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Adventure Setting Up a Home Web Server — 6 Comments

  1. Nice adventure James!
    Glad to hear that my article help you in your journey.
    Keep in touch and if you would like to share anything about web server or linux, you know where to contact me.
    Cheers and good luck!


    • Thank you Ivan for your encouragement! I like the tag line of your blog: “The only source of knowledge is experience.” So true. It was really in pursuit of knowledge that I felt I had to try setting up a home webserver. I’ll be checking out your website.


  2. Good read, James; I enjoyed it.
    Knowledge is experience in this industry. There is just no substitute with the speed of technology today.
    I repair/upgrade/consult and implement systems so I always have a bunch of ‘stuff’ hanging around to play with for such projects.
    I have to say, though, I never did have a router with Japanese firmware!
    Now why couldn’t you find yourself a cute little Japanese lady to help you interpret?
    Best of Luck,

    • Thank you Jim for your encouragement. I DO have a cute little Japanese lady by my side, but she’s not a technical person and has no understanding of the concepts involved. I had to figure out the router control panel on my own. 🙂

  3. Hi. I just moved to Japan, living with the in-laws and we have that exact same router. Where did you find the info to get onto it? If I go to the routers IP I’m asked for admin username and logon but not clear where to find this info.

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James Japan