Covid Vaccine Causes Myocarditis

Covid Vaccine Causes Myocarditis

This article is from a paper by Drs. Peter McCullough, M.D., an American cardiologist, and Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a specialist in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine at Stanford Children’s Health Specialty Services. It was published by Elsevier which is a Netherlands-based publishing company specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content. After the preliminary draft of their report was peer-reviewed and approved for publication, it was posted by the publisher on its website. Shortly thereafter, the publisher, Elsevier, without giving a reason, suddenly withdrew the publication. (Partial text from Dr. John G. Hartnett’s web article on )

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COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’: A Bioweapon

COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’: A Bioweapon

Dr. Jane Ruby is a prominent health economist and new right political pundit. She currently works as a president at Ruby Health Consulting since 2018. It actually provides innovative solutions for Health Economics and outcomes research (HEOR). She calls Covid vaccines a bioweapon. I sure wouldn’t bet my life that she’s wrong.

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For further references please see:

Why Is God Not Blessing America?

<img alt="Why Is God Not Blessing America?" title="Why Is God Not Blessing America?" width="300" height="263" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Why Is God Not Blessing America?" title="Why Is God Not Blessing America?" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 681w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />

What is happening today under the Biden administration is simply shocking! The enemies of God, Christ, and the Bible have created a new ideology called “Woke” that teaches everything contrary to what the Bible teaches! The southern border is being flooded with illegal immigrants, inflation is higher, the cost of energy has increased, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, civil liberties in especially the Blue States are trampled upon in the name of public health with unconstitutional and even illegal vaccine mandates (according to the Nuremberg Code), and parents who object to their children being taught the Critical Race Theory are being called “domestic terrorists”. I’m sure that most Republicans, perhaps some honest Democrats, and most conservatives and Christians can add many more problems to the list that America is facing today. And why is this happening? I submit to you that one of the reasons God is not blessing America with good leadership is because of America’s support for the nation of Israel! Does that shock you? It would shock you if you hold the doctrine of so-called “Christian Zionism.” Christians who support physical Israel have been misled by antichrists! Why do I think so? Because the Bible tells us we should not bless those who reject the doctrine of Christ!

2 John 1:9  Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
10  ¶If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
11  For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

The prophecy of Genesis 12:3 was not toward physical Israel but to Abraham and his spiritual children

If you don’t think so, please consider what the Scriptures below have to say.

Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee (Abraham), and curse him that curseth thee (Abraham): and in thee (Abraham) shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Galatians 3:14 That the BLESSING OF ABRAHAM might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is CHRIST.

Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ’s, THEN are ye (all those who call on Jesus Christ to be saved) Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Revelation 19:10b
… for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Christian Zionism is an oxymoron.

I want to thank pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship for his good teaching on this subject which inspired me to write this article.

Americans Must Stand Up And Say “I Will Not Comply” With Covid Mandates Right Now Or Face A Life Under Totalitarianism – By Dr. Chuck Baldwin

Americans Must Stand Up And Say “I Will Not Comply” With Covid Mandates Right Now Or Face A Life Under Totalitarianism – By Dr. Chuck Baldwin

This is a repost from:

Published: Thursday, October 21, 2021

(To subscribe to Chuck Baldwin’s columns, click here.)

The world (led by the United States) has been under Covid tyranny for over 18 months now. At the very beginning of this masquerade, we were all taken off guard. No one then could have dreamed what the satanic eugenicists Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, et al. had planned for us.

For a few weeks, everyone gave the medical establishment the benefit of the doubt and believed they were truly looking out for our health—although some of us NEVER put on those stupid masks. (To this day, I have not worn one of those beastly masks—not once.)

But now the jig is up! We know exactly what Gates and Fauci are doing; and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with keeping us healthy.

The Covid narrative is a planned exercise in global tyranny. Not by coincidence, the countries that are denied the right to keep and bear arms are suffering through the worst of this tyranny. The Aussies and New Zealanders must now realize how foolish they were to allow their governments to disarm them.

As we were forced to traverse these tumultuous tyrannical waters, we became aware that Fauci and the CDC were lying to us all along. From the very beginning, they manipulated, exaggerated and lied about Covid deaths. And now they are lying and covering up the deaths from the Covid gene therapy shots (they are NOT vaccines).

In this report, Joseph Mercola makes a compelling case that the Covid jabs have already killed over 200,000 people in the United States:

Yesterday, October 8, 2021, I published a Highwire exclusive interview with Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant who is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries, and the fact that these injuries are rarely reported because of a faulty VAERS database design.

Today you’re in for yet another bombshell video: “Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis.” It’s the first episode of “The False Narrative Takedown Series,” produced by Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund.

“Vaccine Secrets” complements and supports everything Conrad shared in her interview, so I highly recommend saving these files on your computer and watching both of them. Both are available on Bitchute.

How Many Have Died From the COVID Jabs?

According to Kirsch, the COVID shots have already killed an estimated 200,000 Americans, a far higher number than the 15,386 deaths reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of September 17, 2021. You can find all the research for Episode 1 of the “False Narrative Takedown” series on

According to Kirsch, the vaccination program should be immediately halted, as the VAERS data suggest more than 200,000 Americans have already died, and more than 2 million have been seriously injured by the vaccines. Interestingly enough, Kirsch and his entire family took the COVID shot early on, so he’s not coming from an “anti-vax” position.

According to Kirsch, the CDC, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health are all “spreading misinformation about the vaccine versus early treatment.” In a nutshell, these agencies are saying the complete opposite of what is true — classic Orwellian doublespeak.

They claim the COVID shots are safe and effective, when the data show they’re neither, and they say there is no safe and effective early treatment, which is clearly false. At the same time, our medical freedoms are being stripped away under the guise of public health — all while an immense death toll is allowed to take place right before our eyes.

Kirsch is so confident in his analyses, he’s offered a $1 million academic grant to anyone who can show his analysis is flawed by a factor of four or more. So far, no one has stepped up to claim the prize. He’s even offered $1 million to any official willing to simply have a public debate with him about the data, and none has accepted the challenge.

False Narratives Overview

In this episode, Kirsch goes through five false narratives about COVID jab safety, namely that:

*The shots are safe and effective
*No one has died from the COVID shot
*You cannot use VAERS to determine causality
*The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is harmless
*Only a few adverse events are associated with the shots and they’re all “mild”

He also reviews the five false narratives about what the solutions are:

*Vaccines are the only way to end the pandemic
*Vaccine mandates are therefore needed
*Masks work
*Early treatments do not work
*Ivermectin is dangerous

COVID Shot Kills Five Times More People Than It Saves

Kirsch cites information from Dr. Peter Schirmacher, chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, who is recognized as one of the top 100 pathologists in the world.

More Than 200,000 Have Likely Been Killed by the Jabs

Between the documentation on his website and the video, you get a detailed in-depth understanding of how to do this and how Kirsch came to the conclusions made. Here, I will simply provide a summary rundown of Kirsch calculations and conclusions:

*Propensity to report = same as in previous years
*Number of domestic deaths in the VAERS database = 6,167 as of August 27, 2021
*Under-reporting factor for serious events = 41 (i.e., for every 41 events, only one is reported)
*Background VAERS death rate = 500 per year (this background death number will be subtracted twice, as most COVID jab recipients are receiving two doses. This gives us a very conservative estimate)
*Excess deaths calculation = (6,167 – 2 x 500) x 41 = 212,000 excess deaths

Using the same calculation methods, Kirsch conservatively estimates more than 300,000 Americans have also been permanently disabled by the COVID shots. These estimates have been validated by four teams of researchers using other methods. (None of them used VAERS data.)

If you’re under the age of 50, your risk of dying from the vaccine is greater than your chance of dying from COVID-19.

Kirsch also demonstrates another calculation to show the COVID shots kill more people than the actual COVID-19 infection does. That calculation also shows that if you’re under the age of 50, your risk of dying from the vaccine is greater than your chance of dying from COVID-19, so it makes no sense from a risk-benefit perspective to get the jab if you’re younger than 50.

What’s more, since your risk of natural infection exponentially decreases over time (as natural herd immunity grows, your chance of infection approximately halves each year), the risks of the COVID shot rapidly outgrow any potential benefit with each passing year.

This British report shows statistical support for the charge that the Covid jab is destroying people’s natural immunity and giving them AIDS (another government-created medical crisis).

Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.

These people will then effectively have full blown acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

But, finally, people are beginning to fight back.

This report notes how State senators in Oregon are seeking a grand jury investigation into Covid-19 statistical manipulation.

The CDC adopted a “double-standard exclusively for COVID-19 data collection” that inflated cases and deaths starting early in the pandemic, violating multiple federal laws and distorting mitigation policies, Oregon lawmakers told the feds’ top lawyer in the state.

Advised by “a large team of world-renowned doctors, epidemiologists, virologists, and attorneys,” state Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum petitioned U.S. Attorney Scott Asphaug to approve a grand jury investigation into how the pandemic is being measured.

Professionals in the airline industry have had enough and are refusing to comply:

Joshua Yoder, a pilot with Southwest Airlines and co-founder of U.S. Freedom Flyers, told Fox News on Monday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight that “we have all the control, and the control comes from a simple word, and that is ‘no.’ We just don’t need to comply.”

The day after Biden issued his imperial command, almost two dozen state governors responded with a statement opposed to his overreach, including Arizona, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming.

And yesterday, a federal judge in Texas issued a temporary restraining order against United Airlines (UA), blocking it from imposing its vaccine mandate on any of its employees. UA originally told its 67,000 U.S. employees that they must be vaccinated by September 27 or lose their jobs.

This court order is the first of its kind, likely not the last. As more and more individuals like Yoder understand the power of the word “no” to federal overreach, the greater the pushback will be against the Biden administration’s use of COVID to impose its draconian and tyrannical mandates on American citizens.

So many law enforcement personnel are refusing to comply with the vaccine mandates that in Seattle the city is losing as many as 40% of its police force.

In what the president of Seattle’s Police Guild calls an “unprecedented move,” the department moved to “Stage 3” operations Wednesday.

That means detectives and other non-patrol units will serve as first responders to 9-1-1 calls.

The department has already lost more than 300 officers in the past year, and hundreds more could face termination next week if they don’t comply with the vaccine order.

The SPD staffing crisis has become so dire, police union president Mike Solan is warning about what’s next, as the department mobilizes to “Stage 3″—an emergency scenario because of a shortage of officers.

Meanwhile businesses and neighbors are left to deal with rising crime and longer response times.

Anyone who has but a modicum of knowledge of the fundamental principles of Liberty knows by now that the Covid narrative is NOT ABOUT health but ALL ABOUT total government control over our lives.

Perhaps the governor of Maine personifies the satanic spirit of slavery as well as anyone.

Central Maine Medical Center, a key hospital for regional healthcare, issued a dire warning about the need to shut down critical care services last week if they are forced to fire or lay-off all the unvaccinated workers. The hospital appealed to the Governor’s office, Democrat Janet Mills for a testing option to avoid losing some of the most important care providers in their system.

Today, the hospital quantified their issue and announced they were going to suspend pediatric admissions as well as heart attack and trauma admissions, because they just will not be able to operate.

Unfortunately, the Democrat Governor has announced she doesn’t care if the hospital has to shut down. Mills’ stated her unilateral jab mandate will remain in place and the vaxxed and unvaxxed citizens of Maine will die until they comply with the vaccine rules.

Because it’s all about the public health right?

Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin are so desperate to force compliance within the U.S. military that they are threatening to make Navy SEALS pay back the cost of their training if they don’t get vaxxed.

An estimated 33% – 40% of U.S. military personnel are holding their ground and refusing the jab.

People, please understand that the primary tool of tyrants is intimidation. In other words, they are BULLIES. All it takes to shake off a bully is to stand up to him and just say NO!

And that’s what people all over America are starting to do.

I’m talking about men like Dr. Chris Rake.

A shocking video of respected [UCLA] anesthesiologist Chris Rake being kicked out of his job has gone viral. He explains to why he opposes mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations and is prepared to never practice medicine again.

“This is totalitarianism. I’ve come out and said, ‘No, you’re not going to do that, not on my watch’… I’m willing to give my life to this cause.”

Rake is not alone. Almost 8,000 physicians and medical scientists have signed a declaration accusing Covid policymakers of “crimes against humanity.”

An international group of physicians and scientists signed a declaration Friday accusing COVID-19 policy-makers of “crimes against humanity” for preventing the use of life saving treatments on their patients.

As of Monday morning, the Physicians Declaration had garnered more than 4,600 signatures. The signers accused policymakers of forcing a “one-size-fits-all” treatment strategy, resulting in “needless illness and death,” rather than “upholding fundamental concepts of the individualized.”

According to Global COVID Summit, the declaration was created by physicians and scientists during the Rome COVID Summit. The signatories are professionals, many of whom are on the front lines of treating COVID patients.

The Declaration states:

“The Physicians’ Declaration was first read at the Rome COVID Summit, catalyzing an explosion of active support from medical scientists and physicians around the globe. These professionals were not expecting career threats, character assassination, papers and research censored, social accounts blocked, search results manipulated, clinical trials and patient observations banned, and their professional history and accomplishments altered or omitted in academic and mainstream media.

“Thousands have died from COVID as a result of being denied life-saving early treatment. The Declaration is a battle cry from physicians who are daily fighting for the right to treat their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments — without fear of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech.”

The signatories created a “doctors- and scientists-only” COVID information platform so citizens can make informed decisions for their families “without interruption, manipulation, politicization or profiteering from external forces outside of the doctor-patient relationship.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the next six months will determine the fate of the free world.

If freedom lovers in America will stand up en masse RIGHT NOW and refuse to comply with the antichrist Covid mandates, and I mean regardless of the cost, Liberty will be preserved.

But if we couch down in fear or complacency and continue to go along with this beastly system, by this time next year, a free America will NOT exist.

It is up to us! Right now!

It may not be easy, but it is very simple: For the sake of our freedom and the freedom of our children, DO NOT COMPLY!

I repeat: DO NOT COMPLY!

(End of message. Please see the entire article on:

Dr. Anne McCloskey Exposes the ‘Great Reset’ Agenda Behind COVID Hoax

Dr. Anne McCloskey Exposes the ‘Great Reset’ Agenda Behind COVID Hoax

This is a powerful talk from Anne McCloskey, a medical doctor in Northern Ireland. I think her word is much more valuable and trustworthy than what some salaried “fact-checker” or politician has to say, don’t you? I hope you will read at least the text if you don’t have time to listen to the video.

The transcript is below the video.


Across this island and across the world, there are millions of people who are awakened into the understanding that this current health crisis, this so-called pandemic, is a Trojan horse which has been used to introduce a new era for humanity. The “Great Reset”, the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, “building back better” whatever catchy, chirpy name the bankers and billionaires are calling it, it’s not good for you and me, for the ordinary people. Relationships between individuals, families, communities, governments, and nations will change fundamentally. They’re coming for you, your family, your job, your savings, your home, your pension, your culture, your traditions, your freedom, your very way of life unless we unite to resist! We do not consent.

This is not a conspiracy theory, but the outworking of a scheme written by people who hate the human race. Agenda 21 has been implemented now and will come to pass unless we unite to resist! We do not consent!

Last year, a seasonal respiratory virus of high infectivity, but low pathogenicity passed across the world and sadly took with it people who were very old, who were already very sick, and most of them were in the last months and years of their lives. There were younger people who died. May God have mercy on their souls and comfort their families and friends. But in terms of the overall cause for mortality, there was nothing to see. Seasonal viruses do this every year. They have done since time began and they will continue to do so no matter what humans do.

In 2020, in no country, in no country was there a significant increase in overall mortality compared to the past. Ireland in this pandemic actually increased her population by a couple of percent. If we take away the track and trace system calling for the first time in medical history a case someone who’s perfectly well who has no symptoms, and which is going to cost the UK Government 37 billion pounds over two years — I don’t even know what 37 billion pounds looks like what it would what it would buy, would it be two hospitals, would it be five hospitals would it be 1000 nurses job, I have no idea. But these PCR tests measure nothing. They are an illusion to create a crisis.

If we take away the fact that the WHO changed the rules changed the way in which we measure disease impact by saying that any death within 28 days of a positive PCR test was due to COVID, and even without a positive test if you had symptoms of shortness of breath, fever, the things that people die from every day, that was COVID too. If we take away the daily, no hourly, incessant misery porn on the legacy media dolefully recounting the figures and scrutinizing the anguish last hours of those who were taken, and the poor-faced politicians with crocodile tears pretend to care. If we take away the psychological abuse of populations across this planet, using applied behavioral psychology designed to get them in terror. If we take away the signage, the arrows, the one way systems, walk/don’t walk, the yellow notices on every flat surface, the sanitization, the masks, all the paraphernalia of this neuro-linguistic program and mental abuse which tells us that we are the bio-hazards, we are a danger to our families and friends. If we take all this away, there is nothing to see. The emperor has no clothes.

But of course, there was something to see, wasn’t there? Viruses don’t make laws, governments do. But what we did see, what we saw was the removal of our most basic and inalienable rights, to work, to earn, to move, to associate, to kiss, to hug, to go to church, to bury our dead with dignity, to live our lives as we see fit. We saw the removal of a right to speak, to protest, to object to this tyranny. We saw censorship, character assassination, and banishment of scientists and professors who dared to offer an alternative narrative. We saw our children and young people locked up denied their education, the right to play outside, to live their precious young lives, however they and their parents saw fit. We’ve seen millions of the poorest and most marginalized people on the planet, pushed to starvation and death because of the economic fallout because poverty kills.

I’ve worked as a GP (General Practitioner) throughout this past year, and I’ve not seen people gasping for breath from COVID, but people utterly abandoned by their health system. People in despair from loneliness, from isolation, fear, people who haven’t seen their families and loved ones for months, and whose lives are infinitely poorer as a result. I’ve seen delayed cancer diagnoses, people having treatments canceled, willy nilly people dying waiting for elective procedures, people in pain who can’t get help. Estimates vary, but it’s now assumed that between 200,000 and 500,000 extra deaths will occur in the area covered by the NHS. And that’s assuming that this lunacy of lockdowns stop, and a similar figure obviously adjusted for the population in the south of Ireland.

The cure is much, much worse than the disease. It’s time to move on. This was not about health. It never was about health. It’s smoke and mirrors. There are around 30 published papers internationally, showing that right across the globe lockdowns don’t work. And if they do, why are we still locked up a year later? The health and economic fallout from this will cost millions of lives, and it will end the way that we live now, forever.

It’s over. The line has been exposed. We must stand together. We do not consent.

Geneva Bible Footnotes Refute Popular Contemporary Evangelical Endtime Doctrines

Geneva Bible Footnotes Refute Popular Contemporary Evangelical Endtime Doctrines

My wife and I attend a local Baptist church. We like the pastor. He’s a humble man who teaches the Word of God directly from the King James Version of the Bible. He preaches the true doctrine of salvation by faith alone, through grace alone, through Christ alone. He teaches us good practical lessons on how to avoid sin in our lives. But we also think Baptist eschatology is wrong because it was influenced by C.I. Scofield and his reference Bible. We are thankful that our pastor doesn’t preach these false Endtime doctrines of Scofield. He himself confessed to being weak in eschatological doctrines. That’s fine with me and my wife. Better not to teach them at all than to teach false doctrines. And what are these false doctrines that are held as truth by many evangelicals today?

  1. Pre-tribulation rapture
  2. Secret rapture of the saints
  3. The 70th Week of Daniel being an Endtime event of the seven-year reign of the Antichrist
  4. Israel is the time-clock of the Endtime.
  5. The creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948 was fulfilment of prophecy
  6. The Temple of Solomon will be rebuilt in the Endtime so that the Antichrist will sit in it and declare himself to be God.

The most commonly held Southern Baptist eschatology is known as “pretribulational premillennialism.” In this view, Jesus will return to earth but not stay. He will rapture believers, removing them from Earth. Southern Baptists believe that a seven-year-long tribulation period will follow the rapture. They believe during the tribulation period that the Antichrist will conquer Earth, and they believe that Jesus will return again after the seven years and judge the living and the dead. Finally, they believe a 1,000-year-long Kingdom of God on Earth will follow. (From Southern Baptist Eschatology Beliefs

Where do the Baptists get the idea of a seven-year-long tribulation person after the rapture? Not from the Bible! They got it from a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27 promoted by John Nelson Darby and C.I. Scofield.

The Geneva Bible was published in 1560, which is 51 years before the King James Version. It was translated by men of God in Geneva Switzerland who were not under any political / government pressure that influenced their translation. The translators included footnotes to help make difficult passages clearer. Those footnotes are all based on what all Protestants in general held to be true. King James of England did not like some of those footnotes. He wanted a Bible that didn’t include them. Hence we have the King James Version which is very similar to the Geneva Bible but without the footnotes. Let’s see how the footnotes interpret certain scriptures.

Daniel 9:27 is probably the most misinterpreted prophecy in the entire Bible! Let’s see how the Geneva Bible interprets it:

Daniel 9:27 And he {a} shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to {b} cease, {c} and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

(a) By the preaching of the Gospel he affirmed his promise, first to the Jews, and after to the Gentiles.
(b) Christ accomplished this by his death and resurrection.
(c) Meaning that Jerusalem and the sanctuary would be utterly destroyed because of their rebellion against God, and their idolatry: or as some read, that the plague will be so great, that they will all be astonished at them.

And how does modern evangelical eschatology interpret it? They replace the “he” which is Christ with Antichrist and say the Antichrist will make a 7-year covenant with the Jews in order that they can rebuild a third Temple of Solomon to renew their animal sacrifices to God. Just ask yourself, would a rebuilt Temple Solomon honor God? Absolutely not! And why? Because it would represent a further rejection of the Blood of the Lamb, the Blood of Jesus Christ for our sins, and substitute animal blood instead! Would such a Temple be therefore the “holy place” of Matthew 24:15? Again, absolutely not for the reason stated above. There is no prophecy anywhere in the Bible of a third Temple of a Solomon. And not only does Daniel 9:27 not talk about a rebuilt Temple, it’s a prophecy about the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem in 70 AD! It’s only speculation that the Jews need to rebuild the Temple in the Endtime so that the Antichrist can sit in it to proclaim himself to be God! And why did they speculate that? From a false interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: {3} for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and {e} that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

(3) The apostle foretells that before the coming of the Lord, there will be a throne set up completely contrary to Christ’s glory, in which that wicked man will sit, and transfer all things that appertain to God to himself: and many will fall away from God to him.
(e) By speaking of one, he singles out the person of the tyrannous and persecuting antichrist.

2:4 Who opposeth and {f} exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; {4} so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

(f) All men know who he is that says he can shut up heaven and open it at his pleasure, and takes upon himself to be lord and master above all kings and princes, before whom kings and princes fall down and worship, honouring that antichrist as a god.
(4) He foretells that the antichrist (that is, whoever he is that will occupy that seat that falls away from God) will not reign outside of the Church, but in the very bosom of the Church.

Any Protestant reading the Geneva Bible footnote of verse 4 would know for certain it is talking about the Popes of Rome. Evangelicals today do not interpret it that way. They say 2 Thess 2:4 is talking about the Endtime Antichrist sitting in a rebuilt Temple of Solomon. What does the New Testament call the Temple?

1 Corinthians 3:16  ¶Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

The Church, the saints of God, is the Temple of God, not a physical temple made with hands. The early Protestants knew that which is why they believed the identity of the Antichrist is the popes of Rome. It was the Pope who set himself above the kings and princes of Europe. It was the Pope who claimed to be the head of the Church and the vicar of Christ. Does Pope Francis today say the same thing? He does.

Here is the crux of the matter and the reason for false Endtime teaching: They were cooked up by Jesuit priests who lead the Counter-Reformation to get the Protestants to get their eyes off the Popes of Roman as the biblical Antichrist! They sure did a bang-up job, didn’t they? But thankfully there are Christians today who know the truth, and they are mostly Christians who still remember what Protestants used to teach up to the 18th century. The Baptists do not identify with Protestanism because they claim to be descended from the Anabaptists who predate the Protestant Reformation. This is true. It’s just sad that Baptists and other evangelicals such as Pentecostals were influenced by C.I. Scofield’s doctrines while the Presbyterians and other mainstream Protestant churches were not.

Flat Earthers Systematically Being Used To Disrupt And Undermine Truth Movements Everywhere

Flat Earthers Systematically Being Used To Disrupt And Undermine Truth Movements Everywhere


I am saddened to hear that more of my friends and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ fell for what I believe to be a psychological operation, AKA pysop, designed to marginalize them as “science deniers”, “conspiracy theorists” and wackos in general. The name of the pysop is Flat Earth.

If you are a Christian and proclaim the earth is flat, what will unsaved people think about your witness for Jesus Christ? What will they think of your testimony as a Christian? You say you cannot believe everything the World, the government, scientists and NASA is telling you, and I certainly agree! There is much falsehood being proclaimed today in the name of science. At the time of this post, scientists and medical professions calling COVID-19 vaccinations “safe” is one of the most dangerous falsehoods today in my opinion. Why do I believe COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous? Because rather than trust what the government and corporate-owned pharmaceutical companies making billions of $ from selling the vaccines are telling me, I think listening to what many other scientists and medical professions who have endangered their very careers and reputations by telling me COVID-19 vaccinations will kill me is far more safer, logical and reasonable than listening to profit-seeking cooperations and government agencies which already have a reputation for being dishonest. And why are they dishonest? Because of the love of money and power!

If you believe the earth is flat, I think you will probably agree with me that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful. If you do, I hope you might consider the existence of government-fueled hoaxes which are known as “cognitive infiltration” that seek to undermine your message that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful, and your testimonial of salvation in Jesus Christ. I am convinced Flat Earth is one of those government-fueled hoaxes. Don’t let government spooks lead you astray!

Not all science is false! If you claim it to be false, how are you reading this article right now? You’re reading it from either your Desktop PC, laptop, smartphone, iPhone, iPad, tablet, or some other device that technology has created. All technology is based on science!

Update! Proof that Flat-earth promoter Eric Dubay is a CIA asset!

The below article is a repost of The Millennium Report by Revisionist Historians for World Peace.

There is an insidious conspiracy at work throughout the entire Internet which seeks to destroy Truth Movements everywhere. One of its organs of mischief is known as the Flat Earth Society (FES) and its explicit purpose is to take down every single truth-oriented website, blog and/or organization which permits an open comment section at the bottom of their posts and articles.

Here’s how they work:
Agents of the FES often begin by posting rather benign yet factual comments about NASA, which everyone now knows is a rogue agency which can rarely be trusted to tell the truth about particular scientific endeavors and galactic missions. That’s a no-brainer that everyone agrees with—NASA holds onto most of the truth and parcels out only the absolute minimum to the taxpayers who fund their space missions and other assorted projects.

The Flat Earthers then take advantage of this universal hatred of NASA for their spewing so much deception over so many years, and they use it to subtly garner support for their nonsensical Flat Earth Theory (FET). When the time is right, the Flat Earthers will then start introducing utterly absurd notions about the Solar System and patently false concepts about the Earth’s relationship to the Sun.

They justify their preposterous sophistry and wacky ideas by routinely outing NASA as a serially prevaricating government agency, which they are — and then using their well-known deception as a justification to overturn the entire paradigm of modern astrophysics. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. There is no astronomical scientific truth that the Flat Earthers have left unassailed. You name it — gravity, a spherical Earth and other planetary orbs, rotational movement of the planets. planetary revolutions around the Sun — they throw it all out and label it as “NASA lies”.

Once they do that in a very public Internet forum or chat room, website or blog comment section, they begin to stir up a LOT of trouble. They pre-position sock-puppets in the same forums, blogs, etc, who will, with apparent spontaneity, support their silly and stupid comments about the Flat Earth Theory (FET). The longer the comment thread, the more opportunity to draw in the unsuspecting into their outlandish web of deceit and deception.

They do this by presenting some entirely new and quite valid hypotheses which do introduce such concepts that are related to the Electric Universe; or that propose that the Solar System is also moving though space in a manner which defies the conventional scientific wisdom. There are many instances where the current scientific paradigm does completely fall down, by the way, and the FEs use these obvious flaws to take down the whole system of modern thought.

By so aggressively assaulting the conventional wisdom which is accepted by the vast majority of people on the planet, they then tar the reputation of the truth movement groups whose websites they have deliberately polluted with their obvious foolishness concerning their FLAT EARTH fantasies.

A Massive CIA Black Operation

Many are now suspicious that these relentless FE initiatives are so organized because they have the backing of those government agencies that do not want the truth (about anything) revealed. The CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA have long employed this signature MO which is determined to kill the messengers of truth anyway they can. Ruining reputations has always been preferred to outright murder, which they also perpetrate when they deem it absolutely necessary. After all, the primary mandate forThe Company (aka the C.I.A.) is to carry out their covert truth-silencing black operations.

Important Note:
The vast majority of Flat Earthers do not even have a clue that they are being used 24/7 to advance a sinister agenda to destroy the various truth movements around the globe. If they did have this awareness, most would leave the whole enterprise in a heartbeat. Like all C.I.A. blackops, they are conducted on a strictly need-to-know basis and in a highly compartmentalized fashion. Just like only the 33 degree Freemason types know anything of the real plots that are afoot in the world, so, too, do those CIA controllers manipulate the Flat Earthers from afar. All the CIA ever has to do is effectively control one individual who has been completely programmed to execute their agenda. Others who demonstrate similar vulnerability to the same programming are then chosen to lead the sheep whenever and wherever necessary. The bottom line here is that many Flat Earthers are truly seeking the truth. This segue into Flat Earth crazyland is but detour they must take in order to get real after they become aware that they have become profoundly deceived. Everyone takes a similar journey in life as they break free from all the deception which has been brought to bear by the ubiquitous and everpresent Global Control Matrix.


How easy is it for a pack of Flat Earth jackals to take down an honest truth-seeking website or forum that only looks to uncover the truth. These folks have scripts crafted for every rejection and every response that they face. They have been thoroughly brainwashed to understand the Flat Earth Theory as truth, and are mind-controlled to see themselves as modern-day Galileos.

In light of their cohesive organization they have learned how to work in a concerted effort to quickly victimize the unsuspecting. Their primary weapons are little (and big) lies that NASA has told, as well as some glaring gaps in the current astrophysics paradigm. It’s true that each successive paradigm has rendered the previous one partially obsolete as the world has evolved from the Newtonian to the Einsteinian to the Quantum to the Electric Universe.

However, that does NOT mean that fire is not hot and does not burn. These Flat Earthers would have us all believe even that — that fire is not hot and does not burn — if they could, and much more crazy stuff. Nevertheless, it’s critical to understand such crazymaking by certified crazymakers is quite purposeful. For CIA-certified crazymakers such as these always have a covert agenda to execute and specific goals to accomplish. Hence, the challenge for many has been to avoid being caught up in their utterly crazy agenda. Otherwise, if we get caught off guard, we risk missing the gun-grabbing that can occur in the wake of an Orlando false flag mass shooting or the like.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace
June 10, 2016

Originally published by The Millennium Report

The Name of the “Deep State”: The Council On Foreign Relations

The Name of the “Deep State”: The Council On Foreign Relations

Forward by the webmaster:

It came to me on October 20, 2020, before bed, that all this talk about the so-called, “Deep State” may be a diversion to get people’s eyes off what exactly the Deep State is! What do you think about when you hear those words? When I first heard that name, I thought of a nebulous shadowy group of super-wealthy people controlling the American government behind the scenes. Who can point their finger at the shadowy Deep State? NOBODY! But I now realize that you can point your finger at the Council on Foreign Relations, (CFR), because it’s an actual organization that even Wikipedia has an article about!

This short 4.5-minute video is a good explanation of the origin and purposes of the CFR.

When I lived in Japan, I used to tell the Japanese about the secret organization known as the Illuminati. Saying the name, “Illuminati” is also kind of nebulous. Who has even met one? Nobody that I know of. But when I started to realize the Jesuit order has something to do with the Illuminati and I said, “Jesuit”, that was a name the Japanese could relate to! They have read about them from history, and maybe even met a Jesuit or two.

Deep State is the CFR

And there has also been talk about President Trump draining “the Swamp”. How can he possibly do that when the CFR comprises the greater part of the Swamp? Has the president, or any POTUS, ever pointed his finger at the CFR as the true decision-making body of the American government?

This article is to put some concrete under the term, “Deep State” / AKA the “Swamp’ and explain to you what exactly it is in America.

This video is a very clear audio of Myron Fagan’s talk of the Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations. It’s long but very informative.

Transcrption of “The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations” by Myron Fagan

The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a UN one-world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.

The reason for this unawareness of the frightening danger to our country and to the entire free world is simple. The masterminds behind this great conspiracy have absolute control of all of our mass communications media, especially television, the radio, the press, and Hollywood.

We all know that our State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House have brazenly proclaimed that they have the right and the power to manage the news, to tell us not the truth, but what they want us to believe.

They have seized that power on orders from their masters of the great conspiracy and the objective is to brainwash the people into accepting the phony peace bait to transform the United States into an enslaved unit of the United Nations’ one-world government.

First of all, bear in mind that the so-called UN police action in Korea, fought by the United States in which 150,000 of our sons were murdered and maimed, was part of the plot, just as the undeclared by Congress war in Vietnam in which our sons are dying is part of the plot, just as the plot against Rhodesia and South Africa in which our sons will be dying is part of the UN plot.

However, the vitally important thing for all Americans, all you mothers of the boys who died at Korea and are now dying in Vietnam, to know is that our so-called leaders in Washington, who we elected to safeguard our nation and our constitution, are the betrayers and that behind them are a comparatively small group of men whose sole objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in their satanic plot of one-world government.

Now in order to give you a very clear picture of this satanic plot, I will go back to its beginning, clear back in the middle of the 18th century and name the men who put that plot into action and then bring you down to the present– today’s status of that plot. Now as a matter of further intelligence, a term used by the FBI, let me clarify the meaning of the expression ‘he is a liberal.’

The enemy, meaning the one-world conspirators, have seized upon that word ‘liberal’ as a cover-up for their activities. It sounds so innocent and so humanitarian to be liberal. Well, make sure that the person who calls himself a liberal or is described as a liberal is not in truth a ‘red’.

Now then, this satanic plot was launched back in the 1760’s when it first came into existence under the name of the Illuminati. This Illuminati was organized by one Adam Weishaupt, born a Jew, who was converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest, and then, at the behest of the then newly organized House of Rothschild, defected and organized the Illuminati.

Naturally, the Rothschilds financed that operation, and every war since then, beginning with the French Revolution, has been promoted by the Illuminati operating under various names and guises. I say under various names and guises because after the Illuminati was exposed and became too notorious, Weishaupt and his co-conspirators began to operate under various other names. In the United States, immediately after World War I, they set up what they called the Council on Foreign Relations, commonly referred to as the CFR, and this CFR is actually the Illuminati in the United States. And its hierarchy, the masterminds in control of the CFR, to a very great extent, are descendants of the original Illuminati conspirators. But, to conceal that fact, most of them changed their original family names to American-sounding names. For example, the true name of the Dillons, Clarence and Douglas Dillon (once Secretary of the US Treasury Department), is Laposky. I’ll come back to all this later.

There is a similar establishment of the Illuminati in England operating under the name of the British Institute of International Affairs [The Royal Institute of International Affairs]. There are similar secret Illuminati organizations in France, Germany, and other nations operating under different names, and all these organizations, including the CFR, continuously set up numerous subsidiary or front organizations that are infiltrated into every phase of the various nations’ affairs. But at all times, the operations of these organizations were and are masterminded and controlled by the internationalist bankers, who in turn were and are controlled by the Rothschilds.

The details of how they accomplished the setting up of the CFR in the United States as also in the other nations, are far too voluminous to describe in this dissertation. But you can find it complete in news bulletin #122 entitled “UN is Spawn of the Illuminati”, and news bulletin #123 entitled “CFR Completely Unmasked as Illuminati”. Both are published by the Cinema Educational Guild, PO Box 46205, Hollywood California. You can get them for 50 cents per copy by writing to that address. Those news bulletins reveal the names of the original founders of the Illuminati and the Americanized names of their descendants in the present CFR.

Now I’ll go back to the activities of the original Illuminati conspirators as revealed in news bulletin #122. One branch of the Rothschild family had financed Napoleon. Another branch of the Rothschilds, both branches the real masterminds of the Illuminati, financed Britain, Germany, and the other nations in the Napoleonic wars.

Immediately after the Napoleonic wars, the Illuminati assumed that all the nations were so destitute and so weary of wars that they’d be glad for any solution, so the Rothschild stooges set up what they called the Congress in Vienna and at that meeting they tried to create the first League of Nations, their first attempted one-world government, on the theory that all the crowned heads of European governments were so deeply in debt to them that they would willingly or unwillingly serve as their stooges.

But the Czar of Russia caught the stench of the plot and completely torpedoed it. The enraged Nathan Rothschild, then the head of the dynasty, vowed that some day he or his descendants would destroy the Czar and his entire family, and his descendants did accomplish that very threat in 1917.

At this point, bear in mind that the Illuminati was not set up to operate on a short-range basis. Normally a conspirator of any type enters into a conspiracy with the expectation of achieving his objective during his own lifetime. But that was not the case with the Illuminati. True, they hoped to accomplish their objective during their lifetime, but paraphrasing, ‘the show must go on’. The Illuminati operates on the very long-range basis. Whether it will take scores of years or even centuries, they have dedicated their descendants to keep the pot boiling until, they hope, the conspiracy is achieved.

Now let’s go back to the birth of the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law, teaching in Ingolstadt University, when he defected from Christianity to embrace the luciferian conspiracy. It was in 1770 that the professional money lenders, the then recently organized House of Rothschild, retained him to revise and modernize the age-old Protocols of Zionism, which from the outset, was designed to give the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the luciferian ideology upon what would remain of the human race after the final social cataclysm by use of satanic despotism.

Weishaupt completed his task May 1, 1776. Now you know why May 1 is the great day with all communist nations to this very day. That was the day, May 1, 1776, that Weishaupt completed his plan and officially organized the Illuminati to put the plan into execution. That plan required the destruction of all existing governments and religions. That objective was to be reached by dividing the masses of people whom he, Weishaupt, termed ‘goyim’, or ‘human cattle’, into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social, economic, and other issues– the very conditions we have in our country today.

The opposing sides were then to be armed and incidents provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves and gradually destroy national governments and religious institutions. Again I say, the very conditions in the world today. And at this point let me stress a prime feature of the Illuminati plans. When and if their blueprint for world control, the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, is discovered and exposed, they would wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth in order to divert suspicions from themselves. If you think this is far fetched, bear in mind that they permitted Hitler, a liberal socialist himself, who was financed by corrupt Kennedys, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds, to incinerate 600,000 Jews.

Now just why did the conspirators choose the word ‘Illuminati’ for their satanic organization? Weishaupt himself said that the word is derived from Lucifer and means “holders of the light.” Using the lie that his objective was to bring about a one-world government to enable those with mental ability to govern the world and prevent all wars in the future– in short, using the words ‘peace on earth’ as his bait– exactly as that same bait ‘peace’ was used by the 1945 conspirators to force the United Nations on us, Weishaupt financed, I repeat, by the Rothschilds, recruited some 2,000 paid followers. These included the most intelligent men in the field of arts and letters, education, the sciences, finance, and industry.

