses the Legion of Decency

In this year the pope, Pius XI, issued Vigilanti Cura, a papal encyclical on the movies, which strongly endorsed the Legion of Decency, calling it a “holy crusade”, and called on Roman Catholics in other countries to establish similar organisations. He said that it did not seem practical to have a single movie list for the whole world, and he also gave the bishops the authority to apply stricter ratings than the Legion.

It is believed that Martin Quigley played a major part in the issuing of this encyclical. 223

The Working Relationship Between Breen’s PCA and the Legion of Decency

The Legion of Decency was really a confederation of local organisations, and each local Legion director, who was in most cases a priest, was responsible for the work of the Legion in his diocese. Naturally, then, the Legion’s work was very strong in some dioceses, and weak in others. It all depended on how committed to the Legion each bishop and priest was. “A majority of the bishops,” in fact, “paid very little attention to the Legion and gave nothing more than lip service to its activities. Churches gave members the Legion pledge once a year in early December, and posted the Legion’s classifications.” 224 That was pretty much all they did, many of them. But in Los Angeles, priest John Devlin, who was the guide of the West Coast group of the IFCA. was very committed to the Legion. Not only that, but he worked very closely with Joseph Breen of the PCA, and with Hollywood studio bosses themselves. Knowing the power of the Legion to cripple them financially, studio bosses readily sent their scripts to Devlin prior to beginning production on a film. Even Breen himself would often forward a script to Devlin for advice.

Thus Breen’s Production Code Administration, which was the movie industry’s official censorship board, and the Legion of Decency, had an extremely close working relationship. This is not surprising, given the Roman Catholic influence over the PCA from its very inception. The two worked in tandem to keep any movies that they deemed to be a danger to the “Church” of Rome, or immoral, from being seen by audiences. At times, in fact, they were virtually one and the same, constantly in contact with each other. “For twenty years, from 1934 until the retirement of PCA director Joseph I. Breen, the PCA and the Legion were linked so closely that it is next to impossible to separate them.” 225 When the PCA received a movie script for review, it would send it to the Legion and request an “unofficial” opinion. The Legion would then return the script with its “opinion”, which was often a warning that the film needed to be changed if the Legion was to be kept happy.

The two organisations did not always agree over what was immoral, but this did not alter the close collaboration between them. At times the Legion acted independently of the PCA and even took Breen to task if it believed he had passed something that in the Legion’s opinion should not have been passed. But for the most part “there were only occasional differences of opinion between” the two organisations. 226 Overall, the hierarchy of Rome in the United States, the Jesuits, and the Legion of Decency were very satisfied with Breen. His friends at the Jesuit publication America declared, “The greatness of Joseph I. Breen’s performance lies in this: not only has he wiped the slate clean of obscenities, but also – and the Legion believes this to be far more important – he has scotched the teaching of moral heresy. If the Catholic press, like Time, were picking the man of the year, it would doubtless hasten to name Joseph I. Breen, the enforcing agent of the Code.” 227

A Jewish Business Selling Papist Theology to Protestant America

Thus Hollywood was in the hands of the “Church” of Rome. “Catholic control over Hollywood was complete: a Catholic censor, Joe Breen, rode roughshod over Hollywood and, in New York, the Catholic Legion quietly approved his moral judgments.” 228 And the films produced during this era reflected Rome’s absolute dominance of the industry, with Papist directors, Papist actors, and Papist film plots everywhere. Furthermore: “If Catholics on screen were close to legion, Catholics behind the screen were nearly almighty. One of the more curious phenomena in the history of American popular culture, the dominion of the minority religion [Romanism] over the mass medium was achieved by a web of Catholic faithful, ordained and lay, whose long tentacles and precision coordination might confirm the darkest Protestant suspicions about Romanish intrigue: Daniel A. Lord, coauthor of the Production Code, a Jesuit priest; Martin J. Quigley, creator and defender of the Code, a graduate of Catholic University; and Joseph I. Breen, Jesuit- educated from boyhood, Jesuit-related by blood (his brother Francis was a Jesuit priest), and Jesuit-fixated by inclination”. 229

Another quote which sums up what happened in Hollywood in the second half of the 1930s: “Priests were to become major heroic figures in crime films; shoulder to shoulder with FBI men, revenue agents, and other agents of morality, they became part of a phalanx for truth, justice, and the American way. Super-padre would be bom around the time Superman came crashing down from Krypton, and for years a few Latin mumblings and a breviary could quiet the most savage beast and transform the most hardened heart. Every priest became an amalgam of Father Flanagan and Father Coughlin, of Bing Cosby and Pat O’Brien; the new armament was moral, the new weapons rosary beads, chapels, and poor boxes.” 230

It was not a situation that pleased many Protestants, or indeed many other Americans, and in 1937 Breen said in a letter to Lord, “I am constantly being charged with being ‘an agent of the Pope,’ ‘a spy for the Papists,’etc.” He called such people “anti-Catholic bigots.” In 1940 the Protestant Digest declared: “The minority control of the most vital amusement source of the nation is one of the most astounding things in the history of the United States.” The secular press’ New Republic complained that Breen, “a Catholic of Irish descent, is the one-man censor of the movies”, and declared that “the Catholic machinery” had “stampeded the Protestants” and “captured the movies.” 231

Indeed it had. And from 1934 until about 1953, no major Hollywood studio was prepared to stand up to Rome. Its grip on Hollywood was total.

Truly, Hollywood was “a Jewish-owned business selling Roman Catholic theology to Protestant America”! 232

The Portrayal of Irish Papist Immigrant Life in Movies of This Era

The so-called “Golden Age” of Hollywood was the 1930s and first half of the 1940s. During this time, Roman Catholic characters in films were frequently made out to be immigrants from the “old country” (Europe and specifically, Papist Ireland), as opposed to Protestant Americans who were generally born in America. Movies were made in which Irish Papists lived in what was called the “old neighbourhood” (Roman Catholic ghettoes in large American cities) where everyday life was dominated by the “Church”: priests, schools, and songs were all decidedly Papist. 233

To a large extent this was very true: at that time the USA was a “Protestant” country, where Roman Catholics were often viewed as outsiders; foreigners. And many of them literally were, for they were recent immigrants. Irish Roman Catholics tended to be poorer than native-born Protestant Americans, and because they were immigrant communities they behaved like immigrant communities the world over: they tended to live in the same neighbourhood, and to stick together closely. And this way of life was played up in the movies of the time. American cities prior to World War Two were racially-mixed places: there were various immigrant groups from Europe, there were black Americans, white Americans, Asians, etc. This racial mix was a tense one, and inevitably gangs were formed along racial lines. And Hollywood, in the silent movie era and then in the “Golden Age”, cast the Irish and later the Italian Roman Catholics in the roles of criminal lords, with the Roman Catholic religion itself often being associated with violence. 234

Why was this, if Hollywood was so Roman Catholic, and Irish Romanists were already making movies by 1924? One reason was because this was the reality of that era. But another major reason was because movies, at the end of the day, are still about making money for the moviemakers, and the fact was that at that time, huge numbers of moviegoers lived in the Roman Catholic ghettoes of American cities. By 1930, 20% of the entire population of the United States was Papist; and where were they concentrated? In cities. Specifically, the cities of the eastern U.S. Throughout the twentieth century, in fact, over half of the citizens of Boston and Chicago were Roman Catholics. 235 Very naturally, then, Papist moviemakers catered for this large moviegoing audience. Even the Jewish studio owners and moviemakers realised the lucrative importance of doing so. Jews and Papists were the ones who ran the vaudeville houses, which in time became the nickelodeons (small converted storefront theatres which charged a nickel for admission) and then the movie theatres. Thus the movies of that time were produced by Jewish and Papist immigrants and their children, and they were produced for predominantly Papist immigrants and their children; and such movies would be ones in which those Papist audiences saw some relationship between their everyday lives and what they viewed at the movies. Hence the emphasis on Irish Roman Catholicism, and the connection between that and the criminal underworld of the large American cities. These themes appealed to the Roman Catholic audiences precisely because these were the very realities that dominated their lives as struggling immigrant communities: their “Church” and the criminal underworld of their ghettoes, and the close relationship between the two.

The Irish in America, during Hollywood’s “Golden Age”, dominated the screen portrayals of American Romanism. “The Irish were Hollywood’s Catholics par excellence, full of whiskey and faith, and prone to fighting, politics, and vocations.” 236 At the time, and for a long time afterwards, American Romanism was in large measure Irish- American Romanism. Even when, at a later period, they no longer exercised such great dominion over American Romanism, they were still perceived to exercise it, in the popular mind. To many Americans, and even to many people outside America with any knowledge of American Romanism, “Irish” and “Roman Catholic” are virtually synonymous – because for such a long time this was undoubtedly true.

And Hollywood capitalised on this, with so many movies portraying Irish Romanists over the decades: to name just a few, The Lad from Ireland (1910), Rory O’More (1911), The Gypsies of Old Ireland (1917), Cecilia of the Pink Roses (1918), Knights of the Eucharist (1922), Little Old New York (1923), The Lights of Old Broadway (1925), In Old Chicago (1938), right up to The Song of Bernadette in 1943, Going My Way in 1944 and others that followed (and which will be examined below in due course).

George Bernard Shaw Exposes Papist Control of Hollywood

In 1936 the famous Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw – a man unfriendly to any religion – exposed the Papist control of Hollywood. And it shook Protestant Americans. Shaw’s play, St. Joan, was to become a Hollywood movie, but an organisation he called “Azione Cattolica” (Catholic Action) intervened to prevent it. He slammed the work of the Hays Office as “meddling by amateur busybodies who do not care that the work of censorship requires any qualification beyond Catholic baptism.” He also said that “very few inhabitants of the United States, Catholic or Protestant, lay or secular, have the least suspicion that an irresponsible Catholic society has assumed public control of their artistic recreations.”

These accusations were indignantly denied by Hays himself, of course. Later, in an interview, Shaw said that before the furore over St. Joan erupted, “not one American in 50,000 had the faintest suspicion that the film art for which his country is famous was, in effect, under a Catholic censorship, which was bound as such to operate as a doctrinal censorship as well as a common-decency censorship.” 237

And Meanwhile, Communist Influence in Hollywood was Growing…

In Europe, Jews had supported Communism from its very earliest days. And in America, for a long time already, Jewish intellectuals had formed a very large minority within the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA). From 1935 onwards their numbers and influence within the Party grew even greater, for the CPUSA joined with other leftist organisations in what was called the Popular Front, and it actively wooed Jews into membership. It was estimated, by a top Communist, that during the 1930s and 1940s something like 50% of the CPUSA membership was Jewish, and of the Party leaders a large minority were Jews – a minority that at times became a majority. 238

And Jews were just as influential over the CPUSA’s Hollywood branch. A fairly reliable estimate would be that there the membership was well over half, perhaps as much as two-thirds of the Party.

Why was it that so many Jews were attracted to Communism? It was a liking for the assimilationist policies of Communism, the idea of a classless society, which appealed to Jews who had been underdogs in so many societies for so many centuries. They wanted to destroy what they perceived as the “Christian” society which had rejected them for so long, persecuted them, and still kept them down. And then too, as Nazism rose in strength and threatened Jews throughout Europe, Communism was seen as the only force powerful enough to squash Hitler.

And this Jewish-dominated CPUSA realised the massive potential of Hollywood as a vehicle for promoting Communism. With this in mind, two of its members, V.J. Jerome and Stanley Lawrence, were sent to Hollywood to work for this very goal. Jerome was the chairman of the CPUSA’s Cultural Commission. He eloquently sought to persuade Hollywood writers of their unique value to the Communist movement. His words were like music to the ears of these writers – many of whom were Jewish. Hollywood writers were portrayed as industrial workers, just like the other industrial workers the Communists were stirring up. And it worked: “by the time Jerome departed for the East after nine months of agitating in Hollywood, the Party had a firm hold in the film community; estimates ranged as high as three hundred members during the decade from 1936 to 1946 – nearly half of them writers.” 239 A Jewish screenwriter, John Howard Lawson, was now in charge of the Hollywood branch of the Communist Party. Hollywood was being Communised – primarily by Jewish Communists.

In Hollywood in 1936, various radical activists wanting to use Marxism to oppose Nazism formed the Hollywood League Against Nazism, which was renamed the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League. This organisation gave every indication of being a Communist front, working hard to promote leftwing causes, especially condemning the German Nazis, but also supporting the leftwing closet Communist, Franklin D. Roosevelt. It published Hollywood Now every two weeks, and sponsored two weekly radio programmes.

The Threat of Nazism to the Hollywood Jewish Elite

As Hitler’s power increased and his hatred of Jews became more and more evident, the Jewish elite in Hollywood found themselves in a spot. These first-generation Hollywood Jews – the big-name studio bosses who had built Hollywood – had tried their whole lives long to turn their backs on their Jewish roots, culture, and religion. But now Hitler was threatening their people.

As seen previously, Louis B. Mayer was a friend of the influential newspaper man (and Roman Catholic), William Randolph Hearst. Mayer asked Hearst to talk to Hitler, and this Hearst did, after which he reported to Mayer that all was well. This reassured Mayer. Many Jewish moguls simply took the position of Adolph Zukor of Paramount: he said Hollywood should stay away from making movies of political significance and stick to entertainment alone. They desperately wanted to be seen as Americans first and only as Jews second – if at all. They had spent their lives doing all they could to assimilate as Americans and play down or ignore their Jewishness. And if they were now seen to be openly opposing Nazism, they feared this would simply draw attention to themselves as Jews, and thus (in the eyes of many Americans) as foreigners controlling this huge industry of Hollywood. In addition, as was pointed out by Hy Kraft, a screenwriter working for the Anti-Nazi League, “It was a matter of business. The motion picture companies had large interests in Europe for distribution of their pictures.” 240 So they did not want to offend the Nazis in Europe for fear of losing money, or perhaps even their business interests there.

It was only when the elite Hollywood Jews began to feel threatened by Nazis in Hollywood itself, and when the Nazis closed down their distribution offices in Germany (in the case of Warner Brothers, the Nazis murdered their representative in Germany), that they were galvanised into action against Nazism.

The Los Angeles Nazi Bund was targeting the Jews of Hollywood, through its periodicals and via radio. A meeting of Jewish film executives was called on 13 March 1934 to see what they could do to counter the Nazi attacks on them. There was fear at the meeting, but also anger. Louis B. Mayer called for retaliation, and a committee was formed to raise funds to counter the Nazi onslaught against them. All the major Jewish studios were represented: MGM, Columbia, Twentieth Century, Warner Brothers, Paramount, Fox, and RKO. This committee later became the Community Relations Committee (CRC).

The committee’s work, however, was defensive; the Jewish movie executives were not prepared to become as radical as the Jewish Communist writers of Hollywood, who were far more aggressive in combatting Nazism. The Jewish Marxists’ Hollywood Anti- Nazi League was not only opposed by the Nazis, but by the Jewish Hollywood elite as well. The CRC tried very hard to persuade the Anti-Nazi League to change its name to the Hollywood Anti-Nazi, Anti-Communist League!

Here was a strange spectacle indeed: the rich Hollywood Jewish executives at odds with the Hollywood Jewish writers and others, because of opposing positions. The executives were opposed not only to Nazism, but to Communism, but they just could not seem to understand that the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League was comprised of liberals, Socialists and Communists who only opposed Nazism, not Communism!

In early 1936, Jewish executives and writers again got together to thrash out what kind of response they should make to what Hitler was doing; but the meeting, which went on into the early hours of the morning, broke down into serious squabbling between the different factions. The older, conservative Jewish executives wanted to remain quiet about Hitler, whereas the younger, leftwing and Communist Jewish writers wanted a far more militant stance against him. But as the year progressed, even a number of the conservative Jewish executives began to start speaking out against Nazism, albeit timidly at first. Louis B. Mayer now called on the USA to join with Britain in opposing Germany.

Finally, some four hundred movers and shakers within the movie industry gathered together to commit themselves to openly warring against any cause that was threatening the United States. It may have meant Communism especially, but it meant Fascism as well. They were being careful to emphasise that both Stalin and Hitler must be condemned.

The Legion’s Desire for Papists to Replace Jews as Directors and Screenwriters

The Legion of Decency, for some time after it first began, entertained the hope that Roman Catholic directors and screenwriters would replace the Jewish ones, thereby influencing films for “good” (as Rome understood the word). The bishop, Cantwell, was certainly in favour of it, telling the bishop McNicholas that such work was at that time “largely in the hands of Jews and people without any faith”. In 1936 some Roman Catholic colleges gave consideration to starting screenwriting courses, and the Jesuit publication, America, called on Roman Catholics to compete with the “heretics, pagans and infidels” who were churning out the movies. It stated that “priests and nuns… Catholic husbands and wives… altar boys and first communion girls” would provide “sure-fire dramatic material. A Catholic wedding, with a white veiled bride, is intensely more dramatic than a ten minute marriage before a Justice of the Peace, wearing a sign-on-the-dotted- line look, chewing a cigar, and surveying a shot-gun in the comer.” But as one researcher dryly remarked in response to this, “the market for films about altar boys and first communion girls was obviously limited.” 241 Quite. The heart of man naturally runs in the direction of excitement and thrills, especially those of a sexual or violent nature. Pro-Papist films would only appeal to Papists, and not even to all of them; films with violence and sex appealed to all unregenerate people.

Breen Crams Papist Ethics “Down the Throat of the Jews”

Joe Breen himself viewed his role as something of a divine calling. Jesuit priest Gerard B. Donnelly, visiting the Breen Office in 1936, reported as follows, as he listened to Breen’s fulminations: “Anybody else in the job would be too polite, wouldn’t fight, wouldn’t curse; the studios would mistake politeness for weakness and ride roughshod over the Code. But he [Breen] could fight, he could yell louder than [Jack] Warner or [Sam] Goldwyn; he was the one man who could thrust morality down their gullets. The hand of God had been there.” Neither Breen nor Donnelly, apparently, saw the contradiction in a cussing, swearing Papist lecturing others about morality! Romish morality has never been averse to swearing, among other things. Donnelly went on, making use of Breen’s own words about himself, about “the horrible state of affairs that would be in existence if he [Breen], a Catholic, were not sitting at the bottle neck, the rotten filth that would be in the pictures. And more than that – the hand of God (he said) had been in this whole thing.”

Yes, Breen believed his job was a calling; a divine vocation. And his religious leaders believed it too. They loved having Breen there, for Hollywood was in the palms of their hands as a result, even though Jews ran the studios. Hollywood belonged to Rome. Donnelly wrote of Breen, “He was the one man in the country who could cram decent ethics down the throat of the Jews, make them like it, and keep their respect.” 242

The House Committee on Un-American Activities

Back in 1934, a Jewish-American in New York, Samuel Dickstein, introduced a resolution for the creation of a committee to investigate Nazism in the United States. The bill was passed, and the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) came into being. But many viewed it as a “Jewish bill” and German-Americans picketed the last session of the committee with signs saying things like “Heil Hitler” and “Down with Dickstein.” In 1937 he again introduced a bill for the creation of another such committee. This time, however, he was trumped by a Texas Democrat named Martin Dies, who submitted a resolution for the creation of his own HUAC. Dies became its chairman. He was viewed by many Jews as anti-Semitic, and with good reason, for despite his denials he certainly associated openly with certain pro-Nazis. For example, the first investigator for the HUAC was a speaker for the Nazi Bund. And then there were others who were decidedly anti-Semitic and yet who collaborated with the HUAC, such as Joseph R Kemp, the publisher of a Fascist magazine; William Dudley Pelley, head of the pro-Nazi Silver Shirts; and James Colescott, Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

Thus, although the original HUAC was created for the investigation of Nazism within America, this second HUAC had no such interest. Its interest was in investigating Communism in America, not Nazism. Of course, both Nazism and Communism were anti-American, but sadly Jews – so many of whom were pro-Communist – only wanted the HUAC to investigate Nazism because of its threat to Jews, and the HUAC Gentiles – so many of whom were pro-Nazi – only wanted the HUAC to investigate Communism. It is a tragic fact that in that era, and so often afterwards as well, many who were anti-Communist were pro-Nazi, and vice versa.

We will hear more of the HUAC.

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938): Never Let the Facts Get in the Way

This film by Michael Curtiz, and starring Errol Flynn, was immensely popular at the time and was passed by the Breen Office – and yet the Roman Catholicism in the film (such as there was) was reduced to little more than slapstick humour and was never taken seriously. For example, Friar Tuck made people laugh but certainly did not engender real, deep respect for Romanism, and in other ways the Romish religion was not treated seriously in the film. It would appear that the film passed the Breen Office scrutiny because it did not attack Romanism outright. After all, as everyone who knows the story of Robin Hood is well aware, many of the villains in the story are the greedy, fat, pompous, persecuting bishops of Rome and other Popish leaders. This fact was well known to screenwriter Roland Leigh as well, but he did not want to offend with the film and stated: “Undoubtedly in medieval times the church took unwarranted liberties with its power and influence. Equally undoubtedly we have no desire to offend either the Catholic or Protestant church of today… a tactful compromise will have to be arrived at.” 243 So: in the usual Hollywood fashion, never mind the facts, never mind the historical setting, throw these out if they offend modem movie audiences. Why let the facts stand in the way of a good story? And so, instead of Robin Hood opposing the greed and oppression of the Romish hierarchy of his day (which would offend Roman Catholic film audiences), almost the only nod to Roman Catholicism in the film was Friar Tuck’s jovial behaviour. Breen could pass it. History had been safely set aside, and audiences would not be misled by the truth. This was the legacy of the Breen Office and of the Legion of Decency: to avoid giving offence to Roman Catholics, including ignoring the truth about their bloodthirsty, greedy religion.

Angels with Dirty Faces (1938): the Prototype for the Movie Priest-Hero

This film, starring Irish-American Pat O’Brien as a priest, was a triumph for Rome. After its success, Hollywood producers knew that in the Roman Catholic priest they had found a new movie hero for the times. A hero, moreover, who would certainly make Joe Breen as happy as could be.

This film was the prototype for many other images of urban Roman Catholics and their lifestyles. It was about a fighting priest who challenged underworld vice. Despite the fact that the producer, director and writer were all Jews, it was a strongly pro-Papist film through and through, and the Romanism of the film was maintained by the two Irish-American actors, Pat O’Brien and James Cagney, both of whom had been raised as Romanists, and who, in Cagney’s words, “knew the ceremonial forms [of Romanism] and very well did we know them”, 244 and insisted on the authenticity of Roman Catholic ritual in the film.

Boys Town (1938): a Fighting Irish Priest at the Centre

This film was a great success, depicting a fighting Irish Romish priest, played by Spencer Tracy, who depicted real-life Romish priest Edward J. Flanagan, a personal friend of his. In fact, when he won an Academy Award for this part, Tracy gave the Oscar to Flanagan with this inscription: “To Father Edward J. Flanagan, whose great human qualities, kindly simplicity and inspiring courage were strong enough to shine through my humble efforts.” 245

U.S. Romanism: Anti-Communist, Pro-Nazi, Pro-Fascist

In the United States, the Roman Catholic hierarchy was solidly behind Franco in Spain, behind Hitler in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy, and just as solidly anti-Communist. In fact, at their annual meeting in 1936 the American bishops voted to make a study of U.S. Communism so as to combat it. The hierarchy felt that Nazism and Fascism could be used to combat Communism, which was in line with the Vatican’s support for Hitler, Mussolini and Franco, who were all Roman Catholics and were serving the Vatican’s interests. Various influential Roman Catholics warned of the growing Communist menace in Hollywood. Quigley warned McNicholas after the 1936 meeting of bishops that American Communists were seeking to harness Hollywood to serve their interests, and that the Legion would have a real battle on its hands. A few years later he stated that Communism was now so strong in Hollywood that the fight against “Red propaganda would make the battle for decency [the reason the Legion had come into being in the first place] seem a skirmish.” 246

In 1936 Joe Breen stated that he could see there was a very definite attempt to get Communist propaganda into an increasing number of Hollywood films. Even allowing for the likelihood that Breen may have seen more than was actually there, it cannot be denied that the Communist movement saw the immense power of movies, and was seeking to harness that power. And priest Daly issued a similar warning. Then in 1938 John J. McClafferty reported at length to McNicholas on what he perceived to be the growing Communist take-over of Hollywood.

In 1939 the film Confessions of a Nazi Spy was released, just before the outbreak of the Second World War. The film dealt with the Nazi threat to the United States; but a Breen staff member, Karl Lischka, attempted to delay production, stating it was unfair to depict Hitler as “a screaming madman and a bloodthirsty persecutor”, considering his “unchallenged political and social achievements”. Breen himself gave the film a seal because it was based on a true spy case, but priest McClafferty labelled it as Communist propaganda. And the Jesuit publication, America, a month before the attack on Pearl Harbour, stated that Hollywood was promoting Communism. Occasionally some Romanist would admit that Hitler was also doing evil things, but seldom if ever was it stated to be as evil as Communism. For example, in the IFCA’s Quarterly Bulletin the question was posed: “Have you ever noticed in motion pictures the present tendency to deplore Hitlerism and all its concomitant atrocities, and to gloss over or even to make light of the work of Stalin?” The message was clear: Hitlerism may have been bad, but Stalinism also was, and much worse.

These Roman Catholics were not simply pro-Nazi because they were anti-Communist, although that was of course a major part of it; but it must be remembered that they were pro-Nazi because Roman Catholicism was pro-Nazi.

Thus two extremely powerful forces were at work in Hollywood at this time: Communism, which was most certainly seeking to use Hollywood to promote its agenda, and was even succeeding to some extent; and Romanism, which at that time was firmly anti-Communist, and was doing its best to combat Communism, even if it meant supporting Nazism.

Blockade (1938): Papist Anger at a Perceived Communist Film

This film, inspired by the Spanish civil war, caused an outcry from American Roman Catholics. It had been written by John Howard Lawson and directed by William Dieterle, two men whom priest McClafferty had stated were leading leftists in Hollywood. Breen had declared that the script would only be approved by him if there was absolutely nothing in the movie tying the story to either side in the Spanish civil war. The last thing Rome wanted was a film depicting its hero, Franco, in a bad light. And so, to get past the censors, the film’s hero fights in an army without a name, against an enemy that is never identified. But even such radical steps were not enough. Despite the precautions, Life magazine declared that those who read the newspapers “will see in Blockade a stem indictment of General Franco’s war, a passionate polemic for the humble Spaniards fighting for Republican Spain.” All this horrified the Papist censors of the PCA and the Legion, with Will Hays (a non-Papist himself) telling priest McClafferty that he always remembered the words of the pope, Pius XI, spoken to him (Hays) in a private papal audience. Pius had said it was Hays’ responsibility to keep Communist propaganda from being depicted in films, and he had shown Hays a communication from Stalin to Communist Party leaders worldwide, ordering them to take control of the movie industries wherever possible. 247 Nevertheless, even though Hays believed Breen had erred in granting a seal to the film, he felt that if the Legion attempted to prevent the showing of it, this would be even worse.

After Martin Quigley had met with the producer, Walter Wagner, Wagner agreed to add a foreword to the film. This foreword, written by Quigley himself, stated: “This story of love and adventure is not intended to treat with or take sides in the conflict of ideas involved in the present Spanish crisis.” The Legion, however, felt that this was not strong enough. But what could be done? The Legion had been formed to protect Rome’s moral values, not deal with political issues, and if it condemned the film it would certainly give the impression that it was overstepping its boundaries – an impression it certainly did not want to give, even though it desperately wanted to extend its power. So in the end, it classified the film in its “special” category, with the following words of explanation: “Many people will regard this picture as containing foreign political propaganda in favour of one side in the present unfortunate struggle in Spain.” This was at McClafferty’s suggestion. Of course, Rome did not view the Spanish conflict as “unfortunate” at all, and it most certainly favoured one side in the conflict! The hypocrisy here was probably lost on most if not all of the Legion’s members. Their “Church” always had double standards.

Roman Catholic priests and organisations came out with guns blazing against the movie for what they called its pro-Red, anti- Christian (meaning anti-Romanist) message. There were picket lines in several cities. The film studios got a fright, but they were ultimately victorious in this particular battle because the film was not deemed morally objectionable, only politically so, and thus the Legion’s hands were tied to a large extent.

The House Committee on Un-American Activities Turns Its Attention on Jewish Hollywood

In May 1939, Martin Dies, the anti-Jewish, anti-Communist head of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, began to cast his and the committee’s eyes towards the Jews controlling Hollywood. “It was apparent,” he said, “that un-Americanism had made more progress in California and on the West Coast than in any other part of the country.” And: “I told the producers we had reliable information that a number of film actors and screen writers and a few producers either were members of the Communist Party, followed the Communist line, or were used as dupes, and that there was evidence that the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League was under the control of Communists.” 248 In this he was certainly correct, as we have seen previously. It is just such a pity that in combatting the dreadful menace of Communism and its efforts to infiltrate Hollywood so as to use that powerful medium for Red propaganda purposes, the HUAC did not show the same zeal, or even interest, in combatting that other dreadful menace, Nazism. As shown previously, various HUAC collaborators were decidedly pro- Nazi and against the Jews just because they were Jews, rather than being solely against Jews who were Communists. This meant that the HUAC investigations into Hollywood took on the decided appearance of being an anti-Jewish witch-hunt. The HUAC did not make a clear distinction between Jews who were Communists in Hollywood, and Jews in general.

There is the possibility, also, that the older Jewish producers, who, as shown previously, were often anti-Communist, had actually invited Dies and his committee to come to Hollywood to investigate the radical leftwingers within the Hollywood writers’ fraternity, and even to help destroy the Screen Writers Guild. For it will be remembered that Hollywood’s writers were often decidedly pro-Communist. If this is indeed what they had done, little did the producers realise that Dies would not be content with merely investigating the writers, but the entire Hollywood industry for Communist subversion.

In July 1940 the HUAC work began. A former Communist, John L. Leech, told Dies in closed session that Hollywood was a major centre of Communist subversion, and he gave Dies a list of 42 members, sympathisers and contributors to the Communist Party. These had to face Dies and answer for themselves. But after a month Dies declared that it was all over. The whole thing just seemed to fizzle out, at least for the time being.

Then the Second World War touched America, and the menace of Communism receded somewhat into the background as attention was focused on the menace of Nazism. But the HUAC would be revived after the war, as will be seen.

The Hollywood Jews Support the War Against Nazism

Warner Brothers decided to make anti-Nazi movies, even though Harry Warner had reservations about doing so, being concerned that such movies would be interpreted by non-Jews as having been made by Jews just because they were Jews. When Europe went to war, however, the Warners wired President Roosevelt that “personally we would like to do all in our power within the motion picture industry and by use of the talking screen to show the American people the worthiness of the cause for which the free peoples of Europe are making such tremendous sacrifices.” 249

The Hollywood Jews were worried, and they had reason to be. There were many in America itself who sided with Hitler and hated the Jews. In late 1940 the Papist Joseph P. Kennedy, the U.S. ambassador to England but a man suspected of being pro-Nazi, went to Hollywood and at a meeting he requested, addressed the Jewish executives. He called on them to remain neutral, for Britain had not won the war yet. He very forcefully told them that anti-Nazi films should not be made, that anti-Semitism was on the increase in Britain, and that there were those who were blaming the Jews for the war. In America itself, a large percentage of the population deeply distrusted Jews, and furthermore there were those who felt that their control over Hollywood was being used to push America into the war. Movies, in a word, were being used for pro-war propaganda purposes, which infuriated those Americans who were opposed to getting involved in the conflict in Europe. A Senate sub-committee was appointed to investigate, and the Hollywood Jews had to appear before it.

But they came out with guns blazing, defending themselves – and they had the support of the president himself. The sub-committee adjourned to consider the information that had been gathered, but then Pearl Harbour was attacked and America was brought into the war anyway.

The Office of War Information (OWI) Steps into Hollywood

With the outbreak of World War Two, the Breen Office was forced, against its will, to make certain changes; certain capitulations to the times. Will Hays and Joe Breen wanted Hollywood, even in war time, to provide nothing but entertainment, and not to be used for war propaganda. Nor would the Production Code Administration’s standards be lowered in the least to permit more profanity, etc. The Office of War Information (OWI), however, saw things differently.

The United States’ Roosevelt Administration realised that Hollywood could be a powerful ally in winning over Americans to the idea of entering into the Second World War. So the federal government created the OWI, its purpose being to use film, radio and the press to build public understanding of and support for the war; i.e. to coordinate wartime propaganda across the civilian media. Movies, of course, were ideal tools for this, and Elmer Davis, the director of the OWI, set it out very well when he stated that the “easiest way to inject a propaganda idea into most people’s minds is to let it go in through the medium of an entertainment picture when they do not realize that they are being propagandized.” 250 The OWI established a special unit called the Motion Picture Bureau for this purpose, and published a booklet entitled Government Information Manual for the Motion Picture Industry. This manual wanted film-makers to ask, regarding each film, “Will This Picture Help Win the War?” The OWI wanted moviemakers to present the war as a “people’s war”, with America united against Fascism and in alliance with Russia, Britain and China. This meant that Hollywood effectively now had not one but two supervisory agencies – the PCA and the OWI – and not one but two guidebooks – the Production Code and the Information Manual. The manual became in effect a second Hollywood code during the war years, with Hollywood producers being asked to submit their scripts to the OWI for examination. It was inevitable that there would be a clash.

Joseph Breen had long opposed any propaganda in films, censoring those which contained political content deemed to be such. The OWI, however, believed that the PCA’s Code “lulled the home front” and “impeded the war effort”. To the OWI, the PCA was fiddling while Rome burned, arguing over morality in pictures when it should have been employed in the service of the war effort.

During those years, then, Breen and the PCA were often pretty much limited to moral issues, whereas the OWI controlled the political content of the movies.

The fact that hundreds of Hollywood executives and other Hollywood people had been commissioned to make training and propaganda movies for the war was something that did not sit well with the U.S. Congress; and in early 1943 another Senate committee was established to investigate. But it did not come to any firm conclusion. The truth is that during the war Hollywood’s Jews produced many films showing up Nazism as evil and the Allies’ cause as just. But the Jewish moviemakers were not doing this solely because they were Jews and Nazism was anti-Jewish; they wanted to make these films to show all Americans how patriotic, how American, they (the Hollywood Jews) really were. As two examples: Jack Warner said, “I want all our films to sell America ‘long’ not ‘short.’ My brothers and I are examples of what this country does for its citizens. There were no silver spoons in our mouths when we were born. If anything, they were shovels. But we were free to climb as high as our energy and brains could take us.” And the president of Paramount, Barney Balaban, said, “We, the industry, recognize the need for informing people in foreign lands about the things that have made America a great country.” And he added, “We are prepared to take a loss in revenue if necessary.” 251

Breen’s decided antipathy to the American government using Hollywood for propagandists, pro-American films during World War Two sprung, without question, from his Roman Catholicism. The pope of Rome at the time, Pius XII, was pro-Nazi and anti-Communist, 252 but many Roman Catholics were unaware of his pro-Nazi position. Breen was anti-Nazi and anti-Communist; and America’s close relations with Soviet Russia and with Stalin (via pro-Socialist President Roosevelt) filled him with concern. America and Russia may have been allies against their common enemy Nazism, but Breen did not view this as a good thing. In this he was certainly right. And what is more, he saw that Hollywood itself had become to such a large extent decidedly pro- Communist. As we have seen, Hollywood was dominated by Jews, and many Jews were Communists. “Hollywood films such as Mission to Moscow (1943), a starry-eyed whitewash of Stalinism, and Song of Russia (1944), an anthem to the noble heart of Mother Russia, were celluloid testimony to the affection between Hollywood and Moscow, something that before the war would have been unimaginable, and would be so again soon after.” 253 Hollywood had immense power to influence public opinion, and always has had. The evidence is seen in western society today, where leftist causes and pro-Marxist positions, promoted by Hollywood, are now fashionable and have been for decades. Breen, like many Papists of his generation, rightly saw the danger of Communism and its subversive tactics against the West, even while they could not see the dangers of their own Roman Catholic religion.

So Breen was firmly against the OWI, saying in an interview that it had “set out to use the screen to propagandize for selfish if not sinister purposes.” He added that the OWI personnel was dominated by “the short haired women and long haired men type.” When the interviewer asked what he meant by that, he replied, “Pink ”. 254

When Mission to Moscow was released in 1943, the difficulty for the Papist censors was that it contained no morally objectionable scenes, so they could not condemn it, even though it portrayed Stalin in a good light and was thus extremely objectionable, politically, to the Legion. President Roosevelt, arch-Socialist that he was, had encouraged the making of the film precisely because he believed it would improve relations between the USA and USSR. The strongest action the Legion could take was to give it a rating of “A2”, meaning “suitable for adults”. There was no question that the film was Red propaganda, and plenty of angry letters from Roman Catholics to priest McClafferty of the Legion made this point clear, but there was nothing more he could have done. The Legion was created to condemn morally objectionable films, not politically objectionable ones.

But of course, the Legion of Decency was extremely opposed to any pro-Red films, and longed for more to be done about them. The film, For Whom the Bell Tolls, about the Spanish civil war, was one which caused great concern to the Papist censors. “The Spanish consul in San Francisco had even asked the church to suppress the film, but Quigley warned McClafferty that any attempt to oppose it on anything other than moral grounds would be ‘political dynamite.”’ 255 After Breen had worked the film over, so that it no longer mentioned Franco or the Republican forces, the Legion gave it a “B” classification for various moral reasons.

How World War Two Changed Hollywood – and American Morals

At this time the film studios once again started to push the limits, with racier dialogue and sexier scenes. It caused Will Hays to meet with the studio bosses in 1940 to express the Legion’s increasing concerns. One such film, which the Legion condemned, was My Darling Daughter (1939), a film about premarital sex. Breen only approved it after Warner Brothers agreed that there would be no hint of any illicit sex in the film, even though this was what the Broadway play, which the film was based on, was about. Breen may have approved it but the Legion was horrified, especially at the sexual dialogue and the implication of a trial marriage. It condemned the film. Warner eliminated the offensive scenes and lines, and the Legion then gave it a “B” classification.

Another film, This Thing Called Love (1941), was an opportunity for Hollywood writers to again attempt to introduce some suggestive lines and “sexiness” into a film, with another “trial marriage” theme. Breen’s PCA eventually passed it (reluctantly), the Legion very naturally condemned it, Columbia studio made the cuts, and the Legion then passed it with a “B” classification.

The Legion believed that Hollywood was attempting to destroy morality in America, via its treatment of marriage, divorce, and remarriage. What deeply troubled the Legion, too, was that it often felt it had to condemn a film which Breen and his PCA had approved. Breen himself, however, devout Papist that he was, was troubled as well. Complaining about Hollywood moral standards to Count Enrico Galeazzi, an influential Roman Catholic, Breen branded the USA a “nation of pagans”, and said that most Americans had by this time sunk so low that they no longer even professed a watered-down Protestant “Christianity”. 256 He believed a solution was for the bishops in Roman Catholic countries of Europe to lead boycotts of immoral movies. This would never have worked, however, because European Papist nations did not have their own versions of the Legion of Decency. Breen spoke to Quigley about doing what they could to deal strongly with films which treated divorce and remarriage sinfully, but Quigley, despite agreeing with Breen, felt that if the Code was amended in this way it would cause a backlash against the Roman Catholic “Church”. 257

Also in 1941, the film Two-Faced Woman was released. It was about a woman who, fearing she was losing her husband to another woman, posed as her twin sister to get her husband to fall in love with what he thought was a “sexier” version of his wife. It contained passionate love scenes and racy dialogue. The film was passed by the PCA, but the Legion was incensed and said it would be condemned if changes were not made. In addition, the powerful archbishop of New York, Francis Spellman, condemned the film in a letter that was read out at all masses in his diocese, calling it a “near occasion of sin”. In some places the film was banned, in others cuts were ordered. Many people were angered that the Romish “Church” had such power over what people could or could not see. The American Civil Liberties Union even got involved. This was the first time there was such a widespread public condemnation of the “Church” of Rome’s power over the movies, and it caused Romish leaders to go on the offensive. Martin Quigley even accused one periodical of acting like the Ku Klux Klan in its criticism of the Legion. Pressure continued to mount against the film, until MGM said it was withdrawing it pending discussions with the Legion. After the studio eliminated various scenes and much dialogue, the Legion classified it as a “B” and it was again released.

World War Two was to change the morals of Americans. The Legion, of course, was deeply concerned that the movies were playing a major part in lowering morality – as indeed they were. Breen recognised this, writing to priest McClafferty in 1944, “it would appear that there has been a near approach to what looks like a complete breakdown in the moral structure of the nation.” 258 Yet at the same time Breen, working as he did for the film industry, came to the conclusion that with the changing morality in society he would have to accept, to some extent, the changing morality of the movies.

Language in the movies became harsher and cruder, for example, yet more socially acceptable. But in this area the Breen Office continued to apply the same standards for language in films as it had before the war. This annoyed and angered the OWL It felt that if a film showed the Americans and the Allied forces in a good light, the Breen Office should turn a deaf ear to swear words and blasphemy. The need for such films in a time of war over-rode all other considerations, including those of decency and morality, it believed. The true Christian of course would state categorically that no circumstances justify a lowering of morality.

One such film was In Which We Serve (1942), a British film seen as patriotic and thus helpful to the wartime effort. But it contained certain expletives, considered mild by the public in those days, which caused the PCA to censor it. Another film it censored for the same reason was We Are the Marines (1942). This brought down upon the Breen Office a flood of criticism from many quarters. But Breen stood firm, stating, “the motion picture screen would do a very definite disservice to the growing boys and girls of America if we were to accustom them to harsh vulgarities, or worse, in screen dialogue.” 259

The PCA emerged victorious in this matter; but then, having won its point that the use of such words would be permitted at the sole discretion of the PCA when used by military men, it turned around and relaxed the provisions of the Code in the case of these two wartime films, because of the nature of the scenes in which certain words were used. Yet when the movie Air Force (1943) was submitted to the PCA, Breen insisted that an expletive which by then was considered mild be deleted; but as he also knew that the air force was on the film’s side and that public opinion would be on the air force’s side, he exercised the “sole discretion” granted to him and permitted the words to remain!

Breen, and even occasionally the Legion of Decency, applied double standards to their movie reviews. For example, when the movie Miracle of Morgan s Creek was released in 1943, it was okayed by the Breen Office and given a “B” rating by the Legion, the latter doing so because the movie was “very funny”. And yet this movie was about a young woman who becomes pregnant while drunk by a man she cannot remember afterwards. This hypocritical standard was very confusing to people, and the film generated a lot of angry letters from a concerned public.

Breen had changed, to some extent, with the times. For example, back in 1935 a film called Double Indemnity had not been granted the seal, because of the “general low tone and sordid flavor of the story”, and the fact that it contained an “adulterous sex relationship”; but in 1944 he approved a new script of the film, stating that “details of crime have become more common” in the intervening years “and adultery is no longer quite as objectionable.” 260 Breen, the Roman Catholic, was in fact serving two masters: Rome and Hollywood. And he was finding it a difficult juggling act. The Legion, on the other hand, usually (though not always) served only one master: Rome. This explains why in general, Legion standards were higher than Breen’s, but (as seen above) not always by much.

This again goes to show the subjective nature of this kind of censorship, when the Bible is not the standard.

Hollywood’s Strong Roman Catholic-Jewish Alliance at This Time

In the late 1930s and into the 1940s the Legion was extremely powerful, and moviemakers were not prepared to antagonise it, so they made films that painted the Roman Catholic religion in a very good light. One pro-Papist film after another was released by Hollywood, including some extremely successful ones: for example, Boys Town (1938), Angels with Dirty Faces (1938), The Fighting 69th (1940), Knute Rockne, All American (1940), The Song of Bernadette (1943), Going My Way (1944), and The Bells of St. Mary’s (1945). It was a period of Romanist advancement on a number of fronts in the United States, and a confident and powerful Romish hierarchy was going all out to Romanise America. And one of the ways it was doing so was through its huge influence over Hollywood. 261

In Hollywood there was thus a working alliance between Roman Catholics and Jews. But what did these two groups stand to gain by their strange alliance? Each group stood to gain much – and did. “Catholic censors, concerned to insinuate themselves into the heart of Jewish Hollywood, would eventually become themselves industry insiders by shaping production standards in ways that benefited the studios and punished independents and foreign rivals to the American movie industry. Jews would benefit from their efforts through box-office profits and in terms of increased cultural capital. By delivering high-minded and even sacred topics on-screen as antidotes to the charges of vulgarity that were launched against them by Catholics and Protestants, Jews joined Catholics as new participants in the American cultural and moral mainstream.” 262 Together they moulded America’s values and morals through the movies they made. “Catholics and Jews found themselves together in the movie industry and created a set of American values and practices that spoke to their own position as minority communities in what they perceived to be a Protestant America.” 263

But these two quotations only tell a part of the story. Yes, Jewish studio bosses, etc., stood to gain financially from the alliance, and by making themselves more acceptable in American society thereby. But Roman Catholics did not only gain a foothold in Jewish Hollywood or the position of industry insiders; they also gained immense influence and power over the reshaping of the United States of America in the Vatican’s image. Little did Protestant Americans realise how their lives, their values, their morals and practices would be moulded and formed and manipulated by Roman Catholic and Communist forces (often Jewish-dominated) through the decades. All thanks, to a vast extent, to Hollywood.

And yet voices were beginning to be raised against the Code and its enforcers:

Gone With the Wind (1939) and Rebecca (1940): Rumblings of Discontent Against the Code

Although Roman Catholic domination of Hollywood was almost total in the 1930s and first half of the 1940s, and the major studios submitted to the PCA and the Legion of Decency with barely a whimper, there were occasional but very serious challenges, at least from maverick producers. One of these was David O. Selznick, and another was millionaire Howard Hughes.

Breen was always wary of Selznick, saying he produced more unacceptable material in a year than any two larger studios did. Selznick, for his part, believed that the times had changed and Breen had not changed with them. After Selznick left MGM in 1939 he established his own film company, Selznick International. In that same year he produced Gone With the Wind, cementing his position as one of Hollywood’s “greats.” In that film, actor Clark Gable utters the word, “damn”. This became one of the most infamous utterances in Holly wood history. Joseph Breen, applying the Code firmly, stated that the line had to be cut from the film, although he sympathised with Selznick as the word was not used as a curse in that context; while Selznick, who was strongly opposed to movie censorship, resisted the strict application of the Code to the matter. Selznick also demonstrated that the word appeared in various magazines, including Ladies Home Journal, and had been used in a previous film in a similar way. He filed an appeal with the board of directors of the MPPDA, and eventually he emerged the victor and the line stayed in the film, being permitted by Will Hays. But the Breen Office came in for much criticism over its opposition to the word. Hollywood columnist Jimmie Fidler mocked Breen as “probably the only Irishman in history to be appalled by so mild an expletive”. 264 In truth, however, Breen, who was known to use far stronger language himself, was merely applying the letter of the law so to speak, when he tried to enforce the Code’s position on the use of such words. Selznick, meanwhile, called for a reform of the Code, branding it “dated”.

Martin Quigley believed, with Breen, that Will Hays’ decision had done much damage.

But the scene with the infamous word was not the only one to which Breen objected. In another scene in the film, a wounded man is brought to a brothel for medical attention. Breen did not want the brothel as the location. When one of Selznick’s assistants said to him that brothels were a reality of life, Breen pointed out that bathrooms were a reality as well and he went to one every morning, but that did not mean it should become part of a film. In the end, he allowed the brothel to stay in the film as long as nothing was shown that would make prostitution appear to be pleasant or exciting, so as not to stir lustful emotions in young people. 265

So very subjective! The only censorship there should be is that of the State for the protection of the physical lives and property of its citizens. This is the State’s God-given duty. Any other censorship, whether applied by the State or (as in this case) from religious or other institutions, oversteps that boundary and becomes each man doing what is right in his own eyes, censoring things which do not need to be censored, and not censoring things which should be.

In 1940 Selznick and Alfred Hitchcock (a Roman Catholic) made the film Rebecca, containing adultery, murder, and hints of abortion and lesbianism. Naturally Breen insisted on cuts to anything that smacked of abortion or sexual perversion, but in the novel on which the film was based, the murderer is not punished. This, of course, was also unacceptable to Breen, for he strongly believed that all crimes be punished in movies. To get around the problem, he suggested to Selznick that instead of a murder occurring in the film, the death should rather be an accidental one. Selznick had no choice but to agree if he wanted his film to see the light of day – but he was livid, and considered suing the Hays Office. He said that he would be a Hollywood hero for waging war against “so insane and inane and outmoded a Code as that under which the industry is now struggling.”

The movie, however, was a great success at the box office, and Selznick’s anger abated – for the time being. But he would not disappear. And he would challenge the Code, and thus the Roman Catholic “Church”, a few years later.

The Fighting 69th (1940): Rome’s Army Chaplains Exalted

In 1940 Warner Brothers released one of the most pro-Irish (and thus pro-Papist) films to date, a combat movie entitled The Fighting 69th. This film, “[bjesotted with near-toxic levels of blarney, brogues, and malarkey,” demonstrated the plain raw fact that Irish Romanism “was in full command of the center stage in American culture.” 266 The film was brimming with stereotypical Irish soldiers and an Irish priest-chaplain. This war film promoted Roman Catholicism by “recounting the glorious achievements of the Rainbow Division and its Irish Catholic contingent…. Pat O’Brien was unrelentingly pious and patriotic as Father Francis J. Duffy, the real life chaplain of the unit…. Father Duffy has a formal monument and his own park in the middle of Times Square, but another part of his legacy is Hollywood’s deification of this Irishman as the prototype for all chaplains in its pro war films. There’s a little of Father Duffy in every brave cinematic religious mentor leading his flock to glory and salvation.” 267

Still, even the production of this pro-Papist film was not without objectionable aspects as far as the Legion was concerned. Priest Devlin of the Los Angeles Legion attempted to get Warner Brothers to do something about what he called Duffy’s “religious indifferentism” in the film, i.e. his belief (at least as portrayed in the film) that all religions had merit and were acceptable to God. This of course was certainly not official Roman Catholic doctrine, which held that “outside the Church [of Rome] there is no salvation”. Devlin said that producers always sought to put “expressions of tolerance in the mouth of a character of a priest”, such as “all religions are good, we’re all going to Heaven by different routes”, “it doesn’t matter what your religion is so long as you have some religion.” He added that it was difficult to explain the Roman Catholic teaching of “tolerance” to the producers, and that “the best we can do is to have such expressions removed.” 268

The reason Devlin found it difficult to explain Rome’s teaching on tolerance to movie producers was very simple: Rome had no true teaching on tolerance! Biblical Christianity proclaims very clearly that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and to God the Father, for this is precisely what Christ Himself taught (Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12).

But tolerance is about allowing those of other religions to state their beliefs as well (even if one totally rejects them), and not persecuting those of other religions. The Papal system, of course, throughout history persecuted even unto death those who differed with her in matters of religion! It is not surprising, then, that film producers had an extremely difficult time trying to understand Rome’s view of “tolerance”. It was simply a myth, one shattered by centuries of bloodshed by fanatical Papists.

Breen’s Brief Resignation

Breen wrote to Jesuit priest Daniel Lord expressing his frustration with the Legion of Decency, which wanted more restrictions on films than he did; and in May 1941 he actually resigned as Hollywood censor – and, astoundingly, announced that he was going to be working for RKO studio as general manager. He gave assurances that RKO would conform to the Code. However, not even a year later he was fired, and again became Hollywood censor in 1942. Why was this done? Well, “the industry was unable to find a person on which Martin Quigley, the producers, the Catholic church, and Will Hays could agree. The Legion pressured Hays to agree that any replacement must be a Catholic; but which Catholic?” 269 The movie studios themselves were in favour of Breen’s return, and so it came about that he was re-appointed to his old post. But his brief attempt at moviemaking had publicly humiliated him.

Guadalcanal Diary (1943): a Huge Propaganda Boost for Rome’s Supposedly Anti-Nazi Stance

Two decades before the ecumenical movement proper would get off the ground in a big way, Hollywood films of the war era were promoting the concept of Roman Catholic-Protestant “unity”: that it did not matter whether an Allied soldier was Roman Catholic or Protestant – both were Christians and both were fighting on God’s side. In Guadalcanal Diary, within minutes of the film’s beginning it is made clear that there are Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish sailors all fighting side by side; the crew on deck sing the Protestant hymn, “Rock of Ages”; and then the Romish priest celebrates mass. And this was to be standard fare in war film after war film. “Almost every film featured a platoon or squad or barracks with WASPS, ethnic Catholics, and Jews”; but there was something more – a constant glorification of the Romish priest-chaplain, in particular: “The chaplains assigned to these units were frequently Irish Catholic giants with hearts of gold, dazzlingly fine psychological insights, and an encyclopedic grasp of moral theology. Hollywood glorified an almost endless parade of courageous [Papist] chaplains dragging men to safety, hearing last confessions, mending broken hearts, curing battle jitters, and anointing the dead. The heroic padre became a leading icon in Second World War films…. Master sergeants may have aided in teaching the manual of arms, but Irish Catholic priests in uniform were the drill instructors of the soul.” “Father Donnelly in Guadalcanal Diary, one of the most fully developed examples of this convention, can stand as a token of literally dozens of other Hollywood portraits of Catholic chaplains…. wherever the boys were, Father Donnelly or some other surrogate of Catholicism was there. Much was made of the Irish side of their priesthood. Irish chaplains tolerated drinking, dancing, and even wenching well enough; they even countenanced doubts, fears, and tears rather well. What they couldn’t stand, however, was cowardice or indecision; the lukewarm had no place in this holy war.” 270

Was this all just coincidental? By no means. It was a very deliberate strategy of the Romish hierarchy. And in typical Papist fashion, as shown from the quotation just given, various sins were tolerated as long as the Roman Catholic boys continued fighting bravely. Nothing new in this: Rome has always been very willing to overlook all kinds of sins as long as her soldiers have fought her wars so as to obtain the desired results. In the case of Romish American soldiers fighting Nazism, the desired result was to convince Protestant America that Romish soldiers were loyal Americans. It was also to have a back-up strategy in case Hitler lost the war: Rome could then claim to have been against Hitler all the time. Rome always backs both sides in a conflict, so as to cover all bases.

The Song of Bernadette (1943): Jewish Collaboration in Promoting a Papist “Saint”

In 1943 The Song of Bernadette was released and became extremely popular. This was a Roman Catholic epic about a nineteenth-century French peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, who claimed to have had visions of the virgin Mary. What was very significant about this movie was that it was a collaborative effort between Roman Catholics and Jews. How did this come about?

The movie was based on a novel, published the year before. But the author was not a Papist, he was a Jew! His name was Franz Werfel, and he had fled Nazi Czechoslovakia. Roman Catholics had sheltered him in Lourdes, which had been the home of Bernadette, and it had a famous Marian shrine where it was claimed that miracles happened. As a result, Werfel made a vow to tell the story of the “miracle” of the shrine of Lourdes. Fie vowed “that I would evermore and everywhere in all I wrote magnify the divine mystery and the holiness of man.” This in itself was a very Popish thing to do, of course, for Papists are fond of performing vows in return for what they believe to be answers to their prayers. This naturally then struck a cord with Papists. Accordingly, soon after he arrived in New York Werfel wrote The Song of Bernadette. It became a bestseller, and both Werfel’s escape from the Nazis and his writing of the novel were viewed by Papists as yet two more of Bernadette’s miracles.

It turns out, however, that Werfel’s authorship of the book was not so miraculous as Papists liked to believe. After all, his wife, who escaped with him, was a devout Papist! Furthermore, she was the widow of the composer Gustav Mahler, who, although bom a Jew, had been baptized as a Roman Catholic in 1897. With such a devout Papist for a wife, doubtless relentlessly whispering about Lourdes “miracles” and other Popish mumbo-jumbo into his ear, Werfel’s reverence for Bernadette was not at all surprising.

And Papists were thrilled to be able to take this book, written by a Jew yet praising a Papist “saint”, and promote it to largely Jewish- controlled Hollywood.

Roman Catholic and Jewish collaboration on the film was prominent from the start. The director was a devout Romish mystic, Henry King. The lead actress, Jennifer Jones (nee Phyllis Isley), had had convent schooling. The film’s musical score was by Alfred Newman, who, although he was a secular Jew, researched Romish choral, convent and liturgical music so as to produce the score. Checking on the accuracy of the movie’s religious details was a Romish priest, Cyrill Fischer, who had himself fled Europe after criticising Hitler and who had become Werfel’s friend, instructing him in detail about Romish rituals. 271

This working alliance between Jews and Romanists in the making of this film “illustrates how the ethical concerns and cultural position of Hollywood’s Jews could be articulated through the religious images of Catholics, another minority American religion.” 272 In other words, this film brought Jews and Papists together precisely because they were both religious minorities at the time, and shared a number of common concerns in Protestant America.

Jennifer Jones was praised by the Jesuit magazine, America, as the ideal choice for the lead role. It called her “an exemplary Catholic girl”, who had been “Prefect of her Sodality” and stated that she had “never missed a retreat while in school, and would absolutely not attend movies during Lent.” This gives us a good insight into Rome’s warped sense of what constitutes a “Christian”. But as it turned out, their “exemplary Catholic girl” was not so exemplary after all: her marriage was falling apart and she was having an affair with the married producer, David O. Selznick. 273

When the film was released, the Roman Catholic hierarchy went all out to see to it that it had massive exposure, including amongst influential leaders in politics and industry. 274 Director King was very happy with this. But an incident that occurred during the making of the film showed just how devout – and naive – this man was. The cinematographer, Arthur Miller, used a spotlight on Jennifer Jones to suggest the aura of sanctity that supposedly surrounded her character. But in an interview Miller said that King, the Papist mystic, did not know of the special spotlight, and actually took the halo which he saw around Jones to be (in Miller’s words) “something spiritual that had crept into the picture from heaven.” 275

And now, as David O. Selznick had done with Gone With the Wind, another maverick producer of this era, millionaire Howard Hughes, decided to challenge the Code and its enforcers. And the challenge he mounted would be a huge one.

The Outlaw (1943): Howard Hughes Challenges the Code

The super-wealthy Howard Hughes was fiercely opposed to the censorship stranglehold over the industry. In 1943 he released his film, The Outlaw, a western about Billy the Kid. “It was condemned by the Catholic Legion of Decency for almost a decade, denounced in pulpits from coast to coast, and banned by state and municipal censorship boards – and it broke box-office records wherever it was allowed to play.” 276

For the female lead, Hughes found 19-year-old Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell, and this movie turned her into the Hollywood star Jane Russell. It also “generated more publicity for an unknown actress (Jane Russell) than any other film in history.” 277 The script was certainly not historically accurate, and was (for its time) full of sexual material, including an implied rape of Russell’s character, a casual sexual relationship between Russell’s character and the two main male characters and no condemnation of it as being wrong, and Russell’s low-cut blouse. In addition the sheriff was killed and the criminal went unpunished. The Production Code Administration not surprisingly condemned the script, ordering Hughes to remove such things from it and saying that Russell’s body must not be exposed.

Now normally, whenever a studio received a PCA condemnation, it would rewrite the script to bring it into line with the Code. But Hughes refused to do so and went ahead with making the movie. After it was completed in 1941 it was reviewed by the PCA, which found it utterly unacceptable and refused to give it the seal of approval until offensive scenes were corrected. But Joseph Breen knew that Howard Hughes would probably not listen to him, and he told his boss Will Hays that Hughes would appeal. Breen said that The Outlaw went beyond any previous film in exposing or emphasising the female form. He sent a letter to every Hollywood studio letting them know that the PCA would not issue a seal of approval to any film which exposed or emphasised a woman’s body. Nevertheless, even without the Code seal, the film was shown – not by studio-affiliated theatres but by independent ones. And it raked in the bucks.

While launching a massive publicity campaign which successfully turned Jane Russell into a “star” even before she had been seen on the screen – billboards and magazine photo spreads were provocative in their exposure of her, all in preparation for the film’s release – Hughes demanded that the MPPDA board of directors hear his case. The end result was that the board upheld the PCA ruling, but told Hughes the seal of approval would be granted if he deleted about twenty-five feet of film (about a minute) in which Jane Russell’s cleavage was exposed. This amounted to something of a victory for Hughes, and Joseph Breen was unhappy about it. Hughes did as required, and the seal was issued. Hughes had in fact stared down the censors and won.

But instead of immediately releasing the film, Hughes stalled. Although the seal had been issued, state censorship boards insisted that more cuts be made to the film, and Twentieth Century-Fox grew nervous about distributing it. Hughes waited two years, releasing the film in 1943.

Breen was fuming, especially because Hughes took delight in rubbing Breen’s nose in the dirt, with such advertising for the film as, “The Picture That Couldn’t be Stopped!” Also, Hughes was claiming his film had been released with no cuts at all, which was untrue.

Roman Catholics wanted to know if their “Church” had approved the movie, and how the Legion of Decency had rated it. But the Legion’s National Office had not reviewed it, so the task was given to its San Francisco branch, which condemned it as immoral. And yet even so, when the film opened the public flocked to see it in huge numbers, and it made a fortune for Hughes. Clearly, Roman Catholics made up a very large proportion of those who went to see it, regardless of what their “Church” or their Legion said about it.

But Hughes again pulled the film, re-releasing it three years later in 1946, believing that it would do well even if he did not have Roman Catholic approval. The Legion condemnation of the film was still in force, but this did not concern him, and to make a point he deliberately opened the film in Chicago, the second most powerful Roman Catholic diocese in the United States and a place of solid support for the Legion of Decency. And he again made the claim that the film was screened “exactly as filmed”. Breen and the MPPDA (which had now been renamed the MPAA – the Motion Picture Association of America) were furious, and Hughes was held in violation of the Advertising Code. Breen demanded that Hughes surrender the film’s certificate of approval issued in 1941. Hughes refused and also sued the MPAA for millions of dollars, claiming it interfered with his ability to market the film, and an injunction prohibited the MPAA from acting against the film until the court had resolved matters. Knowing this would take months, Hughes continued to promote the film in the meantime. When it opened in Chicago, Roman Catholic protesters and picketers made a hue and cry, but the crowds flocked to see it and it did extremely well at the box office. And in a city such as Chicago, so very Papist, there can be no doubt that despite condemnation from the Legion, priests, picketers and protesters, huge numbers of those who went to see the film were Roman Catholics.

The film broke records in Los Angeles, and then opened in St. Louis, which was the diocese of Jesuit priest Daniel Lord. Protesters, mainly Roman Catholic children, marched with banners urging people to boycott the film, but when the police department’s Morality Squad decided there was nothing objectionable about it, police chased the child protesters away. Once again The Outlaw broke all box office records. And it did so in many other parts of the country as well.

And then, in 1949, after the film had already grossed over $3 000 000 for Hughes, he resubmitted The Outlaw to the MPAA, and the Code seal was re-issued. And both sides – Hughes and the MPAA – claimed victory.

But it was not all smooth sailing, for Popish pressure was immense. Nationwide, Roman Catholic groups protested against the movie, and did so for several years. Bishops blasted the film as corrupting and destructive of morals. A bishop in Galveston, Texas, called for a year-long boycott of Loew’s theatres in Houston, and in Philadelphia the cardinal, Dennis Dougherty, threatened theatre owner William Goldman with a year-long boycott by Roman Catholics of any of his theatres that showed the movie. Dougherty also forbade Roman Catholics from seeing it, and declared that any newspaper advertising it would be condemned from the pulpit. According to Variety magazine, “roving bands of Catholics” threatened theatre owners. Local officials in heavily Roman Catholic areas supported the Romish leadership’s opposition to the film. Hughes even attempted to bribe priest Devlin, film advisor to Cantwell the bishop, to get the film reclassified.

The Legion’s priest McClafferty suggested the changes that would need to be made to the film before the Legion could reconsider, and Hughes agreed to comply with at least some of these. But William Scully, the bishop of Albany, when approached by McClafferty, said that the film should be pulled from circulation for some time and then re-issued once the cuts and changes had been made. Hughes then said he would revise the film’s ending, and publicly state that he had made changes to the film at the Legion’s request, in exchange for a lifting of the Legion’s condemnation. He also said that in future, all his films would first have to receive Legion approval before he would release them. But the Episcopal Committee decided not to negotiate further with him.

Hughes then approached Martin Quigley and asked for his advice on what should be changed in the film to make it receive Legion approval. Quigley told him, and Hughes accepted and made most of the changes Quigley recommended. But this time Hughes warned Quigley that if the Legion still refused to reclassify his film, he would use advertisements in the press to charge the Roman Catholic “Church” with acting as an extra-legal national censorship board.

Quigley accepted the new version of the film and approached the Legion, which for various reasons very reluctantly agreed to re open negotiations with Hughes. Hughes, for his part, said he would substitute the new verison for the old; he eliminated the idea of rape in one scene; he shortened a bedroom scene; and he added an epilogue which was meant to convey the message that crime does not pay. The Legion, still reluctantly, reclassified it with a “B” rating in 1949. But a number of Romish leaders were very unhappy with the decision.

It was now obvious that times were slowly beginning to change. No longer would a film necessarily bomb at the box office if it did not have a PCA seal of approval, or if it had been condemned by the Legion of Decency. Howard Hughes had proved that a film-maker could ignore both the Legion and Joseph Breen himself, and still make a popular film. “The Outlaw demonstrated that there was a huge market for movies that stepped outside the restrictive codes that had determined movie content for close to two decades…. Howard Hughes proved that the public would go to movies rejected by the PCA and the Legion.” 278

The immense success of this movie showed two things. First, that the moral standards of the American public in general were deteriorating rapidly from what they had been; and second, that despite intense resistance from the Romish hierarchy, the Legion of Decency, etc., Roman Catholics were no longer as subservient to their bishops and priests as they had been, no longer as willing to pay attention to what their leaders said when it came to movies. There were priests who did not even know much about the Legion and who did not consult it regarding films. 279 In this sense, Romanists in America were being influenced by the American way of life, which was so opposed to Rome’s authoritarian, rigid, top-down system that for centuries had held so many millions of Papists in subjection in Europe. That kind of authoritarianism was the very opposite of what the American people, as a whole, cherished and sought to defend.

Americans were increasingly interpreting the “liberty” enshrined in their laws as liberty to sin, which was never the intention of the founding fathers of that great nation. America’s moral foundation was under immense strain, and Hollywood was contributing greatly to that. And so the irony is that something that was bad for America as a whole – increasingly unrestrained “liberty” – was at the very same time making it difficult for the Roman Catholic institution to successfully apply the kind of heavy-handed tactics to get its own way that it was able to use so successfully in other parts of the world. Roman Catholic Americans were greatly influenced by the same American spirit that influenced their fellow-countrymen, and increasingly resented any restraints placed upon them, even when such restraints originated from the hierarchy and organs of their “Church”, which they believed was necessary to their salvation. It is a dilemma Rome has always faced in America, and one which drives it to work so tirelessly for the overthrow of America’s freedoms, both the good ones and the bad. If Rome had its way, America would be a religious dictatorship, just as so many countries in Europe have always been.

A war was under way: a war between a rigid, autocratic “Church” and a society in transition, losing its moral foundation and beginning to rebel against the moral standards of previous generations. Which would emerge victorious in the end?

Or would they end up merging, with the “Church” of Rome slackening its rigidity in order to accommodate a changing society and thereby keep its members? We shall see.

Rome’s Almost-Total Domination of Hollywood At This Time

Mavericks like Hughes notwithstanding, at this time Hollywood was under almost-total Roman Catholic domination and influence, via the Breen Office and the Legion of Decency; and one pro-Papist film followed another, which moved the Protestant Digest to say, “A visitor from Mars, popping into a dozen cinemas at random, would be convinced that the United States is a Catholic nation. If Roman Catholic domination of censorship continues, the film screens of most of the world will be flooded with pictures such as Going My Way [1944], The Song of Bernadette [1945], and The Bells of St. Mary’s [1945].” Breen’s biographer, after giving this quote, went further by adding: “The Protestant gripe list was too short. A preacher seeking to rid the screen of meddlesome priests might also have mentioned San Francisco (1936), Angels with Dirty Faces (1938), Boys Town (1938), Knute Rockne, All American (1940), The Fighting 69th (1940), Men of Boys Town (1941), and The Keys of the Kingdom (1944), in addition to dozens of prison and combat films where Catholic priests were the chaplains chosen to take the long walk to the chair with convicted killers or lend spiritual comfort to GIs in foxholes.” Film-makers, he added, “took care not to get [Breen’s] Irish up with a depiction of Catholicism that was anything less than worshipful.” 280

This near-total control was not to last. But for now, and for a good many years to come, the religion of Hollywood was Roman Catholicism.

Going My Way (1944): Making Roman Catholicism Acceptable in Protestant America

In 1944 a movie was made that would do wonders for the acceptance of Romanism in mainstream America. It was called Going My Way, and it starred the popular singer and actor Bing Crosby in the lead role as an Irish Roman Catholic priest, Chuck O’Malley. The film was a smash hit. The Jesuit magazine, America, declared it to be “the freshest, most original material that has recently been brought to life on celluloid.” Life magazine said that Crosby’s performance was “one of the few satisfying interpretations of the priesthood to emerge from Hollywood.” 281 And a Romish cardinal said that it did more for the Roman Catholic “Church” than a dozen bishops could have done in a year. 282

Some Roman Catholics were not happy with the film, but they were in the minority. Priest Paul J. Glenn in Columbus, Ohio, wrote that it was “un-Catholic” and even “anti-Catholic”. One of the worst things in the film, Glenn felt, was when the two priests shared a nightcap and the younger one then sang an Irish lullaby to the older one to lull him to sleep. Glenn said that viewers would conclude “that to be Catholic is to be Irish, and to be Irish is to be a whiskey drinker.” There were those Romanists who agreed with him, but when the pope himself, Pius XII, discussed the film with its director, he said, “Don’t you love that scene where the priest takes a little drink?” 283 Naturally, the vast majority of Romanists sided with their pope, and the film was a huge hit.

Ironic, is it not, that in the midst of World War Two – a war to such a large extent instigated by the Vatican and its Jesuits 284 – a film about a Popish priest would become such a hit in Protestant America?

Bing Crosby’s mother was a strict Irish Romanist, and his father had converted to Romanism in order to marry her. As a teenager Crosby served as an altar boy and attended a Jesuit-run high school. The film’s director, Leo McCarey, was a Romanist of Irish-French stock. His aunt was a nun who by his own admission influenced him greatly. And the film’s songwriter, Johnny Burke, was also a Papist. It is no wonder that the film was so pro-Papist.

“Going My Way marked a key moment in the cultural history of Catholics in America.” 285 How so? Well, up until then Romish priests had been portrayed in a sombre way, and this was how they were perceived in the popular imagination. But Bing Crosby created a new kind of priest for the screen, one who was jovial, worldly-wise, easy going, very American, even heroic. This priest sang, played the piano, lived in a light and airy rectory with a peaceful garden, went to the movies and played golf. He kn ew all about love and romance and was happy singing about it. He even wore a straw boater hat, perched rakishly on his head! Roman Catholics liked it because there was such a decided contrast, in the film, between O’Malley’s character and the stiff, older priest, who was unable to fit in with the daily life of his parishioners, and who represented the kind of pre-war Romanism which now seemed to them old-fashioned and out of touch. O’Malley’s character represented a new kind of Romanism, and it was immediately popular – and not just with Papists but many Protestants as well, for in so many ways priest O’Malley’s world looked just like that of ordinary Americans, including American Protestants. It was all so familiar, and it revolutionised the way people viewed the Popish priesthood. In so doing, it gave a huge thrust forward to Roman Catholicism in the United States, and in time throughout the Protestant world.

The film was “an imagining of the Catholic parish priest as a sign of modem American cultural vitality. For Catholics Leo McCarey and Bing Crosby… the parish can be nothing other than the backdrop for a tolerant, progressive, sports-loving Catholicism.” 286 Precisely the image of Romanism that the hierarchy wanted to convey! No wonder Romish nun, poet, and president of St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, Mary Madeleva, wrote to director McCarey, “Going My Way is synonymous with the Catholic way and can become, if it is not already in essence, the American way. You have been rarely intuitive in understanding and expressing this.” 287 How the Popish hierarchy in the USA must have been rejoicing! The film presented a Roman Catholicism far removed from the dark, sordid, secretive, sinister Romanism with which Protestants were familiar. This film’s Romanism was cheery, light, happy, easy-going, fun even. In addition, it showed the Romish priest at the very centre of all aspects of American life, moving effortlessly from working-class neighbourhoods to upper-class circles. “The enclosed and protected sacred spaces of the Catholic tradition – convents, monasteries, cathedrals, shrines – were construed by Protestants to be spaces of entrapment, bondage, and superstition. In those semi-secret places, many nineteenth-century Americans imagined a powerful and corrupt Roman church reigning against the purifying influence of reason and individual freedom.” 288 Sadly, the dark, sinister Romanism was the reality; but such is the power of the movies that a single film could do so much to change Protestant attitudes to this religious system, the very religious system branded in the Bible as “the Great Whore” (Revelation 17), the religion of Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2).

The Bells of St. Mary’s (1945): Sequel to Going My Way

The sequel saw Bing Crosby return as the loveable priest, along with Ingrid Bergman as a beautiful nun. Again there was light-hearted singing, comedy, and the relationship between the two main characters, the priest and the nun, who, although both sworn to vows of chastity, are obviously attracted to each other. Nothing sinful occurs between them – that would never have passed the Romish censors – and the film was another huge hit with audiences. The two films together did wonders for Rome.

The Fighting Sullivans (1944): a Pro-Papist War Film

As mentioned previously, in the midst of World War Two films portraying Roman Catholic Americans as loyal Americans fighting Nazism were very popular. The hierarchy of the “Church” knew well enough that Rome was actually on the side of Hitler and Nazism, but this was not the kind of information they wanted Protestant America to know, and thus men like the immensely influential cardinal, Francis Spellman, assured American Roman Catholic soldiers that they were fighting God’s battles against the Nazis. There was a concerted effort to portray American Papists as loyal patriots.

The Fighting Sullivans was a film aimed at doing just that. It was based on a real Irish-American Roman Catholic family from Iowa whose five sons were killed in combat when the cruiser they were on went down in the South Pacific. Director Lloyd Bacon focused on the Romish sacraments in his film: what are called Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, and Matrimony. This sentimental movie really played up the religion of the five young men, uniting their Romanism to their Americanism and sending the strong message that Romanism in America was on an equal footing with Protestantism and Judaism, and that Roman Catholic lads were just as loyal to America as anyone else.

The tragedy is that these and countless other young Roman Catholic men died fighting a foe that was supported by their own “Church”. Roman Catholic soldiers were fighting Roman Catholic soldiers, and millions were slaughtered on both sides to advance the goals of the Papacy.

The Sign of the Cross (1944): Depicting Papists and Protestants as United Christians Under the Cross

Many of Hollywood’s war films promoted the concept of the unity of Roman Catholic and Protestant soldiers fighting the Nazis, that both were Christians, both were fighting under the cross of Christ, and both were fighting on God’s side. Cecil B. DeMille re-released his film, The Sign of the Cross, in 1944, in which a prologue was added which connected the martyrs who died under Nero Caesar in the first century AD with the “Christian soldiers” dying in the war with Nazism. In the film two chaplains, one a Papist and the other a Protestant, affably chat together and display their unity, and agree that the soldiers, whether Papist or Protestant, are united by the sign of the cross.

The Keys of the Kingdom (1944): Acceptable to Jesuit Advisors After Major Revision

The script for this film was based on a book by A.J. Cronin. It was the story of a liberal priest, Francis Chisolm, who was often at odds with his conservative priestly colleagues. In the book Chisolm was made to say things like, “religious belief is such an accident of birth God can’t have set an exclusive value on it.” And: “there are many gates to heaven. We enter by one, these new [Methodist] preachers by another.” In other words, he believed (contrary to Romish theology) that there were “many ways to God.” His best friend was an atheist who, when he was dying, said that he still could not believe in God, but Chisolm told him that God believed in him.

Chisolm’s beliefs were certainly contrary to the true Gospel, which states categorically that only Christ is the way to heaven (Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12). But such statements were anathema to the Roman Catholic institution as well, although for a different reason: Rome believed then, as it had for centuries and as it continues to believe to this day, that “outside of the Church [of Rome] there is no salvation.” 289 So when producer David Selznick wanted to turn the book into a movie, he anticipated problems with the Romish hierarchy. He met with priest Devlin to try to work something out, but Devlin was adamant that before the film could be made the script would require massive editing. Not surprisingly, what particularly angered the priest was the priest-character Chisolm’s statements regarding there being many ways to heaven, so contrary to Popish teaching.

When Selznick approached Breen, he got no encouragement from that quarter either. Breen told him that some of the priests in the story might violate the Code’s prohibition against priests being depicted negatively in films, and that Protestants might take umbrage at the treatment of the story’s Methodist missionaries. Other prominent Papists advised Selznick to hire Jesuit priest Wilfred Parsons as the technical consultant on the film, which he did. Another Jesuit, Albert O’Hara, was signed on as an advisor as well.

Parsons’ major headache was with the “broad-mindedness” of the story’s priest-character. He and Selznick clashed over how best to alter these things in a way acceptable to the “Church”. Parsons wanted the character’s words to be so drastically altered that they no longer said anything like what they had originally, and Selznick could not accept that. To make matters worse for Parsons, his Jesuit superior in Washington warned him that neither his name, nor that of the Jesuit Order, could be used as a defence against future criticism that could lead to them being censured. The superior told Parsons that he would have to end his involvement with the production of the film unless he was able to persuade Selznick to “eliminate all indifferentism and off color Catholicism with which Father Chisolm is saturated”. 290

Selznick, meanwhile, had reached the point where he was no longer keen to begin production on the film, so he sold it to Twentieth Century-Fox. Fox agreed to a number of Parsons’ suggested changes. For example, when Chisolm had originally spoken of “many gates to heaven”, this had now been altered to, “Each of us travels his own road to the Kingdom of Heaven. Though I know another’s to be wrong, still I have no right to interfere with his choice.” Parsons was only partially satisfied with this change, feeling it could be misunderstood.

When Parsons learned that the Legion of Decency was considering a “B” rating for the film (objectionable in part), he was very troubled. He managed finally to get the studio to remove the “different roads” line from the film.

He may have feared the worst from the Romish press and others, but when the film was released Romish reaction was far more positive than he thought it would be, with major Romish publications stating that the film was a big improvement over the book. And the Legion actually classified it “A-I” (suitable for general audiences). How ridiculous to be happy over the greatly-altered film version of a story which, in its printed version, remained intact!

God Is My Co-Pilot (1945): Another Pro-Papist War Film

This was yet another war film which strongly promoted the Roman Catholic chaplain. Again, the chaplain was a big Irishman, intensely patriotic, who gets the film’s atheistic pilot-hero to trust in him. The priest preaches to him, and reads him a prayer written by a British pilot killed in the war, a prayer about believing in God and how God gave him strength. And by the end of the film, the hero piously repeats the prayer.

Will Hays Replaced by Eric Johnston, but Joe Breen Still the Real Power

Will Hays resigned in 1945. He was kn own as “the Little General” and “the Presbyterian pope”. He had been at his work since 1922, a period of twenty-three years. But Hollywood no longer felt he was effective.

In his place came Eric Johnston: Republican, anti-Communist, successful businessman – and Episcopalian. His job was to promote the movie industry and to deal with movie censors. And as mentioned previously, the MPPDA was now renamed the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).

This change worried the Legion. As one author put it, “Quigley and the church leaders had never really trusted Hays, but he was the devil they knew. The devil they didn’t know was his replacement, Eric Johnston… who, in his first press interview, remarked that the ‘Hays job has to be remodeled and changed.’” 291

But Johnston’s Episcopalianism notwithstanding, the “Breen Office” was still predominantly and vehemently Roman Catholic, and promoting a Roman Catholic version of morality. And Hollywood was still astoundingly pro-Papist. The Protestant Digest declared: “For years now, the custom has been to work Catholic churches, sacraments, charitable institutions, hospitals, schools, madonnas, altars, doctrine, and priests into pictures with or without a pretext.” 292

PCA officer, Eugene “Doc” Dougherty, told Albert Van Schmus, a Congregationalist seeking a job at the PCA in 1949, “You know, I don’t want to discourage you, but in a way you should be a Catholic to be a member of the Code staff.” Later, when he got the job, Van Schmus said of Dougherty, “He was very encouraging, but he said, ‘I have to be honest with you, I think that’s what a member of the staff needs to have. They’ve got to understand that kind of morality.” 293 Yes, the PCA may have hired non-Roman Catholics, but at heart it was a Roman Catholic organisation through and through, promoting a decidedly Roman Catholic morality.

Breen himself, when Johnston took office, was promoted to vice president of the MPAA. And he retained the same autonomy he had enjoyed under Hays, to preside over the PCA “without any interference or outside influence.”

Hollywood’s “Golden Age” Begins to End, and Breen’s Iron Grip Begins to Loosen

When the Second World War ended in 1945, Hollywood’s “Golden Age” began to end as well. The war itself played a large part in this, for the wartime movies had exposed audiences to much more combat and bloodshed than had ever been seen before in films, not to mention other issues, and once the war was over it was found virtually impossible to return to the pre-war Hollywood morality. The world had changed, and Hollywood was beginning to change as well. Joseph Breen’s Roman Catholic morality was still dominant, but it would not be what it once was. And eventually it would be overturned completely.

Also, although Hollywood had enjoyed a virtual monopoly over American entertainment during the war, this changed after the war, due in large measure to the fact that, as soldiers returned home, started families and moved to suburbia, there were other entertainment options available to them, such as sports and, in particular, television, as more and more households started to own a TV set. Hollywood was struggling against this new household idol called TV, and it was losing the battle, with attendance at movies dropping by the millions. As a result, it kept up its steady attempts to whittle away at the restrictions placed upon it by the Code. Breen kn ew it, and in early 1946 he met with a number of priests, who all agreed to continue to resist Hollywood’s attempts to lower moral standards by introducing such themes as rape, homosexuality and abortion into the movies.

After the war, Hollywood was no longer merely churning out films with entertainment value. Increasingly, films also now contained messages: religious messages, racial messages, social messages of all types. This was what audiences wanted. With the end of the war, Americans now wanted movies to say something to them about the domestic issues their country faced; they wanted movies to make them think, not just to entertain them. But this was not a good thing: Hollywood should never have become the nation’s teacher. Sadly, however, it did.

For example, various films began to portray the newly popular evil of “psychoanalysis”. And although the Code did not specifically mention psychiatry, psychoses, etc., moviemakers thought they could get around certain Code provisions by introducing the themes the Code denied them under the guise of psychiatric and psychoanalytic themes. How wrong they were. Reporter William Weaver, on behalf of the Breen Office, issued the following warning: “writers who interpret this fact as a swell new way to ‘get around the Code’ are in for enlightenment to the contrary, for the policy of the PCA with respect to this new variety of material is to be the same as that applied to the old, exacting of the psychiatrically motivated wrongdoer the same penalties that would be exacted of him if he weren’t nuts”; and, “There’ll be no Trojan horse of contraband under [a] Freudian banner.” 294 There were no flies on Joe Breen.

And yet, despite his vigilance, times had changed and the psychologist was beginning to rival the Romish priest in post-war America, with Hollywood jumping on the bandwagon. This, too, played a part in the undermining, over time, of Breen’s – and Rome’s – dominance of Hollywood morality. The Roman Catholic doctrines of sin and free will and human responsibility were gradually being replaced, in movies, by the new psychological doctrines of “mental illness”, the “unconscious” and “compulsive behaviour”.

And then there were what were called the film noirs. These dark films proliferated after World War Two, and were often very violent and sadistic, graphically so. They were aimed at a male audience, whereas more traditional Hollywood fare was aimed at women first and foremost, for the studios knew that if women could be enticed to watch a movie, they always brought their men along and thus the studios made more money. But film noirs, because of their realistic violence, attracted a male audience and held little attraction for women. These films were desensitising men to violence and were another sign of the changing morality of America after the brutality of the war.

The Breen Office was appalled by the sadistic nature of film noir, and determined to act against this genre. It was an uphill struggle, however. The times had changed and were still changing, and the rising tide of film noirs was becoming extremely difficult to stem, as censorship was being increasingly challenged in court. The once-absolute authority of the Breen Office was beginning to totter.

The Revival of the House Committee on Un-American Activities

After the war, and despite the fact that Martin Dies was no longer in charge of the HUAC, it was revived, thanks to the efforts of a congressman, John Rankin, who saw to it that it became a standing committee of the House. In 1947 the HUAC began the first hearings into alleged Communist infiltration of the film industry. The Legion of Decency remained convinced that Communists were infiltrating Hollywood, and in 1945, soon after the war ended, priest John Devlin, who headed the Los Angeles Legion, let priest McClafferty kn ow by letter that as far as he was concerned the Communist menace was growing in Hollywood, especially among screenwriters. He believed they would attempt to remove all references to God and spiritual values from movies, undermine the Legion, and insert Communist teaching. The Jesuit magazine America, also, claimed that a number of films were serving the interests of Communists. It is no surprise, then, that when in 1947 the HUAC began its investigations of the film industry, most Roman Catholic leaders were fully supportive of it.

The new chairman was Edward Hart, but Rankin was very influential within it. The latter believed there were strong links between Judaism and Communism, but unfortunately he showed that he was anti-Jewish on racial grounds as well, which certainly did not help his case. For example, he once said of a women’s delegation that opposed a bill of his, “If I am any judge, they are Communists, pure and simple. They looked like foreigners to me. I never saw such a wilderness of noses in my life.” This was clearly an unnecessary derogatory remark about Jewish features. On another occasion he called a columnist who attacked him a “slime mongering —”. Another Jewish writer was branded “that little Communist —”. Thus Rankin often revealed that he hated Jews merely because they were Jews, and was not solely against the pro-Communist position of many of them. To make all this even worse, he professed to be a Christian. He once told the House, “I have no quarrel with any man about his religion. Any man who believes in the fundamental principles of Christianity and lives up to them, whether he is Catholic or Protestant, certainly deserves the respect and confidence of mankind.” 295 Apart from the fact that this statement revealed his ignorance of the heathenish nature of Roman Catholicism, it also revealed that, to him, only his concept of “Christianity” was real religion. Even though true Christians reject all other religions as false, they believe in the doctrine of religious toleration as taught in the New Testament. Rankin clearly did not.

Rankin cast his eyes upon Hollywood and the Jews who dominated it. When Edward Hart resigned as chairman in mid-1945, Ra nk in became acting chairman and lost no time. He claimed that he was about to reveal “one of the most dangerous plots ever instigated for the overthrow of the government…. The information we get is that [Hollywood] is the greatest hotbed of subversive activities in the United States. We’re on the trail of the tarantula now, and we’re going to follow through.” Not long afterwards he also stated: “we are out to expose those elements [in Hollywood] that are insidiously trying to spread subversive propaganda, poison the minds of your children, distort the history of our country, and discredit Christianity.” 296 Again, he was mostly right: Hollywood was an immoral, dangerous place, and was indeed doing much of what Rankin accused it of doing. Unfortunately, though, he severely weakened his case, not only by his hatred for Jews just because they were Jews, but also by making outlandish statements so obviously false that he often came across as a raving fool – such as this one: “Communism is older than Christianity. It is the curse of the ages. It hounded and persecuted the Savior during his earthly ministry, inspired his crucifixion, derided him in his dying agony, and then gambled for his garments at the foot of the cross; and has spent more than 1,900 years trying to destroy Christianity and everything based on Christian principles.” 297

And it emerged that Rankin’s rantings against Communism, as accurate as they often were, nevertheless had originated, some months before him, in the rantings of anti-Jewish Nazi sympathisers and “far- right” extremists. One of them was a “Reverend” Gerald L.K. Smith, a man once jailed for using obscenity and disturbing the peace, and described as “America’s most raucous purveyor of anti-Semitism and of racial and religious bigotry.” Opposed to America joining the war against Nazi Germany, he was influential in establishing the America First Party, calling for a negotiated peace with Germany and a solution to the “Jewish problem.” He described himself as a “Christian Nationalist”, a term so often used by extremists full of hatred and pro- Nazi sympathy, bent on attacking Jews in the name of “Christianity”.

Smith ranted against Hollywood as the enemy of the Church and the Christian home. In a six-part series in The Cross and the Flag, the organ of Smith’s party, entitled “The Rape of America by Hollywood”, an anonymous writer declared: “Controlled by foreign-bom, unassim- ilative upstarts, many of whose records smell to high heaven, Hollywood has been raping American decency, national honesty and financial well-being. Christ was crucified on Calvary; and the same despisers of Christ are still busy in this world, especially in Hollywood, crucifying all of the Savior’s fine principles.” As is so often the case, there was much truth in this, but it was spoiled by the extremist position of the organ and the party, dressed up in a “Christian” guise. Fighting Communism cannot be effectively or honestly done by pro-Nazis. One cannot lambast one evil while supporting another.

Smith and Ra nk in were working together, with Smith openly declaring his support for Ra nk in’s investigation into Hollywood and saying, “We Christian Nationalists must give this investigation our full support, because the anti-Christians and anti-Americans are doing all in their power to smear Mr. Rankin and the committee with which he is associated.”

A one-day hearing was held in Los Angeles, conducted by the new chairman of the HUAC, John S. Wood, and HUAC investigator Ernie Adamson. They then declared that Communists were certainly aiming to control the film industry, and that further investigations would be conducted. The committee began its hearings in Washington, and called as a witness none other than the “Rev.” Gerald L.K. Smith. He told the committee, “There is a general belief that Russian Jews control too much of Hollywood propaganda, and they are trying to popularize Russian Communism in America through that instrumentality.

Personally I believe that is the case.” Once again, there was truth in what he said, but his own anti-Jewish stance on racial grounds made his motives highly questionable. Not all within the committee supported Smith, however, and some congressmen were angry when denied the opportunity to interrogate him.

Jews themselves were frightened by the support granted to Smith by Rankin. In 1946 a Columbia University professor had been issued this warning by an HUAC investigator: “You should tell your Jewish friends that the Jews in Germany stuck their necks out too far and Hitler took care of them and that the same thing will happen here unless they watch their steps.” 298 No wonder they were afraid. The HUAC might have been anti-Communist and yes, many Hollywood Jews were Communists; but statements like this one showed that the HUAC appeared to be on a racial Jewish witch-hunt.

Senator McCarthy’s Investigations into Communist Subversion of Hollywood

When in 1946 the election brought the Republicans into control of both the House and the Senate, the HUAC was strengthened. Its new chairman was John Parnell Thomas, a Republican congressman and an Irish-American Roman Catholic. But although a Papist, he also attended Baptist services and sometimes publicly said he was an Episcopalian!

Thomas was a staunch anti-Communist (as many Papists at that time were), and a staunch supporter of Rankin. Once in charge of the HUAC, he lost no time in getting down to business. In May 1947 he and some other HUAC members set themselves up in Los Angeles to investigate Communist infiltration of the movie industry.

Senator Joe McCarthy, a Roman Catholic, was at the centre of the investigations into Communist subversion of Hollywood, the U.S. government and labour unions. In early 1947 McCarthy was presented with an FBI report detailing Soviet espionage activities in the United States government – a report that had been previously ignored by the State Department. McCarthy chose not to ignore it but to act upon it. What he uncovered revealed, as one investigator put it, “the most successful secret war ever waged by one government against another. We know now that the Roosevelt Administration was quite literally crawling with Soviet agents.” 299 And not just the U.S. government, but Hollywood was riddled with Soviet agents as well! The studios were under Jewish control, and a large percentage of Communists in the USA were Jewish; and when one examines how they used their films to undermine and destroy America’s (and the West’s) morals and the Protestant faith, one can clearly see the Red agenda at work. Furthermore, KGB documents recovered from Soviet archives in the 1990s revealed just how extensive the Soviet penetration and subversion of Hollywood really was. Many powerful people in Hollywood were fully prepared to betray their own country and advance Stalin’s foreign policy objectives of undermining America.

The truth is that Stalin, the monster-dictator of Soviet Russia and a mass murderer, had identified Hollywood as one of his top five U.S. targets. He knew the power of film to promote the Soviet/Communist message to the masses. Shortly after coming to power he stated: “If I could control the medium of the American motion picture, I would need nothing else to convert the entire world to Communism.” In saying this, he was merely elaborating on Lenin’s statement before him: “Of all the arts, for us, the most important is the cinema.” 300 These men could clearly see the massive propaganda power of the movies. And Stalin went about taking control of Hollywood via Red double agents within the industry. “Countless producers, writers and stars all proved willing to combine and connive at brain-washing the world about the marvels of the Soviet system. ‘Message’ films such as Mission to Moscow, Song of Russia, North Star and scores of other productions did more to glorify the USSR than the Moscow propaganda machine had any hope of doing.” 301

McCarthy, for daring to expose the Soviet subversion of America’s film industry and thereby doing an extremely valuable service for his country, became the target of a massive, Communist-orchestrated character assassination. Liberal U.S. newspapers were at the forefront of this intense smear campaign, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. He was accused of everything under the sun, including “Red-baiting”, political witch-hunts, unsubstantiated charges, conservative fanaticism, and much more. He was vilified and ridiculed. “The real story about McCarthy is that he was hated and vilified, not because he attacked the innocent, but because he successfully exposed the guilty.” 302 Tragically, top U.S. politicians did nothing to help him, even though they knew he was right.

It emerged that one of the most important Communists working in Hollywood was Ella Winter, wife of screenwriter and fellow Communist, Donald Ogden Stewart. Winter recruited various film stars for the Communist cause, including Charlie Chaplin, Humphrey Bogart, Katherine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall and Marlon Brando. She made use of them to promote various Red causes, one of the most important being the campaign to keep the United States out of World War Two. She and Stewart threw lavish parties which were paid for by Moscow’s trade mission in San Francisco, and at these parties the Hollywood elite were coaxed to make donations. In this way, the likes of James Cagney, Bing Crosby, and Humphrey Bogart helped to hinder Britain’s efforts to defeat Nazism, as these fundraising parties sponsored strikes in armaments factories which made weapons for British troops. 303

Dalton Trumbo, the highest-paid screenwriter in Hollywood at the time, was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party, a frequent guest at the Ella Winter parties, and a close friend of William Holden, Bogart, Hepburn and Chaplin. His 1941 film, The Remarkable Andrew, was a deliberate propaganda film for the Soviets, its objective being to keep the U.S. from siding with Britain against Nazi Germany.

However, the Soviet Union’s use of Hollywood to do what it could to prevent the USA from entering the war in support of Britain did an about-turn when Hitler attacked Russia in June 1941. When this happened, Stalin instructed his agents in Hollywood to now do all they could to force the USA into the war on Britain’s side, to help defeat Hitler! It is known that by 1943, the KGB Bureau in San Francisco was providing the Communists in Hollywood with $2 million a month. 304

In the McCarthy hearings into Communist subversion of Holly wood, some 400 actors, actresses, screenwriters, producers, directors and agents were identified as members of the Communist Party or fellow- travellers. The actual figure was certainly much higher.

Fourteen anti-Communist witnesses testified, one of them stating that Hollywood was “the hub of Red propaganda in the United States.” But virtually all of them were members of an organisation called the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals. This had been formed by Sam Wood, a Hollywood director who was a friend of the Roman Catholic media magnate, William Randolph Hearst, and a staunch anti-Communist. It aimed to remove Communist influence in Hollywood.

The conclusion reached by the HUAC after it had heard the testimony of these fourteen witnesses was that “up until recently there has been no concerted effort on the part of the studio heads to remove the communists from the industry, but that in fact they have been permitted to gain influence and power which has been reflected in the propaganda which they have been successful in injecting in numerous pictures which have been produced in the last eight years.”

Once again it must be said: it is very true that many in Hollywood were seeking to use the movie industry to promote Communism in the United States and the western world. But the HUAC had relied heavily on the evidence for this fact that had been provided by neo-Nazi, anti- Jewish organisations. This caused many to view the HUAC findings with deep suspicion.

Many of the Hollywood Jewish writers, directors, actors, etc., were very pro-Communist and were certainly seeking to make use of Hollywood to promote Communism. But at the same time, many of the Hollywood Jewish elite – the top Jewish executives – were actually anti-Communist, at least for pragmatic reasons, as we have shown previously. But it did not help their case that during the war they had produced so many films opposing Nazism – this just made them look doubly suspicious in the eyes of neo-Nazis and indeed of other Americans as well, because everyone knew that Hitler hated Jews, so surely the support of Hollywood for anti-Nazi films just proved the Hollywood Jews were pro-Communist? This is how many reasoned. And then too, it really did not help their case at all that President Franklin D. Roosevelt – a notorious leftwinger and Communist sympathizer – had encouraged the Hollywood Jews in their anti-Nazi stance and thanked them often enough for it! It is truly tragic that many anti-Communists in America could not see that being anti-Nazi did not automatically make one pro-Communist. They simply could not keep the two issues separate. And this was because so many conservative anti-Communists at that time were Roman Catholics and decidedly pro-Nazi.

The Hearings, the Testimonies, the Resistance

The HUAC wanted the Jewish executives to suspend all suspected Communists in their studios. FBI agents worked with the HUAC as well. Jack Warner, who was a friend of FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, was the first Jewish executive to provide the investigators with the names of those he thought might be Communists.

In September 1947 John Parnell Thomas announced that the hearings on Hollywood would begin soon, and that he would expose 79 prominent Communists or Communist sympathisers within the film industry. 43 people were subpoenaed to appear. Nineteen of these were viewed as leftwingers who had been pointed out by the Motion Picture Alliance. And ten of those nineteen were Jewish. This just strengthened the feeling inside and outside Hollywood that anti- Semitism was a powerful motivating factor in the hearings. It filled the Jewish executives with fear. They decided to co-operate with the HUAC and admit that Communists were at work in Hollywood, but at the same time to deny that the films they made contained subversive Communistic content.

Jack Warner testified first, and in doing so stated that he had been too emotional in naming the names of radicals during the previous session, and retracted some of the charges. He added that although subversive writers had attempted to use his films to push a radical message, he had removed them. Yet when asked who they were, Warner said he did not know, saying, “I had never seen a Communist and wouldn’t know one if I saw one.” 305

When Louis B. Mayer testified, he said he held Communism in contempt; and although he spoke strongly against Communist writers, he added that he knew of no Communists working for his studio. According to at least one pro-Communist MGM writer, Mayer was not being honest, for he certainly did know of Communist writers working for him.

But some within the film industry decided to fight back. Various liberal Hollywood writers, directors and actors came together to form the Committee for the First Amendment, its purpose being to go to Washington to protest against the attack on freedom of political association. This liberal group included such famous names as Humphrey Bogart, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Kirk Douglas, Katharine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Groucho Marx and Gene Kelly. In a deliberately highly publicised trip, nineteen alleged Communists were flown, in Katherine Hepburn’s own plane, to Washington to testify, including the likes of Lauren Bacall, Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart, Robert Taylor and Burt Lancaster. At least one of them, Bogart, afterwards admitted that the trip was “ill-advised, even foolish… I am sorry I did it and now see that I was duped, that I was victim to the Communist conspiracy. It won’t happen again.” 306

The promised purge of Hollywood got underway. The very first hearing, at which the HUAC questioned John Howard Lawson, rapidly degenerated into a slanging match between the two sides, and Lawson was eventually removed by police. As one witness after another was called up, they denounced the HUAC for its illegitimacy and its implicit anti-Semitism in no uncertain terms. Rick Lardner, Jr., told the committee, “Under the kind of censorship this inquisition threatens, a leading man wouldn’t even be able to blurt out the words ‘I love you’ unless he had first secured a notarized affidavit proving she was a pure, white Protestant gentile of old Confederate stock.” 307

At the hearings, nine of the nineteen co-operated, but the other ten refused to answer questions about their membership in the Communist Party, appealing to their First Amendment rights. They were defiant and abusive. They became known as the “Hollywood Ten.” According to the evidence unearthed from the Soviet archives, those named by McCarthy were indeed Communists and radicals, receiving their instructions from Moscow. They actually surrendered on instructions of the KGB, which stated that it would in the meantime turn them into martyrs in the outside world and continue to insist on their innocence.

The uncooperative witnesses were all held in contempt by the House. Rankin said the HUAC was attempting to “protect the American people against those things in which these people are now engaged who want to undermine and destroy this Republic, to destroy American institutions, and to bring to the Christian people of America the murder and plunder that has taken place in the Communist-dominated countries of Europe.” Referring to the Committee for the First Amendment, he pointed out the names of those who had signed the petition: “One of the names is June Havoc. We found out from the motion-picture almanac that her real name is June Hovick. Another one was Danny Kaye, and we found out that his real name was David Daniel Kaminsky. Another one here is John Beal, whose real name is J. Alexander Bliedung. Another one is Cy Bartlett, whose real name is Sacha Baraniev. Another one is Eddie Cantor, whose real name is Edward Iskowitz. There is one who calls himself Edward Robinson. His real name is Emmanuel Goldenberg. There is another one here who calls himself Melvyn Douglas, whose real name is Melvyn Hesselberg.” 308

Rankin was right. A very large percentage of leftists in Hollywood were Jews who had changed their names so as to hide their Jewishness. There can be no doubt that many of these were seeking, by their involvement in Hollywood, to push for leftist change within American society.

Eric Johnston, the president of the MPAA, under pressure to produce a plan of action to take care of the alleged radicals within Hollywood, brought the top movie executives together to come up with something. He stated categorically that the executives had to fire those unco operative witnesses or they would never be respected by American society. Being accepted into mainstream America was what the older generation of the Jewish Hollywood elite had spent their whole lives working to achieve, and Johnston’s words hit home. A committee was chosen to issue a public statement, known as the Waldorf Statement. The ten witnesses were to be discharged from their employment until they renounced Communism under oath, and the movie producers agreed that they would not knowingly employ Communists. Of the fifteen producers who signed the statement, ten were Jews.

The ten witnesses were fired, and large numbers of other Communists and liberals were dealt with at the same time. The Hollywood Ten were sentenced to prison. Even those Jewish studio executives who did not agree with the HUAC, believing it was wrong to fire men because of their political beliefs, nevertheless went along with the purge to save their studios and their own necks. In doing so, they earned themselves a lot of good publicity and a lot of goodwill from the public.

As for John Parnell Thomas himself, the HUAC chairman, despite his staunch anti-Communism he had not been above reproach. In 1948 he was indicted for conspiracy to defraud the government, having billed the U.S. Treasury for people who had not actually worked for him. He was eventually sentenced to prison for eighteen months. But oh what irony! Thomas was incarcerated in the very same prison in which two of the Hollywood Ten, Rick Lardner, Jr., and Lester Cole, were incarcerated – and at the very same time! The man who tried to cleanse Hollywood of leftists found himself in the same prison as two of those very leftists.

Overall the hearings were a failure. “Unfortunately… the Congressional interrogators and FBI investigators failed to penetrate the real depth of communist subversion in the film capital. Basically, not much was learnt about party operations in Hollywood, largely because none of the co-operative witnesses had ever been in the party. Misled by double agents in their midst and false information peddled by the KGB, McCarthy left many Soviet sympathisers in key positions in Hollywood, with a far-reaching influence that affects the industry to this day.” 309 Very true. For to this day, the Communists, liberals, and their fellow-travellers in Hollywood always scream “McCarthyism!” whenever it becomes necessary to hide their true colours, and the subversive pro-Communist work they are doing in and via Hollywood. “Today McCarthyism is still a scarlet ‘M’ word used by the left as a trump card to terminate debate and intimidate adversaries. Used as a spear to paralyse all opposition to communism, it has become communism’s best friend.” 310

Romanism at War with Communism in Hollywood

Many within the U.S. government were, thus, very rightly deeply concerned about Hollywood’s immense power over the masses, its ability to promote Communism to Americans and the world via its movies. What a pity, however, that Congress, in its commendable zeal to crush Communism in Hollywood, totally failed to discern the threat to America, via Hollywood, of another great evil: Roman Catholicism. Its immense influence within Hollywood was ignored. “Neither the Production Code Administration nor Joseph I. Breen came under scrutiny during the investigations, a measure of the depth of ignorance in the halls of Congress about the true nature of the ideological apparatus dictating the party line in Hollywood.” 311 And, furthermore, the fact is that “the forces behind much of what was happening were the soldiers of American Catholicism marshalled by Senator Joseph McCarthy [a Roman Catholic], the darling of Holy Name societies, sodalities, and first communion breakfasts.” 312

McCarthy was right in seeing the influence of Communists in American society; but even so he was a Roman Catholic, with a Roman Catholic agenda. And in the Cold War period, under the pontificate of Pius XII, that Romish agenda was very much an anti-Communist, anti-Jewish one.

And so it is not surprising that Hollywood during this period produced a rash of movies with themes of conservative Romanists waging war against Communists: movies such as Guilty of Treason (1949), The Red Danube (1949), The Red Menace (1949), My Son John (1952), and The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima (1952).

The poster advertising The Red Menace, for example, stated of the Romish priest portrayed in the film, “the fearless, fighting priest, who conquered evil with faith!” 313 As for My Son John, this movie, in particular, portrayed the confrontation between the evil of Communism and the supposed good of Romanism. It was Leo McCarey’s creation, the same man who brought Going My Way and The Bells of St. Mary’s into being. He was a staunch anti-Communist, and the film reflects this strongly, but it also lays out a very strong pro-Roman Catholic message.

The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima was another very pro-Papist film, centred around the supposed apparition of Mary to some Portuguese children in 1917, during which (it was claimed) she promised the conversion of Russia to Roman Catholicism if Russia was consecrated to her. The film shows Communists terribly mistreating priests and nuns. It depicts an all-out Marxist war against the visions claimed by the children. Of course, there was historical truth in what was portrayed, and there can be no doubt at all of Communism’s sadistic evil. But in its portrayal of “Mary”, etc., it pushed an obvious pro- Papist message as the answer to godless Communism.

Duel in the Sun (1947): Another Challenge to the Code and the Legion Stranglehold

Producer David O. Selznick continued his fight with the Papist censors. In 1944 RKO bought the film rights to a novel entitled Duel in the Sun. The studio requested Selznick to loan them an actress and a director, who were under contract to him, for the film. The actress was Jennifer Jones, who had previously played the part of the virgin Mary in The Song of Bernadette. She was very popular with filmgoers. Selznick also bought the screen rights from RKO.

The PCA deemed it unacceptable when it reviewed the script, because it contained illicit sex, murder for revenge, and lacked the full “compensating moral values” which were required by the Production Code. There was an implied rape in the film, and a hint of nude swimming. It also featured a vulgar religious figure, known as the “Sin Killer”, and the PCA demanded that RKO emphasise this man was not an ordained minister, and he was not to be depicted in the film as a “travesty on religion.” Portraying negative images of “clergy” was a violation of the Code.

Selznick had no time for Breen or the Code and threatened to go to court if necessary. But despite his fighting words, in order to make the film acceptable to the PCA and to the Legion of Decency he decided to include what he considered enough “moral values” to make the film acceptable, including severe punishment for the criminals, and he agreed to make various changes to the original script. In this way he hoped that the things deemed objectionable in the film would be overlooked by the censors. The PCA people were still uncertain, but as Selznick kept rewriting the script for them, they found it difficult to condemn it outright, and so in 1945 approval was given to the working script, and work on the film began. PCA officials visited the set at times to make sure that the costumes were not too revealing and that the swimming scenes were not too explicit. Cuts to suggestive scenes were insisted upon, and made, although Selznick was enraged. And in December 1946 the PCA issued its seal of approval. This was surprising, given the fact that, as Variety magazine stated, “rarely has a film made such fra nk use of lust”. But the film actually opened on the west coast without first being submitted to the Legion for approval.

But if the PCA had been lenient this time, many influential Roman Catholics were having none of it. Tidings, the Romish weekly of the Los Angeles diocese, branded the film as “plush pornography”, and Roman Catholic film critic William Mooring told Romanists that this film was more dangerous morally than The Outcast, and that it violated the Production Code by creating sympathy for sinners, detailing seduction, and mocking religion. It certainly did this. Moreover, because Jennifer Jones had previously played a religious role in The Song of Bernadette, Mooring was angry that she now played such a seductive one.

Selznick’s choice in his casting of the leading roles, in fact, appeared to be a deliberate thumbing of his nose at the Roman C atholic institution. Not only had Jennifer Jones previously played Mary, but Gregory Peck had previously played the part of a Roman Catholic priest in Keys of the Kingdom. Peck himself later said that Selznick took a kind of “perverse delight” in casting him as the male lead in Duel in the Sun, adding: “He took two saintly characters and made us into kind of sex fiends.” A reviewer in the Los Angeles Times wrote that the film “is sex rampant. Jennifer Jones is no Bernadette. Gregory Peck… is no ‘Father Chisolm.’ But these two are hotter than a gunman’s pistol.” 314 Protests against the movie poured into the Legion.

The Papist archbishop, John Cantwell, warned all Romanists in Los Angeles that, “pending classification by the Legion of Decency they may not, with a free conscience, attend the motion picture Duel in the Sun ”, for it “appears to be morally offensive and spiritually depressing.” Then Martin Quigley, the Legion’s unofficial spokesman, stated that the film would definitely be placed in the “Condemned” classification, telling Selznick that unless he greatly altered it (and he suggested many cuts), the “outcome would be disastrous”. 315

Selznick wrote to the editor of Tidings, the Popish weekly which had branded the movie “plush pornography”, saying that the reviewer had a “callous and diseased mind” for casting “a wicked and wanton slur upon Miss Jones… a distinguished artist… a Catholic who has received her education in a convent.” 316 He conveniently overlooked the fact that this Roman Catholic actress was perfectly content to be having an extramarital affair with him!

Selznick considered ignoring the Legion, having reason to believe that the film, which was already doing extremely well at the box office, would continue to do so even if the Legion condemned it. But first he wanted to make certain that Eric Johnston and Joseph Breen supported him. His film had been approved by the PCA, after all; but would they and Hollywood studios support him against the Legion? As it turned out, the studios would not help him fight the Legion, even though they themselves were sick and tired of the Legion’s interference. They were simply too afraid of the financial consequences of being at odds with Rome’s powerful Legion of Decency! In Selznick’s own words, they were “completely yellow”.

Selznick, hung out to dry and doubtless gnashing his teeth in rage, came to the conclusion that it would be best for him to edit the film in the ways Quigley had suggested. It was hoped, by both Selznick and Quigley, that these changes would move the Legion to give the film a “B” classification (i.e. containing some objectionable material). Selznick therefore made the cuts and submitted the film to priest Patrick Masterson at the Legion, and Quigley himself told Masterson that Selznick had fully co-operated with him and with Breen. But the priest was far from satisfied. After reviewing the film he let Breen know by letter that it should never have received the PCA seal. It was far too explicit in the Legion’s opinion. And even Breen admitted he had made a “serious error” in granting it a seal.

Meanwhile the protests increased. In Los Angeles, Roman Catholic sodality groups threatened a possible month-long boycott of all films, because films like Duel in the Sun were so immoral; in Houston, the Catholic Youth Organization requested that the mayor ban what it called “this masterpiece of filth [which] glorifies drunkenness, adultery, rape and other forms of lowest immorality”; priest John Sheehy in Boston said that this film would result in “thousands of priests [being] detained years longer in confessionals seeking to dispel the evil images bom of witnessing this alleged entertainment.” 317 Significantly, though, and a sign of changing times, thousands of letters were written in support of the film as well, even from Roman Catholics.

Selznick was incensed with the Legion and wrote that if it gave his film a “C” classification, well then, so be it. “We have suffered enough from the shenanigans of [the Legion],” he wrote. 318 He also said, “Reverend Masterson has not been designated by God as the final word in what is seriously offensive and we are… sure that the non- Catholics of America, and a goodly percentage of Catholics as well, do not accept him.” 319 The film had received the PCA seal of approval, Selznick fumed, but of what good was such an approval if a film then had to be submitted to religious censors at the Legion of Decency?

Even though Selznick was a man who had no qualms about making a morally offensive movie and thus his desire to want to release this movie cannot be condoned at all, he was absolutely right in his comments about Masterson: the priest was not appointed by God, and the Roman Catholic institution’s arrogance in setting itself up as the moral guardian of America was repugnant, for this religious system has never had a leg to stand on when it comes to matters of morality. Selznick was also right when he said that Masterson’s views were not acceptable to non-Papists, nor even to a large percentage of Papists. Still, Americans permitted the Legion to act as their moral guardian.

Selznick raged against the Legion, and threatened to release the film anyway and then take out full-page advertisements, and make use of radio and other means to tell his side of the story. He believed this would end the Code and result in federal censorship, but he did not care.

This protracted battle between an independent producer and the powerful Roman Catholic Legion finally ended with a Legion victory. Selznick had fought to retain the film’s ending even though the Legion had considered it immoral, but he was now permitted to retain it as long as he added a prologue and an epilogue to the film, making it clear that sin is sin. This was done, with the prologue speaking of the “forces of evil” in battle with “deeper morality”, and the “grim fate” awaiting “the transgressor upon the laws of God and man”, and the “Sin Killer’s” character being based on “bogus unordained evangelists” who were “recognized as charlatans by the intelligent and God-fearing.” The epilogue, too, written by the Legion’s monsignor, John McClafferty, spoke of the “moral weakness” of Jennifer Jones’ character that led to “transgressions against the law of God.” 320 The film received the “B” classification Selznick had been hoping for.

But the truth is, such prologues and epilogues had little effect on audiences. Most people walk out of a movie without watching the credits at the end, and therefore would miss the epilogue; but more than that, they were watching the film precisely because they were attracted by the provocative nature of the scenes, and no amount of moralising either before or after the film would make an impression on them! The Roman Catholic censors may have eased their own consciences by insisting on these inclusions, but if they really believed these somehow sanctified the film, they were naive in the extreme. The only possible response to films of an immoral nature is for the people not to view them – not attempt to clean up an immoral movie by cutting this and that and pasting prologues and epilogues. People are not fools. They can see through such inconsistency.

The film broke box office records as people nationwide flocked in droves to see it. And some of these places were Legion strongholds. Clearly Roman Catholics were rushing to the theatres just like so many others. A Roman Catholic university, the University of Santa Clara, California, even used the film as a fundraiser, with a Jesuit priest telling Selznick that he was very grateful the film had raised thousands of dollars for under-privileged youth!

“The refusal of Breen, Johnston, and industry leaders to defend Selznick, and themselves, from Legion attacks simply encouraged the Legion to continue to demand that it be given the right of final approval of all films produced in Hollywood. It was a decision the industry would soon regret, and it would be another twenty years before the Legion stranglehold on Hollywood was broken.” 321

Forever Amber (1947): a Major Studio Challenges Roman Catholic Censorship

In 1947 another movie made huge waves as well, with Papist censorship being challenged by a major Hollywood studio this time. The movie was Forever Amber.

The 1944 novel on which the movie was based was described by the Saturday Review of Literature as “the bawdiest novel…in years”, a story of multiple illicit affairs and more. The morals of Americans being now in rapid collapse, the book became a bestseller, and this attracted the attention of Hollywood, in particular of Twentieth Century-Fox. Joseph Breen naturally rejected the first synopsis of the proposed film when it was sent to him for review, saying it was “a saga of illicit sex… bastardy, perversion, impotency, pregnancy, abortion, murder and marriage without even the slightest suggestion of compensating moral values.” 322

Darryl F. Zanuck was head of Twentieth Century-Fox’s studio production, and he was given the task of producing an acceptable script. Fie knew that if he worked closely with Breen from the outset, this would save all the cuts that would have to be made to the film later. Fie told Breen that the film was a tragic tale of a girl who sins repeatedly and ends up losing all she sought to obtain by her sins. And he was successful in winning Breen over! Breen asked Zanuck to include a voice of morality in the film, which Zanuck did – and Breen was satisfied. Fie approved the basic script, priding himself on the fact that the PCA had the power to remove offensive material in such stories and keep only the good in them. This was so, even though, as Variety reported at the time, the “expurgated screenplay…has made the original story hardly recognizable.” 323

Again this shows the foolishness of this approach of the censors. The book remained intact; the filmed version was altered. The movie might be sanitised to some extent, but the unsanitised version of the story was still available for anyone to read.

Zanuck went ahead and made the film, a lavish and hugely expensive production, expecting no trouble from the Legion. It was scheduled for preview by the Legion just ten days before its release in October 1947. But he had miscalculated: priest Patrick Masterson, the Legion’s assistant executive secretary who was in temporary charge, was against it even before he saw it. However, the Legion reviewers themselves, those IFCA ladies as well as professional “lay” Roman Catholics, were far less offended than the priest was, and voted to classify the film as “A2” (i.e. unobjectionable for adults) or “B” (objectionable in part for all). Yes, even those staunch Roman Catholic Legionaries were softening morally as the years went by!

Masterson, however, was made of sterner stuff. He wanted the film condemned. He wrote to Francis Spellman, New York’s Romish cardinal, saying the film was immoral, and that the PCA was becoming increasingly lax in enforcing its own Code as time went by. Spellman agreed with him. He wrote a letter to all priests in his archdiocese, to be read out by them at all masses, in which he said that Forever Amber glorified immorality and licentiousness, and that Roman Catholics could not view the film with a safe conscience.

But this time – and it was the first time since 1936 – a major Hollywood studio (Twentieth Century-Fox) went on the offensive and threw down the gauntlet to the Legion of Decency. It pointed out that the film had been approved by the PCA. Priest Masterson told priest Devlin, “This time the chips are really down”, 324 and the mighty Roman Catholic hierarchical machine in the United States went into action. Philadelphia’s Romish cardinal, Dennis Dougherty, threatened that if the film was not removed, a year-long boycott would be imposed on all Fox theatres in his archdiocese by himself, just as he had threatened over The Outlaw previously. Romish bishops in Providence and in New York took a strong stand against it as well, with calls for a boycott in New York. But Fox did not buckle under this threat, so the Catholic War Veterans rallied to the cause, picketing theatres in Philadelphia and at a theatre in Rochester, New York. The dioceses of Buffalo, New York, and Rochester, New York, echoed Dougherty’s call for a boycott. Chicago’s Romish cardinal urged his people to avoid it, and Romanists in St. Louis were asked to avoid it as well. The protests spread further afield. The Legion got the mayor and city council of Grand Rapids, Michigan, to block the showing of the film. Protests by Roman Catholics got the film cancelled in Illinois.

But did the Roman Catholics of these and other great cities heed these calls, one and all, and boycott the film? Certainly not initially. Variety reported that, “Oddly enough, in cities like Philadelphia, Boston and St. Louis where [Roman Catholic] church influence is strongest, Amber is doing best”, noting that in St. Louis it was a big hit “despite… a blast from the Archbishop.” 325 Countrywide, including where the Papal hierarchy had called for boycotts, there were lines of people stretching for blocks to get into theatres and standing-room- only crowds inside.

But it did not last: although the film continued to do very well in urban areas, rural and independent exhibitors wanted Twentieth Century-Fox to conform to the Legion. Zanuck claimed that these exhibitors were themselves under threat from the Roman Catholics who wanted to see the film stopped. But there was also another reason: in the country’s capital, the hearings by the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) were well under way, and the Hollywood Ten were accused of inserting Communist propaganda into films coming out of Hollywood. The screenwriter for Forever Amber, Ring Lardner Jr., was subpoenaed to appear before the HUAC regarding his association with the Communist Party in America. His collaborator, Philip Dunne, was a founder of the pro-Communist Committee for the First Amendment.

Twentieth Century-Fox decided to give in to the Legion. It was agreed that some lines of dialogue in the film would be cut, and a prologue and epilogue would be added which would clarify the guilt of the sinners in the film as far as the Legion was concerned. The prologue spoke of “the wages of sin” and of the heroine’s sins. And at the film’s end a voice-over by a main male character implored God to have mercy on both him and the heroine for their sins. With these changes, the film was given a “B” rating by the Legion, and the pickets and protests ended, except in Philadelphia where Romish cardinal, Dougherty, kept his boycott in place.

Ultimately, Forever Amber made a great deal less than its production costs. Yes, the Legion campaign had greatly contributed to this, but the original PCA censorship had done so even more, for it had changed the story so much from the novel that audiences, hankering after the sex that was a major part of the book, simply found the film boring when so much of the sexual content had been removed. This again shows how Americans’ morals had changed for the worse. They wanted sexual scenes, and were not prepared to financially support a film that had been purged of much of its originally-intended immorality.

Captain from Castille (1947): Whitewashing the Inquisition

Although various Roman Catholics, including Jesuit priests such as Daniel Lord and Wilfred Parsons, served as film consultants, advising studios on how to handle Romish themes in movies, it was announced back in 1933 by John J. Cantwell, bishop of Los Angeles, that all Roman Catholic film advising must fall under his authority because the film industry was situated in his diocese. He appointed one of his own priests as the official Romish film advisor. This was the Irish-born priest, John Devlin, who was the head of the Los Angeles Legion of Decency. Devlin threw himself into the work, reviewing a large number of scripts annually. He became the recognised Roman Catholic authority on all things to do with the film industry, and was feared by screenwriters and directors. But he also overstepped his mandate: instead of concentrating solely on how films treated the Roman Catholic religion, he also tried to influence them if the Irish were treated poorly in a film (in his opinion).

The script for Captain from Castille was based on a novel that revolved around the conquest of Mexico by Cortez. In the story, the Grand Inquisitor in Spain charges a man named Pedro De Vargas with heresy, and his sister is tortured to death by the Inquisition. Da Vargas goes to Mexico with Cortez, where the Grand Inquisitor is killed by the Aztecs.

Priest Devlin was not at all happy with the script, considering it to be a “deliberate attempt to discredit Christianity in general, and the Catholic church in particular.” 326 He claimed that the Inquisition had actually accomplished great good, and that the script exaggerated its evils! The Inquisition was, in truth, one of the greatest evils ever created, and – it was a Roman Catholic evil. This is the historical reality, and there is no escaping it. Millions of people were tortured and put to death by the Inquisition, which was serving the interests of the Roman Papacy. To claim that it accomplished great good was a shocking misrepresentation of the plain truth! But very typical of priests of Rome, who will go to any lengths to hide the truth about the Inquisition’s horrors from the world.

Devlin’s stance greatly troubled Darryl Zanuck, who asked the man who had worked on the script, John Tucker Battle, what could be done about it. Battle suggested that the Inquisition be downplayed, and that it not be tied to the Roman Catholic “Church” at all in the film. He also suggested that Cortez’s Roman Catholic motivation for conquering Mexico be removed from the film. And to cap it all, he suggested that a friendly priest should be worked into the film, who would represent “the true church”. True to form, “Hollywood never let the historical record get in the way of a good story”. 327 A film in which the Inquisition was divorced from Roman Catholicism was nothing but a fantasy. But at all costs the “Church” of Rome was not to be offended, for that would mean losses at the box office.

Zanuck himself was reluctant to make the changes, and in the end he added the “good priest” and downplayed the “Church” of Rome’s role in the Inquisition to some extent. But further than that he would not go. Devlin was satisfied for the most part, and the Legion gave the film an “A2” classification.

The Foreign Film Challenge to the Censorship System

The Roman Catholic-controlled censorship system in the United States film industry was now also being challenged from another source: film directors – often Roman Catholic directors – from Europe, where they were not bound by a Production Code and were consequently able to make movies which frequently contained far more immorality than anything Hollywood could belch out. European films were frequently more sexually explicit than Hollywood productions, as well as containing such things as murder, drugs, suicide, etc., and naturally many of them were rejected by the PCA, not to mention the Legion. After World War Two Martin Quigley was very concerned that European films would deteriorate even further morally, and if they were permitted into the U.S. this could undermine the authority of the PCA and the Legion.

Joseph Burstyn was at the heart of this challenge initially. A Jewish- Polish immigrant to the United States, he devoted himself to bringing foreign films to his adopted country. After World War Two he and his business partner, Arthur L. Mayer, imported a number of Italian films into the U.S., including The Bicycle Thief, which the Legion of Decency declared to be sacrilegious. The irony here was that such films were coming from Italy, an intensely Roman Catholic country where many of the directors were Roman Catholics, and yet being condemned as sacrilegious by the Roman Catholic Legion in New York!

By the end of the Second World War Hollywood was the undisputed capital of celluloid entertainment worldwide, with some 90 million people flocking to movie theatres every week. The film industries of European countries such as France, Italy and Germany were decimated by the war; and yet from 1945 to 1952, Hollywood, also, took a battering economically, in large part due to the House Committee on Un-American Activities branding it a hotbed of Communism, but also for various other reasons which it is not necessary to go into here. By 1950 movie attendance had plummeted to 60 million, and profits were falling rapidly too.

There was not much of a market for foreign films in the U.S., however, and in addition only a handful got passed by Breen’s PCA.

Open City (1946 but Shown in America in 1946/7): the Hypocrisy and Selective “Morality” of Papist Censorship

Now we will see an example of the selective “morality” of the Papists in control of Hollywood censorship (and thus of the selective “morality” of Rome itself), and of just how much of a sham their supposed “moral indignation” over immoral movies was. Papist censorship had far more to do with exerting control over Hollywood for Rome s own purposes than over keeping America’s morals intact:

A film coming out of Italy at this time was entitled Open City. It was directed by Roberto Rossellini, who claimed that he was neither a Fascist nor a supporter of Mussolini, and yet who, during the war, had made war propaganda films. Italian audiences had disliked the film; but it was smuggled into America and released by Mayer and Burstyn, and did extremely well in 1946. It seriously violated the standards of both the PCA and the Legion, covering as it did such themes as pregnancy out of wedlock, lesbianism, murder, drug addiction, graphic torture scenes, and a priest who helped the Communist-led Italian underground during the war. And yet, incredibly, the Legion did not find it offensive, giving it a “B” classification, and the PCA, also, made few objections when it was submitted! Burstyn was informed by Arthur DeBra of the PCA’s New York office (who reported to Joseph Breen) that the film was essentially acceptable, although a few scenes needed to be cut and trimmed. Burstyn did not make any changes, and the film played without a PCA seal for a year. In July 1947 Burstyn made the cuts and the seal was issued.

