The Cunning Genius of the Vatican Papal System, Part II
The speaker on this video is Richard Bennett, a former Roman Catholic priest. He knows what he’s talking about! There is another talk from Richard Bennett already on this website, The Cunning Genius of the Vatican Papal System, Part I
Welcome to the program. We are going to address a topic that is quite difficult because it is truly startling. In June 2015, it was announced by the Vatican that it is warning people across the globe of the catastrophic global warming that is taking place and that it calls for an ethical and economic revolution. The Vatican insists that the destruction of the world’s ecological system calls for changes in lifestyle and energy consumption to avert unprecedented destruction of the planet before the end of the century. So the Vatican insists. And this command that goes out by the Vatican that energy is to be conserved and that everything is to be done so the planet is not destroyed by the end of the century is typical of the commands and instructions that the Vatican gives many times throughout history. It’s become so much a fact of life that people don’t notice that this church, which is also a civil system that dictates to the world. It’s become so accepted as it were.
This is not acceptable whatsoever. Actually, the whole system of the Catholic structure is so alarming that an exposure of its system is essential. And thus we have a Biblical and historical analysis of the system today in this video.
In dealing with the Papal System, we must remember that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Many Christian people, indeed Evangelical churches, are totally ignorant of the genius of the Vatican procedures. And so I ask you to make this video known to your friends and family, and if possible, to have it displayed on Internet web pages. Have it displayed on web pages of friends you know or churches you know.
The world today is enamored by Pope Francis, whether it’s on television, the Internet, YouTube, or whether it’s a news item that you’re listening to on the radio. The world is enamored by Pope Francis. What people do not realize is the platform from which Francis speaks, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, his name when he was in Argentina, would be totally unknown to the world were it not for the Papal System, the platform from which he speaks, or the stage on which he acts.
The Papal System is unrivaled in the world. It’s massive, it’s institutional, it’s a religious system which is also a civil system. Yet it appears friendly and inviting. It’s immensely deceptive. It has immense wealth and worldwide dominion, and it dictates its faith to millions. In fact, on the books, there’s over a billion Catholics alone, besides the influence that the Papal System has on other people of the world. It’s the largest organization on Earth and it shows superb skill in all its endeavors.
The Papal System is an elitist bureaucratic machine. It is so powerful that even the pope himself must conform to what the system says or face consequences. An example of this is the murder of John Paul I in 1978, only 33 days after his election. Cardinal Ratzinger as he was called at the time said on Zenit, the Catholic news agency website, his death was totally unexpected. John Paul I seemed to enjoy good health, and Ratzinger should know because he had known him personally inside the Vatican.
And Ratzinger would have known because he was well versed in church history, he would have known of the abnormal deaths of many other popes. For example, other popes were murdered besides John Paul I, and I would recommend David Yallop’s book, In God’s Name: An Investigation Into the Murder of Pope John Paul I (1984). That book has been well known and still sells very well, even as secondhand copies.
But there are other murders. For example, in history, Stephen VII, in 897 AD, he died, he was strangled to death.
And Stephen IX in 972 AD was mutilated.
And then we have John the XII in 964 AD, he was murdered.
And Benedict VI was strangled in 974.
And John XIV in 984 AD was starved to death.
Gregory V, in 999 AD was poisoned.
Clement II, in 1047 AD also was poisoned.
Damasus II, 1048, murdered.
Pope Pius XI, 1939 was allegedly assassinated.
Later in 2013, Ratzinger then Pope Benedict XVI appears to have been forced to resign or else face the consequences.
So it’s interesting, that even the popes themselves are dictated to by the system. Very few people realize this. These historical deaths of murders and strangulation and poisoning of popes in previous times are quite interesting.
We now must see some more history, we must have an overview of the history of the Papal System.