He then established Lodges of the Grand Orient, Masonic Lodges, to be their secret headquarters and I again repeat, that in all of this he was acting under orders from the House of Rothschild. The main features of the Weishaupt plan of operation required his Illuminati to do the following things to help them to accomplish their purpose:

1.Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families.

Do you realize how many present top officials in our present government in Washington are controlled in just that way by the CFR? Do you realize how many homosexuals in our State Department, the Pentagon, all federal agencies, even in the White House are controlled that way?

2.Illuminati and the faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings and recommend them for special training in internationalism. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminists. That gives you an idea what a ‘Rhodes Scholarship’ means. It means indoctrination into accepting the idea that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. That’s how the United Nations was sold to the American people. One of the most notable Rhodes scholars we have in our country is Senator William J. Fulbright, sometimes referred to as ‘half-bright’. His entire voting record spells Illuminati. All such scholars were to be first persuaded and then convinced that men of special talent and brains have the right to rule those less gifted on the ground that the masses don’t know what is best for them physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In addition to the Rhodes and similar scholarships, today there are three special Illuminati schools located in Gordonstown in Scotland, Salem in Germany, and Anavryti in Greece. These three are known ones, but there are others that are kept undercover. Prince Philip, the husband of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, was educated at Gordonstown at the instigation of Lord Louis Mountbatten, his uncle, a Rothschild relative, who became Britain’s Admiral of the Fleet after World War II ended.

3.All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would, in the long run, serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.

Do you know how many such men operate in our government at this very time? Rusk, McNamara, Hubert Humphrey, Fulbright, Keekle, and go on and on and on.

4.Perhaps the most vital directive in Weishaupt’s plan was to obtain absolute control of the press, at that time the only mass communications media, to distribute information to the public so that all news and information could be slanted so that the masses could be convinced that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems.

Now do you know who owns and controls our mass communications media? I’ll tell you. Practically all the movie lots in Hollywood is owned by the Lehmans, Kuhn-Loeb & Company, Goldman-Sachs, and other internationalist bankers. All the national radio and TV channels in the nation are owned and controlled by those same internationalist bankers.

The same is true of every chain of metropolitan newspapers and magazines, also of the press wire services, such as Associated Press, United Press International, etc. The supposed heads of all those media are merely the fronts for the internationalist bankers, who in turn compose the hierarchy of the CFR– today’s Illuminati in America.

Now can you understand why the Pentagon Press agent, Sylvester, so brazenly proclaimed that the government has the right to lie to the people. What he really meant was that our CFR controlled government had the power to lie to and be believed by the brain-washed American people.

And let’s again go back to the first days of the Illuminati. Because Britain and France were the two greatest world powers in the late years of the 18th Century, Weishaupt ordered the Illuminati to foment the colonial wars, including our Revolutionary War, to weaken the British Empire and organize the French Revolution to destroy the French empire. He scheduled the French Revolution to start in 1789. However, in 1784, a true act of God placed the Bavarian government in possession of evidence which proved the existence of the Illuminati and that evidence could have saved France if they, the French government, hadn’t refused to believe it.

Here is how that act of God happened. It was in [1874, says audio, but surely meant] 1784 that Weishaupt issued his orders for the French Revolution. A German writer, named Zwack, put it into book form. It contained the entire Illuminati story and Weishaupt’s plans. A copy of this book was sent to the Illuminists in France headed by Robespierre whom Weishaupt had delegated to foment the French Revolution.

The courier was struck and killed by lightening as he rode through Rallestown on his way from Frankfurt to Paris. The police found the subversive documents on his body and turned them over to the proper authorities. After careful study of the plot, the Bavarian government ordered the police to raid Weishaupt’s newly organized Lodges of the Grand Orient and the homes of his most influential associates.

All additional evidence thus discovered convinced the authorities that the documents were genuine copies of the conspiracy by which the Illuminati planned to use wars and revolutions to bring about the establishment of a one-world government, the powers of which they, headed by the Rothschilds, intended to usurp as soon as it was established, exactly in line with the United Nations plot of today.

In 1785, the Bavarian government outlawed the Illuminati and closed the Lodges of the Grand Orient. In 1786, they published all the details of the conspiracy. The English title of that publication is “The Original Writings of the Order and the Sect of the Illuminati.” Copies of the entire conspiracy were sent to all the heads of church and state in Europe. But the power of the Illuminati, which was actually the power of the Rothschilds, was so great that this warning was ignored. Nevertheless, the Illuminati became a dirty word and it went underground.

At the same time, Weishaupt ordered Illuminists to infiltrate into the Lodges of Blue Masonry and formed their own secret societies within all secret societies. Only Masons who proved themselves internationalists and those whose conduct proved they had defected from God were initiated into the Illuminati. Thenceforth, the conspirators donned the cloak of philanthropy and humanitarianism to conceal their revolutionary and subversive activities.

In order to infiltrate into Masonic Lodges in Britain, Weishaupt invited John Robison over to Europe. Robison was a high degree Mason in the Scottish Rite. He was a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University and Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Robison did not fall for the lie that the objective of the Illuminati was to create a benevolent dictatorship, but he kept his reactions to himself so well that he was entrusted with a copy of Weishaupt’s revised conspiracy for study and safekeeping.

Anyway, because the heads of state and church in France were deluded into ignoring the warnings given them, the revolution broke out in 1789 as scheduled by Weishaupt. In order to alert other governments to their danger, in 1798, Robison published a book entitled “Proof of a Conspiracy to Destroy all Governments and Religions” but his warnings were ignored, exactly as our American people have been ignoring all warnings about the United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations (the CFR).

[Part 2]

Now here is something that will stun and very likely outrage many who hear this, but there is documentary proof that our own Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton became students of Weishaupt. Jefferson was one of Weishaupt’s strongest defenders when he was outlawed by his government and it was Jefferson who infiltrated the Illuminati into the then newly organized lodges of the Scottish Rite in New England. Here is the proof.

In 1789, John Robison warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltrated into their lodges and on July 19, 1789, David Papen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating class and lectured them on the influence of Illuminism was acquiring on American politics and religion, and to top it off, John Quincy Adams, who had organized the New England Masonic Lodges, issued his warnings. He wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, a top Mason, in which he exposed how Jefferson was using Masonic lodges for subversive Illuministic purposes. Those three letters are at this very time in Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia. In short, Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati which at least partly accounts for the condition of the party at this time and through infiltration of the Republican Party, we have exactly nothing of loyal Americanism today.

[Audio missing here? It seems an abrupt change of subject!]

That disastrous rebuff at the Congress of Vienna created by the Czar of Russia, Alexander I, did not by any means destroy the Illuminati conspiracy. It merely forced them to adopt a new strategy realizing that the one-world idea was, for the moment, killed, the Rothschild’s decided that to keep the plot alive they would have to do it by heightening their control of the money systems of the European nations.

Earlier, by a ruse the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo had been falsified, Rothschild had spread a story that Napoleon had one bad battle. That had precipitated a terrific panic on the stock market in England. All stocks had plummeted down to practically zero and Nathan Rothschild bought all the stocks for virtually a penny on its dollar values.

That gave him complete control of the economy of Britain and virtually of all Europe. So immediately after that Congress in Vienna had boomeranged, Rothschild forced Britain to set up a new Bank of England which he absolutely controlled, exactly as later, through Jacob Schiff, he engineered our own Federal Reserve Act which gave the House of Rothschild a secret control of the economy in the United States. But now for a moment, let’s dwell on the activities of the Illuminati in the United States.

In 1826, one Captain William Morgan decided it was his duty to inform all Masons and the general public what the full proof was regarding the Illuminati, their secret plans, and intended objectives; also reveal the identities of the masterminds of the conspiracy. The Illuminati promptly tried Morgan in absentia and convicted him of treason.

They ordered one Richard Howard, an English Illuminist, to carry out their sentence of execution as a traitor. Morgan was warned and he tried to escape to Canada, but Howard caught up with him near the border, near the Niagara Gorge to be exact, where he murdered him. This was verified in a sworn statement made in New York by one Avery Allen to the effect that he heard Howard render his report of the execution to a meeting of Knights Templars in St. John’s Hall in New York. He also told how arrangements had been made to ship Howard back to England.

That Allen affidavit is on record in New York City Archives. Very few Masons and very few of the general public know that general disapproval over that incident of murder caused approximately half of all the Masons in the northern jurisdiction of the United States to secede. Copies of the minutes of the meeting held to discuss that matter are still in existence in safe hands and that all that secrecy emphasizes the power of the masterminds of the Illuminati to prevent such terrible events of history from being taught in our schools.

In the early 1850’s the Illuminati held a secret meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were told that the Illuminati was organizing to unite the Nihilist and Atheist groups with all other subversive groups into an international group to be known as Communists. That was when the word ‘communist’ first came into being and it was intended to be the supreme weapon and scare word to terrify the whole world and drive the terrorized peoples into the Illuminati one-world scheme.

This scheme, communism, was to be used to enable the Illuminati to foment future wars and revolutions. Clinton Roosevelt (a direct ancestor of Franklin Roosevelt), Horace Greeley, and Charles Dana, foremost newspaper publishers of that time were appointed to head a committee to raise funds for the new venture. Of course, most of the funds were provided by the Rothschilds and this fund was used to finance Karl Marx and Engels when they wrote “Das Kaptial” and the “Communist Manifesto” in Soho, England. And this clearly reveals that communism is not a so-called ideology, but a secret weapon, a bogy man word to serve the purpose of the Illuminati.

Weishaupt died in 1830, but prior to his death, he prepared a revised version of the age-old conspiracy, the Illuminati, which under various aliases was to organize, finance, direct, and control all international organizations and groups by working their agents into executive positions at the top.

In the United States we have Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Johnson, Rusk, McNamara, Fulbright, etc., as prime examples.

In addition, while Karl Marx was writing the Communist Manifesto under the direction of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis under direction of another group. The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger numbers of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions.

The work Ritter started was continued after his death and completed by the German so-called philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche who founded Nietzscheanism. This Nietzscheanism was later developed into Fascism and then into Nazism and was used to foment World War I and II.

In 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, was selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world. He served in that capacity until he died in 1872, but some years before he died, Mazzini had enticed an American General named Albert Pike into the Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and ultimately he became the head of this luciferian conspiracy.

Between 1859 and 1871 he, Pike, worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th century. Again I remind that these conspirators were never concerned with immediate success. They also operated on a long-range view.

Pike did most of his work in his home in Little Rock, Arkansas. But a few years later, when the Illuminati’s Lodges of the Grand Orient became suspect and repudiated because of Mazzini’s revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized what he called the New and Reformed Palladian Right.

He set up three Supreme Councils: one in Charleston, South Carolina; one in Rome, Italy; and a third in Berlin, Germany. He had Mazzini establish 23 subordinate councils in strategic locations throughout the world. These have been the secret headquarters of the world revolutionary movement ever since.

Long before Marconi invented radio, the scientists in the Illuminati had found the means for Pike and the heads of his councils to communicate secretly. It was the discovery of that secret that enabled intelligence officers to understand how apparently unrelated incidents, ones such as the assassination of an Austrian Prince at Sarajevo, took place simultaneously throughout the world which developed into a war or a revolution.

Pike’s plan was as simple as it has proved effective. It called for Communism, Nazism, political Zionism, and other international movements be organized and used to foment three global world wars and at least two major revolutions.

The first world war was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to destroy Czarism in Russia, as vowed by Rothschild after the Czar had torpedoed his scheme at the Congress in Vienna, and to transform Russia into a stronghold of atheistic communism. The differences stirred up by agents of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war would be ended, communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War II, when and if necessary, was to be fomented by using the controversies between Fascists and political zionists, and here let it be noted that Hitler was financed by Krupp, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds, and other internationalist bankers and that the slaughter of the supposed 600,000 Jews by Hitler didn’t bother the Jewish internationalist bankers at all.

That slaughter was necessary in order to create worldwide hatred of the German people and thus bring about the war against them. In short, this second world war was to be fought to destroy nazism and to increase the power of political zionism so that the state of Israel could be established in Palestine.

During this World War II, international communism was to be built up until it equalled in strength to that of united Christendom. When it reached that point, it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. As we know now, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin put that exact policy into effect and Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson continued that same exact policy.

World War III is to be fomented by using the so-called controversies, the agents of the Illuminati operating under whatever new name, are now being stored up between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. That war is to be directed in such a manner that all of Islam and political Zionism (Israel) will destroy each other while at the same time, the remaining nations once more divided on this issue will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion– physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically.

Now, can any thinking person doubt that the intrigue now going on in the Near-, Middle-, and Far-East is designed to accomplish that satanic objective? Pike himself foretold all this in a statement he made to Mazzini on August 15, 1871. Pike stated that after World War III is ended, those who will inspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. Quoting his own words taken from the letter he wrote to Mazzini and which letter is now catalogued in the British Museum in London, England, he said:

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose deistic spirits will be from that moment on without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

When Mazzini died in 1872, Pike made another Italian revolutionary leader named Adrian Lemmy, his successor. Lemmy, in turn, was succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky, then by Stalin. The revolutionary activities of all those men were financed by British, French, German, and American international bankers– all of them dominated by the House of Rothschilds.

We are supposed to believe that the international bankers of today, like the money changers of Christ’s day, are only the tools or agents of the great conspiracy, but actually they are the masterminds behind all of it, while the general public has been brain-washed by all the mass communications media into believing that communism is a movement of the so-called workers. The actual fact is that both British and American intelligence officers have authentic documentary evidence that international liberals, operating through their international banking houses, particularly the House of Rothschilds, have financed both sides of every war and revolution since 1776.

Those who today comprise the conspiracy (the CFR in the United States) direct our governments whom they hold in usury through such methods as the Federal Reserve System in America to fight wars, such as Vietnam (created by the United Nations), so as to further Pike’s Illuminati plans to bring the world to that stage of the conspiracy when atheistic communism and the whole of Christianity can be forced into an all out third world war within each remaining nation as well as on an international scale.

The headquarters of the great conspiracy in the late 1700’s was in Frankfurt, Germany where the House of Rothschild had been established by Mayer Anselm who adopted the Rothschild name and linked together other international financiers who had literally sold their souls to the devil. After the Bavarian government’s exposure in 1786, the conspirators moved their headquarters to Switzerland then to London. Since World War II, after Jacob Schiff, the Rothschild’s boy in America died, the headquarters of the American branch has been in the Harold Pratt Building in New York, and the Rockefellers, originally proteges of Schiff, have taken over the manipulation of finances in America for the Illuminati.

In the final phases of the conspiracy, the one-world government will consist of the king-dictator, head of the United Nations, the CFR, and a few billionaires, economists, and scientists who have proved their devotion to the great conspiracy. All others are to be integrated into a vast conglomeration of mongrelized humanity– actually slaves.

Now let me show you how our federal government and the American people have been sucked into the one-world take-over plot of the Illuminati great conspiracy and always bear in mind, that the United Nations was created to become the housing for that one-world, so-called, liberal conspiracy. The real foundations of the plot of the takeover of the United States were laid during the period of our Civil War. Not that Weishaupt and the earlier masterminds had ever overlooked the new world, as I have previously indicated, Weishaupt had his agents planted over here as far back as the Revolutionary War. But George Washington was more than a match for them.

It was during the Civil War that the conspirators launched their first concrete efforts. We know that Judah Benjamin, chief advisor of Jefferson Davis, was a Rothschild agent. We also know that there were Rothschild agents planted in Abraham Lincoln’s cabinet who tried to sell him into a financial dealing with the House of Rothschild.

But old Abe saw through the scheme and bluntly rejected it thereby incurring the undying enmity of the Rothschilds, exactly as the Russian Czar did when he torpedoed their first League of Nations at the Congress in Vienna. Investigation of the assassination of Lincoln revealed that the assassin, Booth, was a member of a secret conspiratorial group. Because there were a number of highly important government officials involved, the name of the group was never revealed and it became a mystery, exactly as the assassination of Jack Kennedy still is a mystery. But I am sure it will not for long remain a mystery.

Anyway, the ending of the Civil War destroyed, temporarily, all chances of the House of Rothschilds to get a clutch on our money system, such as they had acquired in Britain and other nations in Europe. I say temporarily because the Rothschilds and the masterminds of the conspiracy never quit, so they had to start from scratch. But they lost no time in getting started.

Shortly after the Civil War, a young immigrant, who called himself Jacob H. Schiff, arrived in New York. Jacob was a young man with a mission for the House of Rothschild. Jacob was the son of a Rabbi born in one of the Rothschild’s houses in Frankfurt, Germany.

I won’t go deeply into his background. The important point was that Rothschild recognized in him not only a potential money wizard, but more important, he also saw the latent Machiavellian qualities in Jacob that could, as it did, make him an invaluable functionary in the great one-world conspiracy.

After a comparatively brief training period in the Rothschild’s London Bank, Jacob left for America with instructions to buy into a banking house which was to be the springboard to acquire control of the money system of the United States. Actually, Jacob came here to carry out four specific assignments:

1.And most important, was to acquire control of America’s money system.

2.Find desirable men, who for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the great conspiracy and promote them into high places in our federal government, our Congress, and the US Supreme Court, and all federal agencies.

3.Create minority group strife throughout the nations– particularly between the whites and blacks.

4.Create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, but Christianity to be the chief target.

[Part 3]

[1. Take control of US money system.]

Earlier I stated that Jacob Schiff came to America with orders by Rothschild to carry out four specific directives. The first and most important one was to get control of the United States’ money system. Let’s trace Schiff’s step to accomplish that directive. As a first step he had to buy into a banking house, but it had to be the kind of a house that he could absolutely control and mold for that primary objective of entrapping our US money system.

After carefully scouting around, Jacob bought a partnership in a firm that called itself Kuhn and Loeb. Like Schiff, Kuhn and Loeb were immigrants from German Jewish ghettos. They came to the United States in the mid 1840’s. Both started their business careers as itinerant pack peddlers. In the early 1850’s they pooled their interests and set up a merchandise store in Lafayette, Indiana under the firm name of Kuhn and Loeb servicing the covered wagon settlers on their way west. In the years that followed, they set up similar stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Then they added pawnbroking to their merchandising pursuits. From that to money lending was a short and quick step.

By the time Schiff arrived on the scene, Kuhn and Loeb was a well-known private banking firm, and this is the firm Jacob bought into. Shortly after he became a partner in Kuhn and Loeb, Schiff married Loeb’s daughter, Teresa, then he bought out Kuhn’s interests and moved the firm to New York and Kuhn and Loeb became Kuhn-Loeb & Company; international bankers with Jacob Schiff, agent of the Rothschilds, ostensibly the sole owner. And throughout his career, this blend of Judas and Machiavelli, the first hierarch of the Illuminati’s great conspiracy in America, posed as a generous philanthropist and a man of great holiness– the cover-up policy set forth by the Illuminati.

[2. Install puppets in government.]

As I have stated, the first great step of the conspiracy was to be the entrapment of our money system. To achieve that objective, Schiff had to get full cooperation of the then big banker elements in America, and that was easier said than done. Even in those years, Wall Street was the heart of the American money mart and J.P. Morgan was its dictator. Next in line were the Drexels and the Biddles of Philadelphia. All the other financiers, big and little, danced to the music of those three houses, but particularly to that of Morgan. All of those three were proud, haughty, arrogant potentates.

For the first few years, they viewed the little bewhiskered man from the German ghettos with utter contempt, but Jacob knew how to overcome that. He threw a few Rothschild bones to them. Said bones being distribution in America of desirable European stock and bond issues. Then he discovered that he had a still more potent weapon in his hands in the following:

It was in the decades following our Civil War that our industries began to burgeon. We had great railroads to build. The oil, mining, steel, textile industries were bursting out of their swaddling clothes. All of that called for vast financing. Much of that financing had to come from abroad. That meant the House of Rothschild and that was when Schiff came into his own. He played a very crafty game.

He became the patron saint of John D. Rockefeller, Edward R. Harriman, and Andrew Carnegie. He financed the Standard Oil Company for Rocky, the Railroad Empire for Harriman, and the Steel Empire for Carnegie. But instead of hogging all the other industries for Kuhn-Loeb & Company, he opened the doors of the House of Rothschild to Morgan, Biddle, and Drexel. In turn, Rothschild arranged the setting up of London, Paris, European and other branches for those three, but always in partnerships with Rothschild subordinates and Rothschild made it very clear to all those men that Schiff was to be the boss in New York.

Thus at the turn of the century Schiff had a tight control of the entire banking fraternity on Wall Street which by then, with Schiff’s help, included Lehman brothers, Goldman-Sachs, and other internationalist banks headed by men chosen by the Rothschilds. In short, that meant control of the nation’s money powers and he was then ready for the giant step– the entrapment of our national money system.

Now under our Constitution, all control of our money system is vested solely in our Congress. Schiff’s next important step was to seduce our Congress to betray that Constitutional edict by surrendering that control to the hierarchy of the Illuminati’s great conspiracy. In order to legalize that surrender and thus make the people powerless to resist it, it would be necessary to have Congress enact special legislation.

To accomplish that, Schiff would have to infiltrate stooges into both houses of Congress. Stooges powerful enough to railroad Congress into passing such legislation. Equally, or even more important, he would have to plant a stooge in the White House a president that is without integrity and without scruples who would sign that legislation into law. To accomplish that, he had to get control of either the Republican or the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party was the more vulnerable. It was the hungrier of the two parties. Except for Grover Cleveland, the Democrats had been unable to land one of their men in the White House since before the Civil War. There were two reasons for that:

1.Poverty of the Party.

2.There were considerably more Republican-minded voters than Democrats.

The poverty matter was not a great problem, but the voter problem was a different story. But as I previously said, Schiff was a smart cookie.

Here is the atrocious and murderous method he employed to solve that voter problem. His solution emphasizes how very little the Jewish internationalist bankers care about their own racial brethren as you shall see.

Suddenly, around 1890, there broke out a nationwide series of pogroms in Russia. Many, many, thousands of innocent Jews– men, women, and children, were slaughtered by the Cossacks and other peasants. Similar pogroms with similar slaughter of innocent Jews broke out in Poland, Rumania, and Bulgaria. All those pogroms were fomented by Rothschild agents. As a result, Jewish terrified refugees from all of those nations swarmed into the United States and that continued throughout the next two or three decades because the pogroms were continuous through all those years. All those refugees were aided by self-styled humanitarian committees set up by Schiff, the Rothschilds, and all the Rothschild affiliates.

In the main, the refugees streamed into New York, but the Schiff-Rothschild humanitarian committees found ways to shuffle many of them into other large cities such as Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles, etc. All of them were quickly transformed into naturalized citizens and educated to register as Democrats. Thus all of that so-called minority group became solid Democratic voter blocks in their communities, all controlled and maneuvered by their so-called benefactors. And shortly after the turn of the century, they became vital factors in the political life of our nation. That was one of the methods Schiff employed to plant men like Nelson Aldrich in our Senate and Woodrow Wilson in the White House.

[3. Racial Strife.]

At this point let me remind you of another of the important jobs that was assigned to Schiff when he was dispatched to America. I refer to the job of destroying the unity of the American people by creating minority-group and racial strife. By the pogrom-driven Jewish refugees into America, Schiff was creating one ready-made minority group for that purpose. But the Jewish people, as a whole, made fearful by the pogroms, could not be depended upon to create the violence necessary to destroy the unity of the American people.

But right within America, there was an already made-to-order, although as yet a sleeping minority group, the Negroes, who could be sparked into so-called demonstrations, rioting, looting, murder, and every other type of lawlessness. All that was necessary, was to incite and arouse them. Together, those two minority groups, properly maneuvered, could be used to create exactly the kind of strife in America the Illuminati would need to accomplish their objective.

Thus at the same time that Schiff and co-conspirators were laying their plans for the entrapment of our money system, they were also perfecting plans to hit the unsuspecting American people with an explosive and terrifying racial upheaval that would tear the people into hate-factions and create chaos throughout the nation, especially on all college and university campuses, all protected by Earl Warren decisions and our so-called leaders in Washington. Of course, perfecting those plans required time and infinitely patient organizing.

Now to remove all doubts, I take a few moments to give you documentary proof of this racial strife plot. First of all they had to create leadership and organizations to draw in millions of dupes, both Jewish and Negroes, who would do the demonstrating and commit the rioting, looting, and lawlessness.

So in 1909, Schiff, the Lehmans, and other conspirators, organized and set up the “National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People” known as the NAACP. The presidents, directors, and legal councils of the NAACP were always white men, Jews, appointed by Schiff, and this is the case to this very day.

Then in 1913, the Schiff group organized the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith commonly known as the ADL to serve as the gestapo and hatchet-man outfit for the entire great conspiracy. Today this sinister ADL maintains over 2,000 agencies in all parts of the country and they advise and completely control every action of the NAACP or of the Urban League of all the other so-called Negro civil rights organizations throughout the nation including such leaders as Martin ‘Lucifer’ King, Stockely Carmichael, Bayard Rustin, and others of that ilk.

In addition, the ADL acquired absolute control of the advertising budgets of many department-stores, hotel-chains, and TV and Radio industrialist sponsors, also advertising-agencies in order to control practically all the mass-communications media and force every loyal newspaper to slant and falsify the news and to further incite, and, at the same time create sympathy for, the lawlessness and violence of the Negro mobs.

Here is documentary proof of the beginning of their deliberate plot to foment the Negroes into all their lawlessness:

Around 1910, one Israel Zengwill wrote a play entitled “The Melting-Pot”. It was sheer propaganda to incite the Negroes and Jews because the play purportedly visualized how the American people were discriminating against, and persecuting Jews and Negroes. At that time nobody seemed to realize that it was a propaganda play– it was that cleverly-written. The propaganda was well wrapped up in the true, great entertainment in the play, and it was a big Broadway Hit.

Now in those years, the legendary Diamond Jim Brady used to throw a banquet at the famous Delmonico Restaurant in New York after the opening-performance of a popular play. He threw such a party for the cast of “The Melting-Pot”, its author, producer, and chosen Broadway celebrities. By then I’d already made a personal mark on the Broadway Theater and was invited to that party. There I met George Bernard Shaw and a Jewish writer named Israel Cohen. Zangwill, Shaw, and Cohen were the triumvirate who created the Fabian Society in England and had worked closely with a Frankfurt Jew named Mordicai who had changed his name to Karl Marx, but remember, at that time both Marxism and Communism were just emerging and nobody paid much attention to either, and nobody suspected the propaganda in the writings of those three really brilliant writers.

At that banquet, Israel Cohen told me that he was then engaged in writing a book which was to be a follow-up on Zangwill’s “The Melting-Pot”. The title of his book was to be “A Racial Program for the 20th Century.” At that time I was completely absorbed by my work as a playwright, and significant as that title was, its real objective never dawned on me nor was I interested in reading the book. But it suddenly hit me with the force of a hydrogen bomb when I received a newspaper clipping of an item published by the Washington D.C. Evening Star in May 1957. That item was a verbatim reprint of the following excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book “A Racial Program for the 20th Century” and it reads as I quote:

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt-complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

That same excerpt was entered into the Congressional Record of June 7, 1957, by Representative Thomas G. Abernathy. Thus the authenticity of that passage in Cohen’s book was fully established. But the one question that remained in my mind was whether it represented the official policy or plot of the Communist Party or just a personal expression of Cohen himself. Hence I sought more proof and I found it in an official pamphlet published in 1935 by the New York Communist Party’s official Workers’ Library Publishers. That pamphlet was entitled The Negroes in a Soviet America. It urged the Negroes to rise up, form a soviet-state in the south, and apply for admission to the Soviet Union. It contained a firm pledge that the revolt would be supported by all American ‘reds’ and all so-called liberals. On page 38, it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits to Negroes than to whites and again this official communist pamphlet pledged that, I quote: “any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the revolutionary law.” That statement proved that the excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book published in 1913 was an official edict of the Communist Party and directly in line with the Illuminati blueprint for world revolution issued by Weishaupt and later by Albert Pike.

Now there’s only one question and that is to prove that the communist regime is directly controlled by the American Jacob Schiff and London Rothschild masterminds of the great conspiracy. A little later I will provide that proof that will remove even a remote doubt that the Communist Party, as we know it, was created by those masterminds, capitalists if you will note, that Schiff, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds planned and financed the entire Russian Revolution, also the murder of the Czar and his family, and that Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin took their orders directly from Schiff and the other capitalists whom they supposedly are fighting.

Now can you see why the vile Earl Warren and his equally vile co-Supreme Court justices issued that infamous and treasonous desegregation decision in 1954? It was to aid and abet the plot of the Illuminati conspirators to create tension and strife between the Negroes and Whites. Can you see why the same Earl Warren issued his decision prohibiting Christian prayers and Christmas carols in our schools? It was done to destroy Christianity. Can you see why Eisenhower, despite all the rigid constitutional prohibitions, sent federal troops into a southern state to enforce the desegregation decision? Why Kennedy did likewise? And can you see why Johnson and 66 Senators, despite the protests of 90% of the American people, voted for the Consular Treaty which opens our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs? All those 66 Senators are 20th century ‘Benedict Arnolds’.

It is up to you and you, all of the American people, to force Congress, our elected servants, to haul in those American traitors for impeachments and that when proven guilty, they all be given the punishment prescribed for traitors who aid and abet our enemies. And that includes the forcing of rigid investigations by Congress of the CFR and all their fronts, such as the ADL, the NAACP, SNIC, and such Illuminati tools as Martin ‘Lucifer’ King. Such investigations will completely unmask all the leaders in Washington and the Illuminati and all their affiliations and affiliates as traitors carrying out the Illuminati plot. It will completely unmask the United Nations as the intended crux of the entire plot and force Congress to take the US out of the UN and hurl the UN out of the US. In fact, it will destroy the UN and the entire plot.

Before I close this phase, I wish to reiterate and stress one vital point which I urge you to never forget if you wish to save our country for your children and their children. Here is the point. Every unconstitutional and unlawful act committed by Woodrow Wilson, by Franklin Roosevelt, by Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy and are now being committed by Johnson, is exactly in line with the Illuminati conspirators centuries-old plot outlined by Weishaupt and Albert Pike. Every vicious decision issued by the traitorous Earl Warren and his equally traitorous Supreme Court justices was directly in line with what the Illuminati blueprint required. That all the treason committed by our State Department under Rusk and earlier by John Foster Dulles, and Marshall, also all the treason committed by McNamara and his predecessors is directly in line with that same Illuminati blueprint for the takeover of the world. Also the amazing treason by various members of our Congress, especially by the 66 Senators who signed for the Consular Treaty, has been committed on orders from the Illuminati.

[Part 4]

Now I will go back to Jacob Schiff’s entrapment of our money system and the treasonous actions that followed. It will also reveal the Schiff-Rothschild control of not only Karl Marx, but of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, who created the revolution in Russia and set up the Communist Party.

It was in 1908 that Schiff decided that the time had come for his seizure of our money system. His chief lieutenants in that seizure were Colonel Edward Mandell House whose entire career was that of chief executive and courier for Schiff as I shall show, Bernard Barouk, and Herbert Lehman. In the fall of that year, they assembled in secret conclave at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club, owned by J.P. Morgan at Jekyll Island, Georgia. Among those present were J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Colonel House, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Schiff, Stillman and Vandlelip of the New York National City Bank, W. and J. Seligman, Eugene Myer, Bernard Barouk, Herbert Lehman, Paul Warburg, in short, all of the international bankers in America. All of them members of the hierarchy of the Illuminati’s great conspiracy.

A week later they emerged with what they called the Federal Reserve System. Senator Aldrich was the stooge who was to railroad it through Congress, but they held that railroading in abeyance for one chief reason. They would first have to plant their man, an obedient stooge, in the White House to sign the Federal Reserve Act into law. They knew that even if the Senate would pass that act unanimously, the then newly elected President Taft would promptly veto it. So they waited.

In 1912, their man, Woodrow Wilson, was elected to the presidency. Immediately after Wilson was inaugurated, Senator Aldrich railroaded the Federal Reserve Act through both houses of Congress and Wilson promptly signed it and the Federal Reserve Act became law. That heinous act of treason was committed on December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas when all the members of Congress, except for several carefully picked Representatives and three equally carefully picked Senators, were away from Washington. How heinous treasonous was that act? I’ll tell you. Our founding fathers knew full well the power of money. They knew that whoever had that power held the destiny of our nation in his hands. Therefore, they carefully guarded this power when they set forth in the Constitution, that Congress, the elected representatives of the people, alone would have the power. The Constitutional language on this point is brief, concise, and specific, stated in Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5, defining the duties and powers of Congress, and I quote: “to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and the standard of weights and measures.” But on that tragic, unforgettable day of infamy, December 23, 1913, the men we sent to Washington to safeguard our interests, the Representatives and Senators and Woodrow Wilson, delivered the destiny of our nation into the hands of two aliens from Eastern Europe, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg. Warburg was a very recent immigrant who came here on orders from Rothschild for the express purpose of blueprinting that foul Federal Reserve Act.

Now the vast majority of the American people think that the Federal Reserve System is the United States Government owned agency. That is positively false. All of the stock of the federal reserve banks is owned by the member banks and the heads of the member banks are all members of the hierarchy of the great Illuminati conspiracy known today as the CFR.

The details of that act of treason, in which many traitorous so-called Americans participated, are far too long for this reporting, but all those details are available in a book entitled, “The Federal Reserve Conspiracy”, written by Eustace Mullins. In that book, Mullins tells the entire horrifying story and backs it up with unquestionable documentations. Aside from it being a truly fascinating and shocking story of that great betrayal, every American should read it as a matter of vital intelligence for the time when the whole American people will finally come awake and smash the entire conspiracy and with God’s help, that awakening will surely come. You can get a copy of that book from the publisher, The Christian Educational Association, 530 Chestnut St., Union, New Jersey.

Now if you think that those aliens and their by accident-of-birth American co-conspirators would be content with just the control of our money system, you are in for another very sad shock. The Federal Reserve System gave the conspirators complete control of our money system, but it in no way touched the earnings of the people because the Constitution positively forbids what is now known as the 20% withholding tax. But the Illuminati blueprint for one-world enslavement called for the confiscation of all private property and control of individual earning powers. This, and Karl Marx stressed that feature in his blueprint, had to be accomplished by a progressive graduated income tax. As I have stated, such a tax could not lawfully be imposed upon the American people. It is succinctly and expressly forbidden by our Constitution. Thus, only an Amendment to the Constitution could give the federal government such confiscatory powers.

Well, that too was not an insurmountable problem for our Machiavellian plotters. The same elected leaders in both houses of Congress and the same Mr. Woodrow Wilson, who signed the infamous Federal Reserve Act into law, amended the Constitution to make the federal income tax, known as the 16th Amendment, a law of the land. Both are illegal under our Constitution. In short, the same traitors signed both betrayals, the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment, into law. However, it seems that nobody ever realized that the 16th amendment was set up to rob, and I do mean rob, the people of their earnings via the income tax provision.

The plotters didn’t fully use the provision until World War II when that great humanitarian, Franklin Roosevelt, applied a 20% withholding tax on all small wage earners and up to 90% on higher incomes. Oh, of course, he faithfully promised that it would be only for the duration of the war, but what was a promise to such a charlatan who in 1940, when he was running for his third term, kept proclaiming: “I say again and again and again that I will never send American boys to fight on foreign soil.” Remember? He was proclaiming that even as he was already preparing to plunge us into World War II by enticing the Japanese into that ‘sneak attack’ on Pearl Harbor to furnish him with his excuse.

And before I forget, let me remind you that another charlatan named Woodrow Wilson used exactly that same campaign slogan in 1916. His slogan was, “Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war.” Exactly the same formula, exactly the same promises. But wait, as Al Jolson used to say, “You ain’t heard nothin’ yet.” That 16th Amendment income tax trap was intended to confiscate– rob– the earnings only of the common herd, you and me. It was not intended to even touch the huge incomes of the Illuminati gang, the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Lehmans, and all the other conspirators.

So together, with that 16th Amendment, they created what they called the tax-free foundations that would enable the conspirators to transform their huge wealth into such so-called foundations and avoid payment of virtually all income taxes. The excuse for it was that the earnings of those tax-free foundations would be devoted to humanitarian philanthropy. So we now have the several Rockefeller Foundations, the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the Ford Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and hundreds of similar tax-free foundations.

And what kind of philanthropy do these foundations support? Well, they finance all the civil rights groups that are creating all the chaos and rioting all over the country. They finance the Martin ‘Lucifer’ Kings. The Ford Foundation finances the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, commonly referred to as Moscow West, and which is headed by ‘wonder boy’ Hutchens, Walter Ruther, Erwin Canham and others of that ilk.

In short, the tax-free foundations financed those who are doing the job for the Illuminati’s great conspiracy. And what are the hundreds of billions of dollars they confiscate every year from the earnings of the common herd, you and me, used for? Well, for one thing, there is the foreign aid gimmick which gave billions to communist Tito, plus gifts of hundreds of jet planes, many of which were turned over to Castro, plus the costs of training communist pilots so that they can the better to shoot down our planes. Billions to red Poland. Billions to India. Billions to Sukarno. Billions to other enemies of the United States. That’s what that treasonously railroaded 16th Amendment has done to our nation, to the American people, to you and to me, to your children and their children.

Our CFR Illuminati controlled federal government can grant tax-free status to all foundations and pro-red one-world outfits, such as the Fund for the Republic. But if you or a patriotic pro-organization is too outspokenly pro-American, they can terrify and intimidate you by finding a misplaced comma in your income-tax report and by threatening you with penalties, fines, and even prison. Future historians will wonder how the American people could have been so naive and stupid as to have permitted such audacious brazen acts of treason as the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. Well, they were not naive and they were not stupid. The answer is, they trusted the men they elected to safeguard our country and our people, and they just didn’t have even an inkling about either betrayal, until after each one had been accomplished.

It was the Illuminati controlled mass communications media that kept, and is keeping, our people naive and stupid and unaware of the treason being committed. Now the great question is, when will the people wake up and do to our traitors of today what George Washington and our founding fathers would have done to Benedict Arnold? Actually, Benedict Arnold was a petty traitor compared to our present traitors in Washington. Now let’s go back to the events that followed the rape of our Constitution by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. Was Wilson completely under their control?

The masterminds of the great conspiracy put in motion their next and what they hoped would be their final steps to achieve their one-world government. The first of those steps was to be World War I. Why War? Simple. The only excuse for a one-world government was that it will supposedly ensure peace. The only thing that can make people cry for peace, is war. War brings chaos, destruction, exhaustion, to winner as well as to loser. It brings economic ruin to both. Most important, it destroys the flower of the young manhood of both. To the saddened and heartbroken oldsters the mothers and fathers who are left with nothing but memories of their beloved sons, peace becomes worth any price. And that is the emotion upon which the conspirators depend for the success of their satanic plot.

