The Story Behind the Song “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”

The Story Behind the Song “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”

Sadhu Sundar Singh

“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” is a Christian hymn that originated in Assam, India.

According to P. Job, the lyrics are based on the last words of Nokseng, a Garo man, a tribe from Meghalaya which then was in Assam, who converted to Christianity in the middle of the 19th century through the efforts of an American Baptist missionary. He is said to have recited verses from the twelfth chapter of the book of John as he and his family were killed. The formation of the martyr’s words into a hymn has been attributed to the Indian missionary Sadhu Sundar Singh. — Source:

In 1904 a Welshman ventured halfway across the world to India and he trekked up the mountains towards a remote village in the east.

He was told, “Go back! The tribe in that village is famously violent” but the Welshman ignored the warnings because even these savage headhunters should have the opportunity to hear about the mercy of God.

One Garo tribesman from the tribe Meghalaya named ‘Nokseng’ and his family heard the Gospel and received Jesus as their Savior. The good news was too good to keep to themselves and they shared the Gospel with others in the tribe.

The chief was very angry and he had the tribesman and his family dragged before the village.

“Stop following Jesus!” the chief demanded.

The tribesman replied “No I have decided to follow Jesus I am not turning back”

The chief was furious and killed the tribesman’s children.

“Stop following Jesus!” the chief insisted.

The tribesman replied “Though none go with me
I still will follow no turning back.”

The chief showed no mercy and he killed the tribeman’s wife.

“Now you will stop following this Jesus!” the chief said.

The tribesman looked the chief in the eyes and replied “The cross before me the world behind me no turning back.”

The chief could not believe his ears and he killed the tribesman.

Jesus said if a grain of wheat dies it bears much fruit and that day many of the villagers who witnessed the persecution of that tribesman and his family also decided to follow Jesus – even the chief himself became a follower of Jesus Christ.

The tribesman’s last words became the song of the village and today it is sung all around the world.

A hundred years later, you still sing this song to church.

“I have decided to follow Jesus.

No turning back, no turning back.”

Do you know that you are singing the words of a dead man who lost his children, lost his wife, and eventually lost his own life for Jesus?

How many people have you lost? Some of you might have, but the fact you are reading this means you still have your own life. Why falter in faith when you lose the little things you value on this Earth? Why do you threaten yourself to stop following Jesus when hardships come? Why do you deny Christ’s Lordship over your life when your friends are around?

You can lose your job.

Lose a loved one.

Lose all your friends.

Lose an exam.

Lose a great opportunity.

Lose a romantic interest.

You can lose literally EVERYTHING here on Earth, but remember Nokseng and the words he said when he lost everything:

“The Cross before me, the world behind me. No turning back.”

Friends, whether you have decided to follow Jesus this week, last month, last year, or many years ago…



Testimonies of Deliverance from Demonic Influences

Testimonies of Deliverance from Demonic Influences

An angel zapping a demon to answer a believer's prayer

My Facebook friend Kasia da Silva shared with me two marvelous testimonials of deliverance from demonic influence. This is something many preachers don’t talk about. For example, did you know that by even touching an object used in the occult such as an Ouija board you can pick up an evil hitchhiking spirit? My former pastor taught me to ask the Lord to cleanse anything I picked up from the post office before I touch it!

The Deliverance and Healing of Kasia’s Mother

I prayed for my mother to be healed of a pinched nerve that the Physical Therapist said would take 10 weeks of PT to heal (in her upper shoulder arm). She had to go for weekly sessions. So she asked me to pray for her when it first happened. She was in horrible pain. So I prayed and nothing happened. I was actually led to cast out a spirit of infirmity. Well, nothing happened and I knew I prayed in faith, so I told her there must be something else going on and left it alone.

The next evening she was in excruciating pain again (even after the Dr. Visit in which she got extra strong Tylenol. It didn’t help much). So I picked her up and brought her to my house to spend the night. I prayed for her again being led to try to cast a demon out. She was laying on the couch. I had placed my hand on her forehead and she became very pale and her skin temperature dropped to feeling suddenly cold. Then the arm that she had the injury on suddenly kept jerking uncontrollably, like someone having a seizure just on their arm. I commanded it to stop and it did then I confronted her again saying, something must be going on, and asked her to think about it during the night. Then I went to bed.

The next morning when I went downstairs she handed me a Magnetic necklace a friend from work gave her. The friend said that Magnetic jewelry had powers to heal people by balancing or affecting their energy.

Previously, a week before my mother had asked me if I thought Magnetic jewelry was Occultic. I told her that I didn’t know but I would investigate it. So when I investigated it I found out it was based on this Yin and Yang theory which is Chinese healing occultism. So I told her NOT to get involved in that.

So then so goes and accepts and wears this necklace from her friend and got the injury shortly thereafter!

After she gave me the necklace and confessed she was healed. Her Physical Therapist was shocked!

Deliverance of Kasia’s Daughter from Nail-Biting

My daughter was healed of chronic nail-biting when I finally resorted to casting a demon out. It was terrible. She had her fingers in her mouth constantly. I thought it was anxiety-related. I bought her bad-tasting nail polish. Nothing worked. I got tired of scolding her about

Then one day I had an idea. I said, while we are at it I will anoint your nails with oil and rebuke that spirit of nail-biting (for lack of knowing what to call it). So then I didn’t even think much of it as nothing happened at the time.

Then about a month later my daughter comes to me and shows me her nails and they looked nice and she said, “Mom, I stopped biting my nails. And I didn’t even try to stop. I realized I haven’t been nail-biting since my nails started growing.” I said. Wow, come to think of it, I haven’t had to yell at you about it in a while now. She hasn’t bitten her nails since.

BUT, an incident happened sometime later when my daughter came into my room at night saying she was scared. So then we talked about what could be wrong and she said she was having strange sensations on her legs and it felt like something crawling under her skin. I thought that was really weird. So then she said. “It feels like the SAME sensation I used to feel under my nails when I was doing the nail-biting.”

I said, “You were feeling a weird sensation under your nails?”

She said, “Yeah, I thought everybody felt that.”

I said, “No, I never felt things crawling under my nails.”

She said, “Well, it moved to my legs!!”

So then I realized that I only commanded the demon off her nails and commanded it to stop her from nail-biting BUT I never cast it out of her.

So then I commanded it to come OUT of her totally. And nothing appeared to happen at the moment. So she got up to go back to her room and suddenly ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Well, ever since she threw up those strange sensations of things crawling under her skin are gone.

I think she might have got these in the first place generational from my mother who had been into the Occult and my Great grandmother who had been an actual Medium.

When I was a new Christian I specifically denounced all generational witchcraft and commanded all demons out of my life AND I did not dive into Spiritual gifts for this reason. Due to the generational garbage, I didn’t want any imposter Spiritual gifts so I stuck strictly to the Bible and wasn’t even interested and did not even pursue them until at least 5 years later. I would rather have good Bible foundations. I am still Bible first, spiritual gifts tested and scrutinized second.

The Origin of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Doctrine

The Origin of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Doctrine

By Mark Williams.

How did the pretribulation doctrine come about? A brief rundown would go something like this:

In 1591 a Jesuit priest named Francisco Ribera wrote a 500-page commentary on the grand points of Babylon and the antichrist, the object being to set aside the Protestant teaching that the Papacy is the antichrist. In his commentary, he assigned the first chapters of Revelation to the first century. The rest he restricted to a literal three and a half years at the end of time, BEFORE the resurrection. He taught that the Jewish temple would be rebuilt by a single individual antichrist that would abolish the Christian religion, deny Christ, pretend to be God, and conquer the world. Thus was laid the foundation for Dispensationalism.

In 1812 another Jesuit priest, named Emmanuel Lacunza, started teaching that there would be a 45-day tribulation period, AFTER Christ’s coming.

In 1826 Edward Irving translated Lacunza’s book and published it in 1827. Sometime after that, Irving started to teach a three-and-a-half-year tribulation after Christ’s coming.

In 1830, a man named John Darby of the Plymouth Brethren started teaching a seven-year tribulation period. He came to America seven times to promote his teaching. When George Muller of Bristol came up against the Dispensationalist doctrines of the Brethren movement, he severed all connection with it. “The time came,” he said, “when I had to either part from my Bible or part from John Darby. I chose to keep my precious Bible.”

So in 1812, we see the teaching of a 45-day tribulation after the rapture.

Around 1827 Edward Irving taught a three and a-half-year tribulation after the rapture. Then in 1830, the final turn to a seven-year tribulation after the rapture. Others picked up on this new doctrine and added to it.

In 1909, C. I. Scofield published the Scofield Reference Bible. His dispensational notes were mixed in with the verses of the Bible so well that if you didn’t know better, you would think they were part of the Holy Scriptures. Over two million copies of his Bible were sold with this new dispensational teaching. Scofield, although not a Plymouth Brethren, was a devoted disciple of John Darby.

After that, W. E. Blackstone wrote a book titled Jesus Is Coming Again. A millionaire financed sending several hundred thousand copies of this book to missionaries throughout the world.

After Israel became a nation in 1948, prophecy teachers sprung up like wildfire, teaching that the Second Coming would happen approximately forty years after Israel became a nation. They got this belief from misinterpreting the word “generation” in Matthew 24. Hundreds of books were written on this subject. People learned about this new doctrine, not from the Bible, but from these so-called prophecy books.

Today Dispensationalism has become the generally accepted belief of the Fundamentalist wing of popular Protestantism.

In his tract, “Who is the Antichrist?” a former Catholic priest, Joseph Zacchello, says: “The Jesuits were the first ones to introduce a new theory in order to divert men’s minds from perceiving the fulfillment of the prophecies of the antichrist in the papal church. The Jesuit Ribera brought out the futuristic system, which asserts that the antichrist is yet to appear.” And to this statement, he adds: “Protestants who advocate the futuristic system are pleasing the pope and are playing into the hands of Rome.”

The teaching that the Church is to be raptured to heaven just prior to a time called the great tribulation was not known prior to the 1800s. It’s amazing with all the writings left to us from early Christians on the rapture, all agreed that if there is going to be a tribulation at the end of time, the Church would go through it. Since no voice spoke out in favor of a pre-tribulation rapture, the only conclusion possible is that the Church did not teach this in the beginning and that it should not be teaching it now.


This material was condensed down from hundreds of pages of notes just to give you a quick insight into the problem we are facing today. If we continue to curl up into a ball and keep our mouths shut because somebody might get their feelings hurt, the original truth that was taught by Jesus and his apostles, will one day vanish.

I’m not saying that we should go out and create war with those who disagree, but we should, in a loving manner, spread the whole truth of the Gospel. And if it were only on the last days, it would be easier for me to keep my mouth shut. But Satan has caused Christians to pervert his truth in dozens of chapters throughout the Bible.

It’s sad to think that a large part of God’s Church teaches that the Abrahamic covenant is yet to be fulfilled and yet the Bible teaches it has been fulfilled to the very letter. It’s sad to see Christians teaching that Jesus Christ isn’t reigning now when a simple study of the Bible shows he is and that Jesus is reigning from David’s throne now just as the Scriptures foretold. It’s sad to see Christians misleading the world into believing that after Christ comes back, there will still be a chance for salvation, and again, the Bible says no such thing. Friends, the Bible warns against believing in false doctrine, and yet to many, it’s not a problem. I believe that Christians can come together with a more unified understanding of the Scriptures, but only if we take the time to study amongst ourselves and not be afraid to ask questions or get our feelings hurt. Our goal should be stamping out false doctrine and becoming unified in Christ Jesus. Remember, we are commanded to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Now if you still disagree with my notes, I would love to hear what you have to say and I promise to keep an open and honest heart. I for one do not want to stand face to face with Jesus only to find out that I’ve been deceived my whole life and neither should you.

Homosexuality — The Biblical Viewpoint

Homosexuality — The Biblical Viewpoint

Gay pride parade in Israel

Because June is gay pride month, I am reposting this article to give my viewers a biblical perspective of the subject. The article was written sometime in the 1990s, but it’s not dated by any means.

Compiled and edited by The Christian Digest Staff

The issue of homosexuality has been in the news a great deal lately. Some people profess it or support it, many people think homosexuals should at least have certain rights, privileges and benefits, and a few others actively campaign against homosexuality.

This Christian Digest will examine the issue of homosexuality from a Biblical standpoint, delving into gay lifestyles, practices and inroads into modern society, in an attempt to discover why God equated the practice of homosexuality with the ancient wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.–Why homosexuality (Sodomy) and those who flaunt it are abhorrent in His sight.

What the Bible Says about Sodomy

“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”–Lev.18:22, 20:13.

“There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a Sodomite of the sons of Israel.”–Deut.23:17

“Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, Who is blessed for ever. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet (AIDS and a multitude of sexual diseases). And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”–Rom.1:24-32

“Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind (“homosexuals” in other translations of the Bible), for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine.”–1Tim.1:9-10.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (“male prostitutes” in modern versions of the Bible), nor abusers of themselves with mankind (“homosexual offenders”), nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”–1Cor.6:9-10.

“And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly.”–2Pet.2:6.

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”–Jude 1:7,8,17-19.

The starting point for understanding both human sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular should be the account of the creation of man and woman in Genesis 1 and 2. Chapter 1 deliberately notes that the man made in God’s image was created male and female, connecting this with the command to reproduce (Gen. 1:27,28). In Chapter 2 sexuality is also related to companionship; the loneliness of man is remedied not by the creation of another man, but by the addition of the woman (Gen.2:21,22). The Lord emphasises this repeatedly in both the Old and New Testament. “Have ye not read that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female? For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh.”–Mat.19:4,5.

The creation of male and female, of husband and wife who bear children together, was meant to be a beautiful physical illustration of the Lord’s relationship with His Bride, the Church, out of which would come new souls for His Kingdom. A homosexual relationship, on the other hand, negates the great illustration God has ordained, and is totally sterile. Couples are ideally to “be fruitful and multiply,” since “children are an heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward” (Gen. 1:28; Psa.127:3). A homosexual relationship is totally against God’s plan for man and His Church.

Church Leaders Speak Out on Sodomy

St. Augustine said in his “Confessions”: “Those shameful acts against nature, such as were committed in Sodom, ought everywhere and always to be detested and punished. If all nations were to do such things, they would (equally) be held guilty of the same crime by the law of God, which has not so made men that they should use one another in this way.”

Thomas Aquinas said homosexual practices “…are always an injury done to the Creator, whether or not any offence is at the same time committed against one’s neighbour, since they violate His creative intent for human behaviour and destroy the beauty of His work.”

Luther considered the prevalence and toleration of homosexual activity among the clergy as one of the worst symptoms of decay in the church, a product of human failure to know and honour the true God. In his “Lectures on Romans,” Luther observes on Romans 1:24: “From this text we may therefore deduce that if someone surrenders to these passions, it is a sure sign that he has left the worship of God and has worshipped an idol, or he has turned the truth of God into a lie (Rom.1:25). Those who do not `see fit to acknowledge God’ (Rom.1:28) are branded in this way, that they are permitted to fall into all kinds of vices.”

Billy Graham has commented: “No matter how we may rationalize the practice (of homosexuality) as a viable alternative to heterosexual relationships, the reference in Romans 1 makes it clearly the product of a reprobate mind.”

God’s Judgements on Sodomy Throughout History

Homosexuality is almost as old as Man. The first specific mention in recorded history (other than that implied in the story of Noah, Ham and Canaan) concerns Lot and the well-known cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, over 4,000 years ago. The Bible tells in graphic detail how the men of Sodom tried to sexually molest the angelic messengers of God, who looked like men, as they came to warn Lot to flee the city before its impending destruction. God was so furious that not just Sodom, but the entire civilisation in the 100-square-mile Valley of Siddim was annihilated! The word Sodomy (men practicing sex with men) has since become a byword for homosexuality and is obviously derived from that ancient evil city.

Another Bible example of the terrific judgments of God upon a whole people because of homosexuality is found in Judges 19:15-30; 20:1-11, 37-46. After some years, the Israelites forgot the severe warnings given in Leviticus 18:22-30, and multitudes of the tribe of Benjamin began to indulge in Sodomy. A wayfaring stranger lodged overnight in one of their cities and, as happened in Sodom, the Sodomites surrounded the house, demanding to have intercourse with him. They sexually abused his concubine (female slave or mistress) all night long, leaving her for dead. The tribe of Benjamin then refused to hand over these wicked Sodomites for judgment, and as a result, almost the entire tribe of Benjamin–25,000 men–were slain by the sword.

By the 8th century B.C., the Prophet Isaiah spoke out against the leaders of Israel just before their captivity, warning that they had incurred the wrath of God because they not only practiced the sin of Sodom but were flagrantly open about it (Isaiah 3:8,9). He culminated his prophetic indictment by proclaiming, “Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves.” In other words, the fall of Israel and its subsequent scattering was caused by their Sodom-like sins–including homosexuality. In fact, verse 12 states, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” The Hebrew word for women, who ruled Israel at that time, is most interesting. Some dictionaries translate it “womenlike men,” or “effeminate,” while others render it “men who act like women.” In other words, Israel’s government had been invaded by homosexuals, thus invoking the judgment of God on the nation.

Judah, the southern tribe under the leadership of King Hezekiah and the preaching of the Prophet Isaiah, turned to God and repented of their national sins; consequently, they were spared the captivity that befell the ten tribes of Israel, but less than 150 years later they again turned to the sins and corruptions of the nations surrounding them until Jerusalem was destroyed and they were led into the Babylonian captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar. In the sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel, he condemns Judah for being a sister to “Sodom” (verses 46-48) and accuses them of being even worse than Sodom. Evidently, one of the rampant sins of the Hebrew people at that time, like that of Sodom before her, must have been homosexuality.

Historians are well-versed in the bisexuality of Grecian culture just three and four hundred years before Christ. Socrates was a practicing homosexual, as were most of the Greek leaders and philosophers. Plato penned an entire section in his Symposium exalting homosexual “love.” Even Alexander the Great, often thought to be the greatest military leader of all time, had both male and female lovers. Because Greece was a small country with enormous expansionist ideas, childlessness was made illegal but homosexuality was widely accepted. The Greek warriors spent much of their lives away from home–with their lovers at their side. They felt that homosexuality helped to produce battlefield valor since they fought so fiercely to protect their lovers. This didn’t keep the Grecian empire from falling to Rome, of course.

Historians verify that homosexuality was rampant in the days of Rome, particularly in the upper echelons of leadership. Sutonius, in his book The Twelve Caesars, indicated that fourteen out of the first fifteen emperors of Rome were homosexuals. The book chronicles the lives of these Caesars in detail, revealing their homosexual lifestyle and demonstrating how it permeated the empire. King Nikodimes had none other than Julius Caesar as his bed partner, exulting on one occasion that he was “the queen’s partner and rival in the royal bed.” Caesar Augustus, it is charged, sold his services for 3,000 gold pieces. He even softened the hair on his legs so he would be more desirable to his lovers. Tiberius, a sadist, adopted young boys and used them cruelly. Nero seduced little boys; one, it is said, particularly met his fancy, so he had him castrated, put a bridal veil on him, and married him in an official ceremony. After the death of Nero, the next Caesar adopted the lad and continued the relationship. The baths of Caracalla in Rome were not significantly different from homosexual baths of today; you could get a bath, sex, or both. No wonder both Gibbon and Toynbee concluded that homosexuality was one of the moral sins that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire. Part of that deterioration included a population decline due to homosexuality.

Homosexuality has found its way, however secretly for fear of discovery, through many cultures and civilizations. During the last three decades there has been a tremendous increase in homosexuality; now some of its advocates claim there are 20 million in the United States alone. They say that being a homosexual or a lesbian is completely natural and normal, and that everyone opposed to it is “homophobic” or suffering from “homophobia.” Let’s examine what the “natural and normal” homosexual lifestyle entails.

Sexual promiscuity: Moral fidelity among homosexuals is almost unknown. Despite what the gay rights people would like to have you believe about the acceptability of their lifestyle, the homosexual way of life commonly involves “cruising” or some other form of search for young, fresh sexual partners. During the course of one research study on AIDS, it was discovered the average homosexual interviewed had had 550 sexual partners. The AIDS victims averaged 1,100 different sexual partners, with some reporting as many as 20,000. This means that every day sexually addicted homosexuals are out looking for attractive young men and boys whom they can introduce to the world of sodomy and oral sex. One homosexual quoted in The Gay Report said, “Sex is very important in my life. If I was really hungry and had to make a choice of a steak dinner or a cute young boy, I would take the youth or young male every time.” Another said, “I think that sex between older men and young boys is a beautiful thing if the child wants it.”

It has been argued that heterosexuals are more prone to molest children because only 30 to 45 percent of all sexual offenses committed against children under fourteen were homosexual. But if homosexuals constitute only 10 percent of the population, then they are very disproportionately involved in child sexual abuse. And if more realistic estimates that homosexuals constitute only 2 percent of the population are correct, their involvement in 30 to 45 percent of crimes against children is quite remarkable!

An insatiable quest for the erotic: Although the homosexual community does not discuss this aspect of their sex life freely with “straight” (non-homosexual) people, the known practices of the homosexual clearly indicate that his sex drive is rarely satisfied. And two men are often given to demanding greater degrees of experimentation than a man and woman. This is often unhealthy, of course. One doctor, an acknowledged homosexual, pointed to an increase in hospital emergency rooms of cases of “rectal abscesses and infections of the intestines.” He further stated that “damage to the wall of the intestine can lead to peritonitis, which can develop into a life-and-death-situation, as can a ripped colon. We’re seeing a lot of that now, too.” Upon questioning, he indicated that this increase was caused by homosexuals forcing objects of larger and larger size into each other’s anal canal. Doctors have removed “whiskey glasses, bananas, coke bottles” and almost “anything that will fit.” Another doctor, deeply concerned about the homosexual community because he was one himself, said, “There’s a near epidemic of syphilis and gonorrhea–in the throat,” and he went on to point out that most homosexuals don’t realize that the throat is as vulnerable to venereal disease as the rectum. In addition to syphilis and gonorrhea, the gay male community has experienced outbreaks of ailments such as hepatitis (a liver infection) and amebiasis (infection from amoebas), shigellosis (bacterial dysentery), and giardiasis (intestinal parasites).

Not even AIDS slows down many homosexuals. According to two recent studies by the American Psychiatric Association, even if a homosexual has AIDS, he probably won’t stop his compulsive behaviour. The majority of the participants in both studies did not change their high-risk activities even after learning they were infected with the virus. Their sexual activities then take on the aspect of mass murder, since AIDS is transmitted by sex and is almost always fatal. “Patient Zero,” a homosexual airline attendant who apparently launched the AIDS epidemic in the U.S., intentionally infected people until he died.

Studies have shown, by the way, that 75% to 90% of AIDS cases can be attributed to homosexual contact between men, despite a great deal of media hype about “heterosexual AIDS.” In one Australian study, figures available in February 1990 suggest that over 88% of those who have died from AIDS in Australia have been homosexual or bisexual men (National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research 1990). Of the remaining percentages, 5% of AIDS deaths were from blood transfusions, 3% from drugs and 3.8% from other causes.

Bestiality is also increasingly common in the burgeoning homosexual community. Charles Shively, a prominent homosexual, wrote an article for the gay Fag Rag entitled, “Bestiality as an Act of Revolution.” The Gay Report, a widely read and lauded book in the homosexual community, reports positive testimonials with no apparent shame and no adverse comments from those having sex with a variety of animals. According to a survey of the gay community, sexual stimulation by or with an animal, including pets and farm animals, was within the experience of 13% of the men, who had tried it at least once.

One of the alarming practices that comes out of this insatiable quest for the erotic is sadomasochism. In recent years doctors have reported an increase of patients who obviously have been brutalized during sex practices, in some cases resulting in murder or accidental death. In his book “Gay Manifesto,” originally published in 1969 and reprinted in Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay Liberation, Carl Wittman declared that sadomasochism “when consensual can be described as a highly artistic endeavour, a ballet, the constraints of which are the thresholds of pain and pleasure.”

The “coming out” of homosexuals is old news now. The latest news is the “coming out” of the SM community in Europe (the Sadomasochists or “leathermen”), a move which is heartily supported by the gay community, as they are, of course, part of this too. Many experts view homosexuality as the beginner’s phase of sadomasochism anyway, since a large percentage of homosexuals in their bid for the “ultimate sexual climax” will go to ever greater lengths to achieve satisfaction for their perverted sexual appetites.

