Debate with an AI Bot Ends in an Apology!

Debate with an AI Bot Ends in an Apology!

I thought to have some fun and see if the AI app on my phone, Ask AI would confirm Bill Cooper’s statement in my previous post. He stated that the Jesuits are the Illuminati.

Asking AI if the Jesuits are the Illuminati

AI says Jesuits are not the Illuminati

AI denies cognitive bias



Now this is impressive! AI actually confessed error! Did I actually train AI so that it won’t repeat the mistake again?

It’s interesting that says Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit but Wikipedia does not.

The way I understand it, AI will judge information to be true based on the abundance of what worldly people have to say. This means it will have a liberal leftist bias. AI can’t be led of the Holy Spirit or have spiritual discernment such as truth seeking Christians have.

Call it cognitive bias if you want to, but we all have it. That’s why it’s so important to pray, ask the Lord for discernment, and base the foundation of all our thinking and reasoning on God’s written Word, the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. The world is full of deceptions and lies. We must judge everything based on what we know the Word of God says. Governments deny that conspiratorial organizations have an influence in geopolitics today. The Bible confirms it.

Ephesians 6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

“High places” refer to the powers that be, high places in governments.

The Jesuits are the Illuminati – Bill Cooper

The Jesuits are the Illuminati – Bill Cooper

Milton William “Bill” Cooper was an American conspiracy researcher, radio broadcaster, and author known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse. I bought a paperback copy of this book in Chicago in 1997. I consider Bill Cooper one of my heroes. He’s a great American patriot who served in two branches of the US military, the Air Force and then the Navy where he worked in Naval Intelligence. He was killed by gunfire on November 05, 2001. I believe he was purposely taken out by the ruling elite and died a martyr for his message.

This is from his radio broadcast The Hour of Our Time. He answers a question from a telephone caller named Peter about the relationship of the Jesuit Order with the Illuminati.


Bill Cooper: Well we’re back, and I forgot your name if you even said it.

Peter: Peter.

Bill Cooper: Peter, okay!

Peter: All right my second question is that, we know that Adam Weishaupt was originally from the Jesuit Order.

Bill Cooper: That’s correct.

Peter: But my question is is…

Bill Cooper: Where’s the Jesuit Order from?

Peter: Well, is it connected and controlled by the Illuminati, freemasonry, or is it an arm of the Catholic Church?

Bill Cooper: Well, let me tell you how this happened. In Spain long before Weishaupt was ever even born there was a branch of the Illuminati from the Middle East called the Alumbrados. It means Illuminati. The head of the Alumbrados in Spain was a man named Ignatius Loyola who was arrested by the Inquisition. And before they could torture him he used his influence with very powerful people to beg an audience with the Pope. He was granted the audience. He crawled in on his knees. When the door opened after this audience, he walked out on his two feet with a piece of paper in his hand, a Papal Bull, which gave him the authority to start a new order called the Society of Jesus, the Jesuit Order. He was to be the head of this order, and he was given dispensation and immunity from arrest or prosecution from all governments, all authorities, all religious orders save one, the Pope himself. To become the head of the Jesuit Order has become known as the Black Pope. They wield tremendous power. They are Marxist in nature, practice liberation theology, they have been involved in revolutions and disorder and chaos and all kinds of things throughout the world. Does that answer your question?

Peter: No, not exactly. Are they in compitition then with the Illuminati?

Bill Cooper: No, they are the Illuminati!

Peter: They are the Illuminati?

Bill Cooper: Absolutely.

Peter: Okay, that answers it. Thank you very much.

Bill Cooper: You’re welcome. And thank you for calling. That was a good question.

Why The Nazis Persecuted Priests – by L.H. Lehmann

Why The Nazis Persecuted Priests – by L.H. Lehmann

Polish priests and civilians at the Old Market in Bydgoszcz, Poland, held captive by German Nazis in 1939.

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine. Leo Herbert Lehmann is a former Roman Catholic priest. The article addresses the question, “If the Vatican supported Hitler and the Nazi takeover of Europe, why were so many Catholic priests also persecuted?”

MANY have wondered why so many Polish Catholic priests were imprisoned by the Nazis, and Catholic propagandists in America have used this fact as proof that the Catholic church was not friendly to Hitler’s regime. Even while these things were happening during the war, we found it very difficult to convince people that persecution of priests under Fascism and Nazism was actually the work of the Catholic Church itself, in collaboration with the Gestapo.

Proof of this is now coming to light. One of the first acts of the present government in Poland was to renounce the concordat between the Vatican and the former government of Poland, chiefly because the Vatican appointed German bishops in Poland to, force obedience of Polish Catholic priests to their Nazi rulers. Among these was Bishop Karl Maria Splett, who was brought to trial in Danzig on January 31 of this year, charged, according to the N. Y. Herald Tribune report, of February 2, with “collaborating with the Gestapo… and of causing many Polish priests to be sent to concentration camps.” Later reports from Warsaw stated that Bishop Splett had been found guilty and sentenced to eight years imprisonment.

It should really surprise no one that Catholic church authorities should cooperate in persecuting its own priests and people if they refuse to fall in with its political plans as set by Rome. It was for this purpose that the Inquisition was established in days gone by. In our time, the Nazi Gestapo, with Catholic Heinrich Himmler at its head, was used instead. For the object of the Vatican’s Concordats with the Axis dictators was, to wipe out all liberal groups within the Catholic church, as well as in the State, and thereby unite all of Europe under the authoritarian control of Pope and dictators. Priests in Poland and other small countries naturally resented this and joined with their people in fighting for their country’s independence, against both the Nazis in government affairs, and German bishops in church matters.

Catholics in America cannot understand this, and resent every criticism of Catholic church politics as religious intolerance. They will not believe that the most bitter enemies of the Catholic hierarchy in European countries are not Protestants or Communists, but the Catholic people and priests themselves, who have to fight their church’s politics in self-defense. What confutes the issue still more is, that here and there even some bishop or cardinal will fight the Vatican in defense of their people’s rights. This happened in Spain where a bishop and a cardinal opposed Franco and were ousted for so doing.

The full story of the fight within the Catholic church itself between the two warring factors of liberals and authoritarians may be seen in our book, Behind the Dictators.

How The Papacy Came To Power

How The Papacy Came To Power

By L. H. Lehmann

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by Leo Herbert Lehmann. It’s one of the best and clearest accounts of Roman Catholic history that I’ve ever read.

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? …And Him shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming:

“Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and lying wonders,

“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:5-10

Much of the mystery of the spectacular power of the church of Rome can be explained by knowing its true nature and origins. To explain fully about these would take more space than we can afford. In two short articles, however, we hope to supply enough to whet the appetite of those who want to study further to find a satisfactory answer to all the questions involved. In such short articles we prefer the factual to the prophetical approach to the problem of the Roman Papacy. Following is the first of this series of two articles: [Both articles are included —Ed.]

THE WHOLE STRUCTURE of the Roman Catholic church is rooted in the fact that it is the legal successor of the old Roman empire of the Caesars. By its union with the Roman State, the church of Rome partook of its policy — world conquest by force of arms. Just as the old Roman empire was the universal dominating power of the then known world with its central seat of government in Rome, so the church of Rome was declared to be the universal church and “Mother of Christendom,” and the Bishop of Rome soon became the King of Bishops. Likewise, since the authority of Rome was the universal law of all nations, so the law of the church of Rome became the universal and authoritarian law for all the churches of Christendom.

Romanization Of The Christian Church

But the church of Rome not only carried forward the policy, authority and law of the old Roman empire; it also absorbed the beliefs, the ritual and the institutions of the religion of pagan Rome. Whatever may have been the hopes to the contrary, the union of the church of Rome with the Roman State did not Christianize the State; instead it Romanized the Christian church, leaving to it in the end little more than the mere label of Christian. Contrary to the belief of most people today, the pagan Romans did not in effect become Christians after the Emperor Constantine proclaimed Christianity as the State religion of Rome. They became Christians in name, but incorporated their former officers, rites, ceremonies, festivals and doctrines into the church of Rome. With some slight changes in the old heathen traditions, the Christian religion in Rome became identical with the pagan religion of ancient Rome. Roman Catholic apologists today do not attempt to conceal this. They even boast of the fact that Roman Catholicism veered away from primitive Christianity and has not only borrowed its dogmas, morals, laws and worship from pagan religions in the past, but will continue to do so in the centuries to come. Dr. Karl Adam, Roman Catholic priest-professor at the University of Tuebingen, Germany, for instance, in his authoritative Catholic work, The Spirit of Catholicism,1 frankly declares:

“We Catholics acknowledge readily, without any shame, nay with pride, that Catholicism cannot be identified simply and wholly with primitive Christianity, nor even with the Gospel of Christ, in the same way that the great oak cannot be identified with the tiny acorn. There is no mechanical identity, but on organic identity. And we go further and say that thousands of years hence Catholicism will probably be even richer, more luxuriant, more manifold in dogma, morals, law and worship, than the Catholicism of the present day. A religious historian of the fifth millennium A.D. will without difficulty discover in Catholicism conceptions and forms and practices which will derive from India, China and Japan, and he will have to recognize a far more obvious ‘complex of opposites.’”

To what extent the rites, beliefs, worship and customs of Roman paganism were taken into the church of Rome may be seen from the following:

1. The ‘Pontifex Maximus’

The high priest of ancient Rome, the Pontifex Maximus surrounded by his senate of seventy flamines, became the Pope, with the same title of Pontifex Maximus (which he retains to this day) and his college of seventy cardinals. Just as the distinguishing sign of the pagan flamen was a hat, so the distinguishing sign of a Roman cardinal to this day is a hat. The tiara of the pagan high priest of Rome also became the head-dress of the Pope. The lituus of the Roman augurs became the crosier or pastoral staff of the Pope and bishops of the church of Rome. When Julius Caesar became the high priest or Pontifex Maximus, he compelled Pompey to kiss his foot, a custom followed, also by his successors Caligula and Heliogabulus. The Popes also took over the custom.

Pope Pius XII

Pope Pius XII, Pontifex Maximus of the Roman Catholic Church wearing his bejeweled tiara or triple crown, symbolizing his claim to be the father of princes and kings, ruler of the world and vicar of Jesus Christ.

The custom of paying abject reverence to the Pope and hierarchy of the Roman church has an even more ancient origin. It originated with the Egyptians who deified and worshipped monkeys. It was an artful and refined stroke of policy on the part of the Egyptians to single out so ridiculous an animal as a monkey for reverence and deification, and it suited the policy of the priesthood of both the pagan religion in Rome and its ‘Christian’ successor to rationalize and apply like reverence and deification to the Roman Pontifex. The Egyptians did so to show that even the most despicable person was entitled to reverence and worship, not because of any intrinsic worth in the person himself, but because of the high office conferred upon him. Thus, Roman Catholic apologists today, when faced with the objection that so many Popes were arch-criminals, murderers, adulterers, even unbelievers, answer by saying that it is the high office that elevates a man, and that the man himself does not either enhance or degrade his office. The Knights of Columbus’ magazine Columbia (which claims to be “the largest Catholic magazine in the world”), in its issue for August 1938, dramatically explains how the power of the Roman priest depends solely on the legal authorization of his office, and has nothing to do with the man himself, his morals or his beliefs, as follows:

“A priest’s existence would be justified if he never did anything but give us the infinite boon of the Mass. If he said it on an old crate in a ramshackle barn, in the most barbarous Latin, with no music but the cackling of hens and the mooing of cows; If he paused after the gospel to preach the purest balderdash, mingled with constant appeals and demands for money, or the dullest observations on the weather; if he were ugly, ignorant, dirty, tactless, profane, greedy, cantankerous, intolerant, even immoral — if all these conditions existed, and the man was properly authorized to say Mass, and said it, he would be conferring on his parishioners a favor so great that they ought to he glad to crawl for miles on hands and knees, if necessary, to receive it.”


The Pope’s tiara – made of cloth of gold and comprises 3 crowns with 232 pearls, 220 diamonds, 32 rubies, 18 emeralds and 11 sapphires.


2. The Mass And Other Rituals

The victim of the Roman pagan ritual became the daily “Sacrifice of the Mass” in the Roman Catholic church. The circular consecrated wafer used by Roman priests to this day is identical with the round consecrated cakes used by the ancient Romans — and farther back by all the Oriental religions — as a symbol of the Sun-God. When exposed in the “monstrance” at Benediction service in a Roman Catholic church, the rays of the sun may be seen surrounding the circular wafer. The candles kept constantly burning in Roman Catholic churches are similar to the fires constantly replenished in the sanctuary of Jupiter Ammon in the Capitol in Rome and in the temple of Hercules at Tyre. The “Holy Water” or aspersio, and the incense used in ancient Roman temples were taken over completely and have remained without alteration in the church of Rome.

The long list of patron saints in the Roman Catholic church, with their alleged power over every possible contingency in the life of man, are but the Roman Divi, the minor tutelary gods invented by the ancient Romans to protect the various vocations of men. Their names alone were changed. Likewise the deification of a Roman hero became the canonization of a saint. The ancient monuments and statues of the Goddess of the Year nursing the good Day, and the pictures of Isis giving suck to the boy Horus, were also reproduced by the church of Rome in the statues and pictures that abound in Roman Catholic churches of the Madonna and Child. In these it can be seen that the Virgin’s head is circled by a crescent light and the child’s by luminous rays, the former symbolizing the new moon sacred to Isis, and the latter the sun of which Horus was the offspring.

Clearest of all is the identification of the Goddess Venus with the Virgin Mary. The title of both. “Queen of Heaven,” is the same.

3. Cult Of The Dead And Other Corruptions

The Roman art of governing has always been dictatorial and laid particular stress on plans for the subjection of the people, which is clearly evident to this day in the Roman Catholic church. Fear of death and the contemplation of the gruesome contents of the grave have thus always played an important part in the ritual of both the ancient religion of Rome and the religion of the Popes. Public and spectacular interment of the dead was compelled by law in ancient Rome, and this has been carried on in the solemn and pompous funeral rites in the church of Rome to this day. Common to the ancient Egyptians, Romans and the Catholic church today is the teaching that the deceased cannot obtain eternal rest in the next world without the help of funeral rites and prayers.

The Roman Catholic doctrine of Purgatory stems from the teaching of the philosophers of Alexandria that there is a fire in which the souls of men after death must be purified. This doctrine of Purgatory was added to the list of dogmas, binding under pain of eternal damnation, at the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215.

The mendicant monks or “begging friars” of the Roman Catholic church are the lineal descendants of the lazy pagan priests of heathen Rome against whom Cicero protested in his Book of Laws. He described them as traveling from house to house with sacks on their backs, and which they filled with eatables given by their superstitious hosts.

The church of Rome also fixed the birthday of Jesus Christ to coincide with the birthday of the Sun-God Mithra on December 25. Likewise the observation of the Sabbath or seventh day of the week (Saturday) as commanded by the fourth commandment of God, was changed by the church of Rome to Sunday, the first day of the week, which the ancient Romans named after and dedicated to their great Sun-God Sol.


The Pope’s gardens in Rome.


Inside the Vatican

Cardinal Newman recorded for posterity his insight into the way in which the true teaching of Christ was covered over with the paganism of old Rome by the Roman Catholic church. In one of his Tracts for the Times, written in 1883, he declared:

“The spirit of old Rome has risen again in its former place, and has evidenced its identity by its works. It has possessed the Church there planted, as an evil spirit might seize the demoniacs of primitive times, and makes her speak words which are not her own. In the corrupt papal system we have the very cruelty, the craft and the ambition of the [Roman] Republic; its cruelty in its unsparing sacrifice of the happiness and virtue of individuals to a phantom of public expediency, in its forced celibacy within, and its persecutions without; Its craft in its falsehoods, its deceitful deeds and lying wonders; and its grasping ambition in the very structure of its polity, in its assumption of universal dominion: old Rome is still alive; nowhere have its eagles lighted, but it still claims the sovereignty under another pretense. The Roman church I will not blame, but pity — she is, as I have said, spell-bound, as if by an evil spirit; she is in thraldom.”

(How this Romanizing of Christianity was made the groundwork of the dicta- torial power of the church of Rome in both religious and political affairs, as we see it today, will be explained in a second article in next month’s issue.) [Included below —Ed]


Rise Of The Power Of The Priesthood

Instead of filling the earth with light and joy, according to the express declaration of Christ that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, the church of Rome soon after its union with the Roman State began to teach that the present life is to be given over to the preparation of the soul for death, under the exclusive direction of the Roman Catholic priesthood. The power of the world was thus placed in the hands of the hierarchy of the Church of Rome.

Protestant Americans, in seeking to determine the secret of the power of the Roman Catholic church, focus all their attention on the political and social activities of its organization. Because of their love of religious toleration, they avoid investigation into its religious aspect and thus arrive at a very one-sided view of the whole Catholic question. They fail to realize that the religious teaching of the church of Rome is the pivot on which its whole organization revolves. Were it not for their submission to the spiritual power of their priests, Roman Catholic people would never become blindly obedient followers of their church’s secular policies. It is easy to see that, even in a democratic country like the United States, if millions of people are made dependent upon men for forgiveness of their sins and for their hope of eternal happiness after death, those millions will tend to accept without question what their priests and bishops plan in political and social matters.

The power of the Roman priesthood therefore is rooted in the conviction of the people that they cannot get to heaven without the ministrations of their priests.

It was the universal establishment of this spiritual power in the hands of bishops and priests that made the church of Rome absolute dictator even in politics soon after its union with the Roman State. The power of the Emperor over the bodies of men and the power of the Pope over their souls were fused into a dual sovereignty — with the power of the Pope superior to that of the Emperor, since the things of the soul are believed to be far superior to those of the body. Thus the Pope was likened to the sun and the Emperor to the moon, and, it was argued and accepted, that “since the earth is seven times greater than the moon, and the sun eight times greater than the earth, so the Pope’s authority is fifty-six times greater than the power of the Emperor and all State authority.”

This contest for power between the Pope and the Emperor came to a head in the year 730 over the worship of images. The Emperor forbade their worship as idolatrous, but the Pope opposed him and aroused Rome and Italy to a successful rebellion against him. As a result of the Pope’s victory the Romans saluted him as their lord and took an oath of allegiance to him as their supreme ruler.

“Donation Of Constantine”

Soon afterwards, about the middle of the eighth century, the document known as “The Donation of Constantine The Great to the Roman Church” was forged. It alleged that the Emperor Constantine conferred upon Saints Peter and Paul the imperial rights, all of Central Italy (which later became the Papal States), the lands of Judea, Greece, Thrace, Asia and Africa and various islands in the Mediterranean to be disposed of by Pope Sylvester and his successors forever.2

With the equally notorious “Decretals of Isidore” which purported to substantiate the forgery, this document was used and believed for over a thousand years to sustain the absolute dictatorship of the Popes of Rome, in political as well as religious matters, over the nations of Europe. Because of the undeniable refutation of these claims by Protestant scholars, the best Roman Catholic historians were finally forced to admit that the “Donation of Constantine” was a forgery and the “Isidorean Decretals” utterly false. Yet, to this day, the whole foundation of the Roman papacy’s temporal dominion rests upon these two admittedly false props.

Origin Of The Inquisition

Like everything else in the Roman church, its fearful Inquisition laws were taken over from the pagan religion of ancient Rome, where they existed for the repression and punishment of dissidents from the national creed. They continued right down to the last century even in our own Western Hemisphere, when the official Inquisition of the Roman church in Mexico was abolished in 1816. It was enforced in Spain even after that date. But the Inquisition arose again in our time in Rome and throughout Europe under the form of the Fascist Ovra and the Nazi Gestapo, which functioned as repressive instruments against all dissidents who dared express opposition to the united authority of State and Church. Himmler, speaking for Hitler in his latest proclamation last November 13, fulminated his desperate threats against all free, democratic “parties, petty parties, groups, estates, vocations, organizations, classes and finally those religious confessions most likely to derive benefit from our internal disunity…”

The Pope signed a solemn concordat with the Nazi regime less than six months after it came to power.


As early as 529, the Justinian Code made it a crime to believe or speak in any way against the teaching of the church of Rome, and all who did so were condemned as heretics. Both Emperors Theodosius and Justinian appointed officials called “Inquisitors” whose special duty it was to ferret out and prosecute such offenders. So much did the religion of the church of Rome become a part of the law of the Empire, that the bishop or his representative sat side by side with the civil judge on the bench in court. There was no crime in the civil court calendar that did not include a breach also of the laws of the church. In the later Middle Ages, the civil power yielded complete jurisdiction in Inquisitorial cases to the bishops, the victims to be handed over to the ‘secular arm’ for execution or other punishment.

In this way the policy of the church of Rome became in every way similar to that of the Roman State — the subjection of the whole world to its spiritual and temporal dominion. Faith and holiness were made secondary to its quest for authority and power. Its primary aim was no longer to save souls, but to gather the whole human race under the sceptre of Rome. Blinded by lust for absolute world-dominion, the Roman church (like its imitators and co-partners, the Axis dictators in our day) was forced to use the cruel weapon of the Inquisition in its attempt to attain it. It was a machine for inquiring into a man’s thoughts and beliefs, and for burning him if they were not in accord with the external beliefs and rites of the church. It arrested on suspicion, tortured the victim till he confessed, and then punished with fire. Even as late as the sixteenth century, when the Church of Rome was faced with the rising tide of protest from within its own membership, it did not change its way. Given a chance to reform, it chose to continue, as it does to this day, in pursuing its aim for world dominion. H. G. Wells, in his latest book, Crux Ansata (p. 50), has the following to say on this point:

“By the dawn of the sixteenth century, the Church, blindly and rashly, had come to the parting of the ways. The force of protest, that is to say of Protestantism, was gathering against it, and the alternatives, whether it would modernize or whether it would dogmatize and fight, were before it. It chose to fight and tyrannize.”

But like the modern Axis dictators, the church of Rome will find from now on that ruthless persecution of dissent from its reactionary creed is not an effective weapon to subdue the enlightened will of the masses.


The Inquisition in Goa India.

