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Billy Graham and the New World Order — 8 Comments

    • I have seen this movie of Billy Graham. He is a Mr Worldly Wiseman, leading thousands away from the truth and into the arms of Rome. He is part of the emerging church movement and is in with the Ric Warrens of this world. The ecumenical movement is a curse and many ministers will be resposible for the enternal loss of millions of people. Why people are so infatuauted with the Church of Rome is beyond me. People need to read Peter De Rosa’s book “Vicars of Christ” and Avro Manhattan’s book The “Vatican’s Holocaust”. Rome has not changed and never will change.

  1. Graham and others have led many astray. I attended a Graham crusade in the 1980’s several nights…and witnessed first-hand the magnitude and scope of the crusades psychological hypnotism for ecumenicalism. The stadium was scattered with Roman Catholic representatives nuns, priests, monks perhaps… Through the years I have read many that have confirmed his compromise with the faiths of blatant unbelievers, blasphemers, as well as recorded interviews with persons such as Robert H. Schuller. Thank you for your stance.

    • And thank you for your input! When Billy Graham passes into the next world, you can be sure the media will glorify him. I hope that might wake up Christians who take Jesus’ Word seriously. Luke 6:26  Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

  2. I attended the Wembley Crusade in 1966 at Haringey London. We had travelled up from Chelmsford with a coachload of people from our Church. After an hour or so we were told Billy Graham was on his way and would be with us shortly. Some 25 minutes later Billy Graham landed on the Pitch at Wembley and made his way over to the Royal Box to give an address. It lasted for around half an hour. Thousands of people had paid fortunes to get to this event. Billy Graham arrived in a Helicopter which landed on the Wembley Pitch and he was whisked away after half an hour! There were thousands of disappointed Christians who had come from all over Britain to hear Billy Graham. The Car Park at Wembley was Full of Coaches that ferried all those Christians to this event. It was the greatest anti-climax of all time. Anyone who knows about the Roman Catholic Church knows Napoleon was a Catholic, the Kaiser of WW1 was a Catholic and Hitler of WW2 was also a Catholic! They were all financed by the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope.

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