Jesuitism Exposed!

Jesuitism Exposed!

Jesuitism defined:
1. the doctrines, practices, etc., of the Jesuit order of priests. (ref:

Luigi de Danctis[

Luigi de Danctis[

I read a fascinating book “Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism” by Luigi Desanctis which was published in 1905. It’s one of the suppressed books by the Jesuits, a book they do not want you to read! It exposes their tactics how they have gained control of both religion and politics. And by “religion” I’m not only talking about Catholicism, but mainstream Protestantism as well.

The book was written in the form of a novel to make it more readable and interesting. Though it is a fictional story, it relates truths about the Vatican most Catholics do not know. I sure didn’t know them though I was raised a Roman Catholic.

I could not copy and paste text from the PDF file to post on this page because the text is a scanned image. I typed it by hand. There may be some typos. It was too much to type out the entire book and so I typed the most significant parts from chapter 16, the chapter devoted to what Jesuitism is all about.

About the Author Luigi Desanctis

As an Italian Roman Catholic priest, and Official Censor of the Inquisition and thoroughly acquainted with a French Provincial who was the Secretary for the Order, Desanctis as converted to the Christ of the Bible. In a series of letters written in 1849, he describes personal experiences including his imprisonment in the cells of the Inquisition in Rome.
His description of the murdered within the underground dungeons of the Inquisition discovered by the Italians in 1849 are right out of Edgar Allen Poe’s The Pit and the Pendulum. The sufferers were buried up to their necks in dry lime while others were enchained, walled up with bricks and left to die. The absolute and universal power of the Company (the Jesuit Order) and his discourses with the godly Waldensian are overpowering.

Quotes from Chapter XIV Jesuitism

The fundamental maxim of Jesuitism is exposed in the exercises of St. Ignatius – ”all means are good, provided they lead to the end.” It is not, indeed, expressed in these words, which would horrify any honourable man, but though the words are silvered over, like pillules (pills) of aloes, nevertheless, under the silver pill is the iniquity. I mean to say, that if these words could somewhat throw dust in the eyes, yet the sense is that which we have given. Now what is the end that the Jesuits which to attain? If you asked them they would tell you – ”the greater glory of God.” This is their device, the word of command of their whole society –”ad majorem Dei gloriam.” And on this point the Abbe P___ made me notice a thing on which I had never reflected; they do not say to work for the glory, but for the greater>glory of God; it is not the positive glory, but the comparative glory of God, which they say they procure. By force of this grammatical subtlety, which is the silvering of the pillule (or sugar coating of the pill), the way is opened to any expansion; the pillule is so well plated that it appears really a silver globule; but the chemist who made it knows it is aloes (bitter fruit).

To attract to, or maintain the people in, the Roman religion, it is necessary to inspire and foment superstition; superstition might be a bad thing, but it becomes good if skilfully used, and if it leads to the end. And this is why all modern superstitions have their origin among the Jesuits.

Let us give one of the most spiritual examples. If the salvation of souls be the aim a Jesuit proposes to himself, he must be indifferent to the choice of means, he must only care for those which lead to the end; the glory of God exacts sincerity, truth; but if, speaking sincerely and truthfully, you prevent the desired aim being attained, then the means being indifferent, you may choose deceit, which is no longer called deceit, but holy art; in acting truthfully you give glory to God, but as you give greater glory in the conversion of a soul, so you may use holy arts for the greater glory of God. But into application these principles, which present themselves under the aspect of piety and deceive the simple, and you will see that they justify regicide (murder of a monarch), lies, calumnies (character assassination), and conspiracies.

Let us see now how these principles are applied in general by the Jesuits, even by the very best, without the least scruple. “The greater glory of God,” they say, “wills that all men should be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth; but the truth is only in the Roman Catholic Church, and salvation cannot be obtained outside it; then we must seek that all men become Catholics, and that none escape. But, to attain this end, what means ought we to employ? The means are indifferent – ignorance, for example, is the sovereign means to retain men in Catholicism. Therefore, they make it a duty to maintain and foment ignorance amougst the people; and a sincere Jesuit sees in the progress of the sciences the ruin of religion. But it is an arduous undertaking to maintain ignorance in our times; and it cannot be done openly; therefore, they maintain ignorance under the aspect of science. Accordingly, they and their associates seek to have the monopoly of teaching, to envelop science in inextricable methods, and occupy the intellect in vain questions, rather than in the solidity of science. And if one of their scholars, in sprite of them, raises himself above others by innate power, he is persecuted, or calumniated, and treated and a heretic or Liberal, (Note: In this case the word “liberal” is a pejorative used by the Jesuits meaning any person who holds doctrines that disagree with fundamental Roman Catholic teachings.) according to the country in which he lives, and this for the greater glory of God, in order that he may not turn others aside from the way of salvation.

To attract to, or maintain the people in, the Roman religion, it is necessary to inspire and foment superstition; superstition might be a bad thing, but it becomes good if skilfully used, and if it leads to the end. And this is why all modern superstitions have their origin among the Jesuits; but as there are men who hate all that is modern in religion, they have recourse to the pious fraud (pia frode) of making believe, and preaching and publishing that those devotions are most ancient. If learned and sincere men plainly contradict the imposture, then the Jesuits, to the greater glory of God, declare them to be heretics, Jansenists, (Note: See Wikipedia article on Jasentism ) unbelievers, according to the places and the times.

In the subterranean Church of the Gesu is a Congregation of Nobles, in which are assembled all the Roman nobility; the Jesuits are their directors, confessors, and preachers, and by this means they have become masters of the aristocracy. They have in a chapel on the ground floor of the house of the Gesu and Congregation of Merchants, with which almost all the business men of Rome are associated; the Jesuits are the confessors, the preachers, and the directors of it, and thus, by means of this Congregation, they not only are enlightened as to all business, but in a great measure they direct it. In a chapel inside the Roman College shopkeepers and Roman artisans are associated, directed always by Jesuits. In the Church of St. Vitale there is a Congregation of Peasants, and thus they are enlightened to the affairs of agriculture. In the convict prison of the Castle of St. Angelo, where the condemned are places, they have and direct a religious Congregation of the Paolotti, and here they have in their hands the police of the gallery. In the prisons of criminals they have a religious Congregation, and every Sunday and feast days they pass hours with the prisoners in secret colloquy, in order, of course, to save their souls.

The Jesuit government is eminently monarchical, one is their chief, who is called the General; he can do what he likes, he is chosen for life, and need not give a reason to any one, or long as he acts according to the spirit of the institution, that is, to direct all the order for the greater glory of God. Should he depart from this aim, he may be deposed by the assistants, who convoke a general Congregation to elect another. But this case never happens. See how the Father General has in his hand the governance of the whole Roman Catholic world.

Every Jesuit is obliged to yield blind obedience to his Superior, so that, according to the expressions of their rule, a Jesuit ought to be, in the hands of his Superior, that which the dead body is in the hands of the surgeon who dissects it. The Jesuit when he acts from obedience is never responsible for his actions; the Jesuit has no longer a conscience, he has given it over to his Superior for the greater glory of God he must blindly obey and look upon the Superior as if he were Jesus Christ Himself, as if the voice of the Superior were the voice of God. It is said in their rules, that if the Superior command a thing that is manifestly sinful, he ought not to be obeyed, but such exception is illusory. First, because admitting that the voice of the Superior is the voice of God, it is impossible that God should command a sin; secondly, because in the doctrine of the Jesuits, it is difficult to find a sin.

As for the Jesuits the world is their kingdom, and the different nations are only provinces of that kingdom of the Father-General. For example, England, Ireland, and Scotland are simply a Jesuit province; all Italy is only a province, France is another province, the whole of Switzerland proper has not even the hour of being considered a province, but French Switzerland is united to the province of France, and German Switzerland to the province of Germany, and so of other kingdom. Every one of the provinces maintains in Rome near to the General a representative with the title of Father-Assistant, and such Father-Assistants assist and counsel the Father-General, simply giving their opinion, only as in consultation, when it is asked by him.

Every individual belonging to the Society must every day related what he has seen, thought, or felt, whether of his companions or of stranger, and this relation must be made either to a Jesuit appointed for that purpose, who is called the Spiritual Father, or directly to the Superior. The Superiors must make extracts from all the relations, collecting what in them may be of interest, and sending their report every week to the Provincial Father. The Provincials in their turn make their report every week, sending it to the Father-General, who in his turn gives the summary every Thursday in the private audience which he has with the Pope, referring to and consulting with His Holiness.

All these things cause the Father-General to be feared by the Pope and the sovereigns; because he only, through the consciences of all his subjects, which he alone has in his power, knows all the ramifications of Roman Catholic society as a whole. The Father-Assistants are the most sagacious men of their province, men sent to Rome in order that they may better inform and advise the Father-General, who concerts with his Assistants according to the notices he receives from the Provincials, or from the Associated Society of St. Vincent (called of the Paolotti); if it is seen, for example, that it would be for the greater glory of God to organize a revolution in a kingdom, the Father-General counsels with the Father-Assistant of that country, who, by his knowledge of the places, or the persons, of the national character, can suggest good advice; then he gives orders to the Provincial of that kingdom, and his latter sends the word of command to his subjects and associates, who, obedient as dead bodies, act for the most part without knowing the aim; they work in the pulpits, in the confessionals, in the schools, as the wheels of a machine skilfully impelled, which moves without knowing what will be the result. In this manner the Father-General who is in Rome can, if he believes it to be to the greater glory of God, predicts, or cause to be predicted, an event, months, and even years, before it occurs, without fear of being belied. This is why the Jesuits are protected by sovereigns and governors. A sovereign who is not their friend will sooner or later experience their vengeance.

The Jesuits exist in all Protestant countries under the name of missionaries, with the habit of priest, and also with the habit of layman; they exist there under other names. Also, to those countries the Father-General sends men of the greatest ability, who make themselves all things to all, to gain all to the sect. So those who would not dare to declare themselves Jesuits in those countries, deceived by the appearance of the emissaries, who occasionally even speak evil of the Jesuits, become Jesuits without being aware. Take England, for example, there they do not legally exist; nevertheless, they have not given up that country, and I assure you that they are more numerous in England than in Italy, and this because all the English, Scotch, and Irish Catholic priests are pupils of the Jesuits, and depend upon them, although some do not know their dependence. They proselytize in all classes of society, so there are Jesuits in the Parliament, amongst the Anglican clergy, amongst the Bishops, and perhaps also in still higher circles. There are Jesuits among the Protestants, and this need cause no surprise. Remember the celebrated Marco Antonio de Dominis (philosopher and scientist (1560-1624), went to the Jesuit Collegium Illyricum in Loreto, where he joined the Jesuit Order, and later left the order and became an apostate). Yet they say that all things are pure to the pure; that to feign yourself Protestant, to lead Protestants back to the Church, is a holy work.