Why this astounding attitude, from both the Legion and the PCA, to this film? Normally a film such as this would have been automatically condemned and rejected by both, and in fact it was far more explicit than The Outlaw, Duel in the Sun, or Forever Amber. But it was passed with hardly a whimper.

Here is the reason: the Vatican loved the film! The Vatican’s “Central Catholic Committee” approved it, and a copy was even requested for the Vatican’s film library! And why did the Vatican love it? Why were the highest officials of the Roman Catholic institution prepared to overlook its sexual explicitness and graphic brutality? Firstly because at heart, these men were, and still are, like men everywhere else in the world: unregenerate, worldly, fleshly, sensual, attracted by such things. As we have said, all this censorship power over Hollywood had far more to do with exerting control over the industry than over any real desire to keep Hollywood morally clean anyway. And this would become even clearer in the coming decades, when censorship was abolished and yet various Roman Catholics, including Jesuit priests, would wholeheartedly endorse, and even be deeply involved in the making of, films that were full of sexual immorality, gratuitous violence, and even grotesque demon possession.

But there was also a second and very important reason why the Vatican loved Open City: the film presented “one of the most sympathetic portrayals of the Catholic church ever seen on screen. The typical Hollywood Catholic priest of the time… spun out pieties with moral absoluteness that allowed little thought for the other characters or audience members. In Open City the moral choices the [pro- Communist Italian] partisans have to make are anything but clear-cut, and the church… is tolerant and understanding when war forces [the characters in the film] to violate normal conventions. [The priest] is unalterably opposed to fascism and determined to fight for a better life for the people. In the film, the church has the total support of the people: Even the communists, who hate religion, turn to the church for help and support; what is more, the church is willing to help them because they are fighting fascism.” 328

It must be remembered that for centuries the Jesuits had made use of theatre to promote Roman Catholicism; and film was simply the modem equivalent of theatre. This is why they always wanted a controlling hand in Hollywood and in film media the world over. So when Open City depicted the Roman Catholic religion in such extremely positive light, the Vatican was fully supportive of it! And this is the reason for the willingness of Joseph Breen and his PCA, as well as the Legion of Decency, to pass the film with no condemnation! What utter hypocrisy.

And when one understands the role played in the Second World War by the Roman Catholic “Church”, one will be able to understand, even more clearly, why the Vatican viewed Open City as a wonderful propaganda tool to cover up the Vatican’s own involvement in the war. For the truth is that both Nazism and Fascism were given immense support by the Vatican! Flitler and Mussolini – both Roman Catholics – were hugely encouraged by the Vatican in their diabolical schemes, 329 the evidence for which is simply overwhelming and is so vast that to this very day Rome is doing its utmost to rewrite history. But now the war was over, and the Nazis and the Fascists had lost; and the Vatican was desperate to appear anti- Nazi and a«fi-Fascist to the world. This film was seen as a great help to the Vatican in getting the world to believe this.

This role of Rome in the war was recognised by Gregory D. Black, author of The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, 1940-1975, when he wrote: “ Open City presented a church that few in 1946 would recognize. The role of the Catholic church in Germany had been one of conciliation toward Flitler, with no bishop taking to his pulpit to denounce the campaign against the Jews. Moreover, Pope Pius XII had not spoken out against the Holocaust, and this silence on Nazi atrocities subjected him to severe criticism soon after the war. Open City offered a refreshing tonic for a church so stung.” He went on: “American Catholics were not unaware of the controversy surrounding the pope. Given the position of the Vatican, it would certainly have been embarrassing for the American Catholic Legion of Decency to issue the film a condemned rating: The bishops would have been ridiculed in the American press and would not have relished explaining to Vatican officials why a film so favourable to Catholicism had been condemned in America.” 330

The film rewrote history. No wonder the Papist censors passed it. It depicted the Italians as being unitedly anti-Nazi and anti-Fascist during the war, which was simply not the case in fact. Italy was allied to Hitler, but this is not mentioned in the film. Nor, of course, does it come out in the film that Italian film-makers willingly produced Fascist propaganda films during the war years.

And there was something else as well: even though the priest in the film supports the underground Communist resistance movement in Italy, and at this time the Vatican (under Pius XII) was still very anti-Communist, yet already things were changing, and there were a great many priests who were becoming increasingly supportive of Communism. And just a few years later, a very pro-Communist pope would come to power, John XXIII. 331 So this film was depicting a shifting of alliances within the Vatican itself, a re-orientation towards Communism, that would define the Vatican’s political affairs for decades to come.

Paisan (1946) and Germany, Year Zero (1948): the PCA in Conflict with Itself and with the Legion

Rossellini followed up with another film set in Italy during the war years, Paisan. This movie contained very controversial scenes, including prostitution, which would usually have earned any Hollywood movie a condemned rating. Arthur DeBra of the PCA’s New York office reviewed it and approved it, which greatly angered Joseph Breen at the Los Angeles office, who felt that it was sexually immoral. He correctly felt that if a foreign film depicting such scenes could be passed, then Hollywood film-makers would begin to demand the same treatment for their movies. And so he decided that from then on, all foreign films would have to be reviewed at the Los Angeles office – his office.

Next came a third film by Rossellini, entitled Germany, Year Zero, set in post-war Germany. This film contained scenes of child prostitution, child sexual abuse by a homosexual, child suicide, and the murder of a father by his son. Breen and the PCA were horrified by the film, with Breen branding it “thoroughly and completely unacceptable”, and moreover that it could not be made acceptable no matter how many cuts were made to it. The Legion of Decency declared it was “unfit for general movie audiences”, and that it would only give the film a “B” category if the scenes of paedophilia and child prostitution were cut and an epilogue was added, which the Legion itself wrote. These changes were made, the Legion gave it a “B” – but Breen was adamant: the film could not be made acceptable. It was a shock to the Papist Breen, having the Papist Legion approve a film he had condemned. It did not help him when a number of state censorship boards also approved it, either with minor cuts or none at all.

The film did not do well at the box office. But even so, the times had changed, and Joseph Breen was striving to maintain a form of Roman Catholic censorship that was no longer fully supported either by the general public or even by fellow-Roman Catholics. The Legion believed that he had become increasingly liberal (although in the case of this film it was the Legion that was more liberal than Breen), and McClafferty and Quigley had lost faith in him, although they still believed in the Code. Their problem was with the administration of the Code by the Breen Office.

In addition, there was some protest from Protestant groups about the PCA’s domination by Roman Catholics. They were convinced that Hollywood was churning out one pro-Papist religious film after another – and they were right. Furthermore, there was concern over the fact that priests of Rome were depicted as heroes, but Protestant ministers were depicted as weak and often comic.

A Protestant Film Council was established after World War Two for the purpose of advising Hollywood on Protestant issues, but it never became as influential as the Legion of Decency. In the words of Geoff Shurlock, who was later to replace Breen, the studios did not want “the Catholics running the industry, but [the Protestants] never showed themselves…capable.” 332

1948 Supreme Court Ruling Erodes PCA Power

It was a huge blow for Hollywood when, in May 1948, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the movie industry was an illegal monopoly. It ordered a separation of exhibition from production. And what interests us at this point is that an important component of this monopoly was censorship, because the major studios had agreed to never produce nor play a film in their theatres that had not received a PCA seal of approval. But once the Supreme Court ruled, the power of the PCA was affected adversely. No longer was PCA power almost total, for now film theatres were independent of film production, and they could choose to play films that did not have a PCA seal. Moreover, if the Legion of Decency condemned a film, the theatres were no longer as concerned about it. This was a huge step in the direction of eventual termination of movie censorship, and a huge blow to both the PCA and the Legion, Rome’s twin pincers for controlling what Hollywood churned out.

Films, in the same way as newspapers and radio, were now deemed to be part of the press; and freedom of the press was guaranteed by the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution. Films, therefore, could now be made under the same “press freedom” guarantees – with catastrophic results to Americans’ morality, and to the morality of the entire western world.

Miracle of the Bells (1948): Rome Turns a Blind Eye When Money is Flowing Romeward

When Frank Sinatra was cast as a priest in this film, this caused something of a stir, for he had become a somewhat notorious personality. The Romish cardinal, Francis Spellman, alarmed at the casting, asked Los Angeles auxiliary bishop, Joseph McGucken, to try to get RKO studio to drop Sinatra from the part. Although McGucken felt this could not be done, he contacted Joseph Breen regarding the rumours that Sinatra was involved with the Communist Party and that he was a womaniser. Breen admitted that in addition to having a problem with alcohol, Sinatra had kept “bad company”, notably leftists who had used him as a front; but he told McGucken that the actor had remained faithful to his wife. This was not true, although it is possible Breen did not know it. McGucken was able to pass on this information to Spellman, with the additional news that Sinatra’s managers had decided, for purposes of publicity, that Sinatra would become a benefactor of the Catholic Youth Organization. 333

Such has ever been Rome’s way: it can make a lot of noise about a person’s morals, political leanings, etc., but all that noise is silenced when there is money heading in Rome’s direction, even from the person concerned. Fra nk Sinatra, a notorious womaniser, unacceptable at first to Rome to play a priest in a film, became Frank Sinatra the good benefactor to the “Church” – and Rome turned a blind eye to what it had been opposed to before. Ah, the love of money (1 Tim. 6:10). Flow it can talk!

Joan of Arc (1948): a Screen “Saint” Causes Breen Pain

In 1948 the actress Ingrid Bergman appeared as the lead character in the Hollywood film, Joan of Arc. It had not been easy to persuade influential Papists that the film was a good one (from their perspective). In addition to priest John J. Devlin, Breen found three other priests (two of them Jesuits) to work with him on watching over the film’s production. This irked Devlin, who felt they were not needed and he was more than up to the task himself. And, giving away Rome’s real attitude to historical truth in movies, he told one of the priests that what was more important than historical accuracy was that the film should “carefully and sympathetically” put across the Roman Catholic viewpoint! Priest Patrick Masterson, himself deeply troubled that one of the Jesuit advisors was insisting on historical accuracy, said to Devlin, “After all, history is one thing, movies another.” 334 In other words, historical accuracy could go out the window – all that mattered was that the film was pro-Papist!

Ingrid Bergman was extremely popular and the film was expected to be a massive hit, especially as it was particularly aimed at pious Roman Catholic moviegoers, being about one of their famous “saints”. Joe Breen himself was ecstatic about the making of the film because of its pro-Roman Catholic message. And indeed, when it was released it played to capacity crowds. Breen could hardly contain his excitement, joy and praise for the film. Until…

Until Ingrid Bergman, a wife and a mother, went the way of virtually all Hollywood actors and actresses and started having an extramarital affair with Italian director Roberto Rossellini. Here was a woman playing the part of a Papist “saint”, and yet embroiled in a decidedly unsaintly affair. And it certainly affected the box-office success of Joan of Arc very negatively.

Breen, devout Papist that he was, was aghast. Writing to a Jesuit friend in France, he said her affair ranked as “possibly, the most shocking scandal which even Hollywood had had to contend with in many years. Miss Bergman, from the first day of her arrival here, has always conducted herself in a most commendable manner. There has never been even the slightest breath of scandal about her. She was regarded as a fine lady of unimpeachable character, a good wife, and a good mother.” 335 Perhaps so – but Hollywood has always been a cesspool, and sooner or later most actors and actresses succumb and dive into that pool.

Breen went further – he actually urged his Jesuit friend to try to intervene in the business, perhaps even by the Jesuits persuading the Vatican to somehow put pressure on the Italian government itself! As Breen’s biographer wrote, “to do what? deport Bergman to Hollywood escorted by papal guards?” 336 Breen also wrote to the lady herself, without success.

The Ingrid Bergman business gives us a glimpse into the devoutness of Breen’s Roman Catholic faith. He genuinely believed that he – assisted by the Jesuits and other powerful Romish allies – had been put on the earth not only to keep Hollywood morally clean but also to keep it as Roman Catholic as possible; and Bergman’s fall from grace was a severe blow to that objective.

The Bicycle Thief 91948): PCA and Breen’s Authority Undermined Still Further

An Italian movie called The Bicycle Thief was released in 1948 and directed by Vittorio De Sica. The Legion could not see anything immoral in it. Breen, however, was of a different mind, and said there were two scenes which had to be cut, one of which involved a boy urinating and the other, a chase through a bordello. But both Joseph Burstyn, the distributor, and De Sica refused to make any changes to it. They decided to appeal Breen’s ruling.

Burstyn went to the press, who ridiculed Breen and the MPAA for banning the movie. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) came out in favour of the film and against Breen, with its head branding Breen’s decision a “shocking demonstration of censorship power and must be condemned as a violation of free thought and expression.”

Martin Quigley supported Breen, not because the film was immoral but because the foreign film-makers, De Sica and Rossellini, were pro-Communist. “The Bicycle Thief comes from that sector of the European production which leans distinctly to the left,” his magazine, The Motion Picture Herald, stated. He said both men were members of “the pro-Communist Italian Film Congress.” 337 There was truth in this: European Communists were making left-leaning films and naturally their purpose was to indoctrinate. And so once again, we have the strange scene of powerful, conservative Roman Catholics in America seeking to stamp their own mark on an industry dominated by Communists or pro-Communists. For the true Christian, both are hostile to morality and biblical Christianity.

In March 1950 the MPAA board of directors assembled to listen to Breen and Burstyn state their cases, and Burstyn’s appeal was denied. It was a determined effort to prevent foreign films from having an American distribution, as these films were far more sexually explicit and it was believed (rightly) that they would lower the moral standards of Americans. Foreign film-makers could make such films because they did not have the censorship American films had. Breen knew that if foreign films containing such scenes and themes were to be allowed into America, the purpose for the PCA and for the Legion would essentially cease to exist. He wanted to maintain firm control over the films Americans were allowed to see. He wanted Rome in general, and himself in particular, to exercise this control.

A few months later, three major national circuits booked The Bicycle Thief, despite the MPAA ruling. This was a big blow to the authority of Breen’s PCA, for up until then major exhibitors had pledged not to book films that did not carry the PCA seal of approval; and now, for the first time, this pledge had been broken. No longer was it a given that exhibitors would automatically reject films with no PCA seal. The PCA and the Legion were losing power, step by step.

Beyond the Forest (1949): Abortion in Film

In 1949 Breen rejected a script for The Doctor and the Girl, a film involving abortion; but Eric Johnston, MPAA president, ordered Breen to negotiate with MGM studios about it. He did, despite reservations and a warning to Johnston that if the film was passed, other studios would start making films about abortion as well. The film was indeed passed, but, as Breen had predicted, almost immediately afterwards another script for a film involving abortion crossed his desk: Warner Brothers’ Beyond the Forest. The task of bringing the film into conformity with the Breen Office standards was given by Breen to Jack Vizzard. Vizzard had been studying for the Jesuit priesthood but had dropped out and joined the PCA. After Vizzard had made some changes Breen reluctantly gave the film a seal.

But priest Masterson was having none of it, and the film was condemned by the Legion of Decency. The film began to take a pounding from reviewers, and theatres discontinued showing it. Jack Warner asked Breen to try to get the Legion to back off- after all, Breen had approved the film. Vizzard was sent to Masterson, but the latter was not impressed with an ex-Jesuit seminarian who had approved such a film. Changes were made to the film, however, and the Legion reclassified it with a “B” rating.

Vizzard was then chastised by Martin Quigley as well, and Quigley also told Breen that the PCA had lowered its moral standards. Breen, for his part, said the scripts had become worse than ever. He was certainly correct when he told Quigley: “There is some sinister force at work hereabouts. I just can’t put my finger on it, but I am satisfied in my own mind that this condition, which has come about in recent months, did not just ‘happen.’ There is an African in the woodpile!” 338 Yes, he was right, as the studios pushed the boundaries in their efforts to get people away from their TV sets and back to the movie theatres; but what Breen did not grasp was that the Roman Catholic religion, which he so enthusiastically adhered to, was a major part of the problem, as it shoved hypocritical Papist morality down the throats of the movie bosses, who only swallowed it very, very reluctantly and vomited it out whenever they could.

The Legion of Decency Still Powerful, But…

As the decade of the 1940s drew to a close, it appeared that the Legion was still very powerful. Certainly most of Hollywood was reluctant to challenge it. As one participant in Life magazine’s 1949 “movie roundtable” put it: “the Legion holds the whip hand over Hollywood and nothing can be done about it.” 339

However, the evidence showed that the Legion, although still powerful, was in fact being supported less and less by Roman Catholics themselves. Huge numbers of them were simply ignoring their hierarchy and going to see the films they wanted to see. The situation, then, was as follows: a powerful Roman Catholic hierarchy in America determined to impose its authority on its subjects in the same way as it did in other, less democratic, more subservient and more Papist countries; a Roman Catholic population increasingly influenced by the American spirit of false moral “liberty” and to that extent less influenced than in previous generations by its religious leaders; and a movie industry where the studios were dominated by Jews and frequently strongly influenced by Communism, and yet still at this time lacking the willpower to stand up to the Papist Legion of Decency or the Papist-controlled Production Code Administration. For the time being at any rate, the Romish hierarchy was still on top and getting its way; but for how long?

The Code – and Breen – Come Under Increasing Criticism and Ridicule

In addition, the Code itself was coming under increasing criticism. Morally, times had changed after the war, and many wanted films to reflect those changes. Sam Goldwyn, the Jewish mogul of Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer fame, condemned state censors in an address in 1949, branding them as “petty, single-minded, single-tracked dirt-sniffers who feel they have to justify their official existence by using their scissors instead of their heads”. As regards the Code itself, he was almost equally as blunt: “It is my firm belief the time has come to bring the Code up to date, to conform to the changes that have taken place during the 19 years since it was first adopted. It needs overhauling, revamping, renovating.” 340 But Breen was adamant that the Code had to stay as it was, so that Hollywood would continue to provide “clean and wholesome entertainment” (at least in his judgment). It must be remembered that, for him and others, the Code was viewed as almost a divine document, based solidly on the Ten Commandments. Indeed, Motion Picture Herald at the time stated bluntly, “One does not consider it probable that even the dynamic Mr. Goldwyn would be trying to bring the Ten Commandments ‘up to date.’ Also, he can probably settle with his friend Mr. Joseph I. Breen easier than with Moses.” 341

The attitude of many within Hollywood to the Code which they felt was outdated was expressed in an advertisement that appeared in the Screen Writer: “Wanted, an idea: Established writer would like a good updated idea for a motion picture which avoids politics, sex, religion, divorce, double beds, drugs, disease, poverty, liquor, senators, bankers, wealth, cigarettes, congress, race, economics, art, death, crime, childbirth and accidents (whether by airplane or public carrier); also the villain must not be an American, European, South American, African, Asiatic, Australian, New Zealander or Eskimo.” 342

The calls for changes became louder, more insistent. The Code was attacked, questioned, even ignored by many. Breen himself was increasingly being ridiculed, viewed as a relic of an earlier, more rigid era, no longer in tune with the changing times. And the opposition was not just coming from within Hollywood itself, but from the general public. Breen wrote to Daniel Lord in 1950 as follows: “In recent years… there has been a growing disposition to seek to destroy the Code, to do away with it…. I have noticed since the war, a very positive development that suggests paganism. This manifests itself by the disposition to throw off all standards of decency, of honesty, of honor.” 343

He was correct, of course. This is precisely what was happening. The battle was now on between Roman Catholicism and the anything- should-go immorality of an ever-growing number of people across America and the West, throwing off the moral restraints of their parents’ and grandparents’ generations, and insisting that entertainment should “change with the times” and pander to the lower moral standards.

By the 1950s, Roman Catholic Americans were no longer a minority community on the edge of mainstream American society. They now numbered a quarter of the U.S. population, and occupied professional and managerial positions throughout the country. No longer were they bound to the “old neighbourhood” by their economic situation. And as they moved up the social ladder, so too the descendants of those Roman Catholic immigrants who had run the nickelodeons and movie theatres became directors of movies themselves.

Furthermore, during this time (the immediate post-war years) American Romanism not only blossomed, but became far less “European” and far more “American” than it had beenbefore. American Romanists themselves, having supported American anti-Communist nationalism, were now widely accepted, both in mainstream America with its newly wealthy Roman Catholic middle class, and in American politics. Wherever one looked in the United States of the late 1950s and early 1960s, one saw Roman Catholics dominating popular culture, epitomised by Frank Sinatra in the music industry. On TV, Papist monsignor, Fulton J. Sheen, had a programme entitled Life Is Worth Living. “After a century or more in urban ghettos, suddenly Catholics were everywhere.” 344

And this Romanist dominance of society was not by accident. The “Church” of Rome works tirelessly for world domination; and it was well aware that if it could conquer the United States of America, it would conquer the western world. And control of the mass media, in particular films and television, would ensure manipulation and indoctrination of the public in general, devoted as they were to their visual entertainment and visual news sources.

But this domination was to be constantly challenged in 1950s Hollywood.

Bitter Rice (1950): the Undermining Continues

The erosion of PCA and Legion authority was seen again with another film made in Italy, Bitter Rice, directed by Giuseppe De Santis, which was released in 1950 and which contained scenes of provocative clothing, seductive dances, nude swimming, illicit sex, and a plot that included abortion, a gruesome murder, suicide, etc. The distributors, Lux Films, did not even ask for a PCA seal, and it had been showing in the United States for some time before Breen and his staff saw it. They were shocked by the immorality and exposure of flesh. Quigley and the Legion condemned it, with the Legion branding it offensive to “Christian and traditional principles of morality.” The Tidings, a Romish newspaper in Los Angeles, said it was a Communist-inspired film.

Other leading Papists were worried about the film, too; but the PCA could not deny it a seal because Lux Films had not asked for one! They could not stop it being shown, and indeed large numbers turned out to see it.

As this particular film received wider distribution than was usual for foreign-language films, priest Little, concerned that a national campaign against it would make it still more popular, advised local Legion directors to act against it in whatever way they felt was best in their particular areas. Thus their responses varied, although most dioceses decided to just ignore it, hoping this would cause it to die a natural death in a short time. But this did not happen, and it continued to play.

Nevertheless, eventually Lux Films realised that even more money could be made from the film by making it conform to the Legion’s standards, thereby having the Legion remove the “C” rating. After huge cuts were made, it was finally reclassified as “B”.

The Miracle (1950): The Battle Over “Sacrilegious” Censorship

It was clear that although their power was still very considerable, the PCA and the Legion were not the a//-powerful organisations they had once been. It was a changing world, and there was a massive battle underway for control of the cinema. This was again brought home, with even more emphasis, with the release in America of yet another foreign film, The Miracle.

In 1950 Roberto Rossellini, an ex-Roman Catholic Italian director, made a film called II miracolo (The Miracle in English), which was screened at an art theatre in New York City. It had no nudity or crime, but it was “a modem religious parable” and the “Church” of Rome was livid over it. 345 It was an imported film about a simple-minded female goatherd who believes she has met “St.” Joseph, and who, when she finds herself mysteriously pregnant, believes the father is Joseph, and is ostracised and jeered at by others, finally giving birth in a local “church” building. When first shown in Italy, an organisation somewhat analogous to the Legion of Decency in that country strongly condemned it as an “abominable profanation”, but the Vatican did not attempt to suppress it. Leading Papists were unsure as to how to interpret the film. It might be an attack on the doctrine of the virgin conception and birth, but then again it might also be simply a commentary on the intolerance found in modem society. Not that it really mattered in the end, because it did not do at all well at the box office in Italy.

In the USA, however, it was a very different matter. Joseph Burstyn, who was in charge of showing it in New York City, was not legally bound to seek a PCA seal of approval for it as it was shown on the art-house circuit, and indeed he did not attempt to get one. But it was condemned as sacrilegious and blasphemous by the Legion, and the New York State board of censorship’s licence commissioner, Edward McCaffrey, a Roman Catholic, banned it from being publicly shown, despite having originally given it a green light. The movie was withdrawn from the circuit, but the distributors challenged the ban legally, and a formal hearing was scheduled for January 1951. This publicity did wonders for the film, which became extremely popular. Roman Catholics picketed the theatre showing it, but the ACLU and various newspapers weighed in, defending the movie and the right of people to see it – which large numbers did. The court ruled that McCaffrey had gone beyond his authority in banning the film.

New York’s cardinal, Lrancis Spellman, was outraged, and in a letter read out at every mass in the New York archdiocese he made his feelings clear, calling the film “a despicable affront to every Christian” and “a vicious insult to Italian womanhood”, calling for Papists to boycott the movie, and making it clear that he believed the movie was Communist-inspired for the purpose of ridiculing the “Christian” (i.e. Roman Catholic) religion and promoting the enslavement of America to atheistic Communism. He called on all decent people to join with him to oppose the “minions of Moscow” in their attempts to “enslave this land of liberty”. This religious hypocrite spoke of America in glowing terms as a land of liberty, yet knowing full well that his very “Church” hated the liberties enjoyed by Americans, and had always fought against them! Spellman’s call was heeded by Roman Catholic Americans, and picket lines consisting of Roman Catholic war veterans at the theatre showing the movie expanded to over a thousand people. The signs carried by the picketers read: “This Picture is an Insult to Every Decent Woman and Her Mother”; “Don’t be a Communist – All the Communists are Inside” and “Don’t Enter that Cesspool”. The picketers insulted those who tried to buy tickets. Counter-pickets also formed outside the theatre, and Protestant ministers complained about the Papists imposing their will on everyone else. Attitudes hardened on both sides of the issue. Bomb threats were even made against the theatre, followed by bomb threats made against St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral!

Yet despite all Rome’s efforts, still the crowds came to see it.

Then Martin Quigley weighed in, with an editorial which, like Spellman, labelled the film as Communist: “With Americans dying daily in Korea, and the nation girding for total war if necessary to preserve our way of life, which is based on belief in God and the inalienable rights of man, it is intolerable that a film such as The Miracle should be shown in an American theater. Its logical birthplace in the modem world is the Soviet Union.” 346

It was utterly hypocritical of this Roman Catholic to speak of defending the American way of life, when Rome had been working to destroy that very way of life and turn America into a Papist nation. But of course this was the period before the pro-Communist pope, John XXIII, and the Papacy was still very anti-Communist. This would change in just a few short years. It was ironic, too, that he spoke of America’s belief in “the rights of man”, a concept bom out of the very humanistic/Communistic system he was condemning, and which, at this time, Rome was strongly opposed to anyway.

And the greatest irony of all? “Quigley may or may not have known that the Soviet Union rejected the film because it was, in their view, ‘pro- Catholic propaganda.’” 347 There were undoubtedly pro-Communist, anti- Roman Catholic films coming into America, and these most definitely had, as their purpose, the undermining of the United States; but it does not appear as if The Miracle was one of them. But to brand it as such was an easy way for the Romish hierarchy to raise the ire of anti-Communist American Romanists. It was a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone: to exert Rome’s power over what could or could not be shown on American screens, and to deal another hard knock to Communism, which was still Rome’s bitter enemy at this time.

And so, “Catholics from Cardinal Spellman on down freely tossed the charge of communism at all who favoured showing the film; picket lines and bomb threats were used in attempts to prevent audiences from seeing the film; those brave enough to run the gauntlet were accused of being communist or communist sympathizers; Protestant and Catholic representatives argued over what was and was not sacrilegious; and the professional film critics awarded The Miracle, at best a mildly curious picture, the Best Foreign Film of the year.” 348

The New York State censorship board now found itself under huge pressure to revoke its earlier decision to permit the film to be shown. Burstyn and his lawyers argued that this dislike of the film was pretty much limited to Roman Catholics, and submitted as evidence hundreds of letters from Protestant ministers who saw nothing wrong with the film at all. This is not to say that there really was nothing wrong with it, for by this time (the mid-twentieth century) many Protestant denominations and churches were already liberal in both doctrine and practice. But Burstyn was correct in stating that it was mainly Roman Catholics who were angered over the film.

Nevertheless, under extreme pressure from the Papal machine in America, the censorship board in New York revoked the licence to screen the film, stating as its reason that New York law insisted that “men and women of all faiths respect the religious beliefs held by others” and that the film associated the Roman Catholic and Protestant versions of the Bible with “drunkenness, seduction and lewdness” and was therefore sacrilegious.

But things were changing in Roman Catholic circles. Some Romish publications criticised their own “Church” for its picketing and its dictatorial style. An editorial in Commonweal said: “We are burdened with an ancient siege complex”. It went on to state that the Romish “Church”s use of threats rather than persuasion may have caused those who were not Roman Catholics to “feel as if they were being treated like children by an alien force that didn’t give two cents for their personal liberty.” This was strong criticism from a Papist publication in those times. And there were Roman Catholics who criticised their “Church” over its handling of this film, and lost their jobs. One was Fra nk Getlein, the film reviewer for the Catholic Messenger of Davenport, Iowa, who lost his job at Fairfield University, a Roman Catholic college in Connecticut, for his criticism. Another was William Clancy, a teacher of English at the University of Notre Dame, whose article, “The Catholic as Philistine”, in which he called the Roman Catholic campaign against the film “semi-ecclesiastic McCarthyism”, cost him his job as well. 349

Burstyn was down but not out. He appealed the ruling, but when the New York State Court of Appeals upheld it he filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court in December 1951. Oral arguments for Burstyn v. Wilson were set for April 1952. Burstyn was challenging the Supreme Court decision of 1915 in Mutual v. Ohio (examined earlier in this book) which had upheld the constitutionality of state censorship boards.

Ephraim London, who represented Burstyn, argued that film was entitled to the freedom which the U.S. Constitution guaranteed to the press, as it communicated ideas just like the press did. Citing hundreds of letters and petitions from Protestant ministers and people that The Miracle was not viewed as sacrilegious by them, London argued that the state exceeded the constitution when it upheld the religious views of one group (in this case, the views of the “Church” of Rome) above all others.

London was correct: in the United States, no religion’s views could be upheld above any others; a very sensible and wise law. It is what prevented the United States from persecuting people for their religion, as had happened so often in so many other countries of the world at one time or another, where such a law was lacking. For it is not the government’s place to interfere in religious matters. Whenever governments have done so, persecution has inevitably followed. The duty of the State is limited to matters of the physical world, not the spiritual. If citizens are threatened physically, or harmed physically, then the State must intervene; but in religious matters it has no jurisdiction from God, and should ideally have none in practice.

The end result was that on May 26, 1952, the Supreme Court reversed the decision of the New York Court of Appeals. And in writing the unanimous decision for the court, Justice Tom Clark essentially stated precisely what has just been set out as the proper approach, if only governments would follow it: he said that the State has “no legitimate interest in protecting any or all religions from views distasteful to them” and that it was not the business of government “to suppress real or imagined attacks upon a particular religious doctrine, whether they appear in publications, speeches, or motion pictures.” 350

This wise and sensible position could justifiably be dubbed the Gallio principle: when “the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat, saying, This fellow persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the law”, then Gallio, the deputy of Achaia, replied, “If it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, O ye Jews, reason would that I should bear with you: but if it be a question of words and names, and of your [religious] law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters” (Acts 18:12-15). He did not practice what he preached, of course, for when the Greeks then proceeded to beat up the ruler of the synagogue, we are told that “Gallio cared for none of those things” (v. 17), even though this was now most definitely “a matter of wrong”; but he was right in his stance that it was not his business, as a political leader, to get embroiled in religious matters. If only governments had held the same sentiments through the centuries, there would have been far less religious persecution in the world! The government’s business is to maintain law and order, to punish evildoers, etc.; it is not its business to regulate religion, to say what may or may not be said in matters of religion, or to stick its nose into spiritual matters of any kind. The United States, more than any other nation in the history of the world, sought to separate the State’s authority from that of religious authority of any kind, refusing to get embroiled in religious controversies, leaving such matters to the religions themselves to deal with. This prevented persecution on religious grounds, for it is a fact of history that wherever a government involves itself in such matters, persecution inevitably follows.

When it comes to religious matters, would that the whole world adopted the Gallio principle! Tragically, today, even America is rapidly moving away from it, increasingly interfering in religious affairs and attacking those who oppose, on religious grounds, such religions as Roman Catholicism and Islam.

And here a word must be said, also, to those Christians who thi nk a government should be involved in upholding the true Christian faith. This is just as wrong when it concerns the true faith as when it concerns false religions! Some professing Evangelical Christians believe that if the majority of the population professes to be Christian, the government should outlaw all publications, films, etc., which attack the Christian faith. In this they greatly err. The followers of Christ must proclaim the Gospel of Christ by the method of preaching, of persuasion (2 Cor. 5:11), and it will be received by all those ordained to eternal life (Acts 13:48). We do not need, nor should we ever seek, the legislation of Christianity.

Just as the 1915 Supreme Court ruling had been a defining moment in movie history, when (as seen earlier) movies were declared to be a “business, pure and simple”, which could be regulated, so the 1952 ruling was another such defining moment. The 1915 ruling was now reversed, with the court arguing that movies were expressions of ideas and as such, were covered under the freedom of speech clause of the U.S. Constitution and could not be censored.

However, it stated that it had not ruled “whether a state may censor motion pictures under a clearly drawn statute designed and applied to prevent the showing of obscene films. That is a very different question from the one now before us. We hold only that under the First and Fourteenth Amendments a state may not ban a film on the basis of a censor’s conclusion that it is ‘sacrilegious.’” Thus, according to the Supreme Court, it might have been legal for a censorship law to prevent obscene films.

The Supreme Court decision was a major blow to censorship boards across America, and over the next few years they would cease to function, for the majority of them contained statements prohibiting films on sacrilegious grounds, and to do so was now unconstitutional. In addition, this ruling severely restricted the power of Joseph Breen and the PCA to demand that material which violated the Production Code be removed from films. Censorship was still in place after this ruling, but it was now greatly weakened legally.

The Legion of Decency was affected most of all. While professing to only rate films for Roman Catholic audiences, not censor them, the Legion had done its best to prevent all Americans from seeing The Miracle, regardless of their religious beliefs. And it had done so in a particularly vicious manner, with boycotts, pickets, threats of bombings, etc. “In essence, the Catholic church through the Legion, had demanded that the state declare Catholic theology as official dogma. Protestant organizations rightly opposed giving that kind of sanction to the Catholic church, as did the U.S. Supreme Court. The boundaries of separation between church and state remained firmly defined .” 351 It was a major setback for Rome’s attempts to increase its power over the life of all the people of the United States. If it had succeeded, the “Church” of Rome would have vastly expanded its influence over this country it had sought to conquer for so long. It would have been one giant step closer to becoming the official “State Church” in the USA, something utterly alien to the U.S. Constitution and to all that America had stood for since its founding. But the sovereign Lord had decreed otherwise, and providentially this bold plot was overturned at this time. Rome would not give up, however.

The Legion of Decency, as a result of its actions against this film, suffered a huge blow. Even many Roman Catholics turned against it. After all, many of them could not help but imbibe much of the spirit of Americanism: of such concepts as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press. This has always been Rome’s dilemma in the USA – how to keep American Romanists faithful to Rome when they live in a country that is at its very heart the very antithesis of what Rome stands for. For example, the Roman Catholic publication, Commonweal, the only major Romish publication to support the Supreme Court decision, stated that when Romanists “obey the voice of the Church, it is a free act; to pressure or force, even indirectly, others who do not believe, into the same kind of obedience is to ask for servility.” 352 This was an excellent statement in favour of religious liberty and liberty of conscience, and as such very American; but it certainly was not in line with the “Church” of Rome, which demands the very servility condemned in the statement, and has always used pressure and force against those who oppose it.

Never again would the Legion of Decency be the all-powerful institution it once was. It was concerned, but continued on, applying Roman Catholic standards to the films it examined. This in itself would have been perfectly fine if it did so solely as a watchdog for Roman Catholic Americans, but it continued to act as if it had a divine right to act on behalf of all Americans, Roman Catholic or otherwise.

There could be no doubt, however, that both PCA and Legion influence and authority had been much weakened by these things. Oh, they were still extremely strong, but things were not looking quite so rosy, quite so certain, for them anymore. And Hollywood film-makers were becoming bolder in their desire to challenge PCA and Legion interference.

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951): Yet Another Challenge to the Breen Office and the Legion

The assault on film censorship (which meant the assault on Roman Catholic-controlled film censorship) continued. The script for a film entitled A Streetcar Named Desire arrived on Joseph Breen’s desk in 1950. The Broadway play had been running since 1947, and contained themes of sexuality, homosexuality, suicide, adult-adolescent sex, rape, etc. It was a smash hit, which was why Hollywood showed interest in making a movie of it. But it was obvious it would fall foul of the PCA.

Breen objected to the homosexuality, nymphomania and rape in the story, and would never grant a seal if these themes remained. By various editings they were toned down, but not completely removed. Nevertheless the PCA seal was granted, quite surprisingly, after compromises were reached: Breen said he would accept the rape if it was done “by suggestion and delicacy”, and director Elia Kazan agreed that the film’s ending would provide “compensating moral values”. 353 But when priest Patrick J. Masterson of the Legion, and Martin Quigley, viewed the film, they were enraged, and Warner Brothers were informed by the Legion that it would condemn the film unless major cuts and alterations were made. Such was the Legion’s power, still, in Hollywood at this time that Warner Brothers actually hired Martin Quigley himself to do the editing, in 1951.

When director Kazan heard of the massive cuts being made in the editing room, he tried to stop the Legion. This same director would shortly appear before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. He was later to write in his memoirs, “It was at this time that I became aware of the similarity of the Catholic Church to the Communist Party, particularly in the ‘underground’ nature of their operation.” 354 In this he was more correct than he could ever have known. It is a fact (but outside the scope of this book to demonstrate) that agents of Rome were involved behind the scenes in the very creation of Communism, that Communism had borrowed much from the Roman Catholic institution, and that in the years to come the two would develop an increasingly cosy and symbiotic relationship.

When Kazan confronted Quigley over the cuts to his film, Quigley emphasised the importance of “the moral order over artistic considerations.” All true Christians would agree that morality must always be paramount, and that this film was blatantly immoral; but of course when Quigley spoke of “the moral order” he meant as understood and interpreted by Rome. He denied it, of course: Kazan was outraged that the Roman Catholic “Church” was forcing its moral values on all Americans, but Quigley’s rejoinder was that the Legion censored according to the Ten Commandments. This sounded so much broader, and so much more innocuous, than claiming the Legion was acting according to the moral values of the “Church” of Rome. But it was not true.

Kazan was furious, and he did not remain silent. In a New York Times article he made it clear that “a prominent Catholic layman” had forced him to accept the changes to the film, and he wrote: “My picture has been cut to fit the specifications of a code which is not my code, is not the recognized code of the picture industry, and is not the code of the great majority of the audience.” He also wrote, “I was the victim of a hostile conspiracy.” He branded Francis Spellman, the Popish cardinal, “the gluttonous Pope of Fifth Avenue” who had humiliated him. 355

We have no sympathy for the Kazans of the world. They deliberately seek to make filthy, immoral movies, a flagrant attack on decency and morality. We include his complaints here simply to show the power of Rome in Hollywood at that time. Immoral films, like immoral books, do no good whatsoever and an immense amount of harm. But the “Church” of Rome has no business being the moral watchdog of society, given its polluted and degraded history. And yet for decades the movie industry was essentially controlled by this false “Church.”

The Resumption of the House Committee on Un-American Activities in Hollywood

While all this was going on, in 1951 the HUAC hearings resumed suddenly again – after a few years of silence and inactivity. This time around, large numbers of witnesses gave the HUAC the names of political associates. Once again, the Jewish moguls in Hollywood were frightened. They kn ew that if they did not fire all radicals, liberals and Communists in their studios, they would face pickets and boycotts of their movies and the hatred and rejection of American society. So they acted. In their panic they even fired people who were not Communists or Communist sympathisers, but whose names appeared on the blacklist. The story is told of a Hollywood writer whose name was on the list, who worked for Harry Warner. Warner fired him. The man said, “This is a mistake,” producing documents which showed he was anti-Communist. “The plain fact is that I am an nnP’-Communist.” To which Warner replied, “I don’t [care] what kind of Communist you are, get out of here.” 356

The Greatest Show on Earth (1952): Legion Authority Weakened Further

As was seen, the U.S. Supreme Court had come to the decision that it was necessary for films to be included under the protection of freedom of speech, and that states should not be permitted to censor them. The protection given by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution was now extended to movies. Not only that, but film-makers themselves were now emboldened to challenge the Roman Catholic influence on Hollywood exerted for so long by the PCA and the Legion. In 1953 Hollywood’s Samuel Goldwyn called for the Production Code to be reviewed and brought “reasonably up to date.” 357 Others were more blatant and called for the Code and all censorship to be scrapped. Even the Papist Commonweal publication, whose film critic was a consultant to the Legion, now called for the Code to be revised. 358

One of the Hollywood film-makers who was emboldened to challenge PCA and Legion authority after the Supreme Court’s 1952 ruling was Cecil B. DeMille, maker of various so-called “biblical epic” films that were neither doctrinally sound nor morally decent. He now decided to make a film about the circus – the result being The Greatest Show on Earth. The PCA did not object to the film, but the Legion gave it a “B” rating (objectionable in part for all) because of the costumes worn by the women and the lustful characterisation of one of the male characters, as well as the fact that another character had performed so-called “assisted suicide” on his dying wife (even though in the end he was arrested). The “B” rating meant that the film was off-limits to children, and DeMille was angry and refused to make any cuts. He also pointed out to Thomas Little, the monsignor of the Legion, that the costumes worn by the actresses in the movie were the same ones as were worn by Ringling Brothers and Bamum and Bailey circus, which was ritually blessed by a priest of Rome every year.

DeMille was supported by many Papists who could see nothing wrong with the film, including many priests. Romish disapproval of the Legion’s rating was voiced by many. One monsignor, J. B. Lux, arranged for four monsignors and a number of Roman Catholic “laypeople” to see the film. All loved it. Lux said the Legion’s concern about the “euthanasia” was “sheer nonsense”, and added that if the Legion objected to this film, Roman Catholics would not take the Legion seriously anymore. He went still further, saying, “we are not behind the iron curtain and we have a right to disagree [with] the Legion.” 359 Clearly, Legion authority was gradually waning in Roman Catholic circles.

The Legion rating was not removed, despite criticism from such Romish leaders. Nevertheless, the film did extremely well at the box office, and large numbers of Roman Catholics took their children to see it, as evidenced by the turnout in such Papist strongholds as New York City, Chicago, Baltimore and Pittsburgh. It had become obvious that a film-maker could challenge the Legion and still make a lot of money.

The Moon is Blue (1953): the PCA is Ignored and Cracks Appear in the Legion

The Moon is Blue was a Broadway play that had been running for three years without much complaint from religious institutions, including the Romish institution, despite the fact that the play was full of sexual innuendo in a comedy setting. A film version was planned, and United Artists agreed to distribute it even if the PCA refused to provide a seal and the Legion condemned it. The script was sent to the PCA, and of course it was found to violate the Code. And when the film itself was submitted to the PCA in 1953, Breen found it unacceptable. The MPAA agreed with Breen and a seal was denied, but this was because, if the MPAA gave a seal to the film, Breen’s authority, or what was left of it by this time, would have been severely undermined. The MPAA’s Eric Johnston said in a statement: “There has been a feeling in some areas both within and without the industry that the Code or some parts of it are out of ‘style.’ It is a living and vibrant document that deals with principles of morality and good taste. These are ageless.” 360

True to its word, United Artists distributed the film even without the seal. But the studio had to resign from the MPAA because membership was only permitted to those who upheld the Code.

Martin Quigley agreed with Breen and told the studio that the Legion would condemn the film if it was not revised. But the two priests in charge of the Legion, Patrick J. Masterson and Thomas L. Little, were shocked to discover that a committee of Legion reviewers from the ILCA were not much offended by the film, and recommended a mere “B” rating. There was not much about a “B” rating to put people off, including Roman Catholics. Times had changed; Romanists themselves had changed, and were no longer as morally shocked by such things as they once would have been. The movie industry had succeeded in wearing their morals down.

But the two priests, Masterson and Little, over-ruled the women of the ILCA and condemned the film. They did so not only because they disagreed with the ILCA’s recommendation of a “B” ruling, but also because Quigley put pressure on Masterson to make sure that the film was condemned by the Legion. Quigley did this because his own credibility would have taken a knock if a “B” rating was granted after he himself had told the studio that the Legion would condemn the film outright.

When Masterson died suddenly, Little took over the Legion. He urged Roman Catholics to avoid The Moon is Blue because “the strength of the Legion is going to be tested by the commercial success or non-success of this film.” 361 He could see the handwriting on the wall: the Legion’s authority was in real trouble by this stage. He called on Papists to unitedly protest against the film, and bishops were provided with a sermon, to be given to the priests under them. He was supported by New York’s cardinal, Spellman, who called for a boycott, by Papists, of any theatre which showed the film. Bishops in Los Angeles and Philadelphia echoed Spellman’s call, although the majority of bishops in the United States did not – which was significant in itself. The Roman Catholic “Church” in the United States was no longer speaking with a united voice when it came to the movies. The film critic of St. Joseph s Magazine, which was “America’s Catholic Family Monthly”, came out in praise of The Moon is Blue, even calling it “wholesome”. Still, Roman Catholic pressure paid dividends in some parts of America. 362 A priest in El Paso, Texas, informed the Legion that he had “put the hate” on the local chain which was exhibiting the film. The San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce cancelled its sponsorship of the film’s premiere. It was banned in Kansas, Ohio, and Maryland. Police in Jersey City arrested the theatre manager and took possession of two prints of the film. Upon being released the theatre manager showed a reserve print, and “was threatened by some local hoods.” 363 So much for Romanism being a loving, “Christian” church.

But ultimately the Legion did not succeed. Otto Preminger, the film’s director, stood firm, refusing to alter anything in it. Stanley Warner and United Paramount, two of the largest distributors, ignored the Legion and booked the movie. Although some state censorship boards banned it, others approved it. And eventually the courts overturned all decisions to ban the movie as being unconstitutional. Little even had to reluctantly admit that ticket sales had actually been given a huge boost by the Legion’s condemnation. The movie was a smash hit all over the country, playing to large audiences even in staunchly Roman Catholic cities, much to the disgust of Martin Quigley, who had helped to create the Legion back in 1934. 364

It was, in fact, the first time that Roman Catholics, in large numbers, had objected to a Legion condemnation. Priests joined people in speaking out against the Legion, voicing the once virtually heretical thought that the Legion had outlived its usefulness.

And Joe Breen’s authority suffered as a result of the furore over The Moon is Blue, as well. What is more, the Legion became increasingly concerned that Breen’s standards were dropping. In 1953, in fact, the Legion criticised Breen for his handling of sexually related matters in a number of films.

Martin Luther (1953): the Legion’s Agenda Exposed

In 1953 a low-budget film on the life of the German Reformer, Martin Luther, was released, and to the surprise of many it became a box-office hit. The film’s production was financed by six Lutheran organisations in the United States, and contained no sexual themes, no immorality of any sort, no violence. Joe Breen approved it, even though the PCA was dominated by Roman Catholics. But the Legion of Decency condemned it.

Although many were very surprised at this, no one who understood Romanism should have been. Martin Luther, the sixteenth-century German monk who defied the Roman Catholic “Church”, had sparked the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation was the greatest blow Rome had ever suffered. In the eyes of Rome, Luther was a heretic and he was deeply hated. There was no way the American Papist hierarchy was going to approve of the film.

But the Legion had a problem. It had always claimed that its purpose was to keep films moral by keeping immorality out of them. But there was nothing immoral about Martin Luther. Not only that, but the Legion had always claimed that it was broader in its mandate than simply condemning movies that offended Roman Catholic morals. It claimed to defend what it termed Christian morals in general. It desperately wanted to condemn this film because it presented Rome in such a poor light, but the only thing it could condemn about it was that it presented Rome in such a poor light! And it knew this would never fly, because condemning a perfectly moral film merely because it showed up the errors of Rome was outside the Legion’s mandate, and would result in a countrywide condemnation of the Legion from Protestant institutions. And the danger of that was that many would then see the truth – that the Legion of Decency was condemning it solely because it was a Protestant film. In Protestant America, despite the by-now huge influence of Romanism in politics and society, this was a massive risk to take. Rome’s power was immense and growing, but the United States was still a Protestant land. This was not Europe in the Dark Ages.

Realising this, Little, although longing to condemn the film as heretical and a danger to Roman Catholics, had no choice but to issue some other classification than a “Condemned” one. And so, even though many Papists urged him to condemn it, he called for it to be placed under the “Separate Classification” category, which was innocuous enough. This was eventually done, with the Legion issuing the warning to Roman Catholics that the film “offers a sympathetic and approving representation of the life and times of Martin Luther, the 15th century figure of religious controversy [actually he was a 16th century figure]. It contains theological and historical references and interpretations which are unacceptable to Roman Catholics.” 365

The Legion could not condemn the film, but Roman Catholic publications were free to do so, and they did with a vengeance, blasting it as inaccurate, unfair, unbiblical, and so on. The strongest condemnation came from The Wanderer, which charged the film’s director, Irving Pichel, with having connections with Communist front organisations and activities. Other Romish publications also claimed that the film had been made by Communists. This was a rather common tactic used by Romanists in those days, when the USA was facing down the Soviet menace and the Romish institution was still strongly anti-Communist. This would change in a few short years with the accession of the very pro-Communist John XXIII as pope of Rome, but in the early 1950s that was how things stood. The Papists’ case was strengthened, however, at least in their own eyes, when Allan E. Stone, the man who wrote the screenplay, appeared before the House Committee on Un-American Activities and admitted that he had once belonged to the Communist Party. Ah, now Romish publications could condemn Martin Luther as being un-American. And they did, vociferously.

However, such strong Legion opposition to the film did not help its cause at all, because the entire idea of censorship was under assault at that time in the U.S., and this kind of Legion vitriol only served to strengthen the case of those opposed to censorship. Moreover, although many Protestant institutions had often supported the Legion’s condemnation of various immoral movies, they now saw this Roman Catholic organisation coming out with guns blazing against a film for no other reason than that it was Protestant. The Legion’s cause was not helped, furthermore, by slamming the film as part of the international Communist conspiracy. This just made it look foolish. 366 It was obvious now, to more people than ever, that the Legion of Decency was not only concerned with matters of morality, but with advancing the Roman Catholic agenda. This was the period prior to the Second Vatican Council and the ecumenical movement – Protestants still very rightly viewed Romanism with deep suspicion, and many more Protestants than today were well aware of Rome’s desire for domination of the United States. The Legion’s hysterical reaction to Martin Luther only proved that they were right.

I Confess (1953): Pro-Papist Movie by a Jesuit-Educated Director

Nevertheless, although change was in the air, influential Roman Catholics in Hollywood still did much to promote their religion through film. One such was the Jesuit-educated Roman Catholic director, Alfred Hitchcock, whose movie I Confess was an attempt to glorify the Romish sacrament of confession and of a priest’s attempts to never violate the secrecy of the confessional, and even to sacrifice his own life if necessary. The priest in the film is linked to a crime but cannot clear his name without violating the confidentiality of the confessional. The film certainly glorified both the priesthood and the Popish sacrament.

The French Line (1953): Thumbing the Nose at the Censors

In 1953 the film, The French Line, was released by Howard Hughes, starring Jane Russell. Breen had passed the script but warned Hughes that the actresses must be properly covered when the film was shot. When the finished film came out, Breen saw that Hughes had paid no attention to his warning and RKO, Hughes’ studio, was denied a seal.

But Hughes did what would once upon a time have been utterly unthinkable: he simply ignored Breen, ignored the MPAA board of directors as well (RKO was a member of the MPAA so this was a deliberate rebellion), and released the film to the public anyway. Not only that, but he deliberately scheduled the film’s world premiere for the city of St. Louis – hometown of Jesuit priest Daniel Lord, the author of the Production Code, and a city with a large Roman Catholic population!

Hughes was deliberately challenging the PCA and MPAA to try to stop him, and they knew it. Breen was able to slap a $25000 fine on Hughes because RKO belonged to the MPAA, but for a multimillionaire like Hughes this was an ineffectual slap on the wrist. Breen sent PCA staff member, Jack Vizzard, to plan what to do about it with Romish archbishop, Joseph E. Ritter. They knew very well what was at stake, for Vizzard said it himself: “What was at stake was the survival of the whole system, and even the whole concept, of achieving decency in the movies. A successful breakthrough by Hughes, exploiting the bulge created by Preminger, would spell eventual doom for the entire experiment.” 367 By “decency in the movies”, of course, Vizzard meant, essentially, the imposition of Roman Catholic morality on, and control of, the movies. One must always read such statements by Romanists, especially ones influenced by the Jesuits as Vizzard was, in the sense in which they mean them.

When the archbishop asked Vizzard if he thought a pastoral letter should be issued forbidding Roman Catholics from seeing the film under pain of committing mortal sin, Vizzard replied that this was a good idea, even though he privately felt it was going too far. As for the Legion, priest Little told Hughes that unless he withdrew the film right away, the Legion would condemn it. When Hughes sent a print of the film to the Legion for review, the reviewers condemned it and told Hughes that serious cuts had to be made.

Hughes tried to get Breen to reconsider his conde mn ation of the film by resubmitting a new version for his evaluation. But Breen refused to budge, and Hughes then told the Legion that he was not going to withdraw his movie, nor make any further major changes to it just to please the Legion.

It had not gone down well with the archbishop, Ritter, when he learned that the president of Hughes’ RKO studios, James Grainger, was in fact a Roman Catholic himself, and that Grainger’s son Edmund had produced the movie! Ritter was livid that Roman Catholics were so morally degenerate that they could happily be involved with Hughes in the making of The French Line. Spellman, the cardinal, said he would lambaste such Romanists. 368 James Grainger told Little that as far as he was concerned, the Legion was not playing fair with Hughes and was being too straight-laced when it came to sexual matters and the exposure of the female form on screen. He pointed out that in Roman Catholic countries like Italy and France, it was acceptable for viewers to see more of the female form than what was permitted in America. 369

The Legion went ahead and condemned the film as obscene, suggestive, indecent and offensive; and Little called on bishops to put pressure on their local theatres not to book it.

Vizzard, the Romish archbishop Ritter, and priest John Cody tried to get Protestant and Jewish groups to protest against the film with Roman Catholics, but without success. So they then sent a letter to all priests in the St. Louis diocese, saying this movie would irreparably harm the Legion and the PCA and calling on Papists to make the film a failure at the box office. Then Ritter did what he had asked for Vizzard’s advice on – he declared in a letter read out at all masses held in the diocese that viewing the film was a “mortal sin” – the most serious form of sin known to Papists, a sin for which they believe they will go to hell if it is not confessed to a priest.

The Legion had learned from past mistakes, however. It had come to realise that loud pickets by angry Romanists outside theatres would actually generate more publicity for the film, so this time around priests went to theatre owners and simply asked them nicely not to show the movie. If the theatre showed it anyway, then the priests were to make “a temperate and heartfelt appeal” from their pulpits for their people to stay away from it. 370 Truly, Rome was realising that changing times meant changing tactics. They knew the days of priests throwing their weight around had ended, at least for the time being. Rome would have to try a more subtle, gentler approach. This was contrary to her nature but she had no choice.

And just in case one is tempted to think that this gentler approach was genuine, consider this: while publicly the priests of Rome acted gently and courteously, in private they found out which theatre owners were Roman Catholic and then tightened the thumbscrews, by (for example) refusing to administer the sacraments of Rome to the theatre owner. For a Papist, to be denied the sacraments is to be put outside the “Church”, and in danger of eternal damnation. Of course, one accepts that any church or professing “church” has the right to demand of its members that they accept the doctrinal position of the church, or they must leave. But acting in this cloak-and-dagger way, smiling publicly and threatening privately, was hypocritical, sly, sinister and nasty. It was, however, par for the course as far as Rome was concerned.

Furthermore, according to the manager of Lafayette Theater in Buffalo, New York, thousands of letters and phone calls had been received from Roman Catholics objecting to the movie, but these included some of “the most vulgar and obscene and immoral language ever uttered,” he told Variety magazine. 371 Yes, Roman Catholics piously condemned various admittedly immoral movies, yet in their own personal lives they were so often immoral hypocrites.

Although high-ranking prelates continued to fulminate against the movie and declare it to be a mortal sin to watch it, and many theatres and municipalities refused to show it on the grounds of obscenity, large numbers flocked to see it, even in strongly Papist areas. Obviously Roman Catholics were turning out to see it despite the threats of their religious leaders, a fact admitted by priest Little himself in his annual report to the bishops. 372 The film made a huge amount of money and was a box-office success. It would have made even more if Hughes had submitted to the PCA and the Legion, but he did not, preferring to thumb his nose at the censors and thereby drive another nail into the coffin of Roman Catholic-controlled film censorship in the United States.

On the Waterfront (1954): Social Romanism and Praising Jesuit Worker-Priests

Nevertheless, in the declining era of Breen’s dominance of Hollywood, there were films which still promoted a positive (albeit changing) image of American Romanism. One such was Elia Kazan’s On the Waterfront, described as “a hymn to a socially aware Church”. 373

The script was partly based on a series of stories by Malcolm Johnson, which highlighted the work of two Jesuit priests, Philip A. Carey and John M. Carridan. Scriptwriter Bud Schulberg, a self-described “liberal freethinker”, nevertheless was deeply impressed with the fiery Jesuit Carridan, a “tall, fast-talking, chain-smoking, hardheaded, sometimes profane Kerryman”. Carridan spoke of revolution, reconstruction, social justice, “Christian” (i.e. Papist) charity, and labour union power. This was the kind of priest Schulberg could relate to, a priest so un priestlike (for those times) that Kazan at one point pulled Schulberg aside and asked him, “Are you sure he’s a priest?” 374 This was the era when the Communist-inspired “worker priests” were gaining ground, and the Jesuits were often in the forefront. It was an era when the “Church” of Rome, still under an anti-Communist pope (Pius XII), was nevertheless beginning to change sides, from being decidedly anti-Communist to becoming increasingly pro-Communist. 375 Roman Catholicism was beginning to throw its huge weight behind the “workers of the world”. Worker-priests were agitators, on the side of the “workers”, and were often viewed as “men’s men” themselves, not just worldly-wise but worldly, cussing, hard drinking. All this was done to get the working classes to view the priest as “one of them”. And it worked.

This was how the priest was depicted in this film, modelled on the Jesuit Carridan. And also, another character in the film, a dockyard worker, is represented as a Christ-figure, and there is a very obvious parallel in the film with the crucifixion of Christ.

But despite such films, the times were changing. And Breen saw the writing on the wall.

The Battle is Lost: Joseph Breen Retires

Joseph Breen could no longer face up to the task. He had taken a beating and was feeling it. In 1954 he decided to retire from the Production Code Administration which he had dominated for two decades. He had sought to impose his Roman Catholic morality on Hollywood and had succeeded for years. The following quotation well summarises his influence: “Joseph Breen had more influence on the content and structure of films than any other single person in the long history of Hollywood. From 1934 to 1954, Hollywood’s golden age of studio production, producers had submitted more than seven thousand scripts and films for his inspection. His word was law during this long reign…. Without Breen and his view of the code, the films of this era would have had a much different look, structure, and feel.” 376

He had received various honours from his “Church” through the years. Loyola University of Los Angeles gave him an honorary degree in 1937, and St. Joseph’s University did so in 1954. Especially treasured by him was when he was made a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory by the pope of Rome, Pius XI, in a ceremony at the Vatican itself. “The man who had ridden into the mouth of the dragon in Hollywood had literally been dubbed a knight.” 377

He had fought long and hard for Rome, and had been eminently successful. Rome’s domination of Hollywood’s “Golden Age” was primarily attributable to him. But it was now a different era. As Variety magazine stated in 1954, “Hollywood is taking a different view of screen ‘morality’ and, as a result, marked changes in [the] interpretation of the Production Code are on the way. In a sense, the picture business is embarking on a new era, for even the symbol of old-guard screen standards – Code administrator Joseph I. Breen – is doing a fade.” 378

In March 1954 Breen attended the annual Academy Award ceremony in Los Angeles, and was presented with an honorary Academy Award for “his conscientious, open-minded and dignified management of the Motion Picture Production Code.” 379 It was the movie industry’s shallow “tribute” to a man who had fought for years to tightly control the industry. The award was quite obviously given more as an empty gesture than from any sincerely felt gratitude. Hollywood moguls would never have viewed Breen’s censorship as “open-minded” in truth.

The Legion of Decency and Joseph Breen had worked closely together over the years. Although they sometimes differed, he and the Legion generally saw eye to eye and assisted one another in exerting their Roman Catholic influence over Hollywood.

With Breen gone, the Irish Roman Catholic dominance of Hollywood was over.

Geoffrey Shurlock Replaces Breen; the Code Amended

The old guard was passing from the scene. Will Hays died in 1954, the same year that Breen retired, and Jesuit priest Daniel Lord, author of the Code, died in 1955. Breen was succeeded at the PCA by Geoffrey Shurlock. And in his appointment, too, there was an indication of changing times, for the Papist candidate to replace Breen, Jack Vizzard, did not get the post. Shurlock was not a Papist; he was an Episcopalian.

Although he pledged to stick to “the Breen principle” and, using Breen’s own phrase, “to make pictures reasonably acceptable, morally, to reasonable people”, Shurlock was certainly not as rigid as Breen had been, disagreeing with him on some of his decisions even when Breen had been his boss. Shurlock interpreted the Code far more liberally than Breen ever did, the latter being a strict conformist to the letter of the Code’s law. For this reason Martin Quigley and the Legion had been against Shurlock taking up the reins of the PCA. They wanted the PCA to remain firmly in Roman Catholic hands, but they were unsuccessful. Priest Thomas Little accused Shurlock of granting a seal to more immoral movies than had ever occurred before. Furthermore, under Shurlock the PCA came under ever-increasing pressure from all sides, dying a slow death year by year as it continued to lose ground. The “Shurlock Office” was just not the “Breen Office.” Calls were again being heard for the Code to be modernised. Sam Goldwyn stated, “The world has moved on in the years since the Code was adopted and I believe that, without departing from fundamentals, the motion picture industry should move with it.” 380

Inevitably, the MPAA buckled under the pressure and, in September 1954, approved the first really serious amendments to the Code since its adoption in 1930. Breen himself, before his retirement, had proposed the revisions.

Miscegenation would no longer be banned. If treated “within the careful limits of good taste”, inter-racial romance and marriage would now be permitted. Liquor, too, could be portrayed “within the careful limits of good taste”. Furthermore, certain words and phrases which had been forbidden previously were now permitted, including the words “hell” and “damn”, if their use was “governed by the discretion and the prudent advice of the Code Administration”.

TV Nudges Hollywood to “Spice Up” Movies

When, in 1955, Otto Preminger submitted the script for a film named The Man with the Golden Arm, a story about drug addiction, to the PCA, Shurlock rejected it. In addition to the drug theme, the film had suicide as a plot device, women in a strip bar, and was too violent. But Preminger ignored the PCA and made the film.

Shurlock rejected the finished movie. Legion reviewers from the IFCA were divided over it, with some saying it should be condemned but the majority opting for a mere “B” rating. Audiences flocked to see it. By this time drug themes were a regular part of many TV programmes, so audiences were not offended by the drug theme of this Hollywood film. Television, in fact, had far more liberty than the film industry, and this was one of the reasons why film-makers were becoming increasingly willing to challenge the PCA, the Legion, and the MPAA: if they did not make their movies more “spicy”, they argued, they would lose revenues as people would simply stay at home and watch TV.

Morals Plummet and the Legion’s Authority Wanes Still Further

Despite the Supreme Court’s 1952 ruling, the movie industry itself continued to enforce its Production Code for some years. But younger Americans in those post-war years were no longer simply accepting the values and norms of earlier generations. Morality itself was undergoing change, with previous standards now questioned and even increasingly jettisoned. The moral climate was deteriorating, things that had once been frowned upon were now being openly flaunted more and more, and the earlier standards were being mocked. The 1950s and even more so the 1960s experienced a social revolution that would completely alter the western world. As Bob Dylan, the voice of an entire generation of rebellious young people, was to later put it in a song, “The times they are a-changin.’” Indeed they were.

The Legion of Decency continued to fulminate against what it deemed to be objectionable movies after the Supreme Court’s 1952 ruling, the archbishop of Los Angeles called on priests in 1955 to warn young people about the dangers of immoral films, the American bishops announced plans to revitalise a campaign for morality in movies, and the pope of Rome himself, Pius XII, called on Italian film-makers to make moral films; 381 but it was a different era and it was like trying to stem an unstoppable tide. The public, including a large section of the Roman Catholic public, no longer wanted to be dictated to by a moral watchdog. Morally, people had sunk to a new low in America and the western world, and were now wanting entertainment that was very far removed from that of previous generations.

Martin Quigley, devout Papist that he was, had fought for years through the Legion to keep movies “clean” according to Rome’s view of morality. In 1950 he was awarded the papal Medal of St. Gregory for his work in the Legion. He was extremely influential over Hollywood, the close friend of cardinals and priests. And yet by 1956 he was forced to concede, in a letter to the cardinal, Spellman, that “The Legion of Decency… is able no longer to exert its previous practical influence.” 382 Indeed, Roman Catholics, like other Americans, were now “motorized and mobile, and had only to drive to an adjacent city to avoid a glowering parish priest at the comer Bijou. The battalions of obedient parishioners who once fell out of line at the ticket window had dispersed – gone to the suburbs, still observing the faith but refusing to genuflect on command.” 383 The American spirit of liberty of thought and independence had come into conflict with the Roman Catholic spirit of rigidity and top-down authoritarianism, and the latter was taking some serious body blows.

And then came a bombshell. And it was dropped by a Jesuit priest, no less.

Rome’s Policy Shift: the Jesuits Come Out Against Censorship

John Courtney Murray, a leading Jesuit theologian and intellectual, published an article on censorship in 1956 in which he questioned whether Roman Catholic adults were in fact obligated to follow the restrictions placed on the media by their religious leaders. He stated that censorship in a democracy was an infringement on freedom of expression and a dangerous one at that, and that only pornography should be restricted or banned. Without naming it, he even criticised the Legion of Decency’s power and influence. Boycotting a theatre, he argued, made Roman Catholics look ridiculous. He argued that they should be free to make up their own minds about what was obscene and what was not, and even appealed to Rome’s Canon Law, stating that Canon 1399, which established the categories of books which Papists were forbidden to read, appeared to suppose that ordinary Papists could decide for themselves. 384

But what had happened? Why had this Jesuit priest written such an article? Why had he even been permitted to by his superiors? What was afoot?

What must be understood is the nature of the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits, those fanatical agents of the Papacy, have also always been the intellectual vanguard of the Papal institution. Their goals are very long-term, their methods often extremely radical and even at variance with usual or traditional Papist policy. They are also far more lenient with Roman Catholics when it comes to sinful practices. For this reason they have often been intensely hated by other Romish religious orders. But they persist in pursuing their goals in their own way, and are not afraid to stand on many toes within the Papal hierarchy. They well know that they have far more power than any other religious order. Plus they have the ear of the pope of Rome, or, if a particular pope’s ear is not open to them, they have no scruples about removing him by an “accelerated demise”. History is replete with examples. 385

The truth is that “Murray’s article, published ‘with ecclesiastical approval,’ signalled an internal shift developing within the Catholic church over the role of movies.” 386 Let the reader keep in mind what was stated in the chapter on the Jesuit use of the dramatic arts centuries ago: how they lowered the perceived moral standards of the time and introduced elements and themes considered “borderline”, so as to keep their hold on their audiences. We wrote that it would become clear that the lessons the Jesuits learned centuries ago when producing their theatrical plays would be applied by them to the movie industry. This is precisely what was now happening. A number of intellectually “progressive” Jesuits had surveyed the Hollywood scene, and come to the conclusion that if Rome was to have any influence on the film industry in the world that was taking shape in the 1950s, an entirely different tactic would have to be pursued. The traditional methods, as epitomised by the Legion of Decency, would no longer work; that was self-evident. The world had passed the Legion by. It was a relic of an earlier time. Anew world required new methods, and the Jesuits believed they had the solution. The solution was not boycotts, pickets, fulminations about mortal sin, threats against theatre owners, and so on. No; the solution was far more subtle. And the fact that Murray’s article had been published “with ecclesiastical approval” showed that the new Jesuit tactic had won the approval of the Romish hierarchy.

The Jesuits were at the forefront of this new tactic. There was Murray; there was John G. Ford, a professor of Romish theology; Harold C. Gardiner, the author of The Catholic Viewpoint on Censorship; and Gerald Kelly, another professor of theology. All were priests, and all were Jesuit priests. Another priest was Francis J. Connell. He was not a Jesuit, but he was with them in this internal shift taking place.

These men did not necessarily oppose all censorship. In all likelihood they would not have been in favour of the unrestrained violence, sex, nudity and profanity that is so common in movies today. They believed, however, that censorship at the time was too oppressive. They did not necessarily believe the Legion should be disbanded, but rather that at the very least it should undergo a major overhaul. They believed that Roman Catholics would not necessarily be morally defiled by watching films which dealt with such subjects as adultery, divorce, crime, etc. Perhaps most importantly, they believed that the old tactics employed by the Legion made the Roman Catholic “Church” look foolish and old-fashioned. In the modem world, the Jesuits believed, this was not the way to promote Romanism or to combat Protestantism. Such methods belonged to the Dark Ages. It was time to change.

The arguments were not in fact new. Back in 1946 Francis J. Connell, one of the intellectual theologian-priests mentioned above, stated that Romanists were not strictly obligated to follow the Legion’s decisions. John G. Ford, one of the Jesuits theologians mentioned above, wrote that no Romish ecclesiastical law made the Legion’s classifications binding on all American Romanists. He pointed out that most Romanists – including himself – did not understand how something could be a mortal sin in one diocese but not in another. “There is no universal obligation,” he wrote, “binding Catholics in the United States under pain of sin to stay away from pictures classified as condemned by the Legion of Decency.” 387 Then in 1957 the Jesuit Murray, assisted by the Jesuit Kelly, published his views as well.

Naturally enough, this policy change was not welcomed by the old guard, such as Spellman, Little and Quigley, who continued to support the Legion’s position. Quigley, incensed at Murray’s article, branded the Jesuit’s view as being of the “Left”. In this he was right, for these “progressive” Jesuits were leftist in their stance. Quigley wrote frantically to Spellman, lamenting the declining influence of the Legion and the fact that large numbers of Papists no longer abode by the Legion’s classifications. He pointed out that even in his own diocese, under his own nose so to speak, a Jesuit priest named Joseph M. Moffitt had, in a sermon, asserted that the Legion pledge, taken by Papists annually, was voluntary, and that it was not a sin to go and see a movie that had been condemned by the Legion.

Baby Doll (1956): the Roman Catholic Machine Fights Back

In late 1956 the film Baby Doll was released. Described by Time magazine as “just possibly the dirtiest American-made motion picture that has ever been legally exhibited”, 388 it was about the marriage of a teenaged girl to a middle-aged man. The PCA was unhappy with the script and called for changes. When Jack Vizzard saw the film he was not satisfied, but director Elia Kazan finally convinced him that nothing could be cut from the film without damaging the story, and so a seal of approval was granted.

The Legion, however, was not so accommodating, and condemned the film as “morally repellent”, “grievously offensive”, “replete with sordid details, Freudian symbolism and undertones of perversion.” 389

Knowing how this film could weaken the Legion’s influence, Little called for local Legion directors to fight the film with everything they had. Quigley and Little got Spellman, known as “America’s Pope”, to condemn the film from his pulpit, reading a statement that had been prepared for him by Quigley, and describing the film as revolting, immoral, corrupting, evil, and (for good measure) unpatriotic as well – being, as he put it, possibly a greater threat to America than international Communism was. 390 On previous occasions when he had condemned films, Spellman had written a letter to be read by all priests during their Sunday masses, but this time he personally condemned it from his pulpit in St Patrick’s Cathedral. This was designed to impress Roman Catholics with just how seriously he viewed the whole matter.

This strong condemnation by Spellman was a triumph for Quigley, who thereby sent a clear message to those priests who were questioning the Legion’s authority that he was prepared to fight tooth and nail for the Legion to remain conservative, and take a firm stand against immoral movies.

Spellman (or rather, Quigley) was actually right in the sense that the Communists were using, and have continued to use, the movie industry to destroy the morals of the West; so that in very large measure, Hollywood is at least as great a threat as external Communist forces. This one movie, taken on its own, would not have been as serious a threat as he made out, but certainly, taken as a whole, Hollywood’s baneful influence was doing incalculable damage to the people of America and indeed, of the West in general. Especially when one bears in mind that Hollywood studios were riddled with Communists or Communist sympathisers. But without in any way condoning the film’s overt sexuality, labelling the film “unpatriotic” was without basis. It was a terrible movie for various reasons, but this was not one of them.

Spellman also lambasted the PCA, posing the question as to whether it had fallen into decay and collapse. It had once faithfully served Rome’s interests in Hollywood, but this was no longer something that could be taken for granted. He warned Roman Catholics in New York that if they went to see Baby Doll it would be “under pain of sin.” The Papal machine went into action. A number of bishops supported Spellman’s stance. Behind the scenes, the Legion leaned on theatre owners and distributors. One Papist theatre chain owner, Joseph P. Kennedy, whose son John would one day become the first Papist U.S. president, forbade his theatres from showing the movie. Some cities banned the movie entirely. The powerful Papist organisation, the Knights of Columbus, picketed at some venues, and the Catholic War Veterans took up the cause as well. Papist publications condemned the film in very strong terms. One British Jesuit priest named J.A.V. Burke, director of the Catholic Film Institute in Britain, lost his post as a result of Spellman’s mighty influence for saying that Baby Doll could be viewed by adults even though it was repellant. A British cardinal removed him from his position. As Burke himself put it: “the long arm of clerical vengeance reached across the Atlantic”. 391

The movie’s director, Elia Kazan, fought back. “In this country, judgments on matters of thought and taste are not handed down ironclad from an unchallenged authority,” he told Spellman. “People see for themselves and finally judge for themselves. This is as it should be. It’s our tradition and our practice.” 392 Kazan himself would not have dared to even say such things to a cardinal of Rome a mere two decades earlier. But he was less than truthful when he said it was American tradition and practice to see and judge for themselves, because he well kn ew that for decades Hollywood itself had bowed in submission to the will of the Romish hierarchy, editing its films to meet Roman Catholic requirements.

Others came out against the Legion’s stance on the film as well. The leftist American Civil Liberties Union said the Legion’s boycott was “contrary to the spirit of free expression in the First Amendment.” A number of New York Protestant ministers spoke out against the campaign, saying it was “the efforts of a minority group to impose its wishes on the city.” One wonders if they actually approved of the film. Even some Roman Catholics, who had imbibed more of the spirit of Americanism than their “Church” would have approved of, criticised the Legion’s campaign. One of these was John Cogley, writing in Commonweal. He believed Spellman had the right to issue the warning he did, but what troubled him was what he termed the use of “naked economic pressure”. This, he said, was similar to the coercive methods used by the Inquisition (which was Roman Catholic, be it noted!), and said that the “Church” should only use moral suasion to change people’s hearts. This sounded decidedly un-Papist, and it was. What is more, he was right. Such criticism did not go unnoticed by the Legion and its supporters. Quigley wrote: “The greatest hurt we are suffering is what is written and spoken by various persons who identify themselves as Catholics.” 393

The Spellman/Quigley condemnation of Baby Doll had the effect of making Roman Catholics want to see it even more. As Kazan said, “It took Cardinal Spellman to make it famous.” 394 Famous, perhaps, but not quite the financial success for which he had hoped; for although it made money, this concerted Papist condemnation did cause the movie to make less money than it would otherwise have done. Kazan was forced to admit that Spellman’s “attack hurt us… I never made a profit.” 395 And Ben Kalmenson, Warner Brothers’ executive vice-president, told Quigley after receiving a huge number of letters from people opposed to the film, “It was a terrible experience for our company, and we never want to go through it again.” 396 Even though other factors were at play – notably the fact that the film simply was not a “great” film, even by worldly standards – these things showed that, even in 1956, Roman Catholic influence and power over which movies should or should not be seen was still considerable. And in fact eight years were to go by before any other Hollywood studio took on the Legion like that again.

Tea and Sympathy (1956): Popish Prelate vs. Popish Publisher

In 1956 a film containing the themes of adultery and homosexuality was released, entitled Tea and Sympathy. It was based on a hit Broadway play of the same name. The PCA and the Legion fought hard to squash it, but in the end were unsuccessful. MGM studios obtained the rights to make the movie version of the play, although it decided to tone down the filmed version. The screenplay indeed contained toned-down homosexuality and a somewhat softened stance on the seduction of boys by grown women. But Geoffrey Shurlock and his assistant Jack Vizzard made it clear that a seal could not be obtained from the PCA for the film. The homosexual theme made it necessary for the PCA to automatically reject it, and the added theme of adultery between a married woman and a schoolboy made it doubly unacceptable.

MGM decided to challenge the PCA decision, calling for the MPAA board of directors to examine the script. The board told MGM and the PCA to work out a compromise, enabling the movie to be made and satisfying the PCA so that a seal could be issued. After some months of changes Shurlock felt satisfied.

It was another matter, however, with the Legion of Decency, which had no intention of approving such a film. But the days when such noises from the Legion would have made moviemakers quake in their boots were over, and MGM made the film. The female Legion reviewers from the IFCA, as well as priest Little and his new assistant, priest Paul Hayes, viewed the film. The IFCA women were not at all happy with it, not because of the homosexual theme but because of the adultery in it. Further changes were demanded by Little, but despite a number of alterations being made, the Legion was poised to condemn the film.

At a yet further screening of the film by Legion officials, Little also invited almost 40 prominent Roman Catholics, including fifteen priests, to pass judgment on Tea and Sympathy. Some of the priests were professors of Roman Catholic moral theology, and not all of them supported the Legion. After they had seen the film, Martin Quigley argued that it must be condemned, but not all agreed with him, including a number of the priests. In the end only four priests voted to condemn it, and eleven of them said it deserved either a “B” or an “A2” (unobjectionable for adults) rating. A Romish bishop, William A. Scully, who had been among those who reviewed the film, was the one who took the final decision: he decided that the changes that had been made, disguising the homosexuality and showing remorse for the adultery committed, meant that the film could be given a “B” rating.

The movie, when released, was a box-office hit. But Martin Quigley was a very unhappy man. Scully, the bishop, had over-ruled him. Quigley, however, was not giving up. He wanted the Legion to continue to be the conservative moral watchdog of Hollywood. He had an enemy, though, in Scully, who, along with Little, knew that Quigley was viewed in Hollywood as speaking for the Legion; in fact, he was viewed as pretty much being the Legion. Scully commanded Little “to break down the reputation [of Quigley] in the motion picture industry of being ‘the Legion of Decency.’” 397 Yes, the false “Church” of Rome is full of ambitious, jealous men, with their own power politics being played out behind the scenes as they jostle for positions and fame and respect. These are not Christian men, motivated by Christian principles!

And so, “The fight over Tea and Sympathy marked the beginning of a curious contest between the Catholic hierarchy and a Catholic layman over what subjects movies would be allowed to present. A significant issue in their growing disagreement over what was acceptable entertainment was which of the two men would control the Legion of Decency: the prelate [Scully] or the publisher [Quigley].” 398

The Code Amended Further

In 1956 the MPAA committee met to consider ways to again modernise the Code. One of those on the committee was Daniel O’Shea, president of RKO studios. He was a devout Romanist, and acted as a mole for the Legion, reporting on the committee’s activities to Little and Quigley (Quigley served as a special consultant to the committee), to keep them abreast of what was being decided. He warned the Legion, for example, of Shurlock’s attempts to liberalise the Code. 399

In December, after half a year of deliberation, the committee liberalised the Code somewhat. According to Eric Johnston, when he announced that the Code had been revised, it demonstrated that the Code was “intended to be – and has been – a flexible living document – not a dead hand laid on artistic and creative endeavor.” 400 Certain words that had been deemed profane and had been forbidden were now removed from the list, and a more relaxed stance was adopted towards themes of abortion, drugs, prostitution, scenes with excessive alcohol consumption, etc. The criterion was that such themes had to be handled “in good taste.” But such things as nudity, sexual perversion, comic bedroom scenes, open-mouth kissing, and venereal disease remained off-limits. As for miscegenation, it was simply not mentioned at all in this revision.

In one area, that of “National Feelings”, the Code was made more restrictive than before, in that it stated no picture would be granted a seal that tended to incite bigotry or hatred among peoples of different races, religions or national origins, and that offensive words were to be avoided.

Independent film-makers simply ignored the PCA and the Legion, and the limits were constantly tested and pushed.

Storm Center (1956): the Legion’s Big Blunder

Powerful it certainly was; but the Legion was struggling. It objected to the movie Rebel Without a Cause, with its youthful questioning of authority, and to the movie And God Created Woman, with its overt sexuality. But despite its protests people filled theatres to see both of them.

Then came a big blunder on the Legion’s part. It opposed a movie called Storm Center, which contained neither sex nor violence but which was about a librarian falsely accused of being a Communist sympathiser for refusing to remove a pro-Communist book from the library. The PCA was satisfied with it, but the Legion said it was leftist propaganda and placed it in its “Separate” category because, as the Legion’s assistant director, priest Paul Hayes, explained, it was a film that was morally acceptable but harmful on philosophical or dogmatic grounds, confusing liberty with unrestricted freedom. This argument was foolish, because pro-Communist books need to be read, analysed and exposed by the opponents of Communism. Communism can only be defeated if the public understands it, and knows how to answer it. And the same goes for any false ideology, and any false religion as well.

Besides, the Legion’s classification system was created for the purpose of condemning immorality in films, not political propaganda. Thus whenever the Legion attempted to condemn a film for its political message, it ran into trouble.

In the movie the librarian refuses to remove a pro-Communist book from the shelves when the city council orders her to do so, because freedom of speech is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. She is accused of being a Communist, the town turns against her, and the library is burned to the ground. In the end it is clear she was not a Communist sympathiser.

Communists did in fact seek to get their propagandistic literature onto library bookshelves, for the purpose of sowing the seeds of Communism among the people. But again it must be said, in order for such literature to be answered and exposed for the evil it is, people must be aware of what Communism is, how it works, what arguments it uses, etc. And how can this be done if it is impossible to obtain the information? The problem was that the Legion did have some grounds for concern. Julian Blaustein, the film’s producer, had been investigated by the California Senate Tenney Committee for leftist connections (as the Legion discovered). 401 It was indeed possible that the film was an attempt, by leftists and/or Communists, to send out the message that people who wanted to censor Communist literature were fanatical narrow-minded idiots. This would be entirely in keeping with Communist tactics: a subtle, deceptive attempt, by means of a very powerful, visual medium, to indoctrinate people into Communism is certainly not the same thing as a straightforward handbook of Communist principles. The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, well knowing the immense propagandistic power of films, made great use of them to spread their poison – a fact pointed out by Roman Catholic publications in America, which denounced Storm Center as the same kind of propaganda. In this, at least, they may have been right.

Little was supported in his decision to place the film in the “Separate” category by most Romanist publications. Commonweal, however, criticised the decision because the Legion had no mandate to condemn films for their political content. And the Legion decision was also condemned by the Motion Picture Industry Council. Also, the MPAA’s Community Relations Department supported the film. It was clear that many felt the Legion had become way too arrogant. But Jack Vizzard believed that the Legion was the same – it was Hollywood which was constantly pushing the boundaries that caused the friction. In this of course he was right. Hollywood was constantly pushing the boundaries, trying to get away with more and more, whereas the Legion was seeking (albeit more broadly than before) to uphold Roman Catholic standards of morality and politics.

Rome’s New, Liberal Approach to Movies: the 1957 OCIC Conference

The Legion continued to fight against the increasing liberalisation of the movies, but the Roman Catholic institution itself was beginning to liberalise, and the Legion was becoming an embarrassing relic of an earlier, more authoritarian and conservative “Church” to those driving this liberalisation. As their education had improved over what their parents and grandparents had enjoyed, large numbers of Roman Catholics were questioning their “Church’s” stance on many issues, and they felt that an organisation such as the Legion of Decency was treating them like children and idiots.

The Jesuit Order, in particular, was driving the liberalisation of the Papal institution, in order to make it more relevant in a rapidly changing world. Jesuit priest, John Courtney Murray, the religion editor of America, was advocating the doctrine that no minority religious institution (and the Papal institution was a minority religion within the United States) could impose its own standards on those of other religious institutions in a pluralistic society. This doctrine was resisted by other priests, such as Francis Connell, dean of the School of Sacred Technology at Catholic University, who stated that as the Roman Catholic “Church” was the only true Church on earth, its sacred duty was to compel all citizens to obey its moral standards even though it was a minority religion within the U.S. He told priest Little that the apostles themselves, despite being a minority group, “had the right to tell any Ruler of the Earth… that he must abolish any type of theatrical production they deemed harmful to morality.” 402 Precisely which part of the Bible this priest pulled his doctrine out of, we are not told, and not surprisingly, for it is simply not found anywhere in the Scriptures.

More and more voices were being heard, from within the Roman Catholic community itself, against the Legion and its work. This situation was very shocking to Martin Quigley, who had worked for so many years in the Legion’s defence.

Even the Legion’s annual pledge came under fire, with priests themselves criticising it. Things were looking increasingly bleak for the Legion’s work. According to Quigley, ever-growing numbers of priests were actually telling their flocks that the pledge was optional. Roman Catholics were attending condemned films in growing numbers, and many priests were claiming it was not a sin to do so. Quigley was a deeply troubled man.

In January 1957 a Roman Catholic gathering took place at a Jesuit school in Cuba, for the purpose of studying cinema as an international mode of communication. It was organised by the Office Catholique International du Cinema (OCIC), which was created as far back as 1928, and delegates from 31 countries in Europe and the Americas attended. It was very interested in the subject of the classification of films.

The pope of Rome, Pius XII, sent a monsignor as his representative to the conference; and a message from Pius was read out in which he spoke of the cinema as “a privileged instrument” that could elevate men if used properly. He also wanted to see Roman Catholics appreciate film s even more, via instruction from their ecclesiastical leaders. 403 Indeed, the OCIC wanted to see Roman Catholics actually study movies in Romanist colleges, universities and seminaries; to attend good ones; etc.

One can see from this a real sign of the changed attitude of the Romish hierarchy, from the pope of Rome down, to the whole subject of movies. Men like Quigley represented the old school, but, devout Papist though he was, his “Church” was passing him by. A new approach was in the air. Indeed, Quigley was aware of it and although he had been invited to attend by the Legion’s monsignor, Thomas Little, who was there along with the Legion’s Mary Looram, he did not do so, believing that the OCIC had been taken over by leftists who did not uphold the morals he believed in. In this suspicion he was not far off the mark: the OCIC had supported and praised movies that contained sexual themes, etc. Clearly, although it was a Roman Catholic organisation, it reflected the changed stance of many within Rome towards such subjects in films and in society in general.

What had happened?

Rome, seeing the power of the film industry worldwide, was now prepared to overlook certain moral matters in movies if by doing so a wider, greater objective could be achieved. Not being a true Christian church, Rome, seeing that the morals of the world had changed, realised that in order for it to have influence it would have to lower its own standards along with the rest of the world, turning a blind eye to such things if by so doing it could retain an influence over its multiplied millions of subjects. In this it followed the world, because, unlike the true people of God, it is a part of the world, not separate from it. It was also following Jesuitism in this matter. The true Christian Church uses nothing but the preaching of the Gospel to win converts; the false “Church” of Rome, however, has to attract the worldly by worldly methods. Thus, while it preached morality, fidelity in marriage, the sin of abortion, etc., it felt that in matters of entertainment it would allow its people to indulge in such things, thereby keeping them happy and enabling Rome to focus on matters it considered more important to the “big picture” it always kept in view.

Instead of criticising or condemning movies that did not come up to its own official moral position, Rome’s new tactic was to rather praise the ones that did, and to be far more liberal in its outlook on the immoral ones. Quigley knew this was going to be the new approach, and he was dead set against it. So he stayed away.

In the very first session of the OCIC meeting, it became crystal-clear that a new brand of priest was loose on the world. Thomas Little gave a presentation in which he described the relationship between the PCA and the Legion of Decency, and said that this relationship meant there was a voice for morality and compensating moral values in American movies. But when he finished there was much anger among the delegates, and a Belgian Dominican priest laid into him, lashing out at his comments. Then Mary Looram, long-time chairwoman of the Motion Picture Department of the IFCA and head of the Legion’s reviewing staff, tried to defend the Legion, but did such a poor job of it that she was publicly derided by the audience. According to Jack Vizzard of the PCA, the meeting concluded that the Legion was “too legalistic and negative”. As for Little, he resigned as chairman of the sub-committee the very day after his presentation.

Considering that this conference had been held under the authority of the Roman pope himself, the public attacks on the American Legion of Decency, by Romish delegates from other Romish countries, confirmed that Rome was now advocating a more liberal approach to the movie industry. And after the conference was over, it was also clear that Rome’s new, more “broad-minded” approach was understood in American Roman Catholic circles as well. The archbishop, William A. Scully, chairman of the Episcopal Committee on Motion Pictures, although calling on Romanists to still support the Legion, nevertheless emphasised that it was not a censoring body, and praised the Cuba conference for the suggestion that Papists should actually study films.

And meanwhile, Jesuits continued to work for a greater liberalisation of what Roman Catholics could see in the theatres. Two of the “progressive” Jesuit priests, Gerald A. Kelly and John Ford, in an article published in September 1957, said that there were no official “Church” documents stating that viewing a particular category of film was a mortal sin. Individual priests and cardinals may have said so, but there was no official policy. In general, the priests said, it was best to refrain from watching films rated as “B” or “C”, but there may be exceptions, and thus to claim that all condemned films were almost always an occasion for mortal sin was being too strict. They even criticised the bishops who had originally founded the Legion of Decency.

Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957): Another Pro-Papist War Film

Even though the times were definitely changing, Hollywood still brought out war movies from time to time that exalted Roman Catholicism. In this particular film, very loosely based on a true story, a devout nun and a U.S. marine are lost on a Pacific atoll, and come to see the similarities between her love for her religion and his love for the Marine Corps. The marine assures the nun that Roman Catholics are “good marines, the best”, which makes the nun very happy; and she blesses his fight against the Japanese and assures him that God protects His soldiers.

The film’s director, John Huston, planned all along to make this film a very virtuous one, insofar as the nun’s virginity and her commitment to her religion were concerned. The marine tells her he loves her and asks her not to take her final vows, but she refuses, and he accepts this. And he never forces himself on her. The film strongly promoted Romanism, and the supposed virtue and holiness of a nun’s life.

A Farewell to Arms (1957): Another Firm Nod Towards Priestly Virtue and Courage

This film was the second screen version of a book by Ernest Hemingway. In the first, released way back in 1932, a young couple’s marriage vows are blessed by a Romish priest-chaplain, and in the film’s last scene they go to heaven. All this, of course, was to please the PCA and the Legion of Decency, for Hemingway, a convert to Romanism himself, did not have these things in his story. In the second film version, released in 1957, yet another scene is added that Hemingway did not have: the martyrdom of a priest and a statement of the greatness of the Romish religion. When, during the war, a hospital has to be evacuated, the doctor, who has been opposed to what the priest-chaplain represents, is under orders to leave even though he (like the priest) does not want to, and now for the first time he is impressed by the priest and his religion, for the priest is staying. He says to the priest, “I am ordered by the military to leave, but you have much better orders to remain, Father. I salute your commanding officer.” The priest and his patients are shown singing the Ave Maria as they die in the attack on the hospital. 404 It was thus yet another war film in which the Papal institution was depicted as the great moral good – even though this very Papal institution had given its immense backing to Hitler, Mussolini and Franco. Such is the power of Hollywood to distort the truth; to rewrite it, in fact.

Thus, even during the protracted and slow death-throes of the PCA and the Legion, and consequently of Romish censorship of Hollywood, there were still films exalting Romanism. And there would be for years to come.

The Papal Encyclical Miranda Prorsus

At this point it would be very profitable to pause and examine the papal encyclical entitled Miranda Prorsus, which laid out (albeit in couched language) the new approach the Vatican was now pursuing to make use of films, TV and radio for achieving its goals. It was released by the pope of Rome, Pius XII, in September 1957.

In it, Pius called the motion picture one of the “most important discoveries of our times”, which had the potential to be “a worthy instrument by which men can be guided toward salvation.” He stated that it was “essential that the minds and inclinations of the spectators be rightly trained and educated” to understand the film-makers’ art form, and called on Roman Catholics to study the cinema in Romish schools and universities. 405

Pius was certainly not advocating that the Legion of Decency be dismantled; far from it. He made it clear that the Legion should continue to classify movies according to Romish moral standards, and that Papists should not attend immoral films. But even so the encyclical was very different from the one issued back in 1936 by his predecessor, Pius XI, entitled Vigilante Cum, which called for immoral films to be banned.

We will examine some key paragraphs of the 1957 encyclical:

Para. 34 says: “The Catholic Church is keenly desirous that these means [cinema, sound broadcasting and TV] be converted to the spreading and advancement of everything that can be truly called good. Embracing, as she does, the whole of human society within the orbit of her divinely appointed mission, she is directly concerned with the fostering of civilisation among all peoples.”

Right here the game is given away. Rome desires to “convert” these forms of mass media to her own purposes. Furthermore, as far as she is concerned, she has a divine mission to subjugate the entire human race to the feet of the pope of Rome, who is viewed as God on earth, the King of kings, the true ruler of all mankind. As for advancing “good”, Rome means something very different by this word, as she does by others, as expressed in the following paragraph from the encyclical:

Para. 35: “This, then, must be the principal aim of the cinema, sound broadcasting and television: to serve the cause of truth and virtue…”

“Good”, “truth” and “virtue”: wonderful sounding words, but what does Rome mean by them? One would be very mistaken if one assumes she means what the true Christian means by them! The question must be asked: whose “truth” (for example) must be served? The truth of Christ in His holy Word, the Bible? Certainly not, for Rome has never embraced Christ’s truth nor upheld it. She means her own version of “truth”, “virtue”, and “good”.

Para. 51: “These new arts which directly affect the eye and ear may give rise to innumerable benefits or innumerable evils and dangers, according to the use which man makes of them. Realising this, the Church has a duty in this regard which she is at pains to perform. Her task is… concerned… with religion and with the direction and control of morals. To facilitate the proper performance of this task, our predecessor of undying memory, Pius XI, declared and proclaimed that ‘it will be necessary that in each country the Bishops set up a permanent national reviewing office in order to be able to promote good motion pictures, classifying the others, and bring this judgment to the knowledge of priests and faithful.’ He added, too, that it was essential that all Catholic initiative relating to the cinema be directed towards an honourable end. In several countries the Bishops, bearing these directives in mind, have set up offices of this kind…”

Note the words: “control of morals”. Rome desires to control the morals of the whole world, for in her judgment the entire world must be Romanist. Working always towards this end, she knows the immense value of the mass media to enable her to achieve this aim. Roman Catholics are duty-bound to obey their pope in all matters of (Papist) faith and morals; and he directs every sphere of life for them, from birth to the grave. “Catholic freedom is restricted solely to the choice of methods to be used for implementing Catholic social policies and directives. In principle it is identical to Communist freedom. Significantly, both systems have the same aim and both use the same methods”. 406 Indeed so: both employ such methods as opposition to freedom of thought, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech.

Para. 52: “We desire that the offices referred to be set up without delay in every country where they do not already exist. They are to be entrusted to men who are experienced in these arts, under the guidance of a priest especially chosen by the Bishops…. At the same time we urge that the faithful, and particularly those who are militant in the cause of Catholic Action, be suitably instructed, so that they may appreciate the need for giving to these offices their willing, united and effective support.”

The pope of Rome’s explicit mention of Catholic Action in this paragraph must not go unnoticed.

Let us next consider para. 76 of this encyclical:

“To Catholic film directors and producers we issue a paternal injunction not to allow films to be made which are at variance with the faith and Christian [i.e. Roman Catholic] moral standards. Should this happen – which God forbid – then it is for the Bishops to rebuke them and, if necessary, to impose upon them appropriate sanctions.”

We have already seen how in the United States, the Legion of Decency exercised precisely the kind of power desired by the Roman pope in this paragraph, for decades. The era following the encyclical’s release in 1957 was marked by a number of high-profile, pro-Papist films emanating from Hollywood. This continued till almost the end of the 1960s. Unfortunately for Rome, however, this encyclical came a little too late to have the great effect the Papal hierarchy hoped it would. Certainly it did have a huge effect, but not to the extent it was hoped. And the reason for this, as we have seen and shall yet see, is that the western world, and American Roman Catholicism with it, had changed in those post-war years, rising up against authority and the beliefs and morals of earlier generations, and there was a swing away from authoritarianism, even by young Roman Catholics. For now, let us continue examining this document, for it clearly sets out the papal agenda, even if, when it came to Hollywood, it only had a brief period of real application in the years that followed, as the “Golden Age” came to an end.

Para. 96 reads: “Meanwhile we are constrained, Venerable Brethren, to exhort you paternally to make every effort proportionate to the needs and resources of your respective dioceses to increase and render more effective the number of programmes which deal with Catholic interests.”

And how to achieve this aim? Obviously by increasing the number of Roman Catholics working in the media, who would then control the flow of information, the type of entertainment seen, etc., etc.

Para.97: “Clearly of great assistance here would be the establishing of training centres and courses of study in those countries where Catholics employ the latest radio equipment and have the added advantage that their day to day experience gives them.”

Was this instruction carried out? If the facts from Australia are anything to go by, it most certainly was: there the Roman Catholic institution owned 50% of the largest programming organisation outside of the United States, and through it Rome had an interest in a radio announcers’ school, concert promotions, and the programming of other stations. 407

Television, in particular, which was still fairly new when this encyclical was issued, was of particular importance to the Papacy for spreading its propaganda. In para. 113 the encyclical says:

“We paternally exhort those Catholics who are well qualified by their learning, sound doctrine, and knowledge of these arts, and in particular clerics and members of religious orders and congregations, to turn their attention to this new form of art [TV]. Let them work side by side in support of this cause, so that all the benefits which the past and true progress have contributed to the mind’s development may redound in full measure to the advantage of television.”

How successful was Rome at this? The evidence speaks for itself, as TV programmes were very pro-Papist and pushed the Papist agenda.

Of course, when Pius stated that movies were a noble art which could, potentially, be of benefit to mankind, the growing numbers of American Roman Catholic liberals heard his statement as giving permission now for movies to depict “adult” themes. 408 These young Papists were not as intensely loyal to the traditional, ultra-conservative Roman “Church” of their parents: unlike earlier generations of American Papists, many of them were now attending universities, where they were coming under all kinds of influences, via literature, art, etc. This has always been Rome’s dilemma in the United States: how to maintain absolute control over its subjects in a country where freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of access to all kinds of information constantly worked against its purposes. Rome and the USA have always been at odds, for this and many other reasons. The Vatican views the United States as a great prize to be won; but it has never quite been able to use the methods it has employed with such effect in other, less “open” countries. Ironically, the very movie industry which it had used to such great effect in America for decades, was now potentially on the threshold of being one of its greatest threats.

The Legion Outsmarted by the Jesuits; Quigley Cast Aside

Martin Quigley was by now a deeply troubled man. His conservative position on immoral movies had been greatly undermined, even attacked, by the Cuba conference, and by the stance taken on movies by a number of leading liberal Jesuit intellectuals, notably John Courtney Murray, Harold C. Gardiner, John C. Ford, and Gerald Kelly. These men stated that Legion classifications were no more than guidelines for Roman Catholic adults. The Jesuits were very much behind Rome’s new, liberal approach to the movie industry, and Quigley knew it, writing at a later date: “This Jesuit clique, which has dominated the conduct of the Legion office since 1957, is opposed to the condemnation of any motion picture – or any artifact by a Catholic agency – in this ‘pluralistic society.’” 409 He also knew that his own previously unassailable position of influence within the Legion was now far from secure. Something had to be done. Quigley felt the best thing to do was to bring a young Jesuit whom he could control into the organisation. He thought this would silence the Jesuit criticism. But he was very wrong. He plainly had no real understanding of Jesuit techniques or intrigue, nor of Jesuit power and loyalty.

The Jesuit priest he chose was Patrick J. Sullivan. He replaced priest Paul Hayes as assistant to priest Little in September 1957. But Sullivan was a Jesuit first and foremost, and would not bow and scrape to Quigley. In fact, he agreed with fellow-Jesuit John Courtney Murray’s belief that Rome could not impose its views on non-Papists. At least, this was what the Jesuits were saying; but they always act to advance Romanism, even when appearing to be more accommodating. Still, to begin with Quigley thought Sullivan was a good appointment. Sullivan told him that he wanted to “sell” the Legion to his brother- Jesuits.

But Sullivan wanted changes at the Legion. And when Miranda Prorsus was released a week after Sullivan came to work at the Legion, the priest saw it as the support he needed to make changes. He was in all likelihood behind the bishops’ new statement on censorship, which declared that “good taste will inevitably narrow the field of what is morally objectionable” in movies.

In November 1957, the Episcopal Committee on Motion Pictures held a meeting to discuss the classification system and the encyclical Miranda Prorsus. It decided to make changes to the Legion’s classifications, and these changes were drafted by Sullivan: the “A2” category would classify films that were acceptable for both adults and adolescents; a new “A3” category was “morally acceptable for adults”, and the Legion could now recommend films it believed were particularly good. The “B” category was for those films which could be morally dangerous for viewers, and the “C” category was for entirely bad and harmful films.

So, for the very first time, Roman Catholics would now actually be encouraged to attend films recommended by the Legion, and adults and adolescents were now permitted far more freedom to choose what they wished to see. The Legion stated that the new “A2” category might now include films that were previously rated “B”; it said that adolescents should not be “excessively protected”; and local priests were told to educate Roman Catholic youth so that they could watch more “mature” films. There was no doubt about it: the liberalisation of Rome’s attitude to Hollywood was now well under way. In this way, as it has ever done, Rome hoped to hold onto its youth.

Another change that was implemented was to greatly weaken the women reviewers of the IFCA, who had been the Legion reviewing staff from as far back as the mid-1930s. These Roman Catholic women were generally more conservative and the new liberalisation required that their influence be diluted: the Legion appointed a board of consultors, consisting of priests and “laymen”, who became very influential. 410

Quigley was furious at these changes, and realised he had miscalculated in appointing Sullivan, who had “succeeded in imposing a new and different approach to… the Legion’s function”, as he wrote to the archbishop, William A. Scully. He warned Scully that the changes that had been implemented by Sullivan could greatly undermine the influence of the Legion. He also said that Hollywood studios were rejoicing over the changes. In this he was correct. Sullivan, however, was simply carrying out his orders as a Jesuit when he drafted the new classification system, and Scully, as chairman of the ECMP, had approved them all. The American bishops also endorsed them, and had in fact expressed their appreciation of the work of Jesuits Ford and Kelly for contributing towards “a better understanding” of the Legion’s work; i.e. a more liberal approach. 411

Martin Quigley, faithful Papist that he was, was now on the other end of the spectrum from the bishops of Rome with regards to the film industry. No longer was the Legion of Decency’s policy dictated by him. Time had passed him by, his own “Church” had passed him by, and he was cast aside.

Open Season on the Code

One Hollywood mogul after another was now openly defying the Code, so that Variety magazine conceded in 1957, “It’s open season on Hollywood’s Production Code and the set of morality standards appears the target of brickbats from various directions. There have been pro and con about its functions in the past, of course, but rarely has there been such a concentration of expressions of concern about its values.” 412 With Breen gone and the Code’s administrators lacking his iron will and style, film-makers increasingly just thumbed their noses at the Code – and got away with it. This included the Roman Catholic, Alfred Hitchcock, who deliberately included endings to his movies, To Catch a Thief (1956) and North by Northwest (1959), which left no doubt in the audiences’ minds of what was happening sexually between their lead characters.

Ben-Hur (1959): the “Religious Epic” Where Religion is Neutered

As was the usual case when Hollywood tackled supposedly “Christian” themes, doctrine was tossed aside and the focus was on more worldly themes, the making of “a good story” rather than any real interest in anything higher. This was the case with William Wyler’s 1959 epic, Ben-Hur. The author of the book on which the film was “based”, General Lew Wallace, wrote in a manner so “Romish” that the book was endorsed by Rome and blessed by the pope, Leo XIII. 413 But the film was a different kettle of fish: there was no way it was going to “preach” Romanism. The hero, played by Charlton Heston, does not even make an avowal of “the faith” in the film; there is no implied conversion of the hero to “Christianity”. It was a film that pushed no one religious view, and was so ambiguous about such matters that it appealed to people of many religious persuasions, including Roman Catholics, Protestants and Jews. Essentially it was an ecumenical film, but even more than that, it was so ambiguous that it could be called an inter-religious film, at least insofar as it would not offend members of any religion.

And this is precisely why it is so naive and foolish for professing Christians to assume that such films as Ben-Hur are not only good and inoffensive, but even moral and useful! Rather a film that is an honest rendition of a book, even if it then promotes the same false religion that the book does, than a film which is so inoffensive that it is attractive to all (even naive Evangelicals). At least the makers of the former are honest and up-front about its motives, and true Christians will not be taken in by it. The latter type of film, however, is dangerous precisely because it appears so harmless and attractive. The book, Ben-Hur, has a definite religious message, and it is not one which is acceptable to true Christians; the film has no such message, but how many are induced to go and read the book after watching it, and thus are led from one error into the next?

Furthermore, in films like this one Hollywood actually created gods of its own. “The startling thing about the 1959 Ben-Hur, Donald Spoto correctly intuits in his provocative overview of Camerado: Hollywood and the American Man was the transcendental power of the new superstar. As Ben-Hur, Charlton Heston need not cling to Christianity; the miracles of Hollywood technology have elevated his imposing figure ‘to the ranks of a religious savior.’ Spoto perceptively isolates a cosmic shift. In this 1959 Ben-Hur, Heston need not go to Christ because Heston himself has become Hollywood’s new Messiah, a savior created by the twentieth century’s marvelous dream machine. Charlton Heston has been transfigured, in Sporot’s words, into ‘our deus ex machina, all made up and smiling, come to save us with outstretched arm and dazzling, but somewhat spiritless, glance.’” 414

Christians have therefore a double motive for avoiding such Hollywood epics.

Suddenly Last Summer (1959): Papist Praise for a Horror Story

In 1959 Suddenly Last Summer appeared, a horror story with themes of homosexuality and cannibalism, produced by Sam Spiegel. The PCA told him sexual perversion was still not permitted in films, but he countered that if the PCA withheld a seal, he would appeal to the MPAA board of directors. The PCA accordingly withheld the seal, and Spiegel accordingly appealed. “If there ever had been a picture that seemed ripe for condemnation, this was it.” 415 And yet, incredibly, the MPAA granted a certificate! Naturally enough, the Legion’s Thomas Little protested to the MPAA, but the Legion’s new board of consultors was far from being as strict as the old IFCAhad been. Although some condemned it, there was no consensus among the consultors. A priest on the board said Suddenly Last Summer was the finest American film he had ever seen, that no adult would be harmed by watching it, and recommended an “A3” rating. Another priest said it was “powerful” and “excellent”, and yet another described it as “magnificent entertainment”, “thoughtful… adult entertainment.” Another consultor told Little it would be “a mistake to condemn a film of this stature.” It was positively reviewed in the influential Romish publication, Our Sunday Visitor. Other Romish publications gave it positive reviews as well.

Finally, the Legion gave the film a Separate Classification, stating it was “judged to be moral in its theme and treatment” but as the subject matter involved sexual perversion it was intended only for “a serious and mature audience.” 416

Incredibly, while so many Roman Catholic reviewers were praising it, secular ones often condemned it and even heavily criticised the Legion for giving it the classification it did! One Hollywood gossip columnist even said of the Legion: “it doesn’t seem to be functioning any more.” 417 How things had changed when a film that included sodomy and cannibalism was now being hailed by the Roman Catholic organisation that would once have condemned such filth outright. “The Legion classification and the supporting reception of the film in the Catholic press shocked many Catholics and industry insiders alike, who did not yet fully appreciate the internal changes that were taking hold of Legion operations and the Catholic attitude toward the movies.” 418

It was all too much for Martin Quigley. He protested directly to Spellman, who then arranged for a meeting between Quigley and Scully, mediated by James McNulty, bishop of the archdiocese of Paterson, New Jersey. They met in July 1959, and Quigley spoke of the Jesuit conspiracy to control the Legion. In this, of course, he was absolutely right. Nevertheless, he had made the tactical error of appointing a Jesuit, Sullivan, so that when he protested that Sullivan was under the influence of Jesuit intellectuals Murray, Gardiner and Ford, this claim sounded hollow. McNulty’s report not only stated that Quigley’s charges were groundless, but it also sought to damage Quigley’s reputation by accusing him of trying to indoctrinate Sullivan, of threatening Sullivan with removal if he did not toe Quigley’s line, and of being a thorn in the side of the Legion.

The Legion of Decency Largely Irrelevant

The 1960s were years of radicalism and liberalisation in all spheres of society. This was the era of “free love”, drugs, the hippies, pop/rock music, anti-authoritarianism, the “civil rights” movement, race riots, “gay liberation”, draft-dodging campus students and campus riots, the younger generation at war with the older one. And in the light of the papal encyclical Miranda Prorsus, Rome had adopted a far more liberal approach to Hollywood, and the Legion of Decency began to reflect this change.

Of course, the Legion’s changed stance was only more liberal in the light of its previous Papist ultra-conservatism. Conservative Romanists viewed it as liberal now, but it was hardly so to the extent that society itself had become liberalised. In fact, the Legion was forced to admit that even most Roman Catholics did not pay any attention to it. In its 1960 annual report it stated that there was “widespread apathy and indifference” among Roman Catholics towards Legion movie classifications. Certainly Americans in general mostly just ignored it as a leftover of a bygone era, even though that era had only just ended. The same was true of the Production Code Administration: Jesuit priest Daniel Lord’s 1930 Code was now viewed by most American moviegoers as an absurdity. They did not want anyone censoring what they could see.

The Legion, however, despite its now more liberal stance, still tried to some extent to stem the rising tide of films with overt sexual and violent content. 419 But its days were numbered.

Psycho (1960): Gory Realism from a Romish Film-Maker

Roman Catholic film-maker, Alfred Hitchcock, again pushed the boundaries with his movie, Psycho, in 1960. It had fornication, voyeurism, and a graphic, brutal bathroom knife murder, described as “a murderous frenzy without precedent in Hollywood cinema.” 420 Never had such gory realism been depicted on celluloid before. There was no turning back. Hollywood had moved into new territory.

Spartacus (1960): Communist Propaganda

When the movie Spartacus was made, the Legion strongly objected to all the blood and gore in it, as well as the sexuality, nudity, and hints of bisexuality. Cuts were ordered, and when they were made the Legion gave the film an “A3” rating, meaning it was limited to adults. The Legion was also disturbed by the fact that the author of the novel on which the film was based, Howard Fast, had been a member of the Communist Party, and by the fact that scriptwriter Dalton Trumbo was an active member of the Communist Party. Certainly the very message of Spartacus – slaves rising in revolt against their masters – was dear to the hearts of Communists. And certainly the slaves were depicted as great people, whereas the masters were depicted in the opposite light. There can be little doubt that there was a not-too-subtle attempt to push Communist propaganda via this “historical” movie. In this the Legion was correct. However, it was restricted to dealing with the moral content of films rather than their possible propaganda messages. 421

La Dolce Vita (1960): Morally Acceptable to Roman Catholics

In 1960 the Italian film, La Dolce Vita, was released, dealing with promiscuity, prostitution, suicide, and homosexuality, among other things. Although director Federico Fellini claimed the film was actually against this kind of hedonistic lifestyle, the fact is that it portrayed these things graphically. The Roman Catholic institution in Italy condemned the film, as did the Italian government itself.

But when the film was submitted to the PCA in 1961, it hardly caused a ripple! Calling it “important, though controversial”, the PCA gave its seal of approval with no cuts having been made. But the Legion took a different view. After all, the Vatican had strongly condemned the movie – which meant it would be extremely difficult for the Legion to then pass it – and also, conservative U.S. Papists were becoming increasingly disturbed by the Legion’s more liberal stance in recent times. Thomas Little knew he had to tread carefully. He wrote to his superiors saying that since the recent court rulings on the issue of movie censorship, the Legion no longer had the power to prevent the film from being shown. Not only that, he said, but any condemnation of the film would not be supported by the public.

The Roman Catholic consultors who evaluated the movie for Little were not in agreement. Some wanted an “A3” rating, including some priests, with some even calling it a “moral” film that would not harm adults. Others, however, condemned it, wanting a “C” rating, with one saying it was Communist propaganda and certainly not decent entertainment. Still others wanted a “B”, or a Special Classification rating. However, as Little wrote to the bishop, James McNulty, “the majority [76.8 percent] of our reviewers and consultors judged La Dolce Vita to be moral in theme and decent in treatment at least for mature audiences.” 422

Little, knowing he could not stop the film being shown, knowing that many Papists would go and see it anyway, and knowing that the majority of the Papist reviewers found it “moral”, tried to exercise damage control. He negotiated with the film’s distributor, Astor Pictures, not to dub the film into English, to put an 18 age restriction on it, and to be careful with the advertising. In return Little agreed to give the film a Separate Classification.

When it was released, the Legion wrote that it was “a bitter attack upon the debauchery and degradation of a hedonistic society of leisure and abundance”, and that it was “animated throughout by a moral spirit.” This was not true. Even if Fellini’s aim was to attack the hedonism of modem society, he did not have to graphically depict sexual scenes in order to do so! Books condemn hedonism without titillating the readers while doing so, and films could do the same. It was thus not animated by a moral spirit at all, and a furious Martin Quigley knew it. He fired off a letter to McNulty, copied to cardinals Spellman and McIntyre, to close associates in the Vatican itself, and to conservative Roman Catholic pressmen. In it, he said La Dolce Vita was the most immoral and sacrilegious film he had ever seen. He correctly pointed out that the typical moviegoer would see “no sardonic commentary”on modem society; all he would see would be “vivid images of… adultery, fornication, prostitution”, etc. He also strongly condemned the Jesuits for being behind the approval of La Dolce Vita, referring (as mentioned earlier) to a “Jesuit clique” who were “opposed to any condemnation of any motion picture… in this ‘pluralistic society.’” 423 He said this Jesuit clique was cosying up to the liberal American Civil Liberties Union rather than protecting people from such filth. And he warned that unless action was taken to reverse the path the Legion was now following, the Code and morality in films would soon be a thing of the past. In all of these accusations he was correct. He branded the Legion a “jungle of amateurism” which displayed “phony sophistication and shocking lack of common sense.” 424

McNulty fired back a response: “Mr Quigley, this is unadulterated nonsense.” He said the notion of a Jesuit conspiracy in the Legion was “without foundation.” He was of course utterly incorrect, knowingly or not.

The problem was, however, that Martin Quigley’s strong criticisms sounded more than a little hollow to those who knew that, even if he really did dislike the movie, he had other reasons for speaking out the way he did; financial reasons. For some years prior to this, Quigley Publications began to experience declining revenues, and Quigley began to earn an additional income by working as a consultant to the film-makers who were experiencing difficulties with either the PCA or the Legion. He therefore now had a financial interest in the way the Legion operated. Priest Sullivan was a thorn in Quigley’s side, with the potential to reduce the need for film producers to approach Quigley to help them resolve problems with the Legion.

Indeed, this again merely highlighted the hypocrisy of Quigley. For years he had been accused of double standards, because on the one hand this devout Roman Catholic condemned immoral movies, and yet on the other hand he advertised the movies in his magazines! Back in 1954, for example, the Catholic Times had stated that the film advertisements in Quigley’s publication, the Motion Picture Herald, violated decency, and accused Quigley of being essentially the same as a pimp. New World then said of Quigley that “the champion of decency offends against decency” with his advertising of motion pictures. And the Catholic Transcript ran the headline: “Martin Quigley is Rapped for Running Lurid Movie Ads.” 425

Sadly, this is precisely the kind of hypocritical moral stance which Roman Catholicism engenders in its subjects. Touting itself as the champion of morality, Rome has always had double standards, and been perfectly willing to turn a blind eye when necessary to any violations of its moral code if it will further its own aims. So it was not surprising that Martin Quigley’s own sense of morality was able to justify (at least to himself) that he was doing nothing two-faced. Roman Catholic “morality” has never been biblical morality. And in actual fact, this Roman Catholic notion of “morality” was shown by those ecclesiastics who came to Quigley’s defence and help. One was priest Francis Connell at Catholic University, who agreed with Quigley when the latter defended the advertisements in his publications by saying that his business would go under if he did not accept ads for “B”- and “C”- rated movies, and that if he could not continue his business he would also then be unable to do the good that he had always done within the film industry (a truly Roman Catholic justification if ever there was one!). Another was the cardinal, Spellman, who got priest John T. McClafferty to defend Quigley in letters written to the editors of Catholic Times and New World.

Priest John Devlin, who viewed La Dolce Vita on the orders of McIntyre, the cardinal, agreed with Quigley and told McIntyre that he did not know what standards the Legion was using anymore. He said only the Communists would benefit from the film, and that priests appeared helpless in it. Others went further still, with one magazine stating that the Legion’s response to this film showed clearly that Communists had infiltrated the “Church” of Rome. 426

There were certainly influential Roman Catholic leaders who supported Quigley and condemned the film, but the Roman Catholic press generally favoured the Legion’s position. And despite the lack of English subtitles the film did very well, being seen by far more than the “mature adults” the Legion said would be the only ones it would appeal to. Nor was the age restriction always firmly enforced.

Splendor in the Grass (1961): the Legion Not Dead Yet

The Legion also objected strongly to the movie Splendor in the Grass, the message of which was that if young people cannot have premarital sex, this may lead to a mental breakdown! The Legion still had enough clout to force Warner Brothers to cut a number of scenes and place an age restriction of 16 on it, and then it gave the film a “B” rating, which angered director Elia Kazan. 427

The Code Amended Again

In October 1961 the MPAA altered the Production Code’s stance on sodomy, stating that “[i]n keeping with the culture, the mores and the values of our time, homosexuality and other sexual aberrations may now be treated [in movies] with care, discretion and restraint.” 428 This was an admission that films were going to be increasingly allowed to mirror society. But in truth they would go further: they would actually go beyond even what society found acceptable, pushing the boundaries and thereby lowering the morals of society till they grovelled in the gutter.

Lolita (1962): Quigley Approves, the Legion Condemns

As we have seen, Quigley, the conservative Roman Catholic, was quite the hypocrite. Ele had begun to act as a paid consultant, charging a large fee ($25 000) to read scripts so as to assist movie producers to obtain a seal and to get a favourable rating from the Legion. At about this time the film Lolita was made, about a twelve-year-old nymphomaniac and a middle-aged man. Director Stanley Kubrick hired Quigley to guide him “through the labyrinth of codes and Catholics” 429 so as to get approval for the film! “Thus Quigley, during the same period when he was attacking the Legion over the classification of La Dolce Vita, was toiling as a paid consultant to secure approval for a film about a pedophile who drugs a 12-year-old child in order to have sex with her and then kidnaps her so he can continue to savour her sexual favours! Quigley’s view of what was acceptable moral entertainment for the masses had undergone a radical – and remunerative – transformation.” 430 And his own justification for taking on this job was straight out of the warped Roman Catholic sense of morality: if he did not accept the job, the film would still be made, but without his input to “take this notorious story out of the gutter.” 431

The PCA’s Shurlock and Vizzard were stunned at Quigley’s double standard, this man who had for so long accused them of being too lenient in enforcing the Code. The Code had been Quigley’s baby to such an extent, and here he was, helping film producers get their film around it! When Shurlock asked Quigley about this, Quigley replied: “Would you just want to turn the producers loose, to make it their way [since, as he pointed out, the film would be made anyway]? Or would you rather settle for a silk purse from a sow’s ear?” To which the stunned Shurlock replied, “[N]ow you’re talking just like us. This’s what we’ve been saying over the years, and you’ve sneered at us for it…. Now that you’re suddenly on the other side of the fence, it’s all right.” Incensed, Shurlock, in conversation with Vizzard immediately afterwards, referred to Quigley as a “pious [obscenity deleted],” and added: “Well, when he comes to us with that picture, it had better be clean or I’m going to rub his nose in it.” 432 Shurlock was right about Quigley having a mask of piety, a hypocrite chasing after the money. And it was as transparently obvious as could be to many people.

So now the movie industry was treated to an astounding situation: Martin Quigley at odds with Geoffrey Shurlock – with the non-Papist Shurlock being more conservative over Lolita than the Papist Quigley! Shurlock found certain aspects of the film far too explicit, whereas, astoundingly, Quigley did not. He made several suggestions for cuts and changes, some of which the producers paid attention to and some of which they did not. They were reasonably confident, in the light of the recent liberalisation of the Legion, that they would get their film passed. And privately, Shurlock had to reluctantly agree that Quigley had done quite a job (by PCA standards, which were not of course biblical ones!) of cleaning up the film. After some further cuts and alterations to Shurlock’s satisfaction, he issued the seal of approval.

Next, the Legion reviewers viewed the film in order to issue a classification. Once again priests and “laymen” were divided. Some saw it as needing an “A3” rating as it would not harm adults, others believed it should have a “B” rating, but a larger number said it should be condemned. At a subsequent showing, this time to Legion staff, those who saw it were divided again. McNulty, the Romish bishop, cast the determining vote, saying Lolita was immoral and ordering Little to condemn it in strong terms. This he did. Quigley, for his part, pointed out that although the film was far from perfect it should not have been condemned, considering the fact that the Legion had not condemned other very objectionable films in recent times.

So here was the situation: a film about paedophilia being approved by devout Papist Quigley, yet condemned by the Papist Legion of Decency! And yet both Quigley and the Legion were utterly hypocritical!

Finally in April 1962, after further relatively minor alterations to the film, the Legion placed it in the Separate Classification, believing it had been modified sufficiently. But it told Romanists that watching it required “caution” and that it was “restricted to a mature audience.” What utter nonsense. It was pornography, plain and simple. But this was becoming a favourite term for permitting pornography: “mature audiences”. Certainly it shows that the morals of the Roman Catholic institution were as low as anyone else’s. Sullivan admitted, in an interview, that a film like Lolita would have been condemned ten years previously, but that in 1962 audiences were more “mature” and selective, exercising “more judgment”. Besides, he said, adults did not want censorship of the movies. He said that the Romish institution wanted “some type of voluntary classification by the industry and exhibitors”. The industry itself should rate its own movies. 433

This Jesuit priest had done much to get the Roman Catholic institution in the United States to adopt a more liberal approach to movies with questionable content. He would later, in the mid-1960s, write a new Legion pledge to replace the old one, which had branded movies as “a grave menace to youth, to home life, to country and religion” and called on Papists not to watch movies deemed to be “vile and unwholesome.” Sullivan’s new pledge would urge Papists to promote good movies and work against bad ones “in a responsible and civic-minded manner.” The bishops would vote to adopt the new pledge, a Jesuit creation from start to finish, with Jesuit John Courtney Murray the guiding hand on Jesuit Sullivan’s shoulder. 434

Lolita was certainly not acceptable to many Roman Catholic reviewers, but in general it did well at the box office, reflecting how the morals of American society had sunk.

Boccaccio 70 (1962): “a Legion Rating Means Nothing”

Although studios, independent producers, and foreign moviemakers continued to submit their films to the Legion for review, it hardly seemed necessary anymore: whether or not the Legion gave its stamp of approval to a film made little difference to its success or failure with moviegoers. Why, then, did moviemakers continue to submit their movies to it? Only two reasons, really: they believed a Legion approval would cause more people to see the film, and major theatre circuits still did not like to show movies condemned by the Legion. But in 1962 all this changed radically.

In February of that year producer Carlo Ponti brought out Boccaccio 70, and this Italian production was imported into the USA by distributor Joseph E. Levine of Embassy Pictures. He submitted it to the Legion for approval. The three separate short films that made up the film, Boccaccio 70, contained strongly sexual themes and some nudity. Worse yet, they were directed by Italian Roman Catholics and one of them was an attack on censorship itself. It was all too much for the Legion. The film was shown at art-house theatres in various U.S. cities without having any PCA seal or Legion classification, but Levine wanted it shown by the major movie chains, and felt he needed both PCA and Legion approval for that. The plan was for the Legion to review it, recommend cuts, and then it would go to the PCA for a seal.

Little was not in New York at the time, and Sullivan, after reviewing the film, called for various cuts, insisted that it not be dubbed into English, and demanded an over-18 age restriction. But when Little returned and reviewed the film, he wanted it condemned outright. Levine, however, instead of complying and based on the fact that the film was doing very well in the art-house theatres, signed distribution contracts with major circuits after persuading them that they did not need Legion or PCA approval. This was astounding enough, but for the censors, worse was to come: Little and Sullivan were invited to a dinner conference hosted by the major distribution companies, but instead of the priests winning in the end, this time around Loew’s Theaters informed them that it was “no longer interested in Code seals for films which it books”, and also that “a Legion Condemned rating or no rating at all from the Legion means nothing.” 435 It was a huge blow to the Legion. “Boccaccio 70 was not a smash hit by Hollywood standards, but it did enough business to indicate clearly that most moviegoers by 1962-3 did not much care what the Legion or the PCA thought about a film. This had long been true, but finally it was clear even to those people who ran the movie business. For all intents and purposes the Legion was finished.” 436

Still, the Legion’s priests and bishops found this a very bitter pill to swallow. Once they had been all-powerful in Hollywood; but no longer. They did not go down without a fight. They did their best to get the film industry itself to adopt an age-based classification system; but this was fiercely resisted by Hollywood bosses.

