Enemies of America Unmasked – By J. Wayne Laurens

Enemies of America Unmasked – By  J. Wayne Laurens

The alternate title of this book is “The Crisis”. It was first published in 1855 by G.D. Miller, 168 years ago. The problems it talks about in America continue to this very day and are worse than ever!

Unfortunately I can”t find any information about the author, J. Wayne Laurens. I like to stick with well-known authors, but because the information and insights that Laurens submits are similar to other authors I do know, I felt led to post his book on my website. And it is not a mere copy from other websites, it is text converted from a PDF file to HTML webpage format which is easy to read from any size screen. And you can even have your text to voice app read it for you.

There is an amazing statement made about American politics at the beginning of chapter one. If you accept it like I do, you will understand something about politics that most Americans cannot see and do not know. And you will understand why America has become what it has become.

I could expound much more on this point here but it could be interpreted as me merely giving my opinion, and who cares about what I think? Only some of my closest friends do. I’d rather let you, the reader, form your own opinions by sharing with you information from sources much more learned than I am.


The most remarkable of all the circumstances, Which distinguish our own country from others, is its rapid growth. In the beginning of the seventeenth century it was a wilderness, inhabited only by savages and wild beasts. In the middle of the nineteenth, it rivals the oldest and proudest nations of the world in population, wealth, intelligence and industry. When the territory of the United States was first trodden by the settlers of Virginia, England, France and Germany could boast centuries upon centuries of cultivation, with some little knowledge of civil and religious freedom. Since that period America has shown the birth, childhood, youth and manhood of a model republic, which Europe has repeatedly but vainly endeavored to copy.

All this implies rapid progress. Our country has been aptly called the “country of progress.” It is also, as a necessary consequence, the theatre of sudden changes. Hence many enactments which were politic and just in the infancy of the republic, are pernicious and unjust at the present time. Among these are the laws, totally different from those of any other civilized nation, which give to foreigners, after a very short residence, the rights of citizenship.

When the country was just redeemed from the Revolution, such laws seemed politic and were comparatively harmless. Now they are portentous and dangerous. They are rapidly filling the country with powerful and unscrupulous enemies to her prosperity and her excellent institutions, on which that prosperity is founded.

These enemies, not content to enjoy peace security and equal rights of citizenship, under our constitution and laws, are boldly conspiring to subvert our most revered institutions, to change our laws, to destroy our liberties and to bring the whole country into a state of civil, as they already have, of financial dependance on foreign countries. These enemies are spread over the whole land, but they abound chiefly in cities.

There they can most conveniently plot mischief and set its elements in motion. There they can more readily communicate with the foreign powers, which they represent. There they can more easily accumulate the military force and the arms which may hereafter he required for their purposes. Hence it is in cities that the new importations of foreign enemies to the republic choose for the most part to reside. What are their real character and their secret designs, we have endeavored in the following pages to show; as well as to indicate the means by which their increase may be prevented; and the unholy designs, which they entertain, defeated.

It will be perceived that the enemies of whose existence and power, we have endeavored in this volume to warn our readers, are not merely those who reside among us. On the contrary the ramifications of the grand conspiracy against American liberty and happiness, are spread over many nations and countries. The money, the agents, the spies, of those who are secretly endeavoring to subvert our institutions are here in our midst. How they pursue their designs and how those designs may be defeated, we have endeavored to show in the following pages.

Of the great importance and interest of the subject of which we have treated there can be but one opinion among Americans. With respect to the manner, in which we have treated it, our readers will judge for themselves.

An American gentleman was passenger on board a merchant ship, bound from London to Rio de Janeiro. There were among the passengers Englishmen, Germans, Frenchmen, Spaniards, and Portuguese; but the person we refer to was the only American. Between himself and the English gentlemen, there were frequent discussions about politics, to which such of the other passengers, as could speak English, would listen, sometimes taking a part. Of course, our American was a great friend to the institutions of his own country; and defended republican forms of government, freedom of the speech and of the press, the vote by ballot, and all the other elements of popular sovereignty through thick and thin. Assailed on every side, he found his office of champion of freedom no sinecure. Every calm morning and every pleasant evening witnessed a new controversy on the deck or in the cabin; but he manfully held his ground against a host of adversaries; and being fluent in speech, strong in argument, skilled in logic, and full of lively and sarcastic humor, he generally came out of the debate with honor, taking care always to terminate the action at precisely the right moment, and to quit the field with flying colors.

Among the persons who listened with the greatest attention to these debates, was a’ lean bilious looking old Frenchman, who always took care to be present, and who showed by his look and manner, that he was deeply interested in politics, although he never by any chance uttered an opinion or made a remark on political subjects, in the general circle of the passengers.

In point of fact, this man was a Roman Catholic priest, a Jesuit of high standing, who was going to some station in South America, in obedience to an order from his superior. He was a cosmopolite indeed.

Though not much past the middle point of life, he was rather aged in appearance, in consequence of the great variety and extent of the missions which he had performed in all quarters of the world, and in every kind of climate. From Canada to Calcutta; from the breezy heights of the Andes to the unwholesome marshes of Java, by sea and by land, in season and out of season, this man had journeyed on the secret errands of his order. Speaking fluently a dozen different languages, and possessing the most perfect power of dissimulation, as well as the most thorough devotedness to the church, and those carefully trained habits of obedience, which are so essential to the character of an able and faithful Jesuit, he had at length become one of the most accomplished men of his age.

As he listened to the conversation of the American passenger, he could not help noticing, that he was gradually making converts to republican views. Many of these passengers, he observed, sought private interviews with the American; and by careful eavesdropping, he ascertained that their object was to ask questions about his country, and gain information respecting the actual working of the American attempt at self-government. When the passage was nearly over, the Frenchman happening to be alone with the American, in a retired part of the deck, where their conversation could not be overheard, commenced a quiet chat with him. Addressing him in English, which he spoke with ease and precision, he thanked him with apparent cordiality, for the entertainment he had derived from his conversation or rather eloquent haranguing to the other passengers, during the voyage. He professed to have enjoyed their debates very greatly; and gave the American due credit for his wit, his logic, his humour, his address, and his unbounded good nature.

The American was much pleased at his compliments; for he had conceived a great respect for this silent and attentive auditor, and, in fact, had, in his own secret mind, set him down as a hopeful convert to Americanism; he thanked him, therefore, with much feeling, for his good opinion; at the same time disclaiming any merit, for success in defending a truth so self-evident, as that which is expressed in these few words — that a nation ought ‘ to govern itself, and that by the popular vote of its own citizens.

” This,” said the Jesuit, with a quiet smile, “you suppose to be the system of your own country.”

“I do not suppose it,” said the American, “I know it.”

“Now,” said the Jesuit, “listen to me a few moments and I will tell you what I know. Your president is elected by the conclave of cardinals at Rome, the same who elect the pope. Your people nominate the candidates. Our confidential agents select from the number, the one whom they believe to be the most favorable to the interests of the church. His name with those of the other candidates is reported to the cardinals and the pope. When their decision is announced to the confidential friends of the pope and the cardinals, in the United States, they send forth their orders through the priests; and the whole Roman Catholic vote is thrown for the candidate who is favoured by the church. He, of course, is always elected. Your parties are so equally divided on politics, that this Roman Catholic vote, which is cast on purely religious considerations, is always sufficient to turn the scale.”

The American looked rather blank at this announcement. He was quite taken aback. Especially was he staggered by the recollection that the candidate for the presidency, who was sustained by the Irish and German votes, was generally successful. He courteously thanked the Jesuit for the valuable information which he had communicated, and during the short remainder of the voyage, he abstained from talking politics and gave himself up to reflection.

Let us also reflect a little on the Jesuit’s story. Perhaps it was a hoax, or a mere idle brag, intended to annoy and mortify the American.

But is not the main point of his declaration true? Is it not true that in many very essential points this country is governed by foreign influence? Is it not even highly probable that Roman Catholic prelates have a voice in the selection of candidates for very high as well as low offices, even for that of the president himself. Was not Mr. Polk, a man of no mark as a statesman and comparatively unknown to the country, elected in opposition to Henry Clay, immeasurably the most able and popular man in the United States; and was not this accomplished by the Roman Catholics voting against him en masse, because he was suspected, and only suspected of favouring the native American movement?

Was not the present postmaster general, a man without ability or antecedents, appointed to his important office in consequence of pledges given to Roman Catholic leaders; and has he not appointed thousands upon thousands of Roman Catholic deputy post masters, and required the appointment of Roman Catholic clerks? .

With such facts as these stirring us in the face, what reflecting American can fail to perceive that in this direction at least the machinery of our government is to a certain extent directed by the agents of a foreign power, the liege subjects of the Pope of Rome?

The movers of this foreign political machinery in this country are the members of two secret societies. One is composed of the regular Roman Catholic priests, always and every where a secret society. The other is the Society of Jesus, as it is profanely called — in other words the Society of Jesuits. All history, past and present, gives assurance, that these precious gentlemen are not too scrupulously pious to take a hand in the game of politics.

We will give the character of the Order of Jesuits in the words of one of the ablest and best-informed historians of the present day.

“In the sixteenth century, the pontificate, exposed to new dangers more formidable than had ever before threatened it, was saved by a new religious order, which was animated by intense enthusiasm and organized with exquisite skill. When the Jesuits came to the rescue of the papacy, they found it in extreme peril; but from that moment the tide of battle turned. Protestantism, which had, during the whole generation, carried all before it, was stopped in its progress, and rapidly beaten back from the foot of the Alps to the shores of the Baltic. Before the order had existed a hundred years, it had filled the whole world with memorials of great things done and suffered for the faith.

“No religious community could produce a list of men so variously distinguished; none had extended its operations over so vast a space; yet in none had there ever been such perfect unity of feeling and action. There was no region of the globe, no walk of speculative or of active life, in which Jesuits were not to be found. They guided the councils of kings. They deciphered Latin inscriptions. They observed the motions of Jupiter’s satellites. They published whole libraries, controversy, casuistry, history, treatises on optics, Alcaic odes, editions of the fathers, madrigals, catechisms, and lampoons. The liberal education of youth passed almost entirely into their hands, and was conducted by them with great ability. They seemed to have discovered the precise point in which intellectual culture can be carried without risk of intellectual emancipation;- Enmity itself- was compelled to own that, in the art of managing and forming the tender mind, they had no equals. Meanwhile they assiduously and successfully cultivated the eloquence of the pulpit. With still greater assiduity and still greater success they applied themselves to the ministry of the confessional. Throughout Catholic Europe the secrets of every government and almost every family of note were in their keeping. They glided from one Protestant country to another under innumerable disguises, as gay cavaliers, as simple rustics, as Puritan preachers. They wandered to countries which neither mercantile avidity nor liberal curiosity had ever impelled any stranger to explore. They were to be found in the garb of Mandarins, superintending the Observatory at Peking. They were to be found, spade in hand, teaching the rudiments of agriculture to the savages of Paraguay. Yet, whatever might be their residence, whatever might be their employment, their spirit was the same, entire devotion to the common cause, implicit obedience to the central authority.

“None of them had chosen his dwelling-place, or his avocation for himself. Whether the Jesuit should live under the Arctic circle or the equator, whether he should pass his life in arranging gems and collating manuscripts at the Vatican, or in persuading naked barbarians in the southern hemisphere not to eat each other, were matters which he left with profound submission to the decision of others. If he was wanted at Lima, he was on the Atlantic in the next fleet. If he was wanted at Baghdad, he was toiling through the desert with the next caravan. If his ministry was needed in some country where his life was more insecure than that of a wolf where it was a crime to harbor him, where the heads and quarters of his brethren, fixed in the public places, showed him what he had to expect, he went without remonstrance or hesitation to his doom.

“But with the admirable energy, disinterestedness, and self-devotion which were characteristics of the society, great vices were mingled. It was alleged, and not without foundation, that the ardent public spirit which made the Jesuit regardless of his ease, of his liberty, and of his life, made him also regardless of truth and of mercy; that no means which could promote the interest of his religion seemed to him unlawful, and that by the interest of his religion he too often meant the interest of his society. It was alleged that in the most atrocious plots recorded in history, his agency could be distinctly traced; that, constant only in attachment to the fraternity to which he belonged, he was in some countries the most dangerous enemy of freedom, and in others the most dangerous enemy of order. The mighty victories which he boasted that he had achieved in the cause of the Church were, in the judgment of many illustrious members of that Church, rather apparent than real. He had, indeed, labored with a wonderful show of success to reduce the world under her laws, but he had done so by relaxing her laws to suit the temper of the world. Instead of toiling to elevate human nature to the noble standard fixed by divine precept and example, he had lowered the standard till it was beneath the average level of human nature. He gloried in multitudes of converts who had been baptized in the remote regions of the East; but it was reported that from some of these converts the facts on which the whole of the theology of the gospel depends had been cunningly concealed, and that others were permitted to avoid persecution by bowing down before the images of false gods, while internally repeating Paters and Aves. Nor was it only in heathen countries that such arts were said to be practised. It was not strange that people of all ranks, and especially of the highest ranks, crowded to the confessionals in the Jesuit temples, for from those confessionals none went discontented away. There the priest was all things to all men. He showed just so much rigour as might not drive those who knelt at his spiritual tribunal to the Dominican or the Franciscan Church.

“If he had to deal with a mind truly devout, he spoke in the saintly tone of the primitive fathers; but with that very large part of mankind who have religion enough to make them uneasy when they do wrong, and not religion enough to keep them from doing wrong, he followed a very different system. Since he could not reclaim them from guilt, it was his business to save them from remorse. He had at his command an immense dispensary of anodynes for wounded consciences. In the books of casuistry which had been written by his brethren, and printed with the approbation of his superiors, were to be found doctrines consolatory to transgressors of every class. There the bankrupt was taught how he might, without sin, secrete his goods from his creditors. The servant was taught how he might, without sin, run off with his master’s plate. The pander was assured that a Christian man might easily earn his living by carrying letters and messages between married women and their gallants. The high-spirited and punctilious gentlemen of France were gratified by a decision in favour of dueling. The Italians, accustomed to darker and baser modes of vengeance, were glad to learn that they might, without any crime, shoot at their enemies from behind hedges. To deceit was given a license sufficient to destroy the whole value of human contracts and of human testimony. In truth, if society continued to hold together, if life and property enjoyed any security, it was because common sense and common humanity restrained men from doing what the Society of Jesus assured them that they might with a safe conscience do. So strangely were good and evil intermixed in the character of the celebrated brethren; and the inter-mixture was the secret of their gigantic power.”

Such is the character of the Jesuits drawn by an impartial hand. Such is the secret society organized and in full activity in these United States. Such is the force of foreign trained bands engaged in the work of establishing Jesuit ascendancy in this country, as firmly as it is already established in many countries in Europe.

How shall their designs be resisted and defeated? We answer, by Hawk Eye’s method of stopping a conflagration on the prairie — namely— by ” making fire fight fire.” We must oppose to them, an order of free Americans, well organized, numerous; extending through the whole country, acting under one impulse, and fixed in one resolve — that Americans shall rule America.

It is in vain that we oppose to the machinations of of a secret and widely diffused order, the proceedings of open political assemblies, who publish all their proceedings and all their intentions in the newspapers. Politics may well be compared to war in the matter of strategy. If your enemy knows your intentions, you are in perpetual danger of defeat. If you abandon the power of secret action, you abandon, at the same moment, all chance of success. If you would save the institutions of your country from the sacrilegious hands of Jesuit priests, you must “make fire fight fire.” You must retain the power of sometimes taking your deadly enemy by surprise.

What some of. the designs of the Jesuits are with respect to this country is fortunately known by their acts and the declarations of the journals under their control. To eradicate the whole system of public instruction as at present organized; to control the elections, by using the Roman Catholic votes ” to turn the scale;” and to make the whole country a Roman Catholic country, in which free thought, and free speech are crimes, punishable with imprisonment and death, may seem to some very bold designs to entertain with respect to this country. But these designs are by no means too daring for Jesuit priests, as their public declarations show. To defeat them we must begin now, before they have advanced further; and we must oppose them vigorously, sincerely, and, above all, systematically.

As a commentary on the readiness with which the Jesuits change their professions to suit emergencies, now, as well as formerly, we quote the following curious transaction of the year 1854.


Turin, Dec. 6. — A curious quarrel has lately broken out between the Neapolitan government and the Jesuits of that kingdom. It appears that the latter had been in the habit of teaching that the Pope was superior to all the other sovereigns of the earth, and the former has, for some unexplained reason, quite recently thought proper to regard this not very novel doctrine among Eoman Catholics,, as highly revolutionary. The consequence was, that M. Mazza, the Director of Police, sent for Padre Giuseppe, the chief of the Jesuits, the other day, and told him they must discontinue this practice, and should recollect that in 1848 they were sent out of the country in carriages;; “but if these things continue,” said the worthy minister, “the government will kick you out of the kingdom.” ” Noi vi caeceremo a calci,” were the precise words. The reverend father, much distressed at the result of this interview, hastened back to his convent; and lost no time in compiling the following protest, which was published at Naples a day or two after —

To his Royal Majesty Ferdinand II, of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

Sacred Royal Majesty-

Sire — With much surprise we have heard our sentiments doubted regarding absolute monarchy; we, therefore, think it necessary humbly to submit our views in the present page.

Majesty, we not only in olden time, but also recently, on our re-establishment in 1821, until the present day, have always inculcated respect, love, and ‘devotion for the King our Lord, for his Government, for the form of the same — that is, absolute monarchy.

This we have done, not only from conviction, but also because the doctors of the company, who are Francesco Suarez, the Cardinal Ballarmine, and many other theologians and publicists of the same, have publicly taught absolute monarchy to be the best form of government.

This we have done, because the internal economy of the company is monarchical, and therefore we are by maxim and by education devoted to absolute monarchy, in which Catholicism, by the wisdom and zeal of a pious King, can alone have secure defence and prosperity.

Majesty, that we both think, and believe, and sustain that absolute monarchy is the best of governments, is demonstrated by the damage, we sustained in the year 1848. We were the victims of Liberalism, because all Liberals were and are well persuaded also, that the Jesuits are the supporters of absolute monarchy.

These things, oh, Majesty! are well known, and Liberals would more easily believe that the sun would not rise tomorrow, than admit that the Jesuits could favor them; and therefore every time they attempt a revolution, their first object is to despoil the Jesuits.

For this reason the Liberals, by an inviolable canon of their law, will not admit a Jesuit, or one who is affiliated to the order, among them.

In fact, the Jesuits in the Kingdom of Naples have always taught it to be unpardonable to make revolutions for the purpose of changing the absolute monarchy, which the reigning dynasty has always maintained.

If this should not be sufficient not to be thought Liberals, we humbly pray your Majesty to point out what further we ought to do to be believed decided absolutists.

Certainly the Jesuits have never been, at any time, or in any place, accused of Liberalism; and what motive should they have for not loving and defending the absolute government of the august monarch Ferdinand II., who has covered them with benefits?

Finally, Majesty, of this sovereign beneficence we have made no other use than for the good of Christian morality and Catholicity, and the reigning dynasty, to profess immutable fidelity to the absolute monarchy, to which we declare ourselves always devoted, and we hope your Majesty will graciously permit us to confirm this sentiment at your Majesty’s feet by word of mouth.

The present page is signed by me, by my “Fathers councillors” (Padri Consultori,) and all others present, in the short time there has been for collecting their signatures; and if your majesty desires the signatures of all the Jesuits of this province of Naples, they can be speedily obtained. In so much, we who sign this are a full guarantee for their devotion by all proof to the absolute monarchy.

Giuseppe Maria Paladini,
della Compagnia di Gesu Provinciale,
(and 23 others:)

Collegio del Qesu Nuovo Wapoli, Nov. 21.

It would be curious and instructive, says a contemporary, to discover what are the convictions, the doctrines, and the teachings of the numerous Jesuit schools in our own country; to what extent they instill poison into the minds of American youth; and whether they contradict the profession of faith of their European and Neapolitan brethren. What say the Roman Catholic clergy in the United States to the above truly Jesuitical petition? Can we hope that they will contradict or condemn these principles, so expressed? Do they agree with the Fathers, or have they been favored with some new and contradictory light?

Mr. Scroggs, who is staying .at one of our crack hotels, brought letters to us from our correspondent in Manchester. He is a very nice person in his way. He has an air of well fed respectability about him, which betokens thrift in trade and good quarters. His face is rosy, rubicund,(inclined to a healthy rosiness; ruddy) and well filled out. His figure is rotund and dignified. He gives you good port and champagne when you dine with him, and does it with an air of authoritative patronage, which, to an American citizen is very edifying. It is true he speaks of “am and heggs” for breakfast; but that is the fault of his education and profession; for Scroggs, although his English guineas, and a large stock of assurance have gained him admission into what is called good society, as a gentleman, in this country, he is nothing but a bagman, when he is at home.

Scroggs’s thorough ignorance of all liberal knowledge, his John Bull prejudices, and his admirable self-conceit render him an entertaining subject. So we sometimes amuse ourself by putting questions to him and receiving very profound answers.

Yesterday, at the dinner table, he was advocating the claims of one of his countrymen to some petty office in the custom-house.

“Pray, Scroggs,” said we, “what American citizen was ever permitted to hold office in England?”

“I ave eard say,” said Scroggs, “that Lord Lyndhurst, the chancellor, was born in Boston.”

“True,” we replied, “but he was not an American citizen. He was born a British subject; and his father, an old Tory, took him over to England before the Revolution. What other American holds office in England?”

“I never eard of hany hother,” said Scroggs.

“Well, in what other country of Europe are Americans permitted to hold office and exercise political power? Where can they vote in an election of any kind? Not in France, where even your Lord Brougham found it impossible to become a citizen. Not in Austria, -where Americans are imprisoned on suspicion of entertaining heretical opinions in politics. Not in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, or Spain. – In Russia and Turkey, some ingenious and talented persons from this country have received situations of a semi-official character, on account of some special knowledge, and in cases where their services could not well be dispensed with. But in despotic countries, like Russia and Turkey, all under the sovereign are necessarily slaves, in the political ,sense of the word. No offices exist in those countries which are of so,independent a character, even, as that which your friend solicits in our custom- house. The fact- is, Scroggs, that in this instance, as well as in all others, where we Americans deal with Europe and European interests, the reciprocity is “all on one side.”

“I thought,” said Scroggs, “that it was a game of give and take.”

“Precisely so,” we replied, “only the giving is all On our side, and the taking all on yours. When Englishmen, Irishmen, Dutchmen, Germans, and Spaniards, Portuguese, and Italians ask for offices here, we give them. But if an American could by any possibility make such an ass of himself as to ask for an office any where in Europe, and especially in England, Scotland, or Ireland, he would be laughed at, and scouted for his unparalleled impudence and presumption. ‘Give office to a foreigner, and above all to an American,’ a turtle-fed alderman of London would exclaim,’ the thing is preposterous.’ And yet the persons holding office in the United States, at this moment, who were born in Great Britain or Ireland, are counted by thousands. I tell you, Scroggs, the reciprocity is all on one side.”

“But then they become citizens,” pleaded Scroggs.

“But that don’t make them Americans, by a long shot,” we answered; “there ought to be equal privileges on both sides. While an American is utterly shut out and debarred from holding office in Europe, Europeans should be dealt with in the same manner here. It is not fair to play at give and take, with the giving all on our side and the taking all on yours.”

Here Scrogg’s attention was called off by some one who wished to look at his pattern-books of British calicoes made in imitation of American ones, and intended to cut out the fabrics of Lowell, in the American market; and so our conference ended.

But, leaving Scroggs to his pattern-books and his customers, let us consider for a few momenta the propriety of defending ourselves from the immense foreign influence which is aiming to control, and even to a certain extent is at this moment actually controlling the destinies of the country.

Is it not a fact that, for the last twenty five years, candidates for office have been constantly and openly bidding for the foreign vote? Even at the last election, did we not have to witness the humiliating spectacle of a man rendered illustrious by his public services, stumping about the country and currying favor with Irishmen and Germans, and endeavoring to gain the suffrage’s, which had already been sold by the Jesuits to his opponent, to be subsequently paid for by post office appointments? Do not foreign ruffians bully and attack with force and arms American born citizens at the polls, at every election? Are not these services to political aspirants paid for by appointments in custom houses and post offices? What would be thought of an American opening his mouth to speak, much less doubling his fist to strike, at an election in England, Scotland, or Ireland? He would be immolated on the spot; and the coroner’s verdict would be “sarved him right.” The truth is that nations ought to govern themselves, without foreign influence being permitted for one moment to interfere.

Many of our leading statesmen have recently declared that no foreigner should be naturalized till he has resided in this country twenty one years. We might cite some very high political authorities on this point. But we care for no man’s authority in so plain a case. The thing is self-evident. Americans should rule America; and the voters are really the rulers. None but a native born American would ever have been allowed to vote, if justice had been done, from the beginning. The franchise should have been held sacred. But the laws of the land should be respected. Let those vote, whose vote is already legalized. But when we come to revise the naturalization laws, a piece of public service which will soon have to be performed, let us make thorough work of it, and in future grant the privilege of voting to no man who was not born on the American soil. We have bad enough of artificial naturalizing. In all future time, let nature do the naturalizing herself. Then there will be no mistake, and no false swearing. Foreigners will cease to perjure themselves in order to acquire the privilege of fighting at the polls, and the interests of peace and good morals will be promoted.

But we have a great deal of work to perform in the mean time. It is necessary to put an end at once and for ever to the degrading practice of candidates for office bidding for the foreign vote. Let every native born American do his duty to his country and himself; and the foreign vote will no longer be worth bidding for. Let no American born citizen vote for a foreigner or for a man who will appoint foreigners to office, and the thing is done. We shall thus rid ourselves of the greatest evil with which this country was ever cursed.

There has been a great deal of talk about liberality towards foreign nations. But what foreign nation has ever shown any liberality towards us? Why should we import voters, when we are permitted to export none? They want a free trade in voters corresponding with their free trade in other things, giving to them all the advantage and to us none whatever. That is the European theory of free trade with the United States.

We are often reminded of the great military services of foreigners in our. armies in former times, and we are charged with ingratitude in wishing to withhold the franchise from those who have defended the soil. But, with some brilliant exceptions, such as La Fayette, for example, these were mercenary soldiers, who, if they received their pay, received all which they bargained for, and have no right to demand any more. Will the foreign legion whom the British government are now about to hire to fight against the Russians, ever become British subjects and voters? The British understand their duty and their interests too well to permit any such exercise of gratitude. It is only Americans who are expected to reward foreign hired soldiers, by making them citizens and voters.

To become an American citizen and a voter, a man should have been born and educated among us. He should be an American indeed. He will then have some chance of understanding the nature of our institutions, and the working of our system. He will have no foreign prejudices to get rid of. He will have no foreign preferences to forget. He will have no foreign ignorance to be enlightened.

Our present system of making American citizens is a perpetual source of.difficulty, vexation, and expense. A worthless fellow, named Koszta, comes to this country, and declares his intention to become an American citizen. This he does in order to protect himself against molestation while carrying on political intrigues abroad. Returning, to carry out his original intention, he is seized by the Austrians, who choose to govern themselves in their own way, without the intervention of pseudo-American citizens. An American officer reclaims him. The two governments are embroiled. The American secretary of state is made to waste much of his valuable time in writing a long defence. The American congress wastes more time and squanders many thousand dollars of the people’s money in debating about this trumpery affair — and all this because our naturalization laws require reforming. If these laws were such as they ought to be, another “Koszta affair” would be impossible. But as the law now stands, the success of this adventurer will probably be the prelude to many more of the same sort. The present naturalization laws place our government entirely at the mercy of any foreign adventurer who chooses to make them the instrument for r embroiling the country with foreign powers. They should be forthwith reformed.

The following able summary of the baneful effects of foreign influence is extracted from a recent inaugural address of Governor Casey, of Delaware.

“The issue which has been so harshly forced from abroad upon our people, has no features in common with our past political controversies, the mere domestic contests which have recognized a generous and fraternal difference of opinion among those who agree in a united devotion to our native land. The present is a resistance to invaders who unite foreign minds and hearts in allegiance to a foreign Prince and Pontiff, and standing between the American parties, have dictated their own terms, and asserted their own superiority. Under these influences, the ballot-box has been corrupted by their frauds, or subjected to their violence; American politics have been stained with vices foreign to the American character; and a large portion of our most virtuous citizens have revolted, in disgust, from the exercise of privileges so shared and so degraded; and the highest places of the Republic have been abandoned to foreigners or their flatterers, some of whom have dared to assert the alleged prerogative of a foreign Pontiff to free American citizens from their allegiance to the government of their country. In our foreign policy the settled principles of American statesmanship are well nigh lost sight of; foreigners have been selected to represent the country at the principal courts of Europe; and in the gratification of feelings, unshared by our people, they have made the American name a reproach throughout a large part of the civilized world. American principles and policy, feeling and interests, have been merged in their alien opposites; and in the press and on the platform, foreign influences have overswayed the control and directed the action of parties and the selection of candidates. The result of this conspiracy against the original and native American liberty, substantially, though not nominally, is devoted to foreign interests and preferring persons of foreign birth. If its recognized advocates have as yet failed to proclaim allegiance to a foreign monarch, they have made in most of the States efforts to overthrow the American system of public instruction; and have sought to exclude the Bible from the American schools; and have freely denounced, the most cherished principles of American religious liberty; and all this, it should be remembered, has sprung from’ those to whom all that our fathers have won and that is dear to us, was freely offered; all this was foreign in its origin, authors and acts — all this was unprovoked, wanton, long patiently endured; endured till foreign demagogues claimed our country as their own, and made our rights and our safety the counters with which they played the game of foreign politics.”

After noticing the noble resistance of Delaware to this foreign influence, as evinced in the late election, Governor Casey thus enumerates the duties imposed on American citizens in relation to foreign influence:

“That triumph, should it prove to be national, will impose many and majestic duties. The first will be to surround, as with a wall of fire, which no pollution can invade, that Holy of Holies, the ballot-box; and closely succeeding will rise the duty of regulating immigration; of closing the avenues which have communicated with the prisons and lazar-houses of Europe; of defeating the ungenerous policy by which foreign princes force us to receive the moral abominations which their over-cloyed country vomits forth, constraining us to support their paupers, and to expose the property and lives of our people to the ruffian skill and desperation of their transported felons. As a tax and a peril the heaviest and worst; as a wanton wrong and outrage, it should be redressed in the first hours of realized national American victory.

“But the more pervading and vital triumph of the second American revolution, will be those which will establish, as the settled policy foreign and domestic of the nation, the saving principle of American Independence, as applied, not only to the right of suffrage, but to the privileges, sacred and inestimable, of our honest and hard-handed home labor. The policy by which our country has been, in its trade, its currency, its varied industrial pursuits, agricultural, mechanical, and otherwise, and in its social habits of expenditure and luxury, thrust into and made a part of Europe, is a treason against American honor and American interests. It is a repudiation of all the peculiar advantages bestowed, by Providence, in requital of the virtues of our fathers, upon our young and then unburdened country. We have, to gratify the schemes of politicians, and to glut the greediness of money Changers, invited and drawn upon our country a common and almost an equal share of the evils which attend, as their parasite and clinging curses, the wasting vices and crimes of Europe. Our true hearted independence, real happiness, and secure policy are to be realized only by fostering our own American homes — their industry, mutual relations and mutual self-reliance. In regard to every political virtue and hope, to all of pride and confidence associated with that American liberty which — as the earthquake shakes and the tempest overshadows all else of the civilized world — grows brighter and dearer to us, it is apparent that the time has arrived when our own country must separate her policy from the intrigues and machinations of Europe, from the strategy and corruption by which European councils and interests boastfully betrayed the independence of American industry and made our land tributary, as it now unhappily is, to England and France; forced upon us, with their luxuries, their vices: and added to their usurpation the heavy imposition of a monstrous and perpetual debt — a debt shared by every American; a debt which drains our country of its specie, and which subjects it, throughout every fibre of its giant frame, to the agony of such a financial convulsion as that which afflicts us. Vain will be the patriotic throbbings of the great American heart, and vain the vigor of the American arm to re-achieve American Independence, until our land shall have been made independent in that from which all power has its source — her industry.

“Then and not till then, will she cease to be a European colony; then will she be the America of our fathers — truly independent — rich in her own resources — secure in her own strength, and happy in her own freedom. The crimes and oppressions, the wrongs and wars of Europe may terrify and torture their own world, but not a ripple of the storm will break upon our shores. Till that consummation shall have been effected, our duty will be unfulfilled, and our triumph — however glorious — incomplete, the oracles of our American patriarchs and prophets will remain empty, and the real mission, holy, calm, and beneficent of our American destiny unachieved.

A contemporary writer (In the Philadelphia Daily Sun) presents the following startling facts in relation to foreign influence in municipal affairs, and also in relation to the designs of European sovereigns with respect to the United States.

“We have already adverted to the startling fact that of the Police force of New York, seven hundred and eighteen are natives of the United States, four hundred and seventeen born in foreign countries, and that thirty-nine of them had been in the State Prison. The American Organ, commenting upon this, remarks, ‘ Does any one believe that more than one- third of the police force of New York would have been composed of foreigners, if the demagogues who control that city had not relied upon the foreign vote to sustain them in their, corrupt practices? It is customary, in this country, to regard with horror the corruptions of European governments. But in what court of Europe, let us ask, does corruption walk more unblushingly in noonday, than for years she has stalked with brazen face through the City Hall, of New York? Were it not for her large foreign population, New York would be as well governed as Boston, or Charleston, or Philadelphia. Why not? Her American citizens are as honest, as virtuous, and as law- abiding as those of any other city. It is the foreign element, forming so large a portion of her population, which renders her a disgraceful exception to all the other citizens of the United States. Two years ago, three of her Aldermen were indicted by the grand jury; and, as we write, one of her Common Council, an Irishman, is an inmate of the Tombs, for aiding the escape of the murderer of Poole — that murderer himself a policeman and a foreigner!

“The danger of making this country a receptacle for the bad and disaffected population of Europe, and investing them with the rights of citizens has long ago, and often been pointed out. The Duke of Richmond, formerly the celebrated Colonel Lennox, was Governor of Canada in 1815 — 16. The late Horatio Gates, a native of Massachusetts, was at that time an eminent merchant in Montreal, and was known and respected by thousands in Canada and his native country. Mr. Gates reports the following remarks as having been made in his presence by the Duke of Richmond:

“The Duke, a short time before his death, in speaking of the government of the United States, said, ‘It was weak, inconsistent, and bad, and could not long exist.’ ‘It will be destroyed; it ought not, and will not be permitted to. exist, for many and great are the evils which originated from the existence of that government. The cause of the French revolution, and subsequent wars and commotions in Europe are to be attributed to its example; and so long as it exists, no prince will be safe upon his throne; and the sovereigns of Europe are aware of it, and they have determined upon its destruction, and come to an understanding upon this subject, and have decided on the means to accomplish it; and they will eventually succeed by subversion rather than conquest.’ ‘As the low and surplus population of the different nations of Europe will be carried into that country; it is and will be a receptacle for the bad and disaffected population of Europe, when they are not wanted for soldiers, or to supply the navies, and the European governments will favor such a course.’ ‘This will create a surplus and majority of low population, who are so very easily, excited; and they will bring with them their principles, and in nine cases out of ten, adhere to their ancient and former governments, laws, manners, and religion, and will transmit them to their posterity, and in many cases propagate them among the natives.’

“‘These men will become citizens and by the constitution and laws, will be invested with the right of suffrage. The different grades of society will then be created by the elevation of a few and by degrading many, and thus a heterogeneous population will then be formed, speaking different languages, and of different religions and sentiments, and to make them act, think, and feel alike, in political affairs, will be like mixing oil and water; hence discord, dissension, anarchy, and civil war will ensue, and some popular individual will assume the government and restore order, and the sovereigns of Europe, the immigrants, and many of the natives will sustain him.

“‘The Church of Rome has a design upon that country, and it will, in time, be the established religion, and will aid in the destruction of that republic. I have conversed with many of the sovereigns and princes of Europe, and they have unanimously expressed these opinions, relative to the government of the United States, and their determination to subvert it!'”

“Have not these prophetic words been verified! The question then arises, in the language of our Washington contemporary — shall this state of things continue? Shall the United States remain for ever a receptacle for the ignorant, vicious, and disaffected population of Europe? Shall Europe be permitted for the future to vomit forth upon our shores annually, five hundred thousand paupers, criminals, and vagabonds, of every grade and hue, to become, after the lapse of five years, American citizens, American law-makers, and American office-holders? This is the question which the American people are now required to answer. We say now. Because, if the settlement of this great question be postponed for five or ten years longer, it will be too late to answer it, as it should be answered. If postponed for a. few years, the foreign party will become so strong that it will be impossible to effect the reformation in our naturalization laws, so imperatively required for the conservation and well-being of our republican institutions. No! Delays are not only dangerous, they are fatal! Now or never is the time for action.

It appears that the foreign residents in the United States are quietly and steadily preparing a military force, composed entirely of themselves, to be ready for action when foreigners are sufficiently numerous in the country to bring certain political questions to the final arbitrament of the sword.

How this thing is managed in New York city, where foreigners are more numerous than any where else in the country, is apparent from the following communication addressed by ” A Citizen” to the editor of the New York Tribune, and inserted in that paper under the head, “Abuses in the First Division of Militia — City of New York.”

“There are frequent applications made, and some have been granted, for the organization of New Companies and Regiments, and even Brigades, in the First Division, apparently for no other object than to create an additional number of officers, or to bring together, into separate organization, the natives of. a particular country, when it is well known that most of the existing corps do not possess the requisite number of men required by law, which declares that ‘no uniformed company shall consist of less than fifty non-commissioned officers and privates, nor more than one hundred.’ This would admit in each regiment one thousand men, exclusive of commissioned officers, the non-commissioned staff and musicians. It is notorious, at least to the respective corps, that no regiment in the City has ever paraded over five hundred men, and the largest rarely over four hundred, while at least two- thirds of the regiments do not parade over two hundred men. There is not a company in the City that has one hundred effective men on the roll, and it is deemed a remarkably prosperous one that has fifty, while the most of them parade from twenty to thirty each. Why, then, organize new regiments and companies, when the existing ones are deficient in numbers, and especially why organize bodies of Irish, Germans, French, Swiss, &c, separately. If the natives of those countries, being adopted citizens, desire to enroll themselves in good faith as American citizen-soldiers, they could find plenty of vacancies in the already organized companies of the several Regiments of the Division. If they are aliens, they have no right to be members, and all such now attached should at once be required to leave the companies in which they are enrolled. It may not be generally known, but such is the fact, that the officers in most of the foreign organizations issue their military orders in a foreign language, as well as are compelled to explain the military exercise in a foreign tongue. The by-laws of most of these companies, now recognized by law, are printed in a foreign language, and an American officer, who has to adjudicate upon their provisions, if he is not familiar with the language, has to require a translated copy. Should this be permitted? Should it be necessary to the members themselves? If they are American citizens, and desire to be good ones, fit to be enrolled, ‘ for the security of a free State,’ they should at least acquire a knowledge of the language of the country of their adoption. If they were enrolled in companies not exclusively composed of their own countrymen, they would more readily acquire this knowledge, so important for a faithful discharge of their duty. It isknown that intelligent officers who have been in command of corps composed chiefly of adopted citizens have expressed great doubt of the propriety of placing these corps in prominent positions, in case of a riot or popular tumult. Native American citizens, while they would be inclined to submit to the arms of their own countrymen, would not willingly yield to a force composed almost exclusively of foreigners, even though adopted citizens, especially if they should hear orders given to such a force in a language to them unknown. This is another reason why .these separate foreign organizations should not be permitted, especially when on the banners of some is borne the device of their nationality, and who clothe themselves in the uniform of another country, in preference to an American uniform. But this evil is even deeper than is stated. In these organizations, there are many, aye hundreds, who are not citizens even by adoption, that is, they have not been in the country long enough to become citizens. Should this violation of law exist? What reliance have we upon the boasted bulwark of American freedom — its citizen soldiery — when it is organized of those who are not citizens? These aliens are not responsible for these organizations. They originate in some demagogue who wishes the party for some other than the ostensible object. The General, or superior officers, are anxious to have a longer tail to their show, regardless of the quality, if they have quantity. As an evidence of this, it is scarcely more than two years since, when a body of Irishmen, (whether citizens or not is uncertain, but it is believed the most of them are aliens,) desired to be organized into a regiment, and attached to one of the brigades of the First Division, and applied to several of the commanding officers of brigades for their approbation. Most of them declined. One of them, however, was about to yield, when the several Colonels of this officer’s brigade, under their proper signatures, remonstrated against its admission, urging some of the reasons herein suggested. The remonstrance had. its effect, and the consent was withheld. The commanding officer of this brigade retired, and one of the remonstrating Colonels became his successor; and soon thereafter himself became an applicant for the admission of this very body of Irishmen he was so strenuous in opposing when the tail would not be of any particular advantage to the regiment he then commanded. And, strange to say, the Major-General- himself, who at a Division Board, composed of officers representing several brigades and regiments of the City, sanctioned by his own vote certain principles laid down by the unanimous vote of the Board against the admission of any new corps in the division until the existing ones should be filled according to law, joined in the application; and this regiment is now attached to the Second Brigade in this City. It is right, therefore, to attribute the evil complained of to the anxiety of some of the General officers to make a great show without regard to law or propriety. In regard to the admission of these corps into the service of the State, it is evident but little pains is taken to ascertain whether the persons making the applications under the laws are eligible to be members. By the laws of the Federal as well as State Government, the persons subject to military duty are all able-bodied white male citizens, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years.”

The Commander-in-chief may organize a company “whenever fifty persons, subject to military duty, shall associate together for the purpose.” What evidence does the Commander-in-chief require that the fifty persona thus applying are subject to military duty, i. e., are citizens? After the companies are organized, what restraint is there on Captains and Colonels to prevent the admission of aliens in their corps? It becomes a matter of serious inquiry, when it is believed that more than two-thirds of the members of the First Division are of foreign birth, and a large proportion of that number are not even citizens. It is known, too, that many of our native citizens are deterred from joining uniform companies while the privileges are thus abused. This subject needs the careful consideration of the Legislature, and an inquiry into all the facts, that a remedy may be supplied. This could be accomplished by the appointment of a Commission, of say three citizens, with power to conduct such an investigation as would lead, to a full and faithful report.”

The facts here disclosed by the ” Citizen,” with a view to the correction of abuses, suggest very grave reflections to all who love their country. Comment seems quite unnecessary.

Perhaps it may be as well, however, to notice, in this connection, the fearful rate at which foreign immigration into this country is increasing.

“When five years were fixed for the probationary period before naturalization, immigration was counted by units, now it comes on us by hundreds of thousands — from seven thousand a year it has increased to nearly five hundred thousand. Estimating our foreign population now at about four millions, it is increasing in the ratio of twelve and a half percent., while the entire population of the United States between 1840 and 1850 only increased about six hundred thousand a year. From 1800 to 1810 only seventy thousand foreigners arrived here, and from 1840 to 1850 there came two million one hundred and sixteen thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven; while in 1810 our entire population was seven million two hundred and thirty nine thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and in 1850 it was twenty three million one hundred and ninety one thousand eight hundred and seventy six — the increased immigration being as thirty to one, and the increased population being a little more than three to one. Is it not a proper regard for our national safety, rather than a proscriptive policy, which should induce a change in our naturalization laws?

“Are not the elective franchise and the ballot box in danger of losing their purity and fore? Is it proper that foreigners should hang an American Senator in effigy, even though it be Stephen A Douglas? Can we look unconcernedly and see the efforts of the German Progressive Republican Party among us to abolish the Sabbath, and spread infidel doctrines in our midst? Look at the different character of the immigrants now arriving from those who formerly came here; once they might possess the elements of good citizens, now they are the outpourings of poor houses, penitentiaries, jails, and penal colonies. They cannot, even with twenty-one years’ probation, know as much of our institutions as our young natives when they come of age, and assume the legal duties of citizens. They cannot eradicate their cradle born sentiments of serfdom, or understand our beautiful governmental system, which works with the harmonious regularity of astronomical calculation.

” Viewing all these dangers, who can wonder that many Americans advocate the total repeal of the Naturalization Laws, unless some plan can he devised to prevent frauds. Still we would, if it were impossible to do any better, be very willing to try the plan proposed by Senator Adams, [viz; to extend the residence of aliens in our country before they can be Naturalized, to twenty one years,] ‘with the express understanding that if future immigrants attempt to evade it, or any perjury is practised, then total exclusion shall be adopted as the only means of safety. But we have no idea that any bill touching this question will find favor with the present Congress, or that the next will be able to frame its action so as to avoid the veto of President Pierce; but the whole field of controversy should be opened up and argued — the stubble removed, and the harvest garnered for 1857, when an American Congress and an American President will enact and approve such laws as will protect our Nationality and restore to us the purity of sentiment and action which distinguished our country before it was visited by the ingushing streams of foreign crime and ignorance. The American Nation, we are convinced, desire the total and conditional repeal of the Naturalization Laws, and nothing short of this will content them.

“If our readers are desirous to know what political principles are held by our foreign residents, we give the following public announcement as a specimen.

The Richmond Whig, of Virginia, says that a party has been organized, in that State, under the title of the ” German Democratic Association,” which proclaims the following as among its Radical principles:

“1. Universal suffrage.
2. The election of all officers by the people.
3. The abolition of the Presidency.
4. The abolition of Senates, so that the Legislatures shall consist of only one branch.
5. The right of the people to call their Representatives (cashier them) at their pleasure.
6. The right of the people to change the Constitution when they like.
7. All law suits to be conducted without expense.
8. A department of the Government to be set up for the purpose of protecting immigration.
9. A reduced term for acquiring citizenship.


“1. Abolition of all neutrality.
2. Intervention in favor of every people struggling for liberty.


” 1. A more perfect development of the principle of personal freedom and liberty of conscience; consequently
a. Abolition of laws for the observance of the Sabbath;
b. Abolition of prayers in Congress;
c. Abolition of oath upon the Bible;
d. Repeal of all laws enacting a religious test before taking an office.

2. Taxation of church property.

3. A “prohibition of incorporations of all church property in the name of ecclesiastics.”

This is indeed madness or worse.

The most potent influences in the world are those which are secret, or at least unobserved. Caloric, magnetism, and electricity, pervade the whole physical creation, and that perpetually and actively, without attracting the attention of the common observer. In the moral and political. world, it is the same. Fraud, bribery, and corruption are for ever at their dirty work, in high places as well as low,’ while the mass of mankind pursue their daily toil, without noticing the secret agencies which are working out misery and distress for the industrial classes.