Statistics indicate that rape occurs with alarming frequency in the gay male community. 18% of the responders to a survey among gays said they had been raped. There were several men who filled out the survey who might be called “rapists,” or who at least stated they had forced others to have sex with them; 4% said they had raped or forced another man.

Are Sodomites Really Born that Way?

Many studies have tried to prove that homosexuality is simply inborn. Homosexuals have claimed that it’s a hormone condition, that it’s hereditary, or that it’s “just natural,” as it seems to take place in the animal world. Let’s examine each of these arguments:

1. Scientists who have run extensive tests on male and female homosexuals have found their hormonal level to be the same as heterosexuals. After studying androsterone and the effects of estrogen therapy, two doctors writing in the John Hopkins Medical Journal reported that “when extremely effeminate males (homosexual or heterosexual) have been tested by these means, they have shown entirely normal hormone levels.” Other tests have verified these findings, and some have uncovered an even higher ratio of male hormones in homosexuals than in heterosexuals. To date there is no scientific evidence to support the notion that homosexuality is a hormone condition.

Researcher Simon LeVay, himself a homosexual, has recently tried to prove that homosexual brains are different from heterosexual ones. However, many technical aspects of his study are subject to question, as LeVay himself concedes. Although he found minute differences in the brains of heterosexual and homosexual men, it’s possible that the difference is the result rather than the cause of homosexuality. “My freshman biology students know enough to sink this study,” declared Anne Fausto-Sterling, professor of medical science at Brown University in Rhode Island.

2. Another highly publicised conjecture was that homosexuality is a hereditary condition, but work done by recent geneticists has overwhelmingly refuted the idea. Not only has the view that homosexuality is a chromosomal anomaly been overthrown, but so also have many of the alleged “scientific” methods once used to bolster the view. Techniques developed for viewing all the chromosomes of a cell in connection with chromatin-sexing studies have found no abnormality relating to homosexuality. In other words, it’s not hereditary. If it were an inborn condition, why couldn’t any other sexual preference be inborn, including pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, violent rape, etc.?

3. Finally, the last plank of the theory of homosexuality’s biological “normality” has been removed by the most advanced ethological studies, which have shown homosexuality to be uniquely human. For years it was popular to think that many animals engage in homosexual practices, but recently the evidence for such a view has been found to rest on faulty observations. The fact is that no mammal in its natural state seeks and prefers same-sex sexual gratification. This is found uniquely among human homosexuals. Therefore, among many contemporary scientists the theory that homosexuality is a biological condition (congenital, hereditary, or constitutional) is deemed a theory without support, a conjecture demolished by hard empirical evidence. Homosexuals are made, not born!

God’s Word teaches that homosexuality is not “natural” at all. Whatever physical factors may influence it, homosexuality cannot be viewed as inborn. It is artificial and learned, contrary to what a man is by God’s creation. The occasional homosexual defense, “I can’t help it,” cannot be acceptable in light of the Word of God. Homosexuality is not a cross to be borne, but a pattern of behaviour to be thrown off with the old man and his lusts.

Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., objects to this synonym for homosexuality by saying, “Gay used to be one of the most agreeable words in the language. Its appropriation by a notably morose group is an act of piracy.” “Gay” isn’t gay for the majority of homosexuals, not even some of the time. It is more of a propaganda word than a definition, an illusion to hide the loneliness their way of life imposes upon them.

If from 2 to 6 percent of the U.S. population is homosexual, then homosexuals face a suicide rate several times higher than that of the straight community. One writer claims that 50 percent of the suicides in America can be attributed to homosexuality. Homosexuals themselves were asked, “Have you ever attempted or seriously contemplated suicide?” and yes answers were given by 40% of the men and 39% of the women. 53% of the men and 33% of the women who had attempted suicide said it was related to their homosexuality. (Despite this survey, however, many homosexuals and even authorities try to blame their suicides on religious values that condemn homosexuality. A recent report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services blames “traditional religion” for gay youth suicides and demands that Christians in particular accept homosexual behaviour as normal. It even suggests that those who refuse to alter their theology should be punished by the law.)

Leaders of the gay liberation movement use every modern means at their disposal to flood the minds of today’s youth with the notion that homosexuality is a “gay” lifestyle. To help counteract this devious concept, here are several reasons why “gay” isn’t gay:

  1. Loneliness. Murray Nonis, a reporter who has studied the California homosexual scene, states: “One of the biggest problems with homosexuals is their own loneliness. In homosexuals’ own publications, in the writings of psychiatrists who treat them, in the words of the ministers who try to help them, there is this constant repetition of the loneliness of the homosexual life.” This loneliness has led many homosexuals into drugs and alcoholism. One psychologist said, “Not every alcoholic is a homosexual, but every homosexual is an alcoholic.”
  2. Deceit. Only two options are open to homosexuals. They can “come out,” announce their homosexuality to the world, and face the rejection and ridicule that many people subject them to, or they can hide it, which is the way all homosexuals begin and which remains the lifestyle of the majority. Anyone “in the closet” about his homosexuality must learn deceit to keep his closet door closed.
  3. Guilt. A natural stigma of shame and guilt seems to be attached to homosexuality. The psychological community tries to blame that on culture or religion, but it is so basic and consistent that we must find a better explanation: It is intuitive and God put it within them.
  4. Strong tendency toward selfishness. A Chicago psychiatrist reports, “The two most selfish clients I deal with are the alcoholic and the homosexual. Of the two, I think homosexuals are prone to be the more selfish.”
  5. Produces poor health and an early death. Dr. Daniel Cappon, a Canadian psychiatrist at the University of Toronto, has treated several hundred homosexuals. In his book Toward an Understanding of Homosexuality, he states, “Homosexuality, by definition, is not healthy or wholesome… The homosexual person, at best, will be unhappier and more unfulfilled than the sexually normal person. There are emotional and physical consequences to this protracted state of mental dissatisfaction. At worst, the homosexual person will die younger and suffer emotional, mental and physical illness more often than the normal person. The natural history of the homosexual person seems to be one of frigidity, impotence, broken personal relationships, psychosomatic disorders, alcoholism, paranoia psychosis, and suicide…”
  6. Increased hostility. A large percentage of homosexuals reveal an excessive amount of hostility. Anger is a natural defense response to rejection. This could explain why many homosexuals are hostile at police “for infringing on their rights,” at psychiatrists for calling them “mentally ill,” at the church for labeling them “sinners,” or at straights for calling them “perverts” or “deviates.” Many are openly hostile toward all who oppose or disapprove of them, and remain in a state of constant discontent. And angry people are not “gay” people.

Homosexual Anger, Violence and Crime?

Gays have become increasingly militant and violent. One graphic example of this is how the homosexual community viciously harassed and badgered singer Anita Bryant and her husband a number of years ago after Ms. Bryant took a public stand against a Dade County, Florida, proposal that would give special legal status to homosexuals. Followed from city to city by gays, Anita and her manager/husband Bob Green received repeated death warnings, had concert after concert broken up by bomb threats and were locked out of contracts to perform. Even now, years later, they are often harassed by gays at their public appearances.

This propensity for violence can also lead to crime. A northern California police officer assigned to the vice squad said that homosexual crimes in San Francisco have “doubled in the last three years. Over 40 percent of all violent crimes in San Francisco involve homosexuals.” If that is true, their violent crime rate must be five or six times that of the straight community.

More than any other organisation, ACT UP (“AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power”) has become the voice of gay rage. ACT UP uses tactics that shock and often offend many Americans. The group has halted trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange to protest drug pricing by pharmaceutical companies, staged traffic jams from Boston to San Francisco, disrupted Congress, tossed stink bombs in the hallways of the Capitol Building, and even necked in Jesse Helm’s Capitol Hill office. At St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York shortly before Christmas one year, one member stomped on a Communion wafer–a desecration of what Roman Catholics believe to be the body of Christ. At the St. Patrick’s incident, leaflets attacked the “fanatic followers” of a church that “teaches hatred” and a cardinal who “wants to obliterate us” and “fosters genocide.”

ACT UP will attack those who oppose it at their office, church or home with picketing, poisonous phone calls and face-to-face abuse. Press coverage of their attacks is muted, because publishers and editors do not enjoy being harassed as anti-gay bigots and murderers. Other groups quick to defend homosexuality, sometimes violently, are Queer Nation and GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

Homosexual Inroads in Government

In most nations, Sodomy was officially against the law for hundreds of years; it is only in recent years that laws have been passed making it legal. In the Bible, the good kings “did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord” and “took away the Sodomites out of the land” (1Ki.15:11,12; 22:42-46; 2Ki.22:1,2, 23:7.) The laws of modern Man, however, are not only tolerating Sodomy, but even encouraging it! There is no longer a stigma attached to being a Sodomite; it has become a perfectly acceptable and legal “philosophy” or lifestyle.

In the last three decades, homosexuality has grown from an obscure subject, almost too embarrassing to mention, to a movement which has many political candidates falling all over themselves, trying to secure its backing without alienating their other supporters. Even “born-again” President Carter, who realized he would be elected by a thin margin, did everything he could to cultivate the homosexual vote. He promised he would move immediately to federally decriminalize Sodomy and related sexual acts. His stand was advertised to the homosexual constituency in full-page advertisements appearing in gay publications.

Former President Gerald Ford refused to cultivate the homosexual vote and lost the election by three percentage points (representing less than the registered homosexual voters). This lesson did not go unnoticed by politicians, who now cater more and more to the homosexual lobby. During the 1992 presidential campaign, a Newsweek poll reported that an amazing 40% of Americans held the issue of gay rights “very, or somewhat important” to their presidential vote. 27% felt that Bush had gone too far in opposing gay rights. Clinton, on the other hand, openly sought gay votes, and says he will lift the ban against gays in the military and sign gay rights legislation. His support was obvious at the 1992 Democratic National Convention, where 13 pro-gay speakers addressed a Madison Square Garden audience that included 108 openly gay delegates, alternates and party officials. Gay activists were as important to Clinton’s effort to get out the vote–and to his election–as the Christian Coalition was to Bush.

AIDS has done more in recent years to create sympathy for the gay community than anything else. By and large, the devastation AIDS has created has led to great sympathy in the straight world. According to a Gallup poll taken in 1990, 47% of all adults believe that homosexual relations between consenting adults should be legal, up from only 33% in 1987.
The gay community now has real political clout in the U.S., with more than 9 million voters. There are more than 61 openly gay elected officials around the U.S., compared with fewer than half a dozen in 1980. Homosexuality is certainly no hindrance to reelection: Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank disclosed his homosexuality in 1987 and was re-elected the next year by a 70% majority. The Human Rights Campaign Fund, a gay lobbying group with 60,000 members, was the ninth largest independent PAC (Political Action Committee) during the last presidential election, and contributed up to $1 million to campaigns.

* A school sex education program produced by the National Center for Health Education in New York City notes that “most people fall somewhere on a continuum between … homosexual and heterosexual orientation.” The program’s target audience: kindergarten through seventh graders. Its first-grade textbooks feature passages about “daddy’s roommate” and a girl who has “two mommies.” The books are designed to accustom first-graders to the idea of homosexual parents. This program is used in 45 U.S. states and 8,000 schools, according to a spokesman.

* Britain is following the same path in educating its children. Some children’s libraries feature books such as “Gloria Goes to Gay Pride,” about a girl with two mommies who goes to a Gay Pride meeting and how happy she is. This is just one of a series of books, part of a campaign to “change the traditionally negative and hostile environment in which young homos find themselves in school,” according to Hugh Warren of the London Gay Teenage Group.

* One of the most striking examples of homosexual influence is a sex counseling program for homosexuals in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Called “Project 10,” it is a program that has been introduced into numerous Los Angeles high schools since 1984. The aim: To target students who may be homosexual or who “express conflict over sexual orientation.” The program purports to “break the wall of silence” surrounding homosexuality. It teaches that homosexuality is simply another normal variation of sex and seeks to “develop a philosophy that is non-judgmental with regard to sexuality.” Project 10 is going strong in Los Angeles schools today, offering counseling, books and lectures on the homosexual lifestyle. “The only opposition,” said school district spokesman Shel Erlich, “is from so-called family-oriented groups who prefer to hide their heads a little bit.”

* A proposal for health education from the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene notes that “a range of sexual orientations is normal.” And in a program called “About Your Sexuality,” distributed through the Unitarian Universalist Association, junior high-age youngsters are shown explicit filmstrips that depict various homosexual acts.

* New York has a special high school for gay and lesbian youth, cross-dressers and transsexuals: Harvey Milk School. Located in Greenwich Village, which has a large gay community, Harvey Milk has two full-time teachers and two classrooms for 40 students, only a handful of whom show up at the three-story waterfront building on a given day.

* San Francisco boasts the Lesbian and Gay Parenting Group, storytelling hours for tots at gay bookstores and Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, a largely gay synagogue with a Hebrew School for members’ children.

* Gay power is burgeoning at Harvard. For the first time, an assistant dean has been delegated to deal with gay issues on campus. A tutor specializing in gay concerns has been assigned to each of Harvard’s undergraduate houses. Lesbian couples now appear at Radcliffe’s formal Senior Soiree, and gays routinely dance together at Harvard events. That can sometimes lead to friction. In February a ruckus broke out when a gay student asked the younger brother of a straight student to dance. Gay students soon after staged a “kiss-in” to protest alleged harassment.

* Homosexual teachers in Switzerland enjoy total freedom of operation and are virtually untouchable as they spread the gospel of the pleasures of gay life into the minds of unsuspecting and innocent youngsters. To illustrate how liberal thinking has become the norm among intellectuals, here’s a statement from the principal of one of the most prestigious high schools in Switzerland, Dr. Lscher: “I’m not interested in what kind of sexual beliefs my teachers subscribe to. This is their private affair. If they choose to reveal their homo or heterosexuality to their students, that’s entirely their own business. We can’t stop them from doing this! If they would `come out’ and make statements to the class like, `Some people are heterosexual, others are homosexual; personally, I fancy the homosexual way of life’, they’d be perfectly within the bounds of legality and are merely exercising their legal rights of freedom of expression.” Consequently there are several gay teachers associations which meet, convene and plot very openly how to further their cause, sowing the seeds of sodomy into the hearts of their young students. Their phone numbers are proudly advertised in brochures.

Switzerland begins its sex education classes in the 5th grade in some cantons, and addresses homosexuality very openly. The head of one education department said, “We endeavor to present our students with a liberal view of these matters (homosexuality). `Normalization’, not `Polarization’, is our concept here. We … want to present this to our students as normal and nothing out of the ordinary.”

In a recent issue of “SLZ” (an influential Swiss magazine for teachers), the writer gave a discourse on how to deal with the growing rate of youth homosexuality: “We have to learn to view youth homosexuality in a positive light. If any given youth seems to have homosexual tendencies, they should be encouraged to stand by their convictions and not feel condemned about these feelings. We advocate directing them immediately to an appropriate group or association of like-minded homosexual youth, where they can find the help and assistance they need to lead a normal life. We further suggest that more assistance and support should be given to such organizations and associations of young homosexuals, modelled after the example of the Northern European countries such as Denmark and Holland, where such associations receive substantial governmental funding and support.”

* Australian homosexuals object to the fact that “The education system presents children with a heterosexual, nuclear family oriented lifestyle model.” They insist that the education system accept and teach that homosexuality is “a normal variation of sexual behaviour.” In “Young, Gay and Proud,” a book published for high school students by the Melbourne Gay Teachers and Students Group, students are told: “You have probably been told as you have grown up that your anus is a dirty place and shouldn’t be touched. This is stupid. People should be happy with all parts of their bodies, and if they aren’t, it means they can’t like themselves very much.”

In a 1982 report on Discrimination and Homosexuality, the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board specifically recommended that non-government (including Christian) schools should be forced both to employ openly homosexual teachers and to revise curricula to present homosexual behaviour in a positive light.

Homosexual Inroads in Religion

* The Metropolitan Community Church is a church founded specifically for homosexuals, and now has over 267 churches in 11 countries. It was founded by Troy Perry, who claims to be an Evangelical, but has reported that at one of the crucial junctures in his life, an occult minister directed him by prophecy to leave the gay world and return to the Christian ministry as an active homosexual.

* One-third of the bishops of the U.S. Episcopal church now knowingly ordain homosexuals and lesbians.

* The United Church of Christ in America also knowingly ordains homosexuals and lesbians.

* The Unitarian Universalists openly welcome gay clergy.

* After three years of study and debate, a special committee of the 8.9 million-member United Methodist Church said it was unable to agree on whether homosexuality is compatible with Christian teaching. In a report to the nation’s second largest Protestant denomination, the 24-member committee did say the church should be “a place of acceptance and hospitality to all persons.”

* Homosexuality has apparently made tremendous inroads in the Roman Catholic Church. Father Andrew Greeley complained in a recent article that regard for priestly celibacy is being undermined by a “national network” of actively homosexual clergy. “In some dioceses, certain rectories have become lavender houses,” he grumbled. (Lavender is a common homosexual theme colour.) Theologian Richard McBrien of the University of Notre Dame contends that homosexuality is so widespread that “heterosexual males are deciding in ever increasing numbers not even to consider the priesthood.” Just how common is homosexuality among the Catholic clergy? A Washington Post article cited the figures of a Baltimore therapist, A.W. Richard Sipe, who, after 25 years of interviewing 1,000 priests, concluded that 20% of the nation’s Catholic clergy are gay, half of those sexually active. Sipe also estimates that 4% of priests are sexually attracted to adolescents and an additional 2% to children under 13.

Catholic spokesmen in Basel, Switzerland, commented, “We have arrived at a point where it seems unavoidable that we have to accept the officially still abnormal practice of homosexual love as normal. We can’t help but accept that love can exist between consenting homosexuals of legal age. And since the prerequisite for marriage is love, there shouldn’t be any reasons why we can’t let them marry.” (Sorry, pet-lovers, it’s still out of the question for you!) On the issue of homosexuality and Catholic priests, he said, “Since Catholic priests are supposed to abide by their vows of celibacy, it makes no difference to us whether or not a priest has homosexual inclinations or not. Even if certain tendencies are known to us, as long as we receive no complaints and things don’t get out of hand, we won’t act on this.”

* Leaders of Canada’s largest Protestant denomination, the United Church of Canada, have decided that homosexuals can be considered for the ministry.

* Many Danish theologians believe homosexuals shouldn’t be condemned for their “weakness.” One said, “No one can stamp homosexuals as degrading or non-Christian without at the same time stamping himself as being degrading and non-Christian.”

* The organization of Reform rabbis broke with 4,000 years of Jewish tradition and endorsed homosexual rabbis as qualified leaders of congregations in the United States at its 101st annual convention.

* The media spokesman for the Uniting Church in Australia said they “have every sympathy with homosexuals” and that it is only a matter of time before they ordain professing homosexuals.

* In the Anglican Church of Australia, the Archbishop of Perth ordained their first homosexual minister in 1992. This was front-page news in many Australian papers, but didn’t cause much of a reaction from the public.

* The utter contempt with which many homosexuals hold Christianity is illustrated in the first issue of Homosexual News Service, which was compiled and published by the Australian Union of Students. This newsletter contains the poem “The Love That Dare Not Speak its Name,” which was outlawed in Great Britain when the magazine that published it there was convicted of blasphemy by the British Crown prosecutor. (The poem describes a Roman centurion engaging in varied and repeated homosexual acts on the “still warm” body of Christ after it had been taken down from the Cross.) The publication of the poem was bad enough, but the reasons given by the AUS were as follows: “We reprint it not for any necessary artistic or political merit in the poem itself, but as an act of solidarity with English homosexuals and as an act of blasphemy against Christianity and all religious idiocy.”

The contempt of many homosexuals for Christianity is further illustrated by a Sydney group calling themselves the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Adopting names like Mother Inferior, Sister Malicious Intent, Sister Disgrace, Sister Ophelia Dick, they dress in nun’s habits and perform mock religious rituals at homosexual functions and rallies.

Of course, their attack on Christian freedom of belief is best illustrated, not by their act of blasphemy, but by their demands for access to Christian schools and churches as teachers, priests, and role-models.

Other Homosexual Inroads in Society

* In the last 21 years, legal battles have produced major changes in the status of gay men and lesbians. The repeal or reform of Sodomy laws has taken place in half the states of the U.S., comprising over half the nation’s population. According to a recent Gallup Poll, public tolerance for homosexuals is now higher than support for racial integration was 40 years ago. The gay community’s goal is “integration–just as it was with Martin Luther King,” says Harry Britt, president of the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco. “We want the same rights to happiness and success as the nongay.”

Most Americans now seem to feel homosexuals are entitled to those rights. An August 1992 poll by Newsweek magazine found that 78% of the public believes gay men and women should have equal rights in job opportunities. Getting down to specific jobs, 64% believed homosexuals could or should be hired as members of the president’s cabinet, 59% as members of the armed forces, 54% as high-school teachers, 51% as elementary-school teachers, and 48% as clergymen.

* More than 140,000 people marched in “Gay and Lesbian Pride” parades across the U.S. in June, 1992, on the 23rd anniversary of a police raid on a New York bar that helped fuel the gay pride movement. In the New York parade, one of the grand marshals was a homosexual with the AIDS virus recently elected to the city council. In Chicago, dignitaries and politicians joined the marchers. And in West Hollywood, California, the parade went on as planned despite two severe earthquakes in the region. More than 200 groups ranging from the Gay Bankers to the Radical Fairies to a Shriners marching band signed up for the Fifth Avenue march along a lavender line painted down the center of the parade route. The marchers included drag queens and disco floats led by the “Dykes on Bikes” brigade of motorcyclists in leather regalia.

* In the U.S. there are 1,580 gay and lesbian organisations nationwide, including political, social, activist and student groups.

* More and more, homosexuals are coming out on television. U.S. television shows such as “Cheers,” “Northern Exposure,” “Roseanne,” “The Golden Girls,” “Designing Women,” “L.A. Law” and “Thirtysomething” have all depicted non-heterosexual characters. Chris Fowler, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, or GLAAD, said television is miles ahead of films in the positive portrayal of homosexual characters. “The incidence of gay characters in episodic television series is phenomenal,” he said. Hollywood is changing its act, though. At least six major gay or AIDS-themed films are in development now.

* The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in Los Angeles is a major force in Hollywood, and many studios submit movie scripts dealing with homosexuality to them for approval before shooting takes place.

* A homosexual who was fired from his job with a Shell Oil Co. subsidiary won $5.3 million for wrongful termination in what is believed to be the largest award of its kind by a U.S. court. Jefferey Collins was fired after he prepared a “house rules” flyer for a “safe-sex” homosexual party on a company word processor and mistakenly left a copy of it in the company’s copy room, where it was found by his secretary the next day and passed on to his superior.

* Since April of 1990, a group called Queer Nation has staged mass “kiss-ins,” as they term them, at heterosexual bars and demonstrations outside the homes of accused gay-bashers. Another group, the Pink Panthers, organizes late-night patrols of Greenwich Village to protect homosexuals from assailants.

* In Florida, a prisoner has sued his jailers for more than $50,000, saying they discriminated against him by separating him from the gay lover he was arrested with.
* A society for the defense of pedophilia exists in England; it has recently been encouraged by a visiting Catholic monk who is a child psychologist. A priest who finds nothing harmful in a homosexual practice with consenting children is currently ministering to gays in the Boston area.

* A new credit card issued recently, the “Pride Card,” is the first in the U.S. designed expressly to help fund activities and causes dear to the gay community.

* Gay and lesbian literature has become one of the book industry’s hottest niches. Even the staid Book-of-the-month Club is touting homosexual titles. Many gay bookstores generate impressive revenues. Norman Laurila’s three gay and lesbian bookstores in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco gross more than $2.5 million a year, above average for specialty bookstores.

* An estimated 10,000 children in the U.S. are being raised by lesbians who conceived them by artificial insemination. Other lesbians make arrangements to have children with gay “uncles.” In New South Wales, Australia, the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby has embarked on a campaign to improve the chances of homosexual people to be able to foster or gain custody of children.