Throughout the 19th century, from 1814 to 1914, the world, as a whole, was at peace. Such wars as the Franco-Prussian, our own Civil War, the Russo-Japanese War, were what might be termed local disturbances that did not affect the rest of the world. All the great nations were prosperous and the people staunchly nationalistic and fiercely proud of their sovereignties. It was utterly unthinkable that the French and the German peoples would be willing to live under a one-world government, or the Turks and the Russians, or the Chinese and the Japanese. Even more unthinkable is that a Kaiser Wilhelm, or a Franz Joseph, or a Czar Nicholas, or any Monarch, would willingly and meekly surrender his throne to a one-world government. But bear in mind that the peoples in all nations are the real power and only one thing, war, could make the peoples yearn and clamor for a peace-ensuring one-world government. But it would have to be a frightful and horribly devastating war. It could not be just a local disturbing war between just two nations, it would have to be a world war. No major nation must be left untouched by the horrors and devastation of such a war. The cry for peace must be made universal.

Actually that was the format set by the Illuminati and Nathan Rothschild at the turn of the 19th century. They first maneuvered all of Europe into the Napoleonic Wars, then the Congress in Vienna which they, and particularly Rothschild, planned to transform into a League of Nations which was to have been the housing for their one-world government, exactly as the present United Nations was set up to be the housing for the forthcoming, God forbid, one-world government. Anyway, that was the format the House of Rothschild and Jacob Schiff decided to employ to achieve their objective in 1914. Of course they knew that the same format had failed in 1814, but they theorized, that this was only because the Czar of Russia had torpedoed that scheme. Well, the present 1914 conspirators would eliminate that 1814 ‘fly in the ointment’. They’d make sure that after the new world war that they were conspiring, there’d be no Czar of Russia around to throw monkey-wrenches into the machinery.

I won’t go into how they accomplished this first step to launch a world war. History records that World War I was precipitated by a trivial incident, the kind of incident both Weishaupt and Albert Pike had incorporated in their blueprints. That incident was the assassination of an Austrian Archduke arranged by the Illuminati masterminds. The war followed. It involved Germany, Austria, Hungary, and their allies (so-called the Axis powers), against France, Britain, and Russia, called the Allies. Only the United States was not involved during the first two years.

By 1917 the conspirators had achieved their primary objective. All of Europe was in a state of destitution. All the peoples were war weary and crying for ‘peace’. And the outcome too was all set. It was to come as soon as the United States would be hurled on the side of the Allies, and that was all set to happen immediately after Wilson’s re-election. After that, there could be only one outcome. Complete victory for the Allies. To fully confirm my statement that long before 1917, the conspiracy, headed in America by Jacob Schiff, had it all set to hurl the United States into that war, I will cite the proof:

When Wilson was campaigning for re-election in 1916, his chief appeal was “re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war.” But during that same campaign, the Republican Party publicly charged that Wilson had long committed himself to throw us into the war. They charged that if he would be defeated he would accomplish that act during his few remaining months in office, but if re-elected, he would hold off until after re-election. But at that time the American people looked upon Wilson as a God-man. Well, Wilson was re-elected and as per the schedule of the conspirators, he hurled us into the war in 1917. He used the sinking of the Lusitania as an excuse– a sinking which also was prearranged. Roosevelt, also a God-man in the eyes of the American people, followed the same technique in 1941 when he used the prearranged Pearl Harbor attack as his excuse for hurling us into World War II.

Now exactly as the conspirators planned, victory for the Allies would eliminate all the Monarchs of the defeated Nations and leave all their peoples leaderless, confused, bewildered, and perfectly conditioned for the one-world government the great conspiracy intended would follow. But there still would be an obstacle, the same obstacle that had balked the Illuminati and Rothschild at that Congress in Vienna ‘peace gathering’ after the Napoleonic Wars.

Russia would be on the winning side this time as it was in 1814 and therefore the Czar would be securely on his throne. Here it is pertinent to note that Russia, under the Czarist regime, had been the one country in which the Illuminati had never made any headway nor had the Rothschilds ever been able to infiltrate in their banking interests thus a winning Czar would be more difficult than ever to cope with. Even if he could be enticed into a so-called League of Nations, it was a foregone conclusion that he would never, but never, go for a one-world government.

So even before the outbreak of World War I, the conspirators had a plan in the making to carry out Nathan Rothschild’s vow of 1814 to destroy the Czar and also murder all possible royal heirs to the throne and it would have to be done before the close of the war. And the Russian Bolsheviki were to be their instruments in this particular plot. From the turn of the century, the chiefs of the Bolsheviki were Nicolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and later Joseph Stalin.

Of course, those were not their true family names. Prior to the outbreak of the war, Lenin headquartered in Paris. After the outbreak, Switzerland became his haven. Trotsky’s headquarters was on the lower East Side in New York, largely the habitat of Russian-Jewish refugees. Both Lenin and Trotsky were similarly bewhiskered and unkempt. In those days, that was the badge of Bolshevism. Both lived well yet neither had a regular occupation.

Neither had any visible means of support, yet both always had plenty of money. All those mysteries were solved in 1917. Right from the outset of the war, strange and mysterious goings-on were taking place in New York. Night after night, Trotsky darted furtively in and out of Jacob Schiff’s palatial mansion. And in the dead of those same nights there were a gathering of hoodlums of New York’s lower east side– all of them Russian refugees at Trotsky’s headquarters, and all were going through some mysterious sort of training process that was all shrouded in mystery. Nobody talked, although it did leak out that Schiff was financing all of Trotsky’s activities.

Then suddenly Trotsky vanished. So did approximately 300 of his trained hoodlums. Actually they were on the high seas in a Schiff-chartered ship bound for a rendezvous with Lenin and his gang in Switzerland. And on that ship was $20 million in gold. The $20 million Schiff provided to finance the Bolsheviki takeover of Russia. In anticipation of Trotsky’s arrival, Lenin prepared to throw a party in his Switzerland hideaway.

Men of the very highest places in the world were to be guests at that party. Among them were the mysterious Colonel Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson’s mentor and palsy-walsy, and more important, Schiff’s special and confidential messenger. Another of the expected guests was Warburg, of the Warburg Banking Clan in Germany who was financing the Kaiser and whom the Kaiser had rewarded by making him chief of the Secret Police of Germany. In addition, there were the Rothschilds of London and Paris, also Lithenoth, Kakonavich, and Stalin (who was then the head of a train and bank robbing gang of bandits). He was known as the ‘Jesse James of the Urals’.

And here I must remind you that England and France were then long in the war with Germany and that on February 3, 1917, Wilson had broken off all diplomatic relations with Germany. Therefore, Warburg, Colonel House, the Rothschilds, and all those others were enemies, but of course, Switzerland was neutral ground where enemies could meet and be friends, especially if they had some scheme in common.

That Lenin party was very nearly wrecked by an unforeseen incident. The Schiff-chartered ship on its way to Switzerland was intercepted and taken into custody by a British warship. But Schiff quickly rushed orders to Wilson to order the British to release the ship intact with the Trotsky hoodlums and the gold. Wilson obeyed. He warned the British that if they refused to release the ship, the United States would not enter the war in April as he had faithfully promised a year earlier.

The British headed the warning. Trotsky arrived in Switzerland and the Lenin party went off as scheduled. But they still faced what ordinarily would have been the insurmountable obstacle of getting the Lenin-Trotsky band of terrorists across the border into Russia. Well, that’s where Brother Warburg, chief of the German Secret Police, came in. He loaded all those thugs into sealed freight cars and made all the necessary arrangements for their secret entry into Russia. The rest is history. The revolution in Russia took place and all members of the royal Romanoff family were murdered.

Now my chief objective is to establish beyond even a remote doubt that communism, so-called, is an integral part of the Illuminati great conspiracy for the enslavement of the entire world. That communism, so-called, is merely their weapon and bogy man word to terrify the peoples of the whole world and that the conquest of Russia and the creation of communism was, in great part, organized by Schiff and the other international bankers right in our own city of New York.

A fantastic story? Yes. Some might even refuse to believe it. Well, for the benefit of any ‘doubting Thomas’, I will prove it by reminding that just a few years ago Charlie Knickerbocker, a Hearst newspaper columnist, published an interview with John Schiff, grandson of Jacob, in which young Schiff confirmed the entire story and named the figure old Jacob contributed, $20,000,000.

[Part 5]

If anybody still has even a remote doubt that the entire menace of communism was created by the masterminds of the great conspiracy right in our own city of New York, I will cite the following historical fact: All records show that when Lenin and Trotsky engineered the capture of Russia, they operated as heads of the Bolsheviki party. Now, Bolshevism is a purely Russian word.

The masterminds realized that Bolshevism could never be sold as an ideology to any but the Russian people. So in April 1918, Jacob Schiff dispatched Colonel House to Moscow with orders to Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, to change the name of their regime to the Communist Party and to adopt the Karl Marx Manifesto as the constitution of the Communist Party. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin obeyed, and that year of 1918 was when the Communist party and the menace of communism came into being. All this is confirmed in Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition.

In short, communism was created by the capitalists. Thus, until November 11, 1918, the entire fiendish plan of the conspirators worked perfectly. All the great nations, including the United States, were war-weary, devastated, and mourning their dead. Peace was the great universal desire. Thus when it was proposed by Wilson to set up a League of Nations to ensure peace, all the great nations, with no Russian Czar to stand in their way, jumped on that bandwagon without even stopping to read the fine print in that insurance policy.

That is, all but one– the United States– the very one that Schiff and his co-conspirators least expected would balk. And that was their one fatal mistake in that early plot. You see, when Schiff planted Woodrow Wilson in the White House, the conspirators assumed that they had the United States in the proverbial bag. Wilson had been perfectly built up as a great humanitarian. He supposedly became established as a god-man with the American people. There was every reason for the conspirators to have believed that he would easily hornswoggle Congress into buying the League of Nations, ‘sight unseen’, exactly as the Congress of 1945 bought the United Nations, ‘sight unseen’.

But there was one man in the Senate in 1918 who saw through that scheme just as the Russian Czar did in 1814. He was a man of great political stature, almost as great as that of Teddy Roosevelt, and fully as astute. He was highly respected and trusted by all members of both houses of Congress and by the American people. The name of that great and patriotic American was Henry Cabot Lodge, (not the phony of today who called himself Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., until he was exposed).

Lodge completely unmasked Wilson and kept the United States out of the League of Nations. Here it becomes of great interest to know the real reason for the Wilson League of Nations flop. As I previously stated, Schiff was sent to the United States to carry out four specific assignments:

1.And most important, was to acquire complete control of the US money system.

2.As outlined in the original Weishaupt Illuminati blueprint, he was to find the right kind of men to serve as stooges for the great conspiracy and promote them into the highest offices in our federal government, our Congress, our US Supreme Court, and all federal agencies, such as the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, etc.

3.Destroy the unity of the American people by creating minority group strife throughout the nation– especially between the whites and blacks, as outlined in Israel Cohen’s book.

4.Create a movement to destroy religion of the United States with Christianity to be the chief target or victim.

In addition, he was strongly reminded of the imperative directive in the Illuminati blueprint to achieve full control of all mass communications media to be used to brainwash the people into believing and accepting all of the maneuverings of the great conspiracy. Schiff was warned that only control of the press, at that time our only mass communications media, would enable him to destroy the unity of the American people.

Now then, Schiff and his co-conspirators did set up the NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People) in 1909 and in 1913 he set up the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith. Both were to create the necessary strife, but in the early years, the ADL operated very timidly. Perhaps for fear of a pogrom-like action by an aroused and enraged American people and the NAACP was practically dormant because its white leadership didn’t realize that they would have to develop fire-brand Negro leaders, such as Martin ‘Lucifer’ King for one, to spark the then completely satisfied, contented mass of Negroes.

In addition, he, Schiff, was busy developing and infiltrating the stooges to serve in all high places in our Washington government and in the job of acquiring control of our money system and the creation of the 16th Amendment. He also was very busy with the organizing of the plot for the takeover of Russia. In short, he was kept so busy with all those jobs that he completely overlooked the supreme job of acquiring complete control of our mass communications media. That oversight was a direct cause for Wilson’s failure to lure the United States into the League of Nations because when Wilson decided to go to the people to overcome the opposition of the Lodge-controlled Senate, despite his established, but phony reputation as a great humanitarian, he found himself faced by a solidly united people and by a loyal press whose only ideology was Americanism and the American way of life.

At that time, due to the ineptness and ineffectiveness of the ADL and the NAACP, there were no organized minority groups, no Negro problems, no so-called anti-Semitic problems to sway the people’s thinking. There were no lefts, there were no rights, no prejudices for crafty exploitations. Thus Wilson’s League of Nations appeal fell on deaf ears. That was the end of Woodrow Wilson, the conspirators great humanitarian. He quickly abandoned his crusade and returned to Washington where he shortly died an imbecile brought on by syphilis and that was the end of the League of Nations as a corridor into one-world government.

Of course that debacle was a terrible disappointment to the masterminds of the Illuminati conspiracy, but they were not discouraged. As I have previously stressed, this enemy never quits. They simply decided to reorganize and try from scratch again. By this time Schiff was very old and slow. He knew it. He knew that the conspiracy needed a new younger and more active generalship.

So on his orders, Colonel House and Bernard Barouk organized and set up what they called the Council on Foreign Relations, the new name under which the Illuminati would continue to function in the United States. The hierarchy, officers and directors of the CFR, is composed principally of descendants of the original Illuminati, many of whom who had abandoned their old family name and acquired new Americanized names.

For one example, we have Dillon, who was Secretary of Treasury of the United States, whose original name was Laposky. Another example is Pauley, head of the CBS TV channel, whose true name is Palinsky. The membership of the CFR is approximately 1,000 in number and contains the heads of virtually every industrial empire in America such as Blough, president of the US Steel Corporation, Rockefeller, king of the oil industry, Henry Ford, II, and so on. And of course, all the international bankers. Also, the heads of the tax-free foundations are officers and/or active CFR members. In short, all the men who provide the money and the influence to elect the CFR-chosen Presidents of the United States, the Congressmen, the Senators, and who decide the appointments of our various Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of every important federal agency, are members of the CFR and they are very obedient members indeed.

Now just to cement that fact, I will mention the names of the United States Presidents who were members of the CFR: Franklin Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy. Others who were considered for the presidency are Thomas E. Dewey, Adlai Stevenson, Nixon, and vice-president of a CFR subsidiary, Barry Goldwater. Among the important cabinet members of the various administrations we have John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Cordell Hull, John J. McCloy, Robert Morganthau, Clarence Dillon, Rusk, McNamara, and just to emphasize the red color of the CFR we have as members such men as Alger Hiss, Ralph Bunche, Pasvolsky, Harry Dexter White (real name Weiss), Owen Lattimore, Phillip Jaffey, etc. etc. Simultaneously, they were flooding thousands of homosexuals and other blackmailable characters into all the federal agencies from the White House down. Remember Johnson’s great friends, Jenkins and Bobby Baker?

Now there were many jobs the new CFR had to accomplish. They required much help. So their first job was to set up various subsidiaries to whom they assigned special objectives. I can’t name all the subsidiaries in this recording, but the following are a few: the Foreign Policy Association (FPA), the World Affairs Council (WAC), the Business Advisory Council (BAC), the notorious ADA (Americans for Democratic Action virtually headed by Walter Ruther), the notorious ’13-13′ in Chicago, Barry Goldwater was, and no doubt still is, a vice-president of one of the CFR subsidiaries. In addition, the CFR set up special committees in every state in the Union to whom they assigned the various local state operations.

Simultaneously, the Rothschilds set up similar CFR-like control groups in England, France, Germany, and other Nations, to control world conditions and cooperate with the CFR to bring about another world war. But the CFR’s first and foremost job was to get complete control of our mass communications media.

The control of the press was assigned to Rockefeller. Thus, Henry Luce, who recently died, was financed to set up a number of national magazines, among them Life, Time, Fortune, and others, which publish USS.R. in America”. The Rockefellers also directly or indirectly financed the Cowles Brothers’ “Look” magazine and a chain of newspapers. They also financed a man named Sam Newhouse to buy up and build a chain of newspapers all over the country. And the late Eugene Myer, one of the founders of CFR, bought the Washington Post, Newsweek, the Weekly Magazine, and other publications.

At the same time, the CFR began to develop and nurture a new breed of scurrilous columnists and editorials writers such as Walter Lippman, Drew Pearson, the Alsops, Herbert Matthews, Erwin Canham, and others of that ilk who called themselves Liberals who proclaimed that Americanism is isolationism, that isolationism is war mongerism, that anti-communism, is anti-Semitism and racism.

All that took time of course, but today, our entire press, except for some local small town papers and weeklies, published by patriotic organizations, is completely controlled by CFR stooges and thus they finally succeeded in breaking us up into a nation of quarreling, wrangling, squabbling, hating factions. Now if you still wonder about this slanted news and outright lies you read in your paper, you now have the answer. To the Lehmans, Goldman-Sachs, Kuhn-Loebs, and the Warburgs, the CFR assigned the job of getting control of the motion picture industry (Hollywood), radio, and television, and believe you me, they succeeded.

If you still wonder about the strange propaganda broadcast by the Ed Morrows, Jeff Huntley, Howard K. Smith, Erick Severide, Drew Pearson and others of that ilk, you now have the answer. If you wonder about all the smut, sex, pornography, and mixed marriage films you see in your movie theater and on your TV set, all of which is demoralizing our youth, you have the answer.

The whole story of the CFR conspiracy take-over of our mass communications media is far to long to included in this recording but you can find it in the news bulletin #125 entitled “How to Get the ‘Reds’ Out of Communications Media”. It was published and brought up to date by the Cinema Educational Guild. It tells in detail how the press, movies, the TV and Radio have been, and still are, used to brainwash the people and demoralize our youth and they have been and still are encouraging and creating sympathy for the rioting Negroes civil rights lawlessness. You can get a copy of this news bulletin by writing to the Cinema Educational Guild, PO Box 46205, Hollywood California.

Now to refresh your memory, let’s go back for a moment. Wilson’s flop had torpedoed all chances of transforming that League of Nations into the conspirators’ hoped-for one-world government housing. So the Jacob Schiff plot had to be done all over again, and they organized the CFR to do it. We also know how successfully the CFR did that job of brainwashing and destroying the unity of the American people.

But, as was the case with the Schiff plot, the climax and the creation of a new housing for their one world government required another world war. A war that would be even more horrible and more devastating than the first world war in order to get the people of the world to again clamor for peace and a means to end all wars. But the CFR realized that the aftermath of World War II would have to be more carefully planned so that there would be no escape from the new one-world trap, another League of Nations, that would emerge from the new war; the trap we now know as the United Nations. And they hit upon a perfect strategy to ensure that no-one escaped. Here is how they did it.

In 1943, in the midst of the war, they prepared the framework for the United Nations and it was handed over to Roosevelt and our State Department to be given birth by Alger Hiss, Pasvolsky, Dalton Trumbull, and other American traitors, thus making the whole scheme a United States baby. Then to fix our parenthood, New York City was to become the nursery for the monstrosity. After that we could hardly walk out on our own baby now could we? Anyway, that’s how the conspirators figured it would work, and so far it has. And the liberal Rockefeller donated the land for the United Nations building.

The United Nations’ charter was written by Alger Hiss, Pasvolsky, Dalton Trumbull, and other CFR stooges. A phony, so-called, UN conference was set up in San Francisco in 1945. All the, so-called, representatives of 50-odd nations gathered there and promptly signed the Charter and the despicable traitor, Alger Hiss, flew to Washington with it, elatedly submitted it to our Senate, and the Senate (elected by our people to safeguard our security) signed the Charter without so much as reading it. The question is, how many of our Senators were even then traitorous stooges of the CFR? Anyway, it was thus that the people accepted the United Nations as a holy of holies, and enabled traitor Earl Warren to virtually destroy our constitution by basing all his traitorous decisions on the UN Charter, thus making that Charter virtually our law of the land.

However, for all the dirty work that had to be done to solidify the UN, the new housing of the one-world plot, they still required the aid of our leaders in Washington. So now I will emphasize the fiendish cleverness of the CFR masterminds. To the vast majority of the American people, our foreign policy for many years has been a complete enigma. Most of us simply can’t understand why this great nation is seemingly floundering so helplessly in the art of diplomacy. We can’t understand why our leaders are seemingly so confused and bewildered in all their dealings with Moscow, France, and other nations and with the UN. We always hear them proclaiming that in view of our overwhelming economic and military superiority we must always lead from strength. Yet, at all the summit meetings and conferences they cringe and stammer, and stutter, and so to speak come out with their tails between their hind legs. We can’t understand the foreign aid to Tito an avowed enemy, to Poland an avowed enemy, to all the avowed Communists nations. We can’t understand why the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars has failed to slow down, let alone stop, the march of commUNism. We are perplexed by the seeming ineptness of the state department, the defense department, the CIA, the USIA, of all our federal agencies.

Again and again and again we have been startled, shocked, bewildered, and horrified by their mistakes in Berlin, in Korea, in Laos, in Katanga, in Cuba, in Vietnam– mistakes that always favored the enemy, never the United States. Under the law of averages, they should have made at least one or two mistakes in our favor, but they never did.

What’s the answer? The answer is the CFR and the parts played by their subsidiaries and stooges in Washington. Thus we know that complete control of our foreign relation policy is the key to the success of the entire Illuminati one-world order plot. Here is the further proof:

Earlier I fully established that Schiff and his gang had financed the Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin takeover of Russia and fashioned its communist regime into becoming their chief instrument to keep the world in turmoil and to finally terrorize all of us into seeking peace in a UN one-world government. But the conspirators knew that the Moscow gang could not become such an instrument until, and unless, the whole world would accept the communist regime as the legitimate ‘de jure’ government of Russia.

Only one thing could accomplish that– recognition by the United States. The conspirators figured that the whole world would follow our lead and that’s and that’s when the Wilson flop very nearly wrecked the entire plot. Throughout the following three Republican administrations the CFR pulled every trick in their bag to induce Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, to grant that recognition. But all three refused. As a result, in the late 1920’s, the Stalin regime was in dire straits. Despite all purges and secret police controls, the Russian people were growing more and more resistive. It is a matter of record, admitted by Lipdenoff, that during 1931 and 1932, Stalin and his whole gang were always packed and ready for instant flight.

Then in November 1932, the conspirators achieved their greatest coup. They landed Franklin Roosevelt in the White House, crafty, unscrupulous, and utterly without conscience, that charlatan traitor turned the trick for them. Without even asking consent of Congress, he unlawfully proclaimed recognition for the Stalin regime. That did it. And exactly as the conspirators figured, the whole world did follow our lead. Automatically that squelched the previously growing resistance movement of the Russian people. That automatically launched the greatest menace the civilized world has ever known. The rest is too well known to need repeating.

We know how Roosevelt and his traitorous State Department kept building up the communist menace right here in our country and thus throughout the world. We know how he perpetuated that Pearl Harbor atrocity for his excuse to hurl us into World War II. We know all about his secret meetings with Stalin at Yalta. And how he, with Eisenhower’s help, delivered the Balkans and Berlin to Moscow. And last, but by no means least, we know that that 20th century ‘Benedict Arnold’ not only dragged us into that new corridor, the United Nations, into the one-world government, but he actually schemed all the arrangements to plant it within our country. In short, the day that Roosevelt entered the White House, the CFR conspirators regained full control of our foreign relations machinery and firmly established the United Nations as the housing for the Illuminati one-world government.

I wish to stress one other very vital point. That Wilson’s League of Nations flop brought Schiff and his gang to the realization that control of just the Democratic Party was not enough. True, they could create a crisis during the Republican administration as they did in 1929 with their Federal Reserve manufactured crash and depression which would bring another Democrat stooge back into the White House, but they realized that a four-year disruption in their control of our foreign relation policies could play havoc with the progress of their conspiracy. It could even break up their entire strategy as it almost did before Roosevelt saved it with his recognition of the Stalin regime.

Thereupon, after that Wilson debacle, they began to formulate plans to achieve control of both of our national parties. But that posed a problem for them. Manpower. Stooges in the Republican Party. Also added manpower for the Democratic Party, because control of just the man in the White House would not be enough. They would have to provide that man with trained stooges for his entire cabinet, men to head the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Pentagon, the CFR, the USIA, etc.

In short, every member of the various cabinets would have to be a chosen tool of the CFR, such as Rusk and McNamara, also all the under secretaries and assistant secretaries. That would give the conspirators absolute control of all our policies, both domestic and most important, foreign. That course of action would require a reserve pool of trained stooges, instantaneously ready for administrative changes and for all other exigencies.

All such stooges would of necessity have to be men of national reputation, high in the esteem of the people, but they would have to be men without honor, without scruple, without conscience– men who would be vulnerable to blackmail. It is needless for me to stress how well the CFR succeeded. The immortal Joe McCarthy fully revealed that there are thousands of such security risks in all federal agencies.

Scott MacLeod unmasked thousands more, and you know the price Ortepta has had to pay, and is still paying, for his expositions before a Senate Committee of the traitors in the State Department. And you know that the men in the State Department, who delivered Cuba to Castro, have not only been shielded, but promoted.

[Part 6]

Now let’s go back to the crux of the whole one-world government plot and the maneuvering necessary to create another League of Nations to house such a government.

As I have already stated, the conspirators knew that only another world war was vital for the success of their plot. It would have to be such a horrifying world war that the peoples of the world would cry out for the creation of some kind of a world organization that could assure everlasting peace. But how could such a war be brought about? All the European nations were at peace. None had any quarrels with their neighboring nations, and certainly their stooges in Moscow wouldn’t dare to start a war. Even Stalin realized that it would mean the overthrow of his regime unless, so-called patriotism would weld the Russian people behind him.

But the conspirators had to have a war. They had to find or create some kind of an incident to launch it. And they found it, in a little inconspicuous and repulsive little man who called himself Adolf Hitler.

Hitler, an impecunious Austrian house painter, had been a corporal in the German army. He made the defeat of Germany into a personal grievance. He began to rabble rouse about it in the Munich, Germany area. He began to spout about restoring the greatness of the German Empire and the might of the German soldiery. He advocated the restoration of the old German military to be used to conquer the whole world. Strangely enough, Hitler, the little clown that he was, could deliver a rabble rousing speech and he did have a certain kind of magnetism. But the new authorities in Germany didn’t want anymore wars and they promptly threw the obnoxious Austrian house painter into a prison cell.

Aha! Here was the man, decided the conspirators, who, properly directed and financed, could be the key to another world war. So while he was in prison, they had Rudolph Hess and Goering write a book which they titled Mein Kompf and attributed the authorship to Hitler, exactly as Lipdenoff wrote Mission to Moscow and attributed the authorship to Joseph Davies, then our ambassador to Russia and a stooge of the CFR. In Mein Kompf, Hitler, the pseudo-author, outlined his grievances and how he would restore the German people to their former greatness.

The conspirators then arranged for a wide circulation of the book among the German people in order to arouse a fanatical following for him. On his release from prison (also arranged by the conspirators), they began to groom him and finance him to travel to other parts of Germany to deliver his rabble rousing speeches. Soon he gathered a growing following among other veterans of the war and that soon spread to the masses who began to see in him a saviour for their beloved Germany.

Then came his leadership of what he called his ‘brown shirt army’ and the march on Berlin. That required a great deal of financing, but the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and others of the conspirators provided all the money he needed. Gradually Hitler became the idol of the German people and then they overthrew the Von Hindenburg government and Hitler became the new Fuhrer. But that still was no reason for a war.

The rest of the world watched Hitler’s rise, but saw no reason to interfere in what was distinctly a domestic condition within Germany. Certainly none of the other Nations felt it was a reason for another war against Germany and the German people were not yet incited into enough of a frenzy to commit any acts against any neighboring nation, not even against France, that would lead to a war. The conspirators realized they would have to create such a frenzy– a frenzy that would cause the German people to throw caution to the winds and at the same time, horrify the whole world. And incidentally, Mein Kompf was actually a follow-up of Karl Marx’s book A World Without Jews.

The conspirators suddenly remembered how the Schiff-Rothschild gang had engineered the pogroms in Russia which slaughtered many, many thousands of Jews and created a world-wide hatred for Russia and they decided to use that same unconscionable trick to inflame the new Hitler-led German people into a murderous hatred of the Jews.

Now it is true that the German people never had any particular affection for the Jews, but neither did they have an ingrained hatred for them. Such a hatred would have to be manufactured, so Hitler was to create it. This idea more than appealed to Hitler. He saw in it the grisly gimmick to make him the God-man of the German people.

Thus craftily inspired and coached by his financial advisers, the Warburgs, Rothschilds, and all the Illuminati masterminds, he blamed the Jews for the hated Versailles Treaty and for the financial ruination that followed the war. The rest is history. We know all about the Hitler concentration camps and the incineration of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Not the 6,000,000 nor even the 600,000 claimed by the conspirators, but it was enough.

And here let me reiterate how little the internationalist bankers, the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Lehmans, Warburgs, Barouks, care about their racial brethren who were the victims of their nefarious schemes. In their eyes, the slaughter of the several hundred thousand innocent Jews by Hitler didn’t bother them at all. They considered it a necessary sacrifice to further their Illuminati one-world plot just as the slaughter of the many millions in the wars that followed, was a similar necessary sacrifice. And here is another grisly detail about those concentration camps. Many of the Hitler soldier executioners in those camps had previously been sent to Russia to acquire their arts of torture and brutalization, so as to emphasize the horrors of the atrocities.

All this created a new world-wide hatred for the German people, but it still did not provide a cause for a war. Thereupon Hitler was incited to demand the Sudetenland. You remember how Chamberlain, and the then diplomats of Czechoslovakia and France, surrendered to that demand. That led to further Hitlerian demands for territories in Poland and in the French Saar territories. Those demands were rejected.

Then came his pact with Stalin. Hitler had been screaming hatred against communism. Oh how he ranted against communism! But actually nazism was nothing but socialism, and communism is, in fact, socialism. But Hitler disregarded all that. He entered into a pact with Stalin to attack and divide Poland between them. While Stalin marched into one part of Poland (for which he was never blamed– the Illuminati masterminds saw to that), Hitler launched a blitzkrieg on Poland from his side. The conspirators finally had their new world war. And what a horrible war it was!

And in 1945, the conspirators finally achieved the United Nations, their new housing for their one-world government. And truly amazing, all of the American people hailed this foul outfit as a holy of holies. Even after all the true facts about how the UN was created were revealed, the American people continued to worship that evil outfit. Even after Alger Hiss was unmasked as a Soviet spy and traitor, the American people continued to believe in the UN.

Even after I had publicly revealed the secret agreement between Hiss and Molotov, that a Russian would always be the head of military secretariat and by that token, the real master of the UN, most of the American people continued to believe that the UN could do no wrong. Even after Trig D. Lee, the first Secretary general of the UN confirmed that Hiss-Molotov secret agreement in his book “For the Cause of Peace”, the vast majority of our people refused to loose faith in the UN.

Even after the truth about the Korean war was revealed, how the Russian General Varsilius, head of that UN military secretariat was given a leave of absence by the UN so that he could take command of the North Koreans and Red Chinese who were fighting the so-called UN police action under our own General McArthur, who, by order of the UN, was fired by the pusillanimous Truman in order to prevent his winning that war, our people still believed in the UN despite our 150,000 sons who were murdered and maimed in that war, the people continued to regard the UN as a sure means for peace.

Even after it was revealed in 1951 that the UN, using our own American soldiers under UN command, under UN flag, in collusion with our traitorous State Department and the Pentagon had been invading many small cities in California and Texas in order to perfect their plan for the complete takeover of our country, most of our people brushed it off and continued their belief that the UN is a holy of holies.

Do you know that the UN Charter was written by traitor Alger Hiss, Molotov, and Vyshinsky? That Hiss and Molotov had made that secret agreement that the military chief of the UN was always to be a Russian appointed by Moscow? Do you know that at their secret meetings at Yalta, Roosevelt and Stalin, at the behest of the Illuminati operating as the CFR, decided that the UN must be placed on American soil?

Do you know that most of the UN Charter was copied intact, word for word, from the Marx Manifesto and the Russian, so-called constitution? Do you know that the only two Senators who voted against the UN so-called treaty, were the only two Senators who had read it? Do you know that since the UN was founded, communist enslavement has grown from 250,000,000 to 1,000,000,000?

Do you know that since the UN was founded to insure peace, there have been at least 20 major wars incited by the UN, just as they are now inciting a war against Middle Rhodesia? Do you know that under the UN set up, the American taxpayers have been forced to make up the UN Treasury deficit of many millions of dollars because of Russia’s refusal to pay her share? Do you know that the UN has never passed a resolution condemning Russia or her so-called satellites, but always condemns our Allies?

Do you know that J. Edgar Hoover said the overwhelming majority of the communist delegations to the UN are espionage agents and now 66 Senators voted for a Consular Treaty to open our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs? Do you know that the UN helps Russia’s conquest of the world by preventing the free world from taking any action whatsoever except to debate each new aggression in the UN General Assembly?

Do you know that at the time of the Korean War there were 60 Nations in the UN, yet 95% of the UN forces were our American sons and practically 100% of the cost was paid by the United States taxpayers?

And surely you know that the UN policy during the Korean and Vietnam Wars was to prevent us from winning that wars? Do you know that all the battle plans of General McArthur had to go first to the UN to be relayed to Varsilius, Commander of the North Koreans and Red Chinese, and that any future wars fought by our sons under the UN flag would have to be fought under the control of the UN Security Council?

Do you know that the UN has never done anything about the 80,000 Russian Mongolian troops that occupy Hungary?

Where was the UN when the Hungarian freedom fighters were slaughtered by the Russians? Do you know that the UN and its peace army turned the Congo over to the communists? Do you know that the UN’s own so-called peace force was used to crush, rape, and kill the white anti-communists in Katanga?

Do you know that the UN stood by and did nothing while Red China invaded Laos and Vietnam? That it did nothing while Nehru invaded Goe and other Portuguese territories? Do you know that the UN was directly responsible for aiding Castro? That it does absolutely nothing about the many thousands of Cuban youngsters who are shipped to Russia for communist indoctrination.

Do you know that Adlai Stevenson, of all people, said the free world must expect to lose more and more decisions in the UN. Do you know that the UN openly proclaims that its chief objective is a one-world government which means one-world laws, one-world court, one-world army, one-world navy, one-world air-force, one-world schools, and a one-world church in which Christianity would be prohibited?

Do you know that a UN law has been passed to disarm all American citizens and to transfer all our armed forces to the UN? Such a law was secretly signed by ‘saint’ Jack Kennedy in 1961. Do you realize how that fits in with Article 47, paragraph 3, of the UN Charter, which states, I quote: “the military staff committee of the UN shall be responsible through the Security Council for the strategic direction of all armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Council.” And when and if all our armed forces are transferred to the UN, your sons would be forced to serve and die under UN command all over the world. This will happen unless you fight to get the US out of the UN.

Do you know that Congressmen James B. Utt has submitted a bill to get the US out of the UN and a resolution to prevent our President from forcing us to support the UN embargoes on Rhodesia? Well, he has. And many people all over the country are writing to their representatives to support the Utt bill and resolution. And did you know that to off-set the Utt bill and resolution, fifty Congressmen, spear-headed by Schweiker and Moorhead of Pennsylvania, have introduced a bill to immediately transfer all our armed forces to the UN? Can you imagine such brazen treason? Is your Congressman one of those fifty traitors? Find out and take immediate action against him and help Congressman Utt.

Now do you know that the National Council of Churches passed a resolution in San Francisco which states that the United States will soon have to subordinate its will to that of the UN and that all American citizens must be prepared to accept it? Is your church a member of the National Council of Churches? In connection with that, bear in mind that God is never mentioned in the UN Charter and their meetings are never opened with prayer. The creators of the UN stipulated in advance that there should be no mention of God or Jesus Christ in the UN Charter or in its UN headquarters. Does your pastor subscribe to that? Find out!

Furthermore, do you know that the great majority of the so-called nations in the UN are anti-christianity, that the UN is a completely godless organization by orders of its creators, the CFR Illuminati. Have you heard enough of the truth the Illuminati’s United Nations? Do you want to leave your sons and our precious country to the unholy mercy of the Illuminati’s United Nations?

If you don’t, write, telegraph, or phone your Representatives and Senators that they must support Congressman Utt’s bill to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. Do it today, now, before you forget! It is the only salvation for your sons and for our country.

[4. Destroy religion.]

Now I have one more vital message to deliver. As I told you, one of the four specific assignments Rothschild gave Jacob Schiff was to create a movement to destroy religion in the United States with Christianity to be the chief target. For a very obvious reason, the Anti-Defamation League wouldn’t dare to attempt it because such an attempt could create the most terrible blood bath in the history of the world, not only for the ADL and the conspirators, but for the millions of innocent Jews.

Schiff turned that job over to Rockefeller for another specific reason. The destruction of Christianity could be accomplished only by those who are entrusted to preserve it. By the pastors– the men of the cloth.

As a starter, John D. Rockefeller picked up a young, so-called, Christian minister by the name of Dr. Harry F. Ward– Reverend Ward if you please. At that time he was teaching religion at the Union Theological Seminary. Rockefeller found a very willing ‘Judas’ in this Reverend and thereupon in 1907, he financed him to set up the Methodist Foundation of Social Service and Ward’s job was to teach bright young men to become, so-called ministers of Christ and to place them as pastors of churches.

While teaching them to become ministers, the Reverend Ward also taught them how to subtly and craftily preach to their congregations that the entire story of Christ was a myth to cast doubts on the divinity of Christ, to cast doubts about the virgin Mary– in short, to cast doubts on Christianity as a whole. It was not to be a direct attack, but much of it to be done by crafty insinuation that was to be applied, in particular, to the youth in the Sunday schools.

Remember Lenin’s statement, “Give me just one generation of youth and I’ll transform the whole world.” Then in 1908, the Methodist Foundation of Social Service, which incidentally was America’s first communist front organization, changed its name to the Federal Council of Churches. By 1950, the Federal Council of Churches was becoming very suspect so in 1950 they changed the name to the National Council of Churches.

Do I have to tell you more about how this National Council of Churches is deliberately destroying faith in Christianity? I don’t think so. But this I will tell you. If you are a member of any congregation whose pastor and church are members of this Judas organization, you– your contributions– are helping the Illuminati’s plot to destroy Christianity and your faith in God and Jesus Christ thus you are deliberately delivering your children to be indoctrinated with disbelief in God and Church and which can easily transform them into atheists.

Find out immediately if your Church is a member of the National Council of Churches and, for the love of God and your children, if it is, withdraw from it at once. However, let me warn you that the same destroy-religion process has been infiltrated into other denominations. If you have seen the Negro march on Selma and other such demonstrations, you have seen how the Negro mobs are led and encouraged by ministers, and even Catholic priests and nuns, who march along with them. As a matter of fact, the Mormon Church is about the only one I know of that is clean of that kind of Judas infiltration. (Editor’s note: Probably not today in 2020!)

Of course there are many individual churches and pastors who are honest and sincere. Find one such for yourself and for your children. Incidentally, this same Reverend Harry F. Ward was also one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union, a notorious pro-communist organization. He was the actual head of it from 1920 to 1940. He also was a co-founder of the American League Against War and Fascism which, under Browder, became the Communist Party of the United States.