In our own country, notwithstanding the interest which every man takes in politics, this is peculiarly the case. It is the study of political leaders to divert the attention of the people from the interests of industry, or to lead them in the wrong direction by fraud and imposture. It is true that in this country every man, who can read at all, reads the newspapers; but every man does not inquire whose, pay the newspaper is in. We are often reminded that one of the greatest blessings a country can enjoy is a free press. But it is not the business of the newspapers to inform us that the greatest curse a country can suffer is a venal press. We are occasionally told that this or that newspaper has been bought up; and consequently transferred its allegiance from one political party to another. But we are never informed that a great leading press in a great commercial city has been bought by British gold, to advocate the cause of British industry against American industry. That is one of the secret influences at work in our system — one among many. It is one of those hidden causes, whose effects. are apparent enough; but those are always charged to the folly and extravagance of the American people, not to the secret foreign influences which really produce them.

Why are our mechanics and traders now paying three, four, and five per cent, a month for the use of money?

“Because you let your wives and daughters wear silk gowns,” says Scroggs.

Not so, Scroggs, it is because we suffer England to rule our financial affairs when, if we were the true Americans we ought to be, we might rule them ourselves. Foreign influence, and not. American extravagance is the cause of our present distress. Those who suffer most do not permit their wives and daughters to wear silk gowns, but they bring the distress on themselves much more certainly and effectually by voting for those who are under foreign influence.

In the middle ages, the aristocracy of Europe ruled the people by main force. The masses were unarmed serfs; the barons wore iron armor and owned all the land, except what was owned by the Roman Catholic church, which church was in close alliance with the aristocracy. In the present age, the people are too intelligent to be ruled in this coarse fashion; and the aristocracy of Europe, especially that of England, rules by money. Fraud and corruption have taken the place of force.

As Americans we would not interfere with this system, if it were only applied to Europe, but most unfortunately for us, it is also applied to this country.

London boasts herself — and truly too — the great commercial and financial centre of the world. To reach this point foreign countries have been conquered, cheated, bribed and corrupted to an extent which has no parallel in history. To make London the commercial and financial centre of the world, the British aristocracy have conquered, oppressed, and nearly ruined India, attacked and ravaged a portion of China, cheated and ruined Portugal and Turkey, and by force and fraud annexed and colonized other countries to such an extent that the sun never sets upon her empire. This country, England has twice attempted without success to conquer and reduce to slavery, as she has India. She can never accomplish this. The age of force is past with her. Imbecility directs her armies and navies, as we see by the events of the present war against Russia. England has ceased to be a great military power, because her inveterate system of corruption has utterly demoralized her military force, by giving all the leading offices to stupid aristocrats, and refusing promotion to merit in the rank and file. Lord Raglan is their Napoleon.

But England does not wish to conquer us. She only wishes to rule us by the secret influence of money.

“To rule you,” says Scroggs, “what nonsense! we have nothing to do with your politics.”

You are mistaken, Scroggs. You have a great deal to do with our politics, and have always meddled with our political affairs, as you do with those of all other nations. But your ultimate object is not so much to direct our political career, as to cheat us out of our money, and this you are doing every day. You wish London to be always, as it is unfortunately for us, at present, our financial ruler. If we were true to ourselves we could emancipate ourselves from this thraldom at once. But hitherto foreign influence has been too strong for us, because it was secret. We propose to unmask it before the people, and then it will end. The American people can do any thing which they think it worth while to attempt. When they were only three millions strong, they beat you in an eight years’ war, rather than submit to a trumpery two penny tax on tea. Much more easily will they beat you now, when they come to understand the true nature of the contest. As soon as it becomes apparent to the native born American people, that the true cause of the present distress of the country and the utter prostration of its industrial interests, is foreign influence, they will set the matter right. When it is understood that the American workmen cannot get work, because the interests of British workmen, or rather the interests of the aristocracy, who make British workmen their slaves, are chiefly consulted by the law makers of this country, then new laws will be made, a new system — the American system — will prevail. You, Scroggs, will have to pack up your trumpery pattern- books and go back to Manchester; we shall manufacture our own cloth, hardware, and iron rails; business will revive; London will cease to be our financial ruler; and money will cease to be three per cent, a month. We shall then have beaten England for the third time and it is to be hoped we shall get rid of her infernal influence for ever.

All this you say, Scroggs, is mere declamation.

Granted. So it is — mere declamation. We like to declaim sometimes. All Americans do, ever since Patrick Henry bearded the king’s minions in the Virginia legislature, in old colony times. But we are prepared to back up our declamation with a few facts.

The facts to which we have alluded relate to the methods resorted to, by the oligarchy which governs Great Britain, in order to render London the commercial and financial centre of the world, and to render all other nations tributaries to the British.

Great Britain is an island of moderate extent, raising corn enough to support the inhabitants. Her enormous wealth has been accumulated by manufactures of cloth and iron, the sale of which she has made it the object of her policy to thrust upon other nations to the ruin and destruction of their own manufacturing industry.

If a nation is possessed of natural advantages equal or superior to those of Great Britain, it is her duty to protect her mechanics against foreign influence, and thus enable them to manufacture for themselves. If a nation has iron ore, and a climate and soil fit for the raising of wool and cotton, she ought never to import a yard of cloth, a rod of rail for her iron roads, or a single article of hardware from Great Britain, at the risk of preserving the financial ascendancy of London and enslaving or starving her own mechanics.

In order to blind foreign nations to the nature of the imposture, by which she cheats and robs foreign nations, she calls her policy free trade. People love the very name of freedom, and they are gulled by this specious name into their own ruin. In order to make it more palatable to foreign nations, she hires writers and buys up newspapers to cry down the opposite policy of protection to national industry as a narrow minded and illiberal system, opposed to freedom.

Where Great Britain applies her system to a country under despotic rulers, she buys up the government or cheats it by a commercial treaty, with all the real advantages on her own side, as in the case of Portugal and Turkey. Where the country is barbarous or half civilized, she conquers and enslaves it, annexing it as a colony of her own, and forcing her free trade system on the people at the point of the bayonet, as in India. Where her immediate object is to poison and demoralize the people of a foreign nation with a view to their future subjugation and annexation, she first employs her commercial marine in smuggling the poison into the country, and when the government resists this measure, she declares war, burns their seaports, murders a few thousands of their people, and compels them to permit the free trade in poison to go on, as in the case of China, forced into submission by what is called the “opium war.” When the nation to be cheated and enslaved is powerful and free, she works by secret influence on the government, bribes executive officers and legislators, buys up newspapers and pays needy scribblers for decrying the policy of protection to the national industry, as in the case of the United States at the present time.

To show that we are not without ample support from history in the assertions we make, we will now cite a few pages from a writer of our own country, whose works are treated with, marked respect in every country of Europe not under British influence, and whose name is detested in England on account of the tremendous array of facts by which he has assailed the British system of free trade. We mean, of course, Henry C. Carey. In a recent work, he thus sets forth the operations of British free-trade in Portugal and Turkey. Let Americans consider and read the facta, and compare them with what has been going on in this country recently, and what is the state of facts at the present time.

“In point of natural advantages. Portugal is equal to any country in Western Europe. The soil is capable of yielding largely of every description of grain, and her climate enables her to cultivate the grape and the olive. Mineral riches abound, and her rivers give to a large portion of the country every facility for cheap intercourse, and yet her people are among the most enslaved, while her government is the weakest and most contemptible of Europe.

“It is now a century and a half since England granted her what were deemed highly important advantages in regard to wine; on condition that she should discard the artisans who had been brought to the side of the farmers, and permit the people of England to supply her people with certain descriptions of of manufactures. What were the duties then agreed on are not given in any of the books now at hand, but by the provisions of a treaty made in 1810, cloths of all descriptions were to be admitted at merely a revenue duty, varying from ten to fifteen per cent. A natural consequence of this system has been that the manufactures which up to the date of the Methuen treaty had risen in that country, perished under foreign competition, and the people found themselves by degrees limited exclusively to agricultural employment.

“Mechanics found there no place for the exercise of their talents, towns could not grow, schools could not arise, and the result is seen in the following paragraph.

“It is surprising how ignorant, or superficially acquainted, the Portuguese are with every kind of handicraft; a carpenter, awkward and clumsy, spoiling every work he attempts, and the way in which the doors and wood work even of good houses are finished, would have suited the rudest ages. Their carriages of all kinds from the fidalgo’s family coach to the peasant’s market cart, their agriculturist implements, locks and keys, etc., are ludicrously bad. They seem to disdain improvements, and are so infinitely below par, so strikingly inferior to the rest of Europe, as to form a sort of disgraceful wonder in the middle of the nineteenth century.” — Baillie.

The population, which, half a century since, was three million six hundred and eighty three thousand, ig now reduced to a little more than three millions, and we need no better evidence of the enslaving and exhausting tendency of a policy that limits a whole people, men, women, and children, to the labors of the field. At the close of almost a century and a half of this system, the following is given, in a work of high reputation, as a correct picture of the state of the country and the strength of the government.

“The finances of Portugal are in the most deplorable condition, the treasury is dry, and all branches of the public service suffer. A carelessness and a mutual apathy reign not only throughout the government, but also throughout the nation. While improvement is sought every where else throughout Europe, Portugal remains stationary. The postal service of the country offers a curious example of this, nineteen to twenty-one days being still required for a letter to go and come between Lisbon and Braganza, a distance of four hundred and twenty-three and a half kilometres, (or a little over three hundred miles) all the resources of the state are exhausted, and it is probable that the receipts will not give one-third of the amount for which they figure in the budget.” Annuaire de I’ Egonomie Politique 1849, p. 322.

Some years since an effort was made to bring the artisan to the side of the farmer and wine grower, but a century and a half of exclusive devotion to agriculture had placed the people so far in the rear of those of other nations, that the attempt was hopeless, the country having long since become a mere colony of Great Britain.

If we turn to Madeira, we find there further evidence of the exhausting consequences of the separation of the farmer and the artisan. From 1836, to 1842, the only period for which returns are before me, there was a steady decline in the amount of agricultural production, until the diminution had reached about thirty per cent, as follows.

1836 27.270 pipes. 8.472 qrs. 3.510.
1842 16.131 “ 6.863 “ 2.777.

At this moment (1853) the public papers furnish an “Appeal to America,” commencing as follows:

“A calamity has fallen on Madeira unparalleled in its history. The vintage, the revenue of which furnished the chief means of providing subsistence for its inhabitants, has been a total failure, and the potato crop, formerly another important article for their food, is still extensively diseased. All classes, therefore, are suffering, and as there are few. sources in the island to which they can look for food, clothing, and other necessaries of life, their distress must increase during the winter, and the future is contemplated with painful anxiety and apprehension. Under such appalling prospects, the zealous and excellent civil governor, Senor Jose Silvectre Ribeiro, addressed a circular letter to the merchants of Madeira, on the 24th of August last, for the purpose of bringing the unfortunate and and critical position of the population under his government to the notice of the benevolent and charitable classes in foreign countries, and in the hope of exciting their sympathy with, and assistance to, so many of their fellow creatures threatened with famine.”

Such are the necessary consequences of a system which looks to compelling the whole population of a country to employ themselves in a single pursuit — all cultivating the land, and all producing the same commodity; and which thus effectually prevents the growth of that natural association so much admired by Adam Smith. It is one that can end only in the exhaustion of the land and its owner. When population increases and men come together, even the poor land is made rich, and thus it is, says M. de Jonnes, that “the power of manure causes the poor lands of the Seine to yield thrice as much, as those of the Loire.”*

*Statistique de 1′ Agriculture de la France, p. 129.

When population diminishes, and men are thus forced to live at greater distances from each other, even the rich lands become impoverished; and of this no better evidence need be. sought than that furnished by Portugal. In the one case, each day brings men nearer to perfect freedom of thought, speech, action, and trade; in the other, they become from day. to day more barbarized and enslaved, and the women are more and more driven to the field, there to become the slaves of fathers, husbands, brothers, and even of sons.

Such, according to our authority, is the condition of Portugal and her once flourishing colony of Madeira, after enjoying, in the fullest manner, for a century and a half, the advantages of free trade with her beloved ally Great .Britain. It is true Great Britain buys her Port wine and makes it the principal article of consumption in the way of wine; but this is done to make a show of reciprocity. The result of the free trade system has brought to Portugal ruin and prostration in all her material interests. The natural consequence that the country which conquered and held one third of India, in the time of Albuquerque, when England had not a colony in the world, has now sunk to such political insignificance that the presence of a British frigate, more or less in the harbor of Lisbon, is sufficient to determine a change of dynasty for that wretched country.

England is fond of calling Turkey her “ancient ally;” but that did not prevent her from aiding Russia in annihilating the Turkish fleet, at Navarino, an error which she is now expiating at Sabastopol. Neither has it prevented her from ruining Turkey by the same system of British free trade, which has ruined Portugal. Let us see what the authority already quoted says in this connection:

“Of all the countries of Europe, there is none possessed of natural advantages to enable it to compare with those constituting the Turkish Empire in Europe and Asia. Wool, silk, corn, oil, and tobacco, might, with proper cultivation, be produced in almost unlimited quantity, while Thessaly and Macedonia, long celebrated for the production of cotton, abound in lands uncultivated, from which it might be obtained in sufficient quantity to clothe a large portion of Europe. Iron ore also abounds, and in quality equal to any in the world, while in another part of the empire, ‘the hills seem a mass of carbonate of copper.’* Nature has done every thing for the people of that country, and yet of all those of Europe, the Turkish rayah approaches in condition nearest to a slave; and of all the governments of Europe, that of Portugal not even excepted, that of Turkey is the most a slave to the dictation, not only of nations, but even of bankers and traders. Why it is so, we may now inquire.

By the terms of the treaty with England, in 1675, the Turkish government bound itself, to charge no more than three per cent duty on imports, and as this could contribute little to the revenue, that required to be sought elsewhere. A poll-tax, house-tax, land-tax, and many other direct taxes, furnished a part of it, and the balance was obtained by an indirect tax in the form of export duties; and as the corn, tobacco, cotton, of its people were obliged to compete in the general markets of the world with the produce of other lands, it is clear that these duties constituted a further contribution from the cultivators of the empire, in aid of the various direct taxes that have been mentioned. So far as foreigners were interested, the system was one of perfect trade and direct taxation.

* Urquhart’s Resources of Turkey, p. 199.
Equivalent to light port charges, the anchorage being only sixteen cents per ship.

“For many years Turkey manufactured much of her cotton, and she exported cotton yarn. Such was the case as recently as 1798, as will be seen by the following very interesting account of one of the seats of manufacture.

“Ambelakia, by its activity, appears rather a borough of Holland, than a village of Turkey. This vil- lage spreads, by its industry, movement, and life, over the surrounding country, and gives birth to an immense commerce, which unites Germany to Greece by a thousand threads. Its population has trebled in fifteen years, and amounts at present (1798) to four thousand, who live in their manufactories, like swarms of bees in their hives. In this village are unknown vices and cares engendered by idleness; the hearts of the Ambelakiots are pure and their faces serene; the slavery which . blasts the plains watered by the Peneus, and stretching at their feet, has never ascended the sides of Pelion (Ossa;) and they govern themselves like their ancestors, by their protoyeros, (primates, elders,) and their own magistrates. Twice the Mussulmen of Lanissa attempted to scale their rocks, and twice they were repulsed by hands that dropped the shuttle to seize the musket.

“Every arm, even those of the children, is employed in the factories; while the men dye the cotton, the women prepare and spin it. There are twenty- four factories, in which yearly two thousand five hundred bales of cotton yarn, of one hundred cotton okes each, were dyed. This yarn found its way into Germany, and was disposed of at Buda, Vienna, Leipsic, Dresden, Anspach, and Bareuth. The Ambelakiot merchants had houses of their own in all these places. These houses belonged to distinct associations at Ambelakia. The competition thus established reduced very considerably the common profits; they proposed therefore to unite themselves under one central commercial administration. Twenty-five years ago this plan was suggested, and a year afterwards it was car- ried into execution. The lowest shares in this joint stock company were five thousand piasters, (between six and seven hundred pounds sterling,) and the highest were restricted to twenty thousand, that the capitalists might not swallow up all the profits. The workmen subscribed their little profits, and uniting in societies, purchased single shares, and besides their capital, their labor was reckoned in the general amount, they received their share of the. profits accordingly; and abundance was soon spread throughout the whole community. The dividends were at first restricted to ten per cent, and .the surplus profit was applied to the augmenting of the capital; which in two years was raised from six hundred thousand to one million piasters, (twenty thousand pounds.)

‘It supplied industrious Germany, not by the perfection of its jennies but by the industry of its spindle and distaff. It taught Montpellier the art of dyeing, not from experimental chairs, but because dying was with it a domestic and culinary operation, subject to daily observation in every kitchen; and by the simplicity and honesty, not the science of its system, it reads a lesson to commercial associations, and holds up an example unparalleled. In the commercial history of Europe, of a joint stock and labor company, ably and economically and successfully administered, in which the interests of industry and capital were long equally represented. Yet the system of administration, with which all this is connected, is common to the thousand hamlets of Thessaly, that have not emerged from their insignificance; but Ambelakia for twenty years was left alone.’*

*Beaujour’s Tableau de Commerce de la Greece, quoted by Urqu- hart. p. 47.

“At that time, however, England had invented machinery for spinning cotton, and, by prohibiting its export, had provided that all the cotton of the world should be brought to Manchester before it could be cheaply converted into cloth.

“The cotton manufactures at Ambelakia had their difficulties to encounter, but all those might have been overcome, had they not, says, Mr. Urquhart, been out- stripped by Manchester.’

” They were outstripped and twenty years afterward, not only had that place been deserted, but others in its neighborhood were reduced to complete desolation. Native manufactories for the production of cotton goods had, indeed, almost ceased to work. Of six hundred looms at Scutari in 1812, but forty remained in 1821, and of the two thousand weaving establishments at Tournovo in 1812 but two hundred remained in 1830.*

*Urquhart, p. 150.

“For a time, cotton went abroad to be returned in the form of a twist, thus making a voyage of thousands of miles in search of a spindle; but even this trade has in a great degree passed away. As a consequence of these things there has been a ruinous fall of wages, affecting all classes of laborers. ‘The profits’ says, Mr. Urquhart, “have been reduced to one half, and sometimes one third, by the introduction of English cottons, which, though, they have reduced the home price, and arrested the export of cotton-yarn from Turkey, have not yet supplanted the home manufacture in any visible degree; for until tranquility has allowed agriculture to revive, the people must go on working merely for bread, and reducing their price, in a struggle of hopeless competition. The industry, however, of the women and children is m6st remarkable; in every interval of labor, tending the cattle, carrying water, the spindle and distaff as in the days of Xerxes, is never out of their hands. The children are assiduously at work, from the moment their little fingers can turn the spindle. About Ambelakia, the former focus of the cotton-yarn trade, the peasantry has suffered dreadfully from this, though formerly the women could earn as much in doors, as their husbands in the field; at present (1831) their daily profit, does not exceed twenty paras, if realized for often they cannot dispose of their yarn when spun.


“Here a woman’s labor makes but two pence per day; while field labor, according to the season of the year, ranges from four to six pence, and at this rate, the pound of coarse cotton-yarn costs in spinning five pence, p 147.

“The labor of a woman is estimated at less than four cents per day, and ‘ the unremitting labor of a week, will command but twenty-five cents. The wages of men employed in gathering leaves and attending silk worms are stated at one piastre (five cents) per day, At Salonica, the shipping port of Thessaly they were ten cents. — Urquhart, 268.

“As a necessary consequence of this, population diminishes, and everywhere are seen the ruins of once prosperous villages. Agriculture declines from day to day. The once productive cotton-fields of Thessaly lie untilled, and even around Constantinople itself there are no cultivated lands to speak of within twenty miles, in some directions within fifty miles. The commonest necessaries of life come from distant parts; the corn for daily bread from Odessa; the cattle and sheep from beyond Adrianople, or from Asia Minor; the rice, of which vast consumption is made, from the neighborhood of Phillipopolis; the poultry chiefly from Bulgaria; the fruit and vegetables from Nicomedia and Macedonia. Thus a constant drain of money is occasioned without any visible return except to the treasury or from the property of Ulema: — Slack’s Travels in Turkey, Vol ii. p. 143.

“The silk that is made is badly prepared, because the distance of the artisan prevents the poor people from obtaining good machinery and as a consequence of this, the former direct trade with Persia has been superseded by an indirect one through England, to which the raw silk has now to be, sent. In every department of industry we see the same result. Birmingham has superseded Damascus, where blades are now no longer made.

“Not only is the foreigner free to introduce iis wares, but he may, on payment of a trifling duty of two per cent., carry them throughout the empire until finally disposed of. He travels by caravans and is lodged without expense. He brings his goods to be exchanged for money, or what else he needs, and the exchange effected, he disappears as suddenly as he came.

“‘It is impossible,’ says Mr. Urquhart ‘to witness the many tongued caravan in its resting place for the night, and see, unladen and piled up together, the bales from such distant places to glance over the very wrappers, and the strange marks and characters which they bear without being amazed at so eloquent a contradiction of our preconceived notions of indiscriminate despotism and universal insecurity of the East. But while we observe the avidity with which our goods are sought, the preference now transferred from Indian to Birmingham, Muslins from Golconda to Glasgow chintzes, from Damascus to Sheffield steel, from Cashmere shawls to English broadcloth; and while at the same time, the energies of the commercial spirit are brought thus substantially before us; it is indeed impossible not to regret that a gulf of separation should have so long divided” the East and West, and equally impossible not to indulge in’ the hope and anticipation of a vastly extended traffic with the East, and of all the blessings which follow fast and revelling in the wake of commerce.’ — p. 133.

” Among the ‘blessings’ of the system is the fact that local places of exchange no longer exist. The storekeeper who pays rent and taxes has found himself unable to compete with the pedlar who pays neither; and the consequence is that the poor cultivator finds it impossible to exchange his products small as they are, for the commodities he needs, except on the arrival of a caravan, and that has generally proved far more likely to absorb the little money in circulation, than any of the more bulky and less valuable products of the earth.’

“As usual in purely agricultural countries, the whole body of cultivators is hopelessly in debt, and the money lender fleeces all. If he aids the peasant before harvest, he must have an enormous interest, and be paid in produce, at a large discount, from the market price. The village committees are almost universally in debt, but to them, as the security is good, the banker charges only twenty per cent, per annum. Turkey is the very -paradise of middle men, a consequence of the absence of any mode of employment except in cultivation or in trade, and the moral effect of this may be seen in the following passage:— ”

“‘If you see,’says Urquhart ‘a Turk meditating in a corner, it is on some speculation, the purchase of a revenue farm, or the propriety of a loan at sixty per cent.; if you see pen or paper in his hand, it is making or checking an account; if there is a disturbance in the street, it is a disputed barter; whether in the streets or in-doors, whether in a coffee house, a seria, or a bazaar, whatever the rank, nation, language of the persons around you, traffic, barter, gain, are the prevailing impulses; grusch, para, florin, hia, asper, amid the Babel of tongues, are the universally intelligible sounds.”— p. 138.

“We have thus a whole people divided into two classes, the plunderers and the plundered; and the cause of this may be found in the fact that the owners and occupants of land have never been permitted to strengthen themselves by the formation of that natural alliance between the plough and the loom, the hammer and the harrow, so much admired by Adam Smith. The government is as weak as the people, for it is so entirely dependent on the bankers, that they may be regarded as the real owners of the land and the people, taxing them at discretion; and to them certainly inure all the profits of cultivation. As a consequence of this, the land is almost valueless. A recent traveller states that good land may be purchased, in the immediate vicinity of Smyrna, at six cents an acre, and at a little distance vast quantities may be had for nothing. Throughout the world the freedom of men has grown in the ratio of the increase in the value of land, and that has always grown in the ratio of the tendency to have the artisan take his place by the cultivator of the earth. Whatever tends to prevent this natural association, tends, therefore, to the debasement and enslavement of man.

The weakness of Turkey as regards foreign nations is great, and it increases every day. Not only ambassadors, but consuls, beard it in its own cities; and it is even now denied that she has any right to adopt a system of trade different from that under which she has become thus weakened.* Perfect freedom of commerce is declared to be ‘one of those immunities which we can resign on no account or pretext whatever, it is a golden privilege which we can never abandon. Internal trade scarcely exists, and, as a natural consequence, the foreign one is insignificant, the whole value of the exports being but about thirty-three millions of dollars, or less that two dollars per head.

* The recent proceedings in regard to the Turkish loan, are strikingly illustrative of the exhausting efforts of a system that looks wholly to tho exports of the raw produce of the earth, and thus tends to the ruin of the soil and its owner. Urquhart, p. 257

The total exports from Great Britain in the last year amounted to but two millions two hundred and twenty-one thousand pounds, or eleven million dollars, much of which was simply en route for Persia; and this constitutes the great trade which has been built up at so much cost to the people of Turkey, and that is to be maintained as ‘ a golden privilege,’ not to be abandoned! Not discouraged by the result of past efforts, the same author looks forward anxiously for the time when there shall be in Turkey no employment in manufactures of any kind, and when the people stall be exclusively employed in agriculture; and the time cannot, he thinks, be far distant, as ‘a few pence more or less in the price of a commodity will make the difference of purchasing or manufacturing at home.’*

“Throughout the book, he shows that the rudeness of the machinery of cultivation is in direct ratio of the distance of the cultivator from the market; and yet he would desire that all the produce of the country should go to a distant market to be exchanged, although the whole import of iron at the present moment for the supply of a population of almost twenty millions of people, possessing iron ore, fuel, and unemployed labor in unlimited quantity, is but twenty-five hundred pounds sterling per annum, or about a penny’s worth for every thirty persons! Need we wonder at the character of the machinery, the poverty and slavery of the people, the trivial amount of commerce, or at the weakness of the government whose whole system looks at the exhaustion of the land, and to the exclu sion of that great middle class of working men, to whom the agriculturalist has every where been indebted for his freedom?

* Urquhart, p. 202.

“The facts thus far given, have been taken, as the reader will have observed, from Mr. Urquhart’s work; and as that gentleman is a warm admirer of the system denounced by Adam Smith, he cannot be suspected of any exaggeration when presenting any of its unfavorable results. Later travellers exhibit the nation as passing steadily on towards ruin, and the people towards a state of slavery the most complete — the necessary consequence of a policy that excludes the mechanic, and prevents the formation of a town population. Among the latest of these travellers is Mr. Mac Farlane.* At the date of whose visit, the silk manufacture had entirely disappeared, and even the filatures for preparing the raw silk were closed, weavers having become ploughmen, and women, and children having been totally deprived of employment. The cultivator of silk had become entirely dependent on foreign markets, in which there existed no demand for the products of their land and labor. England was then passing through one of her periodical crises, and it had been deemed necessary to put down the prices of all agricultural’ products, with a view to stop importation. On one occasion, during Mr. Mao Farlane’s travels, there was a report that silk had risen in England, and it produced a momentary stir and animation, that he says, ‘flattered his national vanity to think that an electric touch parting from London, the mighty heart of commerce, should be felt in a few days at a place like Biljek.’ Such is commercial centralization! It renders the agriculturalists of the world mere slaves, dependent for food and clothing upon the will of a few people, proprietors of a small amount of machinery, at ‘ the mighty heart of commerce.’ At one moment speculation is rife, and silk goes up in price, and then every effort is made to induce large shipments of the raw produce of the world. At the next, money is said to be scarce, and the shippers are ruined, as was, to a great extent, experienced by those who exported corn from this country in 1847.

* ” Turkey and its Destiny,” by C. Mao Farlane, Esq., 1850.

“At the date of the traveller’s first visit to Broussa, the villages were numerous, and the silk manufacture was prosperous. At the second, the silk works were stopped, and their owners bankrupt, the villages even gradually disappearing, and in the town itself scarcely a chimney was left, while the country around presented to view nothing but poverty and wretchedness. Every where, throughout the empire, the roads are bad, and becoming worse, and the condition of the cultivator deteriorates; for if he has a surplus to sell, most of its value at market is absorbed by the cost of transportation, and if his crop is short, prices rise so high, that he cannot purchase. Famines are therefore frequent, and child-murder prevails throughout all classes of society. Population, therefore, diminishes, and the best lands are abandoned, ‘nine-tenths’ of them remaining untilled;* the natural consequence of which is, that malaria prevails in many of those parts of the country that once were most productive, and pestilence comes in aid of famine for the extermination of the unfortunate people. Native mechanics are nowhere to be found, there being no demand for them, and the plough, the wine-press, and the oil-mill are equally rude and barbarous. The product of labor is, consequently, most diminutive, and its wages two-pence a day, with a little food. The interest of money varies from twenty-five to fifty per cent, per annum, and this rate is frequently paid for in the loan of bad seed that yields but little to land or labor.

* Mac Farlane, Vol. i. p. 46.

“With the decline of population, and the disappearance of all the local places of exchange, the pressure of the conscription becomes from year to year more severe, and droves of men may be seen ‘chained like wild beasts — free Osmanlees driven along the road like slaves to a market’ — free men, separated from wives and children, who are left to perish of starvation amid the richest lands, that remain untilled because of the separation of the artisan, from the producer of food, silk, and cotton. Internal commerce is trifling in amount, and the power to pay for foreign merchandise has almost passed away. Land is nearly valueless; and in this we find the most convincing proof of the daily increasing tendency towards slavery, man having always become enslaved as land has lost its value. ” In the great valley of Buyuk-dere, once known as the fair land, a property of twenty miles in circumference had, shortly before his visit, been purchased for less than one thousand pounds, or four thousand eight hundred dollars,.* In another part of the country, one of twelve miles in circumference had been purchased for a considerably smaller sum. The slave trade, black and white, had never been more active; and this was a necessary consequence of the value of labor and land.

* Mac Farlane, p. 296
Ibid. Vol. i. p. 37.

“In this country, negro men are well fed, clothed, and are gradually advancing towards freedom. Population, therefore increases, although more slowly than would be the case were they enabled to combine their efforts for the improvement of their condition. In the West Indies, Portugal, and Turkey, being neither well-fed, clothed, nor lodged, their condition declines; and as they can neither be bought nor sold, they are allowed to die off, and the population diminishes as the tendency towards the subjugation of the laborer becomes more and more complete. Which of these conditions tends most to favor advance in civilization the reader may decide.”

Such is Mr. Carey’s account of what British free trade has done for Turkey. It was written before the present war with Russia on the one hand, and Turkey and her allies on the other, had commenced., It throws some light ou the motives of England in engaging in the war. She was unwilling to have Turkey freed from British free trade. The czar called Turkey a ” sick man,” and wished to take charge of the invalid; but England wished to retain the privilege of doctoring him with a little more free trade. In endeavoring to accomplish this object, England has incurred the deepest and most indelible disgrace. Never was there exhibited such imbecility and folly, as that which the aristocratic officers of the English army at Sebastopol have shown. The rank and file, by their bull-dog courage alone, saved the English army thus far from utter annihilation. Whether that alone will ultimately save it remains to be seen.

The hypocritical pretences under which England has entered upon the war, have been exposed by a member of parliament in his place. In a British paper, just received, we find the following article:

“Mr. Cobden has been asking some questions in the British parliament, which are found rather hard to answer. He said, ‘Before considering other questions in relation to the war, it was necessary to ask what was its object, respecting which he could never get any intelligible notion. Some suppose it was to open the Black Sea, or the Danube, to merchant vessels, whereas both were open. Others imagined that we had a treaty with the Sultan binding us to defend him and his dominions. But Lord Aberdeen has declared that no such treaty existed before the war. There was, indeed, a strong feeling out of doors that Russia had oppressed certain nationalities, and he assumed that the statesman’s ground of war was to defend the Turkish empire against the encroachments of Russia, and to keep the states of Europe within their present limits. But were not the other nations of Europe as much interested as we in this object, and in withstanding a deluge of barbarism? And had we not accomplished the object when Russia renounced all intention of invading Turkey, and as acknowledged by Lord J. Russell, made proposals of peace on the basis of the four points? Austria and Prussia, it was said, had agreed to these terms, and they were more interested in the quarrel than we; why, then, should we not entertain them? We were not to be Don Quixottes, to fight the battles of the world. The destruction of Sebastopol would not prevent its re-construction or the fortification of some other port in the Black Sea. Nor would it secure Turkey, which could be safe only when its internal condition was improved, and its administration reformed, and its resources developed; whereas war demoralized the Turks — whom, since our arrival, we had humiliated and degraded. The country had been misled into a belief that the Mahommedan population of Turkey, which was perishing, was incapable of regeneration, which was a delusion. Instead, then, of continuing war, — having accomplished its original object, as declared in the Qneen’s speech — why not take even chance of the result of accepting the proposals of peace, especially if, as Mr. Layard had predicted, the war was only beginning?”

In these remarks of Mr. Cobden, the real cause of the war leaks out, probably without any intention on his part. He says that ” Turkey could be safe only when its internal condition was improved, its administration reformed, and its resources developed!’ — in other words, when it should rid itself of the incubus of British free trade. If England had not destroyed the manufactures of Turkey, Turkey would not have become a sick man, Russia would not have invaded her territory, western diplomacy would not have paralyzed her means of resistance, and England and France would not have engaged in a war under false pretenses, disgraceful alike in its motives and its conduct.

We now pass to another exhibition of the blessings of British free trade.

Before the conquest of India, by the British, the people of that country were comparatively free and happy. This we learn from the testimony of British writers. “The natives of Hindostan,” says Mr. Greig, “seem to have lived from the earliest, down, comparatively speaking, to late times — if not free from the troubles and annoyances to which men in all condition of society are more or less subject, still in the full enjoyment, each individual, of , his own property, and of a very considerable share of personal liberty.”

The Mahommedan conqueror respected the local institutions of the country, and permitted the people to accumulate property without interfering with the pursuits of industry. They thus protected the manufacturers of the country effectually from the pernicious system called free trade, which has since reduced them to beggary and slavery. Manufactures were widely spread, and thus made a demand for the labor not required in agriculture. ” On the coast of Coromandel” says Orme, “and in the province of Bengal, it is difficult to find a village in which every man, woman, and child, is not employed in making a piece of cloth. At present,” he continues, ” much the greatest part of the whole provinces are employed in this single manufacture. Its progress,” as he says, “includes no less than a description of the lives of half the inhabitants of Hindostan.” “While employment,” says Carey, “was thus locally subdivided, tending to enable neighbor to exchange with neighbor, the exchanges between the producers of food, or of salt, in one part of the country; and the producers of cotton and manufacturers of cloth in another, tending to the production of commerce with more distant men, and this tendency was much increased by the subdivision of the cotton manufacture itself. Bengal was celebrated for the finest muslins, the consumption of which at Delhi, and in Northern India generally was large, while the Coromandel coast was equally celebrated for the best chintzes and calicoes, leaving to Western India the manufacture of strong and inferior goods of every kind. Under these circumstances, it is no matter of surprise that the country was rich, and that its people, although often over-taxed, and sometimes plundered by invading armies, were prosperous in a high degree.”

“Nearly a century has now elapsed,” says Mr. Carey, “since, by the battle of Plassy, British power was established in India, and from that day local action has tended to disappear, and centralization to take its place. From its date to the close of the century, there was a rapidly increasing tendency towards having all the affairs of the princes and the people settled by the representatives of the company established in Calcutta, and as usual in such cases, the country was filled with adventurers, very many of whom were wholly without principles, men whose sole object was that of the accumulation of fortune by any means, however foul, as is well known by all who are familiar with the indignant denunciations of Burke. England was thus enriched as India was impoverished, and as centralization was more and more established.”

We might give the details of the oppressive system of taxation and exaction by which the British have brought the people of India into a state of complete and literal slavery. Their system of taxation has reached a point unparalleled in history. One half of the gross produce of the land is the average annual rent, although in many cases it greatly exceeds that amount. The Madras Revenue Board, May 17, 1817, stated that the conversion of the government share of of the produce of lands is in some districts as high as sixty or seventy per cent, of the whole. , This statement sufficiently illustrates the effects of the British domination in India, as applied to that part of the population of India which is engaged in agricultural pursuits; but our present object is to show the operation of British free trade in destroying the manufactures of that country.

By a quotation above, cited from Orme, we have shown the former existence of a flourishing manufacture of cotton cloth. Much of this cloth was exported, and it will be in the recollection of many of our readers, that previous to the war of 1812, an article of muslin, commonly called India cotton, was extensively used in this country. The following extract from Mr. Carey’s work, will show how this branch of manufacture has been destroyed by British free trade.

“India is abundantly supplied with fuel and iron ore, and if she has not good machinery, the deficiency is not chargeable to nature. At the close of the last century, cotton abounded, and to so great an extent was the labor of men, women, and children applied to its conversion into cloth, that, even with their imperfect machinery, they not only supplied the home demand for the beautiful tissues of Dacca and the coarse products of “Western India; but they exported to other parts of the world no less than two hundred millions of pieces per annum.* Exchanges with every part of the world were so greatly in their favor, that a rupee which would now sell for but one shilling and sixpence, or forty-four cents, was then worth two smillings and eightpence, or sixty-four cents.

* Speech of Mr. G. Thompson, in the House of Commons.

The Company had a monopoly of collecting taxes in India, but in return it preserved the control of their domestic market, by aid of which they were enabled to convert their rice, their salt, and their cotton, into cloth that could be cheaply carried to the most remote parts of the world. Such protection was needed, because while England prohibited the export of even a single collier who might instruct the people of India in the mode of mining coal — of a steam engine to pump water, or raise coal, or a mechanic who could make one — of a worker in iron who might smelt the ore — of a spinning-jenny or a power-loom, or of an artisan who could give instruction in the use of such machines — and thus systematically prevented them from keeping pace with improvements in the rest of the world, — she at the same time imposed very heavy duties on the produce of Indian looms received in England. The day was at hand, however, when that protection was to disappear. The Company did not, it was said, export sufficiently largely of the produce of British industry, and in 1813, the trade to India was thrown open — but the restriction on the export of machinery and artisans was maintained in full force; and thus were the poor and ignorant people of that country exposed to ‘unlimited competition’ with a people possessed of machinery ten times more effective than their own, while not only by law deprived of the power to purchase machinery, but also of the power of competing in the British market with the product of British looms. Further than this, every loom in India, and every machine calculated to aid the laborer, was subject to a tax that increased with every increase in the industry of its owner, and in many cases absorbed the whole profit derived from its use.* Such were the circumstances under which the poor Hindoo was called to encounter unprotected, the ‘ unlimited competition’ of , foreigners in his own market. It was freedom of trade all on one side. Four years after, the export of cottons from Bengal skill amounted to one million six hundred and fifty- nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four pounds sterling; but ten years later it had declined to two hundred and eighty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-one pounds sterling and at the end of twenty years, we find a whole year pass by without the export of a single piece of cotton cloth from Calcutta, the whole of the immense trade that existed, but half a century since, having disappeared. What were the measures used for the accomplishment of the work of destroying a manufacture that gave employment and food to so many millions of the poor people of the country, will be seen on a perusal of the following memorial, which shows that while India was denied machinery, and also denied access to the British market, she was forced to receive British cottons free of all duty.

*” The Slave-Trade: Foreign and Domestic.” By H.C.Carey, p. 113.
Chapman’s Commerce and Cotton of India, p. 74.


Calcutta, Sept. 1, 1831.
To the Right Honorable the Lords of His Majesty’s Privy Council for Trade, etc., The humble petition of the undersigned, Manufacturers and Dealers in Cotton and Silk Piece Goods, the fabrics of Bengal:

“Showeth — That of late years your Petitioners have found their business nearly superseded by the introduction of the fabrics of Great Britain into Bengal, the importation of which augments every year, to the great prejudice of the native manufacturers.

“That the fabrics of Great Britain are consumed m Bengal, without any duties being levied thereon to protect the native fabrics.

“That the fabrics of Bengal are charged with the following duties when they are used in Great Britain.

“On manufactured cottons, ten per cent.

” On manufactured silks, twenty-four per cent.

“Your Petitioners most humbly implore your Lordships’ consideration of these circumstances, and they feel confident that no disposition exists in England to shut the door against the industry of any part of the inhabitants of this great empire.

“They therefore pray to be admitted to the privilege of British subjects, and humbly entreat your Lordships to allow the cotton and silk fabrics of Bengal to be used in Great Britain ‘ free of duty,’ or at the same rate which may be charged on British fabrics consumed in Bengal.

“Your Lordships must be aware of the immense advantages the British manufacturers derive from their skill in constructing and using machinery, which enables them to undersell the unscientific manufacturers of Bengal in their own country; and, although your Petitioners are not sanguine in expecting to derive any great advantage in having their prayers granted, their minds would feel gratified by such a manifestation of your Lordships’ good will towards them; and such an instance of justice to the natives of India will not fail to endear the British government to them.

“They therefore confidently trust that your Lordships’ righteous consideration will be extended to them as British subjects, without exception of sect, color, or country.

“And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.”

(Signed by one hundred and seventeen natives of great respectability.)

“The object sought to be accomplished would not have, however, been attained by granting the prayer of this most reasonable and humble petition. When the export of cotton, woolen, and steam machinery was prohibited, it was done with a view of compelling all the wool of the world to come to England to be spun and woven, thence to be returned to be worn by those who raised it — thus depriving the people of the world of all power to apply their labor otherwise than in taking from the earth, cotton, sugar, indigo, and other commodities for the supply of the great ‘ workshop of the world.’ How effectually that object has been accomplished in India, will be seen from the following facts. From the date of the opening of the trade in 1813, the domestic manufacture and the export of cloth have gradually declined until the latter has finally ceased, and the export of raw cotton to England has gradually risen until it has attained a height of about sixty millions of pounds,* while the import of twist from England has risen to twenty-five millions of pounds, and of cloth, to two hundred and sixty millions of yards, weighing probably fifty millions of pounds, which, added to the twist, make seventy-five millions, requiring for their production something more than eighty millions of raw cotton. We see thus that every pound of raw material sent to England is returned. The cultivator receives for it one penny, and when it returns to him in the form of cloth, he pays for it from one to two shillings, the whole difference being absorbed in the payment of the numerous brokers, transporters, manufacturers, and operatives, men, women, and children, that have thus been interposed between the producer and the consumer. The necessary consequence of this has been that every where manufactures have disappeared. Dacca, one of the principal seats of the cotton manufacture, contained ninety thousand houses, but its trade had already greatly fallen off, even at the date of the memorial above given, and its splendid buildings, factories, and churches are now a mass of ruins and overgrown with jungle. The cotton of the district found itself compelled to go to England that it might be twisted and sent back again, thus performing a voyage of twenty thousand miles in search of the little spindles, because it was a part of the British policy not to permit the spindle any where to take its place by the side of the cultivator of cotton.

* Chapman’s Commerce and Cotton of India, p. 28.

“The change thus effected has been stated in a recent official report to have been attended with ruin and distress, to which ‘ no parallel can be found in the annals of commerce.’ What were the means by which it was effected is shown in the fact that, at this period Sir. Robert Peel stated that in Lancashire, children were employed fifteen and seventeen hours per day, during the week, and on Sunday morning, from six until twelve, cleaning the machinery. In Coventry, ninety-six hours in the week, was the time usually required; and of those employed many received but two shillings and nine pence or sixty-six cents for a week’s wages. The object to be accomplished was that of under-working the poor Hindoo, and driving him from the market of the world, after which he was to be driven from his own. The mode of accomplishment was that of cheapening labor and enslaving the laborer at home and abroad.

” With the decline of manufacturers there has ceased to be a demand for the services of woman or children in the work of conversion, and they are forced either to remain idle, or seek employment in the field; and here we have one of the distinguishing marks of a state of slavery. The men, too, who were accustomed to fill up the intervals of other employments in pursuits connected with the cotton manufacture, were also driven to the field, and all demand for labor, physical or intellectual, was at an end, except so far as was needed for raising rice, indigo, sugar, or cotton. The rice itself they were not permitted to clean, being debarred therefrom, by a duty double that which was paid on paddy, or rough rice, on its import into England. The poor grower of cotton often paying to the government seventy-eight per cent, of the produce of his labor, found himself deprived of the power to trade directly with the man of the loom, and forced into ‘ unlimited competition’ with the better machinery, and almost untaxed labor of our Southern States; and thereby subjected to ‘ the mysterious variations of foreign markets’ in which the fever of speculation was followed by the chill of revulsion with a rapidity and frequency that set at naught all calculation. If our crops were small, his English customers would take his cotton; but when he sent over more next year, there had, perhaps, been a good season here, and the Indian article became an absolute drug in the market. It was stated some time since, in the House of Commons, that one gentleman, Mr. Turner, had thrown seven thousand pounds sterling worth of Indian cotton upon a dunghill, because he could find no market for it.

“It will now readily be seen that the direct effect of thus compelling the export of cotton from India was to increase the quantity pressing on the market of England, and thus to lower the price of all the cotton in the world, including that required for domestic consumption. The price of the whole Indian crop being thus rendered dependent on that which could be realized for a small surplus that would have no existence but for the fact that the domestic manufacture had been destroyed, it will readily be seen how enormous has been the extent of injury inflicted upon the poor cultivator by the forcible separation of the plough and loom, and the destruction of the power of association.

Again, while the price of cotton is fixed in England, there, too, is fixed the price of cloth, and such is the case with sugar and indigo, to the production of which these poor people are forced to devote themselves; and thus are they rendered the mere slaves of distant men, who determine what they shall receive for all they have to sell, and what they shall pay for all they require to purchase. Centralization and slavery go thus hand and hand with each other.”

One more extract, from Mr. Carey’s work, we introduce to show an incidental effect of British free trade in India, on the moral condition and happiness of another country — an effect at which humanity shudders:

“Calcutta grows, the city of palaces, but poverty and wretchedness grows as the people of India find themselves more and more compelled to resort to that city to make their exchanges. Under the native rule, the people of each little district could exchange with each other food for cotton or cotton cloth,* paying nobody for the privilege. Now every man must send his cotton to Calcutta, thence to go to England with the rice and indigo of his neighbors, before he and they can exchange food for cloth or cotton, the larger the quantity they send the greater is the tendency to decline in price. . With every extension of the system there is increasing inability to pay the taxes, and increasing necessity for seeking new markets in which to sell cloth, and collect what are called rents, and the more wide the extension of the system the greater is the difficulty of collecting revenue sufficient for keeping the machine of government in motion. This difficulty it was that drove the representatives of British power and civilization into becoming traders in that pernicious drug, opium.

“The very best parts of India,” as we are told,* “were selected for the cultivation of the poppy. The people were told they must either, cultivate this plant, make opium, or give up their land. If they refused, they were peremptorily told they must yield or quit. The same Company that forced them to grow opium said, ‘You must sell the opium to us;’ and to them it was sold, and they gave the price they pleased to put upon the opium thus manufactured; and they then sold it to leading speculators at Calcutta, who caused it to be smuggled up the Canton river, to an island called Sintin, and tea was received in exchange.

*”Thompson, Lecture on India, p. 25.