It would have been folly to attempt to reclaim England to Catholicism by presenting it openly; it was a thing already tried, and had been unsuccessful. That great genius, Bossuet (September 27, 1627 – April 12, 1704, French bishop and theologian, renowned for his sermons and other addresses), had attempted it; the French Jannesists (see ) had attempted it by amicable arrangements; and before that the Jesuits had attempted it by revolutions; but all these attempts proved useless. Revolutions do not occur in England, a free country par excellence; the sophisms of theology have no influence over a practical people, and they are baffled by its learned clergy; it was necessary, therefore, to try another way, and the Jesuits tried it, and with great results; and this is what they tried.

Since the Anglican clergy were scrupulously attacked in religious matters to the Bible, it was an impossibility to lead them direct to Catholicism; it was necessary to distract them from that study, and to present to them another that might form a stepping stone to the Roman Church. The Jesuits inveigled (enticed) them into the study of ecclesiastical antiquity, making them see what advantage would accrue to their Church, if, by the monuments of sacred antiquity, it could be proved that their doctrines and their customs were precisely those of the Church of the first centuries. The good English fell into the snare, and gave themselves up to the long, laborious, difficult study of antiquity, and thus they did not entirely leave the Bible, but interrupted it by certain monuments of ecclesiastical antiquity.

In Protestant countries they use other tactics. They preach and practice a Catholicism that in Catholic countries would be considered a heresy. They permit, contrary to the decrees of the Pope and the Councils, the reading of the Bible in the vulgar tongue, that it may be seen that the Protestants calumniate the Roman Church, when they say that it prohibits the reading of the Bible. The superstitions are much less than in Catholic countries, the worship is much more simple; and all this to deceived the credulous and make them believe that the Roman Church is calumniated by controversialists.

Quote from a previous chapter

“To say the truth, controversies with Protestants are a little tiresome for us (Catholics), when one must only discuss with the Bible; you Protestants not admitting wither the authority of tradition or the interpretation of the infallible Church, we find ourselves on difficult ground with you. But if, besides the Bible you admit tradition, and the authority of the Church, and refer to ecclesiastical antiquity, to prove doctrines and justify customs, then the advantage is all for us and our victory is certain.”

Alien Abductions and How to Stop Them

Alien Abductions and How to Stop Them

This Youtube exposes UFOs and aliens to be not from other planets as the aliens claim themselves to be, but spiritual entities who seek to deceive the world into thinking that they, the aliens, are the creators of life, and to draw people away from the faith of the God of the Bible and the truth of the Gospel. They can be stopped in their tracks simply by calling on the Name of Jesus!

The 13 Obelisks of Rome

The 13 Obelisks of Rome

Did you know there are exactly 13 obelisks in Rome? Eight are from ancient Egypt and five are from ancient Rome. An obelisk has to do with Egyptian sun worship. See

The first time the number 13 appears in the Bible is in Genesis 14:4 and it signified rebellion!

Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled. – Genesis 14:4

Thirteen obelisks in Rome is yet another sign that the center of Satan’s power in centered in Rome. The fourth Kingdom of Daniel 2 which is represented by legs and feet is Rome. Jesus is the Stone of Daniel 2:34 that smote the feet of the image and broke it to pieces. This indicates that Rome continues to the very end up until the return of Jesus Christ!

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From Daniel chapter 2:

31 ¶Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.
32 This image’s head was of fine gold (Babylon), his breast and his arms of silver (Medo-Persia, his belly and his thighs of brass (Greece),
33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. (Rome)
34 Thou sawest till that a stone (Jesus Christ) was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

The Washington Monument in Washington DC is an obelisk. There are ancient Egyptian obelisks which are called, “Cleopatra’s Needle” in London, Paris and New York City. These are cities of finance and power.

Also see:

The “Alien” / Fallen Angels Connection to the Vatican Conspiracy

The “Alien” / Fallen Angels Connection to the Vatican Conspiracy

Be warned that the Devil is going to use all he can to lead people astray, even so-called “scientific” information about aliens from other planets. They are aliens, yes, however, they are not from other planets but from another dimension — the spirit world!

But I do not agree with what Bob Trefz is saying toward the end about the “sons of God” of Genesis chapter 6 not having sex with human women and producing mixed DNA seed. This is purely his interpretation, not what the Bible actually says!

Genesis 6:4  ¶There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Tanzella-nitti-Giuseppe quote on aliens

The True Meaning of the Word “Antichrist”

The True Meaning of the Word “Antichrist”

The word “antichrist” is found only in the letters of John in the Bible, specifically first and second John.

1 John 2:18  ¶Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
1 John 2:22  Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
1 John 4:3  And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
2 John 1:7  ¶For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

The name “Christ” is a title, not the surname of Jesus. The word “Christ” comes from christos, a Greek word meaning “anointed.” Does Satan want to have that title? The Bible teaches that Satan wants to take the place of Christ in our hearts. The Devil wants the worship that is due Jesus to be given to him! Therefore a person who pretends to BE Christ is “antichrist” according to the sense of the meaning of the word in the letters of John!

Most people today think of the prefix “anti-” as meaning “against,” but in context of antichrist it actually means “in place of.” Early Christians understood this word to not mean someone who sought to destroy Christ but someone who sought to set himself up in the place of Christ!

When the Pope calls himself the “Vicar of Christ”, he is literally calling HIMSELF Antichrist! The word “vicar” comes from Middle English, from Old French vicaire, from Latin vicārius, vicarious, a substitute!

When we speak of the Antichrist as most people understand him today, it’s actually more correct to say the “final Antichrist” for all Popes are technically antichrist.

Anti is one of many words in the KJV that has changed in meaning to what most people understand it to mean today. Among the etymology of the word is the meaning of “instead of”. Look up the word “antipope” for it has that very meaning! An antipope was not against Popes but a person who claimed to be Pope while another Pope was reigning.



: one elected or claiming to be pope in opposition to thepope canonically chosen

Origin: Middle English antepope, from Middle Frenchantipape, from Medieval Latin antipapa, from anti- +papa pope.
First use: 15th century

I recently had a debate with a young man about the meaning of the word “anrichrist” and he conceded I had a point when I brought up the meaning of “antipope”. Wow! This is perhaps one of the first intellectual arguments I ever won! 🙂

Pope pius x

The Dec. 23, 2013 edition of Time Magazine referred to Pope Francis position as “the most exalted throne in the world.” Isn’t that the very position that Satan himself seeks? Doesn’t he want to rule the world?

Isaiah 14:13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Doesn’t Satan want the very Son of God, Jesus to worship him?

Matthew 4:8  Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9  And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Doesn’t Satan want to have the title “Christ”? This is the true meaning of Antichrist, a person who claims to BE Christ! Christians hold the true Christ to be Jesus of Nazareth. Satan’s people are seeking to promote their version of Christ who is not the Jesus of the Gospels, not the Christ of the New Testament, but their own version of Christ based on Gnosticism and paganism, the Devil incarnate.

Men in the flesh are mortal, they die, so Satan finds another man to rule through. Antichrist is not just some guy who rules the world at the end of time, he’s a succession of men. Satan has fooled many Christians to think Antichrist appears at the end of time, though he has actually been around from the BEGINNING of time! Satan is always trying to control people through some emperor, or monarch, or pope, If you understand that, you’ll be better at eschatology than many preachers.

First American President George Washington may have died a Roman Catholic!

First American President George Washington may have died a Roman Catholic!

George Washington

When watching the Youtube video on my other page, The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
I came across a stunning revelation: (Quoted from )

“Our first President, George Washington, died a Catholic. While he lay on his deathbed he sent his slaves across the Potomac to bring back his close friend, Father Leonard Neal, S.J. Neal (a Jesuit priest!) spent some time alone in the President’s sick room. When he returned to the Jesuit house, his fellow religious asked him the outcome of his visit and he simply answered, “Everything has been taken care of.” The entire story is related in the Jesuit annals. The Negro slaves, who had been imbued with Baptist anti-Catholic bigotry, passed on the story that “Master George had been seduced by the scarlet woman of Rome”. Our first President had always kept a beautiful picture of Our Lady in His living room; he adopted the Catholic practice of blessing himself before meals; he was largest contributor, giving more than even Bishop Carroll, to the building of St. Augustine’s church in Philadelphia; he very often attended Mass; and he often told his troops that if they did not refrain from abusing the Holy Name of Jesus they would surely lose the war.”

We know for sure that George Washington was a Freemason, and Freemasons reject the Gospel of simple faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, and they base their salvation on works and good deeds. Therefore it would be no problem for Episcopalian in name only George Washington to switch his religious allegiance to that of Roman Catholicism which says that faith is not enough to be saved, you need works and good deeds also.

You won’t find this story in official documents, but it was reported in the Denver Register in 1957. Source

The Hidden Symbolism of the Great Seal of the United States

The Hidden Symbolism of the Great Seal of the United States

The Great Seal was designed by Charles Thomson and William Barton and adopted by Congress on June 28, 1782. It is written in the language of cabalah which is also spelled kabbalah. Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings. The word “esoteric” means, “intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.”

The eagle was identified with the Babylonian sky-god Annu. When Annu entered sacred Roman iconography as Jupiter, the eagle was still his mascot. For the more than two thousand years since the death of Rome’s first emperor, Julius Caesar, Jupiter’s eagle has signified Rome’s imperial power – “imperial” meaning the right of the Caesars to make laws and enforce them.

The brilliant cloud hovering over the eagle’s head in the Great Seal is the aegis. The aegis is a goatskin. When Jupiter was a baby he was nursed by a she-goat named Amaltheia. (The priestly artists often portrayed the adult Jupiter as a satyr, having a man’s body with the horns, hair, and legs of a goat.) When Amaltheia died, Jupiter made the aegis out of her hide.

