April 2013 Hitchhike Adventure to Tokyo

April 2013 Hitchhike Adventure to Tokyo

The other day, (September 13, 2013) I ran into a man at a park who said he picked me up hitchhiking during Spring this year! HIs name is Katsuhiro Itoh. He took me from Sakae parking near Sanjo City to Echigokawaguchi SA. He told me he checked out this website but didn’t see the photo I took of him! Apparently I promised him I would post it. I felt bad about that and made a note to find the photo I took of Mr. Itoh and post it. Though I have not always faithfully wrote up each and every hitchhike adventure on this blog, I have kept records of names, places and distances in an MS Excel format file. Sure enough, I found the entry of the trip and all the information I need to write this belated post!

Mr. Bamba

Mr. Bamba who took me from Niigata City to Kamo. He said this is the second time for him to pick me up! The first time was in 2012.

Echigokawaguchi. I met him again on September 13.

Katsuhiro Ihoh and his cherry picker truck. He took me to Echigokawaguchi. I met him again on September 13.

Another man named Itoh, a software developer. He took me in that tiny sports car to Ikebukero in Tokyo!

Another man named Itoh, a software developer. He took me in that tiny sports car to Ikebukero in Tokyo!

People crossing the street in front of Shibuya Station in Tokyo.

People crossing the street in front of Shibuya Station in Tokyo.

Billy Graham and the New World Order

Billy Graham and the New World Order

A few months after I became a born-again Christian through faith in Jesus Christ in 1971, I attended a Billy Graham crusade in California. I deeply loved and respected this man who I considered to be a true messenger of God. Imagine my shock when I found out what he preached to me in 1971 about Jesus Christ, he himself does not believe! If you want to know the truth about who Billy Graham really is, please see and consider the facts brought out by this Youtube video.


President Obama’s Economic Policy

President Obama’s Economic Policy

It’s also Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s economic policy as well.

Pope John Paul II and the New World Order

Pope John Paul II and the New World Order

The following are excerpts from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper taken from chapter two, “Secret Societies and the New World Order”

Did you know that the Los Angeles Times, December 12,1984, quoted Pope John Paul II as saying, “Don’t go to God for forgiveness of sins, come to me.” The Pope committed blasphemy, thus fulfilling prophecy according to the book of Revelation. The Pope is telling us that HE IS God!

In the early 1940s, the I.G. Farben Chemical Company employed a Polish salesman who sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. The same salesman also worked as a chemist in the manufacture of the poison gas. This same cyanide gas along with Zyklon B and malathion was used to exterminate millions of Jews and other groups. Their bodies were then burned to ashes in the ovens. After the war the salesman, fearing for his life, joined the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in 1946. One of his closest friends was Dr. Wolf Szmuness, the mastermind behind the November/78 to October/79 and March/80 to October/81 experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials conducted by the Center for Disease Control in New York, San Francisco and four other American cities that loosed the plague of AIDS upon the American people. The salesman was ordained Poland’s youngest bishop in 1958. After a 30-day reign his predecessor was assassinated and our ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy as Pope John Paul II.

1990 is the right time with the right leaders: ex-chief of the Soviet secret police Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-chief of the CIA George Bush, ex-Nazi cyanide gas salesman Pope John Paul II, all bound by an unholy alliance to ring in the New World Order.

Dagon, the fish god

Dagon, the fish god

The Pope has challenged world leaders by claiming that the people of the world already recognize the absolute authority of Rome because they observe the Sunday Sabbath that was ordered by the Pope in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 364). The original Ten Commandments given Moses by God ordered that we should:

Remember the Sabbath day, to
keep it Holy. Six days shalt
thou labor, and do all thy work:
but the seventh day is the
Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in
it thou shalt not do any work,
thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
thy man servant, nor thy maid servant,
nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
that is within thy gates: for in six
days the Lord made heaven and earth,
the sea, and all that in them is,
and rested the seventh day: wherefore
the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and
hallowed it.

The seventh day, the Sabbath as handed to Moses by God, is Saturday The celebration of Sunday as the Sabbath is verification that the people recognize the Pope as SUPERIOR TO GOD. The only WHOLE people who have not recognized the authority of the Pope are the Jewish people, and that is why the Vatican has not and will not recognize the state of Israel. The Vatican refuses even to call it Israel. Instead the Vatican says PalestineChapter Two Secret Societies and the New World Order • 91 when talking about Israel. AGAIN, I MUST REMIND YOU THAT WHAT YOU BELIEVE MAKES NOT ONE BIT OF DIFFERENCE. THE IMPORTANT THING TO UNDERSTAND IS THAT IF THEY BELIEVE THIS, IT IS GOING TO GIVE YOU NIGHTMARES.

“The Pope has a lot of charisma and in a one world system you need a religious head for power. Khomeini proved that. This Pope has enough following and charisma to make what we consider a great threat in this move.” [Quote from The Mantooth Report.]

