Former FBI agent’s testimony about government corruption / MK ULTRA mind control, etc.

Former FBI agent’s testimony about government corruption / MK ULTRA mind control, etc.

Theodore L. Gunderson (7 November 1928 – 31 July 2011) was a Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI, an American author, and a conspiracy discoverer. Some of his FBI case work included the Death of Marilyn Monroe and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. He was the author of the best-selling book How to Locate Anyone Anywhere Without Leaving Home. (Source: Wikipedia)

Ted Gunderson, a retired 27-year veteran FBI special agent who worked in the L.A. district with over 700 agents under his command, gives documented proof of a CIA splinter group known as the Finders, who, according to a U.S. Customs document, was involved in a kidnapping scheme for child sexual slavery. Brice Taylor is the highest-level, healed survivor of MKULTRA trauma-based mind control, ever to go public.

There is a lot of information in this video, and some of it is horrible evil! For adults only! And it’s probably better you don’t listen to it just before you go to bed.

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"vpunxf","div":"rumble_vpunxf"});

The Ten Horns / Crowns of the Books of Daniel and Revelation

The Ten Horns / Crowns of the Books of Daniel and Revelation

Did you know that the Bible refers to the 10 horns of the books of Daniel and Revelation exactly 9 times? That’s 3 times in the book of Daniel and 6 times in the book of Revelation.

Daniel 7:7  After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.
Daniel 7:20  And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.
Daniel 7:24  And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
Revelation 12:3  And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
Revelation 13:1  ¶And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Revelation 17:3  So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
Revelation 17:7  ¶And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
Revelation 17:12  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
Revelation 17:16  And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

What do these “horns” refer to? The Bible is its own best interpreter.

Revelation 17:12  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

The covert world government running the world headed by the Jesuit General in Rome has divided the world into 10 regions. I first posted the chart below in 2012 and I don’t remember where I got it from. In my opinion, it’s a reasonable breakup of the world. Please note that this is a mere interpretation of the current status of the 10 Horns. Your opinion may be better than mine. You can tell me about it in the comments section below.

To see this chart better from your phone, use two figures to enlarge it.
10horns-nations-chart showing the 10 regions of the New World Order

Here’s a world map of 10 regions designated by the Club of Rome. It may be more accurate.


I believe these 10 regions may very well be the 10 horns / crowns of the books of Daniel and Revelation!

The most interesting thing about the chart is Japan is the only nation with a region all to its own. Could this mean that Japan is either super rich or super stable economically? One of my Japanese friends claims that the Emperor and his family are worth 320 quadrillion yen! In scientific notation, that’s 32 X 10 to the 16th power. This is 284 times greater than the US national debt at $15 trillion! If my friend’s claim is correct, Japan would certainly be considered very special by the New World Order people.

John F. Kennedy’s Speech on Secret societies and Freedom of the Press transcribed into text

John F. Kennedy’s Speech on Secret societies and Freedom of the Press transcribed into text

The following is John F. Kennedy’s address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961, given exactly 939 days before he was killed on Nov. 22, 1963.

I first heard it years ago and posted the audio / sideshow of it on my other website for some time
now, but it was just the other day I felt inspired to transcribe it into text. I found only a part of this speech transcribed on However, it also contains other parts of the speech not included in the audio-slideshow below from where I took it from.

I took the liberty to highlight any text in bold that I thought was significant to put emphasis on.

Ladies and gentlemen. The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are are cited to justify it.

Even today, there is little value in opposing the thread of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in assuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control. And no official of my administration whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press or the public the facts they deserve to know.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding, and from that understanding comes support or opposition, and both are necessary. I’m not asking your newspapers to support an administration. But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed. I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers, I welcome it. This administration intends to be candid about its errors. For as a wise man once said, an error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors. And we expect you to point them out when we miss them.

Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker, Solon, decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment, the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution, not primarily to amuse and to entertain, not to emphasis the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crisis and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion. This means greater coverage and analysis of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign, but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improve the understanding of the news as well as improve transmission. And it means finally that government at all levels must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security.

And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.

Vaccinated Populations Suffering Strange New Illnesses

Vaccinated Populations Suffering Strange New Illnesses

I transcribed this text from a One America News (OAN) report, from a video a friend sent me on Messenger. I later found a more complete copy of the video on Rumble.

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Rumble("play", {"video":"v1k9h16","div":"rumble_v1k9h16"});

Transcription of OAN Report

Cameras from around the world are capturing footage of people collapsing in spasms, and what some people believe may be the latest symptom of Covid-19 vaccines. Here’s One America News Pearson Sharp with more:

One America News has extensively covered the dangers of the experimental chemical injections the government is calling the Covid vaccine. From heart attacks and strokes to paralysis, neuropathy, and explosive increase in cancer, autoimmune diseases, and even sudden death with young healthy people in the prime of their lives simply falling down dead. The list of fatal side effects from these injections is truly stupifying. While now there are videos emerging of a terrifying new condition that’s popping up all over the world.

What you’re looking at now is footage from security cameras that shows people suffering from the effects of some mysterious attack on their bodies. In every case, it follows the same pattern. The affected person stops what they’re doing and looks around as if they hear something, slowly turning their head. Then they start flailing their arms and legs, kicking and trashing like they’re fending off some invisible attacker. This is followed by collapsing on the ground in a convulsion, rising and twisting in uncontrollable spasms. The incidents of this bizarre and frightening new malady have come out of nowhere, and now it’s being captured by CCTVS around the world.

Now to be fair, it’s not clear if this vaccine death spiral is linked to the TCP (?) injections. But when you consider the alarming number of other gruesome side effects from this vaccine, it’s not hard to believe. As far as we can tell this has never been witnessed before. And if that’s the case, then we have to consider what could be responsible.

Now let’s think: What’s the biggest new variable the world has seen in the last two years? Well, if you’re not a brain-dead member of the Branch Covidien Fauci Cult, then the answer is simple. Nearly 70% of the world has submitted to the Covid injections. That’s 5.3 billion people whose bodies are struggling to adapt to overcome the so-called vaccine toxic effects. And now we’re seeing the results firsthand.

Peer-reviewed studies show a staggering 94% of covid injection recipients have abnormal blood, blood that no longer functions normally. This is a picture of what normal unvaccinated blood looks like at 40 times magnification, and was taken by doctors in Italy studying the blood of patients injected with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Now here we have the same patients just one month after getting the Pfizer injection. You can clearly see the blood has been drastically altered! With researchers saying the vast majority of patients they studied suffered severe blood cell deformation after taking the vaccine. The researchers say metallic objects that resembled graphene oxide and other compounds like you see here or discovered floating in the blood. The scientists said they found extraordinarily anomalous substances in the blood which began forming gigantic foreign structures. The researchers concluded by saying these results have never been observed before in any vaccines ever, and that Pfizer and Moderna need to come clean about exactly what they’re putting in the vaccines.

They added that the substances in the vaccines are incompatible with normal blood flow. Those gigantic foreign structures seen under the microscope are wreaking havoc on the human body. And now coroners and embalmers around the country are discovering horrifying clots inside people’s bodies! What you’re looking at are the mysterious clots that are suddenly appearing in vaccinated people who later died. And medical experts say this is totally new, they’ve never seen anything like it until last year. (2021)

Lab tests show the clots are made from something other than human blood. And embalmers says they’re showing up in otherwise healthy people who suddenly died from heart attacks or strokes. And when they were examined, their veins and arteries were completely clogged with these strange rubbery fibers that can be several feet long.

Even the young and healthy can be affected, like a teenage athlete in Ohio who suffered from a sudden pain in his legs and back and was rushed to the emergency room where doctors removed a mysterious 6-foot-long clot from his legs! After finding massive clots it’s not surprising the FDA is withholding autopsy results of people who died after doing the Fauci vaccines. That’s right, the FDA is actually refusing to release autopsy results of victims who received the experimental covid vaccine! They don’t want anyone seeing just how grizzly the results are.

Considering this is the crap that’s floating around in the blood of everyone that got the Fauci injection, it’s no surprise that life expectancy in the US is plummeting at the fastest rate in history. In fact from 2020 to 2021 life expectancy in the US fell by nearly three years, meaning that people are dying prematurely at 35 times the rate they were before the vaccines were introduced. But these mysterious deaths all have one thing in common, one common denominator: Every one of them received the new experimental vaccine.

At some point, those responsible must be held accountable: The pharmaceutical giants who made these drugs, the media who pushed their propaganda, and the elected officials in Washington who made it illegal to refuse them. Until then, we the people who trusted those officials can only look on in horror and disbelief at the carnage being inflicted by the murderers we thought would save us.

(End of transcript)

For the record, my wife and I never trusted what the government had to say about the Covid vaccine and we remain unvaccinated. Thanks be to our God and our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ!

My Views About the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

My Views About the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

A building in Ukraine destroyed by the Russians.

Some of my conservative friends and especially Trump supporters have been seemingly justifying Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. My friend Jim wrote:

Zelensky is a snake. He has been laundering money for years. He is used by the Deep State. That is why he is supported by the likes of HRC, Biden, Obama, Gates, Pelosi and all the rest. I do know that there are elements of the Ukrainian army who persecute and kill Ukrainian Russians.

Another friend named Mike wrote:

Any bets on who wins? $100 on The Ukraine Government and The Faggot Zelinski going down. Putin is winning cuz God is using him to take out The Satanic Kazarian Mafia.

Why does Mike think the President of Ukraine is gay? Volodymyr Zelinskyy has a beautiful wife. From where does Mike and Jim get their information?

I told Mike I won’t bet with him because I don’t want to take his money. He told me that before the Ukrainian army started to take back what the Russian army conquered.

Before I go any further, let me state what I believe to be my qualifications for writing anything about the Russian / Ukrainian conflict: I lived in Russia from March 1994 to October 1997. I’ve been to the far eastern city of Khabarovsk. I lived in central Siberia in Akadem Gorodok close to Novosibirsk for 4 months. I’ve been to a few times to Moscow and walked the length of Red Square. I lived in St. Petersburg for two years. And I lived in the Arctic city of Murmansk Russia for 10 months. I love the Russian people! Living in Russia was one of the most fun experiences in my life making new friends and learning a new language. I got to the point I was comfortable on the streets of Russia alone. I could communicate with them in their own language. And I met not only ethnic Russians, I met people from all 15 republics of the former Soviet Union and can name them all from memory. How many Americans can do that? And I even met people from provinces within Russia such as Chechnya. I considered them to be a kind and affectionate people. I loved to shake hands with the Russians because they are good hand-shakers. The Japanese are no good at it!

And I visited Russia’s neighbors such as Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lituania. In 1997 I passed through Belorus and Ukraine by train, the very area of the fighting today, the Donbas region. I passed through Belorus on my way from St. Petersburg to Warsaw, Poland, and was not challenged to show my visa for Belorus. But on my way from the Black Sea area of Russia back to St. Petersburg, the train passed through Donbas Ukraine and Ukrainian border guards on the train asked me to show a visa for Ukraine. I didn’t have one. My two Russian companions talked the Ukrainian border guards out of giving me a fine!

Of the 15 former Soviet Republics, only three of them speak Slavic languages, Russia, Ukraine, and Belorus. They are close ethnically. I always considered Russians and Ukrainians to be one big family. One-third of Ukrainians speak Russian. In the capital Kyiv the Russian language is predominant. I met many ethnic Ukrainians who live in Russia.

When I lived in Niigata Japan I used to visit Russian ships at port. The captain and the crew treated me and my friends as honored guests. Some of them were ethnic Ukrainians. One Ukrainian lady working on the ship told me half of the Russians are ethnic Ukrainians and half of the Ukrainians are ethnic Russians!

I have a close Ukrainian friend I knew in St. Petersburg. Her name is Lydia and I am still in contact with her. She and her daughter are now refugees in France. She tells me no place in Ukraine is safe.

I’m saying this because it disturbs me greatly what Russia is doing now in Ukraine. There have been countless war crimes. Innocent civilians, women, and children have been killed! And for what? To feed Vladimir Putin’s territorial ambitions!

Historically Russia has always been a bully to its neighbors. In the restroom of a department store in Helsinki Finland I saw graffiti on the wall cursing Russians. In 1940, Finland lost part of its eastern territory in a war with the Soviet Union, and that area is now part of Russia. Russia didn’t return it after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

The three Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lituania became unwilling members of the Soviet Union. Their languages are all different from each other and not similar to Russian. They have a strong national identity and are not friendly toward Russia. They all have an etnic Russian population. The older generation of those countries learned to speak Russian because Russian was the language of education in the Soviet Union. But they refuse to speak it today to any Russian who is a resident of their country. While in Tallinn Estonia, I heard an Estonian lady scold a Russian boy for doing something she didn’t like. At first, she spoke to him in Estonian, and when he didn’t seem to understand it, she spoke in Russian telling him he needs to learn Estonian. This was a few years after the breakup of the Soviet Union. I think all the ethnic Russians living in the Baltic countries are probably fluent in the languages of those countries today.

The only neighbor of Russia that likes Russia is Belorus. That’s because the president, Lukashenko is a buddy of Putin. He was president of Belorus as long ago as when I lived in Russia in the 1990s! Boris Yeltsin was president of Russia when I was there. The world loved Yeltsin but the Russians considered him a drunk and a clown.

According to a documentary film I saw, Putin was appointed Yeltsin’s successor because of a deal the Yeltsin family made with him. The Yeltsins were corrupt and stole billions from the Russian people. They placed Putin in power because Putin promised not to prosecute them later. They’re all criminals, including Putin!

This documentary exposes Putin’s crimes against the Russian people. You have to click on the “Watch on YouTube” link to see it. YouTube calls it “inappropriate or offensive to some audiences”. The only people I can think of who would find it offensive are the Putin worshippers.

Putin came to power through the 1999 apartment bombings. It was a false flag FSB operation. Putin has the blood of his own people on his hands.

If you are new to this website, you should know I am no longer living in Japan. I moved to the US territory of Guam in 2018. There is a Russian community here. Every one of them will tell you that Vladimir Putin is a criminal. Many of them came to Guam for political asylum. One Russian man told me he would be arrested if he returned to Russia because he is a dissenter of Putin’s policies.

My opinion: No matter what you think about Ukraine or its president or shady deals with the Biden family, Putin is the aggressor in his war in Ukraine. When I told my Ukrainian friend Lydia what my conservative friends were saying about Putin’s justification for his so-called “special military operation”, she got upset and told me I was listening to Russian propaganda! She said Russian propaganda is very strong.

Ukrainians have good historical reasons not to trust Russia. Moscow starved millions of Ukrainians to death in 1932-33. See:

My friend Yanek from Belorus says he believes the West tricked Putin into invading Ukraine knowing that it would result in his downfall. By “the West” I am talking especially about America, Western Europe and NATO which I believe is run by a vast corporation called the “Holy See” the Whore of the Book of Revelation that rides the Beast, the Western nations. Their goal is to take over Russia and destroy Putin, they don’t care how many Russians and Ukrainians die in the process.

Putin is toast. He was given false information to think the Ukrainian people would welcome the Russian army as liberators from the Nazis. The Ukrainian government is NOT run by Nazis according to my Ukrainian friend Lydia. The only possible Nazis are a small army of only 2000 soldiers in Eastern Ukraine called the Azov regiment. Putin used the fear of Nazis to rally support for his war. Many Russians died by the Nazis in WW2. They call it the Great Patriotic War. St. Petersburg, Putin’s hometown, is considered one of the hero cities of the Soviet Union for surviving a two-year siege by the German army. Putin used the historical hatred of Nazis to deceive the Russian people to support his invasion of Ukraine. He will not succeed. He is not fighting for his people. He’s destroying them. He only cares about himself.

The Russians do not have the heart to fight against their Slavic cousins in Ukraine, and the Ukrainians are willing to fight to the death to defend their homeland. Doesn’t that make sense to you folks who call the president of Ukraine a snake? He may be one but he’s earned the respect of his people and the world by not running away when given the opportunity to do so. From what I can see, he’s being a true leader to his people. I could be wrong about him, but that still doesn’t justify Putin’s aggression.

What Does the Bible Mean by “Repent”?

What Does the Bible Mean by “Repent”?

Matthew 3:1-2 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

What does “repent” mean in the Bible? Does the Bible ever say “repent of your sins”? Do you have to repent for sins to be saved? Do other religions believe that you need to repent of your sins? Is repenting of sins, works? Pastor Steven Anderson answers all of these questions and more using only the Bible.

If we have to turn from our sins to be saved, NOBODY WOULD BE SAVED! Our salvation cannot be earned. If it could be earned, Jesus died on the Cross in vain.

Romans 11:6  And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

The Bible defines “repent” in different ways depending on the context and the language the text was written in. Most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew.

Genesis 6:6  And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

Obviously, in this text, God was not repenting of sin because God does not sin.

Strong’s Concordance defines the repent in Genesis 6:6 as:

5162. נָחַם nacham naw-kham’
a primitive root; properly, to sigh, i.e. breathe strongly; by implication, to be sorry, i.e. (in a favorable sense) to pity, console or (reflexively) rue; or (unfavorably) to avenge (oneself):–comfort (self), ease (one’s self), repent(-er,-ing, self).

The “repent” in the way Peter used in his sermon on Pentecost day has the meaning of changing your mind about Who Jesus is!

Acts 2:38  Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The New Testament was written in Greek. The word repent was translated from the Greek word metanoeo.

3340. μετανοέω metanoeo met-an-o-eh’-o
from 3326 and 3539; to think differently or afterwards, i.e. reconsider (morally, feel compunction):–repent.

Acts 17:29  Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.
30  And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

In order words, change your mind about those gods made of gold, or silver, or stone! Stop thinking about them as your God and acknowledge the God of the universe and His Son Jesus Christ!

Do you know people who need to think differently about God, Jesus, sin, and life in general? I sure do! They are not basing their worldview on the Bible. This is why they think differently than I do. I hope they will repent, meaning change their mind, realize their perceptions were based on falsehoods, and accept the truth of the Bible and the Gospel.

The 70th Week of Daniel is all about Christ, not the Antichrist!

The 70th Week of Daniel is all about Christ, not the Antichrist!

The 70 Weeks of Daniel:

Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks:…

In other words, there were 69 sevens or 483 years from the commandment of the Persian King Artaxerxes in 457 BC to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, Jesus Christ. Adding 483 years to 457 BC is 27 AD when Jesus was 30 years old when He began His ministry preaching the Kingdom of God to the Jews. This was the start of the 70th and final Week of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9!

Jesus was “cut off” or crucified in the middle of the 70th Week when he was 33 years old in 31 AD. The rest of the 70th Week is the Apostles’ ministry to the Jews up until the unbelieving Jews began persecuting the believers in Christ in 34 AD. After that God called the Apostle Paul to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.

Daniel 9:27

The ministry of Jesus Christ and his disciples to the Jews is the confirmation of the Covenant of Daniel 9:27. The Covenant was the Covenant of Grace through faith that God made with Abraham, and Abraham’s children, the people of faith in Christ.

Daniel 9:4 And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;

Galatians 3:16-17 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. [17] And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.

Galatians 3:7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.