At last, however, the emperor of China, after repeated threats, proceeded to execute summary justice; he seized every particle of opium; put under bond every European engaged in the merchandise of it; and the papers of today (1839) inform us that he has cut off the China trade, root and branch.”

“Unhappily, however, the British nation deemed it expedient to make war upon the poor Chinese, and compel them to pay for the opium that had been destroyed; and now the profits of the Indian government from poisoning a whole people have risen from one million five hundred thousand pounds, sterling at the date of the above extract, to the enormous sum of three millions five hundred thousand pounds, or sixteen million eight hundred thousand dollars, and $§ market is, as we are informed, still extending itself that the reader may see and understand how directly the government is concerned in this effort at demoralizing and enslaving the Chinese, the following will show.

“For the supply and manufacture of government opium there is a separate establishment. There are two great opium agencies at Ghazeepore and Patna, for the Benares and Bakar provinces. Each opium agent has several deputies in different districts, and a native establishment. They enter into contracts with the cultivators for the supply of opium at a rate fixed to suit the market. The land revenue authorities do not interfere, except to prevent cultivation without permission. Government merely bargains with the cultivators as cultivators, in the same way as a private merchant would, and makes advances to them for the cultivation. The only difficulty found is to prevent their cultivating too much, as the rates are favorable, government a sure purchaser, and the cultivation liked. The land cultivated is measured, and precaution is taken that the produce is all sold to government. The raw opium thus received is sent to the head agency, where it is manufactured, packed in chests and sealed with the company’s seal.”*

* Campbell, p. 300.

It would seem to the author of this paragraph almost a matter of rejoicing that the Chinese are bound to continue large consumers of the drug. “The failure of one attempt has shown,” as he thinks —

“That they are not likely to effect that object; and if we do not supply them, some one else will; but the worst of it is, according to some people, that if the Chinese only legalized the cultivation in their own country, they could produce it much cheaper, and our market would be ruined. But for their sakes and ours we must hope that it is not so, or that they will not find ‘it out.”*

“Need we wonder, when gentlemen find pleasure in the idea of an increasing revenue from forcing this trade in despite of all the efforts of the more civilized Chinese government, that ‘intemperance increases,’ where the British ‘rule and system has been long established?’ Assuredly not. Poor governments are, as we everywhere see, driven to encourage gambling, drunkenness, and other immoralities, as a means of extracting revenues from their unfortunate tax-payers; and the greater the revenue thus obtained, the poorer become the people and the weaker the government. Need we be surprised that that of India should be reduced to become manufacturer and smuggler of opium, when the people are forced to exhaust the land by sending away its raw products, and when the restraints upon mere collection of domestic salt are so great that English salt finds a market in India? The following passage on this subject is worthy of the perusal of of those who desire fully to understand how it is that the people of that country are restrained in the appli- cation of their labor, and why it is that labor is so badly paid: —

* Ibid, p. 393.

“‘But those who cry out in England against the monopoly, and their unjust exclusion from the salt trade, are egregriously mistaken. As concerns them, there is positively no monopoly, hut the most absolute free trade. And, more than this, the only effect of the present mode of manufacture in Bengal is to give them a market which they would never otherwise have. A government manufacture of salt is doubtless more expensive than a private manufacture; but the result of this, and of the equality of bad and good salt, is, that fine English salt now more or less finds a market in India, whereas, were the salt duty and all the government interference discontinued to-morrow, the cheap Bengal salt would be sold at such a rate that not a pound of English or any other foreign salt could be brought into the market.* Nevertheless the system is regarded as one of perfect free trade!

“Notwithstanding all these efforts at maintaining the revenue, the debt has increased the last twelve years no less than fifteen millions of pounds sterling or seventy-two million of dollars; and yet the government is absolute proprietor of all of India, and enjoys so large a portion of the beneficial interest in it, that private property therein is reduced to a sum absolutely insignificant, as will now be shown.

* Campbell, p. 384.

“The gross land revenue obtained from a country with an area of four hundred and ninety-one thousand four hundred and forty-eight square miles, or above three hundred millions of acres, is one hundred and fifty-one millions seven hundred and eighty- six thousand seven hundred and forty-three rupees, equal to fifteen millions of pounds sterling, or seventy- two millions of dollars.* What is the value of private rights of property, subject to the payment of this tax, or rent, may be judged from the following factB: In 1848-49, there were sold for taxes, in that portion of the country subject to the permanent settlement, eleven hundred and sixty-nine estates, at something less than four years’ purchase of the tax. Further south, in the Madras government, where the ryot-war settlement is in full operation, the land ‘would be sold’ for balances of rent; but ‘ generally it is not,’ as we are told, ‘ and for a very good reason, viz. that nobody will buy it.’ Private right in land being there of no value whatsoever — ‘the collector of Salem’ as Mr. Campbell informs us —

* Campbell, p. 377.

Naively mentions various unauthorized modes of stimulating the tardy rarely resorted to by heads of villages, such as placing him in the sun, obliging him to stand on one leg, or sit with his head confined between his knees.*

In the north-west provinces, the settlement, as our author states, has certainly been successful in giving a good market value to good landed property;’ that is, it sells at about ‘ four years’ purchase on the revenue. Still further north, in the newly acquired provinces, we find great industry, ‘ every thing turned to account,’ the assessment, to which the company succeeded on the deposition of the successors of Runjeet Singh, more easy, and land more valuable. The value of land, like that of labor, therefore increases as we pass from the old to the new settlements, being precisely the reverse of what would be the case if the system tended to the enfranchisement and elevation of the people, and precisely what should be looked for in a country whose inhabitants were passing from freedom towards slavery.”

* Campbell, p. 350. Ibid, p. 332. Ibid, p. 345.

With this extract we conclude the notices of the effects of British free trade in foreign countries. We might show its application to Ireland, whose manufactures were deliberately and systematically destroyed by the application of the system of British free trade to that country. The effects which followed are familiar to all intelligent people. The Irish people were ruined by it, and the country depopulated to such an extent that Great Britain can no longer obtain recruits for her armies in the “sister island;” but has recourse to German mercenaries.

We now proceed to consider the ruinous effects of British free trade on our own country.

With respect to this country, the object of Great Britain has been to make us tributary to British wealth and greatness; to enslave us, by confining us to agriculture alone and to prevent our establishing manufactures or to destroy them when established. This policy commenced in the colonial period, and has continued to the present day, as we will now prove. A British author, Joshua Gee, writing in 1750, thus sets forth the policy, Manufactures in American colonies should be discouraged, prohibited.

Great Britain with its dependencies is doubtless as well able to subsist within itself as any nation in Europe. We have an enterprising people, fit for all the arts of peace or war. We have provisions in abundance, and those of the best sort, and we are able to raise sufficient for double the number of inhabitants. We have the very best materials for clothing, and want nothing either for use or luxury, but what we have at home, or might have from our colonies; so that we might make such an intercourse of trade among ourselves, or between us and them, as would maintain a vast navigation. But we ought always to keep a watchful eye over our colonies, to keep them from setting up any of the manufactures which are carried on in Cheat Britain; and any such attempt should be crushed in the beginning, for if they are suffered to grow up to maturity it will be difficult to suppress them.”

Our colonies are much in the same state as Ireland was in when they began the woollen manufacture, and as their numbers increase, will fall upon manufactures for clothing themselves, if due care be not taken to find employment for them in raising such productions as may enable them to furnish themselves with all the necessaries from us.

This is the British doctrine of free trade, set forth in its native deformity by a British writer. It was very faithfully carried out during the colonial period. During the revolutionary war, the people were too fully occupied to establish manufactures effectually. After the peace, Great Britain had still a strong party in this country, and her free trade policy was so effectually imposed upon us, that, up to the breaking out of the war of 1812, we still imported nearly all our manufactures of iron and cloth from that country. The greatest service which the war of 1812 effected for the United States was to compel its people to establish manufactories for themselves.

A contemporary* whom we shall take the liberty of quoting at some length, thus follows the course of events, from that time forward.

* North American, January, 1855.

The war of 1812 found the country so nearly destitute of the means of clothing itself, that the government was unable to procure blankets or woollen cloth for its soldiers, or for the Indians to whom such commodities were due. How great was the difficulty experienced by reason of the colonial condition in which the nation had so long been kept, may be judged from the fact that the Administration was obliged to take possession of Amelia Island, then held by Spain, for the purpose of enabling certain cargoes of cotton and woollen goods owned by Mr. Girard and others, and then at that island, to get within the Union, in defiance of the non-importation laws. Such were the straits to which we had been reduced by the constant maintenance of a policy that looked to having among us none but farmers, planters, and traders, almost entirely excluding the manufacturers.

The war gave efficient protection to manufacturers; and four years later, as we learn from a recent report of a Committee of the House of Representatives, the quantity of cotton consumed within the Union, amounted to no less than ninety thousand bales, or one-third as much as was exported to foreign ports. The woollen manufacturers, too had largely grown, and employed a capital of twelve millions of dollars; while iron and other branches of manufacture had made great progress; and so completely had the domestic market for food, that had been thus created, made amends for our total exclusion from the market of Europe, that the prices of flour in this market in the years 1813 and 1814 ranged from six to ten dollars, and of pork from thirteen and a half to seventeen dollars.

The peace came, and our farmers found opened to them the markets of the world, by which they were to be enriched, and by way of preparation therefore the domestic market was sacrificed. Until 1818, certain branches of manufacture continued to enjoy protection; in that year it was resolved that the duties of Congress were limited to securing a sufficient amount of revenue, and cotton and iron were condemned to suffer the fate to which had already been subjected the manufacturers of woollen cloths and hardware. The revenue, as the people were then told, was superabundant, the years 1816 and 1817 having yielded no less than eighty millions, and having enabled the treasury to make payments on account of the public debt, amounting to little short of fifty millions. It was a free trade millennium, and protection was then, as now, to be regarded as ‘ a blight.’ If the artisans of the country could not live without protection let them die, and die they did. Manufactures of all kinds, of cotton, woollen and iron, almost entirely disappeared.

As a consequence, there existed throughout the towns and cities of the Union the most intense distress. In Philadelphia alone, with its then small population, it was found, on examination, that nearly eight thousand workmen were wholly without employment. In Pittsburgh there were found two thousand; and as all these people were deprived of the means of purchasing food, the prices of food of all kinds rapidly declined as the necessity for dependence on foreign markets became more fully established. Flour that, in this city, had in 1817 and 1818 commanded ten dollars, fell in 1819 to six dollars and a half, and in 1820 to four dollars and thirty cents; and cotton and tobacco participated in the fall. In many parts of the country, wheat was sold at twenty-five, thirty and thirty-seven cents per bushel, and at a later period prices declined to a still lower point, and, as a natural consequence, the farmers were every where nearly, when even not quite, ruined; and yet they were then almost entirely free from the ‘ blight’ of protection, and in the almost perfect enjoyment of that which is regarded by the Union among the first of blessings, free trade!

As a natural consequence, the power to pay for foreign merchandize passed away, and the consumption which, in 1817 and 1818, had averaged ninety millions, fell in the five years from 1720 to 1824 both inclusive, to an average of fifty millions; and yet, small as was this amount, a constant drain of the little specie that was in the country was required to pay for it, as is shown by the following figures:


We have here an excess export of nearly ten millions, and if to this be added, for wear and tear, for loss, and for consumption in the arts, only a million and a half a year, we have, in the short period of four years, a diminution of the precious metals in the country amounting to no less than sixteen millions, and yet the whole quantity had been estimated in 1818 at about thirty millions. Under such circumstances, we need feel no surprise that sheriff’s sales were numerous — that the rich were made richer and the poor poorer — nor that the latter, in the effort to avoid ruin, should in many of the States, have invoked the intervention of the Legislature for the passage of stay-laws, by which the sales of property were prohibited except under such circumstances as placed the creditor almost entirely at the mercy of the debtor. Such laws, as we shall have occasion to show, have always, thus far followed in the wake of free trade.

As a consequence of all this, the revenue fell off greatly, and new loans were required for the expenses of government. The amount of debt contracted in this free trade period was no less than thirteen millions, and this for a support of government in a time of profound peace, when the total expenditure, excluding that on account of the public debt, was, in some of the years under ten millions, and averaged only twelve millions.

Protection had delivered over to free trade a country in a state of high prosperity, with an overflowing revenue, and diminishing national debt. Six years of free trade, however, were sufficient to change the scene, and to present to the world a ruined people; a declining commerce, requiring a steady export of specie to pay the balance of trade; an exhausted treasury, and an increased national debt.”

We have shown that the war of 1812, by excluding British manufactures from this country, acted in the same way as a protective tariff, teaching the people the value of their own resources, and compelling them to establish manufactures of their own. To use the language of the authority last quoted,

We have shown that soon after the war of 1812, protection had handed the country over to the guardianship of free trade, in a state of high prosperity, and that it had required but six years of this latter government to produce the almost total destruction of the manufactures of the country. We have also shown that this had been accompanied by so great a diminution of the power to pay for foreign merchan- dize as to compel the Treasury to have resorted to loans to enable it to meet the current demands upon it, and that, too, in a period of profound peace! This state of things it was that caused the passage of the act of 1824, the first tariff act framed especially with reference to protection. It was very imperfect, and it required, of course, time to make itself felt; and the drain of specie continued throughout the fiscal year of its passage, the exports in that year having exceeded the imports by more than two and a half millions of dollars. In the following year, however, a change was produced, and the imports of the four succeeding years exceeded the exports by about four millions of dollars. It was small in amount, but considerable in its effect, for in place of an excess export of two millions a year, there was obtained an excess import of one, making a difference of three millions a year. The people be- came again able to pay for foreign merchandize, and the revenue, which for five years had averaged only eighteen millions, rose to an average of twenty-four millions. The Treasury ceased to have occasion to resort to loans, and the payments on account of the public debt in the three years ending in 1828, averaged eleven millions a year, with large diminution in the amount of principal.

Such were the results of the very imperfect measure of 1824, and by them its friends were encouraged to the far more perfect act of 1828, the first really and thoroughly protective tariff ever given to the country. Under it there was a rapid increase in the supply of gold and silver, the imports of the five years that fol- lowed its passage, having exceeded the exports by eleven millions of dollars, or about as much as the ex- ports had exceeded the imports in the free trade period. The value of domestic exports now grew rapidly, and presented a striking contrast with the facts of that period in which the community had enjoyed the bless- ings of free trade; as is shows by the following figures.


As a consequence of the increased ability to pay for foreign merchandize, the revenue grew rapidly, each year in succession greater than its predecessor, thus proving how steadily the people were improving in their condition, though subjected to what the Union is pleased to style ‘ the blight’ of protection. The year 1828-29 gave twenty-five millions, and so did the following one, but 1830-31 gave twenty-nine millions, and 1831—32 no less than thirty-two millions, or as much as had, under the free trade system, been obtained from the two years ending in September, 1821. The payments on account of the public debt rose to seventeen millions in 1832, and left at the close of that year so small an amount unpaid, that it became necessary to establish entire freedom of trade in reference to coffee, teas, wines, silks, and other articles that could not be, or, at least, were not, produced at home. The revenue, however, still increased, and the receipts of the Treasury for 1833-34 reached the then enormous amount of thirty-four millions, and thus provided for the total extinction of the public debt, by the payment of the three per cents, all of which were held abroad, as had been a large portion of the other stocks that had been paid since the passage of the act of 1824. That year had terminated the borrowings of the Treasury, and it had required but nine years of protection to bring about the final payment of the debts of the Revolution, of the war of 1812, and of the free trade period from 1818 to 1824.

Under free trade, as our readers have seen, the debt was increased, and, as much of it probably went abroad, our foreign debt grew, while we were at the same time exporting more gold and silver than we imported, to the extent of two and a half millions a year. In the ten years that followed the passage of the act of 1824, no debt was contracted, while the payments on account of principal and interest amounted to a hundred millions of dollars, by which our indebtedness to foreigners was diminished probably thirty millions, while the excess import of gold and silver exceeded thirty millions. Such was the ‘blight’ of protection.

As a consequence, there existed throughout the country a degree of prosperity that had never before been known, and such was the preparation that had been made by protection for delivering the people over to the enjoyment of the blessings of free trade, promised them by the Compromise Act that came into existence at the close of 1833. By the provisions of that Act, one-tenth of the excess duty over twenty per cent., was to be reduced at that date — another tenth at the close of 1835 — another in each of the years 1837 and 1839— and the balance in 1841 and 1842. The reduction was, as our readers perceive, very gradual, and scarcely to be felt before 1835, except in so far as it tended to prevent the extension of manufactures, that had gone on so rapidly from 1829 to 1833. This, however, was almost unfelt, for the rapid increase in the domestic market had greatly diminished the necessity for going abroad to sell either food or cotton, and hud tended much towards raising the prices to be obtained for what was sent; and thus the amount of exports, which had risen from fifty millions in 1828 to seventy in 1833, grew in 1834, ’35 and ’36 to eighty-one, one hundred and one, and one hundred and six millions. Thus was free trade enabled to profit by the protection that had been granted from 1824 to ’34. Never before had the country presented such a reality of prosperity as existed in 1834, when the ‘ blight’ of protection was in part removed, and when the farmers and the planters of the country were handed over to the ‘tender mercies’ of the free traders. Upon that prosperity the latter traded for several years. The credit of the country was high, for we had done what had never before been done by any other nation, having paid off the national debt, and having to a great extent accomplished that object in the brief period that had elapsed since the passage of the protective tariff of 1824 — and having in the same period rapidly and greatly increased our stock of the precious metals. Never before had free trade had so fair an opportunity for displaying its powers — for never before had any people enjoyed the same advantages that were then enjoyed by our own — and yet, at the close of another period of seven years, we find it leaving a people hopelessly indebted abroad and broken down under demands for payment that could not be complied with, and a government deeply indebted, and without the means of supporting itself without the creation of further debt.

From 1829 to 1834, under protection, we had imported twenty-seven millions more gold and silver than we had exported, and had paid a vast amount of foreign debt. From 1839 to 1842, under free trade, we exported eight millions more than we imported, and contracted, a hundred millions of private foreign debt, and the amount of public debt contracted, most of which must have gone abroad, exceeded thirty-six millions. The power to pay for merchandize that had, in 1832— 33, enabled us to consume to the extent of eighty-eight millions, and that continued to grow so long as the tariff continued to afford protection, until in 1834-35 it reached one hundred and twenty-nine millions, declined, thereafter so much, that in three years ending in 1842 it averaged only ninety-six millions. In the last of these years it was only eighty-eight millions, with steady tendency to still farther decline, as the increasing demands for specie to pay the balance between exports and imports tended steadily to destroy all confidence between man and man, and confidence in the present or future value of property. Banks were every where in a state of suspension, and governments in a state of repudiation. The Federal government was driven to the use of an irredeemable paper currency, and even with that, found itself so totally unable to meet the demands upon it, that the President himself was unable to obtain his salary at the Treasury, and forced to seek accommodation from the neighboring brokers.

The domestic market for food and cotton had been destroyed, and, with the increasing necessity for dependence on foreign markers, there had been a decline of prices so great that it required almost twice the quantity that would hare sufficed six years before to pay the same amount of debt. Cotton fell to fire and nine cents: pork and beef to eight dollars a barrel; wheat to one dollar and a quarter a bushel, and hams, lard and butter to from six to seven and a half a pound. The farmers and planters were unable to pay their debts, and now, as before in free trade times, stay- laws were required to protect the debtor against his creditor. Sheriffs sales were universal, where such protection was not afforded. Merchants and manufactures were every where ruined, and laborers and artisans of every kind, by hundreds of thousands, were unable to sell their labor, and consequently unable to procure food for their families or themselves.

Free trade had delivered the country up to protection in 1824, with a commerce requiring a steady export of specie, and producing a steady decline of credit within and without its limits — and protection had accepted the gift. Ten years after, the latter was called upon to resign her charge, and that which she did resign was a country in the highest prosperity. Only eight years afterwards free trade had dissipated her great inheritance, and had nothing to transfer but a country overwhelmed with debt — a treasury bankrupt, and seeking everywhere for loans at the highest rate of interest — a commerce ruined — and a people disgraced and beggared.”

This was the termination of the second period during which the opposite efforts of protection in enriching the country, and British free trade in impoverishing it were respectively exhibited. One would naturally suppose that two such lessons might have sufficed for us; and that we might have learned wisdom from experience. But foreign influence is strong in this country, because it works under ground, in secret. British influence in particular is cunning and unscrupulous. The British aristocracy are veterans in diplomatic craft. Their diplomatists are trained to their business, while ours are all green hands; those we have abroad now, particularly green. The British overreach us in all treaties, especially reciprocity treaties.

Besides this, the British manufacturers understand their own interest, and are willing to spend money for the purpose of forcing their system of free trade on foreign nations. They raised a fund of half a million of dollars ostensibly to diffuse information in the United States on the advantages of free trade, — really to bribe presses and Legislatures. How successfully it was employed, will appear in what is now to be said respecting the third and last period of British free trade as applied to this country.

(To be continued)

Died Suddenly Documentary

Died Suddenly Documentary

This is a very well-made educational documentary film with many testimonials about people who died suddenly after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination. Why is this information not reported by the mainstream media? It’s because the powers that be don’t want you to know it!

The Power Behind American Politics

The Power Behind American Politics

Rulers of Evil – Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies by F. Tupper Saussy is one of the most enlightening books about the political world that I have ever read. I guarantee that if you read it, you will see the world in a totally different light. To borrow a metaphor from the film “Matrix”, you will choose to take the “red pill” by reading this book, even reading just the first chapter which I am posting here! You can order the book from Amazon. No, I won’t get any money if you buy it.

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

The Holy Alliance cover of Time magazine
For at least 30 years I used to hold the view that the “Jews” or at least the Zionists and International Bankers, are covertly undermining the governments of nations to weaken them in order to create a super-state, a one world government that some refer to as “The New World Order.” It might surprise you to know that most Protestant Christians of the 19th century and earlier had a totally different idea. American Protestants used to consider America’s number one enemy as Rome and the Roman Catholic Church in general, NOT Jews or Zionists! Were they wrong? The facts in chapter one of Rulers of Evil prove, as least to me, they were absolutely correct!

Rulers of Evil was first published in 1999 when the Pope was John Paul II. In this article I added some photos not found in the book, and all of the emphasis in bold is my own.


“The Roman Catholic Church is a State.”

WHEN A PULITZER PRIZE-winning reporter announced in his 1992 Time Magazine cover story that a “conspiracy” binding President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II into a “secret, holy alliance” had brought about the demise of communism, at least one reader saw through the hype.

Professor Carol A. Brown of the University of Massachusetts fired off a letter to Time’s editors saying,

Last week I taught my students about the separation of church and state. This week I learned that the Pope is running U.S. foreign policy. No wonder our young people are cynical about American ideals.

What Brown had learned from Carl Bernstein I had discovered for myself over several years of private investigation: the papacy really does run United States foreign policy, and always has. Yes, Bernstein noted that the leading American players behind the Reagan/Vatican conspiracy, to a man, were “devout Roman Catholics” – namely,

William Casey: Director, CIA
Richard Allen: National Security Advisor
Judge William Clark: National Security Advisor
Alexander Haig: Secretary of State
Vernon Walters: Ambassador-at-Large
William Wilson: Ambassador to the Vatican State

But the reporter neglected to mention that the entire Senate Foreign Relations committee was governed by Roman Catholics, as well. Specifically, Senators

Joseph Biden: Subcommittee on European Affairs
Paul Sarbanes: International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans, and Environment
Daniel P. Moynihan: Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
John Kerry: Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Communications
and… Christopher Dodd Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs

Bernstein would have been wandering off-point to list the Roman Catholic leaders of American domestic policy, such as Senate majority leader George Mitchell and Speaker of the House Tom Foley.

In fact, when the holy alliance story hit the stands, there was virtually no arena of federal legislative activity, according to The 1992 World Almanac of US Politics, that was not directly controlled by a Roman Catholic senator or representative. The committees and subcommittees of the United States Senate and House of Representatives governing commerce, communications and telecommunications, energy, medicine, health, education and welfare, human services, consumer protection, finance and financial institutions, transportation, labor and unemployment, hazardous materials, taxation, bank regulation, currency and monetary policy, oversight of the Federal Reserve System, commodity prices, rents services, small business administration, urban affairs, European affairs, Near Eastern 6k South Asian affairs, terrorism/narcotics/ international communications, international economic/trade/ oceans/environmental policy, insurance, housing, community development, federal loan guarantees, economic stabilization measures (including wage and price controls), gold and precious metals transactions, agriculture, animal and forestry industries, rural issues, nutrition, price supports, Food for Peace, agricultural exports, soil conservation, irrigation, stream channelization, flood control, minority enterprise, environment and pollution, appropriations, defense, foreign operations, vaccines, drug labeling and packaging, drug and alcohol abuse, inspection and certification of fish and processed food, use of vitamins and saccharin, national health insurance proposals, human services, legal services, family relations, the arts and humanities, the handicapped, and aging – in other words, virtually every aspect of secular life in America – came under the chairmanship of one of these Roman Catholic laypersons:

Frank Annunzio
Joseph Biden
Silvio Conte
Kika De la Garza
John Dingell
Christopher Dodd
Vic Fazio
James Florio
Henry Gonzalez
Thomas Harkin
Edward Kennedy
John Kerry
John LaFalce
Patrick Leahy
Charles Luken
Edward Madigan
Edward Markey
Joseph McDade
Barbara Mikulski
George Miller
Daniel Moynihan
John Murtha
Mary Rose Oakar
David Obey
Claiborne Pell
Charles Rangel
Dan Rostenkowski
or Edward Roybal

Vatican Council IPs (Information Policy??) Constitution on the Church (1964) instructs politicians to use their secular offices to advance the cause of Roman Catholicism. Catholic laypersons, “whoever they are, are called upon to expend all their energy for the growth of the Church and its continuous sanctification,” and “to make the Church present and operative in those places and circumstances where only through them can it become the salt of the earth” (IV, 33) . Vatican II further instructs all Catholics “by their competence in secular disciplines and by their activity [to] vigorously contribute their effort so that … the goods of this world may be more equitably distributed among all men, and may in their own way be conducive to universal progress in human and Christian freedom … and [to] remedy the customs and conditions of the world, if they are an inducement to sin, so that they all may be conformed to the norms of justice and may favor the practice of virtue rather than hinder it” (IV, 36) .

Vatican II affirms Catholic doctrine dating back to 1302, when Pope Boniface VIII asserted that

“it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”

This was the inspiration for the papacy to create the United States of America that materialized in 1776, by a process just as secret as the Reagan-Vatican production of Eastern Europe in 1989. What? American government Roman Catholic from the beginning?

Consider: the land known today as the District of Columbia bore the name “Rome” in 1663 property records; and the branch of the Potomac River that bordered “Rome” on the south was called “Tiber.” This information was reported in the 1902 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia’s article on Daniel Carroll. The article, specifically declaring itself “of interest to Catholics” in the 1902 edition, was deleted from the New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) . Other facts were reported in 1902 and deleted from 1967 . For example, when Congress met in Washington for the first time, in November, 1800, “the only two really comfortable and imposing houses within the bounds of the city” belonged to Roman Catholics. One was Washington’s first mayor, Robert Brent. The other was Brent’s brother-in-law, Notley Young, a Jesuit priest.

Daniel Carroll was a Roman Catholic congressman from Maryland who signed two of America’s fundamental documents, the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution. Carroll was a direct descendant of the Calverts, a Catholic family to whom King Charles I of England had granted Maryland as a feudal barony. Carroll had received his education at St. Omer’s Jesuit College in Flanders, where young English-speaking Catholics were trained in a variety of guerrilla techniques for advancing the cause of Roman Catholicism among hostile Protestants.

In 1790, President George Washington, a Protestant, appointed Congressman Carroll to head a commission of three men to select land for the “federal city” called for in the Constitution. Of all places, the commission chose “Rome,” which at the time consisted of four farms, one of which belonged to … Daniel Carroll. It was upon Carroll’s farm that the new government chose to erect its most important building, the Capitol.

The American Capitol abounds with clues of its Roman origins. “Freedom,” the Roman goddess whose statue crowns the dome, was created in Rome at the studio of American sculptor Thomas Crawford. We find a whole pantheon of Roman deities in the great fresco covering the dome’s interior rotunda: Persephone, Ceres, Freedom, Vulcan, Mercury, even a deified George Washington. These figures were the creation of Vatican artist Constantino Brumidi.

Statue of Freedom on the Capitol Dome

Statue of Freedom on the Capitol Dome

The fact that the national Statehouse evolved as a “capitol” bespeaks Roman influence. No building can rightly be called a capitol unless it’s a temple of Jupiter, the great father-god of Rome who ruled heaven with his thunderbolts and nourished the earth with his fertilizing rains. If it was a capitolium, it belonged to Jupiter and his priests.

fresco covering the dome’s interior rotunda

Fresco covering the Capitol dome’s interior rotunda.

Mace with eagle

Jupiter’s mascot was the eagle, which the founding fathers made their mascot as well. A Roman eagle tops the governing idol of the House of Representatives, a forty-six-inch sterling silverand- ebony wand called a “mace.” The mace is “the symbol of authority in the House.” When the Sergeant-at-arms displays it before an unruly member of Congress, the mace restores order. Its position at the rostrum tells whether the House is in “committee” or in “session.”

America’s national motto “Annuit Coeptis” came from a prayer to Jupiter. It appears in Book IX of Virgil’s epic propaganda, the Aeneid, a poem commissioned just before the birth of Christ by Caius Maecenas, the multi-billionaire power behind Augustus Caesar. The poem’s objective was to fashion Rome into an imperial monarchy for which its citizens would gladly sacrifice their lives.

Fascism may be an ugly word to many, but its stately emblem is apparently offensive to no one. The emblem of fascism, a pair of them, commands the wall above and behind the speaker’s rostrum in the Chamber of the House of Representatives. They’re called fasces, and I can think of no reason for them to be there other than to declare the fascistic nature of American republican democracy.

facses-leftfacses-right A fasces is a Roman device. Actually, it originated with the ancient Etruscans, from whom the earliest Romans derived their religious jurisprudence nearly three thousand years ago. It’s an axe-head whose handle is a bundle of rods tightly strapped together by a red sinew. It symbolizes the ordering of priestly functions into a single infallible sovereign, an autocrat who could require life and limb of his subjects. If the fasces is entwined with laurel, like the pair on the House wall, it signifies Caesarean military power. The Romans called this infallible sovereign Pontifex Maximus, “Supreme Bridgebuilder.” No Roman was called Pontifex Maximus until the title was given to Julius Caesar in 48 BC. Today’s Pontifex Maximus is Pope John Paul II.


As we shall discover in a forthcoming chapter, John Paul does not hold that title alone. He shares it with a mysterious partner, a military man, a man holding an office that has been known for more than four centuries as “Papa Nero,” the Black Pope. I shall present evidence that the House fasces represent the Black Pope, who indeed rules the world.

For more information about Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy, please see the book report about it on this site.

Are you convinced now it’s not Jews or Zionists running the world? Some say the Vatican and Jesuits have been taken over by “crypto Jews”. If you think so ask yourself, who did Hitler kill in World War II? Jews, Gypsies, Serbs, mainly all NON-Roman Catholics! Roman Catholic Croatia murdered 1.7 million Serbs during World War II. You can read about it on this website, Ravening Wolves.

Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera exposes Jesuit inflitration into Protestant Denominations

Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera exposes  Jesuit inflitration into Protestant Denominations

Alberto Magno Romero Rivera (September 19, 1935 – June 20, 1997) was a former Roman Catholic Jesuit priest who converted to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and exposed many Jesuit secrets. For this reason he was murdered on June 20, 1997 by the Jesuits.

Alberto Rivera

Alberto Rivera

Did you know that the entire purpose of the Jesuit Order is to neutralize the Protestant movement and bring Protestants, Baptists, Orthodox church members, and all other non-Roman Catholic Christian groups back under the leadership of the Pope?

Did you know that the fuel of the Protestant Reformation was not only the knowledge of salvation through the grace of Jesus Christ, but especially the understanding that the Pope is the Antichrist?

Did you know that the English language Bible of the Reformation was the Geneva Bible and that it was banned in England because of specific footnotes teaching that the Pope is the Antichrist?

Did you know that the Jesuits tried to destroy the leadership of Protestant England and the publication of the King James version of the Bible with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605?

Did you know that the King James Version of the Bible is the only truly accurate English translation and therefore hated by the Roman Catholic hierarchy?

Did you know that because the Pope could not stop people from reading the Bible, he has corrupted it with modern English Bible translations?

Did you know that all modern Bible translations are based on corrupted Hebrew and Greek manuscripts?

Did you know that all these modern Bible translations based on corrupted manuscripts were works influenced and led by the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuits?

If you didn’t know these things, please do yourself a favor and read what godly Christian Bible-believing men had to say about the Jesuits, the Roman Catholic church and its influence on 18th and 19th-century America! I have lots of references to them on this website.

Another Youtube exposing Jesuit influence:

The Mask of the New World Order, The Jesuits!

A friend wrote me saying, “Today people don’t pay much attention to the Catholic Church. It just doesn’t have the influence that it did 600 years ago.”

I beg to differ! I am trying to show the world that the Roman Catholic Church is more powerful than EVER, but not openly, or doctrinally or even emotionally in the hearts of majority of the world, but covertly in its control of politics and world economy. The Vatican does all its work through agents. I’m sure there are many layers of them.

It’s been a whole lot more recent than 600 years ago that the Roman Catholic Church led a bloody massacre.

From 1941 to 1945, the Roman Catholic Ustashi of the fascist state of Croatia butchered up to one million Serbian Orthodox Christians. Roman Catholic killer squads are often led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars.

Being a former Roman Catholic, it’s now as clear as a bell how the Devil has used Catholicism. The confessional system is a perfect spy network ring! All Catholic Bishops are more loyal to Rome and the Pope than to the nations they reside in or they wouldn’t have been made a Bishop. And that especially goes for the Cardinals who are over them. Every Roman Catholic church, school, convent, and monastery is a perfect safe-house for conspirators.

The best way to hide something is to put it out in plain site. That’s exactly what the Devil had done. The Enemy has been in the midst of America from the very beginning. The founding fathers saw it. The Protestant leaders of the 19th century saw it. But by the 20th century, the influence of Rome was so prevalent and their invasion of Protestantism was so great, hardly anybody can see it anymore. I believe that’s why the Lord sent His prophet David to totally break us out of the framework of American Christianity. Dad didn’t quite see the Roman Catholic connection but he sure denounced the American churches — churches that have been corrupted by covert Roman Catholic / Jesuit influence!

Why don’t American Protestants and many Baptists see it today? Their leaders have taught them otherwise.

“I admired Pope John tremendously … I felt he brought a new era to the world.” — Billy Graham

There is no major popular Protestant church or denominational leader who speaks out against the Roman Catholic church today. Let’s face it, they are afraid of them! And there is certainly no politician who would DARE speak out against the Roman Catholic church. It would be 100 times worse for him than if he had spoken out against the Jews! Millions of American Roman Catholics would scream, BIGOTRY!!

This is of course partly my opinion based on my worldview, but also partly what I consider to be facts from sources I am stating, historic sources by people who I consider to be God fearing Bible believing men.

Again I say, learning true history can help us see the present better.

Resources my views are based on:

January 23, 2023 update:

Satan’s system of control on earth is vast. I believe the RCC is the largest and most powerful part of it, but it’s also comprised of a multitude of secret societies, especially Freemasons, and those in the occult world, witches and satanists. Our only hope to avoid being deceived by them is to know the true Jesus Christ of the New Testament and by learning and believing the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. And we must call on the Name of Jesus when Satan and his demons attack us.

Closet Witches – Jack Chick’s Interview with Dr. Rebecca Brown and Elaine Tape II

Closet Witches – Jack Chick’s Interview with Dr. Rebecca Brown and Elaine Tape II

This is part two of the 1986 interview Jack Chick had with Dr. Rebecca Brown and former witch and Satanist Elaine. If you haven’t listened to or read part one of this interview yet, you should do so before reading or listening to the audio tape on this article in order to understand it.

The audio is below the transcription if you would rather listen to it first.

Transcription of Closet Witches : Part Two – Jack T. Chick

Jack Chick: Greetings in Jesus’ precious Name! Beloved, this is tape number two entitled Closet Witches. If you didn’t listen to tape number one of Closet Witches, you won’t have the slightest idea of what we’re talking about. So I advise you to get ahold of that first tape.

We’re going into prayer because we’re covering a very delicate subject here, a very heavy subject, and we need prayer before we face it.

Gracious loving God and Father, we pray now for the listener of this tape, Lord, that you will open their minds, their understanding, so they’ll know what we’re trying to say to them, Lord. And we block all the forces of darkness who would hinder this tape, Lord, and the message involved. We’re praying for the souls of witches, Lord, and to open the eyes and ears and understanding of the Christian believers, Lord, to have compassion for those who are trapped in the Satanic movement, Lord. Bless this tape, anoint it. Anoint the listener. In Jesus’ Name we pray for your glory, Lord, amen.

Tape number one is probably one of the most exciting things I’ve ever listened to, especially when it comes to this kind of testimony. Now, we found out that you had to face that awesome night when Satan was sending all of his troops against you, and he had designed that both Rebecca and Elaine be used as a human sacrifice. And it didn’t work, and God intervened, and He saved you both, and I praise God for that.

All right, let’s go on, Rebecca. Tell the listeners now what happened after this night had passed.

Rebecca Brown: Yes Jack, that was really just the first step. There was much more to come. And from this point on the Lord moved extremely rapidly in my life.

The first thing He did was directly challenge me and ask me if I would be willing to commit my life to Him to be used in any way in which He chose, to directly combat Satan, and to enter a ministry in bringing people out of occult involvements which is extremely heavy spiritual warfare. I up until that point had very carefully planned my medical career. I loved the field of oncology which is taking care of cancer patients. I had intended to specialize in that after I finished my training in internal medicine. I had been accepted to an extremely prestigious training program about a thousand miles away from where I lived. But the Lord indicated to me that if I chose to do His first will for my life, and that was enter into this ministry, that I would have to give up my career goals to go into oncology and set up a much more general practice close to the Satanic community in order that God could bring to me those people that needed help.

But the Lord also made it very clear to me that within a certain amount of time, and He didn’t tell me how long of course, I would have to eventually lay down my medical career all together and enter full time into this ministry. He also made it clear to me that I would be persecuted, that I would experience much hardship, that I would lose my family, which I have, my entire family. But most of all, He made it plain to me that He would walk with me through all these trials. And I can tell you in truth, Jack, before we go on to tell what happened, I have come to know the Lord personally through all of this in a way that I never could have any other way I don’t believe. And that’s what treasure in Heaven is all about. It’s a personal knowledge of the Lord, and nothing, nothing can be compared with the worth of that knowledge.

I agonized over that decision for about a week. And I made the decision, I committed myself to God to be used in that way, I counted the cost as best I could, and then I just had to trust the Lord from that point on that He would provide the grace to see me through whatever would come.

Elaine also during this time was agonizing with precisely the same decision. God had challenged her with the same decision, and she certainly had a lot at stake, because she knew that she would be a hunted person all the rest of her life, especially if she entered into a ministry of exposing Satan and the way that he works. So we were really both struggling although we didn’t talk to each other about it at that time very much.

I wrote to the program and canceled out, and told them I would not be coming. Within a week of my making that decision I lost every friend I had. It was absolutely incredible! Up until that point in time, I had been considered the top resident at the hospital I was. I had great favor in the eyes of the physicians there. I had a number of friends with the other residents and interns and nurses on the staff by that time. Every one of them turned against me.

Jack Chick: Now, was this because you were being obedient to the Lord? The Lord told you to take Elaine and move her into your home. Was this the upshot of this?

Rebecca Brown: Well, the remarkable thing, Jack, is many of these people didn’t even know I had Elaine in with me. Satan was just straight manipulating them. He was putting thoughts in their minds and their hearts against me and they bought it. It shows you know. Jesus talked about how He couldn’t trust Himself to men because they’re so fickle, and that’s exactly the way it was. But the biggest thing was the instant I turned down that prestigious position.

Jack Chick: Oh, they started to have doubts about you!

Rebecca Brown: That’s exactly right! And they would say, “Why aren’t you taking it?” And my only answer could be, “It’s not God’s will for my life at this point.” And then they would say, “How do you know?” And my answer would be, “Because God told me so.”

Jack Chick: And then they freaked out, right?

Rebecca Brown: That is correct. In fact, within a year the leaders of my program, because of my stand and saying that the Lord communicated with me, tried to have me thrown in a mental institution. They were not successful because they could not prove that I was crazy. But just because I took a stand in faith, and I can imagine what the prophets went through in the Old Testament days to stand up and say, “God spoke to me and told me this or that” that’s a tremendous step in faith.

Also, the minister of the church, I had been attending a Christian church there locally in town regularly, and Elaine had been going with me, he called me up and told me that if I didn’t get Elaine out of my house that I couldn’t come back to the church again.

Jack Chick: Was this the pastor who helped when you were so desperately ill and they had the whole church praying for you?

Rebecca Brown: No, that pastor was in my hometown which was about 100 miles away. This was in the town where the training center was. My parents called me and told me that I should get rid of Elaine just out of the blue. My roommate was pressuring me that I should kick Elaine out, that she didn’t like her, that I was being unwise to bring her in. And then of course Elaine’s daughter came to live with us, and my roommate very much disliked that.

Jack Chick: How old was Elaine’s daughter, Rebecca?

Rebecca Brown: She was about 12 years old at that time. After all this happened, well, actually it was during the time all of this was happening, Satan began to attack mightily in the spirit realm as well. I had felt that Elaine was demon possessed but I wasn’t totally sure.

Jack Chick: You mean even after she was saved?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, that is correct.

Jack Chick: We mentioned in the earlier tape some of the things that transpired about Manchan. He was subdued, wasn’t he?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, he had to back down, and Elaine could begin to gain some control of him but not all the time. But you see, as Elaine took a stand, and as she grew in the Lord, it was like the Holy Spirit was working and the demons just couldn’t stand it in there anymore, and it was forcing them to the surface. And it’s really a taking of the ground, taking of the land step by step just like the children of Israel had to take the land of Canaan step by step. They didn’t take it all in one sweep.

Jack Chick: Wasn’t Elaine still practicing witchcraft even though she had become a Christian and she wasn’t even aware of this?

Rebecca Brown: She was in order to defend herself to keep herself alive. But you see, I didn’t know that. Because Elaine still obviously had a great deal of fear, and there was a lot of things she hadn’t confided in me, and I discovered for sure that the demons were in there one day when suddenly Manchan surfaced. And he managed to gain control of Elaine’s body and attacked me and tried to kill me with a butcher knife, physically with her body attacked me. And the Lord just gave me instant knowledge that this was a demon. I was just terrified. But I knew by then that I must just stand in the name of Jesus and that’s exactly what I did and gained triumph over him, and again he had to back down.

Jack Chick: Now this is incredible information! Most people aren’t even aware of anything like this even going on!

Rebecca Brown: Right. And then it was a step-by-step occurrence. We had an eight weeks battle with the demons in Elaine. You see, I took Elaine down to my home church with the pastor there, and we had an initial deliverance session that lasted about eight hours.

Jack Chick: Now, this was the pastor that had prayed for you.

Rebecca Brown: That is correct, the same pastor who had prayed for me.

Jack Chick: He was into deliverance ministry.

Rebecca Brown: Yes, he was very knowledgeable about that sort of thing, but he had never dealt with anyone who had been so deeply involved in the occult as Elaine. We had an eight-hour deliverance session. We kicked out several hundred demons. But the thing of it is, at that time we were not knowledgeable enough with someone that deeply involved to know all the doorways to close. And if you leave one demon in then he’s going to hold the doorway open and all the others will come back in. And that’s exactly what happened. All the demons were back in within a week.

Jack Chick: So the key is closing the doorways, isn’t it?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, the key is cleaning the person out totally and completely all at once, and then the house is swept clean.

Jack Chick: All right now, what happened? Did your home turn into a nightmare at this point?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, we were literally in an Amityville situation (referring to a horror novel with the name of Amityville), because not only were the demons surfacing through Elaine – and God permitted this for my training – but also the cult was attacking us with everything they had. They were sending demons into my home, they were astral projecting in.

Jack Chick: Now, did you have furniture flying around?

Rebecca Brown: Yes. it was. And it was nothing for me to be grabbed at night when I went to bed and be pulled out of the bed and thrown across the room against the wall. We were bruises from head to toe.

Jack Chick: It was like a battlefield!

Rebecca Brown: Yes it was. It was nothing to have a chair come flying across the room. At first …

Jack Chick: So it was just like the stuff you see in the movies!

Rebecca Brown: Yes. And at first, I was sitting there saying, “I’m surely having a hallucination.” But as soon as I began to realize, “No, this is for real.” Then as I would begin to say, “Stop in the Name of Jesus,” and use the power and authority available to me in the Name of Jesus, I could halt these things.

Jack Chick: You mean the stuff that was astral projecting through the air?

Rebecca Brown: Right, right, yes. I had an eight weeks battle with the demons in Elaine until finally I had learned enough. And it was during that period of time that the Lord showed me, revealed direct revelation that Elaine had been using her witchcraft because she didn’t know any other way. She had not been trained, no one had told her any other way to defend herself. And I remember we had to come to the point of Elaine getting down on her knees and praying out loud with me asking the Lord to take away all of her abilities of witchcraft, and to take them away so completely that if ever she were to rebel and to try and regain them, that she could not. Now, that was a big step.

Jack Chick: That was scary for her because that was her only protection at that time, wasn’t it?

Rebecca Brown: That’s correct. That’s correct, but that step had to be taken. Every witch that comes out of witchcraft has to take that step.

Jack Chick: That’s the one thing they don’t want to lose. Probably the one reason they went into witchcraft in the first place was to gain power, and they realize by going this direction they’re going to lose all their power.

Rebecca Brown: That’s correct, that’s correct.

Elaine: Well, I agree with that wholeheartedly, only I didn’t really lose power that I didn’t have in the first place. It wasn’t mine, it was Satan’s. It was the demons. They were using me, I was not using them. That’s something that witches and warlocks and these people have to understand, that this power that they crave so much it, doesn’t belong to them, they’re just being used. But the power I got by denying the power of Satan and claiming the power of Jesus Christ was a million times fold that of Satan. I mean, He gave me everything my heart desired, love, companionship, hope, I had food and clothing and everything I needed because I claimed Jesus as my Savior.

Jack Chick: Well not only that, you mentioned in tape number one that Satan backed away from you. (Elaine: He sure did!) He made his appearance. Now he was frightened of the Holy Spirit in you, the fact you have become a Christian.

Elaine: Oh yeah, he’s terrified of Jesus Christ Himself, he is terrified of the Holy Spirit, he is terrified of Father, he is terrified of anything that anyone has to do with the Trinity or you know, the Godhead with Father, Son, Holy Spirit, whichever, and he’s terrified of that because there’s power in it, he can’t come against that.