“Pope John Paul II is most anxious to complete his goal. His goal is to reunite the Christian World under the LEADERSHIP OF THE PAPACY. If at all possible, he hopes to reach his goal by the end of this century. This is the primary reason behind the Pope’s many worldwide trips.” [From an article by Gene H. Hogberg, Nov./Dec. 1989, Plain Truth.] Were you aware that Hitler and his entire staff were Catholic? Did you know that the Nazis dabbled in the occult? Did you know that the New York Times of April 14,1990, quotes George Bush as stating, “Let’s forgive the Nazi war criminals.” I wonder why he said that? Did you know that the Los Angeles Times, December 12,1984, quoted Pope John Paul II as saying, “Don’t go to God for forgiveness of sins, come to me.” The Pope committed blasphemy, thus fulfilling prophecy according to the book of Revelation. The Pope is telling us that HE IS God!


The Knights of Malta and the New World Order

The Knights of Malta and the New World Order

The following are excerpts from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper taken from chapter two, “Secret Societies and the New World Order”

The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. They are not the oldest but are one of the oldest branches of the Order of the Quest in existence. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commission.

The goal of the Council on Foreign Relations is a New World Order. George (Herbert Walker) Bush is a member of the CFR. Knights of Malta play a powerful role in this scenario. In the 1930s General Smedley Butler was recruited to help take over the White House. He was told that he was needed because of his general popularity with the military. General Butler blew the whistle and named several prominent Americans as part of the plot. At the top of the list was John J. Raskob, who was a founding member of the U.S. branch of the Knights of Malta. He was board chairman of General Motors. He was, at the time, the U.S. Treasurer of the Knights of Malta. Congressional hearings were held to investigate the plot, but none of those named, including Raskob, was ever called to testify and nothing ever came of the hearings. Although you will find this in the Congressional records, you will NEVER find it in ANY history book anywhere.

It is significant that the Iran-Contra episode has many similarities to the 1930s plot. William Casey was a member of the Knights of Malta. William Casey, with the help of Vice President Bush, Anne Armstrong and Donald Regan, caused the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board to be emasculated so that Bush, Casey, North and others could carry out their dirty deeds without oversight. They had also developed a plan to suspend the Constitution of the United States and were preparing to implement the plan when they were caught. These facts emerged from the hearings but were suppressed by the committee chairman, Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. You must understand that tremendous power was involved in both attempts to overthrow the United States Government.

William Casey was the Director of the CIA. He was a member of the CFR. Casey was a Knight of Malta. He was the head of Ronald Reagan’s political campaign. He was head of the Securities and Exchange Commission. During the Nixon administration he was head of the Export-Import Bank.

Casey arranged financing for the Kama River truck factory in the Soviet Union with 90% of the funds guaranteed or furnished by the U.S. taxpayer. This factory built military truck and tank engines for the Soviet Army. It was, and may still be, the largest factory in the world and could produce more heavy trucks than all U.S. factories together. I believe Casey was murdered.

The first U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican was William Wilson, a Knight of Malta. His appointment was probably illegal and, for a fact, was highly unethical. Wilson could not possibly have represented the U.S. when his allegiance was sworn to the Pope.

Knight of Malta Myron Taylor was President Roosevelf s envoy. Knight of Malta John McCone was President Kennedy’s envoy and he was also the Director of the CIA during the early ’60s. A former mayor of New York City, Robert Wagner, was President Jimmy Carter’s envoy. Frank Shakespeare replaced William Wilson. Frank Shakespeare is a Knight of Malta, and so it goes. President Reagan spoke at the annual Knights of Malta dinner.

The Knights of Malta ALL have diplomatic immunity. They can ship goods across borders without paying duty or undergoing customs check. Does that ring any bells? In any case, that is power.

The Knights of Malta is held up by a backbone consisting of nobility. Nearly half of the 10,000 members belong to Europe’s oldest and most powerful families. This cements the alliance between the Vatican and the “Black Nobility.” The Black Nobility is mostly the rich and powerful of Europe. The head of the Black Nobility is the family that can claim direct descendancy from the last Roman emperor. Maybe now you can see that things are beginning to fall into their proper place. Membership in the Knights of Malta entails obedience to one’s superior in THE ORDER and ultimately to the Pope. Therefore, a U.S. ambassador who is also a member of the Knights of Malta faces a conflict of interest. Why is this fact ignored? President Bush appointed Knight of Malta Thomas Melledy to the post of U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican.

The Vatican has founded the Pope John Paul II Center for Prayer and Study for Peace at 1711 Ocean Avenue, Springlake, New Jersey, in a man- sion overlooking the ocean. The mansion was given to the New York Archdiocese by the estate of Elmer Bobst, who died in 1978. He was a multimillionaire and chairman of Warner Lambert Company. Richard Nixon was a frequent visitor. Directors of the Center were Kurt Waldheim, former Secretary General of the United Nations and ex-nazi war criminal; Cyrus Vance, former Secretary of State under Carter and member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission; Clare Booth Luce, a dame of the Knights of Malta; and J. Peter Grace of W.R. Grace Company, who is head of the Knights of Malta in the United States. The Center was set up by the Vatican as a part of the Pope’s new peace plan, which will bring the world together (see my paper “The Secret Government”). The Center has two roles: (1) Educate Catholics and their children to accept the New World Order. (2) Provide residence for the world-peace-solution computer and an ongoing study for peaceful solutions to any future problems which may endanger world peace. The com- puter is hooked to the world capitals via satellite. All nations have agreed to relinquish sovereignty to the Pope and submit future problems to the computer for solution. Of course, this will not go into effect until the New World Order is publicly announced. I believe that the New World Order was born in secrecy on January 19,1989. Now you know.

