Warning Against Giving and Sharing False Prophecies

Warning Against Giving and Sharing False Prophecies

The video is a talk by Allen Parr who says, “My heart is very heavy today because so many in the body of Christ are being swept up by a movement of false prophets who are trying to convince the body of Christ that they are hearing from God through dreams, visions and “prophetic words.” Please watch this entire video as I also share some advice for people who commonly say, “God showed me” or “God told me.”

It’s one thing to voice an opinion about what may happen in the future, but for a Christian to give a prophecy, “Thus saith the LORD” that such and such will happen and it doesn’t, is a serious sin worthy of death according to Old Testament law! We canNOT know the future other than what is clearly written in the Bible!

Jeremiah 14:14 Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

Jeremiah 23:16-17 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. [17] They say still unto them that despise me, The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.

Christians have been saying things such as Trump is God’s man to save America. No one man except the Lord Jesus Christ can save America! In order for America to be saved from coming judgment, she must repent of her sins of pagan idolatry, witchcraft, homosexuality, and a multitude of other sins that liberals and atheists think are OK! Even some people who call themselves Christians try to justify some of America’s sins!

And now that Joe Biden is president, the future except for the promises of God, looks bleaker than ever. Only God can save us! Put not your faith in man! Trump is toast!

Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth about the CV19 vaccine

Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth about the CV19 vaccine

Dr. Simone Gold is the Los Angeles-based doctor who is leading a group called “America’s Frontline Doctors” that held a press conference on COVID-19 on July 27, sparking a controversial viral video that was removed from multiple social media platforms except for Bitchute which does not censor views just because they oppose the mainstream narrative. That video is at the very end of the text of this article.

The video directly below is Dr. Simone Gold’s talk to a group of doctors who all agree with her. It’s still hosted on YouTube but will probably be deleted any second which is why I am showing the same video which is hosted on Bitchute. It may take time to load. While it does, you can read the text I transcribed from it.

Thank you so much for inviting me. I come to you tonight with a lot of information about the experimental vaccines, what’s called the experimental vaccines, regarding Covid-19. I think all of this information will be brand new to you. I know that this was all brand new to me over the last few months, even as a board-certified emergency physician I did not know a lot of what I’m about to share with you.

And I come before you on behalf of America’s Frontline Doctors which is a volunteer physician organization that we started specifically to combat the serious and life-threatening disinformation campaign that has really taken over America and really the entire globe. It’s very very scary stuff.

I’ve been a doctor for a long time. Before me my father is a doctor. I’ve never seen anything like this where we have groups of physicians or scientists and government bureaucrat agencies essentially lying to the American people and people across the world. I have many many examples. One brief example I’ll give you is that the national institute of health right now has as its policy recommendation for patients with Covid-19 stating that unless you’re in the hospital requiring oxygen there’s no actual treatment available for you. That is a complete falsehood, completely false. In most of the world non-first world countries there’s plenty of treatment easily available, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin here in America. if you can find a doctor to prescribe it you get those medicines, or Budestinide. There’s many options. And you know, this disinformation is why we came public.

When we started to speak out around July a little bit sooner but we got a lot of attention starting in July. we were promptly as the pastor said de-platformed. And it doesn’t bother me so much, I know the information, it bothers me tremendously on behalf of all of humanity, right? This is a crime against humanity. There’s a physician in the Netherlands who’s bringing a lawsuit in the Hague calling it that, calling it a crime against humanity. There is a lot of information you haven’t heard. There was a Senate testimony about a month ago. A bunch of doctors went and testified. It was I believe, senator Johnson is the chairman you, can find it on our website America’s frontlinedoctors.com. But the doctors testified that the vast majority of deaths in America would have not ever happened, not ever happened. I start with that because you must understand the magnitude of the lie to understand what they’re trying to tell you about these experimental vaccines. So we need to just kind of go through that for a little bit.

I know some of you heard this first sentence which I said this morning, but the disinformation was apparent since the beginning, right? We call this illness Covid-19, but its real name should be after the location from where it arose which is Wuhan China. And if you remember it was called the Wuhan virus for a while, a month or so before we discovered the Chinese Communist Party didn’t like that name. They set about putting a lot of pressure on media and other politicians let’s say to change it. And they started calling it the coronavirus. They called it the coronavirus because it is actually a coronavirus. But that became very confusing to doctors and scientists because there are seven coronaviruses, this is just number seven. So we used to use the word coronavirus sometimes on our charts when we meant a common cold. A person would come into the ER in my case and they just had a common cold and I would sometimes write coronavirus on the chart as the diagnosis. So it was pretty confusing for doctors and scientists to call it the coronavirus, so they had to change the name again and it became known by its acronym coronavirus disease 2019 Covid-19.

I have to start there because it was never a racist or or weird thing to call it the Wuhan virus, right? There’s so many diseases that are named after the location from which they rise. There’s Zika and Ebola, there’s Middle East respiratory syndrome, Rocky Mounted spotted fever, Lyme disease, I mean the list is endless, German measles, Spanish flu, this list is endless. So you need to understand that deception was there from the very beginning. So that was the first big lie.

The next big popular well-known lie was the maligning of this common ordinary cheap safe medication called hydroxychloroquine. Those of you who have traveled abroad who have taken mission trips for example or anybody in the military are quite familiar with this drug. Doctors would just give it out like candy. I know that I was going to take a holiday to Africa about 20 years ago and I was a medical student at the time and they just handed me the pills, here you go, I never asked any questions. It was a big fat nothing burger taking hydroxychloroquine. All of a sudden we started hearing doctors, even as doctors, that hydroxychloroquine is unsafe. You can’t understand what’s going on with the lies until you understand what an enormous lie this is! Hydroxychloroquine is over the counter in much of the world. It’s taken in many African nations. They call it Sunday Sunday medicine because you take it every Sunday. That’s like its name Sunday Sunday. People keep it in their pocket the way Americans might keep Tylenol in their purses. It’s absolutely ordinary stuff. It was over the counter really in any country which had malaria or any country that had citizens that would visit malaria countries on holiday it was over the counter. For example, it’s over the counter in France. The only reason it wasn’t over the counter in America is there just wasn’t a consumer demand.

In America, we use hydroxychloroquine for two main reasons, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, and also for malaria for people going on holiday but generally, it’s lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. And for those illnesses patients regularly see physicians so they can get a prescription for it. That’s why it was never over the counter here, not because it was unsafe. It’s been FDA approved for 65 years. We give it to babies, we give it to children, we give it to pregnant women, we give it to nursing mothers, we give it to the elderly, and we give it to the immune-compromised. Those last two categories take this medication for decades. There’s never a pretense that it’s not safe. That’s the drug that you’ve been hearing about for nine months now ten months telling you it’s unsafe! It’s an incredible lie of incredible proportions! Once you understand that you will be suspicious of everything that follows.

So that’s where I found myself. There I was in the emergency department treating patients as they came in with Covid-19, and once we had the rapid test so I can confirm the diagnosis, my first patient who I needed to give hydroxychloroquine and zinc, I did it and even knowing the kind of the controversy I really didn’t think twice about it. It was fine. I gave it to her, I actually called her the next day. She was so much better. She herself got better within about 12 hours. In about 48 hours she was essentially completely well. This completely matched what I had read in the scientific literature. I knew many doctors have done this. I’ve read many journals. It was completely consistent. What was really shocking and completely inconsistent was my medical director who calls me the next day and threatens to fire me for doing this, this treatment! I can’t even tell you even as I describe this moment to you, it’s shocking to me. I remember the case, the situation, the conversation, and he’s saying he’s going to fire me. And I said, “why would you fire me over this?” “Well, I don’t think it works.” I said, “well then. Don’t prescribe it! You haven’t read the science the way I have. I know it works you’ll change your mind in a couple of months when you get a little wiser, but why would you get involved with me treating a patient? You do your thing I do my thing that’s how medicine is practiced.” we are licensed as individuals.

It’s actually against the law to have what’s called a corporate practice of medicine. It has to be the individual doctor’s position. That’s why patients go to multiple doctors, right? (Applause) and really the almost the worst part of the conversation was not even that he was ignorant that the drug worked but his reasons for saying that he was going to fire me if I did this and the reason which he put in writing because he wasn’t so smart he said it was because the biggest payer at that hospital which is a large insurance company that everyone here has heard of that’s back on the West Coast mainly, didn’t want us to prescribe it, they were blocking it. So that payer insurance company was pressuring the hospital that their doctor shouldn’t do it. It had nothing to do with even if he thought it was good or bad for the patient, it all had to do with money and payment. Honestly, I still can’t believe I’m relating this story! It was really unbelievable. So he said I could never do that again. I said well good luck with that. So it kept happening. It happened about four or five times. And I kind of knew that my days at that particular hospital were really we’re going to be numbered, right? I mean, how long is this going to last?

So I started looking online for other physicians like myself. I knew I couldn’t be the only one. And I found the most amazing group of doctors really just brilliant intelligent compassionate kind, and we got together and we called ourselves the America’s Frontline Doctors. And what I felt needed to happen was we needed to break this disinformation cycle to which the Americans were all being subjected to, and people across the world as well. So I set up to do something called the White Coat Summit which was an entire day of education. We brought doctors and we brought social media influencers, young people know them as YouTubers. So we brought a whole bunch of YouTubers and a whole bunch of doctors we brought to Washington. We did seven hours of education and we laid out all the facts, very dispassionate, here are the facts on hydroxychloroquine, here are the facts on lockdowns, here are the facts on masks, here’s the facts on schools and kids transmission, here’s the facts for the elderly, here’s the facts on other treatments other than hydroxychloroquine. And we did that. In the middle of that day, we took a break and we walked over to the supreme court and that was the video that got 20 million views. It gets 20 million views not because I can sing like Beyonce but because human beings recognize truth, we have something inside of us. (Applause) I really emphasize that point because you can’t get to 20 million views nobody plans such a thing it’s only if people say “oh my gosh you got to listen to this you got to listen to this.” you recognize the truth, you recognize the truth. So I guess after a while big tech caught up with the fact that this was like breaking the internet. And so within an hour all of the platforms censored us simultaneously. So it’s essentially a monopoly. We’re talking about Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, all went down immediately. (Webmaster: It’s on Bitchute!) The President had retweeted us, the President’s son had retweeted us.

And from that moment on everything really kind of changed. I did get fired from both of my hospitals. It is a scary experience to get fired especially when you’ve worked as long as I have to be a board-certified emergency physician, and that’s what I do. I’m a mom, I have kids it’s not a comfortable feeling to be fired. You don’t know what the future holds. On the other side of this which is now several months, it’s really been a blessing, because we doctors have been able to come forward and speak freely and help other doctors who’ve been put in this situation. There are several of my peers, several doctors in the Americas Frontline Doctors group that have faced tremendous personal pushback. There’s a fellow right now in Oregon who refused to force the mask. He won’t wear it and he won’t force his staff to wear it. If you want to wear it. He was public about it. So the state of Oregon actually yanked his medical license. And when I when he first told me this, I thought this can’t be possible because you may not know but I’m also an attorney and it was impossible to conceive of an event like that happening without due process. I mean the whole thing about law if anybody’s been involved in the law at all it’s all about process. You’ve got to go through the process. You can’t just pull someone’s license. You have to have hearings and phone calls and papers filed and all that. I really just thought oh he missed his deadlines, but it was true. They actually just summarily pulled his license. It’s unbelievable.

This is 12 minutes and 26 seconds of the 56-minute video. I hope this text inspires you to want to listen to the rest.

Also, see the famous video of the doctors before the Supreme Court!

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! – With Text

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! – With Text

I transcribed the text of the audio from the first 18 minutes of the 29-minute video below. I think it’s more than enough information to get you to do your own research and make an informed choice whether to be vaccinated for COVID-19 rather than just blindly accept what the mainstream narrative is telling you to do.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

My name is Andrew Kaufman. I’m a medical doctor and board-certified forensic psychiatrist. This pandemic is not a real medical pandemic. The COVID-19 vaccine is not proven safe or effective because there has not been enough time. In addition, there is not a clear definition of any new disease for which it can be tested against. There has not been a virus that has been purified or shown to be the cause of an illness. Thus, there is no target for a vaccine. However, the bottom line is that since no additional deaths have occurred in relation to a new disease, there’s simply no need for a new vaccine.

Hilda De Smet

Dr. Hilda De Smet

Hi, my name is Hilda De Smet. I’m a Belgian medical doctor, and I’d like to say that a new COVID-19 vaccine is not safe and that there is no global medical pandemic for almost 20 years. The pharmaceutical industry has been trying to develop Corona vaccines, but never managed because they saw in the animal trials that there were serious side effects, autoimmune disorders, when the animal was exposed to a new wild type virus. These autoimmune disorders are comparable with the complications we have seen in some COVID-19 patients. Now, due to the excuse of a global pandemic, the pharma industry has the permission to skip the animal trials. This means that we humans will be the guinea pigs, and we might get severe side effects when we are exposed to new viruses.

Dr. Nils R. Fosse

Dr. Nils R. Fosse

My name is Nils Fosse. I’m a medical doctor in Barragan, Norway. The COVID-19 vaccine has not been proven safe. And the fact that it’s a new technology and it’s been tested in a few thousands of people in a few months, please do your own research. This is not a real medical pandemic. The death rates in Norway are not higher than an average year.

Dr. Elizabeth Evans

Dr. Elizabeth Evans

Dr. Elizabeth Evans, retired doctor and co-founder of the UK medical freedom Alliance. The COVID-19 vaccines are not proven to be safe or effective. We believe that it is reckless and unnecessary to roll out these essentially experimental vaccines that are using a completely new MRNA technology to millions of people, when there is only limited short term safety data, no evidence that they will prevent transmission of the virus and no long-term safety data to rule out late onset negative effects like auto-immune diseases, infertility, and cancers.

(Note: The following text is from https://bluecat.media/dr-adil/ I could not understand Dr. Adil’s speech from the Bitchute video due to his Pakistani accent, and so I used this text instead.)

Dr. Mohammed Iqbal Adil

Dr. Mohammed Iqbal Adil

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and families and colleagues, good evening. I am Dr. Mohammed Iqbal Adil, I am a Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon working in one of the teaching hospitals in the United Kingdom for the last thirty years.

I am Chairman of two International medical organizations having taught thousands of members of it. My main interest is in teaching, training, research, publication and to help out humanity during humanitarian crises, charity, and human relief activities all over the world.

The recent so-called “pandemic” of coronavirus has created an extraordinary humanitarian crisis all over the world, and 7.8 billion people are terribly affected which is a matter of concern for all of us medical graduates and professionals for the public and human beings.

For the last two months, the entire world has been locked down, they are in home arrest, they have been isolated threatened by the pandemic of the coronavirus. The businesses are all shut down, there’s a lot of travel restrictions by trains, by planes or by public transport, all the small and large businesses are all clamped down and it’s an extraordinary situation where all the schools are closed and 1.8 billion children in 180 countries are affected where families, children are at home and they are going through a very difficult situation which is causing a lot of uncertainty, fear and humanitarian catastrophe.

Now the question arrives, does the coronavirus exist? The answer is no. After all the research made in the last 3 months we have come to this conclusion that the coronavirus is actually a hoax created by the hunger games society which I explain in my last conversation with you… that the… there is a pyramid where the 1 to 2 percent people are controlling the 98 to 99 percent of the public all over the world and in the middle of the pyramid is a vicious and merciless police, military and bureaucracy.

The poor public has no support by these law and order maintenance authorities because they
work not for the public, they work for this top 1 – 2 percent filthy rich and enormously effected people sitting at home.

Going back to the pandemic of the coronavirus originally from Wuhan, China in January 2020. The Chinese noticed that there were 100, 250 people who were dying due to… who were actually having the flu like symptoms, and like a chest infection, upper and lower respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, fever. And they tested the bronchial secretion from their lungs and larynx. And they found no virus in their secretions, but they found a genetic material from the secretions taken from their lungs, and they named that secretion as COVID-19.

So far, not a single researcher has been able to identify the coronavirus itself, what they are testing is… with the test which the Chinese have introduced RT PCR which America, UK, the rest of Europe and the World is performing to check whether someone is covid positive or not. The very tricky statement when they give for somebody being covid positive – they write the report as: “this person is test positive for covid 19”, but they never write the report like this person is “corona positive”… “coronavirus positive”, which is a very tricky business, they have been to told to write this type of report.

And when the pathologist sees the secretions taken from those pharynx and larynx and he identifies the same picture of those secretions taken from the lung fluid… like… they name it “covid-19” which they call so-called “corona virus”, but actually it’s not a coronavirus.

This is actually a EXOSOME of the damaged and destroyed cells as a result of stress, as the entire world is going through. As a result of chest infection, as a result of flu, even lung cancer, they find the same sort of material from the lung secretions, which is labelled as “covid-19 positive”.

Even in heart attack when they check the secretion they named it as: “positive test for covid-19”, which is very unfair to label somebody as a “covid-19 positive” and then there is a special protocol for all these patients, especially the elderly ones above 70 years of age, they isolate them, and they… may go into mild to moderate symptoms. Believe me 80 to 85 percent of the positive covid-19 patients recovered without having gone into the critical situation, only 5 to 10 percent will go into the the critical situation when they go onto ventilators, and they never come out of that. Before going onto a ventilator they sign a consent form that they are not for resus (resuscitation), especially the elderly people. And they are never resuscitated, and they are left on the mucociliary ventilator, and after a few days they are declared as this patient was… “covid-19 postive”! Which is very unfair, EVERY patient who is admitted in the covid ward due to chest infection, flu and pneumonia and respiratory problem… or heart problem, or any other cancer problem is labelled as “COVID-19 POSITIVE” which is increasing the number GREATER and GREATER ALL OVER THE WORLD!

That’s why the “worldometer” which is fake, a calculator, I don’t know who is controlling this “worldometer” and who is sponsoring them? And I believe this is controlled by all the courts who are entrusted in creating this havoc so that they could chain the entire economic system of the world, and also they want to create… a… vaccination for that so that everybody would have the vaccination which would be electronically monitored through the computers, and through the electronic tags, and it would be like a quantum tattoo on their wrist or arm to declare it as positive, and that is going to happen in the future, believe me on that.

What impact the NHS has as a result of this coronavirus?

Most of the hospitals are gone empty, all the elective work has been cancelled. There is no endoscopy, no cystoscopy, no colonoscopy, no flexible sigmoidoscopy and no gastroscopy happening. All the electiveness of all sort of operations including the bowel cancers and
lung cancers and all the [INAUDIBLE] procedures have been cancelled. These patients are accumulating day by day and the number is ramping up. And what is going to happen is after some time when these courts, these crooks behind the scene are able to achieve their target, they will then introduce a health system like in America, Canada and Australia with insurance system so everybody will have to pay for their treatment which was free under the NHS before in the UK. And everybody will pay for it expenses and everything will be privatised and the hospital will only be running emergency services. And there will be more workload at the private sector, and this is another way of making money out of that.

So this is what we are experiencing in hospital nowadays, only most of the hospitals, about 75 percent, they are admitting the corona patients, they are actually not corona patients but anybody who is having flu like symptoms, chest infections, cough and fever is labelled as “covid positive” which is unfair and is theoretically speaking it is not justified management for the patients who are admitted, especially the elderly patients and those who have been cancelled for their elective operation.

How they will get it done, nobody knows? As I’ve said this is their plan and they’re going to implement an insurance system in the NHS in the near future. Thank you I will talk about the further impact of this later.

Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Doctors aren’t allowed to question COVID-19 in public. Material containing the truth about the alleged disease and the vaccine is banned. In the last year. I’d been demonized and lied about, and a 50 year career and reputation trashed by those promoting a pandemic that never was, in a vaccine that was never needed. The whole COVID-19 scam is, as I said, in March, 2020, the greatest hoax in history. The principle of informed consent is essential in medicine, but patients now having vaccines can’t give informed consent because they aren’t being informed. Thank heavens for sites, such as BrandNewTube, which carry uncensored videos by doctors who have been censored or banned elsewhere.

Dolores Cahil

My name is professor Dolores Cahil. I’m a molecular biologist and an immunologist. And we have good news! The Corona virus and the lockdown was not as severe as was told. We know that we can treat the symptoms of COVID-19 very successfully with vitamins D, C, and zinc, and with very safe medicines. And so therefore the lockdown and the measures like quarantining, social distancing and masks were not necessary. And also a vaccine is then also not necessary. There has never been a licensed RNA vaccine, and this is not because there have been many clinical trials, but that in the safety studies, there were significant adverse events and death in the animals that were used in these studies over the past 20 years.

Dr. R. Zac Cox

Dr. R. Zac Cox

My name is Zac Cox. I’m a holistic dentist and and homeopath. I’m a founder member of the World Doctors Alliance. I believe that the pandemic is fundamentally over and was so in the summer. I also firmly believe that there is no long term safety data on any of the COVID vaccines. This means that they are essentially experimenting on us, which is against the Nuremberg code. I will not be taking the vaccine.

Dr. Anna Forbes

Dr. Anna Forbes

Hello, I’m Dr. Anna Forbes. I’m a UK medical doctor here representing the UK Medical Freedom Alliance. This is a growing body of doctors, scientists, academics, and lawyers. We believe that there has been an overestimation of the public health risk from SARS-2 due to misrepresentation of data and inappropriate use of the PCR test. We call for the preservation of informed consent, medical choice and bodily autonomy. As doctors, we believe this is absolutely crucial to maintain. Thank you.

Ralf Sundberg

Dr. Ralf Sundberg

I am Ralf Sundberg MD Ph.D. former associate professor in transplant surgery at Kelly Sky Institute. My opinion of this crisis is that the PCR test is inaccurate. It actually causes so many false positives. So we’re scared to vaccinate. I don’t trust this vaccine.

Dr. Johan Denis

Dr. Johan Denis

My name is Dr. Johan Dennis from Belgium. The Corona vaccine is not proven, safe, or effective. There is no medical emergency. It is a fake pandemic. The Corona virus is in terms of harmfulness, mortality, and transmissibility comparable to a seasonal flu. And I can only reject the extreme disproportionate measures that are taken by our governments. There is no emergency situation. It was all orchestrated to make you fearful enough to take the vaccine. This vaccine is just not proven safe. It has been developed too quickly. We have no idea what the long-term effects will be. It needs much more investigation. There is no hurry or emergency. It might possibly change your DNA. This is irreversible and repairable for all future generations, an experiment on humanity. I would never give it to myself, my patients or my loved ones. We are no Guinea pigs.

There is nano technology present in this vaccine. Nanobots in hydrogels have been developed for military purposes. There are strong indications it could make you a controllable puppet by means of your own smartphone, connected with the 5G network and artificial intelligence. In this way, you could lose everything that makes you human. So please inform yourself well before you decide.

Very useful information can be found on the website of Robert Kennedy, childrenshealthdefense.org I bless you all.

Dr. Daniel Cullum

Dr. Daniel Cullum

Hi, I’m Dr. Daniel Cullum, chiropractic physician from Turpin, Oklahoma USA. This is not a real medical pandemic the world is enduring at this time. The vaccine has not been proven, safe or effective, and I will not be taking and or recommending it because there is no safe vaccine period.

Moritz von der Borch

Moritz von der Borch

My name is Moritz von der Borch. I’m working as a journalist in science and medicine, and I’m from Germany. Do not take this vaccine. This vaccine is dangerous. This pandemic is a front.

Dr. Anne Fierlafijn

Dr. Anne Fierlafijn

My name is Dr. Anne Fierlafijn. I’m a medical doctor from Belgium who specializes in chronic infectious diseases, such as Lyme, Epstein-Barr, molds, et cetera. COVID-19 vaccine is not proven safe, nor effective. And I think it’s unacceptable that all liabilities have been waived for the companies that are producing it. If pharma doesn’t take responsibility for the product they make, how can they expect doctors to inject them for their patients without a doubt of doing harm? More and more we see that this is really not a medical pandemic. The measures for Corona cause far more collateral damage than the virus causes itself. Worldwide, we see that the numbers of cases are falsely presented in order to drive the population to obedient behavior and to vaccination. So please be critical, do your own research, and don’t let the media manipulate you. I think it’s time to react, time to stand up for your freedom, for the future of your children. Don’t give in to anxiety, to polarization, to governmental control, and to restriction of your freedom all under the false pretext of a virus. Because that’s what’s happening.

Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Tom Cowan

Hi, this is Dr. Tom Cowan, and I just want to remind people that we have to remember that health does not come from the injection of toxins into our bodies, but rather from deciding what it means to be human and pursuing that with all your heart.

Dr. Kevin Colbert
I’m Dr. Kevin Colbert, a retired registered nurse and health scientist in the United Kingdom. The COVID vaccines are not proven, safe or effective. COVID is not a real medical epidemic. The vaccines use synthetic products that will alter your genes, allow monitoring of your vaccination status, and produce dangerous chemical reactions. Scientists are therefore demanding that all COVID vaccinations be immediately stopped.

The real epidemic is fear and hysteria. It started in China and quickly spread by the World Health Organization. The hysteria was accelerated by corporations who gained financially through selling fast-tracked, flawed medical tests, toxic antiviral drugs, and now unproven and potentially dangerous vaccines. Standard precautions, which normally protect the public have been disregarded due to ignorance, hysteria and profits. For example, the vaccines have not undergone proper phase three tests. The COVID test, the PCR, is fatally flawed. It was never examined in the standard way by the United Kingdom National Health Service. And it should never have been used on sick people or those with no symptoms. You can read about the flaws in the PCR test at cormandrostenreview.com.

Dr. Carrie Madej

Dr. Carrie Madej

My name is Dr. Carrie Madej. I am an internal medicine physician from the United States of America. I own my own clinic and I’ve been medical director of two different clinics, as well as being an attending physician for medical students over the last 19 years. I’m here to tell you that there is no worldwide pandemic for COVID-19. We’re using testing mechanisms called PCR that have never been indicated or created to diagnose any infection. This is not the way we should be diagnosing. In addition, hospitals and doctors are getting financial incentives to diagnose COVID-19. On top of that, we have multiple lab errors happening around the world over and over indicating more false positives. On top of that, I am here to tell you that I will not take the COVID-19 vaccine, and I will not recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for any of my patients. This vaccine is experimental on the human race because they are proposing to use modified messenger RNA or modified DNA synthetic to the human body. This is the first time ever this will ever be launched on the human race. We don’t know what could happen to us. In addition, they’re proposing to use nano lipid technology or nanotechnology and the human race as well. There are so many different awful things that can happen to us. And we need to investigate this before we go forward. This is my alarm call to the world.

Dr. Barre Lando

Dr. Barre Lando

My name is Dr. Barre Lando, and I’ve treated many vaccine damaged children. Due to the lack of proper testing and the spurious conditions surrounding the alleged pandemic. I would highly caution anyone considering taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

Kate Shemirani

Kate Shemirani

I am Kate Shemirani, naturalness in a toxic world. Do I believe there is a pandemic? Absolutely not. There’s no evidence of that. Do I believe that COVID-19 exists? Absolutely not. It has never been proven. Do I believe that the population need this new COVID-19 dangerous vaccine that’s not had the safety trials done, and it hasn’t ever been done before? Absolutely not. No one needs it. Do I believe that our government should be arrested for possibly genocide? Absolutely.

Sandy Lunoe

Sandy Lunoe

My name is Sandy Lunoe, retired pharmacist, and I live in Norway. The COVID-19 vaccines are not proven safe or effective. I focus on just two safety issues. The vaccines carry the risk of immune enhancement. Instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus. Secondly, in the UK, the medicines and healthcare products, regulator agency has made an urgent request, “The MHRA urgently seeks an artificial intelligence software tool to process the expected high volume of COVID-19 vaccine adverse drug reactions.”

The Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation – By Philip Mauro

The Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation – By Philip Mauro
A Study of the Last Two Visions of Daniel, and of the Olivet Discourse of the Lord Jesus Christ
(1921, REVISED 1944)
Philip Mauro

Philip Mauro

Philip Mauro

Philip Mauro (January 7, 1859 – April 7, 1952) was an American lawyer and author. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri.cHe was a lawyer who practiced before the Supreme Court, a patent lawyer, and also a Christian writer.

Philip Mauro almost exclusively used the Authorized Version (King James Version) unless he specifically referred to the Revised Version, the American Revised Version (later known as the American Standard Version), or even in places to the Rotherham Version to illustrate a particular point. The use of the Authorized Version was retained throughout this work.

Our object in the present series of papers is to bring before our readers some results of recent studies of the prophecy of The Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9), and of the Lord’s discourse on Mount Olivet (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21), in which He applied and expanded a part of that prophecy.

Writings and addresses on prophecy always excite interest, because they appeal to the element of curiosity which is prominent in human nature. But such writings and addresses are of benefit only so far as they rightly interpret the Scripture. In the case of unfulfilled prophecy this is oftentimes a matter of difficulty; while on the other hand writers on prophetic themes are under constant temptation to indulge in Surmises and speculations, and even in flights of imagination. Much has been put forth as interpretation of prophecy which is utterly unproven, but which could not be disproved except, as in cases where dates have been set for the coming of Christ, by the event itself.

Another fact which has been impressed upon us in this connection is that there has been no progress in the interpretation of unfulfilled prophecy for a good many years. At “prophetic conferences”, and in books and magazines, the same things are being repeated today, with little variation, that were said two decades ago. It would seem that, for some reason, the Lord has not been, of late, shedding fresh light upon this part of His precious Word. Our own thought about the matter is that writers on prophecy have gone so far in advancing, and the people of God in accepting, mere conjectures, unproven theories, or at best mere probabilities, as interpretations of the prophetic Scriptures, that there must needs be a surrender of our speculative ideas, and a retracing of some of our steps (which have diverged from the truth), ere there can be any real advance in the understanding of this part of the Word of God.

Having these things in mind, we purpose, in entering upon the present line of studies, to be governed by certain principles which, we believe, should control at all times those who assume to expound the Word of God to their fellow saints.

The first of these controlling principles is, neither to accept nor to give forth as settled interpretation anything that rests upon surmise or mere probability; but only what is supported either by direct proof from Scripture, or by reasonable deduction there from. We maintain that it is far better to have no explanation at all of a difficult passage than to accept one which may turn out to be wrong. For it is not easy to give up an idea when once we have committed ourselves to it.

In fact, that which chiefly stands in the way of the acceptance of fresh light and truth from the Scriptures is the strong (in some cases almost invincible) reluctance of the human mind to surrender or even to examine the ground of, opinions which possibly were originally accepted upon human authority only, and without any inquiry as to the support which can be found for them in the Word of God.

Another guiding principle is that the proof adduced in support of any interpretation should be taken from the Scripture itself. Our conviction is that, whatever information is essential for the interpretation of any and every passage of Scripture is to be found somewhere in the Bible itself. Were it not so the Holy Scriptures would not be able to make the man of God perfect, that is to say, complete, and thoroughly furnished unto every good work (2 Timothy 3:16–17). We must, of course, appeal to history in order to show the fulfillment of prophecy; for it cannot be shown in any other way. But the interpretation of Scripture is another matter.

Furthermore, wherever we offer a statement or opinion to the reader for his acceptance, we feel bound to give along with it the proofs by which we deem it to be established. This should be demanded of every writer. But, most unhappily, there are now in circulation many books dealing with Bible subjects, whose authors deem themselves to be such high “authorities” that they habitually make assertions of the most radical sort without citing in support thereof any proof whatever. We earnestly caution our readers to beware of all such. It is not according to the mind of God that His people should rest upon any human “authorities” whatever. His own Word is the only authority. These papers are prepared for the benefit of “the common people”. What we undertake by the grace of God to do is to make every statement and conclusion so plain, and to support it by such clear proof from the Scriptures alone, that the ordinary reader will be able both to see for himself the meaning of the passage, and also to comprehend perfectly the scriptural evidence by which that meaning is established. Thus he will be entirely independent of all human “authority”.

This is an exceedingly important point. For, as matters now stand, it would be difficult or impossible to find anyone whose view of the Seventy Weeks prophecy does not rest, as to someone or more essential features thereof, upon mere human authority. In our own case, when we began these studies (about May 1921) our opinion (in regard especially to the Chronology of the prophetic period) had no better basis than that such were the views of certain eminent writers on Bible topics; and this was most unsatisfactory because we knew that there were other equally eminent students of the Bible who held an entirely different view. But now we are in no uncertainty. We have solid ground under our feet; for every conclusion rests upon the unshakable rock of God s own testimony. This is as it should be.

We wish particularly to impress upon our readers that the proofs furnished by the Scriptures for our comprehension of this great and marvelous prophecy are not hard to understand or to apply. On the contrary, they are quite simple. On a moment s reflection, it will be seen that it could not be otherwise. For the Scriptures were written, not for the erudite, but for the simple-minded. Our Lord said, speaking of this very prophecy, “Whoso readeth, let him understand” (Matthew 24:15); and it should not surprise us to find that all the materials needed for our understanding of the matter are contained in the Bible itself.

Bible Chronology

Prior to the publication of Martin Anstey’s great work in 1913, all the existing systems of Bible Chronology were dependent, for the period of time embraced by the Seventy Weeks, upon sources of information outside the Bible, and which are, moreover, not only unsupported by proof, but are in conflict with the Scriptures. Anstey’s system has the unique merit of being based on the Bible alone. Therefore it is capable of being verified by all Bible readers. But for the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks there is no need to resort to any system of chronology, seeing that the prophecy contains its own chronology. In fact the difficulties and confusion which have arisen in connection with this prophecy are due in large measure to the attempt to make it conform to an incorrect chronology.

A Prophecy of Transcendent Interest

The Scripture we are now about to study is one of the most marvelous and most transcendently important in the Word of God. That which is of supreme interest in it is the divinely revealed time measure, starting from the return of the Israelites out of Babylonian historical event second in importance only to the Exodus from Egypt — down to the culminating event of all prophecy and all history, even “unto Messiah,” and to His being “cut off and having nothing.”

The very nature of the things here revealed is a guaranty that, in the Scriptures themselves, will be found everything that is needed for a right and clear understanding thereof; and further that the whole matter lies within the comprehension of ordinary saints. All we ask of our readers is their prayerful attention to the Scriptures to which we shall refer. Upon that sole condition we can confidently promise them that they will be well able to understand every matter advanced, and to see for themselves whether it be supported by the Word of God or not.

Finally, we desire to say that the conclusions we have reached involve nothing (unless in respect to some minor details) that has not been pointed out by sound Bible expositors of other days. This, however, we were (in some important particulars) unaware of until our studies were completed; for while they were in progress we consulted no human authorities except Anstey’s Bible Chronology, mentioned above.

If any of our readers should find themselves in disagreement as to any of the matters set forth herein, we would ask of such only a patient examination of the proofs advanced, together with that measure of kindly toleration which is to be expected in such cases amongst those who are, with equal sincerity, seeking to know the mind of God.

“Daniel the Prophet” (Matthew 24:15)

The book of Daniel differs in marked particulars from all others. The miraculous element abounds in it; and because of this it has been within recent years an object of venomous attack by the enemies of truth. Furthermore, the communications found in it are not, like other prophecies, in the nature of exhortations and warnings to the people of that time; for Daniel was not (like the other prophets), the messenger of God to the people of Daniel s own day. They are, on the contrary, in the nature of Divine revelations, given to Daniel, either in the form of visions, or of messages direct from heaven. It does not appear that they were communicated to the people of that day. Thus the book is seen to be not for the people of Daniel s own time, but for those of a later period or periods. Here is a very marked difference between the prophecies of Daniel, and all others.

Moreover, the book of Daniel has to do in a very special way with Christ; and to this feature we would call particular attention. Christ Himself is distinctly seen in it, once in earth in the midst of the burning fiery furnace, delivering the men who trusted in their God (3:25); and once in heaven, receiving an everlasting Kingdom (7:13–14). And beyond all else in interest and importance is the fact that to Daniel was given the exact measure of time from an event clearly marked in his own day — an event for which he had fervently prayed — to the coming of Christ, and to His being “cut off”. Moreover, in this connection, God revealed to Daniel the marvelous things which were to be accomplished through the crucifixion of Christ, as well as the overwhelming judgments — the “desolations” — far surpassing anything of like nature theretofore — which were to fall upon the City, the Sanctuary and the People, in consequence of their rejection and crucifixion of Christ.

In respect to these remarkable and immensely important features, the book of Daniel stands in a class by itself.

Moreover, this book contains not only predictions that were to be fulfilled at the first coming of Christ, but also predictions relating to the end of the present age. For we have in the vision of the great image of gold, silver, brass, iron, and clay, recorded in Chapter 2, an outline of the course of human history from Daniel’s own time down to the second coming of Christ in power and glory; and the breadth of the prophecy is such that it embraces the chief political changes of the whole world.

It is doubtless because of the unique character and importance of this book that it has been so fiercely attacked within recent times, and that every attempt has been made to raise a doubt as, to its authenticity; for great efforts have been made to convince the people in general that it was not written by Daniel, or in his day. Those attempts have conspicuously failed; but the efforts of the adversary to discredit this book are still to be seen in the crude interpretations, miscalculations, and fantastical views which have been poured forth in this day, now that it has become a matter of importance to “understand” these prophecies.

An intimation of the efforts that would be made to becloud the prophecy of Daniel is found in the words of Christ when, in referring directly to that prophecy, he said, “Whoso readeth let him understand” (Matthew 24:15). But those words may also be taken as an encouragement to seek a right understanding of that wonderful series of prophecies.

The chief interest of our study centers in the revelation given to Daniel in the first year of the Medo-Persian Empire, and found in the ninth Chapter; and it is to this prophecy of prophecies that we wish to direct attention at the present time. It is generally known as the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24–27).

The setting of this prophecy should first be carefully noted. Daniel had learned, through Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10, that the period which God had set for the “desolations of Jerusalem” was just seventy years (Daniel 9:1). That period was then about to expire; for the decree, whereby the captivity was ended and the Jews were allowed (and even exhorted) to return to their land and city, was issued by, Cyrus within two years (Ezra 1:1). That this was the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy is certainly known, because it is recorded in Ezra 1:1 that the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus to issue that decree, for the express purpose that “the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled”. This is surpassingly wonderful and impressive.

The effect upon Daniel of receiving this revelation was to send him to his knees in confession and prayer. His prayer should be carefully examined. It will be seen that it has to do entirely with the city, the sanctuary, and the people of God, with special reference to the “desolations” of the city. It will be seen also that these same subjects are what occupy the prophecy which the angel Gabriel brought to Daniel in response to his prayer. We call special attention to this, and also to the following points of interest:

  1. God’s response to Daniel’s prayer was in the form of a revelation brought to him by the angel Gabriel, who stated, as the first item of information, that the seventy years of captivity were to be followed by a period of seventy sevens (of years). The word here rendered “weeks” is literally “sevens”; so there is no doubt that the period designated in this prophecy is seventy sevens of years — 490 years.
  2. The decree which was to bring the captivity to an end by freeing the Jews, granting them the liberty to return to their own land and to rebuild the city and sanctuary, was to be also the starting point of the “determined” period of seventy sevens of years. This is clearly seen from the prophecy itself in connection with Ezra 1:1 and other Scriptures hereafter referred to; and it is important — indeed necessary in order to avoid being misled — that we grasp this fact and keep it in mind. So we repeat that the epoch-making decree of Cyrus in the first year of his reign (as sole king), in virtue of which the city and temple were rebuilt under Zerubbabel and Joshua, was both the termination of the 70 years captivity and also the starting point for the prophetic period of 70 sevens, which had been “determined”, or measured out, in the councils of heaven, upon the people and the holy city. Where the one period was to end, the other (just seven times as long) was to begin. Again we ask that this point be carefully noted. Full proof of its correctness will be given in our next chapter.
  3. Daniel had, in his player, confessed the sins of his people, for which sins God had brought upon them the “desolations” of their city and sanctuary. But, to his intense grief no doubt, the angel Gabriel revealed to him that a far more terrible sin, the very culmination of the sins of the people, was yet to be committed by them. This was to happen within the period “determined” by the prophecy; and moreover, in consequence thereof, a judgment far more severe was to fall upon them, even the utter destruction of the city and sanctuary, the sweeping away of the nation as “with a flood”, and “desolations” of age-long duration. No wonder eve find Daniel, in the third year of Cyrus, still mourning and fasting three full weeks, and lamenting that his comeliness was turned in him into corruption (10:2–3, 8). Daniel had said in his prayer, “Yea, all Israel have transgressed” (verse 11). An evident response to this is seen in the words of Gabriel, “seventy weeks are determined upon thy people to finish the transgression.” With this we may compare the words of Christ, spoken to the leaders of Israel, just before the Olivet discourse: “Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers” (Matthew 23:32). They did so by rejecting and crucifying Him.
  4. The most important feature of the revelation brought by Gabriel to Daniel was the precise measure of time (69 sevens, or 483 years) “to Messiah, THE PRINCE”; and the time when Messiah was to be “cut off and have nothing”. This is the wonder of wonders, the prophecy of prophecies.
  5. The angel Gabriel, who brought these marvelous predictions to Daniel, is the same who announced the approach of the fulfillment of them to Zachariah and to Mary (Luke 1:11–19; 26).
  6. The expression used by Gabriel to Daniel, “thou art greatly beloved”, is the exact equivalent of the word addressed by the same messenger to Mary — “thou art highly favored” (Anstey’s Bible Chronology, page 276). Mr. Anstey says of this expression: “It is used three times to Daniel and never to anyone else except Mary; and Gabriel is the only angel employed to make known to men the revelation of the mystery of redemption.”
  7. The revelation embraces two main subjects (a) the coming and cutting off of the Messiah, (b) the destruction and “desolation” of the City and Sanctuary. It is a fact very familiar to all readers of the Bible, that Christ Jesus called this prophecy to the minds of His disciples on the eve of His being “cut off,” and definitely announced to them at that time the approaching destruction and “desolation” of Jerusalem and the Temple (Matthew 24:1–22; Luke 21:20–24). In these seven points we have the main elements for a right understanding of the prophecy.

“From the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto Messiah the Prince” (Daniel 9:25)

The prophecy begins at verse 24. The angel informs Daniel that seventy sevens of years were “determined” (or marked out) upon his people, and upon his holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy (place). Here are six things which were to be accomplished within the definitely determined period of 490 years of Jewish history. Into those six things we purpose to look later on. But there is one important question that should be settled first. When does the stretch of 490 years begin? The next verse gives this needed information. We read, “Know therefore, and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah, the Prince, shall be seven weeks and three score and two weeks.” From this we learn that there was to be a total of 69 weeks (7 weeks plus 62 weeks) or 483 years from the given starting point unto the Messiah.

We must therefore determine with certainty the event from which the count of the seventy weeks was to begin; for it is manifest that the measuring line, notwithstanding it was given directly from heaven, and notwithstanding it is recorded for our benefit in the inspired Scriptures, will be of no use to us whatever unless the starting point be certainly known. It is equally manifest that the starting point cannot be certainly known unless it be revealed in the Scriptures and in such wise that the ordinary reader can “know and understand” it beyond a doubt. This essential matter, however, is revealed in the Word of God; and moreover the information is given in a manner so plain and so simple that the wayfaring man need not err therein. To this we will come in a moment. But first it is desirable to speak of the various and conflicting ideas on this vital point that are found in current writings on prophecy. For, strange to say, there is the greatest disagreement and contrariety of opinion as to the particular “commandment” or “word” referred to by the angel as the starting point of the 70 weeks. There are no less than four different decrees, or royal commands, which have been brought forward as the point from which the seventy weeks are to be counted. Some able and learned expositors choose one, and others equally able and learned choose another. Yet the Word of God speaks as clearly as to this as it speaks concerning where Christ should be born.

Why then this difference of opinion? The explanation is that those who, in recent years, have turned their attention to this prophecy have gone about the interpretation of it in the wrong way. They have pursued a method which cannot do other than lead to an erroneous conclusion. This should be understood by the reader (and we will seek to make it quite clear) before proceeding further.

The right way of getting at the chronology of the prophecy is so simple and obvious that a child can readily comprehend it. All we need to do is to ascertain from the Word of God the two events specified by the angel, (1) the going forth of the “commandment” and (2) the manifestation of “Messiah the Prince.” Having definitely fixed these two events (which the Scriptures enable us to do with certainty) we know from the prophecy itself that from the one to the other is just 483 years. By this method we have no need of a system of chronology.

But our expositors have proceeded in a very different way. First they have made choice of one or another of the various systems of chronology which have been compiled by various chronologists — as Ussher’s, Lloyd’s, Clinton’s or Marshall’s. Then, having assigned the correctness of the selected chronology, they have sought first for a decree of some Persian king, and second for some event in the lifetime of Christ, which would be as near as possible to 483 years apart, according to the selected chronology.

It will be clear upon the briefest consideration that, according to this method, the interpretation of the prophecy is controlled by whatever chronology the expositor may have selected; for he needs must reject every interpretation which does not agree with his assumed chronology.

Now, not only is this method of procedure fundamentally wrong in that it tries to make events of Bible history fit in with a man-made chronological scheme, but the fact is that every chronological System covering the period we have to do with (i.e., from the beginning of the Persian monarchy down to Christ) is largely a matter of guesswork. All those systems, without any exception, are based upon the “canon” of Ptolemy, that is to say, a list of supposed Persian kings, with the supposed length of the reign of each, which list was compiled by Ptolemy, a heathen astronomer and writer of the second century AD But Ptolemy does not even pretend to have had any facts as to the length of the Persian period (that is to say, from Darius and Cyrus down to Alexander the Great). Ptolemy estimates or guesses this period to have been 205 years long. And this is what has caused all the trouble and uncertainty; for everyone who has attempted to construct a Bible chronology has based himself on Ptolemy’s estimate. In a word then, there is no chronology in existence of the period from Cyrus to Christ except in the Bible.

In order to show how great is the uncertainty as to the length of the Persian empire, we have only to mention the fact that, according to Jewish traditions in the days of Christ (which surely are as much to be trusted as heathen traditions of a later date), the period of the Persian kings was only 52 years. Here is a difference of 153 years, and that in regard to a matter which is essential to an understanding of this prophecy. Sir Isaac Newton says that “some of the Jews took Herod for the Messiah, and were called ‘Herodians’. They seem to have grounded their opinion on the 70 weeks.” Inasmuch as the accession of Herod was 34 years before Christ, it is evident that the opinion of the Herodians required a comparatively short Persian period. On the other hand, the opinions of certain modern expositors are based upon a Persian era of supposedly long duration.

In order that the reader may clearly understand the situation, and its hearings upon our study, we would point out that Ussher’s chronology (whose dates are given at the head of the “margin” of our Bibles) makes it 536 years from the first year of Cyrus to the year 1 A.D. (four years after the birth of Christ). Add to this 26 years to the Lord’s manifestation to Israel at His baptism and we have 562 years. But, according to the Word of God it was to be only 483 years from the commandment to restore Jerusalem “unto Christ.” If, therefore, one begins by taking Ussher’s chronology (or any of the others) as the basis of his interpretation, he is forced to select a starting point about eighty years subsequent to King Cyrus, who (according to Scripture) was the true restorer, the man whom God specially raised up, and of whom He said, “He shall build My city”. (To this we will come shortly.)

But we are not left to choose between Jewish traditions and heathen traditions, or to base our conclusions upon either. For the Word of God shows us plainly what was the beginning of the prophetic period; and with that information in our possession, we know certainly that it was just 483 years “unto Christ.” Therefore, we are bound to reject any and every chronological scheme, whether from Jewish or heathen sources, and any and every system of interpretation based thereon) which conflicts with the facts revealed in the Scriptures.

This important matter of the defective character of all existing chronologies is fully discussed, and the facts clearly set forth, in Martin Anstey’s Bible Chronology, published in 1913, to which we must refer such of our readers as wish to study the matter exhaustively. Mr. Anstey’s work commands our confidence and respect because he disregards all heathen sources, and all guesswork, and derives his information solely from the Scriptures.

