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The Catholic Church in Hitler’s Mein Kampf — 3 Comments

  1. Although the catholic church might have inspired Hittler it was Martin Luther’s book lies of the
    jews that inspired the HOLOCAST.. in that book lutherv talks about burning their houses confisticating
    their property.. In fact I was reading in about 1938 Hittler addresses a christian conference and
    mentions something about fulfilling MARTIN LUTHERS DREAM…Martin LUTHER was a anti-semite and hostile
    to the jews inspite of his justification of faith and yes the catholics were Nazi sympathizers.

    • I didn’t know Martin Luther advocated such extreme measures against Jews, what would be considered crimes against humanity today. Thanks for sharing that. But when you consider that the Roman Catholic Church is itself guilty of such crimes against Jews, it’s no wonder that Luther was influenced by them, and that is certainly unfortunate.

  2. No one has murdered more than the catholic church more than world war one and two
    and then alters anddown plays their attrocities… I still have my Alberto Magazines..
    The way they have slithered their way into the churches today is mind boggling and
    a testiment of believers who don’t read their bibles or study church history..
    The Mother of Harlots has given birth and her off spring is in full swing of lies,
    and deception.

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James Japan