Acquaint yourself anew with the teachings of Jesus. Compare his teachings with the tenets of the Illuminati and then compare it with the following. The Vatican has stated at various times that “the Pope is for total disarmament; the Pope is for elimination of the sovereignty of the nation states; the Pope is also stating that property rights are not to be considered true property rights. The Pope believes that only the Vatican knows what is right for man.”

Summer 2013 Hitchhike Adventure to Nagano

Summer 2013 Hitchhike Adventure to Nagano

I hitchhiked some 300 kilometers in 3 cars to the Shangri-La mountainous wonderland if Japan, Nagano Prefecture, the source of the longest river in Japan, Shinano. Some of the beautiful people who picked me up:

Haruka and Minako, sisters who took me from Niigata city to Sanjo City going 40 kilometers out of their way! Minako's two little boys were in the back.

Haruka and Minako, sisters who took me from Niigata city to Sanjo City going 40 kilometers out of their way! Minako’s two little boys were in the back.

Takahiro, Sumie and Masanori. They saw me hitchhiking at Yoneyama Service area and offered me a ride. It turned out they were going to the exact location I needed to go in Yamanachi, close to Nagano.

Takahiro, Sumie and Masanori. They saw me hitchhiking at Yoneyama Service area and offered me a ride. It turned out they were going to the exact location I needed to go in Yamanachi, close to Nagano.

Lady with her son in the back seat of the car that took me to Nagano City on my way back home

Lady with her son in the back seat of the car that took me to Nagano City on my way back home. Her husband was driving and there was one more little boy sitting next to me.

2013 Summer Adventure to Osaka

2013 Summer Adventure to Osaka

Trip Highlights:

  • I hitchhiked 1077 kilometers from Niigata to Osaka and back and though I was out for 4 days, I spent less than $15 US. for food and a short train and bus help me on my way
  • Got rides to areas only walking distance to the places I need to go.
  • Met a man who picked me up some 15 years before! He asked a driver for me and found my next ride!
  • Picked up by a group bus full of religious pilgrims! The driver asked me to pray for the trip just before we departed.

Megumi and Risa who took me to Otsu SA from Taga SA

Megumi and Risa who took me to Otsu SA from Taga SA

A group bus and its driver, Kensuke Inoue. He took me from Otsu shiga prefecture  (near Kyoto) all the way to Ishikawa Ken where he treated me to lunch. The passengers of the bus are of a religious sect of Shinto called "WorldMate".

A group bus and its driver, Kensuke Inoue. He took me from Otsu shiga prefecture (near Kyoto) all the way to Ishikawa Ken where he treated me to lunch. The passengers of the bus are of a religious sect of Shinto called “WorldMate”.

Fumio and Yukimi Igawa and sons who took me to Oyabegawa in Toyama ken.

Fumio and Yukimi Igawa and sons who took me to Oyabegawa in Toyama ken. One more son is is the car.

Atsushi, a man who said he picked me up hitchhiking some 15 years before! He was not going far and so searched and found another driver to pick me up!

Atsushi, a man who said he picked me up hitchhiking some 15 years before! He was not going far and so searched and found another driver to pick me up!

I actually got on this truck with the 666 license plate but got off before the driver left after learning he might not be stopping where I needed to get off! Significant, don't you think?

I actually got on this truck with the 666 license plate but got off before the driver left after learning he might not be stopping where I needed to get off! Significant, don’t you think?

WordPress tricks: Creating a menu on a page using images from a category

WordPress tricks: Creating a menu on a page using images from a category

My goal was to use WordPress to create a page of images from a category so that I could continue to add more posts to the category and have the page update itself automatically. In order words, I hoped to imitate this HTML page http://www.deeptruths.com/posters/posters.html using a WordPress plugin to avoid all manuel HTML coding hassel.

I did it using two plugins: Widgets on Pages and Ultimate Posts Widget

I had to edit the Ultimate Posts Widget php file to add code just after the img tag to float the images to the left and add some space around them.


See the result!

Another hitchhike adventure up north on a rainy day

Another hitchhike adventure up north on a rainy day

Sho who took me to Tsuruoka   City in Yamagata. He was traveling from Kanagawa.

Carrying an umbrella in one hand while riding my bicycle through heavy rain, I road 15 minutes to the local train station to catch a train just after 6 a.m. It was imperative for me to travel to the city of Aomori, 470 kilometers to the north, and I intended to take trains all the way. But upon arrival at the train station, I learned the trains were not running past Murakami City, only 60 kilometers!

I was glad that just the day before I checked the map for a new route. Hirakida station is the closest to the Arakawa-OKi expressway interchange and appeared to be close enough to walk to. When I arrived at 7’10 a.m. the rain had stopped.

It took me 50 minutes to walk to the expressway interchange but it bore fruit. Only a few minutes wait and I got a ride. Four vehicles later I got as far as the southern border of Akita Prefecture, 200 kilometers from home. By then the rain was so hard I asked the driver to take me to a train station. Happily the trains were running from that point and I made it to Aomori by 7 p.m.