The Code by 1963: “No More Taboos”

Films just continued to batter down the walls of the once-impregnable Code, so much so that by 1963 Shurlock was forced to admit: “There are now no taboos on subject matter. Movies have changed with the changes of civilization.” 437 In truth western civilisation was in moral freefall, and the movies had played an immense part in bringing this about.

The Cardinal (1963): Rome Depicted as the World’s Salvation from Communism

Yet even though this was the era of waning support for the Code and the Legion of Decency, it was, paradoxically, an era of some very pro- Roman Catholic movies as well.

In many movies during this era, and following the release of the papal encyclical examined earlier, Romanism was now portrayed as a powerful force for good in the world, rather than merely as the religion of underdog immigrants as it had been in the past. In particular, in that Cold War era American Romanism was portrayed as being strongly anti-Communist, in such films as The Fugitive (1947), Satan Never Sleeps (1962), and The Cardinal (1963). Almost always, in fact, when religion fought against Communism in the movies, it was the Roman Catholic religion that did so. 438 Not surprisingly, considering Papist/ Jesuit influence in Hollywood.

The Cardinal showed the rise of a priest to the position of cardinal, as the result of a life of devotion. When John F. Kennedy became the United States’ first Papist president in 1960, this kind of Roman Catholic self-assertiveness and international power was reflected in movies made at the time as well. In The Cardinal, the lead character, upon becoming cardinal, says “all men alike are the children of God, endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That is America’s creed; that is the gospel of the Church.” 439 Thus the film mirrored what was happening in the world at that time: “an international Catholicism that more closely paralleled the growing American global empire” 440 of the Kennedy and post-Kennedy era. As author McDannel states in Catholics in the Movies, writing of movie fascination with Rome and the Vatican during the Kennedy era: “Catholics had what Protestants lacked (but desired): a centralized and disciplined authority structure that demanded and provided obedience, a sexuality that could be controlled such that it produced both celibate workers and fertile congregants, a powerful history that reached back two thousand years [or so they incorrectly believed, at any rate] and across continents, and a set of rituals that vigorously engaged all of the senses in order to generate spiritual ecstacy and communal solidarity. Moviemakers fully exploited the profoundly sensual, visual, and aural character of the Catholic story. With dramatic flare they presented cardinals and popes in robes and lace who never sacrificed their masculine power for their sartorial splendor. Clergy had intense friendships with other men, but their relationships never sullied their heterosexual orientation. Indeed, in this imaginary world women were inconsequential. Catholic leaders expressed their influence within the male world of politics.” 441

It was, therefore, in many ways a good time for Roman Catholicism in the movies, even though the Legion of Decency was on its last legs and films were increasingly immoral. But as McDannel points out, it was most definitely an imaginary world that was being depicted. It was the kind of world Rome desired, the kind that it was as pleased as punch to see presented to both Papist and non-Papist movie audiences for it knew the indoctrinating power of the movies; but it was imaginary. Rome in the 1960s, no less than in any other era, was a cesspool of iniquity. Priests given to fornication and to sodomy were present then as now, Rome’s hand in politics was very far from clean, and even the much-loved Papist president turned out to be a lecherous womaniser. But in the movie theatres, all was rosy with Rome. There were those in Hollywood who were depicting the seven-hilled city and its devoted clerical army as the salvation of the free world from Communism.

Lilies of the Field (1963): an Ecumenical PR Triumph for Rome

In 1963 Lilies of the Field appeared, a film about East German nuns who escaped Communism, a black Baptist wanderer, and Mexican Roman Catholicism, all thrown together on the American frontier. The Papist John F. Kennedy was president, and the Second Vatican Council was in session in Rome, which, it was hoped by many Papists, would usher in a new era of openness and needed change within the Roman Catholic “Church”. Lilies of the Field was thus released in an era when Roman Catholics were being seen as equals to Protestants in the U.S., and when a more tolerant Romanism, more open to Protestantism, was hoped for by many. These themes were embodied in the movie itself. Of course, Kennedy simply showed up the kind of immorality, sexual and political, that Romanism produces in many of its subjects, and Vatican II did not accomplish what many more liberal Romanists hoped it would; but that was still a little in the future. “Out in the Arizona desert, Lilies of the Field carves out a space where ecumenical spiritual growth, new institutional identity, and liturgical experimentation can freely occur… An unlikely coterie of Protestants and Catholics in the Arizona desert works out the tensions of religion, race, and gender with the enthusiasm and exuberance of the early 1960s.” 442

It certainly was ecumenical, in keeping with the spirit of Vatican II, then in progress in Rome. Throughout the movie, that which supposedly is common between Romanism and Protestantism is emphasised, more than the differences. In this way the film helped to break down Protestant barriers to Romanism. In one scene, the nun beats the Baptist at quoting the Bible. Protestants were kn own as the Bible-lovers, the ones who knew the Bible and could quote it extensively – and yet here was a nun quoting it too, and to such effect that the Baptist was beaten. In truth, of course, this was all fiction rather than fact: the vast majority of Romanists are simply not familiar with the Bible and never have been, for to them it is not the sole rule of faith and practice, as it is to Bible Protestants. But the power of a movie to indoctrinate people cannot be over-emphasised, and a scene such as this had an effect far beyond that of any Protestant minister trying to explain that Roman Catholics do not love or know the Scriptures. In the minds of moviegoers a seed had been planted: the thought that the Bible was, after all, the basis of Romanism as well as of Protestantism.

A fallacy, certainly; but one which moviegoers now had in their minds.

And there were plenty of other indications of this supposed Romanist- Protestant commonality. The film shows the Baptist man teaching the German nuns to sing Baptist “tent-meeting” songs with gusto; the Baptist builds a Romish chapel; and yet despite their growing friendship and understanding of one another, he remains a Baptist and they remain Romanists. The lesson being presented: both are “Christians”, albeit of differing traditions. There is no sense whatsoever of either one being false, the other true. What a victory for ecumenism!

The film was a huge success, and the Papist press loved it. It did wonders for Roman Catholics, making them appear to be enlightened and progressive to non-Roman Catholics. Another triumph for Roman ism in Hollywood, and thus in America.

Vatican IPs “Decree on the Means of Social Communication” (1963)

The Second Vatican Council released its “Decree on the Means of Social Communication” (Inter Mirifica) in December 1963, another fundamental document on the subject. It is important to study certain aspects of it, to understand Rome’s attitude to the means of social communication, which continues to define and guide it to this very day.

Section 11 of this document states: “A special responsibility for the proper use of the means of social communication rests on journalists, writers, actors, designers, producers, exhibitors, distributors, operators, sellers, critics – all those, in a word, who are involved in the making and transmission of communications in any way whatever. It is clear that a very great responsibility rests on all of these people in today’s world: they have power to direct mankind along a good path or an evil path by the information they impart and the pressure they exert.”

One can imagine the harlot Rome’s jowls slavering at the prospect of what it could do with such powerful means of mass communication! Very obviously it wanted total control over them, and still does, for by means of radio, TV and film Rome can exert immense influence over multiplied millions. Hence its desire to infiltrate its own people into key positions of power within the media.

Still from Sec. 11: “It will be for them to regulate economic, political and artistic values in a way that will not conflict with the common good. To achieve this result more surely, they will do well to form professional organisations…”

Was this directive carried out in practice? It certainly was. All one has to do is consider the very many professional Roman Catholic organisations which exist for the very purpose of regulating the economic, political and artistic values of their members: for example, the Catholic Stage Guild and the Catholic Writers Guild, both in England, and similar groups worldwide.

In Sec. 13 the following is found: “All the members of the Church should make a concerted effort to ensure that the means of communication are put at the service of the multiple forms of the apostolate without delay and as energetically as possible, where and when they are needed. They should forestall projects likely to prove harmful, especially in those regions where moral and religious progress would require their intervention more urgently.”

This paragraph plainly reveals the Romish hierarchy’s view of where the loyalties of those working in these fields should lie. They are to use their positions and the mass media to serve Rome! – “without delay and as energetically as possible”. But more than that, they are to actually ‘ forestall” (dictionary: intercept; cut off; hinder; obstruct) projects “likely to prove harmful”. By this is meant, film, TV or radio projects likely to prove harmful to the Roman Catholic “Church Should we be surprised, then, that Roman Catholicism, in the years after this document was released, was often portrayed in such good light in movies and on television? No, we should not be surprised at all. Rome’s agents, “energetically” working within the film and TV industries, saw to that.

Sec. 14 states: “The production and screening of films which provide wholesome entertainment and are worthwhile culturally and artistically should be promoted and effectively guaranteed, especially films destined for the young. This is best achieved by supporting and co-ordinating productions and projects by serious producers and distributors, by marking the launching of worthwhile films with favourable criticism or the awarding of prizes, by supporting or coordinating cinemas managed by Catholics and men of integrity.”

Sec. 14 continues: “Likewise, decent radio and television programmes should be effectively supported, especially those suited to the family. Ample encouragement should be given to Catholic transmissions which invite listeners and viewers to share in the life of the Church and which convey religious truths. Catholic stations should be established where it is opportune.”

Of course, true Christians would be wholeheartedly in support of films, radio and TV programmes which provide wholesome, decent entertainment. But what must always be understood is that Rome means something different when she uses words like these. She means, by “decent” or “wholesome entertainment”, films, radio and TV programmes which promote Roman Catholicism! Those which (in the words of this section of the document) “invite listeners and viewers to share in the life of the [Romish] Church and which convey religious [i.e. Roman Catholic] truths”. For to her way of viewing things, there can be nothing more wholesome or decent than this.

The following is a very valuable commentary from an author in New Zealand on why, despite the presence of Roman Catholics in positions of high influence in the mass media at the time when he wrote (1976), extreme violence on children’s programmes shown on TV in New Zealand did not illicit any real condemnation:

“An illustration of the Catholic Action interpretation of ‘decent radio and television programmes’ is given by a short article which appeared in the ‘Evening Post’ of 26-8-76 and which stated that ‘fourteen of the fifteen most violent American television programmes are at present being shown in New Zealand at prime television viewing times when elder children are able to watch.’ There are good reasons for this. With prolonged exposure to violence in the mass media, e.g. television, the younger generation are conditioned into accepting violence as ‘normality’ and their senses of perception become dulled. Consequently, if terrorist groups such as the Australian section of the Croatian Catholic ‘Ustashi’ – ‘Croatian Nationalists’ being half of the truth – decided to extend their training activities into New Zealand, then the non-Catholic population in particular, will be unable to grasp the sinister implications. It is interesting that our self-appointed guardian of community standards, one time Catholic nun Patricia Bartlett, is silent in regard to the continual violence in our TV programmes. Evidently it is in accordance with her ‘Christian standpoint.”’ 443

What this author wrote of the situation in New Zealand in 1976 could so easily have been written of almost any country in the western world at that time – and ever since. Rome utters very pious-sounding statements about the need for “decent” films and TV programmes, etc.; and yet, even in places where there has been strong Roman Catholic infiltration of the mass media, violence in children’s movies and TV programmes has always continued unchecked.

Again from Sec. 14 of the Vatican II document: “The noble and ancient art of the theatre has been widely popularised by the means of social communication. One should take steps to ensure that it contributes to the human and moral formation of its audience.”

This paragraph takes one back to the Jesuits and their use of the theatre in centuries past, as examined earlier in this book. To Rome, the theatre was only “noble” insofar as it advanced the cause of Roman Catholicism. To Rome, film, TV and radio are merely the modem versions of the theatre of old – and in this she is correct. These modem forms of communication have, as she puts it here, “popularised” the ancient theatre. As for ensuring that these things contribute to “the human and moral formation of’ those being entertained by them, Rome means, quite simply, the formation of the audience according to Roman Catholic doctrine and morals, nothing more and nothing less. She well knows the huge potential of the mass media to sway vast audiences in her favour. As the Jesuits once used the stage, so now they sought to use movies, TV and radio programmes for precisely the same purpose: indoctrination and manipulation. And yet the masses have always been too blind to see it.

Sec. 15 states: “Priests, religious and laity should be trained at once to meet the needs described above. They should acquire the competence needed to use these media for the apostolate…. To this end, schools, institutes or faculties must be provided in sufficient number, where journalists, writers for films, radio and television, and anyone else concerned, may receive a complete formation, imbued with the Christian spirit and especially with the Church’s social teaching. Actors should also be instructed and helped so that their gifts too can benefit society. Lastly, literary critics and critics of films, radio, television and the rest should be carefully prepared so that they will be fully competent in their respective spheres and will be trained and encouraged to give due consideration to morality in their critiques.”

Rome was certainly not bothering to hide its intentions! As far as she was concerned, all Romanists working in the mass media were to “use these media for the apostolate”. This was re-emphasised in Sec. 17 which states: “For the main aim of all these [Papist newspapers, films, radio and TV programmes, etc.] is to propagate and defend the truth [i.e. the “truth” according to Rome] and to secure the permeation of society by Christian [i.e. Papist] values.” And certainly such schools, faculties, etc., were established in various countries, their purpose being to chum out faithful Roman Catholic servants of their pope to work in film, radio and TV, and tilt these Romeward to the very best of their ability. For example, by 1975 it could be reported in an Australian newspaper that the Sydney radio station 2SM (“SM” standing for “St Mary’s”), which was owned by the Roman Catholic institution, had become so powerful that: “It owns 50% of… the largest programming organisation outside the U.S.A., and through it has an interest in a radio announcers’ school, concert promotions and the programming of other stations”. 444

Kiss Me Stupid (1964): Hammering the Nails into the PCA Casket

It was very evident that priests Sullivan and Little were now presiding over a far more liberalised Legion; and Shurlock at the PCA was not, as he said in 1963, going to be “holier than the pope” and fail to give a PCA seal to a film the Legion accepted. And so, when Kiss me Stupid was shown to the PCA and the Legion in 1964, the producers did not foresee any major problems, even though the film dealt blatantly and favourably with marital infidelity and prostitution. Shurlock said he would pass the film. His words were: “If dogs want to return to their vomit, I’m not going to stop them.” Jack Vizzard said Shurlock’s announcement was akin to “the sound of hammers on casket nails.” 445

Priest Little at the Legion was not so accommodating, finding much that was offensive in the film. The studio reluctantly agreed to make some changes, but these did not go far enough in Little’s opinion. When United Artists studio dug in its heels, the Legion condemned the film, calling it “morally repulsive” with “crude and suggestive dialogue” and “a leering treatment of marital and extra-marital sex”. And then the Legion expressed shock that such a film could have been granted a seal by the PCA, with Little saying, “It is difficult to understand how such approval is not the final betrayal of the trust which has been placed by so many in the organized industry’s self-regulation.” Martin Quigley stated that Kiss Me Stupid meant that the Code was now history, and “it could be blown away by a gentle zephyr.” 446

The film did not do well at the box office anyway. But even so, the Code was now, for all practical purposes, a relic of history. The hammers had driven the nails into the casket.

The Legion of Decency Changes Its Name

Martin Quigley died in 1964. By 1965 the Roman Catholic priests and bishops in charge of the Legion were well aware that the organisation was simply unacceptable to most Roman Catholics, who no longer cared much for it at all and viewed it as nothing but a censorship body. And so, in an attempt to still retain some influence, the bishops came up with a plan: they would change the Legion’s name. In November 1965 it was renamed the National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures (NCOMP). Time magazine commended the Legion for the name change, referring to the old name as “arrogant and muscular”. But it was to be expected that a statement would be issued declaring that the new name did not mean that the Roman Catholic institution no longer cared about film decency; and indeed, such a statement was made by the chairman of the Episcopal Committee, John J. Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia. 447 Thereafter it was still often referred to as “the Legion”, and it still existed for the purpose of censoring movies it found objectionable by trying to get them altered. But its teeth were pulled.

Joseph Breen died in 1965, a few days after Krol announced the Legion’s change of name. And state censorship boards were dying out as well. Furthermore, as we have seen, this was also an era of changes within the Roman Catholic institution itself, including changes in its attitude to the movies.

A Rash of “Nun Movies”, Notably The Sound of Music (1965)

Various Roman Catholic or pro-Roman Catholic films, some of which were highly successful and with far-reaching influence, were made during this era as well.

“Nun movies” were particularly popular at this time. In films such as Heaven Knows, Mr. Alison (1957), The Nun’s Story (1959), The Sound of Music (1965), The Trouble with Angels (1966), Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows (1968), and Change of Habit (1969), nuns were portrayed as real human beings, real women, without being ridiculed. But there was more to Roman Catholic movies than nuns, even when they played a prominent part.

The ever-popular movie, The Sound of Music, the most commercially-successful depiction of nuns in the history of cinema, came out in 1965, and was used to show that Roman Catholicism had opposed Nazism, for the nuns rescue a family from the Nazis. 448 It was described this way: “the film is a merry chase across the Alps, full of ‘Edelweiss,’ ‘The Sound of Music,’ and ‘My Favourite Things.’ The von Trapps climb every mountain while buffoonish Nazis bumble around like hapless stooges and errant schoolboys. The whole German high command seems little match for a few giggly nuns who steal the alternator and battery cables from their jeeps and then run to the mother superior to confess their mischief.” 449 The cold hard truth was very different, as has been stated previously in this book: the Papal institution had supported Nazism, from its pope down to priests and nuns! But Hollywood was useful to indoctrinate people away from this reality, and to present a far “nicer” Roman Catholic “Church” to the world.

Of course, as seen previously, even in the final year of World War Two the trend had been set by The Bells of St. Mary s, starring Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman. Nun movies were big business in the late 50s and the 60s. This was a time in America where nuns were seen everywhere, running Roman Catholic schools and hospitals, etc., etc. It was good business sense for Hollywood to make films about them at a time when many Americans had constant contact with them in everyday life. But in addition, it kept Romanism in the forefront of movie audiences’ minds. 450

Paulist Priests Start Making Their Own Films

In the 1960s an order of Roman Catholic priests, the Paulist “Fathers”, established their very own film and TV production company. Known as Paulist Pictures, it went from strength to strength, and in 1989 made the movie Romero, about the murdered archbishop in El Salvador, Oscar Romero. It was distributed by a major Hollywood studio and shown in theatres across America. 451

The Pawnbroker (1965): the Legion Tottering on the Edge of Its Grave

By the mid-1960s one moral issue after another had been challenged by Hollywood; but the bishops of the U.S. Roman Catholic institution decided to draw a line in the sand when it came to nudity. They ordered Little and Sullivan of the NCOMP (the old Legion) to condemn all movies containing nudity. Hypocritically, the bishops in a statement declared that “nudity is not immoral and has long been recognized as a legitimate subject in painting and sculpture”, but that it was unacceptable in movies! 452 Either something is immoral or it is not. Nudity is certainly immoral, biblically, whether in art or in movies. But the Romish bishops have always had their own set of moral standards, which are not those of the Bible, the Word of God.

Usually, if the Legion objected, nude scenes were still removed by the moviemakers. But this changed in 1965, when Sidney Lumet’s The Pawnbroker was released in the USA, and scenes of nudity were deliberately left in the film. The movie was denied a seal by the PCA’s Geoffrey Shurlock, but the producer, Ely Landau, appealed to the MPAA board, which eventually gave the seal to the film after Landau slightly cut the length of the scenes involving nudity. The film was released, and when the Legion reviewed it a few weeks afterwards its reviewers were divided, some approving of it and others condemning it. Little did not believe the film was obscene, but said it had to be condemned because of the nudity – obeying the instructions from his superiors. Yet this was possibly the mildest condemnation of a film by the Legion in its history, according to Variety magazine. 453 The Legion knew that its authority and influence were almost over.

When the film opened, shockingly, a number of “Protestant” reviewers praised it and had no problem with the nudity! 454 Roman Catholics were divided over it, and over the Legion’s attitude to it. “There is no place for the ‘Legion’ type of censorship,” stated the editorial of Film Heritage, a Roman Catholic-edited film journal. It called for the Legion to abolish the Condemned rating as it was a “brutalizing form of pressure.” 455 Certainly pro-Legion reviewer William Mooring was correct when he wrote that the Code had been reduced to “a mere scrap of paper.” 456

The truth of the matter was that the Legion’s condemnation of The Pawnbroker was a further nail in its own coffin. American Roman Catholic audiences, having imbibed the American spirit of “freedom of expression”, no longer wanted the Legion to censor what they could see, and they turned out in large numbers to see the film. Besides, Rome itself was now clearly more broad-minded when it came to scenes previously condemned as “immoral” in movies. This sent conflicting messages to the Papist population. And then too, because the film was about a Jewish Holocaust survivor, and because it was kn own that the “Church” of Rome had not stood up to Nazi aggression against the Jews and had even, in fact, colluded with Hitler, Rome’s condemnation of the film was seen by many to be yet further evidence of its anti-Semitism, ft was plain to see that the Legion was tottering on the edge of its own grave.

Vatican II and Movies

The Second Vatican Council was held from 1962 to 1965, one of its purposes being to “modernise” certain aspects of Roman Catholicism to make it more appealing to the modem age. But in doing so, it actually lost much of its former glory and mystique in the eyes of millions of Romanists. Latin was rejected in favour of the vernacular, priests and nuns became more “user-friendly”, with nuns in particular often casting off their austere dress code and appearing in public as “regular girls”, Papist rituals were downplayed to make Romanism more appealing to Protestants in the ecumenical age, etc. But as a natural consequence, as Romanism in the world lost much of what had made it distinct from other “churches”, it also lost much of its distinctiveness in the movies. Not only that, but now that censorship was virtually dead, moviemakers were free to make movies that attacked Roman Catholic beliefs if they liked. And many of them liked – very much so.

As for priest Little himself, he changed with the changes occurring as a result of Vatican II. As has happened to countless other men through the ages, he told Jack Vizzard that in his younger years things appeared as “stark blacks and whites”, but with age “issues seemed less simple and more complex, and assumed various shades of gray.” After the change of the Legion’s name, he said the Legion had developed a reputation for being a “stubborn, antiquarian, unrealistic defender of Catholic movie goers”, and that this was not how it should function in the aftermath of Vatican II. 457 In truth, Roman Catholics had changed, and the Papal institution itself now wanted to “move with the times”. Rome speaks haughtily of “defending eternal morals”, but is ever ready to embrace the shifting sands of the times and adjust its “morality” accordingly. The true moral law of God is eternal, and does not change; and true Christians do not suit their morality to the times they are living in. But Rome will do anything to keep its members.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1965): Priestly Morals in the Gutter with Everyone Else’s

When it was announced that a film version of the Broadway play, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? would be made, the Legion once again came out with guns blazing, because it was laced with some of the most filthy language and overt sexual dialogue to which audiences had ever been subjected. When Geoffrey Shurlock read the script in October 1965, he told Warner Brothers that a PCA seal would only be given once all profanity and sexual dialogue had been cut. The reason Warner Brothers wanted a seal and Legion approval as well, even though they knew films were now doing very well commercially without them, was that this particular film had been a big-budget one for the studio, and if Warner wanted to make a profit it was felt that the approval of the PCA and the Legion were still needed. The studio stated that it would make the film an “adults only” one, and that it would submit it to the NCOMP (the Legion) ahead of the MPAA appeal.

The film was shot, however, with the language pretty much intact, and the PCA, after reviewing it in May 1966, did not give it the seal. Shurlock, however, told Warner to appeal his decision to the MPAA board, which was done.

As yet another indication of how much the Legion had changed from the old days, although there was no consensus on the part of the consultors who reviewed it, a sizeable majority voted against condemning the film.

Those who favoured it, including some (celibate?) priests, described it as valid adult entertainment, despite its foul language and sexual dialogue! It was clear that the morals of many priests and Papists were no different from those of society around them. Warner gave the assurance that no one under 18 unless accompanied by a parent would be allowed to buy a ticket, and the film was classified “A4” by the Legion (adults only). In June 1966 the MPAA board met to rule on the film, and a seal was granted.

“However, when Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton hit the screen screaming and tearing at each other with a hateful vengeance [in Who .V Afraid of Virginia Woolf?] it was obvious that the movies had been changed forever. No longer were they going to be reigned [sic] in by codes.” 458 Quigley’s son, Martin Quigley, Jr., declared in the Motion Picture Herald that the Code was now dead. 459 The supreme irony, however, was this: “[Roman Catholic] Church pressure had created the PCA in 1934, and, thirty-two years later, the [Roman Catholic] church played a major role in hastening its demise”, when the Legion granted an “A4” rating to this movie.

“The decision to award Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? an A-IV rating touched off the biggest outpouring of protest letters in the history of the Legion and NCOMP.” 460 This just showed that despite the liberalisation within much of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic institution, there was still a huge bedrock of conservative Roman Catholics who were utterly opposed to the new direction being taken. The NCOMP was referred to as the “NCOMPetents” by one group of angry Romanists. Martin Quigley, Jr. wrote to Spellman, the cardinal, asking him why it was that such things as blasphemy, profanity, and obscenity were now acceptable to the “Church” when displayed in movies. Sullivan the Jesuit was kept busy replying to over a thousand letters about the film. In writing to a bishop, he said that despite the fact the film was controversial it attempted to make “a moral statement about our times consistent with a Christian viewpoint on life.” What an astounding statement! This aptly encapsulated the liberal Romanist notion of “morality”, so far removed from the Word of God. That such a film could be justified, even partially, as being “consistent with a Christian viewpoint of life” speaks volumes about the vile, false “Christianity” of Roman Catholicism. It also shows how the Jesuits had changed course, changed tactics, and swung the “Church” to the left when it came to films.

But then Sullivan went even further, showing how deeply he had himself imbibed liberal Romanism and jettisoned the conservative Romanism of the pre-Vatican II days: he wrote that Pius XII’s encyclical, Miranda Prorsus, had opened the way for a more “tolerant”, open- minded view of movies, and stated that “we cannot intrude upon what is alone their [adult Roman Catholics’] right and obligation, namely, the exercise of individual responsibility in conscience.” 461 This may have reflected the general American (and even western) attitude to “freedom of expression” and “freedom of conscience”, but it must be remembered, firstly, that it is not the truly Christian one, for true Christians do not seek to be entertained by filth (thus showing, yet again, the unchristian nature of Romanism); and secondly, it shows the base hypocrisy of Rome, which has always been against liberty of conscience and freedom of expression, and yet – when it suits its purposes – it speaks in favour of the very things it opposes! Vatican II and its aftermath often produced statements like this from the lips of Roman Catholics, so as to attract more people to the “Church” and to hold on to those who had imbibed such notions from the America they lived in.

Darling (1965): the Legion Sinks Still Further

The astounding about-face of the Legion (the NCOMP) was seen again when the 1965 British film, Darling, was shown in America. Although it was about a woman who leaves her husband, has various affairs, participates in an orgy, appears nude, has an abortion, etc., the NCOMP, after getting a few seconds of nudity cut from the film, awarded it Best Picture of 1965, a film of “artistic vision and expression”! The old Legion was clearly nothing like it had once been. And Romish publications reviewed it very positively as well. 462 There were protests from many Romanists, however, showing again that the “Church” hierarchy was moving faster than many in the pews.

The Code Replaced by CARA: Censorship Now Truly Dead

In 1966 Jack Valenti became president of the MPAA. He was an Italian Roman Catholic. But he also loathed censorship of any kind, from any source whatsoever, and he planned to destroy the Code. He said, “It was plain that the old system of self-regulation, begun with the formation of the MPAA in 1922, had broken down. From the very first day of my own succession to the MPAA President’s office, I had sniffed the Production Code constructed by the Hays Office. There was about this stem, forbidding catalogue of ‘Dos and Don’ts’ the odious smell of censorship, I determined to junk it at the first opportune moment.” 463

And junk it he did. In September 1966 Valenti’s new Code came in. It was not merely a revision of the previous Code, but amounted to a brand new one. “Expunging the last vestiges of Quigley-Lord-Breen moral absolutism, the new document stressed opposition to ‘censorship and classification by law’ and delegated the parents of America as the final ‘arbiters of family conduct.’… The official MPAA press release explained, ‘this revised code is designed to keep in closer harmony with the mores, the culture, and the moral sense and the expectations of our society.’” 464 It certainly was, for society had changed, and not for the better. And now that the floodgates were opened, Hollywood would cause it to sink even faster into a vortex of moral relativism and degraded filth.

Instead of regulations, the new policy was to issue ratings: classi fications of films according to their content. And so it was that, in November 1968, the Production Code was replaced by a rating system developed by the Motion Picture Association of America. It was called the Code and Rating Administration (CARA). Geoffrey Shurlock of the PCA retired, to be replaced by Eugene Dougherty, a Roman Catholic. And priest Little retired from the NCOMP, to be replaced by priest Sullivan.

The original CARA ratings were as follows: “G” (Suggested for General Audiences); “M” (Suggested for Mature Audiences); “R” (Restricted – no persons under 16 unless accompanied by a parent or guardian); and “X” (Persons under 16 Not Admitted). Krol, the archbishop, was in favour of the new age classification system, and he sounded like priest Sullivan (quoted above) and even like a committed American when he declared that the Roman Catholic institution was committed to the U.S. Bill of Rights, “no part of which is more important to the American people than that freedom of utterance which includes artistic expression.” 465 This Popish archbishop’s supposed fondness for the Bill of Rights was a sham. Rome has never been in favour of American freedoms, and has opposed and warred against them from the very beginning. American freedoms have always stood in the way of Rome’s authoritarian expansionist ambitions. So a statement like this was made for reasons of expedience, to fool the people, to make it seem as if the “Church” of Rome was pro-American, and thereby to increase its own power in the United States.

As the years went by, the CARA ratings system would be altered. But consider this: “CARA is a secret society, guided only by the gut instincts and inchoate feelings of a membership whose names, qualifications, and grade-point scale are a mystery to all save the inner sanctum of the MPAA – a true star chamber.” 466 It is in fact so secretive that Kirby Dick, director of a documentary entitled This Movie Is Not Yet Rated, which came out in 2006, actually hired private detectives to learn the identities of the board members!

Are true Christians able to trust the ratings system? Absolutely not! These ratings should never be used by believers as their guide. It is the height of foolishness when naive parents look at a movie’s rating and say, “Oh, this one will be great for the children – it says ‘All.’” Christians should never, ever entrust a faceless, nameless, essentially secret society to tell them that a particular movie is safe for their children! Christians are to raise their children according to the Word of God – not according to the world. They must expect the world to have a very different understanding of what is wholesome family entertainment! The world’s ideas of morality, right and wrong, family, entertainment and decency are not the same as the Christian believer’s. The world is not governed by the Word of God.

In effect, with the replacement of the Code by the ratings system, censorship was now dead. Anew era had dawned for the movie industry. It would not be an easy one for the Roman Catholic institution. Rome would not have things all her way as had pretty much been the case throughout Hollywood’s “Golden Age”.

“The code was dead, censorship was dead, and the cultural war that had raged between the Catholic church and the movie industry was, at least temporarily, over.” 467

The NCOMP Continues to Liberalise

The NCOMP was hardly recognisable, now, as the Legion of the past, and Romish media support for movies which once would have been condemned outright was so enthusiastic that it can only be described as a total about-face. “Subjects that in the past had aroused the church’s ire were no longer an issue” 468 – including such subjects as foul language, homosexuality, abortion, etc. Even the Legion’s old automatic opposition to any nudity at all was greatly relaxed now. And even when Romanism itself was shown in a somewhat poor light in a film, this was not automatically condemned by the NCOMP. Furthermore, priests or nuns having sexual affairs was no longer a subject off-limits either! These were astounding times.

The Shoes of the Fisherman (1968): Promoting a Socialistic Romanism and Foreshadowing John Paul II

A film that only makes sense in the light of the post-Vatican II “Church” was The Shoes of the Fisherman. In this film, a Popish cleric, Kiril Lakota, is ransomed from the Gulag Archipelago, taken to Rome, and is in the conclave when the pope of Rome dies suddenly. The film’s hero gets elected as the first non-Italian pontiff in four centuries. In these aspects, the movie (unknowingly, of course) anticipated the 1978 election of just such a non-Italian pope, Karol Wojtyla from Poland (who almost uncannily shared a name sounding very similar to that of the film’s character), who became John Paul II. Furthermore, in the film, in a summit meeting with the Soviet Union Communist premier and the Chinese Communist leader, this pope averts a nuclear war, caused by a famine, between the two Communist states by pledging to give the vast resources of the Roman Catholic “Church” – its land, its buildings and art treasures – to alleviate hunger. The film was clearly a promotion of a radical new, Socialistic brand of Romanism which in the wake of Vatican II was sweeping through the Romish institution. Although the real non-Italian pope, John Paul II, elected ten years after this film was released, never did anything quite so radically and Socialistically left-wing, he certainly was a “people’s pope” who held firmly to his own brand of Catholic-Communism. 469

Rosemary’s Baby (1968): Marking the Beginning of Hollywood’s Satanic Season

This horror film of demon possession, Roman Polanski’s screen version of an Ira Levin novel, described by one as “a highly serious lapsed- Catholic fable”, 470 centres on Rosemary, a young Irish-American ex- Roman Catholic girl who nevertheless cannot escape being haunted by images from her Roman Catholic childhood. She becomes impregnated by the devil during a Satanic black mass.

It is significant that in the Hollywood of the post-Code era, Roman Catholic girls were so often the focus of interest from Satan. There are a number of reasons for this, notably that Romanism’s teaching on sex, sexuality, marriage, etc., has always been distorted, closely associated with confessionals, priestly absolution, and feelings of deep guilt and shame. In the popular mind and thus in Hollywood, Roman Catholic girls have so often been divided into either pious anti-sex maidens or morally loose harlots who rebel against the restraints of their religion, knowing they can always just go to confession and put it all right.

In the black mass, during a realistic dream, Rosemary is tied down to the altar by Satanists, all of whom are Roman Catholics (including John and Jackie Kennedy), and Satan impregnates her. The impregnation by the devil is not a dream, but real. She is comforted by the pope of Rome himself, who forgives her, and she kisses his ring.

Asked why all the dream figures during her impregnation by the devil were Romanists, Roman Polanski said that this was because Rosemary was an ex-Romanist, and her associations in such circumstances would be people who represent married Roman Catholicism to her. But this explanation is hardly the whole of it: clearly, this film was a frontal assault on the religion of Rome. In the film, the cover of Time magazine which stated, “God is Dead!” is very prominent; and clearly the film itself was a strong statement to that effect. It was a film in which Satan was made out to be victorious.

It is chilling indeed that Roman Polanski had wanted his own wife, Sharon Tate, to play the part of Rosemary (it was eventually played by Mia Farrow); and Tate reportedly was the one who came up with the idea for the scene in which Rosemary is raped and impregnated. Not that long afterwards, on August 9, 1969, when Sharon Tate was eight and a half months pregnant, she and her unborn baby were brutally murdered by Susan Atkins and Tex Watson, two disciples of Charles Manson. Screenwriter Wojciech Frykowski was at Sharon Tate’s home at the time and was also murdered, and when he asked Tex Watson who he was and what he was doing there, Watson replied, “I’m the devil, and I’m here to do the devil’s business.” 471 Satan is all too horrifyingly real.

This was, truly, the beginning of Hollywood’s assault on Roman Catholicism via the medium of horror films in which Satan emerges victorious. The late 1960s, and the decade of the 1970s, was a time of increasing interest in witchcraft, Satanism, black magic, and all things occultic, especially among the disillusioned youth of the “flower power” generation. Partly, Hollywood simply plugged into this fascination with all things evil and dark, but partly, Hollywood itself led the way into it, as it threw off the constraints of the Papist- controlled Production Code years and went into attack mode against all things Papist. And in the process, it was also assaulting morality, decency, and the truth of the Gospel which Romanism had perverted for so long, but which was associated in the popular mind with the Romish religion.

The Legion Limps On

The NCOMP soldiered on, under priest Sullivan, for some years more, a mere shadow of its former self. When it condemned certain films, very often the Papist press ignored it and recommended what the Legion had condemned.

In 1970 the NCOMP, together with the National C ouncil of Churches (NCC), was well aware that Hollywood was no longer paying any attention to their concerns. In a joint statement, they said theatres were not enforcing the age restrictions on movies; movies containing sex and violence were being classified as “G” (all ages admitted) and “GP” (all ages admitted, parental guidance suggested); etc. But the MPAA did nothing, and so in 1971 the NCOMP and NCC withdrew their support for the MPAA’s rating system. 472 But the truth was, “No one in the industry seemed to care. At a time when more than half of all U.S. Catholic women reported practicing birth control, a much more serious sin in the eyes of the church than attending a condemned film, it was hard to believe that the laity was paying much attention to NCOMP’s evaluations. Where once the threat of a Legion condemnation could bring the movie moguls to heel, news that NCOMP had condemned 20 percent of the films it reviewed in 1971 caused hardly a ripple within the industry.” 473

It was an even greater blow to the NCOMP that “Church” leaders and so many Roman Catholics in general were simply ignoring it. The faculty and students of a Jesuit college, Creighton University, invited the producer of a movie that had been condemned by the NCOMP to screen it on campus; and the film critic for Our Sunday Visitor, an influential Romish publication, placed two movies in his 1971 list of the ten best films which had been condemned by the NCOMP! 474

The End of Irish Roman Catholic Domination in Hollywood

Irish Papists had always been viewed by Anglo-Saxon Protestants as lazy, given to drunkenness, and fanatically devoted to the Roman Catholic “Church” – a stereotype which, nevertheless, in general terms contained quite a bit of truth. But the power of Hollywood helped greatly to change this perception, for as has been shown in this book, Irish-American Roman Catholics were very involved in the movie industry from its earliest years. And by the mid-twentieth century they had managed to swing public opinion in their favour via Hollywood movies that portrayed them very positively, movies such as Boys Town, Going My Way, and a number of others. In fact, Irish-American Roman Catholics were the movie industry’s favourite ethnic group from the late 1930s through to the 1950s. Although Jews owned the movie studios, there were important Irish-American directors, actors and actresses during this period; and in addition it was Irish-American Roman Catholics who made and enforced the Motion Picture Production Code, as was seen, the enforcing being backed by the powerful Legion of Decency, which was under Irish-American control. The Jewish studio owners kn ew on which side their bread was buttered, for American cities, where moviemakers earned the most money, were heavily Roman Catholic, and if they did not toe the line when it came to Roman Catholic standards of morality, the Legion could organise boycotts that could ruin a film’s success financially.

But in addition to Irish Papist dominance of Hollywood, there was another reason why those who made the movies (even when they were predominantly Jewish) were usually very happy to make use of Irish- American Romanists as characters in their movies. This was because, throughout the first half of the twentieth century, Irish-Americans were in a special position as far as immigrants were concerned: they were not yet fully accepted into American society, but they were more accepted than other immigrant communities, being English-speaking and less “different” than other immigrants; they had been in the United States longer than most other immigrants; and they were recognised by other, newer immigrant communities (such as Italian-Americans and Polish-Americans, also both Roman Catholic in religion) as the leaders of all immigrants. This was not by accident: Irish-Americans had deliberately positioned themselves as leaders via their militant, proud brand of American Romanism, which proved very attractive to the newer Romish immigrants – Poles, Italians and French – who thus formed with the Irish a larger American Roman Catholic group, yet always with the Irish in charge. And as the twentieth century progressed Irish-Americans ascended the social ladder, becoming very powerful in many aspects of American life, including politically.

Even Jewish-Americans recognised this leadership role of the Irish: “Hollywood made over forty films pairing Irish Catholics and Jews between 1910 and the early 1930s, for example, and almost all of them taught the same lesson: the easiest way for Jews or any other new immigrant people to become Americanized was to marry, enter into partnership with, or even adopt an Irish Catholic.” 475

These, then, are the factors behind the dominance of Irish-American Papists in Hollywood during this era. But it all changed in the 1960s. When the Motion Picture Production Code was dropped, and the Legion of Decency lost its influence, the huge power of Irish-American Romanism in Hollywood came to an end. The 1960s were also a time of massive social change in the United States, as indeed throughout the world, and a new generation of restless, directionless young people, stirred up by deliberate Communist propaganda in their music, 476 strung out on drugs and sold out on “free love”, turned against the authority structures of their parents, the government and the “church”. These youngsters included large numbers of Irish-Americans, who turned against the religion and the restraints of their parents’ and grandparents’ generations. Prominent Irish-American writers of that era wrote much against what had gone before. And here it was: the root of all that was wrong with Irish-Americanism, according to these young writers, was the Roman Catholic “Church”. “For almost all members of the new generation of Irish American Catholic writers, the Catholic church lay at the root of all the repression, hypocritical pieties, deadened thought, and narrow ethnocentrism that plagued Irish Catholic America.” 477

The tragedy is that they were right, to an extent even greater than they knew. No matter how long it takes, there is always a reaction against repression and oppression. The French Revolution was just such a reaction against centuries of domination and oppression by the Papal institution in France; and the 1960s youth rebellion was another one. And just as the French Revolution went to shocking excesses, so did the 1960s counter-culture rebellion. Revolting against the oppression, the stifling of intellectual thought, the hatred, the racism of Roman Catholicism and other forms of false “Christianity”, the youth of that generation dived headlong into sexual promiscuity, drugs, perverse music, and Communist philosophy and thought. With the ignorance of youth, they were pawns in the hands of the Marxists and they did not even know it. Their hatred for “institutional religion” and all forms of control made them cannon fodder for the Communist revolutionaries quietly going about their business behind the scenes.

Hollywood was not slow to jump on the bandwagon. Indeed, it can be argued – successfully – that to a very great extent Hollywood was used, particularly by Jewish Communists, to spearhead this youth rebellion and thereby promote Communist ideology across young America. Hollywood had changed: the Papist-controlled Production Code was gone, and new men were running the show.

Up until now Hollywood had been viewed, by the Papal hierarchy, as a great and powerful tool to sway the masses in Rome’s direction, but now all that had changed. What was Rome to do? How would she fight back? Could she even fight back?

Italian Papist Influence Replaces Irish Papist Influence in Hollywood

Another ethnic immigrant group now rose to prominence in Hollywood in the 1970s, replacing Irish-American Roman Catholic dominance: Italian-American Roman Catholic influence was now on top. There are many reasons for this massive change, not least among them the fact that Italian-Americans were perceived as being more emotional, more suspicious of authority, and thus more representative of what young Americans were feeling and expressing in the counter-culture decades of the 1960s and 1970s. The Mafia, the Mob, the Brotherhood, the Black Hand, the Cosa Nostra, the Underground, etc. – these all became favourite Hollywood themes, for they never failed to attract audiences who seemed to have an insatiable appetite for films about such things. And Italian gangsterism in America was always inextricably tied up with Italian Roman Catholicism. In Hollywood’s Little Italy, “Behind every plaster-of-paris statue of the Madonna there lurked a Sicilian hitman intent on his vendetta… every household shrine contained at least one votive candle burning for a mafiosi…. Virtually any Italian gangster of note could count on several lavish film biographies and a television series or two. A1 Capone, Joe Valachi, Lucky Luciano, and Joe Columbo became full-fledged media superstars.” 478

By this time, the Roman Catholicism of a place like New York was a very strange mix. Actually, it was hardly a mix at all, considering that the two main elements of it did not blend all that well. The situation was this: a Romish “clergy” dominated by Irish-Americans, and a Romish “laity” dominated by Italian-Americans. And Hollywood loved this dichotomy between what was perceived as Irish Romanist puritanism and dogmatism, and Italian Romanist sensuality and wayward sexual behaviour.

Certainly, the Irish Romanist immigrants of the past had come to dominate the priestly positions of the American Roman Catholic “Church”, and had taught abstinence before marriage, purity within marriage, and sexual self-denial for those who entered the priesthood or the convent – even if in practice they knew such things were so often not adhered to, and even if in practice they themselves were far from morally pure (as the scandal of tens of thousands of sexual predator-priests abusing children, which broke in the 1990s and gained such global momentum afterwards, has proved beyond doubt). 479 Italian Romanist immigrants, however, were not as rigid, and far more openly sensuous. “To Italians, Irish Catholicism seemed to be severe, doctrinaire, unemotional, and conservative; to the Irish, Italian Catholics were excessively superstitious, overly influenced by folk customs, fatalistic, almost pagan,” wrote one chronicler. 480

And all of this Italian Romanism was encapsulated in four movies of the 1970s in particular, all of which were about Italian-Americans: The Godfather (1972), The Godfather: Part II (1974), Rocky (1976), and Saturday Night Fever (1977).

And along with the rise of Italian-American Papists in Hollywood films and the fall of Irish-American Papist dominance, Irish-American Papists began to be portrayed in the movies and on TV as corrupt, racist, given to drunkenness, and hypocritically religious. This is how they were portrayed in such films as Joe (1970), Serpico (1973), Ragtime (1981), The Pope of Greenwich Village (1984), and L.A. Confidential (1997); and in such TV shows as Homicide: Life on the Street (1993- 1999), The Fighting Fitzgeralds (2001), etc.

The pendulum had swung back: once again, Irish-American Papists were being viewed as they had been before Hollywood had done so much to give them a make-over.

Another Important Vatican Document

A very important document was released by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Instruments of Social Communication in January 1971, entitled “The Pastoral Instruction on the Means of Social Communication” (Communio et Progressio). Let us study some aspects of this document.

Section 26 states: “If public opinion is to emerge in the proper manner, it is absolutely essential that there be freedom to express ideas and attitudes.” This sentence is designed to mislead the uninformed, to make them think that the “Church” of Rome is in favour of freedom of expression and ideas. It has never been in favour of these or any other freedoms, as its long history amply demonstrates with all the evidence one could desire. And in fact, this section immediately continues as follows: “In accordance with the express teaching of the second Vatican Council it is necessary unequivocally to declare that freedom of speech for individuals and groups must be permitted so long as the common good and public morality be not endangered.” Ah! This gives the game away, but sadly not to the masses of uninformed, who would see nothing sinister in this sentence, coming as it does immediately after the one about freedom of expression and ideas. Many would read this one and thi nk to themselves, “Yes, this is true; freedom of speech cannot be granted if it harms the common good and public morality.” But what does Rome mean by “the common good”? Commenting on this very section of the Vatican document, author D.J. Beswick correctly explains the Papistical meaning behind these words:

“We have seen that the requirement of not conflicting with the common good is equivalent to acting in accordance with the instructions and directions of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. It is thus easy to see how such freedom of speech is to be permitted ‘so long as the common good and public morality be not endangered’. In practical terms, what this means is that freedom of speech is to be permitted so long as there is no public criticism of the Catholic Church or Catholic social policy, or in other words one can criticise anything or anyone provided one doesn’t tread on Catholic toes.” 481

Thus Rome sought to control freedom of speech and freedom of expression, by allowing these things as long as Roman Catholicism or any of its works was not criticised through the mass media. Of course, in practice Rome was only partially successful in achieving this goal; but the point is that this is Rome’s stated goal, and she will work constantly for the day when she can totally manipulate and control the mass media to her advantage all over the world.

Sec. 29 is very revealing: “The process of promoting what is sometimes called a ‘propaganda campaign’, with a view to influencing public opinion, is justified only when it serves the truth, when its objectives and methods accord with the dignity of man, and when it promotes causes that are in the public interest. These causes may concern either individuals or groups, one’s own country or the world at large.”

Rome, of course, had been relentlessly pushing her own “propaganda campaign” via TV and the movies for decades when this was written, and she still is. This paragraph was an attempt to justify this. Considering the fact that Rome believes herself to be the sole propagator of the truth, and the sole and true defender of it, when she states that a propaganda campaign must “serve the truth” to be justified, this simply means the propaganda campaign must serve the interests of the Roman Catholic institution! As far as she is concerned, “causes that are in the public interest” are causes that are in Rome’s interest; for she believes the entire world must submit to her authority.

Following on from this clever Jesuitical reasoning, which the general public would never be able to see through, Sec. 30 states: “Some types of propaganda are inadmissable. These include those that harm the public interest or allow of no public reply. Any propaganda should be rejected which deliberately misrepresents the real situation, or distorts men’s minds with half truths, selective reporting or serious omissions, and which diminishes man’s legitimate freedom of decision.”

Terms do not mean what the dictionary may say they mean; they mean whatever those using them choose for them to mean. In this paragraph, Rome shows its antipathy towards any “propaganda” that is not its own propaganda (which she justified using in Sec. 29, as seen above). It is only Roman Catholic propaganda which, as far as Rome is concerned, ‘serves the truth” and is “in the public interest”; therefore, any viewpoint which differs from her own is seen to be “propaganda… which deliberately misrepresents the real situation, or distorts men’s minds with half truths, selective reporting or serious omissions.” The fact that Roman Catholics in the mass media deliberately misrepresent the real situation, and distort men’s minds with half truths, selective reporting and omissions is fine as far as Rome is concerned, because, as it has stated, Roman Catholic propaganda “serves the truth” and “promotes causes in the public interest.” As Beswick commented, “The Atheist-Communists use the same circular reasoning.” He wrote in addition: “if large scale Communist propaganda represents ‘Communist brainwashing’, then what does large scale Catholic propaganda represent? We have seen that the promoting of a propaganda campaign ‘with a view to influencing public opinion, is justified only when it serves the truth’, but this tells us nothing, because all propaganda campaigns, whether carried out by Atheist Communists, Roman Catholics or some other ideology, are claimed to serve the truth and promote causes that are in the public interest.” 482

Sec. 42 states: “But the right to information is not limitless. It has to be reconciled with other existing rights…. There is the right of secrecy which obtains if necessity or professional duty or the common good itself requires it. Indeed, whenever the public good is at stake, discretion and discrimination and careful judgment should be used in the preparation of news.”

So: when receiving news via any Roman Catholic or pro-Romanist news source (newspapers, radio, television), one can never be certain one is receiving the whole story. Take, for instance, the centuries- old sexual abuse of children by Romish priests. It had been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years before it became an international scandal in the 1990s and the 2000s. Was it ever fully or properly reported on by Roman Catholic media sources prior to that? No. Reason: Rome did not judge such news as being “in the interests of the public good”. Rather, it saw such information as requiring “discretion and discrimination and careful judgment”, for “the public good was at stake”. But by the “public good”, Rome means whatever is good for Rome!

“Thus we see that secrecy is to be used when the ‘common good’ requires it, and since Catholic Action is working for the ‘common good’, then secrecy is to be used when the machinations of Catholic Action require it. The complete lack of public awareness of Catholic Action shows that this directive is faithfully applied.” 483

Now for a very revealing paragraph. Sec. 106 states: “As represent atives of the Church, Bishops, priests, religious and laity are increasingly asked to write in the press, or appear on radio and television, or to collaborate in filming. They are warmly urged to undertake this work, which has consequences that are far more important than is usually imagined.”

In obedience to this directive, priests were seen to be acting as advisors for Hollywood movies, even the most diabolical, gruesome and sexually explicit, if it was believed they would advance the cause of Roman Catholicism thereby. Some even became actors themselves. This will be well demonstrated a little further on in this book, when we examine the movie, The Exorcist.

Sec. 145 reads as follows: “Catholic associations for the cinema should collaborate with their counterparts in the other media in endeavours to plan, produce, distribute and exhibit films imbued with religious principles. With discrimination, they should also use for religious teaching all the new developments in this field which make inexpensive productions possible. These include gramophone records, audio and video-tape recorders, video-cassettes and all the other machines that record and play back either sound or static or moving images.”

Of course, vast strides have been made in these fields since this was written; but just as the Roman Catholic institution made great use of these now old-fashioned forms of equipment, so today it makes great use of the modem successors of those old records, tape recorders, etc.

Pieces of Dreams (1970): Hollywood Attacks Priestly Celibacy

In the post-Vatican II world and in the midst of the iniquitous sexual revolution and anything-goes philosophy of the 1960s, which swept up an entire generation of disillusioned youth throughout the western world, literally thousands of priests left the “Church” of Rome, unable to accept or promote Rome’s teachings on abortion, contraception, divorce, homosexuality, papal infallibility, etc. For them, the world had moved on and the “Church” had been left behind, stuck in an antiquated morality that as far as they were concerned was out of touch with the realities of the modem world. In particular, these young priests rejected priestly celibacy as old-fashioned and unnecessary.

Hollywood, of course, was not slow to take up these themes, producing movies which inevitably showed priests having affairs (often with nuns) and then leaving their “Church”. This is precisely what occurs in Pieces of Dreams.

The theme was very real. These things were happening all the time. But of course they had always happened, throughout the centuries. The only difference was that in the decade of the 1960s and afterwards, it was out in the open far more, and thousands of ex-priests were not ashamed to admit it.

M*A*S*H (1970): the Roman Catholic Religion Ridiculed

Ring Lardner received an Oscar for the screenplay for M*A*S*H. A quarter of a century before, he had refused to testify before the House Committee on Un-American Activities regarding his possible affiliation to the Communist Party, and now he was rewarded for a film which was not only a criticism of America’s involvement in wars but also an outright attack on religion, in particular the Roman Catholic religion. Robert Altman, the director, was a Roman Catholic, but even so M*A*S*H was “the first major American movie openly to ridicule belief in God – not phony belief; real belief’, according to reviewer Roger Greenspun of the New York Times , 484 Clearly Altman was a very disillusioned Romanist. Romish chaplains were depicted as fools, Romish sacraments were mocked, and sexual sin was glorified. Bible- reading, praying characters were ridiculed. Sex, in fact, replaced religion in the film. Sex, in essence, was the religion, just as it was the religion of multitudes of young people of that era.

The Godfather (1972): Rome’s Mafia Connections Shown

Hollywood’s attitude to Rome had now changed dramatically. With no pro-Roman Catholic Production Code to live up to, directors and producers were free to make any movies they liked, and to attack any and all religion – including the Romish religion – freely. And they did so with a vengeance, depicting such themes as intrigue, murder, corruption, sex and much more as being closely connected with the Roman Catholic “Church”.

In 1972 The Godfather was released, to be followed by The Godfather: Part II in 1974. These films became icons for devoted moviegoers. In them, Romanism and the organised Italian Mafia criminal underworld in America are constantly interwoven and juxtaposed, with the crimes committed in the film being linked with solemn Romish rituals. These films have been interpreted as follows: “From wedding to baptism in The Godfather, from first communion to a final prayer at the hour of death in Godfather II, organized religion and organized crime reveal themselves as two faces of a single, blood-stained coin.” “Catholicism is revealed as another racket, another set of opportunities to gain advantage by lying to yourself and to others, another hand-kissing hierarchy of absolute power”. 485 It seems a huge stretch to believe that it may only have been the intention of the movie’s maker to interweave Romanism because the characters in the movie were Italians and thus Romanism was an integral part of their lives, and not for any sinister purpose of portraying the Romish religion as evil in itself. Certainly the movies’ director, Francis Ford Coppola, a Roman Catholic, is on record as having said, “I decided to include some Catholic rituals in the movie, which are part of my Catholic heritage…. I had never seen a film that captured the essence of what it was like to be an Italian American.” 486 But he was not being totally forthright in saying this. The fact is that Romanism was depicted as being integrally connected with evil Italian Mafia figures – as indeed, in the real world, it is. The Italian priests are depicted as being unconcerned with how their Italian parishioners live, and only concerned with the external, empty rituals of the “Church”. As long as the parishioners attend the rituals, the priests are satisfied. They ask for no more, and the gangsters continue to flourish and commit terrible crimes, while remaining in good standing in the bosom of the “Church” in which they have lived their whole lives.

Mean Streets (1972): a Dark Depiction of Popish Guilt

Another movie showing the interaction between Italian-American Roman Catholicism and Italian-American crime, this film was the work of Martin Scorsese, a Roman Catholic from Little Italy in New York who was also an ex-seminarian and therefore very familiar with the priesthood. It has been said of his films that they are “disturbingly sexual, embarrassingly personal, overpoweringly violent, and intensely religious.” 487

The film centres around an Italian-American Roman Catholic man involved with the Mafia, and his guilt and desire for forgiveness and comfort from his “Church”, which he just cannot find. All he experiences from his “Church” is more guilt, not peace or forgiveness. This of course is the reality for millions upon millions of Roman Catholics worldwide: their “Church” entraps them in a seemingly never-ending cycle of guilt and confession, but this does not bring peace to any who are truly troubled by their sins. Sadly, Scorsese obviously knew this only too well. Yet most of these Roman Catholics remain in their “Church” because it is all they know, constantly hoping for the very thing – forgiveness of sins – which they can never truly find there, for it is a false church and proclaims a false way of salvation.

Last Tango in Paris (1973): No Widespread Roman Catholic Outrage

As the 1970s progressed it was as plain as day that the morals of American Roman Catholics had sunk to new levels, with vile, immoral movies being praised in Roman Catholic publications. For example, in 1973 Last Tango in Paris was released, a film containing scenes of nudity, vicious and degrading sex, masturbation and murder; and yet NCOMP reviewers were not in agreement about the film, with one priest recommending an “A4” rating, and another reviewer calling the film a “stunning and overwhelming experience.” Furthermore, Roman Catholic publications were far from condemnatory. “Catholic opinion in Commonweal, America, and the Listener reflected the radical change in America toward movies of this sort. There was no sense of moral outrage, no demand for a national boycott by Catholics.” 488

Brother Sun, Sister Moon (1973): a Flower-Child Francis

This film, about the life of the Roman Catholic “saint”, Francis of Assisi, was made by Roman Catholic Franco Zeferelli. But it depicted Francis as a virtual flower-child, doubtless to attract the hippie generation. 489

Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar (1973): Hollywood Declares Open Season on the Son of God

Now that there was no Jesuit-authored Production Code, nor any Roman Catholic Production Code administrators breathing down their necks, leftist Hollywood producers declared open season on both true Christianity and false “Christianity”, and even on the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In Hollywood movies of the time, Christ was attacked, mocked, ridiculed. He was not shown as divine, only as human – sometimes very human: a wandering hippie, a cubic “free love”, anything-goes caricature, His disciples mere groupies of the sort that were following the rock stars of the time. Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar were the most flagrant examples of this, but they were not the only ones.

But Romanism was not a spent force in Hollywood. Not by any means. And Jesuit involvement in the movie industry continued. This is amply demonstrated by The Exorcist.

The Exorcist (1973): a Jesuit Horror Film

This film not only pushed the boundaries of decency even further, sinking to new lows in the horror film genre, but it also did something more. “ The Exorcist is not merely a horror film; it is a Catholic horror film. And, more specifically, it is a Jesuit horror film.” 490

Indeed so. But how could this be?

The film came out in 1973. Its writer and producer was William Peter Blatty, a Roman Catholic American of Lebanese descent. He had been a student at Georgetown University, the oldest Roman Catholic university in America and, specifically, a Jesuit university. He had considered becoming a Jesuit priest himself. His mother had recently died and he had many questions about life after death, and wanted to make a film examining these. While at Georgetown he had read about a Roman Catholic exorcism, and decided to make a film about it. The demon possession he read about concerned a 14-year-old Lutheran boy in Maryland who had experienced poltergeist phenomena in his room after playing with the Ouija board. The family’s Lutheran pastor could do nothing for him, telling them to go and see a Roman Catholic priest as “the Catholics kn ow about things like this.” This they did, and the boy was eventually supposedly delivered after Jesuit priests performed a month of exorcisms. He was baptized as a Roman Catholic during this time. And in 1950 one of the Jesuits who had been involved addressed Georgetown University where Blatty was a student. 491 It had a profound effect on him.

He remained fascinated with exorcisms, and after his mother died (and encouraged by Jesuit priest Thomas V. Bermingham, who later played the president of Georgetown University in the film) Blatty went into seclusion in 1969 and wrote a novel called The Exorcist. It became a bestseller, and then was turned into a movie.

Thus the film’s writer/producer was a Jesuit-educated Papist; the film’s director, on the other hand, was William Friedkin, an agnostic Jew! Here we see yet another Papist/Jewish collaboration on a Hollywood movie. From its very earliest years Hollywood had been under the influence of Papists and Jews, and even now, despite the Production Code having been long removed, that collaboration still at times continued.

It is a film about a girl whose mother comes to the Jesuits’ Georgetown University – Blatty’s university, which features prominently in the movie in various ways. In the film, when the young girl begins to behave in a violent and obscene manner, showing signs of demon possession, her mother asks a young Jesuit priest-psychiatrist, who has begun to question his faith after his mother’s death, to perform an exorcism. He, along with another priest-exorcist, perform the exorcism, the girl is no longer possessed, but both priests die. This ending, although defended by Friedkin the Jewish director, was very unsatisfactory for Blatty, the Papist writer-producer, because the film gave the appearance that evil had been victorious, which was not what he wanted to convey.

Nevertheless, it did convey other things Blatty wanted to say. For example, Jesuits have been willing to die for their religion throughout their history, and many of them have. The death of the two Jesuit exorcists, then, was almost to be expected (in the film) in the sense that they were “heroic” priests willing to lay down their own lives for the sake of freeing the young girl from the demon. The movie’s main priest shouts out to the devil, “Take me! Come into me!” This the devil does, and the priest dies a violent death; yet his death is seen as a sacrifice of love for the soul of the girl. This is why Blatty gave the name Damien Karras to the priest in the movie: “Damien” was the name of a third-century “saint” who was brutally killed, and it was also the name of a nineteenth-century Romish priest who died of leprosy while ministering to lepers on a Hawaiian island; and the surname “Karras”, Blatty explained, evoked the Latin word caritas, or “charitable love.” 492

Even priest Karras’ doubts about his faith, and his physical wrestling with the devil in the movie, are straight out of the Jesuit textbook, The Spiritual Exercises, written by the Jesuit founder Ignatius de Loyola. Loyola wrote, “it is characteristic of the evil spirit to harass with anxiety, to afflict with sadness, to raise obstacles backed by fallacious reasonings that disturb the soul”; and, “The action of the evil spirit upon such souls is violent, noisy, and disturbing.” 493

By having the Jesuit Karras call out to the demon to possess him instead of the girl, and then having him die as a demon-possessed man, Blatty claimed (in the Jesuit magazine, America, in Lebruary 1974) that the priest acted out of love, and by sacrificing his own life in this way he defeated the devil. However, director Lriedkin filmed the priest’s violent end in such a way as to make it uncertain what the priest’s ultimate fate would be. Those watching the film were left to make up their own minds as to whether or not the priest had actually succeeded in defeating the devil.

No true Christian would say such a thing to a devil, of course; nor can a true Christian ever be demon-possessed.

Not only was Blatty a Jesuit-educated Roman Catholic, but real Jesuit priests were used as consultants for the movie, and even acted in the film. Jesuit priest William O’Malley played the part of Jesuit priest Dyer, and Jesuit priest Thomas Bermingham played the president of Georgetown University. These men, claiming to be “men of God”, “other Christs” (as priests of Rome do), were happy to be part of a film with vile language, extreme violence and perverted sex! This truly shows the nature of Roman Catholicism. They were able to overlook these things, for they knew that it promoted the power of Romanism, which was all that mattered to them. In becoming actors in this film, and consultants for it, these Jesuits were simply obeying the directive given in Section 106 of Rome’s “Pastoral Instruction on the Means of Social Communication” ( Communio et Progressio), issued just two years before in 1971, which (as we have seen) stated: “As representatives of the Church, Bishops, priests, religious and laity are increasingly asked to write in the press, or appear on radio and television, or to collaborate in filming. They are warmly urged to undertake this work, which has consequences that are far more important than is usually imagined.” Just how important such consequences would be for Rome when The Exorcist was released, will soon be seen.

In order to achieve as much realism as possible from the actors, Friedkin went to extreme lengths on set to make this horror film. Fie and his crew would fire off guns at times, simply for the purpose of making the actors tense and jumpy. Complex rigging caused real pain to some of the actors and their screams were genuine. Friedkin even slapped Jesuit priest O’Malley through the face while the cameras rolled, so as to get real pain registered on his face. At times the set was made very cold, down to 10 degrees below zero, so that the actors really felt cold and their breath was frozen, to demonstrate how the demon sucked the warmth out of the air. And on top of everything there were very real disasters that occurred on set, such as an interior set burning down. Rumours started to circulate that the production was cursed, rumours which Friedkin was happy to encourage. All of these things made everyone very edgy, leading to Jesuit priest Bermingham “blessing” the set. 494

Even though Friedkin deliberately tried to create a tense atmosphere, real pain, etc., we have no doubt that demonic forces were at work behind the scenes of this movie.

It was a huge success when released, with long queues of people waiting to see it and security guards to prevent rioting. Audiences were deeply shocked by its horrifyingly graphic nature. In addition to being full of violence, degraded sexual practices and obscene language, it contained scenes of urination and vomiting, and of course, graphic portrayals of demon possession. Mass hysteria ensued: some people threw up while watching it, some passed out, some ran in terror for the exits, some cried uncontrollably, and some believed they had become demon-possessed while watching it. There is no reason to doubt that they really had, in some cases. Nurses were present when it opened in New York to assist in the chaos. In Los Angeles, one theatre manager estimated that at each screening there was an average of four people fainting, six vomiting, and many running out of the theatre in panic. There were reports of heart attacks and even a miscarriage as people viewed it. People were admitted to hospitals countrywide after viewing it. An English boy apparently died from an epileptic fit the day after seeing the film; a German boy shot himself in the head; a teenager killed a nine-year-old girl and said he did it while possessed; a man killed his wife with his bare hands after he believed he had become possessed. In fact, everywhere there were people claiming that either they or their children were possessed. 495 Demon possession, as the Bible shows, is a very real phenomenon, and no doubt this horror film was an instrument of the devil in many cases of real demon possession at the time.

The film’s “strange effect on adolescent girls” caused the British Board of Film Classification to refuse to permit recordings of it to be distributed in Britain until 1999. Yes, truly there was a dark power at work behind the scenes.

But just as the film’s vile content had not stopped Jesuit priests from acting in it, it did not stop certain Jesuits from praising it either. For example, Jesuit priest Robert Boyle spoke well of it for its portrayal of the Jesuit community, among other things, in the Jesuit magazine America . 496

This willingness of Jesuits to act in the film, and to praise it, is not at all surprising when one understands the unofficial Jesuit motto that “the end justifies the means”, and the strong Jesuit belief in the power of theatre (and film) to influence people along Jesuit lines. In making this film, Blatty gave the world nothing less than “Jesuit theatre.” 497

What The Exorcist did for Roman Catholicism was phenomenal. As one film critic, Pauline Kael of the New Yorker, said, it was “the biggest recruiting poster the Catholic Church has had since the su nn ier days of Going My Way and The Bells of St. Maty s. ” For it “says that the Catholic Church is the true faith, feared by the Devil, and that its rituals can exorcise demons.” 498 Precisely. Just as that Lutheran pastor had directed a family in his flock to go to a priest of Rome for help concerning a case of demon possession, so now, after the film’s release, non-Papists began to increasingly look to the priests of Rome to help them with exorcisms. As a result of The Exorcist, people of various religious persuasions became convinced that if ever an exorcism was needed, a priest of Rome needed to be called in. This faith in priest- exorcists was reflected in other movies as well: for example, in The Amityville Horror (1979), in which a family calls in their parish priest to exorcise their home. Truly, this Jesuit horror movie had increased the power and prestige of the Romish priesthood immensely.

“For an America soaked in ‘God is Dead’ promulgations, The Exorcist was a startling revelation, an everlasting no to secular humanism, a homage to the demonic and the angelic, an epic poem of Catholicism.” 499

“Long before William Peter Blatty read about the 1949 exorcism in Maryland, he was being schooled by Jesuits. Blatty – perhaps unwittingly – articulated in his novel and film themes that he had been taught during his eight years of Jesuit education, which was noticed by Jesuits like Robert Boyle. The Exorcist… [can be viewed] as an expression… of a complicated Jesuit spirituality.” 500 This is correct. As we have shown elsewhere in this book, the Jesuits almost from their very inception were well aware of the power of theatre to move audiences, and they wrote and produced many plays. Then when film was invented, they continued using their methods to the same purpose. It will be remembered that centuries ago, Jesuits were in the forefront of elaborate stage productions that dazzled the audiences. And this Jesuit strategy is seen clearly in The Exorcist. “The explicit imagery that gives The Exorcist much of its power grew from the same Jesuit heritage.” 501

William Peter Blatty had, probably unknowingly, served Satan well. The Jesuits, who for centuries had been at the forefront of education and the theatre and later the movie industry precisely for the purpose of moulding the world in their own image as far as possible, had shaped and then directed Blatty to play a major part in advancing the Jesuit/ Papist cause. A vile horror movie had done wonders for the Roman Catholic “Church”.

Interestingly, by the time The Exorcist was filmed and released, Blatty claimed he was no longer a practising Roman Catholic. But he did not call himself an “ex-Catholic”, rather merely a “Christian.” He once said that there is actually no such thing as an “ex-Roman Catholic”, for the Roman Catholic religion is “like a woman you’ve had children by; she’s always in your blood.” 502 Indeed, even if he was no longer a practising Papist (and with Jesuits and their pupils one can simply never be sure of this), Blatty’s movie was still an extremely Papist one, serving the interests of the Vatican very well. The Jesuit- educated Blatty created a pro-Jesuit movie that did wonders for the Order. The Jesuits’ fingerprints were all over it.

And yet…although it was certainly their intention to give the world a pro-Papist, pro-Jesuit film, and for many this was exactly what it was and it did wonders for Rome, for many others it had the opposite effect. For these others it was nothing but “a real horror show devoid of both God and humanity”, 503 for it depicted a weak God and very weak priests opposing a very powerful devil, a Roman Catholic “Church” which used primitive rituals, miraculous medals, holy water, ceremony rather than anything really genuine. “Warner Brothers had the biggest hit of the Christmas season not by celebrating an infant God of love, but by offering a horror masterpiece that wallowed in curses, blasphemies, desecrations, spirit-rappings, levitations, sexual perversion, hysteria, evil spirits, frustration, doubt, and despair. Audiences were coming not to be uplifted, but to be ‘grossed out.”’ 504 There is much truth in this. For many, it was a pro-Roman Catholic recruitment film; for many others, it was an attack on Roman Catholicism, a denial of its supposed power and sanctity. Much of this did not please Blatty. He disagreed with director Friedkin over the ending where the priest appears to perhaps have been defeated by Satan. And he disagreed with Friedkin about other scenes which ended up being deleted from the film, scenes which Blatty felt were crucial to explaining the theology behind the film. But Friedkin wanted action only, not pauses for theological explanations. To this degree the Jesuits did not have it all their way with the filming. Besides, the film was so graphically horrific that, quite frankly, it is doubtful whether any inclusion of spoken Romanist theology in an attempt to explain the film and give it an overtly Roman Catholic purpose would have succeeded at all. It was so full of horror imagery – blood-covered crucifixes, vomit, filthy language, and above all, degraded sexual practices – that any overt Roman Catholic “message” would have failed. One critic branded it nothing but a “religious pom film.” 505

But as it turned out, years later William Peter Blatty got the ending to the film that he had always wanted. As stated previously, he had always been dissatisfied with the ending, for it seemed to indicate that evil had triumphed. He wanted the film to end in what he considered to be an uplifting way. In 2000 he and Friedkin re-edited it, added eleven minutes of new footage, and re-released it, advertising it as “The Version You’ve Never Seen.” “In the 2000 version, Regan [the young girl] not only recognizes the symbolism of Father Dyer’s Roman collar with an affectionate kiss, she smiles and waves at him as the car drives away. She has undergone some kind of transformation. Rather than giving Karras’ medal to Father Dyer as she does in the original, Chris MacNeil [the mother] keeps it. Blatty explained that this gesture meant that ‘she is now open to faith.’” 506 Furthermore, the movie now ends with priest Dyer meeting the Jewish detective and walking off arm in arm; and the last words heard in the film are, “God is most great.”

Pro-Papist American TV Shows of the 1970s

Certain American TV shows were of particular value to Rome at this time. One such was The Archie Bunker Show, a very popular comedy series. Carroll O’Connor, the Irish-American who played the lead character, received the “St. Genesius Award” in Rome, which was periodically presented to outstanding Roman Catholic actors. 507

Rome’s Worldwide Influence Over the Mass Media by the Mid-1970s

The massive influence of Roman Catholicism in American broad casting by the first half of the 1970s is shown by the number of Roman Catholic radio and TV programmes, some of which had been broadcast for decades, and most of which were propagated through the Department of Communications of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the United States Catholic Conference. In 1974 the Catholic Almanac listed the following Romish radio programmes: Christian in Action, a weekly programme heard on over 50 radio stations; Christopher Radio Programme, a weekly programme heard on 937 stations; Christopher “Thought for Today ”, a daily programme on over 2600 stations; Crossroads, a weekly programme on almost 325 stations and produced by the Passionist “Fathers” and “Brothers”; Guideline, a weekly programme heard on approximately 90 stations; and Sacred Heart Programme, five 15-minute programmes and one half-hour programme produced weekly by the Jesuits. And it listed the following Roman Catholic TV programmes: Sacred Heart Programme, a weekly programme produced by the Jesuits; Directions, a weekly programme on over 100 stations; Look Up and Live, on approximately 120 stations; and Religious Specials, the Roman Catholic portions of which were telecast on approximately 175 stations. 508

But it was not just in the United States that Roman Catholicism exerted a huge influence in the mass media by the first half of the 1970s. In Britain, Roman Catholics systematically infiltrated key positions in broadcasting and other areas of the mass media. The 1974 edition of the Official Catholic Directory of England and Wales gave the names and addresses of 26 Popish priests attached to the BBC as local radio advisors; 12 priests attached to the independent TV companies; four Roman Catholic representatives (two bishops, a priest and a “layman”) on the Central Religious Advisory Committee of the BBC and ITA; the priest who was Roman Catholic assistant to the Head of Religious Broadcasting for the BBC; the priest who was Roman Catholic assistant for religious broadcasting for North England, Midland and Wales; the priest who was the Roman Catholic representative on the religious advisory board of the Independent Broadcasting Authority; and the director and board of trustees, most of whom were bishops, of the Catholic Radio and Television Centre in Middlesex. 509

And if this was the number of priests involved in the British broadcasting system, one can only imagine the number of Roman Catholic employees distributed throughout the system as well.

The same kind of Papist infiltration took place in New Zealand. It was so obvious that in the mid-1970s Radio New Zealand was kn own colloquially, to the senior non-Romanist broadcasting officials, as “Radio Vatican”; and so was the NZBC before it. Most key positions were held by Papists. 510 In fact, according to a senior non-Papist broadcasting official in 1975, 82% of all NZBC employees were Papists, and the programming section consisted entirely of Papists. 511 This in a country where Papists at the time constituted only 17% of the population.

According to the New Zealand Tablet of May 19, 1976, the Catholic Women’s League, and Roman Catholic schools, were seeking to actively promote involvement in the media, especially television, “to promote Christian and human values.” 512

Truly it is accurate to say of the mid-1970s that: “If one takes a gen eralised view of material presented in our mass media, there are indications of a systematic Roman Catholic influence in the mass media throughout the western world”; and, “throughout the western world the control of the flow of information in the mass media, is fundamentally a Catholic Action phenomenon.” 513

The movement known as Catholic Action was one of the primary sinister influences behind the scenes, to bring this about. Although only a minority of Roman Catholics ever belonged to Catholic Action, around 10%, it was nevertheless extremely powerful, exerting a disproportionate influence over society wherever it was active. How true this comment from New Zealand: “in the case of New Zealand this figure [10% of Roman Catholics] accounts for 50,000 people. Now if, for the sake of argument, there happened to be 50,000 Atheist- Communist Actionists in New Zealand engaged in activities such as the programming of broadcasting (giving a subtle Communist slant to news and current affairs etc.)… or if this much was even suspected – then the thinking non-Communist would be highly concerned at the implications.” 514 Why, then, were non-Roman Catholics not con cerned at the militant nature of Catholic Action and other Popish movements, and their infiltration of key areas of society, and why are they not concerned still? Tragically, it is because Protestants and others no longer know the truth about Romanism and its plans for world domination; plans which are more insidious, and ultimately more dangerous, than the world domination plans of international Communism or international Islam.

“The Roman Catholic lawyer and writer, the late Edmond Paris, has shown that when an organised movement such as Catholic Action controls the media it also controls the affairs of the country.” 515

The Omen (1976) and Its Sequels: Romanism Portrayed as Weak, Useless “Christianity”

These horror films – The Omen (1976), Damien – Omen II (1978), and The Final Conflict – Omen III ( 1981)- depicted the triumph of satanic forces over Roman Catholic priests and ritual. They depicted Rome’s priests as fools and comics, well-meaning but unable to stop the forces of darkness.

The Omen was adapted from a Gothic novel by David Seltzer, a book which was about a time when “democracy was fading, mind impairing drugs had become a way of life… God was dead.” It was about the time of the coming of Antichrist, and mankind could do nothing to prevent it. And Roman Catholicism was portrayed as Christianity, utterly powerless, a religion of superstition, one moreover full of priests and nuns who were actually secret Satanists. The foster family of the Antichrist in the film is portrayed as a lapsed Roman Catholic family. Romanism is everywhere in the film – but always in a negative light, a religion of ineffectual ritual and superstition.

In Damien – Omen II, this attack on Romanism and its priesthood is intensified. And in The Final Conflict – Omen III, the demon actually mocks and sodomises a statue of Rome’s “christ”. Again in this film, Rome’s priests are defeated one after another. And yet in the end, supposedly, “Christ” wins. It is a hollow victory, however, considering that in all three films there are hours of celluloid depicting Satan’s victories and power.

Rocky (1976) and its Sequels: Romanism Once Again Holds Its Head Up

This movie, and its sequels, centred around a character called Rocky Balboa, a Papist Italian-American boxer, played by Sylvester Stallone, an Italian-American actor who became one of the most famous and one of the richest actors in Hollywood history.

Although the films are about a white heavyweight boxer who beats black boxers (and in the wake of the boxing successes of Mohammed Ali this went down well with white audiences), it was also a film in which Romanism played quite a part, albeit usually in the background rather than up-front. But it was always there: whether represented by an image of “Christ” behind the ring in a boxing club, or Rocky asking a priest to bless him, or holding a vigil at a Romish shrine, having a Romish wedding, or praying in a Romish hospital chapel. He may seduce the girl before marriage, he may be a boxer from the other side of the tracks, he may not be a very good Romanist, but at heart he is still a Romanist; that is the point. He is an Italian, and therefore he is a Romanist. It is part of who he is. It has been said that “Rocky’s intrinsic humanity and his wholehearted love for marriage, his wife, and his kids afford a moving witness to Roman Catholicism’s emphasis on the sanctity of the family,” 516 and this may be true to the extent that Rome has always emphasised these things in its teaching; and of course this would have been a huge boost for Romanism at a time when Hollywood had declared open season on the “Church”. But let us not kid ourselves here: Romanism’s much-vaunted “emphasis on the sanctity of the family” has been, through the centuries, nullified by its own immoral practices: enforced celibacy for priests contrary to the institution of marriage, leading to all the filthy sexual immoralities of which so many multiplied thousands of them have been guilty; sex before marriage; philandering husbands all too often easily “absolved” by going to confession; nuns shut up in convents and denied the joys of married life; children and women forced to confess sexual sins to a bachelor priest; children abused by priests; and so much more.

Besides, for all its supposed promotion of the sanctity of Romish marriage, the films are full of brutal violence in the name of sport, filthy language, etc. But these things do not seem to overly concern priests and people within the “Church” of Rome.

Nevertheless, “Few contemporary film portraits of Catholics celebrate such stirring accomplishments [as “Italian pride, Catholic marriage, and the family circle”]…. Most contemporary portraits of ethnic Catholicism are dark portraits of stunted lives, compulsive guilt, and abiding despair.” 517 This was written in 1984, and was correct, as we have seen: after the demise of the PCA and the Legion, Hollywood declared war on the Roman Catholic religion. It was a vicious backlash, a reaction against those decades in which Romanism had been Hollywood’s religion by force, and film-makers (mostly Jewish) had been compelled to kowtow to Rome’s stranglehold on the industry, even though they well knew that the saccharine image of Romanism so often depicted in the movies of the era was far from the grim reality. Now, with all that in the past, they were wreaking their revenge. But the Rocky movies were, for Rome, a welcome lull in the battle.

Lipstick (1976): an Attack on the False Sanctity of Romish Establishments

In this film the Roman Catholic “Church” once again comes in for a beating. It is about a rapist who is a music teacher at a Romish girls’ school, and who is supported by nuns who cannot believe that he is guilty of what he has been accused of – and yet he is. And there were other films, too, along similar lines, which came out over the next few years.

Saturday Night Fever (1977): an Anti-Roman Catholic Disco Movie

After the Production Code days were over, Hollywood, in its all-out attack on Roman Catholicism, focused most often on Rome’s attitude to sexual matters. This was seen very plainly in Saturday Night Fever, an immensely popular musical centred on an Italian immigrant family in New York. One son is a priest, the other (played by John Travolta) is a teen idol and disco star. The father is an unemployed though hard working Italian immigrant who has seen better days. The mother is a devout Roman Catholic who takes refuge from the reality of her life in her religion and wishes her wayward son was a priest like his brother.

The priest-brother renounces the priesthood when he realises that he was a priest only because this is what his parents wanted for him. And the girls in the film are Roman Catholic girls with very loose morals. Italian Roman Catholic culture has so often inculcated the great double standard of sexual morality: that the men must try to seduce the girls, but the girls must either remain virgins or become whores. There is no middle ground: they must either be very loose, or very virtuous.

Tony, the wayward son, tries on his ex-priest brother’s priestly garment. “In a daring image, the most striking anti-Catholic metaphor in the whole Hollywood catechism, Tony imagines himself strangled by the vestments of the old creed. The scene, a pantomime, details the central idea about Catholicism and sexuality in contemporary film – Catholicism is a ‘hangup’ that kills. Catholicism, this image asserts, strangles the young with outworn ideas, stifles desires, and makes growth, happiness, and autonomy impossible. In cinema’s new cosmology of sexuality, Roman Catholicism is the dark star, the death principle, a somber creed steeped in thanatos and crippling guilt.” 518 Unfortunately, with Romanism equated with Christianity in Hollywood after so many decades, such powerful criticism, and rejection, of Romanism in a film was also a powerful criticism and rejection of Christianity. And this is how millions took it, when they watched films such as this. An entire generation of young people were influenced against Christianity because of what they saw in the cinema. It was a vicious assault which very few true Christians recognised as such then, or have recognised since.

The Amityville Horror (1979): Depicting Demonic Victory Over Rome’s Priests

In this horror film, the clear victors are demons, not the Roman Catholic institution. It revolves around a haunted house purchased by a Methodist man and his Roman Catholic family, and the horrors they experience while living there. A nun who attempts to enter the house is forced by demons to flee, vomiting as she does so. The priest who tries to confront the devil is trapped in the house and overpowered by the demons, and even back in his own rectory continues to experience demonic attacks. He is just no match for the devil, as is made abundantly clear, and ends up, blinded and in despair, being taken care of by another priest.

In the film there is also a lengthy theological debate between this priest and two others, who try to dissuade him from attempting the exorcism and tell him that to proceed would be to disobey his superiors. He is described as a modernist priest who felt that the Second Vatican Council of the 1960s did not go far enough; and he pleads with them that the “Church” is his home and his strength, and both he and the family he is trying to help need the “Church” very much. But the other priests recommend nothing more than a vacation for him. In the words of two researchers, these scenes in the film “suggest a sinister segment of Hollywood’s treatment of Catholics in the sixties and seventies. The combination of massive change in the Church and massive turmoil in the country set the stage for old demons which the new Church seemingly couldn’t control. The Age of Kennedy and the tragic aftermath of Camelot shifted the focus to the evil assassin’s magically accurate bullet and the devil’s dark powers.” 519 It is true that Hollywood had turned against the Roman Catholic institution, to a very large extent, in the post-Code years; but against this must be set the other undeniable fact, that for decades Hollywood had been dominated, even controlled, by Romanism, as has been amply documented here. And as we have said before, there is always a reaction to such oppressive control by this evil religious institution. The reaction ends up being as evil as the religious institution it is reacting against (witness the French Revolution), but as terrible as this is, it is not at all surprising. Rome, by its sinister stranglehold on Hollywood for all those decades, sowed the seeds for the virulently anti-Romanist films which took such pleasure in mocking everything Roman Catholicism stood for in the years that followed the demise of its domination.

The Wanderers (1979): Another Critique of Roman Catholicism

This was yet another film depicting Italian-American life, in which sexual themes abound and the attitude of the Roman Catholic institution to sex is mocked.

The Runner Stumbles (1979): Yet Another Critique of Roman Catholicism

This was the film version of a Broadway drama of the same name, and another assault on Romanism. The priest in the film, played by Dick Van Dyke, and the nun, played by Kathleen Quinlan, not having found what they sought in their “vocations”despite trying very hard, fall in love; but the priest’s devout housekeeper murders the nun, believing she was demon-possessed to seduce the priest. The priest leaves the priesthood, and at the nun’s graveside he cries out to God, “What kind of God are you? I loved her. I loved her. I don’t have the Church anymore. What do you want from me?” 520 Romanism is depicted in this film as a failure, unable to satisfy the deepest longings of the heart (which is true). Such a film could never have been produced in Hollywood’s “Golden Age” when Joe Breen presided over the industry; but now, even though Roman Catholicism was still a powerful force to be reckoned with in the movie industry, it was by no means all- powerful. It could now be freely criticised, attacked, ridiculed in films, and it frequently was. And unfortunately many people, in seeing such films, equating Romanism with Christianity, were not only encouraged to forsake Romanism but to close their eyes even to true Christianity.

The devil had done his work well: through both pro-Papist and anti- Papist films, he was deceiving multitudes.

The Legion Dies with Hardly a Whimper

By 1980 the NCOMP, the once all-powerful Legion of Decency, was finished. Hardly any Roman Catholics were in favour of it anymore, and even the bishops saw no reason for its continued existence. Conservative Roman Catholics had long since given up on it, once it had become liberal, and liberal Roman Catholics just saw no point to it. And so it was that Jesuit priest Patrick J. Sullivan announced that the NCOMP would not be publishing any more reviews after September 1980. “What had started with such a fury in 1934 died in 1980 with hardly a whimper of protest.” 521

For decades Rome had, through the Legion, exerted a massive influence over Hollywood. Film-makers were too afraid to cross it, for it threatened to condemn any film it did not like, and so they readily bowed and scraped to it, making the cuts and alterations which it demanded so as to bring every film into line with what Rome wanted. It was much, much more than a Roman Catholic rating organisation; it was a powerful censoring body. Sullivan lamented the loss of Legion power in its heyday with these words: “As everyone knows, Catholics had ‘clout’ in those days and because of that clout, motion pictures were a family entertainment.” 522 He was right about Roman Catholic clout: it had been immensely powerful. But as time went by that clout over Hollywood was eroded.

Not only did Roman Catholics, in large numbers, ignore Legion fulminations against movies from the very inception of the Legion itself, but in time Jesuit intellectuals, reading the signs of the times in society and realising that Rome’s attitude to the movies would have to change if it wanted to keep its hold on its own people, exerted their powerful influence over the Legion and swung it away from its original stance to a more liberalised, “tolerant” one. ft became a battle between the older, more traditionalist Roman Catholics, epitomised by Martin Quigley, and the newer, liberal Roman Catholics, led by Jesuits such as John Courtney Murray and Patrick J. Sullivan. And the Jesuits won. But their victory was not theirs alone: Roman Catholics in general simply refused to follow the dictates of the Legion, and flocked to see the very movies it condemned. 523 America’s moral values, if values they could be called, had permeated American Romanism. This was something the hierarchy of Rome came to realise, and to understand that it would have to “go with the flow” in order to hold on to American Roman Catholics.

How Protestant “Fundamentalism” Replaced the Legion of Decency

Some years after the NCOMP died, American Protestant organisations came to the fore as the new watchdogs of the movie industry. One was the American Family Association. Another, and by far the most well known and most influential, was the Christian Film and Television Commission, headed by Ted Baehr. Baehr’s organisation had many similarities with the old Legion of Decency. For example, it asked those who supported it to take an oath of decency; and it issued Movieguide, which it touted as being a “family [it originally said “biblical”] guide to movies and entertainment.” Like the old Legion, Baehr also sought to persuade movie and TV executives to adopt regulations that were very much like that old Jesuit creation, the Production Code. 524

Also, Baehr created a movie classification system. But he classified movies not just according to their morality, but also their artistic merits. This naturally created many problems and hypocritical stances for him, when a movie was rated highly for its artistic merit but condemned for its moral tone. As we pointed out in the Introduction to this book, there is something extremely hypocritical about certain men, professing to be Christians, setting themselves up as movie reviewers, carefully watching all kinds of immoral movies themselves, and then turning around and warning other professing Christians not to watch those movies as they are morally objectionable! If a movie should be shunned by Christians, then it should be shunned by “Christian reviewers” as well. They do not occupy a higher plane than other men, able to resist the temptations others face. There is simply no excuse for going to watch morally objectionable films, not even so as to be able to tell others not to do so!

A pastor does not say to his flock, “Stay here while I go into that brothel to see what it’s like, and then I can let you know whether you should go in or not.” What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

That Baehr was very influenced by the old Production Code, and by the work of the Legion, was obvious. And despite having a very undeserved reputation as something of a Protestant fundamentalist, he was more than willing to seek the assistance of Roman Catholics for his work, thereby showing his true ecumenical colours. In 1992, for example, he asked Romish cardinal, Roger Mahony, to work with him in seeking to get the industry to set up a regulatory system, as in the past. Mahony, initially sympathetic to the idea, changed his mind when it was criticised by Hollywood leaders. He decided that he preferred the idea of Hollywood producers voluntarily cutting back on the amount of sex and violence in their films. And he stated that it was not for him to dictate which films Roman Catholics could see and which they could not, but that this must be left to their own consciences. A very American-sounding response, though far from biblical and, furthermore, very hypocritical too, given Rome’s antipathy towards Americanism and towards the idea of its subjects following their own consciences in anything else.

And so a most extraordinary situation had developed: that of Roman Catholics sounding like liberal, amoral upholders of individual liberty of conscience, and Protestant ‘fundamentalists ” sounding like old- style, authoritarian Roman Catholic priests!

Don’t Go in the House (1980): Hollywood Keeps Up Its War Against Romanism

In this Gothic tragedy, once again Romanism comes in for a beating. An Italian Roman Catholic man leaves his wife for other women, and she, a devout Romanist but unstable, believes that their son Donny must have the demons of lust burned out of him, so she holds his arms over her kitchen stove and severely burns him. Donny becomes a twisted soul, sexually abusing and torturing women with a blowtorch. When he goes to steal “holy water” from a Roman Catholic “church”, the priest is ineffectual in helping the demon-possessed Donny, who later uses his blowtorch on the priest, symbol of a “Church” which is powerless to help him.

True Confessions (1981): Irish-American Romanists Depicted as Depraved

True Confessions is a film about a policeman investigating prominent Roman Catholic “laymen” for the brutal rape and murder of a young girl. In addition, the cop’s brother is an Irish-American monsignor, the chancellor of the archdiocese of Los Angeles, and involved in corruption with the Roman Catholics under investigation. The scandal that erupts destroys the priestly brother.

This movie deliberately and ruthlessly attacks and pulls down the kind of Irish-American Romanism portrayed in the much older Going My Way. Instead of the happy-go-lucky lightness of Going My Way, True Confessions is full of Irish-American Roman Catholic corruption and perversion – and indeed Hollywood was definitely now portraying Irish-Americans this way. It was not the huge commercial success that Going My Way had been, but that is not the point: the film reflected “a revolution in the representation of Irish Catholic America on film and in television since the 1960s…. Depicted for thirty or forty years as pictures of innocence, guardians of morality, and/or exemplars of patriotism in movies like Going My Way, Irish American Catholics were now showing up largely as cynical cops, corrupt politicians, nationalist zealots, or hypocritical priests.” And, “because Irish Americans have long dominated and continue to dominate the Catholic church in America, True Confessions stands at a critical point in movie representations of the American Catholic church.” 525

The movie was based on a book by John Gregory Dunne, who also wrote the screenplay. Dunne was an Irish-American Romanist himself, who believed that Irish America could only properly be understood through its religion. In this he was correct, for Roman Catholicism has dominated and defined Irish-Americans through the decades. He believed that the Roman Catholic institution “is the root of Irish American corruption and repression.” 526 And he pulled no punches in getting this message across in the movie. Andrew Greeley, a Roman Catholic, said angrily of the movie that the “Irish characters in it, civil and ecclesiastical, are without exception, venal, corrupt, obsessed, sick, hypocritical and disgusting.” 527 The Roman Catholic hierarchy in the United States must have been fuming! How times had changed for them.

Not only does the film deal with corruption in the Roman Catholic “Church”, but also with sexual sin. For example, a monsignor is found dead and naked in a brothel; the married Roman Catholic men in the film all have girlfriends or prostitutes on the side; etc. The film shows supposedly “respectable” Roman Catholics involved in all kinds of sexual sins.

Of course, many Roman Catholics did not want to admit it when the film was made and many do not want to admit it now, but the sad truth is that the Roman Catholic institution, in the United States no less than anywhere else, is indeed deeply involved in these very sins and crimes, and always has been. 528 The evidence has always been there, through the centuries, a vast accumulation of evidence, but tragically most Roman Catholics have chosen to ignore it or pretend it is not true, and their ecclesiastical leaders have done their best to brush it under an increasingly lumpy carpet. It was only in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when the scandal broke worldwide about the vast scale of priestly sexual abuse of children, that finally there was large-scale Roman Catholic admission that, after all, their “Church” was a cesspool of sexual iniquity. Most continue to remain Roman Catholics, however.

Thus, what the film depicted about the corruption and immorality within the Papal institution was not inaccurate. Not at all. This does not mean the film is a decent one for Christians to watch, of course; they do not need to go to vile Hollywood to learn the truth about Roman Catholicism. But these things are brought out here merely to show that Hollywood was now happy to openly attack Roman Catholicism – the very religion that had once been dubbed Hollywood’s religion. Again, Rome’s own wickedness, hypocrisy, oppression, etc., had led to a reaction, a backlash; and it was a violent one.

It is true that the main priest-character in the film eventually is free of all the filth he had once been embroiled in, ending his days as a simple country priest. As one critic said, “Implicit in the film’s conception is that there is a pure Catholicism tucked away somewhere waiting for [the priest] to return to it.” 529 But this does not take away from the film’s over-riding emphasis on the sleazy, hypocritical nature of American Roman Catholicism. It simply reveals (if it reveals anything at all) that Dunne, who had been raised Romanist, still hoped that out there somewhere, there was a “decent” Roman Catholicism. But as far as he was concerned, the Romish institution in the United States was, overwhelmingly, a cesspool. And this is what he sought to bring out in the story.

Absence of Malice (1981): Another Dark Portrait of Romanism

As quoted previously, “Most contemporary portraits of ethnic Catholicism are dark portraits of stunted lives, compulsive guilt, and abiding despair” 530 (this from a 1984 publication). And this film was certainly no exception: it was about an Irish-American Roman Catholic man and a disgraced Roman Catholic woman who commits suicide.

The Verdict (1982): Yet Another Celluloid Assault on Romanism

In this film, a drunken Irish-American Romanist attorney takes on a Roman Catholic hospital, a prejudiced Irish-American Romanist judge, and the Romish archdiocese of Boston. The film depicts Romanists in a very poor light: “its clergymen are modem day Machiavellis shunting down corridors of power and sequestered in limousines”. The bishop in the film is unscrupulous, caring nothing at all about people but an awful lot about money, and knowing how to use it to his advantage by bribery and buying people off. Of course, this is not an inaccurate portrayal at all. This is precisely how the hierarchy of the “Church” of Rome operates. This does not, however, make the film a decent film which true Christians should see – not at all; the truth about the Roman Catholic institution is fully documented in print, and such truth never needs to be learned from a fictional story in a movie containing filthy language and other unacceptable material for a true Christian.

Amityville II: the Possession (1982): Another Horror Film Assault on Roman Catholicism

This film was perhaps the best-known imitation of The Exorcist. The family at the centre of the film consisted of an Italian-American brute, his devout Papist wife, and their children who hate him. Once again depraved sex, including incest, features prominently in the film, and the message that comes through is that Roman Catholic girls are often the loosest, morally, of any, and yet riddled with deep guilt at all times.

This theme is typical of Hollywood in the post-Code, post-Legion years, when Romanism became fair game in movies. Sadly, there is much truth in the stereotypes, in the sense that Romanism inculcates deep guilt in its adherents, even while it encourages a lax morality via its confessionals, its supposed celibate priesthood which so many Papists know is nothing but a joke, etc. In Amityville II there is incest and confession to a priest, but no peace is experienced by the guilty one as a result.

The priest who tries to help the family experiences poltergeist activity and bloody hallucinations, and ends up failing to help them at all. They are killed, he views himself as responsible for their deaths, and determines to exorcise the demon, even against the advice of his religious superiors. In the end he himself voluntarily becomes possessed (just like the priest in The Exorcist). This gives the impression that Satan is the victorious one in the film. Indeed, Satan mocks the priest for acting on his own, without the support of his “Church” and disobeying it. The message conveyed by all this is that the “Church” did not protect the priest at all, just as he did not protect the dead family.

Evilspeak (1982): Still Another Anti-Roman Catholic Horror Movie

In this film, an overweight, unpopular cadet, teased mercilessly by his Roman Catholic friends, gets his revenge by unleashing demons which devour them, the Papist chaplain, and others. And in its final scene, pigs from hell run amok through a Romish chapel, desecrating its images, the confessional box, and the tabernacle (where Rome’s mass- wafer is kept). The message being sent to the audience is that “God” (the Roman Catholic god) is powerless even to prevent the desecration of his own holy places.

The Monsignor (1982): Priestly Corruption Portrayed

In this movie, Christopher Reeve played the part of a Romish priest who was a thief and a murderer and who gave Mafia money to the Vatican. He rises to the very top of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the Vatican, precisely because of his wicked lifestyle. His bishop mentor advises him to use his faith, brains, and sexual abilities “discreetly.” And this he does, bringing money into the Vatican from the black market, letting a gangster friend wager Vatican money in the world currency market, and seducing a Carmelite postulant.

There really are such priests and always have been (and plenty of them!), and there is a link between the Mafia and the “Church” of Rome and always has been; 531 but this was not the kind of image of the Roman Catholic “Church” that the Vatican wanted to see portrayed.

Agnes of God (1985): a Murdering Nun

Things just got worse and worse. In the 1985 film Agnes of God a nun kills her baby. In actual fact, nuns throughout history have at times killed babies, often the offspring of illicit affairs between priests and nuns. This is well documented in literature, with firsthand testimonies from nuns themselves, among others. 532 But Rome certainly did not want such facts brought to light by the far more powerful modem medium of film!

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988): Blasphemy Made by an Italian Roman Catholic

In 1988 The Last Temptation of Christ came out, a film that deeply offended and angered both Roman Catholics and Protestants because it speculated about Jesus’ supposed fantasies, including sexual ones. They picketed outside movie theatres and boycotted the film in their thousands, and there were even threats of violence made. And yet the film was made by an Italian-American Roman Catholic named Martin Scorsese!

The United States Catholic Conference declared the film to be morally objectionable, but, remembering the old Legion protests which so often had had the opposite effect to that desired, it did not actually ask the Roman Catholic faithful to join the protests.

Scorsese had been raised Papist and at one time had considered becoming a priest. In 1972 he read a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, written in 1953, and was so taken with the story that he bought the motion picture rights. Scorsese was later to say, “I’ve always wanted to do a spiritual movie but religion gets in the way.” As far as he was concerned, The Last Temptation of Christ sought to “tear away all the old Hollywood films… and create a Jesus you could talk to and get to know.” 533 Astoundingly, Protestants and Romanists who were so offended with this film would, a mere sixteen years later, welcome Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ with open arms. And yet The Passion (as will be seen) was as unbiblical as The Last Temptation, though in a different way. It was also even more sickeningly violent. How quickly the masses can be manipulated to change!


And so the 1980s ended with Hollywood having cast off the shackles of the once-virtually-almighty Roman Catholic control of the industry, and to a very large extent having declared open season on all things Roman Catholic. Hollywood, from its beginning, was a way for depraved men to express their depravity through a new art from, just as men have done through other art forms through the centuries. Then along came the American Roman Catholic institution, seeking, as it always does, to control every aspect of society and channel everything to its own ends; and thus it came about that two devil-inspired expressions of man’s depravity clashed. One was that depravity which expresses itself via an art form, giving vent to all kinds of immorality by flaunting it on the screen; and the other was that depravity which expresses itself via religion. Let the reader understand very well at this point: both were of Satan. He makes use of any and all means he can to ensnare men’s souls. He knows that some are ensnared by immorality, debauchery, etc., while others are ensnared by false religion.

For decades, religious depravity was dominant over Hollywood. During this time, films were very often cleaner, morally, than they would otherwise have been; but at the same time they promoted a false version of “Christianity”, and thus a spiritual filthiness that is just as destructive to the souls of men as physical filthiness, and often even more so. How many millions of people, attending the movies during that “Golden Age” (so-called) of Hollywood when Rome swept out much of the immorality that the moviemakers would have so loved to retain, were subtly led into a spiritual bondage just as powerful as any physical bondage to lusts of the flesh? There can be absolutely no doubt that Hollywood during this period played an i mm ense part in breaking down Protestants’ resistance to Romanism, changing their attitudes towards all things Roman Catholic, and softening them up for the ecumenical movement which burst on the religious world in the 1960s.

But not only that: because Rome’s own notions of morality are not based on the Bible, this meant that although movies during this period were morally cleaner than they would have been, they were certainly (for the most part) far from the moral standards of the Holy Scriptures. Yet because a supposedly “Christian” censorship system was in place for all those years and the public knew it, they came to believe that Rome’s notions of morality were one and the same with the Bible’s. And in this way the morals of Protestant moviegoers underwent a subtle but very decided shift. Through the powerful medium of film, they began to accept and adopt Rome’s morality for themselves, without even realising it.

And the results are all too evident today. Generations of Protestant moviegoers were indoctrinated in Roman Catholic morality; they have learned their morality from the movies instead of from the Bible. And this has resulted in two things. First, while Romish censorship dominated Hollywood, there was a decided slackening of moral standards throughout the western world, including among Protestants. The point is that although movies of this era were more moral than they would have been if Rome’s censorship had not been applied, they were not moral enough. They were moral according to Rome’s lights, but not biblically moral. They promoted much that earlier generations of Protestants would never have allowed; such as more revealing clothing, “dating” by young people, worldly music, dancing, other forms of worldly entertainment, and much more. Pastors of what would once have been called Bible-believing churches began to permit things which would never before have been permitted, and no longer did they preach against these things. Parents, professing to be Christians, allowed their children to have liberties which went beyond what was biblically justifiable. Churches began to change their outreach programmes for young people, lowering their standards and coming to embrace the utterly unbiblical concept of “entertainment evangelism” to “reach the lost in a way they understand” and to “show them that Christians can have fun too.”

And the second thing this has resulted in has been that when, finally, Roman Catholic censorship of the movie industry came to an end, moviegoers, already softened up to lower moral standards and having become avid moviegoers, readily began to embrace the now- raunchier movies that Hollywood began to spue out. The damage had been done in the decades of Romish censorship: morals had dropped, a hunger for ever-more explicit entertainment had been created, and once the sluice gates were opened there was no shocked retreat by Protestant moviegoers as a whole; rather there was an embracing of the ever-lower standards which very soon became commonplace in movies. And this has continued ever since, so that the vast majority of professing Protestants today comfortably attend even the vilest movies regularly, and relax in front of their TV screens to watch the same filth there. They see nothing wrong with it. They cannot imagine ever not doing what they are doing. It is just a regular part of their lives, and one which they will not give up. They are spiritually blind, unregenerate, worshipping before this entertainment idol with all their hearts.

Thus by the end of the 1980s, Roman Catholic control over Hollywood was over. But then something extraordinary began to happen.

Hollywood Not Entirely Anti-Roman Catholic by the Late 1990s

In the previous chapter we saw that by the end of the 1980s Hollywood had not only cast off all remaining vestiges of Roman Catholic censorship, but had become decidedly anti-Roman Catholic in a great many of the movies that were produced. Nevertheless, it would not be accurate to say that Hollywood had completely rid itself of Roman Catholic influence.

According to a priest of Rome who spent most of his priestly life in Hollywood, by late 1998 the entertainment industry was not anti- Roman Catholic. Priest Bud Kieser, a former TV personality, movie producer, author, and founder of a Roman Catholic entertainment award, said of Hollywood: “They like us. They don’t like our position on birth control. They don’t like our position on abortion. They don’t like our position on women priests. But generally they like us. They like us for sticking with the poor, and honestly serving the poor. A major number of studios in Los Angeles have given very significant money to Cardinal [Roger] Mahony [of Los Angeles], for his inner-city scholarship fund. Significant money.” 534

What he said about studios giving money to Rome was true. Rupert Murdoch, the influential media mogul and a Roman Catholic, in 2000 donated $10 million towards the construction of a new Roman Catholic cathedral in Los Angeles. Murdoch had wide holdings in the movie, TV and publishing industries, including Fox Television, 20th Century Fox Films, the London Times and New York Post, Harper Collins and Zondervan publishing houses. And even though his movie and TV productions were immoral, Romish cardinal Roger Mahony readily accepted his donation, and in January 1998 made Murdoch and his wife members of the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great. This knighthood is bestowed on behalf of the pope of Rome, and is supposed to be given to persons of “unblemished character” who have “promoted the interest of society, the [Roman Catholic] Church and the Holy See.” 535 Evidently, then, Murdoch and his wife had done just that.

What had begun to happen by this stage (the late 1990s) was that things were again changing. Roman Catholicism had dominated Holly wood during its “Golden Age”; then liberals and Marxists had risen to a position of dominance for some decades, so that by the end of the 1980s Rome’s power over Hollywood had been severely curtailed. But by the late 1990s an extraordinary thing was occurring: liberal/leftist Hollywood and Roman Catholicism, although certainly not actually merging, were beginning to find common ground in certain spheres. And this extended into the decade of the 2000s.

Yes: in Hollywood as virtually everywhere else, the Roman Catholic institution and the liberal/leftists, and even Marxists, were finding they had things in common. As priest Kieser said, the latter found much to admire in the former’s social programmes, even while rejecting its doctrines and its stances on particular issues. And this was in line with the Jesuit/Papist strategy ever since the years leading up to the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. The entire Roman Catholic institution swung heavily to the left from then onwards, even promoting its own brand of Communism known as liberation theology, and pushing a pro poor agenda that was very appealing to liberals and Reds, regardless of what they thought of Rome’s position on other things. Common ground was found in leftist “social justice” causes, and this began to show itself even in Hollywood. Not completely, it is true; but plainly the earlier animosity was nowhere near as great.

And in a very short space of time, leftist-dominated Hollywood began to take a different approach to making movies of a religious nature. Let us examine this change.

“Spirituality” Makes a Comeback in Hollywood

According to Hollywood insiders Jack and Pat Shea, by 2001 a renewed interest in “spirituality” was sweeping through Hollywood. 536

The Sheas, a Roman Catholic writer/director couple, said that recent movies and TV programmes marked a return to the discussion of spiritual themes. “People are definitely more interested in spirituality these days,” said Jack Shea, who was president of the Directors Guild of America. According to his wife Pat, the head of Catholics in Media Association, this was shown by the success of such TV series as The West Wing and Touched by an Angel. She said, “We [Hollywood] got so secularised and were so afraid of saying anything about religion. Now, it’s all right to say you’re religious.”

So: first there was Roman Catholic censorship; then, in reaction to that and also in line with the times, there was the period of virulently anti-religious movies issuing from Hollywood, even specifically anti-Roman Catholic; and then, once that anti-religious reaction had begun to run out of steam and also as society entered a phase (again in reaction to the anti-religious phase) of embracing all kinds of New Age teachings, Roman Catholic mysticism, and other strange new religious experiences, Hollywood woke up to the fact that “there’s gold in them thar hills”- the hills of religion.

For a few years the Sheas had been meeting with Romish arch bishop, John Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, as well as other Papist officials, in talks with entertainment representatives. Jack Shea said that producers and writers were becoming increasingly interested in the Roman Catholic “Church’s” attitude towards media, and were becoming increasingly aware that the “Church” of Rome was not “into condemnation” of the media.

Note what was happening in Hollywood: yes, “spirituality” was again gaining ground, but what was this? Roman Catholic mystic spirituality, and (although it was not stated by the Sheas) other forms of religious spirituality as well, notably of an eastern nature. But why was this? Hollywood was not suddenly being converted to Romanism. This was not a return to the Hollywood which was under the iron heel of the Papist-controlled PCA and the Romish Legion of Decency. But Hollywood producers and others had again become aware of the money-making value of producing films and TV series that catered to religious people. Not truly Christian people, but religious people. This did not by any means show a Damascus-road-like conversion occurring in Hollywood! As always, it was about money. This was even admitted by Pat Shea in the interview, when she said: “We also have to remind the Church that we [Hollywood] are a commercial entity, that it’s a business. It’s walking that fine line between the entertainment aspect of what we do and the responsibility of our influence on our audience.”

The Sheas pointed out the huge influence of the Roman Catholic “Church” on the arts through the centuries. Jack Shea said the “Church” should “continue to be involved in movies and television and all entertainment, because that’s how you reach people. That’s the language of the people now.” And Pat Shea said the “presence of Church people [in the industry] brings to mind our tremendous influence in our society – not only American society, but our products are shown all over the world.”

Indeed so. And so the tension continued between the desires of the immensely powerful “Church” of Rome, and the desires of liberal/ leftist Hollywood. For decades, Rome was dominant; then the liberals/ leftists/Reds rose to dominance. Rome changed tactics with the times, but never lost its desire to rule over the dream factories of Hollywood. It continued to exert a strong, behind-the-scenes influence, and always hoped and worked for more.

Let us examine what transpired in the first decade or so of the twenty- first century, for even though this reveals the ongoing tug-of-war between Roman Catholicism and liberal/leftism in Hollywood, it also reveals a rapprochement between the two, a finding of some common ground where they could co-operate, incredible as this was. And this common ground was so often found in the most unlikely of places.

The Harry Potter Phenomenon

Beginning with the first film adaptation of the Harry Potter series of books in 2001, each book was turned into a blockbuster movie. Countless volumes were written about this series, and it is not the present author’s intention to go into detail on the occultic nature of these books and films aimed at children, as this would go beyond the purpose of the present book. That they aggressively promoted witchcraft and other aspects of the occult has been thoroughly documented by many researchers. There can be absolutely no doubt of the great spiritual danger the stories pose to children. They provide young minds and hearts with an indoctrination into witchcraft, and their influence has been incalculable. 537

As has been shown in this book, over the decades Hollywood went from being an industry heavily under Roman Catholic influence to being an industry in which Roman Catholicism was frequently attacked and ridiculed (albeit Roman Catholic/Jesuit influence was still present), and at the same time the true Christian faith was attacked and ridiculed as well. It is not at all surprising, then, given the radical leftist/liberal and Communistic influence in Hollywood, that the Harry Potter books were viewed as an astoundingly useful tool, once made into movies, for promoting their agenda and corrupting the minds and hearts of children.

But even so, despite the overt witchcraft and paganism of the Harry Potter movies, institutions and individuals claiming to be “Christian” had fallen so far by then, had departed so far from biblical truth, that the Potter stories were actually praised by such neo-Evangelical magazines as World and Christianity Today, and by individual neo- Evangelicals and outright heretics such as Charles Colson, 538 Rick Warren, 539 etc. The Anglican “Church” (which is no more deserving of the name than Romanism) even published a guide advising people how to use Harry Potter to spread the “Christian” message! A former archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, described the story as “great fun” and a serious examination of good and evil. 540

The films were also praised by Romish leaders. Rome has always been adept at turning even the most unlikely things to its advantage. In the not-so-distant past it would have strongly condemned films such as Harry Potter outright; but now it was taking a different approach. Aware that huge numbers of Roman Catholics would flock to see the films anyway, Romish priests sought to find something – anything – “good” in the films, latched onto these, and then spun a bizarre yam about how even these dark, occultic, witchcraft-saturated films could be used to somehow do good! Unbelievable? One would think so. But here is the proof:

Michael Bernier, a Romish priest in Westfield, Massachusetts, USA, described himself as a “Pottermaniac”, and in 2007 he said that “Christians” (i.e. Papists) should not fear this devotion to a boy wizard. “On the surface level it does sound suspect and does raise red flags,” he said. But he stated that the magic in the stories was not sorcery, and went on to say, astoundingly: “There’s a great deal of Christian imagery and symbolism in the books. And I think it answers, at least in parts, a longing that we have for Christ”. 541 What utter blindness! To see “Christian imagery and symbolism” in books about a wizard! And as for answering any longing people have for Christ, one can say with certainty that J.K. Rowling, the books’ author, was expressing no such longing whatsoever when she wrote them. But this has ever been Rome’s way: to take what people already accept and believe, and then “baptize” it, putting the best Popish spin on it that they can. This is what Rome did with the pagan holidays of ancient times, with the sacred sites of ancient paganism, with the pagan temples, with pagan gods and demigods, and with so much else. 542

Bernier added that he hoped readers would embrace the “goodness” of the books and the enjoyment of reading: “They’re wonderfully written books that appeal to kids and adults. They’re easy to read and they’re entertaining.”

Before he became pope of Rome, when he was still a cardinal, Joseph Ratzinger (who became Benedict XVI) was the head of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the old Inquisition); and as such, he responded to a book written about the dangers of the Harry Potter stories by sending a note to the author, thanking her for her book and saying that if the accusations were true then they would be of grave concern. Priest Bernier claimed that as a result of this, many people wrongly believed that Benedict XVI “came out against the Harry Potter books.” He said, “Pope Benedict has not said anything actually about the Harry Potter books themselves. I don’t kn ow if he’s even read them.”

Whatever Ratzinger’s views of the stories, it was plain that by 2009 and the release of the next film in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the Vatican was full of praise for it. It said the film made the age-old debate over good versus evil crystal clear. The Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, said that this film was the best adaptation of the books to date. Although it criticised author Rowling for leaving out any explicit “reference to the transcendent” in her stories, it said the latest instalment nevertheless made it clear that good should overcome evil “and that sometimes this requires costs and sacrifice”. 543 So the Vatican was willing to overlook the occultic nature of the films in order to dredge up some nebulous moral about the overcoming of evil by good.

In 2011, when the final film instalment in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, was released, the review in L ’Osservatore Romano stated that although it might be too scary for young viewers, it championed the values of friendship and sacrifice! “As for the content,” one reviewer wrote in the paper, “evil is never presented as fascinating or attractive in the saga, but the values of friendship and of sacrifice are highlighted. In a unique and long story of formation, through painful passages of dealing with death and loss, the hero and his companions mature from the lightheartedness of infancy to the complex reality of adulthood.” 544

How far the Roman Catholic institution had come! – from once upon a time, via the Breen Office and the Legion of Decency, condemning anything remotely un-Papist and demanding changes, to now actually looking for and praising vague references to such things as friendship and sacrifice in an occultic movie! But this of course was perfectly in line with the changed Jesuit tactics which we have noted in this book. Putting a finger in the wind and noting the way the world was going, including the Roman Catholic world, the Jesuits did what they have always done: they loosened the rigid moral standards of previous times so as to retain a hold on the people.

The reviewer continued, writing that young people who had grown with Potter and his friends “certainly have understood that magic is only a narrative pretext useful in the battle against an unrealistic search for immortality.” Considering that even many adults would have to read that sentence twice to understand what the reviewer was saying, it is utterly ridiculous to believe that children viewed the Potter stories in this light! Millions of them were absorbed into the magic of the series, believed in the power of magic and sorcery as a result, and had a deep indoctrination into witchcraft and the occult.

Another reviewer in the same edition of the Vatican newspaper stated that the Potter saga championed values that “Christians” (i.e. Papists) and others share, and provided opportunities for “Christian” parents to talk to their children about how those values are presented in a special way in the Bible. Thus, once again, we see Rome’s method: sifting through the occultic evil of the story to supposedly extract the odd “value” which all people share. And this sinful approach was followed by many “Evangelicals” as well. Instead of going to the source of all truth, the Bible, they preferred to let their children learn “values” from a film about witchcraft, and then attempted to somehow get the children to take an interest in the Bible afterwards! Blind, lost souls, ignorant of the Gospel and strangers to Christ the Lord.

This reviewer then wrote: “Harry Potter, although he never declared himself a Christian, calls on the dark magician to mend his ways, repent for what he has done and recognise the primacy of love over everything so he will not be damned for eternity.” This Roman Catholic reviewer failed to understand that someone like Harry Potter was as lost, as damned to eternity for his sins, as the dark magician he was fighting against! This is because he, like all Papists, was himself a lost man, ignorant of the Gospel of Christ. To him, someone like Harry Potter was “good”, even though not a Christian, and thus (by implication) not going to be damned like the dark magician was. This is supposed salvation by one’s own works, which is the belief of Rome. But it is not the teaching of God’s Word, the Bible.

He also wrote that this film demonstrated that “from the pure of heart like the young Harry, ready to die for his friends”, come big lessons! Truly, this was one branch of Satan’s kingdom (Romanism) praising another branch of Satan’s kingdom (the occult)! The Lord Jesus Christ spoke of the pure in heart, but someone like Harry Potter (if he existed) would not be among them. The “pure in heart” (Matt. 5:8) are those who have purified their hearts by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 15:9), and no others.

What was going on? Simply put: Rome was following the tactics it had begun to use as the Jesuits moved away from supporting outright, top- down Roman Catholic censorship via the Breen Office and the Legion of Decency, and instead sought to influence movies more subtly, praising whatever they could about them, finding “morals” even when there were none, even working on the sets as advisors. They had come to believe that this was the only way forward for Rome: it could no longer prevent its people from attending the movies, so it might as well adopt the tactic of “if you can’t beat them, join them”. In typical Jesuit fashion, by appearing to their people to be progressive and modem and in no way fun-spoiling fuddy-duddies, they felt this would be the way to maintain their hold on their flocks. “Don’t condemn and forbid, rather praise where you can and issue weak cautions about whatever is simply too objectionable” – this in a nutshell was their tactic ever since they jettisoned the Breen Office. “Become all things to all men”, the Jesuit motto that is nothing but a distortion of the biblical teaching, lay at the heart of this tactic of theirs. Merge Romanism with the world as far as possible. In the early centuries of the Christian era, Rome, in order to keep the loyalties of the masses of pagans whom it baptized and declared to be “Christians”, retained their pagan temples and even their pagan gods, but gave them the names of “Christ”, “Mary”, the “saints”, etc., thereby keeping the masses happy and (bottom line) keeping the money flowing in. And today, centuries later, the same tactic is followed: the masses want their entertainment, so (the Jesuits have reasoned) far better to let them have it, but maintain a semblance of spiritual “oversight” by issuing cautions, telling the people to “be careful” while enjoying the films, and praising whatever they can.

The Lord of the Rings (2001): a “Fundamentally Roman Catholic” Movie

The film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy book, The Lord of the Rings, was released in 2001. And according to Tom Shippey, one of the world’s leading authorities on Tolkien and a scholar of early English language and literature at the Jesuit-run St Louis University (amazing how frequently the Jesuits crop up, is it not?), the story told in The Lord of the Rings is “fundamentally Catholic”. 545 Yet, he added, “On the face of it – it isn’t. The characters appear to have no religion at all. They are living in a historical limbo, a pre-Christian time. But they have an inkling of the revelation that is to come. They are like the philosophers in Dante’s Inferno, who are before Christ and are found in the first circle of hell.”

Shippey went on to point out that “The Inklings” was the name of the writers’ group that Tolkien belonged to with his friend, C.S. Lewis, who was an Anglican. Lewis, while a member of the Inklings, wrote The Chronicles of Narnia.

Tolkien was raised as a Roman Catholic. His mother converted to Romanism when Tolkien was a child. When she died he was raised by a priest of Rome, and remained a devout Romanist all his life. Yet he was perfectly willing to write the Ring series of books, which Shippey described as “alternative history.” He said: “Tolkien left gaps fitted to the Old Testament – at the start of Tolkien’s pre-history the people first come into the world fleeing from what seems to be the Garden of Eden.” Tolkien “studied the literature of pre-Christian to conversion times”, and taught the Edda, which was an Icelandic story of pre-Christian Norse beliefs. He also formed a club, called the “Coalbiters”, for the study and propagation of Norse mythology. 546

This Roman Catholic, then, loved to study and propagate paganism, and the film adaptation of his book was a yet further propaganda push for ancient heathenism – yet heathenism which Rome was willing to accept as being in some way pro-Papist. In truth, The Lord of the Rings could be taken as a summary of Jesuitism’s post-Code approach to movies: to find some way to use even blatantly paganistic films to promote Roman Catholicism, no matter how indirectly and tenuously.

It all fitted very well with Rome’s post-Vatican II approach to converting the world to Roman Catholicism: the interfaith movement, finding common ground with pagan religions, heathen beliefs of all kinds, merging Roman Catholicism with various heathenish religious practices and outlooks, so as to appeal to as wide a segment of society as possible.

The Passion of the Christ (2004): Showing Up the Enmity Between Roman Catholic and Liberal/Leftist Hollywood

Despite this new era of uneasy truces and of seeking common ground, Hollywood’s liberal/leftist/Marxist crowd were horrified when a top Hollywood actor/director went too far and made a blatantly pro-Roman Catholic movie, without compromising with the Hollywood leftists or toning the religious message down.

In 2004 actor/director Mel Gibson, a devout traditionalist Roman Catholic, released The Passion of the Christ. It became a phenomenal success at the box office, grossing $370.3 million in the U.S. by the end of its first year, and $611.9 million worldwide; but it was ridiculed and effectively boycotted by liberal/leftist Hollywood and by the liberal/ leftist press. Gibson, in fact, financed the making of the movie himself because the major movie studios would not touch it. In addition they turned on Gibson, portraying him as a “strange” Roman Catholic who did not accept the authority of the current Roman pope, or the use of English in the Roman mass. Warnings started to be issued that the film was anti-Semitic, a charge Gibson vociferously denied. Given the leftist/liberal/Red Jewish control of most of Hollywood, and its hatred of anything it considered “Christian”, this level of antagonism was not at all surprising.

Much of what is written below is excerpted and adapted from an article written by the present author at the time when the film was released, entitled “The Passion of the Christ”: Outreach for Antichrist , 547 Additional material has been added.

Before the movie’s official release Gibson began to tour the country, showing a preview to groups of Roman Catholics and conservative Protestants. He showed the trailer to the National Association of Evangelicals in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and to 350 Jesuits at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. Speaking to a reporter, Gibson joked that he was nervous about how the Jesuits would respond to it: “We’re Catholics, right? We’re scared of the Jesuits. Every good Catholic is,” he said. 548

In 2003, before the film opened, the marketing director of Gibson’s Icon Productions hired A. Larry Ross Communications (ALRC) to promote the film among professing Christians. Ross had for years been the director of media and public relations for Billy Graham. ALRC did its work well: its massive promotional work among “Evangelicals” paid off. By the time the film opened it had already received a huge amount of free publicity – publicity which had bypassed mainstream Hollywood almost entirely.

Such was the utter spiritual blindness of so-called “Evangelicals” that many churches reserved entire movie theatres for themselves, with some even holding services in the movie theatre after the movie was screened! Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals in the USA, said the film would inspire believers for decades or even centuries. 549 Billy Graham strongly endorsed it – a man who also endorsed the Roman pontiff, John Paul II, accepting it when the man holding the position which for centuries Protestants have recognised as that of the biblical Antichrist, called him his brother. 550 Jack Graham, president of the Southern Baptist Convention in the USA, endorsed it. James Dobson, that promoter of psychoheresy, endorsed it. 551 So did many others the world over. As the Lord Jesus said, “They be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch” (Matt. 15:14).

Gibson said during previews of the film, “The Holy Ghost was working through me on this film. I was just directing traffic.” And: “I think that the Holy Ghost is real. I believe that he’s looking favorably on this film. And he wanted to help. I could always use a little help.” 552 His pious claims notwithstanding, his foul language showed up his real colours – but the “Evangelicals” were willing to turn a deaf ear to it. In an interview, he said of some Roman Catholic and Jewish scholars who sent him a report detailing what they held to be inaccuracies in the film: “They always [expletive deleted] around with it, you know?” And: “Judas is always some kind of friend of some freedom fighter named Barabbas, you know what I mean? It’s [expletive deleted]. It’s revisionist [expletive deleted]. And that’s what these academics are into.”

And the acceptance of this film by “Evangelicals” illustrates what we have stated earlier – that by the time the film appeared, so many, who claimed (falsely) to be Christians, saw nothing much wrong with Hollywood. It was not that many years before when Evangelical pastors regularly preached against ungodly movies, and members of their churches were not permitted to watch them if they wanted to remain as members. But as the tide of wickedness rose higher and higher, the voices boldly preaching against it grew fewer and fewer. The professing “Church” was engulfed by the world. The world entered the professing “Church”, and the “Church” justified this by saying it needed to be “relevant”, to “keep up with the times”, etc. Professing “Christians” started attending ungodly movies, as well as soaking up the filth of Hollywood in their own homes via their TV sets, and later via videos and then DVDs. And the pastors did nothing. In fact, for the most part they were as guilty as their flocks. Such things as holiness and separation from the world were now considered quaint left-overs of an earlier era. For multitudes hypocritically calling themselves “Christians”, the TV guide became more important than the Bible, and they knew the names and histories of their favourite movie “stars” better than the heroes of the faith. Television brought the cesspool of Hollywood right into the home at the touch of a button, and the majority of those who named the name of Christ did not care. They happily indulged in it all, and looked with disdain on those lone voices in the wilderness who dared to lift up their voices against such wickedness. Yet the Word of God speaks plainly: “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes” (Psa. 101:3); “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Phil.4:8).