Betrayal Of The Christian Idea

The thrust of the church of Rome for world-power, as could be expected, destroyed the bond that joined all true Christian believers together in the Christian Church, and all of them together, in turn, with Christ as its head. That real bond of unity was a living faith in the heart of every believer. In the days of the Apostles, the invisible and spiritual church was identical with the visible and outward community. But after the union of the church of Rome with the Roman State, the outward shell of an external, authoritarian organization was substituted for the internal and spiritual unity which alone makes for religion proceeding from God. Faith in the heart no longer knit together the members of the church of Rome and its dependent churches throughout Christendom. Fanciful ties were instituted — bishops, archbishops, popes, miters, elaborate rites and ceremonies, and intricacies of canon law. These built up a huge, spectacular organization of laws, dogmas and external pomp, cemented together by cruel repression, fear and superstition. On one side there arose a priestly caste that usurped the name of Christian church and claimed peculiar privileges in the sight of the Lord. On the other side were the timid and fearful masses of the people reduced to a blind and passive submission, gagged, silenced and delivered over to a proud caste of all-powerful priests. Jesus Christ had come on earth to free all men and make them sons of God; the Roman church in time made them slaves of men.

What Of Salvation?

Again we must return to the religious aspect of the church of Rome. Not only is its power based upon its peculiar teaching about salvation of men’s souls, but, as to be expected, its lust for that power destroyed the true saving principle of salvation in Christian teaching. That great principle is that grace — eternal pardon — is a free gift of God. “By grace are ye saved through faith,” St. Paul tells us (Eph. 2:8)… “it is the gift of God.” The church of Rome, in order to sustain its human organization, soon invented its very profitable dogmatic teaching that the sinner can only be saved by works, by outward conformance to its network of man-made laws, legal observances and penances.

According to true Christian teaching, on the other hand, the disciple is saved by apprehending Christ through faith, by means of which Christ becomes all filings to the disciple. He receives from Christ a new life, a life of divine power that regenerates him and sets him free from the power of self, sin and of human tyranny. The Roman church has taken the power of salvation out of the hands of God and placed it in the hands of its priests who barter it for works of penances, indulgences, and money payments. It boldly asserts that the Roman Catholic priest is the mediator between the sinner and God, and claims that this priest has the power to forgive sins and to offer sacrifice for the sins of men.

The result of all this is an amazing mixture in priests and people of the Roman church of ambition and devotedness, of superstition and piety, of cunning and zeal; a mixture of a theoretical belief in absolute ethical values on the one hand, and at the same time provision for their destruction on the other. It thus becomes a mere counterfeit of the good. Those who hold that it is Satan’s work have much to substantiate their charge. For it is difficult to see how the human mind alone could have conceived what the Roman church essentially and actually is — a clever contrivance to sustain in unrighteousness the semblance of truth.

1. p. 2. This work was published in English by The Macmillan Co. in New York in 1928, and bears the Nihil obstat of the Board of Censors of the Archdiocese of New York and the Imprimatur of the late Cardinal Hayes.↩
2. The alleged disposition of these lands by Constantine is not without significance in regard to Mussolini’s disastrous attempt to reestablish them as part of a revived Roman Empire in alliance with the Pope in 1929.↩

Japanese-Vatican Entente During World War II

Japanese-Vatican Entente During World War II

The original title of the article from The Converted Catholic Magazine is,

Japanese-Vatican Entente By J.J. Murphy

noun, plural en·tentes [ahn-tahnts; French ahn-tahnt].

1 an arrangement or understanding between two or more nations agreeing to follow a particular policy with regard to affairs of international concern.

Though I lived more than half of my life in Japan (40 years) I had no idea that the Vatican supported Japan in its conquest of China, the Philippines, and other nations in the Pacific, and even formally established diplomatic relations with Japan after it bombed Pearl Harbor! And not only that, American Roman Catholics became traitors to their own country in their support of Japan during WW 2!

WORLD WIDE SUPREMACY by the Roman Catholic church was the dream and goal of Pope Pius XI. Counter-revolution through Catholic church alliance with Fascist powers was the means to this end. Intimate partnership and cooperation between the Vatican and European Fascism was brought about by concordats with Mussolini and Hitler. Few, however, realize that Pius XI was as determined to join forces with Tokyo as Germany and Italy were.

Pius XI agreed with Mussolini that the United States of America, the bulwark of democracy, was in “grave peril of collapse,” as William Teeling, Catholic author, has pointed out.1 In accordance with this belief, Pius XI held that Japan would dominate the Orient and was determined to ally himself with the Emperor of Japan. Teeling (p. 5) speaking of the world plans of Pope Pius XI confesses in this connection:

“The Vatican is also intensely interested in developing her relations with Japan in order to get control of the eventual development of Christianity in those parts of China which she believes will one day come under Japanese influence.”

Soon after Mussolini had securely established his dictatorship, Pope Pius XI decided to hold a World Missionary Exhibition at Rome. This was timed not only as a publicity campaign to advertise Mussolini’s ‘New Italy’ to international tourists and draw money into the country, but also as a demonstration to planners of World Fascism of the world-wide political power and ‘intelligence service’ that Catholicism could contribute to such a movement.

In an encyclical on Missions, written on the occasion of the World Missionary Exhibit at Rome, Pius XI made meaningful references that flattered Japanese ambitions. Among other things mentioned was his confidence that “the peoples who inhabit the remote regions of the East and South can hold their own easily with the European races.” In addition, “the Pope broke the Vatican tradition of centuries by ordaining Oriental bishops. His partner and successor, Pius XII, carried this policy a step farther by appointing two Japanese bishops over the subjugated Koreans and later by breaking inviolable traditions of the Vatican to establish relations with a pagan nation — Japan.

Close cooperation between the Roman Catholic church and Japanese imperialists is not difficult to understand for those who realize the close similarity between Roman Catholicism and Oriental paganism, especially Buddhism. Since Imperial Japan in its expansionist policy had found the religious orders of Buddhism its most efficient propagandists and political agents in Burma and elsewhere, it was only natural that it should place even greater hopes in a successful Western religion with similar popular appeal; coupled with a far superior political organization.

Teeling (p. 245) mentions that powerful elements behind the Japanese government were willing to work with the Vatican. Even apart from the reasons given above this is natural enough, for a feudal country like Japan, dominated by a few wealthy families, has affinity for a highly centralized, totalitarian religion like Catholicism. But a further reason, little suspected, was the admiration of Japanese imperialists for a religion that could divinize its leader, even make its adherents believe him to be endowed from Heaven with infallibility. Catholic William Teeling in his book Gods of To-Morrow (p. 300)speaking of the infallibility of the Pope says:

“In 1870 there were many Catholics who disagreed and disapproved, but today, not seventy years later, in the Catholic Church no one questions this doctrine. The Japanese are exceedingly interested in this, as their whole tendency today seems to be to turn their Emperor into a sort of Pope or god who should live in retirement; and they wish to find out how the Catholics were able to get their doctrine across in such a short time to the public.”

H. G. Wells is not far from the mark when he calls the head of the Roman Catholic church a “Shinto Pope.”2

Franco Links East And West

Long before the Rome-Tokyo Berlin Axis became publicly known, plans for its three-pronged counter-Revolution were agreed upon. This ‘New Order,’ hailed by Pius XII in his Christmas message of 1940, aimed at the overthrow of democracy and the restoration of religious monopoly into the hands of Roman Catholicism. Strange as it may seem, Japan agreed to back the establishment of Catholicism in the Orient.

Von Papen, papal chamberlain who put Hitler into power, agreed with the Vatican that a ‘neutral’ Fascist Spain would be the best possible instrument for conducting the world-wide espionage of the Axis, especially in Latin America and the Philippines. Allan Chase in his recent book Falange, The Axis Secret Army in the Americas, shows at length this strategic value of a ‘neutral’ Fascist Spain. An example of how well this plan worked out in practice is found in José del Castano, Spanish Consul General at Manila who before Pearl Harbor was made head of the entire Axis spy system in the Philippines. He is still Consul General there today. Part of one of his speeches before Japan declared war is quoted by Chase (p. 14) as follows:

“‘Our Fascist brothers in Japan are united with us in the common struggle. When they strike, we must help them. When we strike, they will help us.’ Del Castano must have repeated this a hundred times during his first week in Manila, each time using the exact words he used when he had rehearsed the few sentences for General von Faupel and those strange Nazi luminaries back in Madrid.”

Those who realize the far-reaching international plotting behind the Spanish rebellion and the Franco regime will not wonder that, when the infamous news of Pearl Harbor reached the Jesuit-inspired Franco, one of his controlled newspapers, the Madrid Informaciones, enthusiastically stated in an editorial: “Japan has reached the limit of her patience. She could no longer tolerate the interference and the opposition of the United States… We hope Manila will be saved for Christianity.”

Knowing all this and much more behind the scenes, it is not surprising that H. G. Wells in an article in the London Sunday Dispatch of August 30, 1942, tersely declared: “The present Pope is in open alliance with the Japanese.”

Jap-Vatican Teamwork

The secret alliance between the pope and the Japanese war lords was reflected in public by the growing cooperation and cordiality between them. In Japan’s unjust war of aggression against China, the Vatican sent directions to its missionaries in China to cooperate with the Japanese. After the rape of Manchuria was completed, the Vatican at once gave de facto recognition to its Japanese puppet government, after other countries refused to do so. In 1934 the Catholic Revue des Deux Mondes boasted, at a time when Japan’s inhumanity was shocking the world, that “no Japanese prince or mission now passes through Rome without paying homage to the Sovereign Pontiff.” In March 1934 the hypocritical Foreign Minister of Japan, Baron Matsuoka, after visiting Hitler and Mussolini, had a strictly confidential conference with Pius XI. The Pope gave him a gold medal and publicly referred to the cordiality of their relationship. Herbert Matthews knowingly reported in the N. Y. Times that this private audience “had little to do with religious affairs.”

One of the concessions of doctrine that the Vatican made to adapt Catholicism to the demands of the Japanese was to declare, contrary to the well-known truth, that Shintoism is not a religion. By 1938 the Pope gave permission to Japanese Catholics to bow in worship before the Emperor, who claims to be of divine origin. This was done in spite of the fact that this act of homage had been forbidden for centuries by Roman Catholic doctrine.

Following the alliance with Pope Pius XI, Japan made no secret of its ‘preferred treatment’ of Roman Catholicism. Neither did the Catholic press hesitate to return the favor. The Catholic Times of England as early as November 3, 1934, urged its readers to think kindly of Japan because the Japanese invaders “have brought freedom from persecution to our missionaries in Manchuria and adjacent parts of China… and consented to their settlers in Brazil being instructed in the Catholic faith.”

While Japanese preparations for an attack on the United States were being completed, relations between Japan and the Catholic church grew closer than ever. The N. Y. Herald Tribune of October 8, 1941, said:

“The Japanese government has become more cordial to the Catholic Church in the last six months than at any time in recent years…”

The same newspaper went on, to quote Rt. Rev. T. J. McDonnell, national director of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith: “The Japanese have not actually granted recognition yet to any Christian sect except to that Christian Church which is known as Roman Catholic.”

It should be noted that Japanese recognition of Roman Catholicism was granted in spite of the fact that its clergy in Japan is overwhelmingly non-Japanese. Further evidence of the ‘closed deal’ between the Vatican and Japanese Fascists is seen in the persecution of Protestant missionaries in Japan and Japanese-held territory. They were expelled, some after having been held incommunicado in prison for many months.

All Catholic missionaries had been assured by the Vatican that there was an understanding with Japan, that they would be well treated after the Japanese invaded and took over the Oriental countries where they were working. Catholic William Teeling (p. 245), who traveled throughout the Orient at that time, admits this:

“The feeling in China and in the Philippines amongst Catholic missionaries has been that they will get a fair deal and freedom to push their religion, should the Japanese get control of their respective mission fields.”

The N. Y. Times of February 20, 1941, told how Catholic Bishop Wade refused to take refuge in British territory when the Japanese were about to take possession of the Solomon Islands. He was so sure that the Japanese would cooperate with him that he obliged all the priests and nuns to remain there, while the rest of the whites fled before the invasion.

In 1936, a. few years before World War II became an actuality, the Vatican withdrew from Japan Archbishop Mooney, its Apostolic Delegate, because he was an American. In his place, in accordance with the new understanding, an Axis co-national, Monsignor Paul Morella, was appointed. Morella was taken directly from the Apostolic Delegation in Washington, D. C., made an archbishop and sent to Japan. In Washington he had been ‘official observer’ independent of the Apostolic Delegate. It is unnecessary to stress the strategic value to Japan of having at hand during a war with the United States a ‘friendly neutral’ who had gathered invaluable information during his many years of travel in this country and still able to keep in touch with American Fascist-minded politicians by means of the Vatican’s uncensored diplomatic mail.


Clerical Treason In The Philippines

Jesuit missioners make a point of setting up their propaganda mills in strategic foreign localities. The Philippines were such a place. Though they are 70 per cent Roman Catholic and in no need of foreign clergy, 250 American Jesuits took up residence there for political reasons. There they took exclusive charge of the Government Observatory and Weather Bureau, a post of the greatest military importance both for us and the Japanese. Several assumed chaplaincies in the U. S. Philippine army. Others took up residence at Naga, Camarines Sur, where the Japanese made one of their first landings. In Manila they conducted a university own as The Ateneo. Through its radio program and their magazine Commonweal they continuously gibed (mocked) American democracy in general and our Government public schools in particular. In their usual reactionary way, they agitated to reduce the compulsory school age of children from 16 to 12 years. They openly advocated Fascism, holding up Salazar’s government in Portugal as a model.3


In spite of the open pro-Fascist attitude of Catholic priests in the Philippines, the Government seldom took action against them. But occasionally one was arrested. Such was the case of Father Louis Bogel, located at Subic, site of a United States’ naval base. He was seized for “spreading Nazi propaganda under the guise of religion,” according to an Associated Press dispatch of January 13. 1941.

The most daring foe of democracy in the Philippines was Father Silvester Sancho, a Spanish Fascist, head of the Catholic University of Santo Tomas in Manila. Allan Chase (pp. 34, 40) tells how Sancho was the darling of the Nazi- controlled Spanish Fascist organization, called the Falange. He relates how Sancho visited Franco, made him honorary president of his university, and brought back to Manila a Fascist propaganda expert (to teach the doctrine of Hispanidad) as well as several military espionage officers under the guise of ‘exchange students.’ The effects of such fifth column activity is seen in the observation of Catholic William Teeling in his book Gods of To-Morrow (p. 235). Of his experiences among Catholics in the Philippines he admits:

“I visited schools and the Catholic University and found to my amazement that in all these places the Catholics seemed convinced that should the Japanese ever come to the Philippines their position as a Catholic Church will be untouched.”

Johannes Steel, newspaper columnist, said:

The role played by Fascist Spain and the ‘Falange’ in helping Japan realize her ambitions of conquest remains one of the most sinister features in the plot against American security in the Pacific. It is a story which no one has as yet dared to tell in full, although the facts are readily available.” (N. Y. Post, Nov. 2, 1943.)

Allan Chase devotes the entire second chapter of his book Falange to showing how Franco’s clerical Fascists in the Philippines enlisted to a man in the Civilian Emergency Administration as air-raid wardens and succeeded in completely upsetting it at the time of the first Japanese air raid. The U. S. Army was forced to disband the entire civilian anti-air-raid organization within 36 hours after the war began. Unfortunately this betrayal by the Clerical fifth-column was only part of its aid to the Japanese invaders. Demoralizing rumors of American cowardice and treachery, pro-Japanese propaganda, spying, signals to invading Japanese troop ships were other means used to help the Japanese destroy Philippine democracy.

Soon after the Japanese invasion, “the Archbishop of Manila [Michael J. Doherty] issued a Pastoral letter calling upon all Catholics in the Philippines to stop their anti Japanese activities and to cooperate with the Japanese in their noble efforts to pacify the Archipelago.”4

Pearl Harbor and the other Japanese victories that followed it were enthusiastically celebrated in Franco’s controlled press. A Falange celebration a few weeks after Pearl Harbor was held at Granada, Spain. Part of it was described as follows:5

“In the name of the Philippine Section of the Falange, Pilar Primo de Rivera accepted a formal decoration from the Japanese Government — a decoration awarded to the Philippine Falange for its priceless undercover aid to the Imperial Japanese Government in the capture of Manila and for a host of other services. Among the latter were fleets of trucks and buses the Falange had ready and waiting for the Japanese invasion troops at Lingayen, Lemon, and other points”

Japanese gratitude to the Catholic church and its Clerical Fascists was not confined to Spain. They made public acknowledgment of it even in Manila. The Reader’s Digest at September 1943 said of the Japanese invaders of the Philippines:

“They were very solicitous about the Roman Catholic Church. On the first Sunday after landing in Manila, Japanese soldiers marched to Mass, filling all the churches and chapels. Armed guards of honor were placed outside each door.”

The same article in The Reader’s Digest also told how Catholic priests and nuns from Japan cooperated in winning good will for the invading troops. The Japanese Government arranged to have them brought from Japan to the Philippines on a ‘pilgrimage.’ The magazine commented: “The nuns received as much publicity as a group of traveling Show girls and, were seen everywhere.”

After outraging the conscience of the world by its vile deceit at Pearl Harbor, Japan badly needed some declaration of international approval to restore its moral prestige. Soon after Pearl Harbor the Vatican came to its rescue and gave it its blessing in the form of diplomatic recognition. This formal establishment of diplomatic relations with Japan was an open insult to the United States, not only because it was done following Pearl Harbor, but even more because it was in defiance of American and British protests. This welcoming of the bandit nation of Japan as an equal among Christian nations was termed a “benevolent gesture toward the Axis” by Paul Ghali in the New York Post of March 27, 1942. He added that “the Nazis will attain new support by this new and relatively easy diplomatic victory of their Oriental ally.”

When Mussolini fell, the Vatican substituted for him at once by establishing direct radio communications with Tokyo. (N. Y. Times, August 8, 1943.) Still further support of Japan was shown in Franco’s later sending of congratulations to the new puppet ruler of the Philippines.


Clerical Espionage And Its Reward

Roman Catholics in high ecclesiastical repute took part in Japanese undercover work in the United States. In spite of Catholic censorship of the American press, a few enlightening facts have leaked out. According to the Los Angeles Times of January 29, 1942, Frederick Williams was indicted as a Japanese agent. This man is a prominent Roman Catholic and intimate friend of the hierarchy. He served as publicity director of the Dominican Fathers in this country. As this newspaper also noted, he figured prominently in the staging of the International Eucharistic Congress in the Philippines in 1937.

Another secret propaganda agent of Japan in this country was John C. LeClair who pleaded guilty in New York Federal Court September 8, 1943. A devout Roman Catholic, LeClair studied for his doctorate under the Jesuits at Fordham University from 1931 to 1941. Meanwhile he taught at Catholic Seton Hall College in New Jersey and later was dean of the history department at St. Francis College in Brooklyn. As a Japanese agent during the three years preceding Pearl Harbor he sent much information to Japan and wrote numerous pro-Japanese articles for publication in this country. Such an article, paid for by Japan, was published in the Jesuit magazine America in September 1940. It was entitled “No Friendship Wanted between the United States and Russia.”

Other Catholics, like General John. F. O’Ryan, openly registered as official agents of the Japanese government.

Catholics reaped a rich reward for their aid to Fascist Japan. While Protestant missionary activity has been abolished in Japan as well as in Japanese-occupied countries, Catholic propaganda made rapid progress thanks to the backing of the Japanese Government. No Catholic missionary was interfered with, except a few Americans who were removed from strategic localities or a few others who were temporarily arrested through the mistake of some local officer. Some of these Americans have been sent back to this country, because they disobeyed orders to help out Japan. All other Catholic missionaries, including many Americans, continued their work as usual.

The Catholic Mind, a Jesuit magazine, in its July 1943 issue, admitted that out of 2,700 missionaries in the Japanese Empire “2,200 remain at their tasks.” In China, which is largely occupied by Japan, 10,000 out of 13,000 missionaries continue to function as usual. The article went on to say that “in Southeastern Asia [now ruled by Japan] it is believed that hardly more than 5 per cent of 7,500 priests and Religious have been halted in their labors.”

Examples of the rapid progress made by the Catholic church under Japanese rule were recorded in the N. Y. Herald Tribune of August 8, 1943. It told of a new “Japan Catholic Society” organized in Tokyo on July 27, 1942, in which wealthy Nitsuo Mizata of the Japanese House of Peers and other prominent people took part. Another Pan-Asiatic society called “International Friendship Society” was also recently established in Tokyo. In Japanese-controlled Inner Mongolia, a “Roman Catholic Association of Manchiang” was formed on last July 9, 1942. The paper quoted it as saying that it is “willing to cooperate most closely with the authorities and with Japan in the removal of Anglo-American influences…” It added that at the opening meeting of this society prayers were offered for a Japanese victory and a collection was taken up to buy a Japanese warship.

Appropriate thoughts to conclude this outline of Roman Catholic cooperation in the Japanese attack on Christian civilization are not hard to find. But the words of The Chronicle, an Episcopal magazine, in an editorial of June 1943 seem to stress a particularly urgent point:

“We remember that the Pope gave his approval to Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia, never protested against the invasion of Albania on Good Friday and showed distinct approval of General Franco who destroyed the liberal government of Spain, and has maintained diplomatic relations with all the Axis powers during this war. Those who are not for us are against us. To crown it all the Pope established diplomatic relations with the Japanese shortly after the dastardly attack on Pearl Harbor.”

Pope’s Curtsy To The Mikado

THE MESSAGE from Pope Pius XII’s Secretary of State quoted below was used in the broadcast of the German and Japanese governments as Vatican approval and de facto recognition of the Japanese puppet-President of the Philippines, José P. Laurel, whom Franco had recognized shortly before. The papal message, as intercepted by the United States intelligence service, was reproduced in a United Press dispatch of January 10, 1944. It was conveyed to the puppet- President by Archbishop Pinai, Apostolic Delegate to the Philippines, and read as follows:

“His Eminence. Cardinal Luigi Maglione, Secretary of State to His Holiness, through the Apostolic Delegate of Japan, has given me instructions to assure Your Excellency that the Vatican received your generous telegram announcing your induction as President of the Philippines and to transmit to Your Excellency most sincere thanks for your courtesy.”