* The European Parliament has urged EC member states to abolish laws against consenting sexual relations between people of the same sex, introduce an equal age of consent for heterosexuals and homosexuals, ban the keeping of special records on lesbians and gay men by the police and other authorities, and reject the classification of homosexuality as a mental illness. An EC-wide delegation of lesbian and gay groups has also urged the European Parliament to appoint a senior official with formal responsibility for homosexual issues and liaison.

* Delegates to a 1990 International Lesbian and Gay convention in Copenhagen claimed their peers numbered up to 30 million in the 12 nations of the European Community, or 10 percent of the region’s population. Whatever the case may be in the rest of Europe, homosexuals are certainly very numerous and active in Denmark, where an estimated 10,000 homosexuals are now able to get married in Danish town halls, and benefit from many of the legal advantages given previously only to heterosexual couples.

Danish homosexuals also have various teams which specialise in going to schools, youth clubs and institutions to give speeches on the homosexual lifestyle and share details on male prostitution. For those interested in more information, there’s the homosexual library in the center of Copenhagen, which features more than 700 different gay magazines from around the World, as well as around 4,200 books and publications in Danish and other languages. Copenhagen also has a daily gay and lesbian radio show called “Rosa,” gay and lesbian saunas, discos, video centers, and a few male escort services.

* Homosexuals are setting up their own organisation in the Dutch armed forces with Defense Ministry approval. The main Dutch homosexual organisation estimates there are half a million to a million homosexuals in a population of 14.5 million people.

* Switzerland has been a leader in homosexual legislation, with laws passed as early as 1942 allowing consenting partners to “enjoy” homosexual relationships. This led to an influx of German gays and laid the foundation for the current situation in Switzerland where just about “everything goes.” With the freedom of a new sex law, any adult can entertain a homosexual relationship with a 16-year-old teenager without having to fear any repercussions or legal implications.

The gay community of Switzerland boasts about being one of the few countries in the World to have had two consecutive annual “coming out days.” “Coming out” is a phrase commonly used for the process in the life of a homosexual where he begins to confess openly and publicly his sexual leanings. On October 10, 1991, thousands of gay youth took to the streets of Switzerland and let an astonished nation know that they were a force to be reckoned with and that they were going places. In an information campaign they presented themselves as an alternate “fun” lifestyle, laced with pictures of homosexual couples having “fun” together swimming, dancing, strolling down a sidewalk, talking, discussing, or relaxing. In Basel, much to the shock of many disgusted onlookers, they presented a gay couple lying in a bed, in the middle of the street, while others were passing out leaflets to passers-by. It’s certainly no coincidence that Switzerland, with 2,500 AIDS casualties so far, leads Europe on a per capita basis.

* The Israeli Parliament (Knesset) has legalised homosexual acts between men over the age of 18 despite a Biblical ban on Sodomy.

* A recent poll by AGP Australia showed that 45% of Australians said they believed that all Australian States and Territories should remove laws that make sex between consenting adults of the same sex illegal. In their lobbying to change the laws, gay activists have insisted that even silence was discriminatory in their attempt to force organisations to make statements supporting the legalising and acceptance of homosexuality. They’ve also fought against reforms to the law which were in their favour when they felt they weren’t strong enough.

Courts have generally supported the homosexual cause. A recent front-page article in the Sydney Morning Herald announced an endorsement by the courts for a “sex on premises” homosexual club with the headlines “Gay Sex Club Gets the All-Clear.” The article went on to say, “A gay club which offers private rooms for its members to have sex is fulfilling social and public health needs.”

Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is now in its 15th year and has grown to become one of Sydney’s premier social and tourist events, promoted as being the largest such gay and lesbian event in the World. Advertising for the event features such groups as Toyota, the New South Wales police and the State Transit Authority. The Toyota ad shows two men with their dogs and a Toyota Seca. It is headed “The Family Car.” Reaction to the ads has reportedly been “overwhelmingly positive,” a situation the advertising executive puts down to a more tolerant society. “People who might have been morally aghast a few years ago appear to be far more accepting now,” he said.

In general, gays reject the “family values” that many politicians espouse nowadays. Dennis Altman, an Australian writer and academic, himself a homosexual, notes that “The homosexual represents the most clear-cut rejection of the nuclear family that exists.” He also notes that, “By and large it seems true that as long as the concept of the nuclear family remains the central reference point of social organisation, the homosexual will necessarily be excluded from society. Because of this, the radical wings of the homosexuals’ and womens’ liberation movements came together in common opposition to the nuclear family concept.” Homosexuals repeatedly and indignantly point out that, “One of the ideological functions of the family is to impose the values of heterosexuality and monogamy.”

Homosexuals are childless, of course, and most of them report feeling “very positive” about the fact. As one man interviewed in The Gay Report commented, “Straight people concerned with the problem of overpopulation ought to be happy there are gay people. Of course, some people need to continue having children, but I don’t think heterosexuals are an endangered species.” (By the way, many homosexuals contemptuously call normal males “breeders.”)


The homosexual lifestyle is directly opposite the Scriptural lifestyle, and while some homosexuals openly detest Christians, other homosexuals are secretly infiltrating the churches, schools, government and society at large to change attitudes towards sodomy. This homosexual “Trojan Horse” carries evil men who are often against Christianity, and will seek to destroy it in any way they can. Christians, beware! God’s judgments have fallen heavily on past civilisations that tolerated or promoted homosexuality.

Many homosexuals will say that this is a bigoted perspective on homosexuality. But disagreeing with homosexuals about their rights and disapproving of their behaviour does not make someone a bigot. Opposition is not necessarily a violent hatred or exaggerated fear, rooted in unfair and irrational attitudes based on blanket preconceptions; it is not an evidence of “homophobia.”

Viewing something as immoral is not the same thing as being bigoted; for example, someone who condemns the killing of innocent people is not a bigot toward murderers!

Some gays claim that those who criticise homosexuality are guilty of having a judgmental attitude. It has been said that “surely it is neither the Christian’s responsibility nor prerogative to judge other people’s lifestyles.” But when God’s Word has condemned something–in fact, made it a crime punishable by death–the Word itself, Jesus, has already judged it and found it guilty. Remember, in the Old Testament “every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense.”–Heb. 2:2. Homosexuality is so contrary to Creation and to God’s Will that every hint of wiping out the created distinction between the sexes was also forbidden. Even impersonating the other sex by one’s clothing was abominable. (Deut.22:5).

To be true to God and His Word we cannot be uncritical of or neutral toward those things Scripture prohibits. People must be warned against attitudes and behaviour that are displeasing to God. Homosexuality was so heinous that in ancient Israel it called for capital punishment. Accordingly the child of God must be repulsed and outraged at this vile behaviour: “Therefore I esteem all Thy precepts concerning all things to be right, and I hate every false way.”–Psa.119:128.

If you believe that Sodomy is wrong (against God’s Will for humanity), then you must oppose it, or help those who are involved in it. Homosexuals can escape from their lifestyle, if they want deliverance. Groups like Homosexuals Anonymous and Exodus International are having success in 30 to 50% of the cases they treat. There is 100% deliverance through Jesus for those who want it! Jesus said, “I give you power over all the power of the Enemy.”–Luk.10:19. And “as many as received Him (Jesus), to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them which believe on His name.”–John 1:12. Jesus calls all men to become “new creatures,” “denying ungodliness and worldly lusts” (2Cor.5:17; Tit.2:12), and He gives us the power to do so. Receive Jesus today and see what He can do for you!–He will help you!

A testimonial of a man with same sex attraction who overcame it through Jesus Christ!

Globalist Elitists’ Plans for America Declared in the X-Files

Globalist Elitists’ Plans for America Declared in the X-Files

Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. When these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.

Daniel 11:24  He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

Do you think “he shall forecast his devices” is referring to predictive programming? It sure sounds so to me!

Please watch this short one-minute 36 seconds clip and tell and tell me in the comments what you think. The only thing that would be false is the “alien technology”. I would call it technology from the spirit world of demons and devils.

The X-Files is an American science fiction drama television series. The series revolves around Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agents who investigate X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. The original television series aired from September 1993 to May 2002, on Fox.

Are the Jesuits Crypto-Jews?

Are the Jesuits Crypto-Jews?

The answer to the question in the title of this article is a resounding NO! Johnny Cirucci in his talk with Jim Duke clearly and eloquently explains why the Jews have not infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church.

Jim Duke is an investigator of truth and uses his curiosity to expose the New World Order conspiracy and to research the dark agenda of Secret Societies from a Christian view. His website: Jim Duke Perspective.

Johnny Cirucci is a brilliant researcher of the New World Order agenda. See his bio and website. I like both these guys because they have clear testimonies for the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are videos on social media of interviews with Edward Hendrie and Texe Marrs that say Jesuits are Crypto-Jews. Johnny Cirucci exposes Edward Hendrie as an agent of propaganda and deception! I don’t know about Texe Marrs. I used to like him because he seemed to be a loving person, a Christian, and an ex-Air Force officer, but because he only pointed to the Jews as the main conspirators and the fact he was one of Alex Jones’ buddies raises a red flag in my mind.

The text below was transcribed from one of Jim Duke’s podcasts.

Jim Duke: And welcome to the broadcast. Is the website. Here it’s on iTunes and Spotify, Stitcher, Spreaker, Google Play, Tunein, all the podcast catchers, you can find out, just search for us. We’re also starting up a Patreon page soon, and you can contribute and help this effort along if you don’t mind. And I’m not good at promoting. So that’s not my forte. But I want to really get to our guest tonight. This is going to be Johnny Cirucci, who addresses the Jesuit Zionist argument of the Crypto-Jews and the claims that it’s the Jews that are in charge of everything from the beginning, and crept into Rome to control Rome. And if anybody is able to do this, Johnny Cirucci can do this. As he names, names, places, and dates in his research. Johnny, welcome back with us. Thanks for coming back and joining us.

Johnny Cirucci: Jim, you’re a good friend. It’s always a pleasure to be with you.

Jim Duke: And why I needed to call on you is because of this Crypto-Jew argument. And I’m getting this from all over from my listeners and from even guests that we’ve had on presenting their side and I want to present the counter-argument, like the Counter-Reformation that they have designed, and share your research and experience of what is going on with this claim that the Crypto-Jews were the actual ones that infiltrated the Black Nobility to take over Rome, and now the proof of it is Zionism, and the overexpression, expressive emphasis on Jerusalem and Noahide laws and all this stuff. I’m sure you can narrow it down for us and sort it out, and I don’t know where to start.

Johnny Cirucci: Yeah, Jim, the Crypto-Jews that run everything like Farnese, Aldobrandini, Medeci, Borgia, Colonna, Orsini, Crypto-Jew there, right? — Each one of those ancient families — They were Jews when they were popes and cardinals, right? (The tone of Johnny’s voice is full of sarcasm.) I think the Medecis gave us four cardinals, they were all Jews. Right? Ludicrous!!! And what really frustrates me and infuriates me about this propaganda is it’s completely without any proof. They just throw the accusation without any basis. And because of the premise – I think we can accurately call it a logical fallacy because you make the accusation and yet you don’t need to prove the accusation because of the nature of the accusation. You could point to any human being and call them a Crypto-Jew because you don’t need to prove that their bloodline or their name or whatever Nazi-like reason you’re using, their nose or whatever, you don’t have to prove that. You just call them a name.

Jim Duke: Should we go here? The evidence is that I’ve asked for, it narrows down to this guy, Edward Hendrie, who they say has cited sources as documentation and proof that this is true from the Moranos…

Johnny Cirucci: The Jesuit trained Roman Catholic Edward Hendrie?

Jim Duke: Well, supposedly ex-Jesuit.

Johnny Cirucci: Yeeees, Oh, does that work for us? Does that work for us? Let’s see. Let’s talk about some other ex Jesuits. Oh, my goodness. There’s Malachi Martin, an ex Jesuit, Greg Galluzzo, the guy that trained Barack Obama, supposedly an ex Jesuit. Oh, here’s a good one, a guy by the name of Joseph Kramer, an extreme sexual deviant who specializes in homosexual massage. Oh, Voltaire. Voltaire. Meanwhile, all of these ex Jesuits, everything that they do, helps the Jesuit cause. So there seems to be a disconnect here with these so-called — you could claim that (Adam) Weishaupt was supposedly an ex Jesuit, the founder of the Illuminati, right? All these ex Jesuits are doing an awful lot to help the Catholic cause and the Jesuit cause. So I don’t believe for a minute that Edward Hendrie, Mr. DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) lawyer, who also is deep into the flat earth controversy – talk about an agent of propaganda and deception! This guy has spent decades working for the government in DEA and drugs, helping agents how to get past due process! Are you kidding me? Here’s some of the papers written by Edward Hendrie: “Beyond Miranda”, “Consent Once Removed”, “Creating Exigent Circumstances” – in other words, how to fabricate the evidence that allow you to avoid due process, “Drug Conspiracies“, “Inferring Probable Cause” — this guy is himself an arch-criminal, deep, deep into the American government. He has been paid to teach other agents. Because of the level of tyranny we live in, I call them stormtroopers, that seems kind of extreme. “When an Informant’s Tip Gives Probable Cause“. These are some of the papers written by Edward Hendrie. The Motor Vehicle Exception” — how to get around it — by Edward Hendrie. Are you kidding me? And this is the guy that we’re going to rely on?! How did this guy cross over from being a prosecutor, to a lawyer for the DEA?

And by the way, what the DEA does, the job of the DEA is to move drugs. The DEA has nothing to do with stopping drugs, the DEA moves the drugs. The DEA is the hub of bringing the drugs in. The same reason that you had Eric Holder giving the Sinaloa drug cartel actual real assault rifles. You can’t get an assault rifle. You can’t get an assault rifle. Eric Holder gave real ones. An assault rifle is a select-fire weapon. It’s capable of burst or automatic fire. You can’t get that. Ronald Reagan made that illegal to you. Only the super-rich can buy themselves a real assault rifle. He gave assault rifles, real machine guns, 50 caliber sniper rifles, and explosives to the Sinaloa drug cartel. How many people including Eric Holder were prosecuted for that? Edward Hendrie, was he on the job that day? No, the job of the DEA is to move the drugs. That’s who this guy is. And then wait a minute. This is the same guy that is involved in the so-called Crypto-Jew argument? He’s the same guy that is deep into the flat earth conspiracy? Are you kidding me? How does this guy maintain this high level? There’s no way! I have worked for the government. I spent almost 20 years myself, you’d be run out on a railroad! Are you kidding me? With this in your background? And he’s not just any – he’s just he’s not just some paper pusher. He’s a very high up well placed – as matter of fact, I’ll give you some of those titles: Assistant prosecuting attorney, Special Agent, Supervisory Special Agent from 2004 to 2012. Are you kidding me? Training Specialist and instructor contracted with the State Department and the Bureau of International Narcotics. I didn’t know there was such a Bureau that wants to make sure that our reach goes really far when we bring the drugs in. “We” – I hate using that word. This is the same Edward Hendrie that’s going to tell me that it’s really not the Catholic church that I have volumes of evidence in control of things. It’s actually the Jews. Well, wait a minute, the people you’re pointing to aren’t Jews. Whoa, they’re “Crypto-Jews”. Well, where’s your evidence? No, no, no, that’s the point of being a Crypto-Jew. There’s no evidence. How does that even work? How does that even work?

Jim Duke: You know, I’m not an expert in this but when I tried to look up some of the sources of Crypto-Jews – first of all, that’s a derogatory term because they were called Marranos, which means pig. And they were given that title because they were ousted by the enemies of some of the Italian nobility.

Johnny Cirucci: Yeah, pause just for a second. Let’s hit that a little bit harder. Marranos and Conversos. Those terms are derived from what the Inquisition called the Jews in Europe. As the Inquisition was forcing the Jesuits, the real Jesuits were burning Jews alive, ripping their skin off, pulling their intestines out, breaking their arms, rotating their arms backwards, and then forcing them back into their sockets and rotating them back out again. They were being converted. And those that converted were called Conversos. Now, after you rip a Jew’s arms out of a socket, and he converts to Catholicism, and he walks away you think, “I don’t think he’s really a good convert”. And then you hear rumors that maybe he’s still practicing Judaism. You have a suspicion that He claims he’s a Catholic, but he’s not really a good Catholic. Those are the Marranos. That’s what a Marrano is. It’s a Jew, who is suspected of making a false conversion to Catholicism, not Christianity, Catholicism, because Christians didn’t torture Jews to become Christian. Only the Catholic Church did. So I just want to give a little bit more detail on those terms.

Jim Duke: Well, from what I understand, there were not really any substantiated facts that even prove that they were migrated into the European families, like sneaking in, Crypto-Jew, sneaking into subduing it. It’s basically just been rumored so far, right?

Johnny Cirucci: It’s really quite amazing that this like I said, it really does qualify, you look up the definition of the logical fallacy. You make the accusation and yet the very nature of the accusation does not need proof. Well, then it’s not really an accusation. It’s just you saying something. I mean, I could say, my left arm is a tree branch. It’s a ludicrous thing to say, but without your ability to prove it or disprove it. You just have to let it go. You have to be able to verify it yourself. And if you can’t verify it, then you have to discount it.

It was really shocking, Jim, is a number of people in positions particularly in our field in so called alternative media or particularly, “Christian alternative media”, who vehemently subscribe to this. Now you’ve encountered this yourself, and I don’t want to put you on the spot. I have encountered this. It’s deeply disturbing. These are popular people. Popular people.

Now, this is part of and I just heard a brilliant teaching by an Adventist. I’m not a Seventh Day Adventist. I don’t subscribe to Seventh Day Adventism. I don’t subscribe to any religion. I think there are some things that Adventists teach that are not good doctrine. And they’re their take on hell, and I think really Heaven too not being eternal. That borders on heresy. Other than that, I think Walter Veith is just a phenomenal teacher. You look he’s just, he’s a human being. We all make mistakes, we all have. I think when Walter Veith says something wrong, it’s not out of deception, whereas (when) so many other powerful people say something wrong, I think it’s out of deception. But I just heard a phenomenal teaching. It’s his King of the North teaching, parts one and two. The part two is just absolutely brilliant on Jews. What are Jews? What is Judaism? Names, places, and dates. Did you know that Napoleon Bonaparte, I want to say 1799, had every intent to reconstitute the nation of Israel? This has been a very important agenda for Rome. For millennia, for millennia.

Jim Duke: I know the Templars I mean, notably.

Johnny Cirucci: The Templars did the majority of their work in the Holy Land. The Templars, not the Jews, the Templars created usury banking in the Holy Land, because of the Catholic Church. Now, again, I say again, because I continue to try and give this caveat. I don’t want to offend rank and file Catholics. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is, that a large portion of your audience is Christian, and a large portion of my audience is Christian. So if you’re not Christian, just bear with me just, we’re going to get a little bit of Christian doctrine here.

It’s important to know what people think and believe. The Christian doctrine that came back, that was at the cross, I’m saying, I’m just mentally working my way backwards, see, how much information do I really need to give in order to paint this picture? Christ put religion to death on the cross. By 500 AD, the Roman Empire brought it back, because there’s no better way to control people. And as a follow on to that, the Roman Empire becoming a religious entity, dissolving as a military entity becoming a religious entity, buried the Word of God, buried the Bible, made it illegal, tortured anyone that was found with it, murdered anyone that was found with it. And that’s because the Catholic Church is a syncretistic mix of Judaism and paganism, and Luciferianism, with the trappings of Christianity, with the false rapper of being Christian. And the Bible shows that clearly, not to be the case, and that has nothing to do with Christianity. And therefore, the Bible has remained under attack by the Catholic Church for its entire existence. And let me also follow on and say no entity has tortured or slaughtered more Christians than Rome. And if you combine both military and religious Rome, it’s bloodcurdling, its blood curdling. Foxes Book of Martyrs, the real Foxes Book of Martyrs, not the rewritten Fox, even the rewritten Foxes Book of Martyrs, is still deeply disturbing. In the numbers and the examples of Bible-believing Christians, tortured and murdered because they were Bible-believing Christians by the Catholic Church, tortured and murdered by the Catholic Church.

And the reformation of Christianity, not the reformation of the Catholic Church, the reformation of Christianity by Martin Luther, and those brave Christians who followed him, Calvin, Zwingli, and Knox, was so critically important and perfectly timed with the advent of the movable type printing press. So that as these brave souls were pointing out the problems with the Catholic Church, the heresies, the unChristian doctrines, they were following it up with Bibles that the average person could read. Prior to that the Bible was forbidden to the average citizen and only allowed in Latin so that only clergy had access to the Word of God. And this was a revolution. And this caused the Catholic Church to change her tactics. Prior to this, all she had to do was find a Christian and a Bible, tie the Bible around their necks and burn them, burn the Bible and burn the Christian alive. Pretty effective when handwritten copies of the Bible took years to finish. A very effective way to crush the Word of God. And these are the real two witnesses. The book of Revelation, Futurism, the idea that we have no idea who the Antichrist is, he’s gonna pop up, all the prophecies are yet future, as opposed to Preterism, the idea that all the prophecies are yet are already through and past. Both of those ideas are created by Jesuits, Alcazar, Ribera, Jesuits!

Google was founded on the date of the consecration of the Jesuit order, September 27. A Farnese (an influential family in Renaissance Italy) who’s not Jewish, Pope Paul III, consecrated the Jesuits on September 27 1540. By coincidence, Jim, that is the birthday of Google! So when you look up Farnese, or, you know, the fact that Farnese Villa looks exactly like the Pentagon, the fact that the Pentagon the first stone was laying on September 11, 1941, just two months before three months before the false flag of Pearl Harbor, none of that stuff is readily available.

The Villa Farnese

The Villa Farnese. Photo found on

But even Google will tell you, that Futurism, that so-called Protestant and evangelical and fundamentalist Christians all teach in lockstep was founded by Jesuits, Alcazar, Ribera, so on and so forth. Futurism. Meanwhile, at the time of the Reformation, of Christianity, not of the Catholic Church, these brave souls, many of whom were ex-priests themselves, Luther was an Augustinian monk, knew the truth of the Bible, and were well versed in Scripture, Luther himself was one of, in fact, you can easily make the case that his most important contribution, perhaps even greater than breaking from the Catholic Church was writing a German Bible. And Luther, God bless him. He didn’t write what we would call a King James Bible. He didn’t write a Bible, in a language 500 years old. And by the way, founded by a Freemason who was controlled by a Jesuit, the King James Bible, the Authorized Version, and it is the superior version. The problem is the language not the manuscript, the texts. The translation, with the exception of things like unicorns, and Easter, that King James mentions, is a superior translation. But the language Elizabethton Shakespearean language was created by Francis Bacon, a Freemason controlled by a Jesuit, Toby Matthew. But Luther’s Bible, he used to dress up in disguise as a knight, Yonker York, and go into the bars and pubs and city streets, and listen to how the average peasant would talk, and that was the language of his Bible. A facsimile today would be a paraphrase, an English paraphrase. Now the English paraphrase, any paraphrase, is the least accurate and yet it’s the most readable. That was the revolution. That was the revolution that needed to be countered. And that’s exactly what the Catholic Church did, with her shock troops, the Jesuits. In Luther’s time, Rome was understood, and Scripture said Rome was the fourth and final beast, the great Whore of Babylon. Daniel and Revelation scream this! Revelation 17, oh, my word! Revelation 17 is Rome.

Jim Duke: We’re being told Israel, it’s Jerusalem.

Johnny Cirucci: Oh, absolutely! That clothes herself in scarlet and purple that is drunk on the blood of the saints. No institution has slaughtered more Christians than the Catholic Church. We’ll take a minute, hold on, let me pull it up. Let’s go ahead and see how Revelation 17 — and there’s only one entity that has any vested interest — and that’s gaslighting. It’s so ludicrous. It’s so outrageous. It’s just a complete inversion of reality. Black is white, white is black. Gaslighting!

Revelation 17. All right, hang on. Let’s do some details. The scarlet woman that sits on a scarlet beast. I will show you the judgment of the great harlot that sits on many waters. Now, any biblical scholar worth his salt will tell you that “waters” is a metaphor for people. Who controls more human beings? The Catholic Church? Or Jews? I mean, in indoctrination, not for having key puppets and key positions. How many Catholics are there and how many Jews are there? With whom the kings of the earth commit fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. In other words, if you want to be in power, you have to kiss the ring. (Of the Pope.) Either metaphorically or literally. Shall I go through the list of how many people in positions of power are either Catholic or Catholic trained or Jesuit trained to include Donald Trump himself?