John 1:12-13 But as many as received him (the Word Who became flesh, Jesus of Nazareth), to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: [13] Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

The 70th Week ended 2000 years ago! It is not an Endtime event as many evangelicals think!

The last part of Daniel 9:27 is all about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Roman army in 70 AD, 39 years after Jesus was crucified. Luke 21:22 calls that time “days of vengeance”.

For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

Vengeance upon whom? Upon the unbelieving Jews who crucified Jesus! Matthew 24 calls it “great tribulation”. Who was tribulated? The unbelieving Christ-rejecting Jews, not the followers of Christ! They had already fled to the mountains before the Roman army attacked!

Luke 21:20-21 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. [21] Then let them which are in Judæa flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.

John Darby and C. I. Scofield propagated the false doctrine that the 70th Week is separate from the first 69 weeks and is in the future, the end of time. The original author of this false doctrine was a Jesuit priest named Francesco Ribera. He cooked it up circa 1580 to divert blame from the Popes of Rome as the prophetic man of sin in II Thessalonians chapter 2! Ribera added a time gap between the 69th Week and the 70th Week in order to promote the Antichrist as an Endtime figure only to get the Protestants to stop thinking of the Popes of Rome as the prophetic antichrist of Scripture, the man of sin of II Thessalonians chapter 2 who sits in the Temple of God — the Church — and proclaims himself to be God on earth!

1 Corinthians 3:16  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

gap of time between the 69th and the 70th week of Daniel

This is exactly what Jesuit Francesco Ribera has done! If you believe there is at least a 2000-year gap of time between the 69th and the 70th Week, you are believing what the Popes of the Church of Rome want you to believe!

A lack of understanding that the Messiah, Jesus Christ’s ministry began immediately AFTER the first 69 weeks has caused a major misunderstanding and misinterpretation of Daniel 9:27 which was promoted by John Nelson Darby and C.I. Scofield with the Scofield reference Bible.

Darby, Scofield, and others have attributed the “he” of this verse to a final Endtime Antichrist even though the context of the Scripture is clearly talking about Messiah the prince.

I consider attributing the Work of Christ to the Antichrist to be a pernicious lie and utter blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I feel sorry for those who perpetuate the false Jesuit doctrine of the 70th Week of Daniel. Their work is going to burn up at the judgment of Christ. See I Corinthians 3:15.

Further Reading

America was Mortally Wounded in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act

America was Mortally Wounded in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act

Woodrow Wilson, the US President who signed the Federal Reserve Act, later regretted that decision and said,

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

In the video below, Glen Beck introduces G.Edward Griffin’s book, “The Creature from Jekyll Island” which is the true history of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. By the way, The FED is not federal and there is no reserve. It prints up money with only the cost of paper, ink, and labor, and lends it to the government with interest! If you or I did that we would be arrested for fraud!

The FED is nothing more than a cartel like OPEC but it’s a money cartel.

Jeff Markin: Back from the Dead, Reborn Into the Light

Jeff Markin: Back from the Dead, Reborn Into the Light

Jeff Markin

Please see this short and inspiring video of a man who died and the doctor who helped bring him back to life by prayer!

They called a time of death on Jeff. Then, his doctor heard the Lord say, ‘Pray for him.’

It was the morning of September 20, 2006. Jeff Markin recalls heading for work as usual. What he doesn’t remember is driving himself to the hospital.

He had called his boss and told him he didn’t feel well. His boss was concerned and convinced Jeff to go to the emergency room. Somehow Jeff made it. Once he got there, he collapsed.

Dr. Chauncey Crandall was doing rounds in the intensive care unit that morning. He recalls, “An alert call came over the PA system that someone had arrived at the hospital with a massive deadly heart attack. Then a second call went out over the PA system and specifically asking for me because I was the cardiologist on that day. When I arrived there, it was like a war zone. It was chaos. Everyone there fighting to keep this man alive.”

The ER staff worked on Jeff for 40 minutes. They shocked him a dozen times. Despite their efforts, there was no response.

Once Dr. Crandall decided the team had done everything medically possible, he called the time of death. Medically Jeff was dead, but he was still experiencing consciousness.

“I was standing in the back of a funeral home, and at that time, I determined that I had died,” Jeff Markin says. “This funeral home was empty and was wondering where all my friends and family were.”

While a nurse prepared Jeff’s body for the morgue, Dr. Crandall updated the charts.

“As soon as my note was completed, I walked out through the door to this emergency room and I heard this voice say, ‘Turn around and pray for this man.’ I wanted to ignore that voice because I said to myself, How can I pray for that man? He’s dead he’s gone. There’s no life in him, so I keep walking. The voice came back again and said, ‘Turn around and pray for that man.’ I stopped and thought I need to honor the Lord. So I turned around at the doorway, and I walked to the side of the body.

“The nurse was on the other side of the body, and she’s looking at me like, ‘What are you doing? Why are you here?’ And I stood there next to the corpse and I opened my mouth and these words came out: ‘Father God, I cry out for this man’s soul. If he does not know you as his Lord and Savior, Father, raise him from the dead now, in Jesus name.‘”

‘I remember staring at bright lights and they were swirling around,” Jeff says. “Out of those bright lights came an image and he told me that he was there to look over me and make sure that everything was going to be fine.”

Dr. Crandall continues, “The other doctor walked in the room and I pointed to him and said, ‘Shock this man one more time.’ He looked at me and said, ‘Dr. Crandall, we can’t shock him. He’s dead. There’s no life in him. He’s gone.’ I said, ‘For me, shock him one more time.’ That doctor out of respect and honor for me went over to that body with those defibrillator paddles and put his paddles on that patient and shocked him. Immediately an instant heartbeat came back. Instant perfect, regular, which we’ve never seen before. Then suddenly this abdomen started moving and starting breathing and then a couple moments later, the fingers started twitching.”

They immediately moved Jeff to the intensive care unit. Three days later, Jeff woke up with no evidence of brain or organ damage.

“Once I woke up, my daughter Jillian was there,” Jeff says. “That’s when she told me what had happened.”

Dr. Crandall says, “When I came in Monday morning, Jeff was sitting up in bed, and I said, ‘Where were you that day that I prayed for you in the emergency room?’ And he said, ‘I was in total darkness and I was so disappointed.’ I said, ‘Jeff, what were you disappointed about?’ He said, ‘I was alone for eternity.'”

Jeff recalls, “He asked me at that time if I was willing to accept God into my life and into my heart and I did. I just opened my arms and accepted God. It was just a very emotional time and I remember crying in his arms.”

Today Jeff is back at work and gets regular check-ups with Dr. Crandall.

“He still has no heart problems or residual complications from his brush with death,” Dr. Crandall says.

“To know what I had gone through and to be fortunate… That’s been part of my daily battle is why me,” Jeff ponders. “Why have I been so fortunate to have God shine on me? It’s been tremendous. I’ve been physically reborn. I’ve been spiritually reborn, and I’m just very grateful for that.”

“This day that I prayed for Jeff was a day of very little faith. It wasn’t one of my big God days,” Dr. Crandall says. ” I was so much in a rush with my work, and I didn’t have a lot of faith backing that prayer up that day. But the Lord asked me to do it, so I honored the Lord and prayed. That’s all we need. Just a spark of faith like that mustard seed, and when you cry out to the mighty Holy Spirit, He will take over. Miracles are real, and they’re real today.”

Protection from Bad Spiritual Entities

Protection from Bad Spiritual Entities

Recently a young man has been asking me for help with a serious spiritual problem. He writes:

“I don’t really know what to say other than I believe I need your help. I don’t know too much about spirits or ghosts, good or bad. What I can tell you about my situation is that I am constantly being hounded by something and it’s the real deal. I don’t know where else to turn so I am hoping you can shed a little light my way. I’ll leave you with this in hopes of a response.”

Later the man wrote me saying he sees ugly demon-like faces all over the place, in trees, on roads, etc. He sent me photos of the same, but I cannot see what he is seeing, and neither can others to whom I showed the photos. It shows that his mind is under a demonic spiritual influence.

On May 31st while hitchhiking back from Niigata city, I met a lady who is a social worker who deals with mentally ill people in the psychiatric ward of a hospital. She confirmed that seeing demons within various scenes is considered a form of mental illness. The young man who wrote me is not completely insane — yet, for he acknowledges he has a problem. Crazy people don’t consider themselves to be crazy. I don’t. 😛

In my hitchhiking adventures throughout Japan, I met several people who have confessed to being bothered by bad spiritual forces.

  • In Saitama prefecture the driver said he hears voices and is suffering depression. He is being treated with drugs but the doctor told him that drugs alone will not ultimately cure him.
  • A young lady called Chinami was being treated for anorexia. Spiritual forces were trying to convince her that she needs to lose weight when in fact she is skinny. I used to visit her in a psychiatric ward of a hospital in Tokyo. More about Chinami.
  • Through Chinami, I met another lady in the psychiatric ward of the hospital who said she felt a strong compulsion from time to time to jump out of a moving vehicle!

I can by personal experience call the latter case a definite influence from an evil spiritual entity. Throughout my teenage years, my body was temporarily inhabited by an evil spirit. I could feel what the spirit itself was feeling: Total loss of hope of redemption or salvation, and total separation from others resulting in total loneliness. I believe I was attacked by an evil spiritual entity that temporally took control of my mind and my body. This happened only a few seconds at a time, maybe no more than half a minute, and only two or three times a year from the time I was about ten years old till 20 years when I came to know Jesus personally.

I would say strange things. Once in Biloxi Mississippi at Kessler AFB while serving in the USAF, I scared my roommate during such a spiritual attack!

I would do strange things. Once my father saw me do a broad jump from one side of the room to the other, something I could not do in my natural strength.

Once I felt a compulsion to jump out of the bedroom window of my house. I ran past my 80-year-old grandmother, knocked her over, and jumped out the window. Fortunately, I did not injure my grandmother or myself. The house had only one floor with only a few feet to the ground. But my grandmother and my parents were shocked!

Usually, the evil spirit would attack me when sleeping, and especially when I felt physically sick. The last attack came shortly after I became a Christian in 1971. It came when I was awake, but I recognized it to be the evil spirit because of what I was feeling, the feelings of desolation and complete loneliness. I resisted it and called on the Name of Jesus Christ asking it to leave, and it did! That spirit never came back and I can testify to complete healing from it.

This is a true story I never posted before, but something people who are close to me know. If you can relate at all to any of the above, and have troubles with evil spirits from time to time, the following is a sample of a prayer for deliverance that you might find helpful, as it offers you an example of how to claim and quote Scriptures from the Bible as you rebuke the Enemy:

(PRAY:) “Lord Jesus, I call out to YOU now with my whole heart and ask You, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to FREE me from the terrible grip that this vice has on my life! YOU said in Your WORD, Jesus, `Greater is He that is in me (YOU in my heart, Lord!) than he that is in the World (the Devil)!’–So I KNOW that YOU are GREATER than the Enemy and CAN overcome this vice! You said, `ALL power is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth’ and that `if ye shall ask ANYTHING in My Name, I WILL DO it’!–So I ask You right now, Jesus, to BREAK every hold the Enemy has in my life and DESTROY the power of this bad habit! I REBUKE the Devil and ALL of his influence, right NOW, in Jesus’ name!

“Your Word says, `Give NO place to the Enemy’, and I don’t want ANYTHING that’s not of YOU, Jesus! Your disciples said, `Even the evil spirits are SUBJECT unto us!’, so I CLAIM that promise, I claim that SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY over the power of the Enemy–right NOW!–And I REBUKE the Devil in the Name of JESUS CHRIST! I claim Your Promise, Lord: `RESIST the Devil and he will FLEE from you!’ I RESIST you, Satan, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST! I BIND and REBUKE any hold you might have on my life, any power you might have over me, in the Name of JESUS!

“JESUS, You PROMISED that `When ye shall call unto Me with a WHOLE HEART, I WILL answer thee!’–And Jesus, I AM crying out with ALL my heart for You to deliver me!–And I EXPECT you to do it! You promised, `Whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth SHALL be BOUND in Heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth, shall be loosed in Heaven’, so I BIND the power of the Enemy in YOUR NAME and I loose the grip he has on me and I ask You to cast him far away from me, NEVER to return!–In JESUS’ name! I count it DONE, Lord! Thank You, Jesus! Thank You for setting me FREE! Help me now to take a stand of faith against the Enemy’s devices! Please give me the spiritual power to do what I can to resist temptation, and STAY free from the ingrained habits, Lord! In the Name of Jesus Christ!–AMEN!”

John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft

John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft


The following is a talk by John Todd to the Elkton Maryland Baptist Church when Dr. Tom Berry was the pastor in the Autumn of 1978.

Here is a quote from Todd’s talk in this article that may interest you to read further!

Phillip Rothschild ordered one of his mistresses to write an 1100-page book that would describe to all witches how they would take control of the World through the Illuminati: It’s called Atlas Shrugged. (By Ayn Rand) One of the things in it is happening on the front pages of the newspapers across the United States right now. In fact she spent a third of the book describing how they would raise the oil prices and then later destroy the oil fields & then they would also completely shut down the coal.

IT ALSO DESCRIBED HOW THEY WOULD BLOW UP GRAIN MILLS, how they would derail trains. Their sole purpose is to bankrupt their own companies and destroy their own companies until they destroyed the currency of the whole World, and still be so financially strong they would withstand it!

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John Todd’s testimonial of his experience in witchcraft and of the Illuminati

John Todd

ONE THING I’D LIKE TO SAY BEFORE I GET STARTED, it never seems to fail that when I’m done a few of my brothers and sisters in the Lord have fear in their hearts. There is no reason to have fear in your heart. It seems like every time we talk about the Enemy, Christians become afraid rather than stirred up and fighting mad! So I just ask that if you have this fear in your hearts when this is over, that you just simply get in your prayer chamber or up front or someplace alone with the Lord and discuss the matter with Him.

THERE IS NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF WHEN IT COMES TO THE DEVIL; HE WAS DEFEATED 2,000 YEARS AGO! And that’s why I’m here; he was defeated 2,000 years ago! I think the thing that made me the most mad when I got saved was that I’d served somebody since I was a child, for over 20 years, that was defeated over 2,000 years ago! And I guess the only reason why I served him was that I didn’t realize who he was until I got saved, it took that enlightenment.

AS BROTHER BERRY PREACHED THIS MORNING ON THE DEVIL BLINDING GOD’S PEOPLE’S EYES and THE WORLD’S EYES, take it for a fact, he can do it! For some 20 years I served him as a priest and as a high priest, and later as a Grand Druid and had many thousands of people serving him under me, and never once did I even realize who I was serving.

THERE WERE MANY THINGS THAT I LEARNED IN WITCHCRAFT, I’m not going to tell you what they were, but there were many things that I learned and many things that I taught as a standard teaching in Witchcraft. As you go through apprenticeship or as you go through what we call the “Outer Court,” you are told to do things and you don’t ask why you do them. If you do ask why do them, they tell you that you’re being naughty and that you shouldn’t ask, mainly because they don’t know!

I NEVER DID KNOW WHY I WAS DOING THE THINGS I WAS DOING OR WHY I WAS TEACHING THE THINGS I WAS TEACHING. They worked, so we did them. After I got saved, it took salvation for me to find out why they worked. And I guess after knowing that, there is no way you can go back to what you came out of. Very quickly tonight–well, I can’t be really quickly, but I’ll try–I want to give my testimony, and then I want to turn it over for questions and answers.

I’VE LEARNED THE HARD WAY, AFTER FIVE YEARS, and IT’S NORMAL FOR ME TO SAY THE THINGS THAT I SAY, but it’s astounding for you to listen to them. And I realize that when the meetings are over that many things I say are strange to Christians. Most of you grew up in Christian homes, or even if you were in the World, you were not very close to what I was into, so when I say things, to me they are everyday things.

I GUESS THAT’S WHY WE HAVE SUCH A SUCCESSFUL MINISTRY WITH THE PEOPLE IN DRUGS and THE PEOPLE IN THE OCCULT, because they tried to tell Christians for years the things they’d been into and the things they’ve experienced, and they look at them like they’re crazy. Then I come along and I say, “Oh! Oh, sure I’ll listen to you, I’ve been there!” I know the same things, and I’ll sit there and I’ll listen and they find it very outstanding that I believe in them, because I’ve experienced them too.

SO I DON’T GASP AT SOMEBODY WHEN THEY TELL ME THEY’VE SEEN DEMONS or floated things through the air or received answers on Ouija boards or made people do their own will by spells, because I was there and I know it’s so, but at the same time I know how weak it is compared to what I have now.

WE WENT TO ST. PAUL WHEN THEY WERE GOING TO HAVE THEIR CONVENTION THIS YEAR, which they called off. They’re having it right now in Washington, D.C., this is the last night of it, and it was in all the front pages of the newspapers down there. Christians throughout the United States say, “You don’t really expect us to believe that witches are that organized!”–No, they’ve just got Senators and Congressmen and top witches down there all in one convention, they’re not organized, not at all!

BUT ANYWAY, WE WERE THERE, and MANY WITCHES CAME UP TO ME and ASKED ME WHY I WOULD BECOME A CHRISTIAN. See, witches have the opinion that Christians are either the most evil thing that ever lived or they’re the most foolish people that ever lived. They wanted to know why I would become a Christian. I said, “Because I’m more powerful now than I was when I was a witch!”–That’s not the real reason, but I said it in words they would understand. And they couldn’t grasp that. I know how they feel.

WHEN I WAS IN WITCHCRAFT I NEVER CONSIDERED CHRISTIANITY UNTIL THE NIGHT I GOT SAVED. I never once considered it was an answer, I never considered that Jesus was an answer and thought that the things in the Christian church were foolish, at the least, and dangerous at the most–and I guess they are dangerous to Witchcraft. But to explain what I’m talking about very quickly:

I COME FROM A FAMILY CALLED THE COLLINS. Some of them on this side of the Atlantic Ocean from England have changed their name to Todd back prior to the Civil War. That’s not to say that all Collins are Todds or the family that I came from, but this family brought Witchcraft to the United States.

I WAS IN PHILADELPHIA THE OTHER NIGHT and I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT, but after I left there the newspaper decided that their greatest campaign would be against me, and many things I said in my testimony they said they checked out and weren’t so. It’s funny, we checked them out and they still were so!–Like many things that I’ll mention tonight.

WE EVEN WENT AS FAR AS TO SAY THAT WITCHCRAFT STARTED OUTSIDE OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS, and EVEN NAMED THE BAY THAT THE WITCHES LANDED AT that they named after the head witch, my ancestor, Frances Collins, and the newspaper said that place didn’t exist. It exists. We looked at the map and it was still there! We don’t quite understand quite what they were up to, but I guess they confused enough people to disregard it. We were wondering when people were going to get around to this, but anyway, I came from the Collins Family.

LET ME QUICKLY REMIND YOU, NO WITCHES WERE EXECUTED IN SALEM. There will be a book coming out shortly on this from Chick Publications. Except for one prostitute, everybody executed in Salem were Christians, and they were tried and convicted by a jury and by a pastor who was not a pastor but a slave trader hired by the Collins. The church was built by the Collins and the jury were all members of the Collins’ church. Needles to say, they weren’t Christians, they were Witches. We went back there and researched it!