The aegis of the Great Seal glorifies thirteen five-pointed stars, or pentagrams. Each pentagram represents an original State. In gnostic symbology, the pentagram is identified with Jupiter’s wife, Venus. A dedicated observer, from a fixed location over an eight-year period, will discern that the planet Venus travels a unique celestial pathway that exactly describes a pentagram. It takes exactly 8 years and one day. Only Venus possesses the five-pointed star sign. Not one of the innumerable stars above us can recreate this by its own orbit.

Path of Venus

Path of Venus

The Babylonians were well aware of the five-pointed star that that Venus traced in the sky, and so the pentagram was associated with the mother goddess. In the Old Testament book of Jeremiah the Babylonian mother goddess is called the “Queen of Heaven“. The words Queen of Heaven appear exactly five times in the book of Jeremiah and nowhere else in the entire Bible! I do not believe this is a coincidence. The Romans adopted the Babylonian Queen of Heaven as Mary the mother of Jesus. This is the reason why the Roman Catholic Church worships Mary as a goddess!

The words of the banner in the mouth of the eagle, “E PLURIBUS UNUM.” mean, “of many, one.” This is based on the Gnostic fable of Bacchus being killed by the Titans who boil him and scatter the remains of this body which become the four elements of matter. One of Bacchus’s sisters, the virgin Minerva, rescues Bacchus’ sacred heart from the four elements and places it before Jupiter in Heaven. Jupiter hurls thunderbolts at his son’s murderers and reduces the Titans to ashes. The rains further reduce the ashes, mingling with the four elements, to slime. From this evil slime Jupiter forms mankind, a “Titanic embodiment” from which the “Bacchic idea,” or rational soul, must be released. The Bacchic idea is released by evil slime’s sexual energy, especially when facilitated by alcoholic drink – hence Bacchus is associated with grapevines, wild dancing, phallic symbols, and fornication. Roman also adopted the “sacred heart” concept form the story and turned it into the Sacred Heart of Jesus! But does the Bible teach that? The words “sacred heart” are not found in the Holy Scriptures.

The 13 stripes on the shield came from the inspiration of the flag of the East India Company — the private flag of an international mercantile corporation controlled by Jesuits,

The ensign of the East India Trading Company from 1707-1801. It has 13 stripes just like the American flag

The ensign of the East India Trading Company from 1707-1801.

The 13 red and white stripes signify times of both war with bloodshed, and peace.

Besides the 13 red and white stripes and 13 stars, Jupiter the eagle is holding 13 arrows (war) and a branch with 13 leaves. The number 13 signifies rebellion!

Genesis 14:4 – Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.

I find it very significant that the very first time in the Bible the number 13 is mentioned, it is associated with rebellion!

The original motto of the Great Seal was: “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” But is that really what the Bible teaches? It teaches us to obey the authority of the powers that be.

Jer 27:12 ¶I spake also to Zedekiah king of Judah according to all these words, saying, Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him and his people, and live.

America was born out of the rebellion of 13 English colonies to perceived tyranny from England, and it was all engineered by a Jesuit General, Lorenzo Ricci, who was the “unknown superior” of Freemasons George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. Wikipedia says that Ricci lived from August 1, 1703 to November 24, 1775, but the author of “Rulers of Evil” F. Tupper Saussy suggests that his death may have been faked so he could come to America secretly and work directly with the founders of America in their rebellion against England.

I’m sure there are even more hidden meanings on the Great American Seal. Any contributions are welcome.

Much thanks to F. Tupper Saussy and his book Rulers of Evil for inspiring this post! I used some of the text from it.

The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Watch this educational well made factual documentary based on the very writings of the founding fathers of the United States of America, men like Thomas Paine, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, etc., and you will see that America was not founded by godly Bible believing men to be a Christian Protestant nation, but by men who actually opposed the Gospel of Christ calling it “blasphemously obscene” and who called the Bible “a collection of paltry and contemptible tales.”

The founding fathers of America held same views as those of the so called “French Enlightenment”. All were opposed to the teaching of the Gospel and did not hold the Bible to be the Word of God.

The true meaning of liberty of conscience

The Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution literally made it legal to practice witchcraft, something that was outlawed in countries of Europe.

The Treaty of Tripoli

Six hundred kilometer hitchhike trip home in record time

Six hundred kilometer hitchhike trip home in record time

Route from Hirosaki to Niigata

Route from Hirosaki to Niigata

I left Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture just after 7:00 a.m. and got home in Niigata city by 2:04 p.m.! This is about as good as it gets to travel 600 km or 400 miles in only 7 hours in 5 cars with very little waiting. What’s more, the folks that picked me up made the trip really fun!

It’s 200 kilometers further to take the Tohoku Expressway rather than Route 7 along the Sea of Japan, but because it is all expressway with drivers going long distances, the potential to return home sooner is high.

Yoshi and Junya Kudoh.

Yoshi and Junya Kudoh. They took me from Hirosaki to Shiwa service area in Iwate Prefecture.

I arrived at the Hirosaki / Owani Interchange of the Tohoku Expressway early just before 7:00 a.m. Within minutes two men in a black car pulled up and offered me a ride. They were two brothers, Junya and Yoshi Kudo who was the driver. They past by me once, decided to picked me up, and circled back around to get me.

After getting in the car Yoshi told me they are Japanese Mafia. He said he was in prison for 4 years! I didn’t ask him what he did but said I hoped he learned from the experience not to repeat the crime he committed. But Yoshi didn’t seem too certain he wouldn’t do what he did again.

Since keeping hitchhiking stats from August 2003, so far 6 men have claimed to be in Japanese organized crime. All were friendly and treated me with respect. And of course you can be sure I treat them with respect! They stopped twice at parking areas to rest during which time they bought me ice creme and something to drink. They were on their way to the coast of Miyagi Prefecture to go fishing. I saw their fishing poles. The coast of Miyagi was one of the areas devastated by the tsunami of March 11, 2011.

Shiwa service area was rather desolate with only a few cars. Rather than just hold out my sign, I approached people walking and asked them their destination. After only a few minutes I met Mr. Sasaki on his way to Chiba which is just past Tokyo. He would be passing the Adatara Service area in Fukushima. When I asked him to take me to Adatara, he willingly obliged my request.

Mr. Sasaki is from a town on the Pacific coast in Iwate but he works and lives in a city in Chiba Prefecture. His job is leveling out playgrounds, school grounds and sports areas so that when it rains water doesn’t collect anywhere. The ground has to be flat but slightly higher in the center to cause water to flow away. The height to width ration is so slight it’s imperceptible to sight.

At the Adatara Service area I met a lady walking her two toy poodles. I bent over the pet the dogs and asked her how far she was going. She replied Koriyama City which is just past the junction of the Banetsu Expressway, the road I needed to take. I knew she wouldn’t be going my way. I then complimented her about how lovely her dogs are, and walked away.

Mrs. Harumi and her two toy poodles.

Mrs. Harumi and her two toy poodles. She went 100 kilometers out of her way to help me get back home!

A few minutes later the same lady with the dogs came up to me in her car while I was hitchhiking near the exit of the parking area that leads to the expressway. She asked me my final destination. Though I told her Niigata she nevertheless offered to take me to the Bandaisan Service area in Aizu — 100 kilometers out of her way to Koriyama!

Tomoe Okubo who took me to Niigata City from Aizu in Fukushima.

Tomoe Okubo who took me to Niigata City from Aizu in Fukushima.

After only a few minutes wait at Bandaisan Service Area, a lady with Ishikawa license plates offered to take me to Niigata. This is on her way home to Nanao in Ishikawa. When I got in the car I saw a book that looked like a Bible. It was a Bible! The lady, Tomoe Okubo, is a Christian and her brother is a pastor. She rejoiced knowing that I am a Christian and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ! Tomoe said that she was coming from Koriyama city where her son is attending high school. It was Sunday and she thought to go to a church in Koriyama that morning, but because her home in Ishikawa is so far, she decided to head out early. God blessed her and me both as a result of her decision not to go the church that morning!

Meeting other Christians for fellowship and worship is indeed a good thing, but organized religion today has become so corrupted that it’s hard today to find a good Church to go to. I told her it mostly has to do with the pastor, what kind of man he is, that makes the church good or not. Many American churches are preaching a false prosperity Gospel! It’s the preachers who are living in prosperity, not their poor members who give to them!

John Todd’s Present Situation

John Todd’s Present Situation

John Todd has been deceased for some time, but when and how he died is a matter of debate. There are 3 different accounts listed on different posts on this page.

  1. Fritz Springmeier says in his book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, that John Todd was killed immediately after his release from prison in early 1994.
  2. John Todd passed away Nov. 10, 2007 while being held in the “Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit which is overseen by the SC Department of Mental Health”
  3. John Todd was murdered in the fall of 1979. Please see the May 9, 2008 update on this page.

Take your pick! For a long time I held Springmeier’s account, but now I consider the possibility of the 3rd account. I definitely do not believe the second account even though Wikipedia published that one. I like to go to Wikipedia for information that I consider uncontroversial, but I also know that it doesn’t measure up to scholastic criteria of an encyclopedia, which is supposed to be truth. Wikipedia itself says, “The threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is verifiability, not truth:” (From )

Below lists chronologically the emails I received concerning John Todd.

Email received February 7, 2006:

 Former Inmate Christopher Kollyns, SCDC# 145461, AKA John Wayne Todd,
 was serving a 30 year sentence for Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree.
 His sentence started in May 1987 and he was released from our agency in 
 April 2004 due to the expiration of his sentence.
 Dennis R. Patterson, Sr.
 Director, Division of Classification and Inmate Records
 South Carolina Dept. of Corrections
 (803) 896-8551
Mr. Kollyns was deemed a Sexually Violent Predator pursuant to SC Law. 
He is currently housed at the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit which
is overseen by the SC Department of Mental Health. He has been housed
there since his release from our agency.

Dennis R. Patterson, Sr.
Director, Division of Classification and Inmate Records
South Carolina Dept. of Corrections
(803) 896-8551

On March 9, 2006 I received emails from a person named Sekhmet*:

John Todd is alive and well and IN PRISON.  I have visited him there.

He was convicted for rape, and there are many other victims who have
come forward.

He has served his prison time, but is deemed too dangerous by the State
of South Carolina to be released to society, and I completely agree.

Another thing you should know is that Todd made my acquaintance
when he asked for a wiccan chaplain. 

* On May 16, 2007 I received an email from a man who states:
“Sekhmet is Arabic for Venus, the destroying female god with the face of a lion.”
Knowing how the Illuminati likes to use symbolism, I find this very significant! Also see:

I sent copies of both of these emails to trusted friends. One of them said he telephoned Sekhmet and believes her story to be credible.