In the fourth and fifth centuries, great persecutions against Christians were over, and Emperor Constantine made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. And thus at this time the Gospel was watered down, and practices were accumulated into what was called the Church that were really Pagan practices and some Gnostic speculations. The true worship of God and the inner conviction of the Holy Spirit, and walking in step with the Holy Spirit, knowing the personal love of the Father in salvation in Christ, these things were replaced by worldliness and a worldly system of externalized rituals. And so gradually what had been Christian became more and more devoid of authentic spiritual experience.
We had true churches at the time such as the Vaudois, quite well known in history. The Vaudois had to flee Rome and go to the Alps to Northern Italy, going into France. The Vaudois, later known as the Waldensians after Peter Waldo, one of the more famous of the Vaudois. They were real Christian people. And they saw that this system that was growing was not Christianity. Later on, they were persecuted by the Church of Rome. And some of those horrific persecutions were the Pope sent forth armies to destroy those people. It is a really sad history.
We also had the Paulician churches at that time, true Christian churches. They realized what was growing in Rome and having its influence on other parts of the world from Rome was not biblical. It was a system that became in time a persecutor of those who were true Christians. And that is the whole story in itself, and we’ll touch on that later on.
At the beginning of the New Testament times the Gospel had produced internal unity. The fellowship of believers is wonderful when you’re in a Christian assembly and you know Christ Jesus the Lord, and you partake of the fellowship of brothers and sisters in the Lord. It’s a wonderful experience. It’s not only an experience of the presence of God in your midst as you praise and worship Him in Christ Jesus by the power of the Spirit, but the fellowship of the believers who are the body of Christ, it is as it were Christ, is as it were tangible as you meet the Believers in the fellowship of the believers. It is just wonderful. But this now was replaced in what was becoming the Roman system by an institutionalized and external unity, but with no internal spiritual experience.
And then there grew up in this system a clergy/laity division. Soon it was that the people the lycos (spelling?), which means the people of God in Greek, they were not just the people of God. One of the people was maybe an elder, learning to lead the people of God. There became a split, there was a ruling class, a clergy, and the lower class, the laity. And so it was that we had men who were later to call themselves priests lording it over the people who were under them. These men calling themselves priests began to mediate between God and the people. And so the fellowship of the believers no longer existed. In the system, it was an external unity. It was now dominated by men who were called bishops and priests. And so it was that this system developed.
In the year 330, those of you who know history know that the emperor Constantine moved the seat of the Empire from Rome to Constantinople. And so Rome no longer had the leadership of the Empire. The emperor, who was as it were the Caesar, going back to the Caesars, the emperor was now taking the place of Caesar, but it no longer had the emperor in Rome. And this created as it were a vacuum, that there was no authority figure in Rome. There was a foothold set as if it were for this system to come in with its head, the bishop of Rome, to become the dictator as it were in Rome. And so it was in the system, the bishop of Rome, and those under him called priests lording over the people underneath them, became the religion of the city of Rome.
If you know anything about history, you know that the barbarians, hordes of barbarians like the Vandals, were coming into Rome. The bishop of Rome would call upon these barbarians not to do vandalism, not to devastate the city, but to be welcomed into the city, and they would be welcomed also into what they called the Christian Church which was not Christian. They were welcomed as they were, just as they were, into the Church. They were baptized and accepted into the System. And so we had many of those barbarians now accepted as if they were Christians with no change of life, baptized by a ritual that was purely symbolic with no inner meaning. The barbarians had their names inscribed in the registers, a custom going back many years and is still in the Catholic Church. They always have a record of the names of those who have been baptized. It’s amazing how far back that goes. Even the barbarians had their names written down that they were accepted into what was becoming the Church of Rome, the Roman System.
And so we have on the ruins of what was the Empire, the emperor himself now being in Constantinople and the bishop of Rome taking authority and acting as if he had not just religious power but civil power.
Beginning then also in the fifth century and developed throughout the succeeding centuries was what is called sacramentalism, that is rituals called sacraments that are believed to have the power to make people Christian. In the first place, baptism is supposed to make you a Christian. When the priest pours water on your head and declares I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, he then says that you are a Christian. I know I did that for years when I was a Catholic priest. I did that with adults and of course with babies in Trinidad, West Indies. You declare that the person is a Christian because you poured water on their head. And then you inscribe their name into the registers. This was the beginning of sacramentalism.