In short, Ward’s entire background reeked of communism and he was identified as a member of the communist party. He died a vicious traitor to both his church and country. And this was the man old John D. Rockefeller picked and financed to destroy America’s Christian religion in accordance with the orders given to Schiff by the Rothschilds.

In conclusion I have this to say: You probably are familiar with the story of how one Dr. Frankenstein created a monster to do his will of destroying his chosen victims but how instead in the end, that monster turned on his own creator, Frankenstein, and destroyed him. Well, the Illuminati CFR has created a monster called the United Nations, who is supported by their minority groups, rioting negroes, the traitorous mass communications media, and the traitors in Washington was created to destroy the American people.

We know all about that many-headed hydra-monster and we know the names of those who created that monster. We know all their names and I predict that one fine day the American people will come fully awake and cause that very monster to destroy its creator. True! The majority of our people are still being brainwashed, deceived, and deluded by our traitorous press, TV, and radio, and by our traitors in Washington, but surely by now enough is known about the UN to stamp out that outfit as a deadly poisonous rattlesnake in our midst.

My only wonder, is what it will take to awaken and arouse our people to the full proof? Perhaps this record will do it. A hundred thousand or a million copies of this record can do it. I pray to God it will. And I pray to Him to inspire you, all of you, to spread this story via this record, to all loyal Americans in your community.

You can do it by playing it to study groups assembled in your homes, at meetings of the American Legion, the VFW, the DAR, all other civic groups and women’s clubs– especially the women’s clubs who have their sons lives at stake. With this record, I have provided you with the weapon that will destroy the monster. For the love of God, of our Country, and of your children, use it! Get a copy of it into every American home.

Introduction to the "Little Sister" of The Royal Institute of International Affairs: The U.S. Council on Foreign Relations

By Eric Samuelson, J.D.

"Since its founding… the CFR has been the preeminent intermediary between the world of high finance, big oil, corporate elitism, and the U.S. government. Its members slide smoothly into cabinet-level jobs in Republican and Democratic administrations. The policies promulgated in its quarterly journal, Foreign Affairs, become U.S. government policy." Jonathan Vankin (1)

"As a teenager, I heard John Kennedy’s summons to citizenship. And then, as a student, I heard that call clarified by a professor I had named Carroll Quigley." — Democratic Presidential Nominee Bill Clinton

When Bill Clinton delivered his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention, on July 16, 1992, Carroll Quigley’s name was not exactly a household word.(2) Quigley, Dean of The School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, had graduated magna cum from Harvard. He made Ripley’s "Believe It or Not" for being Harvard’s youngest person to receive a Ph.D. After teaching at Harvard and Princeton, he went to Georgetown where for 28 consecutive years alumni selected him as their most influential professor. Clinton, Quigley’s student, went on to become a Rhodes Scholar, a CFR member, a Trilateral Commission member and a Bilderberger participant. He joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1989, attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1991 and was a current member of the Trilateral Commission at the time of his nomination.(3) Clinton, before the American public, openly acknowledged his Georgetown mentor and clued his followers from the convention podium. He then went on in November to defeat former CFR/Trilateralist/Skull and Bones member President George H.W. Bush.

The shadowy political and even "foreign" beginnings of the Council on Foreign Relations have long been intentionally obscured. For more than three decades the CFR received no notice by authors, the general public or serious researchers. When mentioned, it is almost always in articles detailing how many of the appointees of a given administration, as usual, have a "CFR connection". (4)

Santa Barbara sociologist G. William Domhoff wrote in 1978 that the CFR had been the subject of only two "academic studies." This, he said, provided "an impressive commentary in itself on how little social scientists know about policy-making in the United States."(5) A lack of academic commentary has also been paralleled by little coverage in the media or press. It was not until some 37 years after the creation of the CFR that a mainstream magazine article was published in Harper’s by Joseph Kraft in July 1958 entitled: "School for Statesmen."(6)

A major clue was given by Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley in an interview. Quigley, in his best Boston accent, dismissed the Radical-Right interpretation as ‘garbage’. But he then added: ‘To be perfectly blunt, you could find yourself in trouble dealing with this subject." He explained that his career as a lecturer in the government institution circuit was all but ruined because of the twenty or so pages he had written about the existence of Round Table Groups. As we will see, the CFR was, indeed, a British Round Table creation. This is one of the most important hidden secrets of the NYC-based CFR.

The story of the British connection to the Council on Foreign Relations may be traced back to George Peabody, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Nicholas M. Butler and Col. Edward House — all who may be described a British loyalists. A Secret Society was established by Cecil Rhodes in connection with Rothschild, Morgan, Carnegie, and Rockefeller. A small highly secret group called the Round Table directed operations.(7)

The story begins at least when George Peabody moved to London and took up English residence in 1837 — the same year Queen Victoria ascended the throne. He joined with other merchant bankers who traded in dry goods in "high finance." This consisted of exclusive service to "governments, large companies and rich individuals." (8) Soon after his arrival in London, Peabody was summoned by Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Rothschild offered to pay all his entertainment bills. Hence, the famous Peabody July 4th dinners were bought and paid for by funds from the Rothschilds.(9) In 1837, Peabody was warned, in advance, by his British friends of their decision "to withdraw credits from the worldwide markets and thereby depress commercial values; so he was fully liquid and ready to pounce on the American properties rendered bargains by the British move."(10)< In the crash of 1837 Peabody made a fortune purchasing depressed property in America.(11) In 1854 the American Ambassador to London, James Buchanan, stormed out of the room when George Peabody toasted Queen Victoria before President Pierce.(12) Peabody "was the founder of the Morgan financial empire." (13) In 1859 Junius Morgan assumed control of George Peabody and Company. He traded Union bonds. The Civil War was "a bonanza for German-Jewish bankers on Wall Street, who raised loans from the numerous Union sympathizers in Germany." (14) Peabody’s American agent was the Boston firm of Beebe, Morgan and Company — headed by Junius Morgan.(15) When J. Pierpont Morgan was in Vienna, his father wrote that Alexander Duncan had an opening in Duncan, Sherman & Company — a bank affiliated with George Peabody in London. Pierpont "soon was acting as George Peabody & Company’s American representative.(16)

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), in 1872, was paid a $150,000 commission for placing $6 million of bonds of a Pennsylvania branch road in Europe. He made another $75,000 on a second trip. While in England in 1873, on one of his frequent trips to Great Britain, he met Henry Bessemer and saw the Bessemer process of making steel. He then organized Carnegie, McCandless & Company with a capital of $700,000 and built a new steel plant named the Edgar Thompson Steel Works (to flatter the president of the Pennsylvania Railroad to get generous rebates). (17)

In the original edition of Andrew Carnegie’s 1893 book, Triumphant Democracy, he stated: "Time may dispel many pleasing illusions and destroy many noble dreams but it will never shake my belief that the wound caused by the wholly unlooked for and undesired separation of the Mother from her child is not to bleed forever. Let men say what they will, therefore I say, that surely as the sun in the heavens once shone upon Britain and America united, so surely is it one morning to rise, shine upon, and greet again the United States, the British American Union."(18) In 1948 a bio of Carnegie ended: "There is bound to be universal peace, he believed, through the final interlocking of the national interests throughout the world. At first a coalition of America and England — a union of the English-speaking race. Then a United States of Europe. And finally a unification of the entire human race."(19) Carnegie was a vice president and generous financial supporter of the Anti-Imperialist League from its formation in 1898 until his death. His profits went from almost $3.5 million in 1887 to $40 million in 1900. (20) He consolidated his holdings into Carnegie Steel Co. in 1899. On December 12, 1900 an informal parliament of "all the biggest men of New York" was held as a dinner party to the president of the Carnegie Steel Company — "Smiling Charlie" Schwab. After an all night session, some weeks later, Morgan sent Schwab to Carnegie: "Go and find his price." The resulting price of $492,000,000, dubbed a "stupendous ransom," was paid to Carnegie with $300,000,000 in bonds and preferred stock. (21) Carnegie’s assets were actually worth only $80 million but Morgan merged other corporations to create U.S. Steel Company controlling 65% of U.S. steelmaking capacity. (22) At the end of his steel career, in 1901, he turned over his Carnegie Steel to J.P. Morgan who merged it with three other steel giants (the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company, the Illinois Steel Company and Colorado Fuel and Iron) to form the U.S. Steel Corporation — the first billion dollar corporation in America. (23)

Andrew Carnegie financed three temples of peace: Central America Court of Justice, the Pan American Union and the Palace of Peace at the Hague (which cost $1.5 million to construct in 1903). (24) He was also a member of the Philippine Independence Committee (1904) and a vice president of the Filipino Progress Association (1905-1907). In 1905 Carnegie gave $10 million to provide pensions for retired college professors. Those who gathered at Carnegie’s mansion on November 15, 1905, included Charles W. Eliot (Harvard), Woodrow Wilson (Princeton), Arthur Hadley (Yale) and David Star Jordan (Stanford).(25)

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was set up in 1910. The initial direction of the fund was given by Carnegie to Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler (1862-1947). Butler got excited about the peril of the Allies in World War I and decided that the best way to establish peace was to help get the United States into the War. (26) Butler was President of Columbia University (1901-1945), helped establish the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and served as its President (1925-1945). Norman Dodd, research director for the Reece Committee, was invited to examine the warehoused records of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The minutes, inspected by a Dodd researcher, revealed that in 1910 the Carnegie trustees asked: "Is there any way known to man more effective than war, to so alter the life of an entire people?" The trustees ultimately decided that war was the most effective way to change people. A year later the minutes showed that the trustees asked: "How do we involve the United States in a war?" And they answered: "We must control the diplomatic machinery of the United States," by first gaining "control of the State Department." The trustees also sent a confidential message to President Wilson insisting that the war not end too quickly. Dodd also found that all high appointments in the State Department took place only after they had been cleared by the Council of Learned Societies (established by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). (27) The Church Peace Union was established at a meeting at the home of Andrew Carnegie in 1914 with an endowment of over $2 million. (28) Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and Otto Kahn backed the 1915 Anglo-French loan. (29) The 1915 loans were said by Morgan to be made for "trade" purposes. (30)

The League of Free Nations was created in early 1918 (in 1920 it became the Foreign Policy Association). (31) The Foreign Policy Association "grew out of a meeting of nineteen writers, editors, educators, and such with a view to selling Wilsonian policies and the League of Nations to the public." (32) The Foreign Policy Association, however, soon began to play "second fiddle" to the CFR.

In June 1918, a "more discrete" club of New York "financiers and international lawyers" was formed headed by Elihu Root (an Andrew Carnegie lawyer). (33) The 108 members of the original Council on Foreign Relations were described by Whitney Shepardson as "high-ranking officers of banking, manufacturing, trading and finance companies, together with many lawyers." (34) International Bankers provided the money: "In Britain the organization was (initially) called the Institute for International Affairs (IIA) while in New York it operated as the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR). The finances for the group came from wealthy international bankers…" (35) The CFR was founded "by East Coast bankers, lawyers and academicians…" (36) By April 1919, however, the CFR "went dormant." (37)

A Texan named House was a key individual before and during the Wilson administration. He helped establish the income tax, the Federal Reserve System, coined the phrase "league of nations," drafted the covenant for the League of Nations and presided over the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.).

Col. Edward M. House (the title came from a Texas Governor) inherited a fortune estimated at around $1.5 million. He was born in Houston, Texas — the son of a wealthy planter and banker. (38) Originally the House ("Huis") family was Dutch. House’s family had lived in England for 300 years before his father came to Texas. (39) Thomas William House came to Texas to fight under Sam Houston and was an American agent for London Banking interests "said by some to the House of Rothschild…" (40) Edward House attended school in England for several years as a young boy: "Much of his youth and adult life was spent in the British Isles, which he regularly visited." (41) The elder House said he wanted to raise his sons to "know and serve England." (42) House surrounded himself with prominent members of the Fabian Society. (43) Between 1892 and 1902 he elected four Texas Governors. (44)

In the winter of 1911-1912, House wrote Philip Dru: Administrator. House said he was working for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx…" The book was a fictional plan for the conquest of America by gaining control of both the Republican and Democratic parties and using them to create a socialist world government. Central portions of the plan included a graduated federal income tax and a central bank. (45) The book also outlined an inheritance tax and suggested taking functions away from the states. (46) It suggested a conspiracy "insinuated into the primaries, in order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in accord with theirs." (47) House passed the book to his father-in-law in New York City — Dr. Sidney E. Mezes. Mezes, who read and approved the book, was Director of the College of the City of New York and former President of the University of Texas. House then sent the book to future Wilson cabinet member David F. Houston. Houston declared the work economically sound but said the fiction in it was so thin that he advised it be rewritten as a serious work. (48)

After his November 1912 election, Woodrow Wilson, on vacation in Bermuda, read Philip Dru. (49) Arthur Howden Smith wrote: "In nine months the Wilson administration completely reorganized the financial structure in accordance with the conceptions outlined in ‘Philip Dru.’" (50) From 1912-1914, Wilson’s legislative program "was largely the program of House’s book…" (51) The New York Times in January 1913 found the authorship of Philip Dru to still be a puzzle. (52) In 1915 House was still trying to conceal his connection as author of the book. (53) Among those who read the novel was Franklin Delano Roosevelt — then Assistant Secretary of the Navy — whose mother was then and always a close friend of Colonel House. (54) It was published by B.W. Huebsch — "a favorite publisher of the Left and for many years a valued collaborator of American Fabian Socialist groups." (55) In 1917 a bookseller wrote regarding the House book: "As time goes on the interest in it becomes more intense, due to the fact that so many of the ideas expressed…have become laws of this Republic, and so many of his ideas have been discussed as becoming laws." He ended with the question: "Is Colonel E.M. House of Texas the author? If not, who is?" Seymour admitted: "Colonel House was, in truth, the author; to his other occupations he added that of novelist." (56) Both Franklin K. Lane and W. J. Bryan commented on the influence of Philip Dru on Wilson. (57) In 1918, Franklin K. Lane, Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of the Interior, stated in a private letter: "All that book has said should be, comes about…The President comes to Philip Dru, in the end." (58) House’s book has been said to have outlined the next 40-50 years in code color=”#FF0000″ (DRU is also said to be the code for David Rex Universe). (59)

Charles Seymour called Col. House "the unseen guardian angel of the (Federal Reserve) bill." (60) The banker J. Horace Harding held a dinner at which House "convinced the financial overlords that the Democratic donkey, with Wilson in the saddle, would not kick over the traces….The Schiffs, the Warburgs, the Kuhns, the Rockefellers, the Morgans put their faith in House…" (61) On November 17, 1913, Paul Warburg requested an interview, with House, to include Jacob Schiff and Cleveland Dodge. Dodge was grateful for a "substantial subscription for the Y.M.C.A. fund." Warburg did most of the talking. Schiff favored only four regional reserve banks. (62) Schiff said House was the Moses and they would be the Aarons: "He asked if I knew my Bible well enough for this to be clear to be. I told him I did." (63) Schiff then wrote to House on December 23, 1913: "I want to say a word of appreciation to you for the silent, but no doubt effective work you have done in the interest of currency legislation…" (64) After getting the Federal Reserve through, House then turned to international affairs. (65) House "had powerful connections with international bankers in New York. He was influential…with great financial institutions represented by such people as Paul and Felix Warburg, Otto H. Kahn, Louis Marburg, Henry Morgenthau, Jacob and Mortimer Schiff and Herbert Lehman. House had equally powerful connections with bankers and politicians of Europe." (66) Jacob Schiff died on September 25, 1920. Of all the other living bankers named by Smoot, all, without an exception, were later founding members of the CFR in 1921. (67) The original 270-secret crowd that created the Federal Reserve System "were all in the original (CFR) membership." They included Jacob Schiff, Averell Harriman, Frank Vanderlip, Nelson Aldrich, Bernard Baruch, J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller. (68)

Associates of J.P. Morgan and Company created an American parallel group to the Milner Group before the first World War. (69) The RIIA was an above-ground group: "During the Versailles Treaty talks after the war, Round Table members Lionel Curtis, Balfour, Milner, and others formed an above-ground group called the Royal Institute of International Affairs for the purpose of coordinating Anglo-American cooperative efforts. They decided also to form an American branch, but gave it a different name in order to secure its antecedents. Thus was born the Council on Foreign Relations, originally staffed by J.P. Morgan men and financed by Morgan money." (70) The two groups were established to prevent the American people from reacting with patriotic fury if it was discovered that the CFR was in fact a subsidiary of the British Round Table. (71) The man most responsible for creating subgroups of the Round Table was Lionel Curtis. He established local chapters of the Round Table called the Royal Institute of International Affairs: "In the United States, the Round Table ‘front group’ was named the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)." (72)

A savy observer has described the CFR’s British front-role: "The interlock problem is conspicuous for another reason, one which has never been addressed by Congress. It seems that certain huge Yankee foundations, namely Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie, have been conscious instruments of covert U.S. foreign policy, with directors and officers who can only be described as agents of U.S. intelligence. According to Quigley, the roots for this can be traced to the establishment of an American branch of the British Royal Institute in 1921, which itself had grown out of the Rhodes Trust. The American branch, called the Council on Foreign Relations, was a largely a front for J. P. Morgan and Company." (73)

The Council on Foreign Relations Handbook of 1936 stated: "On May 30, 1919, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs. The U.S. was represented by Gen. Tasker H. Bliss (Chief of Staff, U.S. Army), Col. Edward M. House, Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T. Shotwell, and Prof. Archibald Coolidge. Great Britain was unofficially represented by Lord Robert Cecil, Lionel Curtis, Lord Eustace Percy, and Harold Temperley." The May 30th meeting was held at the billet of the British delegation and proposed an Anglo-American Institute of International Affairs — one branch in London and one in New York. (74) The New York and London locations were appropriate since "nearly all of them were bankers and lawyers." (75)

The British moved quickly to establish their branch. (76) The establishment of the American branch was much slower. When the American delegates got home their fellow citizens were "absorbed in isolationism and prohibition, throughly inhospitable to the ideas of the League of Nations." (77)

So far no complete list of the fifty dinner guests has been located. It has been stated, however: "The twenty-one Americans, who, together with (their 29) British counterparts, founded in Paris The Institute of International Affairs, were a diverse group that included Col. Edward M. House, Herbert Hoover, Gen. Tasker Bliss, Christian Herter, and such scholars as Charles Seymour, later President of Yale, Professors Archibald Cary Coolidge of Harvard and James T. Shotwell of Columbia." (78) There were two camps. One was headed by the U.S. official negotiators Tasker H. Bliss and Edward House along with advisors Herbert Hoover and Thomas W. Lamont — along with their aides. The other side was composed of the twelve scholars that had served the American delegation in an advisory capacity. (79) Most of the scholars were from Harvard, Yale and Columbia. (80)

The returning Inquiry scholars lacked the funds to create the envisioned American Institute of International Affairs but offered diplomatic experience, expertise and high-level contacts: "The men of law and banking, by contrast, could tap untold resources of finance…This was the synergy that produced the modern Council…" (81) The money to found the CFR came in part from J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg. (82)

Another source suggests that the original CFR itself had fund-raising problems: "They took the name of an organization already in existence. The original Council on Foreign Relations had been formed in New York in July, 1918, but in little more than a year had become inactive owing to an inability to raise the necessary funds. It was with 66 members of this original crowd that the peacemongers from Paris merged to form the organization we know today." (83)

J.P. Morgan’s personal attorney, John W. Davis (and later Republican presidential candidate), was the founding President of the CFR. Paul Carvath, the first Vice-President of the CFR, also represented the J.P. Morgan interests. The council’s first chairman was Morgan partner Russell Leffingwell. Morgan also had the loyalty of many professors due to his large academic endowments. (84) Paul Cravath was also the founder of the famous law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore. (85)

In summary, the Federal Reserve System, the League of Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations had both common origins and creators. Last, but not least, the CFR was of British — not U.S. origin.


1. Conspiracies, Coverups and Crimes 70 (1992).
2. NameBase NewsLine, No. 1, "Clinton, Quigley, and Conspiracy: What’s Going on Here?" (April-June 1993).
3. NameBase NewsLine, No. 1, "Clinton, Quigley, and Conspiracy: What’s Going on Here?" (April-June 1993).
4. A collection of the charts of F.R.E.E. (Fund To Restore An Educated Electorate, founded by Johnny Stewart of Waco), proves the dominance of the CFR from the Democratic Carter administration, to the Republican Reagan administration, to the Bush and also the Bill Clinton administrations. It truly does not matter which party happens to be in power-the CFR runs U.S. foreign policy regardless of the political party in power. In 1952 and 1956 CFR Adlai Stevenson challenged CFR Ike. In 1960 it was CFR Nixon or CFR JFK. In 1968 it was a choice of CFR Nixon or CFR Humphrey. In 1972 the candidates were CFR Nixon and CFR McGovern. Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File 56 (1976).
5. G. William Domhoff, The Powers That Be 64 (1978).
6. An exception to the lack of CFR coverage came in the December 9, 1950 issue of the Chicago Tribune where an editorial said of CFR members: "There is blood on them-the dried blood of the last war (WWII) and the fresh blood of the present one (Korean War)." Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich 129 (1989). For a relatively early article, See Also: J. Anthony Lukas, "The Council on Foreign Relations – Is It a Club? Seminar? Presidium? ‘Invisible Government’? New York Times Magazine (November 21, 1971).
7. W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist 50 (1970) .
8. Ron Chernow, The House of Morgan 4 (1990).
9. Eustace Mullins, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve 49 (1991).
10. Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America 319 (1985).
11. Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America 344 (1985).
12. Ron Chernow, The House of Morgan 7 (1990).
13. Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America 307 (1985).
14. Ron Chernow, The House of Morgan 13 (1990).
15. Eustace Mullins, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve 50 (1991).
16. Cass Canfield, Outrageous Fortunes 68 (1981).
17. B.C. Forbes, Men Who Made America Great 42 (1917).
18. Wickliffe B. Vennard, Sr., The Federal Reserve Hoax Exposed 121 (1973).
19. Henry Thomas and Danna Lee Thomas, 50 Great Americans 241 (Doubleday & Co.: N.Y. 1948).
20. Robert Green McCloskey, American Conservatism In The Age of Enterprise 146 (1951).
21. Matthew Josephson, The Robber Barons 424-425 (1934).James B. Dill was the man who brought Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan together for the purchase and sale of the Carnegie steel properties.
22. James Trager, The People’s Chronology 679 (1979).
23. Thomas R. Dye and L. Harmon Zeigler, The Irony of Democracy 75 (4th Ed. 1978).
24. William P. Hoar, Architects of Conspiracy 69 (1984).
25. David Tyack & Larry Cuban, Tinkering Toward Utopia: a Century of Public School Reform 91 (1995).
26. Rene A. Wormser, Foundations: Their Power and Influence 204 (1958).
27. William T. Still, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies 154 (1990).
28. C. Gregg Singer, The Unholy Alliance 39 (1975). Carnegie was very deferential to Elihu Root who on March 31, 1919, prepared his will witnessed by Silas W. Howland and Clinton Combes (both N.Y. lawyers). The Last Will and Testament 16 (RAF Books 1968).
29. William P. Hoar, Architects of Conspiracy 70 (1984).
30. Antony Sutton, Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution 53 (1974).
31. Peter Grose, Continuing The Inquiry 5-7 (1996).
32. Ferdinand Lundberg, The Rockefeller Syndrome 293 (1976).
33. Peter Grose, Continuing The Inquiry 7 (1996).
34. Peter Grose, Continuing The Inquiry 7 (1996).
35. Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy 165 (1989).
36. G. William Domhoff, The Powers That Be 64 (1978).
37. Peter Grose, Continuing The Inquiry 8 (1996).
38. Alan Stang, The Actor 2 (1968).
39. Eustace Mullins, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve 25 (1991).
40. Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. 160 (1966).
41. Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. 160 (1966).
42. Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. 160 (1966). House "habitually permitted Sir William Wiseman, head of the British Secret Service in the United States, to sit in his private office in New York and read the most secret documents of the American government. House’s father and mother had both been English." Sigmund Freud and William C. Bullitt, Thomas Woodrow Wilson: A Psychological Study 160 (1966).
43. G. Edward Griffin, Creature From Jekyll Island 239 (1994).
44. Alan Stang, The Actor 2 (1968).
45. John E. McManus, The Insiders 7 (1992).
46. Alan Stang, The Actor 13 (1968).
47. Alan Stang, The Actor 14 (1968).
48. Vol. I, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House 154 (Charles Seymour Ed. 1926).
49. Robert F. Rifkind, "The Colonel’s Dream of Power," American Heritage 64 (February 1959).
50. Wickliffe B. Vennard, Sr., The Federal Reserve Hoax Exposed 37 (1973).
51. Sigmund Freud and William C. Bullitt, Thomas Woodrow Wilson: A Psychological Study 152 (1966).
52. Robert F. Rifkind, "The Colonel’s Dream of Power," American Heritage 62 (February 1959).
53. Alexander L. George & Guliette L. George, Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House 131 (1964).
54. Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. 159 (1966).
55. Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. 158 (1966).
56. Vol. I, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House 153 (Charles Seymour Ed. 1926).
57. Rupert Norval Richardson, Colonel Edward M. House: The Texas Years 1858-1912 264 (1964).
58. Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government 44 (1962).
59. Paul Stevens, "The Origin of the Federal Reserve Act," Vol.
LXXXIV, No. 401, American Mercury 10-11 (June 1957). In 1932, FDR, as the Democrat candidate, met Col. House at Magnolia, Massachusetts, as they were returning East from the Chicago Convention. Curtis B. Dall, F.D.R.: My Exploited Father-In-Law 109-110 (1968). It has also been said: "That Roosevelt’s legislative program of the 1930’s followed the Dru course is beyond dispute: The National Industrial Recovery Act, the Agricultural Act, the ‘Wealth Tax Act,’ the huge measures for relief, the social security program, and the fight to change the structure of the Supreme Court–these are of the essence of Philip Dru’s philosophy, and in part follow his practices." Rupert Norval Richardson, Colonel Edward M. House: The Texas Years 1858-1912 264-265 (1964).
60. G. Edward Griffin, Creature from Jekyll Island 459 (1994).
61. Alan Stang, The Actor 16 (1968); George Sylvester Viereck, The Strangest Friendship in History 36-37 (1932).
62. Vol. I, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House 165 (Charles Seymour Ed. 1926).
63. Vol. I, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House 166 (Charles Seymour Ed. 1926).
64. Vol. I, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House 174 (Charles Seymour Ed. 1926).
65. Vol. I, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House 175 (Charles Seymour Ed. 1926).
66. Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government 2 (1962).
67. Paul Warburg, Henry Morgenthau and Jacob Schiff were also all 33rd degree Masons.
68. Larry Abraham, Call It Conspiracy 93 (1985).
69. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment 260 (1981).
70. Alan B. Jones, How The World Really Works 7 (1996).
71. Larry Abraham, Call it Conspiracy 93 (1985).
72. William Bramley, The Gods of Eden 362 (1990).
73. Daniel Brandt, "Philanthropists at War," NameBase NewsLine, No. 15 (October- December 1996).
74. Peter Grose, Continuing The Inquiry (1996).
75. Robert D. Schulzinger, The Wise Men of Foreign Affairs: The History of the Council on Foreign Relations 6 (1984).
76. Leonard & Mark Silk, The American Establishment 186 (1980).
77. Peter Grose, Continuing The Inquiry 5 (1996).
78. Council on Foreign Relations-Annual Report: 1979-1980.
79. Leonard & Mark Silk, The American Establishment 186 (1980).
80. Leonard & Mark Silk, The American Establishment 187 (1980).
81. Peter Grose, Continuing The Inquiry 8 (1996).
82. A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand 197 (1985).
83. Alan Stang, The Actor 43 (1968). See Also: Whitney H.
Shepardson, Early History of the Council on Foreign Relations 1, 8-9 (1960).
84. James Perloff, The Shadows of Power 38 (1988).
85. Thomas R. Dye, Who’s Running America? 151 1983).

Some of the Elite Who Are Working for the Global New World Order

Some of the Elite Who Are Working for the Global New World Order

Perhaps an alternative title to this post could be, “A List of Some of the Number One Enemies of the Public”. I wrote this assuming you know something about conspiratorial organizations such as Skull and Bones, the Council on Foreign Relation, the Trilateral Commission and other secret societies.

The photo was taken in 2001 and five of the people are now deceased. Some of the people in this photo need no introduction, but I’ll include one anyway. I got most of the descriptions of their identity from Wikipedia. This description is by no means complete. If anybody has any more information for me, please share it in the comments section below.

Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to me that every one of the people in the photo except the lady from South Africa is (or was when alive) a member of the American Democratic party.

From Left to right and top to bottom:

Bill Moyers, (born June 5, 1934) is an American journalist and political commentator of ultra liberally biased PBS News. He served as the ninth White House Press Secretary under the Johnson administration from 1965 to 1967. He was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, from 1967-1974.

Judy Woodruff (born November 20, 1946) is an American broadcast journalist who has worked in network, cable, and public television news since 1976. She is the anchor and managing editor of PBS NewsHour which is ultra liberally biased. Woodruff has covered every presidential election and convention since 1976. She has interviewed several heads of state and moderated U.S. presidential debates.

Anthony Fauci (born December 24, 1940) is an American physician-scientist and immunologist serving as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President. He’s also a pathological liar who has changed his position several times on the pandemic. He may be guilty of perjury before Congress. The only reason why he has yet to be prosecuted is because he’s protected.

Ted Turner (born November 19, 1938) is an American entrepreneur, television producer, media proprietor, and philanthropist. As a businessman, he is known as the founder of the fake news Cable News Network (CNN), the first 24-hour cable news channel. He wants 95% of the world’s population to die off! Quote: “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Tuner (Reference: Some people think Turner may be one of the sponsors, if not the sponsor, of the Georgia Guidestones.

Bill Gates Sr. (November 30, 1925 – September 14, 2020), was an American attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader. He was the founder of the law firm Shidler McBroom & Gates (a predecessor of K&L Gates). He was the father of Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, and the man behind the push to register every person on the planet at the time of their vaccination from Covid-19, with a digital encryption device planted under their skin. Gates Sr. served on the board of Planned Parenthood (PP) during the group’s infancy — a re-branded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. Eugenics is a social philosophy that advocates the hereditary improvement of the human race by selective breeding. The Nazis promoted eugenics.

Tom Brokaw (born February 6, 1940)is a American retired network television journalist and author. He first served as the co-anchor of The Today Show from 1976 to 1981 with Jane Pauley, then as the anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News for 22 years (1982–2004). At this position he was one of the “Big Three anchors” along with Dan Rather and Peter Jennings — all left-leaning fake news journalists. Tom Brokaw is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR, “the Swamp”). Reference:

George Soros (born August 12, 1930) is a Hungarian-born American billionaire investor and philanthropist — to leftist causes. He is a CFR member. Reference: He’s also the number one financier of terrorism worldwide and public enemy number one of the American people.

Mamphela Ramphele (born 28 December 1947) is a South African politician, an activist against apartheid, a medical doctor, an academic, and a businesswoman. She is the leader of Agang SA, a political party in South Africa. She’s also managing director of the World Bank.

David Rockefeller, AKA “Mr. Globalist,” (June 12, 1915 – March 20, 2017) was an American banker who served as chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation. He was also the chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Trilateral Commission. He’s responsible for the transfer of trillions of dollars of wealth from working and middle-class citizens in every major industrialized nation in the world.

Barbara Walters (born September 25, 1929) is an American retired broadcast journalist, author, and television personality. Known for her interviewing ability and popularity with viewers, Walters appeared as a host of numerous television programs, including Today, The View, 20/20, and the ABC Evening News. Corey Feldman – who was a child actor in the 1980s – has been claiming that he was abused by important Hollywood figures. In 2014, he was invited on The View to discuss his past experiences in Hollywood. And Barbara Walters was not amused at all. Indeed, when Feldman told Walters that the “richest, most powerful people in this business” were child abusers, she became visibly distraught. Then, when Feldman warned parents about the dangers of pushing their children into the entertainment industry, Walters’ response was extremely telling: “You’re damaging an entire industry”. Source:

Richard D. Parsons (born April 4, 1948), President and CEO of CitiBank. Paid Clinton and Pelosi to deregulate the banking system while the country was being distracted by Monica Lewinski. Is the Man Behind every stock market crash since the 1990s, Also a leading Criminal Figure in the Panama Papers. Source:

David McCullough (born July 7, 1933) is an American author, narrator, popular historian, and lecturer. He is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian award. McCullough is a member of Skull and Bones.

Irene Diamond (May 7, 1910 – January 21, 2003) was a liberal Hollywood talent scout and later in life a philanthropist. She was a Hollywood elite insider.

Leonore Annenberg (February 20, 1918 – March 12, 2009), also known as Lee Annenberg, was an American businesswoman, diplomat, and philanthropist. She was noted for serving as Chief of Protocol of the United States from 1981 to 1982. The chief of protocol is an officer of the United States Department of State responsible for advising the president of the United States, the vice president of the United States, and the United States secretary of state on matters of national and international diplomatic protocol. Her family owns Columbia Pictures.

Brooke Astor (March 30, 1902 – August 13, 2007) was an American philanthropist, socialite, and writer who was the chairwoman of the Vincent Astor Foundation, which had been established by her third husband, Vincent Astor, son of John Jacob Astor IV and great-great-grandson of America’s first multi-millionaire, John Jacob Astor. The Astor family is said to be one of the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations – By Myron Fagan

The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations – By Myron Fagan

Myron Coureval Fagan (October 31, 1887 – May 12, 1972) was an American writer, producer and director for film and theatre and a red scare figure in the late 1940s and 1950s. Fagan was an ardent anti-communist. Fagan arrived on Broadway in 1907, where he quickly became one of the younger playwrights in American theater. Over the years, he worked in the theater with Alla Nazimova, Douglas Fairbanks, and John Barrymore. He also directed plays for the producers such as Charles Frohman, David Belasco. Fagan also became the dramatic editor of the Associated Newspapers. Many of the actors, including Humphrey Bogart, Brian Donlevy and Robert Ryan, whom Fagan directed or who appeared in his plays or screen adaptions, later became stars in Hollywood. (Quoted from Wikipedia)

Myron C. Fagan

Myron C. Fagan

Bias-filled Wikipedia also refers to Myron Fagan as a “conspiracy theorist”. If you think what he said in this transcript from a 1967 recording to be just theory, just compare today’s reality of 2021 to what he said 53 years ago!

Transcript from the Audio Recording of “The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations”

The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a UN one-world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.

The reason for this unawareness of the frightening danger to our country and to the entire free world is simple. The masterminds behind this great conspiracy have absolute control of all of our mass communications media, especially television, the radio, the press, and Hollywood.

We all know that our State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House have brazenly proclaimed that they have the right and the power to manage the news, to tell us not the truth, but what they want us to believe.

They have seized that power on orders from their masters of the great conspiracy and the objective is to brainwash the people into accepting the phony peace bait to transform the United States into an enslaved unit of the United Nations’ one-world government.

First of all, bear in mind that the so-called UN police action in Korea, fought by the United States in which 150,000 of our sons were murdered and maimed, was part of the plot, just as the undeclared by Congress war in Vietnam in which our sons are dying is part of the plot, just as the plot against Rhodesia and South Africa in which our sons will be dying is part of the UN plot.

However, the vitally important thing for all Americans, all you mothers of the boys who died at Korea and are now dying in Vietnam, to know is that our so-called leaders in Washington, who we elected to safeguard our nation and our constitution, are the betrayers and that behind them are a comparatively small group of men whose sole objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in their satanic plot of one-world government.

Now in order to give you a very clear picture of this satanic plot, I will go back to its beginning, clear back in the middle of the 18th century and name the men who put that plot into action and then bring you down to the present– today’s status of that plot. Now as a matter of further intelligence, a term used by the FBI, let me clarify the meaning of the expression ‘he is a liberal.’

The enemy, meaning the one-world conspirators, have seized upon that word ‘liberal’ as a cover-up for their activities. It sounds so innocent and so humanitarian to be liberal. Well, make sure that the person who calls himself a liberal or is described as a liberal is not in truth a ‘red’.

Now then, this satanic plot was launched back in the 1760’s when it first came into existence under the name of the Illuminati. This Illuminati was organized by one Adam Weishaupt, born a Jew, who was converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest, and then, at the behest of the then newly organized House of Rothschild, defected and organized the Illuminati.

Naturally, the Rothschilds financed that operation, and every war since then, beginning with the French Revolution, has been promoted by the Illuminati operating under various names and guises. I say under various names and guises because after the Illuminati was exposed and became too notorious, Weishaupt and his co-conspirators began to operate under various other names. In the United States, immediately after World War I, they set up what they called the Council on Foreign Relations, commonly referred to as the CFR, and this CFR is actually the Illuminati in the United States. And its hierarchy, the masterminds in control of the CFR, to a very great extent, are descendants of the original Illuminati conspirators. But, to conceal that fact, most of them changed their original family names to American-sounding names. For example, the true name of the Dillons, Clarence and Douglas Dillon (once Secretary of the US Treasury Department), is Laposky. I’ll come back to all this later.

There is a similar establishment of the Illuminati in England operating under the name of the British Institute of International Affairs [The Royal Institute of International Affairs]. There are similar secret Illuminati organizations in France, Germany, and other nations operating under different names, and all these organizations, including the CFR, continuously set up numerous subsidiary or front organizations that are infiltrated into every phase of the various nations’ affairs. But at all times, the operations of these organizations were and are masterminded and controlled by the internationalist bankers, who in turn were and are controlled by the Rothschilds.

The details of how they accomplished the setting up of the CFR in the United States as also in the other nations, are far too voluminous to describe in this dissertation. But you can find it complete in news bulletin #122 entitled “UN is Spawn of the Illuminati”, and news bulletin #123 entitled “CFR Completely Unmasked as Illuminati”. Both are published by the Cinema Educational Guild, PO Box 46205, Hollywood California. You can get them for 50 cents per copy by writing to that address. Those news bulletins reveal the names of the original founders of the Illuminati and the Americanized names of their descendants in the present CFR.

Now I’ll go back to the activities of the original Illuminati conspirators as revealed in news bulletin #122. One branch of the Rothschild family had financed Napoleon. Another branch of the Rothschilds, both branches the real masterminds of the Illuminati, financed Britain, Germany, and the other nations in the Napoleonic wars.

Immediately after the Napoleonic wars, the Illuminati assumed that all the nations were so destitute and so weary of wars that they’d be glad for any solution, so the Rothschild stooges set up what they called the Congress in Vienna and at that meeting they tried to create the first League of Nations, their first attempted one-world government, on the theory that all the crowned heads of European governments were so deeply in debt to them that they would willingly or unwillingly serve as their stooges.

But the Czar of Russia caught the stench of the plot and completely torpedoed it. The enraged Nathan Rothschild, then the head of the dynasty, vowed that some day he or his descendants would destroy the Czar and his entire family, and his descendants did accomplish that very threat in 1917.

At this point, bear in mind that the Illuminati was not set up to operate on a short-range basis. Normally a conspirator of any type enters into a conspiracy with the expectation of achieving his objective during his own lifetime. But that was not the case with the Illuminati. True, they hoped to accomplish their objective during their lifetime, but paraphrasing, ‘the show must go on’. The Illuminati operates on the very long-range basis. Whether it will take scores of years or even centuries, they have dedicated their descendants to keep the pot boiling until, they hope, the conspiracy is achieved.

