The Jesuits: Unholy Order Of Evil

The Jesuits: Unholy Order Of Evil

By William M Boot

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This article is a partial repost from The author, William M. Boot does not agree with Dr. Henry Makow’s take on the international global conspiracy. Henry Makow is a Canadian author who exposes Zionism, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati. Mr. Boot is critical of Henry Makow, but to his credit, Dr. Makow published Mr. Boot’s comments to him on his website. Mr. Boot writes:

“All your writing is sensational and circular between Freemasonry, Illuminati, Communism and the Jews. You delicately skirt the issue of the Catholic Church and the Jesuits implying the Jesuits are crypto-Jews. I can assure you, they are NOT! The Jesuits are CHAMELEONS transforming/morphing themselves into ANYTHING they need to be in order to DECEIVE including JEWS, COMMUNISTS, FREEMASONS, ILLUMINATI or PROTESTANT CHRISTIANS!

I agree with Mr. Boot’s assessment. He knows the history and understands the reasons behind the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation.

The Jesuits: Unholy Order Of Evil

by William M Boot

The Roman Catholic Church today is in fact, nothing less than a resurgent “old” Roman Empire described as the feet of iron mixed with clay in Daniel 2:32-33 and prophetically, the last empire in human history.

If so, how has Rome managed to keep her devious machinations, her “corporatization” of the world undetected, so to speak, in order to accomplish her documented, “repeatedly expressed desire” over 1700 years for world domination? The answer is; incremental and finally total control over all education and politics, media and publishing; print and electronic and the “power pyramid” employed to stratify “round table” power groups into layers and to “compartmentalize” them revealing the “master plan” and final “agenda” to only a few at the head of some groups. The papacy working with the Italian “Black Nobility” families are at the top, with the phantom Jesuits; the MEN IN BLACK, behind them, hidden, like the Wizard of OZ, with their hands on the controls.

Pope Francis waving
Below them are Rome’s facilitating Knightly Orders of Malta and Columbus, the Benedictines, Dominicans and Franciscans and then all world power groups in layers descending to the base where the ordinary man (corporate slave) toils, oblivious to the power machinations above. The Freemasons, the roundtable groups like the CFR and Bilderbergs, Tavistock Institute, Hollywood, crime cartels (Mafia,) intelligence agencies and all religions are controlled by Rome through this intricate layering of power groups.

The Jesuits ensure the absolute fascist power of the papacy and have worked tirelessly since their formation by Ignatius de Loyola its Catholic Basque founder in 1534, becoming the most hated and feared organisation in the world.

Adhering to Sun Tzu’s principles in “Art Of War” and embracing a Machiavellian mind-set employing infiltration, subversion, division, propaganda, lies, deception and violence they have waged relentless war against sovereign nations, cultures, religions and in particular the Protestant Church. Jesuits are Rome’s assassins, the authors of Mein Kampf, The Protocols of Zion, the adulterated Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible and the sworn enemy of God and mankind in every conceivable way.

I like many, was distracted by the Jewish “controversy,” the trending,”evil Jews control everything” meme. The Jesuits used this same ploy in Germany pre WWII to conceal the collaboration of Cardinal Pacelli, later Pope Pius XII, with Hitler and Himmler in exterminating all oppositional factions to Rome.


Behind the Dictators
“Hofjuden” are papal court Jews like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers who carry out the orders of the Vatican, particularly in world finance, in return for status and material wealth. I’m not denying that some Jews are guilty of crimes but basically, they are a useful “scapegoat” for the Jesuits and act as a diabolically clever “smoke-screen” and distraction for the public. This is really important to understand because once diverted into this ‘Jew meme’ mindset, all inquiry ceases and the cloak and dagger masters (Jesuits) are free to perpetuate their UN, central banking, and Israel deception, unhindered. Many Jews work in education, media, publishing, government, military, and intelligence, unaware of Rome’s true agenda working on a “need to know” basis. The Jews are “used” by the Jesuits but have rarely been allowed into the Jesuit order. The Jesuits “hate” the Jews as well as Christians and Muslims persecuting them because of their historical “resistance” to conversion and when opportune they do not hesitate to eliminate them!

Ex-Catholic priest L.H. Lehmann wrote this 1942 scathing indictment of the Vatican and the Jesuits, “Brutal cleansing of liberal and heretical members within the Catholic Church itself has always preceded every return to authoritarianism in Europe. The crusades of the Middle Ages began with persecution of the Jews and a purging of Catholic heretical members of the Church. The same happened at the beginning of the wars of religion instigated by the Jesuits in the 17th century. Nazi-Fascism’s anti-Semitic ideology, its anti-Masonic and anti-democratic activities, its very propaganda methods were borrowed from the Jesuit Order. As in Inquisition times, the Catholic Church merely used the Ovra and the Gestapo of the Fascist and Nazi regimes as its ‘secular arm’ to rid Catholicism of its own recalcitrant elements which had become infected with liberal and Protestant ideas during the post-war years.
Jesuit trained
On the other hand, Fascism and Nazism provided the Catholic Church with a new weapon to bring to a successful conclusion its 400-year war against Protestantism and the liberal institutions it had brought into being in the social order, and which had been allowed greater scope than ever to extend its “hated heresy” since the fall of the German monarchy in 1918.” Vatican Policy In The Second World War, Pg 14.

The Jesuits; Society Of Jesus, (essentially a re-branded Knights Templar) usurped the office of the Dominicans as administrators of the papal inquisitions which began in the 12th century and have continued right up to the present time murdering countless millions of people worldwide. Jesuits are trained through indoctrination and deprivation to be mind-controlled masters of deceit and blind servants of Rome and will commit the most heinous crimes in order to attain supremacy anywhere in the world.

The Jesuit oaths are blood-curdling, being in fact the “cult of death,” always seeking to poison the innocent minds of the young with pernicious Jesuit ideologies such as Communism, Fascism, Feminism, Scientism, Helio-centrism, Evolution, and Atheism. They are responsible for every war, revolution, and political assassination in the last 500 years as they attempt to destroy any obstacle to Rome’s ascendency and dominion through its NWO. Jesuits control all world banking through London, world governance through the UN, and every world intelligence agency. There is no military force they can’t co-opt and using the US military, NATO, the IDF, and Blackwater they enforce Rome’s edicts without mercy, daily, anywhere in the world today just as Imperial Rome did 2000 years ago.

Modern history is a Jesuit history, enabling us to understand why the world is so corrupt and violent and the truly malevolent, satanic force driving it!

William Boot’s website: Darkness is Falling

Closing comments:

Though I agree with Mr. Boot’s worldview, that doesn’t mean I agree with everything else he has to say. Sad to see it seems he also promotes Flat-earth. I don’t. I believe Flat-earth is a psyop to marginalize Bible believers in the eyes of the world.

Evangelicals and the Ecumenical Movement

Evangelicals and the Ecumenical Movement

This is chapter 12 and the last chapter of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

The modern Ecumenical Movement at the start involved very very few true evangelicals. On the Protestant side, most of those involved in the early stages of the ecumenical drive to unite “Protestantism” (really non-catholicism) with Rome, were apostate humanists who paid very little attention to the Bible as the inspired Word of God. All that changed with the advent of New Evangelicalism.

After Harold Ockenga set New Evangelicalism in motion, many self-professed evangelicals became involved in the ecumenical movement. They began working with Roman Catholics and with the Jesuits. As time went on this love affair with Rome developed into ECT I and ECT II where evangelicals joined with Roman Catholics for the first time in church history.

Reformed Reconstructionism was born in 1973 when Rousas Rushdoony wrote his major opus The Institutes of Biblical Law. Reformed Reconstructionism was really Jesuit Reconstructionism, for none of the Reformers ever followed such drivel. But more and more evangelicals began to be sucked into the cause of the Jesuits. The Jesuits had been working, long before Rushdoony was born, to bring about their reconstruction of American Society through the setting up of their CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ORDER. Soon many Christian leaders in America were following the Jesuit line and promoting it with all the energy and commitment they could muster: men like Dr. James Kennedy, Chuck Colson, Os Guinness, Barey Corey, and many many others. In fact, one could say that the building of a Jesuit Social Order became an obsession with these men and with other evangelicals.

Chuck Colson, a Baptist Minister, who recently passed away, certainly became a prominent figure in America as he wrote large tomes promoting the fiction that Roman Catholics were Christians and urging Protestants to quit fighting with Roman Catholics, and join with them in a co- belligerency to defeat secular humanism, and set up the Jesuit Social Order in America. The bottom line of all this theological twaddle was that NO CHRISTIAN SHOULD BE FIGHTING ANY THEOLOGICAL WARFARE AGAINST THE PAPAL MAN OF SIN; he was to see the papacy as his ally and co-belligerent in another entirely different warfare: the cultural warfare against secular humanism. So the Jesuit eschatology certainly has consequences: there is now NO PAPAL MAN OF SIN to contend against; only some other secular evil.

The Jesuit teaching that the Man of Sin is only someone who appears at the very end of the age, removes the Papal Man of Sin from the theological battlefield completely. This is what the Jesuits have managed to accomplish: the end of a theological warfare with evangelicals. As Chuck Colson graphically put it: evangelicals need to QUIT FIGHTING Roman Catholics. This was one of Colson’s main points in his efforts to maintain his warfare against secular humanism. Let us quit fighting each other and start joining together to fight the real enemy. Whereas all the Reformers, and most of all the leading Puritans, and the millions of true Protestants who followed such leadership for centuries, saw their MAIN BATTLE against the Papal Man of Sin and his evil empire. Their eschatology called for total spiritual warfare against the Papal Man of Sin, not some other imaginary target. There are surely many battles to be fought: but the main battle of the church is to contend earnestly for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.

The converted Roman Catholic priest Lehmann wrote fifty years ago that the real title of the papal encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, written more than a hundred years ago was ON THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SOCIAL ORDER. The whole charismatic idea of RENEWAL, and the whole idea of the RECONSTRUCTION of Society is papal and Jesuit. Yet multiplied millions of charismatics, reformed, and evangelicals are now all busily engaged in trying to set up a Jesuit Social Order in America today. Is that not another great triumph of the Jesuits?

The Roman Catholic church teaches that the whole earth is to be submissive to the Pope of Rome. America, for centuries, repudiated the Pope as the Papal Man of Sin, and refused to be submissive to the Vicar of Satan for they certainly did not believe he was the Vicar of Christ. The majority of Americans for centuries followed the men and teachings of the Protestant Reformation, and repudiated all the errors and blasphemies of Rome as the deceptions of Satan and his main man on earth, the Papal Man of Sin. Read the works of the early Puritan Separatists who started this nation for corroboration.

Malachi Martin, who has many criticisms of the Roman Catholic church, and of the papacy in his works, nevertheless, as a true Roman Catholic, believed that the Pope of Rome is the “ULTIMATE ARBITER OF WHAT IS MORALLY GOOD AND MORALLY BAD IN HUMAN ACTIONS.” In other words, although he criticized some of the actions of some of the modern popes, he still believed that the Pope of Rome was the mouthpiece of Almighty God on earth. Surely a strange position to adopt in light of all the pedophilia scandals that have haunted the whole system of Rome for years and contributed mightily to the resignation of the former pope.

The Pope of Rome could not be the final arbiter of what is morally good, and what is morally bad, when he sought to shield all the pedophiles in the Roman priesthood. Such an immoral system could never be the foundation of either the RENEWAL or RECONSTRUCTION of any society.

However, even apart from all the immorality, the whole idea of an idolatrous and blasphemous cult bringing about the renewal or reconstruction of society is merely a pathetic fiction. Surely it is a mark of the spiritual declension in America today, whenever evangelicals, Baptists, and Reformed men think that an idolatrous, spiritually, and morally bankrupt religion, could ever change any nation for the better.

Such an evil religion is always the curse of any nation in which it gains the ascendancy; it is never a blessing to any nation. Even more to the point, it blinds the millions trapped in it to the truth of the glorious gospel thus sending them to everlasting damnation, something infinitely worse than merely hurting some nation.

Chuck Colson recently passed away. His legacy has been promoted and praised by several leading scholars and educators. Barry Corey is one of those who has been praising Colson and his work now for several years. Barry Corey is the president of Biola University. He wants to continue Chuck Colson’s cultural struggle and his deep involvement with Roman Catholics to do so.

Barry Corey was Dean of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary before coming to Biola. He recently recalled a conversation he had with Colson at that time to the effect that Colson then wanted to start a lectureship on the need for a Christian World view to be presented to a much wider constituency.

Chuck Colson’s world view was not a biblically Protestant one; it was the old classical Roman Catholic view. Surely it is very significant that when Corey was Dean at Gordon-Conwell it was famous for turning out Roman Catholic graduates. Colson was a member of the Board of Trustees at that time of Gordon-Conwell. So the Jesuit line was being pushed and pushed hard at Gordon-Conwell,

Indeed, Gordon-Conwell produced so many Roman Catholic graduates that Sursum Corda, the Roman Catholic magazine, gave an entire issue to recount and celebrate the stories of all those Roman Catholic converts being graduated from Gordon-Conwell. Barry Corey was one of the leaders at this school of theological confusion. He has since moved on to become President of Biola University. He seems to want to turn Biola into another Gordon-Conwell,

Secularism is the bete-noir of all the Roman Catholic politically conservative writers and scholars. Apparently, Colson followed them very closely. Now Corey wants to continue the fight of Roman Catholic conservatism against secular humanism. The only problem to the Bible-believer is there is as much theological error in the Roman Catholic religion, maybe more potent error than there is in secular humanism. Both systems are evil; not just one of them. But the only war going on in the United States today is the Roman Catholic cultural struggle against secularism. There is no war being carried on in the United States today against the false religious system of Roman Catholicism which controls the Supreme Court, the legislature, and which dominates education today. Christian academia in the United States today has, for the most part, become Roman Catholic Academia.

Is the church to be engaged in fighting secularism in the culture, to the exclusion of fighting false religion in the church? For this is obviously where the battle in America rages today. So much so, that Colson called for a co- belligerency with Roman Catholicism to fight secularism. A candid and fatal admission that to fight Roman Catholicism is completely unnecessary.

Corey, in singing the praise of Colson, wrote that,

He is not alone in higher education in being deeply grateful for the unwavering convictions Chuck Colson modeled… Biola University is forever grateful to Chuck Colson both for his endorsement of our university’s mission but for more importantly for his own important work in the kingdom of God. He was a prophetic voice in the culture, standing up against the rising tide of secularism and speaking out for morality based on God-given values.1

The rising tide of secularism is only one of the problems American culture faces today. The rising tide of false religion is even more evil than the rising tide of secularism. For secularism rises in a culture dominated by false religion.* When a nation is to perish in its sins, “it is in the church the leprosy begins.” The tide of compromise with false religion has reached enormous proportions with Wheaton College, Calvin College, Westminister Seminary, Fuller Seminary, Gordon-Conwell, Biola, and many others as examples of that compromise. The rising tide of theological ignorance on the part of those who are supposed to be teaching the truths of biblical Christianity is surely becoming a tsunami in what are still called Christian academic institutions. How else explain the fawning adulation heaped upon C. S. Lewis and Chuck Colson, men who promoted the cause of Roman Catholicism constantly and continually. Thus aiding mightily the Jesuit conspiracy out to destroy biblical Christianity.

* Look at modern Europe which is now almost totally secular.

Let us look at how Biola intends “to grab the mantle (of Chuck Colson), joining the next generation of Christians around the globe to stand up for biblical truth even where it is increasingly unfashionable.” 2 The Center for Christian Thought is to have two great scholars present in February 2013 (even as we write). They are Alvin Plantinga and Nicholas Wolterstorff. Who are these “Christian” scholars? Here is how they are described in Biola’s magazine.


Alvin Plantinga, who has been called “arguably the greatest philosopher of the last century” in Christianity Today, is currently the William H. Jellema, Chair of Philosophy at Calvin College, and was until his retirement in 2010, the John A. O’Brien, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame.”3 This is then the “scholar” that is going to stand up for biblical truth, according to Barry Corey, a man who taught for years at a Roman Catholic University!


Biola magazine calls,

Nicholas Wolterstorff, “one of the world’s premier Christian Philosophers. He is the Noah Porter, Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Theology at Yale University and a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. He has held professorships at Calvin College and Yale University as will as visiting professorships at Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, and Notre Dame.” 4

Nicholas Wolterstorff is called by Biola one of the world’s premier Christian philosophers. What does this “outstanding Christian philosopher” promote? He promotes Jesuit Liberation Theology. He writes,

I think there can be no doubt that the Biblical theme of poverty has been brought to our attention today mainly by the poor of the world and by those who live among them. When poor peasants in the base ecclesial communities of Latin America themselves began to read the Bible and reflect on what they read, the theme of poverty leapt out at them and the tradition of interpretation which they had received was shattered. Liberation Theology arose from the situation, and the agenda of the world church altered. 5

Here we see the ecclesiology of the Jesuits unashamedly pushed and promoted. He does NOT address the fact that Romanism has been in these “ecclesial communities” for centuries and has helped to produce the poverty that characterizes them. He also does not go into detail to show what liberation theology has produced.

Not all scholars are impressed with Nicholas Wolterstorff. Dr. John Robbins said that,

Wolterstorff displays an embarrassing ignorance of history and economic theory, as well as, Christian theology… 6

He made this comment in connection with what Wolterstorff wrote about capitalism and communism.

Wolterstorff also said,

While the productive impulses and capacities of capitalism have proved to be nothing short of astonishing, industrial capitalism… has left a trail of poverty amidst wealth; it is in the ideology of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM, NOT in Capitalism, that the alleviation of poverty is given high priority.” (Emphasis added)

Does this “scholar” live on the same planet as the rest of us? Does North Korea, one of the most communistic countries on the face of this earth, give a high priority to the alleviation of poverty?

The magazine describes the Center’s aims as the desire “to encourage cutting-edge Christian scholarship by bringing in world-renowned scholars to Biola’s campus.” 8 In discussing the aim of the center, the magazine recounts what took place when those planning it were talking together about what they hoped to accomplish.

Back in October, professor Gregg Ten Eishof was sitting across from radio talk show host Frank Pastore, explaining his vision for the soon to be launched “Biola University Center for Christian Thought”… As he started to describe one of the center’s aims-to encourage cutting edge Christian scholarship by bringing world-renowned scholars like ‘Alvin Plantinga to Biola’s campus, Pastore excitedly burst in.

“No way! You got Plantinga to come?” he said. “Folks, Alvin Plantinga is on the shortlist of the top two or three most brilliant Christian philosophers… He and (Biola professor) Bill Craig, and maybe Swinburne… and Wolterstorff. Some of the brightest people around.”

Ten Eishof chuckled. As it just so happened, he said, Nicholas Wolterstorff would be joining Plantinga at the new Biola center in the spring. And Richard Swinburne was slated to come the following year.

“You’re getting an all-star team!” Pastore shouted.

“That’s the idea,” Ten Eishof said. 9

Surely the ignorance of biblical truth is widespread today. With the worship of man comes biblical ignorance. The wisdom of this age is completely destroyed by the Wisdom of God. The Wisdom of God has nothing whatsoever at all to do with the cutting edge of Jesuit scholarship; it has all to do with the cross of Christ. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us who are saved it is the power of God. For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. The glorious gospel, of which Rome knows nothing, is the wisdom of God. The wisdom of this age now rules much of what is called Christian scholarship in America today.