It is interesting in the New Testament the glorious message of the Apostle Peter speaks about being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the Word of God who lives and abides forever. We are born again when we are convicted that we’re sinners by the written Word of Truth in the Scriptures, and the Holy Spirit convicts us, and we’re brought to new birth, and we accept Christ as our Savior by God’s grace alone. That is the wonderful thing, a real change, a spiritual birth being born again in the words of the Apostle Peter. But this (sacramentalism), is a claiming that people are born again to a ritual. And this is the same in modern-day Catholicism.
I’d like you to see on your screen the official teaching of the Catholic church at the present time from the code of canon law. I quote from Canon 849.
Baptism, the gateway to the sacraments and necessary for salvation by actual reception or at least by desire, is validly conferred only by a washing of true water with the proper form of words. Through baptism men and women are freed from sin, are reborn as children of God, and, configured to Christ by an indelible character, are incorporated into the Church.
The system dares to say that men and women are born again by washing of true water. No water, water does not convey the grace of God. It’s directly in Christ by the Spirit of God. It’s not physical water. But this is the teaching of the Catholic Church and is still the teaching and what they did back then with the barbarians as they were accepted in the early centuries into the Catholic church.
And so in the late fifth century, men calling themselves priests presumed to mediate between God and man! The Papal System began to have its sacraments necessary for salvation. The Scripture says there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. In the Scriptures, it’s abundantly clear. But the Papal System claims that it has its mediators the priests, and they operate by the sacraments.
And I’d like you to see again on your screen the exact quotation from the official catechism of the Catholic church, and it’s paragraph 1129:
1129 The Church affirms that for believers the sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation. “Sacramental grace” is the grace of the Holy Spirit, given by Christ and proper to each sacrament. The Spirit heals and transforms those who receive him by conforming them to the Son of God. The fruit of the sacramental life is that the Spirit of adoption makes the faithful partakers in the divine nature by uniting them in a living union with the only Son, the Savior.
And there are actually seven of them mentioned necessary for salvation. You must have these rituals. What did Paul and Silas say to the jailkeeper when he, the jail keeper, said: “What must I do to be saved?” They said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shall be saved, thou and thy family.” It wasn’t any rituals that Paul and Silas recommended, it was believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.
You see how horrific the system is. The present Pope is obedient to obey the Catholic Church to purport that life comes through the sacraments. I’d like to give a recent example of this on Sunday, May 3rd, 2015. Pope Francis obeying the Vatican’s guiding policy regarding the sacraments said the following:
Jesus is the vine, and through Him we are the branches. And through this parable Jesus wants to make us understand the importance of remaining united to Him, grafted by baptism in Christ, we have freely received from him the gift of new life, and are able to remain in vital communion with Christ. We must remain faithful to baptism, and grow in friendship with the Lord through prayer, listening, and docility to His Word, reading the Gospel, and participation in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation.
The last two sacraments, the Eucharist, which is the Mass, and Reconciliation is the sacrament of forgiveness that used to be called confession. These are necessary for salvation. (According to the Pope.) And there Francis is telling you what sacraments you should do to have life.
No ritual of any church gives life. It’s only trusting on Christ Jesus the Lord praise His name! Praise His name that it works! These rituals don’t work. And it’s so sad to see countries that have the majority of Roman Catholics in them in the system not living Godly lives.
And now we continue to go back in history to the sixth century with the system, just how it was developing. The emperor Justinian I who lived as Emperor from 527 to 565 AD. He was the one more than anyone else to establish the supremacy of the bishop of Rome as the head of the system. He did this in a formal and legal manner by bringing purely ecclesiastical edicts and regulations under civil law, at the time Roman civil law. And this we have from the historian Le Roy Edwin Froom.