BUT TO GO ON QUICKLY SO I DON’T CONFUSE YOU TOO MUCH … OF COURSE I’VE ALREADY DESTROYED YOUR HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY LESSON, I have a habit of doing that. I’ll destroy more than that before the night’s over! But when I was a youngster I started practising Witchcraft. I cast my first spell when I was eight, and I started studying for the Priesthood when I was 13. I was asked to join the Outer Court of the coven there in Columbus, Ohio, where I grew up, and at 14 I was initiated.

I WOULD LIKE TO ADD THIS BEFORE I GO ON, WHEN THE SERVICE IS OVER I WOULD BE GLAD TO TALK WITH ANY MASONS PRESENT, and I will compare my initiation to Witchcraft word for word, action for action, with yours. They are identical without change, and I’ll be glad to discuss the matter with you.

AFTER THAT AT 18 I WAS INITIATED A HIGH PRIEST. This made me the ruling pastor, more or less. You see in Witchcraft, church is a little different, only the ministers meet, and they meet once a month. The congregation doesn’t even know who is in it. They only go to their particular priest and ask for a favor, they never come together. But at 18 I was made the High Priest.

THAT MADE ME DRAFT-EXEMPT FROM THE U.S. ARMY OR FROM THE U.S. MILITARY SERVICE, because all of the denominations or Brotherhoods of Witchcraft are Federally recognized tax deductible churches and therefore their ministers do not have to serve! I stayed 4-D status, but a lot of us at that time thought it was important to get Witchcraft started at the different military bases, so we enlisted anyway, and that was in 1968.

WHEN I WAS DISCHARGED IN 1970 THERE WAS A COVEN IN EVERY MILITARY BASE IN THE UNITED STATES and EUROPE IN ALL FOUR BRANCHES OF THE SERVICE! So it grows very quickly. But I served Vietnam, flew back and re-enlisted for six years and served 30 days of my six-year term, went to Germany for that time. And up until this time I thought Witchcraft was just like being a Baptist or being a Catholic, it was a religion. I didn’t realize there was anything to it except Witchcraft, and this is where most Witches are at. In fact at this time I believed in a godhead system of gods and goddesses and believed in it very devoutly, I’d been raised in it all my life. I believed in the psychic powers and that’s all I believed in.

SO WHILE I WAS IN GERMANY ONE NIGHT, AFTER TAKING SOME DRUGS and DOING A LOT OF DRINKING, I GOT IN A SHOOT-OUT in the middle of downtown Stuttgart with an officer, and the officer got killed. Now the Army has a strict no-no about shooting officers, they don’t like it, so they placed me in solitary confinement, and there I am, waiting for Leavenworth more or less.

WE’D ALREADY OFFERED A PLEA TO THE JUDGE THAT WE WOULD PLEAD GUILTY IF HE WOULD GIVE ME 30 YEARS and CALL IT QUITS, and he tore it up and laughed at us. So I was pretty sure what was in for me, and I just sat there. And eventually through a riot that had happened at the stockade just a few days prior and a man being placed in solitary confinement with me and then released from the stockade, I got word back to the U.S. by phone of the predicament I was in.

I HAD BEEN IN GERMANY SUCH A LITTLE TIME THAT I HADN’T HAD TIME TO START A COVEN IN STUTTGART, and I had no way of getting the word out. So the man placed a phone call to Los Angeles, collect, to my foster mother and told the predicament I was in. I had told him to tell her to cast a spell on the jury so they’d think I was a real nice person, and that’s all I thought they would do. I’d seen spells like this work many times–I’ve seen them work recently many times in courts–but I was not expecting what took place!

ABOUT THREE DAYS AFTER THE MAN MADE THE PHONE CALL, MY CELL DOOR OPENED and THERE STOOD A SENATOR and A U.S. CONGRESSMAN, a couple of Generals and an Honorable Discharge. The Honorable Discharge gave no reason as to why I was being discharged; I just had an Honorable Discharge like I’d served all my time. I had all my time and rank and grade, even my top-secret security clearance.

I WAS TOLD THAT MY COURT-MARTIAL RECORDS HAD BEEN DESTROYED and that my military file would be placed with a top-secret security clerk so nobody could get into it, and that was the end of it. The Senator and the Congressman left, I went to Ft. Dix and drew the rest of my papers and stuff, and headed for Columbus, Ohio, scratching my head the whole time wondering what type of spell was so good that it had Senators and Congressmen doing its bidding!

I STILL DIDN’T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON, SO I ARRIVED IN OHIO and I AGAIN BEGAN ASKING QUESTIONS THE DAY I ARRIVED THERE. I was told they had been expecting me and here was an envelope with a one-way first-class ticket to Kennedy Airport in New York City, $2,000 for spending money, and I was to get on the next flight and they would make a phone call and tell them I was coming. That was fine except I wanted to know who “them” were. They said I would find out when I arrived, so I got on the plane, took off, landed at the airport and sure enough, somebody was waiting to meet me.

–A PERSON WHOSE BOOKS I HAD READ and WHO I HAD THOUGHT WAS ONE OF THE GREATEST WIZARDS, MALE WITCHES, THAT HAD EVER LIVED, and I felt very privileged that I could be staying with him learning more about Witchcraft from him. Now I gave his name–which I’m going to give a minute–in Philadelphia last Sunday night. I even gave his job at the time that I was staying with him, except the newspapers called the university that he was supposed to be working for and the university denied he’d ever been there.

IT’S FUNNY, I EVEN SAT IN HIS CLASSES AT THE UNIVERSITY. They have a way of covering things up. He has his own college now for Witches, and his name is Dr. Raymond Buckland, and at that time he was head of the Anthropology Department at Columbia University, although Columbia University likes to say that he never existed now.

BUT I LEARNED WITH HIM FOR AWHILE, LEARNED A LITTLE MORE IN MARYLAND, WENT TO CALIFORNIA and STUDIED SOME MORE. During this process I began to learn what most Witches don’t know, and that is that the gods they’ve been worshipping don’t exist, that they’re imitated by what we call “familiar spirits” or spirit guides, demons–witches don’t call them demons, they like to call them spirit guides–and that there is only one god and his name is Lucifer.

NOW THIS WAS A SHOCKING THING TO ME SINCE I WAS RAISED TO BELIEVE THAT THE DEVIL DIDN’T EXIST. You see witches aren’t Satanists, they don’t believe in Satan, and I was quickly explained to that Lucifer was a good god and not an evil god, and that Jesus was the imitator. So I learned, and I learned many things, both of Witchcraft, and I also learned why the Senators and Politicians were there!

THEY WERE THERE BECAUSE WE WERE THE RELIGION OF A POLITICAL ORGANIZATION CALLED THE ILLUMINATI, and I was told all about the Illuminati and its history. I was schooled in the things that it had done, and the things that it was going to do, and the things that I was going to do. And before I go on, I want to show you a few things that will help explain. (Charts:)

THIS THING YOU SEE UP HERE IS ON THE BACK OF YOUR ONE-DOLLAR BILL, and WHAT IT IS IS THE SEAL OF THE ILLUMINATI. America tells us it’s the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States, the only problem is that the United States has never sealed one document with it, ever, and never intends to! It was in existence before the United States was in existence, and I invite you, if you know your Latin, to look at your one-dollar bills later, and down at the bottom you will see some Latin.

IT SAYS: “THIS NEW ORDER THAT BEGAN 1776”–THAT MEANS NOT THE 4th OF JULY, BUT MAY 1st, 1776, THE CREATION DAY OF THE ILLUMINATI. It consists of three pyramids in a sphinx, which I’ll go through very quickly. We’ve put a few blocks up here, but there are hundreds of blocks in each pyramid. This is the political organisation. This is the middle pyramid. This is some of the political and police organisations that they use, and we’ve put up ones that mainly concern the United States.

ON THE TOP OF EACH PYRAMID YOU WILL SEE A CAPSTONE WITH AN EYE IN IT. The capstone is the Rothschild Family or Tribunal that rules the Illuminati, they were the creators of it. The eye is Lucifer, their god and their voice. The first 3 top blocks are on every pyramid. (See above photo.)

THE TOP BLOCK IS WHAT I WAS INITIATED INTO, THE COUNCIL OF 13 CALLED THE GRAND DRUID COUNCIL. They only take orders from the Rothschilds and nobody else. They’re their private priesthood. The Council of 33 is directly under them, that is the 33 highest Masons in the World. The Council of 500, some of the richest people in the World–there are 500, actually, some of the richest people and conglomerates in the World–it’s their real power as I’ll show you in a minute.

I DON’T THINK YOU CAN SEE MUCH OF THE WRITING ON THIS, BUT THIS IS THE ORGANISATION OF WITCHCRAFT. The Golden Dawn is the 4th block up there, and it’s the Rothschild’s private coven. The Aquarian Arts Festival is the organization that ties all of the Occult Brotherhoods together in St. Paul, The Witches Church of America I was a member of. The Church of All Worlds is located in St. Louis. These are denominations like Northern Baptist, Southern Baptists, Independent Baptists, etc.

THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES, THE SATANIC BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA, SCIENTOLOGY, UNITY, is the main platform for Witches to be speakers at towards what they consider to be Christian people. The Church of Wicca is another denomination; it’s in Greenfield, North Carolina.

THE AQUARIAN ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE IS AN ORGANIZATION THAT WAS FORMED BY ONE OF THE GRAND DRUIDS, ISAAC BONOVITZ, and the American Civil Liberties Union. Its purpose is to pass laws and to sue Christian churches in Federal court for defaming Witches and the Occult, and they have been winning millions of dollars in the Federal courts.

THE GARNARIAN BROTHERHOOD IS THE TRADITIONAL WITCHCRAFT IN ENGLAND. The Order of the Rose Cross–another word for it is Rosicrucians–they are a sacrifice order. And the Holy Order of the Garter is another traditional English Witchcraft group. (Points:)

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SYMBOL: THIS IS THE POWER OF THE ILLUMINATI. Without the Sphinx the mystery of the Illuminati would have no power. This is where all of its power comes from. You will notice the head of it is the Rothschild Family and the Council of 500. Under that, the Rockefellers, Duponts, Kennedys, Onasises and other families. Queen Juliana is also on the Council of 500.

OVER IN THE CENTER IS ITS HEART, THE BANK OF ENGLAND, THE BANK OF FRANCE, THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. Most people feel the Federal Reserve Act is a government organization. It is not! It has nothing to do with the Government of the United States; it is a stockholder company owned by individuals. Much of the stock is owned by non-Americans.

MANY BANKS and FAMOUS CORPORATIONS ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY THE ILLUMINATI. We tell Christians across the U.S. that housewives and husbands cannot shop any day or any week without buying from a company that the Illuminati owns, it is impossible.

PHILLIP ROTHSCHILD ORDERED ONE OF HIS MISTRESSES TO WRITE AN 1100-PAGE BOOK that would describe to all witches how they would take control of the World through the Illuminati: It’s called Atlas Shrugged. (By Ayn Rand) One of the things in it is happening on the front pages of the newspapers across the United States right now. In fact she spent a third of the book describing how they would raise the oil prices and then later destroy the oil fields and then they would also completely shut down the coal.

IT ALSO DESCRIBED HOW THEY WOULD BLOW UP GRAIN MILLS, how they would derail trains. Their sole purpose is to bankrupt their own companies and destroy their own companies until they destroyed the currency of the whole World, and still be so financially strong they would withstand it!

NOW TO GO BACK TO MY OWN TESTIMONY WHILE EVERYBODY GETS A BREATH! I know you thought you were going to hear a lot about spell-casting or spooky ghosts, but I surprised you, I’ve got something more spooky to tell you! Anyway, as I learned all this, I was taken up to Colorado Springs, outside of NORAD Center about a mile in the same location, and placed through an initiation for the Council of 13, and then I moved to San Antonio where I lived until I was saved and ruled a 13-state area that I had from there.

WHEN I WAS SAVED I HAD 5000 COVENS, IN OTHER WORDS, CHURCHES, TOTALLING 65,000 PRIESTS and PRIESTESSES. That’s just the ministers, not the congregation, so it is quite large. This State wasn’t one of them, this is run by Mrs. Buckland, but Ohio was one of them, so it’s close enough. I lived there until I was saved on Labor Day of 1972. And what led to my salvation was this:

THE GRAND DRUIDS MEET EIGHT TIMES A YEAR ON THE WITCHES’ SABBATH AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE WORLD. I hosted the last meeting that I attended, it was held in San Antonio at the Casino Building. A courier from the London Embassy, a member of our State Department, brought a sealed courier pouch–so Immigration couldn’t touch it–to the meeting and left it. It had never been opened from the time it had been sealed at the London Embassy.

DR. BUCKLAND CUT THE SEAL ON IT and TOOK OUT SIX LETTERS THAT WERE SEALED WITH THIS ILLUMINATI CREST. The first four were just business, money that we were to pay here and there and so on. Actually, the Grand Druid Council is nothing but glorified bankers, they write millions of dollars worth of checks to people in political and religious fields every month. But the last two letters led me to want to get out.

I HAD, AS A CHILD, ACCIDENTALLY ATTENDED A FEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES because I had nothing better to do, and during those classes I heard about the Book of Revelation and a few things in it–which was very strange, being back in the early ’60s to hear anything like this, at least in the particular kind of church I was going to which was kind of liberal. So I had a little background of what the Christians felt was in their Bible. I thought it was foolish, but I had a little background.

NOW EVEN THOUGH I WAS A PART OF SETTING UP A WORLD GOVERNMENT, I ALWAYS KIND OF SNICKERED THAT THAT WAS EVER GOING TO HAPPEN, that we were serious, that it was kind of a little game we were playing. As long as the Rothschilds had all of the money to spend on our plans, we went ahead and spent the money. So I never took it seriously until we opened the last two letters.

NOW IN THE FIRST LETTER THAT WE OPENED OF THOSE LAST TWO, WAS A CHART, and IN THAT CHART IT LISTED AN EIGHT-YEAR PLAN FOR WORLD TAKE-OVER ENDING IN THE DECEMBER MONTH OF 1980. Since I have gotten out, I have not seen one thing fail or be delayed on that time chart. I’m not saying that it won’t be delayed, but it’s going to take a lot of Christians doing a lot of serious praying which I haven’t seen yet. Next, the last letter we opened contained–now I’ll have to quote it and then I’ll have to explain, it, since witches say English but they say words that may not mean anything to you–it said:

“WE HAVE FOUND A MAN WHOM WE BELIEVE TO BE THE SON OF LUCIFER. We believe that through his works and our backing he can become ruler of this world, stop all wars, and bring peace, finally, to this war-stricken World.” Now that literally meant that we had found a person so fantastically-powered that he could convince people he was their only salvation. Now that literally meant in Christian terms, he was demon-possessed like nobody had ever seen! (Ed: The Antichrist, 1Jn.2:18; Rev.13.)

AFTER READING THAT ON AUGUST 1, 1972, I DECIDED IT WAS TIME TO LOOK ELSEWHERE TO GET OUT. Now this hadn’t been a new idea, before I was made a Grand Druid I had thought about getting out.–So had a young actress in California that was ordered executed and left hanging with her throat cut by one foot–which is one of the tarot cards–to tell all witches that she had betrayed witchcraft and this was her death. And after seeing this and what happened to Sharon Tate, I decided I’d stay in. But now I wanted out. I didn’t know how to get out and I didn’t consider Christianity at all a way out, but I wanted to get out.

SO A MONTH ROLLED AROUND and I GOT DEEPER INVOLVED IN DRUGS. In fact, the night I was saved I weighed 149 pounds because I was doing $150 a day worth of methedrine speed–mainlining it–what the street people call “crystal.” So I was literally in a paranoid mess anyway because of this drug, and all these plans hadn’t made me any more restful.

SO ONE SATURDAY AFTERNOON A BAPTIST PREACHER CAME ACROSS ME IN ONE OF OUR OCCULT STORES. He was there because overnight, just about, he had come to realize that Witchcraft was real, when he had always considered it a fable about witches flying on broomsticks with warts on their noses and pointed hats. The way he’d found it was he’d found his daughter an initiated priestess of a Witchcraft coven! He’d caught her casting spells in her bedroom one night.

SO IT BECAME VERY REAL TO HIM, and AFTER MUCH PRAYER and FASTING, HE DECIDED TO TRACK DOWN A FEW WITCHES and see if he couldn’t witness to them. He wasn’t getting through to his daughter so he thought he’d go to the head of it and if they got saved, maybe his daughter would get saved. So he found me in one of our occult stores called “The Spanish Bazaar” there in San Antonio and started to witness to me.

HE KNEW WHO I WAS BECAUSE I WAS GOING BY MY WITCHCRAFT NAME, LANCE, and just about everybody in town had seen me on television or read about me in the newspapers about Witchcraft. So he started witnessing to me and I told him in certain profanities that I didn’t care for it and that I would like him to leave. So when this failed he decided that he wasn’t going to get past the demons that were in me, so he started ordering the demons to be quiet. Then he proceeded to pray for me whether I liked it or not, and the prayer went something like this:

“I DEMAND THAT SATAN STOP GIVING YOU HIS BENEFITS, INCLUDING DRUGS, I ORDER THAT TO BE SO IN THE NAME OF JESUS! And I command Satan to stop communicating with you supernaturally and I break your power of Witchcraft till you come face-to-face with the Gospel, and then I command your mind to be set free so that you can perceive the Gospel and make you own mind up.”–Now this was necessary in my condition because I didn’t have my own mind. And then he left.

I THOUGHT HE WAS CRAZY, SO I WENT UPSTAIRS and DID SOME MORE DRUGS because I couldn’t understand why I was feeling the way I was feeling, and that was not too well at that moment. So that night, I didn’t have anything to worry about, I did all my drugs up because I was expecting a very large shipment of drugs to come across at Laredo, Mexico.–Except something happened that had never happened before: The drugs got busted! The wrong guard that was not on our salary was on the border that night, and they even brought the wrong car across that had the wrong license number.

EVERYTHING THAT COULD HAVE GONE WRONG, WENT WRONG, and THE SHIPMENT WAS BUSTED and I WAS WITHOUT DRUGS. So when I found out about it, I made a few phone calls around different areas in the U.S. trying to find some drugs that could get to me very quickly. Most people had already used theirs up or were at the end of it, and I was told that I’d have some Tuesday morning–and that’s a long time to wait for an addict as bad as I was!

SO ABOUT MONDAY NIGHT, LABOR DAY NIGHT, AS I WAS GOING THROUGH EXTREME PROPORTIONATE WITHDRAWAL, I got in my car and started to drive it out of the parking lot and almost drove it in the river! So I left it there and I went for a walk. I walked about four or five blocks and I came upon a movie theater. Now it was just an everyday movie theater–it’s still there to this day–shows just regular pictures, not anything to do with the Christian Church, so I thought I was pretty safe. I paid my money and went in, sat down three rows back and wanted to get right into the movie.

AND THE MOVIE WAS CALLED “THE CROSS and THE SWITCHBLADE.” Now that my seem funny to you, it was not funny to me at the time. So I sat there trying to make wisecracks at the movie all night and became interested in Nicky Cruz. See, you think with one mind–I think with the same mind with now as a Christian–but as a witch I thought with a different mind: Dave Wilkerson was the enemy and Nicky Cruz was the hero.