The Tokyo radio quoted Bishop Cesar Guerrero of Manila, who interpreted as follows the Vatican message as proof of the Pope’s recognition of the Japanese regime in the Philippines:

“This shows His Holiness’ regard for the Philippines. Since Vatican City is in itself a fully sovereign state. the Holy Father’s message of felicitations to President Laurel implies the Vatican’s recognition of the Philippine Republic.”

1. The Pope in Politics by William Teeling. page 235. All later page references to this author are found in this book, unless otherwise noted.↩
2. Crux Ansata, by H. G. Wells, p. 102.↩
3. Philippine Magazine, issues of 1941. Also see Allan Chase’s Falange, p. 42. All further page references to this author are to found in this book.↩
4. Allan Chase, op. cit, p. 49.↩
5. Allan Chase. op. cit, p. 48. Ct. N. Y. Times. January 11, 1942.↩

Can Protestantism Survive The Pope’s Bid For World Control?

Can Protestantism Survive The Pope’s Bid For World Control?

An Address By L. H. Lehmann

Delivered in Toronto, Lindsay, Brantford, London, and Hamilton, Ont., Canada, in connection with the Annual Meetings of The Canadian Protestant League, October 22 to 28, 1946.

[Webmaster's introduction: "Protestantism" is a word hardly in use today. The Catholic Church doesn't attack Protestant churches anymore. And why not? Because the Vatican feels Protestantism as a movement is dead! The Jesuits killed it. What remains are only individual researchers and former Catholic priests who are exposing the devices of the Pope, the Vatican, the Jesuits, and other Catholic orders in the geopolitical realm.

One of my friends accused me of "beating a dead horse." Ha! The horse is very much alive and mean as ever! Just look at the American government today. Biden's cabinet is filled with Catholics. Don't be deceived by smiling Roman Catholic clerics.

Psalms 55:21 The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.

The most fascinating thing for me about Leo Lehmann's speech is we can see what he said in 1946 being applied today in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine!]

THERE IS NO DOUBT that the time has come when Protestants must take definite action to defend the heritage of their faith against the aggressions of the Roman Catholic church. Protestant leaders are becoming aware of this fact, and warn of the need for definite action. Dr. W. W. Ayer, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, New York City, for example, in a recent series of articles on the future of Protestantism, declares:

“Protestantism, as a religious and social force in America is rapidly being driven into a corner, and soon will be fighting for its very life if the present trend will continue.”

Of Roman Catholicism in America, Dr. Ayer says:

“We have noted the growth of the Roman Catholic church — its powerful personnel, its ever- expanding institutions, its alertness and efficiency, its ability to get tremendous publicity for its causes and religious pageantry… all of which is shoving Protestant Christianity out of the pub-licity picture, making the religious public feel that the faith on which our nation was largely founded is now passé”

Dr. Ayer speaks truly when he points out:

“It was Protestantism largely that gave this world the greatest and freest country on earth. It was the centrality of Protestant belief and Protestant institutions that made for our greatness.”

Never before, in our times, has the Vatican made so clear its determination to seize world control Pope Pius XII took advantage of the most solemn occasion last February 20, before his entire College of Cardinals gathered in Rome, to issue a call to the Catholic church throughout the world to mobilize for war. Herbert L. Matthews, noted New York Times correspondent, styled the Pope’s speech “the mobilization of world Catholicism” and a call to “open war.” He agreed with other correspondents in Rome that at last the Roman Catholic church had openly and officially declared its aims for worldwide political power. Even the conservative New York Herald Tribune, second largest of New York’s morning newspapers, in an editorial on February 23, stated that “it is the deliberate intention of the Catholic church to move more actively into mundane affairs.”

The Pope, himself, passionately declared:

“The church must reject, more emphatically than ever, that false and narrow concept of her spirituality, which would confine her, blind and mute, in the retirement of the sanctuary.”

How much the secular press publicizes the Pope’s bid for power, may be seen from the following quotation in the Saturday Evening Post, of September 21, which says:

“Under Pope Pius’ leadership the Catholic church has emerged as the most successful force in politics this side of the ‘iron curtain.’”

Roman Catholic newspapers have taken up the cue, and hail this open declaration of war by the Pope. The Catholic Register, popular Catholic paper published in 43 States, had banner headlines recently (Sept. 22): “Pope Pius XII World’s Greatest Man.” “Magazine Editor Sees Pius XII as Top Statesman and Church Leader in World Crisis.”

Roman Catholic Bishop Henry J. Grimmelsman, of Evansville, Ill., urging a group of Catholic businessmen “to active participation in politics,” told them, according to the Chicago Tribune of last May 5: “The Pope wishes the clergy to enter politics, and not to confine themselves to the sanctuary. The idea that the church is not in politics is dangerous.”

A sample of what the Roman Catholic church in America is doing to line up its forces under the banner of “militant Catholic action” was contained in a speech by Bishop John F. Noll, of Fort Wayne, Ind., before 1,000 delegates to the National Council of Catholic Women in Kansas City, Mo., last September 23. This Roman Catholic women’s organization claims 5,000,000 members, and Bishop Noll’s crusading speech, according to the New York Times’ report, was intended to rally these 5,000,000 women to fight on every front in American life — “for militant action in professional, educational, trade union, and political fields.” Bishop Noll called upon the following for aggressive action: Catholic members of Congress, the thousands of Catholic industrialists, bankers, Catholic lawyers, physicians, and graduates of Catholic colleges. He also called upon Catholics in organized labor, claiming that Catholics constitute from forty to fifty percent of Labor Union memberships. In the field of politics, Bishop Noll declared:

“The time has arrived when Catholics should not be blind voters in keeping with their long-time Democratic or Republican faith. Before voting they should consider the candidate’s fitness, and the measures he proposes to support.”

The strategy of the Catholic church therefore is obvious:

To cross all lines — in politics, business, religion, labor, and the professions — in order to gather under its banner every conceivable force in the Protestant democratic world. It will then be ready to launch us all into its frightful “holy war” against Russia.

The aim of the Vatican is to crush the English-speaking democratic countries by means of this annihilating war against Russia. And what should rouse us to action is the fact that in doing so, the Pope is merely carrying on where Hitler left off. The Pope first beat the war drums for Hitler; now he is beating the drums for war against Soviet Russia. [Webmaster's note: Do you think this applies today to the Russian-Ukrainian war? I sure do! If Russia actually does win and defeats the Vatican led Western powers, I think it may be a possible fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation chapter 18 of the destruction of Babylon the Great.] Very few people were aware how much the Vatican was involved in the rise of Mussolini and Hitler to power. Even the keenest observers in the United States were not aware of this fact until it was almost too late. In 1940, when Hitler’s legions had already broken through Belgium and the Netherlands, and were over-running France, and threatening England, American people were still unaware of the threat to their own safety, and totally ignorant of the part which the Vatican had played in the Nazi-Fascist war against Christian civilization. Louis Munford, noted author, wrote a book at that time entitled: Faith for Living, and on page 160 he says:

“Political interpreters have set various dates for the beginning of the Fascist uprising against civilization; but most of them go back no farther than 1931. This is a curious blindness; for the beginning of the betrayal of the Christian world, very plainly, took place in 1929, in the Concordat that was made between Mussolini and the Pope.”

The same was the case with regard to Hitler, who would have been a complete failure had it not been for the support given to him by the Vatican. In his book on Franz Von Papen, Satan in Top Hat, Tibor Koeves, (page 215), says of the Vatican’s Concordat with Hitler which was signed by Pope Pius XII and Von Papen:

“The Concordat was a great victory for Hitler. It gave him the first moral support he received from the outer world, and this from the most exalted source. Upon Von Papen was conferred the highest papal decoration and… the man who caused the downfall of Bruening was now feted as Defender of the Faith.”

Having failed to establish world dominion in alliance with Mussolini and Hitler, the Vatican is now using their slogans to lead a crusade, under the guise of democracy, for a holy war against Russia, and thereby to force English-speaking Protestant democratic countries under its banner.

This places the great body of Protestant and non-Catholic people in a dilemma. Protestants of the United States, Canada and England, abhor the philosophy of Marxist Communism as much as they detest the teachings and intrigues of the Roman Catholic church. But the strategy of the Vatican is to try to force this great body of Protestant people to believe that they must take refuge under the Pope’s cloak, as the only way to save their Christian faith. But is Communism more of a threat to us than Roman Catholicism? In the whole of the United States there are very few Communists.1 They can scarcely muster 50,000 votes all told in a national election. The Roman Catliolic church, however, has a voting bloc of many millions of votes in the United States alone. It claims close to 30,000,000 followers in Canada and United States combined. There are close to 6,000 well-trained Jesuits in the United States, the largest group of Jesuits in any country. England has over 4,000 of them. Already the Roman Catholic church, to a great extent, controls business, the movies, education, and influences politics in all the largest cities of the North American Continent. Local politicians in New York, for example, will never dare to undertake anything without consultation first with the “power house” — the Cardinal’s residence on Madison Avenue. You have the same condition here in Canada, I expect. I will not mention South America, Argentina especially, and the treatment of Protestants in those cointries where the Roman Catholic church has control of the Government. Nor will I mention Franco Spain, Salazar’s Portugal, two definitely Fascist courtries, completely under the sway of the Roman Catholic church, and where freedoms are unknown — where Protestantism has no legal existence, where the masses of the people live in fear, ignorance and economic slavery.

There is no real, immediate danger of Communism getting control in the United States, Canada or the British Empire. But not only is there the danger of Roman Catholicism getting control; it already is firmly entrenched in all those countries. The Federal Council of Churches recently issued a statement regarding our relations with Russia, and wisely declared:

“War with Russia can be avoided, and it must be avoided, without compromise of basic convictions.”

Mr. Sumner Welles, speaking at Convocation Hall here in Toronto a few days ago, categorically declared:

“I regard it as a delusion, and a dangerous one, that democracy and communism cannot exist simultaneously in the same world.”

President Truman likewise, in his speech at the opening of the United Nations this week in New York, expressed himself in like manner. None of these top statesmen, however, will dare tell the public that it is the Roman Catholic church who is the war monger whom we must resist.

The real object of attack by the Catholic church is not Communism, but Protestantism. For the past 400 years, since the Reformation, the Jesuits and the Catholic church have tried every means to destroy the work of the Reformation — by fire and sword, by intrigue and political maneuvers. They look upon Communism, in fact, merely as a by-product of Protestantism, because it was Protestantism that first destroyed the political power of the Pope over all the nations of Europe in the 16th century. Its present attack on Russia is an oblique kind of blitzkrieg on Protestantism.

The result of this papal strategy is the fact that two totalitarian forces — Rome to the right of us, and Russia to the left of us — are rising up like two giants to battle for the possession of the great mass of Protestant and democratic nations in between. Most dangerous to us is the idea being propagated that we must choose either one or the other to rule us. An inferiority complex is being bred into Protestant people, that they no longer have the power themselves to find a way out of this dilemma, and that they must choose either to run for protection under the Pope’s coat tails, or allow themselves to be swallowed up by the Red Dragon of Russia. It all tends to make Protestants forget that they have a greater power than that of Rome and Russia combined — the very power of God in the Gospel of Christ.

Protestants need scarcely be reminded of what happens when the Roman Catholic church gains dominion over any country. They would do well, however, to recall what happened in the past in England and Europe. I have only to mention the massacre of St. Bartholomew’s night of August 24, 1572, and of the torture and killings in England under Bloody Mary. You know of the attempts of the Pope’s agents to assassinate Queen Elizabeth even after the power of Rome was destroyed in England.

A recent edition of the Saturday Review of Literature (July 23, 1946), reviewing Evelyn Waugh’s book on Edmund Campion, one of a band of Jesuit saboteurs who invaded England to stir up rebellion against the Queen, quotes the public orders of the Pope’s Secretary of State to kill Queen Elizabeth as follows:

“Since that guilty woman of England rules over two such noble kingdoms of Christendom and is the cause of so much injury to the Catholic faith and loss of so many million souls, there is no doubt that whosoever sends her out of the world with the pious intention of doing God service, does not sin but gains merit.”

The recent news of what happened in Yugoslavia is a sample of what must be expected when the Catholic church gets into power in any country. When Hitler and Mussolini, with the direct help of the Vatican, took over Yugoslavia, they set up the puppet regime of the assassin Ante Pavelitch, head of the Ustashi. The Duke of Spoleto, cousin of the King of Italy, was made King of Croatia and his appointment was confirmed by the Pope who received the new king in private audience in April, 1941. Pavelitch was also received in audience by the Pope the following day and then set out fo Yugoslavia to carry out the plan of murder and forced conversion of the Serbians to the Roman Catholic church.

The part taken by Archbishop Stepinac in these murders and forced conversions is given in detail by Sime Balen in the New York Times last week (October 15, 1946). This Sime Balen is at present Counselor of the Yugoslav Emassy in Washington, D. C., and describes himself as “a Croat and a Catholic, and an eye-witness to the tragic events in Croatia from 1941 to 1945… The Ustashi torturers of the Pavelitch regime, with which Archbishop Stepinac was so closely allied under Hitler’s protection” he says, murdered during those years approximately 50,000 Croatian and Bosnian Jews, or over two-thirds of Yugoslavia’s pre-war population of 70,000.”

As to the murder and forced conversion of the two million Orthodox Serbs in Croatia, this Roman Catholic official and eye-witness declares:

“There were two million Serbs in Croatia when Hitler set up the Pavelitch puppet regime in April, 1941, and the policy then officially proclaimed was that a third of these were to be forcibly converted from the Orthodox to the Catholic faith, a third were to be driven back to Serbia, and a third were to be killed. Dr. Stepinac, a member of Pavelitch’s parliament (Sabor), Apostolic Vicar in Pavelitch’s army, and a member of the Committee for the Conversion of Serbs to Catholicism, made no effort to save these priests and did not even intervene on behalf of his colleague, Dr. Dositej, the Metropolitan of Zagreb who was barbarously tortured before being put to death… I am told that it is hard for Americans to comprehend the enormity of these crimes. For us who lived through them it is hard to forget.”

Remember, this is not taken from some medieval history, but is an eyewitness’ account in the New York Times of last week.

As a result of the trial and conviction of Archbishop Stepinac, the Vatican solemnly excommunicated Marshal Tito and his government on October 14th. Herbert Matthews, the New York Times’ reliable correspondent in Rome, cabled the following on that date:

“The Vatican’s step is without precedent in recent history, though communications even of royalty were not unknown as late as the last century. Although Adolf Hitler was a Catholic, he was not excommunicated for his persecution of religion.”

Here we have a proof that the Roman Catholic church has not changed its medieval method of destroying its enemies. When persuasion fails, it uses fire and sword to kill out all who will not forcibly be converted to Roman Catholic beliefs. Heads of governments are excommunicated if they dare to interfere in the cause of justice.

A solution must be found at once in order to extricate Protestants from the dilemma in which the Roman Catholics have placed them. The first thing to remember is that there is no need for Protestants to make a choice between Rome and Russia. They must remember that there is a third side to this question — the Protestant side. There is no need for Protestants to be stampeded into making a choice between the power of the Pope and the power of Communist Russia. Protestants have in their possession a power greater than both of these combined, namely, the very power of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With St. Paul they must declare, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to them that believe.” Protestants will lose their freedoms only after they have first lost their religious convictions which have made their freedoms possible. Freedom, as we know it, came out of the Protestant Reformation. The basis of this freedom was deep religious conviction. If we are losing this freedom we had better ask ourselves are we not first of all losing the religious convictions of the early Protestants that made this freedom possible. The greatest need today is for a revival of the power of God in the hearts of true believers, and an outpouring of this spiritual power upon the world to counteract the destructive power of material inventions.

Military alliances, balances of power, leagues of nations, all in turn have failed. The problems facing us today, like all others in the past, have a spiritual basis. Today, as never before, is there need for a spiritual revival that will synchronize with the rapid advance in the destructive power of science. This revival must be of the spirit, if we are to save the flesh.

Incitement to war against Russia must be avoided. We must listen to the wise counsels of those who tell us that everything will be lost if we are stampeded into an unnecessary war with the Soviet power. Such a war would benefit only the Roman Catholic church, who would then have obtained its objective of so weakening the English-speaking Protestant Democratic nations that it would be an easy matter for the Church of Rome to take over world control. Not Rome, not Russia, but Christ, must rule the world.

1. The exact number of votes received by Earl Browder, Communist Presi- dential candidate in 1940, was 46,251.↩

The Monstrance and Sun Worship

The Monstrance and Sun Worship

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine which was edited by Leo Herbert Lehmann.

BELOW is a picture of the “Monstrance” used in Roman Catholic churches for the adoration of the consecrated wafer of bread which is believed to be the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. The round wafer is placed in the center of this “monstrance,” which is a gold or gilt stand, often encrusted with precious stones, from which sun-rays pour out from the center. When exposed above the altar, the people are obliged to genuflect on both knees before it in full adoration.


There is no doubt that this had its origin in the Egyptian sun-worship of the goddess ‘Ceres’ (corn), whose son was thus adored as the Sun-divinity incarnate who was symbolized as the “bread of God.” In Egypt, the disk of the sun as likewise represented in the temples, and the king and his wife and children were represented as bowing down and adoring it. From Egypt it was brought to Rome where it was first copied by pagan, and later by papal, Rome.(cf. ‘The Two Babylons,’ by Alexander Hislop, pp. 161-163)


This is a copy of a representation of a sacrifice to the sun, where two priests are seen worshiping the sun’s image. It was discovered in Babain, in Upper Egypt. A like scene may be witnessed in Roman Catholic churches today where priests offer ‘sacrifice’ of bread and wine on an altar with the round wafer of bread set in the center of a gold disk from which shoot out on all sides the golden rays of the sun.

Early Church Leaders Confirm the Apostle Paul’s Gospel and Ministry

Early Church Leaders Confirm the Apostle Paul’s Gospel and Ministry

This video is a defense of the Apostle Paul against attacks by Muslims, certain Hebrew Israelites & Hebrew Roots people alike. The documentary was created by Exegetical Apologetics, also known as Reformed Apologetics Ministries.

Quotations from first and second-century Church leaders about the Apostle Paul.

This is my own research from independant sources to show that Church leaders of the 1st and 2nd century acknowledged Paul’s Gospel and his apostleship. They all mention Paul in a positive way and call him an apostle.

Clement of Rome

Clement (35 AD – 99 AD) was the bishop of Rome in the late first century AD. He is listed by Irenaeus and Tertullian as the bishop of Rome, holding office from 88 AD to his death in 99 AD.

From The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

Take up the epistle of the blessed Paul the Apostle.


Irenaeus (130 – c. 202 AD) was a Greek bishop noted for his role in guiding and expanding Christian communities in the southern regions of present-day France.

From: Irenaeus of Lyons

They proclaim themselves as being “perfect,” so that no one can be compared to them with respect to the immensity of their knowledge, nor even were you to mention Paul or Peter, or any other of the apostles.

But as many as separate from the Church, and give heed to such old wives’ fables as these, are truly self-condemned; and these men Paul commands us, “after a first and second admonition, to avoid.”

Those who are called Ebionites agree that the world was made by God; but their opinions with respect to the Lord are similar to those of Cerinthus and Carpocrates. They use the Gospel according to Matthew only, and repudiate the Apostle Paul, maintaining that he was an apostate from the law.


Tertullian (155 AD – 220 AD) was a prolific early Christian author from Carthage in the Roman province of Africa. He was the first Christian author to produce an extensive corpus of Latin Christian literature.

From The Prescription against Heretics.

On this point, however, we dwell no longer, since it is the same Paul who, in his Epistle to the Galatians, counts “heresies” among “the sins of the flesh,” who also intimates to Titus, that “a man who is a heretic” must be “rejected after the first admonition,” on the ground that “he that is such is perverted, and committeth sin, as a self-condemned man.” Indeed, in almost every epistle, when enjoining on us (the duty) of avoiding false doctrines, he sharply condemns heresies.

Ignatius of Antioch

Ignatius of Antioch (/ɪɡˈneɪʃəs/; Greek: Ἰγνάτιος Ἀντιοχείας, Ignátios Antiokheías; died c. 108/140 AD), also known as Ignatius Theophorus (Ἰγνάτιος ὁ Θεοφόρος, Ignátios ho Theophóros, lit. “the God-bearing”), was an early Christian writer and Patriarch of Antioch.

From The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians

Do nothing without the bishop; keep your bodies as the temples of God; love unity; avoid divisions; be ye followers of Paul, and of the rest of the apostles, even as they also were of Christ.

From The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans

I do not, as Peter and Paul, issue commandments unto you. They were apostles;

From The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians

…though I am acquainted with these things, yet am I not therefore by any means perfect; nor am I such a disciple as Paul or Peter. For many things are yet wanting to me, that I may not fall short of God.

From The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians

This was first fulfilled in Syria; for “the disciples were called Christians at Antioch,” when Paul and Peter were laying the foundations of the Church.

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians.

Wherefore it behoves us also to live according to the will of God in Christ, and to imitate Him as Paul did. For, says he, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”


Polycarp (AD 69 – 155) was a Christian bishop of Smyrna. According to the Martyrdom of Polycarp, he died a martyr, bound and burned at the stake, then stabbed when the fire failed to consume his body. Polycarp is regarded as a saint and Church Father in the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches.

From the Epistle of Polycarp

Polycarp 3:2
For neither am I, nor is any other like unto me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul, who when he came among you taught face to face with the men of that day the word which concerneth truth carefully and surely; who also, when he was absent, wrote a letter unto you, into the which if ye look diligently, ye shall be able to be builded up unto the faith given to you.

Polycarp 9:1
I exhort you all therefore to be obedient unto the word of righteousness and to practice all endurance, which also ye saw with your own eyes in the blessed Ignatius and Zosimus and Rufus, yea and in others also who came from among yourselves, as well as in Paul himself and the rest of the Apostles;

Polycarp 11:2
But he who cannot govern himself in these things, how doth he enjoin this upon another? If a man refrain not from covetousness, he shall be defiled by idolatry, and shall be judged as one of the Gentiles who know not the judgment of the Lord, Nay, know we not, that the saints shall judge the world, as Paul teacheth?