Now let’s go back to the birth of the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law, teaching in Ingolstadt University, when he defected from Christianity to embrace the luciferian conspiracy. It was in 1770 that the professional money lenders, the then recently organized House of Rothschild, retained him to revise and modernize the age-old Protocols of Zionism, which from the outset, was designed to give the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the luciferian ideology upon what would remain of the human race after the final social cataclysm by use of satanic despotism.

Weishaupt completed his task May 1, 1776. Now you know why May 1 is the great day with all communist nations to this very day. That was the day, May 1, 1776, that Weishaupt completed his plan and officially organized the Illuminati to put the plan into execution. That plan required the destruction of all existing governments and religions. That objective was to be reached by dividing the masses of people whom he, Weishaupt, termed ‘goyim’, or ‘human cattle’, into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social, economic, and other issues– the very conditions we have in our country today.

The opposing sides were then to be armed and incidents provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves and gradually destroy national governments and religious institutions. Again I say, the very conditions in the world today. And at this point let me stress a prime feature of the Illuminati plans. When and if their blueprint for world control, the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, is discovered and exposed, they would wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth in order to divert suspicions from themselves. If you think this is far fetched, bear in mind that they permitted Hitler, a liberal socialist himself, who was financed by corrupt Kennedys, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds, to incinerate 600,000 Jews.

Now just why did the conspirators choose the word ‘Illuminati’ for their satanic organization? Weishaupt himself said that the word is derived from Lucifer and means “holders of the light.” Using the lie that his objective was to bring about a one-world government to enable those with mental ability to govern the world and prevent all wars in the future– in short, using the words ‘peace on earth’ as his bait– exactly as that same bait ‘peace’ was used by the 1945 conspirators to force the United Nations on us, Weishaupt financed, I repeat, by the Rothschilds, recruited some 2,000 paid followers. These included the most intelligent men in the field of arts and letters, education, the sciences, finance, and industry.

He then established Lodges of the Grand Orient, Masonic Lodges, to be their secret headquarters and I again repeat, that in all of this he was acting under orders from the House of Rothschild. The main features of the Weishaupt plan of operation required his Illuminati to do the following things to help them to accomplish their purpose:

1.Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families.

Do you realize how many present top officials in our present government in Washington are controlled in just that way by the CFR? Do you realize how many homosexuals in our State Department, the Pentagon, all federal agencies, even in the White House are controlled that way?

2.Illuminati and the faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings and recommend them for special training in internationalism. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminists. That gives you an idea what a ‘Rhodes Scholarship’ means. It means indoctrination into accepting the idea that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. That’s how the United Nations was sold to the American people.  One of the most notable Rhodes scholars we have in our country is Senator William J. Fulbright, sometimes referred to as ‘half-bright’. His entire voting record spells Illuminati. All such scholars were to be first persuaded and then convinced that men of special talent and brains have the right to rule those less gifted on the ground that the masses don’t know what is best for them physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In addition to the Rhodes and similar scholarships, today there are three special Illuminati schools located in Gordonstown in Scotland, Salem in Germany, and Anavryti in Greece. These three are known ones, but there are others that are kept undercover. Prince Philip, the husband of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, was educated at Gordonstown at the instigation of Lord Louis Mountbatten, his uncle, a Rothschild relative, who became Britain’s Admiral of the Fleet after World War II ended.

3.All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would, in the long run, serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.

Do you know how many such men operate in our government at this very time? Rusk, McNamara, Hubert Humphrey, Fulbright, Keekle, and go on and on and on.

4.Perhaps the most vital directive in Weishaupt’s plan was to obtain absolute control of the press, at that time the only mass communications media, to distribute information to the public so that all news and information could be slanted so that the masses could be convinced that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems.

Now do you know who owns and controls our mass communications media? I’ll tell you. Practically all the movie lots in Hollywood is owned by the Lehmans, Kuhn-Loeb & Company, Goldman-Sachs, and other internationalist bankers. All the national radio and TV channels in the nation are owned and controlled by those same internationalist bankers.

The same is true of every chain of metropolitan newspapers and magazines, also of the press wire services, such as Associated Press, United Press International, etc. The supposed heads of all those media are merely the fronts for the internationalist bankers, who in turn compose the hierarchy of the CFR– today’s Illuminati in America.

Now can you understand why the Pentagon Press agent, Sylvester, so brazenly proclaimed that the government has the right to lie to the people. What he really meant was that our CFR controlled government had the power to lie to and be believed by the brain-washed American people.

And let’s again go back to the first days of the Illuminati. Because Britain and France were the two greatest world powers in the late years of the 18th Century, Weishaupt ordered the Illuminati to foment the colonial wars, including our Revolutionary War, to weaken the British Empire and organize the French Revolution to destroy the French empire. He scheduled the French Revolution to start in 1789. However, in 1784, a true act of God placed the Bavarian government in possession of evidence which proved the existence of the Illuminati and that evidence could have saved France if they, the French government, hadn’t refused to believe it.

Here is how that act of God happened. It was in [1874, says audio, but surely meant] 1784 that Weishaupt issued his orders for the French Revolution. A German writer, named Zwack, put it into book form. It contained the entire Illuminati story and Weishaupt’s plans. A copy of this book was sent to the Illuminists in France headed by Robespierre whom Weishaupt had delegated to foment the French Revolution.

The courier was struck and killed by lightening as he rode through Rallestown on his way from Frankfurt to Paris. The police found the subversive documents on his body and turned them over to the proper authorities. After careful study of the plot, the Bavarian government ordered the police to raid Weishaupt’s newly organized Lodges of the Grand Orient and the homes of his most influential associates.

All additional evidence thus discovered convinced the authorities that the documents were genuine copies of the conspiracy by which the Illuminati planned to use wars and revolutions to bring about the establishment of a one-world government, the powers of which they, headed by the Rothschilds, intended to usurp as soon as it was established, exactly in line with the United Nations plot of today.

In 1785, the Bavarian government outlawed the Illuminati and closed the Lodges of the Grand Orient. In 1786, they published all the details of the conspiracy. The English title of that publication is “The Original Writings of the Order and the Sect of the Illuminati.” Copies of the entire conspiracy were sent to all the heads of church and state in Europe. But the power of the Illuminati, which was actually the power of the Rothschilds, was so great that this warning was ignored. Nevertheless, the Illuminati became a dirty word and it went underground.

At the same time, Weishaupt ordered Illuminists to infiltrate into the Lodges of Blue Masonry and formed their own secret societies within all secret societies. Only Masons who proved themselves internationalists and those whose conduct proved they had defected from God were initiated into the Illuminati. Thenceforth, the conspirators donned the cloak of philanthropy and humanitarianism to conceal their revolutionary and subversive activities.

In order to infiltrate into Masonic Lodges in Britain, Weishaupt invited John Robison over to Europe. Robison was a high degree Mason in the Scottish Rite. He was a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University and Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Robison did not fall for the lie that the objective of the Illuminati was to create a benevolent dictatorship, but he kept his reactions to himself so well that he was entrusted with a copy of Weishaupt’s revised conspiracy for study and safekeeping.

Anyway, because the heads of state and church in France were deluded into ignoring the warnings given them, the revolution broke out in 1789 as scheduled by Weishaupt. In order to alert other governments to their danger, in 1798, Robison published a book entitled “Proof of a Conspiracy to Destroy all Governments and Religions” but his warnings were ignored, exactly as our American people have been ignoring all warnings about the United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations (the CFR).

[Part 2]

Now here is something that will stun and very likely outrage many who hear this, but there is documentary proof that our own Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton became students of Weishaupt. Jefferson was one of Weishaupt’s strongest defenders when he was outlawed by his government and it was Jefferson who infiltrated the Illuminati into the then newly organized lodges of the Scottish Rite in New England. Here is the proof.

In 1789, John Robison warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltrated into their lodges and on July 19, 1789, David Papen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating class and lectured them on the influence of Illuminism was acquiring on American politics and religion, and to top it off, John Quincy Adams, who had organized the New England Masonic Lodges, issued his warnings. He wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, a top Mason, in which he exposed how Jefferson was using Masonic lodges for subversive Illuministic purposes. Those three letters are at this very time in Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia. In short, Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati which at least partly accounts for the condition of the party at this time and through infiltration of the Republican Party, we have exactly nothing of loyal Americanism today.

[Audio missing here? It seems an abrupt change of subject!]

That disastrous rebuff at the Congress of Vienna created by the Czar of Russia, Alexander I, did not by any means destroy the Illuminati conspiracy. It merely forced them to adopt a new strategy realizing that the one-world idea was, for the moment, killed, the Rothschild’s decided that to keep the plot alive they would have to do it by heightening their control of the money systems of the European nations.

Earlier, by a ruse the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo had been falsified, Rothschild had spread a story that Napoleon had one bad battle. That had precipitated a terrific panic on the stock market in England. All stocks had plummeted down to practically zero and Nathan Rothschild bought all the stocks for virtually a penny on its dollar values.

That gave him complete control of the economy of Britain and virtually of all Europe. So immediately after that Congress in Vienna had boomeranged, Rothschild forced Britain to set up a new Bank of England which he absolutely controlled, exactly as later, through Jacob Schiff, he engineered our own Federal Reserve Act which gave the House of Rothschild a secret control of the economy in the United States. But now for a moment, let’s dwell on the activities of the Illuminati in the United States.

In 1826, one Captain William Morgan decided it was his duty to inform all Masons and the general public what the full proof was regarding the Illuminati, their secret plans, and intended objectives; also reveal the identities of the masterminds of the conspiracy. The Illuminati promptly tried Morgan in absentia and convicted him of treason.

They ordered one Richard Howard, an English Illuminist, to carry out their sentence of execution as a traitor. Morgan was warned and he tried to escape to Canada, but Howard caught up with him near the border, near the Niagara Gorge to be exact, where he murdered him. This was verified in a sworn statement made in New York by one Avery Allen to the effect that he heard Howard render his report of the execution to a meeting of Knights Templars in St. John’s Hall in New York. He also told how arrangements had been made to ship Howard back to England.

That Allen affidavit is on record in New York City Archives. Very few Masons and very few of the general public know that general disapproval over that incident of murder caused approximately half of all the Masons in the northern jurisdiction of the United States to secede. Copies of the minutes of the meeting held to discuss that matter are still in existence in safe hands and that all that secrecy emphasizes the power of the masterminds of the Illuminati to prevent such terrible events of history from being taught in our schools.

In the early 1850’s the Illuminati held a secret meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were told that the Illuminati was organizing to unite the Nihilist and Atheist groups with all other subversive groups into an international group to be known as Communists. That was when the word ‘communist’ first came into being and it was intended to be the supreme weapon and scare word to terrify the whole world and drive the terrorized peoples into the Illuminati one-world scheme.

This scheme, communism, was to be used to enable the Illuminati to foment future wars and revolutions. Clinton Roosevelt (a direct ancestor of Franklin Roosevelt), Horace Greeley, and Charles Dana, foremost newspaper publishers of that time were appointed to head a committee to raise funds for the new venture. Of course, most of the funds were provided by the Rothschilds and this fund was used to finance Karl Marx and Engels when they wrote “Das Kaptial” and the “Communist Manifesto” in Soho, England. And this clearly reveals that communism is not a so-called ideology, but a secret weapon, a bogy man word to serve the purpose of the Illuminati.

Weishaupt died in 1830, but prior to his death, he prepared a revised version of the age-old conspiracy, the Illuminati, which under various aliases was to organize, finance, direct, and control all international organizations and groups by working their agents into executive positions at the top.

In the United States we have Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Johnson, Rusk, McNamara, Fulbright, etc., as prime examples.

In addition, while Karl Marx was writing the Communist Manifesto under the direction of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis under direction of another group. The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger numbers of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions.

The work Ritter started was continued after his death and completed by the German so-called philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche who founded Nietzscheanism. This Nietzscheanism was later developed into Fascism and then into Nazism and was used to foment World War I and II.

In 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, was selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world. He served in that capacity until he died in 1872, but some years before he died, Mazzini had enticed an American General named Albert Pike into the Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and ultimately he became the head of this luciferian conspiracy.

Between 1859 and 1871 he, Pike, worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th century. Again I remind that these conspirators were never concerned with immediate success. They also operated on a long-range view.

Pike did most of his work in his home in Little Rock, Arkansas. But a few years later, when the Illuminati’s Lodges of the Grand Orient became suspect and repudiated because of Mazzini’s revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized what he called the New and Reformed Palladian Right.

He set up three Supreme Councils: one in Charleston, South Carolina; one in Rome, Italy; and a third in Berlin, Germany. He had Mazzini establish 23 subordinate councils in strategic locations throughout the world. These have been the secret headquarters of the world revolutionary movement ever since.

Long before Marconi invented radio, the scientists in the Illuminati had found the means for Pike and the heads of his councils to communicate secretly. It was the discovery of that secret that enabled intelligence officers to understand how apparently unrelated incidents, ones such as the assassination of an Austrian Prince at Sarajevo, took place simultaneously throughout the world which developed into a war or a revolution.

Pike’s plan was as simple as it has proved effective. It called for Communism, Nazism, political Zionism, and other international movements be organized and used to foment three global world wars and at least two major revolutions.

The first world war was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to destroy Czarism in Russia, as vowed by Rothschild after the Czar had torpedoed his scheme at the Congress in Vienna, and to transform Russia into a stronghold of atheistic communism. The differences stirred up by agents of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war would be ended, communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War II, when and if necessary, was to be fomented by using the controversies between Fascists and political zionists, and here let it be noted that Hitler was financed by Krupp, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds, and other internationalist bankers and that the slaughter of the supposed 600,000 Jews by Hitler didn’t bother the Jewish internationalist bankers at all.

That slaughter was necessary in order to create worldwide hatred of the German people and thus bring about the war against them. In short, this second world war was to be fought to destroy nazism and to increase the power of political zionism so that the state of Israel could be established in Palestine.

During this World War II, international communism was to be built up until it equalled in strength to that of united Christendom. When it reached that point, it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. As we know now, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin put that exact policy into effect and Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson continued that same exact policy.

World War III is to be fomented by using the so-called controversies, the agents of the Illuminati operating under whatever new name, are now being stored up between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. That war is to be directed in such a manner that all of Islam and political Zionism (Israel) will destroy each other while at the same time, the remaining nations once more divided on this issue will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion– physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically.

Now, can any thinking person doubt that the intrigue now going on in the Near-, Middle-, and Far-East is designed to accomplish that satanic objective? Pike himself foretold all this in a statement he made to Mazzini on August 15, 1871. Pike stated that after World War III is ended, those who will inspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. Quoting his own words taken from the letter he wrote to Mazzini and which letter is now catalogued in the British Museum in London, England, he said:

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose deistic spirits will be from that moment on without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

When Mazzini died in 1872, Pike made another Italian revolutionary leader named Adrian Lemmy, his successor. Lemmy, in turn, was succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky, then by Stalin. The revolutionary activities of all those men were financed by British, French, German, and American international bankers– all of them dominated by the House of Rothschilds.

We are supposed to believe that the international bankers of today, like the money changers of Christ’s day, are only the tools or agents of the great conspiracy, but actually they are the masterminds behind all of it, while the general public has been brain-washed by all the mass communications media into believing that communism is a movement of the so-called workers. The actual fact is that both British and American intelligence officers have authentic documentary evidence that international liberals, operating through their international banking houses, particularly the House of Rothschilds, have financed both sides of every war and revolution since 1776.

Those who today comprise the conspiracy (the CFR in the United States) direct our governments whom they hold in usury through such methods as the Federal Reserve System in America to fight wars, such as Vietnam (created by the United Nations), so as to further Pike’s Illuminati plans to bring the world to that stage of the conspiracy when atheistic communism and the whole of Christianity can be forced into an all out third world war within each remaining nation as well as on an international scale.

The headquarters of the great conspiracy in the late 1700’s was in Frankfurt, Germany where the House of Rothschild had been established by Mayer Anselm who adopted the Rothschild name and linked together other international financiers who had literally sold their souls to the devil. After the Bavarian government’s exposure in 1786, the conspirators moved their headquarters to Switzerland then to London. Since World War II, after Jacob Schiff, the Rothschild’s boy in America died, the headquarters of the American branch has been in the Harold Pratt Building in New York, and the Rockefellers, originally proteges of Schiff, have taken over the manipulation of finances in America for the Illuminati.

In the final phases of the conspiracy, the one-world government will consist of the king-dictator, head of the United Nations, the CFR, and a few billionaires, economists, and scientists who have proved their devotion to the great conspiracy. All others are to be integrated into a vast conglomeration of mongrelized humanity– actually slaves.

Now let me show you how our federal government and the American people have been sucked into the one-world take-over plot of the Illuminati great conspiracy and always bear in mind, that the United Nations was created to become the housing for that one-world, so-called, liberal conspiracy. The real foundations of the plot of the takeover of the United States were laid during the period of our Civil War. Not that Weishaupt and the earlier masterminds had ever overlooked the new world, as I have previously indicated, Weishaupt had his agents planted over here as far back as the Revolutionary War. But George Washington was more than a match for them.

It was during the Civil War that the conspirators launched their first concrete efforts. We know that Judah Benjamin, chief advisor of Jefferson Davis, was a Rothschild agent. We also know that there were Rothschild agents planted in Abraham Lincoln’s cabinet who tried to sell him into a financial dealing with the House of Rothschild.

But old Abe saw through the scheme and bluntly rejected it thereby incurring the undying enmity of the Rothschilds, exactly as the Russian Czar did when he torpedoed their first League of Nations at the Congress in Vienna. Investigation of the assassination of Lincoln revealed that the assassin, Booth, was a member of a secret conspiratorial group. Because there were a number of highly important government officials involved, the name of the group was never revealed and it became a mystery, exactly as the assassination of Jack Kennedy still is a mystery. But I am sure it will not for long remain a mystery.

Anyway, the ending of the Civil War destroyed, temporarily, all chances of the House of Rothschilds to get a clutch on our money system, such as they had acquired in Britain and other nations in Europe. I say temporarily because the Rothschilds and the masterminds of the conspiracy never quit, so they had to start from scratch. But they lost no time in getting started.

Shortly after the Civil War, a young immigrant, who called himself Jacob H. Schiff, arrived in New York. Jacob was a young man with a mission for the House of Rothschild. Jacob was the son of a Rabbi born in one of the Rothschild’s houses in Frankfurt, Germany.

I won’t go deeply into his background. The important point was that Rothschild recognized in him not only a potential money wizard, but more important, he also saw the latent Machiavellian qualities in Jacob that could, as it did, make him an invaluable functionary in the great one-world conspiracy.

After a comparatively brief training period in the Rothschild’s London Bank, Jacob left for America with instructions to buy into a banking house which was to be the springboard to acquire control of the money system of the United States. Actually, Jacob came here to carry out four specific assignments:

1.And most important, was to acquire control of America’s money system.

2.Find desirable men, who for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the great conspiracy and promote them into high places in our federal government, our Congress, and the US Supreme Court, and all federal agencies.

3.Create minority group strife throughout the nations– particularly between the whites and blacks.

4.Create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, but Christianity to be the chief target.

[Part 3]

[1. Take control of US money system.]

Earlier I stated that Jacob Schiff came to America with orders by Rothschild to carry out four specific directives. The first and most important one was to get control of the United States’ money system. Let’s trace Schiff’s step to accomplish that directive. As a first step he had to buy into a banking house, but it had to be the kind of a house that he could absolutely control and mold for that primary objective of entrapping our US money system.

After carefully scouting around, Jacob bought a partnership in a firm that called itself Kuhn and Loeb. Like Schiff, Kuhn and Loeb were immigrants from German Jewish ghettos. They came to the United States in the mid 1840’s. Both started their business careers as itinerant pack peddlers. In the early 1850’s they pooled their interests and set up a merchandise store in Lafayette, Indiana under the firm name of Kuhn and Loeb servicing the covered wagon settlers on their way west. In the years that followed, they set up similar stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Then they added pawnbroking to their merchandising pursuits. From that to money lending was a short and quick step.

By the time Schiff arrived on the scene, Kuhn and Loeb was a well-known private banking firm, and this is the firm Jacob bought into. Shortly after he became a partner in Kuhn and Loeb, Schiff married Loeb’s daughter, Teresa, then he bought out Kuhn’s interests and moved the firm to New York and Kuhn and Loeb became Kuhn-Loeb & Company; international bankers with Jacob Schiff, agent of the Rothschilds, ostensibly the sole owner. And throughout his career, this blend of Judas and Machiavelli, the first hierarch of the Illuminati’s great conspiracy in America, posed as a generous philanthropist and a man of great holiness– the cover-up policy set forth by the Illuminati.

[2. Install puppets in government.]

As I have stated, the first great step of the conspiracy was to be the entrapment of our money system. To achieve that objective, Schiff had to get full cooperation of the then big banker elements in America, and that was easier said than done. Even in those years, Wall Street was the heart of the American money mart and J.P. Morgan was its dictator. Next in line were the Drexels and the Biddles of Philadelphia. All the other financiers, big and little, danced to the music of those three houses, but particularly to that of Morgan. All of those three were proud, haughty, arrogant potentates.

For the first few years, they viewed the little bewhiskered man from the German ghettos with utter contempt, but Jacob knew how to overcome that. He threw a few Rothschild bones to them. Said bones being distribution in America of desirable European stock and bond issues. Then he discovered that he had a still more potent weapon in his hands in the following:

It was in the decades following our Civil War that our industries began to burgeon. We had great railroads to build. The oil, mining, steel, textile industries were bursting out of their swaddling clothes. All of that called for vast financing. Much of that financing had to come from abroad. That meant the House of Rothschild and that was when Schiff came into his own. He played a very crafty game.

He became the patron saint of John D. Rockefeller, Edward R. Harriman, and Andrew Carnegie. He financed the Standard Oil Company for Rocky, the Railroad Empire for Harriman, and the Steel Empire for Carnegie. But instead of hogging all the other industries for Kuhn-Loeb & Company, he opened the doors of the House of Rothschild to Morgan, Biddle, and Drexel. In turn, Rothschild arranged the setting up of London, Paris, European and other branches for those three, but always in partnerships with Rothschild subordinates and Rothschild made it very clear to all those men that Schiff was to be the boss in New York.

Thus at the turn of the century Schiff had a tight control of the entire banking fraternity on Wall Street which by then, with Schiff’s help, included Lehman brothers, Goldman-Sachs, and other internationalist banks headed by men chosen by the Rothschilds. In short, that meant control of the nation’s money powers and he was then ready for the giant step– the entrapment of our national money system.

Now under our Constitution, all control of our money system is vested solely in our Congress. Schiff’s next important step was to seduce our Congress to betray that Constitutional edict by surrendering that control to the hierarchy of the Illuminati’s great conspiracy. In order to legalize that surrender and thus make the people powerless to resist it, it would be necessary to have Congress enact special legislation.

To accomplish that, Schiff would have to infiltrate stooges into both houses of Congress. Stooges powerful enough to railroad Congress into passing such legislation. Equally, or even more important, he would have to plant a stooge in the White House a president that is without integrity and without scruples who would sign that legislation into law. To accomplish that, he had to get control of either the Republican or the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party was the more vulnerable. It was the hungrier of the two parties. Except for Grover Cleveland, the Democrats had been unable to land one of their men in the White House since before the Civil War. There were two reasons for that:

1.Poverty of the Party.

2.There were considerably more Republican-minded voters than Democrats.

The poverty matter was not a great problem, but the voter problem was a different story. But as I previously said, Schiff was a smart cookie.

Here is the atrocious and murderous method he employed to solve that voter problem. His solution emphasizes how very little the Jewish internationalist bankers care about their own racial brethren as you shall see.

Suddenly, around 1890, there broke out a nationwide series of pogroms in Russia. Many, many, thousands of innocent Jews– men, women, and children, were slaughtered by the Cossacks and other peasants. Similar pogroms with similar slaughter of innocent Jews broke out in Poland, Rumania, and Bulgaria. All those pogroms were fomented by Rothschild agents. As a result, Jewish terrified refugees from all of those nations swarmed into the United States and that continued throughout the next two or three decades because the pogroms were continuous through all those years. All those refugees were aided by self-styled humanitarian committees set up by Schiff, the Rothschilds, and all the Rothschild affiliates.

In the main, the refugees streamed into New York, but the Schiff-Rothschild humanitarian committees found ways to shuffle many of them into other large cities such as Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles, etc. All of them were quickly transformed into naturalized citizens and educated to register as Democrats. Thus all of that so-called minority group became solid Democratic voter blocks in their communities, all controlled and maneuvered by their so-called benefactors. And shortly after the turn of the century, they became vital factors in the political life of our nation. That was one of the methods Schiff employed to plant men like Nelson Aldrich in our Senate and Woodrow Wilson in the White House.

[3. Racial Strife.]

At this point let me remind you of another of the important jobs that was assigned to Schiff when he was dispatched to America. I refer to the job of destroying the unity of the American people by creating minority-group and racial strife. By the pogrom-driven Jewish refugees into America, Schiff was creating one ready-made minority group for that purpose. But the Jewish people, as a whole, made fearful by the pogroms, could not be depended upon to create the violence necessary to destroy the unity of the American people.

But right within America, there was an already made-to-order, although as yet a sleeping minority group, the Negroes, who could be sparked into so-called demonstrations, rioting, looting, murder, and every other type of lawlessness. All that was necessary, was to incite and arouse them. Together, those two minority groups, properly maneuvered, could be used to create exactly the kind of strife in America the Illuminati would need to accomplish their objective.

Thus at the same time that Schiff and co-conspirators were laying their plans for the entrapment of our money system, they were also perfecting plans to hit the unsuspecting American people with an explosive and terrifying racial upheaval that would tear the people into hate-factions and create chaos throughout the nation, especially on all college and university campuses, all protected by Earl Warren decisions and our so-called leaders in Washington. Of course, perfecting those plans required time and infinitely patient organizing.

Now to remove all doubts, I take a few moments to give you documentary proof of this racial strife plot. First of all they had to create leadership and organizations to draw in millions of dupes, both Jewish and Negroes, who would do the demonstrating and commit the rioting, looting, and lawlessness.

So in 1909, Schiff, the Lehmans, and other conspirators, organized and set up the “National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People” known as the NAACP. The presidents, directors, and legal councils of the NAACP were always white men, Jews, appointed by Schiff, and this is the case to this very day.

Then in 1913, the Schiff group organized the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith commonly known as the ADL to serve as the gestapo and hatchet-man outfit for the entire great conspiracy. Today this sinister ADL maintains over 2,000 agencies in all parts of the country and they advise and completely control every action of the NAACP or of the Urban League of all the other so-called Negro civil rights organizations throughout the nation including such leaders as Martin ‘Lucifer’ King, Stockely Carmichael, Bayard Rustin, and others of that ilk.

In addition, the ADL acquired absolute control of the advertising budgets of many department-stores, hotel-chains, and TV and Radio industrialist sponsors, also advertising-agencies in order to control practically all the mass-communications media and force every loyal newspaper to slant and falsify the news and to further incite, and, at the same time create sympathy for, the lawlessness and violence of the Negro mobs.

Here is documentary proof of the beginning of their deliberate plot to foment the Negroes into all their lawlessness:

Around 1910, one Israel Zengwill wrote a play entitled “The Melting-Pot”. It was sheer propaganda to incite the Negroes and Jews because the play purportedly visualized how the American people were discriminating against, and persecuting Jews and Negroes. At that time nobody seemed to realize that it was a propaganda play– it was that cleverly-written. The propaganda was well wrapped up in the true, great entertainment in the play, and it was a big Broadway Hit.

Now in those years, the legendary Diamond Jim Brady used to throw a banquet at the famous Delmonico Restaurant in New York after the opening-performance of a popular play. He threw such a party for the cast of “The Melting-Pot”, its author, producer, and chosen Broadway celebrities. By then I’d already made a personal mark on the Broadway Theater and was invited to that party. There I met George Bernard Shaw and a Jewish writer named Israel Cohen. Zangwill, Shaw, and Cohen were the triumvirate who created the Fabian Society in England and had worked closely with a Frankfurt Jew named Mordicai who had changed his name to Karl Marx, but remember, at that time both Marxism and Communism were just emerging and nobody paid much attention to either, and nobody suspected the propaganda in the writings of those three really brilliant writers.

At that banquet, Israel Cohen told me that he was then engaged in writing a book which was to be a follow-up on Zangwill’s “The Melting-Pot”. The title of his book was to be “A Racial Program for the 20th Century.” At that time I was completely absorbed by my work as a playwright, and significant as that title was, its real objective never dawned on me nor was I interested in reading the book. But it suddenly hit me with the force of a hydrogen bomb when I received a newspaper clipping of an item published by the Washington D.C. Evening Star in May 1957. That item was a verbatim reprint of the following excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book “A Racial Program for the 20th Century” and it reads as I quote:

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt-complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

That same excerpt was entered into the Congressional Record of June 7, 1957, by Representative Thomas G. Abernathy. Thus the authenticity of that passage in Cohen’s book was fully established. But the one question that remained in my mind was whether it represented the official policy or plot of the Communist Party or just a personal expression of Cohen himself. Hence I sought more proof and I found it in an official pamphlet published in 1935 by the New York Communist Party’s official Workers’ Library Publishers. That pamphlet was entitled The Negroes in a Soviet America. It urged the Negroes to rise up, form a soviet-state in the south, and apply for admission to the Soviet Union. It contained a firm pledge that the revolt would be supported by all American ‘reds’ and all so-called liberals. On page 38, it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits to Negroes than to whites and again this official communist pamphlet pledged that, I quote: “any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the revolutionary law.” That statement proved that the excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book published in 1913 was an official edict of the Communist Party and directly in line with the Illuminati blueprint for world revolution issued by Weishaupt and later by Albert Pike.

Now there’s only one question and that is to prove that the communist regime is directly controlled by the American Jacob Schiff and London Rothschild masterminds of the great conspiracy. A little later I will provide that proof that will remove even a remote doubt that the Communist Party, as we know it, was created by those masterminds, capitalists if you will note, that Schiff, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds planned and financed the entire Russian Revolution, also the murder of the Czar and his family, and that Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin took their orders directly from Schiff and the other capitalists whom they supposedly are fighting.

Now can you see why the vile Earl Warren and his equally vile co-Supreme Court justices issued that infamous and treasonous desegregation decision in 1954? It was to aid and abet the plot of the Illuminati conspirators to create tension and strife between the Negroes and Whites. Can you see why the same Earl Warren issued his decision prohibiting Christian prayers and Christmas carols in our schools? It was done to destroy Christianity. Can you see why Eisenhower, despite all the rigid constitutional prohibitions, sent federal troops into a southern state to enforce the desegregation decision? Why Kennedy did likewise? And can you see why Johnson and 66 Senators, despite the protests of 90% of the American people, voted for the Consular Treaty which opens our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs? All those 66 Senators are 20th century ‘Benedict Arnolds’.

It is up to you and you, all of the American people, to force Congress, our elected servants, to haul in those American traitors for impeachments and that when proven guilty, they all be given the punishment prescribed for traitors who aid and abet our enemies. And that includes the forcing of rigid investigations by Congress of the CFR and all their fronts, such as the ADL, the NAACP, SNIC, and such Illuminati tools as Martin ‘Lucifer’ King. Such investigations will completely unmask all the leaders in Washington and the Illuminati and all their affiliations and affiliates as traitors carrying out the Illuminati plot. It will completely unmask the United Nations as the intended crux of the entire plot and force Congress to take the US out of the UN and hurl the UN out of the US. In fact, it will destroy the UN and the entire plot.

Before I close this phase, I wish to reiterate and stress one vital point which I urge you to never forget if you wish to save our country for your children and their children. Here is the point. Every unconstitutional and unlawful act committed by Woodrow Wilson, by Franklin Roosevelt, by Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy and are now being committed by Johnson, is exactly in line with the Illuminati conspirators centuries-old plot outlined by Weishaupt and Albert Pike. Every vicious decision issued by the traitorous Earl Warren and his equally traitorous Supreme Court justices was directly in line with what the Illuminati blueprint required. That all the treason committed by our State Department under Rusk and earlier by John Foster Dulles, and Marshall, also all the treason committed by McNamara and his predecessors is directly in line with that same Illuminati blueprint for the takeover of the world. Also the amazing treason by various members of our Congress, especially by the 66 Senators who signed for the Consular Treaty, has been committed on orders from the Illuminati.

[Part 4]

Now I will go back to Jacob Schiff’s entrapment of our money system and the treasonous actions that followed. It will also reveal the Schiff-Rothschild control of not only Karl Marx, but of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, who created the revolution in Russia and set up the Communist Party.

It was in 1908 that Schiff decided that the time had come for his seizure of our money system. His chief lieutenants in that seizure were Colonel Edward Mandell House whose entire career was that of chief executive and courier for Schiff as I shall show, Bernard Barouk, and Herbert Lehman. In the fall of that year, they assembled in secret conclave at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club, owned by J.P. Morgan at Jekyll Island, Georgia. Among those present were J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Colonel House, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Schiff, Stillman and Vandlelip of the New York National City Bank, W. and J. Seligman, Eugene Myer, Bernard Barouk, Herbert Lehman, Paul Warburg, in short, all of the international bankers in America. All of them members of the hierarchy of the Illuminati’s great conspiracy.

A week later they emerged with what they called the Federal Reserve System. Senator Aldrich was the stooge who was to railroad it through Congress, but they held that railroading in abeyance for one chief reason. They would first have to plant their man, an obedient stooge, in the White House to sign the Federal Reserve Act into law. They knew that even if the Senate would pass that act unanimously, the then newly elected President Taft would promptly veto it. So they waited.

In 1912, their man, Woodrow Wilson, was elected to the presidency. Immediately after Wilson was inaugurated, Senator Aldrich railroaded the Federal Reserve Act through both houses of Congress and Wilson promptly signed it and the Federal Reserve Act became law. That heinous act of treason was committed on December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas when all the members of Congress, except for several carefully picked Representatives and three equally carefully picked Senators, were away from Washington. How heinous treasonous was that act? I’ll tell you. Our founding fathers knew full well the power of money. They knew that whoever had that power held the destiny of our nation in his hands. Therefore, they carefully guarded this power when they set forth in the Constitution, that Congress, the elected representatives of the people, alone would have the power. The Constitutional language on this point is brief, concise, and specific, stated in Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5, defining the duties and powers of Congress, and I quote: “to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and the standard of weights and measures.” But on that tragic, unforgettable day of infamy, December 23, 1913, the men we sent to Washington to safeguard our interests, the Representatives and Senators and Woodrow Wilson, delivered the destiny of our nation into the hands of two aliens from Eastern Europe, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg. Warburg was a very recent immigrant who came here on orders from Rothschild for the express purpose of blueprinting that foul Federal Reserve Act.

Now the vast majority of the American people think that the Federal Reserve System is the United States Government owned agency. That is positively false. All of the stock of the federal reserve banks is owned by the member banks and the heads of the member banks are all members of the hierarchy of the great Illuminati conspiracy known today as the CFR.

The details of that act of treason, in which many traitorous so-called Americans participated, are far too long for this reporting, but all those details are available in a book entitled, “The Federal Reserve Conspiracy”, written by Eustace Mullins. In that book, Mullins tells the entire horrifying story and backs it up with unquestionable documentations. Aside from it being a truly fascinating and shocking story of that great betrayal, every American should read it as a matter of vital intelligence for the time when the whole American people will finally come awake and smash the entire conspiracy and with God’s help, that awakening will surely come. You can get a copy of that book from the publisher, The Christian Educational Association, 530 Chestnut St., Union, New Jersey.

Now if you think that those aliens and their by accident-of-birth American co-conspirators would be content with just the control of our money system, you are in for another very sad shock. The Federal Reserve System gave the conspirators complete control of our money system, but it in no way touched the earnings of the people because the Constitution positively forbids what is now known as the 20% withholding tax. But the Illuminati blueprint for one-world enslavement called for the confiscation of all private property and control of individual earning powers. This, and Karl Marx stressed that feature in his blueprint, had to be accomplished by a progressive graduated income tax. As I have stated, such a tax could not lawfully be imposed upon the American people. It is succinctly and expressly forbidden by our Constitution. Thus, only an Amendment to the Constitution could give the federal government such confiscatory powers.

Well, that too was not an insurmountable problem for our Machiavellian plotters. The same elected leaders in both houses of Congress and the same Mr. Woodrow Wilson, who signed the infamous Federal Reserve Act into law, amended the Constitution to make the federal income tax, known as the 16th Amendment, a law of the land. Both are illegal under our Constitution. In short, the same traitors signed both betrayals, the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment, into law. However, it seems that nobody ever realized that the 16th amendment was set up to rob, and I do mean rob, the people of their earnings via the income tax provision.

The plotters didn’t fully use the provision until World War II when that great humanitarian, Franklin Roosevelt, applied a 20% withholding tax on all small wage earners and up to 90% on higher incomes. Oh, of course, he faithfully promised that it would be only for the duration of the war, but what was a promise to such a charlatan who in 1940, when he was running for his third term, kept proclaiming: “I say again and again and again that I will never send American boys to fight on foreign soil.” Remember? He was proclaiming that even as he was already preparing to plunge us into World War II by enticing the Japanese into that ‘sneak attack’ on Pearl Harbor to furnish him with his excuse.

And before I forget, let me remind you that another charlatan named Woodrow Wilson used exactly that same campaign slogan in 1916. His slogan was, “Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war.” Exactly the same formula, exactly the same promises. But wait, as Al Jolson used to say, “You ain’t heard nothin’ yet.” That 16th Amendment income tax trap was intended to confiscate– rob– the earnings only of the common herd, you and me. It was not intended to even touch the huge incomes of the Illuminati gang, the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Lehmans, and all the other conspirators.

So together, with that 16th Amendment, they created what they called the tax-free foundations that would enable the conspirators to transform their huge wealth into such so-called foundations and avoid payment of virtually all income taxes. The excuse for it was that the earnings of those tax-free foundations would be devoted to humanitarian philanthropy. So we now have the several Rockefeller Foundations, the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the Ford Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and hundreds of similar tax-free foundations.

And what kind of philanthropy do these foundations support? Well, they finance all the civil rights groups that are creating all the chaos and rioting all over the country. They finance the Martin ‘Lucifer’ Kings. The Ford Foundation finances the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, commonly referred to as Moscow West, and which is headed by ‘wonder boy’ Hutchens, Walter Ruther, Erwin Canham and others of that ilk.

In short, the tax-free foundations financed those who are doing the job for the Illuminati’s great conspiracy. And what are the hundreds of billions of dollars they confiscate every year from the earnings of the common herd, you and me, used for? Well, for one thing, there is the foreign aid gimmick which gave billions to communist Tito, plus gifts of hundreds of jet planes, many of which were turned over to Castro, plus the costs of training communist pilots so that they can the better to shoot down our planes. Billions to red Poland. Billions to India. Billions to Sukarno. Billions to other enemies of the United States. That’s what that treasonously railroaded 16th Amendment has done to our nation, to the American people, to you and to me, to your children and their children.