SO I SAT DOWN THERE and I THOUGHT, THIS GUY’S PRETTY GOOD, THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM, maybe he’ll convert the preacher over … and then he got saved! Now that term meant nothing to us, but when he changed from the old Nicky Cruz to the new Nicky Cruz, that meant something, that was impossible!

THE CORNERSTONE OR THE WHOLE FLOOR OF WITCHCRAFT is that you cannot cast a spell, you cannot mix a potion, you cannot do a rite without a firm knowledge of astrology. It is the base for all practices in Witchcraft, and one of its teachings is that you are born a set personality and there is nothing you can do to change from that set personality, and mine was pretty raunchy as it was.

SO IF NICKY CRUZ CHANGED, THIS WAS A MIRACLE THAT WAS NOT UNDERSTANDABLE TO ANY WITCH. So going out of there I was in a very confused state of mind, not realizing much of what had happened even to the point that I forgot I was even going through withdrawal. And as I walked out the door a young man walked up to me, handed me this tract and said, “Here, this is for you”–and turned around and walked off! Didn’t give anybody else a tract, just left, and the tract was called “Bewitched,” it was on Witchcraft.

NOW, I WAS RAISED IN A SUPERNATURAL WORLD. All our lives we had spent listening to spirit guides, and since that preacher had prayed for me, my spirit guides had not said a word to me. I was in a vacuum, much described like this: Have you ever gone through a trial where you pray and pray and you feel like you’re not getting through? Well, this was the way I felt, and nothing was coming through. I was in a vacuum.

AFTER 14 YEARS OF DEPENDING UPON THESE SPIRITS TO TELL ME EVERYTHING TO DO, NOBODY WAS TELLING ME ANYTHING–because this preacher had taken authority over them and had ordered them to be quiet. And as I was reading this booklet I had sense enough to know that something was trying to get to me, something was trying to get through, but none of my spirit guides would be giving me books on Witchcraft that was telling me the Devil was behind it!

SO I THREW THE BOOK AWAY and WAS IN A BIGGER STATE OF CONFUSION THAN I’D EVER BEEN. I walked back to where my apartment was in the Casino Building, and it consists of several nightclubs back there, and I walked into one, the Club Aquarius. I walked to the back of the club and sat down in the office back there by myself and tried to think things out.

I SPENT SEVERAL HOURS TRYING TO THINK OF A CHRISTIAN CHURCH THAT I COULD GO TO and ASK QUESTIONS OF THAT WE DIDN’T OWN THE MINISTER OF. Now, that may seem kind of strange to you, but as an ex-Grand Druid it’s not strange at all. Much that you see in churches that you just think is liberalism, is Taoism. I’ll go over that more simply: They’ve taken the money and rejected the Lord!

IT’S KIND OF HARD FOR A MINISTER THAT’S NOT SOLD OUT TO GOD TO TURN DOWN HALF-A-MILLION DOLLARS if it’s laid down as a bribe, and they can get even higher. In fact, one church I know of got eight million dollars in two years, and another one got ten million dollars in one year! So, they can receive some money.

ANYWAY, I DIDN’T HAVE A MEMBERSHIP LIST WITH ME SO I DIDN’T KNOW WHO WE OWNED and WHO WE DIDN’T, and I was afraid to call the wrong pastor because that could get me killed. So I sat there thinking a little bit and I remembered that the night before, one of our witches that was a prostitute in a downtown area had come screaming into the nightclub the night before about the coffee house called the Greengate Club.

STRANGE PLACE … IT USED TO BE A BURLESQUE PLACE ABOUT THREE MONTHS PRIOR TO THAT, and THIS MINISTER CAME IN and PREACHED AN UNINVITED REVIVAL . The revival took about 15 minutes and 20-some people got saved, including the dancers, bartenders, the band, people in the congregation and the husband and wife that owned the place.

SO WHEN THEY GOT SAVED THEY DECIDED TO TURN IT OVER TO A BAPTIST CHURCH that they were going to–the Baptist Church that was praying and fasting for me! Now don’t confuse Jack Taylor with the Pastor that came in, he was from another church. But he couldn’t get his church to pray and fast for witches since his church thought he was crazy when he said “witch.” So he called up Castle Hills, which was well-known for working in the power of God, and they asked some people to pray and fast and they got about 500 people to pray and fast over that weekend that I’d get saved!–And I firmly believe that had a lot to do with it.

SO, SHE HAD TOLD ME ABOUT THIS PLACE and SHE HAD WANTED US TO BURN IT DOWN, BUY IT OUT OR SOMETHING, BECAUSE IT WAS RUINING HER BUSINESS. I mean, here’s a prostitute propositioning a soldier, and here’s somebody over here preaching the Word of God to him! It doesn’t work. So she was very upset, and I decided I would go look this place up. So I walked on over by the bus station and went in. It was about two in the morning and the place was supposed to close at midnight.

NOW I FIRMLY BELIEVE TO THIS DAY THAT GOD BREAKS COKE FOUNTAINS, because when I came in there the manager had stayed to fix the Coke fountain as it had broken down just as he was ready to close. So I walked in and he started witnessing to me, and it was fine for about, oh, 45 minutes to an hour, and I brought up Witchcraft. So, in a white, kind of ghostly-like face, he called the Pastor and said, “I’ve got this witch down here!”

AND THE PASTOR SAID, “WELL, WE’VE BEEN PRAYING and FASTING THAT HE’D GET THERE, GO AHEAD and WITNESS TO HIM. We’ll just call everybody up and start praying!” So they started praying and he started witnessing to me more, and started showing me things in the Bible, started praying for me. Pretty soon he was praying, and I was praying and the Lord was saving me!–And I’ve never forgotten it.

YOU SEE, I WAS BORN IN A WITCHCRAFT FAMILY WHERE I INHERITED EVERYTHING MY PARENTS HAD. In other words, I inherited their demons, or ones just like the ones they had. So I was never free from the time the doctor spanked me on the bottom in the delivery room until that night of ’72. And you may have felt great when you got saved, but I don’t think you felt as great as I felt when I got saved! We may argue that point.

BUT FOR THE FIRST TIME, I COULD THINK FOR MYSELF WITHOUT THIS HEAVY, LIKE COTTON IN MY HEAD, is about the only way you could describe it. And my feeling was that if they killed me going out of that place, then I would die happy!–And I walked out, not really thinking about any danger. The next night I was back and saying, “You know, I would like to live long enough to enjoy this!”

THE REASON FOR THAT IS THAT YOU DON’T LEAVE WITCHCRAFT ONCE YOU’RE INITIATED–ONCE YOU’RE IN, YOU’RE IN! To prove this point, there have been since my salvation about 500 people saved out of Witchcraft–that’s not very many when you know how many millions are in–and 50 them have been killed in five years! My life is in danger all the time, my wife’s and myself, and all the people that have come out.

THEY START AT $10,000 BOUNTIES and WORK UP TO SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND, but it’s not just witches. I have a few contacts still back in the Illuminati that will do me favors every once in awhile; they don’t understand why I would want to be a Christian, but they don’t think I’m all that bad. Well, I had them run a computer check through one of the computers they have in New York that the occult owns to keep tabs on everybody.

I WANTED TO CHECK OUT A FEW OF THE CHRISTIAN MINISTERS THAT I MIGHT KNOW THAT HAVE THIS SAME PROBLEM, and Brother Berry’s name came up and they’ve got $10,000 on that man’s head. Jack Chick of Chick Publications, Dr. Van Impe, Joe Boyd, Dan Hartree, my pastor Roland Rasmussen and many others, to go on and on. The witches have felt these men are such a danger to them that they have decided that they are better dead than alive and are willing to spend millions of dollars to make sure it happens.

SO IT IS A WARFARE, and IT GOES ON, and IT’S GETTING WORSE and WORSE, and we had to pray much before we came out to the East Coast. Everybody said I was crazy when I moved to L.A. to minister to the people out there, but they don’t know the East Coast! It’s been an experience, and we ask that you pray for us as we go around ministering.

MY WIFE IS USUALLY WITH ME ON THE ROAD, but she had to go back to Los Angeles on an emergency, and we ask that you pray for her while she’s on the road. I think what I’ll do now is simply open it for your questions and I hope that I have the answers. If you have a question, just raise your hand. Let’s see if we can do this without turning the lights out. Yeah, we can, praise the Lord! (Shows:)

THESE ARE TYPES OF JEWELRY THAT WERE CREATED BY DEMONIC INSTRUCTION TO VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE. Christians are astonished when I tell them that the greatest Wizard that ever lived, male witch, was King Solomon. When he backslid he really backslid! And as great as his writings were in our Bible, they were as great in the Witchcraft bible! The very initiation rites and how to prepare Witchcraft bibles, how to conjure demons up, everything, even how to commit human sacrifice are writings that he created.

AND BEFORE I TELL YOU WHAT THEY MEAN I WANT TO SAY THIS: IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO BUY THIS JEWELRY, except for the Ankh outside of a witchcraft store until a few years ago. They were hand-made by silversmiths belonging to the priesthood and sold only to initiated witches in occult stores. Since then, the Illuminati have decided that one of the greatest tricks they could play on the Christians was to put this jewelry around their necks and on their hands.

THE REASON IS, THIS STUFF ATTRACTS DEMONS, THEY CLING AROUND WHERE IT’S AT. Now, if you’re shocked to see the Star of David up there, that’s because it’s just recently been called the Star of David. For thousands of years it was called the Hexagram or the Crest of Solomon.

NOW WHEN A WITCH WANTS TO PRACTICE WITCHCRAFT, SHE’LL GET IN A PENTAGRAM, that’s the five-pointed star in the circle, their strongest form of protection. Then they will lay this six-pointed star, or hexagram–which means “to hex” or to cast black magic or to put a spell on somebody–they’ll put it in a circle on the floor and this will cause the demons to appear at their instruction.

IT IS THE MOST EVIL OF SIGNS IN WITCHCRAFT. I know I may not be getting through to you what I’m trying to get through, but it’s dangerous to have it. The pentagram, the pinnacle with the one point up, means Witchcraft; two points up means demon-worship or Satanism.

IT IS INTERESTING TO NOTE THAT THE EASTERN STAR SYMBOL IS A TWO POINTS UP, FIVE-POINTED STAR. This symbolizes the goat head, which Satanists believe is representative of the Devil, and they use this goat head and worship it like they are worshipping the Devil.

THE ANKH MEANS THAT YOU DESPISE VIRGINITY, believe in fertility rites, practice fertility rites and worship the sun god Ra. The sun god Ra is the Egyptian name for Lucifer.
THE PEACE SYMBOL UP THERE IS NOT THE PEACE SYMBOL. I didn’t have to do the initiation that contained the broken cross because I was born into Witchcraft & it wasn’t necessary, & people who have no Christian background do not have to do it. But if a person raised in a Christian church–whether they were Christian or not–wants to join Witchcraft, they would have to take a ceramic cross & turn it upside-down & break the cross bars down, symbolising their rejection of Calvary & the Christian Church.

THIS IS SAID TO BRING YOU PEACE OF MIND WHILE YOU PRACTISE WITCHCRAFT, that’s where it got the word “Peace Symbol” from. We called it the Peace Symbol for the last 20 years, they’ve called it the Broken Cross for the last several hundred. Now which are you going to believe?

AFTER THAT YOU HAVE WHAT IS CALLED THE UNICORN’S HORN, OR THE ITALIAN HORN IS WHAT THEY ARE CALLING IT NOW SO THEY CAN SELL IT. Literally, the translation is: “You trust the Devil for your finance.” If you don’t trust the Devil for your finance, don’t wear it. I can guarantee it has just the opposite reaction in a Christian’s life. The last symbol is the symbol that initiated priests & priestesses, coven members, wear to show they have been initiated.

NOW CHRISTIANS ASK ME, “WHAT’S THIS GOT TO DO WITH THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH?–WE DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT!” This morning we cast demons out of a young man who got delivered from this who had his initiation scar on his wrist who was a counselor & a member of Word of Life Ministries, the Word of Life Christian Club Ministries. They are everywhere, people!

THE YOUNG LADY WHO TOOK MY PLACE GREW UP, WAS RAISED & WAS A MEMBER OF THOMAS ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH in Lynchburg, Virginia, Jerry Falwell’s church. Jerry doesn’t know it, but that’s where she grew up & was raised, & she now sits on the Council of 13. So, they are everywhere. Next question? (Question inaudible on tape.) Well, the Bilderbergers are in the 500. I didn’t know you would know that term, so I didn’t use it.

(QUESTION ABOUT TRILATERAL COUNCIL.) I’m sure you couldn’t see the pyramid, but it was on the pyramid. The Trilateral Council is the Inner Council of the CFR, Council of Foreign Relations, which is the American name for the Illuminati. They are not there without full knowledge & they are handpicked by David Rockefeller, the leader of the Illuminati in the United States. OK? (Inaudible question.) I don’t know. I wasn’t over that state.

LET ME ASK YOU A QUESTION, IS IT A UNITED METHODIST CHURCH? Well, that’s because the United Methodist Church has accepted the Omega Brotherhood, an organization started in Phoenix by United Methodist members who believe seances are Christian practice, & it is now accepted in the United Methodist Church. So he can be that & not be kicked out.

(QUESTION: WOULD YOU BRIEFLY OUTLINE THE STEPS REMAINING IN THE WORLD TAKEOVER PLAN BETWEEN NOW & 1980?) If the Pastor has no objections, OK. The reason I ask this is that it can be pretty frightening & pretty unbelievable. I like to leave that to the last question so they’ll believe everything else I have to say before I say this! They usually reject everything after that because they’re sitting around in shock!

WHAT REMAINS IS THIS, THEY ARE IN THE PROCESS OF A TRIAL-&-ERROR RIGHT NOW, & THEY TEST THINGS. Last year they tested what it would be like to be without fuel to heat your homes. This year they are going to see if they can’t starve you, absolutely shut all electricity off in the East Coast. Now the timetable in the book Atlas Shrugs ended with this: “When the lights of New York City go out for the last time, we will have the World!”

NOW, THAT MEANT THAT TOWARDS THE END THEY ARE GOING TO CUT THE CITIES OFF COMPLETELY. There’ll be a Teamsters strike, nothing will move for months, I mean nothing will move. These strikes will be more violent than the coal miners’ strikes are right now, & the coal miners will strike again.

THEY ARE IN THE PROCESS OF DESTROYING ALL STORED FOOD & FARMLAND IN THE FARMER’S STRIKE so that we will be without any food in the cities or in the country or anywhere except what is in the Federal storehouses. The air controllers will strike & nothing will fly over the skies of the U.S. except military flights. The longshoremen will strike & nothing will come off the boats, & the train engineers will strike & nothing will move. In other words, nothing is going to move at all.

NOW IF YOU LIVE IN A LARGE CITY, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET YOUR FOOD if they don’t bring it to you? Everything will be paralyzed, nothing will move. At the same time there will be riot & revolution within the United States, in fact the whole World will be in it.

IT SEEMS STRANGE, & CHRISTIANS CANNOT GRASP THAT A MASS MURDERER LIKE CHARLES MANSON WILL BE RELEASED FROM PRISON. You should have heard the vote when he was up for release a month ago. He was kept there by two votes. Two votes kept him from leaving prison. Now, they didn’t want him out, & let me explain something, he did not go there because the jury found him guilty.

THEY COULD NOT HAVE SENT HIM TO PRISON IF THE ILLUMINATI DID NOT WANT HIM TO GO. He went there for a reason, & we have talked to prison officials across the U.S. & people belonging to the motorcycle clubs & so on, & we have received the same answer: He has them united.

THERE IS A MASS ARMY WITHIN EVERY PRISON FROM COAST TO COAST. They have been promised weapons, military weapons. To verify this, the U.S. Army has said, & so has the Marine Corps, that in the last five years they have lost many of their small arms weapons to theft in the United States. That includes hand-held ground-to-air, heat-seeking missiles that can take a DC-10 out of the sky at 40,000 feet. One of the largest storehouses is in Baltimore & the second largest is in Philadelphia for these weapons, so they are very close to you.

HE HAS BEEN GATHERING AN ARMY, & OUTSIDE OF PRISON IT AMOUNTS TO OVER 100,000 PROFESSIONALLY-TRAINED MILITARY PEOPLE. They have been hiring ex-Green Berets, Rangers, Navy, to train them in camps–one is down in West Virginia to give you an example–to train them in special forces tactics. Every one of them is as trained as a Green Beret, & that is very well-trained! Manson will be released either next year or the following year, they haven’t decided yet.

I’LL TELL YOU THIS, THE ONE THING THAT WILL HOLD THEIR PLAN UP IS IF THEY DON’T GET THE GUN LAW PASSED. These people will refuse to go out & cause havoc if people will be shooting back at them, so they have been promised that all the guns will be confiscated before they make their move. Now, they have been promised they will get this country, what they don’t know is they have been set up.

THEY HAVE BEEN SET UP JUST SO THEY WILL KILL A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF PEOPLE: The figure at the present is that in the first year, one million people will be butchered. I use that term because that is about how to describe what will happen, & I will leave it to your imagination & your prayer life as to who is scheduled to be killed.

THIS IS JUST SO THAT THEY CAN GET THE NATIONAL GUARD CALLED OUT. They recently passed a law that gives the President the right to suspend the Constitution & Congress & call Martial Law & call out the military. Now that would seem too harsh to us right now, but what happens when millions of people are getting shot at & killed?–Then they will be calling for it to happen! That’s some of the stuff that’s coming about. Some of it is legislation that is being passed right now.

HOUSE BILL 41 WENT THROUGH THE HOUSE & IS BEFORE THE SENATE RIGHT NOW. If it passes, it will pull much of the Federal tax deduction status of many of the Christian churches, & the ones that keep it, the people who give to them, their names will be printed with their addresses, their phone numbers & their work addresses of every giver in every Post Office in the United States. It’s called House Bill 41. This will give those radicals your dwelling address & where you work so that they can come & look you up!

ANOTHER ONE WAS THE MARTIAL LAW ACT, WHICH HAS BEEN PASSED, & THE ANTI-HOARDING ACT. It is the one thing they fear. See, the whole thing is, if you can be independent of Federal help, their plan won’t work. You must be dependent on the Federal Government for every bite of food, every light bulb in your house & every warmth that you feel coming through your homes. You must be dependent upon them.

NOW THE ANTI-HOARDING ACT FORBIDS YOU TO STORE OVER ONE-MONTH’S FOOD SUPPLY, to store medical supplies or fuel supplies over a month at a time. There is a reason for it–their reason. The last one is called the Genocide Act, some of you may have heard of it. They defeated it eight years ago but now it looks like it is going to get passed, it’s before the Senate now.

IT CAN PUT YOU IN FEDERAL PRISON FOR CONVERTING SOMEBODY FROM THE FAITH THAT THEY WERE BORN INTO BY THEIR PARENTS. In other words, if you convert & Catholic, a Jew or a witch, & their parents press charges, you an go to Federal Penitentiary for it, & it’s getting ready to pass now. (Inaudible question.) Well, you’re talking to an ex-Illuminatist who knows that there is no such thing.