Please do not ask me for the full names or email addresses of my sources for I would not wish for their privacy to be invaded. If you would like to verify this information, you can call the telephone number listed.

June 21, 2007 update

I received an email on this date that stated:

On page 93 of Springmeier’s Bloodlines of the Illuminati, he states “reports to this author allege that the day Todd was released from prison, he was picked up by a helicopter and killed. To the best of my knowledge Johnnie Todd was killed the day he won his freedom.”

“Johnnie Todd won his appeal (the Federal appeals court came down hard on the state of So. Carolina) and in Jan. 1994, Todd called this author from prison to inform him that he was to be released, but that he needed tens of thousands of dollars. This author was not able to come up with the thousand of dollars that Todd wanted immediately. Later, Springmeier was told that the Illuminati offered to let Todd live if he could come up with a large ransom. Reports to this author allege that the day Todd was released from prison, he was picked up by a helicopter and killed. To the best of my knowledge Johnnie Todd was killed the day he won his freedom. Obviously, the Illuminati does enforce the oaths and vows that their members force d to make. The entire episode is of course a sad one for this author.”

My opinion: I would certainly take the word of Fritz Springmeier above that of a Wiccan chaplain whose name means “destroying female god”!! I tend to believe that the person claimed to be John Todd in the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit is not really him and that John Todd graduated years ago from the sorrows of this sorry world to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus in Heaven!

Dec. 29, 2007 update

On this day I received an email that said:

I called the institute that John Todd was staying at in South Carolina. and they told me that he passed away 11/10/2007

But again I say, it may not have really been Todd who died in that institution.

May 9, 2008 update:

On April 30, 2008 I received the following email:

Back in 78 I attended Liberty University. A guy named Steve Hoffer was a
John Todd promoter of sorts on campus. This amounted to simply passing
out some tapes and the like not really like some sort of official
promoter. I saw him last in the fall of 79. He had a letter he claimed
was from Johns wife and it informed him that John had been killed that
fall late. He read me the letter, I saw the letter. He was warned that
he could be in danger. He has some close relationship at least by mail
with the Todds.

He left for home for Christmas break but never showed up. His car was
found abandoned in Cincinnati about two weeks later. He was found around
early May of 80 a few mile outside Lynchburg tied to a tree and garroted
in classic style, his body still hanging there. As you may know this is
a special method of death and has a history and meaning. The death of a

At the time of his death Steve had been publicly investigating Jerry
Falwell while a student at Liberty. As you can figure this caused no
small controversy considering Steve was a student there. As you may know
Falwell was on Johns list of conspirators. Falwell publicly told the
student body that he didn’t know Todd, as Todd had claimed he knew Jerry
personally, as well as saying Todd was off the hook mentally. Steve’s
death can be verified if the records are still available or if Todds
wife is still living she may remember Steve.

I to am from Columbus Ohio where John claims to be from. Listening to
some YouTube yesterday jogged my memory. Its been 30 years since I last
listened to him. Anyway there is actually a small Druid cemetery in
Columbus. The stones are in a circle and have no dates or names on them.
These graves may indicate the founding members of the original lodge
that apparently left Wales sometime in the 1800’s. There are also a lot
of Welsh and Pickish graves nearby. John claimed to be a Druid and
Pickish or lowland Scottish.The name Todd means father in Cymraeg and is
old Celtic. Columbus Ohio is said to have had the largest concentration
of Welsh immigrants in the US. There was even a Druid Hall being used in
Columbus and so known as such up into the 1940’s. It may still be there
and is in an old part of town and it and the name were openly known
which may indicate the measure of their presents.

May 22, 2011 update:

In April 2011 I received another email from the same person above:

Good to hear from you and to read this letter. Please don’t publish my
name although I hold out little hope that the thing isn’t known anyway by the
right folks. Or wrong folks. The Collins folks are very powerful and well
connected around here. Not in public as it were but when one does some
looking into it the truth can be found. And it’s not just the Collins folks.

As I think I told you in an email that Druid grave area have vanished. The
stones were moved. It was a large scale fail on my part not to get a photo
of the 13 markers all numbered and in a circle. But as important someone is
watching at least what goes on at your web site. While we cant produce
photos of this grave area let its removal even if only between a few serve
as a reminder of some realities.

More info. It may be that Steve Hoffer’s style of death was not published in
the news. But it was mentioned by Fallwell and I heard it with my own ears
as I had made a trip back to Liberty U after bootcamp to see a girlfriend
and attended a service. Steve’s body had just been found that week and Steve
being of note around there Falwell talked about it. Plus it was a big
mystery on campus as to what had happened to Steve. Falwell felt it was the
work of God. That Steve was turned over to evil for the destruction of the
flesh as a warning for attacking Falwell himself and thus Gods work. I sat
and listened to that knowing about and having read that letter from Todd’s
wife and that Steve had been warned but it didn’t sink in but slowly over the
years. In fact I have come to the point of seeing all this as not simply
happenstance. My being from Columbus and meeting Steve etc. etc.

It was great to get confirmation that Jack and Todd’s old pastor say that
they had not heard from him since late 79. Great work on this guy’s part. I
am understanding here that Todd was killed very late in 79, his wife sent
Steve a letter within weeks and Steve was dead by say 3rd week in Dec 1979.
Looks like related killings. I am also going to believe that this letter and
any related paper tying Steve with Todd was taken from Steve’s things. If
Steve had anything at his parents home it was taken as well. His parents are
most likely passed on.

Have you had any sort of traditional or otherwise demonic harassment over
this? Let me just say that Columbus has some very powerful witches here of
the first order. And they know i know about them not just from this but
before I ever knew of John Todd. That’s one reason I perked up back in the
day when first learning of John and where he was from.

By they way another guy that got a hold of me from YouTube said he was from the
UK wanted to know what I knew about the Collins folks. I sent him some info
about high up government appointments in state government. Have not heard
from him. He wanted me to dig but these are just not the sort of folks you
want to dig on outside the net. I told him even if they knew John and it’s
been awhile now what 30 years they wouldn’t say anything if what he said was

Discerning the truth about John Todd

Discerning the truth about John Todd

The author of this article is Gerry Keloney who wrote this to me in an email.

My first exposure to John Todd was a link to a ten-minute clip of one of his talks in which he mentions the fact that witchcraft is the force behind rock music. I immediately remembered the rock album burning bonfire in the parking lot of the Baptist Church I grew up attending. I think we were one of those churches burning rock albums and not knowing exactly why. The friend who sent me the link told me a Canadian Christian guy had rented the studio over their garage when he was 12 and 13 years old. My friend said this guy told him all about this exact subject so my friend was already well aware of this and hearing John Todd was just a confirmation of this particular truth. I was not entirely aware of this much detail but it made sense to me.

I immediately noticed the authority with which John Todd spoke. I thought, “Who is this John Todd guy and why have I never heard of him?” I knew in my heart right away he was telling the truth. He was connecting so many dots but I wanted to know how and why I had never heard of him. So I began to do some research on John Todd. I quickly found the link to the website (Note: This is my first website, now offline) with the twelve teachings in MP3 format. I listened to each one and then kept listening to them over and over as I conducted my own research. I’m always seeking the truth no matter the subject. I would rather stand alone in truth than be united in error. I was not immediately troubled in my spirit and as I began to listen to John Todd I went in prayer to God The Father asking for help with discernment.

I learned John Todd was Scottish and his original family name was Collins, or Kollyns. One interesting fact is that I am also a descendant of a Scottish family and I can trace my roots back to a great-grandfather ten generations back to the 1600’s. This is the same century that Frances Kollyns first brought witchcraft to Salem, Mass. This is one fact that John Todd said that can be proven through several history and witchcraft history books. They are, in fact, credited with building the first Salem witchcraft coven. I also know of the Collins family in Minneapolis, one of the main witchcraft cities in the united states. They own real estate, restaurants and have operated the Stars on Ice from the beginning but you won’t see any Collins names on the website links to the people who run the operation. Their public parking ramp sign is littered with occult and witchcraft symbols and hieroglyphics so I’m sure they are witches and probably direct descendants of the same Collins family that John Todd came from. When I saw the photo of John Todd I was shocked how much they look alike. (John mentions Minneapolis a couple times and it is true that there are witchcraft bible colleges there, the place is crawling with witches and he correctly named the time of the year that the Minnesota State Fair takes place)

I expected John to have a Scottish accent when I first listened to him. Eventually I learned he grew up in Columbus, OH and descended from a Scottish witchcraft family. This explained why he didn’t sound like a Scottish druid. I did notice his accent because I have a good ear for accents and can usually tell which part of the country someone comes from. His accent is exactly someone from Ohio. I was already halfway familiar with some of what he talks about, being well-read on the subject of the Austrian School of Economics, Monetary Science and the history of economic thought, currencies and banking. It was from this that I learned about the Rothschild banking dynasty but I had not yet connected the dots to witchcraft. John Todd connects the esoteric to the exoteric in so many different truths and realities it is literally amazing. I was totally in the dark on witchcraft. I thought it was something from a bygone era and had no relevance today. I now realize that the churches were infiltrated long ago and this is one concept they drilled into our heads which explains why people mention other religions in conversation all the time but you rarely hear the word witchcraft. I know it is found throughout the Bible but my knowledge of witchcraft stopped there. I began taking notes as I listened to John because each talk has so much information. He mentions things in passing or in just one sentence that we can learn from. The more I listened the more I came to an understanding of the fact that he was spot on and telling the truth. It was easy for me to discern from all the discrediting and slander toward him on the internet. I even discovered other people who are trying to wake the people (the Christians especially!) up like William Cooper’s of The Hour of the Time, Ralph Epperson’s ‘America’s Secret Destiny’ documentary and his book ‘The Unseen Hand’, Dr. Scott Johnson of, Steve Quayle,, et. al. I have not heard one contradiction of all John Todd said in the hundreds of hours I have devoted to researching and studying this subject of mystery babylon, the illuminati, the masons and all the rest of satan’s agents.