Jack Chick: Well, Elaine, let me ask you, were these chairs being thrown at you too? Were you also been thrown out of the bed and against the wall?

Elaine: Oh yeah, it wasn’t unusual for be to sitting and reading God’s Word, and I was really really reading it for the first time in my life, really understanding what I was reading, and really reading it and I was loving it, and I’d be putting on good records, good Christian music that I’d never really heard before, although I’d heard it but you really begin to hear and see and know. And I’d be sitting there minding my own business communicating with the Father, and all of a sudden my whole body is picked up and I’m slammed against the wall and there’s no one in the room.

Jack Chick: Were these outside forces or were they the demonic forces inside you?

Elaine: They could be both.

Jack Chick: It was just to hassle you from reading the Word.

Elaine: Yeah, keep me from reading the Word, keep my mind away from God, away from God’s things, to remind me that they were there, that they could destroy me, that so and so forth. They could not without God’s permission.

Rebecca Brown: This brings up an important point that I have come across so many times in our ministry since. Witches do not realize that they need to ask the Father to take away their ability to see the spirit world. People involved in the occult develop the ability to see the spirit world continually.

Jack Chick: Now that’s also the auras. Can a witch spot auras around people?

Rebecca Brown: Yes that is correct. But once they ask the Lord to take that all away, then they cannot be badgered and tormented so from the spirit world because they can’t see it anymore, and it provides them with a great deal of peace. However in Elaine’s case, because we were involved in such a battle, it was a big thing for her because she could no longer know when someone was coming. See, she had to depend upon the Lord to tell her. And it was just, it was a real growing experience.

Jack Chick: So this battlefield you folks went through was for almost how long?

Rebecca Brown: It was eight weeks. We did not have any sleep for eight weeks. The Lord kept us going. It was a continuous battle. I was working at the hospital all during that. Fortunately it was a provision of the Lord. I was on a rotation that was essentially research.

Jack Chick: Now, was Satan trying to kill Elaine with more illness? She was ill to begin with, wasn’t she?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, but it was not illness so much this time. He was trying to kill her by the demons within her. They would take a belt and put it around her neck and try to strangle her.

Jack Chick: That’s suicide, giving the appearance of suicide.

Rebecca Brown: Certainly. I’m convinced that most suicides are actually not done by the person themselves but by a demon within them controlling their body.

Jack Chick: Or outside.

Rebecca Brown: Yes, but more frequently from the inside. Finally, after this eight week battle, the Lord had taught us so much. We learned through this that finally He gave me the indication that it was time to call my pastor in the hometown where I lived, the one that helped me when I was ill. And we scheduled a final deliverance session which lasted about 10 hours. And all of the demons were cast out of Elaine and she was completely sealed by the Lord.

Jack Chick: What about Manchan?

Rebecca Brown: Yes of course, he was the biggest spider, he was the first one we went for.

Jack Chick: Could you tell when he was gone or did you feel differently, Elaine?

Elaine: Well yes, there was a lighter or a lightness inside of me. It wasn’t quite the clawing scratching – to give you some kind of a an idea what was like inside – trying to keep everything else either ripped apart or pulled together.

Jack Chick: Could you actually feel ripping inside of you?

Elaine: Sure! It hurt too!

Jack Chick: When he left was there ripping when he took off?

Elaine: There was some but not a whole lot because the pastor and Rebecca and the others that were there to help, they had loving compassionate hearts and they took their time. They didn’t force so much like so many others do. There was no forcing, you know, absolutely pushing so hard that it just rips the person apart. But there were some, yes, there were definitely some.

Jack Chick: Okay, so the key to all this whole thing was that you closed up the doorways, right?

Rebecca Brown: That is correct. And Elaine has been sealed and she has never had any demons ever since.

Jack Chick: So after eight weeks of warfare you had become veterans. You had seen just about everything under the sun hadn’t you, in the field of spiritual warfare. Now, this prepared you for the thing that was coming up later on where you had this underground operation going with these witches and so forth you’re trying to help. People would come to you with problems, and God had already put you through this, so you were experienced and you could help these people.

Rebecca Brown: Yes, that is correct. Of course, I had another year of training to complete yet. Then I set up a medical practice as the Lord had directed me close to the Satanic community. We had the privilege of bringing many people to the Lord out of the cult. But Jack, most people don’t understand the tremendous problems that anyone faces that comes out of Satanism, because you see, Satan has so many servants within the Christian churches, that they are attacked both from outside of the Christian churches and from within the Christian churches.

Jack Chick: The spies that have been planted within the churches, right?

Rebecca Brown: Well, they’re not just spies for anyone who might come out. I mean, they are the Satanists planted within the Christian churches to try and destroy them.

Jack Chick: So they’re on the alert to see anyone coming in from one of the covens, and they’re going to nail them as soon as they walk through that door then.

Rebecca Brown: Most certainly. And people that come out of Satanism to the Lord are attacked from every direction. They’re attacked at their work because there’s always someone at work who is also in Satanism and knows who they are if they work in any sizeable place. They’re attacked through the schools because there Satan has his servants throughout the school.

Jack Chick: These are kids into different covens then.

Rebecca Brown: Well yes, not only from the children, but from the teachers. Because the children of people who would come out of Satanism the teachers begin to attack the children and flunk them and accuse them of all sorts of things. They don’t have acceptance in the churches because most people hate witches. They consider witches the enemy. They don’t stop to realize that Jesus Christ loved them and died for them.

Jack Chick: Isn’t it true in school, Elaine, that when when a young kid who has just joined one of the local covens, he’s watched or she’s watched everywhere she goes, and if they talk to a Christian is that reported to the high priest or anything like that?

Elaine: Oh yes. When you’re first recruited, and that’s the most critical time of your life, be you a young person or an old person, that’s the most critical time because that time right there is when you have signed your contract in blood, that time right there is when you finally found out that there’s more to what was told to you than really was there.

Jack Chick: You’re stuck then.

Elaine: Right. And you’re being watched to make sure that you stick to exactly the rules, period.

Jack Chick: Yeah, constant surveillance then.

Rebecca Brown: Yes. Most Christians don’t want to get involved with these people because they have such a multitude of problems. (Jack: Yeah, in their own lives.) They usually lose their job, they have all sorts of financial problems because the finance is given to them through the cult disappears, so they are in need financially more, often than not they are very ill, they have tremendous emotional difficulties because of what they’re going through and what they’ve come out of, they need careful teaching, they have special needs, and the church people don’t want to be bothered with them. Most of these people really need to be taken into a Christian home and ministered to for a short while at least.

Jack Chick: And who’s going to do that?

Rebecca Brown: That’s right. Because Christians, they’re very selfish about their homes. They consider their homes their own private property.

Jack Chick: You know I can speak from experience when I hit this thing on Rome. This was about what six years ago, seven years ago, I prayed and God told me to hit the Vatican. All right, the reaction I got from my pastor friends, it was like those guys were out there saying, “Gee, I wonder if Chick’s going to get iced. Is he going to get knocked off or blown up?” A lot of Christians were watching to see. So they all backed away from me and we caught hell at Chick publications. We were knocked out of bookstores, there were harassments, terror tactics, phone calls were used against these poor little mom-and-pop operations that had Christian bookstores, and we lost 2 000 bookstores out of 3 000 from the onslaught. And the Christians backed away. See, they don’t want to tackle anything controversial.

And then I knew of another case where a young girl who was a witch got married and went to another church. And someone who was married to a good Mason, and she was a up there in the Eastern Star I guess it was, she blew the whistle on this girl who came out of witchcraft, told the pastor, he walked over to their home one night and says, “Hey don’t ever come back into my church.” So I know the battle, because I felt it my own case trying to expose Catholicism, and I can imagine what a witch has to go through here because I had been well accepted.

Rebecca Brown: Not only that, but the few people who are willing to help the people coming out of Satanism, then they themselves come under attack. (Jack: Of course.) Then they become the unpopular people.

Jack Chick: Attached by other Christians, right?

Rebecca Brown: Well, supposed Christians. The true Christians don’t attack them. But the Christians who are not committed to the Lord, or the Satanists posing to be Christians.

Jack Chick: Or weak Christians who just want to make points with the rest of the people in the church will sway whatever direction it goes. You know, the thing that sticks in my mind, they said one week about Jesus, “hosanna”, next week it was “crucify him.” (Rebecca: Exactly.) Where you’ve got weak Christians, you’ve got a mess out there. And these kids are in danger when they walk into a church. They better keep their mouths shut first of all, right?

Rebecca Brown: Well, the important thing is anyone coming out of witchcraft, they need help. It’s very difficult if not impossible for them to make it on their own. I can’t emphasize strongly enough how they need Christian fellowship. Anyone listening to this tape, please don’t get the idea that we are recommending that you not attend Christian churches, that’s not the case. What we’re trying to do is wake up the Christian churches to be aware of what’s happening. Because you see, these people, they need a strong prayer partner, they need someone who’s going to help them, who’s going to help them kick the demons out, somebody who is going to stand with them and help to teach them and train them. And Paul says, “Do not neglect the gathering of yourself together.”

Jack Chick: Yeah, but here’s another point. Okay, you’ve got Bible-believing churches across the country, people who mean business. We’ve got some real men of God out there. But we’ve got a lot of phony baloneys. We’ve got a whole segment of churches out there, they don’t even believe the Bible is the Word of God. They don’t believe the Devil exists. And some poor kid coming out of witchcraft walks up to see one of those guys, they’re going to be nailed!

Rebecca Brown: Yes. The only thing that I can say to people coming out of witchcraft is Jesus gave us an infallible test. He said look to see the fruits. A good tree does not bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. So don’t be in a hurry to confide in anyone but step back a little bit and see what kind of fruits they’re bearing. Are they bearing the fruit of being a true Christian?

Jack Chick: All right, let me give you a case where this person came out and he led, oh goodness, 120 some witches to Christ. And he took them down to one of our big local churches down here that everybody loves and raves about, and some idiot got in front of those kids and he said, “No witch can be saved.” Well, you can imagine the devastation that took place! Half of those kids od’d on drugs. Most of them are dead now as a result because this was the only hope they had. They had dared to come out of their coven. They had dared to step out. And usually, Elaine, is not this true when you sign in blood and you come out, the thing is just like joining the Mafia, you go out feet first, right?

Elaine: Normally yes. You don’t just turn your back on a coven or on Satanism and walk away free-handed. You never get off scot-free. To begin with, you sinned by serving Satan in the first place. The Bible says that quite clearly. But it also says that Jesus’ Blood is sufficient for all things, and that means it covers that contract. Like I said before in the first tape that in your little booklet, the contract, you show so plainly that Jesus’ Blood is sufficient to cover all things, and it’s not worth paper that you put your name on …

Jack Chick: All right, but what about this person who made this statement in front of these young kids coming out of witchcraft? Did he know what he was doing? Was he a plant? Was he used by the enemy to destroy these kids coming out?

Elaine: I would say he was. Because anyone who’s a true born-again believer would never tell anyone that they could not be saved, ever.

Rebecca Brown: However, there are many misguided Christians. There are many Christians who are taught wrong. And they are taught that Satan’s the enemy and therefore anybody involved in Satanism is our enemy.

Jack Chick: So we have to develop a compassion for these kids coming out of witchcraft, right?

Rebecca Brown: That is correct. Jesus said, bless those who curse you. You know, it’s a very widespread teaching in our nation today by a lot of deliverance ministers and a lot of ministers that if anyone sends a curse toward you, to double it and send it back. But in Luke chapter 8 verse 20, Jesus says absolutely clearly, “Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who despitefully use you.” And how they can justify that teaching with that Scripture verse I don’t know.

Jack Chick: Well, I’ve been guilty of that. When I first started, I found out there was a witch not too far from me. She used to light candles every night at midnight and throw whammies at me. And I felt the sting, and I felt the reaction, and I used to say, “Lord, send it back 10 full.” And I realized I was wrong. And since talking to you ladies, you told me that when I pray I should say, “Lord, I loosen these demons that come against me. I loosen them of their assignments and cast them into the dry places” or get rid of them that way.

Rebecca Brown: Yes, because you see, anytime a witch comes against a Christian, she’s immediately in trouble, or he, as the case may be. Because, for the first time, if they come against a true born again Christian, they are having to realize that they’re facing a power stronger than anything Satan can give them. And that starts them to thinking. And Satan and his demons know immediately that they have come to this realization that they’re faced with it. Now, they’re in a very dangerous position. Because if they start thinking, Satan and his demons are very quick to try and bring about their physical death before they can accept Jesus.

Jack Chick: For the witch, you mean.

Rebecca Brown: That is correct. And if you as a Christian start sending all these curses back on them, you’re just hastening their physical death and they may never have the opportunity to come to the Lord.

Jack Chick: So we’re committing murder practically when we do that. Okay now, let me ask Elaine this thing. You mentioned that when when you astral projected or moved against a real born again believer, you sent your demons out they came back and beat you up, right?

Elaine: That’s right, they did. They’d come back yelling and screaming at me, “What do you think you’re doing sending us out against a true born again believer?”

Jack Chick: But if the Christian at the other end, the receiving end of that thing, actually said, “I’ll send it back 10 full,” you could have physically killed that witch then, right, who sent them in the first place?

Elaine: Sure can!

Jack Chick: Okay, so we have to be very careful how we pray. We have to have compassion and cut down on our anger when we’re caught under heavy pressure. We know we’re under a occult attack.

Rebecca Brown: Well, the first epistle of John chapter 3 verse 15 says, “He who hates his brother is a murderer.” We have to be very careful that Satan does not plant hatred in our heart toward these people. Especially as we begin to go into the portion of the tape where we’re talking about how Satan attacks Christian churches, it’s very easy to become angry and to allow hatred to dwell in our heart for these people trying to destroy our churches. But our concern must be Christ’s concern.

Jack Chick: We must have pity and love for these people because they’re in terrible bondage. The kids don’t realize once they get into the coven the mess they are in and how dangerous it is to get out.

Elaine: Well, I know for a fact, a true story of a small coven in my area of a hundred people, exactly 100 people in this coven. It’s a very small one. This happened about two years before I accepted the Lord. (Something I can’t catch at 34 minutes 20 seconds.) And I knew the high priest personally, Robbie, he was really sweet. He’s gone on to meet the Lord. He was in a terrible fiery accident.

Jack Chick: Was that a setup from the coven?

Elaine: Oh yes. From this one hundred, he brought seventy out.

Jack Chick: You mean he was saved and then he brought these people out?

Elaine: Yes, he did. He brought 70 of these people out. Forty five of them returned to the craft.

Jack Chick: Was that from the influence of the other remaining, that was what, 30 still in the coven?

Elaine: Yes.

Jack Chick: And did they go after these 70?

Elaine: Oh my yes! They started right in on incantations, spells, threats, phone calls, all this type of thing to get them come back. So out of the out of the seventy, forty five returned. From the forty five, twenty five were killed as an example to the rest of the coven.

Jack Chick: There must have been savage murders then on these 25 then. Was it to terrorize the others who …

Elaine: Oh yes, yeah to let them know that this can happen to you whether you’re outside or inside. And if you come back now you will be killed, and if you don’t we’re going to kill you anyway type thing. Now, this left about 25 people, most of these were young people not older people. Most of these were young people out, (Jack: Stranded.) Right, yeah, just like stranded on an island, and all you have is one little jug of water between 25 people and what are you gonna do with it?

Jack Chick: Okay, so what are you gonna do? You’re out stranded like that and none of the churches want you, none of the pastors are gonna try to show you any compassion or any understanding because they don’t know about it.

Elaine: Right. Now, out of the 25, at least five were accepted into a church because they wouldn’t admit that they were ever anything to do with witchcraft of any kind.

Jack Chick: They were lucky, they kept their mouths shut, and they weren’t spotted by the witches in the churches then, right?

Elaine: Oh, well, yes and no. Because they compromised as well. Compromising means in this case, that that they would say anything, you know, they would agree with all the church laws, they would agree with all the church laws according to witches about witches, and they would not accept anything outside of the church laws, they were very much in the church laws. And or, they had money and position.

Jack Chick: But they wouldn’t lift their finger to help those other twenty of theirs.

Elaine: Oh no no, they would not.

Jack Chick: They didn’t want to get involved.

Elaine: No because these other twenty would know who they were, and if they came into the church they’d say, that’s a witch or a warlock. And these poor kids coming in trying to find answers, they’re searching, they’re what we call wanderers in the craft, they just wander. And a lot of become small groups where they hold meetings and Bible studies and things. They don’t understand everything that they’re they’re reading and everything is being taught to them. I’d say five at least will commit suicide because they cannot continue with the pressures from the craft, and from not being able to be accepted by any church. They’re not accepted by anyone. I can vouch for that myself. Churches don’t accept me as a person. I mean, I was I’m a terrible sinner, 17 years I served the wrong master. That makes me the most horrible scum the face of the earth. And that’s all right, they can have their opinion. That won’t stop me from loving them and sharing with them. But I can understand where the 20 come from, the wanderers, because they have absolutely no hope.

In other words, it’s like you hold up a candle of light in a dark dark room, and all of a sudden everybody’s excited because now there’s light in the room, and then you blow it out, and it’s pitch black again, and there’s no hope, there’s nothing, there’s no match, there’s nothing to light it with, and you have a candle, but nowhere to go, nothing to do.

Rebecca Brown: We found in our ministry, Jack, that we basically had to transport people out of the area. Because where my medical practice was situated, it was too far to commute to my church in my hometown where Elaine was delivered, although we did send a number of people down there. And that pastor helped us with the deliverance of a great number of these people. But basically we transported them out of the state so that they would have an opportunity to start a new life.

Jack Chick: For their own safety. Now, you told them to keep their mouth shut when they went out?

Rebecca Brown: No, what I advised them to do was as Paul instructed Timothy in the second epistle of Timothy. He said to Timothy, “Lay hands suddenly on no man.” And we told them that it was absolutely imperative that they seek and find Christian fellowship and that God would provide it for them. But they have to be very careful who they confided in, and they had to seek the Lord’s guidance so that He would bring them to Christians who were really faithful to the Lord who would be willing to accept them and work with them, because I can’t emphasize how important fellowship is. That’s what the body of Christ is for, it’s really necessary. But they do have to be careful because facts are facts, that’s the way the condition of the Church is today.

Jack Chick: Elaine, this brings us to the point in the tape where we want to discuss how you handle the destructions of churches. What do they do? I mean, was there a standard plan that Satan had set up for the witches to go in and make the penetrations?

Elaine: Yeah Jack, there’s really a kind of like an eight-pointed plan. There’s really more than that but there’s eight major points that you hit upon, that you’re really taught the most about. And the first is that you always go forward to make a public confession of your faith.

Jack Chick: You accepted Christ?

Elaine: Well no, you didn’t.

Jack Chick: But you made believe you did.

Elaine: Sure! You can make anyone believe that’s what you’re doing if you know how to.

Jack Chick: Did you cry?

Elaine: Oh sure.

Jack Chick: You had tears?

Elaine: Sure. You have tears and you’d be so humble and the whole bit, oh yeah, it’s a great show, yeah, ha ha! But in order to do this, you see, the reason it’s done is so that you can have a way then to break into all the church activities.

Jack Chick: You’ve got all their sympathy.

Elaine: Right, and this way you learn how about the choir when they practice, when they don’t, who’s in it, who isn’t. You learn who sings solos and who doesn’t, like duets and this type of thing. You learn who plays …

Jack Chick: You know who to play up to, right?

Elaine: Right! And who teaches what class, and who is the most solid of the Christians.

Jack Chick: Okay do you can you spot the clique first of all? Almost every church has got their cliques.

Elaine: Oh yes, Jack, you can spot them. There’s all there’s always one or two, you can spot them by the clothes they wear, the cars they drive, the jobs they have. Each church has them. There’s no getting around that, they do. And you know exactly what one to get into. You start out with the low group first and work your way into the high group.

Jack Chick:d Okay, let me ask you this. When you move in as a witch do you start making large contributions to the church?

Elaine: Oh, yes and no. Now, that depends upon the type of church you’re going into whether it’s in the bracket of where you have to have a higher income to be acceptable, you see, or lower. But if you’re moving to a church that say for instance, a church that only has about 200 people in it at first, and is a real good strong church in the Lord, but they’re poor people. You move in and you do it slowly, but then you start giving these $75 ~ $80 contributions to this project and that project, (Editor’s note: That’s roughly $200 ~ $220 USD in 2023) this kid wants to go to camp but they don’t have the fifty dollars, so you give three hundred dollars so these next four can go to camp, or whatever, and you become a very well respected and looked up to person in that small church, and there’s nothing you can’t get them to do.

Jack Chick: All right, let me ask you, could you spot any Masons or Catholics who are plants when you move into an area like?

Elaine: Oh sure. Masons are easy to spot. They like to show off their rings.

Jack Chick: Could you spot them when they don’t have the rings on?

Elaine: Yes, because they’re very flamboyant anyway. They’re very arrogant about the way they feel and the way they express their views religiously. In other words, they’re very religious.

Jack Chick: So basically we have a trinity of evil in the Christian church, witches, Masons, and Roman Catholics.

Elaine: Right.

Jack Chick: Incredible! All of them have made the penetration. Okay, let’s go on then.

Elaine: Okay, after you’ve broken into all these phases, and you have got into all the church activities and you know what’s up, what’s down, who’s in, who’s out, this kind of thing, and you also know exactly who are the real true born again believers in that church. You know beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Jack Chick: They’re the enemy, right?

Elaine: Right, and you start working on them. So you begin to bust up the prayer support of the church. You knock out the prayer base.

Rebecca Brown: Jack, I think maybe one of the very best examples we can give of how Satanists break up a prayer base of a church occurred in our own dear hometown church where Elaine was delivered. This was such a very powerful praying church. It was a type of church that two and three hundred members would come out every Wednesday night to the prayer meeting, and they prayed as one unified body. And I have been in that church when the power of prayer was so strong that literally the Holy Spirit would shake the raptors of that place. That’s how strong they were in prayer.

But there was the high priest of the coven of that city, it the capital city of the state in which we were living, who became a member of the church. And Elaine and I both knew who he was.

Jack Chick: He pulled it off and the whole church accepted him?

Rebecca Brown: Yes. We could not accuse him. It was our word against his. We had no proof, we had no writing proof as to who he was. And so he came in, he attended everything that went on within the church, he gave large contributions to the church, he was well to do. But the way he built credibility within the church was just really skillful. After he had been attending the church for about a year, he suggested that because America was facing a crisis that one of the reasons why was because people weren’t praying for our country enough. And so he stepped forward, and he established a weekly prayer group at noon for all the men to come to in order to pray for America. (Jack: Clever.) And he brought in programs as to how important it was that the Christian people should pray for America. And you see very quickly after that he became a deacon, and then he started teaching a Sunday school.

Jack Chick: Who could challenge that? Nobody!

Rebecca Brown: Well nobody could! Because it was legitimate, you see. Then he became an elder. Because of his wealth shortly he was on the board of the church. He and his wife became involved in the choir. After this, pray for America had been going on for a period of about 10 months. Then he stepped forward and said, “There’s not enough teaching as to how to teach the people in this church to effectively witness about Jesus to others. The people in the church are ignorant about this, they need to be taught. So rather than have this big prayer group, we should divide it up into discipleship groups so that the people can be taught on a small scale with this thrust of evangelism.” Well of course, everybody agrees with evangelism and he said they could be more effectively taught in a small group and that they could pray within their small groups. It was recommended that the choir be made its own separate prayer group and so they would practice during the time of the prayer meeting and they would of course have their own prayer just before their practice rather than making them stay afterwards. And as soon as that step was taken, then all these people rejoined the choir again.

Jack Chick: So they were splitting up the prayer groups completely.

Rebecca Brown: And the entire power of the church just absolutely went down the drain because there was no longer any prayer. And the discipleship groups did very little praying because their purpose was to teach.

Jack Chick: This must have been maddening for Elaine to know the techniques these people were using because she’d used them herself and couldn’t even get to the pastor to tell him, right?

Rebecca Brown: Well, we did talk to the pastor, and we tried to show him by Scripture that what was going on just wasn’t right, that the prayer base was so essential. But I mean, how could two women such as us hope to stand against this influential elder? Because the answer we always got was that this person certainly understood the importance of prayer, that if he did not, he wouldn’t have established the prayer group to pray for America.

Jack Chick: Stacked deck.

Elaine: It’s always a stack deck. That’s why those in the craft are mainly taught the eight basic principles of destroying the church. There’s many many others like I said, but these eight basic are the best out of the group I guess you could say. Once you really get your prayer support knocked out of the church, of course a lot of things are going to happen after that. And it happened fairly rapidly. And if you have a sharp eye, and you know what you’re looking for, you’ll see it happening very fast although it seems very slow but it really isn’t.

And one of them is you cause mistrust. And I mean mistrust between everybody. The pastor, you don’t trust him for some reason. There’s always something that’s scratching at the edge of you like a little rash. It itches all the time. You can’t tell what the problem is and you want to scratch and dig at it. Same thing with the pastor. And it’s not true or anything like this, it’s just a rumor that somebody shot in there and somebody picked up on it and they go on to the next person and they go on to the next person.

Jack Chick: This is to destroy the pastor?

Elaine: Right, to destroy his credibility and his message.

Jack Chick: Does anyone go to present this problem to him or discuss it with him?

Elaine: You mean with the pastor?

Jack Chick: Or is it all kept under cover?

Elaine: I know from personal experience of destroying churches that there’s only been five cases that I know out of the hundred churches that I helped to destroy that someone went to the pastor and tried to tell him that they could see that there was something wrong, and they were turned off like you turn off a TV or a radio set.

Jack Chick: He didn’t want to hear it. He couldn’t believe this was happening in his church.

Elaine: Right. He couldn’t believe this himself, either. And it wasn’t a pride thing, it was a very fact that he heard about it happening to other people, other churches, but he really didn’t think it could happen in his church because he really did love the Lord. And this man really did love the Lord!

Rebecca Brown: The problem is everybody loves to gossip. That’s a human failing.

Jack Chick: Oh not Christians! (He laughs!)

Rebecca Brown: Yes, I’m afraid it is. And everybody loves to talk about somebody else’s weakness. And this is the number one way. How easy it is to repeat what somebody’s told you about something else.

Elaine: Another one of these, and the mistrust thing, is that never, I don’t care who you are, I don’t care how much you love the Lord, if you be a man you do not go to a woman’s house by yourself to speak with or to counsel with that woman. If you be a man, you don’t have the pastor’s wife, or some of the other ladies go to his home, even help him if he’s ill, by themselves. You have them go in groups of twos or three or more but never ever alone.

Jack Chick: You mean ladies must go in groups if they’re going.

Elaine: Right, yeah. Say if a man in the church is ill, it happens quite a bit, I mean, even if a man has a wife maybe she has to work, he’s ill, and they go in to help like clean the house or take care of their children. They’d better not do it alone. Because everything is set up so that it takes that one time, that one time, and it makes it look like you’ve really done something big when haven’t done anything at all.

You teach a new prayer and a new doctrine. Now, by that I mean, you teach them how to pray, and you make sure that people always are never really up to going into the throne room of the Father. You tell them that they have to go through a series of things before they can reach the throne room of God. And if they do not match all of these series of things, then they cannot go into the thrown room of God.

Jack Chick: So you set up all these unscriptural principles, these steps then.

Elaine: Right. At the same time, you throw in a few Scriptures here and there that makes them look good. And they can’t argue with it because there is Scripture here. And you can always take Scripture and twist it just enough to make it sound just right. And most people will not look it up.

Jack Chick: So you make them all feel like they’re unworthy to go before God.

Elaine: Right. And they’re constantly having to try and find out what’s wrong in their life constantly when there isn’t anything wrong with it.

Jack Chick: God tells us to come boldly before the Throne.

Elaine: Right, and it also says that we are heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, and we have the right to go before the Throne.

Jack Chick: So the witch’s job is to tear down their self-respect and their spirituality.

Elaine: Right. We moved on from changing the message, to breaking up the unified church and family groups. By that I mean, the family should be unified according to God’s Word. Both family and church should be a unit, not broken up little segments here and there. What you do is go in and take the family and church unit and pick it apart! Children and teens don’t have to go upstairs to hear the pastor preach, take them downstairs! The teens go one place and children another. Let them cook peaches and spaghetti and have parties while the pastor is preaching the Gospel! They don’t have to hear or listen to it. Pop has to do this, mom has to do that, you break everything up and you keep it broken up. You not only keep them broken up in the church but activities outside of the church as well.

A child is going to hear the most about the Lord Jesus Christ is right there in the pew with mom and dad sitting there listening, not downstairs somewhere, not back in some nursery somewhere, not cooking pizza and having parties, they’re not going to learn about Jesus this way. Because you don’t know who’s got your kids at that time. You don’t know who has got your children. So it’s imperative that they learn to pray with you as a family group in the church and out of the church and that you stay together as a family unit. But the whole idea between behind destroying the churches is: break the family up.

The last thing that I will emphasize the most, I know it’s been said before, I will emphasize it very strongly is, there is absolutely no speaking of Satan. A witch or a warlock can use the name of Jesus anytime they so choose to do so. The thing they cannot do is claim Him as their Lord and Master. They cannot do it.

Jack Chick: They call him their Savior.

Elaine: No. All they say is that you ask them. Christians have a bad habit of saying, “Is Jesus your Lord and Master?” And anyone can say yes. You can lie about it. That’s not hard to do. You see, you’re not really claiming anything. You’re just telling an all out flat lie. And that’s the way they do it. Instead of …

Jack Chick: I see. In other words, they just say yes, they do not repeat it and say Jesus Christ is their Lord and Master. Their answer is just simply the word yes. So they’re off the hook. (Elaine: Right.)

Rebecca Brown: However many churches, when you go in for membership or seeking membership, the pastor will say to the group or the several people, “Repeat this profession of faith after me.” And a witch or a warlock can repeat after him and lie, because all they’re doing is repeating. It’s just like reading. They can get up and read the Scriptures. But if you really want to know if somebody is a Christian or not, you look them square in the eye and say, “Who is your Master? Whom do you serve? And somebody in Satanism does not dare say I serve Jesus Christ (Elaine: That’s right.) as my Lord and Master.

Jack Chick: You might blow a witch out of the water at that time, right?

Rebecca Brown: You don’t want to push them, that’s right, because if you push them to exposing themselves…

Jack Chick: Then they’re dead, right? (Rebecca: Yes) In other words, once they’ve blown their cover then they’re more no more use to the coven?

Rebecca Brown: Yes. But if there is someone who’s being a very destructive influence in the church, get them off to themselves and corner them. Don’t do it in front of other people.

Jack Chick: Not not as a public type operation.

Rebecca Brown: That is correct, that is correct. You don’t ever want to expose someone like this publicly, because if you do, the others will take them out before they have a chance to really accept …

Elaine: So you see, there’s there’s plenty of speaking of Jesus, but there is no speaking of Satan. You will not hear Satan preached, you will not hear Satan talked about because that’s a no-no. You’re liable to get all wrapped up in the wrong thing, and you just don’t want to want that to happen to your children and to your wife and to your husband in your church. I mean, after all, you won’t give him any glory. Who’s giving him glory? You’re punching him in the nose!

That’s why I’m willing to do these tapes with you, Jack, because I really want to show light on Satan. I really want to show him for what he is. Because believe me, he’s got some really powerful things coming up out there.

Jack Chick: You know, I think the listener should watch carefully. Who in the Christian circles will attack Rebecca and Elaine to destroy their credibility on the message on these tapes? More than likely, the attackers just might turn out to be Satanists or witches pretending to be believers in Christ. And it’s going to be very very interesting to watch.

But now, let’s go on to something else. Elaine, I know about 150 years ago, it was almost unheard of to have Masons in the churches. Today, it seems we have pastors that are Masons. All throughout the South back throughout the country we’ve got Masons sitting on boards. And I’ve learned a little about Masonry and Baphomet and some of the gods that they’re involved with. But I almost sense there’s a trinity of evil. By that I mean, here you have this Satanist going to a church, you’ve got Masons sitting there, and also you’ve got the undercover Catholics that come in. Now I know, I’ve met people in Masonry, they don’t know beans about the occult, they’re in the lower levels. But as you get deeper and deeper into this thing like Rivera told me that most of the material written for the 32nd 33rd degree has been written by Jesuits. Now, with your background in the occult and craft, did you sense a trinity of evil within the churches whereby you, I mean the Satanists and the Masons and the Catholics all work together? Was there a harmony some way? Could you recognize one another?

Elaine: Sure Jack. I’ll face one question at a time. We did and were able to coordinate all of our efforts so that we all worked in sync with one another.

Jack Chick: In other words, if you were going to take someone out, all three of your groups would work together?

Elaine: Yeah, primarily they would. If it was someone that you didn’t want just to (? can’t catch it) yourself, but you felt maybe that the others should know more about, then yeah, you would have been on it, and the leadership of all these coordinated efforts would get together and talk it over, and then they would decide as to which group actually would get rid of …

They’re instantly recognized by Satanists because the demons in them just as Satanists and Catholics and Masons can recognize a real true born again believer. There is a difference. Catholics and Masons and Satanists, they all use the same abilities of occultism. I don’t care what particular area they’re in, whether they’re Catholics or Masons or Satanists. Now in Catholics you’re gonna be talking about again higher ups, not these lower-down people who go to church every Sunday. And they, some of these people, really believe they’re going to go into Heaven because they don’t know they’re doing anything wrong. But these higher-ups know that they are, and they don’t care.

Jack Chick: In all groups.

Elaine: Right, in all groups, yeah. It’s the same thing with the Masons. The lower-downs really don’t understand. And the lower-downs in Satanism don’t understand. And they’re not allowed to know what goes on by the higher-ups.

Jack Chick: Well, I received a letter I want to share here that came from an individual. I led him to the Lord on the phone the other day and he sent me some material. And it’s quite startling. I’d like to read to you an excerpt from a letter I received recently from a man who was one of the top Masons in the country. This man made Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior a week before he wrote this letter to me. I will not of course give his name or location.

“When I submitted my obligation to the Masonic AASR Oriental Consistory and passed the 33rd degree, I was given a blank piece of paper trimmed in red to sign my name upon it in my own blood. That day I became more machine than man serving only my master archbishop _____ _____ _____ (name withheld) and the Pope. I embraced the force of evil so powerful that I became feared by the police, the criminal court system of my state, the Democratic party of my state and even my own master. I became so powerful in the craft of evil that the masters of the cult, Freemasonry, and ultimately my bosses, feared me more than what they hoped I would destroy. I became the living messenger of death. I finally know that I was played for a fool by the Vatican, and that Dr. Rivera is correct about the Catholic Church. I also would like to publicly denounce the Nazi Vatican plan to kill Christian Jews, and to help Dr. Rivera and yourself to expose the truth in this matter. I’m enclosing enough hard evidence to prove what I am saying is true. I have set up and maintained false churches, occult groups, the West German Nazi party, and much much more in the name of the Vatican. Now finally my eyes are open to the truth of Dr. Rivera, the man that I had been ordered to murder. It is almost insane that this very person should lead me, his executioner, to Christ.”

Incredible letter! This is full-scale war. Satan is tearing our churches to shreds. People are talking about revival. I don’t see it. I see the great falling away. And I think the one thing that many generals have said when you’re surrounded on three sides, attack! I think one of the greatest Christian writers this past century was Jessie Penn-Lewis. She made this statement:

“If the Prince of Darkness would leave us alone, we would leave him alone. But until he ceases to attack the church of Christ, God’s servants must speak against him as well as against all unrighteousness.

We’re talking a lot about Satan, but we must know his tactics. And God shows us in His Word, for instance in second Corinthians the second chapter verse 11 the Word of God says, “Lest Satan should get an advantage over us for we are not ignorant of his devices.” So we must be aware of his deceptions.

So if we turn to second Corinthians the 11th chapter verses 13 and 14, the Word of God tells us,

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

So far in these tapes we’ve been trying to shed light on Satan’s deceptive attacks, but God’s Word commands us to fight him. In James chapter 4 verse 7 the Word of God tells us,

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Now we want to show you scripturally some of the ways on how to resist the devil. Rebecca, how can you really get the Gospel across to someone who has been snared by Satan to make them understand their need for Jesus?

Rebecca Brown: The first thing we have to keep in mind, Jack, is that Scripture in 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4. Let me read that. It says,

 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

We first of all have to have an understanding that anyone who has participated in occult activities such as Satanism, Masonry, Catholicism, Dungeons and Dragons, rock music, anything like this, that they have directly opened a doorway in their life to an inflow of demonic power. And the Scripture tells us plainly in this Scripture that their minds are blinded. And we have to understand that that blinding is a demonic binding. And we are given authority and power in Jesus Christ to trample on snakes and scorpions as in Luke 10 verse 19. In other words, we are given power and authority by Jesus Christ to bind the demons who are blocking these people’s minds. Now if we don’t do that, we’re not going to get the Gospel across to them.

Let me give you a couple of examples from my own medical practice. One of the most dramatic examples of this was when I was a resident in charge of the intensive care unit. An 80 year old man was brought into the intensive care unit one day with a very severe heart attack. I went in to examine him as I did with all the patients that came in, and I realized that apart from a pure miracle from the Lord that his chances of living longer than about 48 hours were just zero because of the type of heart attack he had had.

When I finished examining him the old man turned to me and he said, “Young lady, how am I doing?” And I said, “Well sir to be very honest with you, not very well. And he began to cry and he said, “Please don’t tell me that, I can’t stand it.” And I asked him I said, “Sir, what’s the matter? Are you afraid to die?” And he said, “Yes.” And I said, “Well, do you know what’s going to happen to you after you die?” And he turned with great anger and he looked me square in the eye and he says, “Young lady, I’m going to go straight to hell.” Well, I was really surprised because very few people are that honest. And I said, Well sir, let me share with you how to avoid this terrible end.” And he said, “Don’t bother, I’ve heard it all before, it doesn’t do any good.” And I said, “Well, like it or not, you’re going to hear about Jesus one more time.” And in a situation like that you share the Gospel in about four sentences and no more. And he began to get very agitated, and finally I said to him, “Sir, just say three words after me” ‘Jesus save me.'” And he said, “I can’t. I can’t.” And I said, “No you’re right. You can’t. You are literally blocked from saying those words, aren’t you?” And he was so surprised and he looked at me and he says, “How do you know?” And I said, “Because I’ve been in God’s training school.” I said, “Now, do you know who’s blocking you?” And he said, “Yes I do, Satan and his demons.” And so I told him I said, “Well, I have good news for you, I have power and authority in Jesus Christ to bind Satan and his demons so they can no longer block you.” And I directly out loud addressed, I said, “Satan and you demons who are blocking this gentleman from committing his life to Jesus, I take authority over you right now in the name of Jesus, and I bind you in His Name so you can no longer block him.” And the old man just started to weep, and he took my hand and he made one of the most beautiful prayers of confession that I have ever heard, and asked Jesus into his life.

In talking to him afterwards, he told me that he had been a sailor in World War One and he’d gotten over into the Philippines, and he got in a big fight with some of the locals there who were heavy into voodoo, and they placed a hex on him. And the result of this hex was the binding of his will and his mind so that he literally could not get his mouth to say the words “Jesus, I want You and need You as my Savior.” He couldn’t will to do it. And he told me that for 50 years he had been seeking for salvation because he knew that’s what he needed, but he hadn’t come across anyone who knew to take up the power and authority that Jesus Christ has given to us.

Let me give you some other more subtle examples. Another example is a 18 year old girl that came into the emergency room one night when I was working there as the doctor. Her complaint was she was so depressed that she felt that if she didn’t obtain help that she would commit suicide. And I sat down and talked to her for a while. And this young lady had been raised in a solid Christian home, she had been brought up and attended church all of her life, and I told her I said, “Well you know, what you really need is Jesus in your life. Nothing is ever going to get straightened down until you make Him your Lord and Master.” And her answer was, “Well, I’m just not ready. I’m just not ready.” And this is the answer that you hear so many times when you share the Gospel with someone. And our tendency as Christians is to back off and think, “Well, I’m not going to get too pushy.” So I just looked her square in the eye and I said, “I bind you demons that are binding” – and then I gave her name – “in the name of Jesus you can no longer afflict her mind or her will.” And she looked at me so startled and she said, “What did you say? And I said, “Well, never mind. I’ll just come back to that in a few minutes.” And I talked about something entirely different for about 10 minutes. Then I came back to the subject and I told her I said, “You know, you admitted yourself that you knew that you really needed Jesus in your life but you just weren’t ready yet. How about praying to accept Him right now?” And she looked at me and this incredible expression of joy came over her face and she said, “You know, I can, I can now.”

I didn’t have a lot of time to go into her background, but later on I discovered through further contact with her that the doorway that she had opened had been a one weekend experimentation with street drugs which was done at a slumber party about five years previously when she was about 13 years old. The kids had experimented with street drugs, and she had opened the door to Satan. And she was bound, she was demonically bound, and she had good Bible believing parents, and she attended a good Bible believing church, but she was demonically bound.

Jack Chick: This is going on all over the country, isn’t it?

Rebecca Brown: Absolutely. Look at all the kids that are demonically bound through their participation in rock music. Think how many kids, the large percentage of kids rock music reaches.

Jack Chick: Amazing. Let me ask you Rebecca, how can a Christian parent whose children are involved with D & D (Dungeons & Dragons) and rock music deal with it?

Rebecca Brown: Well, there’s four basic ways to attack this. The very first thing is you, the parents, need to realize that their children are literally bound by demonic forces as I was just discussing. They have to understand that they can talk to their kids about the evils of rock music or D & D or whatever until they’re ready for their grave, and the kids are never going to understand it. It’s just like there’s a scrambler on their brain. They can look straight at them. The kids can repeat right back to what they say and yet it’s just not getting through. And I’m sure a lot of people listening to this tape will understand exactly what I’m talking about. And that’s a literal demonic wall that’s put there. And you parents who have made Jesus Christ your Lord and Master, you have the authority to rise up and bind the demons that are binding your kids. And this may be something you’re going to have to do every day for days until you get a breakthrough because it depends upon the severity of the binding.

Now, the second thing that you as parents need to recognize is you need to recognize that there are certain things that we call familiar objects. Let me define a familiar object a little more clearly, Jack. By that I mean something to which demons have legal ground to cling to. This is an object that has been used in occult rituals. For instance. if you will recall in the Book of Acts when Paul brought so many people to the Lord out of Satanism, they came together and they burned all of their scrolls and their occult objects which was equal to a very large amount of money. Well, the same thing holds true today. Every rock music record and tape has a demon attached to it. Elaine spoke about that earlier that they went down and put demons onto the records and tapes. The reason why it’s legal ground is because the purpose of the tapes is to serve Satan and to advance Satanism. Anything used in occult rituals is a familiar object. Parents, anything at all that has to do with the Dungeons and Dragons game, that sort of thing, those are also familiar objects. Demons are attached to it.

But don’t just take my word for it. Let me show you some Scriptures to back this up because everything has to go back to God’s Word. There’s just too many, we can’t read them all, but I’ll read a couple that pertain to it.

The first is in Deuteronomy chapter 7 verses 25 and 26. And this is the Lord talking to the children of Israel as they’re going in to destroy the Canaanites. And as you will recall, the Canaanites were destroyed because they all worship demons. They worship Satan, and that’s why God told the children of Israel that He was having them destroyed because their wickedness was so bad. So this is what the Lord has to tell them. He says,

“The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire. Thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them nor take it unto thee lest thou be snared therein.”

Now what’s going to snare them? The demons on the objects. Continuing with the Scripture.

“For it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing.”

All right, now where do I get the idea that there’s demons on these? Well, let’s hook it up with the New Testament Scripture in first Corinthians chapter 10 verses 19 and 20. This is what Paul is saying,

“What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.”

So you see, all of the idols, and really that’s what rock records are, as idols, Dungeons and Dragons, anything to do with the occult, has a demon behind it. The Scripture makes it very plain.

Jack Chick: All right, let me ask you, remember when Joshua was moving against Jericho, remember? Okay, this fellow took the garment, and he put jewel, or not jewels but money in it, and he buried it in his tent. Now that was unclean, wasn’t it?

Rebecca Brown: Yes. If you will recall in that Scripture, Jericho was such an evil city that the Lord commanded Joshua that they weren’t to take any spoils from the city, that everything from the city was to be totally destroyed right down to cattle and sheep, everything there was polluted. It was all polluted by Satanism. And when Achan took the thing into the camp of Israel, he brought the enemy right into the camp. And then when the children of Israel tried to go out for the next battle they were completely defeated. And the same thing is true for Christians. If they don’t clean out their homes and they get rid of all these objects, I tell you something else: rosaries, crucifixes, masonic rings, signs, symbols, all this sort of stuff, again, this is Satan’s property and we need to clean out our homes.

Jack Chick: So someone who comes out of Catholicism, if they don’t get rid of this junk then they’re going to be hit, right?

Rebecca Brown: They’re going to have problems, yes. Yes they need to clean out their homes. Because after all, worshiping Mary is an abomination unto the Lord. And that’s in essence what a rosary is for, they pray to Mary in all of this, and the Lord says don’t have it in your house because it’s a cursed thing, and you’ll become cursed just like it.

Jack Chick: Because the demons are actually behind it.

Rebecca Brown: That’s correct. And that’s the reason why the Satanists go and do incantations to place demons upon these objects. So once the parents have cleaned out their homes, then they’re in a much stronger position. Now parents, I would add a word of caution here. If you have children that are up age 15, 16 and and so on, you can’t just go into their bedroom and start sweeping everything out without sitting down. You have to sit down and communicate with these kids first. Bind the demons first. Spend time in prayer first.

Then I would strongly suggest if they’re into something like rock music, sit down and listen to a record with them, examine the lyrics to the songs. Your children will be embarrassed because they know these lyrics are rotten and disgusting. Same way with the Dungeons and Dragons material. Sit down and examine what it is your children are playing with, because when they get up to be that age and you just go and arbitrarily sweep everything away without giving them any kind of a reason, you’re going to be creating a lot of rebellion for yourself. You need to handle everything in love.

Jack Chick: And rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.

Rebecca Brown: That’s right, that’s right. Then something that parents often overlook, the third point, is their tremendous position of authority before God to counter-petition Satan.

Jack Chick: What do you mean counter-petition?

Rebecca Brown: Okay, let’s look at some Scriptures. I want to show you that Satan is daily standing before God asking Him for various people on the earth. And parents, when your children deliberately participate in something that belongs to Satan such as the occult or rock music, then legally Satan has a right to stand there before God and say, “See so-and-so? Now that that child belongs to me.”

Jack Chick: Well. that ties in with Job! Satan went before God and discussing Job before he made his attack.