One of the main changes in American Christianity, in my lifetime, has been the loss of the Puritan-Protestant theology that was the foundation of this great nation for more than three hundred years. Several forces were at work to bring this change about, none more powerful than the Jesuits. The Jesuits worked hard to replace biblical Protestant Christianity with “classical” Christianity.

As time went on, there were other voices that arose to promote and defend “Classical Christianity.” The writings of C.S. Lewis championed “Classical Christianity.” Lewis loved the Mass, taught that egregious lie of Purgatory, which is surely the foundation of medieval religion, and never said a word about justification by faith alone in the finished work of Christ. What Lewis believed and taught was medieval mythology, not Protestant Christianity.

Dr. John Robbins, examines one of the main promoters of “classical tradition” in “Reformed” circles: Andrew Sandlin. He stated, among other things, that Sandlin had attacked him for showing the errors of the neo-legalists, whom Sandlin defends. Dr. Robbins also points out the distinction that Sandlin makes between what the Protestant Reformers taught-the Reformed Faith-and what Sandlin calls “historic orthodox Christianity.”

Sandlin quotes Thomas Oden, the Buttz Professor of Theology and Ethics, at Drew University, a United Methodist liberal school.

If you are going to be Eastern Orthodox, and I don’t want to try to dissuade you from that at all, I think you can find the One Holy Catholic Church there.10

This is the man that Sandlin cites as his authority on “Classical Christianity.” Sandlin continues his defense of Classical Tradition,

As I have written elsewhere, heresy is almost always defined in terms of deviation from classical Christianity, not from the distinctive of any particular species of the (orthodox) church, even the Presbyterian Church. So, even if the men charged are not Reformed (and | believe they are, they claim to be) they are not thereby heretics. 11

Here Sandlin is defending all those who hold to what he calls classical Christianity. That is Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox adherents, are not heretics even though they are not biblical Christians. So the same old push of Colson to have Roman Catholicism recognized as a sister Christian communion is being promoted by Sandlin. What Sandlin is defending here is medieval mythology, not Christianity.

Dr. Robbins refutes the errors of Sandlin. He stated,

So, according to Sandlin’s scheme, a man is not a heretic if he denies say, justification by faith alone, since it is a peculiar doctrine of the Reformed Faith, a doctrine that is not accepted by either Orthodoxism or Romanism, and which is not mentioned in the ecumenical creeds. Nor, according to Sandlin’s scheme, is a man a heretic if he denies the sufficiency and inerrancy of Scripture, since those doctrines are not mentioned in the ecumenical creeds and are in fact denied by the Romanists and the Orthodoxists. Nor is a man a heretic if he advocates the use of images and statues in worship, since both the Orthodoxists and the Romanists use and advocate the use of such “aids to worship,” and since the ecumenical creeds do not condemn their use. One could go on at length, but by now the reader should get the point: Sandlin has repudiated biblical Christianity in favor of something he calls “classical Christianity.” In repudiating the Reformation, Sandlin has repudiated Scripture and the Gospel that belongs to Jesus Christ.12

The return of a “divisive Protestant rebellion” to classical Romanism, has been the goal of the Jesuits since their inception. Now it is obvious that many in Reformed and evangelical and charismatic circles, have taken up the sword of the Jesuits in order to fight alongside them, to destroy what is left of historic Protestant Christianity in America today.

The Charismatics meeting at New Orleans a few years ago said that at the previous conference in Notre Dame, we knocked down the giant of Protestantism, now let us cut off his head that the divisions among the churches may never appear again. They, of course, we assume, were speaking figuratively, about cutting off the giant’s head. What they meant was that they wanted to bring about the complete destruction of Protestantism.

In America today we have those people who are classed as evangelicals; we have others classed as Reformed; still others from both of these camps classed as Charismatics, and all these people are promoting the ecumenical non- Protestant church; the confusion thus generated has been overwhelming.

Historically, all Protestant denominations, at their inception repudiated and refuted, and preached and taught against the great System of Mystery Babylon religion, with all the spiritual weapons at their disposal. And in many, many, cases sealed their witness in the flames of martyrdom. The dissenters before the Reformation, the Reformers, the Puritans, the Huguenots, the dissenters after the Reformation, ALL believed that they were in a life and death struggle with the Papal Man of Sin. They were struggling against him, and all his henchmen who were dealing out wars, massacres, sieges, mayhem, and every type of persecution known to man against them. Now the heirs of that glorious Protestant heritage, have all made their peace with the Man of Sin, having dropped Reformed Protestant eschatology. This is the consequence of following a Jesuit eschatology.

The Charismatics now want to cut THE HEAD OFF the giant of Protestantism; meaning they want to destroy him completely. However, they do NOT want to cut the head of the Papal Man of Sin; they do not want to destroy him completely. They obviously want him to flourish, so that those who once separated from him, and repudiated him, will NEVER AGAIN trouble or divide the great apostate ecumenical religion of humanity governed by him.

What does this mean?

Well, it means that they must love all the errors and blasphemies of the Papal Man of Sin. They must love the blasphemy of the Mass which is the chief act of worship in the Romish communion. They must love working for their salvation. They must love penance rather than repentance. They must love Mary more than Christ. They must love Purgatory, that chief of all blasphemies against the total forgiveness that Christ has accomplished for all those who believe in Him. They must love making saints and prayers for the dead, candles, and a hundred and one other evils of the Papal Man of Sin.

At the same time they want to destroy SOLA SCRIPTURA, the glorious Protestant teaching that Scriptura ALONE is the ONLY AUTHORITY for faith and practice in the church. Thus ruling out all popish edicts, ecumenical councils, Oral Tradition, and all forgeries of papal history. They must also want to destroy SOLA FIDE, that the sinner is justified by faith ALONE. They must love all the anathemas that the Papal Man of Sin has called down on such a wonderful doctrine. They must want to destroy SOLUS CHRISTUS, that salvation is not found in the church but in Christ ALONE. They must want to destroy SOLA GRATIA, THAT GLORIOUS Bible doctrine that the sinner is saved by GRACE ALONE, without any works of merit done by the sinner. Then they must all want to destroy SOLA DEI GLORIA, that all the glory belongs to God ALONE for everything. He that glories let him glory in the Lord. God has chosen the weak and the foolish and the despised, and the things that are not, that NO FLESH should glory in His presence.

Talk about unmitigated confusion. Those who claim they get revelations from God are led to repudiate the glorious truths the historic Protestants gleaned from the Scriptures ALONE; and in their place they want all the errors and blasphemies, that have been added over and above the Scriptures by the Papal Man of Sin down through the centuries. May the Lord enlighten the eyes of the modern church to the truth as it is in Jesus and as it is found in the Holy Scriptures ALONE! Romanism is built upon a foundation of total irrationalism. It may be called “classical” Christianity by the irrational neo-orthodox manologians of today but it has nothing to do with Christianity. What is called “classical” Christianity today is medieval mythology. The Apostles Creed may have been repeated by some in the middle ages, and some scholars may have known something about the ecumenical creeds, but the people were swamped in superstition. As Bishop J. C. Ryle said, their religion,

was superstition of the LOWEST AND MOST DEGRADING DESCRIPTION. Of the extent to which this was carried few, I suspect, have the smallest idea… The blind led the blind, and both fell into the ditch. In a word the religion of our ancestors, before Hooper’s time, was little better than an organized system of Mary worship, Virgin Mary worship, saint worship, image worship, relic worship, pilgrimages, alms-giving, formalism, ceremonialism, processions, prostrations, bowings, crossings, fastings, confessions, absolutions, masses, penances, and blind obedience to the priests. It was a grand higgledy-piggledy of ignorance and idolatry and service done to God by deputy. (Emphasis his) 13

It was an absolute carnival of irrationality and superstition, John Bale, in his commentary on the book of Revelation, said,

I beheld an execrable beast, very odious and hateful to look upon, rising out of the ravenous and roaring sea. By this monstrous ugly and most odious beast is meant the universal or whole anti-christ, comprehending in him all the wickedness, fury, falsehood, frowardness, deceit, lies, crafts, sleights, subtleties, hypocrisy, tyranny, mischiefs, pride, and all devilishness… How is this beast recognized? He takes error and establishes it as an infallible truth, and makes it a necessary article of faith, as they have done with purgatory, pardons, confessions, saint-worshiping, and such like… No abomination nor mystery of iniquity was ever found in these kingdoms that now reigneth in the detestable papacy or monstrous kingdom of antichrist, the Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Parthians were bad but nowhere was ever more pride, vanity, whoredom, filthiness, hypocrisy, falsehood, fickleness, extortion, vainglory, covetousness, sorcery, superstition, and unfaithfulness, seen to have defiled the holy temple of God, than that seen in the Roman Catholic System.14

The medieval mythology based upon tradition and not the Bible, promoted and defended the magic of the Mass, that a magic trick is performed every time the priest says his hocus-pocus over the bread and wine. It defended the myth of Purgatory. It promoted and extolled relics and bones. It developed a whole religion around Mary. It promoted and defended pilgrimages and shrines. It promoted the gross lie of indulgences. It promoted the lie that defied the Man of Sin as our Lord God the Pope. It denied salvation by grace ALONE, and justification by faith ALONE. And denied that the church was to be governed by the Bible ALONE. So whatever was promoted and followed in the religion of Rome, it had nothing whatsoever to do with either classical Christianity or Reformed Christianity. It simply was NOT Christian in any way, shape, or form.

It is this classical form of irrational traditional mythology that the Jesuits are promoting in America today, as a Christian Social Order. And many “Christians” are lined up with them, helping their cause with all the power and support they can muster.

Martin says of the Jesuits,

The Society of Jesus was started in 1540 by an obscure Basque named Inigo de Loyola, better known as Ignatius of Loyola. You cannot place Inigo’s Jesuits on a par with any other organization for the simple reason that no single organization we know of has yet rivaled the Jesuits in the immeasurable services they have rendered to the human family-over and above what they did on behalf of the papacy and the papacy’s Roman Catholic Church… the Society has withstood every test of time and circumstance…

Not even Inigo could have seen the quasi- miracle of his Society’s organization, its meteoric and brilliant success, and its universal influence on the world of man when he founded it. For the next 425 years, the tens of thousands who joined Inigo’s company established a record that in its own category stands unmatched in past or present history…

Once his men harnessed their energies within his organization to the worldwide work of the Roman Church, they produced a unique phenomenon of human history. “Never,” wrote the eighteenth-century German theorist Novalis, “never” before in the course of the world’s history had such a Society appeared. The old Roman Senate itself did not lay schemes for world domination with greater certainty of success. Never had the carrying out of a greater idea been considered with greater understanding. For all time, this Society will be an example to every Society which feels an organic longing for infinite extension and eternal duration.”

They were giants, but with one purpose: the defense and propagation of papal authority and papal teaching. 15

This great antichristian conspiratorial Order of the Jesuits, animated by the great Spirit of Error, is changing the American church even as we write. And the spiritual warfare that the Protestants and Puritans of America used to wage against it, is all but over. The theological battlefield is enshrouded in silence in the “Christian” churches of America; the noise of battle is heard only in American culture. The eschatologies of the Jesuits have seen to that. So while many “Christians” sleep a stealthy and deceptive enemy still wages his war against them.

We close with those immortal words of Grattan Guinness,

I see the great Apostasy, I see the desolation of Christendom, I see the smoking ruins. I see the reign of monsters; I see those vice-gods, that Gregory VII, that Innocent III, that Boniface VIII, that Alexander VI, that Gregory XIII, that Pius IX; I see their long succession, I hear their insufferable blasphemies, I see their abominable lives; I see them worshiped by blinded generations, bestowing hollow benedictions, bartering lying indulgences, creating a paganized Christianity; | see their liveried slaves, their shaven priests, their celibate confessors; I see the infamous confessional, the ruined women, the murdered innocents; I hear the lying absolutions, the dying groans; I hear the cries of the victims; I hear the anathemas, the curses, the thunders of the interdicts; I see the racks, the dungeons, the stakes; I see that inhuman Inquisition, those fires of Smithfield, those butcheries of St. Bartholomew, the Spanish Armada, those unspeakable dragonnades, that endless train of wars, that dreadful multitude of massacres. I see it all, and in the name of that ruin it has brought upon the Church and in the world, in the name of the truth it has denied, the temple it has defiled, the God it has blasphemed, the souls it has destroyed; in the name of the millions it has deluded; the millions it has slaughtered, the millions it has damned; with holy confessors, with noble reformers, with innumerable martyrs, with the saints of the ages, I denounce it as the masterpiece of Satan, as the body and soul and essence of antichrist.

What can the true believer do in the face of apostasy, false religion, and the compromise with such evils? He can do no better than to follow the advice of the Apostle Paul,

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication for all saints; and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:10-19).

(End of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke. )

If you read the entire booklet, congratulations! You should now know more than most born-again Christians about who the real enemy is. I used to think it was the Jews, and then later the Illuminati / Freemasons / Bilderbergers / CFR / International Bankers / Rothschilds / Rockefellers / ___________ (fill in the blank with your favorite bad guy), at the top of the pile of evils in this world, but now based on my knowledge of the Protestant Reformation and the Roman Catholic Church’s reaction to the Reformation which is called the Counter-Reformation, I believe ALL these people and organizations are controlled by the Jesuits and the Vatican. Dr. Ronald Cooke’s booklet added more details to that knowledge.

The Jesuits and Ecumenism

The Jesuits and Ecumenism

Pope Francis meets Rick Warren, the pastor of Saddleback church.

This is chapter 11 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke.

Malachi Martin believed that the Jesuits in promoting their wars of liberation, were also involved in promoting the ecumenical church for all humanity, not just for Roman Catholics. He believed that the ecumenism of the Jesuits was a betrayal of their Order’s original purpose: defending the papacy from all comers, particularly those intransigent Protestants. I think history has proven Martin wrong. He wrote his book on the Jesuits almost thirty years ago. Since then, the Jesuits, although pursuing their ecumenical church, have not betrayed their original goals. They have merely used the contemporary blindness in non-catholic churches to further the cause of the papacy, linking it to a worldwide ecumenical “church” embracing all humanity. This church will be under the dominion of the papacy, even though some window-dressing may hide that fact from millions. The final apostate conglomerate is centered in Rome, that fact is not going to change, no matter how much rhetoric and semantics may attempt to hide that truth from unsuspecting non- Catholics.

For more than one hundred years the Jesuits have been pushing hard to bring about a universal-catholic church. At first, they met with serious opposition and some were excommunicated. However, they did not quit. They kept up their struggle to bring about the “church” of all humanity. The fact that the Jesuits were welcomed early on into the liberal Protestant ecumenical movement was a big help. Soon they would become leaders in the Charismatic Movement after Vatican II, and then they would be welcomed into modern evangelicalism by Bill Bright of Campus Crusade, and other leading evangelicals, to help draw up ECT I, (Evangelicals and Catholics Together).

What Malachi Martin called “MODERNISM” began to creep into the Roman Catholic church at the turn of the 20th century. For years many Roman Catholics had questioned the authenticity of the Scriptures. None, however, had been willing to challenge the authority of the Pope and the church until George Tyrell the Jesuit did.

George Tyrell was born in Ireland in 1861. He converted from Anglicanism to Romanism in 1879, probably as a result of the Tractarian Movement which was going strong at that time. Like Scott Hahn today, Tyrell became an outspoken advocate for Romanism for he became a Jesuit. However, he was infected with MODERNISM, according to Martin. Tyrell wrote,

Faith in the world becomes more fundamental than faith in the Church, for the world-humanity-is by revised definition the fuller and all-inclusive, revelation of God.

The Spirit of God is in us all. The human spirit awakens to self-consciousness and recognizes its kinship with the Spirit which is trying to express itself in the historical process of science, morality, and religion.1

He liked to say that,

What makes a Catholic is not this or that abstract theory, but a belief in the historical (Roman) Catholic community.2

(This is where the modem emphasis upon “community” and “unity” comes from in modern non-catholic books and ministries: from the Jesuits.)

Tyrell made no secret of his teaching of universalism and the community of humanity. He was dismissed from the Jesuit Order in 1960. Like so many others in history, Tyrell still pined for the Roman Catholic Church, even though he was put out of it.

Tyrell was dismissed from the Jesuits, Malachi Martin claims because the Jesuits were afraid of the conservative nature of the papacy at that time (1960). They were afraid that the whole Order might once again be crushed by the pope and his Curia. Tyrell taught doctrines that were contrary to the official position of Rome at that time. He was told to retract what he had taught. He refused. He was then dismissed from the Jesuit Order and left the Roman Catholic Church.

Tyrell, with Emesto Buonauti and Pierre Teilhard Du Chardin, were all under suspicion because of what they were teaching. Buonauti was excommunicated. Tyrell was dismissed from the Order of the Jesuits and left the church apparently realizing that if he did not, he would be excommunicated anyway. Du Chardin survived, and according to Martin, he was the worst of the three and by far the most influential writer and teacher of the three.

Malachi Martin claims that many modern Roman Catholic scholars followed Tyrell and Du Chardin. Men, he says, like Karl Rahner, Leonardo Boff, Hans Kung, and Charles Curran. These men looked upon Tyrell as their “exemplar.” Martin wrote,

Without a doubt, if Tyrell was alive today, he would be flourishing in a professor’s chair at a Jesuit university or seminary.3

Tyrell still believed in the Roman Catholic church even after he was dismissed by the Jesuits, and left it.

He said the true catholic believes in humanity, he believes in the world, he wrote, “to feel the relation of fraternity between the various members of the religious family is to be a catholic.”4 He also said,

The Church of Rome has on the whole preserved the message of Christ more faithfully than any other… and in it you can find the germ of that future universal religion for which we all look.5

He regarded every other church as “the work of the Devil, a snare, an imposture, a spurious evolution, “ and, ”whatever Jesus was, he was not a Protestant.”6 So, although he was advocating some changes within the System of Romanism, he certainly was no Protestant. If you visit his grave today you will see the headstone just as he himself sketched it before he died: the Host and Chalice at the top; beneath his dates and the words “A priest of the Catholic Church.”7

Few people seem to realize today that modem Christian Academia is far more influenced by Jesuit teachings than it is by Reformed Protestant teachings. Witness the influence of Jesuit teachings in places like Calvin College, Wheaton College, Westminister Theological Seminary, Fuller Seminary, Gordon Conwell, and Biola. In these and other colleges and seminaries the teachings of the Reformers have been supplanted by the teaching of the Jesuits. It can safely be said that there is scarcely ONE academic institution in America today that teaches the Protestant position in eschatology, that the Man of Sin is the papal dominion in the world today.

Martin claims that the NEW UNIVERSAL CHURCH of the Jesuits has been promoted by myriads of groups both Roman Catholic and non-catholic. They all champion the new idea that the church is the “PEOPLE OF GOD.”8 However, he claims it was the Jesuits who “blazed the trail,”9 and set the most consistent examples in helping to establish such churches. Certainly what is now called the “Emergent” church in North America today, follows the Jesuit teachings.

Martin believed that Karl Rahner spent his life in an effort to change the Roman Catholic landscape. And Martin believed that to a certain extent he was successful and that his success,

marked him out as the leader in what can aptly be described as the wolf-pack of Catholic theologians, who since 1965 have lacerated and shredded… the very substance of Catholicism.10

The truth is that their influence also lacerated and shredded what is now called “non-catholicism” as well. The NEW Unity of the Jesuits invaded the whole Charismatic Movement in North America as well as the evangelical establishment.