John uses all the correct jargon and even calls himself a witch, not a wizard or warlock. This shows he is from a multi-generational witchcraft family. In the UK, everyone is a witch, male or female. He knows all the rites, the history of the occult and even what role the witches played in the history of this nation. Many skeletons have been unearthed directly under Benjamin Franklin’s home, by the way. It was obvious that he was taught well as he was prepared for the council of 13. On there is a talk by Craig Roberts where he mentions his book The Medusa File. He researched the JFK murder in TX and says he kept finding a level behind a level behind a level which took him to the last two levels he discovered to be the committee of 33 followed by the committee of 13. This is just another confirmation of the truths John Todd was saying way back in the mid-seventies. For confirmation of another thing John said which was true listen to the Pat Shannon talk where he explains that anyone who does not believe in the conspiracy theory of history is completely clueless. John was exactly right about baal worship having a counterfeit blasphemous trinity: male, female and child (nimrod, semiramis, asshur / horus, isis, osiris, etc., etc.) Think: statue of liberty. (not capitalized on purpose as with many other words in this letter. really, capital letters ought to go to The LORD only as in the King James Bible. John was even right about the hieroglyphics of the illuminati and he was exactly correct about spell-casting, astrology and halloween.

Now my eyes were open and I could see all these symbols everywhere. I realized that the world is much more evil than I was aware of. The Holy Spirit led me to Ezekiel 33 and I felt compelled to let people know, especially my loved ones. I would try to share John Todd with others by telling them to search for John Todd and listen to his talks. The problem was that people would be distracted by all the discrediting information about John on the internet and they would never proceed beyond that. Even my Christian friends who I thought have discernment would come back to me and show me all the junk on the internet simply put there to cause doubt about John so his message also becomes junk. I called a family friend who is considered an expert in cults and he said that John was proven to be a fraud. Even this didn’t deter me because my heart told me that John was authentic and exactly what he said he was. I think he was referring to the christianity today article from 1979. For anyone who has not come to the conclusion that magazine is a complete fraud they only need to do some research about its founder Billy Graham, his bloodlines and look for the hieroglyphics of the illuminati right there on the cover and inside contents page as well. They worship the heavens and there is the sun with its rays coming up (or going down) over the horizon. I notice also that the horizon is not quite completed showing another perversion. Every cover I’ve seen in the last few years has a plus sign which also represents the sun. (picture the pope with his staff that has a plus sign in a circle at the top of it)

I was getting so many doubters I wanted to have some actual proof that John was really exactly what he said he was. So many people need physical evidence. They don’t go to The Lord in prayer and search the Scriptures for The Truth. I decided to call Faith Baptist, John’s former church. His pastor is still alive and in his mid-80’s. The first thing I was told was that they had not heard from nor seen John since 1979. I spoke to his secretary and she confirmed that John did attend that church and did not deny anything he said. I also called Jack Chick Publications and spoke to Jack Chick’s secretary. Immediately I was told the exact same thing about not having seen nor heard from John since 1979. It is interesting that this is the same year the CT article came out. Jack is about the same age as Pastor Rasmussen and also still living. I was told that Jack Chick Publications still publishes the three books, or tracts, John wrote. That was proof enough for me because Jack Chick is one of the most knowledgeable Christians and spot on with what he writes and publishes on his website. (There is a great link on his website about Westcott and Hort and the counterfeit, blasphemous mockery called Textural Criticism) So why would Jack Chick continue to publish everything John Todd wrote with exactly the same content all these years if John were not everything he said he was? There are links on the jamesjpn website to a couple letters written by Jack Chick himself in 1978 and he makes no mention that John Todd was a fraud. The fact that he slid back into witchcraft for a bit only makes it more real and believable to me. In all the hundreds of hours I’ve spent listening to John the only question I have is how he could have a child in 2nd grade but his wife was a former witch as well and a simple explanation is that this child had already been born to her before they met. I realize that John’s mind had been messed with since childhood so this explains how he may seem scatter-brained or dyslexic with his remembering of numbers. He made a couple mistakes or misquotations with numbers but these are trivial errors in the grand scheme of his message. Plus, don’t forget these recordings occurred over a period of time so John was most likely picking up more and more information as time went on. This can be seen when he is asked about the pastor who first approached him in the occult store. He said he never met him and then in a later tape he had ended up probably seeking him out and meeting him. It’s the same with the illuminati. John even says their plans are changing all the time so just because some of the things John exposed forty years ago are not still being used by them does not in any way mean they were not at the time. One can easily imagine the scrambling they had to do after John defected. They probably listened to all his talks and then began making changes in order to discredit his testimony. The facts are the facts. He was correct and factual about so many things it is just astounding. He was right about freemasonry having kabbalistic origins and being a derivative of witchcraft, the church of scientology, the mormons, and other occult religions. He was exactly right about television being hypnotic and even correctly told us, in chronological order, the “extra favors” people had to do in order to work their way to the top. And he called them by their exactly correct nomenclatures. I lived in southern california in the 70’s and I remember the “producer’s couch” as having been one of the ways people got roles. I remember sometime around 1980 when they decided to let us know that they had been using subliminal and hypnotic images in advertising. When the truth is known by too many people they blow the lid on it and make us believe they have taken care of the problem and it won’t be happening anymore now that the guilty one’s have been busted. This is what happened with subliminal images on television. Remember the secret, split-second flashing of the juicy hamburger’s they told us about? I was living there when this happened and it was all over the papers and everyone was talking about it. Of course we all let our guard down because we believed and have always believed “those in charge” are looking out for our best interests. This is one idea John Todd was trying to put to rest once and for all. He was the first I ever heard teach that the heart is the spirit, the soul is the mind and the body is the flesh. He was right about mystery babylon and Revelation 18:23. He was absolutely correct saying depression is demonic. He was right about Christian Rock being started by bribed pastor Chuck Smith of calvary chapel in costa mesa. He was right about witchcraft being the religion of the illuminati and that without it, the physical kingdom wouldn’t function. He was right about the charismatic movement and the pentecostals. Through my own deliverance and learning from those in the deliverance ministry, every single spirit of speaking in tongues is demonic. He is exactly right about all the guns he mentions as well. He said something very powerful when he said that this new movement in the church was all based on emotion, and its true!

When I began to fully grasp and understand all that John Todd was talking about I can honestly say it changed my life. In fact, John Todd’s message was much more powerful and important today than any message I ever heard from a pastor at church. He kept stressing being BORN AGAIN THROUGH REPENTANCE. This is totally missing in 99% or churches. He also kept saying to COME OUT FROM THEM AND BE SEPARATE. He said Jesus needs to be your Lord and not just your Savior. Where is this teaching in the modern church of today? He even mentions deliverance once and personally, I believe this is the most important thing anyone who wants to make it to heaven can do. He kept saying that a True Christian is known by their FRUIT.

God The Father, my Lord Jesus Christ and His Supernatural Holy Spirit will be given all the credit for the revival in my own life that occurred over the past year but John Todd’s message was the start of it all for me. A revival exactly like the one under Hezekiah and Josiah found in 2 Chronicles 29-36 where they went through their lives, homes and villages to purge anything displeasing or reprehensible to God. Under Josiah we are told they pulverized the idols into dust and burned them outside the city. Then they threw the ashes in the river to be taken away forever. Now that’s taking it seriously! I threw away all my rock music, went through my wardrobe and removed any item of clothing that had occult symbols on the inside, outside or the labels. I changed to the King James Bible and threw away my cursed NIV bible. John Todd was right about this too! He said the newer versions had been stripped of the power and that the KJV has power. (check out Bill Schnoebelen – exposing the illuminati from within – on google videos for confirmation of this truth)

Searching the links on the jamesjpn website (my old website) I discovered a letter from a student who attended Liberty University in Columbus during the late 70’s. He remembered a student promoting John Todd’s tapes being told his life was in danger. This kid showed him a letter from John Todd’s wife mentioning that John had been killed. He said he actually saw and read the letter. This was the final confirmation I needed because this coincided exactly with what Rasmussen and Chick said and also with the CT article. This student said the young man who was warned his life was in danger was also killed. This information can be found here.

The website also has a link to an article by James Whisler where he gives credibility to John Todd. I believe he has his facts about 90% correct; except where he mentions that he and his parents corresponded with John Todd while he was in prison. I believe this was an impostor planted by the illuminati. I even found a youtube link to “John Todd” talking from prison and the guy’s voice sounds nothing like John and his accent is also completely different. I’m not buying that one for even one minute. Back to the Whisler article: Clicking on the order form for “John’s” tapes caused immediate doubt when I recognized the illuminati hieroglyphics showing the sun and its rays along with the eagle in the sky. John would have been well aware what these symbols meant and would never had included them in a Christian ministry order form. To me, this proves again that it was an impostor planted by the illuminati and that’s exactly why they put those symbols on the order form. This was 1983 and an impossibility if John was killed in 1979. This would have been an impostor most assuredly. Here is the link to this article:

Fritz Springmeier’s testimony about John Todd is accurate for the most part. However, I believe he has some of his facts wrong simply because it is obvious his time was spent researching the bloodlines of the illuminati and not researching the truth about John Todd. The research that he did conduct took him down one of the fraudulent lies about John going to prison even though he had already been killed, probably by a sniper.

In July 2010 James Arendt of received and posted a message on his blog which was another link in the search for the truth about John Todd. It was another talk transcribed where John talks about and explains lucifer, beelzebub and the seven principalities. I remember back in one of John’s question-and-answer sessions where it sounds like he had been asked about the hierarchy of the demonic spirit world. He states without hesitation that there are seven principalities and 200 powers and then mentions the lower spirits they didn’t care about. The Apostle Paul states in John’s favorite verse, Ephesians 6:12, that our battle is against the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits; in that order. He specifically stated them in that order because that is the exact order they operate under in their hierarchy. I actually discovered a talk about this exact subject on youtube where these guys say there are, in fact, seven principalities and 200 powers. This is another confirmation that John knew exactly what he was talking about. Here is the link called Nephilim-ancient/biblical(beliefs)1of3:

The only bummer is that John tells about only five of the six evil principalities. I believe he simply lost count. He tells of five of the principalities in this talk BUT the one he forgets is actually mentioned in another talk where he tells us that David Crosby told him when they produced the album 4-Way Street they conjured the principality of Medice and ordered him to order demons of rebellion to enter the album so everyone who listened to it would be rebellious against law, order and government. The funny thing is I listened to this very album (side two, the acoustic side) every night for a while, letting it put me to sleep. I can honestly say I was an extremely rebellious child against my parents, authority and local law enforcement.I’ve gone through my own personal deliverance and have been working with a deliverance minister after hearing Steve Quayle mention that he believed there are many Christians who need deliverance. After hearing this and the thought sinking in I decided to write Dr. Scott Johnson of to find out his thoughts on whether or not I might need deliverance from evil and wicked spirits and demons I had invited or allowed in through various unrepentant sins, un-forgiveness, generational sins, smoking pot or involvement with the occult either by choice or through ignorance and Scott Johnson said “yes” and directed me to a deliverance minister he works with.

