The Roman Empire never fell!
The Hierarchy of the Roman Empire now called the Roman Catholic Church.
The Roman Empire morphed into the Roman Catholic Church Empire.Quotes taken from
Vatican City is a landlocked state within the city of Rome, Italy. It is governed by the Bishop of Rome (called the Pope) are in fact clergymen.
It is the smallest sovereign state in the world.
Caesar Constantine began the “corporate takeover” by renaming all the old Roman offices, this evolution of name changing still occurs. Name changing allows a person to hide their tracks of origin.
Roman Empire offices & their modern names:
Roman Empire (Imperium Romanum) renamed: Roman Catholic Church
Curia (legal body of Senators) slight name change: Curia (legal body of Cardinals)
Roman Emperor renamed: Roman Pope (head of all church and state affairs)
Civil government matters of state: Extra-Ordinary affairs (matters of civil-state governments)
Religious orders matters: Church “ecclesiastical” matters
Roman College of Senators renamed: College of Cardinals
Magistrate of College of Senators renamed: Dean of College of Cardinals
Departments of the Roman Senatorial Curia renamed: Congregations
Political Ambassador renamed: Pro-Nuncio (highest civil ambassador sent to other governments, ie Washington DC, London etc)
If a government has not signed a treaty with Rome which makes the Romans the head of the foreign country as certified in the Roman Code of Canon Law. This rebel nation which has no official ties has an ambassador called an Apostolic Delegate. The United States and the United Kingdom never allowed the Vatican to serve as their legal head until President Reagan quickly signed into law on January 10, 1984. This Treaty for the very first time in U.S. history recognized full diplomatic relations between the United States and the Vatican State.
In 1534 when the United Kingdom realized that the Treaty with the Vatican City-State made them subject to all the Popes rules they voided the treaty. Formal plomatic relations between England and Vatican State were broken. Full diplomatic relations with the Pope’s Vatican State were never restored for 448 years until 1982.
Roman Senators renamed: Cardinals
Roman Governors renamed: Archbishops
Roman Senator with no territory: Bishop (Code of Canon Law 376)
(Large) Roman Province renamed: Archdiocese
(Small) Roman Territory renamed: Diocese
Imperial Chair of Jupiter where Caesar sat renamed: Throne of St. Peter
Vestal Virgins renamed: Nuns
Pontifex Maximus (high priest of College of Senators) renamed: Supreme Pontiff of College of Cardinals
Pontiff or “high priest ” of a pagan religious order (Zues, Apollo, Diana, Mars, Jupiter, Baal, Dionysys, Pythia etc) same name: Pontiff
A Pontiff (Latin: “pontifex”) means bridge-builder or priest between man and the gods of the underworld.
The Roman Calendar and Holy Days of the gods renamed: Calendar Holidays of the Saints
Voice of the gods speaking through Caesar: Ex-Cathedra: Voice of God speaking through Pope
Meeting of the Pontiffs (high priests) of the pagan religious orders renamed: Ecumenical Council of the Bishops
Legal act of creating a god (of a living or dead human, as was done to most of the Caesars) “Apotheosis of the Gods” renamed: Canonization of the Saints
A decree of Caesar (dictator for life): Pope’s infallible Dogma
Praying to a dead human god renamed: Praying to a saint
In the US the highest law of the land is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the Vatican State the Constitution is called the Code of Canon Law