Our CFR Illuminati controlled federal government can grant tax-free status to all foundations and pro-red one-world outfits, such as the Fund for the Republic. But if you or a patriotic pro-organization is too outspokenly pro-American, they can terrify and intimidate you by finding a misplaced comma in your income-tax report and by threatening you with penalties, fines, and even prison. Future historians will wonder how the American people could have been so naive and stupid as to have permitted such audacious brazen acts of treason as the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. Well, they were not naive and they were not stupid. The answer is, they trusted the men they elected to safeguard our country and our people, and they just didn’t have even an inkling about either betrayal, until after each one had been accomplished.

It was the Illuminati controlled mass communications media that kept, and is keeping, our people naive and stupid and unaware of the treason being committed. Now the great question is, when will the people wake up and do to our traitors of today what George Washington and our founding fathers would have done to Benedict Arnold? Actually, Benedict Arnold was a petty traitor compared to our present traitors in Washington. Now let’s go back to the events that followed the rape of our Constitution by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. Was Wilson completely under their control?

The masterminds of the great conspiracy put in motion their next and what they hoped would be their final steps to achieve their one-world government. The first of those steps was to be World War I. Why War? Simple. The only excuse for a one-world government was that it will supposedly ensure peace. The only thing that can make people cry for peace, is war. War brings chaos, destruction, exhaustion, to winner as well as to loser. It brings economic ruin to both. Most important, it destroys the flower of the young manhood of both. To the saddened and heartbroken oldsters the mothers and fathers who are left with nothing but memories of their beloved sons, peace becomes worth any price. And that is the emotion upon which the conspirators depend for the success of their satanic plot.

Throughout the 19th century, from 1814 to 1914, the world, as a whole, was at peace. Such wars as the Franco-Prussian, our own Civil War, the Russo-Japanese War, were what might be termed local disturbances that did not affect the rest of the world. All the great nations were prosperous and the people staunchly nationalistic and fiercely proud of their sovereignties. It was utterly unthinkable that the French and the German peoples would be willing to live under a one-world government, or the Turks and the Russians, or the Chinese and the Japanese. Even more unthinkable is that a Kaiser Wilhelm, or a Franz Joseph, or a Czar Nicholas, or any Monarch, would willingly and meekly surrender his throne to a one-world government. But bear in mind that the peoples in all nations are the real power and only one thing, war, could make the peoples yearn and clamor for a peace-ensuring one-world government. But it would have to be a frightful and horribly devastating war. It could not be just a local disturbing war between just two nations, it would have to be a world war. No major nation must be left untouched by the horrors and devastation of such a war. The cry for peace must be made universal.

Actually that was the format set by the Illuminati and Nathan Rothschild at the turn of the 19th century. They first maneuvered all of Europe into the Napoleonic Wars, then the Congress in Vienna which they, and particularly Rothschild, planned to transform into a League of Nations which was to have been the housing for their one-world government, exactly as the present United Nations was set up to be the housing for the forthcoming, God forbid, one-world government. Anyway, that was the format the House of Rothschild and Jacob Schiff decided to employ to achieve their objective in 1914. Of course they knew that the same format had failed in 1814, but they theorized, that this was only because the Czar of Russia had torpedoed that scheme. Well, the present 1914 conspirators would eliminate that 1814 ‘fly in the ointment’. They’d make sure that after the new world war that they were conspiring, there’d be no Czar of Russia around to throw monkey-wrenches into the machinery.

I won’t go into how they accomplished this first step to launch a world war. History records that World War I was precipitated by a trivial incident, the kind of incident both Weishaupt and Albert Pike had incorporated in their blueprints. That incident was the assassination of an Austrian Archduke arranged by the Illuminati masterminds. The war followed. It involved Germany, Austria, Hungary, and their allies (so-called the Axis powers), against France, Britain, and Russia, called the Allies. Only the United States was not involved during the first two years.

By 1917 the conspirators had achieved their primary objective. All of Europe was in a state of destitution. All the peoples were war weary and crying for ‘peace’. And the outcome too was all set. It was to come as soon as the United States would be hurled on the side of the Allies, and that was all set to happen immediately after Wilson’s re-election. After that, there could be only one outcome. Complete victory for the Allies. To fully confirm my statement that long before 1917, the conspiracy, headed in America by Jacob Schiff, had it all set to hurl the United States into that war, I will cite the proof:

When Wilson was campaigning for re-election in 1916, his chief appeal was “re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war.” But during that same campaign, the Republican Party publicly charged that Wilson had long committed himself to throw us into the war. They charged that if he would be defeated he would accomplish that act during his few remaining months in office, but if re-elected, he would hold off until after re-election. But at that time the American people looked upon Wilson as a God-man. Well, Wilson was re-elected and as per the schedule of the conspirators, he hurled us into the war in 1917. He used the sinking of the Lusitania as an excuse– a sinking which also was prearranged. Roosevelt, also a God-man in the eyes of the American people, followed the same technique in 1941 when he used the prearranged Pearl Harbor attack as his excuse for hurling us into World War II.

Now exactly as the conspirators planned, victory for the Allies would eliminate all the Monarchs of the defeated Nations and leave all their peoples leaderless, confused, bewildered, and perfectly conditioned for the one-world government the great conspiracy intended would follow. But there still would be an obstacle, the same obstacle that had balked the Illuminati and Rothschild at that Congress in Vienna ‘peace gathering’ after the Napoleonic Wars.

Russia would be on the winning side this time as it was in 1814 and therefore the Czar would be securely on his throne. Here it is pertinent to note that Russia, under the Czarist regime, had been the one country in which the Illuminati had never made any headway nor had the Rothschilds ever been able to infiltrate in their banking interests thus a winning Czar would be more difficult than ever to cope with. Even if he could be enticed into a so-called League of Nations, it was a foregone conclusion that he would never, but never, go for a one-world government.

So even before the outbreak of World War I, the conspirators had a plan in the making to carry out Nathan Rothschild’s vow of 1814 to destroy the Czar and also murder all possible royal heirs to the throne and it would have to be done before the close of the war. And the Russian Bolsheviki were to be their instruments in this particular plot. From the turn of the century, the chiefs of the Bolsheviki were Nicolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and later Joseph Stalin.

Of course, those were not their true family names. Prior to the outbreak of the war, Lenin headquartered in Paris. After the outbreak, Switzerland became his haven. Trotsky’s headquarters was on the lower East Side in New York, largely the habitat of Russian-Jewish refugees. Both Lenin and Trotsky were similarly bewhiskered and unkempt. In those days, that was the badge of Bolshevism. Both lived well yet neither had a regular occupation.

Neither had any visible means of support, yet both always had plenty of money. All those mysteries were solved in 1917. Right from the outset of the war, strange and mysterious goings-on were taking place in New York. Night after night, Trotsky darted furtively in and out of Jacob Schiff’s palatial mansion. And in the dead of those same nights there were a gathering of hoodlums of New York’s lower east side– all of them Russian refugees at Trotsky’s headquarters, and all were going through some mysterious sort of training process that was all shrouded in mystery. Nobody talked, although it did leak out that Schiff was financing all of Trotsky’s activities.

Then suddenly Trotsky vanished. So did approximately 300 of his trained hoodlums. Actually they were on the high seas in a Schiff-chartered ship bound for a rendezvous with Lenin and his gang in Switzerland. And on that ship was $20 million in gold. The $20 million Schiff provided to finance the Bolsheviki takeover of Russia. In anticipation of Trotsky’s arrival, Lenin prepared to throw a party in his Switzerland hideaway.

Men of the very highest places in the world were to be guests at that party. Among them were the mysterious Colonel Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson’s mentor and palsy-walsy, and more important, Schiff’s special and confidential messenger. Another of the expected guests was Warburg, of the Warburg Banking Clan in Germany who was financing the Kaiser and whom the Kaiser had rewarded by making him chief of the Secret Police of Germany. In addition, there were the Rothschilds of London and Paris, also Lithenoth, Kakonavich, and Stalin (who was then the head of a train and bank robbing gang of bandits). He was known as the ‘Jesse James of the Urals’.

And here I must remind you that England and France were then long in the war with Germany and that on February 3, 1917, Wilson had broken off all diplomatic relations with Germany. Therefore, Warburg, Colonel House, the Rothschilds, and all those others were enemies, but of course, Switzerland was neutral ground where enemies could meet and be friends, especially if they had some scheme in common.

That Lenin party was very nearly wrecked by an unforeseen incident. The Schiff-chartered ship on its way to Switzerland was intercepted and taken into custody by a British warship. But Schiff quickly rushed orders to Wilson to order the British to release the ship intact with the Trotsky hoodlums and the gold. Wilson obeyed. He warned the British that if they refused to release the ship, the United States would not enter the war in April as he had faithfully promised a year earlier.

The British headed the warning. Trotsky arrived in Switzerland and the Lenin party went off as scheduled. But they still faced what ordinarily would have been the insurmountable obstacle of getting the Lenin-Trotsky band of terrorists across the border into Russia. Well, that’s where Brother Warburg, chief of the German Secret Police, came in. He loaded all those thugs into sealed freight cars and made all the necessary arrangements for their secret entry into Russia. The rest is history. The revolution in Russia took place and all members of the royal Romanoff family were murdered.

Now my chief objective is to establish beyond even a remote doubt that communism, so-called, is an integral part of the Illuminati great conspiracy for the enslavement of the entire world. That communism, so-called, is merely their weapon and bogy man word to terrify the peoples of the whole world and that the conquest of Russia and the creation of communism was, in great part, organized by Schiff and the other international bankers right in our own city of New York.

A fantastic story? Yes. Some might even refuse to believe it. Well, for the benefit of any ‘doubting Thomas’, I will prove it by reminding that just a few years ago Charlie Knickerbocker, a Hearst newspaper columnist, published an interview with John Schiff, grandson of Jacob, in which young Schiff confirmed the entire story and named the figure old Jacob contributed, $20,000,000.

[Part 5]

If anybody still has even a remote doubt that the entire menace of communism was created by the masterminds of the great conspiracy right in our own city of New York, I will cite the following historical fact: All records show that when Lenin and Trotsky engineered the capture of Russia, they operated as heads of the Bolsheviki party. Now, Bolshevism is a purely Russian word.

The masterminds realized that Bolshevism could never be sold as an ideology to any but the Russian people. So in April 1918, Jacob Schiff dispatched Colonel House to Moscow with orders to Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, to change the name of their regime to the Communist Party and to adopt the Karl Marx Manifesto as the constitution of the Communist Party. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin obeyed, and that year of 1918 was when the Communist party and the menace of communism came into being. All this is confirmed in Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition.

In short, communism was created by the capitalists. Thus, until November 11, 1918, the entire fiendish plan of the conspirators worked perfectly. All the great nations, including the United States, were war-weary, devastated, and mourning their dead. Peace was the great universal desire. Thus when it was proposed by Wilson to set up a League of Nations to ensure peace, all the great nations, with no Russian Czar to stand in their way, jumped on that bandwagon without even stopping to read the fine print in that insurance policy.

That is, all but one– the United States– the very one that Schiff and his co-conspirators least expected would balk. And that was their one fatal mistake in that early plot. You see, when Schiff planted Woodrow Wilson in the White House, the conspirators assumed that they had the United States in the proverbial bag. Wilson had been perfectly built up as a great humanitarian. He supposedly became established as a god-man with the American people. There was every reason for the conspirators to have believed that he would easily hornswoggle Congress into buying the League of Nations, ‘sight unseen’, exactly as the Congress of 1945 bought the United Nations, ‘sight unseen’.

But there was one man in the Senate in 1918 who saw through that scheme just as the Russian Czar did in 1814. He was a man of great political stature, almost as great as that of Teddy Roosevelt, and fully as astute. He was highly respected and trusted by all members of both houses of Congress and by the American people. The name of that great and patriotic American was Henry Cabot Lodge, (not the phony of today who called himself Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., until he was exposed).

Lodge completely unmasked Wilson and kept the United States out of the League of Nations. Here it becomes of great interest to know the real reason for the Wilson League of Nations flop. As I previously stated, Schiff was sent to the United States to carry out four specific assignments:

1.And most important, was to acquire complete control of the US money system.

2.As outlined in the original Weishaupt Illuminati blueprint, he was to find the right kind of men to serve as stooges for the great conspiracy and promote them into the highest offices in our federal government, our Congress, our US Supreme Court, and all federal agencies, such as the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, etc.

3.Destroy the unity of the American people by creating minority group strife throughout the nation– especially between the whites and blacks, as outlined in Israel Cohen’s book.

4.Create a movement to destroy religion of the United States with Christianity to be the chief target or victim.

In addition, he was strongly reminded of the imperative directive in the Illuminati blueprint to achieve full control of all mass communications media to be used to brainwash the people into believing and accepting all of the maneuverings of the great conspiracy. Schiff was warned that only control of the press, at that time our only mass communications media, would enable him to destroy the unity of the American people.

Now then, Schiff and his co-conspirators did set up the NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People) in 1909 and in 1913 he set up the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith. Both were to create the necessary strife, but in the early years, the ADL operated very timidly. Perhaps for fear of a pogrom-like action by an aroused and enraged American people and the NAACP was practically dormant because its white leadership didn’t realize that they would have to develop fire-brand Negro leaders, such as Martin ‘Lucifer’ King for one, to spark the then completely satisfied, contented mass of Negroes.

In addition, he, Schiff, was busy developing and infiltrating the stooges to serve in all high places in our Washington government and in the job of acquiring control of our money system and the creation of the 16th Amendment. He also was very busy with the organizing of the plot for the takeover of Russia. In short, he was kept so busy with all those jobs that he completely overlooked the supreme job of acquiring complete control of our mass communications media. That oversight was a direct cause for Wilson’s failure to lure the United States into the League of Nations because when Wilson decided to go to the people to overcome the opposition of the Lodge-controlled Senate, despite his established, but phony reputation as a great humanitarian, he found himself faced by a solidly united people and by a loyal press whose only ideology was Americanism and the American way of life.

At that time, due to the ineptness and ineffectiveness of the ADL and the NAACP, there were no organized minority groups, no Negro problems, no so-called anti-Semitic problems to sway the people’s thinking. There were no lefts, there were no rights, no prejudices for crafty exploitations. Thus Wilson’s League of Nations appeal fell on deaf ears. That was the end of Woodrow Wilson, the conspirators great humanitarian. He quickly abandoned his crusade and returned to Washington where he shortly died an imbecile brought on by syphilis and that was the end of the League of Nations as a corridor into one-world government.

Of course that debacle was a terrible disappointment to the masterminds of the Illuminati conspiracy, but they were not discouraged. As I have previously stressed, this enemy never quits. They simply decided to reorganize and try from scratch again. By this time Schiff was very old and slow. He knew it. He knew that the conspiracy needed a new younger and more active generalship.

So on his orders, Colonel House and Bernard Barouk organized and set up what they called the Council on Foreign Relations, the new name under which the Illuminati would continue to function in the United States. The hierarchy, officers and directors of the CFR, is composed principally of descendants of the original Illuminati, many of whom who had abandoned their old family name and acquired new Americanized names.

For one example, we have Dillon, who was Secretary of Treasury of the United States, whose original name was Laposky. Another example is Pauley, head of the CBS TV channel, whose true name is Palinsky. The membership of the CFR is approximately 1,000 in number and contains the heads of virtually every industrial empire in America such as Blough, president of the US Steel Corporation, Rockefeller, king of the oil industry, Henry Ford, II, and so on. And of course, all the international bankers. Also, the heads of the tax-free foundations are officers and/or active CFR members. In short, all the men who provide the money and the influence to elect the CFR-chosen Presidents of the United States, the Congressmen, the Senators, and who decide the appointments of our various Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of every important federal agency, are members of the CFR and they are very obedient members indeed.

Now just to cement that fact, I will mention the names of the United States Presidents who were members of the CFR: Franklin Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy. Others who were considered for the presidency are Thomas E. Dewey, Adlai Stevenson, Nixon, and vice-president of a CFR subsidiary, Barry Goldwater. Among the important cabinet members of the various administrations we have John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Cordell Hull, John J. McCloy, Robert Morganthau, Clarence Dillon, Rusk, McNamara, and just to emphasize the red color of the CFR we have as members such men as Alger Hiss, Ralph Bunche, Pasvolsky, Harry Dexter White (real name Weiss), Owen Lattimore, Phillip Jaffey, etc. etc. Simultaneously, they were flooding thousands of homosexuals and other blackmailable characters into all the federal agencies from the White House down. Remember Johnson’s great friends, Jenkins and Bobby Baker?

Now there were many jobs the new CFR had to accomplish. They required much help. So their first job was to set up various subsidiaries to whom they assigned special objectives. I can’t name all the subsidiaries in this recording, but the following are a few: the Foreign Policy Association (FPA), the World Affairs Council (WAC), the Business Advisory Council (BAC), the notorious ADA (Americans for Democratic Action virtually headed by Walter Ruther), the notorious ’13-13′ in Chicago, Barry Goldwater was, and no doubt still is, a vice-president of one of the CFR subsidiaries. In addition, the CFR set up special committees in every state in the Union to whom they assigned the various local state operations.

Simultaneously, the Rothschilds set up similar CFR-like control groups in England, France, Germany, and other Nations, to control world conditions and cooperate with the CFR to bring about another world war. But the CFR’s first and foremost job was to get complete control of our mass communications media.

The control of the press was assigned to Rockefeller. Thus, Henry Luce, who recently died, was financed to set up a number of national magazines, among them Life, Time, Fortune, and others, which publish USS.R. in America”. The Rockefellers also directly or indirectly financed the Cowles Brothers’ “Look” magazine and a chain of newspapers. They also financed a man named Sam Newhouse to buy up and build a chain of newspapers all over the country. And the late Eugene Myer, one of the founders of CFR, bought the Washington Post, Newsweek, the Weekly Magazine, and other publications.

At the same time, the CFR began to develop and nurture a new breed of scurrilous columnists and editorials writers such as Walter Lippman, Drew Pearson, the Alsops, Herbert Matthews, Erwin Canham, and others of that ilk who called themselves Liberals who proclaimed that Americanism is isolationism, that isolationism is war mongerism, that anti-communism, is anti-Semitism and racism.

All that took time of course, but today, our entire press, except for some local small town papers and weeklies, published by patriotic organizations, is completely controlled by CFR stooges and thus they finally succeeded in breaking us up into a nation of quarreling, wrangling, squabbling, hating factions. Now if you still wonder about this slanted news and outright lies you read in your paper, you now have the answer. To the Lehmans, Goldman-Sachs, Kuhn-Loebs, and the Warburgs, the CFR assigned the job of getting control of the motion picture industry (Hollywood), radio, and television, and believe you me, they succeeded.

If you still wonder about the strange propaganda broadcast by the Ed Morrows, Jeff Huntley, Howard K. Smith, Erick Severide, Drew Pearson and others of that ilk, you now have the answer. If you wonder about all the smut, sex, pornography, and mixed marriage films you see in your movie theater and on your TV set, all of which is demoralizing our youth, you have the answer.

The whole story of the CFR conspiracy take-over of our mass communications media is far to long to included in this recording but you can find it in the news bulletin #125 entitled “How to Get the ‘Reds’ Out of Communications Media”. It was published and brought up to date by the Cinema Educational Guild. It tells in detail how the press, movies, the TV and Radio have been, and still are, used to brainwash the people and demoralize our youth and they have been and still are encouraging and creating sympathy for the rioting Negroes civil rights lawlessness. You can get a copy of this news bulletin by writing to the Cinema Educational Guild, PO Box 46205, Hollywood California.

Now to refresh your memory, let’s go back for a moment. Wilson’s flop had torpedoed all chances of transforming that League of Nations into the conspirators’ hoped-for one-world government housing. So the Jacob Schiff plot had to be done all over again, and they organized the CFR to do it. We also know how successfully the CFR did that job of brainwashing and destroying the unity of the American people.

But, as was the case with the Schiff plot, the climax and the creation of a new housing for their one world government required another world war. A war that would be even more horrible and more devastating than the first world war in order to get the people of the world to again clamor for peace and a means to end all wars. But the CFR realized that the aftermath of World War II would have to be more carefully planned so that there would be no escape from the new one-world trap, another League of Nations, that would emerge from the new war; the trap we now know as the United Nations. And they hit upon a perfect strategy to ensure that no-one escaped. Here is how they did it.

In 1943, in the midst of the war, they prepared the framework for the United Nations and it was handed over to Roosevelt and our State Department to be given birth by Alger Hiss, Pasvolsky, Dalton Trumbull, and other American traitors, thus making the whole scheme a United States baby. Then to fix our parenthood, New York City was to become the nursery for the monstrosity. After that we could hardly walk out on our own baby now could we? Anyway, that’s how the conspirators figured it would work, and so far it has. And the liberal Rockefeller donated the land for the United Nations building.

The United Nations’ charter was written by Alger Hiss, Pasvolsky, Dalton Trumbull, and other CFR stooges. A phony, so-called, UN conference was set up in San Francisco in 1945. All the, so-called, representatives of 50-odd nations gathered there and promptly signed the Charter and the despicable traitor, Alger Hiss, flew to Washington with it, elatedly submitted it to our Senate, and the Senate (elected by our people to safeguard our security) signed the Charter without so much as reading it. The question is, how many of our Senators were even then traitorous stooges of the CFR? Anyway, it was thus that the people accepted the United Nations as a holy of holies, and enabled traitor Earl Warren to virtually destroy our constitution by basing all his traitorous decisions on the UN Charter, thus making that Charter virtually our law of the land.

However, for all the dirty work that had to be done to solidify the UN, the new housing of the one-world plot, they still required the aid of our leaders in Washington. So now I will emphasize the fiendish cleverness of the CFR masterminds. To the vast majority of the American people, our foreign policy for many years has been a complete enigma. Most of us simply can’t understand why this great nation is seemingly floundering so helplessly in the art of diplomacy. We can’t understand why our leaders are seemingly so confused and bewildered in all their dealings with Moscow, France, and other nations and with the UN. We always hear them proclaiming that in view of our overwhelming economic and military superiority we must always lead from strength. Yet, at all the summit meetings and conferences they cringe and stammer, and stutter, and so to speak come out with their tails between their hind legs. We can’t understand the foreign aid to Tito an avowed enemy, to Poland an avowed enemy, to all the avowed Communists nations. We can’t understand why the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars has failed to slow down, let alone stop, the march of commUNism. We are perplexed by the seeming ineptness of the state department, the defense department, the CIA, the USIA, of all our federal agencies.

Again and again and again we have been startled, shocked, bewildered, and horrified by their mistakes in Berlin, in Korea, in Laos, in Katanga, in Cuba, in Vietnam– mistakes that always favored the enemy, never the United States. Under the law of averages, they should have made at least one or two mistakes in our favor, but they never did.

What’s the answer? The answer is the CFR and the parts played by their subsidiaries and stooges in Washington. Thus we know that complete control of our foreign relation policy is the key to the success of the entire Illuminati one-world order plot. Here is the further proof:

Earlier I fully established that Schiff and his gang had financed the Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin takeover of Russia and fashioned its communist regime into becoming their chief instrument to keep the world in turmoil and to finally terrorize all of us into seeking peace in a UN one-world government. But the conspirators knew that the Moscow gang could not become such an instrument until, and unless, the whole world would accept the communist regime as the legitimate ‘de jure’ government of Russia.

Only one thing could accomplish that– recognition by the United States. The conspirators figured that the whole world would follow our lead and that’s and that’s when the Wilson flop very nearly wrecked the entire plot. Throughout the following three Republican administrations the CFR pulled every trick in their bag to induce Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, to grant that recognition. But all three refused. As a result, in the late 1920’s, the Stalin regime was in dire straits. Despite all purges and secret police controls, the Russian people were growing more and more resistive. It is a matter of record, admitted by Lipdenoff, that during 1931 and 1932, Stalin and his whole gang were always packed and ready for instant flight.

Then in November 1932, the conspirators achieved their greatest coup. They landed Franklin Roosevelt in the White House, crafty, unscrupulous, and utterly without conscience, that charlatan traitor turned the trick for them. Without even asking consent of Congress, he unlawfully proclaimed recognition for the Stalin regime. That did it. And exactly as the conspirators figured, the whole world did follow our lead. Automatically that squelched the previously growing resistance movement of the Russian people. That automatically launched the greatest menace the civilized world has ever known. The rest is too well known to need repeating.

We know how Roosevelt and his traitorous State Department kept building up the communist menace right here in our country and thus throughout the world. We know how he perpetuated that Pearl Harbor atrocity for his excuse to hurl us into World War II. We know all about his secret meetings with Stalin at Yalta. And how he, with Eisenhower’s help, delivered the Balkans and Berlin to Moscow. And last, but by no means least, we know that that 20th century ‘Benedict Arnold’ not only dragged us into that new corridor, the United Nations, into the one-world government, but he actually schemed all the arrangements to plant it within our country. In short, the day that Roosevelt entered the White House, the CFR conspirators regained full control of our foreign relations machinery and firmly established the United Nations as the housing for the Illuminati one-world government.

I wish to stress one other very vital point. That Wilson’s League of Nations flop brought Schiff and his gang to the realization that control of just the Democratic Party was not enough. True, they could create a crisis during the Republican administration as they did in 1929 with their Federal Reserve manufactured crash and depression which would bring another Democrat stooge back into the White House, but they realized that a four-year disruption in their control of our foreign relation policies could play havoc with the progress of their conspiracy. It could even break up their entire strategy as it almost did before Roosevelt saved it with his recognition of the Stalin regime.

Thereupon, after that Wilson debacle, they began to formulate plans to achieve control of both of our national parties. But that posed a problem for them. Manpower. Stooges in the Republican Party. Also added manpower for the Democratic Party, because control of just the man in the White House would not be enough. They would have to provide that man with trained stooges for his entire cabinet, men to head the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Pentagon, the CFR, the USIA, etc.

In short, every member of the various cabinets would have to be a chosen tool of the CFR, such as Rusk and McNamara, also all the under secretaries and assistant secretaries. That would give the conspirators absolute control of all our policies, both domestic and most important, foreign. That course of action would require a reserve pool of trained stooges, instantaneously ready for administrative changes and for all other exigencies.

All such stooges would of necessity have to be men of national reputation, high in the esteem of the people, but they would have to be men without honor, without scruple, without conscience– men who would be vulnerable to blackmail. It is needless for me to stress how well the CFR succeeded. The immortal Joe McCarthy fully revealed that there are thousands of such security risks in all federal agencies.

Scott MacLeod unmasked thousands more, and you know the price Ortepta has had to pay, and is still paying, for his expositions before a Senate Committee of the traitors in the State Department. And you know that the men in the State Department, who delivered Cuba to Castro, have not only been shielded, but promoted.

[Part 6]

Now let’s go back to the crux of the whole one-world government plot and the maneuvering necessary to create another League of Nations to house such a government.

As I have already stated, the conspirators knew that only another world war was vital for the success of their plot. It would have to be such a horrifying world war that the peoples of the world would cry out for the creation of some kind of a world organization that could assure everlasting peace. But how could such a war be brought about? All the European nations were at peace. None had any quarrels with their neighboring nations, and certainly their stooges in Moscow wouldn’t dare to start a war. Even Stalin realized that it would mean the overthrow of his regime unless, so-called patriotism would weld the Russian people behind him.

But the conspirators had to have a war. They had to find or create some kind of an incident to launch it. And they found it, in a little inconspicuous and repulsive little man who called himself Adolf Hitler.

Hitler, an impecunious Austrian house painter, had been a corporal in the German army. He made the defeat of Germany into a personal grievance. He began to rabble rouse about it in the Munich, Germany area. He began to spout about restoring the greatness of the German Empire and the might of the German soldiery. He advocated the restoration of the old German military to be used to conquer the whole world. Strangely enough, Hitler, the little clown that he was, could deliver a rabble rousing speech and he did have a certain kind of magnetism. But the new authorities in Germany didn’t want anymore wars and they promptly threw the obnoxious Austrian house painter into a prison cell.

Aha! Here was the man, decided the conspirators, who, properly directed and financed, could be the key to another world war. So while he was in prison, they had Rudolph Hess and Goering write a book which they titled Mein Kompf and attributed the authorship to Hitler, exactly as Lipdenoff wrote Mission to Moscow and attributed the authorship to Joseph Davies, then our ambassador to Russia and a stooge of the CFR. In Mein Kompf,  Hitler, the pseudo-author, outlined his grievances and how he would restore the German people to their former greatness.

The conspirators then arranged for a wide circulation of the book among the German people in order to arouse a fanatical following for him. On his release from prison (also arranged by the conspirators), they began to groom him and finance him to travel to other parts of Germany to deliver his rabble rousing speeches. Soon he gathered a growing following among other veterans of the war and that soon spread to the masses who began to see in him a saviour for their beloved Germany.

Then came his leadership of what he called his ‘brown shirt army’ and the march on Berlin. That required a great deal of financing, but the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and others of the conspirators provided all the money he needed. Gradually Hitler became the idol of the German people and then they overthrew the Von Hindenburg government and Hitler became the new Fuhrer. But that still was no reason for a war.

The rest of the world watched Hitler’s rise, but saw no reason to interfere in what was distinctly a domestic condition within Germany. Certainly none of the other Nations felt it was a reason for another war against Germany and the German people were not yet incited into enough of a frenzy to commit any acts against any neighboring nation, not even against France, that would lead to a war. The conspirators realized they would have to create such a frenzy– a frenzy that would cause the German people to throw caution to the winds and at the same time, horrify the whole world. And incidentally, Mein Kompf was actually a follow-up of Karl Marx’s book A World Without Jews.

The conspirators suddenly remembered how the Schiff-Rothschild gang had engineered the pogroms in Russia which slaughtered many, many thousands of Jews and created a world-wide hatred for Russia and they decided to use that same unconscionable trick to inflame the new Hitler-led German people into a murderous hatred of the Jews.

Now it is true that the German people never had any particular affection for the Jews, but neither did they have an ingrained hatred for them. Such a hatred would have to be manufactured, so Hitler was to create it. This idea more than appealed to Hitler. He saw in it the grisly gimmick to make him the God-man of the German people.

Thus craftily inspired and coached by his financial advisers, the Warburgs, Rothschilds, and all the Illuminati masterminds, he blamed the Jews for the hated Versailles Treaty and for the financial ruination that followed the war. The rest is history. We know all about the Hitler concentration camps and the incineration of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Not the 6,000,000 nor even the 600,000 claimed by the conspirators, but it was enough.

And here let me reiterate how little the internationalist bankers, the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Lehmans, Warburgs, Barouks, care about their racial brethren who were the victims of their nefarious schemes. In their eyes, the slaughter of the several hundred thousand innocent Jews by Hitler didn’t bother them at all. They considered it a necessary sacrifice to further their Illuminati one-world plot just as the slaughter of the many millions in the wars that followed, was a similar necessary sacrifice. And here is another grisly detail about those concentration camps. Many of the Hitler soldier executioners in those camps had previously been sent to Russia to acquire their arts of torture and brutalization, so as to emphasize the horrors of the atrocities.

All this created a new world-wide hatred for the German people, but it still did not provide a cause for a war. Thereupon Hitler was incited to demand the Sudetenland. You remember how Chamberlain, and the then diplomats of Czechoslovakia and France, surrendered to that demand. That led to further Hitlerian demands for territories in Poland and in the French Saar territories. Those demands were rejected.

Then came his pact with Stalin. Hitler had been screaming hatred against communism. Oh how he ranted against communism! But actually nazism was nothing but socialism, and communism is, in fact, socialism. But Hitler disregarded all that. He entered into a pact with Stalin to attack and divide Poland between them. While Stalin marched into one part of Poland (for which he was never blamed– the Illuminati masterminds saw to that), Hitler launched a blitzkrieg on Poland from his side. The conspirators finally had their new world war. And what a horrible war it was!

And in 1945, the conspirators finally achieved the United Nations, their new housing for their one-world government. And truly amazing, all of the American people hailed this foul outfit as a holy of holies. Even after all the true facts about how the UN was created were revealed, the American people continued to worship that evil outfit. Even after Alger Hiss was unmasked as a Soviet spy and traitor, the American people continued to believe in the UN.

Even after I had publicly revealed the secret agreement between Hiss and Molotov, that a Russian would always be the head of military secretariat and by that token, the real master of the UN, most of the American people continued to believe that the UN could do no wrong. Even after Trig D. Lee, the first Secretary general of the UN confirmed that Hiss-Molotov secret agreement in his book “For the Cause of Peace”, the vast majority of our people refused to loose faith in the UN.

Even after the truth about the Korean war was revealed, how the Russian General Varsilius, head of that UN military secretariat was given a leave of absence by the UN so that he could take command of the North Koreans and Red Chinese who were fighting the so-called UN police action under our own General McArthur, who, by order of the UN, was fired by the pusillanimous Truman in order to prevent his winning that war, our people still believed in the UN despite our 150,000 sons who were murdered and maimed in that war, the people continued to regard the UN as a sure means for peace.

Even after it was revealed in 1951 that the UN, using our own American soldiers under UN command, under UN flag, in collusion with our traitorous State Department and the Pentagon had been invading many small cities in California and Texas in order to perfect their plan for the complete takeover of our country, most of our people brushed it off and continued their belief that the UN is a holy of holies.

Do you know that the UN Charter was written by traitor Alger Hiss, Molotov, and Vyshinsky? That Hiss and Molotov had made that secret agreement that the military chief of the UN was always to be a Russian appointed by Moscow? Do you know that at their secret meetings at Yalta, Roosevelt and Stalin, at the behest of the Illuminati operating as the CFR, decided that the UN must be placed on American soil?

Do you know that most of the UN Charter was copied intact, word for word, from the Marx Manifesto and the Russian, so-called constitution? Do you know that the only two Senators who voted against the UN so-called treaty, were the only two Senators who had read it? Do you know that since the UN was founded, communist enslavement has grown from 250,000,000 to 1,000,000,000?

Do you know that since the UN was founded to insure peace, there have been at least 20 major wars incited by the UN, just as they are now inciting a war against Middle Rhodesia? Do you know that under the UN set up, the American taxpayers have been forced to make up the UN Treasury deficit of many millions of dollars because of Russia’s refusal to pay her share? Do you know that the UN has never passed a resolution condemning Russia or her so-called satellites, but always condemns our Allies?

Do you know that J. Edgar Hoover said the overwhelming majority of the communist delegations to the UN are espionage agents and now 66 Senators voted for a Consular Treaty to open our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs? Do you know that the UN helps Russia’s conquest of the world by preventing the free world from taking any action whatsoever except to debate each new aggression in the UN General Assembly?

Do you know that at the time of the Korean War there were 60 Nations in the UN, yet 95% of the UN forces were our American sons and practically 100% of the cost was paid by the United States taxpayers?

And surely you know that the UN policy during the Korean and Vietnam Wars was to prevent us from winning that wars? Do you know that all the battle plans of General McArthur had to go first to the UN to be relayed to Varsilius, Commander of the North Koreans and Red Chinese, and that any future wars fought by our sons under the UN flag would have to be fought under the control of the UN Security Council?

Do you know that the UN has never done anything about the 80,000 Russian Mongolian troops that occupy Hungary?

Where was the UN when the Hungarian freedom fighters were slaughtered by the Russians? Do you know that the UN and its peace army turned the Congo over to the communists? Do you know that the UN’s own so-called peace force was used to crush, rape, and kill the white anti-communists in Katanga?

Do you know that the UN stood by and did nothing while Red China invaded Laos and Vietnam? That it did nothing while Nehru invaded Goe and other Portuguese territories? Do you know that the UN was directly responsible for aiding Castro? That it does absolutely nothing about the many thousands of Cuban youngsters who are shipped to Russia for communist indoctrination.

Do you know that Adlai Stevenson, of all people, said the free world must expect to lose more and more decisions in the UN. Do you know that the UN openly proclaims that its chief objective is a one-world government which means one-world laws, one-world court, one-world army, one-world navy, one-world air-force, one-world schools, and a one-world church in which Christianity would be prohibited?

Do you know that a UN law has been passed to disarm all American citizens and to transfer all our armed forces to the UN? Such a law was secretly signed by ‘saint’ Jack Kennedy in 1961. Do you realize how that fits in with Article 47, paragraph 3, of the UN Charter, which states, I quote: “the military staff committee of the UN shall be responsible through the Security Council for the strategic direction of all armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Council.” And when and if all our armed forces are transferred to the UN, your sons would be forced to serve and die under UN command all over the world. This will happen unless you fight to get the US out of the UN.

Do you know that Congressmen James B. Utt has submitted a bill to get the US out of the UN and a resolution to prevent our President from forcing us to support the UN embargoes on Rhodesia? Well, he has. And many people all over the country are writing to their representatives to support the Utt bill and resolution. And did you know that to off-set the Utt bill and resolution, fifty Congressmen, spear-headed by Schweiker and Moorhead of Pennsylvania, have introduced a bill to immediately transfer all our armed forces to the UN? Can you imagine such brazen treason? Is your Congressman one of those fifty traitors? Find out and take immediate action against him and help Congressman Utt.

Now do you know that the National Council of Churches passed a resolution in San Francisco which states that the United States will soon have to subordinate its will to that of the UN and that all American citizens must be prepared to accept it? Is your church a member of the National Council of Churches?  In connection with that, bear in mind that God is never mentioned in the UN Charter and their meetings are never opened with prayer. The creators of the UN stipulated in advance that there should be no mention of God or Jesus Christ in the UN Charter or in its UN headquarters. Does your pastor subscribe to that? Find out!

Furthermore, do you know that the great majority of the so-called nations in the UN are anti-christianity, that the UN is a completely godless organization by orders of its creators, the CFR Illuminati. Have you heard enough of the truth the Illuminati’s United Nations? Do you want to leave your sons and our precious country to the unholy mercy of the Illuminati’s United Nations?

If you don’t, write, telegraph, or phone your Representatives and Senators that they must support Congressman Utt’s bill to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. Do it today, now, before you forget! It is the only salvation for your sons and for our country.

[4. Destroy religion.]

Now I have one more vital message to deliver. As I told you, one of the four specific assignments Rothschild gave Jacob Schiff was to create a movement to destroy religion in the United States with Christianity to be the chief target. For a very obvious reason, the Anti-Defamation League wouldn’t dare to attempt it because such an attempt could create the most terrible blood bath in the history of the world, not only for the ADL and the conspirators, but for the millions of innocent Jews.

Schiff turned that job over to Rockefeller for another specific reason. The destruction of Christianity could be accomplished only by those who are entrusted to preserve it. By the pastors– the men of the cloth.

As a starter, John D. Rockefeller picked up a young, so-called, Christian minister by the name of Dr. Harry F. Ward– Reverend Ward if you please. At that time he was teaching religion at the Union Theological Seminary. Rockefeller found a very willing ‘Judas’ in this Reverend and thereupon in 1907, he financed him to set up the Methodist Foundation of Social Service and Ward’s job was to teach bright young men to become, so-called ministers of Christ and to place them as pastors of churches.