Now that I am in tune with the spirit world (without being able to actually see them with the third eye,) I think this teaching by John Todd extremely relevant because these are the entities in satan’s army that are everywhere and working against us. We are to worship God in the Spiritual and in Truth. (See John 4:23-24) I’ve connected several of the principalities to the colors that John tells us they are associated with and with the rest of the sins he didn’t mention other than red being the lust demon. I believe blue is the occult, red is lust and I don’t know the colors of the other three or four John mentions. He does mention the seventh principality is contentment but they don’t use that one. This makes sense because their number is six and not seven, that’s God’s number. Addiction is one, The Mind is another, Death & Sickness is another and I believe Pride is the one John forgot to mention. Perhaps anger is associated with pride or pride is part of the Anger/Bitterness principality. I suspect it is Pride because there is so much in the Bible about Pride. Check out Proverbs 16:5 for a reality check. I learned from my deliverance minister that the three most common reasons for demonic activity in people are Resentment, Bitterness and Un-forgiveness. is a great site to plug in a word like “pride” or “snare” (a demon) or “curse” (also a demon) and do a word study. Not to mention that pride was the main reason that Lucifer tried to exalt himself above God, thereby getting kicked out of heaven and cast down to earth.

The following article I found at the bottom of the latest article on the (my old) website published on the blog in July 2010. The statements by Curtis B. Dall, the Board Chairman of Liberty Lobby in 1979 fits perfectly into the picture of the reality that John Todd was a member of a multi-generational witchcraft family and a high-ranking member of the illuminati’s council of 13 who became a Christian and that everything he said is true. Curtis B. Dall / (Board Chairman of “Liberty Lobby”, Publisher of “The Spotlight”) (Excerpts from letters, April and May 1979): “Being reasonable well informed on the powers which are at work to influence our domestic and foreign policies, for their objectives, – having been with Liberty Lobby for over 19 years, on Capitol Hill – I am greatly shocked by the ineptitude and downright ignorance of many alleged Christian leaders in this country, in observing how they “pick on” John Todd, instead to steer him constructively in the religious field. Most of these preachers haven’t the faintest idea of the contribution John Todd has made to his fellow Americans by revealing the secret power structure of the Rothschild Complex, who look to Lucifer for guidance, the Illuminati. Most any High School student can grasp the fact that the power of the Occult, or the Witchcraft, plus the power of Evil (The Illuminati) exert a most powerful influence upon our economic and political policies. Obviously, his powerful enemies are leaving no stone unturned to silence him, which regrettably might well be expected! The majority of his Ministers, Pastors, Priests, have been heavily indoctrinated and are woefully uninformed, misinformed, or bribed! Todd created powerful, unrelenting enemies when he defected from ” The Royal Family”, – “The Grand Druid Council of 13”! The enemies of John Todd have marshaled all the powerful “tools”, at their disposal to attack, neutralize or destroy him in order to protect themselves and their image, – certainly not to advance Christianity! – The usual technique employed by the Enemy in retaliation in respect to somebody who has exposed some of their secret operations! The Religious Area is the one in which they prefer to operate, along with plenty of money, artfully supplied to grease-the-wheels. Apparently they feel that Todd must be thoroughly discredited, silenced, or even assassinated!”

Jack Chick’s Testimonial about John Todd – Letter #2

Jack Chick’s Testimonial about John Todd – Letter #2

PO Box 662
Chino, California 91710

To Whom it May Concern in the Lord:

This letter should be a warning to us on how subtle the enemy can be as an angel of light. I consider John Todd a friend and a brother in Christ.

On Sunday evening, October 22nd, I received a phone call that gunfire had hit John’s house. My wife and I drove to his place at about 9 pm. There were five squad cars in front of his house.

John’s face was gray. Someone had fired a shotgun through the baby’s window aiming at John reading in the front room. It missed the children sleeping in the front bedroom and sprayed through the hall, hitting John’s arm and breaking part of the front window. John jumped up, ran to the back of the house, and as the man went over the back wall, he responded to John’s command to halt by firing his shotgun at John. Todd fired two shots. Eight neighbors saw the man going over the wall. No one could say this attempt on John’s life was self-inflicted as they claim the others were. I saw the blasted window, the torn curtains, and the pellet wound in John’s arm. The oldest girl, age 6, told me when the shooting started she put the babies on the floor to protect them. What a price to pay for exposing the occult!

New disturbing material has arrived in the mail with letters and newspaper clippings covering a period of time when John Todd had pulled away from the Lord, from July 1975 until March 1976 and beyond. In John’s defense, I would like to give the other side of the story.

As some of you know, when John and Shiela backslid, I called them many times trying to get them to come back to the Lord, so I’m familiar with much of what happened during this time. The pressures John Todd faced after working with me on “The Broken Cross” in 1974 contributed to his backsliding. When the occult put the heat on John, Christians didn’t want to become involved. His support vanished. The incident that broke the camel’s back took place in the midwest.

A pastor asked John to refurbish an old building which belonged to his church, telling John he would use it as a retreat for ex-witches and for drug rehabilitation. John and Shiela put in 18 hours a day plus $2000.00 of their own funds as well as their furniture into this place. The night it was finished John said the pastor changed his mind and wanted someone else to run it. And argument took place. The pastor pushed Shiela and she had a miscarriage that night.

Everything was gone. They headed for Ohio in a Greyhound bus with only two suitcases and three boxes of clothing. They were broke and hungry when they reached Shiela’s folks. Because of their past history with the occult in that area of Dayton they were not welcomed in the churches. By now they were very bitter.

The occult world would never forgive John Todd for writing “The Broken Cross.” He was branded a traitor. Too many witches got saved reading that book. John’s Catholic Landlord, Mr. James Seifer, wanted to invest his money either in an adult or an occult bookstore. He decided on an occult store and offered John and Shiela 50% if they’d run it. They agreed. This was September 9, 1975. They had gone back into the world. The Illuminati was outraged. It was like some cheap hood trying to set up a prostitution ring in an area controlled by the Mafia. John Todd, the outcast had moved into their territory. He had to be destroyed. I used to call the occult store and tell them I loved them and that Jesus loved them and wanted them to come back to Him.

Now we come to the insidious plot to wipe out John Todd as I believe it happened. Most of the people involved were directly tied to the Illuminati via the pope of the occult called Gavin Frost. I’ve been told the enforcer, who wants the Christians destroyed, is Isaac Bonewits who head up the Aquarian Anti-Defamation League. These were some of the heavyweights John was facing. The others were high priests and priestesses in local covens as well as Masons. Now understand, no legitimate witch was allowed in John’s store. It had been boycotted.

John was surprised when two real witches came into his store bringing a 16- year old runaway named Karen Schnipper. She had been beaten by her father. Immediately John felt sorry for her. He had been a beaten child. They asked for John’s help. Here’s where it gets interesting.

The two witches were Bob and Julie Pritchet (not sure of spelling). They were known as “Terror” and “Albarros” (not sure of that spelling either) which means the Black One, or Undergod, or the devil. These two were leaders in the local Church of Wicca, under the control of Gavin Frost, the pope of the occult. The girl, Karen, was a witch from Chicago. John estimated her to be a second level witch. She had a history of incest and heavy drugs. She offered John $200.00 to drive her to Chicago to get away from her brutal father. He had a broken hand from hitting Karen. John agreed to take her.

Before he got to Chicago, John stopped and called Shiela. She told him there was an all-points bulletin on him for kidnapping. The police were waiting for John in Chicago, the father had made the charge. I believe the witches plotted the whole set-up. The police offered John immunity if he’d bring the girl back. The deal was made through John’s boss. All charges were dropped. John admits he and Shiela were deep into sin. They were away from the Lord and miserable.

In January 1976, a 13-year old girl was missing from a children’s home in Dayton called “Shawen Acres,” located about a block form the occult store. A police officer by the name of Robert Keen who handled hundreds of cases singled out this girl. He accused John of killing her. According to police reports, John says this 13-year old girl was a habitual runaway because her father raped her at age 10 and she had become a member of the motorcycle gang called “The Outlaws.” She was a known prostitute.

Officer Keen searched John’s house and pushed one of the employees around, breathing threats of a murder charge against John Todd. This officer claimed to be a Christian. I called John on the phone that day and he told me about some of this man’s actions. He was bitter. I said, “John, from what you’re telling me, he isn’t a Christian.” There was no love. After a while the case was dropped.

In February of 1976 John was arrested for the Karen Schnipper kidnap case again. It was a shock. He applied for bail. At the same time he was hit with a warrant for his arrest in Carlsbad, New Mexico for forgery. Bail was denied. The warrants for his arrest from New Mexico turned out to be phoney. John was not wanted. They finally gave him bail.

Now the Illuminati made a deal with him. On February 21, 1976 at 7 pm John and Shiela were invited to a dinner with Gavin Frost, the pope of the occult and his associate Isaac Bonewits. They warned John to never mention the Illuminati again. John refused. They were furious. The next day in a Unitarian church, Gavin Frost denounced John. A “wanted” poster was to be issued for John raising the price on his head by the organization.

An interesting meeting took place. Gavin Frost, the pope of the occult who despises Christianity, and Isaac Bonewits, his enforcer who seethes with hate for the believers in Christ, met with the Christian police officer as friends. Isn’t that strange? The other man was Wes Hill, the man who reported all the stories on John Todd and for some reason always misquoted him. It looks like they all had something in common.

In March, 1976, I got a surprise call from John. He called me “Brother.” I praise the Lord because John and Sheila had come back to Christ. They closed the occult store and burned its contents. He was still on bail. The trial was coming up. Unknown to John, his lawyers were Masons. They told John if he agreed to say he was guilty of driving Karen across the state line he would be released. John agreed. For some reason a visiting judge from Tennessee presided. He also was a Mason. He gave John the maximum sentence of 6 months with no probation.