Hitchhike Adventure to Tokyo – July 6-7, 2013

Hitchhike Adventure to Tokyo – July 6-7, 2013

First driver who picked me up. He repeated to me 4 or 5 times in English, "Enjoy my life!" I'm not sure whose life he meant.

First driver who picked me up. He repeated to me 4 or 5 times in English, “Enjoy my life!” I’m not sure whose life he meant.

Miss Akiko Abe and friends who took me to Kamisato from Takasaka SA

Miss Akiko Abe and friends who took me to Kamisato SA from Takasaka SA

Highlights of this trip:

  • Had to wait 2 hours and 40 minutes for the first ride! But the next 2 cars picked me up relatively quick and I arrived at my destination in Tokyo (300 kilometers from Niigata) on time.
  • The third and final car to Tokyo took me exactly where I wanted to go. He was headed to Yokohama which meant my destination of Yoga in Tokyo was exactly on his way.
  • On the way back to Niigata the next day, after an hour wait at Takasaka SA in Saitama, the first car was Miss Aikiko Abe and her two friends. We became Facebook friends! See my Facebook page for more photos.

June 29 to July 1 2013 Hitchhike Adventure to Hirosaki, Sendai and Niigata

June 29 to July 1 2013 Hitchhike Adventure to Hirosaki, Sendai and Niigata

Route 345 in Niigata Prefecture along the Sea of Japan

Route 345 in Niigata Prefecture along the Sea of Japan

Helicopter pilot Lt. Abe who took me to Tsuruoka

Helicopter pilot Lt. Abe who took me to Tsuruoka

Midori, Marie and Nagisa who took me to Noshiro City.

Midori, Marie and Nagisa who took me to Noshiro City.

The Shoji family who went 100 kilometers out of their way to take me to my destination, Hirosaki.

The Shoji family who went 100 kilometers out of their way to take me to my destination, Hirosaki.

Mr. Tateyama who rescued me from what he deemed a dangerous place to stand on Route 4

Mr. Tateyama who rescued me from what he deemed a dangerous place to stand on Route 4

Dr. Masegi who took me from Bandaisan SA on the Banetsu expressway to Niigata City.

Dr. Masegi who took me from Bandaisan SA on the Banetsu expressway to Niigata City.

Highlights of this trip

  • Mrs. Fujiwara, the fish market lady, picked me up for the 4th time to date. It’s likely I’ll see her again unless I change my route.
  • A helicopter pilot, Lt. Abe who serves in the Self Defense Force took me to Tsuruoka in Yamagata Prefecture. He says he can also fly light aircraft.
  • Approached at a highway rest stop between Akita City and Noshiro by two sisters, Midori and Marie. They offered me a ride to Noshiro City.
  • Got stuck for 2 hours in Noshiro City! One possible reason is I let Midori and Marie take me further to Noshiro Minami rather than Hachiryu which is the beginning of the free expressway where it was more likely to get a ride further past Norshiro. The expressway entrance at Noshiro Minamri is narrower and harder for drivers to stop.
  • Rescued from my plight by a man who took me to Higashi Noshiro station. I approached him at a convience store parking lot asking him where the closest train station was, and he offered me a ride. From there I walked to Higashi Noshiro IC. I knew was only 10 minutes away by foot. The next train was an hour later which meant I had plenty of time to both hitchhike and walk back to the station if I didn’t catch a ride in time. But afher only 10 minutes wait at Noshiro Higashi IC, I caught a ride from the Shoji family who were on their way to Kita-Aikita City. At first they said they would take me to Fatatsui just past Noshiro, but then they decided to take me all the way to my destination, Hirosaki in Amori! It was at least 100 kilmeters out of their way.
  • Pioneered a new way to get out of Sendai. Took a train from Minami Sendai to Tategoshi and hitchhiked on National Route 4 which leads to the Shiroishi interchange of the Tohoku Expressway. Mr. Tateyama took pity on me because he thought the place I was standing on Route 4 was too dangerous. It was indeed narrow and hard for cars to stop.
  • Got a ride on Route 4 by an elementary school teacher on his way to Aizu, the very direction I needed to go. Moreover, he took the expressway from Shiorishi which saved me the time I would have needed to hitchhike there.
    Dr. Masegi, a professor at a university in Niigata, took me back home to Niigata city. One of his hobbies is wind-surfing.

June 21-23 Hitchhike Adventure to Hirosaki

June 21-23 Hitchhike Adventure to Hirosaki

Young man who took me back home.

Young man who took me back home.

June 21st is my birthday but I had to celebrate it on the road traveling. The Sea of Japan was a bit choppier than last week with an overcast sky.

The first car was a mother and her son on the way to Yunohama in Tsuruoka city. Because Yunohama is on the coast and away from the main National Route 7, I debated going with them all the way. However because the map showed me the coastal road that passes through Yunohama was more direct to my destination, I decided to pioneer it. I regreted my decision after a few minutes of arrival. The traffic was sparse. I walked up the road a couple kilometers to get past the village and 40 some minutes later caught a ride from a man going to Sakata City.

