Picked up by young mother with two little boys

Picked up by young mother with two little boys

Mrs. Takahashi with 5 year old son Raima and 3 year old son Shuga who took me 478 kilometers toward my destination.

Mrs. Takahashi with 5 year old son Raima and 3 year old son Shuga who took me 478 kilometers toward my destination.

Monday, July 18: From Aomori city in northern Tohoku I needed to go in one day to Noda city, Chiba Prefecture, a distance of around 700 kilometers. It took me one hour to walk from my friend’s house in Aomori to Aomori Chuo Interchange, the beginning of the Tohoku expressway, and it took yet another hour of waiting to catch the first ride. It was worth all the effort considering the very first car took me 70% of the 677 kilometer length of the Tohoku expressway! The driver was a mother, 30 some years old, Mrs. Takahashi with her two sons, Raima (5) and Shuga (3).

When I first saw Mrs. Takahashi waiting for the traffic signal just before the expressway entrance to turn green, I thought, “No chance with her! She has two little kids in the back seat!” And so I was therefore surprised when she turned into the gas station by the expressway entrance where I was standing and waved to me to come.

The front passenger seat was filled with belongings. Mrs. Takahashi had to arrange things a bit to make room for me and my suitcase. I greeted the boys and they were both very friendly. The older of the two, Raima, was quite talkative throughout much of the trip.

Mrs. Tahahashi said, “Let’s have a good trip!” I was so happy to know she was going all the way to Nasu City in Tochigi Prefecture. This would take me past the big city of Sendai which is sometimes hard to cross.

It was the second time Mrs. Takahashi picked up a hitchhiker. The first time was with her husband. She took a young Japanese man toward his destination. I was glad too to be of some service to her in helping her keep her two boys from fussing with each other too much and making too much of a racket. Every time I turned around to talk to them, they would calm down.

Mrs. Takahashi seemed to be in a hurry to go home and often approached a speed of 140 kilometers per hour! “Don’t worry,” she said. “The car won’t go any faster than this!”

I had a receptive audience of 4 hours to share with what the Holy Scriptures have to say about God, creation of the universe, the history of Adam and Eve in the Garden, why people became what they have become, why evil exists, why we are all criminals in the sight of our Creator, and why we need to be saved. Mrs. Takahashi was impressed to know that Adam put the blame on his wife for eating the “apple.” Most people in the West have heard all these things in church much of their lives, and they have either accepted them as fact, or rejected it all to the point they don’t care to listen anymore. It was the very first time for Mrs. Takahashi to hear it, and because she seemed interested I was glad to keep sharing more. I’ve hardly ever been turned down by a Japanese person an offer to share with them stories from the Bible. I can only think of a handful of times out of 10s of thousands of people I’ve talked to in the 34 years I’ve lived in Japan.

We stopped for a restroom break and Raima held out his hand toward mine for me to hold hands with him to walk with him and his mother toward the parking area facilities. He then followed his mother into the restroom.

The next day at the Miyoshi Service area on the Kanetsu Expresway heading home, I met another young mother with her son. They were from the USA and are now living near Yokota AFB. There were many American service personnel with their dependents around who were on their way back to the Air Force base after a field trip. I told the lady I’m about to hitchhike to Niigata. She didn’t believe me at first. I showed her the picture of Mrs. Takahashi and sons that I took with my cell phone. “It wouldn’t happen in America” the lady replied. I tend to think that Japan is now, “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, more than the USA is, don’t you? America used to be so back in the 19th century.

Picked up by two members of the Akita Prefecture Parliament

Picked up by two members of the Akita Prefecture Parliament

Akita Parliament member Jun with me in the background.

Akita Parliament member Jun with me in the background. Jun is holding my cell phone trying to include Teru Kun in the photo, but missed him because he couldn't see the camera viewer from his position.

July 15: Today I hitchhiked in 11 vehicles from Niigata city to Hirosaki city in Aomori Prefecture, a distance of about 430 kilometers. The highlight of this trip was car #9 with two lawmakers of the Akita Prefecture Parliament, driver Obara Masateru and front seat passenger Numaya Jun who took me from Akita City to Odate City, a good distance of around 100 kilometers. They told me to call them Teru Kun and Jun.

It’s an absolute first for me to get picked up by active politicians! Once I was picked up by the former mayor of a city of 50,000 people, Mr. Kobayashi of Niitsu city, but he was retired then and not serving in any public position.