Rahner traveled all over Europe and North America, clad in a business suit, not in the clerical garb of the Roman priest, “untiring, Martin claims,” in “his biting and sarcastic criticism of the papacy and papal authority.”11

It is true that Jesuits like Du Chardin, Tyrell, and Buonauti, taught contrary to what the “church” wanted taught in some areas, but in other areas, all these men, with others like them, still championed the Catholic Church. They wanted the “church” to appeal to a broader constituency. Much like the modem mega-church men in non-Catholicism, they claim to hold to the Bible but want to appeal to a broader constituency. This is seen in the so-called Christian RIGHT movement. When it was foundering a few years ago, the leader said that it “needed to avoid Christianese” to appeal to a broader constituency.

This broader appeal by the church in both Romanism. and Protestantism was then extended to include ALL humanity. If we are going to appeal io a broader constituency why not make that constituency everybody? This was Karl Barth’s message. In fact, he emphasized that the message to be preached was that everyone was the elect of God.

Du Chardin also emphasized the “Christification” of ALL humanity, not just an elite group. So both the Jesuits and the non-Catholics, using different terminology, were actually preaching and teaching the same thing. They both rejected the elect of God and promoted all humanity as the true people of God.

Who will be the head of this joint ecumenical church of all humanity? Well, for several years now various “non-catholic” spokesmen have been promoting the Pope of Rome (whom they consider to be one of the world’s leading Christians) to be the “logical” head of the new universal church. The Anglican bishop of Guildford, in his statement about the inauguration of Pope Francis, referred to him as the “universal Primate, whom some Anglicans and many other Christians were beginning to recognize.” * 12

* The pushing of the Pope of Rome as the universal Primate of the church of all humanity, is now increasingly common among those determined to bring what is left of Protestantism to the feet of the Roman Pontiff. Perhaps the effort is increasing as we move toward 2017 AD and the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Protestantism. Will REFO 500 the movement now in motion to help celebrate the start of the Protestant Reformation, also celebrate the END of the division that Protestantism brought about, by declaring the healing of the wound and the ushering in of the NEW UNIVERSAL Church.? IS REFO 500 out to celebrate the start of Protestantism in 1517, or out to celebrate the end of Protestantism in 2017? We will have to wait and see!

Malachi Martin, that loyal son of Rome, claimed in his book on the Jesuits, that they had departed from their historical mission to bring the world to the feet of the Roman Pontiff. However, surely time has shown that Martin misunderstood what the Jesuits were all about. They had merely dropped some of their more antagonistic ways that they have used for centuries against the Protestant heretics, and replaced them with an irenic dialogue. They sought then, to work WITH the evangelicals, Charismatics, and Reformed, and Baptist men, to bring about an “ecumenical church.” The Jesuits may have called this church various names, The People of God; the church of ALL Humanity; the NEW Ecumenical church, but what they were promoting was a church STILL headed up by the Pope of Rome. The name may have been different, the end result was the Same.

What Malachi Martin viewed as a betrayal of their historic mission, was merely another ploy in the long history of the Jesuits’ Counter-Reformation. They had changed their tactics, but not their goal. They would cease their opposition to Protestantism and replace it with a spirit of cooperation. They would criticize certain aspects of Roman Catholicism creating confusion and mystery.

The Bible teaches that the same old Harlot religion continues until God casts her down in judgment. All the Present ecumenical window-dressing cannot hide the Great Prostitute’s true nature. She is still the reservoir of evil in the world, the habitation of demons; the prison of every foul spirit; and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird headed up on earth by the Papal Man of Sin.

To get everyone’s attention, and to call everyone to the gathering, the Jesuits merely spoke of the NEW church of all humanity; the NEW Unity; the NEW Community; the NEW theology; and even, as one Jesuit put it, Humanity’s NEW God.

God’s word infallibly declares that the “god” of this world has blinded the minds of those that believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (II Corinthians 4:4). The great ecumenical church of all humanity does indeed worship its NEW “god” and the Bible clearly shows who that NEW god is-the god of this age-Satan himself, is the head of the great “anti-church” of all humanity.


1. Martin,, p. 276.

2. Ibid., p. 277.

3. Ibid, p. 283.

4. Ibid, p. 280.

5. Ibid., p.283.

6. Loc.cit.

7. Loc.cit.

8. Ibid, p.22.

9. Loc.cit.

10. Loc.cit.

11. Ibid, p. 23.

12. English Church Newspaper, Mar 22, 2013, p.12.

Continue to the next and final chapter: Evangelicals and the Ecumenical Movement

The Effects of the Jesuit Cultural Struggle Upon the United States Today

The Effects of the Jesuit Cultural Struggle Upon the United States Today

This is chapter 10 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke.

The Jesuit-Futurist view puts Antichrist away off into the end times. So he does not affect church or nation today. The Jesuit-Preterist view puts Antichrist back into the first century ONLY. He disappeared before AD 70. So he no longer affects either church or the world today.

So the Jesuits then can get on with the job of Romanizing the world for the Pope of Rome. The deceived evangelicals and Reformed Bible-believers are now caught up in this Jesuit cultural struggle to “Christianize” America and the world.

The idea of “Christianizing” the world arises from the Jesuit Alcasar’s view of the future. Antichrist arose and fell before AD 70. So with such opposition out of the way, the coast is clear to set about “Christianizing-Romanizing” the World for the Papacy. This is what is happening in the United States today.

There was a lot of gobbledegook written by the Jesuits, Du Chardin, and Tyrell, to name two, but one thing is clear: American Protestantism had to go, And the Jesuits were prepared to make it go, and to replace it with their Jesuit-Social-Order.

We as Jesuits must recognize that we participate in many sinful structures of American society. Hence we run the risk of sin UNLESS WE WORK TO CHANGE THAT. 1 (emphasis added)

The Jesuit cultural struggle is how they are working to change America. This cultural struggle takes place on many fronts: theological, political, ecclesiastical, philosophical, educational, scientific, and yes militarily. One of the aspects of the Jesuit cultural struggle is euphemistically called LIBERATION THEOLOGY.

Malachi Martin, who hated liberation theology, does recount some details about it and those Jesuits who promoted it and were deeply and personally involved in its execution on the battlefield.

Malachi Martin wrote,

As one swallow does not make a summer, so one McGovern (the Jesuit author of Marxism: An American Christian Perspective) or even one-Jesuit National Leadership project-does not make a war. Its stated policy aside, in every practical sense the Society (Jesuit) is committed corporately to this class struggle. Its message comes today from a thousand different sources among clergymen and theologians living in the countries of democratic capitalism. It is enshrined in a totally new theology – the Theology of Liberation – whose handbook was written by a Peruvian Jesuit, Father Gustavo Gutierrez, and whose Hall of Fame includes a remarkable number of prominent Latin American Jesuits such as Jon Sobrino, Juan Segundo, and Ferdinand Cardenal. Those are not household names heard on the nightly news in the USA. They are however, men of significant international influence for the Americas (North and South) and for Europe. 2

(Ferdinand Cardenal of course, was one of the Jesuits who was a leader of the bloody Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua shortly before Martin wrote.)

The Jesuits promoted the universal church and the people’s church: the church of all humanity. The only problem is that not all are convinced by the Jesuit Message. This is where Liberation Theology comes into the picture.

The message of universal salvation is now preached by Roman Catholics and non-Catholics. God loves everybody. All humanity is the elect of God. The message sounds great, but what if some do not cooperate?

God loves everybody unconditionally. But what if everyone does not love God? What then? The message that love inevitably triumphs over hate sounds great; but what if hate does not cooperate and believe the message preached? Well then if hate does not give way to love peacefully: it will have to be convinced by other means.

The Jesuit, Francis Carney, was more honest than some other Jesuits, for he unashamedly and vocally believed and preached, that military force was necessary to set up the kingdom of God on earth. His idea of liberation was based on dialectical theology: the theology of conflict. Conflicting opinions must give way to a series of struggles between people of different ideologies. This was God’s plan for the world. God was engineering evolution to bring about universal salvation, but this evolutionary determinism included conflict and armed revolution if some people refused peacefully to accept the ecumenical church of all humanity.3

The Jesuits were the masters and originators of Liberation theology. The impact of liberation theology is not well known in non-catholic circles today in modern America. Yet liberation theology rises from the Jesuit eschatology. Luis Aleasar said that the Antichrist arose and fell in the first century. So then the church can “Christianize” the world for there is no system of anti-Christianity to oppose it.

This is what they work for day and night. How is this take over of the world to be achieved? Well, for years Jesuits worked through political intrigue and education to achieve their goals. They still do. However, men like Pierre Teilhard Du Chardin, with other Jesuits, sought to speed up the take over of the world and to speed up the destruction of Protestantism, particularly in the United States of America.

So the idea arose that the “church” needed to become more militant. Not like former days when the papacy sought the military help of kings and princes to achieve their domination of Europe. The CHURCH needed to become more militant itself, and not only seek for the help of the secular rulers, but in many cases overthrow the secular rulers by armed aggression. The Reformed (really Jesuit) Reconstructionists also taught the same thing: military might to overcome all opposition and thus ”Christianize” the world and bring in the kingdom of love and light by the armed aggression of Liberation Theology.

Carney was not just whistling “Dixie.” He was directly involved with the jungle-based guerrillas in Latin America, particularly in Honduras. Malachi Martin wrote that,

Carney was Chicago born and bred. He trained as a Jesuit… and then volunteered for work in Central America… he became a Honduran citizen. Over the years Carey drank in Liberation Theology like rare wine… His name and activities were publicly associated with jungle-based guerrillas. Even when a price was laid on his head by Honduran Army authorities, there was NO MOVE by Jesuit Superiors to curb Carey’s guerrilla associations. Indeed, Carney was only one of several Jesuits in Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Costa Rica who were all following the same course with the BLESSING of their local Roman Superiors. 4 (emphasis added)

The Jesuits not only promoted Liberation Theology; they were deeply involved in the actual fighting. (We recount in more detail the Jesuit bloody triumphs in Nicaragua, in our previous study, The Jesuit Kulturkampf in the United States.)

Many Roman Catholic priests became involved in actual revolutionary activity in Latin America. The leaders of this theological and military effort, this liberation theology, were the Jesuits. What few people seem to realize is that the same Order of Jesuits was at work in the United States to promote liberation theology.

In the United States, the task was much more difficult. For there were not the masses of poverty-stricken people to provide the cannon-fodder for a full-blown revolutionary war as there were in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and other South American countries like Bolivia and Paraguay. In the United States, a different strategy would have to be employed.

As early as the decade of the 1960s the Jesuits, while still promoting the establishment of a Christian Social Order, also established a “Jesuit National Leadership Project.” This Was a fundamental change in direction. Their “Working Paper” was explicit about their intention to change the political structure of America from that of a Protestant capitalistic republic to a classless society that was neither communistic nor capitalistic: it would be a reinterpreting of the gospel mission about the salvation of souls, to an economic non-supernatural dynamic conflict. It was the class struggle with a different end in view: a NEW kind of society which endorsed revolution as a catalyst of theological, political, and economic change. The change thus brought about would be complete. “It would be at one and the same time, a cultural-spiritual change, and an economic-social-political change as well.”5 This then, is the struggle that many gullible non-Catholics are now engaged in promoting.

Carney ended his autobiography with a plea to all “Christians” to get rid of their unfair and un-Christian prejudices against revolution and Marxism. He wanted all Christians to join the NEW idea of revolution: a Christian revolution. 6 (The IRA in Ulster at that time began their Roman Catholic revolution against Protestant Ulster. The Protestants of Ulster were viewed as intransigent and therefore must be annihilated to pave the way for the ecumenical church of all humanity. The IRA were, and still are, merely putting into practice Jesuit Liberation theology).

Carney, with the agreement of His Jesuit Superiors, illegally crossed the border into Honduras to share the hit-and-run life of a guerrilla commando, It was the beginning of 12 years of the now gun-toting revolutionary Jesuit priest pressing forward in the dialectical conflict to bring about the NEW future of Catholicism and the NEW church of all humanity.7 He was putting Liberation Theology into action. This is where that miserable idea of “doing” theology now rampant in non-catholic circles came from. Carney’s theology was transposed into military combat. Martin wrote,

In September 1983, (12 years after he started his war) Carney’s ninety-man commando unit was wiped out in a battle with Honduran troops… a few of his men survived and were thrown into a rectangular pit in the jungle… Was Carney one of these men? No one has ever been able to find out.

That’s the kind of war this is… it’s a war in which blood is spilled regularly and in great quantities. Priests like Carney are not exceptions… not all go so far as to live the life of commando fighters. But in many and varied roles they do play in the world’s purely political arena, men such as Father Carney S. J., each and every one of them, are essential to the success of the Jesuits. 8


1. Martin, Malachi, The Jesuits, Linden Press, N.Y., NY, 1987, p.17.

2. Loe. cit.

3. Ibid., p.19.

4. Ibid., p. 18.

5. Ibid., p. 20.

6. Loc.cit.

7. Loc.cit

8. Ibid., p. 20-21.

Continue to the next chapter: The Jesuits and Ecumenism

The Cultural Struggle

The Cultural Struggle

This is chapter 9 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

The cultural struggle in America today arises from the second Jesuit commentator on the Apocalypse, Luis Alcasar. He dismissed the Man of Sin from the church. He postulated the rise of Antichrist in the first century and his demise by AD 70. Even Emanuel Lacunza took some time to completely refute such an idea of Antichrist. Showing that the Jesuits contradicted one another. Alcasar wrote his work in 1604, and such a view of Antichrist, and the book of Revelation, had never been heard of in church history before. Charles Hodge says of this view,

The second class (of interpreters of the Apocalypse) includes the modern German interpreters who, denying any real prediction of the future, confine the views of Daniel and John to their contemporary history. To this class belong Ewald, De Wette, Lucke, and others.1

No doubt, if Hodge were alive today, he would have to include the names of North, Rushdoony, Jordan, Morecraft, Gentry, and De Mar, and all the other theonomists and reconstructionists all follow the Jesuit here and the German apostate writers to boot.

All reconstructionists of necessity must follow Alcasar, the Jesuit, so that Antichrist is no more. In this way they can call for the christianizing of the world, since there is no antichrist opposition to contend with, now, or in the future.

Had Clarence Larkin lived a little longer he could have added to that wonderful revival of Jesuit eschatology in Catholic Church, but strange to say, “it has been wonderfully revived since the beginning of the nineteenth century, and that among Protestants.” Had he lived he could have added, that the Preterist view of the book of Revelation which was started by the Jesuit, Luis Alcasar, has now been wonderfully revived in 1970, and that among Protestant Reformed Presbyterian and Baptist Reconstructionists.

The “wonderful revival” that Larkin speaks of here is the complete loss of the Protestant Reformed view of the Man Of Sin, and the recognition of the two Jesuit views in modern times among Protestants. For when a modern critic of Gary North the modern “Reformed” reconstructionist writer, wrote to him about this issue, North replied,

David Chitton’s masterful commentary on the book of Revelation forever destroys the biblical case for identifying the Pope as Antichrist. It is now no longer worth discussing, assuming that it ever was, Since I paid a small fortune to get out Days of Vengeance, you can rest assured that I have no inclination to equate the Pope and the Antichrist… Please do not send me any more letters like this one. I do not appreciate them. I do not want to debate this issue. This issue was laid to rest a century ago by all Protestant denominations. 2

So the Jesuit, Luis Aleasar, has completely triumphed over both David Chilton and Gary North, the modern “Reformed” Reconstructionists. His answer is typical of the modern Jesuit’s response to such a question. For the Jesuit, of course, does not equate the Pope with Antichrist, nor does he want to debate such an issue. He wants all to submit to Rome without so much as a whisper of dissent.

Also, it is patently false to say that this issue was laid to rest by ALL Protestant denominations a century ago. For the Missouri Lutheran Synod still looks upon the papacy as the Antichrist of Scripture. So does the WELS, Lutheran body. Several Reformed bodies who still take The Westminster Confession of faith as their standard also have not laid that teaching to rest. Several Reformed Baptist groups also have not fallen for the Jesuit Preterist position as Gary North obviously has.

Perhaps North means what Larkin said, that there was a wonderful revival of Jesuit teachings more than a century ago within many Protestant churches, which then all laid to rest the true Protestant teaching. A seismic change indeed!

As to Chilton’s commentary being masterful, Greg Bahnsen, the modern prolific writer on Reconstructionist topics, did not agree. He said basically that his friend, David Chilton’s book was marred by poor hermeneutics, so he did not consider it a masterpiece at all.

David Chilton, who makes many strange comments in this book while defending and promoting Jesuit Reconstructionism, toward the end of his life began to wonder about the Reconstructionists and Reconstructionism that he once praised. The glibness which characterizes some of the statements in his commentary on the book of Revelation had given place to “gut-wrenching” experiences before he died.

In his taped message Ecclesiastical Megalomania, Chilton near the end of his life reports on the church which he attended in Tyler, Texas. In this church that is considered the mother church of Reconstructionism, Chilton recounts some of the bizarre things that went on there, and some of the strange teachings that came forth from the pulpit. He mentions that he had “gut-wrenching struggles over whether or not he might be excommunicated over disagreeing about whitewall tires.” He mentions that two people left the church. Then he also says that some members fled to “the relative freedom of the Roman Catholic Church.” And that when other members talked of leaving that the message from the pulpit was that the original couple who had left. “had left the faith and that they were not Christians any more, and were going to hell.”

Chilton was still a Reconstructionist but he was obviously greatly disturbed by what he was experiencing in this “famous” church. Shortly after making his tape, David Chilton suffered a heart-attack. He recovered but then died later. Dr. Robbins, to whom we are indebted for this information, wrote at the end of Chilton’s article, “One wonders if the terror and desperation he felt in the Tyler Church contributed to his health problems.” After his heart attack, Chilton and his lecture were attacked by Gary North, the chief financier of the Tyler Church,

Dr. Robbins adds,

“North threatened this editor in writing with “destruction” for publicizing Chilton’s speech. Several former members of the Tyler Church spoke to the editor after we published this review, saying that Chitton had not told the half of it. They were still frightened of the leaders of the Reconstructionist Tyler church, years after they had left. 3

So much for Jesuit Reconstructionism.


1. Hodge, Charles, Systematic Theology, Erdmans, Grand Rapids, MO, 1989, Vol. III, p. 826.

2. Chmelovski, Thomas M., Where Have All the Protestants Gone? Self-Published, no date, pp. 4-5.

3. Against the Churches, Trinity Review, 1989-1998. Editor, John Robbins, pp. 239-240.

Continue to the next chapter: The Effects of the Jesuit Cultural Struggle Upon the United States Today

The Thesis of the Jesuit Francisco Ribera

The Thesis of the Jesuit Francisco Ribera

This is chapter 8 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

Ribera wrote his commentary on the book of Revelation in 1590. In it he repudiated the idea that Antichrist was the Papacy. He set forth Antichrist as a man who would not appear until the very end of the age.

In the decade of the 1820’s two professors, S. R Maitland of Oxford University and James Todd of Dublin University, resurrected Ribera’s thesis and both men put out a series of books supporting The Jesuit and repudiating the Protestant Reformers.

Ribera’s thesis had laid dormant for almost 250 years. It lay in Oxford University, “a time bomb waiting to explode” as Colin Standish said.