The fact that a movie like The Passion, made by such a man as Mel Gibson, could be so acceptable to the “Evangelical” world, was a terrible indictment upon the men filling “Evangelical” pulpits. A huge measure of the blame for the blubbering acceptance of this film by the so-called “Evangelical” world had to be laid squarely at the feet of the so-called “pastors”, the men who disgraced the pulpits of “Evangelical” churches. The pews follow the pulpits. When the shepherds go astray, how swiftly the sheep follow. How solemn that word in Jas.3:1: “My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation [margin: judgment]

That multitudes of professing “Evangelicals” flocked in their droves to watch this movie revealed the utter spiritual blindness that hung, like a thick cloud, over the professing “Christian” world; and it revealed the shocking spiritual bankruptcy of the vast majority of men standing behind pulpits. Gibson’s production company, quick to seize the opportunity to make ever more money from the film, marketed the film as “perhaps the best outreach opportunity in 2000 years” – and the “Evangelical” world fell for this slick marketing hype hook, line and sinker.

How possibly could a man like Mel Gibson make a sound biblical movie? Even apart from the fact that he was a traditionalist Roman Catholic, he had starred in violent, brutal, gory movies, full of foul language and sexual immorality. How then could he turn his defiled hands to so solemn a subject as the crucifixion of the Lord of Glory (even apart from the fact that no sinful, mortal man can ever properly depict the Lord Christ in a film), and handle such a theme with reverence, holy awe, holy fear, and with his eye to the glory of God? It was impossible. The Bible was written by holy men of God, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost; and it is holy men of God, men called by the Holy Ghost, who are to teach and expound it to souls. The men of the world cannot teach the true Christian the true meaning of any portion of God’s holy Word, and no Christian should ever go to the worldly for such instruction. What, then, were so-called “Evangelicals” doing, flocking to be taught the (supposed) meaning of the crucifixion by a wicked, immoral, idolatrous man like Gibson? And what were they doing, taking the work of such a man and attempting to use it for evangelism? They were blind, mad, those who “eat and drink with the [spiritually] drunken” (Matt.24:49). Like drunk men, they could not discern the truth, for indeed they were strangers to it.

The reason this film was so acceptable to so many who professed (falsely) to be Christians, was because Hollywood was so acceptable to them. Hollywood, with all its violence, adultery, fornication, sodomy, foul language, etc., etc. This was an extremely violent movie, and not that many years before most people would not have been willing to watch a movie with such extreme brutality; but years of constant, daily exposure to Hollywood “blood and gore” had desensitised people to such things, to the point where the average moviegoer had become quite used to it, saw little or nothing wrong with it, and in fact all too often actually craved it. Like the ancient Romans in the amphitheatres, who had an insatiable bloodlust and watched with relish the agonies of Christians being tom to pieces by wild animals, moviegoers crave ever more “reality” in movies, and Hollywood is all too ready to provide it. The Bible reveals the total depravity of all mankind; and certainly this depravity is revealed in the so-called “entertainment” industry.

This was a film described by Time magazine as “crimson carnage from the moment Jesus is condemned, half an hour into the 127-min. film.” 553 It went on to say that it was a film for “cast-iron stomachs; people who can stand to be grossed out as they are edified.” It stated that Mel Gibson had invented “a new genre – the religious splatter-art film”. It was a “relentless, near pornographic feast of flayed flesh.

Gibson gives us Christ’s blood, not in a Communion cup, but by the gallon. Blood spraying from Jesus’ shackled body; blood sluicing to the Cross’s foot.” It was so violent that in some places cinemas actually provided “sick bags” for the audience! And yet despite such horrifying violence, many professing “Christians”, no less than those who made no such profession (thus showing that in reality there is no difference between them!), with an apparently insatiable appetite for movie violence and gore, and seeing no harm in it, were now able to go and satisfy their bloodlust by watching it in a supposedly “Christian” context – thereby supposedly “sanctifying” it. How true the following comment: “The ghoulish relish of hordes of professing Christians for the violence of this film is in stark contrast with the attitude of the followers of Christ who witnessed His crucifixion – ‘And all his acquaintance, and the women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding these things’ (Luke 23:49). They could not bear the sight of His sufferings up close but displayed the natural reaction of abhorrence at the sight of a loved one’s sufferings and so ‘stood afar off’.” 554

Mel Gibson was raised a Roman Catholic, and considered himself to be a Roman Catholic traditionalist. He loved the Latin mass, the central blasphemy of the Romish religion. He had a priest of Rome on the movie’s set, who offered mass and heard the confessions of anyone who wished to confess. When asked in an interview if someone could be saved apart from the Roman Catholic “Church”, Gibson gave the centuries-old Romish answer: “There is no salvation for those outside the Church”. 555 And yet this devout, fanatical Romanist, spouting official Romish doctrine, was hailed as a true Christian by blind “Evangelicals” the world over!

So as far as Gibson was concerned, the film’s purpose was to show the supposed connection between the cross and the Romish blasphemy of the so-called “sacrifice of the mass”. This is exactly what Rome has always claimed: “The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice: ‘This divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner. ”’ 556 This is an outright denial of the once-only, all-sufficient sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross for the sins of His people. The Lord’s words on the cross, “It is finished” (Jn. 19:30), are not understood by any Romanist; for they believe that in the mass, the sacrifice of Christ is re-enacted, day after day and year after year, hundreds of thousands of times around the world. Romanists do not understand Christ’s words to be referring to the fact that His great work was finished, and never to be repeated in any form or sense. How then, how possibly, could a movie about the crucifixion made by a devout Romanist ever be biblically accurate? And yet “Evangelical” pastors reserved entire movie theatres to show this film to their flocks!

Jim Caviezel, who pretended to play “Jesus” in the film, was a devout Roman Catholic who used the rosary, attended the mass regularly, and went to confession. During the filming, he and Gibson went daily to mass together, with Caviezel saying, “I need that to play this guy” (a true Christian would not refer to his Lord and Saviour so irreverently as “this guy”), and he went to confession regularly, saying, “I didn’t want Lucifer to have any control over the performance” (little did he know that Satan controlled the entire performance from beginning to end). He carried what he believed was a piece of the true cross on his person at all times, as well as relics of various Roman Catholic “saints”. This was a man, however, who, for all his “devoutness”, had previously starred in movies filled with profanity, violence, sex, etc. And this was the man whose face became the image in the minds of millions of people the world over whenever they thought of Christ!

And what did Caviezel himself say about the film? “This film is something that I believe was made by Mary for her Son.” 557

Caviezel stated that many in the film crew converted to Roman Catholicism. And yet “Evangelicals” hailed it as a wonderful evangelistic tool! It led poor souls into the clutches of the Papal Antichrist – and they praised it as leading souls to Christ.

For all true Bible Protestants, the fact that this was a Roman Catholic movie was reason enough to utterly reject it. But the age is one in which so many, claiming to be Christians, see nothing much wrong with Roman Catholicism. The diabolical ecumenical movement has done the devil’s work very well. It was not that long ago when pastors regularly preached against Roman Catholicism, calling it what it is: the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth (Rev. 17:5).

No members of their churches were permitted to have any spiritual fellowship with Papists (2 Cor.6:14-18; Rev. 18:4,5). But this had all changed.

Modem “Evangelicals” were willing to forsake almost all biblical standards, and to adopt the Jesuit motto that “the end justifies the means.” If, to their minds, “souls were saved” by watching the movie, or “Christians were edified”, or “Christians had their faith deepened”, then the end justified the means. They professed to be “Bible-believers”, and very loudly and proudly said, “We believe nothing but what the Bible teaches!” But this was a lie. The reality is that they believed many things that were not taught in the Bible – and they rejected many things that were taught in it.

Also, contrary to what so many “Evangelicals” seemed to think, the film was not based solely on the Gospel accounts of Christ’s crucifixion. Gibson also based it, to a large extent, on the visions of two Roman Catholic nun-mystics, Anne Catherine Emmerich and Mary of Agreda. Emmerich claimed to have seen visions of the sufferings, death and resurrection of Christ, and these were recorded in her book, entitled The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is easy to see where Gibson got the title for his movie! As for Mary of Agreda, she wrote a book entitled The Divine History and Life of the Virgin Mother of God as Manifested to Maty of Agreda. Of Emmerich’s visions, Gibson openly admitted: “She supplied me with stuff I never would have thought of.” 558 If this was really a movie based on the Gospel accounts, why did Gibson need to “thi nk of’ anything? All that is needed is in the Scriptures. But of course Rome has never believed that. Those two nuns did not believe it. That was why they readily added their own “stuff’, and why Gibson readily swallowed it.

The film subtly gives the impression that it was actually Mary who offered Christ as a sacrifice, not God the Father. “‘The Passion of the Christ’ leaves us with a vision of the sacrifice of Christ that is only dolorous [dolorous: full of grief; sad; sorrowful; doleful; dismal] and which puts into sharp relief the Roman Catholic notion not only of the importance of Christ’s agony, but that of Mary in ‘offering her Son’. In an interview with Zenit, the Roman Catholic News Service, Father Thomas Rosica … illustrated how ‘The Passion of the Christ’, in keeping with Roman Catholic theology, uses extra-biblical content to massively exaggerate the role of Mary…. ‘The Mother of the Lord is inviting each of us to share her grief and behold her Son.’ This use of extra-biblical material, emphasis on physical suffering, exaggeration of the role of Mary, and explicitly Roman Catholic theology should not surprise us, however, as these are all hallmarks of the primary inspiration for this movie: [Anne Catherine Emmerich’s] The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ .” 559

Then too, there are non-biblical “flashbacks” to Jesus’ childhood with Mary (again promoting Romanism, the cult of Mary). As for Satan, he is depicted as “an androgynous creature, a Gollum with weird sex appeal, who slithers through the crowd, working mischief.” 560

The film is thus an heretical mixture of aspects taken from the Gospel accounts, Roman Catholic mysticism, Mel Gibson’s own thoughts, unjustifiable poetic licence, and Roman Catholic doctrine.

What were some of the fruits of this film?

Something extraordinary, something diabolically evil, was witnessed in all this: this film pushed the devil’s ecumenical movement forward! For decades, Rome had been doing all in its power to woo the so-called “Evangelicals” into its embrace; and it was having much success. But this movie pushed “Evangelicals’ even further into the arms of “Mother Rome”. “Evangelicals” hailed Mel Gibson as a “born-again Catholic Christian”, an outright oxymoron, for no Roman Catholic is a true Christian. When the Lord saves an adherent of this false religion, Lie does not leave him in that error and heresy. Lie draws him out, just as Lie does for any member of any false religion whom He saves. If Gibson had been truly converted to Christ, he would have repented of his sins, which would include repenting of acting in and making his past movies, and he would have forsaken Romanism. “Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt.7:16).

The Passion was a giant leap forward for the ecumenical movement. It promoted Roman Catholicism on a huge scale among “Evangelicals”. “Mel Gibson’s movie savages the Word of God for the benefit of an accursed church with an accursed gospel…. We are at yet another turning point in the history of the Church.” 561 Ex priest Richard Bennett stated: “The Evangelical church’s acceptance of Gibson’s movie gives shocking – maybe apocalyptic – insight into the state of popular Christianity today. Will history reveal this day as the time when Evangelicalism, on a popular level, merged with the Roman Catholic Church?” 562 Certainly it greatly promoted the merger so desired by ecumenicals. The wall of separation between Roman Catholicism and “Evangelicalism” had been crumbling for decades, and this film was another, very powerful assault on that wall, causing it to crumble even further.

It burned into the minds of millions a graphic image of “Christ” that is utterly false. For millions of people, the face of Jim Caviezel became the face of Christ, as surely as multiplied millions for many centuries have had an image of Christ in their minds that was formed by gazing at statues, or paintings. After watching the film the arch-ecumenist, Billy Graham, said: “Every time I preach or speak about the cross, the things I saw on the screen will be on my heart and mind.” 563 He merely voiced what millions felt. But this is all idolatry. “Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire: lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female” (Deut.4:15,16).

In the aftermath of The Passion, Mel Gibson was hailed by naive and foolish Charismatics, Pentecostals, and neo-Evangelicals as a wonderful Christian man. They ignored the fact that he was a Romanist, held to the usual heretical and blasphemous Romish doctrines, and had made an extremely pro-Papist movie. And yet as time went by, in addition to his Romanism Gibson demonstrated, by his sinful conduct, just what an unregenerate man he was. Among other things, he divorced his wife, to whom he had been married for over thirty years, and lived with his girlfriend, with whom he had a daughter – all after he had made The Passion. And in 2006 he was pulled over for speeding, and found to be drunk. He swore loudly at the arresting officers, and let loose with various anti-Semitic remarks, including making the accusation that Jews were “responsible for all the wars in the world”. 564 But the “Evangelical” world by and large did not care: Gibson was their hero.

The Passion of the Christ did wonders for Roman Catholicism, and shocked Hollywood. It revealed that even after many years of anti- religious liberal/leftist/Marxist propaganda via films, or at the least of very watered-down, effeminate, mystical references to “religion” on occasion, there were still millions of moviegoers who were devoutly religious (not Christian but religious), and who were willing to support overtly religious movies. And so the battle continued between religion and secularism, and indeed between conservative Romanism unwilling to compromise and “progressive’ V liberal Romanism in Jesuit hands, willing to compromise with the non-Romish world so as to get its way by other means.

Yes, Hollywood was shocked at first. Its agenda of opposing any thing too blatantly religious, too overtly “Christian” (according to its false understanding of “Christianity”), was threatened by the runaway success of The Passion. Hollywood was serving the idols of secular humanism, Marxism, eastern mysticism, and New Age spirituality. But now Hollywood’s love for another idol kicked in: the idol of Mammon. There was big money to be made by catering to the religious tastes of Roman Catholics and Protestants. These groups had not faded away, despite the relentless assault by liberals, leftists, Marxists, secular humanists and others in Hollywood and other influential parts of society. Ideological idols were all very well – being evangelists for the liberal/leftist/Marxist cause and all that – but at the end of the day Hollywood bigwigs still bowed before the idol of Mammon above all others. It was time to start milking the religious masses.

Disney was first to jump on the bandwagon:

The Chronicles of Narnia (2005): Occult Fantasy of a Closet Roman Catholic

The following is excerpted and adapted from an article written by the present author at the time when the film version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe first appeared. The article was entitled “The Chronicles of Narnia”: Occult Fantasy of a Closet Roman Catholic. 565 There are also some excerpts from another of the author’s articles, entitled “ Faith-Based ” Films or Hollywood Heresy? 566

C. S. Lewis’ world-famous series of fantasy novels, The Chronicles of Narnia, were long praised as “Christian allegory” in many ecclesiastical circles. Lewis himself has been described in many of these circles as “the greatest Christian writer of the twentieth century.” And in 2005 the first book in the series, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, was made into a blockbuster movie by Disney, the first of a series of movies to be based on the Narnia novels. The big question is: why?

For decades, Hollywood had ignored the millions of professing “Christians” as a market. It promoted everything that Christianity opposes: violence, profanity, sexual sin of all kinds, nudity, drunken ness, and a whole host of other sins. It had gone out of its way to mock Christians, to portray Protestant ministers as wild-eyed, dangerous fanatics, to ridicule the Bible, to attack everything held dear by Christians. But while this was going on, something was happening in the “Christian” camp. The times were changing, and millions of people who claimed to be “born-again Christians” were no longer as antagonistic towards Hollywood as earlier generations had been. The men in the pulpits no longer thundered against the movies, and the people in the pews were regularly attending the movie theatres, and soaking up the same filth that everyone else was enjoying. The vast majority of those now naming the name of Christ were in fact not truly born again at all! They were merely disciples of the new, popular, easy-believism, “call yourself a Christian but be part of the world too” doctrine that had been sweeping through churches for years. A false “gospel”, indeed, but one that was, and is, believed to be the true Gospel by millions today.

Nevertheless, despite their acceptance of so much Hollywood filth, many of these professing “Christians” still drew the line at attending movies that were just too depraved, even for them. And they kept their children away from them as well. Yet they were very willing to flock to watch a movie with a supposedly “Christian” theme. After all, they called themselves Christians! Hollywood, however, was not paying attention.

Until The Passion of the Christ, that is.

As we have seen, when Mel Gibson’s movie hit the screens it was a runaway success, and Hollywood was stunned. The masses of unregenerate worldlings who nevertheless called themselves “Christians” flocked to see it, and doubtless made Mel Gibson laugh all the way to the bank. And suddenly Hollywood sat up and took notice. Here was a very lucrative niche market indeed! One which Hollywood had been ignoring!

“The Passion really surprised Hollywood,” said John Buckeridge, the editor of Christianity Magazine (certainly not recommended for any true Christian!). Christianity Magazine ran a cover story on how churches could link into Narnia’s release to promote a “Christian” message. 567 “Everyone thought it would bomb,” he said. “What they didn’t realise was that there is an audience for a film with a Christian message.” Passing by his inference that The Passion was Christian, he was correct in saying that the movie surprised Hollywood, and made the moviemakers realise that there was a vast untapped niche market out there. “Disney recognises the marketplace. In Hollywood, money talks,” added Buckeridge. Very true! But this did not seem to concern him in the least, nor did he appear to note the obvious paradox of saying that Mammon is the god of Hollywood, and yet supporting Hollywood for making a movie (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) with what he claimed was a “Christian” message! Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters…Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Matt. 6:24). By Buckeridge’s own admission, Hollywood served Mammon. It could not, then, be serving God. And yet he recommended that churches make use of Narnia! “This could be as successful as The Passion of the Christ in triggering dialogue. There is a Christian parable in there,” he said.

And indeed, “churches” worked themselves up into a froth of excitement, convinced that this movie represented the greatest evangelistic opportunity since the previous year’s The Passion of the Christ. But as with that unscriptural Roman Catholic splatter-movie, so with this one: it just showed how biblically illiterate and doctrinally confused vast numbers of churches were. The truth about Narnia, and Lewis himself, is far, far darker than most “Evangelicals” would know, or, sadly, understand.

Millions of “Evangelicals” (along with Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Charismatics, etc.) had for many years claimed that The Chronicles of Narnia were wonderful “Christian allegories”, and they continued to do so once the movie was made. Russ Bravo, development director for Christian Publishing and Outreach, said: “There are clear Christian parallels you can draw from the storyline” of the Narnia books. As noted above, John Buckeridge, editor of Christianity Magazine, said: “There is a Christian parable in there”. 568 And the neo-Evangelical, ecumenical Christianity Today magazine, when recommending the Narnia series, said: “In Aslan [the lion in the stories], Christ is made tangible, knowable, real”; and: “Christ came not to put an end to myth but to take all that is most essential in the myth up into himself and make it real.” 569 What utter nonsense!

Here is something really sinister indeed: the Narnia books are sold not only in Christian bookstores, but in occult bookstores as well, and are recommended by the promoters of the occult game, “Dungeons and Dragons”! 570 Astounding: a series of books, written by a man professing to be a “Christian”, and hailed by many professing “Christians” as “Christian allegory”, yet the message of which is such that occultists are happy to sell them. Churches rushed to support the movie, encouraging their flocks to see it, and yet as those professing “Christians” sat there watching it they were doubtless rubbing shoulders with witches, Satanists, and other occultists in the audience who were deriving their own “message” from it. The professing children of light, sitting next to the children of darkness, watching the movie together, and both leaving the movie theatre satisfied, the one group convinced they had just seen a wonderful “Christian allegory”, the other group knowing that they had just seen an occult fantasy!

For this is precisely what the Narnia stories are all about: occultism, heathen mythology, magic. Lewis borrowed elements from the Bible, but he draped the stories in heathen mythology and outright occultism. He concocted a hybrid religious teaching, in line with his own deep fascination with heathen mythology, magic and occultism.

Many of the Narnia characters are in fact gods and demons from pagan mythology! Aslan is the god-like lion who is seen as Christ in the stories; and yet in heathen mythology this lion represents the sun. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Aslan is said to be “coming and going”; to have “golden” eyes, face and fur; to have “warm breath”; to scatter golden beams of light; to be big and bright; etc. And according to the Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols, by Gertrude Jobes, the sun is seen as a lion, golden in colour; with its breath symbolising the sun’s rays; etc. In addition, the ancient sun- worshippers believed that the sun died as it reached its southernmost point, bringing winter. It was “reborn”, or resurrected, when it returned northward, bringing spring. In the Narnia series, when Aslan returned to Narnia, it became spring; and after dying at night, he was resurrected in the early morning! 571

In another book in the series, Prince Caspian, the heathen god Bacchus appears, along with “wild girls.” They dance a wild “magic dance” in a “grove” (a place of heathen worship, Exod. 34:13; 1 Kings 15:13; 16:33; etc.) on “Midsummer night”, having been seated in a “wide circle around a fire”, with various kinds of wine available, and “wheaten cakes”. Lewis was simply copying the heathen doctrines surrounding Bacchus. For in paganism, Bacchus was the god of wine; he attracted women to him, who danced and were possessed with occult powers; Midsummer eve is a witches’ festival held on June 24; there is dancing, feasting, cakes and wine!

Throughout the Narnia books, Lewis writes about dryads, nymphs, satyrs, fauns, etc. The Cromwell Handbook of Classical Mythology> classifies these as demons. His books also deal with such occult practices as alchemy, clairvoyance, astrology, crystal gazing, necromancy, magic, talismans, etc. The Lord forbids such occult practices in many parts of His Word, e.g. Deut. 18:9-14; Gal. 5:20; Isa. 8:19,20; Acts 7:42,43.

Who was C. S. Lewis (1898 – 1963)? He was a writer, critic, professor of English literature, a man who held senior positions at Cambridge and Oxford universities, and he is praised (incorrectly) as a “Christian apologist.” The ecumenical neo-Evangelical, J. I. Packer, called him “our patron saint” (an interesting choice of title, considering that it is Romanists, and not Evangelicals, who have “patron saints”). 572 According to the far-from-Evangelical Christianity Today magazine, Lewis “has come to be the Aquinas, the Augustine, and the Aesop of contemporary Evangelicalism” (an interesting choice of “heroes”, considering that Aquinas was a Roman Catholic apologist, Augustine was an early “Catholic” in doctrine, and Aesop, although he taught many moral truths with his stories, was a heathen). 573 But despite the fact that Lewis’ books on “Christian” apologetics rank him, in the minds of many – Romanist, Anglican, liberal, “Evangelical” – as one of the most brilliant defenders of Christianity in the twentieth century, the facts tell a very different story indeed. It is enough of a danger sign to know that he is so admired by Roman Catholics, Protestants, conservatives and liberals – quite obviously then, he was not a sound theologian, but “broad-based” and ecumenical; but there is certainly plenty of evidence to show just what kind of a “Christian apologist” he really was.

From a very young age, Lewis was attracted to occult fantasy and fiction; for example, Norse and Celtic mythology, magic, etc. He was to immerse himself in Norse mythology. By the age of 12 he was “hooked” on fantasy, elves, etc. And he himself said that he came to the very frontiers of hallucination. His favourite literature in his early years included E. Nesbit’s occult fantasy works. Twenty-five years after he claimed to have become a Christian (he was clearly never truly converted) he said that he still read these with delight. And this ungodly mixture of light and darkness, of a little truth mixed with magic, myth, etc., comes out in his various writings. 574 He also immersed himself in the writing of the atheist and early science fiction author, H. G. Wells. At school, he attended a high Anglo-Catholic “church”; but he gradually dropped what he thought was his “Christianity” in favour of occultism, particularly the Norse mythologies.

At the age of 27 he met J. R. R. Tolkien, and they became close friends. Tolkien, author of the occult fantasy, Lord of the Rings, was a devout Roman Catholic. They would meet weekly to drink, smoke, and discuss each others’ stories. Tolkien would speak to Lewis about the Roman Catholic “christ”; and he worked on Lewis until he accepted the account of Christ as a “true myth. ” 575 This is an oxymoron if ever there was one. Either the account of Christ is true, or it is myth. It cannot be both. It is blasphemous to speak of the account of the Lord and Saviour in this way. But it fits in perfectly with Lewis’ love of mythology, which he was steeped in.

Lewis eventually joined the Anglican institution, and was Anglo- Catholic in doctrine; but he was greatly influenced by Tolkien, and at heart Lewis was clearly a “closet Papist.” He was certainly no Evangelical! The ecumenical Christianity’ Today magazine, which praised Lewis and recommended his Narnia books, still had to admit that Lewis was “a man whose theology had decidedly unevangelical elements”. 576 And even the neo-Evangelical ecumenical author, J. I. Packer, who used Papist language and called Lewis “our patron saint”, admitted that Lewis was “no such thing” as an Evangelical; yet he has become the most widely-read supposed “defender” of “Christian” basics among professing “Evangelicals!” 577

Lewis had no interest in judging the soundness or otherwise of certain denominational traditions. In the preface of his famous book, Mere Christianity, he wrote: “The reader should be warned that I offer no help to anyone who is hesitating between two ‘Christian’ denominations. You will not learn from me whether you ought to become an Anglican, a Methodist, a Presbyterian, or a Roman Catholic…. Ever since I became a Christian I have thought that the best, perhaps the only service I could do for my unbelieving neighbours was to explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times.”

An Evangelical? Not in the least. He was thoroughly ecumenical.

His stated aim, in Mere Christianity, was to present “an agreed, or common, or central or ‘mere’ Christianity.” In other words, those doctrines which are common to all who call themselves “Christians”, including Papists, Anglicans, ecumenists, liberals, etc. He was so concerned to achieve this aim that he submitted parts of his book to four ecclesiastics for criticism: an Anglican, a Methodist, a Presbyterian, and a Roman Catholic. 578 He believed that one is free to choose whichever “tradition” one likes the most. Sound doctrine and godly practice – these were of no consideration to Lewis.

He was so adept at reducing “Christianity” to a very, very low common denominator, a “mere Christianity” as he himself called it, that his writings, in addition to being acceptable to Roman Catholics, “Evangelicals”, liberals, ecumenists, etc., are even acceptable to the Mormons! In April 1998, Mormon professor Robert Millet, dean of Brigham Young University, spoke at Wheaton College on the topic of C. S. Lewis and said that Lewis “is so well received by Latter-Day Saints [i.e. Mormon cultists] because of his broad and inclusive vision of Christianity”. 579

Lewis did not believe in the biblical doctrine of penal substitution, and thus promoted a false doctrine of the atonement. He denied the doctrine of man’s total depravity. He believed in the Popish heresies of baptismal regeneration, salvation by works, the mass, purgatory, and praying for the dead. He did not believe in the biblical doctrine of repentance. He did not believe that the Holy Scriptures were inerrant, and thus rejected the doctrine of the divine inspiration of the Bible. He believed in theistic evolution. He denied the doctrine of hell. He thought that the salvation of unbelievers was possible. And he also requested the “last rites” of the Roman Catholic institution on his deathbed. 580

Lewis did not openly join the Roman Catholic “Church”. But despite holding to some non-Papist doctrines, that he was a “closet Papist” there can be no doubt, as the evidence above shows; and Papists have loved his writings and claimed him as one of their own. In a favourable article on Lewis published in The Catholic Herald, entitled “Why ever didn’t C. S. Lewis become a Roman Catholic?” the author wrote: “we may surely say that we are honouring the memory of a man whose mind was naturaliter Catholica“. 581

Michael Coren, a Papist author who wrote a biography of Lewis for teens, entitled C. S. Lewis: The Man Who Created Narnia, was asked by the Roman Catholic news agency, Zenit: “What do Catholics need to know about C. S. Lewis?” This was his reply: “They should know he wasn’t a Catholic, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have become one eventually. G. K. Chesterton became a Catholic in 1922 but had really been one for 20 years.” He went on to say: “Lewis… was a man of his background but his views were very Catholic: he believed in purgatory, believed in the sacraments, went to confession.” 582

No wonder, in the light of Lewis’ belief in, and propagation of, Popish teaching, he was described by a high-ranking Jesuit theologian as “probably the most successful Christian apologist of the twentieth century.” 583

But did Lewis, in fact, actually join the Roman Catholic institution before his death? Papists say he did not; but he confessed his sins regularly to a priest of Rome, and he received the Romish sacrament of the “last rites”, on July 16, 1963. 584 And it is highly unlikely that he would have received the “last rites” if he had not in fact formally converted to Rome! So there appears to be more to Lewis’ love of Romanism than at first meets the eye. There are aspects to all this that are very mysterious. He certainly appears to have been a Papist before his death.

As noted above, when the film of the first book came out, “churches” worked themselves up into a froth of excitement, convinced that this movie represented a huge evangelistic opportunity.

The movie’s makers made a concerted effort to include “Christian” organisations throughout the production of the movie. And religious leaders (specially selected!) were given a sneak preview at 140 venues throughout the United States. Michael Flaherty, president of Walden Media, said this preview was just one aspect of promoting the movie. “We’re willing to talk to almost all audiences that want to hear about the movies we make,” he told the Texas Catholic newspaper. “People seem to be interested that we’re going to churches to promote this movie, but we’re also going to schools, libraries, boy scout and girl scout groups. We’re going everywhere.” 585 In other words, once again money was the motive. It did not matter whether the interested groups were Roman Catholic or Evangelical churches, secular schools or libraries – the movie was promoted to all because they knew it would appeal to all. The supposedly “Christian” content was sufficiently downplayed so as not to offend anyone, and yet it was sufficiently present so that it could be interpreted any way the viewer desired. As Flaherty said: “We’re interested in telling great stories and being true to the original themes of the author. Many times these great stories we want to tell will have elements of faith in them, and we don’t shy away from that. If people interpret the original themes of the book to have elements of faith in them, then they will probably see those same themes in the movie.”

Mere “elements of faith”; people “interpreting the story to have these elements of faith”; this was what passed for “Christian entertainment”. If this really was a Christian movie, the Christian message would be clear, bold, and all-pervasive in the story. But it was not.

Flaherty admitted the real motive behind such movies when he said that Hollywood producers “are going to be open to any audience that can make them money. If it helps sell tickets, moviemakers are going to emphasise Christian elements in movies.” And that is the bottom line! Hollywood producers had not suddenly exercised faith in God, but they most certainly had faith in the trend of religious movies to make money for them, and they most certainly had faith in the gullible “Christian” public to flock to such movies and blow their money on them!

In Britain, a so-called “Evangelical” publisher sent out special Narnia packs to churches. Christian Publishing and Outreach (CPO), which distributed material to 20,000 churches, approached Disney and was granted permission to use two images from the film for its Narnia packs. Russ Bravo, development director for CPO, which provided posters, DVDs, invitation cards and folders, said: “A lot of churches have been ordering and will be staging their own events. We have seen very big demand across the range. We have a what-to-do guide, outlines that give ministers ideas on how to deliver sermons and material for Sunday schools”. 586

Had things really sunk so low? Had the “Evangelical” world really sunk to such depths that ministers were given sermon outlines based on a Disney movie of an occult fantasy book written by an unregenerate Anglo-Catholic? Was this now the source for ministers’ sermons – a movie instead of the Bible? Yes, this really was how bad things had become. A generation or two ago, ministers were preaching against the movies; now they were going to the movies for their preaching material!

In the UK the Methodist organisation, Methodist Children, wrote a special Narnia service. 587 Not to be outdone, Manchester Cathedral staged a Narnia day; and St Luke’s Anglican “church” in Maidstone decided to give out free tickets to single parents, as it had also done when The Passion had been released! “We are giving away £10 000 worth of tickets to single-parent families in and around the area,” said a spokesman for the “church”. “It’s a Christmas gift from the church to families who may not be able to afford to go to the cinema.” £10 000 could purchase a lot of Bibles to be distributed freely, or Gospel tracts; the sort of things one would expect a church would want to give away freely. But this was not a Christian church. For this Anglican “church”, its concept of “outreach” and “evangelism” was to get people into a movie theatre to see a Hollywood blockbuster!

Any notion of Christians being separate from and unspotted by the world was jettisoned long ago by the majority of institutions falsely calling themselves “churches” in the West. Faced with fast-emptying pews and the corresponding loss of income, they decided that they needed to re-write the Gospel, re-define Christianity, and become fashionable and “relevant” in the world; in a word, to become precisely what the Bible forbids Christians to be (Jn. 17:11,14-16; 1 Jn. 2:15-17; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Jas. 1:27). But the Word of God is ignored by most who call themselves “Christians” today, and in its place they have formulated their own policy – to be as much in the world as it is possible to be; to show the world that “it’s cool to be a Christian”, and that being one does not in any sense mean that a person must deny himself anything. Their attitude is, “We can have the world and Jesus too!” Their message is, “Being a Christian doesn’t mean you can’t go out for a night on the town. Christians can participate in virtually all the activities anyone else participates in; the only difference is, we have Jesus as our Saviour!” The tragedy is that such “Christians” are Christians in name only. They are as lost as anyone else. The Bible is very clear: “Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” (2 Tim. 2:19). They have never known the Lord and Saviour, the holy, harmless, undefiled Son of God who is separate from si nn ers (Heb. 7:26), and who came into this world “to save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21).

Disney, of course, was smiling all the way to the bank, grateful indeed for the gullible thousands of churchgoers who naively assumed that this movie was great Christian entertainment for their kids. It brought in more money – a lot more money – and money, after all, is Hollywood’s god.

The movie was occult fantasy supposedly delivering “the Gospel” in the form of magic, sorcery, and heathen mythology. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of children, already increasingly paganised and opened up to the black arts through a barrage of occultism and fantasy adventure, most notably by the Harry Potter books and movies, were now indoctrinated even further into pagan beliefs and practices – even while they were being told by “churches” that the Narnia books were Christian. What spiritual confusion and devastation this was creating in young hearts and minds!

Hollywood Starts to Make Other “Faith-Based” Movies After the Success of The Passion and The Chronicles of Narnia

What is written below is excerpted and adapted from an article written by the present author, entitled “Faith-Based” Films or Hollywood Heresy ? 588

In the past, professing Christians knew that Hollywood could not, as a general rule, be relied upon to produce decent, moral, clean entertainment. Preachers thundered against supporting the sinful “entertainment” that spewed from the movie industry. And the ungodly garbage that Hollywood dished up was for the most part shunned by those claiming to be Evangelical Christians.

And in addition to producing immoral movies, over the years the movie industry has frequently produced films which are direct attacks on the Christian faith. In such movies Christ the Lord, His Gospel, and His followers, are ridiculed.

Occasionally producers have made biblical “epics” such as Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments, or Franco Zeffirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth, and others of that nature; or they have zeroed in on biblical accounts containing a lot of fighting or romance (such as Samson and Delilah, a favourite theme for obvious reasons in this age of sexual immorality), and some of these movies have been touted as being “accurate” and “authentic”; but not only were they usually nowhere near as biblically accurate as they claimed to be, such films were not made in order to further the Christian faith, evangelise the lost, or build up true believers in their faith. They were simply attempts by the moviemakers to rake in mega-bucks from sweeping biblical sagas; and they often succeeded in doing just that.

By the 1980s the movie industry was becoming increasingly pervasive in society; and at the same time, as churches were moving away from their doctrinal foundations and from practical separation from the world, pastors no longer preached against ungodly entertainment. Professing Christians were increasingly attending the movies, no matter what was showing, and without much condemnation from the pulpits, if any, for the hirelings occupying them knew on which side their bread was buttered. Besides, the pastors were all too often just as much devotees at the shrine of Hollywood as anyone else.

Then came the invention of videos, which brought the movies right into the living rooms of multiplied millions of people the world over. Suddenly, pastors not only had to condemn attending sinful movies, but to be consistent they had to condemn the bringing of those same movies right into the homes of their flocks. And this was something most pastors simply were not prepared to do. They compromised, they fell silent, their own children brought home the same Hollywood junk, and in no time at all a revolution had taken place which continues to this day. Professing Christians were watching anything and everything, seemingly without any conscience about it. The entertainment industry is a very different monster to what it was in the 1970s, in that today it is all-pervasive in society. Literally everywhere one goes, one is bombarded with it, in the form of music and movies. Television screens are in shops, malls, cars, and sometimes in every bedroom of people’s homes. Many people rent DVDs a number of nights a week – certainly they watch TV throughout the entire evening. Many, in fact, watch it almost all day long as well, even at work. By 2007 the content of movies and television programmes had become the most popular topic of conversation in America, according to the Bama Research Group! 589 And the rest of the world was not far behind. Computers provide instant access to the make-believe world of Hollywood and its equivalents. The so-called “stars” are seen everywhere, on magazine covers, posters, etc. We truly live in an entertainment-saturated world.

But even so, the moviemakers did not, as yet, tap into this vast and constantly growing market with films containing a specifically “Christian” content (or what passes for such). After all, the millions of so-called “Christians” attending the movies, and buying up or renting the videos or DVDs, were just as content as those who made no profession of Christianity to watch whatever Hollywood vomited out! They did not care if the movies glorified violence, or were filled with sexual immorality of all kinds, or foul language and blasphemy. Every so often a prominent “Christian” commentator would take a swipe at the filth being glorified in the movies, but hardly any of them ever advocated the only biblical response: staying away from them. They would bemoan the filth, but continue to go and watch it, along with the millions of others who would be found sitting in churches on Sunday mornings, even though their Friday and Saturday nights were taken up with watching ungodly movies, and the rest of the nights in the week were given over to soaking in the same from their TV screens at home. A study by a leading Hollywood marketing firm, MarketCast, suggested that “Christians”, in addition to readily watching mainstream “entertainment”, were also drawn to violent fare – even the most conservative among them! Joseph Helfgot, president of MarketCast, said, “There’s a wind going through the production community about responding to religion. But when it comes to movies, people distinguish between moral issues and entertainment issues. And most people, even the very religious, are very happy with their movies.” 590

What an indictment of those calling themselves Christians! Most people, even the very religious, are very happy with the movies that are churned out. They will watch precisely the same movies as those who make no profession of faith in Christ!

But of course, being religious, they would also love to watch “religious” movies; and Hollywood did not cater for this. It was in fact very anti-religious.

Until, that is, The Passion of the Christ.

As we have seen, this Roman Catholic splatter-movie took the world by storm, purporting to be an accurate, authentic depiction of the crucifixion of Christ, although it was nothing of the sort. Not that long before this, a film of this nature would have been shunned by Evangelical Protestants. But times had changed. Those calling themselves Evangelicals were not what they used to be! They were now avid moviegoers, vast numbers of them, with no qualms about watching scenes of horrific violence. They were also softened up to Roman Catholicism by decades of the ecumenical movement, being told by their own spiritually blind pastors that Romanism was “just another Christian church”, Roman Catholics were “brothers and sisters in the Lord”, etc. And what is more, the vast majority of them were by now so ignorant of sound biblical truth that they readily embraced Arminianism, shallow counterfeit evangelistic methods such as “movie evangelism”, “music evangelism”, the “altar call” and the “sinner’s prayer”, and the lie that they must be “in the world (i.e. part of the world, doing what the world does) to win the world” (so obviously contrary to Jn. 17:14-16, 2 Cor. 6:14-18, etc.).

Therefore when The Passion came out, they swarmed into movie theatres by their millions, urged on by their pastors. Protestant ministers pronounced this Papist film a “true Christian movie” and a great evangelistic tool, perhaps one of the greatest ever. And now Hollywood woke up to the vast “Christian” market out there. Evangelicals and Fundamentalists number tens of millions in the United States alone, and tens of millions more in the rest of the world. It is true that huge numbers of professing “Christians” had for years shown that they were more than willing to watch anything and everything the non-Christians watched; but The Passion proved that they would also flock in huge numbers to a “Christian” movie. But also, such a movie would attract still more professing “Christians”, those somewhat more discerning than the common herd, who still had some standards left and would not go to watch movies which were an overt attack on their morals or their faith. “A segment of the market is starving for this type of content [i.e. religious content],” said Simon Swart, general manager of 20th Century Fox’s U.S. home entertainment unit. 591 FoxFaith, Fox’s “Christian” division, declared that they were targeting, in particular, Evangelical or “born-again Christians”, who had often rejected popular entertainment as offensive. In fact, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment built up a network of “Evangelical Christian” moviegoers, including 90 000 congregations and a database of over 14 million mainly “Evangelical” households.

In the wake of the phenomenal runaway success of The Passion, Hollywood sat up with a jolt. The Passion grossed many hundreds of millions of dollars in worldwide box office proceeds. Dollar signs began to flash in producers’ eyes. There was a huge untapped – and extremely lucrative – market out there. They now knew that millions of professing “Christians” would rush to watch movies claiming to be “Christian”. And they would not even be very discerning – they would pretty much gobble up any old religious or pseudo-religious fare that Hollywood served up!

The vice-chairman of Universal Pictures, Marc Shmuger, said of the “Evangelical” market, “It’s a well-formed community, it’s identifiable, it has very specific tastes and preferences. In every fashion, you need to customize your message to your audience.” 592 This quote shows plainly enough that it is all about making money as far as the movie producers are concerned. Some studios actually began turning to experts in “Christian marketing” to scan their scripts for content that would be objectionable to “Christians”, and come up with marketing plans to target the “Christian” audience.

And so the moviemakers began to add things into their movies which they thought would appeal to “Christians”, and to take things out which they thought would offend them. An example of adding something in: in a movie called Mr And Mrs. Smith, which was about professional assassins, when a neighbour’s car is stolen a crucifix hangs conspicuously from a rearview mirror, and the actors wear borrowed jackets that read “Jesus Rocks” as they go undercover. And the movie’s director said, “We decided to make the next-door neighbour, whose crucifix it is, be hip, young, cool Christians. It’s literally in there for no other reason than I thought, This is cool.” 593

And an example of taking something out: during shooting of the movie Flightplan, actor Peter Sarsgaard was instructed to strike the word “Jesus” from his dialogue. “They said: ‘You can’t say that. You can’t take the Lord’s name in vain’,” Sarsgaard said of the film’s producers. 594

Well, if such additions and deletions satisfy professing “Christians”, then truly what passes for “Christianity” is shocking! A crucifix in a scene would once upon a time have thrilled no one but a Roman Catholic; and if those calling themselves Evangelicals are impressed because some godless moviemaker puts a crucifix in a particular scene, or makes the actors wear jackets with the words “Jesus Rocks”, then what passes for “Evangelical Christianity” is so far from being biblical that there are no words to adequately describe it. Likewise if the removal of a single use of the Lord’s name makes “Christians” assume that the movie is a good one!

But in the wake of The Passion, it was not just that moviemakers were making a few changes to their movies such as the ones described above – they realised that entire movies should be made to appeal to the “Christian” public.

As we have seen, the next major, supposedly “Christian” movie was The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. And following the massive commercial success of The Passion and The Chronicles of Narnia, 20th Century Fox announced that it would be producing as many as a dozen major “faith-themed” films a year, aimed at Evangelicals, under its new “faith-based” division, FoxFaith. This was described by the Los Angeles Times as “the biggest commitment of its sort by a Hollywood studio.” But it was certainly not the only studio to commit itself to this. And yet again, straight from the horse’s mouth as it were, we were made aware of the kind of “Christian” movie that would be produced. “We want to push the production value, not videotape sermons or proselytise,” said Simon Swart of Fox’s U.S. home entertainment unit. 595 “We are not here to proselytise, we are making entertainment,” said Steve Feldstein, senior vice president of FoxFaith. 596 Tragically, millions of professing “Christians” would rejoice over this hypocritical, dollar-driven interest by a major studio in producing such movies.

Make no mistake about it, Hollywood was still blatantly anti- Christian. The studios and producers were willing to chum out some “Christian-themed” movies if they believed it would make money for them. But it was extremely naive to believe that the moviemakers had all suddenly experienced some kind of conversion! It was all about profits. The Passion proved there was a vast “Christian” audience out there willing to waste their money on this kind of film, and the moviemakers rushed to cash in on that. But the movie industry was still committed to its agenda of making films which attack biblical Christianity, true Christians, the Gospel of Christ, and the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. It had not changed.

Yet spiritually blind “Evangelicals” could not see what had happened! In fact, they welcomed it! Increasing numbers of churches began to make use of movie-like screens at the pulpits, where clips from movies, both religious and secular, were made accessible for churches to download, and were used to illustrate the pastor’s sermon! Professing “Christians” could easily recount scenes from their favourite films, but found it difficult to recall the central theme of the previous week’s sermon – and pastors and churches were well aware of it, and thus were swinging over to the use of film clips in their sermons. And they believed that in doing so they had made their churches more relevant to society! How deceived they were. All they had done, by integrating popular culture with their version of the “gospel”, was that they had created a hybridised “gospel” that was nothing but “another gospel” entirely, and not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! When a man behind the pulpit has sunk to such a low that he needs to pepper his sermon with scenes from Hollywood movies, he has acknowledged that Hollywood – ungodly, wicked Hollywood – is, as far as he is concerned, more powerful than the God of the Bible, and that such gimmicks are necessary today to enable people to “understand the Gospel”.

Such was the state of what passed for “Christianity” by the twenty- first century.

The Exorcist: In the Beginning (2005): the “Prequel” to the Exorcist Movies

This film, a so-called “prequel” to the earlier Exorcist films, supposedly covers the time when the Roman Catholic priest-exorcist discovered his “vocation”. And despite the fact that the film was described by a Roman Catholic film critic as “at times lurid and grotesque”, and “often exploitative”, this same film critic, who praised the original Exorcist film as “deeply Catholic” and “supervised at every step by Jesuit theological advisors”, stated of the latest offering: “Still, with all those reservations, it does have its merits, and does have a Catholic framework.” And: “Altogether, the film is a sense-battering experience, which is of course what most people who go to see this film want. Viewers should try also to absorb a good Catholic lesson or two.” 597 Incredible! Instead of simply saying such a film was not worth viewing, he called on viewers to try to get a Roman Catholic lesson or two out of it! Just as priests and reviewers did with the Harry Potter films, so this one did with this film: he attempted to find whatever thin strand of “good” (according to his definition) he could in it, and then to use this to justify watching the movie by claiming it had merit and a Roman Catholic framework!

As we have seen, this had been the Jesuit/Papist strategy ever since they came to reject the PCA and its Code.

The Da Vinci Code (2006): Anti-Roman Catholic Fiction, Yet Turned to Rome’s Advantage

Not everything in Hollywood was going Rome’s way again, but even so Rome turned what it could to its advantage. What is written below is excerpted and adapted from an article written by the present author at the time when The Da Vinci Code was causing a stir worldwide. The article was entitled Exposing The Da Vinci Code. 598

The novel on which the film was based, written by Dan Brown, was first published in 2003. By April 2005, 17 million copies had been sold worldwide, in 44 languages. Some claimed that it was the most successful work in history after the Bible. It was on the New York Times ’ best selling list for three years. In 2006 the film version appeared – and, just like the novel, it was an outright attack upon the Lord Jesus Christ, His blessed Gospel, and His true Church. It presented a false “christ” and a false presentation of what the Bible teaches, and millions were deceived by it into believing that Christianity is a lie, built upon falsehood and deception. Most people are extremely ignorant of both biblical truth and real history, and thus are unable to discern the difference between fact and fiction in the story. Therein lay its immense danger. It presented “another Jesus” and “another gospel” (2 Cor. 11:4).

A man who was a chairman of Sony Pictures (which was behind the movie) before becoming a producer said: “The amazing thing about this book is that it’s provocative: is it all true? Isn’t it true? As a history book it’s extraordinary. As an exploration of the evolution of a particular religion, it’s extraordinary.” 599 Note how this fictional work was being described as “a history book” – not fiction, but non-fiction!

Certainly millions became so convinced that it was substantially true, even though presented as fiction, that large numbers of them visited the sites mentioned in the story, such as Westminster Abbey in England, the Louvre in Paris, Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, the Chateau de Villette near Versailles, etc. The owner of the Chateau stated: “This book revealed the truth that the Catholics have been hiding for thousands of years…. The book is fiction, but it’s based on truth.” 600

What, then, is The Da Vinci Code all about?

The author, rejecting the biblical truth about the Lord Jesus Christ entirely, wrote that the divinity of Christ was a myth invented by the Roman emperor Constantine in the fourth century AD. And his novel laid out a huge supposed “conspiracy”: that Mary Magdalene actually married Jesus Christ, that they had children – and that “the Church” covered this truth up, destroying Mary’s character by writing of her in the Gospel accounts as an immoral woman! Furthermore, the author claimed that the “Floly Blood” is the supposed bloodline from Christ and Mary Magdalene; and that the “Floly Grail” is not a chalice, but Mary herself!

To support his theory, Dan Brown claimed that the Dead Sea scrolls show a stronger association of Mary Magdalene with Christ than what we read in the Bible. Fie also had references to the so-called “missing Gospels”. 601

Fie claimed that in the painting called “The Last Supper”, by Leonardo da Vinci, Mary Magdalene is depicted on the right of Christ – supposedly a female apostle along with the other apostles. Fie claimed that her place was usurped by a male hierarchy, thereby suppressing the “sacred feminine.” And he asserted that the Roman Catholic institution organised a massive cover-up of this truth.

The story made reference to so-called Gnostic “gospels”, such as The Gospel of Mary. Other sources used by Brown were: The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine, and, The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. These give a good idea of where Brown’s intellectual and spiritual leanings lay. 602

According to the story, the royal historian, Sir Leigh Teabing, an eccentric obsessed with the “Floly Grail”, shelters Robert Langdon, a Flarvard professor of Religious Symbology, at his French chateau. Another character is Sophie, a French cryptologist able to decipher codes and puzzles, working with Langdon. Teabing shows Sophie The Gospel of Mary, supposedly written in Greek in the second century AD. It would be best to quote directly from the book at this point: 603

“‘I shan’t bore you with the countless references to Jesus and Magdalene’s union [said Teabing]. That has been explored ad nauseam by modem historians. I would, however, like to point out the following.’ He motioned to another passage. ‘This is from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

“Sophie had not known a gospel existed in Magdalene’s words. She read the text:

“‘And Peter said, “Did the Saviour really speak with a woman without our knowledge? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did he prefer her to us? ”

“‘And Levi answered, “Peter, you have always been hot- tempered. Now I see you contending against the woman like an adversary. If the Saviour made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Saviour knows her very well. That is why he loved her more than us. ” ”’

Teabing explains that Peter was jealous of Mary Magdalene. ‘“The stakes were far greater than mere affection,’ Teabing told Sophie, ‘because at this point in the gospels, Jesus suspects he will soon be captured and crucified.’” So he told Mary how to carry on his Church! Teabing added, ‘“I dare say Peter was something of a sexist.’”

“‘This is Saint Peter,”’ said Sophie; “‘the rock on which Jesus built His Church.’” To which Teabing replied: “‘The same, except for one catch. According to these unaltered gospels, it was not Peter to whom Christ gave directions with which to establish the Christian Church. It was Mary Magdalene.’”

The book continues: “Sophie looked at him. ‘You’re saying the Christian Church was to be carried on by a woman?’ ‘That was the plan. Jesus was the original feminist. He intended for the future of His Church to be in the hands of Mary Magdalene. ’ ‘And Peter had a problem with that,’ Langdon said, pointing to The Last Supper. ‘That’s Peter there. You can see that Da Vinci was well aware of how Peter felt about Mary Magdalene.’” The suggestion was made to Sophie that in the painting by Leonardo, Peter was leaning menacingly towards Mary, and slicing his blade-like hand across her neck.

Next, Teabing pulls out a chart of genealogy, and shows Sophie that Mary Magdalene was of the House of Benjamin, and thus of royal descent. Sophie is told that Mary Magdalene was not poor, but that “she was recast as a whore to erase evidence of her powerful family ties.” “But why,” she asks, “would the early Church care if Magdalene had royal blood?” It is explained to her that it was her consorting with Christ that concerned the early Church, rather than her royal blood. “As you know, the Book of Matthew tells us that Jesus was of the House of David. A descendant of King Solomon – King of the Jews.

By marrying into the powerful House of Benjamin, Jesus fused two royal bloodlines, creating a potent political union with the potential of making a legitimate claim to the throne and restoring the line of kings as it was under Solomon.”

Then Teabing dropped his bombshell: “The legend of the Holy Grail is a legend about royal blood. When Grail legend speaks of the chalice that held the blood of Christ, it speaks in fact, of Mary Magdalene, the female womb that carried Jesus’ royal bloodline.”

‘“But how could Christ have a bloodline unless…?’ Sophie paused and looked at Langdon. Langdon smiled softly. ‘Unless they had a child.’”

“‘Behold,’ Teabing proclaimed, ‘the greatest cover-up in human history. Not only was Jesus Christ married, but He was a father. My dear, Mary Magdalene was the Holy Vessel. She was the chalice that bore the lineage, and the vine from which the sacred fruit sprang forth!”’

The Bible, God’s Word, refutes Brown’s lies:

Firstly, the divinity of Christ was not invented by the emperor Constantine in the fourth century. The Bible is lull of clear references to His divinity. To list just a few of the many passages which reveal it: Psa. 45:6,7 with Heb. 1:8,9; Isa. 7:14 with Matt. 1:22,23; Isa. 9:6; Jn. 1:1; Acts 20:28; Rom. 9:5; Phil. 2:5-8; Col. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:16. Dan Brown showed both his utter contempt for God’s Word, and his abysmal ignorance of the Bible and of history, in making this absurd claim.

Secondly, the Lord Jesus Christ did not marry Mary Magdalene, nor beget children by her or anyone else. The Son of God came into this world to save sinners – this was His divine mission (1 Tim. 1:15). Mary Magdalene was one such sinner saved by God’s grace through faith in Christ. He cast seven devils out of her (Mk. 16:9; Lk. 8:2).

The Bible tells us very little about Mary Magdalene. She was with Mary the mother of the Lord, and some other women, near the cross when Jesus was crucified (Jn. 19:25). She sat over against the sepulchre when Jesus was laid in it (Matt. 27:6); and very early on the first day of the week, the day of His resurrection, she came to see the sepulchre, and to anoint Jesus’ body with spices, and found it empty; and she was the very first to whom the risen Jesus showed Himself after His resurrection (Matt. 28:1-10; Jn. 20:1-18; Mk. 16:1-11; Lk. 24:1-10). She was a devoted and faithful disciple of the Lord Jesus.

But there is not a word about her being of the House of Benjamin! And Jesus certainly did not marry her! Dan Brown’s fantasy was not the first to suggest that the Lord Jesus married Mary Magdalene – it is a lie that has cropped up many times before. This is because of a supposition (for that is all it is) that Mary Magdalene was the prostitute mentioned in Lk. 7:37-50. There is nothing whatsoever to support this supposition. They were two different women. But wicked men love to put forward this suggestion of a marriage between Christ and a supposed prostitute, for then it makes Christ appear to be a man of loose morals. They paint the entire scenario in their brains: the founder of a new sect physically attracted to a very worldly woman. They entirely ignore the fact that we are nowhere told Mary was a prostitute, and besides, the Lord Jesus set her free from Satan’s power, and she became a devoted, holy disciple. That is not “juicy” enough for their sinful minds!

When Jesus met Mary Magdalene after He rose from the dead, what did He say to her? “Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father” (Jn. 20:17). He would not so much as let her touch Him! He told her to go and tell His disciples that He was going to ascend; and this is what she immediately did (Jn. 20:17,18). And thereafter He did not appear to her alone, although she certainly would have spent time with Him in company with all His other disciples, before His ascension.

The Lord Jesus Christ did not marry anyone. Marriage was ordained by God for the good of ma nk ind. Christ was God from all eternity; He came in the flesh, without laying aside His divinity, but taking a human nature into union with His divine nature; and He came into this world to purchase a “bride” with His own blood. But His “bride” consists of all the elect, all those for whom He laid down His life and shed His blood. The true Church is the mystical bride of Christ. He has no physical bride, nor ever any need of one (2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:23-32; Rev. 19:6-9; 21:9). Nor did the Lord Jesus beget children physically. The Bible says that His spiritual “children” are His elect people, for whom He died (Heb. 2:13).

It is nothing less than heresy and blasphemy to say that the perfectly sinless Son of God married a woman, and begot children.

This is proclaiming “another Jesus” indeed (2 Cor. 11:4) – not the true Jesus Christ revealed in His Word. It does not matter in the least if there are scrolls supposedly showing a stronger association of Mary Magdalene with Christ than what we read in the Bible – it is the Bible that is divinely inspired (2 Tim. 3:16). We did not have to wait till the twentieth century and the discovery of certain scrolls to ascertain the truth about Christ and Mary Magdalene – the books that comprise the Holy Scriptures, divinely inspired, were written in the first century AD, during the lifetime of the apostles, and furthermore were known to the true Church from that time on (see, for example, Col. 4:16; 2 Pet. 3:15,16; Rev. 1:1-3,10,11). God’s Word is settled. No more writings are ever to be added to it.

As for the so-called “Gnostic gospels”: one of the characters in Brown’s novel says of them that they are the “unaltered gospels”. In saying this, he implies that the four Gospels found in the New Testament were altered, and therefore cannot be trusted. Of course, he could not give any evidence for this; but millions of readers accepted it anyway.

Gnosticism, the word being derived from the Greek word meaning “knowledge”, was a heresy that arose in the early centuries of the Christian era. Gnostics claimed to possess special occult knowledge relating to God, salvation, etc. Gnosticism is not Christian in any sense, for it is unbiblical and anti-biblical. Aspects of it were exposed and refuted by the inspired writers of the New Testament Scriptures (e.g. Col. 2:8-23; 1 Tim. 1:4; Tit. 1:14; 1 Tim. 6:20; 1 Cor. 8:1). Unregenerate men are always seeking extra knowledge, and there is a particular attraction towards supposed knowledge that is “hidden” from the majority and known only to a select few. Herein lies the attraction of Gnosticism, in all its forms including modem ones; and herein lies also the attraction of Dan Brown’s fantasy to many: the attainment of “knowledge” supposedly hidden for centuries, occult “clues” hidden in mysterious places, tantalising hints of something beyond the awareness of the masses.

Men will eagerly sift through the Bible for supposed “hidden” messages or information, all the while ignoring, or failing to see, the plain, straightforward message of the Bible – the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of salvation; or they will eagerly search outside the Bible for supposed “hidden” messages that to their minds contradict and overthrow the truth of the Bible (as in The Da Vinci Code). Either way, Satan is the winner. For by such means he keeps men from knowing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of sinners. For, “Neither is there salvation in any other [than the true Christ of God]: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Lost men eagerly search for “hidden” knowledge here, there, and everywhere; but the true, saving knowledge of the Gospel is hidden from them, unless and until the Ford opens their eyes. Truly, truly, “if our gospel [the true Gospel of Christ] be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Cor. 4:3,4).

Thirdly, it is a total fallacy to claim that Mary Magdalene was supposed to carry on Christ’s Church, for “Jesus was the original feminist”; but that her place was usurped by a male hierarchy, thereby suppressing the “sacred feminine”; and that “the Church” covered up the “truth” about Christ and Mary Magdalene, destroying her character by writing of her in the Gospel accounts as an immoral woman. One fantasy after another from Dan Brown’s brain!

There was, after all, no such “truth” to cover up. Christ was not married to Mary, and they did not have children. The Gospel accounts do not say much about Mary Magdalene at all. The writers of the Gospels did not depict her as an immoral woman. Very few details of her life are given.

The New Testament makes it very clear that Christ chose the apostles, and that they were all men. Mary’s place was not usurped by a “male hierarchy” – she never had a place to begin with, as one of the band of apostles.

As for the “sacred feminine”, this is all hogwash. It is very appealing to many in this age of militant feminism, and of goddess-worship by New Agers, witches, and others. Millions today are turning to the worship of a female deity, and anything that promotes that concept in the minds of the general public is very acceptable to them. Warbling on about the “sacred feminine” was a sure-fire way for Brown to up the sales of his book.

Besides, to believe the absurdity of this “cover-up” is to believe that the four Gospels were written by “the Church” (i.e. in Brown’s mind, the Roman Catholic “Church”), rather than by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This, if true, would mean that the four Gospels are mere fabrications, to which were attached the names of the four men to give them authenticity. But it is not true. The Gospel accounts were written by men who lived in the first century AD, and who were Christians, disciples of Christ. The Roman Catholic “Church”, which only came into existence centuries later, had absolutely nothing to do with their authorship. The Roman Catholic institution is guilty of very many cover-ups throughout its history, but this was not one of them. It could not “cover up” when it did not even exist!

As for the “evidence” in the famous painting called “The Last Supper”, by Leonardo da Vinci: let us for a moment assume that da Vinci really did depict Mary Magdalene on Christ’s right side, supposedly as being a female apostle. We are sure that authorities on the painting would deny that he did any such thing, but let us, just for a moment, suppose that he did. So what? Are we to be so foolish as to make a mere painting, by a Roman Catholic artist (however brilliant), our authority? Are we to set aside the testimony of God’s own Word, the Bible, attested by many infallible proofs, on the basis of this supposed “hidden clue” in a painting? Has the world gone mad? Evidently it has, when millions of gullible readers can reject the truth of God’s Word on such flimsy “evidence” as this.

The Brown story presents Peter as a “sexist”, jealous and scheming man (for he supposedly knew Christ wanted Mary to establish His Church, but was very opposed to this), and even a man who contemplated the murder of Mary Magdalene. What a terrible distortion of the truth about the godly apostle, Peter, a faithful Christian and minister! A simple reading of Peter’s own epistles, or of his sermon on the day of Pentecost, will provide the reader with an accurate picture of this humble, zealous servant of Christ. Nothing in the biblical account presents Peter as jealous of Mary Magdalene, scheming, with murderous thoughts towards her; and as for that modern-day, “politically-correct” term, “sexist”, it is too pathetic for words.

Thus, this fiction is an attack upon the Lord Jesus Christ, for it depicts Him as a mere man, who fathered a child by Mary Magdalene. And it is an attack upon the Gospel of Christ, for obviously anyone who believes in, and follows, Jesus Christ, if He was who the book says He was, is following a mere man. In addition, as The Da Vinci Code makes reference to so-called Gnostic “gospels”, which are not divinely inspired but merely the works of enemies of the truth, people are drawn to accepting such lies as the “Gospel truth.”

But it is also an attack upon the true Church of Christ. Some might say, “But it’s an attack upon the Roman Catholic institution, not the true Church!” However, it is not that simple. Nothing Dan Brown wrote could ever expose even a fraction of the lies, false beliefs, human traditions, and massive cover-ups that characterise Roman Catholicism. The truth about Roman Catholicism is far more horrifying than anything in Dan Brown’s fiction. He wrote of how the Papal institution supposedly invented a story about Mary Magdalene and got this story incorporated into the Gospel accounts of the life of Christ. This is fiction, not fact. Rome did no such thing. But what did the Papal system do? It baptized the heathen doctrine of the mother-goddess worshipped around the world, calling this false deity “the Virgin Mary”, and exalted her to a position even superior to that of its own false “christ”! It gave “Mary” powers that the true Mary, the mother of the Lord, never had, it commands its blinded adherents to pray to her, sing hymns to her, build shrines in her honour, and it sets her up as assisting Christ in the salvation of the world! Truly, Romanism has invented a tale about Mary: not the “Mary Magdalene” of Dan Brown’s imagination, but the “Mary” worshipped by over a billion Roman Catholics worldwide as the “Mother of God”! The truth is stranger than fiction indeed.

But the problem with The Da Vinci Code s attack on Romanism is this: it presents the Romish institution as “the true Church”; thus, anything in the story exposing the falsehood of the Romish “Church” is seen as exposing true Christianity, by the millions who read it! And thus, by presenting Roman Catholicism as “the Church”, it leads its readers to believe that Christianity is a lie; a deception!

But in a backhanded way The Da Vinci Code, despite its anti-Romanism, actually played right into Rome’s hands. How so?

The first way in which this occurred was when Opus Dei began turning the story to its own advantage. Dan Brown wrote of Opus Dei in the book. Opus Dei (Latin for “God’s Work”) is a secretive Roman Catholic organisation, extremely powerful and wealthy. Opus members include priests and non-priests, men and women, married and unmarried people, and many hold key positions in business, politics, etc. Often their affiliation to the organisation is unknown to others. These are facts! And so Brown saw an opportunity to make Opus Dei a part of his conspiracy book, as being deeply involved in protecting “the Church” from its enemies: murdering, drugging people, etc. Opus Dei, of course, denied all these things: as sales of the book soared, the Opus website stated, “Opus Dei is a Catholic institution and adheres to Catholic doctrine, which clearly condemns immoral behaviour, including murder, lying, stealing, and generally injuring people”.

Such disclaimers notwithstanding, anyone with an understanding of the true history of Roman Catholicism knows that Roman Catholic doctrine has never stood in the way of the Roman Catholic institution being involved in murder, lying, stealing, etc. History is replete with the evidence. The Jesuit Order alone has been guilty of all these things and more – and although the impression is given that the Jesuits and Opus Dei are enemies, behind the scenes this is certainly not always the case. The fact is that Opus Dei, like the Jesuit Order, is a dangerous organisation that will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. So Brown was correct in this. This is why his story became so popular: there was just enough truth in it to make it all seem plausible, in the minds of millions.

Amazingly, however, although The Da Vinci Code did not depict Opus Dei in a good light at all, the organisation turned the book to its own advantage. For example, in Britain a Radio 4 programme on 27 October 2005 claimed to have been granted “unrestricted access” to Opus Dei; and Channel 4 TV’s “Opus Dei and the Da Vinci Code” aired on 12 December 2005. But the interviewers on both programmes treated Opus Dei with kid gloves. “The interviewers did not press issues and did not probe. This was presumably a condition of access to Opus. One investigator was a former mo nk . The alleged ‘unrestricted access’ was stage managed and – mostly limited – to the women’s quarters. (The women in Opus are entirely separate and inferior to the men.)… Channel 4 had posed the question, ‘Does Opus Dei deserve its sinister portrayal?’ The programme’s tame verdict was a foregone conclusion”. 604

Given the huge influence Opus Dei members exert in all fields, including the media, this is not surprising.

But Opus was not finished turning Dan Brown’s story to its advantage. On the TV programme, 60 students at the London School of Economics were shown attending a lecture on 5 May 2005, entitled “The Da Vinci Code and Opus Dei: the Da Vinci Code Fact or Fiction? Opus Dei Tells All.” And the lecturer was Andrew Soane, Director of the Opus Dei Information Office in Britain. Another Opus director, Jack Valero, said: “A few years ago Opus Dei was virtually unknown outside Catholic circles. Now 70 million people have heard of Opus Dei. They have heard a pack of lies. We can now explain what Opus Dei is and what it does…. It is a great opportunity.”

Valero also said, “People read the book and phone in.” When the interviewer suggested to him, “Dan Brown is your best recruiting agent,” Valero replied, “Maybe he has done something he did not intend to.”

In addition, Roman Catholic journalist, John L. Allen, wrote a book entitled Opus Dei: Secrets and Power Inside the Catholic Church. He was granted access to Opus personnel and records to which others were not permitted. But: “Allen uses the fictional caricature of Opus in The Da Vinci Code to make points in Opus’ favour. Even where criticism of Opus is unavoidable it is muted and over qualified. This book could lead many Roman Catholic parents to take a more favourable view of Opus”. 605

Thus Opus Dei managed to actually use the unprecedented interest in Brown’s book to get people interested in the organisation, and even to recruit new Opus members!

And the second way in which the book, and the film, actually played into Rome’s hands is as follows: some of the things Brown wrote about the Roman Catholic institution, Opus Dei, etc., are true. But the trouble is that his story was such a mixture of some truth and much error. Thus on the one hand, there are those who have no idea what is fact and what is fiction, and therefore they believe the lies and fantasies of the author relating to the Lord Jesus Christ, His Gospel, etc. But on the other hand, there are those who understand that it is fiction, and who come to the following conclusion: “The book is a work of fiction, by its author’s own admission; it’s just a story; it is not meant to be taken seriously; and thus there is no reason whatsoever to believe that there is anything sinister about the Roman Catholic Church. He was writing a story, nothing more.” And as a result, they will in the future view the works of serious researchers into Rome’s wicked doings, intrigues, plots, schemes, assassinations, etc., in the same light! Whenever a serious work appears, exposing some aspect of the dark deeds of the Papal system, the tendency will be for many to dismiss it lightly as “a Da Vinci Code-type conspiracy theory”. Especially as, in the light of all the negative publicity generated against it by the book, the Vatican went out of its way to present itself as nothing like the kind of institution portrayed in the book. It is a past master at slick make-overs.

Either way, Satan’s purposes have been served. And the same is true of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code.

Bishops Issue Documents to Guide Papists in Dealing with the Media

And so the love-hate relationship between the Roman Catholic institution and Hollywood continued. In 2006 bishops’ conferences issued guidelines to Roman Catholics concerning the media. The Australian bishops’ conference published a document entitled, “Go Tell Everyone: A Pastoral Letter on the Church and the Media.” Recognising what it considered to be the positive aspects of the media, the document called on Roman Catholics to be “critical users”, not “passive consumers”, of the media. The media, it stated, should be used to communicate the Roman Catholic “gospel”. And later in the year the Canadian bishops published a document entitled, “The Media: A Fascinating Challenge for the Family.” In it, they stated that the media’s immense power can be positive, if they inform and educate; “But they also have the capacity to harm the family by presenting a false vision of life, love, family, morality and religious beliefs.” It recommended that families view the media critically, and react to media bias against religion by means of protests. It also set out a series of recommendations for parents on how to instruct their children in media use. 606

Rocky Balboa (2006): another Pro-Roman Catholic Movie

What is written below is excerpted and adapted from an article written by the present author, entitled Rocky Balboa: a “Christian Boxer”? 607

The Passion of the Christ set the ball rolling, and thereafter one movie after another was churned out with a supposedly “Christian” theme, or at the very least supposedly “Christian” undertones. In 2006 Hollywood served up Rocky Balboa, described as “the final round in the award-winning Rocky franchise.”

Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone created the character of “Rocky”, a heavyweight boxer, decades earlier in a movie of the same name; and the first one was followed by a string of sequels. Then in 2006 he made, and acted in, what he said would be the last Rocky movie. Except that this one was touted as a movie to build one up in one’s “Christian” faith!

Incredible? Astounding? This reveals the depths to which those claiming to be “Christians” had sunk, when they could praise a boxing movie as containing a “Christian” message that should be studied, discussed, promoted, and even used as an evangelistic outreach tool!

What was the movie about? The following is an overview taken from a website called, with the present author’s comments inserted at appropriate points:

“Rocky Balboa is an inspirational story that depicts a man who honorably answers the call in his life. With the odds stacked against him Rocky finds something left to give [What “call”? – the “call” to punch up another man for fame or money? Has the so-called “Church” reached the stage where the gory sport of boxing is now to be viewed as a call, if a man is “good” at it? Apparently yes].

“The greatest underdog story of our time is back for one final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky franchise, former heavyweight champion Rocky Balboa steps out of retirement and back into the ring, pitting himself against a new rival in a dramatically different era.

“After a virtual boxing match declares Rocky Balboa the victor over current champion Mason ‘The Line’ Dixon, the legendary fighter’s passion and spirit are reignited. But when his desire to fight in small, regional competitions is trumped by promoters calling for a re-match of the cyber-fight, Balboa must weigh the mental and physical risks of a high profile exhibition match against his need to be in the ring [His need to be in the ring? Do certain men actually have a need to be boxers? A “need” used to mean food, clothing, shelter. Other things were “wants”. But apparently the fictional character of Rocky has a “need” to be a boxer. Would someone else then have a “need” to be a knife-fighter, perhaps? After all, if a man has a “need” to be a boxer, then really anything is possible. And more importantly, do some Christians have this “need”? Apparently yes, if the fanfare about this movie was to be believed].

“Rocky Balboa motivates us to face our own challenges with perseverance, community support, and prayer [Prayer? Does Rocky pray for victory in the ring? Do others pray for him to win? That anyone could even think a movie about a boxing champion could ever possibly motivate anyone to face one’s challenges with prayer is shocking enough. What has modern-day “Christianity” become?].

“The story presents a dynamic opportunity for insightful discussions about where we find our courage, how we overcome losses and remain faithful, and what we define as victory” [The Bible answers all these matters perfectly. True courage comes from the Lord; believers remain faithful to the Lord by His grace, for He enables each one of His elect to persevere to the end; and as for overcoming and the true definition of victory, the Bible says: “For whatsoever is bom of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith ” (1 Jn. 5:4). But apparently we need to hold discussions about these things, being guided by this movie about a boxing champion! Not even a movie about the life of Paul, or Peter, or David, or Moses – a movie about some fictional boxer called Rocky! “The Lord is my Shepherd,” wrote David in Psa. 23:1, and the Holy Spirit guides into all truth, Jn. 16:13. But Rocky would be the shepherd of vast numbers of blind moviegoers, by guiding them (they believed), if not into all truth, then at least into a whole lot. Instead of turning to Christ, multitudes of “churchgoers” now turn to the cinema, and to superstars for answers to life’s problems. And the most tragic thing of all is that huge numbers do not even see anything wrong with this. Their lives are so dominated and controlled by Hollywood, that they do not even perceive the problem!].

And what of the man who created and played the part of “Rocky”? According to Stuart Shepard of Focus on the Family’s, Sylvester Stallone considered himself “reborn”. He said this during a teleconference with pastors and religious leaders, as reported on But let us delve a bit deeper. Focus on the Family was so ecumenical that it would not bother to make this distinction, but we must: Stallone was, by his own admission, a Roman Catholic. So when he spoke of being “reborn”, we have to bear in mind that he evidently meant this in the Roman Catholic sense. And what is that? According to Canon 208 of the Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law, one’s “rebirth” is when one is baptised! And Canon 849 says that by Roman Catholic baptism, “people… are bom again as children of God”. Thus a Roman Catholic means something radically different from a true Christian, when he speaks of being “reborn”.

Stallone said: “I was raised in a Catholic home, a Christian home, and I went to Catholic schools and I was taught the faith and went as far as I could with it. Until one day, you know, I got out in the so-called real world and I was presented with temptation. I kinda like lost my way and made a lot of bad choices.”

Stallone spoke of Romanism and Christianity as being one and the same. This is how a Romanist would talk, of course, and the ecumenicals at Focus on the Family and elsewhere would readily accept Romanists as Christians, but the fact is that Romanism is not Christian, and there is the world of difference between a “Catholic home” and a Christian one. It is the difference between darkness and light.

He said he realised his fame was not the most important part of his life, and that God could help a person overcome his past. “The more I go to church, and the more I turn myself over to the process of believing in Jesus and listening to his Word and having him guide my hand, I feel as though the pressure is off me now.”

He also said: “You need to have the expertise and the guidance of someone else. You cannot train yourself. I feel the same way about Christianity and about what the Church is: The Church is the gym of the soul.”

When he said this, Stallone was sixty. And like many people who reach this age, he had doubtless begun to think about death, and the life hereafter. He doubtless truly realised that fame is fleeting, and that life itself is short, and all the money and fame in the world cannot take a man to heaven. And so he turned to a false religion, as so many do in their later years. What a tragedy.

Stallone said that the infamous character of Rocky was meant to reflect the nature of Jesus! In the conference call with pastors and religious leaders he said, “It’s like he was being chosen, Jesus was over him, and he was going to be the fella that would live through the example of Christ. He’s very, very forgiving. There’s no bitterness in him. He always turns the other cheek. And it’s like his whole life was about service.”

It was shocking enough that men calling themselves “pastors and religious leaders” would even bother to have a conference with Stallone over this movie and his supposed “Christian faith”. Any true pastor, given the opportunity to speak with Stallone like that, would use it to witness to him of Christ the Saviour. But no – these men talked to him for the purpose of hearing what he had to say about the “faith lessons” of his boxing movie!

That was shocking enough. But that Stallone compared his character with the Lord Jesus Christ! – there seem to be no depths to which false ministers, blind leaders of the blind, will not sink, for they did not immediately and vociferously refute such a wicked notion. Stallone said, “it’s like his [Rocky’s] whole life was about service.” A boxer whose whole life is about service? A boxer who “was being chosen, Jesus was over him, and he was going to be the fella that would live through the example of Christ”? Where was the condemnation of such rubbish from the “pastors and religious leaders”? Deafening silence.

On a section of the website entitled “Faith Leaders Respond” (also called “Pastors and Leaders: Their Response”), one could see the kind of men (and women!) described as “Faith Leaders” and “Pastors”. To name just a few:

Stuart Shepard, Managing Editor of Focus on the Family’s “Stallone spoke of being reborn in a teleconference with pastors and religious leaders concerning faith elements of the unlikely sixth {Rocky) movie…. I have to confess I was won over by the real-life story of redemption I heard. I’m believin’ it.”

What would we expect from this particular source? Focus on the Family: ecumenical, riddled with psychology.

Dick Rolfe of The Dove Foundation: “I had a very favorable overall impression of the movie…. One Biblical profanity is the only ‘speed bump’ in an otherwise compelling movie.”

This was supposed to be a movie with “Christian” undertones, and yet it contains a “biblical profanity”. And incredibly, this man shrugged his shoulders and said it was just a small “speed bump”, nothing to be concerned about, the movie was still great! This was the level to which so-called “Christian” leaders had sunk! Who cares what the Bible says, it is fine to use a little profanity, the movie is great anyway – this was the message such a statement conveyed.

The Catholic Digest: “There’s a tremendous spirituality connected with the character of Rocky, because the entire thing was based on good Christian values and dilemmas – whether he could persevere through the storms.” Thus Roman Catholics were considered to be “Pastors and Leaders” as well. This movie was acceptable to both Papists and “Protestants”, in true ecumenical spirit. It therefore could not in any sense present the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, nor be truly Christian.

Francis Maier, Chancellor, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado: “[Rocky Balboa] is a really excellent film…. It’s also one you can take the kids to.” A little “biblical profanity” and a message that boxing is an acceptable sport notwithstanding. But of course the Papists would praise it.

Roman Catholic nun, Rose Pacatte, of the “Daughters of St. Paul”: “One theme that stood out for me was the whole idea of self esteem. And how important that is to be formed…. That’s a good message for people to know and hear.” Apart from being yet another comment by a Papist, under the title of “Pastors and Leaders”, this was just nonsense. What does the Bible say about “self esteem”? “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves” (Phil. 2:3). Esteeming others better than oneself, in true humility, is the very opposite of the arrogant “self esteem” mantra of modem psychology. But again, this is the kind of thing that would appeal to a Papist, and to millions of others as well.

The home page of the website was designed to provide “useful” tools to learn about the movie, “and utilize the film as a teaching, preaching or outreach opportunity. If you are a church, school, or small group leader, there are some excellent resources here that will help you ‘get in the ring’ with Rocky.”

When a pastor has reached the stage of using a film about a boxer to supposedly “teach” the flock, or an evangelist is using it as an “outreach opportunity”, then truly, there are no words to adequately describe the state of what passes for “Christianity” in our times. The Bible has been set aside, and the words and methods of sinful men have replaced it. Truly, truly, the “watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs” (Isa. 56:10). These prophetic words are once again fulfilled: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Tim. 4:3,4). They will not read and study the Bible for themselves, but will turn to fables, to the movies, and embrace them as the truth; and unless a “teacher” gives them what they want, they will not support him. So there are “heaps” of false “teachers”, scratching the ears of deceived souls and catering to their lust for worldly entertainment. That is where the money is.

There was a “Register for Updates” section on the site, which said – amongst other things –

“Tell us how we can serve you:

“- I am a MINISTRY/ORGANIZATION and we would like to partner to promote the film.”

It also advertised “Leader Resources” – including a “Leader’s Guide” – to “help in creating lively discussions about faith themes found in Rocky Balboa. The material includes discussion starters, scriptural references, fun trivia, tools, and effective actions, which could include hosting an interfaith event,” etc.

Ah! There we have it. The material could be used to host an “interfaith event”! Roman Catholics, Protestants – maybe even others – all joining together as one big happy family, to promote Rocky Balboa as a movie with profound “faith themes”! The blurring of fantasy and reality had reached this stage. People are so devoted to the idolatry of the movies, that their whole lives revolve around going to see them, analysing them, and molding their lives according to them. And religious leaders realised this, and began cashing in on it. They could not hold onto their flocks by the Bible alone, but felt they must cater to a generation that lives like a parasite on the Hollywood host. Is this an exaggeration? .Everywhere, everyone talks about the movies, talks as if these movies and their stars have a life of their own, and talks as if they have profound wisdom which we should all live by. And religious leaders kn ow it. So they cater to it. Instead of sound teaching from the Bible, they provided discussions around supposed “faith themes” found in this movie. Instead of biblical separation, they promoted interfaith events around it.

One could also order the “Rocky Balboa Outreach Box”! The advert said: “This kit is designed for faith, educational, and community leaders to help tell the story of Rocky – one of courage, faith, and perseverance.” It is the task of the true Bible teacher to tell the story of Christ the Lord! But these false shepherds, these blind guides, were going to be telling the story of this fictional boxing character! – and in doing so, they would feel they had “done the Lord’s work” and “witnessed” to people!

True courage, faith and perseverance are found in the lives of the real men and women of the Bible, as well as in the lives of true Christian men and women throughout history. How possibly could the story of a boxer, and one moreover who is not even real, convey such things? It is utterly impossible.

On the “Digital Resources” (“Content for Webmasters”) section of the site, for the “Website Administrator Electronic Press Kit”, 2 Timothy 4:7 appeared from some Bible version or other: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”! The King James Version says, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”.

It is true that Paul the apostle, both here and also in 1 Tim. 6:12 and 1 Cor. 9:26,27, uses boxing as an illustration of the spiritual warfare in which Christians are engaged. But he is not condoning boxing with these words! For the Bible says of Christians, “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6:19,20). The Lord is certainly not glorified by a man punching another man repeatedly for entertainment, for “sport”, causing blood to spurt from his face, bruising his body, and even punching him unconscious! This is mindless, senseless violence and does not in any sense glorify God. Many boxers suffer severe injuries, even to their brains. And nor does it bring glory to God for anyone to sit watching such “sport”, enjoying the spectacle. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Boxing cannot in any sense be compatible with such things as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (Gal. 5:22,23). And it is impossible for one to go from watching a boxing match in a spiritual frame of mind: “whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report… think on these things” (Phil. 4:8). Boxing stirs up passions in men. It stirs up anger, hatred, feelings of revenge and retaliation. Self-defence is legitimate; but beating up someone for fun or “sport” is sinful, plain and simple.

To misuse 2 Tim. 4:7, as was done by those promoting this boxing movie as a movie with “Christian” themes, revealed a shocking lack of understanding of the Bible, and of what it truly means to be a Christian.

The Nativity Story (2006): Yet Another Pro-Roman Catholic Movie

In late 2006 the film, The Nativity Story, made its appearance. The story was told from the point of view of Mary and Joseph, and a huge amount of poetic licence was taken with the characters. This is how it was justified by screenwriter Mike Rich, who considered himself “a devout Christian”: “There’s very little detail in Scripture other than small accounts in Luke and Matthew. That means sourcing material while staying true to the Gospel.” 608

But he did not stay true to the Gospel. He sent his script to those described as “leading theologians, Jewish scholars and Biblical experts”. And, as one Roman Catholic reviewer put it, the film was: “A composite of the birth narrative accounts in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, embroidered with apocryphal traditions as well as the imaginative inspiration of the filmmaker”. 609

The movie’s co-producer, Marty Bowen, was a Roman Catholic. He said: “Growing up, I’ve always put Mary on a pedestal. She was beyond reproach, and we never took her off that pedestal. When you see a statue of Mary in a church, she’s not real; she’s plaster. We’re trying to make her real. We want to portray her as a fairly normal girl becoming a young woman. We grow with her in this story; it’s an extreme character arc.” 610

Further evidence of the unbiblical, pro-Roman Catholic nature of the film was given by the young girl who played the role of Mary, Keisha Castle-Hughes. She said: “The biggest thing, you never think is that she [Mary] was just 14 and carrying a child. She was just a girl, and then the next day, she’s a woman and married, and the next she becomes like the mother of the world.” 611 Firstly, there is no evidence whatsoever that Mary was 14 years old. The Bible does not tell us, and there is no other way of knowing for certain. Secondly, Mary never became “mother of the world.” But Rome certainly refers to her as “Mother of the Church”.

Also, in the film Mary’s parents not only appear, but are named – Anna and Joachim. The Bible, of course, does not give the name of Mary’s mother, but this has not stopped Rome from coming up with one: “St. Anne” has always been the name associated with Mary’s mother in Roman Catholic tradition, without any basis in fact. And the unbiblical nature of the film continues, with Mary being troubled over her upcoming marriage to “a man I hardly know, a man 1 do not love” (nothing like this exists in the Bible account); the three “Magi” (the Bible does not mention how many there were; this again is Roman Catholic tradition); the star being explained as a rare convergence of Venus, Jupiter and an astral body (the star was miraculous and was a real star, not some natural cosmic convergence); references foreshadowing events in Christ’s life, such as Mary washing Joseph’s feet, Joseph being angry over merchants in the temple, and others.

But Rome has never let the facts get in the way of a good propaganda story. This is what The Nativity Story was, and Rome was just glad that yet another movie could be harnessed for its own ends.

The Golden Compass (2007): Another Hollywood Attack on Roman Catholicism

Of course, despite the resurgent interest in Hollywood in making movies with a religious message, things did not all go Rome’s way: Hollywood, at its heart, was still decidedly anti-Christian and anti- Roman Catholic. And this was demonstrated, yet again, with the release of The Golden Compass.

Based on the first book in a trilogy entitled His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, and put out by New Line Cinema in partnership with Scholastic Media, it was an attack on Roman Catholicism. This was denied by Nicole Kidman, the lead actress and a professing Roman Catholic. She said, “I was raised Catholic. The Catholic Church is part of my essence. I wouldn’t be able to do this film if I thought it were at all anti-Catholic.” 612 Her denial notwithstanding, however, the film certainly promoted an anti-Romanist message. According to a Roman Catholic reviewer, “I vehemently disagree with Nicole Kidman. The trilogy, His Dark Materials, is the most seductive and diabolical attack upon God and the Catholic Church that I have ever encountered in books for children. Throughout all three volumes, Pullman is seeking to alienate children from God and the Catholic Church. By volume three, he has children joining the fallen angels in a final demonic attack upon the Kingdom of God.” 613 In the movie the explicit attacks on the Romish religion were toned down, but the author well knew that after seeing it children would rush off to buy the far more explicit books.

Pullman said in an interview, “Atheism suggests a degree of certainty that I’m not quite willing to accede. I suppose technically, you’d have to put me down as an agnostic. But if there is a God, and he is as the Christians describe him, then he deserves to be put down and rebelled against. As you look back over the history of the Christian church, it’s a record of terrible infamy and cruelty and persecution and tyranny. How they have the… nerve to go on Thought for the Day and tell us all to be good when, given the slightest chance, they’d be hanging the rest of us and flogging the homosexuals and persecuting the witches.” He came out openly and said, “My books are about killing God.” He also said: “[English poet William] Blake said that [poet John] Milton was a true poet and of the Devil’s party without knowing it. I am of the Devil’s party and know it.” 614 He also said in an interview: “I’m trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief.” 615

This poor benighted man was unable to distinguish between the false religion of Romanism, a harlot pretending to be the virgin bride of Christ, and the true Church of Christ which has never killed or persecuted anyone.

He also knew that he could get away with his blatant message because people were at the time focusing so much on the Harry Potter books and films that his own trilogy could slip in “under the radar”. He said, “I think that as long as people are agitated about whether Harry Potter makes you into a satanist, they’re not going to be very bothered with me. So, I’m happy to [take] shelter under the great umbrella of Harry Potter.” 616

According to the story, demons are the friends of children, animal spirits which embody the souls of people and accompany them through life; God was not the Creator of the universe, but a usurper; heaven and hell do not exist; the “Church” desires the “dehumanisation” of children by separating them from their personal friend-demons; God must be killed and the “Church” must be vanquished for the good of humanity; God is finally destroyed; the pope is called Pope John Calvin and the Vatican is moved to Geneva to reflect Calvin’s authoritarian rule over that city; Romish priests kidnap children and one priest is an assassin; etc., etc.

As an example of the blatant hatred for what Pullman considers to be “the Church”, there is this diatribe, uttered by a witch in the story: “There are churches there, believe me, that cut their children too… not in the same way, but just as horribly. They cut their sexual organs, yes, both boys and girls; they cut them with knives so that they shan’t feel. That is what the church does, and every church is the same: control, destroy, obliterate every good feeling.” 617

Another character in the story says, “The Christian religion is a very powerful and convincing mistake, that’s all.” 618 This particular character is a lapsed nun. In addition, the story contains messages in favour of witchcraft, sodomy, evolution, divination and premarital sex.

As is very evident, the books are not just an attack on the false Roman Catholic religion, but on biblical Christianity as well. There is a mighty spiritual war going on, and it is a war for souls. Satan will make use of pro-Papist films, and of anti-Papist films, to achieve his goals. Either way, he plays both sides and he wins.

Rambo (2008): a “Christian Rambo” Movie

Sylvester Stallone, fresh from his foray into the pro-Roman Catholic religious movie world with Rocky Balboa, then decided to make a fourth movie in his Rambo series, about a Vietnam-vet action hero. Only this time, playing to the renewed interest in pro-religious films, he gave his latest offering (simply entitled Rambo) a religious twist.

In the story, Rambo is approached by some American missionaries who want him to lead them into Myanmar (the former Burma) to bring aid to the oppressed Karen tribe, many of whom are Christians. He does so, and later, when Burmese troops capture the missionaries, their pastor asks Rambo to rescue them. The film contains the usual Stallone- movie extreme, gory and stomach-turning violence: people being blown up, beheaded, impaled, etc. Any supposed “moral” message (or even pro-“Christian” message) is simply lost under the horror of this gore-fest. 619 But this did not trouble the multitudes of professing “Christians” who went to see the film, and doubtless thought highly of the Roman Catholic Stallone for slipping what they believed to be a “pro-Christian message” into the film. Thus is evil justified. Those who want to be entertained by evil will always find ways to justify it. The task is just made a whole lot easier when the moviemakers claim the trash they chum out contains some kind of “moral” or “religious message.”

A poll conducted in 2008 by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League in the United States found that 61% of Americans believed their religious values were under attack by the media. 59% believed those who ran TV networks and major film studios did not share their religious or moral values. 43% believed there was “an organized campaign by Hollywood and the national media to weaken the influence of religious values in this country.” 620 And yet these high percentages did not give the Hollywood or TV network moguls any sleepless nights. They simply continued to make their anti-religious films and TV programmes, and to rake in millions. The reason is not hard to find, and it is just as true today as it was then: Americans might know that there is something utterly rotten within Hollywood; they might object to the attacks on their religious values; but at the end of the day, they have become so addicted to the media, so mesmerised by its entertainment, that they are simply unwilling to give it up. They continue to watch the very films and programmes which they know are blatantly attacking their religious beliefs. And what is true of Americans is true of millions throughout the world.

Throughout Hollywood’s history there have been two sinister and very powerful forces at work, seeking to harness the immense influence of the movies for their own purposes: the Roman Catholic institution, and liberal and Marxist forces, the latter specifically connected to powerful Jewish interests.

As has been shown in this book, Roman Catholicism exerted the greatest influence over Hollywood, and indeed over its many Jewish movers and shakers who champed at the bit and ground their teeth in frustration but could do little to change the situation, throughout the period that is often called Hollywood’s “Golden Age”. But over time, for reasons given in this book, Roman Catholic influence over Hollywood declined, and then it was that liberal and Communist Jewish influence, suppressed for so long by Romanism and mostly overtly hostile to Romanism, was able to take its revenge. And it is these liberal and Marxist forces which are at present ascendant, indeed dominant, in the film industry.

And they do not hide their agenda either. In the June 1, 2011 internet edition of the Hollywood Reporter, TV executives admitted in taped interviews that Hollywood was pushing a liberal agenda. For example, Susan Harris, the creator of such TV programmes as Soap and The Golden Girls, was quoted as saying that Conservatives are “idiots” with “medieval minds”. She also said: “At least, you know, we put Obama in office, and so people, I think, are getting – have gotten – a little bit smarter.” And the co-creator of the programme Friends, Marta Kauffman, said that casting Candice Gingrich-Jones as a minister who married two lesbians was a “[expletive deleted]-you to the right wing.” She said that in particular, she liked the minister’s line, “Nothing makes God happier than when two people, any two people, come together in love.” 621

No, they do not hide their agenda. But they do seek to hide the scale of Jewish control over Hollywood. Although liberal/leftist, secular humanist, and Communist Jews have used Hollywood as a powerful tool in bringing about the destruction of the West’s morals, undermining its Protestant foundations and swinging it leftward, as a general rule they did not want the truth of Jewish involvement in this agenda to become widely known, for this could lead to a backlash against them; so they worked hard to suppress this truth. Just how successful they were was shown in 2008 by the results of a poll conducted by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL). It found that only 22% of Americans believed that Jews controlled Hollywood and big media. Some 44 years earlier, in 1964, a similar ADL poll found that almost 50% of Americans believed this. Thus the leftist/Communist drive to suppress this truth had been extremely successful.

But despite their attempts to suppress this truth, every now and then someone lets the cat out of the bag. When the results of the ADL poll were released, at least one Jewish-American journalist was both shocked and upset about the ignorance of Americans on this matter! In a column in the Los Angeles Times entitled “How Jewish is Hollywood?” Joel Stein wrote: “I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22 percent of Americans now believe ‘the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews, ’ down from nearly 50 percent in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten: Jews totally run Hollywood ’ (italics added). 622 He listed Jewish media heads, including: News Corp. president Peter Chemin; Paramount Pictures chairman Brad Grey; Walt Disney Company chief executive Robert Igor; Sony Pictures chairman Michael Lyndon; Warner Brothers chairman Barry Meyer; CBS Corp. chief executive Leslie Moonves; MGM chairman Harry Sloan; and NBC-Universal chief executive Jeff Zucker.

Stein went on: “The Jews are so dominant I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions of entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible achievement, live of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC president Charles Collier, turned out to be Jewish.”

Stein believed that more Americans, not fewer, should know that Jews control the media. He concluded: “I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street, or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

Stein was proud of the Jewish control of Hollywood and wanted the world to know it. The facts he published could not have been pleasing to those Jews seeking to keep the full extent of Jewish control of Hollywood under wraps.

Yes, Jews control Hollywood. But note: the Jewish people, as a people group, do not control Hollywood. Vast numbers of Jews would not identify with the liberal, secular humanist, Marxist agenda being shoved down the world’s throats via Hollywood movies. In saying “Jews control Hollywood”, we are saying that certain powerful Jewish liberals, secular humanists and Marxists control the industry. And it is these powerful men who are using the medium of film to deliberately push their diabolical agenda.

Liberals and Marxists, in particular Jewish liberals and Marxists, control Hollywood… for now. The false “Church” of Rome, once all-powerful over Hollywood, does not control Hollywood… for now. But Rome never gives up, which is why we can be certain it is doing all in its power to once again triumph in Hollywood. It suffers setbacks; it advances, then is forced to retreat, then advances again. And as has been shown in this book, it has certainly regained some of its influence again. Nothing like it once had, as yet; but it never gives up. And it must be remembered, as we have seen, that liberal Jesuits work behind the scenes to influence the films that are made.

But it is truly a sign of the times when professing Protestants believe that Hollywood under Roman Catholic control during its so-called “Golden Age” was better than Hollywood under liberal and Marxist control. They say this because, when Roman Catholics – via the Breen Office and the Legion of Decency – had the clout to force film studios to clean up their offerings, morally, before releasing them for public consumption, films were “cleaner”. But when Roman Catholic control waned, films became far more immoral. And this is true as far as it goes. But to take this position merely demonstrates, in fact, just how foolish and indeed biblically illiterate Protestants have become. For to focus solely on morality is simply not enough. The importance of good morals cannot be over-emphasised, of course; but what about truth?

Herein lies the great danger of the moviemaking era when Roman Catholics controlled Hollywood with an iron hand; and this would be the great danger if ever Roman Catholics fully controlled Hollywood again. Even though, as a result of Roman Catholic censorship through the PCA and the Legion of Decency, movies of that era were often “cleaner” than they would have been without the Jesuit Code in place, it must never be forgotten that Roman Catholicism was frequently being subtly promoted. And thus Protestants who went to be entertained by the movies during that “Golden Age” were in fact being entertained – and thus subtly indoctrinated – by Roman Catholic doctrine, plots, and characters.

It is therefore utterly foolish of professing Christians to say things like, “At least in those days there was some sense of decency in movies, and they were better and more moral than what came afterwards, when the Code was scrapped and movies became far filthier.” How careful true Christians must be here! A movie that is morally unclean is of course very harmful to the viewer; but is a “clean” movie that pushes Roman Catholic morals, doctrines, characters, etc., less harmful? True, it may not be as morally harmful, but it would be spiritually harmful – and that is equally dangerous in the light of eternity. For if a man is outwardly morally upright all his life, yet spiritually deluded, he is as lost as the immoral man. Multiplied millions of people are merrily skipping down the broad way that leads to destruction (Matt. 7:13) who are very moral in their behaviour, upright, clean-living, decent people by the world’s standards. Yet they are just as lost as any murderer or adulterer, for they are deluded religiously. As one glaring example, consider the following portion of God’s Word. Biblical prophecy makes it plain that each and every pope of Rome is the biblical Antichrist, and a powerfully descriptive word-portrait of him is given in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. And it says of him that he comes “with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, that they might be saved” (vv.10-12, italics added). Note that the words emphasised by italics show plainly that one is not damned only for living an immoral life, but for not believing the truth, not receiving the love of the truth, and believing a lie because of strong delusion! False religion leads to hell just as certainly as sinful living. Unbelievers and idolaters are listed in the same verse as murderers and whoremongers as having their part in the lake of fire (Rev. 21:8).

Multitudes are outwardly very moral, who are yet utter strangers to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are deceived by false religion. Good morals will make society a better place, outwardly, and this is good as far as it goes, on a temporal level, for society; but good morals will not keep a single person out of hell, and they will not take a single person to heaven. For salvation is not by living an outwardly good life.

And besides, even apart from the Romish religion, or Romish religious concepts and outlooks at least, being so often promoted in such films, Romish morality is promoted as well. For such morality falls short of biblical morality, as Romish morality is certainly not one and the same with biblical morality. This is shown by the fact that even in such films, things are frequently permitted which are unbiblical. For example, the standards of modesty in clothing are not as high as what the Scriptures command; courting couples are permitted a leniency which the Bible does not permit in the relations between men and women before marriage; recreational activities such as dancing, drinking, etc., are readily portrayed as perfectly acceptable; and more. In this way, and precisely because such films are considered “moral” and “decent”, the high moral standards which were once maintained by Protestants were subtly lowered, little by little, by a process of gradualism. And we see the results everywhere today in so-called “Protestant” churches, where the moral standards of the members are little different from those of the world around them. Indeed, they are as much a part of the world as anyone else.

The truth is, Hollywood under either Roman Catholic or liberal and Marxist control is a very dangerous thing. The evidence is overwhelming. The medium of film is the most powerful medium in the modem world, and for its entire existence it has been used for evil by these two satanically-motivated forces. And this will continue, regardless of which evil force is dominating it at any given time.

What, then, should the true Christian’s attitude be towards Hollywood? A pamphlet written by the author, entitled Hollywood and the Christian, is reproduced below, slightly edited to make it a fitting conclusion to this book. 623

A vast and lucrative industry thrives on the almost-insatiable appetite of hundreds of millions of people for entertainment. Films, whether via the big screen, TV, DVDs or the internet, fill the eyes and ears of modem man with images and sounds designed to thrill him, excite him, make him laugh, make him cry, and make him lust.

Mankind’s appetite for entertainment is nothing new. In centuries past, the arena and the stage catered to this appetite. In the ancient arenas men fought with beasts, and men fought with men, in bloody clashes that only ended with the death of one of the contestants; and the crowds bayed for more and more blood. And on the stages, plays were put on which entertained people with violence, fornication, adultery, idolatry, heathen mythology, etc. The invention of the motion picture was the next step; and today, at a mere touch, a seemingly endless variety of films are available right in one’s own house, at any time one desires.

The name “Hollywood” has become synonymous with the motion picture industry, being the centre of the industry in America and the largest movie production industry in the world; but of course ungodly movies are made in many other parts of the world as well.

Those who profess to be followers of Christ, children of the living God, are duty-bound before God to consider the “entertainment industry” in the light of holy Scripture. Huge numbers of professing “Christians”, who can wax eloquent about the precious doctrines of the faith, who speak piously and appear so godly, are virtual slaves to the “box”, bowing down every evening before what is all too often a modem household god, prostrating themselves before this idol of entertainment. Should it be in need of repairs, a replacement is sought with all the anxiety displayed by Laban when his daughter stole his household images (Gen.31:19-35). Professing “Christians” speak enthusiastically about the latest movie release or the latest “soap” saga on TV. In one breath they speak of attending a service in their church, and of sitting glued to their seats at home, hungrily devouring some show. It was not uncommon, in the days before it was possible to record a TV show, to hear them bemoaning the fact that some meeting of their church took place at the very time their favourite show was being aired. Some “churches” even re-scheduled their services to ensure that everyone got home in time to lap up an “important” soapie! Such is the power of the “box.”

How many parents – professing to be Christians – rightly condemn the rock music young people listen to, some even forbidding it in their homes, and yet they sit glued to their TV screens, with their children around them, soaking up the vile filth that spues into their living-rooms from that piece of electronic equipment? Hypocrites! Condemning only what suits them! Where are the ministers who speak out against the sinful “entertainment” of Hollywood? One reason almost none do so is because so many of them are slaves to these things as much as their flocks are. Where is the separation from the world that the Bible commands?

Do the Scriptures have anything to say on this subject? They most certainly do! For the Scriptures list, as sins in the eyes of a holy God, such things as fornication, adultery, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sodomy, stealing, covetousness, drunkenness, reviling, extortion, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, revellings, and suchlike (1 Cor.6:9,10; Gal.5:19-21; etc.). And even’ single one of these sins is portrayed, and glamourised, and glorified, by the movie industry! In Romans 1 we find another list of terrible sins in the sight of God (vv.21-31). And then we read these solemn words: “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them ” (v.31). Some may argue that they simply watch these things, but do not live that way themselves; yet here we see that those who take pleasure in others committing such sins, are guilty as well! No Christian is to take pleasure in even watching such things, let alone doing them. This is “the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes”, which “is not of the Father, but is of the world” (1 Jn.2:16); and we are commanded, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 Jn.2:15). Take note: if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him! It is as simple as that. He is not a Christian, regardless of what he professes.

Those who commit the sins portrayed in the movies will not inherit the kingdom of God, according to 1 Cor.6:9,10 and Gal.5:21. They are the works of the flesh, according to Gal.5:19. And yet we see huge numbers of professing “Christians” actually taking pleasure in those who commit such things. And they do so, knowing the judgment of God, that such sinners are worthy of death. Where is the evidence of regeneration in such people? Regardless of their profession of faith in Christ, they give evidence that it is an empty profession. They walk in darkness, not in the light. Away with their pious talk, their praises, their prayers! “They profess that they kn ow God; but in works they deny him” (Tit. 1:16). They are a blight upon the Church, a disgrace to the Holy One they claim to love and serve.

Let us briefly divide movies into certain categories, and examine these.

There is, firstly, the type of movie known as the thriller. Under this category would be found most adventure movies, spy stories, detective stories, war films, and much more. The vast majority of them involve hatred, violence, murder, revenge. These sins, almost without exception, are considered essential ingredients. But the Christian is to love his enemies (Matt.5:44,45), to be gentle (Gal.5:22), to commit no murder, not even in the heart (Matt.5:21,22), and to seek no revenge (Rom. 12:19-21) – the very opposite of the essential ingredients of most thrillers! The Christian is not to walk according to this world. He is a citizen of a heavenly country. He is to “think on” such things as are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report (Phil.4:8). He is to set his affection on things above, not on things on the earth (Col.3:2). He cannot do this if he is filling his mind with images of unnecessary violence, or murder, or revenge.

Then, too, thrillers usually contain such things as fornication, adultery, and other sexual sins. Not only are such scenes shown – that would be evil enough – but such sins are actually glorified. The Lord Jesus said, “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matt.5:27,28). Adulterous scenes are constantly portrayed in movies, inciting lust in the viewers. Merely to look at a woman (or man) with lust is to commit adultery, and yet night after night so-called “Christians” do precisely that. But the holy God that they claim to love and worship sees all, and His judgment will not tarry forever.

This type of movie also often contains scenes glorifying drinking, and drunkenness (see Prov.20:l; 23:29-35; 1 Cor.6:10), and various other sins, such as blasphemy and profanity. The child of God has no excuse, no justification, for watching such things.

Besides all that has been said above, there is another point that must be made: what constitutes heroism in our eyes? People refer to the “hero” of the movie. Is he a true hero? Is it heroic, to do what he does? To kill, to hate, to lust? In the life of our Lord upon the earth, we see true heroism. Yet He was the very opposite of the so-called “heroes” of the screen.

Secondly, there is the category of movie known as the love story. The world cannot teach the Christian about true love. “Love”, to the worldly, usually means lust. And so-called “love stories” are usually filled with adultery, fornication, divorce, hatred and bitterness, etc. Such things are dreadful sins!

Women, in particular, are devotees of this type of “entertainment”. It is fantasy, escapism, a time in which women close out their own real world, with all its problems and struggles, and fill their minds with the standards and values of the ungodly. Tragically, so widespread are such sins as divorce, adultery, etc., today, that many women are living miserable lives, and they seek escape for a few hours in soaking up such movies. Only at the feet of the Lord Jesus can peace and joy be found. The Christian woman must spend much time in studying the Word of God, not in idly sitting in front of the TV screen, taking in the devil’s trash.

Thirdly, there is that category known as science fiction. In addition to being filled, for the most part, with the usual violence, adultery, blasphemy, profanity, and other sins found in virtually all types of films today, films in this category promote the absolutely unscriptural concept of life on other planets. The Bible tells us that God created life on earth; but we are not told that there is life anywhere else in the physical universe. In fact, the Bible positively precludes any such notion. When God created the heaven and the earth, He immediately focused upon earth alone (Gen. 1:1,2). The sun, moon, and stars were created, firstly, for God’s pleasure (Rev.4:11); secondly, for the benefit of man and other creatures upon the earth: for signs, and seasons, and days, and years; to give light upon the earth (Gen. 1:14-19); thirdly, to declare the glory of God, and show His handiwork (Psa.l9:l), leaving men without excuse (Rom. 1:20), so that it is indeed the fool who says in his heart, There is no God (Psa.l4:l). But no life is to be found anywhere else. The Lord Jesus Christ came to earth alone, to die for men and women ordained to eternal life; He left heaven’s glories, and came to earth; and when His work was done, He returned to heaven. He went to no other planet, He redeemed no other creatures. The notion of life in outer space, advocated by science fiction tales, promotes the diabolical theory of evolution, for of course, if life could spontaneously evolve here on earth, then conceivably it could do so elsewhere in the universe. But for those who believe the Holy Scriptures, it is quite evident that there is no life anywhere else; and they should derive no pleasure from such ungodly fantasies as are portrayed in science fiction films.

Fourthly, the comedy must be mentioned. This type of film is often considered “innocent” by many professing “Christians”; but they should know better. Such films almost always contain foul language, filthy jokes and filthy behaviour. They are far from being innocent entertainment. For a comedy to be successful in this sinful world, it must almost always make fun of sexual matters. Such wickedness should never be entertaining to Christians. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Heb.l3:4); and yet marriage is mocked, and adultery and fornication are treated lightheartedly, in this type of film. “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks” (Eph.5:3,4). Many innocent things are amusing, and there is a time to laugh (Eccl.3:4); but to laugh at sin is itself sinful.

Sexual matters in particular, but in fact all Christian truth, God Himself, and the Lord Jesus Christ, are mocked in many comedies. The blessed Name of the Lord is used as a curse-word on the lips of wicked men and women. What true Christian can sit through such vileness, and be entertained? Can the true Christian bear to hear his Lord’s Name used thus? He is a hypocritical liar who says that he loves the Lord, but can tolerate, and even laugh at, such things! To hear the worldling make fun of the One before whom he will stand on the judgment day is a cause for weeping, not laughing. It is a tragedy, not a comedy.

Finally, we will mention so-called “Christian” films. The medium of film is not automatically sinful, and certain historical films, depicting the lives of various Christians of the past or even other historical events, can be profitable, if they are accurately made, and exalt the Lord. But the great majority not only fail to meet these criteria, many of them are positively sinful. They are made by Hollywood producers who only have profit in mind, and for this reason distort the truth and focus on those things which will attract audiences.

Furthermore, films depicting the life of Christ, with some actor portraying the holy Son of God, are contrary to the Word of God, which makes it clear that any representations of any of the three divine Persons of the Trinity are sinful (Exod.20:4-6; Acts 17:29). Although the eternal Son became flesh, we have no idea what He looked like, and thus any representation of Him is purely imaginary, and inaccurate; and even if we did know exactly what He looked like, we still could not depict Him, for His divine glory, which the apostles beheld (Jn.l:14), cannot be depicted; and yet, if only His humanity was depicted, then His nature would be divided – and that is heretical. Furthermore, as Christ is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3), so that He could say to those who saw Him that they had seen the Lather (Jn. 14:8,9), it follows that if we attempt to depict Christ, we attempt to depict the invisible God; but as we can only depict Christ inaccurately, we would thereby depict the invisible God inaccurately. And in doing so, we would have made a similitude of God as a man, which would be sinful (Deut.4:15,16). The apostles, who kn ew Him in the days of His earthly ministry, never attempted to depict Him in art. No Christian should think that he is wiser than they. Films in which some sinful man attempts to portray the Lord Jesus Christ, the brightness of the Father’s glory, the express image of His Person, in whom dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, should be shunned by all true Christians as utterly contrary to the will of God.

In conclusion, faithful pastors must insist on separation from all such filth on the part of their church members, with those refusing to turn from such things facing the same disciplinary measures they would face for other sins. For that is precisely what the watching of the type of motion pictures described above constitutes: sin! Where are the pastors who will take such a stand? They will be very unpopular, their churches will be much smaller, but they will be honouring the Lord.

Perhaps the reader is thinking to himself that even to own a TV must then be sinful. But this is not the case at all. The TV itself is merely a box of electronic parts. It is what is displayed on its screen that is either sinful or not. It can be used to educate. It can be used to inform us about the world we live in. It can have these positive uses, and to view such things is not sinful. But no Christian should ever spend a moment of time watching films which are ungodly and immoral. To do so is to sin grievously against the Lord.

Huge numbers of TV and movie devotees claim to be Christians. They claim to worship the true God, and that they seek to depart from iniquity. The Bible commands all who profess to be Christ’s to examine themselves, whether they be in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5); and we urge all those who prostrate themselves towards Hollywood every evening with the same blind zeal as the Muslims who prostrate themselves towards Mecca, to earnestly examine their profession of faith in the light of God’s Word. A lover of Zion cannot be a lover of Hollywood; he who is on a life-long pilgrimage to the heavenly city cannot simultaneously be on a pilgrimage to the shrines of the “stars” in Hollywood. No man can serve two masters.

And – as has been shown in this book – the believer should not put himself under the power of an industry which has done so much to promote Roman Catholicism, liberalism and Marxism – and continues to do so.

For the true Christian, the answer to the depravity of the movies is not to pin his hopes on government censorship. To do so is to grant the government more power than it should ever have, in areas it has no business becoming involved in, which leads to all kinds of other problems including possible persecution; and besides, it will never solve the problem anyway. Nor is the Christian to trust in worldly movie ratings systems, nor religious ratings systems for that matter. The answer is far more simple: the child of God must simply stay away from these movies, just as he or she should stay away from all other evils. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:11). “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul” (1 Pet. 2:11). Be separate from the world and its ways! “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes ” (Psa. 101:3).


1. Sin and Censorship: the Catholic Church and the Motion Picture Industry, by Frank Walsh, pg.2. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1996.

2. This is covered in more detail in a series of recorded sermons, entitled On Books, the Box, and the Box Office, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2010.

3. The Jesuits: the Secret Army of the Papacy, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2012.

4. Occult Theocrasy, by Lady Queenborough, pg.311. The Christian Book Club of America, Hawthorne, California, USA. Reprinted 1980.

5. Footprints of the Jesuits, by R.W. Thompson, pgs.42-8. Hunt and Eaton, 1894.

6. The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris, pg.24. Chick Publications, Chino, California. Undated, but translated from the French in 1975.

7. The Secret History of the Jesuits, pgs.21,22.

8. Les Jesuites, by J. Huber, pgs.71,73. Sandoz et Fischbacher, Paris, 1875. Quoted in The Secret History of the Jesuits, pg.26.

9. Footprints of the Jesuits, pg.51.

10. Footprints of the Jesuits, pgs.57-9.

11. Fourteen Years a Jesuit, by Count Paul von Hoensbroech, Void, pg.117, and Vol.II, pg.320. Cassell and Company Ltd., London, 1911. Also Footprints of the Jesuits, pg.61.

12. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, by Rene Fiilop-Miller, pg. 417. George Braziller, Inc., New York, 1956.

13. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pg. 28.

14. Catholics in the Movies, edited by Colleen McDannell, pg. 210. Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, 2008.

15. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pg. 409.

16. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pgs. 409-410.

17. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pg. 417.

18. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 210.

19. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pg. 411.

20. English Churchman, May 18 and 25 2001, No. 7559. English Churchman, Wedmore, Somerset, England. Article: “Hang a Jesuit and he’ll make off with the rope!”

21 . The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pg. 411 ff.

22. See The Pagan Festivals of Christmas and Easter, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, reprinted 2004.

23. See The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop. Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey, USA, 1959.

24. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pgs. 413-4.

25. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pg. 414.

26. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pg. 416.

27. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, pg. 28.


28. An Empire of Their Own: Flow the Jews Invented Hollywood, by Neal Gabler, pgs.1-2. Anchor Books, Doubleday, New York, 1989.

29. An Empire of Their Own, pgs.5-6.

30. An Empire of Their Own, pg.7.

31. Sin and Censorship, pg. 4.

32. An Empire of Their Own, pgs.203-4.

33. An Empire of Their Own, pg.204.

34. An Empire of Their Own, pg.61.

35. An Empire of Their Own, pg.63.

36. An Empire of Their Own, pg.64.

37. An Empire of Their Own, pg.119.

38. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 196.

39. An Empire of Their Own, pg.196.

40. An Empire of Their Own, pgs. 151-3.

41. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 168.

42. An Empire of Their Own, pg.306.

43. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 286.

44. An Empire of Their Own, pg.285.

45. An Empire of Their Own, pg.416.

46. An Empire of Their Own, pg.317.

47. An Empire of Their Own, pg.318.


48. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 14.

49. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 14.

50. Catholics in the Movies, pg.29.

51. For example, see Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by ex-priest Charles Chiniquy, The Protestant Literature Depository, London, 1886; Out of Hell and Purgatory’, by ex-priest P.A. Sequin, The Home of Rest, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, 1912; Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States, Leavitt, Lord and Co., New York, 1835; Romanism: a Menace to the Nation, by ex-priest Jeremiah J. Crowley, The Menace Publishing Company, Aurora, Missouri, 1912; etc.

52. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 18.

53. Catholics in the Movies, pg.37.

54. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.40-1.

55. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, 1940-1975, by Gregory D. Black, pgs.6,7. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1998.

56. Sin and Censorship, pg. 11.

57. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.7.

58. Sin and Censorship, pg. 10.

59. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.8.

60. Hollywood’s Censor: Joseph 1. Breen and the Production Code Administration, by Thomas Doherty, pgs.32-3. Columbia University Press, New York, 2007.

61. Sin and Censorship, pg. 9.

62. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, by Les and Barbara Keyser, pg. 4. Loyola University Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1984.

63. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg.6.

64. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg.10.

65. See The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, by Avro Manhattan. Chick Publications, Chino, California, 1982.

66. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pgs. 19,20.

67. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg.20.

68. Sin and Censorship, pg. 18.

69. Sin and Censorship, pg. 19.

70. Sin and Censorship, pg. 19.

71. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.33.

72. Sin and Censorship, pg. 25.

73. Sin and Censorship, pg. 26.

74. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.35.

75. Sin and Censorship, pg. 34.

76. Sin and Censorship, pg. 48.

77. Sin and Censorship, pg. 54.

78. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 175.

79. Sin and Censorship, pg. 33.

80. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 10; and Sin and Censorship, pg. 47.


81. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 172.

82. Gaelic American, 20 August 1927; quoted in Catholics in the Movies, pg.54.

83. An Empire of Their Own, pg.277.

84. An Empire of Their Own, pg.278.

85. Sin and Censorship, pg. 38.

86. “An Affront to Catholics”, press release, National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service, 25 July 1927; quoted in Catholics in the Movies, pg.55.

87. Sin and Censorship, pg. 40.

88. Sin and Censorship, pg. 42.

89. Sin and Censorship, pg. 42.

90. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 42-3.

91. Catholics in the Movies, pgs. 53-5.

92. Sin and Censorship, pg. 45.

93. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 52,53.

94. Sin and Censorship, pg. 53.

95. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 22.

96. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 52-3.

97. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg.22.

98. See Trappings of Popery, by Shaun Willcock, pgs.11-14. Published for Bible Based Ministries by New Voices Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, 2007. Also Pictures of Christ (recorded sermon), by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 1990.

99. Sin and Censorship, pg. 53.

100. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 53-4.

101. Catholics in the Movies, pg.54.

102. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.17,55.

103. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.9,10.

104. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 56,57.

105. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.10.

106.The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.11,12; and Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.42-3.

107.The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.13.

108. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs. 13,14.

109. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs. 14,15.

110 . Hollywood’s Censor, pg.45.

111. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.45.

112. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.45-6.

113. Sin and Censorship, pg. 61.

114. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs. 173-4.

115. Sin and Censorship, pg. 61.

116. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs. 174-5.

117. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 62-5.

118. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.41.

119. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.89.

120. Sin and Censorship, pg.67.

121. Sin and Censorship, pg.71.

122. Sin? and Censorship, pg. 71.

123. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 47.

124. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 48.

125. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 48.

126. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs. 16,17.

127. Sin and Censorship, pg. 73.

128. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.18.


129. Sin and Censorship, pg. 54.

130. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 17.

131. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.12.

132. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.14.

133. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.21.

134. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.20.

135. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.7.

136. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.7.

137. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.24-9.

138. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.29.

139. Sin and Censorship, pgs.75-6.

140. Sin and Censorship, pg. 79.

141 .Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pgs.26-7.

142. Hollywood s Censor, pg.7.

143. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.51.

144. Sin and Censorship, pg. 82.

145. Sin and Censorship, pg. 82.

146. Sin and Censorship, pgs.83-4.

147. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 63.

148. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 172.

149. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.lll.

150. Hollywoods Censor, pg.8.

151. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 174.

152. Motion Picture Production Code of 1930, Section V, “Profanity”, quoted in Catholics in the Movies, pg.94.

153. Hollywood s Censor, pg. 122.

154. Catholics in the Movies, pgs. 17,18,93; and Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.92-95.

155. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 113.

156. Motion Picture Production Code of 1930, Section VII, “Religion”, quoted in Catholics in the Movies, pgs.93,94.

157. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 19.

158. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.92,94,95.

159. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 19.

160. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs. 14,15.

161. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.18.

162. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.20.

163. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.19,20.

164. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.20.

165. See for example, Hitler’s Pope: the Secret History of Pius XII, by John Cornwell, Viking Penguin, London, 1999; Unholy War, by David I. Kertzer, Pan Macmillan, London, 2002; The Vatican in World Politics, by Avro Manhattan, Horizon Press, Inc., New York, 1949; The Vatican Against Europe, by Edmond Paris, the Wickliffe Press, London, 1961; and The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris, Chick Publications, Chino, California (undated).

166. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.92-3; and Hollywood’s Censor, pg.199.

167. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.199.

168. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.199.

169. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.201.

170. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.201.

171.Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.202-3.

172. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.204.

173. See, for example, Roman Catholicism Un-American, by O.C. Lambert. Published by O.C. Lambert, Winfield, Alabama, USA, 1956.

174. See The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance.

175. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.207-8.

176. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.208.

177. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.211.


178. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.21.

179. Sin and Censorship, pg.87.

180. Sin and Censorship, pg.91.

181. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.22.

182. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.26.

183. Catholics in the Movies, pg.96.

184. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.57-8.

185. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs. 65-6.

186. Hollywood s Censor, pg. 66.

187. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.56.

188. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs. 17,18.

189. Sin and Censorship, pgs.97-8.

190. Sin and Censorship, pg. 113.

191. See More Than These: a History of How the Pro-Life Movement has Advanced the Cause of the Roman Catholic Church, by Ralph Ovadal. Heart of the Matter Publications, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA, 2004.

192. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 67.

193. Sin and Censorship, pg. 103.

194. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 70.

195. Sin and Censorship, pg. 106.

196. Sin and Censorship, pg. 104.

197. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 67.

198. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 188.

199. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 68.

200. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 111-113.

201. Sin and Censorship, pg.110.

202. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 319.

203. An Empire of Their Own, pgs. 319-320.

204. An Empire of Their Own, pgs. 322-3.

205. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 328.

206. Sin and Censorship, pg. 134.

207. Catholics in the Movies, pg.96.

208. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.l.

209. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.2.

210. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.l.

211. Catholics in the Movies, pg.97.

212. Catholics in the Movies, pg.96.

213. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 19.

214. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.l.

215. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.2.

216. Sin and Censorship, pg. 151.

217. Sin and Censorship, pg. 151.

218. Sin and Censorship, pg. 152.

219. Sin and Censorship, pg. 152.

220. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.2.

221. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.26-7.

222. Sin and Censorship, pg. 144.

223. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 145-6.

224. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.27-8.

225. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.2,3.

226. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.28.

227. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 79.

228. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.28.

229. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 173.

230 . Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 62.

231. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs. 184-5.

232. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 172.


233. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 14.

234. Catholics in the Movies, pgs. 15,16.

235. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 16.

236. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 95.

237. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs.185-6.

238. An Empire of Their Own, pgs.330-1.

239. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 330.

240. An Empire of Their Own, pgs. 341-2.

241. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 150-1.

242. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.198.

243. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg.29.

244. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 64.

245. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 68.

246. Sin and Censorship, pg. 157.

241. Sin and Censorship, pg. 159.

248. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 352-3.

249. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 343.

250. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.36.

251. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 348.

252. See, for example, The Vatican against Europe, by Edmond Paris, the Wycliffe Press, London, 1988; etc.

253. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 167.

254. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs. 167-8.

255. Sin and Censorship, pg. 175.

256. Sin and Censorship, pg. 169.

257. Sin and Censorship, pg. 170.

258. Sin and Censorship, pg. 182.

259. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 158.

260. Sin and Censorship, pg. 187.

261. Catholics in the Movies, pg.118.

262. Catholics in the Movies, pg.91.

263. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 19.

264. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 135.

265. Sin and Censorship, pg. 149.

266. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 189.

267. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 171.

268. Sin and Censorship, pg. 228.

269. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.35.

270. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 163.

271. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.83-5.

212.Catholics in the Movies, pg.84.

273. Sin and Censorship, pg. 222.

274. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.95,96.

275. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 186.

276. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.31.

277. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.31.

278. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.43.

279. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.54.

280. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 187.

281. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 107.

282. Sin and Censorship, pg. 229.

283. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 229-230.

284. See, for example, The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris; The Vatican Against Europe, by Edmond Paris; and The Vatican in World Politics, by Avro Manhattan.

285. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 108.

286. Catholics in the Movies, pg.122.

287. Catholics in the Movies, pg.117.

288. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 111.

289. Rome Still Claims to Be the One True Church, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2007.

290. Sin and Censorship, pg. 235.

291. Sin and Censorship, pg. 190.

292. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 197.

293. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 172.


294. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 231.

295. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 355.

296. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 356.

297. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 357.

298. An Empire of Their Own, pgs. 354-5.

299. The Aida Parker Newsletter, Issue No. 226, March 1999. Aida Parker Newsletter (Pty) Ltd., Auckland Park, Johannesburg, South Africa.

300. The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, May 2000. The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

301. The Aida Parker Newsletter, March 1999.

302. The Aida Parker Newsletter, March 1999.

303. The Aida Parker Newsletter, March 1999.

304. The Aida Parker Newsletter, March 1999.

305. An Empire of Their Own, pgs. 367-8.

306. The Aida Parker Newsletter, March 1999.

307. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 370.

308. An Empire of Their Own, pgs. 371-2.

309. The Aida Parker Newsletter, March 1999.

310. The Aida Parker Newsletter, March 1999.

311. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 228.

312. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 180.

313. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 181.

314. Sin and Censorship, pg. 203.

315. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.50.

316. Sin and Censorship, pg. 203.

317. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 205-6.

318. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.52.

319. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.55.

320. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.53.

321.The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.55.

322. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.56.

323. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.59.

324. Sin and Censorship, pg. 211.

325. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.62.

326. Sin and Censorship, pg. 221.

327 .Sin and Censorship, pg. 221.

328. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.77.

329. See The Secret History ofthe Jesuits, by Edmond Paris; The Vatican against Europe, by Edmond Paris; Hitler’s Pope, by John Cornwell; Convert…or Die! by Edmond Paris, Chick Publications, Chino, California, undated; The Vatican s Holocaust, by Avro Manhattan, Ozark Books, Springfield, Missouri, 1986; etc.

330. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.77.

331. See The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance.

332. Sin and Censorship, pg. 192.

333. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 222-3.

334. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 224-5.

335. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 287.

336. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 288.

337. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.87.

338. Sin and Censorship, pg. 244.

339. Sin and Censorship, pg. 241.

340. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.293.

341. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.294.

342 .Sin and Censorship, pg. 190.

343. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.298.


344. Catholics in the Movies, pg.150.

345. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 91.

346. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 96.

347. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.96.

348. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 96.

349. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 253-4.

350. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 100.

351. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 101.

352. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 101.

353. Sin and Censorship, pg. 245.

354. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 114.

355. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 115.

356. An Empire of Their Own, pg. 385.

357. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.134.

358. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.135.

359. Sin and Censorship, pg. 257.

360. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.309.

361. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 126.

362. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 127.

363. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 259-260.

364. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 132.

365. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 130.

366. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.131-2.

367. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.138.

368. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.139.

369. Sin and Censorship, pg. 264.

370. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.139.

371. Sin and Censorship, pg. 265.

372. Sin and Censorship, pg. 266.

373. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 82.

374. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 83.

375. See The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance.

376. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.141.

377. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 184.

378. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.312.

379. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.141.


380. Hollywood’s Censor, pg.316.

381. Catholics in the Movies, pg.133.

382. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.143.

383. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 325.

384. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs. 144-5.

385. See, for example, In God’s Name, by David Yallop, Corgi Books, London, 1985; and Murder in the Vatican, by Avro Manhattan, Ozark Books, Springfield, Missouri, USA, 1985.

386. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 145.

387. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.147.

388. Time, December 24, 1956.

389. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.168.

390. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.168-9.

391. Sin and Censorship, pg. 277.

392. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 327.

393. Sin and Censorship, pg. 276.

394. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 164.

395 .The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.172.

396. Sin and Censorship, pg. 277.

397. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.164.

398. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.164.

399. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg. 154-5.

400. Sin and Censorship, pg. 281.

401. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.175.

402. Sin and Censorship, pg. 283.

403. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.176.

404. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 174.

405. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.179.

406. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, by D.J. Beswick, pgs.6,7. Published in Wellington, New Zealand, 1976.

407. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg. 11.

408. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.25-6.

409. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.176.

410. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.181-2.

411. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.182-3.

412. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 327.

413. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 36.

414. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pgs. 37-8.

415. Sin and Censorship, pg. 293.

416. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.188-9.

417. Sin and Censorship, pg. 294.

418. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.190.


419. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.213-4.

420. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 329.

421. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.214-217.

422. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.195.

423. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.196-7.

424. Sin and Censorship, pg. 297.

425. Sin and Censorship, pg. 298-9.

426. Sin and Censorship, pg. 297.

427. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.214.

428. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.191

429. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.202.

430. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.202.

431. Sin and Censorship, pg. 301.

432. Sin and Censorship, pg. 303.

433. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.208-9.

434. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.210.

435. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.220.

436. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.220.

437. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 330.

438. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.20,21.

439. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 108.

440. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 108.

441. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.21-2.

442. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 150.

443. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg. 14.

444. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pgs. 15-16.

445. Sin and Censorship, pg. 315.

446. Sin and Censorship, pg. 317.

447. Sin and Censorship, pg. 318.

448. Catholics in the Movies, pg.21.

449. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 144.

450. Catholics in the Movies, pgs.22-4.

451 .Catholics in the Movies, pg.13.

452. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.221.

453. Sin and Censorship, pg. 318.

454. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.227-8.

455. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.228.

456. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.227.

457. Sin and Censorship, pg. 319.

458. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.232.

459. Sin and Censorship, pg. 322.

460. Sin and Censorship, pg. 322.

461. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.232.

462. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.234.

463. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 330.

464. Hollywood’s Censor, pgs. 332-3.

465. Sin and Censorship, pg. 323.

466. Hollywood’s Censor, pg. 335.

467. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.233.

468. Sin and Censorship, pg. 325.

469. See The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance.

470. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 226.

471. Reported in Petrus Romanus: the False Prophet and the Antichrist are Here, by Thomas R. Horn, February 12, 2012.

472.The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.234-6.

473. Sin and Censorship, pgs. 327-8.

474. Sin and Censorship, pg. 328.

475. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 231.

476. See The Marxist Minstrels: a Handbook on Communist Subversion of Music, by David A. Noebel. American Christian College Press, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, 1974.

477. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 235.


478. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pgs.85-6.

479. See Betrayal: the Crisis in the Catholic Church, by the investigative staff of the Boston Globe. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, USA, 2002. And Beyond Belief: the Catholic Church and the Child Abuse Scandal, by David Yallop. Constable and Robinson Ltd., London, UK, 2010.

480. New York Times Magazine, 15 May 1983, article: “Italian Americans: Coming Into Their Own,” written by Stephen S. Hall, and quoted in Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 243.

481. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg. 19.

482. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pgs.21,32.

483. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg.25.

484. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 188.

485. Catholics in the Movies, pgs. 180,182.

486. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 192.

487. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 90.

488. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.237.

489. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg.30.

490. Catholics in the Movies, pgs. 198-9.

491.Catholics in the Movies, pg. 204.

492. Catholics in the Movies, pg.220.

493. Catholics in the Movies, pg.221.

494. Catholics in the Movies, pg.201.

495. Catholics in the Movies, pg.202.

496. America, 2 February 1974.

497. Catholics in the Movies, pg.211.

498. Catholics in the Movies, pg.203.

499. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 196.

500. Catholics in the Movies, pg.208.

501.Catholics in the Movies, pg.210.

502. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 197.

503. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 204.

504. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 204.

505. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 212.

506. Catholics in the Movies, pg.221.

507. The Tablet (New Zealand), 4-8-76, reported in The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg.15.

508. Catholic Almanac, 1974 edition, pgs.683-4; quoted in The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pgs. 1,2.

509. Official Catholic Directory of England and Wales, 1974 edition, pgs.427- 8; quoted in The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg.3.

510. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg.3.

511. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg.3.

512. The Tablet (New Zealand), May 19, 1976; quoted in The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg.3.

513. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pgs.4,5.

514. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg.5.

515. The Broadcasting Controversy, the Pope and Catholic Action, pg.5.

516. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 250.

517. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 253.

518. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pgs. 240-1.

519. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 225.

520. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 132.


521. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pg.239.

522. Sin and Censorship, pg. 328.

523. The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, pgs.240-2.

524. Sin and Censorship, pg. 330.

525. Catholics in the Movies, pg.229.

526. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 234.

521. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 235.

528. See, for example, The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional, by Charles Chiniquy. Chick Publications, Chino, California, USA.

529. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 245.

530. Hollywood and the Catholic Church, pg. 253.

531. See for example, The Vatican Empire, by Nino Lo Bello, published by Pocket Books, New York, 1969; The Vatican Connection, by Richard Hammer, published by Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, New York, 1982; and The Vatican Billions, by Avro Manhattan, published by Chick Publications, Chino, California, 1983.

532. See for example, Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, printed by John Jones, London, 1836; My Life in the Convent, by Margaret L. Shepherd, Christian Truth and Victory Publications, Alexandria, Minnesota; and House of Death and Gate of Hell, by L.J. King, published by Osterhus Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1947-1948.

533. Catholics in the Movies, pg.321.


534. The Southern Cross, July 26, 1998. Article: “Hollywood Tikes us’, says priest.”

535. Rome Watch International, Volume 5, No.6, November/December 2000. Open Bible Ministries, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

536. The Southern Cross, January 14, 2001. Article: “Spirituality is making a comeback in Hollywood, say industry insiders.”

537. See, for example, Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged (video), by Robert S. McGee and Caryl Matrisciana. NPN Videos, 2001. Also, July 31, 2007. Article: “Harry’s Last Battles and Rowling’s Beliefs.”

538. Friday Church News Notes, July 22,2005, Volume 6, Issue 29. Way of Life Literature. Port Huron, Missouri. Article: “Harry Potter Foolishness.”

539., July 31, 2007. Article: “Harry’s Last Battles and Rowling’s Beliefs.”

540. The Telegraph, 18 July 2007. Article: “Use Harry Potter to Spread Christian Message.”

541. The Southern Cross, July 11 to 17, 2007. Article: “Christian Side to Potter.”

542. See, for example. The Two Babylons.

543. The Witness, July 16, 2009. Article: ‘“Harry Potter’: Vatican Praises Latest Film.”

544. The Southern Cross, July 20 to 26, 2011. Article: “Vatican paper: Harry Potter champions values.”

545. The Southern Cross, January 9 to 15, 2002. Article: “Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings ‘fundamentally Catholic.’”

546. Battle Cry, July/August 1985. Chick Publications, Chino, California, USA.

547. “The Passion of the Christ Outreach for Antichrist, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2004.

548. Catholics in the Movies, pg.333.

549. Time, March 1, 2004.

550. Billy Graham: Serving the Papal Antichrist (recorded lectures), by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 1991.

551. See Prophets of PsychoHeresy II: Critiquing Dr. James C. Dobson, by Martin and Deidre Bobgan. EastGate Publishers, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 1990.

552. Catholics in the Movies, pg.335.

553. Time, March 1, 2004.

554. The Passion of the Christ: What Should Christians Think of It? by Andy Foster. The Burning Bush, Vol.35, March 2004, Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church, Kilskeery, Northern Ireland.

555. The New Yorker, September 15, 2003.

556. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 1367. Paulines Publications Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 1994.

557 .The Passion of the Christ: What Should Christians Think of It?

558. The New Yorker, September 15, 2003.

559. 2/19/04.

560. Time, March 1, 2004.

561. The Passion, by Ralph Ovadal. Wisconsin Christians United, February 24, 2004.

562. “The Passion of the Christ”: Mel Gibson’s Vivid Deception, by Richard Bennett and J. Virgil Dunbar. The Berean Beacon.

563. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 336.

564. Catholics in the Movies, pg. 319.

565. “The Chronicles of Narnia”: Occult Fantasy of a Closet Roman Catholic, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2005.

566. “ Faith-Based” Films or Hollywood Heresy? by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2009.

567. The Witness, November 30, 2005.

568. The Witness, November 30, 2005.

569. Christianity Today, April 23, 2001.

570. Battle Cry, July-August 1985.

571. C.S. Lewis Books – Definitely NOT Christian, by Sidney W. blunter.

572. CRN Journal, Issue 10, Winter 2000/2001. Christian Research Network, Colchester, UK.

573. Christianity Today, September 7, 1998.

574. C.S. Lewis: the Man and His Myths, by Albert James Dager. Media Spotlight. Also Battle Cry, July-August 1985.

575. Battle Cry’, July-August 1985.

576. Christianity Today, April 23, 2001.

577. CRN Journal, Issue 10, Winter 2000/2001. Also News from the Front, June 2003, pg. 9. “Take Heed” Ministries, Ballynahinch, Northern Ireland.

578. C.S. Lewis and Evangelicals Today.

579. Christianity Today, June 15, 1998, as quoted in C.S. Lewis Acceptable to Mormons, June 17, 1998. Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service.

580. CRN Journal, Issue 10, Winter 2000/2001. Also Rome Watch International, Vol. 8, No. 6, November/December 2003, quoting The Canadian Revivalist, March-April 2003. And News from the Front, June 2003, December 2003, and June 2004. And C.S. Lewis and Evangelicals Today.

581. CRN Journal, Issue 10, Winter 2000/2001.

582., December 7, 2005.

583. The Southern Cross, January 5 to 11, 2005.

584. C.S. Lewis: a Biography, pgs. 198,301, as found in C.S. Lewis and Evangelicals Today.

585. The Southern Cross, December 14 to 20, 2005.

586. The Witness, November 30, 2005.

587. The Witness, November 30, 2005.

588. ‘Faith-Based” Films or Hollywood Heresy? by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2009.

589., March 12, 2007.

590. The Sunday Times, 1 August 2005.

591. The Southern Cross, September 27 to October 3, 2006.

592. The Sunday Times, 1 August 2005.

593. The Sunday Times, 1 August 2005.

594. The Sunday Times, 1 August 2005.

595. The Southern Cross, September 27 to October 3, 2006.

596. Weekend Witness, October 21, 2006.

597.The Southern Cross, January 12 to 18, 2005. Article: “Lessons for Catholics in this portrayal of satanic evil.”

598. Exposing The Da Vinci Code, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2006.

599. The Da Vinci Deception, by Roy Livesey, pg.8. Bury House Christian Books, Kidderminster, UK, 2005.

600. The Da Vinci Deception, pg. 8.

601. Opus Dei Versus the Da Vinci Code – Opus the Winner? 1/4/2006. Taken from the British Church Newspaper, 6 January 2006; and The Da Vinci Deception, by Roy Livesey.

602. The Da Vinci Hoax, by Sandra Miesel, quoted in The Da Vinci Delusion, Frontline Fellowship, 5 May 2006.

603. Quoted in The Da Vinci Deception, pgs. 18-20.

604. Opus Dei Versus The Da Vinci Code – Opus the Winner?

605. Opus Dei Versus The Da Vinci Code – Opus the Winner?

606., November 5, 2006. Article: “Hollywood’s Fledgling Faith.”

607. Rocky Balboa: a “Christian Boxer”? by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2006.

608. The Southern Cross, November 15 to 21, 2006. Article: “The nativity comes to life on big screen.”

609. The Southern Cross, November 29 to December 5, 2006. Article: “Nativity movie gets it right.”

610. The Southern Cross, November 15 to 21, 2006.

611. The Southern Cross, November 15 to 21, 2006.

612. St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers, reproduced by tuisonderwys@yahoogroups. com, 12 December 2007. Article: “The Golden Compass: a Five-alarm Warning for Parents.”

613. St. Joseph s Covenant Keepers

614. Africa Christian Action, 7 December 2007. Article: “Beware of The Golden Compass – Selling Atheism to Kids.”

615. The Southern Cross, November 14 to 20, 2008. Article: “Stop crying wolf over Flarry Potter; worry about Pullman.”

616. The Southern Cross, November 14 to 20, 2008.

617. Africa Christian Action, 7 December 2007.

618. Africa Christian Action, 1 December 2007.

619. Weekend Witness, February 9, 2008. Article: “Rambo just wants to hand- forge iron and be left alone, but then a blonde missionary shows up.”

620. National Prayer Network, December 23, 2008. Article: “Americans Suspicious of Big Media, ADL Disturbed.”


621 Movieguide, 2 June 2011. Article: “Shock? Hollywood’s Liberal Bias Outed in Hollywood Reporter.”

622. National Prayer Network, December 23, 2008.

623. Hollywood and the Christian, by Shaun Willcock. Published by Bible Based Ministries.

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Some of Shaun Willcock’s other books, available from Bible Based Ministries:


The New Testament abounds with warnings of wolves in sheep’s clothing: men pretending to be part of Christ’s flock, but in reality ministers of Satan, infiltrating the churches of Christ and bent on destroying them.

For centuries a ruthless secret army has served the global conquest objectives of the Roman Papacy: the Jesuit Order. This is the most diabolical and dangerous of all Roman Catholic orders. It stops at nothing in the relentless pursuit of its goal: to destroy all enemies of the Papacy. History is filled with Jesuit intrigue, deception, duplicity, plots, murders, etc. And against Protestantism, in particular, the Jesuits have always directed their energies, by infiltration of Protestant churches, posing as Protestant ministers, undermining the true faith, etc. The shocking state of professing Protestant “Christendom” is ample testimony that they have been all too successful.

This is a time when so little is known of the Jesuits, and yet so much needs to be known. And this is the purpose of this book.


There is a powerful and sinister institution at work in the world, claiming to be Christian but in reality antichristian, which is all the more deadly because it appears so beautiful and holy to so many. According to the Word of God, fully supported by the historical evidence which perfectly fits the prophetic picture, this is the Roman Catholic institution. This biblical truth has been believed by countless numbers of God’s people through the centuries, but it is not believed by the multitudes of modern-day “Protestants,” caught up in the pursuit of “unity” with the Roman Catholic institution. It is the purpose of this book to bring the truth to light.

Satan s Seat traces this masterpiece of the devil from its origins in ancient paganism to its final prophetic destruction. It has been written so that the Christian reader will have, in his hands, a book which gives a panoramic view of centuries of history. Fully documented and easy to read, it also presents the Gospel to Roman Catholics, Protestants, and others.


Cultural relativism is the false doctrine that all cultures are equally valid and good. And multiculturalism is the false doctrine that everyone must respect everyone else’s culture, and tolerate and even celebrate all cultural practices, so that all humans will live together in harmony as one big, happy, tolerant, multicultural family. But this is neither possible nor sensible. The fact is, multiculturalism is madness.

When we evaluate and judge cultures and cultural practices by the light of the Bible, we find that all cultures are definitely not equal; that those cultures which were once greatly influenced by Protestantism were superior to all others; and that no true Christian should respect cultural practices that are degraded and sinful. Cultural relativism and multiculturalism are simply two more weapons in Satan’s modem arsenal in his ceaseless war against the Lord Jesus Christ.

Antichrist Powers on the Rise

Antichrist Powers on the Rise

Christian J. Pinto discusses the World Government Summit 2022 that opened with the first session titled: “Are We Ready for a New World Order?” The globalist powers continue to publicly proclaim their intentions while the various governments of the world move in what appears to be lock step agreement with them. Meanwhile the new normal is the perversion of humanity at unprecedented levels. We consider the warnings of Scripture concerning Mystery Babylon the Great from Revelation chapters 17 through 18, and how the nations are said to be drunk with the “wine of the wrath of her fornication.” With the advance of the immoral agenda of the left, are we watching the fulfillment of prophecy as whole populations are bewitched with the normalization of evil? Also discussed is the development of a cashless system of currency which was another topic of the World Government Summit.

Partial transcript of the Soundcloud podcast

Okay, praise the Lord you guys and welcome. I’m Chris Pinto. This is Noise of Thunder Radio. Today on the show, we are going to talk about the anti-Christ powers on the rise.

There’s no question that what is going on in our country and around the world with globalism with the advance of what has for years been called the New World Order, but is also known by a variety of other names right now. They’re calling it the Great Reset. They’re calling it Build Back Better.

I remember when we interviewed Peter Dawkins, who was the leading expert on Sir Francis Bacon. A lot of this had to do with Bacon’s vision of a scientific world order, the advancement of learning education and so on that would develop modern science, which is exactly what we’re seeing.

And they’ve got people like Klaus Schwab talking about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is taking technology to the next level, even beyond what we’ve seen thus far, but also using it as a control system, a system of tyranny and control.

One of the books about Bacon by Peter Dawkins was called Building Paradise, the Freemasonic and Rosicrucian Six Days Work. That’s what it’s called in some circles.

These are things that I think about as I’m watching what’s happening now with the World Economic Forum with Biden coming out, talking about a new world order.

And what they’re doing is they’re refusing to prosecute certain crimes. This is how they’re allowing our country right now to be flooded with all of these illegal immigrants because the people who were in power who would normally prosecute this and prevent it from happening have been told to basically stand down and just allow the country to be flooded with foreigners, knowing that it’s going to do great harm to our economy, to culture, to all sorts of problems are going to come about as a result.

And that’s what they want. They want a certain amount of chaos in mayhem because, through all of that, that’s how they are planning to establish their new order of things, their new normal. That’s another name for the New World Order, the new normal.

And yet what are we finding with this new normal? We’re finding the advancement of immorality, just gross extreme immorality with this entire LGBT movement.

When you consider the links to Rome with a lot of this globalism that’s going on and the ecumenical movement gathering in all of the pagan world religions, that’s what you find with this world economic forum and this world government summit. You look out at the audience there and you’re seeing all of these different leaders from different parts of the world and all these different world belief systems, different religions.

And so when we’re reading in the book of Revelation, where it says in Revelation chapter 18 verse 2, where the angel cries and it says, and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen and has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, you just think about how all of these globalist leaders have cooperated with this immoral agenda so that they’re pushing sodomy all over the world, all over the world. They’re promoting this whole concept of LGBT rights, the rights of sodomites, etc.

In Revelation 19 verse 1, it says, and after these things, I heard a great voice of much people in heaven saying, Hallelujah, salvation and glory and honor and power unto the Lord our God. For true and righteous are His judgments, for He hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of His servants at her hand.

Notice how it talks about how the great whore, Mystery Babylon, has corrupted the earth, not just a single country or a few countries or whatever, but corrupted the whole earth with her fornication, her sexual immorality. That is what we are witnessing in our day. We’re witnessing this at an unprecedented level. In centuries past, you’ve had individual cities, individual societies that have become corrupted and then they’ve been overthrown. Now we are literally watching in our lifetime the systematic corruption, immoral, ungodly, evil, wicked sodomite corruption of the entire earth.
And certainly, there are still parts of the earth that are resisting all of this, that are refusing to go along with it, but the corruption has spread rapidly in such a very short period of time. I mean, it’s really quite unbelievable. But it goes back to the post-World War II generation. Of course, we talk about this from the perspective of the Kinsey reports.

In our upcoming documentary on American Jesuits, we’re going to be talking about the role of the Jesuit general Pedro Arupé, Pedro Arupé in 1969 commissioned a Jesuit priest named John McNeil, who was a homosexual priest, a homosexual Jesuit, and he commissioned him to effectively write the book, The Church and the Homosexual, which he did and published around 1970. From that point on, you find the Jesuits and Rome helping to advance this homosexual agenda in America and ultimately throughout the world.

And it’s having a devastating impact. I mean, I believe that this had everything to do with the outbreak of the HIV, the AIDS virus, 1981. And now it’s reported that over 36 million people around the world have died from the AIDS pandemic. It’s just unbelievable. What has happened? And we’re watching the progress of this more and more. It’s an uncomfortable topic, but unfortunately, we have to confront it. Because if we don’t, then the danger is it could overrun our entire country.

I have warned for years that Fox News is really a conservative oracle of Rome. It’s information control for the conservative camp. And now you’ve got Sean Hannity, who is supporting Bruce Jenner in drag as a Fox News contributor, now officially on Fox News. Fox News has officially thrown their support behind this transgender agenda, which is utterly immoral. It is a complete distortion and perversion of God’s creation. The Scripture says very clearly, the man shall not put on that clothing, that pertaineth unto the woman. All they that do so are an abomination unto the Lord. And yet sadly, that is being normalized. And that’s all part of the new normal. What they’re really trying to do, folks, is to destroy the authority of the Bible, the law of God, the authority of Christianity in Western civilization, really throughout the world.

These are anti-Christ powers that are on the rise. Klaus Schwab, all of these groups, they are anti-Christ and they are, they are right now. They are beginning the process of trying to fulfill Revelation 17 and verse 14, where it says, these shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. We know how the story ends, brothers and sisters. We know where it’s all going to end up, but it’s very disturbing to watch it unfold right before our very eyes.

We are talking about the powers of Antichrist on the rise. 1 John 2 and verse 22 says, Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son.

There have been groups and powers that have been against the Gospel from the first century. And in every century, there’s been some measure of hostility in one way or another. What’s unique about our time is the Parliament of World Religions that happened back in 1893. I don’t know of any other time in history where you had all of these leaders of the various religions of the world all come together like they did back in 1893 and begin this process of ecumenical blending of all the world religions as though they are one and the same.

And of course, we know it was then furthered with the publication of Vatican Council II in the 1960s, largely at the instigation of the Jesuits. They’re the key authors of Vatican Council II. And I believe that this is in no small part what is being referenced in Revelation 18 and verse 2, because the Scripture tells us that what’s behind these pagan religions, what’s behind all of the idols of the pagan world are demonic powers.

That’s what the Apostle Paul says when he’s writing to the Corinthians. He says, I tell you which the sacrifice, the sacrifice which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons or devils and not to God. So right there we’re being told, you find passages throughout the Old Testament that say the same thing, that when they’re sacrificing to the idols, they sacrifice to devils.

And so when we get to Revelation 18 and verse 2 where it says Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. I have believed for years that that is a direct reference to Rome gathering as we saw Pope John Paul II to back in 1988, when all of these world religions came together in Assisi, Italy. And the Pope told them that they were all praying to the same God. So become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit. All the idols come together through Mystery Babylon.

And we see Rome really being at the very center of that. Rome is instigating it. There’s no question. But we also know that Antichrist is more complex. We have 1 John 2 and verse 18 that says, little children, it is the last time. And as you have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now there are many Antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time.

There’s no question that this new world order is seeking to replace what they perceive as the old world order, which is the order whereby Christianity and Western civilization dominated most all the nations of the earth, through the rise of the British Empire, through the development of the United States of America. By the time you get to the beginning of the 20th century, Christian countries were the most powerful countries in the world. They still are. They still are collectively. But they have been infiltrated. They have been sabotaged.

The European Union is not even trying to represent Christianity. They are trying to overthrow Christianity. They hate Christianity. That’s why they’re promoting sodomy and Sharia law and trying to advance the Muslims and fill up all the countries with as many Muslim migrants as they possibly can to sabotage Christian civilization. So what had been for centuries, the Christian standard is going to be done away with and replaced by something else, some kind of socialist, Sharia form of government.

We generally call it globalism. It has also been called the Red-Green axis, Red for Marxism and green for Islam. Christianity is to be overthrown. And that is Bible-based Christianity is to be overthrown. Anything, anything, any right, any belief about morality and goodness, etc. based on the Bible is to be utterly eradicated. That’s where they’re headed.

And that’s why the transgender and homosexual movement is so important because it’s one of the cornerstone issues for the radical left. And that’s why they got it into the courts. The purpose of things like gay marriage and transgender rulings is to declare that rights do not come from God. It is a complete denial of the constitutional view, or American, US constitutional view, that rights come from God. That’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to sabotage the whole idea that rights come from God. They want rights to come from judges and lawyers, unelected officials, a handful of elites who decide everything for humanity. And that’s influencing not only American law, it influences international law.

The whole concept of international law began as a Christian idea. It was based on the idea that God’s moral code is written on the hearts of all men, according to Romans chapter two. That’s where it began. But by allowing the socialists and these communists and now the Muslims to get involved, of course, they have their own ideas about right and wrong. And they reject the authority of God, and they certainly reject the authority of God according to the Bible. That’s the key. The Bible is the key. They have to overthrow the authority of Scripture.

I don’t believe this movement just began after World War II. You find the beginnings of it in the early part of the 20th century. Even before World War I. Remember, Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto in 1848. By 1881, you have the revision committee with Westcott and Hort (who in 1881 published a Greek-language version of the New Testament from corrupt manuscripts).

One of Marx’s principles of subversion is that if you want to overthrow a country, the rewriting of history is the first battleground. That’s the first thing you’ve got to do. You’ve got to rewrite the history of a country. And then you take away their history and their heritage, and from there, they are easily overthrown.

That, I believe, is what the globalist powers, the powers in Rome and those who have cooperated with them have done through Westcott and Hort and the critical text. They rewrote the history of the Bible.

That’s where all of this is headed to sabotage Christian civilization by taking away the very foundation, which is the Word of God. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. That’s what Jesus said. But as the Scripture warns, if the foundations be removed, what can the righteous do? We have no firm foundation to stand on without the Word of God, without God’s Holy Scripture, divine revelation that has been given to us. It’s why the fight for the Bible is so important. It’s why it’s so important because from that, sabotaging the Scripture in the late 19th, early 20th century, that has opened the door for all of this anti-Christian socialist-communist and now pagan invasion and Islam.

What these globalists are doing is they’re hijacking the historically Christian countries of the world and using them for this Marxist socialist globalist ambition. And if they go to digital currency, what it will do is it will give them a control system. They’ll be able to control everything that everybody does where they can shut down your buying ability. They’ll they’ll say, okay, you can’t buy or sell because you have opinions that we don’t like. And they could use this as a weapon against the Christian population.

They could say, okay, “Well, you’re telling people that homosexuality is wrong. We’re going to shut down your spending ability. You’re no longer going to be able to use your digital credits, whatever they are, because you’re not telling people what we want you to tell them.”

So many people are very rightly warning that this will turn into a control system. Because as long as you have cash and as long as you have gold and silver coins and as long as you have material currency, people can do business one way or another. There’s only so much control that government entities can have over what people are doing as long as there’s cash and circulation, but once everything becomes credit or a cashless society, that channels all the power, all the control into the hands of the state. And now they can turn on and off your credit. They’re already doing this in China.

It is moving things in the direction of a mark-of-the-beast type system where they will be able to say no man can buy or sell unless you do whatever they want you to do. So we’ve got to be on our guard with this. We’ve got to recognize as we see these things coming to pass, that the Lord has warned us about these things.

And this is where it’s very important that we understand we are not called to cooperate with a corrupt and evil government. We can obey the powers of government in as much as they obey the general commandments of God. But if they openly violate God’s law and compel us to cooperate with them, there we say with the apostles of old, we ought to obey God rather than men.

The CIA – Vatican Connection

The CIA – Vatican Connection

This article is a transcript of part of the last half Christian J. Pinto’s podcast on December 23, 2022, JFK KILLED BY CIA, SAYS FOX NEWS Everything Chris Pinto has to say is insightful, but I think the last part of the talk about the CIA’s connection to the Vatican is especially so. You can listen to the entire podcast from the Soundcloud link on the bottom of this article:

Partial transcript

The reason the CIA became so corrupt: First off, we’ve got to look at the formation of the CIA. We’ve got to remember that it goes back to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II, which was formed toward the end of the war. Bill Donovan, who was a high-ranking Knight of Malta, was a Vatican agent. Donovan appears at the Vatican late in life and receives the Pope’s highest honor for a lifetime of service to the papacy. This is the guy who founded the OSS, which eventually became the CIA.

It’s no coincidence that you’ve got so many Catholics and so many Jesuits involved with our Central Intelligence Agency. That is not an accident. That is by design. But it basically means that our intelligence network is run by a foreign power, the Vatican. And they have always given themselves unlimited immunity. In other words, they cannot be held accountable because the Pope is infallible and nobody can prosecute the Pope. That’s their view.

And they had the argument throughout the Middle Ages that the priest can do no wrong. So it doesn’t matter what they do. There’s not to be any accountability for it. Now, once people realize that they are working for this cabal and that this cabal goes back because of course, the official Catholic argument is that it goes back 2000 years. It goes back to the early church. It goes back to St. Peter himself. (So they say but without historical facts.)

So once people find out that this cabal is behind the CIA and they go to work for them, they’re part of the inside club. That’s why I think they just have no fear of consequences.

I think it’s part of the reason why Joe Biden at one point said when he was running for office he offended a voter while he was out campaigning. And he looked at the guy and he said, Hey, I don’t need your vote. I don’t need your vote. Words to that effect. Why? Because he knew, I believe, that the election was going to be rigged. The election was going to be determined by other people. It was going to be determined by these people he’s out talking to. He’s just got to do that because that’s part of the theatrics. They have to go through the motions. They have to sell the idea that he was lawfully elected.

We’re warned in the scripture that as time progresses, evildoers and seducers would wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived. And it appears that this is what’s happened here in the United States of America, this progressive movement, this communist movement, this counter-reformation movement to overturn our country, our constitutional republic, under God and overturn it and to put it under a system of socialism, communism with perhaps elements of Islamic Sharia, Sharia law. All of that is moving forward. That is all part of the globalist agenda. And there seems to be little doubt that our country has taken a very dark turn.

Now, I mentioned the counter-reformation, of course, because I do believe that has everything to do with globalism. It has everything to do with what is going on in the United States of America. Washington, D.C., the federal government has been hijacked by Rome. It’s just like the title of the book by Justin D. Fulton, Washington in the lap of Rome. That is the condition of our country right now. All three branches of government are effectively controlled by the Vatican. And our Deep State, I think the evidence is overwhelming. I don’t think it’s possible to understand the Deep State unless we understand that the Jesuits are considered the most sophisticated intelligence network in the world, and they control Georgetown University there in Washington, D.C. And so much of what happens through Georgetown University is that is the infrastructure for the federal government of the United States.

Now, I did want to mention the CIA connection going back to the OSS with the Nazis, with the Nazis, because at this point is clear that the Democratic Party has adopted virtually all of the political documents. All of the political doctrines of the Nazis from the war. And of course, you have Operation Paperclip where they smuggled Nazi former Nazis into the United States and put them in charge of the space and rocket program and they got involved in other areas of our country. Well, it’s been well known that the Nazis after the war, many of them went to Argentina, went into Paraguay, went into Brazil, went into that whole territory. Why were they there? Why that part of the world? I believe the answer is the Jesuit reductions of Paraguay, the Jesuit reductions of Argentina, which had been developed centuries earlier, but the Jesuits have had a presence there in that part of the world for hundreds of years.

The New York Times at one point reported in this article back in 2013, “Joseph Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on concentration camp inmates fled to Paraguay after the war and lived under his own name in Hohenau, a German farming colony near the borders with Argentina and Brazil.” So this is well known that the Nazis, Joseph Mengele and so on, and even it is given out that Hitler himself fled to Argentina, to this, this, what I consider to be Jesuit controlled or manipulated part of the world. In fact, where is the current Jesuit Pope Francis from? He’s from Argentina.

Now, I think this is like a missing piece of the puzzle of what’s going on today because of Latin American Jesuitism, I remember reading that term years ago from a Catholic writer who talked about Latin American Jesuitism. That is what we’re dealing with right now because this is what’s affecting our southern border. This is why we have all these illegal aliens coming across the border. It’s because of the influence, I believe, of Latin American Jesuitism on the politics of the United States.

The current Jesuit general, Arturo Sosa, who is from Venezuela, from South America, just like Pope Francis. They are both Latin American Jesuits. And if you go read Charles Chiniquy’s book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome back in the 1800s, he warned that part of the scheme of the Catholic bishops was to Latinize the United States, through mass immigration. So that the same part of the world that harbor the Nazis, the same part of the world that probably gave a haven to Adolf Hitler himself. You realize it’s given out. It’s considered a matter of fact in certain parts of the world that Hitler went to Argentina after the war.

It’s really very unnerving to think that the Allied powers may well have been involved in a massive deception, a massive deception. But of course, if the CIA or the OSS rather was smuggling Nazi war criminals out of Europe, obviously they were compromised at some level. If the CIA would eventually be behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy, they had to be corrupt. Obviously were corrupt. I mean, it’s given out that while Bill Donovan and the OSS assassinated George Patton at the end of the war, or as the war was ending. So that corruption was there. And of course, we believe that corruption has its roots, its origins in Rome and the deceptions of Rome and the fact that Rome engages in this Hegelian manipulation where they will often play both sides of a conflict so that whoever wins that conflict, they have their people in a position of power to take control or to manipulate.

That is the nature of Romanism and has been for centuries. That’s also the nature of Jesuitism and has been for more than 400 years. In fact, the Jesuits have been in Argentina since shortly after they were commissioned. They were commissioned by the Pope in 1540. They were in South America in Argentina since 1549.

When I interviewed Sean Wilcock, he confirmed what I’d been reading elsewhere, that the immigrants that are coming across the Mexican border into the United States are not just coming here. They are being told by their priests, to go to America. Yes, what’s happening to our country right now, brothers and sisters, is an invasion. An invasion of our country by the same powers that supported Nazism during the war. But it’s all being carried out in a very, very deceptive manner with layers of deception, lies, sophistry and propaganda. It is a system of evil that is perhaps unparalleled in all the pages of history.

We are living in a truly remarkable time. And as I’ve said before, the fulfillment of the Apostle Paul’s warning in the last days, perilous times shall come. And I believe we are in perilous times. Now that’s the case, we still have faith in God. We still have confidence that God always leads us to triumph in Christ and that all things work together for good to those that love God. We’re the called according to His purpose. Praise the Lord. Because when you’re on board the Titanic and the ship is going down, the only thing you can do is lift your eyes to heaven and look upward. And right now our country is like a ship that is going down. And how is it possible to rescue this sinking ship? The Lord knows. Part of me thinks it is possible. It’s certainly possible. All things are possible with God. If the Lord wills, He can certainly raise up champions to turn this thing around. That is entirely possible. But these forces, these dark and evil forces that are at work, they are not unbeatable. They have been beaten before in history over and over and over again. It’s very important that we recognize that. They have their victories in history, but they have many, many losses.

And we have to remember that the principles of freedom, the great principles of freedom that we have today, were all established by our God-fearing Bible-believing Christian ancestors who resisted these powers of darkness. They go all the way back to the Inquisition. Consider the Thirty Years War, the original Thirty Years War. That was a war that ultimately took Thirty Years, roughly, but ultimately Protestantism prevailed against the powers of Rome and the papacy. It happened then, it happened through World War I and World War II. What is called the Second Thirty Years War? Now the powers of Nazism did not win. The Nazis supported by Rome, supported by the Vatican and the Jesuit order, did not prevail. Ultimately, they were put down.

But remember, when Hitler rose up, when the Nazis rose up, they were a spectacle. And they seemed very, very powerful. And some people thought they were unbeatable. That was not the case. God had other plans.

So what can we as ordinary people do? Me, I look to the words of one of the prayers of King David from Psalm 18 and verse 17. Well, I’ll go back to verse 16. He says, He sent from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me, for they were too strong for me. The Lord delivered him because his enemies were too strong for him. And David, let’s remember, was a mighty warrior. But he had enemies that were too powerful for him alone. He had to rely upon the Lord. And I believe we are in exactly that position, brothers and sisters. The Scripture says that we should only fear the Lord, and He will deliver us from the hands of all our enemies. Praise God.

Vatican Power Over Governments

Vatican Power Over Governments

This is a chapter from a book, AMERICAN DEMOCRACY & THE VATICAN: POPULATION GROWTH & NATIONAL SECURITY By Stephen D. Mumford. It’s recommended to read by Christian J. Pinto of Noise of Thunder Radio. “The Church” referred to in this article is the Church of Rome, not the true Church of Jesus Christ.

It is also true that the Vatican controls governments whenever possible—either completely or partially.

Jean-Guy Vaillancourt, professor of sociology at the University of Montreal, a Catholic, and author of Papal Power: A Study of Vatican Control Over Lay Catholic Elites,9 has studied extensively Vatican efforts to achieve this dominance:

[The] Vatican is, above all, an organizational weapon in the hands of the papacy and other top ecclesiastical officials. Religious ideology has increasingly become subordinated to organizational imperatives. Among these internal and external organizational imperatives, organizational control of lay elites seems to have become a major preoccupation and necessity for Church authorities.10

No matter who the pope is, there are structural and institutional influences that operate because the Vatican is not only a religious institution and a center of political power but also an economic institution with vast financial and real estate holdings, a “fiscal paradise” which ranks alongside Monaco and Hong Kong as a haven for tax evasion.11 In spite of the purely religious image that it endeavors to put for­ ward, the Vatican is deeply involved in Italian and international politics and finance, promoting conservatism and capitalism while professing a Christian approach to democratic reforms. The Vatican is constantly intervening in Italian politics to protect its interests, including its economic interests. The Vatican is not only a political and a religious entity, it is also an important financial enterprise. . . . Church authorities have let themselves be used by political and economic elites as ideological legitimators of capitalism and conservatism, in return for economic advantage and political favors.12

It is a fact that the Vatican exercises enormous control over governments in predominantly Catholic countries:

From its inception, the Catholic Church has moved gradually from grass-roots democracy and collegial authority to a vast con­centration of power and authority in the hands of the hierarchy, and especially in the hands of the pope and his curia. This development has been accompanied by the alliance of these ecclesiastical leaders with the dominant classes and elites in civil and political society.13

“Shogun,” another recent highly successful television mini-series based on a novel, dramatized the development of just such an alliance in an Asian country three centuries ago.

This alliance is truest in developing Catholic countries and devel­oping countries that have substantial Catholic leadership and is less true now than it once was in countries in which the population is well educated, such as France, Italy, Belgium, and The Netherlands:

On the basis of its office charisma, the Church obtains certain privileges from the state, like tax exemptions, special subsidies, and protection from disrespect and even from secular jurisdiction.

In particular, the Church establishes a distinctive way of life for its officials. This requires a specific course of training and hence a regular hierocratic (of or relating to government by ecclesiastics (as priests or prelates) education. Once it has created the latter, it also gains control overlay education and, through it, provides the political authorities with officials and subjects who have been properly brought up in the hierocratic spirit.

From parochial schools to Catholic colleges, from minor seminaries to the pontifical universities in Rome, the Catholic educational system, with few exceptions, was organized under the central control of the Catholic hierarchy and the Vatican. . . . Building on all these educational institutions, with the help of a private taxation system and important investments, the Church developed a far-reaching system of socialization and controls which ultimately functioned to block threats to the established secular system. This ecclesiastical system of controls included, besides the various educational facilities, a whole network of mass media and meeting places for retreats, meetings, and various other kinds of sessions and congresses of groups and organizations, the most important of which have been examined in some of the preceding chapters.

The relative independence of the Catholic Church bureaucracy vis-a-vis political and socioeconomic forces permit it to fulfill better the role of an agent of ideological control which the ruling class assigns to it, and which it willingly assumes because of its links with that ruling class. Conservative Church officials do not have to receive direct orders from businessmen and from politicians to act in accordance with interests, since their own interests coincide with those of the ruling class.14

The Church functions optimally when it teams up with a right-wing dictatorship or single-party government such as commonly seen in Latin America, certain African countries, and the Philippines. The government offers an environment in which the Church can prosper and the Church reciprocates by controlling the masses—the laity—and ensures the status quo for the government. Referring to Italy as an example, Vaillancourt says:

The papacy gives religious legitimization to the socioeconomic and political status quo in Italy in exchange for political and economic advantages. It is itself controlled partly by the remu­nerative power of the ruling class, and in return it uses various kinds of normative and social control mechanisms to keep the laity loyal to itself and to the socioeconomic and political system that supports it. It helps reproduce the monopoly capitalist system and is in part determined in its own internal control activities by economic and political imperatives.15

The Church controls the masses using techniques that took centuries to develop. These have been classified by Vaillancourt as: (1) ecological power; (2) remunerative power; (3) coercive power; (4) social power; (5) legal power; (6) traditional power; (7) expert power; and (8) charismatic power.

Through its control of large segments of the population, the Church can and does perpetually intimidate governments. Persevering and monolithic (two well-recognized characteristics), the Church is eminently qualified to overcome the resistance of any government on any issue, given sufficient time.

The Church is accurately described as a totalitarian international government:

After the financial power which is practically uncontrolled, the ecclesiastical hierarchy exercises an authoritarian power. The accession to the episcopacy comes through a system of aristocratic co-optation. The people of God, the faithful, have no controlling power. The bishop’s power, once acquired, is nearly absolute, as long as one respects the supreme norms of orthodoxy that the ruling stratum itself has established. Without elections, without parties, without unions, ecclesiastical power rules accord­ing to the model of absolute monarchy. . . . In its relationship with political power, ecclesiastical power is in perfect symbiosis, as long as there is no mutual disagreement. . . . The financial basis and the power of the Church condition its doctrine and its ideology.16

Its preoccupation with power also affects the way in which it defines morality. Because the Vatican answers to no one, it can define morali­ty in any way it chooses—and it does. Anything that threatens its power is automatically deemed immoral. For example, legalized abortion seriously threatens its authority and thus its power. It is thus immoral and great attention is given to this immorality. Illegal abor­tion, on the other hand, does not threaten the authority of the Church, because the government has passed no law confronting the Church’s authority. Its authority over the people is upheld, and the government does not try by legalizing abortion to assume greater authority over the people than held by the Church. For example, Portugal, Argentina, and Uruguay all have illegal abortion rates greater than five hundred abortions per one thousand live births— even higher than the rate seen in the United States. However, the Church pays only lip service to illegal abortion since it does not directly threaten Church authority and thus Church power. “Illegal” abortion is apparently much less “immoral” than “legal” abortion, and little attention is given it by the Church leadership. Abortion thus becomes an issue of power—not morality!


9. Jean-Guy Vaillancourt, Papal Power: A Study of Vatican Control Over Lay Catholic Elites (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980).
10. Ibid, p. 15.
11. Ibid, p. 245.
12. Ibid, p. 283.
13. Ibid, p. 11.
14. Ibid, p. 261.
15. Ibid, p. 284.
16. Ibid, p. 265.

Immigration Warfare

Immigration Warfare

This is a talk by Christian J. Pinto of Noise of Thunder Radio given on September 27, 2023. Mr. Pinto, in my opinion, is one of the few voices in the world today who correctly identifies the main enemy of truth, the Gospel, and constitutional republican based liberty.

Chris Pinto calls the Roman Catholic / Jesuit immigration policy for the USA, irredentism.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it:

ir·​re·​den·​tism ˌir-i-ˈden-ˌti-zəm
: a political principle or policy directed toward the incorporation of irredentas within the boundaries of their historically or ethnically related political unit.

ir·​re·​den·​ta ˌir-i-ˈden-tə
variants or less commonly irridenta
: a territory historically or ethnically related to one political unit but under the political control of another.

Chris is basically saying that formerly Protestant Christian America is being taken over by Roman Catholic and Muslim immigrants.

Here are the main points of Chris Pinto’s talk and all of them are quotes:

  • Since Joe Biden was installed in the White House in place of President Trump, people are estimating that there have been at least five million illegal aliens have been brought into the country.
  • Biden is a globalist, obviously, and he knew that his job once he got into the White House was to advance and further the global agenda, which includes immigration warfare.
  • The Islamic version is the Hejra immigration jihad. And the Jesuit version is of course, irredentism, which is another word or term for immigration warfare.
  • Irredentism in my opinion is what’s going on at our southern border.
  • It’s, not just a main issue for our country (America). It is for the entire Western world immigration warfare or irredentism.
  • As Dr. Ronald Cook informed us that was what they used to undermine Northern Ireland. We know they use that in South Africa. We know they used it in Lebanon. We know that they’re using it throughout Western Europe right now. When I say “they,” I mean the globalists.
  • Isaiah 1:7  Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers (aliens, foreigners) devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
  • That’s what has happened in the Western world, brothers and sisters in America, in England, Scotland, Ireland, all of these Western countries and more that were originally dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ to the Christian religion.
  • The gospel has been steadily compromised, in particular now. Not just cultural issues, not just laws, but the gospel and the belief that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation and that Christianity is the only true religion. That has been systematically undermined since about the middle of the 20th century. It began in the late 19th century with the Parliament of World Religions, then by the time you get to Vatican Council II, you have a formal declaration that has been systematically adopted throughout the West. And that is this false idea that all religions are somehow or other, one and the same, or they’re co-equal, or they’re all equally valid ways to get to God. That is a lie. That is a false doctrine. That is a damnable heresy. And I believe that is the chief heresy that is undermining all of Western civilization.
  • And it’s why we have now all these Muslims flooding in. I mean, there are many, many stories about the Islamic invaders and all of the affliction that is being caused.
  • Because of what’s happening under the Biden administration, sooner or later, no one is going to be able to escape the problem of this mass, illegal immigration.
  • In Scotland, whether it’s Canada, Australia and so on, the false gods, Karl Marx and Allah, these false gods must be put down. And the Lord Jesus Christ as King of Kings and the only way of salvation must be lifted up.
  • Now, of course, Jesus is always King of Kings. So God does not need our help per se, but it is up to us to acknowledge God and to proclaim that Christ, not man is King and Christ is the only salvation for mankind.
  • So they are basically engaging in an ancient form of ecumenism. That’s what they’re doing. They’re blending all the gods together.
  • God says, be you holy even as I am holy. The word holy means separate. God is not blended in with Buddha and Krishna and Allah and all these pagan gods. No, they are not all one and the same.

Please listen to the entire talk!

The Reality Behind the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Rome Vs. Moscow

The Reality Behind the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Rome Vs. Moscow

A building in Ukraine destroyed by a Russian missile.

In October 2022 I wrote an article My Views About the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. In it, I gave the background of what I think makes me qualified to say anything about the situation. This is a follow-up article to it.

Today on Facebook a friend named Scott wrote something interesting about the subject:

Only one last nation to subjugate to complete Fatima’s 3rd vision. The “error of Russia” that the Oracle warned would spread throughout the world if left unchecked was not communism, it was the “error” of Orthodoxy which refuses to kneel down to the Pope. ALL of the Western Allies who are throwing money at Ukraine are children of the Latin church. It’s 1204 AD and the 4th crusade being played out all over again.

I was surprised to hear that from anybody for these are my own views on the situation! It’s really a conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church, between the Vatican and Moscow!

This is what I replied:

That’s exactly how I see it too. I always felt it had something to do with the Western and Eastern heads of the Catholic schism 1000 years ago. My Russian friend told me the Orthodox church backs Putin, and my friend from Belarus told me he believes Putin was fed false information to make him think Ukraine would be an easy victory. Putin fell for the bait and now is in a no-win situation in my opinion. Even if he takes over Ukraine, the Ukrainian resistance will be a continual thorn for him just like the French resistance was to the Nazis.

That’s of course my opinion.

The issue is a very contentious one because Biden and the Democratic party support Ukraine by sending billions of dollars of US tax-payer money, money that could be used to better America, fix roads, bridges, etc. And some of my friends think that just because I blame Putin for the war, I must be supporting the Ukrainian military-industrial complex! I do not! Nor do I agree with America giving money to Ukraine. I just want the war to end.

I lost at least two friends, one a long-time friend I knew in Japan, over this. They think only in black and white, good or evil. Black-hat-Biden is clearly evil based on his track record and the unbiblical ideologies he promotes. Biden supports Zelenskyy and therefore Zelenskyy must also be evil and wearing a black hat. Putin, therefore, must be the good guy, the man who wears the white hat. Do you really think that’s reality? Is a man who came to power in 1999 through the murder of his own people a righteous man? I’m referring to the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings.

“All available evidence points to Putin’s complicity in the 1999 apartment-building bombings in Russia. Those who have tried to investigate have been killed off, one by one.” (Source: The Unsolved Mystery Behind the Act of Terror That Brought Putin to Power)

How can anybody who calls themselves an American approve of the invasion of a small nation by a large one? How can any American rejoice when Russia takes over Ukraine’s cities? My own Russian friends do NOT rejoice at that! They ALL support the Ukrainian resistance! Putin kills innocent Ukrainian civilians, women, and children, and American conservatives rejoice? And they call me brainwashed on top of it! It’s insane! One guy told me my views on the situation are “lopsided” even though I told him those are also the views of both my Ukrainian and Russian friends! He lives in faraway Argentina and yet presumes to know better than they do?! That’s insane!

I lived for five years on the island of Guam, US territory which has a Russian community of about a hundred people. I made some friends from among them. My closest friend, Alexander, from a region near the Black Sea tells me that the entire Russian community of Guam believes Vladimir Putin is a criminal. They do not support the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They support the Ukrainian resistance. This is also what an ethnic Russian who lives in Latvia told me. And also what a sister in Christ in Moldova, a former Soviet Republic, told me. I have a Ukrainian friend, Lydia, who is now a refugee in France with her daughter Diane. She told me Russian propaganda is strong. Many American conservatives have swallowed it.

Oliver Stone interviewed Putin and made him look pretty good. American conservatives have told me to watch Stone’s documentary. What they ignore is that Stone himself does not agree with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The paradox is as my Facebook friend Scott says, “ALL of the Western Allies who are throwing money at Ukraine are children of the Latin church.” The Latin church is of course the Church of Rome, the Roman Catholic church. If the reader of this article has seen any other articles on this website, you know I do not support the Roman Catholic Church. I do not hope for a Western takeover of Russia. I only would like to see Putin out and somebody better for the Russian nation replacing him.

The Orthodox Church is not much better than the Catholic Church. They worship images. The Orthodox Church clergy do not look at evangelical Protestant Christians as their fellow co-workers in spreading of the Gospel. They look at foreign missionaries as competition! Peter the Great didn’t like the Orthodox church. He knew they kept Russia poor and in ignorance.

When I lived in Russia, the Orthodox Church clearly told me and my friends who were distributing Gospel tracts in St. Petersburg, “We will persecute you!” And they did! My witnessing partner, a sister from Romania, was pepper-sprayed in the face and her tracts were torn out of her hands by an Orthodox church person! This was just after Yeltsin signed a law which legalized the Russian Orthodox church as the only church that could legally operate in Russia. All other churches and Christian groups remained underground as they did during Soviet times.

I consider the war bad for both Russians and Ukrainians. I just want the war to end. Supporting the end of Putin’s aggression doesn’t make me a liberal democrat. Why my friends can’t understand that baffles me. What would be their attitude if America was invaded by Russia?

My daily prayer is for the war to end. It will end only if Putin withdraws his troops from Ukraine.

I love the Russian people! I made many Russian friends during the three years I lived in Russia from 1994 to 1997. I had many adventures, in the Siberian cities of Novosibirsk and Kemorova, in the city on the Volga River, Saratov, in Moscow walking up and down Red Square, in St. Petersburg which was my home for two and a half years, in the Black Sea city of Novorossiysk, and in the Arctic city of Murmansk where I spent three seasons, winter, spring and summer. I consider the Russian people some of the most friendliest and hospitable people on earth! Even the Russian mafia liked me! I had several encounters with them. And I even passed through the eastern side of Ukraine by train, the area which Russia claims today.

I just want the war to end.

Popery The Foe of the Church and of the Republic

Popery The Foe of the Church and of the Republic
noun: derogatory, archaic

The doctrines, practices, and ceremonies associated with the Pope or the papal system; Roman Catholicism.
“the Anglicans campaigned against popery”

Why has the word “popery” become archaic? It was a term well used by American Protestants in the 19th century. By the 20th century, Jesuit infiltration had become so great in American Protestant churches that most Protestants no longer considered the Pope or the Roman Catholic Church to be a threat to American democratic institutions.

The book, Popery The Foe of the Church and of the Republic was published in America in 1871, a time when Protestants were aware of the threat of the Roman Catholic church against the liberties of the United States of America. Has the Catholic Church changed much since that time? Only overtly, not in its covert purpose and goal of political control of the nations. The Protestant churches, however, have greatly changed! No longer is Protestantism feared by the Church of Rome.

I believe all this “wokeness” and insane policies of the Biden administration are a tool of the Jesuits to drive America back to conservatism which the Catholic church will offer them much more than most non-Catholic churches today. That’s my theory.

Information about the author, Joseph Smith Van Dyke (1832-1915), is found on He was the pastor of a Presbyterian church in Bloomsbury New Jersey. He was the author of several other books. From the text of this book, I believe he was a solid Christian and deeply knowledgeable of the Word of God.









THE deep interest awakened in the hearts of many by the present condition and reawakened energies of the Papal Church, is our apology for presuming to call the attention of the public to Popery’s inveterate hostility to civil and religious liberty. And this, most assuredly, is a subject which, though lacking novelty, imperatively demands earnest, serious, thoughtful consideration. In this age of maudlin (sad) charity for all systems of faith—instead of genuine charity for all men—the Church greatly needs a fearless reassertion of the principles and doctrines essential to the hope of salvation. Souls struggling with sin need to know that Christ, our elder brother, ever accessible, is a mighty Saviour, and that all the ransomed are, “kings and priests unto God.”

If the aspirations of Romanism were restricted to increased spiritual power, our duty would terminate with proclaiming a free, untrammelled Gospel, hope for every penitent at the foot of Calvary. But Rome has never yielded her right to temporal rule. The unparalleled efforts now made to extend her influence are instigated by the hope of securing control in the political world. We need, therefore, a reaffirmation of the lesson written in the struggles of thirteen centuries, that Romanism is the ally of despotism, Protestantism the friend of constitutional liberty.

This volume, presented to the public with a deep consciousness that it falls far short of meeting the demand of the times, is a feeble effort to prove that Romanism in this nineteenth century is essentially the same that it has always been, the foe of the true Church and of Republicanism, the determined enemy of liberty, civil and ecclesiastical, personal and national. Prepared in the disconnected hours of ministerial life, we crave for it the reader’s generous criticism. Firmly convinced, however, that the subject is one claiming earnest attention, we timidly launch our tiny bark in the feeble hope that it may, in some slight measure at least, awaken attention to the danger to be apprehended from a system of despotism, which for fifteen centuries has fettered the limbs of freedom and darkened the way of salvation.

The Author.
Cranbury, N. J.,
Sept. 1, 1871.


With those who prophesy the speedy triumph of Romanism in this country we have little sympathy; with those who counsel her supreme indifference to her increased activity, less still. Whilst —as a comparison of statistics clearly proves—there is no just cause for alarm on the part of the friends of civil liberty, there are reasons many and cogent why Protestants should put forth their most strenuous efforts to defeat the wily machinations of their arch-enemy, and to give the masses the only true antidote to Popery, the simple, unadulterated Gospel. This call to redoubled exertion is found not simply in the fact that the Papacy is by necessity bitterly hostile to the true Church and to Republicanism, but especially in its recent energy and growth. Earnest effort and unwearied vigilance are duties we owe alike to ourselves and to God. If activity is essential to healthful piety; if the truth as taught by Christ is in its very nature aggressive; if the true Church of God can fulfil its mission in the world only by conscientiously endeavoring to obey the commands of its ascended Lord; if, as every well instructed Protestant firmly believes, Popery is the uncompromising enemy of genuine Christianity, and of Republican forms of government, then most assuredly Protestants should exert themselves to counteract the unparalleled efforts now made to extend Rome’s baneful system of spiritual despotism over a country dedicated to Protestantism and civil liberty.

The subjoined figures show a remarkable growth of Romanism in the last thirty years. There were in the United States in

1840 1870
Dioceses 13 53
Vicariates-Apostolic 0 9
Bishops 12 62
Priests 373 3483
Churches and Stations 300 5219
Catholic Population 1,500,000 5,000,000

This condensed view fails in giving an adequate idea of the full strength of the Papal Church in the United States. In several of the dioceses the numbers are not given. Moreover, in addition to their regular priests, they have about 2000 seculars, and nearly 1000 clerical students. To these cohorts of Rome must be added several thousand “religious” in 286 nunneries and 128 monasteries. Imperfect as the figures are, however, they show a remarkable increase in the last three decades. Their dioceses have more than quadrupled; their bishops quintupled. Their churches are now seventeen times more numerous than in 1840; their priests nine times.

It is indeed true that during the same period Protestantism has greatly added to its numbers. And if it had kept pace with its adversary, there would be little, if indeed any, ground for fear. But what are the facts? Is the Catholic increase only absolute, or is it an increase relative to Protestants? In 1840, of the entire population, one-twelfth was Catholic; now about one-seventh is. And of the large number belonging to no creed, the Papal Church, which is to an alarming extent a political organization, can effectually control at least its proportion. It is the constant boast of their papers that if our nation is “Non-Catholic,” it is certainly “Non-Protestant ;” that they are as numerous as the members of the dissevered branches of the “damnable heresy,” and are therefore—even in point of numbers, to say nothing of divine right—entitled to control the future destinies of this country.

The number of their priests is indeed small when compared with the number of Protestant ministers; they are sufficient, however, to manage the affairs of the Church with energy and zeal. And an alarming feature in their rapidly increasing number is that many —and among these the most intelligent, zealous, efficient and intolerant—are American born: Bronson, Doane, Hecker, and a long list of others, sons of Methodists, Episcopalians, Congregationalists, and Presbyterians.

And all, from the highest to the lowest, archbishops, bishops, priests, Jesuits, monks and nuns, are assiduously engaged in advancing the interests of Rome. One will controls all. The entire country, from Maine to California, from Oregon to Florida, is comprised in the field of their operations. Divided into seven provinces, embracing fifty-three dioceses and nine vicariates-apostolic, each under the watchful eye of a bishop, there is no section of this broad land but Rome claims as her own. Wherever the interests of Popery can be subserved, a preaching station is established, an academy founded, or schools opened. As the tide of emigration rolls westward, Romanism is always the first to erect hospitals, to build churches, and to open institutions for the instruction of the young. We are learning by experience the truth of the European proverb: — “Discover a desert island, and the priest is waiting for you on the shore.”

Great shrewdness is also shown in the disposition of the men and means at their disposal. Points are selected which may become centers of influence. Their strength is not frittered away in sparsely settled rural districts; but establishing themselves in state capitals, county towns, and rapidly growing cities, they effectually guard the interests of Rome in all the surrounding country, moulding public opinion, securing influence with those who control legislation, and in many instances—to the burning shame of Protestantism— educating the children of those in the communion of the true Church.

The design of the efforts so persistently made in all parts of the west, is clearly announced in a Catholic paper in Boston :— “Catholics should control and sway the west. The Church has the right to claim the immense Valley of the Mississippi, of which the Jesuit missionaries were the first explorers.”

And in the south they are no less active. Organized efforts are made, on an extensive scale and with a lavish outlay of funds, to bring the freedmen over to Popery. At a convention of bishops held a few years since in Baltimore, measures to secure this end were adopted. The precaution required by the Papal Church, of conducting their proceedings with closed doors, renders it impossible for us heretics to learn all that was done by these assembled dignitaries. That agencies were inaugurated to proselyte the colored race on this continent is beyond question. And that the measures adopted and referred to the Pope for confirmation—whatever they were—received his approval, may be confidently inferred from the fact that the “Society for Propagating the Faith,” whose office is at Rome, straightway contributed $600,000 in gold for one year’s missionary work among the freedmen in our country. Is it not fair to assume that a contribution so large presupposes effective agencies for carrying forward the work on a scale corresponding with the cost? Jesuits—who, in worldly wisdom, if not in purity of purpose, have always been pre-eminent— seldom invest without securing large dividends, munificent (liberal) returns, in blind attachment to the interests of Rome.

Lavish expenditure is immediately succeeded by organized effort. With a celerity evincing great earnestness, sixty-six Romish priests were landed in New Orleans to commence missionary efforts. And these, we are informed, are only the pioneers, whose business it is to examine the field of operations, and report to their superiors the force needed, and the points where labor can be most advantageously prosecuted. Already they have opened large, well-equipped schools for the blacks at Raleigh, at Mobile, at New Orleans, and at many other important centers of influence. And most of these institutions are successful to an extent quite disheartening to the friends of Protestantism. They have drawn largely from the schools opened by the benevolence of the northern Church, and in some instances have driven their rivals from the field.

To most Protestants, we presume, it is but too painfully evident that the Romish Church, by its gorgeous displays, is well fitted to secure a powerful influence over the hearts of a half-civilized people. Enslaved by ignorance, naturally fond of show, and taught by long years of servitude to yield an unquestioning obedience, they are quite as likely to accept the religion presented them by Rome as the simple unostentatious Gospel of Christ. A future not very remote may, therefore, possibly witness a control maintained by the Romish Church over this helpless race as complete as that now exercised over the Irish—a spiritual despotism more debasing in its character and more permanent in its nature than the slavery from which they have so recently emerged.

Not alone in the west and south, but in the east as well, especially in our large cities, Rome is laboring untiringly to acquire power. Magnificent churches are built, hospitals founded, nunneries and monasteries established, schools opened, tracts and pamphlets distributed gratuitously, and popular lectures—designed to prove that Popery is the guardian of morals, the friend of civil liberty, the educator of the masses, the dispenser of charities to the poor, the inspirer of true devotion, and the only gateway to heaven—are frequently and unblushingly delivered in the very heart of cities which owe all their greatness to the principles of the Protestant religion. Nor have these efforts proved abortive, as New York, alas, can clearly testify. In the centers of wealth and culture, which invited those possessing a religion intensely hostile to our free institutions, Romanism has proved a Grecian horse, disgorging a legion of enemies. Lawlessness, excessive taxation, political corruption, and utter contempt for the interests and wishes of the people, have followed as naturally as darkness succeeds sunset.

In Rome’s list of agencies, schools occupy a prominent place. If these imparted only secular knowledge, the principles of morality and a system of religious faith free from superstition, all true friends of the rising generation might indeed rejoice. But, alas, the instruction is intensely Popish. Avowedly—except in the case of Protestant children, and there in reality—the primary object is to make the pupils ardent advocates of Romanism. Her seventy ecclesiastical institutions, her hundreds of colleges and boarding schools, her 2500 parochial schools, and her Sunday-schools in connection with almost every church, are so many nurseries of Popery, agencies for riveting the chains of spiritual despotism on the coming generation.

The design of these efforts is plain; Romanists are aiming at power in this country. We need not delude ourselves with the belief that they seek only the eternal welfare of our people. The aspirations of the Papacy in all countries during its entire history of thirteen centuries have been to become dominant in the state. And we can scarcely hope that an infallible Church will change its character at this late day. If the power for which they toil so arduously is acquired, there can be no doubt of the results. Protestantism will be persecuted, perhaps suppressed, as heretofore in Rome, and our free Bible, free schools, and free press will be things of the past. Possibly some Protestants with a smile of contempt may affirm, “Romanism, at least in this country, is a friend of liberty.” Let them point, however, to the country or the time in which Popery has not opposed a will of iron to all free institutions.*

In estimating the strength of the organization which seeks our destruction, we should remember that the 5,000,000 of our citizens whose first allegiance is due to Rome are drilled to implicit obedience and directed by one will: that their plans are cunningly masked, while ours—if indeed we have any—are well known: that they are a unit in action, waging an unceasing warfare, resolved on victory; we, disconnected bands, without unity of purpose, carrying on at best but a fitful struggle. Moreover, since they are thoroughly unscrupulous in the use of means, they necessarily wield more power with the irreligious masses than we. Possibly also the tendency to ritualistic forms, so apparent in certain quarters, may prepare the way for Popery by producing a love of meaningless rites and imposing ceremonies.

* A Catholic paper of St. Louis said, not many years since: “We are not advocates of religious toleration except in cases of necessity. We are not going to deny the facts of history, or blame the Church and her saints and doctors, for doing what they have done and sanctioned. . . . . We gain nothing by declaiming against the doctrine of civil punishment for spiritual crimes.”

Facts like these, and numerous others which might be adduced, make it but too painfully evident that there is more than an idle boast in the assertion of the Catholic World, that “The question put to us a few years since with a smile of mixed incredulity and pity, “Do you believe that this country will ever become Catholic?’ is changed into the question, ‘How soon do you think it will come to pass?’ Soon, very soon, we reply, if statistics be true, for it appears . . . . that the rate of growth of the Catholic religion has been 75 per cent. greater than the ratio of increase of population; while the rate of the increase of Protestantism has been 11 percent. less.” The Bishop of Cincinnati said, in 1866: “Effectual plans are in operation to give us the complete victory over Protestantism.” Another bishop affirms: “ Notwithstanding the Government of the United States has thought fit to adopt a complete indifference towards all religions, yet, the time is coming when the Catholics will have the ascendancy.” The Bishop of Charleston, in his report to Rome, said : “Within thirty years the Protestant heresy will come to an end.” The Pilot, a Catholic paper of Boston, recently affirmed: “The man is today living who will see a majority of the people of the American continent Roman Catholics.” “Let Protestants hate us if they will,” says another Catholic paper, “but the time will come when we will compel them to respect us.” Should that day ever arrive, we may expect little favor from a Church, all of whose priests, according to the assertion of one of their number, “swear, we will persecute this cursed evangelical doctrine as long as we have a drop of blood in our veins; and we will eradicate it, secretly and publicly, violently and deceitfully, with words and deeds, the sword not excluded.”


Though there may be no just cause for alarm, there certainly is an imperative call to action. Their oft-repeated prophecy, that from twenty-five to thirty years will suffice to give them a clear majority in this country—however absurd it may now seem to many— ought to arouse us to renewed exertion. If Papists conquered Rome, why may they not conquer America? Is it so utterly impossible that the next generation should witness the supremacy of Romanism that we can afford to fold our arms in ease?* Possessing the balance of power between the two political parties, demanding favorable legislation as the condition of support, and wielding political power in some of our largest cities, Popery is a foe whose giant strength it is folly to underestimate. Already it has succeeded in banishing the Bible from some of our public schools, and in securing, in some instances in marked degree, the advocacy of its interests in the secular press. A contest between the Papacy and Protestantism seems therefore inevitable. Other names may be substituted—Jesuitism can readily devise those that will better answer its purpose. Under the banner of civil liberty Rome may possibly bind upon us the fetters of spiritual despotism.

* Speaking of the Papacy, Mr. Disraeli said, in 1835: “What is this power beneath whose sirocco (hot dust-laden) breath the fame of England is fast withering? Were it the dominion of another Conqueror—another Bold Bastard with his belted sword—we might gnaw the fetters which we cannot burst. Were it the genius of Napoleon with which we were again struggling, we might trust the issue to the God of battles, with a sainted confidence in our good cause and our national energies, But we are sinking beneath a power before which the proudest conquerors have grown pale, and by which the nations most devoted to freedom have become enslaved—the power of a foreign priesthood.”


SOMEWHAT like the fabled Sphinx, who, sitting by the roadside, propounded her riddle to each passer-by, Popery has for centuries demanded an explanation of her seemingly charmed life. And he who has presumed to give an answer not in accordance with her arrogant assumptions, has incurred her lasting enmity; where she had the power, death. If she comes forth from God, however, as she claims, how shall we account for the errors, the follies and the crimes that blacken her name? If she is the outgrowth of the depraved heart, or Satan’s cunningest workmanship, how explain her continued power, her seemingly deathless life? Unquestionably the explanation is found in the fact that God, for infinitely wise purposes unknown to us, permits the continuance of this organized adversary of the true Church for the express purpose of testing the intelligence, the fidelity, and the zeal of his people.

Should we not expect a prediction of the rise and progress of Popery? This would be in accordance with God’s usual mode of dealing with his Church, Jehovah’s purpose of destroying the world by a flood was made known one hundred and twenty years before its execution. The destruction of Babylon, Nineveh, Tyre and Jerusalem, was accurately predicted. So likewise it was declared that the descendants of Abraham should be as numerous as the stars of heaven, when as yet he had no child; and that the land of Palestine should be their possession when the Father of the Faithful owned not even a burial-place for his dead. Not only was the coming of Christ predicted immediately after the transgression of our first parents, but in subsequent ages, and long prior to the incarnation, many circumstances of his birth, mission, life and death—and some apparently the least important—were foretold.

Nor are the prophecies mere isolated predictions of disconnected events. A system dating from the fall, and embracing all the principal changes which have taken place in either the Church or the world, and extending onwards to the final triumph of Christ’s cause, may be found in Scripture.

We should not, however, expect predictions respecting minute particulars. The portraiture of the future given by the prophets, is like the vivid description of a landscape viewed from a commanding eminence. Although the eye of the beholder surveys the whole extent, seeing all prominent objects, yet, by describing those which from his standpoint are most conspicuous, he presents a picture, imperfect indeed, yet accurate, of the scene. What description by a master hand is to the landscape, the predictions of the prophets are to the future. To complete the picture the reader must determine the position occupied by the seer in beholding the ceaseless current of events.

Hence, doubtless, arises the difficulty in interpreting prophecy. We are embarrassed not so much by what is said as by what is left unsaid. To unveil the half hidden meaning of a few sentences in which is compressed the history of centuries is almost or quite impossible. Shall we, therefore, give over all effort to understand the prophetical books? Is so large a portion of the Bible given us merely to confirm the faith of the Church after the events referred to have occurred? This cannot be, otherwise the command, “Search the Scripture,” would have read, ‘Search the Law, the Psalms, and the fulfilled prophecies.’

In the field of prophecy, co-extensive with time, and earnestly soliciting an unprejudiced examination, we are led naturally to expect some predictions respecting the rise and progress of Popery. It is highly improbable, scarcely possible, that no place should be found for a system of religion which, numbering its adherents by millions, has existed for more than twelve centuries, and while professing to be the only true form of Christian worship, and claiming for its ecclesiastical head the titles of “ Vicar of Christ,’ and “Vicegerent of God,” has not hesitated to claim and exercise the right to put to death those who, however devout, humble and Christlike in character and conduct, have denied its spiritual supremacy.

An examination of prophecy, even the most casual, reveals, in the Old Testament, two passages which refer to the Roman Empire; the former chiefly to its civil, the latter to its ecclesiastical power. In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Dan. ii. 31-45), we have a prediction of the rise of the powerful kingdom of the west, which, during so many centuries, has lent its strength to sustain the Papal Church :

Daniel 2:31  ¶Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. 32  This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, 33  His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. 34  Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. 35  Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

Here are presented two, and only two distinct objects—“the great image,” and “the stone cut out without hands.” Although the image has its several parts—by which four successive kingdoms are represented—these constitute the one great figure symbolizing a form of civil government essentially hostile to the Church, government by brute force, despotism. In all the members the same spirit prevails, hostility to the kingdom set up by the God of heaven. Though having “his head of fine gold, his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay,” yet this image forcibly presents the idea of unity. This, which is set forth by the first symbol of: the dream, is still more distinctly represented by the second. The little stone—not separated into members, but one and indivisible—is well fitted to symbolize the one spiritual kingdom, the Church of Jesus Christ, whose unity is preserved by the indwelling of the same spirit. As the invisible atoms of the stone of necessity cohere, so the different members of Christ’s Church, however far separated in space or time, constitute one spiritual kingdom.

By the several parts of this figure are represented the four kingdoms, the universal empires of the world. “The head of fine gold” is a symbol of the Assyrio-Babylonian Empire, founded, in the valley of the Euphrates, by Nimrod, the grandson of Noah. Of this kingdom the chief cities were Babylon and Nineveh.* “The breast and arms of silver” represented the Medo-Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus on the ruins of the Assyrio-Babylonian. It is probably not pressing the, symbol too far to suppose that by the arms are represented the two nations, the Medes and Persians, which uniting constituted this kingdom. The third kingdom, symbolized by “the belly and thighs of brass,” was the Graeco-Macedonian, founded by Alexander the Great. Before this victorious warrior the preceding kingdoms crumbled to pieces, and the kingdom of brass ruled the world. The two thighs may be intended to represent the two most powerful divisions of this kingdom—the Ptolemies in Egypt, and the Seleucide in Syria.

* These alternatively held each other in subjection till the year 625 B. C., when Nineveh was finally overthrown by the combined forces of the Medes and of Nabopolassar.

The fourth kingdom is the Roman.* In reference to this the prophecy is fuller, both as respects its character and its collision with the little stone. Its form of government, partly despotic and partly republican, combining the strength of iron with the brittleness of clay, is represented by “the legs of iron and the feet part of iron and part of clay.” Whereas the former three kingdoms were pure despotisms, this, whilst even more despotic, as symbolized by the harder metal, iron, always contained an clement of weakness. Under the form of a republic—which was often little more than a name—it maintained a stronger hold on the affections of its subjects, and, therefore, secured longer continuance. Yet, whilst always endeavoring to convert the fragility of clay into the hardness of iron, it failed in the end, and crumbled to pieces.

* Rome was founded in 753 B. about 150 years before the utterance of Daniel’s prophecy.

“And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: fornsmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes part of potter’s clay and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay, And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is curtain, and the interpretation thereof sure.”—Dan. ii. 40-45,

Here it is expressly said that “the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron, and break in pieces and bruise.” During its existence as a limited monarchy (nearly two hundred and fifty years), it gradually extended its power till all the surrounding nations fell before its victorious arms. The exact date of its succession to the kingdom of brass we cannot fix. Of the fact, however, there can be no doubt. From the year 509 to 48 BC, during her existence as a republic, Rome extended her conquests over a great part of Asia, Africa and Europe. Britain was twice entered. Caesar’s legions penetrated to the heart of Germany. Macedon, Syria and Egypt were conquered. After the battle of Pharsalia (48 BC), in which Pompey, the commander of the armies of the republic, was utterly defeated by Caesar, the government was imperial rather than republican. For five hundred and twenty-four years subsequent to this, the emperors, for the most part, were content with retaining those provinces which were conquered under the republic. The advice bequeathed by Augustus, of confining the empire within its natural limits, the Euphrates, the Desert of Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Rhine and Danube, was seldom departed from. A few exceptions there indeed were. Britain was made to submit to the Roman yoke during the reign of Domitian; Dacia, Armenia and Assyria during that of Trajan.

The fourth kingdom was, as Daniel had predicted, strong as iron, enduring in its three forms, of a monarchy, a republic and an empire, for more than twelve centuries, and wielding, for nearly the half of this long period, the scepter of universal dominion. During all the ages of its existence, however, it was “iron mixed with miry clay.” It was never a firmly consolidated empire. It was the unnatural union of despotism and democracy.

Of the Roman state, the fourth section of the image, Daniel declared, “the kingdom shall be divided.” The ten toes, like the ten horns of the fourth beast, (Dan. vii. 24, and Rev. xvii. 16,) represent the ten kingdoms established on the fall of the empire. “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom ……. . And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise.” By the reasoning of Bishop Newton, it has been successfully established that these ten kingdoms should be looked for in the Western Roman Empire, that portion of the fourth kingdom which was no part of the preceding three. As to the powers constituting them, however, diversity of opinion always has, and perhaps always will, exist.

By the words, “they shall not cleave one to another,” we have, perhaps, a prediction that the ten kingdoms shall never again be united in one empire. Certain it is, that since 476 AD (the date of the downfall of the Roman Empire generally received) they haye, with very slight changes, remained territorially the same.

By “the stone cut out of the mountain without hands” is symbolized the kingdom of Christ, which “the God of heaven shall set up,” and “which shall never be destroyed.” These expressions, and especially the latter, are evidently inapplicable to any form of civil government. “Cut out without hands” indicates God’s agency, and not man’s. Of the “kingdom not of this world,” all the benefits, blessings and privileges are heaven’s free gift to the human race. And of what earthly kingdom could perpetuity be predicated? Is not decay written on all?

Of this kingdom two states are here prefigured; one of comparative insignificance, represented by the stone; one of widely extended and powerful influence, symbolized by the mountain. The same gradual growth is alluded to in Christ’s parable of the Mustard Seed.

We are also told when this kingdom shall arise : “In the days of these kings.” It was during the existence of the last of the four, when the entire world humbly bowed at the throne of the proud Caesars, that God, by the incarnation of his Son, set up, or perhaps more properly, as the Latin Vulgate has it, “resuscitated” a kingdom. Having existed since the Fall, it was now strengthened, enlarged, and its privileges extended to the Gentiles.

In this entire prophecy reference is evidently had to the rise and progress of that empire which, divided into ten kingdoms, has given its power and strength to Popery. It makes war with the Lamb. It is the enemy of the Church and of Republicanism, the deadly foe of liberty, civil and religious, personal and national. With democracy it can form no alliance, and will make no compromise. The iron will not mix with the clay. With Protestantism, the parent and champion of constitutional government, it wages unceasing warfare. Deriving moral support from Popery, its natural ally, it is antagonistic to the kingdom of the little stone, so far at least as this is hostile to despotism.


The warfare, desperate and deadly, is not carried on, however, with carnal weapons. Noiselessly, but with terrible earnestness, the struggle is prolonged through centuries. Kingdoms rise, grow hoary with age and crumble to decay, still the contest is undecided. The three kingdoms, of gold, of silver and of brass, have become as “chaff of the summer threshing-floors,” but the stone has not yet become a great mountain filling the whole earth. Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Alexander and Caesar, sleep in their unknown graves, but not as yet have the feet and the toes of the great image, revealed in the palace of Shushan, crumbled to pieces.

Of the ten kingdoms which, “with one mind gave their power and strength unto the beast,” some are yielding to the rule of Immanuel; others, in still lending their strength to the papal Antichrist, are filling to the full the cup of wrath. In their adulterous alliance with the Mother of Harlots they are aiding in sustaining a system which, “composed of specious truth and solid falsehood,” is at war with the fundamental doctrines of the Gospel. The Christian’s hope is sustained, however, by the assurance, “The ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.” (Rev. xvii. 16) Of Christ’s kingdom it is said, “It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”

IT is the assertion of Protestants not only that Rome’s civil power, but that the Papacy itself, was predicted twelve centuries before its rise. Of this affirmation the truth becomes apparent if to a description of Nebuchadnezzar’s image be added an examination of Daniel’s vision; for by the former is foretold Rome’s civil despotism—by the latter, her spiritual. The powers represented to the king as four kingdoms, appeared in vision to the prophet as four wild beasts trampling upon Christianity. To the monarch even the Church is “a kingdom which the God of heaven should set up,” small indeed in its origin, but destined to fill the whole earth; to the prophet it is a feeble band of struggling martyrs, “the saints of the Most High,” oppressed by the little horn of the fourth beast. It is a small and scattered company of faithful witnesses, ground down by the: Papal hierarchy for the term of 1260 years, yet, inspired with faith in God’s promises, suffering in the assured hope of ultimate triumph. Daniel says:

“I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it. And, behold, another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. After this, I beheld, and lo, another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.”—Dan. vii, 2-8.

These four beasts arise out of the troubled sea of human society. “The first, like a lion,” symbolizes the Babylonian Empire, the characteristics of which were boldness, consciousness of power, cunning and cruelty. “The wings of an eagle” represent its rapid conquests. In the later years of the empire these were plucked. Its victorious arms no longer struck terror. By the expression “a man’s heart was given unto it,” we are to understand that the rigors of despotism were somewhat abated.

By the “second beast, like to a bear,” is symbolized the kingdom of the Medes and Persians. In the expression, “it raised up itself on one side,” we find a prophecy of the superior energy and efficiency of one of the nations constituting this kingdom. The three ribs in the mouth of it denote a partially civilized people in the act of devouring kingdoms to increase their own strength. The command, “Arise, devour much flesh,” was fulfilled by Cyrus.

“The third beast, like a leopard,” represents the Greco-Macedonian empire. The rapidity of Alexander’s conquests, by the aid of his four distinguished generals, is denoted by “the four wings of a fowl,” and the division of the kingdom on his death, by four heads.

Having premised this much—which seemed necessary to an understanding of the scope of this famous prophesy—we hasten to consider the fourth beast. As this represents a power still in existence, and bitterly hostile to Christianity, it is, to us, more deeply interesting than its predecessors. Of it the interpreting angel says :

“The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand, until a time and times and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.”—Dan. vii. 23-27.

Diverse from all others, being the union of monarchical and republican principles, it had the power to repress revolt and the facility of adapting itself to the ever varying phases of human society. Hence, for more than six centuries, half the time between its founding and the division into the ten kingdoms, its very name was a terror. Of her extent and power we need no proof. “Half our learning is her epitaph.” She became terrible and strong exceedingly. By her invincible legions all independent nationalities were trampled in pieces. Being first crushed, they were devoured, and became parts of the all-embracing empire. At length, as we have seen (Chapter 1.), this kingdom was divided into ten, represented in Daniel’s vision by ten horns; in Nebuchadnezzar’s by the toes of the image. Thus, on the Roman state are found all the marks of the beast.

Among the ten horns another little horn came up, “before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots.’ The belief that this little horn represents the Papal hierarchy is, among Protestants, almost universal. It was to arise after the ten kingdoms. These arose in the interval between 356 and 526 AD. The Papacy, after gradually acquiring power for three centuries, was perfected as an engine of ecclesiastical despotism in 606 A.p., when Phocas, the murderer and usurper, conferred upon Boniface III. the title of Universal Bishop. Then Romanism, as a system of oppression, became complete. The little horn had grown upon the unsightly monster.

The three horns plucked up by the roots were, it is commonly believed, the kingdom of the Goths, of the Ostrogoths, and of the Lombards.

Of this last foe of the true Church, the characteristics are given by Daniel. “And behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man.” “By its eyes,” says Sir Isaac Newton, “it was a seer. A seer is a bishop; and this Church claims the universal bishopric.” Ecclesiastical power is its most marked characteristic. In this it is “diverse from all the kingdoms that were before it.” The mode in which this unlimited authority was acquired, furnishes an instructive chapter in history. On the conversion of Constantine, a golden opportunity was given of evangelizing the world. The bishops of Rome, however, caring more to extend their own authority than to spread a knowledge of the truth, labored zealously to acquire rule over the entire Church. Their stupendous assumptions, favored by the profound ignorance of the people, made the effort comparatively easy. Soon the Pope’s authority was believed to be equal, and by some, even superior to that of a General Council. Still, by the more intelligent of the clergy, these claims were stoutly resisted. Refusing, however, with characteristic effrontery, to yield the assumed right to all authority, secular and religious, they in the end won the victory—the Roman bishop was acknowledged spiritual and temporal sovereign. Henceforth the episcopal court occupied the room of the imperial.

Again; it is said, “He shall speak great words against the Most High.” The arrogant assumptions of the Popes know no bounds. They claim to be legitimate successors of the Apostle Peter, vicegerents of God, vicars of Christ. In their possession, they gravely tell us, are the keys of heaven and of hell. Sitting in the temple of God, the Pope may deal out glory or damnation, as suits his fancy. Even each priest, according to Roman infallibility, can forgive sins, and sell the most enrapturing bliss of heaven to the highest bidder or the wealthiest knave. Liguori—one of their canonized saints, and whose “Moral Theology,” a standard textbook in their theological schools, is declared, by the highest papal authority, to be “sound and according to God”—affirms, “the proper form of absolution is indicative: I, the priest, absolve thee.” To the claim of sole right to interpret Scripture, the Pope adds the still more absurd claim of infallibility. This, so recently exalted into a dogma, every true Catholic, according to the Freeman’s Journal of August 20th, 1870, must cordially, and believe with the whole heart. And the London Vatican of July 29th, 1870, uses this language: “It was not enough that a mortal should rule over God’s kingdom on earth, unless the keys of heaven were also committed to him. He (the Pope) was to reign in both worlds at once. It would seem that God in stooping to become man, had almost made man God.” Again: “We who lifts up his hand against the Pope resembles, without knowing it, the accursed Jew who smote Jesus in the face.” And again: “The Church has told them (the heretics) who and what his Vicar is. Either her message is true, and then all who refuse obedience to the chair of St. Peter are rebels against the Most High, and without hope of salvation ; or it is false, and then the Church of Christ has ceased to exist.” “Not a few are found,” we are told in the fourth chapter of the Constitution lately promulgated, “who resist it,” and for this reason, says the Decree, “we deem it altogether necessary solemnly to assert that prerogative (infallibility) which the only begotten Son of God deigned to annex to the supreme pastoral office.” Surely Popery has a mouth speaking great things.

Daniel further says, “I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them.” And the interpreting angel says, “ He shall wear out the saints of the Most High.” What language could more fitly characterize the Papacy? It has waged for more than twelve centuries a relentless warfare against the followers of Christ. We may affirm, and without exaggeration, that this little horn of the fourth beast, the Papacy, has put to death millions of Christians. And of thousands of others the lives have been rendered more intolerable than death itself. History proves the appropriateness of the names given to Popery in Revelation, “the scarlet colored beast, drunk with the blood of the saints, and of the martyrs of Jesus;” “the tormentor of the saints of the Most High.”

“He shall think to change times and seasons.” Who, since the days of Julius Cesar, save the Popes, has assumed the right of regulating the calendar, and enacting laws for the world?

With the interpretation of Daniel’s expression, “a time, and times, and the dividing of time,” we have, in this chapter, little to do. It may be, and most probably is, an equivalent of the expression in Revelation, “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” Each, perhaps, may be properly understood as indicating the continuance of Rome’s temporal supremacy, 1260 years. Possibly, also, dating the rise of Antichrist in a. p. 606, when Boniface II. was declared universal bishop, we ought to have expected, between the years 1866 and 1872, the overthrow of the Pope’s authority. And some, no doubt, will imagine that in the removal of the French troops from Rome, in the overthrow of Napoleon III., and in the Pope’s loss of temporal power—following as they did so close on the promulgation of the dogma of Papal infallibility—they discern one of the last acts in the drama of this mystery of arrogance.

Not less foreign to our present purpose is the explanation of the passage, “ But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end.” That this powerful foe of the true Church is to continue—not in its temporal power, but in its spiritual—till the judgment of the great day, seems highly probable. Paul affirms, “Then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” (2 Thess, ii. 8) In the Apocalypse (xiii. 3), where the history of this scourge of Christianity is fully given, we are told “the deadly wound shall be healed, and all the world shall wonder after the beast.” It seems probable, and some tell us certain, that the system of superstition, known as Popery, shall “continue unto the end;” that through all time it is to be the relentless enemy of the Church.

However this may be, certain it is that the Papacy is described in this chapter as during its entire continuance the uncompromising foe of Christ’s kingdom. Bearing unmistakably the marks of the little horn of the fourth beast, having an ever-living connection with the despotism from which it sprang, and waging an incessant warfare with the saints of the Most High, it has ever shown itself the tireless enemy of civil and religious liberty, of Christianity, and of Republicanism. As such it was predicted. As such it has ever been known. And yet, either with blindness that deserves pity, or with arrogance that richly merits rebuke, it even now proudly claims to be the Church, the only Church, Holy Mother infallible, visibly guided by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, the guardian of morals, the guide of conscience, the most efficient agent of civilization, the friend of freedom.

PAPISTS—we shall seldom honor them with the name of Catholics – greatly pride themselves in the antiquity of their organization. They boastingly ask Protestants, “Where was your so-called Church three centuries ago?” With a frequency and an eagerness which painfully remind one of the struggles of a drowning man, they quote, in proof of Rome’s greatness and especially of her perpetuity, a passage from Lord Macaulay’s “Review of Ranke’s History of the Popes:”

“No other institution (save the Catholic Church) is left standing which carries the mind back to the times when the smoke of sacrifice rose from the Pantheon, and when camelopards and tigers bounded in the Flavian amphitheatre. The proudest royal houses are but of yesterday compared with the line of the supreme Pontiffs. That line we trace back in an unbroken series from the Pope who crowned Napoleon in the nineteenth century to the Pope who crowned Pepin in the eighth ; and far beyond the time of Pepin the august dynasty extends, till it is lost in the twilight of fable. . . . Nor do we see any sign which indicates that the term of her long: dominion is approaching. She saw the commencement of all the governments and all the ecclesiastical establishments that now exist in the world; and we feel no assurance that she is not destined to see the end of them all. She was great and respected before the Saxon had set foot on Britain, before the Frank had passed the Rhine, when Grecian eloquence still flourished in Antioch, when idols were still worshipped in the temple of Mecca. And she may still exist in undiminished vigor when some traveller from New Zealand shall, in the midst of a vast solitude, take his stand on a broken arch of London Bridge to sketch the ruins of St. Paul’s.”

By the music of this inflated eloquence they have beat many an inglorious retreat. Nay, it has even done service in leading an attack. The Rev. James Kent Stone, a recent pervert to Popery, in his “Invitation Heeded,” hurls it against the luckless head of defeated Protestantism. But how much argument is there in it? The devil is as old as the Romish Church, and a little older, and probably has quite as long a lease on life; is he any better for that? If, however, an answer is necessary, or rather possible—bombast is generally unanswerable—it may be found in an appeal from the youthful, “vealy” (immature) reviewer, to the mature, accurate, learned and elegant historian; from Macaulay, the youth giving promise of future greatness, to Macaulay, the intellectual giant. In his “History of England,” with a sword that cuts the keener for its polished beauty, he lays bare the treacherous heart, pierces the arrogant assumptions, unveils the concealed wickedness, and utterly demolishes many of the absurd claims of the Papacy. One quotation must suffice. This, chosen because of its bearing on our general subject, the hostility of Popery to modern civilization, shall be taken from Vol. I. chap. i. page 37:

“During the last three centuries, to stunt the growth of the human mind has been her (the Church of Rome’s) chief object. Throughout Christendom, whatever advance has been made in knowledge, in freedom, in wealth, and in the arts of life, has been made in spite of her, and has everywhere been in inverse proportion to her power. The loveliest and most fertile provinces of Europe have, under her rule, been sunk in poverty, in political servitude, and in intellectual torpor; while Protestant countries, once proverbial for sterility and barbarism, have been turned, by skill and industry, into gardens, and can boast of a long list of heroes and statesmen, philosophers and poets. Whoever, knowing what Italy and Scotland naturally are, and what, four hundred years ago, they actually were, shall now compare the country round Rome with the country round Edinburgh, will be able to form some judgment as to the tendency of Papal domination. The descent of Spain, once the first among monarchies, to the lowest depths of degradation, the elevation of Holland, in spite of many disadvantages, to a position such as no commonwealth so small has ever reached, teach the same lesson.”

If by Rome’s claim to antiquity is meant that her doctrines antedate those of Protestantism, few things are more untrue. The cardinal beliefs of the Reformed Churches are as old as the Gospel, nay, as the giving of the law from Mount Sinai, nay, as the announcement of salvation made to Eve in Eden. These doctrines,— that the one living and true God is the only legitimate object of divine worship; that Christ is the only Saviour, a perfect sacrifice; that his kingdom is not of this world, but an invisible, spiritual kingdom, composed of the faithful and their infant children ; that the condition of union with his spouse, the Church, is regeneration of heart wrought by God’s spirit; that the triune God alone can pardon sin; that he and he exclusively is the Lord of the conscience,— are doctrines not only as old as the Reformation, but as old as the inspired Word of God, and as imperishable as the Church itself. But the dogmas of Romanism are a mere novelty in the religious world. Thus the primacy of Peter, a doctrine now considered vital to the system, is of comparatively recent origin. Admitting that Peter was in Rome, we may safely challenge the proof that he was universal bishop. And his successors? They were persons so obscure that even Papal infallibility cannot agree upon their names. Though Vicars of Christ, supreme pontiffs, they are never even alluded to by the Apostle John, Peter’s survivor for at least forty years. Undutiful son, write so much Scripture, and make no mention of Holy Father! Strange indeed! Notwithstanding Pius IX., in his Invitation “To all Protestants and other Non-Catholics,” declares, “No one can deny or doubt that Jesus Christ himself… . . built his only Church in this world on Peter; that is to say, the Church, One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic,” we have the heretical hardihood to affirm that the primacy of Peter was entirely unknown in the early ages of the Church. It was devised in the latter part of the sixth century—a means to the accomplishment of an end—to bolster up the assumptions of Rome’s proud bishops. So likewise the supremacy of the Pope (never even claimed till AD 590) was resisted by Councils, denounced by many of the ablest of the fathers, and condemned by an infallible Pope and canonized saint, Gregory. (See next Chapter.) The invocation of the dead, now so common with Romanists, did not even begin to manifest itself till the third century. The use of masses, solemnly condemned in the Council of Constantinople, AD 700, and again in the seventh Greek Council, 754, was not established till the ninth century. The doctrine of purgatory—the hen that lays the golden egg—was not an essential part of Popery till the Council of Florence, A. p. 1430. The doctrine of celibacy— that mark of the great apostasy, “forbidding to marry,” (1 Tim. iv. 3,) is only about 780 years old. For nearly eleven centuries every priest might have a wife, and live a life free from scandal. Now they are “Fathers” without wives. Transubstantiation—Papal cannibalism —did not originate till about the middle of the fifth century, and was severely denounced by some fifteen or twenty of Rome’s most honored fathers. Not till A.D. 1215, in the fourth Lateran, Council, was it exalted into a dogma. So also the insufficiency of the Bible as a rule of faith and practice is an assertion frequently and pointedly condemned by at least a dozen of the fathers, Rome’s invariable resort. The adoration of relics—that wondrous promoter of traffic in dry bones —originated about the same time as the worship of saints and martyrs. The withholding of the cup from the laity was pronounced by Pope Gelasius (a. p. 492) to be an “impious sacrilege.” And to our own times was left the honor—if honor it be to have outstripped the superstition of the dark ages—of promulgating the dogma of the “Immaculate conception of the Virgin,” “ Mother of God,” “ Mirror of Justice,” “ Refuge of Sinners,” and “Gate of Heaven.” In fact, not till the present year was the system rendered complete, symmetrical, perfect. It needed, like Buddhism, its elder sister, the solemn announcement of the infallibility of the supreme pontiff. This, after six months’ angry discussion, has been ostentatiously presented to the world as the infallible dogma of five hundred fallible bishops. (How many fallibles may be necessary to make an infallible. possibly Pio Nono (Pope Pius IX) can now tell.) Thus we can conclusively show that the distinctive doctrines and rites of Romanism are mere novelties, less ancient than the doctrines and practices of Protestantism.

If by her claim to antiquity, however, is meant that the unhallowed love of forms is as old as the Gospel, we do not deny it. Even in the Apostle’s time, depraved man was beginning to corrupt the pure religion of Jesus. “The mystery of iniquity,” said Paul, “doth already work, only he who now letteth (hindereth) will let, until he be taken out of the way.” As under the tuition of Satan, the deceitful heart developed every system of false religion by which the world had been deluded, so by cunningly employing the truth revealed by Christ, it was commencing to weave a new system of superstition as much like to Paganism, as two garments made from the same material are like to each other. Originating in the preference of the forms of devotion to the spirit—a tendency dating backward to the Fall—this mystery of iniquity, after centuries of gradual development, culminated in Romanism, Satan’s last agency for recruiting the armies doing battle with the truth. Though last, its efficiency is by no means least, since the unrenewed naturally turn from the salvation of the Lord to that which, being of their own devising, is more congenial to fallen human nature, easier of attainment, and more flattering to vanity.

In one sense, therefore, we are ready to concede that Popery’s claim to antiquity is well founded. Romanism, as ritualism, has always existed, not only in the Pagan world—Paganism is unbaptized Popery—but also in connection with the religion revealed from heaven, and probably will continue to the end of time, and be destroyed only by the brightness of the Saviour’s coming. It originated in Eden; at once becoming more pleasing to sensuous man than the worship of God in spirit and in truth. Cain—preferring self-chosen rites to those enjoined by express divine command, and destitute of the spiritual vision of Christ as the sin-atoning Lamb—was a type of Pagan, Jew, Papist, all ritualists. And what was the worship of the wicked antediluvians but one of rites? What was Judaism itself, during almost the entire history of the Jewish nation, but a religion of ceremonies? Its ritual service, though intended and well adapted to keep the vital truths of redemption prominently before the mind, was allowed by many, may we not say by most, to assume such an importance as to overshadow the tree of righteousness. Hence, failing to apprehend its true spirit, they crucified him whom the types distinctly prefigured. Coming as “a preacher of righteousness,” and not to establish a kingdom in which the forms of devotion should prevail without piety in the heart, he was put to death, and that by those whose mission it was to announce him as the world’s spiritual deliverer.

So likewise Phariseeism, loaded with traditions and meaningless moral distinctions, was only Popery under another name. Hostile, then, as ever to the true Church, it was severely denounced by Christ. In his Sermon on the Mount, he laid the axe at the root of the evil, declaring that the righteousness which God accepts is not mere compliance with certain outward requirements of the law and the observance of traditional precepts, but piety in the heart. All, therefore, whether Pharisees or Romanists, who so love the forms of worship and exalt the “traditions of the fathers” as to make “the word of God of none effect,” are condemned in terms too explicit to be misunderstood.

Even in the Church of Christ, where the very first requirement is spirituality, this tendency to ritualism manifested itself. As Christianity was the outgrowth of Judaism, some were strongly disposed to place reliance in forms. “Certain men who came down from Judea taught the people, except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.” Evidently some were trusting to the observance of a profitless rite. The mystery was working. The germ of Popery was developing. For the purpose of crushing this, a council, summoned from the entire Church, consisting of apostles and elders (Peter, it would seem, was not Pope), assembled in Jerusalem. After much discussion, in which Paul and Barnabas and James, as well as Peter. engaged, “the apostles and elders and brethren” (evidently there was as yet no spiritual sovereign) sent letters “unto the brethren of the Gentiles,” affirming, “It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than necessary things.” “Believing that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved,” they condemned dependence on circumcision, on any and every outward form, recommending Christians to the merit of Christ for redemption. Only necessary things, the essentials of religion, were enjoined. Thus the primitive Church, in council assembled, not only furnished evidence of the early working of this “mystery of iniquity,” and a refutation of the claim of supremacy for Peter, but in reality most solemnly and emphatically condemned the spirit of Popery, the ever existing and always pernicious tendency to rely upon the outward rites of religion.

Few unbiased readers will hesitate in conceding that Paul’s Epistles, and especially the one to the Galatians, were written with the design of denouncing the tendency to ritualism. He endeavors to refute the errors which were beginning to pervert the Gospel. He directs believers to Christ, and to Christ alone. He condemns dependence on forms—on anything save the blood of Jesus. In holy earnestness he exclaims, “Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you than that we have preached, let him be accursed.” Full well did the Apostle discern the tendency of the human heart to become enamored with forms, and in the observance of these, vainly, and perhaps unconsciously, fancy it is working out its own salvation, content without the sense of forgiveness from Christ, or the spirit of godliness in the soul. Therefore, of this “mystery of iniquity” he affirms, “it doth already work.”


But although thus sternly reproved, in the lapse of time, from depraved human nature, it again sprang up, and having established itself, has tyrannized over the souls of men for nearly thirteen centuries. Hence, in one sense, we are ready to admit the claims of the Papists that theirs is the ancient Church. The principles upon which they found their system are as old as the Fall, and as enduring as the human race; but so far from receiving any countenance from Christ and his apostles, they were severely denounced by them; but arising out of corrupt human nature, however frequently refuted, and however severely condemned, they are sure to reappear, and almost certain to find stanch advocates. When these principles, perceptible only in germ in the Apostles’ time, had gained the ascendancy, Antichrist had arisen; the power and the spirit of godliness were supplanted by dead forms, “the man of sin,” “the son of perdition,” “the mystery of iniquity,” “that Wicked,” was revealed.

It is scarcely necessary for us to remind the reflecting reader that Romanism, as ritualism, as cold and heartless formalism, not only has ever shown itself the enemy of a pure, unfettered Gospel, but the endeared associate of despotism. If not the foe, it certainly has not been the friend of free institutions. Its pomp and glitter, its extravagance and meaningless pageantry, ill comport with the simplicity, economy, and rugged intelligence of Republicanism. Ritualism, Popery, despotism; intelligence, Protestantism, civil liberty, are inseparable friends.

IN the prophecy of Paul, the organized opposition to the Church is denominated “the man of sin,” “the son of perdition,” “the mystery of iniquity,” “that Wicked.” That the passage is a prediction of the rise, progress and overthrow of Popery, an examination, we think, makes clearly manifest. The Apostle affirms that even in that early age the mystery was beginning to work. This we have already found to be true of the Romish Church. Its remaining statements await, and in the progress of our work, we trust, shall receive, an examination, proving them not only strikingly applicable to the Papacy, but applicable to no other system of error, religious or political ; to no other form of wickedness, personal, social or national. It should exalt itself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, sitting in the temple of God, claiming to be God. This we shall hereafter find fulfilled in the arrogant assumptions of the proud pontiffs, Its coming should be “with all power and signs and lying wonders.” Its relics, its legends, its prodigies and its so-called miracles, “lying wonders,” will on examination be seen to be its most efficient agency in spreading and maintaining its soul-debasing superstitions. That God would send its followers strong delusion that they should believe a lie, Paul predicted. Most assuredly observation confirms the testimony of history, that in the Romish Church the willingness and power of the priests to deceive are only equaled by the capability and eagerness of the people to be deceived; deceit producing deceivableness, deceivableness evoking deceit, blinded of God, given over to believe falsehoods. Of this, however, hereafter. So likewise, the prediction that “the man of sin” should continue—not perhaps in organized form as now, but in essential characteristies—during the entire history of the Church on earth, and only be destroyed by the brightness of the Saviour’s coming, is precisely the same, as hereafter will appear, with that so emphatically made respecting Romanism. In each, in all of the particulars here enumerated, the prophecy is exclusively applicable to the Church of Rome. This will appear in the course of our work,

The first statement made respecting the “mystery of iniquity” is, that it should arise from apostasy. It was to be a falling away from the faith. We must therefore look for Antichrist among those who once embraced Christianity. In countries Christianized, or at least partially so, and not in those exclusively Pagan, must we expect “the man of sin.” And unless in the Papacy, where, in the entire history of the Church, does the prophecy find a fulfilment?

If this be not the apostasy, where is it? Does Protestantism bear the marks? Certainly one or the other is the predicted foe of Christ’s kingdom. And if it be Protestantism, then Romanism, with all its abominations, must be all it claims to be, the Church, the only Church, the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church.

The inquiry, therefore, which is the predicted “son of perdition?” we are entirely willing should await the answer given this question, which form of doctrine and worship has the sanction of the Apostles and primitive Christians? Confident that whilst before the beginning of the fourth century there was, as there always has been, and so long as human nature remains unchanged probably always will be, a strong tendency to ritualism, Popery—in the form in which it now exists and has cursed the world for nearly thirteen centuries—had no existence.

During the lives of the Apostles, and in times immediately subsequent, the Church was comparatively pure. Believers worshipped God, and God alone, and relied for salvation entirely on the merit of Christ’s death. The religion of the humble Nazarene had none of those unmeaning rites, imposing ceremonials, and debasing customs of Romanism, These all came in during the gradual apostasy, and came from Paganism. Prior to this the followers of Jesus were bitterly persecuted, thousands being put to death by every manner of torture which fiendish malignity could invent. They were sawn asunder; they were drowned; they were thrown to wild beasts; they were burned at the stake. Others, covered with the skins of animals, were torn by dogs; others were crucified ; others still, besmeared with combustible materials, and suspended by the chin upon sharp stakes, were set on fire, that they might light the gardens of Rome’s cruel emperor. And to add interest to the horrid spectacle, and attract the crowd, this heartless exhibition of Satanic malignity was accompanied with horse-racing.

To escape death, the faithful concealed themselves in dens, in caves, in deserts, and in subterranean burial places near the eternal city. During ten successive persecutions, Christianity retained its Apostolic purity. It was persecuted, and partly, no doubt, for this reason was the more spiritual. There was no vast external organization having the Pope at its head, and assuming spiritual power over the entire Church. The worship of images, counting of beads, bowing before altars, adoring the host and worshipping the Virgin, were unknown. Being poor, the Christians had few church edifices; they met for worship in caves and private houses. Magnificent cathedrals, gorgeous vestments, and costly ornaments, which Papists now seem to deem essential to proper worship, were at once impossible and unnecessary to the simple-minded followers of him who had not where to lay his head. Theirs was not the form of godliness, but its power in the heart. Their writings are of the most spiritual type. In these is found incontrovertible proof that the religion then preached was such as we now denominate Protestantism. The Emperor, so far from ruling in ecclesiastical matters, was the bitter enemy of Christianity.

During this period each minister of the Church ruled in his own congregation, and nowhere else. The bishop of the church in Rome was only the equal, in authority, of the humblest shepherd of souls in the most unknown, distant and ignorant part of the empire. Clemens tells us, “Those who were ordained rulers in the churches, were so ordained with the approbation and concurrence of the whole Church.” Clearly, therefore, Romanism did not prevail. Her system is a despotism, in which the people have no voice in the choice of their spiritual guides.

And the assumptions of Popery, like her mummeries, had no existence during the first three centuries. These the persecutions of Pagan Rome effectually repressed. Therefore, before “the man of sin” could be revealed, this let or hindrance must be removed. “And now,” says Paul, “ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth, will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed.”

In the year, AD 306, Constantine succeeded to the throne of his father. This marks an important era in the history of the Church. Having seen, as he claimed, the appearance of a cross in the heavens, exceeding bright, bearing the inscription, “Conquer by this,” he embraced Christianity, defeated Maxentius, and in 315, by formal edict, confirmed and extended the privileges of the Christians. Christianity was now established. The Emperor commenced the persecution of Paganism. A profession of the Gospel being no longer accompanied with danger, the churches being richly endowed, the clergy loaded with honors, it was but natural that upon the pure spiritual worship of him who came to abolish all forms, should be engrafted the superstitions of the ignorant heathen. Of a conversion of the heart, there was not even the pretence. With the growth of ignorance and love of ostentation came, not only further importations of unmeaning ceremonies, but also greater assumptions on the part of Rome’s bishop, until, in A.D. 606, the Emperor Phocas conferred upon Boniface III. the title of Universal Bishop. Thus Romanism, after a desperate struggle of three centuries, established itself. Henceforth none might, with impunity, despise its rites or ridicule its claims.

It must not be supposed, however, that the Roman pontiffs acquired supremacy without long continued efforts, and persistent opposition from those who looked upon the growth of this power as the rise of Antichrist. Protests and refutations were numerous. Irenaesus declared that the bishop of Rome was but a presbyter, for Jesus himself was the only bishop of souls. Maurus affirmed that all ministers were bishops, and all bishops were of equal rank. When summoned to Rome to stand trial for such blasphemous heresy, he paid no regard to the summons. When excommunicated he hurled back upon the Pope the sentence pronounced against himself, and continued, in defiance of the Pope’s authority, to discharge duty as pastor of his flock. On his death-bed he exhorted his people to continuance in disowning the usurped power of the great Roman Antichrist. The early Councils resisted Papal supremacy. The sixth of Carthage (AD 418) resisted three Popes; that of Chalcedon (AD 450), Pope Leo. St. Ibar, the Irish divine, wrote, “ We never acknowledge the supremacy of a foreigner.” Says Theodoret, “Christ alone is head of all.” In the early part of the sixth century a fierce contention arose “ between Symmachus and Laurentius, who were on the same day elected to the pontificate by different parties.” A Council assembled at Rome by Theodoric, king of the Goths, endorsed the election of the former. Ennodius, in an apology written for the Council and for Symmachus, first made the assertion, “The bishop of Rome is subject to no earthly tribunal.” He styles him, “judge in place of God, and vicegerent of the Most High.” These claims were maintained by the adherents of Symmachus, and detested and refuted by his opponents. Even Gregory, Pope, author and canonized saint—an authority surely with Papists—in his contest with the bishop of Constantinople, denounced the title of Universal bishop, as “vain,” “diabolical,” “anti-christian,” “blasphemous,” “execrable, infernal.”

He declares, “Our Lord says unto his disciples, be not ye called Rabbi, for one is your master, and all ye are brethren.” And again he affirms, “ Whosoever ADOPTS OR AFFECTS THE TITLE OF UNIVERSAL BISHOP, HAS THE PRIDE OF ANTICHRIST, AND IS IN SOME MANNER HIS FORERUNNER IN HIS HAUGHTY QUALITY OF ELEVATING HIMSELF ABOVE THE REST OF HIS ORDER. AND INDEED, BOTH THE ONE AND THE OTHER SEEM TO SPLIT UPON THE SAME ROCK; FOR AS PRIDE MAKES ANTICHRIST STRAIN HIS PRETENSIONS UP TO GODHEAD, SO WHOEVER IS AMBITIOUS TO BE CALLED THE ONLY AND UNIVERSAL BISHOP, ARROGATES TO HIMSELF A DISTINGUISHED SUPERIORITY, AND RISES, AS IT WERE, UPON THE RUINS OF THE REST.” As the doctrine of Papal supremacy is so strongly condemned by an infallible Pope, surely we ought to be excused for disbelieving it. As the Papacy is declared, by what Romanists deem the highest human authority, to be either Antichrist or his harbinger, further proof that she is the great apostasy is certainly uncalled for. Infallibility has spoken, and for once, we can believe, has certainly spoken the truth.

Two years after the death of Gregory, Boniface III. requested and obtained from the Emperor Phocas—the usurper and murderer—the title of Universal Bishop. This is the date commonly assigned as the origin of Popery. At this time the foundation stone of the entire structure was laid. Grant that the bishop of Rome is the legitimate successor of St. Peter, the primate of the Church, “the infallible judge in faith and morals,” sole interpreter of Scripture, and the entire system is logically defensible. Even, however, so late as the ninth century, Lewis, son of Charlemagne, owned no supremacy in the Pope, but sustained the power of the bishops and Council against him. To bring men to consent to their arrogant assumptions, the pontiffs now devised a new scheme. They procured, in the year 845, by the aid of their trusty friends, pretended decrees of early Popes, spurious writings of the fathers, and forged acts of synods and Councils, known since as the “Isidorian Decretals.” The most important of these documents was the pretended gift from Constantine the Great, in the year 324, of the city of Rome, and all Italy, with the crown, to Sylvester, then bishop of Rome. “We attribute,” says the imposture, “to the chair of St. Peter ALL THE IMPERIAL DIGNITY, GLORY AND POWER. Moreover, we give to Sylvester, and to his successors, our palace of Lateran—incontestably one of the finest palaces on earth; we give him our CROWN, OUR MITRE, OUR DIADEM, AND ALL OUR PRINCIPAL VESTMENTS; WE RESIGN TO HIM THE IMPERIAL DIGNITY. . . . . We GIVE As A FREE Gift To THE Holy Pontiff the city or Rowe, AND ALL THE WESTERN CITIES Or ITALY, AS WELL AS THE WESTERN CITIES OF THE OTHER COUNTRIES. To MAKE ROOM FOR HIM, WE ABDICATE OUR SOVEREIGNTY OVER ALL THESE PROVINCES and we withdraw from Rome, transferring the seat of our empire to Byzantium, since IT IS NOT JUST THAT A TERRESTRIAL EMPEROR SHALL RETAIN ANY POWER WHERE GOD PLACED THE HEAD OF RELIGION.” *

* Of Constantine’s pretended donation and the Decretals in general, Dr. Campbell remarks, “ ‘They are such bare-faced impostures, and so bunglingly executed, that nothing less than the most profound darkness of those ages could account for their success.”

By the aid of these base forgeries, approved by the Roman Pontiffs because designed to enrich the primacy of St. Peter, Nicolas I. succeeded, notwithstanding the determined opposition of the reflecting, in instilling into the minds of many the belief that the bishop of Rome was legislator and judge over the whole Church; that other bishops, and even Councils, derived authority solely from him, Nor were the results which flowed from this huge fabrication confined to the ninth century. Gradually, but surely, the whole constitution and government of the Church were changed. According to Mosheim, “The wisest and most impartial among the Roman Catholic writers, acknowledge and prove, that from the times of Lewis the Meck, the ancient system of ecclesiastical law in Europe was generally changed, and a new system introduced by the policy of the court of Rome.” The authors of the recent work entitled, “Janus,” “members of a school who yield to none in their loyal devotion to Catholic truth,” affirm: “ The Isidorian Deeretals revolutionized the whole constitution of the Church, introducing a new system in the place of the old.” “ Upon these,” say they, “was founded the maxim that the Pope, as supreme judge of the Church, could be judged by no man.” It was on the strength of these fictions that Nicolas I. affirmed: “ {he Roman Church keeps the faith pure, and is free from stain.” These authors, certainly competent authority, at least with Catholics, affirm: “(Jesuit Cardinal) Bellarmine acknowledged that without the forgeries of the pseudo-Isidore, . . . it would be impossible to make out even a semblance of traditional evidence,” for the supremacy. (P. 319.)

As proving that Popery, as it now exists, is an apostasy from the true Church, we present some passages from “Janus,” that complete historical refutation of the Papal claim to supremacy and infallibility, which has recently caused the Catholic World and other publications of the “infallibles” such immense trouble, and—to say nothing of misrepresentation—such a vast amount of special pleading. They say:

“The Papacy, such as it has become, presents the appearance of a disfiguring, sickly, and choking excrescence on the organization of the Church, hindering and decomposing the action of its vital powers, and bringing manifest diseases in its train.”

“The well known fact speaks clearly enough for itself, that throughout the whole ancient canon law . . . there is no mention made of Papal rights.”

“When the presidency in the Church became an empire then the unity of the Church, so firmly secured before, was broken up.” (P. 21.)

“For a long time nothing was known in Rome of definite rights bequeathed by Peter to his successors.”

“The Church of Rome could neither exclude individuals nor Churches from the Church Universal.” (Pp. 64-66.)

“There are many national Churches which were never under Rome, and never even had any intercourse with Rome.” (P. 68.)

“The Popes took no part in convoking Councils.” (P. 63.)

“The force and authority of the decisions of Councils depended upon the consent of the Church, and on the fact of being generally received.” (Pp. 63, 64.)

Thus, the sons of “Holy Mother” themselves being witnesses, we confidently affirm that Romanism, in its form of worship, in its system of doctrines, and in its plan of government, is evidently different from the primitive Church. It must, therefore, be “the mystery of iniquity,” the great apostasy, “that man of sin,” “the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”

The insolent ravings of this foe of the true Church, especially those of the last few months, may well strike us with amazement. Pope Boniface VIII. issued a decree, now embodied in the canon law, which solemnly proclaims:—‘ We declare, say, define, pronounce it to be of necessity to salvation, for every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” In the fourth canon of the “Dogmatic Decrees on Catholic Faith,” promulgated in the third public session of the Vatican Council, April 24th, 1870, occur these words: “We admonish all that it is their duty to observe likewise the constitutions and decrees of this Holy See.” In the third chapter of the “ First Dogmatic Decree on the Church of Christ,” passed July 18th, 1870, it is affirmed:— “The decision of the Apostolic See, above which there is no higher authority, cannot be reconsidered by any one, nor is it lawful to any one to sit in judgment on his judgment. . . . . We renew the definition of the Ecumenical Council of Florence, according to which all the faithful of Christ must believe that the holy apostolic see and the Roman Pontiff hold the primacy over the whole world, and that the Roman Pontiff is the successor of blessed Peter, the prince of the Apostles, and the true Vicar of Christ, and is the head of the whole Church, and the father and teacher of all Christians.” And in the fourth chapter of the same, we find this remarkable assertion, made in this nineteenth century, made after Rome has been again and again proved guilty of entertaining not only doctrines evidently erroneous, but dogmas precisely contradictory—exact opposites :— “KNOWING MOST CERTAINLY THAT THIS SEE OF St. PETER EVER REMAINS FREE from ERROR.” Assertion seems their only stock in trade. With this as their formula, “Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia,” and this as their sole argument, “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church,” they pronounce anathemas against all who deny, or even refuse cordially to accept, the doctrines of the supremacy and infallibility of the Pope. In this decree, the first on the Church, the unterrified five hundred thrice pronounce “anathema sit” against him who shall presume to call in question the primacy of St. Peter or the legitimate succession of Pius IX., Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, Vicegerent of God, infallible judge in faith and morals.

The Romish Church, which now boastingly claims inerrancy, nay even infallibility, has taught errors innumerable, has radically changed her ancient character and constitution, has become thoroughly corrupt in her centre of unity, has changed the forms of worship, has perverted the doctrines of the Gospel; in a word, has, as Paul predicted, fallen away.

ALTHOUGH the claim of the Pope to universal supremacy was not established until AD 606 (and is even now vigorously disputed by many loyal sons of Holy Mother), the candid historian is nevertheless ready to admit that the superstition denominated by Paul “an apostasy,” was, in all its chief features, distinctly visible prior to the arrogant assumptions of Boniface III. He, in the office of supreme Pontiff, did little more than sanction existing rites and enforce uniformity. The errors in doctrine and practice which have since attained such importance, and produced results so momentous, were most of them engrafted upon Christianity during the three preceding centuries. Whence they came is easily determined. Paganism was their fruitful source.

The motive which prompted to the introduction of these forms, adapting, as was supposed, the new religion to the deep-seated prejudices of the heathen, may have been, nay, we may say, certainly was, praiseworthy. With the fervent desire of becoming all things to all men, that they might by all means some, the early Christians, with the aid of imposing ceremonies and magnificent rites borrowed from Paganism, thought to win for Christ those who despised the simplicity of Christian worship. *

This policy, laudable in motive, was, however, exceedingly disastrous in its results. To purity of religion consequences the most pernicious ensued, Paganism began to supplant Christianity, leaving little save the name. The change in many doctrines and practices was indeed gradual—Rome boasts of her tardiness, deeming it wise deliberation—but on that account none the less real. Thus, the worship of images, though extensively prevalent in the beginning of the fourth century, was not established till the ninth. The sacrifice of the mass—Rome’s offering of human flesh—though originating about the middle of the fifth century, and almost universally believed in the ninth, being logically and compactly fitted into the system, an essential part thereof, was not erected into a dogma until the time of Pope Innocent III, at the fourth Council of the Lateran, AD. 1215. (Mosheim, III. chap. iii. part 2.) So likewise the invocation of saints, practised to some extent in the middle of the third century, was without ecclesiastical sanction till the ninth. No less gradual was her adoption of the doctrine of purgatory, that relic of ancient heathenism. So likewise the use of lamps, candles, incense, holy water, and priestly robes, became universal only by silencing opposition continued through centuries. But the gradual importation of these ceremonies, and the slowness with which they grew into favor, in no way affect their heathen origin. That Romanism is Paganism perpetuated, we shall endeavor to prove.

* Gregory, in his instructions given to Augustine, missionary to Britain, says: “Whereas it is custom among the Saxons to slay abundance of oxen, and sacrifice them to the devil, you must not abolish that custom, but appoint a new festival to be kept either on the day of the consecration of the churches, or the birthday of the saints whose relics are deposited there, and on those days the Saxons may be allowed to make arbors round the temples changed into churches, to kill their oxen and to feast, as they did while they were Pagans, only they shall offer their thanks and praises, not to the devil, but to God.” Says Mosheim: “This addition of external rites was also designed to remove the opprobrious calumnies which the Jewish and Pagan priests cast upon the Christians on account of the simplicity of their worship, esteeming them little better than atheists, because they had no temples, altars, victims, priests, nor any thing of that external pomp in which the vulgar are so prone to place the essence of religion. The rulers of the Church adopted, therefore, certain external ceremonics, that thus they might captivate the senses of the vulgar and be able to refute the reproaches of their adversaries, thus obscuring the native luster of the Gospel in order to extend its influence, and making it lose, in point of real excellence, what it gained in point of popular esteem.”

It was during the three centuries that elapsed between the pretended conversion of Constantine and the pontificate of Boniface III. that most of Rome’s customs and many of her doctrines were imported from heathenism. The religion of Jesus became a mere form, and not a life. Those who once, as idolaters, worshiped Jupiter and the host of gods, afterward, while worshiping the same images under the names of saints and martyrs, claimed to be Christians. As a necessary result, the same ceremonies, in the main, prevailed in the churches of these so-called followers of Jesus as in the Pagan temples. At the door of the temple stood a vase of holy water, from which the people sprinkled themselves.* How exactly has Rome copied this custom! Go into any Romish chapel or cathedral, and you will find the vessel containing the consecrated water, and modern heathens crossing themselves. The very composition of the water is the same, a mixture of salt with common water.

* “The Amula was a vase of holy water, placed by the heathens at the door of their temples, to sprinkle themselves with.”—Montfaucon.

One of the most ridiculous uses to which this water is applied, the sprinkling of horses, mules and asses, is, like all the other customs, borrowed from ancient Rome. On the Festival of St. Anthony, observed annually in the eternal city, the priest, dressed in sacerdotal robes, after muttering some Latin words, intended as a charm against sickness, death, famine, and danger, sprinkles with a huge brush all the animals brought in from the surrounding country, blasphemously repeating, “In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Sancti Spiritus.” St. Anthony, taking literally the command, “Preach the Gospel to every creature,” concluded that the “Good Tidings” ought to be proclaimed to the inferior creation, to birds, beasts, and fishes. Hence the Pope has in the Vatican a picture representing even fish as devoutly listening, heads out of water, to a preaching friar! It is on the 17th of January that the festival of this famous St. Anthony, patron of animals, is celebrated. When this falls on Sabbath, great is the concourse, uproarious is the merriment, profitable indeed is the laughable farce: neighing horses, braying asses, bleating sheep, barking dogs, men, women, and children, each rivaling the other in loquacity, shouting priests, the rattling carriages of cardinals and nobles, and the clink of the fees as they drop into the sacred treasury, produce together a din that Pandemonium might envy, possibly could equal, certainly could not surpass. The entire scene is one that would almost certainly prove fatal to an old Pagan philosopher, should he rise from his grave. A fit of laughter would speedily terminate his second existence. And this benediction in this nineteenth century! The wheel of progress must be moving backwards. The dark age must be the present, the midnight in Rome. And then to see an ass pulled by the tail to the door of the church to receive perforce St. Anthony’s blessing, kicking and raising its solemn voice in earnest protest, and going home, tail straight out and head down, sighing, “Life is a failure.” Well! human nature, as it exists among Protestants, could endure only one such exhibition.


Even Romanists themselves regard this sprinkling of animals as a Pagan custom, perfected by the touch of infallibility. The old Romans, say they, were accustomed to sprinkle the horses at the Circensian games. It guarded them, it was believed, against evil spirits and accidents in the race. “Once on a time,” says a Catholic legend, “the horses of some Christians outran those of the heathen, because they were sprinkled with holy water.” Therefore this custom ought to be perpetuated; it has the sanction of God, the venerableness of antiquity, and was introduced by a saint, the great Anthony! The following may be found over the vessels of holy water in the Church of S. Carlo Borromeo, in the Corso, at Rome:

“Holy water possesses much usefulness when Christians sprinkle themselves with it with due reverence and devotion. The Holy Church proposes it as a remedy and assistant in many circumstances both spiritual and corporeal, but especially in these following:

“It’s Spiritual Usefulness.

“1. It drives away devils from places and from persons.

“2. Tt affords great assistance against fears and diabolical illusions.

“3. It cancels venial sins.

“4. It imparts strength to resist temptations and occasions to sin.

“5. It drives away wicked thoughts.

“6. It preserves safely from the passing snares of the devil, both internally and externally.

“7. It obtains the favor and presence of the Holy Ghost, by which the soul is consoled, rejoiced, and excited to devotion and disposed to prayer.

“8. It prepares the mind for a better attendance on the divine mysteries, and receiving piously and worthily the most Holy Sacrament.

“Its Corporeal Usefulness.

“1. It is a remedy against barrenness in women and beasts.

“2. It is a preservation from sickness.

“3. It heals the infirmities both of the mind and of the body.

“4. It purifies infected air and drives away plague and contagion.”

Wonderful water!

Nor is the use of holy water their only conspicuous theft. Clouds of smoke, we are told, arose from the burning incense as the idol worshipers entered the temple.* This custom of using incense for religious purposes was so peculiarly pagan, and felt, both by Christians and their enemies, as so strikingly unbecoming those who worshiped the humble Nazarene, that the method most frequently adopted by the heathen persecutors of testing the fidelity of a Christian to his convictions was to order him to throw incense into the censer. If he refused, he was accounted a Christian; if he threw even the least particle upon the altar, he was acquitted and classed among Pagans. In the churches of the great apostasy no one can fail to notice the use of perfumes. Often their cathedrals remain filled with the fumes of the incense for some considerable time after the services are concluded.

