First American President George Washington may have died a Roman Catholic!
George Washington
When watching the Youtube video on my other page, The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
I came across a stunning revelation: (Quoted from )
“Our first President, George Washington, died a Catholic. While he lay on his deathbed he sent his slaves across the Potomac to bring back his close friend, Father Leonard Neal, S.J. Neal (a Jesuit priest!) spent some time alone in the President’s sick room. When he returned to the Jesuit house, his fellow religious asked him the outcome of his visit and he simply answered, “Everything has been taken care of.” The entire story is related in the Jesuit annals. The Negro slaves, who had been imbued with Baptist anti-Catholic bigotry, passed on the story that “Master George had been seduced by the scarlet woman of Rome”. Our first President had always kept a beautiful picture of Our Lady in His living room; he adopted the Catholic practice of blessing himself before meals; he was largest contributor, giving more than even Bishop Carroll, to the building of St. Augustine’s church in Philadelphia; he very often attended Mass; and he often told his troops that if they did not refrain from abusing the Holy Name of Jesus they would surely lose the war.”
We know for sure that George Washington was a Freemason, and Freemasons reject the Gospel of simple faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, and they base their salvation on works and good deeds. Therefore it would be no problem for Episcopalian in name only George Washington to switch his religious allegiance to that of Roman Catholicism which says that faith is not enough to be saved, you need works and good deeds also.
You won’t find this story in official documents, but it was reported in the Denver Register in 1957. Source