Well, Maitland and Todd saw to it that the bomb went off just as the Tractarians were beginning to launch their attack upon the Anglican Church. The works of Maitland and Todd certainly aided the cause of the Oxford Romanizers. And when they detonated their bomb, it caused a fall out of such magnitude as to completely neutralize the teaching of the Protestant Reformers on Antichrist in Bible-believing circles to this day.

Maitland was the librarian of the Archbishop of Canterbury, so he had some power and prestige to help spread his writings throughout Anglicanism and the English speaking world. His chief works on Antichrist consisted of, An Inquiry into the Grounds of the Prophetic Period in Daniel and St, John (1826), and A Second Inquiry (1829), He also wrote, An Attempt to Elucidate the Prophecies Concerning Anti Christ (1830).

James Todd, was born in Dublin Ireland in 1805. He became a librarian at the University of Dublin. He also wrote several works on the Antichrist. His main works were, Discourses on the Prophecies Relating to Antichrist in the Writings of Daniel and St. Paul, and, Six Discourses on the Prophecies Relating to Antichrist in the Apocalypse of St. John. These works all repudiated the Protestant position and promoted the Jesuit position on the identity of the Antichrist. They directed their readers AWAY from the Papacy to an unknown secular man. They surely could not have hoped for a more favorable reception than they received. It was almost total. And surely their view helped John Henty Newman, as he himself testified that he had held the Reformed Protestant view of Antichrist since he was fifteen years old. And this was the first Protestant teaching which he came to reject in his long journey to Rome.


It is remarkable to note how the various tentacles of Rome were at work to strangle Protest England at the beginning of the 19th century. It is even more remarkable to note that the same forces were at work to, strangle Protestantism in the United States in the 20th century. The Jesuits, are nothing, if not hard workers. Lacunza sought to get his book into England under the guise of a converted Jewish Rabbi, Ben Ezra. And many people were at first deceived on this point. But his book was received just as_ favorably, even after it became known he was a Jesuit and not a Jewish convert.

At the same time as the Tractarian Movement was taking off in the Anglican Church, Emanuel Lacunza, another Jesuit, was publishing his work, The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty. Edward Irving, translated the Spanish Edition of Rabbi Ben Ezra’s work into English and published it in 1827. Irving was not deceived into thinking Lacunza was really a converted Jewish Rabbi called Ben Ezra. For in the preface of his translation, Irving brought out the details about the real author, Emanuel Lacunza, the Spanish Jesuit. This information was revealed to Irving by the sponsors of the Spanish edition printed in London in 1810.

The work of Emanuel Lacunza, the Spanish Jesuit, helped to corroborate and revitalize Ribera’s teaching of a future-only Antichrist. Lacunza’s work was another powerful force in that “wonderful” revival of Jesuit teachings among Protestants, that Clarence Larkin alluded to in his work on Dispensationalism.

Truly, the era between 1820 and 1880 was a time of Jesuit triumphs in England. in fact, it was the beginning of the end of Protestantism in the Anglican Church. Bishop J. C. Ryle, Dean Farrar, William Goode, and some others sought to stem the tide. But these men passed from the scene as Anglicanism entered the twentieth century, and it has been all downhill ever since.

The issue of the identity of the Man of Sin is much more important than many people now realize. For obviously, no Christian wants to unite with the Man of Sin. So if Roman Catholicism is the home of the Papal Man of Sin, no Protestant on earth would want to unite with such evil. So the identifying of the Papacy as the Man of Sin was the first item that had to be dealt with if Ecumenism was to become a reality and the Roman Catholic Communion was to be recognized as Christian. The Man of Sin was put off into a future time zone so as to clear the Roman Catholic Church of the stigma that the Protestant Reformers had placed upon her. The Jesuits cleared the way for Ecumenism to proceed. And proceed it did. For ECT (Evangelicals and Catholics Together) I and ECT II were both triumphs for the Jesuits. For the first time in history since the Protestant Reformation, Bible-believers joined forces with Roman Catholics to further the cause of Ecumenism.

Obviously no one, in his right mind, could think of uniting with the Man of Sin. So if some kind of union was to take place between the two communions, both communions would have to be regarded as “Christian.” So for Protestants to unite with Roman Catholicism, they would of necessity have to regard the Roman Catholic System as another Christian Communion, so they would have to drop their teaching that the Papacy of Rome was the Man of Sin and the Antichrist of Scripture.

The view of Protestants was, and still is, set forth in the Westminister Confession of Faith.

There is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ: nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof; but is that antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the church against Christ, and all that is called God.1

This was basically the position of the Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Methodists, and Baptists up until about the year 1820. In fact the Baptist Confession of Philadelphia practically quotes the statement from _the Westminister Confession. Adam Clarke, the Methodist commentator, went into great detail to teach that the wild Beast of the Apocalypse was the Papal Kingdom, and some modern Evangelical Lutherans also still regard the Papal kingdom as Antichrist.

So for about three hundred years after the Reformation, the denominations that were formed in Protestant circles all followed the Reformers teaching on Antichrist. Now there are scarcely any Protestant denominations that do so. Is that not remarkable?

In once Protestant academic institutions the impact of the Jesuits theologically and philosophically, is almost total. The magnitude of the Jesuit triumphs escapes millions of Bible-believers today. Prior to 1820 (using an arbitrary date) the_majority_of Protestant Denominations identified the Antichrist with the Papal Man of Sin. After the efforts of the Jesuits, and the Tractarians, this was no longer so.

The Man of Sin was removed from the present and put back into the first century or put off into the end times. He was no longer in any way, identified with the papacy. This was the start of the long road of Protestantism back to Rome. The Protestant Ecumenical Movement began officially in 1948 with the establishment of the World Council of Churches. It was not long until dialogue and co-operation with Roman Catholicism was being promoted.

Then the New Evangelicals, starting at the same time, also opened up dialogue with Roman Catholicism. Then the New Evangelicals began calling for a co-belligerency with Roman Catholicism to fight secular humanism. Then the Pope of Rome, after he died, was praised by Billy Graham in this way:

When future historians took back on the most influential personalities of the 20th century, the name of Pope John Paul II will unquestionably loom large in their accounts. Few individuals have had a greater impact–not just religiously but socially and morally on the modern world. He will stand as the most influential MORAL VOICE of our time. (Emphasis added)2

Accompanying all this fulsome praise of the Pope there was the cry, of UNIVERSAL PRIMATE OF THE CHURCH, also going up all over the world. So from being regarded as the Papal Man of Sin, by almost all Protestants, the Popes of Rome have now ascended to the throne of the Universal Primate of the “church.” Surely, even the Jesuits could not have foreseen such success for their efforts.

Nor could they have hoped for a better reception from the leaders of the Evangelical and Reformed Churches. The magnitude of the Jesuit accomplishments is overwhelming. While millions of Bible-believers put Antichrist back into the first century of the Church, and millions of other Bible-believers put Antichrist off into a future time capsule, the present Antichrist is for all intents and purposes looked upon as the Head of the Ecumenical Church.

Could the blindness of modern self-confessed Bible- believers be greater? Could the ignorance of modern self- confessed Bible-believers be more widespread? Could the acceptance of the Papal Man of Sin be more overwhelming? The Reformed Protestant testimony is all but gone. My how the mighty have fallen and the weapons of warfare perished! Only a tiny minority are still at war with the Papal Man of Sin; the rest_have fallen theologically, philosophically, ecclesiastically, politically, educationally, culturally, and eschatologically into his welcoming arms.

So by putting Antichrist out of the PRESENT whatever is happening now, has nothing to do with the Papacy or the Jesuits. It is some other evil secular conspiracy energized by secular men. It is not in any way RELIGIOUS, nor does it concern the “church.” The Bible, however, does not agree.

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (1 Corinthians 11:13-15).


1. Westminister Confession, Graham and Heslip, Belfast, N. Ireland, 1933, p. 87.

2. Life Magazine, Special Commemorative Edition, p. 6.

Continue to the next chapter: The Cultural Struggle

The Consequences of the Jesuit Eschatologies in America Today

The Consequences of the Jesuit Eschatologies in America Today

Pope Francis wearing the fish hat of the fish-god, Dagon. Dagon is mentioned 12 times in 7 verses in the Bible as a false god.

This is chapter 7 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

It is a fact, that Sir Robert Anderson, Harry Ironside, Dave Hunt, and many other commentators on the book of Revelation, repudiate the Roman Catholic System, while at the same time promoting the Jesuit-Romanist view of the Man of Sin. Is this anomaly important or not? We believe that the fact that almost all Protestant evangelical commentators now promote one or the other of the two Jesuit positions on the Man of Sin, has had a profound effect upon America today.

In this brief tract two areas where the Jesuit eschatologies have had a deep and lasting effect upon the American church today will be considered: the Ecumenical Movement and the so-called Cultural Struggle. In fact, I believe it can be shown that these two movements could not have arisen in the modern American church, had not the Reformed Protestant position on the Antichrist been first abandoned.


The Ecumenical Movement is a repudiation of the Protestant Reformation. One of the first concerted moves to repudiate Reformation Protestantism was the Tractarian Movement in the 19th century in England. This movement was connected to a revival of Jesuit eschatology in the nineteenth century within the confines of Bible-believing Protestantism.

In the twentieth century, Clarence Larkin exulted in to bring about this “wonderful” revival of Jesuit teachings at the beginning of the nineteenth century

1. The Oxford Movement. 2. The resurrection of the commentary on the book of Revelation, written by the Jesuit, Francisco Ribera. 3. The publication of the book, The Coming of the Messiah in Power and Glory, written by another Jesuit, Emanuel Lacunza. The Jesuits surely revived Roman Catholicism in England, and the revival of the Roman Catholic view of the Antichrist was then spread throughout North America through the influence of the Scofield Bible.

Very few Christians today, know much about the Oxford Movement that started early in the 19th century. It is also called the Tractarian Movement, because the changes that the Anglo-Catholics were desiring, were set forth in Tracts of varying sizes.

The fact that the writings of C.S. Lewis were welcomed by Reformed, Evangelical, and Fundamental Christians in the 20th century is proof that few modern Christians know anything about Tractarianism, For C.S. Lewis was actually continuing the struggle of the 19th century Tractarians in the 20th century: the struggle to Romanize Anglicanism.

When the Test Act was abolished by Parliament in 1828, it caused great dissent in England. The abolishing of the Test Act made it possible for Roman Catholics and Dissenters to run for political office in the House of Commons. The Anglican Church then had to deal with this new situation, so the call went forth for “THE ADAPTATION TO THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE.” (Sounds familiar).

Violence then broke out in various places in England. At Bristol, the angry populace burned down the Episcopal Palace. So it was a tumultuous time in Britain. In the midst of this turmoil, the Tractarian Party sought to Romanize English Anglicanism. At this juncture no one was calling for anyone to leave the Anglican Church; they were calling for Roman Catholic teachings and practices to be brought into the Angelican Church.

A conference of certain Anglican theologians was held in 1833. This conference is usually regarded as the start of the Oxford Movement. The clerical party at the University of Oxford has always been considered the mainspring of the movement, although it was pushed in other universities outside of Oxford. The main men associated with this movement were, John Keble, John H. Newman, Edward Pusey, RH. Froude, A. P. Perceval, Hugh Rose, W. G. Ward, F. W. Faber, and others too numerous to mention.

Three main points were made prominent in the early meetings: 1. The idea of the church, which Froude particularly insisted was to be based upon the first century church. They wanted nothing to do with the “divisive spirit of the Reformation.” 2, The importance of the sacraments. And 3. The significance of the “priestly” office. This was in regard to the “sacrifice” of the Mass. They wanted more emphasis upon the immolation of the Host than on preaching the gospel and the celebration of Communion, as only a “feast of remembrance.”

Out of these three “main” points many others developed. For these men also wanted some of the teachings and practices of Roman Catholicism to be brought into Anglicanism. They wanted the teaching of Purgatory to be recognized as taught by the fathers, even if it was not taught in the Bible. They agitated for penance, confession to a priest, prayers for the dead, through angels and saints; the veneration of relics, and the veneration of Mary. They also wanted more emphasis upon the sacraments in the matter of salvation.

Dr. Pusey, early on, denied that the Tractarians wanted to return the Anglican Church to Rome. He sought to make this clear to the Bishop of Oxford. However, he could not deny that in general, the Tractarians taught their readers and followers to look indulgently upon the teachings and practice of Roman Catholicism and to bewail the Protestant Reformation as a blunder, if not a complete tragedy in the Church.

Many of the younger clergy, infected with the teachings of the Anglo-Catholics, were impatient with the Anglican Church for not implementing the proposals of the Tractarians. So they were on the verge of perverting to Roman Catholicism and forgetting all about Anglicanism. So JH. Newman wrote Tract No. 90. The purpose of which was to make it easy for the young men to subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles of Anglicanism which set forth Reformation teachings clearly, and yet hold firmly to all the essentials of Roman Catholicism with a clear conscience.

No other essay or Tract, in the whole history of the Oxford Movement created such a sensation as this one. Oxford University as a whole was alarmed. A session of the university authorities declared that the tracts were in no wise officially sanctioned by the university, and that a subscription of the Thirty-Nine Articles in the sense taught in Tract 90 was utterly contrary to the spirit of Subscription.

The Bishop of Oxford, who at one time viewed the Tractarians without much animosity, sent a message to Newman, censuring the Tract in question, and forbidding further publication of such tracts. This was the beginning of the end of Tractarianism.

It caused a separation among the adherents of the Oxford Movement. Those who were intent on pursuing their agenda would now do so OUTSIDE the ranks of Anglicanism. Those, who were the most in favor of Roman Catholic dogmas and practices, now left the Anglican church and became Roman Catholics.

Pusey kept up his attacks upon Protestantism. He preached in 1843, a sermon setting forth the Roman Catholic Mass, in which he taught transubstantiation. He was suspended for two years from his office for this sermon. His assistant, Seager, a Hebrew teacher, then reacted to this discipline of Pusey, by perverting to Rome. W. G. Ward was the next pervert to Rome, after he was expelled from Oxford for an article in which he taught Mariolatry and other obnoxious doctrines of Rome. He, on being expelled from Oxford, perverted to Rome. J. H. Newman then resigned and followed Ward to Rome. Not less than 150 clergymen and eminent lay leaders left Anglicanism by 1846, and became Romanists.

Later, when the Pope of Rome divided England into 12 Bishoprics, it further complicated matters in England. So that Roman Catholicism became more inviting to those Anglo-Catholics who were dissatisfied with how the Romanizing of Anglicanism was proceeding. So a further 300 clergymen left the Anglican Church by the end of 1862. The lay members who left were in the thousands. However, no official number has ever been given of the ordinary members who left Anglicanism at this time.

One of the early issues in this whole controversy was the identity of the Antichrist. The Protestant Reformers were unanimous in identifying the Papacy as the Antichrist of Scripture. So if the Ecumenical Movement was to get off the ground, this was the first matter to be dealt with to pave the way for the irenic dialogue to continue.

Continue to the next chapter: The Thesis of the Jesuit Francisco Ribera

According to the Scriptures the Biblical Symbol of the Antichrist is a Wild Beast

According to the Scriptures the Biblical Symbol of the Antichrist is a Wild Beast

This is chapter 6 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

Dr. Harry Ironside himself said that it is important to take note of the symbolic nature of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation). He noted that,

This book is a book of symbols. But the careful student of the Word need not exercise his own ingenuity in order to think out the meaning of the symbols. It may be laid down as a principle of first importance that every symbol used in Revelation is EXPLAINED or ALLUDED TO somewhere else in the Bible. 1 (emphasis added)

This observation of Dr. Ironside’s is an excellent one, although not followed either by himself, or many other commentators, in the case of the symbol used to describe the Antichrist in Revelation 13. One of the plain teachings of Scripture laid down in the book of Daniel is that the word BEAST (CHAYAH in CHALDEAN- THERION in GREEK) is used as a symbol of a kingdom or world empire, not as the symbol of an individual man. In fact, EVERY commentator I have ever read on the book of Daniel has so interpreted the word BEAST. Even those who do not apply the same meaning to the symbol in Revelation 13. Even Dr, Ironside taught that the great BEASTS of Daniel stood for symbols of great WORLD WIDE KINGDOMS. He wrote,

In Daniel’s 7th chapter…the man of God…saw…the four GREAT EMPIRES (which) were represented as four ravenous BEASTS so dreadful that nothing on earth fully answers to the descriptions of the wild creatures here depicted. 2 (emphasis added)

Dr. Ironside, like so many others here, while correctly identifying the four BEASTS of Daniel with FOUR WORLD WIDE KINGDOMS, does NOT APPLY the SAME meaning to the symbol when it is used in Revelation 13. If he had done so, he would have been more consistent in following what he called his principle of FIRST IMPORTANCE, that the symbols of the book of Revelation are explained in other places in the Bible.

Dave Hunt, said so dogmatically and so blatantly, about the Reformers, “Scripture does not support their claim.” Surely the Scripture does indeed support their claim far more than those who completely IGNORE what Daniel says about the BEAST-KINGDOMS!

Since the earliest of times men have identified the BEASTS of Daniel as WORLD-WIDE KINGDOMS. Cyril of Jerusalem noted that,

We teach these things not of our own invention, but having learned them out of the divine Scriptures, and especially out of the prophecy of Daniel… even as Gabriel the Archangel interpreted saying thus: the fourth BEAST shall be the fourth KINGDOM upon earth, which shall exceed all KINGDOMS: but that this is the Romans, ecclesiastical writers have delivered. 3

Jerome, Theodoret, and Austin, all see the Beast of Daniel as KINGDOMS and not individuals. The early theological writers in the church ALL interpreted the WILD BEASTS as great WORLD-WIDE EMPIRES.

Martin Luther declared that,

Here then are the two BEASTS; the one is the (ROMAN) EMPIRE, the other with the two horns, the papacy, which has now become a temporal KINGDOM. 4

John Calvin, said of the BEASTS of DANIEL,

“It is clear that the four MONARCHIES are here depicted.” 5

Later he says concerning Daniel:

He says a FOURTH BEAST APPEARED. He gives it no fixed name, because nothing ever existed like it in the world. The Prophet, by adding no similitude, signifies how horrible this monster was, for he formerly compared the Chaldean Empire to a lion, the Persian to a bear, and the Macedonian to a leopard. 6 (emphasis his)

Here Calvin clearly show that he regards the BEASTS as monarchies or empires.

Newton in his dissertation notes that,

The fourth Beast shall be the fourth KINGDOM upon earth, which shall be diverse from all KINGDOMS, and shall devour the whole earth. This fourth KINGDOM can be none other than the Roman Empire. 7

Matthew Henry mentions the various views that commentators give concerning the identity of the fourth BEAST but in each case the BEAST is said to REPRESENT a KINGDOM or EMPIRE, not a man. He writes,

The learned are not agreed concerning this anonymous (fourth) BEAST; some make it to be the Roman EMPIRE, which was then in its glory…others make this fourth BEAST to be the KINGDOM of Syria..which was very cruel and oppressive to the people of the Jews… Herein that EMPIRE was diverse from those that went before. 8 (emphasis added)

Albert Barnes also describes the BEASTS of Daniel and Revelation as representing great EMPIRES.