Well, you can imagine the fun I had talking to these guys and telling them all the things I heard about crooked American politics! Two Illinois governors in a row, George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich were arrested and convicted on corruption charges. George Ryan is sitting in prison and will be there till July 4, 2013, and Rod Blagojevich was recently convicted and about to go to prison.

Teru Kun and Jun became Akita Parliament members just last March. They said they’re good guys who will not be corrupted by money. They promised never to take a bribe. I tend to think they are sincere because they had nothing to gain by picking me up, and they gave me presents when parting, an expensive looking bottle of grape juice, Japanese daikon and cucumbers. And they seemed to know nothing about the Secret Societies in America that formulate policy behind the scenes.

3 presents from Teru and Jun

3 presents from Teru and Jun

Japanese public servants receive quite good salaries, perhaps double of many other countries. Teru Kun and Jun acknowledged that they are well paid, but said that the budget of a politician is quite high and they have to struggle to make ends meet. The meeting in Odate they were required to attend would cost them 10,000 yen each. They referred to themselves as “poor politicians.” Indeed their car was nothing fancy, just a regular type of vehicle that most salary men drive.

Removing the WWW sub-domain for search engine optimization

Removing the WWW sub-domain for search engine optimization

One of my websites, Deep Truths would show in a browser using either the WWW subdomain prefix, www.deeptruths.com or without the WWW, e.g. deeptruths.com. From search engines’ point of view, this meant that there were two websites of the exact same content and one of the sites would be penalized and not listed in search results. Deep Truths was hosted on a Microsoft IIS server. Because of this the WWW subdomain name could not be removed without the help of the MS IIS server administrator. He is a friendly guy I’ve had much communication with, but when I wrote him about the problem, he either didn’t understand it well or thought it was not really a problem.

The solution was to move Deep Truths to a Linux Apache server so I could use commands in the .htaccess file to rewrite www.deeptruths.com to simply deeptruths.com MS IIS servers also use .htaccess but the commands to rewrite the URL only work in Linux.

Specifically I added to .htaccess the following lines:

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewritecond %{http_host} ^www.deeptruths.com [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://deeptruths.com/$1 [r=301,nc]

I got this idea from http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300173/Joomla-How-to-Remove-www-from-domain-and-why-it-matters But the example on that page does just the opposite of what it says it is supposed to do, it adds the WWW instead. I’m sure that we a mere typo. I just modified the code moving the www on the other line and it worked. 🙂

All WordPress sites seem to have this feature enabled by default! WordPress seems to be quite good with SEO even though the webmaster doesn’t know much abut SEO.

Hitchhike adventures since the March 11th earthquake

Hitchhike adventures since the March 11th earthquake

Mrs. Ayami who took me from Hirosaki to Namioka city in Aomori Prefecture on July 9th.

Mrs. Ayami who took me from Hirosaki to Namioka city in Aomori Prefecture on July 9th.

I haven’t felt it appropriate to write about my adventures meeting people hitchhiking in Japan since the catastrophe of March 11th. People are still suffering and I want to do what I can to help those who are going directly to the disaster areas to treat people with Post Tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

This is just to say I’m still hitchhiking, people still pick me up, and I still need to travel this way to do my job and save money at the same time. Since March 11th I hitchhiked 22 days in 75 vehicles and traveled 6400 kilometers. Some of the people I’ve met have been directly involved in the relief efforts. One man came from as far as Sasebo city in Kyushu to Soma city in Fukushima.

On July 11th I passed through Fukushima city on the Tohoku Expressway. Radiation levels in Fukushima city are higher than other places in Fukushima Prefecture where people are still allowed to live, even higher than in Soma city which is 20 kilometers closer to the damaged nuclear power-plants. This is because the wind happened to be blowing toward Fukushima city when one of the plants had a chemical explosion. The no-go zone is a 20 kilometer radius around the powerplants. The inhabitants of that area have not only lost their homes and land, but any livestock and crops they happened to have.

Merely passing though Fukushima city presents no danger from radiation. The Fukushima city people have not been reporting any radiation sickness. So far not a single person has died from radiation, not even the ones who worked close to the plant to cool down the reactors. For this reason IMHO I consider comments from so called “experts” that Fukushima is far worse than Chernobyl to be nothing but hype and fear mongering! According to world-nuclear.org 30 operators and firemen died within three months since the Chernobyl accident. It’s now been four months since the Fukushima powerplant meltdown, and not one power plant worker has died or is even ill from radiation!