Jim Duke: Yeah, you may as well.

Johnny Cirucci: Okay, so, let’s just pull up, give me a second and pull up Donald Trump’s cabinet. And interesting. I’ve also had this list here. Okay, so we talked about this before we went on air. How many Catholics in positions of power were trained by Jews? Oh, wait. I got none. How many Jews in positions of power were trained by Catholics or Jesuits? I have a running list. It’s not in any particular order. It’s just how I’ve come across them. Joe Rosenthal, the journalist who took the immortal picture of the Marines taking Mount Suribachi in World War Two Jesuit trained Jew convert, trained by the Jesuits, the University of San Francisco (a private Jesuit university). Actor Jesse Eisenberg known for his … he was Lex Luthor on one of the recent Supermans. He learned acting from his mother who worked at St. Peter’s (Catholic) High School in New Brunswick, New Jersey. That kind of counts. Carl Reiner, the writer and comedian. He graduated, the Jewish guy, Carl Reiner, whose son Rob Reiner was Meathead on All in the Family, Carol O’Connor, good Irish Roman Catholic, who mocked conservative American Protestants with that role. And Norman Lear, the far left Jew that created that. Carl Reiner, Jewish comedian, went to the Father Edmund wall School of Foreign Service at Georgetown (a Jesuit university in Washington D.C.). What the heck is a comedian Jew going to this Edmond Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown for?

Jim Duke: Well, so he can be a Converso and change…

Johnny Cirucci: Yeah, yeah, no, because he knew that the way to get power, power as a Jew, is to kiss the ring. Sumner Murray Rothstein who later changed his name to Redstone … now, this is important. In order to propagate this, Jews are constantly placed in positions of prominence, particularly if there’s no power. How many Jews have run the CIA? I don’t know of any. How many Jews have run the FBI? Oh, I don’t know of any. I know of large numbers of Jesuit-trained Catholics in both. How many Jews have run the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Again, I don’t know of any. So the Jews are usually given positions of prominence without power, particularly Hollywood is very useful for this. Lots of prominence, almost no power. Enter Sumner Murray Rothstein, who later changed his name to Redstone went to Georgetown Law but didn’t graduate. Has run CBS, has run Paramount, has run Viacom.

Oh! Two good ones! Adam Weishaupt and Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin was a Jesuit priest and yet has a Jewish lineage. He was trained at what was supposed to be an Orthodox seminary in Tbilisi, Georgia. Adam Weishaupt, of Jewish lineage spent his entire life with the Jesuits and started his Jesuit training at seven years old. I have the actual documents.

Jim Duke: Yeah, I know that to be true.

Johnny Cirucci: He went on to teach canon law at Jesuit Ingolstadt University.

Jim Duke: As a Jew, Crypto-Jew.

Johnny Cirucci: Yeah, as a Crypto-Jew. Meanwhile immersed, and everything Weishaupt did served the Jesuit cause! Everything.

Karl Marx! What a great example! Jesuit trained! The Jew face of communism. Meanwhile, real communism was perfected by the Jesuits in the reductionist settlements. You can visualize the timeline. Thomas Aquinas wrote about the importance of getting rid of property. Enter the father of Communism. The Jesuits put that into practice against the poor Guaraní Indians in South America in the 1700s. And then a real ex-Jesuit, Alberto Rivera, I love him as a source, a real ex-Jesuit says that he was briefed, and one of the briefs he received was from Cardinal [Augustin] Bea, what a real creepy guy! — That said that was Marx was being locked in the British — was it a library or a museum? — it was a British library. Locked away in a British library. Why was Karl Marx spending time locked away? — I think it’s a British library. Because he was being spoon-fed the tenets of Communism by Jesuits.

This is the first 31 minutes of the podcast. If you wish to learn more about this subject, please listen to the entire audio podcast on


May the reader know I do not necessarily promote or agree with everything Johnny Cirucci is saying on his website and podcasts. I respect him as a brother in Christ and I think he’s a great researcher, but I do not subscribe to his Flat-earth doctrine. I believe Flat-earth is an anti-God, anti-Christ government-agent-sponsored psychological cognitive infiltration operation designed to marginalize Bible-believing Christians and make them look like fools in the eyes of the world.

Articles disproving the earth is flat:

Authors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion — Jews? Or Jesuits!

Authors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion — Jews? Or Jesuits!

This article is taken from Some of my friends are trying to convince me that the conspiracy is a Jewish thing. My research has led me away from the Jews and toward the Jesuit / Vatican connection.

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Who wrote them?
What is their purpose?
Why They Were Written?

Rom 2:28-29 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

The purpose here is truth. The purpose is to help you know your enemy, and possibly pull some deceived and deluded people out of the jaws of hell before the door of salvation closes. This is a message of love and truth, not hate or deception.

Love constrains that the light of truth be shined on the Protocols and the organizations that have used the Protocols to advance the plans of Lucifer, the devil. The majority in organizations like the Jesuits, and Freemasonry do not know the god in control of the rottenness at the top of these organizations is Lucifer, the Anti-Christ, and the false prophet. The majority will be destroyed by their lack of knowledge that Lucifer is the god of these organizations. It is love and certainly not hate for any of the masses of ignorant Roman Catholics, or ignorant Freemasons, or even ignorant Jesuits, who do not know the Luciferian rottenness at the top of these organizations. The top of Freemasonry and Jesuits who worship Lucifer, yes we are at war. I hate your god Lucifer with a perfect hatred. It is very sure that all that corrupt top, and every arm serving Lucifer with deliberate knowledge and purpose, will surely lose this war. It is a done deal, and the Luciferians are too deceived to even know it. If you want to put out or execute a contract on me then you just don’t KNOW my Big Brother, and you can’t know my Father. Alleluia!

The Jesuit Oath is similar to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols because they have carried out every protocol in that little handbook. They have carried everything out. Indeed there are different Protocols, there may be as many as 20 or 30 Protocols. That is not so important as it is to understand that ALWAYS the Protocols further the agenda of the Jesuit Order.

The Protocols played a big part of the Jesuit, or Communist take over of Russia. After the Bolsheviks took over and killed the Russian Orthodox leaders, purged Russia of Protestants, and set up the gulag system, the Jesuits behind it all, could openly invite the Jesuits to take over. The Jesuits were given formal re-entry into Russia in 1922, after the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War. The Russian College was erected in Rome in 1929, so they could prepare Russian Jesuits to rule Russia. And that’s what they’ve done. The Jesuit General rules through the KGB, just like they rule America through the CIA and the FBI.

The Protocols outline this. Remember, the Protocols were discovered in Russia, and translated by an Englishman, Marsden. It was the huge gulag system, the huge concentration camp system, that gave the Jesuits practice to do this in Europe, and the plan is to do it SOON in America. The big thing was, that using the Protocols, the Jesuits were able to blame it all on the Jews. A demonic masterpiece.

This BLAMING THE JEWS was their great accomplishment that continues to serve the Jesuit purposes so well today. Many people who know something is wrong, and are highly motivated to do something, are derailed and become part of the problem by blaming the Jews. It is amazing, yet all too true that, in the process of this stealing, killing, and destruction, they blamed it on the Jews. Blaming the Jews then justified in the eyes of the European people, the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe. Was it not the Jews who did this in Russia? The Jews killed all the Christians in Russia! The Jews sent them off to Siberia! After all, wasn’t Trotsky a Jew? Wasn’t Lenin a Jew? It is all the Jews! So, they fell, and continue to fall for the bait of the Protocols. How sad and stupid and counter productive to the purposes of the true God. But the Protocols even today, cause people to trade the love heart motivator for that of hate. That is the great Luciferian success of the Protocols.

So they blamed it all on the Jews, and purged Europe of its Jews. Europe is primarily Roman Catholic now. It’s a Roman Catholic block, and it will be the army of the Anti-Christ, with its European Union. The Jews, then, were forced out of the nations to Israel. And remember, during World War II, when the Jews tried to escape and they were desperate to get out of Germany, do you think Jew-controlled Russia would let the Jews in?

If the Jews really controlled Russia, they could have gone right into Russia. They were not allowed. Stalin would not allow any Jews to go into Russia. Churchill would not allow any Jews to go into England. And that criminal, and perhaps greatest traitor, FDR, would not allow any Jews to come into America. They were not allowed to escape.

Alberto Rivera told us much about the origin of the Protocols. He was a Jesuit, a "professed" Jesuit. He found the Truth. He renounced Lucifer’s Jesuits and shined the light of truth upon them. Alberto was greatly maligned and not helped at all by the Apostate, Protestants, and Baptists in America. He was helped, somewhat, by Jack Chick. Jack Chick published his story in six volumes, titled Alberto I, II, III, IV, V, & VI.

Alberto Rivera says that it was Jews aligned with the Pope who published the Protocols. The Jesuits hand is all over the Protocols. Whether they used some traitorous Jews, or did it alone, is debatable. What is not debatable is that they alone, were the ones who were able to bring this to pass. Alberto Rivera, was greatly hated by the Vatican because he was a very high Jesuit who came out and, in the late ’60s, about 1969, exposed the power of Rome in the ecumenical movement. Alberto let us know that Rome controlled Kathryn Kuhlman; that Rome controlled Billy Graham; that Rome controlled Ronald Reagan and the whole American government.

The Jesuits are the ones in control of the government. They’re the ones behind professional sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta. The owner of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta. All your top owners of these ball clubs, for the most part, are Knights of Malta, getting the people whooped up in this hoopla over games and sports, while they’re busy creating a tyranny. So, that was one of the things in the Protocols—that they would create "amusements".

Another one they used was Walt Disney, a 33 degree Freemason with his Disneyworld, and Disneyland. They create all of these amusements and games and pastimes to get the people drunk with pleasure, while they’re busy overthrowing the Protestant or Biblical form of government.

Jesuits set up and control the Knights of Malta. The High Knights are good, dear brothers with the High Mafia Dons—the Gambinos, the Lucchese, the Columbos, all of them. And Jesuits control Hollywood, not the Jews. It is only Jews who are front-men, that is the Jesuit way. Jews who are involved in Hollywood and working for the Mafia and for the Cardinal, just like in politics it would be Arlen Spector. Arlen Spector was Cardinal Spellman’s Jew in the assassination of President Kennedy, and he would never say a word about it. Jews for front men to blame, it is the Jesuit way.

The Jesuit General is the absolute, complete, and total dictator of the Order. When he speaks, his provincials move. The provincials are his major subordinates. There are around 90 provincials right now. The Jesuit Order has divided the world into about 80 or 90 regions. For each region, there is a Jesuit provincial. There are 10 provincials in the United States. They’ve divided up the world into these provinces.

The Jesuit General exercises full and complete power over the Order. He meets with his provincials. When they decide to start a war, he gets the information from the provincial of that country, how best to go about this, the demeanor of the people, and then he uses legitimate grievances to foam an agitation—like the 1964 Civil Rights Movement. That was ALL a Jesuit agitation, completely, because the end result was more consolidation of power in Washington with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That Act was written by Notre Dame President Rev. Theodore Hesburgh.

The Jesuit General rules the world through his provincials. And the provincials then, of course, rule the lower Jesuits, and there are many Jesuits who are not "professed", (Professed = taking the Luciferian blood oath). Most of the lower Jesuits have no idea what’s going on at the top. They have no concept of the power of their Order.

It’s just like Freemasonry, the lower degrees have no idea that the High Shriner Freemasons are working for the Jesuit General. They think that they’re just doing works and being good people. But the bottom line is that the high-level Freemasons are subject, also, to the Jesuit General. The Jesuit General, with Fredrick the Great, wrote the High Degrees, the last 8 Degrees, of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry when Fredrick protected them from the Pope in 1773.

The Jesuit Order, and the most powerful Freemason they had in the craft, Fredrick the Great, were working together. That is an irrefutable conclusion. The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars were carried out by Freemasonry, everything Napoleon did, and the Jacobins, whatever they did, advanced the agenda of the Jesuit Order.

The Jesuit Order has no women. They have no love of a woman because that could lead you to allegiance to your wife and family, and could effect your absolute obedience to the General. That’s why they will NEVER be married, and that’s one of the great KEYS to their success.

They can betray a nation and walk away. They can betray us in Vietnam and walk away. They can betray us every time we go to the hospital and get radiated and cut and drugged, and walk away. Their ultimate goal is the rule of the world, with the Pope of their making, from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. That’s their ultimate goal.

And why is the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple so important? Because the Jesuits have always wanted that. When Ignatius Loyola first started the Order, one of the first things he did was, he wanted to go to Jerusalem and set up the Jesuit headquarters there. So, he went there, he tried to do it and failed, came back, went to school.

Loyola then wanted to form an army. This happened with his spiritual exercises. Those spiritual exercises would be basic training for all of his Jesuits. That is what they will ALL go through. That’s what every Jesuit goes through today.

One of the keys of the spiritual exercises is that if my superior says "black is white and white is black", then that’s the way it is. That is in his spiritual exercises. Always be alert to that "black is white and white is black" phrase. That is a Jesuit giveaway, that the Jesuits are in it, and behind it. They’re quoting Ignatius Loyola from his spiritual exercises.

Loyola had will of steel, and he set his mind to regain back what the Papacy had lost to the Reformation. He went to the Pope, and the Pope in 1540 then created the Jesuit Order. But this man is a soldier, he’s a lawyer, and he put together a legion of soldiers and warriors to get back what Rome had lost. His army of Jesuits will institute a World Government for the Pope, from Jerusalem. This started in 1540, and is gaining its greatest momentum TODAY!

He started the Order in 1536. The Pope chartered him, creating the Jesuit Order. The Jesuit Order has Papal protection, and they began their awful history of deeds of blood. And war, after war, after war, after war, they’re all attributed to the Jesuit Order in some way. Catholic nobles, with lots of money, donated castles and schools and money to the Jesuit Order.

Virtually everything they own has been given to them or stolen by them. Of course, they stole all of the fortunes of the Jews in World War II. They stole all their gold, all their assets, and everything, whenever they went into a country. What has recently been released regarding Nazi deals with the Swiss, is NOTHING compared to what they’ve taken.

Edmond Paris’s books, such as The Secret History of the Jesuits and The Vatican Against Europe, get into great detail of what they did. Paris’s books prove the wars of the 20th century are all attributable to the Jesuits, their massacres of the Serbs and Jews, etc. But Edmond Paris did not understand that the Jesuit General is in complete control of the international intelligence community. Understand that the Jesuit General controls the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, the Israeli Mossad, the German BND, the British SIS. The Jesuit General is in COMPLETE CONTROL of the entire intelligence apparatus, FBI, every bureaucratic agency in America, all of it. He is in complete control of it.

So, whenever he wants to find something out about an individual, they put in the Social Security number, and everything from all of the intelligence apparatus kicks in, and he and his provincials can know all about that man. Credit cards, you name it, everything that is attached to Rome’s social security number, which FDR put upon us in 1933. Rome was behind FDR in putting him in office.

Some of the things that FDR did was implement social insecurity, the income tax, and recognizing Joseph Stalin’s bloody Jesuit USSR government. The Social Security number, is Rome’s number—we should refuse to use it—and that’s why they want everybody using it for everything: driver’s license, tax return, credit card, everything you do, that number is you and that number is Rome’s number.

The Mark of the Beast is simply Rome’s Social Security Number with the 6-6-6 system applied to make it scan- able. I was part of the engineering team in the late 60’s that developed the original 666 scanning system. The UPC and SKU symbols are based on 666. The 6 is the control number, more than twice as difficult to scan as the other numbers. So when you put a 6 at the beginning, a 6 in the middle, and a 6 at the end, if the computer reads the 6-6-6 correctly it becomes physically impossible to misread that Social Security Number or universal product code number.-

The Knights of Columbus implement Jesuit politics. And Louis Freeh was the one behind the Waco atrocity and the Oklahoma City bombing atrocity. And his top sniper was a Japanese Roman Catholic named Lon Horiuchi. Roman Catholics are in control, the Knights are in control of the FBI, who carried out all of this killing. And those two men, Louis Freeh and Lon Horiuchi were personally accountable to Cardinal O’Connor of New York. And Cardinal O’Connor of New York was the most powerful Cardinal in the country. He was Rome’s military vicar. They maintain order.

Jesuits wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Jesuits wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Milton Friedman: Only Government Creates Inflation

Milton Friedman: Only Government Creates Inflation

Milton Friedman, July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist and statistician who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy. (Source: Wikipedia)

President Biden is giving all kinds of false reasons why prices are rising. He’s blaming greedy meatpackers, greedy oil companies, greedy Americans, and of course, he’s blaming Putin and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Biden says inflation is his “top domestic priority.” Maybe by that he means it’s his top priority to create more inflation to bring the Middle Class to its knees to create yet more tyrannical government for his globalist friends!

“Biden tells Congress to ‘immediately’ pass $40 billion Ukrainian aid bill.” Where is that $40 billion going to come from? From Washington DC’s printing presses! It may help Ukraine but it will hurt America. More money printed by the Federal Reserve bank is what causes inflation, nothing else! Don’t believe it? Please listen to what the noted economist, Milton Friedman has to say. The video I transcribed the text from is below.


Question from a man in the audience: In a recent (between 1977-79) interview of US News and World Report, Secretary of the Treasury (Werner Michael) Blumenthal blamed our current rising inflation, in large part on our foreign trade and unions. He did, however, say that the government was little to blame. Would you like to comment on that?

Milton Friedman: Yes. (Laughter from the audience.) Unfortunately, it is one of the defects of our political system that we always put a Secretary of the Treasury and other high government officials into a position in which when they make public statements, they are almost driven — well, what’s the word I want to use? I want to use a polite word “equivocate” (lie). Secretary Blumenthal knows as well as you and I do that inflation does not come from trade unions. That doesn’t mean the trade unions aren’t grasping. Of course they are. But they don’t produce inflation for one simple reason. They do not own a printing press on which you can turn out green pieces of paper.

The only such printing presses are in Washington. I say printing press. Of course, in the modern age, we do it in a more sophisticated way. We use bookkeepers and accountants and computers. But it comes down to the same thing. Inflation is made in Washington because only Washington can create money. And any other attribution of two other groups of inflation is wrong. Consumers don’t produce it. Producers don’t produce it. The trade unions don’t produce it. Foreign sheiks don’t produce it. Oil imports don’t produce it. What produces it is too much government spending and too much government creation of money and nothing else. (Applause)

Before you clap, let me point out that the reason why we have too much printing spending and too much printing of money is because you people want it. You and I. We’re citizens, we run this country. If Congress has been voting for higher and higher spending. Why? Because it has been politically profitable for them to do it. If they have been voting for higher spending and not voting the higher taxes to pay for it. Why? Because it’s been politically profitable to do it. We would all like to get something for nothing. And so the political process has been leading to Congress, increasing spending, not increasing taxes, and financing the difference by the hidden tax of inflation. I think we are unwise, but let’s not blame the others. The problem, you know that famous statement of the cartoonist, we have met the enemy, and they is us. (Laughter)

The Crowds that Greeted Jesus when He Entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday are NOT the Same People Who Wanted Pilate to Crucify Him!

The Crowds that Greeted Jesus when He Entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday are NOT the Same People Who Wanted Pilate to Crucify Him!

When I was a kid going to Catholic elementary school in Chicago, I was taught by the nuns that the people who greeted Jesus when he entered Jerusalem saying, “Hosanna to the son of David” (Matthew 21:9) where the same ones who told Pilate, “Crucify him, crucify him!” (John 19:6) Imagine my surprise when I heard from a documentary called, “The Week That Changed the World” that the people who sought Jesus to be crucified were not the same people who greeted Him when He first arrived! This is according to Dr. Paul L. Maier.

Dr. Maier bases his reasoning on Scriptures in Luke chapter 23:

Luke 23:20  Pilate therefore, willing to release Jesus, spake again to them.
21  But they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify him.
22  And he said unto them the third time, Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him, and let him go.
23  And they were instant with loud voices, requiring that he might be crucified. And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed.

The people who attended the trial of Jesus were probably not the ones who greeted Him when He first arrived in Jerusalem. They were people loyal to the priests!

Luke 23:27  And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

The people who bewailed and lamented Jesus’ fate were probably the same ones who greeted Him saying hosanna.

For more details from Dr. Maier, please see his excellent documentary!

What Pope Francis wants to teach you about the Antichrist

What Pope Francis wants to teach you about the Antichrist

There are numerous articles on the Internet entitled, “The End Times Book Pope Francis Wants You to Read”. It’s about a book written in 1907 by Robert Hugh Benson about the rise of the Antichrist. One article from starts off:

During an airplane news conference on his way back from the Philippines, Pope Frances referenced a 1907 book entitled “Lord of the World” and advised all of those in attendance to read it.

Wikipedia confirms these articles.

Lord of the World is a 1907[1] novel by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson that centers upon the reign of the Anti-Christ and the End of the World. It has been called prophetic by Dale Ahlquist, Joseph Pearce, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. (Source: )

And what does this book say about the Antichrist?

  • His name is Julian Felsenburgh. (Sounds like a Jew.)
  • He is a secular humanist, a person against all religious beliefs.
  • He leads the world in a final battle between humanism and Catholicism.
  • He destroys Rome, kills the Pope and all the Cardinals.
  • He attempts to destroy all religions and faith on earth.

Folks, whether you think so or not, this is not the idea of Antichrist that the Protestant Reformers had. To a man they all believed that the papacy is the Antichrist and not just a single individual in the future. Pope Francis is reinforcing the false doctrine of a future Antichrist in order to keep people’s eyes off of him as Antichrist! And how did that false doctrine start? It all began with the wrong interpretation of the final Week of Daniel!

Daniel 9:27a  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:

Up to the 18th century, all Protestants and Bible believers believed the “he” of Daniel 9:27 is Jesus Christ and the “covenant” talked about in this verse is the same covenant mentioned in verse 4 of the same chapter:

Daniel 9:4  ¶And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;

In other words, “the covenant” is the covenant of grace through faith that God first made with Abraham. It was a covenant already in existence during the time of Daniel. That is why it was “confirmed”, and not something made in the future.

They also believed the “one week” or seven years was 3.5 years of Jesus’ ministry to the Jews, and 3.5 years of His Apostles’ ministry to the Jews up to the time of the first martyr, Stephen. And they believed the “many” of Daniel 9;27 referred to the believing Jews who received Jesus as Messiah. Why do Christians today believe Daniel 9:27 is talking about a future Antichrist and an Endtime scenario that lasts 7 years? It’s because of a false doctrine that was conceived in 1580 by a Jesuit priest, Francesco Ribera, which finally took root in Protestant seminaries sometime in the 19th century. The principal reason to take the final Week of Daniel away from the first 69 weeks and throw it into the future was so Protestants would think of Antichrist as coming in the future so they would get their eyes off the Pope as being Antichrist! This is not speculation but provable facts. For more information please see The 70th Week of Daniel Delusion, and other articles on this site that gives biblical proof about who the real Antichrist is.

Why Are the Japanese So Slow in Understanding the Gospel?

Why Are the Japanese So Slow in Understanding the Gospel?

A lonely lost Japanese woman who needs Jesus

The question in the title of this article is something I wondered about since I first came to Japan in 1972. I was serving in the US Air Force then and was interested in sharing my faith in Jesus Christ with the Japanese when I would meet them outside the military base. I heard from long-time American missionaries in Japan that Japan is known as, “the missionaries graveyard”, meaning most missionaries see very few converts to Christ in spite of years of preaching the Gospel.

In the Philippines, it’s a different story. Filipinos with their Catholic background understand the Gospel quickly. Churches have multiplied in the Philippines.

In October of 1973, I met a group of Christians who invited me to work with them to share the Gospel of Christ with the Japanese. I accepted their offer and became a full-time missionary in February 1974 when I was honorably discharged from my 4-year contract of military service. I continued to live in Japan for 38 more years. Throughout that time, I saw many souls come to Christ and lives changed into active service for the Lord, but the vast majority of the nation had not changed in spite of the millions of Gospel tracts I and other missionaries distributed on the street.