Closer still is Rome’s resemblance to Paganism. The heathen worshiper, on entering the temple, knelt before an idol and offered prayers. The devout papist, as he enters the church, often may be found kneeling before an image of the Virgin, praying, “O Holy Mary! MY SOVEREIGN QUEEN, AND Most Loving Mother! RECEIVE ME UNDER THY BLESSED PATRONAGE, AND SPECIAL PROTECTION, AND INTO THE BOSOM OF THY MERCY, THIS DAY, AND EVERY DAY, AND AT THE HOUR OF MY DEATH.”



Were the most degraded of the heathen ever guilty of idolatry grosser than this ?

That they might clearly evidence the heathen origin of their customs, particulars seemingly the most insignificant were not allowed to pass into disuse. Even the arrangement of images in rows around the temple, the most highly prized standing alone in the most conspicuous place, has been slavishly copied, not only in centuries past, but in this late age. Nay, even the priest, dressed in robes apparently after the very pattern of those that decked the priests of ancient Rome, and attended, like his predecessors, by a boy in white, swings his pot of incense precisely as an old heathen in Homer’s time may be presumed to have done.

Laboriously endeavoring to exhaust the Pagan ritual, candles are kept burning before each altar and idol. In the churches of Italy they hang up lamps at every altar, says Mabillon. The Egyptians, says Herodotus, first introduced the use of lamps in worship. Rollin says (vol. i., pt. 2, ch. 2), “A festival surnamed the Feast of Lights, was solemnized at Sais. All persons throughout all Egypt, who did not go to Sais, were obliged to illuminate their windows.” So strikingly conspicuous was this part of the heathen worship, that the early Christians tauntingly said of their foes— “They light up candles to God as if he lived in the dark, . . . offering lamps to the Author and Giver of Light.”

Even the fiction of Purgatory, of which Gregory the Great has generally been represented by Papists as creator, and which has ever proved a source of immense wealth to the Pope and the clergy, is evidently an importation from Paganism. Like most of the other customs of the man of sin, it came in soon after Constantine’s pretended conversion, when Christianity became fashionable, and to men ambitious of distinction at the court, extremely profitable. Unknown to the Christian Church during the first five centuries, it was, however, well known in the heathen world even so early as Homer’s time. It is the old fire purification of souls; and the ceremonies now employed for the relief of those suffering the tormenting flames are remarkably similar to those anciently employed by Pagan priests. In fact the doctrine was so purely heathen, that not even Popish ingenuity could invent even an argument in its favor. Hence the Jesuit Cottonus, failing to find a passage in Scripture that would infallibly confirm it, implored the devil to assist him. For once even Satan himself was unable to wrest Scripture to his purpose. But, notwithstanding the small, the exceedingly unimportant consideration that no proof, except visions and dreams and assertion, was found, the Popes were able in the end to establish infallibly everything connected with purgatorial fires, and locate them at the earth’s center, 18,300.5 miles below the surface. Infallibility doesn’t need to know geography!

Their custom of invoking the dead is of heathen origin. The true Church of God never offered prayers to deceased mortals. The ancient Romans, however, deified their great men, and sought blessings from them. And the Papists, imitating their example, canonize those whom they honor during life, offer incense to them, bow before them and supplicate their assistance. Thus in “The Litany of Saints,” found in “The Catholic Manual,” their ordinary book of prayer, we find these petitions :

St. Stephen!
St. Laurence!
St. Vincent!
St. Fabian, and St. Sebastian!
St. John, and St. Paul!
St. Cosmas, and St. Damian!
St. Gervase, and St. Protase!
All ye holy Martyrs!
St. Sylvester!
St. Gregory!
St. Ambrose!
St. Augustin!
St. Jerom!
All ye holy Bishops and Confessors!
All ye holy Doctors!
St. Anthony!
St. Bennet!
St. Bernard!
St. Dominick!
St. Francis!
All ye holy Priests, and Levites!
All ye holy Monks, and Hermits!
St. Mary Magdalen!
St. Agatha!
St. Lucy!
St. Agnes!
St. Cecily ! (ete. for two more pages!) Make intercession for us !

And from the Freeman’s Journal (Sept. 24, 1870) we learn that the Archbishop of Cincinnati, in an address delivered at the ceremonies attending the depositing of relics in the convent of the St. Franciscan Sisters (Cincinnati), piously exhorted all devout Catholics to ask the mediation of St. Aureliana. The mortal remains of this saint, after sixteen centuries’ quiet rest, were taken (a chance to exercise faith), from the Catacombs of Rome, artistically encased in wax, transported across the Atlantic, and now rest, the object of devout veneration, in the metropolis of the West! This remarkable relic is the fruit of the indomitable perseverance of Mrs. Sarah Peters, the zealous convert whose untiring zeal was rewarded with the rare and blessed privilege of hearing mass said by Pope Pio Nono (Pope Pius IX) at the grave of St. Peter, beneath St. Peter’s, Rome. The tasteful correspondent of the paper, now so zealously engaged in raising Peter’s pence for “the infallible judge in faith and morals, the bishop of the Universal Church,” says, “The figure as it lay would have been “exquisite, had it not been marred by the ugly gash in the throat, and an appearance of wounds on the hands and feet, caused by pieces of the bones which were encased, being set in the white wax for the better veneration of the faithful.” Great indeed must be the faith which prompts persons, of even the least common sense, to venerate as the remains of the “virgin martyr of the proud and royal Aurelian family,” a wax figure, with a ghastly gash in the throat, and the bones sticking out! And what must be the superstition which leads to the invocation of this resurrected saint! We live in the year 1871, and boast of the world’s progress!

This idolatrous custom no doubt originated in veneration paid to departed worthies. Those, however, who so far conformed to heathen practices, soon offered worship to the creature. So universal became this superstition that even the ancient temple, sacred to Romulus, where infants were presented by their Pagan mothers to be cured of diseases, was consecrated to a Roman saint, Theodorus, to whom Catholic mothers present their sick children for healing. Nay, even the Pantheon, house of all the gods, the most celebrated heathen temple of antiquity, was rededicated by Pope Boniface IV. “to the blessed Virgin and all the saints And to this day, with the gods of old Rome bearing the names of Popish saints, the old Pagan worship, in all its essential features, is continued. There the traveller from every Catholic country may find his patron saint, and worship at his altar. And as with the Pantheon so with the other heathen temples; with the same ceremonies they worship the same idols under new names. Diana, Juno, Ceres, and Venus became the Virgin under different titles. Bacchus became St. Joseph. Orpheus and Apollo were regarded as types of Christ. Even the same festivals were perpetuated under new names, and consecrated to the commemoration of Christian anniversaries. The Liberalia were made to yield to the festival of St. Joseph, the ceremonies being slightly changed. The Palilia were retained as a festival in honor of St. John. The feast of St. Peter ad Vincula superseded the festival commemorative of Augustus’ victory at Actium. The Floralia, when the streets were strewn with flowers arranged in fantastic forms, were devoted to Our Lady. Even the wild festivities of the Saturnalia were in some measure retained in the excesses which were allowed at Christmas and Epiphany. The Cerealia, in honor of Ceres, the goddess of corn, were transformed into the visitation of the Virgin—the processions of women and virgins, in white robes, vowing chastity and strewing their beds with “agnus castus” being retained. In consequence of the vast increase in the number of saints, the list of heathen festivals was exhausted, so in AD 835, Gregory IV. established the feast of ALL SAINTS.

A recent traveller to Rome says:— “You frequently see persons prostrate before images, and in a state of the greatest apparent devotion, even if these images are formed out of materials taken from heathen temples. At Pisa I saw several females prostrate before the statues of Adam and Eve, which are exhibited in a state of almost entire nudity. The celebrated statue of St. Peter, in the Church of St. Peter’s at Rome, the toe of which is almost literally kissed away, was originally a statue of Jupiter, taken from the capitol. Many of the altars and ornaments in the churches, are entirely heathen in their origin and appearance. Naked forms in marble abound in all the churches. Many of the vases used for baptismal purposes, and those containing the Holy Water, were anciently used for similar purposes in the days of heathenism.”

Such unseemly haste has characterized Rome’s propensity to manufacture saints, that some ridiculous mistakes have occurred. Thus, they have canonized Julia Evodia, a heathen, respecting whom nothing is known except that she erected a tombstone to her heathen mother. They have, by the power of the keys, infallibly converted a mountain into a saint, Mount Soracte, becoming S. Oracte, St. Oreste. They have also a St. Viar, manufactured by a procrustean process from PrefectuS VIARum, overseer of roads; a sainted cloak, and a sainted handkerchief. In honor of the last-mentioned saint, whose surface bears an impression of the Saviour’s face, a true image, made as he wiped his face at the execution, Pope John XXII. composed a prayer as follows :—* HAIL HOLY FACE OF OUR REDEEDMER, PRINTED UPON A CLOTH AS WHITE AS SNOW; PURGE US FROM ALL SPOT OF VICE, AND JOIN US TO THE COMPANY OF THE BLESSED. BRING US TO OUR COUNTRY, O HAPPY FIGURE, THERE TO SEE THE PURE FACE OF CHRIST.” This sacred relic—preserved in St. Peter’s, where is an altar erected hy Pope Urban VIII. to the honor of Veronica, “vera icon,” the true image—grants, according to Pope Innocent III, ten days’ indulgence to all who visit it. Shades of Paganism, did ever superstition equal that! “His Infallibility,” Pope Pius IX., certainly deserves commiseration. To be the rock which shall support this mighty fabric of baptized Paganism, must be an oppressive life!

And to make the resemblance to heathenism complete in everything pertaining to saints, “ Holy Mother” earnestly recommends every Catholic to select some particular saint as a protecting divinity, a patron. Thus, in a “Catechism and Instructions” designed for very small children by M. C. Kavanagh, and having the unqualified commendation of one of Rome’s most honored Archbishops, occurs this pious advice, “ You should never be without some object of piety, such as a Crucifix, picture of Our Lady, your good Angel, or Patron Saint, in your bedroom.” Anciently, every Roman family had its penates, its household gods, a necessary appendage to every dwelling.

Their priestly power is an imitation of Pagan spiritual despotism. In the true Church, “all are kings and priests unto God.” Even the most humble, unknown, ignorant, and even sinful creature, “may come boldly unto the throne of grace.” But the Papal priests, servile copyists of the heathen, tyrannize over the souls of men, and claim the right to stand between the penitent sinner and his Saviour. All the blessings which he desires, and so much needs, must come through the good-will and efficacious services of priests. And these, forgetting that he who would serve God acceptably in the ministry of the Gospel, must be “least of all” and “servant of all,” are too often proud, insolent, tyrannical.

Their processions are of heathen origin. The ancient Romans, on set days, paraded, bearing lighted candles and carrying idols dressed in costly clothing. At these solenmities priests were assisted by the magistrates in ceremonial robes. The youth, gaudily dressed, followed, singing songs in honor of the god whose festival they were celebrating. Most slavishly has this custom been copied in Roman Catholic countries. At the festival of the Holy Virgin, or some other Romish saint, the priests, magistrates, and even ladies and mere boys, with lighted wax candles in their hands, form in solemn procession, bearing images, and chanting hymns. A traveler to Rome thus describes the festival of the Annunciation:—“ Processions of penitents are seen silently wending their way along the streets, clothed in long black robes, preceded by a black cross, and bearing in their hands skulls and bones, and contribution-boxes for souls in purgatory. . . . The Pope himself was clothed in robes of white and silver, and as he passed along the crowds of gazing people that lined the streets and filled the windows, he forgot not incessantly to repeat his benediction—a twirl of three fingers, typical of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost—the little finger representing the latter. Many tiresome ceremonies followed his entry into the church. He was seated on his throne; all the Cardinals successively approached— kissed his hand—retired a step or two—gave three low bows—one to him in front, as personifying God the Father, one to the right, intended for the Son, and one to the left for the Holy Ghost.” Most powerfully do such scenes remind us of the pompous ceremonies of ancient Paganism; we seem standing in the midst of some heathen city of the ages past, and witnessing their grotesquely solemn superstitions.

The title of Pontifex Maximus is conspicuously a theft from ancient Rome. All good Papists are stanch advocates of the Pope’s supremacy. They consider him the Vicar of Christ, infallible Head of the Church, fountain of all holiness, source of all spiritual blessings, successor to St. Peter. Admitting that Peter was in Rome, and was bishop of the entire Church—which no Papist has ever yet successfully proved—the fact is yet undeniable that the name, the office, the authority, and the functions of the Pope are precisely the same as those of the chiefest pontiff in Pagan Rome. The worldly pomp and splendor that now surround the Papal court, comporting so poorly with what we know of the poverty, self-denial, and simple manners of the ardent, impetuous Apostle, point unmistakably to the Pontifex Maximus of old Rome. He, like his servile imitators, claimed to be the arbiter of all cases, civil and sacred, human and divine. If loyal Romanists, therefore, would say that the present Pope is the legitimate successor of the lordly pontiff who, even when Christ was a babe in Bethlehem, could claim regular succession from pontiffs dating backwards for centuries, they would tell the truth for once, and might add fresh laurels to their boasted claim of antiquity.

The votive offerings so frequently made in Catholic churches are an imitation of a custom practiced in Rome long prior to the Christian era. Nothing was more common than votive gifts presented to the gods in consequence of vows taken in times of danger, or for some supposed miraculous deliverance. Of this the authors of Greece and Rome make frequent mention. Even this means of fostering superstition did not escape Romish observation. It was early incorporated into the scheme of Popish worship. Around the shrines of the saints are hung, in almost countless number, these votive offerings, “evidences at once of the grossest superstition and of the most servile imitation of Pagan practices. A correspondent of a secular paper, writing recently from Paris, gives an animated description of a scene witnessed in one of the Cathedrals of the French capital on the reception of news by mail from MacMahon’s defeated army. Wives, sisters, lovers, were seen presenting their gifts to Our Lady—thanksgiving offerings for the deliverance of their loved ones; others, hanging up their gifts, knelt and tearfully implored the protection of the Mother of God for the exposed, the wounded, the suffering, the dying. Marble tablets, about eight inches by four, graven with sentiments such as these, “In humble thankfulness for the return of my beloved husband from the war,” “ Honor to Our Lady for her merciful deliverance,” “ In acknowledgment of the prayer Our Lady answered,” covered all the walls and even the pillars ‘overhead, so that the entire church of Our Lady of Victory was literally lined with these records of gratitude. To make the heathen scene complete, there were lighted candles and pictures, officiating priests in gaudy vestments, and a glittering altar loaded with ornaments and votive offerings.

The sacrifice of the mass is a conformity to Paganism as disgusting as it is slavishly accurate. Christians have always believed that Christ’s death is an all-sufficient sacrifice for sin, and has forever done away with the necessity and propriety of any other. “ For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.” “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin.” Popery, however, like Paganism, dishonors this one perfect sacrifice, by substituting others in its stead. It is indeed true that Papists do not offer the blood of bulls and goats; they offer, however, what is fur less reasonable and more grossly superstitious, A CONSECRATED WAFER, particles of bread, transubstantiated, by the magic words of the priest, into the “actual body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ;” into “his bones, nerves, muscles;” and the wine into “his real blood, which flowed in his veins.” If priest and people really believe what they so repeatedly affirm they believe, then are they among the most degraded of heathen worshipers— offering human flesh on their altars, eating human flesh and drinking human blood. Either, then, human sacrifices are perpetuated, and that, too, in the most shocking, most revolting form, or infallibility errs. Hither the priest creates a god, offers him as a sacrifice for sin, and ends in eating him, or all Papists worship FLOUR AND WATER. There is the dilemma! Romanists, choose which horn you please.

But even heathen, in their wildest vagaries, never clung to customs so repugnant to common sense as many that grow out of the doctrine of transubstantiation. For example, the priest, holding a wafer between his thumb and the forefinger of his right hand, says: “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world,” which he thrice repeats, then lays one wafer upon the tongue of each communicant. In winter, the wafers are consecrated twice a month, in summer, once a week. Consecration is oftener in summer than in winter, because the host, by the excessive heat, corrupts, producing worms! A god turned to worms!! It is an injunction of Holy Mother, however, that this corrupted host must be eaten. It is still “the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ.” Again: “If in winter the blood be frozen in the cup, put warm cloths about the cup; if that will not do, let it be put into boiling water near the altar, till it be melted, taking care it does not get into the cup.” A god frozen and warmed with bandages or boiling water!! Surely, men have lost their reason! Heathen were never so devoid of common sense. Worse still: “If any of the blood of Christ fall upon the ground by negligence, it must be licked up with the tongue, the place be sufficiently scraped, and the scrapings burned; but the ashes must be buried in holy ground. “If after consecration a gnat or spider, or any such thing, fall into the chalice, let the priest swallow it with the blood, if he can; but if he fear danger, and have a loathing, let him take it out and wash it with wine, and when mass is ended, burn it and cast it and the washing into holy ground. It was solemnly declared by a reverend father, seconded by several friars, that a dog, which had accidentally caught and eaten the falling wafer, should be henceforth called “the sacrament dog ;” that when he died he should be buried in consecrated ground, that he must not be allowed to play with other dogs, and that the woman who owned him must place a silver dog on the tabernacle where the host was deposited, and pay a sum of money to the church, Surely Popery has out-paganized Paganism itself.

Nothing is more evident than that asceticism, which is manifestly opposed to the whole spirit of the Bible, is of Pagan origin. It is a vain attempt to work out salvation by severe self-denial, by withdrawing from the abodes of men and the customary pursuits of life, and undergoing penance with the hope that God is well pleased with those who render miserable the life he gave them. The Eremites of the heathen, especially those of Egypt, the Essenes and the Therapeutae, retiring from the world and all useful occupations, vowing chastity, poverty and obedience, clothing themselves in skins or the coarsest materials, dwelling in caverns, practicing tortures, sometimes even scourging themselves with whips, and passing much of their time in silent contemplation, were accustomed to travel from house to house, with sacks upon their backs, begging bread, wine, and all kinds of victuals for the support of their lazy fraternities. Precisely the same customs prevail even now in India and Siam, handed down from the same source, Egypt, the fruitful parent of so many gloomy misanthropes (people who hate or mistrust humankind). Hordes of mendicant (beggar) priests, claiming superior sanctity, feed on the people, consuming the fruits of honest industry, and returning no equivalent. After these heathen models, Rome’s religious orders of monks and nuns, in their almost endless variety, were unquestionably formed, and that too by the most raving fanatics. These orders have precisely the same vows—chastity, poverty and obedience. They retire into monasteries, nunneries, deserts, or caves, spend their time in filth or useless reverie and idleness; clothe themselves in rags and wretchedness, or in garments powerfully reminding one of their heathen prototypes, and practice severe self-inflicted tortures. So likewise celibacy, so vaunted in the Romish Church, and abstinence from animal food, are among the austerities recommended by Pagans centuries before the Christian era.

That no feature, at least no important feature, of Paganism might be allowed to fall into oblivion, Rome can boast of her sect, the legitimate successors of the Gymnosophists of Egypt, which claims that the perfection of piety consists in an annihilation of every affection implanted in human nature, including even love of one’s parents, which, to any but a heathen, might reasonably be presumed to be innocent. Those voluntarily choosing a hermit life—thus casting slander on the God that made them, and more frequently failing into gross sins than those preferring to remain in society, and there attempt to live worthy of him whose life was spent in labors of love with the multitude— became at one time so numerous in the infallible Church, that in Egypt alone their number was little less than 100,000. In one city, Oxyrinthus, there were 20,000 virgins and 10,000 monks. To find from 7000 to 10,000 lazy monks under the superintendence of one abbot was by no means unusual.

And even the self-whipping, copied from the priests of Isis, Papists have retained. True, the sect of the Flagellantes no longer exists (but flagellation continues in Opus Dei) , but then in the eternal city, during the season of Lent, fleshly discipline is still practiced. Only a short time since, in one of the churches of Rome, after a brief season of prayer, the candles being extinguished, a company of the faithful, for the space of an hour, sacredly devoted themselves to the use of the consecrated whip—either upon their backs or upon the benches. Seneca, referring to this same custom in Pagan Rome, says: “If there be any gods that desire to be worshipped after this manner, they do not deserve to be worshipped at all; since the very worst of tyrants, though they have sometimes torn and tormented people, yet have never commanded men to torture themselves.” And the Emperor Commodus, shrewd old Pagan as he was, being opposed to people wearing unearned laurels, ordered these self whippers “to lash themselves in good earnest, and not feign it merely and impose upon the people.”

Even so trifling a circumstance as kissing the Pope’s toe is borrowed from the heathen Emperor and tyrant, Caligula. When first the pontifical toe of the old pagan was introduced to the public, it aroused a violent storm of indignation, being taken as the greatest possible insult to freedom. Now, however, in Christian Rome, it scarcely ruffles the serenity of even the proudest and most honored Papist. It is the condition of access into the awe-inspiring presence of “Our Lord God the Pope, infallible judge in faith and morals.” And as he is the legitimate successor of the lordly pontiff who was conducted to the castle of Toici, in France, by two kings, one walking on either side of his horse, and holding the bridle rein; and of Gregory VIL, who compelled the Emperor Henry IV. to remain three full days at his palace gate, barefoot and fasting, humbly suing for admittance, it would be too cruel to deny the Holy Father of all Christendom the small honor of having the faithful kiss his jeweled slipper.

Instead of tracing the remaining characteristic features of Romanism back to their heathen origin, we must content ourselves with bringing forward a few authorities substantiating the position that Popery is perpetuated Paganism. The first shall be Dean Waddington. “The copious transfusion of heathen ceremonies into Christian worship, which had taken place before the end of the fourth century, had, to a certain extent, Paganized (if we may so express it) the outward form and aspect of religion, and these ceremonies became more general and more numerous, and, so far as the calamities of the times would permit, more splendid in the age which followed. To console the convert for the loss of his favorite festival, others of a different name, but similar description, were introduced; and the simple and serious occupation of spiritual devotion was beginning to degenerate into a worship of parade and demonstration, or a mere scene of riotous festivity.”

Aringhus, a Roman Catholic writer, acknowledging the conformity between Pagan and Popish rites, explains and defends it as follows :— The Popes found it necessary, in the conversion of the Gentiles, to dissemble and wink at many things and yield to the times, and not to use force against customs which the people are so obstinately fond of, nor to think of extirpating at once everything that had the appearance of profane.”

Dr. Middleton, in his letters from Rome, to which we acknowledge ourselves indebted for many of the above mentioned facts, affirm:— “All their ceremonies appear plainly to have been copied from the rituals of primitive Paganism; as if handed down by an uninterrupted succession from the priests of old, to the priests of new Rome.” After carrying out the comparison to an extent which would be wearisome were it not so deeply interesting, he employs this language :—“ I could easily carry on this parallel, through many more instances of the Pagan and Popish ceremonies, to show from what spring all that superstition flows, which we so justly charge them with, and how vain an attempt it must be to justify by the principles of Christianity a worship formed upon the plan and after the very pattern of pure heathenism.”

Considering the evidence we are able to present of the strikingly accurate conformity of modern Popery to ancient Paganism, who is not ready to believe that if Cicero should rise from his grave in the Campus Martius, and wandering through Rome should enter St. Peter’s, he would certainly imagine that the successors of the old priests, in scarcely a circumstance changed, were, with the same fopperies, which in the times of the Caesars excited the ridicule of the learned, worshipping Diana, or Venus, or Apollo?

If, as we believe has been successfully proved, modern Romanism is only the Paganism of Antechristian times perpetuated, then we may expect to find it bearing a close affinity to Buddhism, the oldest known religion of the Indo-European race. For unless Dwight and Max Maller, and in fact all philologists are incorrect in their oft-repeated declaration that India and Greece and Rome were peopled by kindred tribes, speaking cognate languages and having essentially the same religion, then is modern Popery the same as Buddhism of the present day, barring only the slight changes that have occurred since the separation. And as each prides itself in veneration of the past, in inerrancy and immutability, these may be presumed to he few.

That Romanism is indeed the twin sister of the Buddhist religion none surely can deny. A comparison of the two will force conviction upon even the most incredulous. Antedating Christianity by several centuries, and spreading over all the countries inhabited by what are now known as the Indo-European races, Buddhism has ever had, and now has, precisely those features which mark the Papal Church, consisting partly of maxims of morality and partly of dogmas of faith on subjects transcending the reach of reason, it rests conjointly on the authority of certain sacred books and the decisions of early councils—called, like Rome’s, ecumenical, and blindly venerated. The worshipers of Buddha in Burma, Siam, and the Chinese Empire— numbering more than the adherents of any other religious system known in either ancient or modern times— have their relics and their images, the objects of supreme veneration; their temples costing fabulous sums of money; their saints canonized by ecclesiastical authority; their priests with shaven heads, vowing chastity, poverty and obedience; their wax candles burning night and day; their penances and self-inflicted tortures; their endless traditions, and hair-splitting moral distinctions; and even their confessional. They have also their Lent, when for four or five weeks all the people are supposed to live on vegetables and fruits; their acts of merit, repetition of prayers, fasting, offerings to the images, celibacy, voluntary poverty, enforced devotions, and munificent gifts to temples, monasteries and idols. Even the rosary, a string of beads used in saying prayers, and supposed by Papists to be a device specially revealed to St. Dominic, is part of the sacred machinery of the devout Buddhist. And their monasteries, into which priests retire from the world, and engage in the instruction of the young, especially in the mysteries of their sacred books, almost startle one by their close resemblance to those of Popery. And to see the worshipers of Buddha, each with a rosary in his hand, prostrate themselves before an image and repeat their prayers, whilst priests in gaudy vestments, bowing before lighted candles, mutter their incantations in a language which has long since ceased to be spoken, forces upon even the least reflecting the conviction that though Rome has ever claimed the power of working miracles, she has shown little inventive genius. Not even are shrines and sacred places a monopoly with Rome. There are plenty of them, and pilgrims too, in India. And why not, since they have their preaching friars, spending their time alternatively in sacred oratory and in begging. Nay, even modem miracles, though by no means so numerous, and certainly not so astounding, are performed by Rome’s elder sister. And to complete the picture, they have their infallible pontiff. At Lhassa, as well as at Rome, dwells one whom the faithful make believe cannot err when speaking ea cathedra. With two infallibles, one in Asia and one in Europe, the world certainly ought not to err in faith and morals. And then, like the Romanist and the ancient Egyptian, the learned Buddhist indignantly repels the charge of idolatry, affirming that he only employs idols as a visible image of the invisible Buddha, an aid in spiritual worship. Alike in most things, and antedated only in one, infallibility, Rome is, as yet, ahead in the mad chase after superstition. Buddhism has no indulgences, no purgatory, no living Eucharist, that is, human sacrifices: —Paganism has been outstripped.

HAVING proved—we trust to the satisfaction of unprejudiced minds—that Romanism is the predicted foe of Christ’s kingdom, the mystery of iniquity that even in the Apostles’ time was beginning to work, the great apostasy, baptized Paganism, it remains for us to show that she is, in spirit, doctrine and practice, hostile to the true Church of Christ; that in her leading characteristics she is necessarily antagonistic to Christianity, nor less so in this enlightened nineteenth century, than in the world’s midnight, Rome’s golden age; that her changes have most of them been for the worse, towards grosser superstition, greater pride, and more absurd dogmas.

In Paul’s glowing description of the rise of Antichrist, occur these remarkable words: “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” No arrogance that the world has ever witnessed can compare with that of the Papal Church. It claims not only immutability but also inerrancy, not merely the right to bind the conscience and destroy the body, but even to damn the soul. It boastingly proclaims itself able to work miracles, to forgive sins, and to create the world’s Creator. Its proud pontiff calls himself God’s vicegerent on earth, Vicar of Christ. By his subjects he is denominated, “ His Holiyess,” “Our Lord God THE Pope.” The celebrated canonist, Prospero Fagnani, the oracle of the court of Rome, in his commentaries on the Decretals, thus defines the Pope:

“We may make laws and institutions for all the world. He has power over all men, even infidels. The Pope judges all men, and can be only judged of God. Te cannot be judged of councils; nay, were the whole world to pronounce in any particular against the Pope, it would be right to submit to his judgment against the world. Everything he does is done by divine authority. The Pope may, by himself alone, determine the symbols of faith, since it belongs to him only to decide in matters of faith. The Pope is not subject to the desisions of his predecessors—not even to that of the Apostles; for there is no power that can limit the power of the keys. He may dispense with the observance of the divine laws and the Gospel precepts. The Pope may grant every species of dispensation, with the exception of one, to marry one’s father, or one’s mother. He may depose magistrates and princes, and free their subjects from their obligations to loyalty. He is king of kings and ruler of rulers; he is the prince of bishops, the judge of all men. He can create a law where before there was none.” If this is not dethroning the King of heaven, what shall we call it?

Innocent III, in his coronation sermon, said :—“Now you may see who is the servant who is placed over the family of the Lord; truly is he the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the successor of Peter, the Christ of the Lord, the God of Pharaoh; placed in the middle between God and man, on this side of God, but beyond man; less than God, but greater than man; who judges all, but is judged by none.”

Bellarmine wrote :—“If the Pope should err by enjoining vices or prohibiting virtues, the Church, unless she would sin against conscience, would be bound to believe vices to be good and virtues evil.” What can we say to men who profess such doctrines?

Another writer, in defining the limits between Papal and secular power, affirms:—”The Pope is bound by no forms of law; his pleasure is law. The Pope makes right of that which is wrong, and can change the nature of things. He can change square things into round.”

Nor must it be imagined that these doctrines are only the legacy of the dark ages. They are the beliefs of the living present, held more firmly now than ever.

The Freeman’s Journal and Catholic Register of New York, under date of Oct. 1, 1870, holds this language :—“It is as obligatory to hear the voice of Pius IX., when he speaks, avowedly to the universal Church, as it is to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ.”

The Papal Church has the effrontery and the blasphemy to claim, even in this age, that she is, always has been and ever will be, immutable. Le Universe, an Ultramontane journal of France, lately contained the following:—

“The Catholic Church is in the commencement of all things. It has always existed and will always exist. It was before time, it is in time, it will be after time, without spots, or wrinkles, or any change. It does not change; it is developed. It is from God, it is through God, it will be God, for God has constituted it to fill the human race with divinity, that it may become an increase of God.”

This, in face of Rome’s numberless changes, her countless contradictions and variations (see “Edgar’s Variations”), is a faith that may well be denominated sublime. ‘The present Pope is a firm believer in transubstantiation, but Pope Gelasius I. wrote:— “The substance of the bread and wine ceases not to exist.” The doctrine of purgatory is, with all true Catholics of the present day, an essential part of that perfect, unchanged and unchangeable system. But this doctrine, little more than four hundred years old, is condemned by more than twenty of the fathers, including St. Augustine, Justin Martyr, Cyprian, Tertullian, Ambrose, the two Cyrils, Chrysostom, Athenasius, and Jerome. Not always was Rome so unreflecting as publicly to proclaim her damnable avarice, her heartlessness and inhumanity in allowing the souls of her “beloved children” to lie “broiling in the fiercest flames” till a few coppers, wrenched from her poverty stricken victims, drop into her accursed coffers. Pio Nono (Pope Pius IX), and all intelligent Papists, it is fair to presume, agree with the teachers of science, as to the diameter of the earth. But Pope Gregory, and Bellarmine, and Dr. Rosaccio placed purgatory at the earth’s centre, more than 18,000 miles below the surface. They must be correct, for infallibility, it seems, has measured it. The Inquisition of Rome, in 1633, guided by the Vicar of God, infallible Pope Urban, in condemning Galileo, affirmed:— “The proposition that the earth moves is absurd, philosophically false, and theologically considered, at least, erroneous in faith.” As infallibility cannot correct itself, in what a dilemma the Papal world finds itself! They are living on a flat, immovable planet, the centre of the universe. Similar countless contradictions and variations of Popery in no way stagger the faith of true Romanists, however. The children of Holy Mother, evidently believing some things because they are absurd, give us touches of arrogance that are truly sublime. Le Pére Lacordaire, the noted Dominican preacher, in a sermon delivered not long since in Notre Dame, exclaims :—

“Assuredly the desire has not been wanting to lay hold of us, or put us to fault against immutability; for what a weighty privilege to all those who do not possess it: a doctrine immutable when everything upon earth changes! A doctrine which men hold in their hands, which poor old men in a place called the Vatican guard under the key of this cabinet, and which without any other defense resists the course of time, the dreams of sages, the designs of kings, the fall of empires—always one, constant, identical with itself! What a prodigy to deny! What an accusation to silence!”

A little farther on he represents the Pope, after refusing the demand of the present age for change, and scorning a million of men under arms, as indignantly exclaiming, when offered half of Caesar’s sceptre on condition he will change just a little:

“Keep thy purple, O Caesar! tomorrow they will bury thee in it; and we will chant over thee the Alleluia and the De Profundis, which never change.”

Since this eloquent bombast penned, Pio Nono (Pope Pius IX) has yielded his temporal crown to a few shouting Liberals. Yet such is the grandeur of Papal arrogance that, ignoring changes, the Pope’s loyal sons shout: “‘Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. We stand by now; and wait to see how the Lord will bring safety for our Church out of what, humanly considered, is a desperate case. But let the enemy take note of our confidence! We acknowledge we know not how, but we are sure of a deliverance. We do not know what the Holy Father will do. Perhaps the Holy Father does not know what he will do a month hence.” *

So the boasted immutability has been shivered to pieces by the waywardness of the Pope’s “poor misguided sheep.” And since infallibility is unfortunately not foreknowledge, even “Our Lord God the Pope” does not know what will come of his having so peremptorily refused the half of Caesar’s crown, offered him by the vivid imagination of “the great Dominican.”

The Church of Rome claims the exclusive right to interpret Scriptures. According to Popery, individual believers have no right whatever to form for themselves opinions as to the meaning of the Bible. In religious matters they have no right to think. It is their duty to believe and to obey. It is the exclusive right of the sovereign Pontiff to think and to command.* God has indeed given all men reason and conscience, but they may not use them except according to Papal rule. The Pope gives to the Word of God all the authority it can possess! Without his sanction it has no binding force. He can abrogate the laws of the Creator. He can declare the commands of Christ of no effect. If God should speak in an audible voice from heaven, we would not be required to obey unless the Pope endorsed the command. Nay, the case is even worse. For the spiritual despot in the eternal city has actually forbidden his subjects to read, or even possess, the will of heaven revealed for our salvation. The bull of May 5th, 1844, contains this remarkable prohibition :

*In the bull of Gregory XVI, dated May 8, 1844, occur these words: “Watch attentively over those appointed to expound the Holy Scriptures, that they dare not, under any pretext whatever, interpret or explain the holy pages contrary to the traditions of the Holy Fathers, or to the service of the Catholic Church.”



Thus an erring, creature presumes to tell the King of heaven that he may not make known his will to his own creatures. Has not Romanism “exalted itself above all that is called God?”

In entire consistency this mystery of iniquity has denounced the American Bible Society as “a most crafty device, shaking the foundations of religion,” “a pestilence,” “a defilement of the faith most eminently dangerous to souls.” Again: “It is greatly feared that Bible societies will, by a perverse interpretation, turn Christ’s Gospel into a human Gospel, or, what is worse still, into a Gospel of the devil.” In a letter dated June 26th, 1816, and addressed to the Primate of Poland, Pius VII. said: “It is evident, from experience, that the Holy Scriptures when circulated in the vulgar tongue, have, through the temerity of men, produced more harm than benefit. Warn the people entrusted to your care, that they full not into the snares prepared for their everlasting ruin.” In the nineteenth century language such as this falls from lips claiming superior sanctity and even supernatural guardianship! If our versions are so shockingly dangerous, and that, too, when simple translations without note or comment, one would suppose they would industriously circulate a translation of their own. Instead of doing so, however, this proposition, “It is useful and necessary to study the Scriptures,” one of the Popes branded as “false, shocking, scandalous, seditious, impious, blasphemous.” It would seem that in the judgment of Rome the Bible is the most dangerous book in existence. And yet, strange to say, this immutable, infallible Church has, by solemn degree, granted her priests the privilege of selling licenses to read God’s Word. Among the ten rules enacted by the Council of Trent respecting prohibited books, we find this:


Thus God’s Vicegerent tells him: “We will grant our subjects permission to read your message of life if they will pay us for the privilege.” Standing between the Creator and the creature, the Pope says to the former: “You may not speak to my subjects;” to the latter: “You may not receive the message of your Maker, unless you have the means of purchasing my permission.” And even this presumption is sustained by Roman logic. “The Pope has the chief power of disposing of the temporal affairs of Christians, in order to their spiritual good.” Wealth corrupts men. By every conceivable means, therefore, it should be taken from them. Verily we are prepared to read this claim: “The Pope has power above all powers in heaven and in earth.” “He, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”

It is a maxim with Popery that ignorance is the mother of devotion. If this be true—and infallibility has affirmed it—the devotion of the mass of Papists must be the deepest, the purest, the noblest, and the most spiritual the erring creatures of God have ever rendered him. And hence arises a reason, all powerful with Romanists, why popular education should be opposed. And accordingly they are, and always have been, opposed to the freedom of the press, to the general diffusion of knowledge, to the progress of the arts and sciences. Pope Gregory, in his bull of 1832, denounces liberty of opinion, of conscience, and of the press, as “absurd and erroneous doctrines; pregnant with the most deplorable evils; and pests of all others most to be dreaded in a state.” And those who proclaim censures such as these irreconcilable with the rights of men, are charged with “falsity, rashness, and infamous effrontery.” Catholicism is, in interest, in principle, and in policy, the uncompromising foe to modern ideas of education. What Protestants denominate the dark ages Romanism calls the golden age. It disdains the civilization, intelligence, and sterling activity of the present, and were the power hers, no doubt the wheels of progress would be turned backwards four or five centuries.

The Church of Rome claims ability to forgive sins. Confession being made and the money demanded handed over, absolution is unconditionally granted. This is their claim. And in accordance therewith is their practice. We are indeed aware of the affirmation of many, that the priests, in granting absolution, merely declare, that to the penitent, sin is remitted by God. We affirm, however, that the Church claims the inherent power of forgiving sin. One of the anathemas of the Council of Trent, certainly no mean authority, is: “If any one shall say that the sacramental absolution of the priest is not a judicial act, but a naked ministry of pronouncing and declaring that sins are remitted to the person confessing, provided only they be believers… . let him be accursed.” Here forgiveness of sin is claimed as a judicial act of the priest. He sits in Christ’s seat, granting pardon. And against each and every apologist, whether Papal or Protestant, who, smoothing down the asperities of Popery, would reconcile it with reason, Rome’s last argument is fulminated, “anathema sit (let him be accursed).”

And their theological works contain arguments to prove that to the Pope has been given the right of granting this pardoning power to every priest. Did not Christ say to Peter, “Whatsoever thou loosest on earth shall be loosed in heaven?” Every priest, therefore, holding his commission from Peter’s successor, has ability to pardon the sinner. And why not? Is there not a storehouse of good works? Has not the Pope the key? May he not disinterestedly sell the merit accumulated from the obedience of the faithful above all that God required? Absolutions are, therefore, only the transfers of merit, of the supererogatory works of Rome’s renowned saints. And surely he who can make virtue vice, and vice virtue, can set some of this treasure to the account of the sinner who proves the genuineness of his desire for it by paying the stipulated price. Nay, “the Mother of Harlots” can do more than forgive sins. She has the right to sell indulgences. And every sin has its price. Did space permit, it would furnish a pitiable exhibition of the innate depravity of man to run over the list prepared by this trafficker in human souls. There is the price of an indulgence to “murder one’s father, mother, brother, sister, wife, or other relative, one dollar and seventy-five cents;” “for theft, sacrilege, rapine, perjury, two dollars;” “for incest with a sister, a mother, or any near relative, two dollars and a quarter.” At the end of one of the chapters in this, the “ Pope’s Chancery Book,” it is said: “Note well: Graces and dispensations of this kind are not conceded to the poor, because they have no means, therefore they cannot be comforted.” Poor creatures! Their poverty is their only sin! That the traffic in these indulgences is now dull, is not because Rome has willingly abandoned the lucrative business, but because the light of the Reformation has ruined the trade. Even yet, however, they are purchasable by prayers, and especially by the repetition of Mary’s rosary. “The Catholic Manual,” a collection of devotional exercises, promises a plenary indulgence on each of the solemn feasts of Christ and of the blessed Virgin Mary, to those who, with these heads, pray devoutly at least once a week. Whoever repeats a Hail Mary in the morning, is promised “an indulgence of a hundred days, each day of the week, and seven years and seven times forty days on each Sunday.” By carefully following the sixteen instructions on indulgences in “The Catholic Manual,” a devout Papist, by laboring with the machinery of devotion about four hours each day for five years, could, we think, very easily purchase a thousand years unbridled license in sin. About one hundred monks, working diligently, could, we believe, lay up merit adequate to pardon the entire world of sinners. They might thus open a new spiritual bank and rival the Pope in making merchandise of souls. Why, therefore, should the subjects of Pio Nono (Pope Pius IX) tremble with apprehensions of the torments of perdition? The infallible Church has granted, and therefore, of course, can again grant, permission to commit any sin, engaging to extinguish the flames of hell. None, to whom he grants a claim to the joys of the redeemed. can be finally lost. None can enter paradise without his passport. Did not Jesus say to Peter, “I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven?” These keys have been handed down from Peter to the present Pope! Therefore, “He openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth.” On what condition will he open heaven to the soul? When the dues to the Church are paid. Did ever assumption equal this?

Claiming sovereignty over his people not only in this world but also in the world to come, the Pope controls even purgatorial fires. How long souls are kept in the purifying flames would seem to depend entirely on the willingness of living friends to pay money for the celebration of masses. Archbishop Hughes, when on earth, was lauded as one of the holiest of men. It required, however, a long time to pray his soul out of purgatory. “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

Nor does Papal presumption stop even here. In the doctrine of the real presence, according to which in every crumb of bread and in every drop of wine Christ’s entire nature, human and divine, is comprehended, we have arrogance the most blasphemous which it is possible to conceive. Christ, in his undivided humanity, is present in heaven and on the countless Popish altars of all countries and all ages, entire, perfect, complete in every particle of the consecrated elements. And yet, lest human weakness should be horrified with eating flesh and drinking blood, the form, appearance, qualities, and taste of bread and wine remain unchanged. And this self-contradictory miracle, the most stupendous ever imposed upon human credulity, it is affirmed, is daily wrought by priestly power. A learned Cardinal says: “He that created me gave me, if it be lawful to tell, to create himself.” And Pope Urban af firmed: “The hands of the pontiff are raised to an eminence granted to none of the angels, or CREATING GOD THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, and of offering him up for the salvation of the whole world.” One shudders as he reads such blasphemy. And to find in the Freeman’s Journal of Sept. 8, 1870, such language as this, “How many prayers have they (the French priests praying for unhappy Napoleon III.) offered even with the Most Holy in their hands,” too plainly proves that Popery is the same unchanged monster of iniquity.

Add to the above list of assumptions, the last and greatest of all, infallibility, so recently exalted into a dogma, and you have all that it would seem possible for man to claim; all that the proudest and most cruel tyrant could desire. The arrogance is complete; the despotism is perfect. The Pope has the right to enslave the body; nay, even to take life, to bind the conscience, and to damn the soul. And in the exercise of these divine prerogatives, to err is impossible. These assumptions the faithful are not only expected to believe with the whole heart, but to yield unresisting obedience to the tyranny thence resulting.

“I’d rather be a dog, and bay the moon,
Than such a Roman.”

THE year 1870 will be forever memorable in the history of the Papacy. It has witnessed the grotesquely solemn ascription of one of the attributes of deity to the pretended successor of Peter. “Speaking lies in hypocrisy,” and raving in a delirium of passion, the sovereign pontiff shouts:

“I am the Pope: the Vicar of Jesus Christ; the chief of the Catholic Church, and I have called this Council, which shall do His work, . . . . I say,—I, who can not but speak the truth, —that if we would establish liberty, we must never fear to speak the truth, and to denounce error. I too would be free as well as the truth itself”

“And there are those now who are in fear of the world! They fear revolution! . . . . They will sacrifice all the rights of the Holy See, and their love for the Vicar of Jesus Christ, Miserable men, what must they do? They seek the applause of men. We, my children, we seek the approbation of God. You must sustain the claims of truth and righteousness. It is the duty of the bishops fearlessly to fight in the defense of truth alongside of the Vicar of Jesus Christ. My children, do not forsake me.” – From the Pope’s speech to the Vicars Apostolic, March 23, 1870.


In answer to this pathetic appeal the unterrified made the Vatican ring with cries, “ No, No, No, Vive l’Infallible! Vive l’Infallible!! Vive l’Infallible!!!” At the public reception, May 14, 1870, one continuous deafening shout was heard, “ Long live the Infallible.” Was Paul picturing this scene when he wrote, “Who opposes himself, and exalts himself against all that is called God, and against all worship: even to seat himself in the temple of God, and take on himself openly the signs of Godhead?” (Conybeare and Howson’s Version.)

Preparations for this solemn farce were made even so early as the year 1864. Then was issued the Encyclical and Syllabus, since so famous, which commend most of the arrogant assumptions of previous Pontiffs, and denounce, in no measured terms, the civilization, progress, religion and education of the present. With characteristic impudence they claim for the Pope the right of abrogating civil law, of enforcing obedience to Catholic dogmas, of employing corporl punishment, and even of compelling princes to execute civil penalties for ecclesiastical offenses. They insist, in language not to be mistaken, that to Holy Mother belongs the exclusive right to educate the young, that priests are not subject to civil governments, that the Pope rules, jure divino, in temporal things, that the right to solemnize marriage is the exclusive possession of the priesthood, that Catholicism is the only system of faith entitled to man’s suffrage, and, accordingly, that Protestant worship ought not to be tolerated, and where it can be suppressed, as in New Granada and in Rome, must be.

Not content with endorsing Gregory’s condemnation of liberty of conscience as an insanity, His Infallibility denominates it the liberty of perdition. The privilege of embracing that religion which, led by the light of reason, a man conscientiously believes to be right, is repeatedly and emphatically denied. Even the will of an entire nation, though calmly, kindly and intelligently expressed, can by no possibility constitute law; cannot lawfully demand the respect of Christ’s Vicar. Having thus condemned all liberty, personal and national, civil and religious, he commits himself unqualifiedly to despotism, by anathematizing those who demand that the Roman Pontiff should harmonize himself with progress and modern civilization, and by denying to the down-trodden even the God-given right of rebellion. Fitly is this proud tyranny crowned with the unblushing assertion, that the judgments, decisions, dogmas and practices of the Church are infallible.

Conceived in iniquity, this now famous dogma was brought forth by the suppression of free discussion. Protests against its adoption, though respectfully worded and courteously presented, were sent back without comment or communication, and in some instances even unread. Arguments in every way deserving of serious attention obtained no answer.* The German prelates, in a carefully prepared protest, said, “Unless these (the great difficulties arising from the words and acts of the Fathers of the Church, as contained in authentic documents of Catholic history) can be resolved, it will be impossible to impose this doctrine upon Christian people as being a revelation from heaven.” And yet far from succeeding, scarcely an effort was made in removing the difficulties. “All religion,” said Cardinal Schwarzenberg, “is at an end in Bohemia if this definition is affirmed.” “No words,” said another prelate, “can express the evils which will accrue to the cause of religion throughout Hungary, if infallibility is affirmed.” These, like all the bishops who dared to anticipate social and political evils from the adoption of this new dogma, were treated as disturbers of the peace, as disloyal to Christ’s Vicar, as grossly impertinent and presumptuous.

A correspondent of the Liberté gives an account of a strange scene between the Pope and the Syrian Patriarch of Babylon. The Patriarch, who, before leaving for Rome had taken solemn oath to defend the liberties of the Oriental Churches, said in Council: “We Orientals reserve our rights, which moreover have been recognized by the Council of Florence.” The Pope, irritated, sent for him. The venerable Prelate immediately repaired to the Vatican. The Pontiff, pale and greatly agitated, presented a paper by which the Patriarch renounced all his rights and privileges. “Sign that,” said Pius IX.“ I cannot,” replied the Prelate. The Pope, seized with one of his violent fits of anger, striking his hand on the table, exclaimed: “You cannot leave without signing it.” The Patriarch reminded him of his oath. “ Your oath is a nullity, sign.” After an hour’s useless struggle the Prelate submitted, appending his signature.

Those who, with irresistible logic demanded unanimity as the condition of promulgating a new dogma, especially one so important and far-reaching in its consequences, were insulted, threatened with deposition, and in the end forced either to absent themselves or to vote infallibility.* The Pope, as in the preparations for the Council, so in its proceedings, assumed to decide the gravest questions. He ostentatiously proclaimed himself as by divine appointment the infallible head of the Church. By lauding and honoring the friends of infallibility, and insulting and denouncing their opponents, denominating them “bad Catholics,” he showed himself the worthy head of the order of Jesuits. Freedom of opinion became a mere name; discussion only a pretense. The result was predetermined; known when the Council was called. The French bishops, in a manifesto portraying with just indignation the successive steps taken in suppressing all freedom, affirm: “Debate in general convocation has been a mere illusion: discussion has been muzzled, and free speech gagged. Passion is dominating more and more: old traditions and usages are abandoned, just claims forgotten, and the most elementary rules set at naught. . . . . A good cause does not need to be supported by violence.”

By such agencies as these an assembly of bishops, who according to ancient Roman law had no right to originate dogma, but simply to express in formula doctrines which had ever been held as objects of universal belief, promulgated a dogma as dishonoring to God as it is insulting to man.

And the arguments by which this monstrous claim was supported, are, like those by which St. Liguori proves Mary a proper object of worship, so excessively weak as to excite contempt. We do not affirm that those who employ them are men of feeble intellect. This, in many instances, is certainly not the case. But men of powerful minds, when thoroughly committed to an absurdity, are, of course, forced to bring forward arguments which strike every unbiased listener as simply ridiculous. And to hear mitred bishops and self-inflated cardinals, and a host of priests repeatedly and solemnly declaring that the doctrine of infallibility is as old as the Christian Church, would certainly excite universal laughter, were not the consequences of the claim so appalling. And the argument from silence, so much employed, how conclusive! For ten centuries you find no protest against it. The fathers never mention it. They present no labored arguments in its favor. The councils uttered no anathemas against those refusing adhesion to it. The Popes, those sacred custodians of truth, have held no allocutions respecting it, have issued no bulls against those who questioned it. Therefore, of course, it must have been the universal faith from the time of the Apostles. Now, however, for the first time, some damnable heretics have presumed to call it in question. It is on this account that we deem it necessary to proclaim what has ever been the faith of those constituting the Church. Why this argument would not prove that two and two make five it would be difficult for a Protestant to conceive. But Papists, apparently, deem it entirely conclusive. The Rev. James Kent Stone, a recent convert to Catholicism, expands it to great length, and seemingly considers it unanswerable. Surely arguments must be scarce.

Dr. Henry Newman, another champion of Romeanism, in his “Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent,” appeals to common sense in proof of infallibility! He undertakes to show that the principles of assent applied to the ordinary affairs of life, logically lead to an enforced belief in the last dogma of Rome. We have the same reasons for believing that the Pope is infallible that we have for believing that Napoleon III. is a prisoner, viz., a great many people say so. We Protestants, upstarts of three centuries, ought to have the modesty to confess ourselves unable to see the force in metaphysical disquisitions so abstruse.

Then there is the Scriptural argument so laboriously drawn out in the London Vatican of July 29th, 1870: “Did not Christ say: ‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church?’ (We fancy we have heard that quoted before by Papists.) Even this, however, was not enough for the Most High to say to the first primate. Hence he adds, ‘And the gates of hell shall never prevail against it. Not enough yet. The sovereign Pope must reign in both worlds at once. ‘I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Not sufficient still, ‘And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Then, moreover, Jesus said to Peter, not to John (the records must needs be amended, so the facts of Peter’s fall, denial and profanity are cautiously and very considerately suppressed): ‘I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not.’ God’s Vicar could not err, because his fall would have been the ruin of the Church.” (The sacred record, you see, must be incorrect. Peter must have remained firm, for the Church has been infallible ever since. This passage must be like that other, which speaks of Peter’s wife’s mother, whereas Peter could by no possibility have been guilty of having a wife, since all his successors, following his illustrious example, vow celibacy.) Then follows the admonition addressed to the first pontiff, and through him to the long succession of Holy Fathers, “Confirm thy brethren.” So you see, or don’t you see?—the Pope is infallible. Can’t you say with “the greatest theologian of the age,” “There is hardly a doctrine of Christianity which is so conspicuously vouched in Holy Scripture, or which its divine author thought proper to reveal by such an astonishing iteration of words and acts, as that of the primacy and inerrancy of his Vicar?” This famous passage which does battle everywhere, which proves that priests can forgive sins, that the Pope can send a man to hell, to heaven, or to purgatory, that Peter was primate, that the Catholic Church is as unchangeable as a rock, that no man can be saved unless within its sinless pale, that Popery, in the exact form in which it now exists, shall continue till the Church militant becomes the Church triumphant, that corporp punishment for spiritual offenses is heaven ordained, and that Peter never fell, also, according to Papal logic, incontestably, unmistakably, irresistibly proves that Pio Nono, in this nineteenth century, is infallible.

Lastly, we have the argument of the bishop of Poitiers, which elicited such applause in the Vatican Council: “St. Paul was beheaded ; consequently his head, which represents the ordinary episcopate, was not indissolubly united to the body. St. Peter, on the contrary, was crucified with his head downwards, to show that his head, which was the image of the Papacy, sustained the whole body.” So you perceive the present Pope must be infallible. He says so. And how otherwise could he sustain the entire Church?—how be a Rock?

Proved, to the satisfaction of Papists by arguments such as these, infallibility was, July 18th, 1870, exalted into a dogma. The entire Catholic world must henceforth believe, on pain of eternal damnation, “ that when the Roman pontiff speaks ex cathedra . . . . he possesses infallibility. In interpretation of this the New York Freeman’s Journal and Catholic Register, of September 3rd, 1870, says: “Tn his personal character as Pope, without awaiting the agreement of the Catholic Episcopate, the Pope is infallible personally. The expression personal infallibility of the Pope is therefore correct.”

So the famous and long-continued discussion, where resides the infallibility of the Church—in the Pope, in a General Council, or in the concurrent voice of both?— is at last ended. No second Dean Swift need tauntingly say, “Really, Holy Mother might as well be without an infallible head, as not to know where to find him in necessity.” Five hundred and thirty-three robed bishops have solemnly proclaimed that he lives in Rome, or did, and is the legitimate successor of the fallible Peter. He eats bread, drinks wine, rides out daily in his coach, twirls his finger in an ecstasy of delight as he pronounces benedictions on those who shout, “ Vive l’Infallible,” and scowls with rage as he utters anathemas against the Protestant failure.

As this last and most insolent dogma of Popery has been established without argument, or rather in spite of argument, it certainly were folly for Protestants to dignify it by attempting a formal refutation. To argue a shouting crowd into silence is impossible. And a cloud, dense, dark, impalpable, portending storm, is not dissolved by man’s howling out a few syllogisms. Many an error has been argued into respectability by its opponents. For some absurdities no argument is more powerful than ridicule; for some pretensions no treatment so galling as silent contempt. And Protestants can certainly well afford to let bishops, priests, and people tell each other that they believe, or make believe, Pio Nono is infallible. If, however, any desire to examine a complete demolition of Rome’s last arrogant claim, we commend to their careful perusal, “The Pope and the Council,” by Janus. This work, originating in the bosom of the Papal Church, written by persons claiming to be genuine Catholics, and proving with inexorable logic that the doctrine of infallibility is a mere novelty in the religious world, has caused much uneasiness even in the seared conscience of the Papal Church, and called forth a vast amount of fruitless effort at refutation. We have seldom seen such pitiable exhibitions of the inherent weakness of a cause as may be seen in the absurdly feeble attempts to answer Janus. The Catholic World of New York (June, July, and August numbers, 1870), contains articles which, for feebleness and clumsy special pleading, are, we firmly believe, entitled to the first place in the literature of the last half century. Every unprejudiced reader must certainly rise from their perusal thoroughly convinced that the reception of the infallibility dogma is purely an act of faith. If that is Rome’s best showing, her proud claim evidently rests exclusively on bold and oft-repeated assertion and specious falsehood.

Since at last we have an infallible man, we ought to know how his decrees are to be transmitted to us fallibles. He is accessible only to a limited few. How can he make every child of Holy Mother infallibly certain what the truth is? Are all archbishops and bishops and priests to be next declared infallible? Are we to have a set of infallible telegraph operators, and infallible printers, who shall inform prelates and bishops, who in turn shall peddle out infallibility’s last announcement to every loyal Papist? And unless this is done, of what use is an infallible head? Must the faithful take an infallible system on the testimony of fallibles? Are they required to believe by proxy? The Pope says, “All must believe what I believe, because I believe what all believe.” Then every Romanist, it is to be presumed, believes everything contained in “the whole Word of God, written and unwritten.” This requires belief in at least one hundred and fifty folio volumes, a cart-load of contradictory doctrines and clashing traditions. If employing private judgment, the layman conscientiously endeavors to eliminate truth from this mass of useless rubbish, he is guilty of a damnable heresy. And how is he to know with infallible certainty what is the interpretation of Pius IX.? Must he go to Rome? Must he await the next Ecumenical Council which shall decree Papal transmission infallible? Or must he content himself with this circular argument? I believe what the Pope believes. The Pope believes what I believe. We both believe exactly the same. He and I are therefore infallible. And if he is, surely I must be. An unerring head and an erring body and members, were a kind of nondescript, a monster known neither in heaven, on earth, nor in hell.

This marvellous prerogative, it is now claimed, has always belonged to the successor of Peter. Has it ever decided a single controversy?—ever healed a single dissension?—ever settled a single quarrel either in private, in social or in national life? In this intensely practical age men therefore ask, what good is to result from this dogma? The fiercely bitter strifes between the Calvinistic Jansenists and the Arminian Jesuits, between the Franciscans and the Dominicans touching the kind of homage due the transubstantiated wafer, between the advocates and the opponents of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, were they, even in the slightest degree, alleviated or repressed by Christ’s infallible Vicar? And of what value was the inerrancy of Pope Liberius who embraced the Arian heresy? An infallible primate endorsing a doctrine which had already been repeatedly and emphatically anathematized, and by the present “ Infallible Judge in faith and morals” is deemed no less heinous than infidelity itself, is surely a strange proof of indefectibility. And of what value was this boasted prerogative to Pope Honorius, that old transgressor, whose doctrinal errors cost the last Ecumenical Council such an immense amount of arguing and falsifying? Being unanimously condemned by the sixth General Council for holding doctrines then, since, and now considered heretical, the advocates of Papal infallibility are placed in the awkward dilemma of being forced to believe that exact contraries are precisely the same. Benediction and anathema, assertion and denial, truth and error, are one and the same thing to those who can legislate vice into virtue and virtue into vice. Of what practical worth is that infallibility which in the seventeenth century, “desirous of providing against increased detriment to the holy faith,” solemnly affirmed: “The proposition that the earth moves is absurd, philosophically false, and theologically considered at least, erroneous in faith;” and in this nineteenth century, not merely believes the Copernican system, but with brazen-faced effrontery endeavors to deny that Galileo suffered persecution for opinion’s sake? And then, too, unless His Infallibility can reconcile the two thousand variations between the authorized Vulgate Bible of Pope Sextus, the infallible, and that of Pope Clement, the infallible, the unbelieving world will continue to smile at the deliverance of the invincible five hundred.

Let Rome’s arguments and anathemas therefore be never so powerful, an infallibility which suspends civil law, spreads rebellion and celebrates a Te Deum for the massacre of heretics; which corrupts the doctrines of the Bible, opposes popular education, and hangs on the skirts of progress shouting halt; which inveighs against the civilization of the present, stops commerce, fetters science, enslaves the mind, impoverishes the nations, and mingles even with her prayers curses against civil and religious liberty, is a dogma which this age at least can contemplate only with mingled horror and derision. Were it less ridiculous we might almost weep tears of blood over the spiritual thraldom of one hundred and eighty millions of human beings henceforth forced, on pain of excommunication, refusal of the sacraments and everlasting damnation, to believe an erring mortal “infallible judge in faith and morals,” Christ’s inerrant Vicar. Were it less fatal to the freedom, the morals, and the eternal hopes of enslaved Papists we might give way to uproarious laughter, and shame the absurdity off the world’s stage. We can view it however only as a declaration of war against civilization ; only as a death knell to the hopes of those who are subject to the Roman priesthood. Henceforth Popery is to be narrower, more bigoted, more impenetrable to truth than ever. While the Protestant world is advancing in liberty, intelligence, morality and material prosperity, the Papal seems destined to stagnation, if not, alas, to even grosser superstition, deeper ignorance and more abject spiritual servitude.

What results may flow from this last arrogant assumption of Rome’s proud Pontiff, it is yet too soon to predict. The struggle of the last three centuries—a struggle between intelligence and superstition, between progress and reaction, between light and darkness, between all that makes this age hopeful and made the middle ages the world’s midnight—has ended, ended in the triumph of bigotry. In this we may, perhaps, discover the beginning of the end. Certainly Catholic aggression in civilized countries is henceforth impossible. The absurdity is too apparent to impose upon even common intelligence.

Infallible but powerless! French troops withdrawn, Napoleon dethroned, Catholic France beaten and helpless, the Pope’s temporal power gone, his erring sheep following the guidance of liberal ideas, himself, though claiming to be Supreme Judge over all kings, virtually a prisoner, bishops in scores denouncing the infallibility blunder, the entire Catholic world in momentary apprehension of yet more terrible calamities, surely we are powerfully reminded of that ancient and honorable declaration, “In one hour is she made desolate.” What wonders has God wrought! How suddenly have her woes come upon her!“ This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.”

And now from all parts of the Catholic world may be heard one long drawn sigh over Popery’s helpless condition, one deep wail of terror, harmonized from the cry of the impotent infallible, the half frantic whinings of bishops and priests, and the evil forebodings of pamphlets, magazines, periodicals, and papers. Plainly, whatever results were fondly anticipated from the consummation of the work for which the Council was summoned, Holy Mother deems herself in dreadful agonies. Says the Tablet, a Roman organ, “There is, alas, no room for doubt that a heavy calamity has befallen the Holy Church of Rome and the Apostolic See. ‘The infidels have converted and educated the bad Catholics up to the reception of certain opinions and principles of their own.” So even Romanists will think for themselves, notwithstanding there is an infallible Pope to think for them. And even now, after all their efforts, Italy is tainted to the very core with love of liberty; private judgment is even now untrammelled. The vengeance sworn against Republicanism, were it not so impotent, might strike terror. It is evidently, however, only the wail of despair.

A cloud, portentous, though small, may be seen on the horizon. An ominous increase in the number of Jesuits, those unprincipled political tricksters, has taken place. In Germany, France, England, and even in the United States, the Catholic papers are sounding “a call for a new Crusade.” With this as their watchword, “Rome belongs to the Catholic Church,” they are seeking to fire the hearts of the young. Already we learn on Papal authority, that “The Catholic youth of Europe are stirring, and preparing for the conflict. In our own land thousands of hearts, of young Catholic men, are burning with desire to add their part to the Grand Crusade.” In New Orleans an immense mass meeting has been held, and that too on Sunday, in utter disregard of the rights of Protestants and the laws of the country, to express sympathy with and secure material aid for the Infallible Judge in faith and morals.” All this may, most likely will, end in smoke. Possibly, however, they may be so infatuated as to continue their repinings over the terrible fate of Christ’s Vicar, perhaps may inaugurate agencies for his restoration, possibly may “take up arms against a sea of troubles,” and thereby hasten the end. The old Romans, whose Pagan religion these modern heathen have inherited, had an adage containing a mine of good sense, “ Whom the gods design to destroy they first make mad.” Are we witnessing the infatuation which precedes destruction?

NO political tyrant, no despotic Nero, even in his most frenzied mood, ever arrogated claims over man so cruelly tyrannical as those of Popery.

Despots have indeed tortured the body till death granted release; but to tyrannize over the mind, to traffic in the eternal destinies of the soul, to trample at will upon man’s dearest hopes, those that stretch beyond this troubled life, are abominations known only to Romanism. The only usurpations worthy of comparison with hers are the monstrous assumptions of Brahminism. And even these, though having the same parentage, and manifesting similar dispositions, sink into insignificance when compared with those of that mystery of iniquity whose coming, it was predicted, should be “with all power.

To render the spiritual control complete, the Papal Church has made her seven sacraments so many instruments of despotism. These, in connection with her doctrine of INTENTION, form a power of oppression truly appalling. In the decree of the Council Of Trent we read: “If any one shall affirm, that when the minister performs and confers a sacrament, it is not necessary that they should, at least, have the intention to do what the Church does, let him be accursed.” Could anything, we ask, place the Romanist more completely under the power of the priest? Through him must come all spiritual blessings. Here center all hopes. In administering the ordinances of the church, however, the officiating priest may, through negligence, or to gratify personal resentment, or with the diabolical purpose of leaving the suppliant unblessed, withhold the intention, giving the form without the substance. Thus the poor penitent is entirely at the mercy of his spiritual despot.

The faithful are taught that marvelous grace comes through eating the bread transubstantiated by the prayer of the priest into the very body of Christ. Suppose, however, that when the words are pronounced, “This is my body,” the celebrant has in reality no intention of changing the wafer to flesh. Then the worshiper, ignorant of the secret purpose of the minister’s heart, but required by a Church claiming infallibility to believe that the visible wafer “is the body and blood, soul and divinity, of Christ,” is not merely guilty of believing a falsehood, but of the grossest idolatry—the worship of flour and water. On pain of eternal damnation, he is ordered to believe an absurdity, and to bow in adoration before what he cannot know to be a God; nay, what reason and the senses testify is bread. If, trusting these, he refuses homage, he is threatened by a Church, claiming to possess the keys of heaven and hell, with the endless torments of perdition. If he adores the host, then, on the concession of Rome herself, he may be guilty of worshiping the creature, a sin for which, according to the Papal Church, there is no forgiveness. If he follows common sense, Rome thunders her anathemas against him. If he obeys the Church, he may be rendering his damnation doubly more certain. Did ever despotism equal this? Eternal happiness is suspended on the mere whim of a priest, and he, perhaps a revengeful, licentious, drunken wretch.

Take the sacrament of baptism. In the “Abridgment of Christian Doctrine,” it is asked, “Whither go the souls of infants that die without baptism? Answer. To that part of hell where they suffer the pains of loss, but not the punishment of sense; and shall never see the face of God.” Tearfully, almost in hopeless despair, may the loyal Papist ask, as he kisses the pallid lips of the coffined babe, Do any reach the joys of the redeemed? The sweet whisperings of a hope natural to the parental heart are silenced by the stern voice of Holy Mother, “Unbaptized, unsaved.’ How many chances against the innocents! The parents neglect their duty: the babe is lost. It is brought to the priest and its brow sprinkled with water. Through carelessness or fiendish malignity, however, the intention is wanting. The helpless infant is eternally exiled from God. Perhaps the priest himself was never baptized; or if baptized, perhaps never ordained. Though these ordinances may have been administered, the intention may have been wanting. In either case the child is doomed to endless woe. Nor is this a mere fancied difficulty. No genuine Romanist can by possibility possess satisfactory evidence that either he himself or his child is validly baptized. And yet he is taught to believe that without this baptismal regeneration salvation is impossible. The legitimate result of such teaching is to produce a race of the most abject slaves, crouching, spiritless.

The dying Papist, as he receives penance and extreme unction, feels in his inmost soul that all his hopes for time and eternity are suspended on the intention of the priest, who, “sitting in the tribunal of penance, represents the character and discharges the functions of Jesus Christ. To heaven, to hell, or to purgatory, as best suits his fancy, he can send the departing spirit. However deep may have been its guilt, however black its crimes, however polluted its thoughts, the priest “can confer dying grace,” and “open the gates of paradise: he can send the most devout Romanist to endless despair, eternally beyond the reach of hope. Was ever another system devised, even in the hotbed of Pagan superstition, so perfectly fitted to crush its victims? What could produce slavery more abject, of reason, will, soul and body? All the efforts of the poor vassal must be directed towards propitiating the priest, who henceforth stands to him in the place of a god.

Two youthful hearts, innocent and pure, present themselves in the first fervor of new-born love, to be united in the bonds of holy matrimony. Hope paints a radiant future. They are pronounced husband and wife, If intelligent Catholics, however, and earnestly desirous of true union, they may well ask, as they turn from the priest, Are we really married? Perhaps there was no intention on the part of him professing to confer the sacrament; perhaps the bride, perhaps the groom lacked the intention. In either case, Holy Mother infallible affirms, the marriage contract is null. By the negligence or wickedness of him who should have conferred the matrimonial sacrament, two persons, though innocent, pure-minded and conscientious, live in mortal sin, and should death overtake them in that state—and how can they ever possess assurance that they are truly married?—they must sink down to endless perdition. Worse still; one of the parties may, when the health, wealth or beauty of the other is lost, declare under oath that the marriage ceremony, by the lack of intention on his or her part, was a nullity. The code of Rome declares the union dissolved. And what shall hinder an adventurous wretch from designing this beforehand, and thus sending to eternal woe one whose greatest, almost only sin, was a lavish bestowment of the entire wealth of her affections upon an object so unworthy?

To the other sacraments of Romanism, we need not refer. The despotism is of the same character as that apparent in all parts of her organized system of traffic in the souls of men.

As an engine of spiritual despotism, none, perhaps, is so powerful as the confessional. It crushes the poor deluded Papist to the very dust. Even for the forgiveness of sins committed against God, he looks to the priest. “Absolution is not a bare declaration that sin is pardoned by God to the penitent, but really a judicial act.” The subjection is complete. Are such down-trodden slaves ever likely to “become kings and priests unto God?” Could we expect them to seek the closet, and before the High-priest of our profession seek and obtain pardon in the blood that cleanses from all sin? And as for becoming guardians of civil liberty, the very idea is preposterous. They who, at the nod of Rome’s mitered bishops, lick the very dust and swear eternal loyalty to a distant spiritual despot; who openly proclaim that their first allegiance is due to Rome’s Sovereign Pontiff; who are educated under a system bitterly hostile to all existing forms of government, and especially to those founded on equal rights ; who anxiously, prayerfully, imploringly await the return of the nations to the despotic forms of government now so exceedingly obnoxious; who denounce the Reformation as the fruitful source of all the worst evils that have ever afflicted human society; who oppose our common school system, ridicule the right of private judgment, repress the sterling activity which has enriched the nations, transforming continents as if by magic, and determinedly resist the onward march of liberty, personal and national, civil and religious,— can such victims of Papal superstition ever become good citizens in a free enlightened republic?

Even the claim of ability to forgive sin, presumptuous as it is, and their yet more arrogant claim of power to send the soul to purgatory, or to release it from the purifying fires, are surpassed by that masterpiece of heartless malignity, the solemn assertion of a God given right “to damn the souls of rebellious and refractory men.” The bull against Henry VIII, as also that against Queen Elizabeth, the memorable patroness of literature, is the “excommunication and damnation of the Sovereign.” And more than once have the Popes pronounced anathemas against the entire Protestant world. Surely Paul was predicting Popery when he wrote: “Whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power.” Over those believing her doctrines Rome’s power is absolute. Nero himself could desire no more.

To render the bondage still more abject, if that were possible, one Pope, Stephen, laid the talent of Peter under contribution. When Aistulphus, king of the Lombards, burning with rage against the Pope, laid siege to Rome, Stephen, driven by stern necessity, dispatched a messenger to Pepin, king of France, with a letter purporting to come from St. Peter, servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ. The epistle, direct from heaven—written on mundane paper—earnestly entreated and peremptorily ordered “the first son of the Church” to earn an eternal reward “by hastening to the relief of the city, the Church, and the people of Rome.” Then, apparently fearing that his own requests and order’s should be despised by king Pepin, Peter considerately adds: “Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, mother of God, joins in earnestly entreating, nay, commands you to hasten, to run, to fly, to the relief of my favorite people, reduced almost to the last gasp.” Pepin obeyed. The letter from heaven was effectual. “The monarch of the first, the best and the most deserving of all nations,” marched immediately with a large army into Italy. Aistulphus was forced to surrender a part of his dominions to the Pope, “to be forever held and possessed by St. Peter and his lawful successors in the See of Rome.” Thus the Pope became a temporal sovereign. How mildly Stephen’s successor, Pius IX., has ruled, let the vote of his subjects so lately taken testify. If ever a ruler was emphatically pronounced a despot, the present Pope has been.

And to judge from his denunciations of liberty, so repeatedly and emphatically made, especially in the documents preparatory to the Vatican Council, the Italian people are certainly not wide of the mark. His pious soul seems inflamed with holy indignation against the present forms of government. “Anarchic doctrines,” he affirms, “have taken possession of men’s minds so universally, that it is not possible now to discover a single State in Europe that is not governed upon principles hostile to the faith.” And this proud potentate assumes the right to lord it over princes as well as people: “It is not he (the Pope) who has given up the State; it is the State that has revolted from him; the old days of the Passion have returned; the nations will not have this man to rule over them, so they give themselves to Ceasar.” Nor is this embodiment of despotic power, who claims spiritual and even temporal dominion over all secular princes, any more ready to acknowledge the authority of a General Council. Such a Council can convene only at his bidding. “And if, under some circumstances, all the bishops did meet, and formed themselves into a Council, their acts would be null, unless the Pope consented to them.” Even to the decisions of a Council properly convoked, the Pope, it is affirmed, is not required to submit. “As the Pope is higher than all bishops, none of them could have jurisdiction over him. . . . Not even of his own choice could he yield obedience. . . . He could not submit to their jurisdiction voluntarily, because his power is a divine gift.” Did ever another’s power reach so lofty an altitude as to render voluntary obedience an absolute impossibility? Even when seated in the Council, surrounded by those who are nothing more than counsellors of the supreme judge, his Holiness is still the Pope. “He is there as the Pope.” “The whole authority resides really in himself, for though he communicates of his powers to the assembled Prelates, yet he does not divest himself of his own. . . . Thus the supreme jurisdiction of the Church never passes away from the Supreme Pontiff, and does not even vest in a General Council. . . . The reason assigned for this lies in the fact that the gift of infallibility is not communicated to the Council, but abides in the Pope.” No wonder the Pope so tenderly commends that “teaching which makes the Church our Mother, and all the faithful little children listening to the voice of St. Peter.”

As an appropriate and suggestive conclusion to this chapter, we beg the privilege of introducing the reader to this lordly potentate, this king of kings, and bishop of bishops, this Infallible Judge in faith and morals, in the act of proving himself a servant of servants. Graphically is the scene described in the Catholic World of July, 1870. An eye-witness, evidently and certainly a loyal subject of Pius IX., touches the picture with an artist’s hand. During Holy Week in Rome, the bishops of the Vatican Council being present, the Sovereign Pontiff gave proof, to Papists entirely satisfactory, that he was of all men the humblest.

On a raised platform, in the full view of several thousand of his adoring subjects, His Humility prepares himself for the ceremony of washing and kissing the feet of thirteen pilgrim priests to Rome, one a Senegambian negro. As the voices of the choir, in soul-subduing melody, intone, “A new command I give you,” the humble servant—his head adorned with a mitre, typical, we suppose, of the poverty and humble station of St. Peter, his predecessor—girds on an apron. Before him are the thirteen travelers, dressed in long white robes, cut in the style of a thousand years ago, and wearing white rimless stove-pipe hats, surmounted by tufts. Shoes and stockings spotlessly white complete the costume of these weary pilgrims from distant climes. An attendant, full robed and exceedingly dignified, with studied precision, unlaces the brand new, stainlessly white shoe, and lets down the immaculate stocking on the right foot of the nearest pilgrim. Breathless silence reigns. All eyes are intensely fixed. A vessel of water, and span clean towels are handed the Pontiff. He washes the instep, wipes it, kisses it, and gives the happy possessor a nosegay (a small bunch of flowers; a bouquet) —minus the gold coin of former and better days, when the traffic in indulgences was brisk. A murmur of applause, like the ripple of many waters, runs through the vast cathedral. Another and another instep is washed and kissed. “The jet black negro,” as a new anthem rings through the vast arches of St. Peter’s, and the assembled spectators, in an ecstasy of humbled devotion, whisper in half-broken accents, “ Vive l’Infallible,” finds his instep pressed by the infallible lips of His Holiness, the Supreme Judge of all men. The ceremony is ended. During its continuance an hundred human beings have gone down to death. Infallibility can find no fitter employment than such exhibitions of mock humility! Washing the clean feet, and crushing the blackened souls!! Feigning the humility of the poor, despised, lowly Nazarene, and blasphemously claiming the attributes of Deity!!!

THE coming of the mystery of iniquity, Paul predicted, should be not merely with “all power,” but with “signs and lying wonders.” Could language more accurately describe the countless relics which Rome’s votaries venerate?—Lying wonders. Without attempting to furnish a complete list—the bare catalogue would make a large octavo volume—we present a few, enough to determine the character of all.


The early Christians, it would seem, must have been particularly careful to preserve the bones of their dead. In the Cathedral of St. Peter, at Rome, they have an arm of St. Lazarus; a finger and arm of St. Ann, the Holy Virgin’s Mother; and the head of St. Dennis, which he caught up and carried the distance of two miles after it had been cut off. In France they have four heads of John the Baptist. In Spain, France, and Flanders they have eight arms of St. Matthew! and three of St. Luke! In the Lateran Church, in Rome, they have the entire heads of St. Peter and St. Paul; and in the convent of the St. Augustines, at Bilboa, the holy monks have a large part of Peter’s head, and the Franciscans a large part of Paul’s. At Burgos they have the tail of Balaam’s ass, a part of the body of St. Mark, and an arm and finger of St. Ann. At Aixla-Chapelle they have two teeth of St. Thomas; part of an arm of St. Simeon; a tooth of St. Catherine; a rib of St. Stephen; a shoulder blade and leg bone of St. Mary Magdalene; oil from the bones of St. Elizabeth; bones of Sts. Andrew, James, Matthias, Luke, Mark, Timotheus and John the Baptist. Perhaps it is for the purpose of carrying all these sacred relics that Rome has five legs of the ass upon which our Saviour rode into Jerusalem.

Nor are bones their only precious mementoes. In almost every chapel in Europe may be found pieces of the cross on which our Lord was crucified. If these were all collected, no doubt they would furnish an amount of material equal to that contained in one of the largest dwellings in America. In Rome they have also the cross of the good thief; also the entire table on which our Lord celebrated the Paschal Supper. And a recent publication, “The Living Eucharist manifested by Miracles,” assures us, “this is the true table of the Lord, that on which the world’s Redeemer and God, Jesus, offered the first Eucharistic sacrifice.” And on the same authority we learn that at the cathedral of Valencia, in Spain, they have “the cup in which His blood was first laid, the chalice elevated from the table by his divine hands.” “At St. Mark’s, in Venice,” says the same author, “the knife used by our Lord in touching, not cutting, the bread, is exposed each year, on Holy Thursday for the veneration of the faithful.” Even the old room, that very upper chamber in Jerusalem, in which our Lord wrought that miracle of miracles, transubstantiating the bread into his actual flesh and blood, is even now “retained in a tolerable state.” Fearing that no Protestant can possibly believe men so credulous, and that my honesty in reporting these “Lying wonders” may be called in question, I refer the reader to the little tract published in London, AD 1869, written by George Keating, “The Living Eucharist manifested by Miracles.” Here he will find what is enough to make one shudder with horror as he contemplates the abyss of superstition into which Papists have fallen.

And they have yet more wonderful mementoes than bones and wood. In more than one cathedral they have specimens of the manna of the wilderness, and a few blossoms of Aaron’s rod. In Rome they have the very ark that Moses made, and the rod by which he wrought his miracles. At Gastonbury they have the identical stones which the devil tempted our Lord to turn into bread. In another of their chapels they have the dice employed by the soldiers in casting lots for the Saviour’s garments.

They have St. Joseph’s axe and saw; St. Anthony’s millstone, on which he crossed the sea; St. Patrick’s staff, by which he drove out the toads and snakes from Ireland; St. Francis’ cowl; St. Ann’s comb; St. Joseph’s breeches; St. Mark’s boots; “a piece of the Virgin’s green petticoat;” St. Anthony’s toenails, and “the parings of St. Edmund’s toes.”

Then, also, there are in their convents, all carefully suspended from the walls, most precious relics preserved in hermetically sealed bottles. There is a vial of St. Joseph’s breath, caught as he was exercising himself with the very axe and saw now in their possession. There are several vials of the Holy Virgin’s milk; and—will you doubt it, poor deluded Protestants? —a small roll of butter and a little piece of cheese made from her milk. They have also hair from the heads of most of their saints, and twelve combs, one from each of the Apostles, with which to dress it. And what is a little marvelous, these combs are declared to be “nearly as good as new.”


To end our enumeration of her sacred relies; they have a small piece of the rope with which Judas hanged himself; “a bit of the finger of the Holy Ghost;” the nose of an angel; “a rib of the Word made flesh;” “a quantity of the identical rays of the star which led the wise men to our infant Saviour;” Christ’s seamless coat; two original impressions of his face on two pocket-handkerchiefs ; a wing of the archangel Gabriel, obtained by the prayers of Pope Gregory VII.; the beard of Noah; a piece of the very same porphyry pillar, on which the cock perched when he crowed after Peter’s denial, and even the comb of the cock; and then the pearl of the entire collection, “one of the steps of the ladder on which Jacob, in his dream, saw the heavenly host ascending and descending.” A recent traveller to Rome not merely saw these wonders, but was considerately and affectionately told that inasmuch as he was a “devout man,” he could obtain a small portion of these precious relics at a moderate price. He was offered a feather from Gabriel’s wing for twenty-five cents.

If we add to the above idolatries, their adoration of statues and images and the consecrated wafer, we have a system of superstition, such as no Pagan in his wildest vagaries ever dreamed of. And that they do worship these relies is, alas, too evident. We speak not merely of the ignorant masses, perhaps for their debasing idolatries the Church is not entirely responsible (although this may be fairly questioned, since her whole system is, in its very nature, adapted to produce the grossest superstition), but we charge this idol worship upon the most highly educated of their clergy.

A noted Catholic historian tells us that when St. Ambrose needed relics with which to consecrate a church at Milan, “immediately his heart burned within him, in presage as he felt of what was to happen.” By a dream he was directed to the spot where he would find the bones of St. Gervasius and St. Prostasius. “Having discovered their skeletons, all their bones entire, a quantity of blood about, and their heads separated from their bodies, . . . they arranged them, covered them with cloths and laid them on litters. In this manner they were carried towards evening to the Basilica of St. Fausta, where vigils were celebrated all night, and several that were possessed received imposition of hands. That day and the next there was a great concourse of people, and then the old men recollected that they had formerly heard the names of these martyrs.” “Profane and old wives? fables.”

Thomas Aquinas says, “If we speak of the very cross on which Christ was crucified, it is to be worshiped with divine worship.” And the prayers which are to be said in the adoration of these sacred bits of wood are given in the “Roman Missal.”

“Oh, judgment! thou hast fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.”

Rome ever has claimed, and does still claim, the power of working miracles. One of her most eminent historians says: “The Catholic Church being always the chaste spouse of Christ, continuing to bring forth children of heroical sanctity,—God fails not in this, any more than in past ages, to illustrate her and them by unquestionable miracles.” The Rev. James Kent Stone, a recent convert to Romanism, in his “Invitation Heeded” repeatedly and emphatically claims for the Church of his adoption the unquestioned ability to work miracles. He even undertakes a defense of those she has published to the world, affirming that they are as credible, nay, in some instances more so, than those recorded in the Bible. Here is a specimen :—“In 1814, a man who had his back-bone broken was made whole by making a pilgrimage to Garswood, and there getting the sign of the cross made on his back by some unknown priest called Arrowsmith, who was killed in the wars of Charles I.” The bull of the Pope assigning a reason why the Virgin Magdalene should be canonized, reads thus: “Not without good reason with that incorruption and good odor of her body, which continues to this day.” A “delicious odor” was emitted from her grave. St. Patrick sailed to Ireland on a millstone, and drove out all the snakes and toads with his staff.

St. Francis, founder of the Franciscan order of monks, who “had no teacher but Christ, and learned all by an immediate revelation,” and of whom St. Bridget had a marvellous vision testifying that “the Franciscan rule was not composed by the wisdom of men, but by God himself,” was, on one occasion, sorely tempted by a devil in the form of a beautiful, fascinating lady. On a certain evening, however, when again tempted, “he spit in the devil’s face.” His biographer solemnly adds, “ Confounded and disgusted the devil fled.” A miracle! This same holy St. Francis predicted the day of his death, and even after his decease wrought miracles by his intercessory prayers. He had a vision of a seraph, the effect of which was that “His soul was utterly inflamed with seraphic ardor, and his body ever after retained the similar wounds of Christ.” In consequence of these wounds, and the miracles he performed, so great became his honor, that in Roman books it is written, “Those only were saved by the blood of Christ who lived before St. Francis but all that followed were redeemed by the blood of St. Francis.” (Such blasphemy!)

Miracles were wrought in favor of the Immaculate Conception, and miracles were wrought against it. And what to Protestants seems strange, Rome confirmed both classes, and canonized those who achieved miracles in favor of, and those who achieved miracles against, this precious doctrine.

Take another of Rome’s unquestionable miracles. St. Wenefride being a nun, of course could not marry. Her suitor, young Prince Caradoc, in anger at this, cut off her head. This gave rise to three miracles:

1. St. Beuno caused the earth to open, and young Caradoc was swallowed up;
2. A well opened on the spot where the nun’s blood was shed, and the holy waters of this healing fountain work miracles unto this day;
3. St. Beuno placed the nun’s head on the bleeding body, prayed to the “Mother of Christ,” and behold St.” Wenefride was immediately restored to life.

Who will dare to say that these miracles are not far more wonderful than any recorded in Scripture? Protestants, in their ignorance, may be inclined to call them “lying wonders,” but Roman infallibility has pronounced them “unquestionable miracles.”

St. Dominic, on one occasion, during a dreadful tempest, exhorted the inhabitants of Toulouse to appease the wrath of heaven by reciting their prayers. The arm of the wooden image of the Virgin in the church was raised in a threatening attitude. “ Hear me,” shouted St. Dominic, “that arm will not be withdrawn till you have obeyed my commands.” The terrified worshipers instantly set to work, counting their beads. Dominic, satisfied with their spiritual devotions, gave the order, and the arm of wrath immediately fell. The storm abated. The thunder and lightning ceased.

The blood of St. Januarius, preserved in a small bottle at Naples, is wont to liquefy, and sometimes boil, when exposed to the adoration of the faithful. This miracle, Protestants might be excused from believing, especially as on one occasion, when it refused to dissolve because the French soldiers occupied the kingdom, it afterwards concluded to do so, inasmuch as the Vicar of the bishops received this order from the French Commander: “If in ten minutes St. Januarius should not perform his usual miracle, the whole city shall be reduced to ashes.” The obstinate saint came to terms! The blood boiled furiously !

But perhaps some one may be inclined to question whether miracles so preposterously absurd are now offered to the faith of Papists. Possibly some, by reading “The Aspirations of Nature,” a work written to make converts to Catholicism, may imagine that Romanists are less credulous, less superstitious, less blindly bigoted now than in the middle ages. For the benefit of such we refer to miracles whose long drawn accounts are to be found in books now issuing, in this very country, under the official and authoritative endorsement of Rome. In the “Living Eucharist manifested by Miracles,” the infallible, authoritative, apostolic Church, the unerring teacher of divine truth, in this nineteenth century actually records some twenty or more miracles wrought in proof of the real presence.

Bishops, priests and nuns, we are solemnly told, certainly saw the wafer, after the benediction of the priest, changed into an infant. The bread became real flesh and blood, a perfect infant, Jesus himself. In one case a priest was seen laying a beautiful babe, Jesus, on the tongue of each communicant. Wafers carried several days in the pocket of a bishop, on being blessed became little infants. Did ever blasphemy and irreverence equal this? Dogmatically affirming that the testimony of the senses is not to be taken in matters of faith, Papists endeavor to establish a doctrine which is in itself so repugnant to reason that one would suppose none but an idiot could believe it. And this publication has the sanction of Papal infallibility. Now, therefore, heretics, doubt no longer. Believe that the priest creates a god, worships him, and then eats him. Presume not to smile at this precious doctrine of transubstantiation, this sublime mystery, which the Rev. James Kent Stone (who in a short fifteen months passed from a public defender of Episcopacy to a most ardent advocate of the Papacy) affirms is a doctrine so spiritual that purblind (slow in understanding or discernment; dull.) Protestants cannot be expected to comprehend it.

Another tract, published in London, “The Miracle of Liége, by the use of the water from the fountain of Our Lady of Lourdes,” deserves attention. This also can be purchased in almost any Catholic bookstore. “Mr. Hanquet’s Narrative.” —He was taken, he affirms, extremely ill in 1862. Continuing to grow worse, in July 1864 sitting up even for a few moments was an impossibility. In 1867, ulcers, erysipelas, “a back bent like a bow,” “a chest like a fiery oven,” and “bloodless withered legs,” rendered life a burden. The physician affirmed : “I find symptoms of almost all diseases.” In 1869 all hope of recovery faded away. His brother, however, on Oct. 13th, found in a bookstore the account of Our Lady of Lourdes. Already the dying man was praying most importunately to the Mother of God, Blessed Lady, Mary Immaculate. A bottle of water was sent for. A glass of it was poured down the throat of the dying man. Mary’s aid was invoked. For an instant the death rattle was heard; then one bound, and the man, well and strong, seized his hat and went outdoors wholly restored. A miracle indeed!!! And this, my dear Protestant friend, has the sanction of Papal infallibility. Who will not henceforth pray with devout Hanquet: “Holy Virgin, deign to ask for me from your divine Son that grace which is best for me, to die, to suffer or to be cured,” especially the last, to be cured? This wonderful account of a very remarkable miracle—unless you are sacrilegious enough to call it one of Rome’s lying wonders—this incontestable proof of the efficacy of prayer to the Blessed Virgin, you can make your own for twelve cents. This in the year 1870, and in New York.

M. C. Kavanagh, in her catechism and instructions for confession designed for very young children, having heartily commended the patience of St. Joseph, who, when a little lad, though bathed in tears, offered no reproach to those destroying his highly prized little garden (tradition, ¢. e. fiction pure and simple), our authoress gives, by way of enforcing the duty of penance, “a story of Our Blessed Lady.” Little Mary when three or four years old, informed the priest that she had imposed upon herself penances, to eat no fruit except one kind, to drink no wine or vinegar of which she was very fond, to eat no meat or fish, and to rise three times in the night to pray. Heartily do we join in the ejaculation of the narrator, “This at the age of three years!” We certainly think that the dogma of infallibility is really needed. How otherwise could such a dose as this be forced down even a Papist’s throat. The second instruction closes with this pious admonition: “Do not fail to pray to Our Lady and St. Joseph to help you.” Fed upon such food, is it any wonder that the children of our Catholic fellow-citizens grow up in the grossest ignorance, in superstition that would disgrace a heathen in Central Africa?

But the third instruction contains the gem, “a true miracle.” Only five years ago, in a village of France (how unfortunate, these miracles always occur in some distant land), there resided a certain curé (priest bearing the responsibility of a parish). Among those who came to him was a gentleman who had great temptations against faith in the Blessed Eucharist. (Not so unreasonable when he was asked to believe, contrary to the testimony of his senses, that bread was flesh.) One day, as this doubter came to communion, the sacred host left the hands of the curé and placed itself on the tongue of the gentleman. Our authoress, in holy fervor exclaims, “What a miracle of love!” And we are impious enough to respond, What a transparent falsehood! (LOL!)

Obedience is a Christian duty which certainly ought to be commended to children. Here is Rome’s way of enjoining it. St. Frances whilst saying the office of Our Lady, which she did daily (how adroitly Mary’s worship is commended), was called by her servant. Leaving her prayers she attended to the request. Returning, scarcely had she begun the psalm when she was called a second time. Without loss of patience again she left her book to obey the command. Just after she had resumed her prayers for the third time her husband called. Leaving all, she ran to him. Returning, what was her surprise to find the words, written in letters of gold: “ Now, therefore, dear children, always obey the calls of duty.”

Lengthy as our list has become, we cannot pass the two hundred or more remarkable miracles contained in the ever-memorable book, so celebrated in Catholic communities, “The Glories of Mary,” by St. Alphonsus Liguori. This book was never intended for Protestant eyes. The original having been carefully examined, and every line, even every word found in perfect harmony with the doctrines of Holy Mother, and the translation in like manner “expurgated,” approved and earnestly commended to the faithful, the work was introduced “with the hope that it might be found to retain the spirit of the learned and saintly author, and be welcomed by the devout in this country with the same delight which it has universally called forth in Catholic Europe.” Whatever miracles are herein found may therefore be taken as duly attested and approved by Papal infallibility.

Here is one. A gentleman devoted to Blessed Mary was accustomed often in the night to repair to the oratory of his palace to bow in prayer to an image of the Virgin. His wife, jealous and angered, asked him, “Have you ever loved any other woman but me?” He replied, “I love the most amiable lady in the world; to her I have given my whole heart,” meaning Mary (?) The wife still more suspicious asked, “ When you arise and leave the room, is it to meet this lady?” “Yes.” “Deceived and blinded by passion,” this wife, one night during her husband’s long absence, “cut her throat and very soon died.” The heart-broken husband on learning this, implored help of Mary’s image. No sooner was this done than the living wife, throwing herself at his feet, bathed in tears, exclaimed, “Oh, my husband, the Mother of God, through thy prayers, has delivered me from hell.”

“The next day the husband made a feast, and the wife told her relatives the facts, and showed the marks of the wound.” Now, heretics, doubt if you dare.

Let us have one in the exact language of “the learned and saintly author.” “There lived in the city of Aragona a girl named Alexandra, who, being noble and very beautiful, was greatly loved by two young men. Through jealousy, they one day fought and killed each other. Their enraged relatives, in return, killed the poor young girl, as the cause of so much trouble, cut off her head, and threw her into a well. A few days after, St. Dominic was passing through that place, and, inspired by the Lord, approached the well, and said: ‘Alexandra, come forth,’ and immediately the head of the deceased came forth, placed itself on the edge of the well, and prayed St. Dominic to hear its confession. The Saint heard its confession, and also gave it communion, in presence of a great concourse of persons who had assembled to witness the miracle. Then St. Dominic ordered her to speak, and tell why she had received that grace. Alexandra answered, that when she was beheaded, she was in a state of mortal sin, but that the most Holy Mary, on account of the rosary, which she was in the habit of reciting, had preserved her in life. Two days the head retained its life upon the edge of the well, in the presence of all, and then the soul went to purgatory. But fifteen days after, the soul of Alexandra appeared to St. Dominic, beautiful and radiant as a star, and told him that one of the principal sources of relief to the souls in purgatory is the rosary which is recited for them; and that, as soon as they arrive in paradise, they pray for those who apply to them these powerful prayers. Having said this, St. Dominic saw that happy soul ascending in triumph to the kingdom of the blessed.”—”Glories of Mary,” American Ed., p. 274.


Of others we have merely time to give the briefest outline. Mary’s image furnishes written prayers to a penitent (p. 76); rescues a condemned murderer from the gallows (p. 78); bows to a murderer (p. 213); becomes and continues a nun fifteen years, in order to shield a devotee who willfully deserted the paths of virtue (p. 224); leaves a church during the trial, condemnation and beheading of an infamous bishop (p. 391); speaks to a young man about to commit sin (p. 559), ete., ete., almost ad infinitum.

Blessed Mary herself cools the cheek of a dying devotee with a fan (p.110) ; with a cloth wipes the death damp from the brow of “a good woman” dying in a home of poverty (p. 112); secures from the devil a paper given by an abandoned sinner containing a written renunciation of God (p. 198) ; furnishes a letter to one of her ardent admirers (the same lady had entertained her admirers all night in “rooms richly furnished and perfumed as with an odor of paradise !”) (p. 454); burns an inn in which her children were sinning (five of the rescued affirm, on oath, that Mary, the Blessed Virgin, lighted the flames) (p. 659); by a second revelation of herself restores sight to one eye of a man who had regularly bargained with her for total blindness if he might be permitted twice to behold her (p. 512).

By the assistance of Our Lady, an ape becomes and declares himself a devil, and at the command of a priest goes through a hole in the wall, which hole no mechanical genius could fill up (p. 251); a man in spirit form comes to his friend and says, My dead body is in the street, my soul in purgatory, and I am here (p. 265); at the repetition of the magic rosary devils have been known to leave wretched men (p. 683). There, that is a dose sufficient for any Protestant stomach! If any, however, desire more, there are plenty in the “Glories of Mary.” Don’t the immutable Church need the dogma of infallibility? Barring the sense of shame for our race produced by such exhibitions of moral depravity and mental weakness, these “examples” are more interesting and certainly far more startling than the most exciting modern novel. And they are published as truth, approved by Papal inerrancy, earnestly commended to the devout, believed by Papists! They are sold in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and all large towns—sold in this nineteenth century, and in educated, enlightened, civilized, Christianized America! Can a republic long rest secure on a foundation of superstition? Judged by such literature, the present must indeed be the world’s midnight of ignorance! Did the dark ages produce anything more grossly absurd? And Rome anathematizes the times because there are some men so heretical, so unprecedentedly blasphemous as to make jest of such absurdities.

May we not apply to Popery the words of Pollok?

“The hypocrite in mask! He was a man
Who stole the livery of the court of heaven
To serve the devil in.”

If any desire to see the account of a recent miracle, with all the embellishments, drawn out “ad nauseam,” we refer them to “Our Lady of Lourdes, by Henri Lasserre,” found in the Catholic World (September, October, November, December, 1870, and January, February, March, and April, 1871).

At a grotto near Lourdes in France, a poor, simple minded, invalid, fourteen-year-old shepherdess, who could neither read nor write, knowing almost nothing except the superstitious use of Mary’s rosary, had, we are gravely informed, daily visions, for more than two weeks, of the Blessed Virgin, and gave accurate, full, elegant descriptions of her dress, features and beauty. The honored recipient of Mary’s favors, Bernadette, so named for her patron, St. Bernard, saw the heavenly vision, though no single observer of a vast crowd was able to see anything save the barren rock and the climbing eglantine; and heard words from lips seemingly lisping prayers for poor sinners as her fingers counted the beads of her glittering rosary. After days of ecstatic beholding, this wonderful message was sent from the “Queen of Heaven and Earth,” by the vision-beholding Bernadette, to the priests—those prudent men who received the current rumors of the wildly excited populace with dignified silence, looks of disapprobation, and words of suspicion— “Go tell the priests that I want a chapel built on this spot.” When these words were spoken in ordinary tone, in the midst of several thousand breathless spectators of Bernadette’s transfiguration, no ear caught the sound save that of the little, ignorant, simple-minded, pale-faced, nervous peasant girl.

At a subsequent vision this command was received: “Go drink and wash at the fountain, and eat of the herbs growing at its side.” Fountain? — there was none. Bernadette, however, essaying obedience, walked on her knees over the rocks, and into the furthest corner of the grotto. As she dug up the earth with her hands a fountain sprung up. This, which has since flowed unceasingly for thirteen years and wrought miracles innumerable, possessed, from its first outgushing, miraculous healing properties. A quarryman, rubbing his blinded eye with the first water that filled the cavity, and kneeling in prayer to the Blessed Virgin, “immediately uttered a loud cry and began to tremble in violent excitement.” “Cured.” “ Impossible,” said the physician. “It is the Holy Virgin,” said the devout Catholic. Many arose from beds to which they had been confined for years. Paralyzed limbs were instantaneously restored. Sores were cured. Deaf ears were unstopped. A dying child—the shroud already made—plunged by its mother into “the icy cold fountain,” and held there for more than fifteen minutes, was completely restored to health, and the next day, in the absence of the parents, “left the cradle and walked around the room,” its first effort at walking! Remarkable baby! Wonderful water! One morning, says the author, twenty thousand, many of whom had spent the previous night at the grotto, witnessed, in rapt silence, the ecstasy of the little saint. Even if the waters had wrought no miracles, superstitious faith might have manufactured at least one or two tolerably decent counterfeits. So we think. So evidently thought the Editor of the Ere Imperiale, a local paper.

“Do not be surprised,” said the organ of the Prefecture (Catholic), “if there are still some people who persist in maintaining that the child is a saint, and gifted with supernatural powers. These people believe the following stories :-—

“1st. That a dove hovered the day before yesterday over the head of the child during the whole time of the ecstasy.

“2d. That she breathed upon the eyes of a little blind girl, and restored her sight.

“3d. That she cured another child whose arm was paralyzed.

“4th. That a peasant of the Valley of Campan, having declared that he could not be duped by such scenes of hallucination, his sins had, in answer to her prayers, been turned into snakes, which had devoured him, not leaving a trace of his impious body.

“This, then, is what we have come to, but what we would not have come to if the parents of this girl had followed the advice of the physicians, who recommended that she should be sent to the lunatic asylum ”

IT was against the worship of idols that the early Christians most solemnly and most determinedly protested. “We Christians,” says Origen, “have nothing to do with images, on account of the second commandment; the first thing we teach those who come to us is to despise idols and images; it being the peculiar characteristic of the Christian religion to raise our minds above images, agreeably to the law which God himself has given to mankind.” And Gibbon affirms, “The primitive Christians were possessed with an unconquerable repugnance to the use and abuse of images.” Again: The public worship of the Christians was uniformly simple and spiritual.”

Most cunningly was this spirituality undermined and idolatry substituted. In the early part of the fourth century, after the subversion of Paganism, some bishops began to encourage the use of pictures and images as aids to the devotion and instruction of the ignorant. Even till the time of Gregory it was the prevalent opinion that, if used at all, images must be used merely as books for the unlearned. The Pontiff, however, so far encouraged their erection that almost every church in the west could boast of at least one. Before these the multitude soon learned to bow; to these they offered prayers.

So disgusting became this growing superstition that in 700 AD the Council of Constantinople solemnly condemned the use of images, and ordered their expulsion from the churches. But in 713 AD Pope Constantine pronounced an anathema against those who “deny that veneration to the holy images which the Church has appointed.” A few years later began that famous controversy between the Emperor Leo and Gregory II. which continued to distract the Church for more than fifty years. The Emperor and his successors, Constantine V., and Leo IV., strenuously endeavored to restore Christianity to its primitive purity. Gregory II, and the Popes succeeding him, with a zeal bordering on fanaticism, undertook a defense of image-worship. The Emperors were charged with ignorance, rudeness, pride, contempt of the authority of the sovereign Pontiff, and opposition to the teachings of the Church. Defying the wrath of the Pope, however, and encouraged by the unanimous decision of the Seventh Greek Council (AD 754), which condemned idolatry, Constantine V. burned the images and demolished the walls of the churches bearing painted representations of Christ, of the Virgin, and of the saints. The efforts of his son, Leo IV., were directed to the same end. But the Emperor dying suddenly—as is generally supposed from the effects of poison administered by his wife, Irene—the contest ended in a victory for the image-worshipers. Irene, prompted by a desire to occupy the throne, ordered, her own son, Constantine VI., to be seized and his eyes put out. The order was faithfully executed, and with such cruelty that the unhappy son almost immediately expired. To this wretched and terribly brutal woman Papists are deeply indebted. Assisted by Pope Adrian, she extended idolatry throughout the entire empire, and in 787 AD summoned a Council at Nice, which decreed “That holy images of the cross should be consecrated, and put on the sacred vessels and vestments, and upon walls and boards, in private houses and in public ways. And especially that there should be erected images of the Lord God, our Saviour Jesus Christ, of our blessed Lady, the Mother of God, of the venerable angels, and of all the saints. And that whosoever should presume to think or teach otherwise, or to throw away any painted books, or the figure of the cross, or any image, or picture, or any genuine relics of the martyrs, they should, if bishops or clergymen, be deposed, or if monks or laymen, be excommunicated.”

Owing a debt of gratitude to Irene, Papists have endeavored to defend her monstrous wickedness. Unable to deny the cruelties practiced upon her son, they attempt to justify them, nay, even to commend them, applauding her for so far overcoming the feelings of humanity, through love for the true Church and its honored doctrines, that she could sacrifice her own son, who stood in the way of her aiding in the establishment of image-worship.*

* “An execrable crime,” says Baronius, “had she not been prompted to it by zeal for justice. On that consideration she even deserved to be commended for what she did. In more ancient times, the hands of parents were armed, by God’s command, against their children worshiping strange gods, and they who killed them were commended by Moses.””

From that day to the present idolatry has been one of Rome’s chief characteristics. It is now so intimately interwoven with her forms of worship as to defy all opposition. Most probably it will hold its place until the prophecy of John finds fulfillment, “Babylon, the great, is fallen, is fallen.”

Nor are their images confined to churches and chapels. They are also set up by the road-side. In Popish countries, and especially in Italy, these images, fit successors of the old Roman gods that presided over the highways, are frequently to be met with. As the traveler passes, he uncovers his head, and reverently bows, or, time permitting, turns aside to kneel before the idol and implore a blessing. Did ever heathenism more unblushingly offer insult to common sense?

As our space will not permit an extended reference to the monstrous falsehoods, intrigues, and deceptions by which the priesthood succeeded in securing for these images the devout homage of the multitude, and the treasury of the Church the rich gifts so much coveted, we must content ourselves with calling attention to one or two specimens. In the “Master Key to Popery,” by Anthony Gavin, we have an historical account of the “ Virgin of Pillar,” an image religiously worshiped in Saragossa, Spain. The Apostle St. James, the account informs us, with seven new converts, came to preach the Gospel in Saragossa. While sleeping upon the brink of a river, an army of angels came down from heaven with an image on a pillar, which they placed on the ground, saying, “This image of Our Queen shall be the defense of this city. By her help it shall be reduced to your Master’s sway. As she is to protect you, you must build a decent chapel for her.” The order was obeyed. A chapel was built, which became the richest in Spain.*

* For “Our Lady of Pillar”? a chaplain was provided, whose business it was to dress the image every morning. Through him, the Virgin Lady once addressed a solemn admonition to the people of Saragossa, accusing them of illiberality, want of devotion, and the basest ingratitude, and expressing her determination to resign her government to Lucifer, unless the people should come for the space of fifteen days, every day with gifts, tears, and penitence, to appease her wrath and secure a return of her favor. They were exhorted to come with prodigal hands and true hearts, lest the Prince of Darkness should be appointed to reign over them. They were also assured that from this sentence there was no appeal, not even to the tribunal of the Most High, This device, enriching the Church, nearly beggared the inhabitants of the threatened city.

The crucifix of St. Salvador, when there is great need of rain and the barometer indicates a speedy change, is sometimes carried through the streets, while the accompanying priests sing the litany and repeat prayers, imploring rain. This well-timed ceremony is almost invariably followed, within a few days, by rain. All exclaim, “A miracle wrought by our Holy Crucifix.” Not to multiply instances, we have the authority of Pope Gregory for affirming that wonders and miracles wrought by images are by no means rare. In an epistle addressed to the Empress Constantina, who had requested from him the head of St. Paul, for the purpose of enshrining it in the church which she was erecting in his honor, the successor of St. Peter says: “Great sadness has possessed me, because you have enjoined upon me those things which I neither can, nor dare do; for the bodies of the holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, are so resplendent with miracles and terrific prodigies in their own churches, that no one can approach them without awe, even for the purpose of adoring them. The superior of the place having found some bones that were not at all connected with that tomb; and having presumed to disturb them and remove them to some other place, he was visited by certain frightful apparitions and died suddenly. . . . Be it known to you that it is the custom of the Romans, when they give any relics, not to venture to touch any portion of the body; only they put into a box a piece of linen, which is placed near the holy body; then it is withdrawn and shut up with due veneration in the church which is to be dedicated, and as many prodigies are wrought by it as if the bodies themselves had been carried thither. . . . . But that your religious desire may not be wholly frustrated, I will hasten to send you some parts of those chains which St. Paul wore on his neck and hands, if indeed I shall succeed in getting off any filings from them.”

So, dear Empress Constantina, be it known to you, that Rome will not part with the hen that lays the golden egg, nor even allow you, much less the infidel world, to examine the nest. These holy bodies are surrounded by a more sacred divinity than doth hedge a king. Death is the penalty of approaching them unhidden by the infallible Pope. He will sell you relics —linen rags and iron filings—which will work as great wonders as the head you so much covet. No doubt of it!!!

Notwithstanding the distinction made by Romanists between absolute and relative, proper and improper worship, between latria, dulia, and hyperdulia, there can be no doubt they offer to these images an idolatrous homage. Devised evidently for the sole purpose of warding off the charge so frequently brought against them, of offering to pictures, images and relics that adoration due to Deity alone, this hair-splitting distinction has no influence in modifying the worship of the vast mass of Rome’s devotees. The images are the real objects worshipped.

One of the ablest expounders of Papal doctrines says :— “From God, as its source, the worship with which we honor relics, originates, and to God, as its end, it ultimately and terminatively reverts.” Assuredly the worship which originates with God, and returns ultimately to God, must be that true and proper homage due to him alone.

In proof that Papists offer adoration to images, we refer to the custom of serenading, on Christmas morning, all the statues of the Holy Virgin in the streets of Rome. The reason assigned for this grand musical entertainment is that the Virgin is a great lover and an excellent judge of good music.

A recent visitor to the church erected about the house where it is said Blessed Mary was born, saw miserable women, very personifications of gross superstition, dragging themselves on their knees around the venerated building, counting beads, kissing the marble foundations, repeating prayers before the idol, and ordering masses to be said for the benefit of themselves and friends. Disgusting beggars, trafficking in superstition, clamorously promise to supplicate the idol on behalf of those who favor them with alms. Dealers in the implements of devotion hawk their sacred wares, rosaries, pictures, medals, and casts of the Madonna.


Certainly no one except an idolater will deny that real homage is offered when the worshiper, bowing before an image, hymns its praises, and to it offers his prayers. Papists indeed say, “We do not worship the image, but the personage represented, not the statue, but the Virgin, not the cross, but the Saviour suspended thereon.” Gregory III, in writing to the Emperor Leo, says:—“You say we adore stones, walls, and boards. It is not so, my Lord; but these symbols make us recollect the persons whose names they bear, and exalt our grovelling minds.” Intelligent Pagans have ever rendered precisely the same excuse.* They who knelt before the shrine of Jupiter, claimed that they were worshipping the invisible and spiritual by means of the visible and material. Those in India who now worship the images of Gaudama, do the same. Are we then to believe that there are not, never have been, and never can be, persons so degraded as to be properly denominated idolaters? Have all who employed images been capable of fully appreciating this sentimental distinction? Has not even superstitious ignorance worshipped the seen and forgotten the unseen? Admitting that in the Papal Church only the less gross idolatry exists, is this justifiable? Is it not condemned in Scripture? The prohibition reads:— “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing.” There has been given us, in the person of Jesus Christ, a visible image of the invisible God. Bowing before him, and crying, “My Lord and my God,” we worship the seen, God in human form, “the likeness of the Futher,” “the express image of his person,” and yet are not idolaters. Having so far accomodated himself to the constitution of our nature, he allows no other object to come between himself and the penitent heart.

* Plutarch, in explaining the worship of Egypt’s two most famous deities, Osiris and Isis, holds the following language :—‘ Philosophers honor the image of God wherever they find it, even in inanimate beings, and consequently more in those which have life. We are therefore to approve, not the worshipers of these animals, but those who, by their means, ascend to the Deity; they are to be considered as so many mirrors, which nature holds forth, and in which the Supreme Being displays himself in a wonderful manner; or as so many instruments, which he makes use of to manifest outwardly his incomprehensible wisdom. Should men, therefore, for the embellishing of statues, amass together all the gold and precious stones in the world, the worship must not be referred to the statues, for the Deity does not exist in colors artfully disposed, nor in frail matter destitute of sense and motion.”

Among Rome’s numerous idolatries, none certainly is more conspicuous, none more ardently advocated, none less inexcusable than the adoration offered to the Virgin. Her mere titles, as found in that ever-famous book, “The Glories of Mary,” and in her litany, a solemn supplicatory prayer, would fill more than a page of our present volume. She is denominated Queen of heaven, of earth, of mercy, of angels, of patriarchs, of prophets, of apostles, of martyrs, of confessors, of virgins, and of all saints; Mother of God, of penitents, and especially of obdurate and abandoned sinners; Ravisher of heart, finder of grace, hope of salvation, defense of the faithful, helper of sinners; our only advocate, our refuge, our protection, our health, our life, our hope, our soul, our heart, our mistress, our lady, our loving mother; secure salvation, Redeemer of the world, Virgin of virgins, Mother undefiled, unviolated, most pure, most chaste, most amiable, most admirable, most prudent, most venerable, most powerful, most merciful, most faithful; mirror of justice, seat of wisdom, cause of joy, spiritual vessel, vessel of honor, mystical rose, tower of David, house of gold, ark of the covenant, gate of heaven, morning star, comfort of the afflicted, etc., etc.

Liguori, since enrolled as a saint, mainly as the reward of his untiring efforts to supplant love of the Creator by love of the creature, boldly and unqualifiedly asserts that Mary co-operated in the original work of redemption :—

“When God saw the great desire of Mary to devote herself to the salvation of men, he ordained that by the sacrifice and offering of the life of this same Jesus, she might co-operate with him in the work of our salvation, and thus become mother of our souls.” (P. 43, American Ed.)

“God could indeed, as St. Anselm asserts, create the world from nothing; but when it was lost by sin, he could not redeem it without the co-operation of Mary.” (P. 186.)

He also asserts that Mary is the only fountain of life and salvation. “God has ordained that all graces should come to us through the hands of Mary.” (P. 15.) And how is this proved? In true Catholic style, by authority. St. Augustine mentions Mary’s name and affirms, “ All the tongues of men would not be sufficient to praise her as she deserves.” St. Bonaventure declares, “those who are devoted to publishing ‘The Glories of Mary’ are secure of paradise.” Did these fathers ever make these assertions? And if they did, is assertion proof? These two questions remorselessly pressed would leave all Liguori’s fine-spun arguments floating together distractedly in an ocean of balderdash. And here is a second kind of proof, Rome’s clinching argument, a miracle.— each section of the book has one, besides the eighty-nine additional. In the revelation of St. Bridget, we are told that Bishop Emingo, being accustomed to begin his sermons with the praises of Mary, the Virgin one day appeared to St. Bridget, and said: “Tell that bishop I will be his mother, and he shall die a good death.” He died like a saint. Now, therefore, all you Catholics bow the knee and repeat one of St. Liguori’s prayers to the Virgin. You have a fine selection from which to choose, well nigh a hundred. But the chief proof here, as elsewhere, is assertion. Here are a few specimens :—

“The kingdom of God consisting of justice and mercy, the Lord has divided it: he has reserved the kingdom of justice for himself, and he has granted the kingdom of mercy to Mary, ordaining that all the mercies which are dispensed to men should pass through the hands of Mary, and should be bestowed according to her good pleasure.” (Pp. 27, 28.)

“St, Bernard asks: ‘Why does the Church name Mary Queen of Mercy?? And answers: ‘Because we believe that she opens the depths of the mercy of God, to whom she will, when she will, and as she will; so that not even the vilest sinner is lost if Mary protects him?” (P. 31.)

“In Mary we shall find every hope…. In a word, we shall find in Mary life and eternal salvation.” (Pp. 178, 174.)

“For this reason, too, she is called the gate of heaven by the Holy Church. . . . St. Bonaventure, moreover, says that Mary is called the gate of heaven, because no one can enter heaven if he does not pass through Mary, who is the door of it” (P.177.)

“Richard, of St. Laurence, says: ‘Our salvation is in the hands of Mary’…Cassian absolutely affirms that the salvation of the whole world depends upon the favor and protection of Mary.” (P. 190.)

“O how many, exclaims the Abbot of Celles, who merit to be condemned by the Divine justice, are saved by the mercy of Mary! for she is the treasure of God, and the treasurer of all graces; therefore it is, that our salvation is in her hands.” (P. 300.)

“Thou hast a merit that has no limits, and an entire power over all creatures. Thou art the mother of God, the mistress of the world, the Queen of heaven. Thou art the dispenser of all graces, the glory of the Holy Church.” (P. 673.) [The italics are ours.]

He assures his readers that Mary is omnipotent :—

“Do not say that thou canst not aid me, for I know that thou art omnipotent, and dost obtain whatsoever thou desirest from God.” (P. 78.)

“Says St. Peter Damian, ‘The Virgin has all power in heaven and on earth’” (P. 201.)

“Yes, Mary is omnipotent, adds Richard, of St. Laurence, since the Queen, by every law, must enjoy the same privileges as the King. . . . And St. Antoninus says: ‘God has placed the whole Church, not only under the patronage, but also under the dominion of Mary” (P. 203.)

Infallibility has also approved these assertions of her canonized saint :-—

“Not only Most Holy Mary is Queen of heaven and of the saints, but also of hell and of the devils; for she has bravely triumphed over them by her virtues. From the beginning of the world God predicted to the infernal serpent the victory and the empire which our Queen would obtain over him, when he announced to him that a woman would come into the world who should conquer him.” (P. 155.) “Mary, then, is this great and strong woman who has conquered the devil, and crushed his head by subduing his pride, as the Lord added, ‘She shall crush thy head… . The Blessed Virgin, by conquering the devil, brought us life and light.” (P. 156.)

“Very glorious, O Mary, and wonderful,’ exclaims St. Bonaventure, ‘is thy great name. Those who are mindful to utter it at the hour of death have nothing to fear from hell, for the devils at once abandon the soul when they hear the name of Mary’” (P. 163.)

Greater blasphemy still! Liguori affirms that God the Father is under obligation to Mary, and cheerfully obeys her command:

“St. Bernardine, of Sienna, does not hesitate to say that all obey the commands of Mary, even God himself.” (P. 202.)

“Rejoice, O Mary, that a son has fallen to thy lot as thy debtor, who gives to all and receives from none.” (P. 210.)

“She knows so well how to appease Divine justice with her tender and wise entreaties, that God himself blesses her for it, and, as it were, thanks her, that thus she restrains him from abandoning and punishing them as they deserve.” (P. 220.)

“Rejoice, O mother and handmaid of God! rejoice! rejoice! thou hast for a debtor him to whom all creatures owe their being. We are all debtors to God, but God is debtor to thee.” (P. 327.) [What blasphemy!!!]

We have scarcely heart to quote from the petitions offered to the Virgin. In “The Glories of Mary,” one prayer, intended as the beautiful blossom or perfected fruit of the finished argument, very appropriately closes each section. Besides these, there is an interesting collection from Rome’s most honored saints—in all over three score. In their books of devotion,—the number and names of which are exceedingly perplexing to a poor heretic,—no prayers are more frequent, none more ardent than those offered to the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God :—

“O Mother of my God, and my Lady Mary, as a poor wounded and loathsome wretch presents himself to a great queen, I present myself to thee, who art the Queen of heaven and earth. From the lofty throne on which thou are seated, do not disdain, I pray thee, to cast thine eyes upon me, a poor sinner,” etc. (“ Glories of Mary,” p. 37.)

“I venerate,O most pure Virgin Mary, thy most sacred heart. I, an unhappy sinner, come to thee with a heart filled with all uncleanness and wounds. O mother of mercy, do not, on this account, despise me, but let it excite thee to a greater compassion, and come to my help.” (P. 140.)

“O Mother of God! O Queen of angels! O hope of men, listen to him who invokes thee, and has recourse to thee. Behold me today prostrate at thy feet; I, a miserable slave of hell, consecrate myself to thee as thy servant forever, offering myself to serve and honor thee to the utmost of my power all the days of my life.” (P.153,)

“O Lady, I know that thou dost glory in being merciful as thou art great. I know that thou dost rejoice in being so rich, that thou mayest share thy riches with us sinners. I know that the more wretched are those who seek thee, the greater is thy desire to help and save them.” (P, 252.)

“O Mary! O my most dear mother, in what an abyss of evil I should find myself, if thou, with thy kind hand, hadst not so often preserved me! Yes, how many years should I already have been in hell, if thou, with thy powerful prayers, hadst not rescued me! My grievous sins were hurrying me there; divine justice had already condemned me; the raging demons were waiting to execute the sentence, but thou didst appear, O mother, not invoked nor asked by me, and hast saved me.” (P. 266.)

“Hearken, O most holy Virgin, to our prayers, and remember us, Dispense to us the gifts of thy riches, and the abundant graces with which thou art filled. All nations call thee blessed; the whole hierarchy of heaven blesses thee, and we, who are of the terrestrial hierarchy, also say to thee: Hail, full of grace.” (P. 329.)

“Holy Virgin, Mother of God, succor those who implore thy assistance… . To thee nothing is impossible, for thou canst raise even the despairing to the hope of salvation. . . . Thou dost love us with a love that no other love can surpass… . All the treasures of the mercy of God are in thy hands.” (P. 331.)

For want of space we pause. Scores of other passages, equally or even more revolting, lie open before us. If any one desires to see Romanism as it is, let him purchase a “Catholic Manual,” and “The Glories of Mary.” Thenceforth, semi-political papers, like The Freeman’s Journal and Catholic Register, and Jesuitical pamphlets, like the Catholic World, will charm in vain, charm they never so sweetly.

Did space permit, quotations innumerable, as blasphemous as those already adduced, could be given from “The Manual,” “The Key of Paradise,” “True Piety,” “The Christian’s Vade Mecum,” and the several other Catholic collections of prayers. One, from Dr. John Power’s “Catholic Manual,” must suffice :—“ Confiding in thy goodness and mercy, I cast myself at thy sacred feet, and do most humbly supplicate thee, O Mother of the Eternal Word, to adopt me as thy child.”

Bonaventure, a Roman saint (worshiped annually, July 14: see Catholic Almanac), has actually gone over most of the Psalms of David, striking out the words Lord, God, etc., and inserting, Blessed Virgin, Our Lady, Holy Mother, etc. Psalm 110:—“The Lord said unto Our Lady, sit thou on my right hand.” Psalm 25:—“ Unto thee, O Blessed Virgin, do I lift up my soul.” Psalm 31:—“In thee, O Lady, do I put my trust.”

Pope Pius IX., who considers the dogma of the Immaculate Conception the glory of his reign, in his Encyclical of November 1, 1870, condemning the usurpers of the States of the Church, addresses to all devout Catholics this earnest exhortation: “Going altogether to the foot of the throne of grace and mercy, let us engage the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, mother of God.”

If we may not apply the word idolatry to these abominations of Popery, then, certainly, we have no need of the word. The future Noah Webster may as well omit it from his dictionary. Comment, however, is certainly uncalled for. “And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” “Idolaters shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

“These wise logicians (heretics) of the world
Can prove with reasoning clear
How he, in heaven, will welcome those
Who scorn his Mother here! . . .
And this is reason! this is light!—
A light that blinds the eyes,
And leads to the fire of endless night,
And the worm that never dies.”
The Catholic World, Jan. No., 1871, p. 532.

WILL-WORSHIP, self-imposed restriction, producing excessive spiritual pride, but leaving the heart impure and the life unchanged, is evidently a noteworthy characteristic of Popery. In Paul’s portraiture of the fatal apostasy these words occur: “Commanding to abstain from meats.” This passage, restricted in its application to an organization once truly Christian, must of necessity refer to the Romish Church; no other has made abstinence from animal food a religious duty. Popery, however, has enacted, that “meats eaten during Lent, or on Friday, pollute the body and bring down eternal damnation on the soul.” And must we, then, believe, on the authority of a Church which evinces its much-vaunted infallibility by abrogating its own immutable laws, that something from without, beef-steak, defiles the man?* The proud occupant of Peter’s chair, by a single word, may reverse the teachings of the humble Nazarene!

* Formerly it was enacted: “No meat shall be eaten during Lent, on Fridays, or on Saturdays.” One of the Popes, however, by a new unalterable law suspending all previous immutable enactments, granted universal and perpetual indulgence on Saturdays. A Pope’s word makes the eating of animal food healthful or a damning sin!

Must the conscientious Protestant, his life an epistle of love, eternally bear the frown of an incensed God because, alike on all the days of the week, he temperately enjoyed the gifts of God’s bounty? Shall the Catholic, his heart unrenewed, his life a slander on the religion of the spotless Jesus, find, in the hour of death and the day of judgment, heaven’s favor richly bestowed simply because, by an act of will, he refused animal food on one day in seven?

Even mortal sins, it seems, can be committed with impunity if the Pope grants permission. The bull of Clement XI., in favor of those who should assist Philip V. in the holy war against the heretics, “grants to all who should take this bull, that during the year… . they may eat flesh in Lent and several other days in which it is prohibited. …. that they may eat eggs and things with milk.” His Infallibility makes known when and for what services his subjects may eat eggs without incurring eternal damnation. Important business! In the world’s midnight, Popery’s palmiest days, even heretics could purchase indulgence to commit the heinous sin of dining on roast chicken.