Unfortunately the driver’s destination in Sakata did not pass close to Route 7. He told me it was a couple kilometers further and showed me a road perpendicular to the one we were on that connects to the closest point of Route 7. Instead I opted to hitchhike further straight ahead. I knew the road would eventually meet up with Route 7.

A lady saw me hitchhiking and turned around to come back for me. It turned out she is a Christian and attends a local church! It’s quite rare for me to fun into Japanese believers in Jesus Christ. Official statistics put the Christian population of Japan at 1%, but for sure much less than one out of a hundred drivers who pick me up are Christians.

Truck that took me from Higashi Noshiro to Odate City.

Truck that took me from Higashi Noshiro to Odate City. You can see my luggage on the side.

At Higashi Noshiro on the road leading to an expressway, a large truck stopped for me. It’s not common for truck drivers to offer me a ride these days. Only 6% of the vehicles are trucks, and probably less the type of trucks you see in the photo.

The truck driver took me to the center of Odate City and pointed out the road I needed to continue on to Aomori. My favorite hitchhike spot in this city was around 5 kilometers further, too far to walk. I saw a Lawson convenience store a hundred meters further and walked up to it so I could use the store’s free WIFI to connect my Google Android to the Internet and see a map. In the process of doing so, a young man approached me and asked where I want to go. He said he would take me to Odate Station. I went with him not because I intended to get on a train, but because the station was on my way. From there I walked a couple kilometers further to my usual spot in Odate. A few minutes later a man picked me up and took me exactly where I wanted to go in Hirosaki.

The return to Niigata

Mother and her 7 year old daughter named Chiehiro.

Mother and her 7 year old daughter, Chiehiro.

Two days later I headed back home, this time intending to take the Tohoku Expressway which runs through Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures.

The first car was a mother and her 7 year old daughter who were on their way to a children’s marathon. They took me to the Hirosaki / Owani Tohoku Expressway interchange.

Mr and Mrs. Miyamoto who took me to Iwatesan Service Area.

Mr and Mrs. Miyamoto who took me to Iwatesan Service Area.

The second car was a young couple on their way to Morioka. They are shop owners dealing in antique furniture. I hope to see them again when I return to Hirosaki next Saturday for their shop is quite near where I have my business.

The next driver was on his way to Sendai, a very good distance toward home, over 150 kilometers further. I asked him to take me to Chojahara Service area. We expected to arrive by noon but due to a big accident on the expressway, the road was closed from Maesawa to Ichinoseki. A large truck had overturned which affected traffic in both directions. It took us some 40 minutes to travel only a few kilometers on Route 4 which runs parallel to the Tohoku Expressway. Sunday traffic was congested.

Though I arrived at Chojahara later than expected, the next car more than made up for it. I caught a driver from Hachinohe going all the way to Niigata! This is possibly a first for me. Usually from that point it takes 2 or 3 more cars to get me home.

June 14-15 Hitchhike Adventures to Aomori and back

June 14-15 Hitchhike Adventures to Aomori and back

This trip I broke the 150,000 kilometer mark of distance traveled by hitchhiking since keeping statistics from August of 2005.

After only a few minutes wait at my usual spot near Majima Station at Murakami City, a man driving a large van stopped for me. He lives in Osaka but is originally from Okinawa. Some of my readers may not know that Okinawa used to be part of what is known are “Ryukyu Okoku” or the Kingdom of Ryukyu. The peoples of Okinawa the many islands of Ryukyu are ethically different from the Japanese. They have their own language and culture but have accepted Japanese rule over them. The driver told me there is no such word as “pitiable” in the Okinawan language because everybody equally in Okinawa has toils and troubles in life! 

We stopped frequently along the way to take photos. The man was in no hurry to get anywhere and drove the longer scenic route along the seacoast. I worried a bit that it might take longer to go with him and considered getting off if he veered too far of from the main route. But because of previous experiences waiting up to an hour for the next ride, I figured a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. We basically stayed not too far from Route 7 and though we even stopped to have lunch at a noodle shop, we arrived in Akita city around 1 p.m. Sometimes I don’t get to Akita till after 2 p.m. From Murakami to Akita City is a considerable distance of 210 kilometers. That’s very good for a single ride on regular roads.

The noodle shop the driver treated me to lunch.

The noodle shop the driver treated me to lunch.

The driver and his treat

The driver and his treat

On the way we noticed the Sea of Japan was unusually calm! I’ve never seen it such. On most days it’s choppy and windy. It was a windless day.

The Sea of Japan near the border of Niigata and Yamagata

The Sea of Japan near the border of Niigata and Yamagata

Couple on their way to Sapporo who took me to Aomori City from Odate.

Couple on their way to Sapporo who took me to Aomori City from Odate.

The 4th and last car took me from Odate City in Akita Ken all the way to my destination of Aomori city, a good 80 some kilometers. I was surprised to learn the driver, a software developer, was only 23 years old but his wife is 48! I asked her age after asking his because I couldn’t see her face clearly while sitting in the back seat and had no idea she was that old! But she didn’t seem to mind. Because she asked permission to take my photo when getting off I was emboldened to ask permission for theirs.