Concerning the dates given in Ptolemy’s table of Persian Kings, Anstey says: “They rest upon calculations or guesses made by Eratosthenes, and on certain vague floating traditions, in accordance with which the period of the Persian Empire was mapped out as a period of 205 years.” And he shows, by a great variety of proofs taken entirely from the Scriptures that the period which Ptolemy assigns to the Persian Empire is about eighty years too long. It follows that all who adopt Ptolemy’s chronology, or any system based upon it (as all modern chronologists prior to Anstey do) would inevitably be led far astray. It is impossible to make the real Bible events agree, within 80 years, with the mistaken chronology of Ptolemy. This single fact makes many modern books on Daniel utterly worthless, so far as their chronology is concerned; and the chronology is the main thing.

Concerning Eclipses

An attempt has been made to call Astronomy to the aid of the defective Chronology of Ptolemy, by utilizing certain incidental references, contained in fragmentary historical records, to eclipses of the sun or moon. But such references are of no value whatever for the purpose, seeing that it is impossible to determine, in any given case, which one of a number of eclipses — within say fifty or a hundred years — was the one referred to. For example, one of the clearest of these historical references is that of the “Eclipse of Thales,” mentioned by Herodotus. This eclipse is located by one astronomer as occurring in 625 B.C.; by another as late as 585 B.C. (a difference of 40 years); and by others at different dates in between (Anstey, page 286).

We see then first that the method adopted in current expositions of the Seventy Weeks prophecy is fundamentally wrong; and second that the chronological system on which they are all based is formed largely by guesswork, and is certainly very wide of the mark as regards the length of the Persian Empire.

An accurate and complete secular chronology exists from the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great down to the present time. It is only as regards the period from Cyrus to Alexander that there is uncertainty.

The Decree of Cyrus the Great

We will now proceed to show that the point of beginning of the seventy weeks is that great epoch-making and divinely prompted decree of Cyrus the Great, whereof a record is given in 2 Chronicles 36:22–23, and also in Ezra 1:1–4. The proof is not only clear, simple and absolutely conclusive for all who believe the Word of the Lord, but it was given under circumstances which were designed to inspire wonder and admiration at the marvelous ways of God in bringing to pass that which He has purposed and promised to perform.

Turning to Isaiah, Chapters 44 and 45, we find there God’s promise that Jerusalem should be rebuilt and its captives restored to their home, and not only so but we find that God mentioned by name the very man, “Cyrus”, by whom that promise was to be accomplished. The proof that King Cyrus was the one who should give the commandment (or word) for the restoring and rebuilding of Jerusalem, is doubly forceful and impressive, and designedly so as the Scripture itself declares, because it was spoken by the mouth of the Lord two hundred years before Cyrus came to the throne.

The passage begins with the words, “Sing, O ye heavens, for the Lord hath done it” (Isaiah 44:23). Evidently God is here calling attention to a work of great importance and one in which He takes special delight. It was to be a work, moreover, by which the tokens of the liars (those who consulted omens) were to be frustrated, and the “diviners” made mad, and the “wise men” turned backward, and their knowledge made foolish (verse 25). Notwithstanding all that opposed His will, the high walls and strong gates of Babylon, and the wisdom of the astrologers, soothsayers and Chaldeans, God would “confirm the word of His servant, and perform the counsel of His messengers”; for it was He “that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited, and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built, and I will raise up the decayed places thereof; that saith to the deep, Be dry, and I will dry up thy rivers; that saith of CYRUS, He is My shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure, EVEN SAYING TO JERUSALEM, THOU SHALT BE BUILT; AND TO THE TEMPLE, THY FOUNDATION SHALL BE LAID” (verses 26–27).

We pause at this point to call to the reader’s mind that when the time for the fulfillment of this prophecy by Isaiah was at hand, the last Babylonian King, Belshazzar, was carousing with a thousand of his courtiers in fancied security behind the strong walls of Babylon, while the armies of Darius and Cyrus were besieging the city. Then appeared the part of a man’s hand, tracing upon the wall those four words which declared the doom of Babylon, though the magicians and astrologers and soothsayers were confounded by them, and their wisdom turned to foolishness. Moreover, secular history has preserved for us the fact that the engineers of Cyrus’ army dug a new channel for the River Euphrates which ran through the city (thus fulfilling the words, “and I will dry up thy rivers”) and Cyrus entered by way of the dry bed of the stream. Thus were the “two-leaved gates” of Babylon opened to God’s appointed conqueror, who was to be a “shepherd” and a deliverer to His people. The next verse of the prophecy speaks of this:

“Thus saith the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings — see Daniel 5:6, where it is said of Belshazzar, when he saw the handwriting on the wall, “so that the joints of his loins were loosed” — “to open before him the two-leaved gates, and the gates shall not be shut” (Isaiah. 45:1).

Here is God’s own testimony that King Cyrus, and not one of his successors, was to give the “commandment” whereby Jerusalem was to be rebuilt and its inhabitants restored. Nothing could be plainer than the words, “He (Cyrus) shalt perform all My pleasure, even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built, and to the temple, Thy foundation shalt be laid.” This proof cannot be overthrown. Indeed none who believe the Scriptures to be inspired will even question it. Having this to guide us we must needs decline to follow those who, with a faulty heathen chronology as their only guide, grope for some event, long after Cyrus was laid in his grave, which can be taken as “the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.”

No further evidence is needed. But in this exceedingly important matter God has been pleased to give proof upon proof. Thus in Isaiah 46:13 we have this further word concerning Cyrus:

“I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways; HE SHALL BUILD MY CITY, AND HE SHALL LET GO MY CAPTIVES.”

No one who believes the Word of God will, with this Scripture before him, dispute for a moment that it was by Cyrus that Jerusalem was rebuilt and its captives restored to it. Here are two things which God distinctly foretold were to be done by Cyrus (and this was 200 years before he came to the throne); first he was to rebuild the city, and second he was to restore the captive Jews to their home. These are the very things mentioned by the angel to Daniel; for he said, “from the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.” And the Scriptures make it plain that Cyrus made haste to fulfill this Word of God; and moreover that he knew just what he was doing, and why.

There is truth here which, with a little attention, we can get hold of, and which, when understood, will both clear all uncertainties away, and also will fill us with admiration because of the wonders and perfections of the Word of God.

Observe then that, when the angel mentioned “the commandment to restore and to build,” Daniel would have known from the prophecy of Isaiah (which was familiar to him, as we shall see) that it was Cyrus who would issue that command. Now Cyrus was at that time co-ruler with, and subordinate to, “Darius the Mede” (Daniel 9:1). But in less than two years Cyrus became the sole ruler; and it was in the very first year of his reign that he issued the foundations decree which gave new existence to the Jewish nation.

That Daniel knew the prophecy of Jeremiah which gives the length of the captivity is expressly stated in Daniel 9:2. But that he also knew the prophecy of Isaiah, which foretold that the captivity would be ended by the decree of Cyrus, appears by reference to the decree of that monarch, which is partly quoted by Ezra. These are the words: “Thus saith Cyrus, King of Persia, The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and He hath charged me to build Him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah” (Ezra 1:2).

It is clear that this “charge” came to Cyrus, not through the book of Jeremiah, but through that of Isaiah; for it is in Isaiah that God, speaking to Cyrus who was yet unborn, charged him to build the city and temple and to release the captive Jews. It will thus be seen that God has given to Cyrus a remarkable place in His Word and in the execution of His plans.

Daniel had not learned about the ending of the captivity by a direct revelation from God, but “by books” — evidently not the book of Jeremiah only, but that of Isaiah also. We too have the same “books” that Daniel had; and we have also the book of Ezra, which contains a record of the great decree of Cyrus; and these several “books” give all the light that is needed to make the matter perfectly clear.

Concerning Cyrus

This wonderful prophecy of Isaiah concerning Cyrus, and its bearing upon the purposes of God as a whole, have not received by any means the attention this, importance deserves; and while ii is not within the scope of this volume to treat it exhaustively, yet it is appropriate that we should direct attention to some of its striking features.

We note then that the restoration of the captive Jews and the rebuilding of the temple was evidently a matter of great importance in the eyes of God. The frequent references to it in the messages of the prophets are proof enough of that. But here is the extraordinary case of a distinct prophecy, in plain words, of what God purposed to do, coupled with the name of the man by whom God purposed to do it. The only like case where an action is described and the name of the man who was to perform it is given before he was born, is that of King Josiah (1 Kings 13:2, fulfilled 2 Kings 23:15–17).

When the time for the ending of the captivity (given by another prophet, Jeremiah) was on the point of expiring, God put into the hands of the man He had called by name two hundred years before, “all the kingdoms of the world,” so that he had the needed power to fulfill God’s Word and to “do all His pleasure”; and beside all that, God himself “stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, that be made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing” (Ezra 1:1). And thereupon, in virtue of that command, over forty-two thousand Jews, headed by Zerubbabel, Joshua and Nehemiah, returned forthwith to Jerusalem (Ezra 2:1–6); and with them more than seven thousand servants and maids (verse 65). It was a new beginning for Israel; and Cyrus was God’s “shepherd,” chosen long beforehand, for bringing His sheep back to their proper fold.

The entire passage concerning Cyrus (Isaiah 44:23–45:14) should be carefully read. We quote a part:

“I will go before thee and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron.” (This refers to the defenses of Babylon.) “And I will give thee the treasures of darkness’, and hidden riches of secret places” (the treasures of Babylon), “that thou mayest know that I the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob My servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name; I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. There is no God beside me. I girded thee, though thou hast not known me; that they may know, from the rising of the sun, and from the west’, that there is none beside me: I am the Lord and there is none else.”

In this remarkable passage God calls attention again and again to the fact that He had called Cyrus by name, long before he was born; yet this fact receives but scant attention, and its significance has been lost sight of by many who have undertaken to expound the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks. This must needs be the case with all who reject the decree of Cyrus as the starting point of the seventy weeks.

Furthermore, God speaks not about Cyrus but directly to him. From this we can understand how Cyrus would say: “The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the world, and He hath charged me”, etc.

Finally, God declares that He had “girded” Cyrus for this work in order that, from the east to the west, that is to say, in the entire world, it might be known that He is the Lord, and there is none else. Manifestly, this purpose of God, in His marvelous dealings with King Cyrus, is virtually frustrated when, in the interpretation of the Seventy Weeks’ prophecy, the decree of Cyrus is set aside, and the word of some other king is chosen as that whereby Jerusalem was rebuilt and its captives restored.

May the contemplation of God’s marvelous dealings in the case of Cyrus lead us to adore Him Who is perfect in knowledge, and Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.

It was to be expected that, inasmuch as God has been pleased to give in His Word, an exact time measure from a given event unto Christ, He would also make it clear beyond a doubt what the event is from which the count of years was to begin. And this expectation is fully met.

Upon the plain and simple facts stated above it is evident that every expositor who sets aside this decree of Cyrus as the starting point of the 70 weeks, and substitutes some other event, must either be unaware of the testimony of Isaiah 44 and 45 (and of other Bible testimony to which we will refer presently) or else he prefers the guesses of a heathen astronomer (who had no means of knowing the facts which occurred over five hundred years before his time) to the evidence of Scripture.

This is a case where a mistake in regard to the starting point is fatal to an understanding of the prophecy as a whole. If we make a wrong start, we shall be in error throughout.

It is interesting in this connection to see how this matter was understood by learned Jews in ancient times. Thus we find recorded in the history of Josephus 1 that Cyrus wrote throughout all his dominions that “God Almighty hath appointed me to be king of the habitable earth” and that “He indeed foretold my name by the prophets, and that I should build Him a house at Jerusalem which is in the country of Judea.” Josephus goes on to say that, when Cyrus had read the words of the prophet Isaiah, “He called for the most eminent Jews in Babylon and said to them, that he gave them leave to go back to their own country, and TO REBUILD THEIR CITY JERUSALEM AND THE TEMPLE OF GOD.”

Josephus also gives a copy of a letter written by Cyrus to the governors that were in Syria, which letter begins as follows:

“King Cyrus to Sisinnes and Sathrabuzzanes sendeth greeting. I have given leave to as many of the Jews that dwell in my country as please [to do so) to return to their own country, and TO REBUILD THE CITY, AND TO REBUILD THE TEMPLE, OF GOD AT JERUSALEM on the same place where it was before” (Antiquities Book XI, Chapter 1, section 1 and 3).

The proof that the rebuilding of the city was done by the commandment of Cyrus is so conclusive that Prideaux (one of the leading commentators on Daniel) frankly admits that “Jerusalem was rebuilt by virtue of the decree granted by Cyrus in the first year of his reign.” Yet this learned man rejects the decree of Cyrus as the starting point of the seventy weeks, simply because he shared the mistaken idea (for which there is no proof of any sort) that 490 years would not reach from that decree to the days of Christ. But if the fact be, as Prideaux admits, then to take any other event as the starting point is to falsify the prophecy. It is a choice between the clear statements of the Word of God and the guesses of heathen historians and astronomers. We are writing for the benefit of those who accept the Word of God as conclusive.

1 This Josephus was a priest who was born about four years after the death of Christ. He was a God-fearing man, highly gifted, and is regarded as a remarkably able and trustworthy historian. He was an eyewitness and an active participator in the Wars of the Jews which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. We believe the annals of Josephus have been providentially preserved, whereby we have authentic records of the fulfillment of prophecy by an eyewitness who, at the time he wrote, was not a Christian. We shall have occasion to quote largely from this writer later on.

It is true that Ezra, in the very brief statement he gives of the decree of Cyrus, does not specifically mention the building of the city. But that emission affords no ground whatever for assuming that the decree of Cyrus did not provide for the rebuilding of the city, much less does it afford reason for setting aside the word of the Lord spoken by Isaiah. In fact the decree of Cyrus, under which the Jews were, one and all, permitted to return to Jerusalem, and under which over forty-two thousand did return at once, necessarily implied permission to build houses to dwell in. The building of the temple is the most important matter, and that is why it is specifically mentioned in Ezra’s brief reference to the decree of Cyrus. But, according to the prophecy of Isaiah “the commandment to rebuild the city was to be joined with that to rebuild the temple. Hence when we have found the commandment to rebuild the temple we have found that to rebuild the city.

It should be observed that the words of Gabriel call for the going forth of a commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem. Those words fit the decree of Cyrus which was promulgated throughout his dominions, and which is expressly called by Ezra a “commandment” (Ezra 6:14).

Furthermore, that the building of Jerusalem did actually proceed under the decree of Cyrus, appears from the fact that, at a time when only the foundation of the temple had been laid, the adversaries complained that the Jews were “rebuilding the rebellious and bad city, and have set up the walls thereof, and have joined the foundations” (Ezra 4:12).

That statement of the adversaries was not a fabrication; for it is fully corroborated by Haggai, who (prophesying during that same period of the cessation of work on the temple) said that the people were dwelling in their own paneled-up houses, and that they ran everyone to his own house (Haggai 1:4, 7).

Moreover, it will be observed, in reading the book of Ezra that he speaks throughout of Jerusalem as an existing city and in Chapter 9:9 be gives thanks to God that He had given them “a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem.”Some expositors have selected as the point of beginning for the 70 weeks the decree mentioned in Ezra 7:11–28. But that cannot be; for, in the first place, to assume it would contradict the Word of the Lord spoken by Isaiah, which bore witness that the “commandment” to restore the captives, to rebuild the city, and to lay the foundation of the temple, should be given by Cyrus; whereas the decree mentioned in Ezra 7 was made by “Artaxerxes” (Darius Hystaspes) who was one of the successors of Cyrus.

Upon a careful reading of Ezra 6 and 7 it will be seen that what is there recorded agrees with and fully supports the Scriptures heretofore cited, showing that the work then in progress at Jerusalem, and which the enemies of the Jews sought to hinder, was based entirely upon the decree of Cyrus. For when those adversaries complained by letter to King Darius concerning the work of rebuilding the temple (which the Jews had resumed under the stimulus of the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah), Darius caused search to be made amongst the archives in the house of rolls (Ezra 6:1), and he found the decree of Cyrus commanding that the temple be rebuilt; and upon the authority of that decree of Cyrus, his successor Darius issued the decree mentioned in Ezra 6:6-12.

It should be observed that, at that time, it was not a question of the rebuilding of the city. That had already been done, at least to an extent sufficient to accommodate those who had returned. About fifty thousand people had returned in the first company, with wives and children, and others subsequently; and of course their first occupation was to provide themselves homes. We have already called attention to the statement of Ezra 4:12 that the Jews had “come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and bad city, and have set up (margin, finished) the walls thereof, and joined the foundations.”

The completion of the temple is mentioned in Ezra 6:14–15, and it is said that it had been done “according to the commandment of Cyrus, and Darius” — that of Darius being merely a reaffirmation of the decree of Cyrus, which had given the authorization for the entire work of restoration.

The decree mentioned in Ezra 7:11–28 was some years later still. It had nothing whatever to do with the rebuilding of either the city or the temple. It could not have been the “commandment” for the building of either; for that commandment had already been given. It was simply a “letter” which the king gave to Ezra, for we read that “the king granted him all his request” (Ezra 7:6). That “letter” provided, first, that all the people of Israel, the priests and Levites, who were so minded of their own free will, might go to Jerusalem; second, that they might carry silver and gold to buy animals for sacrifice, and whatsoever else might be needful for the house of God; and third, that no taxes or tribute were to be imposed upon any priests, Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims or ministers of the house of God. So far from there being, in this “letter”, if any “commandment” for the building of the city or temple, its contents shows that both city and temple were already in existence.

Nehemiah’s Work on the Temple Wall

We come now to the latest in date of all the supposed “decrees” which have been selected by any expositor as that to which the angel Gabriel referred as “the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.” This is the “letter” given by the king to Nehemiah, at his request, as stated in Nehemiah 2:4–8.

This letter or written permit given to Nehemiah by the then monarch, or “Artaxerxes”, being the latest in date of all, is the farthest of all from the truth. Nevertheless it is the favorite of certain learned expositors of our day, and for the very reason that it is the latest in date, and hence agrees best with the mistaken chronologies which have been derived from the canon of Ptolemy. But even so, if this “Artaxerxes” was, as Mr. Anstey shows by satisfactory proof, the same king “Darius” is mentioned by Ezra, then the twentieth year (Nehemiah 2:7) of his reign would be too early by at least fifty years to agree with any of the before-mentioned chronologies. Consequently it has been further assumed that the king of Nehemiah’s day was Artaxerxes Longimanus. But that monarch’s twentieth year would be approximately 100 years subsequent to the return front Babylon in the days of Cyrus; and hence it would be too close to the days of Christ to fit in with any of the existing chronologies. Therefore, to force an agreement in this case it is necessary to make the “seventy sevens” a period shorter than 490 years. The ingenuity of our expositors has been quite equal to this; for, to meet this difficulty, they have supposed, that the “sevens” were not sevens of years, but of nondescript periods of 360 days each, which are not “years” at all. Thus, the acceptance of a false chronology (instead of basing conclusions on the Scriptures alone) leads even able and learned men to adopt one false assumption after another, and thus to go further and further astray.

But we need not go outside the book of Nehemiah itself for conclusive proof that the “letter” which the king gave to that devoted man was not “the commandment” in virtue of which Jerusalem was rebuilt. Indeed, we have only to read Nehemiah 1, 2 and 3 with ordinary care to perceive that the city had been already rebuilt, with walls and gates, at the time referred to in those chapters; that the tidings brought to Nehemiah, as recorded in Chapter 1, were tidings of damage freshly done by the enemies of the Jews to the walls and gates of the rebuilt city; that the letter given by the king to Nehemiah was simply a permit to repair that damage; and that the work done by Nehemiah, as recorded in Chapter 3, was the “repairing” of the wall, and the “repairing” of the gates, and the setting up the doors; the locks, and the bars thereof. For proof of these statements it is only necessary to read the chapters referred to.

The tidings from Jerusalem. In Chapter 1 Nehemiah relates that, while he was attending to his customary duties in the palace of the king certain brethren came from Jerusalem with tidings to the effect that those in the province of Judah, who had been left of the captivity, were in great affliction and reproach. Further they reported, saying, “The wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire” (Nehemiah 1:1–3).

The effect of this report upon Nehemiah shows clearly that it was of a fresh and unexpected calamity they were speaking. For he relates that, when he heard those words, he sat down, and wept and mourned certain days, and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. The record makes it plain that the cause of his distress was not the condition of the Jews in the province, but the tidings of the damage which had been done to the walls and gates of the holy city. That could not possibly have been the destruction wrought by Nebuchadnezzar, for that had taken place more than a hundred years previously. Nehemiah had known about that all his life. His brethren, when he asked them “concerning Jerusalem,” could not have told him, as a piece of news, of the damage that had been done a century before. That would not have been news to him, nor would the hearing of it have plunged him into deep distress. He states that he had not been sad beforetime in the king’s presence (2:7); but now his sorrow was so great that he could not banish the evidences of it from his countenance even in the king’s presence. There must have been a cause for this; and nothing but unexpected tidings of a fresh calamity to the beloved city could account for his acute distress. With the walls damaged and the gates burned with fire, the city was exposed to her enemies, and the new temple itself was in danger of being again destroyed.

In this report we have an indication of the “troublous times” foretold by the angel Gabriel (Daniel 9:25).

In Chapter 2 we have the account of Nehemiah’s request to the king, and of the “letter” given to him. There is no decree, no “commandment,” nothing what, ever about rebuilding the city. And how could there be in view of the word of the Lord concerning Cyrus, saying, “He shall build My city”? It is true that Nehemiah made request that the king would send him to the city of his father’s sepultures that he might “build it.” But the word here rendered “build” is of very broad meaning, and would be appropriate to describe the repairing of the damage to the walls and gates, which in fact is what it does mean in this instance. Nehemiah only sought permission to restore the parts that had been freshly destroyed. This will be shown below.

What Nehemiah meant by his request appears in verses 7–8, namely, letters to the governors beyond the river to give him safe passage (in other words a passport), and also a letter to the keeper of the king’s forest to supply “timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which appertained to the house, and for the wall of the city, and for the house that I shall enter into.” These requests the king granted. Manifestly those letters do not constitute a commandment to rebuild the city.

Finally, it clearly appears by Chapter 3 that the work which Nehemiah did during his stay in Jerusalem was the repairing of the wall and of the gates of the city. The word “repaired” is used over twenty times in that chapter to describe that work. It was a small work (comparatively to the work of rebuilding the city and temple) for it was completed, notwithstanding all hindrances, in the short space of 52 days, less than two months (6:15). In the third and fourth chapters of Nehemiah we find frequent incidental references to houses already existing in Jerusalem, and occupied by the owners thereof, but not a word as to any building of houses at that time. Thus we read in 3:20–21 of “the house of Eliashib, the high priest.” In verse 23 we read that Benjamin and Hasshub repaired “over against their house,” and Azariah “by his house.” Verse 25 mentions “the king’s high house.” In verse 28 it is stated that the priests repaired, “every one over against his house.” In verse 29 we read that Zadok repaired “over against his house.”

In Chapter 4:7 the character of the work is shown by the words “the walls of Jerusalem were made up; and the breaches began to be stopped.” Verses 1, 6, 15, 17 and 21 of the same Chapter; also Chapter 6:1, 15 and Chapter 7:1 show that the work was only on the wall. The words of 6:15, “So the wall was finished in the twenty-fifth day of the month of Elul, in fifty and two days” record the completion of the entire work.

In Chapter 7:3 we read that Nehemiah appointed “watches of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, everyone in his watch, and every one over against his house.” This again shows that the inhabitants of the city had houses to dwell in; though we should hardly need to be informed of a matter so obvious. The next verse appears at first glance to be inconsistent, though of course it is not. It says:

“Now the city was large and great (or broad in spaces); but the people were few, and the houses were not built.” The meaning plainly is that there were yet large spaces within the walls which had not been rebuilt. Only a relatively small proportion of the population of the city had returned (“the people were few”), and hence the entire city had not yet been rebuilt.

What we gather from this verse, taken in connection with the statements of the preceding chapters, tends still further to show that the work Nehemiah was charged with was not the building of the city. The account of what he did which is quite detailed and minutes giving both the several workers and the work done by them, contains no reference at all to the city. It clearly appears that when the wall was finished in fifty-two days, the work was finished (6:15). It further appears that the people all had houses to live in (7:3). And finally, after all had been done which Nehemiah came to do, there remained yet a large part of the city rebuilt (7:4).

In order then to force the record of the Book of Nehemiah into agreement with a scheme of interpretation based upon the canon of Ptolemy, it is necessary to make the following assumptions, all of which are either unsupported by proof, or contrary thereto: first, that Ptolemy’s chronology, when “corrected” according to the ideas of some modern chronologists, is right; second, that the “Artaxerxes,” spoken of by Nehemiah, is Longimanus; third, that in all the century previous, since the ending of the captivity, no decree had gone forth to restore and build Jerusalem; fourth, that the “letters” given to Nehemiah were the decree going forth; fifth, that God’s word concerning Cyrus was not fulfilled; sixth, that the “seventy weeks” were not weeks of true calendar years, but of periods of 360 days each. Obviously any conclusion, which rests upon these assumptions, and which would be overthrown if any one of them should be proved erroneous, is utterly worthless.

We have discussed this whole matter at length go that no question might be left unanswered; but it should be kept in mind that it is of little importance to determine when the rebuilding of the city began. For the starting point of the prophecy was not the rebuilding of the city, but the commandment to restore and to build it. That commandment was, beyond the shadow of a doubt, given by Cyrus. The Word of the Lord by Isaiah settles that beyond all controversy.

It is not necessary for our purposes to inquire which of the Persian kings was this “Artaxerxes.” But it is interesting to notice, as pointed out by Anstey, that, if this Nehemiah is the same as the one who went up with Zerubbabel, and whose name appears third on the list (Ezra 2:2), then the king could not be Artaxerxes Longimanus, as supposed by certain expositors; for in that case it would make Nehemiah at least 120 years at the time he repaired the wall, and 132 at the time of Chapter 13:6.

Having made sure of the true starting point, we can now proceed with confidence to an examination of the details of the prophecy. But it will be needful, as we go on, to test every conclusion by the Scriptures, and to exercise care that we accept nothing that is not supported by ample proof.

The prophetic part of the angel’s message begins at verse 24, which, in our A.V. reads as follows:

“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy (place).”

Here are six distinct things which were to happen within a definitely marked off period of seventy sevens of years (490 years). These six specified things are closely related one to the other, for they are all connected by the conjunction “and.”

This verse, which is a prophecy complete in itself, gives no information in regard to either the starting point of the 490 years, or the means whereby the predicted events were to be accomplished. That information, however, is given in the verses which follow. From them we learn that the prophetic period was to begin to run “from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem”; also that sixty-nine weeks (seven plus sixty-two) would reach “unto Messiah, the Prince”; and further that “after the three-score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off.” It was by the cutting off of the Messiah that the six predictions of verse 24 were to be fulfilled. This should be carefully noted.

Thus we have before us a prophecy of transcendent interest, a predicted stretch of time from the re-beginning of the Jewish nation and the rebuilding of the holy city, down to the culminating event of all history, and of all the ages of time the crucifixion of the Divine Redeemer. These are things which the angels desire to look into (1 Peter 1:12); and surely our hearts should move us to inquire into them, not in a spirit of carnal curiosity, and not with any purpose to uphold a favorite scheme of prophetic interpretation, but with the reverent desire to learn all that God has been pleased to reveal touching this most important and most sacred matter.

Verses 25–27 also foretell the overwhelming and exterminating judgments — the “desolations” that were to fall upon the people and the city, and which were to last throughout this entire dispensation.

The first words of verse 25, “Know therefore,” show that what follows is explanatory of the prophecy contained in verse 24. This too should be carefully noted.

It is essential to a right understanding of the prophecy to observe, and to keep in mind, that the six things of verse 24 were to be fulfilled (and now have been fulfilled) by Christ being “cut off,” and by what followed immediately thereafter, namely, His resurrection from the dead, and His ascension into heaven. With that simple fact in mind it will be easy to “understand” all the main points of the prophecy.

These are the six predicted items:

1. To finish the transgression The “transgression” of Israel had long been the burden of the messages of God’s prophets. It was for their “transgression” that they had been sent into captivity, and that their land and city had been made a “desolation” for seventy years.

Daniel himself had confessed this, saying, “Yea, all Israel have transgressed Thy law even by departing that they might not obey Thy voice. Therefore the curse is poured upon us” (verse 11). But the angel revealed to him the distressing news that the full measure of Israel’s “transgression” was yet to be completed; that the children were yet to fill up the iniquity of their fathers; and that, as a consequence, God would bring upon them a far greater “desolation” than that which had been wrought by Nebuchadnezzar. For “to finish the transgression” could mean nothing less or other than the betrayal and crucifixion of their promised and expected Messiah.

We would call particular attention at this point to the words of the Lord Jesus spoken to the leaders of the people shortly before His betrayal; for there is in them a striking similarity to the words of the prophecy of Gabriel. He said: “Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers … that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth” (Matthew 23:32). In these words of Christ we find first, a declaration that the hour had come for them “to finish the transgression”; and second, a strong intimation that the predicted desolations were to come, as a judgment, upon that generation, as appears by the words “that upon you may come.”

Our Lord’s concluding words at that time have great significance when considered in the light of this prophecy. He said, “Verily I say unto you, all these things shall come upon this generation”; and then, as the awful doom of the beloved city pressed upon His heart, He burst into the lamentation, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,” ending with the significant words, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.”

The terrible and unparalleled character of the judgments which were poured out upon Jerusalem at the time of its destruction in AD 70 has been lost sight of in our day. But if we would learn how great an event it was in the eyes of God, we have only to consider our Lord’s anguish of soul as He thought upon it. Even when on the way to the Cross it was more to Him than His own approaching sufferings (Luke 21:28–30).

The apostle Paul also speaks in similar terms of the transgressions of that generation of Jews, who not only crucified the Lord Jesus, and then rejected the gospel preached to them in His Name, but also forbade that He be preached to the Gentiles. Wherefore the apostle said that they “fill up their sins always; for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost” (1 Thessalonians 2:15–16). For they were indeed about to undergo God’s wrath “to the uttermost” in the approaching destruction of Jerusalem, and in the scattering of the people among all the nations of the world, to suffer extreme miseries at their hands. These Scriptures are of much importance in connection with our present study, and we shall have occasion to refer to them again.

It is not difficult to discern why the list of the six great things comprised in this prophecy was headed by the finishing of the transgression; for the same act, which constituted the crowning sin of Israel, also served for the putting away of sin (Hebrews 9:26), and the accomplishing of eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12). They did indeed take Him, and with wicked hands crucified and slew Him; but it was done “by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God” (Acts 2:23). The powers and authorities of Judea and of Rome, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were indeed gathered together against Him; but it was to do what God’s own hand and counsel had determined before to be done (Acts 4:26–28). There is nothing more wonderful in all that has been made known to us, than that the people and their rulers, because they knew Him not, nor the voices of their own prophets which were read every Sabbath day, should have fulfilled them in condemning Him (Acts 13:27). Therefore, among the many prophecies that were then “fulfilled,” a promise be given to that which forms the subject of our present study.

2. To make an end of sins On this item we need not dwell at length; for we have already called attention to the marvelous workings of God’s wisdom in causing that the extreme sin of man should serve to accomplish eternal redemption, and so provide a complete remedy for sin for the crucifixion of Christ, though it was truly a deed of diabolical wickedness on the part of man, was on His own part the offering of Himself without spot to God as a sacrifice for sins (Hebrews 9:14). It was thus that He “offered the one Sacrifice for sins forever” (Hebrews 10:12).

We understand that the sense in which the death of Christ made “an end of sins” was that thereby He made a perfect atonement for sins, as written in Hebrews 1:3, “when He had by Himself purged our sins’” and in many like passages. It is to be noted however, that the Hebrew word for “sins” in this passage means not only the sin itself, but also the sacrifice therefore. Hence it is thought by some that what the angel here foretold was the making an end of the sin offering required by the law. That was, indeed, an incidental result, and it is mentioned expressly in verse 27. But the word used in that verse is not the word found in verse 24, which means sin or sin offering It is a different word, meaning sacrifice. We conclude, therefore, that the words, “to make an end of sins”, should be taken in their most obvious sense.

3. To make reconciliation for iniquity The word here translated “reconciliation” is usually rendered “atone”, but according to Strong’s Concordance it expresses also the thought of appeasing or reconciling. We shall, therefore, assume that our translators had good reason for using the word “reconciliation.” If, however, it be taken that “atonement” is the better rendering, the conclusion would not be affected; for both atonement and reconciliation were made by the death of Christ upon the cross.

The need of reconciliation arises from the fact that man is by nature not only a sinner, but also an enemy of God (Romans 5:8, 10). Moreover, it is because he is a sinner that he is also an enemy. As a sinner he needs to be justified; and as an enemy he needs to be reconciled. The death of Christ as an atoning sacrifice accomplishes both in the case of all who believe in Him. In Romans 5:8–10 these two distinct, but closely related, things are clearly set forth. For we there read, first, that “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us”, and second, that “when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son”.

Reconciliation has to do directly with the kingdom of God, in that it signifies the bringing back of those who were rebels and enemies into willing and loyal submission to God. In this connection attention should be given to the great passage in Colossians 1:12–22, which shows that, as the result of the death of Christ, those who have “redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (verse 14), are also translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son (verse 13), Christ “having made peace for them through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; and the apostle adds, “And you, who were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind, yet now hath He reconciled in the body of His flesh, through death” (verses 20–22).

It is certain, therefore, that, when Christ Jesus died and rose again, atonement for sin and reconciliation for the enemies of God were fully and finally accomplished as a matter of historic fact. It is important, and indeed essential, to a right interpretation of this prophecy, to keep in mind that atonement and reconciliation were to be accomplished, and actually were accomplished, within the measure of seventy weeks from the going forth of the decree of King Cyrus.

It is thus seen that the prophecy has to do with the great and eternal purpose of God to establish His kingdom — and to bring pardoned and reconciled sinners into it as willing and loyal subjects of Christ, the King. And when the time drew near the kingdom was proclaimed by the Lord and by His forerunner as “at hand.” The Lord’s own words, when taken in connection with the prophecy of Gabriel, are very significant. He said: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15). The time whereof He spoke was that declared in this great prophecy; which is the only prophecy which gives the time of His coming. Hence His words were really the announcement of His approaching death, resurrection and enthronement in heaven, as the heavenly King of God’s heavenly kingdom.

4. To bring in everlasting righteousness Righteousness is the most prominent feature of the kingdom of God. To show this we need only cite those familiar passages: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33); “the kingdom of God is righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17). One characteristic of God’s righteousness, which He was “to bring in” through the sacrifice of Christ ((Romans 3:21–26), is that it endures forever; and this is what is emphasized in the prophecy. A work was to be done, and now has been done, which would bring in everlasting righteousness — everlasting because based upon the Cross, as foretold also through Isaiah, “My righteousness shall be forever” (Isaiah 51:8). Jesus Christ has now been made unto US “righteous” (1 Corinthians 1:30); and this is in fulfillment of another great promise: “behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King reign and prosper And this is His Name whereby He shall be called JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jeremiah 23:5–6).

5. To seal up vision and prophecy This we take to mean the sealing up of God’s word of prophecy to the Israelites, as part of the punishment they brought upon themselves. The word “seal up” sometimes means, in a secondary sense, to make secure, since what is tightly sealed up is made safe against being tampered with. Hence some have understood by this item merely that vision and prophecy were to be fulfilled. But we are not aware that the word “sealed up” is used in that sense in the Scriptures. For when the fulfillment of prophecy is meant, the word “to fulfill” is used. We think the word should be taken here in its primary meaning; for it was distinctly foretold, as a prominent feature of Israel’s punishment that both vision and prophet — i.e., both eye and ear — were to be closed up, so that seeing they would see not, and hearing they would hear not (Isaiah 6:10).

Moreover, this very sealing up of vision and prophecy as a part of the chastening of Israel was foretold by Isaiah in that great passage where he speaks of Christ as the Foundation Stone (Isaiah 28:16). Following this is a prediction of “woe” to the city where David dwelt (29:1). So we have here a prophecy which is parallel to that of Gabriel. The latter spoke of the cutting off of Messiah to be followed by the destruction of Jerusalem; and Isaiah also spoke of Christ as God’s Foundation Stone, laid in Zion (resurrection) and then of the overthrow of the earthly Zion. As to this overthrow God speaks through Isaiah very definitely saying, “And I will camp against thee round about and will lay siege against thee with a mount, and raise a fort against thee, and thou shalt be brought down” (Isaiah 29:1–4). Then the prophet speaks of a coming storm and tempest and devouring fire and also of the multitude of the nations that were to fight against the city (verses 6–9). And then come these significant words: “For the Lord God hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes, the prophets’ and your rulers, the seers, hath He covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed” (verses 10–11). This manifestly corresponds with Gabriel’s words “to seal up vision and prophet.” Moreover, the word “sealed,” in Isaiah 29:11, is the same as in Daniel 9:24. These words of Isaiah also give a remarkably accurate description of the spiritual blindness of the people and their rulers in Christ’s day, who, though they read the prophets every Sabbath day, yet because they knew not their voices, fulfilled them in condemning Him (Acts 13:27).

The fulfillment of Isaiah 6 also comes in here. For the Lord Himself declared that, in His day, was fulfilled the word “Go and tell this people, Hear ye indeed but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed” (Isaiah 6:9–10; Matthew 13:14–15). John also quotes this prophecy and applies it to the Jews of his day (John 12:39–41); and Paul does the same (Acts 28:25–27).

Hence we should note with deep interest the question which this sentence of judgment prompted Isaiah to ask, and the answer he received. Evidently the prophet understood that the judgment pronounced in the words quoted above was to be one of terrible severity, for he at once inquired anxiously, “How long” the period of judicial blindness was to last. The answer was, “Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate, and the Lord have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land” (Isaiah 6:11–12).

Here we have a clear prediction of that which Christ Himself prophesied when the desolation of Judea, and the scattering of the Jews among all nations (Luke 21:24).

6. To anoint the most holy place When these papers were first written and published in serial form, we were of opinion that this prediction had its fulfillment in the entrance of the Lord Jesus Christ into the heavenly sanctuary (Hebrews 9:23–24). But subsequently a copy of Dr. Pusey’s work on Daniel the Prophet came into our hands, and we were much impressed by the exposition of this passage given by that great Hebrew scholar, who so ably defended the Book of Daniel from the assaults of the destructive critics. He pointed out that the word anoint had acquired a settled spiritual meaning, citing the words of Isaiah 61:1–2, which our Lord applied to Himself as He Whom God had “anointed.” Dr. Pusey also pointed out that, inasmuch as the same word is used in the very next verse of Daniel “unto the Anointed, the Prince” it is to be assumed that words so closely united must be used with the same meaning. This gives the idea of an “anointing of an All Holy place” by the pouring out of the Holy Spirit thereon. Dr. Pusey cites much evidence in support of this idea; but without going into the discussion of the matter at length, we will simply state that we were led thereby to the conclusion that the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Christ, on the day of Pentecost, thereby anointing (see 2 Corinthians 1:21) a spiritual temple “the temple of the living God” (2 Corinthians 6:16), furnishes a fulfillment of this detail of the prophecy, a fulfillment which is not only in keeping with the other five items, but which brings the whole series to a worthy climax.

These six predicted events, which we have now considered in detail, were, according to the words of God by Gabriel, to be accomplished within the “determined” (or limited, or “marked off”) period of seventy sevens of years; and we have shown — indeed it is SO clear as hardly to be open to dispute — that all six items were completely fulfilled at the first coming of Christ, and in the “week” of His crucifixion. For when our Lord ascended into heaven and the Holy Spirit descended, there remained not one of the six items of Daniel 9:24 that was not dully accomplished. Furthermore, by running our eye rapidly over verses 25– 26 we see that the coming of Christ and His being “cut off are announced as the means whereby the prophecy was to be fulfilled; and that there is added the foretelling of the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus the Roman “prince,” and the “desolations” of Jerusalem, and the wars that were to continue through this entire age “unto the end.”

We do not speak at this point of verse 27. That part of the prophecy will require a particularly careful examination which we purpose to give it later on.

Prophetic events are often described in veiled language and highly figurative terms, so that it is a matter of much difficulty to identify the fulfillment of them. But in this instance it seems to us we have the exceptional case of a prophecy whose terms are plain and the identifying marks are numerous. If it were possible to fix with certainty only one of the six predictions of Daniel 9:24, that would suffice to locate the entire series. But the indications given to us enable us to identify five of the six with certainty, and the other with a high degree of probability. We have no doubt then that the entire prophecy of verve 24 was fulfilled in the death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the coming of the Holy from heaven. And the settlement of the fulfillment of verse 24 carries with it the location of the seventieth week, which is referred to specifically in verse 27. This will be shown later on.

“From the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem, unto the Messiah, the Prince, shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks” (Daniel 9:26)

We have seen that the first part of this passage gives the starting point of the seventy weeks. The passage also gives the measure of time (7 weeks and 62 weeks, or 69 weeks in all) from that starting point “unto the Messiah”. We shall postpone to a later chapter the question why the total measure of time here mentioned is divided into two parts. The question which is of immediate importance for us to determine is, what was the precise occasion or event in the earthly lifetime of the Lord Jesus Christ, to which this stretch of 483 years; from the decree of Cyrus brings us? We will now seek the answer to this question.

Assuming, as we do, that God intended this prophecy to be understood (for verse 25 says, “Know therefore, and understand,” and our Lord said, “Whoso readeth let him understandeth we confidently expect to find both the starting point and the terminal point clearly revealed in the Scriptures. We have already found this to be the case as regards the starting point, and we shall now find that the Scriptures also indicate clearly the event to which the measure of 483 years reaches, and to which the angel referred in the words “unto the Messiah, the Prince.”

Had we followed the usual custom in beginning our study with a chronology selected from the various ones that are available, we should be forced thereby, as others have been, to pick out the event lying nearest to the 483 year mark on our adopted scale of years. We should have been obliged moreover to manipulate the materials, so far as necessary (either stretching the measuring line, or taking up the slack, according as it was too short or too long), and then to present the best arguments we could find for the conclusions arrive at. But, being untrammeled by a chronological scheme, we are entirely free to inquire of the oracles of God as to the meaning of the Words “unto Messiah, the Prince,” and as to the occasion or event to which those words specifically refer. If we can, from the Scriptures, identify that event (which, we believe, can be clearly done) then we know, from the prophecy itself, that it is precisely 69 weeks (483 years) from the going forth of the decree of Cyrus, and that but one week of the seventy remains; and we know further that the fulfillment of the six predictions of verse 24 must be found within that remaining week.

We must, of course, look to the words themselves to guide us to the information we are seeking; and those words are all we need. We are accustomed to regard the term “the Messiah” as merely a name or a title, but in fact it is a descriptive Hebrew word meaning “the anointed (one)”. In Greek the word Christos has the same meaning. Therefore, we have, only to ask, when was Jesus of Nazareth presented to Israel as the Anointed One? As to this we are not left in any doubt whatever, for it was an event of the greatest importance in the life of Jesus our Lord, as well as in the dealings of God with Israel, and in the history of the world, an event which is made prominent in all the four Gospels It was at His baptism in Jordan that our Lord was “anointed” for His ministry; for then it was that the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily shape as a dove. The apostle Peter bears witness that “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power” (Acts 10:38). This is clear and explicit to the point that, when the years of Israel’s history had unrolled to that marvelous day on which Father, Son and Holy Spirit were simultaneously manifested to the senses of men, it brought them “unto the Messiah.” There is no day in all history like that. The event is marked in a way to distinguish it most conspicuously. The Lord’s own testimony in regard to the matter is even more definite and impressive. For, after His return to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, He came to Nazareth where He had been brought up, and going into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, He read from the prophet Isaiah these striking words: “The Spirit, of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath ANOINTED Me to preach the gospel to the poor” — and after He had closed, the book He said, “This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears” (Luke 4:16–21). Thus the Lord declared Himself to be, at that time, the “Anointed” One, that is, “the Messiah”.

The testimony of God the Father is to the same effect. For the Voice from heaven bore witness to Him, saying, “This is My Son, the Beloved.” This declares Him to be the One of Whom David prophesied in the Second Psalm (verse 7). But that same Psalm sets Him forth as God’s “anointed” (verse 2).

But we have a special witness in John the Baptist, who was a man sent from God to bear witness of Christ, and to make Him manifest, to Israel; for John himself declared this to be his mission, saying, “that He should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water” (John 1:6–7, 31). When, therefore, the Lord Jesus had been “anointed” with the Holy Ghost and had been “made manifest to Israel” by the testimony of John the Baptist, then, the words of the prophecy “unto the Anointed One” were completely fulfilled. From that great and wonderful event down to the day of His death, He was constantly before the people in His Messianic character, fulfilling His Messianic mission, going about, doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil, preaching the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God, manifesting the Father’s Name, speaking the words His Father gave Him to speak, and doing the works the Father gave Him to do. Indeed, even before He announced Himself in the synagogue of Nazareth as God’s “Anointed One,” He had plainly said to the woman of Samaria (after she had spoken of “Messiah, who is called Christ”), “I that speak unto thee am He” (John 4:25–26). Moreover, to the Samaritans who came out to see Him on the woman’s report, He so fully revealed Himself that they were constrained to confess Him, saying, “We have heard Him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ (the Anointed One), the Saviour of the world” (verse 42).

Furthermore, the nature, as well as the effect of John the Baptist’s public testimony to the Lord Jesus, is clearly revealed by the words of those who, on hearing his testimony, followed Jesus. It is recorded that “One of the two who heard John speak and followed Him (Jesus) was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first findeth his own brother and saith unto him, We have found the Messiah, which is, being interpreted, the Christ” (John 1:40–41).

In these scriptures the Holy Spirit has caused the important fact that Jesus was the Anointed One to be stated in both Hebrew and Greek, so that the significance of it should not be missed. That “this Jesus is the Christ” is the great point of apostolic testimony (Acts 17:3); and it is the substance of “our faith”; for “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God” (1 John 5:1, 4–5). It is likewise the rock foundation on which He is building His church (Matthew 16:18; 1 Corinthians 3:11).

We have cited the foregoing scriptures to make it clear beyond all doubt that, from the Lord’s baptism and His manifestation to Israel; He was in the fullest sense “the Messiah” or the “Anointed” of God. To this fact, the inspired records bear, as we have seen, the clearest testimony. Manifestly there is no previous event in the earthly lifetime of our Lord which could be taken as meeting in any way the words of Gabriel. And it is equally clear that no subsequent event could be taken as the fulfillment of those words; for there is no subsequent occasion when the Lord was any more “the Anointed One” than He was when the Holy Spirit descended upon Him at His baptism. Thus the Scriptures absolutely shut us up to the Lord’s baptism as the terminal point of the 483 years; for it was then that “God anointed Him with the Holy Ghost, and with power.”

Another fact which has an important bearing on this part of our study is the great particularly with which the date of the beginning of John’s ministry is given in the Gospel by Luke (3:1–3). There we read that the preaching of John the Baptist began in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, Herod (Antipas) tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea, Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, and Annas and Caiaphas being high priests. Thus the new era, which was that of the Messiah-God manifest in the flesh — is marked with extraordinary precision. And this is the more remarkable because it is the only event whereof the date is thus recorded in the New Testament.

This is highly significant; for just as the date of the decree of Cyrus, marking the beginning of the Seventy Weeks, is stated with great definiteness, so likewise the preaching of John, which marked the termination of the 483 years, is stated with extraordinary minuteness. It is a reasonable inference that God has given prominence to these dates in His Word because they mark the beginning and the ending of this prophetic period.

It is also worthy of special notice that the dates of both these events are given by reference to the reigns of Gentile rulers. One is given as Occurring “in the first year of Cyrus, King of Persia,” the other “in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar.” This is an indication that the things which were to be consummated within the time limit of 70 weeks were not matters which concerned the Jews only, but were of worldwide interest, having to do with the welfare of all mankind. God’s dealings, therefore, had been matters of Jewish history. But now, beginning with the voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord,” a new era was beginning, one in which God’s dealings were to be matters of world history. It is appropriate, therefore, that we should find at this point in the Word of God (Luke 3:1–3) a change from terms of Jewish to terms of Gentile chronology.