Polycarp 11:3
But I have not found any such thing in you, neither have heard thereof, among whom the blessed Paul labored, who were his letters in the beginning. For he boasteth of you in all those churches which alone at that time knew God; for we knew Him not as yet.

The Catholic Church Heils Hitler by James J. Murphy

The Catholic Church Heils Hitler by James J. Murphy

This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine which was edited by Leo Herbert Lehmann.

The Converted Catholic Magazine is edited by a group of converted Roman Catholic priests for the enlightenment of Americans on the aims and activities of the Roman Catholic church.

Leo Herbert Lehmann and James J. Murphy are former Roman Catholic priests who were converted by the word of God to believe and accept the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Catholic Church Heils Hitler by James J. Murphy

THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH is a baffling enigma to most inquirers. A study of its teachings and practices allures some, but confuses many. Little wonder that confusion results, for it is full of contradictions and does, indeed, make some very strange bedfellows: Diamond Jim Brady and Francis of Assisi; Texas Guinan and the Little Flower. It buried Rudolph Valentino with solemn rites but burnt Savanarola at the stake.

What is the explanation of the Church’s apparent contradictions? The explanation is that the contradictions are not apparent but real. The contradiction is between theory and practice, between pretense and reality. The Roman Church, for example, prates of patriotism and civic duty but in practice it has winked for decades at the basest political corruption of “Catholic” cities like New York and Chicago. It would have you believe, too, that it is “the bulwark of democracy”, while its very organization is authoritarian, dominated by one supreme monarch, with every underling prelate an appointee and a despot in his own little realm. It poses, likewise, as a contemner of “filthy lucre” but every one “on the inside” knows that money is the “Open Sesame” of the Roman Curia. This holds good whether you are given a papal title (a la Duchess Brady) or permission to marry a divorcee (a la Maureen O’Sullivan) or even simple permission to say mass aboard an ocean liner. As the saying goes, “no money. no mass — no dollars, no monsignore.”

However despicable these contradictions in the lives of individuals may be, they are trifles when compared to the wholesale betrayal of mankind that we shall now proceed to prove: that the Roman Church, in direct and violent contradiction of its official teaching, stood by in silence, save for a few diplomatic gestures, and allowed the fascist Madman of Europe to drench the world in blood.

When, you may ask, does the Church of Rome consider a war lawful and justifiable? Let one of her Jesuit spokesmen answer. In the Catholic Encyclopedia, a work of unimpeachable authority, Father Charles Macksey, S.J., Professor of Ethics at the Gregorian University in Rome, says:1

“A war, to be just, must he waged by a Sovereign Power for the security of a perfect right of its own (or of another invoking its protection) against foreign violation in a case where there is no other means available to secure or repair the right.”

“So, too, the need of one state of more territory for its surplus population gives it no right to seize the superabundant and undeveloped territory of another.”

“The foundation of the right of war is a right violated or threatened, not a mere ethical duty neglected.”

According to the unexcelled authority of St. Augustine, the followers of St. Thomas Aquinas and Francisco de Victoria, a war is unjust and immoral unless it fulfills each of the ten following conditions:2

“1. Gross injustice on the part of one, and only one, of the contending parties;

“2. Gross formal moral guilt on one side — material wrong is not sufficient;

“3. Undoubted knowledge of this guilt;

“4. That war should be declared only when every means to prevent it has failed:

“5. Guilt and punishment must be proportionate. Punishment exceeding the measure of guilt is unjust and unallowable;

“6. Moral certainty that the side of justice will win;

“7. Right intention to further by the war that which is good and to shun that which is evil;

“8. War must be rightly conducted: restrained within the limits of justice and love;

“9. Avoidance of unnecessary upheaval of countries not immediately concerned and of the Christian community.

“10. Declaration of war by lawful authority exercised in the name of God.”

The classic Jesuit authority in matters theological, Suarez, says:

“The State that declares war must have no manner of doubt; the grounds of its right must be clearer than day. Mistakes are inexcusable. To declare war is to pass sentence of death and to do that with a doubting conscience is a mortal sin.”

“According to unanimous Catholic teaching all wars are unjust when undertaken for national or dynastic interests, from covetousness or lust of conquest.”3

“Even if others take a laxer view of an offensive war, all Catholic moralists condemn a war undertaken for any reason short of gross injustice.”4

“If we consider the conditions which justify a war from the standard of Catholic morality, we find that war is almost an impossibility.” 5

Such is the Christian code of ethics flaunted by the Church, in times of peace, to put on parade her “steadfast devotion to principles.” This is mere theory and pretense. In practice. how craven and cowardly is her retreat in time of imminent war. She slinks under cover and cloaks her theoretical ethics in deepest silence. The Pope waits till war is declared and then confines himself to a series of sterile platitudes on the “misfortunes of war,” instead of standing up in the full power of his authority to decry injustice and denounce the war as monstrous and unallowable.

As to the Catholic Church’s plea of being a “neutral witness,” the fact must be faced that such an attitude must be considered the meanest and most despicable that could possibly be adapted in the face of the problems of social morality and individual conscience which the War has brought to the fore — all the more so on the part of an authority that professes to have been established by Christ to point out the way of righteousness and justice to all nations! Devout Catholics have turned in their distress toward the throne of Peter and discovered, to their confusion, that the throne is empty.

No one has a right to be neutral in moral questions. Whoever in such questions pretends to be indifferent is in reality siding with him who is in the wrong. “He that soweth not, scattereth.” As Theodore Roosevelt once said: “There is no meaner moral attitude than that of a timid and selfish neutrality between right and wrong.”6

We need waste no time in proving that Hitler viciously violated every principle of neutrality sponsored and endorsed in the moral code of the Catholic Church. It is evident to even the most casual observer that in attacking Poland. Hitler not only failed to fulfill the ten conditions of a just war but openly defied every single one of them. It is clear to even the uneducated man-of-the-street that in raping and ravaging Poland he has ruthlessly and viciously flouted every tenet of decency, justice and humanity.

What shame that the Church of Rome broke faith! In the struggle of Might against Right, she faltered and quailed and denied in practice her own moral principles. The self-declared “Mystical Body of Christ” stood aside and allowed her members to murder each other with fiendish fury while she turned not a hand to stop them. This on the part of the Church which forbids the dueling of two men under pain of excommunication! The Church’s “diplomatic protests” and meaningless lamentations are just so much “eyewash.” Her hands are not tied, her duty is clear. Her strength is not in worldly diplomacy hut in spiritual weapons. A single indictment of the injustice and sinfulness of this mass murder and the forces of the power-mad Fascists would be crippled. Under threat of excommunication and interdict 100,000,000 Catholics in fascist countries would refuse to take up arms to kill their brethren, peace would flourish again and European civilization would be snatched from the brink of destruction.

But no! The Church of Rome, formed and fashioned in the crucible of authoritarianism, seeks her fascist ends by not only tolerating this bestial slaughter but crowning it with her blessing. The Catholic Church in Germany, through a Pastoral Letter from the bishops to all the faithful, authoritatively declared:

“In this decisive hour we admonish our Catholic soldiers to do their duty in obedience to the Fuchrer and be ready to sacrifice their whole individuality. We appeal to the Faithful to join in ardent prayers that Divine Providence may lead this war to blessed success.”7

The Catholic periodicals of Germany exhort their readers, by a front- page illustration, that as Saint Michael slew the dragon, so, too, should they fight this holy war and slay the modern dragons of democracy.

Once again, as throughout her history, the Church of the Vatican has thrown her weight on the side of authoritarianism. Little matter whether it is that of a monarchy or of a dictatorship. Nor does it matter that in so doing she tramples in mud and gore the very principles of her moral code. Political machine that she is (in her inner circle), she never takes promises or principles too seriously — at best, they are but means to an end, and, at times they are even obstacles. It is the ends that count — the means are immaterial — and the ends are always fascist.

“At the end of the nineteenth century, the three most important countries were those that chiefly belonged to the conquests of the Reformation: and the entire confer of gravity, moving from the Mediterranean nations to the Oceanic, from the Latin to the Teuton, had also passed from the Catholic to the Protestant.” — Lord Acton, Cambridge Lectures on Modern History.

1. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Article “War”, Vol. XI. p. 550.↩
2. The Church and War by Franziskus Stratmann of the Dominican Order. P. J. Kennedy & Sons. Cf. Summa Theologica. II-II. 40 and 108.↩
3. The Church and War by Franzlskus Stratmann. p. 75.↩
4. Ibidem.↩
5. Ibidem. p. 73.↩
6. Quoted from La Guerre et la Religion par Alfred Lotsy. Introduction. p. IX.↩
7. New York Times. September 24. 1939.↩

(End of article.)

Also see: German Catholic bishops admit they were ‘complicit’ in Nazi crimes.

Clerical Fascism in the United States

Clerical Fascism in the United States

Fasces in the U.S. House of Representatives. The fasces is an ancient Roman symbol, derived from the Latin word “fascis,” which means “bundle.” We get the word fascism from that word, the symbol of government authority, specifically ROMAN government authority.

This article is from the Converted Catholic Magazine of which former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann (also known as L.H. Lehmann) is the editor. I don’t have a bio on J.J. Murphy but I am sure he’s a former Catholic priest and a good resource because of the fact that Leo Lehmann includes his works in his magazine.

Clerical fascism is an ideology that combines the political and economic doctrines of fascism with clericalism. Clerical refers to a member of the clergy, and especially in this case Roman Catholic priests.

Fascism is political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Clerical fascism is, therefore, the dictatorship of the (Roman) Church over the government.

Clerical Fascism in the United States by J. J. Murphy

EUROPEANS, unlike Americans, rightly think of the Roman Catholic church primarily as a political and cultural force shaping the lives and destinies of men and nations — as an international super-State determined to restore its medieval domination. To this end it must necessarily destroy liberal democratic government, so mercilessly condemned by Pope Pius IX, and re-establish the Holy Roman Empire. Germany is the natural center of such an empire, now as in the past. This is the plan Pope Leo XIII had in mind when he said to the late Kaiser Wilhelm: “Germany must be the sword of the Catholic Church.”1 This, too, is what Pope Pius XII thought had been practically realized when in his Christmas message of 1940 he referred to recent German victories as events that “signal the dawn of a new era.” The distinguished foreign correspondent John T. Whitaker, in close touch with Vatican sources, had reported the Pope’s thoughts in more specific terms a few months previously when he wrote from Rome:

“In this situation, the Vatican has indicated that it approves the Fascist government organized in France by Marshal Pétain and Pierre Laval and it hopes to sow the totalitarian regime of other corporative states, such as those in Portugal and Brazil, spread throughout the world.” — (New York Post, July 18, 1940.)

It was not without reason that a Vatican politician, Msgr. Tiso of Slovakia, said on September 27, 1940: “Catholicism and National Socialism have much in common.” In a similar vein Papal Chamberlain Franz von Papen, signer of the Hitler-Vatican concordat, had declared: “The Third Reich is the first power which not only recognizes, but which puts into practice the high principles of the Papacy.” (Der Voelkischer Beobachter, Jan. 14, 1934.)

Standing in the way of a world ‘corporative’ or Fascist state was the United States of America, the arsenal of democracy. This is the point Lewis Mumford made in the summer of 1940 when he wrote:2

“Unfortunately the aims of Fascism are most deeply in conflict with those of a free republic like that of the United States. In this effort, the Catholic church… has been an ally — a potent ally — of the forces of destruction.”

To the American Catholic hierarchy democracy had become something fetid and loathsome. The Jesuit magazine America in its issue of May 17, 1941, expressed itself candidly in an article we quote in part:

“How we Catholics have loathed and despised this Lucifer civilization… This civilization is now called democracy… Today, American Catholics are being asked to shed their blood for that particular kind of secularist civilization which they have been heroically repudiating for four centuries… The Christian Revolution will begin when we decide to cut loose from the existing social order rather than be buried with it.”

The Vatican High Command that made pacts with Mussolini and Hitler, that gave the death blow to Spanish democracy, likewise had plans for “Christian Revolution” in the United States. It did not consider Protestantism in America an obstacle to its plans. It considered it dead, since it can be trampled on without evoking protest. It turned from counter-Reformation against Protestantism to counter-Revolution against liberal democracy, which it termed “Communism.” It welcomed Protestant fascists as allies.

Backing Of The Hierarchy

The Jesuits, ‘Storm Troopers of the Church,’ are the power behind all church-inspired revolutions. In Austria their ‘front man’ was Msgr. Seipel — in the United States it is Father Coughlin. He was released from his vows in the Order of St. Basil in Canada, brought to the United States, and strategically located in the mid-West in the important industrial city of Detroit. After becoming an American citizen, Coughlin began to preach “Christian Revolution.”

To anyone even remotely acquainted with Canon Law discipline to which the Roman Catholic clergy are subjected, prohibiting all priests to publish even a word without permission of their superiors, it is evident that Father Coughlin has the complete backing of the highest authorities in the Catholic church. Moreover, without contradiction, he has attributed his Fascist doctrines to the encyclicals of Pope Pius XI. His weekly broadcasts were read and approved by his bishop. They Were reproduced weekly in numerous Catholic papers. He was never criticized or censored by either of his superiors, his bishop or the Apostolic Delegate. Neither his broadcasting nor his paper, Social Justice, was stopped by the church; in fact, this paper was sold outside most Catholic churches on Sundays. When the paper was banned by the Post Office as Seditious, the hierarchy intervened to prevent him from being tried for sedition even though he publicly declared at the time that he “was responsible and did control the magazine, its policy and contents.” Without church objection, a Franciscan Father eulogized him publicly in New York on July 29, 1941, as a “second Christ” and compared his sufferings and joys with those of the Savior.

The Catholic church has allowed without protest the preaching of anti- Semitism, which paves the way for Fascism and revolution. The Tidings, official paper of the archdiocese of Los Angeles, for example, defended Coughlin’s anti-Semitism in its issue of April 17, 1943. Catholic authorities have not denounced, much less prevented, the printing and distribution of the vicious Protocols of Zion by Social Justice, The Malist, The Catholic International or other Catholic organizations or publications. Nor did it ever use any of its 332 Catholic publications in this country to denounce the false Protocols. Anti-Semitism in Catholic pulpits is not unheard of (cf. The Jewish Examiner, Sept. 4, 1942).

Carlson (p. 202) observes that American fascist Seward Collins learned his anti-Semitism from The Jews, a book written by leading Catholic apologist Hilaire Belloc. Key to the Mystery by French-Canadian Catholic Adrian Arcand, fascist leader, is a classic of anti—Semitism. But, in general, the Catholic church’s anti-Semitism is discreetly kept under cover as far as 29church leaders are concerned. Its most effective work is by ‘whispering campaigns.’ Even Catholic apologist George Shuster admitted deep-rooted anti-Semitism in the Catholic church in this country but added that it is “seldom voiced above a whisper.”3

The Catholic church in this country has shown its anti-democratic feel- ings in many ways. Bishop Gallagher, Coughlin’s superior, on his return from the Vatican in 1936, declared to reporters: “Father Coughlin is an out- standing priest and his voice… is the voice of God.”


A Catholic priest cannot speak in a diocese other than his own without explicit permission of the bishop of that diocese. The fact, therefore, that Father Coughlin, Father Curran, Father Terminiello and other Fascist leaders spoke in dioceses throughout the country shows that they had the approval of all these bishops. The priests felt likewise. A poll conducted by the Jesuit magazine America in the fall of 1941 showed that 90.4 per cent of the Catholic priests of the United States were opposed to our entering World War II. Archbishop Curley of Baltimore expressed the feelings of the hierarchy, when in an interview with the press on December 7, 1941, after hearing of the attack on Pearl Harbor, he implicitly denounced the war, saying: “We’re not satisfied. We’re out looking for war…” — (Baltimore Sun, Dec. 8, 1941.)

The Catholic hierarchy, which as a body gave immediate endorsement to World War I, waited almost a year, until Germany’s defeat was foreseen, before officially giving their approval to World War II.

Political Power Of Coughlin

Pearl Harbor and our declaration of war put a temporary end to the political organization that Clerical Fascism was in the process of forging. Coughlin was just about to take over majority control of America First and form it into a political party, when war was declared. He had already given hints, which were seconded by Philip LaFollette and the N. Y. Daily News. He was about to replace Catholic John T. Flynn of the strategic New York chapter with a more obedient lackey.

America First, started by fascist-minded business magnates, had at first been independent of Coughlin. But by infiltration the Coughlinites became the dominant element. Catholic church prelates gave it their enthusiastic approval. At one of its mass meetings in Madison Square Garden in New York City, under the chairmanship of John T. Flynn, Cardinal O’Connell, dean of the American Catholic hierarchy and Bishop Shaughnessy of Seattle. formerly of he Apostolic Delegation in Washington, D. C., sent telegrams of congratulation which were publicly read.

Carlson (p. 260) quotes an official of America First to the effect that its membership was 80 per cent Coughlinite and would eventually be under Coughlin’s complete control. General Wood had at first objected to Coughlinite dominance but later “humbled himself before the reverend-dictator of Royal Oak” in a letter published in Social Justice.

In addition to the Coughlinite majority, America First included large numbers of the Ku Klux Klan element who in recent years have allied themselves with Catholic Fascists in a war on Jewry and ‘Communist’ unions. Louis B. Ward, one of Coughlin’s chief assistants, addressed the Pontiac chapter of America First four different times. This chapter was made up almost exclusively of Klan members. Garland Alderman, secretary of the National Workers League, a fascist organization of KKK members, said that he was nurtured in Fascism by Father Coughlin’s Social Justice and had also attended a series of “special lectures” by Coughlin one Winter. (Under Cover, p. 305) He named Coughlin as one of the Americans who in the opinion of his organization would negotiate with Hitler after the hoped- for world triumph of Nazism.


Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, still Pro-Fascist, Anti-British, Anti-Semitic.

The ‘Christian Front’ In New York

Clerical Fascism worked on a number of ‘fronts’ and a variety of social levels. Smooth-tongued Msgr. Sheen (the Lawrence Dennis of Catholic Fascism), Jesuit Father Hubbard and others took care of the moneyed classes. They were ably assisted by wealthy laymen such as Judge John A. Matthews and former Catholic diplomats like John Cudahy and Joe Kennedy, former ambassador to England, who in November 1940 said, “It isn’t that England’s fighting for democracy. That’s the bunk.”

But the work of Clerical Fascism on the intellectual and industrialist levels of American society is naturally shrouded in secrecy. Only what takes place among the common people has become known. This was the rabble- rousing work of Father Coughlin. In addition to his following of several million Irish-Catholic listeners and sympathizers, Coughlin needed a closely-knit and militant corps such as Hitler possessed in his Brown Shirts. To this end he formed the Christian Front. Carlson tells us (p. .35) that the Christian Front was “the outgrowth of a plan spawned by the priest of a once obscure parish in Royal Oak.” Coughlin himself confirmed this when the Christian Fronters were being tried in Federal Court, saying he would stand beside them “be they guilty or he they innocent… For us there is no white flag of surrender.” Units of this violent revolutionary society were soon organized throughout the country from Pittsburgh as far west as Minneapolis.

Coughlin openly urged revolution. ln Social Justice of April 24, 1939, he wrote:

“22 millions subsist on dole rations — and we do not revolt! How much will we stand?”

Carlson says (p. 56) “the Christian Front, always under Coughlin’s inspiration and guidance, shouted that a private army was the only means to ‘save America.’” Coughlin wrote in Social Justice: “Rest assured we will fight you in Franco’s way.”

Carlson also reveals (pp. 33, 69) how Coughlin promised police protection to anti-Semitic terrorists in New York City but shielded his secret backing of terroristic demonstrations by use of fake telegrams purporting to declare his disapproval of such tactics.

In forming the Christian Front Coughlin had full support from the Catholic church. In New York City, Father Duffee of the Franciscan Order was one of its chief lieutenants; the basement of the Catholic church at Columbus Circle belonging to the Paulist Fathers was one of their regular meeting places. The mail box of the Paulist Fathers in Post Office Station G was put at their disposal. Father Edward C. Burke and other priests closely identified themselves with the movement.

Carlson (p. 51) gives similar testimony:

“I heard hate preached at a meeting which started with a prayer by Father John J. Malone. The audience blessed itself and the meeting started… ‘Hitler and Mussolini are men of peace. Roosevelt is one of the most vicious.’”

Coughlin’s revolutionary plot was based on the idea that a few armed men properly placed can seize a country, just as Trotsky took Petrograd in 1917 with 1,000 armed men. His Christian Fronters were told: “You’ll get target practice and complete drilling in the art of street fighting… Each of you captains will have your own cell, your own sabotage machine, your own revolutionary group for a Nationalist America.” (Under Cover. p. 98)

Under the camouflaged name of “Midtown Sporting Club” the Manhattan ‘Iron Guard Unit’ of the Christian Front drilled in Donovan’s Hall. near the Paulist Catholic church mentioned above. Like Franco’s revolutionaries they took a secret oath that said, “I will look to God for guidance.” They were exhorted previous to the drill:

“You are soldiers of Christ. Men like you fought in Spain. Men like you will fight in America… You are defenders of the Faith. Your duty is to fight for Christ and Country.”

On January 13, 1940, the FBI raided a Brooklyn “Sporting Club” of the Christian Front. A Federal court suit ensued. The Jesuit publication America, leading Catholic weekly in its issue of January 27, 1940, ridiculed the case, and called it a Jewish plot. Public masses were said for the “heroes on trial. Carlson sums up the case and its foredoomed failure when he says that the big boys behind the scenes were never made public.” The verdict of the Catholic jury was a foregone conclusion. Father Curran, Coughlin’s lieutenant in the East, slyly hinted at an acquittal celebration that a close relative of his was the jury foreman.

In 1926, in Germany, Hitler revolutionaries were similarly arrested and acquitted. As late as 1930 Thomas Mann said of the Nazis: “I regard the National Socialist Party as a flash-in-the-pan which will soon be over.”