In this description, it is observable that John has combined in one ANIMAL or MONSTER, all those which Daniel brought successively on the scene of action as representing different EMPIRES. Thus in Daniel the LION is introduced as the symbol of the Babylonian power; the bear as the symbol of the Medo-Persian; the Leopard as the symbol of the Macedonian; and a nondescript animal-BEAST-fierce, cruel, and mighty, with two horns as the symbol of the Roman. In John there is one ANIMAL representing Roman POWER, as if it was made up of all these (others)… There was an obvious propriety in this, in speaking of the ROMAN POWER, for it was, in fact, made up of EMPIRES represented by the other beasts in Daniel. 9

Peter Lange, who wrote in the middle of the 19th century observed that,

The wild beast (of Rev. 13) is a compound of the four Danielic Beasts..Be it observed however, in this connection, that the fourth Beast of Daniel, as the REAL ESCHATOLOGICAL BEAST, embraces, together with the vision of the Roman kingdom, the entire series of World-Powers as coinciding, in perspective with that KINGDOM. 10 (emphasis added)

Elliott noted that Daniel “Is NOT describing the aspect of a man, but rather that of a ‘spiritual kingdom.'” 11 (emphasis added) This point seems to be overlooked when men come to the BEAST of the Apocalypse.

In his commentary on the Apocalypse, Adam Clarke is a good example of a man who recognized and followed the principle which Ironside proclaimed was one of very great importance. Clarke does NOT say with William R. Newell, (and a thousand others like him) that proper interpretation of Revelation 13 MUST regard these two Beasts as two men, but must regard these two Beasts in the same way the angelic interpreter in Daniel did, as TWO Kingdoms.

Clarke wrote,

Before we can proceed in the interpretation of this chapter (Rev. 13) it will be necessary to ascertain the meaning of the prophetic symbol-BEAST. For the lack of a proper understanding of this term has been one reason why so many discordant hypotheses have been published to the world. 12 (And they have certainly multiplied a thousand fold since Clarke wrote.)

He then rightly shows that in this investigation it is IMPOSSIBLE to resort to a higher authority than the Scriptures, for the Holy Spirit is His own Interpreter. What then is meant by the term BEAST in Scripture? He proceeds to show that if in one prophetic vision a symbol is explained, that explanation must govern the symbol when it is used in another place in the Bible.12

Having laid this foundation, the angel’s interpretation of the last of the four BEASTS of Daniel must be examined. Daniel, was very desirous to “know the truth of the fourth BEAST, which was diverse from all others, exceeding dreadful, and the ten horns that were on his head.” The angel thus interprets the vision. “The fourth BEAST shall be the fourth KINGDOM upon earth which shall be diverse from all KINGDOMS, and shall devour the WHOLE EARTH.” Clarke then shows the significance of the Angel’s interpretation of the BEAST. “In this Scripture it is plainly declared that the fourth BEAST should be the fourth KINGDOM upon earth; consequently the four BEASTS seen by Daniel are four KINGDOMS: hence the term BEAST is the prophetic symbol for a KINGDOM.” 14 (emphasis his)

Clarke continues his explanation,

As to the nature of the KINGDOM which is represented by the term BEAST, we shall obtain no inconsiderable light in examining the original word CHAYAH. This Old Testament word is translated in the Septuagint by the Greek Word THERION, and both words signify what we term a WILD BEAST. THERION is the word used by John in the Apocalypse, in chapter 13. 15

So if we take up the Greek word THERION in this sense of a WILD BEAST then the POWER or KINGDOM represented must partake of the nature of a WILD BEAST. Hence an earthly BELLIGERENT POWER is evidently designed. And the comparison is very appropriate; for as several wild beasts carry on perpetual warfare in the animal world, so most governments in the political world.16

This BEAST is said to rise up out of the sea, in which it corresponds with the four BEASTS of Daniel; the sea is a great multitude of nations… and the meaning is, that every mighty EMPIRE is raised upon the ruins of a great number of nations… It therefore follows that the KINGDOM or EMPIRE represented by the BEAST, is that which sprang up out of the ruins of the western ROMAN EMPIRE. 17

Clarke clearly shows that the Old Testament word CHAYAH, (probably Chaldean, or what is now termed Aramaic, and which is the root of CHEYVA-WILD ANIMAL) was translated by the Septuagint scholars with the Greek word THERION-WILD BEAST, and which in each case used in Daniel stands for a world wide KINGDOM or EMPIRE, never for an individual man.

Fairbairn corroborates what Clarke has said. He consistently connects the Beasts of Daniel with the Beasts of Revelation 13.

We notice first the representation that is given in the Apocalypse of the WORLDLY POWER. In Daniel this appeared as a succession of BEASTS, each symbolizing a new and somewhat different form of the GREAT MONARCHIES OF THE WORLD. But now it appears simply as a BEAST, a BEAST however, that had the same origin with those of Daniel, like them arising out of the sea, and a composite creature, UNITING together the several forms of the three first in Daniel (the lion, the bear, and the leopard), and possessing also the ten horns, which were seen in the fourth… The BEAST of the Apocalypse, accordingly, is the WORLDLY POWER, not in its several parts or successive forms of manifestation, but in its totality.18
The Wild Beast of the Apocalypse is a great world-wide empire. It represents all the evil powers of Daniel’s Beasts, and more. For it is an empire which is not only SIMILAR to the other beasts, but it is also unlike them, in that it is held together by an evil spiritual power. Nothing has ever been seen like it among ordinary political dictatorships; it holds sway over the minds and hearts of men by a pretended holiness, by lying miracles, and by the most outlandish dogmas and irrational claims.

Dean Alford wrote,

By the woman SITTING on the wild-beast, is signified that superintending and guiding power which the rider possesses over his beast; than which nothing could be chosen more apt to represent the superiority claimed and exercised by the See of Rome over the secular kingdoms of Christendom, full of the Names of Blasphemy… The names of blasphemy, which were found before on the heads of the beast only, have now spread over its whole surface. As ridden and guided by the harlot, it is tenfold more blasphemous in its titles and assumptions than before.

The heathen world had but its Divi in the Caesars, as in other deified men of note: but Christendom has its “most Christian” and “most faithful” kings, such as Louis XIV, and Philip II; its, “defenders of the faith,” such as Charles II, and James II; its society of unprincipled intriguers called after the sacred name of our Lord, and working Satan’s work “ad majorem Dei gloriam;”* its “holy Office” of the Inquisition, with its dens of darkest cruelty; finally its Patrimony of St. Peter,” and its “holy Roman Empire:” all of them, and many more, new names of blasphemy, with which the woman has invested the beast. Go where you will and look where you will in Papal Christendom, names of blasphemy meet us. The taverns, the shops, the titles of men and of places are full of them. 19

* For the greater glory of God.

As I was reading my Greek New Testament, “I saw that the Beast-THERION-wild-beast of the Apocalypse, arose out of the sea of nations, and upon his heads the NAME OF BLASPHEMY.” Surely no other system in the known history of mankind has had a greater claim to the NAME OF BLASPHEMY than the Roman Catholic papacy. Here you see a dynasty of men unmatched for veniality, lechery, murder, massacre, and every evil Known to men, claiming to be called the Vicar of Christ and the Supreme Lord of the Universe. Can the depths of such blasphemy be sounded and can any other dynasty of men achieve such depths of blasphemy? Or can any one man match the combined blasphemy of this Wild Beast of the Apocalypse?

This beast stands for a kingdom as Daniel shows, though very few today pay any attention to Daniel. So the name of blasphemy describes the whole. For the blasphemy of Rome extends beyond the papacy to the Mass and to all the other blasphemies which seek to rob Christ of his unique role as the ONLY mediator between God and men, and which blasphemously push Mary and the saints as additional mediators. The rejection of Christ’s unique ability to save the lost, by conjuring up that most wicked blasphemy of Purgatory, surely cannot be surpassed,

Theological truths are the most important and when these are twisted and mangled and replaced by human fables, there is no greater blasphemy that evil man can do. The battle of the ages is THEOLOGICAL; the casualties in this war are THEOLOGICAL casualties. The blasphemies in this conflict are spiritual and theological. Blasphemy is railing against God. Pretending to be God. Seeking to replace Christ. Teaching blasphemous fables in place of Divine truth. The Name of Blasphemy has to do primarily and absolutely with theological truths and concepts.

The Name of Blasphemy has been a long and enduring one connected to all the evils that the Popes of Rome have spoken and done. No other organization can match the length or extent of such blasphemies. The NAME of Blasphemy fits the WILD BEAST-THERION-of the Apocalypse, for THERION refers to a kingdom, a dynasty of men, not a single individual as Daniel the prophet clearly reveals.

The Septuagint says,


These four beasts are four kingdoms that shall rise up on the earth,

William R. Newell shows that he does not take the SCRIPTURAL identification of the word BEAST when he writes that the BEASTS of Revelation 13, MUST BE interpreted as SINGLE MEN. That is; MUST BE, from his particular prophetic predilection, certainly NOT from the SCRIPTURES! Taking the ANGELIC interpretation of the word BEAST as given in the prophetic scriptures in Daniel, the word BEAST MUST BE interpreted as A KINGDOM OR EMPIRE!

Here it is William R. Newell, and thousands of others just like him, who SPIRITUALIZE the interpretation which the Scripture gives of the word BEAST. He changes the meaning of the symbol and makes it into an individual man. The Bible very clearly in four separate places sets forth the meaning of the symbol. But the Jesuits and the modern Protestants who now follow them reject what the Bible declares.

I have not been able to find ONE writer who does not identify the Beasts of Daniel with world-wide kingdoms. Nor can I find ONE writer who identifies the Beasts of Daniel with individual men. Dr. Harry Ironside, with countless others, all identify the Beasts of Daniel with monarchies or kingdoms. They do NOT identify them with individual men. Yet all these writers do NOT then transfer that meaning to the Beasts of Revelation. Why? Why do they not follow the Splendid rule that Dr. Ironside puts forward that the symbols used in Revelation are explained or alluded to somewhere else in the Bible?

Patrick Fairbairn pointed out that the biblical symbols are always to be brought forward from the Old Testament to the New. “It was not the image of the future which threw itself back into the past, but rather the image of the past which threw itself forward into the future.”20 He also wisely noted that “in foreshadowing things that are yet to be, it (the Prophet’s mind) must avail itself of those which have already been.” 21

In other words, the KNOWN MEANING of the symbol given in the past, has already established the precedent for future interpretation of that same symbol. The great WORLD-EMPIRES of Daniel were portrayed by WILD BEASTS. The singular form for WILD BEAST in the Septuagint was THERION. Therefore when THERION is used in the New Testament, the meaning already established by angelic interpretation in Daniel, must apply to the Apocalypse. If it is a WORLD-WIDE EMPIRE in Daniel; it must be A WORLD-WIDE Empire in the book of Revelation.

The reason, of course, why the Jesuits did not want to see what is plainly revealed in the Scriptures concerning the nature of the WILD BEAST, was because, as Larkin noted, the papal dominion corresponded so closely with the eschatological kingdom of the Beast of Revelation. The Jesuits went to work to disassociate the Papal dominion from the dominion of the BEAST-the Antichrist. Obviously, there were two ways open to the Jesuits and they used them. They made the Antichrist to be only a man who appeared early in church history, or a man who would not appear in church history until the very end of it. In this way they could then assert to anybody who would listen, (and the majority of Protestants HAVE listened) that the Papal dominion could not be the Beast, since the Beast was only a man who either has already appeared and gone, or a man who has not yet appeared.

The fact that the Jesuits promoted and defended BOTH of their views is surely an important issue. For it did not seem to matter to them, that BOTH views were mutually exclusive. If you believe that Antichrist arose and fell in the first century, then you cannot at the same time assert that he is yet to come. But the Jesuits did just that. On the one hand some Jesuits asserted that the Antichrist had already appeared and gone, and other Jesuits claimed that the Antichrist had not yet appeared. So it seems that they were primarily concerned about trying to refute the position of the Reformers and the Puritans even if it meant CONTRADICTING each other. They also managed to get the Protestants FIGHTING each other. For the Reconstructionists all follow Alcasar the Jesuit while most Futurists follow Ribera the Jesuit, so you have the strange anomaly of Bible-believing Protestants fighting each other over Jesuit teachings. I have read some of the scorching rhetoric of the Reconstructionists blasting the futurist position without them apparently realizing that they are contending for a Jesuit doctrine, not a Reformed Protestant one. However, as, I read more about Reconstructionism and the Jesuits, I see more and more that the Reconstructionists follow the Jesuits very closely in their view of the community, the idea of the cultural war and the promoting of a co-belligerency with Roman Catholics and their church to fight secular humanism.

The Reconstructionist eschatology certainly affects their ecclesiology. Antichrist could not be a co-belligerent with all those Reformed Reconstructionists. So they had to rid Rome of that stigma so that she could become a co- belligerent of the Reformed.

As Sir Robert Anderson noted, * it was the power of the truth that enabled men to stand against Rome. This was the secret of the triumph of the martyrs of Jesus.

* Sir Robert Anderson, Harry Ironside, and Dave Hunt, with many others, blast the Roman Catholic System, while at the same time promoting the Jesuit position on the Man of Sin. A strange anomaly to say the least.

With hearts awed by the fear of God, garrisoned by the peace of God, and exulting in the love of God, shed abroad there by the Divine Spirit, they stood for the truth against priests and princes combined, and daring to be called heretics they were faithful to their Lord in life and in death.

Heaven was as silent then as it is now. No sights were seen, no voice was heard to make their persecutors pause. No signs were witnessed to give proof that God was with them as they lay upon the rack or gave up their life-breath at the stake. But with their spiritual vision focused upon Christ, the unseen realities of heaven filled their hearts, as they passed from a world that was not worthy of them to the home that God has prepared for them that love Him. 22

The martyrs of Jesus show the evidence of the great conspiracy in history, out to silence the truth of the glorious gospel of redeeming grace. For in the bowels of that great apostate conspiracy are found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth (Rev. 18:24).


1. Ironside, op.cit,, p. 13.

2. Ibid., p. 224.

3. Newton, Thomas, The Prophecies, J. J. Woodward, Philadelphia, PA, 1835, pp. 212-213.

4. Luther, Martin, Works, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, Vol. VI, p. 484.

5. Calvin, John, Daniel Commentary, Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1995, p. 13.

6. Ibid., p. 21.

7. Newton, op.cit,, p. 201.

8. Henry, Matthew, Commentary, Vol. VI, Fleming H. Revell, p. 1071.

9. Barnes, Albert, Notes on the New Testament, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, Vol. X., p. 320.

10. Lange, Peter, Commentary, Vol. 12, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1960 p. 266.

11. Elliot, E. B., Horae Apocalypticae, Still Waters Revival Books, Edmonton, Alta, Canada, p. 195.

12. Clarke, op.cit., p.1015,

13. Loc.cit.

14. Loccit.

15. Loc.cit.

16. Loc.cit,


18. Fairbairn, Patrick, Prophecy, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1976, p. 304.

19. Alford, Henry, Greek New Testament, Guardian Press, Brand Rapids, MI, Reprint Vol IV, p. 706.

20. Faitbaim,, p. 155.

21. Ibid., p. 137.

22. Anderson, Sir Robert, The Silence of God, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1899, p. 152.

Continue to the next chapter: The Consequences of the Jesuit Eschatologies in America Today

Biblical Exegesis and the Beast of Revelation

Biblical Exegesis and the Beast of Revelation

This is chapter 5 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

We live in the day of Hollywood fiction and prophetic fiction. So it is difficult to discuss in a sane fashion some of the problems of biblical interpretation. One of these problems centers around the BIBLICAL meaning of the word BEAST.

You would think that men would tread carefully regarding this issue in light of what the godly Protestants of church history have taught, but such is not the case. The positions of the Roman Catholic Jesuits, which were put forward to discredit the Protestant position, are now accepted by almost ALL Christians in North America today. The Jesuit positions on the BEAST of Revelation are taken and the position of the older Protestant commentators is dismissed without a second thought

The Reformed Reconstructionists, taking the position of the Jesuit Luis Alcasar, that most of the book of Revelation was fulfilled around AD 70 or shortly after, identify Antichrist with Nero, Caligula, Simon Magus, or some other individual of the first century. So Antichrist, whoever, or whatever, he might have been, is dismissed from church history, after AD 70, from the present, and from the future. So he cannot now affect the church in any way for he disappeared after AD 70. The majority of evangelicals and fundamentalists, taking the position of the Jesuit, Francisco Ribera, identify Antichrist with a man, or super-man, who has not yet appeared in history, and who will not appear until near the very end of this age. In both these cases, the Jesuits, and those who follow them, identified the Bible word BEAST, as a man, and not a kingdom or world empire.

Yet, when one looks, not only at what the Protestant Reformerss and Puritans,and those who followed them for about two hundred years have written, but what the Bible says on this very important issue, he will find that there is very little room for the dogmatism of the Jesuits, and those who follow them, on this issue. The Reformers and Puritans, and those who followed them wrestled with the problems of interpretation every bit as much as the Jesuits. Surely their interpretations merit the same attention and consideration as that given to the Jesuits.

Cardinal Bellarmine, the famous Jesuit apologist for the Roman Catholic interpretation of the identity of the Beast in Revelation 13, wrote:

For all (Roman) Catholics think thus that Antichrist will be one CERTAIN MAN; but ALL heretics teach that Antichrist is expressly declared to be NOT a single person, but an individual throne or absolute KINGDOM, and an apostate seat of those who rule over the church. 1 (emphasis added)

So Bellarmine, the great Jesuit, clearly shows that many Roman Catholics, following the Jesuit Francisco Rivera, teach that the Beast of Revelation 13 will be ONE CERTAIN MAN and not a dominion, kingdom, or empire. Bellarmine declares that it was the HERETICS, the Protestant Reformers and early puritans, who put forth the teaching that the Beast of Revelation was a great empire which overspread the earth.

Clarence Larkin, in his major work, Dispensational Truth, corroborates what the Jesuit Cardinal Bellarmine wrote at the turn of the seventeenth century. Larkin wrote in 1920 that the view that Antichrist is a single individual who only appears at the very end of time, originated with the Jesuits. Strange as it may seem, Larkin is almost ALONE in this admission, among all the modern non-catholic commentaries on the book of Revelation who follow the Jesuit line. I cannot remember reading ONE such commentary that tells the reader, this view I am giving, started with the Jesuits.

Larkin and Bellarmine are further corroborated in their positions by the Reformed and Puritan writers of the past, in that almost all Protestants up until around 1820, regarded the single man-Antichrist view, as a Roman Catholic one. John Calvin said,

But we see that almost the whole world has been miserably deceived, as if not a word had ever been said about Antichrist. And what is more, under the Papacy there is nothing more WELL-KNOWN and COMMON than the FUTURE coming of Antichrist. Those who think that he would be just ONE MAN are dreaming. 2 (emphasis added)

The Puritans say almost the same thing. Ussher said that the idea that Antichrist was a single man who would come in the future is a papal fancy. 3 Turretin also said that it was Romanists who imagine that Antichrist is still to come. 4

The Reformers, the Puritans, and those who followed them for several centuries all believed that the idea of a future one-man-Antichrist was a papal teaching; not a scriptural one. And they had scriptural backing for their position on the identity of the BEAST which the Jesuits, and all those non- catholics who now follow them, lack.

Larkin, Ironside, and many many other evangelical and fundamental writers, all write about the Beast of Revelation 13, as a future single individual of terrible cruelty and deceit. There is no comparison made with the BEAST- KINGDOMS of Daniel, which would seem to indicate to the exegete comparing both, that there is BIBLICAL precedent for regarding the BEAST-THERION-as a great world wide empire or kingdom. No, they just run on dogmatically writing about some awful person who is going to appear at the very end of the age.