The prophets had foretold the ministry of John the Baptist in words which show that his appearance was to mark the beginning of a new and wonderful era, the preparation for the coming of Christ and His gospel (Isaiah 40:3–11; Malachi 3:1; 4:5–6). Moreover, just as the prophets had pointed forward to John’s ministry as the beginning of this new era, so likewise the apostles pointed back to it. Thus, when one was to be chosen to fill the place of Judas, it was required that the choice should be limited to those who had companied with the apostles all the time that the Lord Jesus had gone in and out among them, “beginning from the baptism of John” (Acts 1:21–22). Again, when Peter preached to the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius, telling them of “the word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ,” he declared that the preaching of this message (or “word”), which was “published throughout all Judea,” had begun “from Galilee after the baptism which John preached” (Acts 10:36–37). And Paul likewise, in proclaiming the fulfillment of God’s great promise of a “Savior” to Israel, referred to John’s preaching as the beginning of the era of this fulfillment (Acts 13:24).

It is clear, therefore, in the light of Scripture that the 483 years “unto the Messiah” terminated at the Lord’s baptism, when His ministry as “the Messiah” began. Moreover, the prophecy itself furnishes a means whereby we can check up our conclusions thus far, and test their correctness. To this we will refer later on. The terms of the prophecy make it plain that the expiration of the sixty-ninth week would bring the fulfillment, of the greatest of all promises, the manifestation of Christ to Israel; and we have now shown that the records of the New Testament mark the era of His manifestation with the utmost precision.

Thus we have the coming of Christ plainly announced, and the time of His manifestation to Israel definitely fixed by the measure of years from His decree to restore and build Jerusalem. But for what purpose was He to come? And what was He to accomplish for the deliverance and welfare of His people Israel? The Jews would, of course, look for an era of triumph over all their foes, of great national prosperity and glory, and of supremacy for them over all the nations of the world. In the light of their expectations the prophecy would seem most strange. It would be utterly irreconcilable with their hopes in regard to what their promised Messiah was to do for them. For the only thing Said of Him was that He would be “he cut off and have nothing”; and while there was some hope in the promise that He should “confirm the covenant with many,” yet there was also the dreadful prediction of a prince whose people should destroy the rebuilt city and sanctuary, and the further prophecies that the land should be devastated as by a flood, and that to the end there should be wars land desolations. A more depressing prophecy, Or one more in conflict with the Messianic expectations of the Jews, could not well be imagined.

But, our immediate concern is not with the character of the message but with the time of the several events foretold in it. The chief thing said of the Messiah is that He should “be cut off and have nothing” (Daniel 9:25); and this was to be “after the threescore and two weeks.” Thus we have our attention focused as it were upon the cutting off of the Christ. That transcendent event, the Cross, is thus made the central feature of the Prophecy. And this feature becomes the more grandly prominent when we take notice of the facts: (1) that it was by the cutting off of the Messiah that the six predicted things of verse 24 where to be accomplished; (2) that it was by the cutting off of the Messiah that the covenant with many (verse 27) was to be confirmed and the sacrifice and oblation caused to cease (as will be shown later on); and (3) that it was because of the cutting off of the Messiah that the devastating judgments foretold in the prophecy were to fall upon the city, the temple, and the people.

Thus it is seen that the prophecy is one of marvelous unity, and that all its details center around the Cross.

Now as to the time of this transcendent event, it is expressly stated that it was to be “after the threescore and two weeks.” That part of the determined period was to bring us only “unto the Messiah.” None of the predicted events were to happen within the sixty-nine weeks. The expiration thereof left only “one week” (verse 27) of the appointed seventy. Hence, within that one remaining week Messiah must be cut off if the predictions of verse 24 were to be fulfilled within 490 Years from the beginning of the prophetic period. For it should be carefully noted, in view of certain interpretation which have been put forth within recent years, that, we have not yet come to the fulfillment of any one of the six things foretold in Daniel 9:24. The expiration of the 483 years has brought us only “unto” the One in Whom those six things, which involve the whole purpose of God in redemption, were to be accomplished. Sixty-nine weeks of the determined seventy have passed. Only one week remains. It follows, therefore, of necessity, that the predictions of verse 24 must be fulfilled in that week. Within the next seven years the transgression of Israel must be finished, reconciliation must be made for iniquity, and everlasting righteousness must be brought, in, else the prophecy would utterly fail.

But this is just what might, have been understood from verse 24 alone. The words “seventy weeks are determined” are enough to inform us that the seventieth week was the one which would see the accomplishment of the predicted events; for if they, or some of them at least, were not to fall in that last week, then the prophetic period would not have been announced as one of seventy weeks, but as one of a lesser number. In fact, the very manner in which the prophecy is given to us — the last week being set off from the rest for special and separate mention indicates the exceptional importance of that, week. And this is easily seen; for if we look attentively at the terms of the prophecy we perceive that our Lord’s personal ministry lay entirely within the seventieth week. We ask our readers to lay firm hold of this fact. The prophecy plainly says there should be 69 weeks “unto the Anointed One.” Then, to make this clear beyond all doubt, it says, “And after the threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off.” This definitely places His whole ministry within the seventieth consecutive week from the decree of Cyrus. This is of the highest importance to an understanding of the prophecy.

In this connection, and by way of anticipation of what we propose to consider more fully hereafter, we briefly call attention to several points which bear directly upon this part of our study:

1. It is clear front what is recorded in John’s Gospel (and this has been often pointed out from the earliest days of our era) that our Lord’s ministry was approximately, if not exactly, three years and a half in duration. Hence front His anointing to His death would be half a “week?” and His crucifixion would be “in the midst of the (70th) week.”

2. Glancing now for a moment at Daniel 9:27 we note the words “and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.” If, as we expect to show hereafter by ample proof, the “he” of this verse is Christ, and the words quoted refer to His causing the sacrifices of the law to cease by His offering of Himself as a sacrifice for sin once for all, then we have a perfect agreement, in the finished work of Christ, with all the terms of the prophecy, and particularly in regard to the length of time assigned to His earthly ministry both by the prophecy and by the Gospel according to John. We need to exercise much care in this part of our study, because it has to do with matters regarding which there has been great uncertainty and wide difference of opinion. The difficulties, however, have been largely imported into the subject. They tire due in great measure to the wrong method which has been pursued (as we have shown in a previous chapter), and to the choice of a wrong starting point. For manifestly, the consequences of a mistake at the beginning will appear all along the way. On the other band, it will be easy to keep from error and confusion if we bear in mind these simple facts (1), that, at the baptism of Christ 69 weeks had elapsed; (2) that the beginning of His ministry was the beginning also of the 70th week; (3) that His entire mission lay within the compass of that last week; and (4) that in that week we must needs look for the accomplishment of the six predictions of Daniel 9:24.

We have not thus far referred to the latter part of Daniel 9:25. It merely tells that the street and wall (of the city) were to be built again “even in troublous times.” The period of “seven weeks”, mentioned in the verse, was no doubt the measure of those troublous times. This will serve to explain why the entire period of 70 weeks was divided into three parts — seven weeks, sixty-two weeks, and one week. In the first portion (7 weeks), the rebuilding of the city and temple took place, and God’s last messages to Israel were given through Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Then follows a long stretch of 62 weeks, which period was uneventful, so far as this prophecy is concerned. Chapter 11, however, (as we shall show later on) foretells the principal events of this period, which brings us “unto the Messiah,” and then comes the last and most momentous “weeks,” which appropriately stands by itself, for in it occurred the most stupendous events of all time.

The Prince

The fact that the angel Gabriel, in speaking of the Messiah, gave Him the title “Prince” (Daniel 9:25) suggests an inquiry, which, when pursued, is found to yield fruitful results.

Two of the great visions which Daniel records give an outline of the history of human government,, from the time of the vision to the very end of world government in the hands of men; and in both of these visions it, is shown that the last of the world kingdoms will be followed, and the whole system of human rule will be displaced, by the Kingdom of God. The vision of Chapter 2 shows this kingdom as a stone, carving itself out of the mountain without the agency of hands (this being a special feature of the vision), smiting the great image (which represents human rule in its entirety) upon its feet, demolishing the whole image, and finally becoming itself a mountain which fills the whole earth. Daniel, in expounding the vision, said that this stone represented “a kingdom” which “the God of heaven” would set up, and which should “stand forever” (Daniel 2:44). Plainly the Lord Jesus had this Scripture in mind when, in warning the Scribes and Pharisees that the Kingdom of God was to be taken from them (for the promise of the Kingdom, along with all other promises, had been given to the Jews), He spoke of “the Stone which the builders refused,” and declared that whosoever should fall upon it (then, at His first advent) should be broken; but on whomsoever it should fall (at His second coming in power) it should grind him to powder (Matthew 21:42–44).

The companion vision (Daniel 7) reveals further details concerning this Kingdom of God. Particularly does it show that it was to be conferred in heaven upon One like the Son of man, to whom was to be given “dominion, glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion and His Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed” (Daniel 7:13–14).

In view of these two preceding visions which speak so definitely of a kingdom, it might he expected that the angel in announcing in the vision of Chapter 9, the coming of the Anointed One, who, of Course, is the One Who is to receive the kingdom, would have referred to Him as “Messiah the King.” And indeed, if His coming to which the Seventy Weeks was the determined measure of time had been with a view to setting up a kingdom which would forthwith displace the earth rule of man, then the title “King” would be the appropriate one to use. But, in view of the actual purpose for which Christ was to come at that Lintel and of the work He was then to accomplish, there is a wonderful suitability in the title “Prince.” And not only so, but this title serves as a connecting link with certain New Testament Scriptures, referred to below, in which His work for this age is set forth in a comprehensive way.

For the title “Prince” is given to the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, four times; whereas He was not once proclaimed by Heaven’s authority as King, at His first coming. (He was referred to as the King by the Gentile Magi, by Nathaniel when he first. met Him, by the excited multitude at His last entry into Jerusalem, when their nationalistic expectations had been raised to a high pitch by the miracle of the raising of Lazarus, and by Pilate in derision. He was not so styled by John the Baptist, by Himself, or by His immediate disciples and apostles. These latter called Him “Master” and “Lord”.)

The four New Testament passages to which we refer are these:

1. Acts 3:15: “And killed the Prince of life, Whom God hath raised from the dead.”

2. Acts 5:31: “Him hath God exalted with His right and to be a Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.”

3. Hebrews 2:10: “For it became Him, for Whom are all things, and by Whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain (Prince) of their salvation perfect through sufferings.”

4. Hebrews 12:2: “Looking unto Jesus, the Author (Prince) and Finisher of faith, Who, for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right, hand of the throne of God.”

Taken together, these four scriptures present a wonderful view of the work of the Anointed One at His first advent. To begin with it should be noticed that in each passage His sufferings are made prominent. Peter says to the Jews at Jerusalem, “Ye denied the Holy One and The Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; and killed the Prince of life.” Again, in Acts 5:30, he said: “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, Whom ye slew and hanged on a tree, Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour.” In the third scripture we read that it became God, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Prince of their salvation perfect through sufferings. And finally, we read that as the Prince of faith, the One to Whom we must trustfully look while running the race set before us, He endured the Cross, despising the shame. It is needless that we should point out how perfect is the agreement in all this with the one thing foretold of Messiah the Prince in Daniel 9:25–26) namely that He should be cut off and have nothing. All these Scriptures then agree in their testimony that this Anointed “Prince” was, for the accomplishment of His mission, to suffer and to die.

Again, viewing these scriptures together, we see in them God’s fourfold objective in sending forth His Son in the likeness of man, and in anointing Him with the Holy Ghost and with power. It was (1) that He might be the Prince of life, thus to meet the deepest need of His perishing people, for he came “that they might have life”; (2) That He might also be the Prince and Savior empowered to grant repentance and forgiveness of sins; (3) that He might be the Prince or Leader of the salvation of God’s many sons, to bring them all safe home to glory; and (4) that He might also be the Leader as well as the Finisher of that faith whereby God’s people are to run (and without which none can possibly run) with endurance the race which is set before them, This fourfold object of the purpose of Christ’s mission at His first advent seems to present a comprehensive setting forth of His work.

In these Scriptures then we view Him as the Prince of life exalted by God’s right hand; as the Prince and Savior, granting repentance and pardon, and giving the Holy Spirit “to them that obey Him” (for He will accept only willing obedience); as the Prince of the complete and final salvation of God’s “many sons” whom by death, He has delivered from him who has the power of death, that is the devil (verses 14–15); and lastly as the Prince and Completer of a faith which triumphs through all difficulties, and sustains us to the end of the race.

To summarize: The first passage has to do with the birth of the children of the kingdom; the second with their pardon and justification; the third with their protection and safety while on their journey to the glory; and the fourth with the perfecting of their faith for the endurance of all the trials of the way. Taken altogether they give us the character of that kingdom which we have received through grace, and which is described in Hebrews 12:28 as “a kingdom which cannot be moved.”

“And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, and have nothing” – Daniel 9:26)

The first clause of verse 26 focuses our attention upon the greatest of all events. It tells us definitely that Christ was to be “cut off, and have nothing” (the marginal reading, “and have nothing” is undoubtedly correct). He was to have no people, no throne, no place even, on earth. But to the Israelites the words “cut off and have nothing” would convey the meaning of dying without posterity, without a “generation,” with none to perpetuate his name. This was regarded by them as the greatest of all calamities; and there was a special provision of the law whereby, in case a man should die, leaving no seed, his brother or near kinsman should “raise up the name of the dead” (Deuteronomy 25:5–6; Ruth 4:10). But here is the astonishing statement that the long promised and ardently looked for Messiah was to be completely “cut off!”

There is, in these words, a striking agreement with the prophecy of Isaiah, which contains the following: “And who shall declare His generation? For He was cut off out of the land of the living” (Isaiah 53:8). There could seemingly be no “generation” for one who was “cut off.” Yet with that marvelous prophecy runs the apparently contradictory promise, “He shall see His seed” (verse 10).

Considering now the statement, “And after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off,” the unity of the prophecy is seen in this, that the words, “after three score and two weeks,” bring us to the last of the “Seventy Weeks,” that is, to the period referred to in verse 24; and the words, “Messiah shall be cut off,” declare the means whereby the six predictions of that verse were to be fulfilled. Every part of this prophecy is thus firmly bound to every other part. It all has to do with the coming of Christ and what He was to suffer at the hands of His people; and it includes also a foretelling of the judgments that were to befall them for putting Him to death.

We would, therefore, fix our attention for a little while upon this special period of time, this three years and a half from the anointing of the Lord at His baptism to His crucifixion. That period is frequently referred to in the Gospels as the “time” or “this time,” meaning the time of the Messiah. Thus, when our Lord said, “The time is fulfilled” (Mark 1:15), He doubtless had reference to the time revealed to Daniel, the time when Christ was to be made manifest to Israel. Again, in Luke 12:56, where he asked, “How is it that ye do not discern the time?” and in Luke 19:44, where he said, “Because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation,” we may properly conclude that He had in mind the same “set time,” which had been definitely marked off in the unchangeable counsels of God and which He had communicated to Daniel, the man who was greatly beloved. The last mentioned passage (Luke 19:41–44) is very closely related to the prophecy of the seventy weeks, for it is itself a prophecy by Christ of the same destruction of Jerusalem which is foretold in the prophecy of the seventy weeks.

Surely there was no “time” like that, when God’s blessed Son, in lowly human form, went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Many prophets and kings had desired to see those things, and the angels desire to look into them. We should therefore be greatly impressed by the fad that God had, hundreds of years before, foretold that “time,” had given the measure of it, and had declared how it should end.

But more than this, the Lord made frequent reference also to a particular “hour,” calling it “My hour.” The “time” was that of His personal ministry in Israel, according to this prophecy; and the “hour” was that of His being “cut off,” according to the same prophecy.

We would call to mind some of those passages, which must ever awaken love and praise in the hearts of those for whose sake he endured the agonies of that awful and mysterious “hour.” Thus, when certain Greeks desired to see Him, their interest being prompted by the great commotion caused by the raising of Lazarus, and when crowds were thronging to see Him and Lazarus also (John 12:9), He referred to the approaching “hour” when He, being lifted up from the earth, should draw “all men,” Greeks as well as Jews, unto Him, and said, “The hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified”; and again, “Now is My soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father save me from this hour? But for this cause came I unto this hour” (John 12:20–27). Also in John 17:1 we read His words, “Father, the hour is come.” And a little later that same evening He prayed in the garden, asking “that if it were possible the hour might pass from Him” (Mark 14:35). It is plain that, in these passages, He was speaking of the hour when He should be made a sacrifice for sin upon the Cross — the hour when Messiah should “be cut off and have nothing.”

The Judgment. “The Prince That Shall Come”.

The verse we are now considering (Daniel 9:26) foretells not only the crowning sin of Israel in putting their Messiah to death, but also the great and terrible judgment that was to follow the perpetration of that unspeakable deed. There is a direct logical connection between the two events, which will account for the fact that the chronological order is not strictly followed.

There are differences of opinion among competent scholars as to the proper translation of the latter part of verse 26. In the text of the A.V. it reads:

“And the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”

The R.V. makes clearer the meaning of the last clause. It reads: “and unto the end shall be war; desolations are determined.”

Notwithstanding, however, the differences of translation, it is not difficult to gather the meaning of the passage. Indeed, so far as we are aware, all expositors agree that it foretells the exterminating judgment of God, which in due time was executed by the Roman armies under Titus, by whom the city was overwhelmed as “with a flood” (a figure often used for an invading army), and the city and the land were given over to the age long “desolations,” which had been “determined” in the counsels of God. Doubtless the Lord had this very passage in mind when, speaking of the then approaching siege and destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, He said: “For these be the days of vengeance, that all things that are written may be fulfilled” (Luke 21:22). The “things that are written” were the things foretold in this verse of the prophecy (Daniel 9:26), which were “fulfilled” at that time. The Lord’s words recorded in Matthew 23:32–36, and Luke 19:43–44, also refer to the calamities foretold in Daniel 9:26 as will be clearly seen by turning to those passages.

The following then is the meaning we derive from the text of the A.V. and R.V.: That the people of a “prince” (i.e., a leader or commander), who was to come with arms against Judea and Jerusalem, would utterly destroy both the city and the temple; that the destruction thereof should be as if a flood had swept everything away; that to the end there should be war; and that “desolations” for the land and city were definitely “determined.”

Thus the entire prophecy of the Seventy Weeks embraces in its scope the rebuilding of the city and the temple, and the final destruction of both. It covers the stretch of time from the restoration of the people to their land and city in the first year of Cyrus, down to their dispersion by the Romans among all the nations of the world.

In this connection we would again call the reader’s attention to the striking agreement between this part of the prophecy and the word of God to Isaiah (Chapter 6:9–13).

Who is “The Prince That Shall Come”?

At this point we are confronted with a question which very seriously affects the interpretation of the prophecy. Taking the words according to their apparent and obvious meaning (which should always be done except where there is a compelling reason to the contrary) it would seem quite clear that “the prince,” whose people were to destroy the city and the sanctuary, was Titus, the son of the then emperor Vespasian, he (Titus) being the “prince” or “leader” who was in actual command of those armies at the time. In fact we are bold to say that the words of the prophecy, which are the words of God sent directly from heaven to Daniel, do not reasonably admit of any other interpretation. Nor, so far as we are aware, was any other meaning ever put upon them until within recent years, and then only by those belonging to a particular “school” of interpretation. According to the “school” referred to, the words “the prince that shall come” do not mean the prince who did come, and whose armies fulfilled this prophecy by destroying the city and the temple, but they mean some other “prince,” who in fact has not yet come, and who (of course) could have nothing whatever to do with the subject of the passage, to wit, the destruction of the city and the temple.

According to the view we are now considering, the passage is taken to mean that there is a “prince” who is to “come” at some unknown time yet future, which prince will be of the same nationality as the people (the Roman armies) by whom the city and the Sanctuary were to be destroyed. It is further assumed, and taught with much confidence, that this “coming prince” will be in league with Antichrist, if indeed he be not Antichrist himself. This is a very radical idea, one which changes the entire meaning of this basic prophecy, and affects the interpretation of all prophecy. It transfers the main incidents of the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks from Christ to Antichrist, and removes them bodily from the distant past to the uncertain future, thus separating them far from all connection with the period of seventy weeks to which God assigns them. This manner of dealing with Scripture is, so far as our experience goes, without parallel or precedent in the field of exegesis. Is it sound and sober interpretation of Scripture, or is it playing pranks with prophecy?

For, with all due and proper respect for those who hold this view, we are bound to say that it does the greatest possible violence to words which are not at all obscure or of uncertain meaning. There is no conceivable reason why any prince (i.e., commander) should be mentioned in this passage except the one whose armies were to accomplish the destruction of the city and temple, that being the subject of the passage. The words are appropriate to convey one meaning and one only. It is simply unthinkable that the destroying agency would be identified by reference to some prince who was not to come upon the scene for several thousand years, or that the Romans of the first century could be called his “people.” Nor would anyone who possessed the slightest understanding of the use of language employ the words of the text in order to convey the information that the people, by whom the city was to be destroyed, would be of the same nationality as some “prince” who was to “come” (without saying whence, or whither, or for what) at some remote and unspecified time. And finally, even if it were supposable that such an utterly foreign subject as a prince, who was to come many centuries after the event prophesied, would be lugged into such a passage, then it would have been made to say not “the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city,” but that a prince of the people who destroyed the city shall come.

Furthermore, we know that the armies of prince Titus did destroy the city and temple, and that to this day the seven-branched candlestick, which was carried in his triumphal procession, is sculptured on the arch which was erected at Rome in his honor. But we know nothing of any Roman prince who is to “come” (come where?) in the future. The term “Roman” pertains to nothing now except the papacy.

And besides all this, if any “prince” should hereafter “come” (it matters not whence or whither) it could not property be said that the people who destroyed Jerusalem in A.D. 70 were his people. The plain and simple words of the prophecy are “the people of the prince who shall come.” Those words can only mean the man who was the prince or leader of the people at the time they destroyed the city and temple. Those Roman legions and auxiliaries were the people of prince Titus. But in no sense are they the people of some prince who may arise several thousand years later. The French armies which invaded Russia were the people of Napoleon their commander; but in no proper sense were they the people of General Foch. They were all dead long before he was born.

This prophecy has nothing whatever to do with any future Roman prince; nor is there, so far as we are aware, any ground for saying that a Roman prince will arise to play a part in the time of the end of this age. During the centuries that have now elapsed such changes have taken place that no potentate of the approaching end times could be described as the prince of the people by whom Jerusalem was destroyed.

The prophecy of the Seventy Weeks is manifestly an account, given beforehand, of the second period of the national existence of the Jewish people. They were to last as a nation only long enough to fulfill the Scriptures, and to accomplish the supreme purpose of God, in bringing forth the Messiah, and. putting Him to death. The time allotted for this was 490 years. This being accomplished, God had no further use for Israel. His dealings thenceforth were to be with another people, that “holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9), composed of all who believe the gospel, and who “receive” the One Who was rejected by “His own” (John 1:11–13).

Yet the predicted judgment did not immediately follow; for Christ prayed for His murderers in His dying hour, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). In answer to that prayer the full probationary period of forty years (A.D. 30 to A.D. 70) was added to their national existence, during which time repentance and remission of sins was preached to them in the Name of the crucified and risen One, and tens of thousands of Jews were saved.

The perfect accuracy of Scripture is seen in this, that while it was definitely stated that the six things of Daniel 9:24 were to be accomplished within the determined period of seventy weeks, and while the destruction of the rebuilt city and temple was also predicted, that event is not among the things which were to happen within the seventy weeks.

In this connection it is important to observe that, while the predicted events of verse 24 were to happen within the measured period of seventy weeks, and the events of verse 27 were to happen in the midst of the last week of the seventy, the time of the predicted judgments is not specified. Thus the prophecy left room for the exercise of mercy even to that evil generation.

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week, and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease” (Daniel 9:27)

We come now to the last verse of the prophecy, which verse is of surpassing interest and importance. It has to do specifically with the seventieth week of the prophecy. The expiration of 69 weeks brought us “unto Christ,” but not to His crucifixion, nor to that which is the great subject of all prophecy, “the sufferings of the Christ” (1 Peter 1:11). Particularly it should be kept in mind that the six things of Daniel 9:24 depended for their accomplishing upon His atoning death, His resurrection, and His ascension into heaven. All these events were “after the threescore and two weeks.”

When Moses and Elijah appeared with Christ in glory on the Mount of Transfiguration, they “spake of His exodus which He should accomplish at Jerusalem” (Luke 9:31). His “exodus” or “way out” of this world was the consummation of the purposes of God, the climax of all prophecy, the supreme event of all the ages. Thereby he accomplished eternal redemption, opened a fountain for sin and for uncleanness, scaled the everlasting covenant, and set aside forever the sacrifices appointed by the law.

The first part of Daniel 9:27, quoted at the head of this chapter, is quite clear except for the words “for one week,” which will be explained later on. The meaning of the clause (apart from those three words) is, we believe, easily discerned in the light of the New Testament scriptures. “To confirm” the new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31– 34; Hebrews 8:6–13; 10:1–18), that is, to make it sure, was the great purpose for which the Son of God came into the world in the body of flesh prepared for Him (Hebrews 10:5). Moreover, it was by His death as a sacrifice for sin that He displaced and abolished the sacrifices of the law, thus causing them “to cease.” God had had “no pleasure” in these because they “could never take away sins,” whereas “it pleased the Lord to bruise Him”, making “His soul an offering for sin” (Isaiah 53:10).

If we take the pronoun “He” as relating to “the Messiah” mentioned in the preceding verse, then we find in the New Testament scriptures a perfect fulfillment of the passage, and a fulfillment, moreover, which is set forth in the most conspicuous way. That pronoun must, in our opinion, be taken as referring to Christ, because (a) the prophecy is all about Christ, and this is the climax of it;

(b) Titus did not make any covenant with the Jews; (e) there is not a word in Scripture about any future “prince” making a covenant with them. Other reasons in support of this conclusion will appear later on. But the foregoing are sufficient. There are three points in the passage we are now studying, and each of them is completely fulfilled in the inspired accounts of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ given in the New Testament. Those three points are:

1. Confirming the covenant with many;
2. What happened in the midst of the week;
3. Causing the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. We will briefly examine these three points in order.

1. Confirming the covenant with many
We ignore for the present the words “for one week,” which words would seem to limit the duration of the “covenant” to the short period of seven years. It will suffice for now to say that there is no preposition “for” in the text, and that the words “one week” do not refer to the duration of the covenant, but to the time when it was confirmed; for that covenant was confirmed by the shedding of the blood of Christ (Hebrews 9:14–20) in “the one week,” the last of the seventy which had been “determined.” This will be clearly shown later on.

As to the fulfillment of this important feature of the prophecy we have a clear announcement from the Lord’s own lips. For when, in the institution of His memorial supper, He gave the cup to His disciples, he uttered these significant words, “This is My blood of the new covenant, shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26:28). In these words we find four things which agree with the prophecy: ONE — “the One” who was to confirm the covenant, Christ; TWO — “the covenant” itself; THREE — that which “confirmed” the covenant, the blood of Christ; FOUR — those who receive the benefits of the covenant, the “many.” The identification is complete; for the words correspond perfectly with those of the prophecy, “He shall confirm the covenant with many.” There could not be a more perfect agreement.

It is to be noted in this connection that the prominent feature of the new covenant is the forgiveness of sins (Jeremiah 31:34; Hebrews 10:1–18). Hence the significance of the Lord’s words, “for the remission of sins.” His mission in coming into the world was to “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). That is the prominent feature of His gospel (Luke 24:47; Acts 10:43).

It is further to be noted that, although the promise of the New Covenant was made to the entire “house of Israel and house of Judah,” not all of them entered into its benefits. Those who rejected Christ were “destroyed from among the people” (Acts 3:23). They were, as branches, “broken off (Romans 11:17). We see then the accuracy of Scripture in the words of the prophecy “with many,” and those of the Lord Jesus “shed for many.”

This use of the word “many” is found in other like scriptures. Thus, in a similar prophecy it is written: “My righteous Servant shall justify many” (Isaiah 53:11). Again, “And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God” (1:11, 16). This was said by the same heavenly messenger, Gabriel, when he announced to Zachariah the birth of his son. And yet again — this time from the lips of Simeon — “This Child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel” (Luke 2:34). And yet once more, in the words of the Lord Jesus, “For the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). In each of these scriptures the word “many” applies to those who receive by faith the benefits of the New Covenant which Christ made sure by the shedding of His blood upon the Cross.

2. In the midst of the week
These words are important in helping to identify the fulfillment of the prophecy. Considering the supreme importance of the death of Christ, upon which depended not only the six predictions of verse 24, but all the purposes of God; and considering also that the prophecy gives the time when the Lord’s ministry as “the Messiah” was to begin, we should expect to find in it a statement when His ministry was to end by His being “cut off.” This information is given in the words “in the midst of the week”, that is the seventieth week. The expiration of 69 weeks brought us “unto the Messiah.” Only “one week” of the seventy remained; and in the midst of that last week He was crucified.

We have here (as already indicated) a valuable means of checking up our conclusions and testing their correctness. For, as has been often pointed out since very early times, the Gospel of John contains information by which it appears that the ministry of Christ lasted three and a half years. In fact, Eusebius, a Christian writer of the fourth century, is quoted as saying: “It is recorded in history that the whole time of our Savior’s teaching and working miracles was three years and a half, which is half a week. This, John the evangelist will represent (i.e. will make known) to those who critically attend to his Gospel.

Thus the length of our Lord’s ministry, as disclosed by the Gospel of John (half a week), strikingly confirms the prophecy, which gives 69 weeks unto the beginning of the Lord’s ministry, and fixes the ending thereof “in the midst of the week” following.

3. He shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease
No one will dispute that, when Christ suffered and died on the Cross, thus offering “one sacrifice for sins forever,” he then and there caused the sacrifice, and oblations of the law to cease as a divine appointment. Even when in full vigor they were but the shadows of that perfect and all-sufficient sacrifice which he, as the Lamb foreordained before the foundation of the world, which was to offer in due time. Hence they were completely displaced when Christ, through the eternal Spirit, offered Himself without spot to God.

Neither can there be any question that the removal of those sacrifices (which could never take away sins) was a great thing in the eyes of God, a thing so great and well-pleasing to Him, to warrant its having a prominent place in this grand Messianic prophecy. In proof of this important point we direct the attention of our readers to Hebrews, chapters 8, 9 and 10. In those chapters the Spirit of God puts before us in great detail, and with solemn emphasis, the setting aside of the Old Covenant, with all that related to it, the “worldly sanctuary,” the priesthood, the “ordinances of divine service,” and particularly those many sacrifices (by which a remembrance of sins was made every year); and he puts before us also the confirming of the New Covenant, with its heavenly sanctuary, its spiritual priesthood, its sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, all based upon the atonement of Christ. The great subject of this part of Hebrews, as of the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, is the Cross.

Hebrews 10 dwells largely upon the sacrifices which were “offered by the law,” emphasizing the imperfection and insufficiency thereof to purge the conscience of the offerers, and declaring that, for that reason, God had no pleasure in therein. It was because of this (“wherefore”) that the Son of God said, “Lo, I come (in the volume of the Book it is written of Me) to do Thy will, O God” (verse 7). This relates the passage directly to the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, which has for its subject the coming of Christ into the world and the purpose for which He came. How full of significance then, and how conclusive for the object of our present study, are the words which follow!

“Above when He said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin Thou wouldst not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law; then said He, Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that He may establish the second” (Hebrews 10:8–9).

This is the climax of the whole matter. “He taketh away” those sacrifices and oblations wherein God had no pleasure! What perfect agreement with the words of the prophecy, “He shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease”! And when we find, both in the prophecy (Daniel 9:27) and in Hebrews 10, that this setting aside of the sacrifices of the law is connected directly with the confirming of the New Covenant, we are compelled to conclude that the passage in Hebrews is the inspired record of the fulfillment of this Prophecy.

We ask careful attention to the fact that in Hebrews 10:12 it is expressly stated that Christ took away the sacrifices of the law when He offered Himself as the “one sacrifice for sins forever,” ere he “sat down on the right hand of God.” Those sacrifices, therefore, ceased to exist in God’s contemplation from the moment Christ died. From that moment God regards no longer the sacrifices of the law. It is impossible; therefore, that the words “he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease” could refer to any event subsequent to the crucifixion of Christ. To this we purpose to return. But at this point we would simply raise the question, where shall we look for a fulfillment of the prophecy, if we reject that recorded in Hebrews 10:9?

“For One Week”

We come now to the words “for one week” (Daniel 9:27), which have been the means of leading astray some who have undertaken to explain this prophecy.

Manifestly those words are utterly inconsistent with the view that the covenant spoken of is the New Covenant, since that is “everlasting” (Hebrews 13:20). But it is hardly conceivable that any covenant — particularly one of such importance as to have a prominent place in this prophecy — would be confirmed for such a brief term as seven years Even if we suppose, as some do (though with no proof whatever to support them), that the prophecy refers to some agreement which the supposed “prince” of the future will supposedly make with “many” Jews, permitting them to resume the long abolished sacrifices of the law, can we conceive that such a covenant would be limited to the insignificant term of seven years?

In view of the difficulty presented by the words “for one week,” we consulted a Hebrew scholar, asking him if there were any preposition “for” in the original text, or anything to imply it. His reply was that there is no “for” in the text, or anything to imply it. This information removed the chief difficulty; but it left still unsettled the meaning to be given to the words “one week.” That further information, however, was supplied by the same Hebrew scholar (formerly a Jewish Rabbis but now a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ), who gave us the English rendering of the Septuagint Version of Daniel 9:27. This Septuagint Version is a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, made nearly three hundred years before the birth of Christ. It has a claim on our acceptance as an authoritative version, because our Lord and His apostles frequently quoted from it.

Particularly do we ask attention to the fact that when our Lord, in His prophecy on Mount Olivet, quoted from the latter part of Daniel 9:27, He used the words of the Septuagint version, namely, “the abomination of desolation” (Matthew 24:15). Therefore we have a special warrant for following the sense of the Septuagint. We give the English translation of the entire verse as it appears in the Septuagint.

“And one week shall establish the covenant with many; and in the midst of the week my sacrifice and drink offering shall be taken away; and upon the temple shall be the abomination of desolation; and at the end of the time (the age) an end shall be put to the desolation.”

From this wording the meaning of the first clause is easily grasped. It is a common form of speech to say for example, “the year 1776 established the independence of the American colonies”; “the year 1918 restored Alsace and Lorraine to France,” etc., which is a figurative way of saying that such or such an event took place at the time specified. This form of expression is used when it is desired to call special attention to the year, or other period, in which a certain event occurred. So here, the previous verses having accounted for 69 of the total of 70 weeks, it was most appropriate to emphasize that last week; and especially so for the reason that the last week was not only to fulfill the six predictions of verse 24) but it was to be the climax of all the ages.

The sense of the passage then is this: That the one remaining week would witness the confirming of the covenant (which could only mean the promised New Covenant) with the many; and that, in the midst of that last week, Christ would cause the entire system of sacrifices appointed by the law to cease, by the offering of himself in the all-sufficient sacrifice for sins.

This gives to the last week of the seventy the importance it should have, and which the prophecy as a whole demands, seeing that all the predictions of verse 24 depend upon the events of that last week. On the other hand, to make this last Week refer to a paltry bargain between Antichrist (or a supposed Roman prince) and some apostate Jews of the future, for the renewal (and that for a space of only seven years) of those sacrifices which God has long ago abolished forever, is to intrude into this great scripture a matter of trifling importance, utterly foreign to the subject in hand. and to bring the entire prophecy to an absurdly lame and impotent conclusion.

“My Sacrifices and Drink Offering”

In further elucidation of the sense of verse 27 we would call special attention to the words of the Septuagint Version, “my sacrifice and drink offering shall be taken away.” Before the death of Christ the sacrifices of the law were God’s. But he would never call His the sacrifices which apostate Jews might institute under agreement with Antichrist. This we deem to be conclusive.

Subsequently to the first appearance of these papers we have had access to Dr. Wm. M. Taylor’s excellent book entitled, Daniel the Beloved, in which the above rendering of verse 27 is confirmed. Dr. Taylor gives Dr. Cowle’s version of that verse, as follows: “One seven shall make the covenant effective to many. The middle of the seven shall make sacrifice and offerings to cease,” etc.

We quote also from Dr. Taylor’s comments, which afford confirmation of the conclusions we had already reached:

“It is well known by those acquainted with chronology that Christ was born four years earlier than the first of the era which we call by His name. Therefore, at the year 26 A.D. our Lord would be really thirty years of age; and we know (Luke 3:23) that His baptism, or public manifestation to the people, took place when He ‘began to be about thirty years of age’.

“Further, at the end of half a seven of years, or in the middle of the heptad, Messiah, according to this prediction, was to cause the sacrifice and offerings to cease. Now, if we suppose this to refer to the fact that Christ’s death, being a real and proper sacrifice for sin, virtually abolished all those under the law, which were only typical, we have here a date harmonizing with that of the Crucifixion. It is as near as possible demonstrable from the Gospel by John that our Savior’s public ministry lasted three years and it half (see Robinson’s Harmony of the Gospels, Appendix); and this is corroborated by the parable of the barren fig tree (Luke 13:69) which seems to indicate that three years of special privilege to the Jews had run their course, and that a fourth, or a portion of a fourth, was to be given them. Here again, therefore, we have a coincidence of date between the prediction and the history.

“The exposition we have given of this section of Daniel’s prediction, find of the manner of its fulfillment is fitted to stir the heart even of the most indifferent. For myself, I feel awed by the sense of the nearness of God, which comes over me when I read these verses and when I remember how they have been confirmed by the events of which Calvary was the scene. God is in this history of a truth. But let us not forget that it differs from ordinary history only that here we are permitted to read out of the Book of Divine purpose and prescience; whereas in other cases that record is hidden from our eyes. God is in, all history as really and as much as he was in this. How solemn, yet how reassuring also is the thought!”

In view of all this, we would ask, how can any sober minded expositor of the Scriptures set aside the perfect and heart satisfying fulfillment of this wonderful prophecy, so clearly to be seen in “the events of which Calvary was the scene,” and propose instead a contrived fulfillment, in a supposed covenant (whereof the Scriptures say not a word) between Antichrist and the Jewish people of the last days, relating to the imagined revival of the long abolished sacrifices of the law?

Therefore we conclude that the modern interpretation which takes Christ and the Cross out of the last verse of the prophecy, where it reaches its climax, and puts Antichrist and his imaginary doings into it, does violence to the Scripture and serious wrong to the people of God.

(To be continued)

Disinformation and Fake News: Mainstream Media and Alternative Media Both Guilty

Disinformation and Fake News: Mainstream Media and Alternative Media Both Guilty

I turned into a conspiracy researcher from 1980 which was when I first read John Todd’s testimonial about Witchcraft and the Illuminati. Todd taught me to read between the lines when listening to newscasters. The mainstream media is owned and controlled by large corporations. Almost by definition, a corporation’s bottom line is profit, not the well being of the public. An excellent resource that brings this out is a book, “Flat Earth News” by Nick Davies. The message of that book:

“Mainstream media (MSM) news agencies have been taken over by profit-seeking corporations. One way to raise profits is to cut costs, and cutting costs include time taken to fact check sources of information. In other words, making money rather than educating the public is the sole motivation of news corporations today. “

Conspiracy researchers such as myself have realized this instinctively and have therefore turned to alternative news media for information. My search for truth became a journey of hit and miss with alternative media. After a few months of listening to the likes of Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, David Icke, Joyce Riley, and others, I began to see they had something in common other than trying to educate the public. They all have something to sell! And it’s usually health food supplements that are supposed to protect us from the effects of nuclear radiation.

On this website, I wrote about Joyce Riley’s false reporting of the aftermath of the Dai-Ichi nuclear reactor in Fukushima Japan. Though she promoted health products on her website, she lived from 1948 – 2017, only 69 years. I’ve outlived her by one year so far. I’m not on any medications and take only vitamin C and zinc supplements, I think I’m doing OK health-wise. I can still run up a flight of stairs and ride a mountain bike for exercise.

The following is an excerpt from a New York Times magazine article by a man who once worked for Alex Jones as a video editor, Josh Owens, written on Dec. 5, 2019: I Worked for Alex Jones. I Regret It.

Soon after I was hired, Jones’s Infowars-branded store — which sells emergency-survival foods, water filters, body armor and much more — introduced an iodine supplement, initially marketed as a “shield” against nuclear fallout. Still learning the ropes, I was tasked with creating video advertisements for the supplement, which he ran on his online TV show. One of these ads started with a shot of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant as it exploded. I doubled the sound of the explosion, adding a glitch filter and sirens in the background for dramatic effect. Jones stood over my shoulder as I edited. “This is great,” he said. “See if you can find flyover footage of Chernobyl as well.”

Shortly after Jones began selling the supplements, someone posted a video on YouTube holding a Geiger counter displaying high radiation readings on a beach in Half Moon Bay, Calif. The video went viral, stoking fears that radiation from Fukushima was drifting across the Pacific Ocean. Jones saw an opportunity and sent me, along with a reporter, a writer and another cameraman, to California. We had multiple Geiger counters shipped overnight, unaware of how to read or work them, and drove up the West Coast, frequently stopping to check radiation levels. Other than a small spike in Half Moon Bay — which the California Department of Public Health said was from naturally occurring radioactive materials, not Fukushima — we found nothing.

Jones was furious. We started getting calls from the radio-show producers in the office, warning us to stop posting videos to YouTube stating we weren’t finding elevated levels of radiation. We couldn’t just stop, though; Jones demanded constant real-time content. On some of these calls, I could hear Jones screaming in the background. One of the producers told me they had never seen him so angry.

We scrambled to find something, anything we could report on. We tested freshly caught crab from a dock in Crescent City, Calif., and traveled to the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant in Avila Beach, asking fishermen if we could test the small croakers they caught off a nearby pier. We even tried to locate a small nuclear-waste facility just so we could capture the Geiger counter displaying a high number. But we couldn’t find what Jones wanted, and after two weeks of traveling from San Diego to Portland, we flew back to Texas as failures, bracing for Jones’s rage.

For more about Alex Jones, please see Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

What I think about what Jeff Rense has to say about Fukushima.

Joyce Riley also came out with disinformation and lies about Fukushima

Folks, I was living in Japan during the major earthquake and tsunami that killed around 20,000 people on March 11, 2011. It seemed so ironic to me that the further away a person lives from Fukushima, the more he or she seemed to fear it! And why? They were getting fear-mongering news from the media! And alternative media actually told MORE lies about Fukushima than the mainstream media did! My home was then in Niigata City, only a little over 100 miles or 160 kilometers as the crow flies from the damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi power plant in the town of Futaba, Fukushima Prefecture. I can tell you the thought of harmful nuclear radiation in the air from the power plant was not a topic of discussion among the locals. Nobody was worried. But for some reason, a friend who lived hundreds of miles further away in southern Japan was spreading on the Internet all kinds of horror stories about Fukushima. And where did he get it from? From alternative media in America!

Here’s a general rule of thumb for how I judge the news today: When I listen to mainstream media, I always try to read between the lines and not take anything at face value. Newscasters like Lester Holt of NBC are enjoyable to listen to, but I don’t believe anything he says about the coronavirus or the importance of vaccinations. For alternative news sources, I stick with men who I see to be sincere and dedicated Christians, men like Dr. Chuck Baldwin. When I heard him say that QAnon is a hoax, I believed him. I don’t follow QAnon. I’m grateful to pastor Baldwin for warning me about it. Some of my friends do follow QAnon. I think not only are they wasting their time, but they are also going to be greatly discouraged and disappointed someday when they see everything that Q promised them did not and will not come to pass.

Another way some people get news is through social media like Facebook or Twitter. This may be the least reliable method for a couple reasons.

1. Both Facebook and Twitter are subject to censorship of any information that is contrary to the mainstream narrative.

2. Well meaning friends may share information they didn’t fact check. Once I got a link from a trusted friend about the Pope changing one of the Ten Commandments and adding an eleventh commandment! I immediately shared it on my Facebook timeline only to find a few hours later that it was false! Why did I share information without fact checking it? Two reasons: I got the information from a very good and trusted friend, and the information agreed with my cognitive bias about the Pope. I had to learn to always fact check. This also applies to other social media that is becoming popular such as MeWe and Parler. You won’t face censorship using them, but well meaning friends can still lead you astray by their posts.

Misapplication of the Precautionary Principle has Misplaced the Burden of Proof of Vaccine Safety

Misapplication of the Precautionary Principle has Misplaced the Burden of Proof of Vaccine Safety

The abstract statement below is from a PDF file you can download It was written by Roslyn Judith (Judy) Wilyman, an Australian anti-vaccination activist who came to prominence following the award of a humanities PhD titled “A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy”.

Macfarlane Burnet, (3 September 1899 – 31 August 1985), was an Australian virologist best known for his contributions to immunology.

The “precautionary principle” is a broad epistemological, philosophical and legal approach to innovations with potential for causing harm when extensive scientific knowledge on the matter is lacking. It emphasizes caution, pausing and review before leaping into new innovations that may prove disastrous. (Definition from Wikipedia.)

I added emphasis in bold and italics.

Judy Wilyman

Judy Wilyman


Vaccination is a medical intervention that comes with a risk for some people. In the expression of infectious diseases, it is known that the pathogen alone does not cause disease: it is a combination of the pathogen, environment, and genetic factors that determines expression and severity of the disease in individuals. In 1960 Macfarlane Burnet, Nobel Prize laureate for immunology, stated that genetics, nutrition, psychological and environmental factors may play a more important role in resistance to disease than the assumed benefits of artificial immunity induced by vaccination. He considered that genetic deterioration of the population may be a consequence of universal mass vaccination and he postulated that in the long-term vaccination may be against the best interests of the state. The current belief that much of the burden of infectious diseases can be alleviated if every child, in every geographical location, has access to multiple vaccines, does not consider the influence of genetics and environment on the health of populations. The historical record shows that deaths and illnesses to infectious diseases fell due to public health reforms – and prior to the introduction of most vaccines. Since 1990 there has been a 5-fold increase in chronic illness in children in developed countries and an exponential increase in autism that correlates directly with the expansion of government vaccination programs. Many individuals are genetically predisposed to the chronic illnesses that are increasing in the population and since 1995 governments have not used mortality or morbidity to assess outcomes of vaccination programs. Human health can be protected in government policies if the precautionary principle is used in the correct format that puts the onus of proof of harmlessness on the government and pharmaceutical industry, and not the general public. This has not been done in current vaccination programs and we cannot rule out the possibility that the increased use of vaccines is destroying the genetic fabric of society as MacFarlane Burnet postulated.

Reasons Why the King James Version is the Best English Translation of the Bible

Reasons Why the King James Version is the Best English Translation of the Bible

The King James New Testament, alone of all the English translations, is based on the Greek text known as the Textus Receptus, which is the Greek New Testament used during the spiritual awakenings of the Reformation period. Before the invention of printing, of course, the Scriptures were transmitted by hand copying and circulation. The generally acknowledged and accepted manuscripts were, of course, widely used and so wore out fairly quickly and had to be continuously recopied on fresh papers or parchments.

Great numbers were always current, however, and there was thus a continual self-checking process going on, securing the text against any significant accumulation of copyists’ errors. It was from this source that the Greek New Testament known as the Textus Receptus (“Received Text”) was compiled. The great majority of the surviving manuscripts agree with this so-called “Byzantine” text, as preserved through the early centuries of Christianity by the Greek-speaking churches themselves.

When a manuscript was prepared, which either through carelessness or deliberate intent, contained significant errors or alterations, it naturally would tend to be discarded when its character was discovered. Unless it was deliberately discarded, however, it would tend to survive longer than others, for the very reason that it was not being used. This is probably the case with the so-called Sinaitic and Vatican manuscripts, also known as Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus / Codices B and Aleph, which were discovered in the 19th Century and which were older than any of the still-preserved manuscripts of the Received Text. It was assumed that because the Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus manuscripts were older than the manuscripts of the Byzantine text, they are therefore better and more accurate. This is not so! Though the manuscripts were older and appeared in better shape, it was because they were not used because of the many errors found in them!

Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus are both of dubious origin. It has been speculated by some scholars that one or both were produced by Eusebius of Caesarea on orders of Emperor Constantine. If this is true, then these manuscripts are linked to Eusibus’s teacher Origen of Alexandria, both known for interpreting Scripture allegorically as opposed to literally. Scholars have designated these manuscripts as Alexandrian, linking them with Alexandria, Egypt, the region responsible for early heresies such as Gnosticism and Arianism (the doctrine of the denial of the Trinity). Both are dated in the mid to late fourth century.

These manuscripts contain an amazing number of obvious and careless mistakes and probably even some deliberate alterations. Nevertheless, because of their antiquity, they were accepted by the scholars Westcott, Hort, Nestle and others as the basis for their Greek New Testaments, which were published in the 19th Century and which have in turn served as the basis for all the subsequent modern English translations!!! In other words, if you read any translation of the Bible in modern English, you are reading a translation based on a corrupt manuscript!

Thus there is good reason to believe that the King James Version is still the most accurate and reliable translation we have. In view of the other considerations noted above, there is certainly as yet no good reason to replace it with some ephemeral modern translation.

More reasons why the KJV is superior to all modern English translations

  1. It had the most spiritual translators, real believing translators, and therefore the most spiritual and correct translation.
  2. It’s the best known, the most widespread, and the most recognizable.–And if you quote it, most people will recognize it and know you’re quoting them the Bible.
  3. It has been time-tested for nearly 400 years, and if you accept what it says and obey it, it works!
  4. It was written at the time the English language was spoken and used in its most perfect form.
  5. The English of the King James Version isn’t nearly as hard to follow as its critics say. In fact, it is in general written in a much simpler vocabulary, with a higher percentage of one and two-syllable words, than almost any of the modern translations. The King James Version, in fact, is almost universally acknowledged as the greatest of all masterpieces of English literature.
  6. It is no longer copyrighted, meaning anybody can reprint it, copy it, or publish it and they don’t have to pay a copyright fee.
  7. The King James Version was not just the work of one man, but the work of a very large conference of the best men of God in England, and every problem was worked out by God’s inspiration and the majority opinion.
  8. The translators decided not to add footnotes and explanatory notes, preferring to let the Word speak for itself.

The Doctrine of the Trinity: Is it Biblical?

The Doctrine of the Trinity: Is it Biblical?

Some of my friends have called the doctrine of the Trinity, the triune Godhead, an invented doctrine by the Catholic church at the Council of Nicea of AD 325.

The standard Catholic Nicene Creed which I learned when a child says:

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
and of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation,
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge
the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he
is worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic
and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come.

I agree with all of the above if we define “one holy catholic and apostolic church” as the spiritual Body of Christ founded on the Bible, not that man-made religion of Rome, the Pope and the cardinals, bishops and priests of the Roman Catholic church today.

The Nicene Creed expresses a triune God, the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Does the Bible teach this?

Three men appeared to Abraham

Abraham Entertains Strangers Genesis 18:2

Genesis 18:1  ¶And the LORD appeared unto him (Abraham) in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
2  And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,

The all-capitals “LORD” of Genesis 18:1 is number H3068 in Strong’s concordance. In the KJV it is the same as the Name Jehovah, the Latinization of the Hebrew יְהֹוָה‎ (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible. Clearly, LORD in Genesis 18:1 is God, and yet there appeared three men!

Some Christians think that YHWH should be pronounced Yahweh, not Jehovah. For sure there was no J sound in Hebrew. It was a Y sound or Yehovah. Take your pick.

The all-capitals “LORD” appears 9 more times in Genesis chapter 18:

Genesis 18:13 And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
Genesis 18:14 Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.
Genesis 18:17 And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;
Genesis 18:19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Genesis 18:20 And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;
Genesis 18:22 And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.
Genesis 18:26 And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
Genesis 18:33 And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.

It’s interesting that the all-capitals LORD appears 10 times in Genesis 18. “In Genesis 1 we find the phrase “God said” 10 times, which is a testimony of His creative power. God gave the 10 Commandments to man. Ten therefore represents man’s responsibility to keep the commandments. A tithe is a 10th of our earnings and is a testimony of our faith in the Lord. ” – (quoted from https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/10.html)

There is also a first-letter-only capitalized word in Genesis 18, “Lord”. In Strong’s concordance, it’s designated number H136. In Hebrew, it’s pronounced Adonay. The name Lord in the verses below are all Strong’s H136.

Genesis 18:3  And said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:
Genesis 18:27 And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:
Genesis 18:30 And he said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.
Genesis 18:32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.
Genesis 18:31 And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty’s sake.

These verses are clearly referring to the Godhead.

There is yet one more case of the word in Genesis chapter 18, and it’s written in all lower case “lord”. In Strong’s concordance, it’s H113, adonadon, meaning master.

Genesis 18:12  Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?

Sarah was clearly referring to her husband Abraham who she called lord.

To sum up Genesis 18, the word LORD appears 10 times and the word Lord appears 5 times. Both LORD and Lord refer to God. In each case Abraham was talking to 3 people when he was talking to God! This indicates to me the first proof of a triune God, the Trinity, after Genesis 1:26 in which God is referring to Himself in the plural!

Genesis 1:26 ¶And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Are there other examples in the Bible that indicate a triune God? The KJV uses the word Godhead exactly 3 times!

Acts 17:29  Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.
Romans 1:20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Colossians 2:9  For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

The Gospel of Matthew tells us we are to be baptized in three Names:

Matthew 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

The clincher Scripture for me that proves the Trinity is

1 John 5:7  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

The Word is of course referring to Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh.

John 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Yes indeed, the doctrine of the Trinity, the triune God, is certainly biblical!

Adventures in the Russian Arctic City of Murmansk

Adventures in the Russian Arctic City of Murmansk

I posted this article on my old website on kt70.com/~jamesjpn 20 years ago. It was hosted by my friend Kengo Tahaha for free. A few years ago he told me he would stop paying for the server. Only today, Dec. 9, 2020, I realized I hadn’t copied it to this website.

“Murmansk (Russian: Му́рманск, is a port city and the administrative center of Murmansk Oblast in the far northwest part of Russia. It sits on both slopes and banks of a modest ria or fjord, Kola Bay, an estuarine inlet of the Barents Sea. Its bulk is on the east bank of the inlet. It is in the north of the rounded Kola Peninsula which covers most of the oblast. The city is 108 kilometers (67 mi) from the border with Norway and 182 kilometers (113 mi) from the Finnish border. The city is named for the Murman Coast, which is in turn derived from an archaic term in Russian for “Norwegian”. ” — Quoted from Wikipedia

I visited the Russian city of Murmansk by train from St. Petersburg a total of ten times from 1995 to 1997. Murmansk is the largest city in the world that is north of the Arctic Circle. Though north of the Arctic Circle, the winters are relatively mild due to a warm ocean current that crosses the Atlantic from the Gulf of Mexico. There are nearly 24 hours of darkness from Dec. 2 to January 20 and 24 hours of daylight in June and July.

Murmansk (red circle drawn around it) is located on the Kolsky peninsula near the Arctic Ocean. You can see St. Petersburg is located about 1000 Kilometers to the south. Winters are long and summers very short with only about 14 really nice warm days. Anybody with any money at all goes down south for their summer vacations, often to the Black Sea.


Here you can see the relationship of the Kolsky peninsula with the rest of the world.

Murmansk in summer
Murmansk in the summertime! The body of water in front is the Kolsky bay. Lenin Street, Murmansk.

Leninsky Prospect
This is the main street of the town that runs past the train station. There’s a large statue of Lenin still standing in a small park on this street.

Murmansk in winter
What Murmansk usually looks like! Cold, drab, and dreary.

Old lady selling fish in -10 celcius weather
The poor lady in the photo has to stand outdoors all day to sell a bit of fish and beans to make a living! Let’s think about her the next time we are tempted to complain how “bad off” we are!

A park covered with snow
March of 1996, Murmansk. I’m standing next to a park buried in snow.

Yanna and Ruth
Yana and Ruth. Ruth is a native of Murmansk who decided to become a follower of Jesus after receiving the Gospel from my fellow missionaries in Russia.

It does get warm -- 14 days a year.
See, it’s not cold all the time! A nice warm June day in Murmansk. July turns cold again with rainy weather with highs only 13 C or in the lower 50s F.
A man earning a living picking up empty beer bottles
A man collecting beer bottles to resell to make a living. Unless the bottle is broken, it won’t be lying on the ground for long in Russia. Some people even intentionally leave their bottles on the street for the poor to pick them up.

With Ukrainian Faithy just before boarding a train to go to Murmansk. It’s a 36-hour train trip one way from St. Petersburg. I’ve been back and forth exactly 10 times which means I lived 25 days on that train!

The lady in the middle and her friend on the right was so glad to meet Faithy and me! She lost her business due to pressure from the Mafia.

With Inna Hairdresser and friend
With Inna Hairdresser and her friend Anna.

Lydia and children in an orphanage
Ukrainian Lydia with children at an orphanage we visited.

Natashi with Sami girl
Natasha from Monchigorsk with a Sami girl. The “Sami” people are the same as the Lapp people of northern Norway, Finland, and Sweden. They are reindeer herders. Once I saw a race with reindeers pulling sleighs around a track during a winter festival in Murmansk. It was fun but also very cold that day so I couldn’t stay outside for more than 30 minutes without freezing.

Snezhana with Sergei Office
Snezhana with Sergei. Sergei served as an Army Officer in the Soviet Army for 20 years. He says he doesn’t believe in God. He does seem to believe in alcohol to help him overcome his problems. Poor guy! I really tried to help him. But no, he “knows too much” to believe in God, ha! However, he did laugh at my jokes.

Summertime in Murmansk!
Another proof that Russia and even the Russian Arctic is NOT cold all year round! Over 400,000 people live in Murmansk and the surrounding area.
With Sergei and his cousin Igor
During a festival in the central town square where we often distributed Gospel tracts. Once when a policeman asked what I was passing out, I told him it is religious literature and how glad I am I have the freedom now to preach the Gospel in his country! He agreed and said, “Ten years ago, I would have thrown you into prison!”

Inna Hairdresser and Anna
Again with Inna Hairdresser and her friend Anna.

2 ladies I just met
Anna in the center with her friend the librarian on the right. This is at the entrance of a college dormitory. All the dorms in Russia seem to be co-ed. We visited this particular dorm frequently to share with the students the Message of God’s Love and the Gospel and made many friends. Anna is Jewish. There wasn’t a single time during the 3 and a half years I spent in Russia that a Russian Jew objected to me sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them! They were all sweet people.

5 team members in Murmansk
The Murmansk team of the summer of 1996! Left to right: Yanek, me, Swedish Teen, Andrew, and Angela.

Teaching Bible at a former Soviet school in Murmansk
At a top high school in Murmansk. This school is right on Lenin St. in the heart of town. The head of the English department invited me to speak in English to the students on a regular basis. She gave me the freedom to speak on any subject I chose, so of course, I chose Biblical subjects! There was no pay for this but they did give us lunch. There was never a time in the schools in Murmansk that I was forbidden to read from the Bible! — Something I can’t even do in my own country (the US of A)!!! Actually, it is technically a no-no in Russia too, but Murmansk is so far away from Moscow and nobody really cares what the central government says anymore. At least they didn’t care when I was there from 1994 to 1997.

With Snezhana and Natasha. How I loved Snezhana! But it was not God's will for us to marry.
With Snezhana (her name means snow flake in Russian) and Natasha from Monchegorsk. The name of her city means “beautiful city”. The name Monchegorsk is a combination of two words, the first from the Sami language and the second from Russian. I’ve never been there, but I can bet that the only thing beautiful there is the beautiful people who inhabit it, not the ugly drab Soviet-style architecture!

Russians hauling a refigerator up a slope!
Three people trying to pull a refrigerator up a slope!

With principal of school 25, Alla
With a school principal of one of the schools in Murmansk. She wanted to take me on summer vacation to her home country of Belarus.

Belarussian Yanek with friends in Murmansk
Belarussian Yanek with Natasha and friends.

What Are the Beasts of Revelation Chapter 13?

What Are the Beasts of Revelation Chapter 13?

Revelation 17:7b … the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

Revelation 13:1  ¶And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Revelation 13:11  ¶And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Notice I used the word “what” in the title of this article, not the pronoun “who”. It’s because the Book of Daniel clearly identifies what a “beast” is. It’s used as a metaphor for a kingdom or an empire, and not a person.

Daniel 7:3  And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.
4  The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.
5  And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
6  After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.
7  After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

The Beasts of Daniel 7 represented four empires.

I think it’s safe to say most Bible prophecy studies will not debate that. The term “beast” is therefore a metaphor, symbolical language. Therefore I do not agree with Pastor John MacArthur when he says prophecy is always literal. Some prophecies such as the Messiah born of a virgin are indeed literal, but to call an empire a “beast” clearly indicates symbolism.

One website on the subject says:

Maybe you have asked the question what are the two beasts in Revelation 13? The short answer is they represent the Antichrist and the False Prophet.

I thought so too for 40 plus years, but I no longer agree with that statement.

I used to associate the Beast of Revelation 13 with the Antichrist who is supposed to rise to power and rule the earth for a final 7 years just before the return of Jesus Christ. I’ve come to see this interpretation as based on the Futurist school of interpretation which I believe to be false. I am a Historicist, the school of prophetic interpretation which was held by the Protestant Reformers and Baptists up to the end of the 18th century. It was John Nelson Darby and his Plymouth Brethern who in 1830 introduced to the evangelical Christian world the futurist interpretations of the Books of Daniel, Revelation, and Matthew 24. In other words, Darby and his people took prophecies that were fulfilled in the past claiming they are yet to be fulfilled in the future! And sad to say, by and by these doctrines were eventually accepted by the prestigious Dallas Theological Seminary and spread around the world.

The point I want to make in this article is this: The “Beast” today represents Globalism, the Shadow Government, the Deep State. Why would the entire world react the same way to the pandemic with lockdowns, guarantees, the use of face masks, and social distancing? Answer: It’s all coming from the same source, the Beast! It’s unprecedented in history. Lockdowns are crashing the economy, and it may all be leading up to the Mark of the Beast. Is it too far fetched to think the Mark may have something to do with a mandatory coronavirus vaccination?

Just in my lifetime, I can tell you many times the Beast told me something that turned out later to be false. The Gulf War of 1990 was justified because “Iraqi soldiers were taking babies out of hospital incubators and laid on the floor to die.” (False!) The invasion of Iraq was justified because of “weapons of mass destruction”. (False!) The Vietnam War was justified to “save the world from Communism.” And now though all of Vietnam is Communist, it has become an economic competitor to the USA! These wars cost the lives of millions of people! If the Beast would lie about that through its mouth – the mainstream media – why would you believe what it’s saying now about the pandemic and the coming vaccines? I sure don’t trust anything the media is telling me, and that includes not only liberal media, but conservative as well.

A History of a Few of the Lies of the Media and Government from 1950

A History of a Few of the Lies of the Media and Government from 1950

One of my friends called the article on this website, The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020, garbage. Why would she say that? Because the article is in direct opposition to the narrative she is hearing from the liberal mainstream media such as MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc., that’s why. And even conservative Fox News and Newmax (correct me if I’m wrong) have been advocating vaccinations against COVID-19. The article from Robert Kennedy recommends you do NOT get vaccinated.

I told her one of the things I learned since becoming an adult is to not swallow everything I hear either from the government or the mainstream media. And these days even the alternative media is guilty of spreading disinformation!

We should question everything we hear no matter who it comes from! The general rule of thumb is, if it’s not supported by what the Bible teaches, it’s false. Examples: Darwin’s evolution, the LGBTQ agenda, abortion called “pro-choice” when it’s actually murder, etc.

But even Bible-believing Christians have been conned by things the Bible does not specifically address. Below is a list of lies that have been later acknowledged by the media to be falsehoods, and all my lifetime, since 1950.

  • Lie: DDT is good for me.

    DDT is good for me.

    DDT was a pesticide marketed to housewives (and many others). It was later discovered it to be an environmental toxin a carcinogen. One of my friends told me he believes DDT was even the cause of the polio epidemic in the 50s! If so, vaccinations are not the cure for polio.

  • Lie: “There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.” – Vice President Dick Cheney.

    “President George W. Bush used the threat of potential WMD in Iraq as justification for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The claim that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) was a major factor that led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 by Coalition forces.” (Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weapon_of_mass_destruction#United_States_politics )

    “Q: Were there really weapons of mass destruction in Iraq when the U.S. invaded in 2003?

    A: No. The Iraq Survey Group determined that Iraq had abandoned its quest to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and that it had already destroyed all of its existing stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons.” (Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2008/02/no-wmds-in-iraq/)

    There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq at the time of the US invasion of Iraq. It was a government lie to get us to invade that country.

  • Lie: On August 2, 1964, North Vietnamese PT boats attacked the U.S.S. Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin.

    “The Gulf of Tonkin incident (Vietnamese: Sự kiện Vịnh Bắc Bộ), also known as the USS Maddox incident, was a disputed international confrontation that led to the United States engaging more directly in the Vietnam War. It involved both a real confrontation and a fabricated confrontation between ships of North Vietnam and the United States in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. The original American report blamed North Vietnam for both incidents, but the Pentagon Papers, the memoirs of Robert McNamara, and NSA publications from 2005, proved that the US government lied to justify a war against Vietnam.” (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident)

  • Lie: “I volunteered at the al-Addan hospital with twelve other women who wanted to help as well. I was the youngest volunteer. The other women were from twenty to thirty years old. While I was there I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor. [Crying] It was horrifying.” — 15-year-old Kuwaiti Nayirah’s testimony in October 1990, before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus.

    Nayirah was revealed to be not just an ordinary civilian but the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S.

    Nayirah’s testimony was widely publicized. Hill & Knowlton, which had filmed the hearing, sent out a video news release to Medialink, a firm that served nearly 700 television stations in the United States.

    That night, portions of the testimony aired on ABC’s “Nightline” and NBC “Nightly News”, reaching an estimated audience between 35 and 53 million Americans.

    Then-President George Bush and several senators cited the testimony in their affirmations to use force in the war, in the following weeks.

    The above info is from https://citizentruth.org/fake-news-1990-that-ignited-gulf-war-sympathy/ As a result of Nayirah’s testimony, the media promoting it, and the US government using it as an excuse for the first Gulf war, from 25,000 to 50,000 Iraqis were killed. (According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_War)

  • Lie: The fire which destroyed the Branch Davidian compound in Waco Texas was an act of mass suicide, ordered by Koresh.

    Truth: FBI agents fired pyrotechnic tear gas grenades at a storm shelter about 25 yards from the main building several hours before the fire broke out on April 19, 1993. These reports directly contradicted repeated statements by Reno, then FBI Director William Sessions and lower-ranking officials, who all declared that the FBI had used no incendiary weapons in the course of the assault.

Without a doubt there is much much more I can add to this article. I just need more info. Is there anybody out there who will help me? Please feel free to write in the comment section about the things I missed.

The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This is perhaps the most shocking and clearest warning about the New World Order – AKA the Shadow Global Government’s plan to take over the world at our expense through actual GENOCIDE! I urge you to either listen to the video or read the text. This time I didn’t have to transcribe the text. I got it from a PDF file you can download: The-COVID-19-Genocide-2020 It was written by the son of RFK who is very much alive and well!

I found the video on Bitchute.

Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, s/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. — Robert F. Kennedy Sr.

“COVID-19” was long pre-planned in documents and simulation exercises emanating from the eugenicist Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation. A platform with 200 detailed levels is provided by the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, a technocrat and promoter of transhumanism, in order to provide detailed instructions on how the “COVID-19” pandemic is to be used to implement a global monetary reset1 and digital currency, technocracy and totalitarian government worldwide under the guise of socialism and environmentalism, with China as the model, and enslave humanity through a sinister vaccine conspiracy.

Earlier attempts were made to engineer pandemics but none succeeded. This time, the World Health Organization changed its pandemic criteria in advance so that it could declare a pandemic on spurious grounds.2 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a terrorist and accused genocidist was appointed head of the World Health Organization in order to orchestrate the pandemic and facilitate the totalitarian takeover.3,4

Wireless technology suppresses the immune system. 5G is implicated in COVID-19 through correlations between the locations of the 5G rollout and morbidity/mortality,5,6 as well as the prior administration of flu vaccinations in Wuhan 7 and Milan. 8 The symptoms of “COVID” are virtually identical to the symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR).9 Extensive military research over many decades was kept secret and regulatory agencies were co-opted in order to prevent the public learning about the extreme dangers of electromagnetic radiation.10 Doctors receive no training on the risks to health of exposure to EMR and therefore misdiagnose EMR symptoms. Hospitals are extensively equipped with 5G, putting patients lives at risk.

5G serves many purposes. It is a depopulation and military weapon and facilitates the introduction of technocracy and totalitarian control by enabling surveillance, facial recognition, 24/7 monitoring of individuals, mind and body control, and – in combination with vaccines and chemtrails containing nanoparticles – the torture or murder of targeted individuals.11 EMR can be used to simulate pathogens and overwhelm the immune system12 and cell phones may be being used to simulate “COVID-19 contagion” among co-workers or family members. 5G has been widely installed terrestrially and in space to target and control populations.

The illegal coronavirus measures were used by governments to accelerate the 5G rollout and install 60 GHz public access points in schools in order to target children.13 Illegal legislation has been put in place in numerous countries:14

* To remove civil liberties
* To destroy economies
* To close down small and medium-sized businesses15
* To separate, isolate and terrorize family members
* To impoverish people, including by destroying jobs
* To remove children from their families
* To intern dissenters in concentration camps
* To grant immunity to government operatives to commit murder, rape and torture (UK)16
* To use the police, army and mercenaries to control populations
* To force-vaccinate populations with a non-medical vaccine containing population control mechanisms without their informed consent.17

There is and was no pandemic since “the curve” was flattening before the lockdown measures were put in place. Mortality is at a lower level than in previous years. 18 The PCR test, which was never designed as a diagnostic test and gives up to 94% false positive results, is used by the oligarch- and government-controlled mainstream and social media platforms to terrorize populations for the purpose of obtaining obedience. The illusion of a pandemic is stoked by doctors being forced to attribute virtually every death to “COVID”. Medical staff and doctors are intimidated to prevent them speaking the truth about the fake pandemic. In the UK, the death certificate is being changed to prevent relatives being able to question the cause of death.19

Tens of thousands of doctors have now come out to confirm that “COVID-19” is a hoax. 20 , 21 There were no “COVID” deaths in Ireland until 20 April and since then, the lockdowns have been based on 98 deaths out of 5 million people, while 30 thousand die annually from other diseases. Only people with a “hot” infection, with symptoms such as headaches or a sore throat, are contagious – 86% of “COVID” “cases” are asymptomatic carriers and therefore harmless.22

A Stanford University antibody study concluded the death rate to be between 0.1 to 0.2%, right in line with the seasonal flu. Initial projected death rates from the World Health Organization “were 20 to 30 times higher.”23 In June, the US Centers for Disease Control confirmed the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to be just 0.26%, way lower than the 3.4% estimate of WHO, which helped drive the panic and the lockdowns.24 But even that is an overestimate: the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents is likely only 0.1% or 1 in 1,000.

The UK and German governments stated in documents that they were deliberately ramping up the fear level, including traumatizing children by making them believe that they would torture and kill their relatives if they failed to wash their hands and obey the corona measures. Children were made to believe that they could show their love for their grandparents by not coming near them. Social distancing is a torture technique devised to traumatize25 and its purpose is to condition people to distance themselves from others so that they can be seen and targeted by the 5G weapon.

Government and WHO policies are deliberately aimed at killing people. In many countries, doctors were ordered not to admit the elderly to intensive care units and to withdraw all health care, and national health systems stopped providing health care other than that for “COVID”, abandoning the sick to die. In France, the government issued a decree ordering doctors to administer to the elderly a drug restricted since 2012 as it was contra-indicated for respiratory problems.26 In the US, hospitals were heavily bribed to diagnose “COVID” and put patients on ventilators that killed them. WHO and governments suppressed successful treatments, one in particular in use for 70 years, and harassed doctors successfully saving patients. Autopsies that would reveal true cause of death were mostly prevented. Forensic Pathologist Professor Klaus Püschel declared having not seen a single case of “COVID-19” in autopsy that did not include other serious pre-existing diseases.27

Governments and WHO promoted and enforced mask-wearing by the public in full knowledge that they provide no protection from any virus, 28 but cause serious neurological and respiratory damage, putting people’s lives and health at risk.29

In the UK, the death rate rose only after the general lockdown was implemented. 30 Top economists are warning that the UK government is “killing more people than it could possibly save” through lockdowns.31 The UK Daily Mail carried out an audit of 130 studies from journals, academics and charities, documenting the social and health devastation and deaths caused by lockdowns.32 In one county in the US, suicides among young people rose 100%. 33 A million New Yorkers can no longer afford food. 34 Britain’s WHO envoy has said that world poverty will double by 2021 as a result of lockdowns.35

The “COVID” vaccine

Bill Gates wants to reduce the world population.36 He introduced his vaccine containing the electronic nanochip “marker” intended to “mark” and control 7 billion humans at the ID2020 Conference in 2019. ID2020 is intended to provide a unique digital identity for all humans by 2030 that closely interlocks this digital identity with access to commerce and secure access systems. 37 This is the electronic enslavement of humanity.

The subcutaneous chip will be able to:
* Influence the behaviour of the chip-bearer (manipulate and control crowds)
* Eliminate categories of people (reduce the world population)
* Ensure vaccine compliance38
* Permanently locate the bearer (exit civil liberties)
* Integrate 7 billion people into the cloud and operate with an all-digital system that is the equivalent of a credit on a company store.39

Nanochips and liquid crystals in vaccines can influence human behaviour, without concern for political ethics.40 And the upcoming vaccine is intended to genetically modify humanity for all future generations,41 in effect deleting humanity altogether as humans become transhumans or robots.42

South Korea has just had 9 flu shot deaths and 432 adverse reactions, while 5 million doses of vaccine were not refrigerated.43 One volunteer in AstraZeneca’s new “COVID” vaccine has just died44 and two of the trials have been halted because participants became sick.45 These “COVID” vaccines are not following normal trial procedures and are being rushed out in case the pandemic hoax peters out too soon to convince people to take the vaccine. Governments are giving the pharmaceutical companies full immunity from injury lawsuits.

Increasing numbers of people are saying that they will refuse the COVID-19 vaccine, with about half the US and UK populations saying so.46 And yet certain governments are planning to force vaccinations on populations using the army 47 while others are planning to ban vaccine refuseniks from work, school or travel.48

Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger

Some good people are launching legal cases to stop this war on humanity, among them the Italian Catholic Association,49 Simon Dolan and the Bernician in the UK. Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust are bringing cases against the Federal Communications Commission for its refusal to review its outdated thermal exposure guidelines on electromagnetic radiation. 50 Common law movements are under way in several countries.

But all of this is too slow. The perpetrators of the COVID scam are still imposing lockdowns and destroying lives, businesses and families. The entity behind all of this, the World Economic Forum, told us in 2017 about the world they want to see by 2030:51

* You’ll own nothing—you’ll be renting everything
* The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower—because
everything will be under totalitarian, technocratic control and there will be no nation states
* You’ll eat much less meat—you won’t be allowed to
* A billion people will be displaced by [fake] climate change— countries will have to welcome more refugees
* Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide—“polluters” will include farmers trying to grow food crops52
* Western values will have been tested to the breaking point— your culture will be eliminated and replaced with Maoist technocratic slogans.53

They are engineering food shortages in numerous different ways.54 They are building concentration camps for dissenters.55 They want to impose a forced vaccine full of nanochips for immunity passports and cryptocurrency, and nanoparticles so they can track, surveil and control us, including our minds. This vaccine is intended to genetically modify humanity for all future generations. In the US, Soros and 269 major corporations are funding Black Lives Matter and destroying America with the complicity of corrupt Democrat politicians.56 They want civil war everywhere. In Austria, France, Switzerland, the US and other countries, many people are armed and trained to fight. We cannot give them what they want. We must stop this agenda in its tracks, take power ourselves and arrest the perpetrators.


Governments are corporations obeying orders from the World Economic Forum and are no longer serving their peoples. They are acting in contravention of international and national laws and no longer have any legitimacy. We are witnessing the collapse of the rule of law. Governments, elected representatives and international institutions, including the UN, and private clubs such as the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, and the World Economic Forum are complicit in this “greatest crime against humanity ever committed”. 57 Only the sovereign peoples of this world have legitimacy under these circumstances.

The perpetrators, including Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and WHO’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Michael Ryan, the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and UK Health Minister Matt Hancock, French President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, mainstream journalists and others must be seized and brought to justice in new Nuremberg trials.

Politicians, journalists peddling fake news for the mainstream media, and others may be granted immunity if they change sides now, join the people before it is too late, and become whistleblowers.

We call upon the human population to shun these genocidal monsters in hotels, in restaurants, in taxis, wherever you come across them. Turn your back on them and show them the contempt they deserve for their psychopathic behaviour and genocidal intent.

We call upon the armies and the national police58,59 to stand with the people against the conspirators, who aim to expropriate you, too, and take your children, too, and genocide as many of us as they find convenient. Police and armies will be replaced by machines in the New World Order. You, too, belong with the people and we ask you to stand with us in defending our humanity, our health, our families, our children, indigenous peoples and all of the natural life on Earth that sustains and protects us.


1 Documentary: the Great Reset exposed – we are all agenda 2030. Available at https://www.bitchute.com/video/KywpfYQwRdM0/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

2 WHO exposed: How health body changed pandemic criteria to push agenda. Available at https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1281081/who-world-health-organisation-coronaviruslatest- swine-flu-covid-19-europe-politics-spt. 12 May 2020. Accessed 23 October 2020.

3 Investigative report on the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors. P. 74. Available to download at http://ageoftruth.tv/what-on-earth-is-going-onclaire- edwards-presentation-live/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

4 Age of Truth. What on earth is going on? Video explaining Investigative Report on the COVID-10 Pandemic: https://youtu.be/K8FF2Id_lLc. Accessed 23 October 2020.

5 Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre. Study Shows Direct Correlation Between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks. 30 April 2020. Available at http://stateofthenation.co/?p=12846. Accessed 23 October 2020.

6 Magda Havas, PhD. Corona Virus and 5G – is there a connection? Available at https://magdahavas.com/5g-and-mm-waves/corona-virus-and-5g-is-there-a-connection/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

7 Lena Pu: 5G & The Wuhan Debacle. 19 February 2020. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXYfHkTUjtY&feature=youtu.be. Accessed 23 October 2020.

8 5G, Vaccination, Nanoparticles and the Genocide of Humanity. Available at http://radiationdangers.com/5g/explosive-information-5g-vaccination-nanoparticles-and-thegenocide- of-humanity/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

9 Our Children Are Now in Grave Danger. Claire Edwards. Available at https://stateofthenation.co/?p=31293. Accessed 23 October 2020.

10 Barrie Trower on 5G: The Genocidal Nature of Non-Ionising Radiation. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pFjB59694o&feature=emb_logo. Accessed 23 October 2020.

11 Dr. Katherine Horton. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWJntgTFLL-gPofpru_iYg. 12 T.E. Bearden. Oblivion: America at the Brink. 2005. P. 48.

13 Our Children Are Now in Grave Danger. Claire Edwards. Available at https://stateofthenation.co/?p=31293. Accessed 23 October 2020.

14 Investigative report on the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors. Annex 12: International law. Available to download at http://ageoftruth.tv/whaton- earth-is-going-on-claire-edwards-presentation-live/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

15 Catherin Austin Fitts. We are watching the mother of all debt entrapments. Available at https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/catherine-austin-fitts-we-are-watching-the-mother-of-alldebt- entrapments/. Accessed 23 October 2020. “The ‘Great Reset’ is … a reengineering of the global financial system and governance system … a push to basically use police powers created through the healthcare system, to shut down a huge part of the independent economy, globally.”

16 Irish Legal News. Police and MI5 crime authorisation bill clears third reading. 13 October 2020. “An amendment moved by Labour MP Conor McGinn, which would have excluded killings, rapes and torture from the crimes that can be authorised under the bill, was defeated by 316-256.” Among other departments, the UK Ministry of Justice can authorise criminality. Available at https://irishlegal.com/article/police-and-mi5-crime-authorisation-bill-clears-thirdreading and UK Column News: https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news- 28th-september-2020.

17 Human Rights Council. Vaccine Mandates Violate the Right to Informed Consent. A/HRC/45/NGO/43. Available at http://undocs.org/A/hrc/45/ngo/43.

18 COVID-19 had no impact on US death rate so far in 2020. Need to Know. 11 May 2020. The CDC website says the average US death totals since 2015 from all causes has remained unchanged so far in 2020. That means the huge numbers of reported COVID-19 deaths either never happened or they were deaths from other causes mislabeled as COVID-19. Available at https://needtoknow.news/2020/05/covid-19-had-no-impact-on-us-death-rate-sofar- in-2020/. See also COVID-19 pandemic paradox: 2020 has fewer deaths than five years prior. 25 June 2020. Available at https://www.medicaldaily.com/covid-19-pandemic-paradox- 2020-has-fewer-deaths-five-years-prior-454418. Mortality statistics in England and Wales: the SARS-CoV-2 paradox. Gabrielle Harrison and others. Journal of international Medical Research. 20 June 2020. The total number of deaths reported nationally in England and Wales decreased between January and mid-March 2020 compared with previous years. Given the UK’s ageing population (which increases year-on-year by around 0.6%)11 and an on-going pandemic, this is a curious pattern. These data are presented graphically in Figure 1. Available at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0300060520931298. Accessed 2 October 2020.

19 Removal of Form 5 Cremation Certificate for deaths relating to Covid-19 under the Coronavirus Act. Vanessa Beeley. 5 October 2020. “Did you know that the UK Government have removed Form 5 of the Cremation Certificate for deaths relating to Covid-19 under the Coronavirus Act which is the form that the relative who registers the death must be given as it enables them to see and query the death certificate before cremation.” Available at https://thewallwillfall.org/2020/10/05/removal-of-form-5-cremation-certificate-for-deathsrelating- to-covid-19-under-the-coronavirus-act/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

20 Armstrong Economics. Tens of Thousands of Doctors Confirm This is a Hoax. Available at https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/ten-of-thousands-ofdoctors- confirm-this-is-ahoax/? utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=RSS. Accessed 23 October 2020.

21 Germany: World Doctors Alliance: Better Normal, not New Normal. 10 October 2020. Video: https://acu2020.org/english-versions/.

22 Dr. Reiner Füllmich. Video: “Crimes Against Humanity”: The German Corona Investigation. “The PCR Pandemic”. Available at https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-crimes-againsthumanity- the-german-corona-investigation/5725795. Accessed 23 October 2020.

23 Former Neuroradiology Chief at Stanford Medical Center Gives Us the Facts; and the News Is Good. 26 April 2020. Available at https://redstate.com/elizabethvaughn/ 2020/04/26/stanford-medical-center-neuroradiology-chief-gives-us-the-stats-tellsamericans- to-go-back-to-work-n135493. Accessed 23 October 2020.

24 Technocracy News. CDC Confirms Extremely Low COVID-19 Death Rate. 26 June 2020. https://technocracy.news/cdcconfirms-extremely-low-covid-19-death-rate/. Accessed 23 October 2020. 25 US Attorney: “Social distancing is a CIA torture technique”. Leigh Dundas, 16 June 2020 (9 mins). Available at https://www.facebook.com/leigh.dundas.9/videos/2763510123935429/.

26 Investigative report on the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors. Pp. 77-78. Available to download at http://ageoftruth.tv/what-on-earth-is-goingon- claire-edwards-presentation-live/. Accessed 23 October 2020. See also (in French) Nicolas Dupont-Aignan en direct Facebook (22 avril 2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjXi0f5sRxg&feature=youtu.be.

27 Forensic Pathologist Professor Klaus Püschel pulls no punches… “I have not seen a single case of ‘Covid-19’ in autopsy that did not include other serious pre-existing diseases”. 23 August 2020. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfeN68Zp- TY&feature=emb_logo. Accessed 23 October 2020.

28 Face masks pose serious risks to the healthy. Dr. Russell Blaylock. 11 May 2020. Available at www.citizensforfreespeech.org/blaylock_face_masks_pose_serious_risks_to_the_healthy – addreaction. Accessed 2 October 2020.

29 German Neurologist On Face Masks: “Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage”. 21 October 2020. Available at https://www.technocracy.news/germanneurologist- on-face-masks-oxygen-deprivation-causes-permanent-neurological-damage/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

30 UK Column News. 21 October 2020. Available at https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumnnews/ uk-column-news-21st-october-2020. Accessed 23 October 2020.

31 Daily Mail. Lockdowns “kill more Britons than they save”. 22 October 2020. Available at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8866079/Lockdowns-kill-Britons-save.html. Accessed 23 October 2020.

32 Daily Mail. Lockdown’s lethal toll laid bare: 50,000 children see surgery postponed, treatments for strokes plunge by almost 50%, and one in five people were hit with depression in just one month as devastating effect of coronavirus restrictions are revealed. 19 October 2020. Available at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8856959/Lockdowns-lethal-toll- NHS-vulnerable-patients-laid-bare.html. Accessed 23 October 2020.

33 Natural Blaze. Suicides Up Nearly 100% Among Young People in Wisconsin’s Second Largest County, as Medical Experts Cite Perils of Social Isolation. 21 October 2020. Accessed 23 October 2020. https://www.naturalblaze.com/2020/10/suicides-up-nearly-100- among-young-people-in-wisconsins-second-largest-county-as-medical-experts-cite-perils-ofsocialisolation. html?utm_source=Activist+Post+Subscribers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign= 7027cfaaf4-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_b0c7fb76bd-7027cfaaf4-388367887.

34 Activist Post. Million New Yorkers Can’t Afford Food As Hunger Crisis Worsens. 21 October 2020. Accessed 23 October 2020. https://www.activistpost.com/2020/10/million-new-yorkerscant- afford-food-as-hunger-crisisworsens. html?utm_source=Activist+Post+Subscribers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign= 7027cfaaf4-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_b0c7fb76bd-7027cfaaf4-388367887.

35 Daily Mail. ‘STOP locking-down to control Covid’: Britain’s WHO envoy pleads with world leaders to stop using lockdowns as their ‘primary’ means of tackling virus because it is ‘doubling’ global poverty. 10 October 2020. Available at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8825949/Coronavirs-UK-Britains-envoy-tellsgovernment- stop-locking-down.html. Accessed 23 October 2020.

36 Bill Gates – Population Reduction @ TED 2010. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmzeYYWntxw. Accessed 23 October 2020.

37 Investigative report on the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors. Chapter 13: Vaccine and electronic chip. Available to download at http://ageoftruth.tv/what-on-earth-is-going-on-claire-edwards-presentation-live/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

38 MIT. Storing medical information below the skin’s surface. Specialized dye, delivered along with a vaccine, could enable “on-patient” storage of vaccination history. Available at https://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218. Accessed 23 October 2020.

39 Catherin Austin Fitts. We are watching the mother of all debt entrapments. Available at https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/catherine-austin-fitts-we-are-watching-the-mother-of-alldebt- entrapments/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

40 UNESCO. Nanotechnologies, ethics and politics. Available at https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000150616. Accessed 23 October 2020.

41 Dr. Carrie Madej with Dr. Andrew Kaufman on vx , hydrogel, and secret government programs. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFWECf18Oxs. Accessed 23 October 2020.

42 Peter Koenig. Agenda ID2020: The Diabolical Agenda within the Agenda. “Genetically Modified Humanity”. Available at https://www.globalresearch.ca/agenda-id2020-continueddiabolical- agenda-within-agenda/5721717. Accessed 23 October 2020.

43 Deaths after flu shots in South Korea fan fears, but authorities find no link. Available at https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-southkorea-flushot-idUSKBN2760NA. Accessed 23 October 2020.

44 AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial Brazil volunteer dies, trial to continue. Available at https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-brazil-vaccine-idUSKBN2762MO. Accessed 23 October 2020.

45 Second COVID vaccine trial paused for unexplained illness. Available at https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2020-10-13/second-covid-vaccine-trialpaused- for-unexplained-illness. Accessed 23 October 2020.

46 US Scientists Fret Over Increasing Numbers Who Say They Will Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine. Available at https://www.technocracy.news/us-scientists-fret-over-increasingnumbers- who-say-they-will-refuse-covid-19-vaccine/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

47 Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Coronavirus Vaccinations. New measures “most extreme since the Second World War.” Available at https://summit.news/2020/03/16/denmark-passes-law-enabling-forced-coronavirusvaccinations/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

48 People Who Reject Vaccine Could be Barred from Work, School. Available at https://www.tmz.com/2020/08/13/coronavirus-vaccine-forced-stanford-law-professor-hankgreely/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

49 Italian Catholic Association to Bring Criminal Proceedings Against the World Health Organization by Michael J. Matt. Available at https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/4979-italian-catholic-associationto- bring-criminal-proceedings-against-the-world-health-organization.

50 Environmental Health Trust (EHT) and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) have each brought a lawsuit against the FCC for its refusal to review its outdated thermal exposure limits despite evidence submitted by scientists, physicians and people, including children, who have suffered cancer and microwave sickness (headaches, learning and concentration problems, memory problems, tinnitus, sleeping problems, anxiety and depression, immune system problems) from chronic RF radiation exposures that are below the FCC’s thermal exposure limits. To read the joint brief that CHD and EHT submitted https://ehtrust.org/wpcontent/ uploads/20-1025-Petitioners-Joint-Reply-Brief.pdf.

51 World Economic Forum. 8 Predictions for the World in 2030. Available at https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/10/23/world-economic-forumprediction- globaltakeover. aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=202010 23Z2&mid=DM686157&rid=993745450. Accessed 23 October 2020.

52 “Oneness Vs. the 1%”- Interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva. 16 October 2020. 53 Worldshift 20 Declaration. Available at http://worldfuturist.com/wpcontent/ uploads/2012/10/Worldshift-20-Council-Declaration-20101.pdf.

54 Ice Age Farmer: https://www.youtube.com/c/IceAgeFarmer.

55 Mandatory “quarantine camps” were just rolled out in New Zealand, a globalist testing ground for the mass extermination of humanity. 17 August 2020. Available at https://www.clearnewswire.com/449677.html. Ardern explains that if you refuse to be tested, you will be indefinitely imprisoned and never allowed to leave the quarantine camp: We are quarantining everyone. Now we are also mandating testing. That makes us the most stringent in the world. There are countries that are requiring self-isolation; we’re taking it a bit further. If anyone moves into a common area or is getting some fresh air, which is all monitored no one can do that on their own. They can only leave or be in a space to get a little bit of fresh air if they are supervised, because of course it’s a quarantine facility.

56 Here Are The Companies That Support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Want You Dead. Ashley Rae Goldenberg. 3 June 2020. Available at https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/06/here-are-the-companies-that-support-antifa-black-livesmatter- and-want-you-dead/. Accessed 23 October 2020. Who Is Funding Black Lives Matter And Why? The Answer May Shock You! Spiro Skouras. 26 June 2020. Available at https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/who-is-funding-black-lives-matter-and-why-the-answer-mayshock- you/. Accessed 23 October 2020.

57 Dr. Reiner Füllmich. Video: “Crimes Against Humanity”: The German Corona Investigation. “The PCR Pandemic”. Available at https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-crimes-againsthumanity- the-german-corona-investigation/5725795. Accessed 23 October 2020.

58 Eine Polizistin steht auf – Österreich ist frei. Available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci6268wn0QA.

59 Detective Chief Inspector joins the freedom movement in Germany and stands up for his country. “I am a patriot, not an idiot.” He quotes from the constitution and says that the laws being made by lobbyists go against the it. Available (in German) at https://19vierundachtzig.com/2020/08/08/augsburg-polizist-bernd-bayerlein-schliesst-sichprotestbewegung- an/.

Did President Trump Drain the Swamp? Nope!

Did President Trump Drain the Swamp? Nope!

I am an American conservative. I do not buy the policies the Democratic party tries to sell me. When Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, I rejoiced. To say I don’t like Hilary Clinton is an understatement. She smiles for the cameras but when the cameras are off she curses out and despises people she considers under her, even those who are working to protect her, Secret Service personnel!

And I did like Donald Trump. He offered the American public something they hadn’t experienced before: An outsider to Washington who claimed he would “drain the Swamp”, meaning get rid of the people in the government who have their own vested interests in mind, people who are members of organizations that do NOT have the American public’s best interests at heart.

Has President Trump drained the Swamp the past four years? I submit to you not only has he not drained the Swamp but he also appointed Swamp members into his cabinet and as his advisors!

What exactly is “the Swamp”? My research tells me that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Biderburgers comprise most of the Swamp if not all of it! Trump has not identified these people as “the Swamp” even though they are the Swamp!

Below is a list of Swamp members from Trump’s Swamp List: His Advisors & Cabinet Who Are CFR & Bilderberg Attendees. He did fire some but appointed other Swamp members to take their place.

John P. Abizaid, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (Individual CFR member)

Elliott Abrams, Special Envoy on Venezuela (Individual CFR member)

James H. Baker, Director of the Office of Net Assessment (Bilderberg attendee)

Barbara Barrett, Secretary of the Air Force (Individual CFR member, Bilderberg attendee)

David Bohigian, Executive Vice President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Individual CFR member)

John Bolton, National Security Advisor (Individual CFR member)

Dan R. Brouillette, Deputy Secretary of Energy (Individual CFR member)

Elaine Chao, United States Secretary of Transportation (CFR Individual member)

Richard Clarida, Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve (CFR Individual member)

Jay Clayton, Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CFR corporate member)

Gary Cohn, Director of the National Economic Council (CFR corporate member)

Paul Dabbar, Under Secretary of Energy for Science, (Individual CFR member)

Jamie Dimon, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Jim Donovan, Deputy Treasury Secretary (CFR corporate member)

Mark T. Esper, Acting Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, (Individual CFR member, CFR corporate member)

Larry Fink, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Christopher A. Ford, Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation (Individual CFR member)

James S. Gilmore III, United States Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (Individual CFR member)

Lisa Gordon-Hagerty, National Security Advisor (Individual CFR member, Bilderberg attendee)

Neil M. Gorsuch, Supreme Court Justice (Individual CFR member)

Harry B. Harris Jr., Ambassador to South Korea (Individual CFR member)

Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward, National Security Advisor (declined appointment) (CFR corporate member)

Kevin Hassett, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (CFR fellow traveler)

Robert Wood “Woody” Johnson IV, United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom (Individual CFR member)

Kenneth I. Juster, Ambassador to India (Individual CFR member)

Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (Preparedness and Response), (Individual CFR member)

Lawrence Kudlow, Director of the National Economic Council (Individual CFR member)

Jared Kushner, Senior Advisor to the President (Bilderberg attendee)

Christopher Landau, Ambassador to Mexico (Individual CFR member)

Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative (Individual CFR member)

David R. Malpass, World Bank (Individual CFR member)

James Mattis, Secretary of Defense (Bilderberg attendee)

K.T. McFarland, Deputy National Security Adviser (Individual CFR member)

Brent McIntosh, Undersecretary for international affairs, Department of the Treasury and General Counsel of the Department of the Treasury (Individual CFR member)

Linda McMahon, Administrator of the Small Business Administration (CFR corporate member)

Army Lt. General Herbert Raymond “H. R.” McMaster, National Security Advisor (Individual CFR member, Bilderberg attendee)

Jim McNerney, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Steve Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury (CFR corporate member)

Justin G. Muzinich, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury (Individual CFR member)

Denise Natali, Assistant Secretary of State for Conflict and Stabilization Operations (Individual CFR member)

Indra Nooyi, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member, Bilderberg attendee)

Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy (Bilderberg attendee)

Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State (Bilderberg attendee)

Matthew Pottinger, Senior Director of the National Security Council (Bilderberg attendee)

Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy (CFR corporate member)

Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve (Individual CFR member)

Mira R. Ricardel, Deputy National Security Advisor (Individual CFR member)

Ginni Rometty, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

William B. Roper Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, Logistics (Individual CFR member)

Jeffrey A. Rosen, Deputy Secretary of Transportation and Deputy Attorney General (Individual CFR member)

Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce (Bilderberg attendee)

Anthony Scaramucci, Director of Communications (Individual CFR member)

Nadia Schadlow, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy (Bilderberg attendee)

Stephen Schwarzman, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Patrick Shanahan, Deputy Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Defense (CFR corporate member)

Susan A. Thornton Assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific affairs (Individual CFR member)

Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State (CFR corporate member)

Rick L. Waddell, National Security Advisor (Individual CFR member)

Elizabeth E. Walsh, Director General of the United States Commercial Service and Assistant Secretary of Commerce (Global Markets) (Individual CFR member)

Ray Washburne, President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Individual CFR member)

Jack Welch, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)

Owen West, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (Individual CFR member)

Robert Wilkie, Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Individual CFR member)

Heather Ann Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force (Individual CFR member)

The Swamp is also known as the Deep State.