Only yesterday, May 9th, 2022, I heard something that cast light on why the Japanese are resistant to the Gospel. It was from an interview with Bhumibol Adulyadej who was the King of Thailand from June 9, 1946 to October 13, 2016, the date of his death in his 80s. In the interview, Bhumibol appeared to be yet in his 30s. Thailand is a Buddhist nation, perhaps even more so than Japan, and the King of Thailand is of course a practicing Buddhist. The interviewer asked the King about the concept of sin as understood among the three Abrahamic religions of Judism, Christianity, and Islam. The King replied, “in Buddhism there is no sin. There is only a striving towards purity.”

This is confirmed by a quote on

Buddhism follows a different conceptual framework from the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. As a result, many of the ideas and definitions found in Buddhism differ from those found in other religions. The monotheistic idea of sin found in the Abrahamic religions is a foreign concept to the Buddhist belief system.

It then dawned on me why there is no specific word for “sin” in the Japanese language! Language is always a reflection of the culture. Japanese are slow to understand their need for salvation because their language lacks a specific word for sin! And without understanding all men are sinners, there is no need for a Savior from sin.

The Gospel is summarized in 1 Corinthians 15:3.

For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

How can anyone understand why Christ would die for our sins if they don’t know what “sin” is? Buddhists say there is no sin! This in my opinion is the crux of the problem: Buddhist culture that influenced the language has robbed the people of a key concept of the Gospel!

I now understand why one of my friends doesn’t believe mankind is flawed or sinful. Though his mother is a Catholic, his wife is a Buddhist! I’m sure she influenced his thinking.

In the Japanese translation of the Bible, the word for sin is translated as tsumi. It seems contradictory for me to say there is no specific word meaning sin in Japanese and yet there is a word translated for sin in the Japanese Bible. Let me elaborate.

Here’s how the Japanese word for sin in the Bible looks in the ideograph.

Tsumi, the character for sin


But this word doesn’t have the nuance of breaking God’s moral laws. It’s actually the same meaning as the word for crime in English. Don’t believe me? Check this out:

This is the Chinese-Japanese character for the word to be / is:


Aru or yuu

The two characters in combination:



Yuuzai is what a Japanese judge says when he convicts a suspect of a crime. It means guilty! Yuuzai literally says, “there is crime”. The Japanese language is so easy to understand when you know the Chinese ideographs that depict the words. There is no Japanese person, not even an academic scholar who would disagree with my explanation of the word yuuzai. The meaning is crystal clear to any Japanese person raised in Japan.

The Japanese Bible nevertheless uses the word tsumi and also translates the word for sinners as “tsumibito” which literally means “a person who sins.” But the word also has the meaning of “criminal”. To call a law-abiding Japanese person a criminal is, of course, offensive!

Once I tried to pray the “sinners prayer” of salvation with a man to lead him to receive Christ. I asked him to repeat the prayer after me but he stopped when I got to the part, “Lord, please forgive all my sins.” He then said, “Wait! I’m not a sinner!” What he really meant by that is to say he’s not a criminal but a law-abiding citizen. I learned a lesson not to ask a person to pray that prayer with me unless they understood what they were praying about. From then I defined what I meant by sin to all the Japanese people I shared the Gospel with.

When a Japanese takes time to read and study the Bible, the meaning of sin as breaking God’s moral law becomes clear. I once met a man who came to a true saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by reading the Book of Matthew from a Bible at his bedside in the hospital when he was sick for a month. And all Japanese Christians including Roman Catholics understand the biblical meaning of sin. But there are so few of them that they have no impact on the Japanese culture.

So what did I do? I had to start with Genesis 1:1 to explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Japanese. I had to explain that God is the creator of the universe and all life. I had to explain the account of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. I had to explain the biblical definition of sin as breaking God’s moral law. I told them that God’s laws and man’s law agree on many points such as the crimes of murder, stealing, and lying under oath, but God’s laws are stricter and deeper and call hatred, and any type of lie a sin. And if that is so we are all guilty of sin. And then I had to explain the concept of animal sacrifice and the blood of sheep and goats as a cleansing of sins and that Jesus’ death on the Cross is the ultimate sacrifice and His blood which was shed is the final cleansing of our sins.

Do you see what preachers of the Gospel in Japan are up against? It’s teaching concepts that are totally foreign to their culture.

Japanese who live in other countries are much more open to the Gospel. Many get saved. I know twin sisters one of whom when to Canada and lived with a Christian family who brought her to church. She received the Gospel and Jesus as her savior but after she returned to Japan she admitted that sin is still a nebulous concept for her. She was still young in the Lord and probably hadn’t read or done much personal study of the Bible.

You might ask, “Well, what about the Koreans? Wasn’t Korea also a Buddhist nation before Christian missionaries came?” That’s an excellent question and one I cannot answer for sure. The same can be said for China as well. Why Christianity took hold in those nations faster than in Japan is still a mystery to me. One reason may be because Japan was isolated from the rest of the world for 200 years. People from other countries were not permitted to enter Japan.

By the way, if you are a foreigner living in Japan, you don’t want to offend the police. They will consider you guilty even if you are innocent of a crime. There is a word for “suspect” in Japanese but it seems to mean nothing to law enforcement. People are guilty till proven innocent. Once I got stopped by a policewoman for hitchhiking. She told me it was illegal to hitchhike in Japan. I knew she was dead wrong but I also knew better not to argue with her. I told that story to an off-duty cop who picked me up hitchhiking, and he smiled. He knew if I argued with her she would arrest me and make my life miserable for the next 48 hours! That’s how long they can hold you without charging you with a crime.

How the Jesuits undermined the Protestant Reformation

How the Jesuits undermined the Protestant Reformation

Jesuits undermine the truth of Revelation chapter 17 which points to the Pope as the Antichrist

By Steve Wohlberg
This article is adapted from his recent books,
Truth Left Behind and The Left Behind Deception.

Modern Christianity has largely forgotten the importance of the Protestant Reformation, which took place during the 1500s. “The sixteenth century presents the spectacle of a stormy sunrise after a dismal night. Europe awoke from long sleep of superstition. The dead arose. The witnesses to truth who had been silenced and slain stood up once more and renewed their testimony. The martyred confessors reappeared in the Reformers. There was a cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary. Civil and religious liberty were inaugurated. The discovery of printing and revival of learning accelerated the movement. There was progress everywhere. Columbus struck across the ocean and opened a new hemisphere to view. Rome was shaken on her seven hills, and lost one-half of her dominions. Protestant nations were created. The modern world was called into existence.”1

For almost a thousand years, Europe had been ruled by the iron hand of Rome. Only a few Bibles existed then, and Christianity was largely permeated with superstition. Faith in Jesus Christ, heartfelt appreciation for His love, and a simple trust in His death on the cross, were almost unknown. The New Testament truth about grace, full forgiveness, and the free gift of eternal life to believers in the Son of God (Romans 6:23), had been buried under a mass of tradition. Then Martin Luther arose like a lion in Germany. After a period of tremendous personal struggle, Martin Luther began teaching justification by faith in Jesus Christ (being declared “just” by God), rather than through reliance on “creature merits,” or any human works (Romans 1:16; 3:26, 28; 5:1).

Luther’s Discovery

Martin Luther, as well as all of the other Reformers, were unanimous in their interpretation of the Antichrist as the papacy.

Eventually, Martin Luther turned to the prophecies. By candlelight, he read about the “little horn,” the “man of sin,” and “the beast,” and he was shocked as the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart. Finally, he saw the truth and said to himself, “Why, these prophecies apply to the Roman Catholic Church!” As he wrestled with this new insight, the voice of God echoed loudly in his soul, saying, “Preach the word!” (2 Timothy 4:2). And so, at the risk of losing his life, Martin Luther preached publicly and in print to an astonished people that Papal Rome was indeed the Antichrist of Bible prophecy. Because of this dual message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ apart from works and of Papal Rome being the Antichrist, the river of history literally changed its course. Hundreds of thousands of people in Europe and in England left the Catholic Church.

“‘There are two great truths that stand out in the preaching that brought about the Protestant Reformation,’ American Bible Commentator, Ralph Woodrow, reminds us, ‘The just shall live by faith, not by the works of Romanism and the Papacy is the Antichrist of Scripture.’ It was a message for Christ and against Antichrist. The entire Reformation rests upon this twofold testimony.’”2 It has been said that the Reformation first discovered Jesus Christ, and then, in the blazing light of Christ, it discovered the Antichrist. This mighty, Spirit-filled movement, for Christ and against the Antichrist, shook the world.

H. Grattan Guinness wrote these memorable words: “From the first, and throughout, that movement [the Reformation] was energized and guided by the prophetic word. Luther never felt strong and free to war against the Papal apostasy till he recognized the pope as Antichrist. It was then that he burned the Papal bull. Knox’s first sermon, the sermon that launched him on his mission as a reformer, was on the prophecies concerning the Papacy. The reformers embodied their interpretations of prophecy in their confessions of faith, and Calvin in his ‘Institutes.’ All of the reformers were unanimous in the matter, even the mild and cautious Melanchthon was as assured of the antipapal meaning of these prophecies as was Luther himself. And their interpretation of these prophecies determined their reforming action. It led them to protest against Rome with extraordinary strength and undaunted courage. It nerved them to resist the claims of the apostate Church to the utmost. It made them martyrs; it sustained them at the stake. And the views of the Reformers were shared by thousands, by hundreds of thousands. They were adopted by princes and peoples. Under their influence nations abjured their allegiance to the false priest of Rome.

“In the reaction that followed, all the powers of hell seemed to be let loose upon the adherents of the Reformation. War followed war: tortures, burnings, and massacres were multiplied. Yet the Reformation stood undefeated and unconquerable. God’s word upheld it, and the energies of His Almighty Spirit. It was the work of Christ as truly as the founding of the Church eighteen centuries ago; and the revelation of the future which He gave from heaven—that prophetic book with which the Scripture closes—was one of the mightiest instruments employed in its accomplishment.”3

The Counter-Reformation

In 1545, the Catholic Church convened one of its most famous councils in history, which took place north of Rome in a city called Trent. The Council of Trent actually continued for three sessions, ending in 1563. One of the main purposes of this Council was for Catholics to plan a counterattack against Martin Luther and the Protestants. Thus the Council of Trent became a center for Rome’s Counter-Reformation. Up to this point, Rome’s main method of attack had been largely frontal—the open burning of Bibles and of heretics. Yet this warfare only confirmed in the minds of Protestants the conviction that Papal Rome was indeed the Beast which would “make war with the saints” (Revelation 13:7). Therefore a new tactic was needed, something less obvious. This is where the Jesuits come in.

On August 15, 1534, Ignatius Loyola (in the title picture) founded a secretive Catholic order called the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits. The Jesuits definitely have a dark history of intrigue and sedition, that’s why they were expelled from Portugal (1759), France (1764), Spain (1767), Naples (1767), and Russia (1820). “Jesuit priests have been known throughout history as the most wicked political arm of the Roman Catholic Church. Edmond Paris, in his scholarly work, The Secret History of the Jesuits, reveals and documents much of this information.”4 At the Council of Trent, the Catholic Church gave the Jesuits the specific assignment of destroying Protestantism and bringing people back to the Mother Church. This was to be done not only through the Inquisition and through torture, but also through theology.

At the Council of Trent, the Jesuits were commissioned to develop a new interpretation of Scripture that would counteract the Protestant Reformation, specifically, the application of the biblical Antichrist to the Roman Catholic Church.

The Jesuit Commission

At the Council of Trent, the Jesuits were commissioned by the Pope to develop a new interpretation of Scripture that would counteract the Protestant application of the Bible’s Antichrist prophecies to the Roman Catholic Church. Francisco Ribera (1537-1591), a brilliant Jesuit priest and doctor of theology from Spain, basically said, “Here am I, send me.” Like Martin Luther, Francisco Ribera also read by candlelight the prophecies about the Antichrist, the little horn, that man of sin, and the Beast. But because of his dedication and allegiance to the Pope, he came to conclusions vastly different from those of the Protestants. “Why, these prophecies don’t apply to the Catholic Church at all!” Ribera said. Then to whom do they apply? Ribera proclaimed, “To only one sinister man who will rise up at the end of time!” “Fantastic!” was the reply from Rome, and this viewpoint was quickly adopted as the official Roman Catholic position on the Antichrist.

Francisco Ribera and Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, two Jesuit scholars, published works that taught that the Scriptures written by Paul, Daniel, and John had nothing whatsoever to say about the Papal power.

“In 1590, Ribera published a commentary on the Revelation as a counter-interpretation to the prevailing view among Protestants which identified the Papacy with the Antichrist. Ribera applied all of Revelation but the earliest chapters to the end time rather than to the history of the Church. Antichrist would be a single evil person who would be received by the Jews and would rebuild Jerusalem.”5 “Ribera denied the Protestant Scriptural Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2) as seated in the church of God—asserted by Augustine, Jerome, Luther and many reformers. He set on an infidel Antichrist, outside the church of God.”6 “The result of his work [Ribera’s] was a twisting and maligning of prophetic truth.”7

Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, who helped popularize and propagate the futuristic interpretation of biblical prophecy.

Following close behind Francisco Ribera was another brilliant Jesuit scholar, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) of Rome. Between 1581 and 1593, Cardinal Bellarmine published his “Polemic Lectures Concerning the Disputed Points of the Christian Belief Against the Heretics of This Time.” In these lectures, he agreed with Ribera. “The futurist teachings of Ribera were further popularized by an Italian cardinal and the most renowned of all Jesuit controversialists. His writings claimed that Paul, Daniel, and John had nothing whatsoever to say about the Papal power. The futurists’ school won general acceptance among Catholics. They were taught that Antichrist was a single individual who would not rule until the very end of time.”8 Through the work of these two tricky Jesuit scholars, we might say that a brand new baby was born into the world. Protestant historians have given this baby a name—Jesuit Futurism. In fact, Francisco Ribera has been called the Father of Futurism.

Defining the Issue

Before we go much farther, let’s define some terms. Historicism is the belief that Biblical prophecies about the little horn, the man of sin, the Antichrist, the Beast, and the Babylonian Harlot of Revelation 17, all apply to the developing history of Christianity and to the ongoing struggle between Jesus Christ and Satan within the Christian Church, culminating at the end of time. Historicism sees these prophecies as having a direct application to Papal Rome as a system whose doctrines are actually a denial of the New Testament message of free salvation by grace through simple faith in Jesus Christ, apart from works. Historicism was the primary prophetic viewpoint of the Protestant Reformers. In direct opposition to Historicism, and rising up as a razor-sharp counterattack on Protestantism, was that of the Jesuits with their viewpoint of Futurism, which basically says, “The Antichrist prophecies have nothing to do with the history of Papal Rome, rather, they apply to only one sinister man who comes at the end.”

Thus Jesuit Futurism sweeps 1,500 years of prophetic history under the proverbial rug by inserting its infamous GAP. This theory teaches that when Rome fell, prophecy stopped, only to continue again right around the time of the Rapture, thus the “gap” was created. The ten horns, the little horn, the Beast, and the Antichrist have nothing to do with Christians until this “last-day Antichrist” should appear. According to this viewpoint, there were no prophecies being fulfilled during the Dark Ages!

Inroads in Protestantism

For almost 300 years after the Council of Trent, Jesuit Futurism remained largely inside the realm of Catholicism, but the plan of the Jesuits was that these theological tenets be adopted by Protestants. This adoption process actually began in the early 1800s in England, and from there it spread to America. The story of how this happened is both fascinating and tragic. As I briefly share some of the highlights, I want to clarify that I am not judging the genuineness of these Christian men. They may have been sincere, yet at the same time deceived in some areas of their theological understanding.

“The Futurism of Ribera never posed a positive threat to the Protestants for three centuries. It was virtually confined to the Roman Church. But early in the nineteenth century it sprang forth with vehemence and latched on to Protestants of the Established Church of England.”9 Dr. Samuel Roffey Maitland (1792-1866), a lawyer and Bible scholar, became a librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury. It is very likely that one day he discovered Ribera’s commentary in the library. In any event, in 1826 he published a widely-read book attacking the Reformation and supporting Ribera’s idea of a future one-man Antichrist. For the next ten years, in tract after tract, he continued his anti-Reformation rhetoric. As a result of his zeal and strong attacks against the Reformation in England, the Protestantism of that very nation which produced the King James Bible (1611) received a crushing blow.

After Dr. Maitland came James H. Todd, a professor of Hebrew at the University of Dublin. Todd accepted the futuristic ideas of Maitland, publishing his own supportive pamphlets and books. Then came John Henry Newman (1801-1890), a member of the Church of England and a leader of the famous Oxford Movement (1833-1845). In 1850, Newman wrote his “Letter on Anglican Difficulties,” revealing that one of the goals in the Oxford Movement was to finally absorb “the various English denominations and parties” back into the Church of Rome. After publishing a pamphlet endorsing Todd’s futurism about a one-man Antichrist, Newman soon became a full Roman Catholic, and later even a highly honored Cardinal. Through the influence of Maitland, Todd, Newman, and others, a definite “Romeward movement was already arising, destined to sweep away the old Protestant landmarks, as with a flood.”10

Then came the much-respected Scottish Presbyterian minister, Edward Irving (1792-1834), the acknowledged forerunner of both the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Irving pastored the large Chalcedonian Chapel in London with over 1,000 members. When Irving turned to the prophecies, he eventually accepted the one-man Antichrist idea of Todd, Maitland, Bellarmine, and Ribera, yet he went a step further. Somewhere around 1830, Edward Irving began to teach the unique idea of a two-phase return of Christ, the first phase being a secret rapture prior to the rise of the Antichrist. Where he got this idea is a matter of much dispute. Journalist Dave MacPherson believes Irving accepted it is a result of a prophetic revelation given to a young Scottish girl named Margaret McDonald.11 In any case, the fact is, Irving taught it!

Adding to the Futuristic interpretation of prophecy, John Nelson Darby added the theory of dispensationalism, or the idea tht God deals with mankind in major dispensations or periods of time.

In the midst of this growing anti-Protestant climate in England, there arose a man by the name of John Nelson Darby (1800-1882). A brilliant lawyer, pastor, and theologian, he wrote more than 53 books on Bible subjects. A much-respected Christian and a man of deep piety, Darby took a strong stand in favor of the infallibility of the Bible in contrast with the liberalism of his day. He became one of the leaders of a group in Plymouth, England, which became known as the Plymouth Brethren. Darby’s contribution to the development of evangelical theology has been so great that he has been called The Father of Modern Dispensationalism. Yet John Nelson Darby, like Edward Irving, also became a strong promoter of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture followed by a one-man Antichrist. In fact, this teaching has become a hallmark of Dispensationalism.

Dispensationalism is the theory that God deals with mankind in major dispensations or periods. According to Darby, we are now in the “Church Age,” that is, until the Rapture. After the Rapture, then the seven-year period of Daniel 9:27 will supposedly kick in, and this is when the Antichrist will rise up against the Jews. In fact, John Nelson Darby laid much of the foundation for the present popular removal of Daniel’s 70th week away from history and from Jesus Christ in favor of applying it to a future Tribulation after the Rapture. Thus, in spite of all the positives of his ministry, Darby followed Maitland, Todd, Bellarmine, and Ribera by incorporating the teachings of Futurism into his theology. This created a link between John Nelson Darby, the Father of Dispen-sationalism, and the Jesuit Francisco Ribera, the Father of Futurism. Darby visited America six times between 1859-1874, preaching in all of its major cities, during which time he definitely planted the seeds of Futurism in American soil. The child of the Jesuits was growing up.

Futurism in America

Cyrus Scofield, the famed publisher of the Scofield Reference Bible, liberally interspersed the footnotes of his Bible with large doses of Futurism. These footnotes are still widely accepted by many theologians today.

One of the most important figures in this whole drama is Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843-1921), a Kansas lawyer who was greatly influenced by the writings of Darby. In 1909, Scofield published the first edition of his famous Scofield Reference Bible. In the early 1900s, this Bible became so popular in American Protestant Bible schools that it was necessary to print literally millions of copies. Yet, in the much-respected footnotes of this very Bible, Scofield injected large doses of the fluid of Futurism also found in the writings of Darby, Todd, Maitland, Bellarmine, and Ribera. Through the Scofield Bible, the Jesuit child reached young adulthood. The doctrine of an Antichrist still to come was becoming firmly established inside 20th-century American Protestantism.

The Moody Bible Institute and the Dallas Theological Seminary have strongly supported the teachings of John Nelson Darby, and this has continued to fuel Futurism’s growth. Then in the 1970s, Pastor Hal Lindsey, a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, released his blockbuster book The Late Great Planet Earth. This 177-page, easy-to-read volume brought Futurism to the masses of American Christianity, and beyond. The New York Times labeled it “The number one best-seller of the decade.” Over 30 million copies have been sold, and it has been translated into over 30 languages. Through The Late Great Planet Earth, Jesuit Futurism took a strong hold over the Protestant Christian world.

Left Behind

Now we have Left Behind. In the 1990s, Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins took the future one-man Antichrist idea of Hal Lindsey, Scofield, Darby, Irving, Newman, Todd, Maitland, Bellarmine, and Ribera, and turned it into “The most successful Christian-fiction series ever” (Publishers Weekly). Hal Lindsey’s book, The Late Great Planet Earth, was largely theological, which limited its appeal, while Left Behind is a sequence of highly imaginative novels, “overflowing with suspense, action, and adventure,” a “Christian thriller,” with a “label its creators could never have predicted: blockbuster success” (Entertainment Weekly). The much-respected television ministries of Jack Van Impe, Peter and Paul Lalonde, and Pastor John Hagee, have all worked together to produce LEFT BEHIND: The Movie. The entire project has even caught the attention of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, resulting in an interview of LaHaye and Jenkins on Larry King Live. The Left Behind books have been made available on displays at WalMart, Fry’s Electronics, and inside countless other stores.

Again, let me clarify, I am not judging the genuineness of the authors of Left Behind and the leaders of these television ministries. They may be sincere, and have their own walk with God. But they are deceived into wrong ideas concerning Bible prophecy. God may even use Left Behind to influence people for Jesus Christ. But, in the full light of Scripture, prophecy, and the Protestant Reformation, something is terribly wrong. Left Behind is now teaching much of the same Jesuit Futurism as Francisco Ribera, which is hiding the real truth about the Antichrist. Through Left Behind, the floodgates of Futurism have been opened, unleashing a massive tidal wave of false prophecy which is now sweeping over America. Sadly, it is a false “idea whose time has come.”

The Prophetic Foundation

As we have already seen, the theological foundation for the entire Left Behind series is the application of the “seven years” of Daniel 9:27 to a future period of Tribulation. Are you ready for this? Guess who was one of the very first scholars to slice Daniel’s 70th week away from the first 69 weeks, sliding it down to the end of time? It was Francisco Ribera! “Ribera’s primary apparatus was the seventy weeks. He taught that Daniel’s 70th week was still in the future. . . It was as though God put a giant rubber band on this Messianic time measure. Does this supposition sound familiar? This is exactly the scenario used by Hal Lindsey and a multitude of other current prophecy teachers.”12

When most Christians look at the last 1,500 years, how much fulfilled prophecy do they see? None, zero, because almost everything is now being applied to a future time period after the Rapture. As we have seen, this GAP idea originated with the Jesuits, and its insertion into the majority of 21st century prophetic teaching is now blinding millions of hearts and eyes to what has gone before, and to what is happening right now inside the Church. “It is this GAP theory that permeates Futurism’s interpretation of all apocalyptic prophecy.”13 In love and in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, someone should publicly appeal to the major prophetic television ministries of today to re-evaluate their positions. Hopefully, like noble ships with a new command from their captain, they will yet change their course.

Jesuit Futurism has almost completely changed the beliefs of Protestant Historicism. “The proper eschatological term for the view most taught today is Futurism, which fuels the confusion of Dispensationalism. The futuristic school of Bible prophecy came from the Roman Catholic Church, specifically her Jesuit theologians. . . However the alternative has been believed for centuries. It is known as Historicism.”14 “It is a matter for deep regret that those who hold and advocate the Futurist system at the present day, Protestants as they are for the most part, are thus really playing into the hands of Rome, and helping to screen the Papacy from detection as the Antichrist.”15

Who Had It Right?