ANYBODY COMING OUT OF THE ILLUMINATI CAN TELL YOU THAT THE COMMUNIST PARTY IS RUN BY ILLUMINATISTS, NOT COMMUNISTS. History will show it, that sometime back in 1776, Adrian Pike–then the head of the Illuminati, also head of the Masons at the time–said that they needed to create a political party that would frighten the World & keep it fighting each other until they could bring peace to the World–& then Karl Marx showed up. Now if you go to the British Museum, you can find two checks for several thousand pounds made out to Karl Marx, signed by Nathan Rothschild. OK?!

AND I CAN GO INTO MUCH HISTORY ABOUT THE COMMUNIST PARTY, HOW LENIN & TROTSKY BOTH STAYED AT THE KRUPP MANSION IN NEW YORK, financed by Rockefeller & Krupp & Swifts & others: How they put four million dollars worth of Jacob Swift’s gold to finance the revolution, sailed from New York Harbor where their ship was confiscated by the British Government as it tried to run a blockade during WWI.–How Woodrow Wilson called & ordered their release so America wouldn’t go into the War, & how they were sent on their way. There’s much history about it.

(QUESTION: WHAT DOES WITCHCRAFT HAVE TO DO WITH THE MASONS?) Well, other than the 33 highest Masons who are on the Council of 33, most Masons do not realize that they have taken the same rites that makes a person & witch. They have taken the same rites to become a Mason, except that we cut our wrists & they don’t cut their wrists, that’s the only differences!

IT IS EXACTLY THE SAME. I could lay a drawing of our temple down, your temple is laid out the same. I can describe our Witchcraft rites, yours are exactly the same. We’ve been doing it for 8000 years–what’s your excuse? (Question about the organizations involved.)

LET ME READ OFF THE ORGANIZATIONS REAL QUICK: B’nai B’rith; American Civil Liberties Union; the Scottish Rites–by the way, Witchcraft is supposed to be the old religion of Scotland; the New York Rites; the Jaycees; & I want to explain about the Junior Chamber of Commerce. We in the Illuminati needed a group to fund & to finance the training of the radical groups that would be used later–the Jr. Chamber of Commerce was the group chosen to do the funding. The Masonic Lodges, both the White & the Blue; the Knights of Columbus; the Knights of Philistivis & the Oddfellows.

NOW, I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THESE LODGES: THAT MEANS ITS LEADERS USE THESE ORGANIZATIONS FOR THEIR PURPOSES, that does not mean that the members of those organizations know what’s going on. Clear back after our Revolutionary War–you can find this in the Adams Chronicles–John Adams wrote George Washington asking him to beware of Thomas Jefferson & Alexander Hamilton & their misuse of the Masonic Lodges which Washington was a member of, & this is a direct quote: “Because they were using it for Illuminati purposes & the worship of Lucifer.”

NOW I HAVE IN MY CAR PHOTOSTATIC COPIES OF BOOKS HANDED ONLY TO CHOSEN ONES IN THE 32nd–that means just the ones they’ve handpicked out of the 32nd Level & the 33rd Level–describing the initiation of the 33rd Level Masons, also describing what they thought of Jesus–believe me, it’s not polite!–& who the true God is.

THEY CONSIDER JESUS TO BE THE IMPERSONATOR & the true god is Lucifer, & that’s in black-&-white out of Masonic books. Now I’ve got them in my car, & if it gets into a debate after the service, I can go get’m & let you read’m out of your own books! Next question?

(QUESTION: BEFORE I WAS SAVED I HAD A DECK OF TAROT CARDS, & right after James Bond came out I got rid of them because I started feeling I was getting answers & some of those answers were taking place & I was scared.) Oh, I’m sure. You got your answers from demons. (Q: Yeah, that’s what scared me.) If you had read the 18th Chapter of Deuteronomy, you wouldn’t have done it. You could have been stoned to death in the Old Testament for it.

(Q: ARE THE CARDS SET UP A CERTAIN WAY? Does it mean something the way the cards are set up?) Every drawing means something, & the demons control how they fall & use’m. But they can only be 90% accurate. Nothing in Witchcraft is ever 100% accurate. OK, next?

(QUESTION: WHAT ARE THE ILLUMINATI PLANS FOR ISRAEL?) THEY WILL USE ISRAEL TO GAIN CONTROL OF THE WORLD. All nations except the United States will go after Israel just before they take over the World, it’s called World War III, & Jimmy Carter with the U.S. Government will step in & save Israel. (Dad: Already happening!) Right now, Carter is losing popularity. Don’t let that deceive you, give him a year, he’ll be a god to many people. OK?

THAT’S ALL I CAN TELL YOU RIGHT NOW, IF I TOLD YOU EVERYTHING I’D LOSE YOU. Just hang in there. I said what I’ve said tonight five years ago & people were ready to lynch me; now they’re listening to me because they can see it in the newspaper, OK? (Question: What can we as Christians do?) Pray!

I’LL TELL YOU THIS, THE ONLY THING THE ILLUMINATI FEAR, AS I SAID, IS AN INDEPENDENT PERSON who can live, eat, sleep, stay warm & defend themselves separate from Federal help. You see, they tried twice before; they have never been this organized, OK? They’ve tried twice before in 200 years to rule the World & came very close. Once during Napoleon & once during WWI, they came extremely close to gaining the World both times. Now let’s pray that the Lord messes up their plans one more time. I haven’t seen it happen yet, but I’d like to see it happen!

(QUESTION ABOUT A COVEN IN PENNSYLVANIA SOMEWHERE.) I’m not familiar with the town. I wasn’t over Pennsylvania, so I don’t know. If you were invited to a coven down there, there’s one down there. (Q: Are you sure?) Yeah. They don’t invite you to covens unless there was one down there.

NOW I’VE GOT A QUESTION FOR YOU; HAVE YOU BEEN PLAYING WITH THE OUIJA BOARD AT SEANCES? (Q: Oh no, I’m scared of Ouija boards!) Well, I can only tell you they wouldn’t have invited you down there unless you had been doing something of the occult, & I’ll let it go at that.

(QUESTION: IS ROCK MUSIC AN OUTGROWTH OF WITCHCRAFT?)–YOU CAN’T PRACTICE WITCHCRAFT WITHOUT IT! Now when I was in there, I was president of the largest booking agency–they’ve had to change their name since then because of the publicity I’ve been giving them–but at the time they were called Zodiac Productions. I knew most of the rock groups in the united States–I still do. Some of my closest friends are like David Crosby from Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, & Graham Nash & others that are around there, & I still talk to many of them.

MOST OF THE ROCK GROUPS ARE MEMBERS OF A WITCHCRAFT CHURCH. That doesn’t mean they’ve been initiated, it means that’s their religion, & when they do a song they’ll ask the witch coven or the temple to cast a spell over that song so that it will become a hit & sell. Now what takes place when a witch casts a spell is they order a lot of demos to do things. They don’t know that’s what they do, but that’s in essence what happens.

NOW THAT MEANS WHEN YOU GO BUY AN ALBUM & YOU TAKE IT HOME WITH YOU, IT’S LIKE BUYING A BOX OF CRACKER JACKS: YOU GET A FREE SURPRISE–IT’S CALLED A DEMON! It goes along with the record. Now much of the music is written in witch language by witches. Elton John has made the statement that he has never written a song or sung a song that was not written in witch language, example: “Beyond the Yellow Brick Road” is 100% witch language.

THAT’S WHY MANY SONGS, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. That’s why many people who listen to them don’t understand until they get high on drugs & then all of a sudden the meanings start coming to them. Many songs have been written in witch language such as the whole album by Carole King called “Tapestry.”

THE BOOK OF PROPHECY TO WITCHES IS THE DOUBLE WHITE ALBUM THAT THE BEATLES PRODUCED containing the song “Helter Skelter.” Every song in it is prophecy. Oh, let’s see・”Horse with No Name”, “One Tin Soldier”, I could list thousands of songs that were written this way. They definitely have demonic influence behind them.

PARENTS, I WANT TO SAY THIS TO YOU, HAVE YOU NOTICED THE INCREASE OF REBELLION IN TEENAGERS IN THE HOME? The reason is, it’s your fault.–You let them listen to it. It stirs up rebellion. It’s not the words in the song, it’s the music. Witches know it, they hit certain chords on purpose. As many people that have once been in hypnosis, like Dr. Berry when he was younger was involved in hypnosis can tell you. (See “Musical Key,” No.326.)

THE MUSIC IS HYPNOTIC. IT STIRS UP A WAR-LIKE NATURE IN THE YOUNG PEOPLE. Now they’re going to “boo” me when this is over, but it’s still the truth anyway. Now if you want to have them stay the way they are & you want to baby ’em, because you’re afraid they might get mad at you & run away from home or something, you go ahead & let them keep on playing it because they’re going to do it anyway.

–OR YOU GO HOME & YOU BREAK THE RECORDS & YOU BURN THE COVERS! Now, when witches get saved, nobody tells them to get out of rock music. When they hand their Witchcraft items over to be burned–you notice I said burned, not just thrown in the trashcan, it’s Scriptural–they hand their records over too, because they’ve lived a in a World of the supernatural & they know the supernatural is tied in with music.

NOW, THE MOST PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF LUCIFER THAT EVER EXISTED IS IN THE 28TH CHAPTER OF EZEKIEL on the King of Tyrus. It describes Lucifer being created with musical instruments imbedded in his body. It’s true, as a person who has seen him, it’s true. He thinks he’s a god & therefore he must have music because gods must have music. (See also Isa.14:4-21.)

NOW YOU CAN GO AHEAD & LET HIS MUSIC BE PLAYED IN YOUR HOME IF YOU CHOOSE, OR YOU CAN BECOME A STRONGER CHRISTIAN & GET RID OF IT! You’re the parents, the parents are the ones. The kids are not going to answer for it. (Inaudible question.) No, it would become an effect. It’s strange because they wouldn’t have gotten attacked without Christian help.

SEE, WITCHCRAFT NEVER SACRIFICES ANYTHING THAT THEY DON’T GAIN 10,000 MORE, & when they lost the battle on purpose in court with the Moonies, that set the stage for the Genocide Act. While we were yelling, “Yeah, get them out of those false cults & rehabilitate them!” we were setting the stage for our own downfall. You don’t give up freedom to a certain group without losing it yourself. They’ve always set it up this way, & I’m always surprised at how easy Christians fall into it. (Ed: Amen!)

(QUESTION: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY?) How do I feel about them? Did you see that pyramid? I’m against any organization whose leaders are 33rd Level Masons, & their leader is a 33rd Level Mason. Now, he’s taken off his Masonic ring in the last couple of years, but he is still a 33rd Level Mason. You cannot hit the Illuminati & be part of it.

THE ILLUMINATI KNOWS THE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO FIND OUT ABOUT THEM, people found out about them without my help. Brother Berry knew about them before I came along. So we find out about them, & the best thing they can do is call your attention towards something else & say that’s that. So they have reflected the attention on Zionism & have said that’s where it’s at. The only problem is that most of the people in the Illuminati aren’t Jews. Their founders were Jews by birth, but not by religion. ・/P>

BUT MOST OF ITS LEADERS, EXCEPT FOR THE ROTHSCHILDS, ARE GAELIC: SCOTCH OR FRENCH GAELIC. It’s got nothing to do with Jews. My family & most of the people serving on the Grand Druid, their family trees go back to the pagan temples in Rome & Greece & England, to the original priesthood. Some go back as far as Egypt & Babylon. It’s got nothing to do with the Jews. ・/P>

SO I DON’T LIKE THEM. I DON’T LIKE ANYBODY THAT’S A HATE GROUP FOR ONE THING, & I’ve heard too much hate doctrine about the Birch Society. See, I’m not choosy about who I hit!–Ha! (Inaudible question.) Did everybody understand what he was saying?

A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN IN THE OCCULT & BEEN SAVED, ARE THEY MORE TROUBLED BY DEMONS THAN A PERSON WHO HAS NEVER BEEN THERE?–Yes, if they haven’t been through a deliverance. But at the same time, they are a bigger weapon against the Devil. You can’t trick a witch with false doctrine, they’ve heard them all. You can’t pass off a phony Christian on a witch, & you can’t pass a witch off on them that’s a Christian.–They’ve been there, they know what to spot.

THAT’S WHY I LOOK AT A PERSON’S EYES WHEN I TALK TO THEM. If that person has demonic influence in their life, I want to know about it, I want to know who I’m talking to & who I’m not talking to. And when you’ve lived in a supernatural world & you have dealt with demons like witches have, it’s no different when you spot them in a person who’s professing to be a Christian who isn’t living the life.

SO THEY ARE A STRONGER WEAPON AGAINST THE DEVIL, BECAUSE THEY SERVED HIM. See, as close as we are to Jesus now, as loving & compassionate as the relationship we have with Him now, that’s how we felt about the Devil, whether we knew he was the Devil or not. And so when you are that close to something, you know about it.

IF YOU BACKSLIDE YOU STILL KNOW ABOUT CHRISTIANITY, SO A BACKSLIDDEN SAVED WITCH KNOWS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT–IT’S THE SAME THING. But they do have problems, & needless to say, the Devil doesn’t like it, so we’re hit a little harder than maybe somebody else might be. But at the same time, we grow faster & stronger because of it. (Inaudible question.)

YES, WE ARE STARTING A RETREAT. As I told you, many people have been killed that have come out of it. It has gotten so that witches aren’t trusting to come out of it now. Very few are coming out because of the fear, & there is no place for them to go. I mean, when you ask a Christian, “Will you let this witch come into your home so they’ll have a place to stay?”–& all of a sudden you visualize people throwing grenades through your window & shooting up your house, you change your mind!–Because that’s probably what will happen.

SO, WE HAVE DECIDED TO BUILD A RETREAT SOMEWHERE IN THE WILDERNESS COUNTRY somewhere on the West Coast–I’m not going to say where–an armed retreat where these people can be safe till they grow, & then they can either leave the retreat or they can stay. And it will serve a double purpose–I don’t want to go into–later for Christians. But right now, that’s its purpose, & we’re believing that it will get built. We need $50,000, & in the month-&-a-half since we have been trying to raise the money, my pastor’s received $25.

SO, YOU SEE, IT’S KIND OF HARD TO CONVINCE CHRISTIANS THAT A PLACE LIKE THIS IS NEEDED when they can go home to their safe house every night, not realizing that for a witch to become saved or a witch to leave Witchcraft, their life is in extreme danger & they probably will be killed. It’s easy to feel safe when you’re safe. I guess that’s why I feel it, because I’m in danger all the time, so I know how they feel. And I’ve had many a close friend that have become Christians & then been killed, so we are trying to build such a retreat.

(QUESTION: CAN A PERSON BE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A DEMON & PROFESS TO BE A CHRISTIAN & NOT KNOW IT?) Oh, I really don’t think … yeah, I guess you can. I have to look at it from your point of view. A woman that was a Christian was at Brother Berry’s church this morning & we put her through a deliverance. In other words, we cast the demons out of her.

SHE WAS NOT POSSESSED–A CHRISTIAN CANNOT BE POSSESSED, I WANT TO MAKE THAT CLEAR–but she had demonic spiritual influences. She had tried to take her life, she was going into fits of depression to where her prayer life could not conquer them. She hadn’t in 18 months felt the joy that she felt this morning when it was over. When you can no longer crucify the flesh, & it goes beyond just crucifying the flesh, then it’s time you cast out the demon. (Q: This is done by prayer?) That’s how it’s done.

IT’S DONE THROUGH PRAYER & THE BLOOD & THE NAME OF JESUS. I don’t pray to it, I just tell the devil to get out! Actually, it is very well noted, you can do it for yourself if you have the faith. Actually, they are the ones that are doing it anyway; we just have to say a prayer of rejection & we just take authority over them, but they could do the same thing if they believed it.

(QUESTION: IS TEX WATSON, THE FELLOW WHO KILLED SHARON TATE, BORN AGAIN?) That’s what he says, yeah. (Q: And he is in prison now. Will he be released & is he a witch?) But you’ve got to understand something, if Tex a was born-again Christian he would tell all. There’s been several people who are supposed to be born again of that group & they have not told anything. If they were born again, they’d be telling all, & they’re not. That’s why I don’t believe it. You can believe it if you choose, but I don’t, because I know Manson, he’s an old buddy of mine.

I KNOW WHAT WENT ON & IT WASN’T A MASS KILLING, IT WAS A CONTRACT KILLING. Even the police who tried them knew that, but they didn’t want to press it in the trial because they didn’t think they could get a conviction if they pressed a conspiracy theory behind it. And I talked with the police officers behind it. No, I don’t believe it. If Tex was born again & he was in prison, they’d be trying to kill him for one thing.

MANSON RUNS THE PRISONS, NOTHING GOES ON IN THERE THAT HE DOESN’T GIVE THE ORDERS TO, & that’s from the very security guards that work there. Well, I don’t accept it, I’m sorry, but I came out of that world & I realize … let me give you this: (See “Carter the Poor Example,” No.909.)

THEY RECENTLY ASKED ANITA BRYANT WHETHER JIMMY CARTER WAS A CHRISTIAN OR NOT, & this was her answer. I’ll use this as an example, & I loved what her answer was. Christians are so gullible & I really appreciate Anita for this, she said, “You’re not a Christian because you say you’re born again, you’re a Christian if you have the fruit of the Spirit–does he?” That’s the whole question. If the fruit’s there, they’re Christians. If it’s not there, you’re going to grow up thorns & not apples, OK? That’s all I can tell you. Yes?

(QUESTION REGARDING ROCK MUSIC IN THE CHURCH:) YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT JESUS ROCK. I mentioned a church earlier that we spent 8 million dollars in two years to build in Costa Mesa, California. They started Jesus Rock music. The reason for the 8 million dollars was to put rock music in churches that did not allow rock music. It’s not what’s sung on the tune, it’s the music.

(QUESTION: CAN A PERSON BE A MEMBER OF A FUNDAMENTAL CHURCH & ACTUALLY BE A WITCH & NOT A CHRISTIAN?) ABSOLUTELY! They’ve spent millions of dollars putting “plants” in Fundamental churches around the United States. They train them in Christian beliefs. The newest form of blasphemy by a witch towards the Christian God is to sit there & praise the Lord & act like a Christian, laughing the whole time. Absolutely.

THAT’S WHAT REGINA, THE GIRL THAT TOOK MY PLACE DID. Her main thrust was to keep an eye on Jerry Falwell’s church while she was Witch Queen of Virginia, & she was so good at it they made her a Grand Druid when I resigned. So there’s a lot of it. In fact the church that reached me had four High Priestesses attending the church, & had it in a mess until they started finding out what was going on & took a hand & corrected the matter.

THEY HAVE TRIED RECENTLY TO GET WITCHCRAFT, THAT’S MAINLY THE OUIJA BOARD & SEANCES, IN MANY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOLS. Because 95% of the people inducted into witchcraft in the last couple of years were inducted by their junior high & high school teachers in the public school system, by teachers that were scholarshipped & funded & put through college, that were coven members just so they could spread witchcraft. And so through many liberal practices at schools, they’ve been using Christian schools, so now they are trying to get in the Christian schools. OK?