While teaching them to become ministers, the Reverend Ward also taught them how to subtly and craftily preach to their congregations that the entire story of Christ was a myth to cast doubts on the divinity of Christ, to cast doubts about the virgin Mary– in short, to cast doubts on Christianity as a whole. It was not to be a direct attack, but much of it to be done by crafty insinuation that was to be applied, in particular, to the youth in the Sunday schools.

Remember Lenin’s statement, “Give me just one generation of youth and I’ll transform the whole world.” Then in 1908, the Methodist Foundation of Social Service, which incidentally was America’s first communist front organization, changed its name to the Federal Council of Churches. By 1950, the Federal Council of Churches was becoming very suspect so in 1950 they changed the name to the National Council of Churches.

Do I have to tell you more about how this National Council of Churches is deliberately destroying faith in Christianity? I don’t think so. But this I will tell you. If you are a member of any congregation whose pastor and church are members of this Judas organization, you– your contributions– are helping the Illuminati’s plot to destroy Christianity and your faith in God and Jesus Christ thus you are deliberately delivering your children to be indoctrinated with disbelief in God and Church and which can easily transform them into atheists.

Find out immediately if your Church is a member of the National Council of Churches and, for the love of God and your children, if it is, withdraw from it at once. However, let me warn you that the same destroy-religion process has been infiltrated into other denominations. If you have seen the Negro march on Selma and other such demonstrations, you have seen how the Negro mobs are led and encouraged by ministers, and even Catholic priests and nuns, who march along with them. As a matter of fact, the Mormon Church is about the only one I know of that is clean of that kind of Judas infiltration. (Editor’s note: Probably not today in 2020!)

Of course there are many individual churches and pastors who are honest and sincere. Find one such for yourself and for your children. Incidentally, this same Reverend Harry F. Ward was also one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union, a notorious pro-communist organization. He was the actual head of it from 1920 to 1940. He also was a co-founder of the American League Against War and Fascism which, under Browder, became the Communist Party of the United States.

In short, Ward’s entire background reeked of communism and he was identified as a member of the communist party. He died a vicious traitor to both his church and country. And this was the man old John D. Rockefeller picked and financed to destroy America’s Christian religion in accordance with the orders given to Schiff by the Rothschilds.

In conclusion I have this to say: You probably are familiar with the story of how one Dr. Frankenstein created a monster to do his will of destroying his chosen victims but how instead in the end, that monster turned on his own creator, Frankenstein, and destroyed him. Well, the Illuminati CFR has created a monster called the United Nations, who is supported by their minority groups, rioting negroes, the traitorous mass communications media, and the traitors in Washington was created to destroy the American people.

We know all about that many-headed hydra-monster and we know the names of those who created that monster. We know all their names and I predict that one fine day the American people will come fully awake and cause that very monster to destroy its creator. True! The majority of our people are still being brainwashed, deceived, and deluded by our traitorous press, TV, and radio, and by our traitors in Washington, but surely by now enough is known about the UN to stamp out that outfit as a deadly poisonous rattlesnake in our midst.

My only wonder, is what it will take to awaken and arouse our people to the full proof? Perhaps this record will do it. A hundred thousand or a million copies of this record can do it. I pray to God it will. And I pray to Him to inspire you, all of you, to spread this story via this record, to all loyal Americans in your community.

You can do it by playing it to study groups assembled in your homes, at meetings of the American Legion, the VFW, the DAR, all other civic groups and women’s clubs– especially the women’s clubs who have their sons lives at stake. With this record, I have provided you with the weapon that will destroy the monster. For the love of God, of our Country, and of your children, use it! Get a copy of it into every American home.

The Sparticus Document: An Overview of the Covid Plandemic and the Sinister Motivation Behind It

The Sparticus Document: An Overview of the Covid Plandemic and the Sinister Motivation Behind It

This article is reposted from It’s an anonymously posted document by someone who calls themselves Spartacus. It is an excellent overview and summary of the Covid plandemic by people who seem to know what they are talking about. I normally don’t post articles written by people whose credentials I cannot verify, but because Dr. John Gideon Hartnett vouches for it by posting it on his website, and because Dr. Hartnett is a respected academic and someone I know personally, I think it’s something of value that the public should know. I don’t understand all the medical jargon in this article, but it’s not necessary to understand it all to get the point of what the main message is.


My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.

We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies.

Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the public from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Now, we are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight.

We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.

We have spent thousands of hours analyzing leaked footage from Wuhan, scientific papers from primary sources, as well as the paper trails left by the medical establishment.

What we have discovered would shock anyone to their core.

First, we will summarize our findings, and then, we will explain them in detail. References will be placed at the end.


  • COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.
  • Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder.
  • Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.
  • Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.
  • The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.
  • Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.
  • There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (“neural lace”) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.
  • Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present.
  • The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables.

COVID-19 Pathophysiology and Treatments:

COVID-19 is not a viral pneumonia. It is a viral vascular endotheliitis and attacks the lining of blood vessels, particularly the small pulmonary alveolar capillaries, leading to endothelial cell activation and sloughing, coagulopathy, sepsis, pulmonary edema, and ARDS-like symptoms. This is a disease of the blood and blood vessels. The circulatory system. Any pneumonia that it causes is secondary to that.

In severe cases, this leads to sepsis, blood clots, and multiple organ failure, including hypoxic and inflammatory damage to various vital organs, such as the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and intestines.

Some of the most common laboratory findings in COVID-19 are elevated D-dimer, elevated prothrombin time, elevated C-reactive protein, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, hypocalcemia, and hyperferritinemia, essentially matching a profile of coagulopathy and immune system hyperactivation/immune cell exhaustion.

COVID-19 can present as almost anything, due to the wide tropism of SARS-CoV-2 for various tissues in the body’s vital organs. While its most common initial presentation is respiratory illness and flu-like symptoms, it can present as brain inflammation, gastrointestinal disease, or even heart attack or pulmonary embolism.

COVID-19 is more severe in those with specific comorbidities, such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. This is because these conditions involve endothelial dysfunction, which renders the circulatory system more susceptible to infection and injury by this particular virus.

The vast majority of COVID-19 cases are mild and do not cause significant disease. In known cases, there is something known as the 80/20 rule, where 80% of cases are mild and 20% are severe or critical. However, this ratio is only correct for known cases, not all infections. The number of actual infections is much, much higher. Consequently, the mortality and morbidity rate is lower. However, COVID-19 spreads very quickly, meaning that there are a significant number of severely-ill and critically-ill patients appearing in a short time frame.

In those who have critical COVID-19-induced sepsis, hypoxia, coagulopathy, and ARDS, the most common treatments are intubation, injected corticosteroids, and blood thinners. This is not the correct treatment for COVID-19. In severe hypoxia, cellular metabolic shifts cause ATP to break down into hypoxanthine, which, upon the reintroduction of oxygen, causes xanthine oxidase to produce tons of highly damaging radicals that attack tissue. This is called ischemia-reperfusion injury, and it’s why the majority of people who go on a ventilator are dying. In the mitochondria, succinate buildup due to sepsis does the same exact thing; when oxygen is reintroduced, it makes superoxide radicals. Make no mistake, intubation will kill people who have COVID-19.

The end-stage of COVID-19 is severe lipid peroxidation, where fats in the body start to “rust” due to damage by oxidative stress. This drives autoimmunity. Oxidized lipids appear as foreign objects to the immune system, which recognizes and forms antibodies against OSEs, or oxidation-specific epitopes. Also, oxidized lipids feed directly into pattern recognition receptors, triggering even more inflammation and summoning even more cells of the innate immune system that release even more destructive enzymes. This is similar to the pathophysiology of Lupus.

COVID-19’s pathology is dominated by extreme oxidative stress and neutrophil respiratory burst, to the point where hemoglobin becomes incapable of carrying oxygen due to heme iron being stripped out of heme by hypochlorous acid. No amount of supplemental oxygen can oxygenate blood that chemically refuses to bind O2.

The breakdown of the pathology is as follows:

SARS-CoV-2 Spike binds to ACE2. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 is an enzyme that is part of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, or RAAS. The RAAS is a hormone control system that moderates fluid volume in the body and in the bloodstream (i.e. osmolarity) by controlling salt retention and excretion. This protein, ACE2, is ubiquitous in every part of the body that interfaces with the circulatory system, particularly in vascular endothelial cells and pericytes, brain astrocytes, renal tubules and podocytes, pancreatic islet cells, bile duct and intestinal epithelial cells, and the seminiferous ducts of the testis, all of which SARS-CoV-2 can infect, not just the lungs.

SARS-CoV-2 infects a cell as follows: SARS-CoV-2 Spike undergoes a conformational change where the S1 trimers flip up and extend, locking onto ACE2 bound to the surface of a cell. TMPRSS2, or transmembrane protease serine 2, comes along and cuts off the heads of the Spike, exposing the S2 stalk-shaped subunit inside. The remainder of the Spike undergoes a conformational change that causes it to unfold like an extension ladder, embedding itself in the cell membrane. Then, it folds back upon itself, pulling the viral membrane and the cell membrane together. The two membranes fuse, with the virus’s proteins migrating out onto the surface of the cell. The SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid enters the cell, disgorging its genetic material and beginning the viral replication process, hijacking the cell’s own structures to produce more virus.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins embedded in a cell can actually cause human cells to fuse together, forming syncytia/MGCs (multinuclear giant cells). They also have other pathogenic, harmful effects. SARS-CoV- 2’s viroporins, such as its Envelope protein, act as calcium ion channels, introducing calcium into infected cells. The virus suppresses the natural interferon response, resulting in delayed inflammation. SARS-CoV-2 N protein can also directly activate the NLRP3 inflammasome. Also, it suppresses the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway. The suppression of ACE2 by binding with Spike causes a buildup of bradykinin that would otherwise be broken down by ACE2.

This constant calcium influx into the cells results in (or is accompanied by) noticeable hypocalcemia, or low blood calcium, especially in people with Vitamin D deficiencies and pre-existing endothelial dysfunction. Bradykinin upregulates cAMP, cGMP, COX, and Phospholipase C activity. This results in prostaglandin release and vastly increased intracellular calcium signaling, which promotes highly aggressive ROS release and ATP depletion. NADPH oxidase releases superoxide into the extracellular space. Superoxide radicals react with nitric oxide to form peroxynitrite. Peroxynitrite reacts with the tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor needed by endothelial nitric oxide synthase, destroying it and “uncoupling” the enzymes, causing nitric oxide synthase to synthesize more superoxide instead. This proceeds in a positive feedback loop until nitric oxide bioavailability in the circulatory system is depleted.

Dissolved nitric oxide gas produced constantly by eNOS serves many important functions, but it is also antiviral against SARS-like coronaviruses, preventing the palmitoylation of the viral Spike protein and making it harder for it to bind to host receptors. The loss of NO allows the virus to begin replicating with impunity in the body. Those with endothelial dysfunction (i.e. hypertension, diabetes, obesity, old age, African-American race) have redox equilibrium issues to begin with, giving the virus an advantage.

Due to the extreme cytokine release triggered by these processes, the body summons a great deal of neutrophils and monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages to the lungs. Cells of the innate immune system are the first-line defenders against pathogens. They work by engulfing invaders and trying to attack them with enzymes that produce powerful oxidants, like SOD and MPO. Superoxide dismutase takes superoxide and makes hydrogen peroxide, and myeloperoxidase takes hydrogen peroxide and chlorine ions and makes hypochlorous acid, which is many, many times more reactive than sodium hypochlorite bleach.

Neutrophils have a nasty trick. They can also eject these enzymes into the extracellular space, where they will continuously spit out peroxide and bleach into the bloodstream. This is called neutrophil extracellular trap formation, or, when it becomes pathogenic and counterproductive, NETosis. In severe and critical COVID-19, there is actually rather severe NETosis.

Hypochlorous acid building up in the bloodstream begins to bleach the iron out of heme and compete for O2 binding sites. Red blood cells lose the ability to transport oxygen, causing the sufferer to turn blue in the face. Unliganded iron, hydrogen peroxide, and superoxide in the bloodstream undergo the Haber- Weiss and Fenton reactions, producing extremely reactive hydroxyl radicals that violently strip electrons from surrounding fats and DNA, oxidizing them severely.

This condition is not unknown to medical science. The actual name for all of this is acute sepsis.

We know this is happening in COVID-19 because people who have died of the disease have noticeable ferroptosis signatures in their tissues, as well as various other oxidative stress markers such as nitrotyrosine, 4-HNE, and malondialdehyde.

When you intubate someone with this condition, you are setting off a free radical bomb by supplying the cells with O2. It’s a catch-22, because we need oxygen to make Adenosine Triphosphate (that is, to live), but O2 is also the precursor of all these damaging radicals that lead to lipid peroxidation.

The correct treatment for severe COVID-19 related sepsis is non-invasive ventilation, steroids, and antioxidant infusions. Most of the drugs repurposed for COVID-19 that show any benefit whatsoever in rescuing critically-ill COVID-19 patients are antioxidants. N-acetylcysteine, melatonin, fluvoxamine, budesonide, famotidine, cimetidine, and ranitidine are all antioxidants. Indomethacin prevents iron- driven oxidation of arachidonic acid to isoprostanes. There are powerful antioxidants such as apocynin that have not even been tested on COVID-19 patients yet which could defang neutrophils, prevent lipid peroxidation, restore endothelial health, and restore oxygenation to the tissues.

Scientists who know anything about pulmonary neutrophilia, ARDS, and redox biology have known or surmised much of this since March 2020. In April 2020, Swiss scientists confirmed that COVID-19 was a vascular endotheliitis. By late 2020, experts had already concluded that COVID-19 causes a form of viral sepsis. They also know that sepsis can be effectively treated with antioxidants. None of this information is particularly new, and yet, for the most part, it has not been acted upon. Doctors continue to use damaging intubation techniques with high PEEP settings despite high lung compliance and poor oxygenation, killing an untold number of critically ill patients with medical malpractice.

Because of the way they are constructed, Randomized Control Trials will never show any benefit for any antiviral against COVID-19. Not Remdesivir, not Kaletra, not HCQ, and not Ivermectin. The reason for this is simple; for the patients that they have recruited for these studies, such as Oxford’s ludicrous RECOVERY study, the intervention is too late to have any positive effect.

The clinical course of COVID-19 is such that by the time most people seek medical attention for hypoxia, their viral load has already tapered off to almost nothing. If someone is about 10 days post-exposure and has already been symptomatic for five days, there is hardly any virus left in their bodies, only cellular damage and derangement that has initiated a hyperinflammatory response. It is from this group that the clinical trials for antivirals have recruited, pretty much exclusively.

In these trials, they give antivirals to severely ill patients who have no virus in their bodies, only a delayed hyperinflammatory response, and then absurdly claim that antivirals have no utility in treating or preventing COVID-19. These clinical trials do not recruit people who are pre-symptomatic. They do not test pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis.

This is like using a defibrillator to shock only flatline, and then absurdly claiming that defibrillators have no medical utility whatsoever when the patients refuse to rise from the dead. The intervention is too late. These trials for antivirals show systematic, egregious selection bias. They are providing a treatment that is futile to the specific cohort they are enrolling.

India went against the instructions of the WHO and mandated the prophylactic usage of Ivermectin. They have almost completely eradicated COVID-19. The Indian Bar Association of Mumbai has brought criminal charges against WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending against the use of Ivermectin.

Ivermectin is not “horse dewormer”. Yes, it is sold in veterinary paste form as a dewormer for animals. It has also been available in pill form for humans for decades, as an antiparasitic drug.

The media have disingenuously claimed that because Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug, it has no utility as an antivirus. This is incorrect. Ivermectin has utility as an antiviral. It blocks importin, preventing nuclear import, effectively inhibiting viral access to cell nuclei. Many drugs currently on the market have multiple modes of action. Ivermectin is one such drug. It is both antiparasitic and antiviral.

In Bangladesh, Ivermectin costs $1.80 for an entire 5-day course. Remdesivir, which is toxic to the liver, costs $3,120 for a 5-day course of the drug. Billions of dollars of utterly useless Remdesivir were sold to our governments on the taxpayer’s dime, and it ended up being totally useless for treating hyperinflammatory COVID-19. The media has hardly even covered this at all.

The opposition to the use of generic Ivermectin is not based in science. It is purely financially and politically-motivated. An effective non-vaccine intervention would jeopardize the rushed FDA approval of patented vaccines and medicines for which the pharmaceutical industry stands to rake in billions upon billions of dollars in sales on an ongoing basis.

The majority of the public are scientifically illiterate and cannot grasp what any of this even means, thanks to a pathetic educational system that has miseducated them. You would be lucky to find 1 in 100 people who have even the faintest clue what any of this actually means.

COVID-19 Transmission:

COVID-19 is airborne. The WHO carried water for China by claiming that the virus was only droplet- borne. Our own CDC absurdly claimed that it was mostly transmitted by fomite-to-face contact, which, given its rapid spread from Wuhan to the rest of the world, would have been physically impossible.

The ridiculous belief in fomite-to-face being a primary mode of transmission led to the use of surface disinfection protocols that wasted time, energy, productivity, and disinfectant.

The 6-foot guidelines are absolutely useless. The minimum safe distance to protect oneself from an aerosolized virus is to be 15+ feet away from an infected person, no closer. Realistically, no public transit is safe.

Surgical masks do not protect you from aerosols. The virus is too small and the filter media has too large of gaps to filter it out. They may catch respiratory droplets and keep the virus from being expelled by someone who is sick, but they do not filter a cloud of infectious aerosols if someone were to walk into said cloud.

The minimum level of protection against this virus is quite literally a P100 respirator, a PAPR/CAPR, or a 40mm NATO CBRN respirator, ideally paired with a full-body tyvek or tychem suit, gloves, and booties, with all the holes and gaps taped.

Live SARS-CoV-2 may potentially be detected in sewage outflows, and there may be oral-fecal transmission. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, in the Amoy Gardens incident, hundreds of people were infected by aerosolized fecal matter rising from floor drains in their apartments.

COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers:

The vaccines for COVID-19 are not sterilizing and do not prevent infection or transmission. They are “leaky” vaccines. This means they remove the evolutionary pressure on the virus to become less lethal. It also means that the vaccinated are perfect carriers. In other words, those who are vaccinated are a threat to the unvaccinated, not the other way around.

All of the COVID-19 vaccines currently in use have undergone minimal testing, with highly accelerated clinical trials. Though they appear to limit severe illness, the long-term safety profile of these vaccines remains unknown.

Some of these so-called “vaccines” utilize an untested new technology that has never been used in vaccines before. Traditional vaccines use weakened or killed virus to stimulate an immune response. The Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines do not. They are purported to consist of an intramuscular shot containing a suspension of lipid nanoparticles filled with messenger RNA. The way they generate an immune response is by fusing with cells in a vaccine recipient’s shoulder, undergoing endocytosis, releasing their mRNA cargo into those cells, and then utilizing the ribosomes in those cells to synthesize modified SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins in-situ.

These modified Spike proteins then migrate to the surface of the cell, where they are anchored in place by a transmembrane domain. The adaptive immune system detects the non-human viral protein being expressed by these cells, and then forms antibodies against that protein. This is purported to confer protection against the virus, by training the adaptive immune system to recognize and produce antibodies against the Spike on the actual virus. The J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines do something similar, but use an adenovirus vector for genetic material delivery instead of a lipid nanoparticle. These vaccines were produced or validated with the aid of fetal cell lines HEK-293 and PER.C6, which people with certain religious convictions may object strongly to.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike is a highly pathogenic protein on its own. It is impossible to overstate the danger presented by introducing this protein into the human body.

It is claimed by vaccine manufacturers that the vaccine remains in cells in the shoulder, and that SARS- CoV-2 Spike produced and expressed by these cells from the vaccine’s genetic material is harmless and inert, thanks to the insertion of prolines in the Spike sequence to stabilize it in the prefusion conformation, preventing the Spike from becoming active and fusing with other cells. However, a pharmacokinetic study from Japan showed that the lipid nanoparticles and mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine did not stay in the shoulder, and in fact bioaccumulated in many different organs, including the reproductive organs and adrenal glands, meaning that modified Spike is being expressed quite literally all over the place. These lipid nanoparticles may trigger anaphylaxis in an unlucky few, but far more concerning is the unregulated expression of Spike in various somatic cell lines far from the injection site and the unknown consequences of that.

Messenger RNA is normally consumed right after it is produced in the body, being translated into a protein by a ribosome. COVID-19 vaccine mRNA is produced outside the body, long before a ribosome translates it. In the meantime, it could accumulate damage if inadequately preserved. When a ribosome attempts to translate a damaged strand of mRNA, it can become stalled. When this happens, the ribosome becomes useless for translating proteins because it now has a piece of mRNA stuck in it, like a lace card in an old punch card reader. The whole thing has to be cleaned up and new ribosomes synthesized to replace it. In cells with low ribosome turnover, like nerve cells, this can lead to reduced protein synthesis, cytopathic effects, and neuropathies.

Certain proteins, including SARS-CoV-2 Spike, have proteolytic cleavage sites that are basically like little dotted lines that say “cut here”, which attract a living organism’s own proteases (essentially, molecular scissors) to cut them. There is a possibility that S1 may be proteolytically cleaved from S2, causing active S1 to float away into the bloodstream while leaving the S2 “stalk” embedded in the membrane of the cell that expressed the protein.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike has a Superantigenic region (SAg), which may promote extreme inflammation.

Anti-Spike antibodies were found in one study to function as autoantibodies and attack the body’s own cells. Those who have been immunized with COVID-19 vaccines have developed blood clots, myocarditis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, and multiple sclerosis flares, indicating that the vaccine promotes autoimmune reactions against healthy tissue.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike does not only bind to ACE2. It was suspected to have regions that bind to basigin, integrins, neuropilin-1, and bacterial lipopolysaccharides as well. SARS-CoV-2 Spike, on its own, can potentially bind any of these things and act as a ligand for them, triggering unspecified and likely highly inflammatory cellular activity.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike contains an unusual PRRA insert that forms a furin cleavage site. Furin is a ubiquitous human protease, making this an ideal property for the Spike to have, giving it a high degree of cell tropism. No wild-type SARS-like coronaviruses related to SARS-CoV-2 possess this feature, making it highly suspicious, and perhaps a sign of human tampering.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike has a prion-like domain that enhances its infectiousness.

The Spike S1 RBD may bind to heparin-binding proteins and promote amyloid aggregation. In humans, this could lead to Parkinson’s, Lewy Body Dementia, premature Alzheimer’s, or various other neurodegenerative diseases. This is very concerning because SARS-CoV-2 S1 is capable of injuring and penetrating the blood-brain barrier and entering the brain. It is also capable of increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to other molecules.

SARS-CoV-2, like other betacoronaviruses, may have Dengue-like ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement of disease. For those who aren’t aware, some viruses, including betacoronaviruses, have a feature called ADE. There is also something called Original Antigenic Sin, which is the observation that the body prefers to produce antibodies based on previously-encountered strains of a virus over newly- encountered ones.

In ADE, antibodies from a previous infection become non-neutralizing due to mutations in the virus’s proteins. These non-neutralizing antibodies then act as trojan horses, allowing live, active virus to be pulled into macrophages through their Fc receptor pathways, allowing the virus to infect immune cells that it would not have been able to infect before. This has been known to happen with Dengue Fever; when someone gets sick with Dengue, recovers, and then contracts a different strain, they can get very, very ill.

If someone is vaccinated with mRNA based on the Spike from the initial Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2, and then they become infected with a future, mutated strain of the virus, they may become severely ill. In other words, it is possible for vaccines to sensitize someone to disease.

There is a precedent for this in recent history. Sanofi’s Dengvaxia vaccine for Dengue failed because it caused immune sensitization in people whose immune systems were Dengue-naive.

In mice immunized against SARS-CoV and challenged with the virus, a close relative of SARS-CoV-2, they developed immune sensitization, Th2 immunopathology, and eosinophil infiltration in their lungs.

We have been told that SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines cannot be integrated into the human genome, because messenger RNA cannot be turned back into DNA. This is false. There are elements in human cells called LINE-1 retrotransposons, which can indeed integrate mRNA into a human genome by endogenous reverse transcription. Because the mRNA used in the vaccines is stabilized, it hangs around in cells longer, increasing the chances for this to happen. If the gene for SARS-CoV-2 Spike is integrated into a portion of the genome that is not silent and actually expresses a protein, it is possible that people who take this vaccine may continuously express SARS-CoV-2 Spike from their somatic cells for the rest of their lives.

By inoculating people with a vaccine that causes their bodies to produce Spike in-situ, they are being inoculated with a pathogenic protein. A toxin that may cause long-term inflammation, heart problems, and a raised risk of cancers. In the long-term, it may also potentially lead to premature neurodegenerative disease.

Absolutely nobody should be compelled to take this vaccine under any circumstances, and in actual fact, the vaccination campaign must be stopped immediately.

COVID-19 Criminal Conspiracy:

The vaccine and the virus were made by the same people.

In 2014, there was a moratorium on SARS gain-of-function research that lasted until 2017. This research was not halted. Instead, it was outsourced, with the federal grants being laundered through NGOs.

Ralph Baric is a virologist and SARS expert at UNC Chapel Hill in North Carolina. This is who Anthony Fauci was referring to when he insisted, before Congress, that if any gain-of-function research was being conducted, it was being conducted in North Carolina.

This was a lie. Anthony Fauci lied before Congress. A felony.

Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli are colleagues and have co-written papers together. Ralph Baric mentored Shi Zhengli in his gain-of-function manipulation techniques, particularly serial passage, which results in a virus that appears as if it originated naturally. In other words, deniable bioweapons. Serial passage in humanized hACE2 mice may have produced something like SARS-CoV-2.

The funding for the gain-of-function research being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology came from Peter Daszak. Peter Daszak runs an NGO called EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth Alliance received millions of dollars in grant money from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (that is, Anthony Fauci), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (part of the US Department of Defense), and the United States Agency for International Development. NIH/NIAID contributed a few million dollars, and DTRA and USAID each contributed tens of millions of dollars towards this research. Altogether, it was over a hundred million dollars.

EcoHealth Alliance subcontracted these grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a lab in China with a very questionable safety record and poorly trained staff, so that they could conduct gain-of-function research, not in their fancy P4 lab, but in a level-2 lab where technicians wore nothing more sophisticated than perhaps a hairnet, latex gloves, and a surgical mask, instead of the bubble suits used when working with dangerous viruses. Chinese scientists in Wuhan reported being routinely bitten and urinated on by laboratory animals. Why anyone would outsource this dangerous and delicate work to the People’s Republic of China, a country infamous for industrial accidents and massive explosions that have claimed hundreds of lives, is completely beyond me, unless the aim was to start a pandemic on purpose.

In November of 2019, three technicians at the Wuhan Institute of Virology developed symptoms consistent with a flu-like illness. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric knew at once what had happened, because back channels exist between this laboratory and our scientists and officials.

December 12th, 2019, Ralph Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement (essentially, an NDA) to receive Coronavirus mRNA vaccine-related materials co-owned by Moderna and NIH. It wasn’t until a whole month later, on January 11th, 2020, that China allegedly sent us the sequence to what would become known as SARS-CoV-2. Moderna claims, rather absurdly, that they developed a working vaccine from this sequence in under 48 hours.

Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMerieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Merieux. Alain Merieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 lab.

The sequence given as the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, is not a real virus. It is a forgery. It was made by entering a gene sequence by hand into a database, to create a cover story for the existence of SARS-CoV-2, which is very likely a gain-of-function chimera produced at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and was either leaked by accident or intentionally released.

The animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 has never been found.

This is not a conspiracy “theory”. It is an actual criminal conspiracy, in which people connected to the development of Moderna’s mRNA-1273 are directly connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their gain-of-function research by very few degrees of separation, if any. The paper trail is well- established.

The lab-leak theory has been suppressed because pulling that thread leads one to inevitably conclude that there is enough circumstantial evidence to link Moderna, the NIH, the WIV, and both the vaccine and the virus’s creation together. In a sane country, this would have immediately led to the world’s biggest RICO and mass murder case. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, and Stephane Bancel, and their accomplices, would have been indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Instead, billions of our tax dollars were awarded to the perpetrators.

The FBI raided Allure Medical in Shelby Township north of Detroit for billing insurance for “fraudulent COVID-19 cures”. The treatment they were using? Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. Which, as described above, is an entirely valid treatment for COVID-19-induced sepsis, and indeed, is now part of the MATH+ protocol advanced by Dr. Paul E. Marik.

The FDA banned ranitidine (Zantac) due to supposed NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine) contamination. Ranitidine is not only an H2 blocker used as antacid, but also has a powerful antioxidant effect, scavenging hydroxyl radicals. This gives it utility in treating COVID-19.

The FDA also attempted to take N-acetylcysteine, a harmless amino acid supplement and antioxidant, off the shelves, compelling Amazon to remove it from their online storefront.

This leaves us with a chilling question: did the FDA knowingly suppress antioxidants useful for treating COVID-19 sepsis as part of a criminal conspiracy against the American public?

The establishment is cooperating with, and facilitating, the worst criminals in human history, and are actively suppressing non-vaccine treatments and therapies in order to compel us to inject these criminals’ products into our bodies. This is absolutely unacceptable.

COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Links to Transhumanism:

This section deals with some more speculative aspects of the pandemic and the medical and scientific establishment’s reaction to it, as well as the disturbing links between scientists involved in vaccine research and scientists whose work involved merging nanotechnology with living cells.

On June 9th, 2020, Charles Lieber, a Harvard nanotechnology researcher with decades of experience, was indicted by the DOJ for fraud. Charles Lieber received millions of dollars in grant money from the US Department of Defense, specifically the military think tanks DARPA, AFOSR, and ONR, as well as NIH and MITRE. His specialty is the use of silicon nanowires in lieu of patch clamp electrodes to monitor and modulate intracellular activity, something he has been working on at Harvard for the past twenty years. He was claimed to have been working on silicon nanowire batteries in China, but none of his colleagues can recall him ever having worked on battery technology in his life; all of his research deals with bionanotechnology, or the blending of nanotech with living cells.

The indictment was over his collaboration with the Wuhan University of Technology. He had double- dipped, against the terms of his DOD grants, and taken money from the PRC’s Thousand Talents plan, a program which the Chinese government uses to bribe Western scientists into sharing proprietary R&D information that can be exploited by the PLA for strategic advantage.

Charles Lieber’s own papers describe the use of silicon nanowires for brain-computer interfaces, or “neural lace” technology. His papers describe how neurons can endocytose whole silicon nanowires or parts of them, monitoring and even modulating neuronal activity.

Charles Lieber was a colleague of Robert Langer. Together, along with Daniel S. Kohane, they worked on a paper describing artificial tissue scaffolds that could be implanted in a human heart to monitor its activity remotely.

Robert Langer, an MIT alumnus and expert in nanotech drug delivery, is one of the co-founders of Moderna. His net worth is now $5.1 billion USD thanks to Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine sales.

Both Charles Lieber and Robert Langer’s bibliographies describe, essentially, techniques for human enhancement, i.e. transhumanism. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum and the architect behind the so-called “Great Reset”, has long spoken of the “blending of biology and machinery” in his books.

Since these revelations, it has come to the attention of independent researchers that the COVID-19 vaccines may contain reduced graphene oxide nanoparticles. Japanese researchers have also found unexplained contaminants in COVID-19 vaccines.

Graphene oxide is an anxiolytic. It has been shown to reduce the anxiety of laboratory mice when injected into their brains. Indeed, given SARS-CoV-2 Spike’s propensity to compromise the blood-brain barrier and increase its permeability, it is the perfect protein for preparing brain tissue for extravasation of nanoparticles from the bloodstream and into the brain. Graphene is also highly conductive and, in some circumstances, paramagnetic.

In 2013, under the Obama administration, DARPA launched the BRAIN Initiative; BRAIN is an acronym for Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies®. This program involves the development of brain-computer interface technologies for the military, particularly non-invasive, injectable systems that cause minimal damage to brain tissue when removed. Supposedly, this technology would be used for healing wounded soldiers with traumatic brain injuries, the direct brain control of prosthetic limbs, and even new abilities such as controlling drones with one’s mind.

Various methods have been proposed for achieving this, including optogenetics, magnetogenetics, ultrasound, implanted electrodes, and transcranial electromagnetic stimulation. In all instances, the goal is to obtain read or read-write capability over neurons, either by stimulating and probing them, or by rendering them especially sensitive to stimulation and probing.

However, the notion of the widespread use of BCI technology, such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink device, raises many concerns over privacy and personal autonomy. Reading from neurons is problematic enough on its own. Wireless brain-computer interfaces may interact with current or future wireless GSM infrastructure, creating neurological data security concerns. A hacker or other malicious actor may compromise such networks to obtain people’s brain data, and then exploit it for nefarious purposes.

However, a device capable of writing to human neurons, not just reading from them, presents another, even more serious set of ethical concerns. A BCI that is capable of altering the contents of one’s mind for innocuous purposes, such as projecting a heads-up display onto their brain’s visual center or sending audio into one’s auditory cortex, would also theoretically be capable of altering mood and personality, or perhaps even subjugating someone’s very will, rendering them utterly obedient to authority. This technology would be a tyrant’s wet dream. Imagine soldiers who would shoot their own countrymen without hesitation, or helpless serfs who are satisfied to live in literal dog kennels.

BCIs could be used to unscrupulously alter perceptions of basic things such as emotions and values, changing people’s thresholds of satiety, happiness, anger, disgust, and so forth. This is not inconsequential. Someone’s entire regime of behaviors could be altered by a BCI, including such things as suppressing their appetite or desire for virtually anything on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Anything is possible when you have direct access to someone’s brain and its contents. Someone who is obese could be made to feel disgust at the sight of food. Someone who is involuntarily celibate could have their libido disabled so they don’t even desire sex to begin with. Someone who is racist could be forced to feel delight over cohabiting with people of other races. Someone who is violent could be forced to be meek and submissive. These things might sound good to you if you are a tyrant, but to normal people, the idea of personal autonomy being overridden to such a degree is appalling.

For the wealthy, neural laces would be an unequaled boon, giving them the opportunity to enhance their intelligence with neuroprosthetics (i.e. an “exocortex”), and to deliver irresistible commands directly into the minds of their BCI-augmented servants, even physically or sexually abusive commands that they would normally refuse.

If the vaccine is a method to surreptitiously introduce an injectable BCI into millions of people without their knowledge or consent, then what we are witnessing is the rise of a tyrannical regime unlike anything ever seen before on the face of this planet, one that fully intends to strip every man, woman, and child of our free will.

Our flaws are what make us human. A utopia arrived at by removing people’s free will is not a utopia at all. It is a monomaniacal nightmare. Furthermore, the people who rule over us are Dark Triad types who cannot be trusted with such power. Imagine being beaten and sexually assaulted by a wealthy and powerful psychopath and being forced to smile and laugh over it because your neural lace gives you no choice but to obey your master.

The Elites are forging ahead with this technology without giving people any room to question the social or ethical ramifications, or to establish regulatory frameworks that ensure that our personal agency and autonomy will not be overridden by these devices. They do this because they secretly dream of a future where they can treat you worse than an animal and you cannot even fight back. If this evil plan is allowed to continue, it will spell the end of humanity as we know it.


The current pandemic was produced and perpetuated by the establishment, through the use of a virus engineered in a PLA-connected Chinese biowarfare laboratory, with the aid of American taxpayer dollars and French expertise.

This research was conducted under the absolutely ridiculous euphemism of “gain-of-function” research, which is supposedly carried out in order to determine which viruses have the highest potential for zoonotic spillover and preemptively vaccinate or guard against them.

Gain-of-function/gain-of-threat research, a.k.a. “Dual-Use Research of Concern”, or DURC, is bioweapon research by another, friendlier-sounding name, simply to avoid the taboo of calling it what it actually is. It has always been bioweapon research. The people who are conducting this research fully understand that they are taking wild pathogens that are not infectious in humans and making them more infectious, often taking grants from military think tanks encouraging them to do so.

These virologists conducting this type of research are enemies of their fellow man, like pyromaniac firefighters. GOF research has never protected anyone from any pandemic. In fact, it has now started one, meaning its utility for preventing pandemics is actually negative. It should have been banned globally, and the lunatics performing it should have been put in straitjackets long ago.

Either through a leak or an intentional release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a deadly SARS strain is now endemic across the globe, after the WHO and CDC and public officials first downplayed the risks, and then intentionally incited a panic and lockdowns that jeopardized people’s health and their livelihoods.

This was then used by the utterly depraved and psychopathic aristocratic class who rule over us as an excuse to coerce people into accepting an injected poison which may be a depopulation agent, a mind control/pacification agent in the form of injectable “smart dust”, or both in one. They believe they can get away with this by weaponizing the social stigma of vaccine refusal. They are incorrect.

Their motives are clear and obvious to anyone who has been paying attention. These megalomaniacs have raided the pension funds of the free world. Wall Street is insolvent and has had an ongoing liquidity crisis since the end of 2019. The aim now is to exert total, full-spectrum physical, mental, and financial control over humanity before we realize just how badly we’ve been extorted by these maniacs.

The pandemic and its response served multiple purposes for the Elite:

  • Concealing a depression brought on by the usurious plunder of our economies conducted by rentier-capitalists and absentee owners who produce absolutely nothing of any value to society whatsoever. Instead of us having a very predictable Occupy Wall Street Part II, the Elites and their stooges got to stand up on television and paint themselves as wise and all-powerful saviors instead of the marauding cabal of despicable land pirates that they are.
  • Destroying small businesses and eroding the middle class.
  • Transferring trillions of dollars of wealth from the American public and into the pockets of billionaires and special interests.
  • Engaging in insider trading, buying stock in biotech companies and shorting brick-and-mortar businesses and travel companies, with the aim of collapsing face-to-face commerce and tourism and replacing it with e-commerce and servitization.
  • Creating a casus belli for war with China, encouraging us to attack them, wasting American lives and treasure and driving us to the brink of nuclear armageddon.
  • Establishing technological and biosecurity frameworks for population control and technocratic- socialist “smart cities” where everyone’s movements are despotically tracked, all in anticipation of widespread automation, joblessness, and food shortages, by using the false guise of a vaccine to compel cooperation.

Any one of these things would constitute a vicious rape of Western society. Taken together, they beggar belief; they are a complete inversion of our most treasured values.

What is the purpose of all of this? One can only speculate as to the perpetrators’ motives, however, we have some theories.

The Elites are trying to pull up the ladder, erase upward mobility for large segments of the population, cull political opponents and other “undesirables”, and put the remainder of humanity on a tight leash, rationing our access to certain goods and services that they have deemed “high-impact”, such as automobile use, tourism, meat consumption, and so on. Naturally, they will continue to have their own luxuries, as part of a strict caste system akin to feudalism.

Why are they doing this? Simple. The Elites are Neo-Malthusians and believe that we are overpopulated and that resource depletion will collapse civilization in a matter of a few short decades. They are not necessarily incorrect in this belief. We are overpopulated, and we are consuming too many resources. However, orchestrating such a gruesome and murderous power grab in response to a looming crisis demonstrates that they have nothing but the utmost contempt for their fellow man.

To those who are participating in this disgusting farce without any understanding of what they are doing, we have one word for you. Stop. You are causing irreparable harm to your country and to your fellow citizens.