This post was inspired by a talk from Dr. Chuck Baldwin. He’s one of the only evangelical Christians I know of who has told the truth about President Trump.

If Trump supporters are offended by this article, I would think it’s because they are putting too much trust in a man to save them! If you call yourself a Christian, a child of God, that is a no no!

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. — Psalms 146:3

Further reading: Trump is with the Establishment After all

General Thomas McInerney Exposes “Hammer” & “Scorecard” Software that Changes Votes by 3% and Shifts Election Results

General Thomas McInerney Exposes “Hammer” & “Scorecard” Software that Changes Votes by 3% and Shifts Election Results

General Thomas G. McInerney, 1983

This is EXTREMELY important information that all Americans should know. It’s a testimonial from former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney in an interview with Steve Bannon. I transcribed it from YouTube to make this information more accessible. I prefer to get information from text.

Thomas McInerney (born March 15, 1937)[1] is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions under the Secretary of Defense and the Vice President of the United States. McInerney was a forward air controller and fighter pilot during the Vietnam War and had flown 407 combat missions during his four tours of duty.[2] In addition to his Vietnam service, McInerney served overseas in NATO; Pacific Air Forces and as commander of 11th Air Force in Alaska. He retired in 1994. (Quoted from Wikipedia)

Steve Bannon is an American media executive, political strategist, former investment banker, and the former executive chairman of Breitbart News. He served as the White House’s chief strategist in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump during the first seven months of Trump’s term. (Quoted from Wikipedia)

Steve Bannon: General McInerney, thank you for joining us on war and pandemic. You’ve got some breaking news we got to talk about. It’s one of the reasons we have Cindy Paler over here today, something very disturbing. There’s been a site called The American Report. https://theamericanreport.org/2019/05/22/montgomery-the-hammer-surveillance-system-whistleblower-became-the-deep-states-enemy-number-one-after-exposing-the-truth/. It’s got a woman named Mary Fanning doing some incredible reporting particularly about a guy named Dennis Montgomery. What is it. There’s this thing that’s going around about this project or this system called Hammer. Explain to our audience what this is and why it should be of such concern to people in this current situation that we’re in.

General McInerney: Yes I will, Steve. The fact is is that Hammer is a what we call a Sigit, a Sigit Intelligence program that the NSA came up with years ago. The CIA picked it up. Under the Obama administration and I broke it in April and March 2017 about what they were doing on the Russian hoax. But the fact is. The Obama administration took this system and they’ve put in an application in this Sigit program called Score Card. And Score Card changes votes at a certain point in the voting stream.

And if I can, and by the way, the Obama administration used it in the 2012 election in Florida, so both Obama and Biden are very familiar with this. Now I’ve got to make a quote. And it’s important that we all understand it’s by Joseph Stalin.

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote or how. But what is extraordinarily important is this: Who will count the vote.”

Now Steve, we have a desperate Democratic Party that will do anything to bring the country to a totalitarian state and as far left as they want. They used it in the primaries. And Bernie lost to Biden because they used it in the primaries. So it is ready to go, I just found out about this yesterday. Sydney played a very important role in assisting me, and Mary Fanning and Alan Jones and trying to get the word out so the American people know all this enthusiasm you’re talking about in Pennsylvania gets changed very quickly with this software program. It’s with 3 percent of the votes.

Steve Bannon: General McInerney I want you give just quickly your bona fides just briefly. give me a minute for the audience on your career.

General McInerney: OK. Thirty five years in Air Force. I ended up the number three man in the Air Force, in the headquarters. I had four tours in Vietnam. I commanded the raid on Tripoli in 1986. We attacked Tripoli from my headquarters in England. I was then the vice commander in chief of U.S. Air Force in Europe, and then the commander of Alaska Command and Alaska NORAD region. So I had a very extensive operational career, and I’m in the cloud business now, and that’s why I’m so intimately familiar with what Hammer and Scorecard can do, and nobody knows it. Nobody.

Steve Bannon: Okay now you’re one of the most revered officers in the U.S. Air Force with an unbelievable career. I want to go to Hammer. Hammer was the single most important and the single most sophisticated basically system that came up after 9/11 for really intelligence or counter intelligence about radical Islamic Jihad and the ability to monitor that. Is that how the beginning of this started with a foreign surveillance system that allowed the national security and intelligence apparatus to watch our enemies. Is that how this thing started?

General McInerney: That’s how it started, Steve. Very sophisticated very very capable. It was then adopted with a software package just like on your iPhone to the boating business. And it was to be used and it was used in foreign countries. And so it was then moved over into the CIA and they started looking at U.S. citizens. That is illegal. The CIA cannot look at U.S. citizens. And only the FBI with the proper FISA warrant, etc. Sydney knows all about this. You know all of this. And it is extremely important that this was taken out of the CIA when the Obama administration left. They use some Kabuki to get it out. They still have it up and running. We know where it is located. We know it’s active denied it’s active. They’ve been looking at a whole host of things as has the DNC using false I.Ds. and they are looking around and they’re trying to set up this voting thing that happens on Tuesday night. It’s going to look good for President Trump. But they’re going to change. And that’s the danger that America and everybody must realize.

Steve Bannon: I just want to mention we got about two minutes here. In the next segment, Sidney (Powell) and I are going to drill down on this a little bit more and we will talk about some polling and things, but hopefully get you back before the end. Dennis Montgomery – The last time the audience heard about Dennis Montgomery he was being rounded up at his house. He had 47 hard drives. I think he had taken from from Fort Meade. How does Dennis Montgomery fit into this story?

General McInerney: He is a genius and he loves America. Dennis invented Scorecard. He is the programmer that made all this happen. And he’s on our side. Great curse, no, risk as well as he hasn’t benefited financially from. He is an absolute genius. And so he’s extremely important to what’s going on. It have happened in 2016, Steve, except something happened to it that night when the Obama crowd and the Democrats tried to use it. I can’t talk about that.

Steve Bannon: Dennis Montgomery is like the character Nash in Beautiful Mind (Film). I mean this is one of the smartest programmers ever. He wrote this incredibly sophisticated program. And that’s why this event in August of 2015 when he was basically gathered up. He had the 47 hard drives. Heck we got one hard drive from Hunter, and we’re still going through information. He did this, as we now know, he did he did this to essentially save his country and expose what’s going on. What was he trying to expose and what should the American people know today on the eve of this election that 250 flag officers sent a letter to President Trump sends the most important including my old boss Tom Hayward who said it’s the most important election in the history of the Republic. What what is Montgomery trying to tell us. What is the message we need to hear today.

General McInerney: Well he’s telling us right now Steve that we are on the verge of being compromised through cyber warfare that he is a master of, the most brilliant person in our country on cyber warfare, and they had used this. They moved it on the intelligence a very highly secure program and they’ve moved it from there over to political treachery. And that’s what it is. And they moved it out of the CIA. They moved it from their political views as they have politicized the intelligence community as we saw in the Russian hoax. And what they’ve done to General Flynn, all of these things on this force you and Sydney have been talking about that want to change America from what it is. It goes back the Electoral College to the Supreme Court. All of these things are bundled that change America being a democratic republic to a totalitarian regime. That means a socialist country which the next step is communist. And that’s why there can be no agreement between this Democratic Party and the Republican Party. One choice is freedom. One choice is communist. It’s that simple.

Steve Bannon: Are you going to be able to stop Hammer and Scorecard?

Sidney Powell: We intend to stop Hammer and Scorecard.

NOTE: Sidney Powell is a former federal prosecutor and current attorney of General Michael T. Flynn. A veteran of 500 federal appeals, she published “LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice.”

Steve Bannon: Sidney Powell says to take that to the bank. OK future FBI director Sidney Powell. I can’t wait for the confirmation hearings.

Unknown person: Hey, I’d like to say what Leslie Anderson says, “Have faith, pray, and let’s all meet at the pass tomorrow night.”

Steve Bannon: With a stick to the plan or whatever risk that blow some heads up.

Also see: https://www.wnd.com/2020/11/sidney-powell-likely-3-vote-total-changed-pre-election-counting-connected-glitchy-software/

Former Editor-in-chief of Psychology Today Testifies How Google and Facebook Influence Voters

Former Editor-in-chief of Psychology Today Testifies How Google and Facebook Influence Voters

Dr. Robert Epstein, the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, testified in a Senate Judiciary Committee about how liberal tech giants like Google and Facebook have manipulated, and will likely continue to manipulate votes for Democrats.

I took the time to transcribe the YouTube into text because I consider Dr. Epstein’s testimonial to Republican Senator Ted Cruz extremely important for the public to know. Also, YouTubes have a nasty habit of getting deleted! In this case, the YouTube went private! I can’t show the video BUT the text remains.

Senator Ted Cruz: As I understand your background, you’re not a Republican, nor are you a conservative. Is that accurate?

Doctor Robert Epstein: That would be an understatement.

Senator Cruz: And indeed you’re the former editor and chief of Psychology Today.

Dr. Epstein: Correct.

Senator Cruz: So you’re a respected academic. You testified before this committee that Google’s manipulation of votes gave at least 2.6 million additional votes to Hillary Clinton in the year 2016. Is that correct?

Dr. Epstein: That’s correct.

Senator Cruz: And I want to make sure I understand. You personally supported and voted for Hillary Clinton.

Dr. Epstein: I was a very strong public supporter of Hillary Clinton, yes.

Senator Cruz: So you’re not dismayed that people voted for her but your testimony is that Google is through bias in search results manipulating voters in a way they’re not aware of.

Dr. Epstein: On a massive scale. And what I’m saying is that I believe in democracy, I believe in a free and fair election more than I have in any kind of allegiance to a candidate or a party.

Senator Cruz: And looking forward if I understood your testimony correctly, you said in subsequent elections Google and Facebook and Twitter and big text manipulation could manipulate as many as 15 million votes in a subsequent election.

Dr. Epstein: In 2020, if all these companies are supporting the same candidate, there are 15 million votes on the line that can be shifted without people’s knowledge and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace.

Senator Cruz: Now you described the “go vote” reminder and you said it wasn’t a public service announcement but rather manipulation. Can you explain how? I’m not sure everyone followed the details of that.

Dr. Epstein: Well sure. If on election day in 2016, if Mark Zuckerberg, for example, had chosen to send out a “go vote” reminder, say just to Democrats, — and no one would have known if he had done this — that would have given that day at least 450,000 votes to Democrats. And we know this without doubt because of Facebook’s own published data because they did an experiment that they didn’t tell anyone about during the 2010 election. They published it in 2012. We had 60 million Facebook users involved. They sent out a “go vote” reminder, and they got something like 360,000 more people to get off their sofas and go vote who otherwise would have stayed home. The point is, I don’t think that Mr. Zuckerberg sent out that reminder in 2016, I think he was overconfident, I think Google was overconfident, that all these companies were. I don’t think he sent that out. Without monitoring systems in place we’ll never know what these companies are doing. But the point is, in 2018 I’m sure they were more aggressive. We have lots of data to support that. And in 2020, you can bet that all of these companies are going to go all out. And the methods they are using are invisible. They’re subliminal. They’re more powerful than most any effects I’ve ever seen in the behavioral sciences, and I’ve been in the behavioral sciences for almost 40 years.

Senator Cruz: You know, our democratic colleagues in this committee often talk about what they view as the pernicious effect of big money and big corporate dollars. What you are testifying to is that a handful of Silicon Valley billionaires and giant corporations are able to spend millions of dollars if not billions of dollars collectively, massively influencing results of elections. And there’s no accountability. You said, “we don’t know, we have no way of knowing if Google or Facebook or Twitter sent to Democrats or Republicans or how they bias it because it’s a black box with no transparency or accountability whatsoever. Am I understanding you correctly?

Dr. Epstein: Senator, with respect I must correct you.

Senator Cruz: Please.

Dr. Epstein: If Mark Zuckerberg chooses to send out a go vote reminder just to Democrats on election day, that doesn’t cost him a dime.

Senator Cruz: Fair enough. Do you happen to know who the Hillary Clinton camplaign’s number one financial supporter was in the year 2016?

Dr. Epstein: Uh… I think I do but please remind me.

Senator Cruz: The number one financial supporter of the Hillary Clinton campaign in the 2016 election was the parent company of Google – Alphabeth – who was our first witness. They were her number one financial donor, and your testimony is, through their deceptive search methods they moved 2.6 million votes in her direction. I would think anybody, whether or not you favor one candidate or another, should be deeply dismayed about a handful of Silicon Valley billionaires having that much power over our elections to silently and deceptively shift voters. (Hard to hear the last word.)

Dr. Epstein: Again with respect, I must correct you. The 2.6 million is a rock bottom minimum. The range is between 2.6 and 10.4 million depending how aggressively they use the techniques that I have been studying now for 6 and a half years.

Senator Cruz: Wow! Could you just say that again, please?

Dr. Epstein: The 2.6 million is a rock bottom minimum. The range is between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes depending on how aggressive they were in using the techniques that I have been studying, such as the search engine manipulation effect, the search suggestion effect, the answer-bot effect, and a number of others. They control these, and no one can counter at them. These are not competitive. These are tools that they have at their disposal exclusively.

Senator Cruz: If any headlight comes out of this hearing, that should be it.

Vietnam: Why Did We Go? – By Avro Manhattan

Vietnam: Why Did We Go? – By Avro Manhattan

About The Author

Avro Manhattan

Avro Manhattan

Avro Manhattan (1914-1990) was the world’s foremost authority on Roman Catholicism in politics. A resident of London, during WW II he operated a radio station called “Radio Freedom” broadcasting to occupied Europe. He was the author of over 20 books including the best-seller The Vatican in World Politics, twice Book-of-the-Month and going through 57 editions. He was a Great Briton who risked his life daily to expose some of the darkest secrets of the Papacy. His books were #1 on the Forbidden Index for the past 50 years!!


The political and military origin of the war of Vietnam has been described with millions of written and spoken words. Yet, nothing has been said about one of the most significant forces which contributed to its promotion, namely, the role played by religion, which in this case, means the part played by the Catholic Church, and by her diplomatic counterpart, the Vatican.

Their active participation is not mere speculation. It is an historical fact as concrete as the presence of the U.S., or the massive guerilla resistance of Asian communism. The activities of the last two have been scrutinized by thousands of books, but the former has never been assessed, not even in a summarized form.

The Catholic Church must be considered as a main promoter in the origin, escalation and prosecution of the Vietnamese conflict. From the very beginning this religious motivation helped set in motion the avalanche that was to cause endless agonies in the Asiatic and American continents.

The price paid was immense: thousands of billions of dollars; the mass dislocation of entire populations; political anarchy; military devastation on an unprecedented scale; the disgrace upon the civilized world; the loss of thousands upon thousands of young Asian and American lives. Last but not least, the wounding, mutilation and death of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children.

The tragedy of Vietnam will go down in history as one of the most pernicious deeds of the contemporary alliance between politics and organized religion.

Factors of a political, ideological, economic and military nature played no mean role in the unfolding of the war, but the religion of the Catholic Church was one of its main instigators. From the beginning her role has been minimized when not obliterated altogether. Concrete facts however, cannot be wiped away so easily, and it is these which we shall now scrutinize, even if briefly.


To the people of the U.S.A.
as a warning:
trusting that the tragedies of the past,
no less than the hopes of the future,
may soon bind them together
in brotherly love.

When in 1940, France was defeated by Hitler, the French surrendered Vietnam to the Japanese who asked them to continue to administer the land in their place. A French puppet, Bao Dai who had already ruled the country during the previous twenty years, did so.

Bao Dai however, came face to face almost at once with a vigorous nationalism. This became belligerently concrete and took the form of an increasing effective guerrilla warfare. It’s ultimate goals were two: riddance of French and Japanese rule, and total independence. The freedom fighters known as the Viet-Minhs, were supported by the general population with the reiult that they became identified at once with the national aspirations of all the Vietnamese.

At Japan’s defeat in August, 1945, the Vietnamese were in control of most of Vietnam. In September of that same year, the freedom fighters declared Vietnam’s independence. The French-Japanese puppet, Bao Dai, resigned. After more than a century, Vietnam was once more free, or so it seemed. The Vietnamese, although dominated by communists, realized that a solid minority of the country were Catholics. Recognizing that most of the Catholics had supported their fight against both the French and the Japanese, they elicited their support by appointing several prominent Catholics to their new government.

Ho Chi Minh, their leader, nominated a Catholic as his economic minister, indeed he even had a Roman Catholic Vicar Apostolic. Furthermore, to prove how, although a Marxist, he was not biased against the Church, he adopted the first Sunday of each September as the official day of Vietnamese Independence. This because it coincided with the National Catholic Day.

Religious liberty was assured to all. The achievements of the Viet-Minhs were so popular that in September 40,000 Catholics demonstrated in support of Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi itself. Indeed four Catholic bishops even appealed directly to the Vatican asking it to support the new independent Vietnam under its new rulers.

It appeared as if a new chapter had been initiated, not only for Vietnam, but also for the Catholics, who until then, although protected by the French, nevertheless had increasingly resented, French colonialism.

While the new Vietnamese government in Hanoi was working for the establishment of a democratic republic in North Vietnam, the British, knowing of the surrender of Japan, handed back South Vietnam to the French. The French, smarting under their defeat in Europe, imposed a most drastic colonial administration, with the objective of extending their dominion over the rest of the country. The Vietnamese, affronted, organized guerrilla warfare to prevent the re-imposition of French rule.

In February, 1950, the U.S. recognized the Bao Dai government. Almost simultaneously France asked for military help. In March, two U.S. warships entered Saigon to support Bao Dai. Soon afterwards, in May, Washington announced aid for the French, with a $10,000,000 grant. The U.S. had agreed to let France deal with Vietnam while the U.S. was engaged in a war in Korea. In June, President Truman announced the U.S. was going to finance the French army to fight the government of North Vietnam. By November, 1952, the U.S. had sent 200 shiploads of material, 222 war planes, 225 naval vessels, 1,300 trucks, paying one third of the war bill in Vietnam.

When Eisenhower succeeded Truman in July, 1953, an armistice was signed with Korea, but by 1953 the U.S. financial support had already reached 400 millions a year. In October the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, declared that the U.S. help for France’s colonial rule had been “his brightest achievement of the year.”

By 1954, the U.S. was already paying 80% of the total. The French government itself stated that the U.S. had spent a total of $1.785 billion for their war. But the end of that same year, the U.S. in fact had paid $2 billion to keep French colonialism in power.

The Vietnamese, however, determined to rid themselves once and for all of the French, fought with a ferocity which astonished friends and foes alike. On the brink of defeat in Dienbienphu, France asked for U.S. help. John Foster Dulles demanded U.S. intervention (to defend Indo-China from communism). Then, he announced a plan, the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). In April he called a secret meeting of congressional leaders. The objective: to give Eisenhower power to use U.S. air and naval forces to help the French in Vietnam. The plan was called appropriately “Operation Vulture.” Lyndon Johnson, later president, objected to committing American troops and most of the congressional leaders agreed with him. By November, however, (that is from 1950 to 1954) the U.S. had already sent 340 planes and 350 warships.

In May, 1954 the French surrendered Dienbienphu. The following July, the Geneva Agreement was signed. The 17th parallel was indicated to be the provisional demarcation line between the Vietnam Republic of the North and the French in the South. On July 21 at a “Final Declaration,” nine countries endorsed the agreement with the exception of the Bao Dai government and the U.S.

The Declaration pointed out that the north-south division of Vietnam was only a “military” division, to end the military conflict, and not a territorial or political boundary. This meant that the French had been made the trustees for South Vietnam for a two year period, that is until a general election took place and the people could choose the kind of government they wanted.

In certain quarters, the Geneva Agreement created fear that if the elections were permitted, the Viet-Minhs, being so popular throughout Vietnam, would take over also in the South.

The military and above all the Catholic lobbies in Washington set to work, determined to persuade the U.S. government to prevent the election. Pope Pius XII gave full support to their efforts. Cardinal Spellman, the Washington- Vatican go-between, was the principal spokesman from both. The policy of Pope Pius XII and John Foster Dulles eventually was accepted, and implemented, notwithstanding widespread misgivings in the U.S. and in Europe.

President Eisenhower, himself, before and after the fatal decision, admitted in a moment of political candor that “had the elections been held, possibly 80% of the population would have voted for communist Ho Chi Minh, rather than Chief of State, Bao Dai.” President Eisenhower had stated the truth about the political reality of the situation in Vietnam at that momentous period.

So far the chronological description of events against French colonial imperialism, seem to be the logical expression of the Vietnamese people to rid themselves of an oppressive and alien domination, which for centuries had attempted to uproot their traditional culture, identity, and religion.

At first sight it seems incomprehensible for the U.S. to get ever more committed to the deadly Vietnamese morass. The tragic American involvement cannot be properly understood, unless we take a birds-eye view of the U.S. global policy following the end of World War II. Only a retrospective assessment of the world which emerged after the defeat of Nazism, can spell out the reasons which induced the U.S. to pursue the policy which it did.

The policy was inspired by the sudden, awesome realization that the new postwar world was dominated by two mighty giants: the U.S. and Soviet Russia. Both had fought the same enemies in war, but now in peace they faced each other as potential foes. It was a belligerent peace. Communist Russia gave notice from the very beginning, if not by word, at least by deeds, that she was determined to embark upon a program of ideological and territorial expansion. The U.S. was determined to prevent it at all costs. The conflict, fought at all levels, and simultaneously in Europe, Asia and America, became known as the “Cold War.”

That the “Cold War’: was not mere verbal fireworks was proved by the fact that soon the two superpowers were arming at an ever faster rate. Also, that Soviet Russia, following a well defined expansionistic postwar program, was inching with increasing ruthlessness to the conquest of a great part of Europe. Within a few years, in fact, she had gobbled up almost one third of the European continent. Countries which had been a integral part of the loose political and economic fabric of pre-war Europe, were now forcibly incorporated into the growing Soviet empire.

This was done via naked aggression, ideological subversion, concessions and ruthless seizure of power by local communist parties, inspired and helped by Moscow. Within less than half a decade, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Albania and others had been transformed into Russian colonies. If this had been all, it would have been a bad enough policy, but Soviet Russia intended to promote a similar program in Asia as well. Her ambitions there were as far reaching as those in Europe. Indeed even more so, since she intended to convert the Asiatic continent into a gigantic communist landmass. To that effect, she encouraged Asian nationalism, combined with Asian communism, exploiting any real or fictitious grievances at hand.

If we remember that at the same time the sleeping third giant, China, was on the verge of becoming Red, then the rapid communist expansion in the East seen from Washington was a real menace. Hence the necessity of formulating a policy dedicated to the proposition that world communism must be checked both in Europe as well as in Asia.

The “Cold War,” the child of this tremendous ideological struggle, as the tensions between the U.S. and the communists increased, threatened to explode into a “hot war.” And so it came to pass, that only five years after the end of World War II, the U.S. found herself engaged in the war of Korea, in the opinion of many, considered to be the potential prelude of World War III.

Reciprocal fear of atomic incineration restrained both the U.S. and Soviet Russia from total armed belligerency. The conflict ended in a stalemate. Korea was divided. It seemed a solution. The confrontation, for the moment at least, had been avoided.

But if it was avoided in Korea, it was not avoided elsewhere. Certainly not in the ideological field, or in that of subdued guerrilla warfare, since the U.S. had given notice without. any more ambiguity, that she was determined to stop the Red expansion wherever communism was threatening to take over.

It was at this stage, that she started to view the situation in Indo-China with growing concern. The harassed French had to be helped. Not so much to keep their colonial status quo, but to check the Vietnamese, in the South, and in the North. The U.S. could not afford to see the French supplanted by communism, disguised as anti-colonialism, or even as genuine patriotism.

The U.S. strategy was based upon the domino theory. This assumed that, in Asia, once any given country became communist, all the others would become so likewise. Vietnam fitted neatly into this pattern. It became imperative, therefore, that the French should not be defeated by the Vietnamese communists.

The determination of the Vietnamese people to get rid of the French rule, therefore, ran contrary to the U.S. grand strategy, or the strategy of anyone determined to stop the advance of communism in Southeast Asia.

And indeed there was another ready at hand. The Catholic Church had watched the advances of communism in Indo-China with a greater concern even than the U.S. She had more at stake than anyone else, including the French themselves: almost four hundred years of Catholic activities. Seen from Rome, the rapid expansion of world communism had become even more terrifying than for Washington. The Vatican had witnessed whole nations, those of Eastern Europe swallowed up by Soviet Russia, with millions of Catholics passing under communist rule. In addition, traditional Catholic countries like Italy and France were harboring growing communist parties. For the Vatican, therefore, it was even more imperative than for the U.S. to prosecute a policy directed at stopping communism wherever it could be stopped. It became inevitable that the Vatican and the U.S. should come together to stop the same enemy. The two having soon formulated a common strategy turned themselves into veritable partners.

The exercise was nothing new to the Vatican. It had a striking precedent as far as how to conduct an alliance with a mighty lay companion, to fight the advance of a seemingly irresistible enemy. After World War I, a similar situation developed in Europe. Communism was making rapid advances throughout the West. The existing democratic institutions seemed impotent to contain it. When, therefore, a forcible right wing movement appeared on the scene declaring communism as its principal foe, the Vatican allied itself to it. The movement was fascism. It stopped communism in Italy as well as in Germany with nazism. The Vatican-fascist alliance had successfully prevented Soviet Russia from taking over Europe. Although it ended in disaster with the outbreak of World War II, nevertheless, its original policy of breaking the power of communism had succeeded.

Now the process had to be repeated, since the situation was the same. The urgency of the task was self-evident everywhere. Soviet Russia had emerged from the nazi debacle, a more formidable enemy than ever before. She was threatening Europe not only with the ideological Red virus, but also with powerful armies. It became a necessity for the Catholic Church, therefore, to forge an alliance with a lay partner, as it did after World War 1. The U.S. was the only military power sufficiently strong to challenge Russian expansions. In Europe the U.S.-Vatican partnership had proved an undisputed success from the very beginning. The prompt creation of political Catholicism on the part of the Vatican, with its launching of Christian democracy on one hand, and the equally prompt economic help of the U.S. to a ruined continent, had stopped a communist takeover.

But if the U.S.-Vatican alliance had succeeded in Europe, the problem in Asia was more complicated, more acute, and more dangerous. A direct confrontation was possible. Not only on political grounds but also on a military one. This was proved by the fact that the U.S. had had to fight a true war in Korea, as already mentioned. The lesson of Korea was not easily forgotten. The U.S. saw to it that the vast unstable surrounding territories did not become the springboard from which another ideological or military attack could be launched to expand communism.

When the situation in Vietnam, therefore, started to deteriorate and the military inefficiency of the French became too apparent, the two partners which had worked so successfully in Europe came together, determined to repeat in Southeast Asia the success of their first anticommunist joint campaign. True, the background and the problems involved were infinitely more complicated than those in Europe. Yet, once a common strategy had been agreed upon, the two could carry it out, each according to its own capabilities.

As in the past, each could exert itself where it could be most effective. Thus. whereas the U.S. could be active in the economic and military fields, the Vatican could do the same in the diplomatic, not to mention in the ecclesiastic area, where it could mobilize millions of Catholics in the pursuance of well conceived ideological and religious objectives.

Before proceeding with the chronological events which ultimately were to lead to the direct U.S. intervention into the war in Vietnam, it might be useful to glance at the ideological climate of the years which preceded its outbreak. Otherwise certain basic issues could not be properly understood.

After World War II, the U.S. and the Vatican had forged a mutual alliance, as we have already said, mainly to contain Russian communism in Europe and in Asia. The belligerency of their joint policies plus Soviet Russia’s determination to plant communism wherever she could, produced what was labeled, “The Cold War.” The Cold War was seen in many quarters as the preliminary step to a Hot War, which in this case meant but one thing, the outbreak of World War III.

This was not speculation or fantasy, but an expectation, based upon concrete military and political factors. The U.S. and the Vatican became active, each in their own field, set to prepare for “The Day.” Whereas the U.S. busied itself with military preparations, the Vatican busied itself with religious preparations. This spelled the mobilization of religious belief, and even more dangerous, the promotion of religious emotionalism.

The Vatican is a formidable diplomatic and ideological center, because it has at its disposal the religious machinery of the Church. During the Cold War, it used such machinery with a skill unmatched by any other church.

Pope Pius XII was a firm believer in the inevitability, and indeed, “necessity,” of the Third World War. To that effect he worked incessantly in the diplomatic field, chiefly with the U.S. itself, with the cooperation of the powerful Catholic lobby in Washington, D.C.

Although we have related elsewhere the intrigues of that body, it might not be amiss to focus our attention upon those of a religious character, which Pope Pius XII and certain American politicians carried out in the purely religious area, with the specific objective of preparing for World War III.

This was possible because Pope Pius XII, by now, had succeeded in conditioning millions of Catholics, both in Europe and in the U.S., to accept the inevitability of such a war, almost as a crusade inspired from heaven. He justified it on the assumption that the Virgin Mary herself, had become his ally. Since, during the Vietnamese tragedy, the Vatican used the religious emotionalism of Our Lady of Fatima for political objectives, we must glance at the background of this cult.

Our Lady of Fatima had first appeared to three illiterate children in Fatima, a desolate locality in Portugal, during the fateful year of 1917, which was also the year of the Russian Revolution.

Pope Pius XII

Pope Pius XII (1939-58) was a brilliant diplomat, a cunning politician and a religious crusader. These characteristics made him one of the paramount personalities of our times. He transformed the Catholic Church into a global political instrument. He, more than anybody else outside Germany, helped Hitler to power. His pet obsession was communism and he became the main instigator of the Cold War. He was the religious pivot upon which the Catholic crusade against communism revolved. Cardinal Spellman, as his spokesman in the U.S., greatly influenced American politicians and public opinion giving an almost mystical interpretation of the anti-Russian policies of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Through Spellman, Pius XII attempted to steer the U.S. military power against communism in Korea and Vietnam and kept wholly “silent” when, in 1954, the U.S. military planned to use atomic weapons at the beginning of the Vietnam War.

Her apparition had been accompanied by a somewhat strange miracle:

“The sun became pale, three times it turned speedily on itself, like a Catherine wheel … At the end of these convulsive revolutions, it seemed to jump out of its orbit and come forward towards the people on a zig-zag course, stopped, and returned again to its normal position.”

This was seen by a large crowd near the children and lasted twelve minutes.

The fact that the other two thousand million human beings the world over never noticed the sun agitate, rotate and jump out of its orbit did not bother the Catholic Church in the least.

On the contrary, the Catholic masses were told to believe that the sun, on the appearance of the Virgin Mary, had truly moved on “a zig-zag course” as proof of the authenticity of her presence, and of course, of “her messages.”

The Virgin’s messages had been to induce the pope to bring about “the consecration of the World to her Immaculate Heart,” to be followed by “the consecration of Russia.” “Russia will be converted,” she foretold. “The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me.” But, she warned, should this not be accomplished, “her (Russia’s) errors will spread throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions … different nations will be destroyed … ” In the end, however, the Virgin promised by way of consolation, that the Catholic Church would triumph, after which “the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me. Thereupon she (Russia) shall be converted and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”

These quotations are from the authenticated messages of the Virgin Mary herself, as related to one of the children and fully accepted by the Catholic Church as a genuine revelation by the “Mother of God”.

Within a few years, the cult of Fatima had grown to great proportions. The number of pilgrims multiplied from sixty on June 13, 1917 to 60,000 in October of that same year. From 144,000 in 1923, to 588,000 in 1928. The total for six years: two million.

The Vatican took the promises seriously. Msgr. Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, then the gray eminence behind Pope Pius XI, sponsored a policy supporting fascism in Italy and then the nazis in Germany, to help the prophecy come true. In fact, he became the chief instrument in helping Hitler to get into power. This he did by urging the German Catholic Party to vote for Hitler at the last German general election in 1933.4 The basic idea was a simple one. fascism and nazism, besides smashing the communists in Europe, ultimately would smash communist Russia.

In 1929 Pope Pius XI signed a Concordat and the Lateran Treaty with Mussolini and called him “the man sent by Providence.” In 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. In 1936, Franco started the Civil War in Spain. By 1938 two-thirds of Europe had been fascistized and the rumblings of World War II were heard more and more ominously everywhere.

Concurrently, however, Europe had also been Fatimaized. The cult of Fatima, with emphasis on the Virgin’s promise of Russia’s conversion, had been given immense prominence by the Vatican. In 1938, a papal nuncio was sent to Fatima, and almost half a million pilgrims were told that the Virgin had confided three great secrets to the children. Thereupon, in June of that year, the only surviving child – advised by her confessor, always in touch with the hierarchy and hence with the Vatican – revealed the contents of two of the three great secrets.

The first was the vision of Hell (something well known to the modem world).

The second was more to the point: a reiteration that Soviet Russia would be converted to the Catholic Church. The third was sealed in an envelope and put in custody of the ecclesiastical authority not to be revealed until 1960.

The dramatic reiteration of the revelation of the second secret about Soviet Russia immediately assumed a tremendous religious and political significance. The timing of the “disclosure” could not have been better chosen. The fascist dictatorships were talking the same language: the annihilation of Soviet Russia.

The following year, 1939, the Second World War broke out. In 1940, France was defeated. The whole of Europe had become fascist. In 1941, Hitler invaded Russia. The Virgin’s prophecy at long last was about to be fulfilled. At the Vatican, there was rejoicing, since by now Pacelli had become pope under the name of Pius XII (1939).

Pius XII encouraged Catholics to volunteer for the Russian front. Catholics – most of them devotees of the Virgin of Fatima – joined the nazi armies, from Italy, France, Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Latin America, the U.S., and Portugal. Spain sent a Catholic Blue Division.

In October 1941, while the nazi armies rolled near Moscow, Pius XII, addressing Portugal, urged Catholics to pray for a speedy realization of the Lady of. Fatima’s promise.

The following year, 1942, after Hitler had declared that communist Russia had been “definitely” defeated, Pius XII, in a Jubilee Message, fulfilled the first of the Virgin’s injunctions and “consecrated the whole world to her Immaculate Heart.”

“The apparitions of Fatima open a new era,” wrote Cardinal Cerejeira in that same year. “It is the foreshadowing of what the Immaculate Heart of Mary is preparing for the whole world.” The new era, in 1942, was a totally nazified European continent, with Russia seemingly wiped off the map, Japan conquering half of Asia and world fascism was at its zenith everywhere.

The fascist empire vanished with the collapse of Hitler. In 1945, World War II ended. And Soviet Russia, to the chagrined surprise of Pope Pius XII, emerged the second greatest power on earth.

The cult of Fatima, which had suffered a devotional recess with the defeat of the nazi armies and the suicide of Hitler, was suddenly revived. In October, 1945, the Vatican ordered that monster pilgrimages be organized to the Shrine.

The following year, 1946, our Lady was solemnly crowned before more than half a million pilgrims. The crown, weighing 1,200 grams of gold, had 313 pearls, 1,250 precious stones and 1,400 diamonds. Pope Pius XII from the Vatican addressed the pilgrims by radio, saying that our Lady’s promises would be fulfilled. “Be ready!” he warned. “There can be no neutrals. Never step back. Line up as crusaders!”

In 1947, the Cold War began. Hatred against communist Russia was promoted, headed by the Vatican which sent a statue of our Lady of Fatima, with her “message” on a “pilgrimage” around the world. She was sent from country to country to arouse anti-Russian odium. Whole governments welcomed her. Within a few years, as the Cold War mounted, the statue had gone to Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia and had visited fifty-three nations. The East-West split continued to widen.

In 1948, the frightful American-Russian atomic race started. In 1949, Pius XII, to strengthen the anti-Russian front, excommunicated any voter supporting the communists. And soon afterwards American theologians told the U.S. that it was her duty to use atom bombs.

The following year, in 1950, the “pilgrim statue” of our Lady of Fatima, who had started to travel in 1947, the very year of the outbreak of the Cold War, was sent by airplane, accompanied by Father Arthur Brassard, on the direct instructions of Pope Pius XII, to … Moscow. There, with the warm approval of Admiral Kirk, the American Ambassador, she was solemnly placed in the church of the foreign diplomats. For what specific reason? “To wait for the imminent liberation of Soviet Russia.”

Not content with this, Our Lady appeared in person fifteen times to a nun in the Philippines. She repeated her warning against communism, after which a shower of rose petals fell at the nun’s feet. An American Jesuit took the miraculous petals to the U.S., to revive the energy of fanatical Catholics, headed by the criminal Senator McCarthy and many of his supporters.

American warmongers, led by prominent Catholics, were meanwhile feverishly preparing for an atomic showdown with Russia. Top Catholics in the most responsible positions were talking’of nothing else.

On August 6, 1949, Catholic Attorney General Mac- Grath addressed the Catholic “storm-troopers” of the U.S. – namely the Knights of Columbus – at their convention in Portland, Oregon. He urged Catholics “to rise up and put on the armor of the Church militant in the battle to save Christianity.” (Christianity, of course, meaning the Catholic Church.) He further urged “a bold offensive.”

In that same year another Catholic, one of the most highly placed personages of the U.S. government, James Forrestal, the crusader against communism at home and abroad, helped Pope Pius XII to win the elections in Italy by sending American money, plus money from his own pocket. James Forrestal, who was in very frequent contact with the Vatican and with Cardinal Spellman, knew better than anybody else what was going on in certain Catholic and American quarters. For one simple reason: he was none other than the American Secretary for Defense.

One day, upon hearing a civilian aircraft overhead, he dashed along a Washington street with a most fateful message: “The Russians have invaded us!” he shouted. Later on, notwithstanding the assurance of Pius XII that the Russians would be defeated with the help of Our Lady, Catholic James Forrestal, American Secretary of Defense, jumped from a window on the 16th floor ofa building in the American Capital, yelling that the Russians had better be destroyed before it was too late.

The following year another fanatical Catholic was appointed to another important post. Mr. Francis Matthews was nominated Secretary of the American Navy. On the morning he took the oath of office (in June, 1949), Mr. Matthews, his wife and all their six children contritely heard Mass and received Holy Communion in the chapel of the Naval station in Washington, D.C.

A few months afterwards (October, 1949) Cardinal Spellman was summoned to Rome by the pope, with whom he had repeated and prolonged private sessions. Although giving rise to sharp speculation, it remained a well guarded secret.

The new Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy, strangely enough, soon afterwards began unusually active contacts with other prominent American Catholics. Among these, Father Walsh, Jesuit Vice-President of Georgetown University; Cardinal Spellman, the head of the American Legion; the leaders of the Catholic War Veterans and with Senator McCarthy, the arch-criminal senator, who upon the advice of a Catholic priest, was just beginning his infamous campaign which was to half paralyze the U.S. for some years to come. The Catholic press began a nation wide campaign of psychological warfare. Open hints of a quick atomic war were given once more.

The culmination of all these activities was a speech delivered in Boston on August 25, 1950 by Mr. F. Matthews. The arch-Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy, the spokesman of certain forces in the States and in the Vatican, called upon the U.S. to launch an attack upon Soviet Russia in order to make the American people “the first aggressors for peace.” “As the initiators of a war of aggression,” he added, “it would win for us a proud and popular title: we would become the first aggressors for peace.” The speech created a sensation, both in the U.S. and in Europe. France declared that she “would not take part in any aggressive war … since a preventive war would liberate nothing but the ruins and the graveyards of our civilization.”s Britain sent an even sharper protest.

While the people of the world shuddered at the monstrous proposal, George Craig of the American Legion declared (August, 1950) that, yes, “the U.S. should start World War III on our own terms” and be ready when the signal could be given “for our bombers to wing toward Moscow.”

The fact that the advocacy of a “preventive atomic war” was first enunciated by a Catholic was no mere coincidence. Mr. Matthews, the head of the most important branch of the American armed forces, the American Navy, the largest naval war instrument in the world, had become the mouthpiece of his spiritual master, Pope Pius XII.

Arch-Catholic Matthews was not only the frequent ring kisser of the members of the Catholic hierarchy in America, he was one of the most active promoters of Catholicism in action in the U.S. In addition to which, this Catholic Secretary of the American Navy was the chairman of the National Catholic Community Service and, more sinister still the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus,6 the shock troops of Catholic power in the U.S. And last but not least, a secret privy chamberlain of Pope Pius XII. The Catholic hierarchy, the Catholic press, the Knights of Columbus – all supported Matthews’ advocacy of a preventive atomic war.

Jesuit Father Walsh, the foremost Catholic authority in the U.S. and a former Vatican Agent in Russia (1925), told the American people that “President Truman would be morally justified to take defensive measures proportionate to the danger.” Which, of course, meant the use of the atom bomb.

When the U.S. went ahead with the manufacture of the hydrogen bomb, even the Chairman of the Atomic Commission, Senator Brian MacMahon, shrank in horror at the prospect of the sure massacre of fifty million people with such a monster weapon.

Yet Catholics approved of its use. Father Connel declared that the use of the hydrogen bomb by the U.S. was justified, because “the communists could utilize their large armed forces … to weaken the defenders of human rights.”

Advocacy of a preventive atomic war by a Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus – i.e. Mr. Matthews – assumed horrifying significance when it was remembered that the Secretary of the U.S. Navy’s war speech did not come as a surprise to certain selected Catholic leaders or, even less, to the Vatican. How was that? Simply that Mr. Matthews had disclosed the contents of his Boston speech to top Catholics several days prior to its delivery. Chief among these top Catholics was the head of the U.S. Catholic hierarchy, Cardinal Spellman.

Now it must be remembered that Cardinal Spellman was in continuous personal contact with Pope Pius XII, whose intimate friend and personal advisor in political matters he had been since the Second World War. Cardinal Spellman, moreover, was the counselor and personal friend of most of the influential military leaders of America. So that whatever of importance was known at the “Little Vatican” in New York, as Cardinal Spellman’s residence was called, was instantly known at the Vatican in Rome, and vice-versa.

Pope Pius XII had been kept well informed about the whole process long before Matthews’ Boston speech. Indeed, the evidence is that he was one of its main tacit instigators. The continuous visits at this time of top U.S. military leaders to the pope (five in one day), the frequent secret audiences with Spellman, the unofficial contacts with the Knights of Columbus – all indicated that Pius XII knew very well what was afoot.

A few years later, in a hate crusade speech broadcast simultaneously in twenty-seven major languages by the world’s main radio stations, Pius XII reiterated “the morality … of a defensive war” (that is, of an atom and hydrogen war), calling for – as the London Timessomberly described it, “what almost amounts to a crusade of Christendom” and what the Manchester Guardian bluntly called “the pope’s blessing for a preventive war.”

Pius XII not only was cognizant of the Boston “preventive atomic war” speech delivered by the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus but he came out in the open to magnify its message in one of the most astounding performances ever staged by any modern pope. That is, he mobilized the Catholic world to support Catholic Matthews’ preventive atomic conflict, indeed to condition hundreds of millions of members of his own Church to accept it as the necessary measure ordained by Heaven itself, so as to further his own long-range political schemes. How did he do it? By staging the greatest fake miracle of the century.

Only three months after his Privy Chamberlain, Mr. Matthews, Secretary of the American Navy, had called on the U.S. to begin the war against Bolshevik Russia, Pope Pius XII was visited at the Vatican by none other than the Virgin Mary herself, in person and with no little commotion. It happened in October of that same year, 1950. Pope Pius XII kept the celestial visitation to himself for a short while. Then disclosed it to a few Vatican inmates, after which, being the skillful strategist that he was, he set in motion his religious machinery with the specific intent of coming to the help of Mr. Matthews’ “preventive war” policy.

Pius’ objective was a logical one. Once he had made sure that Mr. Matthews’ war seeds had sunk well into the minds of political and military leaders, he gave himself the task of implanting them with equal effectiveness in the minds of .the Catholic millions, not via politics or propaganda, but directly via religion. To that end, after the Virgin had visited him at the Vatican he ordered that her coming celebrations at Fatima, Portugal, should be the most spectacular ever staged. The papal ordinance was fulfilled to the letter. The following year, in October 1951, a monster pilgrimage of well over one million people was convened before the shrine.

To mark the exceptional character of the celebration, Pius XII dispatched there his own personal representative, a top cardinal. He charged Cardinal Tedeschini with a most extraordinary task, namely, to disclose to the millions of devotees that the Virgin Mary had visited him, Pope Pius XII.

And so it came to pass that one October day, after the one million throng had sung the Ave Maria, recited the Rosary, and re-sang the Litanies, Cardinal Tedeschini faced the massive crowd, and in a voice filled with emotion, solemnly disclosed to the astounded pilgrims that “another person has seen this same miracle … ” (namely the miracle of the Virgin Mary appearing to the three children back in 1917, when the sun zig-zagged in the sky.) “He saw it outside Fatima,” the cardinal went on to say. “Yes, he saw it years later. He saw it at Rome. The pope, the same our Pontiff, Pius XII … yet he saw it.” 1 The cardinal then gave a few relevant details concerning when and how the miracle occurred. “On the afternoon of October 30th, 1950, at 4 p.m.,” said the cardinal (that is, .three months after Catholic Matthews delivered his preventive atomic war speech), “the Holy Father turned his gaze from the Vatican gardens to the sun, and there … was renewed for his eyes the prodigy ofthe Valley of Fatima.” And what was the prodigy?

Here are the exact words of the cardinal, sent there specifically by Pope Pius XII himself to disclose the story to the world:

“Pope Pius XII was able to witness the life of the sun (author’s reminder: a huge burning sphere 866,000 miles in diameter) … under the hand of Mary. The sun was agitated, all convulsed, transformed into a picture of life … in a spectacle of celestial movements … in transmission of mute but eloquent messages to the Vicar of Christ.”

This did not occur once, but on three successive days: October 30 and 31 and November 1, 1950.

The Catholic press and hierarchies exulted. Catholic theologians, including Jesuits, gave thanks to the Virgin for the privilege. Some of them, nevertheless, commented that Pope Pius XII must have been a greater saint even than they had suspected since, while Catholic tradition was full of visions in the lives of the patriarchs, apostles and martyrs, there were no recorded instances in modern church history of a papal vision having been announced in the lifetime of a pope.

The one million pilgrims, at the cardinal’s disclosure, became delirious. So did countless millions of Catholics throughout the world. If the Virgin Mary had appeared to the pope, obviously then her promises about Bolshevik Russia being converted to the Catholic Church were about to come true. And how could they be fulfilled if not via the “preventive war” preached by Catholic leaders in the U.S.?

Prayers, novenas and talk of the forthcoming “liberation” of Russia were renewed at Fatima and in hundreds of churches in many lands. The Catholic press, meanwhile, went on reminding its readers of the Virgin’s second prophecy concerning that poor, atheistic country.

Having mobilized religious fanaticism, Pius XII and his friends in the U.S. set to work in the more practical fields of open and secret diplomacy and politics.

Only one week after the disclosure of Pius XII’s greatest miracle, the U.S. was stunned by the announcement that the first American ambassador had been appointed to the Vatican (October 21, 1951) – something strictly forbidden by the American Constitution’s article of Separation of Church and State.

Who was the ambassador? General Mark Clark, a friend of the Supreme Knight of Columbus, Secretary of the American Navy Matthews, personal friend also of Cardinal Spellman and of Pope Pius XII. But more ominous still General Clark was Chief of the American Army Field Forces.

Ten days later in November, 1951, the first American ambassador designate to the Vatican busied himself as one of the leading military men directing atomic manoeuvres in the Nevada desert; the first atomic warfare exercises in history in which troops were stationed near the atomic burst detonated by atom bombs of a new type.