The first night in the institution, the nurse insisted that John get a shot of phenobarbital and Vallium, claiming his records showed at one time he had been an epileptic. They pumped so many drugs into John that by the end of three months he was in critical condition, moving him from the Veterans’ Hospital to the General, and back again. They were also hitting him with 6 shots a day. He was being overdosed purposely. A specialist was only allowed to see John once. He took a blood sample and said John was critical and in a toxic state, poisoned by Dilantin in his body. John didn’t recognize Shiela. He was having 10 to 12 seizures a day.

Shiela got on the phone and begged me to help her. I told her to get a lawyer. She did. The Lord was with her. The lawyer contacted a Judge Shields and said that John Todd through the lawyer would file a suit in inhumane punishment against this court. The judge ordered John released. John’s life was saved. The Illuminati lost that round. God had answered our prayers.

Interesting note: While John was in jail that little 13-year old runaway that John was accused of murdering by Officer Keen called up her mother to say she was out of the state of Ohio and that she was alive.

John was released on December 23, 1976. After the first of the year Judge Shields gave John permission to go to Phoenix, Arizona for a job. Later, John moved to Alabama and called his probation officer to see if it was all right. The officer said it was fine.

John and Shiela told me they would try to warn the churches one more time what the Illuminati is doing to our churches and what they have planned for us. It takes guts to tell what’s coming. John makes mistakes on certain statements and he’ll admit it. He is a Christian layman, not a minister.

Part of the material being circulated includes letters from ex-police officer Keen and part of the news clippings from that area. All this was when John was backslidden. John points out the letters ex-Officer Keen sent were secret within the occult organization. Only witches or Masons could possibly get their hands on them. The last people on earth I would believe would be Galvin Frost, the pope of the occult and his enforcer, Isaac Bonewits who I’ve been told commit animal sacrifices and who knows what else to the prince of darkness. These men are not my brothers in Christ. They hate the ground we walk on. God help us when we have to rely on witches for information.

At least John has given us the warning. He is being blasted by witches and Christians alike. As far as I’m concerned, his past is under the blood. John has confessed all this to the Lord Jesus.

It would be easy to compromise and give in to these pressures, but I won’t. I believe and love both John and Sheila. They are fighting for survival, never knowing where the next shotgun blast will come from.

I know that as a result of his messages revival is breaking out. Pastors have called me by phone and told me that the kids are burning their rock music and getting saved.

I believe the dear brothers in the Lord who are sending out this material have made a mistake in not knowing who they are lining up with. I pray these attacks cease and that we may all be in much prayer about this. John and Shiela need our support as they face an unbelievable powerful force who would stop at nothing to destroy them. They are counting on Christians to help them silence John. If I thought for one minute John was a phony, I would not hesitate for a second to expose him. I’ve prayed and sought God about this matter and I believe John is a true brother in Christ who has been given a very difficult ministry.
Yours for the lost,

JACK CHICK, President, Chick Publications, Inc.

The Jesuit Origin of the American Flag

The Jesuit Origin of the American Flag

The ensign of the East India Company from 1707-1801. It has 13 stripes just like the American flag

The East India Company (EIC), originally chartered as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies, and more properly called the Honourable East India Company, was an English, and later (from 1707) British joint-stock company, formed to pursue trade with the East Indies but that ended up trading mainly with the Indian subcontinent, Qing Dynasty China, North-West Frontier Province and Balochistan. The Company rose to account for half of the world’s trade, particularly trade in basic commodities that included cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpeter, tea, and opium. The Company also ruled the beginnings of the British Empire in India. Quoted from Wikipedia article

According to the book “Rulers of Evil – Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies” By F. Tupper Saussy, Lorenzo Ricci played a key role in the creation of the United States of America by creating the appearance of tranny from English rule over the American colonies. He is one of the founding fathers of America that 99.9999% of Americans have never heard of. The book suggests that Ricci may have faked his own death to come to America and meet up with the other founding fathers of America, especially when he met Benjamin Franklin.

Quotes from Rulers of Evil

At the evening session, [Benjamin] Franklin turned the meeting over to “his new-found and abundantly honored friend.” “The Union Flag of the Mother Country is retained as the
union [upper left corner] of our new flag to announce that the
Colonies are loyal to the just and legitimate sovereignty of the
British Government. The thirteen stripes will at once be understood
to represent the thirteen Colonies; their equal width will
type the equal rank, rights and responsibilities of the Colonies.
The union of the stripes in the field of our flag will announce the
unity of interests and the cooperative union of efforts, which the
Colonies recognize and put forth in their common cause. The
white stripes will signify that we consider our demands just and
reasonable; and that we will seek to secure our rights through
peaceable, intelligent and statesmanlike means – if they prove
at all possible; and the red stripes at the top and bottom of our
flag will declare that first and last – and always – we have the
determination, the enthusiasm, and the power to use force –
whenever we deem force necessary. The alternation of the red
and white stripes will suggest that our reasons for all demands
will be intelligent and forcible, and that our force in securing our
rights will be just and reasonable.”

The Professor reminded the committee that “the masses of the people, and a large majority of the leaders of public opinion, desire a removal of grievances, and a rectification of wrongs, through a fuller recognition of their rights as British Subjects; and few of them desire and very few of them expect – at this time – any complete severance of their present political and dependent relations with the English Government.” That severance would occur “before the sun in its next summer’s strength” – indicating that the Professor foreknew, as Lorenzo Ricci would have foreknown, a July declaration of independence. At that time, the East India Company flag could be “easily modified” by replacing the Union Jack with stars against a blue background, “to make it announce and represent the new and independent nation.

Washington and Franklin lavished the Professor’s idea with “especial approval and unstinted praise.” The committee formally and unanimously adopted the East India Company’s banner, known as “The Thirteen Stripes,” as the “general flag and recognized standard of the Colonial Army and Navy.” Just before midnight, they adjourned.

On January 2, 1776, at a formal ceremony attended by the Flag Committee, George Washington personally hoisted the East India Company flag “upon a towering and specially raised pine tree liberty pole,” unfurling it to the breeze and displaying it for the first time

“to his army, the citizens of the vicinity, and the British forces in Boston.” The British officers at Charlestown Heights perceived the event to mean that General Washington had thus announced his surrender to them. At once, they saluted “The Thirteen Stripes” with thirteen hearty cheers. They immediately followed this spontaneous outburst of British Enthusiasm with the grander and more dignified official salute of thirteen guns, the thirteen gun salute being the highest compliment in gunpowder, the military “God speed you.”

By so colorfully equivocating both his enemies, the Professor had made himself God of Confusion. The redcoats were toasting RULERS OF EVIL the good health of the rebels, who in turn were fighting for the East India Company. One of the few places in the world where such ludicrous phenomena are considered standard and routine is in the pages of Lorenzo Ricci’s Thirteen Articles: “The General decides everything; he knows how to shape, at will, not only the army he is commanding but also that of his enemies.”

Adventure to Aomori via a new route

Adventure to Aomori via a new route

Map of Tohoku

The red line shows the route to Hirosaki I took this trip. The blue line is my normal route.

In order to save a bit more money, rather than take a train from Niigata city to Murakami, I decided to take that train only as far as Shibata. This placed me directly on Route 7 rather than Route 345 on the Sea of Japan. The last two times hitchhiking on Route 345, I had to wait over an hour to catch the first ride. I thought perhaps my chances would be better on Route 7.

The first driver was a professional cook. He took me only as far as Tainai City, a few kilometers down the road.

The second driver was a lady who saw my sign (I often hold up A4 size signs in Japanese showing my destination) which shown my next destination as Murakami city. But she was going only as far as the entrance of Murakami and dropped me off at a place I had rather not have gotten off at.

The day was a traffic and pedestrian safety campaign day of the Niigata police department. There were many traffic cops visible. One policeman saw me hitchhiking and told me it was dangerous to stand where I stood on the road. It wasn’t just any road, but a major national highway he said! But there was plenty of room on the side of the road for cars to stop. I didn’t feel any danger in the least. Nevertheless the policeman took down all my personal information and let me go after advising me to take a train!

Hiroaki Abe, the truck driver who took me to Tsuruoka City in Yamagata Prefecture.

Hiroaki Abe, the truck driver who took me to Tsuruoka City in Yamagata Prefecture.

Now I felt I was in a yet more difficult situation. I prayed I wouldn’t see the same policeman again and get a ride quickly. After walking up the road a couple more traffic lights after only a few minutes I saw a man walking up to me. His name was Hiroaki Abe and he offered to take me as far as Tsuruoka City in his truck! It’s not common that truck drivers pick me up these days. Mr. Abe is a very friendly guy. We had constant converstion and he even became my Facebook friend!

Pedro who took me from Tsuruoka to Shiwa SA in Iwate Prefecture

Pedro who took me from Tsuruoka to Shiwa SA in Iwate Prefecture

At Tsuruoka after a relatively short wait, an older man saw my Sakata sign and offered to take me there. His Christian name is Pedro and is one of the few Japanese I’ve met with some Christian background. When he said he was going all the way to Morioka city in Iwate Prefecture, I decided to go with him rather than go only 20 kilometers further with him to Sakata. The route to Iwate took me on roads crossing Yamagata Prefecture that I’ve never been on before. And it took me to roads and places such and Shinjo, Yokote and Yuzawa, cities I haven’t been to in over 30 years. Pedro took me to Shiwa Service area on the Tohoku Expressway.

As you can see from the map above, going the way Pedro took me is actually a much longer route than the one I normally take via Route 7. Readers of my hitchhike adventures on this blog know that I usually take the Tohoku Expressway on my way back to Niigata, but not from Niigata to Aomori. Today was a notable exception. The reason why the Tohoku expressway is not necessarily better going north than it is going south is because the amount of traffic significantly decreases past Morioka City. But because Pedro was going so far, I applied another principle I learned in hitchhiking: The closer I can get to my destination in a single ride, the better!

I was now at the Shiwa Service area just before Morioka, but after an hour wait I still couldn’t find a driver going past Morioka! I could have saved that hour wait by going all the way to Morioka with Pedro. As it turned out, a accepted a ride from a lady going to Morioka with the hope that my chances would be better from Morioka. But who knows? I believe nothing happens by accident. Maybe God wanted me to meet that particular lady.

The lady dropped me off just on the other side of the toll gate of the Morioka interchange. It was a good place to hitchhike because the cars are going slow at that point, but because I’ve often been kicked out by expressway workers from the area near the tollbooth (where normal pedestrians do not go), I usually hitchhike at the normal highway which leads to the toll booth. But the lady told me the cars would be going too fast to stop for me at that point and wanted to drop me off near the toll booth, and so I let her.