The Christian Front is only temporarily under cover. Coughlin is biding his time. Father Edward Brophy of% Brooklyn, a Christian Front leader at one of their meetings in June 1942 said – “The days are coming when this country will need a Coughlin and need him badly. We must get strong and keep organized for that day.”

In Social Justice of Sept. 1, 1939 Coughlin predicted that it would take seven to ten years to win control. He added:

“We predict that… the National-Socialists in America organized under that or some other name — eventually will take control of the government on this continent. We predict, lastly, the end of democracy in America.”

Even when he was put off the radio he confidently threatened:

“I have been retired temporarily… Not until there is an opportunity for the pendulum of reaction to swing to the right will I resume my place before a microphone… I extend to them (‘men powerful in the field of radio and other activities’) my heartiest congratulations for all that the future holds in store for them.”

Other Branches Of The ‘Christian Front’

The militant organization of Clerical Fascism functioned in other cities the same as in Manhattan. Space permits only passing references to its other leaders.

In Brooklyn, N. Y., Father Edward L. Curran is the local Fuehrer. He spends his time, with his bishop’s permission, propagandizing Clerical Fas- cism throughout the East.

In Boston, Mass, the Christian Front leader is Irish-Catholic Francis P. Moran. He is assisted by William B. Gallagher and also by John J. Murphy, publisher of Save America Now. Carlson (pp. 450-455) gives a good description of Moran: he was an intimate friend of Nazi consul, Dr. Herbert Scholz; he exhibited the German propaganda film Sieg im Westen to convince People that Germany was invincible; he was a close friend of Father Coughlin and Father Duffee. Moran worked adroitly “through the medium of unobtrusive underground cells, throughout New England;” he spoke in Pawtucket, R. I., with Father Curran, calling the President ‘a Jew guilty of treason;’ he boasted that men of top political power agree with him and protect him but are keeping under cover. Typical of his moral sabotage is his statement that follows:

“The only thing you can do now, of course, is to talk about Communism and the Jews. You can’t touch the war. A whispering campaign is the best thing now. Mrs. Murphy tells Mrs. Duffy, and she tells Mrs. O’Toole, who tells it to Mrs. Smith… by the time they end up, they’ve got something which everybody believes.”

Extremely violent outbreaks of anti-Semitism occur in Boston but are hushed up by the Boston press.

Carlson (p. 213) points out that the hundreds of units of War Mother Movements still functioning full blast were given their start by Father Coughlin. Most of them publish their own fascist bulletins. In the September 1943 issue of THE CONVERTED CATHOLIC MAGAZINE we quoted from one put out in Cincinnati.

In Washington, D. C., Coughlin’s organization took the form of a lobby and a political battery. Of course, he already enjoyed the whole-hearted cooperation of reactionary Senators like Reynolds, Wheeler and Dies. Catholic Congressmen such as Barry, Sweeney, Curley, Kennedy and O’Leary were only too willing to help. Coughlin’s attorney in Washington is George E. Sullivan. He is author of two anti-Semitic books. He cooperated With Mrs. ‘Red Network’ Dilling in the writing of America s most scurrilous attack on Jews, entitled The Octopus, published under the fictitious name of a Protestant clergyman, Rev. Frank Woodruff Johnson.

Most valuable Clerical Fascist in Washington was Jesuit-trained Senator David I. Walsh who is chairman of the vitally secret Senate Committee on Naval Affairs. Olov E. Tietzow, known as “Nazidom’s traveling emissary,” was a close friend of his:

“Tietzow spoke highly of Senator David I. Walsh of Massachusetts, who about the time of my interview was the victim of a public airing of an alleged personal scandal. According to Tletzow. the Senator saw eye to eye with him politically and had received and thanked him for all his literature. When Tietzow had got into trouble with the Post Office, Senator Walsh had interested himself in his problem because of personal friendship, Tietzow as- serted.” — (Under Cover, p. 419)

In August 1942 Senator Walsh received much notoriety on the grounds that he frequented a Nazi spy nest In Brooklyn, N. Y. The matter was hushed up by Catholic political pressure. Walsh was not interested in challenging the accusations in court.


The “Christian Mobilizers”

In the intricate crosswork of movements that form the groundwork of Clerical Fascism, there are some groups that serve a distinct purpose by appearing to be independent of Coughlin. The Christian Mobilizers are such an organization. Their leader is Irish-Catholic Joe McWilliams. He is the most notorious anti-Semite in the country. His setup is like that of the Christian Front. Little wonder, for Carlson (pp. 76, 85) says, “Joe was suckled by Father Coughlin’s own elements in the East,” and one of his lieutenants, Hartery, also referred to “our Savior, Father Coughlin.” Only a priest fits the requirements of the coming American Fuehrer as pictured by the priest-ridden mind of McWilliams:

“A man who is a mystic. A man that the mob can look up to — but not touch. A man who has come from the people, but has reached so high that they dare not call him their own, but one appointed by God to speak for them! That’s what this country needs. That’s what we’ll need to bring together our forces for a Nationalist America.”

“Reverend Edward Brophy, another promoter of the Christian Front not only spoke at a Mobilizer meeting, but also promoted Joe’s Nazi group in other ways.” (Under Cover, p. 82)

Future Danger

Clerical Fascism, driven underground during the war, is certain to rise again with a cry to ‘Save America for the Americans.’ Those who fail to realize this threat to our future should ponder well the following facts: America First controlled by Coughlinites boasted of 15,000,000 members. In one meeting in the Hollywood Bowl in California it drew a crowd of 100,000 ‘patriots.’ Gerald L. K. Smith, Fascist, polled 100,000 votes in Michigan last year. The Hearst-Gannett and the McCormick-Patterson newspaper chains have over 15,000,000 readers. Mrs. Finley J. Sheppard, daughter of the late Jay Gould, gave millions to American Fascists. Robert O’Callaghan, Irish-Catholic friend of Joe McWilliams and Ku Kluxer Edward Smythe, is doing confidential government work in the Chicago office of the Alien Property Custodian, Leo Crowley.

If America waits too long to wake up to its danger, it may ironically fulfill he words of Jesuit-trained Goebbels, spokesman for Catholic Hitler:

“It will always remain the best joke made by the democratic system that it provided its deadly enemies with the means to destroy it.”

Pierre Van Paassen From Days Of Our Years

Piere Van Paassen, in his book, Days of Our Years, page 539, states:

“The Vatican is the uncompromising foe of liberalism. socialism, democracy, Americanism — in short, of modernism in general. It was therefore to be expected that, as soon as the reaction against all these isms should begin to concretize, the Pope was most likely to sympathize with that reaction. In our day that reaction was crystallized in Fascism, which is the synthesis of all the forces of reaction, and the Vatican has indeed chosen to take its position on that side of the barricade to triumph, as it thinks, with the pagan dictators on the ruins of Christian civilization.”

1. The Kaiser’s Memoirs, by Wilhelm II, p. 211: translated by Thos. R. Ybarra.↩
2. Faith For Living, p. 162, by Lewis Mumford.↩
3. “The Conflicts Among Catholics” by George Shuster in the Winter 1940 edition of the quarterly, The American Scholar.↩

The Catholic Church in Hitler’s Mein Kampf

The Catholic Church in Hitler’s Mein Kampf

By Leo Herbert Lehmann


HE CONVERTED CATHOLIC MAGAZINE is edited by a group of converted Roman Catholic priests for the enlightenment of Americans on the aims and activities of the Roman Catholic church. Address: 229 West 48th St., New York, N. Y.

LEO HERBERT LEHMANN (1895-1950) was an Irish Roman Catholic priest who converted to Protestantism. He edited the Converted Catholic Magazine and led Christ’s Mission in New York.

The Catholic Church In Hitler’s “Mein Kampf

MEIN KAMPF, the bible and master plan of Nazism, lays bare the secrets and designs of Hitler’s mind. In it the Fuehrer has traced his deepest convictions and principles. Those who first scoffed at it as an impossible delusion have been dumbfounded to see how literally it has been turned into reality.

Unfortunately for the facts of the case, a constant barrage of Catholic propaganda in the commercial press has stunned the American public into believing that Hitler despises the Catholic church and is plotting its ruin.

From the very beginning, The Converted Catholic Magazine has pointed out that Hitler and the Roman Catholic church agree on the basic principles of fascism and the necessity of ridding national branches of the church of all liberal political elements. Pius XI cleared the way for Hitler’s abolishment of democratic government by dissolving the powerful Catholic Center Party in Germany. It should also be noted that, behind the later flimflam of Hitler-Vatican rifts, the present pope has at all times refused to condemn Hitler, much less excommunicate him from the church or renounce the Nazi concordat which he himself negotiated with Hitler when he was papal nuncio to Berlin.

Fritz Thyssen, Catholic steel tycoon, in his book, I Paid Hitler,1 makes the admission that, together with other big industrialists of the Catholic Rhineland, he poured millions of dollars into Hitler’s coffers with the understanding that Hitler would prepare the way for a confederation of countries under a Catholic monarch — a modern version of the Holy Roman empire.

In 1933 the Vatican was the first sovereign State to put the stamp of approval on Hitler by entering into a solemn agreement with him right after he established a dictatorship that shocked the sensibilities of the world.

Hitler established his Nazi party in Munich, the most Catholic city in Germany. Goebbels, Himmler, Roehm, Von Papen, Seyss-Inquart, Buerckel and other pillars of Nazism are Roman Catholics, and are openly listed as such in the official Wer Ist’s (Who’s Who) of Germany. Of Hitler’s intense admiration for the Catholic church, of which he is an acknowledged member in good standing (and also listed as such in Wer Ist’s), there can be no reasonable doubt. Apart from Hitler’s own statements on the Catholic church, there is a footnote on page 365 of Hitler’s Mein Kampf which says: “Rauschning (cf. his Revolution des Nihilismus) has pointed out Hitler’s deep respect for the Catholic Church and in particular for the Society of Jesus” (i.e. the Jesuits).

Hitler’s enthusiasm for the Roman Catholic church, his sympathy for its aims and world-outlook, his admiration for its principles and plan of organization are reflected throughout Mein Kampf. He does not devote a mere chapter to the Roman church as if it were something alien to his ideology; on the contrary, he interweaves it with almost every one of his main analyzes and principles.

The best that can be done here is to place as many of these excerpts from Mein Kampf as space will permit under important subject headings to which they belong. These will include: Hitler’s Early Catholic Influence; his Admiration of the Church’s Organization; Religious Intolerance; Clerical Celibacy; Anti-Semitism; Church-State Relations, and Ultramontanism. All quotations are from the definitive and unexpurgated English edition published by Reynal & Hitchcock:

Early Catholic Influence

No student of psychology needs to be told of the power of childhood influences in the forming of one’s life pattern. The youthful mind of Hitler, with its natural flair for mysticism and art, was deeply and favorably impressed and molded by the ritual and pageantry of the Catholic church. His admiration of the church helped shape his personal ideal of dictatorial power; in early youth he found its perfect embodiment in the monastery abbot, elected for life, with unlimited and uncontested powers. Thus he says (p. 7):

“Inasmuch as I received singing lessons in my spare time in the choir of the Lambach Convent [Monastery], I repeatedly had an excellent opportunity of intoxicating myself with the solemn splendor of the magnificent church festivals.

“It was perfectly natural to me that the position of abbot appeared to me to be the highest ideal obtainable, just as that of being village pastor had appealed to my father.”

Again he says (p. 711):

“In the evening, however, they [the people] succumb more easily to the dominating force of a stronger will… The same purpose serves also the artificially created and yet mysterious dusk of the Catholic churches, the burning candles, incense, censers, etc.”

Admiration Of The Church’s Organization

Hitler discounts individual failures within the Catholic church and is impressed by the soundness and success of its organization as a whole. In his eyes the greatest crime of which a priest or bishop can be guilty is activity in the formation of liberal political parties to act independently of centralized Vatican control. He has acted severely against some of the Catholic clergy, in Germany and occupied countries, who persisted in encouraging independent political action after Pope Pius XI had disbanded the Catholic Center Party and the Bavarian Popular Party. Nor did he spare such a high dignity of the church as Cardinal Faulhaber.

The following excerpts will suffice on this point:

“It would be unjust to make religion as such or even the Church responsible for the mistakes of various individuals. One should compare the visible greatness of the organization with the average faultiness of men in general, and one will have to admit that the proportion between good and bad is here perhaps better than anywhere else.

“Even among the priests there are certainly such to whom their sacred office is only the instrument for the gratification of their political ambition, and who, in the political fight, forget in a more than deplorable manner that they should be the guardians of a higher truth and not the promoters of lies and calumnies — but such an unworthy individual is outweighed, on the other hand, by a thousand and more honest pastors, most faithfully devoted to their mission, who stand out like little islands in a communal swamp in our mendacious and demoralized time.” (p. 149)

“He who believes he may arrive at a religious reformation by the roundabout way of a political organization, only shows that he really has not the slightest idea of the way in which religious conceptions or even dogmas originate and their effect upon the Church.” (p. 147)

His ideal organization is similar to that of the Catholic church whose undemocratic head is supreme and absolute, and who, after having been once chosen, cannot be replaced:

“The young movement, according to its structure and its inner organization, is anti-parliamentarian; that means, in general, and in its inner construction, it rejects a principle of a decision by the majority, by which the leader is degraded to the position of the executive of the will and opinion of others. The movement, in small things as well as in big things, represents the principle of a Germanic democracy: choice of the leader, hut absolute authority of the latter.” (p. 478)


Religious Intolerance

The essence of the Catholic Church consists in its absolute authority, its claim to be the one and only religion, its fanatic self-assurance, its demand of blind obedience, its dogmatic intolerance, its refusal to compromise even with science. Each of these qualities Hitler noted and admired as the secret of success. He later paid them that sincerest form of flattery, imitation: he made them the framework of his Nazi party and government.

Among the many repetitious passages in which he stresses this, the following will suffice:

“If religious doctrine and faith are really meant to seize the great masses, then the absolute authority of the contents of this faith is the basis of all effectiveness.” (p. 365)

“The greatness of every powerful organization as the incorporation of an idea in this world, is rooted in the religious fanaticism with which it intolerably enforces itself against everything else, fanatically convinced of its own right.” (p. 487)

“The greatness of Christianity was not rooted in its attempted negotiations of compromise with perhaps similarly constructed philosophical opinions of the old world, but in the inexorably fanatical preaching and representation of its own doctrine.” (p: 487)

“The future of a movement is conditioned by the fanaticism, even more the intolerance, with which its adherents present it as the only right one, and enforce it in the face of other formations of a similar kind.” (p. 485)

“Here, too, one can learn from the Catholic Church. Although its structure of doctrines in many instances collides, quite unnecessarily, with exact science and research, yet it is unwilling to sacrifice even one little syllable of its dogmas. It has rightly recognized that its resistibility does not lie in a more or less great adjustment to the scientific results of the moment, which in reality are always changing, but rather in a strict adherence to dogmas, once laid down, which alone give the entire structure the character of creed.

“Today, therefore, the Catholic Church stands firmer than ever. One can prophesy that in the same measure in which appearances flee, the Church itself, as the resting pole in the flight of appearances, will gain more and more blind adherents.” (page 882)


Clerical Celibacy

The Catholic church, in its shrewd, far-sighted planning, finds organizational strength and renewed vigor in the forced celibacy of its clergy and of its many active and contemplative orders of monks and nuns. The resulting sacrifice of individualism and personal morality is counted a small price to pay for a practice that strengthens the organizational structure of the church as a whole, and which rids it of many dependents, obligations and responsibilities.

Hitler, too, is an advocate of the principle that “the end justifies the means,” and is superlative in his admiration of this ruthless practice because it is successful. He says (p. 643):

“Here the Catholic Church can be looked upon as a model example. In the celibacy of its priests roots the compulsion to draw the future generation of the clergy, instead of from its own ranks, again and again from the broad masses of the people. But this particular significance of celibacy is not recognized by most people. It is the origin of the incredibly vigorous power that inhabits this age-old institution. This gigantic host of clerical dignitaries, by uninterruptedly supplementing itself from the lowest layers of the nations, preserves not only its instinctive bond with the people’s world of sentiment, but it also assures itself of a sum of energy and active force which in such a form will forever be present only in the broad masses of the people. From this results the astounding youthfulness of this giant organism, its spiritual pliability and its steel-like will power.”

He also glorifies the basic principle of Jesuit education, the training of the will:

“Of highest importance is the training of will power and determination, as well as the cultivation of joy in taking responsibility.” (p. 623)


Before Hitler came to Vienna and made contact with the Catholic anti-Semitic leader, Dr. Karl Lueger, Mayor of Vienna, he knew nothing of organized anti-Semitism. He says (p. 67):

“I had no idea at all that organized hostility against the Jews existed.”

Editor’s footnote in reference to the above on page 69 says:

“Hitler did not, therefore, share the prevailing Catholic feeling that Jewish intellectuals and journalists were undermining the rights of the Church. He was a ‘liberal’ in the sense that he, though born a Catholic, refused to commit himself seriously to one side of a religious discussion.”

He soon learned to admire and imitate this Catholic leader, a protege of the Vatican, who knew the political value and mob-appeal of anti-Semitism: “At any rate and because of this, I gradually learned to know the man and the movement who ruled Vienna’s destiny: Doktor Karl Lueger and the Christian Socialist Party.” (p. 71)

Editor’s footnote to this says:

“Karl Lueger (1844-1910) founded the Christian-Social Party (to which Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss and Dr. Kurt von Schusschnigg belonged) on the basis of a program that combined a good deal of progressive municipal legislation and a shrewd awareness of the political values latent in popular anti-Semitism… Cardinal Rampolla, then Papal Secretary of State, held a protecting hand over Lueger…”

Hitler says further of Lueger (p. 128):

“His infinitely clever policy towards the Catholic church won for him in a short time the younger clergy to such an extent that the old Clerical Party was either forced to leave the battlefield or, more wisely still, to join the new party in order thus slowly to regain one position after another.”

He makes it clear that Protestantism, unlike Catholicism, is opposed to anti-Semitism and lacks in general the religious intolerance he idolizes. He says:

“Thus Protestantism will always interest itself in the promotion of all things German as such, whenever it is a matter of inner purity or increasing national sentiment — the defense of German life, the German language and German liberty,— as all this is also rooted firmly in Protestantism; but it will immediately and sharply fight every attempt at saving the nation from the grip of its most deadly enemy, as its attitude towards Judaism is fixed more or less by dogma. But this involves a question without the solution of which all attempts at a German renaissance or a national revival are and will remain absurd and impossible.” (pp. 144-5)

“The most believing Protestant could stand in the ranks next to the most believing Catholic, without ever having to come into the slightest conflict of conscience with his religious convictions.” (p. 829)

“Positive Christianity,” the Jesuit name for aggressive Catholicism in its most fascist and anti-liberal form, was adopted by Hitler’s National Socialist Party as its official viewpoint and policy. Hitler quotes it in Article 24 as follows (p. 694):

“Art. 24: The Party professes the viewpoint of ‘Positive Christianity.’”

He repeats the anti-Jewish arguments of “Positive Christianity” widely preached at that time throughout Germany by the Jesuit Fathers Pachtler, Overmanns, Hugger, Loeffler and Muckermann, and in this country by Father Coughlin and his followers:

“The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle in nature; instead of the eternal privilege of force and strength, it places the mass of numbers and its dead-weight.”

He then adds:

“Therefore, I believe that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator: By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord’s work.” (p. 84)

Church-State Relations

In the following quotations Hitler expressed his conviction that the authoritarian state and the dogmatic church are mutually complementary and dependent; that the lower clergy, for the church’s benefit, must shun politics, and that the wise politician leaves the church as such alone.

Hitler here refers to liberal political parties that abounded in Germany after it became a republic in 1918, especially the Catholic Center Party and the Bavarian Popular Party. The Vatican dissolved these, contrary to the wishes of many priests and prelates, and made a concordat with Hitler in 1933. It had previously done the same in Italy to clear the way for Mussolini. Under the new arrangement, all political settlements become a matter of personal dealing between the dictator and the pope, without interference by organized groups of local clergy and laymen.

This is as Hitler wanted and as he laid it down in the following passages:

“Organic laws are for the State and dogma is for religion. Only by this is the wavering and infinitely interpretable, purely spiritual idea definitely limited and brought into shape, without which it could never become faith. The attack upon dogma in itself resembles, therefore, very strongly also the fight against the general legal fundamentals of the State, and, just as the latter would find its end in a complete anarchy of the State, thus the other in a worthless religious nihilism.” (p. 366)

“But worse than all are the devastations which are brought about by the abuse of religious convictions for political purposes.

“If in pre-War Germany the religious life had for many an after-taste, this was attributable to the misuse which was inflicted on Christianity on the part of a so-called ‘Christian’ party, as well as to the imprudence with which one tried to identify the Catholic faith with a political party.

“This substitution was a fatality which perhaps brought parliamentary seats to a number of good-for-nothings, but injury to the Church.

“The result, however, had to be borne by the whole nation, as the consequences of the loosening of religious life caused by this occurred just at a time when everything began to give way and to change, anyhow, and when the traditional fundamentals of behavior and morality threatened to collapse.” (p. 367).

“Political parties have nothing to do with religious problems, as long as these are not hostile to the nation, and do not undermine the ethics and morality of their own race; just as religion is not to be combined with the absurdity of political parties.

“Whenever ecclesiastical dignitaries make use of religious institutions or doctrines in order to harm their nationality, one should not follow them and fight them with the same weapons.

“To the political leader the religious doctrines and institutions of his people should always be inviolable, or else he ought not to be a politician but should become a reformer, provided he is made of the right stuff.” (p. 150)


Ultramontanism is a clerical political conception within the Catholic Church that places strong emphasis on the prerogatives and powers of the Pope. It contrasts with Gallicanism, the belief that popular civil authority—often represented by the monarch’s or state’s authority—over the Church is comparable to that of the Pope. -Source: Wikipedia

Hitler speaks deprecatingly of the Austrian Kulturkampf, a pan-German movement of the late nineteenth century, which was hostile to Ultramontanism, that is, the reactionary policies of the Jesuit-Vatican element of the Catholic church.