(QUESTION ABOUT POLITICS.) I DON’T KNOW, I DON’T KEEP TABS ON THAT. The only thing I know about politics is what was happening when I got in, & I try to stay away from politics. I was very politically-minded when I was a witch. I try to stay very Christian-minded & you can’t do both. I’ll take this one & then I’m going to close. Yes?

(QUESTION: WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT DEMONS BEING AROUND WITCHCRAFT BOOKS; WHY DO YOU CARRY YOUR BOOKS?) What books? (Q: About the Masonic Temple.) Oh, those books aren’t the same books. The two books that I have–& I don’t have any with me tonight–one is written by Charles Finney who was saved out of the Masons, & another one was the first man executed by the Illuminati for betraying them, Captain Morgan. And this is the reason I carry those two books, because they expose. But I don’t believe that a Christian can have books written by witches in their libraries & get away with it, & I don’t own any. I burned all mine when I got saved. (End of lecture.)

* * * * * * *

(The following is a lecture given a different night:)

WE HAD TO REALLY PRAY BEFORE WE COULD MAKE IT TO THE SERVICE TONIGHT, my wife & myself. We’ve been battling the flu & coughs. We’ve been pushing & we’ve opened ourselves up & weakened our bodies down.

LITERALLY WHAT I’M GOING TO DO IS TEACH OUT OF A BOOK THAT WE JUST DID FOR CHICK PUBLICATIONS about a month ago which should be seen in your Christian bookstores in about six months. It took 6 or 8 months to do the artwork on it, a book that we could write in about two days, & it’s called The Angel of Light.

AND WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO IS TAKE THE DEVIL’S SPIRITUAL KINGDOM & HIS PHYSICAL KINGDOM. The reason I want to do it this way is many people, many political organizations, conservative political organizations specifically, find the Illuminati in their journeys. I mean it’s kinda’ hard if you’re going to fool around with politics & history not to see the conspiracy. But they look at this little thing over here, & they see a war is happening, or they look over here at this little political movement & they miss the whole picture because they look at it from the outside.

IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO LOOK AT THE ILLUMINATI FROM THE OUTSIDE UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND ITS STRUCTURE. Physical minds & computers cannot come up with the Conspiracy as powerful & as direct, as workable, that has hundreds of different little conspiracies off of it, that do not know that it’s all one big Conspiracy.

IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS WITHOUT A SUPERNATURAL DIRECTION. We have a supernatural direction in the Christian Church, that’s how come the Christian Church grew, we have the Holy Spirit leading us. Well, they have the Prince & Power of the Air. They have Lucifer leading them, & this is something I want to go into.

I WANT TO DESCRIBE HIM & GO INTO HIM IN THE WORD & MY EXPERIENCES, & then we’re going to go into his physical kingdom, the Illuminati. If you have paper & pencil with you tonight, I recommend that you get it out, because I doubt that you’re going to hear the things that you’re going to hear here tonight quite like you’re going to hear them tonight!

WHILE YOU’RE DOING THAT, I’D LIKE TO ASK THAT YOU TURN TO EZEKIEL THE 28TH CHAPTER STARTING IN VERSE 11, & we’re going to read about 19 Scriptures here tonight in this Chapter. The 28th Chapter of Ezekiel is a prophecy given by Ezekiel who received it of the Lord. The Lord commanded him to give it. He was prophesying unto Satan himself. The prophet of the Lord stood there & prophesied unto Satan.

WE HAVE A CONFUSING PICTURE BECAUSE OF MANY PAINTINGS & MANY SUNDAY SCHOOL STORIES, that are based on tradition about the Devil’s fall, & when we got into The Angel of Light we realized how many traditions we were going to shatter. But we had come to a conclusion before we wrote it that unless it said it in the Word–& no reading in between the lines, please–unless it said it directly in the Word we weren’t’ going to put it down. We were going to put it down in the Word. And then I stood over here & said, well that’s exactly the way it was in the occult.–And we matched the two of them up & they matched perfectly.

SO WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE YOU THROUGH ANY TRADITIONS TONIGHT, so if you have a lot of Baptist traditions you’re going to get a lot of it shattered tonight between this chapter & the 24th chapter of Matthew, & you’re going to walk out of here either a changed person or ready to lynch the pastor & myself! But let’s take this tonight & I want the young people to pay attention to this.

THIS IS THE MOST PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF LUCIFER & when you’re gone & if you’re still listening to the garbage that you call music today, you need to get re-saved. Because this is the Scripture for it, read with me: “Moreover the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying…” Now I want to say something here about this chapter.

HE’S PROPHESYING TO THE PRINCE OF TYRUS, & many people believe that this was … I can’t think of this name now, but anyway, the ruler of Babylon. And if you’ll get in Isaiah where it talks about Lucifer the fallen star, before he started prophesying to Lucifer, Isaiah was prophesying to the same ruler. (Isa.14:4.)

THE REASON FOR THIS IS THE PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE ILLUMINATI–& the Illuminati didn’t even exist in its organized form at that time–it’s because there was a ruler, a prince. A power was a ruler, & then there was the king over that prince, so it was the power behind that Earthly ruler. (See “Satan, King of Empires!” ML #961, Vol.8.)

AND THIS IS WHERE PEOPLE AREN’T LOOKING TODAY & ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO EPHESIANS 6:12 TODAY. They’re not looking at things with a supernatural stance behind the physical. While Walter Cronkite or somebody else gets on television & says this is happening, you ought to get down on your knees & say, “Lord, what’s really happening?”–because it’s not the way they’re telling it! “Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, & say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, & perfect in beauty.”

THE FIRST THING WE WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT LUCIFER IS, WHEN HE WAS CREATED HE WAS THE COMPLETE SUM OF ALL BEAUTY & WISDOM. You see, God wasn’t created, but never had a created creature ever been created with such beauty & such wisdom, & that was Lucifer, “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God, every precious stone was thy covering”–& it lists the stones & gold. And on down it lists, “The workmanship of thy tabrets & of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.”–He was created with musical instruments imbedded in his body, that’s how he was created!

YOU SEE, LUCIFER IS TRYING TO BE A GOD IN THIS PROPHECY, & we’ll go on in it. He’s trying to be a god, he’s trying to be as great as God. He’s trying to build a kingdom in the sides of the mountain of the North & so on, & it’s a description of God’s Kingdom. He knows that music was created for God, dance was created for God. He knows that if he is going to be a god he is going to have to have music.

YOU CAN’T BE A GOD WITHOUT MUSICAL WORSHIP, SO HE HAS CREATED HIS OWN MUSIC. It’s not just Rock, I get sick of people saying just Rock. I’m down on all music except the music that is created for the Lord. The reason I’m particularly down on Country & Western, & if you ever listen to it, it’s worse that Rock! It’s more about lust, it’s more about drinking, it’s more about fighting than any other thing, & recently it’s even begun to be about witchcraft.

John Todd in MP3 audio format!

I received a gift of audio tapes of John Todd’s testimonials from a person who visited this web site. I had them converted to MP3 format which makes them small enough to download using a broadband connection. You can also hear them play as streaming audio in Internet Explorer. The talks are of similar content to this page, but also contain some new information! You are welcome to download these talks and post them on your own web site without asking for my permission, but I would appreciate a donation toward my work if you do so.

  • Tape 1A John Todd’s testimony of deliverance from the Occult, evils of witchcraft24.5 megabytes in MP3 format with 43 minutes of audio. The sound quality will improve after the first couple minutes. | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 1B Music and Spells, 44 minutes / 4.3 megabytes | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 2A Dangers of fortune telling, familiar spirits, CS Lewis, JRR Toiken, etc etc! 43 minutes / 4.2 megabytes | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 2B Charles Manson, Sharon Tate murder, Process Church, epilepsy, UFOs, demon possession, Jimmy Carter etc! 40 minutes / 3.8 megabytes | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 3A What is the Illuminati? CFR? Trilateral Commission, what 33rd. Degree Masons believe about Lucifer, etc! 43 minutes / 4.2 megabytes| Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 3B Continuation of what is the Illuminati? Who leads it? The Charismatic movement / Chuck Smith / Jesus Rock / John Birch Society / Freemasons, purpose of Rock Music, etc! 40 minutes / 4.4 megabytes | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 4A How to survive, etc! 43 minutes / 4.6 megabytes | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 4B Masons, Salvation message by pastor 1 hour 16 minutes / 9.1 megabytes . It is the largest of all the files of this set. The audio quality is not very good but still audible. | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 5A Todd’s testimony about the occult world, the Illuminati, the Collins family, introduction of witchcraft to America, etc! 41 minutes / 6.1 megabytes | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 5B Salvation testimony, deliverance from fear based on 2Tim1:7, Rock Music, Book of Mormon based on the Witchcraft bible Book of Shadows, witchcraft symbols used in jewelry, Catholic mass compared to witchcraft, why JFK was killed, etc! 39 minutes / 4.3 megabytes | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 6A History as a witch, doctrine, evils of television, 43 minutes / 4.7 megabytes (was 24.4 megabytes) | Text of audio in PDF format
  • Tape 6B More details of his life in the occult, evils and addiction of rock music, purpose of rock music – to get Christians cast spells on themselves! etc.36 minutes / 3.5 megabytes | Text of audio in PDF format

New Tapes

A friend shared these twn links. I haven’t heard them yet and hope they are good. But for the record I want to say this: When John Todd talks about buying weapons to defend yourself from evil men, let’s hope he’s talking about protection from criminals and NOT law enforcement agents! The Bible does not condone resistance to or rebellion to authority. All this stuff about arming yourself against a tyrannical government is nonsense and unbiblical. Even IF you say the government has become tyrannical, it’s not our business to resist their authority by force. If you do, you will suffer the fate of the Waco Branch Davidians!

Two more John Todd talks found!

A new friend shared these YouTubes with me on Oct. 21, 2022. The first one is the talk from which the transcription on this article came from! YouTube says, “New – New Heard Before” but a married couple in my fellowship heard it in 1980 and transcribed it into text, the very text on this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What happened to John Todd? Where is he now?

To fully answer this question, please read the following pages consecutively:

Question: Can I order copies of the audio tapes to share with other Christians?

I do not have the equipment to do a good job to make quality audio tape copies. I think that it would be much better for you to download the MP3 files yourself and listen to them rather than me try to make copies of the tapes for you. You can burn the files on a CD in data format and listen to them from your PC. Or you can transfer them to a MP3 player. Or you can use software such as Nero Burning ROM and make actual audio CDs from the MP3 files which can be played on any audio CD player. You can even make your own audio tapes from the MP3 files by recording them from your computer to a audio recorder. The MP3 files on this web site are even better audio quality than the tapes I had them made from because some of the background noise has been removed with special software. If you say that you are “technically challenged” and don’t know how to do any of the above, I am sure that there is somebody in your church or area who does know how and who would be willing to help you or make them for you.

Question: Don’t you think John Todd was wrong about some things?

Yes I do. He got out of his realm and anointing when he started to take up leadership and teach his interpretation of certain Christian doctrines. He should have stuck with his testimony and majored on what he did actually see and hear.

However I still firmly believe that Todd was right about certain things and has a lot to say that the devils of this world don’t want to be made known! For example:

  • He opened my eyes to the hidden One World Government of the Illuminati.
  • He exposed the Charismatic Movement as being a plot of witches to undermine the Church. I myself was deceived by their false doctrines for a period of time after I became a Christian.
  • He exposed certain people who I believe have undermined and weakened Christianity
    in America.

So I encourage you to read John Todd’s testimony with an open mind and see if it doesn’t apply to things you experienced in your own life! Even if you think he got some of his facts or figures wrong — such as “We’ve been doing it for 8000 years….” when the world is no more than around 6200 years old– (contrary to the false so called “science” of evolution), if you believe 1 John 2:15 and 16 verses of the New Testament, you KNOW, or should know if you are a Bible believer, that it is better to be on the leery side of what the world offers, and tend to shun its treats (films, music, etc) much more than to let yourself be polluted by them!

Question: Where can a order a copy of the John Todd and Illuminati comic book?

They are available at

Question: Where can I order a hardcopy of this article about John Todd?

Nowhere. If you want a hardcopy of it, just print it out!

History of me posting this article

I have been told that I may be the first person to publish John Todd’s testimonial about the Illuminati and witchcraft on the Internet, both in text and audio format.

I first read John Todd and the Illuminati in 1980 from an internal hardcopy publication of my Christian fellowship. Two members of the fellowship transcribed it from one of the audio tapes of a talk John Todd gave to the Elkton Maryland Baptist Church in 1978. Later in the late 1990s, someone converted it to digital format and shared it with members of the fellowship. That’s how I got both the text and artwork. In 1999 after I became a webmaster and built a website, John Todd and the Illuminati was one of the very first articles I posted on it. After only a short time it was discovered by conspiracy researchers. They sent me more information about John Todd. One lady sent me a set of his audio tapes and I figured out how to convert them into mp3 audio files to upload to this article.

Henry Makow on and Wes Penre on both link to the orginal John Todd and the Illuminati article I posted around the year 2000 on I first started my website on the domain because it was given to me for free from a man, Mr. Tahara, who picked me up when I was hitchhiking to Tokyo in Shizuoka Prefecture. He owned a dedicated server and was paying around $450 USD a month for it! Google ranked the John Todd article high because the server was speedy and I used simple HTML without a database to post it. Mr. Tahara took his server offline which is why the article is here now on my own domain of I wrote both Dr. Makow and Mr. Penre asking them to fix the broken links on their sites to this article.

Updated view of John Todd’s testimonial

John Todd’s testimony about the Illuminati and his involvement in it is a very interesting read, but please know he is not telling the whole story. He just simply didn’t see the entire picture. The Illuminati is just one more group working together with other groups to form the New World Order. The Rothschilds and their banking cartel are not at the head of the pile of evil! My Bible tells me that head is “Babylon the Great” and that means ROME — the Vatican AKA the world wide “Holy See“! I call it the UNholy See.

Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, (the colour of Roman Catholic Cardinals and Bishops) and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:4,5,18

The woman of Revelation 17 and 18

Folks, that “great city” was Rome in the Apostle John’s day as indicated in the present tense of the very, “reigeth” or reigns in modern English. Does Rome continue to reign a couple thousand years later through the Vatican? Abraham Lincoln sure thought so!

Hierarchy of Power

Hierarchy of Power

According to famous conspiracy researcher Bill Cooper, the Jesuit Order is the Illuminati!

The Masonic Christ and the British Royal Family

The Masonic Christ and the British Royal Family

The Queen meets the so-called "Vicar of Christ" for the first time.

The late Queen Elizabeth II was loved around the world. She may indeed have been a good person when judged by the standards of morality of the world at large. Some people, however, have accused the Queen of atrocious crimes! Dr. John Coleman says the Queen was the head of an elite conspiratorial ruling body he called “The Committee of 300”. We shouldn’t go by the testimonial of a single person because the Bible tells us we need at least two witnesses to confirm a matter. I think Coleman was probably a disinformation agent. He received no opposition or persecution for his message, and his book, CONSPIRATORS’ HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 can be downloaded from the CIA’s official website! LOL!

Deuteronomy 19:15  One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

This article, therefore, is not accusing the Queen of any wrongdoing, but to question whether she really knew the Lord Jesus as her Savior and as the Son of God, the Word that became flesh.

Nearly all my friends believe that the Queen was a real Christian in spite of the fact she was honored by the entire mostly Christ-rejecting world! I think it’s important to have a balanced view of who she really was.

Luke 6:26  Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

I definitely don’t think any of her children are Christians! King Charles is a globalist who works with the World Economic Forum and is buddies with the evil Klaus Schwab. He pushes the false narrative of human-induced climate change. Princess Margaret was an alcoholic and a hedonist. Her main goal in life appeared to be one of only seeking pleasure. Prince Andrew was accused of pedophilia. Prince Edward’s sexuality has been questioned throughout the years. And her husband, Prince Philip, is not known as being a very nice guy.

The rest of this article is a partial repost of an article on entitled:

Freemasonry and the British Monarchy Why the Queen of England Pretends to be a Christian by Jeremy James

It was written before the Queen passed away.

The Queen as Supreme Governor of the Church of England

The Elite are not atheists or agnostics, as they often pretend. Neither are they Christian, as some of their most prominent members would have us believe. Rather, they are profoundly committed to the old religion. This is the ancient system of pantheism, Gnosticism and idolatry which rejects the LORD God of the Bible and is generally identified in the public mind with the worship of pagan deities. In short, the people who rule this world are not simply indifferent to Christianity, but reject it completely.

Officially, the Queen is a member of the Church of England, an Anglican convocation similar to the Lutheran church in Germany or the Episcopalian in the United States. She was baptized at five weeks by the Archbishop of York in Buckingham Palace on 26 May, 1926. Under British law, as reigning monarch, she is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. All members of the British royal family are officially affiliated with the Anglican Church, but not one of them has ever been known to testify to the atoning power of the blood of Christ. Indeed, it is doubtful whether any influential member of the British ruling class is a Bible-believing Christian.

The Anglican Church is the official state religion or Established Church of England. Having been under the covert control of the ruling elite almost from its inception, it is the principal means by which true Christianity in England has been suppressed. Through its empty formalism and shallow doctrines, its seasonal ritual and genteel pageantry, it offers a comforting substitute for true Biblical Christianity. In order to keep the commoners and lower classes in thrall, the nobility themselves profess to be Anglican and participate in certain annual services.

Behind the scenes, however, the ruling elite have for centuries been freemasons, atheists or Unitarians. They all reject the deity of Christ. The Anglican church has long been primarily a system of social control whereby the rich and powerful maintain their privileged positions and at the same time imbue the masses with the mindless patriotism that is needed to run an Empire.

Paganism and the Royal Family

Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth, was initiated into Freemasonry at Navy Lodge No 2612, London, on December 5, 1952:

“Present at the initiation were the Earl of Scarborough, grand master…and Geoffrey Fisher, archbishop ofCanterbury. The lodge has many ties with the royal family as King EdwardVII served as its first master in 1896 when he was Prince of Wales. KingGeorge VI…served as master when he was Duke of York. In 1928 H.R.H. Duke of Kent…was master and later became grand master of the GrandLodge of England.” – William Denslow,10,000 Famous Freemasons, 1957.

There is more than enough information on record to prove beyond all doubt that the British royal family is not Christian but pagan. The Prince of Wales  – the Queen’s eldest son [Charles] – is a well-known advocate of New Age philosophy and paranormal science. Numerous members of the royal family down the years, including Queen Victoria, attended séances where professional mediums channeled ‘messages’ from demonic source. They have also availed routinely of the services of psychic healers and paranormal advisors. Prince Charles himself was counseled for many years by the shamanic fantasist, Laurens van der Post.

We will shortly demonstrate that the Queen too is a non-believer. Her membership of the Anglican church is immaterial. What matters is whether or not she openly professes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that she has accepted him into her heart as Lord and Savior. The evidence clearly shows that she has not.

It may seem strange that the official head of the Church of England is a not a Christian, but it is doubtful whether any senior cleric in the Church of England is a Christian. It is virtually impossible to advance into a position of influence in the English system of social-political control without being a Freemason, a Unitarian or someone who has otherwise demonstrated his or her rejection of both the deity of Christ and the authority of Scripture. There are bound to be exceptions, of course, but they are few and have little practical bearing on how the system operates.