Here is a sampling of such writings:

Roy Talmage Brumbaugh, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Tacoma, Washington, in speaking of the last days in 1934 noted that there would be,

The increased desire of men for supermen… H. G. Wells said that a super state is necessary for the world’s peace. This super state must necessarily be ruled over by a superman. All nations call for a super-ruler. 5

W.R. Newell,
Proper interpretation MUST regard these two BEASTS of Revelation 13 as two MEN. (Emphasis added) 6

M. R. DeHaan,
Judas will be the Antichrist. The Spirit of the Antichrist will enter once more into mankind and cause to appear another freak, half-man and half devil, who will be the incarnation of the devil. 7

Arno C. Gaebelein,
The Beast will represent a picture hitherto unknown and unseen-one unexampled in the history of the race- A human power endowed with Satanic energy, openly defying God and invested with the royal power and world-wide authority of Satan will engage the rapt gaze of the whole world. 8

J.A, Seiss,
He gives perhaps one of the best interpretations of any Futurist which I have read. He notes that the Beasts represent World Wide powers, here in Revelation 13, so at least he tries to stay with the biblical meaning of the word Beast for awhile, but then adds as his third comment; “My third remark is that this Beast is an INDIVIDUAL administrator embodied in one PARTICULAR MAN though upheld by ten kingdoms or governments who unite in making the Beast the ONE sole ARCH-REGENT of their time. 9

Harry Ironside wrote,
A man then is waited for. His advent draws near. He will come when, at last, the restraining power, the Holy Spirit (another dogmatic unproven assumption) has gone up to the heavens whence He came. This coming one is the Grand Monarch of the New Humanity cult. He is the coming Imam, or Mahdi, of the Muslims. He is the long-expected last incarnation of Vishnu waited for by the Brahmins; the coming Montezuma of the Aztecs; the false Messiah of the Apostate Jews; the great Master of all sects of Yogis; the Ultimate Man of the evolutionists; the Uebermensch of Nietzsche, the Hun philosopher whose ravings prepared the way for the world war. He will be a Satan-controlled, God-defying, conscienceless, almost super-human man-an INDIVIDUAL whose manifestation will mean the consummation of the present apostasy, and the full deification of humanity to his bewildered dupes. 10 (emphasis added)

These examples could be multiplied a hundred fold, suffice it to say that the majority of commentaries on the Book of Revelation over the past one hundred and fifty years, present Antichrist, the Beast of Revelation 13, as an individual man. Very little has been written from a different standpoint. Much the same material is just rehashed by hundreds of different writers on the Apocalypse.

Henry Ironside, in giving his description of Antichrist, mentions that the Hindus and the Muslims and the Aztecs, etc, are all looking for a coming MAN who will lead them. Most of this segment by Ironside is taken from Govett’s commentary on the Apocalypse which first appeared in 1864. Govett wrote that,

The Hindus expect the tenth Avatar. The Buddhists look for the next Buddh or deity. The Indians of Mexico watch beside a holy fire for the return of Quetzalcoat. The Mohammedan Shiites look for the coming Mouhdi. The Druses look for the return of Hakem. The Samaritans expect a prophet called Hathal. The Chasidim look for one to come. 11

So Ironside merely polished up and added a few more thoughts to what Govett wrote a half a century before him. And many other writers on the book of Revelation do the same thing. In fact, the majority of modern futurist books on the Apocalypse are merely repristinations of Govett’s work, Look at Dave Hunt’s work.

The dogmatism, which some modem writers on the Man of Sin display, is only matched in many cases by their illogical exegesis. Dave Hunt, who passed away recently, states in his book The Woman Rides the Beast that,

The Reformers and their creeds were unanimous in identifying each pope as Antichrist. Scripture, however, does not support that claim. The Antichrist is a unique individual without predecessors or successors. He will be the new “Constantine,” the ruler of the revived Roman Empire. 12

Several things to note in this quotation which are obviously erroneous. The Reformers identified the papal kingdom, not individual popes, as the Man of Sin. The Bible in Daniel corroborates their position that the Beast of Revelation is a kingdom or Power, not a single man. As Bishop Newton so wisely said, “No one has ever looked at the Woman of Revelation as a single Woman, why should they regard the Man of Sin as a single man?” In fact, Hunt himself corroborates Newton, for in his own book, THE WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST, Hunt obviously regards the Woman as the great city and System of Rome, not as a single woman. So he does not apply the same logic to the Woman as he does to the Man.

It can be said, without fear of contradiction, that almost ALL commentaries written on the book of Revelation in the past century and a half, apart from a few written by the Reconstructionists, all follow Govett in their description of, and comments about, his coming secular super-human monster. Coupled then with the Jesuit Preterist view of the Apocalypse it can safely be said that_almost every _ commentary written on the book of revelation in the past 150 years_follows the Jesuits. Is that not a remarkable achievement accomplished by the Jesuit Counter-Reformation conspiracy in Reformed, Evangelical, Fundamental Baptist, and other non-catholic circles today?

Surely it is instructive to notice that the entire population of the earth has died since Govett wrote his commentary in 1864. And almost the entire population of earth has died since Ironside wrote his commentary in 1920. Only those 93 years old or older, today, were alive when Ironside wrote about his coming monster-super-man. So that the entire world of people has died in Govett’s case, without EVEN ONE PERSON being affected by his evil cruel secular superman. Yet multiplied millions, yea billions, have been affected by the Antichrist of the Protestant view: Papal Rome.

Is it not important to note that even if the Muslims, who were alive in Govett’s day, were looking for some coming world leader, they ALL died without ever being affected by him in any way at all. But they were all lost forever, if Christ is the way the truth and the life, even though they never saw anything of Govett’s Antichrist.

All the multiplied millions of Roman Catholics, who bowed before the Pope of Rome, and followed all his blasphemies and false teachings, all died without EVEN ONE of them being affected by Govett’s Man of Sin. However, they were ALL affected by the Papal Man of Sin to their everlasting damnation.

Govett directed the attention of his readers to some future man, who even yet, one hundred and fifty years later, has NEVER affected ONE SOUL in the entire earth in the four generations since Govett wrote his commentary. While during that same period BILLIONS of precious souls have been overwhelmed by the lies and blasphemies of the Papal Man of Sin.

Should not some commentator on the book of Revelation during these four generations, have warned his readers of the PRESENT ANTICHRISTIANITY that was cursing ihe earth at the very time of his writing? Rather than so many commentators directing the attention of their readers to some future man, who as yet, in all of the history of the human race, has


Or directing the attention of their readers to a man who rose and fell in the first century AD. who also now affects nobody on earth.

As far as Christendom, or Popedom, as Luther called it, is concerned, the Papacy of Rome has affected it more than any other power on earth. Other evil religions and ideologies flourish on earth today, but the dynasty of men known as the PAPACY has affected the “church” more than any other” power throughout its history. This dynasty of men has done far more damage to the immortal souls of men, than some past man who came and went in the first century; or some future man who has not yet appeared in human history.

The Jesuits have used their deceptive power to mislead millions of non-catholics today. Directing the attention of these non-catholics to the past or to the future, they have managed to blind them to the truth that is right before their eyes. In looking to the past, or looking to the future, they fail completely to look at the present.

If the Bible is true, then multiplied billions of precious never-dying souls have been deceived by the Papal Man of Sin, in the past, even while their attention was being directed to some other non-existent culprit. One billion precious souls are NOW, in the present tense, being deceived by papal Rome, while totally unaffected in any way by Govett’s Man of Sin.

In Govett’s day, multiplied millions were being_ deceived by the Papal Man of Sin, who never saw any other evil super-man, Aztec, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or Secular satanic monster. Govett spends more than fifty pages describing his coming secular super-man. Towards the end of his chapter on the BEAST of Revelation, he says,

No (one has) ever so powerfully affected our system of worlds, as this dread deceiver will affect mankind, THE PERDITION OF SOULS UNNUMBERED IS BOUND UP WITH HIM. (Emphasis his) 13

Govett * is here speaking of his coming world dictator, not the papacy. Yet millions of people were being deceived and sent to perdition by the Popes of Rome, even as he wrote about his future man who has affected no one.

Think for a moment how many millions of people were being deceived by the papal dogmas as Govett wrote, Think how many more have been deceived by the Papal Man of Sin SINCE Govett wrote. Then think again of how many are STILL BEING DECEIVED as I write this. Then think how many more will continue to be deceived by the papacy in the future. And think that in all this same time NOT ONE SOUL was BOUND UP IN PERDITION by Govett’s. “DREAD DECEIVER” OF MANKIND.

* We are not picking on Govett particularly, for every other Futurist writes the same as Govett about their Man of Sin. We are using Govett because he was the first non-catholic (we cannot call him Protestant, since he repudiated the Protestant view, – and set forth the position of the Jesuits on the Man of Sin.) to write a commentary on the Book of Revelation from the standpoint of the Jesuits. Up to the appearance of his commentary the view which he upholds was followed only by Roman Catholic expositors.

When I first came to America the majority of evangelicals and Reformed men stood where [ still stand today with regard to the teachings of Roman Catholicism. Now in the present tense that has all changed. Several men whom I knew personally began working with Roman Catholic priests, and others became sympathetic to Roman Catholicism even if they did not join openly in fellowship with it. When I first came to America I did not know ONE man who professed to be evangelical or Reformed who fellowshipped with the Roman Catholic system, not even Billy Graham.

Just over a hundred years ago the Rev. W. C. Brownlee, a Presbyterian minister, who helped in the founding of Rutgers University, published his magazine called PROTESTANT VINDICATOR AND DEFENDER OF CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY AGAINST THE INROADS OF POPERY. This is what evangelical magazines used to do, Now World Magazine, Christianity Today and others like them, sing the praises of the Roman Antichrist continually. So times have CHANGED in America today. One hundred and fifty years later, Govett’s mystery future super-man is still nowhere to be seen, but the Pope of Rome is given front page coverage on the cover of the “Reformed” World Magazine, on Time Magazine, and Newsweek and others. When the late pope died I looked across the magazine stand in Wal-Mart and I could not believe my eyes: his picture seemed to be on the cover of every magazine there. The glowing accounts and fulsome praise of the late Pope are a yardstick to measure the triumphs of the papacy and the failures of American Protestantism today.

The man that all the Reformers, and almost all the prominent Puritan writers viewed as the historical antichrist, is now considered one of the world’s leading Christians and is being put forward as the head of the ecumenical church of the 21* century by various non-Roman Catholic leaders. As the Emergent Cult keeps expanding and emerging, it is obvious that the unity of the Jesuits is being promoted.

In light of all the ignorance of the papal Man of Sin today, it is necessary to show what these evil men said about themselves. They called themselves THE SUPREME LORD OF THE UNIVERSE. They also claimed that everyone else on earth derives their power from the Pope of Rome. Innocent III, that megalomaniac, was one of the first of the popes to take such an extravagant title as his own.

Boniface VIII follows with his infamous Unam Sanctum published in Nov. 16, 1302. This Papal Bull outstripped all the claims that had preceded it. Here is part of that tyrannical proclamation:

The secular power is but a simple emanation from the ecclesiastical; and the double power of the pope, founded upon Holy Scripture, is even an article of faith. God has confided to St. Peter, and to his successors, two swords, the one spiritual, the other temporal. The first ought to be exercised by the Church itself; and the other, by secular powers for the service of the Church, and according to the will of the pope. The later, that is to say, the temporal sword is in subjection to the former, and the temporal authority depends indispensably on the spiritual power which judges it, while God alone can judge the spiritual power. Finally, it is necessary to salvation for every human creature to be in subjection to the Roman pontiff. 13

After the Reformation, the Jesuits for centuries, preached up the pope’s supremacy over temporal princes and kings, and through their astonishing influence upon the minds of various peoples in various nations, the Bishop of Rome came to be regarded as the supreme Sovereign of the secular world and the head of the Church, thus assuming the head of ALL authority, TEMPORAL, SPIRITUAL, and IMMORTAL. For he claimed to have jurisdiction over Purgatory in the world to come.


1. Robbins, John, Editor, Against the Churches, Unicoi, TN, 1989-1998, p. 257.

2. Calvin, John, New Testament Commentaries, Vol. 5, p. 256.

3. Ussher, James, A Body of Divinity, Thomas Downes & George Badger, London, 1653, p. 413.

4. Turretin, Concerning Our Necessary Secession from the Church of Rome and the Impossibility of Co-operation with Her, Reprinted by Reformed Publications Forestville, CA, 1999. pp. 19-20.

5. Dunham, T. Richard, Editor, Unveiling the Future, Fundamental Truth Publishers, Findlay, OH, 1934, pp. 120-121.

6. Newell, W. R., Revelation, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1935, p. 195.

7. DeHaan, M. R., Revelation, Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1971, p. 184.

8. Gaebelein, Arno C., Revelation, Pickering & Inglis, Glasgow, Scotland, 1915, p. 80.

9. Seiss, J. A., Lecture on the Apocalypse, Charles Cook, N.Y. NY, Vol. II, p. 393.

10. Ironside, op.cit, p. 240.

11, Govett, Robert, The Apocalypse, Chas. J. Thynne, London, England, 1920. (Abridged from 4 Vol. Ed 1864) p. 309.

12, Hunt, Dave, The Woman Rides the Beast, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 1994, p. 47.

13. Govett, op.cit., p. 349.

14. Clarke, Adam, Commentary, Abingdon- Cokesbury, Nashville, TN, Vol. VI, p. 1023.


Jesuit Eschatology and the American Pulpit

Jesuit Eschatology and the American Pulpit

This is chapter 4 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

Eschatology is the doctrine of last things, from the Greek word ESCHATOS meaning last. It is usually the last doctrine studied in Systematic theology. However, we are dealing with it in this study because of the great impact that the Jesuit eschatologies have made upon almost all of Protestant and non-catholic teachers today in North America. I now use the term non-catholic because there are so few Protestants left. With the demise of Protestant eschatology the field of eschatology is now dominated by the Jesuits.

Malachi Martin speaks of the Jesuits going everywhere, even where they were not welcome, and also underground, and in disguise. So it is not a far reach then to say that Jesuits went into Protestant schools in disguise as Protestant teachers. Certainly Jesuit teachings have spread far and wide in Protestant academic circles today.

For example, Clarence Larkin, the Dispensational writer, tells of how Jesuit eschatology was at first only followed by Roman Catholics, but then was wonderfully revived among Protestants.

In its present form (that is Futurism in its present form) it may be said to have originated at the end of the Sixteenth Century, with the Jesuit (Francisco) Ribera, who actuated by the same motive as the Jesuit (Luis) Alcasar, sought to rid the Papacy of the stigma of being called the “Antichrist,” and so referred the prophecies of the Apocalypse to the distant future. This view was accepted by the Roman Catholic Church, and was FOR A LONG TIME CONFINED TO IT, but STRANGE TO SAY, it has been WONDERFULLY REVIVED since the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, and that AMONG PROTESTANTS. 1 (emphasis added)

Three things need to be noted here with regard to Larkin’s statement.

1. The Roman Catholic church wanted to rid itself of the stigma that the Reformers, and most of the Puritans, had branded her with: that the papacy was the Antichrist.

2, The Jesuit scholars did this by either putting Antichrist off into the future. This was done by the Jesuit Francisco Ribera; or by putting Antichrist back into the first century only. This was done by the Jesuit Luis Aleasar.

3. The wonderful revival of Rivera’s antichrist at the beginning of the nineteenth century was brought about by a third Jesuit, Emanuel Lacunza.

Larkin briefly mentions the position of the Protestant Reformers on the Man of Sin. He notes that,

They claim that “Antichrist” is a “System” rather than a “Person,” and is represented by the Harlot Church of Rome. This School has had some very able and ingenious advocates. This view was unknown to the early church… It was adopted and applied to the Pope by the forerunners and leaders of the Reformation… It is frequently called the Protestant interpretation because it regards Popery as exhausting all that has been predicted of the Antichristian power. Tt was a powerful and formidable weapon in the hands of the leaders of the Reformation, and the conviction of its truthfulness nerved them to “love not their lives unto the death.” It was the secret of the martyr heroism of the Sixteenth Century. 2

Larkin mentions that this view was unknown to the early church. This is true. Some of the Reformers note that the early church was already overrun by many of the seeds of what became known as popery. The true gospel was lost very early in many churches. The Galatians were already in danger of perverting the gospel when Paul wrote to them.

The Reformers and the Puritans set forth the Man of Sin as a kingdom or empire. They certainly had the words of Daniel the Prophet to back up what they believed, as we will see in more detail later. Whereas those who claim that the Man of Sin is one man must go against the clear teaching of Scripture when they do.


1. Larkin, Clarence, Dispensational Truth, 2802 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, PA 1920, p.5.

2. Loc. Cit.


The Bible Reveals the Existence of Conspiracies

The Bible Reveals the Existence of Conspiracies

This is chapter 3 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

Some Bible believers repudiate the whole idea of a conspiracy because they say they believe in a sovereign God who controls history. The Bible calls Satan, the god of this world, because millions in this world worship him and follow his wisdom. This does not mean that Satan will triumph over God. He surely will not. But his effort is real and historical. The great apostasy is real even though it does not succeed finally.

The war against Satan still has to be fought. The truth must be proclaimed to overcome Satan and all his false prophets, many of whom work in the visible church to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect. According to the Apostle Peter, false teachers are in the church, even as the false prophets were in Israel. The truth must be taught so that the efforts of all false prophets will be defeated.

In the book of Jeremiah, the Word of God reveals that the false prophets cried peace when there was no peace. This is an identifying mark of a false prophet. These false prophets were involved in a conspiracy against God.

The Lord said unto me (Jeremiah) a conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They are tumed back to their iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to hear my words; and they went after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which | made with their forefathers. Therefore, thus saith the Lord, behold I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape.

The Hebrew word translated conspiracy here in this passage, is QESHAR from the root QASHAR meaning to make a league, to knit together, to conspire to commit treason; so any unlawful alliance, confederacy, or conspiracy. The same Hebrew word is used in Ezekiel 22:25.

Son of Man, say unto her (Israel) Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation. There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a lion ravening-tearing to pieces-the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst of her.

Her priests have violated my law, they have profaned my holy things; they have put no difference between the holy and the profane, neither have they shown difference between the clean and unclean, and have hidden their eyes from my Sabbaths and I am profaned among them. Her princes in her midst are like wolves ravening (tearing) the prey to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed themselves with untempered mortar, seeing vanity, and divining lies, saying thus saith the Lord, when the Lord has not spoken. (Ezekiel 22:24-28).

Here there was a conspiracy to profane the holy and to put no difference between the clean and the unclean. And to pretend to speak for the Lord, when He had not spoken, thus giving out lies. Surely a description of the great Harlot of Rome who also puts no difference between the clean and the unclean and profanes that which is holy.

The Man of Sin in Rome also pretends to speak for the Lord Jesus Christ on earth, when in effect, he is the great deceiver of mankind. Malachi Martin has some critical things to say against the modern Roman Catholic System in his writings, but he does not criticize the office of the papacy. He believes that the papacy has been instituted by God and that all the popes of Rome have descended from the Apostle Peter and that they hold the powers invested in them by the Triple Tiara which is placed on their head by the cardinal deacon accompanied by the words:

Receive the tiara with three crowns and know that thou art Father of princes and kings, Ruler of the world, Vicar of our Savior Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and glory, world without end, Amen.