Who had the right theology—those who were burned at the stake for Jesus Christ, or those who lit the fires? Who had the true Bible doctrine—the martyrs or their persecutors? Who had the correct interpretation of the Antichrist—those who died trusting in the blood of Christ, or those who shed the blood of God’s dear saints? Dear friend, Jesuit Futurism is now at war with the Protestant Reformation by denying its power-packed application of prophecy to the Vatican. “The futurist school of Bible prophecy was created for one reason, and one reason only: to counter the Protestant Reformation!”16 In fact, Jesuit Futurism is at war with the prophecies of the Word of God itself! And if that’s not enough, consider this: Jesuit Futurism originated with the Roman Catholic Church, which makes it the very doctrine of the Antichrist! And when Christian ministries and movies like A Thief in the Night, Apocalypse, Revelation, Tribulation, and Left Behind, proclaim an Antichrist who comes only after the Rapture, what are they really doing? I shudder to even say it. Are you ready for this? They are sincerely and yet unknowingly teaching the doctrine of the Antichrist!

Now you know why truth has been left behind. You are now able to see The Left Behind deception. I appeal to you in the loving name of Jesus Christ, the Crucified One—Don’t fall for it.

H. Grattan Guinness, Romanism and the Reformation, p. 122
Michael de Semlyen, All Roads Lead to Rome, Dorchester House Publications, Dorchester House, England, 1991, pp. 202, 203
H. Grattan Guinness, Romanism and the Reformation, pp. 136, 137
Robert Caringola, Seventy Weeks: The Historical Alternative. Abundant Life Ministries Reformed Press, 1991, p. 31
George Eldon Ladd, The Blessed Hope: A Biblical Study of the Second Advent and the Rapture. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1956, pp. 37-38
Ralph Thompson, Champions of Christianity in Search of Truth, p. 89
Robert Caringola, Seventy Weeks: The Historical Alternative, p. 32
Ralph Woodrow, Great Prophecies of the Bible, p. 198
Ralph Thompson, Champions of Christianity in Search of Truth, p. 91
H. Grattan Guinness, History Unveiling Prophecy or Time As an Interpreter, New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1905, p. 289
Dave MacPherson, The Incredible Cover-Up: Exposing the Origins of Rapture Theories. Omega Publications, Medford Oregon, 1980
Robert Caringola, Seventy Weeks: The Historical Alternative, p. 35
Ralph Thompson, Champions of Christianity in Search of Truth, p. 90
Robert Caringola, Seventy Weeks: The Historical Alternative, p. 6
Joseph Tanner, Daniel and the Revelation: The Chart of Prophecy and Our Place in It, A Study of the Historical and Futurist Interpretation. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1898, p. 16
Robert Caringola, Seventy Weeks: The Historical Alternative, p. 34


See also:

I got this article from I think it’s one of the clearest explanations I’ve ever heard on how the Jesuits defeated Protestantism.

Adam Clarke’s Commentary on Matthew 24

Adam Clarke’s Commentary on Matthew 24

Adam Clarke (1762 – 1832) was a British Methodist theologian, preacher, and commentator. He is chiefly remembered for writing a commentary on the Bible. In my opinion, Clarke’s style of writing is the clearest and easiest to understand among Bible commentators of the 19th century and


This chapter contains a prediction of the utter destruction of the city and temple of Jerusalem, and the subversion of the whole political constitution of the Jews; and is one of the most valuable portions of the new covenant Scriptures, with respect to the evidence which it furnishes of the truth of Christianity. Every thing which our Lord foretold should come on the temple, city, and people of the Jews, has been fulfilled in the most correct and astonishing manner; and witnessed by a writer (Josephus) who was present during the whole, who was himself a Jew, and is acknowledged to be an historian of indisputable veracity in all those transactions which concern the destruction of Jerusalem. Without having designed it, he has written a commentary on our Lord’s words, and shown how every tittle was punctually fulfilled, though he knew nothing of the Scripture which contained this remarkable prophecy. His account will be frequently referred to in the course of these notes; as also the admirable work of Bishop Newton on the prophecies.

Verse 1

And Jesus went out, and departed from, the temple – Or, And Jesus, going out of the temple, was going away. This is the arrangement of the words in several eminent manuscripts, versions, and fathers; and is much clearer than that in the common translation. The Jews say the temple was built of white and green-spotted marble. See Lightfoot. Josephus says the stones were white and strong; fifty feet long, twenty-four broad, and sixteen thick. Antiq. b. 15. c. xi. See Mark 13:1.

Verse 2

See ye not all these things? – The common text, and many manuscripts, have ου βλεπετε, Do ye not see, or consider? But the negative particle is omitted by several excellent manuscripts, by the Coptic, Sahidic, Armenian, Ethiopic, Slavonic, Vulgate, and Itala versions, and by some of the primitive fathers, who all read it thus, see, or consider all these things.

There shall not be left here one stone – These seem to have been the last words he spoke as he left the temple, into which he never afterwards entered; and, when he got to the mount of Olives, he renewed the discourse. From this mount, on which our Lord and his disciples now sat, the whole of the city, and particularly the temple, were clearly seen. This part of our Lord’s prediction was fulfilled in the most literal manner. Josephus says, War, book vii. c. 1: “Caesar gave orders that they should now demolish the whole city and temple, τε πολιν απασαν και τον νεων κατασκεπτειν, except the three towers, Phaselus, Hippicus, and Mariamne, and a part of the western wall, and these were spared; but, for all the rest of the wall, it was laid so completely even with the ground, by those who dug it up to the foundation, that there was left nothing to make those that came thither believe it had ever been inhabited.” Maimonides, a Jewish rabbin, in Tract. Taanith, c. 4, says, “That the very foundations of the temple were digged up, according to the Roman custom.” His words are these: “On that ninth day of the month Ab, fatal for vengeance, the wicked Turnus Rufus, of the children of Edom, ploughed up the temple, and the places round about it, that the saying might be fulfilled, Zion shall be ploughed as a field.” This Turnus, or rather Terentius Rufus, was left general of the army by Titus, with commission, as the Jews suppose, to destroy the city and the temple, as Josephus observes.

The temple was destroyed,

1st. Justly; because of the sins of the Jews.

2dly. Mercifully; to take away from them the occasion of continuing in Judaism: and

3dly. Mysteriously; to show that the ancient sacrifices were abolished, and that the whole Jewish economy was brought to an end, and the Christian dispensation introduced.

Verse 3

Tell us, when shall these things be? -There appear to be three questions asked here by the disciples.

  • 1st. When shall these things be? viz. the destruction of the city, temple, and Jewish state.
  • 2dly. What shall be the sign of thy coming? viz. to execute these judgments upon them, and to establish thy own Church: and
  • 3dly. When shall this world end? When wilt thou come to judge the quick and the dead?

But there are some who maintain that these are but three parts of the same question, and that our Lord’s answers only refer to the destruction of the Jewish state, and that nothing is spoken here concerning the Last or judgment day.

End of the worldΤου αιωνος ; or, of the age, viz. the Jewish economy.

Note from Webmaster: It’s important to know that the parallel verses of Matthew 24:3 in the synoptic Gospels of Mark 13 and Luke 21 does not say “end of the word”
Mark 13:4 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?
Luke 21:7 And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?
End of the age, meaning the Jewish age, is the correct translation as Adam Clarke points out. This is yet another reason why Matthew 24 is not about the end of the world as many evangelicals teach. The same people who say that will acknowledge that Luke chapter 21 is only about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.

Verse 4

Take heed that no man deceive you – The world is full of deceivers, and it is only by taking heed to the counsel of Christ that even his followers can escape being ruined by them. From this to Matthew 24:31, our Lord mentions the signs which should precede his coming.

The First sign is false Christs.

Verse 5

For many shall come in my name

  • Josephus says, (War, b. ii. c. 13), that there were many who, pretending to Divine inspiration, deceived the people, leading out numbers of them to the desert, pretending that God would there show them the signs of liberty, meaning redemption from the Roman power: and that an Egyptian false prophet led 30,000 men into the desert, who were almost all cut off by Felix. See Acts 21:38. It was a just judgment for God to deliver up that people into the hands of false Christs who had rejected the true one. Soon after our Lord’s crucifixion, Simon Magus appeared, and persuaded the people of Samaria that he was the great power of God, Acts 8:9, Acts 8:10; and boasted among the Jews that he was the son of God.
  • Of the same stamp and character was also Dositheus, the Samaritan, who pretended that he was the Christ foretold by Moses.
  • About twelve years after the death of our Lord, when Cuspius Fadus was procurator of Judea, arose an impostor of the name of Theudas, who said he was a prophet, and persuaded a great multitude to follow him with their best effects to the river Jordan, which he promised to divide for their passage; and saying these things, says Josephus, he deceived many: almost the very words of our Lord.
  • A few years afterwards, under the reign of Nero, while Felix was procurator of Judea, impostors of this stamp were so frequent that some were taken and killed almost every day. Josephus. Ant. b. xx. c. 4. and 7.

The Second sign, wars and commotions.

Verse 6

The next signs given by our Lord are wars and rumors of wars, etc. – These may be seen in Josephus, Ant. b. xviii. c. 9; War, b. ii. c. 10; especially as to the rumors of wars, when Caligula ordered his statue to be set up in the temple of God, which the Jews having refused, had every reason to expect a war with the Romans, and were in such consternation on the occasion that they even neglected to till their land.

Verse 7

Nation shall rise against nation – This portended the dissensions, insurrections and mutual slaughter of the Jews, and those of other nations, who dwelt in the same cities together; as particularly at Caesarea, where the Jews and Syrians contended about the right of the city, which ended there in the total expulsion of the Jews, above 20,000 of whom were slain. The whole Jewish nation being exasperated at this, flew to arms, and burnt and plundered the neighboring cities and villages of the Syrians, making an immense slaughter of the people. The Syrians, in return, destroyed not a less number of the Jews. At Scythopolis they murdered upwards of 13,000. At Ascalon they killed 2,500. At Ptolemais they slew 2000, and made many prisoners. The Tyrians also put many Jews to death, and imprisoned more: the people of Gadara did likewise; and all the other cities of Syria in proportion, as they hated or feared the Jews. As Alexandria the Jews and heathens fought, and 50,000 of the former were slain. The people of Damascus conspired against the Jews of that city, and, assaulting them unarmed, killed 10,000 of them. See Bishop Newton, and Dr. Lardner.

Kingdom against kingdom – This portended the open wars of different tetrarchies and provinces against each other.

  • 1st. That of the Jews and Galileans against the Samaritans, for the murder of some Galileans going up to the feast of Jerusalem, while Cumanus was procurator.
  • 2dly. That of the whole nation of the Jews against the Romans and Agrippa, and other allies of the Roman empire; which began when Gessius Florus was procurator.
  • 3dly. That of the civil war in Italy, while Otho and Vitellius were contending for the empire.

It is worthy of remark, that the Jews themselves say, “In the time of the Messiah, wars shall be stirred up in the world; nation shall rise against nation, and city against city.” Sohar Kadash. “Again, Rab. Eleasar, the son of Abina, said, When ye see kingdom rising against kingdom, then expect the immediate appearance of the Messiah.” Bereshith Rabba, sect. 42.

The Third sign, pestilence and famine.

It is farther added, that There shall be famines, and pestilences – There was a famine foretold by Agabus, ( Acts 11:28;), which is mentioned by Suetonius, Tacitus, and Eusebius; which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar, and was so severe at Jerusalem that Josephus says (Ant. b. xx. c. 2). many died for lack of food. Pestilences are the usual attendants of famines: as the scarcity and badness of provisions generally produce epidemic disorders.

    The Fourth sign, earthquakes or popular commotions.

Earthquakes, in divers places – If we take the word σεισμοι from σειω to shake, in the first sense, then it means particularly those popular commotions and insurrections which have already been noted; and this I think to be the true meaning of the word: but if we confine it to earthquakes, there were several in those times to which our Lord refers; particularly one at Crete in the reign of Claudius, one at Smyrna, Miletus, Chios, Samos. See Grotius. One at Rome, mentioned by Tacitus; and one at Laodicea in the reign of Nero, in which the city was overthrown, as were likewise Hierapolis and Colosse. See Tacit. Annal. lib. xii. and lib. xiv. One at Campania, mentioned by Seneca; and one at Rome, in the reign of Galba, mentioned by Suetonius in the life of that emperor. Add to all these, a dreadful one in Judea, mentioned by Josephus (War, b. iv. c. 4). accompanied by a dreadful tempest, violent winds, vehement showers, and continual lightnings and thunders; which led many to believe that these things portended some uncommon calamity.

    The Fifth sign, fearful portents.

    To these St. Luke adds that there shall be fearful sights and great signs from heaven ( Luke 21:11;). Josephus, in his preface to the Jewish war, enumerates these.

    • 1st. A star hung over the city like a sword; and a comet continued a whole year.
    • 2d. The people being assembled at the feast of unleavened bread, at the ninth hour of the night, a great light shone about the altar and the temple, and this continued for half an hour.
    • 3d. At the same feast, a cow led to sacrifice brought forth a lamb in the midst of the temple!
    • 4th. The eastern gate of the temple, which was of solid brass, and very heavy, and could hardly be shut by twenty men, and was fastened by strong bars and bolts, was seen at the sixth hour of the night to open of its own accord!
    • 5th. Before sun-setting there were seen, over all the country, chariots and armies fighting in the clouds, and besieging cities.
    • 6th. At the feast of pentecost, when the priests were going into the inner temple by night, to attend their service, they heard first a motion and noise, and then a voice, as of a multitude, saying, Let Us Depart Hence!
    • 7th. What Josephus reckons one of the most terrible signs of all was, that one Jesus, a country fellow, four years before the war began, and when the city was in peace and plenty, came to the feast of tabernacles, and ran crying up and down the streets, day and night: “A voice from the east! a voice from the west! a voice from the four winds! a voice against Jerusalem and the temple! a voice against the bridegrooms and the brides! and a voice against all the people!” Though the magistrates endeavored by stripes and tortures to restrain him, yet he still cried, with a mournful voice, “Wo, wo to Jerusalem!” And this he continued to do for several years together, going about the walls and crying with a loud voice: “Wo, wo to the city, and to the people, and to the temple!” and as he added, “Wo, wo to myself!” a stone from some sling or engine struck him dead on the spot!

    It is worthy of remark that Josephus appeals to the testimony of others, who saw and heard these fearful things. Tacitus, a Roman historian, gives very nearly the same account with that of Josephus. Hist. lib. v.

    Verse 8

    All these are the beginning of sorrows – Ωδινων, travailing pains. The whole land of Judea is represented under the notion of a woman in grievous travail; but our Lord intimates, that all that had already been mentioned were only the first pangs and throes, and nothing in comparison of that hard and death-bringing labor, which should afterwards take place.

    From the calamities of the nation in general, our Lord passes to those of the Christians; and, indeed, the sufferings of his followers were often occasioned by the judgments sent upon the land, as the poor Christians were charged with being the cause of these national calamities, and were cruelly persecuted on that account.

    Verse 9

    Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted – Rather, Then they will deliver you up to affliction, εις θλιψιν . By a bold figure of speech, affliction is here personified. They are to be delivered into affliction’s own hand, to be harassed by all the modes of inventive torture.

    Ye shall be hated of all nations – Both Jew and Gentile will unite in persecuting and tormenting you. Perhaps παντων των εθνων means all the Gentiles, as in the parallel places in Mark 13:9-11, and in Luke 21:12-15, the Jewish persecution is mentioned distinctly. Ye shall be delivered up to Councils and be beaten in Synagogues, and ye shall stand before governors and kings for my name’s sake – be not anxiously careful beforehand what ye shall speak – for ye are not the speakers, but the Holy Spirit will speak by you – I will give you utterance and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to contradict or resist. We need go no farther than the Acts of the Apostles for the completion of these particulars. Some were delivered to councils, as Peter and John, Acts 4:5. Some were brought before rulers and kings, as Paul before Gallio, Acts 18:12, before Felix, Acts 24, before Festus and Agrippa, Acts 25. Some had utterance and wisdom which their adversaries were not able to resist: so Stephen, Acts 6:10, and Paul, who made even Felix himself tremble, Acts 24:25. Some were imprisoned, as Peter and John, Acts 4:3. Some were beaten, as Paul and Silas, Acts 16:23. Some were put to death, as Stephen, Acts 7:59, and James the brother of John, Acts 12:2. But if we look beyond the book of the Acts of the Apostles, to the bloody persecutions under Nero, we shall find these predictions still more amply fulfilled: in these, numberless Christians fell, besides those two champions of the faith Peter and Paul. And it was, as says Tertullian, nominis praelium, a war against the very name of Christ; for he who was called Christian had committed crime enough, in bearing the name, to be put to death. So true were our Savior’s words, that they should be hated of all men for his Name’s sake.

    But they were not only to be hated by the Gentiles, but they were to be betrayed by apostates.

    Verse 10

    Then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another – To illustrate this point, one sentence out of Tacitus (Annal. l. xv). will be sufficient, who, speaking of the persecution under Nero, says, At first several were seized, who confessed, and then by Their Discovery a great multitude of others were convicted and executed.

    Verse 11

    False prophets – Also were to be raised up; such as Simon Magus and his followers; and the false apostles complained of by St. Paul, 2 Corinthians 11:13, who were deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. Such also were Hymeneus and Philetus, 2 Timothy 2:17, 2 Timothy 2:18.

    Verse 12

    The love of many shall wax cold – By reason of these trials and persecutions from without, and those apostasies and false prophets from within, the love of many to Christ and his doctrine, and to one another, shall grow cold. Some openly deserting the faith, as Matthew 24:10; others corrupting it, as Matthew 24:11; and others growing indifferent about it, Matthew 24:12. Even at this early period there seems to have been a very considerable defection in several Christian Churches; see Galatians 3:1-4; 2 Thessalonians 3:1, etc.; 2 Timothy 1:15.

    Verse 13

    But he that shall endure – The persecutions that shall come – unto the end; to the destruction of the Jewish polity, without growing cold or apostatizing – shall be saved, shall be delivered in all imminent dangers, and have his soul at last brought to an eternal glory. It is very remarkable that not a single Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem, though there were many there when Cestius Gallus invested the city; and, had he persevered in the siege, he would soon have rendered himself master of it; but, when he unexpectedly and unaccountably raised the siege, the Christians took that opportunity to escape. See Eusebius, Hist. Eccles lib. iii. c. 5, and Mr. Reading’s note there; and see the note here on Matthew 24:20; (note).

    Verse 14

    And this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world – But, notwithstanding these persecutions, there should be a universal publication of the glad tidings of the kingdom, for a testimony to all nations. God would have the iniquity of the Jews published every where, before the heavy stroke of his judgments should fall upon them; that all mankind, as it were, might be brought as witnesses against their cruelty and obstinacy in crucifying and rejecting the Lord Jesus.

    In all the world, εν ολη τη οικουμενη . Perhaps no more is meant here than the Roman empire; for it is beyond controversy that πασαν την οικουμενην, Luke 2:1, means no more than the whole Roman empire: as a decree for taxation or enrolment from Augustus Caesar could have no influence but in the Roman dominions; but see on Luke 2:1; (note). Tacitus informs us, Annal. l. xv., that, as early as the reign of Nero, the Christians were grown so numerous at Rome as to excite the jealousy of the government; and in other parts they were in proportion. However, we are under no necessity to restrain the phrase to the Roman empire, as, previously to the destruction of Jerusalem, the Gospel was not only preached in the lesser Asia, and Greece, and Italy, the greatest theatres of action then in the world; but was likewise propagated as far north as Scythia; as far south as Ethiopia; as far east as Parthia and India; and as far west as Spain and Britain. On this point, Bishop Newton goes on to say, That there is some probability that the Gospel was preached in the British nations by St. Simon the apostle; that there is much greater probability that it was preached here by St. Paul; and that there is an absolute certainty that it was planted here in the times of the apostles, before the destruction of Jerusalem. See his proofs. Dissert. vol. ii. p. 235, 236. edit. 1758. St. Paul himself speaks, Colossians 1:6, Colossians 1:23, of the Gospel’s being come into All The World, and preached To Every Creature under heaven. And in his Epistle to the Romans, Romans 10:18, he very elegantly applies to the lights of the Church, what the psalmist said of the lights of heaven. Their sound went into All The Earth, and their words unto the End of the World. What but the wisdom of God could foretell this? and what but the power of God could accomplish it?

    Then shall the end come – When this general publication of the Gospel shall have taken place, then a period shall be put to the whole Jewish economy, by the utter destruction of their city and temple.

    Verse 15

    The abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel – This abomination of desolation, St. Luke, ( Luke 21:20, Luke 21:21;), refers to the Roman army; and this abomination standing in the holy place is the Roman army besieging Jerusalem; this, our Lord says, is what was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, in the ninth and eleventh chapters of his prophecy; and so let every one who reads these prophecies understand them; and in reference to this very event they are understood by the rabbins. The Roman army is called an abomination, for its ensigns and images, which were so to the Jews. Josephus says, (War, b. vi. chap. 6), the Romans brought their ensigns into the temple, and placed them over against the eastern gate, and sacrificed to them there. The Roman army is therefore fitly called the abomination, and the abomination which maketh desolate, as it was to desolate and lay waste Jerusalem; and this army besieging Jerusalem is called by St. Mark, Mark 13:14, standing where it ought not, that is, as in the text here, the holy place; as not only the city, but a considerable compass of ground about it, was deemed holy, and consequently no profane persons should stand on it.

    Verse 16

    Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains – This counsel was remembered and wisely followed by the Christians afterwards. Eusebius and Epiphanius say, that at this juncture, after Cestius Gallus had raised the siege, and Vespasian was approaching with his army, all who believed in Christ left Jerusalem and fled to Pella, and other places beyond the river Jordan; and so they all marvellously escaped the general shipwreck of their country: not one of them perished. See on Matthew 24:13; (note).

    Verse 17

    Let him which is on the house top – The houses of the Jews, as well as those of the ancient Greeks and Romans, were flat-roofed, and had stairs on the outside, by which persons might ascend and descend without coming into the house. In the eastern walled cities, these flat-roofed houses usually formed continued terraces from one end of the city to the other; which terraces terminated at the gates. He, therefore, who is walking on the house top, let him not come down to take any thing out of his house; but let him instantly pursue his course along the tops of the houses, and escape out at the city gate as fast as he can.

    Any thing – Instead of τι, any thing, we should read τα, the things; which reading is supported by all the best MSS., versions, and fathers.

    Verse 18

    Neither let him which is in the field return back – Because when once the army of the Romans sits down before the city, there shall be no more any possibility of escape, as they shall never remove till Jerusalem be destroyed.

    Verse 19

    And wo unto them (alas! for them) that are with child, etc. – For such persons are not in a condition to make their escape; neither can they bear the miseries of the siege. Josephus says the houses were full of women and children that perished by the famine; and that the mothers snatched the food even out of their own children’s mouths. See War, b. v. c. 10. But he relates a more horrid story than this, of one Mary, the daughter of Eliezar, illustrious for her family and riches, who, being stripped and plundered of all her goods and provisions by the soldiers, in hunger, rage, and despair, killed and boiled her own sucking child, and had eaten one half of him before it was discovered. This shocking story is told, War, b. vi. c. 3, with several circumstances of aggravation.

    Verse 20

    But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter – For the hardness of the season, the badness of the roads, the shortness of the days, and the length of the nights, will all be great impediments to your flight. Rabbi Tanchum observes, “that the favor of God was particularly manifested in the destruction of the first temple, in not obliging the Jews to go out in the winter, but in the summer.” See the place in Lightfoot.

    Neither on the Sabbath-day – That you may not raise the indignation of the Jews by travelling on that day, and so suffer that death out of the city which you had endeavored to escape from within. Besides, on the Sabbath-days the Jews not only kept within doors, but the gates of all the cities and towns in every place were kept shut and barred; so that their flight should be on a Sabbath, they could not expect admission into any place of security in the land.