Paul, discerning the natural tendency of the human heart to place reliance in self-imposed outward requirements, and disregard inward piety, affirmed: “Bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto all things.” The entire system of penance is here condemned. Popery, however, losing sight of the very kernel of the Gospel, that the blood of Christ cleanses from all sin, has ever taught that self-chosen torture, will-worship, is an efficient aid to piety—is in fact itself piety. Merit wrought by self-effort is by Rome considered as acceptable to God as it is pleasing to the carnal heart. Suffering sent of heaven may indeed if rightly received strengthen and deepen devotion, but self-imposed penances, engendering spiritual pride, produce a type of piety—if indeed it be piety—far more resembling heathen fanaticism than the self-denial of him who, in obedience to the will of the Father, offered himself to death that man might live. Between the sufferings of Christ and those of an anchorite, who does not see a world-wide difference? In what respect a senseless, useless, hermit life, like that of the sainted Simeon,* is is a copy of our Lord’s, most certainly infallibility alone can perceive. Are we, then, to believe that useless reverie and Pagan asceticism, with all their disgusting filth, ignorance, beggary, and superstition, are services more acceptable to God than feeding the hungry, clothing the’ naked, instructing the ignorant, reforming the vicious, and living, in the sphere in which God has placed us, a life of active obedience to the precepts of his Word?

* This monk, who lived for thirty-six years on a solitary pillar in the mountains of Syria, exposed to summer’s heat and winter’s cold, refusing to speak even with his mother, has ever been considered, by the Papal Church, a paragon (a model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example) of piety.

Another predicted characteristic of the fatal apostasy was this: “Forbidding to marry.” Among those bearing the Christian name, none, except the Papists, have ever denied to a certain class the inalienable right of matrimony. They alone have pronounced that unholy which God’s Word declares “honorable in all.” “A bishop,” says Paul, “must be blameless, the husband of one wife.” ‘This—even supposing it does not recommend marriage to the clergy—certainly at least accords them the privilege. Since the days of Gregory VII, however, whose profligate life would have disgraced even Pagan Rome, the marriage of a priest has been looked upon as a sin incomparably greater than adultery, or fornication, or even incest. A priest may associate with prostitutes and escape Church censure, but to marry a virtuous woman is, in the casuistry of Rome, one of the greatest of sins.*

* The Catholic World, July, 1870, p. 440, says : “It is against these (licentiousness and low views of marriage) that the Church opposes her laws of marriage, and the absolute supernatural chastity of her priests and religious.” Thereby she “provides herself with angels and ministers of grace to do her will, accomplish her work, perform her innumerable acts of spiritual and corporeal mercy, and be literally the god-fathers and god-mothers to the orphaned human race, while they obtain for themselves and others countless riches of merit.” Chastity supernatural! Riches of merit countless!

This enforced celibacy, there can be no doubt, has been exceedingly disastrous to the cause of morality. With no desire of dwelling upon facts the bare recital of which produce shuddering disgust, we refer our readers to the confession of a priest in Gavin’s “Master-Key to Popery,” p. 35; to those of a nun, p. 43; and to the “Confessions of a Catholic Priest,” translated by Samuel F. B. Morse. From revelations frequently made, as in the “Memoirs of Sipio De Ricci,” and of “ Lorette,” it would seem that in some instances at least monasteries and nunneries are dens of infamy in comparison with which the temples of ancient Babylon were pure.* Even the halls of the Holy Inquisition were not unfrequently converted into harems. (‘Master-Key to Popery,” pp. 169-188.) In South America and Spain priests are among the most regular frequenters of the “house of her whose feet take hold on hell.” Lest, however, we may be charged with slander, we close by quoting the language of St. Liguori, certainly good authority with Papists: “Among the priests who live in the world, IT IS RARE, VERY RARE, TO FIND ANY THAT ARE GOOD.”

As human nature is much the same everywhere, is it not fair to charge this wickedness—the extent of which is scarcely conceivable by those who have given the subject no examination +—upon the scarlet-colored Beast whose forehead bears this inscription, “ Mystery, Babylon the great, the Mother of harlots and Abominations of the earth?”

* A few months since a motion was made, and carried by a small majority in the British Parliament, to appoint a committee to “ Inquire into Conventual and Monastic Institutions.” It was found there were 69 monasteries and 233 nunneries in which Rome claimed the prerogative to detain men and women against their will, and even transport them to convents upon the continent. Rome is above law.

+ A few extracts—the least objectionable—from the confessions of a priest ( Master-Key to Popery”) we append: “I have served my parish sixteen years, I have in money 15,000 pistoles, and I have given away more than 6000, My money is unlawfully gotten. My thoughts have been impure ever since I began to hear confessions. My actions have been the most criminal of mankind. I have been the cause of many innocent deaths, 1 have procured, by remedies, sixty abortions. We, six priests, did consult and contrive all the ways to satisfy our passions, Everybody had a list of the handsomest women in the parish. I have sixty nepotes alive. But my principal care ought to be of those I had by the two young women I keep at home. Both are sisters, and I had, by the oldest, two boys; and by the youngest one, and one which I had by my own sister is dead.”

ON examining the leading characteristics of Popery one instinctively asks, how can rational men even pretend to believe such monstrous absurdities, such palpable errors? Paul gives apparently the only possible explanation. Referring to the adherents of the “man of sin,” “the great apostasy,” he affirms :—God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” Surely, in perfect fairness we may ask, has there ever been, or is there now, among those who have fallen from the faith, a more conspicuous fulfilment of this prophecy than is furnished by the victims of Popish superstition?

If, as the best authority affirms, it was because “God gave them over to a reprobate mind,” that the heathen became guilty of such revolting immoralities and “worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator,’ how else shall we account for the deeper degradation and the grosser idolatry of Papists? Paganism never sanctioned such enormities as have found strenuous advocates in the bosom of “Holy Mother.” True, in some ages they deified every vile passion that rankles in the heart of man. Those gods, however, were never placed on loftier thrones than Jupiter. Venus and Bacchus were not allowed to purchase Jove’s pardon of unbridled indulgence. Over all other gods there was ever one whose anger could be appeased, and whose favor could be secured only by earnest effort after a life of virtue. It was left for “the trader in human souls” to promulgate the doctrine that by gold and silver given to the priest forgiveness of all sins, even the most heinous, could be purchased from the High and Holy one who inhabits eternity, the King of kings and Lord of lords. He who in his Word so repeatedly proffers a free salvation, is thus represented as conferring upon an arrogant and corrupt priesthood the right of selling pardons to the highest bidders; nay, worse, of granting indulgences, permission to sin to the wealthiest knaves, and the most unprincipled miscreants. The heathen worshipped gods which their own hands had made, it is true. They never so far degraded themselves, however, as to bow in adoration before a morsel of consecrated flour. Such disgusting idolatry is found only among the advocates of transubstantiation.

Except that God had given them up to believe a lie, how could Papists found a hope of heaven on the absolution granted by a priest? Turning from the throne of free grace, they hasten to a confessor for pardon. A frail, sinning man, forgives sins committed against God! A criminal pardons his fellow-criminal! A creature forgives the violation of the Creator’s laws! Rome’s most honored Council has pronounced an anathema against all who deny that the act of the priest in granting absolution is properly a judicial act. “He sits on the judgment seat representing Christ, and doing what Christ does.” In the catechism sanctioned by the Council of Trent, it is said:—“In the minister of God, who sits in the tribunal of penance, as his legitimate judge, the penitent venerates the power and person of our Lord Jesus Christ; for, in the administration of this, as in that of the other sacraments, the priest represents the character and discharges the functions of Jesus Christ.” When a large number of the ignorant are so credulous as to believe that this claim is founded in truth, is it any wonder that we witness from even the most atrocious murderers such disgusting exhibitions of hopes belonging alone to the devoutly penitent? And certainly it need scarcely strike us with surprise, if in almost every community not a few were found who, goaded by conscience to seek remission of sin, bow at the feet of the priest confidently expecting to purchase forgiveness with a part of the wages of iniquity. This done, why should they not return with even intensified delight to their former mode of life? An earnest, long-continued endeavor to imitate the pure life of Christ could not be expected from those who are taught to believe that the favor of God can be purchased with dollars and cents. Even if left to the promptings of nature, untutored by an infallible church, man would be far more likely to become enamored of virtue. Consciously burdened with a sense pf guilt, he might be driven to him who alone “has power on earth to forgive sin.”

That Paul’s prophecy finds a fulfillment in the history of Romanism is apparent in the doctrine of the real presence. In this the faithful, on pain of eternal damnation, are expected to believe that bread and wine, by the enunciation of the magic words, “Hoc est corpus meum,” are changed into Christ’s “ body, blood, soul, and divinity.” It is flesh, though it tastes like bread. It is blood, though it tastes like wine. Did ever delusion equal this? Men claiming common sense deliberately profess disbelief in the testimony of their own senses. On the mere declaration of a priest, they contemn one of God’s immutable laws, that to which they are indebted for all the knowledge they have of an external world. In being faithful to Rome, they become the worst of infidels, without faith in themselves and without faith in the God that made them.

Instead of denominating this a delusion, perhaps, so far as intelligent Papists are concerned, it were more charitable to characterize it as a “lie spoken in hypocrisy.” Evidently it is “a commandment of men,” defended as an essential part of a perfected system of extortion. Without it there would be a manifest absurdity in claiming ability to forgive sins. Represented, however, as a “bloodless sacrifice,” offered by the priest to the Father of all mercies, the appearance of consistency is retained. Merit purchasable is also marketable. “Transubstantiation, like the doctrine of supererogation (acts performed beyond what God requires), is food for the hen that lays the golden egg.

And what shall we denominate (call) the doctrine of purgatory,—a profitable delusion, or a lie spoken in hypocrisy? What could be better calculated to make market for masses? “Saints,” says the Council of Florence, “go to heaven; sinners to hell; and the middling class to purgatory.” Among the middlings, the priests now cunningly manage, for an obvious reason, to include nearly all. Saints in heaven, and sinners in hell, are beyond the reach of further extortion. From the fires of purgatory, however, unbloody sacrifices, if well paid for, can secure release. Whilst belief in this intermediate state is either a delusion borrowed from Paganism, or a hypocritical falsehood intended to fill Rome’s coffers, the pretence that the offering of a consecrated wafer can open to the soul the gates of paradise, is a delusion or hypocrisy still more inexplicable; and most unaccountable of all is the claim that the Church can determine when the soul is released from the purifying flames. To those whom God has given up to believe a lie, is any delusion too great for credence?—any profitable falsehood too hypocritical for advocacy?

This monstrous doctrine of purgatory the deluded victims of Popish superstition believe, notwithstanding it is written, “The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin;” notwithstanding the Saviour’s promise to the thief on the cross, “This day shalt thou be with me in paradise;” notwithstanding the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, in which the former is represented as lifting up his eyes in hell, being in torments, the latter as safely folded in Abraham’s bosom. They credit this absurdity whilst professing to accept as of inspired authority the declarations of Paul, “I have a desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better;” “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain;” “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” Blinded of God, the intelligent strenuously advocate, and the ignorant superstitiously believes a doctrine which effectually “makes merchandise of the souls of men.”

And her doctrine of supererogation is a delusion no less absurd. It is gravely said, “Men can do more than God’s holy law demands.” Many have done so. These works have merit. This merit, collected from the deeds of thousands of worthies, has been gathered into a treasury of which the Pope has the key. Hence he can deal out these good works in the form of indulgences and absolutions. What a mine of wealth! And every man, however wicked, may thence derive merit that will atone for any sin he may commit, even theft, adultery, or murder, on the simple condition that the price of the requisite amount of treasured goodness is paid for in current coin. Is this a delusion?—or is it rascality? With the ignorant masses it is no doubt the former. But the educated—do they really believe that the Pope collects the merits of those who are more virtuous than God requires into a fund for insuring souls against the torments of perdition, and sells life policies to the highest bidder? If so, alas for frail humanity! Superstition, it would seem, can silence common sense!

That the Popes are legitimate successors of St. Peter, bishops over alt Christendom, is another of Rome’s delusions. Though unable to determine whether the rock upon which Christ founded his Church was Peter, the Apostles, Peter’s faith, Peter’s confession, or the Saviour’s own meritorious offering, infallibility yet confidently affirms that upon the Pope in Rome is founded the true, holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church, out of which none can even hope for salvation. Supposing the Apostolic office still continues—a purely gratuitous assumption, since none can show the requisite qualifications, personal knowledge of our Saviour’s resurrection, a call direct from his lips, infallibility in teaching truth, the gift of tongues, the power of working miracles, and a commission to teach truth to the entire human family in all countries and all ages—the claim of an unbroken succession from Peter has never been established. No Papist, even with the aid of inerrancy, has been able to trace the line. On the concession of Rome’s most honored historians, Bellarmine, Alexander, Du Pin and others, at least 240 years remain from the beginning of the Christian era in which no vestiges of Papal authority can be discovered. The most ancient of the fathers, Irenaeus, Justin, and Clemens of Alexandria, make no mention of it, direct or indirect. And it is undeniably true that in the tenth century abandoned women ruled in Rome, by whom false pontiffs, their paramours, were intruded into the Papal chair. Will any Romanist have the hardihood to affirm that grossly immoral men, thus illegally thrust into office, were successors of the holy Apostles? Moreover, there have been times in the history of the Church when the line of succession cannot be traced even through such monsters of iniquity, no one even claiming universal spiritual sovereignty. For fifty years there were two infallible pontiffs, one at Avignon, another at Rome, each claiming to be the only legitimate successor of St. Peter. Both of these were deposed by the Council of Pisa, and Alexander elected. This resulted in giving Holy Mother three infallible heads. These being deposed by the Council of Constance, each took solemn oath to yield obedience. Each immediately resumed the claim: thus there were three, all perjured. In the face of such facts, admitted by‘all candid historians, Papal as well as Protestant, it evidently requires no small amount of credulity to believe not merely that the Popes are true successors of St. Peter, but that the Church founded on them is the only Church of Christ on earth.

The Church of Rome assumes to be in possession of the keys of heaven, although it has forsaken the fundamental doctrines of the Gospel. It denies that regeneration of heart and purity of purpose are necessary to salvation. Christ’s meritorious offering, the only sufficient atonement, is practically rejected. That justification is solely by faith in the Lord’s righteousness, and that sanctification is the work of God’s spirit, are repeatedly and emphatically denied. It condemns the declaration of Paul, that “there is no righteousness in us,” claiming merit from nature and justifying righteousness from the deeds of the law. Contradicting the teaching of the Apostle, it affirms, “Man can be just before God, yea, holier than his law requires.” The assertion of Scripture, “By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified,” is met with the declaration, “We are set free from sin on account of our works.” That “God desires or wills that all men should repent,” and that “repentance is the gift of God,” are condemned in severe terms. These propositions: “Believers are about to enter into their rest,” “The Bible is the only infallible rule of faith and practice,” are pronounced “damnable heresies.” And although the New Testament has given this, “forbidding to marry,” as one of the marks of the man of sin, yet they prohibit marriage in the clergy while permitting concubinage. Could delusion surpass this, that men should believe themselves the true Church of Christ whilst they have apostatized from almost every essential doctrine of the Gospel? Unless we accept one or other of Paul’s explanations —either believing them strongly deluded or hypocritically false—how shall we account for their use of incense; their solemn consecration of bells and burial places; their burning of wax candles; and their sprinkling of horses, asses, and cattle? Formerly pious solicitude was taken in the proper solution, by an infallible Church, of the vitally important question, “Shall the hair of the monks be shaved in the form of a semicircle or circle?” Do not such things evidence the presence of seducing spirits cunningly turning the thoughts from the state of the heart to unmeaning forms?

And by what terms shall we characterize those endless frauds by which superstitious people were made to believe pretended miracles; or those silly dreams by which the most unprincipled impostors that ever disgraced humanity pretended to be directed to the tombs of saints and martyrs? And the bones thus obtained, how powerful! “By them,” so says an infallible Church, “Satan’s cunningest machinations were successfully defeated: diseases both of body and mind, otherwise incurable, were instantaneously healed.” In one thing at least they were exceedingly potent. They filled Rome’s empty treasury. That, in the Romish code of morals, is all that need be demanded. “It is an act of virtue to deceive, and lie, when, by that means, the interests of the Church can be promoted.” Falsehood, sometimes adroitly conceived, always persistently adhered to, has ever been one of Rome’s most efficient agencies in establishing and perpetuating her power.* “God,” says Paul, “shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” “The spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in, hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry,” etc.—1 Tim. 4:1-3.

* As specimens of the agencies employed by Rome to keep her children from straying from the fold, take these drafts upon the credulity of the ignorant: “The Holy Scriptures are far more extensively read among Catholics than they are by Protestants.””—Plain Talk about the Protestantism of To-Day, p. “Tradition has in itself as much authority as the Gospel.””—Idem, p. 127.‘Heresy is in itself a more grievous sin, an evil far greater and more baneful, than immorality and the inordinations of sensuality.”—Idem, p. 27. “Christianity and Catholicity are one and the same thing.”—Idem, p. 56. “To be a Christian is to be a Catholic: outside of Catholicity you may be a Lutheran, a Calvinist, a Mahommedan, a Mormon, a Free Thinker, a Buddbist, but you are not, you cannot be a Christian.”— p. 58. “It’s not very hard to be a good Protestant. Believe whatever you please in matters of religion. Believe nothing at all, if it suits you better. Be honest, as the world understands it. Read the Bible or not, as it pleases you; go to church, or do not go; forget not to subscribe to one, or two, or three Bible and evangelical societies; but, above all, hold the Catholic Church in abomination—and you shall be a good Protestant.”—p. 20. “One is poor, and wishes to emerge from his poverty; another is swayed by passions, which he does not wish to control; a third has too much pride, and is loath to subdue it; a fourth is ignorant, and allows himself to be led away. For such reasons people become Protestant.”—p. 87. “As for him who becomes a Protestant. . . . . Poor apostate! for him, no more the beautiful ceremonies of the Church, The images of our Lord, of the Blessed Virgin, and of the saints, become emblems of idolatry! —no more crucifix, no more the sign of the cross: it is idolatry! —no more prayers: no more respect or love for the Mother of God; idolatry! —no more trusting the intercession of saints, patrons in heaven, advocates, protectors near God : idolatry!”

“And when the hour of death is drawing near—when the unfortunate man is left to himself, about standing before God, covered with the sins of his whole life—no priest to administer the last sacraments of the Church, no priest to tell him, with all the power of divine authority, ‘ Poor sinner, take courage; thou canst die in peace, because Jesus has given me the power to forgive thee thy sins.’”—Idem, p. 233.

“The death-bed of the founders of Protestantism—all apostates, and, for the most, apostate priests—bears us out in our assertions, and with terribly overwhelming evidence.”

“ Luther despaired of the salvation of his soul. Shortly before his death, his concubine pointed to the brilliancy of the stars in the firmament.

‘See, Martin, how beautiful that heaven is!?

“’Tt does not shine in our behalf,’ replied the master, moodily.

“’Is it because we have broken our vows?’ resumed Kate, in dismay.

“May be,’ said Luther.

“’If so, let us go back.’

“‘Too late! the hearse is stuck in the mire.” And he would hear no more.

“At Eisleben, on the day previous to that on which he was stricken with apoplexy, he remarked to his friends: ‘I have almost lost sight of the Christ, tossed as I am by these waves of despair which overwhelm me.’ And after a while, ‘I, who have imparted salvation to so many, cannot save myself.’

“He died forlorn of God—blaspheming to the very end. His last words were an attestation of his impenitence. His eldest son, who had doubts about the Reformation and the Reform, asked him for a last time whether he persevered in the doctrine he preached. ‘Yes,’ replied a gurgling sound from the old sinner’s throat—and Luther was before his God. The last descendant of Luther died not long ago a fervent Catholic.”

“Schusselburg, a Protestant, writes: ‘Calvin died of scarlet fever, devoured of vermin, and eaten up by ulcerous abscess, the stench whereof drove away every person.’ In great misery he gave up his rascally ghost, despairing of salvation, evoking the devils from the abyss, and uttering oaths most horrible and blasphemies most frightful.

“Spalatin, Justus, Jonas, Isinder, and a host of other friends of Luther, died either in despair or crazy, Henry VIII. died bewailing that he had lost heaven ; and his worthy daughter Elizabeth breathed her last in deep desolation, stretched on the floor—not daring to lie in bed, because, at the first attack of her illness, she thought she saw her body all torn to pieces and palpitating in a cauldron of fire.

“Let, then, in the presence of such frightful deaths and of the thought of eternity, those of our unfortunate brethren who may be tempted to abandon their Church, remember that a day will come when they will also be summoned to appear before God! Let them think, in their sober senses, of death, and of judgment, and of hell, and I pledge my word they will not think of becoming Protestants.” Plain Talk about the Protestantism of To-Day, p. 236. Boston: Patrick Donahoe, 1870. Imprimatur, Joannes Josephus, Episcopus Boston.

Among the delusions of Romanism, none, perhaps, is more transparently absurd than their much-vaunted immutability. Bossuet, the celebrated Bishop of Meaux, detailed, with seemingly intense delight, the alleged variations of Protestantism, assuming, indeed asserting, that “Catholicity ever has been, is, and ever will be, as unchangeable as its Author.” In face of all the facts, for a Protestant to listen to this claim without a smile, certainly requires no ordinary measure of gravity. And for Papists to yield it cordial belief, imperatively demands either extreme ignorance, obstinate credulity, or gross bigotry. No doubt the Church which once condemned the revolution of the earth upon its axis, must now be, as it ever has been, immutuble. Unchangeable as Deity, and lasting as time, Popery’s great argument is a pathetic appeal to antiquity. By this the doubting faithful are confirmed, and heretics silenced. It is an end of all controversy. This question, “Where was your Protestant Church before the Reformation?” is the rallying cry of the advancing hosts of Papacy, and is expected to be the requiem sung over the lifeless corpse of soulless, godless Protestantism, “that spawn of hell,” destined, as infallibility assures us, speedily to go to his own place. Where was Protestantism three hundred years ago? Where were the Augean stables before they were cleansed by Hercules?—where the decaying palace before its crumbling towers, and ivy bound walls, and tottering foundations were repaired, strengthened, and beautified? The doctrines of Protestantism are as old as the promulgation of the Gospel. Romanism is the intruder. Its characteristic doctrines are mere novelties in the religious world.

By what terms shall we characterize that blindness which, disregarding the foul stains upon her history, denominates the Papal Antichrist “Holy Mother,” the one true, Catholic, Apostolic Church, out of which is no salvation? Pope John XII. was guilty of blasphemy, perjury, profanation, impiety, simony, sacrilege, adultery, incest, and murder. “ He was,” says Bellarmine, “nearly the wickedest of the Popes.”* John XXIII, however, exceeded him.

* When summoned to attend a Council and answer the charges brought against him, he refused, and excommunicated the Council in the name of God. Though deposed, he regained the Papal throne. Caught in adultery, he was killed, probably by the injured husband. See Edgar’s “Variations of Popery,” p. 110.

His Holiness, Infallible Judge in faith and morals, was, by the Council of Constance, convicted of denying the accountability of man, the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the body, and all the institutions of revealed religion. But his errors in faith were venial and few compared with his immoralities. He was found guilty of almost every crime of which it is possible to conceive. The list enumerated no less than seventy; among these, simony, piracy, exaction, barbarity, robbery, murder, massacre, lying, perjury, fornication, adultery, incest, and sodomy.

Of Alexander VI, another infallible Pope, a trustworthy historian says: “His debauchery, perfidy, ambition, malice, inhumanity, and irreligion, made him the execration of all Europe.” He died from drinking one of the poisoned cups prepared by him for the rich cardinals whose possessions he intended to seize. Humanity disowns the monster. His successor, Julius II., inherited, along with the tiara, all the immoralities of the Papacy. Having secured the triple crown by bribing the cardinals, no crime was too great to appal his unterrified conscience. Assassination, adultery, sodomy, and bestial drunkenness, are scarcely a moiety (part) of his enormities. “He was a scandal to the whole Church, He filled Italy with rapine, war, and blood.” Pope Leo X. denied the immortality of the soul, and in fact every doctrine of Christianity, denominating it a “lucrative fiction.” “Paul III., and Julius III, were such licentious characters that no modest man can write or read their lives without blushing.” The former, the convener of the Council of Trent, made large sums of money by selling indulgences and licenses to houses of ill fame. At least four pontiffs, Liberius, Zosimus, Honorius, and Vigilius, were convicted of heresy; seventeen of perjury, and twenty-five of schism. According to Genebrard, “For nearly 150 years about fifty Popes deserted wholly the virtue of their predecessors, being apostate rather than apostolic.” Baronius, himself a Papist, as if unable to repress the intensity of his disgust for the abominations of the Papal See, exclaims: “The case is such, that scarcely any one can believe, or even will believe it, unless he sees it with his eyes, and handles it with his hands, viz., what unworthy, vile, unsightly, yea, execrable and hateful things the sacred Apostolic See, on whose hinges the universal Apostolical Church turns, has been compelled to see.

To our shame and grief, be it spoken, how many monsters, horrible to behold, were intruded by them (the secular princes) into that seat which is reverenced by angels!” “The Holy See is bespattered with filth,” “infected by stench,” “defiled by impurities,” and “blackened by perpetual infamy!” Guiciardini, another defender of Holy Mother, speaking of the Popes of the sixteenth century, says: “He was esteemed a good Pope, in those days, who did not exceed in wickedness the worst of men.”

Of the Councils which have given us the dogmas of Romanism, some have been immortalized not less by villainy than by heresy. That of Constantinople is described by Nazianzen as “A cabal of wretches fit for the house of correction.” That of Nice, in approving a disgusting story, sanctioned perjury and fornication. Of the Council of Lyons, Cardinal Hugo, in his farewell address to the retiring president, Pope Innocent, presents this picture: “Friends, we have effected a work of great utility and charity in this city. When we came to Lyons, we found three or four brothels in it, and we have left at our departure only one. But this extends, without interruption, from the eastern to the western gate of the city.” The Council of Constance, composed of 1000 holy fathers, which solemnly decreed that “no faith shall be kept with heretics,” and consigned John Huss to the flames, although he had given himself into their hands only on the express pledge of protection given by the Emperor, was attended by 1500 public prostitutes. This same Council ordered the bones of Wyckliffe to be “dug up and thrown upon a dung-hill.” Well does Baronius exclaim: “What is, then, the face of the holy Roman Church! How exceedingly foul it is!” To believe that an organization, characterized, according to the assertions of its own historians, by such unheard-of abominations, is the only true Church, demands a credulity fitly termed, “delusion sent of God.”

On pain of unending woe, every genuine Romanist must now believe that Pius IX. is infallible. Here is a specimen of his inerrancy. Arguing for his temporal power (since needing stronger support than infallible reasoning), His Holiness, jumbling together two passages of Scripture entirely separate and distinct, said:

“In the garden of Olives, on the night before Christ’s crucifixion, the multitude with Judas came to him. And they said, ‘Art thou a king?’ and he answered, ‘I am.’ And they went back and fell on the ground.” Certainly this is no small tax on the credulity of those who so loudly proclaim the Pope infallible, especially and pre-eminently in interpreting Scripture.. This argument is only exceeded by that of Pope Boniface IV., who employed his infallibility in establishing this proposition : Monks ARE ANGELS.

Major Premise: All animals with six wings are angels.

Minor Premise: Monks have six wings, viz., the cowl, two; the arms, two; the legs, two.

Ergo: Monks are angels. Quod erat demonstrandum.

TYRANTS, the more effectually to secure power, have ever professed supreme regard for man’s highest interests. It was under the plea of extending Grecian learning, the proudest gift of human genius, that Alexander burned villages, sacked cities, and trampled upon rights dear as life itself. Under the cloak of unrivalled regard to the unity of God, Mohammed established, what had otherwise been impossible, a despotism as cruel as the most heartless fatalism could devise.

What others secured by reiterated protestations of devotion to one single principle, Rome attained by seizing upon the Gospel. The religion of Jesus, the fountain of all true liberty, personal and national, civil and religious, was so obscured by error as to become, in the hands of those claiming sole right to impart religious instruction, a most powerful engine of Satanic cruelty. When, therefore, all other agencies had failed in crushing the spirit of freedom, the Romish Church, in the sacred name of religion, a religion proclaiming good will to men, solemnly inaugurated a system of persecution unparalleled in the annals of the most blood-thirsty Paganism.

Popery, in her noonday of glory, unblushingly denied to those rejecting her dogmas even the right of inheriting property, of collecting moneys justly due them, and of bequeathing even the savings of poverty to their own children.* Is not this a fulfillment, to the very letter, of that ancient prediction, “He caused . . . . that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name?” (Rev. 13:17) For the single offense of rejecting Papal supremacy, the true followers of Christ were subjected to every species of annoyance which diabolical malignity could invent. With the design of tempting, or forcing men, from worldly considerations, to yield unquestioned obedience, treachery, deception, and cunning were freely resorted to, and in some instances with such success as to rivet the detested system of Popery upon people who loathed the very name.

* The Council of Constance anathematized “all who should enter into contracts or engage in commerce with heretics.” In a decree of Pope Alexander III., this sentence occurs: We therefore subject to a curse both themselves and their defenders and harborers, and under a curse we prohibit all persons from admitting them into their houses, or receiving them upon their lands, or cherishing them, or exercising any trade with them.” Frederick II, in an edict against the enemies of the faith,” orders “their goods to be confiscated, their children to be disinherited, and their memory and their children to be held infamous forever.”

When even these agencies, powerful as they were, proved ineffectual, others more potent still were speedily devised. The Inquisition, or, where the establishment of this was impossible, holy wars relentlessly waged against heretics, it was hoped, would bring all men within the pale of Mother Church. The employment of such agencies was clearly foretold. “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.” “And he had power . . . to cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” “I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” Rev. 13:7,15; 17:6.

That the Papacy makes persecution an essential of religion—although the Rev. James Kent Stone, Rome’s latest conquest, in his “Invitation Heeded,” ridicules the assertion—is certainly susceptible of clear proof. In its defense arguments are drawn, by their most eminent theologians, from Scripture, from the opinions of emperors, from the laws of the Church, from the testimony of the fathers (that inexhaustible treasury of unanswerable reasoning!), and from experience. That death is the proper penalty of presuming to disobey His Infallibility, is, we are told, the teaching of reason as well as the dictate of piety. Heretics, unless destroyed, will contaminate the righteous. By tortures inflicted on the few, however, the eternal salvation of the many may be secured. Nay, even to the deluded infidels themselves it is a mercy; it sends them to hell before they shall increase the torments of perdition.*

* “The blood of heretics,” says the Rhemish annotators, “is no more the blood of saints than the blood of thieves, man-killers, and other malefactors, for the shedding of which, by order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer.—Rev. 17:6.

Bellarmine says: “Heretics condemned by the Church may be punished by temporal penalties, and even with death,”

Thomas Aquinas afirms: ‘Heretics may not only be excommunicated, but justly killed.”

Bossuet declares: “No illusion can be more dangerous than making toleration a mark of the true Church.”

Nor was the defense of a doctrine so essential as the right of the Church to persecute, left to the ingenious, though possibly fallible reasoning of bishops and cardinals. Even Popes, infallible vicars, in the exercise of sovereign authority, undertook the laudable task of hounding on crazed fanatics to murder men, women, and even defenseless children, in the name of the meek, loving, forgiving Jesus. Urban II. issued a bull declaring: “No one is to be deemed a murderer who, burning with zeal for the interests of Mother Church, shall kill excommunicated persons.” In 1825, Pope Leo XII. suspended his plenary indulgence on “the extirpation of heretics.” Can immutability change? Can infallibility err? Has any Pope of the last thousand years disapproved of persecution? Has Pius IX. abrogated one solitary law against heretics?

Even Councils, not provincial—the authority of these, Papists might possibly call in question—but general Councils, and of these not less than five, have enjoined or sanctioned the extermination of heretics, giving their voice for death as the proper punishment of what they choose to denominate heresy. Surely the Romish Church, if the declarations of her priests, bishops, cardinals, Popes, and Councils prove anything, is the deliberate defender of persecution, even to death, for opinion’s sake. Every priest, therefore, in taking oath “to hold and teach all that the sacred canons and general Councils have delivered, declared, and defended,” swears to believe and to teach Rome’s right to torture and burn heretics, that is, Protestants.*

* In the oath commonly administered to bishops occur these words: “Schismatics and rebels to our Lord, the Pope, and his successors, I will, to the utmost of my power, persecute and destroy.”

+ Frederick IL., loyal son of Popish arrogance, issued an edict, asserting the divine right of kings “to wield the material sword… . against the enemies of the faith, for the extirpation of heretical depravity.” “We shall not suffer,” he adds, “the wretches, who infect the world with their doctrines, to live.”

Even kings “were compelled by Church censures to endeavor, in good faith, according to their power, to destroy all heretics marked by the Church, out of the lands of their jurisdiction.” Four Councils, the Third Lateran, the Fourth Lateran, Constance, and Trent, endorsed this order.+ That the woman, Mother of Harlots, sitting upon a scarlet colored beast, and drunken with the blood of the martyrs, should be aided in her work of death by the civil authority, was plainly foretold: “These ten horns which thou sawest, are ten kings. . . . . These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”—Rev. 17:3, 13.

And with terrible energy did Rome vindicate her much-vaunted right to persecute. The holy Inquisition, Satan’s masterpiece, with St. Dominic, a raving fanatic, for its first general, Innocent III. for its founder, a powerful order of monks for its defenders, and kings for the executioners of its fiendish penalties, became an engine of unexampled cruelty, sending terror into every land, suspicion into every home, and anguish into almost every heart. Neither age, nor sex, position nor past services, were guarantees of security. A word jestingly spoken, or neglect in bowing to the consecrated wafer (the elevated bran-god), or a look of contempt cast upon a begging friar, might prove the occasion of imprisonment and torture. Personal resentment, or even suspicion, especially where the parties suspected were wealthy, might lead to arrest. Even ladies, in many instances, were torn from endeared husbands, or doting parents, because lust inflamed their fiendish persecutors.*

* When the French, on entering Aragon (1706), threw open the doors of the Inquisition, sixty young women were found, the harem of the Inquisitor General.—Gavin’s “Master-Key to Popery.”

+ In Spain alone, 18,000 were employed, whose business it was, with Satanic cunning, to insinuate themselves into every company, speak against the Pope and the Church—thus beguiling the unwary— and drag the suspected before the holy Inquisition.

Having made certain, through spics, that the person whom they determined to arrest was at home, the officers of the inquisition, at the dead hour of midnight, knocked at the door. To the question, “Who is there?” a voice from the darkness responds, “The holy Inquisition.” Terror opens the door, and the daughter, the son, the wife, or the husband, seized by ruffians, is carried away to the cells of a dungeon, the remaining members of the family not daring to complain, scarcely to disclose their grief. Theirs is a sorrow unknown except to him whose eye never slumbers, who counts the tears of suffering innocence.

These officers, the better to fit them for their fiendish business, were earnestly admonished not to allow nature to get the better of grace. In some instances they were actually ordered to arrest their own near relatives, that by conquering human weakness they might prove themselves worthy of the favor of Holy Mother. Fiendish heartlessness! Adamantine cruelty !

The accused were never confronted with the accuser. They were ordered to confess; refusing, torture was applied to extort an acknowledgment of guilt. If to save themselves from present anguish, they confess to doubts in regard to the real presence, papal supremacy, priestly absolution, the worship of images, the invocation of saints, the existence of purgatory, or the doctrine of infallibility, they sentence themselves to martyrdom; refusing to confess—perhaps because conscious of no crime—they are tortured to the extent of human endurance, and then bleeding, lacerated and trembling, are thrust into a loathsome dungeon to pine in solitude, unrelieved, unpitied, friendless, dying a hundred deaths in one. Were ever laws devised more evidently contrary to the plainest dictates of equity?

These punishments, inflicted in an underground apartment denominated the “Hall of Torture,” were of every species which fiendish ingenuity could invent. Of the unfortunate victims of Papal fury, some were suffocated by water poured into the stomach; others, with cords fastened around the wrists behind the back, and heavy weights suspended from the feet, were drawn up to great heights, and then let fall to within a few feet of the floor, dislocating every joint; some were slowly roasted in closed iron pans; of some, the feet smeared with oil were roasted to a crisp; of others, the hands were crushed in clamps, or the bodies pierced with needles. The Auto da fé periodically closed the horrid tragedy. On a Sabbath morning, day sacred to him whose essential attribute is love, numbers of these lacerated beings were led forth—and in the name of Christianity!—to the place of burning. The heart, sickening at the recital of such deeds of hellish cruelty, and recalling the names of such worthy martyrs as Wycliffe, Huss, Ridley, Latimer, Cranmer, and thousands of others, joins, with a holy fervor of devotion, in the prayer of the redeemed souls ceaselessly ascending from under the altar of the Almighty: “How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth ?”—Rev. 6:10.

Having found, after centuries of trial, that the Inquisition and the Crusades were powerless in crushing the pure religion of Jesus, that, in fact, “the blood of the martyrs became the seed of the Church,” Rome endeavored, in the language of Scripture, to wear out the saints of the Most High. In place of death she substituted every species of annoyance which malignant hatred inspired of Satan could invent. Comparatively few however were induced to betray the Lord. “Therein is the faith and patience of the Saints.”

When the number of those denying the Pope’s supremacy became, in any country, too great to be killed by the Inquisition, holy wars were advocated. With the cross, symbol of love, on their banners, the Papal legions went forth in cold blood to butcher men, women, and children. For the mortal sin of presuming to employ the faculties God gave them, they must be utterly destroyed. In these Crusades the Romish Church actually gloried, and does still glory, feeling no remorse for the massacre of thousands, no shame for the extinction of kingdoms and people.

Armed with a bull of indulgence, the Papal emissaries went forth to preach the Crusade. Everywhere they exclaimed, “Who will rise up against the evil doers? Who will stand up against the workers of iniquity? If you have any zeal for the faith, any concern for the glory of God, any desire to reap the rich benefits of Papal indulgence, receive the sign of the cross, join the army of Immanuel, lend your aid in purging the nations, and extending the holy Catholic religion.” ‘

These crusades were waged not against those guilty of great sins, but against those whose only crime was a refusal to acknowledge the sovereignty of Rome’s arrogant bishop. This was the deep-seated error which roused such unequalled fury. Those communities which failed to recognize the proud pontiff enthroned in the eternal city as Christ’s Vicar on earth, must pay the penalty. The sword, and fire, and death, must proclaim that the rights of property and the comforts of home belong alone to those who permit His Holiness to think for them.

By way of extenuating the guilt of the Crusaders, modern Papists, though ardent advocates of Papal immutability and of the infallibility dogma, remind us that civilization had then made but little progress. These crusades, say they, are justly chargeable, not to Romanism, but to the barbarism of the times. Who instigated those wholesale butcheries? Infallible Popes. Who lauded those unparalleled atrocities which for centuries disgraced humanity? Infallible Popes. Does infallibility need the light of civilization’s dim taper? Erring Protestants might, with some show of candor, advance such a plea, but for Papists, it is a betrayal of doctrines vital to their system. Have they shown any sorrow for the past? Have they expressed repentance for the slaughter of unoffending Christians? Have they abandoned the right to persecute? Deceive ourselves as we may, Popery is the same unblushing monster of cruelty, unchanged, and unchangeable. Pharisee-like, while promising liberty of conscience, she is continuously engaged in honoring, applauding, and even canonizing those whose only title to fame consists in the horrid cruelties practiced towards the innocent followers of Jesus.

The blood-thirsty vengeance of the Popes against the infidels of the Holy Land, what pencil shall do justice to that scene of horror? Crusades, carried on with infernal fury for more than a century, caused the death of 2,000,000. Followers of Christ the Turks were not; but did butcheries convert them? Did they and their children learn to love that Saviour in whose name they were slaughtered? Can we even hope that in the moment of death on the hard-fought battle-field, many, even one, turning a tearful eye towards the ensigns of the hated foe, sought mercy from him whose cross emblazoned that blood-stained banner? The blood of these clings to the skirts of Romanism.

In the indictment against Popery, another specification is the deliberate massacre of 300,000 Waldenses and Albigenses. Against these true successors of the Apostolic Church, who, even on the concession of their murderers, were abstemious, laborious, devout and holy, Pope Innocent III. raised an army of 500,000. These blood-hounds of cruelty were let loose with intense delight upon those whose only crime was the belief, publicly and fearlessly expressed, that Rome was the “Babylonish Harlot” of the Apocalypse. Even Count Raimond, their Catholic sovereign, because tardy in the work of utterly exterminating his loyal subjects, was publicly anathematized in all the churches. Trembling under excommunication, the Count took solemn oath to pursue the Albigenses with fire and sword, sparing neither age nor sex, until they bowed to Papal authority. Rome, however, not content with even such abject subserviency, ordered him to strip naked and submit to penance. Nine times was he driven around the grave of the Monk Castelnau, and beaten with rods upon the bare back.

In the taking of Beziers, the Pope’s legate, when asked how the soldiers should distinguish the Catholics from the heretics, shouted: “Kill all; the Lord will know his own.” When the demon had completed his work, the city, swept by fire, was the blackened sepulchre of 60,000.

Bearing the standard of the cross, and singing “Glory to God,” the army of the Crusaders, under the bloody Montfort, entered Menerbe. Pointing to a prepared pile of dry wood, the legate roared: “Be converted, or mount this pile.” The merciful flames soon released the faithful from the relentless fury of their persecutors.

The persecutions in the valleys of Loyse and Frassinicre were cruel beyond description. Christians, after receiving the most solemn assurances of protection, were thrust into burning barns, suffocated in caves, led forth by scores and beheaded.

And the Waldenses of Calabria were subjected to barbarities no less incredible. Their children, forcibly taken from them, were placed in monasteries to be educated in the detested system of Popery. Large “numbers of truly devout Christians, encumbered not unfrequently with the aged, and even with helpless babes, were driven to the mountains, there to meet death in every conceivable aspect of horror : some were starved, some frozen, some buried alive in the drifting snows, some

“Slain by the bloody Piedmontese that rolled
Mother with infant down the rocks.”

But why proceed further? To recount Popery’s cruelties, even a tithe of them, is impossible. Her history is echoed in the carnage of the battle-field, in the sighs of suffering innocence, in the unmeasured anguish of widowhood. Her pathway upon the earth is but too plainly visible, marked in blood, the blood of fifty millions of earth’s noblest. Of this martyred host who can conceive the agonies? Can language convey any adequate conception of the sufferings of the Moors in Spain, the Jews in the various Catholic countries they have inhabited, the Christians in Bohemia, Portugal, Britain, and Holland?* Known alone to God are the sufferings of his chosen ones. In his book of remembrance are recorded the tears, the sighs, the sorrows of Christ’s struggling Church.

* In the last-mentioned country, the Duke of Alva boasted that in the short space of six months he had caused the death of 18,000 Protestants.

To relate the intrigues, deceptions and atrocities by which Rome succeeded in crushing out Protestantism in poor, down-trodden Ireland, we shall make no attempt. They are part of her history written in blood, —only other illustrations of the same intolerance.

In France, “with infinite joy”—if human joy can be infinite—Popery shed the blood of the saints. Passing by the butcheries of Orange and Vassey, the heart sickens in recounting the incidents of the Bartholomew massacre. On that day, recalled by Protestants only with shuddering horror, the demon of Popish cruelty went forth by royal command, to gorge himself with blood. The poor Huguenots, assembled in Paris under the pretext of a marriage between the Protestant king of Navarre and the sister of Charles IX., were attacked by hired assassins at midnight, and, notwithstanding the pledges of protection repeatedly and solemnly given (the occasion of their presence, and their defenseless condition) were slain in such numbers that the streets ran blood to the river. The dead bodies, dragged over the rough pavements, were thrown into the Seine. Even the king himself, from a window in his palace, viewed with seemingly intense delight the work of death going forward in the court beneath. Above the groans of the dying, and the curses of the soldiers, his voice could he distinctly heard, shouting, “Slay them, slay them.” Even those pressing into his immediate presence to implore mercy and plead his pledged protection, received this as their only answer, death from his hand. In one week, according to Davilla, 10,000 were slain in Paris alone. And the slaughter in the capital was the signal for rekindling the fires of persecution throughout the entire empire. In nearly all the provinces the scenes of Paris were re-enacted; at Lyons, at Orleans, at Toulouse, at Meaux, at Bordeaux. In these massacres 30,000 perished.

And upon this sea of blood—heaven forgive them— the Pope, the Church, and the king delighted to look. Standing over the dead body of Admiral Coligny, whom by assurances of friendship he had drawn within his grasp, Charles exclaimed: “The smell of a dead enemy is agreeable.” To the Pope he sent a special messenger: “Tell him,” said Charles,—“ tell him, the Seine flows on more majestically after receiving the dead bodies of the heretics.” “The king’s heart,” exclaimed one of Rome’s proud cardinals, “must have been filled with a sudden inspiration from God when he gave orders for the slaughter of the heretics.” And then— as if the Papacy must needs put on the scarlet robe— the Pope and the cardinals, entering one of Rome’s grandest cathedrals, returned solemn thanks to God, the God of mercy; thanks for the slaughter of Christians! thanks for the cold-blooded murder of thousands of unoffending followers of Jesus!

The record of these events, like that of the revolution in later times, France would now gladly bury in oblivion. They are spots on her history, however, which ages of tears can never efface. And that Papists of the present day ardently desire to reverse the testimony of history, or obliterate these unpleasant facts, is but too plain from the futile efforts repeatedly put forth, as in the “Invitation Heeded,” the Catholic World, the Freeman’s Journal and Catholic Register, to prove that the Pope and the cardinals were grossly imposed upon. Deceived by Charles’ special messenger into returning thanks for the murder of heretics, instead of expressing gratitude to God for the overthrow of those rebelling against civil authority! Certainly such a defense is well worthy the system it seeks to shield.

THAT the Romish Church is nothing less than a conspiracy against liberty, personal and national, civil and religious, we firmly believe. Being the twin sister of despotism, she ever has been, and is now, most bitterly hostile to freedom of conscience, freedom of the press, education of the masses, distribution of the Bible, in fact to everything which Republicans are accustomed to regard as the basis and the safeguard of popular government. Accordingly she is industriously engaged, even now, and in this Republic, in undermining, insidiously but surely, the beauteous temple of liberty, whose foundations were laid in the blood of persecuted Protestants. Her system, in accordance with its time-honored principles, is producing hostility to our free institutions.

The Papal Church is the foe of our system of common schools. This scheme of popular education, the most successful agency ever devised for inculcating those moral principles which are indispensable to the continuance of self government, is the object of enmity as unrelenting as it is universal. Every available agency is employed to shake the confidence of our people in its equity, wisdom and efficiency. First, it was said, the public schools are sectarian. The Protestant Bible is used. That their hostility is not so much against our version as against the Bible itself, the basis of public morality, the most essential part of true education, the palladium of civil liberty, is conclusively proved by their unwillingness to circulate even their own version, the Douay Bible. Popery has always maintained that “the Bible is not a book to be in the hands of the people.” “Who will not say,” exclaims a recent advocate of Romanism, “that the uncommon beauty and marvellous English of the Protestant Bible is one of the great strongholds of heresy in this country?” “We ask,” says Bishop Lynch, of New Orleans, “that the public schools be cleansed from this peace-destroying monstrosity—Bible reading.” The Bishop of Bologna, in an advisory letter to Paul III, said: “She (the Catholic Church) is persuaded that this is the book which, above all others, raises such storms and tempests. And that truly, if any one read it, …. he will see… .that the doctrine which she, preaches is altogether different and sometimes contrary to that contained in the Bible.”

Since the council held in Baltimore in the spring of 1852, Rome’s efforts have been put forth to secure a distribution of the school fund. The demand is general, open, persistent. In New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Newark,—in all our large towns and cities,—they have erected commodious school houses, employed nuns and priests as teachers, and petitioned for a pro rata (In proportion to some factor that can be exactly calculated.) share of the school money. The Tablet, a Catholic paper of New York, argues, March 14, 1868, as follows:

“The reason why the Catholics cannot, with a good conscience, send their children to the public schools, is that the public schools are really sectarian. The State is practically anti-Catholic, and its schools are necessarily controlled and managed by sectarians, who are hostile to the Catholic religion and seek its destruction. The reason why the sectarians want the children of Catholics brought up in the public schools is because they believe that if so brought up they will lose their Catholicity, and become sectarians or infidels. This, and this alone, is the reason why they are unwilling that Catholics should have their quota of the public moneys to support separate schools … It is idle to talk to sectarians, no matter of what name or hue, of justice or of the rights of conscience; and yet we cannot forbear to say that there is a manifest injustice in taxing us to support schools to which we cannot in conscience send our children….. What religious liberty is there in this?”

Again, in March, 1870, it exclaims:

“No, gentlemen, that will not do, and there is no help but in dividing the public schools, or in abandoning the system altogether.”

The Freeman’s Journal once said:

“What we Roman Catholics must do now, is to get our children out of this devouring fire, At any cost and any sacrifice, we must deliver the children over whom we have control from these pits of destruction, which lie invitingly in their way, under the name’ of public or district schools.” *

* In the year 1868, the Pope, in an allocution containing a violent assertion of Papal power, severely denounces the King of Austria for sanctioning a law “which decrees that religious teaching in the public schools must be placed in the hands of members of each separate confession, that any religious society may open private or special schools for the youth of its faith.” This law, His Infallibility solemnly pronounces “abominable,” “in flagrant contradiction with tho doctrines of the Catholic religion; with its venerable rights, its authority, and its divine institution; with our power, and that of the Apostolic See.” Consistency, that jewel! What Popery condemns in Austria, she clamors for in America.

Not only the press, but public lecturers are employed to bring this movement into favor. The most barefaced falsehoods are palmed off upon the credulous public. We are told that our political institutions are of Roman Catholic origin; that Protestantism is crumbing to pieces; that religion, beyond the pale of the Catholic Church, is “machinery, formalism, and mummery;” that infidels are the originators of our school system. Our common schools are denominated “pubic soup-houses, where our children take their wooden spoons.” “Every such school,” it is asserted, “is an insult to the religion and virtue of our people.” “The prototype of our school system,” said another Roman Catholic orator, “is seen in the institutions of Paganism. Unless the system be modified, and put the Christian (Catholic) school upon the same ground as the Godless school (Protestant), it requires but little sagacity to perceive its speedy and utter destruction.”

To accede to this demand would destroy our entire system of popular education. Upon no principle, bearing even the semblance of justice, can money be given to one class and withheld from another. If Catholics may claim their share of the school fund, so also may Jews, Infidels, Rationalists, Buddhists, and every denomination of Christians. To divide the fund among all the claimants would utterly destroy the efficiency of the system, leaving our children to be educated in small schools under incompetent teachers. And what shall we say of the logic of these self-lauded champions of religious liberty? Must we believe that our government, because it knows no state religion, is therefore purely atheistic? And what is atheism but a system of religious negations? Shall then the Government establish atheistic schools? No, to this the Catholics object. Shall it provide for the separate instruction of each sect? Shall it sanction, encourage, and aid schools opened for the incoming horde of Chinese Pagans? Shall it disburse funds to German Rationalists to teach that the stories of the Bible, however sacred they may be to Christians, are no more worthy of credence than the myths of Hesiod? Shall it support schools in which Protestant Irish, by recounting the soul-inspiring incidents of the Battle of the Boyne, shall rekindle the dying embers of hostility to Popery? This Papists would never endure. Even if this Republic should succeed in divesting itself of everything bearing relations to religion, Catholics would certainly complain. They would clamor for the introduction of Catholic instruction. Unless, therefore, we are prepared to abolish the entire system, giving over all efforts at popular education, our only motto must be, “NO SURRENDER.”

And none certainly have just cause of complaint. A system liberal and equitable—as much so as any ever devised—opens the school-room to all. Any class is of course at perfect liberty to educate its children in separate schools. To that no one has ever objected. If, however, a disaffected portion of the community have a right to destroy an organization in which the vast majority are deeply interested, then evidently government itself is impossible. Rome’s hostility to our public school system shows, therefore, the determined antagonism of Papacy to liberal (in this case, “liberal” is anything not according to Catholic doctrines) institutions.

That we do Romanists no injustice in assuming that the exclusion of the Bible from the public schools would not long satisfy them, is susceptible of clear proof. Already the question is entering upon a new stage. They loudly affirm that without Catholic instruction the schools are irreligious, infidel, godless. Their oft-repeated assertion is that to the Church belongs the exclusive right to educate the young. One day they affirm, “it is contrary to the genius of our republican government for the majority to dictate to the minority, especially in matters of faith;” the next they shout, “we, the minority, have the God-given right to coerce the majority: the organization and control of all educational agencies belong by divine right to us.” The Tablet contains the following:

“The organization of the schools, their entire internal arrangement and management, the choice and regulation of studies, and the selection, appointment, and dismissal of teachers, belong exclusively to the spiritual authority.”

The Boston Advertiser affirms :

“Catholics would not be satisfied with the public schools, even if the Protestant Bible and every vestige of religious teaching were banished from them.”

The Catholic Telegraph of Cincinnati declares : “It will be a glorious day for the Catholics in this country, when under the blows of justice and morality, our school system will be shivered to pieces. Until then modern Paganism will triumph.”

The Freeman’s Journal speaks as follows:

“Let the public school system go to where it came from—the devil. We want Christian schools, and the State cannot tell us what Christianity is.” Dee. 11, 1869.

“Resolved, That the public or common school system, in New York city, is a swindle on the people, an outrage on justice, a foul disgrace in matter of morals, and that it imports for the State Legistature to abolish it forthwith.”

“There ean be no sound political progress—no permanence in the State, where for any length of time children shall be trained in schools without (the Roman) religion.”

“This country has no other hope, politically or morally, except in the vast and controlling extension of the Catholic religion.”

It is idle to discuss the question of excluding the Bible from our public schools, when evidently those making the demand would not be satisfied if it were granted. Unless, therefore, we are prepared not merely to exclude the Bible and all Protestant text books, but to substitute Catholic instruction in their stead, we might as well abandon all efforts to satisfy the complainants. Do they expect we will sell our birthright? —and for what?—a mess of mummeries? The Constitution of the United States provides as follows: “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to a good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” What religion? Christianity. What form of Christianity? Protestantism, the parent of constitutional liberty. And who are they who demand the sacrifice of our public school system? Are they the sons of our Protestant forefathers? Are they not foreigners from the priest-ridden countries of Europe? They who owe all they have acquired in the past, all they enjoy in the present, all they hope for in the future, to our free institutions, employ the very liberty we accord them in endeavoring to overturn our liberties.

The Catholics, withdrawing their children, especially in the large cities, from the public schools, and failing to obtain a portion of the fund, began to solicit assistance from Legislatures and Common Councils. With what success these appeals were made, the appropriations of the city and State of New York too plainly show. In 1863, the year of the New York riots, the Common Council donated $78,000 to Roman Catholic institutions. During the year ending Sept. 30, 1866, the Sate of New York paid to Roman Catholic orphan asylums and schools $45,674. In addition to this a special donation of $87,000 was made to the “Society for the Protection of Destitute Roman Catholic Orphan Children.” The entire contribution to the Papal Church this year reached $124,174. The Protestant sects received during the same year $2,367. Shall the State support the Catholic religion? Shall it tax its citizens for the purpose of inculcating doctrines subversive of Republican government? It would be difficult to conceive of injustice greater than this.

In 1867, by enactment of the Legislature of New York, $110 was appropriated to every ward of “The Society for the Protection of Roman Catholic Orphan Children.” For this purpose $80,000 was raised by tax on the city and county of New York. The city leased, in 1846, to the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, two entire blocks on Fifth Avenue, for ninety-nine years, at one dollar year. Over the entire country the same spirit prevails. Even in the far west, Idaho and Colorado each appropriated $50,000 for Catholic schools.

Catholic consciences, so tender about the tax for public schools, silence their throbbings long enough to allow the acceptance of taxes paid by Protestants to schools intensely sectarian. Hands that would be defiled by touching Protestant Bibles, handle Protestant money with impunity. And they want even more than our money. A bill introduced into the New York Legislature by the party bidding for Catholic votes, and earnestly advocated, proposes a fine of one hundred dollars on any institution, public or private, incorporated or not incorporated, and upon any Protestant guardian, presuming to impart religious instruction to a Roman Catholic child. The faith of the drunken, house-less, shiftless father shall determine the belief of even the child that eats the bread of Protestant charity. Having stolen from our State treasuries large sums for the support of their schools, asylums, and hospitals, why not at once enact a law compelling us to support their poor, and instruct their children in the tenets of Catholicism? As it would he a good speculation, conscience need not make them linger. They who have stolen the chickens might as well take the coop.

And the schools, aided by these munificent donations, are maintained for the express purpose of inculcating the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. In the report (1866) of the “Society for the Protection of Roman Catholic Orphan Children,” this is expressly affirmed. The Freeman’s Journal once said: “This subject (the school question) contains in it the whole question of the progress and triumphs of the Catholic Church in the next generation in this country.” Their schools are strictly sectarian, The Catechism is taught. The children cross themselves before a crucifix. Bowing before an image of the Virgin they repeat, “ Hail, Mary, full of grace, our Lord is with thee, pray for us sinners now and in the hour of death.” In one of their reading books, “Duty of a Christian towards God,” occur these words: “ We sin by irreverence in profaning churches, the relics of the saints, the images, the holy water, and other such things. ….. The use of images is exceedingly beneficial. . . . . . It is good and useful to invoke them (the saints) that we may obtain from God those graces of which we stand in need…… A true child of Mary will say every day some prayers in her honor.” In the Catechism published by Sadlier & Co., N. Y., and taught in their schools, the second commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,” etc., is entirely suppressed. In another text-book we find the following: “What is baptism?” “It is a sacrament which regenerates us in Jesus Christ by giving us the spiritual life of grace, and which makes us the children of God and of the Church.” “ Does baptism efface sin?” “Yes: in children it effaces original sin; and in adults, besides original sin, it effaces all the actual sin which they may have committed before being baptized.” “Is baptism necessary for salvation?” “Yes: it is so necessary for the salvation of men, that even children cannot be saved without receiving it.” “Of whom is this (the Devil’s party) composed?” “Of all the wicked, Pagans, Jews, infidels, heretics, and all bad Christians.” In a “Synopsis of Moral Theology,” prepared for theological students, this question occurs: “Are heretics rightly punished with death?” “St. Thomas says Yes, because forgers of money, and disturbers of the State are justly punished with death; therefore also heretics, who are forgers of the faith, are justly punished with death.” The dogma of Infallibility, and the doctrine of Purgatory are also taught. In one of the Catechisms now in use it is asked, “ Can the Church err in what she teaches?” “No, she cannot err in matters of faith.” “What do you mean by purgatory?” “A middle state of souls suffering for a time on account of their sins.” “Are all the souls in purgatory helped by our prayers?” “Yes, they are.”

Verily, only a Jesuit can see the justice in taxing Protestants for the purpose of making munificent donations—$400,000 in a single city in a single year—to schools in which such instructions are given. And while receiving the gift, they complain piteously of our injustice in denying them the right of converting our common schools into nurseries of Papal superstition.

Catholics by their crouching subserviency to a foreign despot are disqualified from becoming good Republican citizens. Bound by solemn obligations to the only Sovereign whom they can in conscience recognize, loyalty, if indeed it be loyalty, is suspended on the will of the Pope. And he, Peter’s successor, can, says the canon law, dispense with oaths and vows of allegiance, even the most sacred. That this arrogant ruler must of necessity, if faithful to the principles of his Church, claim sovereignty even in temporal affairs over Republicans, even in this country, can be proved beyond contradiction from assertions of eminent Papal writers, from the acts of the Popes, from canon law, and from the decrees of at least eight general Councils.* He wears the triple crown surmounted by the cross. He denominates himself, “Lord of all the earth.” Did ever assumption equal this? All other claims of authority are mere moonshine—a pleasing delusion. When the claims of our country come in collision with his—he being judge—the Catholic must obey the latter on pain of mortal sin, perjury.* Can such slaves ever become good citizens in a free Republic?

* “The spiritual power must rule the temporal, by all means and expedients, when necessary.”—Bellarmine.

“It is the duty of the Roman Catholic Church to compel heretics, by corporal punishment, to submit to her faith.”—Dens’ Theology (a Catholic text-book).

“A Roman Pontiff can absolve persons even from oaths of allegiance.””—Can. Authoritatis 2, caus. 15, quest. 6, pt. 2.

“All things defined by the canons and general Councils, and especially by the Synod of Trent (these declare the Pope an absolute temporal Sovereign), I undoubtedly receive and profess; and all things contrary to them I reject and curse. And this Catholic faith I will teach and enforce on my dependents and flock.”—From the oath administered to priests.

And this claim, so resolutely maintained in the past, is adhered to in the present. The Syllabus of 1864, which contains ten general charges, supported by eighty specifications, denominated “damnable heresies,” denounces all the leading ideas of Republicanism, in fact, of modern civilization. It is an indictment of all Protestant educational agencies, of marriage by civil contract, of the independence of Church and State, of freedom of the press, of Bible societies, of the functions of modern legislation, of Democratic forms of government, and of the existing relations between the governed and the governing classes. In a letter addressed to Prosper Gueranger, an ardent defender of the Infallibility dogma, the Pope says: “This madness (Gallicanism, the belief that popular civil authority—often represented by the monarch’s or the state’s authority—over the Catholic Church is comparable to that of the pope) reaches such a height that they undertake to reform even the divine constitution of the Church, and to adapt it to the modern forms of civil government.”

* The Bishop’s oath contains the following: “To the extent of my power, I will observe the Pope’s commands (in temporal as well as spiritual things, for so the Pope explains the oath); and I will make others observe them: and I will persecute all heretics and all rebels to my Lord the Pope.”

The famous bull against the two sons of wrath begins : “The authority given to St. Peter and his successors, by the immense power of the Eternal King, excels all the powers of earthly kings and princes. It passes uncontrollable sentence upon them all; .. . . it takes most severe vengeance of them, casting them down from their thrones though ever so puissant (powerful), and tumbling them down to the lowest parts of the earth as the ministers of aspiring Lucifer.”

“He who prefers a king to a priest, does prefer the creature to the Creator.”—Morn. Exer. on Popery, p. 67.

Evident and well authenticated as is Rome’s claim to temporal power over her subjects, and her consequent inherent hostility to Republicanism, Jesuits, with an effrontery that Satan himself might covet, peremptorily deny it. They pretend to love our form of government, to laud our liberty, and to wish for us a future of success.

“Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.”

Father Hecker—founder of the community of Paulist Fathers, New York, whose special mission it is to bring the steam printing-press to bear upon the spread of the Catholic religion in the United States, and who furnish most of the literary matter for the Publication Society, including tracts, the articles in the Catholic World, and volumes for Sunday schools—in a lecture delivered in Horticultural Hall, Philadelphia (Jan. 19, 1871), entitled “The Church and the Republic,” boldly affirms, in the face of all history, that Protestantism is essentially hostile to Republicanism, and Catholicism its unwearied friend. His only argument, laboriously drawn out to nearly an hour’s length, is summed up in this syllogism :

Protestants teach that man is totally depraved. (Untrue.)
They who believe in total depravity are incapable of self-government. (Untrue.)
Protestants are enemies of Republicanism. (Doubly untrue.)

And what shall we think of the propriety, to say nothing of the honesty, of affirming that Catholicism is the firm friend, the only true friend of Republican forms of government, and of making this assertion at the very time when all Catholics are clamorously shouting that Pius IX. shall be reinstated in temporal power against the will, formally and emphatically expressed, of those whom he proposes to govern? When every Catholic city in the United States, almost every Catholic church, is ringing with protests against what they choose to denominate the robbery of St. Peter, and every means, fair and foul, is employed to induce the Governments of Europe, and even the United States, to demand that the worst despotism which modern times has known, shall be resurrected and forced upon an unwilling people,—at this very time, Father Hecker dares to stand before an audience of American freemen, and affirm, “We Catholics are the truest, the best, the only firm friends of civil liberty, which is the gift of our Church to the world.”

Popery’s hostility to free institutions is manifested in ways almost innumerable. A priest some months ago peremptorily refused to give testimony in a St. Louis court, on the ground that by the authority of the Pope, the priesthood was under no obligation to obey the civil law.* In the city of Boston a man, believed to be a murderer by ninety-nine in every hundred who heard the evidence, was recently acquitted, because, on one trial, two jurors, on the next, one, obstinately refused to unite with the rest in conviction, and apparently, and in the opinion of the lawyers and judges, simply because they belonged to the same brotherhood, the immutable, infallible Church of Rome. During our recent struggle in breaking the chains of slavery—a struggle involving the question of national existence—the Catholics, true to their time-honored principles, proved themselves hostile to our Government. We speak advisedly. We know they boast much of their loyalty. It is indeed true that in the first year of the war many enlisted. Rome had not yet spoken. Carried along by the irresistible tide of patriotism they enthusiastically joined in the cry, “Secession is treason, and must be punished.” In the second year of the war, however, Archbishop Hughes visited Europe. Almost the first intimation we had of his presence at the Vatican was the acknowledgment by the Pope of the independence of the Confederate States. A written benediction was forwarded to Jefferson Davis, addressing him as “Illustrious and Honorable President.”

* “A priest cannot be forced to give testimony before a secular judge.””—Taberna, vol. ii, p. 288.

“The rebellion of priests is not treason, for they are not subject to civil government.””—Emmanuel Sa.

“A common priest is as much better than a king, as a man is better than a beast.” —Demoulin.

Very soon enlistments among the Irish ceased almost entirely. Desertions became frequent. The entire Catholic population became intensely hostile to the Government. Banded together, they declared, in language not to be mistaken, their determination to resist the draft. Riots were by no means infrequent, and would no doubt have been more numerous but for the apparent hopelessness of the effort to resist the will of the American people. Who inspired this fiendish malevolence? Who instigated outrages like those in New York? Was the Pope’s temporal power unfelt on this continent? Were we not furnished with illustrations frequent and painful that the first allegiance of our Catholic citizens is due to their spiritual sovereign in Rome?

And the assassination of President Lincoln, how strangely is it connected with Rome’s hostility to our Republican Government. The deed planned in the home of a devout Catholic. It was associated in its inception with the prayers and hopes of the Romish Church. One of the prominent actors, aided in his escape by our Catholic enemies in Canada, found refuge in a convent, and afterwards became a soldier in the army of Pius IX. These and other circumstances—all possibly purely fortuitous—taken in connection with the known principles of Romanism and the well-established fact that Catholics, during the last years of the war, were intensely disloyal, certainly reflect little honor on Popery’s ability to inspire devotion to civil liberty. If, as St. Liguori says, “Although a thing may be against God, nevertheless, on account of the virtue of obedience, the subject who does that thing, does not sin,” certainly it is reasonable to believe that Papists prefer the favor of the Pope, even if purchased by unwarrantable means, to the empty gratitude of their adopted country. The editor of the Catholic Quarterly, waxing bold, once said: “Protestants are not to inquire whether the Catholic Church is hostile to civil and religious liberty or not; but whether that Church is founded in divine right. If the Papacy be founded in divine right, it is supreme over whatever is founded only in human right, and then your institutions should be made to harmonize with it, and not it with your institutions… . Liberty of conscience is unknown among Catholics. The word liberty should be banished from the domain of religion. It is neither more nor less than a fiction to say that a man has the right to choose his own religion.”

Popery, to borrow a figure from Augustine, is the proud and gorgeous city of superstition, set over against the Church of God, which it attacks with all the forces which bigotry and malice can invent; or to change the figure, it is a vast political engine, employed in the effort to crush out the liberties of the human race. The Catholic World (endorsed by the highest dignitaries of Rome, including the Pope himself), in the leading article of July, 1870, entitled “The Catholic of the Nineteenth Century,” asserts in unmistakable language the supreme duty of the Papists to obey the commands of the Pope, and seek, in every way, and especially by means of the ballot, to render the Papal policy effective in this country. Its first’ assertion, “The Catholic, like the Church, is one and the same in all ages,” is followed by the still more arrogant affirmation, the Roman Catholic religion is, “with reference to time as well as eternity,” “absolutely perfect,” “as perfect as God.” This is the basis of the obligation, felt by every “dutiful subject,” “to vindicate with property, liberty and life,” the supremacy of the head of the Church. If the Pope’s authority and that of any civil government “come in conflict upon any vital point,” the Papist is to do, “in the nineteenth century, precisely as he did in the first, second, or the third.” Legislation is valid only when in harmony with Catholicism, “ the organic law;” all other is “unjust, cruel, tyrannical, false, vain, unstable, and weak, and not entitled to respect or obedience.” This has one transcendent virtue, clearness. And how is our legislation to be brought into harmony with “the organic law infallibly announced?” By “the mild and peaceful influence of the ballot, directed by instructed Catholic conscience.” And how shall Romanists know which way to vote? “The Catholic Church is the medium and channel through which the will of God is expressed.” His will is announced to men “from the chair of St. Peter.” To what extent must this devotion to Popery be carried? “We do not hesitate to affirm that in performing our duties as citizens, electors, and public officers, we should always and under all circumstances act simply as Catholics.” “The Catholic armed with his vote becomes the champion of faith, law, order, social and political morality, and Christian civilization.” By the ballot he must place “the regulation and control of marriage” where it “exclusively belongs,” in the hands of the Romish priesthood. And the rightful control of marriage “implies, by necessity, the Catholic view of all the relations and obligations growing out of it; the education of the young, the custody of foundlings and orphans, and all measures of correction and reformation applicable to youthful offenders and disturbers of the peace of society.”

Another victory to be achieved by Catholic votes is the destruction of “a godless system of education,” or— which is the same thing—an uncatholic system, and the substitution of the perfect system of that Church which “flatly contradicts the assumption on the part of the State of the prerogative of education.” Nor is this the only arduous task laid on the Catholic voters of the nineteenth century. They are to legislate all existing evils out of the world and into eternal oblivion; red-republicanism, Fourierism, communism, free love, Mormonism, mesmerism, phrenology, spiritism, sentimental philanthropy, sensuality, poverty, and woman’s rights. They propose to vote all men into holiness; if not, certainly into servitude. And then, too, over us Protestants, who freely accord them the privilege of denouncing severally and collectively every institution considered essential to civil liberty, they hope by the omnipotent power of the ballot to erect “a censorship of ideas, and the right to examine and approve or disapprove all books, publications, writings, and utterances intended for public instruction, enlightenment or entertainment, and the supervision of places of amusement.” Champions of liberty! Gladly would we add more quotations from an article, all of which so well deserves the serious consideration of every lover of his country. Want of space forbids. With one, showing the kind of republicanism which the author loves, we close:— “The temporal government of the head of the Church is today (July, 1870) the best in the world.” His subjects evidently thought otherwise.

Catholics are strangely consistent friends of liberty, if we may judge from the riots in New York, July 12th, 1870, the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, when unoffending Orangemen peacefully celebrating the day commemorative of the victory of William of Orange over James II, and the consequent ascendancy of the Protestant religion, were attacked; some killed and many wounded. And the Catholic papers of the city—where for many long years Catholics have been permitted uninterruptedly to form processions on Sundays, and to celebrate St. Patrick’s and other days, blocking up the streets, excluding Protestants from their own sanctuaries, and making every demonstration calculated to exasperate them—argue, with surprising unanimity, that “this miserable faction ought not to be allowed to madden this nation by their annual celebration.” Have Protestants no rights which Catholics need respect?


It was left, however, for the year 1871, to witness a still more emphatic illustration of the intense devotion felt by our Catholic fellow-citizens to the doctrine of popular liberty. The Orangemen of New York having resolved to celebrate, notwithstanding the riotous proceedings of last year, the anniversary of the defeat of their enemies, nearly two centuries ago, the Roman Catholics announced their determination to suppress a public parade. The city authorities, quailing before the threats of those whose united vote, uniformly cast in the interest of political Romanism, elects to office or consigns to oblivion, surrendered and forbade the procession. “It is given out,” said the superintendent of police, at the dictation of the Mayor, “that armed preparations for defense have been made by the parading lodges.” Was it not first announced, however, that armed preparations had been made for an attack? Is Protestantism destitute of even the right to prepare for self-defense? Must we set it down as a fixed fact that when Catholics object to a procession, and arm for its suppression, it may not occur? And for such liberty New York—its wealth mostly in the hands of Protestants—pays $50,000,000 a year. Another pretext was, that processions in the streets are not matters of right, but merely of toleration. This important legal fact it seems was allowed to sleep in the ponderous tomes of the City Hall till a band of desperadoes chose to announce their determined purpose of preventing the Orange parade. Why was not this decision proclaimed prior to the overwhelming processions of St. Patrick’s day? Why are Catholic parades allowed both in the least frequented and the most important business streets of the city? If the circumstances had been reversed, and Orangemen had threatened a riot if Roman Catholics were permitted to celebrate the honors of Ireland’s patron-saint, who does not know that the city officers would have thundered their determination to defend the inalienable rights of American Citizens? Not less absurd is the pretext, as flimsy as it is specious, that foreign events and feuds are not to be allowed the opportunity of perpetuating their memory on American soil. Were not the Germans permitted, in their boisterous rejoicings over a united fatherland, to flaunt their banners in the very faces of the deeply humiliated and bitterly exasperated Frenchmen?

So intense and wide-spread was the popular indignation—showing that Protestants though submissive are not slaves—that the Governor issued a circular, pledging protection to the much-abused Protestant Irish, promising them the support of the strong arm of the State. The 12th of July, accordingly, witnessed an inspiring scene, the State in her majesty affirming that every class of its citizens, whether Orangemen, Germans, Frenchmen, Chinese, or Hottentots, whether two or ten thousand, should be defended in their rights; that a frenzied mob, though composed of infuriated Romanists, must respect the fundamental principle of American liberty, or take the consequences. The bigoted intolerance of their enemies thus thrust a small but heroic band of Orangemen into a prominence which they had otherwise in all probability never attained; securing for them the warm sympathy of every true patriot. These accidental representatives of a principle ever dear to the American people were escorted—all honor to the Governor of New York—by the militia and police, the superintendent joyously redeeming himself from the deep infamy to which political trickery had so nearly consigned him. Yet, notwithstanding the armed escort, an attack with clubs, brick-bats and firearms was made, necessitating a return fire from the defenders of law and order, and leaving more than a score of dead bodies, and over two hundred wounded, to mark the scene of Popery’s ardent devotion to liberty. Eighth avenue and Twenty-third street witnessed the inculcation of a lesson which it is earnestly hoped will be long remembered alike by Protestants and Catholics; by the former as evincing the spirit of Popery, by the latter as an indication, in fact an emphatic declaration, that Protestants, at least in their own land, will resolutely defend the principles of Republican Government.

We are told, however, that not Romanists, but Hibernians, a class of persons only nominally Catholics, are responsible for the riot and its accompanying horrors; that the priests, foreseeing the dangers, urged their congregations not to interfere with the proposed procession; that Archbishop McCroskry exhorted his flock “to make no counter demonstration of any kind.” He referred, however, with exceeding bitterness to the Orangemen, and expressed it as his deep conviction that the parade ought not to be permitted. It is undeniably true that Catholics, with scarcely a dissenting voice, said, with an emphasis not to be mistaken, “ Protestants as a body shall not parade in the streets of New York.” And the entire Catholic press of New York—the Tablet alone excepted—studiedly ignored the bare existence of Protestant rights. Among the headings of their leading editorials, after the riot, were the following: “Governor Hoffman’s Bloody Procession!” “Is John T. Hoffman, Governor of the State of New York, a Murderer?” “ Hoffman’s Holocaust!” “Hoffman’s Massacre!” “Our Orange Governor!” etc.*

Webmaster’s note: “The Orange Riots took place in Manhattan, New York City, in 1870 and 1871, and they involved violent conflict between Irish Protestants who were members of the Orange Order and hence called “Orangemen”, and Irish Catholics, along with the New York City Police Department and the New York State National Guard. The riot caused the deaths of over 60 civilians – mostly Irish laborers – and three guardsmen.” – Source Wikipedia

* “We call upon the friends of the murdered citizens, by every duty which they owe to society and to themselves, to raise this issue at the proper tribunals of the country, and impeach Gov. Hoffman before a jury of his peers to answer to a charge of murder.”—The Irish People.

“Gov. Hoffman is answerable for the whole of it, and—we say it with pain—is guilty of every drop of blood shed that day.”— The Irish Citizen.

“Let the cry of the orphan, whose home he has left desolate, blast him! And let the hot tear of the widow, whose heart he has made sore, rot him in his pride of place and imperious despotism!

“The greatest mistake made in the whole massacre business seems to be that Mayor Hall did not arrest John T. Hoffman for interfering with the peace of the city.”—The Irish World.

“The ‘sober second thought’ of the people, lately so excited, will consign John T. Hoffman to the obscurity from which he has arisen by luckier maneuverings.”—Freeman’s Journal.

The Society, formed on the day of the riot, in Hibernia Tall, “by the unanimous decision of all patriotic Irish soldiers present,” and which, it was affirmed, should prove ‘no delusion,” among others of similar import, unanimously passed the following resolution:— That we call upon all Irishmen in these States to form themselves into a combination for self-protection.”

The psychological explanation of such hearty devotion to liberty we scarcely know how to make. We would sooner attempt to explain how some men— “midway from nothing to the Deity ”—succeed in convincing themselves that they are atheists, notwithstanding the entire class have so far signally failed in persuading the world that a genuine consistent atheist has ever existed. Possibly we might conceive an explanation of the singular phenomenon that human beings, possessed of bodies, living on the earth, eating bread, and drinking laudanum negus, can reason themselves into the belief that they are really idealists, believing that the entire material universe, with its myriad forms of life, is a mere phantom, a conception of their own brain. Nor is it, perhaps, entirely impossible to imagine how some may dream themselves into the belief that God is everything, and everything God; that this impersonal, unconscious Deity sighs in the wind, smiles in the sunbeam, glitters in the dewdrop, rustles in the leaf, moans in the ocean, speaks in the thunder; that each person is part and parcel of God, a visible manifestation of the Invisible, one conscious drop of the unconscious ocean of being, existing for a brief moment between two vast eternities, a past and a future; coming, we know not whence; going, we know not whither, a troubled thought in the dream of half sleeping nature; sinking, like the ripple on the ocean, upon the heaving bosom of emotionless Infinitude. We might even venture a defense, or at least an apology, of the custom prevalent in Siam, of exposing the mother, for one month after the delivery of a child, on a cushionless bench before a roasting fire. Nay, we might even undertake to explain the couvade—a custom widely prevalent in the thirteenth century, and even now, Max Muller informs us, extant among the Mau-tze; according to which the father of a new-born child, as soon as its mother regains her accustomed strength, goes to bed, and there, fed on gruel, tapioca, and that quintessence of insipidness, panada, receives the congratulations of his friends. Even this custom, ridiculous as it is, and which prompted Sir Hudibras to say,—

“Chinese go to bed,
And lie-in in their ladies’ stead,”

is susceptible of an explanation at least semi-rational. But how to explain the idiosyncrasies of our Irish fellow-citizens, how to reconcile their conduct with their oft reiterated protestations of devotion to civil liberty, we know not. Call that liberty which has naught of liberty save its name, which has all of despotism save its manliness! Such faith as that which prompts Catholics to denominate Popery the stanch defender of freedom—if it be faith—we have seldom, if indeed ever, found, certainly not among Protestant Americans, scarcely among the Communists of Paris, or the enlightened citizens of Terra del Fuego.

And what interpretation shall be given to this sad, this long-drawn wail of the Papal Church, in all parts of the United States, over the Pope’s loss of temporal power?* As he and the Catholic Episcopate have declared the civil sovereignty indispensably necessary to the due exercise of his rightful spiritual supremacy, these liberty-loving Americans—having escaped from the cruel oppression of Catholic governments to proclaim themselves the stanch friends of liberty—are holding meetings, in cathedrals, in public squares, forming processions, making speeches, and signing protests against—what?— Against that cruel despotism which has for centuries disgraced the “States of the Church ?” No; against the liberation of a people who have been long hoping and struggling for freedom, and who have been kept down, only by foreign bayonets in the hands of Catholics, by the ill-fated Napoleon, and the misguided Papal Zouaves.

* The Archbishop of Baltimore, in a plea with Catholic ladies, affirms :— Their Father in Christ, like St. Peter, is in chains, robbed of the very necessaries of life, reduced to the very verge of want, and almost—starvation, and wholly at the mercies of his enemies, who are also the enemies of Christ, and of all religion, and all virtue.” To call this a liberal draft upon an excited imagination is too mild, too charitable entirely.

And these protests—”full of sound and fury, signifying nothing,” reiterating for the thousandth time the infamous falsehood, “The Church in chains,” “Peter in prison,” and entirely ignoring the rights of the people who have deliberately chosen Italian unity —all claim temporal power for the Pope; many, sanctioned by office-hunting politicians, even. denying the validity of any plebiscitum (law enacted by the common people, under the superintendence of a tribune or some subordinate plebeian magistrate, without the intervention of the senate) against the Pope’s sovereign rights, even when fairly and freely taken.* Certainly these lengthy and carefully prepared documents—now crowding the pages of every Catholic paper, and making them, which is evidently needless, even more intensely political than ever before—may be legitimately denominated, The solemn Protest of American Papists against Republican forms of Government, against the Liberties of the People.

What is to be the end of all this bluster and war of words? If the Catholic papers are to be believed, there is to be no rest—movements creating sentiment, sentiment distilling into purpose, purpose developing into action, war in Italy, crusades from America, havoc and bloodshed—till the Vicar of Christ is again on his throne.+

*In the Philadelphia protest, read at a meeting which, according to the Freeman’s Journal, numbered 30,000, this language occurs:— “We do not believe that the ‘States of the Church’ ever did, or now do, desire Italian unity ; but even if they did, they had no right to demand it.”

The same thing is affirmed in the Catholic World, Nov., 1870, p. 284.

+See Freeman’s Journal, Dec. 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st, 1870, etc,

“If there is nothing but a stupid grunt in response to the call of God, then there will be in this land of ours either a bloody persecution or an infamous apostasy.””—Freeman’s Journal, Feb. 11, 1871.

All over Europe men are volunteering to join the crusade against popular government. Funds are pouring into the Pope’s treasury. The faithful, even in democratic America, are asked to contribute. And the response has been such as to inspire bishops and archbishops, and even the despondent Pope himself, with new energy and fresh hopes. In Baltimore, at the Pontifical Jubilee, (the twenty-fifth anniversary of the accession of Pius IX. to the Papal throne,) that “beam from the immortal throne of St. Peter,” that “jewel fit to be placed in the Tiara,” when, according to Catholic authority, “twenty thousand, by receiving communion for Our Holy Father, promised to do all in their power to effect his restoration,” sixty men, dressed in the uniform of the Papal Zouve, knelt by the communion rails in St. James, “not as an idle pageant, not for mere form’s sake, but to proclaim what they and the Catholic Church will do when the time comes. By this they have given pledge of their espousal of the cause of the captive Pontiff.”* St. Peter, a new Catholic paper of New York, says:—“ To say it (the crusade) is not necessary, is equivalent to denying the necessary right of self-defense. Catholics have, by degrees, seen themselves despoiled by the revolution of their most precious rights. We have been patient, but we will not be slaves. What form the new crusade may take we know not; but a crusade there truly will be to deliver the Sepulcher of Peter and the Catholic world.”

* “This is not an act of transitory fervor, or the enthusiasm of the hour. By this act the Catholics of the United States of America have taken their stand with those of Europe and Canada. The fervor and enthusiasm of the hour will settle down into permanent and determined resolve, and by union with all parts of Christendom take a tangible and defined purpose. It is what the Pope predicted in saying that if union of action, resulting from identity of thought and feeling, be amongst Catholics, the gates of hell shall not prevail.” —Correspondence of Freeman’s Journal, July 8, 1871.

And the methods employed in securing funds for this and similar holy purposes are indeed worthy the inventive genius of St. Dominic. Among others, all shrewd, the raffle for the Pope’s sacred snuff-box strikes the infidel world as characteristically ingenious. The Prisoner Pope, “the most august of the poor,” gave, March 17, 1871, to Dr. Giovanni Acquiderni, President of the upper council of the association of the Catholic youth of Italy, “his gold snuff-box, exquisitely carved with two symbolic lambs in the midst of flowers and foliage,” to be disposed of for the benefit of Holy Mother Church. Dr. Acquiderni, “ anxious speedily to fulfil the sacred desire of the octogenarian Father and Pontiff,” opened a general subscription of offerings of one franc each, All good Catholics in the United States were earnestly exhorted to contribute twenty cents, and thereby secure a chance of one day possessing this sacred souvenir. They were assured—lest possibly lack of confidence might lessen the subscription—that “at the completion of the Pontifical Jubilee, Dr. Acquiderni will have an urn prepared containing as many tickets as there may be franc offerings, and in the presence of a Notary Public, proceed to the extraction of the fortunate name that will indicate the new possessor of the snuff-box of Pope Pius IX., which will be immediately sent to the address marked after his signature in the subscription list.”


What Patrick or Bridget was the fortunate drawer of this matchless prize, the uninitiated have not yet learned. Infallibility—if it is important the world should know—will no doubt inform us, explaining, perchance, at the same time the full import of those two symbolic lambs, symbols of a world-wide crusade.

As Protestants we have no fears. If Popery, in defying the common conscience of humanity, resisting the spirit of the age, and challenging the scorn of its own most liberal-minded men, wishes to commit suicide, let it go on.

Already Catholics, “standing afar off,” in Ireland, England, Germany, Oregon, Washington, New York, Philadelphia, in every country and city, are mournfully exclaiming, “Alas, alas! that great city, that mighty city, for in one hour is thy judgment come.”

Nor has Romanism shown less hostility to another principle of our national life, the separation of Church and State. This, which Protestants have ever viewed as one of the defenses of civil liberty, has been and now is the object of incessant attack. Almost every Pope for the last thousand years has pronounced it a “damnable heresy.” Schleigel, a member of the Leopold Foundation, in lecturing to the crowned heads of Europe with the design of showing the mutual supports which Popery and monarchy lend to and receive from each other, said:—“Church and State must always be united, and it is essential to the existence of each that a Pope be at the head of the one, and an Emperor at the head of the other. . . . Protestantism and Republicanism is the cause and source of all the discords, and disorders and wars of Europe.” (Vol. iii. Lect. 17, p. 286.) Again:—“ The real nursery of all these destructive principles, the revolutionary schools of France and the rest of Europe, has been North America.” This Antichrist, the union of Church and State, even the Pope St. Gregory himself being witness, was cradled in Rome.

Of Popery’s opposition to the freedom of the press, the free circulation of the Bible, and liberty of conscience, we have no time to speak. These may find a place in our next Chapter. Our task, in proving Romanism hostile to Republicanism, is completed. Further proof is needless. It must certainly be evident to every one of our fellow-citizens that where the principles and spirit of Popery attain full power, Republicanism must soon perish, and over her grave, the grave of man’s hopes for this life, the lordly priest, representative of civil and ecclesiastical despotism, shall exultingly shout, “Thus always: Popery ALONE HAS PERMANENCY.”

WE presume it is already manifest to every unbiased reader that Romanism is a necessary and determined enemy of all liberty, civil and religious. Her cardinal principle takes away the right of private judgment, denying the subject the privilege of even obeying the clear teachings of conscience, thus forbidding him to use the very faculties God has given him, and for the proper exercise of which he alone is accountable. The people must receive their opinions from, and rely implicitly upon the priests; these are under the spiritual authority of bishops, and these under the Pope. Hence he alone has the right to think,—he alone has liberty: his is absolute. The people have an existence merely for the good of Christ’s vicegerent on earth, who owns them soul and body, life and property.

Rome—certainly none will deny—proves herself an enemy of religious liberty by condemning the use of the Bible. The Council of Trent declared:—“ It is manifest from experience that if the Holy Bible, translated into the vulgar tongue, be indiscriminately allowed to every one, the rashness of men will cause more evil than good to arise from it.” Accordingly they condemn its use, and do everything in their power to prevent people from reading it. Societies for its publication and distribution have been repeatedly condemned by the Pope. Surely an enemy of the Bible is an enemy of all liberty—personal and national.

And this hostility to the inspiring cause of all true liberty is unmistakably evinced even in the full-orbed light of this nineteenth century, and in this Protestant country, which owes its greatness to the unfettered Word of God. A warfare, bitter, unrelenting, almost fiendish, has been waged for years against its reading in our common schools. Even in their own schools, though catechisms and crucifixes and rosaries are abundant, the Bible, even their own version, is a rare book.

With separate organizations for almost everything, the Romish Church has no society for the distribution of God’s will to men. In fact, they have never yet published, in the vernacular, an authorized edition, without note or comment.* Here is an extract from the version in general use :—‘ Images, pictures or representations, even in the house of God and in the very sanctuary, so far from being forbidden, are expressly authorized by the Word of God.” (Comment on Second Commandment.)

* St. Liguori says:—“ The Scriptures, and books of controversy, may not be permitted in the vernacular tongue, as also they cannot be read without permission.” Cardinal Bellarmine declares:—“ The Catholic Church forbids the reading of the Scriptures by all, without choice, or the public reading or singing of them in vulgar tongues, as it is decreed in the Council of Trent.”

And even the burning of Bibles is not yet one of the lost arts; and the immutable Church seems loath to allow it to become such. In the year 1842 (Oct. 27), at Champlain, N. Y., according to a statement prepared and published by four respectable citizens appointed for that purpose, a pile of Bibles, brought from the priest’s house, was set on fire, and in open day, and in the presence of many spectators, burned to ashes. And the last year witnessed in unhappy Popery-cursed Spain a similar “act of faith,” accompanied by various Catholic ceremonies, and a tremendous philippic (a fiery, damning speech, or tirade) against the execrable heretics.

Liguori, one of Rome’s canonized saints, author of the “Glories of Mary,” and of a standard text-book on Moral Theology, exclaims with holy horror:—“ How many simple girls, because they have learned to read, have lost their souls.” The Freeman’s Journal once said:— “The Bible Society is the deepest scheme ever laid by Satan in order to delude the human family, and bring them down to his eternal possession.” Bishop Spotswood affirmed :—”I would rather a half of the people of this nation should be brought to the stake and burned, than one man should read the Bible and form his judgments from its contents.”

Catholicism is opposed to freedom of conscience. The Protestant Church holds—in fact the true Church in all ages has held—that God alone is Lord of the conscience, that this right He will not share with another, and that man should allow no miserable, arrogant human tyrant to usurp the throne of his Maker. Romanism, however, resembles all false religions in claiming the right to rule over the individual conscience; utterly denying its adherents the privilege of having any opinions except according to rules prescribed by an infallible Church. One of the recent Popes declared that “liberty of conscience is an absurd and dangerous maxim; or rather the ravings of delirium.” A bishop in the Council of Trent said, with the concurrence and approbation of the holy (?) fathers: —“Laymen have nothing to do but to hear and submit.” The New York Tablet recently informed its readers:—“There is no difference of opinion on this subject (the temporal power of the Pope), for we do not allow any difference on such questions. The decrees of the Church forbid it.” Father Farrel, of St. Joseph’s Church, New York, for the mortal sin of having written (Jan. 12, 1871) an exceedingly mild approval of a public meeting in favor of Italian Unity, was peremptorily ordered by Archbishop McCloskey—three holy fathers, the council summoned to try the case, and several politicians demanding the order—to retract his liberal ideas, that every people had a right to choose its own rulers, or immediately withdraw from the Church. So then there is only one mind, only one conscience in the Catholic Church. Priests are simply mirrors, to reflect the opinions and aims of His Infallibility, Pope Pius IX. What freedom can men retain after thus yielding the right of private judgment— after surrendering conscience? Very appropriately does one born in Catholicity, educated in her doctrines, and still in the enjoyment of her services, ask:—“ How long is this enlightened spirit of the nineteenth century to continue pandering to such narrow bigotry and prejudice as this?”

Romanism shows itself an enemy of religious liberty, by opposing the freedom of the press. Protestantism courts the light, loves the truth, and invites discussion, believing that error is inherently weak, and cannot present arguments which will sway the enlightened conscience of the educated masses. It is willing that the two should enter the lists, well assured that the former will gain an easy victory. Of the freedom of the press, it is, therefore, the stanch defendant; it has nothing to fear from discussion; everything to hope. On the other hand, of this liberty the Pope is a deadly foe. He denominates it “that fatal license of which we cannot entertain too much horror.” Weak, indeed, must be the cause which dares not undertake its own defense; corrupt must be the Church that endeavors to shut out the light of God; insecure must be the foundations of a system of religion which dreads, and, as far as lies in its power, prohibits public discussion. And assuredly this hatred of a free press is thoroughly antagonistic to the spirit of the age.

Nor are Papists less hostile to another support of religious liberty, the education of the masses. Rome detests the very term, popular education. Her maxim is, “Ignorance is the mother of devotion and order.” Accordingly, we nowhere find in Catholic countries good public school systems. They are the glory of Protestant lands. In this respect compare Spain with England; France with Prussia; Lower Canada with New England; Ireland with Scotland. In Protestant countries the people are intelligent, thrifty, industrious, moral; in Roman Catholic nations the masses are poor, degraded, ignorant, vicious. In Canada East, it is said, not more than one in ten can read; in Italy not one in fifty. In Ireland there reigns, even in this day, the ignorance, superstition and brutality of the dark ages. In Spain, out of a population of less than sixteen millions, according to the last census, more than twelve millions can neither read nor write. Certainly none will deny that such ignorance endangers civil and religious liberty.

In face of these, and countless similar facts which might be adduced, how astounding the frequent assertions of the Papal literature of the present day! The Catholic World, a monthly magazine published in New York, actually has the hardihood to affirm that Catholicism has ever shown itself the guardian of civilization, the friend of liberty, the advocate of Republican forms of government; that it fosters science, encourages education, and places no shackles on reason. And the same periodical denounces, in unmeasured terms, the civilization of the present day, defends the Crusades, advocates the dogma of Infallibility, asserts and reasserts the immutability of the Church, fights our common school system, and is ready to deluge Italy in blood to secure the restoration of the Pope to temporal power. Does warmth of devotion to the cause of Republicanism such as this enkindle a flame on liberty’s altar? Do we broil our beefsteak by the glowing fires of an arctic iceberg? Shall we entrust the cause we love to the hands of its enemies ?

Protestantism, now as ever, boldly presents itself to the world, challenging the fullest investigation; demanding an unfettered press, an open Bible, a free platform, an untrammelled conscience, liberal education, full discussion and fair play, having faith to believe that truth will ultimately triumph. Romanism fetters the limbs of freedom, represses independence of thought, trammels conscience, cuts the nerve of individual energy, and saps the foundations of all true liberty. Father Farrel presumes to breathe the hope that Italy may be free, and is summarily decapitated. A German writes “Janus,” an unanswerable refutation of Papal infallibility ; his work is placed in the list of condemned books, and Papists forbidden to read it. Hyacinthe conscientiously endeavors to bring the Church of his love into harmony with the spirit of the age, to extract the molar teeth from the growling despot, and is excommunicated. E. Ffoulkes candidly writes his impressions of Romanism; he is excommunicated and his book condemned. Thus Popery treats her own sons.

Without religious liberty, to which Romanism has ever shown herself an enemy, civil liberty is manifestly impossible. To establish the most perfect system of Republicanism in Spain, or Ireland, would be to cast pearls before swine. Despotism, government by brute force, is the only government fitted, or in fact possible, to those who, having sold reason and conscience, are ignorant, prejudiced, superstitious, passionate, brutal. Thus the Roman Catholic Church is at once a school and an engine of despotism. So long as it retains sway, promulgating its doctrines, civil liberty is a boon beyond the reach of its subjects, nay, would in fact be, as it once proved in France, and may again soon, their greatest curse. What Catholic countries need is education, virtue and individual self-restraint, at once fitting for, and bringing after them, true, lasting, heaven-bestowed freedom.

With an apt quotation from Gattini, the noted Italian, we close this chapter:— “Civilization asks what share the Papacy has taken in its work. Is it the press? Is it electricity? Is it steam? Is it chemical analysis? Ts it free trade? Ts it self-government? Is it the principle of nationality? Is it the proclamation of the rights of man? Of the liberty of conscience? Of all this the Papacy is the negation.” *

* Father Hyacinthe, in a letter addressed to Bishops, urging reforms, says:—”The result, if these documents (the Encyclical and Syllabus) were treated seriously, would be to establish a radical incompatibility between the duty of a faithful Catholic and the duty of an impartial student and free citizen.”

THE author of the “Invitation Heeded” entitles one of his chapters, “The Church the Guardian of Morals.” Whatever effect his argument may have had upon others, there is one whom it has signally failed in convincing. With even increased boldness, we now affirm that Popery is unfriendly to morality. We do not affirm that Romanists are enemies of private and public morals; nor deny that many are extremely exemplary, patterns of goodness; nor even assert that they knowingly advocate a system which is far less efficient than Protestantism in wedding its adherents to a life of morality. We make the assertion, however, without the fear of refutation, that Romanism, as a system, has failed in reforming the morals of the masses. It has been frequently said in certain quarters that Protestantism is a failure, what then shall be said of Popery? As a moral educator, her failure is deplorable. Compare Mexico and South America with the United States; Italy with New England; Spain with Scotland ; the Protestant counties of Ireland with those mostly Popish; Ulster with Tipperary.

In Roman Catholic Belgium there are, we are officially informed, eighteen murders to a million of the population; in France thirty-one; in Bavaria thirty-two; In Italy fifty-two; in Protestant England four. The illegitimate births in Brussels are thirty-five in the hundred; in Paris thirty-three; in Vienna fifty-one; in England five. In Chicago, according to the report of the Superintendent of Police, the Irish, who are about one-tenth of the entire population, supplied, in the year 1867, one hundred and seventy-four more offenders than all the other nationalities together. During the month in which the report was rendered (September), one in eight of the Catholic voters reported at the police court. Are Papists worse in Chicago than in the other cities of the Union? The Irish Republic says, “No.”

The Westminster Gazette, a Roman Catholic journal, recently made the following acknowledgment:— “The neglected children of London are chiefly our children, and the lowest of every class, whether thieves or drunkards, are Catholics.”

The Pope’s own city, it is well known, has been in the past, and is now, extremely immoral. His Holiness, Alexander VI., for eleven years the occupant of the Papal chair, the anointed head of the so-called true Church, the pretended successor of Peter, gave a splendid entertainment to fifty public prostitutes in the halls of the Holy Vatican. And in our own day no caricatures are so much enjoyed in Rome as those at the expense of the priesthood ; no stories are too astounding to be believed, if against priests and cardinals; no cry is so emphatic and frequent as this:—“Down with the priests.” When those claiming sanctity, wearing the honors of the Church, careful in the observance of her forms, and zealous in extending her influence, are, many of them, openly or secretly immoral, what is to be expected from the lower classes? If, according to one of their own historians, Baronius, “ He was usually called a good Pope, who did not excel in wickedness the worst of the human kind;” if moral character is not an essential qualification of a legitimate priest, but spiritual blessings of incalculable value may be pronounced by the tongue that an hour before, in a drunken revel, cursed its Maker; if grace flows through an unbroken succession direct from Peter, unimpeded in its blessed flow, as it streams from the jewelled fingers of a mitered monster of iniquity, then assuredly unbridled wickedness is excusable in the laity. Can they see any beauty in such holiness that they should desire it? To what organized iniquity do these remarkable words refer— “Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth?”

That profanity should prevail in Catholic countries none need wonder. The Popes have set examples that may challenge the blasphemous ingenuity of the most hardened reprobate.* Cursing—solemnly and deliberately done, but cursing none the less—seems to be one of the functions of their office. The Bull of Excommunication, dated Oct. 12, 1869, pronounces damnation upon all apostates and heretics, thus separating not only from the Church on earth, but from the Church in heaven, eight hundred millions of the human race, cutting them off, as Romanism affirms, from all rational hope of salvation. Even this, alas! does not exhaust his power of cursing. He fulminates a particular anathema against all who knowingly possess or read any book condemned by himself or his predecessors.

*Take the cursing and excommunication of the Pope’s alummaker as a specimen :—“ May God the Father curse him! May God the Son curse him! May the Holy Ghost curse him! May the Holy Cross curse him! May the Holy and Eternal Virgin Mary curse him! May St. Michael curse him! May John the Baptist curse him! May St. Peter, and St. Paul, and St, Andrew, and all the Apostles curse him! May all the martyrs and confessors curse him! May all the saints from the beginning of time to everlasting curse him! May he be cursed in the house, and in the fields! May he be cursed while living, and while dying! May he be cursed in sitting, in standing, in lying, in walking, in working, in eating, in drinking! May he be cursed in all the powers of his body, within and without! May he be cursed in the hair of his head, in his temples, his eyebrows, his forehead, his checks, and his jaw-bones, his nostrils, his teeth, his lips, his throat, his shoulders, his arms, his wrists, his hands, his breast, his stomach, his reins, . . . his legs, his feet, his joints, his nails! May he be cursed from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot! May heaven and all the powers therein rise against him to damn him, unless he repent and make satisfaction! Amen.”—Spelman’s Glossary, p. 206. If this poor man is not suffering in the deepest pit of hell, it’s not the Pope’s fault. He was well cursed. If there is any hope, even the faintest, then the righteous indignation, the foaming fulminations of an infallible Pope, are harmless; then we more fortunate heretics may safely despise the feeble anathems pronounced against us.

As the interdicted list contains books in most of the cultivated languages, both ancient and modern, and upon almost every subject—Science, History, Religion, Morals, Metaphysics, and Literature, including most of our standard classics—down go the hopes of by far the greater number of educated Papists the world over. And then too, all who impede the work of the Church, directly or indirectly, especially such as subject priests to trial before civil courts—which even Catholic nations are now doing—are honored with a special malediction, sealing the fate of many millions more. That only a select few may escape a sound cursing, other classes also are pronounced anathema, all members of secret societies—Free Masons, Odd Fellows, Orangemen, and even his own dear children, Ribbonmen and Fenians. Still further to narrow the number of the elect, a curse is pronounced upon all who hold converse with excommunicated persons, upon all guilty of simony, and upon all ecclesiastics presuming to grant absolution to excommunicants, except in the article of death. The whole immense power of the keys is exerted, it would seem, in peopling the regions of the lost. “The Infallible teacher of faith and morals,” “the only mouth-piece of divine mercy,” dams more than four-fifths of the human family.

Nor is the character of Rome’s stanch adherents, the Jesuits, any less worthy of reprehension. Having taken one of the most solemn oaths ever administered of unflinching fidelity to the interests of “Mother Church,” they are thenceforth dead to every sentiment of virtue, to every motive of honor, to every feeling of humanity, unless these are means for the accomplishment of their deep-seated schemes of Popish aggrandizement. They have no love of morality, no fear of God before their eyes, no chord of sympathy with suffering humanity; they are simply, and almost solely, unprincipled, unreasoning, but shrewd, energetic, untiring devotion to Rome. Inheriting from their illiterate founder, Ignatius Loyola, a fanaticism the blindest conceivable – and for that very reason the most intense possible—they have been during all the years of their existence one of the greatest curses Europe has been called upon to endure.*

* The Parliament of France, in ordering their expulsion from the Empire (1762), set forth their moral character as follows:— “The consequences of their doctrines destroy the law of nature; break all bonds of civil society; authorize lying, theft, perjury, the utmost uncleanness, murder and all sins! Their doctrines root out all sentiments of humanity; excite rebellion; root out all religion; and substitute all sorts of superstition, blasphemy, irreligion and idolatry.”

Lord Macaulay says :— “It was alleged, and not without foundation, that the ardent public spirit which made the Jesuit regardless of his case, of his liberty, and of his life, made him also regardless of truth and of mercy ; that no means which could promote the interests of his religion seemed to him unlawful, and that by these interests he too often meant the interests of his society. It was alleged that, in the most atrocious plots recorded in history, his agency could be distinctly traced; that, constant only in attachment to the fraternity to which he belonged, he was in some countries the most dangerous enemy of freedom, and in others the most dangerous enemy of order. . . . Instead of toiling to elevate human nature to the noble standard fixed by Divine precept and example, he had lowered the standard till it was beneath the average level of human nature. . . . In truth, if society continued to hold together, if life and property enjoyed any security, it was because common sense and common humanity restrained men from doing what the Society of Jesus assured them they might with a safe conscience do.”—Vol. i., chap. 6

Some, perhaps, may be inclined to account for the increased prevalence of crime in Roman Catholic countries, by assigning other causes than the influence of the Romish Church. But certainly human nature is the same in all lands; and while external influences and modifying circumstances may indeed in some measure affect the state of morals, it is inconceivable that these should universally operate, in all climates and in all ages, to the evident greater deterioration of lands under the rule of the Pope. The conclusion is irresistible, that these gross immoralities are the result, the natural fruit of Rome’s teaching. The whole system tends to produce exactly this state of things. When men believe that the favor of heaven can be purchased for a few paltry dimes, why should they endeavor to secure it by a life of self-denying virtue? Why follow the despised, humble and meanly-attired Jesus, in the narrow way, with few companions, when taught from early infancy to believe that the gay, the worldly, and even the immoral, being within the Church, are sure of entering the bliss of heaven? With no just sense of the heinousness of sin as a violation of divine law; with no fear of the righteous indignation of Almighty God, in fact, with conscience thoroughly debauched by the teachings of the priest, what shall restrain them from the commission of any crimes they may desire to commit? Could any system be devised better fitted to spread vice, disorder and crimes; to dissolve the bonds of society? If men were left without any religion, it is believed that even the natural conscience, unenlightened by divine revelation, would prompt to a purer code of morals than that of Rome.

Another powerful agent in producing these abounding immoralities, there can be no doubt, is the confessional. The influence of this can be only bad, both on the minds of those who recount all their sins to the confessor, and on the mind of the priest. The heart of Father Confessor is a receptacle for all the villanies and immoralities of an entire congregation. If these do not corrupt even one who holds his office under the authority of St. Peter, he must be more than human. But, alas! we have innumerable evidences all around us that priests are men of like passions with others. Defiled in mind by becoming familiar with forms of sin, the listener becomes the tempted; the tempted becomes the tempter.

And the maxims laid down for the direction of confessors in the discharge of their duties with the faithful are worthy a passing notice. “After a son has robbed his father, as a compensation, the confessor need not enforce restitution, if he has taken no more than the just recompense of his labor.” “Servants may steal from their masters as much as they judge their labor is worth more than the wages they receive.” There would seem to be some virtue in doing the deed secretly.+ Are we to infer that Papists, like the ancient Spartans, deem theft honorable, if so adroitly done as to escape detection? And how convenient the standard by which to determine how much may be taken without sin—as much as the Catholic judges his or her services worth more than the wages received. Some servants, under such instruction, learn to set a very high estimate on their labors. Not only may servants steal from their employers, but wives may from their husbands. “A woman may take the property of her husband to supply her spiritual wants, and to act as other women act.”

+The Catechism approved by French Bishops—their catechisms, like their prayer-books, are unnumbered—asks, “Is one always guilty of robbery when he takes the property of another? No. It might happen that he whose goods he takes has no right to object. For instance, when he takes in secret of his neighbor by way of compensation.”

According to the moral theology of Liguori, “To strike a clergyman is sacrilege;” but, “It is lawful for a person to sell poison to one who, he believes, will use it for bad purposes, provided the seller cannot refrain from selling it without losing his customer.” It is likewise lawful to keep a concubine, to shelter prostitutes, to rent them a house, and to carry messages between them and their gallants. “In case of doubt whether a thing which is commanded be against the commandment of God, the subject is bound to obey the command of his superior.” The same high authority assures us that gambling, betting, disobedience of parents, gluttony, vain-glory, hypocrisy, opening another’s letters, babbling, scurrility, and the ordination of drunkards and debauchees to the priesthood, are lawful under certain circumstances. Condemning the Wycliffites for opposing simony, he makes an excuse for its prevalence in the Romish Church. “A voluntary confession to a priest,” he affirms, “is a sign of contrition.”

For the practical carrying out of their cherished principle, “The end justifies the means,” the injured Catholic may read, “ If a calumniator will not cease to publish calumnies against you, you may fitly kill him, not publicly, but secretly, to avoid scandal.” Again :— “It is lawful to kill an accuser, whose testimony may jeopardize your life and honor.” And to make this code of infamous morals as convenient as possible, it is further affirmed:— “In all the above cases, when a man has a right to kill any person, another may do it for him, if affection move the murderer.”

We know it may indeed be said, these precepts are not widely known, nor generally practiced; they are only found in Rome’s books; they are merely a portion of the legacy of the dark ages, and to hold Rome to account for them is, in every sense, and to the highest degree, unfair. No, not unfair; for immutability changes not, and a Church which assumes the right to place its ban on every immoral issue from the press, to tell the world what to believe, what to read, and now to act, and has gone to the most distant publishing houses of the civilized world to drag thence for condemmation the principles of Protestantism, might surely take the trouble to expunge these and similar teachings from books written by her own sons, and once sanctioned.

The practice of the Popes in dispensing with oaths, obligations and contracts, and absolving, subjects from allegiance to their lawful sovereigns in cases where kings rebel against the authority of Rome, has had no little influence in producing immoralities. It is a principle with Rome that “no faith is to be kept with heretics.”*

* Gregory IX. decreed :—“Be it known to all who are under the dominion of heretics, that they are set free from every tie of fealty and duty to them; all oaths and solemn agreement to the contrary notwithstanding.” Pope Innocent VIII, in his bull against the Waldenses, gave his nuncio full authority “to absolve all who are hound by contract to assign and pay anything to them.” Gregory VII., in a solemn council held at Rome, enacted:—“We, following the statutes of our predecessors, do, by our Apostolic authority, absolve all those from their oath of fidelity who are bound to excommunicate persons, either by duty or oath, and we loose them from every tie of obedience.” Martin V. says:—“Be assured thou sinnest mortally, if thou keep thy faith with heretics.”

And this dogma of Roman Infallibility has on several occasions been practically interpreted. John Huss was conducted to the Council of Constance, under the solemn pledge of protection from the Emperor. The Council, however, condemned the reformer as a heretic, and ordered him to be burned at the stake. In vain the Emperor interposed, pleading his pledged word of honor. It was solemnly decreed:—”The person who has given the safe conduct to come thither shall not, in this case, be obliged to keep his promise, by whatever tie he may have been engaged;” and poor Huss perished in the flames! Did ever ingenuity in devising rules of casuistry excel this? It is only equalled by the treachery of Judas. And even he, without attempting a defense of faithlessness, exclaimed, in the bitterness of remorse, “I have sinned.” But Rome, to this day, has never expressed the slightest regret in having—not merely on this occasion, but on hundreds of others—deliberately broken faith, and consigned to the rack, the dungeon, or the flames those whose only crime was, that they loved Christ, the Bible, and a pure Christianity more than the Scarlet Mother on the seven hills of Rome.

In remembrance of such deeds, it is with a sense of holy satisfaction that the follower of Jesus reads, “Her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” And the prayer of the devout soul is, “Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly;” vindicate truth and justice; let the angel’s voice be heard above the waves of earth’s turmoil, saying, “Is fallen, is fallen, Babylon the great.”

Did space permit we might easily prove that unblushing atheism is a natural fruit of Popery. In every Catholic country of the present day the more intelligent classes are either infidel or atheistic. Without pausing to ascertain whether Popery is condemned or taught in Scripture, but presuming it is all it claims to be, the only form of religion having the sanction of the Bible, they deliberately reject God’s Word as a guide to morality, holiness and happiness. To receive as a boon from our Father in heaven a book which, it is believed, wrongly indeed, yet firmly believed, sanctions such enormities, is justly considered a slander on the Creator. Accordingly, they look upon it as a cunningly devised fable, admirably adapted to bind the fetters of despotism on an ignorant people, precisely fitted to uphold and enrich an arrogant priesthood, but no guide to the sin-burdened soul on the way to eternal favor with God. Some, however, of the educated in Romish countries, perhaps the greater number, do not pause short of atheism. In rejecting a system of religion which cannot command even common respect, they, alas! reject also the triune God, who, although worthy the devout homage of every heart, is so dishonored by those who profess to serve him, as to be despised by those outside the Church claiming to be his. By the excesses of Popery they are drawn away from the Bible and God, and driven into atheism. Consciously or unconsciously they have reasoned, if this be the true religion of the true God (and they who claim talent, knowledge and piety so affirm), then we deliberately prefer to believe there is no God. The atheism, which, in the bloody excesses of the French Revolution, disgraced humanity, was the legitimate offspring of Romanism.

With the testimony of Coleridge as to the ruinous moral effects of Popery, we close :—”When I contemplate the whole system of Romanism as it affects the great principles of morality, the terra firma, as it were, of our humanity; then trace its operations on the sources and conditions of human strength and well being; and lastly, consider its woeful influence on the innocence and sanctity of the female mind and imagination; on the faith and happiness, the gentle fragrancy and unnoticed ever-present verdure of domestic life, I can with difficulty avoid applying to it the Rabbi’s fable of the fratricide, Cain—that the firm earth trembled wherever he trod, and the grass turned black beneath his feet.”

IN some respects Popery has indeed changed, notwithstanding her boasted claim of immutability. Pius IX, the world’s “infallible teacher in faith and morals,” though the successor of Gregory VII, would find exceeding great difficulty in forcing a modern Henry IV. to stand in the court of his palace, hungry and shoeless, humbly pleading during three successive days from morning till night—the Holy Father meanwhile enjoying the society of an intelligent, beautiful, honored countess, his illegitimately endeared friend— for the superlative privilege of kissing the toe of him, “appointed of heaven to pull down the pride of kings.” Popery, so far as regards the respect it is able to command, has greatly changed since the twelfth century, when kings considered themselves honored in being permitted to lead by the bridle rein the sacred horse, or even the holy mule, that bore Christ’s Vicar. Now his Holiness begs the favors he no longer can command, soliciting Peter’s pence from those despising his anathemas; impotently imploring the support of bishops who scorn his holy indignation. Urban VIII. condemned as “perverse in the highest degree” the doctrine of the earth’s revolution. His successors, with as much grace as possible, have silently yielded to the inevitable. Now this little orb is allowed to revolve, no one, not even an infallible Pope, objecting. Formerly, and even now in countries purely popish, agencies for disseminating religious literature must incur anathema; now, as the press is a powerful agent in moulding public sentiment, the Catholic Publication Society of New York, organized with the sanction of the Pope for the express purpose of combating Protestantism with its own weapons, is issuing tracts and pamphlets which in Italy would even now, as in former times, be considered unfriendly to the sacred prerogatives of God’s vicegerent on earth.

Whilst in methods of exhibiting her temper, Rome has changed somewhat—endeavoring to put old wine into new bottles—it is undeniably true that in reality she is the same, unprincipled monster; in dogma unaltered, in spirit unbroken, unsubdued, untameable. “Those,” says Hallam, “who know what Rome has once been, are best able to appreciate what she is.” “It is most true,” says Charles Butler, “that Roman Catholics believe the doctrines of their Church unchangeable ; it is a tenet of their creed that what their faith ever has been, such it was from the beginning, such it is now, and such it ever will be.” What else could be expected from a Church claiming infallibility? To alter its dogmas, or to condemn the cruel practices of the past, would be to overturn the foundation on which it rests.

Hence we search in vain in the Encyclical Letters of the present for the slightest intimation that Popery has changed its character or purposes. Has one single decree been revoked? one solitary regret expressed for the atrocities which have made her name a synonym for cruelty? Does any doctrine once held by the Church now lack strenuous defenders? All the superstitious and idolatrous practices of the past find advocates in the present,—the adoration of the host, the invocation of saints, the granting of indulgences, the worship of the Virgin, the veneration of relics, absolution by the priest, the cursing of “all heretics, be they kings or subjects,” and detestation of “Protestantism, that damnable heresy of long standing.”

Patient waiting for a return of strength, or of a favorable opportunity, is not change of nature. The sleeping lion, with wounded paws and broken teeth, is a lion still. In most countries Romanism does indeed lack the power to execute its fiendish designs; and even in those nations almost exclusively Roman Catholic, it would be the acme of human folly to insult the untrammelled conscience of Christendom; but its principles, doctrines and spirit are in no respect changed for the better. It is simply restrained by a public sentiment which it despises and does all in its power to break down, which, however, it dares not so far disregard as to re-enact the untold horrors of the Inquisition. This would be its certain destruction. And yet, even in republican America, it is in spirit the same despotism it was in Europe. Of individual liberty, of education, of the general diffusion of gospel truth, and of government by the people, it is the same uncompromising foe it has always been.

Is the Romish Church less eager for power now than during her past history? Certainly not. Never were greater exertions made to retain the influence it has, and to recover what it has lost. The Jesuit order, which has been revived and inspired with new energy, is straining every nerve to enlarge its numbers and secure a controlling influence in legislation, especially in these United States, with the hope of ultimately bringing them under Papal domination. True to their principles —deceitful always—they laud the liberty of our country while forging the weapons for its destruction. Warmed into life by our self-denying kindness, like the fabled serpent, they are distilling deadly poison into the bosom to which they owe existence itself.

Is Rome less avaricious now than in the ages past? No. Her system which, it would seem, must have been devised for the express purpose of procuring money—each of her seven sacraments is a market, every spiritual blessing has a price—is as admirably adapted to this end, and as efficiently operated now as heretofore. And so perfect is the machinery of this iniquitous system of collecting revenues, and so successfully is it driven, that Catholicism has impoverished every country in which it has held sway. Spain pays annually out of her penury fifty millions to the Romish Church. Ireland’s poverty is traceable directly to Popery. Even from our own land large sums are annually exported to the treasury of the Pope,—last year three millions, this year all that can possibly be raised for “Peter in prison.”

Is Romanism less intolerant than formerly? The hope is vain. Her ever memorable words are: “The good must tolerate the evil, when it is so strong that it cannot be redressed without danger and disturbance to the whole Church, . . . . otherwise, where ill men, be they heretics or other malefactors, may be punished without disturbance and hazard of the good, they may and ought, by public authority, either spiritual or temporal, to be chastised or executed.” Is this less than an open declaration of determination to persecute even unto death so soon as they can obtain the power? We exist merely by tolerance, being mercifully allowed to retain our own cherished doctrines and worship God in the way that to us seems according to Scripture, simply because Rome has granted us present indulgence. But the right to chastise us with rods of iron, Holy Mother has not yielded. Her loyal sons defend every act of persecution, even all her past enormities. The Crusades are lauded. Even the Inquisition is unblushingly defended and even applauded. It is declared: “It saved society from a danger only second to that from which it was preserved by the Crusaders.” Rome is represented as the one “place on earth where error has never been permitted to have a foothold.” Protestantism is declared to be “a gigantic rebellion against the Church of God.” Accordingly, Rome establishes “the Congregation of the Inquisition” to “protect the souls of her children from the fatal pestilence of heresy and unbelief.” “ Protestantism is everywhere the intruder—the innovator.” By the right of prior occupation, “in a special manner she claims this land.” And whilst they have the right to persecute and silence us, we have scarcely the right to protest, for “Protestantism tolerating every error can make no exception against the truth.” Sublime arrogance!

With a candor that is truly refreshing, considering whence it proceeds, the Jesuits, Rome’s sworn adherents —who by intrigue and perjury and diabolical malignity have sown discord everywhere, and been thirty nine times expelled from the different countries of Europe— whilst claiming full liberty to extend the principles of their Church unmolested and even unchallenged, yet unequivocally deny that they have abandoned the right to persecute. Did ever audacity equal this? It amounts to saying that constitutional liberty must warm them into vigor, that they may have the power to inflict upon it a deadly wound. The Shepherd of the Valley, a Catholic paper published in St. Louis, with the approbation of the archbishop, says:

“The Catholic who says that the Church is not intolerant, belies the sacred spouse of Christ. The Christian who professes to be tolerant himself, is dishonest, ill-instructed, or both!”

“We say that the temporal punishment of heresy is a mere question of expediency. Where we abstain from persecuting them (the Protestants), they are well aware that it is merely because we cannot do so; or think that by doing so we should injure the cause that we wish to serve… .. If the Catholics ever gain—which they surely will do—an immense numerical majority, religious freedom in this country is at an end. So say our enemies, so we believe.”

“Heresy and unbelief are crimes, that’s the whole of the matter; and where the Catholic religion is an essential part of the laws of the land, they are punished as other crimes.”

The Freeman’s Journal a few years since treated its readers to the following:—

“A Catholic temporal Government would be guided in its treatment of Protestants and other recusants, solely by the rules of expediency.. . . . Religious liberty, in the sense of liberty possessed by every one to choose his own religion, is one of the most wicked delusions ever foisted upon this age by the father of all deceit. The very word liberty, except in the sense of permission to do certain definite acts, ought to be banished from the domain of religion.”

“None but an atheist can uphold the principles of religious liberty. Short of atheism, the theory of religious liberty is the most palpable of untruths, Shall I therefore fall in with this abominable delusion and foster the notion of my fellow countrymen, that they have a right to deny the truth of God, in the hope that I may throw dust in their eyes, and get them to tolerate my creed as one of the many forms of theological opinion prevalent in these latter days?”

“Shall I hold out hopes to him that I will not meddle with his creed, if he will not meddle with mine? Shall I lead him to think that religion is a matter of private opinion, and tempt him to forget that he has no more right to his religious views than he has to my purse, or my house, or my life-blood? No! Catholicism ts the most intolerant of creeds, It is intolerance itself—for it is truth itself. We might as rationally maintain that a sane man has a right to believe that two and two do not make four, as this theory of religious liberty. Its impiety is only equaled by its absurdity.”

A Papal bull annually “excommunicates and curses —on the part of God Almighty, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost—all heretics, under whatever name they may be classed.” To such anathemas we may reply in the language of David to Shimei, “It may be the Lord will look on our affliction, and requite us good for their cursing.”

The text-books now studied in their theological seminaries are well calculated to keep alive the spirit of persecution. Dr. Den, in his “System of Theology,” a standard with Papists, affirms: “Protestants are by baptism and by blood under the power of the Romish Church. So far from granting toleration to Protestants, it is the duty of the Roman Catholic Church to exterminate their religion.” Again, “It is the duty of the Roman Catholic Church to compel Protestants to submit to her faith.” The Rhemish Testament, in its commentary on Matthew xviii. 17, declares: “Heretics therefore, because they will not hear the Church, be no better, nor no otherwise to be esteemed of Catholics, than heathen men and publicans were esteemed among the Jews.” Again, 2 Cor. vi. 14: “Generally here is forbidden conversation and dealing with all heretics, but especially in prayers and meetings at their schismatical service.” Once again: “Protestants ought by public authority, either spiritual or temporal, to be chastised or executed.” In exposition of these words, “ drunken with the blood of the saints,” these Rhemish annotators say: “The Protestants foolishly expound it of Rome, for that there they put heretics to death, and allow of their punishment in other countries; but their blood is not called the blood of saints, no more than the blood of thieves, man-killers, and other malefactors, for the shedding of which by order of justice no commonwealth shall answer.” Liguori, in his “ Moral Theology,” a work very highly prized in their theological seminaries, says: “As the Church has the right of compelling parents to hold to the faith, so she has the power of taking their children from them.” Canon XII. of the recent Ecumenical Council affirms :—“If any think that Christ, our Lord and King, has only given to his Church a power to guide, by advice and permission, but not ordain by laws, to compel and force by anterior judgments, and salutary inflictions, those who thus separate themselves, let them be anathema.” Surely, in language at least, Rome is no less intolerant than in the centuries past. And doctrines such as these are taught to youth in this land of Protestant liberty!

And Rome’s actions, as well as her teachings, unmistakably evince the same unchanged spirit. Jewish parents in Rome employ a Catholic nurse. Their infant son is clandestinely baptized by a Popish priest. Henceforth it is the child of the Church. Stolen from the home of its parents—who in vain demand the God-given right to their child—immured in a monastery, carefully instructed in the doctrines of Popery, the Jewish dog, transmuted into a priest, Mortara, at manhood enters the world thanking God that His true church is a babystealer.

Raffaele Ciocci, honorary librarian of a Papal college in Rome, is entrapped by Jesuits into a monastery. Infallibility, carefully instructing him in the mysteries of Romanism, designs him for a missionary to distant lands steeped in the ignorance of Protestantism. Becoming, through the instrumentality of God’s blessed Word, a determined enemy of the Papacy, death is decreed against him. With Jesuitical hypocrisy, under the cloak of friendship, a poisoned beverage is handed him. Saved by a timely antidote, he seeks release from the iron grasp of his inhuman persecutors by appealing to the Pope. This only rendering his situation doubly more intolerable, he finally consents to sign a recantation in the hope of effecting an escape. Landing, in the year 1842, on the shores of free England, he is watched and dogged by Franciscans and Jesuits, and every available means employed to entangle him again in the cruel snares of Romanism. In his revelations of the Man of Sin, Ciocci has conclusively proved that Popery in this nineteenth century is the same uncompromising foe of the Gospel, the same bitter persecutor, unchanged and unchangeable.

We must content ourselves with a mere reference to most of the recent cases of Popish intolerance. Protestants, and especially American Protestants, ought not to forget the cruel persecutions of the unhappy inhabitants of Lower Valais, Switzerland, where, in 1845, the Jesuits after innumerable iniquitous proceedings, signalized their triumph by the passage of a law prohibiting all Protestant worship, public and social; forbidding God’s people to meet for the reading of his Word even in their own houses. And in what language shall we characterize the banishment, in 1837, of 400 Protestants from one of the States of Austria on the simple charge of refusing Papal supremacy?—or the imprisonment, in 1843, of Dr. Kally, a Scottish physician, on the island of Madeira?—or the sentence of death pronounced against one of his converts, Maria Joaquina, for “maintaining that veneration should not be given to images, denying the real presence of Christ in the sacred host, and blaspheming the Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God?” And assuredly every lover of liberty will bear in sad remembrance the history of the lengthy imprisonment, cruelty and protracted sufferings of the Madiai family; the studied persecution, arrest, impoverishment, imprisonment, and sufferings of Matamoros in a loathsome cell —where in sickness he was refused a physician and even medicine; his condemnation to the galleys for nine years on the testimony of suborned witnesses; his banishment from Spain, to which his throbbing heart and enfeebled voice would fain have proclaimed, “Salvation is of the Lord,” and his triumphant death in Switzerland, whither he had gone in the faint hope of sending some message of life to his endeared countrymen enslaved by the superstitions of Rome. Even our own land within a few years, for aught we know, may have given a martyr to the truth. Bishop Reese of Michigan, charged with ecclesiastical error, entered Rome in response to the citation of the Pope. So far as the world knows, he entered eternity the day he stepped within the magic circle of the heartless Inquisition.