Of the Kulturkampf he says(p. 151):

“It made itself impossible in numerous small and medium circles through its fight against the Catholic church, thus robbing itself of innumerable of the best elements which the nation can call its own.

“One succeeded in tearing away from the Church almost one hundred thousand members [the Los vom Rome movement], but she did not suffer any particular loss because of this. She really did not have to shed any tears for the lost ‘lambs’; for the Church lost only what for a long time had not fully belonged to her internally.

“This was the difference between the new reformation and the old one [that of Martin Luther]: that once, many of the best of the Church turned away from it because of their inner conviction, while now, only those went who were not only lukewarm, but for ‘considerations’ of a political nature.”

In contrast, however, to such anti-Catholic politics was the pro-Catholic, anti-Semitic policy of Dr. Lueger’s clerical party, of which Hitler approvingly says (p. 154):

“It avoided all fights against a religious institution, thus securing the support of such a mighty organization as the Church represents. Thus it had only one really great chief adversary [the Jews].

In Germany during the 1920’s, opposition started to arise once more against Ultramontanism because of greater freedom of speech and political action under the Republic. Hitler blames the Jews for this anti-Catholic movement — though General Ludendorff participated in it:

“As the situation was then, the only chance of occupying public attention with other problems and thus stemming the concentrated assault on Jewry lay In opening up the Ultramontane question, and in the mutual clash of Catholicism and Protestantism arising from it.” (p. 825)

He also is convinced that it is futile as well as unwise to fight against Jesuit Ultramontanism:

“The gentlemen who suddenly discovered in the year 1924 that the supreme mission of the folkish movement is the fight against ‘Ultramontanism’ have not crushed Ultramontanism, but they have torn open the folkish movement.” (p. 829)

It is impossible that Hitler could ever have favored a hostile attitude toward Ultramontane Catholicism. His entire “new order” is based upon control of the world by a combination of the forces of religious and political intolerance. Previously, on page 675, he makes this clear:

“For, the view of life [Weltanschauung, ‘a world-policy’] is intolerant and cannot be content with the role of a ‘party among others,’ but demands dictatorially that it be acknowledged exclusively and completely, and that the entire public life be completely readjusted according to its own views.”

This is in perfect accord with all the encyclicals of the popes for the past two hundred years, and is to be found in its newest form in the noted encyclical Quadragesimo Anno (1931) of the late Pope Pius XI who made concordats with both Mussolini and Hitler. The sub-title of this well-known encyclical is “Catholic Reconstruction of the Social Order.” It is further substantiated by other encyclicals of this same pope claiming complete and dictatorial control of education and marriage.


Pope Pius XII Brought Hitler To Power

Article 16 of the above concordat between Hitler and the Vatican gives the wording of the oath that all German bishops are obliged to take before the Reichsstatthalter, as follows:

“I swear before God and upon the Holy Gospels and promise, as becomes a bishop, to be loyal to the German Reich and the State. I swear and promise to respect the constitutional Government and to have it respected by my clergy.”

Shortly after the concordat was signed by Cardinal Pacelli and Catholic Franz von Papen, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin wrote to Hitler as follows:

“The Episcopate of all the German dioceses, as is shown by its statements to the public, was glad to express, as soon as it was possible after the recent, change in the political situation through the declarations of Your Excellency, its sincere readiness to cooperate to the best of its ability with the new government which has proclaimed as its goal to promote Christian education, to wage war against Godlessness and immorality, to strengthen the spirit of sacrifice for the common good, and to protect the rights of the Church.” (From the Catholic [London] Universe, August 18, 1933.)

Whatever the Catholic church may now think about Hitler and the whole scheme of the Nazi-fascist Axis, there is no doubt that the Vatican was Hitler’s ally from the beginning. Fritz Thyssen, rich Catholic steel magnate who financed Hitler,2 testifies to this. After he went to Switzerland in 1940, Thyssen wrote an article in the Swiss Arbeiterzeitung entitled: “PIUS XII, AS NUNCIO, BROUGHT HITLER TO POWER.” In this article he states plainly what the aim of the Hitler-Vatican plan was. He says:

“The idea was to have a sort of Christian Corporate State organized according to the classes, which would be supported by the Churches — in the West by the Catholic, and in the East by the Protestant — and by the Army.”

Hitler’s Mein Kampf embodies all the aims and principles against liberal democratic processes reiterated in all the important papal encyclicals of post-Reformation Catholicism. It should not be surprising that the Vatican in our time, in exchange for benefits promised to the Catholic church, betrayed the forces of democracy, both inside and outside the church, and used its influence and power to foster allegiance to Fascism and Nazism throughout the world.


1. Reviewed in The Converted Catholic Magazine for May 1942, p. 138.
2. See Thyssen’s book, I Paid Hitler, published in this country in 1941.↩

A Comparison of King Saul and the Apostle Paul – Polar Opposites!

A Comparison of King Saul and the Apostle Paul – Polar Opposites!

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:11  

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

That means we are supposed to learn from the mistakes of men we read about in God’s Word. King Saul made lots of mistakes! It’s said that a wise man learns from his mistakes. A wiser man learns from others’ mistakes. We can learn from King Saul what not to do and what not to be.

My wife and I listened to Steven Anderson’s amazing message about King Saul vs. the Apostle Paul. He said and I quote;

It’s really interesting when you compare these two characters there’s really no way that it could be a coincidence that these two men have so much in common and are so diametrically opposed to one another.

Both are from the tribe of Benjamin, both have the same name, Saul, which the apostle later changes to Paul. According to Strong’s dictionary, Paul is Paulos in Greek and is of Latin origin meaning “little”! Saul of Tarsus renamed himself Paul as a reminder to keep himself humble!

Some people, even some people who identify as Christians hate the Apostle Paul’s doctrines of salvation by grace through faith alone in the Word of God alone through Christ alone. It could be that God made the Apostle Paul the total opposite of King Saul to vindicate him in the eyes of some doubters of Pau’s apostleship!

Old Testament Saul New Testament Saul
First King of Israel.
1 Samuel 11:15  And all the people went to Gilgal; and there they made Saul king before the LORD in Gilgal;
Last Apostle of Christ.
Romans 1:1  Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God.
Paul calls himself an Apostle 9 times.
Started out humble and little in his own sight, ends up proud. Being a king goes to his head.
1 Samuel 10:21-23  When he had caused the tribe of Benjamin to come near by their families, the family of Matri was taken, and Saul the son of Kish was taken: and when they sought him, he could not be found. Therefore they enquired of the LORD further, if the man should yet come thither. And the LORD answered, Behold, he hath hid himself among the stuff.
1 Samuel 15:17  And Samuel said, When thou wast little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israel, and the LORD anointed thee king over Israel?
Started out a proud self-righteous Pharisee, ends up humble.
Philippians 3:5-7  Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
Ended by killing priests and persecuting David.
1 Samuel 22:21  And Abiathar shewed David that Saul had slain the LORD’S priests.
1 Samuel 19:10  And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul’s presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night.
Began by persecuting the followers of Christ.
Acts 22:4  And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.
Acts 26:11  And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities.
Was prone to be jealous of others who appeared better than him.
1 Samuel 18:7-9  And the women answered one another as they played, and said, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. And Saul was very wroth, and the saying displeased him; and he said, They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands: and what can he have more but the kingdom?  And Saul eyed David from that day and forward.
Was not jealous of other preachers of the Gospel.
Philippians 1:15-18  Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.  What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.
Tall and good looking.
1 Samuel 9:2  And he had a son, whose name was Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly: and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people.
Short and not good looking.
2 Corinthians 10:1  Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you:
2 Corinthians 10:10  For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible.
Disobedient to God’s commands.
1 Samuel 15:18  And the LORD sent thee on a journey, and said, Go and utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites, and fight against them until they be consumed.
19  Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the LORD, but didst fly upon the spoil, and didst evil in the sight of the LORD?
Obedient to God’s commands.
Acts 26:19  Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision:
Ended his life with regret.
1 Samuel 26:21  ¶Then said Saul, I have sinned: return, my son David: for I will no more do thee harm, because my soul was precious in thine eyes this day: behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly.
Ended his life with joy.
2 Timothy 4:7  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8  Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
Loses his crown when he died. Gained his crown when he died.
2 Timothy 4:7-8  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
Started well. Finished well.

Please listen to the entire talk!

Tetanus Vaccine Linked to Infertility

Tetanus Vaccine Linked to Infertility

Carrie Madej

On March 14th during my daily walk through the neighborhood, I approached two dogs behind a gate that seemed to be friendly. One let me pet it, and when I did, suddenly the other dog bit me! I posted the picture of my wound on social media and soon an acquaintance from my old Chicago neighborhood with whom I went elementary school whose career is a registered nurse urged me to get vaccinated for tetanus. I had no initial intention to go to a doctor for this, and I sure didn’t listen to her about the need to be vaccinated for Covid, but because I did a search for tetanus on the Internet which told me it’s an incurable disease, I took her advice, went to the doctor, and got the shot and my arm got sore for a while. Today I got a video from a friend that says the narrative about tetanus may be fear-mongering to get people to take an infertility drug!

Dr. Carrie Madej is originally from Dearborn, Michigan and received her medical degree from Kansas City University of Medical Biosciences in 2001. She then completed her traditional internship at the The Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia and internal medicine residency at Mercer University in Macon Georgia.


Dr. Carrie Madej: Well, I’ve always been somebody that questions everything. And it really started when I was a teenager. I asked, “why do we have to take the tetanus vaccine every ten years?” And just to shorten this for time’s sake, is that I ended up finding out, asking all of my attending physicians, and infectious disease experts. We found out that the reason that they told us back then to take it was that when you are walking out in the yard, you have a rusty nail on your foot, the bacteria called tetanus gets in there, and then within minutes to hours, not days or weeks, you could spasm so terribly that you would suffocate to death, fall on the floor and die, like, within minutes to hours, which I’ve never heard of anyone dying that way. So I came to find out, that is a lie. No one has died that way. Nobody in the entire world in the history (Interviewer: “I heard that.”) written history, right? Yeah.

So why are they giving it out if that’s a lie? Right? So I was doing an observation on my rotations in Detroit, Michigan, when I was training, and I saw that they gave some people the vaccine for tetanus and some not as a protocol. And the ones that were on welfare did not get it, but the ones with private pay did, which didn’t make sense. But I saw there’s a huge difference in fertility. Huge. The people who didn’t get it were extremely fertile. The people who did had a lot of problems.

I Googled it then, and sure enough, you can still find this, if you Google it, that the World Health Organization and NIH have since 1972, been developing the tetanus vaccine as an abortion or sterilization vaccine. They’ve been putting the pregnancy hormone inside the tetanus vaccine in that vial. And so every time you get it, it’s a cumulative response. Your body will then see if you’re female. You’ll see, when you’re getting pregnant, you have a higher and higher HCG level, right? Well, then your body will then learn to attack that. So it’s going to attack an early pregnancy. So then you wouldn’t even know you got pregnant in the first place.

So they have absolutely used it in Latino countries, Africa and India. I absolutely believe they were using it here in the US, although they deny it. Although you look on the World Health Organization websites, oh, they’ve had tons of vaccines they’ve been developing, they’ve been testing out, they’ve been utilizing on us for decades and lying to the doctors, lying to the other people. So my point is, these are the organizations standing behind the COVID shot right now.

Big Bang Hypothesis Bombs Out

Big Bang Hypothesis Bombs Out

[This is a reprint of Dr. John Gideon Hartnett’s article on I did the YouTube transcription for him.]

The James Webb Space Telescope Demolishes the Big Bang Hypothesis

Apparently the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has now observed and identified 6 new massive “primordial” galaxies, 10 times the size of the Milky Way galaxy but only half a billion years after the alleged big bang start of the Universe. That means they have interpreted the redshifts of those galaxies to mean they existed at the epoch in the big bang universe of about 500 million years.

Of course there are many unprovable assumptions involved in coming to this conclusion but it presents an enormous problem for the big bang believers.

According to the standard model galaxies essentially started as small blobs of gas and stars and grew over time. So sort of ‘baby’ galaxies are what is expected to be observed as you look deeper and deeper into space, closer and closer to the initial big bang origin.

This is not the first time such a galaxy has been observed too close to the alleged big bang and too big to fit the theory. See A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…so the story goes. In that instance it was the Hubble Space Telescope that spotted the problem galaxy, allegedly on 400 million years after the big bang.

But these new JWST observations are also inconsistent with the expectations of the BB theory. The theorists need to do something fast to fix up the dying big bang model. Watch the video below as theoretical physicist Michio Kaku explains the problem. The first half of the video deals with this issue. For that section I have added the transcript below.

Transcript (with Dr. Hartnett’s emphases added)

Interviewer: And next my favorite kind of story in life is the kind that reminds us that we are nowhere near as close to as smart as we think we are. And oh boy, does this next one do exactly that!

You know that golden telescope we humans built? It’s taken some mind-blowing pictures of space right now. Well, it turns out it’s so powerful it might have just shattered our understanding of the universe. We’ve all heard about how the new James Webb Telescope is kind of like a time machine because it can look back to the early formation of the universe. And it’s been doing just that. It has taken pictures of six galaxies that are some of the oldest that we’ve seen. But they’re a little hazy, and there’s a lot going on in these images. Bear with us.

For one, when you’re looking at these things they’re supposed to be from the beginning of time as we know it and they’re not supposed to be all that well formed. Well guess what? These are looking a lot bigger and a lot more developed than we thought. And why does that matter? Well for one thing, it could pretty much rewrite a whole bunch of astrophysics textbooks. So of course we called up the legendary theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. He’s the futurist who always has me dreaming of the cosmos and the author of a bunch of books that might need to be tweaked now if it turns out that the universe is is older than we think.

Hey professor, I’m thinking of some of my favorites, “The God Equation”, “Physics of the Future”, “Future of Humanity”, most of them say the universe is about 13 billion years old. What if it’s not?

Michio Kaku: Well, that’s the problem! The James Webb Space Telescope is upsetting the apple cart. All of a sudden we realize that we may have to rewrite all the textbooks about the beginning of the universe.

Now, it takes many billions of years to create a Galaxy, like the Milky Way galaxy with 100 billion stars, many billions of years old. But the James Webb Telescope has identified six galaxies that exist half a billion years after the Big Bang that are up to 10 times bigger than the Milky Way galaxy! That shouldn’t happen. [JGH–He misspoke here. The galaxies are smaller than the Milky Way, though one may be comparable. Nevertheless they are 10 to 100 times more massive than they should be according to the theory at this stage of their evolution.] There should not be primordial galaxies that are bigger than the Milky Way galaxy that are only half a billion years old. Something is wrong. We may have to revise our theory of the creation of the universe. [JGH–He means the assumed big bang story, because they are too big to fit that story.]

Interviewer: And so we’re possibly looking at a universe that’s much older than we think it is, and we’re also possibly looking at maybe this is an optical illusion? Are those the two options here?

Michio Kaku: That’s right. Some people say it’s an optical illusion. You see, according to Einstein, gravity can act like glass. The glass of course you can make a magnifying glass. With gravity you too can bend space and time to create a gravity magnifying lens, so you think that these galaxies are huge when they’re actually baby galaxies. [JGH–they just modify the story to make it fit the observation no matter how crazy the changes are.]

Now, I personally think that the solution of the problem is these are not baby galaxies at all they’re actually monstrous black holes, black holes that formed after the instance of creation. That’s baffling scientists because they don’t fit in the normal sequence of the birth of a galaxy. So I personally think that we’re actually looking at monster black holes where perhaps new laws of physics are emerging. [JGH–They would rather create new laws for physics in some past universe which cannot be tested than believe in the ex nihilo creation of the Universe by the Creator.] And again, if you can figure all this out there could be a Nobel Prize waiting for you.

Interviewer: I’m sorry, you’re saying that these galaxies, these six galaxies that look kind of like galaxies are actually black holes?

Michio Kaku: Yeah, that’s one theory. Because we think that at the center of our own Milky Way galaxy there is a raging black hole that is two to three million times more massive than our sun. In fact, we now believe that at the center of almost every galaxy in the universe there’s a monstrous black hole that could be millions to billions of times more massive than our own sun.

Interviewer: If that’s the case then you’re gonna have to rewrite all of your books. And I think I have two of them with your signature on them. So I’m going to need you to resign and send me some new ones when you update those.

(end of relevant section)

There is a simple solution that the God haters and biblical creation deniers would never suggest. God created fully “mature” galaxies from the very beginning of the Universe. There were no baby galaxies. Whatever state we see them in now is essentially the same as they were created in.

The concept of age is imposed on the data from the observers prior biases.

When God created the galaxies in the Universe it was instantaneous.

Surely, My hand founded earth, and My right hand has stretched out the heavens; I called to them, they stood up together.

Isaiah 48:13 KJ3

God created the galaxies as we see them today.

Can we see into the past? Please review that post.

But I say there is nothing in physics that says what we see now with these space telescopes is not in the present. That means we are seeing the Universe as it is now, and not at some time billions of years into the past.

So given time more evidence will emerge that is more consistent with the biblical creation account than some alleged big bang. No man-made theory on the origin of the Universe can ever be proven. In fact, nothing in science especially cosmology can be proven. See also Cosmology’s Achilles’ heel.

I would rather trust in the Word of the Living God.

The God of Rome Eaten by a Rat

The God of Rome Eaten by a Rat

By Rev. Charles Chiniquy

Forward by the Webmaster

I was raised a Roman Catholic. I attended an eight-year Catholic elementary school in the southeast side of Chicago, St. Forian’s parochial school. I sincerely believed in the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation, meaning when the Catholic priest consecrates the wafer, it literally becomes the body of the Lord Jesus Christ! I heard many horror stories from my teachers, the Catholic Sisters, who told me what happened to people who received the Holy Eucharist unworthily. One man was immediately killed by God and became a black burnt cinder! One woman took the wafer back to her home, cut it with a knife, and immediately blood poured out if it and filled up her house with blood until she called a priest who came and made it stop! Or so the stories go. This is what I was indoctrinated with by the Catholic nuns who taught me. I didn’t question it then. Why should I? I was only 9 or 10 years old then. Of course I don’t believe those stories today.

I don’t mean to offend any Catholics with this article. My aim is to enlighten them. I believe it’s a true account of an actual occurrence. It was written by a former Roman Catholic priest who was a friend of Abraham Lincoln! And I think it’s very amusing! My wife laughed and laughed! She’s from the Philippines and was raised a Catholic too, but not nearly as much as me because she went to public elementary school. This surprised me because I think the Philippines is more Catholic than the USA. But where I lived in Chicago is very Catholic consisting of Polish and Irish ancestry.

Author’s bio:
Charles P. Chiniquy (30 July 1809 – 16 January 1899), was a former Roman Catholic priest from Quebec Canada who established the settlement of St. Anne Illinois for French immigrants. St. Anne is only 33 miles (53 km) from where I was raised in Chicago. After reading Charles Chiniquy’s book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, he has become my role model! This Catholic priest stood up to the power of Rome, and though he was excommunicated, his parishioners loved him so much they didn’t mind getting excommunicated with him!

The God of Rome Eaten by a Rat

TO His Eminence the Cardinal

As you are the highest dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church on this Continent of America, I have thought it was my duty to dedicate to you this new edition of Papal Idolatry, with the hope that, by the mercy of God, its perusal would help to enlighten your mind, and change your heart.

Truly yours,
C. Chiniquy St.Anne, Kankakee Co., Ill., January 1890.

HAS GOD given us ears to hear, eyes to see, and intelligence to understand? The Pope says no! But the Son of God says: Yes. One of the most severe rebukes of our Saviour to His disciples was for their not paying a sufficient attention to what their eyes had seen, their ears heard and their intelligence perceived. “Perceive ye not, neither understand? Have ye your heart yet hardened? Having eyes, see ye not; having ears, hear ye not? and do not ye remember?” — (Mark 8:17, 18.)

This solemn appeal of our Saviour to our common sense is the most complete demolition of the whole fabric of Rome. The day that a man ceases to believe that God would give us our senses and our intelligence to ruin and deceive us, but that they were given to guide us, he is lost to the Church of Rome. The Pope knows it; hence the innumerable encyclicals, laws and regulations by which the Roman Catholics are warned not to trust the testimony of their ears, eyes or intelligence.

“Shut your eyes,” says the Pope to his priests and people; “I will keep mine opened, and I will see for you. Shut your ears for it is most dangerous for you to hear what is said in the world, I will keep my ears opened, and will tell you what you must know. Remember, that to trust your own intelligence, in the research of truth and the knowledge of the Word of God, is sure perdition. If you want to know anything, come to me; I am the only sure and infallible fountain of truth,” says the Pope.

And this stupendous imposture is accepted by the people and the priests of Rome with a mysterious facility, and retained with a most desolating tenacity.

It is to them what the iron ring is to the nose of the ox, when a rope is once tied to it. The poor animal loses its self-control; its natural strength and energies will avail it nothing; it must go left or right, at the will of the one who holds the end of the rope.

Reader, please have no contempt for the unfortunate priests and people of Rome, but pity them when you see them walking in the ways into which intelligent beings ought not to make a step. They cannot help it. The ring of the ox is at their nose, and the Pope holds the end of the rope.

Had it not been for that ring, I would not have been long at the feet of the WAFER-GOD of Rome. Let me tell one of the shining rays of truth, which were evidently sent by our merciful God, with a mighty power to open my eyes. But I could not follow it; the iron ring was at my nose, and the Pope was holding the end of the rope.