Back to Linux Mint Debian

I had been using Fedora 15 for about 5 weeks since it came out at the beginning of June, but now again I switched back to Linux Mint Debian. Gnome 3 IMHO was too radical a departure from how I was used to operating. KDE4 was slow at times. Neither LXDE or XFCE seemed to support a Favorite Applications menu. Only Gnome 2 could make me happy again using my PC, and I figured Linux Mint Debian with its speed and power was my best bet. I knew it would continue to have Gnome 2 as its default desktop environment.

Linux Mint Debian improvements over Fedora 15

  • Gnome 2 is the default desktop environment!!! (You long time Gnome users know how I feel. :-))
  • Much faster boot up.
  • System feels more responsive and quicker.
  • All the apps I need without having to install more repositories. Skype, Google Earth, and Virtual Box installed from the command line using default repositories!
  • All needed multimedia codecs were installed by default
  • Flashplayer and its plug in for Mozilla Firefox was installed by default.
  • Because Linux Mint Debian is a rolling distribution, I should never have to do another clean Linux installation on this PC as long as I stick with this distro!

The only major quirks I’ve come across so far is that I can’t get LibreOffice to do a spell check. The language modules don’t load. Neither does Mozilla Firefox do a spell check either! I’m using Google Chrome to make this post because the spell checker works. I’m sure I’ll either figure out the spell checker problem sooner or later, or soon an update will fix it.

July 22 update: After much searching I found a fix for the LibreOffice spell checker problem by using Synaptic to download and install myspell-en-us This added the Hunspell SpellChecker module to LibreOffice. I also fixed the Firefox spell checker problem by right clicking on an open space in a form in Firefox, and clicking on Add Dictionaries.

Government and banking institutions’ mistrust of aid collectors since the East Japan Earthquake

Government and banking institutions’ mistrust of aid collectors since the East Japan Earthquake

A couple days after the massive magnitude 9 earthquake in the Pacific 70 kilometres (43 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of Northeast Japan which caused a massive tsumami destroying the northeast coast of the Tohoku region, I was asked to make a website http://helpjapan2011.net for the purpose of raising aid to buy goods and materials for volunteers to take to the survivors of the disaster.

At the time, NPO Leap High 28’s Paypal account was under investigation by Paypal administrator’s to verify its NPO status. Because of this, account was unable to accept donations. To work around the problem, I used instead my own Paypal account as a temporary substitute.

Within the first week a number of friends sent close to $500 US to my Paypal account. Shortly afterward, Paypal sent me a message saying that I was using my Paypal account for business purposes and asked me to answer a set of questions. I believed I answered all the questions honestly and explained that none of my web sites with a Paypal donation button are offering anything for sale. I was merely asking donations for my missionary work, and since the March 11th earthquake, specifically for suppose of aid toward the earthquake and tsunami victims.

This seemed to satisfy Paypal and the matter appeared to be settled, but after a week suddenly and without warning, Paypal froze my account! This meant I could not use it to receive further donations or pay out from it. Thankfully by that time I withdrew all of the donations received for the earthquake victims and sent them on to the NPO. Only $100 of the money I previously had in the account is now frozen.

I personally used 10,000 yen (now $80 US) from donations I received since the earthquake to buy vegetables and natto for a large and needy family in Sendai. That together with other donations from friends taken to the family in Sendai was nearly double than the $500 US I received in my Paypal account.

Other Paypal users in Japan — people I know — who are working to raise aid for the tsunami victims have reported similar problems with Paypal. It makes me think that Paypal may be ultimately controlled by the Establishment.

Banks have also asked prying questions about transfers of funds from overseas. One of my friends who has been doing an great work in bringing supplies to needy families in Minami Senriku received a large donation of 3.2 million yen ($40,000 US) from a company based in the USA. The bank dragged its feet in transferring these funds to his account. He was asked by bank officials the purpose of the money. What business is it of theirs, anyway?! He said that if he told them he was selling pornography, they probably would have understood and accepted it better rather than saying he was using the funds to buy equipment, food and supplies for the disaster victims! It dawned on him, “The Establishment doesn’t want me to have money! Common folks aren’t supposed to have money because that means freedom of movement from Establishment control!”