Rebecca Brown: That’s right. Satan in the first chapter of Job, we won’t take the time to read it all, but it very plainly talks about Satan going before God.

Jack Chick: He had to have permission to attack.

Rebecca Brown: That is right. He had to petition God to attack. And the same thing is true for every human being. Satan has to petition God.

Jack Chick: In other words, Satan petitioned to sift Peter, is that right?

Rebecca Brown: Yes. Let’s look at that Scripture. I think that would be a good one to read. And that’s found in Luke chapter 22 verse 31. Jesus is talking to Peter. It says,

“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.”

Jack Chick: Well you know Rebecca, I see all these people out here who are not committing themselves to Christ daily. They’re not putting on the full armor. Their kids are into drugs and they’re into rock music. We’ve got a nightmare in these churches, haven’t we?

Rebecca Brown: Yes we do. But you see, Christians need to understand that these four principles, and we’re to the third one now, applies not only to children under parents, but we as Christians can also petition for souls out there, specific souls.

Jack Chick: So that’s what you mean by counter-petitioning Satan! (Rebecca: Yes.) So we stand up and go before the throne of God and say, “Lord, we counter petition Satan. Don’t let him have that child, or, let him take his hands off that that child.

Rebecca Brown: That’s right. And let’s look just a little bit further here because some people will say to me, “Well, Satan no longer has access to Heaven. Now, I know that there’s always going to be some argument over this and I’m not here to argue, but I would just present to the listener some Scriptures to think about. Not until the 12th chapter of Revelation do we have a record of Satan being cast down out of Heaven. And then it says in Revelation 12:10:

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Satan must be up there accusing us now according to that verse.

Jack Chick: Thank God for the blood!

Rebecca Brown: Yes. Now, parents need to understand if Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Master then none of this applies to you. That’s the first thing that has to occur, a parent has to come to Christ. But we’re in a tremendous position of authority in Jesus Christ in being joint heirs with Him. I’ve heard a lot of people make the remark to me, “Well, I need to get prayed up in order to be effective in prayer.” No you don’t. You are made worthy to come into the throne room of God by the Blood of Jesus Christ. You are not made worthy to come into the throne room of God by any of your own works. And we need to really just stand in faith on that Scripture in Hebrews chapter 4 verses 15 and 16 where it says,

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

We have the right to go boldly into the throne room of God and petition Him. Parents, you have the right to go in and say, “Father, in the Name of Jesus I counter petition Satan. I, as a joint heir with Christ, have that legal right. Satan cannot have my child.” You as a believer can go and say, “Father, I counter-petition Satan” for whatever sinner you’re praying for. “Satan cannot have this person. I counter-petition Satan for him that he will at least have an opportunity freed from demonic interference to hear the Gospel that he can make a realistic decision. And we need to pray that way. That’s true intercession.

Then the last thing that we can do, not only in the home, parents for their children, but we can also do for other Christians, is to stand in the gap for them. You may recall earlier on in the first tape we read that Scripture in Ezekiel 22:30-31. But perhaps it would be best to review it again here. In Ezekiel 22 verse 30 and 31 it says,

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.

Our desire is to stand in the gap for our children and for other sinners in order that God will not have to bring judgment down upon them. And the Lord will show each one of you listening to this tape further just what standing in the gap means. It is spiritual warfare, it is intercessory prayer, it is binding Satan and the demons and taking authority over them, it’s all three. But ask the Lord to stand in the gap to allow you to stand in the gap for someone in order that Satan can no longer blind their mind that they can see their need for Jesus. This is a real key.

Jack chick: And if someone has a feeling they should be praying for someone, they should instantly go to prayer for them, shouldn’t they?

Rebecca Brown: Yes. Many times the Lord will awaken you and you won’t even know exactly what you’re to pray for the person, but just start praying anyway because the Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit will intercede for us. Many has been the time when I said, “Lord, I know I’m supposed to pray for this person but I don’t know exactly what their needs are” and just ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for me. And I know He has.

Jack chick: Rebecca, where do you think the primary area is that Satan strikes or attacks every human being?

Rebecca Brown: I think to find the answer to that we need to go to second Corinthians chapter 10 and look at verses 3 to 5. Paul says,

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

I believe, Jack, that the first place and the main place where Satan attacks everyone is through the mind. If we look at Romans chapter 12 and verse 2 Paul says,

“And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed.” How? “By the renewing of your mind.”

It is our responsibility as Christians to scrutinize every thought that goes through our mind. There’s very few people that control their thought life. They just let thoughts go through their mind however they happen to flow through.

Jack Chick: Including fantasies.

Rebecca Brown: Yes, yes. But this is one of the great areas that Paul tells us that we have a responsibility to bring every thought into captivity, to make it obedient to Jesus Christ.

Now, there are three sources of thoughts in our minds. One is of course from us, those of us that are Christians. The second source is from the Holy Spirit. And the third source is from Satan. I think the Scriptures make it very plain that Satan is able to put thoughts in our minds. That’s how he communicates with us. He is able to inject a thought into our mind just the same as a doctor would inject a shot of medication into someone’s body.

Jack Chick: Well, don’t you feel that when a person wakes up in the morning the first thing they should do is commit the day to the Lord?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, the first thing they should do is bring their mind onto the Lord.

Jack Chick: I find myself when I get up, I’m very rebellious. I don’t want to think about the Lord, I don’t want to pray or anything, and it’s a real battlefield to say, “Lord, I submit.”

Rebecca Brown: But the thing you need to understand, Jack, is that’s not you. Those rebellious thoughts about “I don’t want to pray, I don’t want to submit myself,” that’s not you. Just because it starts with an “I”.

Jack Chick: That’s the enemy then.

Rebecca Brown: That’s correct. There’s many times when just such similar thoughts have been going through my own mind. And in the past, I don’t know if you’ve ever done this or not, but I would say to myself, “Oh Rebecca, shut up!” But it doesn’t do any good. The thoughts keep right on going. And why doesn’t it do any good? Because in essence what I’ve been doing is I’ve been resisting Satan in my own strength. But when I begin to recognize that those thoughts aren’t from me but they were placed there by Satan and his demons, and I bring the power of Jesus Christ to bear in the situation, and out loud I say, “Satan and you demons, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, I will not have those thoughts in my mind. I command you in the name of Jesus to take them and go,” immediately you have victory. Every sin, every temptation to sin is presented to us first in thought form.

This brings up another point. A lot of people think that Satan and his demons can read our minds. I do not believe that there is a Scripture basis for that. If you recall, there is a Scripture in Jeremiah where the Lord says that the human heart is deceitful above all things and who can know it. Only God can know the thoughts and intentions of the heart, only God can it says.

Then in Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 12 it talks about the Word of God being quick and powerful, and that it is capable of discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. But nowhere does it say that Satan can do that.

Jack Chick: All right, well let me ask you this, Rebecca. What if you see a mind reader. He’s standing before an audience. You know this man is Satanic, and someone’s in the audience, and he stands up and he reads their mind. How does he do that?

Rebecca Brown: Well, it’s very simple. Because he makes some leading comments and he says, “Now I’m going to read what you’re thinking,” he sends a demon to inject a thought or a series of thoughts into the person’s mind, they can’t help but receive those thoughts, I mean they come. And then the mind supposed mind reader simply repeats back what he knows the demon put in there.

Jack Chick: Okay, and someone is unsaved, the demons that are residing in him then can relate the birth, the date, and so forth, all kinds of information.

Rebecca Brown: Well sure they can. Because Satan knows everything about everybody except what goes on in their heart. Only God knows what goes on in the heart. I think Scripture is very plain about that. Just like there’s a lot of Christians are deceived because they have received various prophecies given by Satanists within the Christian churches. I had a young woman tell me just the other day, “Well this person knew things about me that there’s no way possible they would have known, so therefore it must have been from God.” But she was completely overlooking the fact that Satan and his demons would have known that information.

Jack Chick: I heard a sad story where this young couple had gone to Hawaii, and it was an absolute disaster. And they came back to that church, and they said to the lady who had given the prophecy that they were going to go and be prosperous. And they said, “Why did you tell us this?” She said, “I don’t even remember giving such a prophecy.” So that was certainly not of the Lord. Christians better be very careful.

Rebecca Brown: Yes. They don’t understand. Again it’s because of a lack of understanding as to how Satan and his demons can work. That’s also the reason why Jesus gave us the example of rebuking Satan out loud because Satan cannot read our minds. If we rebuke him silently in our minds he’s not going to hear us.

Jack Chick: I’m sorry we’re out of tape and this ends our interview. I appeal to the listener to give their lives to Christ because without Him there is no hope. And I beg anyone who’s getting involved with the occult to get out as soon as possible. And if you join a coven, chances are you’ll come out feet first.

For further information please write:

Freedom Ministries
Box 4009
16958 Bear Valley Road
Victorville, California

Thank you for listening! May God richly bless you. Bye bye.

Webmaster’s note: Please understand that because this interview was recorded in 1986, the address above may not be good anymore.

Audio of the transcription

Closet Witches – Jack Chick’s Interview with Dr. Rebecca Brown and Elaine Tape I

Closet Witches – Jack Chick’s Interview with Dr. Rebecca Brown and Elaine Tape I

Introduction by the webmaster

This article is a transcription from an audio tape posted on YouTube. It’s an interview by Jack Chick in 1986 with Dr. Rebecca Brown, MD, and a former witch who is called only Elaine in this article, Edna Elaine Moses, who said she was a high priestess in witchcraft and one of Satan’s brides.

Jack Thomas Chick (April 13, 1924 – October 23, 2016) was an American cartoonist and publisher, best known for his Christian “Chick tracts”. More about his bio.

Rebecca Julia Brown (May 21, 1948 – June 23, 2020) was born in Shelbyville, Indiana, USA. She is a Christian author and former medical doctor best known for helping people escape the occult.

I can’t find Edna Elaine Moses’ bio, but I heard from the friend who shared Closet Witches with me she passed away some years before Rebecca Brown.

I got the words of the transcription from YouTube and added capitalization and punctuation, and corrected words that were wrong. Jack Chick says, “But I forbid anyone to change this message by editing it to distort the contents in any way.” I have edited the content and made it better! For example, I changed the word “Czech” to “Chick” and the word “track” to “tract”. As God is my witness, I have not distorted the message in any way. I want the world and especially my brothers and sisters in Christ to know about the testimony of Rebecca and Elaine. I myself didn’t know about it until just before the day I posted this article.

He_Came_to_Set_the_Captives_FreeIf you look up Dr. Rebecca Brown on the Internet, you will see there is a lot of controversy surrounding her and her message. I myself had doubts about her when I first read her book, He Came to Set the Captives Free about her story of Elaine. Two factors have expelled those doubts. One, the famous Gospel tract writer and artist, Jack Chick, supports her message. And two, this interview, unlike Rebecca Brown’s book, includes testimony directly from Elaine herself. The Bible in Deuteronomy 19:15 teaches us that we need at least two witnesses for a matter to be established, and listening to Elaine confirms everything Rebecca Brown had to say about her. I want to make it very clear that if it were not for Jack Chick’s support of Rebecca Brown’s testimony, and if it were not for Elaine’s confirmation about everything Rebecca had to say, I would not be posting this article.

The information in this article has reawakened my interest in the spiritual warfare that surrounds us. John Todd talked a lot about it. But it’s not something I hear much about in most Christian circles. Maybe it should be.

You have three options:
1. Only read the text of this transcript.
2. Only listen to the audio interview.
3. Do both!

Closet Witches : Part One – Jack T. Chick

Jack Chick: Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! This is Jack Chick speaking. The copyright on this tape is only to prevent people from copying it and reselling it for their own profit. But if the Lord touches your heart to reproduce it to give it away to relatives, friends, or whoever, please feel free to do so. But I forbid anyone to change this message by editing it to distort the contents in any way.

I call this tape Closet Witches Part One. And it is a very heavy tape, heavy information. And I doubt if most Christians can handle it. The only ones who will are those true believers in Christ who are concerned for the lost and the souls of men, and who will travail before the Lord for nations and those on the street and those whose hearts are really burdened for the lost. This tape is also for pastors who mean business, pastors who believe the Bible to be the Word of God and who know that Satan is alive and well on this planet earth.

Two things happened recently that I think you should be aware of. We have a young man working with us at Chick publications who is also a pastor. While attending a theological seminary here in southern California, one night those in the dorm heard noises outside. And when they looked out the window on this large driveway that extended for almost 100 yards, they could see candles lit in the darkness, and they heard chanting. What was going on was witches had arrived and were placing curses on the theological seminary! And the students were absolutely stunned!

A few weeks ago in an area quite close to Chick publications, one pastor was holding a meeting when quite a bit of noise started outside in front of the church and on the steps and sidewalk. And it turned out that there was a congregation of witches, a coven was there. They had come to his church and lit their candles and were placing curses and chants upon the pastor and his congregation as he was preaching the Gospel.

What is happening, beloved, is that witches are becoming so bold today that they are coming out of the closets. They are on the offensive. This tape is going to share with you how to confront such situations. As believers in Christ we have great authority over the powers of darkness given to us by Jesus because we are His ambassadors and joint heirs with Christ.

Before we go into this tape and into this interview I would like to go into prayer.

Gracious loving God and Father, we come before you with thanksgiving for the Word of God that shows us the power you have given us over the power of the enemy, Lord. We thank you and praise you for Calvary, Lord, and for your finished work, Lord, and for Satan’s defeat there at that point. Father we pray for the pastors and the young people and those who are listening to this tape, Lord, that you will bless them and give them courage. Bless their homes, Father. Loosen angels with flaming swords to protect them, Father. And we bind and rebuke any spells or curses that are placed against these people, Lord, as they make a stand for you, Father. Bless this tape. Open the ears and eyes of those who are lost who do not know the Lord. We pray for those witches, Lord, who are caught in the horrible bondage, Lord, that they might realize that the one they are serving actually hates them and is planning their destruction. Father, bless this tape that souls will be saved and witches set free, and that the Lord Jesus be lifted up. We pray this in His mighty and glorious Name, amen.

Years ago I had an old friend who was a missionary and had been in China. And she gave me some good advice. She said, “Jack, anytime you take one look at Satan take ten looks at the Lord Jesus Christ.” Beloved we’re going to be going into Satan’s territory in this tape, but remember, he is a loser. He is scared to death because the Lord Jesus Christ is soon going to return. Satan is going to launch all his forces in these closing hours against the believers in Jesus Christ, and we should be on our toes, beloved.

I want to give you a few of the names of Satan. One is the accuser. He accuses the saints before the throne of God. And he’s the adversary. He’s called the angel of light and a murderer. He is the father of liars. He is called the prince of devils, the prince of power the air, the god of this world. In fact, in second Corinthians 4:4, the Word of God says:

In whom the god of this world (speaking of Satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

This is why Jesus says,

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned.

There are two kingdoms, beloved, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the Devil. You’re in one camp or the other. And when your heart makes its last beat, that’s where the rubber meets the road. You will be with Christ or you will be with Satan in the lake of fire.

Some time ago the Lord sent two ladies to Chick publications. I’ve known them and I’ve seen the fruits of their labor. They’ve been kind enough to help me out with three tracts which will be coming out in 1986, which I think are going to win many many souls to Christ. Their names are Rebecca and Elaine. These two ladies are experts in the world of the occult. This is one of the most fascinating testimonies I have ever heard.

For 17 years Elaine was a servant of Satan, but six years ago she was gloriously saved. And during her career in Satanism she reached one of the highest positions possible in the United States. God has given us a jewel, a lady with incredible information that’s going to help people be saved to be aware of what’s going on in the world of the occult. God has blessed us with her presence. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior just two weeks before she met Rebecca.

Rebecca, I would like to ask you at this time to tell us how God prepared you just before you met Elaine, and how he prepared you for this ministry you’re now in.

Rebecca Brown: Actually Jack, the Lord put me through a really extensive training program before I ever met Elaine, and He was also preparing me for the ministry that He has subsequently called both Elaine and myself into, and that we have been working in for the Lord for the past six years.

As you know, I am a physician, an MD. I was raised in a Christian home and I was greatly privileged to be taught about the Lord at a young age, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior at the age of four. But because of the church group I belonged to, I really did not learn anything about the gifts of the Holy Spirit or about walking with the Lord in a personal relationship until I began medical school at the age of 26. It was at that time when I first made Jesus Christ my master as well as my savior, and it was at that time also that I made the discovery that it is possible to have a relationship with the Lord where He can communicate to you directly in his Spirit even as He did to people in biblical days.

The years of my medical school training the Lord used in developing a very close relationship with Him, but I did not begin to learn anything about the occult until after I had graduated from medical school and I went for further training in which I specialized in internal medicine and critical care medicine. In order to gain this special training, I had to leave my hometown where I did my medical school work, and go to a town within the same state where there was a very large teaching and training hospital. This is where I did three additional years of training, and these years were called the first year, internship, and the following two years, residency.

Now, at the time I entered this hospital, I knew nothing about witches. I didn’t even know that they existed. I thought they were something from storybooks. I knew vaguely that Satan existed because I had been intensively reading and studying the Scriptures, but I really knew nothing at all about demons. When I entered this hospital, the first thing that impressed me was the tremendous resistance to the Gospel of Jesus. Now, bear in mind please that we were living in the Midwest and what’s known as the Bible belt, and people did not really refuse to hear the Gospel in that area. It’s very different out here in California than it is in the Midwest, but for the first time in my life I ran into people who would look me square in the eye and say, “I want nothing to do with Jesus.”

Jack Chick: Rebecca, was this the first time you really faced a cult activity? Did you become aware of what was going on in that hospital?

Rebecca Brown: Well Jack, at that time I didn’t really know that the reason for the resistance to the Gospel was a cult. The Lord led me into that step by step. I was amazed, first of all, because the hospital administration had built a very large addition onto the hospital and they removed all the Gideon Bibles from the patient rooms. Every patient room normally had a Gideon Bible in it. They took all of these out. They didn’t permit a chaplaincy service, and they published a memo on every nursing unit that any employee who was caught evangelizing a patient would be fired from their job immediately. And they did just that!

Jack Chick: Rebecca was this a Roman Catholic hospital?

Rebecca Brown: No, it wasn’t, Jack. It was a community operated hospital. It was just a Protestant hospital. It had no church affiliation at all. It was a community hospital.

The next thing that really concerned me was the death rate, and a lot of what I felt were unexplainable deaths. You see, in the medical field when a patient dies there’s always a
traceable logical sequence of events that happens up until their death, or at least if they take a turn for the worse. And there were so many deaths occurring, especially in the intensive care unit, where this traceable logical sequence of steps just didn’t occur. You’d get, for instance, if someone had been bleeding heavily for some reason, and you gave them blood and fluids and whatnot, and got the bleeding stopped and they were stabilized, unless the person started bleeding again, their blood pressure shouldn’t suddenly drop. But in this case, for no apparent reason without any bleeding, you would just get a patient stabilized, go on to another patient to do something else, and then all of a sudden their blood pressure would drop, and they would die. And then the autopsy would not show any signs of bleeding and no explainable reason for their death. And this really bothered me, because, you see, I had worked as a registered nurse for 10 years before I went into medical school, so I was very experienced. I worked in a number of hospitals and I had a broad range of experience in the medical field. And I began bringing this up in our training sessions. We had meetings every day. And much to my surprise, within less than a month I was called down to the doctor’s office who was the director of our training program, and he told me to shut my mouth, that I wasn’t to say anything more about what was happening. This was concentrated a lot in the intensive care unit.

And there was another thing going on the intensive care unit that really concerned me. There is something in medicine that we call an ICU psychosis. Let me explain that to you briefly. When patients are admitted to the intensive care unit, not only are they very critically ill, but they’re usually put in a room where there aren’t any windows. The lights are on day and night, the monitors are going, and on top of the stress created by their illness, they lose their day night orientation. And there is a certain percentage, not very high, but there is a certain percentage of patients who will after several days become disoriented and begin to have hallucinations, that is, they will begin to see things that really aren’t there, and become disoriented.

Now, the thing that concerned me was in this intensive care unit, there was almost a 75 percent incidence of ICU psychosis among the patients there. And that is an absolutely unheard of rate! But the other thing that really concerned me is I took the time to talk to a lot of these patients, because in my training, I spent a great deal of time in the intensive care unit, and the content of the hallucinations, every one of these patients were telling me that they were seeing demons.

Jack Chick: Were there any other doctors that were Christians there? Did you discuss that with them or with your pastor or other Christians?

Rebecca Brown: I tried to discuss it with other doctors there in training with me who claimed to be Christians, and all I was told was that I was crazy. It was a very strange thing. Nobody would talk about what was going on at the hospital. And I learned pretty quickly that I’d better keep my mouth shut about it. So what I did was I took this thing to the Lord in prayer. And that’s why I emphasized earlier that I had a relationship with the Lord. I had been intensively trained by the Lord to hear Him communicate with me via the Holy Spirit. Because there’s a lot of situations, you always have to be guided by the Bible and the principles set out in the Bible, but there’s a lot of situations that come up in your everyday life that you can’t find a Scripture directly for except for guiding principles, and that’s where you really have to be able to hear the Lord speak to you in order to get His guidance in this sort of thing.

The Lord had commanded me shortly after I arrived at that hospital to go in and spend an hour every morning, seven days a week, in intercessory prayer for that hospital. And I had been doing that. So I began intensively praying and asking the Lord to reveal to me just what was going on. And here are the steps that He took me through.

One of the first things that happened, I was working in the emergency room one night when about 2 AM in the morning, a young man was brought in by the police that had been discovered by the police. And he was incredibly battered. He had been obviously tortured to an extent that I had never witnessed. And I have had a great deal of emergency room experience, both as a nurse and working in a large inner city hospital. This young man had been partially skinned, he had been unmercifully beaten, he had been burned. Of course he was unconscious at that time and in deep shock. And I was just horrified. The police had no explanation at all for what happened to him. He was admitted to the intensive care unit. He was in the intensive care unit for over a month. And then after he came out of the intensive care unit I just felt driven by the Lord to go and talk to that young man because he was in the hospital for about four months altogether. He was in his 30s. And finally he opened up and he talked to me and told me that he was a Christian minister, and that he had gotten involved in working with some people in that area who directly worshipped Satan, who were witches, in other words. And using the term “witch”, I’m referring to both males and females. He told me that he had been kidnapped by the group. By that time, I already knew that he had been kidnapped from talking to the policemen involved in the case. And this young man told me that he had been kidnapped by these people who worship Satan, taken to one of their meetings, taken up on the stage, and mercilessly tortured. Somehow or other it was just the Lord’s direct intervention he became unconscious, and they were interrupted, and they left him for dead. And the policemen found him and picked him up and brought him into the emergency room.

Now this gave me a very great deal to think about because there were two things that really concerned me. First of all, I had never heard of such a thing as people directly worshipping Satan, and I did not know that this existed. I had been raised in such a sheltered environment all my life. And secondly, the question that immediately went through my head was, “why didn’t God protect him?” You see, especially in the Midwest where I lived, I had always been taught that the Christian is completely protected, that Satan could never touch a Christian, but that really isn’t according to Scripture. There’s there’s a lot of Scriptures we could look at on this. But let’s just look at a couple.

The first is in the Second Epistle of Timothy chapter 3 verse 12. it says,

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

And then there’s that interesting verse that’s so frequently quoted, but only half the verse is quoted, and that’s in Revelation chapter 12 verse 11, speaking of the overcomers overcoming Satan. It says, “And they overcame him, (that is Satan) by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.” Then it goes on to say, “And they loved not their lives unto death.”

I had a patient of mine that I had had for six months who was a dear older black lady. Her name was Pearl. She has long since gone to be with the Lord. Pearl was a very strong Christian, and I had gotten to know her quite well within the six months. She became very ill one day, and I had to admit her to the intensive care unit. The following morning when I went in to see Pearl, the nurses talked to me about her before I actually went in to see her, and they told me she was having an ICU psychosis and hallucinating. Well, this really disturbed me because I knew that Pearl was a very stable and strong Christian, and I just couldn’t imagine that she would be having an ICU psychosis within less than 24 hours to begin with. So I went in and talked to her and she was crying. And Pearl told me, she said,

“Dr. Brown, if you don’t get me out of this place I will die tonight.”

And I said, “Well, what in the world is going on?” And she told me, she said,

“That nurse that took care of me last night, she came in here and she told me that there was no need for me to continue to suffer and struggle to live when I could so easily be reincarnated into my next life. And she also told me that she was going to call down her “higher powers” to escort me into my next life.” And Pearl said,

“Dr. Brown, that nurse laid her hands on me and she did incantations, and there were demons in this room trying to kill me! And I am too weak. If I have to stay here tonight they will kill me because I just can’t fight back any longer.”

Jack Chick: What kind of reaction did you have to that?

Rebecca Brown: Well, I was stunned! I’d never even heard of such a thing, and yet, medically speaking, I could tell that Pearl was completely alert and oriented. She was not disoriented in any other way. And I also knew her well enough I certainly didn’t think Pearl was lying. And quite frankly, it was such a wild story, who could make up such a thing? And the other thing that concerned me, I knew that Pearl because of her Negro background was certainly knowledgeable about Voodoo and that sort of thing because she was from the southern United States and had come north.

I spent the better part of that day on my knees in the chapel. I always had the chapel to myself because no one else used it. And I earnestly sought the Lord as to an answer. Was what Pearl saying the truth? Did this really happen? And that’s why I made mention earlier that you had to have that type of relationship with God where He could speak to you because you see, this did not go against anything that was in the Scripture. In other words, there were scriptural principles to back up what Pearl was saying. But I needed to know specifically, and I needed to have an answer that I could step out on in faith. And God confirmed to me that what Pearl was telling me was the truth.

Well, Pearl was certainly too ill to transfer out of the intensive care unit that day, and as I was not on call that particular night, the Lord commanded me to go and spend the night sitting at Pearl’s bedside. And don’t think that didn’t hit the hospital grapevine because everyone said, “Well look at the gullible young doctor! Her patient has a hallucination saying she’s going to be killed, and so Dr. Brown goes and sits at her bedside all night.”

Jack Chick: So then this alerted all the witches in the hospital to what you were doing!

Rebecca Brown: Well, certainly it did! Only of course I wasn’t even sure what was happening because the nurse that Pearl was referring to was the nurse who was in charge of the intensive care unit at night. She was an older lady but she was highly respected within the hospital. I mean, she was an excellent nurse. She was well organized, she got things done. She was accurate in her work. She was a highly intelligent woman.

Jack Chick: Nobody, nobody suspected her did they?

Rebecca Brown: Well no, I mean I certainly didn’t. Because she was always very pleasant. I didn’t have a close relationship with her, but then you don’t with many of the employees.

Jack Chick: Here you are a Christian and you weren’t even suspecting this person at all. There was no way for you to know she was a witch. In other words, God hadn’t given you the ability to spot her, did He?

Rebecca Brown: No. And that’s something that we need to point out if you have discernment. Well, first of all, I hadn’t been trained. I hadn’t been in God’s training school in that area so I wouldn’t even have known the signs to look for. But secondly, you have discernment only when the Lord chooses to give it to you.

Jack Chick: I see.

Rebecca Brown: It’s not something from yourself. I had the gift of discerning of spirits, but I discern something only when the Lord chooses to give me that discernment, because the discernment is not from me, the discernment is from the Lord, from the Holy Spirit.

Jack Chick: Okay, so you were facing this woman that night while you were at Pearl’s bedside.

Rebecca Brown: Yes. Interestingly enough, she did not assign herself to take care of Pearl that night, and in fact she never set foot in the room, but for the first time in my life I experienced direct Satanic oppression like I had never experienced it before. And you know, being a doctor, I was so trained in the scientific approach, everything is measurable. But you cannot measure the things of the spirit world with physical measurements. You just can’t do it. And there I was sitting at Pearl’s bedside and suddenly I was oppressed with such incredible power like I’d never experienced before. There was absolutely nothing that I could see, and yet I felt as if something was literally trying to squash my body into the floor, as if something was absolutely just trying to suck the life out of me.

Jack Chick: Now, these were witches placing incantations and curses on you while you were next to Pearl, right?

Rebecca Brown: Well, it was directly demons coming against me, but I didn’t know that at that time. All I knew was there was this strange unseen power, and I knew from studying God’s Word, the Scriptures, that everything had to be fought against with the power and authority that I had received through Jesus Christ. And so boy, Pearl and I held hands and I prayed out loud and I just laid claim to the Blood of Jesus over us. I asked the Lord to shield us from whatever it was that was coming toward us, and we made it through the night. I was certainly shaken up, but we made it through the night, both Pearl and I did. And I discharged her from the intensive care unit first thing the following morning.

The next step then, was quick to come. I was teaching a small Bible study of nurses that I had brought to the Lord, and there was one nurse in particular who was about my age that I’d formed quite a friendship with. And finally one day she began to confide in me that prior to her accepting the Lord that she had been in training to become a medium, and that this head nurse of the intensive care unit at night was the person who was training her, that she was in training to become a witch. And of course she had stopped it all. And in fact, this gal, this nurse Helen, was so hostile once this girl turned to Jesus, that she put in a request to be changed to a different shift so that she wouldn’t have to work with her. And she told me that Helen considered it her ministry to go in and and to assign herself to care for the patients who were the most critical, that they weren’t very stable, and she would go in and tell the patients that there was no need to struggle and to suffer, that they could so easily be reincarnated into their next life. And she would lay hands on them, and she would do incantations and call demons into the room. And these patients died. And you see, these were the patients that were dying where I couldn’t find a logical sequence of events to their death!

Jack Chick: It wasn’t medical then?

Rebecca Brown: No, that’s correct.

Jack Chick: Okay, did you ever have a confrontation with this woman face to face over a patient?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, I did many times after that, but not actually speaking to her. Because you see, I didn’t have any proof. If I had gone and accused this woman of being a witch.

Jack Chick: They would have said you were crazy.

Rebecca Brown: Sure, they would have said I was crazy because I didn’t have any proof that she was a witch, and this girl, Lynn, also told me ssssssssssmore about the group in the area, because she had been over to the town. It turns out that where I was training, I was just 20 miles from the second largest center of Satanism in the United States.

Jack Chick: You mean it was a community?

Rebecca Brown: There was a whole community, that’s correct. There was a whole town that was made up of Satanists, and they had a Satanist church, but they also had a lot of denominational Christian churches which they attended to put on a good front. But then there was a whole camp there…

Jack Chick: But what about the police and the fire departments and all that, you mean they were all members of the coven? The whole thing was a coven?

Rebecca Brown: Well no, not the whole thing. There were a few people scattered in there that had not joined, but basically the entire community was, and it turns out that this particular community also has one of the world’s largest literature distribution centers of occult literature. It’s out of that town as well. And of course they had tremendous influence in all of the surrounding areas.

Jack Chick: Then this thing must be spreading across the United States!

Rebecca Brown: Oh it already has!

Jack Chick: The communities then.

Rebecca Brown: Yes, yes, it already has spread. That’s the reason why the Lord called Elaine and I out here because the first largest center of Satanism in the United States is within the Los Angeles / San Francisco area. That’s why we’re here. But you would expect Satan to strike where the Christians are the strongest because he would want to weaken them. And so Satan set up a stronghold right in the very midst of the Bible belt.

Jack Chick: So this is how God was preparing you for your meeting with Elaine.

Rebecca Brown: That’s right! Because you see, before ever I met Elaine I had to begin to learn how to fight witchcraft or I would have gone under when I met her. I had to learn. And so I learned very quickly. You see, Lynn told me, and the Lord confirmed to me that there were many many nurses in that hospital and also doctors, who were Satanists. And I learned quickly that patients who had taken a turn for the worse, there were many times I would be standing on one side of the bedside doing everything I could medically to save the patient’s life, and a nurse or a doctor, another doctor working with me, would be standing on the other side of the bed doing their incantations.

Jack Chick: So this was a spiritual battle you were facing!

Rebecca Brown: It was a spiritual battle. And there wasn’t anything spoken out loud. I would be praying and pleading the Blood of Jesus over this patient and asking the Lord to shield the patient at the same time as I was doing whatever work needed to be done medically, and …

Jack Chick: The enemy from the other side was in turn placing curses on the patient.

Rebecca Brown: That is exactly right. And I came under tremendous physical strain at the same time.

Jack Chick: And a lot of hatred. There must have been a plot within the organization to get rid of you as fast as they could.

Rebecca Brown: Yes, there certainly was. But I was sort of blithely unaware of all of that. It never occurred to me that those people would band together to fight me. Why, I don’t know, except I imagine that Satan blinded my mind.

Jack Chick: And they were all sweet people, lovely people on the surface, polite, kind.

Rebecca Brown: Absolutely. And they all were going to Christian churches. In fact, some of them had asked me to go and attend their churches.

Jack Chick: Amazing.

Rebecca Brown: And they were attending Christian churches. But what I started doing on the Lord’s leading, is every evening before I left the hospital, I walked through the entire hospital, through the intensive care units, through every ward, and of course, nobody paid any attention to that because I was all over the hospital anyway in my training, and I would very quietly so that no one could overhear me, but out loud, I would plead the Blood of Jesus. I asked the Lord to shield every one of those patients. I laid claim to the Blood of Jesus over those patients. In the Name of Jesus, I took authority over and bound every demon spirit in that place, and every spirit that would be brought into that place, and I asked the Lord to bind all Satanic powers so that they could not function. And it was amazing, the death rate in the intensive care unit when I started doing that dropped by about 50 percent from what it had been! But the battle mounted. My prayer times, the Holy Spirit led me in my prayer times over and over and over again to pray the prayer that Moses did when he went against Anak, the Canaanite king. Moses said, “Lord, rise up and let your enemies be scattered.” And over and over I found myself praying those words.

And also at that time, the Lord very much laid on my heart that Scripture in Ezekiel chapter 22. And I think it might be wise to stop and read it here because it certainly is very key to what happened in my life. And it’s Ezekiel 22 verses 30 and 31. It says,

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.

And you know, the Holy Spirit really laid it upon my heart to ask God to allow me to stand in the gap for that hospital. I was so concerned for the unsaved souls there and I didn’t know what all that meant, but I just asked the Lord if in any way He could use me, that I was willing to stand in the gap for that hospital, that the Lord would not have to pour out His wrath upon those people, that instead they would be turned to Jesus Christ.

Jack Chick: Rebecca let me ask you this. What happened to Lynn, the girl? Wasn’t she in danger divulging all this information as she was a Christian now, but wasn’t she in danger?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, she really took a big risk, and she was very frightened, I know. She talked to me very quietly. She refused to talk to me in the hospital about it at all. And she told me that I couldn’t tell anyone about it. And I talked to her about this young minister. And she knew about that young minister. And she was very frightened that the same thing would happen to her although she said that she had not actually signed a contract to become a member of the group. But I learned about this group not only from Lynn. The Lord brought some other people. They were employees at the hospital there into my life who were Christians. And they started telling me about the group also. And they had been members of that pastor’s church. And they told me about the ministry that he’d been involved in and how he had been bringing people out of this group. And they would hardly talk about it because they were obviously very scared too. And the pastor left the state as soon as he got out of the hospital. He left the state. And these people said, well, it was something that they didn’t want to talk about very much because they didn’t know who would overhear them, and they were afraid of the same thing happening to them.

Jack Chick: There’s an old principle throughout history: you kill one to terrorize ten thousand. So this is the principle the witches were using them to take one sacrifice and to terrorize not only the Christian community but also the witches putting them under bondage and fear that this is going to happen to them.

Rebecca Brown: Oh yeah, that’s right because certainly, no one else would want to come out of the cult because they’d be afraid that this same sort of thing would happen to them.

Jack Chick: So these young girls or young boys today who are fooling around with witchcraft, dungeons, dragons, and so on who are planning on going into covens, are really setting themselves up for a horrible future.

Rebecca Brown: Yes they are. Because it’s very difficult to change your mind once you get involved with Satan because Satan doesn’t give up his servants easily.

Jack Chick: In other words you go out feet first. It’s like entering the mafia, right?

Rebecca Brown: Yes, yes.

Jack Chick: Okay Elaine, I’d like to ask you a question at this point. Were you aware of the activity going on in that hospital under Dr. Rebecca brown? Was she a problem to you?

Elaine: Yes. I was at the peak of my power at that time. I ran that whole community although I lived about 30 miles ~ 35 miles from where Rebecca’s hospital was. I received orders directly from Satan himself. He came to me and gave me direct orders to get rid of this doctor that was causing all these problems.

Jack Chick: Elaine, what about the young minister Rebecca told us about?

Elaine: Oh, I gave the order for that young minister to be brutalized as he was. He was interfering with our business and that was to be stopped and that’s the way we stopped him.

Jack Chick: Okay, were you going to take Rebecca out the same way?

Elaine: Oh no, no no. No, you don’t do the same thing twice in a row in the same area and that close together because that would draw too much attention to what’s going on, and they might believe the two where they wouldn’t believe the one. So we organized, or I organized a national effort between top witches nationwide to get rid of Rebecca. I did find out that this doctor had a disease that was supposed to be incurable, and that’s the only place I could find where there was a weakness. So I organized a national effort with all these witches to do special incantations and special prayers, especially calling up for special demons to inflict Rebecca with the disease that she had to make it worse than what she already had.

Jack Chick: Rebecca can I ask you a question? When they started these incantations what happened to you at this point?

Rebecca Brown: Well, I never associated what was going on with my body with the warfare that I was involved in, but I suddenly began to get rapidly worse. I had an incurable neuromuscular disease, And I came under the care of a doctor there in the hospital, one of the top doctors, And I grew worse and worse and worse over the following, oh it was about four or five months, to the point where at the end of my first year there I was told I only had about a month to live. I was given a choice as to whether I wished to be hospitalized in that hospital or go home, and I chose to go home to die.

Jack Chick: Elaine, was this just to get Rebecca out of the way? Or was it to kill her?

Elaine: It was to kill her, Jack.

Jack Chick: Okay, Rebecca, what happened to you after you went home to die?

Rebecca Brown: Well, several things happened. I had a home church there, not the church I was raised in but one that I had attended during my years in medical school. And the pastor of that church was an extremely godly man. And I was at my parents’ house. My parents were not a member of the church. I was unable to get out of bed. I was bedridden by that time. And pastor Pat came to see me at my folks’ house. And he told me that he’d taken this matter to the Lord and that the Lord had indicated to him that it was not His will for me to die at that time. And he told me he said, “Rebecca, I know this sounds really far out, but I believe the Lord has revealed to me that you are being attacked by a group of very powerful witches, and that that is what is bringing about your death. Have you been involved with witches in any way? Is this possible?” And suddenly the light began to come on, and I began to realize the connection. Because you see until that point, I had not shared with pastor Pat anything that was going on because I was out of town at this training hospital. And I began to sit down and share with him what was happening. And we saw the connection. And that entire church was a very powerful praying church at that time. And there were about 200 people that fasted and prayed for me literally around the clock for almost an entire week. And as a result of that, that witchcraft, the power of that was broken, I was shielded, and the Lord raised me up and healed me! Now I had about a four months recuperation period because I had lost so much muscle mass physically, but I was completely cured of this incurable illness by the Lord.

Jack Chick: Okay now, Rebecca, this raises an interesting question. Since you were a Christian, how could the witches so successfully affect you?

Rebecca Brown: Well, Hosea 4 verse 6 says, “My people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge.” And that’s exactly what was going on in my case. I had no knowledge of what was coming against me. In the sixth chapter of Ephesians, as you know, the full armor of God is described in that chapter. And specifically, it says that you should use the shield of faith to put out the fiery darts from the Devil. And what most Christians don’t realize is that the fiery darts referred to are demons sent by Satan or sent by servants of Satan to afflict them. And when you don’t even have any idea you’re being attacked then it’s pretty difficult to use the shield of faith. Now, interestingly enough, I was using that shield of faith for all of my patients but it never occurred to me that I needed to use it for myself.

Jack Chick: Elaine, after the church did all this praying how did this affect you?

Elaine: Well, whenever I sent out my incantations with my demons, they’d come back and beat me up! They’d be yelling and screaming at me, how dare I send them against a true born-again believer?! And very soon after that, then I got a visit from Satan himself again. And he was wanting to know what the problem was. Why wasn’t this doctor dead? What was the big hold-up? Why wasn’t I doing my job? So I became angry, and I told him what the demons told me, and he said they’re liars. And we went round and round with that. And he got mean and nasty with me. So I got mean and nasty with my servants with the witches underneath me. So I sent demons out on the witches to discipline them because I was being disciplined, you see.

Jack Chick: Amazing!

Rebecca Brown: Now, this brings up a question, Elaine, that a lot of people would ask. You referred to the demons beating you up. Did they beat you up in a physical form?

Elaine: Yeah, they would manifest themselves in a physical form and beat me up like if you and I got into a fisticuffs fight, we’d have bruises all over us. And if Jack was standing here seeing this, he could see us fight. Yes, that’s the form in which they manifested themselves. It was in a physical form.

Jack Chick: Amazing! Okay, now was this your first realization of a greater power than Satan?

Elaine: Oh no, no no.

Jack Chick: Could you tell us about the first thing?

Elaine: Oh sure. We were out here shortly after I had come to a greater power, and I was a high priestess. And you know how a lot of people like to show off and things. Well, we’re right here for a competition which, in Satan’s kingdom, you’re in competition all the time. You must get up the ladder. You must be the highest of the high in order for other people to leave you alone most of the time. We were here for a competition where we had witch fights. Now you know, by a witch fight I mean that we would draw the more powerful demons out of the witch we’re fighting with and call them into ourselves. Now I have this competition I won. To give you examples, some of the other things that we did. We would show just how powerful the demons were inside of us. We could change a cat into a rabbit, or a rabbit into a cat. However the animal would die, but it could be done, demonically.

A man was standing about 20 feet away from me and in point-blank range, he took a 357 magnum. I waved my hands in front of my body and stood there and let him fire at me, and the bullet dropped at my feet. Now the demons were what I was calling up and using to protect me from this bullet. Now that I’m a Christian, I understand that the demons were only there in order to destroy us. But as a witch, I thought that they were our servants. But I know, I know, I know that they are to destroy all witches and warlocks, anyone involved in any type of Satanism because as a Christian I can see that God’s given me a beautiful gift of seeing exactly what was laid out for me, what was waiting for me. And now I have the hope of Heaven. Before I had only hell.

Jack Chick: Elaine, now, it was during this competition that you discovered this greater power. Could you tell us what happened?

Elaine: Yes. I went with the high priest out here. He got together the top witches and told us that he has specific orders, from Satan, that there was a family in this area that was giving great difficulties to the craft in this area, and that they were to be killed. And we sat down in a circle, we began to do our incantations, and we astral projected ourselves to this family’s home. When we got there, there was this wall of angels. I mean, it was just around, completely around, this man’s property.

(Editor’s Note: The tape was changed to side B and something was left out. It seems to me one of those angels is now talking to Elaine.)

That voice would be deep and gruff, but it was a very sweet, very sincere voice, and the eyes were sincere and full of love and they looked at me and said, “Won’t you stop what you’re doing? Don’t you know that Jesus loves you? Won’t you make Jesus your savior?” Well, I’d had enough. That was it. I was leaving. I wasn’t fighting anything that was going to look like that at me and say that to me and I couldn’t get through. The others tried for a while, but they left. Now it was against you and your family, Jack, that we were sent against because of what you were publishing here at your publishing company. You were getting through to a lot in Satanism because you were talking out against so many things that the Satanists back. And because of that, you were to be put out of the way. But because of your love for Jesus Christ and His love for you, you have protection that I had never seen before! That was the first time I’d ever come against anything that was stronger than the power that I had.

Jack Chick: Praise God! See, this is what happens when Christians pray for one another because none of us realize the attacks. And this is why sometimes when God says to get up and pray for some missionary out on the field, this is just to stop the attacks of the enemy. We have to do this for one another. We have to be more and more in prayer all the time.

I think we should go back now and trace what happened in Elaine’s life to bring it up to this point so that those of you listening to this tape can understand the final events which brought Elaine to making Jesus Christ her Lord and savior. Elaine, would you tell us about your birth?

Elaine: Sure. I was born with a hair lip with a cleft palate. And to break that down so that most people can understand it, it means I had no nose, no upper lip, and no roof on my mouth. It would take many surgeries and much money to build me a face, to actually make me one, and many years of such. My family was extremely poor. We had no money and the wealthy there back then were not like it is today, they wouldn’t help people as they do today. And so my mother was kind of between a rock and a hard place. She didn’t know what to do or who to go to. And there was a young nurse working there in the hospital when my mother gave me birth, and she came to my mother and told her that there was an organization that she worked for that would supply all the monies needed for me to have all the surgeries I needed for all the repair work I needed down on my face for however long it took to get it done, and it took 16 and a half years. All my mother had to do was give them a thimble full of my blood to use for experimentation. Now, she had no idea that the experiment was that a high priestess was to drink this blood which would automatically sell me more or less at birth to Satan.

I grew up with a great deal of pain, of course, because plastic surgery hurts, it burns, and a great deal of attention from my mother which was drawn away from my brother who didn’t like that, of course. You know, he had the inner sibling rivalry type thing. But also I noticed I was very special around other people, certain people that lived in our neighborhood, that lived around us. They watched me closely. And they were always watching to make sure I didn’t hurt myself, that I didn’t get hit by a car, or get hit by a baseball, or get hurt as other kids got hurt. It was really strange. I also noticed there was something inside of me that was so growing. It was a power. I didn’t understand it. I had no idea what was going on. I was just aware that it was there. I didn’t know what it was for, or why I had it, and I couldn’t find anybody to tell me because I didn’t know who to go to to ask. When you’re a little kid you don’t know. And I’d ask my mother. I’d say, “I feel strange” and she’d say, “Well how do you feel strange?” She thought I had a fever or I was coming down with a cold or something wrong with my surgery or something like this. And that was a natural reaction for her because see, she wasn’t aware either of what had happened. Because had she been aware, it never would have happened.

Rebecca Brown: I might just add here, Jack, that I in my medical practice have come across a number of children that have also been sold to Satan in such a manner.

Elaine: I also noticed that other children around me did not have this same gift or power or whatever it was. So I was pretty much left kind of like out on a limb, and I was afraid because I didn’t know what this was, but I wanted to know more about it.

Jack Chick: Okay Elaine, how did you finally learn what was going on?

Elaine: Well I found out, interesting enough, from a girl who was in the same Sunday school class I was in a Pentecostal church in my hometown. (Jack Chick: Amazing!) She asked me to go with her to church camp. Now, when you say church camp, most people think of the camp where kids go, and they have different dorms, and of course, they get to go swimming, and they learn about the Bible and Jesus. This was not that kind of church camp. This was another camp. This camp was for mediums and spiritualists and clairvoyants and palm readers and tea leaf readers and tarot card readers. It was also for witches and warlocks and all of this type of thing. But when you first go in, they don’t show you the witch warlock part, just the fun part, like you go in and have your palm ready and “Isn’t this fun? Wouldn’t it be fun to learn how to do this? And wouldn’t it be fun to learn how to read a tarot card or an ouija board? Or wouldn’t it be fun to learn how to read tea leaves or coffee grounds or any of these things?” And it starts out as a fun thing like a camp.