Until the present year—and for the change no thanks to Popery—Protestant worship was prohibited in Rome. Did ever intolerance equal this? While allowed in England and the United States to hold their services, build churches, found monasteries, establish theological seminaries, collect enormous sums of money for transmission to the Pope, and foment insurrection and rebellion against the Governments whose protection they claim, they will not permit Protestant worship even in a private house where they have the power to prevent it. The foreign resident who dares to join with his countrymen in worshipping God according to the forms of worship to which he has been attached from youth, places himself “in the power of the Inquisition, both for arrest and imprisonment,” and is earnestly advised, unless he courts exile or a dungeon, “never again to repeat these illegal acts.”

Another fact evincing the present spirit of Popery claims attention. A full regiment of Canadians, a few years since, proffered their services to aid in upholding the temporal power of the Pope. The spirit of Peter the Hermit still lives. From every Catholic pulpit in Canada appeals were made for aid for Pius IX. in his embarrassments. With every Catholic newspaper office a recruiting station, and with a central committee to secure unity of action, volunteers offered themselves in greater numbers than were needed. On the day of their departure an address was delivered by Archbishop McCloskey:— “You are going to stand with others like you, as a rampart of defense and a tower of strength around the presence of your Holy Father, to protect his safety and defend his rights.” Defend his rights; his right to steal the children of heretics, to imprison Protestants, to prevent all forms of worship except Popish, to fetter freedom, to curse the institutions of modern liberty, to trample on the dearest hopes of the Italian people, and keep them, though longing for escape, in the grossest ignorance, under the severest despotism, in the most abject poverty!

The Archbishop continues :

“They (Catholics in the United States) are as strongly devoted to the sustenance and maintenance of the temporal power of the Holy Father as Catholics in any part of the world; and if it should be necessary to prove it by acts they are ready to do so. . . If that policy (non-interference) should ever change to a sympathy with the Italians as against the Holy Father, then Catholics must be prepared to show their readiness by acts as well as words, to give their lives, if necessary, for their Holy Father.”

This first crusade failed. And now, forsooth, the tocsin is sounding a grander, a world-wide crusade. From all the nations that on earth do dwell, the faithful, for multitude like the swarms of flies in Egypt of old, are to meet at some designated spot, proceed to Italy, wipe out the rebellious sons of Holy Mother, and restore Pius IX. to the throne from which he has been ejected by the almost unanimous voice of his own people. Festinate. “Whom the gods design to destroy, they first make mad.” In this holy work the Catholics of these United States—those ardent friends of popular Government, who so loudly proclaim that every nation, even every State has the right to the choice of its own government—are expected, and are preparing, by firing their enthusiasm by volumes of wordy protests—they have all turned Protestants at last—to take a prominent part, the highest seat in the synagogue of war.

We have authority stamped with the signet of infallibility for asserting that the first allegiance of the Catholic of the United States is due not to our Government, but to the Pope. We are explicitly told that we are protecting an organization which holds itself ready at any time to obey the commands of a foreign despot.*

*The Tablet, in a recent issue, asks:—Is the American idea higher than this Church idea? No Catholic can pretend it; for to him the Church idea is divine, and nothing is, or can be, higher than God, who is Supreme Creator, proprietor and Lord of all things, visible and invisible. If, then, between the Church or Catholic idea, and the American idea, there should happen to be a collision, which should give way, the lower or higher? The Catholic idea being supreme, must be the law, the universal standard of right and wrong, of truth and falsehood, and consequently all ideas, whether Celtic or Saxon, English or American, that contradict it, or do not accord with it, are to be rejected as false and wrong, as repugnant to the supreme law of God, even to God himself, and not to be entertained for a moment.”

Certainly, on the question of intolerance and detestation of civil and religious liberty, none can charge Rome with vacillation. If language and actions express the determination of the will, and the desire of the heart, we may certainly be excused for believing the assertion of our Catholic friends :— “If the Catholics EVER GAIN AN IMMENSE NUMERICAL MAJORITY, RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN THIS COUNTRY IS AT AN END.”

Since Popery is an outgrowth of the depraved heart, may we not expect that it will remain essentially unchanged, so long as human nature remains unaltered? Are we not taught in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and Daniel’s vision, and Paul’s prophecy, that this giant evil shall afflict the world until the dawn of the millennium?*

* But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end.”—Dan. 7:26.

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” “ Unto the end,” “shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”The best Commentators say, till Christ’s Second Advent.—2 Thess. 2:8.

By gradually undermining the foundations of a simple faith in the unadulterated Gospel, Popery established itself as the desperate and malignant foe of all that is life-giving in the spiritual religion of Christ, all that is ennobling in the liberty it inspires. And how otherwise than by gradual destruction can the doctrines and superstitions of millions of human beings be utterly consumed? Their overthrow “in an hour” would not produce in the hearts of the enslaved instantaneous detestation of these follies and errors. Rome’s temporal power is indeed gone, perhaps forever, but her spiritual despotism is still complete, and may continue nearly or quite the same for centuries. So long as there are those who are willing to be victims of spiritual thraldom, there will no doubt be those who are ready to enslave them. Consume the hated organization today, and tomorrow another, phoenix-like, will spring from its ashes. Love of power, and preference of the forms of devotion to the spirit, will no doubt continue— calling for the unceasing labors of God’s people—till the river of time issues into the ocean of eternity.

We may, therefore, expect in the future what we have witnessed in the past—an unceasing struggle. Many complications may arise. Often victory may seem to perch on the banners of the enemy. Many hopes will be crushed, the hearts of God’s people “failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming upon the earth.” Since, however, we have witnessed in the last three centuries the gradual decay of Popery, may we not confidently rejoice in the hope that He who delights to write on the page of history the evidence of his far-reaching designs will, in his own time, strike the final blow, causing this gigantic system of falsehood to dissolve like mist before the rising sun? Ours is the task of hoping, laboring, praying, till even in Rome spiritual liberty shall dawn on civil,

“Like another morning risen on mid-noon.”
“How long, O Lord our God,
Holy, and true and good,
Wilt Thou not judge Thy suffering Church,
Her sighs, and tears, and blood?”


Is the Pope the Super-boss of all government agencies as well as the Vatican?

Is the Pope the Super-boss of all government agencies as well as the Vatican?

These are excerpts from “The Pope’s Secrets” The author, Tony Alamo, has been heavily persecuted by government agencies because of his exposure of the Vatican and Jesuit-led New World Order.

The Vatican is posing as Snow White, but the Bible says that she is a prostitute, “the great whore,” a cult (Rev. 19:2). She uses government agency branches in every country, including the United States, as her vicious little dwarfs. The more power and control she gets in government, the more she will fade away into the background in her “Snow White” disguise so that government will be used and blamed for all her evil deeds.

REASON: To enforce laws that harass, malign, destroy, and censor everyone and every idea that is not Roman Catholic so she can sit as the satanic queen (the big whore).

Because of her age-old desire to control the world government and church, the serpent-like Vatican has infested the world and the U.S. government with so many of her zealous, highly-trained and dedicated Jesuit devotees, that she now controls the United Nations (which she created), the White House, Congress, every state, federal, civic, and social government agency, including the U.S. Department of Labor, the IRS, the FBI, the Supreme Court, judicial systems, the armed forces, state, federal, and other police, also the international banking and federal reserve systems (called the Illuminati and Agentur), labor unions, the Mafia, and most of the heavyweight news media.

This cult (the Vatican) is very close to replacing our U.S. Constitution with her one-world, satanic canon laws of death to the “heretic” (anyone that is not Roman Catholic). General Lafayette, President George Washington’s most respected aide and general, prophetically stated, “If the liberties of the American people are ever destroyed, they will fall by the hand of the Roman Catholic cult’s clergy.”

Today we see the climax of detailed plans given in excerpts from a speech given nearly fifty years ago in Australia by Roman Catholic Archbishop Gilroy:

“The Roman Catholic motto is ourselves alone for fellow Roman Catholics. We must defeat all heretics [non-Roman Catholics] at the ballot box. The holy father states that negative tactics are fatal. The demands of the holy father [the pope] are that the public services should be 100% Roman Catholic soon. Care must be taken that no suspicion may be raised when Roman Catholics are secretly given more government jobs than Protestants, Jews, and other heretics.”

Multi-millions of people have been slaughtered by the Vatican, thus saith the Lord (Rev. 18:24). History bears record to this fact. During the Roman Catholic inquisition in Europe, 68 million people were tortured, maimed, and murdered by this huge sect. The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre accounted for the butchering of as many as 100,000 Protestants. President Abraham Lincoln blamed the papacy for the Civil War in these words:

“This war would never have been possible without the sinister and secretive influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons.” Lincoln added, “I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, and highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the pope and to his followers, the papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity.”

Because of Abraham Lincoln’s many exposés of the Vatican, he was put to death just as he foretold. Yes, assassinated by the Jesuits under Rome’s instructions. The Vatican hasn’t changed since Mr. Lincoln’s time.

Read the rest of the article on or before they go off-line due to a Jesuit pulling out the plug.

The Key to Pope Francis’s Identity

The Key to Pope Francis’s Identity

This is a transcription of a video by Richard Bennett of Berean Beacon. He introduces Pastor Bill Mencarow. I can’t find Pastor Mencarow’s bio or which church he pastors, but I’m sure he must be a good guy because he’s associated with Richard Bennett.

The video is below the text if you would rather watch or listen to it.

Richard Bennett: Amid the adulation and the applause and indeed type of hero worship of Pope Francis, there is something that needs to be seen, that is not been seen by the world. We have the media in general and false evangelicals who know not the gospel of Christ giving their applause to Francis and still there is something missing that they don’t see. And that’s how we wish to document here today. We want to show that there is a distinctive trait or traits in Francis that need to be revealed. And when these are revealed we see this true identity. And that’s why we call the program the key to Pope Francis’ identity. And this will be documented, we give exact references.

And so I’m very pleased today to have with me Pastor Bill Mencarow. And I ask Bill that you give the setting to what we are speaking about.

Bill Mencarow: On the first anniversary of Pope Francis’s election to the papal chair we think it fitting to see exactly what the Jesuits themselves think of him. Appropriately Jim Martin who is a Jesuit priest and is also editor at large of the prestigious Jesuit magazine, America, produced a brief online video entitled Pope Francis Still a Jesuit.

Video from Jim Martin: Hi I’m Father Jim Martin. I am editor at large at America magazine. And here at America we are celebrating Pope Francis’ first year in office.

You might remember that when he was elected Pope there was a big question on everyone’s mind at least we were asked it a lot here at America which was, “How much will Pope Francis’ Jesuit background and heritage influence him as Pope?” And I think a year into his papacy we can see that the answer is a lot. Here are a few ways that we can see Pope Francis’ Jesuit heritage in action.

First, Pope Francis is a master of the Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian spirituality. You probably know that when he was a Jesuit, Pope Francis was the novice director of the Argentine province of the Society of Jesus. That means that not only does he know the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola, his classic text, but he has also given the Spiritual Exercises to the novices. In general, a lot of Jesuits say that the novice master is the holiest person in the province and the one best suited to give the Spiritual Exercises.

So here’s a man who really knows Ignatian spirituality.

Richard Bennett: Yes indeed! We have a man who is thoroughly trained in Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises which were released in the 16th century. Historically speaking there’s always been an interest in what we call Western Europe in mysticism. It goes back to the 12th and 13th centuries. There was a great interest in what had been originally Eastern mysticism. And the papacy, because it doesn’t have objective truth in the Bible alone and in the gospel, and was readily able to take these things into its own system. In the 13th century we have mystical elements in the Franciscans started by St. Francis, and in the Dominicans started by St. Dominic. So there are these mystical elements.

But in the 16th century, there is a remarkable difference. We have a mysticism introduced by Ignatius of Loyola. This mysticism has a type of genius character to it because it attempts to use by imagination as a means by which a person can have direct contact with the divine. This is what was the major tenet of Ignatius, that through a person’s imagination, they could make direct contact with the divine and they could have a union with the divine which would transform their lives both in character and moral behavior, so they said.

So Ignatius had devised these Spiritual Exercises. And it’s amazing just to see how well-versed the present Pope Pope Francis is in the exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. And I’d like it if you would explain that, how he’s so well-versed.

Bill Mencarow: Well certainly. There are several ways that Pope Francis manifests his Ignatian training. For example, in his preaching, rather than interpreting the Bible to convict us of sin, righteousness, and the judgment to come, he appeals to his listeners’ imaginations.

Now here’s how Jim Martin who I quoted before, the prestige editor at large of the prestigious Jesuit magazine describes Pope Francis’ preaching.

(Jim Martin:) In his Easter homily for the first year, he invited us to imagine ourselves running with the women to the tomb. And more recently, in a homily at a parish in Rome, he imagined the listeners, he actually said to them, “Close your eyes and imagine yourself at the river Jordan, and imagine Jesus being baptized.” And he said, “Now close your eyes and talk to Jesus in your prayer.” That is very Ignatian.

Bill Mencarow: Now this is to appeal solely to the subjectivity of the emotions rather than to present as a proposition to the mind the objective truth of God’s written Word in scripture. Nevertheless, Pope Francis said now close your eyes and talk to Jesus in your prayer. Now notice the emphasis that Pope Francis has: It’s on man’s imagination. That was the way Ignatius of Loyola learned from reading the lives of the saints and mystics but it is not the way of scripture. Rather scripture states in Genesis 8:21: The imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Scripture clearly teaches that our imagination is evil, corrupted by original sin. True biblical preaching never appeals to men’s imaginations. Thus it is a great mercy that the Lord God even deigns to convict the sinner of his precarious state before the Holy God.

The sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ was on behalf of sinners to propitiate God’s wrath against each sinner. The one who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ alone is saved unto eternal life through faith alone by God’s grace alone. How will the unsaved sinner know this if he is not taught that the Bible alone, not his own imagination, is the final authority?

Depending upon mystical imagination as Pope Francis does is the wide gate that leads to destruction. As the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7, enter ye in at the straight gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in there at.

Richard Bennett: Yes, and Pope Francis uses the Ignatian way to dictate this subjective consciousness. And it’s something that the Jesuits themselves, this priest, Martin, says about the hallmark of Francis is being detached.

(Jim Martin:) One of the hallmarks of Jesuit spirituality also included in the Spiritual Exercises is Saint Ignatius’s dictum that we should be free from any disordered attachments. So any attachments that are not ordered towards God, anything that would prevent us from following God. Basically, we’re meant to be free. Pope Francis is a very free person. We saw that from the very beginning of his papacy when he stepped onto the balcony and broke all sorts of traditions. For example, bowing to the crowd and asking for their blessing. Even something like taking the name of Saint Francis as his name which was never done before. He is free. He is detached. He does not need to do things the way they were always done.

Richard Bennett: Indeed, when you look at Francis and see him parading before the cameras of the world and see the many talks that he gives, indeed he’s a very free person! But we have to ask the question, is it a freedom that the Lord Jesus Christ spoke about in the Bible? It’s a different type of freedom. The Lord Jesus Christ said very clearly as in John’s Gospel chapter 8 verses 31 and 32 and of course also verse 36.

If you continue in my word then you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.

If Jesus Christ the Son of God makes you free… But being free in your own mindset to follow the dictates of your own conscience and to say things that are in line just with your own conscience, is an abomination before the Lord Jesus Christ and His standard of what it is to be free.

So I’d ask that you would continue.

Bill Mencarow: Well as you know, Pope Francis and the Jesuits are very active in promoting the Spiritual Exercises on the Internet. For example on the website which can be found at And in fact a quote from this particular website:

“The Spiritual Exercises are a compilation of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed by St. Ignatius Loyola to help people deepen their relationship with God. For centuries the Exercises were most commonly given as a “long retreat” of about 30 days in solitude and silence. In recent years, there has been a renewed emphasis on the Spiritual Exercises as a program for laypeople. The most common way of going through the Exercises now is a “retreat in daily life,” which involves a monthslong program of daily prayer and meetings with a spiritual director. The Exercises have also been adapted in many other ways to meet the needs of modern people.”

So we have to keep in mind that Jesuit spirituality and ethics are a very effective combination of two elements: Mystical techniques and authoritarian propositions. The writing and teaching style of Jesuitism is heavily nuanced with techniques of suggestive dissociation. Now dissociation as you may know is separating or disassociating certain ideas or one’s attention or one’s emotions from the rest of one’s personality. So for example hypnosis is said to be based on suggestive dissociation. In its extreme form dissociation is the technique used in brainwashing.

In suggestive dissociation, people are lured and ever so subtly into embracing new views of ethical norms apart from critical reflection. In other words, they are persuaded to ignore the irrationality of what they are hearing and they end up accepting, embracing and often defending ideas that they would have rejected had they not been subjected to suggestive dissociation. It’s a very subtle method and it’s very effective so one has to be aware of it and on guard against it and pray that one will not fall into the trap. (Wow! That may mean flat-earth is also the result of suggestive disassociation!)

So the smooth flow of the suggestions in Jesuit teachings hinders mental resistance, which breaks down your resistance. Learners are diverted from appreciating that they are visualizing rather than thinking. They’re visualizing rather than thinking. It’s a technique by dissociation that leads inevitably to the surrender of the mind and the will.

For a contemporary example of this consider the Jesuit Jim Harbaugh. He’s produced a masterful in its way, a synthetic amalgamation of Jesuitism and modern humanistic therapy in his book entitled A 12-Step Approach to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Now, this book is based on the parallels between the Spiritual Exercises and the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12-step sections from the Spiritual Exercises are followed by an explanation of how they relate to the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous philosophy. Thus Jim Harbaugh capriciously implies that one will learn a new spiritual path and independence.

Well, however, one’s mind will be captivated by the sinister Jesuit philosophy and effectively immunized against the testimony of Holy Scripture concerning the nature of the one true and living God and the way of salvation by and in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. So beware of any teaching that promises or implies that you’ll learn a new spiritual path. Whenever you hear those words remember Jeremiah 6:16,

Thus sayeth the Lord, stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths, whereas the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls.

So rather than helping people deepen their relationship with God, the Ignatian spiritual exercises are a way to learn so-called New Age Occult Visualization. In New Age Occult Literature, particularly in transcripts of automatic writing where so-called mediums say they’re writing down what the spirits are actually using their hand and their brain to write messages. Of course, it’s all demonic, if it happens, if it’s not fake, it’s all demonic. But in so-called automatic writing, the demons themselves often encourage people to practice visualization in order to facilitate “spirit contact.”

Though visualization may appear to be harmless, even perhaps spiritually satisfying, the fact that it is heavily promoted by the New Age Occult Movement is reason enough for Christians to avoid it. Moreover, visualization is patently idolatrous, its mental imaging, and hence biblically forbidden. In Exodus 20:4, thou shalt have no graven images. Well, those are mental images, and they are also forbidden. Mental pictures communicate the message that Christ is other than the biblical God who cannot be pictured.

See, the point we need to see is that all of these forms are techniques designed to provoke certain valued moods or feelings. They induce people to happily submit to the Jesuits in their program. However, in Romans 12:2, the Lord God and Scripture command believers to be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Richard Bennett: In our own day or just before our own time in the 20th century, there was a huge turnaround in people’s lives, particularly in England and in the USA and in other places that we would call Western Europe. There was an introduction of what was called the God is dead movement and the fact that people were no longer to believe in God, but they were to turn over to their feelings and their emotions. We had the infamous hippie movement in the ’60s, going into the ’70s, and all the horrors that went with the hippie movement in the United States, England and other places. This led to a vacuum where people were without any foundation and all sorts of things began to emerge.

It was in that context that the quite well-known Roman Catholic monk called Thomas Merton came in with his mystical approach to God. Merton, in his visualization of God and in his use of what had been primarily the teaching of the Ignatius way before in the 16th century, but modernizing it in ways that modern man could make contact with the divine. Thomas Merton became quite well-known in modern circles. His writings have also now been incorporated by many, Henri Nouwen, that priest, and the other, Thomas Keating, are the ones who in the late 20th century and the 21st century have propagated these things.

It starts with Thomas Merton and was quite influential. We find a whole movement taking place in what it is called in Christendom, the Emerging Church Movement. The Emerging Church Movement has come in and it has literally destroyed a lot of what were seemingly sound biblical churches in England and here in the United States.

I saw some examples of that even when I was in London in 2008 when speaking at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, where Spurgeon had preached in the old days. Right up from the Tabernacle, there had been another seemingly sound church that was taken over by the Emerging Church of Brian McLaren. Brian McLaren mentions in his many writings and those who follow McLaren, there’s a whole list of people who follow him. I have two or three articles on this and videos on this, but they all have this idea of using the Ignatian way. They go back to say Ignatius and they say it. So they go back to visualization on how you can imagine Christ and it’s technically very well done.

I’m quite interested in things on the internet and in electronics and the things produced on CDs and DVDs, but the technology that is behind the Emerging Church is altogether really at a height of professionalism whereby they have young people being able to walk labyrinths and do all sorts of things to contact the divine. And then often giving applause and thanks to Ignatius of Loyola, where they went back to.

So we see now in the late 20th century, coming into the 21st century, we see these movements whereby Brian McLaren and his outfit, I should call it, the Emerging Church movement, has succeeded in bringing in what Pope Francis is now bringing in in his teachings, as we have seen, and what the people like Henri Nouwen and Thomas Keating have brought in and still bring in.

So it’s a so-called evangelical church which is not. The Emerging Church is apostate in its gospel and in what it says. It’s amazing that what they say, like Brian McLaren, says that God let Scripture be. He was something that he had to let it be, but it’s not to be taken all that seriously because he depends so much or people depend so much on tradition. This is very much like the Catholic church, only the Catholic church says it formally. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says exactly in paragraphs 81 and 82, that’s the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1994 and then republished again afterward in 2002. And they say that the sacred scripture and holy tradition transmits in its entirety the Word of God. They look to tradition, holy tradition they call it. And this is an abomination because if we hold to tradition and you don’t say whether tradition comes from, you’re on sinking sand! You don’t have any foundation. You’re like onto the Catholic church and like onto the mystics and like onto Francis himself, Pope Francis, and like onto all of these people who follow Brian McLaren’s movement. The people who are really prophets of their own deceit. I use the words of scripture there, but that’s exactly to find some prophets of their own deceit.

Bill Mencarow: Indeed Richard, indeed. And much of it is based on Eastern mysticism as you know, which continues to plague the nations and the culture of the Western world as it did with Catholic mysticism in the Middle Ages. The contemporary preoccupation was self together with a reaction against objective revealed truth has created a quasi-spiritual environment in which Eastern mysticism and the New Age movement are flourishing.

Therefore, the modernized versions of the Jesuit Spiritual Exercises appeal to those seeking refuge from the chaos into which the West is devolving. Unfortunately, there’s not much argument that that is in fact what is happening. The fact that Pope Francis is a Jesuit does much to promote these Spiritual Exercises among religious unbelievers and ignorant believers alike. However, we know, as the Scriptures tell us, that sorrows shall be multiplied upon those that hasten after another standard of what is called truth. This is the destiny of those who run after the imaginations of the Spiritual Exercises. The doom of those who hasten to reinvent Christ and His Cross as they eagerly crave all the lusts of the mind bring upon themselves judgments from the true God and his Christ. Those who multiply anti-biblical ways increase anguish and pain for themselves. Both in this life and the one to come. He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination. For they that are such serve not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies and with fair speech and flattering deceive the hearts of the simple. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will cast away the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made the wisdom of this world foolishness? For seeing the world by wisdom knew not God, in the wisdom of God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. Seeing also that the Jews require a sign and the Grecians seek after wisdom. But we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews even a stumbling block and unto the Grecians foolishness.

And Scripture explains the reason for their ruin in II Thessalonians 2:10:

Because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

You see the world praises the achievements, as Richard, you said earlier, as a great man, a great leader and a great spiritual guide. The wicked love darkness, but God’s people love the light. Pope Francis and the Jesuits have blindly equated the true God with “the God within.”

Then the Lord said unto me, the prophets prophesy lies in my name. I have not sent them. Neither did I command them, neither spake I unto them, but they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination and vanity and deceitfulness of their own heart. How long do the prophets delight to prophesy lies, even prophesying the deceit of their own heart?

You see, they’ve sought to circumvent the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel by believing the demonic lies that the truth comes from inward self-realization and enlightenment. And those are demonic lies. They’ve divested themselves of the true knowledge of the very God Himself to whom all their attachments are supposedly now ordered. Thus, their values are set on personal inner feelings. Their values are set on the inner man, this looking within, this imagining, as we talked about, this visualization rather than the objective truth of Scripture. And actually, these inner feelings are often, you can’t explain them. People are incapable of reasoned explanation. So even any quest for a biblically based rationale is actively discouraged.

So without the conviction of the Holy Spirit, how can they truly assess the depths of their own wickedness? If they don’t study the Scriptures, how will they know that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it? And of course, that’s from Jeremiah 17. In the face of raw imagination, fueling the Spiritual Exercises, the grace of God still conquers, redeems, and saves through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Richard Bennett: Amen amen! And that is a word. In the face of all this ridiculous imagination and self-realization and imagining all of these things that are just based on your own feelings and not on the objective truth of Scripture, our Lord God reigns. And it is that wonderful verse that we have in Romans chapter 5. It says how much sin has reigned unto death. But much more may the grace of Christ Jesus reign through righteousness unto everlasting life. It is the Lord Jesus who reigns through righteousness unto everlasting life. And that is the message. And the message is as we have in Scripture to each one of us, both of us here as we make the program know that our sin nature had condemned us before we were saved. And our personal sin, we were in the words of Ephesians chapter 2, verse 1, dead in trespasses and sins. But the good news was that God has so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son. God sent Jesus Christ historically and really. And He died in the place of His own to take their sin upon him and to give them in place His righteousness.

As it says in Romans chapter 3, verse 24, Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But being justified freely by his grace through the redemption. This is the objective reality. And this is the real core of the gospel message. Would you like to put any more teeth into those gospel words, Bill?

Bill Mencarow: Absolutely Richard. I think you’ve said it all when you quote Scripture. There’s nothing to be added. You cannot add nor subtract from Scripture. But I just appreciate the fact that the line is drawn here between those who on the one hand follow the Ignatian spiritual exercises and this inner man turning inwardly to subjectivity, which has always been the hallmark of paganism, looking for the inner light and the achievements of yourself, rather than looking outwardly to the finished work of Christ on the cross. And that’s the big difference between biblical Christianity and all other religions. All other religions look inwardly. What can I do to work my way to heaven to appeal to the God that I believe in to be acceptable? What can I do? And Scripture itself says, no, that’s backward. We are chosen in Him before the foundation of the world, as Scripture says.

Richard Bennett: Amen amen!. Yes.

Bill Mencarow: And it’s outward Christianity. It looks outwardly toward the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work. And as you said so beautifully, look to Him and be saved. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. And it’s our prayer that everyone listening and watching this video will not take our word for it, but go to the Scriptures. You know, when the Apostle Paul preached to the Bereans, they said, well, we better check the Scriptures to see what this fellow is saying if it comports with the Scriptures. And that’s what Richard and I urge you to do. Don’t take our word for it. And Paul praised them for it. And he was an apostle. We’re not apostles. So if the apostle himself says, check me out by the Word of God, should you check us out?

So stay in the Word. Read the Bible. Study the Scriptures and believe.

Richard Bennett: So we have here now a contrast that is stark and unreal. Thus we have an objective reality. The reality of Christ Jesus and his gospel message. And Christ is exalted above the highest heavens. He is the one who has received the promised Holy Spirit and is seated on the throne of the Majesty in heaven. He is the one who pours forth the Holy Spirit so that there is real true revival on the earth. It is all objective. We see the great revivals that have happened in the course of history. The day of Pentecost itself at the time of the Reformation right across Europe, in different parts of Europe that were raised up, preachers of the gospel. Men and women went forth with the true gospel. They not only lived at this but spoke it and souls were saved. The objective reality of the gospel!

In contrast to this, this subjective mysticism of what was in the 13th and 14th centuries and then in the 16th century came in with Ignatius of Loyola and now taken up by his protege Paul Francis, having people imagine they are there at the River Jordan or imagine that they can see this or see that. Imagination is evil corrupt human nature. It’s objective truths. But this is what Francis has been purporting to bring to people and it leads not to everlasting life. It leads to everlasting destruction.

And that’s the urgency of what we’re saying today. It is a contrast, and we’ve got to see the contrast, and we’ve got to pray to God for his grace that is abundant. The God of all grace he is called that he would give us the light of the knowledge of Jesus Christ by the truth of the Scripture. And as we read our Bibles, we see the truth of the objective, the objective reality. And so it is the objective work of Christ Jesus that we hold up before you. We hold it up before you because this is where there is life. And we say the wonderful words of Scripture: Not unto us, oh Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory. For thy mercy’s sake and thy truth’s sake. For from him, and through him and to him are all thanks. To whom be glory now and forever.

The Reformation and the Peace of Westphalia

The Reformation and the Peace of Westphalia

This is a transcript of Christian J. Pinto’s talk on October 31, 2022, one of his Noise of Thunder Radio broadcasts. It’s full of important information I didn’t know! How many Christians have heard of the “Peace of Westphalia”? I didn’t until I heard Mr. Pinto’s podcast. Why is it important to know? Because it was about treaties that guaranteed sovereignty to individual nations – exactly what the globalists don’t want and are trying to undo! Chris Pinto can do a much better job explaining it which is why I transcribed this Noise of Thunder broadcast.

Please also listen to the podcast to get Chris’ entire message.

The original title of this podcast is:

Reformation Day and the Peace of Westphalia

Okay, praise the Lord you guys and welcome. I’m Chris Pinto. This is Noise of Thunder Radio. Today on the show. We are going to talk about Reformation Day. Reformation Day, today being October 31st (2022). While many are out there celebrating Halloween, we believe that it’s much more appropriate to acknowledge and really celebrate the great Reformation, which began officially on October 31st in the year 1517, when Martin Luther, the great reformer, nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg. That is the event that is said to have started it all. Of course, those who study the history of Protestantism, especially from the perspective of historians like J.A. Wiley, we know that the elements of the great Reformation were being brought into place for generations prior, I would say at least 150 to 200 years prior. I would even argue based on my study of history and my view of it, I would argue that the principles of the Reformation go all the way back to Magna Carta in 1215 AD.

We’ll talk a little bit more about that here shortly. First, what I wanted to do is play part of an interview. Give you guys a preview into our upcoming documentary on American Jesuits, a history of Jesuitism in the United States, and play part of an interview with Steve Matthews, who is a radio host for the Trinity Foundation. He’s one of the people that we’ve interviewed, and he’s the one who brought up during the interview, the whole idea of the Peace of Westphalia, what it signified, and the concept of the Westphalian world order.

But here, let me play the first part of what he had to say about this, and then we’ll talk about it from there. Listen.

Steve Matthews: The Peace of Westphalia, that’s something – I can’t speak for other countries, but I can say here in the United States, I think there’s very little awareness of the Peace of Westphalia. (I sure didn’t know anything about it till I listened to this podcast!)

In short, the Peace of Westphalia was a treaty that settled the Thirty Years’ War, which took place between 1618 and 1648. And even if people have heard of maybe the Peace of Westphalia, or maybe they’ve heard of the Thirty Years’ War, I don’t think there’s a lot of recognition necessarily about what was going on there. And essentially it was a conflict between the Protestants on the one hand and the Roman Catholics on the other hand, the Protestants, the nations which had become Protestant during the preceding century. They did not want to be ruled by Rome. And Rome wanted to continue to rule them. And so you had this huge pan-European war, the Protestant side, they were known as the Allies, and they defeated the Roman Catholic forces. It was a very destructive war, it was 30 years long. People and historians would say it was the first pan-European war.

We think of pan-European wars, we think of maybe World War I and World War II. Well, there was a war that was just as big and just as destructive back in the 17th century, that was the Thirty Years’ War. And I like to say, the good guys won! The Protestants won that fight. And what it did is it freed those nations from being ruled by Rome. It created the modern world. We’re talking about the Westphalia world order.

Chris Pinto: Wow, now how many people, how many Christians, Protestants, evangelicals, even know what the Peace of Westphalia was or would be able to articulate the idea of the Westphalia world order? Basically what it was was, it acknowledged the national sovereignty of the individual countries of Western Europe. Whereas the Pope wanted to be able to rule all of them from the Vatican and that they all had to submit to Rome under, not just the papacy, but also the Holy Roman Emperor. All of that was broken up because of the great Reformation, ultimately.

But the seeds of it, the root of it, in my opinion, goes back to Magna Carta, which I think is very important to understand because Magna Carta was very much about an argument concerning the sovereignty of England versus having England controlled and manipulated by Rome and the papacy.

But you see, this is what globalism is. Brothers and sisters, globalism is the denial of the sovereignty of independent nations. Now centuries ago, England’s sovereignty was threatened during the time of King John of England when the Pope’s ambassador, a guy named Pandulf, shows up and meets with King John of England, and the king removed the crown from his head and laid it at the feet of the Pope’s ambassador and the papal ambassador put his foot on the crown of England symbolizing that the Pope would now rule England, essentially through the king. The king is going to submit to the Pope. Therefore, what the Pope tells the king to do, the king’s going to do.

When word of this got back to the English, they, of course, were indignant. They were not happy about this. So the meeting with the king and the Pope’s ambassador happened in 1214 AD. By 1215 AD a year later, that is when Archbishop Stephen Langton and the barons of England, who would show up at Runnymede with their armies. That is when they drafted the great charter, Magna Carta. And it was not just because the king was a tyrant. It was because he was abusive and he had all sorts of problems. But the big problem was that he had agreed to submit now to the Pope and in particular Pope Innocent III who was the Pope known for having instigated the great Inquisition.

So this is really the backdrop for why Magna Carta was drafted to begin with. I mean, you have the Pope trying to extort money from the countries of Europe claiming that he’s the vicar of Christ and that he has power over all these countries and they have to pay him money. This, it appears was part of the reason why they insisted on the principle of no taxation without representation. Because where is King John going to get the money to send to the Pope? Well, he’s going to have to get it from the people of England. So he’s going to have to raise their taxes, make them pay more money and then send that money to Rome. Well, the English were not happy about that. And they were not happy about the idea of being subjugated by a foreign leader.

In fact, if you want to read about this from a historically English perspective, I recommend the book Rome Behind the Great War by John Kensit. Kensit was the founder of the Protestant Truth Society which was founded originally back in the 19th century to resist the rise of Romanism in England. But he went on to believe that Rome was ultimately behind the Great War, meaning World War I.

When World War I and World War II were completed, when they were both over, what happened was you had Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle, they both said, “We have just come through our second Thirty Years’ War.” So then you ask, okay, well, what was the first Thirty Years’ War? The first Thirty Years’ War was a series of conflicts and wars, where about 8 million people are said to have died. The conclusion of the Thirty Years’ War was the Peace of Westphalia. That was the treaty, really two treaties that were signed that brought about the Peace of Westphalia, acknowledging the national sovereignty of individual countries rather than having these countries be under some kind of a totalitarian system governed by the Pope, by the papacy. The papacy was trying to act kind of like a United Nations or a League of Nations to control all the countries of Western Europe. And when the Reformation happened and you have the Protestants and they’re resisting the Papists and so on, this is what led to all the conflicts and wars.

People like John Kensit believe that the World Wars, at least World War I in Kensit’s case, was instigated by the Pope. And it’s very interesting in his book if you get it, you just look it up online, they’ve got it uploaded for free. Rome Behind the Great War by John Alfred Kensit in the introductory pages, he shows King John surrendering his crown to the papal legate, the Pope’s legate, Pandulf. And what had happened was King John was excommunicated because he would not obey the Pope when the Pope wanted to appoint Stephen Langton, Archbishop Langton as the Archbishop of Canterbury there in England, and King John was opposing it. As a result, the Pope excommunicated King John. And this created all sorts of problems for John. So John ends up repenting and agreeing to submit to the Pope, to the papacy. There are a number of paintings and drawings of this. You can go and look at them. And here in Kensit’s book, it shows King John kneeling down and putting his crown at the feet of the Pope’s legate. And it says, England’s humiliation, the hour of papal triumph. King John surrenders his crown. And then the description for the image, it says, quote, “John did homage to the Pope’s legate with all the submissive rights, which the feudal law required of vassals before their liege, lord, and superior.” He swore fealty to the Pope and paid part of the tribute which he owed for his kingdom as the patrimony of Saint Peter. The legate, elated by his supreme triumph of sacerdotal power, that is priestly power, trampled on the money and spurned the crown with his foot.”

Then he has a quote, the Kensit does in his book from the year 1873 by Lord Beaconsfield, 1873. And this is what he says, he says,

“We are sinking beneath a power before which the proudest conquerors have grown pale, and by which the nations most devoted to freedom have become enslaved, the power of a foreign priesthood. Your empire and your liberties are more in danger at this moment than when the army of invasion was encamped at Belonne (I’m not sure about the spelling).”

So Lord Beaconsfield’s speech at Glasgow, 1873. I would say that quote, right there, that quote could be applied to what is happening in America today. We have a foreign priesthood controlling our federal government. Most Americans have no idea that that is the situation that we’re in. Most evangelicals are in denial about it. They say, you know, if you bring these things up, they accuse you of anti-Catholic bigotry and all this other kind of stuff because they’ve been brainwashed into that kind of thinking. So they’re not willing or able to acknowledge that what has happened in the past is exactly what’s happening right here in the United States of America today. This is why I think October 31st, Reformation Day, we would do very well to consider the history of how the Reformation happened, why it happened, and all of the elements in play.

Yes, the Bible had a very, very important role. The Reformation movement was a back to the Bible movement. And certainly restoring the preaching of the true gospel that we’re saved by God’s grace through faith in Christ and that it’s not of works lest any man should boast. That’s the core message.

But the reformers did not simply stop at the preaching of the gospel. Modern evangelicals seem to think that all they have to do is preach the gospel. That’s the only concern. And then abandon other areas of society quite often, not always, but often abandon the concern for other areas. The reformers didn’t do that. They believe that where Romans 13 says that government, the state, is the minister of God to be for good, they believe that was a declaration of accountability, that the powers of government need to operate as the minister of God. And they have to obey God’s law, and they don’t have any choice.

And so while the Reform began with reforming matters in the Church, they didn’t end there. The Reformers also turned to the kings, to the magistrates of Europe. And they said you’ve got to repent. You’ve got to operate as ministers of God. That’s your responsibility before the Lord.

And so that’s why I think our country needs reformation, not just revival. Revival suggests that people are going to become revived and zealous in a renewed zeal for Christianity and the gospel and so on. All of which I agree is a good thing, but the Reformation was a much more systematic movement that transformed whole countries over generations and the effects of the Reformation continued for hundreds of years and ultimately brought about the founding of America and the early colonies. So it wasn’t just a temporary reviving of excitement about the Christian faith. It was a systematic movement intended to reform society and purge out all of these corrupting elements that had existed through the Dark Ages. Now that the Bible has been recovered, God’s law is being plainly read by everyone. And so that’s the importance of it.

But what happened at Magna Carta, what was going on, the pope trying to extort money and power through the king, that is effectively what’s going on here in the United States of America. Most Americans don’t realize it. What are we doing? We’re paying billions and billions of dollars to finance globalist endeavors. Right now they are handing over billions of dollars in wealth and resources to the millions and millions of illegal aliens that are coming into our country, through the Mexican border, the unguarded Mexican border, 90% or more of these illegals are Catholics from Mexico and these Latin American countries. And basically, the leaders of our country are redistributing the wealth of America and handing it over to these foreigners who are not even supposed to be here.

This is from Shakespeare’s play on King John, King John of England. You see King John began in rebellion against the Pope’s demands for England because of course that’s what the English people wanted. They didn’t want him to give in to the papacy. But then after he was excommunicated, he ended up repenting, giving in to the Pope and then surrendering his crown. And he allows the appointment of Archbishop Stephen Langton. This is where a very interesting turn of events happens. Langton becomes the Archbishop of Canterbury and then he joins with the English Patriots, the Barons, in opposing the Pope! It would appear the Pope did not expect that to happen, but it did. Then he drafts the Magna Carta, which basically puts restraints on the king and the Pope by default because the Pope can only operate through the king.

Here is a line from Shakespeare’s play King John, King John. And it says this,

To charge me to an answer, as the Pope.
Tell him this tale, and from the mouth of England
Add thus much more, that no Italian priest
Shall tithe or toll in our dominions;
But as we under God are supreme head,
So, under Him, that great supremacy
Where we do reign we will alone uphold
Without th’ assistance of a mortal hand.
So tell the Pope, all reverence set apart
To him and his usurped authority.

He’s arguing that the Pope is usurping. He’s a usurper, really trying to usurp the authority of England. And so he’s refusing to pay the tithe or the toll to the Pope at first. Then he’s excommunicated and he ends up giving in and he surrenders his crown. And then that brings about the Magna Carta, one of the great, great Christian documents of history.

Remember, Archbishop Stephen Langton was a great Bible scholar and the principles, and many of the principles that he wrote into Magna Carta are based on teachings of scripture, based on principles that exist in the Bible. Archbishop Langton was the guy who put the chapter divisions into the Bible that we use even today. But once he did that, once he wrote the Magna Carta and the barons show up at Runnymede with their armies and their hands upon their swords, they compel the king to put his seal to it, which he does. But then shortly after King John and the Pope turned their back on it. They hate it and they try to nullify it. But the principles continued.

If you understand what was happening there at Runnymede in England with the signing of the Great Charter, you can understand what’s behind the European Union. You can understand what’s behind the United Nations. You can understand what this whole New World Order and the Great Reset is really about. Klaus Schwab admits that he was inspired by a Catholic priest to further this movement that is now being called the Great Reset. And the papacy is right at the heart of it. They are right in the midst of it all. But it’s these same principles.

Now, leaders are going to the Vatican and they’re part of this movement called inclusive capitalism. Inclusive capitalism is just another attempt by the Vatican to fleece countries that have money that they want to take, that they want to basically look for clever ways to redistribute wealth from countries that have what they covet and desire. That is what’s going on friends.

And that’s what’s happening here in America. It’s why they’re sending billions and billions of dollars over to Ukraine to finance a war that has nothing to do with us. But it has everything to do with European elitists whose links go all the way to Rome.

We actually went to England and we went to Runnymede and did some filming there at the Magna Carta Monument that is there to this day. The current monument, for those who don’t know, was actually dedicated and paid for by the American Bar Association by the United States. Lawyers. This was done back in the 1950s or so. Why? Because they acknowledged the great influence of the Magna Carta on the founding of America and the influence of American law right up into modern times.

Now let me read another quote from John Kensit and his book, Rome Behind the Great War. Before he convinces his reader about Rome’s influence behind World War I, he’s basically reviewing the pertinent history of Rome in Western civilization. So he’s talking about the papacy and its tyrannical outlandish claims. He says, quote,

“With the Pope represented standing one foot on the land, the other on the sea, and his right hand upraised holding the key which alone could unlock heaven, whilst his left-hand holds the key of hell and purgatory. No wonder men trembled before so mighty a claim. How was such a papacy ever broken? By the hammer blows of a Luther, by the heavy artillery of the Reformation pulpit, and by the master stroke of the translated Bible. Why then was her power not laid low forever? Rome launched her counterattack in the foundation of the Jesuit order, the opening of the dens of the Inquisition and the campaigns of blood such as were led by Elva in the Netherlands. The unraveling of Rome’s history becomes a panorama of gruesome sights of cruelty and despotism.”

Wow, cruelty and despotism. Remember the book that we’ve talked about before? The book by Edmond Paris, The Vatican against Europe, which Edmond Paris now asserts that World War I and World War II were instigated by Rome, by the Vatican. And that this really had to do with the Pope’s temporal power and the Pope not just wanting his temporal power back in Vatican City in Rome itself, but also his power over Western Europe. This is what the counter-reformation is all about, and this is why the European Union was formed after World War II, and why it began with what was called the Treaty of Rome.

But remember, this is why Churchill said that World War I and World War II were the second Thirty Years’ War, the second bloody conflict over what was really papal authority. Even though Churchill didn’t come out and admit that, he kind of admitted it indirectly, but to my knowledge, he didn’t come out and blame the Pope or the Vatican, as far as I know. But for many, many years, of course, you had Jewish leaders who wanted to see the Vatican’s archives and the Vatican’s relationship with Hitler, and now they’ve tried to spin doctor the whole thing and turned Pious XII into a hero who was supposedly secretly resisting Hitler and all this other kind of stuff. Personally, I think all of that is Jesuitical fake history. That’s what I believe.

But I think Cornwall’s book, Hitler’s Pope, is presenting the real story, the real background for what was going on, because Cornwall didn’t really have an agenda. He was actually supportive of the Vatican hierarchy before he went and looked at their private records and their archives and made the discoveries that he did and that he published in his book, Hitler’s Pope. So he wasn’t operating based on some kind of anti-papal, anti-Catholic agenda. That’s not what he was doing.

All right. So the Peace of Westphalia, the Westphalian World Order, was essentially an agreement that the countries of Western Europe are not going to live under the authority of the Pope. They’re not going to be unified and their sovereignty is not going to be denied by Rome to where they’ve all got to submit.

With the European Union (EU), they destroyed the sovereignty of England and all of these countries in Western Europe and said, “From now on, you’re not going to make your own decisions. Your decisions are going to be made for you by the European Union.” And that then became the instrument to start flooding Western Europe with all of these Muslims. And it didn’t matter whether the people wanted millions and millions of Muslims in their countries or not. They tell them, “Hey, you don’t have any choice. You’re under the authority of the European Union.”

And I believe that what’s happening is the Jesuits are setting up the next Holocaust. That’s what they’re doing. They are setting up the next Holocaust because they want to displace Christianity. Primarily Protestantism, political Protestantism is what they want to destroy, but they can’t get their fellow Catholics to really do it because many Catholics like political Protestantism. They like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the right to their arms, and private property protection. So those conservative Catholics are seen as apostates. Now, to me, they’re kind of like the barons at Runnymede. They’re like Archbishop Langton. Langton was Catholic, but he believed in the principles of God’s law, his moral code in the Bible. That’s kind of how I see it. I call them Magna Carta Catholics, conservative Catholics.

But that’s why Protestant evangelicals who are also conservative will see that political kinship, even though there’s not a theological one if we get down to it because of things like the Council of Trent and Vatican I, and Vatican II, those are theological boundaries that make it — if anybody believes those documents, you simply cannot embrace biblical Christianity because you’re forbidden from doing so. But these conflicts, this struggle of the Reformation, this is why the Reformation continues to be so important to this day. It’s why I think remembering Reformation Day every year, is much more important than having our kids run around and dress up like ghouls and villains and all this other kind of stuff that doesn’t really do anything. You just think about it. You can’t even give it a plausible, godly anything. You know, when people argue about Christmas, I’m not looking to open the Christmas debate right now, but nevertheless, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ into the world. Now people debate that back and forth, but at least you’re celebrating the birth of Christ into the world. What are people doing on Halloween? They’re celebrating what? The powers of hell running wild on the earth? I mean, there is nothing in Halloween that is biblical. You can’t even make an argument that even sounds remotely biblical in favor of Halloween. So that’s the whole problem with that.

But I think Reformation Day is a much more important thing to recognize because not only does it lead to a recovery of the Bible as the Word of God and putting the Bible into the languages of the common people, something that we really show in our film, A Lamp in the Dark, the Untold History of the Bible, how the Reformers struggled for generations, for centuries really, to get the Bible into the language of the common man so that the common man, so that the boy who drives the plow, as Tyndale said, so that the traveler traveling upon his way or the woman spinning at her wheel as Erasmus said, would have access to the Holy Scripture, could read the Word of God for themselves. That the Reformers believed was so critical and so important. And we should never take our Bibles for granted. We really should not, brothers and sisters, you see a Bible there in your language as an English-speaking person. We should always remind ourselves that this is a great blessing from Almighty God and we should remind ourselves of the sacrifice that our forefathers went through for centuries, being hated, hunted, whipped, beaten, burned at the stake, mass murdered so that they could get the Word of God into our language. And they fought for it not only with words, but they took up arms and they fought on the field of battle for this right in the Western world. And ultimately now in most parts of the world, although there are parts of the world that do not welcome the Bible.

But we can never take that for granted. We’ve got to remember our ancestors, what they did. We’ve got to remember, as Samuel said to the children of Israel, consider how great things God has done for you. That’s what we’ve got to consider so that we encourage ourselves, our children, and our generation to be thankful for the blessings that we have today. And unfortunately, we all take them for granted to a certain extent.

But I’ve had the opportunity to stay in hotels here in the past few months while traveling, doing interviews and this kind of thing. Whenever I go into a hotel room to this day, one of the first things I do is go to the nightstand and open the drawer and look to see if they’ve got a copy of the Bible there. Because that is an American tradition that has, I mean, that goes back to my childhood and praise the Lord for those committed Christians who have just very, in a very humble, consistent way, made sure that there are Bibles in hotel rooms across the country. I mean, it’s amazing if you think about it. I mean, the Reformers have to, to some extent, celebrate that. Because the Lord only knows how many souls have gone into a hotel room who were in distress, who were depressed, who were struggling with various trials in life, and they picked up the Bible that was there and they opened it up and they, they felt and believed God was speaking to them through the Holy Scriptures, which He does. The Bible is the Word of God. The Word of God is alive and powerful. God’s Word is a living Word. We’ve always got to remember that.

So praise the Lord, brothers and sisters, praise the Lord for all the great things that God has done for His people and all the great things that God has done for our country.

We’re in a perilous time. There’s no doubt. As Paul wrote in the New Testament, in the last days, perilous time shall come. He said, “For men shall be lovers of their own selves.” If that is not the time in which we live, I’m not sure what it would look like otherwise. That men would be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. That is, it’s undeniable. And to some extent, as Americans, we’ve all got to evaluate our own lives. We’ve all got to look at ourselves and say, you know, to what extent are we guilty of being lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God? And how can we love God more? This is the love of God, the Bible says, that we keep His commands. That, I think, is very, very important.

Quite often what we’re hearing with the movement toward immorality and trying to normalize all things that are immoral, the attempts to normalize immorality are being done by people who are claiming that they’re doing this because God is love and they need to express the love of God by not being judgmental, etc, etc. We’ve all heard these arguments over and over again. But they’re corrupt arguments. And we were warned about these things 2000 years ago. It’s really the warning of the book of Jude when Jude warns that there are those certain men who crept in unawares, ungodly men who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, who turned the grace of God into licentiousness. The idea that God is gracious, loving and merciful, they turn it into a license for evil and wicked behavior. And that’s what we’re witnessing.

And yet there’s nothing new under the sun. We have to remember that. There’s nothing new under the sun because this is what was going on with the Gnostics in the early church. They did exactly the same thing. When we’re reading our Bibles throughout the Old Testament, we’re reading about what happened when the children of Israel turned aside to idolatry and they’re worshiping Baal and Moloch and these pagan gods and they’re falling into sexual immorality as they did when Balaam, the false prophet Balaam, instigated. He cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, the scripture says, by giving counsel to the enemy king, Balaak, and encouraged the people of Israel to practice immoral things and idolatry.

That’s what we’re dealing with in our country. That’s what we’re dealing with right now, this entire movement, this LGBT movement especially, but really with the porn industry, with all of it, it is a modern Balaamite attempt at subverting our country, culturally, theologically and politically. That’s what it is. It’s just like Balaam from the ancient world instigating. Because they’re not just saying, Oh, let’s live and let live and let people do as they will in the privacy of their own homes. That’s not what they’re arguing. They are going into the schools. They’re going into the courts. They’re going into the infrastructure of our entire nation and they’re trying to find ways to impose an immoral standard as the supreme standard that this is the new normal, immorality. And if you don’t accept it, then you’ve got to be an outcast. You’ve got to be condemned for not accepting their immoral standard as something to be celebrated, not just tolerated, but celebrated.

And those are the levels of subversion. But there’s no question that Rome and the counter-Reformation are at the very heart of all of this. It’s not an accident that the Jesuits support fully the LGBT movement. That is not an accident. That’s not a coincidence. In fact, they’ve got this, this new film that is out. I saw the previews for this. It’s this pro-abortion movie with Sigourney Weaver entitled, “Call Jane” It’s apparently not doing well at the box office. Call Jane, with Elizabeth Banks and Sigourney Weaver, etc. The movie in a nutshell is about a woman who wants to have an abortion because supposedly her life is in danger and bear in mind it is a fictionalized drama. According to the New York Times, they call it quote a “fictionalized drama about the Jane Collective, a clandestine group that helped women secure safe illegal abortions before 1973”. It also claims that it is a fact-based abortion rights drama. Call Jane. That’s so that’s what they’re saying about it. But what’s very interesting is that in several of the scenes, what you have with this collection of women who are doing this underground abortion network where they’re providing abortions for women, even though it’s been illegal because these misogynist men won’t go along with it or whatever is that in one scene after another, they show Roman Catholic nuns. They show nuns who are there cooperating with this. You know, they’re part of the underground network. And when I’m watching this, I’m watching it going, you know, this completely fits in with what we were warned about by the whistleblower Catholics in earlier centuries who have said that Rome and her priests and the nuns have engaged in infanticide for centuries.

And I often point to the book by Giuseppe Garibaldi, Rule of the Monk, which he published in 1870, 1871 right around there. But Garibaldi had invaded, the great Italian general invaded Rome to control it and they liberated the nunneries. And they said they found evidence of infanticide in all of the nunneries without exception. Because the standard practice, or the common practice we”ll say, was that the priests would use the nuns like prostitutes and then they would get pregnant sooner or later. And once they got pregnant, they would give birth to children. Of course, a nun is not supposed to get pregnant. So then when the children were born, they would kill the children, the newborns, effectively a form of abortion, but they would typically wait until the child was born and then bury their dead bodies in pits of lime. That’s what historians have said that they did for generations.

Charles Chiniquy, the 19th-century Catholic priest who did convert to Protestantism eventually, and who was the friend of Abraham Lincoln … We’ll be talking a lot about Chiniquy in this new film on American Jesuits. But he talked about all of this, the immorality of Rome and the priesthood and the hierarchy. But yes, abortion or infanticide has been supported by Rome for centuries. And yes, there are many Catholics now. You have Catholic people who completely oppose the abortion movement. They would agree with evangelicals and Protestants and so on in opposition to abortion. But I found it very, very interesting when I saw the preview for this Call Jane movie where they’re obviously promoting abortion and encouraging people to be the underground abortionists like they’re part of some noble movement. I mean, perilous times, brothers and sisters, perilous times.

This is from a review by the Daily Herald. They talk about this. They talk about the film. At one point, they say, quote, “Meanwhile, a prominent Jane appears to be a Catholic nun named Sister Mike who womans the phones and whips up food for recovering clients. Hey, what’s her story? We never find out.”

So apparently they don’t really go into a lot of detail about the role of this Catholic nun, Sister Mike. But she’s there. And if you watch the preview, you’ll see these clips. It looks like two different nuns. Maybe it’s the same person.

Also, you’ve got an article from The Independent over in the UK. This is just a couple of months ago back in August. And the headline says, quote, “What I learned after meeting a Catholic nun who supports abortion rights.” And so they have what they call Europe’s most radical nun. Have a whole article here about her and how she supports abortion rights. But she does it in a very jesualitical way. If you read her dialogue, study her dialogue, it’s kind of, no, I don’t support it. Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Yes, I do. It’s back and forth like that, where you’re brought to this point where you’re not really sure what to think. There’s always that element of plausible deniability, which is why I call it jesualitical. But yes, it’s not going to surprise me if, in the next 10 years, you have the Vatican, just like the Vatican systematically came to support Darwinism, which today they officially support Darwin and they’ve systematically come to support Marxism. So now they openly declare that the government of China is the most ideal form of government, Communism. And it will not be a surprise if the Vatican and the hierarchy of Rome in the next generation come to fully embrace the LGBT movement and possibly even abortion as well.

Now, exactly what’s going to happen with all of that? Who knows? I mean, there’s been an interesting turn of events with the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court. But really all that’s done is remove the imposition of abortion. Now the courts cannot go in and the ACLU cannot go in and force states to provide abortion services for individual towns and cities and states and so on. That’s what’s been removed is the imposition of abortion, but still blue states, Democrat states, they support abortion and now what they’re doing is they’re trying to make it out like, wow, conservative states that don’t support abortion, infanticide, they’re a danger. They’re a threat to freedom.

And it looks like they’re using this as a catalyst now to push back and eventually come up with some kind of absolute law on abortion where they will try to force it. They might be trying to get us to the point where China was at where you have the one-child abortion policy where you can only have one child. I think now they’ve increased it to two where you can only have so many children. And then if you’re a woman and you get pregnant after you’ve had your quota, your limit of children, then you are forced by the state to have an abortion. That’s what they’ve done in China for generations now. That may be where all of this is headed. That’s kind of a slingshot effect there. You know, overturning Roe is simply to create tension so that they can go the other way and push for even greater levels of infanticide in the next generation. I don’t know. We’re going to have to wait and see.

Of course, I hope that does not happen. I hope that the American people continue to resist Romanism and globalism and socialism, and that we are able to push back and that God will grant us national repentance on all these issues. That is my heart, my hope and my prayer for our country that will move in a more godly direction as our people wake up and recognize that these ideas are just pure evil.

And something that I’m encouraged by is especially watching what they’re doing as they’re targeting our children in the schools with the immoral agenda, I’m hearing more and more people just stand up and say, “This is evil. This is pure evil. And they’re recognizing it. And that is a very good thing. That’s a very important thing that we’ve got people whose conscience has not been so calloused and deadened that they are unable to recognize evil and to have that sense that godly sense of indignation that a person must have if they’re going to be convicted enough to do something about it. That’s the key. Not just being convicted, but convicted enough to actually try and do something, to make a difference.

But it’s got to begin with a knowledge of right and wrong, good and evil. You know, the Bible says, woe to those who call good evil and evil good. So God’s law and God’s Word tell us that there is a standard for that which is good and there is a standard for that which is evil. These things are defined by God himself, our Creator, through his law.

The fact that God says woe to those who call good evil and evil good tells us God does not leave men to their own conscience on every single issue. There are some issues, you know, like Paul is talking about whether or not you eat meat versus herbs, etc., whether or not you acknowledge certain feast days and holy days, etc., let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Nevertheless, there is God’s moral code about which people don’t just have the freedom to say, well, I believe something else. The sodomites at Sodom and Gomorrah did not have the freedom to tell themselves that they were going to adopt a different form of morality. And so when Lot says to them, “Sirs, do not do so wickedly.” And then they say, “Will you be the judge of us?” Don’t judge us, Lot, is basically what they were saying. But it’s not really Lot who was judging them. Almighty God, God’s morality judged them. God’s moral law judged them. So they didn’t have the freedom to make up their own version of morality.

The Nazis did not have the freedom to decide for themselves that in their opinion Jews are subhuman, so therefore killing Jews is somehow or other not murder. They didn’t have the freedom to make up their own version of morality. What they did was very clearly condemned by God’s law. And we have to remember this because one of the biggest deceptions happening as I see it right now with Christianity in the Western world is the idea that you cannot hold pagans and non-Christians accountable to a Christian standard. We need to recover a Christian moral standard. We need to recover the belief of our ancestors that yes, you most certainly can and you should and you have a responsibility to hold them accountable.

When God gave the law to ancient Israel, you read Leviticus chapter 18 when God goes over the list of immoral practices that the Canaanites were guilty of. He says to Israel, you shall not practice these things and neither shall the stranger who dwells among you. The foreigners who show up, they’re not going to practice these things either. And God made it clear that for those immoral practices, that’s why the Canaanites were being judged and condemned by the judgment of God. So even though they didn’t have a written law per se, they had God’s law written upon their hearts. God’s judgments are seen in all the earth. I mean, think about it. If somebody were an atheist and they committed murder, you wouldn’t say, well, they’re an atheist. You know, they don’t, they’re not Christians. So you can’t hold them accountable for murder. Well, of course you can. God’s moral law applies. And this is what Paul’s communicating in Romans chapter one as well. And that is the standard that’s written into our Declaration of Independence with the phrase “laws of nature” and “nature’s God”. That’s why that’s there. That’s really the foundation of what became international law.

The reason slavery was abolished not just in England and America, but also in many other parts of the world is because our Christian ancestors were imposing God’s law that says you cannot kidnap somebody and enslave them. They were imposing God’s law on the pagan, unbelieving world and saying to them, no, you’ve got to obey the law of God. It’s a fundamental law. You have to obey it.

We talked about this principle in this woke Hollywood film they made called The Woman King, where they’re trying to portray the Dahomey tribe as though they were some kind of freedom fighter tribe when they were a tribe that thrived on slavery, kidnapping, subjugating and enslaving people. And it was actually the British who confronted them and said, you’ve got to give up slavery. They didn’t want to give it up. So they were pagans. The British were Christian. How could they impose the principles of liberty on the pagans? Why? Because God’s law is the law. Let God be true. And every man, a liar, praise the Lord.

It’s the same authority that the Apostle Paul had when preaching the gospel on Mars Hill 2000 years ago, where he says to the Athenians who were all pagans worshiping these idols, he says:

Acts 17:30  And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: 31  Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

The Lord Jesus Christ, it’s very clearly a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ. But what does Paul say? God commands that all men everywhere repent. So no, true biblical Christianity does not say, well, the pagans can do whatever they want. That is a communist standard that entered our country somewhere around the time of World War II.

One thing about the Westphalian world order that defends the sovereignty of nations, just to show you how the change has come about here and really in very, very recent decades. Let me just read you a couple of things that you can find on Wikipedia when they talk about Westphalian sovereignty and so on. They say, quote,

In 1999, British Prime Minister Tony Blair gave a speech in Chicago where he “set out a new, post-Westphalian, ‘doctrine of the international community.'” Blair argued that globalization had made the Westphalian approach anachronistic. Blair was later referred to by The Daily Telegraph as “the man who ushered in the post-Westphalian era”. Others have also asserted that globalization has superseded the Westphalian system. (Source:

So in other words, globalism is the very antithesis of the Westphalian worldview, which protects the sovereignty of individual nations. I would argue that the Westphalian view is very much grounded and rooted in the Bible and a Christian worldview. It is not from the perspective of a pagan worldview. So it’s not going to defend paganism. It’s going to defend Christian libertarianism. That’s what I believe.

Now, I’ve got to do more research into it. I’ll be honest with you and I really need to do another show later on and talk about that, but I’m going to have to investigate more, but is very interesting that Tony Blair, who we’ve known for years was a Vatican agent who had everything to do with subverting England and the United Kingdom and, of course, working with Bush, New World Order Bush and the Iraq War. And both of those men were dedicated to advancing the cause of globalism. There’s no question about it. And then Tony Blair, of course, famously converted to Roman Catholicism. I believe for many years that Blair was a Vatican agent. He was engaging in what they call over in England, “stealth Catholicism.” That’s what they call it. He was a stealth Catholic trying to undermine England’s national sovereignty. And he did a lot to do exactly that. But Blair is a globalist as Bush is. And they are, they are, if you will, anti-Westphalians, which really means that they are part of the counterreformation, in my opinion. That would be my interpretation of globalism.

Globalism is why I made the audio CD, the Jesuits and Marxism, a weapon of the Counter-Reformation. Globalism is a weapon of the Counter-Reformation to overturn this Protestant Bible-based idea of liberty under God. That’s what it’s designed to do.

God bless you guys. I’m Chris Pinto and you’ve been listening to Noise of Thunder Radio.

Daniel 11 Explained in the Light of History

Daniel 11 Explained in the Light of History

Daniel 11 is all about prophecy of future events – future to the time of the prophet Daniel, not us – and one of the hardest passages in the Bible to understand unless you know the history behind it! It’s not about the rise of the Antichrist in an as-yet-unknown time in the future as many people think. Why do they think that? Because that’s what they were taught. And who taught them? People under the teaching of John Nelson Darby’s and C.I. Scofield’s dispensationalism! I was one of them. Most evangelicals today are.

When my pastor told me that Daniel 11:31 is a prophecy of the Endtime Antichrist setting up his image in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, I didn’t question him. Why should I? I was young then, 23 years old, and still ignorant of Bible prophecy. My pastor was much older and more knowledgeable than I was. At the time I had no reason to question him. I didn’t even know there are alternative interpretations in the light of history that much much more sense. I did not know about the Counter-Reformation and the Jesuits’ corruption of Bible interpretation through infiltration into Protestant churches and seminaries. How could I know that then? At the time I was living in Japan with no access to English libraries. And even if there was a library, would the books I needed to read even be available? It wasn’t until the advent of the Internet that I had access to information on what the Bible prophecy teachers of the 18th century and earlier used to teach before Jesuit doctrines seeped into the churches.

The most amazing thing about the prophecies of Daniel 11 is that they are very specific. The prophecies were all fulfilled in specific people and not just generally as the prophecy of empires in Daniel chapters 2, 7 and 8. It’s as if God already planned for all this to happen and He chose the people through which the events happened!

The commentary is based on Adam Clarke’s research. Adam Clarke (1762 – 26 August 1832) was a British Methodist theologian.

Verse Commentary
Daniel 11:1  ¶Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen him. The angel from chapter 10 is talking to Daniel. He reveals that heads of state are under the influence of the spirit world, in this case for good. Darius the first Median king of Babylon was favored by God and was a friend of Daniel.
Daniel 11:2  And now will I shew thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia. Gabriel had already spoken of Cyrus, who was now reigning; and after him three others should arise. These were,

1. Cambyses, the son of Cyrus.

2. Smerdis, the Magian, who was an impostor, who pretended to be another son of Cyrus. And,

3. Darius, the son of Hystaspes, who married Mandane, the daughter of Cyrus.

Cambyses reigned seven years and five months; Smerdis reigned only seven months; and Darius Hystaspes reigned thirty-six years.

The fourth shall be far richer than they all – This was Xerxes, the son of Darius, of whom Justin says. “He had so great an abundance of riches in his kingdom, that although rivers were dried up by his numerous armies, yet his wealth remained unexhausted.”

He shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia – His military strength was such, that Herodotus, who lived in that time, informs us that his army amounted to five millions, two hundred and eighty-three thousand, two hundred and twenty men. Besides these, the Carthaginians furnished him with an army of three hundred thousand men, and a fleet of two hundred ships. He led an army against the Greeks of eight hundred thousand men, and twelve hundred and seven ships, with three banks of rowers each. As he marched along, he obliged all the people of the countries through which he passed to join him.

Daniel 11:3  And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. This was Alexander the great.
Daniel 11:4  And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those. Alexander’s kingdom shall be broken – Shall, after his death, be divided among his four chief generals.

And not to his posterity – The family of Alexander had a most tragical end:

1. His wife Statira was murdered soon after his death by his other wife Roxana.

2. His brother Aridaeus who succeeded him, was killed, together with his wife Euridice, by command of Olympias, Alexander’s mother, after he had been king about six years and some months.

3. Olympias herself was killed by the soldiers in revenge.

4. Alexander Aegus, his son, together with his mother Roxana, was slain by order of Cassander.

5. Two years after, his other son Hercules, with his mother Barsine, was privately murdered by Polysperchon; so that in fifteen years after his death not one of his family or posterity remained alive!

“Blood calls for blood.” He (Alexander) was the great butcher of men. He was either poisoned, or killed himself by immoderate drinking, when he was only thirty-two years and eight months old: and a retributive Providence destroyed all his posterity, so that neither root nor branch of them was left on the face of the earth. Thus ended Alexander, the great butcher; and thus ended his family and posterity.

Daniel 11:5  ¶And the king of the south shall be strong, and one of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion. This was Ptolemy Lagus, one of his generals, who had the government of Egypt, Libra, etc., which are on the south of Judea. He was strong, for he had added Cyprus, Phoenicia, Caria, etc., to his kingdom of Egypt.

And one of his princes – shall be strong above him – This was Seleucus Nicator, who possessed Syria, Babylon, Media, and the neighboring countries. This was the king of the north, for his dominions lay north of Judea.

Daniel 11:6  And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king’s daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times. Several historical circumstances are here passed by.

The king’s daughter of the south
– Berenice, daughter of Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, was married to Antiochus Theos, king of Syria. These two sovereigns had a bloody war for some years; and they agreed to terminate it by the above marriage, on condition that Antiochus would put away his wife Laodice and her children, which he did; and Berenice having brought an immense fortune to her husband, all things appeared to go on well for a tine.

But she shall not retain the power of the arm
– זרע zaro, her posterity, shall not reign in that kingdom.

But she shall be given up – Antiochus recalled his former wife Laodice and her children, and she, fearing that he might recall Berenice, caused him to be poisoned and her to be murdered, and set her son Callinicus upon the throne.

And they that brought her – Her Egyptian women, striving to defend their mistress, were many of them killed.

And he that begat her – Or, as the margin, “he whom she brought forth;” the son being murdered, as well as the mother, by order of Laodice.

And he that strengthened her – Probably her father Ptolemy, who was excessively fond of her, and who had died a few years before.

Daniel 11:7  But out of a branch of her roots shall one stand up in his estate, which shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and shall prevail: But out of a branch of her roots – A branch from the same root from which she sprang. This was Ptolemy Euergetes, her brother, who, to avenge his sister’s death, marched with a great army against Seleucus Callinicus, took some of his best places, indeed all Asia, from Mount Taurus to India, and returned to Egypt with an immense booty, forty thousand talents of silver, precious vessels, and images of their gods two thousand five hundred, without Callinicus daring to offer him battle. I can but touch on these historic facts, for fear of extending these notes to an immoderate length.
Daniel 11:8  And shall also carry captives into Egypt their gods, with their princes, and with their precious vessels of silver and of gold; and he shall continue more years than the king of the north. He shall continue more years – Seleucus Callinicus died (an exile) by a fall from his horse; and Ptolemy Euergetes survived him four or five years.
Daniel 11:9  So the king of the south shall come into his kingdom, and shall return into his own land. So the king of the south – Ptolemy Euergetes: – Shall come into his kingdom – That of Seleucus Callinicus. And shall return – Having heard that a sedition had taken place in Egypt, Ptolemy Euergetes was obliged to return speedily in order to repress it; else he had wholly destroyed the kingdom of Callinicus.
Daniel 11:10  But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return, and be stirred up, even to his fortress. But his sons shall be stirred up – That is, the sons of Callinicus, who were Seleucus Ceraunus and Antiochus, afterwards called the Great.

Shall assemble a multitude – Seleucus Ceraunus did assemble a multitude of forces in order to recover his father’s dominions; but, not having money to pay them, they became mutinous, and he was poisoned by two of his own generals. His brother Antiochus was then proclaimed king; so that one only of the sons did certainly come, and overflow, and pass through; he retook Seleucia, and regained Syria. He then returned, and overcame Nicolaus the Egyptian general; and seemed disposed to invade Egypt, as he came even to his fortress, to the frontiers of Egypt.

Daniel 11:11  And the king of the south shall be moved with choler, and shall come forth and fight with him, even with the king of the north: and he shall set forth a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given into his hand. The king of the south – Ptolemy Philopater, who succeeded his father Euergetes.

Shall come forth and fight with him – He did come forth to Raphia, where he was met by Antiochus, when a terrible battle was fought between these two kings.

And he (Antiochus, the king of the north) shall set forth a great multitude – Amounting to sixty-two thousand foot, six thousand horse, and one hundred and two elephants; but yet the multitude was given into his hand, the hand of the king of the south; for Ptolemy gained a complete victory. Raphia, and other neighbouring towns, declared for the victor; and Antiochus was obliged to retreat with his scattered army to Antioch, from which he sent to solicit a peace. See 3 Maccabees 1:1-6, and Polybius, lib. v.

Daniel 11:12  And when he hath taken away the multitude, his heart shall be lifted up; and he shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it. His heart shall be lifted up – Had Ptolemy improved his victory, he might have dispossessed Antiochus of his whole empire; but giving way to pride, and a criminally sensual life, he made peace on dishonorable terms; and though he had gained a great victory, yet his kingdom was not strengthened by it, for his subjects were displeased, and rebelled against him, or at least became considerably disaffected.
Daniel 11:13  For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches. The king of the north shall return – after certain years – In about fourteen years Antiochus did return, Philopater being dead, and his son Ptolemy Epiphanes being then a minor. He brought a much larger army and more riches; these he had collected in a late eastern expedition.
Daniel 11:14  And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall. Many stand up against the king of the south — Antiochus, and Philip king of Macedon, united together to overrun Egypt.

Also the robbers of thy people — The Jews, who revolted from their religion, and joined Ptolemy, under Scopas,-

Shall exalt themselves to establish the vision — That is, to build a temple like that of Jerusalem, in Egypt, hoping thereby to fulfil a prediction of Isaiah, Isaiah 30:18-25, which seemed to intimate that the Jews and the Egyptians should be one people. They now revolted from Ptolemy, and joined Antiochus; and this was the means of contributing greatly to the accomplishment of prophecies that foretold the calamities that should fall upon the Jews.

But they shall fall. — For Scopas came with a great army from Ptolemy; and, while Antiochus was engaged in other parts, reduced Coelesyria and Palestine, subdued the Jews, placed guards on the coasts of Jerusalem, and returned with great spoils to Egypt.

Daniel 11:15  So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not withstand, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand. So the king of the north — Antiochus came to recover Judea. Scopas was sent by Ptolemy to oppose him; but he was defeated near the fountains of Jordan, and was obliged to take refuge in Sidon with ten thousand men. Antiochus pursued and besieged him; and he was obliged by famine to surrender at discretion, and their lives only were spared. Antiochus afterwards besieged several of the fenced cities, and took them; in short, carried all before him; so that the king of the south, Ptolemy, and his chosen people, his ablest generals, were not able to oppose him.
Daniel 11:16  But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed. He shall stand in the glorious land — Judea. For he reduced Palestine; and the Jews supplied him with provisions, and assisted him to reduce the garrison that Scopas had left in the citadel of Jerusalem.

Which by his hand shall be consumed — Or, which shall be perfected in his hand. For Antiochus showed the Jews great favour: he brought back those that were dispersed, and re-established them in the land; freed the priests and Levites from all tribute, &c.

Daniel 11:17  He shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: and he shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her: but she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him. He shall also set his face to enter — Antiochus purposed to have marched his army into Egypt; but he thought it best to proceed by fraudulence, and therefore proposed a treaty of marriage between him and his daughter Cleopatra, called here the daughter of women, because of her great beauty and accomplishments. And this he appeared to do, having “upright ones with him.” Or, as the Septuagint have it και ευθεια παντα μετ’ αυτου ποιησει, “and he will make all things straight with him;” that is, he acted as if he were influenced by nothing but the most upright views. But he intended his daughter to be a snare to Ptolemy, and therefore purposed to corrupt her that she might betray her husband.

But she shall not stand on his side — On the contrary, her husband’s interests became more dear to her than her father’s; and by her means Ptolemy was put upon his guard against the intentions of Antiochus.

Daniel 11:18  After this shall he turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince for his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him. Shall he turn his face unto the isles — Antiochus had fitted out a great fleet of one hundred large ships and two hundred smaller, and with this fleet subdued most of the maritime places on the coast of the Mediterranean, and took many of the isles, Rhodes, Samos, Euboea, Colophon, and others.

But a prince for his own behalf — Or, a captain. The consul Acilius Glabrio caused the reproach to cease; beat and routed his army at the straits of Thermopylae, and expelled him from Greece. So he obliged him to pay the tribute which he hoped to impose on others; for he would grant him peace only on condition of paying the expense of the war, fifteen thousand talents; five hundred on the spot, – two thousand five hundred when the peace should be ratified by the senate, – and the remaining twelve thousand in twelve years, each year one thousand. See Polybius in his Legations, and Appian in the Wars of Syria. And thus, –

Without his own reproach — Without losing a battle, or taking a false step, Acilius caused the reproach which he was bringing upon the Romans to turn upon himself.

Daniel 11:19  Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found. He shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land — After this shameful defeat, Antiochus fled to Sardis, thence to Apamea, and the next day got into Syria, and to Antioch, his own fort, whence he sent ambassadors to treat for peace; and was obliged to engage to pay the immense sum of money mentioned above.

But he shall stumble and fall — Being under the greatest difficulties how to raise the stipulated sums, he marched into his eastern provinces to exact the arrears of taxes; and, attempting to plunder the temple of Jupiter Belus at Elymais, he was opposed by the populace, and he and his attendants slain. This is the account that Diodorus Sicules, Strabo, and Justin give of his death. But it is variously related by others; some saying that he was assassinated by some of his own people whom he had punished for being drunk at a feast.-So Aurelius Victor. St. Jerome says he lost his life in a battle against the inhabitants of Elymais. In short, the manner of his death is uncertain; and perhaps even this circumstance is referred to by the prophet, when he says, “He shall stumble and fall, and NOT BE FOUND.”

Daniel 11:20  Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle. Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes — Seleucus Philopater succeeded his father Antiochus. He sent his treasurer Heliodorus to seize the money deposited in the temple of Jerusalem, which is here called the glory of the kingdom, see 2Macc 9:23. He was so cramped to pay the annual tax to the Romans, that he was obliged to burden his subjects with continual taxes.

He shall be destroyed, neither in anger – fighting against an enemy, nor in battle – at the head of his troops; but basely and treacherously, by the hand of Heliodorus his treasurer, who hoped to reign in his stead.

Daniel 11:21  ¶And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. In his estate shall stand up a vile person — This was Antiochus, surnamed Epiphanes – the Illustrious. They did not give him the honour of the kingdom: he was at Athens, on his way from Rome, when his father died; and Heliodorus had declared himself king, as had several others. But Antiochus came in peaceably, for he obtained the kingdom by flatteries. He flattered Eumenes, king of Pergamus, and Attalus his brother, and got their assistance. He flattered the Romans, and sent ambassadors to court their favour, and pay them the arrears of the tribute. He flattered the Syrians, and gained their concurrence; and as he flattered the Syrians, so they flattered him, giving him the epithet of Epiphanes – the Illustrious. But that he was what the prophet here calls him, a vile person, is fully evident from what Polybius says of him, from Athenaeus, lib. v.: “He was every man’s companion: he resorted to the common shops, and prattled with the workmen: he frequented the common taverns, and ate and drank with the meanest fellows, singing debauched songs,” &c., &c. On this account a contemporary writer, and others after him, instead of Epiphanes, called him Epimanes – the Madman.
Daniel 11:22  And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. And with the arms of a flood — The arms which were overflown before him were his competitors for the crown. They were vanquished by the forces of Eumenes and Attalus; and were dissipated by the arrival of Antiochus from Athens, whose presence disconcerted all their measures.

The prince of the covenant — This was Onias, the high priest, whom he removed, and put Jason in his place, who had given him a great sum of money; and then put wicked Menelaus in his room, who had offered him a larger sum. Thus he acted deceitfully in the league made with Jason.

Daniel 11:23  And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people. He shall come up — From Rome, where he had been a hostage for the payment of the tax laid on his father.

Shall become strong with a small people. — At first he had but few to espouse his cause when he arrived at Antioch, the people having been greatly divided by the many claimants of the crown; but being supported by Eumenes and Attalus, his few people increased, and he became strong.

Daniel 11:24  He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places — The very richest provinces – Coelesyria and Palestine.

He shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers — He became profuse in his liberalities, and scattered among them the prey of his enemies, the spoil of temples, and the riches of his friends, as well as his own revenues. He spent much in public shows, and bestowed largesses among the people. We are told in 1Macc 3:30, that “in the liberal giving of gifts he abounded above all the kings that went before him.” These are nearly the words of the prophet; and perhaps without any design to copy them on the part of the apocryphal writer. He would sometimes go into the streets, and throw about a handful of money, crying out, “Let him take it, to whom Fortune sends it.”

He shall forecast his devices — As Eulaeus and Lenaeus, who were the guardians of the young Egyptian king Ptolemy Philometer, demanded from Antiochus the restitution of Coelesyria and Palestine, which he refused, he foresaw that he might have a war with that kingdom; and therefore he forecast devices – fixed a variety of plans to prevent this; visited the strong holds and frontier places to see that they were in a state of defense. And this he did for a time – he employed some years in hostile preparations against Egypt.

Daniel 11:25  And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him. He shall stir up his power — Antiochus marched against Ptolemy, the king of the south, (Egypt,) with a great army; and the Egyptian generals had raised a mighty force.

Stirred up to battle — The two armies met between Pelusium and Mount Casius; but he (the king of the south) could not stand-the Egyptian army was defeated. The next campaign he had greater success; he routed the Egyptian army, took Memphis, and made himself master of all Egypt, except Alexandria, see 1Macc 1:16-19. And all these advantages he gained by forecasting devices; probably by corrupting his ministers and captains. Ptolemy Macron gave up Cyprus to Antiochus; and the Alexandrians were led to renounce their allegiance to Potlemy Philometer, and took Euergetes, or Physcon his younger brother, and made him king in his stead. All this was doubtless by the corruptions of Antiochus.

Daniel 11:26  Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain. Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat — This is the proof of what has been last noted, that the intrigues of Antiochus, corrupting the ministers and officers of Ptolemy, were the cause of all the disasters that felt on the Egyptian king. They that fed of the portion of his meat – who were in his confidence and pay, and possessed the secrets of the state, betrayed him; and these were the means of destroying him and his army, so that he was defeated, as was before observed.
Daniel 11:27  And both these kings’ hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed. And both these kings’ hearts shall be to do mischief — That is, Antiochus, and Ptolemy Philometer, who was nephew to the former, and whose interest he now pretended to have much at heart, since the Alexandrians had renounced their allegiance to him, and set his younger brother Euergetes upon the throne. When Antiochus came to Memphis, he and Philometer had frequent conferences at the same table; and at these times they spoke lies to each other, Antiochus professing great friendship to his nephew and concern for his interests, yet in his heart designing to ruin the kingdom by fomenting the discords which already subsisted between the two brothers. On the other hand, Philometer professed much gratitude to his uncle for the interest he took in his affairs, and laid the blame of the war upon his minister Eulaeus; while at the same time he spoke lies, determining as soon as possible to accommodate matters with his brother, and join all their strength against their deceitful uncle.

But it shall not prosper — Neither succeeded in his object; for the end of the appointed time was not yet come.

Daniel 11:28  Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land. Then shall he return onto his land with great riches — Antiochus did return, laden with riches, from the spoils that he took in Egypt; see 1Macc 1:19, 20. And hearing that there had been a report of his death, at which the citizens of Jerusalem had made great rejoicings,-

His heart shall be against the holy covenant — He was determined to take a severe revenge, and he had an ostensible pretext for it, for Jason, who had been deprived of the high priesthood, hearing the report of the death of Antiochus, raised forces, marched against Jerusalem, took it, and obliged Menelaus, the high priest, to shut himself up in the castle. Antiochus brought a great army against Jerusalem; took it by storm; slew forty thousand of the inhabitants; sold as many more for slaves; boiled swine’s flesh, and sprinkled the temple and the altar with the broth; broke into the holy of holies; took away the golden vessels and other sacred treasures, to the value of one thousand eight hundred talents; restored Menelaus to his office; and made one Philip, a Phrygian, governor of Judea. 1Macc 1:24; 2Macc 5:21. Prideaux and Newton. These are what we term exploits; which having finished, he returned to his own land.

Daniel 11:29  At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. At the time appointed he shall return — Finding that his treachery was detected, and that the two brothers had united their counsel and strength for their mutual support, he threw off the mask; and having collected a great army early in the spring, he passed through Coelesyria; entered Egypt; and the inhabitants of Memphis having submitted to him, he came by easy marches to Alexandria. But, says the prophet, “it shall not be as the former or as the latter:” he had not the same success as the former, when he overthrew the Egyptian army at Pelusium; nor as the latter, when he took Memphis, and subdued all Egypt, except Alexandria.
Daniel 11:30  For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. For the ships of Chittim shall come against him — Chittim is well known to mean the Roman empire. Antiochus, being now in full march to besiege Alexandria, and within seven miles of that city, heard that ships were arrived there from Rome, with legates from the senate. He went to salute them. They delivered to him the letters of the senate, in which he was commanded, on pain of the displeasure of the Roman people, to put an end to the war against his nephews. Antiochus said he would go and consult his friends; on which Popilius, one of the legates, took his staff, and instantly drew a circle round Antiochus on the sand where he stood, and commanded him not to pass that circle till he had given a definitive answer. Antiochus, intimidated, said, he would do whatever the senate enjoined; and in a few days after began his march, and returned to Syria. This is confirmed by Polybius, Livy, Velleius, Paterculus, Valerius Maximus, and Justin.

Therefore he shall be grieved — “Grieving and groaning,” says Polybius; both mortified, humbled, and disappointed.

Have indignation against the holy covenant — For he vented his rage against the Jews; and he sent his general, Apollonius, with twenty-two thousand men against Jerusalem, plundered and set fire to the city, pulled down the houses round about it, slew much of the people, and built a castle on an eminence that commanded the temple, and slew multitudes of the poor people who had come up to worship, polluted every place, so that the temple service was totally abandoned, and all the people fled from the city. And when he returned to Antioch he published a decree that all should conform to the Grecian worship; and the Jewish worship was totally abrogated, and the temple itself consecrated to Jupiter Olympius. How great must the wickedness of the people have been when God could tolerate this!

In the transacting of these matters he had intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant; with wicked Menelaus the high priest; and the apostate Jews united with him, who gave from time to time such information to Antiochus as excited him against Jerusalem the temple, and the people. See 1Macc 1:41, 62; 2Macc 6:1-9; confirmed by Josephus, War, book i. chap. 1, s. 1. The concluding reflection of Bp. Newton here is excellent:-

“It may be proper to stand a little here, and reflect how particular and circumstantial this prophecy is, concerning Egypt and Syria, from the death of Alexander to the time of Antiochus Epiphanes. There is not so concise, comprehensive, and regular an account of their kings and affairs to be found in any authors of those times. The prophecy is really more perfect than any history, and is so wonderfully exact, not only to the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, but likewise equally so beyond that time, that we may conclude in the words of the inspired writer, ‘No one could thus declare the times and seasons, but he who hath them in his own power.'”

Daniel 11:31  And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. And arms shall stand on his part — After Antiochus, arms, that is, the Romans, shall stand up: for arms in this prophecy every where denote military power; and standing up, the power in activity and conquering. Both Sir Isaac Newton and Bp. Newton agree, that what follows is spoken of the Romans. Hitherto Daniel has described the actions of the kings of the north and of the south, that of the kings of Syria and Egypt; but, upon the conquest of Macedon by the Romans, he has left off describing the actions of the Greeks, and begun to describe those of the Romans in Greece, who conquered Macedon, Illyricum, and Epirus, in the year of the era of Nabonassar, 580. Thirty-five years after, by the will of Attalus, they inherited all Asia westward of Mount Taurus; sixty-five years after they conquered the kingdom of Syria, and reduced it into a province; and thirty-four years after they did the same to Egypt. By all these steps the Roman arms stood up over the Greeks; and after ninety-five years more, by making war upon the Jews, they polluted the sanctuary of strength,-the temple, (so called by reason of its fortifications,) and took away the daily sacrifice and placed the abomination that maketh desolate, or of the desolator; for that this abomination was thus placed after the time of Christ, appears from Matthew 24:15.

In the sixteenth year of the Emperor Adrian, A.D. 132, they placed this abomination by building a temple to Jupiter Capitolinus, where the temple of God in Jerusalem stood; upon which the Jews, under Barchocab, rose up against the Romans. But in this war they had fifty cities demolished, nine hundred and fifty of their best towns destroyed, and eighty thousand men were slain by the sword; and in the end of the war, A.D. 136, were banished Judea on pain of death; and thenceforth the land became desolate.

Daniel 11:32  And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Such as do wickedly against the covenant — This is understood of the Christian Jews; for the NEW had now succeeded to the OLD, the whole of the Jewish ritual having been abolished, and Jerusalem filled with heathen temples. And he-the Roman power, did all he could by flatteries, as well as threats, to corrupt the Christians, and cause them to sacrifice to the statues of the emperors.

But the people that do know their God — The genuine Christians.

Shall be strong — Shall be strengthened by his grace and Spirit.

And do exploits — Continue steadfast in all temptations, hold fast their faith, and enjoy a good conscience.

Daniel 11:33  And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. And they that understand — The apostles and primitive Christians in general, who understood from the prophets, and his own actions, that JESUS was the true MESSIAH.

Instruct many — Preach the Gospel every where, and convert multitudes to the faith.

Yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. — They were exposed to the malice and fury of their enemies, during TEN STATE PERSECUTIONS, and suffered all kinds of tortures, with but little intermission, for three hundred years.-Newton.

Daniel 11:34  Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. Now when they shall fall — When the storm of the tenth persecution under Diocletian, which lasted ten years, fell upon them, they were sorely oppressed.

They shall be holpen with a little help — By Constantine; who, while he removed all persecution, and promoted the temporal prosperity of the Christian Church, yet added little to its spiritual perfection and strength. For many, now seeing the Christians in prosperity,-

Cleave to them with flatteries. — Became Christians BECAUSE the EMPEROR was such.

Daniel 11:35  And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. And some of them of understanding — Disputes on certain points of religion soon agitated the Christian Church; and now, having no outward persecution, they began to persecute each other. And many excellent men, men of understanding, fell victims because they would not embrace erroneous doctrines, when professed by the state. But this was permitted,-

To try them, and to purge, and to make them white — To bring all to the pure profession, possession, and practice of Christianity.

To the time of the end — My own comment: Till Jesus returns!

Daniel 11:36  And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. And the king shall do according to his will — This may apply to Antiochus, who exalted himself above every god, called himself a god, sported with all religion, profaned the temple, c., c. But others think an antichristian power in the Church is intended for in the language of this prophecy king is taken for power, a kingdom, c. That such a power did spring up in the Church that acted in an arbitrary manner against all laws, human and Divine, is well known. This power showed itself in the Greek emperors in the east, and in the bishops of Rome in the west. And this is to continue.

Till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. — This is the same as what was called in Daniel 8:19, the last end of the indignation and Daniel 9:27, the consummation and means the end or consummation of God’s indignation against the Jews.

Daniel 11:37  Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers — That God who sent the evangelists and apostles to preach the pure doctrine. These true fathers of the Christian Church, and their God, the Church of Rome has not regarded, but put councils, and traditions, and apocryphal writings in their place.

Nor the desire of women — Both the Greek and Latin Church, in their antichristian enactments, have discouraged, and in several cases proscribed, marriage, under the pretense of greater chastity, to the discredit of God’s ordinance, and Christianity itself.

Nor regard any god — For the mandates and decrees of that Church have been often in defiance of God and his word, for it has magnified itself above all power and authority in heaven and on earth. It professes to hold the keys, and to open and shut heaven at pleasure, both to states and individuals.

Daniel 11:38  But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Shall he honour the god of forces — מעזים mauzzim, or gods protectors, as in the margin; worshipping saints and angels as guardians, and protectors, and mediators; leaving out, in general, the true God, and the only Mediator, JESUS CHRIST.

And a god whom his fathers knew not — For these gods guardians, the Virgin Mary, saints, and angels, were utterly unknown as mediators and invocable guardians in the primitive apostolic Church.

Shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones — How literally does this apply to the Church of Rome! See the house of our lady at Loretto; the shrines of saints; the decorated images, costly apparel, gold, jewels, c., profusely used about images of saints, angels, and the blessed virgin, in different popish churches. This superstition began to prevail in the fourth century, and was established in 787, by the seventh general council for in that the worship of images was enacted.

Daniel 11:39  Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. In the most strong holds with a strange god — Bishop Newton proposed the following translation, after justly finding fault with our common Version: “Thus shall he do to the defenders of Mauzzim, together with the strange god whom he shall acknowledge: he shall multiply honour, and he shall cause him to rule over many; and the earth he shall divide for a reward.” The defenders of Mauzzim, these saint and angel gods protectors, were the monks, priests, and bishops; of whom it may be truly said, “They were increased with honour, ruled over many, and divided the land for gain.” They have been honoured and reverenced almost to adoration; their jurisdiction was extended over the purses and consciences of men; they have been enriched with the noblest buildings and largest endowments, and the choicest lands have been appropriated for Church lands. These are points of such public notoriety, that they require no proof. – Newton.
Daniel 11:40  And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. At the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him — These kings are to be understood in reference to the times of which the prophet speaks. While the kingdoms of Egypt and Syria were subsisting, the king of the south and the north applied to them exclusively: but they did not exist at the time of which the prophet speaks; therefore other southern and northern powers must be sought. These we may find in the Saracens, who were of the Arabians, who came from the south, headed by the false prophet Mohammed, who pushed at him-made war on the Greek emperor Heraclius, and with amazing rapidity deprived him of Egypt, Syria, and many of his finest provinces.

And the king of the north — The Turks, who were originally Scythians, seized on the remains of the Greek empire; and in process of time rendered themselves masters of the whole. They are represented as coming like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen; their armies being chiefly composed of cavalry.

And with many ships — With these they got possession of many islands and maritime countries; and were so powerful in their fleets, that they entirely defeated the Venetians; and at last their fleets became of the utmost consequence to them in besieging, and afterwards taking, Constantinople, A.D. 1453, which they hold to the present day. So they entered into the countries, and overflowed, rendering themselves masters of all Asia Minor and Greece.

Daniel 11:41  He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall enter also into the glorious land — Entirely subdue Judea.

And many countries shall be overthrown — Aleppo, Damascus, Gaza, and many other cities were forced to submit to them; and they hold them still.

But these shalt escape – Edom and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. — These and other Arabians they have never been able to subdue. They still occupy the deserts; and receive a yearly pension of forty thousand crowns of gold from the Ottoman emperors, to permit the caravans, with the pilgrims for Mecca, to have a free passage.

Daniel 11:42  He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. He shall stretch forth his hand — He – the Ottoman emperors, have stretched forth the hand, not only on European, but also upon Asiatic and African countries. Egypt – has not escaped; it is a province of the Turkish government, as are also Fez, Morocco, Algiers, and many other African countries. And as the prophecy says they “got power over the silver and gold, and the precious things of Egypt,” so it was; for when Selim conquered Egypt, A.D. 1517, he took all its spoils; and the immense sums drawn from it to the present day, and the wretchedness of the land in consequence, are almost incredible.
Daniel 11:43  But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. The prophecy refers specifically to the vast treasures of Egypt. Therefore, its fulfillment must be looked for in the days of Egypt’s power and wealth. It cannot have been fulfilled in the debased and poverty-stricken Egypt of later centuries. In the days of Antony and Cleopatra the treasures of Egypt were of immense value, having been accumulated over the years of the Ptolemaic rule. Octavius captured the accumulated riches of Egypt with his victory over Antony and Cleopatra, and celebrated his triumph in Rome in 29 BCE. He became the first Roman emperor, entitled “Caesar Augustus.” Interest rates in the Roman empire fell greatly due to the influx of plunder from Egypt. Octavius returned in victory to Rome. Octavius’ general, Cornelius Balbus, later took Libya and Ethiopia for Rome.
Daniel 11:44  But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him — This part of the prophecy is allowed to be yet unfulfilled; and what is portented, the course of prophetic events will show. Were we to understand it as applying to Antiochus, then the news might be of the preparations which he heard, that the provinces of the east, and Artaxerxes, king of Armenia, on the north were intending to rise up against him. But if the Turkish power be understood, as in the preceding verses, it may mean that the Persians on the east, and the Russians on the north, will at some time greatly embarrass the Ottoman government. And how completely has this been fulfilled; first, by the total destruction of the Egyptian fleet, by the combined fleets of England, France, and Russia, in the Bay of Navarino; and, secondly, by the total overthrow of the Turkish army by the Russians, in the years 1828 and 1829, when the sultan was obliged to accept any conditions that the emperor of Russia was pleased to give!
Daniel 11:45  And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. He shalt plant the tabernacles — He shall make a last stand in Judea, and there shall his power be smitten.

He shall come to his end, and none shall help him — All his confederate and tributary kingdoms, states, and provinces shall desert him, and leave that government to come to a shameful end.

There are two other articles on Daniel 11 on this website:
All Prophecies of Daniel 11 Fulfilled! by Bryan T. Huie and
Daniel 11:21-45 Explained in the Light of History by Philip Mauro

They probably differ somewhat. I hope to compare them a verse at a time and may update this article later with more or different information.

When I was yet a babe in Christ and Bible knowledge, I was told God gave us prophecy to know the future. I don’t believe anymore that we can know specific events before they happen. Did any prophet of God prophesy of a fake pandemic that would bring tyranny to democratic nations and trample on the civil rights of the public? No! Does the Bible predict an atomic war that will destroy the earth? What value is it for us to even speculate about such things? The only thing we can know for sure is Jesus is coming and will get rid of the evildoers and bring an end to the madness on earth. When? When the Father says so!

The Worship of Diana / Mary, the Mother goddess Connected to the Number 911

The Worship of Diana / Mary, the Mother goddess Connected to the Number 911

This is information I got from the video below.

When I was a boy attending Catholic church, I often heard the words, “Ave Maria”, Latin meaning Hail Mary, one of the prayers I used to pray when saying the rosary. The Roman Catholic Church made a symbol out of it with the letters A and M.


This is a Jesuit ring:

Jesuit ring Ave Maria

You can see the Ave Maria symbol without the crossbar of the A. It also looks like an inverted M symbol over another M which can have the occultic meaning of “As above so below”.

You can see the symbols can be interpreted as Roman numbers for 911.


This can be observed on Masonic symbols as well!



What exactly is the World Economic Forum?

What exactly is the World Economic Forum?

I found a talk by Larry Alex Taunton that I like on my friend’s website Global Depopulation by WEF

Mr. Taunton has very interesting things to say about Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. He gives the history and the motivation behind it.

Larry Alex Taunton (born, May 24, 1967) is an American author, columnist, and cultural commentator. He has personally engaged some of the most outspoken opponents of Christianity, including Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Singer.

Quoted from the YouTube video:

In this, our fourth episode of the “Ideas Have Consequences” podcast, author and host Larry Alex Taunton cuts through the conspiracy theories and the WEF’s noble slogans to explain the history of this sinister organization and the anti-human ideas driving it. Taunton, who attended the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland as a kind of spy, brings a unique knowledge and experience to this important issue. This is THE podcast when it comes to ideas and the World Economic Forum.

Important points from the video

  • The elite are telling us all how we need to reduce our carbon footprint. The carbon they want to reduce is you.
  • There are a boatload of ideas that are driving the World Economic Forum. They are sinister ideas but the people themselves don’t think of themselves as sinister. Indeed they think of themselves as very decent good people who are doing what is the best for humanity.
  • C.S Lewis once made the observation that the worst kind of tyranny is that which is done for your own good. And it’s because those kind of tyrants are individuals who tyrannize you with the approval of their consciences. They’re individuals who reassure themselves that at the end of the day what they’re doing even if it caused a little bit of harm, it was ultimately for your own good. It’s why a guy like Joseph Stalin when asked by a lady, “When are you going to stop killing people? He said, “When it’s no longer necessary.” He simply meant, to make the Socialist, the Stalinist, the Marxist omelet, you got to break a few eggs. And this is the mentality of the World Economic Forum.
  • Human beings in the Socialist, Marxist, Communist, and Fascist way of thinking are simply raw materials for building the Utopian state, and this defines the World Economic Forum as well.
  • Atheism is a major driving factor.
  • The guys that are coming after you, they’re not going to have gone to Sunday school, they’re not going to be people who have been influenced to the degree that you are by the Christian faith. They’re going to be prepared to follow their atheism to its logical conclusions. They’re like Peter Singer (Australian moral philosopher and the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University) who’s the most consistent atheist that I’ve ever met. They’re going to be willing to follow it all the way to where it goes which is to say there’s no ultimate meaning in life other than that which you assign to yourself which again has no real meaning, no transcendent meaning. It’s just kind of a fake meaning that you give yourself in order to feel better about this life. It means there’s no life in the Hereafter, there’s no hope, there’s no justice, there’s no ultimate right and wrong, there is only what happens. And if it means that you’re a genocidal maniac, who cares? There’s no ultimate right and wrong. And it means a guy like Stalin or Mao got away with it. There’s no one in the next life to judge them for what they did. (Or so they think!) Once a culture absorbs that kind of ideology, atheism at its core, it’s anything goes. And we’re starting to see that in the culture now.
  • The World Economic Forum has moved beyond the debate over God’s existence to a place where their whole premise, their whole world view just more or less assumes there is no God. And they’re taking it to the next level, they’re taking it to its logical conclusion.
  • At its core the World Economic Forum is about population control. They want to reduce the global population.
  • They use the word “sustainability.” That is a word you should be very wary of any time you hear sustainability, economic sustainability, development sustainability, governmental sustainability, or agricultural sustainability. Nothing good follows on the backside of the word sustainability. It always turns out to be fundamentally anti-human and that is because the World Economic Forum is anti-human. Atheism taken to its logical conclusions is anti-human.
  • A lot of these World Economic Forum types don’t believe in human perfectibility. They believe in societal perfectability. There’s a slight difference between those two. They recognize that human beings are flawed but they they think they’re flawed for a different reason. They don’t think it is because of the Fall as I believe as a Christian from the Genesis account of creation and the polluting of the human spirit from Adam all the way down.
  • I remember how Richard Dawkins put this to me in his home some years ago. I said, “Do you believe in evil?” And he says, “I believe in genetic predispositions.” So he’s rejecting the premise that there’s an ultimate right and wrong, there are only genetic predispositions, and those pre-dispositions are divided into two categories, those dispositions that we like and those dispositions that we don’t like, that we consider to be anti-social and therefore things to be eradicated. That’s an evil philosophy because it leads you to believe that we can separate out the evil people and destroy them and we’re left off with a better humanity. This is what drove Hitler, just separate out the bad people and destroy them.
  • The World Economic Forum itself was founded in 1971. Between 1965 and 1975 there was an obsession with the global population, that the population was getting out of control.
  • This concern over population control had infected the thinking of academic elites, and so they were buying into this in a big way, and the Club of Rome comes along. This is a group that was established in Rome which oddly now is based in Zurich. They should be called the Club of Zurich. It was a group of about 25 people the goal of it becoming about 60 people, but I think they’re north of 100 members now. They’re mostly individuals who are think-tankish types. They are academics, they’re businessmen, they are influential people who gather together for the purpose of bettering mankind. That’s the stated goal of the Club of Rome. It’s a think tank, a vastly influential think tank.
  • The club of Rome was saying, “Look we have a global crisis and the global crisis is overpopulation. Read what Paul Ehrlich said in the “Population Bomb.” We’re in trouble what are we going to do?” So they said, “Rather than doing what academics normally do and just producing a paper that’s full of theories and suggestions, let’s actually create an executive committee that acts on their recommendations of the think tank. We need to create the problem: Overpopulation.”
  • Klaus Schwab, a German engineer, founded what he called at the time the World Forum. He would eventually change the name to the World Economic Forum. The World Economic Forum was created with the intention that it would act upon the think tank’s (the Club of Rome’s) recommendations.
  • You have to think about this just a little bit how arrogant must you be to think that it is your job to act on behalf of the whole of humanity without being elected to so much as dog catcher! These are not elected individuals. At the time of its founding, the World Economic Forum wasn’t particularly influential. Now it is.
  • This year’s World Economic Forum there were more than 50 heads of state, 115 billionaires and more than 600 CEOs of major corporations. Major multi-billion dollar corporations that are involved in this. And then there are peons like me who attended which are another 2700 individuals. And so I decided I needed to be there. I wanted to mingle among the 2700 others. I wanted to see what those people are about.
  • Dennis Meadows (American scientist and Club of Rome member) is here saying, “Yeah, we need to reduce the global population by billions, but hey I really hope this can be done in a civil way, in a peaceful way.” It’s astonishing the way these people talk about peace. It doesn’t mean that everybody’s happy, but it means that conflict isn’t solved through violence and through force but rather in other ways.
  • Dennis Meadows comes off as just your regular normal guy who lives next door and who you discover wants to rid the planet of seven billion people. Here’s a guy who says, “Gosh I sure hope that we can do it in a sustainable way.” And then you hear the absolute contempt for democracy, for the will of the people. This is the way these people think. They do not believe that you deserve a voice in this.
  • We have Marxist regimes in South America that are destroying economies. We have seen Brazil fall to Marxists via dubious means Venezuela fell to Marxists, Peru has fallen to Marxists, Chile has fallen to Marxists. Stunningly the most stable democracy in South America has fallen to Marxists and Honduras, all of those countries have fallen. Colombia is another one that has also fallen to Marxists, and they’re destroying economies and those people are fleeing to the USA. Do you know what CNN said the reason was for these millions of people crossing our southern border? CNN said it was due to climate change! Complete nonsense! This has nothing to do with climate change. It has everything to do with the very policies that these people (the WEF elite) are trying to import into the United States.
  • World Economic Forum agenda is fundamentally anti-human. It is anti-Christian. It is atheistic to its core.

The Olivet Discourse in All Three Synoptic Gospels Compared Verse by Verse

The Olivet Discourse in All Three Synoptic Gospels Compared Verse by Verse

The Olivet Discourse is the message Jesus gave to His disciples on the Mount of Olives. This message is written in slightly three different ways in the three synoptic Gospels in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. The Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke are called synoptic Gospels because they include many of the same stories. And they stand in contrast to the Gospel of John, whose content is largely distinct.
In my opinion, Just as the Daniel 9:27 is one of the most misinterpreted prophecies in the Bible, Matthew 24 is one of the most misinterpreted chapters in the Bible. False doctrines of Dispersationalism and Futurism have tainted the thinking of the vast majority of evangelicals today. Most Bible believing Christians today interpret Matthew 24 as the Lord’s description of events just before the end of the world. Is that what Mark 13 and Luke 21, the parallel passages of the other two synoptic Gospels teach? Let’s find out by comparing them!

I believe it’s very important to compare the three passages because through it’s the same account of Jesus on the Mount of Olives, the wording is not always identical! And because they’re not always identical, Mark 13 and Luke 21 sheds light on the words recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. Scripture interprets Scripture.

Prophecy of the destruction of the Temple
Matthew 24:1-2 “And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. {2} And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”
Mark 13:1-2 “And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here! {2} And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:5-6 “And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said, {6} As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”
Not much difference in the first three verses of the Olivet Discourse.
The disciples ask Jesus when it will happen and what the signs will be before it happens.
Matthew 24:3 “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”
Mark 13:3-4 “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, {4} Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?”
Luke 21:7 “And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?”
As you can see, only Matthew says “the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world”, and not Mark or Luke. According to Strong’s concordance, the Greek word for world is aion and from which we get our English world eon, meaning an age. With that in mind, a better translation for Matthew 23:3 would be, “the end of the Jewish age.” Do you think I’m stretching it to say that? The Olivet discourse is all about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Roman army in 70 AD. No Temple = no more animal sacrifices, the very heart and practice of the Jewish relation. Jesus was telling His disciples He is giving the Jews 40 more years to repent before He returns to destroy them!

This is connected to what “the sign of thy coming” means. It doesn’t mean the second coming of Christ at the very end of the world, it means Christ’s coming to destroy the people who rejected Him as their Messiah! How do I know Jesus returned in 70 AD? Jesus told the high priest Caiaphas He would return!

Matthew 26:63-65 “But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. {64} Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. {65} Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy.”

God has given us an intellect to help us interpret Scripture. Some things are symbolic and others literal. Jesus told the high priest that he would see Him sitting at the right hand of power coming in the clouds of Heaven. It seems logical to me that the high priest would live 40 more years to the destruction of Jerusalem, and literally see Jesus in the clouds, and therefore know that he and the Jews are being judged by God through the Roman army for their rejection of Jesus as their Messiah, their Christ. It therefore can’t possibly mean 2000 years later as some may interpret it.

Jesus tells them signs before the destruction of the Temple.
Matthew 24:4-14 “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. {5} For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (6) “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. {7} For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. {8} All these are the beginning of sorrows. {9} Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. {10} And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. {11} And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. {12} And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. {13} But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. {14} And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”
Mark 13:5-13 “And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: {6} For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (7) And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. {8} For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows. {9} But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them. {10} And the gospel must first be published among all nations. {11} But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost. {12} Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. {13} And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”
Luke 21:8-19 “And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them. {9} But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by. {10} Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: {11} And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. {12} But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name’s sake. {13} And it shall turn to you for a testimony. {14} Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: {15} For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. {16} And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. {17} And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake. {18} But there shall not an hair of your head perish. {19} In your patience possess ye your souls.”
Luke adds more information with “fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Flavius Josephus wrote about seven signs before the destruction of Jerusalem.
  1. A star stood over the city like a sword, and a comet — remaining for a whole year. Matthew, we know, also likes the idea of a star hanging over a particular spot on earth.
  2. At a Feast of Unleavened Bread, at 3 am, a bright light, as bright as midday, appeared around the altar and sanctuary, lasting for an hour.
  3. During the same feast a cow brought for sacrifice gave birth to a lamb in the middle of the Temple courts.
  4. At midnight the East Gate of the Inner Sanctuary opened of its own accord. This solid bronze gate normally required 20 men to shut it, and it was fastened with iron bars secured by bolts.
  5. Shortly after the feast, before sunset, there appeared in the sky over the entire country chariots and regiments of soldiers racing through the clouds and surrounding the towns.
  6. At Pentecost the priests who were performing the normal Inner Temple ritual at night heard a violent movement and loud crash, then a loud cry of many voices: “Let us go hence!”
  7. Four years before Jerusalem’s war with Rome, Jesus the son of Ananias proclaimed doom for the city — especially at the feasts, and from the Temple. He spoke as one possessed for 7 and and a half years, “Woe to Jerusalem”, was beaten by the authorities, and was killed during the siege.
Jesus tells His followers when to flee Jerusalem and Judea.
Matthew 24:15 “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mark 13:14 “But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judæa flee to the mountains:
Luke 21:20-21 “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
Matthew and Mark say to flee when they see “abomination of desolation” and Luke says to flee when they see, “Jerusalem compassed with armies.” I submit to you that the abomination of desolation, therefore, is the armies of Rome about to attack Jerusalem and not some idol the Antichrist puts in the Temple as many have interpreted it.
Jesus tells His followers where to go, what to do, and why.
Matthew 24:16-21 “Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: {17} Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: {18} Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. {19} And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! {20} But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: {21} For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. “
Mark 13:15-19 “And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house: {16} And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment. {17} But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! {18} And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter. {19} For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.”
Luke 21:21-24 “Then let them which are in Judæa flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. {22} “For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. {23} But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. {24} And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”
As you can see, Mark and Luke add more detail and clarify exactly what the “great tribulation” is! Mark calls it days of affliction and Luke calls it days of vengenance! Affliction upon whom? Vengenance upon whom? Upon the Christ rejecting unbelieving Jews! And where were they? In Jerusalem. Many of them fled to the Temple and were killed there. None of the Christians were there. They in obedience to Jesus’ command fled Jerusalem and Judea and went to the mountains where they were safe. The Lord must have fed and took care of them there.

These scriptures are clearly about the attack by the Roman army by the Jews for their rebellion. The Lord was going to punish the Christ rejecting Jews but did not want His people to be caught up in that judgement. He therefore told His followers to flee Jerusalem and Judea when they saw the Roman army coming. He warned the Christians who were not in Judea not to return to it. He told them to make haste to flee for their lives. He told them to pray it won’t happen in winter when it’s much more difficult to travel, and to pray it won’t be on the Sabbath day when the gates are closed.

The war against the Jews shortened for the Christians sake.
Matthew 24:22 “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
Mark 13:20  “And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.”
Missing in Luke.
If the Romans had gone on destroying in this manner, the whole nation of the Jews would have been destroyed. For the Christians particularly those days were shortened.
Warning about false teachers
Matthew 24:23-26 “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. {24} For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. {25} Behold, I have told you before. {26} Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.”
Mark 13:21-23 “And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: {22} For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. {23} But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.”
Already told in Luke 21:8 “And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
Christians today need to be very careful who they listen to! There are many false teachers, dispensationalists, futurists, doctrines tainted by Jesuits. And their are prosperity Gospel preachers who rip off the poor while they live in luxury. And some churches are even infiltrated with witches! We need to make sure we are following what the Bible actually teaches and not just what some preacher says it teaches. Let’s be like the Bereans and search the Scriptures for ourselves to see if what the preacher or teacher is saying is what the Bible actually says!

Acts 17:10  And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Jesus uses a parable of lightning, a carcase, and eagles
Matthew 24:27-28 “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. {28} For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.”
Not in Mark.
Not in Luke
Adam Clarke’s interpretation: “The Lord, points out the very march of the Roman army: they entered into Judea on the East, and carried on their conquest Westward, as if not only the extensiveness of the ruin, but the very route which the army would take, were intended in the comparison of the lightning issuing from the east, and shining to the west. Clarke also interprets the “carcase” as the Jewish nation which was morally and judicially dead and the “eagles” as the armies of Rome gathered around the dead nation. It’s makes sense to me!
The Historicist interpretation of Scriptures futurists consider to be about the end of the world.
Matthew 24:29-31 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: {30} And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. {31} And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
Mark 13:24-27 “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, {25} And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. {26} And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. {27} And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.”
Luke 21:25-28 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; {26} Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. {27} And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. {28} And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”
From Adam Clarke’s commentary: “Commentators generally understand this, and what follows, of the end of the world and Christ’s coming to judgment: but the word immediately shows that our Lord is not speaking of any distant event, but of something immediately consequent on calamities already predicted: and that must be the destruction of Jerusalem. “The Jewish heaven shall perish, and the sun and moon of its glory and happiness shall be darkened – brought to nothing. The sun is the religion of the Church; the moon is the government of the state; and the stars are the judges and doctors of both. Compare Isaiah 13:10; Ezekiel 32:7, Ezekiel 32:8, etc.”

In the prophetic language, great commotions upon earth are often represented under the notion of commotions and changes in the heavens: –

The fall of Babylon is represented by the stars and constellations of heaven withdrawing their light, and the sun and moon being darkened. See Isaiah 13:9, Isaiah 13:10.

The destruction of Egypt, by the heaven being covered, the sun enveloped with a cloud, and the moon withholding her light. Ezekiel 32:7, Ezekiel 32:8.

The destruction of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes is represented by casting down some of the host of heaven, and the stars to the ground. See Daniel 8:10.

And this very destruction of Jerusalem is represented by the Prophet Joel, Joel 2:30, Joel 2:31, by showing wonders in heaven and in earth – darkening the sun, and turning the moon into blood. This general mode of describing these judgments leaves no room to doubt the propriety of its application in the present case.

The falling of stars, i.e. those meteors which are called falling stars by the common people, was deemed an omen of evil times.

Verse 30 Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man – The plain meaning of this is, that the destruction of Jerusalem will be such a remarkable instance of Divine vengeance, such a signal manifestation of Christ’s power and glory, that all the Jewish tribes shall mourn, and many will, in consequence of this manifestation of God, be led to acknowledge Christ and his religion. By της γης, of the land, in the text, is evidently meant here, as in several other places, the land of Judea and its tribes, either its then inhabitants, or the Jewish people wherever found.

Verse 31 He shall send his angels – Τους αγγελους, his messengers, the apostles, and their successors in the Christian ministry.

With a great sound of a trumpet – Or, a loud-sounding trumpet – the earnest affectionate call of the Gospel of peace, life, and salvation.

Shall gather together his elect – The Gentiles, who were now chosen or elected, in place of the rebellious, obstinate Jews, according to Our Lord’s prediction, Matthew 8:11, Matthew 8:12, and Luke 13:28, Luke 13:29. For the children of the kingdom, (the Jews who were born with a legal right to it, but had now finally forfeited that right by their iniquities) should be thrust out. It is worth serious observation, that the Christian religion spread and prevailed mightily after this period: and nothing contributed more to the success of the Gospel than the destruction of Jerusalem happening in the very time and manner, and with the very circumstances, so particularly foretold by our Lord. It was after this period that the kingdom of Christ began, and his reign was established in almost every part of the world.

To St. Matthew’s account, St. Luke adds, Luke 21:24, They shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shalt be led away captive into all nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles, till the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. The number of those who fell by the sword was very great. Eleven Hundred Thousand perished during the siege. Many were slain at other places, and at other times. By the commandment of Florus, the first author of the war, there were slain at Jerusalem 3,600, Josephus. War, b. ii. c. 14. By the inhabitants of Caesarea, above 20,000. At Scythopolis, above 13,000. At Ascalon, 2,500. At Ptolemais, 2,000. At Alexandria, 50,000. At Joppa, when taken by Cestius Gallus, 8,400. In a mountain called Asamon, near Sepporis, above 2,000. At Damascus, 10,000. In a battle with the Romans at Ascalon, 10,000. In an ambuscade near the same place, 8,000. At Japha, 15,000. Of the Samaritans, on Mount Gerizim, 11,600. At Jotapa, 40,000. At Joppa, when taken by Vespasian, 4,200. At Tarichea, 6,500. And after the city was taken, 1,200. At Gamala, 4,000, besides 5,000 who threw themselves down a precipice. Of those who fled with John, of Gischala, 6,000. Of the Gadarenes, 15,000 slain, besides countless multitudes drowned. In the village of Idumea, above 10,000 slain. At Gerasa, 1,000. At Machaerus, 1,700. In the wood of Jardes, 3,000. In the castle of Masada, 960. In Cyrene, by Catullus the governor, 3,000. Besides these, many of every age, sex, and condition, were slain in the war, who are not reckoned; but, of those who are reckoned, the number amounts to upwards of 1,357,660, which would have appeared incredible, if their own historian had not so particularly enumerated them. See Josephus, War, book ii. c. 18, 20; book iii. c. 2, 7, 8, 9; book iv. c. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9; book vii. c. 6, 9, 11; and Bp. Newton, vol. ii. p. 288-290.

Many also were led away captives into all nations. There were taken at Japha, 2,130. At Jotapa, 1,200. At Tarichea, 6,000 chosen young men, who were sent to Nero; others sold to the number of 30,400, besides those who were given to Agrippa. Of the Gadarenes were taken 2,200. In Idumea above 1,000. Many besides these were taken in Jerusalem; so that, as Josephus says, the number of the captives taken in the whole war amounted to 97,000. Those above seventeen years of age were sent to the works in Egypt; but most were distributed through the Roman provinces, to be destroyed in their theatres by the sword, and by the wild beasts; and those under seventeen years of age were sold for slaves. Eleven thousand in one place perished for want. At Caesarea, Titus, like a thorough-paced infernal savage, murdered 2,500 Jews, in honor of his brother’s birthday; and a greater number at Berytus in honor of his father’s. See Josephus, War, b. vii. c. 3. s. 1. Some he caused to kill each other; some were thrown to the wild beasts; and others burnt alive. And all this was done by a man who was styled, The darling of mankind! Thus were the Jews miserably tormented, and distributed over the Roman provinces; and continue to be distressed and dispersed over all the nations of the world to the present day. Jerusalem also was, according to the prediction of our Lord, to be trodden down by the Gentiles. Accordingly it has never since been in the possession of the Jews. It was first in subjection to the Romans, afterwards to the Saracens, then to the Franks, after to the Mamalukes, and now to the Turks. Thus has the prophecy of Christ been most literally and terribly fulfilled, on a people who are still preserved as continued monuments of the truth of our Lord’s prediction, and of the truth of the Christian religion. See more in Bp. Newton’s Dissert. vol. ii. p. 291, etc.

The meaning of the parable of the fig tree
Matthew 24:32-35 “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: {33} So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. {34} Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. {35} Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
Mark 13:28-31 “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: {29} So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. {30} Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. {31} Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.”
Luke 21:29-33 “And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; {30} When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. {31} So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. {32} Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. {33} Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.”
Adam Clarke commentary: Learn a parable of the fig-tree – That is, These signs which I have given you will be as infallible a proof of the approaching ruin of the Jewish state as the budding of the trees is a proof of the coming summer.

My commentary of This generation shall not pass away: Jesus was talking to his disciples who were mostly young. They would live 40 more years to see all these things, namely the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem by the Roman army.

Jesus exhorts us not to fall spiritually asleep.
Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Mark 13:32-33 “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. {33} Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
Not in Luke.
How many times in history were people caught off guard and unprepared for a disaster? The destruction of Lahaina in Maui is a recent example.
Who was left behind? The fortunate ones!
Matthew 24:40-41 “Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. {41} Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”
Not in Mark.
Not in Luke.
Adam Clarke’s commentary: Then shall two men – two women – one shall be taken, and the other left – The meaning seems to be, that so general should these calamities be, that no two persons, wheresoever found, or about whatsoever employed, should be both able to effect their escape; and that captivity and the sword should have a complete triumph over this unhappy people.

I hope you see these verses are not talking about the Rapture as the popular “Left Behind” series by Tim LaHaye indicates. It’s talking about the killing of Jews by the Romans.

Warnings to watch and stay spiritually awake!
Matthew 24:37-51 “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. {38} For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, {39} And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. {43} But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. {44} Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. {45} Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? {46} Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. {47} Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. {48} But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; {49} And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; {50} The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, {51} And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Mark 13:34-37 “For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: {36} Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. {37} And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.”
Luke 21:34-36 “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. {35} For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. {36} Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”

For more commentary of the Olivet Discourse, please see Adam Clarke’s Commentary on Matthew 24

Early Protestant leaders told us who the Biblical Antichrist is!

Early Protestant leaders told us who the Biblical Antichrist is!

Protestant leaders

Many Christians know a bit of the history of the Protestant Reformation that began with Martin Luther in 1517. But how many know about the Roman Catholic reaction to the Protestant Reformation, also known as the “Counter-Reformation”? How many Christians have even heard of the Counter-Reformation? Not many! And why? It’s because the leadership of the Counter-Reformation have done a bang-up job of undermining Protestant churches and seminaries with false interpretations of Daniel, Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation to the point they do not know anymore who the Biblical Antichrist is!

What early Protestant leaders taught about the Antichrist:

Martin Luther

“We here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the seed of the true and real antichrist. I owe the Pope no other obedience than that I owe to antichrist.”

“I am persuaded that if at this time St. Peter in person should preach all the articles of Holy Scripture and only deny the Pope’s authority, power and primacy and say that the Pope is not the head of all Christendom, they would cause him to be hanged.”

“The Pope is the very antichrist who is exalted himself above and opposed himself against Christ because he will not permit Christians to be saved.”

“It is nothing else than the devil himself, because above and against God he urges and disseminates his papal falsehoods concerning Masses, Purgatory, monastic life, one’s own works, fictitious divine worship, which is the very papacy, and condemns, murders and tortures all Christians who don’t exalt and honor these abominations of the Pope above all things. Therefore just as little as we can worship the devil himself as Lord and God we can endure his apostle the Pope. For to lie and to kill and destroy a body and soul eternally, that is wherein his papal government really consists.”

John Calvin 1509-1564

“Some persons think us too severe and censorious when we call the Roman Pontiff antichrist, but those who are of this opinion do not consider that they bring the same charge of presumption against Paul himself after whom we speak and whose language we adopt. I shall briefly show that Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2 are not capable to any other interpretation than that which applies them to the papacy.”

Thomas Cranmer (2 July 1489 – 21 March 1556) was a leader of the English Reformation and Archbishop of Canterbury during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and, for a short time, Mary I.

“Whereof it follows Rome to be the seat of antichrist and the Pope to be the very antichrist himself, I could prove the same by many scriptures.”

Cotton Mather An American Puritan who died in 1728

“The oracles of God foretold the rising of an Antichrist in the Christian Church: and in the Pope of Rome, all the characteristics of that Antichrist are so marvelously answered that if any who read the Scriptures do not see it, there is a marvelous blindness upon them.”

Charles Spurgeon

“It is the bound and duty of every Christian to pray against this Antichrist, and as to what Antichrist is, no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the popery in the Church of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name.”

Charles Spurgeon

“Popery is contrary to Christ’s gospel and is the antichrist and we ought to pray against it. It should be the daily prayer of every believer that the antichrist might be hurled like a millstone into the flood and for Christ, because it wounds Christ, because it robs Christ of his glory, because it puts sacramental efficacy in the place of his atonement and lifts a piece of bread into the place of the Savior and a few drops of water into the place of the Holy Spirit. And puts a mere fallible man like ourselves up as the Vicar of Christ on Earth. IF we pray against it, because it is against him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors. We shall love their souls though we loathe and detest their dogmas. And so the breath of our prayers will be sweetened because we turn our faces toward Christ when we pray.”

“Of all the dreams that have ever deluded men, and probably of all blasphemies that ever were uttered, there has never been one which is more absurd and which is more fruitful in all manner of mischief than the idea that the bishop of Rome can be the head of the church of Jesus Christ.”

“A man who deludes other people by degrees comes to delude himself. The deluder first makes dupes out of others and then becomes a dupe to himself. I should not wonder but what the Pope really believes that he is infallible and that he ought to be saluted as “His Holiness.” It must have taken him a good time to arrive at that eminence of self deception. But he’s got to, I daresay, by now and everyone who kisses his toe confirms him in this insane idea. When everybody else believes a flattering falsehood concerning you, you come, at last, to believe it yourself or at least to think it may be so.”

“Christ did not redeem his church with his blood so the Pope would come in and steal away the glory. He never came from heaven to earth. He never poured out his very heart that he might purchase his people. That a poor sinner, a mere man, should be set upon high to be admired by all the nations and to call himself God’s representative on earth, Christ has always been the head of his church.”