On the way back to Niigata the next day, I arrived at the Tohoku Expressway IC at Hirosaki at 12:30 p.m. which is rather late. But in only 3 rides I got as far as Adatara S.A. which is just before the Koriyama junction of the Tohoku – Banetsu expressways. The Banetsu takes me home to Niigata, about 137 kilometers away.

After a relatively short wait I caught a ride with a family on their way to Aizuwakamatsu. The husband was driving quite fast while I engaged in lively conversation with him. The distance to the junction from Adatara is only 7.3 kilometers (distance learned at the time of this post) and because of the speed we were traveling, after 5 minutes I wondered why we hadn’t made the turn on the junction yet. I asked the driver but he replied, “It’s 20 kilometers further up the road.” I accepted his word but when after 10 more minutes we still hadn’t made the turn on the junction I knew we had definitely missed it! It was raining hard, visibility was poorer, and the driver had his navigation turned off! He acknowledged that I was correct. We pulled off the Tohoku Expressway at the first exit and got back on at a further point the other direction. The mistake cost me at least 30 minutes of time and I got to the Bandaisan Service Area at 7:00 p.m.

It was almost dark but to get to Bandaisan at any time means a certain ride home. After a few minutes two ladies on their way home to Niigata picked me up. I told them of the mistake the previous driver made, but said that as a believer in the providence of my Creator, I know nothing happens by accident, it was all part of a Divine Plan. If the driver didn’t miss the junction I probably never would have met them. The ladies agreed with me.

Record time hitchhiking back from Aomori

Record time hitchhiking back from Aomori

This trip I hitchhiked 951 kilometers from Niigata Prefecture to Aomori Prefecture and back in 16 cars. Again the first person to pick me up in Murakami city near Majima station was Mrs. Fujiwara, a lady who buys and sells fish. It was the third time to meet her! It’s highly likely we will meet again.

The return trip from Hiroshima to Niigata was via the Tohoku Expressway though Fukushima in 5 cars. A man took me directly to the train station where I park my bicycle. Fifteen minutes later I was back home at 3 p.m.! This is the best time ever. The previous record was 4 p.m. The distance traveled was 560 kilometers.

Steep hill close to Nezugasaki near the border of Niigata and Yamagata

Steep hill close to Nezugasaki near the border of Niigata and Yamagata

Mr. Saito who took me to Atsumi Onsen in Yamagata. He looks a bit like the current Japanese Prime minister Abe.

Mr. Saito who took me to Atsumi Onsen in Yamagata. He looks a bit like the current Japanese Prime minister Abe.

This car was so small I had to hold my luggage on my lap!

This car was so small I had to hold my luggage on my lap!

Lady who took me from Kisarazu to Honjo City in Akita Prefecture. She's a dance teacher. Her husband passed away 2 years ago from cancer leaving her and two daughters, 1 and 5 years old.

Lady who took me from Kisarazu to Honjo City in Akita Prefecture. She’s a dance teacher. Her husband passed away 2 years ago from cancer leaving her and two daughters, 1 and 5 years old.

Two men who took me to Higashi Noshiro from Akita City. The older man says he always stops for hitchhikers!

Two men who took me to Higashi Noshiro from Akita City. The older man says he always stops for hitchhikers!

On June 9th on the way back to Niigata,  a minivan of two men and 5 ladies took me from Hirosaki in Aomori Ken to Iwate. The fifth lady took the photo. Mt. Iwate is in the background.

On June 9th on the way back to Niigata, a minivan of two men and 5 ladies took me from Hirosaki in Aomori Ken to Iwate. The fifth lady took the photo. Mt. Iwate is in the background.

A high school gymnastics teacher and his friend. They took me all the way from Iwate Prefecture to Kunimi Service are in Fukushima Prefecture.

A high school gymnastics teacher and his friend. They took me all the way from Iwate Prefecture to Kunimi Service are in Fukushima Prefecture.

Went mobile with Google Android Nexus 7

Went mobile with Google Android Nexus 7

On Sunday, June 9, I bought a really great mobile device called “Nexus 7” at a very reasonable price, a little less than $200. Nexus 7 is a Google Android tablet PC. I thought to get a Smartphone but because Smartphones require a monthly charge for Internet usage, and because Nexus 7 can connect to the Internet with WIFI, I decided to go with the Google Android Nexus 7 instead. It means no monthly charges! Nexus 7 is not a phone but it runs Skype, email, Internet, and has millions of applications. So far I installed a train schedule program, VLC video player, a weather forecast program, Japanese input software, and KJV Bible software. Nexus 7 is beyond my expectations! I bought for it an adapter cable so I could attach it to an external USB keyboard, and a WIFI router to carry with me while traveling. When visiting friends I can connect the WIFI router to their Internet modem to get online. And in Japan there are some free WIFI spots. I found two so far.

Yes, as with all electronic communication gadgets there is a risk on privacy. Before I turned the location finder off, Big Brother Google pinpointed exactly where I was!. But hey, what I do and what I have to say I don’t mind if anybody and his brother know about it. In fact, I want them to. I wouldn’t have made this website if I didn’t. I’d rather have the freedom to use tools of communication to get proclaim truth even though it may risk my personal security.