Before the two weeks were up I had spent a great deal of time learning about different aspects of this camp and about a power that they said, they kept saying, I had within. I’m now beginning to think, “Is this the power that keeps surging inside of me that keeps fighting and wanting to get out?” And I begin to think more and more and more about what one of the people had told me who was around me, that I had a special gift. I was just, I was a gifted child. I was this, I was that. And I also remember that other kids didn’t have what I had. And I was beginning to think, “Now, maybe there is something to all this.” Then the girl comes up to me and asks if I want to join their organization. And I was hesitant because I wasn’t sure what I had to do to join this group, and I wasn’t too sure I wanted to because primarily, I hated people. I had been so badly mistreated at home, I had been badly mistreated in school, nothing like peers to hurt you the worst. Kids your own age can just make your life miserable. And they did mine because of my deformities and that type of thing. So I had basically learned to hate people pretty well. I was a street kid. I learned how to fight and handle myself well. So I was a little hesitant to join. But they told me that I should join because I had this special gift, a special power. And again I was tempted because I wanted to know what this power was. I had felt it all this time. I didn’t know what it was for and I was hungry to find out. And I wanted more of it because it felt good.

So I said, “Well maybe.” And they told me I had to sign a contract in my own blood. And I said, “No you don’t!” Then they locked me in a little room, and it was dark, and they played these tapes to me over these loudspeakers, and all it said over and over was that Satan was king, Jesus was dead, Jesus was a deceiver, Jesus was a liar, only Satan loved me, only he could tell the truth, he was the one that was within the power that was within me, and only he could tell me how to use it and to bring forth a blossom as a beautiful rose with blossom with all my power and ability. Only he could lead me along this path, and that Jesus Christ hated me, and that my parents hated me, and everything.

So after 48 hours of this, I was ready to sign anything to get out of this room. So I did, I signed a contract that said that I sold myself, body, soul, and spirit to Satan for his use in exchange for all this power I was supposed to get. And I signed it with my own blood. I cut my finger. I get the pen in it. And I signed it with my own blood, my name.

Then became the training period. It was a long long long period. I was taught how to make incantations and spells. I was taught how you have to memorize everything, what candles you use, what color, what hour of the day to use certain things, when we use certain types of hair, animal hair, or bugs, potions, and powders, and how to light candles without touching them. I was taught how to levitate, how to meditate, how to astral project, how to think real hard and cause myself to come out of my body, so to speak, my spirit coming out of my body, and I can see everything around me with both sets of eyes, spirit eyes, and my bodily eyes.

Jack Chick: Now, these were demons coming into your body all this time, these people were feeding demons into you to give you these powers?

Elaine: They were teaching me that I had to call in, conjure up, and call in certain power demons in order for me to exploit this power that I had within in order to make it explode and grow and become more. And at 16 and 17 you’re young, you’re easily taking along a path that isn’t right, especially when you don’t have Christian parents to lead you and guide you. I had a church that didn’t care whether I was there or not, so I was pretty much on my own, and yet I was hungry for something, I was hungry to be loved by something or somebody that wouldn’t hurt me, that wouldn’t cause me any more pain.

Jack Chick: Elaine, now that you were getting this power through the school and the training, different people, were you ever confronted at high school where someone insulted you and you used the power to pay them back?

Elaine: There were two separate times that I can tell you about that are really important. One, I was in gym class, and I was getting ready to take my shower, I had put up all the equipment as I was told to do, and I thought I was the last one in there, and there was this young girl in there that was a lesbian, and she got a half nelson on me and was trying to do her thing with me, and I picked her — she was a big girl — and I picked her up, and I put her head in the commode and almost drowned her. If it hadn’t been for the physical education teacher and two other teachers coming in, I would have drowned her, because I didn’t like that kind of thing, I didn’t want to be touched by her. I thought she was filth as far as I’m concerned. I didn’t want her touching me. And I said, “If you ever come near me again I’ll kill you.” And she this day believes that I will!

Jack Chick: Well, these were demonic powers.

Elaine: right, because I just picked her up! She was a huge girl. I just picked her up and just took her head and just stuck her down in the commode upside down, just picked her up!

And the one other time was a football player. He weighed about, oh, 265 pounds. He was about six one or six two. He was a big broad shoulder young man. And I was walking down the hall with a friend of mine, and he was saying, “Hey, there goes the hair lip there goes the hair up again.” And my friend says, “Don’t do it.” Because she can see I was getting angry. And I have put up with this after school. That’s why I hated school, that’s why I hated people. I didn’t make bad grades, I just didn’t like people. And I turned, I dropped my books, I turned around and I ran at him, knocked him down, and began hitting him. And I beat his face so badly that he had to have repair work done. I broke his nose and his jaws, and knocked out his teeth, and it took eight teachers to get me off this boy. I would have killed him.

Jack Chick: Elaine how big were you then?

Elaine: Oh, I only weighed about 95 pounds something like that. I was about five foot four.

Jack Chick: This was the demonic power?

Elaine: Oh sure! Because this kid was big, he was a lot bigger than I was, and there’s no way I could have harmed him any other way. I mean, I had no weapon in my hand except for my hands, and there wasn’t a bruise on me! And I broke that boy’s jaws and his teeth and his nose and around his forehead, and I gave him a concussion and everything, and there wasn’t a bruise on my fist or nothing else, nothing.

Jack Chick: Then after you got out of high school you got more intensive training then?

Elaine: Oh yes. I went into more intensive training. The high priestess, Grace, the very one that drank my blood, she asked me to come in. She wanted to talk to me. I was to be the next high priestess. I was to take her place. Normally when a high priestess takes another high priestess’ place, she has to kill off that high priestess in order to get it. I didn’t have to do that, however. She trained me. I was taught etiquette, the proper stance, and the way to sit and talk, but I was also taught how to call upon a certain type of demon that was to be my guiding demon, my guiding spirit. His name was Manchan. When this demon came in to me I became exactly as I was supposed to be. I could speak all kinds of languages. I could walk the talk and be the perfect lady and do everything in a perfect manner. And I struggled for years and years and years to control this demon that I had called into my body and I couldn’t get control of him until I was saved.

Jack Chick: Elaine, once you had this powerful demon Manchan inside you giving you all these abilities, was your rise to power rapid?

Elaine: Yes, it was. Shortly after I became a high priestess I rapidly rose to sit on the national council of witches. I finally became a regional bride of Satan which after many competitions and all this I got to be on the international council of witches. Now, there were only 5 to 10 regional brides of Satan or Lucifer depending on what part of the country you come from. In this country, at one time there are many brides of Satan within a local area, but regional brides are not that many. My main hometown assignment, however, was to infiltrate and destroy local Christian Bible-believing churches. That was my main job.

Jack Chick: I see, okay. So it was at this point in your pinnacle of power that you came against Rebecca, is this right?

Elaine: Yes, that’s right. It was during this period I was experiencing all the difficulties as a result of Rebecca’s church with its power structure, their power prayer and everything coming against what I was trying to send against her were blocking everything. So Satan then assigned me to this very small church where I was to go and destroy it. And this church was a storefront church. They were really teaching God’s Word. They were speaking out against Satan, and they were telling it just like it is in God’s Word. And it was up to me then to infiltrate and to destroy. It’s like a search and seizure type thing with the Army. Many men would understand that.

So we were sent in and the first time I drove up there I couldn’t even get out of the car! I mean, the power of God was so strong in this little bitty church I couldn’t even get out of the car. And the second time I got out of the car, I couldn’t get the door open, it was so strong! And the third time I got inside but I had to sit in the back. The power of God was so strong I just sat in the back. And the friend who had dared me to go, and finally she said, “Why haven’t you come to church?” “And I couldn’t say, “Well, because I can’t stand the power of God there.” I had to say you know, “Well, I just didn’t feel like it.” (Jack laughs) And she says, “Well, I dare you to go.” And the third time I went, I sat in the back, but I went. And she asked me to sit up front and I told her no. I said, “I’m perfectly all right back.” and she says, “That’s okay, our God is back here as well as He is upfront. I’ll sit back here with you.” And I learned that these people knew who I was, they knew that I was a witch, they began praying for me, loving me, holding me up in prayer, and they continued this, both men and women continued this for a year. They had no idea that if it hadn’t been for their prayers I’d be a dead woman. But they continued on in prayer that the Lord would somehow save my soul. I was that important to them.

Jack Chick: What an example to the churches today of how important it is that they should pray and fast for a witch instead of screaming to get her out, right?

Elaine: It’s not only important that they’ve been praying for that whole year, but the night I finally went forward to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior, if it had not been for their prayers and their intercessing for me before the throne, I could never have been saved. I had Manchan, this guiding demon, and all these other demons screaming in my head! I could hear them tell me I couldn’t do this, I wasn’t allowed to do this, this was against all the orders all the principles everything I’d been taught for 17 years, it was against everything. Yet my heart yearned for, and longed for, was hungry for, Jesus Christ!

And so I went on forward and then they began to work with my mouth, and I couldn’t control my mouth. I couldn’t get it open, and then I couldn’t get it shut. And these people could see this and they really were sweating, they were praying, they were crying out to Jesus and asking for what was wrong with me to be loosed so that I could ask Him in as my Savior. And when that moment finally came I never felt such a relief in my entire life! I could hear all these demons screaming. They were screaming, “No no no she did it, no no no” you know, over and over, and I mean they were screaming! And they were ripping and tearing inside me, I could feel this battle going on, but at the same time I felt this beautiful warm glowing flow just started at the top of my head and just started going through and coming out my feet. And I felt all these warm tears running down my face. And I see I was taught that it was not proper for someone to cry, over a 17-year period I wasn’t allowed to cry, it was not proper, you didn’t do this. But there are these beautiful warm tears that were flowing down my face, and my face was just soaked with them, and I felt this glow all over me and it wasn’t that horrible, horrifying, you’re going to get burned now type thing, it was a warm loving hug type of a glow to come all over me. And that’s the way I felt when Jesus Christ came into my soul.

You remember back in the tape I was telling you that I had such a terrible struggle with Manchan, my guiding demon, guiding spirit, to get to leave me alone. I couldn’t control him. But the very instance of this warm feeling came over me and I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I told Manchan to shut up and leave me alone, and he did! And I was rather shocked I got to admit! I sat back and was really shocked because he shut up! I realized all of a sudden that there was a power stronger than Satan and there was something better than what Satan had to offer because now I had life, and before, all I had looked forward to was death.

Jack Chick: Okay Elaine, what was Satan’s reaction to all this?

Elaine: Well, as soon as I got home he manifested himself to me, and he started in on me, he started yelling and screaming at me, but there was something different, something odd. There were all these demons behind him, and you can hear him snarling and going around, but they look shocked, and they wouldn’t come near me. I mean their faces look shocked, a shocked expression on their faces. And for the first time, he wouldn’t come near me! I mean he kept a distance between me and him as if I was to touch him I might hurt him somehow, (Jack: Really!) which never happened before. And if he wanted to grab a hold of me before and shake me around like a rag doll, he would have, but he wouldn’t touch me. He just threatened me and told me how he was going to get even with me, and how I couldn’t stay saved, and how no one would accept me, and Jesus Christ was a liar, and I soon find that out. And he ordered these demons to attack me and they wouldn’t do it. These are the same demons that were ordered before to beat me up and did so when I was in the craft, in the cult, but they didn’t. They wouldn’t do it now!

Now, Satan tried to tell me that nothing could cover or take care of the contract I had signed in my own blood with him. But I looked him straight in the eye for the first time and I told him, “You’re a liar. I read the tract that Jack Chick put out, The Contract, and that contract I wrote with you is no good because the Blood of Jesus is sufficient for all things.” And I said, “The ladies at the church have been telling me this for quite some time that you’re the liar and that Jesus’s blood was sufficient for all things.” And I said, “Jack Chicks tract, The Contract, says that His Blood is sufficient for all things and there’s no way you’re going to tell me that your contract’s any good. It’s broken by the blood of Jesus.”

Now, the next threat that Satan brought against me when he found out that I was not going to buy the contract bit, was that he would allow the Christians – was the word he used – to destroy me. Now the Christians in this instance he was talking about were the people he had in the churches that were his people that he would allow to destroy me by giving me no credibility at all, just ruining my name, reputation, everything. They’re well programmed in doing this. I have trained the same thing. So I knew that this particular threat that he was making could happen because this happened before to other people.

Jack Chick: Elaine, I can imagine Satan launched a full-scale assault against you and took away as much, well, the power that Manchan had given you. He was stripping you of everything. And here you were absolutely shattered! Did he hit you with sickness? Or what did he do?

Elaine: Jack, he hit me with everything. He hit me of course financially, and with my credibility as he said he would. And everybody was out to destroy me because they were afraid I would destroy them because I knew too much. But the biggest thing he did was hit me with a physical illness. During this time I had fled to another city where Rebecca’s hospital was, and I was working in another area there in a nursing home. And I collapsed at work and was taken into the emergency room. That’s how sick I was. And who walked in but this tall blonde lady doctor. And she had a little pin on her lapel that says Jesus is life. And I know that I looked up at it and I looked at her and I said, “Are you a Christian? And she says, “Yes, are you?” And I said, “Yes, I’m two weeks old.” And lo and behold, it was Rebecca Brown.

Jack Chick: Rebecca, did you know anything about Elaine’s background before she got saved?

Rebecca Brown: No I didn’t, Jack. To me she was just another patient coming in the emergency room. She really wasn’t even my patient. By this time I was a resident, and she was assigned to the intern who was underneath my supervision at that time. Of course I saw her that night, and she did tell me that she was a new Christian. And later that night the Lord instructed me that I was to purchase a Bible for her, which I did, and took in on rounds and gave to her the next morning. I had no idea that there were demons in her. And they spoke through Elaine trying to drive me away. And I truly, I thought she was the most obnoxious person on the face of this earth. I had no idea that it was the demons within her trying to drive me away. In fact, she made me so mad, that when I gave her the Bible, I gave her a reading assignment and I told her she had to read the entire book of James by the time I made rounds the next morning. And the reason why I did that is because James has so much to say about taming the tongue. And it made Elaine so mad, that when I made rounds the next morning and came in, she threw the Bible at me!

Elaine’s case was certainly a very difficult one because I knew she was sick. She was so obnoxious to me all the time. And yet, I prayed about her case as I was in the habit of praying and fasting about all the difficult cases, but the Lord was strangely silent as to what went on. And we ran every test in the book on her. And being in a large teaching hospital we had many tests to run that the average hospital doesn’t have. And they all kept turning out negative. Of course, at that time, I wasn’t knowledgeable about the way demons can destruct and tear down a physical body on a molecular level so that the tests won’t turn up, they won’t show up what’s going on. But all in all, I heaved a great sigh of relief, because after Elaine had been in the hospital about a month I was due to be changed to a different rotation and she would no longer be under my care.

But you know, there was another strange thing about Elaine. I didn’t realize what it was but she had such a presence about her, and I realized now it was because of the demon Manchan that was in her, the tremendous power that was in her. But everyone wherever Elaine went was immediately aware of her presence in the room. There was, just all I can describe it as a presence. And every ward she went on there was trouble, there was constant trouble with the nurses. Everyone knew that she was there, and of course, at that time I didn’t realize it was because of what was going on between her and the nurses that were witches. So I was very thankful, I was just saying, thank you Lord that I can change rotations.

Elaine: Yes, but I had other ideas. You see, no one told me that I couldn’t use my witchcraft! I mean, yes, I accepted Jesus as my Savior, but no one told me that I couldn’t do what I used to do! I was kind of stuck there, you see, and I was also very afraid. There were all these witches around me, and I knew that Satan had put out a contract on me to be done away with, and I was scared to death. So it was up to me to fight to keep my life. And here was this young Christian woman, and I didn’t really trust her too much either, and yet something kept drawing me back, and drawing me back to her. And so I kept doing incantations to get rid of everybody else so she’d have to come back!

Rebecca Brown: Interestingly enough, after I changed rotations, it had only been about a week, and the intern, who was you know, Elaine was really his private patient, he came to me and told me that he didn’t care what the consequences were, that he was never going to go back in and see that woman again, and that he was handing her over into my hands, that he would have nothing more to do with her. And there was another specialist that was on her case. And a week after that he came and told me the same thing. And nobody would have anything to do with Elaine, and there I was.

Elaine: What Rebecca didn’t know was that the specialist was a Satanist. And I deliberately picked to fight with him, troused him, I mean, I bopped him good and drove him away so that I’d have her. I didn’t want him. I didn’t trust him. I was, like I said before, I was scared to death. I was in a hospital that I knew belonged to Satan, and I knew they were out to to get me, and the only person that seemed to have any light around them or any inkling of what Jesus was all about was this young woman doctor. And I kind of held on like a kid does to his mama’s apron strings for a long long time. And I really felt bad about it, but at the same time I felt glad because I felt like finally I’ve found somebody who can help me. But again, nobody told me I couldn’t beat the socks off this guy with my witchcraft. They didn’t tell me I had to pray for him, not beat him up! (She laughs.)

Rebecca Brown: And boy, was it stretching those apron strings! The longer I was associated with Elaine, the more obnoxious the demons got through her, the more desperate they were in their attempt to drive me away. And I was getting so frustrated. And I would reach the point and I’d make up my mind I’m going to discharge this patient in the morning and tell her there’s anything else I could do. And then the Lord would permit Satan to tempt me, and I would fall flat on my face and fail and have to go crawling back to Father with my tail tucked between my legs and ask His forgiveness. And then He’d say to me, “Now you see the patience I have to have with you? Can’t you extend that kind of patience to my child Elaine?” And so I would say, “Yes Lord, please put your love in my heart for this woman because she is certainly unlovable.” But the problem was I was never given the opportunity to ever really speak to Elaine herself, I was only speaking to the demons without knowing it.

So finally after she was in the hospital going on two months, I got really serious and I spent one whole weekend, 48 hours, in fasting and prayer, asking God for the key to her case. And at the end of that time the Lord spoke to me and told me that I had not investigated her deep occult involvement. And it was the following morning then that I went in. I remember, I sat down on the edge of the bed and told Elaine that there was something else that we hadn’t discussed and she said, “Oh what’s that?” And I said, “Your deep occult involvement.”

Elaine: And I just about fell off the bed because I couldn’t figure out how she found out! And again all of a sudden, the signals go up and you go on guard, and you’re not sure where she stands. You’re not sure if she really is a Christian now or if she’s one of those witches that you’ve helped implant in a church somewhere that is trying to get a hold of you and turn against you. But there was still something special about her. She put me in the mind of those beautiful ladies back in that little storefront church who did all that praying, and they knew what I was but they loved me anyway. And this was the kind of love that she showed me.

Rebecca Brown: Well, I could tell that Elaine was really scared, and so I told her that I had spent the weekend in fasting and prayer, and the Father had revealed it to me. And I also told her that she must begin to confess these involvements one by one, and ask the Lord to forgive her and to close the doorway, and to take all of this away from her. And I met absolute and total resistance. And finally, I didn’t know what to do because she was just so resistant. And finally I said, “Well, I can’t handle you. I just can’t handle you. But I know Who can!” And I prayed with her right then and there, and I asked the Lord to take Elaine in His hands and to handle her.

Elaine: And He did!

Rebecca Brown: When I came in the next morning she said, “Don’t you ever pray that way again.” But I prayed that way with Elaine every day from that point on. And she began to grow spiritually. And we finally began to get some of her physical problems cleared up. And then the time came when she was discharged from the hospital, I continued to see her on an outpatient basis for about another month.

And then the cult lowered the boom. And I received a letter in the mail from the cult, and so did Elaine, and the letter that I received detailed all of my activities for the two weeks prior to the writing of the letter, right down to what I had purchased at the grocery store, what time I went to bed at night, what time I got up in the morning, my address, my phone number, they knew everything about me! And they told me that if I ever had any contact with Elaine again that I would be used for the Black Mass, the Easter sacrifice which was coming up in about three weeks time. It was in the spring just before Easter.

And they told Elaine in her letter that if ever she had any further contact with me and that if she didn’t go back and repent and return to worship Satan, that they were going to use her as a sacrifice. And Elaine called me up very upset. And said that she wouldn’t be seeing me any more because of it. But I told her that I had to take this matter to Father in prayer and see what His guidance was. Father was quick to answer me. He told me that I must get Elaine and move her into my home with us because she would commit suicide rather than fall into the hands of the cult, that her faith wasn’t strong enough yet. Her husband had left her, he remained in the cult. Her daughter, she had left with her stepsister during the period of time she was in the hospital. So we left the daughter with her stepsister at that time in order not to bring her into the dangerous situation. But I had a roommate living with me at the time, and I had to tell her about what was going on, and she was so scared that she moved out for almost a month before coming back.

But the Lord gave me two Scriptures that He quickened to my heart. The first one is in the second epistle of Timothy the first chapter verse 14 where it says, “That good thing which was committed unto thee, keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.” And the Lord just told me that Elaine was a good deposit given into my hands, and that I must keep her safe. Of course the first thing I asked the Lord was, “Will you keep us safe?” And His answer was, “That is my decision to make. You have been praying for two years now to stand in the gap for this area, and I have put you in the gap for this area, and what will be the result of that is my decision. But regardless, you are to support your sister’s faith until the end whichever it be.”

He also quickened to my heart the Scripture where Jesus said, “No greater love hath a man than this that he should lay down his life for his friend.” I’ll be honest with you, Jack, I was so afraid. I was just ill with fear. Because you remember, I had seen what the cult could do. I saw that young minister, and I saw how he was tortured, and I couldn’t face the prospect of being tortured in such a way myself. And by this time I had truly grown to love Elaine, and I couldn’t face the prospect of seeing her tortured either. But somehow I just had to trust that the Lord would give us the strength not to deny Jesus no matter what the cult did to us. And after two days of anguishing, I finally got honest with the Lord, and I threw myself prone on the floor face down in front of Father, and just cried and asked the Lord, I told Him I said, “I’m so frightened, and yet even though I can’t bear the thought of facing that kind of physical torture, I can’t bear to deny Jesus, and I know that if I disobey You, that I will be denying Jesus. So please help me.” And somehow or other, I don’t know what the Lord did, I really wasn’t any less afraid, but He gave me the strength to go ahead and be obedient. And I went and got Elaine and moved her into my home. And as I say, my roommate moved out although she did move back in again about a month later.

Jack Chick: Rebecca, you had a real hot potato in your hands! Did you call anyone for help?

Rebecca: No, there really wasn’t anyone to call. I did call one minister of a church that I had been attending locally in that city, and he just promptly told me that he didn’t want to be involved in anything like that. By that time, I knew that the mayor of that town and the chief of police as well as many of the policemen were Satanists, so I couldn’t go to the police for help. I was afraid to go anywhere in my hometown for fear of bringing my parents into it. So we just stood. I told Elaine that I really felt this was a spiritual battle, that there was no way that we could fight against so strong and well armed an army as Satan had. There isn’t any place where you can run to escape from Satan. And I know we stood on the story of King Jehoshaphat in second Chronicles. But during that two weeks we had to wait, the cult was furious. And they let us know in no uncertain terms that they were furious. That with all kinds of harassment, they shot holes in the walls of our house, they threw rocks through our windows at night, they’d come and bang on the side of the house at night, they sent us other threatening letters, we got threatening phone calls all during the night during that two-week waiting period. But we just stood firm and waited. I told Elaine that I was sure that no matter what happened that somehow the Lord would give us the strength not to deny Jesus even if they did sacrifice us to the very end, but whatever the end was, we would meet it together.

Elaine: You know, during this time too, Jack, it was a struggle for me. Because there was a temptation to go back. Because I knew if I did they would probably leave her alone because I hadn’t really told her anything yet, and they’d find that out soon enough. But also I knew down deep in my heart that I could not do that because I couldn’t tolerate the satanists anymore. I couldn’t tolerate witchcraft and all this anymore. Something was wrong with it, I wanted something better. And they kept telling us over and over and over that if we thought our God was going to save us, we were surely wrong. And I couldn’t understand why they were so upset over a God they said was dead in the first place. Things just didn’t level out for me, but I was scared to death. I was afraid for Rebecca, because I knew that if they got a hold of her, that they would they would torture her and myself unmercifully. And I’d seen so much of what they had done and heard so much about it and and everything that I just could not bring myself, I had come to love her so much, I couldn’t bring myself to the point where I could accept seeing her do that.

Rebecca Brown: But the one thing I kept emphasizing to Elaine was that we had to be obedient to the Lord, that Jesus was not only her Savior, Jesus was also her Master, and that obedience was the first rule. We had to be obedient.

Finally the day of the night when the cult was supposed to come and get us. I was sitting in the library of the hospital, and a Christian medical student whom I knew walked by and dropped a little card in my lap. And on it contained the very verse that I had been standing on. And it said, “The battle tomorrow is Mine and not yours, saith the Lord. Simply take up your position and stand firm, and watch to see the victory that Jehovah your God shall win for you.” And it was at that point that I knew for the first time the Lord would keep us safe. I can never express the emotion that went through my mind and heart. And I went running after this girl and I said, “Why did you give me this verse?” And she told me saying, “I really don’t know why. I feel kind of silly doing it, but the Lord has been steadily telling me for the last three days I had to give you that verse. And today I finally decided to be obedient and give it to you.” And the Lord did keep us safe that night. The cult did not come for us. We were in absolute peace, and God fought the battle for us, and they did not come and get us.

Elaine: We were sitting and listening to albums, beautiful Christian records, the first time I really ever got to be really hear Christian music, beautiful Christian music. And the Gaithers (a Christian Gospel music band) came on, and the clock started to strike midnight which was the hour that they were to come and get us, And all of a sudden they began to sing, “It is finished.” And I looked at her and she looked at me, and there was no one there, no one came to get us. And I realized for the first time that Jesus Christ was more powerful than Satan, that He could and did have the victory, and that I didn’t have to be afraid anymore, and that I could stand up and say, “Satan you’re lost. That’s it. You’re the loser. I’m never coming back. That’s it.” We went to bed and we slept in peace.

Jack Chick: This is the end of tape one. On tape two we will describe Satan’s master plan for the destruction of the Christian churches as Elaine learned it while in Satan’s service. Thank you so much for listening. Please go on to the second tape. May God bless you. Bye Bye.

Audio recording of Closet Witches, Tape I

What is the Standard of Righteousness?

What is the Standard of Righteousness?

The Pharisees condemning Jesus of wrongdoing.

During my daily devotions of Bible reading with my wife, I often see combinations of words that inspire me to do a Bible study about them. I usually learn new things from it.

The word “righteousness” appears in the KJV 302 times in 285 verses. What does it mean to be righteous? Should we let right and wrong be determined only by our culture? The government? What Woke people tell us? Absolutely not! We must go by what the Word of God, the Bible tells us!

Righteousness is connected to faith in God’s Word

The very first time the word righteousness occurs, it’s linked to belief in the Lord and the Word of God!

Genesis 15:6  And he (Abraham) believed in the LORD; and he (the LORD) counted it to him for righteousness.

The Apostle Paul confirms that belief in God’s Word is connected to righteousness.

Romans 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Jesus told the chief priests and the elders of the people:

Matthew 21:32  For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.

Jesus implied that the hated publicans and the harlots were more righteous than the chief priests and elders because they believed what John the Baptist had to say!

True righteousness in God’s eyes is having faith in Jesus Christ.

Romans 3:22  Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

Who wouldn’t want to believe that Jesus Christ came to save sinners? Only people who are righteous in their own eyes and think they have no sin!

1 John 1:7  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8  ¶If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

People may think they are righteous because they either don’t know or they don’t believe what the Bible teaches.

Romans 3:10  As it is written (in the Bible), There is none righteous, no, not one:

1 John 1:10  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

This is the trouble with Buddhism. There is no concept of sin or breaking God’s moral law because there is no Creator God in Buddhist doctrine.

Righteousness is connected to peace.

Psalms 72:3  The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness.

Psalms 85:10  Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

Isaiah 32:17  And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

Isaiah 48:18  O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea:

Romans 14:17  For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Hebrews 7:2  To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;

James 3:18  And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

Unrighteousness tends to bring a lack of peace.

Isaiah 48:22 There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.

Is there strife in your marriage? Your relationships with others? Your family? Your nation? The world? We know the world has never had lasting peace, but we can have peace in our part of the world through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and listening to His Word!

If others, especially unbelievers say you are self-righteous for exposing their sins with the Bible, take heart that you are truly on the side of righteousness. People who judge you by their standard of righteousness rather than what the Bible has to say are the self-righteous ones, not you.

And some may even condemn you with the Bible based on their own false interpretation of Scripture! If you stick with what you know the Bible says and you stand together with other men and women of God who believe as you do, you shouldn’t feel condemned. Some Christians who assert that the Earth is flat get mad at me when I tell them it’s not. They claim the Bible teaches it and I call it a false interpretation. And if you argue with them about it, the effect is something other than peace, quietness and joy! It only results in unrighteousness, anger and bitterness. It’s best to drop the subject and cut fellowship completely with the person who insists to push their doctrines down your throat.

If this offends you, please remember you read this article of your own volition. You can leave this page anytime.

There is probably more I could add to this Bible study. If anybody has anything to add, please write it in the comments section and I will add it to this Bible class.

Is Seventh Day Adventism Part of an Unholy Triad?

Is Seventh Day Adventism Part of an Unholy Triad?

This is a transcript of a YouTube video about the founders of Seventh-Day-Adventism. I thought it was just Ellen G. White, but there were also a number of men, Freemasons, who aided her. And there were two other groups, Mormonism of Joseph Smith and Spiritualism of the Fox sisters that also started in the 19th century, and all not far from each other in the State of New York! The talk explores the possible connection between the three groups.

Video transcription

Thanks for joining me. I have a few slides things regarding what I think could be the smoking gun that could or may prove the origins of Adventism.

As you know, Adventism has three theological pillars. They are, the state of the dead, the Mark of the Beast being Sunday worship, and most importantly, the doctrine upon which the Seventh-Day Adventist religion hangs on is the Sanctuary Doctrine conjured up by Hiram Edson, and later endorsed by the false prophet, Ellen White. The doctrine has no Scriptural basis.

Is Seventh-day Adventism part of an unholy triad? I think once you realize the origins of Seventh-day Adventism, one needs to ask questions.

Now, later on, I will be showing a segment of Dr. Allan Lindsey, one of Adventism’s foremost historians and noted gatekeeper of the Ellen White Research Center, and keeper of White’s writings. But I’m going to show you five people and all have one thing in common. Or could there be a more secret and sinister background to this commonality? So what do these people have in common?

1. Hiram Edson, Adventist pioneer and founder of the most diabolical Adventist theological doctrine, the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary that attacks the Gospel of the grace of God and ultimately the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Edson, while walking through the cornfields with an unknown person supposedly had a vision of Christ moving from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place, thus the doctrine upon which Adventism is primarily founded was born.

2. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, a system of beliefs that came via a devil angel named Moroni who showed him the location of gold plates which later he supposedly transcribed into the Book of Mormon. However the system of Mormonism opposes the Gospel of the grace of God and denigrates the finished work of Jesus Christ in favor of man’s work towards godhood status and to ultimately reward it with the ability to populate other worlds through endless procreation with celestial virgins.

3. The Fox sisters, the founders of modern-day Spiritualism. Of interest, the Fox sisters created the largest organization of spirit mediums and called it Lily Dale. This ancient Baal cult and demonic system of necromancy forbidden in the Holy Bible by God continues to increase in adherence each coming year.

So what do these people have in common? All three locations are described by Dr. Allan Lindsey which I will show in just a moment, but for now, consider the locations. What do you see?




(SDA Dr. Allan Lindsay speaking:) And Jesus came in through His Word, corrected their error, brought them through their disappointment, reaffirmed their confidence, and gave them a message to take to the world. Well, with that experience in our minds, dear friends, let’s go back to the morning after the disappointment, Wednesday, October 23. And where should we go? That’s a map of the State of New York, and along that blue line you can see a blue line here that starts over here. There’s New York City, there’s a river that goes right along there. And in 1825 the American government cut a canal without tractors and all the other things they have today, right across to a lake, Lake Erie. That’s a lake there, and there’s a lake up there, and Niagara Falls is just there. And prior to that time even ships coming from Europe could come down this far, but they could not come past Niagara Falls for obvious reasons. And therefore they could not get into Lake Erie. And round here they came and of course eventually they would have opened up Detroit and Chicago. And so the cutting of that canal opened up the central part of America and changed the history of the United States. It was built in 1825.

Why do I mention this? Because along that canal round about there is a little village called Port Gibson. Why is that relevant to our story today? Because in Port Gibson there lived a man called Hiram Edson. He was a Methodist lay preacher and he had been converted in 1839 to the teachings of William Miller that Jesus was coming in the mid 1840s. And here he’d shared his faith with his neighbors. And he had about 200 neighbors converted and waiting anxiously for Jesus to come on that Tuesday, October 22.

If you have a look at that map it makes it a little bit clearer. And there’s some interesting things on that map because here you’ll see is the Erie Canal. But there are three places there that while I’m going to talk about one of them tonight, the other two are very interesting.


Here is Hiram Edson’s farm, this man, this lay preacher that I’m going to talk about tonight. And just a few miles over to the west is Hill Chumorah which is the beginnings of Mormonism. It was here that Joseph Smith discovered the gold plates that led to the writing or to the translation of the Book of Mormon. And just above it up there is the Fox Cottage. And this is the birthplace of modern Spiritualism.

I was amazed when I first visited this place to think that within a few miles of each other is the beginnings of Adventism, the beginnings of Mormonism, and the beginnings of Spiritualism, right there. And of course Spiritualism may remind us all, is the agent that Satan is going to use to gather the whole world together into one body. Read Revelation 16 sometime. Very significant that it should come so close.

Well, if you go to that site today you’ll see the site of Hiram Edson’s home. The home has long since gone, and they have put a barn on the property for reasons I’ll explain in just a moment.

There’s a photograph of the reconstructed barn. Hut here is Hill Chumorah. This is this a magnificent visitors center that the Mormons have constructed right there to celebrate the discovery of the gold plates and the Book of Mormon. And then of course they’re the Fox family, that little cottage where Spiritualism began as you saw there on the map.

Well, let’s go back to Hiram Edson. This man and many others had waited for Jesus to come. He’d pass through that disappointment. And he too tells us a little of his disappointment. There is a photograph that I took of the Erie canal right there where Hiram Edson’s farm is. And I was interested to discover that a little I was walking through a cemetery up there in New York and discovered the grave of Hiram Edson because he became a pioneer Adventist minister, and died in 1882.

But have a look at this statement. Remember the one I put on the screen about James White? Look at this. Hiram Edson has written a manuscript, and in that manuscript he wrote this about his experience that Wednesday and that Tuesday.

“We looked for our coming Lord until the clock toll 12 at midnight. The day had then passed, and our disappointment became a certainty. Our fondest hopes and expectations were blasted, and such a spirit of weeping came over us as I never experienced before. We wept and wept till the day dawn.”

Bitter disappointment. As the sun rose on that Wednesday morning, Hiram Edson goes on to tell us that he suggested to some of his friends that they should go down to the barn on his property because that was the largest building in those days to protect the animals in the wintertime, and meet for prayer, an earnest prayer to God, an earnest supplication to God that He would somehow help them to understand why Jesus hadn’t come the day before. And Hiram Edson tells us that they continued in prayer until their conviction came that their prayers had been heard and accepted, and that light would be given, and that their disappointment would be explained. They felt after that prayer meeting that Wednesday morning, dear friends, that God was going to give them an answer as to why He hadn’t come the day before.

After the prayer session, Edson, and an unknown friend, did you get that? Hiram Edson and one other, and we don’t know who the other was really. Oh, we’ve guessed. Bible scholars have a guess, and I’ve got a little bit of an idea. But he’s not named. He’s not named.

Here are some queries about this location. Is it not strange that Adventism’s most important theological pillar of the sanctuary belief is founded in a cornfield vision on a farm not far from a hill that hid gold plates shown in a vision by an angel called Moroni to Joseph Smith and not far from a cottage here where happenings took place that made three sisters the founders of modern-day spiritualism? Lastly, who is the unknown person that was with Hiram Edson at the time of his vision? Was it Joseph Smith? The connection between Adventism and Mormonism is historically close which should compel every Seventh-Day Adventist whether conservative, progressive, historical, or liberal, to question the beliefs their faith is founded on. The Sanctuary Doctrine has long been proven and declared bankrupt theologically and biblically. What Hiram Edson saw is anybody’s guess. What is ironic is the close proximity and location of each system of beliefs that now war against the body of Jesus Christ, the church, and ultimately the Gospel of the grace of God.

The video the text is based on

Turning a Pagan Holiday Into the Worship of Christ

Turning a Pagan Holiday Into the Worship of Christ

I posted this on social media. It was popular and so I thought to share it on this website.

My wife Tess and I know the traditions of the Christmas season come from Roman pagan sun worship, and we reject those practices, i.e. decorating evergreen trees, etc. And we know the birth of Jesus was probably not in the Winter. Nevertheless, we think it’s a good time to remind people Who Jesus is, God made flesh Who was born on earth to experience human life and every single suffering humanity has ever faced including hunger, thirst, weariness, pain, betrayal of a close friend, false accusations, and finally the humiliation and agony of a Roman style execution by being hung to die on a wooden cross as a criminal in spite of being innocent of any crime! And why? To redeem sinful men and women, to pay the price for THEIR sins and crimes against a righteous God! Who would not want to accept Christ’s sacrifice for them? Only the “good” people who think they are sinless. I’m not one of them. I trust wholly in the death of Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for my sins, and I believe He rose again from the dead three days later. The Bible says this is all we need to do to be assured of eternal life with God in paradise.

Romans 10:9-10 KJV – That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
¹⁰ For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

It’s only faith in Christ Jesus that saves us, NOT our good works!

The Gospel According to Ellen G. White

The Gospel According to Ellen G. White

Ellen Gould White was an American woman author and co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Along with other Adventist leaders such as Joseph Bates and her husband James White, she was instrumental within a small group of early Adventists who formed what became known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church. (Source: Wikipedia)

I never thought before yesterday, December 23, 2022, to go out of my way to knock the Seventh Day Adventist church and its founder, Ellen G. White, but the two YouTubes I saw shocked me to the core! The woman who claimed to be a prophetess of God has not only given false prophecies, she preached a false Gospel of obedience to the Law of Moses in order to attain salvation!

Galatians 1:8  But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:9  As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Wow, for emphasis the Apostle Paul warns us twice! It must be pretty serious to be accursed.

Do SDA members read their Bibles? Believers in Christ are under the New Covenant, not the OLD one which according to the Word of God, nobody was able to keep, and yet SDA members think they can?

Acts 7:53  Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.

Galatians 3:22  But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.
23  But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
24  Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
25  But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
26  For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

From the writings of Ellen G. White

1. The 1843 Second Coming message was a “saving message” and pastors who resisted this message had “the blood of souls” upon themselves. (Early Writings, p.243)

2. Churches which rejected the revised 1844 sanctuary “truth” fell from God’s favor and became “Babylon.” The people in these churches were deceived by Satan, and their prayers were useless. (Spiritual Gifts, v.1, pp.140, 172, 173)

3. Christians should never say, “I am saved.” (The Kress Collection, p.120; RH, 6/17/1890)

4. Only those who keep the Sabbath will be saved in the last days. (Medical Ministry, p.123)

5. There will be no change in character at the second coming. (Review & Herald, 6/21/1892)

6. Ellen White says we are not saved by faith alone. (Australasian Union Record, 10/15/1905; Sketches from the Life of Paul, p.192)

7. We must live a life of “perfect obedience” before God’s promises will be fulfilled to us. (Testimonies, v.2, p.122, 148).

8. We are to be judged by our “deeds.” (Spirit of Prophecy, v.4, p.311).

The eight statements are from https://www.gospeloutreach.net/gospeltest.html

This is just the opposite of what the Word of God teaches. Do I need to say more? If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and study and read your Bible daily, you should know the above statements from Ellen G. White are false.

Here are three videos that shook me up about the SDA church. I may never listen to Walter Veith again. He’s a bright fellow and should know better.

Read more about mystic Ellen G. White and SDA’s counterfeit Mark of the Beast.

Seventh Day Adventist Counterfeit Mark of the Beast

Seventh Day Adventist Ellen G. White : Masonic Mystic Witch

7th Day Adventism Exposed

Walter Veith and the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Walter Veith and the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Walter Julius Veith (born 1949) is a South African zoologist and a Seventh-day Adventist author and speaker known for his work in nutrition, creationism and Biblical exegesis. (Source: Wikipedia)

My wife and I like Dr. Walter Veith and think he’s a great teacher. We enjoy listening to his lectures on YouTube. He’s very knowledgeable about the Jesuits, the Vatican, the Popes of Rome, and their secret societies running the world. I can’t remember when I first learned of him but it was at least six years ago when I was still living in Japan. I transcribed one of his talks on this website, The Secret Behind Secret Societies.

That being said, we don’t subscribe to Dr. Veith’s SDA-specific doctrines. I don’t want to go out of my way to offend my SDA friends, but I feel compelled to write this article because I just listened to one of his talks where he makes several incorrect statements.

Here Dr. Veith says he’s reading from the Guardian news:

“Early Christians moved their ‘day of rest’ from the seventh day of the week, from Saturday to Sunday. Despite the fourth commandment mandating Saturday, ie seventh day, sabbath observance, this move was partly a way of honoring the resurrection, which happened ‘on the first day of the week’; partly about distinguishing Christianity from Judaism; and partly a way of colonising the post Roman sun-worshipping day.”

And then Dr. Veith comments. “Quite accurate as a matter of fact.” I don’t agree! Do we listen to a secular news agency more than what the Bible tells us?

For one thing, the Bible does not call Sunday a “day of rest”. It only says it’s the day when the disciples came together to break bread. They also heard Paul preach on one of those days.

Acts 20:7  And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.

1 Corinthians 16:2  Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.

According to the Bible, Sunday is not a day of rest, it’s a day of fellowship of believers in Christ, a time to gather, sing some hymns of worship, and listen to some good teaching and preaching of the Word of God. Many Christians also like to meet on Wednesday evenings for a worship service and or Bible study.

Do Seventh Day Adventists listen to Ellen G. White and her book, The Great Controversy more than they do to God’s Word in the Bible? It appears so. The Book of Hebrews says the believers in Christ Jesus are under a NEW Covenant! The New Covenant was first prophesied in the Book of Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 31:31  Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32  Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:

Wow! Isn’t that as clear as crystal? “A new covenant… not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt.” And what Covenant is it talking about here? The Mosaic Covenant! The Covenant God made with the Children of Israel through Moses by giving him the Law! Did the children of Israel keep the Ten Commandments? Nope! The Bible says, “which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD.”

Hebrews 8:8  For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
9  Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.

Here you see Hebrews 8:8-9 is quoting from Jeremiah 31:31-32. Did you know that before? Neither did I until I wrote this article. It’s so wonderful to see how the New Testament explains the prophecies of the Old Testament!

Hebrews 8:13  In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Hebrews 12:24  And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

There is absolutely no emphasis on Sabbath day observance in the New Testament. Remember, the main accusation the Pharisees made against Jesus was breaking the Sabbath!

John 9:16  Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day.

And how did Jesus answer that accusation?

Mark 3:4  And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace.

Did you know the word “testament” is synonymous with the word “covenant”? The Book of Hebrews makes that perfectly clear.

Hebrews 9:15  And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.
Hebrews 9:16  For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.
Hebrews 9:17  For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.
Hebrews 9:18  Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood.
Hebrews 9:20  Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you.
Revelation 11:19  And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

In every case the word “testament” is used in these verses, it can be substituted with the word “covenant.” The Old Testament can be called the Old Covenant and the New Testament can be called the New Covenant. What does that mean? It means SDA emphasis on keeping the Sabbath day is contrary to the Gospel of Christ and the New Covenant of grace Jesus Christ made with those who trust in Him for salvation!

John 1:17  For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Galatians 5:4  Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

This is a most serious subject! I certainly don’t want to fall from grace! It’s only by the grace of God because of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for me by dying on the Roman Cross and His blood shed to wash away my sins that I am saved!

Sabbath day observance has nothing to do with salvation! In Acts chapter 15, the new Gentile believers in Christ Jesus were given four ordinances to keep, and Sabbath day observance was not one of them!

Acts 15:19  Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God:
20  But that we write unto them, that they
(1) abstain from pollutions of idols,
(2) and from fornication,
(3) and from things strangled,
(4) and from blood.

James, the half-brother of Jesus said those words! According to several Bible commentaries I read about Acts chapter 15, this is the very same James who wrote the Book of James, the half-brother of Jesus!

Acts 15:4  And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them.
5  But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.
6  ¶And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter.

Just read the entire chapter and you will see that Peter, Paul, Barnabus and James did not agree with the Pharisees’ charge that the Gentiles be circumcised and be commanded to keep the law.

It’s so interesting and ironic that though the Book of James is claimed by the legalists and the Roman Catholic Church to teach salvation by works and obedience to the law, the very writer of the Book of James, the half-brother of Jesus, James himself, did not agree with the Pharisees that the Gentiles should be circumcised and commanded to keep the Law of Moses!

Acts 15:7  And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.
8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;
9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
10  Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
11  But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

If you want to take off from work and rest on Saturday, that’s perfectly fine! Just please don’t do it because you think if you don’t you will lose your salvation! We are under the New Covenant, the New Testament. But does that mean it’s OK to break God’s moral laws? We won’t if we are motivated by love for God and others.

Matthew 22:37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38  This is the first and great commandment.
39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Galatians 5:14  For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

When we first believed on Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit Who put God’s law of love is in our hearts. Loving God and our fellow man means we will keep God’s moral laws and not lie, cheat, steal, murder, or do other things selfish and unsaved people of this world do.

One of my friends doesn’t believe members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church are even saved! And I know a former SDA member who agrees with him. But maybe that’s too extreme to say. Maybe they do put all their trust only in Jesus Christ for salvation and know that it’s only through grace they are saved, but also think Sabbath day keeping is obedience to God. I hope so.

Remember Me – A Scripture Memorization App that Works

Remember Me – A Scripture Memorization App that Works

I downloaded and installed “Remember Me” a Scripture memorization app for my Android phone two years ago, and added a bunch of verses, but only after a week or so I got discouraged from using it. And why? Because I didn’t understand the concept that Remember Me offers to help keep a disciple of Jesus Christ faithful to review the verses he or she already knows. A few weeks ago I made a renewed effort again to use the app, and now I understand why it’s so useful! It’s kept me faithful to renew Bible memory verses every day as if I had a physical Scripture memorization and review partner with me!