Mr. Ikeda, the man who took me home on July 11th. from the Adatara Service area on the Tohoku Expressway in Fukushima Prefecture reported similar problems with banking institutions and government agencies. His house in Soma City Fukushima Prefecture was somewhat damaged by the earthquake but is still in a livable condition. City Hall in general has had nothing but doubts about his motivations to help raise aid for the disaster victims. He’s had to fight every step of the way to do anything toward the cause of bringing aid.

Apparently a few unscrupulous persons have been using the March 11th. disaster as a means to fill their own pockets. As a result, all the good people trying to help have suffered. At the same time, big name charities such as the Red Cross are collecting millions of $ without having to account for what all the money is being spent on! Talk about a mixed up world that cannot discern anymore the difference between the good guys and the bad ones. 🙁

Japanese — a fuzzy language

Japanese — a fuzzy language

I had three books I wished to present as a gift to a VIP Japanese friend. I intended to give them as is without any formal wrapping paper to cover them, but my Japanese secretary suggested that they be wrapped together in a bundle with decorative wrapping paper. The secretary had only a couple minutes for the job and it looked rather haphazardly done. “Just tell her you did it!” my secretary suggested.

Japanese people always make allowances for foreigners, and especially for Americans (including Canadians.)

I replied, “Well, I don’t want to lie and say I wrapped the gift when I didn’t actually wrap it myself!” But then it dawned on me that I could tell my VIP Japanese friend (who is conversant in English) the same thing using the Japanese language and yet not be lying!

You may ask, “How is this possible?” It’s because the Japanese language has no verb conjugation according to person or number as does most Indo-European languages. Not only it has no verb conjugation, Japanese also drops the sentence subject (who is speaking) when it’s supposedly understood! This means I could say in Japanese, “Isoide tsutsumimashita” (was wrapped quickly) which would be interpreted that I wrapped it in a hurry when it could also mean, “he”, “she”, even “they”, wrapped it in a hurry!

Politicians in the West often make what sounds to be statements of fact and yet are not saying anything truly meaningful at all. Using a language with no verb conjugation that also drops the sentence subject because it’s already assumed to be understood, think how much easier it is for a Japanese politician to do the same!

Japanese is much more specific when you put it in writing. Chinese characters are very specific in meaning. The characters at the top of the page are pronounced omikoshi, the ceremonial box the Japanese carry during the Obon festival. Many people believe the Japanese got that idea from people from Israel who migrated to Japan two centuries ago! It resembles the Ark of the Covenant!

Making time

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. — Genesis 1:1

What a profound statement the Holy Bible makes in the authorized version of the Holy Bible (King James Version of 1611) in its very first verse! The Creator not only made matter (atoms and molecules), He not only made space between them (heaven) but He also created TIME! — (in the beginning). I consider it a universal concept.. Even with my finite mind, I must grasp that there had to be a beginning of time. Some call it the “Big Bang.” I prefer to call this historical event,”Genesis Chapter 1.

This post is not a theological disputation of what “time” is, but rather, (I hope) an amusing account of cultural differences of two different peoples of the meaning of the word of “time.”

Today a Japanese friend (who is conversant in English) asked me to do a favor and move out some rather large and heavy furniture (desks) from her attic. She did not intend for the furniture to be preserved, but to be destroyed.

“I’ll make time for it.” I replied. The entrance to the attic of her house was small. I knew the easiest way to move the large desks from her attic storage space (cheap furniture) was to break them apart with sledge hammer– a tool on hand — and to carry the lighter pieces of the broken furniture down through the attic entrance one by one. Japanese made furniture is not like that made in the West. It’s inexpensive fiberboard, not solid wood that lasts for generations as in American or European furniture. It is easily damaged and usually discarded after only few years (even one!) after its creation.

From what she said to me, I felt her saying, (as common for the Japanese people because they do not want you to go out of the way for them) “Don’t go out of your way for me!”

I replied again, “I’ll make the time!” But her reaction again seemed to me to be negative. Why on earth would a person who is asking a favor interpret what to me was a positive response to that favor such as “I’ll make the time” be as a negative? My conclusion: Cultural difference only. Me “making” time meant to her that I would be bothered to oblige her request. This is not true.

Another point: The Japanese often use the word “if” when asking a favor. “If you have time.” My response: “If you want me to do something for you, please don’t say, ‘if’, say ‘when.’ I can always find the time.”