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. — Luke 12:4

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou (the Lord Jesus Christ) art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. – Psalms 23:4

A web article that says exactly what I feel about security and privacy:

Response to Obama’s “Can’t Have 100% Security, 100% Privacy” Statement

What Heaven Is Like!

What Heaven Is Like!

Have you ever wondered what happens to you after you die? What’s in store for you when you get to the “other side”? — If indeed there is another side. Is there a Heaven? If so, what is it like? Would you be happy there? Would you find your loved ones there? How different would it be from your life on earth?

If you’re interested in knowing the answers to these and many more questions, read on!

You may wonder how I know anything about Heaven anyway. Well, the Bible tells us a lot about what to expect when we get to Heaven — what it will be like, what we will be like, what our bodies will look like, and what we’ll do there. There have also been numerous accounts from people who have had a near-death experience where they have died momentarily, gone to Heaven and returned to tell the tale of what they found. Some people have even seen their departed loved ones in visions or dreams, and received messages from them with details of what they found life in Heaven to be like.

One of the most important things about life in Heaven — which many people find surprising — is that it’s not entirely different from life on earth! I realize this may not sound like good news, considering all the evils in this world and the sadness that so many people feel and that you may have experienced in your own life. But when I say Heaven is similar to life on earth, I mean that you’ll find many things very relatable to your life here. However, the big difference is that Heaven’s a perfect world, a world where we can enjoy all the beauties and pleasures that we have here on earth, but without the sorrow, pain, emptiness, loneliness and fear that so often grips us, and without the selfishness, greed and destruction that we see in the world around us.

In Heaven there is only love, beauty, peace, comfort, understanding, joy, willingness to help and to give, thoughtfulness, caring for one another, and most of all, being enveloped in the love of the One who loves us more than anyone — God Himself. The Bible tells us that God is a God of love. In fact, He is the Spirit of Love itself. Therefore His home, Heaven, is a home of love, where you will feel no pain, no sorrow, no rejection, no loneliness — only love! Isn’t that wonderful?

Heaven holds many similarities with our physical world. We know from the Bible and from the accounts of those who have seen glimpses of Heaven that we’re going to look much the same as we do now. We’re not going to be faceless, bodiless spirits, wisping around with no form whatsoever. We’ll have bodies, much like we do now, but without the sickness, discomfort or pain we experience here. We’ll have our loved ones, our families and children around us. We’ll be able to enjoy each other’s company, and live happily together forever! If that sounds like paradise, well, that’s what Heaven is!

Many people have the mistaken impression that Heaven is going to be a very boring place where we’ll have nothing to do but sit around and play harps and sing praises to God. Well, I’m sure that people can play the harp if they want to, and we certainly will be praising God, but our life in Heaven will be much fuller than that!

In fact, we’ll probably be even busier there than we are here on earth, except that we won’t have the stress, worry, competitiveness and struggle for survival that we presently endure. We’ll be busy with things that truly matter, things that make a difference in other people’s lives. We’ll be investing our time in things that make us happy, inspire us and give us joy; instead of the drudgery, the drab routine, and the senselessness that many of us have experienced in our daily lives here.

We don’t know all the details of what we’ll be doing in Heaven, but one thing we do know is that we’ll be helping people on earth — helping to inspire and encourage them, whispering in their minds and implanting good, happy, uplifting thoughts. We’ll help them make the right decisions, so they can be happy too, so they can experience God’s love and know that He loves them.

The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ Himself will soon return to reign over the earth, together with the inhabitants of Heaven, for a period of a thousand years known as the Millennium. One of the tasks of those in Heaven — those who love God and have gone on to be with Him after this life — will be to help reconstruct, reorganize, and re-educate the people on earth, in order to make this world a better place — a place where love predominates; where everyone has enough, but no one has too much; where everyone can be happy and can enjoy the fruits of their labors; where there is no more war, deceit or cruelty.
[spp title=”God’s personal reign on earth”]
Perhaps this sounds like a dream of utopia, but this is exactly what God’s personal reign on earth will bring about! And those of us who will be in Heaven will have a part in it. In fact, during the Millennium we’ll use all that we’ve learned — the natural gifts God has blessed us with as well as the skills that we’ve acquired in our earthly lifetime — in order to help restore the earth to a Garden-of-Eden-like state, as God originally intended for it to be before man polluted our once pure and perfect planet through greed and war.

So whether you’re a teacher or a doctor or an engineer or a farmer or a social worker, bus driver, clerk, or a mother or father — whatever your profession or talents may be — you’ll be able to use many of the same skills and talents you have now, in the life to come. The difference is that you’ll be using them for much more meaningful purposes — not simply as a means to support yourself and your family, but to make a difference, to help others and to bring them joy and happiness. The way to be happy is to make other people happy, so as we help and encourage others, we experience the love, joy and happiness that we give to them.

The last two chapters of the Bible’s Book of Revelation describe Heaven as a gigantic golden city nearly 1,500 miles wide, 1,500 miles long, and 1,500 miles high! (See Reve-lation 21:16.) That’s enough floor space to cover half of the United States or most of Western Europe, reaching nearly 1,500 miles into space! As you can imagine, if you divide it into multiple floor levels, a space this massive can house billions of people, with room to spare!