To those who may be reading this warning and have full knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and how it will unjustly harm millions of innocent people, we have a few more words.

Damn you to hell. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order. We will make certain of that.

The Jesuit Oath

The Jesuit Oath


If you read American Protestant literature of the 19th century and earlier, you will see that Protestant Christians of that time did not look at Roman Catholics in a positive light. They considered the Roman Catholic Church to be the “Whore of Babylon” and the enemy of the liberties of the United States! Samuel F. B. Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, certainly did and so did Abraham Lincoln!

A visitor of this website sent me a PDF file of an oath the Jesuits take, and I converted it into text to post here. I’m surprised I haven’t posted it yet! My research tells me the Jesuits are the covert army of Rome. They are more like a military than a religious order! I’m I being too extreme in that statement? Please read the oath and judge for yourselves. After that just count the number of Roman Catholics in the US government. In the Supreme Court alone, six out of nine justices are Catholics.

I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church. I never heard the true Gospel of Jesus Christ from the priest. Only after I left my hometown of Chicago and met some Bible-believing Christians while serving in the USAF I heard the true Gospel of Christ.

The Jesuit Oath

My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.

You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.

You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men, for the Pope’s sake, whose servants we are unto death. You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labours with the blood of the heretic; for “without the shedding of blood no man can be saved”. Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me:

(Text of the Oath:) I_______________ , now in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the saints, sacred host of Heaven, and to you, my Ghostly Father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, in the pontification of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that His Holiness, the Pope, is Christ’s Vice-Regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by the virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given to His Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical Kings, Princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments, and they may be safely destroyed.

Therefore to the utmost of my power I will defend this doctrine and His Holiness’s right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the nowpretended authority and Churches of England and Scotland, and the branches of same now established in Ireland and on the continent of America and elsewhere and all adherents in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or State, named Protestant or Liberal, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare the doctrine of the Churches of England and Scotland of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestants or Masons to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same.

I do further declare that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of His Holiness’s agents, in any place where I should be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Ireland or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding, I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the Mother Church’s interest; to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatever; but to execute all that should be proposed, given in charge, or discovered unto me by you, my Ghostly Father, or any of this sacred order.

I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions north, jungles of India, to the centres of civilisation of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things, whatsoever is communicated to me.

I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly be opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever.

That I will in voting always vote for a Knight of Columbus in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly. That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic. That I will place Catholic girls in Protestant families that a weekly report may be made of the inner movements of the heretics. That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the Church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope. All of which

I,_______________, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive to perform and on part to keep this my oath. In testimony hereof, I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the Eucharist and witness the same further with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and seal in the face of this holy sacrament.

(He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart.) (Superior speaks:)

You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank. In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make the ordinary sign of the cross as any ordinary Roman Catholic would; then one crosses his wrists, the palms of his hands open, and the other in answer crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the centre of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the centre of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; the first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first. The first then says Iustum; and the other answers Necar; the first Reges; the other answers Impious. The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name Jesu will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers:

From whither do you come? Answer: The Holy faith.

Whom do you serve? Answer: The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.

Who commands you? Answer: The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Who received you? Answer: A venerable man in white hair.

How? Answer: With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred order.

Did you take an oath? Answer: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, nor sex, nor condition; to be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.

Will you do that? Answer: I will.

How do you travel? Answer: In the bark of Peter the fisherman.

Whither do you travel? Answer: To the four quarters of the globe.

For what purpose? Answer: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfil the conditions of my oaths.

Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.

The Plan to Escape Medical Tyranny – By Andrew Torba

The Plan to Escape Medical Tyranny – By Andrew Torba

Andrew Torba is the CEO of, a social media platform that many have turned to after being censored by Facebook or Twitter for posting information the megarich corporate elite do not want you to know. I find this message encouraging. We do not have to sit back and let the Devil’s people walk over us! We should not fear them for they fear us! Jesus told us in Revelation 17:14  

These (the Devil’s people) shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

Much if not all of the Book of Revelation is symbolic. I think it’s possible Christians may be fighting the final battle of Armaggedon right NOW against the forces of Antichrist! Joe Biden may not be the Antichrist, but he is an antichrist because he is promoting ungodly practices such as abortion.

Many of the people who received either one or two shots are beginning to wake up. They were told by the “experts” that they just needed to get the shot and things would get back to normal. Things are far from normal and now they are being told that they will likely need to get multiple booster shots and even a pill to treat Covid-19.

Thankfully, many of them are taking a stand and fighting back.

On September 10th it was reported that a New York hospital is going to pause baby deliveries after a “spate of resignations” by maternity unit workers who refused to inject an experimental substance into their bodies.

Over the weekend I received a direct message from a NASA engineer who informed me that “almost all the engineers here have all banded together and are forcing NASA admin to fire them (both vaccinated and unvaccinated alike). NASA is on a hiring freeze, so firing all these folks would essentially kill the Artemis mission.”

Many people believed they were “fully vaccinated” after two shots. They trusted the system. They believed things would get “back to normal.” They took the shots, often reluctantly, with these things in mind and they are quickly finding out that they’ve been lied to.

Now they are preparing to be labeled “unvaccinated” again if they refuse to get yet another shot. Look on the bright side: Moderna’s shares jumped 5% on news that they revealed a new single shot booster.

Meanwhile tens of millions of Americans face being fired, kicked out of school, removed from our Military, refused medical care, and more for having faith in the immune system God gave them to overcome a virus with a 99%+ survival rate for the overwhelming majority of the population.

This all comes after Pseudo-President Joe Biden declared war on 80 million (or likely way more) Americans who refused to participate in the biggest lab rat experiment in human history.

I’ve been writing about concepts like the need for a parallel economy, a parallel internet, and a parallel society throughout all of 2021. But what does that actually look like?

We are about to find out.

If you’ve already been vaccinated you can join those of us who have not been by refusing to get any of these booster shots. At some point enough of us need to say enough is enough. The way this is going to work is even if you’ve received two shots already they are going to group you in with us “unvaccinated” people because without the booster you will no longer be “fully vaccinated.” So you might as well unite with the rest of us and start building something new.

All of the best, most talented, and smartest people are critical thinkers. They are builders. Doers. They are quickly leaving the existing system. What will be left is low quality talent. The “yes” men people who will shut up, do what they are told, and get their 15th booster shot to keep their job. My heart goes out to these people, but you all know exactly the type I’m talking about.

The existing system will begin to collapse under a sea of “vaccinated” talent shortages, incompetence, and woke political nonsense.

Hospitals won’t (and already can’t) find much needed nursing talent. NASA missions will be aborted. Schools won’t be able to find teachers. Businesses who are already having trouble filling open positions will be forced to compete with businesses who don’t pry into your healthcare privacy. You can’t just cut off 80 million people and not expect your business and country to suffer.

The society of obedient regime sheep will chug along for a while, but inevitably it will succumb under the weight of market forces from a growing new parallel society.

Companies without mandates will perform better and get all of the best talent. Doctors will start private practices. Families will begin to homeschool their children. Blue states and major cities will see a mass exodus unlike anything in American history.

All we have to do is say no and start building a new society for ourselves. We need to take control of our own destiny here and do what needs to be done to protect our families and preserve our values and indeed our own humanity.

I believe that God has a plan, as He always does, for what is unfolding on a global scale today. Now more than ever we must keep the faith and do as Christians have always done: survive and thrive. Do you think it was “easy” for the Pilgrims to set out for a new land and start building from scratch? Of course not, but they did it and ended up building the greatest country in the history of the world. Do you think it was “easy” for first century Christians to spread the Gospel? Of course not, but today billions of Christians know that Christ is on the throne because of their work and sacrifice.

In a lot of ways we are the modern Pilgrims of our time, seeking religious freedom and sovereignty to escape the rule of a tyrannical elite who hate us. Their blood runs in our veins, the spirit of their plight is in our hearts, and most importantly their God is our God.

We can and must do this. Force their hand. Band together with other like minded people at your school and work to say: no, we will not comply. Then start your pilgrimage to a new parallel society where Jesus is King, family values matter, and freedom rings.

To God Be The Glory,

Andrew Torba
Only Jesus Saves

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky Discloses the Dangers and Unknown Risks of Vaccines

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky Discloses the Dangers and Unknown Risks of Vaccines


I think this talk about vaccines by Dr. Palevsky is nothing short of outstanding! He is talking about regular vaccines given to children, which, in my opinion, are harmful but not even nearly as harmful as the Covid-19 vaccines! My first son, Jeremy, was vaccinated at only 5 months old, and he was not a normal child. It was only after Jeremy became older that I found information from the Internet that led me to think Jeremy has a type of autism known as Asperger syndrome. And I firmly believe it was due to the vaccination he received when he was a baby. His brother Timothy was never vaccinated and is normal. Timothy has lots of friends. Jeremy has few friends and is not a social person like Timothy is.

It’s my hope that after you listen to or read this talk by Dr. Palevsky that you will question everything you hear from the mainstream media that is called “science”. It may not be true science at all, only opinions, assumptions, conjectures, or speculations that are pushed by big corporations whose interest is only in profit for their shareholders, and not in your well-being! If you’re a Bible believer, you know when you hear scientists talk about Darwin’s evolution, they are not talking about real science which is based on observation and measurement. They absolutely refuse to consider God the Creator in the equation in spite of all the evidence that abounds in nature that manifests intelligent design. There is no design without a designer! True science is a quest for knowledge. An honest scientist will follow the evidence wherever it leads.


My name is Dr. Lawrence Palevsky. I’m a pediatrician, originally trained at NYU School of Medicine, graduated in 1987, finished my residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York in 1990, did a fellowship at the Bellevue Hospital in the outpatient department. The first nine years of my career were spent in ERs, running an intensive care unit, working in a neonatal intensive care unit, working inpatient in the hospital, working in a clinic and then eventually having a private practice.

In 1983, when I started medical school, I was taught vaccines were safe, and they were effective, but I was not taught about any of the science around their safety, or any of the studies around how safety were done. And it wasn’t until 1998 that a mother came up to me and said, “Dr. Larry, did you know that there’s mercury in vaccines?” And I said, “No, I did not.” And as a medical student, I was trained to critically think. If you see an observation, you go after it, and try and figure out if there’s a question to ask. So instead of just ignoring it, I looked further into the vaccine ingredients. And I found that there were a number of vaccine ingredients that in animal studies were proven to be very dangerous to animals. And I didn’t understand why these same ingredients were actually in vaccines.

I’m starting to hear stories from parents, not dozens, not hundreds, but 1000s of stories from parents, who took a very healthy child into their doctor’s office, and then found that their child lost much of their health, whether it was their speech, whether seizures, whether it was death, whether it was asthma, allergies, eczema, whether it was autism, whether it was learning disabilities, whether it was inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases. And every one of those parents were told, it had nothing to do with the vaccine, every single one. And this continues today. But yet, when I look at the ingredients that are in the vaccines, I have the science to actually explain how these medical problems could be happening in these children.

Today, one child in five is learning disabled. In 1976 it was one in 17. One in six under age eight, one in two adolescents, and one in four young adults are diagnosed with a mental behavioral, or emotional disorder. One in 20 children under the age of five have seizures. One child in 40 develops autism. The number of cases of children and adults with autoimmune diseases is rising exponentially. It’s one of the highest-rising diseases in this country. And the vaccine ingredients, if you are willing to look at them, and understand how they work when they’re injected into the body, can be seen to be responsible for every single one of these cases.

So what are these ingredients? Well, when I was in medical school, we were taught that the body has something called the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is like Fort Knox to the brain. Elements of the bloodstream cannot get into the brain. And those elements include drugs, viruses, and bacteria, among other things that are in the blood. Drug companies were very concerned about being able to develop drugs to get the drugs into the brain. And so they used something called a nanoparticle, nanoparticle, very small particle, bound to the drug. And they found that if they could put a nanoparticle onto a drug, they could get that drug to go into the brain. And it shows in animal studies, that they were able to do this.

They then were able to take an emulsifier which is something that’s good with water and fat, it can dissolve in both. And if they added the emulsifier to the nanoparticle bound to the drug, they could increase drug entry into the brain 20 fold. This is right out of animal studies that I found. So you have a drug, you have a nanoparticle, and you have this emulsifier. The vaccines are constructed the same way. You have the vaccine viruses and bacteria that are bound to a nanoparticle called aluminum, and that aluminum is a nanoparticle. And by definition, a nanoparticle has the potential to enter the brain.

Most vaccines also contain polysorbate 80, or sorbitol. Both of those compounds are emulsifiers. Emulsifiers bind very tightly to the nanoparticle aluminum, which is bound very tightly to the vaccine antigens. This raises a question: If the vaccine model is the same model as the model that the drug companies are using to enhance the delivery of drugs into the brain, is it possible that vaccine ingredients are making their way into the brain of our children? That could explain why so many parents are watching their kids deteriorate after vaccinations, even though the doctors, the media, and the government say absolutely no connection, even though the science suggests that there is. You cannot find a single study in the literature that addresses whether the injection of aluminum into the body penetrates the brain, whether any vaccine ingredients enter the brain, and whether polysorbate 80 enhances the delivery of any of those ingredients into the brain. And when I could not find those studies, I was concerned, because I’m told you’re told vaccines are evaluated, and very, very distinctly tested for safety. But yet, you cannot find a study that says, “Does aluminum get into the brain of children? Does aluminum take other vaccine ingredients into the brain that don’t belong in the brain?” Because when ingredients get across the blood-brain barrier that don’t belong in the brain, they cause inflammation. And inflammation is what we see in one in five children with learning disabilities, and one in 40 children with autism. And all you have to do is ask the guidance counselors. And if you get honest pediatricians who are telling you what they’re seeing in their practice, they’re seeing kids one after another with more and more brain disorders.

Now, as a medical doctor, who was taught to think and then went into the literature, and said, Are proper science studies done? – safety studies – where you take a vaccine and you inject it into 100 kids, and then you give 100 kids a saline placebo, meaning it’s inert. No study exists to actually evaluate the safety of a vaccine compared to a placebo group. None.

When vaccines are studied, the maximum amount of days that vaccines are studied are up to 10 days to two weeks. And unfortunately, the vaccine manufacturers preselect what side effects they will allow to be associated with the vaccines. So if a child has a vaccine reaction that is associated with the vaccine, the vaccine manufacturers will decide whether or not it should or should not be associated with a vaccine. And the public knows this, and they’re learning it more and more. So if your child develops seizures five months after a vaccine, your child is told by the doctor it had nothing to do with the vaccine. But that’s not true. Because there are no studies to prove it. There’s opinion, but there’s never been a study, really addressing whether a vaccination at two months, or even nine hours of age, could be related to an event that happened months or even years later. And yet we have some of the sickest children in our country.

In New York, we lost the religious exemption on June 13, because the unvaccinated children with a religious exemption were blamed for a measles outbreak. When I met with representatives in New York, I told them that there is no study to prove that unvaccinated children have ever been proven to start an epidemic. And he was surprised and he said, “I will vote against removing the religious exemption if I can’t find a study, like you said.” He could not find a study, but he voted to repeal the exemption anyway. Because there are no studies. There are no studies proving that unvaccinated children are responsible. There’s consensus, and here’s why there’s consensus:

We are taught that vaccines stop the children from carrying the germs that we are vaccinating against. And study after study shows that children who are vaccinated can still carry the germ, despite having received the vaccine. So, the vaccinated are still capable of spreading disease. But the unvaccinated are being unfairly blamed because of a consensus opinion, but not true science. To repeat, no study, no science has ever proven that vaccines eliminate the existence of the organism in your body. If anything, science is showing that the vaccines cause the organisms to mutate, and there are plenty of articles showing that strains are replaced by new strains after vaccination, similarly, to the way antibiotics are bringing about new strains of bacteria because of the overuse of antibiotics.

So why are we blaming the unvaccinated children? No study has ever been done in this country appropriately to address the health outcomes of children who are vaccinated, versus the children who are unvaccinated. I have been seeing families in my practice for over 20 years that have opted out of vaccination. They are the healthiest children I have ever seen. I have families who have older children who have been vaccinated, middle children who have been partially vaccinated, and then younger children who have not been vaccinated at all. And those families are rising in number. And they see the difference between the health outcomes of their younger children who are rarely sick, versus their older children who are getting IDPs (?) in schools, needing medications, ERs and constant health issues. And all I get when I hear that, when I state something like that is, “Well, that’s anecdotal.” Well, it’s anecdotal if you see it a couple of times. But it’s not anecdotal when you see it for over 20 years, and when you speak to parents, and when you speak to teachers, and when you speak to guidance counselors.

And when I speak to pediatricians who were too afraid to come out in public, there is pressure to ostracize the families who know the science and know the lack of science that’s available. There’s a lot of consensus. And when I think about the subject of vaccination, I want to ensure that if we’re going to prevent infectious diseases in children, that we don’t create something worse in its place.

Unfortunately, we’re dealing with a lot of beliefs instead of actual science, and beliefs go a long way. I took the oath of “first do no harm”. But when I look into the science, and I don’t see long term studies, and I see only short-term studies, up to four to 10 days, where the side effects are manipulated by the manufacturers who are the only ones doing the studies on the vaccines. And when I see no placebo groups, and I see no studies of the single ingredients or the combined ingredients, and I see the science, the biochemistry of the ingredients in animal studies, where animals who are given the aluminum are found to have motor delays and behavioral problems, which is a great deal of what we’re seeing in children today, I say, are we first doing no harm? And so, first do no harm means the precautionary principle. And more and more parents are understanding the dangers of vaccines. And that’s why we’re seeing such pressure to mandate vaccines because more of the science is coming out.

In order to create herd immunity, you have to be able to prove that children who are vaccinated are immune. And the sad part about that is that whenever you vaccinate a population of children, you’re always going to have a population that doesn’t develop any antibodies at all. The estimates of that are about 10% that vaccines will fail in 10% of the population. Vaccination, no antibody production. But the next group is even more suspicious. Because when you vaccinate, and you do produce an antibody, there is science to show that the presence of an antibody doesn’t guarantee immunity either. And we don’t know the percentage of children who get a vaccine, develop an antibody, but aren’t immune at all. We assume that if we vaccinate, we’re getting protection. We assume that if we vaccinate, we’re stopping spread of disease. Those are assumptions that have never been solidified in science. And I’m happy to offer more explanations during the Q&A. I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t have the science to prove it.

The parents that I work with a New York that I see around the country are very concerned that their rights are being taken away, that their knowledge about the science is being pushed away by an agenda that only says unvaccinated children are a problem.

Just to wrap up, in California when they had a measles outbreak, there were 194 cases. Of the 194 cases, 73 cases were due to the actual virus in the vaccine itself. Seventy-three, 38%, 73 cases were due to the measles virus causing measles. All the literature states that measles virus infection is not true measles and should not be counted as a health threat. That means only 121 Kids developed measles, 121 people. New York State did not do the proper testing that’s given down by the CDC to test every child to see if the children had measles strain, wild type measles or a mutated measles. There are cases around the country and around the world where in a 95 ~ 98% vaccinated population they had measles outbreaks, because they found mutated viruses. As I said before, there are cases where the virus mutates, where they’re strain replacements. New York State did not do the proper testing of the 1000 plus young children and adults who came down with measles. They wrote a little blurb on the CDC website of the two wild viruses that were responsible for the measles outbreak. But we in New York know that the testing was not done. Four thousand two hundred kids on Long Island had the religious exemption and were not vaccinated. And there was not one case of measles on Long Island.

Thank you.

How Are Forced Covid Vaccinations Different From The Mark Of The Beast? They Aren’t!

How Are Forced Covid Vaccinations Different From The Mark Of The Beast? They Aren’t!

All lovers of liberty should be against mandatory vaccinations. They are against the principles laid out in the Nuremberg Code (1947) which states:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

You can read all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code on

Below is a message from Pastor Chuck Baldwin to Liberty Fellowship on Sunday, August 22, 2021. You busy people can read the transcript of the main part of the message below the video.

All right, open your Bibles, if you would with me, please to the book of Revelation, the book of Revelation, chapter 13. I’m going to pull out two verses from this chapter, as the text for the message, Revelation chapter 13. And the two verses are verses 16 and 17. Again, Revelation chapter 13, verses 16, and 17.

Revelation 13:16  And he (the Beast) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Now, just a pause for a moment, when we get into our detailed discussion on prophecy will go into this much more, of course, but just for now, you have to understand that most of the book of Revelation is written in allegorical form. And that’s true here in the Passage. In their right hand or in their foreheads does not necessarily mean some kind of a tattoo in your right hand or forehead, literally. The term forehead and right hand would immediately resonate with the Hebrew Christians who were reading this prophecy of John, because under the old covenant, the Hebrews, many of them would wear phylacteries, on their heads, and on their arms. And so this was definitely a symbolic allegory to that. And even though the book itself was written in Greek, the Hebrew believers would have definitely understood the right hand, and the forehead, meaning accepting, in the case of the Hebrews, under the old covenant, it would have meant accepting the law of the Lord, with your heart, and mind and with your body. So the mind and then the arm, representing the totality of the human being, body, soul, spirit, heart. And so that was the symbolism of the phylacteries that the Hebrews would wear under the old covenant. So when he talks about this, pertaining to the Beastly System, he’s saying, that you will accept this System with your whole heart, with your mind with your flesh. And that’s, that’s the meaning of this.

Revelation 13:17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

So I’ll read it one more time without the comment.

Revelation 13:16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

In other words, if you do not accept the authority of the Beast, over your life, by whatever Mark is meant, you would not be able to function in society. You would not be able to purchase to buy to travel to work, you must submit to the authority of the Beast. You must have the Mark of the Beast, whatever specifically that refers to, or you will not be able to conduct business, to work, and to live in the Beastly society. That’s what the verse is saying.

This week, an article appeared on And I’d like to read this to you.

Now, in France, where this column originates or this article, the Mark is called a Pass. If you do not have a Pass, showing that you have been vaccinated with the COVID vaccines, you are not able to conduct yourself in society throughout the country of France. So as I read the article, I have no idea whether this individual is a Christian or not, there’s no reference to that. But in the article, he refers to the Pass. Okay. So instead of using the word Pass, every time it appears, I’m going to use the word Mark, because it’s one and the same. The Pass is the Mark. The Mark is a Pass. It’s identical in definition. So I’m going to use the word Mark. Every time he used the word Pass. Let me read it.


Here in France, it has gone to the extreme with the health Mark. Last week on the 21st, all restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and any leisure activities like sporting events, theaters, cinemas, museums were closed to anyone without the Mark. And all staff at these places are mandated to get the jab to keep their job. It is now a six month prison sentence. If you are caught inside any of these places without the Mark, business owners will get a fine of 45,000 euros and one year prison sentence if they do not comply with the use of the Mark and force all their employees to get the jab.

So the result? All the low paid employees quit, they can make more on welfare here. (for now) We can still technically “get take out food” but I just tried last night and every restaurant in our town (that is dine in with take out) has closed their doors due to the lack of staff.

As of last week ALL doctors, nurses and health industry workers have been mandated to get the jab or lose their license, practice, job, business etc. (ALL health care here is Govt paid positions and there are no private health care Doctors or Hospitals etc.)

That no man might buy or sell. Save he that had the Mark or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name.

Continuing with this article:

As of Aug 1st ALL large malls, retail stores and grocery store owners and their staff need to be jabbed and the health Mark is required to enter for employees and customers.

You cannot even get in the grocery stores, malls etc. without the Mark.

This would be the equivalent to closing ALL Targets, Walmarts, Costcos, Home Depots, and all major grocery stores. (basically any building over 20,000 square meters) to those without “the Mark”.

As of Sept 15th all public areas and access will be off limits. No farmers markets, no parks, no national parks, lakes, rivers, beaches, recreation areas, campsites etc. and no gathering over 100 people, no churches, no weddings, etc. (Without the Mark.)

As of Oct 1st ALL small vendors such as, delis, pizza trucks, sandwich shops, butchers, bakers, vegetable stands etc. (Will be off limits if you don’t have the Mark.

So as of Oct 1st I will only be able to purchase food by internet and pick up (if the store allows it).

Is it me or does all this seem a bit extreme for a “pass” that isn’t exactly working?

America Canada England Australia New Zealand you’d better wake up.

All over the United States, government employers and many private companies are mandating their employees take the jab or lose their jobs — as we found out from this dear lady from Missouri today. Paul Craig Roberts wrote a great article that was picked up on this week. Paul was former assistant treasury secretary under Ronald Reagan, as most of you know. And I quote his brief column.


Why have US corporations involved themselves in public health policy? Why have they taken a position that is totally contradicted by all facts and all known evidence?

And you see, if you don’t understand the spiritual nature of this Beastly system, if you don’t understand that this is not science, this is not medicine, this is spiritual deception, then you’re not going to understand why all of this is happening. And Paul, that’s that’s why he’s asking the question. He may not understand the spiritual significance of this.

It is not only democratic governments that have turned totalitarian but also private corporations who are asserting authority to override the Nuremberg Laws and mandate that employees be vaccinated with the Covid Vaccine. A vaccination is a medical procedure and requires informed consent.

It is very strange to find corporations recruited to serve a coerced marketing campaign. We hear about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” But there is no such pandemic. All evidence shows that the majority of new cases are among the double inoculated.

The majority of people are those who’ve been inoculated.

Public officials and the presstitutes (the media) are implying that it is those who refuse the vaccine who are responsible for the new outbreak when to the contrary it is the vaccinated people who are the cause of the variants and new illnesses. As Dr. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used to create the vaccine has patiently explained, the vaccine trains the virus to produce variants that escape vaccines.

Considering the enormous number of deaths and injuries associated with the vaccine, we are faced with the conclusion that the vaccine gives those vaccinated Covid illnesses.

No evidence exists that supports the claim of CDC director Rochelle Walensky that the delta variant is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

No evidence exists that the vaccine protects against Covid. Indeed, the vaccine seems to spread the virus.

We have learned that there is no such thing as “fully vaccinated.” The new program is endless booster shots every few months, the result of which will be an explosion in adverse effects from the vaccine.

The Covid policy is so counterfactual and so contradicted by all evidence that conspiracy theorists who see a darker agenda at work are gaining credibility.

And for Paul Craig Roberts to say that, that’s significant. And then he concludes,

When a vaccine has proven itself not to protect but to cause unprecedented deaths and illnesses, how can any intelligent person arrive at the conclusion that more vaccine is the solution?

Just this week, we learned that two of my congregates from my former pastor, died after receiving the COVID vaccination. One of them was in her 40s. Two people that I personally knew as their pastor died this week, and both having taken the COVID vaccination. For those of you around the country, you should know that our state here in Montana is the only state in the United States to ban vaccine requirements for employees. And that was the direct result of a massive input from the grassroots citizenry of this country, and some great legislators who had a determined position to bring this legislation to the legislature, and the governor had the guts to sign it. And it’s the law of our state that no business can require the vaccine for their employees as a condition for employment. And we’re the only state in the country with such a law. And as you can imagine, pressure is coming in from all over the country, on our state government, our legislators and our governor to reverse this law.

Next week, would you please bring with me, the names of our legislative leaders, our governor, our Majority Leader, and majority Senate and House and all the leadership, and we need to start letting these people know that they cannot buckle to the pressure of outside influences, to try and undo the constitutional acts of the legislature supported by the people of the state of Montana. It’s very important that we stand in the gap with our legislative because I’m telling you, right now, the pressure is immense, including economic bribery attempts in order to get them to reverse because we’re the one state the only state that has done this, and they don’t want other states copying this. And so they’re going to try to stop it here in Montana. It’s very important that we get involved in this, will have those names. And if you have the names yourself, don’t wait for us to give them to you. You can start contacting them this week. Tell them thank you so much for what you’ve done and do not submit to the pressure. We are behind you.

With that in mind, I’m gonna give you a couple of other articles that were in the news this week that I think are so very relevant to the message of the hour. This comes from attorney Thomas Renz and his website. The title of it, “Bombshell lawsuit alleges government covering up tens of thousands of injection-related deaths”. Attorney Thomas Renz, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Alabama on July 19, that alleges a massive government cover-up of injection-related US deaths, that number “at least 45,000”. The suit filed on behalf of America’s Frontline Doctors in US District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, is based on a sworn statement by a government insider under federal Whistleblower Protection. America’s Frontline Doctors, a nonprofit, filed a motion seeking immediate injunction injunctive relief to stop the emergency youth authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for three groups of Americans, anyone under the age of 18, anyone who has recovered from COVID-19, and those who haven’t get been given informed consent as defined by federal law.

Speaking at a reawaken tour event held July 17 and 18 in Anaheim, California, Renz made the bombshell announcement, he says is based on a whistleblower with access to government computers, and can prove that at least 45,000 Americans have already been killed by the three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use by the FDA. 45,000 according to this source, people have died after receiving the COVID injection. Well, I can vouch for at least two of those.

Then there was another report that I want to share. This is from The doctor cites whistleblowers inside CDC, who claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans. The doctor quoted is Dr. Peter McCullough. He says, “good doctors are doing unthinkable things. They appear to be under a spell. The whole world is under a spell. The spell is satanic deception. And it includes most of the pastors in America.

So I quote now the article,

The most highly cited physician on the early treatment of COVID-19 has come out with an explosive new video that blows the lid off the medical establishment’s complicity in the unnecessary deaths of 10s of 1000s of Americans. Dr. Peter McCullough said these deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable. McCullough is a professor of medicine and vice chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University. He also teaches at Texas A&M University. He is an epidemiologist, cardiologist, and internist and has testified before the Texas State Senate related to COVID-19 treatments. He holds the distinction of being the most widely cited physician in the treatment of COVID-19 with more than 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

The sources are plenteous that the medical profession in general, and the CDC in particular, are deliberately hiding the numbers of deaths that have occurred among people having taken the COVID vaccination. In the same way that the CDC and the medical establishment manipulated and exaggerated the number of deaths associated with COVID, back in the spring of 2020, when our own Dr. Annie Bukacek, got up on this platform and gave her professional analysis citing this CDCs own documents to prove the manipulation, the exaggeration that was taking place at the CDC, in order to beguile the American people regarding the threat and the danger of COVID-19. In the same way, that they exaggerated the numbers of deaths associated with COVID in 2020, is the same way that they are manipulating the numbers in 2021, to hide the numbers of those who are dying from the COVID vaccinations. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not medicine, this is not science, this is blatant deception.

And as I said, unfortunately, the vast majority of evangelical pastors and churches are fully subservient to this medical Mark of the Beast. And that’s exactly what these vaccine passports or passes, call them whatever you want, that’s what they are. They are medical Marks of the Beast! Some churches and Christian organizations – and I am not making this up – some churches and Christian organizations are even refusing to allow unvaccinated people from attending their services or participating in their Christian observances. In other words, they would not deny them communion, they would deny them baptism, they would they would deny them the Christian ordinances that we we observe as a church body, and they are denying them attendance in the churches, because of their submission to the Beastly system. If you do not have a vaccination passport, many churches will not let you into their congregation. If you have run into that, wherever you are, would you please spread the word in your state and in your local community, that there is one church in this country where the unvaccinated will always be welcome? And that’s Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana.

Now, please let me remind you of three important biblical truths that are all germane to everything we’re discussing. Number one, the Israel-based pre-tribulation rapture is a myth. Let me say it again. The Israel-based pre-tribulation rapture is a myth! Why is that important? Because this Israel-based pre-tribulation rapture, deception is what the vast majority of evangelical churches have embraced for the last 100 years. As a result, they have fallen for these massive misinterpretations of Scripture, which have led evangelicals across the country to accept this medical Mark of the Beast. If they had never accepted this phony pre-tribulation rapture myth, they would not be susceptible to the deception that is the medical Mark of the Beast. So number one, the Israel base pre-tribulation rapture is a myth.

Number two, the Israel base seven-year tribulation itself is a myth! And when we get into our discussion of prophecy, I will elaborate on that in detail. But these two falsehoods formed the theological foundation that has opened the minds and the hearts of evangelical Christians to accept all of the lies that are now permeating the world pertaining to the phony COVID narrative, and the COVID shots in particular. Without the acceptance of this false prophecy doctrine, that deception would not have a fertile groundwork on which to grow. But those foundations of false prophecy, give fertile ground for the deception that we are now experiencing.

And number three, let me remind you again, and I’ve mentioned this several times in messages of the past, the Beast is not a man. It is an antichrist beastly system. It’s a system. But because the evangelical world thinks that the Beast is an individual being, an individual human being that’s going to come in the future after they’ve been raptured – and this is all for Israel – and we’re not going to be here – because of that deception, they are sitting on the sidelines, saying nothing and have actually given their hearts to this medical Beastly system, out of ignorance of truth, and out of the acceptance of the falsehood of the Scofield futurism that is known as predestinational prophecy that most evangelicals all accept thanks to the ministry and the Bible of C.I. Scofield.

So I’m trying to show you the connection between false theology that has permeated the church over the last 100 years, and the acceptance of this Beastly system by the church that we are now experiencing today. And let’s face it, if the Evangelical Church had not have fallen victim to this lie back in the spring of 2020, if they would have stood their ground for truth, as a church body, collectively, you and I both know that the COVID narrative would have died on the vine, it would have died before it started. But when the churches started closing their doors, when the churches started accepting the virus, when the preacher started getting up on television and telling everybody that they need to stay home and do everything to CDC said, when they did that, it gave the spiritual cover for the deception that was needed in order for this to become the monster that it is today. Again, that’s why I’ve told you from day number one, this is not a political issue. This is not a medical issue. This is not a science issue. This is a spiritual issue.

(Transcribed up to 34 minutes and 47 seconds.)

Dr. Dan Stock explains how the current measures to combat COVID-19 do not work

Dr. Dan Stock explains how the current measures to combat COVID-19 do not work

Dr. Daniel “Dan” Stock is a physician. This is his message about COVID-19 to a Mt. Vernon school board meeting in Indiana, USA, on August 6, 2021:

Dr. Dan stock introduces himself: Dr. Dan stock 5777 West seven in North McCordsville, Indiana. To address your comment, it’s hard to believe we’re 18 months into this and still having a problem. And I would suggest the reason we still have a problem is because we’re doing things that are not useful. And we’re getting our sources of information from the State Board of Health and the CDC, who actually don’t bother to read science before they do this.

I’m actually a functional family medicine physician. That means I am specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation. And everything being recommended by the CDC and State Board of Health is actually contrary to all the rules of science. So things you should know about Coronavirus and all other respiratory viruses, they are spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask. By the way, the literature that supports all of that is in a flash drive that we presented to you. It’s been given to the secretary. As a matter of fact, it quotes at least three studies. It’s sponsored by the NIH to that exact fact even though the CDC and the NIH have chosen to avoid to ignore the very science that they paid to have done.

That is why you keep struggling with this is because you cannot make these viruses go away. The natural history of all respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter, or become deranged, as has happened recently with these vaccines. And then they cause symptomatic disease because they cannot be filtered out and they have animal reservoirs. And this is a very important point. No one can make this virus go away.

The CDC has managed to convince everybody that we can handle this like we did smallpox where we could make a virus go away. Smallpox had no animal reservoirs, the only thing it learned to infect was humans. That’s why we’re able to make that virus go away. That will not happen with this any more than it will with influenza, the common cold respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus viral respiratory syndromes, or anything else that has animal reservoirs. So the reason you can’t do this is because you’re trying to do something which has already been tried and can’t be done.

Equally important is that vaccination changes none of this especially with this vaccine. And I would hope this board would start asking itself before it considers taking the advice of the CDC, the NIH, and the State Board of Health, why we are doing things about this that we didn’t do for the common cold, influenza, or respiratory syncytial virus? And then ask yourself, why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective having a breakout in the middle of the summer when respiratory viral syndromes don’t do that.

And to help you understand that you need to know the condition that is called antibody-mediated viral enhancement. That is a condition done when vaccines work wrong as they did in every Coronavirus study done in animals on Coronavirus is after the SARS outbreak and done in respiratory syncytial virus were a vaccine used in a vulnerable individual done the wrong way, which why it cannot be done right for respiratory virus, which has a very low pathogenicity rate causes the immune system to actually fight the virus wrong and let the virus become worse than it would with native infection. And that is why you’re seeing an outbreak right now. In fact, in that flash drive you’re going to have coming to you and in the emails with six extra obeah (??) studies showing that 75% of people who had COVID-19 positive symptom cases in Barnstaple, Massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated. (Applause)

Therefore, there is no reason for treating any person vaccinated any differently than any person unvaccinated. You should also know that no vaccine even the ones I support and would give to myself and my children ever stops infection. In 2014 there was an outbreak of mumps in the National Hockey League. The only people who came down with the symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or had unknown vaccine status. Boy, that sounds like a great argument for vaccines. But a question that you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual Where did they get the disease? And the answer was from the vaccinated individuals. No vaccine prevents you from getting the infection, you get infected, you shed pathogen. This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens, you just don’t get symptomatic from it. So you cannot stop the spread, you cannot make these numbers that you’ve planned on getting better by doing any of the things you’re doing. Because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens. And you can’t prevent it with a vaccine because they don’t do the very thing you’re wanting them to do. And you will be chasing this remainder of your life until you recognize that the Center for Disease Control and the Indiana State Board of Health are giving you very bad scientific guidance. And instead, read the articles that are gonna come in the email and on this flash drive. And listen to the people in this audience here tonight, who actually have recognized the advice they are getting from the CDC and the NIH is counterfactual. And that’s why you’re still fighting this but this vaccine that supposedly was gonna make all of this go away, but it suddenly managed to make an outbreak of COVID-19 develop in the middle of the summer when vitamin D levels are at their highest.

By the way, the other thing that would be necessary for any vaccine restriction to be considered is if there were no other treatments available. And I can tell you having treated over 15 COVID-19 patients that between active loading with vitamin D, ivermectin, and zinc that there there’s not a single person who has come anywhere near the hospital. And we already have studies that show that if you achieve a 25 hydroxy, vitamin D level greater than 55, your risk of COVID-19 death will drop down to one-quarter of the population average for the United States. And there are active treatment trials included on that flash drive, that show the same is true.

So if you were going to discriminate based upon vaccine, you should also discriminate based upon 25 hydroxy, vitamin D level, zinc taste test response, and probably previous infections since there are also studies on the flash drive that show that people who have recovered from Covid-19 infection actually get no benefit from vaccination at all, no reduction in symptoms, no reduction in hospitalization, and suffer two to four times the rate of side effects if they are subsequently vaccinated. Therefore, the policies that you are basing on are totally counterfactual. I don’t blame this board for that, because I know you aren’t scientists, and you thought it was reasonable to listen to the CDC, NIH, and the Indiana State Board of Health. But I would encourage that instead, you listen to the people out here in this audience, and read what’s on that data drive. And if anybody here on this board has any questions about anything on that, I will happily come back and sit with you individually if you would like me to explain the science behind this. And if you’re worried about being sued by somebody because you don’t follow the guidance of the CDC and the NIH, I will tell you, you have a free pro bono expert testimony at your disposal. (Applause) I will testify in defense of this court, turning down all these recommendations for free at any time in any court. Thank you.

Moderator: Thank you. Thank you.

(Loud applause.)