For example, we have already noted that the Archbishop of Canterbury was present at the induction of Prince Philip into Freemasonry, while the current incumbent, Rowan Williams – like each of his predecessors during the 20th century – rejects the account of Creation given in the Bible, and has even expressed the view that it should not be taught in schools as an alternative to Evolution.

In Her Own Words

Instead of drawing on secondary sources or informed reports, we will confine ourselves to the Queen’s own words. Among the best primary sources of evidence about her real beliefs is the set of Christmas Messages that she has delivered annually since her coronation in 1952.

Given that these messages are delivered on a major feast day in the Christian calendar, by a professing Christian, to a primarily Christian audience, one would expect at least some of them to give a clear endorsement of her Christian faith. There are 59 messages in all, comprising a total of 43,000 words, and yet nowhere in any of them dowe find a clear reference to the deity of Christ. In fact, as we shall shortly see, we find the very opposite, namely a consistent portrayal of Jesus as nothing more than a well-meaning, peace-loving idealist who wanted to make this world a better place.

It is truly remarkable that, over a sixty year period, the official head of the Anglican Church has failed to make even a single statement that would demonstrate her belief in the most basic doctrine of Christianity, namely the deity of Christ.

Before we proceed to examine her words in detail, we need to consider the general attitude of the British aristocracy toward the person of Christ. As we have seen, this has been shaped in the main by Freemasonry, Gnosticism, and Unitarian theology, all of which deny his deity, his substitution atonement, and the inerrancy of the Bible. They regard him merely as a good man who had a talent for healing and preaching.

The Unitarian/Masonic Christ is very similar to the New Age Christ, a guru-type figure possessing a more elevated or spiritual state of consciousness than the average man.

For centuries Freemasons have stealthily but aggressively promoted a humanistic message which they express as two principles with universal application – the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. By this they mean that all men, regardless of their religious affiliation, are of equal spiritual standing, both in relation to each other and in relation to God. As it happens these same beliefs also figure prominently in the New Age movement.

Taken together these principles are proclaiming that the Bible is wrong when it makes an absolute distinction between believers and unbelievers, between those who are saved and those who are lost. Freemasonry and the New Age movement completely reject original sin, the fallen state of man, and the need for redemption through the saving blood of Christ. In their view, man is not lost but continually evolving through experience into a higher spiritual state.

The Queen’s definition of Christ

From a study of her Christmas Messages we find that the Queen’s portrayal of Christ differs little, if at all, from theMasonic/New Age Christ, namely, a holy man – and nothing but a man – who tried to teach the people of his time the importance of kindness and tolerance, that we are all one human family, and that we should live together in peace and harmony. This definition places him on a par with men like Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Schweitzer, Bishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama. And as flattering as this might seem to the average atheist or humanist, it is an appalling distortion of reality.

The first point to note is that, although she was (and still is) the official head of the Established church in England, the Queen made no reference whatever to Christ by name in her annual Christmas Messages during the first 20 years of her reign! Not one. Why not search the file yourself to confirm this? A complete compilation of the Queen’s Christmas messages may be found at:

The same material is also available in serial form on her official website: Perhaps her advisors realized that such an attitude was bound eventually to attract adverse attention. In any event, she finally made her first reference in 1973:

“Christ taught love and charity and that we should show humanity and compassion at all times and in all situations."

When read in context, this otherwise innocent statement can be seen to sit neatly with the Masonic brotherhood-of-man philosophy:

"I believe that Christmas should remind us that the qualities of the human spirit are more important than material gain. Christ taught love and charity and that we should show humanity and compassion at all times and in all situations…. A lack of humanity and compassion can be very destructive – how easily this causes divisions within nations and between nations. We should remember instead how much we have in common and resolve to give expression to the best of our human qualities, not only at Christmas, but right through the year.” (1973)

Two years later she made her second reference to Christ, but this time she didn’t even bother to refer to him by name:

"We are celebrating a birthday – the birthday of a child born nearly2,000 years ago, who grew up and lived for only about 30 years. That one person, by his example and by his revelation of the good which is in us all, has made an enormous difference to the lives of people who have come to understand his teaching.” (1975)

Note that the teaching of Christ is described as “his revelation of the good which is in us all”. But this is completely false! The Bible teaches the very opposite. Christ came to save man from his wretched, fallen state and not to reveal “the good that is in us all” – since the Bible clearly teaches that there is none!["I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells…" Romans7:18]

It is ironic that, in the same breath, she refers to people “who have come to understand his teaching”, and yet she doesn’t seem to understand it herself.

Note the blasphemous incorporation of the Ark of the Covenant. Both through his words and through his actions, Christ confirmed the basic message that runs through the entire Bible, namely, that man in his natural state [apart from Christ] is a fallen, sin-filled being, blindly headed for eternal damnation. So which philosophy is the Queen actually citing, that of the Bible or that of Freemasonry?

Two years later she made another brief reference to the person whom her words were meant to honour. This too was in the ‘holy man’ mould:

"Christians have the compelling example of the life and teaching of Christ and, for myself, I would like nothing more than that my grandchildren should hold dear his ideals which have helped and inspired so many previous generations.” (1977)

Note that it is his ideals that she holds dearnot his deity, his resurrection, or his redemption of mankind.

The Masonic Parliament of Man


The Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the Freemasons of England and Wales since 1967. Note the Masonic apron, which is always made of lamb’s skin, a blasphemous parody of the Lamb (Christ).

Following a brief reference to “the birth of the child who transformed history and gave us a great faith” (1979), she quoted liberally in 1980 from a peculiar poem by Tennyson which referred to “the” Christ. This is highly suggestive since Tennyson was also the author of a poem, Locksley Hall, which was well known (and well understood) by the luminaries of Victorian England.

They knew that Tennyson rejected Christianity and drew his inspiration exclusively from pagan authors. These included the pantheist, Baruch Spinoza, and the eminent occult philosopher, Giordano Bruno. He was also a member of an exclusive secret society at Cambridge, known as the Cambridge Apostles, which was audaciously non-Christian in outlook.

Locksley Hall contains one of the most celebrated statements of the Masonic vision of a New World Order:

For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see,
Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be;
Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain’d a ghastly dew
From the nations’ airy navies grappling in the central blue; …
Till the war-drum throbb’d no longer, and the battle-flags were furl’d
In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world.

He envisaged a parliament of man, a federation of the world. These words have been quoted many times by top Freemasons and key players in the long-range plan to create a unified World Government, a parliament of man. Tennyson’s poem was greatly admired by leading architects of the New World Order, Winston Churchill and Harry Truman, while Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men in America in the 19thcentury and a high-ranking member of the Ruling Elite, wrote in Triumphant Democracy (1893):

“The Parliament of Man and the Federation ofthe World have already been hailed by the poet, and these mean a step muchfarther in advance of the proposed reunion of Britain and America.”

Note his final words – a step much farther in advance of the proposed reunion of Britain and America.

Reunion of Britain and America? Yes, and more, as Carnegie says, a step much farther in advance of that. So when a reigning British monarch quotes a poem by Tennyson, we should pay close attention. Here are the verses she quoted (from Ring Out, Wild Bells):

<div align="center"Ring out false pride in place and blood,
The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good …
Ring in the valiant man and free,
The larger heart, the kindlier hand,
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be.”

Given that Tennyson had no regard for Christianity, theChrist figure to whom he refers is clearly not Biblical. Christians seldom, if ever, put a definite article before Christ because there is only one Christ, but Freemasons, gnostics and pagans often refer to ‘the Christ’ since they regard it as a cosmic or celestial office separate from the one who holds it.

In their occult philosophy, the Freemasons envisage the future incarnation in human form of their Angel of Light – known variously as Apollo, Horus, Helios, Lucifer, etc– whom they will enthrone and honour as their Messiah in their long-planned federation of the world. This is “the Christ that is to be” in Tennyson’s poem, though born-again Christians will recognize him as the Antichrist.

Did the Queen realize the significance of this? Given that the royal family has been a patron and protector of Freemasonry in Britain for generations, it would astonishing if she didn’t. Her consistent espousal of the brotherhood-of-man-fatherhood-of-god philosophy demonstrates her familiarity with the tenets of Freemasonry, which includes a belief in the arrival of a Messiah-type figure once the New World Order has been established. (This is the true meaning of the catchphrase, ‘If you build it, he will come,’ from the sugar-coated occult movie, Fields of Dreams.)

The Masonic Trivialization of Christianity

Her Christmas Message the following year, 1981, included the following:

"Our Christian faith helps us to sustain those convictions. Christ not only revealed to us the truth in his teachings. He lived by what he believed and gave us the strength to try to do the same – and, finally, on the cross, he showed the supreme example of physical and moralcourage. That sacrifice was the dawn of Christianity and this is why at Christmas time we are inspired by the example of Christ as we celebrate his birth.” (1981)

Even though she takes a seemingly bold step and mentions the cross, it is immediately neutralised by two references to Christ as an ‘example’. According to Masonic philosophy, the Cross of Calvary achieved nothing. As the Queen says, it was just an example of exceptional moral courage and something that should inspire us. This is a patent trivialization of Christianity, where the whole basis of our faith is reduced to a courageous symbolic act, an inspiring example, but certainly not the atoning work of the incarnate Son of God for the sins of mankind.

The following year, Her Majesty took the opportunity to inject even more Masonic philosophy into her message. In three short paragraphs she managed to depict Christianity as just one of many “religious groups” in the world today and to equate the Christian message with “the Commonwealth” – meaning the common weal or common good:

“At this time of the year, Christians celebrate the birth of their Saviour, but no longer in an exclusive way. We hope that our greetings at Christmas to all people of religious conviction and goodwill will be received with the same understanding that we try to show in receiving the greetings ofother religious groups at their special seasons."

The poet John Donne said: ‘No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, apart of the main.’ That is the message of the Commonwealth and it is also the Christian message. Christ attached supreme importance to the individual and he amazed the world in which he lived by making it clear that the unfortunate andthe underprivileged had an equal place in the Kingdom of Heaven with therich and powerful. But he also taught that man must do his best to live in harmony with man and to love his neighbors.” (1982)

The brotherhood-of-man-fatherhood-of-god philosophy is clearly evident in these paragraphs. Freemasons and members of the New Age movement are fond of Donne’s little phrase, “No man is an island”. It fits perfectly with the parliament of man idea in Freemasonry and the all is one principle that features so prominently in the New Age movement.

Note also the careful way she distances herself from Christianity and any suggestion that she might actually be a Christian – “At this time of the year, Christians celebrate the birth of their Saviour, but no longer in an exclusive way." The latter words, “but no longer in an exclusive way”, are designed to reinforce the idea that truth is not exclusive to Christianity but may be found in many different religious traditions.

Again, with shameless candour, a central tenet of Freemasonry is fed to the nation on prime-time television by the official head of the Anglican church. The common spiritual source of all religious traditions was again emphasized in the year 2000 when she said:

"This spirituality can be seen in the teachings of other great faiths. Of course religion can be divisive, but the Bible, the Koran and the sacred texts of the Jews and Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs, are all sources of divine inspiration and practical guidance passed down through the generations.” (2000)

If she was really a Christian the Queen would know that the Koran and the religious writings of the Hindus and Buddhists were not divinely inspired. She would also know that they reject outright the divinity of Christ. So, on a feast day that is supposed to recognize and honour the incarnation of Christ in human form, she boldly asserts the broad equivalence of all religious traditions, including those which reject the deity of Christ.

In an earlier Message (1986), she described Jesus as merely a simple person from lowly background who managed to affect the course of history:

"Christmas is a festival for all Christians, but it is particularly afestival for children. As we all know, it commemorates the birth of a child,who was born to ordinary people, and who grew up very simply in his ownsmall home town and was trained to be a carpenter. His life thus began in humble surroundings, in fact in a stable, but he was to have a profound influence on the course of history, and on the lives of generations of his followers. You don’t have to be rich or powerful in order to change things for the better and each of us in our own way can make a contribution.

"The infant Jesus was fortunate in one very important respect. His parents were loving and considerate. They did their utmost to protect him from harm. They left their own home and became refugees, tosave him from King Herod, and they brought him up according to thetraditions of their faith.” (1986)

His deity is completely erased. Instead we are presented with the image of a little boy who, because he was greatly loved by his mummy and daddy and raised “according tithe traditions of their faith”, succeeded in doing something useful with his life.

Note how the Old Testament, the Word of God, is described merely as “the traditions of their faith." This humanistic depiction of Christ was repeated in 2001:

“As a boy he learnt his father’s trade as a carpenter. He then became a preacher, recruiting twelve supporters to help him…His great emphasis was to give spirituality a practical purpose.” (2001)

So, there it is, the royal description of Jesus – a carpenter-preacher with a talent for highlighting the practical side of religion, a former child refugee who recruited twelve supporters and acquired generations of followers. In short, an unlikely social reformer who managed to make a difference in the lives of ordinary people. She could hardly have been more patronising without provoking adverse comment. In fact, it is a mark of the shallowness and hypocrisy of Anglican Christianity that such a demeaning portrait of Christ by the nation’s monarch could even be televised.

The Good Samaritan

Over a sixty year period the Queen mentioned only one episode from the Bible (other than the nativity) in her Christmas Messages, but she did so on three occasions – in1985, 1989 and 2004. This is the parable by Jesus of the Good Samaritan which tells of a traveler who stopped and helped an injured man by the roadside, and even brought him to a hostel to recover, while two respected members of the community passed him by and failed to offer any assistance.

The parable is presented by the Queen as though Jesus was endorsing the brotherhood-of-manfatherhood-of-god philosophy. When taken out of context and given a Masonic slant, it seems to confirm that salvation is contingent upon good works and human conduct. However, a professing Christian with only a rudimentary knowledge of Scripture will know that this interpretation is false. There is nothing man can do of himself to save himself from the devastating consequences of original sin.

The ‘love’ taught in Freemasonry and the New Age movement is not he love we find in the Bible. Scripture teaches – in the strongest possible terms – that God’s love cannot touch and redeem man in his sinful, fallen state without the atoning work of Christ, and yet this is precisely what Freemasonry and the New Age movement reject!

The Queen confirmed her Masonic perception of love when she said:

"But these technical skills [invention, scientific progress] are not enough by themselves. They can only come to the rescue of the planet if we also learn to live by the golden rule which Jesus Christ taught us– "love thy neighbour as thyself".” (1989)

Here she is discussing environmental issues such as pollution of the rivers and seas. Incredibly, she equates the ‘love’ needed to ‘rescue’ the planet with the love that Jesus was speaking about, a love which has no meaning – and nopower – when divorced from his divinity and obedience to his Word.

Jesus did not teach ‘the golden rule’ of Freemasonry, as the Queen implies; rather he taught the commandments and precepts of the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. These are vastly different from, and in fundamental conflict with, the morals and dogma of Freemasonry, a philosophy that flagrantly rejects the saving blood of Christ and his atoning sacrifice on the cross.

Man as an Animal Species


Coat of arms of the United Grand Lodge of England

We are not dealing here with the simplifications that are sometimes necessary when presenting a message to a large and diverse audience. Rather, we are dealing with a very deliberate re-statement of Christianity along Masonic and New Age lines. If you still doubt this, then consider the following comment from the same Christmas Message:

“It’s not very difficult to apply that story [the Good Samaritan] to our own times and to work out that our neighbours are those of our friends, or complete strangers, who need a helping hand. Do you think they might also be some of the living species threatened by spoiled rivers, o some of the children in places like Ethiopia and Sudan who don’t have enough to eat?” (1989)

Prince Philip once stated during a televised documentary that humans are a “plague”on the planet. This implies that humans are just one of the many animal species living on earth today. It is obvious from her remark that his wife subscribes to the same materialistic philosophy. However, true Biblical Christianity completely rejects the popular idea that humans are an animal species. Man is made in the image and likeness of God. He is not an animal of any kind, but a unique creation.

Animals cannot sin, only man can sin. This is why Freemasonry, the New Age movement, and atheistic humanism subscribe so strongly to the theory of evolution or any similar theory that portrays man as just another animal species. If man is just an animal then he cannot sin, and if he cannot sin then he cannot be judged by God.

I am reminded here of an exhibition in central London in 2009 which was housed in he former church of the Holy Trinity, Marylebone. The event included an unusually blasphemous exhibit as its centre piece, namely a life-size waxen figure of a gorilla nailed to a large wooden cross. Despite receiving lively coverage in the national media, this obscene effigy – which was described in the press as a ‘crucified ape’ –was not condemned or even criticized by any prominent Church leader in Britain.

But should we be surprised? After all, the Masons, atheists and evolutionists who control the Anglican Church regard man as just another animal species. A Masonic restatement of the Christian Message One of her most Masonic, New Age and ecumenical renderings of the Christian message was given in 2001 when she quoted the words of a well-known hymn, but failed to include the most important part:

“I believe that the Christian message, in the words of a familiar blessing, remains profoundly important to us all: Go forth into the world in peace be of good courage, hold fast that which is good, render to no man evil for evil, strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, help the afflicted, honour all men.”

These words are from a benediction in the 1928 version of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. While they are certainly edifying, they cannot be considered “the Christian message” in any meaningful sense. So what’s missing? See for yourself. Here is the complete version:

"Go forth into the world in peace. Be of good courage. Hold fast that which is good. Render to no man evil for evil. Strengthen the faint-hearted. Support the weak. Help the afflicted. Honor all men. Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Ghost. And the blessing of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be upon you and remain with you forever. Amen."

Since the British royal family, like their counterparts across Europe, reject the deity of Christ, they also reject the Scriptures. They do not believe in the Triune God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel [Mark 12:26], but in a different god entirely. The Anglican benediction has no distinctively Christian element without the words which they Queen chose to omit. Her version does nothing more than encapsulate the interfaith morality and brotherhood-of-man philosophy of Freemasonry.

The version read on television by the Queen would be perfectly acceptable to a Hindu, Buddhist, or Moslem. Indeed, it would be acceptable even to an atheist or a humanist. So, to portray it as “the Christian message” is incredibly disingenuous, if not deceitful. She repeated her view that Christianity is in essence an ideology when, the following year, she said:

Christmas is the anniversary of the birth of Christ over two thousand years ago, but it is much more than that. It isthe celebration of the birth of an idea and an ideal."

This is Masonic to the core. The birth of the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, is reduced to “an idea and an ideal.” Marxism is an idea and an ideal. Humanism is an idea and an ideal. And yet the Queen sees fit to place Christianity on the same plane. It beggars belief. Here are just a few more occasions when she expressed a similar view:

“I wished to speak of it from New Zealand this Christmas Day because we are celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace, who preached the brotherhood of man.” (1953)“ …the essential message of Christmas is still that we allbelong to the great brotherhood of man. This idea is not limited to the Christian faith. Philosophers and prophets have concluded that peace is better than war, love is better than hate and that mankind can only find progress in friendship and co-operation.” (1968)

“The scriptures and traditions of the other faiths enshrine the same fundamental guidance. It is very easy to concentrate on the differences between the religious faiths and to forget what they have in common – people of different faiths are bound together by the need to help the younger generation to become considerate and active citizens.” (2006)

“Perhaps it was because of this early experience that, throughout his ministry, Jesus of Nazareth reached out and made friends with people whom others ignored or despised. It was in this way that he proclaimed his belief that, in the end, we are allbrothers and sisters in one human family.” (2007)

In The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manley Palmer Hall, who is widely respected by Freemasons as one of their supreme authorities, stated:

"The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth."