Almost simultaneously, another no less important American personage was given a new assignment. Mr. George Kennan was appointed American Ambassador to Moscow. Mr. Kennan was none other than the head of the Free Russia Committee, a body, as its name implies, set up to promote the liberation of Russia from communism – most of its supporters, of course, being leading Catholics.

The new ambassador was not the only one to lead such bodies. The American ambassador, who early in 1950 had welcomed the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima in Moscow, Admiral Kirk, subsequently became chairman of the American committee for The Liberation of the People of Russia.

While Pius XII was telling the Catholic masses that the Virgin Mary had communicated with him regarding Russia, and while sundry American generals and ambassadors were preparing for the “liberation,” another spectacular event occurred. In October, 1951 (notice the same month that Pius revealed his miracles), the bookstalls of America and Europe were flooded with over four million copies of a top U.S. magazine, Colliers. The whole issue, of well over 130 closely printed pages, was dedicated … to what? To the imminent atomic war against Soviet Russia. The war, it predicted, would begin in 1952. Russia would be defeated and occupied. After the “liberation,” which would occur in 1955, while the economic reconstruction would be handed over to the U.S. Corporations, religious freedom would be proclaimed.

Religious freedom, of course, meant that the Catholic Church, which had been preparing for just that, would have the lion’s share, which with the help of the Virgin of Fatima and of American Catholics, would turn into an obvious monopoly. The “conversion” of Russia, as predicted by the Virgin, would thus become a reality.

In Eastern Europe, Catholic churches were filled with people praying for a “war of liberation.” In the West, Catholics did the same. “There is something shocking about praying for war,” commented a leading Catholic organ, “but we shall not understand contemporary history if we forget that this is what millions of good Christians are doing.”

To foster even further the Catholic zeal for a “war of liberation,” a few months after Pius XII’s “miracle” the Vatican’s official organ, the Osservatore Romano, related with all its massive authority how Pius XII had truly witnessed a “miracle of the sun,” as referred to by Cardinal Tedeschini when he told the story at Fatima, Portugal, on October 13, 1951.

And the pope’s newspaper, to prove the authenticity of the miracle, published on its front page two “rigorously authentic” photos showing the prodigy of Fatima. The captions were even more matter of fact: “At 12 o’clock the vision began. At twenty minutes past 12, the rainy weather cleared up and soon afterwards a voice cried: ‘Look at the sun!’ The two ‘authentic’ photographs clearly show the black spot in the sun caused by its rapid whirling, and the position reached by the sun almost level with the horizon, although the photographs were taken at 12:30 p.m.” “This position,” commented the sober Osservatore Romano, “would have been absolutely impossible at the hour when the pictures were taken at 12:30 p.m.”

The sun, in other words, was on the horizon when it should have been where any well behaved sun is, at an ordinary common noon. An even greater miracle, which the Osservatore, having no proofs, did not mention, was that apart from the photographer, the rest of mankind never noticed the sun falling to the horizon at noon on October 13, 1917.

The Osservatore then recalled “another surprising fact” which occurred at the Vatican thirty years later (that is, in 1950): “At the time when the entire Catholic family was rejoicing, in union with the Vicar of Jesus Christ, in the dogmatic definition of Our Lady’s Assumption into heaven” (that is, the dogma of the bodily assumption of Mary, defined by Pius XII in 1950) – in a curt authoritative summing up, the Osservatore commented: “It is not our task to draw deductions from these singular analogous events … but Our Lady’s interventions frequently happen in the gravest days of the Church’s history, even with signs directed personally to the successor of Peter.”

The signs were in that same year (February, 1951) that Pius XII had warned Catholics of the “barbaric invasion.” The U.S. and sundry other Catholic Hierarchies followed suit. Pius XII’s was not mere rhetoric. It was the colorful wrapper of a colossal promotion of religious mass superstition, directed at fostering ideological fanaticism via the cult of Fatima, the miracles of the whirling sun, and the divine messages direct from heaven to the pope, as complementary aids to the diplomatic, political and, above all, military activities which, meanwhile, had been set in operation throughout the West.

These military activities were not confined to any abstract armchair strategies. They were real, positive and concrete. The general of the American Army, on the active list, who had been designated ambassador to the Vatican had not been assigned there to count the number of rosaries being granulated by American visitors. He had originally been posted to Rome “to assist coordinating the effort to combat the communist menace” with the Vatican (i.e. with Pope Pius XII) “vigorously engaged in the struggle against communism,” as the explanatory statement from the White House had itself declared on October 21, 1951, after announcing the appointment.

Mr. Kennan, leader of the “Free Russia Committee,” designated as U.S. Ambassador to Moscow, went there in 1952, while Mr. Dulles appealed to the world to speed up a powerful atomic striking force “to deter the threat of Russian aggression by a decisive counterstroke.”

In Europe super-Catholic Chancellor Adenauer, who daily recited the rosary to Our Lady of Fatima, in November 1951 went to Paris to meet another Catholic leader, also a devotee of Our Lady, French Foreign Minister and former Prime Minister Schuman, to plan the building of a supranational army “to fight to save Christian civilization.”

Simultaneously with all these sinister events, a gloomy world press reported that the head of all the American and European armed forces, General Eisenhower, had arrived in the Holy City, preceded and followed by the Foreign, economic and war ministers of twelve European nations, meeting in Rome to organize the “anti-Russian military front.” General Eisenhower informed the war ministers of the twelve nations that they had met to rearm the West as fast as possible, because of the imminence of a new Dark Age and of a “new barbaric invasion,” the very words used by Pope Pius XII.

Their task? The prompt organization of an American-led European Army of forty fully-armed fighting divisions by 1952 and of one hundred by 1953, the very same dates when Collier’s special issue had so confidently predicted the invasion and occupation of Russia would take place.

General Omar Bradley, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, meanwhile was received in audience by Pius XII (end of November, 1951), followed shortly afterwards (December 6, 1951) by Field Marshall Lord Montgomery, Deputy Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe.

Sundry Army, Navy and Air Force saturation-bombing experts from Spain, France, England and, above all, the U.S., continued to be granted audiences by His Holiness, Pius XII. To read the official lists of war leaders visiting him at this period is like reading a list of war leaders going to be briefed at a global super-Pentagon.

While the council of the war ministers of twelve nations, and the sundry generals on active lists, were sitting under the walls of the Vatican, the Australian Parliament were asked to give a pledge of secrecy before being addressed by one of their generals, H. Robertson, former Commander in Chief, Commonwealth Forces in Japan. The general’s secret message? “Major hostilities (that is, World War III) were going to break out soon.”

The following year (June, 1952), the Vatican protested that communist agents had tried to steal secret documents from the Vatican Radio Station. These consisted of a “cipher book,” which according to the radio director, Jesuit Father F. Soccorsi, “did not exist.” Yet scores of Vatican staff were thoroughly fingerprinted. Cominform agents had, indeed, been ordered by Soviet Intelligence to get hold of the “nonexistent” Vatican Radio’s cipher book. Why? Simply because Vatican Radio was beaming code messages to anti-communist intelligence and Catholic underground elements in sundry communist countries. At that time it was broadcasting in over twenty languages, most of them those of Russia’s satellites, such as Albanian, Ukranian, Lithuanian, etc.

Notwithstanding repeated denials, the Vatican finally had to admit that, while its Secretary of State was in communication with apostolicnunciatures “in cipher” quite often, information which it transmitted “and received” via its radio reached Rome through “underground channels.”

The reality of the situation, of course, was that the Vatican was communicating with its most active agents, as well as with some of the members of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (very often the same persons), ready to combine their efforts for the forthcoming “liberation” of Russia arid other communist countries. In this manner, the Vatican was acting not only for the U.S. but as the top intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency itself.

Only a few months before, the U.S. government had passed a bill of the most ominous nature. This was the American Mutual Security Act. Its central mission: the planting, coordinating and directing of a vast intelligence system within the countries soon to be “liberated.” The Act allocated no less than 100 million dollars for the creation of an army of saboteurs, spies, agents and terrorists, not only composed of anti-communists residing in the U.S. and Europe, but “to help any selected persons who are residing … in the Soviet Union and her satellites … to form such persons into elements of the military forces.” This, as a Congressman who introduced the Act explained, in order “to render aid for underground movements in communist countries, starting with Russia.”

By 1952 (the year when the U.S. was to attack Russia), uniforms, the regulation shoulder flashes on which, instead of being U.S.A. ominously enough were U.S.S.R., had already been issued to selected groups of Eastern European emigres who could speak fluent Russian. Significantly, the majority of these were Catholic. In Rome, Catholic priests and Jesuits who had learned Russian and been trained in the practices of the Orthodox Church, were asked to “stand by.”

Rome, claiming to be a center of peace, had become a vast, sinister center of war. The ever more imposing procession of generals, admirals, war ministers, saturation bombing experts, clanking their boots along the Vatican’s marble corridors, was the damning demonstration that these individuals, professional war leaders, were there to see another war leader, Pope Pius XII – who, by way of a most ominous contrast, at this period had hardly received a peace delegation, either from the East of from the West. The skillful amalgamation of papal diplomacy, religious administrative might and organized superstition had made of the pope one of the supreme war leaders in the active promotion of a third World War.

The identification of Fatima with the Vatican, and the calculated political exploitation of the religious belief in the new cult, were made crystal clear by the Papal Legate, Cardinal Tedeschini, when, after having told his one million listeners of “the messages” so miraculously sent to Pius XII by heaven, concluded with the significant question mark statement: “Is this not Fatima transported to the Vatican? Is this not the Vatican transformed to Fatima ?”

It was. For as the promise of Our Lady was the occupation and liberation of Russia, resulting in that country’s ultimate conversion to the Catholic Church, so the sundry war leaders of the West, by planning an atomic war, had become the instruments of a vast politico-religious plot directed at the final attainment of that very objective. At the center of it all stood Pope Pius XII, repeatedly telling the Catholic millions that Our Lady had again performed the miracle for him personally in Rome in 1950, in order to cause him to go ahead with fulfilling her Fatima promise: the occupation, liberation and conversion of Soviet Russia. Thus, he had come squarely on the side of those lay forces which had decided to risk an all-out conflict to further their own plans.

The cult of Our Lady of Fatima, therefore, independently of its purely mystical factor, in the hands of Pope Pius XII had been expressly transformed into a psychological weapon of war directed at conditioning millions of Catholics to accept the outbreak of an atomic conflict. This, so as to carry out one of the most sinister designs of conquest of the Catholic Church in modern times. Albeit potentially to repeat, on a colossally large scale, all the horrors of Croatia. That Pius XII knew very well that his sinister activities with the many generals and politicians with whom he was continually dealing were no mere political bravado but terrible realities was proved not only by the secret disclosures at the Australian Parliament. It was authenticated by a person, who, more perhaps than anybody else, knew what was going on in the sacred corridors of Washington and the Vatican. Namely, none other than the president of the United States himself.

Harry S. Truman, when all the above was going on, was president. As such, being at the very center of these machinations, he was bound to deal with the very forces then working for the promotion of a Third World War. “There are a few misguided people who want war to straighten out the present world situation,” he wrote. After which (December 9, 1951) he added in despair: “We had conference after conference on the jittery situation facing the country. I have worked for peace for five years and six months, and it looks like World War III is near.”

This, it must be noted, was while Pius XII was telling Catholics to prepare to fight “the barbaric invasion” and had disclosed to them how the Virgin of Fatima had personally sent him a message concerning the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Church, with all the horrific implications of a war holocaust in it.

The launching of an “atomic preventive war” miscarried. Yet the attempt to unleash it upon the world should not be forgotten. It might have succeeded.

The background to the oncoming Vietnamese War could not have been more somber or ominous. It was consonant with the fast deteriorating situation in Indo-China, where the French were being soundly defeated by the relentless Vietnamese guerrillas, and the U.S. had started to side with the French forces by sending them ever larger consignments of war materials.

Within a relatively short period American aid had become more than substantial. From 1950 to 1954, in fact, the U.S. had dispatched more than 400,000 tons of war material, 150,000 fire arms’, 340 airplanes and 350 warships as already quoted. Notwithstanding all this, however, the French were finally routed. There followed the Geneva Agreement, when the 17th Parallel, was defined· as the “provisional” demarcation line between the Vietnam of the North and the Vietnam of the South, as we have already seen.

It was a fateful compromise. At that time however it appeared to be justified, in so far that it gave breathing space to the U.S. and to the signatories of the Geneva Convention. With good will on both sides, it was reasoned, a final and just solution would eventually be found. The Vietnamese people in the long run would decide for themselves what form of government they wanted by means of a general election as proposed by Geneva.

The compromise however, had been reached without taking into account the reality of the joint long range Asian strategy of the two major anti-communist partners, the U.S. and the Vatican, which they had already set in motion behind the scenes. Their joint strategy as already indicated had been inspired and promoted by religious and ideological interests which transcended any localized conflict, no matter how strategically important.

The formulators were ready at hand on each side of the Atlantic. In Rome there was the most formidable and relentless anti-communist crusader of the century, namely Pope Pius XII. In Washington there existed his political counterpart, the U.S. Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles. John Foster Dulles was the center of powerful anticommunist groups and anti-Russian lobbies, whose chief objective was in total harmony with that of the Vatican. These groups were disproportionally influenced by the Catholic elements and with few notable exceptions, were supported by the Catholic Church in the U.S.

The Catholic anti-communist crusade burst out into the open, with a virulency unmatched for decades and it externalized itself with the phenomenon of McCarthyism, which adumbrated American domestic and foreign policy for years. McCarthyism gave an unprecedented impetus to the U.S. anti-communist strategy. It was in the interest of the Vatican to see that such strident anti-communism be maintained at home, the better to influence the U.S. to carry on a similar aggressive anti-communist policy abroad. This meant an anti-communist strategy in Asia.

John Foster Dulles

When, therefore, the Vietnam problem came increasingly to the fore both the Vatican and the U.S. focussed their joint activities toward that country. The chief formulators of the strategy were Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in the diplomatic field, and Cardinal Spellman in the ecclesiastical. The importance of the latter was paramount, since Cardinal Spellman was the linch-pin between Washington and the Vatican. This was so because Spellman had the ear not only of powerful politicians and military men with the U.S. but equally that of the pope, a personal friend of his. Other Catholic individuals played no mean part, one of these being John Kennedy, the future president. “It is important that the Senate demonstrate their endorsement of Mr. Dulles’ objectives,” declared Kennedy at a secret meeting of Congressional leaders on April 3, 1954. “If necessary, the U.S. willtake the ultimate step – war.”

J.F. Kennedy was speaking as the political exponent of the powerful Catholic lobby in Washington. Prior to this in January of that same year, Admiral Arthur Radford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had demanded that the U.S. intervene directly in Vietnam, as had done John Foster Dulles himself.

Their demands were supported by similar requests from the Vatican wanting to help the French in order to prevent Vietnam from becoming communist. After the French failed however, and the communists took over North Vietnam, the Vatican and the military and Catholic groups in Capitol Hill renewed their activities at such feverish tempo, and with such effect, that a radical new policy was finally formulated and adopted. The new policy was simplicity itself. The Vatican and the U.S. had concurrently determined to prevent South Vietnam from holding the promised elections, in accordance with the Geneva Declaration.

One of the first moves directed at the implementation of this secret policy, was carried out by General Collins. In December, 1955 the general signed an agreement with France in the name of the U.S. The U.S. was taking over military duties in South Vietnam. France agreed to leave the country altogether, although theoretically France was to stay in South Vietnam another two years.

The new policy had to promise to fit the worsening situation. The general strategy had to be carried out simultaneously in the religious, political and military fields. It had to be staggered, according to the reaction of North Vietnam, of the guerrillas in the South and of American and world opinion.

It was divided into three principal subsections: The prevention of the elections, the setting up of a man who could rule with an iron fist and the swift Catholicization of South Vietnam.

One of the first moves was the selection of a man fit for the task. This was ready at hand. His name Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem had been carefully groomed by the Catholic establishment, was an ardently religious person, a fanatical anti-communist, and a ruthless religious and political dogmatist. He had been watched for some time, both by the Vatican and certain individuals in the U.S. When the moment for the choice came, the decision was taken, mostly by American Catholics, the best known of these being Cardinal Spellman, Joe Kennedy and his son the future President John F. Kennedy, and last but not least, by John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, and their secret entourage.

Diem was a genuine believer, considered the Catholic religion the only true religion, and had dedicated his life to its maintenance and propagation. He was so religious from his earliest childhood, that at one time, he wanted to become a Catholic priest; indeed a monk. Curiously enough, he did not enter the priesthood, because the life of a priest was – too soft. At fifteen he spent some time in a monastery. He prayed two whole hours every day and attended mass regularly. He worked for the French Administration holding responsible posts. Then when aged 33 he left and went into self-exile for about 15 years.


In 1946 Diem retired into a Catholic monastery near Hanoi. In 1947 he moved near Saigon to be next to his brother. While there, he organized a movement which advocated not only resistance against the French but also against the Vietnamese. Diem’8 chief objective at this stage was significant. It indicated the shape of things to come, to organize and increase Roman Catholic strength to obtain the real unity and independence of Vietnam. His activities came to nothing, but his objective was duly noticed in two important centers – the Vatican and in Washington.

Following his failure, Diem started to travel. In 1950 he went to Japan and then to the U.S. He pilgrim aged with his brother, Ngo Diem Thuch, who was a Roman Catholic archbishop to Rome. While there, he was seen by Pope Pius XII. When he returned to the U.S., he lived in various Catholic seminaries. He went frequently to New York and to Washington, D.C., where he met influential individuals, including John F. Kennedy, then Senator. It was Diem, who allegedly persuaded Kennedy to make a speech in 1954 against a potential negotiated peace in Vietnam. Diem was in the U.S. till 1953. Afterwards he went to France and then to Belgium, where he lived in another Catholic monastery, St. Andre-Ies-Burges. There he met Father Jaegher, who later became his private advisor in political matters. Diem’s self-imposed exile lasted about 21 years.

Diem had convinced himself that he had been chosen by God to fulfill a definite task, and that a day would come when he would be ready to carry out his mission. When he judged the time to be appropriate, he approached Cardinal Spellman, at this time the confidant not only of the pope, but equally of powerful political figures in the U.S. Spellman introduced Diem to William O. Douglas of the Supreme Court. The latter introduced Diem to Mike Mansfield and to John F. Kennedy, both Catholics and Senators. Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA adopted him – following the decision of his brother, John Foster Dulles and of Cardinal Spellman, who was acting for Pope Pius XII. Diem became their choice; he was going to be the head of the government in South Vietnam.

The decision having been taken, Dulles advised France to tell Bao Dai to appoint Diem as prime minister. France, having by now decided to abandon Vietnam, agreed. Diem became premier in June, 1954. The 19th of that same month, Bao Dai invested Diem with dictatorial power. This entailed not only civilian but also military control of the country. Diem arrived in Saigon June 26, 1954 and on July 7 set up his own government.

Diem started at once to set in motion the Vatican- U.S.-CIA grand strategy, directed at the preservation and consolidation of South Vietnam. His eagerness as a political protégé of America, and his zeal as a fervent son of the Church were seldom displayed with such concrete immediacy.

Stringent legislations, by laws and edicts, all consonant with what he had in mind, were formulated and enforced, almost at once. The Catholic hold at all levels of the administration took many – including certain Catholics themselves – by surprise. In the army, Catholics were inexplicably promoted to commanding positions. The police likewise soon became the inner monopoly of zealous Catholics. Diem’s own brother, became the head of the secret police, with unlimited power. Within the shortest possible time, the whole machinery of the Diem Administration was inspired and was made to function by the tightly knit structure of the Catholic community.

The object of the exercise was a well calculated preparatory step to strengthen Diem’s hand during his forthcoming most objectionable move; refusal to hold the elections commanded by the Geneva Declaration. Diem, having decided long ago in secret accordance with the U.S. not to have the elections, had to build a reliable police machinery, in case of trouble, not only in the domestic but also the international fields. The refusal might have provoked the north to take drastic military actions; while in the South, guerrillas and discontented patriots might have risen up in revolt against Diem’s breach of the solemn Geneva agreement. When finally the time came for the election to be held, Diem, backed by the U.S., refused. Following vague general protests abroad, the fait-accompli was accepted by an indifferent world public opinion.

Having succeeded in his first act of defiance, Diem then set out promoting another no less spectacular move. The basic idea was to disrupt the North Vietnamese government by engineering a vast internal dislocation of North Vietnamese population. The machination had three main objectives: 1) the weakening of the North 2) a damaging smear campaign against the communists and 3) the immediate strengthening of South Vietnam by the mass absorption of fellow Catholics. The policy had the gravest implications, both for the North as well as for the South. The scheme had been conceived not in Vietnam but simultaneously at Washington and at the Vatican. It was the brain child of Cardinal Spellman, of Pius XII, the two Dulles brothers, Diem and certain American military elements who God-fathered it at once. The participation of Pius XII had an even more sinister objective, but we shall look at it presently.

The necessary moves were taken almost immediately. The vast propaganda, hierarchical, religious and sabotage machineries were promptly set in motion. In different circumstances and with a different religious background, the plan would have succeeded. Without the full participation of the Catholic Church, it would have been a total failure.

The scheme of mass dislocation indeed became possible, thanks exclusively to the Catholic Church. This was due to the fact that the vast majority of Catholics lived in North Vietnam. The Catholics there were numerous, powerful and had enjoyed exceptional privileges for decades. The French saw to it that it was so, the better to rely upon them for the continuance of their colonial administration. French colonialism and the Catholic Church had been identified as two inseparable twins for a very long period, as we have already seen.

When the Vietnamese started to fight the French, most Catholics in the North fought on behalf of the French and against the Vietnamese because the latter were communists. Once the French had been defeated however, these same Catholics, instead of submitting themselves to the new administration, retained their own para-military groupings, para-military organizations, ammunitions and the rest. This they did in many parts of the North, especially at Phat Diem and Nam Dinh in Tonkin.

Following the Vietnamese take-over, they refused to cooperate, except on their own terms. The situation became a very dangerous one, since the Catholics being so well organized and commanded by Catholic priests, unless propitiated could put up an effective resistance.

This state of affairs had originated in the days of Baa Dai, when the Catholic bishops had fully cooperated with him in all matters, and had been appointed as his representatives. The bishops, protected as they were by the government, took full advantage, and set up their own civil and military units, transforming themselves into the rulers of their own regions. The Catholics, in short, within a very brief period, had turned themselves into a state within a state.

The Vietnamese administration, therefore, upon taking over the North, came face to face with this extraordinary situation. Realizing that, unless they dealt very carefully there might be an internecine war, they set about handling the anomaly with the greatest care. This they did by avoiding antagonizing the Catholics on religious grounds, going so far as to appoint Catholic priests and even Catholic bishops to their administration. Ho Chi Minh, himself, had a Catholic bishop as his chief advisor.

Soon Vietnamese legislation, however, began to disturb the state of armistice between the Catholics and the regime. The many privileges which the Catholic Church until then had enjoyed were abolished. All religions were put on the same footing. Buddhism, the predominant faith of the majority, was given the same status as the Catholic Church. In August, 1953, to prove that the regime was not against the Catholic Church, there was organized a National Congress of Religions. Its main message: assurance that all religions would enjoy equality.

The Catholics objected most strongly to these measures. They expected and wanted special treatment. Only their church was the “true church.” They started to resist, and to stultify the measure. When the law was invoked against them, they accused the authorities of religious persecution. Violence ensued. Arrests were made. The new legislation of equality for all religions, and the arrests, were called at once, by the Catholic machinery at home and abroad, as unprecedented persecutions. The incidents were magnified beyond recognition by the Catholic and American propaganda apparatus everywhere. To promote even more confusion, the U.S. and Diem sent sabotage workers inside North Vietnam. These promoted demonstrations blew up bridges, and harassed the authorities, to no end. Rumor inspired by Diem and the CIA spread like wildfire, to the effect that the Catholics would be arrested and executed. Their own salvation was to escape to the South, where any Catholic from the North would be welcomed, given food, shelter, and a job.

Catholics fleeing Vietnam

To accelerate the exodus, or rather the disruption, the religious factor came to the fore. Suddenly all the villages were flooded by millions of leaflets. These told the faithful that Jesus Christ had gone south. When some Catholics expressed their doubts about Jesus’ migration, additional millions of leaflets appeared all over, declaring that His mother, the Virgin Mary, had departed from the North. Why had the Virgin Mary left the North? – Because the Mother of God wished to go south and live under a Catholic premier, Diem.

Since many still expressed their unwillingness to migrate, other rumors, no less sensational, were heard: the North was going to be atom-bombed. Only the South was safe for Catholics. A Central Evacuation Committee was set up. It was headed by a Catholic priest, and was financed directly by the U.S. One of its leaflets read as follows: “Dear Catholic brothers and sisters, hundreds of gigantic airplanes are waiting to transport you free to Saigon, in the South … There you will be given fertile rice fields … By remaining in the North, you will experience famine, and will damn your souls … ”

Similar and other types of religious terrors, literature and manufactured fear news flooded the Catholic population, creating as much confusion and incertitude as they could, by spreading rumors of all kinds. Indeed, it created panic. This was done chiefly by the distribution of emotional books, many written by U.S. Catholic priests, in which atrocities were described and narrated. Their titles helped to inflame odium against the enemy – “Deliver Us From Evil” being one of the most popular. Such literature appeared from nowhere, financed by U.S. Catholics who distributed propaganda, disguised as news, to the American public all over the U.S. The media was saturated by a Catholic slanted version of the whole story. This flood of Catholic literature had one main objective: to create sympathy for Diem and his Catholic regime. The additional religious fire was added from the Vatican itself, although done indirectly, was nevertheless highly effective.

The Catholic-CIA-Diem emotion-making machine came to the fore, with its most potent weapon: it enrolled our Lady of Fatima, promising an evacuation campaign. We have already seen what role our Lady of Fatima had been made to play in the religious-ideological strategy in the grand design of Pope Pius XII at the height of the Cold War and its aftermath. Now at the height of the Catholic mass dislocation of North Vietnam, Our Lady came once more to the forefront, as the standard bearer of religious ideological objectives.

A statue of Our Lady of Fatima was paraded in long meaningful processions in villages and cities. The statue had a particular significance, for it had been given by Pope Pius XII, himself, to the Catholics of Haiphong during their pilgrimage to Rome. The pope had given personal blessing to it after explaining that Our Lady had a unique significance for Asia, especially for the Catholics of Indo-China, namely Vietnam.

At this delicate juncture the statue was given added dramatic significance by the skillful use of further emotionalism. The Catholic-CIA-Diem propaganda machinery came out with the disclosure that the blessed statue “had been rescued” from the evil intents of the atheistic communists. What the communists intended to do to it, was never disclosed. The individual and collective sense of relief experienced by the already disturbed Catholics of North Vietnam, about the mother of God having escaped probably a fate worse even than death, however, was tremendous.

The statue of the rescued Lady of Fatima, now safe and sound in the hands of her worshippers, was paraded again and again in long emotional processions, as priests and others were reminding the populace that she had a special message for them, that she had been personally blessed by the Vicar of Christ on Earth, and above all that she had been rescued from the communists, because she wished them to leave the North and go south to live under a Catholic president. The participation of the Virgin was the last straw. Thousands upon thousands who until then could not make up their minds, finally, seeing how the Virgin of Fatima herself was leaving, plunged southward. The North Vietnamese government, alarmed at the scale or the migration, tried to ·stop it by giving assurances of all kinds. It was too late.

The first thousands were joined by the fast growing crowd. Within a very short time, the whole of the Catholic population appeared to have decided to leave, and became I a veritable mass exodus. Catholic priests, and Diem agents mingling with them, encouraged those who were still uncertain what to do. The· emotional impact of the religious pressure, however, became so irresistible, that whole villages, led by their bishops, left en mass. Repeated rumors of impending .atomic attacks hastened their departure.

As the rivulets of fleeing Catholics became a flood, Catholic Diem sent personal messages to President Eisenhower: Could the U.S. help with the evacuation of the persecuted Catholics from the North? Answer: Yes, the U.S. would help the Catholics. The Seventh Fleet was sent in. French warships joined in the mass exodus. A well organized Flight to Freedom was commenced. Catholic organizations, Catholic newsmen, and Catholic priests came over from the U.S. Some of them with the American Navy itself. During the three days voyage, masses were celebrated by Catholic priests in the American ships, the religious emotionalism, was kept at boiling point with emotional sermons and admonitions of certain Catholic padres of the U.S. Navy.

When the first vessel with the Catholic refugees arrived in Saigon, the. brother of President Diem, Bishop Ngo Dinh Thuc, Vicar Apostolic, and therefore the official representative of the pope, went to meet them and to bless them. The American ships had Catholic brethren from the North. Then to cap it all – at Christmas, Spellman himself went to Saigon as the special envoy of the pope, and the official representative of the American armed forces, where he gave the first check of $10,000, a gift from the U.S. Catholics. The many-branched efficient Catholic propaganda and charitable machinery meanwhile had set to work in earnest. Funds were raised to help the refugees, headed by the American Roman Catholic Welfare Fund. The Catholic lobby pestered President Eisenhower to give more and more money and more transport to the poor Catholics, the victims of unheard of religious persecutions; their plight . was compared to that of the early Christians under Nero. The Catholics of the North were escaping, as the U.S. Catholic propaganda machinery was never tired of repeating, “to preserve their faith.”

Certain unscrupulous personalities in Washington joined in the humbug fanfare, eager for political favoritism. This was headed by Vice-President Nixon, who persuaded the president to “put across the first American aid to Catholic Diem.” When it was allover, betweem 800 and 900 thousand North Vietnamese Catholics had fled from the North to be welcomed by Diem in the South.

The colossal influx of Catholics created problems of all kinds. These however were going to be solved with the goodwill of all concerned, beginning with those who ha( engineered the whole campaign, namely the Catholics of South Vietnam, certain elements of the U.S. and the CIA and the Vatican, since the ultimate goal was worth any sacrifice, be it of suffering, of principles, or even of lives. The real promotion of the campaign, however, had come not from the U.S. Catholics and the politico-military of Washington, but by the pope himself, in conjunction with the communist leader of North Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, in a secret deal, as we shall see presently in a subsequent chapter.

The ultimate objectives of the operation, in addition to those already described, were two: 1) The creation of a solid homogenous Catholic community upon which Diem and the U.S. could rely for the prosecution of the war against the North, and against domestic guerrilla units. 2) The erection of a Catholic controlled state, from which the Vatican could operate its many-branched-religious administration in Asia.

The U.S., as the Vatican’s principal ally, supported both objectives in so far that it regarded them the necessary instruments, via which it could carry out its main strategy. At this stage, its goals being: the hastening of the end of the Vietnamese war, the future pacification and subsequent stabilization of the entire region.

While to the Vatican, these objectives, in political and military terms, were worthy of support, yet, behind and beyond them, it had a scheme of far more import than either, as far as its long range religious global policy was concerned. The scheme could be summarized in the setting of a model Catholic state in the heart of Southeast Asia. Its creation entailed an administration which was totally Catholic, which was inspired by a nucleus of Catholics, which were 100%reliable, religiously and ideologically, notwithstanding the fact that they had to rule a vast majority which practised Buddhism. The achievement of this goal necessitated first the neutralization of those who might object to the scheme; secondly the elimination of those who would actively oppose it; and ultimately the removal of anyone or anything which did not accept the Catholicization of South Vietnam.

The scheme had been the brain child of Pope Pius XII, and had been supported by Cardinal Spellman, and had been abetted by John Foster Dulles. It had been approved by sundry U.S. politicians of the inner circle of the Catholic lobby in Washington, not to mention by certain elements at the CIA, many of whom were non-Catholics. Also by certain political strategists at the Pentagon, whose main concern was, that as long as the scheme served American strategic objectives, everything went.

Operation resettlement began in earnest. Agencies of all kinds were set up for the purpose. The Diem government spawned them daily. The most efficient and the most effective being provided by the U.S., or rather by the American taxpayers, the majority of whom are Protestants. U.S. money was poured in at once. The U.S. gave an instant 40 million dollars to resettle the Catholics. This meant that every Catholic, who had left North Vietnam, was given about 89 dollars each by Protestant America to reinforce the Catholic administration of Diem. This, it must be remembered, in a country where the average income of the average Buddhist was only 85 dollars per year.

Cardinal Spellman

Cardinal Spellman

Cardinal Spellman, one of the ablest of the American cardinals. He was a skillful financial operator and a vigorous politician. He became one of the main inspirers of the Cold War because of his belief that Bolshevism, as incarnated in Soviet Russia, was intrinsically evil and must be contained and if possible, destroyed. He was a personal friend of Pius XII since the days when Pius was Papal Nuncio in Germany and helped the Nazis form a legal government in January, 1933. Pius XII used Spellman as the spokesman for the Vatican in America to influence politicians, businessmen, military leaders, and the Catholic lobby. He was active in persuading the U.S. to select Diem and support him as president of South Vietnam. He was made Vicar General of the U.S. Armed Forces and called the GI’s the “soldiers of Christ” in his frequent visits to the Vietnam was front. He was convinced that the war was a just war to save Christian (read Catholic) civilization.

The U.S. taxpayer supported the Catholics for more than two years. In addition to pouring out millions of dollars, it sent millions of tons of food, surplus agricultural instruments, vehicles and uncountable goods of kinds, everything covered and paid for by the U.S. “Relief Program.” This American never-ending abundance was distributed and therefore controlled by the “Catholic Relief Services,” a branch of the Diem machinery. The government and the Catholic hierarchy worked hand in hand.

State officials consulted the Catholic priests as to where the U.S. relief or money should go, or to whom it should be given. The result was that the Catholics got everything, whereas those who were not Catholic were lucky if they got a meal or a few cents. This in contrast to the Catholic communities which got the bulk of the U.S. donation. Individuals or Buddhist villages were practically ignored, whether they had come from the North or were native Southerners. The result was that the U.S. aid, food, technicians and general assistance was given almost exclusively to Catholics. The latter, to court the favor of the American Relief Fund Authorities, organized themselves into paramilitary militias “to fight the communists and all those who supported them,” meaning the Buddhists.

These Catholic armed groups were encouraged by American personnel, with the help of the Vietnamese Catholic bishops. The latter inspired and blessed numberless local self-defense Catholic groups. These became known as “Mobile Catholic Units, for the Defense of Christendom” – that is, for the defense of the Catholic Church. They sprang up everywhere and were soon labeled the “Sea Swallows.”

In addition to the above, Diem saw to it that the new Catholic immigrants were given key positions in the government, the regular army, the police, from the top down to provincial and district levels. So that soon many officials and officers who were not Catholic were replaced or downgraded, if not dismissed altogether. The Catholicization of the state machinery was being promoted in record time, it must be remembered, with the active approval of the U.S.

That the U.S. was behind this incredible sectarian operation was demonstrated by the fact that the U.S. mission itself set up the Vietnam Bureau of Investigations. This open para-military unit was supported by a rural Catholic militia composed of more than 40,000 men.

Every echelon of Diem’s new administration was filled with practicing Catholics. To make sure that only Catholics got all the key positions, Diem terminated the 500 year democratic tradition of the local villages by which chiefs were elected by the population and replaced them with the Catholics who had arrived from the North. His personal slogan: “Put your Catholic officers in sensitive places. They can be trusted. ”

To add more weight to such undemocratic structure, Diem then charged the Catholic priests with the administration of the land owned by the Church, which meant that in almost every village, the local Catholic priest, became a quasi public official, endowed with religious, administrative and political powers.

Besides this, Diem then hastened government aid to Catholic organizations of all kinds. He gave extra help – to Catholic units – for good work. The vigilantes and the para-military groups, including sections of the army were employed to build and to repair Catholic buildings. Catholic propaganda was transmitted by the national radio. Catholics were hastily promoted to the top ranks in the Army and in the bureaucracy. The bishops were treated as state ministers in all public ceremonies.

The massive result of this blatant partiality for anything or anybody who was Catholic was that many decided to join the Catholic Church. More than 33,000 people became Catholic by the end of 1954. Officials in the national or local administration were converted, not to risk endangering their careers. Ambitious individuals did the same. Others became Catholics, having discovered that Catholics got the best food, clothing and money, indeed having found out that even when the U.S. sent relief – food for the Vietnamese population at large, only the Catholics were assured of help, the Buddhists more often than not, got nothing.

This outrageous favoritism eventually came into the’ open in the U.S. when finally it was discovered how all the aid which had been sent to South Vietnam and which had been distributed mostly by the “Catholic Relief Services” during two whole years, had been deliberately used to persuade Buddhists to become Catholic. Having proved such mishandling of American aid, the U.S. officials at long last refused to give more aid to Catholic Relief Service.

The inner Catholic and military cliques in South Vietnam and in the U.S. exercised pressure on Capitol Hill to such effect that eventually the ruling was changed. Yet, notwithstanding their efforts to hide the scandal for fear of Protestant reaction at home, it came to light that the hundreds of , thousands of tons of food sent by the U.S., and meant for an estimated 700,000 people – “of all denominations” was received by only 270,000 individuals.

One American general involved in the request for food to be given to the Catholic Relief Services, was none other than General William Westmoreland. Curiously enough, this leading general became himself a convert to the Roman Catholic Church while conducting military operations in South Vietnam, an illustrious victim of Diem’s Catholic proselytizing. It was eventually discovered that, whereas the Catholics got their food absolutely free, the Buddhists had to pay for it. This applied not only to funds which had been sent by Catholic organizations from the U.S., but also to funds which had been sent by the U.S. administration to be used for the relief of all independently of their religious affiliations.

The result of such deliberate discriminations was that thousands of individuals, or families and indeed in many instances of entire villages, became Catholics, encouraged by the Catholic authorities, or by the Diem government. Many changed their religion not only to retain their jobs, but to avoid bodily transfer, better known as resettlement. Resettlement more often than not, spelled the loss of the houses, or of the lands of those who had been resettled. By being transferred elsewhere, they had to leave behind all they had in terms of physical assets, or of social, family and religious ties.

Diem’s main objective was a fundamental one as far as his short and long range policy was concerned. He wanted to strengthen Catholic communities with additional Catholic communities, to transform them into reliable centers from which to promote his religious and political objectives.

Having consolidated the State machinery with loyal Catholics, and feeling sure of their loyalty, not to mention of the tacit and indeed active support of his protector, the U.S., Diem took the second step to make his dream come true. He undertook a systematic and well calculated policy against the non-Catholic religions.

His policy was directed at the neutralization, disruption and finally, elimination of the Buddhists or Buddhist inspired religions of Vietnam. These sects, many opposing each other on religious and political grounds, could nevertheless equal, and indeed effectively oppose any Catholic administration, had they created a united front.

Diem’s policy was a subtle one. He encouraged their dissensions. This he did by giving bribes, by sending agents in their midst, by promising official protection, and by denying the same to others. The result became apparent in no time. The religious sects fell into the Diem trap. They began to fight one another with increasing bitterness. This culminated with the internecine religious-political feud, between the Binh Xuyen, and the Hao Hao and the Cao Dai groups. Their enmity was not only religious, it was concretely real. Their battle was a bloody one. At one time various quarters of Saigon itself were devastated. The Buddhists set up a committee to give aid to the victims. Diem suppressed them at once.

The struggles between the opposing religious-political rivals gave a sound excuse to Diem to do what he had in mind long ago. He set about to arrest the leading members of the hostile religions. The arrests eliminated the most potentially dangerous of his opponents. As a result, in due course opposition from the religious quarter had almost vanished.

Having made sure that the indigenous religious-political opponents had been neutralized, Diem then took a further step, the consolidation of his political power. To that effect, he organized a referendum and replaced Bao Dai, who until then, had been the official head of government. Thereupon he proclaimed a Republic of Vietnam. Having succeeded in this, on October 22, 1955, he became or rather he made himself its president.

The next year, October 26, 1956, he promulgated a new Constitution. imitating Mussolini, Hitler, and also Ante Pavelich of Catholic Croatia, (not to mention Franco of Catholic Spain, and Salazar of Catholic Portugal,) he inserted an article, Article 98, which gave him full dictatorial powers. The article read in part as follows:” During the first legislative term, the president (that is Diem) may decree a temporary suspension of … (there followed almost all the civil liberties of the nation) to meet the legitimate demands of public security, etc.”

The article should have expired in April, 1961, but it was maintained indefinitely. But even more dangerously ominous was a decree that Diem had issued before that. In January, 1956, he had already promulgated a personal presidential order, which was already portending the shape of things to come. The Order 46, read as follows: “Individuals considered dangerous to the national defense and common security may be confined by executive order, to a concentration camp.”

Although some American “advisors” had blinked at the decree, it was taken for granted. They were mere threatening words. Others, however, knew they were meant to be preparatory measures to be taken once the transformation of South Vietnam into a total Catholic State started to be put into force.

The campaign began with a mass denunciation of communism. That is, it was given a purely ideological undertone. It was officially called “The Anti-Communist Denunciation Campaign.” The operation was acceptable and, in view of the circumstances, was even a plausible one. Yet, behind its facade its real objective was the Catholicization of the country. It was McCarthyism transplanted into Vietnam. The campaign, in fact, had been inspired and promoted by the same elements which had supported McCarthyism in the U.S. Chief amongst these were the Kennedy brothers, Mr. Richard Nixon, Cardinal Spellman and certain factions of the CIA.

The Vietnamese McCarthyism turned even more vicious than its American counterpart. It was brought down to street and denominational levels. Sections of villages denounced other sections because they were not as Catholic as themselves, under the excuse that they were not as anticommunist. Students, and indeed children, were encouraged to denounce their parents. School teachers instructed their pupils to listen and to report members of their families who criticized either Diem or the bishops, or the Catholic Church.

Parents, grandparents, professors, monks, Buddhists were arrested without any warrant or legal formalities. Soon searches and raids were organized in a systematic scale all over South Vietnam. A fearful pattern came quickly to the fore: denunciations and arrests of suspects, interrogations by the police, re-groupings, the encirclements of whole villages, the disappearance of individuals, without leaving any trace. Brutal interrogations, deportations, and indiscriminate tortures were used wherever those arrested did not cooperate in denouncing others.

The jails were soon bursting with prisoners. The mass arrests became so numerous that finally it was necessary to open detention camps followed by additional ones euphemistically called internment camps. The reality of the matter being that they were veritable death camps. To mention only one by name, that of Phu Loi, Thu Dai Mot province, where there occurred a mass poisoning of more than 600 people, there were over 1000 dead.

There followed massacres within and outside such detention sites, like those which took place at Mocay, Thanhphu, Soctrang, Cangiuoc, Dailoc, Duyxuyen, to mention only a few. Religious sects and racial minorities were persecuted, arrested and whenever possible eliminated. To save themselves from arrest or even death many detainees had to accept the religion, language and customs of the new South Vietnam, as did the minority of Chinese and the Khmer, whose schools were closed down. Minor groups were exterminated or accepted the Catholic Church to save their lives.

Whereas a democracy is inspired by certain basic democratic principles, and a communist dictatorship is erected upon the tenants of Marxism, so Catholic totalitarianism, must be promoted by the doctrines enacted by the Catholic Church., Because of this, Diem became determined to create a model Catholic State in Southeast Asia. The tenets which inspired him most were embodied in the social teachings of three of Diem’s favorites, Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius IX and Pope Pius XI.

Diem took the teaching of these popes literally. For instance, he firmly held, as Pope Pius IX declared in his Syllabus of Errors, “that it is an error to believe that: the church is not a true and perfect society.” For the Church to be perfect, the state must be integrated with her so that the two become as one, because quoting again Pius IX “it is an error to believe that: the Church ought to be separated from the State and State from the Church” a principle, which went totally against the Constitution of the U.S., his sponsor.

Elements preventing such union, therefore, had to be eliminated. These meant the Protestants, at that time numbering about 50,000, mostly Baptists and Seventh Day Adventists. Diem had planned to eliminate them chiefly via legislation by prohibiting their missions, closing their schools, and refusing licenses to preach or have religious meetings. This he would have done legally in accordance with the future concordat to be signed with the Vatican, modeled upon that of Franco’s Spain. Such anti-Protestant legislation would have been enforced once the war was over and a Catholic state had been firmly established.

That this was no mere speculation, curiously enough was confirmed at that period in London, England. The present author at that time lived only a few hundred yards from the Embassy of South Vietnam, Victoria Road, Kensington. He called at the embassy a number of times to find out the reason for the Diem regime’s “harassing certain disruptive Buddhist sects.” Documents, all official, were given justifying the harassment. The official explanation was that the Buddhists were “prosecuted” not on religious but on political grounds. When the present author mentioned the Protestants, an official explained that they were a special case. Since they were Christians, their “prosecution” would be justified, once the domestic situation had become normal, on the ground that a state – in this case, the Catholic State of South Vietnam – had to be inspired by the tenets upon which it is founded. A perfect Catholic State, therefore, could not tolerate Protestants nor Christians who did not believe in the uniqueness of the Catholic Church. This, it should be pointed out, was at the time when Pope John XXIII had launched the era of ecumenism. The high official who gave the explanation should have known, since he was none other than President Diem’s own brother, also a staunch Catholic, Ambassador Ngo Dinh. Another official, a former Baptist, subsequently confirmed that there existed already a blueprint for the formal elimination of Protestantism in a future United Vietnam.

That these were no mere theoretical plans for the future, was proved by the fact that Diem started his program in earnest. Prior to eliminating any Protestant or Buddhist, he had first to Catholicize the fabric of Vietnam. One most important section of these is education. The Catholic Church is adamant on the subject.

To create a total Catholic State one has to shape its youth, the future citizens of tomorrow. A tenet, which has created no end of trouble in many lands, including the U.S. itself, with her problem of parochial aid and the claim of the Catholic church for special educational exclusiveness. Since Diem had no restriction, he saw to it that the command of his Church be strictly enforced.

In 1957, he instituted a Roman Catholic university at Dalat; by 1963, it had already over 500 students – the future intelligentsia of the country. Diem also made sure that Catholic professors and teachers be given seats at two state universities, at Hue and at Saigon respectively. The following year the Jesuits set up seminaries in the same cities. The regime built 435 charitable institutions; between 1953 and 1963 Diem set up 145 middle and upper schools, of which 30 were in Saigon alone, with a total of 62,324 pupils.

During the same period the Catholic Church in South Vietnam, from having only three upper and middle schools in 1953, had multiplied them to 1,060 schools by 1963, a brief period of only ten years.

Simultaneously to the above, Diem built 92,000 square meters of hospitals, charitable and educational institutions; but 526,000 square meters of luxury residences and Catholic Churches.

At the same time, Diem set to build his Catholic State upon the social doctrines of the popes. These, during the beginning of our century, had inspired sundry social movements which had caused deep repercussions in Europe. Most notable of all in Italy.

It was the spirit of such Papal social doctrines in fact, which had first inspired Italian fascism, for setting up the Corporate State in Vietnam, but with a veneer of contemporaneity and with certain modifications suitable to an Asian country.

To add an additional touch of originality, thereupon Diem invented his own philosophy, derived not only from the teaching of the popes, but equally from a social farrago, first conceived by a group of Catholic intellectuals, around 1930, when fascism was at its height and called “personalism.”

After his attempts to set up a corporate machinery, Diem started to pass laws to enforce his plan. This entailed not only repressive legislation, but equally the use of brute force.

Once more Diem found inspiration in certain papal teaching, that of Pope Pius IX, according to whom, it is an error to believe that: “the church has not the power of using force, nor has she any temporal power, direct or indirect.” (Error No. 24 – Syllabus of Errors)

Justifying his religious credence with his personal political ambition, Diem, during the ensuing eight years, became increasingly dictatorial, disregarding ever more openly any democratic formality, flouting any advise, becoming ever more impervious to any criticism, including the criticisms of certain U.S. military and civil “advisors.” Many of these sent meaningful reports of what was going on to Washington, predicting disaster. The Dulles-CIA-Catholic lobby however, saw to it that they never reached the right quarters, beginning with President Eisenhower himself.

Diem’s religious-political egocentrism meanwhile assumed fearful proportions. His philosophy of “personalism” turned into a blatant personality cult on the par with that promoted in Soviet Russia by Stalin and in nazi Germany by Hitler. His portraits invaded every corner of the land; absence of his image, even in private homes, could render anyone suspect of opposition and hence liable of sudden arrest, prison and detention camps. The personality cult, so typical of the European dictatorships, reached such an extent that finally altars with his portrait were erected in the street where the national anthem was played or sung as a hymn of praise to Diem.