This was after I had been put at the head of the magnificent parish of Beauport, in the spring of 1838. There was living at “La Jeune Lorette” an old retired priest, who was blind. He was born in France, where he had been condemned to death, under the Reign of Terror. Escaped from the guillotine, he had fled to Canada, where the Bishop of Quebec had put him in the elevated post of Chaplain of the Ursuline Nunnery. He had a fine voice, was a good musician, and had some pretensions to the title of poet. Having composed a good number of Church hymns, he had been called “Pere Cantique;” but his real name was “Pere Daule.” His faith and piety were of the most exalted character among the Roman Catholics; though this did not prevent him from being one of the most amiable and jovial men I ever saw. But his blue eyes, sweet as the eyes of the dove; his fine yellow hair, falling on his shoulders as a golden fleece; his white rosy cheeks and his constantly smiling lips had been too much for the tender hearts of the good nuns. It was not a secret that “Pere Cantique,” when young, had made several interesting conquests when in the monastery. There was no wonder at that. Indeed, how could that young and inexperienced butterfly escape damaging his golden wings at the numberless burning lamps of the fair virgins? But the mantle of charity had been put on the wounds which the old warrior had received on that formidable battle-field, from which even the Davids, Samsons, Solomons and many others had escaped only after being mortally wounded.

To help the poor blind priest, the curates around Quebec used to keep him, by turns, in their parsonages, and give him the care and marks of respect due to his old age. After the Rev. Mr. Roy, curate of Charlesbourg, had kept him five or six weeks, I had taken him to my parsonage. It was in the month of May — a month entirely consecrated to the worship of the Virgin Mary, to whom Father Daule was a most devoted priest. He was really inexhaustible, when trying to prove to us how Mary was the surest, the only foundation of the hope and salvation of sinners; how she was constantly appeasing the just wrath of her Son Jesus, who, were it not for his love and respect to her, would have long since crushed us down.

The Councils of Rome have forbidden the blind priests to say their mass; but on account of his high piety, he had got from the Pope the privilege of celebrating the short mass of the Virgin, which he knew perfectly by heart. One morning when the good old priest was at the altar saying his mass, and I was in the vestry hearing the confession of the people, the young servant boy came to me in haste, and said, “Father Daule calls you; please come quick.”

Fearing something wrong had happened to my old friend, I lost no time and ran to him. I found him nervously tapping the altar with his two hands, as in an anxious search for some very precious thing. When very near to him, I said, “What do you want?” He answered with a shriek of distress, “The good god has disappeared from the altar… He is lost! J’ai perdu le Bon Dieu… Il est disparu de dessus l’autel!” (French for, “I lost the good god. He disappeared from the altar.”)

Hoping that he was mistaken and that he had only thrown away the good god (Le Bon Dieu) on the floor by some accident, I looked on the altar — at his feet — everywhere I could suspect that the good god might have been moved away by some mistake of the hand. But the most minute search was of no avail; the good god could not be found. I really felt stunned. At first, remembering the thousand miracles I had read about the disappearance, marvelous changes of form of the wafer-god, it came to my mind that we were in the presence of some great miracle, and that my eyes were to see some of those great marvels of which the books of the Church of Rome are filled. But I had soon to change my mind, when a thought flashed through my memory which chilled the blood in my veins.

The church of Beauport was inhabited by a multitude of the boldest and most insolent rats I had ever seen. Many times, when saying my mass, I had seen the ugly nose of several of them, who, undoubtedly attracted by the smell of the fresh wafer, wanted to make their breakfast with the body, blood, soul and divinity of my poor Roman Catholic Christ. But, as I was constantly in motion, or praying with a loud voice, the rats had invariably been frightened, and fled away into their secret quarters. I felt terror-struck by the thought that the good god (Le Bon Dieu) had been taken away and eaten by the rats.

Father Daule so sincerely believed what all the priests of Rome are bound to believe — that he had the power to turn the wafer into God — that, after he had pronounced the words by which the great marvel was wrought, he used to pass from five to fifteen minutes in silent adoration. He was then as motionless as a marble statue, and his feelings were so strong that often torrents of tears used to flow from his eyes to his cheeks. Leaning my head towards the distressed old priest, I said to him have you not remained, as you are used, a long time motionless, in adoring the good god after the consecration?”

He quickly answered, “Yes! But what has this to do with the loss of the good god?”

I replied in a low voice, but with a real accent of distress and awe, “Some rats have dragged and eaten the good god!!!”

“What do you say?” replied Father Daule: “the good god carried away and eaten by rats?”

“Yes,” I replied, “I have not the least doubt about it.”

“My God! My God! What a dreadful calamity upon me!” enjoined the old man; and raising his hands and his eyes to heaven, he cried out again, “My God! My God! Why have you not taken away my life, before such a misfortune could fall upon me?”

He could not speak any longer; his voice was choked by his sobs.

At first, I did not know what to say; a thousand thoughts, some very grave, some exceedingly ludicrous, crossed my mind more rapidly than I can say them. I stood there as nailed to the floor, by the side of the old priest, who was weeping as a child, till he asked me, with a voice broken by his sobs, “What must do, now?”

I answered him, “The Church has foreseen occurrences of this kind, and provided for them the remedy. The only thing you have to do is to get a new wafer, consecrate it, and continue your mass, as if nothing strange had occurred. I will go and get you, just now, a new bread.”

I went without losing a moment, to the vestry, got and brought a new wafer which he consecrated and turned into a new god, and finished his mass as I had told him. After it was over, I took the disconsolate old priest by the hand to my parsonage, for breakfast. But all along the way he rent the air with his cries of distress. He would hardly taste anything, for his soul was really drowned in a sea of disconsolation. I vainly tried to calm his feelings, by telling him that there was no fault of his; that this strange and sad occurrence was not the first of that kind; that it had been calmly foreseen by the Church, which has told us what to do in these circumstances; that there was no neglect, no fault, no offense against God or man on his part.

But as he would not pay the least attention to what I said, I felt the only thing I had to do was to remain silent and respect his grief by letting him unburden his heart by his lamentations and tears. I hoped that his good common sense would help him to overcome his feelings, but I was mistaken; his lamentations were as long as those of Jeremiah, and the expressions of his grief as bitter.

At last, I lost patience, and said: “My dear Father Daule, allow me to tell you, respectfully, that it is quite time to stop those lamentations and tears. Our great and just God cannot like such an excess of sorrow and regret about a thing which was only and entirely under the control of His power and eternal wisdom.”

“What do you say there?” replied the old priest, with a vivacity which resembled anger.

“I say that as it was not in your power to foresee or avoid that occurrence, you have not the least reason to act and speak as you do. Let us keep our regrets and our tears for our sins; we have both committed many, and we cannot weep for them too much. But there is no sin here; and there must be some reasonable limits to our sorrow. If anybody had to weep and regret without measure what has happened, it would be Christ. For he alone could foresee that event, and He alone could prevent it. Had it been His will to oppose this sad and mysterious fact, it was in His, not in our power, to prevent it. He alone has suffered from it, because it was His will to suffer it.”

“Mr. Chiniquy,” he replied, “you are quite a young man; and I see you have the want of attention and experience which are too often seen among young priests. You do not pay a sufficient attention to the awful calamity which has just occurred in your Church. If you had more faith and piety, you would weep with me, instead of laughing at my grief. How can you speak so lightly of a thing which makes the angels of God weep? Our dear Saviour dragged and eaten by rats! Oh! great God! does not this surpass the humiliation and horrors of Calvary?”

“My dear Father Daule,” I replied, “allow me respectfully to tell you that I understand, as well as you do, the nature of the deplorable event of this morning. I would have given my blood to prevent it. But let us look at the fact in its proper light; it is not a moral action for us; it did not depend on our will more than the spots on the sun. The only one who is accountable for that fact is our God! For, again I say, that He was the only one who could see and prevent it. And to give you, plainly, my own mind, I tell you here, that if I were God Almighty, and a miserable rat would come and try to eat me, I would strike it dead before it could touch me.”

These is no need of confessing it here; every one who reads these lines, and pays attention to this conversation, will understand that my former so robust faith in my priestly power of changing the wafer into my god had melted away and evaporated from my mind, if not entirely, at least to a great extent.

Great and new lights had flashed through my soul in that hour. Evidently my merciful God wanted to open my eyes to the awful absurdities and impieties of a religion whose God could be dragged and eaten by rats. Had I been faithful to the saving lights which were in me then, I was saved in that very hour: and before the end of that day, I would have broken the shameful chains by which the Pope had tied my neck to his idol of bread. In that hour, it seemed to me evident that the dogma of Transubstantiation was a most monstrous imposture, and my priesthood an insult to God and man.

My intelligence said to me, with a thundering voice, “Do not remain any longer the priest of a god whom you make every day, and whom the rats can eat.”

Though blind, Father Daule understood well, by the stern accents of my voice, that my faith in that god whom he had created that morning, and whom the rats had eaten, had been seriously modified, if not entirely crumbled down. He remained silent for some time; after which he invited me to sit by him. He then spoke to me with a pathos and authority which my youth and his old age alone could justify. He gave me the most awful rebuke I ever had; he really opened on my poor wavering intelligence, soul and heart all the cataracts of heaven. He overwhelmed me with a deluge of holy Fathers, Councils and Infallible Popes, who, he assured me, had believed and preached, before the whole world, in all ages, the dogma of Transubstantiation.

If I had paid attention to the voice of my intelligence, and accepted the lights which my my merciful God was giving me, I could have easily smashed the arguments of the old priest. But what was human intelligence to do in the Church of Rome? What could my intelligence say? I was forbidden to hear it. What was the weight of my poor isolated intelligence when put in the balance against so many learned, holy, infallible intelligences? Alas! I was not aware then that the weight of the intelligence of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost was on my side; and that, weighted against the intelligence of the Popes, they were greater than all the worlds against a grain of sand.

One hour after, shedding tears of regret, I was at the feet of Father Daule, in the confessional-box, confessing the great sin I had committed by doubting, for a moment, of the power of the priest to change the wafer into God.

The old priest, whose voice had been like a lion’s voice, when speaking to the unbelieving curate of Beauport, had become sweet as the voice of a lamb, when he had me at his feet confessing my unbelief. He gave me my pardon. For my penance, he forbade me ever to say a word on the sad end of the god he had created that morning; because, said he, “This would destroy the faith of the most sincere Roman Catholics.” For the other part of the penance, I had to go on my knees every day, during nine days, before the fourteen images of the way of the cross, and say a penitential psalm before every picture: which I did. But the sixth day, the skin of my knees was pierced, and the blood was flowing freely. I suffered real torture every time I knelt down and at every step I made. But it seemed to me that these terrible tortures were nothing compared to my great iniquity.

I had refused for a moment, to believe that a man can create his god with a wafer! and I had thought that a Church which adores a god eaten by rats must be an idolatrous Church!

Fallacies Of Futurism – by Henry Grattan Guinness

Fallacies Of Futurism – by Henry Grattan Guinness
Fallacies Of Futurism

A Reply To Futurist Objections To The Historic Interpretation Of Prophecy.

Preface by Lutheran Librarian

In republishing this book, we seek to introduce this author to a new generation of those seeking authentic spirituality.

Henry Grattan Guinness (1835-1910) was an Irish Protestant Christian preacher, evangelist and author. He started Harley College, also known as the East London Missionary Training School. A traveling preacher, he drew thousands to hear him during the Ulster Revival of 1859. Rev. Guinness trained and sent hundreds of “faith missionaries” all over the world. [Wikipedia]


THREE YEARS having now elapsed since the publication of this volume, it is time to notice some replies and objections which have appeared to it.

No answer has been made, as far as we are aware, to the first section of the work devoted to the establishment of the truth of the premillennial advent of Christ. The opposite view seems to be abandoned now by most careful students of prophecy; and its promulgation amongst those who bestow but slight attention on the subject is effected less by argument, than by a tacit taking it for granted, and by an habitual employment of phraseology which assumes its truth. It is a view held mainly by those who have never examined the subject for themselves in the light of Scripture, and careful investigation generally leads to its abandonment. What is needed in order to the spread of the truth on this branch of the subject is instruction rather than controversy.

The second and third portions of this volume deal with questions on the other hand, which have long been subjects of controversy, and which indeed in the nature of things must be so, even to the end of the age. The prophecies of the great apostasy — its history, character, and doom — cannot be expounded and applied without giving offense and raising opposition. The word of God is a sword — the sword of the Spirit, — and swords are designed for conflict. Prophetic truth is an important part of the aggressive armor of the Christian. The future is revealed in order that the Church being forewarned of secret and dangerous enemies may be forearmed against them. And how can these prophecies be used and applied without revealing and offending such enemies? Moreover, if the true comprehension and application of the prophecies would be a formidable weapon against prevailing error, we may be sure that the vigilant adversary of the Church would endeavor to substitute for it some false one, which should shield error from dangerous attack, and thus turn as it were the edge of the sword of the Spirit. Any interpretation of the prophecies of the Antichrist which did not excite controversy, would be proved to be a false one by this very fact. We must expect to find not only the enemies indicated, and all who sympathize with them, arrayed against the true interpretation, but also a variety of false interpretations springing up to distract attention from the true.

The second part of this book, “Progressive Interpretation,” deals with the general principles on which the symbolic prophecies of Daniel and Revelation should be interpreted; and the third part, “Foretold and Fulfilled,” traces the fulfillment of two of the most important of these prophecies, those of “Babylon the Great” and of “the beast”.

Together they advocate what is commonly called the Historic or Protestant interpretation of these prophecies, as opposed to that appropriately denominated “Futurist.” That is, they trace in the events which have occurred in the history of Christendom during the last eighteen centuries, and which are now occurring, the fulfillment of the predictions of “Babylon the Great” and the “beast,” or man of sin, or Antichrist; regarding the Apocalypse consequently as, to a large extent, a fulfilled prophecy, instead of referring its predictions to the future, and speculating as to what their fulfillment will be.

Some futuristic answers to the volume have appeared which we will now briefly notice.

An appendix to a little pamphlet,1 on “The Future of Europe,” is entitled, “A Reply to Mr. Guinness’ Work, ‘The Approaching End of the Age.’”

The critic who undertakes to reply to a work of this character should at least be accurate in his statements of the views he opposes. The anonymous author of this little pamphlet is very much the reverse, and spends most of his strength in exposing and commenting on confusions which he has himself created. A peculiar tone of dogmatism which pervades his remarks is not calculated to produce conviction in thoughtful minds. The subject is one in which dogmatic assertion ill replaces solid argument and Scripture proof. This “reply” is, in fact, so superficial and inaccurate, that we should scarcely notice it at all, but for the fact that the objections raised in it are some of those most commonly brought forward by Futurists, and are of a nature to impress many minds as more solid than they really are. 1. “The Future of Europe, what will it be? By one commonly called a Plymouth Brother.” Fourth edition. (S. W. Partridge, Paternoster Row. G. Herbert, Dublin.)↩

1. “The Woman” and “The Beast” of Revelation 17.

The first accusation is that a confusion is made in “The Approaching End of the Age” between “the woman” and “the beast” of Revelation 17.

“Mr. Guinness confounds ‘the woman’ and ‘the beast’ of the Apocalypse together as if they were one and the same creature, just as if one were the head and the other the body.”

If this criticism is not intentionally unfair (which we do not think it is), it indicates most careless reading of the passage alluded to, or else great lack of accuracy of thought. It is distinctly argued in the volume that the two are not the same; that these widely different symbols represent realities equally distinct One entire chapter is devoted to the consideration of the first, and a second and longer chapter to that of the second. The “woman” is interpreted in the light of its companion and contrasted symbol, “the bride the Lamb’s wife,” to be an apostate church — the Church of Rome; while the “beast” is interpreted in the light of the four beasts of Daniel — to be the Roman Empire, seen here under its last head — the man of sin, or Antichrist. If, therefore, there is no difference between a professing Christian Church and a great secular empire, then confusion is fairly chargeable on the “Approaching End of the Age”; but if the two are as different as possible, then the confusion is in the mind of the critic alone.

That there exists an important connection between the Roman Empire under its last governing head, and the Roman Catholic Church, is not, and cannot be, denied. The symbols employed distinctly show that connection to be close and of long continuance. The woman, or church, is supported or carried by the beast, or empire, for more than twelve centuries. The church and the empire in this its last stage, are not represented by two distinct and separate symbols, but by one double one. John saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast, not a beast apart from a woman, nor a woman apart from a beast. He is told in explanation that the peoples, nations, and tongues forming the Latin Empire, under its last head, would first uphold and obey the woman, or church, and then in the end turn against and rend her. The beast would first bear her up, and accept her guidance, and then at last hate, insult, and destroy her; in either case the two are associated. There is a relation between them, but not identity. On page 227 the difference is thus stated: “There is a vast difference between the Papacy and the corrupt church which it founded, governed, and used as its tool; a difference less in degree, but similar in character, to that existing between the Head of the true Church, and that Church which He founded, governs, and employs as an instrument to accomplish His will in the world. Many things are true of the Lord Jesus that are not true of the Church which is His body, close and inseparable as is the connection between them. So, many things are true of the Popes of Rome which are not true of the Roman Catholic Church, close as is the connection between them. Widely different hieroglyphs are selected to prefigure the two in the Apocalypse, and yet the connection between them is very clearly indicated; they are never confounded, yet never disjoined.”

Could any statement more carefully avoid confusing the two? Christ is the Head of His body the Church, but Christ is also Son of God, Creator and upholder of all things, Judge of all men, God over all blessed for ever. The Church is not any of these, though very closely connected with Him who is!

So the Roman Empire, under its last ruling head — the Papal dynasty, is very closely connected with the apostate church; but that dynasty were not heads of a church merely; they were also European monarchs, temporal sovereigns, who, enthroned at Rome, succeeded to the empire of the Caesars, governed, and for more than twelve centuries united in the bond of a common obedience to themselves, all the nations of the Western Empire of Rome. The Church of Rome as such, never did this.

The beast is a political power; the woman is an ecclesiastical system; and these two are not one, whatever the relation between them.

Our futurist critics are an enigma to us! They cannot deny or be blind to certain grand historical facts. No one can fail to see how exactly the symbols of prophecy answer to these facts. Even Futurists admit this, and yet they deny that the symbols foretell the facts, and assert — what of course can neither be proved nor disproved — that they foretell other future events!

We have in the Apocalypse a great threefold symbol, and in the history of the period which has elapsed since John saw its visions, three great series of facts. These latter are: —

[1] The facts about the Roman Empire, including its course, history, character, and sway, its decline and fall, and its division into the kingdoms of modern Europe, with their subsequent common submission to the Popes of Rome.

[2] The facts about the Papal dynasty; how, from being simple bishops of a local church, the Popes of Rome rose to be first universal bishops, and then temporal sovereigns, crowned monarchs, holding and governing large states, possessing and employing armies, and collecting revenues as kings. How they rose further to be kings of kings in Europe, so that “all the kings of the West reverenced the Pope as a god on earth.” How Charlemagne, and John of England, and Francis the First of France, and the Emperor Henry of Germany, as well as all the lesser princes of Europe, did homage to the Popes of Rome, and paid them tribute, as their ancestors did to the Caesars. How they became and continued for ages to be the mightiest power in Western Europe, uniting its various kingdoms under their own sway as one Latin empire.

[3] The facts about the Church of Rome, its character, conduct, past dominion, present decadence, and loss of influence over the continental nations, together with the facts of the Reformation, and the total withdrawal from the Roman Catholic Church of all the Protestant nations. Now bearing in mind Scripture usage elsewhere, what symbols could more appropriately prefigure these three series of closely related, yet distinct facts, than the three that are chosen?

[1] For the Roman Empire as a whole, a wild beast resembling Daniel’s fourth (especially in having connected with it ten horns, and a singular power of evil), but differing from that earlier symbolization by having seven heads or successive forms of government, five of which had already fallen in John’s day, the sixth was then regnant, and the seventh had “not yet come.” This, when it did come, was to continue but a short space, and to be followed by an all important eighth and last.

[2] The Papal dynasty is symbolized as this eighth and last head of this Roman beast, and is represented as a power which would run a dreadful career of self-exaltation, blasphemy, opposition to God, and persecution of His saints for “forty and two months” (the miniature symbol employed in this consistently miniature symbolic prophecy, for 1260 years; the same period assigned to the “little horn” of Daniel’s earlier symbol of the Roman Empire). The deadly wound foretold the destruction of Roman supremacy in Western Europe, on the fall of Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman Emperor who ruled at Rome; its healing, the revival and long continuance of Roman political supremacy under the Popes when the Potentates of Europe were crowned and uncrowned at pleasure by them.

[3] The Church of Rome is symbolized as a woman of false, corrupt, degraded, cruel character, yet exerting a marvelous universal influence over the nations of Western Europe. A woman at first and for long upborne by them (as a State Church), and as at last despised and despoiled by them. The complexity of the symbols answers to the complexity of the events themselves, and the apparent contradictions exist as much in the facts as in the figures.

The figures answer the facts. There is a woman, a seven-headed tenhorned wild beast, and an eighth head of that beast. So there is a church, an empire, and an eighth form of government or succession of rulers in that empire. The interrelation between these three in the symbols is exactly answered by what is recorded in the history of the past, and what exists in the events of the present. Why object to such an interpretation of the symbols as exactly fits the acknowledged facts of the case?

2. The Roman Empire “Removed”

The second contradiction charged is thus expressed:

“Mr. Guinness states that the Roman Empire was to be put out of the way and removed, according to ancient tradition, before the man of sin was revealed, and yet he states that this man of sin was to be one of the horns of the same empire according to the prophet Daniel, and the eighth head of the beast according to St. John… The empire could not be out of the way and in the way at the same time. This is the first great contradiction which covers the whole book.”

Our critic has here again failed to master the subject of which he treats. A little more patient study would have saved him from misrepresentation or mistake. The Roman Empire is represented as existing under seven heads or successive forms of government. Five of these had already fallen in John’s time, a sixth was then in existence, a seventh was to arise and continue a short space, be apparently wounded to death, and then revive, and this revived seventh or eighth head, the last form of Roman power, is interpreted as representing the Papacy. What is asserted, is simply that the Roman power as existing in St. Joints day, the empire of the Caesars, was the hindrance to the development of the Papal dynasty, the man of sin mentioned by Paul. This qualification, “as then existing,” removes every shadow of apparent contradiction. It is tantamount to saying that it was needful that in a succession of symbolic heads, the sixth and seventh must fall before the eighth could appear; in other words, that in a series of successive forms of government, exercised from Rome, the Pagan must pass away before the Papal could be established. While the Caesars ruled on the Tiber, the bishops of Rome had no chance of becoming monarchs, but when the Western Empire of Rome fell, under the inroads of the Gothic barbarians, then the bishops of Rome began to develop into temporal sovereigns, and to lay the foundations for the more than regal and imperial power which they so long wielded from Rome.

