Freedom And The Protestant Ethic
This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine. I think many Americans today don’t realize the liberties they enjoy today came from Bible believing Protestant Christians.
ROMAN CATHOLICS are not aware that the great fundamental principles of American freedom — equal rights in a free State, equal privileges in a free church, and equal opportunities in a free school — are the heritage of Protestantism.
Rev. Dr. Alfred G. Walton, speaking in the Baptist Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., stressed this fact as follows:
“The founding of the American Colonies was an outgrowth of the spirit of the Protestant movement which began in the sixteenth century. The Pilgrims and the Puritans who settled in New England laid the foundations of a new freedom and a new government, the spirit of which was rooted in the religious freedom which they sought. Out of that conception came the ideal of democratic government. Protestantism exalted the individual and the individual’s right to think for himself and to act for himself.
“Standing for self-government in the Church as over against the government of the State or ecclesiastical authority, there developed the idea of self-government in other fields.
“The whole life of America has been built around this ideal of freedom. It has elaborated itself in a multitude of ways, in freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and freedom of conscience… Whenever we acknowledge any form of freedom, we are sharing in the heritage of the Protestant movement.”
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