The app has three columns, the New column where you add new verses, the Due column where you review verses you should already know, and the KNOWN column which will fill up with verses you memorized and reviewed.

The NEW column

The NEW column

You can see I have only one verse in my NEW column. You can put as many verses as you want in it, but I usually put only one at a time. To add a verse, you click on the blue button with the + sign in the middle lower part of the screen. Then you will see the following screen:


When you see this screen for the first time, you should choose the Bible version you want to use by clicking on on the dropdown field on the right. I prefer the KJV. Then in the Reference field, you type the reference of the Scripture you want to memorize like this: John 3:16. You can also add more than one verse by using a hyphen like this: Psalm 23:1-6. If you do that you will get the entire Psalm 23! And then you type optionally something in the topic field. You can put a topic specific to the verse. I like to put the first three words of the verse in the topic field. It looks like this:


The next step will work only with an Internet connection. You click the blue button in the upper right hand corner, and it will look like this:

Then you click the blue button on the lower half of the screen, and the verse is added!


Then you click on the arrow pointing left at the top left, and you will come back to the NEW column and see the reference of the verse you added along with what you wrote, if anything, in the topic line. Mine looks like this:


Then you click on the verse reference and come to this screen:


This gives you another opportunity to read the verse a few times and try to memorize it. I always like to say the reference of the verse first, then the verse, and finally the reference again. When you think you know the verse and reference well enough, click on the bottom arrow pointing to the right and you will see this screen:


There are 4 icons on the bottom part of the screen to present you different methods to help you memorize the verse. I prefer the third from the left, the one with the horizontal lines. If you click that, you will come to the next screen:


You can see now only the first letter of each word of the verse! This helps you learn the verse when looking at the letter and saying the word. You will know you missed something when you see a letter and can’t remember the word that goes with it. In that case, click the back icon on you phone to see the verse again, and then click on the review method icon to try again. When you think you quoted it correctly, click on NEXT LINE and you will either go to the next line of the verse if you chose multiple verses, or you will see the reference partially hidden. Say the reference correctly and click on NEXT LINE and you will see the entire verse with reference. Then click on OK and you will come back to the options screen. Repeat the previous process as often as you think necessary. When you think you learned the verse, click on the the icon with a question mark in a box at the top right of the screen, and you will see this:
Say the reference and the verse and the reference again, and then click on the question mark in the box on the bottom right of the screen. You will see the verse with the reference hidden. Click on the question mark in the box again, and you will see the reference. You will also see a checkmark at the bottom right. Click on the checkmark and the verse will move from the NEW column to the KNOWN column!

Depending on how many verses you have in the KNOWN column, every day verses will move from the KNOWN column to the DUE column. Every day from 10 to 20 verses or so move from the KNOWN column to the DUE column on my phone. This is the key part of the application which keeps you faithful to review the Scriptures you have learned. If you don’t review them, you will lose them over time. There is some kind of algorithm in the software the determines when you should review a certain verse. To review a verse, just first quote outloud the verse at the top of the list, and then click on it to show it. If you see you quoted the verse and the reference correctly, click on the checkmark on the bottom right of the screen and the verse will move to the KNOWN column. If you think you need to review the verse more, click on the X on the bottom left of the screen and it will take you back to the review options screen. Just repeat the process you already learned from before until you get the verse correct. This is what my DUE screen looks like:


If you don’t review the DUE screen daily, you will have more work tomorrow because the DUE screen will fill up with more verses that are moved from the KNOWN column! This is why I got discourged two years ago! I didn’t use the app daily and was dismayed to see all the verses from the KNOWN column moved to the DUE column. The fact that the application is programmed to due that inspires me to be faithful to review the DUE column daily.

The DUE column, in fact every column has an option on the bottom of the screen to play the verses into voice using speech synthesis. When reviewing single verses this option exists as well.

I try to add one or two new verses every day. They are mostly Scriptures I learned decades ago but cannot quote with perfect accuracy anymore.

There are more options the applications the application can do. For example, it can sort the verses in the columns according to the reference either in alphabetical or in biblical order, and with other sort order options as well.

If there is something I’m not clear enough about in this article, please write in the comments section and I will try to be clearer.

The Secret Behind Secret Societies – Transcription of Walter Veith’s Talk

The Secret Behind Secret Societies – Transcription of Walter Veith’s Talk

I was asked by a friend to transcribe Walter Veith’s highly informative talk about secret societies. If you see any errors, please tell me in the comments section and I will fix them.


The secret behind secret societies. Obviously, the secret behind secret societies is a secret that people don’t want to have spread abroad.

Revelation 17:4  And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

There’s only one church in the whole world that uses a woman with a cup, and that is the Roman Church. And here is a city, Sita Del Vaticano using the woman with the golden cup and she is called Fides on all their documents, Fides.

Revelation 17:4

Now, what does that mean, Fides? Well, let’s go to a Masonic source, a very good Masonic source written by Albert G. Mackey, the manual of the lodge. Albert Mackey was a 33-degree Freemason. It will become clear as we go through the lectures what this means. And he says,

“The right hand has in all ages been deemed an emblem of fidelity, and our ancient present brethren worship deity under the name of Fides or Fidelity which was sometimes represented by two right hands joined, and sometimes by two human figures holding each other by the right hand. Numa was the first who erected the altar to Fides under which the name the Goddess of Oaths and Honesty was worshiped.

So it means honesty and fidelity but it is also an image of a female deity.

Now Revelation 17 verse 5 calls this institution the mother of prostitutes. In Revelation 18 verse 7 she says,

I sit a queen, and am no widow, and I will never morn.

So she might have lost some children during the Reformation but she’s going to get them back.

I am and there is none beside me. I will never be a widow or suffer loss of children.

She’s going to control the world in a spiritual sense. That’s what this power says. Now it’s interesting that the Vatican has just recently, on September 5, 2000, issued this encyclical Dominus Iesus where she says,

“Other churches are no sisters of ours, The Vatican insists. It must always be clear that the one Holy Catholic and the apostolic universal church is not the sister but the mother of all the churches.

Cardinal Ratzinger said that. He’s the head of the Inquisition. They don’t call themselves the Inquisition anymore, they call themselves the Congregation for Doctrine and Faith. But it’s the same thing. It’s even in the same building.

Now, she’s not the sister but the mother of all the churches. That means all the other churches are subject to her, right or wrong. That’s what she says. Now, in Revelation 13 verse 1 and 2 speaking about the same power it says,

and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.


Now, that’s a very wow statement. The dragon gave him the power? In other words this power comes from another source. Now, doesn’t Catholicism preach Christianity? Yes it does. Doesn’t it preach Jesus Christ as the savior of the world? Yes it does. But it also preaches mediation through other mechanisms and through the Church.

Now, it is interesting that in secret societies there are always two doctrines, one for the initiated, and one for the goyim, the uninitiated. Adnd the Knights Templars had two doctrines. The one was the inside esoteric occult doctrine, and the other one was the exoteric, the one to the outside, and that was Catholicism. So the masses received a religion which the insiders turned on its head.

Amongst occult insiders, Lucifer is the true son of God. Jesus is a second son who was defeated by the first one who had been thrown out. So Lucifer is the true luminary, the victor in the battle, and will be the one who will be worshipped at the end of time. That is occult doctrine. That’s always been the doctrine of the Kabbalah, the Kabbalist doctrine, and it has been the doctrine of Gnosticism. But of course, it’s not what the Bible teaches, but then Catholicism doesn’t teach what the Bible teaches either.

Revelation 17 verses 12 to 14 talks about ten horns. You saw ten kings who have not yet received the kingdom but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the Beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the Beast. And they will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is lord of lords and king of kings. And with Him will be His called, chosen, and faithful followers.

Now, we’re going to deal with the whole chapter of Revelation 17 at a later stage. But the kings of the world here represented by these ten will give their power to the System just like in the middle ages, and enforce the doctrines on an entire world. Very interesting! This will be this Beast from the bottomless pit.

Now, Gary H. Kah in his work, En Route to Global Occupation puts it this way. He says there were the ancient mystery religions that come from Babylon, and they were pantheistic of course, which means God is in nature, God is in everything, which in effect makes us God then too. This was inculcated in Kabbalism, was taken over in the Christian era in what is called Gnosticism, and the Knights Templars were the inner secret core that had the ancient knowledge of the mystics. This was carried further through Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, which according to Gary Kah controls Marxism, American European secret societies and political societies, international banking, and the World Council of Churches. Now, that sounds very strange. Is the World Council of Churches controlled by Freemasonry? We’ll have to look into that in some detail.


Then of course you have the entire New Age movement, the Theosophical societies, the many cults, and all these things all controlled by this mechanism to make null and void the doctrine of salvation in Christ alone. That will be the final battle. And in order to achieve this, this woman has concealed herself and has hidden herself in the garb of Christianity, and people receive the goyim doctrine and do not know what the inner core doctrine is. That is quite something!

Well if we look at first Chronicles 16:26,

For all the gods of the people are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.

This tells us that idolatry is quite something that’s rife on the earth. And Nimrod, the Lord of Heaven, Tammuz, the pagan messiah, and Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven, these find their origin in Babylon. And if you go through all the religions that were that were propagated in Lebanon, Phoenicia, Babylon, Syria, Greece, Rome, Egypt, India, China, Mexico, Scandinavia, you have only this same picture under different names, Baal, Tammuz Ashtoreth, El, Bacchus, Astarte, Belus, Tammuz, Rhea, Ishtar, Ninus, Hurcules, Beltis, etc. etc. In Egypt: Ra, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Hathor, India – Vishnu, Krishna, Isi, Devaki, and so on and so on.


Now, Romanism, the Roman church has taken this Trinity and made it Father, Mother, and Child, which means that they must elevate the female to the point of Deity. And we’ll see how they did that and how they are doing that with the sanction of the Pope. So the true Trinity and the Roman Catholic Trinity are two different things. For the Goyim, it’s Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For the inner circle it’s Father, Mother, and Child which is none other than Baal, Tammuz, and Ashtoreth, if you want to take it back to those times.

Jupiter is the god who is worshiped under Petrus the Rock, and ubi petri, where Peter is there is the church. So here’s another rock that takes the place of the true Rock.


Christianity and the secret societies. We could just summarize it as follows: The old Babylonian religion gave rise to capitalism. Via the Essenes and others, Gnosticism came into existence, and Gnosticism was founded by Simon Magus. This comes from no other source than history of The Magi and by Eliphas Levi. Wow! That’s a high Masonic source.


So Gnosticism founded by Simon Magus, then this Gnosticism with its secret doctrine was eventually over time through many intermediary organizations, carried over to the Knights Templars. And the Knights Templars were a group of a Roman Catholic order if you like that were set over the Temple site to protect it. And they had strong links to Islamic societies the Ismailis, the Karmatites, the Fatimites, the Druzes, and the Assassins. And these are very very interesting and we’ll be dealing with them when we talk about the Islamic connection, what the secret societies actually teach. Just like the Templars had two doctrines one for the goyim, the uninitiated, and one for the insiders, and the two diametrically opposed to each other, so the secret societies of Islam do exactly the same thing. But that’s another lecture.

Now the Templars, they had their secret inner information inculcated in the Rosicrucians and the Jesuits. The Jesuits again formed and created Freemasonry. And Freemasonry was created as the Protestant arm of the Roman Catholic church, unbeknown to them, beguiled fooled if you like, into doing the work that Rome wanted them to do so that Rome could sit in the background while Freemasonry did it for them. And then it wasn’t them it was them, it was mainly Protestants that were doing it, and not wrong. Very clever! Very very clever indeed!

So now let’s have a look at these Knights Templars. Here are some of the presentations, representations. This is (Jacques) de Molay, the leader at the time of its dissolution of the Knights Templars. This is what their dress looked like if you like. And that is one of their symbols. It is a symbol that is used by many churches today, did you know that? Very charismatic churches use that symbol. That’s fascinating! And Jehovah’s Witnesses use that symbol as well. We’ll come to that in another lecture.


Now let’s have a look at what Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, has to say about the Templars. We’re not going to read at all but you can always if you get the video stop the quote.

In the year 1118, 19 years after the first crusade ended with the defeat of the Muslims, the capture of Antioch and Jerusalem, these groups were founded that were eventually established as the Templars. And they presented them with a house near the site of the Temple of Solomon, hence their name Knights Templars. And they became very famous and a very powerful order which controlled all the finances, of the financial world. They were the banking elite of the world if you like. And then in the year 1128, the order was sanctioned by the Council of Troyes and by the Pope. It was a Roman Catholic order within the church.

Now some years later, on October 13, 1307, this order was officially brought to an end by the King of France because it had come to light what they were doing, so it was said. The King of France, Philippe le Bel had the Templars arrested. And the date was Friday the 13th of October 1307. And since that day, Friday the 13th is a day of bad luck for the entire world. And the charges brought against them were the ceremony of initiation into the order was accomplished by insults to the Cross and denial of Christ and gross obscenities, gross obscenities. There were all kinds of things reminiscent of Sodom that had to take place there. The adoration of an idol which was said to be the image of the true God and that was Baphomet, this symbol over here of the androgenic male-female deity, the omission of the words of the consecration of the Mass, the rite of (?) chiefs amongst themselves giving absolution, and authorization of unnatural vice. So they had to curse the Cross, trample upon Jesus, swear allegiance to Baphomet, and sanction this with unusual vice. That’s a pretty serious crime in those days. So he was sentenced to death, but the order actually didn’t disappear. The Pope was very reluctant to say that it was so.


Masonic ritual includes references to the Knights Templars. For example, here Secret Societies and Subversive Movements says several knights who had set forth the rescue of the holy places of Palestine from the Saracens formed an association under the name of Freemasons thus indicating that their principal desire was the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon. And you hear a lot about the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon today and the story of Israel and all those interesting things.

Now let’s go a little bit into some of the history. I’m taking you to this beautiful palace. Where do you think it is? It’s in Jerusalem and it’s not the redone Vatican. And this is where the Pope has his representation in Jerusalem. It’s a palace for a king. There’s the Vatican flag flying outside and there’s even a whole lane where you have some interesting papal artifacts. Now, in Jerusalem I went to look up the site of the Knights and here is the Knight’s palace, the Latin patriarch. This is where the Knights Templars originally had a site. And the Knights of the Papacy now control this area. This is their symbol that they use. That is also the knight’s shield which is used by many religions today.


Vatican palace in Jerusalem

The Rhema Church uses that symbol for example.


Rhema chuch

These are the eternal warriors.


That is the symbol that they use. There they the Pope or the patriarch’s ring. They are knighted just like knights. And they knight highly prominent bankers and individuals such as that.


Inside this church you have of course the stature of Jupiter as Peter. Noticed that the foot is well kissed. I didn’t want to kiss the foot so I just stood there. It is a very important church because both Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II visited this church which is of course highly symbolic. And there are the plaques.


The Latin patriarch the Knights Palace.

If you go inside there’s this interesting altar, and as you look at the altar you’ll see certain figures over here.


This one over here is very interesting. Let me get a little bit closer and what do you see? You see the double-headed eagle which is also the symbol that is used in Freemasonry. So there it is on the altar of the Knights. And what is there on this side? Two swords held like a compass. Fascinating! So there are many many Masonic figures in here.

The tail feathers and the feathers of the eagle are very reminiscent of what you have for example on the back of the (US) dollar, and all those other interesting symbols of the circle with the triangle and the sun around it.


And the inheritor of the Templar nuance are the Jesuits. Now the Jesuits of course are the ones who behind the scenes control many things. They were founded on the 15th of August 1534 by Ignatius de Loyola and were sanctioned by the Pope on the 27th of September 1540. So they were created as it were to stand against the Reformation. They were designed to destroy the Reformation. Loyola wanted the order to be champions of Catholic unity and of course submission to Christ’s vicar the Pope was absolutely essential.

Here you have the institution of Loyola’s organization by the Pope on this particular day. And there are some interesting analogies which we will find here.


Here for example there is considerable analogy between Masonic and Jesuitic degrees. And the Jesuits also tread down the shoe and bear the knee because Ignatius Loyola thus presented himself at Rome and asked for the confirmation of the order.


Now who existed first Freemasons or the Jesuits? The Jesuits existed first of course. They were to obey as a corpse “perinde ac cadaver” the “Constitutions”, repeat 500 times that one must see Christ in the person of the (Jesuit) General, and even if God gave you a dog you must obey him as though he were Jesus Christ himself.


Loyola’s statue in a Jesuit retreat.


Loyola in vision.

The Society of Jesus constituted in the chapel Notre Dame Montmartre 1534, now the chapel of the Sacred Heart in Paris. Many many occult encrustations.

This is the famous Jesuit oath that each Jesuit makes when he becomes a Jesuit. That will tell us something about the character of the Jesuits. There it says,

“I — and he fills in his name — in the presence of God and all the saints and all these things swear that his holiness the Pope is Christ’s vice regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic universal church, etc. It also says here that this power was given by the savior Jesus Christ. He has power to dispose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths, governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.


So a Jesuit swears that if a government is not subject to Rome it can be what? Destroyed!

“I further declare that I will help and assist and advise all or any of his holiness’ agents wherever I shall be and do my utmost to extipate the heretical Protestant or liberal doctrines.”

Liberal doctrines are doctrines where you decide what you believe. You take the liberty of making your own choice rather than allowing the Pope to do it for you. And that will be destroyed and all their pretended powers.

“And that it doesn’t matter where you send me in the world I will obey. And I promise that I will have no opinion of my own. I will obey like a corpse and I will make war secretly or openly against all heretics Protestants and liberals as I am directed to do to extipate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth. I will spare neither sex, age, nor condition. And I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle, bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, crush their infants heads against the wall in order to annihilate forever their excretable race.”

In the Ottoman empire, that’s an interesting story. In Serbia and in all those East block countries where they occupied they took the children threw them in the air and caught them on the ends of their bayonets. They were nice people. (Sarcasm!) Now you will say that was Islam, that wasn’t Jesuits. Well, debatable. We’ll talk about it another time.

“And if I cannot do it openly, I will do it secretly.”

So that is what a Jesuit swears.

This is the famous pontifical Gregorian university in Rome, the most prestigious Catholic university in the world.

The Jesuits in all their enclaves have their figures in caves.

That’s quite a nice Christian promise would you agree? Very Christian promise. (Sarcasm!) Did they do it well the Valdenses, they smashed the children’s heads against the rocks to make the parents rescind.

Now in paganism all the deities come out of the cave and they have the letters IHS which actually stand for Isis Horus Set which is the Egyptian Trinity. They of course they’ll say it means Iesus Hominum Salvator, “Jesus the savior of men” but it doesn’t. It means IHS, Isis Horus Set. And their symbol is the triangle with the all-seeing eye in it for this deity. They also use the pillar, the stella if you like. They have the symbol of the triangle with the eye in a circle which is also the symbol used in the New Age movement!


And we saw that Gary Kah says that Freemasonry controls the New Age movement and the Jesuits control the Freemasonry or created it.

This is the university of the Jesuits in Prague on top of it they have Atlas, not Jesus Christ. If you go to a more modern Jesuit enclave like this one in Germany, I visited this, I’m quite cheeky sometimes, there I am, and took a picture. And inside. They have this picture of Christ. This is not Christ, this is Atlas holding the world on top of his shoulders disguised.


They have these symbols up against the wall. There this symbol is the symbol of Hermes. If you take away the cross then you have the symbol of Isis. This is paganism at its best.


And these symbols over here are nothing … here it is … Jesuit here when it was built, etc. And their symbolism, Ma Ria the M is the Masonic M, the triangle, Ria, the goddess.


Here is a church in Germany, a cathedral. Inside you will see the circle with a cross in it, the crossed swords symbol of all symbols used also in Freemasonry now.


If you go back to ancient Assyria, that was a very prominent cross. It was the Maltese cross. It comes from ancient paganism. They have the symbols of this the star over here, two stars one over the other or two crosses one over the other. They have the compass, they have the moon with the disc in it or a star in it which is the symbol that Islam uses. For example, they have the solar calendar and the triple crown. All of these are used by the Papacy.


Upside down crosses represent victory over Christ. Hammers and compasses and sickles, these are symbols that are prevalent in the world.


There’s Jesus standing above the skull and crossbones which is the symbol of Jupiter, the god Jupiter, who is a symbol of course of who is Lucifer. Upside down crosses again.


This is a very important cathedral in Europe, in Germany, where all the political leaders come together.


If you go there you will have Janus the two-headed one, and then you have the statue so called of David, but of course it isn’t David it is the god Pan because he has a Pan flute in his hand, and David didn’t play a Pan flute. So I went to look for the dark side of Pan because there’s a light side and a dark side and I found them there is the hoofed one in the same cathedral. So they hide their occult symbolism.


If you enter into the hallway you find this over here, this is the god Anubis. It’s got nothing to do with Christianity. They have him as well. Plus you have the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Plus you have the symbol of Jupiter and a whole host of other symbols over there.


And in their side chapel you have all the signs of the Zodiac serving the various deities like Mars and Aquarius etc. And the doorknob is a yin-yang. This has nothing to do with Christianity.


They use the symbol of the compass and Jupiter and the PX symbol over there which you will find in virtually every single Christian denomination upon the face of the earth! The Phoenix rising from the ashes, the peacock, all symbols of Lucifer.


Here you have the px with a circle with a dot in it. And you say to yourself, “But isn’t that a symbol of Christianity?” No this is a symbol of Horus. This has got nothing to do with Christianity. They use pine cones.


Let’s ask Albert Mackie, 33 degree Freemason, to tell us what the symbol means.

“The point within the circle is an interesting and important symbol in Freemasonry. The symbol is really a beautiful but somewhat obtuse allusion solution to the old sun worship, and introduces us for the first time to that modification of it among the ancients the worship of the phallus.”

So it’s a pretty filthy symbol at that! It deals with male organs, wow. So that comes from the horse’s mouth. So that’s what it means.

Now, what’s the PX mean? Let’s go to the best Masonic source in the world, Morals and Dogma, page 292. And in case you don’t believe me I photocopied it so that you can see it. There you can see the symbol. Do you see that?


It is the staff of Osiris on the medal of Constantinopus, In hoc signo victor cris, whatever inscriptions. And then some other interesting things. So this is the staff of Osiris and then it goes through the Mystic Tau, and the crosses and the stars of David, and then he uses this one as well. Interesting symbol. He says the vestment of the priest of Horus were covered with these crosses. That’s a Maltese Cross. Remember that I showed it to you on the Syrian king? Now, who wears that on his vestments? Well let’s have a look. Oops, there it is! Who’s wearing it? The Pope is wearing it.


So what is he? He must be the priest of Horus. So to the outside world it seems like Christianity, but to the inner circle it’s occultism.

On the floor of the the cathedral in London you have the triskale which is the triple Yin Yang. And what does that mean? Well let’s go and ask the sources themselves. Celtic version of the Yin Yang, that’s what it is. The triskale, (the sea, good luck) cauldron Celtic goddess, the goddess of wisdom and witchcraft. Who was enthroned in the French Revolution? The goddess of reason, witchcraft, reason, all these things, same deity.



On the floor of the same cathedral you find the mystic tau. What does the tau represent? Let’s ask another Mason, (J.S.M.) Ward. He says it’s the symbol of the male creative side of the deity, sign language of the mysteries. So again it has a sexual connotation. What’s it doing on the floor of a cathedral?

So the Jesuits are the heirs of the occult religion, and they control the world through their agencies They stand in the background, create sub-organizations, and everybody thinks they are not active. Let’s ask them themselves what they believe.

Here is the history of the General of the Society of Jesus. These are all the generals starting with Ignatius Loyola. They’re all listed down there, we don’t have to go through them all, all the way through to the present one that rules now whose name is Peter Hans Kolvenbach, nice German name. (Note: The current Jesuit General at the time of this post, December 2022, is Arturo Sosa Abascal). It’s interesting that the Germans are very prominent in this. Peter Hans Kovenbach is the head of the of the Jesuits. Cardinal Ratzinger, another German is the head of the Inquisition. They seem to be pretty much in control. What does he look like? There he is, Peter Hans Kolvenbach. You’re looking probably at one of the mightiest men on the earth today if not the mightiest. He’s the Black Pope.

Here you have this cave of Loyola. Here you have George W. Bush and the Pope in audience with each other. And they don’t do anything by chance. They just happened to do this exactly under that picture I showed you where Loyola receives his commission from the Pope.

Now the ceremony of induction and the extreme oath of the Jesuits. Library of Congress catalog card number 66-43354. There it is.

“You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the art and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace, to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in contact with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church may be the gainer in the end in the conditions fixed and the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.”

Whoa! This is Hegelian science, two opposing viewpoints, dielectric thinking, you wore the one with the other, and you rub them up until nothing is left. It’s called thesis, antithesis, and the resultant clash brings synthesis, that which you want.

Now note that the Jesuit can be very active on the one side but he can be equally active on the other side. So this is all a process whereby they wish to attain things.

The Thirty Years War. What was that about?

“[The Jesuits’] aim and the object was that that war… should in truth, become a war of annihilation. Besides, was it possible for them to allow peace to be concluded with countries whose rebellious governments had issued a law ruling that no Jesuit should ever again dare to show his face.

Do you know that the Jesuits were thrown out of virtually all countries including Catholic ones because they were so divisive? Catholic kings couldn’t even take the Jesuits and threw them out. If a Catholic king dared to throw out the Jesuit that country was destroyed. Catholic or not, and the Jesuits are back. You can take your bottom dollar for that.

“The whole frightful responsibility for this terrible thirty years war must rest upon the emperor of Ferdinand II and his teachers, rulers, and bosom friends, the Sons of Loyola.”

Every single thing I’m saying is a quote.

Popery, An Enemy to Civil Religious Liberty.

In 1550, Pope Julius declared his claim to universal temporal political power evidenced by a new coin he issued its motto having read:
“The nation and kingdom that will not serve me shall perish!”

Now please note that this is a Roman Catholic statement that the nation and the kingdom that does not serve the papacy will perish. What does that mean in terms of Protestant countries then? Are they going to be in trouble? Yes or no. I would say yes. They will be in trouble.

Thomas Aquinas, the great philosopher of the Roman Catholic church said,

“The Pope by divine right has spiritual and temporal power as supreme king of the worlds. The Pope of Rome as head of the papal government claims absolute sovereignty and supremacy over all the governments of the earth.”

All the governments. All these quotes are highly potent quotes. There is nothing mediocre in these quotes and they come from the highest highest sources.

“The right of deposing kings is inherent in the supreme sovereignty which the Popes, as vice-regents of Christ exercise over all Christian nations.” – Cardinal Henry Manning, 1892, Archbishop of Westminster.

So he is in control of all nations of the world.

Now, it’s interesting that the Bible tells us that these words were put on the Cross at the crucifixion:


You read that in John 19:19. But the Roman Catholic crucifix has the words I.N.R.Y. written on it. Now, if you look it up in Webster’s dictionary it means,


But in the extreme oath of the Jesuits, I.N.R.Y. means something totally different. It means,


Which means,

“It is just to exterminate or annihilate empires or heretical kings governments or rulers.”

That’s an interesting point. Now, another thing that they want to do is destroy Protestantism.

“We cherish at the bottom of our hearts this principle that whatever does not unite with us must be ANNIHILATED. And we hold ourselves ready to make as soon as we shall have the means an energetic application of these principles.
Protestantism is already wearing out and sinking to decay. Yes we are destined to insult its last agonies, to march over its broken skeleton and scattered bones. Oh let us hasten this dissolution by our strong and united efforts.

Then they wrote,

“Protestantism is becoming decomposed, and we are gaining men of note.”

This is an extract from The Secret Plan.

“Those are the worst of the Catholics, the Inquisitors, the Jesuits. They are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future with the pontiff of Rome for emperor. Something like a universal serfdom with them as master is what is being planned. That’s all they stand for. They don’t even believe in God, perhaps.” – The brothers Karamazov

All these quotes.

“The general of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be master, cost what it may. The society is by nature dictatorial and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority.” – Fifty Years in the Church of Rome written by father Chiniquy.

Ignatius Loyola says himself,

“The power of the General be will be so unlimited that should he deem it necessary for the honor of God he shall even be able to send back or in another direction those who have come direct from the Popes.”

So this is a powerful order. Friedrich von Hardenberg said,

“Never before in the course of the world’s history as such a Society appeared. The old Roman senate itself did not lay schemes for world domination with greater certainty of success.

They want world dominion with the Pope enthroned as the universal ruler.

The Roman Catholic Lafayette said,

“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.”

These are prominent people speaking. (Samuel) Morse, he’s the founder of the Morse code, the inventor of the Morse code. He said,

“And who are these agents? They are for the most part Jesuits, an ecclesiastical order proverbial through the world for cunning duplicity and total want of moral principle and order, so skilled in all the arts of deception, that even in Catholic countries in Italy itself it became intolerable and the people required its suppression.

That’s another prominent man. Archduke Maximilian Francis said,

“They (the Jesuits) have so constantly mixed themselves up in the court and state intrigues that they must in justice be reproached with striving after universal dominion.”

And we could go on and on and on. This is a very interesting one. This is Michelangelo Tamburini, 1720. This is the Jesuit of the General of the Jesuits, the General speaking to the Duke of Brancas. And he said the following,

“See my lord, from this room – from this room I govern not only Paris but China, not only China, but the whole world without anyone knowing how it is managed.”

Interesting this is what the Jesuits themselves had to say.

“The Pope’s confessor has to be a Jesuit.” Ref: The Vatican Empire, Nino Lo Bello

And the Pope himself has to come to a Jesuit to confess. The Vatican Empire. Everything I say is a quote.

This here is Jean-Baptiste Janssens. He ruled (as Jesuit General) from 1946 to 1964, and he looks like a charming gentleman, very cheerful (sarcasm, he’s not smiling), but nevertheless you can see that this photograph was taken from the Saturday Evening Post, 1959, and this is what he is in command of. And now, we will want to deal with these issues in the next session. He controls the following secret societies:

  • The Sovereign Military order of Malta. So he is in control of the Knights of Malta.
  • The Scottish rite shrine of Freemasonry.
  • The order of the Illuminati.
  • The Knights of Columbus.
  • The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • B’nai B’rith.
  • The Nation of Islam and its private army called the Fruit of Islam.
  • The Mafia Commission.
  • Opus Dei along with a host of lesser brotherhoods.

So each one of those secret societies is controlled by the Jesuits.

“Persecution of the Catholic church in Germany has been directed only against those elements which did not entirely submit to the ever-increasing centralization of authority in Church and State…”

So sometimes it looks as if even the Catholics are suffering, but only those Catholic groups that are not totally submissive to this System will be subjugated. Some Catholic orders were actually opposed to the Jesuits. They were killed! They were wiped out! In the French Revolution the Dominicans had taken over the Inquisition from the Jesuits. They were zapped! And the Jesuits took it back.

“Its (the Jesuit Order’s) objective was and is still to destroy the effects of the Reformation and to re-establish the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. A greater Germany, in other words, must be made again the center of a revived holy Roman empire.”

Leo H. Lehmann, 1942, an American historian said that. Isn’t it fascinating that the Russian president, or a Russian president, let me put it that way, and many political leaders have given the assurance that Germany will once again play a greater role in the new Europe today. Isn’t it also fascinating that it was a Jesuit priest, Father Stempfle, and not Hitler who wrote Mein Kampf? In fact, you can read it on Mein Kampf itself. (Note: Even Wikipedia says so!)

Now, the SS used this symbol of the skull and crossbones. What was that a symbol of? Do you remember? It was the symbol of Jupiter, the god Jupiter, the god of death. It’s also the symbol of Osiris who was the god of death. Anubis is just another form of Osiris. He is the god of death. He’s the god of the dead but Jesus says I am the God of the living, I am not the God of the dead. I’d rather serve the God of the living.

“The SS was organized by Himmler according to Jesuit order principles. The rules of service spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius Loyola constituted a model which Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule. Every order had to be executed without comment.”

Every single statement is being read from a reputable source. Again in that wonderful book The Great Controversy, we get an idea of the Jesuits.

“Throughout Christendom Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the Reformation passed. Rome summoned new forces hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created.”

Notice what this quote says.

The most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery, cut off from every earthly tie and human interest, dead to the claims of natural affection reason and conscience, wholly silent, they knew no rule no tie but that to their Order, and no duty but to extend its power.

We don’t have to read the whole quote. But they made it their business to destroy Protestantism.

“The Jesuit Order therefore stands before us as the embodiment of a system which aims at temporal political domination, and that over the whole world.”

You will say to me, “Surely China will not be subject.” Well, we already wrote read a quote by the Jesuit General himself where he says he controls China. Who controls Communism? The Jesuits created it and therefore they controlled it. They practiced it in their South American examples where they practiced it before they instituted it. Very interesting!

This is Count von Hoensbroeck, 1911, German noble and ex-Jesuit, who says this very thing.

“At what then do the Jesuits aim? According to them they only seek the greater glory of God, but if you examine the facts you will find they aim at universal dominion alone. It is they who rule the world.”

One quote after the other.

“Moreover the Pope has thousands of secret agents worldwide. They include the Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei and others. The Vatican’s intelligence service and its field resources are second to none.”

Even Dave Hunt, American Baptist historian says that.

So let’s have a look at some of these institutions. Let’s have a look at Freemasons. The Grand Design Exposed says,

“The truth is the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool accomplishing their purposes among Protestants.”

Now surely the members of Freemasonry themselves must be deceived, because if they saw it they wouldn’t do it, right? So actually the Order is being used and they themselves are deceived. And only within the Order higher up are those chosen ones who know. And they are controlled by the Jesuits. Very clever. Very clever to make Protestantism do what you cannot do openly because you have been fingered by Protestantism as the Antichrist. So this is very interesting.

This is a Templar fortress and a church on the island Mallorca, Spain. There again you have the double-headed eagle, and you can go to virtually any church on that island and you will find the double-headed eagle over the altars of these churches.

As I’ve said, Adam Weishaupt was the father of Jacobinism, and he is the one who is also the founder of the Illuminati.

“From the Jesuit college at Engelstadt it is said to have issued the sect known as the Illuminati of Bavaria, founded by Adam Weishaupt. Its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of the sect.”

You see again, they use a front, and a front, and a front.

Now here are two Jesuit Generals. This one over here is General Ricci, and this is General Ledóchowski, and very interesting, this one over here 1773 to 1814, he ruled during the order suppression. Now notice this. The Vatican itself suppressed the Jesuits between 1773 and 1814. What happened to the Vatican in that time? There was a mortal wound! And the Pope was taken into exile, and he died, isn’t that correct? So who gave the mortal wound to the papacy? The own order in the own church, power struggle. And he created in his time, the Illuminati was created through Weishaupt. And of course he’s also the father of modern communism who with his Jacobeans conducted the French Revolution.

Years later Jesuit General Ledóchowski with his Bolsheviks conducted the Russian revolution in 1917. And it’s identical to the other revolution. And I will deal with that when I give a lecture on revolutions and wars and dictators later in the series

France’s greatest authority on the Jesuits, Edmund Paris said,

“The Russian revolution by eliminating the Tsar, protector of the Orthodox church, had it not decapitated the great rival and helped the penetration of the Roman Church? We must strike while the iron is hot! The famous Russicum [Russian college of Rome] is created in 1929 and its clandestine missionaries will take the good news to its schismatic country. One century after the expulsion by Tsar Alexander the first, the Jesuits will again undertake the conquest of the Slav world.”

And did the poor Slavic world suffer! They were slaughtered by the millions! History will show what happened there when Stalin, probably one of the greatest mass murderers of all time, it did his thing.

Frederick the Great, so-called of Prussia, caused the high degrees of Masonic constitutions of the ancient rite to be revived, and he himself wrote the constitutions under the guide of the Jesuit General. The encyclopedia of FreeMasonry, Albert G. Mackie, says that himself. Very interesting!

And now notice this. This is a source that’s unbelievable. This is Isis unveiled by Blavatsky herself, the author of Secret Doctrine she says that the rites of the offspring of the Sons of Ignatius Loyola, the Scottish rite and all of these, worked under the instructions from the general of the Jesuits. So who controls FreeMasonry? The Jesuits, there’s no doubt about it.


…we have confirmed the Induction of the Knights Templar Mason into the Councils of the said Order of Knighthood and hoping in confiding that he will ever be so demean himself as to conduct to the glory of I.H.S. the most Holy and Almighty God and to the honor of the MARK we do recommend.

There’s a ritual in FreeMasonry which is totally Jesuit. So the Jesuits control FreeMasonry.

Here’s a FreeMason temple if you like. It’s in Oklahoma. There is I.H.S. This is a FreeMason temple, it’s a lodge. There is I.H.S.

“There are still old ladies, male and female, about the country, who will tell you with grim gravity, that if you trace up Masonry through all its Orders till you come to the grand tip top head Mason of the world, you will discover that the dread individual and the chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person.” – James Parton, American historian.”

There are many that say these things. Knights of Malta:

“…the Freemasons are in the foreground while the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta are in the background.”

The Jesuits control even the Knights of Malta. Now who are they? Well, they are headquartered in Rome. These knights, they used to be on an island, but besides that they used to be a military order. They are still a military order, they are knights!

“They control the banking of the world, the industry of military complexes of the world. They oversee Chase Manhattan Bank with all its branches. They rule all the intelligence communities, the KGB, the CIA, and all of these things to restore the dark ages.”

Everything I’m saying is a quote. I’m saying nothing. Don’t accuse me of saying anything. I’m just reading.

Who are they? Well here’s the head of the Knights of Malta at the moment in America. Well, he’s dead now. This is Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman, (one of the) cardinals of New York, and their headquarters is Saint Patrick’s cathedral, the diocese of the Archbishop of New York. They are the various ones.

Here’s Terence Cardinal Cook. Then was Cardinal O’Connor and currently cardinal archbishop of New York Edward M. Egan. (In 2022 it’s s Timothy M. Dolan)

Now let’s have a look who the members of the Knights of Malta are. That should be interesting. Some past some present.


General Allavena
George W. Anderson
James Angelton
Roberto Arzu
Andrew Bertie
Elmer Bobst
Bonaparte, does that name ring a bell?
Pat Buchanan, does that name ring a bell?
James Buckley
Prescott Bush, does that ring a bell?
Frank Capra
William Casey, does that ring a bell? The CIA?
Giscard d’Estaing, does that ring a bell? The president of the of France
Bill Donovan
Allen Dulles
Avery Dulles
Edward Egan, that’s of course the cardinal himself. Franz Egon
John Farrell


General Alexander Haig, does that ring a bell?
Otto van Hapsburg, wow!
Conrad Hilton
Heimlich Himmler! He was Knights of Malta.
J Edgar Hoover, FBI, CIA fame.
Joseph Kennedy
Ted Kennedy
Henry Luce founder, of all the great magazines and Time magazine and all of them great publishing magnate.
Manhattan, you named them, all of them.
Franz von Papen who worked with Adolf Hitler
Rocca, ah the list goes on and on.


Frank Shakespeare
Martin Shea
Even Frank Sinatra was a Knight of Malta for interest sake. So there are prominent men who are Knights of Malta.

Now what about the Knights of Columbus? The founder of the Knights of Columbus, Father Michael McGivney, he lived a very short time when he died. He was very young. He died at the age of 38. There is their emblem, and this is their official home web page, you can just take it straight off. And you can see something fascinating! What is that? Hello? Do you remember what it is? A little bundle of rods that you also found in the French Revolution right there in the manifest of human rights. What is it? Fasci. And they’ve got a wreath around them. What does that mean? All power in one man! Who will that man be? Who do the Knights Columbus founded by a Roman Catholic priest want to see the power vested in? The Pope of course.

“The Knights of Columbus founded at New Haven Connecticut in 1882. Then it was already considered 300,000 strong Roman Catholics. Only Roman Catholics are eligible, is the initiative service of four degrees. It’s the heart and soul of politics.”

You cannot get into politics if you don’t have the stamp of approval of these guys.

“This fact is well known to political machines and non-Catholic politicians whose candidates must receive the approval of Rome and the Knights before they dare nominate them for either dog pound or presidency. The Knights of Columbus principal business is politics, aye, Jesuitical politics.” — From Romanism: A Menace to the Nations by Jeremiah J. Crowley

Here’s the quotes. These are serious accusations. There they are with their Fasci which will become clearer as we go on and we can see where we are heading.

“For today Rome considers the Fascist regime the nearest to its dogmas and interest. We have not merely the reverent Jesuit Father Coughlin praising Mussolini’s Italy as a Christian democracy, but the official magazine which is Civilta Catholica, the official Jesuit magazine says, this is the house organ of the Jesuit says, Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome.”

This is scary. Have you noticed lately that there is more and more control? Have you noticed some of these things? Have you noticed that you are being treated more and more like someone who has to bow 20,000 times before the powers?

Then there is the organization, Opus Dei.

“The Opus Dei is a semi-secret religious lay order with paramount objective is total support of the papacy”.

And these people walk around with clamps that tear into their flesh so that they have constant pain with every movement to remind them of their obligation. And they have high high members like presidents, for example, the President of Portugal is a Opus Dei member.

Then we have the Skull and Bones organization. And who are they? Well they have this interesting skull and bones. What does it represent? You know that by now, Jupiter. And they have the number 322. Ff you look up Genesis chapter 3 verse 22, you will find,

“The man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.”

Raising man to the level of Deity.

This is Yale university, the place where they are. Now let’s consult one of the greatest authorities on Skull and Bones. That is Anthony Sutton. Let’s ask him where he is. Educated at the universities of London, Gottingen, and California, former research fellow at the Hoover institute, Stanford university as well as economics professor of California State University. He had the guts to speak out and write a book, and it cost him dearly. But nevertheless let’s quote him.

There is the book, Anthony C. Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment. An introduction to The Order of Skull and Bones. So that I don’t say it, let’s quote.

“Skull and Bones. It’s over. It’s Bush. Bush won the election.”

Let’s watch this video. (Next text from the video.)

Yale University, the scions of America’s first families confess their sexual exploits from a gruesome coffin. In a smoke-filled room a handful of power brokers manipulate the global economy. These are the purported activities of some of America’s secret societies, groups with names like Bilderberg, Skull and Bones and the Trilateral Commission.

The Skull and Bones society is founded in 1832 by 15 seniors at Yale university in New Haven Connecticut. They established a secret society with rules and rituals that remain unchanged to this day. The Skull and Bones initiation ceremony is said to be held in April in the Tomb’s basement. One distinguished member serves as master of ceremonies. Once in robe he is known as Uncle Toby. The shortest senior is appointed Little Devil and dons a satanic costume. A Bonesman with a deep voice is dressed as Don Quixote. Another is dressed as the college’s founder, Elihu Yale. Still another is given papal vestments.

It would all be funny if it weren’t for the fact that among the former Bonesmen are three presidents, William Howard Taft, George Bush, George W. Bush, numerous senators and ambassadors, industrialists like William Whitney, CIA agents, State Department officials, and the publishing magnate, Henry Luce.

Absolute secrecy is also required. In his 1999 autobiography, George W. Bush devotes just one sentence to his membership in Skull and Bones. “My senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society so secret I can’t say anything more.”

The secrecy according to some researchers is there to protect the fact that Skull and Bones funnels its initiates into positions of power and influence.

The best-known Bonesman is ex-president George Bush who according to tradition is supposed to avoid admitting he’s a member.

“Mr. President, are you a member of Skull and Bones?”

(The president’s reply) “You’d better leave the room.”

American Journal got a similar response when we recently asked George Bush Junior, the governor of Texas, about his membership.

“Does it still exist? I mean the thing is so secret I’m not even sure it still exists.”

Okay, so you’ll see that George W. Bush is a member. They lie in a coffin, they bow down before a papal figure, swear allegiance, they do all kinds of weird sexual things in a coffin which I’m not going to explain what they do, it’s pretty vile. And these are the presidents of the most powerful countries in the world, and they belong to secret societies such as this.

The Order what it is and how it began.

“Those on the inside know it as The Order. Others have known it for more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a German secret society.”

That’s very important. In fact, this was discovered when they broke in and stole some of the papers at that institution. It is officially known as the Russell Trust in 1856, or as the “Brotherhood of Death”, because they serve the god of death who happens to be Anubis if you like, Osiris if you like, or Jupiter.

“The American chapter of the German order was founded in 1833 at Yale University by General William Huttington Russell, and Taft the only man to be both President and Chief Justice of the United States.”

Interesting! Now, the German order, what does this actually mean?

“The Illuminati had its origin at the University of Ingolstadt, and recruits were from the student-encorpos.

Of course there had to be students with high connections, you know, sons of of very high insiders.

“‘The Order’ had its origin in Yale in 1833, but Skull and Bones is a chapter of a German secret society.”

So which organization does it represent?

“Active members have enough influence to push their sons and relatives into The Order, and there’s significant intermarriage amongst the families. And they fall into major categories, two major categories. We find the old line American families, second, we find families who acquire great wealth.

When he’s initiated into The Order he says, “tonight he will die to the world and be born again into The Order as he will henceforth refer to it. The Order is a world unto itself in which he will have a new name and 14 new blood brothers, also with new names.”

Now, there’s also a British chapter which was established at Oxford university and All Soul’s College and the British element is called The Group.

So the Skull and Bones is not the only one, you have The Group. And then you have a European Order as well. So The Group links to the Jewish equivalent through the Rothschilds, the inner circle, and so there is a worldwide secret organization which has the highest individual in industry, government, all facets of life. And they actually are the most prominent rulers in the world today. and if they are a chapter of a German society then they are the Illuminati. And George W. Bush said that there are a thousand points of light illuminating the world at the moment.

It’s interesting that The Order writes many constitutions. The members write constitutions for example. Archibald McLeish who is a member of Skull and Bones, or was, he wrote the constitution of UNESCO.

Now, we’re going to have to deal with UNESCO and find out what it’s about. Churches, the Union Theological Seminary is under control of Skull and Bones. A very interesting seminary. We’ll deal with these in more detail in another lecture.

Major establishment of law firms, communications and industry, the Federal Reserve, and all of these are controlled by The Order. This is how Chapter 322 operates. There’s a central inner core. Notice that this is actually the all-seeing eye, the wedge of the eye, but that’s something else. There’s a inner core, there’s an inner circle, there’s an outer circle, there’s Atlantic Circle, the Bohemian Club, notice there? Bohemian Club, part of Skull and Bones. Pilgrim Society, Penumbra order, Chapter 322 of the Order the Trilateral Commission. That’s how it’s put together.


You could basically put it this way. Council of Foreign Relations, United Nations, Bilderberg’s, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Trilateral Commission with the Illuminati controlling everything on the inside forming basically the Round Table.


Now, you saw that the Bohemian Club is part and parcel of the issue. What is this Bohemian Club? Here’s the Bohemian Grove. The August 2, 1982 edition of Newsweek reported. This is just another quote.

