HomeProtestant authorsThe Priest, Purgatory, and the Poor Widow’s Cow


The Priest, Purgatory, and the Poor Widow’s Cow — 1 Comment

  1. I’d read a similar archive with similar testimony perhaps 40 years ago. In my many travels, I lost that archive. What I do remember was that the Jesuits had several assassins brought in as backup, Corsicans and French specialists. From memory, 4 actually participated.
    I was 16 that November day 1963, when it happened in a orthopedic hospital for observation for diabetes. I remember laying there watching the motorcade on TV and suddenly the shots rang out, without realizing it, I counted 5 actual shots. Recalling that archive, it spoke about the man, Cardinal Spellman coordinating the whole operation for the Jesuit General with their American right hand, CIA and FBI.
    Interestingly, Nixon was in Dallas that day with various other politicians that were aware this was to happen. The article stated. Nixon left by Dallas that same afternoon by plane. I no longer remember the other politicians who were present, if memory serves correct, although, I no longer remember the names there were 4 other prominent politicians besides Nixon who were there unannounced and without the public being aware of their presence.
    But, the article clearly proved, albeit using other proof of the assasination by the Jesuits of our beloved JFK.
    When a man is known for murder in this case Group of MEN, its more then plausible. This article certainly makes an excellent case for Gesu Rome’s involvement.

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