The Bible tells us that this wonderful heavenly habitation of God will someday come to earth, and that God will dwell with man. It will be like God moving over right into our neighborhood to live with us! And those who love God and have received His love in their hearts are going to live with Him in His wonderful golden city!

This may seem pretty far-fetched, or like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it’s true, foretold in a credible prophetic book — the Bible — which contains hundreds of detailed predictions that have already come to pass throughout history!

The Bible describes the city streets as being made of gold, with a wall encasing the city made of twelve different types of precious gems. We will have houses there, heavenly “mansions” where we can live with our families and loved ones, those who have also believed and received God and His love into their lives.

There’ll even be a great amusement park, with heavenly amphitheaters where we can hear heavenly music, a time travel center where we can go and review the famous events of history and see how they happened and what really took place, and many other centers of interest where we can learn more about the wonderful life that God has given us and how we can best use it to love Him and others.

You’ll have a supernatural body that will never get tired, although you can rest if you want to. You’ll never get hungry, although you can eat if you want to. And you’ll still be able to enjoy the many other senses and pleasures that we relish here on earth, such as touch, smell, sight and even lovemaking — except that each of these things will be enhanced beyond what you have ever experienced before. You’ll even be able to fly!

So as you can see, life in Heaven is a lot like that which we have on earth, except of course it’s so much better! It’s a place that is alive, vibrant, warm, happy, where you’ll be able to enjoy all the pleasures that you’ve ever wanted, and where all the dreams you’ve dreamed will come true! It’s as if you took life here on earth and removed all the bad things and added a lot of love, joy, peace, happiness and fulfillment. — That’s Heaven!

Maybe by now you’re wondering how you can make sure you will be able to live in such a wonderful place as Heaven, once your time on earth is over. Perhaps you’ve been told that only those who are very good get to go to Heaven. You may feel that excludes you, since you know you’ve made mistakes, and have at times done things that were wrong, unloving and hurtful.
[spp title=”Good News for You!”]
Well, I have good news for you! Anybody can get a free entrance ticket to Heaven! Anybody can be taken into the arms of love and receive the joy, fulfillment and everlasting love that God wants to give each of us, both here and in the life to come — and that includes you! It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done. It doesn’t matter how good or how bad you are — because none of us can be good enough to earn a place in Heaven.

The Bible says that only those who are perfect can earn a place in Heaven. But since none of us are perfect, none of us deserve to go there through our own merit. That’s why God sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth 2,000 years ago. Jesus paid our way by dying for our sins, and so, through simply believing in Him as our Savior, we can be sure of a place in Heaven. That relieves us of the burden of having to be good enough to go to Heaven, which we couldn’t do anyway, because after all, we’re only human. Jesus took our burden for us, and therefore all we have to do is believe and receive the gift of salvation that He wants to give us.

He’s opened the door for you to the life beyond, and all you have to do is walk through it by believing. You can’t earn it, neither can you be too bad for it, because Jesus loves you just the way you are. He knows you, and He knows what’s inside of you and everything you’ve done, even your deepest secrets. He knows it all, but He loves you anyway, because His love is infinite.

His love is so far beyond anything that we can understand or see with our eyes here on earth. His love can fix any mistake, right any wrong, fill any emptiness and heal any pain or hurt. His love can bring joy where there was sorrow, laughter where there was pain, and fulfillment where there was uselessness and misery.

He wants to give you all these things now, here on this earth, plus a place in Heaven when your time here is done. He longs for you and your loved ones to be united and happy forever with Him, and that’s why He gave His life for you. He’s reaching out to you with this gift now. Just take His love! Take it now, take it today!

You can receive His love and a place in Heaven by simply praying this little prayer: “Dear Jesus, I believe that You love me, and that You came for love and died for me so that I can be free, so that I could live in Heaven for eternity. I ask You to give me this gift of Your love now. Fill the emptiness in my life and give me fulfillment and happiness. Help me to give this same love to others, so that they can be happy too. I accept Your gift of my reservation in Heaven.”

There! It’s just that simple! All you had to do was open your heart, and Jesus is there now, and He’ll be with you forever. You can never lose Him! You’ve got a permanent reservation in Heaven that can never be canceled!

God has now placed this gift of love in your heart, and whenever you need Him, you can call out to Him, and He’ll help you with His love.

Although it was a free gift, now that you have His love in your heart, He wants you to do what you can to love others, and to pass on the love He has given you so that others can also experience joy in their lives — both here and in Heaven also!

Will you show love to others? Will you do what you can to make their lives better, even if it’s only giving a smile, saying a kind word or lending a helping hand? Simple deeds of love and kindness go a long way and can make such a difference in someone’s life. Now that you have a little bit of Heaven in your heart, help put a little bit of Heaven in someone else’s heart today.

God loves you, and He’s looking forward to living with you in Heaven for eternity! And so am I! I’ll see you there!

(Written by Maria David. Maria David is the spiritual head of the Family, a nonprofit volunteer Christian missionary movement with operations around the globe, whose mission is to bring spiritual and physical assistance, hope and God’s love to others.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International