I like to think of time as something you or “take,” or “grab,” or seize” such as the expression “Seize the Day”. I like that expression. Time is not something that “comes” to you. We all do what we consider to be our own particular priority.

When somebody says to me, “I’m busy. I don’t have the time to do what you are asking.” I understand that to mean, “What I am doing now is more important than your request.”

As for me personally, my goal in life is of servitude to others. I like to “make the time” to help others.

When I say to somebody, “I’ll make time to fulfill your request” I hope they consider that I am doing a service for the motivation of love for them, not for any personal gain on my own. This is what my blog is all about. 🙂

Opinion of Benjamin Fulford

Opinion of Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford with David Rockefeller

I just listened to a 4 part YouTube video clip of Benjamin Fulford’s interview with David Rockefeller.

Canadian born Benjamin Fulford first came to Japan in the early 1980s to study at Sophia (Jesuit) University in Yotsuya Tokyo.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Fulford

“After receiving a B.A. from the University of British Columbia he returned to Japan in the mid-1980s to pursue a career in journalism. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005.[2] After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese. He conducted an interview with the reclusive David Rockefeller in November 2007.”

My hat is off to Benjamin Fulford for learning Japanese so well and becoming a naturalized Japanese citizen. That is quite an accomplishment because it involves Japanese officials interviewing one’s personal relatives. But after listening to Benjamin Fulford for just a few minutes, I’ve come to the conclusion he is a disinformation agent.

He puts all the blame of the world’s troubles and woes on the USA. True conspiracy researchers know that America is just another pawn in the overall scheme of things. Benjamin Fulford talks about an Asian secret society called the “White Dragon Society” of which he is now the spokesperson for. Benjamin Fulford says the White Dragon Society is against the “Military Industrial Complex” for causing all the trouble and wars in the world. He says that the same are running out of money, and that March 11, 2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami was an attack against Japan in retaliation for Japan’s banks not lending them money! Any true researcher of the NWO (AKA Illuminati) knows this is absolute rubbish because the NWO own the world’s central banks, print up as much money as they want to, and lend it to governments charging interest. This is what the American Federal Reserve bank is all about and what Thomas Jefferson warned of:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
— Thomas Jefferson

Benjamin Fulford is not giving the overall big picture of Satan’s final attempt of control of every single person on the planet through economic pressure. He may be what is called a “gatekeeper”, a person who seems to be exposing the Enemy but who doesn’t go quite far enough to lead people into all truth about them.

And he (the Beast, AKA Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. — The Holy Bible Revelation 13:16,17

My opinion is Benjamin Fulford gives false hope to people who heed him. The answer is not with us. Only the return of Jesus Christ Himself will save planet earth and its inhabitants.

Finally, here’s a couple quotes from http://helpfreetheearth.com/news282_fulford.html that not only agrees with my view about Benjamin Fulford, but also exposes who Alex Jones really is and confirms what I’ve thought about why Jones would be willing to risk his neck when infiltrating the Bohemian Grove during a summer bash by the elite: He had permission to do so!

In 2007, Fulford became famous on the Internet and in conspiracy theory circles when he “miraculously” scored an in depth interview with David Rockefeller and delivered a threatening ultimatum to the elite that they step down peacefully or face the consequences. After the interview, Benjamin Fulford issued a letter of apology to Rockefeller.

Think about it. How could Fulford who publicly seeks to “take down the Illuminati’ score an interview with Illuminati crime boss David Rockefeller? The same way Alex Jones managed to infiltrate Bohemian Grove. They got clearance because they’re both Zionist shills. If Fulford and Jones were a serious threat to the ruling crime families, they would have been snuffed out long ago. Alex Jones and Benjamin Fulford are delivering a message that serves the ruling cabal. That message is that disaster is imminent. Expect it, focus on it. Be afraid…and by doing so, you attract it.

Another guy I have doubts about is somebody who calls himself Jim Stone independent journalist. Nobody knows who this guy really is! At least we do know who Benjamin Fulford is. How can any researcher or “truth teller” have any credibility at all if he or she is not willing to tell the world who they are? You can find out who I am if you want to.

Fedora 15 review

Fedora 15 review

In a post I wrote on February 7, I said I moved from Fedora 14 to Linux Mint Debian. Well, less than two weeks later I moved back to Fedora 14. I’m familiar with the Fedora way of tweaking the system, and I just couldn’t figure out how to set up certain things in Linux Mint Debian. Fedora is not only cutting edge, it’s more user friendly than Debian based distros for technicians in my opinion.