With the personality cult, there developed a fanatical hatred against any form of opposition. The two are inseparable. This meant a relentless elimination of any semblance of civil liberties or freedom of thought, religious and political. Diem kept ever more strict personal control of the police, headed, as we have already said, by one of his brothers. Security networks were multiplied and toughened. Commando squads were formed. Riot control – always on the ready – were trained with ruthless efficiency. It is of particular interest to the American reader that the crack-model of the latter, were created, trained and toughened up by the Southern Michigan University group, under the sponsorship of the CIA.

Blatant violations of civil liberties, of personal freedom, multiplied by the thousands. Dissenters, of all ages and political or religious persuasion, were hauled off to jail or to concentration camps. To better check the dissatisfied, every peasant was compelled to carry an identification card.

With the toughening of the Diem regime, these dissenters were no longer the communists or the Buddhists. Catholics by now had also joined the opposition. These were the Catholics Diem had originally lured away from the North. Thousands of them had demanded that Diem keep his word. They demonstrated, asking for the land, homes, and jobs which they had been promised. An ever increasing number finally said that they wanted to be repatriated back to North Vietnam. Diem’s response was typical. The demonstrations were ruthlessly suppressed~ any identifiable individual, or group, whether Buddhist or Catholic, was arrested, jailed, sent into a camp, or even summarily shot.

It has been reckoned, and the figures although lacking any official confirmation are considered to be concretely reliable, that during this period of terror – that is from 1955 to 1960 – at least 24,000 were wounded, 80,000 people were executed or otherwise murdered, 275,000 had been detained, interrogated with or without physical torture, and about 500,000 were sent to concentration or detention camps. This is a conservative estimate.

The creation of a totalitarian Catholic regime was made to go on regardless. The opposition from all sectors of the country increased. Strikes took place with ever increasing frequency, chiefly because of the deteriorating economic situation. In May, 1957, 200,000 workers demonstrated in Saigon alone. Next year May Day 1958, the demonstrators had increased to 500,000. There were strikes and demonstrations throughout the country in subsequent years. The Catholics from the North asked chiefly for repatriation.

The state-machinery of suppression, however, had become too efficient to be weakened by any resistance, whether of an economic or political character. The native and American expertise directed the control of the populace and of any individual dissension, having worked like a miracle machine. It was thanks chiefly to this, that Diem felt confident he would ride the storm in the streets, and it was also mainly thanks to such a miraculous machine of repression, that Diem finally felt sufficiently strong to undertake another measure, directed at the establishment of his Catholic Vietnam.

He boldly turned to a direct confrontation with what he considered to be the principal obstacle to his religious-political dreams. That is, he attacked the main religion of the country, Buddhism itself.

The Catholic repression of South Vietnam was not the work of a fanatical individual, or of a group of individuals, like the three Diem brothers, dedicated to the Catholicization of a Buddhist country. It was the by-product of a well calculated long range policy conceived and promoted by minds whose basic objectives were the expansion at all costs, of a religion which they were convinced was the only true religion on earth.

The main inspirer and prosecutor of such a policy, as we have already seen, was Pope Pius XII. Such policy was totally consonant with his global strategy, directed at two fundamental objectives: the destruction of communism, and the expansion of the Catholic Church.

Pope Pius XII had dedicated his whole life to the pursuance of both, with a dedication which was admired by friends and feared by his foes. He was one of the inspirers of the Cold War. The Vietnam War, in its turn, was the logical offspring of the greater global ideological conflict which had come to the fore following the termination of World War II, and which had involved the continuous expansion of communist Russia, in Europe and Asia. The U.S. determined to stop such Red expansion at all costs.

As we have indicated earlier, such conflict had drawn the Vatican and the U.S. together in the pursuance of a common anti-communist strategy. Each used whatever weapons it could muster, in their own respective military fields. Where the U.S. employed its economic and military might, the Vatican deployed the subtler weapons of diplomacy, political pressure and above all, of religion.

These weapons were used with increasing liberality in Vietnam, from the very beginning. The two partners had the same political objective: the elimination of communism in IndoChina. In the 50’s the U.S. had attempted the same in Korea, and had failed. Encouraged by such American failure, Soviet Russia attempted another territorial conquest, this time in Europe. In 1956-7 justifying herself with the excuse of a Catholic-Nationalist-anti-communist plot, Soviet Russia sent her tanks rolling into Hungary, occupied that country, and set up an iron-fist communist dictatorship in Budapest.

The latent tension between Soviet Russia and her communist empire and the U.S.-Vatican partners came to the fore once again, and talks about an impending outbreak of World War III were heard once more on both sides of the Atlantic. The fear was not caused by rhetorical threats or by empty diplomatic gestures.

How close to war the world had come at this juncture, only a few years after the Korean conflict, was eventually disclosed by the highest American authority who knew more than anybody else what had been going on behind the scenes, namely, John Foster Dulles, the U.S. Secretary of State. He knew simply because he was one of the main organizers of the grand CIA-Fatima scheme.

As we have already said, John Foster Dulles at this time was the veritable foreign policymaker of the U.S. General Eisenhower, the President, a good, man, knew more about war than about the intricacies of foreign policies. As a result, he left practically the entire field in the hands of Dulles, whose paramount obsession was communism. Such obsession matched that of Pius XII. Dulles mobilized all the immense resources of the U.S. to deal with it the world over. He turned into the staunchest associate of Pius XII.

The association became one of the most formidable working partnerships of the period. Dulles conducted his policies very often without the approval or even the knowledge of the President. He was helped in this by the fact that, in addition to the regular U.S. diplomatic machinery, he used more than anything else the secretive and omnipotent apparatus of the CIA. Indeed, it can be said that he conducted American foreign policy via the CIA. This was facilitated by the ominous fact that the inspirer, director, and master controller of the whole CIA was none other than his own brother, Alan Dulles.

The two brothers worked so closely together that President Eisenhower more than once had his official policy “nullified” by the CIA. The most spectacular example being the collapse of the American-Russian Summit Meeting of 1960, when the CIA sent a spy plane over Russia so as to prevent the American President and the Russian Premier from terminating the “Cold War.” The meeting, thanks to the CIA plane, was canceled. It was one of the CIA’s most sensational triumphs.

John Foster Dulles (whose son, incidentally, became a Jesuit) and Alan Dulles, in total accord with the Vatican Intelligence, conducted a foreign policy based on threats of “massive retaliation” – that is, of atomic warfare.

At the height of the Hungarian insurrection – that is, in 1956 – John Foster Dulles openly acknowledged to a horrified world that the U.S. had stood on the brink three times:

“Mr. Dulles admitted that the U.S. had on three occasions in the past eighteen months come closer to atomic war … than was imagined,”

as the London and New York Times somberly reported. “The Third World War had been avoided,” they further commented, “only because Mr. Dulles … had seen to it that Moscow and Peking were informed of the U.S. intention to use the atomic weapons.”

What did Pope Pius XII do during these terrible crises? Particularly since he, more than anyone else in the highest positions, knew what was going on behind the scenes between the U.S. and Russia?

He intensified the cult of Fatima. The cult was given added luster and impetus. Catholic churches prayed for the “liberation,” – that is, for a speedy fulfillment of the “prophecy” of Our Lady. This also in view of the fact that the third “secret” of Our Lady of Fatima had to be revealed within a few years – that is in 1960.

Although no one knew what the Fatima “secret” was, it was whispered that it was the imminent liberation and conversion of Russia. Pope Pius XII, of course, could not let Our Lady’s third and last “secret” remain a secret from him too. He had the sealed letter, containing the secret according to one of the children who had spoken to Our Lady at Fatima, opened. He then related that, upon reading it, he had almost fainted with horrified astonishment. It was as good a method as any to incite the Fatima frenzy to even higher expectations.

Not content with this, Pius XII came to the fore personally to condition the Catholic world to the oncoming war. Thus during the winter of 1956-7, immediately following the failure of the Hungarian counter-revolution, he brazenly called upon all Catholics to join in a veritable Fatima crusade. He urged them to take part “in a war of effective self·defense,” asking that the United Nations be given “the right and the power of forestalling all military intervention of one State into another.”

Indeed, at this very terrible period when the U.S. and Russia were truly on the brink of an atomic war, he went so far, as we have already quoted, as to reiterate “the morality of a defensive war,” thus echoing. the very words of his secret Chamberlain, the Secretary of the U.S. Navy, Mr. Matthews, in his famous Boston speech.

The following year (October, 1958), Pius XII, assailed by even more frequent attacks of nerves, asthma, and a general neurosis, died. For years he had been sustained by an immense amount of drugs, possibly the real cause of many hallucinations, promptly accounted as “miracles” by his admirers.

When during and after the Russian invasion of Hungary in Europe, communism set out upon a territorial conquest of Indo-China, the U.S., still smarting under the defeat of Korea, found a willing ally in the Catholic Church, as we have already pointed out.

When the French started to crumble under the relentless blows of the communists of Indo-China, the Catholic Church welcomed the U.S. intervention, hopefully expecting that the American presence would help expedite the conquest of the entire province. The Church had already been in the field combating a retroactive campaign against Red expansionism.

The military and ideological success of the Viet- Minhs, and the increasing popularity of their cause, upset the Vatican’s hopes. It led to something which the Vatican had always opposed, namely the division of Vietnam into two halves – the North and the South.

The Geneva Agreement, which sanctioned such division, therefore became anathema to Vatican strategists as much as it was to its supporters in the U.S. But whereas the U.S. came to accept the split in military and political terms, no matter how provisional, the Vatican never did so. It judged the division as a major setback almost as great as the defeat of the French.

The Vatican however, while rejecting the split of the country, continued to cooperate and indeed to encourage an ever deeper intervention of the U.S., the better to use American economic and military strength to carry on with the promotion of a unified Vietnam, where ultimately the Church would rule supreme, once the war had been won.

The Vatican never accepted the division of Vietnam, as envisaged by Geneva, because of the consistency of its general strategy. This could be identified with the pursuit of four main objectives: 1) the maintenance of the unity of Vietnam; 2) total elimination of communism; 3) Catholicization of the whole country; 4) the creation of a totalitarian Catholic state, to achieve and to maintain the first three.

Steps had been taken long before the division occurred for the concretization of such a policy. As we have already seen, it was the Vatican, with the help of the U.S. Catholic lobby headed by Cardinal Spellman, that initially propelled Diem into power. The powerful trio, namely Pius XII, Cardinal Spellman and John Foster Dulles, were behind the setting up of a semi-totalitarian regime in South Vietnam from its inception. It was they, in fact, who advised Diem to challenge the Geneva Agreement; to refuse to have the elections as promised to the people of Vietnam, in order to find out whether the Vietnamese people wanted unification or not.

We have seen what the disastrous result of such refusal portended for Vietnam and the U.S. itself. Subsequent efforts to reach some form of understanding with North Vietnam were consistently scotched by President Diem, upon the direct advice of the Vatican and of Washington. In July, 1955, according to the Geneva Agreement, Diem had been expected to begin consultations for the elections scheduled in 1956: “The conference declares that, so far as Vietnam is concerned, the settlement of political problems on the basis of respect for the principle of independence … national elections shall be held in July, 1956 under the supervision of an International Commission … ”

The Republic of North Vietnam suggested to Diem that the pre-electoral consultative conference should be held. This was done in May and June, 1956, in July, 1957, in May, 1958 and again in July, 1959. The offer was to be negotiated between North and South Vietnam, on the basis of “free general elections by secret ballot.” All such offers were rejected. Diem refused to have the election called for in Article 7 of the Declaration of the Geneva Agreements. The U.S. supported him fully. The result of such refusal was the disastrous civil war which ensued. American Senator Ernest Gruening, in a speech delivered to the U.S. Senate April 9, 1965, had this to say about it. “That civil war began … when Diem’s regime – at our urging – refused to carry out the provision contained in the Geneva Agreement to hold elections for the reunification of Vietnam.” The accusation of the Senator was correct. What he failed to tell the Senate, and thus to the American people however, was the fact that the real culprits responsible for such a breach of faith had not even been mentioned. This for the simple reason that they were active, behind the scenes, in the corridors of a secretive diplomacy, which was beyond the reach of the government.

It could not be otherwise. Since such secret diplomacy was the brainchild of a church which was pursuing ideological objectives to ultimately aggrandize herself in the religious field. The better to conduct her policies, therefore, she had turned one of her representatives into a subtle relentless politician, who although never elected by any American voter, nevertheless could exert more influence in the conduct of American diplomacy than any individual in the House of Representatives,. the Senate, or even the U.S. government itself. The name of such a person was Cardinal Spellman.

Cardinal Spellman was so identified with the Vietnam War that after he came out in the open prior to years of hidden promotional activities, he became the popular epitome of the war itself, and this to such an extent, that the Vietnam War eventually was labeled the Spellman War. This was not a scornful adjective. It was the verbal epitome of a concrete reality. Cardinal Spellman, as the personalized vehicle of the double Vatican-American strategy, had begun to represent the Catholic-American policy itself. To that effect he was fully endowed with the right attributes. He was the religious-military representative of both Catholic and military powers since he represented both, being the Vicar of the American Armed Forces of the U.S. He was always flown in American military aircrafts, visited regularly the U.S. troops in Vietnam, and repeatedly declared, with the personal approval of both Pius XII and J.F. Dunes, that the U.S. troops in South Vietnam were: “the soldiers of Christ.” Which in this context, being cardinal of the Catholic Church, meant soldiers of the Catholic Church.

During the conflict, while the North was attempting to reach some form of agreement with the South, the Vatican intervened again and again to prevent any kind of understanding between the two. This it did, by the most blatant use of religion. During the Marian Congress of 1959 held in Saigon, for instance, it consecrated the whole of Vietnam to the Virgin Mary. The consecration had been inspired by Rome.

This sealed for good any possibility of peaceful cooperation between North and South Vietnam, since to the millions of Catholics which had fled, the consecration of the whole of Vietnam to the Virgin had the gravest political implications. To them it meant one thing: no cooperation with the North. The following year, the Vatican went further and took an even more serious step. It was a well calculated move, which although seemingly of an ecclesiastical nature, yet had the most profound political implication. On December 8, 1960, the pope established “an ordinary Catholic episcopal hierarchy for all of Vietnam.” Thereupon, he took an even more daring step, he created. an archdiocese in the capital of the communist North itself.

This was done not by Pope Pius XII, the arch-enemy of communism and the architect of the original Vietnam religious-political strategy, who meanwhile had died in 1958, but by his successor, Pope John XXIII, the initiator of ecumenism and of goodwill to all men. The implication was that the Vatican considered the whole of Vietnam one indivisible country; which in this context meant that the North had to be joined with the South, ruled as it was by a devout son of the Church.

Sons, would have been a more realistic description, since South Vietnam, by now, had become the political domain of a single family, whose members had partitioned the land and the governmental machinery into fortresses from which to impose the Catholic yoke upon an unwilling population.

President Diem was not only the official head of the government, he was also the head of a family junta composed of exceptionally zealous Catholics, who monopolized the most important offices of the regime. One brother, Ngo Dinh Luyen, ruled the province of the Cham minorities, another brother Ngo Dinh Can, governed central Vietnam, as a warlord from the town of Hue – the center of Buddhism. A third brother, Ngo Dinh Thuc, was the Catholic archbishop of the province of Thuathien. Yet another brother Ngo Dinh Nhu, a trade union leader, was the head of the semi-secret Can Lao Movement, and the head of the fearful secret police. His wife was Madame Nhu, better known as The Dragon Lady. Her father became ambassador to the U.S. There were also nephews, nieces and others – all zealous Catholics. In addition to these, there were friends, army officers, judges, top Civil Service officials, all Catholics acting in total accordance with the Catholic had Church and her objective. Seen from this angle, therefore, the Vatican moves were most significant in religious and political terms.

This was so, not only because of the situation in Vietnam as a whole, and of South Vietnam in particular, but equally, because a no less portentous event, meanwhile, had occurred in the U.S. itself. The Kennedy Administration was taking over from President Eisenhower.

Kennedy, the fervent Catholic lobbyist and supporter of Diem, set in earnest to promote the policy he had advocated for so long while still a Senator. It was no coincidence that as soon as he was in the White House, Kennedy escalated the U.S. involvement in South Vietnam. By the end of 1961,30,000 Americans had been sent to Vietnam to prosecute the war, and thus indirectly to help Catholic Diem and his Catholic regime. A far cry from the mere 1,000 American advisors sent so reluctantly by his predecessor, Eisenhower. The result was that the “limited risk” gamble of President Eisenhower had been suddenly transformed into the “unlimited commitment” by the Catholic Diem sponsor, Catholic President Kennedy. It was the beginning of the disastrous American involvement into the Vietnam War.

The gravity of Diem’s policy of religious repression can best be judged if we remember that Christianity in Southeast Asia was a minority, and furthermore, that the Catholic Church was a minority of a minority.

In Vietnam, out of a total population at that time of between 10 to 11 million peoples, only 1,500,000 were Roman Catholics. Of these, two thirds were refugees from the North, whereas the other Christians, mostly Baptists or Seventh Day Adventists, numbered approximately 50,000. The rest of the country was solidly Buddhist or professed religions derivatives from Buddhism.

This meant that the Catholics made up a mere 12 to 13 percent of the whole of South Vietnam. The equivalent would be, as if a mere 12 to 13 per cent of Buddhists, or Hindus, or Moslems should attempt to terrorize the 230 million people of the U.S., the great bulk of whom are Christian.

His campaign of erosion and of direct and indirect elimination of the religious and political influence of Buddhism, of course, had run concurrently with the creation of a police state, and with the increasing acceleration of his Catholicization of the state, of the army and of the police force.

While so engaged, Diem’s anti-Buddhist activities had been astutely kept in the background. This policy was justified, since, before dealing with the problem, he had first to strengthen his political and police apparatus.

The spark was ignited when the sectarian volcano which had been simmering under the surface for some time finally burst out into the open on June 5, 1963. The Roman Catholics celebrated the day to honor Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc, Diem’s brother. In their elation, they flew the flag of the Vatican at Hue, a predominately Buddhist city. There was no opposition or any violent protest on the part of the Buddhists.

Three days later, the whole of South Vietnam prepared itself to celebrate the 2,507th birthday of Buddha. The celebration centered in Hue, the center of Buddhist culture during more than 2,000 years. The Buddhists asked permission to fly the Buddhist flag. The Diem government’s answer: a resounding No/When the day arrived, thousands of Buddhists protested the government’s refusal. In addition Diem, two days before, had issued an ordinance which forbade the carrying of religious banners. The ordinance became known only after the Catholics had flown the Vatican’s flag. Diem troops fired on the crowd and killed nine Buddhists. As a result of such blatant Catholic sectarianism, demonstrations took place all over South Vietnam. Buddhist leaders went to see Diem, asking for an end of such discrimination. Diem refused to pay indemnities for the victims, refused responsibility, and to cap it all, refused to punish those who had been responsible for the killings.

The Buddhist leaders, undeterred, gathered 400 monks and nuns, and on May 30 sat down for four hours before the National Assembly in the heart of Saigon. Then, since nothing happened, they declared a 48 hour hunger strike. The hunger strike spread elsewhere. After a token gesture during which he discharged three of his officials, Diem stated that the killings had been caused by – communist agitators.

The hunger strike spread to the general population, until – over 10,000 individuals participated in Saigon alone. To add to the solemnity of the mass protest, the giant gong tolled incessantly from its principal tower, the gong of Xa Loi Pagoda. In the other Buddhist capital, Hue, the peaceful demonstration took a violent turn and fighting broke out. The violence was so unrestrained, that the main pagoda of Tu Dam was left almost in ruins.

The Buddhist tolerance finally gave way to concrete anger. A Buddhist crowd took the law into their own hands and burned to the ground a whole Catholic village next to Da Nang. In Hue, as violence recurred, the authorities imposed martial law. As a result, a Buddhist crowd, led by students, demonstrated before the house of government delegates who called in troops. Blister gas was used and over 77 individuals were hospitalized with blister burns.

More Buddhist demonstrations followed. All in vain. Finally, an elderly Buddhist monk, Superior Thich Quang Duc, sent a message to President Diem. The message: “enforce a policy of religious equality.” Thereupon, having calmly sat down in a main street of Saigon, poured gasoline on himself and burned himself to death. It was June 2, 1963. The self-immolation caused enormous reaction within and outside South Vietnam. The world at large could not understand what was going on, the media having knowingly or unknowingly given muddled and contradictory reports about the true state of affairs. Diem, however, did not budge. Other Buddhist monks followed Thich Quang Duc’s example. Within a brief period, six of them burned themselves to death as a protest.

Diem and most of his Catholic supporters were unimpressed. Indeed some of them even jested about the monks self immolation. Madame Nhu, Diem’s sisterin- law, for instance, commented about the Buddhists “barbecuing” themselves.

Buddhist demonstrations continued during the following month. On July 30, 30,000 participated in protests at Saigon and Hue. In the latter city, August 13, there was quite uncontrollable violence. Another young Buddhist monk, Thich Thanh Tuck, burned himself to death in the Phuc Duyen Pagoda, following the example of yet another, a few days before, Thich Mguyen Huong, who had done the same on August 4. Then on August.1S, a woman, a Buddhist nun, Dieu Quang, immolated herself in the courtyard of the Tu Dam Pagoda.

Following such individual and mass Buddhist demonstrations, Diem finally took off the mask, promulgated a siege of the whole country by declaring a state of martiallaw. Diem’s police were let loose. They occupied, sealed and plundered pagoda after pagoda in the capital, in Hue, Hkanhhoa, Da Nang and other towns. They put down demonstrations with the utmost brutality and beat many Buddhist monks. Finally an order was issued to close all the pagodas. The order was greeted with collective anger. Riots occurred. In the city of Hue alone, on August 21, no less than one hundred Buddhists were killed by Diem police, thirty of them Buddhist students.

The massacre was followed by mass arrests. Buddhist monks and nuns were detained by the thousands all over South Vietnam. Diem’s agents shot at random or organized truncheon rampages against the Buddhist crowds. Special forces, under the aegis of Ngo Dinh Nhu, arrested any Buddhist leaders they could find. Prominent Buddhists were tortured by special police. Pagodas were besieged. 200 students were arrested with another 6,000 individuals on August 25. Two days later, the 27th, 4,000 more were detained. On September 3, 5,600 pupils demonstrated at schools. On September 15, 6,000 more pupils demonstrated at Dalat, and in other places.

In early October, thousands of Buddhist students were arrested and tortured by Nhu’s agents. Buddhist leaders went into hiding, one of the most prominent, Thich Tri Quang, seeking safety within the walls of the American Embassy itself. It is to the credit of many Americans in the civil and military administrations, that they expressed their horror at what they were witnessing with their own eyes. Most of them, although confused as to the basic issues of the religious-political conflict, nevertheless were highly shocked at the ruthlessness of the Diem regime. At Washington, the feelings were no less deep. There were recriminations and criticism. The South Vietnam religious persecutions were threatening the domestic peace within the U.S. itself. Besides, the rest of the world was beginning to take notice of the events by openly asking awkward questions as to the real objectives of the U.S. presence in Southeast Asia.

Finally the U.S. issued a declaration, ” … it appears that the government of the Republic of Vietnam, has instituted serious repressive measures against the Vietnamese Buddhist leaders … The U.S. deplores repressive actions of this nature.”

Notwithstanding this, and the worldwide publicity, the media of America remained strangely silent about the whole issue. When they were forced to report the news of the religious persecutions of the Buddhists by the Catholic Diem, either they gave them the smallest coverage, or minimized the whole issue when not slanting the news altogether. The Catholic-CIA-Diem lobby saw to it that the whole picture became effectively blurred, lest the American people take action.

To the Vatican, Vietnam was another exercise for the planting of Catholic authoritarianism in an alien land against the wishes of the majority of the population. The Vatican is a master at using political and military opportunities to further its own religious policies, which ultimately means the expansion of the Catholic Church which it represents. To promote such policies, as a rule she will use individuals who are genuinely religious to further her religious and political operations.

The case of Diem is a classic example. The Vatican supported Diem, because he was a genuine Catholic, the U.S. supported him because he was a genuine anti-communist. At this time, since the policy of the Catholic Church was totally anti-communist, it followed that a genuine Catholic would follow his Church and be as genuinely anticommunist as she was.

To the U.S. Secretary of State and to the Vatican, therefore, the religious genuineness and asceticism of Diem was the surest guarantee that Diem would execute their joint policy with the utmost fidelity, and in this they were right, as subsequent events demonstrated. People who knew better, however, were not of the same opinion about Diem’s suitability. The American Embassy, for instance, advised against him from the very beginning. The embassy’s warning was completely ignored by Washington, and although the State Department itself was against the choice, the Special Operations Branch of the Pentagon insisted on Diem. It had its way. What was the explanation? A certain clique at the Pentagon inspired by another in the CIA with intimate links to the Catholic lobby in Washington and certain cardinals in the U.S. and consequently in perfect accord with the Vatican, had decided to have a staunch Catholic in South Vietnam.

It must be remembered that this was the period when the Cold War was at its worst. Its arch-exponents, the Dulles brothers – one at the State Department and the other at the CIA – and Pius XII at the Vatican, were conducting a joint diplomatic, political and ideological grand strategy embracing both the West and the Far East of which Vietnam was an integral part.

The choice proved a disaster for South Vietnam and for the U.S. Asian policy. As we have just seen, the religious issue was eventually to stultify the whole grand American strategic pattern there.

Two Catholic presidents, Diem and Kennedy, had become the heads of two nations so intimately involved in a most controversial war. From the Vatican’s point of view and the promotion of its plans in Asia were concerned, this had unlimited possibilities. In different circumstances, the sharing of common religious beliefs might have helped in the conduct of a common policy, since the political interests ofthe two countries ran parallel.

With Catholic Diem pursuing such anachronistic religious persecutions, however, Catholic Kennedy felt increasingly ill at ease, since he was too astute a politician to compromise his political career or to sacrifice the interests of the U.S. for the sake of a fellow Catholic who, after all, was incurring the opprobrium of the vast majority of Americans, most of whom still looked upon Kennedy’s Catholicism with suspicion. Hence the Kennedy Administration’s blessing upon the final overthrow of the Diem regime. But it is often the case with Catholics in authority that whenever the circumstances permit and there is no restriction by either constitutional clauses or other checks, they tend to conduct policy more and more consonant with the spirit of their religion. The result being that, by combining the interests of their country with those of their Church, more often than not, they create unnecessary social and political fields.

When this state of affairs is nearing a crisis, owing to the resistance of the non-Catholic opposition, then the Catholics exerting political or military power will not hesitate to use that power against those who oppose them. At this stage, the interests of their Church will, as a rule, oust those of their country.

This formula proved to be correct in the case of South Vietnam. President Diem, having provoked such a crisis, disregarded the interests of the country, no less than those of its protectors, the U.S., to pursue what he considered were the interests of his church.

Whereas political and military factors of no mean import played a leading part in the ultimate tragedy, it was the religious factor which obscured the political and military vision of President Diem, and led him to disaster. Only twenty years before, in Europe, another Catholic, Ante Pavelich, had created the Catholic state of Croatia in which the Catholic Church ruled supreme to the exclusion of any other religion. Like Diem, Pavelich had justified Catholic totalitarianism on the ground that a Catholic dictatorship was the best defense against communism. According to such a concept that entitled him to launch not only the persecution of anyone or of anything who was not Catholic, in his case the Orthodox Church, but also the extermination of more than 600,000 men, women and children – one of the most horrific deeds of World War II.

In Asia, the situation being diverse and the political and military backgrounds being supervised by a mighty power, the U.S., such excesses were not permitted. Yet the preliminaries of religious persecution and concentration camps were indicative of what might have happened had not world opinion and the restrictive influence of the U.S. not intervened. The religious and political ambitions of the two Catholic dictators and their relationship with the Catholic Church, however, run parallel. Thus, whereas the political and military machinery controlled by South Vietnamese and Croatian dictators was put at the disposal of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church put her spiritual and ecclesiastical machinery at the disposal of the two dictators who made everyone and everything subordinate to her religious and political totalitarianism.

Both Diem and Pavelich had pursued three objectives simultaneously: 1) the annihilation of a political enemy, i.e. communism; 2) the justification for the annihilation of an enemy church, i.e. the Orthodox Church in the case of Pavelich and Buddhism in the case of Diem; 3) the installation of Catholic religious and political tyranny in each country.

Notwithstanding the different circumstances and geographical and cultural backgrounds, the pattern of the two regimes was exactly the same: anything and anyone not conforming or submitting to Catholicism was to be ruthlessly destroyed via arrest, persecution, concentration camps and executions. With the result that by relegating the interest of their country to the background, so as to further the interests of their religion, both dictators finally brought their lands into the abyss.

In the case of President Diem, when he put Catholicism first, he alienated not only the vast majority of South Vietnamese masses, but even more dangerous the greatest bulk of the South Vietnamese army, who on the whole had supported him politically. It was this, the potential and factual endangering of the anti-communist front upon which Diem’s policy had stood, that finally set into motion the U.S. military intervention, with all the disastrous results which were to follow.

Although Diem remained as the U.S. political protege, by pursuing a policy inspired by his own personal religious zeal, and by disregarding certain diplomatic and political interests interconnected with the general military strategy of the U.S., he had endangered a whole policy in Southeast Asia. This became even more obvious, not only because of the exceptional restlessness which he provoked throughout the country, but above all, because his religious persecutions had seriously imperiled the effectiveness of the army.

It must be remembered that the vast majority of the South Vietnamese troops were made up of Buddhists. Many of these, upon seeing their religion persecuted, their monks arrested, their relatives in camps, had become despondent, and indeed, mutinous. There were increasing cases of absenteeism, desertions, and even rebellions. The overall result of this was not so much that the religious war was incapacitating the Diem’s regime itself, but even worse, that the military calculations of the U.S. were being seriously imperiled.

The whole issue, at this juncture, had become even more tragic, because in the meantime the U.S., had elected her first Catholic president, and even more so, because on the personal level, Kennedy himself, before reaching the White House, had been a consistent supporter of Catholic Diem. Indeed he had been one of the most influential members of the Catholic lobby which had steered the U.S. towards the Vietnam War.

As the domestic and military situation inside South Vietnam went from bad to worse, the manipulators of Southeast Asia made it clear to him with the full support of the military authorities on the spot that something drastic had to be done to prevent the total disintegration of the South Vietnamese army. The mounting tension with Soviet Russia and Red China made a move from Washington imperative and urgent, since further internal and military deterioration might provoke the whole of the anti-communist front to collapse from inside.

The pressure became irresistible and the first ominous steps were taken. Subsidies to the Vietnam Special Forces were suspended. Secret directives were given to various branches closely connected with the inner links between the V.S. and the Diem regime. Finally, on October 4th, 1963, John Richardson, the head of the CIA in Vietnam was abruptly dismissed and recalled to Washington. Certain individuals understood that they were given a free hand for a coup against Diem.

A coup was successfully engineered, President Diem ~d his brother, the hated head of the secret police had to run for their lives. They were discovered by rebel troops hiding in a small Catholic Church. Having been arrested, they were placed in a motor vehicle as state prisoners. Upon arrival at their destination – both Diem and his brother had been shot to death. Their bodies were laid at St. Joseph’s Hospital only a few hundred yards away from the Xa Pagoda, the center of the Buddhist resistance to the Diem denominational persecution.

Twenty days after the assassination of Diem, the first Catholic president of South Vietnam, the first Catholic president of the V.S., John F. Kennedy, was himself assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Why, and by whom has remained a secret ever since.

After the collapse of President Diem’s dictatorship, the V.S. involvement in the war of Vietnam was to last another ten long years, from 1963 to 1973.

On April, 1975, Saigon the capital of South Vietnam fell to the communists. The following year on June 24, 1976, the first session of the Vietnamese National Assembly opened in Hanoi in the North. On July 2, 1976, North and South declared themselves reunited, thus ending 20 years of separation. Their new flag, a five pointed yellow star on a red background, became the symbol of the new nation, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

It had cost the Vietnamese people hundreds of thousands of wounded and dead, the devastation of their country and immense human misery. It had cost the U.S. billions and billions of dollars, domestic and external bitterness, the participation of more than 5.5 million American men with the loss of more than 58,000 young American lives.

It could be that the war in Vietnam was bound to come, regardless of the intrigues of organized religion. Yet it could be also that, had not the Catholic Church interfered so actively in the affairs of that country, the war in Vietnam might never have happened.

[Chapter 16 title=”Catholic Expansionism in Southeast Asia in the 19th Century”]

The tenacious political activism of the Catholic Church during Diem’s rule and the massive military defeat suffered by the U.S. can best be comprehended by studying the Catholic Church’s actions prior to the conflict. They were both determined to defeat an aggressive brand of Asian communism, yet they had diametrically opposite reasons for intervening.

To the U.S., Vietnam became a military conflict, part of a policy focused on the two Euro-Asian centers of global communism: Peking with one thousand million Chinese only recently regimented into Marxism by Mao Tze Tung, and Moscow, the Mecca of Western Bolshevism.

To the Catholic Church, however, Vietnam was more than a mere stepping stone in America’s fight against world communism. Vietnam had long been “hers, by right.” Because of this, Vietnam had to be “rescued” from the impending ideological chaos and military anarchy which followed France’s evacuation after World War II.

But even more important to her as a religious entity, was the rescue of Vietnam from Buddhism with which the Catholic Church had fought for hundreds of years. This motivation, although never mentioned in any circles during the Vietnamese conflict, nevertheless had become one of the major factors that influenced the general conduct of the Catholic Church in her relationship with Vietnam, before, during, and after President Diem’s regime. The failure to recognize this factor became one of the major causes of the ultimate political and military disintegration of Vietnam and therefore of the final collapse of the U.S. military effort itself.

It might be asked how the Catholic Church could enlist the aid of Protestant U.S. and intervene with such active political pressure in Buddhist impregnated Vietnam where the racial, cultural, and religious background made her and the U.S. both alien powers. Her claims were based upon the proposition that she had had a very “special” relationship with Vietnam. Strictly speaking, that was true.

Diem, as already seen, was from the typical Catholic Vietnamese culture, a by-product of this special relationship. Patrician by birth, Catholic by tradition, he belonged to a special elite which had greatly influenced the destiny of Vietnam for centuries. The riddle of his behavior could be explained by the fact that all his activities were motivated basically by his religious convictions.

He was a stubborn, dogmatic believer persuaded that he had a mission. This quality brought his ultimate ruination, and the U.S. into the Vietnamese War. He had convinced himself that tl1e policy of repression which he so stubbornly pursued was his duty as a traditionally Vietnamese Catholic. providence had positioned him to promote the interests of the Catholic Church, as his ancestors had done before him in the past.

What were the factors which helped to create such dedicated Catholic individuals in Vietnam? Historically the Catholic Church was the first Christian Church to operate in the Indo-Chinese peninsula as far back as three hundred or so years ago. Vietnam was the spearhead of her penetration from the very beginning of the sixteenth century, when her stations were manned chiefly by Spanish and Portuguese missionaries.

Religious settlements were followed by commercial ones. In due course, other European nations such as England, the Netherlands and France started to compete for the attention of the native populations.

The most vigorous introducers of Western enlightenment, which in those days meant Christianity, were the Jesuits, then in the prime of their exploratory zeal. The Franciscans, Dominicans, and others, although prominent, never exerted the influence of the Jesuits who were determined to plant the spiritual and cultural power of the Church in Southeast Asia. Having arrived there about 1627, they spread their activities practically in all fields. They attempted with varied success to influence the cultural and political top echelons of society, unlike the other missionaries who contented themselves exclusively with making converts. Their efforts were helped by the printing of the first Bible in 1651, and the growing influence of several individuals, men of sophistication, who were welcomed in certain powerful circles.

The result was that in due course, owing to political intrigues and commercial rivalries, the European influence declined. The Catholic Church increased in reverse proportion however, and during the following century came to dominate the ruling elite, thanks chiefly to the liberality of certain native potentates, beginning with the Emperor Gia- Long. In fact, it was mainly thanks to his protection that the Catholic Church was soon granted privileges of all kinds which she used vigorously to expand her influence.

Like in so many other instances however, the privileges very quickly gave way to abuse. In no time the Catholic communities came to exercise such a disproportionate religious and cultural domination, that reaction became inev· itable throughout the land. The reaction turned into ostracism, and eventually into veritable persecution of anything European which, more often than not, meant anything Catholic.

The Catholic communities reacted in turn. From passive opposition they became actively belligerent. Ultimately revolts were organized practically all over Cochin-China. The disorders were inspired and very often directed by the Catholic missionaries, supported by French national and commercial interests. The continuous inroad of Roman Catholicism, the spearhead of the European culture and colonial incursion into the land, in the long run inspired the hostility of the Emperor Theiu Tri, who ruled between 1841 and 1847. By this time the French intrigues with the Catholic missionaries had become so intermingled that the two ultimately became almost identical. The Catholic missions were boycotted, restrictive legislation was enforced, and Catholic activities were banned everywhere.

The reaction in Europe was immediate cries of religious persecution. This was typical of the European Imperialism of the period. In 1843, 1845, and 1847, French war vessels stormed Vietnamese ports, with the pretext of requesting the release of the missionaries. As a reply the Vietnamese rulers intensified their objections to European ecclesiastical and commercial intervention in their country. This strong Vietnamese resistance gave France and Spain further pretext to intervene.

In 1858 a Franco-Spanish force invaded Darnang. Saigon was occupied in February 1859, followed by the adjacent three provinces. In June 1862, a treaty was imposed upon Vietnam. The treaty confirmed the French conquest and gave the provinces to France. One of its clauses provided the Catholic Church with total religions freedom.

Within a few years, France had occupied almost the whole country. Hanoi, in the North, was taken in 1873. In August 1873, the final “treaty” was signed. The Vietnamese independence had come to an end. The whole of Indo- China: Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, had become French colonies. The conquest had been pioneered and made possible chiefly by the activities of the Roman Catholic missionaries, and the Catholic Church which had first sent them there.

This was proved soon afterwards when Catholic missionaries were given special privileges throughout the new Vietnamese regions. The missionaries had not only supreme power in religious and cultural matters, but equally in social, economic and political ones. And since the power of the French military and civil authorities were always behind them, they never hesitated to use the French bayonets to impose the cross upon the reluctant natives.

Friars, Jesuits, priests, nuns, bishops and French military and civil governors set to work to implant Catholicism throughout Vietnam. The original native Catholics were regrouped into special villages. Intensive, mass conversion to Catholicism was undertaken everywhere. Whole villages were persuaded to “see the light” either because the conversion brought food and assistance of the missionaries, or because money, position or privileges in the educational or colonial echelons were beyond the reach of anyone who refused.

Such inducements, more often than not, became irresistible to those who were ambitious, restless or did not care for the traditions of their fathers. The temptation was great since only those converted were allowed to attend school, or had a chance to undertake higher education. Official positions in local and provincial administrations were given exclusively to Catholics, while the ownership of land was permitted only to those who accepted the’ Catholic faith. During recurrent famines, thousands of starving peasants were induced to receive baptism, either in family groups or even entire villages, prior to being given victuals from the Catholic missions.

The methodical Romanizing of Vietnam was promoted not only by the machinery of the Church, it was enforced by an increasingly repressive French colonial legislation inspired behind the scenes mostly by the missionaries themselves. As a result of such intensified religious colonial double pressure, in no time the French colonial administration had been transformed into a ruthless conversion tool of the Catholic Church, over the mounting protests of the liberal religious and political sections of metropolitan France.

After more than half a century of this massive ecclesiastical and cultural colonization, the native and French Catholics practically monopolized the entire civil and military administration. From there sprang a Catholic elite stubbornly committed to the Catholicization of the whole country. This elite passed the torch of the Church from generation to generation down to President Diem and his brothers. Their actions were true to their ancient traditions.

It cost them their lives, the disestablishment of the whole of Vietnam, and finally the military intervention of the U.S., with all the horrors before and after her ultimate humiliation and defeat.

The attempt to set up repressive Catholicism in Vietnam via President Diem, was only one of the latest efforts in the pattern which she had pursued many times on the Asiatic continent. In the past the pattern had been varied but consistent. In the case of Vietnam a couple of centuries ago, closely knit Catholic groups cemented themselves into the surrounding non-Christian Buddhist environment. Once well established they assert themselves over their Buddhist neighbors as independent economic and political factions.

Their assertions required not only bold, religious self confidence, but also the imposition of Catholic authority upon their Buddhist co-religionists. Such imposition led to punitive legislation, which, when resisted brought repression, leading in time to the use of brute force.

In the case of President Diem and his Catholic junta they established themselves and their authority first with gradual legal discrimination against the Buddhist majority. The unrestricted use of terror followed when the Buddhist population refused to submit. Diem’s approach was not just a freak example of contemporary Catholic aggressiveness in a largely non-Christian society. It has been repeated on the Asian continent for three hundred years.

In those times of course, there were kings, a ruling aristocracy, with cultural mandarins, the ruling trio of society, whose acceptance or rejection was paramount. However, the basic pattern of Catholic religious exclusive- .ness and aggression, like that exercised by Diem and his brothers, was no mere coincidence. Without going into too many details, we shall therefore confine ourselves to illustrate one or two typical instances which occurred in a regional ethnic conglomerate once known as Indo-China.

France’s first bid for Asiatic dominions took place as already indicated, in the early 17th century via the French East India Company. The company’s goal was to bring that region into the French commercial orbit. A less visible, though no less concrete aim, was the propagation of the Catholic faith. This last objecti ve, although apparently prompted mainly by individual Catholics, was directly inspired by the Vatican, which backed the French East India Company from the very start.

However having established its first outposts in India, the company soon encountered unforeseen resistance by the British until the French decided to look to other fields and turned her attention to the small kingdoms of Indo- China and, in particular, to Siam. The first exploration of the new regions on behalf of the French East India Company was not undertaken by company officials or French diplomats, but by Catholic missionaries. These went with the permission and encouragement of the Vatican, under the pretense of religion, to investigate the commercial, political and strategic resources on behalf of French imperialism.

Alexander de Rhodes, a Jesuit, arrived in Indo-China about 1610, and only a decade later sent a very accurate description of the possibilities of Annam and Tonkin. French Jesuits were promptly recruited to help him in his double work of converting those nations to the Catholic faith and of exploring the commercial potential. These tasks, in the eyes of both Rome and Paris, could not be separated, being the two most important stepping stones to political and military occupation.

The missionaries were so successful that by 1659 Indo- China was marked as an exclusive sphere of French commercial and religious activity. Subsequent missionaries extended their dual activities into Pegu, Cambodia, Annam and Siam. Siam, the most highly developed country of the Indo-Chinese peninsula, soon became the base for religious, commercial and political activities of both the East India Company and the Vatican. Their plans were simple: each would contribute to the Siamese subjugation according to its means; the company through its commerce, the French government through its armies, and the Vatican through its religious penetration.

When commercial bases and missionary stations had been successfully established, the French government pressed for an official trade alliance with Siam. Simultaneously the Vatican concentrated on expanding its spiritual influence, not so much by converting the populace as by focusing upon the conversion of a single person: the Siamese king himself. If this could be accomplished, Catholic priests would then attempt to persuade the new Catholic king to admit French garrisons into the key cities of Mergui and Bangkok upon the pretext that this was in the best interests of the Catholic Church.

In 1685 the French government concluded a favorable trade alliance with its ruler. Two years later the Siamese king and the ruling elite converted to Catholicism. This powerful Catholic group set out to dominate not only the governmental machinery, but also use it to exert pressure upon the Buddhist society. Relentless streams of discriminating regulations were issued against Buddhist institutions and in favor of the Catholic minority.

Catholic Churches were erected everywhere while pagodas were closed at the slightest pretext or even demolished. Catholic schools replaced Buddhist ones. Discrimination against the Buddhist majority could be found at all levels. In no time the Catholics became top citizens to be found wherever there was power, privilege and wealth.

The Catholic ruling elite, like in Diem’s time, turned into a kind of religious political mafia, identified with the unrestricted exercise of absolute power which it used and abused without discretion. Resistance was ruthlessly suppressed by the Church’s main supporter, the French, always ready to come to her help with their gunboats.

Like with Diem, the Buddhist majority finally, after many fruitless protests, organized popular resistance. This was also ruthlessly suppressed. The measures provoked widespread anti-Catholic feelings, which in no time swept the whole country. Churches were attacked or destroyed. Catholics were hunted down and soon the resistance, which curiously started at the royal court where originally the Catholics had been so welcomed, surged at all levels.

Catholic priests and French officials as well as native Catholics were expelled or arrested until finally all Catholic activities ceased. In no time the Catholic minority which had acted as the persecutors, became the persecuted. French commerce ceased entirely and missionary work was stopped. The French-Vatican bid for the political and religious control of Siam ended in 1688. Result: for a whole century and a half Siam became practically a forbidden land to both.

At almost the same time the Catholic Church was also attempting to impose herself upon another Buddhist culture, the largest in the world: China.

Early in the seventeenth century, Jesuits had managed to penetrate the Imperial Court and convert a Chinese Empress to Catholicism. This conversion was a major coup for the Catholic Church in her strategy to impose herself, upon the whole of Buddhist China. Since the Empress was the center of the Imperial Court, the source of Supreme power, she became the pivot round which the Catholic Church planned her exercise of mass conversion.

The potential appeared unlimited. The Chinese Empress had become a pliable tool in the hands of the Jesuits, who manipulated her to implant Catholic influence at all levels. Her piety had turned into a personal zeal to serve the Catholic Church in everything. She even changed her Chinese name into that of the Empress Helena after the Roman Empress, mother of Constantine, who had given freedom to Christianity in the Roman Empire. Indeed, not content with that, she baptized her son with the name of Constantine to indicate the role which the boy was intended to play in the future conversion of Buddhist China to the Catholic Church.

Her religiosity soon radically altered the practices and regulations of the entire Court so that Roman Catholicism seemed to have superseded everything. Conversion to the Catholic Church meant advancement, privilege, and wealth, not to mention power in the administration and even in the Army.

This Catholic minority grouped round the Empress began to exert such influence that it became first resented, then feared, and finally opposed by those who wished to maintain the traditional Buddhist culture of China.

If the Empress and her advisors the Jesuits had contented themselves within the restrictive circles at court, her religious operations, although objectionable to the Buddhists, night have been tolerated. But the Empress and those surrounding her set out on a grandiose scheme: the conversion of the whole of China to the Catholic Church.

They sent a special mission to Rome to ask the pope to send hundreds of missionaries to help accelerate the conversion of China to the Catholic Church.

While waiting for the pope’s response, the Catholic minority began implementing this conversion from the Empress to the Mandarins, to the bureaucratic machinery, and finally to the teeming millions of Chinese peasantry.

The scheme however, encountered wide spread resistance from the beginning. Persuasion to conform to the semi-official influence of the Catholic Church soon necessitated special regulations, and later legislation. Opposition was suppressed at first by discriminatory measures, then arrests, and finally with brute force.

Outside the Court circle and the Catholic minority, the campaign met bitter mass resistance. This bitterness was nourished by the fact that those who became Catholic enjoyed the most blatant privileges, while the Buddhists suffered under the most discriminatory laws ever recorded in living memory by the Buddhist majority.

The campaign reached its most controversial level, when rumors came that the pope had agreed to send hundreds more missionaries to help convert the whole country to Catholicism. The news created more unrest and mass demonstrations which were ruthlessly suppressed.

Popular resistance eventually grew to such intensity that finally the European nations had to intervene to quell the “rebellion” as it was called, using diplomacy and commercial measures carried out under the menacing presence of European gunboats off the Chinese coast.

The Catholic Church’s attempt to rule and then convert China through a Catholic indigenous minority ended in total failure; but not without having first created unrest, chaos, revolution, national and international commotion, in her attempt to impose herself upon a great, unwilling, Asiatic nation.

In the history of Japan we have an even more striking instance of Vatican aggressiveness with profound repercussions in the world. As in China and Siam, the basic policy was to see that Catholic merchants and Catholic priests worked together so that both, by extending their own interests, should ultimately extend those of the Catholic Church.