Masons reject Christ as "the way." As Hall says, “the name means little.”

However, as every true Christian knows, this is one of Satan’s greatest lies. The Word of God tells us that salvation is found only in the name of Jesus Christ:

 “And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ…” (1John 3:23); “…for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

Here is how the Grand Lodge of Louisiana stated the Masonic position in their secret handbook:

"To the altar of Freemasonry all men bring their most votive offerings. Around it all men, whether they have received their teachings from Confucius, Zoroaster, Moses, Mohammed or the founder of the Christian religion – just so long as they believe in the universality of the fatherhood of God and universality of the brotherhood of man – meet upon a common level. The Jew returns to his synagogue, the Mohammedan to his mosque and the Christian to his temple – each better prepared for the solemn duties of life by the associations in this universal brotherhood." – Louisiana Monitor, 1980 [Emphasis added]


Sun God: Helios-Apollo: The lamb skin apron worn by the Grand Master, the Duke of Kent depicts the Masonic sun god.


So, under the pretense that she is a Christian, the Queen is preaching the philosophy of  Freemasonry. The fact that her messages are couched in Christian terminology is irrelevant. Freemasonry does this all the time, packaging and disguising its ancient occult beliefs in a deceptive, vernacular form.


Christians need to understand that the people who rule this world are NOT Christian – though they often pretend to be. They worship another god and loath Christianity, Christ, the Cross of Calvary, the blood of the Lamb, the Resurrection, and the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. They are busily preparing the scenario set out in the Book of Revelation, where their ‘messiah’ or godmantakes on human form and rules over the entire earth.

In order to make this possible they are working hard behind the scenes to create a unified global system of governance (‘If you build it, he will come’). Since their messiah has no power against Christ, they are also determined to radically reduce the number of true believers, chiefly by getting professing Christians to adopt a soft, New Age version of ‘Christianity’ which has no power to save.

The Power Elite controls much of Europe and North America through Freemasonry. However, many national and world leaders pretend to be Christian in order to retain the confidence of the public. Most Presidents of the United States during the past hundred years or so was a high-ranking Freemason or a member of a secret occult society.

For example, both George Bush senior and George Bush junior pretended to be Christians when in fact they were initiated members of theSociety of the Skull & Bones, a dark Luciferian fraternity based at Yale University. Thegod of Fremasonry is Lucifer, the Light Bearer, the beguiling ‘angel of light’ face that Satan presents to his acolytes. The British like to refer to him as Helios or Apollo, the sun god of Greek mythology.

The Queen of England may or may not adhere to all of the beliefs and doctrines of Freemasonry, but her Christmas Messages are profoundly Masonic. She clearly rejects the deity of Christ and cannot be regarded as a Christian. In reality, she is a senior member of a pagan ruling caste that is gradually bringing the world ever closer to a One World Government and a One World Religion.

The Inventors of the Climate Change Scam: The Club of Rome

The Inventors of the Climate Change Scam: The Club of Rome

What is the Club of Rome?

“The Club of Rome is a platform of diverse thought leaders who identify holistic solutions to complex global issues and promote policy initiatives and action to enable humanity to emerge from multiple planetary emergencies.” (Source: — on the official website of the Club of Rome
“The Club of Rome is a Masonic lodge founded in 1968 on David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy. The Member Squadron is a traditional collection of grandiose reformers with heads of state, UN bureaucrats, leading politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists and big business leaders. A collection from all over the world with a strong side of rich Western “elite”. This political lodge also brings together multi-billionaires in the Rockefeller, Rothschild and Soros families along with political chameleons such as Anders Wijkman and industrial magnates such as the now deceased oil businessman Maurice Strong.” (Source: Club Of Rome: The Origin Of Climate And Population Alarmism )

The second definition is from Technocracy News which calls “Conspiracy-Pseudoscience.” LOL!

I fact-checked and this is what I came up with:

“Mediabiasfactcheck has been repeatedly caught in lies and distortion of truth. Repeated claims that have proven false about Covid alone are enough to quit using them. Takes going to court to get them to correct lies they publish. It is a totally discredited, self-styled ‘fact-checker’ site that has been served with a ‘cease and desist’ legal notice for publishing unsubstantiated and defamatory claims against Principia Scientific International (PSI).” (Source:

David Icke and Dr. John Coleman talk a lot about the Club of Rome, but because I don’t trust information from either of those guys, I won’t use any of their materials. Coleman talked about the Club of Rome as a governing body giving orders, but I see it more as a think tank.

I consider the most reliable source of information about globalists’ plans that do not have the good of the general public in mind to be right out of publications of the globalists themselves. The following quotes are from a PDF file of a Club of Rome publication entitled: “The First Global Revolution – A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome written in 1991 by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider. You can click the link to download the PDF file.

Quotes from the publication of the Council of the Club of Rome

From page 108 of the PDF file:

The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. States have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by designating external enemies. The scapegoat practice is as old as mankind itself. When things become too difficult at home, divert attention by adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.

From page 115 of the PDF file:

The Common Enemy of Humanity Is Man

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came ​up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global ​warming (now called climate change), water shortages, famine and the like would ​fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions ​these phenomena do constitute a common threat ​which demands the solidarity of all peoples.

Climate change is controversial even among scientists, but you probably didn’t know that by listening to the mainstream media. One of my friends was surprised when I called Climate Change a scam and offered evidence from a scientist, Dr. John G. Hartnett, from his website. Please see Climate change study on coral reef fish was ‘100 per cent wrong’

Researching controversial organizations and topics such as the Club of Rome and Climate Change requires spiritual discernment, and that comes from knowing the written Word of God in the Bible and a good relationship with God through obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 1:7  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge:..

Also see: Elitists have created the myth of climate change to eliminate national sovereignty

LGBTQ Activists Attacking the Truth of Genesis 1:27

LGBTQ Activists Attacking the Truth of Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.- Genesis 1:27

I first found this article in 2016 and got the first few paragraphs from it. Unfortunately the original article is not longer on line.

What you may have been suspecting has been confirmed. LGBTQ activists’ end goal is not ruling over the bathroom. It’s obliterating the family. Riki Wilchins, a famous transsexual who recently wrote a piece in the gay publication The Advocate, revealed that many conservatives and even LGBT activists are missing the forest for the trees.

“We’ll Win the Bathroom Battle When the Binary Burns,” Wilchins says the real goal is to kill the notion of male and female altogether. The “binary” refers to gender distinction, and getting rid of the “heterobinary structure” is the goal. Wilchins writes that the fact that we are arguing over male and female facilities is proof that we still have far to go–that there should be no gender distinctions in general.

In fact, Wilchins points to an emerging group of people who don’t want to affiliate as any gender. Life Site News explains, “’Non-binary’ people don’t identify as male or female and they often want to be referred to as ‘they’ or ‘hir’ or ‘zer.’ So the fact that there are even intimate facilities that reflect the “binary” truth about gender should change, Wilchins wrote.”

If you are confused, you are not alone. But beneath all of the titles and non-titles, the insidious plan is the destruction of the family, reveals Stella Morabito, senior contributor to The Federalist.

A Poem: Just Let It Pass

A Poem: Just Let It Pass

Do you think life is hard for you? Are people treating you unfairly? This lady has to stand all day in freezing cold just to earn a living by selling beans and fish!

This morning I was inspired by the following poem. Just think what a happier world it would be if we all lived this! Our physical and mental health has a lot to do with our relationship with our Creator and the people we come in contact with on a daily basis.

Truly great folks never stoop
To answer petty things;
The unkind word, the bitter cut
That rankles deep and stings.
They are too big to notice them,
They simply pass them by,
And even with a smile sometimes
Or twinkle in the eye.
For they have found that after all
‘Twas better in the end
To meet it with a smile, and then,
Just let it pass, my friend.

Read more from Virginia Brandt Berg

A Face to Face Encounter with Bigfoot / Sasquatch

A Face to Face Encounter with Bigfoot /  Sasquatch

This is a partial repost from It’s the best testimonial I know of that proves Bigfoot / Sasquatch is a spiritual/demonic entity that can manifest itself in the physical realm we live in.

The man who experienced the encounter with Bigfoot doesn’t state his name. He’s called “Shenk” by one of his co-workers.

Whitehall, New York – 1989

There are those who follow Bigfoot / Sasquatch news and research that believe it to be an elusive species of primate. Keeping an open mind, I believe such biological creatures very well may exist. Just the same, some who follow Bigfoot or Sasquatch news get insultingly angry at my personal accounting of this creature as it’s not a version of the topic that they want to believe. Well, you will get that.

The small Adirondack Mountain town of Whitehall, New York is among places renowned for “Bigfoot” sightings. I did not know of this when I was assigned to that town as the active-duty training sergeant for its National Guard unit. What follows is my accounting of something that occurred to me shortly after my arrival there.

The Setting

My first apartment in Whitehall was a duplex located on the outer edge of the small village at the end of a quiet, dead-end street named Champlain Avenue. The setting was quite plain – not the setting one might expect for the event I am going to relate.

My apartment was small – but adequate for me. The downstairs was a new kitchen that opened to the back yard, the living room was an extension of the kitchen and had spiral stairs in one corner that led up to a solitary bedroom with a bathroom attached – everything was new – or at least newly remodeled. My backyard opened out into a vast swampland.

The Encounter

I recall that night well. It was mid-week. I had come home from work, had dinner, then spent a couple hours practicing classical guitar – reading it off sheet music and trying to master some of the simpler scores from Bach or Chopin. This was a hobby I was passionate about then, and to a lesser extent – now. I need to make it clear up front that I did not do illegal drugs then or now. I don’t personally care for drugs. Regardless, even if I had wanted to do drugs, I was in the active-duty army and was drug tested periodically. I took my career seriously and considered myself a professional soldier. I say all this because this little story is about to get wild. What follows is exactly what happened to me late that night. In truth, this encounter bothers me some to this day just to recall the events.

So on this particular night, after finally tiring of guitar playing, I went upstairs to bed around 10 or 11PM. Note I hadn’t been dreaming at all that I could recall and I had no issues going on when I went to bed earlier; it was a routine, quiet night – until this incident.

Suddenly, I awoke and I found myself laying there in bed flat on my back and I was weeping and sobbing hard – unnaturally hard. Thing is, as I was weeping I was totally bewildered because I had no clue at all as to why I was weeping. I was not thinking of anything gloomy or sad but yet was permeated to my soul with an overwhelming sense of dread and gloom. I recall thinking,

“Why am I doing this? What is going on?”

Yet I could not stop myself and I lay there on my back and I wept and cried and I could not move – could not turn or lift my head or body. My face was actually aching from crying and I let out a steady stream of whimpers as the tears flowed from my face soaking the pillow. It was unnatural.

It was like my mind was bound and jailed inside my head while some thing else manipulated my body and the perversion and horror of it were . . . tremendous and real. My head felt feverish and my face was soaked from the forced tears that continued to flow from my tired my eyes. I was completely unable to understand or stop what was happening.

Neither this, nor anything remotely like this, had ever happened to me before or since. I must say also that I was a devout church-going man during this time and certainly not into anything remotely ‘occult’.

As this was going on, I suddenly heard my back door that was just below me on the first floor, slam open very hard with a bang – hard enough that it shook the walls. This was the door that opened out from my kitchen facing the back yard and swamp.

With the opening of the door, I suddenly was released from my possession and stopped sobbing and lay there a moment wondering who was breaking into my place. It was 3AM. I did not know anybody that might just let themselves into my place.

I heard and mentally followed heavy and slow footsteps crossing the kitchen floor – very slowly – about as slow and lethargic sounding as the mummy in the old movies;

thump ! . . .

[sound of kitchen table getting shoved aside roughly]

thump! . . .


[sound of chair getting knocked over]

thump! . . .

Each step came down with a very solid and wall-rattling heavy thud. Whoever he was – he was large. It was all so unreal. I thought I was being burglarized at this point.

Noteworthy to this encounter is that as I lay there in my bed wide eyed and listening – I could hear my furniture getting roughly relocated as the heavy footsteps proceeded on in slow, rhythmic thuds. Then the sound of a chair being tossed aside with another crash – and now I could tell by the footsteps that it was directly below me in my living room and more furniture was heard and felt being tossed hard. He was coming to the stairs that led to where I was laying.

I had to take action at once!

I quickly got out of bed and grabbed a baseball bat that I had stashed under my bed for such emergency self-defense scenarios. The plan was that I would wait crouched at the top of the stairs and whack this man in the shins – hard – then follow up with a few more thumps and see what was going on. Smack first – ask questions later.

Right about that time, as I formulated this simple plan of action, and as I was heading over to my position by the top of the stairs, I saw something that quite literally froze me in my tracks with icy fear.

Coming up the spiral stairs towards me, gliding smoothly rather than walking, was a huge black silhouette looking form. I stood there immobilized just as I was moments before when in bed. As it ascended the stairs, coming more fully in sight, to my horror I saw the head; then the head and shoulders; and then the torso and legs – all jet back and shadowy with no detailed features. My room and the stairs were fairly lit up from a street light in front of my place that shone through the windows.

I stood there paralyzed with fear, or something made me so I couldn’t move my feet or arms. I was standing wide-eyed and paralyzed. The ball bat was there in my hands but I could not move. The thing stopped walking and glided to a stop directly in front of me – face to face – maybe just a foot between us – maybe less.

I enjoy illustrating this book and could easily draw this entity out but there is no way I care to do that. Understand, I am uneasy even writing of it. Besides, it is simple enough to physically describe.

It stood taller than my six feet. I’d say it stood around 6’3”. It was very stocky – being quite broad and thick at the shoulders and upper torso. The neck was also proportionately thick. It made no sounds or gestures as it held me transfixed in its fiery stare. I could smell a strong, eggy or sulfur-like odor as I stared back into its flaming portals that were the eyes. I was somehow held and thus forced to stare into its eyes. There were no pupils or irises; these eyes were almond-shaped and just a solid flaming red and orange; not at all unlike hot, burning coals when fanned.

Its face was a featureless jet-black cloud to me with except for its very prominent glowing eyes. The eyes actually glowed red with a light that was in no way the result of a reflection. Its arms stayed at its side and while it was in front of me it did not speak or make a sound.

It is hard to describe my state. I was horrified but that is not what kept me petrified. Like minutes earlier while I was in bed, it again exercised a possession over my body but not my thoughts as I had a heightened awareness of what was going on. Though I was desperate to get free, I was absolutely paralyzed – standing up still clutching my baseball bat with both hands but unable to wield it. There was about a foot between myself and this being that had come to see me.

My fear was near total. I say “near” because I could still think rational enough to frantically tell myself that this must be a wild dream because I clenched my eyes shut hard saying it was a dream and I was going to reopen them and find it all gone. I tried this several times but when I opened my eyes I found it was in fact no dream. I don’t know exactly how long I stood there. I know that I was there long enough to try and rationalize that this wasn’t really happening. I recall desperately thinking;

“This has to be a dream! This must be a dream!”

Unable to move, I started yelling for help as I believed my landlord was home next door but undoubtedly asleep at that hour. My cries for help came out in a pathetic, weak voice and no help came. The thing stood before me in control. As I gazed into its eyes, I thought that it seemed to like my fear – that was the feeling I had – that it was actually feeding off my fear. I was held and forced to face this thing eye-to-eye. I felt mocked and violated.

I closed my eyes again hard and this time I began to pray any prayer I could recall – the Lord’s Prayer and the 23rd Psalm. Then I plain called out to Jesus. This time, when I opened them, it was gone and I was released from the paralysis. I recall going to my bedside, dropping to my knees, and saying aloud,

“Oh my God! What was that?”

I was exhausted emotionally. I said another prayer and went to bed – trusting my safety to God and His angels. In my estimate, the whole encounter lasted around five or seven minutes.

The Aftermath

The next morning I awoke early for work. I recall as I got out of bed feeling the emotional strain of the night before yet on me. I felt emotionally beat up and traumatized. I sat on my bedside and thought again, “My God, what was that last night?” I decided that it had to have been some kind of really wild nightmare – nothing more. That thought prevailed and I felt better as I got bathed and dressed for work.

But when I went downstairs to get breakfast I was stunned to find all my chairs and coffee table moved and knocked over, my kitchen table also knocked over and moved, and my back door was wide open; all precisely as I had heard just hours before when this being came into my place. The horror of it all hit me in a huge wave:

It wasn’t a dream!

Now I was really shaken up. Understand that this visitation was a sincerely traumatic event.

All said, I still had a job to do and I went to work that morning. When I got there, it was the usual casual morning scene among the four or five other guys that I worked with at the armory. The coffee was brewing and the men gathered around a table in the break room to read the newspaper, talk some man gossip, bust jokes, and maybe talk shop a bit. Of this scene I was a part, but not on this morning. I’d never been shaken like this in my life.

Upon entering the armory, I walked past the break room without saying a word. I must have looked pretty rough because one of the guys must have noticed the way I was looking and left the break room and followed me to my office.

He came in and said “Shenk, what’s wrong?” I told him nothing, but that I had a bad night. He kept badgering me as to what had happened and I kept telling him it was nothing – and I didn’t want to talk about it. He would not let it go – so I told him.

It’s such a wild story. I was really afraid he would think I was nuts. But he wanted to know so I told all that had happened – except for the perverse part, I never shared that with anybody until now. His reaction surprised me. He called the other few guys into my office – and now I was a bit embarrassed. Smiling, as if he had discovered something, he told me to tell the guys what had happened to me. They all stood before my desk in my office and listened. Nobody laughed or scoffed at me.

“Congratulations!” the eldest of them said. “Welcome to Whitehall.”

They said I had seen what they called Bigfoot. This was a long standing local legend – a rare but sporadically occurring phenomenon to the area. Bigfoot! Well, what else could they call it? It certainly wasn’t an animal or of flesh.

A couple weeks later, the local newspaper ran a story about several locals who had seen a large black figure with glowing red eyes in the area. I can say with all honesty, I had never in my life heard anything of Whitehall’s “Bigfoot” story prior to my own experience – there was absolutely no influence upon this experience.

(End of Shenk’s testimony.)

I have also heard of people who claimed they were abducted by aliens, and who ended the encounter suddenly like Shenk did by calling on the Name of Jesus! Jesus’s Name is powerful! He is the King of all the universe and evil spirits flee when they hear His Name!

I know that from personal experience. When I was around 10 years old, I was temporarily taken over by an evil spirit for a few seconds. It occurred once or twice a year and continued up to the time I was 20 years old and serving in the US Air Force. I could feel what the spirit must have been feeling: A feeling of total isolation, loneliness, and hopelessness. The encounters ended after I got saved and was born again through the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The next time I felt the evil spirit come on me again in early 1971, I called on the Name of Jesus and the evil spirit immediately left me! It never returned!! Thank you Jesus for deliverance from demonic forces! I think I might have picked it up at a Catholic grotto my mother took me to. I felt strange spiritual forces there.