I’ve been with Fedora since Fedora Core 3 and have witnessed significant improvements with every new version. However because Fedora 15 comes with Gnome 3 as the default desktop environment, I had some misgivings when I upgraded. I knew that Gnome 3 is a radical departure from Gnome 2, but I wanted to at least give it a shot.

Improvements over Fedora 14

  • Since upgrading my AMD Phenom quad core CPU to a Phenom 2 six core CPU, Fedora 14 would often hang during boot at udev. I had to press the ESC key a couple times to continue the boot process. This doesn’t happen anymore in Fedora 15
  • While playing music and running Skype at the same time in Fedora 14, a Skype login by one of my Skype friends would pause the music player. The next login by somebody else would start it again. Needless to say this was a bit irksome but now with Fedora 15 the problem seems to be fixed.
  • So far I haven’t felt a need to install the third party proprietary Nvidia video driver for my Nvidia card. The default open source driver seems to be doing an acceptable job. It plays Youtube videos at full screen without obvious jerking of motion.
  • LibreOffice seems better than OpenOffice in some ways. I used to get weird behavior from OpenOffice Calc of menus popping up though I was only filling in the cells with my data. This didn’t happen in LibreOffice. However, I could not read the Japanese fonts in a .docx file, a problem I didn’t have in OpenOffice.
  • Startup and shutdown, especially shutdown, is significantly faster.

What I don’t like about the default Fedora 15

I think the developers of Gnome 3 made a major mistake in such a radical change from Gnome 2. All my cool Gnome 2 applets now gone forever! The coolest thing about Gnome 2 for me was that it was a mixture of the look and feel of both Windows and Macs. Gnome 3 is nothing like either. How can I therefore recommend Windows users to try it when I couldn’t even figure it out? Gnome 2 made it less painful for a Windows user to switch to Linux. The analogy of the Gnome 3 interface is that it makes it easier for users to access apps from smaller screens. Fine. Why not then have it only for hand-held devices? Why use such an interface now when PC screens as large as 24 inches have become easily affordable by most users? Hardly anybody these days has a screen size smaller than 15″, especially if they use a Desktop PC.

Alternatives to Gnome 3

I tried out KDE4 for a few days. It was certainly more intuitive and comfortable for me to use compared to Gnome 3. But KDE4 also seems slow at times.

I tried out XFCE which is similar to Gnome, but it seemed to lack certain features.

I also tried LXDE. It’s fast, has a Gnome 2 look (but still no Gnome 2 applets) and the default File Manager PCManFM seems to be better than Nautilus in some ways. It has configuration tweaks that Nautilus doesn’t have, and it sorts my Desktop Icons automatically every time I erase a file from my Desktop. Way to go LXDE developers! However it doesn’t seem to have a Favorites section for me to add frequently used software.

I’m back again to KDE4. Though its startup is slower than LXDE or XFCE, it seems to be the most configurable and easiest to use Desktop environment available now for Linux.

Bruce Lipton explains the placebo effect and why most modern medical practices are not based on true science

Bruce Lipton explains the placebo effect and why most modern medical practices are not based on true science

I was truly amazed and impressed by this talk by Dr. Bruce Lipton! He explains why modern medical practices are still based on old outdated 19th century science because it does not include the principles of quantum mechanics. The medical world, especially in the USA, is stuck in a rut because of the influence of pharmaceutical companies and their monetary motivations. If you have a chronic illness of either a physical, mental, or spiritual nature, please do yourself a favor by taking 30 minutes to sit down and listen to this talk.

Mainstream evangelicals are wrong about predictions of the Rapture

Mainstream evangelicals are wrong about predictions of the Rapture

Harold Camping

It was called to my attention just the other day that the date of May 21, 2011 was circulating around the Internet as being the day of the second coming of Christ, i.e. “the Rapture” of the elect as Jesus talked about in the New Testament Book of St. Matthew, chapter 24. Today I learned the prediction was made by American Christian radio host and president of Family Radio, Harold Camping. Some may be surprised to find that I only knew about this prediction very recently. I’ve been insulated from lots of false teachings in the religious world having lived in Japan more than half of my life with very limited contact with American Christianity.