Justinian’s great achievement was the regulation of ecclesiastical and theological matters crowned the Imperial by the Imperial decretal letter seating the bishop of Rome and the church as the head of all the holy churches, thus laying the legal foundation for papal ecclesiastical supremacy. The emperor Justinian’s decree did not create the office of the pope. Rather, it laid the legal foundation for the advancement of ruling power by the bishop of Rome.
The emperor wished to allay the demise of the Empire. Thus, the ecclesiastical unity was imposed. Consequently, the bishop of Rome, the head of the Roman Empire’s Church, became its head, and the title Pope began to fit the one who sat as the bishop of Rome, and now free to use the civil sword in coercion as did the Emperors before him. All of this was given by Justinian’s decree.
Thus it was that civil power came into the grasp of what was the papacy, the Roman system. The power of the system grew, and so did the immorality of the men and women under the System and under its control. If you read the histories of the church, you see how utterly depraved was not only the man who ran the system, and the popes totally immoral themselves, but also the people under its control. And historically, if you know anything about history, there was a turn and that turn came in the year 1073. It was the turning point in the Papal System.
A man came to power called Gregory VII. He was still known by the name he had before he was elected Pope Hilderbrand, and he’s often called Hilderbrand in history books, he’s well known in history books. And the year 1073 is well known in history books because it was a total turnaround of the System. The immorality was to go, strict laws were imposed on people. Priests were no longer even to be married let alone have many wives, and the same with bishops. They were now commanded to be celibate for their whole life. This was the beginning of celibacy in the Roman Catholic system that still goes to the present day under Pope Gregory VII, Hilderbrand. He was ambitious beyond all who went before him. He was so ambitious that he saw the reign of the Pope as God’s Reign on Earth. Gregory envisaged what was to become the Roman structure in power and authority with a supreme ruler who had civil rule besides religious rule, and has enormous wealth. That’s what he envisaged. It didn’t take place all together under his own rule which just went from 1073 to 1085, but popes afterwards developed it.
The most well-known were Pope Innocent III from 1198 to 1216, and Boniface VIII from 1294 to 1303. They put the final touches to the Pope’s spiritual and temporal power.
Probably the most well-known of all and you’ll see a picture of him on your screen is Pope Innocent III. He proclaimed a crusade, a war against the Albigenses in what now is France. This war was perpetrated with unimaginable cruelty. Thousands were evicted from their cities and towns and slaughtered. Others were burnt at the stake. Others were tortured with horrendous tortures. And so we have the beginning of what was to be the Inquisition. This war that Innocent III perpetrated right across France. And the Albigenses, if you read the history of the early church, you see that they were really truly really truly believers going back to Albi itself, still a city in France to the present day but no semblance at all of Christian Life in Albi. It’s just Romanism. Romanism obliterated true Christianity that had been right across France before that. It is horrific true history.
I have traced that in other videos that I’ve made. I’ve traced all of that horrendous history particularly as I’ll be mentioning later on in the Inquisition video.
And now we have Boniface VIII. He was stubborn, ambitious, intelligent, vain, and unscrupulous. He believed that the pope was literally the Vicar of Christ on Earth, and held extraordinary power, and anyone who opposed the pope opposed God. That was the mindset of Boniface VIII. He is well known for his statement, and you find it easy online if you have a computer, “Unam sanctam” the words of the decree of Boniface the VIII.
“We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature, that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman pontiff.”
So to be Christian you must be subject to the Roman pontiff. That was the decree of this evil man, Boniface VIII.
And 75 popes one after the other from Innocent III to Pope Pius VII approved of torture, murder, burning at the stake, and confiscation of property of believers through the six centuries. Actually, it was 605 years of the Inquisition. It wasn’t just believers, it was also Jews who were also tortured and burnt at the stake.
The Knight’s Templar was an order within the Catholic church that had rebelled against the Catholic Church. They were also tortured and brought to the stake. But principally, believers were persecuted.
