The Rod of Asclepius – The Symbol of Medicine – Exposed!
This article is by my friend Brian Klunder who sent me PDF files. I converted it to web format to make it easy to read from a small screen.
In Greek mythology, the Rod of Asclepius is a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicine. In modern times, it is the predominant symbol for medicine and health care. – Wikipedia
We are told that the snake is a symbol of medicine…BUT WHY?
Rod Of Asclepius Symbol Of Medicine
Does it represent the brass serpent of Moses in the desert? Not a chance!
Here’s the short version. The Lord gave the people a serpent to look upon for healing and as usual they turned it into an idol (snake worship) until it was destroyed 700 years later in 700 BC (2nd Kings 18:4). But it was too late. The enemy turned the idol into the cult of Asclepius around 460 BC invading Greece, Rome and Europe.
So where did the snake symbols come from?
In order to understand, we must enter the world of Greek mythology; A collection of myths belonging to a religious culture.
This is where the sick would come for healing. It was known as the “Seat of Satan” in Pergamus, Revelation 2:13
Asclepius was referred to as “Saviour Asclepius” in the temple. The temple floor would be covered in what they believed to be healing snakes in honor of the god. This theme prevailed as new temples were founded throughout the classical world.
Hygeia, the daughter and assistant of Asclepius
Do you notice the snake drinking from the bowl of wisdom?
The bowl of Hygeia is the most widely recognized international symbol of the pharmacy industry.
The serpent drinking from the bowl of wisdom represents the deceptive character of Satan deceiving people today.
This was the staff of the god…Hermes, father of Hermaphrodite, [both sex organs]
In Greek mythology and in the occultic world, the caduceus has nothing to do with health or medicine.
So why has modern medicine adopted the symbol? It’s only purpose was for magic and to protect thieves and merchants.
It is the spirit behind the deletion of the genders that’s so prevalent in our society today.
Are you connecting the dots?
Did you know when Christians began their battle against the pagan gods for the souls of mankind, Asclepius was the leading deity in the struggle between the dying world of the pagans and the rising world of the Christians?
[“Edelstien and Edelstein” – Asclepius, A Collection and Interpretation of the Testimonies) Stone Masons were beheaded for refusing to make statues to Asclepius. Christians were burned alive in Pergamum for refusing to sacrifice to the gods.
Early Christian Martyrs refused to worship the Cult of Asclepius in the times of Diocletian.
The Old Testament prophesied that a Saviour would come healing the sick and raising the dead. Satan, who opposes everything God does, preempted the arrival of the Messiah by sending Asclepius as a counterfeit god of medicine.
As Justin Martyr said (1st century Christian apologist), “And when he (the devil) brings forth Asclepius as the raiser of the dead and healer of other diseases, may I not say that in this matter likewise he has imitated the prophecies of Christ.”
Eusebius, the “father of church history”, called Asclepius, “The god who does not cure souls but destroys them. The one who draws men away from their true Saviour.”
Let’s meet the father of the modern pharmaceutical industry (Toxicology/Pharmacology). Ever wonder why there are so many metals in vaccines? I sure have and here is why:
Paracelsus was an occultist, alchemist and astrologer (1500’s) who theorized it was the planetary alignment that was the reason for your ill health. But hey, no worries! His toxic metals potion blend will do the trick! But just ignore the Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, Autism and all the other heavy metal diseases that are a result of his venomous blend.
Did you know the original Hippocratic oath that doctors made was to Asclepius?
The early church forefathers clearly saw Satan’s deceiving hand at work. Do you?
Obviously, it’s symbolism, Right? But allow me to expand what that really means. Imagine running for your life in the dead of night, trying to escape a murderous gang, and you stumble upon two houses.
Without a moments hesitation you ran into the house with the cross, right?
But why?
Because that symbol marked ownership. You recognized the spirit behind the symbol controlled the territory you were about to enter.
Note:The so called “Star of David” on the Israeli flag is actually the star of the pagan god Remphan! How many Christians or Jews know that? Ref: The Star of David? Or the Star of Remphan! And also: The ‘Star of David’ Is A Satanic Hexagram
As Christians, we can all agree that the modern day abortion industry is just Molech worship repackaged. Children are being sacrificed for comfort and prosperity. But doesn’t an aborted baby being sacrificed for the lie of promising health and protection fall into that same definition of aborted fetal cells for vaccines argument? Of course it does! Think Christian! Do we partake in the sacrifice of a murdered baby for our benefit? Do we “do evil so that good may come?” What has the Lord to say about this?
– Leviticus 20:3
My friends, if all the nations are deceived by the pharmaceutical industry {Revelation 18:23} then should we not struggle and work through this scripture? Could it be, we also have defiled our sanctuary by participating? And is ignorance a worthy defense, when we stand before the throne?
Let’s explore the answers through the lens of God – SHALL WE?
(That’s all for now until Brian sends more!)