People like Mr. Camping have been deceived by the un-biblical teaching of “Pre-tribulation Rapture”. They believe that Christ will return in secret, to call His followers up to Heaven. What makes me especially upset about this false doctrine is that because of it, non-believers and atheists are now again mocking Christians, God and the Bible. For the record, the Bible doesn’t teach a secret coming nor a secret rapture of the elect.

Revelation 1:7  Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen.

Mainstream evangelicals in America and most of the English speaking world follow the eschatology of Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, author of the Scofield Reference Bible, a man who abandoned his wife and children and refused to support them. Scofield’s erroneous interpretations have influenced most of the mainstream evangelicals in the English speaking world. Only people who truly read and study their Bibles know the truth. Christians who believe a pre-tribulation secret rapture have not a single verse of Holy Scripture to stand on. The honest ones can only say, “I believe in pre-tribulation rapture because my preacher told me so.”

Alternative views of when Osama Bin Laden died

Alternative views of when Osama Bin Laden died

Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden

I do not believe President Obama is telling the truth about Osama Bin Laden supposed demise yesterday.

Pakistan’s President Musharraf said in January 2002 that Bin Laden was already likely dead due to kidney trouble. He took two dialysis machines into Afghanistan. Think he could be on dialysis hiding in some cave with no electricity? Even if he brought a generator to the cave to power the dialysis machine, could he have remained undetected for so long considering the noise such a generator would make? A person with failed kidneys needs daily treatment with a dialysis machine or they will die.

Benazir Bhutto said in in interview with British journalist David Frost in 2007 that Osama Bin Laden was murdered, and David Frost didn’t even question her further about it! If Frost is supposed to be such a good journalist, why on earth would he let Bhutto’s comment slip by him like that? You can hear her say it yourself:

Listen to another viewpoint from a gentleman who has some interesting things to say about what could result from Osama Bin Laden’s supposed death at the hands of the US.

The rebellion in Libya and NATO support of the rebels is about central banking?

The rebellion in Libya and NATO support of the rebels is about central banking?

A friend sent me an interesting article from the Asia times about what could be the reason for the mess in Libya right now. I believe it could be true. The Central banking system is not part of the government, but a coporation that creates huge profits for the investors. The real reason why the world’s economy has gone down is because the central bankers have fleeced the people.

Fukushima Fear Mongers Exposed

Fukushima Fear Mongers Exposed

Over the past few weeks well meaning relatives and friends have sent me articles on how to prepare for the radiation from the Fukushima power plant meltdown. Some people have sent me web articles with statements from “scientists” such as Leuren Moret, full of gloom and doom calling the meltdown, “tectonic nuclear warfare” against the USA! This is total nonsense, hype, fear mongering, and disinformation. I wonder whose payroll she is on?

For the record, I never once doubted that the Japanese are more than capable of handling the nuclear power plant disaster. I am proud to live in Japan among the most wonderful people in the world. They behaved so well in the face of disaster. They are clean, decent and for the most part, honest people. You cannot deceive an honest people for long, and the Japanese government is well aware of that. Many people have their own Geiger counters, and they report that radiation levels in all populated areas are well below the danger level.

Related external link: Fukushima panic breaks completely free of the facts!

One reason why the Japanese people have such low crime, and are so honest and hardworking is because the Japanese culture was heavily influenced by New Testament teachings over 1500 years ago. This knowledge was lost when all historical records in a certain place were burned in a fire. For more information about the hidden Biblical roots of Japanese culture, please see:

Japan’s Christian Heritage

Northern Japan continues to shake

Last night at 11:32 PM while in bed in my home in Niigata near the Sea of Japan, I felt a relatively strong earthquake. The building shook for a considerable amount of time. It is not common for earthquakes to occur on the west side of Japan, and because of the duration of the quake, I thought it may have occurred on the Pacific side near the previous earthquake of March 11. A radio report confirmed it.

Increased frequency of earthquakes is one of the signs that Jesus said would precede His return to earth.

Matthew 24:3  And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
Matthew 24:4  ¶And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Matthew 24:5  For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:6  And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24:7  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

There are 66 books, 1,189 chapters and 31,102 verses in the Bible. It’s interesting to note that in the 19 times and 16 verses the word earthquake in either its singular or plural form appears in 9 books and 14 chapters of the Bible, it appears 7 times in 5 verses in the book of Revelation, more often than in any other book of the Bible. The book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible and the book that most people associate with the last days just before Christ’s return to earth.