    Our Lord had ordered his followers to make their escape from Jerusalem when they should see it encompassed with armies; but how could this be done? God took care to provide amply for this. In the twelfth year of Nero, Cestius Gallus, the president of Syria, came against Jerusalem with a powerful army. He might, says Josephus, War, b. ii. c. 19, have assaulted and taken the city, and thereby put an end to the war; but without any just reason, and contrary to the expectation of all, he raised the siege and departed. Josephus remarks, that after Cestius Gallus had raised the siege, “many of the principal Jewish people, πολλοι των επιφανων Ιουδαιων, forsook the city, as men do a sinking ship.” Vespasian was deputed in the room of Cestius Gallus, who, having subdued all the country, prepared to besiege Jerusalem, and invested it on every side. But the news of Nero’s death, and soon after that of Galba, and the disturbances that followed, and the civil wars between Otho and Vitellius, held Vespasian and his son Titus in suspense. Thus the city was not actually besieged in form till after Vespasian was confirmed in the empire, and Titus was appointed to command the forces in Judea. It was in those incidental delays that the Christians, and indeed several others, provided for their own safety, by flight. In Luke 19:43, our Lord says of Jerusalem, Thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side. Accordingly, Titus, having made several assaults without success, resolved to surround the city with a wall, which was, with incredible speed, completed in three days! The wall was thirty-nine furlongs in length, and was strengthened with thirteen forts at proper distances, so that all hope of safety was cut off; none could make his escape from the city, and no provisions could be brought into it. See Josephus, War, book v. c. 12.

    Verse 21

    For then shall be great tribulation – No history can furnish us with a parallel to the calamities and miseries of the Jews: – rapine, murder, famine, and pestilence within: fire and sword, and all the horrors of war, without. Our Lord wept at the foresight of these calamities; and it is almost impossible for any humane person to read the relation of them in Josephus without weeping also. St. Luke, Luke 21:22, calls these the days of vengeance, that all things which were written might be fulfilled.

    1. These were the days in which all the calamities predicted by Moses, Joel, Daniel, and other prophets, as well as those predicted by our Savior, met in one common center, and were fulfilled in the most terrible manner on that generation.

    2. These were the days of vengeance in another sense, as if God’s judgments had certain periods and revolutions; for it is remarkable that the temple was burned by the Romans in the same month, and on the same day of the month, on which it had been burned by the Babylonians. See Josephus, War, b. vi. c. 4.

    Verse 22

    Except those days should be shortened – Josephus computes the number of those who perished in the siege at eleven hundred thousand, besides those who were slain in other places, War, b. vi. c. 9; and if the Romans had gone on destroying in this manner, the whole nation of the Jews would, in a short time, have been entirely extirpated; but, for the sake of the elect, the Jews, that they might not be utterly destroyed, and for the Christians particularly, the days were shortened. These, partly through the fury of the zealots on one hand, and the hatred of the Romans on the other; and partly through the difficulty of subsisting in the mountains without houses or provisions, would in all probability have been all destroyed, either by the sword or famine, if the days had not been shortened. The besieged themselves helped to shorten those days by their divisions and mutual slaughters; and by fatally deserting their strong holds, where they never could have been subdued, but by famine alone. So well fortified was Jerusalem, and so well provided to stand a siege, that the enemy without could not have prevailed, had it not been for the factions and seditions within. When Titus was viewing the fortifications after the taking of the city, he could not help ascribing his success to God. “We have fought,” said he, “with God on our side; and it is God who pulled the Jews out of these strong holds: for what could machines or the hands of men avail against such towers as these?” War, b. vi. c. 9.

    Verse 23

    Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo here is Christ – Our Lord had cautioned his disciples against false Christs and prophets before, Matthew 24:11; but he seems here to intimate that there would be especial need to attend to this caution about the time of the siege. And in fact many such impostors did arise about that time, promising deliverance from God; and the lower the Jews were reduced, the more disposed they were to listen to such deceivers. Like a man drowning, they were willing to catch even at a straw, while there was any prospect of being saved. But as it was to little purpose for a man to take upon him the character of the Christ, without miracles to avouch his Divine mission, so it was the common artifice of these impostors to show signs and wonders, σημεια και τερατα ; the very words used by Christ in this prophecy, and by Josephus in his history: Ant. b. xx. c. 7. Among these Simon Magus, and Dositheus, mentioned before; and Barcocab, who, St. Jerome says, pretended to vomit flames. And it is certain these and some others were so dexterous in imitating miraculous works that they deceived many; and such were their works, that if the elect, the chosen persons, the Christians, had not had the fullest evidence of the truth of Christ’s mission and miracles, they must have been deceived too: but, having had these proofs, they could not possibly be deceived by these impostors. This is simply the meaning of this place; and it is truly astonishing that it should be brought as a proof for the doctrine (whether true or false is at present out of the question) of the necessary and eternal perseverance of the saints! How abundant the Jews were in magic, divination, sorcery, incantation, etc., see proved by Dr. Lightfoot on this place.

    Verse 25

    Behold, I have told you before – That is, I have forewarned you.

    Verse 26

    If they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert – Is it not worthy of remark that our Lord not only foretold the appearance of these impostors, but also the manner and circumstances of their conduct? Some he mentions as appearing in the desert. Josephus says, Ant. b. xx. c. 7, and War, book ii. c. 13: That many impostors and cheats persuaded the people to follow them to the desert, promising to show them signs and wonders done by the providence of God, is well attested. An Egyptian false prophet, mentioned by Josephus, Ant. b. xx. c. 7, and in the Acts, Acts 21:38, led out into the Desert four thousand men, who were murderers, but these were all taken or destroyed by Felix. Another promised salvation to the people, if they would follow him to the Desert, and he was destroyed by Festus, Ant. b. xx. c. 7. Also, one Jonathan, a weaver, persuaded a number to follow him to the Desert, but he was taken and burnt alive by Vespasian. See War, b. vii. c. 11.

    As some conducted their deluded followers to the Desert, so did others to the secret chambers. Josephus mentions a false prophet, War, b. vi. c. 5, who declared to the people in the city, that God commanded them to go up into the temple, and there they should receive the signs of deliverance. A multitude of men, women, and children, went up accordingly; but, instead of deliverance, the place was set on fire by the Romans, and 6,000 perished miserably in the flames, or in attempting to escape them.

    Verse 27

    For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west – It is worthy of remark that our Lord, in the most particular manner, points out the very march of the Roman army: they entered into Judea on the East, and carried on their conquest Westward, as if not only the extensiveness of the ruin, but the very route which the army would take, were intended in the comparison of the lightning issuing from the east, and shining to the west.

    Verse 28

    For wheresoever the carcass is – Πτωμα, the dead carcass. The Jewish nation, which was morally and judicially dead.

    There will the eagles – The Roman armies, called so partly from their strength and fierceness, and partly from the figure of these animals which was always wrought on their ensigns, or even in brass, placed on the tops of their ensign-staves. It is remarkable that the Roman fury pursued these wretched men wheresoever they were found. They were a dead carcass doomed to be devoured; and the Roman eagles were the commissioned devourers. See the pitiful account in Josephus, War, b. vii. c. 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, and 11.

    Verse 29

    Immediately after the tribulation, etc. – Commentators generally understand this, and what follows, of the end of the world and Christ’s coming to judgment: but the word immediately shows that our Lord is not speaking of any distant event, but of something immediately consequent on calamities already predicted: and that must be the destruction of Jerusalem. “The Jewish heaven shall perish, and the sun and moon of its glory and happiness shall be darkened – brought to nothing. The sun is the religion of the Church; the moon is the government of the state; and the stars are the judges and doctors of both. Compare Isaiah 13:10; Ezekiel 32:7, Ezekiel 32:8, etc.” Lightfoot.

    In the prophetic language, great commotions upon earth are often represented under the notion of commotions and changes in the heavens: –

    The fall of Babylon is represented by the stars and constellations of heaven withdrawing their light, and the sun and moon being darkened. See Isaiah 13:9, Isaiah 13:10.

    The destruction of Egypt, by the heaven being covered, the sun enveloped with a cloud, and the moon withholding her light. Ezekiel 32:7, Ezekiel 32:8.

    The destruction of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes is represented by casting down some of the host of heaven, and the stars to the ground. See Daniel 8:10.

    And this very destruction of Jerusalem is represented by the Prophet Joel, Joel 2:30, Joel 2:31, by showing wonders in heaven and in earth – darkening the sun, and turning the moon into blood. This general mode of describing these judgments leaves no room to doubt the propriety of its application in the present case.

    The falling of stars, i.e. those meteors which are called falling stars by the common people, was deemed an omen of evil times. The heathens have marked this: –

    Saepe etiam stellas, vento impendente videbis

    Praecipites coelo labi, noctisque per umbram

    Flammarum longos a tergo albescere tractus

    Virg. Geor. i. ver. 365

    And oft before tempestuous winds arise

    The seeming stars fall headlong from the skies,

    And, shooting through the darkness, gild the night

    With sweeping glories, and long trails of light


    Again the same poet thus sings: –

    Sol tibi signa dabit: solem quis dicere falsum Audeat?

    Ille etiam coecos instare tumultus

    Saepe monet: fraudemque et operta tumescere bella

    Ille etiam extincto miseratus Caesare Romam,

    Cum caput obscura nitidum ferrugine texit,

    Impiaque aeternam timuerunt saecula noctem

    Ibid. ver. 462

    The sun reveals the secrets of the sky,

    And who dares give the source of light the lie?

    The change of empires often he declares,

    Fierce tumults, hidden treasons, open wars

    He first the fate of Caesar did foretell,

    And pitied Rome, when Rome in Caesar fell:

    In iron clouds concealed the public light,

    And impious mortals found eternal night


    Verse 30

    Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man – The plain meaning of this is, that the destruction of Jerusalem will be such a remarkable instance of Divine vengeance, such a signal manifestation of Christ’s power and glory, that all the Jewish tribes shall mourn, and many will, in consequence of this manifestation of God, be led to acknowledge Christ and his religion. By της γης, of the land, in the text, is evidently meant here, as in several other places, the land of Judea and its tribes, either its then inhabitants, or the Jewish people wherever found.

    Verse 31

    He shall send his angels – Τους αγγελους, his messengers, the apostles, and their successors in the Christian ministry.

    With a great sound of a trumpet – Or, a loud-sounding trumpet – the earnest affectionate call of the Gospel of peace, life, and salvation.

    Shall gather together his elect – The Gentiles, who were now chosen or elected, in place of the rebellious, obstinate Jews, according to Our Lord’s prediction, Matthew 8:11, Matthew 8:12, and Luke 13:28, Luke 13:29. For the children of the kingdom, (the Jews who were born with a legal right to it, but had now finally forfeited that right by their iniquities) should be thrust out. It is worth serious observation, that the Christian religion spread and prevailed mightily after this period: and nothing contributed more to the success of the Gospel than the destruction of Jerusalem happening in the very time and manner, and with the very circumstances, so particularly foretold by our Lord. It was after this period that the kingdom of Christ began, and his reign was established in almost every part of the world.

    To St. Matthew’s account, St. Luke adds, Luke 21:24, They shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shalt be led away captive into all nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles, till the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. The number of those who fell by the sword was very great. Eleven Hundred Thousand perished during the siege. Many were slain at other places, and at other times. By the commandment of Florus, the first author of the war, there were slain at Jerusalem 3,600, Josephus. War, b. ii. c. 14. By the inhabitants of Caesarea, above 20,000. At Scythopolis, above 13,000. At Ascalon, 2,500. At Ptolemais, 2,000. At Alexandria, 50,000. At Joppa, when taken by Cestius Gallus, 8,400. In a mountain called Asamon, near Sepporis, above 2,000. At Damascus, 10,000. In a battle with the Romans at Ascalon, 10,000. In an ambuscade near the same place, 8,000. At Japha, 15,000. Of the Samaritans, on Mount Gerizim, 11,600. At Jotapa, 40,000. At Joppa, when taken by Vespasian, 4,200. At Tarichea, 6,500. And after the city was taken, 1,200. At Gamala, 4,000, besides 5,000 who threw themselves down a precipice. Of those who fled with John, of Gischala, 6,000. Of the Gadarenes, 15,000 slain, besides countless multitudes drowned. In the village of Idumea, above 10,000 slain. At Gerasa, 1,000. At Machaerus, 1,700. In the wood of Jardes, 3,000. In the castle of Masada, 960. In Cyrene, by Catullus the governor, 3,000. Besides these, many of every age, sex, and condition, were slain in the war, who are not reckoned; but, of those who are reckoned, the number amounts to upwards of 1,357,660, which would have appeared incredible, if their own historian had not so particularly enumerated them. See Josephus, War, book ii. c. 18, 20; book iii. c. 2, 7, 8, 9; book iv. c. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9; book vii. c. 6, 9, 11; and Bp. Newton, vol. ii. p. 288-290.

    Many also were led away captives into all nations. There were taken at Japha, 2,130. At Jotapa, 1,200. At Tarichea, 6,000 chosen young men, who were sent to Nero; others sold to the number of 30,400, besides those who were given to Agrippa. Of the Gadarenes were taken 2,200. In Idumea above 1,000. Many besides these were taken in Jerusalem; so that, as Josephus says, the number of the captives taken in the whole war amounted to 97,000. Those above seventeen years of age were sent to the works in Egypt; but most were distributed through the Roman provinces, to be destroyed in their theatres by the sword, and by the wild beasts; and those under seventeen years of age were sold for slaves. Eleven thousand in one place perished for want. At Caesarea, Titus, like a thorough-paced infernal savage, murdered 2,500 Jews, in honor of his brother’s birthday; and a greater number at Berytus in honor of his father’s. See Josephus, War, b. vii. c. 3. s. 1. Some he caused to kill each other; some were thrown to the wild beasts; and others burnt alive. And all this was done by a man who was styled, The darling of mankind! Thus were the Jews miserably tormented, and distributed over the Roman provinces; and continue to be distressed and dispersed over all the nations of the world to the present day. Jerusalem also was, according to the prediction of our Lord, to be trodden down by the Gentiles. Accordingly it has never since been in the possession of the Jews. It was first in subjection to the Romans, afterwards to the Saracens, then to the Franks, after to the Mamalukes, and now to the Turks. Thus has the prophecy of Christ been most literally and terribly fulfilled, on a people who are still preserved as continued monuments of the truth of our Lord’s prediction, and of the truth of the Christian religion. See more in Bp. Newton’s Dissert. vol. ii. p. 291, etc.

    Verse 32

    Learn a parable of the fig-tree – That is, These signs which I have given you will be as infallible a proof of the approaching ruin of the Jewish state as the budding of the trees is a proof of the coming summer.

    Verse 34

    This generation shall not pass – Η γενεα αυτη, this race; i.e. the Jews shall not cease from being a distinct people, till all the counsels of God relative to them and the Gentiles be fulfilled. Some translate η γενεα αυτη, this generation, meaning the persons who were then living, that they should not die before these signs, etc., took place: but though this was true, as to the calamities that fell upon the Jews, and the destruction of their government, temple, etc., yet as our Lord mentions Jerusalem’s continuing to be under the power of the Gentiles till the fullness of the Gentiles should come in, i.e. till all the nations of the world should receive the Gospel of Christ, after which the Jews themselves should be converted unto God, Romans 11:25, etc., I think it more proper not to restrain its meaning to the few years which preceded the destruction of Jerusalem; but to understand it of the care taken by Divine providence to preserve them as a distinct people, and yet to keep them out of their own land, and from their temple service. See on Mark 13:30; (note). But still it is literally true in reference to the destruction of Jerusalem. John probably lived to see these things come to pass; compare Matthew 16:28, with John 21:22; and there were some rabbins alive at the time when Christ spoke these words who lived till the city was destroyed, viz. Rabban Simeon, who perished with the city; R. Jochanan ben Zaccai, who outlived it; R. Zadoch, R. Ismael, and others. See Lightfoot.

    The war began, as Josephus says, Ant. b. xx. c. 11. s. 1, in the second year of the government of Gessius Florus, who succeeded Albinus, the successor of Porcius Festus, mentioned Acts 24:27, in the month of May, in the twelfth year of Nero, and the seventeenth of Agrippa, mentioned Acts 25 and 26, that is, in May, a.d. 66.

    The temple was burnt August 10, a.d. 70, the same day and month on which it had been burnt by the king of Babylon: Josephus, Ant. b. xx. c. 11. s. 8.

    The city was taken September 8, in the second year of the reign of Vespasian, or the year of Christ 70. Ant. b. vi. c. 10.

    That was the end of the siege of Jerusalem, which began, as Josephus several times observes, about the fourteenth day of the month Nisan, or our April. See War, b. v. c. 3. s. 1, c. 13. s. 7; b. vi. c. 9. s. 3.

    Dr. Lardner farther remarks, There is also an ancient inscription to the honor of Titus, “who, by his father’s directions and counsels, had subdued the Jewish nation and destroyed Jerusalem, which had never been destroyed by any generals, kings, or people, before.” The inscription may be seen in Gruter, vol. i. p. 244. It is as follows: –

    Imp. Tito. CaesarI. DIvI. VespasianI. F Vespasiano. Aug. Pontifici. Maximo Trib, Pot. X. Imp. XVII. Cos. VIII. P. P. Principi. Suo. S. P. Q. R

    Quod. Praeceptis. Patris. ConsiliIsque. et AuspiciIs. Gentem. Judaeorom. domuit. et Urbem. Hierosolymam. Omnibus. ante. se Ducibus. Regibus. Gentibusque. aut. frustra. Petitam. aut. omnino. intentatam. delevit.

    For this complete conquest of Jerusalem, Titus had a triumphal arch erected to his honor, which still exists. It stand on the Via Sacra, leading from the forum to the amphitheatre. On it are represented the spoils of the temple of God, such as the golden table of the show-bread, the golden candlestick with its seven branches, the ark of the covenant, the two golden trumpets, etc., etc.; for a particular account see the note on Exodus 25:31. On this arch, a correct model of which, taken on the spot, now stands before me, is the following inscription: –

    Senatus Populusque Romanus DIvo Tito. DIvI Vespasiani. F Vespasiano Augusto.

    “The Senate and People of Rome, to the Divine Titus, son of the Divine Vespasian; and to Vespasian the Emperor.”

    On this occasion, a medal was struck with the following inscription round a laureated head of the emperor: – IMP.erator J.ulius VESP.asianus AUG.ustus. P.ontifex M.aximus, TR.ibunitia, P.otestate P.ater P.atrice CO.nS.ul VIII. – On the obverse are represented a palm tree, the emblem of the land of Judaea; the emperor with a trophy standing on the left; Judea, under the figure of a distressed woman, sitting at the foot of the tree weeping, with her head bowed down, supported by her left hand, with the legend Judaea Capta. S.enatus C.onsultus. at the bottom. This is not only an extraordinary fulfillment of our Lord’s prediction, but a literal accomplishment of a prophecy delivered about 800 years before, Isaiah 3:26, And she, desolate, shall sit upon the ground.

    Verse 36

    But of that day and hour – Ωρα, here, is translated season by many eminent critics, and is used in this sense by both sacred and profane authors. As the day was not known, in which Jerusalem should be invested by the Romans, therefore our Lord advised his disciples to pray that it might not be on a Sabbath; and as the season was not known, therefore they were to pray that it might not be in the winter; Matthew 24:20. See on Mark 13:32; (note).

    Verse 37-38

    As the days of Noah – they were eating and drinking – That is, they spent their time in rapine, luxury, and riot. The design of these verses seems to be, that the desolation should be as general as it should be unexpected.

    Verse 39

    And knew not – They considered not – did not lay Noah’s warning to heart, till it was too late to profit by it: so shall it be – and so it was in this coming of the Son of man.

    Verse 40-41

    Then shall two men – two women – one shall be taken, and the other left – The meaning seems to be, that so general should these calamities be, that no two persons, wheresoever found, or about whatsoever employed, should be both able to effect their escape; and that captivity and the sword should have a complete triumph over this unhappy people.

    Two women shall be grinding – Women alone are still employed in grinding the corn in the east; and it is only when despatch is required, or the uppermost millstone is heavy, that a second woman is added. See Wakefield, and Harmer, Obs. vol. i. 253. That they were formerly thus employed, see Exodus 11:5, and the note there. See also Isaiah 47:2.

    Verse 42

    Watch therefore – Be always on your guard, that you may not be taken unawares, and that you may be properly prepared to meet God in the way either of judgment or mercy, whensoever he may come. This advice the followers of Christ took, and therefore they escaped; the miserable Jews rejected it, and were destroyed. Let us learn wisdom by the things which they suffered.

    Verse 43

    If the good man of the house had known – “As a master of a family who expected a thief at any time of the night, would take care to be awake, and ready to protect his house; so do ye, who know that the Son of man will come. Though the day and hour be uncertain, continue always in a state of watchfulness, that he may not come upon you unawares.” Wakefield.

    Verse 45

    Who then is a faithful and wise servant – All should live in the same expectation of the coming of Christ, which a servant has with respect to the return of his master, who, in departing for a season, left the management of his affairs to him; and of which management he is to give an exact account on his master’s return.

    Here is an abstract of the duties of a minister of Christ.

    • He is appointed, not by himself, but by the vocation and mission of his Master.
    • He must look on himself, not as the master of the family, but as the servant.
    • He must be scrupulously faithful and exact in fulfilling the commands of his Master.
    • His fidelity must be ever accompanied by wisdom and prudence.
    • He must give the domestics – the sacred family, their food; and this food must be such as to afford them true nourishment. And
    • This must be done in its season. There are certain portions of the bread of life which lose their effect by being administered out of proper season, or to improper persons.

    Verse 46

    Blessed is that servant – His blessedness consists in his master’s approbation.

    Verse 47

    He shall make him ruler over all his goods – O heavenly privilege of a faithful minister of Christ! He shall receive from God a power to dispense all the blessings of the new covenant; and his word shall ever be accompanied with the demonstration of the Holy Ghost to the hearts of all that hear it. Much of a preacher’s usefulness may be lost by his unfaithfulness.

    Verse 48

    But, and if that evil servant – Here are three characters of a bad minister.

    • He has little or no faith in the speedy coming of Christ, either to punish for wickedness, or to pardon and sanctify those who believe. It may be, he does not outwardly profess this, but he says it in his heart, and God searches his heart, and knows that he professes to teach what he does not believe.
    • He governs with an absolute dominion, oppressing his colleagues and doing violence to the followers of Christ. And shall begin to smite, etc.
    • He leads an irregular life does not love the company of the children of God, but eats and drinks with the drunkards, preferring the tables of the great and the rich, whose god is their belly, and thus feeds himself without fear.

    Great God! save thine inheritance from being ravaged by such wolves!

    Verse 50

    The lord of that servant – Here are three punishments which answer to the three characteristics of the bad minister.

    • A sudden death, and the weight of God’s judgments falling upon him, without a moment to avert it: this answers to his infidelity and forgetfulness. He shall come in a day in which he looked not for him.
    • A separation from the communion of saints, and from all the gifts which he has abused: this answers to the abuse of his authority in the Church of Christ.
    • He shall have tears and eternal pains, in company with all such hypocrites as himself: and this answers to his voluptuous life, pampering the flesh at the expense of his soul.

    Verse 51

    Cut him asunder – This refers to an ancient mode of punishment used in several countries. Isaiah is reported to have been sawed Asunder. That it was an ancient mode of punishment is evident from what Herodotus says: that Sabacus, king of Ethiopia, had a vision, in which he was commanded μεσους διαταμειν, to cut in two, all the Egyptian priests, lib. ii. And in lib. vii. where Xerxes ordered one of the sons of Pythius μεσον διαταμειν, to be cut in two, and one half placed on each side of the way, that his army might pass through between them. See Raphelius also, in his notes from Herodotus and Polybius. This kind of punishment was used among the Persians: see Daniel 2:5, Daniel 3:29. Story of Susanna, v. 55, 59. See also 2 Samuel 12:31, and 1 Chronicles 20:3. It may also have reference to that mode of punishment in which the different members were chopped off seriatim, first the feet, then the hands, next the legs, then the arms, and lastly the head. This mode of punishment is still in use among the Chinese. But we find an exact parallel among the Turks, in the following passage from W. Lithgow’s Travels, p. 153. London 4th. edit. “If a Turk should happen to kill another Turk, his punishment is thus: After he is adjudged to death, he is brought forth to the market place; and a blocke being brought hither of four foot high, the malifactor is stript naked, and then laid thereon with his belly downward; they draw in his middle together so small with running cords that they strike his body a-two with one blow: his hinder parts they cast to be eaten by hungry dogs kept for the same purpose; and the forequarters and head they throw into a grievous fire, made there for the same end. And this is the punishment for manslaughter.”

    This is the very same punishment, and for the same offense, as that mentioned by our Lord, the killing of a fellow servant – one of the same nation, and of the same religion.