And I ask you to look at the video that we have made on the Inquisition, called the Catholic Inquisition, and the torture tools. It is graphic in showing the actual pictures of torture. You can still find them in museums in Europe, and we got pictures of the actual tortures, and the torture implements, some of them are horrific to look at. And we got some video footage made professionally, with due permission, showing what it was like to be burnt at the stake or tortured by the Church of Rome. And all of that is in that video.
I would ask if you have children watching it that you really get them ready beforehand or you might think it’s not suitable when you see the torture and you see what the believers went through and others, Jews, Knights Templars, it’s horrific. But that’s a video that must be seen, the horrendous System.
The glorious Reformation of the 16th century brought a change, and that you would know. Biblical faith was restored, and the rights of people were restored. It was the first time that nations really became nations. It was after the Reformation that we got the nation-states really set up, and we had great men preaching the true Gospel of Christ. It was amazing what happened at the Reformation, such as Martin Luther at Wittenberg, Erasmus and John Colet at Oxford, Hugh Latimer, Thomas Cartwright at Cambridge, William Farel at Paris and later on John Calvin and leaders of the Reformation were highly trained men such as Bees (?) and Tindale. They ranked as men of letters.
The Reformation was a glorious awakening. And man did it retard the Papal System! The Papal System was for the most part taken out of some of the nations. And it’s amazing when you study how much biblical true faith grew! It was like the time of Pentecost all over again. The true Gospel was preached, and nations were freed so that men and women could live as Christians. It was a wonderful experience for even the children at the time of the Reformation could tell you that faith is based on the truth of Scripture alone. A man or woman is saved by grace alone, through faith alone, and In Christ alone, unto God only be the glory! Even children could give you those five biblical principles of the Reformation! At the time of the Reformation so great was the transformation that men and women and even children could give you the basis for the Gospel message, the five principles of the Reformation.
The known world at the time was changed, and glorious change it was. The remnant of that change comes down to the present day. But there was a horrific response of the System, primarily through the Jesuits. The Jesuits in a uncompromising and sometimes militant manner restored the Roman System to the position it held during the Reformation.
I have made a video on this alone, the horrific success that the Papal System had in Poland, with Peter Samski who is a Polish man. We had a video made showing the history of the Christian church in Poland, and how it was restored at the Reformation. And then the Jesuits come in and they take over the kings and princes of Poland at the time, and the educational facilities. And they totally practically, not 100%, but nearly 100%, wiped out biblical faith in Poland. (The land of my grandparents. If it weren’t for the Jesuits, I might have been raised a Protestant.)
It breaks one’s heart when one sees what Poland is today. To think that it had a religious transformation and then was obliterated by the Jesuits. The Jesuits did similar work, not so horrifically, but in other nations right across Europe. Their design was to undermine people’s confidence in the Bible and to extirpate the effects of the Reformation. The Jesuits were the Papal System’s most forceful tool to bring back Europe under the thumb and rule of the Papal System. And they succeeded in doing that in many of the Christian nations.
And it is really sad to see just how successful they have been as the Jesuits have continued into the present day, evangelicals and Catholics together. The second part of that was a System trying to say that evangelicals and Catholics could work together was diabolical in its intellectual ability to twist the minds of men and women to believe In a System that it was equal to the biblical System. I have a whole video made on that as well. It’s horrific to see what the Jesuits did, but they continue to do it.
On June 1, 2015, again a Jesuit, and the Jesuit is none other than Pope Francis, he was a Jesuit before he ever became Pope and he still is a Jesuit, the man who calls himself Pope Francis.
Now we have definite lessons to learn from these historical facts that we have gone over. With the demise of the Roman empire in the year 537, Justinian I gave legal power to what was to become the Church of Rome. It was very successful for many centuries coming up to the 16th century when it was really cut back by the power of the Gospel as it went forth at the time of the Reformation. But in the 20th century, it has come back strongly again. And through the ecumenical movements joining the Catholic church together with all other so-called Christian churches, it’s beginning to rule again and bring more again into our midst the mystery of iniquity. And so people are accustomed, say on Easter Sunday, to see the pope elevated on St Peter’s Square as if he were the head of Christianity dictating his message to the world. It’s the same on Christmas day. All television stations, and all radio programs go to Rome, and it is as if this is Christianity. When news is to be given, it’s always news of the System. It’s not true Christianity.
The mystery of iniquity in deceivableness of all unrighteousness is seen in the present-day world. You just have to turn on your television on Easter Sunday, or on Christmas Day, or on many Sundays of the world as this man parades his ignorance across the face of the world – Pope Francis claiming that sacraments give life. This is the horrors. It is accepted, and its dictates are accepted even in the secular world. And you find that radio stations and so-called Christian groups accept this System as if this is the archetype of Christianity. It’s the contrary. It’s what’s called the Antichrist in Scripture. And it is horrendous.
So you must know about this. This is why I appeal to you to make this video known because people must know the historical facts that we have presented in this video. You can trace historically exactly what I have said. It is accurate historically and can be verified in the annals of history.
Now the great thing for you and for me is that Christ Jesus Himself still reigns, He reigns in righteousness. Those wonderful words given at the very beginning of the book of Hebrews:
Hebrews 1:1-3 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
You can feel the wonder of that, the reality of the person of Christ Jesus. He is the person who reigns. He is the person who reigns victorious over sin and death. He is the person that Paul and Silas pointed the jailkeeper to in Acts 16, “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved, you and your household.” It’s the same message. It is He who purged our sins. It is He who summarizes, in a nutshell, the Gospel message, that He gives life, and life everlasting, that whoever believes on Him has everlasting life as he says, and does not pass in his sins unto the second death, but comes to new life as he believes on Him, the Wonder of it all.
As Scripture says, “Neither is there salvation in any other. There is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” The Scripture says in the Psalm the wonderful words, “Who have I in heaven but thee? There is none other on earth I desire besides thee.” Ultimately it’s the Lord Jesus Christ. Look to the Lord Jesus Christ, and if you see in His glorious resurrection, in His perfect life, if you see and are convicted by your own sin because we’ve all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Know that many others including myself have seen that before you. And cry out to Him for the faith and the grace and He will give it to you, and you will know what it is truly to be born again by the Spirit! True Life, true life is by the Spirit, and men and women are changed! Go to any Bible-believing church and see men and women praising God, obviously, their lives are changed, and see the fellowship of Believers. It is a glory to His Name. We just thank God for that.
And we have the words of Christ Jesus too, and they are frightening words where Christ Jesus said, “Not every one that says unto me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of My Father which is in heaven. It’s not by saying Jesus is my Lord and Jesus is my Savior, and going through the rituals of the Mass and through the rituals of any church that does not know the true Gospel. It’s not by any false message. It’s by the true Gospel message: Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved. This is the work of God that you believe on Him whom He has sent. Christ Jesus Himself said this is the work of God. It’s God’s work. But it’s you who believe. It’s wonderful, and it works. It changes you and you know that you’re born again, and it is a joy.
I think one of the greatest joys I have is when I hear from people like you watching this video that the Lord has moved in your life. Not just to see this horrendous System and to come out of it, that’s good enough joy, and I thank I’ll thank you for getting that message as you email me and my email address will be given on your screen, but the joy of knowing everlasting life, and the joy of being born again by the Spirit. There’s no greater joy than that. And in this world, there are few joys that warm my own heart when I read the emails that I get from listeners like you, that their lives have been touched, and that they’ve been born again. It is truly in the words of Peter, in First Peter, joy unspeakable and full of glory, praise God! It really is. It is delightful.
And so we say a word of praise at the end, to the praise and glory of his grace whereby He has made us acceptable in the beloved. That is the words of Scripture.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Praise God! All things are made new! And may that be so for you. And I thank God it will be for many as you listen to this program. And may God be glorified now and forever more. All praise, all glory, all worship, all honor, be to Him now and forever more, amen and amen.