“…the world’s most prestigious summer camp – the Bohemian Grove – is now in session 75 miles north of San Francisco.”

It’s in a forest. It’s a fortress. But strangely even fortresses can be breached and one enterprising journalist managed to sneak in. (Note: That was Alex Jones. I believe they purposely let him in.)

“The fiercely guided 2,700 acre retreat is the country extension of San Francisco’s all-male ultra exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican president since Herbert Hoover has belonged“.

This is just a quote. This is the Bohemian Grove ceremony which was photographed or videotaped very darkly of course very secretly by one journalist which caused a major furor. You can see very little in this light so I’ll explain to you what’s happening there. In this forest the men appear naked. Naked! They have to walk around naked. In fact, some members have left the society because they’re tired of walking around naked. Imagine every President of the United States has been a member of the Bohemian Grove, just imagine. The priests are dressed in vestments, papal vestments, and they pay homage to an owl. Because the owl sees in darkness, it has illumination. There are other rituals which I do not want to talk about that happen between all these naked men. And if you read your Bibles you will find that those who worshipped in the groves were called the perverted ones.

(Video of the Bohemian Grove at 1:11:20. Please fast forward the YouTube to that point to hear what is said.)

Well, that’s just a part of the ritual, which shows that it is nature worship. It is condemned in the Bible. And yet who are the members? Let’s continue.

This is an article in Mother Jones, August 1981 volume 6 page 28, and reports who the prominent members were. For example,

“George P. Schultz, Stephen Bechtel, Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, William Buckley”

Can you imagine all walking around naked worshipping a stupid owl? I mean that’s so pathetic!

“Fred Hartley, Merv Griffin, Thomas Haywood, Joseph Coors, Edward Teller, Ronald Reagan, A.W. Clausen, George Bush, William French Smith, etc. etc. etc.”

It is pathetic!

Modus Operandi of the Order
The activities of the Order are directed towards changing our society, changing the world, to bring about a New World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom.”

That’s fascism! And I will show you the Papal Encyclicals that will make your hair stand on edge as to what is going to happen all over the world. And believe me I live in a country where it’s being implemented. And you can see it happening every single day. It is scary. But you don’t have to be afraid if you know why it’s happening. If you do not know why it is happening you will despair, and there are thousands who are putting bullets through their head because they cannot tolerate it. four thousand farmers driven off the land and murdered in my country (South Africa) alone. They lose everything. They lose hope. They put bullets through their heads. They wipe out their entire families because it’s better for them to die than to live with it. And you know what? You give a lecture like this, and you show what’s behind it and why it’s behind it, and guess what? They get hope. Because they see it’s not just them and not something they don’t understand. Once they start understanding the bigger picture they gain hope! And they say, “wow, so it’s not really the end for us because this is simply the sign that Jesus is coming soon and there will be a better kingdom! Let us give our lives to Jesus Christ because this world has nothing to offer.” And they get hope.

No Constitutional protection if you go against it. They control education, I’ll show you how on the lectures, money, law, politics, economy, history, psychology, philanthropy, medicine, religion, media, there is nothing that they do not control. And remember they are neither “left” nor are they “right”. So if there are right-wing parties and left-wing parties, they control them what? Both. That’s the Hegelian principle. That’s Hegelian logic.

“Remember that both Marx and Hitler, the extremes of “left” and “right” presented at textbook enemies, evolved out of the same philosophical system: Hegelianism. That brings screams of intellectual anguish from Marxists and Nazis.”

Remember that the Jesuits were told that they must serve on this side and the other side. Remember that? And create conflict between the sides.

“This conflict of opposites is essential to bring about the change (that they want). Today this process can be identified in the literature of the Trilateral Commission for example where “change” is promoted and “conflict management”…”

Have you heard that name before?

“Conflict is essential. The State is absolute so the State must have total control.”

That means the people must relinquish their rights to the State. Do you see that happening in the United States at the moment? Absolutely!

“The State requires complete obedience. An individual does not exist for himself in these so-called organic systems but only to perform a role in the operation of the State.”

That’s exactly what it was like under Nazism.

Here’s Hegel, The two Hegel and Kant are the philosophers behind the System. I was stunned! I was in Europe four weeks ago in Germany. And the leaders, the presidents of Germany went down and put down wreaths in front of these people’s graves, and said their philosophy has made the new Europe possible. They honored them. What a terrible, I would almost say Satanic, well why not just say it, philosophy.

“The Illuminati principle that the end justifies the means is also the principle of The Group and the Order…”

Which is Skull and Bones. That means you can do anything no matter how dastardly as long as you achieve your aim.

There’s an outer circle, an inner circle, an inner core, all of these. Council of Foreign Relations is the outer circle, Trilateral Commission all of those.

Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller, Comprises 200 members worldwide.

The Bundy Operation: Activism towards a New World Global Order.

George H. W. Bush who was a member of Skull and Bones. Remember he said,

“It is a big idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause… only the United States has both the moral standing and the means to back it up.”

So do you think they’re trying to get all the countries of the world to come into the System? Yes or no. Do you think it’s possible that they are giving their power to a woman who rides them? Does it look like it? Who controls them? The Jesuits. And who do the Jesuits say all power must be under? The Pope. Isn’t that correct? All right, so who do you think would clamor for a New World Order more than anyone else? Maybe the Pope. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

Well, here he is!


New International Order urged for the sake of peace. When? January 3, 2004. His whole new year’s speech was dedicated to asking for the implementation of the new world order.

“Vatican city, January 1, 2004. John Paul II started the new year by insisting that peace is “possible” and thus a “duty,” and he called for a new international order.”

CNN: What did that have to say?

“Pope calls for a new world order. Thursday, January 1, 2004.
VATICAN CITY – Pope John Paul II rang in the New Year on Thursday with a renewed call for peace in the Middle East and Africa and the creation of a new world order based on respect for the dignity of man and equality amongst nations.”

What did he say?

“This year Pope John Paul directed his thoughts to the continuing conflict around the globe, but he stressed that to bring about peace there needs to be a new respect for international law and the creation of a “new international order” based on the goals of the united nations. He called for an order that he’s able to give adequate solutions to today’s problems based on the dignity of the human being. – This is human rights – On an integral development of society on solidarity amongst nations, rich and poor, on the sharing of resources and the extraordinary results of scientific and technical process.”

You know, sharing of resources. Have you heard of that before? Well, there’s another term for it. It’s called redistribution of wealth. Have you heard of that before? Let me redefine that for you. To redistribute wealth means to take the wealth from the one who has it and give it to one who has not got it. Is that correct? Now, if you do that, which nations of the world will be hardest hit? The Catholic ones or the Protestant ones? The Protestant ones are the rich nations. Everywhere you can draw a line.

Now I will show you in the lectures that come that there are encyclicals which define how the redistribution is to take place, and how it is happening, and how the encyclical says it should take place is what I can see happening in my country without the government lifting a finger against it. It is defined by need as we will see.

Now, there’s another word for taking from one who has and distributing it to someone who does not have. It’s called theft, stealing. Thou shalt not steal says the Bible. The Pope in Rome says thou shalt steal. He does, literally. I’ll show you his encyclical. You will be stunned.

This new world order is going to be an exciting place.(Sarcasm) I don’t want much part of it. Fortunately my God says my Kingdom is not of this world. If it were they would fight for me, but it is not of this world. My Kingdom is up there there. There where your treasure is there your heart will be. I have managed because I live where I live to loosen myself from that which I own because I know that it means nothing anymore. Do you know that in my country, if you go on a holiday and you stay away for a while and you come back and your house is occupied, that you cannot put the new tenants out even if the house is yours. Did you know that? Because they have need therefore they have the right to take it whether you own it or not. And this is not a joke, this is a fact, scary. But who cares? I serve a God who has promised the most wonderful things, even temporal things to those who serve Him, wonderful promises. “I go to prepare a place for you and I will come again to take you where I am also. In my Father’s house are many rooms.” I go. Actually it doesn’t mean rooms, it means mansions. God has prepared things for us which make this world sick by comparison.

So let them have their kingdom. Let them have their fun because my God says this world will come to an end and the Kingdom of God will reign forever and ever and ever.

Don’t miss the next lectures! We’re now on a roller coaster ride that will take you to exciting places! Thank you for coming.


Walter Veith’s talk on the Secret Behind Secret Societies.

What is the Holy Covenant of the Book of Daniel?

What is the Holy Covenant of the Book of Daniel?

This is another article that many students of Endtime Bible prophecy may take issue with. And why? Because the definition of “Holy Covenant” has been misinterpreted by Dispensationalists and those who hold to the Futurist interpretation of Bible prophecy, i.e., most of the prophecies of Daniel are yet to be fulfilled.

What do the Futurists say about the “Holy Covenant”?

“The Bible refers to this covenant as a “Holy Covenant” (Daniel 11:30), because of its religious implications. At least in part, it has to do with the Jews rebuilding their national temple in Jerusalem and the restoration of animal blood sacrifices on its altar, a practice that was the heart of their religious observance until their temple was destroyed by the Romans nearly two millennia ago.” (Source: https://countdown.org/en/signs/holy-covenant/ )

Is that so? Where does the Bible talk about the Jews rebuilding their national temple in the Endtime? Nowhere! I submit to you it’s all speculation!

The Futurists also say:

Daniel 9:27a reads, “Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.” Daniel prophesies a “he” who confirms a covenant or treaty, depending on the translation, with the many that will last for one week. And yet, prophecy teachers conclude from this verse that the Antichrist will make a seven-year peace treaty with Israel. (Source: https://christinprophecyblog.org/2017/06/the-antichrist-makes-peace-with-israel/ )

This is a gross misinterpretion of Daniel 9:27!!! More about that later in this article.

We need to base our interpretation of Scripture not on what somebody says the Scripture says, but on what the Scripture actually says! And what does the Scripture say?

The words, “Holy Covenant” occur three times in the Book of Daniel and once in the Gospel of Luke in the KJV version of the Bible:

Daniel 11:28  Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.

Daniel 11:30  For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

Luke 1:72  To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant;

Many students of Bible eschatology interpret the Holy Covenant of Daniel 11 as some kind of treaty an Endtime Antichrist makes with the Jews. It’s called “holy” because it’s a treaty made with God’s people. I have two problems with that.

1. My Bible tells me God’s people today are only those who have received Jesus Christ as the Son of God and their Lord!

Galatians 3:26  For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27  For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29  And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

2. Luke 1:72 tells me the Holy Covenant existed in the time of Christ! It therefore must have something to do, not with the Antichrist and the Jews, but with a covenant between God and His people! Does the Bible confirm that?

Daniel 9:4  And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;

I submit to you that the covenant of Daniel 9:4 is the Holy Covenant of Daniel 11 and Luke chapter 1. It’s the covenant God made with His people! This is clearly brought out in the Book of Genesis, the very first instance the word covenant occurs.

Genesis 6:18  But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with thee.

This was the covenant God made with Noah and the first of the covenants God made with man. The next one was the covenant God made with Abram.

Genesis 17:2  And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
3  And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying,
4  As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.

Exodus 2:24  And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.

And the Lord later had Moses build a box called the Ark of the Covenant, something the children of Israel could see!

Numbers 10:33  And they departed from the mount of the LORD three days’ journey: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days’ journey, to search out a resting place for them.

The Holy Covenant is also talked about in Daniel 9:27

Daniel 9:27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:…

This is probably the most misinterpreted prophecy in the entire Bible! Christians before the 19th century interpreted this prophecy to be a Messianic prophecy about Jesus Christ and His Apostles preaching the Gospel to the Jews! It has nothing to do with an Endtime Antichrist. Notice the word “confirm”. The verb is confirm, not make. It means something already in existance. It’s refering to the same covenant of verse 4 in the same chapter, the Covenant of Grace through faith God made with Abraham. I have written extensively on this subject.

We can clearly see from these Scriptures the Covenant is something God made with His people, and therefore it is indeed a “holy” covenant! Why then do many Bible students today interpret the Holy Covenant of Daniel chapter 11 as an Endtime event? It’s because of their lack of knowledge of history! All Bible commentators who were not influenced by John Nelson Darby of the 19th century and C.I. Scolfield of the early 20th century interpret Daniel 11 as events that happened before Christ, specifically in the days of the Maccabees!

What Matthew Henry has to say about the Holy Covenant of Daniel 11

Matthew Henry (18 October 1662 – 22 June 1714) was a Nonconformist minister and author, who was born in Wales but spent much of his life in England. He is best known for the six-volume biblical commentary Exposition of the Old and New Testaments.

All this is a prophecy of the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes, the little horn spoken of before (ch. 8 9) a sworn enemy to the Jewish religion, and a bitter persecutor of those that adhered to it. What troubles the Jews met with in the reigns of the Persian kings were not so particularly foretold to Daniel as these, because then they had living prophets with them, Haggai and Zechariah, to encourage them; but these troubles in the days of Antiochus were foretold, because, before that time, prophecy would cease, and they would find it necessary to have recourse to the written word. Some things in this prediction concerning Antiochus are alluded to in the New-Testament predictions of the antichrist, especially v. 36, 37. And as it is usual with the prophets, when they foretel the prosperity of the Jewish church, to make use of such expressions as were applicable to the kingdom of Christ, and insensibly to slide into a prophecy of that, so, when they foretel the troubles of the church, they make use of such expressions as have a further reference to the kingdom of the antichrist, the rise and ruin of that. Now concerning Antiochus, the angel foretels here,

I. His character: He shall be a vile person. He called himself Epiphanes—the illustrious, but his character was the reverse of his surname. The heathen writers describe him to be an odd-humoured man, rude and boisterous, base and sordid. He would sometimes steal out of the court into the city, and herd with any infamous company incognito—in disguise he made himself a companion of the common sort, and of the basest strangers that came to town. He had the most unaccountable whims, so that some took him to be silly, others to be mad. Hence he was called Epimanes—the madman. He is called a vile person, for he had been a long time a hostage at Rome for the fidelity of his father when the Romans had subdued him; and it was agreed that, when the other hostages were exchanged, he should continue a prisoner at large.

II. His accession to the crown. By a trick he got his elder brother’s son, Demetrius, to be sent a hostage to Rome, in exchange for him, contrary to the cartel; and, his elder brother being made away with by Heliodorus (v. 20), he took the kingdom. The states of Syria did not give it to him (v. 21), because they knew it belonged to his elder brother’s son, nor did he get it by the sword, but came in peaceably, pretending to reign for his brother’s son, Demetrius, then a hostage at Rome. But with the help of Eumenes and Attalus, neighbouring princes, he gained an interest in the people, and by flatteries obtained the kingdom, established himself in it, and crushed Heliodorus, who made head against him with the arms of a flood; those that opposed him were overflown and broken before him, even the prince of the covenant, his nephew, the rightful heir, whom he pretended to covenant with that he would resign to him whenever he should return, v. 22. But (v. 23) after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully, as one whose avowed maxim it is that princes ought not to be bound by their word any longer than it is for their interest. And with a small people, that at first cleave to him, he shall become strong, and (v. 24) he shall enter peaceably upon the fattest places of the kingdom of Syria, and, very unlike his predecessors, shall scatter among the people the prey, and the spoil, and riches, to insinuate himself into their affections; but, at the same time, he shall forecast his devices against the strong-holds, to make himself master of them, so that his generosity shall last but for a time; when he has got the garrisons into his hands he will scatter his spoil no more, but rule by force, as those commonly do that come in by fraud. He that comes in like a fox reigns like a lion. Some understand these verses of his first expedition into Egypt, when he came not as an enemy, but as a friend and guardian to the young king Ptolemæus Philometer, and therefore brought with him but few followers, yet those stout men, and faithful to his interest, whom he placed in divers of the strong-holds in Egypt, thereby making himself master of them.

III. His war with Egypt, which was his second expedition thither. This is described, v. 25, 27. Antiochus shall stir up his power and courage against Ptolemæus Philometer king of Egypt. Ptolemy, thereupon, shall be stirred up to battle against him, shall come against him with a very great and mighty army; but Ptolemy, though he has such a vast army, shall not be able to stand before him; for Antiochus’s army shall overthrow his, and overpower it, and great multitudes of the Egyptian army shall fall down slain. And no marvel, for the king of Egypt shall be betrayed by his own counsellors; those that feed of the portion of his meat, that eat of his bread and live upon him, being bribed by Antiochus, shall forecast devices against him, and even they shall destroy him; and what fence is there against such treachery? After the battle, a treaty of peace shall be set on foot, and these two kings shall meet at one council-board, to adjust the articles of peace between them; but they shall neither of them be sincere in it, for they shall, in their pretences and promises of amity and friendship, lie to one another, for their hearts shall be at the same time to do one another all the mischief they can. And then no marvel that it shall not prosper. The peace shall not last; but the end of it shall be at the time appointed in the divine Providence, and then the war shall break out again, as a sore that is only skinned over.

IV. Another expedition against Egypt. From the former he returned with great riches (v. 28), and therefore took the first occasion to invade Egypt again, at the time appointed by the divine Providence, two years after, in the eighth year of his reign, v. 29. He shall come towards the south. But this attempt shall not succeed, as the two former did, nor shall he gain his point, as he had done before once and again; for (v. 30) the ships of Chittim shall come against him, that is, the navy of the Romans, or only ambassadors from the Roman senate, who came in ships. Ptolemæus Philometer, king of Egypt, being now in a strict alliance with the Romans, craved their aid against Antiochus, who had besieged him and his mother Cleopatra in the city of Alexandria. The Roman senate thereupon sent an embassy to Antiochus, to command him to raise the siege, and, when he desired some time to consider of it and consult with his friends about it, Popilius, one of the ambassadors, with his staff drew a circle about him, and told him, as one having authority, he should give a positive answer before he came out of that circle; whereupon, fearing the Roman power, he was forced immediately to give orders for the raising of the siege and the retreat of his army out of Egypt. So Livy and others relate the story which this prophecy refers to. He shall be grieved, and return; for it was a great vexation to him to be forced to yield thus.

V. His rage and cruel practices against the Jews. This is that part of his government, or mis-government rather, which is most enlarged upon in this prediction. In his return from his expedition into Egypt (which is prophesied of, v. 28) he did exploits against the Jews, in the sixth year of his reign; then he spoiled the city and temple. But the most terrible storm was in his return from Egypt, two years after, prophesied of v. 30. Then he took Judea in his way home; and, because he could not gain his point in Egypt by reason of the Romans interposing, he wreaked his revenge upon the poor Jews, who gave him no provocation, but had greatly provoked God to permit him to do it, Dan 8 23.

1. He (Antiochus) had a rooted antipathy to the Jews’ religion: His heart was against the holy covenant, v. 28. And (v. 30) he had indignation against the holy covenant, that covenant of peculiarity by which the Jews were incorporated a people distinct from all other nations, and dignified above them. He hated the law of Moses and the worship of the true God, and was vexed at the privileges of the Jewish nation and the promises made to them. Note, That which is the hope and joy of the people of God is the envy of their neighbours, and that is the holy covenant. Esau hated Jacob because he had got the blessing. Those that are strangers to the covenant are often enemies to it.

2. He carried on his malicious designs against the Jews by the assistance of some perfidious apostate Jews. He kept up intelligence with those that forsook the holy covenant (v. 30), some of the Jews that were false to their religion, and introduced the customs of the heathen, with whom they made a covenant. See the fulfilling of this, 1 Mac 1 11-15, where it is expressly said, concerning those renegado Jews, that they made themselves uncircumcised and forsook the holy covenant. We read (2 Mac 4 9) of Jason, the brother of Onias the high priest, who by the appointment of Antiochus set up a school at Jerusalem, for the training up of youth in the fashions of the heathen; and (2 Mac 4 23, etc.) of Menelaus, who fell in with the interests of Antiochus, and was the man that helped him into Jerusalem, now in his last return from Egypt. We read much in the book of the Maccabees of the mischief done to the Jews by these treacherous men of their own nation, Jason and Menelaus, and their party. These upon all occasions he made use of. “Such as do wickedly against the covenant, such as throw up their religion, and comply with the heathen, he shall corrupt with flatteries, to harden them in their apostasy, and to make use of them as decoys to draw in others,” v. 32. Note, It is not strange if those who do not live up to their religion, but in their conversations do wickedly against the covenant, are easily corrupted by flatteries to quit their religion. Those that make shipwreck of a good conscience will soon make shipwreck of the faith.

3. He profaned the temple. Arms stand on his part (v. 31), not only his own army which he now brought from Egypt, but a great party of deserters from the Jewish religion that joined with them; and they polluted the sanctuary of strength, not only the holy city, but the temple. The story of this we have, 1 Mac 1 21, etc. He entered proudly into the sanctuary, took away the golden altar, and the candlestick, etc. And therefore (v. 25) there was a great mourning in Israel; the princes and elders mourned, etc. And (2 Mac 5 15, etc.) Antiochus went into the most holy temple, Menelaus, that traitor to the laws and to his own country, being his guide. Antiochus, having resolved to bring all about him to be of his religion, took away the daily sacrifice, v. 31. Some observe that the word Tammidh, which signifies no more than daily, is only here, and in the parallel place, used for the daily sacrifice, as if there were a designed liberty left to supply it either with sacrifice, which was suppressed by Antiochus, or with gospel-worship, which was suppressed by the Antichrist. Then he set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar (1 Mac 1 54), even an idol altar (v. 59), and called the temple the temple of Jupiter Olympius, 2 Mac 6 2.

4. He persecuted those who retained their integrity. Though there are many who forsake the covenant and do wickedly against it, yet there is a people who do know their God and retain the knowledge of him, and they shall be strong and do exploits, v. 32. When others yield to the tyrant’s demands, and surrender their consciences to his impositions, they bravely keep their ground, resist the temptation, and make the tyrant himself ashamed of his attempt upon them. Good old Eleazar, one of the principal scribes, when he had swine’s flesh thrust into his mouth, did bravely spit it out again, though he knew he must be tormented to death for so doing, and was so, 2 Mac 6 19. The mother and her seven sons were put to death for adhering to their religion, 2 Mac 7. This might well be called doing exploits; for to choose suffering rather than sin is a great exploit. And it was by faith, by being strong in faith, that they did those exploits, that they were tortured, not accepting deliverance, as the apostle speaks, probably with reference to that story, Heb 11 35. Or it may refer to the military courage and achievements of Judas Maccabæus and others in opposition to Antiochus. Note, The right knowledge of God is, and will be, the strength of the soul, and, in the strength of that, gracious souls do exploits. Those that know his name will put their trust in him, and by that trust will do great things. Now, concerning this people that knew their God, we are here told, (1.) That they shall instruct many, v. 33. They shall make it their business to show others what they have learned themselves of the difference between truth and falsehood, good and evil. Note, Those that have the knowledge of God themselves should communicate their knowledge to those about them, and this spiritual charity must be extensive: they must instruct many. Some understand this of a society newly erected for the propagating of divine knowledge, called Assideans, godly men, pietists (so the name signifies), that were both knowing and zealous in the law; these instructed many. Note, In times of persecution and apostasy, which are trying times, those that have knowledge ought to make use of it for the strengthening and establishing of others. Those that understand aright themselves ought to do what they can to bring others to understand; for knowledge is a talent that must be traded with. Or, They shall instruct many by their perseverance in their duty and their patient suffering for it. Good examples instruct many, and with many are the most powerful instructions. (2.) They shall fall by the cruelty of Antiochus, shall be put to the torture, and put to death, by his rage. Though they are so excellent and intelligent themselves, and so useful and serviceable to others, yet Antiochus shall show them no mercy, but they shall fall for some days; so it may be read, Rev 2 10, Thou shalt have tribulation ten days. We read much, in the books of the Maccabees, of Antiochus’s barbarous usage of the pious Jews, how many he slew in wars and how many he murdered in cold blood. Women were put to death for having their children circumcised, and their infants were hanged about their necks, 1 Mac 1 60, 61. But why did God suffer this? How can this be reconciled with the justice and goodness of God? I answer, Very well, if we consider what it was that God aimed at in this (v. 35): Some of those of understanding shall fall, but it shall be for the good of the church and for their own spiritual benefit. It shall be to try them, and to purge, and to make them white. They needed these afflictions themselves. The best have their spots, which must be washed off, their dross, which must be purged out; and their troubles, particularly their share in the public troubles, help to do this; being sanctified to them by the grace of God, they are means of mortifying their corruptions, weaning them from the world, and awakening them to greater seriousness and diligence in religion. They try them, as silver in the furnace is refined from its dross; they purge them, as wheat in the barn is winnowed from the chaff; and they make them white, as cloth by the fuller is cleared from its spots. See 1 Pet 1 7. Their sufferings for righteousness’ sake would try and purge the nation of the Jews, would convince them of the truth, excellency, and power of that holy religion which these understanding men died for their adherence to. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church; it is precious blood, and not a drop of it should be shed but upon such a valuable consideration. (3.) The cause of religion, though it be thus run upon, shall not be run down. When they shall fall they shall not be utterly cast down, but they shall be holpen with a little help, v. 34. Judas Maccabæus, and his brethren, and a few with them, shall make head against the tyrant, and assert the injured cause of their religion; they pulled down the idolatrous altars, circumcised the children that they found uncircumcised, recovered the law out of the hand of the Gentiles, and the work prospered in their hands, 1 Mac 2 45, etc. Note, Those that stand by the cause of religion when it is threatened and struck at, though they may not immediately be delivered and made victorious, shall yet have present help. And a little help must not be despised; but, when times are very bad, we must be thankful for some reviving. It is likewise foretold that many shall cleave to them with flatteries; when they see the Maccabees prosper some Jews shall join with them that are no true friends to religion, but will only pretend friendship either with design to betray them or in hope to rise with them; but the fiery trial (v. 35) will separate between the precious and the vile, and by it those that are perfect will be made manifest and those that are not. (4.) Though these troubles may continue long, yet they will have an end. They are for a time appointed, a limited time, fixed in the divine counsels. This warfare shall be accomplished. Hitherto the power of the enemy shall come, and no further; here shall its proud waves be stayed.

5. He grew very proud, insolent, and profane, and, being puffed up with his conquests, bade defiance to Heaven, and trampled upon every thing that was sacred, v. 36, etc. And here some think begins a prophecy of the antichrist, the papal kingdom. It is plain that St. Paul, in his prophecy of the rise and reign of the man of sin, alludes to this (2 Thess 2 4), which shows that Antiochus was a type and figure of that enemy, as Babylon also was; but, this being joined in a continued discourse with the foregoing prophecies concerning Antiochus, to me it seems probably that it principally refers to him, and in him had its primary accomplishment, and has reference to the other only by way of accommodation. (1.) He shall impiously dishonour the God of Israel, the only living and true God, called here the God of gods. He shall, in defiance of him and his authority, do according to his will against his people and his holy religion; he shall exalt himself above him, as Sennacherib did, and shall speak marvellous things against him and against his laws and institutions. This was fulfilled when Antiochus forbade sacrifices to be offered in God’s temple, and ordered the sabbaths to be profaned, the sanctuary and the holy people to be polluted, etc., to the end that they might forget the law and change all the ordinances, and this upon pain of death, 1 Mac 1 45. (2.) He shall proudly put contempt upon all other gods, shall magnify himself above every god, even the gods of the nations. Antiochus wrote to his own kingdom that every one should leave the gods he had worshipped, and worship such as he ordered, contrary to the practice of all the conquerors that went before him, 1 Mac 1 41, 42. And all the heathen agreed according to the commandment of the king; fond as they were of their gods, they did not think them worth suffering for, but, their gods being idols, it was all alike to them what gods they worshipped. Antiochus did not regard any god, but magnified himself above all, v. 37. He was so proud that he thought himself above the condition of a mortal man, that he could command the waves of the sea, and reach to the stars of heaven, as his insolence and haughtiness are expressed, 2 Mac 9 8, 10. Thus he carried all before him, till the indignation was accomplished (v. 36), till he had run his length, and filled up the measure of his iniquity; for that which is determined shall be done, and nothing more, nothing short. (3.) He shall, contrary to the way of the heathen, disregard the god of his fathers, v. 37. Though an affection to the religion of their ancestors was, among the heathen, almost as natural to them as the desire of women (for, if you search through the isles of Chittim, you will not find an instance of a nation that has changed its gods, Jer 2 10, 11), yet Antiochus shall not regard the god of his fathers; he made laws to abolish the religion of his country, and to bring in the idols of the Greeks. And though his predecessors had honoured the God of Israel, and given great gifts to the temple at Jerusalem (2 Mac 3 2, 3), he offered the greatest indignities to God and his temple. His not regarding the desire of women may denote his barbarous cruelty (he shall spare no age or sex, no, not the tender ones) or his unnatural lusts, or, in general, his contempt of every thing which men of honour have a concern for, or it might be accomplished in something we meet not with in history. Its being joined to his not regarding the god of his fathers intimates that the idolatries of his country had in them more of the gratifications of the flesh than those of other countries (Lucian has written of the Syrian goddesses), and yet that would not prevail to keep him to them. (4.) He shall set up an unknown god, a new god, v. 38. In his estate, in the room of the god of his fathers (Apollo and Diana, deities of pleasure), he shall honour the god of forces, a supposed deity of power, a god whom his fathers knew not, nor worshipped; because he will be thought in wisdom and strength to excel his fathers, he shall honour this god with gold, and silver, and precious stones, thinking nothing too good for the god he has taken a fancy to. This seems to be Jupiter Olympius, known among the Phœnicians by the name of Baal-Semen, the lord of heaven, but never introduced among the Syrians till Antiochus introduced it. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds, in the temple of Jerusalem, which is called the sanctuary of strength (v. 31), and here the fortresses of munitions; there he shall set up the image of this strange god. Some read it, He shall commit the munitions of strength, or of the most strong God (that is, the city Jerusalem), to a strange god; he put it under the protection and government of Jupiter Olympius. This god he shall not only acknowledge, but shall increase with glory, by setting his image even upon God’s altar. And he shall cause those that minister to this idol to rule over many, shall put them into places of power and trust, and they shall divide the land for gain, shall be maintained richly out of the profits of the country. Some by the Mahuzzim, or god of forces, that Antiochus shall worship, understand money, which is said to answer all things, and which is the great idol of worldly people.

Now here is very much that is applicable to the man of sin; he exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped; magnifies himself above all; his flatterers call him our lord god the pope. By forbidding marriage, and magnifying the single life, he pretends not to regard the desire of women; and honours the god of forces, the god Mahuzzim, or strong holds, saints and angels, whom his followers take for their protectors, as the heathen did of old their demons; these they make presidents of several countries, etc. These they honour with vast treasures dedicated to them, and therein the learned Mr. Mede thinks that this prophecy was fulfilled, and that it is referred to 1 Tim 4 1, 2.

VI. Here seems to be another expedition into Egypt, or, at least, a struggle with Egypt. The Romans had tied him up from invading Ptolemy, but now that king of the south pushes at him (v. 40), makes an attempt upon some of his territories, where upon Antiochus, the king of the north, comes against him like a whirlwind, with incredible swiftness and fury, with chariots, and horses, and many ships, a great force. He shall come through countries, and shall overflow and pass over. In this flying march many countries shall be overthrown by him; and he shall enter into the glorious land, the land of Israel; it is the same word that is translated the pleasant land, ch. 8 9. He shall make dreadful work among the nations thereabout; yet some shall escape his fury, particularly Edom and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon, v. 41. He did not put these countries under contribution, because they had joined with him against the Jews. But especially the land of Egypt shall not escape, but he will quite beggar that, so bare will he strip it. This some reckon his fourth and last expedition against Egypt, in the tenth or eleventh year of his reign, under pretence of assisting the younger brother of Ptolemæus Philometer against him. We read not of any great slaughter made in this expedition, but great plunder; for, it should seem, that was what he came for: He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and all the precious things of Egypt, v. 43. Polybius, in Athenæus, relates that Antiochus, having got together abundance of wealth, by spoiling young Philometer, and breaking league with him, and by the contributions of his friends, bestowed a vast deal upon a triumph, in imitation of Paulus Æmilius, and describes the extravagance of it; here we are told how he got that money which he spent so profusely. Notice is here taken likewise of the use he made of the Lybians and Ethiopians, who bordered upon Egypt; they were at his steps; he had them at his foot, had them at his beck, and they made inroads upon Egypt to serve him.

VII. Here is a prediction of the fall and ruin of Antiochus, as before (ch. 8 25), when he is in the height of his honour, flushed with victory, and laden with spoils, tidings out of the east and out of the north (out of the north-east) shall trouble him, v. 44. Or, He shall have intelligence, both from the eastern and northern parts, that the king of Parthia is invading his kingdom. This obliged him to drop the enterprises he had in hand, and to go against the Persians and Parthians that were revolting from him; and this vexed him, for now he thought utterly to ruin and extirpate the Jewish nation, when that expedition called him off, in which he perished. This is explained by a passage in Tacitus (though an impious one) where he commends Antiochus for his attempt to take away the superstition of the Jews, and bring in the manners of the Greeks, among them (ut teterrimam gentem in melius mutaret—to meliorate an odious nation), and laments that he was hindered from accomplishing it by the Parthian war. Now here is, 1. The last effort of his rage against the Jews. When he finds himself perplexed and embarrassed in his affairs he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many, v. 44. The story of this we have 1 Mac 3 27, etc., what a rage Antiochus was in when he heard of the successes of Judas Maccabæus, and the orders he gave to Lysias to destroy Jerusalem. Then he planted the tabernacles of his palace, or tents of his court, between the seas, between the Great Sea and the Dead Sea. He set up his royal pavilion at Emmaus near Jerusalem, in token that, though he could not be present himself, yet he gave full power to his captains to prosecute the war against the Jews with the utmost rigour. He placed his tent there, as if he had taken possession of the glorious holy mountain and called it his own. Note, When impiety grows very impudent we may see its ruin near. 2. His exit: He shall come to his end and none shall help him; God shall cut him off in the midst of his days and none shall be able to prevent his fall. This is the same with that which was foretold ch. 8 25 (He shall be broken without hand), where we took a view of his miserable end. Note, When God’s time shall come to bring proud oppressors to their end none shall be able to help them, nor perhaps inclined to help them; for those that covet to be feared by all when they are in their grandeur, when they come to be in distress will find themselves loved by none; none will lend them so much as a hand or a prayer to help them; and, if the Lord do not help, who shall?

Of the kings that came after Antiochus nothing is here prophesied, for that was the most malicious mischievous enemy to the church, that was a type of the son of perdition, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming, and none shall help him.

What John Gill has to say

John Gill (23 November 1697 – 14 October 1771) was an English Baptist pastor, biblical scholar, and theologian. He was the first Baptist pastor to write a commentary on the entire Bible!

Antiochus delaying, telling him he would consult his friends, Popilius, with a rod in his hand, drew a circle round him, and bid him consult his friends directly; adding that he should not stir from that circle till he had given a positive answer; which roughness struck him, and, hesitating a little, he replied he would obey the senate, as Justin c, Livy d, Velleius Paterculus e, and other historians, relate; and upon which he at once departed with his army, though fretted and vexed to the last degree: and have indignation against the holy covenant; the Jews, God’s covenant people; on whom he gratified his revenge,

Antiochus IV (215 BC – 164 BC) was king of Syria and the King of the North of Daniel chapter 11. The King of the South was Egypt. North and south is designated by the geographical locations of these nations to Israel. You can read more about Antiochus from Wikipedia.

What Adam Clarke has to say:

Adam Clarke (1760 or 1762 – 1832) was a British Methodist theologian and Biblical scholar. He is chiefly remembered for writing a commentary on the Bible which took him 40 years to complete and which was a primary Methodist theological resource for two centuries.

Have indignation against the holy covenant — For he (Antiochus IV) vented his rage against the Jews; and he sent his general, Apollonius, with twenty-two thousand men against Jerusalem, plundered and set fire to the city, pulled down the houses round about it, slew much of the people, and built a castle on an eminence that commanded the temple, and slew multitudes of the poor people who had come up to worship, polluted every place, so that the temple service was totally abandoned, and all the people fled from the city. And when he returned to Antioch he published a decree that all should conform to the Grecian worship; and the Jewish worship was totally abrogated, and the temple itself consecrated to Jupiter Olympius. How great must the wickedness of the people have been when God could tolerate this!

What the book of Maccabees has to say:

Did you know that the books of 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees were included together with other apocryphal books in the King James version when it was first printed? The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha was a part of the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D. These books do NOT include the Book of Enoch or the Books of Adam and Eve, stuff that I believe is pure fiction and false doctrines!

Whether you believe the apocryphal books are the inspired Word of God or not, you should know that many people consider them good reading. The books of Maccabees contain the history of the Jews’s wars with Syria that happened between the periods of the Old and New Testament.

This is first Maccabees, chapter 1:

1 And it happened, after that Alexander son of Philip, the Macedonian, who came out of the land of Chettiim, had smitten Darius king of the Persians and Medes, that he reigned in his stead, the first over Greece,

2 And made many wars, and won many strong holds, and slew the kings of the earth,

3 And went through to the ends of the earth, and took spoils of many nations, insomuch that the earth was quiet before him; whereupon he was exalted and his heart was lifted up.

4 And he gathered a mighty strong host and ruled over countries, and nations, and kings, who became tributaries unto him.

5 And after these things he fell sick, and perceived that he should die.

6 Wherefore he called his servants, such as were honourable, and had been brought up with him from his youth, and parted his kingdom among them, while he was yet alive.

7 So Alexander reigned twelves years, and then died.

8 And his servants bare rule every one in his place.

9 And after his death they all put crowns upon themselves; so did their sons after them many years: and evils were multiplied in the earth.

10 And there came out of them a wicked root Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes, son of Antiochus the king, who had been an hostage at Rome, and he reigned in the hundred and thirty and seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks.

11 In those days went there out of Israel wicked men, who persuaded many, saying, Let us go and make a covenant with the heathen that are round about us: for since we departed from them we have had much sorrow.

12 So this device pleased them well.

13 Then certain of the people were so forward herein, that they went to the king, who gave them licence to do after the ordinances of the heathen:

14 Whereupon they built a place of exercise at Jerusalem according to the customs of the heathen:

15 And made themselves uncircumcised, and forsook the holy covenant, and joined themselves to the heathen, and were sold to do mischief.

16 Now when the kingdom was established before Antiochus, he thought to reign over Egypt that he might have the dominion of two realms.

17 Wherefore he entered into Egypt with a great multitude, with chariots, and elephants, and horsemen, and a great navy,

18 And made war against Ptolemee king of Egypt: but Ptolemee was afraid of him, and fled; and many were wounded to death.

19 Thus they got the strong cities in the land of Egypt and he took the spoils thereof.

20 And after that Antiochus had smitten Egypt, he returned again in the hundred forty and third year, and went up against Israel and Jerusalem with a great multitude,

21 And entered proudly into the sanctuary, and took away the golden altar, and the candlestick of light, and all the vessels thereof,

22 And the table of the shewbread, and the pouring vessels, and the vials. and the censers of gold, and the veil, and the crown, and the golden ornaments that were before the temple, all which he pulled off.

23 He took also the silver and the gold, and the precious vessels: also he took the hidden treasures which he found.

24 And when he had taken all away, he went into his own land, having made a great massacre, and spoken very proudly.

25 Therefore there was a great mourning in Israel, in every place where they were;

26 So that the princes and elders mourned, the virgins and young men were made feeble, and the beauty of women was changed.

27 Every bridegroom took up lamentation, and she that sat in the marriage chamber was in heaviness,

28 The land also was moved for the inhabitants thereof, and all the house of Jacob was covered with confusion.

29 And after two years fully expired the king sent his chief collector of tribute unto the cities of Juda, who came unto Jerusalem with a great multitude,

30 And spake peaceable words unto them, but all was deceit: for when they had given him credence, he fell suddenly upon the city, and smote it very sore, and destroyed much people of Israel.

31 And when he had taken the spoils of the city, he set it on fire, and pulled down the houses and walls thereof on every side.

32 But the women and children took they captive, and possessed the cattle.

33 Then builded they the city of David with a great and strong wall, and with mighty towers, and made it a strong hold for them.

34 And they put therein a sinful nation, wicked men, and fortified themselves therein.

35 They stored it also with armour and victuals, and when they had gathered together the spoils of Jerusalem, they laid them up there, and so they became a sore snare:

36 For it was a place to lie in wait against the sanctuary, and an evil adversary to Israel.

37 Thus they shed innocent blood on every side of the sanctuary, and defiled it:

38 Insomuch that the inhabitants of Jerusalem fled because of them: whereupon the city was made an habitation of strangers, and became strange to those that were born in her; and her own children left her.

39 Her sanctuary was laid waste like a wilderness, her feasts were turned into mourning, her sabbaths into reproach her honour into contempt.

40 As had been her glory, so was her dishonour increased, and her excellency was turned into mourning.

41 Moreover king Antiochus wrote to his whole kingdom, that all should be one people,

42 And every one should leave his laws: so all the heathen agreed according to the commandment of the king.

43 Yea, many also of the Israelites consented to his religion, and sacrificed unto idols, and profaned the sabbath.

44 For the king had sent letters by messengers unto Jerusalem and the cities of Juda that they should follow the strange laws of the land,

45 And forbid burnt offerings, and sacrifice, and drink offerings, in the temple; and that they should profane the sabbaths and festival days:

46 And pollute the sanctuary and holy people:

47 Set up altars, and groves, and chapels of idols, and sacrifice swine’s flesh, and unclean beasts:

48 That they should also leave their children uncircumcised, and make their souls abominable with all manner of uncleanness and profanation:

49 To the end they might forget the law, and change all the ordinances.

50 And whosoever would not do according to the commandment of the king, he said, he should die.

51 In the selfsame manner wrote he to his whole kingdom, and appointed overseers over all the people, commanding the cities of Juda to sacrifice, city by city.

52 Then many of the people were gathered unto them, to wit every one that forsook the law; and so they committed evils in the land;

53 And drove the Israelites into secret places, even wheresoever they could flee for succour.

54 Now the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred forty and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol altars throughout the cities of Juda on every side;

55 And burnt incense at the doors of their houses, and in the streets.

56 And when they had rent in pieces the books of the law which they found, they burnt them with fire.

57 And whosoever was found with any the book of the testament, or if any committed to the law, the king’s commandment was, that they should put him to death.

58 Thus did they by their authority unto the Israelites every month, to as many as were found in the cities.

59 Now the five and twentieth day of the month they did sacrifice upon the idol altar, which was upon the altar of God.

60 At which time according to the commandment they put to death certain women, that had caused their children to be circumcised.

61 And they hanged the infants about their necks, and rifled their houses, and slew them that had circumcised them.

62 Howbeit many in Israel were fully resolved and confirmed in themselves not to eat any unclean thing.

63 Wherefore the rather to die, that they might not be defiled with meats, and that they might not profane the holy covenant: so then they died.

64 And there was very great wrath upon Israel.

The Book of Daniel interprets the Book of Revelation

The Book of Daniel interprets the Book of Revelation

Many people find the last Book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation hard to understand. I heard one lady even call it the Book of Concealment! Is there a key to understand the Endtime prophecies of the Book of Revelation? I believe that key is the Book of Daniel! The Prophet Daniel was described as:

“…an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will shew the interpretation. — Daniel 5:12

If anybody can shed some light on the Book of Revelation, I bet Daniel can! And some verses in the Book of Revelation also explain Daniel’s visions as well.

Isaiah 34:16  Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for My Mouth it hath commanded, and His Spirit it hath gathered them.

I believe that all the important Endtime prophecies in the Book of Daniel have their “mate” or similar verse in the Book of Revelation. What therefore is the key to understanding the Endtime prophecies in the Book of Revelation? It’s to know the same prophecies in the Book of Daniel! The Scriptures from these two books of the Bible complement each other.

This Bible study is an attempt to compare certain verses in Daniel with Revelation, and by doing so, clearly show what they are teaching in order to shed more light on controversial teachings about the Endtime that have been circulating among the churches, especially American churches!

Daniel Revelation
Daniel 7:21  I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
22  Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
Revelation 13:7:  And it was given unto him (the Antichrist)to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Who are the “saints”? The born again children of God in Christ Jesus! The “horn” of the book of Daniel is the Antichrist– the Papacy — what all the Protestant reformerers believed about the Roman Pope. The “beast” of Revelation chapter 13 is the Roman Empire including the revived one that continues to this day.

Daniel Revelation
Daniel 7:23  Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. Revelation 13:1  And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

What is the “beast” of Revelation chapter 13? Many Christians today think the “Beast” is synonomous with the final end time Anchrist. But Daniel chapter 7 clearly defines a beast as a kingdom or empire! I believe the Beast of Revelation is with us today. It’s the covert one-world government already in existence. It’s centered in Rome and controls the world. Proof? Did you notice the reaction to the Covid pandemic was the same worldwide with masks and unnecessary lockdowns? Who was trying to make Covid vaccinations mandatory for every person in the world? The Pope, all the heads of Europe and North America. As far as I know, only a few national presidents in Africa objected to the Covid vaccination and they shortly died (or were murdered?) afterward.

The “ten horns” may be the 10 economic regions of the world today, the regions designated by the World Trade Organization. It’s interesting that Japan is the sole nation of one of those regions. IMHO, I think this could mean that Japan is still capable of surviving economically on its own.

10horns-nations-chart showing the 10 regions of the New World Order

Or the 10 horns may be the way the Jesuits have divided up the world!


Please share any more comparisons to Scriptures of Daniel and Revelation if you can, and I will add them to this article.

What was the Leaven of the Pharisees?

What was the Leaven of the Pharisees?

Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. — Matthew 13:33

Mark 8:15  And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.

The “leaven” represents false doctrines and false teaching.

The people most responsible for sowing the leaven of false doctrines in the Church of Christ today are the Jesuits. Some of them actually become Protestant ministers! The Kingdom of Heaven is being polluted by the leaven of the false doctrines of man and the Devil. That’s what Jesus meant!

One of the main false doctrines spread among Protestants today is that of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. I just do not understand the motivation of people who preach pre-tribulation unless they are purposely doing it to give people FALSE HOPE! That’s a crime, in my opinion, a SIN against God’s people!!! Who would want to do that? Only witches and Masons who are sowing the leaven of false doctrines, that’s who!

Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Gather His elect when? “Immediately after the tribulation of those days”

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Christians have been persecuted and killed all through the ages since Stephen the first martyr! What difference is the great tribulation for them? Only the scope of it, the size of it. Could they have suffered any more than they already did? Would the stones that hit Stephen have hurt more if thrown during the great tribulation?

Bottom line: If pre-tribulation doctrine is true, those who believed in post-tribulation rapture have nothing nothing to lose. But if pre-tribulation rapture doctrine is false, those who have believed it will be shaken to the very foundation of their faith when they enter the tribulation and Jesus hasn’t come yet to take them away!!!! They will be totally unprepared in heart, spirit, and body for what is to come.

Thank you to Michael Adams for sharing the YouTube videos with me!