According to the Roman Catholic dictionary, the first crown symbolized the pope’s “universal episcopate;” the second, his “supremacy of jurisdiction;” and the third, his “temporal supremacy.”

The Papal Man of Sin claims more power and authority than any other man in the world today. He claims to be the HEAD of the Universal church. The supreme arbiter of mankind, and the sovereign ruler of the kingdoms of the world. Truly “he sits in his temple as ‘god'” claiming and showing himself “that he is god.” Malachi Martin calls the pope, he was writing about in THE KEYS OF THIS BLOOD, the SERVANT of God’s GRAND DESIGN,” in the millennial end game, that he saw emerging in the world as the twentieth-century drew to a close. The Bible-believer sees the Papal Man of Sin, the servant of a design that is much lower than grand, and indeed promotes THE LIE instead of the truth. It is interesting to note the similarities between the conspiracy revealed in Ezekiel and the one mentioned in the Apocalypse. For both speak of princes devouring souls, and the merchants trading in the souls of men, and taking treasures and riches which all perish in the overthrow of the Great Prostitute of Babylon.

The conspiracies in Israel are revealed by the inspired writers of the Old Testament. So they are real conspiracies. The Scriptures also reveal in the second Psalm that the rulers of the world take counsel against the Lord and His Anointed One – The Christ. So again the Word of the Lord reveals the enmity, rebellion, and conspiracy of the world’s rulers against the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the New Testament the Scriptures again reveal the presence of a worldwide system that is opposed to the true Church – Mystery Babylon the Great. Through the work of the Jesuits, this great conspiracy against the true Church is put off into the future, and is thus removed from history. Or it is said to have arisen in the first century and then is destroyed by AD 70. This view also was first set forth by the Jesuits. Either way, Mystery Babylon the Great, is not a part of church history, according to the Jesuits.

The Protestant Reformers believed that Roman Catholicism was the backbone of this great conspiracy against the true Church. The Puritans, many of whom also viewed Roman Catholicism as the foundation of Mystery Babylon the Great, believed that the Jesuits were the strength behind the Counter-Reformation, and thus the greatest conspirators against historic Bible Protestantism that the world has ever seen.

The Jesuits, on the other hand, have always denied many of the accusations made against them by Protestants. In recent times their sordid history has been completely erased from the public mind, and they are now regarded as some of the best and most loving leaders of the modem ecumenical movement.

The Bible teaches that there is a great apostate conspiracy against the true church. This great apostate conglomerate is made up of many evils and evil people. The Scripture says,

I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of the names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: and upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great wonder (Revelation 17:3-6).

And the Woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18),

And he (the angel) cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold- prison-of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For ALL nations have drunk of the wine of the fury of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are through the power of her luxury enriched (Revelation 18:2-3).

The Bible here describes historical reality, not just an end-time scenario. It reveals a great composite picture of the world’s attempt to unite her false religions into one. God’s people are told to separate from this religious conglomerate that extends from a great city out to encompass the rulers and merchants of the earth. These all unite with the great Prostitute in idolatrous worship. For centuries the Jesuits have been involved in trying to overthrow the true church and bring the whole world into this habitation of demonic activity.

The modem ecumenical movement is also a part of the Jesuit conspiracy. They have been working in the ecumenical movement for years. In recent times they have been working with evangelicals. At least they profess to be evangelical. God’s people should not be working with the enemies of the gospel. Yet it is an obvious fact that many do. Witness the recent involvement of evangelicals with the Roman Catholics in ECT (Evangelicals and Catholics Together) I and II which also involved the participation of several Jesuits.

Working with the enemies of the Lord is not something new. We see that type of activity revealed in the Old Testament, away back in the days of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. God’s inspired Word reveals the traitorous activity of Jehoshaphat.

Now Jehoshaphat had riches and honor in abundance, and made a marriage alliance with Ahab. ‘And Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, returned to his house in peace in Jerusalem, And Jehu, the son of Hanani, the seer, went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, shouldest thou help the wicked, and love them that hate the Lord? Therefore, there is wrath upon thee from before the Lord (II Chronicles 18:1 and 19:1-2).

Jehoshaphat is an example of a man who did many things right and yet worked with the enemies of God. He certainly sets forth the God of the Bible in his prayer, when he says,

O Lord God of our fathers, art not thou God in heaven and rulest thou not over all the kingdoms of the nations? And in thine hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand thee? Art not thou our God, who didst drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people, Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abraham, thy friend forever? And they dwelt in it, and have built a sanctuary for thy name, saying, If, when evil comes upon us, as the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we stand before this house, and in thy presence (for thy name is in this house), and cry unto thee in our affliction, then thou wilt hear and help…

When Jehoshaphat prays, the Lord assures him of an answer.

Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor be dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. (II Chronicles 20:6-15).

So the Bible reveals that God is over all the kingdoms of nations and that He intervenes on behalf of his people and fights for them against their enemies. For he tells them that you shall not need to fight in this battle; set yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.

Here we see that Jehu, the son of Hanani, went out to meet Jehoshaphat and said to him,

“Why do you help the wicked, and why do you love them that hate the Lord? Therefore there is wrath – God’s anger – upon thee from before the Lord, because you are acting contrary to the will of God.” So godly men can be all tangled up in helping the cause of wicked men and those who hate the Lord.

This is why the Bible teaches separation from all ungodly entanglements. This is why there is so much confusion today. Godly men will not obey the Lord and separate from those that hate Him. Therefore, millions follow their confused example and all this confusion is called Mystery Babylon the Great — Mystery Confusion the Great. It is a mystery why godly men entangle themselves with those that hate the Lord. And the CONFUSION generated is GREAT. It is widespread.

When the head of the World Evangelical Alliance Dr. Tunnictiffe claims he is engaged in ecumenical dialogue with Roman Catholicism, he demonstrates the confusion of which the Bible speaks. This Alliance is said to represent close to half a billion evangelicals. So the confusion is widespread and millions are obviously all entangled up in an unholy amalgam with those who hate the Lord.

At Edinburgh, Scotland, in the year of our Lord 2010 every type of unbelief and compromise with it, was represented at the centenary celebration of the first Edinburgh conference in 1910. There were Baptists, Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, the Reformed, the Pentecostal, and Seventh Day Adventist, all meeting together with all kinds of “evangelical” schools, and organizations. Ecumenical evangelism has succeeded in bringing together almost every kind of denomination, church, organization, and academic institution that calls itself “Christian.”

According to Dr. Ralph Colas, General Secretary of the American Council of Christian Churches, this conference included the following schools, churches, and societies:

Perkins School of Theology; Catholic Theological Union, Chicago; Maryknoll (Roman Catholic) Missionaries; World Evangelical Missions Commission; St. Thomas University; World Alliance of Reformed Churches; Seventh Day Adventist Church; Agape International Missions; Baptist World Alliance; Asbury Theological Seminary; Fuller Theological Seminary; Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; World Council and National Council of Churches USA; Youth with a Mission; Fordham (Jesuit) University; Yoiddo Full Gospel Church; Lutheran World Federation; American Baptist Church, USA; Saint Paul School of Theology; Churches Together in Britain and Ireland; Vanderbilt University; Assemblies of God; Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, Canada; World Council of Churches/Presbyterian Church of Canada; Kentucky Council of Churches; Princeton Theological Seminary; United Bible Societies, and BIOLA University. These are but a few of the many on the official delegate list.1

Dr. Tunnicliffe informed those present at this ecumenical gathering that the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) represents 128 Evangelical Alliances and 420 million evangelicals worldwide. He then added,

In the WEA we have fruitful discussions with the Pontifical Council of the Roman Catholic Church, the World Council of Churches and the (Eastern) Orthodox Churches. We need to listen to one another with love and respect, building bridges rather than to create chasms. 2

Chasm is an interesting word. It is actually a Greek word that occurs in the Greek New Testament. It is translated GULF in Luke 16:26. In the original it is CHASMA. So chasm is a transliteration rather than a translation of this word.

According to inspired Scripture, and not the drivel of Dr. Tunnicliffe, it is God who fixes this CHASM. It is a chasm, not created by man but created by God. It is FIXED. Meaning it is established firmly and NO MAN, according to Christ, will ever BRIDGE THIS CHASM.

Dr. Tunnicliffe may want to build bridges to connect truth with error but neither he, nor any other man, can build a bridge over the chasm that separates truth from error, no matter how hard he may try. No where in the Bible is a true believer taught to respect and love evil. The Bible categorically states that we are to,


The believer is to HATE evil and to HATE lies and to HATE false doctrines that lead millions to a lost eternity.

While Roman Catholicism, aided by the Jesuits, continues its drive to take over the United States, and to completely destroy what is left of Protestantism, millions of self-confessed evangelicals continue their slide toward apostasy and unbelief. As the leadership of Dr. Tunnicliffe demonstrates, what is left of evangelical Christianity is leaderless and helpless in the face of the Jesuit onslaught.

America is now far more influenced by the Jesuits than by any leader of what is left of Protestant evangelicalism. Politically, culturally, socially, philosophically, and theologically America follows the leadership of Rome. It certainly does NOT follow the Puritan Protestantism that brought this nation into being and developed it to become the greatest nation the world has so far seen. We will endeavor to show that such is the case in the following pages.


1. ACCC News Letter, Report by Dr. Ralph Colas, 2010.

2. Loc.cit.


The Existence of a Conspiracy

The Existence of a Conspiracy

This is chapter 2 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke

All kinds of books have been written about conspiracies but the Bible reveals that the one real historical conspiracy is against God and His Anointed. This started in the Garden of Eden and has been going on ever since. Even Rousas Rushdoony who promoted his Reconstructionist view of the Bible, and who did not believe that evil men and seducers are getting worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, nevertheless he wrote,

The Bible as a whole presents a view of history as a conspiracy, with Satan and man determining good and evil for themselves. From beginning to end this is the perspective of Scripture, and only a wilful misreading of it can lead to any other position. 1

The Lord Jesus Christ is the target of fallen humanity. Humanity takes counsel against the Lord and His anointed.

Sir Robert Anderson saw that the great historical conspiracy was RELIGIOUS and THEOLOGICAL. In commenting on the truth that Christ called the religious Pharisees, who highly esteemed themselves, “children of Hell,” and a generation of vipers, he added that it was not the publicans and harlots who were branded as,

hell-begotten. Alas for HUMAN nature, it was to the RELIGIOUS Jews that these awful words were spoken. 2

Anderson then with commendable perspicacity notes:

Why? Because the Satan cult is to be sought for, not in pagan orgies, but in the acceptance of the Eden gospel, and in the pursuit of RELIGIOUS systems, which honor man and dishonor Christ. 3

The so-called “great” religions of the world all honor man, And all dishonor Christ. They may talk about “god” but none of them, including Roman Catholicism, give Christ the PRE-EMINENCE which is His ONLY and PROPER place.

In fact, Roman Catholicism is filled with superstition, magic, and deception. As Sir Robert Anderson said,

Is there not some sinister influence in operation here? How else can it be explained that in the full light of our advanced civilization, even persons of the highest intelligence and culture are gulled by the tricks and superstitions which form the stock-in-trade of priestcraft. 4

Is the United States then succumbing to the great Jesuit-Romanist conspiracy? The answer is obviously yes.* If one looks at early America, or even America up until about one hundred years ago, and compares that with what America is today, he cannot help but see that Roman Catholicism, with all its evil fruits, now flourishes in these United States as never before. What was early America like?

* Are the multiplied millions of Roman Catholic illegal aliens flooding into America the result of mere chance? No! IRREDENTISM is another part of the Jesuit conspiracy against the United States today.

Recently, while traveling back from our daughter’s graduation from Clearwater Christian college, we stopped in to visit Savannah, Georgia, one of the oldest ports in the United States. Our tour guide told us many things. In recounting how General Oglethorpe first set about establishing the port, and surrounding areas, she said he had four requirements:

1. No lawyers. 2. No Roman Catholics. 3. No hard liquor. 4. No slaves. She went on to say that Roman Catholics did not appear in Savannah until about one hundred years later.

Yes, as time went on, great changes began to occur in the American colonies. In the very place where the Puritan Separatists first landed and where there was originally a hundred per cent Protestant population, one Roman Catholic priest had this to say toward the end of the 19th century in Boston Massachusetts,

I am an old man and believe that I am the oldest priest in years of service in the U.S.A… Thank God I have lived long enough to see these wonderful changes; yes in Puritan Boston, I was hung in effigy by your blue nose Piety Hill Puritans. Today we control Massachusetts, we control America, and we do not propose to stop until…America is genuinely (Roman) Catholic and remains so. God help us! 5

The United States of America has the most Christian Colleges, Universities, and Theological Seminaries of any country in the world. So you would think then that such a country would be able to overcome the tricks and superstitions of Rome. But such is not the case.

In the land of the free and the home of the brave, Roman Catholicism continues to flourish even after the abominations of its priesthood were reported all over the country. Today, Roman Catholicism continues to wield a powerful political and cultural and judicial influence in this once Protestant nation.

Life magazine has just published its one hundred page glowing pictorial account of the new pope of Rome. It calls him the Vicar of Christ. To make sure that the readers get the message the magazine repeats several times.


So it gives out the fiction of the Apostle Peter being the first pope, and it is filled with beatifications, and the extravagant architecture and art of popish history.

Nevertheless, as Sir Robert Anderson pointed out a hundred years ago, millions of otherwise intelligent people will believe all the drivel that this magazine delivers, about the beatification of saints, blasphemous Masses, Mariolatry, and all the other gross superstitions of Rome.

One would think that with so many Christian colleges, universities, and theological seminaries, that the United States of America would have long since shown the deceptions, blasphemies, and gross superstitions of Rome to be unscriptural and anti-scriptural, However, this is obviously not so.

In fact, today almost no Christian college, university, or theological seminary seeks to overthrow, and completely repudiate and refute all the gross errors of Rome at all. They, believe it or not, actually turn out Roman Catholic graduates, who go on to become national spokesmen for the gross errors of Rome.

The Christian colleges and universities of America today teach far more about the Renaissance than they do about the Protestant Reformation. Hence, the emphasis is on art and humanism, rather than on systematic theology, Bible exegesis, and the true Gospel. In early American education the emphasis was upon theology and logic, how to defend the faith against Roman Catholicism. _Now the leading evangelicals promote dialogue with Rome rather than the refutation of all the false doctrines and practices of Rome.

As the Roman Catholic historian Hennessy pointed out in early American education,

Harvard College had the Dudleian Lectures, the fourth in each series to be devoted to “detecting, convicting, and exposing the idolatry, errors, and superstitions of the Romish church.” 6

John Calvin said, “man is incredibly mad after superstitions.” Surely modern man is even more incredibly mad after superstitions than the men of Calvin’s day were. For the “church” is now filled with tales of Narnia, the fictions of Hollywood, sportsmen, and the drivel of modern religious literature, that the people of Calvin’s day knew nothing about.

The great conspiracy is centered in THE lie. That is in a particular LIE. This particular LIE is the foundation of all attacks against the Lord and His Anointed One. Paul says, that the Lawless One comes, and his coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause GOD shall send them a strong delusion that they should believe THE Lie: that they might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. This MYSTERY OF INIQUITY was already at work, Paul says, when he was writing this letter.

The visible church, more and more, refuses the authority of Holy Scripture. And more and more believes the lie of the papal Man of Sin, that he is the Vicar of Christ and sits in his temple as God. He claims to be the Vicar of Christ and millions in the “church” refuse to separate from this gross blasphemy. Separation is now virtually unknown as a principle of the church, set down in God’s revelation.

~Edward J. Young, in his masterpiece THY WORD IS TRUTH, writes at the very beginning of his defense of biblical inspiration, that his subject is a timely one, because the times in which we live, are times of a new theology.

The present day sees the Church of Christ engulfed with a new type of theology, a theology which employs the terminology of the Bible and of the Church and yet pours into that terminology a content which is quite other than that of historic Christianity. Because of the similarity of terminology there are many good people who are deceived. They appeal to some of the great names in theology of the present day as though these men were allies in the battle of the Faith. Nothing, however, could be farther from the truth. 7

Theological deception is a mark of our times. It is no longer confined to Rome, for through the infiltration of Jesuit teachings into evangelical colleges and seminaries, the deception concerning the Man of Sin is now much more widespread than it was one hundred years ago.

Young also stated that,

Without doubt Christianity is at the cross roads… Our Lord did indeed say that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His Church, but he did not deny that they would try to prevail. Ever since her founding, the Church of God has been engaged in a spiritual battle. Against her, powerful foes have fought, foes which at every turn of the road have sought to deflect her from the true course and, if possible, to destroy her. The apostle knew where of he spoke when he said that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 8

The true church is in a never ending battle to refute the errors of her enemies and proclaim the truth as it is in Christ. However, it is now obvious, that very few people are concerned about keeping the church free from heresies and blasphemies. For instead of contending for the faith, today millions of people in the church are contending for the “culture.” They are all concerned about what is happening in the culture of America today, while seemingly oblivious to what is happening in the church in America today. They have abandoned the Reformers’ struggle for a pure church, and have taken up the Jesuit struggle for a medieval culture. A struggle they have no hope of winning, because God Himself, is against the evils of medieval tradition and mythology, having already wrecked that wicked system, when He set in motion the glorious Protestant Reformation.

False religion is fighting to gain control of America today; it is in a life and death struggle with secular humanism. False religion is cursed by God as much or more than secular humanism; so both ideologies are false and sit under the judgment of God. If both continue to flourish, it will be the end of the United States as we know it. The battle that should be waged, but is not being fought, is against BOTH these evils; not just one of them.

There have been many enemies of the true Church, and surely one of the most enduring, and best organized of those enemies, is the Roman Catholic Church State, energized by the Jesuits, and headed up by the Papal Man of Sin himself, This deceptive immoral monstrosity is now, if you can believe it, looked upon by millions of evangelicals as a co-belligerent, as a great help, in prosecuting the moral war against secularism.


1, Rushdoony, Rousas, The Nature of the American System, Presbyterian and Reformed Pub, Co., Nutley, NJ, 1965, p. 140.

2. Anderson, Sir Robert, The Silence of God, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1899, p. 131.


4. Ibid, p. 128.

5. Di Domenica, Angelo, Washington Under Romanism, 1949, p. 15.

6. Chmelovski, Thomas, The Judea-Christian Ethic, self-published no dates, p. 2.

7. Young, Edward J., Thy Word is Truth, Banner of Truth Trust, London, 1965, p. 7.

8. Ibid., p. 13.


The Jesuit Conspiracy Against Historic Bible Protestantism

The Jesuit Conspiracy Against Historic Bible Protestantism

This is the continuation and chapter 1 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke. The emphasis from the author is in ALL CAPS and my emphasis is in bold.

Dr. John Robbins noted that,

Historians have christened the thirteenth century the Age of Faith and termed the eighteenth century the Age of Reason. The twentieth century has been called many things: the Atomic Age, the Age of Inflation, the Age of the Tyrant, the Age of Aquarius. But it deserves one name more than the others: the Age of Irrationalism. Contemporary secular intellectuals are anti-intellectual. Contemporary philosophers are anti-philosophy. Contemporary theologians are anti-theology. 1

The irrationalism of Kierkegaard and Barth now governs most of the “thinking” of the majority of theologians and church scholars today. The attack upon the MIND in the twentieth century still has not let up in the twenty-first century. In fact it has spread into what are still called Bible-believing churches.