    The reader has no doubt observed, in the preceding chapter, a series of the most striking and solemn predictions, fulfilled in the most literal, awful, and dreadful manner. Christ has foretold the ruin of the Jewish people, and the destruction of their polity; and in such a circumstantial manner as none else could do, but He, under whose eye are all events, and in whose hands are the government and direction of all things. Indeed he rather declared what he would do, than predicted what should come to pass. And the fulfillment has been as circumstantial as the prediction. Does it not appear that the predicted point was so literally referred to by the occurring fact, by which it was to have its accomplishment, as to leave no room to doubt the truth of the prediction, or the certainty of the event by which it was fulfilled? Thus the wisdom of God, as also his justice and providence, have had a plenary manifestation.

    But this wisdom appears, farther, in preserving such a record of the prediction, and such evidence of its accomplishment, as cannot possibly be doubted. The New Testament, given by the inspiration of God, and handed down uncorrupted from father to son, by both friends and enemies, perfect in its credibility and truth, inexpungable in its evidences, and astonishingly circumstantial in details of future occurrences, which the wisdom of God alone could foreknow – that New Testament is the record of these predictions. The history of the Romans, written by so many hands; the history of the Jews, written by one of themselves; triumphal arches, coins, medals, and public monuments of different kinds, are the evidence by which the fulfillment of the record is demonstrated. Add to this the preservation of the Jewish people; a people scattered through all nations, yet subsisting as a distinct body, without temple, sacrifices, or political government; and who, while they attempt to suppress the truth, yet reluctantly stand forth as an unimpeachable collateral evidence, that the solemn record, already alluded to, is strictly and literally true! Who that has ever consulted the Roman historians of the reigns of Vespasian and Titus, the history of Josephus, and the 24th chapter of St. Matthew’s Gospel, and who knows any thing of the present state of the Jews over the face of the earth, or even of those who sojourn in England, can doubt for a moment the truth of this Gospel, or the infinite and all-comprehensive knowledge of Him who is its author! Here then is one portion of Divine Revelation that is incontrovertibly and absolutely proved to be the truth of God. Reader! if he, who, while he predicted the ruin of this disobedient and refractory people, wept over their city and its inhabitants, has so, minutely fulfilled the threatenings of his justice on the unbelieving and disobedient, will he not as circumstantially fulfill the promises of his grace to all them that believe? The existence of his revelation, the continuance of a Christian Church upon earth, the certainty that there is one individual saved from his sins by the grace of the Gospel, and walking worthy of his vocation are continued proofs and evidence that he is still the same; that he will fulfill every jot and tittle of that word on which he has caused thee to trust; and save to the uttermost all that come unto the Father by him. The word of the Lord endureth for ever; and they who trust in him shall never be confounded.

How Israel-Based Prophetic Futurism Breeds Mass Misinterpretation Of Bible Prophecy

How Israel-Based Prophetic Futurism Breeds Mass Misinterpretation Of Bible Prophecy

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

I love this message from Pastor Chuck Baldwin and was inspired to take time to transcribe it for busy people who just don’t have time to listen to an hour talk on YouTube. Just reading the text below may inspire you to listen to his entire message from YouTube.

This is just a synopsis of his talk so I can claim the Fair Use copyright law.

Before we read Matthew chapter 24, let me begin by saying, there are basically two versions of prophecy. Now, don’t misunderstand me. The nuances of understanding relative to prophecy are many and varied. I understand that. But when you boil all these interpretations down to their simplest form, there are basically two versions of prophecy.

  1. That most prophecies of the Bible are present and future.
  2. That most prophecies of the Bible are past.

How you look at prophecy, from whichever perspective, will make all the difference in the world in how you interpret the entire Bible. Both versions cannot be right. Therefore whichever version is wrong, they are misinterpreting most of the Scripture. And therefore the conclusions they are drawing, based on the Scriptures they’re using, are predicated upon a false presupposition. Which means that every conclusion they draw from that false presupposition is also false.

(Pastor Baldwin reads Matthew 24:1-6)

The vast majority of evangelical Christians who hold to an Israel based prophetic futurism doctrinal interpretation of Scripture apply this chapter to the Second Coming of Christ. But I have showed you in my message of the destruction of Jerusalem, this chapter is not primarily speaking of the Second Coming of Christ, it is speaking primarily of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

Most Israel based prophetic futurism preachers interpret the Antichrist as a future personage. But I have shown you in my message I will curse them that bless thee which is in the first israel package (shows DVD) I will curse them that bless thee. I showed you in that message that Antichrist is mostly a past and present system, not an individual in the future, but a past and present system, a beastly antichrist system.

Israel based prophetic futurists interpret almost everything that has happened since 1948 as being prophetic. Almost everything since 1948 is prophetic in their view. But I have shown you that the advent of the Zionist State of Israel in 1948 fulfilled no prophecy and is in fact a great hoax and deception.

Listen to most televangelists, radio preachers, Christian authors, pastors, etc., and you will hear today’s news being interpreted as some direct fulfillment of biblical prophecy. It’s ubiquitous. How many Christian programs have “prophecy” or “End-times” in the title of their ministry or their title or their program? Constantly every day they’re interpreting something that happened on that day as a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. And of course, next week they’ll use the same verse to say this happened in direct fulfillment of that verse, the same verse that they used a week ago to prove something else that happened! In fact, prophetic Futurists are supporting the building of a third Jewish temple and a return to the practice of the Jewish sacrifice of animals, under the delusion that such events must take place in order to fulfill prophetic scripture of a coming Antichrist who they believe must come before Christ appears.

Today, I want to show you how easy it is to misapply Bible prophecy to modern times if one is a prophetic Futurist. I’m gonna show you how easy it is to misapply Bible prophecy to modern times if you hold to prophetic futurism.

Would evangelical Christians be able to identify the Antichrist from what Bible prophecy says about him? They talk about the Antichrist all the time. It’s a key element of their understanding of prophecy all this stuff about Israel and the Third Temple and animal sacrifices and all of it is directly related to their understanding of a coming Antichrist. Right? Would they be able to identify the Antichrist from what the Scripture says regarding his spirit?

Now, the following points are taken from a man, Benjamin Cory who identifies himself as a member of the Christian left. That’s his own testimony. He is a liberal theologian who has two doctorates from a liberal seminary. He may be wrong about many biblical doctrines, and I believe he is, but he wrote an astute piece about the ignorance of the biblical characteristics of the Antichrist that illustrates the way most evangelical Christians who are prophetic Futurists have misinterpreted the Scripture regarding prophecy. So these 16 points are his. OK, we are going to interpret the prophecy of Antichrist looking at it from a prophetic futurist point of view. Are you with me so far? All right, here we go.

  • 1. The Antichrist will be a leader of a nation that is a military superpower.

Daniel. 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

This nation will have the ability to destroy or to devour the entire earth. There are only two countries in the world today that have this capability, only two, Russia and the United States. Russia and the United States are the only two nuclear superpowers in the world. Our country and Russia each have over 6000 nuclear warheads, each country. All the other nuclear powers of the world, the other 4 or 5 or 6 they have a few hundred. America and Russia are the only two countries that could be interpreted as fulfilling this prophecy. And, between the two, only America shall be diverse from all kingdoms. America is the melting pot of the world, not Russia. So, therefore, the United States fits this prophecy if you are interpreting it as a prophetic futurist would applying it to modern-day.

  • 2. The Antichrist will be a man who is exceptionally arrogant and will be known for giving boastful speeches.

Revelation 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things..
Daniel 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

Revelation and Daniel talk of an Antichrist who speaketh great things, boastful things, arrogant things. We’re identifying the Antichrist, OK?

  • 3. The Antichrist will be someone known for making a lot of public threats against people.

Revelation 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:

The mouth of a lion. A roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The Antichrist will be someone known for making a lot of public roaring against people.

  • 4. The Antichrist will come from among 7 tall “hills” or mountains, that each act as a “head.” “And I saw a beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, which stood for seven hills”

Revelation 13:1 ¶And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads.
Revelation 17:9 …The seven heads are seven mountains,…

Mountains or hills can be metaphorical for places of power in the Bible. So, if the Antichrist were to come in the present age, we’d be most likely looking for an American president known for being exceptionally arrogant, boastful, and threatening others, but who also came from 7 tall “hills” or places of power… one of which would need to be somewhere in the vicinity of where John was looking out into the ocean where the vision occurred. – The isle of Patmos.

Two hundred miles northeast of the Isle of Patmos which is now a Greek island off the Turkish coast is Istanbul, Turkey. Rising up out of the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara with a tall hill or place of power – Trump Tower!
Seven heads? Maybe like seven head-quarters? There are seven Trump Towers!

Trump Tower, NYC
Trump International Hotel and Tower, Chicago
Trump Towers, Istanbul, Turkey
Trump International Hotel and Tower, Toronto, Canada
Trump World Tower, New York
Trump Towers, Sunny Isles Beach
Trump Tower, Manila, the Philippines

And of course, Trump Tower New York City is the headquarters of all, and Jered Kushner’s building sits a block away from Trump Tower New York, and it’s called, it’s named after its address, the “666 Building.” Seven heads, seven headquarters, seven Trump Towers.

We are looking at Bible prophecy from the eyes of prophetic futurists, ladies and gentlemen. And we’re applying the Scripture to today based upon that interpretation.

  • 5. The Antichrist will be a political outsider with despicable character and a contemptuous personality who wins an election that no one expects him to win.

Daniel 11:21 ¶And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

A contemptible vile man who does not come from the kingdom’s political elite and comes to power to flatteries and lies.

  • 6. The Antichrist will give speeches where he speaks “great things.”

Daniel 7:20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.

Have you ever heard of “MAGA”? Make America, what? GREAT again. Great, speaketh great things.

  • 7. The Antichrist comes to power through collusion with a secret alliance that uses disinformation to help him win– even though he has a minority number of supporters.

Daniel 11:23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.

Trump won the election with a minority, small people. And was assisted by Russian Zionists – a league or conspiracy made with him. There’s more! We’re only one number 8, we’ve got eight more to go after this one! (Laughter from the congregation.)

  • 8. The Antichrist’s rise to power will seem like a miracle that God performed, tricking people into following Satan instead of God without even noticing.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
When the Antichrist comes, look for powerful religious people claiming it was a miracle from God! This is a quote:

“He did everything wrong, (speaking of Trump) politically. He offended gays. He offended women. He offended the military. He offended black people. He offended the Hispanic people. He offended everybody! And he became president of the United States. Only God could do that.”

Who said that? Franklin Graham!

  • 9. Once in power the Antichrist will reveal that his heart wants to make alterations to the “appointed times” that are in current laws.

Daniel 7:25 And he shall … think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

How many times have we heard Donald Trump say he would serve more than two terms in office? He repeats that constantly. Under the laws of the United States a President can only serve two terms in office. Donald Trump repeatedly says he will serve more than two terms. He thinks to change times and laws!

  • 10. The Antichrist will make fake news popular and he will be a chronic liar.

Daniel 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart..
2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

The Antichrist will be a pathological liar.

  • 11. The Antichrist will reward those who are completely loyal to him with powerful positions and lucrative real estate deals.
    Daniel 11:39b … and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

A powerful wealthy man of real estate.

  • 12. The Bible says that we’ll be able to spot the Antichrist because he will give an arrogant public speech in the middle of his first term where he boasts of “great things” but also uses God’s name as a curse in the same speech.

Revelation 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. (Three and a half years.)
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name …

At almost the three and a half year mark, Donald Trump stood up in front of the world in North Carolina, and spoke great things and blasphemed the Name of God, not once but twice on international television. I went back and searched through the archives of Presidential speeches through a search engine, and tried to find a record or any other American president who used the name of God in vain and who blasphemed the Name of God publicly in a speech. I could not find a single president. To my knowledge, and after my research, Donald Trump is the only president the United States has ever had who has publicly taken God’s Name in vain and has blasphemed the Name of God in a public speech. And he did it at about the 40 and 2-month mark! Humm…

  • 13. The Antichrist will appear to receive a wound he can’t recover from, but will survive to put down the first attempts to remove him from office.

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

First, there was the Russian collusion indictment that he survived. They thought they would kill him with that. He survived. Now it’s an impeachment inquiry, they think they’re gonna kill him with that. He’s surviving. He will survive. And the world will wonder. The deadly wound that was healed.

  • 14. The Antichrist will see himself as being above everyone else, as if he had no need for God. He will eventually elevate himself as the God and King of Israel.

2 Thessalonians 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Trump said, “Why should I repent if I haven’t done anything wrong?” Only a god could say that. Jesus said to the Pharisees and His opponents and adversaries, “Which of you convinceth me of sin?” That’s exactly what Donald Trump was saying in his own words. “Why should I repent if I haven’t done anything wrong? “… exalteth himself above all that is called God.” Trump tweeted a remark from Wayne Allyn Root. He read what Wayne said and then he liked it so much he put it in two of his tweets and tweeted it to the world. Here’s what Wayne said,

“President Trump is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world. Not just America, he is the best president for Israel in the history of the world. And the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he’s the second coming of God. “

And Trump accepted that accolade for himself by tweeting it to the world. “… exalteth himself above all that is called God … as God sitteth in the temple of God”. We’re just reading the Bible!

  • 15. The Antichrist will worship the god of walls and will despise women.

Daniel 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:

In the King James the word is “forces.” The Hebrew word means, are you ready for this? Fortifications! You can’t build fortifications without walls. Walls are the preeminent part of fortifications. He will honor the god of fortifications! Walls! And he will not regard or respect, women.

Albert Barnes, Nor the Desire of Women, what they desire, respect, honor. His own desire, that is, that he would be not be restrained by the desire of women with any regard for women, he will not regard the sacredness of womanhood, the sanctity of womanhood, he will not regard or respect or appreciate the feelings of women, and he will not try to limit his lust without any regard or respect for the hurt he brings in the process. That’s the character trait described in Daniel chapter 11. Humm! Who do we know that fits all of these characteristics?

  • And lastly, 16. The Antichrist’s most devoted followers will wear a sign of their allegiance to him on their foreheads.

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their … their foreheads:

What’s that thing that they have on their head? That red thing that they have on their head? On their foreheads? The MAGA cap?

Am I saying that Donald Trump is the Antichrist? No, absolutely not. I AM saying that if you apply the characteristics of the Antichrist described in the Bible to a modern-day personage, Donald Trump fits many of those characteristics! So question, why do evangelical Christians not apply the biblical characteristics of the Antichrist to Donald Trump when he so obviously matches so many of those characteristics? Why not? Because, very simply, THEY DON’T WANT TO!

This illustrates the absurdity of prophetic futurism. You can make any current event fit or not fit biblical prophecy if you want to because there is no standard of interpretation beyond your own private interpretation. I want to interpret it toward this person, and this event, and this circumstance, or maybe I DON’T want to apply to that person or event. It’s all up to your personal interpretation. But 2 Peter 1:20 emphatically says:

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

No one can interpret Scripture, especially prophetic Scripture, by their own private interpretation. But that’s what happens every day among prophetic Futurists.

I remember when Barack Obama was President. Can you remember that? I remember listening to Christian pastors go on and on and on about how Barack Obama could be the Antichrist. And they had all these Scriptures to prove that Barack Obama is the Antichrist!


(Back to me.)

The transcript was taken from parts of the first 40 minutes of a one-hour YouTube. I think Pastor Baldwin is very clear in this message. Please listen to his entire talk when you have the time.

I hope you got the point, dear reader, why it is folly to apply Bible prophecy to events of today, and especially without seeing first whether the prophecy was not already fulfilled in the past! I was taught by my former pastor of 40 years that prophecy can have multiple fulfillments. I don’t believe that anymore. The prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament were very specific and had only one fulfillment. The concept of “multiple fulfillments” has no precedent in the Bible. Is there one, even one? If there is, please educate me because I sure don’t know of one.

I believe all the prophecies of the Antichrist are fulfilled in the Popes and the office of the papacy. You may dispute that but this is what Protestants believed starting with Martin Luther and up till some time in the beginning of the 19th century. In my lifetime there is only one rather famous Protestant preacher who was also the leader of Northern Ireland, Ian Paisley, who publicly denounced a Pope, John Paul II, as Antichrist.

Just think how much time Christians waste guessing on who the Antichrist is because they consider him to be an Endtime personage and not somebody who is always with them — Satan ruling through the papacy. I used to think that Prince Charles of Britain or his son William would become the Antichrist. The reasons given are as logical as the reasons given why Trump is the Antichrist.

If you hold to the Futurist school of Bible prophecy interpretation, the chances are you also support Israel believing that the modern State of Israel created in 1948 by the United Nations is a fulfillment of prophecy. I believe that to be false. That doctrine crept into Protestant churches starting with John Nelson Darby’s (false) doctrine of Dispensationalism and promoted by C.I. Scofield in his Scofield Bible. The Dallas Theological Seminary picked up on it which caused it to be taught among all fundamentalist seminaries.

The Focus of the Prophecies of the Book of Revelation is NOT about Israel

The Focus of the Prophecies of the Book of Revelation is NOT about Israel

This article is a partial transcription of a talk pastor Chuck Baldwin gave to Liberty Fellowship on October 30, 2016, entitled, The Protestant Reformation: Fulfillment Of Revelation Prophecy? Please see the video below the text to hear the entire talk!

The emphasis in bold and italics are mine.

Revelation Chapter 11. I have to give some introductory remarks to this message. Most of the churches and Christians in the United States today have made several assumptions relative to especially the Book of Revelation, and Daniel’s prophecy, which coincide. Those presuppositions stem from the teachings that began with a man named John Darby at about 1830 and then were popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible at the beginning of the 20th century, and then further popularized by institutions such as the Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, Hal Lindsay’s famous book series, Tim Lahaye’s books, and other writers of the 20th century, who have regurgitated the presuppositions that were first written by Darby and Scofield.

Most of the Bible commentators that I read almost exclusively now – the only time I read a modern Bible commentator is if I want to find the usually the wrong opinion that’s being circulated currently – (laughter) I exclusively read Bible scholars and teachers, writers, commentators, who wrote previous to 1850. Many of the men that I read, wrote in the 17th and 18th centuries, and I can tell you that almost to a man none of those Bible scholars previous to 1830 taught anything like what John Darby and CI Scofield taught in their writings.

Even the famous Baptist preacher in London, Charles Spurgeon, who has been called, probably rightly, the prince of preachers, who, by the way, was a contemporary of John Darby, publicly and strongly repudiated John Darby’s theology as it pertained to prophecy as it pertained to dispensationalism. Most of the Bible scholars and teachers before 1830 had no consciousness of any such thing as dispensational teaching. They did not teach a necessarily a seven year tribulation, and they did not teach a pre-tribulation rapture.

For example, Spurgeon taught that when Darby came out with his rapture theory, Spurgeon retorted that the rapture and the and the resurrection were one in the same! That there was no distinction between a rapture and a resurrection, no time in between.

The presupposition of Darby and Scofield, and Lindsay, and Dallas Seminary, and all these fellows is that the book of Revelation and prophecy in general focuses on and is primarily concerned with Israel. The preachers and teachers before 1830 did not believe that. They believed that the prophetic Scriptures of Daniel, and especially the Book of Revelation, were focused on the Church. They were not focused on Israel. So the presupposition that almost every prophetic Bible teacher has today is that Israel is the focus of the book of Revelation.

What if that presupposition is wrong? Think about it. From the time of the apostles, to approximately 1830, over 1800 years of Bible teaching, Bible preaching, Bible scholarship, no one taught that the prophecies of Revelation focus primarily on Israel. They all said they focused on the Church. If we are to assume that the present presupposition that is promoted by almost every pastor, every radio teacher, Bible teacher, TV preacher, everybody you read, everybody you hear, the presupposition that it’s all about Israel, that means that for 1800 years of church history, all the Bible scholars and teachers and theologians of church history have been wrong. And only in the last 100 or so years, have Bible teachers and scholars figured it out. (Which of course is wrong.)

I’m going to present you today with a perspective on Revelation Chapter 11 that was given by these pre-1830 theologians that had the different presupposition. Because, you know ladies and gentlemen, the problem is in a lot of our thinking, you can make anything work to fit your presupposition. But if your presupposition is wrong, then all of your proofs and evidences that support your presupposition are wrong. You have to start with a correct presupposition in order to be able to understand truth correctly from that point onward. Because if you’re not, all you’re trying to do is prove a falsehood. So the presupposition that we have on virtually everything in life is critical to whether or not we believe truth, or whether we are believing error. And you can argue till you’re blue in the face and the cows come home and the sun comes up in the west and all those things, but if your presupposition is wrong, everything that you’re using as proven evidence to support that presupposition is likewise wrong.

The presupposition of the Bible teachers, scholars, and theologians previous to 18th century, or previous to the popularity of Darby and Scofield was completely opposite of what the presupposition is of 20th century Christianity. Israel’s not the focus. Israel was destroyed in 70 ad, according to the prophecy of Jesus in Matthew chapter 24. All of the first-century writers and the early-century writers, second and third-century writers all, if they talked about Israel, it was always in the past. This is what Israel did. This is what God did. And Israel was not part of the equation when it came to scriptures that pertain to the future, except as it pertained to the second coming of Christ. Then of course, they would talk about Israel as it’s related to the future kingdom and the return of Jesus Christ. But except for that, it was a non-issue in their scriptural teaching, in their scriptural understanding. So between the teaching of Darby and the teaching of Scofield and then the creation of the modern Zionist state of Israel in 1948, the modern church has been swept with this tide of opinion and focus on how everything in prophecy must relate to this state of Israel that we see over in Palestine today, the one that was created on May 14, 1948.

That was not the position of the Church Fathers, or the church leaders or the church scholars for 1800 years of our church history. So when you come to the book of Revelation, and you read the commentaries of these men compared to the modern interpretation, they are total polar opposites!

(End of transcription. Please see the video to hear what else pastor Chuck has to say!)

Current Justices of the Supreme Court: Six Out of Nine are Catholics

Current Justices of the Supreme Court: Six Out of Nine are Catholics

Six out of nine current Supreme Court Justices were nominated by Republican Presidents! And yet Roe vs. Wade has still not been overturned. And six out of nine are Roman Catholics who are supposed to be against abortion, one is Protestant who should be against abortion, and only one is of a non-Christian faith! All people who call themselves Christians should be against abortion.

John G. Roberts, Jr.

John G. Roberts, Jr.

John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States,
President George W. Bush, Republican, nominated him as Chief Justice of the United States, and he took his seat on September 29, 2005. Roberts is a devout Catholic and is married to an ardent pro-life activist. In spite of the fact he was nominated by a Republican and is supposed to hold traditional Christian values, he ruled with other Supreme Court justices in July 2020 that Nevada can impose tighter restrictions on churches than casinos to enforce social distancing guidelines. Moreover, Roberts concurred with the liberals on the court to strike down a Louisiana anti-abortion law! Why doesn’t the Pope excommunicate the guy? Something sinister is afoot. Maybe the RCC’s stance against abortion is really phony after all.

Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice,
President George Herbert Walker Bush, Republican, nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and he took his seat on October 23, 1991. Thomas was raised Catholic and attended a Catholic seminary.

Ketanji Brown Jackson

Ketanji Brown Jackson

Ketanji Brown Jackson Associate Justice,
On February 25, 2022, President Joe Biden nominated Jackson to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Jackson is an independent Protestant according to Wikipedia, but probably not a real born-again Christian because she will not define the word “woman.” She’s probably Woke.

Samuel A. Alito, Jr.

Samuel A. Alito, Jr.

Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice,
President George W. Bush, Republican, nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and he took his seat on January 31, 2006. Alito is a practicing Catholic.

Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice,
President Barack Obama, Democrat, nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on May 26, 2009, and she assumed this role on August 8, 2009. Sotomayor is Catholic.

Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan, Associate Justice,
In 2009, President Obama, Democrat, nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on May 10, 2010. She took her seat on August 7, 2010. Kagan is Jewish.

Neil M. Gorsuch

Neil M. Gorsuch

Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice,
President Donald J. Trump, Republican, nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and he took his seat on April 10, 2017. Episcopalian, raised Roman Catholic

Brett M. Kavanaugh

Brett M. Kavanaugh

Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice,
President Donald J. Trump, Republican, nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and he took his seat on October 6, 2018. Kavanaugh is a practicing Catholic.

Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice,
President Donald J. Trump, Republican, nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and she took her seat on October 27, 2020. Barrett is a practicing Catholic.