That the Thessalonians and the early fathers did not understand that “the man of sin” was to be another form of Roman power has nothing to do with the matter. They did not understand a great deal that was revealed to them, nor were they intended to do so; not unto them but unto us were these things to be made plain; but they did understand clearly that the Roman empire under which they lived was the hindrance to the development of the great predicted power of evil. Their testimony on this point is unanimous, and bad as the rule of the Caesars was, they expected, on the strength of this prophecy, a worse state of things to succeed on its fall. There was nothing in the revelation made to them to show them where the man of sin should rise, but only when; but understanding as we do from later revelations, and from the fulfillments which the lapse of time has brought, that the man of sin is of Roman origin, and is the last form of Roman rule, we can see how needful it was that the old Pagan form should be “taken out of the way” before the Christian, Papal form could appear, and be established.

Daniel’s fourfold image and the vision of the four beasts both represent the Roman power as continuing in existence up to the time of the second advent, and as being destroyed only by it They represent it as rising on the fall of the Grecian power, and as occupying the whole interval between that date and the close; there is no break or gap in the image, and the fourth beast continues till the second advent Hence since the old empire of Rome, ended in the fifth century, some other form of power exercised from Rome must have risen, must now be in existence, and awaiting; destruction by the second advent of Christ. What other power than the Papacy has replaced the old Roman Empire, ruled Western Europe from Rome for the last twelve centuries, and united in one body under one head the ten horns or kingdoms which rose out of its ruins?

3. The Ten Kings

The next contradiction is:

“Mr. Guinness finds all the ten kings in the Western division of the old Roman Empire, and none in the Eastern, as if ten toes were on one foot.”

This objection is based on a pure assumption, and betrays besides a superficial study of the prophecies in question. It is assumed that the two legs of the image represent the Eastern and Western divisions of the Roman Empire. This cannot be proved, and indeed it can be very distinctly disproved. It is true that the fourth empire is represented by the two legs and feet of the image; but it is the attire course of the empire that is so represented, not the brief stage of twofold division, which occupied only one century of the twenty-five of Rome’s history. The Grecian Empire, which was never twofold, is similarly represented by the two thighs of brass. The nature of the symbol — a human figure — required that the legs should be two. The division of the Roman Empire into eastern and western is not prefigured at ail in either of Daniel’s prophecies. It was merely one of several similar partitions which arose in the era of Rome’s decline and fall; (Gibbon’s Decline and Fall chap, xviii. xxv.) and its main effect was to sever the territory peculiar to Rome from the Greek provinces of the East, as if to define the sphere in which the ten horns were to rise.

Moreover a very little consideration will show that prophecy regards the four empires as being as distinct in territory as in time; as distinct in geographical boundaries as in chronological limits. They rise in a definite sequence; the supreme dominion of one does not in point of time overlap the supreme dominion of the following one, nor is the territory of a former “beast” or empire ever regarded as belonging to a later one r though it may have been actually conquered. Each has its own proper theater or body, and the bodies continue to exist after the dominion is taken away. This is distinctly stated, both in connection with the fourfold image and with the four beasts. In the first case the stone falls upon the clay and iron feet only, but the iron legs, the brazen body, the silver breast, and the golden head, are all by it “broken to pieces together.” Now the empires represented by these have long since passed away. They cannot therefore be ” broken to pieces ” by the second advent. But the territory once occupied by them is still existing and still populous, and will fall under the premillennial judgments of the day of Christ just as much as Rome itself. It all lies within the scope of apostate Christendom.

Similarly we read (Dan. 7:12) that the three earlier beasts did not cease to be when the fourth arose. “Their dominion was taken away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.” That is, the three first empires are said to co-exist with the fourth after their dominion has ended. This proves that they are regarded as distinct in place as well as in time. They continue to be recognized as territorial divisions of the earth after the disappearance of their political supremacy. Now the Eastern Empire of Rome occupied precisely the same territory as the Grecian Empire, or “thighs of brass.” It cannot therefore be one of the legs of iron, or be regarded as forming any part of the empire proper and peculiar to Rome. The ten horns of the fourth empire must none of them be sought in the realms of the third, second, or first, but exclusively in the realm of the fourth, or in the territory peculiar to Rome, and which had never formed part either of the Grecian, Medo-Persian, or Babylonian empires. The master mind of Sir Isaac Newton perceived this long ago! He says: “Seeing the body of the third beast is confined to the nations on this side the Euphrates, and the body of the fourth beast is confined to the nations on this side of Greece, we are to look for all the four heads of the third beast among the nations on this side the Euphrates, and for all the eleven horns of the fourth beast among the nations on this side of Greece. Therefore we do not reckon the Greek Empire seated at Constantinople among the horns of the fourth beast, because it belonged to the body of the third.”

4. Antichrist Power “A King”

The next objection is a very weak one. It is to the effect that the power called Antichrist is to be a secular one — a king; that the Papal dynasty cannot be the Antichrist because the Popes are not kings but ecclesiastical rulers, heads of a church.

The reply is simple. The Popes were kings as well as priests; they exercised temporal power as well as spiritual; they ranked as sovereigns in Europe. The formula of investiture with the tiara was, and still is: “Receive this triple crown, and know that thou art the father of princes, the king and ruler of the world.” The Pope claimed to be subject to no power on earth, but king of kings, and for ages he acted accordingly. ” Under the sacerdotal monarchy of St Peter,” says Gibbon, “the nations began to resume the practice of seeking on the banks of the Tiber their kings, their laws, and the oracles of their fate.” The Pope had armies, fleets, and ambassadors, not as a priest, but as a king. Cannot two utterly distinct offices be united in one and the same individual? And were not two such offices so united for more than a thousand years in the persons of the Popes of Rome?

5. Antichrist’s “Covenant with the Jews”

The next objection, or group of objections, is embodied in the following list of questions:

“But besides this, Mr. Guinness denies that ‘the Antichrist cometh’ (ὀ ἀντίχριστος ἔρχεται — 1 John 2:18). There is no Antichrist to come, for he has come already in the Papacy. But when did the Papacy make a Covenant with the Jews, and take away the daily sacrifice, and set up in its stead the abomination of desolation at Jerusalem, as the Lord said to the Jews? And again our Lord says, ‘If another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive,’ All the passages that speak of these things must be blotted out. For when did the Pope make a covenant with the Jews, or when did the Jews ever ‘receive’ a Pope as their Messiah? or by what scriptural authority is the idolatrous building of St. Peter’s, at Rome, called ‘The Temple of God’? or why are the Jews and Jerusalem altogether excluded from Mr. Guinness’ theory? Have they nothing to do with Antichrist in the last days? or with Daniel’s days and the ‘little horn’ or last king?”

To reply first to the first of these assertions, does the writer mean to imply that because Antichrist was a future power in the days of John, therefore he must needs be a future power still? That were a foolish assumption indeed! If he has come already, of course he is not still to come! The real question to be considered is just this: Has he come already? Has every prediction about Antichrist been fulfilled in the history of the Papacy? We have shown that such is the case.

The questions which follow assume that certain leading predictions have not been so fulfilled. But before this assumption can have any weight, it must first be proved that the predictions in question refer to Antichrist at all; and this cannot be proved, but can on the contrary be very clearly disproved.

[1] It is assumed, as if it were demonstrable, that Antichrist is to make a covenant with the Jews, who will receive him as their Messiah; that he is then to break his covenant with them, take away the daily sacrifice, or put down their religion by persecution.

Not only by this writer, but by all writers of the Futurist school, are these supposed future acts of the supposed future Antichrist largely discussed and gravely insisted on. To hear their disquisitions on the subject, one would suppose that “Antichrist’s seven years covenant with the Jews” was as unquestionable an event as God’s covenant with Israel on Sinai! Few would surmise how frail the foundation on which this cardinal doctrine of Futurism rests! Few would suppose that the notion has really no solid ground at all in Scripture, but is derived from an erroneous interpretation of one single clause of one single text! The only basis for the idea is the expression in the 27 th verse of the 9th chapter of Daniel: “He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week, and in the raids t of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease.” The sentence occurs in the midst of Daniel’s celebrated prophecy of the seventy weeks, a prophecy which does not even allude to Antichrist, but is exclusively occupied with the first advent of Christ, His rejection and death, and the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, which was the result!

Interpreted in the light of history, as a fulfilled prophecy, this remarkable chronological prediction affords conclusive evidence of the Messiahship of Jesus of Nazareth, of the inspiration of Scripture, and of the Divine origin of the Christian faith. One of the gravest evils of Futurism is the terrible way in which it tampers with this great fundamental prophecy, applying to the future doings of some ideal Antichrist its Divine description of the past deeds of the historic Christ.

What are the words of this sacred and marvelous prediction given between five and six hundred years before Christ? “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself: and the people of a prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

“And He (Messiah) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (or during the one or last week): and in the midst of the week He shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations He shall make it (i.e., the city) desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate” or desolator (Dan. 9:24-27).

This prophecy was given just as the seventy years’ captivity in Babylon was drawing to a close. It announced the duration of the restored national existence of Israel up to the great epoch of all history, the advent of Messiah the Prince. It was foretold that within 490 years from the date of the decree to restore and to build Jerusalem, the long foreshadowed, long predicted supreme atonement for sin was to be accomplished by the advent of Messiah the Prince, reconciliation for iniquity effected, and everlasting righteousness brought in; that vision and prophecy should be sealed up, and the most Holy anointed.

The period was then subdivided into three parts: 7 weeks, 62 weeks, and 1 week; i.e., 49 years, 434 years, and 7 years. The rebuilding of the city, and the re-establishment of the Jewish polity would occur in the first forty-nine years or “seven weeks.” Four hundred and thirty-four years more would elapse, and then Messiah the Prince would appear. After that, at some time not exactly specified, but within the limits of the seventieth week or last seven years of the period, Messiah would be cut off; but not for Himself. It is further foretold that Jerusalem and its temple would subsequently, and as a consequence, be destroyed, and that a flood of foreign invasion would overflow the land. But though thus cut off, Messiah would confirm the covenant with many (not the whole nation) during the course of the “one week” (i.e., the last week of the seventy); in the midst of it He would “cause sacrifice and oblation to cease.” Jerusalem should then be made desolate, until a certain predetermined doom should fall upon the power that should desolate it; a fact which our Lord afterwards foretold in the words, “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”

All this was accomplished with wonderful exactness. The edict to restore and build the city was issued by Artaxerxes, and Ezra and Nehemiah were the two great restorers of the Jewish people, polity, and religion. Their joint administration occupied about “seven weeks,” or forty-nine years; the wall and the street were rebuilt in troublous times. After the lapse of 434 years more, Messiah the Prince did appear, saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; i.e., the time indicated by this very prophecy. He came unto His own, and alas! His own received Him not! He was cut off, but not for Himself! Shortly after the Roman soldiery —”the people of a prince that shall come (Titus) did destroy the city and the sanctuary; the end of Jewish independence came with a flood of foreign invasion, and predetermined desolation fell on land and people. But though the nation was thus judged, Messiah did “confirm the covenant” with many; not with Israel as a people, but with an election according to grace.

What covenant? and how did He confirm it? “This is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you,” said He to His disciples the night before His passion (Luke 22:20); or as Matthew and Mark give the words: “This is My blood of Hie new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” “He shall confirm the covenant with many,” said the angel to Daniel. “My blood of the new covenant shed for many,” said Christ. Is not His blood declared to be “the blood of the everlasting covenant”? And is not He Himself repeatedly styled “the Mediator of the new covenant”? (See Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24.) And can any Bible student doubt what is the event predicted, when in immediate connection with the coming and cutting off of Messiah, it is added, “He shall confirm the covenant with many”? (See also Heb. 8.) What excuse is there for introducing into this most solemn and touching prophecy of the life and death and work of Christ, the political action of some future Antichrist? It is a needless, groundless, unpardonable discord! Antichrist making a league with the Jews! What? in a prophecy which speaks of the accomplishing of atonement, of the making an end of sin, of the effecting of reconciliation, of the bringing in of everlasting righteousness! What has Antichrist to do here? Oh! he is the “prince that shall come” of verse 26, it is said. Impossible! That prince was the prince of the people who did the deed here predicted, destroyed the temple and city of Jerusalem in consequence of the Jewish rejection of Messiah. That must be Titus, for it was his soldiery that did this! Then where is Antichrist in this prophecy? It is replied that even granting the earlier reference to be to Titus, still it is Antichrist who in the midst of the week causes the sacrifice and oblation to cease! No! the Actor is one and the same in all the clauses of verse 27 — Messiah Himself! Who else put an end to the sacrifices offered by the law continually, and caused them to cease by the offering of one sacrifice for sins for ever? Who else by one offering perfected for ever them that are sanctified? What was it that did actually, as a matter of historic fact, cause Jewish sacrifice and oblation to cease? “The offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for ail” that offering which took place “in the midst of the week,” — that is, in the course of the seventieth of Daniel’s predicted weeks, the one week which stands alone at the close, — the week which comprised the earthly ministry and the atoning death of the Son of God, the giving of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, and the formation of the Christian Church.

Christ and His work are the one great theme of this prophecy. The judgments that should overtake the Jews for rejecting Him, and Titus and the Romans by whom those judgments were to be inflicted, are mentioned, but there is no allusion to Antichrist.

How could there be? 490 years includes chronologically the events foretold here, and Antichrist is not yet come according to Futurist views! How then could he figure in a prediction which expired chronologically 1,800 years ago? Oh, it is said, “The angel said 490 years, but he meant 490 plus 1,800 or 2,000 years; there is a chronological gap of this length between the sixty-ninth and the seventieth weeks. The last week has not begun yet. When it does begin, Antichrist will appear and make his covenant with the Jews.”

To state such a theory ought to suffice for its refutation! Language has lost all meaning if a definite period of 490 years, interposed between two great historical events, may be extended by two thousand years! Prophetic revelations of such a character would be worse than none; for they would be misleading and deceptive. Not thus was the forty years’ wandering in the wilderness lengthened! Not thus was the Babylonian captivity measured! If God condescends to give chronological predictions at all, they will be truthful, accurate, divinely exact! The events mentioned as occurring in the midst of the last week, occurred within 490 years from the Edict of Artaxerxes, They are long, long past. The prophecy is a fulfilled prophecy. The judgments on the Christ-rejecting nation continue, it is true, and will continue till the end of this age; “even until the consummation, and that determined be poured upon the desolator.” But the object of the prophecy was not to announce these judgments, but to measure the interval to Messiah the Prince. It was given to intimate beforehand the period of the greatest events of all history, the greatest events of time, not to say the greatest events of eternity, the atoning death of the Son of God, and the establishment of the new covenant.

The majority of the questions asked in the extract quoted, are answered by these considerations. The last, however, deserves a word of additional reply: “Why are the Jews and Jerusalem altogether excluded from Mr, Guinness’ theory?”

The answer is simple. They are not excluded; on the contrary, they fill a very large place. The past history, and future restoration of the Jews, occupy most prominent positions on the pages of inspiration. But in prophecies of events to take place during the course of “the times of the Gentiles” or present age, the Jews are to a large extent overlooked. They are the natural branches of the olive tree, but they are for the present “broken off.” They knew not the day of their visitation, and the kingdom of God is for the present taken from them and given to others. “Blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in, and then all Israel shall be saved.” Hence the great antichristian power, symbolized as “the little horn,” and called the “man of sin,” and the eighth head of the beast, being the last form of Gentile power, and belonging to these “times of the Gentiles,” has little to do with the literal Israel, or the literal Jerusalem, or the literal Temple.

He co-exists not with a recognized Jewish nation, but with the rejection and dispersion of the Jews, and with a recognized professing Christian Church. His sphere is not Palestine, but Christendom; his throne is not Jerusalem, but Rome; his victims are not Jews, but Christians; his end and doom are brought about by that event which marks the commencement of the restoration of Israel to God’s favor — the second advent of Christ; when Israel shall look on Him whom they pierced, and mourn because of Him, and when the times of the Gentiles shall be ended.

6. Amended Reading of Rev. 17:16

Another main objection to the historic view, is founded on an amended reading of Rev. 17:16.

It is asserted that the correct reading of this verse is, “the ten horns which thou sawest, and the beast,” instead of “the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast.” This difference, though apparently slight, is important, for if the amended reading were correct, the passage would present the Antichrist in the light of an opponent and destroyer of Babylon, (the Roman Catholic Church), and would, of course, preclude the historic interpretation, which makes the symbol to mean the Papal dynasty.

The reply is twofold. First, if the amended reading were the true one, it would not create any real difficulty; but, secondly, the context proves that it is not the true one.

If the true reading were “and the beast,” it would suffice to remove any apparent difficulty, to point out that the expression ” the beast,” is used in two senses. It is used sometimes distinctively of the Roman Empire under its eighth and last form of government, but it is used as often of the empire as an historic, chronologic whole, the symbol identical with that used in Daniel to prefigure the fourth of the great universal empires, regarded in its entirety.

This is natural. The body of a beast is, of course, distinct from its head or heads. The body includes the territory, the mass of the people governed, with their fleets and armies, and apparatus for persecution and war, the entire empire as distinct from its rulers. If the amended reading were correct, the word “beast” in the verse in question, must be taken in its broadest sense, and the statement made in it would then be, that the kingdoms of Western Europe, the mass of the people as well as their rulers, the entire body politic, “the ten horns and the beast,” should at last hate the whore, or corrupt Roman Catholic Church, make her desolate and naked, cat her flesh, and bum her with fire; that is, forsake her and strip her of her glory, eject her religious orders, limit the powers of her priesthood, refuse her doctrines, scoff at her authority, appropriate her revenues and substance to secular uses, and adjudge her to destruction.

The verse, in short, would foretell in symbolic language the state of things amidst which we live.

The nations of modern Europe do thus hate the Roman Catholic Church to which in bygone ages they all yielded admiration, affection, and obedience. The last century has witnessed an ever-growing and deepening disaffection on their part towards the Church, whose true nature they have at length discovered, as one which has loved them not for their sakes or for their good, but for filthy lucre’s sake to their injury. Rulers and peoples have alike lost their love of Popery, and despise and hate and oppose ultramontanism; they seek to be freed from the odious incubus they have so long borne; and not only are the kings of Europe of this mind, but the masses of the people, “the ten horns and the beast,” regarded as a whole.

The full results of this modem movement are not seen yet, it is only in progress.

To make a difficulty of what is a clear and present fact seems foolish. Do we not at this moment see around us in all Christendom a state of things answering to these symbols? The very nations which for ages, under the Papacy, upheld and obeyed the Catholic Church, now hating, despising, despoiling, and destroying it! _These nations are “the beast” or body of the Roman Empire under the ten horns, their present rulers. Peoples and kings agree in their opposition to Popery and priestcraft.

But while this is a perfectly legitimate reply, we lay no stress on this solution of a difficulty created by the acceptance of what we believe to be a wrong reading, even though on merely critical grounds its claims may be strong. The fact is that the MS. authority is seriously divided, some of the ancient Greek MSS. giving the old reading, as also the Vulgate and other early versions and expositors. In such a case, the immediate context should surely be allowed to settle the question.

Now the following verse, referring to the actors mentioned in this verse, says they give their power and strength “unto the beast:” the “they” therefore, cannot include the beast; and hence the reading which substitutes “and” for “upon” is grammatically inadmissible. It would be absurd to say, that the “ten horns and the beast… give their kingdom unto the beast,” for that would be to assert that the beast gives his kingdom to himself!

The point to be noticed is this, the parties who hate and destroy the woman, in verse 16, are the same as those who give their power to the beast (whoever he is), in verse 17, and, therefore, the beast cannot be one of them. Hence, the proposed reading is demonstrated by the local context to be inadmissible, and the beast is not presented in the light of an opposer and destroyer of Babylon.

The Dynastic Character of the Antichrist

The dynastic character of the Antichrist is confirmed by the following consideration. The identity of the eighth head in chapter 17 and the revived head of chapter 13 is evident. Now the duration of this latter (forty and two months) is the duration also —

1. Of the “little horn” wearing out the saints (Dan. 7).

2. Of the treading down of the Holy City (Rev. 11).

3. Of the sackcloth prophesying of the witnesses (chap. 11).

4. Of the sojourning woman in the wilderness (chap. 12).

The vision of Babylon the Great, the blasphemous, idolatrous, drunken, corrupt woman seated on a wild beast, and reigning in the wilderness, over “peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues” does not stand alone in Revelation, but is contrasted with another vision in chapter 12, of a pure heavenly woman, the object of Satanic hate, driven into, and suffering in, the wilderness by persecution, but nourished and preserved there in spite of all her foes.

It is admitted on both sides, that Babylon represents the corrupt Church of Rome, the impure, false, unfaithful, idolatrous, persecuting Church. Now the period of the supremacy of the Church of Rome — the dark ages — was historically the period also of the persecution and recession of the true Church. While Babylon reigned, Zion mourned; while Rome was triumphant, the saints suffered, they were driven into Waldensian fastnesses, into inquisition dungeons, into cruel exile: aye, and driven in thousands by fire and sword right out of the world, so that, but for the help of God, the true Church would have been altogether exterminated.

The chronological measures of this period of the depression and persecution of the true Church are given in Revelation 12, as 1,260 days, and as “time, times, and a half.” The historical fulfillment proves that this mystic period must be interpreted on the year-day scale, and that it means 1,260 years: those twelve centuries of the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church, during which the true Church — like the seven thousand in the days of Elijah who had not bowed the knee to Baal but were hidden for fear of “that woman Jezebel”— was as it were invisible, driven into the wilderness.

Now this same period, under another mystic name, “forty and two months,” is the period assigned to the revived eighth head of the beast (chap. 3:5). This Antichrist therefore reigns, during the entire time that Babylon drunk with blood is supreme, and the true Church persecuted to the death, is lost to view; i.e., during the whole dark ages!

How then can Antichrist be an individual, who is yet to run a brief future career of blasphemy and cruelty?

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