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Why some Protestants are leaving their churches to become Roman Catholics — 2 Comments

  1. James great stuff. Good enough, in fact, to make me hold my nose as I saw your anti-catholic stuff. The Catholic Church is Jesus’ Church. Lets talk once we win back the White House.

    • Dominic, I think you are either forgetting or perhaps just don’t know the history of the Protestant Reformation. It was started by CATHOLICS! And not only Catholics, many of the original leaders were even Catholic priests. Now why would they rebel against the Pope? Don’t you think they might of had some good reason such as the Pope denying them all the liberties that are guaranteed people in the Bill of Rights? It was because of the oppressions of governments under the influence of Rome and the Popes that caused the founding of a new nation in the new world, the USA.

      I was raised Catholic and I can tell you how much my saintly mother lived all her life of fear of hell because of what a priest told her when she was 15 after she confessed in confessional that a boy kissed her on the lips.

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James Japan