Contrary to popular belief, when Japan first came into contact with the West she was eager for the interchange of ideas and commercial commodities. From the first chance landing of the Portuguese in Japan, foreign merchants were encouraged to call at Japanese ports. Local potentates vied with one another in opening their provinces to Western merchants. Catholic missionaries were as welcome as the traders, and set about spreading the Catholic faith in the new land.

These missionaries found a powerful protector in Nobunga, the military dictator of Japan (1573-82). He was anxious to check the political power of a certain movement of Buddhist soldier-priests, but also held a genuine sympathy for the work of the Christians who were newcomers. He encouraged them by granting them the right to propagate their religion throughout the Empire. He donated them land in Kyoto itself and even promised them a yearly allowance. Thanks to this, in no time the Catholic missions had spread throughout the country, converts were made by the thousands, establishing sizable Catholic centers in various parts of Japan.

Had the Catholic missionaries confined themselves exclusively to preaching religious principles, it is likely that Japan would have yielded them tremendous spiritual rewards. But once a Catholic community was established the juridical-diplomatic-political domination of the Vatican came to the fore. As is explicit in her doctrines, the Japanese converts could not remain the subjects only of the Japanese civil authorities. The mere fact that they had entered the Catholic Church made them also the subjects of the pope. Once their loyalty was transferred outside Japan, automatically they became potentially disloyal to the Japanese civil rulers.

This brought serious dangers to both the internal and the external security of the Japanese Empire. Internally, religious intolerance led to violence against other religions because of the fundamental Catholic tenet that only Catholicism is the true religion. This, of course meant civil strife.

In the external field, Japanese communities, by following the directives of foreign missionaries, had to favor not only the commercial interests of Catholic foreign merchants but also the political plans of Catholic powers intent on political and military penetration of the Orient.

Not many years after the first Catholic missionaries appeared, Japanese civil rulers began to realize that the Catholic Church was not only a religion, but a political power intimately connected with the imperialistic expansion of Catholic countries like Portugal, Spain, and other Western nations.

The nefarious tenet of Catholicism that only Catholic truth is right and that error must not be tolerated began to produce its fruits in newly discovered Japan. Whenever Catholic converts were made and Catholic communities expanded, Catholic intolerance raised its head.

Whenever Japanese Catholics formed a majority, the Buddhists and members of other local faiths suffered. Not only were they boycotted, but their temples were closed and, when not destroyed, were seized and converted into churches. In numerous cases Buddhists were forcibly compelled to become Christians, their refusal resulting in loss of property and even of life. Faced with such behavior, the tolerant attitude of the Japanese rulers began to change.

In addition to this internal strife, the political ambition of the imperialistic Catholic nations began to present itself in ways that the tolerant Japanese rulers could no longer ignore. The Vatican, on hearing of the phenomenal success of Catholicism in the distant empire, set in motion its plan for political domination. As its custom was, it would use the ecclesiastical administration of the Church, together with the military power of allied Catholic countries. These were eager to bring the cross, the pope’s sovereignty, profitable commercial treaties and military conquest all in the same galleons.

The Vatican had followed this type of political penetration ever since the discovery of the Americas. Numerous popes, including Leo X, had blessed, encouraged, and indeed legalized all the conquests and territorial occupation by Catholic Spain and Portugal in the Far East. Chief among them was Alexander VI, with his grant to Spain of all “firm land and islands found or to be found towards India, or towards any other part whatsoever.”l Japan was included in this Papal benediction of Portuguese and Spanish imperialism.

When, therefore, Japanese Catholic communities became strong enough to support secular Catholic power, the Vatican took the first important tactical step toward its long-range political stranglehold: the coordination of the new Catholic communities in Japan as political instruments.

To carry out this policy, in 1579 the Vatican sent one of the ablest Jesuits of his time, Valignani, to organize the Japanese Church along those lines. Of course for a time Valignani’s design remained screened behind purely religious activities and received enthusiastic support from numerous powerful Japanese princes, such as Omura, Arima, Bungo, and others. In their provinces he erected, with their help, colleges, hospitals, and seminaries where Japanese youth trained in theology, political literature, and science.

Once this penetration was deep enough into the religious, educational, and social structures of the provinces of these princes, Valignani took his next step and persuaded them to send an official diplomatic mission to the pope.

When the mission returned to Japan in 1590 the situation there had altered drastically. Hideyoshi, the new master of Japan, had become keenly conscious of the political implications of Catholicism and its allegiance to a distant Western religio-political potentate like the pope. He decided to unite with Buddhism, which owed no political allegiance to any prince outside Japan.

In 1587 Hideyoshi visited Kyushu and to his astonishment found that the Catholic community had carried out the most appalling religious persecution. Everywhere he saw the ruins of Buddhist temples and broken Buddhist idols. The Catholics, in fact, had forcibly attempted to make the whole island of Kyushu totally Catholic. In indignation Hideyoshi condemned the attacks on the Buddhists, the Catholic religious intolerance, their political allegiance to a foreign power, and other real misdemeanors and gave all foreign Catholics an ultimatum. They had just twenty days to leave Japan. Churches and monasteries were pulled down in Kyoto and Osaka in retaliation for the attacks upon the Buddhists, and troops were sent to Kyushu.

Such measures were only partially successful since the society had been so deeply penetrated. In 1614 all Catholic foreign priests were ordered to be deported once more. The injunction was precipitated by an even more serious issue. The Catholic missionaries, besides fostering religious intolerance among the Japanese, had begun to fight a most bitter war against each other.

Vicious quarrels between the Jesuits and the Franciscans had split the Christian comm unities themselves. These feuds became so dangerous that the Japanese ruler feared they would lead to civil war. They also saw that civil war could mean the military intervention of the Portuguese and Spaniards to protect either the Jesuits or the Franciscans. This involvement of foreign armies could mean the loss of Japan’s independence.

Was this fear exaggerated? The tremendous expansion of Catholic Portugal and Catholic Spain was there to prove that the danger was a real one. The coming of the Franciscans as special envoys from the already subjugated Philippines in 1593 caused Hideyoshi no end of alarm. The Franciscans ignored the ban on Christian propaganda, constructed churches and convents in Kyoto and Osaka, defying the authority of the State. To complicate matters, they began violent quarrels with the Portuguese Jesuits. What at last made Hideyoshi take energetic measures was a small but significant incident.

In 1596 a Spanish galleon, the San Felipe, was shipwrecked off the providence of Tosa. Hideyoshi ordered the ship and its goods confiscated. The angry Spanish captain, wishing to impress or intimidate the Japanese officials, indulged in some boasting how Spain had acquired a great world empire. For proof the captain showed the Japanese officials a map of all the great Spanish dominions.

His astonished hearers asked how it had been possible for a nation to subjugate so many lands. The Spanish captain boasted that the Japanese would never be able to imitate Spain, simply because they had no Catholic missionaries. He confirmed that all Spanish dominions had been acquired by first sending in missionaries to convert their people, then the Spanish troops to coordinate the final conquest.

When this conversation was reported Hideyoshi’s anger knew no bounds. His suspicions about the use of missionaries as a first stepping-stone for conquest was confirmed. He recognized this pattern of cunning conquest at work within his own empire.

In 1597 both Franciscans and Dominicans came under the Imperial ban. Twenty-six priests were rounded up in Nagaski and executed and an order expelling all foreign preachers of Christianity was issued. In 1598 Hideyoshi died, and Catholic exertions were resumed with renewed vigor until Ieyasu became ruler of Japan in 1616 and enforced even more sternly his predecessor’s expulsion edict.

Foreign priests were again ordered to leave Japan, and the death penalty was inflicted on Japanese Christians who did not renounce Christianity. This persecution took a more violent turn in 1624 under Jemitsu 0623-50 when all Spanish merchants and missionaries were ordered to be deported immediately. Japanese Christians were warned not to follow the missionaries abroad and Japanese merchants not to trade any longer with Catholic powers.

To make certain that these decrees were respected, all seaworthy ships which could carry more than 2,500 bushels of rice were to be destroyed. The government decided to stamp out Catholicism in Japan. Further edicts in 1633-4 and in 1637 completely prohibited all foreign religion in the Japanese islands.

At this point Japanese Catholics began to organize themselves for violent resistance. This broke out in the winter of 1637 in Shimbara and on the nearby island of Amakusa. These regions had become wholly Catholic, mostly voluntarily, but some by use of forcible conversion. Led by their Western priests, these Catholic communities began to arm and organize themselves in military fashion to fight against the government.

The Japanese government, fearing that these Catholic groups might be used by Western Catholic governments for the territorial conquest of Japan, taxed them to the point of destitution. The Jesuits, who meanwhile had been preparing for physical resistance, set on foot a Catholic army of 30,000 Japanese with standards bearing the names of Jesus, Maria, and St. Iago fluttering before them.

They marched against the civil and military representatives of the Japanese government, fighting bloody battles along the promontory of Shimbara near the Gulf of Nagasaki. Having murdered the loyal governor of Shimbara, the Catholic army shut itself in his wellconstructed fortress and held out successfully against the guns and ships of the Japanese forces. Thereupon the government asked the Protestant Dutch to lend them ships large enough to carry the heavy guns needed for bombarding the Catholic fortress. The Dutch consented and the Japanese were able to bombard the citadel until it was finally destroyed and practically all the Catholics in it massacred. The immediate result of the Catholic rebellion was the Exclusion Edict of 1639 which read as follows:

“For the future, let none, so long as the Sun illuminates the World, presume to sail to Japan, not even in the quality of ambassadors, and this declaration is never to be revoked, on pain of death.”

The Edict included all Westerners with one exception, the Dutch, who had earned their privilege of remaining by aiding the defeat of the Catholic rebellion. Nevertheless, even they were put under extreme restrictions simply because they were also called Christians. To the Japanese, anything connected with Christianity had become suspect of deceit, intolerance, and conquest.

The Dutch themselves had to move their headquarters to the tiny island of Deshima, in Nagasaki Bay. They lived almost as prisoners, permitted to set foot in Japan proper only once a year.

The most forcible restrictions, however, concerned Christianity’s religious ceremonies. The Dutch were not permitted to use Christian prayers in the presence of a single Japanese subject. The Japanese had become so incensed with anything which even reminded them of Christianity that the Dutch were forbidden to use the Western calendar in their business documents because it referred to Christ.

By now Christianity represented in their eyes nothing but the torturous Western device for political and military domination. When finally the Dutch signed a trade agreement, among its seven points were four connected with Christianity:

1. Commerce between Japan and Holland was to be perpetual.
2. No Dutch ship should carry a Christian of any nationality or convey letters written by Christians.
3. The Dutch should convey to the Japanese governor any information about the spreading of Christianity in foreign lands that might be of interest.
4. If the Spaniards or Portuguese seized countries by means of religious machination, such information should be given to the Governor of Nagasaki.

In addition to this, all books belonging to Dutch ships, especially those dealing with religious subjects, had to be sealed in trunks and turned over to the Japanese while the ship was in port. The Dutch, who at first were permitted to sail seven ships a year, were later restricted to one.

Suspicion of the perversity and cunning of Christians became so profound that they even strengthened the first edicts by new ones. It became a criminal offense for any Christian ship to seek refuge in a Japanese port or for any Christian sailor to be shipwrecked off the coast of Japan.

To all intents and purposes Japan became a sealed land, “hermetically” closed to the outside world. It remained sealed about two hundred and fifty years, until Commodore Perry, in the middle of the last century, opened the gates of the Land of the Rising Sun in unmistakable Western fashion – by pointing against the recluse nation the yawning mouths of heavy naval guns.

It has frequently been asked what induced the U.S. to be caught in the quicksand of Asian commitments, with particular regards to the Vietnamese imbroglio.

Explanations have been many, diverse and contradictory. Yet the part played by religion is usually relegated to the background or obliterated altogether. Being an intangible force, it is generally disregarded in the context of contemporary problems, where the focus is confined almost exclusively to economic and military belligerency.

Some of the factors which brought the U.S. into Vietnam have already been examined in the previous chapters. Certain historical activities carried out by the Catholic Church during the past centuries in various parts of Asia followed a set pattern similar to that of our own times. Such patterns contributed to a very great degree to the involvement of the U.S. in the Vietnamese nightmare.

Her commitment there did not appear directly connected with the U.S. war machine, yet it contributed to the U.S. debacle. Few in the U.S. identified her interests with those of the U.S. unless they took the time to scrutinize her unique past history.

This study of historical patterns reveals a formula which the Catholic Church has used for centuries, namely the identification of her religious objectives with those of a major lay political power of a given period. As we have already seen, she used this formula in Asia when she identified herself with the major powers of those days, Portugal, Spain, and France. In Europe the formula was applied several times in this century. She identified herself at various intervals with France, then with the Catholic Empire of Austria-Hungary during the First World War, and with the right wing dictatorships of Italy and Germany, before and during the Second World War. She advanced her interests in the wake of these Powers by identifying herself with their economic, political and war interests.

Since the end of the Second World War and the annihilation of European fascism she adopted the U.S. as her lay partner, in the absence of a Catholic superpower. This was prompted by the grim reality of the appearance of world Boshevism and the growing military presence of Soviet Russia after World War II. The menacing reality of these two compelled the Vatican and the U.S. together and in due course forced them into a veritable alliance known as the Cold War.

As sponsors of the Cold War, the U.S. and the Vatican under Pope Pius XII sealed a concrete alliance prompted by a genuine terror of communist expansionism. Their alliance was formulated with the precise objective of preventing such communist expansionism from controlling even larger sections of the emerging post war world. While Washington came to the fore with economic help and armed contingents, Rome supplied the combat troops with vigorous religious and ideological zeal, the most important ingredient for a genuine crusade.

We have already described how far Pope Pius XII had gone in his eagerness to stamp out the Bolshevik nightmare. Thus, the U.S., to fulfill her military role as a superpower, was compelled to fight almost a major war in the Korean conflict in the fifties, where Catholicism was implanted two hundred years before.2 The Catholic Church in her turn fought with ecclesiastic weapons beginning with the excommunication of any Catholic who dared to join or to support any communist movement including the socialist ones.

The battle had to be fought simultaneously on two fronts; in the European, in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary and other Eastern European nations, and in Asia, in Korea and the disintegrating Indo-Chinese peninsula. The political and military collapse in Indo-China and its potential communist takeover, double sponsored by Moscow and Peking alarmed the U.S. and the Vatican. The two came together by formulating a mutual war policy: the taking of military measures by the U.S. and the carrying out of religious activities by the Catholic Church.

The Vatican’s intervention in the growing anarchy of the Indo-Chinese peninsula passed almost unnoticed by the international community. This gave the church a favorable start to her almost intangible operations in the region.

The silent promotions of her force operated not only directly from the Vatican with its mobilization of its ecclesiastic machinery in the very midst of Vietnam itself, but also through the Catholic lobby in the U.S. The importance of the Catholic lobby in American external policies has often been greatly minimized, when not ignored altogether. Yet it has often steered the U.S. external affairs to a degree seldom imagined by anyone not consonant with such matters.

Vietnam is a classic example of effective Catholic pressure by pushing America, inch by inch, into the Vietnamese quicksands.

It was the fear of another Korea, somewhere in Asian territory, which pushed the U.S. towards the Vatican for cooperation in Vietnam. A common objective, the stabilization of Vietnam, drew the two together. The next step was the formulation of a common strategy in which each partner had to play a determined role.

Many voices, inside and outside the U.S. alarmed at the drift towards escalating military commitments warned the· U.S. to use prudence. Yet the fear, after France had left, of an ideological and military void in the region, plus a chronic incompetence of Vietnamese politicians, prompted the U.S. to adopt a policy of gradual intervention. Pope Pius XII’s hysterical visions and fulminations against communism encouraged Catholics everywhere to support him (and thus the U.S.) in his anti-Bolshevik crusade.

The Catholic politicians of Vietnam, before and after the partition, were mobilized as were certain Catholic quarters in the U.S. itself. There the most belligerent segments of American Catholicism were encouraged not only by certain prelates but also by the State Department, and in due course, even by the CIA, respectively dominated by the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, and his brother Allen.

Their promotion was paramount, since the two brothers were the most ferocious anti-communists then in power, second only to Pope Pius XII. The combination of the diplomatic Cold War strategy of the State Department with the religious one of the Vatican, created a most formidable partnership. The mass media with their daily bombardment of sensationalism did the rest.

The Catholic strategy became the most vociferous in their denunciation of the peril of potential take over by world communism, emphasizing the danger to religion. Even more effective than that was the personal lobby vigorously operating behind the scenes. The lobby specialized in recruiting the most influential Catholics or pro-Catholic personalities in the U.S. administration.

The most successful recruiter of them all was a master builder of political intrigues, Cardinal Spellman of New York whom we have already encountered. Spellman was a personal friend of Pius XII and also of the two Dulles brothers, although his relationship with them had been purposely minimized. He acted as a very confidential intermediary between the State Department and the CIA, and the Vatican.

The Dulles brothers sent Spellman to the Vatican to conduct the most delicate negotiations and often used him to dispatch very personal communications directly and exclusively to the pope himself. On more than one occasion, in fact, it was reported that Spellman was charged with strictly oral communication with the pope to avoid any written or telephonic devices.

These precautions were taken to lessen the risks of leaks but also to bypass official or semi-official records since neither the Vatican nor the State Department trusted ordinary diplomatic channels. The delicate nature of their communications necessitated such measures, they being very often of the utmost explosive character.

The three men worked in unison, united by a profound belief that they had been specifically charged by God Himself with the destruction of God’s chief enemy on earth: Bolshevism.

It was this trio more than anyone else, who helped formulate and shape the external policies of the U.S. in this Vatican – U.S. partnership. And it was this alliance which was ultimately responsible for the U.S. involvement in the ideological and military Vietnamese imbroglio.

The role played by Cardinal Spellman in the consolidation of the Vatican-U.S. partnership should not be underestimated. Without his acting as the privileged ambassador of the Dulles brothers to the pope, and visa-versa, the special relationship of the U.S. with the Vatican would never have developed. Thanks to Spellman, Dulles was able to forge a semi-secretive link with the Vatican and bypass the official vigilance of the State Department including his statutory reporting to the president and his advisors.

General Eisenhower, essentially a military man, credited any alliance not backed by the big battalions as unimportant. Thus he had convinced himself that the role of a church in the anti-communist campaign was minimal, whether represented by the Vatican or not. The Dulles brothers did nothing to discourage this belief since it gave them a free hand to pursue their own ideological crusades and strategic schemes which they had already set in motion.

Spellman, the man with one foot on Capitol Hill and another in St. Peter’s at Rome, and with a finger in most of the problems relating to the Dulles brothers and the pope, became indispensable to both in operating the Vatican-U.S. Alliance.

Besides his value in promoting Catholic interests in the domestic fields, he was a kind of genius in his own right in most other areas such as high finance. Besides making his own archdiocese the richest in the U.S., he helped to solve . certain financial problems for the Vatican itself.! But Spellman was at his best in political, national, and international matters. There his diplomatic intrigues became proverbial.

Endowed with the personal protection of the pope and that of the Secretary of State, his power of persuasion on behalf of their joint policies became almost irresistible in the most influential circles of the U.S. These included diplomatic, financial, and political ones as well as the mass media. Because of this broad influence, Spellman acted very much like an American pope. Indeed his archdiocese was nicknamed the little Vatican of New York.

To add weight to his sponsorship of the U.S. intervention in Vietnam, Spellman eventually was nominated Vicar of the American Armed Forces, and became a frequent visitor – carried in U.S. military jets – of the Vietnamese battle fields. When not inspecting the American soldiers, whom he called the Soldiers of Christ, he moved in the political milieux in his role of an American ecclesiastic, diplomat, and official ambassador.

Spellman, as mentioned elsewhere, had been one of the earliest sponsors of the then unknown Vietnamese leader, Diem. From the very beginning when Diem went to seek American sponsorship in the U.S., Spellman persuaded many influential politicians, including Senator Kennedy the future president, to support Diem in preference to other candidates. He praised Diem for his honesty, integrity, religiosity, and above all for his dedication to anti~ communism. It was this last quality which endeared Spellman’s protégé to the State Department, which finally decided to opt for him.

When Pope Pius XII died in 1958, Cardinal Spellman’s operations multiplied as did his lobbying on Capitol Hill. There rumors were heard about him becoming the first American pope. Spellman never scotched the rumors, since ~he secretly entertained a long standing ambition to the papacy. Indeed he confidently expected that the cardinals at the forthcoming Conclave would select him as the successor of Pius XII in recognition of his effective diplomatic anti-communist efforts, which he had so successfully con~ ducted on behalf of the deceased pope and the State Department.

Spellman was a firm believer in the prophecies of St. Malachy, the 12th century Irish prophet, and had taken such prophecies about the papacy with the utmost seriousness. St. Malachy had characterized each pope, from his days onwards, with a Latin tag indicating the basic characteristics of each pontificate. He had distinguished the successor to Pius XII as “Pastor et Nauta”, Shepherd and Navigator.

During the Conclave of 1958, Spellman’s papal ambitions became the talk of Rome, encapsulated in a current joke. Spellman, so the joke went, had hired a boat, filled it with sheep and sailed up and down the river Tiber in the belief that he was helping the fulfillment of the prophecy.

The result of the election was anything but what Cardinal Spellman had expected. Cardinal Roncalli, the Patriarch of Venice became the new Pope John XXIII (1958-63).

The contrast between Pope Pius XII and Pope John XXIII could not have been more striking. The partnership between Washington and the Vatican collapsed almost overnight. Cardinal Spellman was banished almost at once from the papal antechamber. No longer was he the welcome and frequent messenger from the two most ferocious anticommunist Dulles brothers. His sudden banishment from the Vatican was such a personal blow to his inner pride that he never recovered from it for the rest of his life.

The State Department was no less shocked and worried at what might follow. The Vatican under Pope John had completely reversed its former policy. The U.S.-Vatican anti-communist strategy had crashed in a matter of days. The result of such unexpected disaster was unpredictable and was bound to force the U.S. to reshape its own anticommunist grand strategy from top to bottom.

While the U.S. was considering how to do so, two events of major importance had taken place in Vietnam and in the U.S. itself. In Vietnam Diem, thanks to his protectors, had become president and had begun to consolidate his regime with an able mixture of religious motivation and acts of political ruthlessness. In the U.S., Kennedy, Diem’s former sponsor, had entered the White House as the first Catholic president in American history.

The hopes of Cardinal Spellman were partially and briefly revived. His dream that a Catholic president would help to consolidate the Catholic presidency of Vietnam soon came to nothing. While Kennedy played a waiting game about what to do with his Catholic presidential counterpart in Vietnam, the latter had started to irk American public opinion with his repressive anti-Buddhist operations.

Kennedy, while succumbing to the Catholic lobby of the U.S. and to the arguments of Spellman, resisted their pressure to put all the weight of America behind the Catholic regime of Diem. The latter had not only alienated public opinion in Vietnam and created enmity with the Buddhist population, he had alienated also public opinion in America to a degree seldom experienced even there. The Buddhist monks’ suicide by fire, had been too macabre and horrifying not to adversely influence U.S. public opinion against Catholic Diem.

Kennedy was too astute a politician to risk compromising his future career to support the religious idiosyncrasies of a fellow Catholic president and the silence of the Vatican. Ruthless politician that he was, he put his political career at home first, and the equivocal policies of his church, embodied by Diem, second.

Kennedy’s attitude chagrined Spellman, even though Kennedy, as a palliative to the cardinal, ordered 16,000 American troops into Vietnam; the first fateful step by the U.S. into the Vietnamese military bog. The expedition assuaged the most vocal sections of the Catholic lobby in the U.S., who saw it as a move in the right direction. By now however, the politics of the old U.S.-Vatican partnership had already radically changed.

Pope John XXIII had promptly begun to steer the church towards a “modus vivendi” with communism, with the ultimate objective of doing the same with Soviet Russia itself. His motto, contrary to that of Pius XII and the Dulles brothers, became no more a struggle against communism, but cooperation; not war, but understanding.

While such papal policy was being put into effect, Diem continued to intensify his repression against the Buddhists of Vietnam with increasingly horrendous results.

Pope John while never openly condemning such persecutions, privately warned Diem to use prudence and moderation. Not only were the persecutions tarnishing the image of the Catholic Church in the world at large, and specifically in the U.S., but Pope John himself genuinely believed in conciliation with non-Christian religious and revolutionary ideologies.

The results of such papal credence fathered a hybrid called ecumenism, an ecclesiastical creature which, more than anything else, characterized his pontificate, the original inspirer of the Second Vatican Council, from which it emerged.

The harassed Buddhists, encouraged by Pope John’s ecumenism, appealed to him to intervene with Diem. A Buddhist delegation went directly to the Vatican and was received in audience by the pope. John gave them words of reassurance and told them that he would do his best to persuade Diem to relent and to be fair to their religion.

The Buddhist delegation went back to Vietnam, but the persecution, instead of abating, increased violence. Buddhists were arrested, beaten and imprisoned. The world at large was shaken. So was American public opinion. So was President Kennedy, who threatened to cut off all aid to Vietnam and to President Diem. But again to no avail.

It might be of interest at this stage, although we have already dealt with it in earlier chapters, to describe in some detail the sequence of events which pushed the main protagonists towards the edge of the precipice. It will be seen how the religious zeal and the dogmatic stubbornness of the two brothers, Diem and the chief of police, prompted them to disregard American and world opinion, the warning of Kennedy, and the mounting opposition of the Buddhists. This sense of a mission on behalf of Catholicism inspired them to dismiss the ominous warning of the impending collapse, which was to end with their assassination.

Meanwhile President Kennedy pressed Pope John through Cardinal Spellman to try to restrain Diem. There was no apparent result. To show that he meant business, Kennedy took a drastic step and changed the U.S. ambassador to Vietnam. Then in July, 1963, he sent Diem a personal message via Ambassador Nolting in a desperate effort to persuade Diem and his Catholic brothers, the chief of police, the archbishop to alter their policies of repression.

Kennedy’s efforts were again of no avail. On the contrary, it seemed that instead the head of the secret police, with the excuse that Red elements had been found among the Buddhists had turned the harsh discriminatory campaign into religious persecution.

Buddhist monks, Buddhist nuns, and Buddhist leaders were arrested by the thousands. Pagodas were closed and besieged. Buddhists were tortured by the police. One day another monk burned himself alive in public, to draw the attention of the world to the Catholic persecution. President Diem, undeterred, continued his policy. The secret police packed the jails with more monks. A third monk committed suicide by fire, and then another. Within a brief period, seven had burned themselves alive in public. Vietnam was put under martial law. Troops now occupied many pagodas and drove out all monks offering resistance. More Buddhist monks and nuns were arrested and taken away in lorries, including a large number of wounded. Many were killed. Nhu’s special forces, whenever the opportunity arose, went on storming pagodas and monasteries with submachine guns and grenades to enforce martial law.

Ten thousand Buddhists took part in a hunger strike in blockaded Saigon, while a giant gong tolled from the tower of the main Xa Loi Pagoda in protest against the persecutions. At Hue, in the North, monks and nuns put up a tremendous struggle at the main pagoda of Tu Dam, which was virtually demolished, while eleven Buddhist students burned themselves inside it.

The Diem government, instead of trying to appease its restless opponents with a policy of compromise, refused to see the portents. It went on with suicidal assurance and self righteousness. It appealed to both teachers and students, not with concessions, but with invitations to remain calm and clear-sighted, so that they might be enabled “to see the truth” concerning “this Buddhist affair.” President Diem added insult to injury by stating that the solution had to be his solution. “I confirm,” he said at the time, “that the policy of the government … is irreversible.”

But, while President Diem’s attitude to the rapidly deteriorating situation was inflexible, the reaction of his closest associates was of such blind placidity as to border on the incredible. This, perhaps, can best be summerized by a remark of the vice-president in answer to a reporter who raised the issue of the self-immolation of Buddhist monks and to the efforts of a young girl student who tried to chop off her arm at the Xa Loi Pagoda at 10 p.m. on August 12, 1963. “I am very saddened,” replied the vice-president, “to see that the cases of self-immolation and self-destruction only waste manpower.”

Vice-President Tho went even further. “Such acts,” he declared, “are not very necessary at the present time.” Thereupon he added what must be the greatest understatement of the century: “They may make the public believe,” he said, “that the Buddhists are putting pressure on the government.”

Soon the U.S. applied even stronger pressure and threatened to cut off all aid to President Diem. Again, to no avail. South Vietnam’s Ambassador in Washington, a Buddhist, resigned in protest. President Diem’s brother and his sister-in- law, Mrs. Nhu, scoffed openly at the Buddhist monks who had committed suicide, declaring that they had used “imported gasoline” to “barbecue” themselves.

By this time the Buddhist leader, Thrich Tri Quang, had to seek asylum in the American embassy to escape with his life.8 The American government grew openly impatient. The American State Department issued an official declaration deploring the repressive actions which the South Vietnamese government had taken against the Buddhists. “On the basis of information from Saigon it appears that the government of the Republic of Vietnam has instituted serious repressive measures against the Vietnamese Buddhist leaders,” it said. “The action represents direct violation by the Vietnamese government of assurance’s that it was pursuing a policy of reconciliation with the Buddhists. The U.S. deplores repressive actions of this nature.”

Vietnam was split. The army became openly restive and put up passive resistance, not against the communists, but against their own government. Result: The war against the communist North was rapidly being lost, since the population at large, upon whose support the struggle ultimately rested, refused to cooperate.

At long last the U.S., realizing that its strategy in that part of Asia was in serious danger, took action. The American Central Intelligence Agency, in cooperation with Vietnamese Buddhist elements, successfully engineered a coup.

The extreme right-wing Catholics in the U.S. were no longer at the center of things as they had been under the Eisenhower administration although ironically they were now under an administration run by the first American Catholic president. Yet they were still on good terms with certain top elements of the CIA. Getting wind of what was afoot, they made a last desperate effort to mobilize the American public opinion in Diem’s favor. They sponsored a campaign to counter the one waged by the State Department and the others who had decided Diem’s fate. Madame Nhu, the wife of the head of the secret police, was invited to come over and “explain” the true situation to the Americans.

Madame Nhu carne and her first call was upon the principle sponsor of the Diem regime, Cardinal Spellman. The vast Catholic machinery went in to action to make the carnpaign a success. Catholic papers, individuals, organizations and all the vast tangible and intangible ramifications of Catholic pressure upon the mass media of the U.S. were set in motion.

While the hidden Catholic promotional forces worked behind the scenes, influential Catholics came to the fore to sponsor, support, and promote Madame Nhu’s advocacy of the Diem regime. Clare Booth Luce, the converted Catholic who, it had been said when she was ambassador to Rome, was more Catholic even than the pope himself, acted as press agent, campaign manager and general sponsor of Madame Nhu.

The reception that President Diem’s sister-in-law received demonstrated how Catholics in the U.S., far from condemning the religious persecutions, tacitly approved of or openly supported them. On the other hand the American Protestant and liberal segments told Madame NhUin no uncertain terms that the persecutions carried on by her husband and brother-in-law were abhorred by the American people. During a visit to Columbia University, for instance, Madame Nhu was greeted by the students with catcalls and boos. At Fordham University, however, she had an “enthusiastic” reception from 5,000 Catholic students at the Jesuit school.

The striking difference in her reception by two diverse sections of American youth was significant, particularly in view if the fact that the 5,000 students with their Jesuit teachers claimed to believe in religious liberty. The Jesuit reception was even more startling because the Vatican, since the accession of Pope John XXIII, far from encouraged the Diems in their religious fervor had, as we have already mentioned, cold shouldered them. On more than one occasion the Vatican had even asked the archbishop to stop offering “spiritual guidance” to the president and to the head of the secret police. These reproofs the archbishop completely ignored stubbornly refusing to believe that the ideological climate was no longer promoted by John Foster Dulles and Pope Pius XII.

But while it was true that Pius XII’s policy had been greatly modified, it was no less true that Pope John and President Kennedy had to tread very cautiously in the situation. Although each for his own particular reasons wished to tone down the super-Catholicity of the Diem dynasty, neither could do so in too obvious a manner. This was owing mainly to the Asian-American-Vatican policy spun jointly by the previous American administration, via Cardinal Spellman and Pope Pius XII. The open reversal of the Dulles-Pius grand strategy could trigger suspicions of pro-communism and of appeasement towards aggressive communism in Asia – something which had to be avoided, particularly if accusations of such a nature were made by the powerful Asian lobby in Washington or the American lobby at the VAtican, not to mention South Vietnam itself.

One major event outside South Vietnam helped to precipitate matters. Pope John died. A few days before the downfall of President Diem, the seventh Buddhist monk was self-immolated only a hundred yards from the Roman Catholic cathedral of Saigon with a United Nations fact finding mission nearby.

President Deim and the head of the secret police, by now totally blinded by their religious blinkers, isolated themselves from all and sundry in South Vietnam, as they had already done from all outside it.

Diem, now more that ever, lacked any capacity for compromise. Like his brothers, he had no compassion. His Ambassador in Washington, before resigning from his office in protest against the persecution of Buddhists, summed up Diem and his brothers: “They are very much like medieval inquisitors,” he said, “who were so convinced of their righteousness that they would burn people for their own sake, and for the sake of mankind, to save them from error and sin.”

That is precisely what made Catholic President Diem think and act as he did. “We must continue to search for the Kingdom of God and Justice,” he wrote, years before he became president, from a seminary in which he was then living (ironically in the U.S.), “All else will come of itself.”

It came. But with the help of the U.S.

Kennedy and his military advisors had become increasingly anxious about the military effect which Diem’s fanatical antagonism against the Buddhists might have in the general conduct of the U.S. and South Vietnamese operations. Unless stopped at once, Diem was becoming a most serious obstacle for the efficient prosecution of the war against the communist North. His anti-Buddhist campaign, when added to the mass antagonism which the Northern Catholics had caused following their flight from the North, was beginning to impede U.S. plans.

After prolonged and painful assessment, Kennedy and his closest associates finally reached the conclusion that the only way to get rid of the Diem regime was to get rid of President Diem himself. There have been contradictory reports of how the ultimate decision was reached and by whom. Although books, and newspapers have described the step by step evolution, in the end it turned out to be a planned cold blooded assassination of Diem.

Meanwhile Diem and his brothers, as confident in the righteousness of their actions as ever, continued to act as if nothing had happened, notwithstanding the ominous behavior of certain American officials. On the afternoon of November 1, 1963, President Diem had tea with Admiral Harry Felt, Commander-in-Chief of the American forces in the Pacific, and with Henry Cabot Lodge, the American Ambassador, who hours before had cabled Washington that President Diem’s last hours had arrived. Soon afterwards the plotters set their plans in motion. At dawn the next day their troops invaded the presidential palace.

The president and his brother, head of the dreaded secret police, had gone. A few hours later, however, they attended mass at the Church of St. Francis Xavier in Saigon and devoutly took Holy Communion. Upon being discovered there they were promptly apprehended and shot. It was the 2nd of November, the Feast of All Souls.

Their bodies were laid in St. Joseph’s Hospital, only a few hundred yards from the Xa Loi Pagoda, where Buddhist resistance had first lit the spark of revolt which was ultimately to put a tragic end to President Diem’s Catholic authoritarianism. Thus died two most devout sons of Holy Mother Church.

And with them died the political regime they had attempted to impose for her sake upon an unwilling non- Catholic – even non-Christian – nation.

While the doomed Diem-Kennedy plot unfolded like a classic Greek tragedy, a no less fascinating calamity had been shaping up within the secretive walls of the Vatican.

Pope John XXIII, in standard Vatican duplicity, had secretly contacted Ho Chin Minh, communist leader of North Vietnam. This step was taken without the least consultation with either the State Department, Cardinal Spellman, or indeed anybody else in Rome or Washington.

The pope presented a simple proposition. The Vatican was willing to reach a kind of “modus vivendi” or practical compromise with the future communist leader of a United Vietnam.

The implications of the Vatican move was, to say the least, portentous. Vatican recognition of a future United Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh, could only mean the acceptance of defeat in South Vietnam and its eventual absorption into a communist North. In other words it would mean the recognition of a future United Republic of Vietnam ruled by the communists.

Ho Chi Minh, although a Marxist, kept diverse Catholic advisors by his side, including a Catholic Bishop. He accepted the proposal in principle and countered with tempting offers of his own: total religious freedom in the future United Vietnam, plus special treatment of the Catholic Church, induding favorable educational facilities and frequent financial grants for buildings and the clergy. All this was carried out in the utmost secrecy, since at the same time the Vatican was loudly reiterating that the objective of the Vatican-U.S. joint operations in Vietnam was the reunification of the North with the South under Catholic Diem.

In contrast to his predecessor, Pope John XXIII was a genuine believer in the coexistence of the Church with communism, both global and regional. He had convinced himself that both North and South ultimately were bound to come together to form a United Vietnam. But under a kind of communism peculiarly indigenous to Indo-China.

He had equally convinced himself that the Catholic Church under Ho Chi Minh, would fare well, because of the traditional role which she had played in Indo-Chinese history and culture.

Such thinking resulted in three important moves: 1) the gradual relenting of the Vatican’s official hostility against North Vietnam; 2) the cold shouldering by the pope of President Diem, and 3) the opening of secret negotiations with Ho Chi Minh. These three were set in motion without breaking the Vatican’s public opposition to a total takeover of Vietnam by the communists.

The first result of such policies was seen at the Marian Congress held in Saigon in 1959 where the pope consecrated the whole of Vietnam to the Virgin Mary. Although this seemed religious in nature it had evident political implications. Many Catholics and non-Catholics took notice of this including Cardinal Spellman and his supporters. Their frown became shock, however, when in December of 1960 Pope John created an episcopal hierarchy, again for the whole of Vietnam.

Not content with this, Pope John took an even more ominous step. He created an archdiocese of the Catholic Church in the capital of com .unist North Vietnam itself.

These announcements astounded religious and political pundits everywhere, beginning in Vietnam, North and South, and in the U.S. However many interpreted the move in a favorable light. They saw it as the pope preparing to set in motion the ecclesiastical machinery of the church, while waiting for the inevitable take-over of a United Vietnam, under President Diem and his protector the U.S.

In the political circles of Washington these religious moves and comments were judged to be mere inspirational bravado, and dismissed as such. Their potential implications for the future were dismissed except by the few who recognized the pope’s gestures as a dangerous exercise of ecclesiastical brinkmanship. Though disguised under the mantle of piety, it was clear that the Church was no longer seriously interested in the U.S. military efforts to defend South Vietnam. In other words, the Vatican had given notice, even if tangentially, that from then onwards it was going to look exclusively after the interests of the Catholic Church.

Negotiating with the communists of the North, the Vatican reached a secret agreement with Ho Chin Minh concerning the freedom of movement of all the Catholics of North Vietnam. These North Vietnamese Catholics formed the majority of all Catholics in the whole of Vietnam. By this agreement they were permitted “if they so desired” to emigrate to South Vietnam and to settle under the protection of President Diem and his Catholic administration.

To avoid giving the impression that the Vatican was conniving with the communists, however, the exodus of the North Vietnamese Catholics had to appear to be a flight of religious people apprehensive of an irreligious regime run by atheists. The image had to be maintained to impress public opinion and even more to create a worldwide sympathy for the Catholic Church and for President Diem, her staunch defender against intolerant communism.

Ho Chi Minh was too astute a politician not to see in the request, beside a ruse advantageous to the Church, also a deal with long range political and military implications for the potential advancement of his own cause. He reasoned that a mass exodus from the North would greatly embarrass rather than help the Catholic regime of Diem by increasing the tension which already existed.

The competition for jobs and privileged positions amidst the already harassed Diem administration would be greatly increased by those coming from the North. Ho Chi Minh saw that this emigration could only increase the disruption in a government busy harassing its most troublesome majority, the Buddhists.

His calculations proved correct. After a short honeymoon between the Catholics of the North and those in the South, thousands of the new arrivals asked for repatriation. They demanded help from the local authorities and then directly from the government of Diem. Even the Catholic Church, though willing to give out aid, was unable to cope with the problem which grew with each passing day.

The economic situation continued to worsen. The prospect for the new arrivals of any kind of employment diminished, the lack of money became acute, and starvation made its appearance.

The emigrants began to agitate and create minor commotions which soon degenerated into riots, many of which were suppressed with the utmost severity. The slogan, “The Virgin Mary had gone South,” which had encouraged the emigrants to follow her to the Catholic paradise of a Catholic administration had proved to be the siren’s call to disaster, both for them and the stability of South Vietnam – just as Ho Chi Minh had envisaged.

The Pope John XXIII – Ho Chi Minh agreement initially contained a subtle reciprocal ruse by both negotiators. It then turned into a double-edged sword threatening the future stability of Vietnam and all of Southeast Asia.

Spellman and his supporters had watched the development of the whole affair with a sense of impotent outrage and ideological affront. This new papal dialogue with the -comm unists trespassed into the field of practical politics and threatened the whole grand strategy of President Diem and the U.S. military efforts in the region. Their bitterness however, soon was mollified by the sight of hundreds of thousands of North Vietnamese Catholics fleeing from an atheistic regime. In the long run this would be beneficial to the cause of Diem.

After the rivulets of emigrations had turned into a veritable human flood, the pope came out with a masterstroke of religious emotionalism. He invoked the Virgin Mary and then solemnly dedicated the who/eof the Vietnam personally to her. In this manner the Virgin Mary became at one stroke the official protectoress of all Vietnamese North and South, whether Catholics or not, including President Ho Chi Minh, himself.

Ho Chi Minh had other cause for rejoicing, however, as he watched the hundreds of thousands of North Vietnamese streaming southward. As he had earlier envisioned, instead of alleviating the chaotic conditions in the South the new arrivals only increased the mounting confusion there a hundredfold.

The migration, besides proving an astute political move for Ho Chi Minh, set a precedent of great importance. The pattern became a formula successfully exploited during and after the war. Following the U.S. withdrawal from the region the united Marxist Vietnam created a politically inspired “migratory wave” characterized by the world media as “the boat people.”

Hundreds of thousands of these refugees were encouraged and even helped to “escape” mostly by sea. While thousands drowned, hundreds of thousands were received by the West, the largest portion becoming guests of the U.S.

This exodus turned into a long range victory for the Catholic Church. After having suffered a crushing defeat with the fall of Diem and then of South Vietnam, importation of the Catholic migrants into the U.S. helped to increase her battalions in pursuit of the Church’s final objective: to become the most powerful church of America.

Meanwhile the inter-Vietnamese conflict between North and South was being intensified, the slippery escalation leading towards a full U.S. military involvement.

In 1963, Pope John XXIII, the father of the Vatican Council II, died. Yet, as he put it, he had opened the window to the wind of change. Soon after his death, this wind of change turned quickly into a veritable hurricane in the swing towards world Marxism.

His successor Paul VI, who only a decade before had been exiled from the Vatican by anti-communist Pius XII for his extreme left wing views, went even further than John in appeasing communism.! Soon after his election, in fact while the U.S. was still heavily involved in her conflict in Vietnam, Paul VI made the first tentative offer to Moscow. This offer was labeled by the present author the Vatican-Moscow Alliance in a book by that name.

The political results of the Vatican-Moscow Alliance was spectacular and concrete. Eastern Europe with its large Catholic population was pacified in a very short time in its struggle between the Catholic Church and their militant communist regimes. Priests, bishops, and cardinals who until then had been systematically persecuted, arrested and imprisoned were released. Churches were opened and the clergy and the state began cooperating.

To the chagrined surprise of the U.S., who was waging ~ her vigorous Cold War against Soviet Russia and her satellites, the two former mortal enemies now began unprecedented cooperation.

In Europe the effect of the Vatican-Moscow Alliance was spectacular but in Asia caution had to be exerted. There, as the U.S. was escalating an increasingly ferocious war, the Catholic Church began to retreat as imperceptibly as she could, trying to avoid giving any formal shock to her ideological American partner.

Not only must she avoid upsetting the U.S., but also not offend the patriotic susceptibilities of the American Catholies who had supported the Vietnam War. Many of them had done so in the belief that it was not only their country which had supported it, but also their Church, preoccupied with opposing the devil incarnate, world communism.

The process of the Church’s withdrawal was as subtle and imperceptible as it had been grossly overt in Europe. It was hardly noticed also because the American Church formally went on supporting the war as if the former Vatican- U.S. partnership was still functioning.

This general impression was given daily substance by the frequent and much publicized trips to the Vietnamese front by the Vicar of the American Armed Forces, Cardinal Spellman. Although persona non grata at the Vatican, he was a genuine supporter of the war and acted as if Pope Pius XII was still conducting the Cold War with the Dulles brothers.

The cooling of the Vatican-U.S. Alliance, in spite of Cardinal Spellman’s efforts, finally became apparent even to the Pentagon. As the political void in Vietnam became increasingly felt at every level, military pressure was substituted to fill that void. If the Vatican-U.S. anti-communist crusade was weakened by Pope John XXIII’s winds of change, the attitude of Pope Paul VI gave the final blow to its very existence. Thus the new policy of the Vatican had become a major contributor to the ultimate defeat of the U.S. in that region.

With the assassination of Diem and the fall of his regime, Catholics both in Vietnam and in the U.S., although continuing to support the prosecution of the war, were no longer a major factor in its conduct. In 1964, after Diem’s elimination, Vietnam was governed by increasingly incompetent presidents, generals and a corrupt amalgam of political-military puppets dancing to the tune of an ever more bewildered and confused American administration.

After Kennedy’s initial send off of the first 16,000 troops into Vietnam, the U.S. slid ever more swiftly into the abyss. By 1965 President Johnson had imprudently crossed the fatal “advisory limit” to military aid and authorized a gradual escalation against North Vietnam – The beginning of a full fledged war.

Following mounting massive air operations against the communists of the North, the U.S. dispatched an increasing number of combat troops fully entering into the land war which she had tried to avoid a few years before by supporting a Catholic dictator in the recently partitioned South Vietnam on the advice of the Catholic lobby in Washington.

When Pope Paul VI finally died in 1978, only one year after Vietnam had become a united Marxist nation, the chapter of the Vatican- Washington- Vietnam Alliance came officially to a close.

The same year a new pope, hailing from Poland, a communist country and a satellite of Soviet Russia succeeded him (1978). The new pope, John Paul II, initiated at once an even more ambivalent policy toward Soviet Russia and world communism. He has sponsored an ambiguous kind of radicalism, though disassociated from that of Soviet Russia, yet openly encouraging social unrest and ideological conflict in both the West and the East. The unrest and revolution in communist Poland and in Central America are the most striking examples of his policy.

Meanwhile the history of the tragedy of Vietnam terminated when the new Marxist nation, the United People’s Republic of Vietnam, was made to spin along the orbit of the great Asian giants, Soviet Russia and Marxist China, as another Red satellite.

For the U.S. however, the bitter aftermath of an unimagined military defeat had become a national humiliation unmatched since the War of Independence.

A timely reminder to the still idealistic young America that her eagle, as a symbol of national might, should avoid the example of the legendary rapacity of the imperial eagles of the great superpowers of yore.3 In the future she had better instead identify herself with the legendary dove, as the harbinger and the keeper of peace.

By disregarding the counsel of the Founding Fathers to exert the utmost prudence when dealing with world problems, the U.S. became embroiled in unpredictable misadventures and un-calculated calamities.

Ignoring the maxim of the Monroe Doctrine, she trespassed into the military quicksand of the Asian conflict, and was caught in the vortex of a major global political military turbulence which she had never expected, first in Korea in the fifties, and then in Indo-China in the sixties and the seventies.

This she did reluctantly, even if imprudently, in the pursuit of an unreachable chimera. The encouragement of interested allies who prompted her to go for the chase. Chief amongst these was the Catholic Church, determined since the end of the Second World War to promote her own religious and ideological schemes of expansionism on the wake of American political power.

The imprudence of a vigorous superpower like the U.S., associating herself with an aggressive religious crusader like the Catholic Church will yield as it did in the ancient and recent past, not dreams, but nightmares. And in the case of the Vietnamese tragedy the nightmare became the greatest traumatic politico-military misadventure experienced by the U.S. since the American Civil War.

A lesson and a warning.

(End of article.)

More books by Avro Manhattan on this site:
The Vatican in World Politics
The Vatican Billions