This is the basis of many of the problems that now afflict Christianity in North America today. Theistic evolution, which is irrational, has been pushed by many scholars who class themselves as Christians. The Jesuits have been at the forefront in teaching a form of evolutionary determinism which they believe will result in the church of all humanity.

The Jesuits are among some of the hardest working people, and hardest fighting people, that the world has ever seen. Few can match their tenacity and perseverance which they use to try to promote the blasphemous fiction that the Pope of Rome is the Vicar of Christ and Lord of the church.

The Jesuits, in their rigorous training, must obey their superiors without question. According (o the Constitutions of the Jesuits, they all must obey, “just as if they were a corpse, which allows itself to be moved and handled in any way.” 2 So the Jesuits all labor irrationally. They empty their minds of personal ambition and personal thinking; they follow their orders with complete abandonment of personal thought. They must labor with one view in mind, to bring the world to the feet of the Papal Man of Sin, no matter what it costs.

As Malachi Martin wrote,

As an institution (the Jesuit Order), it has always been bound to the papacy. Its professed members have always been bound to the Pope by a sacred oath of absolute obedience. For 426 years, they stood at the papacy’s side, fought its battles, taught its doctrines, suffered its defeats, defended its positions, shared its power, were attacked by its enemies, and constantly promoted its interests all over the globe. They were regarded by many as they regarded themselves, as “Pope’s Men.”3

* Martin, of course, in his book, claims that the Jesuits have changed. He claims that since 1965, the end of Vatican II, that the Superior General of the Jesuits, at that time, promoted the changes that some Jesuits were proposing, and that since then the goals of the Jesuit Order have changed, He claims that they are now promoting a universal church -a people’s church – not the ancient church of Rome.

One has to be completely irrational to believe all the magic, fictions and superstitions of Rome. (We will look at this irrationalism in more detail later.)

Almost all Protestants, up until the time of C. H. Spurgeon, believed that the Jesuits were out to destroy biblical Protestantism, and bring all “rebellious” churches back to Rome. Malachi Martin said as much when he wrote about the re-instatement of the Jesuit Order, after its suppression by a pope of Rome.

The revivified Jesuits started off again, with renewed zeal for the papal will, and made a huge commitment of men and labor to ensure that the First Vatican Council in 1869 would decree that the infallible authority of the Pope was an article of faith and a divinely revealed dogma. That effort was so trenchant and successful… clear pointer to what the Jesuits championed as vigorously as they always had the old Roman Catholic belief that by divine decree the man who himself carried all the authority of Christ in the Church was to be identified by a physical link with one geographical location on the face of this earth-the city of Rome. That man would always be the legal Bishop of Rome. And personal Vicar of Christ.4

So the Jesuits made a huge commitment of men and labor, i.e. they conspired to ensure that papal infallibility would become a dogma of Rome. Martin also noted how the Jesuits were viewed by the world,

In the long catalog of insults and calumnies men have devised in order to revile their enemies, no name was bad enough to call the Jesuits because of that FEARSOME FIXATION that they had from their first beginnings, to be “Pope’s Men.” The Pope’s men, of Inigo de Loyola, Thomas Carlyle wrote, was “the poison fountain from which all the rivers of bitterness that now submerged the world have flowed.”

Such insults have been enshrined in the very languages of men. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, having given the basic meaning of Jesuit as a member of the Order, then supplies the negative meanings: “one given to intrigue or equivocation; a crafty person”; terms that are amplified by Dornseif’s Dictionary into “two-faced, false, insidious, dissembling, perfidious…insincere, dishonorable, dishonest, untruthful.” A Spanish proverb admonished people not “to trust a monk with your wife or a Jesuit with your money.”5 (emphasis added)

He also said that for too long those, in the higher echelons of the Roman Catholic church, have been suspected of quite worldly aims: of secret-almost cabalistic-designs on the rights, liberties and freedoms of ordinary people. Many a sincere modern Protestant is still convinced this is true.

Martin wrote all of his works in the latter part of the twentieth-century. His contention that, MANY a sincere modern Protestant is still convinced that there is a cabal, a conspiracy, to take over the world for the papacy, centered in the Vatican, is now probably less true than at any other time in Protestant history. Surely it is true that millions of North American “Christians” do not even know what a Protestant is;* that they view the Roman Catholic Church-State-System as merely another Christian communion; and as to “cabalistic designs or conspiracy,” there is scarcely a soul in North America today who believes that the Roman Catholic Jesuits are part of a conspiracy to overthrow what is left of Protestantism in America today.

The Jesuit Conspiracy has many tentacles. It would take an encyclopedia to cover the full extent of the cabalistic designs of the Jesuits. In this study only one area of Theology will be discussed; Eschatology, the doctrine of Last Things.

* Rick Warren, appearing on television with Piers Morgan, vaguely agreed with Morgan that Protestantism was dead. What Morgan, a Roman Catholic, was identifying as Protestantism, had nothing whatsoever to do with it. He was describing apostate humanism which has taken over some modern Protestant denominations. But Rick Warren did not seem to know any more than Piers Morgan about Historic Bible Protestantism.


1. Bonar and Hodge, Not What These Hands Have Done, Trinity Foundation, Unicoi, TN, Edited by Dr. John Robbins, 2005, p. 307.

2. British Church Newspaper, March 22, 2013, p. 5.

3. Martin, Malachi, The Jesuits, Linden Press, NY., NY, 1987, p. 35.

4. Ibid., p. 31-32.

5. Ibid., p. 28.

Continue to the next chapter: THE EXISTENCE OF A CONSPIRACY

Chuck Baldwin on Romans Chapter 13

Chuck Baldwin on Romans Chapter 13

Police in the UK clash with demonstrators protesting the Covid lockdowns

Forward by the webmaster:

What’s happening today in Canada, Australia and New Zealand is utter tyranny in the name of medical safety! It’s really part of the Jesuit’s plan to bring about a new world order of the elite. The only reason why the USA has not fallen totally under leftist tyranny so far is because of the US. Constitution and the fact that American citizens still have Second Amendment rights.

“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams

“It is tragic that most Bible-believing Christians today are misguided concerning Biblical submission to government. God never intended for Christians to blindly yield to government tyranny, blatant abusive of power and treason against it’s own citizens. What ever happened to the Bill of Rights?” – From Should Christians Obey Criminal Government? By David J. Stewart

Article by Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship

Published: Friday, August 10, 2007

It seems that every time someone such as myself attempts to encourage our Christian brothers and sisters to resist an unconstitutional or otherwise reprehensible government policy, we hear the retort, “What about Romans Chapter 13? We Christians must submit to government. Any government. Read your Bible, and leave me alone.” Or words to that effect.

No doubt, some who use this argument are sincere. They are only repeating what they have heard their pastor and other religious leaders say. On the other hand, let’s be honest enough to admit that some who use this argument are just plain lazy, apathetic, and indifferent. And Romans 13 is their escape from responsibility. I suspect this is the much larger group, by the way.

Nevertheless, for the benefit of those who are sincere (but obviously misinformed), let’s briefly examine Romans Chapter 13. I quote Romans Chapter 13, verses 1 through 7, from the Authorized King James text:

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.”

Do our Christian friends who use these verses to teach that we should not oppose President Bush or any other political leader really believe that civil magistrates have unlimited authority to do anything they want without opposition? I doubt whether they truly believe that.

For example, what if our President decided to resurrect the old monarchal custom of Jus Primae Noctis (Law of First Night)? That was the old medieval custom when the king claimed the right to sleep with a subject’s bride on the first night of their marriage. Would our sincere Christian brethren sheepishly say, “Romans Chapter 13 says we must submit to the government”? I think not. And would any of us respect any man who would submit to such a law?

So, there are limits to authority. A father has authority in his home, but does this give him power to abuse his wife and children? Of course not. An employer has authority on the job, but does this give him power to control the private lives of his employees? No. A pastor has overseer authority in the church, but does this give him power to tell employers in his church how to run their businesses? Of course not. All human authority is limited in nature. No man has unlimited authority over the lives of other men. (Lordship and Sovereignty is the exclusive domain of Jesus Christ.)

By the same token, a civil magistrate has authority in civil matters, but his authority is limited and defined. Observe that Romans Chapter 13 clearly limits the authority of civil government by strictly defining its purpose: “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil . . . For he is the minister of God to thee for good . . . for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”

Notice that civil government must not be a “terror to good works.” It has no power or authority to terrorize good works or good people. God never gave it that authority. And any government that oversteps that divine boundary has no divine authority or protection.

Civil government is a “minister of God to thee for good.” It is a not a minister of God for evil. Civil magistrates have a divine duty to “execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” They have no authority to execute wrath upon him that doeth good. None. Zilch. Zero. And anyone who says they do is lying. So, even in the midst of telling Christians to submit to civil authority, Romans Chapter 13 limits the power and reach of civil authority.

Did Moses violate God’s principle of submission to authority when he killed the Egyptian taskmaster in defense of his fellow Hebrew? Did Elijah violate God’s principle of submission to authority when he openly challenged Ahab and Jezebel? Did David violate God’s principle of submission to authority when he refused to surrender to Saul’s troops? Did Daniel violate God’s principle of submission to authority when he disobeyed the king’s law to not pray audibly to God? Did the three Hebrew children violate God’s principle of submission to authority when they refused to bow to the image of the state? Did John the Baptist violate God’s principle of submission to authority when he publicly scolded King Herod for his infidelity? Did Simon Peter and the other Apostles violate God’s principle of submission to authority when they refused to stop preaching on the streets of Jerusalem? Did Paul violate God’s principle of submission to authority when he refused to obey those authorities who demanded that he abandon his missionary work? In fact, Paul spent almost as much time in jail as he did out of jail.

Remember that every apostle of Christ (except John) was killed by hostile civil authorities opposed to their endeavors. Christians throughout church history were imprisoned, tortured, or killed by civil authorities of all stripes for refusing to submit to their various laws and prohibitions. Did all of these Christian martyrs violate God’s principle of submission to authority?

So, even the great prophets, apostles, and writers of the Bible (including the writer of Romans Chapter 13) understood that human authority–even civil authority–is limited.

Plus, Paul makes it clear that our submission to civil authority must be predicated on more than fear of governmental retaliation. Notice, he said, “Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.” Meaning, our obedience to civil authority is more than just “because they said so.” It is also a matter of conscience. This means we must think and reason for ourselves regarding the justness and rightness of our government’s laws. Obedience is not automatic or robotic. It is a result of both rational deliberation and moral approbation.

Therefore, there are times when civil authority may need to be resisted. Either governmental abuse of power or the violation of conscience (or both) could precipitate civil disobedience. Of course, how and when we decide to resist civil authority is an entirely separate issue. And I will reserve that discussion for another time.

Beyond that, we in the United States of America do not live under a monarchy. We have no king. There is no single governing official in this country. America’s “supreme Law” does not rest with any man or any group of men. America’s “supreme Law” does not rest with the President, the Congress, or even the Supreme Court. In America, the U.S. Constitution is the “supreme Law of the Land.” Under our laws, every governing official publicly promises to submit to the Constitution of the United States. Do readers understand the significance of this distinction? I hope so.

This means that in America the “higher powers” are not the men who occupy elected office, they are the tenets and principles set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Under our laws and form of government, it is the duty of every citizen, including our elected officials, to obey the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, this is how Romans Chapter 13 reads to Americans:

“Let every soul be subject unto the [U.S. Constitution.] For there is no [Constitution] but of God: the [Constitution] that be [is] ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the [Constitution], resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For [the Constitution is] not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the [Constitution]? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For [the Constitution] is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for [the Constitution] beareth not the sword in vain: for [the Constitution] is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For this cause pay ye tribute also: for [the Constitution is] God’s minister, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.”

Dear Christian friend, the above is exactly the proper understanding of our responsibility to civil authority in these United States, as per the teaching of Romans Chapter 13.

Furthermore, Christians, above all people, should desire that their elected representatives submit to the Constitution, because it is constitutional government that has done more to protect Christian liberty than any governing document ever devised by man. As I have noted before in this column (See: ), Biblical principles form the foundation of all three of America’s founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.

As a result, Christians in America (for the most part) have not had to face the painful decision to “obey God rather than men” and defy their civil authorities.

The problem in America today is that we have allowed our political leaders to violate their oaths of office and to ignore, and blatantly disobey, the “supreme Law of the Land,” the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, if we truly believe Romans Chapter 13, we will insist and demand that our civil magistrates submit to the U.S. Constitution.

Now, how many of us Christians are going to truly obey Romans Chapter 13?

© Chuck Baldwin

Pope Francis is behind Corona virus and the Jabs: Dr. Bryan Ardis

Pope Francis is behind Corona virus and the Jabs: Dr. Bryan Ardis

This is a partial transcription of a video below. The speaker is Dr. Bryan Ardis,

Alright, I’ll just tell you, people ask me, you have started asking me, “Well, who’s behind all this? Why do you think that they would be so evil? Is Fauci evil? Really? Does he really want to murder people? Joe Biden really want to murder people?”

Yeah, they do, actually, it’s obvious they do. Or they wouldn’t be so coercive, they wouldn’t be so bullying, they wouldn’t be so threatening to take your livelihood from you, or to take your ability to travel from you without getting the shots. That’s not love. It’s not consideration for your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You can’t even pursue happiness if you’re dead. So lay off the shots.

So anyway, I actually think that this is way bigger than our federal health agencies and our president right now, and our past president, but I do think they’re all being influenced by the same organization that is orchestrating this entire plan. I actually think, and I’m hoping I’m very hopeful that they’re not going to win, actually. But I’ll have to tell you. But I am concerned that no one is acknowledging who the real threat is, I actually think. And it’s not like I’m just making this up. I’m just going to tell you as much research, as I do is much looking into individuals and what they’re saying, watch what they’re saying. And then see who else is also saying the same thing. I actually think the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope, Pope Francis, is over this entire thing. And I think he’s manipulating controlling the entire narrative. I think he’s got Anthony Fauci in his pocket. I think he’s got Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Francis Collins, I think all of them are being controlled by a division of the Roman Catholic church called the order of the Jesuits, whose sole mission for the last 200 years I’m aware of since 1857, they have been plotting to destroy the Constitution of the United States, as the one last stronghold of a country that preserves and protects religious freedoms. And I think they’ve been plotting this whole time, in many ways, either through wars now through famine. Now through pandemics of a virus. I think it has been a complete attempt of them to destroy the Constitution, the United States from within, to destroy the borders, to reduce, which is what they’ve said, we also have to reduce militaries of all countries, demolish all borders of countries. So we can create a one world religion with the Pope as the one-world leader. And if you are not listening to what Joe Biden said, what Anthony Fauci is saying, what Walensky director of the CDC is saying, what Donald Trump is saying, they’re all saying the same thing. And they’re all doing the same thing. They’re pushing for vaccines.

And then following what the Pope said that it’s important for us last month, just say no December, sorry, December 2021. The Pope came out and said, who is a Jesuit Pope for the first time in Roman Catholic history. This Jesuit Pope Francis said, “There are only two things the world needs right now. The world needs to defund all of their militaries and reduce their personnel. And then the second thing the whole world needs is more vaccinations. ”

Some Awaiting the 70th Week of Daniel Are Blind to Current Events

Some Awaiting the 70th Week of Daniel Are Blind to Current Events

Daniel 9:27 is about the 70th Week of Daniel, and it may very well be the most misinterpreted prophecy in the entire Bible. The early Protestant Reformers saw it as a Messianic prophecy fulfilled by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ! Most modern-day evangelicals (with the notable exception of Pastor Chuck Baldwin) view it as prophecy fulfilled by the Antichrist who will come to power in the unknown future. Christians who hold this eschatological view follow a school of prophecy interpretation known as Futurism.

Verse Segment Modern Evangelical Interpretation Protestant Reformers Interpretation
And he the Antichrist Jesus Christ
shall confirm the covenant shall make a treaty shall confirm the Covenant of grace God made with Abraham.
with many for one week with the Jews and leaders of the world’s religions for 7 years in the future with the people of Israel for 7 years from the beginning of Jesus’s ministry which began in 27 AD to the stoning of Stephen in 34 AD which was the start of persecution of Christians by the Jews.
and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease The Antichrist will stop the daily sacrifice in a rebuilt temple of Solomon. Jesus was crucified three and a half years after the start of His ministry. Jesus, the Lamb of God, became the ultimate sacrifice for sins which meant there was no more need for daily animal sacrifices, and hence, no more need for a physical temple to do them.
and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, The Antichrist will start a world wide persecution against all who refuse to worship him. Jesus through the Roman General Titus will desolate the Temple of Solomon
even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Jesus will return, fight the Antichrist and his armies, and throw them into hell. Jesus will cause the Roman army to destroy both the Temple and Jerusalem to put an end to the Jews’ Christ-less religion as punishment for Israel’s rejection of their Messiah.

It’s been my observation that Christians who hold the modern evangelical futurist interpretation of the 70th Week of Daniel cannot see what is happening today, I mean, right NOW, as a major attack by Satan and his forces against the world, and against God’s people! And what has happened so far?

  • Area wide lockdowns
  • Mask mandates, people arrested in some counties for not wearing a mask though outdoors
  • Quarantines / house arrest if suspected of having Covid
  • Vaccine mandates for work or medical care
  • Vaccine passports. My wife and I cannot eat in resturants any longer

You can probably add more to that list. Has any of this happened before in history on a worldwide scale? And what is the reason the government is giving us? All in the name of public safety to prevent catching a virus that causes disease the vast majority of the people survive from.

In some countries, government policies are more draconian than others. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand seem to be the worst. In the USA the Republican states opted to have less strict measures, and now even some Democrat states are following suit.

Some countries are requiring proof of vaccination to even shop at the grocery store! How is that different from the Mark of the Beast of Revelation chapter 13? It’s not different!

How many Christians today believe the Beast of Revelation Chapter 13 is already in place? I sure do. The response to the pandemic has been global government tyranny. Pastors in Canada have been arrested for holding church services during the lockdowns.

How many pastors today are standing up to government tyranny? I know only of Chuck Baldwin, John MacArthur, Artur Pawlawski and a few other pastors in Canada. How many pastors are telling their congregations to avoid the experimental Covid jabs at all costs? Only Chuck Balwin as far as I know. Some evangelical leaders are even encouraging their flocks to get vaccinated saying that vaccines “alleviate the curse.” That’s blasphemy in my opinion! Only Jesus Christ can alleviate the curse! Those who know the Lord can claim His protection!

The world has started to say no to it all. The truckers convoy in Canada is outstanding in my opinion! And yet some people are calling it false or controlled opposition. Why? I think it’s the same people that think it’s too late to resist antichrist government tyranny at this point in time. They are expecting great tribulation based on a wrong interpretation of Matthew 24!

Matthew 24:21  For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

In another article, I explain in detail why the “great tribulation” of Matthew 24 is not a future event.


How a person looks at current events is dependent on how whether he or she is a Futurist or not. Most Baptists and Pentecostals are Futurists. The Presbyterians and some others continue to hold the standard Protestant interpretation of the 70th Weeks of Daniel as a past event.

As children of God by faith in Christ Jesus, we must not let the devil’s people take away our God-given rights without a fight! We must stand up to tyranny. God is still on the Throne and prayer changes things! The gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ!