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The True Meaning of the Word “Antichrist” — 21 Comments

  1. I totally agree with your assessment, James! It’s so easy to understand, so simple!
    We have a few articles coming out on the American Church, how it’s part of the world religious system and not necessarily of God which will soon be referenced from our front page onsite.
    We classify Christianity along with Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. as world an entity of the world religious system — specifically because it has been totally compromised for more than 1500 years!
    anyway, before I get long-winded, let me just say I’m very happy with what I read on this post!
    In our community work, we specify that we do not discriminate against either Protestants or Catholics, but treat each the same.
    As for some of Dad’s ideas not quite lining up with Scripture and other realities on the ground, I get the verse: “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4:18)
    I thank God for that wonderful ol’ crazy prophet for the quality of spiritual training and biblical understanding I received under his leadership! No doubt he’s learning new things in heaven!
    As for guys like you and me, well, we have to keep digging and separating and trying to make heads and tails of everything we’re about until the day we, too, pass on! It’s very commendable when we can let go of those doctrines and shibboleths we once cherished and replace them with things that more closely approach the truth.
    God bless!

    • Thanks Mike, for your encouragement! Your comment was sent to the spam box because the URL of your site was not written correctly. Glad I found it.

    • How are you? What is the name of your we site. I am interested in this article pertaining to the American Church your referring too.

      • Daniel, if you are asking the name of my website, I think you know it already for you to write your comment. It’s called James Japan.

  2. Saint Peter never been to Rome, because he was sent to preach Gospel to Jews, Paul was sent to Rome. Catholic church from beginning standing on false teaching.

  3. Dear James

    Ask u, First Jesus will coming soon the earth then Second Anti Christ will coming soon in Israel so AC will punish Jewish in Israel only. others courtiers.. I read the Bible verse 1 Thess 4:16-17

  4. “The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, he is Jesus Christ Himself, under the veil of flesh.”

    Attributed to Pope Pius X, but the quotation is from where?

    The quote is listed on http://www.the-bible-antichrist.com/antichrist-speaks.html with MANY other quotes that confirm the Pope thinks he is God!

    Are you sure it didn’t originate as a spoof on his words about the Eucharist? “under the veil of bread and wine”.



    Here are what his catechism actually did and does teach about the Pope:

    50 Q. Who is the Pope?
    A. The Pope, who is also called the Sovereign Pontiff, or the Roman Pontiff, is the Successor of St. Peter in the See of Rome, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, and the visible Head of the Church.

    The Apostle Peter never ever visited Rome! To say he did is to rewrite history!

    51 Q. Why is the Roman Pontiff the Successor of St. Peter?
    A. The Roman Pontiff is the Successor of St. Peter because St. Peter united in his own person the dignity of Bishop of Rome and that of Head of the Church; by divine disposition he established his Seat at Rome, and there died; hence, whosoever is elected Bishop of Rome is also heir to all his authority.

    This is a trick for Rome to get all the power! The Russians and the Greeks didn’t fall for it, and that is why they forsook the Bishop of Rome 1000 years ago.

    52 Q. Why is the Roman Pontiff the Vicar of Jesus Christ?
    A. The Roman Pontiff is the Vicar of Jesus Christ because He represents Him on earth and acts in His stead in the government of the Church.

    “Vicar” is another word for substitute. For the Pope to claim he is Jesus Christ on earth is blasphemy and shows he is an antichrist!

    That’s all the falsehoods I will let you post on my blog.

  5. That rings so true! A quick review of history indicates the Bishop in Rome was no more highly regarded than any other until Rome asserted political dominance over western Europe with the anointing of the Holy Roman Emperor, and the assertion of political rule over the kings.

    The bishops in the East never recognized this Papal succession back to Peter in the way Roman Catholics do today.

    Peter was the apostle’s name, and the first in charge during Christ’s walk on Earth, and the first one following that, but Christ told him he was building his church on the fact Peter recognized, that “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God”.

    • Peter referred to himself as a “fellow elder.” ( 1 Peter 5:1) He was actually nothing more than a spokesman for the apostles. Something Roman Catholics cannot accept. He, along with the 11 was given a one time mission: to lay the foundation of Christianity. Something that cannot be repeated, which is why there are no Apostles today.

  6. I have some big differences with John McArthur, but this writing about the Papacy rings true, and I learned some things from it.


    One thing is, that in all John McArthur’s radio sermons I’ve heard, he never fails to explain “what the Greek means here”, or the Hebrew, about a thousand different times. In comments on his web site on which Bible translation is best, he first says it’s important because it “concerns teh most important words ever spoken, the words of God the Creator”, and you should use the version that reproduces “what God actually said”.

    Then he proceeds to explain the differences in translation philosophy among the most popular ones, formal and dynamic equivalency, and says great things about ALL of the versions. Lumps together the awful MSG (a horrendous disrespectful paraphrase, not even claims to be translation) with the NIV as being of the “dynamic” group.

    As usual from today’s evangelical leaders, even though he’s VERY strong in some important doctrines, no prize. Christians are left with more confusion than ever.

    He does say some translations play fast and loose with interpretation, but still doesn’t help.

    his problem there is that he completely writes God out of the picture in Bible translation activity. This is where ALL critics of the KJB wander off the King’s territory.


    The writer of the article also completely omits the importance of which of the two major families of original texts forms the basis for the translation of the New Testament. The Textus Receptus is the name for the overwhelming majority of extant texts, so it is also called the Majority Text. This was what Christians used throughout the first 19 centuries.

    Then a couple of characters who hated the Bible spent some effort in finding alternative texts, and found a few that were a sort of Alexandrian branch of texts, most notably (1) one that was in a basket to burn in a monastery in the Sinai area, now called Textus Sinaiticus, and another rescued from the bowels (dungeon?) of Vatican libraries, called Textus Vaticanus.

    • Bible translation is where we go from one language to another. Bible version is when we produce another English bible. In order for a new bible version to be published and comply with copyright laws, it must have X amount of changes. Therefore, it must be different from all the previous bible versions. What we are seeing in these modern versions is the gradual dilution of the word of God. This produces liberal Christians, liberal pastors, liberal churches, watered down theology and unbelief in some of the scriptures.

      No wonder Jesus asked if He would still find faith on the earth when He returns.

      Bottom line: God promised to preserve His word and He has. These modern versions are not it. They are counterfeits.

  7. 1 catholic dogma says

    Q. What is the sacrament of Baptism?
    A. Baptism is a sacrament by which we are born again to the grace of God, and become Christians.

    this is so totally false as most everything else they say. thief on the cross, disciples when CHRIST breathed on them. Also we know the death of the testater is necessary before the new covenant could take effect. So, the promise of the FATHER AND THE SON, were fulfilled on Pentecost, thus begun the mystery of GOD, CHRIST in us, as we know, if any of us, does not have the Spirit of CHRIST, we are none of his.
    really, only the indivual truly knows if the Spirit of GOD dwells in them, and others will also know, by the fruit of the Spirit we bear.

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James Japan