Midori and Miki who took me from Morioka to Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture.

Midori and Miki who took me from Morioka to Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture.

I prayed desperately to get a ride before being asked to leave the area. In only a few minutes, two ladies stopped and offered me a ride. Their names are Midori and Miki and they were on their way to Mutsu City in Aomori. Because Mutsu is on the east, they would not normally be going past Hirosaki but would take a junction that leads to Hachinohe, way out of my way. I therefore asked them to drop me off at the Iwatesan Service Area which is just before the junction that goes to Hachinohe. But the girls seemed to like to talk to me and decided to go out of their way and take me all the way to Hirosaki! This was not only more time for them, but it cost more money for the toll on the expressway. Most of the expressways in Japan are toll roads. Midori and Miki went 63 kilometers out of their way to take me to Hirosaki.

I got to Hirosaki by 6:30 p.m. about an hour later than I usually do. Perhaps I won’t be taking the Tohoku Expressway route to Aomori in the future. 🙂

The Pagan Origin Of Easter

The Pagan Origin Of Easter

Did you know the Bible uses the word “Easter” only once? It’s in Acts 12:4

“And when he (Herod the king) had apprehended him (Peter), he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.”

This “Easter” of course is not referring to the Resurrection of Jesus, but to the Pagan festival of the worship of Ishtar, the fertility goddess!

That’s not to say we shouldn’t observe the Sunday Jesus rose from the dead, but why call it Easter which is a form of the name of the fertility goddess Ishtar? In the Russian language they call it Resurrection which is also their word for Sunday, the first day of the week. We certainly should pollute the day Jesus rose from the dead with Pagan rituals such as Easter egg hurts, etc.

A tract by David J. Meyer on the pagan origin of Easter



Easter is a day that is honered by nearly all of contemporary Christianity and is used to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The holiday often involves a church service at sunrise, a feast which includes an “Easter Ham”, decorated eggs and stories about rabbits.

Those who love truth learn to ask questions, and many questions must be asked regarding the holiday of Easter.

Is it truly the day when Jesus arose from the dead? Where did all of the strange customs come from, which have nothing to do with the resurrection of our Saviour?

The purpose of this tract is to help answer those questions, and to help those who seek truth to draw their own conclusions.

The first thing we must understand is that professing Christians were not the only ones who celebrated a festival called “Easter.”

“Ishtar”, which is pronounced “Easter” was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called “Tammuz”, who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god.

In those ancient times, there was a man named Nimrod, who was the grandson of one of Noah’s son named Ham.

Ham had a son named Cush who married a woman named Semiramis.Cush and Semiramis then had a son named him “Nimrod.”

After the death of his father, Nimrod married his own mother and became a powerful King.

The Bible tells of of this man, Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad,and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”

Nimrod became a god-man to the people and Semiramis, his wife and mother, became the powerful Queen of ancient Babylon.

Nimrod was eventually killed by an enemy, and his body was cut in pieces and sent to various parts of his kingdom.

Semiramis had all of the parts gathered, except for one part that could not be found.

That missing part was his reproductive organ. Semiramis claimed that Nimrod could not come back to life without it and told the people of Babylon that Nimrod had ascended to the sun and was now to be called “Baal”, the sun god.

Queen Semiramis also proclaimed that Baal would be present on earth in the form of a flame, whether candle or lamp, when used in worship.

Semiramis was creating a mystery religion, and with the help of Satan, she set herself up as a goddess.

Semiramis claimed that she was immaculately conceived.

She taught that the moon was a goddess that went through a 28 day cycle and ovulated when full.

She further claimed that she came down from the moon in a giant moon egg that fell into the Euphrates River.

This was to have happened at the time of the first full moon after the spring equinox.

Semiramis became known as “Ishtar” which is pronounced “Easter”, and her moon egg became known as “Ishtar’s” egg.”

Ishtar soon became pregnant and claimed that it was the rays of the sun-god Baal that caused her to conceive.

The son that she brought forth was named Tammuz.

Tammuz was noted to be especially fond of rabbits, and they became sacred in the ancient religion, because Tammuz was believed to be the son of the sun-god, Baal. Tammuz, like his supposed father, became a hunter.

The day came when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig.

Queen Ishtar told the people that Tammuz was now ascended to his father, Baal, and that the two of them would be with the worshippers in the sacred candle or lamp flame as Father, Son and Spirit.

Ishtar, who was now worshipped as the “Mother of God and Queen of Heaven”, continued to build her mystery religion.

The queen told the worshippers that when Tammuz was killed by the wild pig, some of his blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and the stump grew into a full new tree overnight. This made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of Tammuz.

She also proclaimed a forty day period of time of sorrow each year prior to the anniversary of the death of Tammuz.

During this time, no meat was to be eaten.

Worshippers were to meditate upon the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz, and to make the sign of the “T” in front of their hearts as they worshipped.

They also ate sacred cakes with the marking of a “T” or cross on the top.

Every year, on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, a celebration was made.

It was Ishtar’s Sunday and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs.

Ishtar also proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that a pig must be eaten on that Sunday.

By now, the readers of this tract should have made the connection that paganism has infiltrated the contemporary “Christian” churches, and further study indicates that this paganism came in by way of the Roman Catholic System.

The truth is that Easter has nothing whatsoever to do with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We also know that Easter can be as much as three weeks away from the Passover, because the pagan holiday is always set as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.

Some have wondered why the word “Easter” is in the the King James Bible.

It is because Acts, chapter 12, tells us that it was the evil King Herod, who was planning to celebrate Easter, and not the Christians.

The true Passover and pagan Easter sometimes coincide, but in some years, they are a great distance apart.

So much more could be said, and we have much more information for you, if you are a seeker of the truth.

We know that the Bible tells us in John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

The truth is that the forty days of Lent, eggs, rabbits,hot cross buns and the Easter ham have everything to do with the ancient pagan religion of Mystery Babylon.These are all antichrist activities!

Satan is a master deceiver, and has filled the lives of well-meaning, professing Christians with idolatry.

These things bring the wrath of God upon children of disobedience, who try to make pagan customs of Baal worship Christian.

You must answer for your activities and for what you teach your children.

These customs of Easter honor Baal, who is also Satan, and is still worshipped as the “Rising Sun” and his house is the “House of the Rising Sun.”

How many churches have “sunrise services” on Ishtar’s day and face the rising sun in the East?

How many will use colored eggs and rabbit stories, as they did in ancient Babylon.

These things are no joke, any more than Judgement day is a joke.

I pray to God that this tract will cause you to search for more truth.

We will be glad to help you by providing more information and by praying for you.

These are the last days, and it is time to repent, come out and be separate.

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Ministries International
PO Box 806
Beaver Dam, WI 53916

A Sincere Roman Catholic Priest Finds Contradictions in the Teachings of the Holy Fathers

A Sincere Roman Catholic Priest Finds Contradictions in the Teachings of the Holy Fathers

This is from chapter 46 of Charles Chiniquy’s book, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome”. If you are a Roman Catholic or was raised a Roman Catholic like I was, I dare say you will find this interesting.

Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine

The most desolate work of a sincere Catholic priest is the study of the Holy Fathers. He does not make a step in the labyrinth of their discussions and controversies without seeing the dreams of his theological studies and religious views disappear as the thick morning mist, when the sun rises above the horizon. Bound as he is, by a solemn oath, to interpret the Holy Scriptures only according to the unanimous consent of the Holy Fathers, the first thing which puzzles and distresses him is their absolute want of unanimity on the greater part of the subjects which they discuss. The fact is, that more than two-thirds of what one Father has written is to prove that what some other Holy Father has written is wrong and heretical.

The student of the Fathers not only detects that they do not agree with one another, but finds that many of them do not even agree with themselves. Very often they confess that they were mistaken when they said this or that; that they have lately changed their minds; that they now hold for saving truth what they formerly condemned as a damning error!

What becomes of the solemn oath of every priest in presence of this undeniable fact? How can he make an act of faith when he feels that its foundation is nothing but falsehood?

No words can give an idea of the mental tortures I felt when I saw positively that I could not, any longer, preach on the eternity of the suffering of the damned, nor believe in the real presence of the body, soul, and divinity of Christ in the sacrament of communion; nor in the supremacy of the sovereign Pontiff of Rome, nor in any of the other dogmas of my church, without perjuring myself! For there was not one of those dogmas which had not been flatly and directly denied by some Holy Fathers.

It is true, that in my Roman Catholic theological books I had long extracts of Holy Fathers, very clearly supporting and confirming my faith in those dogmas. For instance, I had the apostolic liturgies of St. Peter, St. Mark, and St. James, to prove that the sacrifice of the mass, purgatory, prayers for the dead, transubstantiation, were believed and taught from the very days of the apostles. But what was my dismay when I discovered that those liturgies were nothing else than vile and audacious forgeries presented to the world, by my Popes and my church, as gospel truths. I could not find words to express my sense of shame and consternation, when I became sure that the same church which had invented those apostolical liturgies, had accepted and circulated the false decretals of Isidore, and forged innumerable additions and interpolations to the writings of the Holy Fathers, in order to make them say the very contrary of what they intended.

How many times, when alone, studying the history of the shameless fabrications, I said to myself: “Does the man whose treasury is filled with pure gold, forge false coins, or spurious pieces of money? No! How, then, is it possible that my church possess the pure truth, when she has been at work during so many centuries, to forge such egregious lies, under the names of liturgies and decretals, about the holy mass, purgatory, the supremacy of the Pope, ect. If those dogmas could have been proved by the gospel and the true writings of the Fathers, where was the necessity of forging lying documents? Would the Popes and councils have treasuries with spurious bank bills, if they had had exhaustless mines of pure gold in hand? What right has my church to be called holy and infallible, when she is publicly guilty of such impostures.”

From my infancy I had been taught, with all the Roman Catholics, that Mary is the mother of God, and many times, every day, when praying to her, I used to say, “Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for me.” But what was my distress when I read in the “Treatise on Faith and Creed,” by Augustine, Chapter iv. 9, these very words: “When the Lord said, ‘Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come’ (John ii. 4), He rather admonishes us to understand that, in respect of His being God, there was no mother for Him.

This was so completely demolishing the teachings of my church, and telling me that it was blasphemy to call Mary mother of God, that I felt as if struck with a thunderbolt.

Read read of the chapter